HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Proposed Revision Basin Plan Objectives; Hydrology Report; 1980-11-02 (2)PROPOSED REVISION BASIN PLAN OBJECTIVES A PORTION OF THE AGUA HEDIONDA HYDROGRAPHIC SUBAREA ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carisbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-4859 November 2, 1980 ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 LUKE-DUDEK, Civil Engineers 700 Second Street Encinitas, California Suite E 7141942-5147 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. IDENTIFICATION OF STUDY AREA ................. 1 A. Introduction ............................. 1 2. LAND USE ..................................... 3 A. Introduction ............................. 3 B. 1968 Land Use ............................ C. 1980 Land Use ............................ 6 D. 2000 Land Use ............................ 6 3. DESCRIPTION OF BENEFICIAL USES OF GROUND- WATER IN THE STUDY AREA ..................... 11 A. Past Beneficial Uses .................... 11 B. Present Beneficial Uses ................. 11 C. Future Beneficial Uses .................. 12 4. DESCRIPTION OF GROUND AND SURFACE WATER QUALITY ..................................... 14 A. Historic Groundwater Quality ............ 14 B. Present Groundwater Qualtiy ............. 18 C. Future Groundwater Quality .............. 20 1. Introduction ........................ 20 2. Summary of Geohydrologic Conditions 3. Groundwater Recharge 23 Agua Hedionda Basin 21 5. Effects of a Reclamation Program.. . .30 ................. ................ 4. Future Groundwater Quality .......... 29 D. Surface Water Qualtiy ................... 30 5. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED CHANGES ............ 33 A. Introduction ............................ 33 6. DEMONSTRATIONS OF CONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE REQUESTED AND THE STATE'S NONDEGRADATION POLICY ...................................... 37 A. Introduction. ........................... 37 B. Summary of State's Nondegradation Policy ................................... 37 C. Implications of the Requested Changes to the Groundwater Objectives for the Study Area .......................... 3 8. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) CHAPTER 6. CONT ' D PAGE - D. Population Group 1 - Existing and Potential Groundwater Users ............ 39 1. Evaluation of Economic Benefit vs Detriments for the Group 1 Population ......................... 40 Detriment for the Group 1 Population 41 Uses of Reclaimed Water ................ 42 1. Economic Benefits vs Detriment for the Group 2 Population ......... 44 2. Social Benefits vs Detriment for the Group 2 Populations 44 2. Evaluation of Social Benefit vs ......................... E. Population Group 2 - Potential ............ F. Population Group 3 Residents Within the Costa Real Water District and City of Oceanside ...................... 45 1. Economic Benefit vs Detriment 2. Social Benefits vs Detriment for Group 3 Population ............. 46 for the Group 3 Population ......... 46 G. Administrative Considerations .......... 47 H. Summary ................................ 49 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2- 1 - 2-2 4- 1 4- 2 4- 3 4- 4 5- 1 5-2 6- 1 6- 2 6- 4 PAGE - Land Use Acreage Estimates for the Study Area .................................. 5 Population Estimates for the Study Area ........................................ 5 Agua Hedionda Hydrologic Subarea (4.31) Historical Well Sampling Data ....... 15 Agua Hedionda Subarea (4.31) Recent Well Sampling Data ......................... 19 Estimated Underdrainage to the Agua Hedionda Groundwater Basin 1980 Conditions ................................. 28 Agua Hedionda Hydrographic Subarea (4.31) Surface Water Sampling Data ......... 32 Agua Hedionda Hydrographic Subunit 34 Groundwater Quality Objectives for the Proposed Groundwater Quality Objectives for the Study Area (Lower Agua Hedionda Hydrographic Subarea) ...................... 36 Economic Benefit vs Detriment for Group 1 Population Caused by Easing Groundwater Objectives ................................. 41 Potential Users of Reclaimed Water ......... 43 .Energy Saving of Reclaimed Water Progr am... 48 ......... LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES PAGE - 1- 1 Study Area ..................... 2 2-1 Past Land Use (1968) ........... 8 2-2 Present Land Use (1980) ........ 9 2- 3 Future Land Use (2000) ........ 10 4- 1 Sampling Locations ............ 16 4- 2 Hydrogeologic Representation Lower Agua Hedionda Drainage Basin ......................... 22 CHAPTER 1 IDENTIFICATION OF STUDY AREA A. Introduction The study area boundary is shown in Figure 1-1. It lies within the lower portion of Agua Hedionda Subarea (4.31) of the Agua Hedionda Subunit of the Carlsbad Hydro- graphic Unit, as defined by the "Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan Report San Diego Basin 9," (Basin Plan), prepared for the State Water Resource Control Board and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in 1975. Drainage within Subarea 4.31 flows to Agua Hedionda Creek which then empties into Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The portion of Subarea 4.31 for which groundwater objectives revision is proposed would encompass those areas tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek downstream from its intersection with El Camino Real. Not included are those areas tributary to Macario Canyon, located southerly of Evans Point, those areas directly south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and those areas west of Interstate 5 within Subarea 4.31. The study area is downstream of Sintorosa Country Club, and located partial- ly within the corporate boundary of the City of Carlsbad, and some privately owned portions of the County of San Diego known as Rancho Agua Hedionda. These boundaries were chosen to preclude any inter- ference with areas upstream where several existing domestic and agricultural wells are presently in use. CHAPTER 2 A. Introduction The study area located in the lower Agua Hedionda drainage basin is located almost entirely within the Carls- bad city limit, with a small portion in the southeast corner inside the County of San Diego boundary. The area north and east of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been marked in the last decade by a rapid conversion from undeveloped-rural land use to urban development. The area directly east of the Lagoon, however, has retained its rural character mainly because the land belongs to a single rancher. Land use projections pre- dict these areas will be completly urbanized within the next 10 to 20 years. Agricultural activities will gradually lose ground to urban development. In its place open space areas are planned to maintain the natural aesthetic qualities of the landscape. Irrigation of the open space corridors with re- claimed water will further enhance the verdant qualities of the area. An estimation of the land use acreages for years 1968, 1980 and 2000 have been compiled for the study area, and listed in Table 2-1. Population and dwelling unit data are listed in Table 2-2 for the same years based on the San Diego Comprehensive Planning Organization's figures. Land use acreages were taken from information provided by the U.S. Geologic Survey, City of Carlsbad, San Diego Com- prehensive Planning Organization and aerial photographs. Because some of the land use data is conflicting, a rational estimate of each land use boundary was determined. Three land use classifications are shown for this study. These are: urban areas, including commercial, in- dustrial and sewered residential zones, agricultural areas and open space areas. The latter land use type includes all undeveloped lands, parks, golf courses, sparsely populated rural areas (sewage disposal by septic tanks) and those por- tions of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon within the study area. B. 1968 Land Use The 1968 land use acreages were estimated from the U.S. Geologic Survey, 15-minute, San Luis Rey quadrangle, dated 1968, and from aerial photographs. The locations of each land use type for 1968 are shown in Figure 2-1. Urban areas amount to 592 acres within the study area, all part of the City of Carlsbad. Agricultural areas comprise 545 acres and open space makes up the remaining 1463 acres. The study area has a total of 2,600 acres. As can be seen from Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1, the majority of land within the study area was open space in 1968. Urbanization was spreading from the City of Carlsbad easterly and southerly toward El Camino Real and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Population figures for 1968 are 4,966 persons and 1,986 dwelling units (DU) based on 2.5 persons per DU. The agricultural area was quite extensive in 1968. A majority of the 545 acres involved in agricultural activ- ities was located east of El Camino Real along small water courses tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek. Field crop agri- culture existed south of Agua Hedionda Creek on Kelly property, and just north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Irrigation of field crops generally came from the local surface water drainage courses, some dauned for storage, and from shallow wells in the area. Approaching urbanization was thought to be the greatest danger to existing agricultural activities. TABLE 2-1 Land Use Acreage Estimates for the Study Area YEAR URBAN (acres) AGRICULTURAL (acres) OPEN SPACE (acres) 1968 1980 2000 592 1,160 2,110 5 45 440 0 1,463 1,000 490 TABLE 2-2 Population Estimates for the Study Area* YEAR POPULATION DWELLING UNITS 1968 19 80 2000 4.966 6,601 10,428 1,986 2,640 4,171 *Based on extrapolated data from the Comprehensive Planning Organization Series IV-B Projections, and excluding those areas west of Interstate 5. C. 1980 Land Use The 1980 land use acreages were estimated from the U.S. Geological Survey, 1968 San Luis Rey 15-minute quad- rangle (photorevised 1975), and from recently shot aerial photographs of the study area. The locations of each land use type for 1980 are shown in Figure 2-2. Those areas classified as urbanized in 1968 have grown to 1,160 acres in 1980. Agricultural and open space areas have shrunk to 440 and 1,000 acres, respectively. Urban land use has become the major land use type in 1980. Developed areas have continued to expand eastward up to and beyond El Camino Real, as well as along the areas north of Agua Hedionda Creek. No urbanization has yet expanded south of the Creek on Kelly Ranch property. Some agricultural lands have been urbanized west of El Camino Real. Open space areas have been urbanized north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Population figures for 1980 are 6,601 persons occupying 2,640 DUs. Agricultural lands east of El Camino Real and south of Agua Hedionda Creek have remained essentially the same as in 1968. Some open space has been developed on either side of El Camino Real and north of the Lagoon and Creek. D. 2000 Land Use Land use estimates for the year 2000 in the lower Agua Hedionda basin is based on the City of Carlsbad's "Land Use Plan" and on development trends evident in past and present land use figures. This Plan represents the expected land use in the City of Carlsbad at some future period of time at "total Saturation". Based on existing trends in this area, we expect total saturation to occur before the year 2000 within the corporate boundaries of the City of Carlsbad. This includes a majority of the study area at present. As in the lower Buena Vista basin, directly north of lower Agua Hedionda basin, urbanization will have extended across the entire study area shown in Figure 2-3. Small areas of open space along Agua Hedionda Creek and Lagoon, as well as the canyons located in the northeast portion of the study area, will be spared from development for the enjoyment of the population at that time. It is estimated that no major agricultural acreages will remain in the year 2000, only small family orchards and gardens at individual homesites. Population in year 2000 is expected to reach 10,428 persons in the study area, with 4,171 DUs. CHAPTER 3 DESCRIPTION OF BENEFICIAL USES OF GROUNDWATER IN THE STUDY AREA A. Past Beneficial Uses A field survey and literature search was conducted of the study area and vicinity to determine past beneficial uses of groundwater. Much of the basin is, or has been owned by the Kelly family for many years. The relatively low yields and marginal water quality has limited groundwater use. Past wells produced only suffi- cient water for domestic use and minimal irrigation or row crops. There is evidence from older U.S. Geological Survey Maps that at least one windmill powered well was located within the basin. Presumably the basin was tapped for limited agriculture supply. As will be discussed more thououghly in Chapter 4, the transmissivity of the alluvium and sedimentary deposits is quite low. Historic evidence suggests that most of the wells drilled in the study area were low yield. B. Present Beneficial Uses Currently, only one actively functioning well is found in the study area known as the Kelly well. This well is located just downstream of the intersection of Agua Hedionda Creek and El Camino Real. This well reportedly yields 300 gallons per minute (gpm). Numerous attempts have been made to drill a productive well further downstream on Kelly property, however, those attempts have not proved successful. The Kelly well is used for irrigation of row crops and pasture grasses. Although accurate water use records are not available, it is estimated the well produces about 50 acre-feet of water per year. With water quality varying between 1,300 mg/l to 1,700 mgfl TDS, the water is suitable for irrigation of salt- tolerant crops, such as tomatoes and pasture grasses. C. Future Beneficial Uses The future beneficial uses will be limited by the basin's relatively poor water quality, limited quantity, and changing land uses. Chapter 4 projected the water quality of the basin to slowly degrade to about 2.200 mg/l. It is improbable that significant degradation will occur before urban land uses completely dominate the basin. Also, the study area's only functioning well is located in the upstream portion of the basin. In this location the well's water quality is not likely to be significantly degraded by changing downstream water quality objectives. Thus, the proposed objective changes are not expected to adversely affect the beneficial uses of the Kelly well. With the widespread availability of imported water, there is no compelling reasons for residents of the area to use the groundwater for domestic supply. The high TDS violates the California Department of Health Services' secondary standards for domestic water. As such, it is highly doubtful that the Health Department would permit the water to be used in the future for drinking water. The Costa Real Water District has no plans to use any water from the study basin. The aquifer's low yield and high total dissolved solids will preclude the water from being used on salt-sensitive agricultural crops. If a severe water shortage should occur, it is possible that individual homeowners could use the ground- water on a limited basis for irrigation of landscape or salt- tolerant pasture grasses. The groundwater could potentially be used for industrial service supply in the future, even though the prospects seem highly unlikely. Since quality is not a major consideration for this use, any revision of the groundwater objectives will not prevent this beneficial use. The basin's low yield probably will discourage any major future industrial use. During a water shortage the water could conceivably be used for minor purposes such as wash-down water at some of the minor commercial establishments located within the basin. ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad CA 92009-4859 CHAPTER 4 DESCRIPTION OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY A. Historic Groundwater Quality In the 1950's and early 1960's the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an extensive well sampling program within Subarea 4.31. A portion of the results of this program are shown in Table 4-1, listing data for calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) , sulfate (SO4), chloride (Cl), boron (E), total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrates (NO3) and electrical conductivity (EC). Of the 14 wells sampled within Subarea 4.31, only one was located inside the immediate study area, DWR well No. 12S/4W-9G. This well is designated OW-1 for this report and its location is shown in Figure 4-1. Well OW-1 was located in the flood plain along Agua Hedionda Creek just west of El Camino Real, approximately one mile upstream from the high water mark of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Data from Table 4-1 indicates that groundwater from Well OW-1 was poor in quality in the early 1960's with a TDS concentration averaging over 2,000 mg/l, and a chloride concentration of nearly 700 mg/l. This well located only a mile from Agua Hedionda Lagoon may have been affected by salt water intrusion, or by the migration of connate waters toward the surface from marine sediments during times of pumping overdraft. Historical data from wells adjacent to and upstream from the immediate study area are also shown in Table 4-1. The wells are designated for this report as OW-2 (12S/4W-3R), OW-3 (12S/4W-lOD), W-2 (12S/4W-lOE), OW-4 (12S/4W-10G I.), OW-5 (12S/4W-10 G 2), OW-6 (12S/4W-lOG 3), OW-7 (12S/4W-l0H 2), TABLE 4-1 ~g= Hedionda Hydrologic Suberaa (4.31) Historical Well Sqling Data CHMICAL CONSTITUENTS (mg/l) WeLL DATE NO. SAMPLED Ca Na so4 c1 B TDS NO3 EC' ow- 1 ow- 2 ow- 3 W- 2 ow- 4 ow- 5 ow-6 ow- 7 ow-8 w- 3 09-07-60 07-28-61 06-17-64 05-20-64 06-17-64 06-10-64 07-14-59 07-28-61 10-08-59 04-07-60 08-15-60 09-07-60 07-28-61 10-16-53 10-08-59 07-14-59 08-15-60 07-25-62 10-29-63 11-19-64 11-30-54 07-14-59 09-07-60 07-28-61 04-10-62 10-29-63 184 388 142 390 55 240 196 390 107 200 112 179 108 I99 123 I90 124 196 112 206 121 210 138 230 128 204 92 195 128 206 87 115 177 290 174 282 130 435 108 212 103 202 128 212 110 217 92 225 270 683 - 686 249 680 125 487 248 684 66 428 105 404 117 429 131 415 121 439 126 462 133 428 - 433 130 450 101 460 100 404 118 439 312 99 131 664 74 718 120 480 105 438 107 411 107 489 112 411 113 433 0.54 2.268 - - 0.58 1,910 0.43 1,080 0.60 1.726 0.28 1,160 0.29 1.244 0.16 1,137 - 1,290 0.08 1.361 1.073 0.56 ,1,240 - - 0.28 1,291 1,215 0.21 1.248 1,077 0.13 748 0.30 1,760 0.34 1.732 0.34 1.275 0.21 ,1.236 0.46 1,042 0.12 1.342 0.39 1,158 0.45 1.122 0 - 2.5 0 62 4.9 0 13 0.2 0 0.2 1.5 - 1.5 0 3.0 0.2 1.0 0 0 1.0 4.5 0 9.3 0 0 3.215 3,050 3,058 1.630 2.950 1.808 1,918 1,990 - 2,118 1,968 1,990 2.145 1,820 1,100 2,430 2.520 2,128 1.050 1.809 2.105 2,070 1.825 OW-8 (12S/4W-l0H 3), and W-3 (12S/4W-lOJ l), and their loca- tions are shown in Figure 4-1. Wells W-2 and W-3 are still being used today. Based on the historical well sampling data shown in Table 4-1, the TDS concentration of the groundwater basin upstream and adjacent to the irmnediate study area averaged approximately 1,200 mg/l. Chloride concentrations averaged approximately 500 mg/l in the early 1960's. Data from wells OW-3 and OW-8 exceeded a TDS concentration of 1,700 mg/l and a chloride concentration of 650 mg/l. Table 8 of DWR's Bulletin No. 106-2, published in June 1967, rates waters with chloride concentrations greater than 350 mg/l as "inferior" for irrigation uses, and waters with TDS concentrations greater than 1,500 mg/l as "inferior" for domes tic use. The Basin Plan states the following regarding groundwater quality in the coastal-plains section of the Carlsbad Hydrographic Unit: plains section of this Unit is generally "Groundwater that occurs in the coastal sodium chloride in character and has a concentration of TDS that ranges from 500 to 5,000 mg/l. Chemical character brackish waters that occur in the lagoons; of this water is probably the result of however, it may be the result of sea water vim filled valley areas because of over- or connate water migrating into the allu- extractions at the groundwater reservoir. These waters were probably relatively poor historically, although very few analyses are available prior to 1958." DWR Bulletin 106-2 shows the range of TDS concen- trations for groundwater in the immediate study area along Agua Hedionda Creek as 1,501-2,000 mg/l, with sodium and chloride representing the major cations and anions, respec- ively . B. Present Groundwater Quality Only one well is presently being used within the immediate study area, DWR No. 12S/4W-9H, designated Well W-1 for this study, and shown in Figure 4-1. Well W-1 belongs to Mr. W. Allen Kelly and is located adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek approximately 75 yards downstream from the El Camino Real bridge. Well W-1 has recently been sampled for mineral analysis by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) staff in April, 1977, and by this study team in April, 1980. Recent data from Well W-1 is shown in Table 4-2. The well is about 100' deep and is thought to draw water from fractured granitic rock underlying the upper sedi- mentary deposits (see section C.2. of this chapter for further details). One may conclude from this Table that the ground- water quality is poor adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek, east of El Camino Real. TDS values over 1,700 mg/l and chloride concentrations well above 400 mg/l are shown. Upstream from El Camino Real and beyond the eastern boundary of the irmnediate study area, additional wells have been sampled and analyzed for mineral constituents in recent years. Their locations are shown in Figure 4-1, and the re- sulting data is shown in Table 4-2. Well W-2 was sampled by this study team in April, 1980. This well is located within the Rancho Carlsbad mobile home park and furnishes irrigation water for the park and adjacent golf course. This well has a high yield (300 GPM) and is relatively deep (about 200'). Well W-3, located approximately one mile upstream from the El Camino Real bridge, has been sampled recently by the Regional Board staff in April 1977, and March 1970; and by this study team in April 1980. Nearby Well No. 12S/4W-llM 1 (W-4) was sampled by the Regional Board in 1977, and 1979 ; and by this study team in April 1980. Wells W-3 and W-4 are shallow wells, less than 60 feet deep, and show TDS and chloride concentrations well above 1,200 mg/l and 400 mg/l, respectively. A TDS concentration greater than 1,700 mg/l was reported for Well W-4. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS (mgll) mu NO. DATE SAMPLED Cs Na SO' c1 B TDS NO3 EC' W- 1 04-02-77 12-14-77 04-22-80 W- 2 04-22-80 w- 3 04-21-77 03-09-79 04-22-80 W-4 04-21-77 03-09-79 04-22-80 W- 5 05-06-80 W-6 05-08-80 174 303 - 237 - 300 - 265 162 225 136 231 - 230 172 246 212 282 - 325 - 1,000 - 1.325 257 529 174 444 182 496 197 427 106 425 88 421 127 458 149 482 148 583 255 653 2,637 1,371 1.718 2,371 0.70 0.55 0.52 0.39 0.63 0.30 0.42 0.73 0.36 0.43 2.6 1.4 1.738 0.18 1,290, 0.19 1,428 0.89 1,328 32.0 1,274 0.49 1,228 0.22 1.314 2.9 1.524 12.0 1.758 3.0 2,180 84.0 6,056 6.6 6,596 1.1 2,800 - 2,460 2.350 2.170 2,040 2,300 2,280 2,660 3,300 9,500 LO, 500 During the geohydrologic investigation of the Agua Hedionda study area in April 1980, the investigating team drilled two test borings to a depth of 30 feet, between the high water mark of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the El Camino bridge. These test borings have been designated Wells W-5 and W-6 (Figure 4-l), respectively, progressing upstream. Groundwater samples were collected from Wells W-5 and W-6 in May 1980, and the sampling results are shown in Table 4-2. These samples, taken much nearer the lagoon than any existing wells, have extremely high mineral concen- trations, and may be directly influenced by salt water intrusion. TDS concentrations exceed 6,000 mg/l and sodium chloride concentrations are very high. The Basin Plan states the following regarding the groundwater quality in the Carlsbad Hydrographic Unit: "Ratings of groundwater for domestic use in the coastal-plains section range from suitable to inferior. The marginal and inferior ratings are due to a high TDS content along with high nitrate or high sulfate in local areas." "Ratings of groundwater for irrigation use in this unit are generally marginal to inferior because of the high electrical conductivity and high chloride. " C. Future Ground Water Quality 1. Introduction The present groundwater quality of the basin was described in the previous section. A geohydrologic study of the basin is contained in the report prepared by Allied Geotechnical Engineers, Inc. This section utilizes the data to project future water quality of the basin, consid- ering the impacts of changing land use patterns, the proposed water reclamation program, and the aquifer char- acteristics. 2. Summary of Geohydrologic Conditions - Agua Hedionda Basin In what can loosely be called the flood plain of Agua Hedionda Creek, lies an unconsolidated layer of silty-clay alluvium. This layer is approximately 20 feet thick. The alluvium is underlain, and surrounded by inter- bedded sandstones and silty sandstones of the Santiago For- mation, which vary in thickness from 0 to 100 feet. The Lusardi Formation, a boulder conglomerate with interbedded coarse-grained sandstones, lies between the Santiago For- mation and the metamorphic basement complex. Figure 4-2 shows a graphic representation of the basin's geology. The alluvial strata consists of rather impervious material. Groundwater was encountered near the ground sur- face in this formation. However, the physical characteristics of this soil, and the well testing indicates this material is relatively impervious. The field borings indicated the lower portions of the Santiago Formation, the Lusardi Formation and the Base- ment Complex, are well saturated with water. While the Santi- ago Formation generally exhibited relatively poor transmis- sivity, (0.2 ft. 2/day), lenses of coarse, granular and porous material of much higher porosity (113 ft. 2/day) were encountered. Judging from the soil characteristics of both the Lusardi Formation and the Basement Complex in other areas, these geologic elements are capable of conveying low to moderate quantities of groundwater. The total groundwater storage capacity of the basin is estimated to be 29,000 acre-feet. About 18,400 acre-feet of this storage is thought to contain salt water (refer to the hydrogeologic investigation for more details). 3. Groundwater Recharge, Movement, and Safe Yield The information presented in this section repre- sents the author's opinion of the groundwater hydrologic conditions within the basin. Wherever possible, the opinions are supported by field data, calculations and references. However, the complexity of mechanisms involved in groundwater movement require a degree of subjective judgement. As such, this section should be regarded as learned opinion not in- disputable fact. The hydrogeologic investigation of the bash revealed rather complex geology. Hypothesizing how ground- water is supplied to and moves through the study area, and the affect of future land use changes, is equally complex. Well W-1 within the study area does show the capacity to produce usable quantities of water. It is be- lieved this well was drilled into the Basement Complex, ap- parently drawing water from the fracture zone. The well may also be receiving water from one or more of the porous lenses believed to occur within the Lusardi or Santiago Formations. Another well at the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park upstream from the study area is drawing useable quantities (reportedly up to 500 gpm) of groundwater. Even further up- stream and well out of the study area the City of Carlsbad maintains several water supply wells on a standby basis, which are capable of producing considerable quantities of water. Each of these wells exhibit relatively high yields, particularly for coastal basins. It is likely they are tapping the more porous strata, which collects groundwater from the impervious soils, and transport it to the wells. While the overall basin has a very limited safe yield, the existence of underlying horizontal pervious material permits the water to be drawn out by a limited number of high yield wells. The entire groundwater basin appears to be unconfined aquifer. No upland sources of aquifer recharge were found, nor were artesian wells encountered. Observations indicate the groundwater table roughly parallels the ground contours. Accordingly, unless one of the upstream wells is pumped very heavily creating an artifical cone of depression, flow will move in the same direction as surface water flow. Movement will occur at a'much slower rate, however. As with the Buena Vista Basin, the Agua Hedionda study area appears to be "full", that is, the soils appear to contain all of the water which is physically possible. In this state, both infiltrated rainwater and irrigation under- drainage water percolate downward until reaching either an impervious horizontal strata or the water table. If an impervious strata is encountered, the water will migrate in a slightly dipping horizontal direction along the impervious strate. It will eventually intersect either the ground sur- face as seepage or flow into the groundwater reservoir. Irrigation underdrainage which reaches the groundwater reservoir will cause a mounding of the water table there. The mounding effect increases the water table gradient which in turn causes a lateral migration of water. Without a mechanism for groundwater mixing, the inflows of excess irrigation water would not readily co-mingle with the main portion of the groundwater reservoir. Rather, the irrigation underdrainage would tend to migrate down gradient to a surface drainage course. The lower Agua Hedionda groundwater basin ex- ibits a vertical water quality gradient. Samples collected from shallow wells showed TDS.concentrations varying from 6,000 to 6,600 mg/l. Deep wells have TDS concentrations ranging from 1300 mg/l to 2000 mg/l. The poorer quality water in the upper strata or the groundwater basin is thought to be the result of infiltrating irrigation water and the concentrating effects of phreatophytes. (24) Luke- Dud& The study area comprises only about 11% of the total Aqua Hedionda Basin. As such, the safe yield of the study area is considerably less than the safe yield of the entire basin. Being located at the downstream end of the drainage basin, the study area can be recharged from three basic mechanisms : a. Infiltrating rainwater percolating through the Santiago Formation b. Subsurface flow entering the study area from the upper basin, primarily through the fractured granitic bedrock c. Percolating streamflow d. Infiltration of imported irrigation water Each of these sources of recharge were examined in the ac- companying hydrologic investigation which concluded that the basin’s safe yield is 136 AF/yr. A brief review of the recharge mechanisms is presented below. Infiltrating Rainwater Percolating Through the Santiago Formation Because annual rainfall rates are far less than annual potential evapo-transpiration rates, the amount of rainfall which penetrates the soil mantel is relatively small. Only during very wet periods is rainfall able to saturate the soil and percolate into the underlying groundwater table. Based on such factors as soil moisture holding capacity and potential evapotranspiration the annual average recharge from infiltrating rainwater was calculated to be .009 a-ft. /yr./acre. Over the 2120 acre study area this amounts to 19.1 acre-feet of recharge per year. Subsurface Flows Entering the Study Area from the Upper Basin, Primarily through Fractured Bedrock The current state-of-the-art for predicting subsurface inflow is still quite inexact. No method exists to measure the horizontal permeability of fractured granite. Depending upon the length and number of fractures, the bed- rock permeability can vary considerably. However, using rather conservative values, it is estimated that the poten- tial subsurface flow is 136 acre-feetlyr. During those years when rainfall infiltrates through the Santiago Forma- tion, the groundwater's hydraulic gradient will not permit this level of subsurface inflow. In those years, the sub- surface inflow will be less by an amount equal to the in- filtrating rainfall. Percolating Streamflow Streamflow which percolates into the underlying groundwater basin is thought to be the main source of re- charge for that portion of the Agua Hedionda Basin located east of El Camino Real, particularly the area around Rancho Carlsbad Golf Course. Wells upstream of the study area are capable of extracting significant quantities of water. A recent inventory of groundwater use in this area, conducted by the staff of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, showed a water use of approximately 1500 acre-feetlyr. In excess of 300 acre-feetlyr is being used by the Rancho Carls- bad Golf Course. Considering the relatively low rate at which rainfall infiltrates through the Santiago Formation, much of the recharge is thought to occur from streamflow percolating into a pervious alluvium. Within the study area, conditions for streamflow infiltration are quite different. Borings along the flood- plain of the lower Agua Hedionda Basin show that in the study area the stream channel lies mainly on lagoon deposits of unconsolidated clays. This type of soil deposit is quite impervious and will not readily permit stream flow infiltration. For this reason the streamflow infiltration recharge component in the study area is considered to be negligible. Several facts supports this conclusion. In the past, several wells were drilled on the Kelly property west of the present Kelly well. None of these wells produced significant quantities of water, indicating poor transmissivity. Also, stream gage measurements have shown that Agua Hedionda Creek is a gaining stream in the study area, again indicating a lack of infiltra- ting s treamf low. It can be argued that a portion of the infiltra- ting streamflow which occurs upstream can enter the study area as subsurface inflows. This mechanism probably accounts for the relatively high yield of the Kelly well. Logically, however, streamflow which enters the groundwater basin upstream of the study area mwt be allocated as part of the safe yield of the upper basin and not the study area. Therefore, the infiltrating streamflow component is considered to be zero. Infiltration of Imported Irrigation Water Imported irrigation water, which percolates into the underlying sediments, also has the potential to contri- bute to the groundwater basin. Previous studies* in the area show that approximately .32 acre-feet per year per dwelling unit is used for landscape irrigation. Agricultural irrigation rates vary between 2.5 - 3.5 acre-feet per year per acre. Applied irrigation water will be partially consumed by plant transpiration and evaporation. However, anywhere from 10% to 40% will pass the plants' root zone and will percolate into the underlying sediments. This flow is known as ir- rigation underdrainage or return waters. The irrigation process also concentrates dissolved salts. Table 4-3 shows *City of Carlsbad "Waste Water Reclamation Master Plan Study", 9/79 (Lowry & Associates) TABLE 4-3 Estimated Irrigation Water Underdrainage to the Agua Hedionda Groundwater Basin 1980 Conditions Water Use Water Applied Estimated Underdrainage' (acre-feet) (acre-feet) Lands cape Irrigation 845 Agricultural Irrigation 1320 169 264 TOTAL 2165 433 1 Based on 80% consumptive use 2 Based on 0.32 acre-feet/year/dwelling unit for 2,600 dwelling units (a0) 3 Based on 3 acre-feet/year/acre over 440 acres that underdrainage water contributes an estimated 433 acre- feet per year to the groundwater basin. Imported irrigation water underdrainage does contribute significant quantities of water to the groundwater basin. However, this contribution is man-induced and can- not be considered as part of the natural groundwater resource. For this reason irrigation water underdrainage is not consider- ed as part of the basin's safe yield. 4. Future Groundwater Quality Chapter 2 projects that most of the study area would be urbanized by the year 2000. Only about 20% of the land would remain as open space. At that time an estimated 4,200 dwelling units would be located within the study area. Using the same assmptions contained in the notes for Table 4-3, it is estimated 1,350 acre-feet will be used for ir- rigation, of which 270 acre-feet of water will leach into the underlying sedimentary soils. It is interesting to note, this is about a 40% reduction of underdrainage water compared to 1980 conditions. If some mechanism were available to completely mix the incoming irrigation underdrainage with the groundwater, the basin would quickly match the quality of the leaching ir- rigation water, an estimated 2,200 mg/l. If no groundwater mixing is assumed, the leaching irrigation water would fol- low the mounding-horizontal migration mechanism described earlier. In this case, the existing groundwater quality would be maintained. The salts contained in the irrigation underdrainage would continually leach to the surface water- course and be carried to the ocean. In reality, the basin is in a "slow-mix'' state, where leaching irrigation water is slowly co-mingling with the existing groundwater. Over decades, or possibly centuries, water in the basin is expected to degrade 2,200 mg/l. This process may be hastened if groundwater extractions are in- creased, which would promote the mixing of groundwaters and underdrainage. 5. Effects of a Reclamation Program The City of Carlsbad is currently seeking to im- plement a reclaimed water program in the study area. Re- claimed water could begin to be distributed for landscape irrigation within a year. It is estimated that approximately 560 acre-feet of'reclaimed water could be distributed in the area by the year 2000. Reclaimed water would be used as a substitute for a portion of the total irrigation water required (an estimated 1350 acre-feet) at ultimate development. Using 560 acre-feet per year of reclaimed water with a TDS of 1000 mg/l would increase the overall salt loading of the basin by 35% compared to irrigating with imported water. Using the assumptions listed in Table 4-4, and considering irrigation with both potable and reclaimed water sources, the average quality of the underdrainage is calculated to be about 2900 mg/l. Therefore, if groundwater mixing does occur, the water quality of the basin would reach an estimated 2900 mg/l. D. Surface Water Quality Few surface water samples are available within Subarea 4.31 and the immediate study area. The data shown in Table 4-4 gives some indication of surface water quality within the immediate study area, including the mineral con- tent of Agua Hedionda Creek and Lake Calavera. Sample S-0 (Figure 4-1) was collected from Lake Calavera in December 1977, for the "Preliminary Design Re- port for Lake Calavera Hills Waste Water Treatment Plant," March 1978. Sample location S-1 is adjacent to the El Camino Real bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek. A sample was collected at location S-1 for the Lake Calavera Hills WWTP report in December 1977, and by this study team in April 1980. The data in Table 4-4 indicates poor quality water in Lake Calvera with a TDS concentration greater than 2,600 mgll. Based on the two samples collected from the lower reaches of Agua Hedionda Creek, the surface water TDS concen- tration averages approximately 1,200 mg/l during normal flow conditions. Agua Hedionda Lagoon has a direct outlet to the Pacific Ocean, and its water, therefore, has a mineral content directly affected by the salinity of marine waters. m U m n - m d e v m aJ &! m 9 VI e e W cl l m 2 d V W m 0 z VI H n m d U 0 VI e m 2 m V I m m 0 \D r- \D N .. m m 0 m \D N d .. cn m N 0 m ul I r- r. 4 d N I rl 0 VI I I N P- O m d N d . 0 m 0 m 0 m m d m P- 0 N I P- r- e l d I N d d I VI 0 N e N - 0 G m N N e d .. N m 0 r. m e N m N e In 0 I 00 0 I N N e I 0 - - CHAPTER 5 DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED CHANGES A. Introduction The Basin Plan lists beneficial uses of groundwater in the Agua Hedionda Subunit, which includes Subarea 4.31, as follows : o Municipal and Domestic Supply, o Agricultural Supply, o Industrial Service Supply. As noted in Chapter 4, a survey of all known wells in the immediate study area revealed that only one well, Well W-1 owned by Mr. W. Allen Kelly, presently exists within the study area. This well is used for agricultural irrigation1 livestock watering only. One other historic well located near Well W-1 was abandoned since the early 1960's according to DWR records. No other wells are used for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes at this time. It does not appear that any new wells will be drilled within the study area in the future other than for replacement of the existing Well W-1. The following has been determined about the study area: o Groundwater quality is relatively poor, o Good quality imported water is available for water users, o Local water purveyors have no plans to develop the lower basin's groundwater supplies. It has also been stated that, although no present domestic and industrial uses of groundwater occur, future use of groundwater for industrial purposes or for irrigation of salt-tolerant crops may be possible. Future domestic use (33) Luke- Dud& TABLE 5-1 Groundwater Quality Objectives for the Aigua Hedionda Hydrographic Subunit Parameter (mg/l or as noted) Objective* Total dissolved solids Chloride Percent sodium (%) Sulfate Nitrate Iron Manganese Methylene blue active substances Boron Odor Turbidity (JTU) Color (Units) Fluoride 1200 500 60 500 10 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.5 None 5 15 1.0 * Concentrations not to be exceeded more than 10% of the time during any one year period (34) of the groundwater within the study area appears to be impracti- cal due to high mineral concentrations. It is therefore requested that, for the portion of the Agua Hedionda Hydrographic Subarea that is described as the study area in Chapter 1, the following revisions be in- corporated into the Basin Plan: 1. The beneficial use "Municipal and Domestic" (m) be designated a potential beneficial use. 2. The beneficial use "Industrial Service Supply" (IND) be designated a potential beneficial use. With these requested changes, the beneficial uses of ground- water in the study area would be as follows: o Municipal and Domestic Supply (potential) o Agricultural Supply o Industrial Service Supply (potential) Present groundwater quality objectives for the Aqua Hedionda Hydrographic Subunit, which includes the study area, are listed in Table 5-1. Present quality of groundwater in the study area does not meet these objectives based on recent sampling data. It is requested the groundwater quality objectives for this basin be changed in the following manner: 1. Total dissolved solids from 1000 to 3500 mg/l, 2. Chloride from 400 to 800 mg/l, 3. Nitrate from 10 to 45 mg/l 4. Boron from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/l These revisions would allow the use of secondarily treat- ed reclaimed water within the lower portions of the Agua Hedionda drainage basin. With these changes the proposed groundwater quality objectives for the study area would be as listed in Table 5-2. (35) LuUe-Dudek CHAPTER 6 DEMONSTRATION OF CONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE REQUESTED CHANGES AND THE STATE'S NONDEGRADATION POLICY A. Introduction The State Water Resources Control Board's Resolution No. 68-16, "Statement of Policy with Respect to Maintaining High Quality Waters in California'! (known as the State's Nondegradation Policy) establishes the basic policy for setting and changing water quality objectives. Any request for revision of groundwater objectives must demonstrate that the revision requested is consistent with the Nondegradation Policy. This chapter examines the provisions of the Non- degradation Policy. The effects of making the requested re- visions are then examined to show the changes are consistent with the provisions of Resolution No. 68-16. B. Smmiary of State's Nondegradation Policy Resolution No. 68-16 states, in part, "1. Whenever the existing quality of water is better than the quality established in policies . . . . , such exist- ing high quality will be maintained until it has been demon- strated to the state that, (1) any change will be consistent with maximum benefit to the people of the state, (2) will not unreasonably affect present and anticipated beneficial use of such water, and (3) will not result in water quality less than that prescribed in the policies." "2. . . . waste discharge requirements bust be established) to assure that (a) a pollution or nuisance (37) will not occur and (b) the highest water quality consistent with maximum benefit to the people of the State will be main- tained. In a letter dated November 29, 1979 to Lake Calavera Hills, the staff of the Regional Board explains what specifically must be considered to demonstrate consistency with the State's Nondegradation Policy. This letter states, ""he demonstration must include an assessment of the impacts of the requested modifications on beneficial uses and an assessment of the benefits of the requested modifications. The assessment of the benefits of the requested modifications must, as a minimum, be based on the following: (1) Identification of affected populations and evaluations of hardship vs benefit for each group; (2) evaluation of economic benefit vs detriment; and (3) evaluation of social benefit vs detriment." C. Implications of The Requested Changes to the Groundwater Objectives for the Study Area The following discussion assesses the consistency of the requested groundwater modifications with the State's Nondegradation Policy. Chapters 4 and 5 discuss the projected impact of revising the water quality objectives on future water quality and future beneficial uses. Briefly, it was concluded that changing groundwater objectives, which would in turn permit reclaimed water to be used in the study area would result in only minimal groundwater degradation. However, for the purposes of analyzing a "worst case" alternative, it is assumed the TDS concentration does reach the objective of 3,500 mg/l Revising the basin's groundwater objective will possibly be detrimental to some groups of people and be beneficial to other groups. The affected populations have been classified into three basic groups: (1) Existing and potential groundwater users, (2) potential users of reclaimed water, and (3) citizens residing within the boundaries of the Costa Real Municipal water nistrict. These three population groups represent the range of people who may be impacted. An evaluation will be made of the hardship versus benefit for each of these population groups The analysis will consider both economic and social factors It should be noted that the economic analysis presented below uses current imported water prices. Because of increasing power costs it is expected the price of imported water will rise considerably faster than the rate of inflation. If this fact were considered in the analysis, using reclaimed water would offer an even greater economic advantage. How- ever, to analyze a "worst case" situation for reclaimed water, the chances of rapidly rising imported water costs were not included in the analysis. D. Population Group 1 - Existing and Potential Groundwater Users Only one functioning well is known to exist within the study area. Water is used for the agricultural irrigation on the Kelly property. It is conceivable that in the future others will seek to utilize the limited groundwater supplies found within the basin. As stated earlier, the beneficial uses for relatively poor quality groundwater are limited to agri- cultural or landscape irrigation of salt-tolerant crops. Using the water for industrial process water, such as wash water and dust control is possible, although not likely. Plainly, no reasonable method exists to determine how much groundwater will be utilized in the future. Land use projections show that landscape irrigation could consume relatively large quantities of groundwater if a suitable distribution system were installed. However, the hydrogeologic investigation showed the "safe" perennial yield of the basin from natural recharge is 136 acre-feet per year. (39) 1. Evaluation of Economic Benefit versus Detriment for the Group 1 Population Lowering the groundwater objectives for the study basin is not expected to be detrimental to the existing Kelly well. The well is located on the extreme upstream por- tion of the basin for which a change in objectives are request- ed. In this portion the well will be recharged by a upland sources which are governed by higher quality objectives. In Chapter 4 an analysis of future water quality projected that the basin would eventually degrade to a TDS concentration of about 2200 mg/l. This represents a slight increase over the basins current water quality, which varies between 1300 mg/l and 1700 mg/l. Should the total dissolved solids concentration rise to the proposed water quality objective of 3500 mg/l, the ground- water would probably not be suitable for most agricultural or landscape irrigation. The only beneficial use which would not be affected by high mineral concentrations of groundwater is for industrial service supply. If the basin degrades to the 3500 mg/l level, and assuming the Kelly well also degrades to this level (both highly improbable events), would not necessarily preclude the use of groundwater for irrigation. A paper authored by R.S. Ayers entitled, "Water Quality for Agriculture"* reports that tomato crops can be grown with a 50% decrease in crop yield when irrigated with water with a TDS of 3250 mg/l. The same study shows that Bermuda grass can be irrigated with 3700 mg/l TDS water with only a 10% growth reduction. While other factors such as irrigation rate and soil type must be con- sidered, it appears the basin would not totally loose the irrigation water beneficial use by lowering the water quality objectives. For the purpose of this analysis, however, it is assumed an alternative water supply would have to be used on the Kelly property. * Ayers, R.S. (University of California, Davis) and Westcot, "Water Quality for Agriculture", Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1976. (40) Luke- Dud& While the safe perennial yield of the basin from natural recharge is estimated to be 136 acre-feet per year, the Kelly well withdraws an estimated 50 acre-feetlyear (at a cost of about $500/year). Should it be necessary to replace the 50 acre-feet of groundwater, presumably reclaimed water could be used (at a cost of about $6500/year). The Kelly well consumes less than the basin's natural recharge. The remaining 86 acre-feetlyr could potentially be used for irrigation either on the Kelly property or by other groundwater users. Lowering groundwater objectives could be detrimental to these potential groundwater users. To be conservative, it is assumed the 86 acre-feet of water is lost as a water resource. The total economic benefit versus detriment to the Group 1 population is listed in Table 6-1. TABLE 6-1 Economic Benefit versus Detriment for Group 1 Population Caused by Easing Groundwater Objectives Group 1 Population Benefit Detriment Existing Groundwater Users $0 $6000 Potential Groundwater Users $0 $10,300 2. Evaluation of Social Benefit versus Detriment For the Group 1 Population Relaxing the groundwater water quality objec- tives in the study area could remove the basin as a future source of irrigation water. The social implications of this loss is small. The basin's storage and annual safe yield capabilities are very limited. Most property owners who could use the groundwater for irrigation purposes will have access to reclaimed water for the same purpose. In fact, the reclaimed water quality is better quality than the existing groundwater. The domestic water supply system is also fairly well developed in the area. As such, no property owner will be deprived of the use of his land be- cause of a lack of a suitable water supply. Overall, re- vising the groundwater objectives is expected to have minimal social impact on either existing or potential ground- water users. E. Population Group 2 - Potential Users of Reclaimed Water Changing groundwater objectives is expected to encourage the use of reclaimed water within the lower Agua Hedionda basin. The City of Carlsbad is actively planning to distribute reclaimed water to the area. It is difficult to accurately predict which markets will be served. The exact quantity of reclaimed water to be used depends upon a variety of factors, in- cluding the availability and cost of potable water, the proximity of reclaimed water distribution lines, and the aggressiveness with which reclaimed water is marketed. However, it is reasonable to expect at least the markets outlined in Table 6-2 will be served within the basin. TABLE 6-2 Potential Users of Reclaimed Water Market Estimated Irrigable Estimated Average Land (acres) Use (acre-ftfyr) 1. Landscape irrigation within Development Lake Calavera Hills 150 2. Miscellaneous adjacent to distribution landscape irrigation pipe 25 TOTAL 175' 480 80 560 NOTE: Irrigation water is estimated at 3.2 acre-feetfyear (43) 1. Economic Benefits versus Detriment For The Group 2 Population Changing groundwater objectives in the study area is expected to enable a variety of landscape areas to be irrigated with reclaimed water. As shown in Table 6-2, approximately 560 acre-feetlyear of reclaimed water could reasonably be used within the basin. With an aggressive marketing program, it is expected additional water could be utilized. Assuming reclaimed water is sold at $130/acre- foot (equivalent to 75% of domestic water supply cost), the total water revenue for irrigation use would be $72,8001 year. If reclaimed water were not available, the cost for irrigation water from the Costa Real Water District would be $97,10O/year. The irrigators would realize a net savings , of $24,30O/year. 2. Social Benefits versus Detriment For The Group 2 Population Providing reclaimed water for irrigation purposes within the lower Agua Hedionda basin would have a variety of social benefits for the Group 2 population. Perhaps the most significant benefit is the availability of a new water source. Prospects of a severe water shortage occurring in Southern California are continually growing. Should a water shortage occur in the near future, it could have serious consequences for businesses requiring irrigation water. During a drought, stringent restrictions are generally placed upon using water for irrigation. Similar restrictions would not be placed on using reclaimed water. By using reclaimed water, water-intensive irrigation activities such as golf courses would be able to avoid both the loss of business and damage to fairways and greens. Hydrogeologic studies indicate the existing groundwater basin would be incapable of providing a significant contribution of irrigation water. Therefore, revising groundwater objectives to permit (44) reclaimed water to be utilized in the basin would be a significant benefit to the Group 2 population. A possible social detriment may be associated with developing a reclaimed water distribution system within the basin. Using treated wastewater increases the risk of water users being exposed to a water-borne pathogenic organism. While both treatment and operation regulations established by public agencies stringently protect against such problems, health risks can not be totally eliminated. Another problem inherent with a reclaimed water system is the possibility of equipment failure. A broken distribution main could result in reclaimed water temporarily flowing to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. A malfunctioning chlorinator could result in the distribution of inadequately disinfected water. Currently, regulatory agencies require back-up equipment for critical treatment and distribution functions The stringent regulations essentially eliminate the oppor- tunities for major public health problems. F. Population Group 3- Residents Within the Costa Real Water District The reclamation projects proposed for the study area would provide a supplemental or alternate supply of water to a portion of the Costa Real Water District. If reclaimed water is provided for landscape irrigation, the district may delay or avoid the construction of some capital facilities necessary to expand the potable water system. In addition, using secondarily treated wastewater for irriga- tion water saves energy which would be needed to import alternative potable water supplies. The 1979 population of the Costa Real Water District was 31,000* people with a water consumption of 11,135 acre- feetfyear (.36 acre-feetlyearfperson). *County Water Authority Estimate (45) 1. Economic Benefit versus Detriment for Group 3 Population Implementing a water reclamation program in the study area would provide 560 acre-feetlyear of water as a supplemental or alternative water supply to portions of the Costa Real Water District. It is diddicult to estimate the true economic worth of an additional water supply to the residents of the area. Initially, it appears public agencies will not be able to initially distribute reclaimed water for a profit. Initial projec- tions for the Carlsbad area project the expense of operating the system will about equal the revenues produced from reclaimed water sales. The economic benefits could increase markedly in the future. When contracts to supply imported water through the California Aqueduct are renegotiated in 1983, the price of imported water is expected to rise substantially.* As the price of imported water rises, the sales price of reclaimed water can also be raised proportionately. This should result in a net income for the public agencies distributing reclaimed water, which would benefit the residents of the area. 2. Social Benefits versus Detriment for the Group 3 Population Revising groundwater objectives and constructing a water reclamation system would have significant social benefits for residents of the Carlsbad area. Supplying an additional 560 acre-feetlyear of reclaimed water as a supplemental or alternative water source for irrigation reduces the dependence on imported water supplies. The reclaimed water program would supply an amount equivalent to water used by about 1,860 people. Producing this supply locally would not only lessen the overall demand on imported water supplies, but also would reduce the amount of energy necessary to deliver the water. Table 6-4 shows * Metropolitan Water District, "1979 Water Pricing Study. " 81 79 LCke.0" G. Administrative Considerations On April 3, 1980 the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Order No. WQ 80-7. The order deals with the use of reclaimed water in the Agua Hedionda drainage basin. The State Board action was prompted by an appeal filed by the County of San Diego in behalf of the Shadow Ridge De- velopment (known as the Buena Project). The purpose of the appeal was to test the validity of the so called "one third" rule imposed as a matter of policy by the San Diego Regional Board in regard to irrigation with reclaimed water. As mentioned in a previous section of this study, the Regional Board generally requires reclaimed water mineral concentrations to be reduced to one third of the groundwater objective to allow for evapo-transpiration. Order No. WQ 80-7 states in part: "If the Buena Project proponents had reached or other large groundwater users to irrigate contractual agreement with Rancho Carlsbad with Buena reclaimed water, instead of ground- water, the 550 mg/l limit could have been appropriately modified for these sites. We urge the County and project proponents to water users in the area are unwilling to seek such innovative trade-offs. If ground- accept reclaimed water as a substitute for continued use of groundwater, we could be placed in a position of addressing the is- be a waste or unreasonable use of water sue of whether such groundwater use would within the meaning of Section 2 of Article X of the California Constitution.1 Water Code Sections 13550-1 prohibit, under certain circumstances, the use of potable water for irrigation of greenbelt areas when reclaimed water is available for such use." (47) TABLE 6-4 Energy Saving of Reclaimed Water Program* Energy Source Energy Requirement (kwhiacre-feet) Energy required for imported water (50/50 blend) 2,700 Energy required for secondary treatment 400 Energy required for chlorination (including production) 100 Energy required for distribution pumping (300 ft. head) 400 900 Total energy required for reclaimed water system water Net energy savings by using reclaimed 1,800 Total annual energy savings in Agua Hedionda Basin ( 560 acre-feetiyear) 1,000,000 kwhiyear *Data extracted from Roberts and Hagan, "Energy Requirements of Alternatives in Water Supply, Use and Conservation", December 1975. This statement seems to suggest that the use of non- demineralized water at the Rancho Carlsbad Golf Course (upstream of the study area) was appropriate (or manda- tory) and presumably in accordance with the State's Non- degradation Policy. Presumably, the same argument could be used for the lands irrigated by the Kelly well. The implication of Order No. WQ 80-7 is that even with current water quality objectives, non-demineralized reclaimed water could (or must) be used over a major portion of the lower Agua Hedionda Basin. No rigorous analysis was presented to show rigid conformance with all provisions of the Non-Degradation Policy. The Order appears to place a high value on wastewater reclamation projects in the basin. H. Summary The material in this chapter seeks to present an objective analysis of the implications of changing ground- water objectives in the study area. The preponderance of evidence indicates that an objective change can be made without threatening any groundwater resource. No adverse effects are anticipated on the one functioning well (Kelly Well) within the study area. Should this well be impacted by an objective change, water quality changes would occur very slowly. If and when these water quality changes do occur, a superior quality water source (reclaimed water) would be available as a substitute for groundwater supplies. In the mean- time, both irrigators and the citizens of the area will realize substantial economic and social benefits. As such, it appears that the proposed groundwater ob- jective changes requested are in conformance with the State's Non-Degradation Policy. (49) TABLE 5-2 Proposed Groundwater Quality Objectives for the Study Area (Lower Agua Hedionda Hydrographic Subarea) Parameter (mg/l or as noted) Objective* Total dissolved solids Chloride Percent sodium (%) Sulfate Nitrate Iron Manganese Methylene blue active substances Boron Odor Turbidity (JTU) Color (Units) Fluoride 3500 800 60 500 45 0.3 0.05 0.5 2.0 None 5 15 1.0 * Concentrations not to be exceeded more than 10% of the time during any one year period