HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Recycled Water Master Plan 2012 Part 1; Recycled Water Master Plan 2012 Part 1; 2012-01-12199 SOUTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE • SUITE 530 • PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 • (626) 535-0180 • FAX (626) 535-0185 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA City of Carlsbad RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 i pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA City of Carlsbad Recycled Water Master Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND .................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 STUDY AREA ........................................................................................................ 1-2 1.4 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................... 1-5 1.5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................................................................................... 1-5 1.6 REPORT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................... 1-6 CHAPTER 2: EXISTING RECYCLED WATE R SYSTEM 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 SERVICE AREA ..................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER SUPPLIES .......................................................... 2-1 2.4 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMERS .................................................... 2-5 2.5 RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .................................................... 2-7 2.5.1 Pipelines ..................................................................................................... 2-9 2.5.2 Pumping Stations...................................................................................... 2-11 2.5.3 Pressure Regulating Stations ................................................................... 2-12 2.5.4 Corintia Meter ........................................................................................... 2-14 2.5.5 Interconnections ....................................................................................... 2-14 2.5.6 Potable Water Supply Connections .......................................................... 2-14 2.5.7 System Operations ................................................................................... 2-14 2.6 ABANDONED FACILITIES .................................................................................. 2-16 2.7 KNOWN SYSTEM DEFICIENCIES ...................................................................... 2-20 2.7.1 Limited Supply from MWRF ...................................................................... 2-20 2.7.2 Water Quality Issues at Mahr Reservoir ................................................... 2-20 2.7.3 Calavera Pump Station ............................................................................. 2-20 2.7.4 Bressi Pump Station ................................................................................. 2-20 2.7.5 Gafner WRP ............................................................................................. 2-20 CHAPTER 3: RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 HISTORICAL RECYCLED WATER DEMAND ....................................................... 3-3 3.3.1 Historical Demand Trends .......................................................................... 3-4 3.3.2 Existing Demand......................................................................................... 3-6 3.4 SEASONAL AND HOURLY PEAKING FACTORS ................................................ 3-9 3.4.1 Seasonal Peaking Factor............................................................................ 3-9 3.4.2 Hourly Peaking Factors and Diurnal Curves ............................................. 3-11 3.4.3 Summary of Peaking Factors ................................................................... 3-14 3.5 RECYCLED WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS ................................................. 3-14 3.5.1 Methodology ............................................................................................. 3-15 ii January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA 3.5.2 Potential Customers .................................................................................. 3-16 3.5.3 Near Term Demands ................................................................................. 3-25 3.5.4 Summary of Potential Customers ............................................................. 3-25 3.5.5 Customer Questionnaire ........................................................................... 3-35 3.5.6 Smaller Pickup Customers ........................................................................ 3-35 3.5.7 Demand Factors ........................................................................................ 3-36 3.5.8 New Developments ................................................................................... 3-37 3.5.9 Demand Summary .................................................................................... 3-41 CHAPTER 4: RECYCLED WATER SUPPLIES 4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 SUPPLY SOURCES ............................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.1 Existing Supply Sources ............................................................................. 4-1 4.2.2 Historical Supply Utilization ......................................................................... 4-2 4.2.3 Water Quality of Existing Supply Sources ................................................... 4-6 4.2.4 Supply from Seasonal Storage ................................................................... 4-9 4.2.5 Potential Future Supply Sources ............................................................... 4-11 4.3 SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 4-15 4.4 SUPPLY EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 4-17 4.4.1 Alternative 1 – Maximize Carlsbad WRF .................................................. 4-19 4.4.2 Alternative 2 - Maximize Meadowlark WRF .............................................. 4-21 4.4.3 Alternative 3 - Maximize Gafner WRP ...................................................... 4-22 4.4.4 Alternative 4 - Abandon Gafner WRP ....................................................... 4-24 4.4.5 Alternative 5 - Maximize Carlsbad WRF and Lake Calavera .................... 4-24 4.4.6 Alternative 6 - Utilize Shadowridge WRP .................................................. 4-26 4.4.7 Supply Evaluation Summary ..................................................................... 4-29 4.4.8 Unit Cost Comparison by Supply Source .................................................. 4-32 4.4.9 Potable Water Supplement Alternative ..................................................... 4-33 4.4.10 Recommended Supply Alternative ............................................................ 4-35 CHAPTER 5: RECYCLED WATER REGULATIONS 5.1 OVERVIEW OF REGULATING AGENCIES ........................................................... 5-1 5.2 FEDERAL REGULATIONS ..................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 STATE REGULATIONS .......................................................................................... 5-3 5.3.1 State Water Code ........................................................................................ 5-3 5.3.2 Code of Regulations – Title 22 .................................................................... 5-4 5.3.3 Code of Regulations – Title 17 .................................................................... 5-6 5.3.4 Draft Groundwater Recharge Legislation .................................................... 5-7 5.3.5 Statewide Recycled Water Policy ............................................................... 5-7 5.3.6 CDPH Guidelines ........................................................................................ 5-9 5.4 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD ............................................. 5-10 5.5 LOCAL REGULATIONS ....................................................................................... 5-14 5.5.1 County of San Diego Regulations ............................................................. 5-14 5.5.2 District Mandatory Use Ordinance ............................................................ 5-15 5.5.3 District Regulations and Design Standards ............................................... 5-16 5.6 FUTURE REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS ....................................................... 5-17 5.6.1 Groundwater Recharge ............................................................................. 5-17 5.6.2 Updates to the 2010 California Plumbing Code ........................................ 5-17 5.6.3 Constituents of Emerging Concern ........................................................... 5-18 5.6.4 Endocrine Disrupting Compounds ............................................................ 5-18 5.7 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 5-20 January 2012 iii pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA CHAPTER 6: HYDRAULIC MODEL 6.1 HYDRAULIC MODELING OVERVIEW .................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Hydraulic Model Selection .......................................................................... 6-2 6.1.2 Previous Hydraulic Model ........................................................................... 6-2 6.2 EXISTING SYSTEM MODEL CREATION .............................................................. 6-2 6.2.1 Model Links................................................................................................. 6-4 6.2.2 Model Nodes .............................................................................................. 6-4 6.2.3 Demand Allocation...................................................................................... 6-4 6.2.4 Elevation Allocation .................................................................................... 6-5 6.2.5 Attribute Data Information ........................................................................... 6-5 6.2.6 Operational Controls ................................................................................... 6-7 6.3 EXISTING SYSTEM MODEL CALIBRATION ........................................................ 6-8 6.3.1 Field Data Gathering ................................................................................... 6-9 6.3.2 Extended Period Model Calibration .......................................................... 6-14 6.3.3 Extended Period Calibration Results ........................................................ 6-18 6.3.4 Water Quality Calibration .......................................................................... 6-19 6.3.5 Water Quality Calibration Results ............................................................. 6-23 6.4 FUTURE SYSTEM MODEL CREATION .............................................................. 6-24 CHAPTER 7: PLANNING AND EVALUATION CRITERIA 7.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 SYSTEM PRESSURES.......................................................................................... 7-1 7.3 PIPELINE VELOCITIES AND HEAD LOSS ........................................................... 7-2 7.4 PIPELINE SIZING CRITERIA ................................................................................ 7-2 7.5 STORAGE SIZING CRITERIA ............................................................................... 7-3 7.5.1 Operational Storage.................................................................................... 7-3 7.5.2 Short-term Emergency Storage .................................................................. 7-5 7.5.3 Seasonal Storage ....................................................................................... 7-5 7.5.4 Summary .................................................................................................... 7-5 7.6 PUMP STATION SIZING CRITERIA ...................................................................... 7-5 7.7 SYSTEM RELIABILITY CRITERIA......................................................................... 7-6 7.8 SUMMARY PLANNING AND EVALUATION CRITERIA ........................................ 7-6 CHAPTER 8: EXISTING SYSTEM EVALUATION 8.1 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ 8-1 8.1.1 Distribution System ..................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 STORAGE CAPACITY ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 8-9 8.3 PUMP STATION CAPACITY ANALYSIS ............................................................. 8-11 8.4 PUMPING EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY ANALYSIS ........................................... 8-12 8.5 WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS.............................................................................. 8-14 8.6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 8-17 8.7 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 8-17 CHAPTER 9: FUTURE SYSTEM EVALUATION 9.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 9-1 9.2 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 9-1 9.3 FUTURE SYSTEM EXPANSION EVALUATION ................................................... 9-2 9.3.1 Expansion Segments .................................................................................. 9-2 9.3.2 Other System Expansion Pipelines .......................................................... 9-15 iv January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA 9.3.3 Alternatives Sizing and Cost Estimates .................................................... 9-17 9.3.4 Alternatives Ranking and Prioritization ..................................................... 9-19 9.3.5 Preferred Alternative - Phase III ................................................................ 9-20 9.3.6 Preferred Alternative - Build Out ............................................................... 9-22 9.3.7 Summary of Demand Projections ............................................................. 9-23 9.3.8 Supply Strategy ......................................................................................... 9-24 9.3.9 Utilization of Abandoned Assets ............................................................... 9-29 9.3.10 Redundancy .............................................................................................. 9-31 9.3.11 Storage Analysis ....................................................................................... 9-33 9.3.12 Pump Station Analysis .............................................................................. 9-36 9.4 SUMMARY OF FUTURE SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ 9-37 9.4.1 Distribution System ................................................................................... 9-37 CHAPTER 10: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 10.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 10-1 10.2 COST ESTIMATING ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................. 10-1 10.2.1 Scope and Accuracy Range ...................................................................... 10-1 10.2.2 Markups and Contingency ........................................................................ 10-4 10.2.3 Unit Construction Costs ............................................................................ 10-5 10.2.4 Excluded Costs ......................................................................................... 10-6 10.3 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 10-7 10.3.1 Project Cost Estimates .............................................................................. 10-7 Project Phasing ................................................................................................... 10-11 10.4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .............................................................. 10-12 10.4.1 CIP by Planning Phase ........................................................................... 10-12 10.4.2 CIP by Project Type ................................................................................ 10-15 10.4.3 Escalated CIP ......................................................................................... 10-15 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A REFERENCES APPENDIX B SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES COST ESTIMATE DETAILS APPENDIX C RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER DATABASE APPENDIX D INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENTS  Mahr Reservoir Use Agreement  Leucadia County Water District Recycled Water Sales Agreement  Vallecitos Water District Recycled Water Sales Agreement Vallecitos Water District Construction and Reconstruction of Water Lines  MWD Agreement APPENDIX E PERMITS AND REGULATIONS  Carlsbad WRF Master Reclamation Permit Gafner WRP Master Reclamation Permit and Addendums  Meadowlark WRF Master Reclamation Permit and Addendums  Ordinance 43 (Mandatory Use)  Ordinance 45 (Rates and Cross Connection Control Program) APPENDIX F MODEL CALIBRATION DATA  Calibration Field Testing Plan  Calibration Data  Model Calibration Results APPENDIX G MODEL MANUAL January 2012 v pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA LIST OF TABLES Page No. Table 2.1 Recycled Water Supplies ............................................................................ 2-2 Table 2.2 Existing and Historical Recycled Water Demands ...................................... 2-5 Table 2.3 Largest Existing Recycled Water Customers ............................................. 2-6 Table 2.4 Summary of Facilities by Pressure Zone .................................................... 2-7 Table 2.5 Recycled Water Distribution System Pipelines ........................................... 2-9 Table 2.6 Pipelines by Installation Year and Material Type ...................................... 2-10 Table 2.7 Pumping Stations...................................................................................... 2-12 Table 2.8 Pressure Regulating Stations ................................................................... 2-13 Table 3.1 Phases of Distribution System Expansion .................................................. 3-1 Table 3.2 Historical Recycled Water Demands .......................................................... 3-3 Table 3.3 Largest Existing Recycled Water Customers ............................................. 3-5 Table 3.4 Historical Seasonal Peaking Factors .......................................................... 3-9 Table 3.5 Peaking Factors ........................................................................................ 3-14 Table 3.6 Customer Demand by Category ............................................................... 3-26 Table 3.7 Potential Customers ................................................................................. 3-27 Table 3.8 Water Demand Factors ............................................................................. 3-37 Table 3.9 New Development Demand Projections ................................................... 3-38 Table 3.10 Summary of Demand Projections ............................................................. 3-41 Table 3.11 Potential Build Out by Service Area .......................................................... 3-42 Table 3.12 Percentage of CMWD Demand Identified ................................................. 3-43 Table 3.13 Build-out Demand Summary ..................................................................... 3-43 Table 4.1 Recycled Water Supplies ............................................................................ 4-2 Table 4.2 Utilization of Recycled Water Supplies ....................................................... 4-3 Table 4.3 Water Quality Guidelines for Irrigation Use ................................................ 4-7 Table 4.4 Summary of Recycled Water Demands .................................................... 4-15 Table 4.5 Summary of Supply Requirements ........................................................... 4-16 Table 4.6 Supply Alternatives Summary ................................................................... 4-17 Table 4.7 Facilities Required for Expansion ............................................................. 4-18 Table 4.8 Alternatives for Expansion of Shadowridge WRP ..................................... 4-26 Table 4.9 Seasonal Supply Related to Shadowridge WRP ...................................... 4-27 Table 4.10 Preliminary Costs for Delivery from Shadowridge WRP ........................... 4-28 Table 4.11 Supply Alternatives Cost Comparison ...................................................... 4-29 Table 4.12 Supply Source Unit Cost Comparison ...................................................... 4-33 Table 4.13 Comparison of Potable Water Supplement with Alternative 1 .................. 4-35 Table 5.1 Roles of Agencies Involved in Recycled Water Use ................................... 5-2 Table 5.2 Summary of California Recycled Water Regulations .................................. 5-3 Table 5.3 Effluent Quality Standards for Unrestricted Use per Title 22 ...................... 5-4 Table 5.4 Approved Use Applications for Disinfected Tertiary Recycled Water ......... 5-5 Table 5.5 Basin Plan Groundwater Quality Objectives ............................................. 5-12 Table 5.6 Master Reclamation Permit Requirements ............................................... 5-13 Table 5.7 Potential Endocrine Disrupting Compounds ............................................. 5-19 Table 6.1 Summary of Demands by Pressure Zone ................................................... 6-5 Table 6.2 Junction Attribute Data Fields ..................................................................... 6-6 Table 6.3 Pipeline Attribute Data Fields ..................................................................... 6-6 Table 6.4 Operational Controls ................................................................................... 6-7 Table 6.5 Pressure Logger Locations ....................................................................... 6-10 Table 6.6 SCADA Data Availability ........................................................................... 6-13 vi January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA Table 6.7 Mass Balance for Calibration Day ............................................................. 6-15 Table 6.8 Pipeline Roughness Coefficients .............................................................. 6-17 Table 6.9 Water Quality Samples ............................................................................. 6-20 Table 6.10 Water Quality Calibration Results ............................................................. 6-23 Table 7.1 System Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................... 7-6 Table 8.1 System Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................... 8-2 Table 8.2 Pipeline Deficiency Locations ..................................................................... 8-7 Table 8.3 Pipeline Deficiencies Under Demand Conditions ........................................ 8-8 Table 8.4 Summary of Storage Facilities by Pressure Zone ....................................... 8-9 Table 8.5 Storage Capacity Evaluation ..................................................................... 8-10 Table 8.6 Booster Pump Station Capacity Evaluation .............................................. 8-11 Table 8.7 Power Usage for Hydro-pneumatic Zones ................................................ 8-13 Table 8.8 Summary of Facilities by Pressure Zone .................................................. 8-13 Table 8.9 Facility Inspection Criteria ......................................................................... 8-17 Table 9.1 Demands by Expansion Segment ............................................................... 9-3 Table 9.2 Expansion Segments for Serving Demands in VID (Segment 4) .............. 9-11 Table 9.3 Customer Demands in Expansion Segment 4 Alternatives ...................... 9-12 Table 9.4 Expansion Segments Preliminary Cost Estimates .................................... 9-18 Table 9.5 Expansion Segments Ranking .................................................................. 9-19 Table 9.6 Preferred Alternative – Phase III ............................................................... 9-21 Table 9.7 Preferred Alternative – Build-out Phase .................................................... 9-22 Table 9.8 Summary of Demands by Phase .............................................................. 9-23 Table 9.9 Potential Demand Outside CMWD’s Service Areas .................................. 9-24 Table 9.10 El Camino Real Abandoned Pipeline Alternative ...................................... 9-30 Table 9.11 TAP Connection Alternative ...................................................................... 9-31 Table 9.12 Redundancy Pipeline for Carlsbad Village ................................................ 9-32 Table 9.13 Analysis of Supply without Meadowlark WRF ........................................... 9-32 Table 9.14 Twin D Capacity Analysis .......................................................................... 9-33 Table 9.15 Storage Capacity Evaluation for Build-out ................................................ 9-34 Table 9.16 Storage Capacity Evaluation for Phase III ................................................ 9-36 Table 9.17 Ultimate Pump Station Capacity Analysis ................................................. 9-37 Table 9.18 Future System Recommendations ............................................................ 9-38 Table 10.1 Class Estimates ........................................................................................ 10-2 Table 10.2 General Cost Estimating Assumptions ...................................................... 10-5 Table 10.3 Unit Construction Cost .............................................................................. 10-5 Table 10.4 Detailed Project List .................................................................................. 10-8 Table 10.5 Capital Cost by Planning Phase and Project Type ................................. 10-12 Table 10.6 Timeline of Phasing ................................................................................. 10-15 Table 10.7 Escalated CIP by Planning Phase .......................................................... 10-16 January 2012 vii pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA LIST OF FIGURES Page No. Figure 1.1 Service Area of Water Districts ................................................................... 1-3 Figure 1.2 Service Area of Wastewater Districts ......................................................... 1-4 Figure 2.1 Existing Recycled Water System ................................................................ 2-3 Figure 2.2 Existing System Hydraulic Profile ............................................................... 2-8 Figure 2.3 Pipelines by Material Type ........................................................................ 2-10 Figure 2.4 Pipelines by Installation Year .................................................................... 2-11 Figure 2.5 Abandoned Potable Water System Facilities ............................................ 2-17 Figure 3.1 MWD Target and Ultimate Yield compared to Historical Demands ............ 3-2 Figure 3.2 Historical Recycled Water Demands .......................................................... 3-4 Figure 3.3 Existing Recycled Water Average Annual Demand .................................... 3-5 Figure 3.4 Existing Recycled Water Customers .......................................................... 3-7 Figure 3.5 Recycled Water Peaking Factors by Month .............................................. 3-11 Figure 3.6 Daytime Irrigation ...................................................................................... 3-12 Figure 3.7 3-Hour Evening Irrigation .......................................................................... 3-13 Figure 3.8 Other Irrigation Users ............................................................................... 3-13 Figure 3.9 Potential Recycled Water Customers ....................................................... 3-17 Figure 3.10 Potential Recycled Water Customers along Avenida Encinas ................. 3-19 Figure 3.11 Potential Recycled Water Customers near Palomar Airport ..................... 3-20 Figure 3.12 Distribution of Potential Demands by Service Area .................................. 3-35 Figure 3.13 Large User Demand Ranking Effect ......................................................... 3-36 Figure 3.14 Areas of Potential Development Incorporating Recycled Water ............... 3-39 Figure 3.15 Potential Build Out Demand Summary ..................................................... 3-41 Figure 4.1 Historical Supply ......................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4.2 Historical Supply by Source ........................................................................ 4-5 Figure 4.3 Seasonal Storage Requirement ................................................................ 4-10 Figure 4.4 Existing and Potential Recycled Water Supplies ...................................... 4-13 Figure 4.5 Maximum Month Demand ......................................................................... 4-16 Figure 4.6 Process Flow Diagrams ............................................................................ 4-20 Figure 4.7 Supply Alternatives Comparison ............................................................... 4-30 Figure 4.8 Required Potable Supplement as Seasonal Supply ................................. 4-34 Figure 5.1 Groundwater Basin Map ........................................................................... 5-11 Figure 6.1 Screenshot of Hydraulic Model ................................................................... 6-3 Figure 6.2 Calibration Locations ................................................................................ 6-11 Figure 6.3 System Wide Diurnal Demand Patterns ................................................... 6-16 Figure 6.4 Reservoir Calibration Results ................................................................... 6-19 Figure 6.5 Water Quality Calibration Results ............................................................. 6-21 Figure 7.1 Operational Storage Requirement .............................................................. 7-4 Figure 8.1 Pressures Greater than 125 psi .................................................................. 8-3 Figure 8.2 Low Pressure and High Velocities .............................................................. 8-5 Figure 8.3 Existing System Water Quality ................................................................. 8-15 Figure 9.1 System Alternative Alignments ................................................................... 9-5 Figure 9.2 Alternative Alignment 4A ............................................................................ 9-8 Figure 9.3 Alternative Alignment 4B ............................................................................ 9-9 Figure 9.4 Alternative Alignment 4C .......................................................................... 9-10 Figure 9.5 Expansion Segment Unit Costs ................................................................ 9-17 Figure 9.6 Expansion Segment Unit Costs ................................................................ 9-20 Figure 9.7 Proposed Pressure Zones ........................................................................ 9-25 Figure 9.8 Phase III Supply Strategy ......................................................................... 9-27 Figure 9.9 Build Out Supply Strategy ......................................................................... 9-27 viii January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA Figure 9.10 Build Out Supply Strategy with Seasonal Storage .................................... 9-29 Figure 10.1 Capital Cost by Phase ............................................................................. 10-12 Figure 10.2 Phasing of Potential Expansion Segments ............................................. 10-13 Figure 10.3 Capital Cost by Project Type ................................................................... 10-15 Figure 10.4 Escalated Capital Cost ............................................................................ 10-16 Figure 10.5 Comparison of Unit Costs to Imported Water ......................................... 10-17 January 2012 ix pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description AACE Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering AAD Average Annual Demand ACP Asbestos Cement Pipeline ADD Average Day Demand af Acre Feet afy Acre Feet per Year AL Action Level AWWA American Water Works Association BSD Buena Sanitation District Carollo Carollo Engineers CCB Chlorine Contact Basin CCR California Code of Regulations CCL3 Contaminant Candidate List 3 (third version) CDPH California Department of Public Health CEC Constituents of Emerging Concern CIP Capital Improvement Program City City of Carlsbad CML&C Cement mortar lined and coated steel CMWD Carlsbad Municipal Water District COO City of Oceanside CWC California Water Code CWRF Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility DDT Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane DEH Department of Environmental Health DIP Ductile Iron Pipeline District Carlsbad Municipal Water District DPH Department of Public Health DPS Department of Public Safety DWR Department of Water Resources EDC Endocrine Disrupting Compounds ENR Engineering News Record EOO Encina Ocean Outfall EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPS Extended Period Simulation EWPCF Encina Water Pollution Control Facility ET Evapotranspiration EWA Encina Wastewater Authority FCV Flow control valve ft Feet ft/kft Feet per thousand feet ft-msl Feet above mean sea level ft/s Feet per second x January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA Abbreviation Description gal Gallon GIS Geographic Information System gpd/ac Gallons per day per acre gpm Gallons per minute GWRP Gafner Water Reclamation Plant H2OMAP Water Hydraulic Modeling software package from MWH Soft, Inc. HCF Hundred cubic feet HDPE High density polyethylene HGL Hydraulic Grade Line HOA Home Owners Association hp Horsepower HPT Hydro-pneumatic Tank HSA Hydrological Sub Area HT Hydro-pneumatic Tank HU Hydrological Unit HWL High Water Line I-5 Interstate 5 in Inches kWh Kilowatt-hour LRP Local Resources Program LWWD Leucadia Wastewater District MBR Membrane Bioreactor MCL Maximum Contaminant Level MDD Maximum Day Demand MF Micro Filtration MF Multiple Family MG Million Gallon mgd Million gallons per day mg/L Milligrams per liter MinDD Minimum Day Demand MMD Maximum Month Demand MOA Memorandum of Agreement MPN Most Probably Number msl Mean sea level MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California MWRF Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility NDMA N-nitrosodimethylamine NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit OOS Out of Service O&M Operations and Maintenance OMWD Olivenhain Municipal Water District PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls PHD Peak Hour Demand PRS Pressure Regulating Station January 2012 xi pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA Abbreviation Description PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PSV Pressure Sustaining Valve PS Pump Station psi Pounds per square inch PVC Polyvinyl chloride RO Reverse Osmosis RWMP Recycled Water Master Plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SAR Sodium Adsorption Ratio SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SDCWA San Diego County Water Authority SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act SF Single Family SLRWRF San Luis Rey Wastewater Reclamation Facility SMCL Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level STL Steel SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board SWTF Stormwater Treatment Facility TAP Tri-Agency Pipeline TDH Total Dynamic Head TDS Total Dissolved Solids VID Vista Irrigation District VWD Vallecitos Water District VFD Variable Frequency Drive WDF Water Demand Factor WPCF Water Pollution Control Facility WRF Water Reclamation Facility WRP Water Reclamation Plant xii January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/TOC_LOA This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) started its recycled water program in 1990 with the preparation of its first Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP). Subsequently, CMWD issued a mandatory use ordinance and started implementing the recycled water system facilities of Phase I. CMWD served over 1,000 acre-feet per year (afy) of recycled water by 1995. The implementation of Phase II started in 2000 and included construction of the 4-mgd Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) and expansion of the Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF), improvements to Mahr Reservoir, three new booster pump stations, and 24 miles of additional recycled water pipeline. Construction of Phase II was completed in 2008 and the CMWD currently serves approximately 4,000 afy of recycled water. With Phase II near completion, CMWD initiated the development of this RWMP update to evaluate the capabilities of the existing recycled water system, define the most cost- effective system expansions through build out conditions, and develop a capital improvement program (CIP). This CIP includes a recommended phasing strategy and defines the Phase III projects. A separate Phase III Project Feasibility Study was also prepared as part of this project but is documented in a separate report. ES.2 STUDY AREA The study area of this RWMP is the existing service area of CMWD as well as areas within neighboring districts adjacent to CMWD’s service area. As shown in Figure ES.1, CMWD currently provides potable water and recycled water within a portion of the City of Carlsbad (City) located approximately 35 miles north of downtown San Diego. CMWD’s existing recycled water system extends to all parts of the City except the northwest quadrant. This RWMP evaluates opportunities to expand recycled water service throughout CMWD’s service area as well as to a select number of large potential recycled water customers in neighboring communities. ES.3 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM CMWD’s primary recycled water distribution system consists of five pressure zones, three storage tanks, three booster pumping stations, two supply sources with pump stations, and three pressure regulating stations. CMWD also supplies recycled water to the south course of the La Costa Resort and Spa from the Gafner Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) through a separate distribution system with dedicated service to the south golf course of the La Costa Resort and Spa. The location of these facilities and supply sources are shown in Figure 2.1 of this RWMP. ALGA RDCAR LS BAD B L AVIA R A P Y TAMAR A C K A V CARLS B A D VIL L A G E D R EL CAMI NO REALLEUCADIA BL ENC IN ITAS BL RANCHO SANTA FE RDSAN MARCOS BL RANC H O S A N T A FE R D PALOMAR AIR P O R T RD C O LL E GE BLL A C OSTA AVPOINSETTIA LNEL CAMINO REALE L CAMI NO REAL CAN N O N R DMELROSE D R OLIVENHAIN RD RA N CH O S A NTA FE RDCAMINO JUNIPERO Agua HediondaLagoon City ofOceanside Carlsbad MunicipalWater District Olivenhain MunicipalWater District San DieguitoWater District VallecitosWater District Vista Irrigation District Buena VistaLagoon Batiquitos Lagoon Pacific Ocean Santa FeIrrigation District Figure ES.1Study AreaRecycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water District 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Legend Water District Boundaries Carlsbad Municipal Water District City of Oceanside Olivenhain MunicipalWater District San Dieguito Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District Santa Fe Irrigation District Carlsbad City Limits Other Freeways Major Roads Local Streets Water Body Also Included in Study Area January 2012 3 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary ES.4 RECYCLED WATER SUPPLIES CMWD currently receives recycled water from the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (WRF), owned by CMWD but operated by the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA), the Meadowlark WRF, owned and operated by the Vallecitos Water District (VWD), and the Gafner WRP, owned and operated by the Leucadia Wastewater District (LWWD). Table ES.1 summarizes the existing supply sources of recycled water for CMWD, while the locations of each of these facilities are shown on Figure ES.3. Table ES.1 Recycled Water Supplies Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Reclamation Plant Name Owner Permitted Capacity(1) (mgd) Maximum CMWD Allocation (mgd) Other Allocations (mgd) CWRF CMWD 4.0 4.00 0.0 MWRF VWD 5.0 3.00(1) 1.5(1) GWRP LWWD 1.0 0.75(1) 0.0 Total Capacity 10.0 7.75 1.5 Total Usable Capacity(1) 7.60(1) Notes: VWD = Vallecitos Water District; LWWD = Leucadia Wastewater District; GWRP = Gafner WRP (1) Details and assumptions are included in Chapter 4. To serve the projected recycled water demands, six (6) different supply alternatives were developed. Each alternative has an assumed total build out supply capacity of 14-mgd, which was used to develop comparable alternatives. The six alternatives are: • Alternative 1 - Maximize use of Carlsbad WRF • Alternative 2 - Maximize use of Meadowlark WRF • Alternative 3 - Maximize use of Gafner WRP • Alternative 4 - Abandon Gafner WRP • Alternative 5 - Maximize use of Carlsbad WRF and Lake Calavera • Alternative 6 - Utilize Shadowridge WRP The breakdown of the distribution of supplies to add up to 14 mgd for each of the six alternatives is summarized in Table ES.2. 4 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary Table ES.2 Supply Alternatives Summary Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Supply Source Facility Treatment Flow(1) (mgd) Alternative 1 Maximize CWRF Alternative 2 Maximize MWRF Alternative 3 Maximize GWRP Alternative 4 Abandon GWRP Alternative 5 Maximize CWRF and Lake Calavera Alternative 6 Utilize Shadowridge WRP Carlsbad WRF 10.25 9.75 7.00 11.00 9.00 9.75 Meadowlark WRF 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Gafner WRP 0.75 0.75 4.00 - 0.75 0.75 Calavera Reservoir SWTF - - - - 1.00 - Seasonal Storage - - - - 0.25 0.20 Shadowridge WRP - - - - - 0.30 Total 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 Notes: WRF = Water Reclamation Facility; WRP = Water Reclamation Plant; SWTF = Stormwater Treatment Facility (1) Details and assumptions are included in Chapter 4. A summary of the estimated capital cost and unit supply cost in $/acre-foot (af) are listed in Table 4.11 and graphically presented on Figure ES.2. $191 $300 $1,305 $181 $335 $404 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3 Alt. 4 Alt. 5 Alt. 6 Unit Supply Cost ($/af)Supply Capacity (mgd)CWRF GWRP MWRF SWTP Seasonal Storage SWRP Unit Cost ($/af) Figure ES.2 Supply Alternatives Comparison January 2012 5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary As shown on Figure ES.2, the majority of the recycled water supply capacity is produced at the Carlsbad WRF in all alternatives, ranging from 7 to 11 mgd of the total 14-mgd supply capacity. This figure clearly shows that the variations between alternatives are determined by the supply mix of the remaining 3 to 7 mgd of the total 14 mgd capacity. The narrow variation in supply mix between the five of the six alternatives is caused by the limited supply availability and/or expansion opportunities for the GWRP, MWRF, SWTP, and SWRP. The Carlsbad WRF is the only treatment plant with extensive expansion opportunities and already has a secondary treatment capacity of 43.3 mgd. In addition to the supply mix of each alternative, Figure ES.2 also shows that the estimated unit capital supply cost in dollars per acre-foot range from $181/af to $1,305/af. Alternative 4 is the most cost-effective scenario, while Alternative 1 the second best alternative. More details on each supply source and the supply evaluation is provided in Chapter 4 of this RWMP. ES.5 RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS ES.5.1 Existing Demands CMWD’s recycled water demand has steadily increased from zero afy at the start of Phase I in 1990 to 4,350 afy in calendar year 2009. As of December 2010, CMWD serves 362 customers. CMWD’s top five largest customers comprise over one-third of the total demand for 2009. In addition, Home Owners Association (HOA) irrigation and commercial property irrigation, such as shopping centers and business parks, comprise a significant portion of the system’s total demand. For planning purposes, the existing distribution system is estimated to serve approximately 4,000 afy. ES.5.2 Near-Term Demands CMWD is already in the process of connecting nearly 50 new (near-term) customers with a combined demand of 100 afy. This demand is therefore referred to as the so-called “near- term” demand. ES.5.3 Future Demand Projections The future recycled water demands were projected using a variety of sources, including potable water billing records, land use maps, aerial photography, previous reports, studies from neighboring agencies, and discussions with CMWD staff. A list of 161 potential new recycled water customers was developed and input into a GIS database. The total additional potential future demand based on the customer database is nearly 5,368 afy. This demand includes all potential users including future developments, but does not include several potential agricultural users since they are temporarily occupying land 6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary planned for future home owners associations and commercial developments. The customers were separated into four main categories and thirteen subcategories, which are described in more detail in Chapter 3. A detailed list of all potential customers is included in Appendix B. In addition to the customer database, demand estimates were prepared for agricultural areas that can be temporarily served with recycled water and vacant areas for which no specific plans are available at this time. The total demand for the ultimate system is projected by combining the demands from existing and near-term customers, the potential customer database, and the arnew developments. Table ES.3 presents a summary of demand projections. This table also lists the corresponding table in Chapter 3 that provides more detail on each demand estimate. Table ES.3 Summary of Demand Projections Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Customer Category Demand (afy) Source Existing 4,000 Section 3.3.2 Near Term / In Progress 100 Section 3.5.3 Customer Database 5,368 Table 3.7 New Developments 344 Table 3.9 Potential Total Demand 9,812 Not Feasible -706 Table 3.13 Total for Build-out System 9,106 As shown, the total potential recycled water demand is estimated at 9,812 afy. It should be noted that this is not the build out demand included in the CIP, as the location of certain potential customers would require cost-prohibitive infrastructure expansions. The feasibility analysis of the various pipeline alignments required to serve this total potential demand is described in Chapter 9, Future System Analysis. The results of this analysis were used to prioritize pipeline extension projects and determine the build out demand that is considered for the CIP projects presented in Chapter 10 of this RWMP. As shown in Table ES.3, a total of 706 afy in potential demand is considered not feasible, resulting in a build out demand of 9,106 afy. This equates to an average day demand (ADD) of 8.1 mgd and a maximum day demand (MDD) of 13.5 mgd. The list of potential customers includes customers outside CMWD’s service area. As presented in Chapter 3, nearly 50 percent of the potential customers identified within this plan are located inside CMWD’s service area. Implementation of the system expansions described in this RWMP would therefore require collaboration with neighboring agencies January 2012 7 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary and not only offset potable water demands within CMWD’s service area, but also diversify supplies in neighboring agencies. Currently, recycled water use accounts for almost 20 percent of the aggregate water within CMWD. If all potential demands within CMWD are connected by year 2020, CMWD could reach 27 percent recycled water when compared to total demand. ES.6 HYDRAULIC MODEL A hydraulic model was developed and calibrated for this project to evaluate the existing system and determine the future system expansions projects for the CIP. A detailed description of the model creation and calibration is included in Chapter 6 of this RWMP. ES.7 EXISTING SYSTEM EVALUATION The hydraulic model was used to evaluate the system hydraulics of the existing recycled water distribution system. The evaluation and planning criteria used for this evaluation are described in Chapter 7 of this RWMP. In summary, the following conclusions were made: • All booster pump stations are adequately sized. • The system has sufficient reservoir storage. • The system has sufficient recycled water supplies to meet MMD. • There are some hydraulic deficiencies in the distribution system such as areas with high velocity, high head loss, high pressure, or low pressure. • There are a few locations with low chlorine residual levels. After an evaluation of the severity of the deficiencies, replacement of the existing system was not recommended. To resolve the water quality deficiencies, the following recommendation was made and included in the CIP, which is presented in Chapter 10 of this RWMP: • Installation of a chlorination and mixing system in “C” Tank to maintain an adequate residual during periods of low demand. ES.8 FUTURE SYSTEM EVALUATION The hydraulic model was expanded by connecting potential customers identified in the future customer database. Pipeline alignments were selected with input from CMWD staff in an attempt to connect all potential customers. The model with this build out distribution system was then used to size pipelines, define pressure zone boundaries, locate new booster pumping stations and reservoirs. 8 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary The pipeline alignments of this build out system were then divided into 18 different expansion segments. The alignments of the segments are shown on Figure ES.3, while a summary of the potential customer demands by segment is provided in Table 9.1. To determine the most cost-effective system expansion, the various segments were evaluated based on the estimated conveyance cost in dollars per acre-foot of demand served ($/af). The segments were then prioritized based on unit conveyance cost and incorporated in the CIP. The resulting ranking is presented in Figure ES.4. Table ES.4 Summary of Ultimate Demands by Phase Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Phase Ultimate System Demand (afy) Average Day Demand (mgd) Maximum Month Demand(2) (mgd) Existing + Near Term 4,100 3.7 6.3 Phase III Expansion Segments(1) 3,314 2.9 4.7 Phase III Subtotal 3,314 2.9 4.7 Phase III Total 7,414 6.6 11.0 Build Out Expansion Segments 1,348 1.2 2.0 Development of Vacant Land 344 0.3 0.5 Build-Out Phase Subtotal 1,692 1.5 2.5 Ultimate System Total 9,106 8.1 13.5 Notes: (1) Assumes that all potential customers adjacent to the existing system are connected during Phase III (2) MMD peaking factors vary by customer (see Appendix C for details). As shown in Table ES.4, a total of 9,106 afy of demand was identified as the ultimate system demand. It is estimated that the total Phase III demand would be approximately 7,414 afy. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" TanksCamino Re al Marron Rd Ca rl s ba d Bl vd A lo n d r a W a y Paseo NorteC ollege B lvd Palomar Airport RD Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a r a c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle BarcelonaRanch o Santa FeCalavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP LakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeter 8" Carlsbad villageRedundancy Pipeline 8"8"San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside 4 2 35 1 6 12 89 10 11 7 13 14 18 15 16 1714"8"12"6"4" 16" 4" 1 2 " 6 "4"8" 6 " 12"4"4 " 4"6"6" 12" 8"6"6" 4 "6"4" 8" 6" 8"6" 6 " 4"8" 8 " 6 " 4" 6"6"6 " 8"8"6"4" 8 " 6"12"6"8"8"8"4 " 8"8"6" 6 "8"8"6"6"4"6" 6" 6 "6"8"6"4"6"8"4"4 "8"12"4" 12"12"6 " 8"6"6 "6"4" 8" 8" 6" 6 "6"8"12"8"C017 C032 C177 C176C175 C173 C179 C170 C169 C166 C178 C165 C164 C163 C161 C064 C158 C126 C119 C116 C157 C156 C155 C153 C152 C151 C150 C149 C148 C147 C146 C145C144 C143 C102 C123 C103 C112 C101 C105 C111 C114 C136C125 C129 C134 C139C121 C117 C124 C115 C113 C128 C108C130 C127 C118 C122 C131C120 C133 C107 C109 C141 C137 C135 C104 C100 C094 C005 C009 C001 C008 C074 C071 C087 C010 C088 C042 C044 C041 C068 C051 C063 C037 C043 C078 C040 C047 C045 C003 C013 C020 C027 C004 C021 C028 Legend Existing Pipelines Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Customer (by demand in afy) <10 10-25 25-50 50-100 >100 Recycled Water Facilities Pump Station PRS Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP Other Freeways Railroads Local Streets Protential Golf Courses Water Body Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 0 5,000 10,000Feet Figure ES.3Potential Expansion Segments Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water DistrictFILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_ES_3-Expansions Segment by Color.mxdDATE: 1/18/2011Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Segment 9 Segment 10 Segment 11 Segment 12 Segment 13 Segment 14 Segment 15 Segment 16 Segment 17 Segment 18 New Developments Other (Not for Specific Potential Expansion Segments Expansion Segment) 10 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 11 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 $0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 4A 8 3 7 10 2 9 4B 14 15 4C 16 1 5 18 13 6 12 17 11 Cumulative Demand (afy)Conveyance Unit Cost ($/acre-ft)Phase III Expansion Segments Build-out Expansion Segments Cumulative Potential Demand (afy) Note: Conveyance costs donot include treatment costs. expansions near to existing projects Figure ES.4 Expansion Segment Unit Costs As shown in Figure ES.4, the estimated conveyance unit costs for the segments range significantly, from less than $100/acre-foot to over $2,500/acre-foot. This figure also shows the cumulative demand of all expansion segments as 4,662 afy. It should be noted that this does not include the existing system demand, near-term demand, or the demand of customers located adjacent to the existing system that do not require new pipeline segments. A summary of the total ultimate demand by phase is shown in Table ES.4. This figure also shows that the incremental new demand decreases significantly after implementation of expansion segment 15, while the unit cost for conveyance continues to increase. As this is close to the point where the unit conveyance costs exceed $1,500/acre- foot, it was decided to define all segments up to Expansion Segment 4C as Phase III and categorize the remaining segments for the build out, as discussed in Chapter 9. 12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary ES.9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The CIP is divided into three phases. The existing phase includes recommendations made as a part of the existing system analysis. The second phase consists of the projects to be implemented as a part of the Phase III improvement program, while the third phase consists of the remaining projects anticipated through build-out of the recycled water system. The locations of the projects included in Phase III and the Build-out Phase are shown on Figure ES.5. The breakdown of cost by phase is summarized in Table ES.5. Table ES.5 Capital Cost by Planning Phase Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Project Type Existing Phase III Build-out Phase Total Pipelines $0.0 $20.7 $40.1 $60.7 Treatment $0.0 $7.0 $5.5 $12.5 Storage $0.1 $4.6 $5.7 $10.4 Total $0.1 $32.3 $51.3 $83.7 Note: (1) Capital Costs are based on the cost assumptions discussed in Chapter 10. Detailed information for each project can be found in Table 10.4. As shown in Table ES.5, the total capital cost for existing system improvements is about $0.6 million, while the capital cost of Phase III is estimated at $32.3 million. The expansions required to connect all customers of the Build-out Phase will add approximately $51.3 million in capital cost, for a total capital cost of $83.7 million. This table also shows that pipelines represent the largest component of the total capital cost at about $60.7 million. Treatment and storage are similar in cost, at $12.5 million and $10.4 million, respectively. Figure ES.6 presents the capital cost by project type graphically. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" TanksCamino Re al E lm A v e Marron Rd Ca rl s b a d Blv d H i g h la n d Dr A lo n d ra W a y Paseo NorteF a ils a f e P ip e lin e Palomar Airport RD Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a ra c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle BarcelonaRanch o Santa FeCalavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP LakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeter 8" 4A 4B 4C San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside 4 2 35 1 6 7 89 10 11 18 171615 13 11 12 14 C017 C032 C177 C176 C175 C174 C173 C179 C170 C169 C168 C178 C165 C164 C163 C162 C161 C064 C159 C158 C126 C119C116 C157 C156 C155 C153 C152 C151 C149 C148 C147 C146 C145C144 C143 C102 C123 C103 C112 C101 C105 C111 C114 C136C125 C129 C134 C139C121 C124 C115 C113 C128 C108C130 C127 C118 C122 C131C120 C133 C107 C109C140 C141 C137 C132 C135 C104 C093 C099 C100 C005 C009 C001 C061 C074 C071 C062 C087 C010 C088 C042 C056 C044 C041 C034 C051 C063 C037 C043 C078 C018 C070 C045 C003 C013 C020 C027 C004 C021 C028 Legend Existing Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Potential Expansion Segments Phase III Build Out New Development Areas Already Constructed Recycled Water Facilities Pump Station Pressure Regulating Station (PRS) Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP Other Freeways Railroads Major Roads Local Streets Water Body Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Carsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure ES.5CIP Phasing Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water DistrictFILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_ES_5-CIP Phasing.mxdDATE: 1/18/2011 14 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/\Executive Summary This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 15 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary Pipelines $60.7M 73% Treatment $12.5M 15% Storage $10.4M 12% Total Build-out CIP$83.7 million Figure ES.6 Capital Cost by Project Type It is anticipated that completion of Phase III will require approximately 10 years (2011- 2020), five years for building the Phase III infrastructure and five years to connect the customers. It is assumed that the Build-out Phase is will take another ten years and be completed by 2030. Based on this timing, the escalated capital project costs were estimated as shown in Table ES.6. Table ES.6 Escalated CIP by Planning Phase Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Phase Period Capital Cost ($million) Escalated Capital Cost ($million) Existing 2010 $0.1 $0.2 Phase III 2011-2020 $32.3 $35.3 Build-out Phase 2021-2030 $51.3 $75.4 Total n/a $83.7 $110.9 Figure ES.7 depicts the estimated escalated unit recycled water cost compared to the anticipated potable water unit cost from the San Diego County Water Authority, which provides the alternate water supply to CMWD. 16 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Executive Summary $0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030Unit Cost ($/af)Year Treatment and Storage Conveyance Treated Imported Water Cost (SDCWA)Projection Recycled Water System Expansion Phase III Build Out Note: Costs exclude Operation and Maintainance Figure ES.7 Comparison of Unit Costs to Imported Water As shown in Figure ES.7, the anticipated unit cost of recycled water for each phase is below the projected imported water costs for the same time period. Based on this comparison it is concluded that the expansion of CMWD’s recycled water system in both Phase III and through Build Out conditions is a cost-effective alternative for potable water supply. In addition to the cost benefit, recycled water provides increased supply reliability, especially during drought periods, and allows CMWD remains more in control of the overall water supply cost for its customers. January 2012 1-1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Many Southern California communities must contend with a multitude of challenges when providing a reliable water supply. The drought occurring through 2010, legal and environmental constraints, climate change, and population growth all have the aggregate effect of reducing the reliability of most water supplies. As recycled water provides a reliable, drought-resistant supply, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) has been providing recycled water to the City of Carlsbad (City) since 1991. To continue this program, CMWD has undertaken this Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP) update to guide the continued development of its recycled water system. This chapter includes descriptions of the project background, study area, and project objectives. In addition, acknowledgments and an overview of the report organization are included. A list of reference documents used for the preparation of this RWMP is included in Appendix A, while a list of abbreviations and acronyms is included after the Table of Contents. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND The CMWD started its recycled water program in 1990 with the preparation of its first Recycled Water Master Plan. Subsequently, CMWD issued a mandatory use ordinance and started implementing the recycled water system facilities of Phase I. With recycled water purchased from neighboring agencies, Vallecitos Water District (VWD) and Leucadia Wastewater District (LWWD), CMWD served over 1,000 acre-feet per year (afy), or 0.89 million gallons per day (mgd), of recycled water by 1995. With Phase I complete, CMWD hired Carollo Engineers in 1997 to update its recycled water master plan and prepare a plan for the Phase II expansion. Phase II included construction of the 4 mgd (4,480 afy) Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF), increased supply from the Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF) from 2.25 mgd (2,520 afy) to 5 mgd (5,600 afy), reliability and control improvements to Mahr Reservoir, three new booster pump stations, and 24 miles of additional recycled water pipeline. Construction of Phase II was initiated in 2004, and went into full operation in January 2008. Currently, CMWD is still connecting Phase II customers to the distribution system and the Phase II system demand is anticipated to increase to approximately 5,000 afy (4.5 mgd) once all Phase II customers are connected. With Phase II near completion, CMWD is ready to take the next steps for further recycled water system expansion. With most of the large water customers already converted to recycled water, the next challenge is finding cost effective expansions that effectively continue the development of CMWD’s recycled water system. The purpose of this Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP) Update is to document 1-2 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 the capabilities of the existing system and evaluate potential system expansions. The goal of this document is to determine preferred system expansions and develop a capital improvement program (CIP) with a phased implementation approach to reach build out conditions. In addition, a separate Phase III Project Feasibility Study was prepared as part of this project that provides details on the implementation of Phase III. 1.3 STUDY AREA The project study area is the service area of CMWD as well as some of the surrounding areas of neighboring agencies. CMWD provides potable water and recycled water within a portion of the City of Carlsbad (City) located approximately 35 miles north of downtown San Diego. As shown in Figure 1.1, CMWD’s service area covers most of the City’s boundary, with special service districts providing service for the southeast corner of the City. It should be noted that, through an agreement dated September 24, 2008 (included in Appendix D), CMWD retails recycled water within VWD outside CMWD’s service area but within the City of Carlsbad. CMWD is a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad. The mayor and City Council are CMWD’s governing board. CMWD management and engineering operates under the City’s Utilities Department. CMWD is governed by the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. The City is a member of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) along with the City of Vista, the City of Encinitas, the Buena Sanitation District, LWWD, and VWD. Wastewater treatment is handled on a regional basis by EWA. The study area includes both wastewater supply sources outside of the CMWD boundary and potential customers outside the CMWD boundary who could purchase recycled water. CMWD’s boundary in relation to these wastewater agencies is shown in Figure 1.2. Currently, CMWD’s existing recycled water system extends to all parts of CMWD except the upper portion of the northwest quadrant. This RWMP evaluates opportunities to expand recycled water service throughout CMWD’s service area as well as to a select number of large potential recycled water customers in neighboring communities. ALGA RDCAR LS BAD B L AVIA R A P Y TAMAR A C K A V CARLS B A D VIL L A G E D R EL CAMI NO REALLEUCADIA BL ENC IN ITAS BL RANCHO SANTA FE RDSAN MARCOS BL RANC H O S A N T A FE R D PALOMAR AIR P O R T RD C O LL E GE BLL A C OSTA AVPOINSETTIA LNEL CAMINO REALE L CAMI NO REAL CAN N O N R DMELROSE D R OLIVENHAIN RD RA N CH O S A NTA FE RDCAMINO JUNIPERO Agua HediondaLagoon City ofOceanside Carlsbad MunicipalWater District Olivenhain MunicipalWater District San DieguitoWater District VallecitosWater District Vista Irrigation District Buena VistaLagoon Batiquitos Lagoon Pacific Ocean Santa FeIrrigation District Figure 1.1City and Water DistrictBoundariesRecycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water District 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Legend Water District Boundaries Carlsbad Municipal Water District City of Oceanside Olivenhain MunicipalWater District San Dieguito Water District Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District Santa Fe Irrigation District Carlsbad City Limits Other Freeways Major Roads Local Streets Water Body Also Included in Study Area A L GA RDCARL S B AD B L AVIARA PY T A M A R A C K A VCARLSBAD V ILL A G E D R EL CAMI NO REALLEUCADIA BL ENC IN ITAS BL RANCHO SANTA FE RDSAN MARCOS BL R A N C H O SA N T A F E R D PALOMAR AIRP OR T RD C O LL E GE BLL A C OSTA AVPOINSETTIA LNEL CAMINO REALEL CAMI NO REA L CAN NO N R DMELR OS E D R OLIVENHAIN RD RA N CHO S ANTA FE RDCAMIN O JUNIPERO Agua HediondaLagoon City ofOceanside City of Carlsbad Leucadia Wastewater District Buena SanitationDistrict Buena VistaLagoon Batiquitos Lagoon Pacific Ocean Vallecitos Water District City of Encinitas City of Vista Figure 1.2Sewer Districts Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water District 0 5,000 10,000Feet Legend Sanitation District and Sewer Service Boundaries City of Carlsbad City of Oceanside Vallecitos Water District Buena Sanitation Maintenance District Leucadia Wastewater District Other Freeways Major Street Local Streets Water Body January 2012 1-5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 1.4 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The intent of this project is to provide a RWMP that will guide CMWD as it develops and expands the current recycled water distribution system to build out. CMWD wants to maximize the use of recycled water as this is now the lowest cost water supply source. Specific project objectives are as follows: • Maximizing recycled water use in and around CMWD. • Finding cost effective system expansion opportunities. • Optimizing the existing and future system configuration. The plan culminates in a CIP that is intended to serve as guidance for CMWD to meet the desired objectives. The CIP identifies several recycled water projects for CMWD, outlines the recommended phasing of these projects, and includes planning level opinions of probable construction cost. 1.5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Carollo wishes to acknowledge and thank all of the City’s staff for their support and assistance in completing this master plan. Special thanks go to Bill Plummer, David Ahles, and Elzbieta Karczewski. Deputy City Engineer: Bill Plummer, P.E. Senior Engineer: David Ahles, P.E. Engineering Technician: Elzbieta Karczewski Public Works Superintendent: Steve Plyler Public Works Supervisor: Jase Warner Senior Cross Connection Technician: Pam James-Adams The following Carollo staff were principally involved in the preparation of this RWMP: Partner-in-Charge: Gil Crozes, Ph.D., P.E. Project Manager: Inge Wiersema, P.E. Project Engineer: Brian Brenhaug, P.E. Technical Review: Dan Baker, P.E. Project Support Staff: Tracy Clinton, P.E. Mark Bartlett, P.E. Dawn Guendert Li-Chen Wang 1-6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 Carollo teamed with CH2M HILL for this RWMP update. Key staff members from CH2M HILL involved in this project were: Project Manager: Scott Lynch, P.E. Anne Lynch, P.E. Project Engineer: Jessica Prince, P.E. Xiaoyi Zhang 1.6 REPORT ORGANIZATION This recycled water master plan is divided into 10 chapters. A brief description of the content of each chapter is provided below. • Chapter 1 – Introduction: This chapter includes descriptions of the project background, study area, and project objectives. In addition, acknowledgments and an overview of the report organization are included. • Chapter 2 – Existing Recycled Water System: This chapter provides a brief overview of CMWD’s existing recycled water system including descriptions of the existing recycled water distribution system/facilities, recycled water supply sources, recycled water demands as well as known system deficiencies. • Chapter 3 – Recycled Water Demands: This chapter presents a discussion of CMWD’s estimated recycled water demands, including analysis of historical recycled water demands, recycled water demand factors and peaking factors. This chapter also summarizes the findings of the recycled water market assessment, a list of identified potential customers, and the projected recycled water demands for Phase III and build out conditions. • Chapter 4 – Recycled Water Supplies: This chapter identifies the supply and related storage needs required to meet the projected water demands identified in Chapter 3, including descriptions of the existing and future recycled water supply sources, a discussion of water quality of existing supply sources, a comparison of the capacity of the identified sources with the projected recycled water demands to determine any supply shortfalls, a supply evaluation consisting of four supply scenarios, and a discussion of recommended supply strategy. • Chapter 5 – Recycled Water Regulations. This chapter identifies the regulations that govern the implementation and use of recycled water by CMWD, including current and anticipated recycled water regulations as well as recommendations for changes to CMWD’s design standards. January 2012 1-7 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 • Chapter 6 – Hydraulic Model: This chapter discusses development and calibration of the hydraulic model of CMWD’s existing recycled water system including descriptions of CMWD’s previous hydraulic model, the various data sources used to create the model, the modeling of facilities and their controls, the allocation of demands, and the details of the calibration process. This chapter also documents development of the future system model. • Chapter 7 – Planning and Evaluation Criteria: This chapter summarizes the analysis criteria used in the existing and future system analysis, as well as planning criteria used in development of the capital improvement program. • Chapter 8 – Existing System Evaluation: This chapter covers the analysis performed on the existing system and summarizes results of that analysis, including existing system deficiencies and recommendations for improvements to optimize the existing system. This chapter also includes a discussion of inspection and maintenance requirements and costs. • Chapter 9 – Future System Evaluation: This chapter documents analysis of the future system and summarizes results of that analysis. This chapter will include an evaluation of the different routing alternatives and laterals to serve the potential customers identified in Chapter 3 from the various supply alternatives discussed in Chapter 4. • Chapter 10 – Capital Improvement Program: This chapter provides planning level cost estimates for the improvements recommended in Chapters 8 and 9. This CIP includes a phased implementation schedule with a planning horizon of 2030 and a separate project list for Phase III. A detailed implementation plan for Phase III is presented in a separate report, the Phase III Feasibility Study. 1-8 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 1 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 2-1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 Chapter 2 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a brief overview of Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s (CMWD) existing recycled water system including descriptions of the existing recycled water distribution system/facilities, recycled water supply sources, and recycled water demands. A more detailed description of the recycled water distribution system pipelines and facilities is included in Chapter 6 (Hydraulic Model Development), while detailed descriptions of the existing and future recycled water demands and supplies are included in Chapter 3 (Recycled Water Demands) and Chapter 4 (Recycled Water Supplies), respectively. 2.2 SERVICE AREA CMWD’s existing recycled water system is shown on Figure 2.1. As shown, CMWD currently provides recycled water to customers inside and outside CMWD’s service area, but are nearly within the City of Carlsbad (City). Most of CMWD’s recycled water distribution system is within CMWD’s service area. However, two portions of the recycled water distribution system are located outside CMWD’s service area. A 12-inch transmission main in Pressure Zone 660 is located within the Vista Irrigation District (VID) to the East of CMWD’s service area along Melrose and Faraday Avenue. A 30-inch transmission main outside CMWD’s service area is also located where CMWD’s recycled water distribution system is fed from Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF) within the service area of Vallecitos Water District (VWD). This pipeline ends along Rancho Santa Fe Road, located to the southeast of CMWD’s service area. CMWD also serves recycled water customers in the VWD within the City per the Mahr Reservoir Use Agreement found in Appendix D. 2.3 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER SUPPLIES CMWD receives recycled water from reclamation plants within the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) service area. EWA is a public agency owned by the City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of Encinitas, VWD, Buena Sanitation District (BSD), and Leucadia Wastewater District (LWWD). EWA is operated through a Joint Powers Agreement date April 21, 2005 (see Appendix D). Under the Joint Powers Agreement, these six agencies share the costs and management of wastewater treatment services through a joint outfall system. EWA manages the 36-mgd Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) and the Encina Ocean Outfall (EOO) at the terminus of this joint system. Member agencies are responsible 2-2 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 for their individual wastewater collection systems that feed the trunk mains terminating at the EWPCF. CMWD receives recycled water from Meadowlark WRF, owned and operated by the Vallecitos Water District, the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF), owned by CMWD but operated by the EWA, and the Gafner Water Reclamation Plant (GWRP), owned and operated by the LWWD. The ownership and capacity allocations from these three sources are summarized in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Recycled Water Supplies Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Reclamation Plant Name Owner(1) CMWD Allocation Total Supply Capacity (mgd) (afy) (mgd) (afy) CWRF City 4 4,480 4 4,480 MWRF(2) VWD 3 3,360 5 5,600 GWRP(3) LWWD 0.75 840 0.75 840 Total (Peak) 7.75 8,680 9.75 10,920 Notes: (1) VWD: Vallecitos Water District; LWWD: Leucadia Wastewater District; VID: Vista Irrigation District. (2) CMWD’s allocation is 3.0 mgd in the summer and 2.0 mgd in the winter. Allocation for the Olivenhain Municipal Water District is between 1.0 mgd and 1.5 mgd depending on available flow. Based on the design capacity of 5.0 mgd, there is spare capacity of 0.5 mgd. However, due to insufficient wastewater flows, the actual available flow of the plant is currently limited to about 3.4 mgd. Some of the spare capacity is required for transportation of solids. (3) CMWD’s allocation for the La Costa Resort and Spa Golf Course is 0.75 mgd; however, peak historic usage is typically around 0.4 mgd. This supply is not connected to CMWD’s main recycled water system. It should be noted that GWRP only serves the south course of La Costa Resort and Spa and is not connected to the rest of CMWD’s recycled water distribution system. The Meadowlark WRF operates as a “skimming” plant and extracts raw wastewater upstream in the joint system while the Carlsbad WRF and Gafner WRP treat secondary effluent from the EWPCF. More details on CMWD’s recycled water supplies are provided in Chapter 4 of this RWMP. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" Tanks Calavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP Faraday PRS Avenida Encinas PRS La Costa PRS Kemper SportsManagement Corintia Meter OMWDMeter LakeCalavera EL CAMINO REAL Maerkle Reservoir La Costa Resort(North Course) La Costa Ridge Pipeline and Pump Station(Private) Vista Irrigation District Vallecitos Water District Park HyattAviara Resort La Costa Resort(South Course) Legoland Aviara ResortAssociationCANNON RD P O INSETTIA L NPALOMAR AIR P O R T R D ALG A R D C A R L S B A D B L AVIA RA PYMELROSE D R LA COSTA AV RANCHO SANTA FE R D OLIVENHAIN RD C A MI NO JUNIP E RO Legend Water System Facilities Largest Customers Pump Station Meter Pressure Regulating Station (PRS) Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP Pipelines by Pressure Zone 318 384 550 580 660 Other Private Pipeline Freeways Local Streets Water Body Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 2.1Existing Recycled Water System Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water District FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_2_1 Existing System Ver B.mxdDATE: 5/10/2011 2-4 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 2-5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 2.4 EXISTING RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMERS Recycled water delivery records were compiled and the average annual demands for the past seven years are summarized by use type in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Existing and Historical Recycled Water Demands Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Usage Type Average Annual Demand(1) (afy) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Agricultural Irrigation (Flower Fields) 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Commercial or Industrial Process Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Irrigation Commercial Property Irrigation (includes Apartments) 382 427 410 561 827 1,074 637 Community (Churches, etc.) 8 9 11 13 17 27 49 Golf Courses 596 703 713 780 1,036 1,133 1,033 Highways 52 52 31 46 28 25 11 HOAs 388 468 645 1,087 1,361 1,466 1,369 Resort Property Irrigation 331 313 275 340 339 340 195 Parks 56 50 76 111 167 195 69 Schools 36 42 35 66 107 85 91 Other Construction(2) 0 0 1 32 0 3 0 Public Works(3) 0 0 2 2 2 2 40 Total 1,849 2,064 2,199 3,038 3,884 4,350 3,517 Notes: (1) Demand from consumption records. Water loss information was not available and not included. (2) Temporary recycled water customers were primarily construction water and are tabulated separately in billing records (some of CMWD’s summaries of annual demand data may not include this demand category). (3) Includes street medians, pump station sites, etc. 2-6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 As shown in Table 2.2, CMWD’s total demand has steadily increased between 2004 and 2009 due to the implementation of Phase II and the connection of new customers. However, in 2010 the demand reduced significantly. The reasons for the reduction are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, but include the recent economic downturn, increases in recycled water rates, increased conservation (efficiency), watering restrictions associated with potable water, and cooler than average weather. Table 2.2 also shows that CMWD serves most of its recycled water to the Home Owners Associations (HOAs), Golf Courses, and Commercial Properties for landscape irrigation. Table 2.3 lists the demands for CMWD’s five largest users. Note that some of the demand associated with each of the five largest users may be considered multiple use types. Table 2.3 Largest Existing Recycled Water Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Customer Name Average Annual Demand (afy) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 La Costa Resort - North Course 167 273 287 178 263 335 272 La Costa Resort - South Course(1) 239 262 250 278 193 198 146 Park Hyatt Aviara Resort(2) 319 298 265 328 320 325 266 Aviara Resort Association 190 168 176 185 184 195 159 Kemper Sports Management(3) 0 0 0 139 396 405 274 Legoland 141 170 141 129 122 137 104 Total Top 5 Users 1,056 1,171 1,119 1,237 1,478 1,595 1,221 Notes: (1) Supplied by Gafner WRP, not connected to the rest of the recycled water distribution system. (2) Named the Four Seasons Resort prior to June 21, 2010. (3) This user represents the golf course “The Crossings at Carlsbad”. As seen by comparing Table 2.3 to Table 2.2, CMWD’s five largest customers comprise over one-third of the total demand for 2009 and 2010. As shown, the decline in the overall system demands is also seen in the five largest users. The locations of CMWD’s five largest recycled water customers are shown on Figure 2.1. January 2012 2-7 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 2.5 RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CMWD supplies recycled water through two recycled water distribution systems. CMWD’s primary recycled water distribution system consists of five pressure zones, three storage tanks, three booster pumping stations, two supply sources with pump stations, and three pressure regulating stations. CMWD also supplies recycled water to the south course of the La Costa Resort and Spa from the Gafner WRP through a separate distribution system with dedicated service to the La Costa Resort and Spa. Table 2.4 provides a summary of each of the facilities within the two distribution systems, while Figure 2.2 illustrates the connectivity of the various facilities within the distribution system in a hydraulic profile format. Table 2.4 Summary of Facilities by Pressure Zone Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Pressure Zone HGL Elevations Served (ft MSL) Pumping Stations / Supply Sources(5) Storage(5) Pressure Regulating Stations Annual Demand(6) (afy) 660 240' to 460' Bressi PS(4) n/a 311 580 200' to 430' Calavera PS(4) n/a 229 550 200' to 430' Twin D PS MWRF(2) Mahr Reservoir 731(1) 384 20' to 380' CWRF Twin D Tanks C Tank Faraday PRV La Costa PRV Twin D FCV(3) 2,381 318 50’ to 80’ n/a On-site ponds Encinas PRV 39 Gafner 60’ GWRP On-site ponds n/a 194 Notes: PS = Pump Station; HT = Hydro-pneumatic Tank; PRV = Pressure Reducing Valve; PSV = Pressure Sustaining Valve. (1) Does not include 13.3 afy of demand served in Vallecitos Water District’s service area. (2) Flow from MWRF enters CMWD’s system through the Corintia Meter, which measures the amount of flow provided from MWRF and Mahr Reservoir. (3) Twin D FCV is also referred to as Ralph Valve. The valve is a combination rate of flow, pressure sustaining, and solenoid control valve, but is controlled by SCADA based on tank level and demand. (4) Pump station includes a hydro-pneumatic tank; pressure zone supplied by this pump station does not include gravity storage. (5) Supply Sources and Storage indicate facilities that are either located in or directly feed the identified zone. Note that pressure zones utilize storage and supply sources in other pressure zones. See Figure 2.2 for a schematic presentation of the connectivity of zones. (6) Based on year 2008 and obtained from the hydraulic model (see Table 6.1). January 2012 2-9 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 2.5.1 Pipelines CMWD’s recycled water distribution system includes approximately 77 miles of pipelines within its service area, ranging in size from 2 to 30 inches in diameter. Table 2.5 presents a breakdown of pipelines by diameter and material type as of September 2009. Table 2.5 Recycled Water Distribution System Pipelines Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Diameter (in) Pipeline Length(1) (ft) by Material Class Total (ft) Total (mi) PVC ACP CML&C STL DIP HDPE 2 200 0 0 0 0 200 <0.1 4 28,400 0 100 0 0 28,500 5.4 6 27,400 1,500 1,200 2,200 0 32,300 6.1 8 137,500 400 1,600 1,300 0 140,800 26.7 10 6,500 100 0 0 0 6,600 1.3 12 84,500 10,800 2,100 10,700 0 108,100 20.5 14 0 0 4,600 2,700 0 7,300 1.4 16 8,600 0 200 900 0 9,700 1.8 18 8,200 0 500 8,300 0 17,000 3.2 20 4,500 0 3,500 0 0 8,000 1.5 24 0 0 22,800 0 50 22,850 4.3 27 0 0 4,800 0 0 4,800 0.9 30 0 0 19,300 1,300 50 20,650 3.9 Total (ft) 305,800 12,800 60,700 27,400 100 406,800 - Total (mi) 57.9 2.4 11.5 5.2 <0.1 - 77.0 Notes: PVC = polyvinyl chloride; ACP = asbestos cement pipeline; CML&C STL = cement mortar lined and coated steel; DIP = ductile iron pipeline; HDPE = high density polyethylene. (1) All lengths are rounded to 100 feet (except for HDPE, which is rounded to the nearest 50 feet for consistency with categorization of Table 2.6). Data is from CMWD’s pipeline GIS layer as of September 2009. As shown in Table 2.5, the majority of CMWD’s transmission and distribution mains consist of 8-inch diameter to 12-inch diameter pipelines (63 percent). The majority of the pipelines (about 75 percent) are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). According to CMWD’s pipeline GIS layer as updated September 2009, approximately 59 percent of the recycled water distribution system pipelines were installed in the years 2000 through 2009, with less than one percent installed prior to 1985. Figure 2.4 summarizes the pipeline lengths by installation years while Table 2.6 summarizes the length of pipeline by material and installation year. 2-10 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 PVC57.9 mi.75% Asbestos Cement2.4 mi.3%Cement Mortar Lined and Coated Steel 11.5 mi.15% Ductile Iron5.2 mi.7% HDPE, <0.1 mi.<1% PVC AC STL DI HDPE Figure 2.3 Pipelines by Material Type Table 2.6 Pipelines by Installation Year and Material Type Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Material Pipeline Length(1) (ft) by Installation Year(2) Total (ft) Total (mi) Prior to 1985 1985 to 1994 1995 to 1999 2000 to 2004 2005 to 2010 PVC 800 33,800 77,000 174,400 19,800 305,800 57.9 ACP 100 8,400 500 3,800 0 12,800 2.4 CML&C STL 2,900 6,800 18,500 32,500 0 60,700 11.5 DIP 0 10,900 7,300 9,200 0 27,400 5.2 HDPE 0 0 0 100 0 100 <0.1 Total (ft) 3,800 59,900 103,300 220,000 19,800 406,800 Total (mi) 0.7 11.3 19.6 41.7 3.8 77.0 Notes: PVC = polyvinyl chloride; ACP = asbestos cement pipeline; CML&C STL = cement mortar lined and coated steel; DIP = ductile iron pipeline; HDPE = high density polyethylene. (1) All lengths are rounded to nearest 100 feet. Data is from CMWD’s pipeline GIS layer as of September 2009. (2) Installation Year based on construction plan signature date from CMWD’s GIS layer. Total Existing Pipeline Length = 77 miles January 2012 2-11 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 Prior to 1985, 0.7 mi.<1% 1985 to 199511.3 mi.15% 1995 to 200019.6 mi.25% 2000 to 200541.7 mi.54% 2005 to 20103.8 mi.5% Prior to 1985 1985 to 1995 1995 to 2000 2000 to 2005 2005 to 2010 Figure 2.4 Pipelines by Installation Year 2.5.2 Pumping Stations CMWD’s recycled water distribution system contains four pump stations, one delivering flow from CWRF and three pump stations that move water within the distribution system between pressure zones. In addition, VWD uses a pump station to deliver water from MWRF to Mahr Reservoir and LWWD uses a pump station to deliver water from GWRP to a lake for irrigation of the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course. Table 2.7 lists details for each pump station. The Bressi PS is the sole conveyance of recycled water into Zone 660, and consists of three main pump units and a small 180-gpm jockey pump with a 7.5-hp motor. The Bressi PS contains a hydro-pneumatic tank, which provides pressure while the pump units are inactive. The Calavera PS is the sole conveyance of recycled water into Zone 580, and consists of three main pump units and a small 50-gpm jockey pump unit with a 5-hp motor. This pump station contains a hydro-pneumatic tank, which in conjunction with the jockey pump provides pressure while the three main pump units are inactive and demand is low. The Twin D PS is located at the site of the Twin D Tanks, and consists of four pump units pumping from Zone 384 to Zone 550. This pump station is designed to supply the upper zones of CMWD’s recycled water system from Carlsbad WRF if supply from Meadowlark WRF is unavailable. The pump station is capable of conveying flow through the Corintia Meter into Mahr Reservoir. Total Existing Pipeline Length = 77 miles 2-12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 Table 2.7 Pumping Stations Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Pump Station No. of Pump Units Year of Installation Suction Zone or Facility Discharge Zone Design Capacity (gpm) Bressi PS 3 + JP(1) 2006 Zone 550 Zone 660 3,000 Calavera PS 3 + JP(1) 2004 Zone 384 Zone 580 1,800 Twin D PS 4 2003 Zone 384 Zone 550 4,500 CWRF PS 3 2002 CWRF Zone 384 10,000 MWRF PS(2)(3) 3 2005 MWRF Zone 550(1) 3,250 GWRPS(4) 2 1991 GWRP La Costa South Golf Course 2,250 Notes: (1) Bressi PS and Calavera PS include jockey pump units for low flow conditions. (2) This pump station feeds Zone 550 and through the Corintia Meter it can also feed Mahr Reservoir. (3) Owned and operated by VWD. (4) Owned and operated by LWWD. The Carlsbad WRF PS is located at the Carlsbad WRF and consists of three pump units that pump into Zone 384. The pump units are sized at 3,330 gpm each. The pump station design flow of 10,000 gpm requires simultaneous operation of all three pump units. Two empty pump bays provide space for future expansion of the pump station. Meadowlark WRF PS consists of three variable frequency drive vertical turbine pump units. This pump station is not a part of CMWD’s recycled water system and is owned and operated by VWD. This pump station feeds the Zone 550 through the Corintia Meter and is designed to pump to Mahr Reservoir. Gafner WRP PS delivers recycled water to the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course lake. It includes two 1,125-gpm pumps with 40-hp motors, one operating pump, and one standby pump. Water is pumped through a 12-inch diameter pipeline to the lake. Chapters 6 and 7 contain additional details for each facility and provide a discussion on the controls used to operate each facility. 2.5.3 Pressure Regulating Stations Pressure regulating stations (PRS) allow distribution systems to transfer water from higher pressure zones to lower pressure zones without exceeding the allowable pressures in the lower zones or completely draining the pressure out of the higher zone. Typically, a PRS contains pressure reducing valves (PRV), pressure sustaining valves (PSV), pressure relief valves, or combination valves. January 2012 2-13 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 A PRV conveys water from an upper zone to a lower zone while reducing the pressure to a specified pressure setting on its downstream side. A PSV maintains a pressure setting on its upstream side while conveying flow. That is, the pressure sustaining valves will not allow water to transfer into the lower pressure zone if the pressure in the upper zone drops below a certain level. This ensures that a main break, or similar emergency, in the lower pressure zone does not drain too much water from the upper pressure zone. CMWD uses combined valves, which incorporate both pressure reducing and pressure sustaining features. Pressure relief valves bleed water from areas of high pressure when pressure exceeds a certain threshold. CMWD’s pressure regulating stations are configured to discharge from the lower pressure to atmosphere or into the storm drain if the pressure in the lower pressure zone gets too high. CMWD’s recycled water distribution system contains three pressure regulating stations, which generally convey and regulate the flow of water from higher pressure zones to the lower zones. Table 2.8 summarizes details of each PRS. The locations of the pressure regulating stations are shown on Figure 2.1, while the connectivity is shown on Figure 2.2. Table 2.8 Pressure Regulating Stations Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Name No. of Valves(1) Year of Installation Upstream Zone Downstream Zone Elevation (ft MSL) Setting (psi) Faraday PRS(3) 3 2003 550 384 220 70 La Costa / Poinsettia PRS(3) 3 2006 550 384 175 89 Twin D Flow Control Valve(2)(Ralph Valve) 2 2003 550 384 386 13 Avenida Encinas PRS(3) 2 2001 384 318 58 113 Notes: (1) Each pressure regulating station includes a pressure relief valve (the Twin D PS also includes a pressure relief valve). The number of valves includes the pressure relief valve. (2) The pressure regulating station at the Twin D PS acts as an altitude valve, replenishing the Twin D Tanks from the MWRF and Mahr Reservoir via the Corintia Meter. The valve is a combination rate of flow, pressure sustaining, and solenoid control valve, but is controlled by SCADA based on tank level and demand. (3) A PSV sustains a set pressure upstream of the valve, while a PRV maintains a set pressure downstream of the valve. CMWD uses combination pressure reducing and pressure sustaining valves with dual pilot controls at its pressure regulating stations. As shown in Table 2.8, the Faraday PRV, La Costa PRV, and Twin D PSV supply Zone 384 from Zone 550. These three regulating stations are typically operated to deliver flow from Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir via the Corintia Meter. The Avenida Encinas PRV is the sole conveyance to Zone 318, regardless of the supply source and operating conditions. 2-14 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 2.5.4 Corintia Meter CMWD’s distribution system contains a metering station at the Carlsbad WRF and a metering station, the Corintia Meter, at the delivery point to CMWD’s distribution system from VWD’s Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir. The Corintia metering station consists of a 16-inch diameter magnetic meter (magmeter) to record flow. There is a 16-inch diameter plug valve downstream from the meter that can either be opened or closed. This valve is normally open such that Zone 550 floats off Mahr Reservoir. However, the valve can be closed under certain conditions to isolate CMWD’s recycled water distribution system from VWD and Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s (OMWD) recycled water distribution systems. The Corintia Meter is located in an underground vault near the intersection of Melrose Drive and Corintia Street as shown on Figure 2.1. 2.5.5 Interconnections CMWD’s recycled water distribution system currently does not have any emergency interconnections with recycled water distribution systems of neighboring agencies. However, the OMWD recycled water distribution system is also connected to Mahr Reservoir and fed entirely by the Meadowlark WRF. Since the OMWD recycled water distribution system does not have an additional source of supply, OMWD would not be able to supply CMWD’s recycled water distribution system in the event of an outage of Meadowlark WRF. However, CMWD could supply OMWD’s recycled water distribution system from Carlsbad WRF via CMWD’s recycled water distribution system. 2.5.6 Potable Water Supply Connections CMWD’s recycled water distribution system currently has one connection from CMWD’s potable water distribution system to the recycled water distribution system. Potable water is introduced to the recycled water distribution system at the D Tanks, through the use of an air gap. The connection is made up of a meter and an 8-inch diameter PSV currently set to 74 psi. According to CMWD staff, the PSV can convey at least 3,000 gpm. The valve is normally closed and can be operated remotely through SCADA. VWD also has a potable water supply connection at Mahr Reservoir. Potable water can be added to the reservoir through an air gap. 2.5.7 System Operations The primary function of CMWD’s recycled water distribution system is to distribute recycled water from the water reclamation facilities to CMWD’s customers. The Meadowlark WRF operates as a skimming plant, reclaiming treated wastewater and discharging solids to EWPCF through a dedicated 6-inch diameter DIP forcemain to VWD’s 24-inch diameter gravity outfall sewer. VWD operates the Meadowlark WRF PS to supply recycled water to the system. Flows from Meadowlark WRF depend on the influent flows to the treatment plant. The variation in influent flows to Meadowlark WRF, the diurnal variation January 2012 2-15 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 of CMWD’s customer demands, and the diurnal variation of OMWD’s customer demands cause water level changes on a daily basis in Mahr Reservoir. CMWD strives to maintain at least 15 feet of water in Mahr Reservoir to avoid pressure problems in Zone 550. In the case where recycled water demand is low and Mahr Reservoir is full, tertiary treatment can be curtailed and secondary treated water can be pumped through a separate pumping station to a 12-inch diameter “failsafe” pipeline, which is capable of a peak flow of 3.0 mgd. The secondary treated pump station includes three duty (no standby) pumps rated at 920 gpm each and with a combined capacity of 1,750 gpm (2.5 mgd) with all three pumps operating. The “failsafe” pipeline can also receive flow from the tertiary pumping station through manually operated valves. According to the Mahr Reservoir Operations and Maintenance Manual (Carlsbad, 2008), 32 MG of storage within Mahr Reservoir is dedicated to CMWD’s recycled water distribution system storage needs. This agreement is based on a supply from the Meadowlark WRF of 2.0 mgd during the winter (December through March) and 3.0 mgd during the summer (April through November). The Carlsbad WRF treats secondary effluent from the EWPCF for delivery to CMWD’s recycled water distribution system from the west side of the service area. Recycled water is supplied to CMWD’s recycled water distribution system by the Carlsbad WRF PS. Under typical operations, the pump units are controlled by water levels in two of the Twin D tanks. The Carlsbad WRF PS pulls from two reclaimed water basins totaling 7.5 MG of recycled water storage. However, a single basin with about 3.75 MG of storage is usually sufficient for operation of CMWD’s existing recycled water distribution system. The basins have a dual purpose as these provide buffering capacity to handle peak wet weather flows tributary to the EWPCF during the winter months and provide additional storage to accommodate daily irrigation peaking during the summer months for CMWD. As discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, CMWD’s recycled water distribution system reaches its peak demands during the evening hours for nighttime irrigation. Based on discussions with CMWD staff, the typical daily operations pattern is as follows: • When water levels in CMWD’s storage reservoirs fall, the Carlsbad WRF PS comes online, supplying the nighttime demand from the Carlsbad WRF equalization basin and replenishing operational storage. • As the Twin D tank levels fall, the Twin D Flow Control Valve (Ralph Valve) will open based on the levels in the Twin D tanks to increase the flow being taken from Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir via the Corintia Meter. • The Carlsbad WRF PS is turned off based on the levels in the Twin D tanks once the tanks replenish as the nighttime irrigation demands end. However, during peak 2-16 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 months, the Carlsbad WRF PS will be run all night to take advantage of non-peak time-of-use electrical rates to lift supply from Carlsbad WRF to the storage tanks to avoid pumping during peak time-of-use electrical rates. • The Twin D Flow Control Valve (Ralph Valve) is left active until the totalized flow through the Corintia Meter reaches the allotment for the day or the operational storage is replenished. After SCADA closes the Twin D Flow Control Valve (Ralph Valve), the distribution system is supplied from operational storage and is supplemented by the Carlsbad WRF, if necessary. Recycled water demands in Zones 660 and 550 are typically supplied exclusively by Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir via the Corintia Meter throughout the day, as Zone 550 uses Mahr Reservoir for operational storage. In addition, some of the demands in Zone 384 are supplied from Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir when the Twin D Flow Control Valve, Faraday PRV, and La Costa PRV are open. The remaining demands in Zones 384, 318, and 580 are supplied from Carlsbad WRF. Once the daily allotment from Meadowlark WRF has been reached, the Twin D Flow Control Valve is closed. If Meadowlark WRF and Mahr Reservoir are not able to supply the system, the flow direction can be reversed so that the Carlsbad WRF PS and the Twin D PS can supply the system. Gafner WRP exclusively serves the La Costa Resort south golf course. The golf course provides limited operational storage through lakes within the golf course. Since the La Costa Resort is the only customer supplied by Gafner WRP, the pump station is controlled based on the demands of the golf course (via lake level). 2.6 ABANDONED FACILITIES CMWD has also identified several abandoned pipelines within its potable water distribution system that may prove useful to convey recycled water. These pipelines are shown on Figure 2.5. Although the condition of these pipelines is unknown, CMWD staff has indicated that it may be possible to utilize some of these abandoned pipelines by inserting a smaller diameter pipeline within the existing abandoned pipeline such that the existing abandoned pipeline is used as a casing. Based on discussions with CMWD staff, the following two abandoned potable water pipelines should be considered when evaluating future system expansions of the recycled water distribution system: • A 27-inch diameter pipeline along Palomar Airport Road and east of El Camino Real is abandoned and extends to the Santa Fe I Tank beyond the City boundary. The pipeline within the service area is approximately 1.9 miles in length. The currently abandoned potable water Santa Fe I Tank could potentially be utilized for storage for the recycled water system. However, portions of this pipeline have been destroyed. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" Tanks Aviara Pkwy Calavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP Avenida Encinas PRS La Costa PRS OMWD Meter Corintia Meter Faraday PRS "E" Tank(302' HWL) Sante Fe I Tank(600' HWL) T a m a r a c k A v e El Cami no Re al Encinitas Oceanside LakeCalavera Buena Vista Reservoir and Tank (186' HWL)14''2 0'' 2 7 ''6''10''1 0 '' 20''20''20'' 2 0'' 1 0 '' Legend Recycled Pipelines by Pressure Zone 318 384 550 580 660 Recycled Water Facilities WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP Meter Pump Station Pressure Regulating Station Other Freeways Local Streets Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary Water Body Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Abandoned Potable Water Facilities Abandoned Pipeline 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 2.5Abandoned Potable Water FacilitiesRecycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District 8 "12"FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_2_4-Abandoned Pipelines Ver B.mxdDATE: 5/10/201124" Abandoned Tanks 2-18 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 2-19 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 • A large number of 20-inch diameter pipeline segments with a combined length of approximately 5.3 miles along El Camino Real are abandoned and could potentially be rehabilitated or used to convey flow northwest towards the Rancho Carlsbad Golf Course. In addition, the following storage reservoirs could potentially be converted to the recycled water system: • BV Tank is a 10,000-gallon welded steel tank constructed in 1972, currently in use as a forebay for a potable water pump station located in the northeast quadrant at Buena Vista Way at James Drive. The tank is at ground elevation 223 feet above mean sea level (ft-msl) on a 2.8-acre parcel owned by the City of Carlsbad. • BV Reservoir is an abandoned concrete lined open reservoir located in the northeast quadrant at Buena Vista Way at James Drive. The reservoir is approximately 310 feet by 120 feet at the top and 270 feet by 90 feet at the bottom with a base elevation of 180 ft-msl and a top elevation of 190 ft-msl. Overflow is approximately 186 ft-msl. Capacity is 1.4 MG. Utilization of this reservoir for storage of recycled water is limited, due to the residential nature of the neighborhood and potential odor problems. • E Tank is a 1.5-MG reservoir located at the north end of Crossing Drive currently serving the potable water system. This reservoir sits at an elevation of 264 ft-msl with a high water line (HWL) at 302 ft-msl. The hydraulics of the zone it belongs to within the potable water system are such that the entire capacity of the reservoir is not able to be used. Due to its elevation, the only zone within the recycled water distribution system for which it could prove useful is on the west side of Interstate 5. • Santa Fe I Tank is located east of CMWD’s service area, north of Palomar Airport Road a little over a mile east of Melrose Drive. This reservoir is currently abandoned after it was replaced with a new potable water reservoir located along White Sands Drive called Santa Fe II. It is a 2.5-MG prestressed concrete tank at a hydraulic grade line of 660 ft-msl. Santa Fe I is connected to the 27-inch diameter abandoned potable water pipeline along Palomar Airport Road; however, portions of this pipeline have been destroyed. • Lake Calavera is an open reservoir dam east of College Boulevard and south of Lake Boulevard. The primary function of the reservoir is stormwater retention and flood control. The water surface elevation is maintained at 208 ft-msl. The reservoir is able to operate between 190 ft-msl to 214 ft-msl, providing a storage volume of 480 MG. Currently, the reservoir water level is either drawn down to accommodate flood control needs or allowed to accumulate to increase surface elevation. In the future, the reservoir could potentially provide stormwater for a satellite treatment plant that would treat Lake Calavera water for distribution in the recycled water system. The potential beneficial use of these abandoned potable water facilities and pipelines is evaluated as part of the future system analysis, which is discussed in Chapter 9. 2-20 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 2.7 KNOWN SYSTEM DEFICIENCIES 2.7.1 Limited Supply from MWRF As discussed previously, the MWRF has a design capacity of 5.0 mgd, but currently supplies a maximum of about 3.4 mgd. The supply provided by the MWRF is limited to the upstream wastewater flow tributary to the MWRF plus wastewater diverted through VWD’s Lift Station Number 1. This 3.4-mgd supply limitation has had an effect on the amount of recycled water being supplied to CMWD and OMWD as well as the flow to storage in Mahr Reservoir. MWRF is also limited by a 3.0-mgd “failsafe” pipeline. When the MWRF supply has been limited in the past, VWD has supplemented with potable makeup water supplied to Mahr Reservoir to meet OMWD demand. 2.7.2 Water Quality Issues at Mahr Reservoir CMWD staff has noted water quality problems at Mahr Reservoir due to algae and other biological growth. To mitigate algae growth, the reservoir has an algae control chlorination system as well as an aeration and destratification system, which mixes the reservoir. In addition, sodium hypochlorite and/or copper sulfate are used to improve water quality. 2.7.3 Calavera Pump Station Due to the limited storage and demand in Zone 580, the Calavera PS has experienced some operational and control issues. The pump units used to turn on frequently for short durations of time, either to replenish the 1,600-gallon hydro-pneumatic tank or meet low demands. Due to the hourly variability of demands, the pumps need to cycle on and off frequently. To mitigate this issue, CMWD recently installed a smaller 50-gpm capacity jockey pump that can run more continuously during the low demand hours and prevent the wear and tear on the large pump unit due to frequent on/off cycling. 2.7.4 Bressi Pump Station CMWD staff noted that the Bressi PS experiences similar operational and control issues as Calavera PS. CMWD staff installed a 180-gpm capacity jockey pump to the Bressi pump station that can run continuously during the low demand hours and prevent the wear and tear on the large pump units due to frequent on/off cycling. 2.7.5 Gafner WRP CMWD staff have stated that the aging nature of the Gafner WRP has led to a number of operational issues. The Gafner WRP exclusively serves the demand at the south golf course of the La Costa Resort and Spa. As the demand at the golf course is variable, the Gafner WRP has frequent startups and shutdowns that most likely exacerbate the operational issues that CMWD currently pays to resolve. In addition, the Gafner WRP is not optimally utilized since the south golf course demand is far less than the minimum amount of recycled water that CMWD is required to purchase from the LWWD. To further January 2012 2-21 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 compound the problem, the La Costa Resort and Spa further reduces recycled water demand to its south golf course by blending Gafner WRP effluent with potable water to decrease TDS concentrations for irrigation of golf course tees and putting greens. In the past, golf course tees and putting greens were irrigated with the same system as fairway sprinklers. Discussions with the golf course operations manager of the La Costa Resort and Spa in 2010 indicated that they are planning on significant changes, which include reducing the amount of irrigated turf, and piping potable water directly to the greens and tees. These changes will further reduce their irrigation demand on the recycled water supply. 2-22 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 2 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 3-1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Chapter 3 RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents a discussion of the estimated recycled water demands on Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s (CMWD) recycled water distribution system. CMWD’s historical recycled water demand is presented first, followed by a discussion of the recycled water demand factors and peaking factors that are used to estimate the recycled water demands of potential future recycled water customers. This chapter is concluded with a discussion of the recycled water demand projections, which includes a summary of the evaluation of potential customers that was conducted as part of this Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP). Demands for potential customers both inside and outside CMWD’s service area are discussed. Details of each of the potential customers can be found in Appendix C. 3.2 BACKGROUND As discussed in Chapter 2, CMWD’s recycled water distribution system has been developed in phases. Planning for Phase I began in 1990, with CMWD’s first recycled water master plan. Phase I was fully implemented by 1995 and planning for Phase II was initiated with the 1997 Master Plan Update. Table 3.1 presents details for each of CMWD’s phases, along with the years of construction for major infrastructure associated with each expansion phase. Table 3.1 Phases of Distribution System Expansion Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Phase Ultimate Yield (afy) Major Elements Constructed Years When Customers Were Connected Number of Customers Phase I 2,050 1993 - 1994 1993 - 1999 120(1) Phase II(2) 2,950 2004 - 2009 2006 - 2010 242(3) Notes: (1) Based on Encina Basin Recycled Water Study (JPA, 2000). (2) Connection of Phase II customers is ongoing. Based on input from CMWD staff, it is anticipated that the combined Phase I and Phase II goal of 5,000 afy will be met in 2012. (3) Based on 362 total customers (675 meter accounts) in December 2010 billing data. CMWD’s agreement with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) specifies targets for demands CMWD serves related to CMWD’s eligibility for the Local Resource Program (LRP) contributions from MWD. The LRP contributions are paid to CMWD based on the actual demand served and range from $210 down to $100 per acre-foot served. 3-2 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 The targets are comprised of a Targeted Yield and a Maximum Annual Allowable Yield. The Targeted Yield is the minimum amount of recycled water that CMWD must serve within a subset of the period of agreement (the targeted yields and subsets are shown in Figure 3.1). The Maximum Annual Allowable Yield is the maximum amount of demand eligible for the LRP contribution in a given year. If CMWD does not reach the Targeted Yield within the subset of the period of agreement, the Maximum Annual Allowable Yield will be reduced. The Ultimate Yield is the Maximum Annual Allowable Yield for Fiscal Year 2008-09 and beyond (prior to Fiscal Year 2008-09, the Maximum Annual Allowable Yield increased each year until it reached the Ultimate Yield). Figure 3.1 presents CMWD’s Targeted and Maximum Annual Allowable Yields along with historical demands for the calendar years 2004 through 2010 based on customer billing data. 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Annual Demand (afy)Calendar Year Historical Annual Demand Targeted Yield Maximum Allowable Yield 4,262 afy3,908 afy 3,142 afy Ultimate Yield 5,000 afy Figure 3.1 MWD Target and Ultimate Yield compared to Historical Demands As shown in Figure 3.1, CMWD met the Targeted Yield in 2008 and 2009. This figure also shows that CMWD has maximized its LRP contribution in 2008 and 2009 by exceeding the Ultimate Yield. As shown in Figure 3.1, the demand in 2010 decreased from the demands seen in 2008 and 2009. It should be noted that the MWD agreements are based on fiscal year rather than calendar year, so the data shown in Figure 3.1 may not reflect actual historical comparisons between the demand served and the relevant targets. More details on the LRP agreement with MWD can be found in the original agreement document, which is included in Appendix D of this report. January 2012 3-3 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.3 HISTORICAL RECYCLED WATER DEMAND CMWD’s existing recycled water customers used a total of 3,517 acre-feet (3.1 mgd) in calendar year 2010. CMWD’s average annual historical recycled water demands obtained from billing records for calendar years 2004 through 2010 are summarized in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Historical Recycled Water Demands Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Usage Category Average Annual Demand(1) (afy) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Ag. Irrigation 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Process Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Irrigation Commercial Property Irrigation 382 427 410 561 827 1,074 637 Community Facilities 8 9 11 13 17 27 49 Golf Courses 596 703 713 780 1,036 1,133 1,033 Highways 52 52 31 46 28 25 11 HOAs 388 468 645 1,087 1,361 1,466 1,369 Resort Irrigation 331 313 275 340 333 340 195 Parks 56 50 76 111 167 195 69 Schools 36 42 35 66 107 85 91 Other Construction(2) 0 0 1 32 0 3 0 Public Works(3) 0 0 2 2 2 2 40 Total 1,849 2,064 2,199 3,038 3,878 4,350 3,517 Notes: (1) Demand from consumption records. Water loss information was not available and not included. (2) Temporary recycled water customers were primarily for construction water and are tabulated separately in billing records (some of CMWD’s summaries of annual demand data may not include this demand category). (3) Includes street medians, pump station sites, etc. CMWD’s current recycled water customers were divided into four categories of user types and ten sub-categories, each of which is listed in Table 3.2. As shown in Table 3.2, the landscape irrigation category represents the largest component of CMWD’s demands. This reflects the current nature of CMWD’s recycled water system customer base. CMWD currently does not have any non-irrigation usage type recycled water customers, but is planning to implement some non-irrigation usages in the near future. 3-4 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.3.1 Historical Demand Trends The historical demands from 1992 through 2010 are shown on Figure 3.2. 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 1992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010Demand (afy)Year Figure 3.2 Historical Recycled Water Demands As seen in Figure 3.2, CMWD’s demands have grown consistently through year 2009, while demands decreased in 2010. Between 2004 and 2009, recycled water demands increased from 1,849 afy (1.7 mgd) to 4,350 afy (3.9 mgd), an increase of 235 percent corresponding to an average annual growth rate of about 19 percent. The primary reason for this growth trend between 2004 and 2009 is the extensive and continued efforts of CMWD to convert and connect new customers to the recycled water system. The growth between 2006 and 2008 was due to the efforts associated with the Phase II expansion of CMWD’s recycled water system. However, as shown in Figure 3.2, the annual demand decreased to 3,517 afy (3.1 mgd) in 2010. Several reasons are believed to contribute to the significant decline in 2010 demands, including higher than average precipitation in 2010, increased water conservation, CMWD staff’s inspection and auditing practices, recent increases in recycled water rates combined with the economic downturn. As presented in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.3, the same demand decrease in 2010 is observed for CMWD’s five largest customers. This is noteworthy as it indicates a decline in recycled water usage by CMWD’s largest users, such as La Costa Resort South Golf Course and Legoland, who have historically formed CMWD’s base demand. Discussions between CMWD and some of its large recycled water customers clarified the demand reduction as January 2012 3-5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 some of the customers indicated that they reduced recycled water usage through, for example, redesign of their golf courses or other irrigated areas by replacing irrigated turf with lower demand landscaping. In addition, some golf course customers indicated that they made adjustments to their irrigation practices to maintain water quality. Table 3.3 Largest Existing Recycled Water Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Customer Name Average Annual Demand (afy) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 La Costa Resort - North Course 167 273 287 178 263 335 272 La Costa Resort - South Course(1) 239 262 250 278 193 198 146 Park Hyatt Aviara Resort(2) 319 298 265 328 320 325 266 Aviara Resort Association 190 168 176 185 184 195 159 Kemper Sports Management(3) 0 0 0 139 396 405 274 Legoland 141 170 141 129 122 137 104 Total Top 5 Users 1,056 1,171 1,119 1,237 1,478 1,595 1,221 Notes: (1) Supplied by Gafner WRP, not connected to the rest of the recycled water distribution system. (2) Named the Four Seasons Resort prior to June 21, 2010. (3) This user represents the golf course “The Crossings at Carlsbad”. 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Demand (afy)Year Top 5 Users Other Users Figure 3.3 Existing Recycled Water Average Annual Demand 3-6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.3.2 Existing Demand Locations for CMWD’s existing recycled water customer meters (as of June 2009) are shown on Figure 3.4. As of December 2010, CMWD served approximately 362 customers through 675 meter accounts. As discussed previously, CMWD’s recycled water demand in year 2010 was 3,517 afy, which was a significant reduction of nearly 20 percent compared to the demand of 4,350 afy in 2009. As this reduction is most likely caused by several factors that are both temporary and permanent in nature, it was decided that neither the demand of 2009 nor 2010 would provide a good planning basis as the existing system demand. Some of the temporary reasons that could have contributed to the demand decrease in 2010 include the absence of a hot summer and above average precipitation. Data from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) confirms that the total precipitation in 2008 and 2009 were below average, while total precipitation in 2010, as well as 2011 year- to-date, were above average. Other temporary factors include the economic downturn and the statewide water shortage conditions. Both conditions have resulted in increased water awareness and increased water conservation efforts for both potable and recycled water usage. It is anticipated that most of the water conservation efforts are more permanent in nature as some customers, such as the La Costa golf course, is undergoing a re-design to reduce the amount of irrigated turf. In addition, recent and future rate increases will continue to motivate customers to modify their landscaping and irrigation practices to conserve water and save cost on a permanent basis. To establish a sound planning basis for the existing demand that is not based on extreme low year like 2010, but still takes permanent changes in water usage into account, the demands of the previous two years were evaluated in more detail. It was noted that when demands were compared from summer to summer rather than by calendar year, the demand in the period July 2009 through June 2010 (3,940 acre-feet) was very similar to the demand in the June 2010 through May 2011 (3,970 acre-feet). This shows that when the “dry” winter of 2009 is eliminated and two similar “wet” winters are compared, the demands were actually very consistent. Based on this observation and discussions with CMWD staff, it was decided to use 4,000 afy as the existing system demand. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" TanksEl Cami no Real E lm A v e Marron Rd C arls b a d B lv d H i g h la n d Dr A lo n d ra W a y Paseo NorteC ollege B lvdPalomar Airport Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a r a c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle BarcelonaRanch o Santa FeCalavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PS Pacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena Vista Lagoon OceansideLakeCalavera Corintia Meter OMWDMeterEl Camino RealP o in s e t tia L n San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside Legend Recycled Water Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Existing Recycled Water Customer Existing Recycled Water Customer Recycled Water Facility Pump Station Pressure Regulating Station (PRS) Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Other Freeways Major Roads Local Streets Water Body Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 3.4Existing Recycled Water CustomersRecycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_3_03-Existing_Recycled_Water_Customers.mxdDATE: 4/15/2011 3-8 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 3-9 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.4 SEASONAL AND HOURLY PEAKING FACTORS Peaking factors are used to estimate water demands for conditions other than average annual demand (AAD) conditions. Peaking factors were used to account for fluctuations in demands on a seasonal and hourly basis. 3.4.1 Seasonal Peaking Factor As discussed previously, the makeup of CMWD’s existing recycled water customer base is entirely irrigation in nature. During hot summer days, water use is typically higher than on a cold winter day because of increased irrigation demands. Common peaking factors include multipliers to scale AAD to Maximum Day Demand (MDD), Maximum Month Demand (MMD), and Minimum Month Demand (MinMD) conditions. In recycled water systems, the MDD factors are typically similar to MMD factors as irrigation sprinkler systems are often changed on a seasonal basis, rather than a daily basis, unless moisture sensors are used. Additionally, data for MDD conditions is difficult to estimate on a per user basis, since billing data is only collected monthly for each user. Based on the historical data from CMWD, a maximum month peaking factor for irrigation customers was estimated. Table 3.4 displays a summary of historical information used in the development of a MMD peaking factor including the AAD and the MMD for years 2004 through 2009. Table 3.4 Historical Seasonal Peaking Factors Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Calendar Year Average Annual Demand (mgd) Maximum Month Demand (mgd) MMD Peaking Factor Individual Customers MMD Peaking Factor Range(1) 2004 1.65 3.27 2.0 1.1-2.5 2005 1.84 3.28 1.8 1.2-3.7 2006 1.96 3.24 1.7 1.1-4.8 2007 2.71 4.04 1.5 1.1-6.5 2008 3.46 5.34 1.5 1.2-6.0 2009 3.89 5.78 1.5 1.1-10.5 Average 1.7 Note: (1) In calculation of range of individual customers seasonal peaking factors, the following assumptions were made: minimum seasonal peaking factor excludes any accounts with seasonal peaking factors of zero (primarily inactive or closed accounts); maximum seasonal peaking factors are taken as the 95th percentile of all individual seasonal peaking factors to exclude erroneous factors, primarily from temporary accounts or large accounts being connected part way through a year. 3-10 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Note that demands for La Costa Resort north and south courses were included in the demands shown in Table 3.4; thus, the supplies from Gafner WRP are factored into the calculation of seasonal peaking. If the La Costa Resort south course, and thus Gafner WRP, is excluded from the calculation, the average MMD peaking factor is 1.6. Table 3.4 shows that MMD peaking factors range from 1.5 to 2.0 over the six-year period from 2004 to 2009. Variations for each year could be attributed to differing weather conditions and rainfall distribution. However, as shown in Table 3.4, the MMD has showed a decreasing trend over the last five years. This trend is most likely caused by the peak attenuation effect of increasing system size and number of customers. The effect of one or two large customer’s water usage on the overall system demand decreases over time when more small and midsize customers are added. In addition, the smaller demand customers are typically less likely to adjust the timing of irrigation systems on a daily or weekly basis, but rather adjust irrigation times more on a seasonal basis. Looking to the future, the decreasing trend appears be a sustained behavior rather than a temporary adjustment to drought conditions. Thus, it is recommended that the MMD peaking factor used in this study be based on the average factor of the six-year period, rather than the maximum value. Hence, a MMD peaking factor of 1.7 is used in this study for the existing and future system evaluations described in Chapters 8 and 9, respectively. Table 3.4 also shows the MMD peaking factor for individual customers. The values demonstrate that seasonal peaking for some specific customers can be quite different in nature from the system as a whole, as some customers irrigate at a much higher level during the summer months than the system-wide average, while some customers irrigate more consistently throughout the year. Figure 3.5 shows the monthly seasonal peaking factors for the calendar years 2004 through 2009. Weather data including the average daily high temperature for each month and the average monthly precipitation are also included on Figure 3.5 for reference. Weather record summaries were obtained from the Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC, 2010). As shown in Figure 3.5, the seasonal peaking factor is generally highest in the month of August, but in some years is higher in the month of July or September. The seasonal peaking factor is highest in the summer due to the increased irrigation demands during periods of higher temperatures and less precipitation. The months with minimum usage are most frequently January and February. The minimum seasonal peaking factor is used to calculate MinMD and is used primarily for water quality analysis. For this study, the minimum seasonal peaking factors were taken as the average of minimum seasonal peaking factors for each year, and were calculated to be 0.2, indicating that the average daily demand during MinMD conditions can be calculated as 20 percent of the AAD. Thus, the existing system MinMD demand can be calculated as 0.8 mgd. January 2012 3-11 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 If CMWD connects more customers from non-irrigation and non-weather dependent customers, such as industrial process or cooling towers, it is expected that the seasonal MMD peaking factor would decrease as these non-irrigation customers typically use a more constant amount of water throughout the year. 2.16 2.10 1.68 0.94 0.23 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.23 0.41 1.03 1.48 63.4 63.0 63.5 64.8 66.3 68.5 72.2 73.9 73.3 71.1 68.0 64.6 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly Demand / Average Annual Demandor Average Precipitation (inches)Average Rainfall 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Average High Temperature Average Daily High Temperature Average Monthly Precipitation Peaking Factors Figure 3.5 Recycled Water Peaking Factors by Month 3.4.2 Hourly Peaking Factors and Diurnal Curves Regular variations in water demands also occur during a 24-hour period. Recycled water systems are characterized by substantial variations in demand during the day. Recycled water systems and areas that have substantial outdoor irrigation typically experience peak demand periods late at night through the early morning hours. This is especially true for CMWD’s customers, as irrigation in publicly accessible areas without supervision is limited to the period between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. in accordance with CMWD rules and regulations for the use of recycled water. This is in contrast with potable water systems with a significant residential component, which often experience two periods of peak use, the first in the morning between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. and the second in the early evening between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. 3-12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Since diurnal demand patterns for individual users can vary depending on their usage types, several usage-based diurnal demand patterns were developed from demand data gathered for the calibration portion of this study. Figure 3.6 through Figure 3.8 present the diurnal curves used in this study for the different types of irrigation customers. It is assumed that future irrigation customers will follow similar diurnal demand patterns. The diurnal curve shown on Figure 3.6 represents a usage pattern of customers that irrigate for about 12 hours per day. This usage pattern represents golf course irrigation occurring during daytime hours. The diurnal curve shown on Figure 3.7 represents a usage pattern of customers that irrigate for a very short period in the late evening hours. Since the duration of irrigation is only about 3 hours per day, the peaking factor is 8.0. Figure 3.8 shows the estimated diurnal variation for typical users within the system. This diurnal curve was generated during the hydraulic model calibration and is discussed in further detail in Chapter 6. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Demand RatioTime Figure 3.6 Daytime Irrigation January 2012 3-13 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Figure 3.7 3-Hour Evening Irrigation 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Demand RatioTime Figure 3.8 Other Irrigation Users 3-14 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 It should be noted that data on actual diurnal variation for individual customers was not gathered as a part of this study; rather these diurnal demand patterns were developed based on system-wide data and discussion with CMWD staff about specific users’ hours of irrigation. Depending on the actual durations of irrigation, peaking factors for individual customers may be significantly higher, resulting in much more stress on the distribution system (i.e., if a customer irrigates for one hour instead of eight hours, the associated maximum hourly peaking factor for the day would be 24.0 rather than 3.0). CMWD’s Engineering Design Standards (CMWD, 2008) plan for usage of 8 hours per day (typically from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), resulting in a maximum hourly peaking factor for the day of 3.0. Within CMWD’s distribution system, commercial and irrigation customers primarily use water for irrigation and would follow the irrigation based demand patterns. CMWD may need to implement forms of demand management in the future to better utilize existing infrastructure while increasing the overall system demand. One way to decrease the maximum hourly peaking factor is to work with large customers to develop on-site storage capabilities, such as golf courses with lakes. These customers can take irrigation water during off-peak hours to replenish their on-site storage and pump from their storage facilities to meet peak demands without placing a peak demand on CMWD’s distribution system. 3.4.3 Summary of Peaking Factors A summary of the peaking factors used in this master plan is presented in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Peaking Factors Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Demand Condition Peaking Factor Average Day Demand (ADD) 1.0 x ADD Maximum Month Demand (MMD) 1.7 x ADD Minimum Month Demand (MinMD) 0.2 x ADD Peak Hour Demand 8-hour irrigation 3.0 x MMD or 5.1 x ADD 3-hour irrigation 8.0 x MMD or 13.6 x ADD 3.5 RECYCLED WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS The future recycled water demand projections are based on a combination of a review of the existing recycled water customers and the identification of potential future recycled water customers. This section describes the methodology used to project the future demand potential including the customers identified in the customer database workshop, and concludes with a future demand summary. January 2012 3-15 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 It should be noted that the future demands described herein do not necessarily represent the actual future demands. This section is limited to identifying the future demand potential. The system analysis (see Chapter 9) determines the feasibility of serving these customers and identifies the preferred pipeline alignments to expand the existing recycled water system that will only serve a portion of the potential customers described in this chapter. 3.5.1 Methodology To estimate CMWD’s future recycled water demand, a list of potential recycled water customers was prepared using a combination of the following sources: • Historical potable water billing records; • Locations of parks and schools within the City’s GIS as well as parks and schools within neighboring agencies near CMWD’s boundary; • Discussions with CMWD staff; • Aerial photographs (which were searched for large, irrigated areas and business parks); and • Studies from neighboring agencies: – Vista Irrigation District Water Reclamation Master Plan (CDM, 1993) – Vallecitos Water District 2002 Water, Wastewater, and Water Reclamation Master Plan Update (KJ, 2005) – Olivenhain Municipal Water District Northwest Quadrant Recycled Water Study (Boyle, 2004) From this list, the most relevant potential users were included within the potential customer database. Phase III customers will then be selected from the customer database based on the expansions segments developed in Chapter 9. It should be noted that recent behavior changes by CMWD’s customers have resulted in lower future demands than seen in historic billing records and previous demand estimates from planning documents. CMWD staff reviewed the demand projection for each potential customer and refined the overall demand estimates to be more consistent with the reduced demands seen more recently and local knowledge of CMWD’s customer base. In addition, planning summaries for future developments from the City’s Planning Department were used to determine areas of potential development not included in the list of potential recycled water customers. Water demand factors for generic categories of recycled water usage were calculated from areas of development using historical demands. Ultimate demands were then projected by applying the water demand factors to the areas of potential development. 3-16 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.5.2 Potential Customers Based on review of the available information and discussions with CMWD staff at the customer workshop, a list of 161 potential new large recycled water customers was developed. The customers were separated into the same seventeen categories and subcategories identified for the existing system, which are described in more detail below. These categories and subcategories are: • Agricultural Irrigation • Commercial or Industrial Process Water – Industrial – Commercial Cooling • Landscape Irrigation – Commercial Property Irrigation – Community (Churches, etc.) – Golf Courses – Highways – Home Owners Association (HOA) – Parks – Resort Property Irrigation – Schools • Other (Mobile Home Park, Public Works) – Construction – Public Works – Pond Evaporation Note that some of these categories did not have any identified potential customers, but are included for consistency with the existing system customer base. The locations of these customers are shown on Figure 3.9 through Figure 3.11, while a detailed list with the estimated potential recycled water demand for each customer is listed in Appendix C. It should be noted that the category Highway Irrigation is used in the existing recycled water system, but no potential customers were identified in this category. Agricultural Irrigation CMWD has several agricultural areas that could potentially be served with recycled water. Typically, the demands for this use are high and these connections are desirable. However, many of these agricultural areas within CMWD are temporary since HOAs and other developments are planned for these sites in the future. "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" TanksCamino RealElm AveMarron Rd Ca rls b a d Bl v d Hig hl a n d D r A lo n d r a W a y Paseo NorteCollege B lvdPalomar Airport Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a ra c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle Barcelona Ran ch o Santa Fe Calavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District LakeCalavera C116 C119 Corintia Meter OMWDMeter San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside C155 C152 C151 C149 C148C146 C145C144 C143 C102 C123 C103 C112 C101 C105 C111 C114 C129 C134 C139 C121C117 C124 C115 C113 C128 C108 C127 C118 C142 C122 C131C120 C133 C107 C140 C141 C137 C132 C135 C104 C005 C009 C001 C055 C062 C087 C010 C088 C042 C056 C044 C041 C034 C068 C173 C060 C063 C037 C040 C045 C067 C003 C020 C027 C026 C035 C002 C004 C012 C021 C025 C038 C036 C072 C157 C156 C154C153 C150 C147 C130 C109 C008 C051 C043 C163 C078 C018 C070 C047 C046C011 C014 C172 C013 C033 C090 C006 C029 C028 C165 C158 C126 C178 C175 C176 C164 C174 C162 C161 C166 C167 C177 C168 C170 C169 C171 C017 C179 Legend Recycled Water Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Potential Recycled Water Customers Agricultural Irrigation Landscape Irrigation Commercial or Industrial Process Water Other Water System Fcilities Pump Station Pressure Requlating Station (PRS) Meter WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP Other Freeways Major Roads Local Streets Water Body Customer Parcel Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 3.9Potential Large RecycledWater CustomersRecycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District See Figure 3.10 See Figure 3.11 FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_3_8-Large_Potential_Customers.mxdDATE: 4/15/2011 3-18 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 This page intentionally left blank. 18 '' 3 0 ''1 8'' 1 2''12' '24'' 8'' 1 2 ''8'' 12'' 1 2 ''12'' 1 8 '' 6''12''8''12' ' 4''6''AVI ARA P Y COLLEGE BLC059 C050 C053 C075 C052 C074 C057 C080 C079 C083 C023 C065 C161 C144 C002 C145 C020 C137 C143 C017 I- 5AT & SF RRCANNON DR PASEO DEL NORTE DRARMADA DRPALOMAR AIRPORT DRFLEET STL E GOL A N D SURFSI DERUSSELIAMONTIAAgua Hedionda Lagoon Pacific Ocean OVERWI E DRP A S E O D E L N O R T E D R 1 8 ''12'' 6''8''24'' 12''12''8''12''6'' 12''12'' 6''12''12''12''12''12''6''8''8''2 4 ''8 ''12''8''8''6''24''1 2 ''12''8''12''12''12''6''6''12'' 1 2 ''12'' Legend Recycled Water Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Potential Recycled Water Customers Agriculture Irrigation Landscape Irrigation Commercial or Industrial Process Water Other Water System Facilities Pump Station WRF Tank Other Parcels Carlsbad City Limits Water Body 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Figure 3.10Potential Customers Near Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water DistrictFILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_3_10-Potential_Customers_along_Avenida_Encinas.mxdDATE: 12/20/2010 Twin "D" Tanks Bressi PS "D" Tank PS (Aggregate) (Aggregate) CAMINO VIDA ROBLE P AL OMA R OA KSC093 C100C091 C076 C061 C084 C086C071 C085 C073 C092 C089 C054 C049 C066 C082 C081 C069 C058 C039 C096 C094 C099 C110 C064 C159 C160 C116 C032 18''2 4 ''4''20' ' 1 0'' 12''4'' 18'' 4 ''12''4''12''4''18''8''10''18''18''8''4''8''8''8''8''8 ''1 2'' 8''8''6'' 30'' 8''20''8''8''12''12'' 1 8'' 8 ''12''4'' 4'' 8'' 8'' 1 2''20''4''8''12''12''4''18'' 8'' 12''12''8'' 12''8''1 0 ''8''4''20''18'' 24'' 1 2 ''20''12''18''4''4''8''8''8''8''1 2 '' 10'' 18'' 1 6''4'' 27''6''8 ''4''18''8"E L C A MIN O R E A L PALOMAR AIRPORT RD POINSETTIA LN C O LLEGE BLPOINSETTIA LN Legend Recycled Water Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Potential Recycled Water Customers Agriculture Irrigation Landscape Irrigation Commercial or Industrial Process Water Other Water System Facilities Pump Station Tank Other Near Term Customers (ongoing) Parcels Carlsbad City Limits 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Figure 3.11Potential Customers Near Palomar AirportRecycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrictFILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_3_09-Potential_Customers_Near_Palomar_Airport.mxdDATE: 4/15/2011 January 2012 3-21 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 CMWD discussions with potential agricultural recycled water customers have indicated that the potential for recycled water usage may depend on the specific water quality requirements of each crop. It will also depend on the cost of the recycled water, and costs associated with developing a system suitable for irrigating the crops use. For 2010, the potable water demand for agriculture was 420 afy, which has steadily been declining since 1990. The only existing agriculture customer using recycled water is the Flower Fields. Due to the cost of the recycled water, converting the remaining interim agriculture use is probably not cost effective and will not be counted on as potential customers in this study. Commercial or Industrial Process Water Industrial customers are sometimes the predominant application of recycled water in certain cities with large areas of commercial and industrial land use types. CMWD has some industrial water use at golf club manufacturing facilities, which currently use potable water. To convert these manufacturing facilities over to recycled water use, CMWD would need to interview the customer to determine their specific water quality needs to determine if recycled water is suitable. Many industrial or commercial processes already use pre- treatment systems for their process water; so in many cases, recycled water may be acceptable. In general, recycled water may be used in a commercial or industrial process if the recycled water is fully contained within the commercial or industrial process and the general public does not come in direct contact with the recycled water. Only one potential industrial customer, NRG West Coast LLC, is included in the customer database. NRG West Coast LLC is considering expansion of its power plant. The power plant has expressed interest in using recycled water for industrial process water as well as landscape irrigation. NRG West Coast LLC provided estimates for water usage as well as daily peaking factors. Advanced treatment for the process water would be done on-site. Usage of recycled water for cooling or air conditioning applications has not been used within CMWD’s existing recycled water customer base, but could be a source of additional recycled water demands. Depending on the specific cooling system, advanced treatment may be necessary for cooling water applications to avoid corrosion and scaling within the cooling system. The customer database includes one specific customer that is currently interested in recycled water for cooling applications for a commercial office building (C013). It is anticipated that additional cooling towers for commercial office buildings will be converted to recycled water in the future. In order to estimate the potential recycled water demand associated with conversion of commercial office building cooling towers, CMWD staff conducted a field investigation to determine the number of commercial office buildings with cooling towers and the total potable demand associated with these customers. These demands were grouped together for each of three large office parks in CMWD. 3-22 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Based on a study conducted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), a factor of 34 percent was applied to the total potable demand to approximate the component associated with HVAC equipment within office buildings. When using recycled water to replace potable water in cooling towers, the water use typically increases due to the increased TDS in recycled water. This is known as reduced concentrations or cycles. It was assumed that the increase in recycled water would be approximately 50 percent. The resulting demands for each office park were reduced by 50 percent in order to account for customers that would be considered too small or impractical to serve. These demands are included in potential customers C110, C116, and C119. Landscape Irrigation HOAs, golf courses, resort properties, parks, schools, and other landscape irrigation are typically the most common customers in a recycled water system. These customers and their locations typically drive the layout of recycled water systems, and can be converted easily to recycled water use if separate plumbing for the irrigation lines exists (e.g., if potable water to restrooms and water fountains is fed by the same on-site pipelines as the sprinklers, a retrofit is much more difficult). It should be noted that properties developed after 1991 were subject to CMWD’s mandatory use ordinance (CMWD, 2005b) and were required to design irrigation systems for eventual recycled water connection, whether or not recycled water was available to the site. The specific layout of certain HOAs limits the potential for recycled water conversion from potable irrigation systems, due to the separation requirements for irrigation. Discussions with CMWD staff highlighted specific HOAs for which conversion was anticipated to be impractical. Parks are another preferred customer, as their large demand typically consists almost entirely of irrigation demands. These users can also be converted easily to recycled water use as long as irrigation lines are separated from other facilities at the park, such as restrooms. School property often includes large fields, which are good candidates for conversion to recycled water. When the irrigation lines are separated from the school potable systems, these users can be converted easily to recycled water use. Another type of landscape irrigation is commercial property irrigation. This usage type includes the irrigation of small business parks, apartment landscaping, and the landscaping surrounding commercial establishments. Typically, the demands for this use are small when compared to larger recycled water users such as parks and schools. However, CMWD has converted a large number of commercial irrigation users to recycled water by focusing efforts in business park areas. January 2012 3-23 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Other CMWD has identified one mobile home park with a set of ornamental lakes that is interested in recycled water to maintain the lake level (as the lake level declines due to evaporation). This demand is classified as Pond Evaporation. Demands for this customer were categorized with the existing system Public Works (used for City utilities and the maintenance yard according to the 1997 RWMP [Carollo, 1997]) and Construction category as the category “Other”. Although the Construction category is a temporary recycled water classification, it is assumed that future recycled water usage of this category will be consistent with 2010 usage to account for usage of future construction activities. Neighboring Agencies CMWD could potentially serve recycled water to customers of neighboring agencies located just outside CMWD’s service area. These neighboring agencies are: • Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) • Vista Irrigation District (VID) • Vallecitos Water District (VWD) • City of Oceanside OMWD has expressed interest in purchasing recycled water from CMWD at the southern border of CMWD’s service area. Demand for this agency in the customer database is based on preliminary estimates discussed with OMWD staff to serve both OMWD’s existing demands and future demands within OMWD’s service area. It is anticipated that OMWD will provide storage for daily peaking within their distribution system at Wanket Reservoir, and be able to take water at a constant flow rate throughout the day. The Wanket Reservoir is currently a part of OMWD’s potable water system, but is being investigated for potential conversion to recycled water. The Wanket Reservoir is 3 MG in capacity, about 30 feet high, and has a high water line (HWL) elevation of 427 ft-msl. As discussed in Chapter 4, OMWD currently supplies its system from the Meadowlark WRF. Based on Alternative 2A of the Northwest Quadrant Recycled Water Study (Boyle, 2004), the demand of OMWD’s lower zones could be served from Gafner WRP. The study identified this based on supply from Gafner WRP, but delivery from CMWD’s system could also apply. OMWD staff indicated demand in the lower zones of OMWD is anticipated to be 500 afy (0.4 mgd), while the anticipated growth in the upper zones is approximately 100 afy (0.1 mgd). The existing and future demand of 500 afy for the lower zones is included as an individual demand in the identified potential users; however, the 100 afy future demand for the upper zones is not included, since it is anticipated that OMWD will supply these demands from Meadowlark WRF. 3-24 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 VID’s service area is located to the east of CMWD’s service area, near Zones 580 and 660. One of CMWD’s existing RW pipelines from Zone 660 crosses into VID’s service area, which could potentially be used to connect new customers. The VID Water Reclamation Master Plan (CDM, 1993) identified 109 potential customers within its service area. As discussed in Chapter 4, the currently inactive Shadowridge Water Reclamation Facility is located within VID’s service area and was originally intended to supply the Shadowridge Golf Course with recycled water for irrigation. As the market assessment included in the 1993 Water Reclamation Master Plan was performed over a decade ago, the aerial photograph and the City’s GIS layer of parks and schools were used to identify eight potential customers, which were added to the customer database. One of these customer database entries is an aggregate demand for a business park that represents approximately 15 customers from the Water Reclamation Master Plan. CMWD obtained potable water use records for customers within the VID boundary for verification of demand projections. VWD supplies CMWD and OMWD with recycled water, however, it does not retail recycled water to customers within its service area. The 2002 VWD Water, Wastewater, and Water Reclamation Master Plan Update (KJ, 2005) concluded that the demands from the potential customers it identified were not sufficient to construct a distribution system to retail recycled water, recommending instead to continue wholesaling the entire supply from Meadowlark WRF to CMWD and OMWD. Using the aerial, as well as the schools and park GIS layer provided by the City, six customers were added to the customer database within the VWD service area. Two additional potential customers were added to the customer database based on discussions with CMWD staff. The City of Oceanside is located to the north of CMWD’s service area. The VID Water Reclamation Master Plan identified an additional 26 customers located within the City of Oceanside near the VID service area. Potential customers were also identified from the City’s GIS layer of parks and schools, which extends into the City of Oceanside. The Ocean Hills golf course was identified from the aerial photograph. A total of six potential customers were added to the customer database. While the VID Water Reclamation Master Plan mentioned that the City of Oceanside was considering producing recycled water at its San Luis Rey Wastewater Reclamation Facility (SLRWRF), no master reclamation permits have been issued by the regional water quality control board for the City of Oceanside at this time. The SLRWRF maintains a small recycled water treatment facility. The reclamation facility has a rated capacity of 0.7 mgd, but typically provides about 0.5 mgd to the Oceanside Municipal Golf Course and nearby Whelan Lake. The City of Oceanside has plans to construct a new reclamation facility at SLRWRF with a rated capacity of 1.5 mgd. The additional recycled water will be used at the SLRWRF for plant water and irrigation purposes. The new facility is master planned to allow phased expansion up to 7.5 mgd. Implementation of additional phases will depend on customer demands and the cost of potable water. Identified users for the SLRWRF recycled water are located in northern Oceanside. January 2012 3-25 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.5.3 Near Term Demands CMWD is presently working on connecting additional customers to the existing recycled water system. The locations of these “Near Term” customers were identified by CMWD staff and include 25 retrofit sites for an estimated total demand of 50 afy and about 25 new construction sites on remaining vacant industrial sites in Carlsbad Research Center, Bressi Ranch, and Carlsbad Oaks North. The total of these customers is estimated to be an additional 50 afy. This demand of 100 afy (0.1 mgd) was included as a “Near Term” demand in addition to the identified potential and existing demands. 3.5.4 Summary of Potential Customers Figure 3.9 shows locations for the potential customers identified in the customer database and Table 3.6 summarizes the aggregate demands for these potential customers by category and sub-category, while a detailed description of each potential customer is included in Appendix C. As shown in Table 3.6, the total additional potential future demand within CMWD’s service area is approximately 2,711 afy (2.4 mgd). This demand includes 711 afy (0.6 mgd) for the NRG power plant listed as C002 in Industrial in Table 3.6. The potential demand without the NRG power plant would be 2,000 afy (1.8 mgd). In addition, 2,657 afy (2.4 mgd) of demands were identified in the service areas of neighboring agencies for a total of 5,368 afy (4.8 mgd). The demands identified in Table 3.6 include all potential users for which detailed information is known, but does not include areas anticipated for eventual development not associated with specific developments (which will be discussed later). This market assessment is intended to determine all potential customers, while the determination of whether a customer should be connected will be discussed in Chapter 9. 3-26 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.6 Customer Demand by Category Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Customer Category(1) Existing System Demand(2) (afy) Near Term Demand (afy) Potential Future Demand(3) (afy) 2009 2010 Agricultural Irrigation 0 23 0 0 Commercial or Industrial Process Water 0 Industrial 0 0 0 711 Commercial Cooling 0 0 0 62 Landscape Irrigation(4) Commercial Property Irrigation 1,074 637 100 645 Community Facilities 27 49 0 0 Golf Courses 1,133 1,033 0 50 Highways 25 11 0 0 HOA 1,469 1,369 0 885 Resort Property Irrigation 340 195 0 75 Parks 195 69 0 147 Schools 85 91 0 131 Other 0 Construction 2 0 0 0 Pond Evaporation 0 0 0 5 Public Works 0 40 0 0 Subtotal inside Service Area 4,350 3,517 100 2,711 Neighboring Agencies(5) Olivenhain Municipal Water District(4) 0 0 0 687 Vista Irrigation District 0 0 0 1,158 Vallecitos Water District 0 0 0 557 City of Oceanside 0 0 0 255 Subtotal outside Service Area 0 0 0 2,657 Total 4,350 3,517 100 5,368 Notes: (1) Details by customer are presented in Appendix C. (2) Average Existing Demand is shown for calendar years 2009 and 2010. An existing system demand of 4,000 afy is assumed for this study and will be used in later analysis of this chapter. However, demand for years 2009 and 2010 are shown here to show the demand by customer category. (3) Potential Future Demand from Customer Database (see Appendix C and Table 3.7). Does not include demands for New Developments (areas which are anticipated to eventually develop but without definite plans for development at this time). (4) Landscape Irrigation is divided into 8 sub-categories. For the 500 afy OMWD demand, the breakdown of demands into sub-categories was not available, but the individual customers making up the 500 afy are anticipated to fall within the landscape irrigation category. (5) Potential demand identified in neighboring agencies of City of Oceanside, OMWD, VID, and VWD. January 2012 3-27 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 The demand estimates and usage type classifications of the 161 identified potential customers are listed in Table 3.7, while their locations are presented on Figure 3.9, Figure 3.10, and Figure 3.11. Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C002 NRC West Coast LLC / Cabrillo Power 711.0 Industrial Y C004(2) KSL Resorts: La Costa Resort (Group) 20.0 Resort Property Irrigation Y C005 Robertson's Ranch - West Village (Phase 2) 118.3 HOA Y C008(2) Rancho Carlsbad MHP 35.0 HOA Y C009 Robertson's Ranch - East Village (Phase 1) 65.8 HOA Y C010 Tamarack Point HOA 42.0 HOA Y C012 Rancho Carlsbad Golf Course (Executive Course) 50.3 Golf Courses Y C013 Invitrogen (Life Technologies) 18.0 Commercial Cooling Y C014 San Pacifico HOA 41.5 HOA Y C017(2) Alta Mira HOA 13.0 HOA Y C018(2) Valley Middle School (Carlsbad Unified School) 17.0 Schools Y C020 Carlsbad Property Inc (Group) 19.7 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C021 Pan Pacific Retail Prop Inc 19.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C023 William L Canepa 8.0 Resort Property Irrigation Y C025(2) Army and Navy Academy (includes Maxton Brown Park) 17.8 Schools Y C026(2) Camino Hills HOA 17.8 HOA Y C027 Full Range Prty LLC (Carlsbad Golf Center) 17.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C028(2) The Village Apartments 8.7 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C029(2) Plaza Camino Real 25.6 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C032 OVLC Management Co. DBA / KSL (was Olympic Hotel / PAC) 15.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y 3-28 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C033 Motel 6 - Site 000471 14.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C034 City of Carlsbad Parks 14.9 Parks Y C035 Senior Center Field (City of Carlsbad Parks) 3.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C037(2) Hope Elementary School (Group) 13.3 Schools Y C038 Ponto Hotel 13.0 Resort Property Irrigation Y C039 Palomar Triad #520 12.8 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C040(2) Kelly Elementary School (Group) 10.5 Schools Y C041(2) Carlsbad High School (Group) 10.1 Schools Y C043 Brierly Field (City of Carlsbad Parks) 9.6 Parks Y C044(2) Existing Landscape Meters near Impala Dr and Palmer Wy 31.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C045 Holiday Park (City of Carlsbad Parks) 9.3 Parks Y C046 Holiday Park (City of Carlsbad Parks) 8.5 Parks Y C047 Chase Field (City of Carlsbad Parks) 8.3 Parks Y C049 Equity Growth Invest 7.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C050 Carlsbad Commercial Center 7.8 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C051 City of Carlsbad Parks 7.3 Schools Y C052 Carlsbad Point Corporation 7.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C053 Gildred Development 6.8 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C054 2052 CDN LLC 6.8 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C055 North Pointe HOA 1.5 HOA Y C056(2) Greenview HOA 6.4 HOA Y C057 Cognac Pacific Corporate LLC 6.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y January 2012 3-29 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C058 H G Fenton 6.1 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C059 Cognac Carlsbad Pac Centr LLC 6.1 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C060(2) Buena Vista Elementary School (Group) 2.0 Schools Y C061 North Pointe HOA 6.0 HOA Y C062 Viaggio HOA and Aviara Masters HOA 9.2 HOA Y C063 City of Carlsbad Parks 5.7 Parks N C064 Future Parcel - Carlsbad Airport Center 1.8 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C065 Windstar Carlsbad Office LLC / Floral Trade Center 5.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C066 Public Storage Inc 5.3 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C067(2) Magnolia Elementary School (Carlsbad Unified School) 3.1 Schools Y C068(2) Dolphin Beach Apartments 1.0 HOA Y C069 Kilwa Manufacturing Inc 5.2 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C070 Jefferson Elementary School Irrigation (City of Carlsbad Parks) 5.1 Schools Y C071 Realty Associates Fund VII LP 5.1 Commercial Property Irrigation N C072(2) Lakeshore Gardens MHP (Group) 5.0 Pond Evaporation Y C073 Naturemaker Inc 5.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C074 Inns of America Suites 5.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C075 Cognac Carlsbad Pacifica LLC 5.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C076 Future Parcel - Carlsbad Airport Center 2.6 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C078 City of Carlsbad Parks 4.6 Parks Y 3-30 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C079 Palomar and Company 4.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C080 Inns of America Suites 4.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C081 Bond Ranch 4.3 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C082 Boi Carlsbad Inc 4.2 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C083 CBRE Carlsbad Commercial Ctr 4.2 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C084 North Pointe Owners' Assoc 2.0 HOA Y C085 Palomar Lot 10 BCA 4.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C086 Realty Associates Fund VII LP 4.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C087 Tramanto HOA 3.8 HOA Y C089 Carlsbad Corporate Center 3.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C090 Bressi Ranch Corp Ctr 3.4 HOA Y C091 Spy Optic Inc 3.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C092 Del Abeto Cntr #260 3.1 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C093 Palomar 910 Assoc Ltd 2.6 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C094 Guy Freeborn 2.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C096 Micro-Probe Prop LLC 2.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C099 CBRE - Josepho Family Trust 1.1 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C100 Sierra Land Group Inc 0.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C104 Hosp Grove Park 2.0 Parks Y C107 Alga Norte Park (Future) 71.9 Parks Y C109(2) Future High School Site 30.0 Schools Y C110 Business Park Cooling Towers in Carlsbad Airport Center 9.9 Commercial Cooling Y January 2012 3-31 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C116 Business Park Cooling Towers in Carlsbad Research Center 30.0 Commercial Cooling Y C119 Business Park Cooling Towers in Carlsbad Oaks 4.4 Commercial Cooling Y C126 High-Density Residential Development at Quarry Creek 64.5 HOA Y C132 Rotary Park 2.2 Parks Y C135 Magee Park 4.6 Parks Y C137 Discovery Isle Child Development 3.6 Schools Y C140 Irrigation Meters in Palisades and Telescope HOA 11.7 HOA Y C141 Beythlechim 0.6 Schools N C143 Legoland Inner Park Expansion 33.6 Resort Property Irrigation Y C144 Gemological Institute of America Expansion 5.2 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C145 Carlsbad Ranch Resort 37.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C146(2) Dos Colinas (Senior Independent and Assisted Care Living) 59.7 HOA Y C147 Walmart / Sunny Creek Plaza 12.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C148 Cantarini 115.0 HOA Y C149 Holly Springs 93.1 HOA Y C150 Carlsbad Oaks North - Phase I 42.1 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C151 Carlsbad Oaks North - Phase II 34.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C152 Carlsbad Oaks North - Phase III 36.3 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C153 Bressi Ranch - Planning Areas 1 through 4 43.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C154 Bressi Ranch - Planning Area 5 9.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C155 Bressi Ranch - Planning Area 15 10.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y 3-32 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C156 Rancho Carrillo Village H - Palomar Korean Church 2.4 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C157 Carlsbad Raceway and Palomar Forum - Remaining Vacant Parcels 44.6 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C158 HOA 11.1 HOA Y C159 Existing Landscape Meters along Palomar Oaks Way 15.7 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C160 Future Business Park Irrigation along Palomar Oaks 8.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C161 Existing Landscape Meters along Car Country Drive 12.0 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C162 Existing Landscape Meters along Frost Avenue 8.0 HOA Y C163 Existing Colony at Calavera Irrigation Meters 7.2 HOA Y C164 Existing Landscape Meters along El Camino Real 2.0 HOA Y C165 Existing Landscape Meters at Marbella (Apartment Complex) 2.0 HOA Y C166 Existing Landscape Meters at Marea 8.6 HOA Y C167 Existing Landscape Meters along Blue Orchid Lane 9.7 HOA Y C168 Existing Landscape Meters at Alga Hills HOA 17.2 HOA Y C169 Existing Landscape Meters at Jockey Club HOA 15.8 HOA Y C170 Existing Landscape Meters along Altisma Way 4.0 HOA Y C171 Existing Landscape Meters at Alicante Hills HOA 14.4 HOA Y C172 Existing Landscape Meters along Navigator Circle 3.4 HOA Y C173 Library and Civic Center (City of Carlsbad Library and Parks) 5.0 Parks Y C174 Existing Landscape Meters at HOAs on Chinquapin Ave 24.0 HOA Y January 2012 3-33 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C175 Existing Landscape Meters along Oak Avenue 3.5 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C176 Carlsbad Village Academy 11.0 Schools Y C177 Existing Landscape Meter at Avenida Encinas 14.9 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C178 Existing Landscape Meters at The Villa HOA 20.0 HOA Y C179 Existing Landscape Meters at Fairways HOA 26.8 HOA Y Subtotal - Inside CMWD Service Area 2,711.0 C001 OMWD Customers (Gafner WRP or from Carlsbad WRF via El Camino) 500.0 Landscape Irrigation Y C108 La Costa Canyon High 63.9 Schools N C118 Future School 31.4 Schools N C120 La Costa Canyon Park 27.5 Parks N C122 La Costa Heights Elementary/Levante Park 20.8 Parks N C127 El Camino Creek Elementary 11.4 Schools N C128 Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary 11.4 Schools N C130 Mission Estancia Elementary 10.1 Schools N C131 Cadencia Park 9.7 Parks N C142 La Costa Valley Preschool and Kindergarten 0.5 Schools N Subtotal - OMWD 686.7 C003 Shadowridge Golf Course 448.1 Golf Courses Y C101 Business Park (Vista Irrigation District) 582.3 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C111 Buena Vista Park 53.5 Parks Y C114 Rancho Buena Vista High 39.2 Schools Y C125 Center for Science/Math/Technology 12.3 Schools N C129 Breeze Hill Park 10.9 Parks Y C134 Breeze Hill Elementary 7.9 Schools Y C136 Tri City Christian Schools 3.7 Schools N Subtotal - VID 1,157.9 3-34 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.7 Potential Customers Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Map ID(1) Customer Name AAD (afy) Customer Type Included in Ultimate System(3) C042 La Costa Meadows Elementary School 9.7 Schools Y C088 St. Elizabeth Seton Church 1.8 Schools Y C102 Lake San Marcos Resort Country Club 336.0 Golf Courses N C105 Lake San Marcos Executive Golf Course 99.9 Golf Courses N C112 Business Park (Vallecitos Water District) 42.7 Commercial Property Irrigation Y C113 Park 39.7 Parks Y C123 San Marcos High School 19.2 Schools N C133 Fuerte Park 8.2 Parks Y Subtotal - VWD 557.2 C103 Ocean Hills Country Club 148.0 Golf Courses Y C115 Oak Riparian Park 36.5 Parks N C117 Madison Middle/Lake Elementary 33.6 Schools Y C121 Lake Park 22.4 Parks Y C124 New Venture Christian Schools 13.4 Schools Y C139 Montessori of Oceanside 0.9 Schools Y Subtotal - City of Oceanside 254.8 Subtotal - Outside CMWD Service Area 2,656.6 Grand Total 5,367.6 Notes: (1) Map IDs correlate to the site number in Figure 3.9. (2) Cross-connection testing requirements may prevent full conversion of this site to recycled water. (3) Indicates whether customer was determined to be feasible for connection to the potential expansion segments as discussed in Chapter 9. The distribution of demands relative to service area is shown on Figure 3.12. This figure illustrates that about 50 percent of the potential future demand is located within CMWD’s service area while the remaining 50 percent is distributed within neighboring agencies. January 2012 3-35 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Inside CMWD Service Area 2,711 afy 50% OMWD 687 afy 13% VID 1,158 afy 22% VWD 557 afy 10% Oceanside 255 afy 5% Figure 3.12 Distribution of Potential Demands by Service Area 3.5.5 Customer Questionnaire Customer surveys were developed and sent to several of the largest potential customers identified in the customer workshop. These questionnaires requested information about any barriers the customers had to using recycled water. The majority of the mailed customer questionnaires did not successfully reach the potential customers due to a discrepancy between the service address and billing addresses. However, in general, results of the survey showed that customers were interested in recycled water. Several customers mentioned that financing of recycled water conversion would be the primary barrier to adopting recycled water. To date, CMWD has not assisted in financing of customer site conversions, and has no plans for participating in financing of conversions in the future. Overall, the responses that were received did not indicate hostility toward the usage of recycled water. 3.5.6 Smaller Pickup Customers Identifying potential customers beyond the 161 potential users included in the customer database is not anticipated to be viable. An additional 144 customers were identified with historical potable water billing records totaling approximately 55 afy (less than 0.1 mgd). However, the demand of these additional 144 customers is relatively low demand when compared to the top 161 potential customers listed in the customer database. The steep decline in demand by customer is also illustrated on Figure 3.13. 3-36 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Figure 3.13 Large User Demand Ranking Effect As shown in Figure 3.13, the demand of each individual potential customer drops off significantly after the first few large customers. Because of this drop off effect, recycled water demands for the 144 potential customers ranking past the top 161 were not included in this study. CMWD has worked extensively to identify potential customers for conversion near the existing system and it is assumed this effort will continue in the future. 3.5.7 Demand Factors For new developments or customers without historical billing records, demand factors were developed to estimate potential demand based on historical demand records and areas of known developments. Demand factors were developed for irrigation associated with HOAs, commercial and industrial properties, golf courses, schools, and parks. Demand factors were not developed for other uses since City planning documents did not indicate other large planned developments with other uses. It is assumed that future development of planned communities (with HOA demands) and business parks (commercial and industrial irrigation) will be similar in irrigation practices to recent developments. Some areas of typical recent development were selected for each of these categories to develop the recycled water demand factors. These water demand factors are presented in Table 3.8. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Average Annual Demand (afy) Recycled Water User Ranking 1 161 81 Cabrillo Power 711 afy OMWD 500 afy Shadowridge Golf Course (VID) 448 afy January 2012 3-37 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.8 Water Demand Factors Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Usage Type Description Water Demand Factor (gpd/ac) HOAs Includes irrigation of street medians and common areas of HOAs 700 Business Park Landscape irrigation for commercial and industrial properties 600 School Irrigation of fields and landscaping of schools 1,000 Park Irrigation of parks 2,000 Golf Course Irrigation for golf courses 2,500 Note: (1) Water Demand Factors are applied to the parcel acreage, and thus exclude streets. It should be noted that recycled water use within HOAs is primarily within common areas and street medians. While residential planned communities can use recycled water for irrigation of individual homes, the cross-connection testing requirements render irrigation of individual homes with recycled water infeasible. It should also be noted that the typical commercial and industrial properties and business parks consists of very little irrigated area. Based on aerial imagery, typical lots may consist of about 10 percent irrigated landscaping. It is assumed that future commercial property development will use irrigation in a similar manner as existing commercial properties. 3.5.8 New Developments New developments present a unique opportunity for recycled water use, as the location and installation of recycled water distribution infrastructure can be implemented during initial construction of the development, resulting in shorter construction time and lower cost compared to construction in existing developments where pavement repair and traffic control would be required. The City’s Planning Department provided a list of parcels with anticipated development. This list was joined to the City’s GIS parcel layer. Subsequently, the Planning Department’s classifications were adapted to recycled water usage designations as follows: • Residential parcels (Multiple Family [MF], Single Family [SF], and Septic) were assigned to the HOA category if the parcels fell within tracts of land suitable for planned community development. Isolated individual residential parcels less than 5 acres in size were not considered suitable for recycled water irrigation. • Commercial and Industrial parcels were assigned to the Commercial and Industrial Property Irrigation category. 3-38 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 The data provided by the planning department focused on detailed development over the next five years, but in most cases, development past five years was assumed to increase linearly across the years within the planning period. Where information on detailed development was available, the relevant parcels were added to the customer database. These parcels are shown in brown on Figure 3.14. The remaining development areas were categorized into either Residential (consisting of HOA type development) or Commercial Irrigation (consisting primarily of commercial and business park irrigation) and the corresponding demand factors were applied to estimate a total future demand due to development. Since CMWD has focused its conversion efforts on developments that are able to adequately take advantage of recycled water, it is anticipated that not every development can fully utilize recycled water to the same extent. Thus, the total future demand due to new developments was reduced by 50 percent. The areas are shown in Figure 3.14 and the demand is summarized in Table 3.9. Table 3.9 New Development Demand Projections Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Land Use Type Total Acreage (Parcels >5 ac) Demand Factor (gpd/ac) Total Future Demand (gpd) Total Future Demand (afy) Residential 615 700 430,500 482 Commercial Irrigation 306 600 183,600 206 Subtotal 921 N/A 614,100 688 50% Reduction N/A N/A -307,050 -344 Total 307,050 344 "C" Tank Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoon Twin "D" TanksCamino Re al E lm A v e Marron Rd C arls b a d Blv d H i g h la n d Dr A lo n d ra W a y Paseo NorteC ollege B lvdPalomar Airport RD Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a r a c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle Barcelona R ancho Santa Fe Calavera PS Bressi PS "D" Tank PSPacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP Lake Calavera San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside Legend Recycled Water Pipelines (by Diameter) Less than 6" 6" to 8" 10" to 14" 16" and larger Recycled Water Facilities Pump Station Pressure Regulation Station (PRS) WRF Tank Reservoir Inactive WRP New Developments Residential Commercial Irrigation Development not anticipated toutilize Recycled Water (Small Parcels) Represented in Customer Database Others Freeways Major Roads Local Streets City Boundary Carlsbad City Limits San Diego County Water Body Carlsbad Municipal Water District 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 3.14Areas of New Developments Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_3_13-Incorporating Recycled Water.mxdDATE: 4/15/2011 3-40 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 3-41 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 3.5.9 Demand Summary The total potential demand for the ultimate system is projected by combining the existing demand, the near-term demand, the demand from the potential customer database (inside and outside CMWD’s service area), and the demand from new developments. Table 3.10 presents a summary of demand projections while Figure 3.15 graphically shows the build out demand by customer category. Table 3.10 Summary of Demand Projections Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Customer Category Demand (afy) Source Existing 4,000 End of Section 3.3.2 Near-Term 100 Table 3.6 Customer Database (in Service Area) 2,711 Table 3.6 Neighboring Agencies 2,657 Table 3.6 New Developments 344 Table 3.9 Potential Total Demand 9,812 New Developments(Potential Areas of DevelopmentNot Accounted for in Customer Database)344 afy Existing Customers 4,000 afy Potential Demand in NeighboringAgencies2,657 afy Potential Demand inside Service Area (Customer Database)2,711 afy Near Term Customers100 afy Figure 3.15 Potential Build Out Demand Summary Total Potential Demand 9,812 afy 3-42 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 As shown in Table 3.10, the potential build out demand is estimated to be approximately 9,812 afy (8.3 mgd). The feasibility of serving this potential build out demand is evaluated in Chapter 9, Future System Analysis, which includes an analysis of the various pipeline alignments required to serve this total potential demand. The results of this analysis are used to prioritize pipeline extension projects and determine the build out demand that is considered for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects presented in Chapter 10 of this master plan. A summary of customers by location in relation to the service area is presented in Table 3.11. Table 3.11 Potential Build Out by Service Area Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Category Demand Inside Service Area (afy) Demand Outside Service Area (afy) Total Demand (afy) Existing 4,000 0 4,000 Near Term / In Progress 100 0 0 Potential Future Demand(1) 2,711 2,657 5,368 New Developments(2) 344 0 344 Total 7,155 2,657 9,812 Percentage 73% 27% 100% Note: (1) Customers identified within the customer database (Appendix C). Customers with a Purveyor of OMWD, VID, VWD, or Oceanside are outside CMWD’s service area. (2) Additional development not individually identified which did not have specific information on timing. Included to adequately size pipelines for ultimate build out conditions. As shown in Table 3.11, the potential build out demand includes approximately 2,657 afy or 27 percent of recycled water demand from customers that are located outside CMWD’s service area. CMWD should consider adopting a goal for maximizing the cost effective use of recycled water within its service area. Currently, recycled water use accounts for almost 20 percent of the aggregate water within CMWD. As shown in Table 3.12, if all potential demands within CMWD are connected, CMWD will meet a recycled water use goal of approximately 27 percent by the year 2020. The demand projections for the year 2020 are based upon a 2020 potable water demand of 25,100 afy from CMWD’s 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). It should be noted that the development assumptions in the UWMP may not have assumed the same development shown in Figure 3.14. January 2012 3-43 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 Table 3.12 Percentage of CMWD Demand Identified Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Demand Projection Year 2020(1) (afy) Potential RW Demand(2) (afy) Total Demand Year 2020 (afy) Maximum Percentage Recycled Water by Year 2020(3) 25,100 6,811 31,911 27% Notes: (1) Source: CMWD’s 2010 UWMP (CMWD, 2010). (2) Demand Inside Service Area based on demands from Table 3.11, deducting New Developments as not likely to be in place by 2020. (3) If all Potential RW Demands except New Developments were realized by 2020. Chapter 9 discusses the specific customers that could be connected to expansion segments of the future recycled water system, and which potential customers were not able to be connected to expansion segments in a cost-effective manner. Table 3.13 presents a summary of the demands included in the ultimate recycled water system based on the discussion in Chapter 9. As shown, the build-out system includes a total of 7,144 afy (6.4 mgd) considering only the demand within CMWD’s service area and, totaling 9,106 afy (8.1 mgd) including demands from neighboring agencies. Table 3.13 Build-out Demand Summary Recycled Water Master Plan Update Carlsbad Municipal Water District Demand Description AAD (afy) AAD (mgd) MMD (mgd) Existing + Near-Term (Phases I and II) 4,100 3.7 6.2 Potential Customers within CMWD 2,711 2.4 4.1 New Developments (with indefinite timing) 344 0.3 0.5 Total Identified Demand within CMWD 7,155 6.4 10.9 Not Feasible inside Service Area -11 < 0.1 < 0.1 Total for CMWD Build-out System 7,144 6.4 10.8 Potential Customers outside CMWD 2,657 2.4 3.7 Not Feasible outside Service Area -695 -0.6 -1.1 Total for Build-out System with Neighboring Agencies 9,106 8.1 13.5 3-44 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Draft Report/Chapter 3 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 4-1 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 Chapter 4 RECYCLED WATER SUPPLIES 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter identifies the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s (CMWD) supply and related storage needs required to meet the projected water demands identified in Chapter 3. This chapter starts with a description of the existing and future recycled water supply sources. Subsequently, the capacity of these sources are compared with the projected recycled water demands to determine any supply shortfalls. As part of the supply evaluation, six supply scenarios are evaluated based on various combinations of expanding supply sources. This chapter is concluded with a supply strategy that describes the phasing of supply projects to accommodate the recommended system configuration described in Chapter 9 of this recycled water master plan (RWMP). 4.2 SUPPLY SOURCES This section discusses each of CMWD’s existing recycled water supply sources and their associated capacities as well as the historical utilization of each supply source. 4.2.1 Existing Supply Sources As discussed in Chapter 3, CMWD receives recycled water from three reclamation plants: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (WRF), Meadowlark WRF, and Gafner Water Reclamation Plant (WRP). The Carlsbad WRF is owned by CMWD; and the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) has been contracted to provide operation and maintenance through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) dated May 1, 2005. The Meadowlark WRF is owned and operated by the Vallecitos Water District and serves both CMWD’s recycled water system and a portion of the Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s (OMWD) recycled water system within the City of Carlsbad. The Gafner WRP is owned and operated by the Leucadia Wastewater District and serves only the south golf course of the La Costa Resort. The Gafner WRP does not connect to the rest of CMWD’s recycled water distribution system. Carlsbad WRF and Gafner WRP currently operate as tertiary treatment plants, treating secondary effluent from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF). Meadowlark WRF operates as a “skimming” plant, discharging solids into a 10-inch diameter sludge pipeline for treatment at the EWPCF. The capacities of the Carlsbad WRF, Meadowlark WRF, and Gafner WRP are presented in Table 4.1 along with CMWD’s recycled water allocation. 4-2 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 Table 4.1 Recycled Water Supplies Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Reclamation Plant Name Owner Permitted Capacity(1) (mgd) Maximum CMWD Allocation (mgd) Other Allocations (mgd) CWRF CMWD 4.0 4.00 0.0 MWRF VWD 5.0 3.00(2) 1.5(3) GWRP LWWD 1.0 0.75(4) 0.0 Total Capacity 10.0 7.75 1.5 Total Usable Capacity(5) 7.60(5) Notes: VWD = Vallecitos Water District; LWWD = Leucadia Wastewater District (1) Maximum discharge flow as stated in permit (CWRF Order No. 2001-0352; MWRF Order No. R9-2007-0018; GWRP Order No. R9-2004-0223, included in Appendix E). (2) Rated capacity of MWRF is 5.0 mgd. However, discussions with VWD staff have indicated that the WRF historically has produced less flow than rated. While the rated capacity is 5.0 mgd, the actual produced flow is less (3.2 mgd in 2009) due to insufficient wastewater flow to Meadowlark. CMWD’s agreement with VWD limits supply availability to 3.0 mgd during summer months and 2.0 mgd during winter months. (3) Current MWRF allocation for the Olivenhain Municipal Water District is 1.0 mgd with an option to purchase up to 1.5 mgd. (4) Based on the agreement between LWWD and CMWD (included in Appendix D) that states that the GWRP can produce up to 0.75 mgd, a maximum and minimum annual purchase of 840 afy (0.75 mgd) and 394 afy (0.35 mgd), respectively. (5) As the GWRP is not connected to CMWD’s recycled water system and the demand of the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course MMD is only 0.6 mgd (versus 0.75 mgd capacity at GWRP), the total existing usable capacity is limited to 7.6 mgd. As shown in Table 4.1, CMWD currently has 7.75 mgd of allocated supply capacity, although only 7 mgd is available to CMWD’s primary recycled water distribution system as Gafner WRP only supplies the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course and is not connected to the rest of the distribution system. In total, the reclamation plants have a permitted capacity of 10 mgd. 4.2.2 Historical Supply Utilization While daily supply data for Meadowlark WRF and Carlsbad WRF was available (EJPA, 2009) for January 2005 through June 2009, the daily demands for the OMWD system were not known for the same period, and thus could not be deducted to determine CMWD’s daily utilization of supply sources. Monthly supply data for the portion of flow supplied to CMWD’s distribution system by Meadowlark WRF, as well as total flow from Carlsbad WRF, and Gafner WRP was available (CMWD, 2011) for the calendar year 2010 and is presented in Table 4.2. During periods of high recycled water demands or recycled water supply outages, CMWD has had to supplement its recycled water system with potable water. Potable water can be introduced to the recycled water distribution at CMWD’s D Tanks, through the use of an air gap. The connection is made up of a meter and an 8-inch diameter Pressure Sustaining January 2012 4-3 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 Valve (PSV), which, according to CMWD staff, can convey at least 3,000 gpm. Potable water can also be supplemented in the system feeding the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course from Gafner WRP. In addition, VWD has a potable water connection at Mahr Reservoir, which can be used to supplement recycled water in the reservoir with potable water through an air gap. Table 4.2 Utilization of Recycled Water Supplies Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Source Average Annual Supply in 2010 Percentage of Average Annual Supply in 2010 Maximum Month Supply(2) in 2010 (mgd) Percentage of Maximum Month Supply in 2010 (mgd) (afy) (mgd) CWRF 969 0.9 28% 2.2 38% MWRF (1) 2,272 2.0 66% 2.9 50% GWRP 195 0.2 5% 0.6 11% Potable Water (3) 30 < 0.1 1% 0.1 1% Total 3,466 3.1 100% 5.8 100% Notes: (1) Portion of MWRF recycled water supplied to CMWD. MWRF also supplies recycled water to OMWD customers. (2) The month of maximum demand in calendar year 2010 was 5.8 mgd in June 2010. Note that maximum month supply for individual sources varied by supply source (e.g., MWRF produced its maximum monthly flow in May 2010). (3) Potable makeup water use in 2010 included 4.8 afy at the D Tank supplemental water connection and 25.7 afy at Gafner WRP. As shown in Table 4.2, in 2010, CMWD obtained the greatest percentage of its supply from the Meadowlark WRF. Under typical operations, CMWD first obtains supply from the Meadowlark WRF and uses the Carlsbad WRF to balance supply with demand because CMWD pays for allocated supplies from Meadowlark WRF even if the supply is not used. In accordance with the inter-agency agreement, CMWD purchases 2 mgd from December through March (4 months) and 3 mgd from April through November (8 months). Note that in 2009, CMWD obtained the largest component of its supplies from Carlsbad WRF because the Meadowlark WRF has at times not provided the contracted 3 mgd due to a lack of influent flow that limited effluent recycled water production. Influent flow at the Meadowlark WRF did not match expected flow projections from the time of the Meadowlark WRF expansion because the housing downturn had slowed development, which would have increased influent flow. During the maximum month (June 2010) CMWD’s demand was 5.8 mgd. During this month, CMWD still obtained the majority of its flow from Meadowlark WRF, with slightly more supply coming from Carlsbad WRF. It should be noted that potable makeup water was primarily supplemented at Gafner WRP when Gafner WRP was offline for several months in 2010. Potable makeup water at the Twin D tanks was primarily used in 4-4 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 June 2010 when demands were the highest of the year. Note that data for VWD’s potable water makeup connection at Mahr Reservoir was not available and is not included in Table 4.2. During the minimum month (February 2010), CMWD’s demands were only 0.51 mgd, significantly less than the 2.0 mgd allocation from Meadowlark WRF. CMWD supplied demands during this month almost exclusively from Meadowlark WRF. Daily flows from Carlsbad WRF and Meadowlark WRF were obtained from water quality reports to the regional water quality control board (EJPA, 2009) for January 2005 through June 2009. As discussed in Chapter 3, it was assumed that MDD will be similar to MMD since CMWD’s customers are primarily irrigation in nature. While daily flow data was analyzed to determine the actual MDD to MMD ratio, several limitations were found in the daily flow data. Limitations precluding this calculation included daily effluent data for Meadowlark WRF was reported for total plant flow including OMWD’s demands, daily flows for potable makeup water were not reported, several daily flows from Carlsbad RWMP significantly exceeded the rated capacity, daily storage in Mahr Reservoir was not reported. Figure 4.1 presents the total annual historical supply for calendar years 2002 through 2010, including potable makeup water. Note that data for 2004 was not available, and supply data for 2009 was only available through June 2009 due to the fiscal year (supply data was projected for the rest of the year). Average annual demand data from billing records is overlaid on Figure 4.1 for the calendar years 2004 through 2010. As shown, the demand reported in 2010 slightly exceeded reported supplies, likely due to rounding in monthly reporting. As shown in Figure 4.1, demand increased significantly between 2003 and 2005 as Phase II customers began to be connected. Figure 4.2 shows approximate historical supply for each supply source. Supplies for Meadowlark WRF and Gafner WRP were taken from the annual reports for the Reclaimed Water Development Fund (CMWD, 2011), while supply data for Carlsbad WRF were taken from daily flow monitoring from monthly water quality monitoring reports obtained from Encina Joint Powers Authority (EJPA, 2009). Since the annual reports for the Reclaimed Water Development Fund are summarized by fiscal year, and reports specific to each supply source for some consecutive years were not available, supply for the months available was assumed to be representative of the full calendar year. As shown in Figure 4.2, total recycled water supply to CMWD increased between 2006 and 2008 due to the addition of the Carlsbad WRF in 2006 and the completion of upgrades to the Meadowlark WRF in 2008. Overall supplies decreased in 2010 in response to the decreased demands discussed in Chapter 3. January 2012 4-5 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Average Annual Supply (afy)Calendar Year Total Supply (from Monthly MWD Reports) Total Demands (from Billing Data) (1) Notes:(1) As data for this calendaryear was incomplete, average flows for the months available were assumed to apply to the rest of the year.(2) Data was only available through June, the seasonal peaking for 2008 was applied to 2009 data available to project a 2009 supply. (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) n/a Figure 4.1 Historical Supply 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Average Annual Supply (afy)Calendar Year Gafner WRP (afy) Meadowlark WRF (afy) Carlsbad WRF (afy) Notes:(1) As data for this calendar year was incomplete, average flows for the months available were assumed to apply to the rest of the year. (2) Seasonal peaking for 2008 was applied to monthly data through June 2009 to project supply. (It was assumed that Carlsbad WRF would provide projected supplies beyond the historic capacity of Meadowlark WRF. (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) n/a Figure 4.2 Historical Supply by Source 4-6 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 4.2.3 Water Quality of Existing Supply Sources Water quality from the existing sources was analyzed to determine any restrictions that may exist for irrigation uses. Water quality data was tabulated and compared to existing guidelines for irrigation use restrictions. This data is summarized in Table 4.3. As shown in Table 4.3, the average historical water quality samples do not indicate any severe restrictions for any of CMWD’s recycled water supply sources. As there are no parameters that fall in the severe restriction category, CMWD should be able to use their existing recycled water sources for its irrigation demands with proper quality management. However, due to some water quality parameters, the use of recycled water may not be suitable for some sensitive plant species. For instance, discussions between CMWD staff and specific agricultural users have indicated concerns about water quality parameters which may affect required treatment, including boron, manganese, and TDS. Boron One constituent of potential concern is boron. Currently, effluent from all three wastewater reclamation plants contains a boron concentration of approximately 0.4 mg/L, as displayed in Table 4.3. In the future, this effluent concentration could increase due to the construction of the new Poseidon desalination facility in the City of Carlsbad (City). The new desalination facility will use reverse osmosis treatment to desalt ocean water for drinking water purposes. Typical ocean water has a boron concentration between 4 and 5 mg/L. According to correspondence with the City, the new plant’s effluent will have a boron concentration of approximately 0.75 mg/L. Once this new supply is integrated with Carlsbad’s existing potable water supply, the concentration of boron will increase. As a result, the concentration of boron in wastewater will also increase. While, the increased concentration will not impact the “Degree of Use Restriction” in Table 4.3, the increased concentration in wastewater does have the potential of pushing treated recycled water effluent above the limit for boron as stated in CMWD’s discharge permit. Currently, the permit stipulates a boron concentration limit of 0.75 mg/L for the Carlsbad WRF and 0.5 mg/L for the Meadowlark WRF. It is recommended that CMWD coordinate with the new desalination plant to ensure that the boron concentration from the desalination plant will not cause recycled water effluent to exceed these permitted limits. If the limit is exceeded, the only process capable of removing boron is reverse osmosis with upstream pH adjustment. At neutral pH, boron exists as boric acid (H3BO3), which is neutral and is a similar size to a molecule of water, allowing it to pass through RO membranes. Boron can be removed by raising the pH above 9, so the boron is deprotonated, forming dihydrogen borate (H2BO3-). January 2012 4-7 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 Table 4.3 Water Quality Guidelines for Irrigation Use Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Water Quality Parameter(1) Unit Degree of Use Restriction(1,2,3,4) Supply Source None Slight to Moderate Severe MWRF(7) CWRF(8) GWRP(9) Salinity ECw dS/m <0.7 0.7-3.0 >3.0 1.63 1.70 1.73 TDS mg/L <450 450-2000 >2000 991 965 1,076 Permeability(5) ECw = 0.9 SAR = 0-3 and ECw = >0.7 0.7-0.2 <0.2 SAR(6) = 3-6 and ECw = >1.2 1.2-0.3 <0.3 1.6 1.7 1.7 SAR = 6-12 and ECw = >1.9 1.9-0.5 <0.5 SAR = 12-20 and ECw = >2.9 2.9-1.3 <1.3 SAR = 20-40 and ECw = >5.0 5.0-2.9 <2.9 Sodium (Na) Surface SAR <3 3-9 >9 4.0(6) 5.5(6) 5.6(6) Sprinkler mg/L <70 >70 152 197 201 Chloride (Cl) Surface mg/L <140 140-355 >355 236 265 278 Sprinkler mg/L <100 >100 236 265 278 Boron (B) mg/L <0.7 0.7-3.0 >3.0 0.37 0.40 0.41 Bicarbonate mg/L <90 90-500 >500 192 219 225 pH --- 6.5-8.4 (normal range) 6.7 7.4 7.3 Nitrogen (N) Ammonia (NH4) mg/L (see combined N values below) N/A N/A N/A Nitrate (NO3) mg/L (see combined N values below) N/A N/A N/A Combined Nitrogen (N) mg/L <5 5-30 >30 N/A N/A 16.1 Iron Recommended maximum concentration of 5 mg/L. Not toxic to plants in aerated soils but can contribute to soil acidification and loss of reduced availability of essential phosphorus and molybdenum. Manganese Recommended maximum concentration of 0.2 mg/L. Toxic to a number of crops at a few tenths to a few mg/L, but usually only in acid soils. Notes: (1) Adapted from University of California Committee of Consultants (1974), and Ayers and Westcot (1994). (2) Method and Timing of Irrigation: Assumes normal surface and sprinkler irrigation methods are used. Water is applied as needed, and the plants utilize a considerable portion of the available stored soil water (50% or more) before the next irrigation. At least 15 percent of the applied water percolates below the root zone (leaching fraction [LF] > 15%). (3) Site Conditions: Assumes soil texture ranges from sandy loam to clay with good internal drainage with no uncontrolled shallow water table present. (4) Bold text indicates where CMWD’s Supply Sources from the right columns fall within the range shown. Definitions of “The Degree of Use Restriction” terms: None = Recycled water can be used similar to the best available irrigation water. Slight = Some additional management will be required above that with the best available irrigation water in terms of leaching salts from the root zone and/or choice of plants. Moderate = Increased level of management required and choice of plants limited to those which are tolerant of the specific parameters. Severe = Typically cannot be used due to limitations imposed by the specific parameters. (5) Permeability is evaluated based on the combination of adjusted sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and Electrical Conductivity (ECw) values. (6) Adjusted SAR (adj. RNa) includes the effect of bicarbonate/calcium ratio (Cax). (7) Average of Samples from January 1998 through September 2009. Source: (EJPA, 2009). (8) Average of Samples from November 2005 through September 2009. Source: (EJPA, 2009). (9) Average of Quarterly Samples from Oct 2008 through September 2009 (TDS, N, Conductivity, and pH), Annual samples in June 2008 (Cl, B), and intermittent samples from 2002 through 2009 (Na, HCO3). Source: (EJPA, 2009). 4-8 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 For CMWD, removing boron would involve pH adjustment and installing a secondary RO treatment train at the Carlsbad WRF. As this addition adds additional capital cost to any plant expansion, it is recommended that CMWD control the concentration of boron at the source of potable water production, the new desalination plant. Manganese Another constituent of concern is manganese since CMWD’s Carlsbad WRF exceeds the permitted effluent limit of 0.05 mg/L when the Carlsbad WRF is operated as designed. The Carlsbad WRF was designed for granular media filtration of 80 percent of the influent flow and MF/RO filtration for the remaining 20 percent of the influent flow. The flow streams are blended prior to distribution. As the Carlsbad WRF does not currently operate at capacity, there is spare MF/RO capacity. To reduce the manganese concentration, the plant operates beyond the 20/80 flow split, sending a greater percentage of flow to the MF/RO units. While, the MF/RO process reduces manganese, this solution is not permanent since the Carlsbad WRF will need to run at capacity in the future and will be restricted to the 20/80 flow split since spare MF/RO units will not be available. Providing additional treatment for the removable of manganese will require improvements to the Carlsbad WRF, which requires a substantial investment for both facility improvements and operations. Removal of manganese typically involves the oxidation of the water soluble manganese ions (Mn+2) with the addition of chlorine or potassium permanganate in a contact tank and the removal of the resulting insoluble manganese oxides through filtration. At the Carlsbad WRF, removal of manganese would involve a contact chamber for the addition of chlorine or potassium permanganate and possibly a new set of filters. The Carlsbad WRF could potentially use the existing granular media filters, but the effectiveness of the existing filters would need to be verified. It should be noted that the Carlsbad WRF also could replace the media of some existing filters with media designed specifically for manganese removal. Filtronics, Inc. has a proprietary media, FV03 Electromedia®, specially designed to remove manganese through magnetic attraction. Alternatively, manganese can be removed through a greensand process. The greensand process involves the use of filters with natural greensand zeolite that is coated with manganese oxides. The oxides on the greensand remove the soluble manganese ions until the oxides become saturated; at which point, the greensand oxides are regenerated with potassium permanganate. This alternative method does not involve a contact chamber, only greensand filters. While manganese is an essential nutrient at low dosages, it is harmful to ingest at high doses. The EPA has set a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) for manganese at 0.050 mg/L based on aesthetic concerns for drinking water such as staining and taste considerations. Ingestion of manganese through water consumption is not considered harmful unless the concentration is above 0.3 mg/L. The Regional Board most likely set the 0.05 mg/L limit in order to protect the underlying groundwater basins, which have January 2012 4-9 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 manganese objectives of 0.05 mg/L. Manganese concentrations below 0.3 mg/L are not known to have any negative health effects beyond undesirable aesthetic qualities. If possible, CMWD should attempt to ease the Regional Board’s limits of manganese that are applicable to recycled water. In addition, the manganese concentration of water received from the MWD’s Skinner plant is, on average, about 0.02 mg/L. This suggests that an industrial user in the City might be discharging manganese to the sewer. If possible, CMWD should also attempt to discern the source of manganese in the collection system. If the Regional Board does not ease the manganese limits, or if CMWD is unable to discern the source of the additional manganese, additional treatment at the Carlsbad WRF plant will be required since running the spare reverse osmosis units for manganese removal is an expensive method for manganese removal. For the purposes of this study, it is assumed that additional MF/RO capacity will not be required when the Carlsbad WRF is expanded in the future. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) As discussed previously, Carlsbad WRF was designed for granular media filtration of 80 percent of the influent flow and MF/RO filtration for the remaining 20 percent of the influent flow. The MF/RO treatment was included to reduce TDS levels in the secondary effluent from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF). The 1997 RWMP describes TDS levels ranging above 1,300 mg/L. In discussions with CMWD staff, it was learned that after the Carlsbad WRF came online, an investigation was conducted to determine the source of the high TDS levels. This investigation identified a specific user discharging seawater into the sewer system. Once this discharge was discontinued, the TDS levels in EWPCF’s secondary effluent were reduced. Based on the lowered TDS levels, it is assumed that future expansions of Carlsbad WRF will not require additional MF/RO capacity. 4.2.4 Supply from Seasonal Storage Since CMWD’s demands are primarily landscape irrigation in nature, peak demands occur seasonally. Seasonal storage can be used to buffer the peak seasonal flows when the daily demands exceed the supply capacity of the supply sources in lieu of expanding plant capacity. In order to use seasonal storage as a supply, excess supply in months of low seasonal demand must be placed into seasonal storage to be pulled out in months where demand exceeds supply capacity. One of the key challenges with seasonal storage as a source of supply is to limit utilization of seasonal storage supplies before the peak months. Otherwise, supply shortages may occur. 4-10 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 A sample supply strategy for supply planning with seasonal storage is presented in Figure 4.3. Based on the usable existing supply capacity of 7.6 mgd (see Table 4.1) and a seasonal storage capacity of 32 MG (CMWD’s allocation capacity in Mahr Reservoir), CMWD could meet an average annual demand of 4.9 mgd based on the current seasonal peaking behavior of CMWD’s customer. This corresponds to a maximum month demand of 8.3 mgd using a peaking factor of 1.7 (see Table 3.5). Figure 4.3 Seasonal Storage Requirement Hence, the existing seasonal storage capacity would be sufficient to provide about 0.7 mgd of supply during summer months. Assuming that the 32 MG is available, this corresponds to 45 days of 1.5 months. Currently, CMWD has adequate supply capacity such that seasonal storage is not necessary. However, as CMWD’s peak summer demands grow, taking advantage of seasonal storage can delay treatment plant upgrades. In addition, it should be noted that Mahr Reservoir historically has experienced the following issues: • Water quality issues related to algae growth. • Low reservoir levels related to insufficient flows from Meadowlark WRF. January 2012 4-11 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 These issues are interrelated as low water levels result in higher water temperatures, which then causes more algae growth. As Mahr Reservoir is located south from the Meadowlark WRF, the majority of reservoir outflow goes to OMWD’s system, while CMWD receives treated water from Meadowlark WRF. When Meadowlark WRF produces more than CMWD’s demand, the remaining flow is directed to Mahr Reservoir. Due to this system configuration, OMWD receives more water from Mahr Reservoir than CMWD and experiences the related water quality issues. OMWD is therefore interested in reducing its take from Mahr Reservoir and obtaining recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF through a new pipeline connection along El Camino Real. As this new connection enters OMWD’s system in the lower zones, the higher zones that are currently fed from Mahr Reservoir can only be served if additional pumping stations and east-west pipelines are constructed to connect the lower and higher pressure zones in OMWD’s recycled water system. As this expansion of OMWD’s system is not likely to happen in the near future, it is assumed that OMWD will maintain its current take from Meadowlark WRF and its 18 MG share in Mahr Reservoir. For planning purposes, it is therefore assumed that CMWD’s seasonal storage capacity in Mahr Reservoir remains 32 MG. 4.2.5 Potential Future Supply Sources CMWD is approaching a supply shortfall once the future demands are realized. There are various options to address this shortfall and expand the recycled water supply capacity. These options are discussed below and include: • Expansion of Carlsbad WRF • Increased allotment from Meadowlark WRF to CMWD • Increased supply from Gafner WRP by connecting Gafner WRP to CMWD’s recycled water system via a pump station and pipelines • Re-activation and connection to Shadowridge WRF • Surface water treatment plant for stormwater runoff into Lake Calavera An expansion of Carlsbad WRF could be one potential source of additional supply. According to the 2001 Influent Pumping and Equalization Preliminary Design Report (MWH, 2001), the ultimate design capacity of the Carlsbad WRF is 16 mgd. While the report only quantifies the necessary changes required to the pumping system to accommodate the additional capacity, it is assumed that the rest of the facility is designed such that it can also accommodate the treatment expansions to reach the ultimate capacity of 16 mgd. A second alternative could be securing additional supply from Meadowlark WRF. Since the historic limitation to supply from Meadowlark WRF has been low influent wastewater flows, this would most likely need to consist of obtaining some of OMWD’s allocation in exchange for supplying some of OMWD’s lower zone demand from CMWD’s system. Based on discussions with CMWD staff, it is anticipated that influent wastewater flows to Meadowlark WRF will not exceed 4 mgd, resulting in a maximum supply of about 3.5 mgd. 4-12 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 A third source of additional supply could be connection of the Gafner WRP to the rest of CMWD’s recycled water system. As discussed previously, CMWD’s current utilization of Gafner WRP is less than its rated capacity. It is possible that the remaining capacity could be used within the rest of CMWD’s recycled water system or expansion could increase potential supply from Gafner WRP. A technical memorandum completed for Leucadia Wastewater District (LWWD) in October 2010 indicated an expansion of up to 3.7 mgd would cost approximately $35.8 million. In addition, the Shadowridge WRP, owned by the Buena Sanitation District (BSD), is currently not in service. However, a study dated September 2010 by PBS&J for the City of Vista evaluated reactivation of the plant. Three alternatives were analyzed, and a 2-mgd MBR process was noted as “may be cost-effective”. If reactivated, 1 mgd of effluent would be allocated to the adjacent Shadowridge Golf Course, park, and high school, while the remaining 1 mgd could be available to CMWD. However, the analysis assumed that CMWD would need to accept the full flow of the facility throughout the year, less than used by the Shadowridge Golf Course. Similar to Meadowlark WRF, Shadowridge WRP is intended to operate as a “skimming” plant, discharging solids into a solids discharge pipeline, which is also referred to as the failsafe pipeline. Solids are ultimately treated at the EWPCF. The locations of the Shadowridge WRP as well as the failsafe pipeline are shown on Figure 4.4. The Lake Calavera supply option would divert water from Lake Calavera to a treatment site located at either the southwest or the southeast corner of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. Flow would be delivered to the treatment site via a new gravity line located in an existing sewer main easement. Based on similar treatment of surface water sources, treatment for Lake Calavera water would most likely consist of coagulation through a rapid mix tank and a flocculation tank, sedimentation, filtration, and chlorine addition. Depending on the measured water quality, the actual designed treatment process could change. If the water has both low turbidity and color (less than 25 units), Lake Calavera water treatment could consist of only direct filtration. For this study, the worst case (turbidity and color greater than 25 units) was assumed. The locations of each of CMWD’s existing facilities as well as the potential future supply sources are shown on Figure 4.4. Carlsbad WRF Gafner WRP Mahr Reservoir Meadowlark WRF Agua HediondaLagoonEl Ca mi no Rea l E lm A v e Marron Rd C arls b a d B lv d Hi g hl a n d D r Paseo NorteC ollege B lvdP a lo m a r A irp o rt R D Aviara Pkwy El Fuerte StCosta Ave P o in s e ttia L n T a m a ra c k A v e Cannon Rd Calle BarcelonaRanc ho Santa FeEncina Water Pollution Control Facility Pacific Ocean Encinitas Batiquitos Lagoon Buena VistaLagoon Oceanside Shadowridge WRP Lake Calavera "C" Tank Twin "D" Tanks OMWDMeter Corintia Meter Olivenhain MunicipalWater DistrictSan DieguitoWater District VallecitosWater District Vista Irrigation District Proposed Calavera Stormwater Treatment Facility 8" San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside 1 2"E n c in a O u tfa ll24" 16"36"14" 12" 10'' 30''24''8''12''12''8''12'' 1 2 ''4''8''12''20''6''4'' 4'' 4''6''12'' 18'' 4'' 20'' 8''8''8'' 1 2 ''8 ''12''12''12''1 2 ''8 ''4 ''18'' 4''12''12''12''4' '4''12'' 8''12''8'' 8 ''8'' 8'' 8''8'' 12''16''30''12''1 2 '' 8'' 1 6'' 8 ''14''8''12''8''8''8'' 1 2 ''6'' 8''12'' 8 ''8 '' 8''8''24'' 12''30''8''12''6'' 12'' 8'' 8''4''6'' 12''8''1 2 ''8' '24''27'' 8''8'' 12'' 8'' 12 '' 24 '' 8'' 4 '' 6''14''16''8''12''8''12''8 ''8''8'' 1 6'' 1 2 ''1 2 ''1 2'' 8''20''10''12'' 1 2 ''10'' 8 ''8''12''12''8'' 12''8''8''6'' 12''30''8'' 8''6''8''18''8''8''8''8''8''8''6''2 4 ''18'' 8''24'' 0 5,000 10,000 Feet Figure 4.4Supply Sources Recycled Water Master PlanCarlsbad Municipal Water District FILENAME: c:\pw_working\projectwise\lwang\d0102644\Figure_4_1-Supply_Sources.mxdDATE: 5/18/2011Potable Water Connection Supply Source ProcessesRated Capacity (mgd) Carlsbad WRF 4.0 Tertiary Meadowlark WRF 5.0 Primary, Secondary Gafner WRP 1.0 Tertiary Potable Water Connection (D Tanks)4.3 n/a Potable Water Connection (VWD) Legend Distribution Pipeline 12" and Smaller 14" and Larger Recycled Water Facility Proposed Treatment Facility Existing WRF Tank Encina Reservoir Potable Water Meter Inactive WRP Treatment Related Pipelines Encina Outfall Failsafe Pipeline Failsafe Pipeline (Secondary Effluent to Gafner WRF) Other Freeways Local Streets Carlsbad City Limits Water Body San Diego County Carlsbad Municipal Water District Boundary 4-14 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 This page intentionally left blank. January 2012 4-15 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 4.3 SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS As described in Chapter 3, CMWD’s existing system recycled water average annual demand is assumed as 4,000 acre-feet per year (afy) (3.6 mgd), with a corresponding maximum month demand of 6.1 mgd. The potential build out demand including demand for neighboring agencies is estimated at 9,106 afy (8.1 mgd) with a corresponding maximum month demand of 13.5 mgd. The general phasing of demands is presented in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Summary of Recycled Water Demands Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Condition Average Annual Demand (afy) Average Day Demand (mgd) Maximum Month Demand(1) (mgd) Existing 4,000 3.6 6.1 Near-Term (Phases I and II)(2) 4,100 3.7 6.2 CMWD Build-out System(3) 7,144 6.4 10.8 Build-out System with Neighboring Agencies(4) 9,106 8.1 13.5 Notes: (1) Assumes a Maximum Month Demand seasonal peaking factor (PF) based on individual customer peaking factors listed in customer database (see Appendix C). (2) Includes 100 afy of Near Term / In Progress demands discussed in Chapter 3. (3) Near-Term + Customer Database demands inside CMWD service area discussed in Chapter 3 less customers determined not feasible for connection in Chapter 9. Includes Areas of Potential Development discussed in Chapter 3. (4) Near-Term + Customer Database demands discussed in Chapter 3 less customers determined not feasible for connection in Chapter 9. Includes Areas of Potential Development discussed in Chapter 3. The projected water demands as listed in Table 4.4 and the existing supply allocation of 7.6 mgd during summer months are graphically depicted in Figure 4.5. As shown, the maximum month build-out demand associated with connection of all feasible customers within CMWD’s service area, identified in Chapter 9, is 10.8 mgd. When compared with CMWD’s existing supply allocation of 7.6 mgd, CMWD will need to find an additional 3.2 mgd of supply to serve CMWD’s build-out system. The MMD demand associated with connection of all feasible customers including those in neighboring agencies is 13.5 mgd. Hence, nearly 6 mgd of additional supply would be required to serve the build-out system including the demands identified outside CMWD’s service area. While CMWD has sufficient supply capacity for its Existing and Near-Term demands, it is anticipated that as future demands are added to CMWD’s system as a part of Phase III, CMWD will need to develop new supply sources to expand its recycled water system. The 4-16 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 required supply capacity to meet the projected MMD for each phase and the associated supply shortfalls are summarized in Table 4.5. 6.1 6.2 10.8 13.5 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Existing Near-Term (Phase I and II) CMWD Build-out System Build-out System with Neighboring AgenciesMaximum Month Demand (mgd)Usable Supply Capacity (7.6 mgd) Figure 4.5 Maximum Month Demand Table 4.5 Summary of Supply Requirements Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Description Near-Term (Phase I and II) CMWD Build-out System Build-out System with Neighboring Agencies ADD (mgd) MMD (mgd) ADD (mgd) MMD (mgd) ADD (mgd) MMD (mgd) Demand 3.7 6.2 6.4 10.8 8.1 13.5 Existing Supply Capacity 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 Supply Balance +3.9 +1.4 +1.2 -3.2 -0.5 -5.9 As shown in Table 4.5, CMWD will experience a supply shortfall of just over 3 mgd when all potential customers are connected within the CMWD service area, and just under 6 mgd when all potential demands from neighboring agencies are connected. For planning January 2012 4-17 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 purposes, a MMD supply capacity of 11 mgd is assumed to be required for connection of all feasible customers within CMWD’s service area while an MMD supply capacity of 14 mgd is assumed for connection of all feasible customers including those in neighboring agencies. Various alternatives to meet these supply requirements are discussed in the next section. 4.4 SUPPLY EVALUATION Based on discussions with CMWD staff, six different supply alternatives were developed. Each alternative has an assumed total build out supply capacity of 14 mgd, based on the demands presented in Chapter 3 and the feasibility study discussed in Chapter 9. The unit supply cost of each alternative as expressed in dollars per acre-foot ($/af) was used for relative comparison purposes. The six supply alternatives that will meet the 14-mgd capacity goal are summarized in Table 4.6. Table 4.6 Supply Alternatives Summary Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Supply Source Facility Treatment Flow(1) (mgd) Alternative 1 Maximize CWRF Alternative 2 Maximize MWRF Alternative 3 Maximize GWRP Alternative 4 Abandon GWRP Alternative 5 Maximize CWRF and Lake Calavera Alternative 6 Utilize Shadowridge WRP Carlsbad WRF 10.25 9.75(3) 7.00 11.00 9.00 9.75 Meadowlark WRF 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Gafner WRP(4) 0.75 0.75 4.00 - 0.75 0.75 Calavera Reservoir SWTF - - - - 1.00 - Seasonal Storage - - - - 0.25 0.20 Shadowridge WRP - - - - - 0.30 Total 14.00 14.00(5) 14.00 14.00(5) 14.00 14.00 Notes: WRF = Water Reclamation Facility; WRP = Water Reclamation Plant; SWTF = Stormwater Treatment Facility (1) Treatment Flow under MDD conditions. For Alternative 6, Shadowridge WRP would have a treatment capacity of 1.0 mgd, but would only supply 0.3 mgd under MDD conditions. (2) MMD for Gafner WRP did not occur during the same month as MMD for Carlsbad WRF and Meadowlark WRF during 2010. Note that although Gafner WRP’s allocation is 0.75 mgd, it is not connected to the rest of the system and is currently only able to supply La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course). (3) OMWD would be connected to the CMWD system thus freeing capacity at the Meadowlark WRF; however, in addition to the expansion shown here, CWRF would need to be expanded to accommodate the additional 1.4 mgd of OMWD demands planned to be supplied from MWRF for a total CWRF plant capacity of 11.15 mgd. (4) Demands for Gafner WRP assumed connection of Gafner WRP to the rest of the system for all alternatives except Alternative 4. (5) Total does not include additional expansion capacity of 1.4 mgd allocated to OMWD from CWRF 4-18 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 The treatment processes and other improvements such as, pipelines and booster pump stations are summarized by supply source in Table 4.7. The capacity and size of the required expanded facilities varies for each alternative as described in the following sections. Table 4.7 Facilities Required for Expansion Recycled Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Supply Source Required Facilities(1) Carlsbad WRF Tertiary Filters(2) Chlorine Contact Basins Effluent Pumping(3) Meadowlark WRF(5) - - Gafner WRP(4) Tertiary Filters Chlorine Contact Basins Influent Force Main Effluent Pumping Transmission Main Calavera Stormwater Facility Screenings Sedimentation Flocculation Basins Filtration Rapid Mix Chamber Chlorine Contact Basins Transmission Main(6) Shadowridge WRP(7) Headworks Primary Clarifiers Odor Control Facilities Aeration Basins Blower Building Secondary Clarifiers Tertiary Filters Chlorine Contact Basins Notes: (1) Required facilities include associated yard and electrical work. (2) Carlsbad WRF’s existing MF/RO system and filters treat 20 percent and 80 percent of the flow, respectively. Flow from both processes is blended prior to distribution. Expansions are not anticipated to require MF/RO based on discussions with CMWD staff. (3) Carlsbad WRF currently has 14.4 mgd of effluent pumping capacity (3 duty - no standby) (4) The 12-inch diameter transmission main proposed in Chapter 9 would need to be increased to a 16-inch diameter transmission main to connect GWRP effluent to CMWD’s distribution system. Pipeline size is based on a 3.4-mgd flow since 0.6 mgd will be delivered to the La Costa golf course, which is adjacent to the GWRP. (5) Since Meadowlark WRF is limited by wastewater influent flow, no expansion is anticipated. (6) An 8-inch diameter transmission main is required for connecting the stormwater treatment plant to CMWD’s distribution system. (7) As a part of discussions between CMWD and VID, preliminary cost estimates for three alternatives were developed and are discussed in Section 4.4.6. Details on which facilities are included in the expansion were not available. VID’s study on reactivation of Shadowridge WRP also discusses alternatives for delivery of the effluent to CMWD’s distribution system. These alternatives are discussed in further detail below. It should be noted that all three water reclamation treatment plants (Carlsbad WRF, Gafner WRP, and Meadowlark WRF) are part of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) and operate off the EWA’s joint collection system. At the end of the collection system is the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) with a flow capacity of 40.5 mgd, a solids capacity of 43.3 mgd, and an ocean outfall with a flow capacity of 43.3 mgd. The EWPCF treats wastewater to secondary treatment standards. The Carlsbad WRF and the Gafner WRP are tertiary scalping plants. Secondary effluent from the EWPCF is pumped to the January 2012 4-19 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 Carlsbad WRF and the Gafner WRP for tertiary treatment. EWA also has two wastewater scalping plants upstream in the joint collection system, the Meadowlark WRF and the Shadowridge WRP. The unit costs for each alternative will be based on the potential annual demand, which is made possible by the expansion. The total existing MMD supply capacity is 7.75 mgd. However, since Gafner WRP is not currently connected to the rest of the system, utilization of the full allocated capacity of Gafner WRP will only be possible if it is connected to the rest of the system. For relative comparison, it is assumed that Gafner WRP will be connected to the rest of the system at build-out and relative costs for the connection are included in each alternative. Based on the seasonal peaking factor of 1.7, the existing MMD supply capacity of 7.6 mgd corresponds to an average annual demand of 5,008 afy. Based on an average annual build-out demand of 9,106 afy, unit costs for each expansion were assumed to add 4,098 afy of potential demand. Note that this unit cost is based on the average annual demand added to the system, not the utilization of the plant. 4.4.1 Alternative 1 – Maximize Carlsbad WRF This alternative consists of CMWD’s current supply mix using recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF, Meadowlark WRF, and the Gafner WRP. The capacities of the Gafner WRP and Meadowlark WRF remain as existing in this alternative providing 0.75 and 3.0 mgd, respectively. The use of the Carlsbad WRF is maximized in this alternative, which will thereby provide the balance of the required supply. The Carlsbad WRF is therefore the only plant expansion in this alternative and would need to be increased from 4.0 mgd to 10.25 mgd to provide a combined supply capacity of 14.0 mgd. In addition, a pipeline and pump station are included to connect the Gafner WRP to the rest of the distribution system, allowing full utilization of the 0.75 mgd allocation of Gafner WRP. As stated previously, the Carlsbad WRF was originally sized to be increased up to 16 mgd, and it is therefore assumed that all expansions can be accommodated at the current site. The process flow diagrams for each plant are shown on Figure 4.6. As EWPCF already has a secondary treatment capacity of 40.5 mgd, only tertiary treatment processes, disinfection, and effluent pumping capacity needs to be upgraded as part of this alternative. As the plant already has 14.4 mgd (10,000 gpm) of effluent pumping capacity, no additional effluent pumping capacity is needed to meet MMD. However, if the Carlsbad WRF is used to meet Peak Hour Demands (PHD), additional pumping capacity will be needed. Based on discussions with CMWD staff, Carlsbad WRF will not require spare pumping capacity since Mahr Reservoir can be used to supply Carlsbad WRF in event of a pump outage. 21-Carlsbad610Fig4.6-8308A00.aiPROCESS FLOW DIAGRAMSFIGURE 4.6CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTWastewaterCollectionSystemHeadworks PrimaryClarifiersRoughingFiltersAerationBasinSecondaryClarifiersTertiaryFiltersChlorineContactBasinEffluentPumpingHeadworksPrimaryClarifiersAerationBasinSecondaryClarifiersOceanOutfallExisting 40.5 mgd Encina Water Pollution Control FacilitiesStormwaterRunoffCalaveraReservoirFiltrationSecondaryEffluentExisting 1 mgd Gafner Water Reclamation PlantTertiaryFiltersChlorineContactBasinEffluentPumpingChlorineContactBasinEffluentPumpingTertiaryFiltersMicrofiltrationReverseOsmosis20% of Flow80% of FlowSecondaryEffluentExisting 4 mgd Carlsbad Water Reclamation FacilityPotential 1 mgd Calavera Stormwater Treatment FacilityScreeningsRecycled Water UsersExisting 5 mgd Meadowlark Water Reclamation PlantHeadworksPotential 2 mgd Shadowridge Water Reclamation PlantHeadworks PrimaryClarifiersRoughingFiltersAerationBasinSecondaryClarifiersTertiaryFiltersChlorineContactBasinEffluentPumpingRapidMixFlocculationSedimentationBasinCoagulant Auxiliary ChemicalChlorineInjection January 2012 4-21 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 To determine the capital construction cost of this alternative, the following key components were included: • 6.25 mgd tertiary filter capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • 6.25 mgd chlorine contact basin capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • No additional effluent pumping capacity at Carlsbad WRF. • 1,500 feet of 8-inch diameter pipeline and 75 hp pump station sized for 0.75 mgd to convey flow from Gafner WRP to distribution system (future Expansion Segment 8 in El Camino Real). The estimated capital cost of this alternative is $10.8 million. Based on a 30-year repayment period and 6-percent interest, the annual cost is estimated at about $785,000. A detailed breakdown of this estimate is included in Appendix B. Assuming an annual demand of 4,098 afy made possible by this expansion, the unit supply cost of this alternative is hereby estimated at $191/af. 4.4.2 Alternative 2 - Maximize Meadowlark WRF This alternative consists of CMWD’s current supply mix using recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF, Meadowlark WRF, and the Gafner WRP. The utilization of Gafner WRP would again increase in this alternative since Gafner WRP would be connected to the system providing 0.75 mgd during MMD conditions. The use of Meadowlark WRF is maximized by taking the available 3.5 mgd of supply versus the current 3.0 mgd. This alternative therefore assumes that OMWD would no longer take supply from Meadowlark WRF, but instead obtain recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF through CMWD’s distribution system. This would require OMWD to modify its distribution system by adding several booster pumping stations to obtain flow from lower zones in its distribution system. The Carlsbad WRF would also need to be expanded to provide the balance of the required supply for both CMWD and OMWD. Based on discussions with OMWD staff, OMWD’s existing demands are 700 afy, anticipated to increase to 1,300 afy in the future. As discussed in Chapter 3, the customer database includes 500 afy for OMWD delivered in the lower zones. Since the 500 afy is already accounted for within CMWD’s build-out demand of 9,106 afy, the remaining additional demand, which would need to be supplied from Carlsbad WRF, would be 800 afy. Based on a seasonal peaking factor of 2.0 (specific to OMWD’s system), the estimated MMD would be 1.4 mgd. The Carlsbad WRF is the only plant expansion in this alternative and would need to be increased from 4.0 to 11.15 mgd to provide an additional 5.75 mgd for CMWD and 1.4 mgd to OMWD. 4-22 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 It is assumed that the proposed expansion of the Carlsbad WRF from 4 mgd to 11.15 mgd can be accommodated at the current site and that this expansion will be limited to the tertiary treatment processes, disinfection, and effluent pumping capacity. As the plant already has approximately 14.4 mgd of effluent pumping capacity, it is not anticipated that the pump station will need to be expanded to meet a MMD of 11.15 mgd. However, if the pump station at Carlsbad WRF is used to meet PHD, additional pumping capacity will be needed. To determine the capital construction cost of this alternative, the following key components were included: • 5.75-mgd tertiary filter capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • 5.75-mgd chlorine contact basin capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • No additional effluent pumping capacity at Carlsbad WRF. • Transmission main from CMWD’s distribution system to OMWD’s distribution system (the 12-inch diameter, 5,500-foot long pipeline proposed along El Camino Real in Chapter 9 would need to be increased in size to 16 inches in diameter). • Two booster pumping stations within OMWD’s system, so that OMWD can take supply from its lower zones. • 1,500 feet of 8-inch diameter pipeline and 75 hp pump station sized for 0.75 mgd to convey flow from Gafner WRP to distribution system (future Expansion Segment 8 in El Camino Real). The overall capital cost of this alternative is estimated at $16.9 million. A detailed breakdown of this estimate is included in Appendix B. Assuming an annual demand of 4,098 afy made possible by this expansion, the unit supply cost is estimated at $300/af. This alternative would be more feasible if Meadowlark WRF wastewater influent flows would increase in the near future, creating a new supply source without the need of expanding CWRF for OMWD. However, this alternative is not possible given the anticipated influent flows to Meadowlark WRF. 4.4.3 Alternative 3 - Maximize Gafner WRP This alternative consists of CMWD’s current supply mix using recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF, Meadowlark WRF, and the Gafner WRP. The Meadowlark WRF remains at its current capacity in this alternative, providing 3 mgd. The use of Gafner WRP is maximized by increasing the supply capacity to 4 mgd. As Gafner WRP treats secondary effluent from the EWPCF, this plant expansion would only require additional Microfiltration and Reverse Osmosis Treatment, disinfection, and effluent pumping. MF/RO treatment would be used to both accommodate limited space constraints and water quality constraints. The use of this additional supply would require the installation of 5,000 feet of January 2012 4-23 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 12-inch diameter pipeline along El Camino Real from the Gafner WRP to the intersection with Aviara Parkway. This pipeline, along with a new booster pumping station, would provide a direct connection with Zone 384. This 3-mgd booster station would need to provide sufficient head to deliver recycled water into Zone 384 to serve other customers in CMWD from Gafner WRP. It should be noted that the basin plan for the La Costa Golf Course area, between El Camino Real and Highway 78 (Batiquitos Hydrologic Sub Area 4.51), does not have any limits on TDS and Manganese. When Gafner WRP is expanded and used to serve new CMWD customers, more stringent regulations from other basin plans apply. Water quality could therefore be a potential issue when maximizing this supply source. In addition, the Carlsbad WRF would be expanded to provide the balance of the required supply. The Gafner WRP and Carlsbad WRF would be expanded by 3.0 mgd each, to provide a combined supply capacity of 14.0 mgd (since Gafner WRP would be connected to the system, it is assumed that the full capacity of 1.0 mgd could be used). It is assumed that the proposed expansion of the Carlsbad WRF from 4.0 mgd to 7.0 mgd can be accommodated at the current site and that this expansion will be limited to the tertiary treatment processes, disinfection, and effluent pumping capacity. As the plant already has approximately 14.4 mgd of effluent pumping capacity, no additional pumping capacity at Carlsbad WRF is anticipated. However, if the pump station at Carlsbad WRF is used to meet PHD, additional pumping capacity will be needed. To determine the capital construction cost of this alternative, the following key components were included: • 3-mgd treatment plant upgrade at the Gafner WRP using MF/RO and chlorine contact basins for disinfection. • 3.4-mgd discharge pumping station to serve Zone 384. A supply of 0.6 mgd will continue to be delivered to the La Costa Golf Course. • Replace secondary effluent force main from EWPCF supplying Gafner WRP influent (estimated at 16-inch diameter, 27,000 feet). • 3-mgd tertiary filter capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • 3-mgd chlorine contact basin capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • Transmission main from Gafner WRP to CMWD’s distribution system (the 12-inch diameter, 5,000-foot long pipeline proposed along El Camino Real in Chapter 9 would need to be increased in size to 16 inches in diameter). The estimated capital cost of this alternative is $73.6 million. A detailed breakdown of this estimate is included in Appendix B. Assuming an annual demand of 4,098 afy made possible by this expansion, the unit supply cost of this alternative is estimated at $1,305/af. 4-24 January 2012 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/CA/Carlsbad/8308A00/Deliverables/Report/Chapter 4 4.4.4 Alternative 4 - Abandon Gafner WRP This alternative is similar to Alternative 1; however, it eliminates the use of Gafner WRP. Consequently, the Carlsbad WRF would need to be expanded to provide the entire balance of the required supply of 14.0 mgd for CMWD. The Carlsbad WRF is the only plant expansion in this alternative and would need to be increased from 4.0 to 11.0 mgd to provide an additional 7.0 mgd for CMWD. This expansion includes the 0.6 mgd to replace lost capacity from the Gafner WRP. Similar to Alternative 1, it is assumed that the proposed expansion of the Carlsbad WRF from 4.0 mgd to 9.7 mgd can be accommodated at the current site and that this expansion will be limited to the tertiary treatment processes and disinfection. As the plant already has approximately 14.4 mgd of effluent pumping capacity, no additional pumping capacity is anticipated. However, if the pump station at Carlsbad WRF is used to meet PHD, additional pumping capacity will be needed. To determine the capital construction cost of this alternative, the following key components were included: • 7-mgd tertiary filter capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • 7-mgd chlorine contact basin capacity expansion at Carlsbad WRF. • No additional effluent pumping capacity at Carlsbad WRF. • 1,500 feet of 8-inch diameter pipeline to convey flow from the distribution system to the Gafner WRP site to supply La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course demands. The proposed pipeline size in Chapter 9 is predicted to have sufficient capacity to convey the La Costa Resort and Spa south golf course (Gafner WRP’s only existing customer) MMD of 0.6 mgd in addition to the demands associated with Expansion Segment 8. The estimated capital cost of this alternative is $10.2 million. A detailed breakdown of this estimate is included in Appendix B. Assuming an annual demand of 4,098 afy made possible by this expansion, the unit supply cost of this alternative is estimated at $181/af. Note that costs for abandonment of Gafner WRP and the cost benefit of wholesale costs to LWWD are not considered. 4.4.5 Alternative 5 - Maximize Carlsbad WRF and Lake Calavera This alternative expands CMWD’s current supply mix by developing a new supply source from Lake Calavera while continuing to use recycled water from the Carlsbad WRF, Meadowlark WRF, and the Gafner WRP. Meadowlark WRF remains at current capacity in this alternative providing 3.0 mgd. Gafner WRP is connected to the distribution system, allowing full utilization of the 0.75 mgd allocation. Carlsbad WRF is expanded from 4.0 mgd to 9.0 mgd. The balance of 0.25 mgd is assumed to be supplied from seasonal storage in the peak month.