HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Seawater Diversion Encina Power Plant; Seawater Diversion Encina Power Plant; 1988-09-01L- [j L An Evaluation of the Coastal Data Base pertaining to Seawater Diversion at Enoina Power Plant Carlsbad, CA o ££ O COLU CD AGUA HEDIONDA CIRCA 1889 L. September, 1988 An Evaluation of the Coastal Data Base Pertaining to Seawater Diversion at Encina Power Plant Carlsbad, CA Prepared For San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Scott A. Jenkins, PhD and David W. Skelly, M.S. September, 1988 Table of Contents 1.0 ABSTRACT 2.0 INTRODUCTION 3.0 SEDIMENT BUDGET FOR THE OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL 4.0 EFFECTS DUE TO JETTIES AT AGUA HEDIONDA 5.0 EFFECTS OF THE DISCHARGE PLUME AT AGUA HEDIONDA 6.0 SEDIMENT TRAPPING BY AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0 REFERENCES 1.0 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to review the existing body of coastal processes data in the neighborhood of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, CA. This review seeks to determine if there is any evidence for adverse impact on coastal processes associated with the sea water diversion activities of the SDG&E Encina Power Plant. Of particular concern are the possibilities for: a) obstruction of the longshore transport of sand by the intake and discharge jetties; b) diversion of beach sand to offshore areas, by either the discharge plume or the jetties; c) trapping of beach sands in the western most lobe of Agua Hedionda Lagoon; d) long term losses of beach sand as a result of inadequate maintenance dredging volumes; e) formation of accretion erosion waves along downcoast beaches due to the length of the dredging cycle. The data base is reviewed both locally (the near field) as well as over the entire length of the Oceanside littoral cell. In this way local effects are separated from the long term trends of the region in general. The conclusions of this study are that: 1) In general the coastline from Dana Point to Point La Jolla has been eroding since the 1930's probably because dam building has constricted the resupply of sediment from stream and river runoff, 2) There is little evidence to suggest that beach sediment is being diverted offshore by either the inlet jetties or discharge plume, 3) The lagoon with its artificially narrow inlet is indeed__a^.trap^ for beach sands, 4) Dredging records indicate that SDG&E has more than matched the probable capture rates thru its maintenance dredging program and therefore does not contribute to long term downcoast erosion, 5) The dredging cycle is not often enough to prevent accretion erosion waves in the down coast. Accretion erosion waves represent local surpluses of sand when the dredged material is deposited upon the beach during dredging, followed by a local decline of sand occurring over the time interval in between dredgings. They cause short term oscillations in the downcoast sand supply superimposed upon a steadily declining long-term mean. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The Encina Power Plant diverts sea water from Agua Hedionda Lagoon through plant condensers in order to provide adequate cooling for each of five power generating units. After passing through the condensers this sea water is warmed about 10 degrees centigrade and released directly into the ocean through a discharge channel fortified by a pair of rubble mound jetties. The sea water taken from the lagoon in this way is replaced by the tidal circulation through an intake inlet channel situated at the north end of the western most lobe of the lagoon system, see figure 1. To augment this tidal circulation the lagoon system was artificially deepened through dredging in 1954. Prior to that dredging effort Agua Hedionda was a slough with only a few feet of anaerobic hypersaline water 111111 WESTERNSECTION or LAGOON 1000 I 2000 I 3000 I 200 400 600 BOO 1000 4000 f •«! 120O mettri SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY MAINTENANCE DREDGING AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON ORIGINAL DREDGING LIMITS AND DEPTHS, AND BEACH RESTORATION AREA Figure 1. which exchanged with the ocean briefly during winter months when high tides and rain runoff would broach the barrier berm across the lagoon inlet, (see figures 2 and 3) Southern Pacific Railroad Surveys (1889) and (1893). The pre- dredging conditions of Agua Hedionda resembled somewhat the present day conditions found at nearby Batiquitos Lagoon. Over a period of 247 days beginning June 1953, a total of 4,279,000 cubic yards of mostly beach grade sediment was dredged from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon system. This total volume broke down between the lobes of the lagoon system as follows: 1,025,000 cubic yards from the outer or western most lobe, and 3,254,000 cubic yards from the middle and inner lobes, see Ellis (1954). This dredged material was deposited on the neighboring barrier beach forming a large deltaic shoreline form which had the effect of widening the beach by an additional 120 meters, see figure 4. In order to allow the intake and discharge flows to cross this man- made delta, the intake and discharge channels were armored with rubble mound jetty structures approximately 270 meters in length. The dredge delta caused wave energy to be focused on this section of shoreline causing it to erode progressively over time until the original beach width at Agua Hedionda was re-established by 1956. As the delta eroded, rock was removed from the intake and discharge jetties until their lengths were reduced to their present nominal lengths, see section 4. The 4 million cubic yards of material that had Southern Pacific Railroad Survey 1889 v 5 •a TJ O <XJec. o en•r- 00 O<Ba. c <u n fc, *r B &! cv O o:o co LLJ CO 8 made up the dredged delta formation was transported southward by the longshore current, forming an accretion wave that was observable in beach profiles measured in Torrey Pines between 1960 and 1963, see Inman and Jenkins (1985). Accretion waves result from the fact that the dredged spoils migrate basically intact as a unit with a speed of advance proportional to the longshore drift rate. The speed of longshore migration of this accretion wave was found to be 1.7 to 2.5 miles per year. Consequently nourishment to the beaches at Carlsbad due to dredging of Agua Hedionda does not remain indefinitely on Carlsbad beaches. Rather this material migrates down coast, temporarily nourishing other beaches along the way until eventually this nourishment is permanently lost down the Scripps and La Jolla submarine canyons. Following the accretionary part of the wave is the erosion occurring in between dredgings while the lagoon intercepts a portion of the longshore drift. The erosionary cycle also migrates downcoast at the same longshore migration rate as the accretionary portion of the cycle. Therefore once dredged nourishment material migrates past a particular beach site, erosion is generally observed at that site until the following dredge cycle renourishes that beach. The original hydraulic modeling study for the Agua Hedionda dredging plan, Ellis (1954), ascertained that a minimum depth of -5 feet NGVD would provide an adequate tidal prism to maintain inlet velocities sufficient to keep the intake channel open through current scour action. This value was consistent with the now widely accepted inlet area to tidal prism relationship developed by Jarrett in 1976 and later adopted in the Shore Protection Manual, USAGE (1985), see figure 5. (The tidal prism is the volume of sea water exchanged between the lagoon and the ocean in the time interval between high and low tides.) However a bottom elevation of -8 feet NGVD was required to provide minimum working depth for the dredges used to deepen the lagoon system. Consequently the final dredge configuration of the lagoon had a mean tidal prism of 55 million cubic feet and a diurnal tidal prism of 80 million cubic feet. Thus the tidal prism in the final dredged configuration was somewhat oversized or conversely the inlet cross section was somewhat undersized according to the equilibrium inlet criteria in figure 5. However since the subsequent expansion to five power generating units and the resulting increased diversion of tidal prism the ebb flow rates are now near equilibrium values, see section 6.0. 3.0 SEDIMENT BUDGET FOR THE OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL It is not possible to examine the cause and effect of disturbances at any particular point along the coastline with out first considering the trends over the entire littoral cell which incorporates that point. This is so because coastal transport does not respect mans political or 10 10 10* AREA. SQm 10*103 10" ZI 5 eo c ca. to C 10" _1010 in9 10 in? I til I I i 1 i i il I i 1 1 i 1 III i i ii 1 LEGEND ' ' " A ATLANTIC COAST -NO JETTIES • AT 0 AT X PA 1 PA 0 PA 1 LANTIC COAST- ONE JETTY LANTIC COAST -TWO JETTIES LF CO AST -NO JETTIES LF COAST -TWO JETTIES C1FIC COAST - NO JETTIES C1F 1C COAST - ONE JETTY CiFIC COAST -TWO JETTIES II 1 ', II 1 ' ' ' fi *t i Ai i i/i i t> o>' / > A J. / 'k, t/»i '>I « J I .T/] °l, /" ! bM-r I , 1 1 7 1 I/ x /. 7> f 1(/1 »r J i 1 V"* "<3 *J i i lcn/ ^ ^ / Jya * O «°/ ?•"/Hf / • t I* 1 V I/I'^ r / i i i I ) i II t i . • t < , t . : • . i . • >?• , / i i t T | • i i i " i i i ' 1 i i i i f i - ^i ^^r . ; " ' ' ' '•i i i t i 1 1 i i v T»^J -S^a .1 >™ i 1 1 1 II ill/. I-L*J" ' / 1 i^"* * t l/^i ^ T " / 1 x'1 171 /,•» 1 //•1 ii * t i i i . ) p1 1 . i j II i !• 1 •- | i i 1 .1 u 1 III j ., . . , , . . ...... . . . . , i i 1 '.\^,i ill •* / < \\*/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 II i 1 1 i ! ].F/' I Axf ^U/v \ 'tc jfan i i, V i ,• ' ' i ' i i i i i* it iii' >'/ l,t/i : W ^ 1 4' n •1 1 || 104 10s MINIMUM CHOSS SECTIONAL AREA OF INLET (FT2! BELOW MSL 106 10s 10" E Z Ea. Q 10' 10s Figure 5. 11 geographic boundaries. However coastal transport can be subdivided into physiographic units or coastal compartments termed littoral cells. A littoral cell includes all the sediment sources, transport pathways, and sediment sinks. Normally a littoral cell includes the coastal mountains with all the rivers and streams which drain into the sea, the beaches, harbors, lagoons along the shoreline, and submarine canyons which serve as the ultimate sediment sink to the outer reaches of the continental shelf. Littoral cells are laterally divided by natural barriers such as headlands and mountains. In the case of the Oceanside littoral cell shown in figure 6, these barriers are provided by Dana Point to the north and Point La Jolla to the south. Prior to mans development of southern California the Oceanside littoral cell maintained an equilibrium by a rather simple balance. The mountains provided the primary source of sediments and the Scripps and La Jolla submarine canyons provided the ultimate sink for those sediments. Very little would change in the coastal zone most of the time due to the benign weather of this area. On occasion this weather pattern is broken by the occurrence of frontal extra-tropical cyclones from the Gulf of Alaska in winter and Mexican tropical hurricanes in late summer or early fall. These storms typically generate large waves and are often accompanied by rainfall in the coastal mountains. Consequently erosion losses which occurred on the beaches due to these large waves was replaced by the sediment laden NEWPORT )\ CANYON & \I\ \\ x <N / -<•-,„ HOTSRINQSl V HTM I Vk,i>tY*aiti«f al f ••*.. II'TM i ... 4^ " 65331, l^• V- -, \(I99I*I / U. HENSHA* V i •** ^ • ' S.(f \\ I I /I,. >^ LACUNA / f* V *~"J ' BEACH! '-*i " J /'A-,-.,K—-v / / ''w ' I 33'30' - 33'lV 33-00' 118*00'II7'00'116*30' Figure 6. The dams on the rivers which would otherwise transport sand to I ittnral 13 runoff from the rainfall, see Brownlie and Brown (1978) and Stow and Chang (1987). In this way the coastline of the Oceanside littoral cell more or less maintained a natural steady state balance between erosion losses to waves and replacement of these losses by sediment laden rain runoff. Longshore transport is integral to the function of this steady state. The sediment load carried to the ocean by the streams and rivers is initially deposited on the shoreline as delta formations. These delta deposits are subsequently spread along the shoreline by wave driven longshore transport. Although there are periodic reversals, the long term directional trend of the waves along Oceanside littoral cell is towards the south, see Inman et al (1986). Consequently the numerous delta deposits have a net trend of drifting towards the south over time (termed littoral drift) see Inman and Brush (1973), and Inman and Chamberlain (1960). The littoral drift rates are estimated to be 260,000 cubic yards/year, Inman and Jenkins (1983). In addition there is a seasonal cross shore transport which is offshore in winter and onshore in summer. This cross shore transport is estimated to be about 92 cubic yards/yard of beach length and although it has no net loss or gain effect on the sediment budget it does act to further smear out the stream and river deposits along the shoreline. The effectiveness of this natural nourishment and redistribution system is evidenced in photographs taken of the Oceanside 14 beaches in 1916 where the beach foreshore was once approximately 1,000 feet wide, see Inman and Jenkins (1983). Mans intervention on the coastline began to interrupt this natural nourishment and redistribution system in the Oceanside littoral cell beginning with the construction of the first dams and flood control debris basins in 1922. Dam building continued within the Oceanside littoral cell until 1970 at which time every major stream and river within the cell had been obstructed as shown in figure 6. Once this had happened the sediment load from rain runoff was trapped behind the dams and thus failed to reach the ocean to replace the erosion losses of major storms. The total deficit of sand yield to the beaches as a consequence of damming of rivers in the littoral cell has been estimated to be 14.5 million cubic yards, see Inman et al (1986). Interesting enough this is about equal to the volume flux of sand down the La Jolla and Scripps submarine canyons estimated for the same period of time. Thus the steady state balance between sediment loss and sediment resupply in the Oceanside littoral cell has been upset in a very large scale manner. A portion of the long term sediment deficit of the Oceanside littoral cell has been made up for by the sediment yield from cliff erosion. When insufficient volumes of beach sand cause the beach foreshore to recede landward, waves are then able to act directly on the base of the sea cliffs. This action results in the erosion of the sea cliff 15 often producing large scale block failures of the cliff. The collapse of large blocks of sea cliff release hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of potentially new beach sediments into the nearshore zone. Cliff failures in the Camp Pendleton region during the winters of 1980 and 1983 have released an estimated 1,000,000 cubic yards of beach grade sediments to the Oceanside littoral cell, see Kuhn and Shepard (1983), and (1984). However the data on cliff failures indicate that there has not been nearly enough new sedimentary material introduced in this way to make up for the 14.5 million cubic yard deficit incurred since the dam building and flood control program was initiated. Furthermore cliff erosion is unacceptable when man has already built homes, roads, drainage system and other structures atop the sea cliffs. Additional contributions to the littoral cell from this source will most likely be arrested by the construction of shoreline protection usually in the form of sea walls. The sediment deficit of the Oceanside littoral cell has been exacerbated by the way in which the large harbor breakwater structure at Oceanside has rearranged the limited existing supplies of sand in the nearshore, see Inman and Jenkins (1983) and USAGE (1987). The first jetty system for the Oceanside Harbor was erected in 1942. Since then six enlargements of the jetty system were made until the final 2,300 foot long configuration was completed in 1957/58. The enormous length of this breakwater system created a 16 significant obstruction to the longshore transport and littoral drift, see figure 7. Much of the littoral drift was impounded on the filet beach north of the jetty while the configuration of the north jetty diverts the longshore currents towards the offshore, forming strong rip currents as shown in figure 7. These rip currents cause sand to be deposited offshore of the southern portion of the north jetty out to depths in excess of 33 feet. One million five hundred eighty thousand cubic yards of sand was deposited by rip current action between 1942 and 1950 in this offshore region. An additional 1,065,000 cubic yards was deposited offshore between 1950 and 1972, see Inman and Jenkins (1983). The cumulative effect of this offshore diversion of sand has caused the depth contours in neighborhood of the Oceanside Harbor to bulge seaward as shown in figure 7. Furthermore USAGE (1987) has found that much of this offshore deposition has formed in echelon bars that remain in deep water and do not weld onto the foreshore further down drift from the harbor. Therefore the offshore diversion of sand caused by the rip current system around Oceanside Harbor has resulted in a permanent loss of the already depleted reserves of sand in the Oceanside littoral cell. In addition to diverting sand offshore the Oceanside Harbor also impounds beach sands within the harbor itself. Historically this impoundment has been allowed to continue for a few years until interfering with navigation in the OCEANSIOE SHALL CRAFT HARBOR -10 OCfOSITIOHAL J OFFSHORE Figure 7. 18 harbor. Maintenance dredging then placed these impounded sediments back onto the beach to the south of Oceanside Harbor. Maintenance dredging has been performed since 1944 in this way, bypassing the following volume to the down coast beaches: TABLE 1: MAINTENANCING DREDGING HISTORY AT OCEANSIDE HARBOR Year Volume (cubic yards) 44 1,501,584 45 218,436 58 800,500 60 40,500 61 482,650 63 3,812,820 65 111,180 66 684,000 67 177,900 68 434,250 69 353,160 71 552,000 73 434,250 75 560,000 76 550,670 78 319,150 81 605,600 82 1,203,360 The average dredge cycle has been about two years and has resulted in the bypassing of about 600,000 cubic yards around the harbor each time. Consequently the bypassing rates due to dredging have keep pace with the longshore transport rates and therefore the impoundment of sand within the harbor has not constituted a long term loss of sand to the Oceanside littoral cell. However erosion has continued in the interval of time which lapses between dredging while the harbor is impounding sediment. This erosion then propagates down coast to the south as an erosion wave at 19 speed of about 1.2 miles per year, see Inman and Jenkins (1983). This erosion wave is then followed by an accretion wave when the harbor dredging places 500,000 cubic yards or more of sand on the beach in just one or two months time. Dredged volumes of this order are nearly twice the annual flux of sediment due to the longshore transport. Thus the accretion/erosionary waves associated with the dredging activities of Oceanside Harbor constitute large oscillations in the local sand supply. Hence they are readily observable in local beach profile measurements. Over the years several accretion and erosion waves associated with the maintenance dredging at Oceanside Harbor have been observable in the beach profiles down coast from Oceanside, see Inman and Jenkins (1983), Waldorf, et al. (1983), Shaw (1980) Cal Dept Water Resources (1969), Flick, et al. (1986), and USACOE (1967 and 1970). The first erosion wave was observed up to four kilometers south of the harbor in 1950. This wave was deduced through comparisons of hydrographic surveys taken in 1934 before harbor construction with those taken in 1950. The first accretion wave associated with harbor maintenance dredging was observed beginning in 1963 when 3.8 million cubic yards of dredge spoils from the harbor were placed on the beaches south of Oceanside. The accretion wave from 1963 dredging project reached Torrey Pines beach in 1974. The net effect of these accretion and erosion waves over the long term has been to cause temporary surpluses of sand on 20 an otherwise steadily declining supply along the beaches of the Oceanside littoral cell. In an effort to alleviate the accretion and erosion waves and provide a more continuous program for the beaches south of Oceanside, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated design in 1983 and construction in 1986 of a sand bypassing system at Oceanside Harbor. Attempts to find alternative sand supplies for the increasing sediment deficit of the Oceanside littoral cell has led to studies assessing the inventory of offshore sedimentary reserves, see Osborne et al. (1983). Figure 8 gives a map showing the significant deposits of beach grade sediments that were found between Oceanside and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Note that even though there were borings and vibracores taken in the neighborhood of Agua Hedionda no significant offshore deposits were found in this area. On the other hand a very large depositional area was found off the north breakwater of Oceanside Harbor, consistent with the offshore diversion of sand by rip currents from the Oceanside breakwater. There is also another significant offshore deposit just south of Oceanside Harbor which trails away, also the bar system of the main offshore accretion area off the north breakwater. These offshore deposits are described in USAGE (1987). In summary railroad surveys and photographic evidence indicates that the shoreline of the Oceanside littoral cell was once stable and characterized by sandy low steepness beaches. This shoreline stability began to breakdown in the 21 I nautical mile «79.6 (UF) (M'F,- Boundary of borrow area U. S. Army Corps of Engineers vibracore station. Letters in parentheses denote sand suitability.2053 '986 (M*,(MF) Figure 8. Map of area IV showing locations of borrow areas SD-I and SD-II with associated vibracore numbers and sand suitability symbols. 22 early 1930's following construction of dams and debris basins on the streams and rivers throughout the Oceanside littoral cell. Since then an estimated 14.5 to 20 million cubic yards of beach grade sediment has been prevented from reaching the ocean by the presence of these dams. In the same period of time an equivalent volume of sand has been eroded by waves and carried away by longshore currents to the south where it has been permanently lost down the Scripps and La Jolla submarine canyons. Meanwhile the construction of the Oceanside Harbor has diverted approximately 5 million cubic yards to offshore bar formations. Consequently there has been a large scale long term denuding of sediments from the beaches up and down the Oceanside littoral cell. The trapping of sand by Oceanside Harbor has not contributed to this long term deficit because maintenance dredging volumes have kept pace with longshore transport rates. However the dredging frequency has not been often enough to prevent short term erosion accretion waves which temporarily exacerbate or alleviate the long term progressive loss of beach sand at any given point along the littoral cell. 4.0 EFFECTS DUE TO JETTIES AT AGUA HEDIONDA There are two mechanisms by which harbor and inlet structures can divert beach sediments into offshore shoals. These two mechanisms are reflection and rectification as shown schematically in figure 9. The reflection mechanism 23 MECHANISMS A) REFLECTION, 0(1) kb X SURF ZONE X X XBREAKWATERS I«=FLUX DENSITY ^;::v-;V:: LOW STEEPNESS BEACH^^v^ B) dc-RECTIFIED FLOW, SECOND ORDER SEPARATION f "°°j =0 PROGRESSIVE VECTORS f » »•*'«,. * k V A i 1 j ' , .'>;:^n^^>> -X,* * .^:^^g:ff:^l^^^ MLLW 1 •'"• 1 .»,'*'' NON-NORMAL INCIDENCE NORMAL INCIDENCE Figure 9, 24 results from the fact that rubble mound breakwaters and jetties are steeper than the native beaches and consequently reflect a greater percentage of wave energy. In fact the undisturbed native shoreline reflects no energy whatsoever since 100% of the incident wave energy is dissipated in the surf zone. On the other hand the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers studies due to Madsen and White (1976) have shown that conventional breakwaters and jetties have a non- negligible reflectivity (as high as 34%) for typical slopes of 1/2 and 1/3. As a result there is a non-negligible flux of reflected energy directed seaward. This seaward energy flux is acting down the slope of the shelf and therefore a significant seaward transport of sediment occurs with the help of gravity. In addition to the reflected wave carrying sediment seaward, the longshore current with its suspended load may also be diverted seaward by the presence of jetties or breakwaters. This phenomenon was first noted by Wiegle in 1938 after completion of the Santa Barbara Harbor and again by Inman in 1953 at the Oceanside Harbor as diagramed in figure 7. There is also a tendency for the weaker mass transport currents (bottom wind) to converge at the head of the jetties and breakwaters due to local refraction effects as detailed by Lamour and Mei (1977). All these mechanisms can work together in tandem to work sediments from nearby beaches to shoals that are seaward of the structure. In all 25 cases the magnitude of this seaward flux of sediment is directly proportional to the length of the structure. The length of the north jetty at Oceanside Harbor is 4,347 feet, and extends approximately 2,300 feet seaward of the original mean high water mark on the shoreline. On the other hand the jetties at Agua Hedionda are only a fraction of this size. San Diego Gas and Electric surveys of the intake jetties are shown in figure 10 while the discharge jetties appear in figure 11. The longest of the two intake jetties is 368 feet, but only 145 feet of this length is seaward of the mean high water contour. Only that portion of the jetty that actually projects into the ocean causes reflection or diversion of the longshore transport. Similarly the longest discharge jetty is 376 feet of which only 110 feet is seaward of the mean high water line . Thus as far as interference with shore processes is concerned, the jetties have an effective length of 145 and 110 feet respectively. In order to divert littoral sediments seaward by the mechanisms outlined in figure 9, the length of the jetties must equal or exceed the width of the surf zone, Xb. On a plane beach with slope tan ft, the width of the surf zone is a function of the breaker height Hb and may be estimated by the following formula, Hb b 0.78 tanp According to the surveys due to Osborne (1983) the mean beach slope off Agua Hedionda is tan 0 = 0.0278. 26 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC FORM 111-152 PROJECT £*. SUBJECT PAGE,of <g.JOB NO. liV?TgV?COMPUTED BY ft fi P _ DATg CHECKED BY. 7T <5-o.fi DATE. / o^.BK. \P6£ SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC FORM 111-152 PAGE 2 JOB NO. COMPUTED BY CHECKED BY PROJECT SUBJECT S£TS~a^. " 28 Consequently the width of the surf zone will exceed the effective length of the intake jetty (the portion seaward of the mean high water contour) when the breaker height is greater than 1.82 meters or 5.9 feet. Similarly when the breaker height is greater than 1.49 meters or 4.8 feet the surf zone will be wider than the effective length of the discharge jetties. According to wave refraction studies by Inman and Jenkins (1983) and direct observations by Seymour et al. (1982-1988), wave heights in the range of 1.5 to 1.8 meters are not at all uncommon along the shoreline in the neighborhood of Agua Hedionda. Figure 12 shows a wave refraction diagram for the February 16, 1983 storm. This is a typical wave window for waves generated by the pre-frontal conditions of Gulf of Alaska storms. We see that the refraction effects of Carlsbad Canyon cause a convergence of wave rays or focusing in the neighborhood of Agua Hedionda. This focusing in turn results in higher wave heights in this vicinity increasing the likelihood that the surf zone will be wider than the length of the intake or discharge jetties. In addition wave observations at Oceanside Harbor by Seymour et al. (1982-1988) have found that wave heights exceed 1.8 meters 600 hours per year or 6.8% of the time during an average year such as 1987. In a stormy year such as the El Nino year of 1983, wave heights were observed in excess of 1.8 meters over 1,000 hours per year or 11.4% of the time. Estimates of sediment transport by Seymour et al. (1982- HOVE REFRRCTION DIRGRRM j 1 OCEANSIOE •§£PIER BUEMA ^\ VISTA /I LAGOON pC AGUA HEDIONOA LAGOON vo OCEflNSIDE '17'. SEC PERTOD 23W DEEP HRTER DTRECTTON- SCRLE 1CH-0.66KH CONTOURS IN FATHOMS Figure 12. I'*.30 1988) for this same region indicates that 88% of the annual sediment transport occurred during 1987 when the wave heights were greater than 1.8 meters. In a stormy year such as 1983, 94.6% of the longshore transport occurred when the wave heights were in excess 1.8 meters. Therefore the surf zone will be wider than the length of the jetties at Agua Hedionda during the times when most of the longshore sediment transport is occurring. When the surf zone is wider than the shoreline obstructions, such as a pair of jetties, there is a tendency for the longshore transport to naturally bypass that obstruction. The mechanism for this natural bypassing has been outlined in Dean (1980) and elaborated on by Inman (1987) and involves the formation of a bypassing bar around the seaward head of the shoreline obstruction as shown in figure 13. The bypassing bar causes waves to break seaward of the jetties and allows the surf zone transport to take a route inside the break point around the jetties as shown in figure 13. Evidence for a bypassing bar at the head of the intake jetties at Agua Hedionda was found in hydrographic surveys taken in 1979 performed in conjunction with the crater sink fluidization experiments conducted jointly by San Diego Gas and Electric and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, see Jenkins et al. (1980). During these experiments which ran from August through December 1979, sand tracer measurements determined that approximately 20 cubic yards per hour of beach grade sediments are AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FLOOD TIDE LOSSES SOUTHERLY LONGSHORE TRANSPORT SOUTHERLY LONGSHORE TRANSPORT PREVAILING NORTHWEST SWELL BY-PASSING OVER BAR Figxore 13. 32 transported around the Agua Hedionda inlet by way of the bypassing bar. This rate would account for approximately 67% of the annual sediment transport rate. The remaining 33% was found to be carried into the lagoon during the 12 hours of flood tide each day, see section 6. These local observations suggest a minimal potential for the diversion of beach sands to the offshore by the jetties at Agua Hedionda. The available offshore bathymetry also supports this conclusion. Figure 14 shows a composite of depth contours out to the 15 fathom contour over the 38 year period from 1934 until 1972 . The original survey, USCGS (1934) shows the bottom contours as solid lines. Thirteen years after the construction of the jetties a second survey was taken by Continental Shelf Data Systems (1967) shown as dotted contours in figure 14. Five years after that in 1972 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted a third survey represented by dashed lines in figure 14. It is apparent from these surveys that there are no seaward bulges in the depth contours to suggest that nearshore sediments are being diverted offshore by the jetties at Agua Hedionda. Furthermore the 5 fathom contour is in nearly an identical location in 1972 as it was in 1934 before the lagoon was deepened and the jetties constructed. This is significant because shoreward of the 5 fathom contour is the zone most influenced by wave driven transport or things which effect wave driven transport. Seaward of the 5 fathom USCGS — •« CSDS NOAA 34 contour we find a general seaward prograding of depth contours up and down the coast in the interval between 1934 and 1967. Following 1967 there was a general shoreward regression of depth contours back to 1934 values. Because each of these depth contours remained parallel during these seaward and shoreward progressions and regressions it is possible that there was some systematic vertical datum error in the 1967 CSDS survey. Vibracores taken by Osborne et al. (1983) found no evidence for recent offshore sedimentary deposits in the neighborhood of Agua Hedionda. Fischer et al. (1983) determined that in general the veneer of sediments on the upper slopes of the continental shelf is uniformly thin from Dana Point to Scripps Canyon, and noted no special exceptions to this observation anywhere but in the neighborhood of Oceanside Harbor. Therefore no particular significance is assigned to movement in the depth contours seaward of the 5 fathom line in figure 14 since these changes are uniform up and down the coastline and would therefore reflect long term adjustments in the Oceanside littoral cell if attributed to other factors than observational error. Not only does the offshore bathymetry show little change shoreward of the 5 fathom contour, several beach profile monitoring programs in this area have given the same conclusion as well. Waldorf et al. (1983) measured beach profiles just to the north, in front of, and just to the 35 south bf Agua Hedionda (ranges 5,6 and 7) between December 1981 and February 1983. A typical set of variation in beach profiles over this period is shown in figure 15 for range 6 located off the barrier beach in front of Agua Hedionda. Note that all the beach profiles, aside from whatever seasonal variations they display, merge to the same depths offshore beyond 350 to 450 meters from the berm crest. This condition is called closure. If there was a progressive accumulation of sand offshore then closure would not have been observed, but rather each successive profile would end at a slightly shallower depth. Similarly an independent set of beach profiles was conducted by the Nearshore Research Group of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CCSTWS (1984), over the period from Oct. 1983 to Oct. 1984. The range line numbers CB0830, CB0820, and CB0810 corresponded to ranges 5, 6, and 7 of the survey program of Waldorf et al. (1983). This later set of surveys not only achieved closure in the offshore over the period from 1983 to 1984 but also achieved closure with the earlier surveys of Waldorf et al. (1983) for the period from 1981 to 1983. Therefore direct and highly accurate observations with good vertical datum control have found no new accumulations of sediment offshore of Agua Hedionda during the three year period from 1981 to 1984. Carlsbad 20 5 82 9 :20, RflNGE 6 C 17 9 82 10:3M, RflNGE 6 ( 16 12 82 10:M5, RflNGE 6 L I I I 100 300 500 SAND VOLUME (m3/m of BEACH) Figure 15. DISTflNCE OFFSHORE (M) - 15 -10 ..0 CE LU •'-10 00en -15 H50 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 37 5.0 EFFECTS OF THE DISCHARGE PLUME AT A6UA HEDIONDA The same offshore and nearshore bathymetry evidence provided in the previous section also indicates that the discharge plume diverts a negligible and unobservable quantity of beach and littoral sediments into the offshore. Beach profiles on range lines 6 and 7 from Waldorf et al. (1983) and range lines CB0820 and CB0810 from CCSTWS (1984) flank either side of the area effected by the discharge plume. Even so both these profiles exhibit closure in the offshore over the period from 1981 to 1984. Furthermore the CSDS survey in 1967 and the NOAA survey in 1972 show no seaward bulges or deltaic formations in this region. There is also indirect biological evidence to indicate that the discharge plume does not reach a significant distance into the offshore and does not divert sediment offshore. The upper lethal temperature limit for kelps native to this region is between 21° and 22° C, see Kinnetic Laboratories Inc. (1987). There is very little difference in the present distributions of kelp compared with that observed in 1951 prior to the construction and seawater diversion at the Encina Power Plant, see Jackson and Winant (1983), (and Wheeler North personal communication). The local kelp populations have been a highly visible environmental indicator which SDG&E has been required to monitor semi-annually as part of the operating permit issued by the California Coastal Commission. Any large scale 38 deleterious effects which the discharge plume might have caused in consequence of offshore intrusion would surely have attracted further scientific scrutiny long before the writing of this report. Furthermore these populations are highly sensitive to the amounts of suspended silts and sediments in the water column and to the temperature of the water. If the discharge plume, which is heated to as high as 10.5° C above ambient, were reaching far seaward without mixing then the warmer waters would undoubtedly have a deleterious effect on the kelp populations to the south of the discharge. In a similar way if the discharge plume were transporting large volumes of sediments offshore then the holdfasts on which kelp is dependent for rootage would become buried with the subsequent result of exterminating these populations. The intensity of seaward transport by the discharge plume under varying discharge rates and oceanographic conditions has never been directly measured. The question is how long the plume remains intact before mixing dilutes its transport capacity causing it to drop the sediments it might be carrying. On the one hand the thermal stratification provided by the artificially warm water will inhibit mixing and allow the plume to project further seaward. On the other hand the plume must penetrate the surf zone which has been shown in the previous section to often be wider than the length of the jetties. The surf zone is a very efficient mixing machine and will act to 39 diffuse the transport momentum of the discharge plume. Observations by Woodward-ENVlCON (1974) indicates that the thermal discharge plume is reduced to within 0.6° C of ambient within a distance of 1,000 feet from the discharge jetties. This indicates that mixing is indeed vigorous, corresponding to a diffusivity of the order e = 10 cm2/sec, i.e. four orders of magnitude greater than molecular diffusion. Diffusivities of this order of magnitude are quite typical in the surf zone, see Sleath (1987). The axial velocities of the discharge plume can be then estimated to decay seaward of the discharge jetties at a rate proportional to the -1/2 power of the seaward distance in accordance with the behavior of a two dimensional turbulent free jet, see Schlichting (1968). The mean velocity in this two-dimensional jet will decay to less than the threshold velocity of the sediment, ut, once the plume has traveled a distance x seaward: x=(u/ut)2w (2) where u is the initial discharge velocity and w is the width of the channel. Measurement of the discharge velocities at maximum flow rate of 450,000 gpm by SDG&E (1987) found values as high as 3.5 knots (1.8 m/sec) at the discharge culvert. However by the time this flow reaches the end of the outfall jetties the velocity is about 1 knot (0.5 m/sec). The discharge channel width at mean water is 17 meters according to a recent survey. Therefore the discharge plume drops below the minimum velocity required to 40 I «!• transport 176-210 micron sized sand (u^. = 20 cm/sec) after having traveled seaward a distance of 106.2 meters or 348 feet. Thus it would appear that transport of beach sand by I the discharge plume is not possible more than 106 meters seaward of the jetties even in the complete absence of waves. To estimate the seaward influence of the discharge plume in the presence of waves we examine the conditions under which the seaward flux of energy of the discharge plume is balanced by the shoreward flux of energy due to the incoming waves. The wave height for which the outgoing and incoming energy flux is just balanced is given by : (3) where g is the acceleration of gravity. Again taking maximum discharge velocities to be of the order 1.8 m/s (SDG&E 1987) we find that the seaward flux of energy by the discharge plume will be arrested by the shoreward flux of energy due to the waves when the breaker height exceeds 0.38 meters or 1.26 feet. Note that this is significantly less than the minimum wave height which make surf zones wider than the lengths of the jetties and transports the preponderance of littoral drift (see section 4.0). Thus the discharge plume appears to be able to exert little influence on seaward directed sediment transport under the conditions when most of the sediment transport occurs. 41 6.0 SEDIMENT TRAPPING BY AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON There are two dominant mechanisms which cause the Agua Hedidnda Lagoon to trap beach and littoral sediments: 1) the intake velocities which oscillate at tidal frequencies are rectified by diversion of a substantial fraction of the tidal prism through power plant condensers and, 2) the intake jetties leak and are too short to prevent the ingestion of surf zone suspension during flooding tides. In natural lagoon systems the same volume of water which enters the lagoon inlet on flooding tide leaves the lagoon through that same inlet during ebbing tide. This is not the case at Agua Hedionda where some of the water leaves the lagoon by a separate route via the cooling plant condensers and the discharge channel. Consequently the ebbing currents through the lagoon inlet are weaker than the flooding currents. This asymmetry in the inlet flow velocities is called rectification. This feature alone would preferentially favor sediment transport into the lagoon. In addition there is no agitation mechanism at work inside the lagoon analogous to that provided by the waves in the surf zone outside the lagoon. Consequently beach size sediment is not readily mobilized into suspension within the lagoon to induce seaward transport on the ebbing currents. According to direct measurements with all five power generating units in operation, the maximum flow rate thru the condenser systems of the Encina Power Plant is 648,000,000 gallons/day, see SDG&E (1987). During any given 42 6 hour period 21,657,754 cubic feet of seawater, or 27% of the diurnal tidal prism, is diverted through the plant condensers. Consequently the maximum intake flow rates will be 3,704 cubic feet/sec through the inlet during flooding tide while only 2,701 cubic feet/sec will return seaward through the inlet during ebbing tide. A nominal discharge rate through plant condensers more typical of average operating conditions would be 550,000,000 gallons/day. This accounts for 33% of the mean tidal prism, and will result in flood tide flow rates through the inlet of 2,546 cubic feet/sec as compared to ebb tide flow rates of only 1,695 cubic feet/sec. Thus the tidal circulation through the inlet is highly rectified providing about three times more energy flux to transport sediment into the lagoon on flooding currents as compared to the energy flux available in the residual tidal prism on ebbing flow. Energy flux of the tidal flow is proportional to the cube of the flow velocity. This fact tends to make the lagoon tidal circulation a one-way transport engine favoring transport into the lagoon. The short length feature of the intake jetties was found to be critical in minimizing their impact in the offshore region, see section 4.0. However this same feature makes them ineffective in blocking the ingestion of surf zone suspension on flooding tide. This ingestion is particularly active during storm periods when the surf zone is wider than the length of the jetties (when the breaker 43 heights are greater than 1.8 meters, see section 4.0). These are the same conditions when transport in the surf zone is most active accounting for 88-94% of the annual littoral drift (see section 4.0). The proximity of the bypassing bar to the inlet (see figure 13), allows the littoral drift to be freely entrained by the flood tide currents entering the lagoon. In addition the intake jetties are of typical rubble mound construction and are therefore quite porous. Consequently there are steady ventilation flows which leak laterally through the jetties carrying a portion of the surf zone suspension directly into the inlet channel. Flood flow currents through the inlet are typically on the order of 1.75 knots or 0.79 m/s which is more than adequate to exceed the threshold scour stress for the 176 micron size sediment that typifies the accumulations within the lagoon, see Table 2 and Leighton and Associates, (1988). Normal threshold current speeds for sand of this size is on the order of 0.4 knots or 0.2 m/s. Once the flood flow passes under the Highway 101 bridge the lagoon rapidly widens causing the flood flow to diverge and the currents to rapidly decelerate. Consequently flooding flows drop below the threshold speeds once entering the lagoon causing the suspended load to be dropped to form a sand bar at this point as shown in figure 13. Since ebbing flows are weaker than flooding flows, threshold current speeds will not be 44 reached at the point of deposition during the ensuing ebb tide. TABLE 2: Grain Size Distribution Beach Sands at Agua Hedionda MICRONS PHI PERCENT CUM PERCENT 2000.000 1414.213 1000.000 707.107 500.000 353.553 250.000 176.777 123.000 83.388 62.500 44.194 31.250 22.097 -1.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.063 0.973 9.616 37.835 39.953 10.212 1.302 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.016 0.078 1.051 10.667 48.502 88.455 98.667 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 Another feature of the lagoon which exacerbates the entrainment of suspended sediment during flooding flow is the fact that the lagoon inlet is artificially too narrow for the flood tide flow rates and tidal prisms. As discussed in section 2.0 this condition resulted from the requirement to overdredge the lagoon during construction to accommodate the draft of the dredges used for the project. In view of the subsequent expansion to five power generating units this overdredging was a fortuitous event. Even though flooding currents through the inlet are approximately 37.5% larger than those required for equilibrium, see figure 5, the ebb flow currents are now close to equilibrium values in consequence of the increased diversion of tidal prism through the additional condenser units. It is certainly 45 more important to have near equilibrium ebb flow rates in order to minimize the possibility of diverting excessive amounts of sands into offshore bars. These inlet dynamics coupled with the deceleration in tidal flow below threshold velocities upon entering the lagoon result in nearly 100% of the trapped littoral sands being deposited in the bar formations of the outer lobe of the lagoon (see figure 13). The first maintenance dredging activities to return these sands to the beach began in 1955. Such maintenance dredging is actually an episodic version of sand bypassing. The bypassing rates can by derived from the dredging history at Agua Hedionda Lagoon which were compiled by Shaw (1980) and SDG&E as follows: Table 3 DATE QUANTITY (cubic yards) 1955 111,000 1957 231,000 1960 370,000 1961 225,000 1963 307,000 1965 220,000 1967 159,000 1969 96,700 1972 259,000 1974 341,110 1976 331,090 1979 397,555 1981 292,380 1983 278,506 1985 447,464 1988 333,930 It can be seen from this dredging history that maintenance dredging at Agua Hedionda Lagoon bypasses effectively 110-120,000 cubic yards/year around the lagoon system. Since these dredging activities have maintained a 46 steady state configuration in the outer lobe of the lagoon for over 30 years, it can be concluded that the lagoon traps approximately 40% of the annual littoral drift. This agrees roughly with the results of the sand tracers study conducted in the neighborhood of the bypassing bar, see section 4.0 and Jenkins, et al. (1980), which concluded the lagoon captured about 1/3 of the annual drift. Because this material is always returned to the beaches at the end of each dredging cycle, this trapping rate does not present a long term loss to the Oceanside littoral cell. However between the dredgings there is sufficient time for short term reduction in sand supply to occur along beaches immediately down drift (south) of Agua Hedionda Lagoon while sand remains impounded in the lagoon system. Typically, erosion waves can develop in-between dredging cycles followed by accretion waves once the dredged material has been returned to the beaches, Inman and Jenkins (1983). The evolution of an erosion wave between the 1981 and 1985 dredge projects is clearly evident in the beach profiles taken at down coast beaches by Waldorf, et al. (1983) and Seymour, et al. (1984). These profile programs were begun immediately following the 1981 dredging when 292,380 cubic yards were placed on the beaches. Initially range 7 of Waldorf, et al. (1983) showed wide berm crests and a broad foreshore. Subsequent surveys in 1983 and 1984 by Seymour, et al. (1984) at ranges CB0810, CB0800, and CB0790 show a retreat of 35 meters in the position of the 47 berm crest, and a corresponding reduction in the foreshore width. These changes persisted even after the seasonal cross shore transport of the summer waves had returned bar deposits from the offshore to the foreshore. The likelihood of accretion erosion waves caused by episodic dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon was brought to the attention of the power plant manager in 1978. In response to a memo from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography dated May 1978, SDG&E contributed both personnel and equipment to two joint sand bypassing experiments in the summers of 1978 and 1979. The purpose of these experiments was to test a bypassing concept employing crater sink fluidization, Jenkins, et al. (1980). The two experiments succeeded in bypassing only 2,680 cubic yards from the flood tide bar in the outer lagoon to the barrier beach. Although the power and transport relation for the crater sink fluidization concept were validated (Jenkins et al., 1980), long term operation of the system was frustrated by the fouling problem encountered with kelp which was carried into the lagoon on a flooding tide and subsequently entangled itself about the fluidizer pipes. As a result of these experiences a modification to the fluidization system was developed utilizing flexible hoses which were deployed and retrieved on a daily basis to form a centrally located crater fed by a radial array of fluidized trenches. This concept was subsequently incorporated in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Phase 1A bypassing plant at Oceanside. 48 The middle and inner lobes of Agua Hedionda Lagoon system also trap sediments. Recent surveys conducted by SDG&E, indicate that 290,000 cubic yards of sediments have accumulated in the middle and inner lagoons since the initial construction dredging in 1954. Grain size analysis of these sediments by Leighton and Associates (1988) indicate a high percentage of silt size material stratified in layers between fine sand material. These grain sizes and deposition patterns suggest that the source of these sediments was likely to be runoff from surrounding flower fields and urban developments. In fact most of the 290,000 cubic yards of infilling has occurred on the northeast side of the inner lobes where most of the new develop and housing construction has occurred. Runoff from the record rainfalls of 1978, 1980 and 1983 produced debris flows which deposited these sediments in the observed layers. It is highly unlikely that any of this material entered the lagoon through the ocean inlets since the coarsest fractions of these deposits in the inner lagoons were finer than the median grain sizes found in the outer lagoon and on the adjacent beaches (176-210 microns). The deposition of this terrigenous runoff material has had the effect of reducing the initially oversized tidal prism of the lagoon system by approximately 9.8%. 49 7.0 CONCLUSION I). The coastline of the Oceanside littoral cell has been suffering from chronic large scale erosion since the 1930's. The root cause of this erosion^ is a diminishing supply of sand to the shorelinefal; a consequence} of the constructionv^ ~ -" of dams and debris basins on the streams and rivers on the Oceanside littoral cell. Estimates of additional sand volumes provided by cliff erosion and beach nourishment programs have compensated for only a small fraction (22%) of the estimated 20 million cubic yards sand deficit incurred in the Oceanside littoral cell since construction of the first dams in 1922. II). There are no effects attributable to the Agua Hedionda jetties and discharge plume apparent in the offshore bathymetry or the beach profile monitoring programs conducted throughout the region since the 1960's. Agua Hedionda jetties are shorter than the width of the surf zone during the times when the majority of the littoral drift is occurring. Under these same conditions the shoreward energy flux of the waves will exceed the seaward energy flux of the discharge plume. Ill). Agua Hedionda Lagoon is a trap for littoral sediments. This trapping is unavoidable due to short jetties and the diversion of 27-33% of the tidal prism through plant condensers. 50 IV). Sand tracer experiments and dredging records at Agua Hedionda indicate that maintenance dredging has at least kept pace with the probable capturejrates^ of_the laigoon. C 1 *~ V). Dredging frequencies as long as once every 30 months are probably too long to avoid down coast accretion erosion waves. Evidence for these erosion accretion waves are found in beach profile monitoring data dating back as far as 1960. 51 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS I) Although SDG&E has taken a wide variety of physical measurements of the discharge plume, most of these are not suitable for measuring the mixing or seaward penetration of discharge momentum. This could be determined by measuring the offshore distribution of sea surface and near bottom temperatures over a high density survey grid. The diffusivity of momentum can then be inferred from the diffusivity of heat by way of the Prandtl number. The use of mini-range positioning equipment would be essential to achieving sufficient grid resolution. A string of current meters could be deployed seaward of the axis of the discharge channel concurrently with the temperature measurements in order to correlate in extent of seaward intrusion of discharge momentum with the observed mixing. Once this instrumentation is in place the experiment could be conducted over the course of one or two tide cycles. It would be desirable to measure both nominal and maximum plant discharge rates during this interval of observation. II) The long term bathymetry and beach profile data is spotty. Therefore it has been difficult to separate effects due to Agua Hedionda from the effects attributable to nearby Oceanside Harbor and the long term depletion of sand along the coastline of the Oceanside Littoral Cell in general. Because such data is expensive and will not improve the existing knowledge base for many years yet to come, a long J< 52 f term program of beach profile and offshore bathymetry monitoring would have only marginal value in present planning. III) The intake jetties should not be lengthened in order i to reduce trapping of sand by Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The I ' present jetty length appears to have minimal adverse impact on littoral processes. However sand ingestion by Agua Hedionda could be reduced somewhat by grouting the existing jetties. By reducing the porosity of the jetties it is likely that a fillet beach will form along the adjacent Carlsbad shores on the North side of the inlet jetty. This fillet beach will also aid in natural bypassing of sand around the inlet by forming a bridge between the surf zone and the offshore bypassing bar. IV) Coordination of dredging activities by SDG&E at Agua Hedionda with bypassing and dredging activities at Oceanside Harbor could result in a more uniform sand supply to the beaches further to the south. 53 9.0 REFERENCES Armstrong, G.A., 1977, "Assessment and atlas of shoreline erosion along the California coast," State of California, Department of Navigation and Ocean Development, 70 pp. and 277 pp. atlas. Brownlie, W.R. and W.R. Brown, 1978, "Effects of dams on beach and sand supply", p. 2273-2287 in Coastal Zone 78. v.l, ASCE, NY. Brownlie, W.R. and B.D.Taylor, 1981, "Sediment management of southern California mountains, coastal plains and shoreline Part C, Coastal sediment delivery by major rivers in southern California" California Inst. of Technology. Environmental Quality Lab Report 17-C, Pasadena, CA 314pp. California Department of Water Resources, Interim Report on Study of Beach Nourishment Along the Southern California Coastline. July 1969. California State Lands Commission, "An Index to Historical Hydrographic and Topographic Charts of the California Coast", Located in the Files of the State Lands Commission, October 1979, 84pp. Continental Shelf Data Systems, 1967 Bathymetric Map Southern California, Oceanside 120:37:1, Zone 6 Ellis, J.D., 1954, "Dredging Final Report, Agua Hedionda Slough Encina Generating Station" , San Diego Gas and Electric, 44 pp. Emery, K.O., "Beach Nourishment Along the Southern California Coastline," Shore and Beach, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 36-42, April 1968. Fischer, Peter J. Paul A. Kreutzer, Lowell R. Morrison, John H. Rudat, Edward J. Ticken, James F. Webb, Madeline M. Woods, Richard W. Berry, Michael J. Henry, Daniel H. Hoyt, and Marc Young, 1983, "Study on Quaternary Shelf Deposits (Sand and Gravel) of Southern California", State of California Department of Boating and Waterways Beach Erosion Control Project Sacramento, California. Flick, R.E. and D.R. 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Shaw, M.J., 1980, "Artificial sediment transport and structures in coastal Southern California," Scripps Institution of Oceanography Reference No. 80-41, 109 pp. Sleath, J.F.A., 1987, "Turbulent oscillatory flow over rough beds", Jour. Fluid Mechanics, v. 182, p. 369-409. 56 Stow, D.W. and H.H. Chang. 1987, "Magnitude-frequency relationship of coastal sand delivery by a southern California stream", Geo-Marine Letters v.7 pp. 214-222. USAGE LAD, 1967, "Beach Erosion Control Report on Cooperative Study of Coast of Southern California, Cape San Martin to Mexican Border - Appendix VII, Final Report," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Los Angeles District, CA., 100+ pp. USAGE LAD, 1970, "Cooperative research and data collection program, coast of southern California, Three year report, 1967-1969," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Los Angeles District. CA, 21 pp.. 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