HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Public Safety Training Facility Needs Assessment; Public Safety Training Facility Needs Assessment; 2002-07-15TABLE OF CONTENTS ^ Public Safety Training Facility City of Carlsbad m m Carlsbad Fire Department Carlsbad Police Department "* Department of Public Works A. INTRODUCTION 1 1. BACKGROUND 1 2. PROPOSAL 2 3. PHASING SUMMARY 2 B. PHASE I 3 1. DESCRIPTION 3 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 3 3. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 4 C. PHASE II 5 1. DESCRIPTION 5 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 5 3. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN '. 6 D. PHASE HI 7 1. DESCRIPTION 7 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 7 3. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 8 4. PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN 9 E. PHASE IV 10 1. DESCRIPTION 10 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 10 3. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 11 F. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY 12 Public Safety Training Facility Project P600l5100xl-na Needs Assessment Page i A, INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND The Carlsbad Fire Department has 78 employees whose job it is to protect life and property within the City's 42.2 square mile area. The majority of the Fire Department's personnel (72 positions) are swom professional firefighters with the remaining staff providing support for administrative and fire prevention activities. At the present time, the Carlsbad Fire Department does not have a training facility. Training exercises for 18 engine companies and 6 ambulance companies are conducted throughout various locations within the City as well as the neighboring City of San Marcos. The Fire Department is in need of a location within the City where routine and specialized training can occur without impacting service delivery within the City of Carlsbad. In addition to the Fire Department, there are a number of training needs required by both the Police Department and the Department of Public Works. The type of training required includes the following: Fire Department Hose/ladder evolutions. Hydrant operations. Forcible entry. Driver training. Salvage and overhaul. Pumping operations. Search and rescue. Vehicle extrication. Trench rescue. Confined space rescue. High angle/vertical rescue. Hazmat and decon operations. Police Department • Driver Training • Vehicle Stop Training • Motorcycle Training • K-9 Training • Search Warrant Training • Tactical Team Training Public Works • Trench Rescue • Driver Training • Confined Space Rescue Currently the Carlsbad Fire Department conducts training evolutions in vacant industrial buildings and takes advantage of buildings and takes advantage of buildings scheduled for demolition. While great opportunities for the Fire Department, the use of these facilities is limited. They are generally available on a limited timeframe and are difficult to schedule. Public Safety Training Facility Needs Assessment Project P600151 OOx 1 -na Page 1 In addition to vacant industrial buildings, the Fire Department is also utilizing the new Emergency Services Training Center located in the City of San Marcos. Where the San Marcos facility is ideal for many types of training, it is not designed for specialized technical training and a fee is required each time the facility is used. Logistically, the use of the San Marcos facility presents some challenges. Although relatively close, it is difficult to send more than one company at a time without impacting service delivery. This impacts multiple company training evolutions as well as joint exercises involving police and fire. 2. PROPOSAL The purpose of this Needs Assessment is to evaluate the possibility of expanding the training activities of the Fire Department at the inactive Caiavera Water Treatment Plant on Tamarack Avenue. The facility is currently being used in a limited way for trench rescue training and pump testing of fire apparatus. The Fire Department has already received authorization from Public Works to expand their training activities into other areas of the facility. This would include site areas as well as selected buildings. The Training Center is envisioned as a joint use facility and could be adapted to accommodate the training needs for all departments within the City of Carlsbad. 3. PHASING SUMMARY The expansion of the existing plant into a training facility is envisioned as a multi-phase process conducted over the next 4 years. A summary of those phases is as follows. • Year 1: Construct new roof props and continue use of pump testing pit and trench rescue area. Develop area adjacent to roof props for vehicle extrication. • Year 2: Convert existing structures into a hose and ladder training area as well as a new collapse prop. • Year 3: Remodel existing Control Building into a small training classroom. • Year 4: Demolish existing oxidation ditches, holding tanks, and clarifiers. Install new concrete drill yard with a pre-fabricated training tower. Public Safety Training Facility Project P60015100xl-na Needs Assessment Page 2 B. PHASE I 1. DESCRIPTION Phase I of the expansion project would involve the continued use of the facility by the Fire Department for trench rescue exercises and pump testing. A panelized roof prop and a pitched roof prop would be added west of the existing oxidation ditches. A vehicle extrication area would also be added adjacent to the roof props. 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Item Quantity Unit Cost Total 1. Panelized roof prop 1 ea $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2. Pitched roof prop 1 ea 2,500.00 2,500.00 3. Vehicle extraction area 1 ea 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 6,000.00 Public Safety Training Facility Needs Assessment Project P60015100xl-na Page 3 II 11 II II li II 11 II II ii ii ii ii il il li ii ii ii SITE PLAN atfof CAKL8BAD PHASE ONB WLC Architects t«l( IUJI-lll( C. PHASE II 1. DESCRIPTION Phase n of the expansion project would involve the conversion of several existing elements into training props. The existing sludge filter belt press would be converted into an area for hose and ladder exercises. The existing Chlorine Building would be converted into a collapse prop. 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Item Quantity Unit Cost Total 1. Hose and ladder training 2. Collapse prop 1 ea $ 10,000.00 $10,000.00 1 ea 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 12,500.00 Public Safety Training r^cility Needs Assessment Project P60015100xl-na Page 5 lltiillilllliillli llllllllllli liililli SITE PLAN Cltref CAKLSBAD PHASBTWO mrr WLC Architects _ _ __.llt( IIK • ••tkt Ciiiatai* tillltMit IIMI-JMi D. PHASE HI 1. DESCRIPTION Phase ni of the expansion involves the conversion of the existing Control Building into a small training classroom. The existing Control Building is a small masonry structure of approximately 1,600 sf The building was originally designed to house office, laboratory, and equipment repair space for the facility. 2. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Item Quantity Unit Cost Total 1. Classroom conversion 1,600 sf $ 80.00 $128,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 128,000.00 Public Safety Training Facility Project P60015100xl-na Needs Assessment Page 7 li li II II li li 11 11 11 II II II il ii fti fti fti ii ii SITE PLAN ruu—L-4 0 aver CARLSBAD PRASBTHBBB WLC Architects (l>|l>li Itia It.ii 1IOI riaikiii •«*(k*[•(•••••• talKtiili I1>ll-Jlli {•I; 111 III Itll II 11 ii fti ii il 11 II il 11 II II fti ii fti ftft ftl ftJ ii i • • • D • • • • • O • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN TJW—L V T V CItref CARUBAD CLA8SK00M BLDO. WLC Architects flraliti ••)• lain iini r«(i»iii i)t« • (•It* Clt**!*** tiifriMii itrii-jili Itt: III lir IIII t<l: ill III till m E. PHASE IV 1. DESCRIPTION Phase IV of the expansion is the largest and most costly of the planned phases. In Phase IV, the existing tanks and oxidation ditches would be removed. A new concrete drill yard would be constructed along with a new pre-fabricated training tower. A small «l parking area would be added in the area of the clarifiers and holding tanks. d 1, PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Item Quantity Unit Cost Total 1. Site Demolition 100,000 ea $ 0.75 $ 75,000.00 2. Grading/Utilities 1 ea 50,000.00 50,000.00 3. Vehicle Parking Areas 20,000 sf 6.00 120,000.00 4. Concrete Paving 60,000 sf 8.00 480,000.00 5. Pre-Fabricated Training Tower 1 ea 500,000.00 500,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 1,225,000.00 Public Safety Training Facility Project P600i5IOOxl-na Needs Assessment Page 10 Iliiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiftiftiiiftiiiti I m 1 tn nor HAS nu tOH ED N MM rsn ION B— •xn (1 ^^^^^^^^^^ I tn nor HAS nu tOH MM rsn ION •xn (1 HU lOH 1 \ I \ I \ I I I nuvAMUCA'nn nuuNiMO Tomw nuvAMUCA'nn nuuNiMO Tomw c MKI wn MIL B ^ 1 1^ SITE PLAN ruu—L 4 0 Cttrof CARUBAD PHASE roUR •rr WLC Architects m 2 F, PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY m |g 1. Phase I $ 6,000.00 2. Phase n 12,500.00 3. Phase m 128,000.00 m 4. Phase IV 1,225,000.00 m m m H «i il m m m TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 1,371,500.00 Public Safety Training Facility Project P60015100xl-na Needs Assessment Page 12