HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Police Training Range Project; Police Training Range Project; 2003-06-11CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTIVIENT TRAINING RANGE PROJECT SITE INVENTORY REPORT JUNE 11, 2003 Capt. Don Metcalf, Carlsbad Police Department Lt. William Rowland, Carlsbad Police Department John Cahill, Cartsbad Recreation Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1. Purpose of Report 1 -4 Current Facility Current Facility Long Term Use Encroachment Environmental Issues Practical Application Future Development CPD Training Range Requirements DRAFT Butdget Estimates 2. Exhibits 1 Through 4: Current CPD Training Range 5-8 3. DRAFT City Golf Course Project Schedule 9 4. CPD Training Range Site Layout 10 5. Exhibits 5 Through 10: Potential New Facility Components 11 - 16 6. Potential Site Inventory Summary 17 - 18 7. Exhibits 11 Through 28: Site Location Maps 1 Through 18 19 -37 8. New Training Range Options 38 -41 - Option 1: Exclusive Use by CPD - Option 2: Use Restricted to Law Enforcement Only - Option 3: Joint Law Enforcement and Public Use - Summary of Options Inventory of Existing Private Ranges in San Diego County 42-46 Purpose of Report This Report has been compiled pursuant to the FY 2002-2003 management performance goal ID # 250 reference the "Carlsbad Police Training Range" The goal is to develop site options for leadership team consideration and to provide the City Council with a facility site report for proposed development of a new training range. During the course of goal development for FY 2003-2004 a more comprehensive city wide training facility project was envisioned and this facility proposal will be incorporated into a new management goal ID# 425. Current Facility The Carlsbad Police Department currently maintains a firearms training range in eastern end of Marcario Canyon. The range is accessed by a gated dirt road that intersects the 1400 block of Faraday Avenue. The current facility has been in use for approximately 18 years. It consists of an earthen backstop and side berms and is enclosed by a chain link fence that is topped with barbed wire. The twelve shooting lanes extend out 50 yards from the backstop and are constructed of a partial mix of poured concrete and gravel base. There is an open covered seating area with cleaning tables. Range storage is compnsed of two CONEX shipping containers. One owned by Southern California Edison and One owned by the City of Carlsbad. There is no running water at the site. Restroom facilities are comprised of two portable toilets that are placed outside the range perimeter fence. A dumpster which is maintained by Southern California Edison is used for trash disposal. Current Facility Long Term Use While the current facility has been adequate for the last two decades a number of factors have come into play which lead to concerns about it's long term viability. These factors are: Encroachment As the Faraday commercial corridor has developed a number of businesses have been built in areas where noise or range related activities might become a concern. While strict range controls are enforced an accidental discharge could present a hazard to commercial structures that overlook the range from Aston Ct. or the 1500 block of Faraday. College Blvd, while greatly elevated above the line of fire is also down range from our facility. Complaints about range noise have been received from residents in the area of Hilton and Camino Hills. While the complaints are rare, during certain weather conditions noise from the facility can travel a significant distance. New homes being developed on the hil! north of the range may also have some impact from noise. Environmental Issues The site of the range is in a Coastal Wetlands area and the facility is bounded on two sides by seasonal creeks that empty into Agua Hedionda lagoon. While a recent inspection for storm water run off has listed this site, as a low risk for pollution the introduction of lead into the environment remains a very real concern. The earthen backstop which was in use until late last year is inundated with projectiles and is in need of mining and reconstruction. To mitigate safety and environmental concerns the department recently installed a temporary bullet trap system, which can be used to reclaim all expended projectiles. Practical Application '* The current range is limited by a number of factors. Due to it's design only one » event or training scenario can be conducted at a time. The limited enclosed area I available does not allow for the regular deployment of weapons that shoot at I distances greater than 50 yards. Storage is limited to the CONEX box, which is • not deemed secure enough for the storage of weapons or expensive equipment. I The lack of electricity to the site necessitates the use of a generator to run ) electrical target systems or lighting for nighttime use. The lack of running water ^ limits the employee's ability to adequately clean up following range activities and ^ necessitates the use of the portable toilets, which are not comfortable to all ; employees. While acceptable at the time the range was built, to meet current safety standards the range should have a taller and thicker backstop (bullet ; impact area) taller and longer side safety berms and an overhead baffle system ; to contain errant shots and keep them inside the range perimeter. • Future Development i» . While no additional commercial development is anticipated in the area, the 1 current range is within the municipal golf course site plan. If that project is ^ ultimately successful the range will be one of the first areas to be developed in ^ that project. I I J CPD Training Range Reguirements In late 2002 the CPD firearms training team conducted a review of department firearms facility and training needs. This team consists of 1 Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, 2 Corporals and 3 Officers. The team represents a broad range of firearms and training expertise. The needs of potential, law enforcement, range customers, was also taken into account during this evaluation. • Based on our analysis the minimum facility requirements include not less than 10 individual shooting lanes at a minimum of 25 yards unobstructed distance, 10 lanes at a minimum of 50 yards alternately configurable for combat "shoot and move" training and 6 lanes at a minimum of 100 yards. All lanes must be completely enclosed along their perimeter with a wall or berm system capable of retaining ali types of ammunition that may be used in the facility. An environmentally safe, bullet trap system must be installed along the full length of the impact area. Active shooting areas must be equipped with an overhead baffling system for safety and sound mitigation. The shooting stations and impact area should be covered. Water, sewer and electrical services are a must. The facility should include dedicated restroom, weapons cleaning and storage facilities and should have permanent lighting systems for use at night. Amenities that would add significant value for our own training and the long- range marketability of the facility include: advanced targeting systems pop up and turning, a live-fire shoot house for tactical training, classroom space, a dedicated armory and ammunition storage area and a room designed for the PRlSim interactive training system. PRlSim is a second-generation, laserdisc based, interactive shooting simulator which, when properiy configured, can be used for training up to four officers in realistic use of force scenarios. As an additional benefit, unused space behind the perimeter walls can be configured for the secure storage of property and vehicles. Storage for evidence, especially large items, department equipment and vehicles is always In short supply. The development of a dedicated armory and ammunition storage facility would free up space for future expansion within the safety center building delaying or eliminating the need for expansion of the facility. A properiy designed and equipped range can generate significant cost recovery revenue through reduced training and overtime costs and lease/rental revenue from other law enforcement agencies, training vendors, equipment manufacturers and competitive shooting events. Draft Budget Estimates Cost estimates for the proposed firearms training facility vary widely depending on site size, design, type of backstop, construction materials and target control equipment. Site selection will have a significant impact on costs specifically related to property acquisition, infrastructure development and possible sound mitigation. Components for any new facility include: Backstop $900-$2500 per linear foot, depending on construction materials and design specifications. Shooting lanes $5,000-$15,000 per lane. Includes site preparation, targeting systems, protective berms and baffling. Classroom & Armory Space $300 - $500 per square foot finished Live Fire Shoot House $50,000 - $75,000 depending on design and construction materials PRlSim interactive training system $50,000- $100,000 Proposed Facility Costs A conservative cost estimate based on our proposal for a range consisting of: 26 shooting lanes, 10 @ 25 yards, 10 @50 yards and 6 @ lOOyards, 125' of concrete enclosed granulated rubber backstop, a 1500 sq ft armory/classroom building, a 750 sq ft shoot house and a dedicated Interactive training system, plus design and development costs would be in the area of 1.25 to 1.5 million dollars. This figure does not include property acquisition and infrastructure development costs which would be dictated by the site selection. Individual component cost estimates 125' of backstop @ $1500 per $187,500 26 shooting lanes @ $10,000 per $260,000 1500 sq. ft. classroom/armory @ $300 $450,000 750 sq. ft. shoot house $ 75,000 PRlSim interactive system $ 75,000 m X H m X X E H CO m X I CD CARLSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT DRAFT PROJECT SCHEDULE 2003 - 2006 2003 July August September 2004 California Coastal Commission Hearing on CDP City Council action on Golf Course Project and financing plan Initiate golf course redesign; initiate re-issuance of permits; begin on-site archeological work; initiate off-site mitigation property acquisition for chaparral habitat March May June August September 2005 Complete on-site archeological work Complete redesign; complete permit acquisition; pre-qualify bidders for construction of (1) Golf Course; (2) Buildings; (3) Bridge over College Blvd. Initiate financing plan; go to CC to authorize bidding Open and award Golf Course construction bids; existing CPD Training Range closes Initiate Golf Course construction; existing CPD Training Range Is mined, excavated, and graded for golf course use November December Golf Course construction completed; turf maturation period begins Golf Course Operator assumes management and maintenance control of facility 2006 April Golf Course opens for public play ^ o < a: < CL LLI Q LII O < CL Q: Q < < LU _i < o 00023 m X I CD H m X I •3 m X I ro H 00 m X X ro LD m X I ro CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING RANGE PROJECT POTENTIAL SITE INVENTORY Date: June 11, 2003 Site No. Site Name 1. 2. Southcoast Asphalt Lake Caiavera Squires Dam Carisbad PSSC "A" Faraday Avenue Trash Transfer "A" County Agg "A" Melrose Avenue Site Location Citv Owned General Comments Hwy 78 & College Blvd. No Tamarack Ave. access Yes - CMWD Buena Vista Reservoir Fronts Buena Vista Drive Yes - CMWD Cannon Road access S/S of CPD building Building pad(s) Yes - CMWD Yes - City No Existing Trash Transfer No Facility North of PAR, East of ECR No North of PAR, East of No Private ownership; may require City of Oceanside cooperation; large commercial project planned; potential acquisition cost may be prohibitive. Draft range site plan prepared; location north of future extension of Cannon Road; adjacent City of Oceanside residential; new Caiavera Hills school 3000' west of site; "hard line" preservation area in City HMP; City water recharging project pending. Existing residential adjacent; 1 school nearby. Existing residential adjacent; RBVHS nearby. Very small site; require reconfiguration of parking lot; adjacent skateboard park facility; habitat down slope a question; immediate access to CPD. No longer available; buildings constructed in 2002 & 2003. ^ County of San Diego owned; close to CPD; good site size and access; would require relocation of existing business services. County of San Diego owned; close to CPD; airport flight path a limitation; no current nearby residential; access off Loker Way. Remnant parcel adjacent future extension of Melrose in Carisbad; adjacent "Raceway" site; airport flight path a limitation; fill for Melrose a limitation. Site No. Site Name Site Location Citv Owned General Comments 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Raceway Property County Agg "B" Darwin Court Trash Transfer "B" Dryden Court Palomar Oaks Way Mahr Reservoir CMWD Yard North of PAR No Carisbad PSSC "B' North of PAR, East of ECR No off Darwin and Aston No adjacent existing Trash No Transfer Facility Dryden and Palomar Oaks No South of PAR No East of RSFR extension No Rear yard area of CMWD Yes - CMWD Within existing yard area Yes - City Within future Raceway development; airport flight path a limitation; no direct access at this time. County of San Diego owned; airport flight path a limitation; access off Loker or PAR; close to CPD; no current residential nearby. Privately owned building(s); adjacent and north of airport runways; CPD nearby; limited outdoor access. County of San Diego owned; very small site; limited expansion opportunities; near CPD; good access. Privately owned existing building pad(s); airport flight path a limitation; adjacent City Golf Course site; oddly shaped site; near Callaway Golf test range. Privately owned remnant parcel; riparian corridor adjacent; difficult access off PAR; oddly shaped site; existing residential nearby. Privately owned; unknown habitat conditions; long distance from CPD; may belong to Villages of La Costa. Good access; near CPD; north of airport flight path; would require relocation of existing CMWD uses; could be first phase development of a larger City-wide Training Facility on this site using the existing CMWD building and site remainder. North of existing CPD building; former CUSD trailer and City car wash area; may conflict with PW Center Project; good access; no current nearby residential. 550 1,100 Feet Site 1 - Southcoast Asphalt (Private) mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary Site 2 - Lake Caiavera (CMWD) BH Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 550 1,100 Feet Site 3 - Buena Vista Reservoir (CMWD) mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary Site 4 - Squires Dam (CMWD) m Potential Firing Range Site ^9^^ 500' Buffer Interval 0 550 1,100 Feet /\ City Boundary taiVhZproduawirtvtVsipfWTOOtbPoBM bill mmO 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 5 - Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center (City) m Potential Firing Range Site / 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 550 1,100 Feet Site 6 - Faraday Avenue (Private) mi Potential Firing Range Site V 500' Buffer Interval ' A/ City Boundary • 550 1,100 Feet Site 7 - Existing Trash Transfer ''A" (County of San Diego) mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 550 1,100 Feet Site 8 - County Agriculture A'' (County of San Diego) mi Potential Firing Range Site /V 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 550 1,100 Feet Site 9 - Melrose Avenue (Private) im Potential Firing Range Site V 500' Buffer Interval ' /V City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 10 - Carlsbad Raceway (Private) mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' Ay City Boundary 550 1,100 Feet Site 11 - County Agriculture ''B" (County of San Diego) ^1 Potential Firing Range Site /V' 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 12 - Darwin Court (Private) im Potential Firing Range Site V 500' Buffer Interval ' /\/ City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 13 - Existing Trash Transfer ''B^' (County of San Diego) im Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 14 - Dryden Court (Pivate) mi Potential Firing Range Site V 500' Buffer Interval ' City Boundary Site 15 - Palomar Oaks Way (Private) 0 550 1,100 Feet mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer Interval ' /V City Boundary 0 550 1.100 Feet Site 16 - Mahr Reservoir (Private) m Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 17 - CMWD Yard (CMWD) im Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer City Boundary 0 550 1,100 Feet Site 18 - PSSC Car Wash Area (City) mi Potential Firing Range Site 500' Buffer City Boundary I * Advantages: CPD TRAINING RANGE OPTIONS Following is a brief synopsis of the different options for operating a shooting range. I have listed the some of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Any range constructed could conceivably serve anyone of the three options. However, a range open to public use would obviously increase liability, as the knowledge, previous experience, and abilities of shooters would vary considerably. Additionally, the number and qualifications of range personnel could vary considerably based upon the choice made. Option I - Exclusive Use by Carlsbad PD Range Always Available Maintenance Costs Reduced Longevity of Range Increased Reduced Sound affecting surrounding areas Disadvantages: Other Agencies shut out No maintenance Income Reduces Regional Cooperation Commentary: This would be the most efficient type of range, as it would be used exclusively by our own officers under the direction of our own range staff. This would greatly increase the longevity of the range as well as greatly reduce the cost of operation, it is estimated that after the installation of a quality range trap, it would cost approximately $8000.00 to mine the lead for each 125.000 rounds expended. At that level we would anticipate the range would need to be mined approximately every 2 years. The drawback to this type of range use Is that it shuts out other agencies that have shared our range in the past. Shooting ranges are becoming increasingly more difficult to construct do to the increased residential growth. Sound attenuation is a serious problem and with the land use issues in North County, it is not likely that any outdoor ranges will be constructed anywhere along the coastline in this county. If the range were opened up to fulltime use by other agencies, and assuming 5 days usage per week, it is estimated that the range . ^ would have to be mined at least once a month, if not more often. Given this situation, the range would need to generate at least $8,000.00 a month in ^ revenue to offset the additional costs. This does not take Into account additional ^\ ^ . costs that high usage would create. Without further study, it is difficult to predict ^ ^ what the actual usage would be. It would be dependent on the capabilities of the ^ ^ A range (number of lanes, distance, type of weapons allowed). These aforementioned factors would also determine the amount we could effectively charge for the rental ofthe range. 1 38 Option II - Use restricted to Law Enforcement Only Advantages: Provides Venue for other Agencies Improved Regional Concept Potential Revenue for Maintenance of range Disadvantages: Increased costs (mining and maintenance) Reduced Longevity Increased Sound Impact on Neighbonng Areas Scheduling issues Commentary: Our current range has been used extensively in the past by multiple outside agencies. Officers from The North County Bureau of the F.B.I, The North County Bureau of the Drug Enforcement Administration, State Lifeguard and Fish and Games Rangers, Oceanside Police Department, The Narcotics Task Force, the Secret Service, The security force ofthe San Onofre Nuclear Generating facility, and the California Highway Patrol have all used our range in recent months. Currently, our range and the Escondido Police Department range are the only two active outdoor law enforcement ranges in the North County. The San Diego Sheriff's Department does have a small indoor range facility in their Vista Sub- station. By opening our facility to outside law enforcement agencies, we continue to be a team player in the regional law enforcement concept. It gives us the opportunity to see what other agencies are doing in the way of training. Scheduling would be a concern with the multi-agency use scenario. It would require increased effort on the part of our range staff to insure that the range was properly scheduled and would also increase the maintenance schedule considerably. The capabilities of the range (length, type of weapons allowed) would also have a significant innpact on the usage. Another area that could be explored would be some type of Joint Powers Agreement with the other agencies where all contnbuted to the construction of the range in return for pre-determined used of the facility. This option ahs not been investigated but could be explored if so directed. Option III - Joint Law Enforcement and Public Use Advantages: Revenue Stream for Maintenance Local shooting site for enthusiasts Increased public/police contact (potential gun safety classes, etc) 39 Disadvantages: Increased Exposure and Insurance questions Sound exposure to neighboring areas Heavy use of range, greatly increased maintenance costs Scheduling Issues Potential safety issues with armed people in the vicinity of the PD (Site Sensitive) Commentan/: There are two possibilities for a joint Law Enforcement/Public use facility. The first would be a single range that would have allotted hours for Law Enforcement use and allotted hours for public use. This would indicate a singular range set up ^ with the division being made by scheduling. The second possibility would be similar to the Orange County SherifTs Range, which is a two-sided range. In this set up the public and Law enforcement co-exist at the same time. The division is made by the physical construction of the building rather than by scheduling. In either case, this type of range facility would be far more costly to run, but should in turn create a steady flow of revenue for the city. At this stage we have investigated the other public ranges in the county and we have a general idea of what type of revenue they are generating. It would be very difficult to predict any type of accurate figures without knowing what the configuration of the range would be (number of lanes, length, type of weapons allowed, etc.). It is safe to assume, however, that the range would receive significant use by the public. It is also safe to assume, based on the experiences of other ranges, that a range m and of itself, will not be self-supporting. Most successful public ranges offer a variety of other services including training classes and the sale of weapons and ammunition. Other questions that would need to be answered in this situation would include such things as Liability issues for the city and the possibility of a third party contractor to run the public side of the range. Again, it would seem prudent to determine if a public range is a viable option for the City before many of these details are explored in depth. There is one major concern on the part of the range staff regarding a public range at the two pnmary sites. In both cases it would place civilians well within range of the police department with weapons of all varieties. Given today's current terrorist activities, having armed, unknown persons in close proximity to the Public Safety Center is a definite safety factor worth considering. Summary Prior to any type of extensive work being done on a new range, it is our opinion that a decision would need to be made as to which of the above options the City wished to pursue. Option one and two could probably co-exist on the same facility with out major incident, once the financial details were worked out If the third option were chosen, decisions would need to be made regarding the * type of facility to be constructed and how it would be managed (internally or externally). Another issue to be considered is how the Shooting Range will fit into the greater • plan for a citywide training facility. Currently the citywide training facility is set on 5 a three-year goal. If the proposed golf course continues fonward, it is likely that • construction would begin in October of 2004. If this date proceeds fonward it • would be necessary to design and build a replacement shooting range prior to • the beginning of construction to avoid a loss of training capability. ^ Questions to be considered by City Leadership: s 1. Relationship of shooting range to the citywide training facility. m 2. Which option the city would like to pursue. t 3. Direction to staff to proceed with more in-depth cost analysis and design '* based upon the decisions relative to questions 1 and 2. - ATTACHMENTS: 1. Synopsis of current private ranges available in San Diego County. 41 Shooting San Diego Page 1 of 6 Shooting San Diego If you have any comments about any of these ranges, or if you know of a range that I've missed, or if you work at one of these ranges .and want to say something or correct some info, let me know! m m niscoimt Gun Mart Range 2000 Oceanside Shooting Academy Pala Range Lemon Grove Rod & Gun San Dieeo Shotgun PwnrVin r^nrriHn OfiiTmintJ' South Bav Rod & Gun Club Club Sports XVailtill'J «^\JlXiU.>J \^aill^i.iifi, South Bav Rod & Gun Club Mirainar Marine Corns American Shooting Center Archery Conipetition Comments? I am unaffiliated with any of these ranges, and haven't even been to most of them. The information was most likely taken over the phone or picked up at a show. Summary Range Cost Distance Restrictions American Shooting Center ? 12 miles rifle, pistol, shotgun Discount Gun Mart $7.00 2 miles Shot and handgun calibers only Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club Membership 30 miles ? Miramar Marine Corps Pistol $5 12 miles Military Only Range $5 12 miles Military Only San niegQ_Shotgun Sports ? 12 miles Shotgun sports only Oceanside Shooting_Academv $7.00 35 miles rifle, shotgun, handgun Pala Ranse $20 Membership+$7.5 0 50 miles 7 Ranae 2000 $10 + $2/hr 25 miles rifle, shotgun, pistol, archery Rancho Corrido Campground $25 45 miles 100 yards max South Bay Rod & Gun Club $7 30 miles Less than 16 inch carmon I arbitrarily chose Lindbergh Field as the center of San Diego, so that's what the mileage is measured from. Measurement is as exact as me looking at a Thomas' Guide and counting thumb widths. American Shooting Center Cost: $8 public, $6 law enforcement, $5/hour handgun rental, $10/hour rifle rental, must use range ammo http://www.hoboes.com/htmI/Politics/Firearms/SanDiego/Ranges.html 5/16/2003 Shooting San Diego Page 2 of6 » m m m h 9 Restrictions: Telephone: Address: Saturday 10am- 8pm Sunday 10am- 8pm Rifle, pistol shotgun, up to 300 Winchester Magnum. 279-7233 5590 Ruffm Road, San Diego (Clairemont area), 92123 Monday 10am-Spm Tuesday 10am-8pm Wednesday 10am-8pm Thursday 10am-8pm Friday 12pm-7pm Memberships costs range from $300 for an individual to $450 for a family (law enforcement individual annual cost is $250). Memberships give you full use ofthe range. Discount GunMart Cost: Restrictions: Telephone: Address: Saturday 9am- 10pm Sunday $7.Q0/booth plus $5.00 per extra person; up to three persons per booth. Handguns, or rifles in handgun caliber, or shotguns (with lead shot-no steel shot or slugs) only. 10am- 9pm 276-8730 1510 Morena Boulevard (Linda Vista area) Monday lOam-6:30pm Tuesday 10am-9pm Wednesday 10am-9pm Thursday 10am-9pm Friday 10am-10pm Discount Gun Mart happens to be the nearest range and gun store, so it's where I shoot most. It is an fndo™rYou can purchase targets and ammunition, and rentals are available. See the their web page for more information. Take the Morena Boulevard exit from the 5, take a left (if you're coming South on 5) or ^ "ght (if you're coming North on 5) towards Morena Boulevard. Go left at the first stophght. It's about two blocks down, just before the Arco station, on the left. Lemjmi^Ye_Rod^ GunO^ From San Diego take 18 East to Tavern Road exit. Go South on Tavern until it becomes Japatul Road. TvTnght on Sycuan Truck Trail Road and follow along ridge three miles. Range is on the nght. "The range is locked, members have keys. Club membership is limited, 225 I think Membership is $60 per yeS discount fo^ seniors. No fee to shoot, but open only to members and guests. Club holds ^ Ses open to public, usually on weekends. Rifle, pistol, shotgun (trap & sportmg clays) a«jhot Matches include Trap (Fridays at 5:30 pm), NRA Sportmg Rifle {^^ Sundays at 9 am). Fan Shoot (2 Saturdays for members and friends). Sporting Clays (4* Sundays at 9 am, cost for 50 birds is $12 members/$15 nomnembers), and IPSC (Linea del Fuego, 3rd Saturdays at 9 am). Club meets first Tuesday of each month at Lemon Grove VFW Hall. "We also have a buddy and amiie shoot every Friday night from 5-10 p.m. The trap machine is cr^ed up for very fast birds, at distances of up to 120 yards. This is not for amateurs!" They also often have special events, so give them a call and find out what's up. httn-//www hoboes.com/html/Politics/Firearms/SanDiego/Ranges.html 5/16/2003 Shooting San Diego Page 3 of 6 Pala Range On the Pala Indian Reservation. From San Diego take 115 North to Highway 76. Go east on Highway 76 five and a half miles to Pala Mission Road. Turn left onto Pala Mission Road. Go eight tenths of a mile, turn left on the dirt road just before the dip in the road. The range is three quarters of a mile down the road. This is the furthest one I'm listing. From San Diego proper, it's still m San Diego County, but only barely. It'll take a good hour to get out there. "I paid $20.00 for a one year membership, and $7.50 a visit. It's a decent outdoor range. It's swamped on the weekends, I usually go Monday thru Thursday, no one there. There are no target stands, made my own. There are benches. Over all it's not a bad rifle range." Miramar Marine Corps pistol range Cost: $5.00 per day Restrictions: Military only, pistols only. Telephone: 858-577-4099(M-F) 858-577-1788 (Sat/Sun) Address: Range B East Miramar (Marine Corps Air Station) Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10:00am-4:00pm 10:00am-4:00pm Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed The Miramar Marine Corps pistol range is open only to Active Military, Reserves, Retired Military, MiUtary dependents, DOD employees, and their guests. San Diego Shotgun Sports Cost: $6.00 per round (members: $4.50/round) Restrictions: Shotgun sports only. Telephone: 858-278-3173 Address: 9400 Miramar Gun Club Road, San Diego Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8am-4pm 8am-4pm' Closed llClosed 8am-4pm Noon-8pm 8am-4pm 1^ /^JA/ S/yMT Oceanside Slioollng Academy Cost: Restrictions: Telephone: Address: Saturday 10am-10pm Sunday 10am-10pm $7.00 first shooter, $3.50 each additional; daily rates only Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns. (760) 721-4388 618 Airport Road, Oceanside, 92054 Monday 10am-10pm Tuesday IQam-lOpm Wednesday 10am-10pm Thursday IQam-lOpm Friday 10am-10pm They also have training available, firearms for sale or rental, and Tuesdays are Ladies Nights at the http://www.hoboes.com/html/PoHtics/Firearms/SanDiego/Ranges.html 5/16/2003 Shooting San Diego Page 4 of 6 Oceanside Shooting Academy. The cost is for all day, with in/out privileges, according to e-mail. Fish and Game Association Inc. Rang_e 2000 Cost: $10 pubHc/$5 members for the fu-st hour, $2 per additional hour; $4 for 25 birds at trap. Restrictions: Handguns, rifles, bows, and shotguns. Telephone: 442-9971 Address: 2082 Willow Glen Drive (Rancho San Diego area) Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 am-Spm 9am- 4pm Sam-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-7pm closed 8am-5pm A "climate controlled" semi-indoor range. Range safety officers. Firearms safety classes. Hunters safety classes. It is one mile east ofthe Rancho San Diego Golf Course. No rentals. Trap shootmg is open Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. They have eight rifle lanes and eight pistol lanes. If you want to shoot shotgun at static targets, they have a "slugs-only" rule. They will also rent handguns and spotting scopes. This is probably the closest full range to San Diego proper. There are other archery ranges, however. Memberships: $35 individual, $40 family. There is a $3 membership "setup" fee. Rancho Corrido Outdoor Shooting Range and Camping Resort Cost: |$25, $5 if camping Restrictions: 100 yards max Telephone: 760-742-3755 Address: 14716 Highway 76, Pauma Valley, CA Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm "Includes fishing, shoofing range, horeshoes. playground, swimming pool, clubhouse, fire rings, and acres of grass... and much more!" Blackpowder shooters welcome. They have an archery range as well, but el nino has cut them off fi-om it; it is closed until the river goes down. Camping is $ 19/night for 1 -2 people in tents, $24 if you need electrical/water hookups. Members can shoot for $8; membership is $99 per year. (5/31/98) South Bay Rod & Gun Club Cost: $7.00, unlimited. Restrictions: "Anything less than a 16-mch cannon." Telephone: 464-6421, 468-3070, 465-5383 Address: 1020 Marron Valley Road, Dulzura Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 1 http://www.hoboes.coni/html/Politics/Firearms/SanDiego/Ranges.html 5/16/2003 Shooting San Diego Page 5 of 6 10am-9pm|| 12am-8pm|| 10am-9pm|| 10am-9pm|| 10am-9pm || 10am-9pm|| 10am-9pm| Yearly membership $40, unlimited access, outdoor range. Fire anything. It is volunteer-staffed, so it is "usually" open 7-5 every day. Many lanes. Archery Ranges The Pub]icJJiogting_R£mse also allows archery. There are two archery-only ranges in San Diego, Performance Archery off of Miramar Road (450-9454) and San Diego Archery and Outfitting in El Cajon (449-2697). Both of tiiose are indoor ranges. There is also a generally unsupervised outdoor archery range in Balboa Park, near the zoo and behind the Old Globe. Competition There are a number of shooting clubs in San Diego. Besides the Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club and the South Bay Rod & Gun Club, which both have their own ranges, there is Linea de Fuego A "Practical Shooting" or "Action Shooting" club. There are four clubs making up Linea de Fuego, the San Diego Section of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC): • Reservation Shooting Club meets at 9am on the second Saturday ofthe month at the Pala Indian Reservation. ^ • The Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club meets at 9am on the tiiird Saturday of the month, at (of course) the Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club. ^ • The Pala Practical Shooters meets at 9 am on the fourth Saturday of tiie montii at the Pala Indian Reservation. ' Call John Hurst before 8pm at 562-3385 for more information, and the LdF MatchLine HotLine at 676- 9LDF for current match info and times. : DCM : You can find DCM competitions, at various times, at most of the "full" ranges. Call and ask. • DCM is "Director of Civihan Marksmanship", altiiough it has actually been superceded by the ^ "Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety". It involves quahfying witii ^ an Ml and then purchasing an Ml from the Corporation at a good price. % Comments? % t Leave comments on the Negative Space Comments Page. • Firearms Pohtics • Strange Bedfellows Negative Space http://www.hoboes.com/html/Politics/Firearms/SanDiego/Ranges.html , 5/16/2003