HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Sewer Master Plan June 1984; Sewer Master Plan June 1984; 1984-06-01SEWER MASTER PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD June 1984 I—I Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 U Prepared by: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers—Planners 10920 Via Frontera San Diego, California 92128 m D LJ I—) |_J TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page U 1 INTRODUCTION .............................. 1-1 I 1 Purpose .................................... 1-1 Scope and Procedure ........................ 1-1 n L- ' 2 BASIS OF PLANNING .......................... 2-1 j | Flow Projections ........................... 2-1 Drainage Basins ....................... ..... 2-1 j _ j Sewer Design Criteria ...................... 2-3 Computer Model ............................. 2-4 LJ Existing System ............................ 2-7 [_J 3 MASTER PLAN .......... . ..................... 3-1 i — | Alternative Analysis ....................... 3-1 Cost Estimates .......................... ... 3-6 i j Selection of Master Plan ................... 3-8 Capital Improvement Program ................ 3-10 D APPENDICES j 1 A List of References B Computer Print Out of Alternative j — I PWWF LCH 2 C Flow Projections i I D Cost Estimates for Pipes LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Standard Unit Flows 2-2 2 Summary of Cost Estimates 3-7 3 Capital Improvements Program 3-11 4 Carlsbad Costs, Joint System - Buena Vista to Encina 3-17 5 Summary of Carlsbad Costs 3-18 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Projected Development Areas 3-2 2 Alternatives 1 and 2 3-3 3 Alternative 3 3-4 4 Alternatives 5 and 6 3-5 Maj 1 LIST OF MAPS Interceptor and Truck Sewer System Master Map Interceptor and Truck Sewer System Computer Schematic *Wall maps, not found in report. D CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The two purposes of this sewer master plan are: 1) to update the City of Carlsbad's Sewer Master Plan with special emphasis on the integration of the Lake Calavera Hills waste- water reclamation plant into the sewer system and evaluation of sewer routes to the potential wastewater reclamation plant near the Palomar Airport. 2) to provide a computer model of the sewer system which will operate on the Carlsbad HP 3000 computer. SCOPE AND PROCEDURE The sewer master plan covers wastewater collection and conveyance to treatment facilities. It does not analyze wastewater treatment and disposal alternatives. The sewer master plan relies on data provided by the Carlsbad Engineering Department for physical data on the existing system, delineation of drainage sub-areas, population, land use and flow projections for each drainage sub-area, and probable future street and sewer locations. A List of References for other reports and sources of information is given in Appendix A. The sewer master plan provides a sewage flow calculation program which operates on the Carlsbad HP 3000 computer. The sewer calculation program is used to analyze the flow conditions of existing and future sewers. A series of alternative sewer configurations are developed. Some alter- natives consider operation of wastewater reclamation plants 1-1 at the Lake Calavera Hills and Palomar Airport plant sites. Cost estimates are prepared for each alternative. The alternatives and pipe nodes are shown on the report figures. The selected alternative is shown on the master map, map 1. The nodes used for the analysis are shown on the computer schematic, map 2. The computer print out of this alternative is given in Appendix B. It gives physical and hydraulic information on all existing and proposed sewer pipes. The computer print outs for all the alternatives are given in reference 1. Construction of proposed sewers is separated into three phases and shown on the master map. The sewer master plan report provides descriptions of the alternatives with costs, technical factors used for the analyses, and the captial improvements program. 1-2 D CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF PLANNING FLOW PROJECTIONS The flow projections for the City of Carlsbad service area were based on values taken from the Master Plan of Sewers (Draft) prepared by the Engineering Department of the City of 2Carlsbad. These values were calculated by applying sewage generation factors (gallons per acre per day) to projected gross land uses in the drainage basin sub-areas. The flow projections are average daily dry weather flows. The land use categories and sewage generation factors are listed in Table 1, which is taken from reference 2. The tables in the Master Plan of Sewers (Draft) give detailed breakdowns of land uses for each drainage sub-area and the calculated flow rates. These tables are given in Appendix C. DRAINAGE BASINS The Carlsbad service area is divided into four major drainage basins: the Agua Hedionda Basin (AH); the Buena Vista Basin (BV); the Encinas Basin (E); and the Batiquitos Basin (B). Each of these major basins has been broken into numerous sub-areas by Brown and Caldwell . These sub-areas are numbered using the major drainage basin designation (i.e. AH-1, AH-2, etc.). These drainage sub-areas are shown on the master map (map 1) and computer schematic (map 2). 2-1 TABLE 1 Standard Unit Flows Sewer Generation Per land Use D D Land Use Residential - Low Density 0-1.5 D.U./Acre Probable Density 1 - Low Medium Density 0-4 D.U./Acre Probable Density 3 - Medium Density 4-10 D.U./Acre Probable Density 7 - Medium High Density 10-20 D.U./Acre Probable Density 15 - High Density 20-30 D.U./Acre Probable Density 25 Commercial - Intensive Regional Retail - Extensive Regional Retail - Regional Service - Community Commercial - Neighborhood Commercial - Travel Services Commercial - Recreation Commercial - Central Business District - Professional and Related - Planned Industrial - Governmental Facilities - Public Utilities Schools - Elementary - Junior High - High School - Continuation - Private - Open Space - Non-residential Reserve (varies) Land Use Abbrev. RL* RLM* RM* RMH* RH* RRI* RRE* RS C N TS* RC CBD 0 PI* G* U Sewer* U SDG&E* E* 0* H* HC* P* OS NRR Sewage Per Acre/ Day 246 gal 738 gal 1400 gal 3300 gal 5500 gal 1000 gal 900 gal 1000 gal 1000 gal 750 gal 2500 gal 1600 gal 1000 gal 1000 gal 1600 gal 1200 gal 1200 gal 20D gal 500 gal 1100 gal 1300 gal 1100 gal 1350 gal 0 Varies with probable use These figures developed for gross land area. If used for net land area, additional amount should be added consistent with method of defining net area. *Based on water rneter readings. Other values based on interpretation with use of meter readings. All values are of average flow. For peak wet weather flow multiply by 2.5. 2-2 D SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA The Standard Design Criteria For the Design of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, provides the basis for the sewer design criteria used in the analysis. The minimum pipe size is eight inches and the Mannings "n" is 0.013. ) I Generally a minimum velocity of two feet per second and the '—' minimum slopes were followed. I j All new pipes were sized to accommodate the peak flow at a depth of flow equal to 75 percent of the diameter. The same factor is required for all pipe sizes by the computer program. The City criteria indicate that the eight and ten j 1 inch pipes should accommodate peak flow at one-half the diameter. D Existing pipes were assumed to be adequate if they handled the flow using the full diameter of the pipe. If the pipes were overloaded, they were replaced with new pipes designed to the 75 percent criteria. These replacement pipes are shown by sub-area for each basin in Table 3. Replacement pipes were sized for the whole flow and not installed in parallel to existing pipes. Engineering design studies may show a parallel pipe of smaller diameter might be installed in some locations. This should result in cost savings compared to the costs of replacement pipes which are given in this report. To determine slopes for new pipes, their inverts were assumed to be at a seven foot depth. The ground surface was estimated from topographic maps unless there was other information available. The computer program allows substantial flexibility in the methods of handling peaking factors and wet weather flows. The peaking factor can be varied by checking cummulative 2-3 D D D D D D D D D population along the length of an interceptor, to reflect the decrease in peak flow as the tributary population increases. Some preliminary runs were made using variable peak factors but the results were not substantially different from using a constant factor for the whole pipe run. Therefore, for this study, where there are considerable changes in piping arrangements between alternatives, the City established wet weather peaking factor of 2.5 was used in all calculations. Wet weather flows can also be added to the computer program in two ways. A constant flow in gallons per day can be added to any node. The second method is to apply an infiltration factor based on gallons per day per mile of sewer and the number of miles of upstream pipe which has infiltration. As the City does flow studies in portions of the service area, the input data for that part of the sewer model can be easily modified to reflect the field tests. COMPUTER MODEL The computer model uses a sewer calculation program by the Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 4005, Champaign, Illinois 61820. The name of the program is "Corps of Engineers Sanitary Sewer Distribution Model (CESSDM)." The nickname is "Flush." The program uses inputted populations, pipe sizes and shape, lengths and inverts, peaking factors, infiltration factors, and friction values to evaluate sewer systems. The model assumes any manhole (node or junction) can only have one downstream pipe; thereby creating a "tree" type network of pipes that route flows to the lower end. Appendix B presents a typical computer print out for the Carlsbad system. Pipes are named by their upstream junction number. 2-4 D Existing manholes with known invert elevations were labeled using numbers only. In most cases, these junction numbers correspond to numbers in prior City sewer mapping efforts. When existing data was not found, manhole locations and invert elevations were assumed. These manhole numbers have a letter "N" for a prefix. Where there was a second manhole assigned to the same number, the second manhole number was preceded by an "X". Proposed manhole locations for future .— pipes are proceeded by a "P". The new San Marcos County | j Water District Palomar Joint Land Outfall has an "SM" prefix. The proposed other agency connections to the new San Marcos j land outfall have "V" and "PSM" prefixes. The Lake Calavera Hills plant connections have "LCH" prefixes. The letter "C" I | suffix is used where a junction has been split into two junctions. \ 1—' The prefix "0" is used to designate a short segment of .—, outfall from a treatment plant. This segment of outfall is 1 | for computer modeling purposes and is not intended as the actual outfall. D The computer program requires population inputs to generate Ij flows. Therefore the sewage flows, which were generated from land use projections, were converted into a "typical" popula- i i tion for each drainage sub-area using a 100 gallons per 1—1 capita per day (gpcd) and a 2.5 wet weather factor (250 P^ gpcd) . LJ For example, drainage sub-area B-2 has an average daily flow I of 449,550 gallons per day (gpd) (Appendix C). The computer schematic shows an existing pipe along Batiquitos Lane, nodes ji (junction numbers) 706 and 705. A proposed sewer extends north from node 705 to the center of sub-area B-2, node n P-721. .The input data section of the print out (Appendix B) shows populations of 2243 at node 705, 0 at 706, and 2248 at 2-5 P-721. The wet weather factor is applied by listing the per capita flow as 250.0 gpcd. Therefore the sewage flow from area B-2 was added to the sewer model at two points, half to a proposed pipe at P-721 and half to an existing pipe at 705. No flow was added to 706. Numerous computer runs were made on various combinations of existing and proposed sewers to locate system deficiencies and size future pipes. The print out analysis section of each run shows the comparison between the future flow projected for the sewer ("TOTAL FLOW") and its capacity. When the flow exceeds the specified percent of the capacity (equal to 75% of depth in this study), the program calculates the percent increase required in the section area of the pipe to meet the specified criteria. This percentage is listed in the "NEW" column. The capacity of the "NEW" pipe and its velocity are given in the last two columns. The program gives capacity in cubic feet per second (cfs) which is calculated from inputs in gallons or population. Only circular pipes were used in this study. From the percent increase in area, the actual replacement pipe size is manually calculated. The next largest standard pipe diameter is selected. For proposed pipes the future size is changed on the program and another run made. For existing pipes, the calculated replacement size is used in the cost estimates, and shown in Table 3. The existing pipe size is left in the computer model. The existing pipe then continues to show the percent upsizing needed in subsequent runs and the final print outs. Where a negative slope is shown in the program, the program will print "FORCE MAIN" and terminate flow at that node. Force main sizes and pump station capacities are manually calculated using total peak flows at those nodes. Force main 2-6 D D D capacities are then entered into the force main data input as a constant flow which transfers flow to the downstream node. The force main sizes shown reflect the final selected sizes based on the ultimate peak flows. EXISTING SYSTEM The invert elevations, pipe diameters and pipe lengths for the existing system were obtained from the Carlsbad Engineer- ing Department. The capacity owned by various adjoining agencies in the Carlsbad sewers was obtained from references listed in Appendix A. The owned capacity by other agencies was calculated in gallons per day and added as a constant flow at the connection junction between the Carlsbad system and the other system. 2-7 CHAPTER 3 MASTER PLAN ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS The flow projections developed by the City are based on future land use plans and designated as "build out." Figure 1 is a general illustration from reference 2, of projected areas of future development. Three main decisions concerning the sewer system were inves- tigated. The first is whether future flows should be routed north or south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The second is the size of area which should be tributary to the Lake Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant. The third is the area from which flows should be pumped to the proposed Palomar Airport Wastewater Treatment Plant. Six alternatives were developed to analyze these issues. Each alternative is a complete sewer system able to convery all the projected flows to a treatment facility. The alternative analysis used an additional peaking factor of 1.65 in all alternatives. This factor was deleted from the final plan. In all cases, it is assumed the new Palomar Joint Land Outfall has been constructed and its capacity is used as necessary up to the capacity limit purchased by Carlsbad. The alternatives are listed below. The computer print outs for each alternative are in reference 1. All the junction numbers for alternative 4 are located on the computer schematic, map 2. Reduced scale schematics for the other five alternatives are shown on figures 2, 3 and 4. The junction numbers for changed portions of the alternatives are shown on the small figures. 3-1 PROJECTED DEVELOPMENT AREAS o oo o»oooooo ct<3 o o o o co o o o o o o^ o o a o o oo o o o ojr>o o o o o « fo o o ^oo o o *; - . • *. CARL5BAD BLVD. ~ CO OO O O C O/O O o 0 O 0 O Oo o o o o p o o~o~o o o r,VOooooo .-.o o o o oo o o o0 0 O O O INTERSTATE 5DEVELOPED ooaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1985-1990 BEYOND 2000 D AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE WILDAN ASSO.FIGURE I CALAVERA HILLS SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IOOO 2OOO 3OOO ALTERNATIVES I 82: PWWF ULIW PWWF UL2W FIGURE 2 \ 00009 CALAVERA HILLS SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 0000; ooooooooooooooooooooo PROPOSED LAKE: CALAVERA HILL'S PUMPED BA5IN ^>~»-.%^,^vv..v.>^^«,>w UAKC CALAVERA HILLS BOUNDARY EXISTING ROAD FUTURE ROAD ALTERNATIVE 3 : PWWF LCH I FIGURE 3 GRAPHIC SCALE COO 20OO JOOO PROPOSED PALOMAR AIRPORT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT LOCATION ,n .0000000000000000 PROPOSED LAKE CALAVCRA Hll_L^ PUMPED BA51N •~~~~~>~»~>~*~~ LAKE CALAVERA Hlt_L^ BOUNOARV •B.nanMinmaiin^ •..« EXISTING ROAD • »*•.•..•. :•••»..!mi PUTURC ROAD ALTERNATIVES 586: RWWF PALI PWWF PAL2 FIGURE 4 GRAPHIC SCALE COO 2OOO iOOO D Alternative Run Name PWWFUL1W PWWFUL2W PWWFLCH1 PWWFLCH2 PWWFPAL1 PWWFPAL2 Description Major flows to the existing north Agua Hedionda sewer. Major flows to a new south Agua Hedionda trunk sewer/pump station system. The entire Lake Calavera Hills pumped basin routed to the new Lake Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant. Only the Lake Calavera Hills planning area flows included in the new Lake Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant. Major flows were routed via a new south Agua Hedionda sewer (Sim. PWWFUL2W) Flows for the entire Palomar Airport basin are pumped to the proposed Palomar Airport Wastewater Treatment Plant. Assumes the northeastern pumped areas (pipes P-364 to P-361) are excluded from the Palomar Airport Wastewater Treatment facilities and are routed to the Encina Wastewater Treatment Plant. COST ESTIMATES A cost estimate has been prepared for the pipes of each alternative, Appendix D. Each cost estimate list new gravity sewers, replacement gravity sewers, new force mains and replacement force mains. Each table lists the pipe diameter, material, length and the unit construction price. The unit price is estimated for Spring 1984 (ENR Los Angeles Construc- tion Index 5050), and includes contingencies, but not design or inspection fees. The unit costs for construction of pipes and pump stations, and for operation and maintenance of pump stations at ultimate flow were based on updated cost tables and figures from references 3 and 8. 3-6 D Table 2 is a summary of the cost estimates. The costs of the pipes are from Appendix D. The costs of pump station con- struction were calculated at the force main flow rates (peak flow at build out). TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF COST ESTIMATES Construction Construction Cost- D D Alternative PWWFUL1W PWWFUL2W PWWFLCH1 PWWFLCH2 PWWFPAL1 PWWFPAL2 Cost-Pipes $37,351,000 34,992,000 30,541,000 30,347,000 31,636,000 31,620,000 Pump Stations $12,220,000 11,230,000 13,550,000 12,420,000 12,050,000 12,230,000 O&M Cost- Pump Stations $ 963,000 1,070,000 955,000 930,000 1,041,000 1,050,000 The costs in Table 2 include only facilities for the collection and transmission of raw sewage and do not include costs for construction and operation of treatment and disposal facilities. These costs include both Carlsbad and joint agency facilities. A breakdown of Carlsbad's contribu- tion will be made for the selected alternative. It is assumed that the decision to build the Palomar Joint Outfall is final and its cost is not included in these costs. The majority of existing pipes to be replaced are common to all alternatives. However the need or degree of some replacements is eliminated or reduced by implementation of an alternative in which flows in downstream pipes are reduced by diversion to upstream facilities. D 3-7 D D D SELECTION OF MASTER PLAN The six alternatives were reviewed with the Carlsbad engineering and utility departments. Alternative Number 4, PWWF LCH2 was selected for the master plan. The selected alternative provides a new major sewage conveyance system on the south side of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon, following the alignment of the future Cannon Road. The portion downstream of El Camino Real is included in the first phase of the construction program. The sewers planned for the Lake Calavera Hills planning area to the north and east of the existing wastewater treatment plant are routed to the plant. The two pump stations shown on the Lake Calavera Hills planning map are combined into one station at node LCH4. Sewage from the area west of the plant is transported to the Encina wastewater treatment plant via the sewers north of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. This flow could be treated at the Lake Calavera Hills plant by intercepting the flow at Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real and pumping it to the treatment plant. Areas in the Lake Calavera pumped basin east of the planning area will be served by sewers connected to the new interceptor south of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. The influent flow to the Lake Calavera Hills plant from pipe LCH2 is 0.67 million gallons per day (MGD) as average daily dry weather flow. The plant capacity is 1.2 MGD on an average daily day weather flow basis. The influent flow from pipe LCH2 on an average daily wet weather basis is 1.68 MGD. The plant has the hydraulic capacity to treat the wet weather flow. Additional sewage can be pumped to the treatment plant on an "as-needed" basis for the wastewater reclamation program. 3-8 a n a a The pump station at Tamarack Avenue and the force main to the plant would be part of the reclamation facilities and sized according to that program. The sewage flow available at junction 314 is 0.59 MGD on an average daily dry weather basis and 1.48 MGD on an average daily wet weather basis. The joint Vista Sanitation District - City of Carlsbad intercepter sewer, which begins at the Vista meter station and runs along the south side of Buena Vista Lagoon and then south to the Encina treatment plant, does not have adequate capacity for the ultimate flows. The replacement pipes and pumping stations are sized with an ultimate peak flow from the Vista Sanitation District of 19.65 MGD (30.41 cubic feet per second, CFS) . A joint intercepting sewer from Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, node PSM1, to a connection with the Palomar Joint Land Outfall, node SM586, is included in the plan. This sewer is reach 9 in the Palomar Joint Interagency Agreement, reference 7. However, this reach is not being built with the rest of the Palomar Joint Land Outfall. Reach 9 will be jointly owned by three agencies, the City of Carlsbad, the Buena Sanitation District and the Vista Sanitation District. The Agreement, reference 7, lists the ownership percentages as Carlsbad 32.735%, Buena Sanitation District 29.940%, and Vista Sanitation District as 37.325%. The existing Buena line from the Buena Pump Station to the Encina Treatment Plant will receive flow from the terminal and industrial areas near the Palomar Airport. With the addition of ultimate flows at node 205, the upper portion of this line, node 205 to 206, will be near capacity. Approximately half of this reach is parallel to the future Reach 9 of the Palomar Joint Land Outfall and it may be possible for the future Reach 9 pipe to carry this flow. 3-9 n D CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 1 I The new construction for the selected alternative, Number 4, PWWD LCH2, has been divided into three phases for the Capital I I Improvements Program, Table 3. || The Phases Are:u ,—, Phase I, 1984-1990 1_J Phase II, 1990-2000 Phase III, after 2000•u The location of new pipe construction can be seen on the [ Master Map, map 1. The phases of construction are identified by different symbols. The selection of phases is based on [I the current general development patterns of the City.U (—I Each segment of pipe from the computer model is listed 1 I separately in Table 3. Each pipe is identified as a replacement for*an existing pipe or a new gravity sewer or f1i force main. Also the length, diameter, program phase, construction cost and drainage sub-area for each pipe is • i given. The costs are budget level estimates at an ENR Los Angeles Construction Index of 5050. (—li '—' Ten sewage pump stations are listed in Table 3. Four new I—, stations are required. The largest new station will be south 1 | of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon on the new interceptor system. Two new pump stations are required to convey sewage to the Lake Calavera Hills wastewater reclamation plant and one new station will be required in the north La Costa area at Alga I1 Road. The four existing Carlsbad stations which require increased capacity are pump stations number 1, 5 and 7 andnthe north Batiquitos. Two jointly-owned stations, Aqua Hedionda and Buena Vista, also require expansion. The ,—, ultimate station capacity and the cost of constructing that U ,_. 3-10 3 AS IN/ AREA ***CARL3AO FACILITI 3ATIQUITOS BASIN "3-12 " 3-13 3-12 3-9 3-9 B-9a 3 Q B 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 3 B -9 -9 -8 -3 " -7 -7 -6 -7 -3 -2 •""•- " -1" " -1 -6 ENCINA 3 AS IN E-7 E-6 E-3 E-4 p -9 a a c PIPE ================= P-271 P-272 P-270 "P-269 P-268 P-267 P-266" P-265 P-264 P-263 P-262 P-261 ' P-260 P-259 P-723" P-722 P-721" P-720 707/708 P-275 P-255 P-253 P-250 P-252 P-257 C ============= 1,500 2,500 3,300 2,100" 1,500 1,700 . 2,100 2,800 "" 800" 1,200 1,800 1,400 1 ,400 3,500" 5,500 3,000 3,300" 1,842 "' "6,000"" 2,200 2, 200 "It 350" 1,700 1,700 a API TABLE T A L IMP P R 0 G R DESCRIPTION ===================== FEET FEET FEET FEET" FEET FEET FEET" FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FE'ET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET OF OF OF "OF OF OF OF OF OF Gl- OF OF "0,F O'F OF OF OF OF OF "OF OF Dr "OF OF OF 8 "(NEW S " ( N E W 1 0 " ( N E W ""8" (NEW 8 " ( N E W 12"(NEW " 8"(NEW" 15"(NEW 8"(NEW 1B"(NEW S " ( N E W 18"(NEW ' IS" (NEW 1 8 " ( N E W ~""8"(NEW 8 " ( N E W " "8"(NEW"" S"(NEW 24"(REPL "20" FORC S " ( N E W 8 " ( N E W 8"(NEW 12"(NEW, 1 2 " ( N E W GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. a a 3 RQVEMENT! A M ================: SEWER) " SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) "SEWER) " SEWER) SEWER) ""SEWER)" SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) "SEWER) SEWER) """SEWER) — SEWER) . EX. FORCE MAIN) E MAIN(NEW) GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. GRAV. SEWER) SEWER) SEWER) " " " "" 5SEWER) v- SEWER) PHASE :============: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII"•"•" Ill" : IIIIIIIIIIII " •• III 'III "III Ill IIIIII IIIIII.... rll III '•'.'.'•. COST 1 "• . 2 3 (ENRCC=5050) =================================7 37 61 100 ""•""" •"" " " T "51 37 55 34 100 69 "" "4 7 : 29 106 82 82 "" " " """ "" 86 74 : "v ...... • si 174- • - • 5 j o 54 54 "33 • 55 55 1 1 1 2 ,080,800 ;* ,650 m,912" •-;'? ,030 :G ,029 ,o ,603 ,300 '•'-/ ,216 ^ ,272 " ^ ,654 « ,362 |2l: ,726 ,726 :;; ,520 " ,. - ,960 ^:; i3 ' ,150 s>- 7576" j'); I ", ,990 ;'.' ,660" """" I- ,334 ';': ,334 ,372"" •-'•• ,029 :° ,029 - a a a a a a TABLE 3 (Continued) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS "~ '"•; "'" P""R 0 G R "A M " ' 3ASIN/AREA "— p IPS N ***CARLS3AC FACILITIESCC ONT)*** AGUA HEDICiNCA SASIN AH-30 P-382 AH-30 P-331 •"AH-30 " " - • P-3SO" AH-30 P-379 AH-23 P-373 AH-30 " " P-377 AH-27 P-376 AH-26 P-375 AH-22 AH-21 AH-21 AH-21 AH-21 AH-21 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-4 AH-4 AH-7 AH-4 Ari-3 AH-3 AH-3 P P P P P P N -374 -372 -373 -371 -370 -369 622 623 624 143 142 -800 113 67 52 "45 0 . ======= 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 "'"2 2 1."1 '•• 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ,200 ,500 ,400" ,000 ,600 , 0 0 0" ,400 ,900 ,800 ,000 ,900 ,700 ,600 ,800 ,223 ,215 ,300 190 497 ,500 ' 340 320 ,580 "5 1 0 FEET FEET FEET' FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET "FEET" FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET' FEET FEET "FEET = = =: OF OF OF OF OF " 0 F OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF" OF OF OF "OF OF OF OF " DESCRIPTION" " " 8"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) 8"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) TO "C NEW GRAV."' SEWER) " 6"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) 10"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) S"(NEW GRAV. ""SEWER)" "" " 15"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) 18"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) 1 3 " ( N E W 8 " ( N E W 8 " C N E W 12"(NEW 2 4 " C N E W 2 4 » C N E W 12"CREPL 12"CREPL 12"(REPL 15"(REPL 15"CREPL 12"CREPL 21"(REPL 12"CRSPL 18"CREPL 2 7 " C R E P L GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) .. EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) ."EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) '' "••' • COST PHASE CENRCC=5050) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ^r = = = = == = = = = =a = = = = s; = = = = = = = = = = = = G () III 54,334 lr- III 37,080 !'. "" "- III -- Ill III ••"•" Ill"" "~" " III III III III III III II II I I I I • I .- I I I T -" """'I " 73 49 79 49 67 230 155 49 46 ,200 ,440 r; ,300 ;; ,440 1-^1,200 ;? ,451 --,452 "I;--1 ,440 :;: ,963 V; . ,,-. . 81,600 ' "• •••>i : • . ••<•'• •• 135,600 ^' - • ' ' • '324,800 ;.; 60 60 64 12 33 74 31 .-•' • . : . 15 125 78 ,795 ,398,623"" r~& ,743 ;',334 ;: ''• ,565 :;;. ,957"""" :" ,907 ,331 I" ,943 a cu a TABLE 3 (Continued) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ., f: B A 5 AH 'AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH ' AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH "AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH ASIN/AREA'PIPE NO. U A HEOIONDA BASIN (CONT.) -20 P-353 -19 -19 -19 -20 -13 -13 -13 " """ -13 -13 -16 "" -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -15 -15" -15 -23 -23 -23 -24"" -24 -24 -13 " ' -25 -25 -25""" -25 -18 -17 P-355 P-356 P-354 P-352 P-350 343 """342"" 336 335 ' " " 305 303 310 ' 312" 313 314 317 ""321 322 " P-364 P-363 P-362 -" ' "P-36T- P-360 P-359 P-353' P-367 P-363 " "P-36'6"" P-365 LCH-3 LCH-5" . 2,400 2,300 4,600 1 ,100 500 1,500 202 633 350 510 293 338 840 574 350 337 136 T62 275 "2,700 1, 800 1,200 800 1,400 3,500 ""3,000" 2,800 6,500 1 ,"00 CF 3,200 800 2,000" FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET "FEET"" FEET FEET FEET ' FEET FEET 'F E'ET "" FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FE'ET" FEET FEET F E E T~ FEET FEET FEET" FEET FEET- FEET" FEET FEET FEET ..PR.0 G R A M DESCRIPTION OF OF OF OF Or OF Or OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF 0"F OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF DF OF OF OF 10"(REPL 8" (NEW 2 4 " ( N E W 2 4 " ( N E W "27"(NEW" 18 "(NEW 18"(REPL 30»(RE?L 30"(REPL 30"(REPL 10"(REPL 10"(REPL 10"(REPL 12"(REPL 10"(REPL 10"(REPL 10»(REPL T5"("REPL 15"(REPL ~8"CNEW" 8 "(NEW ;" 8" (NEW "10 "(NEW 8"(NEW 1 2 " ( N E W ' '8 "(NEW 3 " ( N E W 8"(NEW 3 " ( N E W 8"(NEW ~~$ " ( N E W . EXIST) GRAV. SEWE GRAV. SEWE GRAV. SEWE G R A V . " S E W E GRAV. .SEWE . EXIST) T EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) .. . EXIST) .""EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) .""EXIST) - . EXIST) GRAV. SEWE GRAV. SEWE GRAV. SEWE R) R) R) R) "'"" "' R) R) R) R) GRAV"." SEWER) " """" GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) ' " GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) GRAV. SEWER) 3RAV. SEWER) GRAV. ' SEWER) PHASE I .: II I I I . I . I I I I I I I • ' I • ' '; I - ""I "~ "" " I Ill " " "•" ' Ill III . Ill II II II •"•' '" ""' I III I III I I ' COST 3 (ENRCC = 5050) "• ~ " j 104 56 533 127 53 83 16 117 65 94 ,760 ,? ,855 '-•,500 ;* ,600 ,000 ^ ,635 . :;,037 j;; ,339 I?' ,156 :;,i ,942 ;.,] 13,003" " 14,754 t', 35 " 23 15 5 37 13 "" 65 44 29 24 34 113 74 59 160 37 79 19 " 49 ,666 -" 1273 i-.893 [;4 ,936 ! £ ,'6"93 ^ ,444 ,744" q ,496 ii:',654 :;:,400 i=^; ,603 ,295 H ,160 ,:• .215 ;:i| ,680 ;,.. ,590 ,104 I'',775 ;.,; ,440 " : i' C. i'/1!•• '•1 ., ] . TABLE 3 (Continued) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS * ~"B'ASIN/4REA **:ARLSSAD FACILITIESC AGUA riEDIQNDA 3ASINCCO AH-17 Ari-18 AH-10""" "" " ' ' AH-1 AH-13A AH-20 AH-17 B'JENA' VISTA =ASIN 3V-2 ' "" 5V-3 3V-3 5V- 3 BV-3 PUMP STATIONS EXPAND P.S. *5 EXPAND P.S . »1 EXPAND" P.S. *7 " NEW P.S.-S. A3UA HED. NEW P.S.-N. LACQSTA NEW P.S.-LK. CAL. NEW P.S.-LK. CAL. EXPAND N . BAT. P.S. TOTAL-CARLS3AC FACILITI TOTAL-CARLS?AO FACILITI TOTAL-CARLS3AD FACILITI PIPE NO. CONT)*** NT) " LCH-2 LCH-4 " 509 671-674 337 P-331 "'""- "" LCH-7 "547 P-591 P-590C LCH-5 P-590 509 671 "" 337"""" P-351 P-275 LCH-4 P-590C 707 ES-PHASE I ES-PHASE II ES-DHASE in 700 4,000 3,430 2,415 150 3 ,"100 800 "401 2,800 3,600 1 , 200 4,000 FEET FEET F'E'ET FEET FEET "FEET , FEET "FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET 4.16 1.S3 0793" 11.38 4.00 0.90' 0.62 4.75 OF OF '"OF" OF OF ""OF" OF '"OF" OF OF OF OF MGO MGO MGD MGO MGD MGD" MGD MGO " '" P R 0 G R DESCRIPTION ""A""M 12"CNEW GRAV. SEWER) 8" FORCE MAIN(NEW) 1"8"(REPL".~"EX. 12"(R£PL. EX. 10"CREPL. EX. 26" FORCE" MAI 10 "(NEW GRAV. ""FORCE "MAIN)""""" FORCE MAIN) FORCE MAIN) N(N=W) SEWER) i2»(REPL. "EXIST) 8"(NEW GRAV. SEWER) 8" FORCE MAINCNEW) 8"CNEW GRAV. 6"(NEW GRAV. PUMP STATION PUMP STATION PUMP" STATION'" PUMP STATION PUMP STATION PUMP" STATION PUMP STATION PUMP STATION SEWER)""" SEWER) - - "PHATS'E" "" I I "II I II I I """" ~ ""II """ I I I I II . I "" ""II """ I III "I I III COST (ENRCC=5 22 120 "" ""325 144 6 ": 455 - . •• . 24 ..-••' '.,..-, 69 ' . •'•' ' •' -108 29 98 ' . 666 378 261 1 ,260 630 " """ """"" " 260 200 711 " $'5,"276 $2,193 $4,839 = = = = ,659 ,880 ,"850 ,997 ,756 ,328 ,400 ,934 ,216 ,792 ,664 ,380 ,000 ,000 ,"0 0 0 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,107 ,019 ,523 | 6 7 ' 1 1 1 i> 27 .1 3d ' 4 1| |/j a a a . 3ASI.N/A3EA ; ***JOINT FACILITIES**:? 3UENA VISTA 3V-1 I 5V-3 .'; 3V-3 -.- 5V- 3 :.". ' 3V-2 3V-2 BV-2 "3V-2"" 3Y-1CAH-2A) AGUA HEOIONOA AH- 2 A' AH-21 AH-2 • AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 -". " "AH- 12 AH- 12 AH-13A PIPE NO. 591 592 593 394 "595 """"" 596 597""598""' 599/600 "601 602 603 604 605 606 512"" 60S 609 CAP I TA L I ' P R TABLE 3 (Continued) M PROVE MEN 0"G"R"'A"'M DESCRIPTION 1,407 564 2,366 1 ,169 "1,240 596 953 37215 3,262 ""501 1,335 1,175 762 719 6,268 3,515 6,784 FEET FEET FEET FEET ""FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET ' FEET FEET FEET "FEET FEET FEET OF. OF OF Or '"OF OF OF"""OF""" OF ~'OF~ OF OF ""0 F" OF OF ""OF" OF OF 33"CREPL 33"CREPL 33"CREPL 33"(REPL 33"<REPL 33"(REPL 33"(REPL 39"CR£PL" 36"(REPL 2 7 "C RE PL 33"CREPL 39"(REPL 39"CREPL 42"(REPL 54"CR6PL 54"CREPL 46"CREPL 60"(REPL . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EX. FORCE MAIN) ."""EXIST)"""" """ . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) . EXIST) ;""EXIST) " . EXIST. F.HAIN) . EXIST) T S PHASE II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I • I I I COST (ENRCC=5 2 t 3 "0"5"0"5 s" j, 315,111 \l_ 126 531 262 273 133 215 1,000 721 77 300 365 237 261 2,701 557 1,091 3,301 714 i< = 569 ;: 639 ,,' 591 ' V7 903 |° 234 :'o 476 ^228 ; ; :! ,555 !•--• ,159 ;; ,548 '-,-. -,127"—"^,374 r.,834 ;: ,275" """""i; ,535 ::.,637 .;;; ENCINA E - 3 •: PUMP STATIONS . : EXPAND A3UA riED. P.S. EXPAND EUcNA VISTA P.S PSM-1 609 . "" '599""'""' ' 5,000 FEET 35.3 21 .7 OF MGD MGD 2 1 " C N E MGRAV. SEWER) PUMP STATION PUMP" STATION " III I 359 2,700 ""."" " " " 1', 890 ,800 '";' :••• • ,000 " ,000 :••> '-'• ' C • r:! *TOTAL-JOINT FACILITIES : ; ^TOTAL-JOINT FACILITIES ". " *TQTA"L"-JOINT FACILITIES -PHASE I * -PHASE II* '. -PHASE III* $10,352 $6, '7 18 $359 ,731 P,823 :;; ,300 : D capacity is given for each station. Engineering design analysis at each existing station will be required to determine the amount of existing facilities which may be included in the expanded station. The replacement costs of the joint Vista Sanitation District - Carlsbad conveyance system are given in Table 3. The Carlsbad portion of the joint system costs are calculated for each reach of the replacement pipe on a percent of flow basis and given in Table 4. Detailed engineering design studies may show that parallel pipes could be used in portions of the system. The costs for each agency would be changed according to the flows alocated to the new pipe. The total costs could be substantially less. When reach 9 of the Palomar Joint Land Outfall is built, the Carlsbad portion will be 32.735% or $117,781. The cost estimates for new and replacement pipes and pump stations for the City of Carlsbad are summarized in Table 5. 3-16 TABLE 4 CARLSBAD COSTS JOINT SYSTEM - BUENA VISTA TO ENCINA D Pipe 588 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599/600 601 602 603 604 605 606 X-45 512 608 609 Phase II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II : I I I I I Carlsbad Flow cfs 0 0 0 0 0.48 0.48 0.48 2.25 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 4.64 4.64 9.55 12.40 17.24 24.08 24.30 46.40 Vista SD Flow cfs 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 30.41 Carlsbad Flow Percent 0 0 0 0 1.55 1.55 1.55 6.89 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 13.24 13.24 23.90 28.97 36.18 44.19 44.42 60.41 Carlsbad Construction Cost $ 0 0 0 0 4,071 4,318 2,076 14,830 96,046 69,238 7,445 28,815 48,412 31,396 62,588 243,512 673,424 254,656 485,038 1,608,869 D Pipeline Costs - Carlsbad - Phase I - Carlsbad - Phase II Buena Vista Pump Station - Phase II Carlsbad Flow - 9.6% Agua Hedionda Pump Station - Phase I Carlsbad Flow - 44.42% TOTAL CARLSBAD PHASE I TOTAL CARLSBAD PHASE II D $3,265,499 369,235 $ 181,440 $1,199,340 $4,464,839 $ 550,675 3-17 D D D D TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF CARLSBAD COSTS PHASE I Carlsbad Facilities $ 5,276,107 Carlsbad part of Joint Facilities 4,464,839 Subtotal $ 9,740,946 PHASE II Carlsbad Facilities $ 2,198,019 Carlsbad part of Joint Facilities 550,675 Subtotal $ 2,748,694 PHASE III I—|Carlsbad Facilities $ 4,839,528 I—' Carlsbad part of Joint Facilities 117,781 r~| Subtotal $ 4,957,309 M TOTAL - All phases $17,446,949 D 3-18 APPENDIX A LIST OF REFERENCES u D LJ n D D D n D APPENDIX A LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Neste, Brudin & Stone Incorporated, Computer Print Outs for Alternatives, Sewer Master Plan, City of Carlsbad, April, 1984. 2. Engineering Department, City of Carlsbad, Master Plan of Sewers (Draft), November, 1982. 3. Brown and Caldwell, Sewerage System Improvement Program, City of Carlsbad, November, 1976. 4. Engineering Department, City of Carlsbad, Action Plan for Sewage and Reclaimed Water Facilities for the City of Carlsbad, May 6, 1981. 5. Lowry and Associates, Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan Study, City of Carlsbad, September, 1979. 6. City of Carlsbad, Standard Design Criteria For the Design of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, 1980. 7. City of Carlsbad, San Marcos C.W.D., Vista S.D., and Buena S.D., Palomar Joint Raw Sewage Pipelines, Inter- agency Agreement,, August 4, 1982, and First Amendment to Palomar Joint Land Outfall Interceptor Interagency Agreement, November 21, 1982. 8. Fraser, Wilson and Associates, Master Plan of Sewerage, Vista Sanitation District, Buena Sanitation District, March, 1982. 9. Glenn M. Reiter and Associates, Lake Calavera Hills Reclamation Study, Executive Summary, May, 1983. 10. Neste, Brudin & Stone Incorporated, Final Project Report for the San Marcos County Water District Land Outfall, December, 1979. D D D D APPENDIX B PRINT OUT OF ALTERNATIVE PWWF LCH2 l& .0 a •ft-. TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM <t£.V;V,:** *#*#**#***** **^ CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION S£P._)_ ____ _ __ _ MAL_??Y-__^E *L^E_?_fLP_1 __ _ ______ RUN SHO.JIN3 FLOW REDUCTIONS ON" N. "'AGUA ~H5 D'lONDA" ""S 'EW'ER-'P "WW'F C S'UN"PWWFLCH2") ...... ........ :JESTE, S R U D I N AND STONE INCORPORATED GRAVITY CONDUITS RECESI3NED WHEN DEPTH OF FLOW EXC EEDS . 7 5 OF FULL CONDUIT FLOW DEPTH. FIXED PEAKING FACTOR OF 1.00 r CD.a.. CD a CARLSBAO SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE .RUN SHOWING FLOW RE DUCT I ON S 'ON N . "A'GUA 'JESTE, 3RUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED PHYSICAL DATA AND ANALYSIS RESULTS ****************** UPSTRM DNSTRM SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) HEDIONDA SEWER -PWWFCRUN TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM PWWFLCH2) '-..': ' ' -- 3 1 ****************************************************************************************************************** 5 TOTAL OLD NEW ; INV. ELEVS(FEET) LENGTH • RISE SPAN BOT NEW FLOW CAPAC CAPAC VELOCITY „ | NODE NODS SS UPSTREAM DNSTREAM (FEET) SLOPE MANN SHAPE (IN) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (FPS) *********************************************************************** **#**;;!$ ******* **************************************** ******* '•'1 V-l PSM-l 2 300.00 310.00 10000 -.0010 .0130 CIRC 16.0 0 0 .00 5.79 FORCE MAIN !? i PS.M-1 N-206 1 SM-579 ; SM-578 : P-271 P-272 " "P-270 " P-269 P-263 P-267 P-266 i P-255 P-264 ' P-263 '-262 P-261 i P-260 P-275 j P-259" ' 1 SM-581 ! 3K-5S2 SM-533 ! SM-534 i P-257 I SM-535"" ! S M - 5 8 6 : SM-530 " SM-537 ' SM-583 j SM-589 ; SM-590 SM-591 ; • SM-592 . ' ' SM-593 P-255 : SM-594 SM-595 : S M - 5 9 6 : P-253 SM-597 SM-593 SM-613 SM-611 1 SM-610 SM-612 P-250 P-252 : SM-609 3M-608 SM-5S6 SM-579 SM-573 SM-531 P-270 P-270 " P-267 P-257 P-257 " P-265 P-265 P-263 P-253 P-261 P-261 P-250 P-275 P-259 •"SM-531" SM-532 SM-533 SM-584 SM-585 5M-585 SM-5S6 SM-530 SM-537 S.M-533 SM-589 SM-590 SM-591 ' SM-592 SM-593 SM-594 SM-594 SM-595 SM-596 SM-597 SM-597 SM-593 SK-513 SM-611 SM-610 ' 5 M - 6 1 2 SM-609 .SM-609 SM-609 SM-603 S M - 6 0 7 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5c 310.00 100.00 299.52 287.00 253.00 313.00 203.00 193. DO 193.30 123.00 213.00 103.00 133.00 38.00 113.00 83.00 73.00 53.00 "293.00" 282.41 279.30 241.00" 234.01 233.00 " 227.00"" 190.00 133.00 173.20 168.20 154.33 147.00" 133.10 131.26 104.41 233.00 101.05 95.30 33.34 113.00 33.50 75.45 69.97 66.50' 60. 92 53.10 133.00 73.00 51.60 45.29 190.00 299.52 287.00 232.41 203.00 203.00 "'123.00 123.00 123.00 ' "103.00 103.00 33.00 88.00 83.00 33.00 " 73.00 53.00 293.00 " 282.41 279.00 241.00 234.01 227.00 227.00 '190.00 183.00 178.20 163.20 154.03 147.00 "138.10 131.26 104.41 " 101.05 101.05 95.30 88.34 83.50 83.50 75.45 69.97 66.50 ' 60.92 53. 10 51.60 51/60 51.60 45.29 "" 41.53 5000 16125 154 603 1500 • 2500 3300 2100 1500 - 1700 1400 2100 2800 800 1200 1800 1400 6000 1400 435 400 - 405 461 1700 " "1594" 730 288 377 378 378 335 1123 400 400 2200 689 334 417 2200 805 388 434 434 434 140 1350 1700 870 772 .0240 -.0124 .0813 .0076 .0333 .0440 .0242 .0333 .0467 .WO 113 - >• .0736 : '•• .0071 .0161 .0052 .0250 .0056 : 0.0143 "; -.0400 .0076 .0078 .0950 .0173 , .0152•:: ;>;•:•. 0035 .0232 .0090 .0167 """".0255 . .0375 ".A. 01 36 .0266 .0051 .0671 """""."0034 A-;. 0600 : i:: .0033 .0083 .0116 .0134 ".'0100 ^ .0141 A". 0080 .0129 .0180 .0107 .0603 . .0126 .0073 ~~ .0049 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ..0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ' .0130 : .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .".0130 ": . 0130 : ••":' .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 : . 0 1 3 0 '::. 0130 -;.-. 01 30 •' .0130 .0130 .0130 ". 0 1 3 0 .0130 . .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 "" '.0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ~ " .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 """".0130 -"• .0130 .0130 .0130 CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "C I R'C CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "C I R'C" CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "C I R C" CIRC CIRC 'CIRC' CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "C I R C" CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC 21.0 10.0 21.0 "3 0.0" 8.0 8.0 'TO.'O " 8.0 ' 8.0 "I 2.0 "~ 8.0 15.0 8.0 18.0 3.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18."0 30.0 27.0 55.0 27.0 12.0 ~55."0 33.0 33.0 33.0" 33.0 33.0 33.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 8.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 3.0 "36."0"" 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 39.0 " 8.0"" 12.0 39.0 42.0 0 0 0 " " 0" 0 0 0 0 0..._. Q ... 0 0 0 0 0o •• 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " " '• 0 0 0 0 0' "" 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0'"- o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0--. ... 0 0 0 "0 0 0 """" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 Q 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.99 .00 23.63 " "2 3." 63" .75 1.30 " " "2". 04" .72 .32 •-"" 3.09" .72 3.81 1.22 5.03 .39 . 5.42 : 5 . 2 0 : 6.20 5.20 34.82 34.82 "••" " 34.32" 34.82 1.84 5 53.65 53.65 53.65 53.65 53.65 53.65 5 53.65 53.65 53.65 .56 56.87 55.87 56.87 .67 58.70" 58.70 58.70 •-"" " 53.70" 53.70 58.70 " .64" 2.67 62.65 62.65 24.58 .00 45. 25 35. 88 . 2.20 3.41 2.20 2.61 3". B 6" -.. : 3.33 5.46 1.53 3.31 1.91 "'•" "7.34"" .:•.:•:•! 2. 57: 6.20 9.15 36.41 95.68 272.59 33.28 .'.- 2.12 316.12 50.25 68.48 36. 39 102.71 72.34 86.46 52. 23 173.38 61.33 2.95 61.13 61.13 72. 10 1.40 56.92 79. 53 59. 84 75.33 39. 83 35. 77 - 2. "9 6 4. 00 70.57 70. 48 11.04 -a FORCE MAIN ;; 19.92 ,1 3.12 >-' 5.72 'B 1 9.7.31 6.55 EI 5.67 5.07 2" 5.47 2= .7.73 . ™4.82 :;. 4.88 4.93 ;° 4.31 -!;. 4.79 • 7.10 34j FORCE MAIN :!: 5.57 :v| 3.44 -'" 22.15 "A ~ ""•" "Tl.'33 """"" -""^ 10.913.04 ;;•. 12.77 57.24 9.93 " 12.75 ".'.-.•"• " is.32 " ;-•: 17.43 ;'13.33 u; 15.33 i= • 59.49 3.64 ; "i 21.61 '•'.'.'; 9.73 ;-••! 5.53 :;:•; 9.82 9.82 ;• •11.30 ;•- 3.93 :..= 10.67 12.30 9.64 C - 11.85 13.54 :,- 11.12 ' \--. "" "••"•" 5.73 .~ 5.45 9.60 -o! 3.27 a. .0. a CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) RUN SriCWING" FLOW REDUCTIONS ON N . A GUA HED IOND"A" S EW'ER-P WWF C RUN PWWFLCH2) ' N = 3 T = , BRUDIN AND STCNE INCORPORATED TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM miCAL UPSTRM NODE X ****** SM-607 "SM-603 SM-602 N-201 201 202 203 '"- 204 N-253 205 "" N-205 P-256 P-254 205 207 P-251 203 209 501 502 301 302 303 304 305 ""— 306 307 306 " 309 310 311 '-" 312 313 314C 314 315 316 317 313 319 "320 321 322 323 503 504 505 515 516 " " " 5 1 7 DATA AND DNSTRM "" NODE ********** SM-603 "- "SM-602 610 201 202 203 204 " 205 205 N-205 P-256 P-2S4 206 207 P-251 203 209 610 502503 302 303 304 305 306 307 303 309 310 311 312 313 314 314 315 316 317 313 319 320 321 322 323 " 503 504 505 506 516 517 518 ANALYSIS RESULTS . ******************** I NY . E L E V S C F E E T-) SS UPSTREAM DNSTREAM 5 41.53 31.80 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 -) 2 5 '"5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ^5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 31.30 "". 28.50 ':, 300.00 339.41 330.52 312.57 265.35 313.00 231.00 191.56 157.45 117.39 90.10 77.20 53.50 46.16 31.32 18.01... . u>52 268.16 243.66 217.69 195.33 143.70 142.52 '"" 131.27 123.46 120.01 96. 34 37.34 75.23" 72.36 70.00 67.16 53.00 48.00 36.35 35.04 31.61 27.26 18.53 12.71 9.73 "' 6.08 3.52 1.31 150.60 178.30 145.00 "" 28.60 25.00 339.41 330.62 312.57 265.35 231.00" 231.00 191.56 157.45 117.39 90.10 77.20 58. 50 46.16 31.32 29.00 11.52 6.08 248.66 217.89 195.33 143.70 142.52 131.27 123.46 120.01 96 .84 87.34 75.23 72.36" 67.16 67.16 58.00 48.00 36.35 "33.04" 31.61 27.26 18.53" 12.71 9.73 -""'6.08" 3.52 1 .31 -.04" 178.00 146.00 143.00 ******* LENGTH (FEET) -!******853 1259 455 4500 '""" 1147 3087 5481315 3400 2900 -""2500 2936 2000 2015 1514 1000 2147 2081 1590 " 3367 150 370 272 . 337 298 354 780 338 700 340 295 574 350 100 "-'"" 387 273 295 " 136 310 290 478 562 275 ""271 2223 2324 504 262 731 "349 ******** "" ••"SL'O'PE" "MANN S ******************.0114 .0130 .0025 .0079 -.0038 .0077 .0058 .0862 .0261 .0241 .0136 ."0136 . ..0136 :": .0136 .0064 . 0124 .0123 .0069 ;: .0011 .0041 .""0014 .1300 .0332 .0829 : .1532 - .0040;o3ra .0100 .0102 """ ".0331 .0113 .0411 .0050 .0149 .0284 .0237 .:•: . 0366 .0395 ."0243 .0111 .0150 """"'.0183 .0104 .0108 .0135 .0012 .0010 ' ".0027 . .0099 .0438 .0086 .0130 " .0130 .0130 .0130':• .0130 . .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .-:' : . 0130 .'. .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ,.. .0130 ."0 1 3 0 .0130 .0130 .0130 .W.0130 . ' .'"•'.0130 •' .0130 .0130 .0130 : .0130 •: . 0 1 3 0 ;-;;. .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 """.0130"" " . .0130 •.0130; o 1 3 o .0130 .0130 .0130""" ...0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 " .0130 .0130 .0130:oi3o ""'- <**** HAPE :****CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC .CIRC CIRC 'C I R C CIRC CIRC "CIRC CIRC CIRC "CIRC CIRC CIRC "CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC 'CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC 'CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "CIRC RIS """(IN ***** 42.0 "48.0 54.0 20.0 18.0 21.0 18.0 ""'15.0 8.0 18.0 18.0 13.0 18.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 "24.0 30.0 21.0 24.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 3.0 '""-'8.0 8.0 8.0 ""--S-.-Q- 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 "8.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 24.0 24.0 "'24.0 S.O 8.0 " "S.'O" ********* E SPAN ) (IN) *********0 " 0 """ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- o" 0 0-"o " 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0• o 0 0o 0 0 0 0o 0 0o " 0 0o 0 0 - -" '0" ***** 50T (IN) ***** 0 "" 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 -'0' 0 0 "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• o 0 0 "" 0 0 0 --"0" 0 0• •" o 0 0 0 ************** TOTAL NEW FLOW |j ********************************* a OLD NEW 6 CAPAC CAPAC VELOCITY I — (CFS) "" (CFS) ""(CFS) (F^S)"" 3 ***** ****************************************** -° 62.65 107.37 11.62 !1 62.65 65.65 .00 5 10.14 .10.14 10.14 10.14 1.32 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 '••••• .00 .00 .37 .87 .87 .87 10 .87 .87 .37 15 1.74 1.74 15 1.74 1.74 '"""35" " -"1.74 10 1.74 .55 10 2.29 2.29 2.29_ 20..- . -.-2.;8ff 2. 80 3.91 3.91 S 3.91 5 3.91 3.91 4.46 4.46 " " 4.46 .70 .70 " .70 ' 7 2. "7 3 175.74 10.14 9.20 " 12.13 30.87 . 10.44 1.87 12. 26 ""-"12." 2 8 12.28 /••' 12. 23 •• 12.70 17.64 17.63 13. 73 ;-• ; ' 10.14; T- 8.50 2.02 1.61 3.47 '.-':• -4.72 . .76 2. 15 1.21 1.22 2.19 1.28 2.44 ~ '.35 1.47 2.03 1.36 2.31 2.40 1.88 3.75 4.36 •"•" 4. SI"""" 3.62 3. 71 " -"4V 13 " 7. 69 6. 99 - 11". 73"" 1. 20 2.52 1.12 " 6.50 10.23 FORCE *1An ',1 10.49 6.14 • ; ". " . 5.65,:,- •-„• ' |» 15.66 : • 2C 9.72 5.84 '':t 7.90 M 7.91:., 7.91": '•''..•'• 2C 7.91 ^ 5.93 ^ 7.81 v< 7.31 "] 5.29 hj ,:3.u- . ;;;:' •'"• " .00 ••; - .; .00 9.93 '':s.40 "; 3.30 • 10.34 .-:•••'. : ' j:' .98 2.63 I: ' 5. "8 5 3.73 •'•' 1.77 4.39 5.99 1.86 4.60 - "'7.62 :; 1.90 "3.40 1... 1.90 5.11 ;•; 4.97 -,-. '-"2.39 " - "6.47 " !^ 7.57 •'- • 7.85 ''•• 3.06 6.93 'i-< 5.246.30 r : "" " " " 6.3 4 '•:•- 4.13 5.44 !'•• 4.22 5.55 Li 2.54 -S2.35 : . " 3.43 :--! 3.53 ','•' 6.20 -J ' 3.39 a . UPSTRM NQOE CAPLS3AD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP. RUN"SHOEING FLOW REDUCTIONS ON"M. AGUA HEDIOt* NESTE, SRUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED PHYSICAL DATA AND ANALYSIS RESULTS DNSTRM INV. ELEVSCFEET) LENGTH NODE SS UPSTREAM DNSTREAM (FEET) ^245 535 220 723 "•- 5 2 1"" 705 523 "" 170" 370 537 '-""338" 350 350 230" 1266 10 " 2755 952 529 477" 213 112 " 257 97 3430 1273- 76 475 669' 223 290 """316" 316 203 300" 190 465 "715" 714 430 360 274 279 ""548" 660 1327 200" 238 1468 "" "400"" TUE, JUN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM 513 "519 651 652 653 654 655 """656 '" 657 653 520 " 521 522 """523 524 525 "" " 506 507 530 ""531 532 533 534 508 509 ' "510 511 746 747 748 749 "•"" 750 "" 751 760 761 762 763 X-535 X-5S6 740 741 742 743-- 744 145 745 X-587 540 541 542 519 520 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 520 521 522 523 '524 " 525 506 507 503 531 " 532 533 534 503 509 510 511 512 747 743 749 750 ' "751 750 761 762 763 X-535 X-555 X - 5 3 7 741 742 743 744 745 745 X-5 37 603 541 542 542 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 " 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 q 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 143 128 237 233 216 214 190 " 158 146 103 55 53 30 18 9i - -4 69 63 59 53 39 -5 -5 43 33 169 167 133 135 131 122 113 116 92 30 70 5 4 135 122 70 65 ' 67 56 54 43 272 265 135 .00 .00 .20 .00 . 50 .00 .00 .70 .36 .53 .00 .00 .00 .69 .30 .79 .04 .13 .55 .11 .03 .00 .31 .53 .75 .94 .36 .00 .00 .50 . 25 .20 .13 .41 .00 .00 .97 .00 .47 .52 .34 .74 .97 .09 .70 .35 .75 .94 .51 . 96 123.00 66. "00" 233.00 216.50 214.00 190.00 153.70 """146.36" 103.58 66.20 "" '58.00 30.00 13.69 9.30" 2.79 -.04 " -4.18 -5.53 63.11 59.03" 53.00 39.31 -5.53 -5.75 48.94..... 33i36 21.34 167.00 " 138.50" 135.25 131.20 "- 122.13 118.41 115.00 92.00 80.97 70.00 " "54.47" 43.75 122.34 " 70.74" 59.97 67.09 " 54.06 54.06 48.75 45.40 265.51 186.96 ""157.52' SEWER-PWWFCRUN PWWFLCH2) >*********************************************• RISE SPAN SOT NEW SLOPE" MANN ""SH4PE (IN) "(IN) (IN) TOTAL FLOW CCFS) ******************************** OLD N;W CAPAC CAPAC VELOCITY CCFS) CCFS) " CFPS) !(****** ************************££*********************:(:*********$********************.0612 . .1159 . .0191 . .0228 . .0048 .0340 . .0593 . ".0726""". .1021 . .0789 . ".0237" ". .0800 . .0323 . .0408 .0051 . .2330 . ".0015""". .0015 . .0027 . .'0139 . .0235 . .1222 . ". 1747" ". .0013 . -.0159 . -. 012 Z~"~. .1532 . .0042 . .0426"". .0143 . .0140 . .0737 ". .0113 .0116 . ".0300"". .0531. . .0236 •:.. .0217 . .0080 .0277 . ~V060'0'~"; .0055 . .0067 . . .0238 . .0040 . .0040 ".0167" .0312 . . .0535 . ."0736"" ". 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "" ""CIRC CIRC CIRC """CIRC CIRC CIRC "•' CIRC •• CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC "" CIRC ' CIRC CIRC " ""CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC —"CIRC • CIRC CIRC "' "CIRC CIRC CIRC ""CISC CIRC CIRC "CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC " CIRC 8. ' 8. 6. 6. 8. 3. 8. 8. 8. 8. ' 8. 8. 8. 12. 12. 12. 24. 24. 8. "8. 8. 3. "" 8. 24. 18."is. 18.a. " ' 8 . 8. 8. """3 . 3.a. "'8. 8. 8. " "3. 3. g 8. 3. S. 8." 8. 3. "10. 8.a. 3. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o " 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0o •"" - 0 0o •" " • "" 0 0 0""" " 0 0 0 0 0 0" " "" 0 0 0""" 0 0 0""" "" 0 0 0 ' ' " 0 0 o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0• o ' " 0 0"'0'"" "" 0 0o '• 0 0 "0 - 0 0 0 0 0• o 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0- o ' ~ " 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'o 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 """ 0 0 0 '" • 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0o "" .70 .70 .70 .70 . 70 .70 .70 .70" .70 . 70 """1.40" 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 "5.86 5.15 .29 " ".29" .29 .29 .29 6.44 6.44 •5.44" 5.44 .30 - ' .30" .30 .30 " ".30"" .30 .69 .69 .69 .69 .69 .69 .33 3 3 .33 .33 3 3 " .39 .72 1.41 .89 .39 •" .39'" 2. 4. . . . 2. 2. "" 3. 3. 3. - 1. 3. 2. 7. 2. 13. 8. 8. • "" "1". 2. 4. " 5. 9. 6. ~""1 1 . 41. . 2. 1. 1. " 2. 1. 1. 3 . 2. 1.1 . 1. 2. ->i. • • . "' " 1. • . 2. 2. 2. "" 3. 93 11 77 35 34 23 94 25 85 39 86 :• 41 : •-' . •:• ' 17 20 55 95 79 - " """ 69 63 55"" 04 22 04. - 49 44 61 32 73 49" " 44 43 04" - 31 30 41" 91 35 79 •""" OS 01 95 97 99 36 " 76 75 33""" " 13 79 27 7 3 4 4 2 5 5 7 8 7_.. 5 9 5 7 3 14 " 3 3 1 3 4 5 7 3 .00 .80 .48 .33 .69" .66 .92 .44 .41 .57 .86 .32 .62 .11 .33 .14.00 .00 .77 .59 .16 .95 . 8 3 . .25 F3RCE MAIN"6 17 2 " - 4 3 3 4 33. 7 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 2 4 7 2 5 5 7 7 . 7 5 .16 .11 . 34 " .23 .25 .21 .05 .79 .63 " "•- .35 .94 .79 .29 .25 .60 "" .52 .55 .03 .20 .49 .20 .34 .12 .99 CD . a CD a CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS NESTS, 3RUQIN AND STONE INC PHYSICAL DATA AMD ANALYSIS :',:***************** UPSTRM DNSTRM NODE NODE ******************543 544.... s ^ 4 „. 545 546 547 "" 583 539 " " "590"" 591 592 •"""• 593 " P-590 594 595 " 596 597 593" " 599 600 "" """601 """ 602 603 604 " N-311 N-310""""" """645""' 645 647 ""643 621 622 623 624 143 142 724 725 726 727 723 "729 730 731 -— ' 732 733 734 ""735 736 737 733 545 5 46 547 597 539 590 " 591" 592 593 594 594 595 596 597 593 599 600 501 """" 602' 603 604 505 N-S10 645 645" 647 643 621 622 623 624 143 142 113 725 726 " 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 SS ***5 5 " 5 5 ' 5 5 5 "5' ' 5c 5 5 5 5 5 5 c CJ ' 5 5 5 5 5 5 "5 5 5 5 5 5 5"" 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INV. E JPSTRE 157. ""110. 97. 22. 10. 151. 150. 146. 61 . 54. 41. 93. 28. 13. 13 . 7. 3. -4 . 52. " 64. 54. 45. 42. 90. 115. '103. 30. 79. 76. 57. 51. 43. 38. 32. 31. 236. 247. 224. 206. 195. 137. 183. 165. 153. 150. 120. 89. 75. 67. "59. - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTIO ON N.'ASUA H = DIONOA""'"SEWER-PWWF(RUN' PWWF ORPORATE9 RESULTS '• * * * * :,: * ******** LEVSCFEET) LE AM DNSTREAM CF **************52 110.43 48 93 52 22" " 07 50 43" 53 93 4 0 - 00 94 63 55 34 55 00 40 7 0 """ 21 40 35'""" 00 10 30 90 20 20 "' 97 02 19 33 11 52 81 93 04""" 92 83 51 73 64 06 76 12 50 00 53 69 """ 97.93 22.62 10.22 7.34" 150.60 .. 146.43 61.63 54.93 41.40 ""28.94 28.94 -.- 13.93 "13.56 7.34 3.55 " -4.00 "•""' 52.40 54.70 ""5 4". 21 45.40 42.35 "'"2 9. '5 5 115.10 108.80 30.90 79.20 76.20 "57.97 51.02 43.19 38.33 32.11 31.52 29.98 247.98 224.04 206.92 195.63 187.51 183.73 165.64 153.06 150.76 120.12 89.60 "75.00"" 67.63 59.69 ' " 5 3". 3 T" " *************** NGTH £ET)~ "SLOPE M *************** 800 .0538 "295 2400 400 -"401 172 167 1"7 46 1407 564 2366"" 4000 1169 1240 630 958 3215" 2792 470 521 1336 1175 762~ 300 1525 "351 425 700 "850"" 200 1223: 1215 1300 190 "497" 386 320 356 374 260 '270" 270 572 "'64"0'" 600 628 ""225" 300 317 1250"" .0"4"24 ". .0314 .0310 . '. .0059 . .0027 . .0250 . .0435 . .0048 .0240 . — "."0053 ~r"; : ;.oi50 :. .0036 . .0041 . .0034 .0045 "TOO 2 3". -.0202V. -.0262 . .0201 .0066 .0026 . ".'0158' , ". -.0837 . ..0041 .0795 . .0040 . .0043 . . .0214"" . ".' .0348 ,.; . : .0064>;.. .0040 .0043 . .0031 . " "."0031 " . i.1006 . • .0748 . .0431 .0297 . .0320 . .0140" ••;: .0670 -,';. •y-.0220. '". .0036 . .0511 .0436 . . .0649 . . . 0246 . :•"•. 0250 . .0051 . ******* ANN S ******* 0130 0130" " 0130 0130 0130 0130 . 0130 '.' 0130"" 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0 1 3 0 0130 0130 0130" 0130 0130 0 1"3 0 0130 0130 0130"" " 0130 0130 01 "30" 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130" 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130"""""" 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 0130 **** H4PE CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC C I R C CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC CIRC N SEP LCH2) ***** RIS "' CIN 8.0 3VO" 8.0 8.0 """ '8 . 0 . 36.0 27.0 21". "0 24.0 21.0 ""24.0 3.0 21.0 ""24.0 21.0 24.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 '24."0 27.0 30.0 ""27.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 3.0 '"" 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 3.0 '"" 8 . 0 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 3.0 8 . 0 8.0 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 "8.0 8.0 8.0 10"."0 .) TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM *************< E SPAN SOT ) " (IN) "(IN) |i :|: £ £ :J: sji £ $ 5^ )|: :|r :J: ij; ; 0 0 ™" 0"""" " 0 0 0 0 ""0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0o """" ' 0 0 0 0 0' "o 0 0 0 0 0""' o" 0 0 0 0 0' o 0 0 0 0 0" o 0 0o " 0 0 " " 0 ""' ' "' 0 0— _.Q- ...._ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 A •j : 1 J ******** ************************************** IsTOTAL .OLD NEW ° NEW FLOW CAPAC CAPflC VELOCITY ' """" (CFS) "(CFS)""" (CFS) (FPS) " " > t ********************************************** ^.892.93 7.36 !' — - 30" 30 10 "-"30 35 35 35 35 5 " "5" 15 25 30 "45" 10 50 50 1. 1. 1. ' • 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. """. ""30. 30. ""30. 30. 32. "33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 35. ""35 . • * • • 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. "" 1. • * • • • • • • . 89 77 77 77" " 41 41 41" 41 41 41 " 43 89 ' 39" "" 39 66 64 :""- 64 64 64 64 05 05 "• " 00 22 22""""" 22 22 22 89 . 89 39 ' 89 39 39 "'"" 49 49 49 49 49 49 "" 49 49 49 93 98 93 98 93' : 9B 2.43 2.14 2.12 " ". 93" 34.93 49.05 "3 4": 9"6 15.70 24. 53 16.45 1 . 5 ^ "' . 14.63 • ' 14.49 14.55 15.17 32.43"™" 33.64 33.64 32.16 "" 25.21 20.95 40.23" .22 .73 "3"; 40 " . 76 .79 1.77 2.25 .97 .76 1.51 .67 .67 3. 83 3.30 2. 65 2.03 2.15 1.43 3.12 1.79 "".72 "— " 2. 73 2. 66 3. "07 """" 1.89 1.91 ; " 1.56 "1 .87 31.63 31.70 "3 3". 14 32.72 3 2". 30 32.43 33.30 36.94 FORC FORC "36.6"4" 36.51 38.02 FORC 1.94 2.06 1.95 1.93 "'1.98 6.53 5.87 5.83 III 3.62 " 5.57 12.99 ',° 16.39 6.73 2: 12.41 L 7.03 ' h 3.83 ;'J 8.49 :'::j 5.42 3-*2 ^5.72 ~" 5". 37 ^"3 E MAIN 3~ E MAIN t- 12.00 7.90 5.62 ~ 11.40 E IAIN1.92 :;•' 5.521.90 •;:; 1.95 1^ 3 .4 7" " i'-J 7.24 r°3.77 i.;; 3.19 -- -•: 3.38 r 2.33 '^ "'2.'88""~ " ,~ 7.55 \'-\6.79 •;,,' 5.304.83 •;-;5.01 i;.'/ " "3.72 ''.-I 5.53 :;'; 4.33 ;.; 2.23 7.13 >*•; 7.05 -i ""7.84 "- " :.V 5.43 ;••!5.52 ::' 3.03 CD a. CD .a CD .a. a CD CARLSBAD SEWER MAS RUN SHOEING FLOW R NE3TE, 3RUDIN AND PHYSICAL DATA AND LJPSTRM ONSTRM " ' NODE ' " ' NODE ****************** 770 771 771 772 773 774 775 776 ""'""" 777" 773 779 780 731 732 733 734 630 681 682 683 "735 736 787 783 789 752 " ""753 754 N-300 113 605 X-5S3 """" X-5"89 " X-590 X-591 " 24 23 22 21" 20 19 " 13 17 16 "15 14 13 " " 12 11 . 3 2 772 773 774 """ 775 776 777 773 " 779 780 "•"" 7 S 1 752 733 734 785 631 632 " 633 735 756 737 783 789 ' N-300 753 754 N-800 113 605 606 X-539 X-590 X-591 109 23 22 2 1 '20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 3 1 TER PLAN - ULTIMATE EDUCTIONS "ON N." AGUA STONE INCORPORATED ANALYSIS RESULTS * ;|: * * * * * * * £ * $ * * * $ £ * * * INV. ELEVSCFEET) SS UPSTREAM DNSTREAM ******************** 5 353.00 235.30 5 235.30 226.33 5 226.33 214.09 5 214.09 204.27 5 204.27 196.10 5 196.10 187.00 5 137.00 183.00 5 133.00 180.20 5 170.57 169.50 5 169.50 156.33 5 156.83 151.91 5 151.91 149.74 5 149.74 128.73 5 128.73 " 110.36 5 110.36 74.63 5 157.00 129.00 5 129.00 115.00 5 115.00 87.50 5 37.50 74.63 5 74.63 67.36 5 67.36 62.43 5 62.43 57.39 5 57.39 53.31 5 53.31 43.98 5 117.40 69.93 5 69.98 " 66.42 5 56.42 43.93 5 43.93 29.93 5 29.93 """ 29.55 5 29.55 27.66 5 33.37 30.00 • = ••-• 30.00 "" "2 4'". 4 6 5 24.46 24.13 5 24.13 21.56 5 33.90 38.20 5 33.20 36.27 5 35.27 35.06 5 35.06" 33.45 5 33.45 32.59 5 32.59 31.25 5 31.25 29.97 5 29.97 29.03 5 29.03 27.94 5 27.94 27.06 5 27.06 26.79 5 26.79 26.43 5 26.49" 26.00 5 26.00 20.70 5 20.70 20.50 5 20.50 19.13 SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP. ' HHOIOND'A "SEWE'R-'PWWFCRUN PWBFLCH2)"" )TUE,JUN 12, 1984,11:24 AM ********************************************************************************************** T3TAL OLD NEW LENGTH RISE SPAN BOT NEW FLOW CAPAC CAPAC VELOCITY (FEET) .• SLOPE"" "M AN'N" """SHAP E "CIN) ***************** **$ ******** ***$***262 2.3576 .0130 CIRC 8.0 229 .0390 .0130 CIRC 8.0 229 .0537 .0130 CIRC 3.0 214 .0459 .0130 CIRC 8.0 226 .0362 .0130 CIRC 8.0 233 .0322 .0130 , CIRC 8.0 291 .0137 .0130 . CIRC 8.0 290 .0097 .0130 CIRC 8.0 290 .0040 .0130 CIRC 8.0 291 .0435 .0130 CIRC 3.0 332" .0148 .'0130"~""CIRC "3.0 657 . .0033 .0130 CIRC 8.0 . 520 .0403 .0130 CIRC 8.0 320 .0576 .0130 CIRC 8.0 750 .0476 .0130 CIRC 8.0 320 .0875 .0130 CIRC 8.0 367 ••:.. .0381 : .0130 CIRC 8.0 367 "'.0749 :j;. 0130 : CIRC 3.0 250 : .0513 !': '.0130 CIRC 8.0 250 .0293 .0130 CIRC 8.0 180 .0274 .0130 CIRC 8.0 230 .0130 .0130 CIRC 8.0 290 .0146 .0130 CIRC 8.0 1000 .0093 .0130.:. CIRC 10.0 626 .0758 .0130 CIRC 8.0 562 .0053 .0130 CIRC 3.0 1000 .0224 .0130 CIRC 6.0 1500 .0093 .0130 CIRC 10.0 340 . 0 0 1 3 "~ "; 0 1 3 0 " "C I R C " 1 0 ." 0" 719.. .0026 .0130 CIRC 36.0 484 ':>Y. 0080 '•' .0130 CIRC 10.0 442 .0125 .0130 CIRC 10.0 67 .0049 .0130 CIRC 10.0 257 .0100 .0130 CIRC 10.0 50" ".0140 .0130 " CIRC '8.0 400 \ r .0048 - .-.0130 CIRC S.O 515 ;: .0023 .0130 CIRC 8.0 475 .0034 .0130 CIRC 15.0 300 .0029 .0130 CIRC 15.0 470 .0029 .0130 CIRC 15.0 595— — ;0022---013o - CIRC' "15.0"" 150 -;;:::.0063 .0130 CIRC 15.0 410 ' .0027 .0130 CIRC 15.0 " "300 .0029" "iOlSO" "CIRC"15.0" 90 .0030 .0130 CIRC 15.0 100 .0031 .0130 CIRC 12.0 '""" 160 ".0030 ".0130 CIRC" 15.0' 1190 .0045 .0130 CIRC 15.0 200 .0005 .0130 CIRC 15.0 265 .0055 "".0130 CIRC 1570"" CIN) "~CIN) "' CCFS) ******************************00 .63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " " 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o' 0 0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0" 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' o ': 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 '100 0 10 0 0 0 0 ' " " 0 5 0 20.. .... 0 ........ _. 0 0 "" 0 " " 0 0 " 0 "" "~ 0 0o "" 0 0 0 .68 .63 .68 .63 .68 .63 ".63"" " .63 .63 .68 . .63 .63 .63 .63 .39 .39 •'. ••• .39 .39 1.06 1.06 1.06 "1.06 ""'"""" 2.04 . : ' : .20 ".20' " " .20 3.02 ""4.91" 39.96 .00 1.33 1.33 1 .33 "" .89 "" .89 . .89 .39 1.19 1.19 1.39 '"" " 1.39 1.40 "1.40 1.40 1.40 1.42" " "" 1.42 1.42 .. 1.42 CCFS) CCFS) CFPS) *****************************18.52 25.25 2.38 2.79 2.53 2.29 2. 16 1.41 1.19 .77 2.52 1.47.69 : 2.42 2.89 2.63 3.57 2.36 3.30 2.73 2. 06 2.00 1.62 1.46 2.11 3.32 ."96 .34 2.11 .73" 34.31 1.96 2745" " 1. 54 2.19 "1.43'" . 34 .53 T. 75 3. 46 3.45 3.00" 5.12 3. 33 3.5 0 " 3.54 1.93 ""3.54 " 4.31 1.45 4.81 5 6 5 5 . 5 4 3 2 6 4 • 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 5 2 3 3.07 4 "" "4.95 2 44.25 .5 4 3 4.... ... ^ .95 2 .95 2 "2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 ' ' " 2 3 1 3 .89 .62 .25 .74 .50 .02 .52 .49 .14 .13 .27. .97 .79 .33 .71 .00 . 3 5 ' : .55 •• .98 .83 .96 . 5 7" " .43 .29 .19 .54 .87 .59 .85 .00 .63 .19 .25 .32 .33 .16 . 51 .55 .55;4o ~ """ """ .55 .60 .' 7 0 .72 .74 2 3 .1 6 7 " 1 -1 1 5 16 1 7 '. 0 ^ 27 - ,' 1 -. 7 .73" """' " ••„ . 1 5.34 ;; .42 ; ^ •'""\ ••- s a HCARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE RUN SHOWING FLOW X ; DUCT I ONS ' ON N. AGUANESTE, BRUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED PHYSICAL DATA AND ANALYSIS RESULTS SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP. HEDIONDA SEWER-PWWFCRUN PWWFLCH2) ) *************** ****:;:****:;:*******?!******************************************************************* TOTAL UPSTRM ONSTRM INV. ELEVSCFEET) LENGTH RISE SPAN 50T NEW = LOW ' NODE NODE SS UPSTREAM DNSTREAM (FEET) :"SLOPE MANN SHAPE C IN)"" C IN) "" C IN) """(CFS) ****************** **********************************************************************************44 43 5 24.21 22.96 490 .0026 .0130 CIRC 10.0 0 0 .01 43 39 1 "116 115 114 113 112 111 ' 110 109 671 " " 672 673 574 675 605 34 72 71 70 69 57 66 52 45 X-45 512 608 339 340 341 333 337 P-353 P-355 P-364 P-363 P-362 P-361 P-360 P-359 P-353 P-332 P-331 P-3SO P-379 P-378 P-377 39 5 1 5 112 5 115 5 114 5 113 5 112 5 111 5 110 3 109 5 671 5 672 5 " 673 5 674 5 675 5 606 5 X-45 5 72 5 71 5 70 5 69 5 67 :> 66 5 52 5 45 5 X-45 5 512 5 60S 5 609 5 338 . 5 338 5 33S 5 337 5 509 5 P-352 5 °-354 5 P-363 5 P-352 5 P-361 5 P-359 5 P-359 5 P-356 5 c-356 5 =-330 5 P - 3 3 3 5 P-378 5 P-373 5 P-276 5 ' P-376 5 22.96 21.15 19.13 26.51 24.91 24.60 23.38 17.73 17.08 14.47 19.13 12.61 25.00 30.00 30.10 33.84 27.66 15.73 '56.93 55.33 53.98 52.53 49.73 48.38 34.33 25.58 25.59 21 .34 20.32 40.60 26.12 • 32.00 24.37 39.25 53.00 93.30 297.00 197.30 97.30 53.30 73.00 53.00 133.00 333.30 333.00 293.00 273.30 233.00 233.00 21.15 19.13 17.78 24.91 24.60 23.03 17.73 17.03 14.47 14.13 12.74 25.00 "" 30.00 30.10 33.34 27.66 25.69 56.93 ' 55.38 53.93 52.53 '" 49.73 48.38 34.33 25.53 25.57 21.34 20.02 35 .48 30.53 24.07 30.32 23.67 37.29 3.00 8.00 "" 197.00 97.00 £3.00 " 53.00 53.00 33.00 33.00 293.00 293.00 233.00 233.00 113.00 ""'11' 3." 00 1215 .0015 .0130 CIRC 10.0 325 .0062 .0130 CIRC 10.0 270 .0050 .0130 CIRC 15.0 '" ""4 6 0 . 0035 0 1 30 " CIRC 10.0" 140 .0022 .0130 CIRC 10.0 135 . .0113 .0130 CIRC 10.0 3 70" .01 43 " .0130 CI R C 1 0 . 0 390 .0018 .0130 CIRC 15.0 375 .0070 .0130 CIRC 15.0 200 .0014 .0130 CIRC 15.0 330 .0195. .0130 CIRC 15.0 543 -.0228 .0130 CIRC 12.0 --"500 " "-.0100 .0130" CIRC'12.0" 700 -.0001 .0130 CIRC 12.0 672 -.0056 .0130 CIRC 12.0 30"' .2050 "".0130"""" CIRC 10.0 1950 .0010 V. .0130 CIRC 36.0 450 -.0916 •: .0130 CIRC . 8.0 """ 330" "."0048" .0130 CIRC 8.0"" 350 .0040 .0130 CIRC 8.0 350 .0040 .0130 CIRC 3.0 700 .0040 ".0130 CIRC 8.0 " 320 .0044 .0130 CIRC 8.0 730 .0173. 0130 CIRC 10.0 " 1580" .0059 ~.0130 "CIRC"! OTO™ 100 .0001 .0130 CIRC 10.0 4313 .0010 .0130 CIRC 35.0 1316 """.0010 .0130'"" CIRC 42.0 3515 -.0044 .0130 CIRC 46.0 2507 .0040 :-:.0130 CIRC 8.0 69 7 ."0 0'2 9 . 0 1 30 C I R C"TO .'0" " 442 .0038 .0130 CIRC 8.0 56 .0061 .0130 CIRC 10.0 150 """""."0131'"""". 0130 '" CIRC 10.0 2400 .0208 .0130 CIRC 10.0 2300 .0370 ::.0130 CIRC 3.0 ""' " 2 7 00 TO 3 70 .'0 130 C I R C " ' 8.0 1800 .0556 .0130 CIRC 8.0 1200 .0233 .0130 CIRC 8.0 800 ; 0 1 25 " .0130 """"" C I R C "1 0 . 0 1400 ,:. 01 43 .0130 CIRC 8.0 3500 .0057 .0130 CIRC 12.0 """3000 ~."0333'~"~.0130 CIRC"""' 8.0 " 2200 .0182 .0130 CIRC 8.0 1500 .0267 .0130 CIRC 3.0 "2400""" ".0250 .0130 CIRC 10.0 2000 .0200 .0130 CIRC 8.0 2600 .0462 .0130 CIRC 10.0 2000 .0600 .0130 CIRC 8.0 0o • 0 0 "" 0 0 0 0o . 0 0 " 0 " 0 0o 0 0 0 0o 0 0-"- o """ 0 0" o 0 0- o 0 0o "" 0 0 "'" 0 " 0 0-•• o 0 0~"" o "" 0 0 0 0 0.... . 0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 '" 0 0 "" 0 0 0 0 0 0o "" 0 0 "0 ' ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ' 0 0.... 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 1.44~ .00 .00 .03 .02 1.45 1.45 """•- 1.46V 2.83 2.83 " - 2.85 2.35 2.85 ' •""• 2.35"" 30 42.81 .00 "" """ "" .72" .22 .22 "" .22" 35 1.76 1.76 ' 50" 4.84 220 4.34 40 47.65 25 "•• ' 54.49 54.71 .75 "'.76'" .00 1.52 1.52" 2.60 .44 """"" .77 1.54 1.54 1.54 .60 2.14 ""'" .41" 1.25 1.25 2.51 1.25 3.76 .50 TUE, JUN 12, *****************.OLD NEW CAPAC CAPAC (CFS)"" (CFS) *****************1.11 .34""" 1.73 4. 57 1.29 " 1. 03 2.32 2.62 2.74 5.39 2.46~ ""' """ "' " • 9.03 ; • . 2.85 "" ""2 .8 5 "" 2. 85 2. 85 " 9.93 21.27.: 42.85 . 22 .34 .75 .76 .76"" " . .80 1.73 2.88 - 1.68 — ""4". 9 6 .22 4.89 21.24 52.16 31. 99" "58.04 54.71 .76 1.19 . 74 1.70 " "" 2. 51 ~ 3. 16 2. 32 """ 2.32""" "" 2.34 2.03 2.45 1.44 2.69 2.20 — """ 1.63 1. 97 3.46 "" 1.71 4.70. "" " 2.95' 1934, 11:24 AM VELOCITY (FPS) ***************.65 .54 1.01 3.30".oo .00 .00 1.43 2.27 3.74 2.09 5.52 FORCE MAIN FORCE MAIN FORCE MAIN FORCE MAIN " 15.76"""""' 4.08 . FORCE MAIN 2.04 1.90 1.90 "" " 1.90 3.20 5.56 ( \ IL 3 ' ***\} ' ?. J 'C -^~\ r€ 2:>\ 7-1 3 1 3-\ .-^ " 4.61 1.00 •••' •->4.25 '!; 4.33 ::-i FORCE MAIN !-••:•-> 2.51 :. 2.32 .00 3.54 FORCE 'MAIN " 5.43 5.12 " 5.99 3.34 5.42 """'4.75 3.95 3.81 ""4.83 5.15 6.00 6.93 " " " 5.35 9.60 ' ! • — 6.33 a .a a. a PSCARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE ; — RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS QN N."AiGUA NESTc, 3RUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED |3 PHYSICAL DATA AND ANALYSIS RESULTS £ -," ********************************** *i*ft* ;„ UPSTRM ONSTRM INV. ELEVS(FEr'T) r, NODE NCDE SS UPSTREAM DMSTR'EAM P-376 P-275 5 113.00 103.00 ":: P-37S j:, P-374 L P-372 :,j, P-373 U P-371 | .! P-370 P-369 '-| P-356 !'j| P-354 " - P-352 !,.-! P-351 I-.' P-350 ,;| 343 ;•--'; 346 H 345 L:, 344 ':..i 342 336 V 335 '-:>' 609 !.= .-.; X-724 L:' 701 -i 702 ,v.: P-723 -.:.'j ~" """703 -:.i P-722 •-.i 704 ".•-" P-721 -. 705 -i 706 ••-•I P-720 ••; 707 •••! 703 ;".. "" 709 710 :::; 711 ..=! - 712 ::•! 7 1 3 -J N-821 r-~- N-320 610 P-367 ,::: " """"P-368 ,J P-366 • ;! P-365 •"'. "" LCH4 LCH3 .: LCH7 "" "P-591 P-374 P-370 P-371 " P-371" P-37C P-369 "" "P-356" P-354 P-352 P-351 P-350 343 342 345- 344 342 336 335 609 " 610 701 702 703 703 "" ••"•" ' 704 " 7C4 705 705 706 707 707 703 709 710 711 712 713 N-320 • N-320 610 0-610 P-366 P-366 P-365 LCH4 . LCH7 LCH7 LCH2 P-59CC 5 103.00 79.00 5 79.00 53.00 5 153.00 73.00 5 133.00 " 73.00 5 73.00 53.00 5 53.00 48.00 " 5 " " 48.00 ""33.00 5 33.00 8.00 5 3.00 3.00 5 " 3.00 .00 5 .00 153.00 5 153.00 66.17 5 66.17 45.53 5 69.17 58.39 5 58.39 56.57 5 56.57" "45.53 5 45.53 43.00 5 43.00 39.70 5 "•" 39.70" "38.15 5 35.48 28.37 5 93.00 32.01 5 " 32.01 10.81 5 10.31 7.78 S 93.00 7.73 5 7.78" " 5.61 5 173.00 5.61 5 5.61 3.30 5 93.00 " 3.30 5 3.30 .66 5 .66 -.78 5 90.00 -.78 5 -.73 12.98 5 12.93 128.35 5 123.35 112."91 5 112.91 54.19 5 54.19 45.29 5 45.29 4"0 ."4"6 5 40.46 34.88 5 .00 34.88 5 34.33 28.37 5 28.37 23.00 5 243.00 193.00 5 293.00 193.00 5 193.00 143.00 5 143.00 93.00 5 93.00 133.00 5 193.00 183.00 5 133.00 173.00 5 243.00 93.00 SYSTEM'" H E D rq'fi ******* LENGTH *******1400 3900 2300 2000 1900 1700 1600 2800 4600 1100 500 3100 1500 " 202 1260 772 3651 633 350 510 6734 2400 """"431 2013 3500 2172 5500 2313 3000 2641 1438 3300 1225 617 1929 :- ' 509 1759 ~ "752 3100 11900 "" 1500 50 2800 6500 5400 3200 3500 800 ; 300 2"800 CULT-2 ONLY LCH DA"~SE«ER-PWWF(R 1 ******** """SLOPE ********.0071 .0062 .0093 .0400 .0316 .:.•... .0113 ; .0031 .0054 .0054 .0045 "".0050 -.0494 "V.0579 .1022 .0032 .0030 ".0030: . .0040 .0094 .0030 .0010 .0254 .0492 •••••: .0015 .0243 .0010 .0304 .0010 .0299 ,'"' .0010 :: .0010 .0275 -.0112 -.1870 .0030 • .1154 'V.0051 .0064 .0018 -.0029 """.0043 •:'-"•.':,. 00 74 :-•::. 01 79 .0154 .0093 .0156 =T0257 .0125 .0125 . 05 36 ******* ""MANN" ******* .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 : .0130 ; : .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ~T. "'0 130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 V "."0130 , .0130 V ..0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 """".0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 ~T."0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 "".0130 A. 0130 ' .0130 ."or 30 .0130 .0130-;oi3o .0130 .0130 """.0130 PORTION SEP.) UN" PWWFLCH2) ' RISE — SHAPE"- -(IN)"" CIRC 15.0•cm i8"."o " CIRC 13.0 CIRC 8.0 "CIRC" 8.0 " " CIRC 12.0 CIRC 24.0 CIRC"' 24.0" CIRC 24.0 CIRC 24.0 ."CIRC" 2 7.0"" " ; CIRC 26.0 CIRC 18.0 . CIRC 8.0 CIRC 10.0 CIRC 10.0 CIRC 10.0 CIRC 10.0: CIRC 10.0 C I R C'TO ". "0 CIRC 42.0 CIRC 3.0 CIRC 12.0 CIRC 15.0 CIRC 8.0 CIRC 18.0 CIRC 3.0 CIRC 21.0 " """CIRC"" "3.0 " CIRC 24.0 CIRC 24.0 CIRC 8.0 CIRC 18.0 CIRC 13.0 ~"'CIRC"18.0 """ CIRC 13.0 CIRC 21.0 . CIRC 27.0 CIRC 30.0 """CIRC "39.0 CIRC 45.0 CIRC 8.0 CIRC" 8"."0 " CIRC 8.0 CIRC 8.0 CIRC"""8.0"""~" CIRC 3.0 CIRC 10.0 CIRC 8."0" " ****** SPAN (IN) " 0"" ' "0" 0 0 ""•• "O" 0 0 """0" 0 0 " " 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ~ "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 " - 0 " 0 0"""" 0 " 0 0... _..0- 0 0o 0 0- - o"" 0 0o" 0 0 " " "0 0 0 0 0 " "0 BOT " (IN) 0 " " "0 0 0 0 0 0 ""0- o 0 """ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — o 0 0 0 0 0 " "0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' 0 0 0o 0 0 "'""0 0 0-• • o 0 0 - "0 TOTAL NEW FLOW (CFS) ***************4,26 5.22 6.24 .91 .91 2.74 3.98 8.93 11.97 12.41 _ ""17.61" 17.61 18.23 85 13.91 .68 .63 .68 170 : : 19.59 130 19.59 185 19.59 40 76.81 . 51 1.02 1.02 .47 1.95 .76 3.47 .37" 5,21 5.21 ,72 7.37 7.37"" " "'"""" e."09" 8.09 10.02 " 10.02" 11.35 .00 15.05 " 20 163.97 .19 . 19 .33 .93 1.39 " .00 1.39 .96 TUE, JJN 12,1934, 11:24 AM i ******************************** j 5CLO MEW ° ^ CAPAC CAPAC VELOCITY I ' (CFS) (CFS) ( F P S ) i" ******************************** '° ^5.46 4.93 . ',!• 8.25 10.13 2.41 "" "2.14 " " 3.86 . 12.67 ' 16.59 16.71 15.23 : "24.05"" 17.61 : 25.30 3.36 19.93 1.93 1. 20 1.38 : . 19.63 •"-.. 2.13 "• 19.65 1.21 19.77 32.70 80.29 1.92 7.90 .2.51 . 1. SS 3. 32 2.10 5.01 " 2.09"" """ 7.17 7.17 2.00 7. 37 7.37 " 9. '41 35.71 11.29 12.72 13. 17 3. 09 5 4.5 9 104.45 169.95 1.61 1.16 1.51 1.-39 1.35 : 2. 45 ' 2.79 4.94 •••-• 6.04 '^^ 5.45 ',1 5.91 17 5.35 l3^ 4.33 ll 5.39 2, 5.79 ••••'- ^5.42 -2: 6.61 • 25 FORCE MAIN , ' '• ' f <-, 15.60 ^ 19.02 -•-• 3.30 i:^ "2.27 ?'? ...... --2.28- ' :,:: 5.63 . 3-1^ 7.77 3 5.09 4.34 ^^ 4.67 ^ 6.94 1.94 J- »^ 4.48 ti .1.95 5.56 "^ 2.25 5.72 ;-; 2.49 " ^ 2.49 Q 5.28 ^A = ORCE MAIN JL"-^ FORCE MAIN D 5.99 r-' 5.31 ^i 5.36 ••••• 3.75 r '::-«, FORCE MAIN \--"| 12! 16 h;:,-> 3.10 I,"',: 2.94 <•..•! 2.93 I:;;;. -^4.61 •,':. F 0 R C t" MAI N ::^ .00 '• -:^4.64 '"; 7.23 ana a a. a a a CARLS3AO SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) RUN 'SHOWING FLOW RED N5STE, BRUOIN AND ST PHYSICAL DATA AND AN TUE, JUN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM UPSTRM NODE " ***^:«* P-590C 'LCH 6 LCH5 LCH2 LCH1 DNSTRM NODE LCH6 LCH5 LCH2 LCH1 LCHO SS * 5 5 5 5 CT10NS ON N. AGU4 HEOIQNDA SEWE R-PWWF C RUN PWWFLCH2) ' NE INCORPORATED . . • • LYSIS RESULTS ... if Z if if X* If if if *$$$$%$&%%%#&*%%*& *********************************************************** ************************* TOTAL OLD NSW INV. ELEVSCFEET) LENGTH RISE SPAN EOT NEW FLOW C'APAC CAPAC VELOCITY UPSTREAM DNSTREAM (FEET) -SLOPE MANN SHAPE. CIN) CIN) CIN) (CFS) CCFS) CCFS) CFPS) ************************************************************************** **********!^*******)X^!l:)>jS************** 93.00 303.00 3600 -.0533 .0130 CIRC 8.0 0 0 .96 .96 FORCE MAIN 303.00 233.00 1200 .0167 .0130 CIRC 8.0 0 0 1.21 '1.55 " 283.00 173.00 2000 .0550 .0130 CIRC 8.0 0 0 1.21 2.33 173.00 163.00 700 .0143 .0130 CIRC 12.0 0 0 2.60 4.26 163.00 153.00 10 1.0000 ".0130 'CIRC 8.0 0 0 2.60 12.06 4.95 7.82 5.70 27.64 .a.CD a a a TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM RUN SH3WIN NESTE, ERU FLOW INPUT U ? S T R M NODE ******** * * • V-l PSM-1 "N-206 SM-579 SM-572 ' P-271 — P-272 P-270 P-269 • — P-263 P-267 " P-266 P-265 P-264 P-263 P-262 P-261 " P-260 "•• P-275 P-259 '" SM-581"- SM-582 SM-533 SM-534 P-257 SM-S35 SM-536 SM-580 SM-537 SM-5 3 3 SM-589 SM-590 """SM-591'" " S^-592 SM-593 P-255 SM-594 3M-595 ' SM-596 P-253 SM-597 SM-593 SM-613 SM-611 SM-610 SM-612 P-250 P-252 SM-609 SM-603 S FLOW REDUCTIONS 0;i N. ASUA H 3IK ANC STONE INCORPORATED INFORMATION D N S T R M NCOE PSM-1 SM-536 "SM-579 SM-578 SM-5S1 P-270 P-270 P-267 F-267 P-265 P-265 P-263 P-263 P-261 P-261 P-260 P-27S P-239 S M - 5 3 1 SM-5 3 2 SM-5S3 SM-534 SM-535 SM-535 SM-536 SM-580 SM-537 SM-5 88 SM-589 SM-590 SM-591 SM-S52 SM-593 SM-5 94 S M - 5 5 4 SM-5S5 SM-5 95 SM-597 S.M-597 SM-5 98 SM-613 3M-611 SM-610 SM-6 12 SM-609 SM-609 SM-639 SM-603 SM-607 CONSTANT C3PO) 0 6230000o" 18500000 0 " ' 0 0 0o • 0 0 • o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• o 0 0 0 0 0-• o' 0 0 0 0 0 o • 0 0 0 0 0• " ' o ' 0 0 0 0 0" o - 0 0 0 0 POPULATION 0 3852o"" - 0 0"".1-934—"" 3351 0 l'S69" S22 0 1870 " 0 3145 0 1011 0 2023 0 0- — o ""- 0 0 o 4749 0 0 0o 0 . 0 0 0 0 1452 6848 0 1744 2995" '- o 0 0" o" " 0 1648 6908 -~" 1643 0 EDIONDA SEWER- PER CAPITA FLOW CGPD) 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 "ZSOVO" ...7 . " 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 "" 250.0 250.0 250VO 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 •,: ..250.0 ;.;: -:.':- 250.0 250.0 "250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ""-"" 250.0 250.0 250.0 "" 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ""'250.0 250.0 . : 250.0 PWWFCRUN PWWFLCH2) ..;, *3#!j!<c**** *****#** *ftn?lf*f?t3:$**%l?-/f%% «$*# $$$34:******* ********** ** * *** ************** INFILTRATION UPST PIPES (G/D/MI) (MI) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 - ••"'- o " ""-" •o .•-.. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 """ 0 0 0 0 0 - " 0 '"" - """ 0 . 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0o .: 0 0 Jt*****^****«********* **************************#*************** .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 . .00.00 .00 .00 .00 I .00 ''.':'' .00 .00 .00 ";!"> a I h ;7 f 11 '.00 :•: • oo • o.;... • -.- N^ .00 :.'.'.- : -:•.-. V ' :-c .00 .00 .00 '•~".oo "-- "" : ." -"' "" -"".00 . • .00 .00 ' ' .00 .00 .00 .00 •••'.oo .00 .00 .00- .00 "- - .00 .00 .00 .00.00 - "" .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 • -,;:: . J,-[ Oli ;: "i ;/n CD . CD a ,CD CD CD a a CARLSBAO ScWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION RUN SHOEING CLOW REDUCTIONS ON N . A GUA H=DIQNDA"SEW ER-P WWF C RUN " PWW F LC NESTEf SRUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED ' ;• .. :. •••• . • '. FLOW INPUT INFORMATION . ' '. '. -'-1' .' UPSTRM -i NODE : ! SM-607 SM-603 SM-602 :i! N-201 ;.-! 201 .". 202 ' 203 204 • , N - 2 5 8 ••] 205 N-205 ••; P-254 206 .;' " ~"~ 207 P-251 •••! 203 .'I " 209"" ...! 501 •' 502 '. "" 301'".; 302 .-i 303 "..": 304 .,! 305 306 ,.; 307 303 309 310 311 312 314C -! 314 " 315 316 317 ...: 315 :'! 319 .. ! 320 7. 321 322 323 ' 503 .'. 504 ..=1 505:: "•• "sis .1 516 517 DNSTRM NODE SM-603 SM-S02 ~ ' 610 201 202 203 204 205 """• 205 N-205 P-256 P-254 206 207 "" P-251" 203 209 610 502 503 ' 302 3C3 304 305 306 307 303 309 310 311 312 313 314 314 315 316 317 313 319 320 221 322 323 503 504 505 506 516 5 17 513 CONSTANT C3PO) 0 0 0 0o • 0 0 "" "- " 0 • 0 .0 0 0 0 "0" 0 0 0' ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" "o" 0 0 0 ' 0 0' ~ " o" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • "0" 0 0 ' 0 0o- #$##$****#*****< POPULATION 0 0 7770 0 0 0 0 3424 0 0 0 " ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2247 0 0 0 0 .-: 0 0 2247 0••••" o " ' 0 0 1430 0o " ' 0 1311 2860 0 0 :.' •.':.:' o ; •" 0 0 1810 ' 0 0 PER CAPITA FLOW CGPD) 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ' :..:• 250.0 : V'" 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ' " " 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ""25 07 0 " 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 25070 250.0 250.0 INFILTRATION CG/D/MI) 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 " 0 ' . 0 .'••':o • •".. 0 0 0 0 .0 0 :: 0 0 0-"o" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 ' " 0 0 0 0 0 0o "•• 0 .o . 0 0 0 0 0 SEP.) TUE, JUN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM '. .. • 2 • ....." " . - - • . 3 UPST PIPES C M I ) • ' ************************* ft******'* *-*W*>**'*>***W#*W***' **"*"*'***"* T5 .00 u'.00 . !' .00 ' .00 ;;:.00 !c .00 " - •• '-00 . • ., \l • 00 : ' ' ^Q .00 k. . 0 0 :;:.00 ;i .00 . . . - . ---.00 ....... •"•.••'" • =-= . .00 .. • ' '•' • =1 .00 .00 f .00 '-,-, .00 . . • • • • i-'-i... .00 • . . ',. • . i3- :: .00 •.-'•.'• ~\',. .00 i--i .00 :;i . 0 0 jo .00 . . . .00 - .. ;.:••:•••. :"'"• • .00 ' • • :••' ; • : :; .00 . 0 0 . 0 0 !.'! •; .00 • .00 '\ '.00 • ' L:- .00 .00 ;':'.00 c;.00 " • •"• .• .00.00 iV; .00 •:•'. .00.00 :;; : . 0 0 • •••'> .00 '".'.. .00 .00 ' :': .00 i'; .00 :;•'.00 . . • ••••• ''.) o .cz . CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.)TUEi J'JN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS ON NESTE, 3RUOIN AND- STONE INCORP FLOW INPUT INFORMATION * * * * * ^t ********** ^ * * * * s * * ****** UPSTRM DNSTRM CONSTANT NODE NODE ( G ? 0 ) 518 519 651 652 553 654 " 655 656 657 653 520 521 522 523 524 5Z5 506 507 530 531 533 534 508 509 510 511 745 747 743 749 750 751 760 761 762 763 X-5S5 X-5S6 740 741 742 743 744 146 745 X-537 540 541 542 519 520 " 652 653 654 655 655 657 658 520 521 522 523 524 525 506 507 505 531 532 "• 533 ' 534 SOS 509 510 511 512 747 748 749 750 751 " 760 761 762 753 X-585 X-536 X-567 741 742 743 744 745 743 X-597 603 541 542 543 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 """" 0 0 0 0 0. - 0 — 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0c 0 0 0 0 N. AGUA HEDIONDA ORATED : ***************"** PER POPULATION FLO ******* * * * * £$ * * * * 0 250 0 . 250 1810 0 0 :— "o 00 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 '753 755 0 0 0 - o 0 0 "" ""0 733 0o 0 0 1007 0 0 0 0 850 0o 0 0 1007 0 0 2290 0 0 250 250 250 """" "250 250 250 250 250 250 "'""" 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 - 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 —" 250 250 250 250 250 250 ~~250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 SEWER-PWWFCRUN PWWFLCH2) l<" *************>CAPITA INFI W (GPD) (G/ *************.0 . .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0.0 - • • • • . 0 . 0 • .0 .0 .0.0 -•--•-- .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 . u .0 .0. o "•;"•"" •"• .0 . 0 .0 .0 .0.0"" '""• :"" .0 .,.•'. ..'"•• . 0 .0 .0 .0 >0--:- .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0"' ' " " " " .0 .0 fc**** ********************************** ********************************* s.TRATION UPST PIPES • " D/MI) (MI) ;> V* * *!* "1" •? V *l* 'I**!* -I" * 0 0 0 0 0 "0"' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o "•-"" 0o :.Q._ ._ . .... 0 0 0 0 0 ""• " " 0 0o 0 0"0 """ " "" 0 0 0 0 0 . 0o - 0 0 ;:** ******* **************************************************** .00 . ;; .00 . . ••••'-,? .00 .00 - .00 .00 • •' " ' ' ' '-' .00.00 • ;: .00 :•• . .00 .00 " .00 :••••.00 ,'. • . ;-: ..'.-. 2;.00 ' : • ' ::; . 0 0 .00 ;; . 0 0 • oo . • .:,. ..-•. ,. . . • =•• .00 • • • ••" : .' • ! • • ::;' . ' • • • ...•••- .;! .00 jv . 0 0 •"'". o o ;; .00 :-'.00 ..'•-. ..00 :-'•' -: l;' .00 .00.00 ;"••".oo " " " ~ '~ " ~"" ;.: .00 i -1 .00 • :;; .00 • -. .• .00. o o ~;,: .00 ' " ~ "" " " " -'- .00.00 .;'-' .00 '- . 0 0 .00 " .""" " " "" i : .00 ;:- .00"".oo "•"" " " ""' " """ ' " •' .00 .00 -' :'"".oo ' " """ """ " "H.00 ; "•'.00 ........-'• ;-i a . a n a CARLSBAD SEWER FASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) TUE, JUN 12 ,__19 8 _4, _U : 2_4 _A_M ' RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS 'ON N. AGUA ' HEDIONDA "SEWER-PWWFC'RUN PWWFLCH2) "r """" NESTE, 6RUOIN AND STONE INCORPORATED ••.- . - . . •" .-.- ':. ' . •'•.-.. =LOW INPUT INFORMATION ' ''" ' . •• •*********************************** ******~**i^ UPSTRM DNSTRM CONSTANT PER CAPITA INFILTRATION UPST PIPES NODE NODE CGPD) POPULATION FLOW CGPD) CG/D/MI) (MI) ' 3 •"- ****************************************************:;:************* ******** ***V******** ******************** *"***************** **$*•**** s543 544 0 0 250.0 0 .00 lc 544 545 0 0 250.0 0 .00 ','-, 545 546 547 339 590 592 593 P-590 " 594 595 596 597 593 600 601 602 603 604 N-811 N-310 645 646 647 643 621 622 623 "624 143 142 " •" "724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 ' 736 737 738 546 547 597 539 1965 590 591 '592 593 594 ' 594 595 596 597 " 593 599 600 601 632 ' 603"- 6 C4 605 N-810 645 646 647 643 621 622 623 624 " 143 " ' 142 115 725 726 727 723 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 735 737 733 7S9 0 0 0 0000 "" 0 0• •••()"-- 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""• 0 0 0 ' 0 0 " 0 "' 0 0o • 0 0o • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2291 0 0....... .Q 0 0•~ • o" " 0 0 1241 •""• 0 0...... . _...Q 0 2533o 0 0 0 0-" o •" 0 0'• "•' ~Q — 0 0 4313 " 0 0 0 0 0 1264 0 0 0 0o •""• 0 0 "' 1264 " 0 0o 0 0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ~ 250.0~ 250.0 250.0 250.0 " ~ 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 "250.0 ------- 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 '•"250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0250.0 :'""• •"• 250.0 250.0 ., . 250.0 250.0 250.0250.0 """."" 250.0 7-.'7:7v':,:' 250.0 '"• -:7- ' 250.0 250.0 250.0 " 250.0 '• 250.0 -. • ' - . 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ~ 250.0 250.0 •" 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0- o 0 0 •Q- - 0 0 "0 0 0 "0 ' 0 0 0 . 0- o "• " 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0o 0 0 "O"" 0 0• o 0 0 "0 0 0 "0 0 0 .00 .00 .00.00 • .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 •••" .00"" " .00 .00• .00" .00 .00~ .00 7. - • -: . 00 • . ' : 7 . 0 0 '".00 .00 .00-•-•" ;oo -" • .00 .00- ~- .00 ' " - .00 • .00.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00— - .00 .00, .00- .00 •' - • • - - .00 .00— - .00 "" .00 .00- - .00 .00 . . 00 ''-• \, 23 '''-'-.'.•_'•: - . • - ' • -' 7, .'';..'- : I 3" " "" '"."."" — -.— - - —..- • ... 7 • • . :13 ^7: - ~- - - --l^ ":i a CD a ,n a i . ..4'- CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM CULT-2 ONLY '-'SUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS ON N. " AGUA"'HEOION"DA'~S'E"HE"R-P WW N 5 S T E , 3RUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED FLOW INPUT INFORMATION . " 'v ' ' i :j( £ :'f *'t if. t'f & iji ^! NODE 770 771 772 " 773 774 775 775 777 - "- ""77S"~ 779 730 " 731" 782 733 734 630 681 """ 632 683 785 - 736""" 787 738 739 752 753•- — -754--~ N-800 113 605 X-533 X-589 X-590""" X-591 24 " "23 22 21 20 "• 19 13 "" 1 7 15 15 " "" "14 13 12 3 2 QNSTRM CONSTANT NCDE C3PD) 771 0 772 0 773 0" 774 0 775 0 "776 0 777 0 778 0 779 780 731 732 733 734 755 631 632 683 735 786 ""787 733 ""'N'-SOO 753 754 "N-509 113 605 606 X-539 X-590 X-591 109 23 22 21 20 " •- 19 13 17 16 15 14 " 13 12 11 3 1 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0 0 d 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 o" 0 0 0 0 0o" 0 0 " 0" 0 0 " " 0 0 0 "'0 0 0 POPULATION 1752 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" o 0 0"" ""• o """o •.;•:• 0 0 1000 0"o -'"" 0o ; 0 0 0 0 529 :o • • 0" 1933 0- •• o ~' " 0 3555 0 0 2293 0o • 0 783 0 529"o " 14 0 0 52"" "o "- 0 0 LCH PORTION FCRUN PWWFLC PER CAPITA INFILTRATION FLOW (GPD) CG/D/MI) 250.0 0 250.0 0 • • . 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 " " " 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0250.0 : • ::• 250.0 ":: : •"••'•••:,: 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ' 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 . : 250.0 -:.X 250.0 :. : .: 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ...... 250.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " "~ 0" " 0 0 0 0 0 0 : ,0•:; o ."• :' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0o "" " 0 0o 0 0 0 0 ; . 0 0 0 0— o" " 0 0 0 0 0o ~" 0 0 SEP.) TUE, JLJN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM ;"":.•' -:' ' • ° v': ': ' '••'-"• • ••' • •'••"": ^ UPST PIPES '• ^ CMI) ' ,, f. £ # £ & if $ if ^ & Of # £ ^s : £ jj: j): j^ -£ # :[: s|c jji ^: ^ if $ £ $ % $ $ : ^: ^E if $ & ft :Jf -^S jjc ^ ^c ^ ^ ^ if :J( % j|c if $c £ $ ; ^ % £ >J: i^ jjs sj: ^ 4= ^ i . : -00 1^ ' .00 . • !;| .00 •; .00 ;; ^ .00 • ,;. .00 . h' .00 .--.••- 1S^: . oo •••'• ..••'. ^ .00 i: . 0 0 ;:: --> .00 ~4 .00 . .•''•'••• : ••"•" . ' ;c;^.00 .' • |"=.00 ••--• . 0 0 ' : •->. o o v ; ^oo • . . . ., -^.00 . • •'.•'• - • .;3 .00 37, .00 ;- ^ . 0 0 .:" !oo • ' ..• • --' • J-!->..oo ":"i.00 • ' ---! . o o •'•• ->,.00 ';' .00 ,--•! .00 ' |-.-> .00 . I', .00 .00 "-"'.-^. o o ;;; : .00 . • • !"-•;.-> .00 ' .. ;:":.00.00 :- ->.00 ;:.: ""' .00 """ " """ " """ "A--"' .00 -;:-~x' .00 • ";. .00 •' .00 7G: -^ .00 -'; .00 . '•'• -^.00 •'.. -: :'-.:.- 4: EH EH EH a, .a a^a ..EH a ED. EH a a en EH CARLS3AD SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYS RUN SH3WIM3'FLQW 3 E 3UC T I ONS' ON N."A3UA'HE .: N=STE, 3RUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED ••'• FLOW INPUT INFORMATION ********£*#************ ******X********* *** .' UPSTRM DNSTRM CONSTANT •i NODE NODE C3PO) POPULATION r-i 44 43 0 29 43 39 0 0 ! 39 1i^; 116 '•'-• "115 " 114 113;; "'• 112 - .-j 111 110 •:•: '" 109 •-.: 67i : ! 672 ! 673 . •• 67t .,! 675 " 606 . : 34 ••'< 72 71 ,: 70 J 69 „• 67 I.! 66 •• ' 52 X-45 512: 60s 339 : ' . 340 ' 338 337 P-353 P-355 - : P-364 "; " P-363 P-362 P-361 P-360 P-359 P-353 , P-3S2 = -331 P-330 P-379 . '' P-373 P-377 1 112 115 " 114 113 112 Ill 110 109 "" 671 "' 672 .673 "" "" 674 " 675 606 X-45 72 71 70 " 69 67 66 52 45 "" X-45 512 638 ' 609 338 333 ' 333 337 609 P-352 P-354 P-363 P-352 P-361 P-359 ' P-359 P-356 P-356 P-3SO 5-330 P-373 P-378 P-376 P-376 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' ' '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 " '"0 0 0 0 0 0 " "'0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 """• o'"'"" ~ 0 52 0 0 0' o " •-"" 0 . ' 0 n 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 " " 3981 - 0 7962 ""0"" " 0 1027 £82"" 1970 1969 0 0 " ' "6714 1135 1994 " """"1993 0 0 1553 0 1054 3240 3241 0 "3241 "" 0 1298 TEM CULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) TUE, JUN 12, 1984, 11:24 AM DIONDA SEWER-PWWFCRUN PWWFLCH2) #**#****#$#$***$# fc $##$#*$#$$£$:!!$$#&$$£$$# ^ PER CAPITA INFILTRATION UPST PIPES FLOW CG?0) C5/D/MI) (MI) *"******** *********^************^^;!!^^^^^^$*^*#**** *!;:** ************ >"««* *"#*"*"*** <t**"#¥S# #*"****'#* 250.0: 0 .00 • 250.0': -':. '• • ' 0 .00 • 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 . " 250.0 •{ •'•'' • 250.0 . 250.0 " 250.0 250.0 ' ' 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 ' 250.0 250.0 250.0 ' " 250.0 " 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 "" " 250.0 . " " " 250.0 ,. : 250.0 •- : : 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0: 250.0 • ::.-. ••< — ;:250.0 .'•'. ••:••••• 250.0 250.0 250.0 """250.0" 250.0 " ; •'. •-.-' '-"• 250.0 :';.' ' 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 : ..250.0 •:.•' 250.0 '•-" 0 0 0 Q- 0 0 0 0 0 0o '••••• • ' 0 0 0 "0 """ " 0 0 0 0 0 ~ "'0 " ~ 0 0 0 0 O"""" 0 0•"O""""" 0 0 0 0• ' o 0 0 0 ' . 0 0" "o " 0 0 0 0 0 .. .00 .00 .00 .00 . :' .00 • • . .00 : .00 .00 .00.00 .-.-... •'-: .00 • . ^ v .'.'•;•.•.';:. •:• "•••:•'-••': • .:. '. ' .-.;.' • .00 .'--" '," / -" ••'•• - ' .'-'•••'• : .00 .00 .00: .00 ~ •" " • •".00 '.'.....• .00 ; \. • ' : • .00 .00 .00 ...00 .00 " -; .00 • " : .00 .00 .00 . .00 .00 .00 . . " .00 ' " .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00• . .00 ..' . , • • .00 " ,' - : : .' . 00 .00 .00 ' ' 3 4 'j G 7 l 2 ! 3 1 ^ :*: -f 27, 23 ~i"I J-l .1:: ;;, ". " ±:-.\ ':. .00 .00 : :";:! .00 • !^! ••-.«&'•'.• CARLSBAD SEWER M-ASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS ON N. AGUA NESTE, 3SUDIN AND STONE INCORPORATED FLOW INPUT INFORMATION # :]: & % j[j £ •$ ij; i|; £ i|; £ £ :|s ^; £ jj: s|: :Jc :J; :|; jjt :{; # :Jt i|s :{! fc s|s sj; jjs jj; :J< jjf £ fc *!• £ U = S T R M DNSTRM CONSTANT NODE NCDE (3PC) POPULATI P-376 P-375 "•""" P-374 P-372 P-373 P-371 P-370 P-369 " P-356 P-354 P-352 P-351 P-350 343 " 346 345 344 342 336 335 609 X-724 701 702 P-723 703 "" "P-722 704 P-721 705 706 P-720 707 703 709 710 711 712 713 \-821 N-320 610 TCT PC ? - 3 6 7 ' P-363 P-366 P-365 LCH4 LCH3 LCH7 - " P-591 P-375 0 P-374 0 "•"" P-370 0 P-371 0 P-371 0 P-370 0 P-369 0 P-356 0 '" P-354 " 0 P-352 0 P-351 0 P-350 0 343 0 342 0 345 0 344 0 342 0 336 0 335 0 609 0 610 0 ' 701 0 702 0 703 0 703 0 704 0 704 0 . 705 0 705 0 706 0 707 0 707 0 70S 0 709 0 710 0 711 0 712 C 713 0 N - 5 2 C 0 N-320 0 610 0 C - 6 1 0 0 P INCIDENT AT NODE P-366 0 P-366 0 P-365 0 L C H 4 0 LCH7 0 LCH7 0 LCH2 0 P-590C 0 0 2470 2643 2360 2361 " 2360"" 0 0 1T36" 0 6715o 1601 1753 1753' 0 0 0 0 ""0 1316 1316 0 1207 1207 --"1967"" 1967 2243 2243 0 1361 "'3723"" 0 1862 0 4997 0 4995 0 0 ' ' ' 0 0-610 OF 437 ' "" 436 0 1554 1054 0 0 "2434" SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SEP.) TUE, JUN 12, 1934, 11:24 AM HEDIONDA SEWER- if '* * .-|t *"* :"* £ -t&fiflf if* :*"* PER CAPITA ON FLOW CG?D) 250.0 250.0 250.0 "" 250.0 250.0 250.0"""""" " 250.0 250.0 250.0" " 250.0 250.0 "2 5 0.0 " " 250.0 . 250.0 """ " 250.0" " 250.0 250.0 250.0 ~ - 250.0 — ' 250.0 " " "250.0"""" " 250.0 250.0 : 250.0 "" 250.0 250.0 250/0 250.0 250. 0 " 250/0 '" :" 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 Y 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 " " "' SUBSYSTEM SIS 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.'0 250.0 250.0 "" 250.0 """"" PWWFCRUN PWW FLCH2) . -'• :;'" . ' ;'• • . ^^c.^^^^^^^^^^^^X:**!!!***^**********************!;:^*** **************************** INFILTRATION UPST PIPES (G/D/MI) (MI) ***:;:££*£#**$*£$:;:*#$£££*£££*#***£$$ £*£****^ 0 .00 0.00 0 0 " "0 0 0 •""" 0' '" 0 0~- " o 0 0 0 0- — o 0 .'•-: 0 0 0 0 " o '""' 0 0 " " """0 0 0: - o 0 ••-:" o 0 0 0 """ 0""" •. . ' 0 0 "0" 0 0o " " 60012. 0 0 0" "- "o 0 0~ "" o .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 • ••'•'. • ' ' • .00 ..00 " '"" """" " " """• .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ".oo " "" " .00 .00 """ ""-.03 " "'"" " " """ """"" .00 .00.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 • • " .00 .00 • 0 0 . 00 .00 (ANY PDP UPSTREAM OF AMY FORCE MAINS NOT INCLUDED.) .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 . .00 r 4 1 j ;; 3 '":: !.'-; .".; :'.7 "> ^ n n n -*\ -~\ •~^ •— *, ••~*\ •••^. •~^ cu ...a a TUE, JJN 12, 1934, 11:24 AMCARLS3AO SEWER MASTER PLAN - ULTIMATE SYSTEM (ULT-2 ONLY LCH PORTION SE°.) RUN SHOWING FLOW REDUCTIONS ON N." AGUA 'HEOIONDA'~SEWER-PWWF<:RUN PWWFLCHZ) ~ ~ " ~~ ""-" " "~ ~ " NESTS, 3RUCIN AND STONE INCORPORATED F.LOW INPUT INFORMATION __'_'_ _ _ J!*iraVrt~*^**«f*~**^^^ PS ,:********** U P S T R M NODE P-590C LCH6 "" LCH5 '••"' LCH2 LCH1 TOT POP I * * * if * * * D N S T R M NODE LCH6 LCH5 "" LCH2 LCH1 LCHO N C I D E N T * * * * * * * r|: * * CONSTANT (3?0) 0 0o'" 0 0 AT XOOE POPULATION PER CAPITA FLOW (GPD) 0 655 0 0 0 LCHO"OF 250.0 250.0 250.0" 250.0 250.0 SUBSYSTEM " INFILTRATION UPST PIPES CG/D/MI) (MI) ***************>^*****^** *********************>*********************"****'*** 0 .00 0 .00 ___ ..Q ^ 0 a ._. 0 .00 __0 ^.00 __ 655; (ANY^ POP UPSTREAM OF AN Y FORCE" MAIN S'^NOT" INCLUD'EDT) u APPENDIX C FLOW PROJECTIONS I 1 CD CD a CD a CD o CD CD CD £D CD I NJ A!vEA -Y ",H 1 LAND USE RL . ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal AH 1A | AH 2 /~N ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 Ral ACRES SEWAGE x .1000 gal , AH 2 A ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal AH 3 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal AH 4 /-~\ ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 sal RLM j 7.46 5.50 ! RM RMH . '7.64 25.21 RH 27.00 155.25 Rill RRE JKS 18.99 13.99 c 1 >» TS • 9.66. 24.15 RC CBD 52.19 52.19 0 PI |G u E •J H KG ? 5.84 7.88 NRR ' R.VH/0 20.09 66.30 TOTAL ! 148.87 355.47 PEAK ',-.'£ T WEATHER FLOW IN VCD j .89 5.36 7.50 21.03 69.56 10.36 59.57 27.99 69.97 v' , 16.79 22.67 81.58 229.7.7 .57 55.57 41.01 32.03. 105.70 5,14, 29.55 . 3.97 3.97 ' 8.52 10.22 • . n r $ t<••'• *"•'; (fi it ?. 3.31 10.92 108.54 201.36 .50 97.23 71.76 . 7.38 7.38 11.68 5.84 L ? s « f ?vf /?j n vjj Wi I {%" Ail i 116.29 84.98 .21 31.04 22.91 36.44 120.25 100.79 579.54 7.20 7.20 1.06 19.08 5.40 5.40 2.68 3.22 8.63 4.31 f S A $ Vbus * 10.39 34.29 203.63 796.20 2.0 6.39 21.09 11.02 63.36 6.10 • 15.25 31.85 31.85 j . • 20.38 67.25 75.74 198.80 .50 ZDnaannrnni irnmi i i — i r~i i — imrnrni — i A sK A U^'1 5 LAKD USE XL ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal 35.69 21.08 All 6 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal AH 7 s~^. \ All 7 A ACRES S3 WAGE. x '1000 £al ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal AH 8 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 z?.l AH 9 ^T ' ' ' ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal F;LM RM KMH Rn RRI *3P^- V . -,ij C N TS RC CBD 0 PI Q U J7 J H HC p >;RR R>01/0 RC/0 TOTAL PEAK WET WEATHER FLOW IN MGD 41.17 57.64 •23.80 95.04 6.76 16.90 2.50 2.50 • i 13.26 6.63 3.93 4.32 3.05 4.12 1.51 49.83 10.83 173.28 197.50 431.31 1.08 190.27 140.42 17.1 23.94 10.69 35.28 10.83 5.41 36.73 47.75 265.62 252.80 .63 242.72 179.13 23.18 32.45 15.76 52.01 3,75 ' 2.81 " . .73 2.41 3.97 6.35 290.11 275.16 .69 12.12 8.94 2.86 4.00 7.09 5.32 3.38 8.45 4.15 4.15 1.69 2.03 " f ^ ... , ft -p . „ , r i\ t- L i Wl I. !• • 31.29 52.89 .08 106.04 78.26 106.04 78.26 .19 280.55 207.05 13.15 18.41 19.36 111.32 ' • 22.92 25.21 335.93 361.99 .90 a a a anna a a a a 1 0 1 1 1 ARFA LAND USE RL RLM RM ! 1;-fH1 " *" RK ' RRI RRE ' RS C NT TS RC CRD 0 PI G u J H KG P N RR R.MH/0 TOTAL PF.AK '-:ET WEATHER FLOW IN MGD if" xl! 10 . ACRES SEWAGE x. 1000 gal. 58.47 43.15 19.36 27.10 " 9,40 31 .02 6.68 38.41 6.50 4.87 4.04 6.46 ' • 104.45 151.01 .38 AH 11 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 17.63 58.18 JREIJMiWI 17.63 58.18 .14 All 12 /"""> ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 17.81 58.77 7.64 ; 43.93 R¥ CQFV.- 25.45 102.70 .26 AH 1 3 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 136.20 190.07 • 57.45 51.70 29.02 72.55 37.28 37.28 259.95 351.60 .88 AH 13A ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal 72.51 53.51 8.12 ' 26,80 7.27 .5.54 2.72 2.72 ' 1.98 13.46 76.99 123.18 139.72 167.66 ' _ 309.31 393.87 .98 AH 14 ^\- ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal ' 1 i i 88.92 160.06 83.92 160.06 .40 :i a CD CD CD a a I NJ i AkEAj •• - ' j LAND I'SE1i i RL JRLM |RM | RMH JRH- JRRI IRS ic N TS RC C3D 0 PI i" E J ,tn HC p NRR T p Q Px , Kb , L , TS,U TOTAL f ~"\H 15 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal 243.89 179.99 46.24 64.74 •52.71 173.94 8.11 6.08 . 8.41 4.20 359.36 428.95 AH 1 6 ACRES SEWAGE X 1000 gal 383.32 282.89 116.99 163.79 • • • 5.44 2.72 nf 505.75 449.40 Aii 17 r^ ACRES SEWAGE x ]000 gal 210.29 155.27 27.95 39.13 1 ' i •4.41 2.20 ^ri * a SIM 'A ;n£U !V'hlN&] 242.75 196.60 AH 1 rt ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 7.46 1.83 207.60 153.21 16.97 23.76 15.28 15.28 .9.62 11.54 10.28 5.14 1 \j p Q I> \' \l U 0 2 i 267.21 210.76 AH 19 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 60.79 14.95 92.63 68.36 80.66 112.92 2.68 8.84 8.56 13.70 10.39 5.20 2.57 3.08 258.28 227.05 AH 20 """> ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 122.42 30.11 15.24 11.25 3.82 5.35 14.07 46.43 86.94 139.10 • 353.98 637.16 263.07 473.53 859.54 1342.93 PEAK WF.T WEATHER FLOW IN MGD 1.07 1.12 .49 .53 ..57 3.4 1 •;•>I EH CZ— r~~ TL jjj A'-.'KA LAND USE '-'I, P.I.M ,\ . i RH RRI' RRE ns c N TS RC CPD o PI G U E" J H HC. p v.-m I,RC,C TS,U P/C-O TOTAL PEAX WET WEATHER VI.OV.- IN' ] EH CD E x1 — ^ n o 1A H 21 ^CRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 5.14 1.26 136.67 137.76 • 1 3.34 5.34 223.43 402.17 28.10 161.57 446.68 708.10 H- EHh-a--[f 1 1 ') oAll //. ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 104.65 25.74 318.90 235.35 ' 7.42 3.71 430.97 264.80 m n EH* * . <\ -i.ul ^. J / \ ACHES SfiWAG; ' 1000 gal 320.66 236.65 92.67 129.74 I : ' k • 24.83 32.28 * 438.16 398.67 LU EH 1 AH ')Jil\\ 1 -.'I ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 148.94 36.64 333.'15 245.86 21.67 28.17 503.76 310.67 ] a n E: AM OKAl I / j ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal ' 50.69 12.47 85.21 62.88 • 19.91 21,90 JJ vr ^ t v s^l i ^';;l i?: i i ! L 1-, i JVii i^ )- J-:, 155.81 97.25 „, : a a a Aft 9 A/\I I Z \; /^ ~-^. ACRES vGE x 1000 sal 136.79 33.65 • 50.54 80.86 I .5.29 2.64 ' ' i x -/ r< u fc v5 HI yU« i. | 192.62 117.15 LAND b'SE |M. KLM i i /r.j i - \,r\i ?Ji . ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 'gal 35.30 26.05 • RRI J JRS !c v TS IRC JCBD '.ID- iu 1 T1 * i• r* \ ~r. • J H HC ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 39.78 29.36 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 23.10 17.05 18.62 26.07 | 48.67 150.61 172.63 276.21 1 100.90 16.14 60.09 72.11 j i - NRR RMH/0 TOTAL PEAK WIT WEATHER FLOW IN >'GD ' 416.64 666.62 1 196.29 259.60 | 629.05 972.19 .65 2.43 50.06 ' 50.06 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 146.34 108.00 122.42 171.39 26.15 86.29 48.85 48.85 30.63 30.63 3.42 3.42 PRELIMINARY CO? 140.45 253.79 .63 6.83 9.56 384.64 458.14 1.'14 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 62.74 15.43 413.66 305.28 31.62 44.27 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 146.74 108.29 135.02 189.03 | 21.85 72.10 i 15.13 7.56 . M 523.15 372.54 ,93 2.57 2.83' 1 306.18 372.25 .93 a a a a a a a A PH. A LAND USE 7 T j RLM RM i ?jy. RH RRI RRE RS C TS RC C3D 0 PI u E J H. HC P KRR RMK/0 TOTAL PEAK WET WEATHER FLOW IN MCD r~~-v i A ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal 174.95 244.93 •200.84 662.77 24.57 24.57 26.89 67.22 427.25 999.49 2,50 B 2 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 499.98 368.98 17.85 24.99 23.29 37.26 5.40 2,70 2.31 2.54 10.06 13.08 558.89 449.55 1.12 )( 3 „;""> ACRES SEWAGE x ' 1000 gal 316.84 233.83 103.07 144.30 t / 6.83 7.51 5.95 7.73 432.69 393.37 .98 B 4 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 247.49 182.65 40.26 56.36 4.85 2.24 292.60 241.43 .60 B 5 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 pal 124.37 91.78 72.29 101.21 8.23 ' 47.32 22.92 .22.92 1 J 1 L L- \ IVi J a'l: 227.81 263.23 .66 B 6 :-"\ ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 111.29 82.13 86.17 120.64 1 • m fiiifV 197.46 202.77 .51 cm c AH. -.A LAND USE1 RL RL>f ' RM JP..VH RK JRRI "3 C is" TS RC CSD 0 ?I G II E TJ H HC. p NRR RMH/0 TOTAL n cm cm c •V-^ 7 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 113.87 84.04 11.31 15.83 , 2.39 ' 1.19 127.57 ' 101.06 m cm a B « ACRES SEWAGE x •1000 gal 20.46 5.03 223.25 164.76 <• 3.49 1.74' 79.45 143.01 326.65 314.54 cm cm cmji y .'^~^\ ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 101.19 24.89 118.97 87.80 92.41 129.37 4.26 , 14.06 . 19/80 31.68 18.84 24.49 34.20 61.56 389.67 373.85 cm cm ci 3 1 0 'ACRES SEWAGE :< 1000 gal 99.54 73.46 • • ' FEE. Li 99.54- 73.46 n cm cm c B 11 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 68.80 50.77 22.48 31.47 . ^ISilK^ t'.... 91.28 82.24 i] cm cm cm E 1 2 .-"-> ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 91.28 127.79 14.43 47.62 15.35 15.35 t ' * 5.25 2.62 •f -- - ?i l . 126.31 193.38 PL. ••:-' WET WEATHER 7LOW IN MGD * I .25 .79 .93 .18 .20 .48 a a ARK A LAND US?: RL RLM RM JRXH RH RR I ( -, n „ RS C ,-1 T3 RC C3D jo PI . G U T J H HC P MRR R.MH/0 TOTAL PEAK V;ET V: FATHER FLOW IN MGD 13 ACRES SEWAGE x . . 1000 g?.l 159.37 117.61 85.55 119.77 '20.05 66.16 10.28 16.45 30.30 15.15 305.55 335.14 .84 E 1 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 19.25 26.95 33,46 110.42 • 26.00 65.00 . 60.24 96.38 10.10 , 12.12 22.18 ' 4.44 6.24 11.23 177.47 326.54 ,82 K 2 •" '• ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 261.93 366.70 i 10.58 7.93 28.80 72.00' . '7,82 3.91 . 309,13 450.54 1.13 E 3 ACRES -SEWAGE x 1000 gal r-< ;'••> r '• • - ' * 'n ,-'.'"'•' '\ '• 'i '" fc * *• '*"* 30.85 49.36 155.67 280.21 186.52 329.57 ,82 E 4 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 249.62 349.47 „ - ,T |:--.J ^ f :t ~i ^5 s i:'--\ |--i is S ' 38.20 61.12 155.66 280.19 443.48 690.78 1.73 E 5 "~^ ACRES SEVJAGE x 1000 gal 222.55 356.08 53.48 64.18 94.14 178.87 370.17 599.13 1.50 CD JTJ - A Hii A LAND USE RL RLM PM I itlRi'ui RH RRI RRE RS C N • TS RC CBD 0 PI G U T7 J H HC P NRR RI,RS,C TS, U TOTAL E 6 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal ' 49.18 12.10 157.21 116.02 16.90 23.66 13.00 20.80 3.67 1.83 239.96 174.41 K 7 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 47.46 11.67 . 68.14 50.29 5.36 7.50 - t .47.35 75.7(i 168.31 145.22' £-^H ACRES SEWAGE x • 1000 gal 4.44 3.28 7.09 11.34 391.99 627.18 268.32 321.98 \ '. 35.26 63.47 707.10 1027.25 E 9 ACRES SEWAGE x 1000 gal 65.27 91.38 4.92 7.87 191.48 306.36 ' r' .*j „ i It t £ 38.49 69.28 300.16 474.89 a a PEAK WET WEATHER FLOW IN MGD 1 .44 .36 2.57 1.19 /5 J /< . „ • - : P n ny o r TOTAL 16113.12 50496,57 I—1u i—i cJ APPENDIX D COST ESTIMATES FOR PIPES LJ a a a a CD CD CD CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSSAD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PREPARED BY HESTE, 3RUDIN L STCNE, I *PWrf DESCRIPTION =UL1W* QUANTITY NC. • '•'•:..:- : •'•••'.'' ^ '.'•-••.-•.:• ..• '-•'•.- . • 3 = 1 fi TOTAL e UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • . » NEW SEnERS-71 DEEP 3" 10" 12" 13" 13" 21" 24" 30" VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 24, 17, 19, 9, 4, 12, S, 4, 150 900 800 500 600 410 200 400 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 24 •"• •"• ••"' 30 . 32 48 .59 71 116 ~~ 171 .72 .50 .37 .00 .09 ' .96 .00 .42" SU3TOTAL 597 545 640 456 271 893 951 " 754 $5,110 , , , , , , , , , • .• !.' 13 064 1 6 941' ' ' ' ". ™'" '"17 1 U 916 '•:'." '.0 010 ;; 2J 331 . • . . . v»j 032 : ':'..'.: 221 -•; 3.'; 227 i*292 ;; REPLACE OLD SEWERS ' " " ~'~ \" 3" 10" 12" 15" 18" 21" 24" 27" 30" 33" 36" 39" 42" VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 7, 12, 11, 2, 12, 3, 5, 6 , 1 , 10, 2, 6, 993 450 264 239 517 456 586 807 368 590 632 193 523 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN 'LIN LIN LIN """ LIN LIN LIN FT FI FT FT H FT FT HT FT FT I-T FT FT 37 49 67 79 93 130 :; , 186 225 ~- — ' 263 311 364 .59 .65 .71 .07 .64 .99 .09 .30 " .16 .01 .07 " . 19 .22 37 325 609 753 200 1,170 466 " 898 1,185 , , , , , , , , , 357, "2,796 634 2,375 , , , 330 ;- 202 " " "" " """" " " ~~ -"" """ ; " " >< 637 4';i 312 47 463 " """" """ ~~ "'"' " " " "' -...; 798 , :; 3:1 491 v- 480 ' • ,';."; 766 \"' 955 J-.T. 004 '•'.' 335 |- CARLEST c i: PROJECT CARLSSAO : CAPITAL I > PREPARED BY NESTE, 3RUC DESCRIPTION SEWER REPLACEMENTSCCON1 45" RCP 43" RCP 60" RC? 72" RCP 75" RCP SUBTOTAL TOTAL-? WWFUL1W -GRAVITY * ? W W F U L 1 W - F 0 R C E MAINS* NEW PIPES 15" ACP 20" DIP REPLACEMENT PIPES 10" ACP 15" ACP 20" DIP 24" SIP 30" C C 36" CC 60" CC SUBTOTAL G R A fj 0 TOTAL - P W W F U L 1 W ] CD p ,p.: p:.p '': i •' •• ':V;' .."-••/ ':/•'••••> '-•': ''•• •'. •'• ;•'.-.'. ' • TIMATE SUMMARY EWER MASTER PLAN ' • PROVEMENT PROGRAM IN t STONE, INC. " "~ QUANTITY "UNIT " '"" " UN IT ' PR 1C E'"" :========================================== 5,4.33 LIN FT 396.37 2, 6,632 LIN FT 425.67 2, 7,584 LIN FT 486.63 3, 0 LIN FT 615.89 6,784 LIN FT 637.66 4, $24, SEWERS - . . S29| 10,000 LIN FT 61.67 ' ' 9,100 LIN FT 82.52 ~ 150 LIN FT" 45.04 4,213 LIN FT 77.08 3,717 LIN FT 110.02 1,225 LIN FT 117.30 14,315 LIN" FT ~154'.6CT" 2, 6,222 LIN FT 221.10 1, 3,515 LIN FT 438.02 1, $7, $37, T AM = = = 159 823 691 325 350 971 616 750 ' 6 324 403 143 213 375 539 330 351 . ' 'A(. •-.'.,.' ' :- ' "':£«---• ' ^'03i->. • . . ] \ OTAL OUNIT ' ...._..... .. . .... S = = S = • ,170 ,050 ,013 • ' " 0 : ,871 •- ,814 ,106 ' • " ':. ,669 ~ I ^ i ,920 i;; ••• ,756 ' ' " " '•. ,754 ]• ,962 \^\ ,696 >•• I'"- • 691 \,, ,626 ;•' ,233 ,338 :;: a a a CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PRCJ PRE ECT CARLSBAD SEWER MAST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ER PLAN $.-•'. • . - PROGRAM • , .&• • > \ ^ :. PARED 5Y NESTE, 3SUOIN £. STONE,; INC DESCRIPTION * P W W F U L 2 W * NEW S 10 12 15 13 21 • '/;' TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SEWERS-71 DEEP M ii ii ii n M 24" 30 33 36 M n n VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP vc? VCPvc° VCP VCP 46 20 21 11 4 12 3 4 5 3 ,150 ,100 ,600 ,900 ,600 ,410 ,200 ,400 ,700 ,600 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT FT FT FT ; FT FT FT FT FT '"""" 24. 3 0 . 32. 48. 59. 71. 116. 171. 205. 238. 72 50 37 00 09 96 00 42 70 27 SU3TCTAL 1,140, 613, 699, 571, 271, 893, 951, 754, 1,172, 857, $7,925, 974 039 181 213 831 "' ' ' ' " ~" " ~ - 082 : 221 227 481 762 Oil REPLACE CLD SEWERS """ 3 10 12 15 13 21 24 27 30 33 36 3 9 42 n ii M it it n it it it n n VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 3 11 9 3 13 1 7 8 1 8 2 1 943 ,230 ,959 ,657 ,095 ,488 ,371 ,961 "" ,914 ,034 ,269 ,193 ,894 LIN " LIN LIN LIN " LIN' LIN LIN LIN' LIN LIN ' LIN LIN LIN FT Fr ....... __.. FT FT FT" ' " FT FT "FT ~"~ — FT FT FT~ " ; ;: FT ': FT 37. ""43. 49. 67. 79. 93. 130. "'154'. 136. 225. 263. 311. 364. 59 65 71 07 64 99 09 80 16 01 U 1 19 22 35, 359, 594, 647, 246, 1,267, 243, ...... lt 232i 1,659, 243, 2,175, 634, 689, 450 250 "" " " ' " " '" " '"" " 476 705 801 392 380 ~"~ " " " " " ~~ " """ " ~" 449 911 321 ' " ""- " • "'•• 004 841 a -a a a a a. C A 3 L E S T ESTIMATE SUMMARY CARLS3AD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT PREPARED BY NESTE, 3RUDIN 5, STONE, INC. TDTAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT"PRICE AMOUNT" SEWER REPLACEMENTSCCONT) 45" RC? 54" RCP 60" R C P 65" RCP 73" RCP SUBTOTAL 3,215 0 7,534 0 6,734 LIN FT LIN FT LIN FT' LIN FT LIN FT 396.37 444.03 486.68 551.29 733.31 1,275, 932 0 3,691 ,013 0 4,974,752 $20,021,174 TOTAL-PWUFUL2W-GRAVITY SEWERS *PWWFUL2W-FQRCE MAINS* NEW PIPES 16" ACP 10,000 20" DIP 6,000 36"DIP 3,IOC REPLACEMENT PIPES 10"ACP 150 16"ACP 4,213 20"DIP 7,147 24" DIP 1,225 30"CC 14,315 36" CC 2,792 51" CC 3,515 $27,946,185 SU3TOTAL GRAND TOTAL - PWWFUL2W L-N FT 61.67 -- 616,669' LIN FT 82.52 495,112 LIN FT '" 32.52 255,808 LIN FT ~"45 ; 04 ' 6 ,756 LIN FT 77.03 324,754 LIN FT 110.02 7S-6i 343 LIN FT 117.30 143,696 LTN~FT~~~ 154.60 2,213,159 LIN FT_ __ 221.10 617,314 LIN FT 431.45 1,516,554 " " $6,976,170 $34,922,355 '. •"*, ..en a a a a a a a a a CARLEST E S MATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PREPARED 3Y NESTE, 5RUOIN t. -STONE, INC. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY"" 'UNIT *PWWFLCH1* NE»J SEWERS-7' DEEP 3 " V C P 10" VCP 12" 15" 18" 21" 24" VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 27" VCP SUBTOTAL REPLA 3" 10" 12" 15" 13" 21" 24" 27" 30" 23" 36" 39" 42" CE CLD SEWERS VC" VC? VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP vc? VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 64, 26 , lit 17, 8, B, 3, 7, 7, 12, 5 , 4, 17, 3, 3, 2, 3, 20, 1, 2, 250 900 200 600 200 900 700 200 943 662 309 S4S 702 126 936 665 090 367 917 130 656 LIN "LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN " LIN LIN LIN ' LIN LIN LIN FT FT :~ FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT "" FT FT FT" FT FT FT" FT FT TOTAL UNIT 24 30 32 48 59 71 116 143 37 V 43 49 67 79 93 130 154 136 225 263 311 364 PRICE AM .72 1,583 .50 820 .37 .00 .09 .96 .00 .71 .59 .65 .71 .07 . 64 .99 .09 .80 ' .16 .01 .07 ' .19 .22 362 844 434 640 1,009 1,034 $6,785 35 OUNT ,463 ,436 ,538 ,819 ,568 t 486 t222 ,704 : ,236 I ,450 334,456 611 392 374 1,609 512 1,341 339 870 5,502 351 967 , 874 ,097 ,754 . ' i ,022 ,360 ,079 ! ,114 ,624' ' •"" ' '" j ,649 I , 380 | ana ~i a a a a CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN '' ." ; ' ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PREPARED 5Y NESTS, 33UDIN £, STONE, INC. '' ' U SSUKi K ] UN UUAN I i 1 Y SEn E 45" 54" 60" 66" 75" SU3T T R REPLACE ME NTSCCONT) RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP OTAL 3,215 0 6,734 1,316 0 UN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN IT" FT FT FT FT FT " UNIT 396 425 486 551 637 OTAL-PWWFLCH1-GRAVITY SEWERS "PR .37 .67 .63 . 29 .66 ]'• 3 TOTAL I ICE "' AMOUNT ' ' " "" """" " ~'~ — *"" """ " ' ~~ "»" 1, 275 3,301 725 $13,595 $25,330 i i • 932 . :i 0 ,666 - ,"•'• :• f ,497 j;; 0 ,438 ,674 •--.'. *?WWFLCH1-FORC£ MAINS* N R SW 8 10 14 16 15 24 SPL 1 Z 16 20 30 40 5 6 3U5T •j RAN PIPES 11 ACP 11 ACP 11 AC? " DIP " AC? 11 ACD A C E M E N T PIPES " AC? " DIP " 01? " CC 11 CC 11 CC OTAL D T C T i L - = H W F L C H 1 3,600 3, SCO 9,100 10,000 1,000 4,000 0 2,415 4, 500 3,430 2,792 3,515 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 30 36 53 61 73 93 55 92 110 " 154 253 399 .22 .03 .20 .67 .35 .34 .92 .50 .02 .60 .37 .65 103 126 434 616 73 375 223 495 ••"•• 530 722 1,404 $5, 160 $30, 541 '^32 ;;;.; ,108 ' - : • ,141 , 669,350 • ;;• ,370 i. ';•> 0 . . . .. . .-. ;- ,389 '. i ,112 ='j 9 *- ' 2 '-. .-'. ,769 I ", ,761 ,743 ' ' ' - ; ,417 ,;;' ] a... a a CARLEST = S . a T I M A T ,;P •V E 3 n. a . U M M A R Y a a PROJECT CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT- PROGRAM PRE PARED 5 Y N E S T E , 3 R U D I N t STONE DESCRIPTION , INC. QUANTITY PWWFLCH2 NEW 3 10 12 15 13 21 24 30 33 36 ••-.3_." ' : .' • '' • '.-'' "' ' .'• - ' " ' .' . '• :•&*' - •'•' • .:.£.;--.i 2 ' . _. _ _ 1' TOTAL ' I UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ' <• SEWERS-71 DEEP || II M II II M II II 11 11 VCP VCP VCP VCP VC? VCP VCP VCP .VCP VCP 64, 20, 6, 13, 7, 3, 9, 3, 1, 250 600 500 400 300 900 700 000 100 500 LIN ' L'IKI LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT ~""" FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 24 "•"" 30 32 43 59 71 116 171 205 238 .72 . 50 .37 .00 .09 .96 .00 .42 .70 .27 3U3TOTAL 1,533 ~ 628 210 * t 1 11 T3463 ;:"•289 " "~ ""•"• • " " ;~ '" r? 402 ',1 ' " ; " ~ i: 643,214 431 640 1,125 1,542 225 119 $7,155 9 •'•'i 3 0 4 ?'- ,436 ':'.\ 9 t 9 9 9 225 738263 ; ' 134 : ""• 602 " REDLACE OLD SEWERS ' ... ... _ 3 1-0 12 15 lo 21 24 27 30 33 35 3 3 42 II II II M » " II It II .. ii U ii VCP VCP VCP vc? VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP vc? 7, 12, 5, 4, 18, 3, 5, 11 , 12, 1, 2, 943 662 309 644 702 806 536 164 213 350 566 " 763 656 LIN ' LIN LIN LIN 'LIN LIN LIN " LIN LIN LIN "" LIN LIN LIN FT FT" " FT FT FT"" FT FT 'FT'"" FT FT FT FT FT 37 43 49 67 79 93 130 :~i 5 4 156 225 "263 311 364 .59 .65 .71 .07 .64 .99 .09 .80 .16 .01 .07 .19 .22 359450 ;;; 334,456 ' " ....... -. ... ^ 611 378 374 1,767 466 799 2,038 73 '" 3,305 548 967 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 374 I"; 549 ;; 435 ' " " ' '[;;. 665 '!l': 491 • ;; i," 398 - r; ' 366 I". 754 ;" d '.731 !'•;• 634 '•'..' 330 ' I/, a a a CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSBAD SE CAPITAL IMP «!ER MASTER PLAN ROVE ME NT PROGRAM PREPARED BY NEST;, BRUDIN £. STONE, INC. " DESCRIPTION SEHER REPLACEMENTSCC3NT) 45" RC? 54" RCP 60" RC? 66" RCP 72" RC? SU3TOTAL TOTAL-PWWFLCH2-GRAVITY S *?WW,-LCh2-FORCE MAINS* NEW PIPES 3' ACP 10' ACP 14' ACP 15' ACP 36' DIP REDLACEMENT PIPES 16" ACP 20" DIP 24" DIP 30" CC 36" CC 40" CC SUBTOTAL 3RANO TOTAL - PWW=LCri2 QUANTITY UN 0 LIN 0 LIN 6,268 LIN 1,316 LIN 6,734 LIN EWERS 7,100 LIN 0 ' LIN 6,000 LIN 10,000 LIN 3,100 LIN 2,415 : "LIN 7,930 LIN 0 LIN 0 LIN 2,792 LIN I F FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT "FT FT FT (- 1 FT FT " UNIT 396 444 486 551 615 3036 53 61 176 110 117 221 253 .-.-.:— — - ""PRICE" .37 .05 .63 3 .29 .39 4 $19 $26 .22 .03 .20 .67 .33 .03 .02 .30 .60 "~ .10 .37 S3 $30 TO ~ - A M 0 ,050, TAL UNT 0 0 537 : - — 725,497 ,178,230 ,711,497 ,867, 214, 319, 099 " " 543 0'"" " " " " " 214 616,669 548, 136, 872, 722, ,430, ,347, 331 157 " " " " "" "•" " 497 0 0 769 179 278 a n.,.Q .a a a en a CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY n PROJECT CARLS3AD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT. PROGRAM PREPARED BY NESTE, 5RUOIN C STONE, INC.-- -—- DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT P W W F p A L 1 NEW SEWERS-71 DEEP 8" VCP 10" VCP 12 15 18 " VC? 11 VCP " VCP 21" VCP 24" VC? 30" VC? 33" VCP 36" VC? SU2TGTAL REPLACE CLO SEWERS 3" VC? 10" VCP 12 15 IS 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 ii VCP " VCP " VCP " VC? " VC? " VCP " VC? " VCP " VC? " VCP " VCP 63 31 11 18 4 20 3 3 1 4 11 9 2 2 6 4 4 8 10 2 2 ,660 ,400 ,200 ,300 ,300 ,800 ,200 ,500 >600 0 436 ,451 ,943 ,972 ,187 ,120 ,357 ,324 ,530 ,351 ,622 ,370 ,656 LIN L"IN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN ' " LIN LIN LIN " LIN LIN LIN "" .LIN LIN LIN FT "FT - FT FT FT FT FT FT FT "FT "~ FT _.pT FT FT -FT •""•- " FT FT ""FT FT FT •"FT"* "•" FT FT 24. " 3 0 . 32. 48. 59. 71. 116. 171. 205. 37. 43. 49. 67. 79. 93. 130. 186. 225. 263. 311. 364. T>• fp 3 6 TAL I PRICE AMOUNT ' * 72 50" 37 00 09 96 00 42 70 27 59 65 71 07 64 ' 99 09 80" 16 01 07 19 22 1,573 957 362 873 254 1,496 371 599 329 $6, 823 16 "- 194 593 668 174 199 826 746 * , , , i , , * , , , , , , i * , » I o683 * * * •" "~1 538 ' __,.-,! 419 ;; 103 ;'-• 867 ';''. 208 954 : 117 i.,. 0 ' ;:.-• 766 ;; 391 '•-; 292 . i •> ; 680 ;; 833 ;, 181 ' " •"•" : ' "" ' " i« 269 ::; 962 I' 765 p- 852,622 :.,' 1,879 2,794 737 967 , , , * 059 324 ' ' ' ~ ' 529 380 ;-.' a a a .a'-CD CD n CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PREPARES BY NESTE, 3RUDIN £. STONE, INC." DESCRIPTION' QUANTITY ""UNIT SEWER REPLACEMENTS(CONT) 43" RCP 45" RCP 54" RCP 60" RCP 55" RCP 73" RCP SUBTOTAL TQTAL-PWWFPAL2-GRAVITY *PWWFPAL1-FORCE MAINS* NEW PIPES 10" ACP 14" ACP 16" ACP 20" ACP 30" DIP REPLACEMENT PIPES 16" 'ACP 20" DIP 24" DIP 30" CC 40" CC 50" CC SU3TOTAL GRAND TOTAL - PWWFPAL1 6, 3, 1, 6, SEWERS f. , 3, 10, 14, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 728 215 316 784 0 0 ======= 600 100 000 500 000 415 500 400 .... Q. .-.. 792 515 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN = = = = LIN "LIN LIN LIN LIN "LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT"™ FT FT FT FT FT FT ' FT FT FT "FT" FT FT FT FT UNIT" 425. """" 396. 444. 4S6. 551. 733. 36.53. 61. 98. 123. 77. 110. 117. , , 154. 258. 438. T PRICE AM 67 37 05 63 29 31 03 20 67 11 68 08 02 30 60 87 02 2, 863 1,275 534 3,301 $18,677 $25,500 93 164 616 1,422 494 ""- 136 495 398 722 1,539 $6,135 $31,635 • • : . • . i i • .'.;:';• • .2 •'••''• ' 3 ' . . . 4 fl OTAL I 13 \A• 915 ;: ,932 " " " " ; '•' ~ """ "r?|::__j.---->,666 2V o ': 0 - :•- ,172 ,937 ; : ;•'. 630 . " 927 - : ^ 669 530 i : 733 ;.,, ,157 4u • 112 . :'. ,831 ;; ,769 :'; ,626 ; ,034 - •;.'.. ,971 :: .n a nan CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJECT CARLSBAD SEWER MAST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PREPARED 3Y NESTE, 5RU3IN r. STON DESCRIPTION QUAN ? W W F NEW 3" 10" 12" 15" 13" 21" 24" 30" 33" 36" 3U3T PAL2 SEWERS-71 DEEP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP vc?vc?vc? VCP GTAL REPLACE CLO SEWERS 3" VCP 10" VC? 12" 15" 13" 21" 24" 27" 30" 33" 36" 39" 42" VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP 60 31 11 15 a 20 2 5 4 11 9 2 6 5 19 2 2 E R P L A PROGR E, INC TITY ,260 ,400 ,200 ,600 ,400 ,200 , 200 , 100 0 0 436 ,451 ,943 ,972 ,137 ,120 ,357 ,S24 "•• , 034 0 ,816 ,370 ,656 N AM UNIT """ ' UNIT LIN "LIN" LIN LIN ' LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN " LIN" LIN LIN "" "LIN" LIN LIN " LIN" LIN LIN FT 'Ft FT FT FT " FT FT FT FT FT - FT FT FT FT FT •"""" FT FT Fr~" " FT FT FT""" FT FT 24 '30 32 48 59 71 116 171 205 238 37 43 49 67 79 93 130 "154 186 225 263 311 364 TO i t TAL I PRICE AMOUNT .72 .50" .37 .00 .09 .96 .00 .42 .70 .27 .59 .65 .71 .07 .64 .99 .09 .30" .16 .01 .07 .19 .22 1,499, 957, 362, 748, 496, 1,453, 371, 874, 56,823, 16, 194, 593, 668, 174, 199, 826, 746, 946, 5,212, 737, ' 967, :: 817 ;; 683 <•> 538 . ' ™ 816 " 24 337 " " "~ . ' " 638 ij! 208 218o __ __ ;; 766 391- ''I 630 ::.; 833 I- 181 ' " -, 269 - ';• 962 r; 765 :' ' 448 ;:'., 0 985" " - :„• 529 380 a,a .a CD a CARLEST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PROJ ECT CARLS5AO SEWER MASTER PLA'J CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PREPARED 3 Y N : i I E , iKUUIN t ilUNt, I N t . ~ S = = = EWE 45" 54" 60" 56" 73" SU3T TOTA UtiLK 1M 1GN === ======= R REPLACEMENTSCCONlT) RCP RCP RCP RC? RCP OTAL L-PWWFPAL2-GRAVITY S UUANTIT Y ============ 3,215 0 13,552 1,316 0 EWERS UNIT ======== LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN = = = = = FT FT FT FT FT UNIT = = = = = = = = 396 444 486 551 733 2 3 1 4 TOTAL PRICE AM = = = .87 .05 .68 .29 .31 ======== 1,275 6,595 725 $19,881 $26,705 C = , , , , , UNT a = = = = . ' ^ 1 » g32 > = 0 - 544 : ;; «" ;: o •••• 687 •'.'- 453 '..... . ; ' 1 ; VPWWFPAL2-FQRCE MAINS'? '; •J R E W 10 14 1 6 20 24 PIPES " ACP " AC? 11 ACP " ACP " DIP 0 3,100 10, 000 14,500 4,000 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT " FT FT FT 36 53 61 73 93 .03 . 20 .67 .43 .34 164 , o ,-;;; 927 ' ;.i, 616,669 !•-• 1,138 375 , , 024 j;1 370 ' ' ' ','•• E PLACEMENT PIPES 16 20 »_ t 30 36 50 " ACP " DIP » DIP " CC " CC " CC 2,415 4,500 3,400 - o 0 3,515 LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FT FT FT ••FT- FT FT -— "77 110 117 154 221 438 .03 .02 .30 .60 .10 .02 SUBTOTAL -•-••" • GRAND TCTAL - PW*F?AL2 . • ••" 136,157 - - — -- - - -- p 495, 393 1,539 , , $4,914, $31,620 , 112 '. i;; 331 o • ~ — -- - t o h; 626 "I 715 ' ' ' ;=..; 168 "'