HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Public Works Service Plan CM&I 2004/05; Public Works Service Plan CM&I 2004/05; 2004-07-27PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE PLAN - 2004/05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION July 27, 2004 Improve Inspection Request Processing Activity Description Requests for engineering inspections are made to the Construction Management & Inspection (CM&I) Division by telephone or fax transmittal. If a request is being made via telephone, the contractor calls into the inspection line, and leaves the required information via message in the inspection voicemail box. CM&I office staff then logs into that voicemail box from their phone at various points throughout the day, writes down the information, and then enters the request into the computer system. If the contractor is requesting his inspection via fax, they fill out a standardized request form, then fax that form to CM&I. Problem/Issue Statement Many of the inspection requests are made by the contractor's office staff. Most of these offices have "modern technology" and internet access. However, they are currently still required to make a phone call or use their fax machine to request inspection in the City of Carlsbad. This is not always the most convenient method of making requests. Often times, the inspection request phone line is busy, and they must try several times to get through to leave their message. If they're faxing their request in, they're sometimes met with the same situation: the line is busy and they might have to make several attempts. Both of these methods can be time consuming for the contractor. Sometimes, if they don't succeed in getting their request in right away, it eventually gets overlooked and doesn't get to us in time for the needed inspection. Idea/Recommendation Our division proposes that we give contractors the option of requesting their inspections on-line, from the City's web site. This will be done electronically by entering information into the required blank fields of an electronic request form. They would then "submit" the request electronically via e-mail, directly to the Construction Management & Inspection department. Contractors would also have the option of printing a blank inspection request form and, if they chose to do so, can hand-write information onto the form and fax it back to our division. Our proposal will provide contractors the additional convenience and ease of making an inspection request on-line, while still keeping the other two methods (telephone and fax transmittals) available. It will also make it more convenient for our office to get additional information to the contractors, such as upcoming holidays, by posting "notes" or "reminders" on the website request page. 07/21/2004 1 of 3 Cost/Benefit Analysis The cost of implementing this idea is relatively inexpensive. CM&I staff, and IT staff time is mainly what's involved. It will take approximately eight hours of CM&I staff time coming up with the web site information. The staff time involved for IT is approximately eight to ten hours. CM&I staff has already met with IT and they are willing to work with staff to complete this project. The benefit of offering this method of requesting inspections to contractors is that it brings the City into the "modern age" where computers and the internet are so widely used. By offering this service, we're also greatly increasing our customer service to those who work in the City by giving them options, and making it easier for them to request their inspection. For CM&I staff, rather than having to log into the inspection mailbox, write out the requests, then enter them into the computer, they will be able to directly enter the information into the computer via the e-mail that will be received when someone submits their on-line request. This will save approximately three minutes per inspection request (there are approximately 30 requests made per day), for a total time savings of 1.5 hours. This is a great proactive approach to customer service that the City will be taking. Not only will it be easier for those who work in the City of Carlsbad, but will also be easier for those who work in CM&I. Our recommendation is that CM&I staff work with IT staff to create a home page for CM&I where contractors can go to request their engineering inspections. Discuss alternatives Status Quo, no change. Continue inspection request processing as is currently practiced. If no changes are made, the CM&I staff time savings will not be realized. Identify/Overcome Objections Possible objections: 1. Additional IT and/or Business Systems Specialist staff time involved in developing and implementing the website access inspection form. 2. CM&I staff time it would take to check the e-mails received requesting inspections. Overcome objections: 1. While there would be some additional staff time spent initially to implement this new process, there would be minimal staff time (if any) required to maintain the website as the information on the request form rarely changes. 2. CM&I staff already has to spend time logging into the voice mail system to retrieve the requests. Checking e-mails will be less time-consuming (saving approximately 3 minutes per inspection) and more convenient for CM&I staff by 07/21/2004 2 of 3 saving time and allowing the convenience of checking e-mails at a time convenient for staff. 07/21/2004 3 of 3