HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Recycled Water Master Plan 2012 Append G & Exhibit; Recycled Water Master Plan 2012 Append G & Exhibits; 2012-01-12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc Appendix G HYDRAULIC MODEL MANUAL January 2012 G-1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc This manual is intended as a reference for the District in utilization of the hydraulic model prepared as a part of the Carlsbad Recycled Water Master Plan. This manual pulls extensively from materials prepared as a part of the master plan, especially the model development chapter (Chapter 6). For further details on the calibration efforts, refer to Chapter 6 of the master plan. G.1 HYDRAULIC MODEL OVERVIEW Rapid innovations in personal computing and the large selection of software have made network analysis modeling efficient and practical for virtually any water system. Hydraulic modeling is an important tool for analyzing a water system. Hydraulic models can simulate existing and future water systems, identify system deficiencies, analyze impacts from increased demands, and evaluate the effectiveness of proposed system improvements, including those within capital improvement plans. In addition, a hydraulic model provides both the engineer and water system operator with a better understanding of the water system. Hydraulic models are typically composed of three main parts: • The data file that stores the geographic location of facilities. The geographic data file provides water system facility locations and is typically represented as an AutoCAD or geographic information systems (GIS) file. Elements used in this file to model system facilities include pipes, junction nodes (connection points for pipes and location of demands), control valves, pumps, tanks, and reservoirs. • A database that defines the physical system. The database for the District’s model is linked to the geographic data file. The database includes water system facility information such as facility size and geometry, operational characteristics, and production/consumption data. • A computer program “calculator”. This calculator solves a series of hydraulic equations based on information in the database file to define and generate the performance of the water system in terms of pressure, flow and operation status. The key to maximizing benefits from the hydraulic model is correctly interpreting the results so the user understands how the water distribution system is affected by the various components of the model. This understanding enables the engineer to be proactive in developing solutions to existing and future water system goals and objectives. With this approach, the hydraulic model is not only used to identify the adequacy of system performance, but is also used to find solutions for operating the water system according to established performance criteria. Developing an accurate and reliable computer model begins with entering the best available information into the database and calibrating the model to match existing conditions in the field. Once the model has been calibrated, it becomes a valuable tool to evaluate operational problems and to plan distribution system improvement projects. G-2 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.2 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT G.2.1 Hydraulic Model Selection Several software programs are widely used to model distribution systems. The variety of program capabilities and features makes the selection of a particular software program generally dependent upon three factors: user preference, the requirements of the particular water distribution system, and the cost associated with the software. The District has selected H2OMAP® Water, developed by MWH Soft, Inc., for the hydraulic modeling of its recycled water distribution system. G.2.2 Previous Hydraulic Model The District’s initial hydraulic model of its recycled water distribution system was developed in 2000 as a part of the Encina Basin Recycled Water Distribution System Study (JPA, 2000) using H2ONET® Version 2.0. The hydraulic model provided to Carollo Engineers at the beginning of this project was developed by District staff in H2OMAP® Water. G.2.3 Hydraulic Model Creation The District provided GIS layers containing relevant information concerning its pipeline network. Since the level of detail and topology of the District’s GIS layers was judged to be more representative of the recycled water distribution system than the previous hydraulic model, the District’s GIS layers were imported into the hydraulic model rather than the pipelines from the previous hydraulic model. Facilities and controls were then adapted from the previous hydraulic model. In summary, the model creation process involved the following steps: • Link Creation. Links were created from the District’s GIS layers of pipeline elements to represent the District’s recycled water system. • Node Creation. Nodes were automatically generated at the intersections of pipeline segments. Individual nodes representing specific components of the City’s recycled water system such as tanks and reservoirs were added. • Attribute Data Input. Unique attribute data was assigned to each link and node. • Facility Creation. Facilities were imported from the previous hydraulic model and verified through discussions with District staff. • Operational Data. Based on the previous hydraulic model as well as discussions with District operations staff, control parameters were assigned to the appropriate links and nodes. January 2012 G-3 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc The model operates according to the operational and physical attributes assigned to each node and link. This information is used to simulate flows and pressures within the system as predicted by the model’s mathematical equations. A screenshot of the hydraulic model is shown in Figure G.1. Figure G.1 Screenshot of Hydraulic Model G.2.4 Model Pipelines Hydraulic models consist of links and nodes to model representations of physical system components of a distribution system. Links are used to represent pipes, pumps, and control valves. Pipeline segments represent the actual transmission or distribution water pipelines. In the attribute table for each pipe, data typically includes diameter, length, C-factor, and pressure zone. The model calculator uses the attribute data to determine increases or decreases in energy levels across the link. Some of the reported output data which the model calculates for links include flows, velocities, head loss, and changes in hydraulic grade line. G-4 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.2.5 Model Nodes Nodes represent the connections between links and may act as either a supply source, such as a reservoir or tank, or a customer demand. Nodes also define the boundaries of each link and separate links that may contain different attributes. Each node also has an elevation that fixes the elevations of the connecting link elements. Attribute data associated with each node typically includes elevation, water demand, and pressure zone. The model calculates system pressures, hydraulic grade lines, demands, and water quality parameters at each node. G.2.6 Demand Allocation For the existing system, demands were allocated based on historical billing records for the calendar year 2008. Demands from customer meters were allocated to the existing junction within the hydraulic model nearest the location of the meter in the City’s GIS layer of meters. Locations of meters for the five largest users were imported directly from the City’s GIS layer of meters, giving the five largest users their own nodes. These meters are assigned the same Meter ID as the City’s GIS layer and the name of the customer is included in the Description field for the junction element. For the future system, demands from the customer database were allocated to the nearest junction … G.2.7 Elevation Allocation Elevations were linearly interpolated to all junctions from the City’s GIS layer of ground elevation contours. This contour layer has 2-foot intervals and according to the filename reflects topography in 2005. As a part of model development during calibration, elevations were adjusted in the vicinity of Whiptail Loop north of Faraday Avenue to reflect grading changes made after 2005. For pipeline segments extending outside the coverage of the elevation contours provided by the District, approximate elevations were calculated from data obtained from USGS (USGS, 2010). January 2012 G-5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.3 SCENARIOS Table G.1 Scenarios Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Scenario Name Description Intent Comment BASE Base Network Scenario Not for Use CALIB Calibration Scenarios Calibration Use Time Setting: CALIB_024HRS EXIST Existing Scenarios Existing System FUTURE Future Scenarios Not for Use FUTURE_ALGN Future Alignments Analysis Expansion Segments FUTURE_ALT Future Alternative Expansion Analysis Alternatives (e.g., TAP Connection) FUTURE_ULT Future Ultimate Analysis Build Out G.4 DEMANDS G.4.1 Demand Conditions Rather than using separate demand sets for the various demand conditions, the model is set up to utilize the demand multiplier as the seasonal peaking factor for different demand conditions. The advantage of this method is that when adding a new demand to the existing system, it is only necessary to add it to the active demand set; it is not necessary to replicate it in multiple demand sets for Maximum Month Demands, Average Day Demands, etc. The primary disadvantage is that a single seasonal peaking factor is used for all customers. To change the current demand condition, choose the desired demand condition from the list of Simulation Options in the Run Manager. G-6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc Table G.2 Demand Conditions Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Simulation Options ID Description of Demand Condition Seasonal Peaking Factor AAD_WQ Average Annual Demand 1.0 MMD Maximum Month Demand 1.7 NDD Minimum Month Demand 0.2 The above seasonal peaking factor is entered into the Global Demand Multiplier dialog box of the Demand tab in Simulation Options for each demand condition. G.4.2 Demand Sets Demand sets are used to model different scenarios for the distribution system. For example, the future system includes customers that are not represented in the existing system. Within H2OMAP® Water, scenarios are assigned a Demand Set, corresponding to a specific demand condition. The model includes five demand sets, details of which are shown in Table G.3. Table G.3 Demand Sets Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Demand Set ID Intended Use BASE Not for Use CALIB Replication of Calibration Scenario EXIST_ADD Average Day Demand FUTURE_ADD Future System (All Expansions Included, but no Ultimate Demands) ULTIMATE_ADD Ultimate Demands (no temporary agricultural demands) The above seasonal peaking factor is entered into the Global Demand Multiplier dialog box of the Demand tab in Simulation Options for each demand condition. January 2012 G-7 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.4.3 Demand Tables Within H2OMAP® Water, each Demand Set consists of a demand table containing nine fields of demands assigned to each junction, named Demand1 through Demand9. Each field can represent a component of demand. For the calibration and existing scenarios, the demand tables use only the Demand1 field. For the future system demand sets, the fields Demand1 through Demand3 are used to clarify the inclusion or relevancy of demands. Table G.4 Demand Table Fields Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Field Name Demand Source Demand1 Existing System Demands Demand2 Potential Customers (from Customer Database) Demand3 New Development Areas (with indefinite timing) It is recommended that when testing alternatives in the existing system Demand2 through Demand9 are used to avoid unintentionally adding demands into the existing system database. G.5 FACILITIES Table G.5 describes how each of the District’s facilities are modeled in the existing and future systems. Table G.5 Modeling of Facilities Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Facility Facility Type Modeled As Notes Carlsbad WRF Discharge Pump Station Pumps (3) Two additional pumps in Future scenarios Carlsbad WRF Equalization Basin Cylindrical Tank (Equivalent) Additional equalization basin is in the model but inactive for future scenarios. Avenida Encinas PRV Pressure Regulating Station Valves (2-PRVs) Twin D Booster Pump Station Pumps (4) One is off due to firm capacity. Twin D Ralph Valve Valve (PSV) G-8 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc Table G.5 Modeling of Facilities Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Facility Facility Type Modeled As Notes Twin D Potable Makeup Connection Not Modeled Not Modeled Twin D Reservoir Cylindrical Tank (Equivalent) C Tank Reservoir Cylindrical Tank La Costa / Poinsetta PRV Pressure Regulating Station Valves (2-PRVs, 1- Relief) Corintia Valve Isolation Valve Valve (1-TCV) Mahr Reservoir Tank (Variable Area) Bressi PS Pump Station Pumps (3) Includes hydropneumatic tank Faraday PRV Pressure Regulating Station Valves (2-PRVs, 1- Relief) Meadowlark WRF Discharge Pump Station Pumps (3) Not modeled in Existing and Calibration Scenarios Meadowlark WRF Clearwell Cylindrical Tank (Equivalent) Not modeled in Existing and Calibration Scenarios Calavera PS Pump Station Pumps (3) Includes hydropneumatic tank Village PS Pump Station Pumps (2) Modeled as VSP; one is off due to firm capacity. Carlsbad WRF Low Pressure PS Discharge Pump Station Pumps (2) Modeled as VSP; one is off due to firm capacity. Holly Springs HOA PS Pump Station Pumps (3) Includes hydropneumatic tank VID PS Pump Station Pump (1) Modeled as VSP. Salk PRS Pressure Regulating Station Valve (1-PRV) Cannon PRS Pressure Regulating Station Valve (1-PRV) Quarry Creek PRS Pressure Regulating Station Valve (1-PRV) La Costa Ridge PS Pump Station Pumps (2) Modeled as VSP; one is off due to firm capacity. Santa Fe Tank I Reservoir Cylindrical Tank Zone 550 Tank Reservoir Cylindrical Tank January 2012 G-9 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.6 DATABASE FIELDS G.6.1 Attribute Data Information For junction elements, attribute data was added for the fields DMD_NODE, FACILITYID, FAC_NODE, LARGEUSER, STATUS, LOGGER, and LOGGERID. The LOGGER and LOGGERID fields were added as a part of the calibration process. Descriptions for the junction fields added to the model as well as sources are shown in Table G.6. For pipeline elements, attribute data was imported from the City’s GIS pipeline layer for the fields Diameter, Material, Zone, Year of Installation, and Facility ID. Descriptions for all the fields added to the pipeline elements in the model as well as sources are shown in Table G.7. Table G.6 Junction Attribute Data Fields Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Field Name Description Valid Entries Source DMD_NODE Indicates if a demand is placed on the junction. Boolean (Yes or No) Demand Allocation FAC_NODE Indicates if the junction is a part of a facility. Boolean (Yes or No) Generated by Consultant LARGEUSER Indicates if the junction represents the meter of a large user. Boolean (Yes or No) City’s meter GIS layer. STATUS Indicates whether a facility is active in the existing system. ACT, ABAN City’s pipeline GIS layer: “STATUS” Field G-10 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc Table G.7 Pipeline Attribute Data Fields Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Field Name Description Valid Entries Source DIAMETER Diameter of pipeline Integers City’s pipeline GIS layer: “Diam” Field MATERIAL Pipeline material ACP, CML&C, DI, STL, PVC (with class) City’s pipeline GIS layer: “PIPETYPE” and “PIPECLASS” Fields ZONE Pressure zone which pipeline is a part of. 318, 384, 550, 580, 660 City’s pipeline GIS layer: “PressZone” Field. YR_INST Year pipeline installed. Adapted from year of “ASBUILT” field. For pipelines with unknown “ASBUILT” field, used “SIGNDATE” field. Integer, 9999 used for unknown years. City’s pipeline GIS layer: “ASBUILT” and “SIGNDATE” Fields. FACILITYID Unique Identifier. Not included on pipelines not from the City’s GIS. WM##### City’s pipeline GIS layer: “FacilityID” Field. FACILITY Indicates whether an element is part of a facility (i.e., pipeline segments used for modeling purposes rather than actual pipeline in the ground) Boolean (Yes or No) Generated by Consultant STATUS Indicates whether a facility is active in the existing system. ACT, ABAN City’s pipeline GIS layer: “STATUS” Field WQ_GROUP Group number for water quality pipe coefficient calculation (in calibration). Integer Created from material, age, diameter, or geographic location RESID Average chlorine residual under typical conditions Number Calculated from convergence of residuals for full system (during water quality calibration) SRVC_AREA Service area in which the pipeline is located (or owner). CMWD, OMWD, VID, and VWD Geographic location EXP_LAT Indicates which expansion segment future pipelines belong to 1 through 19, 99 For future pipelines, assigned as a part of future system analysis. SPCLCNST Indicates whether special construction conditions apply to future pipelines SL (sliplining) For future pipelines, assigned as a part of future system analysis. PRIORCNST Indicates whether a future pipeline is already constructed Boolean (Yes or No) For future pipelines, assigned as a part of future system analysis. January 2012 G-11 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc G.7 DATA SETS G.7.1 Pipe Sets Two pipe sets are used in the hydraulic model: • EXIST • FUTURE The FUTURE pipe set was created to account for the potential decrease in friction factors as pipelines in the distribution system age. As outlined in Chapter 7, a Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient of 120 was used for pipelines over 20 years of age. For the future system, all existing pipelines were assumed to be greater than 20 years of age by this time. G.7.2 Control Sets Three control sets are used in the hydraulic model: • CALIB • EXIST • FUTURE The CALIB control set is used to establish the specific and detailed controls from the calibration period. This control set should only be used to replicate calibration conditions. The EXIST control set represents the typical operations of the system as determined from discussions with District operations staff. Changes to the District’s typical control strategies should be made in this control set. The FUTURE control set was created based on the facilities added as a part of the future system evaluation. Some controls for existing facilities were modified to incorporate proposed facilities. Note that all future scenarios use the same FUTURE control set. G.8 MODEL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The hydraulic model is setup to use Query Sets for switching the active facility set within each scenario. If new elements are added to the model, they will behave as active until the model scenario is changed unless the STATUS field is properly populated. If the STATUS field is not populated, the new element will become inactive after switching scenarios. Ordinarily, this should cause the model to be resilient towards unintended modifications due to temporary analysis or “what if” scenarios, but this may create some unexpected errors if, for instance, junctions are inserted into an existing pipeline segment without the STATUS field of the junction set to match the pipeline. G-12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Appendicies/Appendix_G.doc Three query sets are included that are used for switching between scenarios: • FAC_ACTIVE: Existing system and Calibration scenarios. Includes elements with the STATUS field of “ACT” • FAC_PROPOSED: Future system scenarios. Includes elements with the STATUS field of “ACT”, “POTABLE”, “FUTURE” • FAC_ULTIMATE: Ultimate system scenarios. Includes elements with the STATUS field of “ACT”, “POTABLE”, “FUTURE”, and “ULTIMATE” To create elements within the existing system scenario (that are intended to remain in the existing system scenario), populate the STATUS field of all the elements with “ACT” (without quotes). Note that some elements have STATUS values other than those stated above, for instance “NONE” or “ALT”. These elements were not intended to be active, but are added to the model for analyzing alternatives. For instance, there is a second equalization basin at Carlsbad WRF that has a STATUS value of “NONE”, used when analyzing if an additional equalization basin would assist in a particular scenario or alternative. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRF Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRFand PS Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" Tanks Calavera PS CWRF PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PS Pacific Ocean Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRF LakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeter C080 C023 C002 C030 C109 MaerkleReservoir Tri Agency Pipeling (TAP) 14 Santa Fe I Tank8"CONNECT GAFNER WRP TO SYSTEM 255 Zone PRS Faraday PRSPALM AVJ A MES D R CAY DRPINE AVM A DIS O N STOAK AVJAMES DRSUNNY CREEK RD O CEA N ST JA M E S D R REFUGI O AVEL FUERTE STCHESTNUT AVFOREST AVCHESTNUT AVDAVIS AVLAGUNA DR GREENVIEW DRWO ODRID GE C R RIM CRVISTA CANELACORTE SEGURAVIA AMADORPLATI NUM PLRATCLIFF RDFEBO CT VIA PLATILLO ROGUE ISLE CT H A R B O R D R VIA DIEGO W H ITEY DR BADAJOZ PLA LIC A N T E R D VISTA MAREL PATO CTTRUESDELL LNPIPIT CTCABRILLO PLVIA PESCADO CORTE LIMON CA LO M A C R WINDJAMMER WY SAN RAMONBELLE LN R O Y A L D R ROCOSO LNSITIO PALMASMARK CR WAYFINDERS CTP A R K SI DE P L CO RT E A N A N A S LANDS END CT CLIFF CRLEWIS LNL AS BRIS AS CTKREMEYER CRAVEN IDA T HER E SA RANCHO SANTA FE RDAUTO CENTER CT PASEO GRANI TOTERRACE PLTAM A R A C K A V VISPERA PLCIPRIANO LNC O L L E G E B L C O R T E C U R V A RANCHO ARROBA VIA COSCOJA PASEO TIENDACORDOBA PL TERRAZA GOYA A URA C R CARVALLO CTFERNGLEN RDPASEO LA JOLLAV IA PA J A R O GLORIA LN ENDEAVOR LN AL DE A P L VIS TA RIC A EL C A MIN O R EAL VIA HOJAFOREST VIEW WY CALLE COZUMELSITIO SAGOLA TINADA CTAPPLE HILL PLCARACOL CT BARRANCA CT PLATEAU PL VIA LIBERTAD BRYCE CRP O R T A P LDON ARTURO DRM A R A Z U L WYSYCAMORE AVMARINA DRAVENTURINE PLBO NITA LNC O R T E B R E Z O CAMASSIA LN F RIE N D L Y P LCAMELLIA PLC A N D IL P L B L U F F VIE W WY P A L O M A R A IR P O R T R D BATIQUITOS DR RANCHO LA PRESASANFORD LNLEUCI TE PLAV O C A D O LN BLACK RAIL RDDON LUIS DR CORTE VERSO PAMPLONA WY KIMBERLY CT SEAHORSE CT SANDERLING CTKALPATI CR CAMI NI TO SUENOALCYON CT PASEO MEMBRILLOBAYSHORE DRCALLE CATALONIADORADO PLH O L LY B R A E L N OBELI SCO PLLA MACERENA AV KIRK PL AVE N ID A O LM E D A CALLE ANDARAT A DER O CT AUBURN AV H ILLVIEW C TEUCALYPTUS LN WOLVERINE TERRACE F A L D A P L C UMB R E C T PASEO ELEGANCIACORTE PALOMA MAEZEL LN EBB TIDE STC ALA VO C T DON JOSE DRCAMI NO DEL PRADOR A N C H O C O M P A N E R O AVENIDA OBERTURAVIA ORILLAPASEO CARRETALANAKAI L NLA PLUMA LN CORTE PENCATERRAZA DISOMA CITR A C A D O C R BLUEBIRD LN MAY CT TOURMALINE PLAVENIDA ENCINASMCCAULEY LNCORTE CICUTA VIA IRISSWEETWATER ST CAMI NI TO MONARCASCOTT DRSANDPIPER PLBUTTERS RDL A D E R A C T QUI NTA STDON PORFIRIO DRDEH E S A C TKYANITE PLLA SELVA WYGREY HAWK CT WILDROSE TERRACECALINA WYLATITUDE LNCORTE ACIANO A VENID A E NCI NASSURF CREST STNEW LAND CTSCHOONER WYCALLE ARROYODISCOVERY RD KEATS PL O N Y X P L ME RMAI D L NSITIO LIRIOVIA PUERTACHERRY AVBRANTA AVRANCHO DIA M ON TE SPARROW RDSONORA CTA VI A R A PYCORTE DELFINIODAVID PLSITIO COLINACORTE ESPERANZASEQUOIA AVALICANTE RD LA PLANCHA LN CALLE VALLARTAVIA TECAG A RFIELD S T AV E N ID A T O R O N J A M A S TO D O N C T VIA IPANEMADON CARLOS DRRILL CT RED KNOT STCABO CT SITI O A B E T OTORREJON PLREPO SADO DRVIA DE CANTO A ZAH AR C TVIA MAXIMOMONTECITO DRSITIO S A L VIAMALACHITE PL CARPA CTDON PABLO DR BLU E ORCH ID LNHIDDEN VALLEY RDESCENICO TERRACE DARTINGTON WYVIA HINTONSANTA ISABEL STBLUEBONNET DRPASEO CORONOBLACKBIRD CRSUNBURST RD VERDE AV STRATFORD LN CLEARVIEW DRLILY PL BLACK SWAN PLC A L L E J A LIS C OCORTINA CTM APLE AVLI LI U M L NSOCORRO LN H A L S IN G C T MALLOW CT HERIT AGE DRDON ORTEGA DRORI ON WYMILANO DRARGONAUTA WYVIEJO CASTILLA WYSU BID A TER RACEWOODFERN LNLANCEWOOD LN P E T U NIA P L C O R TE S O N R IS ASITIO MONTECILLOR U D D E R A V VALLECITOS W D DYREEVE RDPLAYA RDRANCHO DEL CANON C A LE TA C T CALLE PINONBORLA PLINGLETON AV L A WRENC E ST CHINQUAPIN AVJ ETTY PTLIGHTHOUSE RDBRUCE RDNOB HI LL DR MAPLE LEAF DRJASPER WYM CKIN LEY ST I-5 LAS FLORES NB ON RA VERMARINE CT AVIARA PY C IM A C TROCK DOVE STBUOY AV ARUNDEL AV SACADA CRPLAZUELA ST CRESTVIEW DR VIA PEPITALOTUS CT FIO N A P L MARRON RD E S CAL L O NI A C T LOMA LAGUNA DRMONTIA CTL O WD E R L N SIMSBURY CT CRATER RIM RD PASEO ENCINOBUENA PL HELENITE PLGRULLA ST BOCA ST SUMMIT TRAIL CT CAMI NO DEL PARQUEOLIVE AVLY NCH CT GRANADA WY DON MATA DR BERKELEY AV ALLSTON STLARIMAR AV L A K E WO O D S T S E A WAR D AV MAVERICK WYWHITECAP DRTRIGO LNMOORHEN PLSILVERLEAF CRHASTINGS DR IRIS CTLIMONITE CT MALLEE STAVENIDA PIMENTERA CALLE SAN BLASFLAMENCO STEDE NDAL E STVILLAGE GREEN DRCOVENTRY RDJASMINE CT CAL L E GAVA NZOCONCORD STTATLER RDABELIA AV LUCIA CTPANNONIA RD ABEJORRO ST SITIO BORDECORINTIA S TROBINEA DRCAMINO CEREZAPASEO TAXCOCORTE ROMEROYOSEMITE STPASEO DEL NORTE M E L ODIA T E R R A C E KARST RD MORADA STSORA WY C AM INO C O R TEOLEANDER WYCONEFLOWER DRCAMINITO SIERRAKALMIA CR CEREUS CT MARIPOSA RD TRITON ST COSTA DEL MAR RDMEADOW DRE L F UERT E S T VI A MARINEROSAUSALITO AV CAMINO DE LAS ONDAST E A T R E E S TVIA ASTUTOZODIAC STDATE AVBRIARWOOD DRWATERCOURSE DRH O P E AV ALLEY PUEBLO STORCHID WY LINDSAY DRSHEARWATER DRARGOSY LNBLENKARNE DRCIRCULO PAPAYOC A LLIA N D R A R D CINDY AV PASEO TULIPERO AR LAN D R D H A R RIS O N S T MUSLO LNCABELA PLRANCHO DEL OROPACIFIC AVLEM O N LE A F D R PASEO CRISTALAVENIDA DE SUENO SKIMMER CT SAVANNAH LN CANTI L STTUTTLE STA M A N T E C T C O A S T LIN E A V C A MIN O A L V A R O WOODSTOCK ST I- 5 P OI NSETT I A NB OF R AAVENIDA MARAVILLA AVIARA PY WHI TEWA TE R S T LA DUELA LNADOLPHIA DRWIL L OW PL CALLE OLIVACARMEL DRTYLER S T ALLEY PAL M E T T O D R CHESHIRE AV URUBU STAMES PLAVENA CT LAGUNA DR PEAR TREE DRGAY LE W YDAFFODIL PLCOYOTE CT DON MIGUEL DR BUCK RIDGE AV ROSEMARY AV ORIOLE CT STONERIDGE RD RANCHO BRASADO CYNTHIA LN LA PALOMA STSAN LUCASTANAGER DRDON RICARDO DR NORTH FORK AVDAVIS AVDICKINSON DRNICOLIA DR EL FUERTE STAVENID A D E L ALBASNAPDRAGON DRCALLE MEJORIVORY PLGOLDENBUSH DRPALM A VCAYENNE LNQUAIL PL OBELI SCO CRVA L E WO O D AV AVENIDA DE LOUISA A L O N D R A W Y CANYON ST MASTERS RD ESTANCIA STKINGSTON ST A N N D R EL AGUILA ST I-5 POIN SETTIA NB ON R A SITI O A L G O D O NVIA MARTASPOKANE WY C O RV A L LIS S T CORTE DEL NOGALREGATTA RDMERLIN DRPOINSETTIA LNLANCASTER RD CARINGA WYINVERNESS DRAZALEA PLJEREZ CTS H O R E D R SPOONBILL LNEL RASTRO LN GAVIOTA CR A N C H O R W Y STANFORD STSEVILLA WYSITI O M A N A N A R O C K R ID G E R D BRASS PLR A N C H O F A M O S A PRIMAVERA WYDI V IT A D RGREBE DRTOBRIA TERRACELONGVIEW DRA V E N ID A D IE S T R O CALLE PALMI TOMARSH WREN STVA N ALLEN W YGOLDSTONE RDC AM IN O LA R G OA C U N A C TSANTA CLARA WYGEODE LN L EEWA R D S T SITIO O C E A N OHERON CRP A S E O S A U C E D A LREDWOOD AVSAN BENITO SI TI O FRONTERANEPTUNE DRT RA DEWI NDS DRFERMI CTRAN C H O S A NTA FE RDCATAMARAN DR REFUGIO AVROCIO STSALIENTE W YCORTE PANORAMA JA D E L NARAPAHO PLSOLANO STVI A ARCETERN PLOLEA LN SURF S I DE L NP O IN S E TT IA LNVALENCIA AVKNOWLES AV PASEO CAPUCHINAPINTAIL DR VANCOUVER ST ATHENS AVSUTTER ST A VENID A ARAG O NPALENQUE STGOLDENEYE VWAVENIDA CIRUELACIARDI CTDON JUAN DRAZAHAR PLTELESCOPE AVCALLE MADEROHORIZON DRPASEO CERROCORVI DAE STMADRILENA WYAVALON AVWESTWOOD DRGATESHEAD RD POPPY LNELMWOOD STPASEO ARRAYANAVENIDA NIEVEL A R E D O S T PAR ADI SE RD TIBURON AV CALLE MADRIDCEBU PLCAMINO LINDO R A N C H O R IO C H IC O FOLLETTE STCOLIBRI LN QUEBRADA CR A V E N ID A LA C IM A CORTE ORCHIDIA CAMINO CORONADOC A M IN O D E A MIG O SAPPIAN RDGALLEON WYS A LIS B U R Y D R HEMLO CK AVBRYANT DRWISTERIA WY NIG H TSHADE RDG A R B O S O S TSADDLE DRAVENIDA VALLERA LOS PINOS CRR ID G E C REST D R HOM E AVTOWHEE LNTURNSTONE RD FI NCH LNHAR B O R P OINT R D T O P E K A S T RANCHO CORTES TANZANITE DRMAGELLAN STJACKSPAR DRARGO N AUTA STT ILIA P L CALLE POSADARUSH ROSE DROC E A N VIE W D R VICTORIA AV W A SHIN GTO N ST WALNUT AVS Y M E D R R E GE N T R D ALANDER CT TOPMAST DRP A L A CI O D RALDER AVYOURELL AV SHOREBIRD LN AVENID A PANTE RA LAS OLAS CT PASEO MONONAJUNIPER AVGALICIA WYSTRATA DRLE G OLA N D DR PALOMAR OAKS WY S EA CR E S T D R THE CROSSI NGS DRAMARGOSA DRAVENIDA ANACAPAYORK RD A Z A H A R S T NAVARRA DR BR E SSI RANC H WY POINSETTIA LN CARNATI ON DRCAMINO ROBLEDO M ADIS O N S T ACACIA AVCOVE DR G IB R A LT A R S TAIRCR AFT D Y CATALPA R D TORRY CTWHITMAN WYSHOREL I NE DRDEL REY AVJANIS W YWHIPTAIL LOOPCIRCULO SEQUOIA HIGH RIDGE AV FOREST AV CAM IN O ARENAG A B BI ANO L NSITIO LIMAEDINBURGH DRCATAL I NA DREAST POINTE AV CRYSTALLINE DRCASSI NS STHOOVER STSAPPHIRE DR L ON I CE RA S T MILTON RD CITRINE DRLA GRAN VIA CAMINO DE LOS COCHES PA S EO ESMERADOS O M B R O S A S T J A M E S D R MARI TI ME DRLA GOLONDRINA STRICH FI ELD DRSTATE ST ALLEY AVENI DA DE ANI TAPASEO PRIVADOLIN D E N TE R R A C E FOUR PEAKS ST SI TI O CORAZONCALLE TIMITEO GALENA AV PALISADES DR LA P O R TALAD A D R SUNCUP WYALTIVA PLPLUM TREE RD FOXTAIL LP BABI LONI A STI M PA LA D RTOLKIEN WY R O S E D R L A N T A N A T E R R A C E WILS O N ST ALTIS MA WYCOLUMBINE DRVISTA LA NISAAVI LA AVCARL S B A D ST AT E B EACH DYC A C A T U A S T KINGFISHER LNCAY DRHEMINGWAY DR GRAND PACIFIC DR RANCHO SANTA FE RD (ABANDONED)C R E ST D R PALMER WYO L Y MPIA D R L O S R O B L E S D R LINC O LN ST LAS FLORES DR T W AIN A V A B E D U L S T ARENAL RDMANZANITA STBUENA VISTA WY HAR WICH DR FOSCA STRANCHO PANCHOBOLERO STL A P IS R D RUTHERFORD RD IVY STYARROW DRE A S Y S T R OMERIA S T C A Z A D E R O D RISLE DREL A R B O L D R SITIO BAYATOWN GARDEN RD L U C IE R N A G A S THALITE PLRANCHO BRAVADO PONTO DRCAMINO SERBAL ASTON AVPINE AVKELLY DRF L E E T S T ALMADEN LNSIE R R A M O R E N A A V SEGOVIA WY AMBER LN ANILLO WYNEBLINA DRHAYMAR DR GLEN AV K E S T R E L D R CELINDA DR M I C A R D CAMINO JUNIPEROBLACK RAIL RDCARRILLO WY DOVE LN PASEO ALISOORION STSALK AVGLASGOW DRSUNNYHI LL DRDAISY AV LIONSHEAD AV O C EAN ST M AG N O LIA AV FROST AVBASSWOOD AVR O O S EVELT ST V E N A DO ST PIRAGUA ST OLIVENHAIN RD A RMA DA DRHOSP WYE S T REL L A DE MAR RDG RAND AVCAL L E ACE RVOESFERA STCAMINO VIDA ROBLE H A R DIN G ST S K Y LIN E R D AMBROSIA LNAVIARA DRJEFFERSON STMI MO S A DR D O NN A D R SUNNY CREEK RDCADENCIA STUNICORNIO STOAK AVGATEWAY RD HILLSIDE DR XANA WY T RI ESTE DRC O RIN TIA S TPONTIAC DRVALLEY ST BATIQUITOS DRCALLE BARCELONA A D A M S S T M O N R O E S T PI O PI CO DR PASEO DEL NORTEC H E S TNUT AV HIG H L A N D D RCARLSBAD VILLAGE DRLEVANTE ST RANCHO SANTA FE RDPARK DREL FUERTE ST M E L R O S E D R AVENI DA ENCI NASA LI CA NT E R D MAR RON RD C A R LS B A D BL AVIARA PYTA M ARACK AV PALOMAR AIRPORT RDA L G A R D COLLEGE BL POINSETTIA LN L A C O S T A A VCANNON RDEL CAMINO REAL AT & S F R RI-5 FARADAY AVF A R A D A Y A V C a rls b a d V illa g e R e d u n d a n c y P ip e lin e E xistin g F ails a fe P ip elin e San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside Olivenhain Municipal Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District 8 2 1 3 4B 9 12 7 4C 6 11 17 18 16 3 13 5 15 4A 1014"1 2 " 2 0 " 16"6"4"6" 6" 4 " 8 "8 "6"8 "8"8"8" 8"8"6"6"12"8 "20"1 2 " 12"8"6"4"6"6"6"6"4" 12"6"8 "8"1 2 " 6"8"8"6"12"6"6 " 8 " 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C039 C059 C050 C058 C053 C069 C061 C055 C081 C065 C082 C066 C084C052 C074 C049 C086 C054 C057 C092 C073C071C079 C085 C083 C062 C087 C010 C088 C042 C056 C044 C041 C034 C068 C051 C060 C063 C037 C043 C078 C040 C018 C070 C047 C045 C046 C067 C014 C038 C003 C013 C023 C020 C027 C026 C033 C035 C002 C004 C012 C021 C025 C090 C072 C029 C028 16''18''2 7 '' 4''20' ' 1 2'' 6 ''24''2'' 1 0'' 8''14''30''8'' 8'' 8'' 8''8''12''8''8''8''8 ''8''4'' 8'' 8 ''12''8''8''8'' 8''24''4 ''6'' 12''8''8''4''8''20''12''8'' 30'' 14''18''8'' 8'' 6''24''6''8''12''18''16''12''8'' 1 2''14''12''4'' 8'' 8'' 8 ''12'' 16''6''12''6''8''1 2 ''12''8''6''4'' 12''18''18'' 12'' 12''8''12'' 1 2 ''8''8''18''8''12'' 12'' 1 2''30''12''16 '' 18''8''8''8'' 8''8''18'' 6'' 8'' 18'' 8''6''8'' 8'' 8 '' 2 4 ''8'' 4''8''4'' 12''18''3 0''12''8'' 8''8''8''4''8''8'' 8''14''8''8 ''6''8''12'' 12''8'' 12'' 12''8''12''6'' 24'' 1 0''8''16''8''8''8''6''8 '' 12''8''12''8''16''8'' 8''4'' 12''4''8''4''2 4''12''12''24''18''30''12''8''8''4''24''12'' 12'' 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2''6''8''18''4''12''24''8'' 8''12''8''8''C173 C001 C075 C089 C080 0 1 2Miles Figure 10.6Potential Expansion SegmentsRecycled Water Master PlanCity of CarlsbadFILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_10_6-Potential Alignments.mxdDATE: 5/17/2011Legend Existing Recycled Water Pipelines Existing Recycled Water Pipelines Potential Expansion Segment Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4A Segment 4B Segment 4C Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Segment 9 Segment 10 Segment 11 Segment 12 Segment 13 Segment 14 Segment 15 Segment 16 Segment 17 Segment 18 Other (Not for Specific Expansion segment) Recycle Water Facilities Pump Station Pressure Regulating Station (PRS) Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRF Potential Recycled Water Customers Agricultural Irrigation Landscape Irrigation Commercial or Industrial Process Water Other Water District Boundaries Carlsbad Municipal Water District City of Oceanside Olivenhain Municipal Water District San Dieguito Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation DistrictProposed Facilities New PRS/Valve Other Freeways Railroad Carlsbad Municipal Water District Parcels Potential Golf Courses Water Body "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRF Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" Tanks Calavera PS CWRF PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PS Pacific Ocean Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRF LakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeter C011 C095 C029 MaerkleReservoir Tri Agency Pipeline (TAP) F a ils a fe P ip e lin e Santa Fe I Tank 1 2"14"255 Zone PRS La Costa PRS14"HAYMAR DR MARRON RD BEECH AVCHESTNUT AVV A L L E Y S T M AG N O LIA AV C A R C OUN T R Y DRPALERMI PL ALGA RD A LG A R D EL CAMINO REALP O IN S E T TIA L N C a rls b a d V illa g e R e d u n d a n c y P ip e lin e CONNECT GAFNER WRP TO SYSTEM Legoland San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside Olivenhain Municipal Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District PALM AVJ AME S D R CAY DRPINE AVM ADISO N S TOAK AVJAMES DRSUNNY CREEK RD O CE A N S T JA M E S D R REFUGI O AVEL FUERTE STCHESTNUT AVFOREST AVCHESTNUT AVDAVIS AVLAGUNA DR GREENVIEW DRWO OD RI DGE C R RIM CRVISTA CANELACORTE SEGURAVIA AMADORPLAT I NUM PLRATCLIFF RDFEBO CT VIA PLATILLO ROGUE ISLE CT H A R B O R D R VIA DIEGO W H ITEY DRBADAJOZ PLA LIC A N T E R D VISTA MAREL PATO CTTRUESDELL LNCABRILLO PLVIA PES CADO CA LO M A C R WINDJAMMER WY SAN RAMONBELLE LN R O Y AL D R ROCOSO LNSITIO PALMASMARK CR W AYFINDERS CTP ARK SI DE P L LANDS END CT SAWYER LNCLIFF CRLEWIS LNL AS BRIS AS CTKREMEYER CRAVEN ID A T HERESA RANCHO SANTA FE RDAUTO CENTER CT PASEO GRANITOTERRACE PLT AM A R A C K A VVISPERA PLCIPRIANO LNC O L L E G E B L C O R T E C U R V A RANCHO ARROBA VIA COSCOJA PASEO TIENDASPENCER LN CALLE ODESSA CORDOBA PL TERRAZA GOYA A U RA CR CARVALLO CTFERNGLEN RDPASEO LA JOLLAV IA P A J A R O GLORIA LN ENDEAVOR LN A L DE A P LCAROL P LVIST A RIC A EL C A MIN O REA L VIA HOJAFOREST VIEW WY CALLE COZUMELSITIO SAGOAPPLE HILL PLCARACOL CT BARRANCA CT PLATEAU PL VIA LIBERTAD BRYCE CRP O R T A PLDON ARTURO DRM A R A Z U L W YSYCAMORE AVMARINA DRAVENTURINE PLBO NITA LNC O R T E B R E Z O F RIE N D LY P LCAMELLIA PLC A N D IL P L B L U F F VIE W WY P A L O M A R A IR P O R T R D BATIQUITOS DR RANCHO LA PRESASANFORD LNLEUCI TE PLAV O C AD O LNBLACK RAIL RDDON LUIS DR CORTE VERSO PAMPLONA WY KIMBERLY CT SEAHORSE CT SANDERLING CTKALPATI CR CAMI NI TO SUENOALCYON CT PASEO MEMBRILLOBAYSHORE DRCALLE CATALONIADORADO PLH O LL Y B R A E L N OBELI SCO PLKIRK PL A V E N I D A O LME D A CALLE ANDARAUBURN AV H ILLVIEW C TEUCALYPTUS LN WOLVERINE TERRACE F A L D A P L CU M BR E C T PASEO ELEGANCIACORTE PALOMA MAEZEL LN EBB TI DE STC A LA V O C T DON JOSE DRCAMI NO DEL PRADOR A N C H O C O M PA N E R O AVENIDA OBERTURAVIA ORILLAPASEO CARRETALANAKAI L NCORTE PENCATERRAZA DISOMA CITR A C A D O C R MAY CT TOURMALINE PLAVENIDA ENCINASMCCAULEY LNCORTE CICUTA VIA IRISSWEETWATER STCAMI NI TO MONARCASCOTT DRSANDPIPER PLBUTTERS RDL A D E R A C T QUI NTA STDON PORFIRIO DRDEH ESA C TKYANITE PLGREY HAWK CT WILDROSE TERRACECALINA WYLATITUDE LNCORTE ACIANO A V E NI DA EN CI NA SSURF CREST STB A LB O A C RNEWLAND CTSCHOONER WYCALLE ARROYODISCOVERY RD KEATS PL O N Y X PL ME RMA I D L NSITIO LIRIOVIA PUERTACHERRY AVBRANTA AVRAN CH O DIA MO NTE SPARROW RDSONORA CTA VIA RA PYCORTE DELFINIODAVID PLSITIO COLINACORTE ESPERANZASEQUOIA AVALICANTE RD LA PLANCHA LN CALLE VALLARTAVIA TECAGARFIELD ST A V E N I D A T O R O N JA M A S T O D O N C T VIA IPANEMADON CARLOS DRRILL CT RED KNOT STCABO CT SITI O A B E T OREPOSADO DRVIA DE CANTO A ZAHAR C T VIA MAXIMOMONTECITO DRSITIO S A L VIAMALACHITE PLCARPA CTDON PABLO DR BLUE ORCHID LNHIDDEN VALLEY RDESCENICO TERRACE DARTINGTON WYVIA HINTONSANTA ISABEL STBLUEBONNET DRPA S EO CORONOBLACKBIRD CRSUNBURST RD EL BOSQUE AV VERDE AV STRATFORD LN CLEARVIEW DRLILY PL CAMEO RD BLACK SWAN PLC A L L E J A LIS C OCORTINA CTM APLE AVSOCORRO LN H A L S IN G C T MALLOW CT HE RI TA GE DRDON ORTEGA DRORIO N WYMILANO DRARGONAUTA WYVIEJO CASTILLA WYSUBIDA TERRACEWOODFERN LNLANCEWOOD LNPETUN IA PL C O R T E S O N R IS ASITIO MONTECILLOR U D D E R A V VALLEC ITOS W D DYREEVE RDPLAYA RDRANCHO DEL CANON CAL ET A C T CALLE PINONBORLA PLINGLETON AV L A WR ENCE S T CHINQUAPIN AVCORTE PROMENADEJ ETTY PTLIGHTHOUSE RDBRUCE RDN OB HI LL D R MAPLE LEAF DRJASPER WYM CKINLEY ST I-5 LAS FLORES NB ON RA VERMARINE CT AVIARA PY ROCK DOVE STBUOY AV ARUNDEL AV SACADA CRCALLE DEL SUR PLAZUELA ST CRESTVIEW DR VIA P EPITALOTUS CT FIO N A PL MARRON RD E S CA L L ONI A CT LOMA LAGUNA DRMONTIA CTL OWD E R L N SIMSBURY CT CRATER RIM RD PASEO ENCINOBUENA PL HELENITE PLGRULLA ST BOCA ST SUM M IT TRAIL CT CAMI NO DEL PARQUEOLIVE AVLYNCH C T GRANADA WY DON MATA DR BERKELEY AV ALLSTON STLARIMAR AV L A K E WO OD S T SE A WA R D AV MAVERICK WYWHITECAP DRTRIGO LNMOORHEN PLSILVERLEAF CRHASTINGS DR IRIS CTLIMONITE CT MALLEE STAVENIDA PIMENTERAFLAMENCO STE DENDAL E STVILLAGE GREEN DRCOVENTRY RDJASMINE CT CA L LE GAVA NZ OCONCORD STTATLER RDABELIA AV LUCIA CTPANNONIA RD ABEJORRO ST SITIO BORDECO R I N TIA S TROBINEA DRCAMINO CEREZAPASEO TAXCOYOSEMI TE STPASEO DEL NORTE M E L O DIA T E R R A C E KARST RD MORADA STSORA WYOLEANDER WYCONEFLOWER DRCAMINITO SIERRACEREUS CT MARIPOSA RD TRITON ST COSTA DEL MAR RDMEADOW DRE L F UE RT E S T VI A MARI NEROSAUSALITO AV CAMINO DE LAS ONDAST E A T R E E STVIA ASTUTOZODIAC STDATE AVBRIARWOOD DRWATERCOURSE DRH O P E AV ALLEY PUEBLO STORCHID WY LINDSAY DRWE S T H A V E N DRSHEARWATER DRARGOSY LNBLENKARNE DRCIRCULO PAPAYOC ALLIAND R A RD CINDY AV PASEO TULIPERO ARLA N D R D H A R RIS O N S T CABELA PLRANCHO DEL OROPACIFIC AVL E M O N L E AF D R AVENIDA DE SUENO SKIMMER CT SAVANNAH LN CANTI L STTUTTLE STA M A N T E C T C O A S T LIN E A V C A MI N O A L V A R O WOODSTOCK ST I-5 POI NSE TTI A NB OF RAAVENIDA MARAVILLA AVIARA PY WHI TEWA T E R S T LA DUELA LNADOLPHIA DRWIL L O W P L CALLE OLIVACARMEL DRTYLE R ST ALLE Y PA L METTO D R CHESHIRE AV URUBU STAMES PLAVENA CT LAGUNA DR PEAR TREE DRG AY LE W YDAFFODI L PLCOYOTE CT DON MIGUEL DR BUCK RIDGE AV ROSEMARY AV ORIOLE CT STONERIDGE RD RANCHO BRASADO CYNTHIA LN LA PALOMA STSAN LUCASTANAGER DRDON RICARDO DR NORTH FORK AVDAVIS AVDICKINSON DREL FUERTE STAV E NI DA DEL AL BASNAPDRAGON DRIVORY PLGOLDENBUSH DRPALM A VCAYENNE LNQUAIL PL OBELI SCO CRV A L E W O O D AV AVENIDA DE LOUISA A L O N D R A W Y CANYON ST MASTERS RD ESTANCIA STKINGSTON ST A N N D R EL AGUILA ST I-5 POIN SETTIA NB ON RA SITI O A L G O D O NVIA MARTASPOKANE WY C O RV A L LIS S T CORTE DEL NOGALREGATTA RDME R LI N DR POINSETTIA LNLANCASTER RD CARINGA WYINVERNESS DRAZALEA PLJEREZ CTS H O R E D R SPOONBILL LNEL RASTRO LN GAVIOTA CR A N C H O R W Y STANFORD STSEVILLA WYSITIO M A N A N A R O C K R ID G E R D BRASS PLR A N C H O F A M O S A DI VI TA DRGREBE DRTOBRIA TERRACELONGVIEW DRCALLE PALMITOMARSH WREN STVAN ALLEN W YGOLDSTONE RDA C U N A C T P ASEO ANCHOSANTA CLARA WYGEODE LN L E E WA RD S T SITIO O C E A N OHERON CRP A S E O S A U C E D A LREDWOOD AVSAN BENITO SI TI O FRONTERANEPTUNE DRT RADEWI NDS DRFERMI CTRAN C H O S A NTA FE RDCAT A MA R A N D RREFUGIO AVROCIO ST CORTE PANORAMA JA D E L NARAPAHO PLSOLANO STTERN PLOLEA LN SURFSI DE L NP O IN S E T TIA L NVALENCIA AVKNOWLES AV PASEO CAPUCHINAPINTAIL DR VANCOUVER ST ATHENS AVSUTTER ST AV EN ID A A R A G O NPALENQUE STGOLDENEYE VWCIARDI CTDON JUAN DRAZAHAR PLTELESCOPE AVCALLE MADEROHORIZON DRPASEO CERROCORVI DAE STMADRILENA WYAVALON AVWESTWOOD DRGATESHEAD RD POPPY LNELMWOOD STPASEO ARRAYANAVENIDA NIEVELA R E D O S T PA RADIS E R D TIBURON AV CALLE MADRIDCEBU PLCAMINO LINDO R A N C H O R IO C H IC O FOLLETTE STCOLIBRI LN QUEBRADA CR CORTE ORCHIDIA CAMINO CORONADOC A MIN O D E A MIG O SAPPIAN RDBRAVA STGALLEON WYS ALIS B U R Y D R HEMLOCK AVBRYANT DRWISTERIA WY NIGH TSHAD E RDSADDLE DRAVENIDA VALLERA RID G EC RES T D R HOME AVTOWHEE LNTURNSTONE RD FI NCH LNH A RBO R P OINT R D T OP E K A S T RANCHO CORTES TANZANITE DRMAGELLAN STJACKSPAR DRARGO NAUTA STO C E A N VIE W D RVICTORIA AV W ASHING T O N ST WALNUT AVS Y M E D R R E G E N T R D ALANDER CT PASEO ALMENDROTOPMAST DRP A L A C I O DRALDER AVYOURELL AV SHOREBIRD LN AVENID A PAN TERA LAS OLA S CT PASEO MONONAJUNIPER AVGALICIA WYSTRATA DRLEG O LAN D D R WEST OAKS WY S E ACR E S T D R THE CROSSI NGS DRAMARGOSA DRAVENIDA ANACAPAYORK RD A Z A H A R S T NAVARRA DR BRESS I R ANCH WY POINSETTIA LN CARNATI ON DRCAMINO ROBLEDO M ADIS O N ST ACACIA AVCOVE DR G IB R A L T A R S T A IR CRA F T DY CATALPA R D TORRY CTWHITMAN WYSHORELI NE DRDEL REY AVJANIS W YWHIPTAIL LOOPCIRCULO SEQUOIA HIGH RID GE AV FOREST AV CAM INO AREN AG A B B I AN O L NSITIO LIMAEDINBURGH DRCATAL I NA DREAST POINTE AV CRYSTALLINE DRCASSI NS STHOOVER STSAPPHIRE DR L ON I CE R A S T MILTON RD CITRINE DRLA GRAN VIA CAMINO DE LOS COCHES P ASEO ESME RADOS O M B R O S A S T J A M E S D R MARI TI ME DRLA GOLONDRINA STRICH FI ELD DRSTATE ST ALLEY AVENI DA DE ANI TAPASEO PRIVADOCALLE CONIFERALIN D E N T E R RA C E FOUR P EAKS ST SI TI O CORAZONCALLE TIMITEO GALENA AV PALISADES DR LA P O R TALA D A D R ALTIVA PLPLUM TREE RD FOXTAIL LP BABI LONI A STIMPAL A D R TOLKIEN WY ROSE DRL A N T A N A T E R R A C E WILS O N ST ALTIS MA WYCOLUMBINE DRVISTA LA NISAAVI LA AVCA RL S BAD S T AT E BEAC H DY C A C A T U A S T KINGFISHER LNCAY DRHEMINGWAY DR GRAND PACIFIC DR RANCHO SANTA FE RD (ABANDONED)C R E ST D R PALMER WYOL Y MPIA D R L O S R O BL E S D R LIN C O LN ST LAS FLORES DR T W AIN AV A B E D U L S T ARENAL RDMANZANITA STBUENA VISTA WY HAR WICH DR FOSCA STRANCHO PANCHOBOLERO STL A P I S R D RUTHERFORD RD IVY STYARROW DRE A S Y S T C A Z A D E R O D RISLE DREL A R B O L D R SITIO BAYATOWN GARDEN RD L U C IE R N A G A S THALITE PLRANCHO BRAVADO PONTO DRCAMINO SERBAL ASTON AVPINE AVKELLY DRF L EE T ST ALMADEN LNSIE R R A MO R E N A A V SEGOVIA WY AMBER LN ANILLO WYNEBLINA DRHAYMAR DR GLEN AV K E S T R E L D R CELINDA DR M IC A R D CAMINO JUNIPEROBLACK RAIL RDCARRILLO WY DOVE LN PASEO ALISOORION STSALK AVGLASGOW DRSUNNYHILL DRDAISY AV LIONSHEAD AV O C EAN ST M A G N O LIA AVFROST AVBASSWOOD AVR O O S EVELT ST V E N A DO ST PIRAGUA ST OLIVENHAIN RD A RMA DA D RHOSP W YESTRELL A DE MAR RDG RAND AVC A L L E ACER V OESFERA STCAMINO VIDA ROBLE H A R DIN G ST S K Y LIN E R D AMBROSIA LNAVIARA DRJEFFERSON STM I M OS A D R D ON N A D RSUNNY CREEK RDCADENCIA STUNICORNIO STOAK AVGATEWAY RD HILLSIDE DR XANA WYTRIESTE DRC O RIN TIA S TPONTIAC DRVALLEY S T BATIQUITOS DRCALLE BARCELONA A D A M S ST M O N R O E S T PI O PIC O D RPASEO DEL NORTEC H E STNUT A VHIG H LA N D D RCARLSBAD VILLAGE DRLEVANTE ST RANCHO SANTA FE RDPARK DREL FUERTE ST M ELR O S E D R AVENI DA ENCI NASA LI C A N T E R DMAR RON RD C A R L S B A D B L AVIARA PYTA M AR AC K AV PALOMAR AIRPORT RDA L G A R D COLLEG E BL P OINSETTIA LN L A C O S T A A VCANNON RDEL CAMINO REAL A T & S F RR I-5 Faraday PRS 1 2 " 20" 16"6"4"0 "8"12"12"8"6"6" 8"12"8"6" 6"12"8"8" 8" 1 2" 12" 8" 6 "12"8" 4 "6"6"4"4"4" 8" 6" 8"8" 6" 6"12"8"12" 6" 8 "4"6"6"6"8 "6"4 "12"6"6" 8 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''6''6'' 4''12''8'' 12'' 8'' 8 ''8'' 30''8''12''6''24''30''6''6''8''1 2 ''8'' 14'' 1 4 ''16''20''8'' 8 ''8''24''20''8'' 12'' 8 '' 8'' 20''8'' 24'' 16'' 8'' 8''16''18''1 2 '' C173 C170 C001 C054 C089 C057 C010 C070 C047 C026 0 1 2Miles Figure 10.7Build-Out SystemRecycled Water Master PlanCity of Carlsbad FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_10_7-Build Outl Alignments.mxdDATE: 5/19/2011Legend Existing Recycled Water Pipelines Existing Recycled Water Pipelines Already Constructed Potential Expansion Segment Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4A Segment 4B Segment 4C Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Segment 9 Segment 10 Segment 11 Segment 12 Segment 13 Segment 14 Segment 15 Segment 16 Segment 17 Segment 18 Other (Not for Specific Expansion segment) New Development Pipelines Recycled Water Facility Pump Station Pressure Requlating Station (PRS) Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRF Potential Recycled Water Customers Agricultural Irrigation Landscape Irrigation Commercial or Industrial Process Water Other New Developments Residential Commercial Irrigation Development not anticipated toutilize Recycled Water (Small Parcels)Water District Boundaries Carlsbad Municipal Water District City of Oceanside Olivenhain Municipal Water District San Dieguito Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District Other Freeways Railroad Carlsbad Municipal Water District Parcels Water Body "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRF Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" Tanks Calavera PS CWRF PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PS Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Shadowridge WRF LakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeter C153 MaerkleReservoir Gafner PS La Costa PRS Meadowlark PS Santa Fe I Tank EWPCF FARADAY PRV PALOMAR OAKS WYD R Y D E N P L OWENS AVC O LL EG E B L F A R A D A Y A V L OKE R AV W EST E L FUE RT E STCANNON RDGOLDEN STAR LN255 ZONE PRS La Costa Oaks Encinitas Oceanside Olivenhain Municipal Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District Pacific Ocean La Costa Ridge Bressl Ranch CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH Carlsbad Ranch Carlsbad Raceway Robertson Ranch Legoland Kemper SportsManagement La Costa Resort(South Course) Aviara ResortAssociation Park HyattAviara Resort La Costa Resort(North Course) A T & S F RR EL CAMINO REAL CANNON RDL A C O S T A A V POINSETTIA LN C OLLE GE BL A L G A R DPALOMAR AIRPORT RDT A M A R AC K AV AVIARA PYC A R LS B A D BL MARRON RD ALICANTE RDAVENI DA ENCI NASM E L R O S E D RPARK DRRANCHO SANTA FE RDLEVANTE STCARLSBAD VILLAGE DRHIG H L A N D D R C H E S TN UT AV PASEO DEL NORTEP I O P I C O D R M O N R O E S T A D A M S S T CALLE BARCELONABATIQUITOS DRVALLEY ST PONTI AC DRT RI ESTE DRXANA WY HILLSIDE DR GATEWAY RD O AK AVUNICORNIO STCADENCIA STSUNNY CREEK RDD ON N A DRSTATE ST MI MOS A D RJEFFERSON STAVI ARA DRAMBROSIA LNS K Y LIN E R D HAR DIN G ST CAMINO VIDA ROBLE ESFERA STCA L L E A C ERVOGRAND AVESTRELLA DE MAR RDHOSP WYARMADA DR OLIVENHAIN RD PIRAGUA ST VEN A D O S T R O O S EVELT ST BASSWOOD AVFROST AV M A G NO LIA A VO C E A N ST LIONSHEAD AV DAISY AVSUNNYHILL DRGLASGOW DRSALK AV ORION STPASEO ALISODOVE LN CARRILLO WY BLACK RAIL RDCAMINO JUNIPERO M IC A R D CELINDA DR K E S T R E L D R GLEN AV HAYMAR DR NEBLINA DRANILLO WYAMBER LN SEGOVIA WY SIE R R A M O R E N A A V ALMADEN LN F L E E T S T KELLY DRPALOMAR OAKS WYPINE AVASTON AV CAMINO SERBAL P ONT O DR RANCHO BRAVADO HALITE PLL U C IE R N A G A S T TOWN GARDEN RD SITIO BAYAEL A R B O L D R ISLE DRRO ME RI A S T E A S Y S T YARROW DRIVY STRUTHERF ORD RD L A P I S R D RANCHO PANCHO FOSCA ST H A R WIC H D R BUENA VISTA WY MANZANITA STARENAL RDA B E D U L S T T W AIN AV LAS FLORES DR LIN C OLN ST L O S R O B L E S D R O L Y MPIA D RPALMER WYC RES T D R RANCHO SANTA FE RD (ABANDONED)HEMINGWAY DR CAY DRKINGFISHER LNC A C A T U A S T CA RLSBAD S T ATE BEA CH DYCAR C OU NT RY D R AVI LA AVM ADIS O N S T ALLEY VISTA LA NISATYLE R ST COLUMBINE DRCAMINO HILLS DRAVE NIDA VALER A ALTIS M A W Y WILSO N ST L A N T A N A T E R R A C E ROSE DRFARADAY AV BABI LONI A STFOXTAIL LP PLUM TREE RD ALTIVA PLSUNCUP WYLA P O R TALA D A DRPALISADES DR GALENA AV CALLE TIMITEO SI TI O CORAZONFOUR PEAKS ST S A NT A B A RB ARALIN D E N T E R R A C E PASEO PRIVADOSTATE ST ALLEY RI CH FI ELD DRR O O S EVELT S T ALLEY LA GOLONDRINA STMARITIME DRJ A M E S D R S O M B R O S A S T PASEO ESMERA DOCAMINO DE LOS COCHES LA GRAN VIACITRINE DRMILTON RD TURQUOISE DRHOOVER STCASSI NS STCRYSTALLINE DREAST POINTE AVCATALINA DREDINBURGH DRSITIO LIMAGA B B I ANO L N C A M INO A R E N ACHA T HA M RDFOREST AV HIG H RID GE AV CIRCULO SEQUOIAWHIPTAIL LOOPPASEO AVELLANOJAN IS W YDEL REY AVSHORE LI N E DRWHITMAN WYTORRY CT AVENIDA S OLE DAD G IB R A LT AR S TCOVE DRACACIA AVMA DIS O N ST CAMINO ROBLEDOPOINSETTIA LNCARNATION DRB RESS I RAN CH WY NAVARRA DR A Z A H A R S T YORK RD AVENIDA ANACAPAAMARGOSA DRTHE CROSSI NGS DRS E A C R E S T D RP A L O M A R A IR P O R T R D LE G OLAN D DR STRATA DRGALICIA WY LAS PALMAS DRJUNIPER AVPASEO MONONALAS O LAS C T AVEN IDA PANTERA SHOREBIRD LN CORTE DE LA VISTA YOURELL AV ALDER AVP AL A CI O D RTOPMAST DRPASEO ALMENDROS A N B A R T OL OEUREKA PLARENAL LNBEECH AVR E G E N T RD S Y M E D R W ALNUT AVW A S HIN GTO N ST VICTORIA AV OCE A N VIE W D R ARG O NAUTA STMAGELLAN STTANZANITE DRRANCHO CORTES T O P E K A S T H A R B O R P OINT R D TURNSTONE RDHOME AVR ID G E C REST D R VISTA MARIANASADDLE DRG A R B O S O S TNIGHTSHADE RD WISTERIA WY BRYANT DRHEM LOCK AVSALISBURY DR GALLEON WYHUMMINGBIRD RD PASEO CANDELEROAPPI AN RDS ITIO CALIE N TEMELR O SE D RBRADY CRWI NDROSE CRP O IN S E T T IA L N CAMINO LINDOCALLE MADRIDTIBURON AV PARADISE RD L A R E D O S T AVENIDA NIEVEPASEO ARRAYANELMWOOD STPOPPY LN GATESHEAD RDWESTWOOD DRMADRILENA WYCORVI DAE STHORIZON DRCALLE MADEROTELESCOPE AVAZAHAR PLCIARDI CT GOLDENEYE VWAV EN ID A A R AG O N SUTTER STATHENS AVVANCOUVER ST PINTAIL DR PASEO CAPUCHINAKNOWLES AV VALENCIA AVS URFSI DE LNTERN PLSOLANO STARAPAHO PLJA D E L N CORTE PANORAMAREFUGIO AVCAT A MA RA N DRRANCHO SANTA FE RDFERMI CTT R ADEWI NDS DRN E P T U NE D R SITIO FRONTERA SAN BENITOREDWOOD AVP A S E O S A U C E D A LHERON CRSITIO O C E A N O L E EWA RD S T P O I N S E T T IA L NSANTA CLARA WYACUNA CTGOLDSTONE RDVA N ALLEN W YCALLE PALMI TOLONGVIEW DRGREBE DRPRIMAVERA WYR A N C H O F A M O S A LONGFELLOW RD ESTRELLA DE MAR RDSEVILLA WYSTANFORD STAN C HO R W YGAVIOTA CR EL RASTRO LNSPOONBILL LNNAVIGATOR CRS H O R E D R JEREZ CTAZALEA PLCARINGA WY LANCASTER RD LIN M A R L N PEACH TREE RDME RL I N D RREGATTA RD CORTE DEL NOGALSPOKANE WY VIA MARTASITIO A L G O D O N A N N D R KINGSTON ST ESTANCIA STMASTERS RD CANYON ST A L O N D R A W Y AVENIDA DE LOUISA V A LEW O OD A V OBELI SCO CRQUAIL PL CAYENNE LNPA LM AV GOLDENBUSH DRIVORY PL SNAPDRAGON DRAVENID A D E L ALBALLAMA STWO O D L A N D W Y ASCOT AV PRIESTLY DR NORTH FORK AV TANAGER DRSAN LUCASLA PALOMA STCYNTHIA LN RANCHO BRASADO ROSEMARY AV DAFFODI L PLG AY LE W YPEAR TREE DRLAGUNA DR AVENA CTAMES PLURUBU STCHESHIRE AV GREENHAVEN DRLEE C TCALLE OLIVAPALOMAR POINT WY ADOLPHI A DRLA DUELA LNWHI T E WA TER S T PALERMI PL MANAGUA PLJEFF E RSO N S T ALLEY ESTURION ST C A MIN O A LV A R OC OA S T LIN E A V A M A N T E C TTUTTLE STCANT IL S T SAVANNAH LN POINSETTIA LN AVENIDA DE SUENO L E M ON L E A F D RPACIFIC AVRANCHO DEL OROCABELA PLH A R RIS O N S T ARLAND RD PASEO TULIPERO CINDY AV C A LLIA N D R A R D CIRCULO PAPAYOBLENKARNE DRTERRAZA RIBERALINDSAY DRORCHID WY H O P E AV ALLEY WATERCOURSE DRBRIARWOOD DRRUSSELIA CTDATE AVBEACON BAY DR ZODIAC STVIA ASTUTOTE A T R E E S T VERONICA CTSAUSALITO AVMARIA LNMEADOW DRA N D R E A AVRANCHO CARLSBAD DRCOSTA DEL MAR RDTRITON ST MARIPOSA RD CEREUS CT KALMIA CR CAMINITO SIERRACONEFLOWER DRC AM INO C O R TESORA WY MORADA STM E L ODIA T E R R A C E HIBIS C U S C R YOSEMI TE STCAMINO CEREZACO RINTIA ST SITIO BORDE ABEJORRO ST LUCIA CTABELIA AV TATLER RDCONCORD STJASMINE CTCOVENTRY RDEDENDAL E STFLAMENCO STMILFORD PLAVENIDA PIMENTERAMALLEE STLIMONITE CT IRIS CTHASTINGS DR SILVERLEAF CRVI A DE PAZMOORHEN PLWHI TECAP DRW ILS H IR E A V H A R B O R D R MAVERICK WY S E A WA R D AV L A K E WOO D S T LARIMAR AVALLSTON STBERKELEY AV GRANADA WY LYNCH CTOLIVE AVCAMI NO DEL PARQUEBOCA ST GRULLA STLINDA LN BUENA PL CRATER RIM RD SIMSBURY CT L OWD E R L NLOMA LAGUNA DRE S C A L L ONI A CT WINTERGREEN DR VIA PEPITAPONTO RD PLAZUELA ST CALLE DEL SURBARBERRY PL SACADA CRARUNDEL AV BUOY AV VERMARINE CT I-5 LAS FLO RES NB ON RA M CKINL EY ST CYPRESS AV MAPLE LEAF DRN OB HI LL D R BRUCE RDSEABURY ST LIGHTHOUSE RD JETTY PTCHINQUAPIN AVBRIGHTON RD PLAYA RDREEVE RDR U D D E R A V SITIO MONTECILLOC O R T E S O N R IS AAV I ARA P Y WOODFERN LNSUBIDA TERRACEC A N A R IO S T H O P E AV ARGONAUTA WYMILANO DRHERIT AGE DRMALLOW CT H A L S IN G C T SOCORRO LNMAPLE AVCORTI NA CTAVENIDA ENCINASC A LL E J A LIS C OMARBRISA CRLILY PLCLEARVIEW DRSTRATFORD LN VERDE AV EL BOSQUE AV SUNBURST RD PASEO CORONOBLUEBONNET DRVIA HINTONESCENICO TERRACEHIDDEN VALLEY RDBLUE ORCHID LN CARPA CTFERN PL DURANGO CRA VIA R A P Y MALACHI TE PL SITIO S A L VIAMONTECITO DRVIA MAXIMO VIA DE CANTO CORTE DEL CEDROREPOSADO DRTORREJON PL SITIO A B E T O CABO CTRED KNOT STHEATH CTRILL CT P O L LY L N A V E N I D A T O R O N J A G A RFIELD ST VIA TECACALLE VALLARTA VIA DE FORTUNASEQUOIA AVCORTE ESPERANZA A D AIR W Y DAVI D PLCORTE DELFINIOSONORA CTSPARROW RDRANCHO DIA M ON TE BRANTA AVCHERRY AVVIA PUERTA S A N T A R O S A ME R MA I D L NO N Y X P L KEATS PL DISCOVERY RDCALLE ARROYOSCHOONER WYNEWLAND CTPOINSETTIA VILLAGE DYANCHORAGE AV CORTE ACIANOLATITUDE LNCALINA WYWILDROSE TERRACEGREY HAWK CT C O R T E LA N G O S TAKYANITE PLS E A VIE W WY DEH E S A C T L A D E R A C T CHELSEA CT BATIQUITOS DRBUTTERS RDSCOTT DRCAMI NI TO MONARCASWEETWATER STTULE CT VIA IRISMCCAULEY LNTOURMALINE PLMAY CT CIT R A C A D O C R L ANA K A I LNVIA ORILLAVIA BARONAEBB TIDE STMAEZEL LN CORTE PALOMAPASEO ELEGANCIAC U M BR E C T F A L D A PLGUEVARA RDEUCALYPTUS LN AUBURN AV LONG PL ATADER O CTCOMPASS 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