HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Sewer Master Plan Update; Master Plan Updates; 1997-10-01Carlsbad Municipal Water District Master Plan Updates VOLUME V SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE October 1997 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MASTERPLANUPDATES VOLUME V SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER 1 SEWER MASTER PLAN ........................................ 1-1 1.1 Introduction .................................................. 1-1 1.2 Past Master Plans ............................................. 1-1 1.3 Existing System ............................................... 1-2 1.4 PurposeandScope ............................................ 1-2 2.1 Background ....................................................... 2-1 2.2 Purpose of the Master Plan Update .................................... 2-1 2.3 Liftstations ....................................................... 2-2 2.4 Interceptor Sewer System ........................................... 2-2 SouthAguaHediondaTrunk ......................................... 2-2 Cost Analysis ..................................................... 2-3 VistdCarlsbad Interceptor Sewer ...................................... 2-3 2.5 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal ................................... 2-3 2.6 Recommendations ................................................. 2-4 CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................... 2-1 CHAPTER 3 - EXISTING FACILITIES ......................................... 3-1 . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 SetviceArea ...................................................... 3-1 Interceptor System ................................................. 3-1 Interceptors ....................................................... 3-1 Past Master Planning ............................................... 3-3 Joint Facilities ..................................................... 3-7 Lift Stations ....................................................... 3-7 Description ....................................................... 3-7 Lift Station Capacities ............................................... 3-9 Features ......................................................... 3-9 Current Operation ................................................. 3-10 Planned Improvements ............................................. 3-10 Recommended Improvements ....................................... 3-10 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal .................................. 3-12 Treatment ....................................................... 3-12 Disposal ........................................................ 3-12 Ownership ....................................................... 3-13 Existing Ownership ................................................ 3-13 Ownership versus Flows ............................................ 3-13 Future Needs .................................................... 3-14 . i . CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MASTERPLANUPDATES VOLUME V SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER 4 - SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ANALYSIS ..................... 4-1 4.1 Capacity Analysis . General .......................................... 4-1 4.2 Design Criteria .................................................... 4-1 Relative Depth .................................................... 4-1 Friction Factor ..................................................... 4-4 4.3 Hydraulic Analysis ................................................. 4-4 North AguaHedionda ............................................... 4-4 South Agua Hedionda Basin ......................................... 4-7 Evaluation of Diversions to the NAH .................................. 4-13 VistdCarlsbad Interceptor .......................................... 4-20 4.4 Summary ........................................................ 4-24 Flows ............................................................ 4-1 APPENDIX A . EXISTING INTERCEPTOR. ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS APPENDIX 6 . LIFT STATION SUMMARIES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 LIST OF TABLES Lift Station Summary ...................................................... 3-9 Lift Station Features ..................................................... 3-10 Lift Station Recommended Improvements .................................... 3-11 Encina Agency Ownership ................................................ 3-13 Historical Wastewater Flows ............................................... 3-14 North AguaHediondaBasin Land Usage ...................................... 4-4 South Agua Hedionda Basin Land Usage ..................................... 4-8 South Agua Hedionda Service AredCapacities ................................ 4-11 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Segment Pipe Sizing ......................... 4-12 Capacity Comparisons/Carlsbad Only ....................................... 4-14 Unit Costs Schedule ..................................................... 4-15 Estimated Construction Costs lSAH InterceDtor-Carlsbad Onlv) ................... 4-16 I, 4.8 Estimated Construction Costs (Carlsbad and Euena) ........................... 4-17 4.9 Estimated Construction Costs (Carlsbad Plus Euena and Oceanside) .............. 4-19 4.10 Capacity Rights ......................................................... 4-22 4.1 1 VistdCarlsbad Interceptor Sewer ........................................... 4-23 4.12 Lower Reach . VistdCarlsbad Improvements ................................. 4-24 ,- ii 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MASTERPLANUPDATES VOLUME V SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES Sewer Service Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 3-2 Existing Interceptor Sewer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Sewer Drainage Basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Sewer Drainage Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Existing Lift Station Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Historical Wastewater Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 North and South Agua Hedionda Sewer Drainage Areas and City Planning Zones . . . . . 4-2 Peaking Factor Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Capacities Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Future South Agua Hedionda (SAH) Interceptor Sewer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 VistdCarIsbad (V/C) Interceptor Sewer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 iii CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MASTER PLAN UPDATES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADD ac AC AF CfS CIP CMWD CWA DU EWPCF fPS GIs gpm HGL HWL MD MDD MG mgd mu1 MWD No. PH PRVPSV PSV Psi PVC R.O. RTV SANDAG SDCWA SCADA TAP VFD WD WRP Average Day Demand acre Asbestos Cement Acre foot cubic feet per second Capital Improvement Program Carlsbad Municipal Water District County Water Authority Dwelllng Unlt Enclna Water Pollution Control Faclllty feet per second Geographlc Infomation System gallons per minute Hydraulic Grade Line Hlgh Water Level (maximum water surface elevation In storage tanks) Maximum Day Maxlmum Day Demand Mllllon Gallons mlllion gallons per day milligrams per liter Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Number Peak Hour Combinatlon PRV and PSV Pressure Sustaining Valve pounds per square Inch Polyvinyl Chloride Reverse Osmosis Remote Terminal Unlt San Dlego Association of Governments San Diego County Water Authority Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition Trl-Agency Pipeline Variable Frequency Drives Water District Water Reclamation Plant The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (District) provides water, reclaimed water, and sewer service within the city of Carlsbad (City), located in coastal, north San Diego County. The District covers most of the City limits, with the Leucadia County Water District providing sewer service in the southeast corner of the City, and the Vallecitos Water District providing sewer service in the Meadowlark area along the eastern City limit. The wastewater facilities include collector sewers, trunk sewers, and lift stations. Wastewater treatment is provided by the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF). This treatment plant is owned and operated by six agencies, one being the City. The District last updated the water, reclaimed water, and sewer master plans in the early 1990's. Specifically, the sewer master plan was completed in 1992. The City also adopted a new General Plan in 1994. This included new land use and population projections. Because of changes to land use, the ultimate population is expected to be less than the population number used in previous master plans, including the 1992 Sewer Master Plan. Based on the above, the District began updating their master plans in June, 1996. Carollo Engineers (Carollo) was retained to do this element of work. Five master plan volumes have been prepared as follows: Volume I II 111 IV V Element Environmental Setting Water Resources Potential Water Master Plan Reclaimed Water Sewer This is Volume V of the master plan updates. S:U332Aw\VOLSCH1 .WPD 1-1 There are four existing major trunk sewers within the system as follows: 0 VistdCarlsbad (V/C) 0 North Agua Hedionda (NAH) 0 BuenaNallecitos 0 North Batiquitos The 'Master Plan of Sewerage" prepared in 1992 concluded that the existing trunk sewer system had sufficient hydraulic capacity for the ultimate build-out conditions with the exception of two projects. One project is the expanded hydraulic capacity for the V/C Interceptor Sewer. This interceptor sewer is jointly owned by the City of Carlsbad and the City of Vista (Vista). A design has been initiated for a portion of this interceptor from the Agua Hedionda Pump Station upstream to the Buena Vista Pump Station. The reach downstream of the Agua Hedionda Pump Station still requires upgrade design. The first phase needs to be constructed in 1997 because of capacity limitations. The other project is the design and construction of the new South Agua Hedionda (SAH) Interceptor Sewer discussed in this volume. This sewer would collect flows from the area south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon as well as flows from along El Camino Real, generally south of Cannon Road. The 1992 master plan also identified needed lift station improvements. The upgrades to the Buena Vista, Home, and North Batiquitos Lift Stations have been completed. The new Poinsettia Lift Station serving Rancho Carrillo and Bressi Property is under construction and is planned to go on-line in 1998. A new lift station for the Poinsettia Shores Development will begin design in 1997. 1.4 Purpose anu Scape I Except for the V/C Interceptor and the NAH Interceptor service areas, the 1994 General Plan Update slightly reduced the ultimate population projections used in the 1992 'Master Plan of Sewerage". The existing trunks do not require additional evaluation because current flow projections are less than used in the 1992 Master Plan, which showed the trunks had sufficient capacity. Therefore, this update focuses on the following: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Detailed flow analysis for the NAH and SAH Sewer Basins. Computer modeling of the NAH Trunk. The purpose is to determine if excess hydraulic capacity could be used to convey portions of the SAH flows. Computer modeling of the future SAH Trunk flows. Preliminary sizing, slope, and alignment of the SAH Trunk. Analysis of the cost and feasibility of conveying flows from the Buena Sanitation District's (Buena) Raceway Lift Station into the SAH Trunk. This would allow abandonment of the lift station. Flows would ultimately reach the EWPCF as they do now. Analysis of the cost and feasibility of conveying flows from the Leisure Village and Lake Pump Station areas of the City of Oceanside (Oceanside). These flows are currently conveyed through the V/C Trunk. This area Oceanside is served through an exchange agreement with Vista. Analysis of the V/C Interceptor Sewer. Summary of the capacity at the EWPCF. SY332AWAVOUCHl .WD 1-2 In addition to this detailed analysis of the Agua Hedionda Trunks, a survey of the existing lift stations has been made with respect to condition, code compliance, standby power, and capacity. Recommended improvements have been identified. The detailed scope of work is included in Appendix A, Volume I. 1-3 In January 1992, the 'Master Plan of Sewerage" was completed. This plan identified future improvements required for interceptor sewers and lift stations for ultimate development. This planning used a build-out population of 130,000. Due to land use changes contained in the City's 1994 'General Plan Update," this figure has reduced to 124,650. Therefore, facilities identified in 1992 will have sufficient capacity for the new population projection. An exception is the V/C Interceptor. It has reached its capacity at several locations and will need to be increased in size to accommodate future development in the cities of Vista and Carlsbad. Also, the NAH Interceptor will exceed its capacity as build-out of its service area occurs. There are five existing interceptors: 0 VistalCarlsbad 0 North Agua Hedionda 0 BuenaNallecitos 0 North Batiquitos 0 Ponto A sixth trunk, the SAH, was identified as a future facility. It has not been constructed to date. The NAH Trunk has excess hydraulic capacity, as reported in the 1992 Master Plan. Because of the land use changes, the excess capacity is greater than previously planned. This could be used to convey a portion of the future SAH Interceptor flows. A diversion in the area of the east end of Agua Hedionda Lagoon could reduce overall construction costs. Therefore, the main purposes of this Master Plan update include: e 0 0 Flow and capacity analysis for the NAH Trunk. Flow projections and preliminary design of the SAH Trunk, with and without diversions to the NAH Trunk. Analysis of the feasibility and cost of conveying flows from Buena's Raceway UR Station. This would eliminate major improvements required by Buena that would be located within the Citv. ..- 0 AnalyGs of the feasibility and cost of conveying flows from the Leisure Village and Lake Pump Station areas in Oceanside. This would allow Oceanside to eliminate a lift station. These flows are conveyed through the VIC Interceptor by an exchange agreement between the cities of Vista and Oceanside. Analysis of the V/C Interceptor Sewer. Discussion of the status of the capacity at the EWPCF. e 0 Other items of work included a review of the existing lift stations and capacity needs in the EWPCF. - 2-1 There are a total of 16 lift stations with a 17th coming on-line in 1998 and an 18th beginning design in the fall of 1997. All of the lift stations are projected to have sufficient capacity for ultimate flows. All the existing stations with the exception of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda were visited as part of this master plan update. The purpose was to note their condition and to identify if code compliance or reliability upgrades were needed. Improvements were recommended for 14 stations to meet present codes. The recommended improvements consist of modification of ventilation systems, addition of detectors to sense dangerous hydrogen sulfide or combustible gas levels, and modification of wet well float switches. These changes are needed to meet existing codes and regulations including Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations and National Fire Protection Association Article 820. Other recommendations involve addition of pump failure alarms, emergency generator connector, and clean-up of loose wiring. These recommendations are discussed in more detail in the Lift Station summaries in Appendix B. No other lift station improvements are anticipated, with the exception of design and construction of the planned SAH Lift Station and upgrades to the Foxes Lift Station. There are four major interceptors within the City: VistdCarlsbad, North Agua Hedionda, BuenaNallecitos, and North Batiquitos. The NAH, BuenaNallecitos, and North Batiquitos have sufficient capacity for ultimate flows. The V/C Trunk will require expansion in the near future. Further, the planned SAH Trunk must also be constructed. South Agua Hedionda Trunk The SAH Trunk would run east to west, on the south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It will connect to the V/C Interceptor Sewer downstream of the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. The drainage area extends east to the City limits and includes portions of the cities of Vista and Oceanside..The ultimate drainage zone population is estimated to be 14,500. This area could generate a peak hourly flow rate of 10.27 million gallons per day (mgd) if Carlsbad, Vista and Oceanside are served by the sewer. Four alternatives were evaluated as part of the planning effort. They include the following: 0 0 A separate SAH Trunk Sewer and Lift Station. Diversion of 1.5 mgd into the existing NAH Trunk. This would utilize excess capacity in the NAH Trunk. The Foxes Lift Station would need to be expanded in capacity, but the resulting SAH pipe size and SAH Lift Station capacity would be smaller. Connection of the Buena flows from the Raceway Basin owned by Buena. This would eliminate the use and need to upgrade the Raceway Pump Station. The up-sizing costs would be borne by Buena. The peak flow rate is estimated to be 2.3 mgd. Connection of the Leisure Village and Lake Pump Stations from Oceanside. These flows now are conveyed through the V/C Trunk to the EWPCF by an exchange agreement with 0 - 0 S!AW2ADlVO!5CHZ.WPD 2-2 Vista. The up-sizing costs would be borne by Oceanside. The psak flow rate is estimated to be 2.66 mgd. Cost Analysis Costs were estimated for each of the four alternatives. The cost for a separate SAH Interceptor is estimated to be $6,560,000. By diverting flows to the existing NAH Interceptor, the estimated cost decreases to $5,533,000. The second alternative is cost-effective and recommended. If the Buena flows are diverted to the SAH Trunk, the estimated cost would increase to $7,138,000. The engineers for Buena have indicated that this cost would be less than the other improvements needed if the Raceway Basin Lifi Station were to remain in service. If the Oceanside and Buena flows are diverted to the SAH Trunk, the total estimated cost increases to $8,733,000. If both agencies participate, the cost allocation should be made on a percentage split of the total incremental cost by reach and by flow contribution. Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer The V/C Interceptor Sewer conveys flows from the cities of Vista, Oceanside and Carlsbad. It runs from the north end of the City near Interstate 5 (1-5) and then south to the EWPCF. The cities jointly own and maintain the Interceptor Sewer. The ownership agreements are summarized in Volume I, Environmental Setting. The V/C Interceptor Sewer will require upgrades for most of its length. The reach from Section VC5 through VClO is being designed. Construction of the portion between 1-5 at Las Flores to Jefferson Street will start in the fall of 1997. The pipe has reached capacity, and manholes are deteriorating due to hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The other reaches will be under construction beginning in mid to late 1998. Reaches VC-13 through VC-15 are near their design capacity, and plans should be implemented to increase their capacities. The recommended improvements are shown on Figure 2.2. The estimated cost is $3,600,000. The collected wastewater is treated at the EWPCF located west of 1-5 and South of Palomar Airport Road. The treated wastewater is disposed of through a deep ocean outfall. The City is 1 of 6 member agencies that own and operate the facilities. The capacity of the EWPCF is 36 mgd. The City owns rights to 9.24 mgd. The 1995 flow from the City was 5.29 mgd and the total EWPCF flow was approximately 21 mgd. Based on member agency projections, the existing treatment and disposal capacity will be sufficient to the year 2009. No capital improvements for treatment or disposal capacity are foreseen in the next 5 years2 _- PnuSLs 5vvId % of cmulu Most % ot-Vcd,!Lubr f Vlib Sy332ua\VWCH2 WPD 2-3 The District should begin final design plans for the SAH Interceptor Sewer. The first 1.5 mgd of flows can be diverted to the existing NAH Interceptor Sewer. This will delay the construction of the SAH Lift Station for a short period of time. The District should finalize plans for shared capacity with Buena and Oceanside. These agreements need to be reached in a short period of time, so that the final sizing can be made. The District should commence construction of the V/C Trunk from 1-5 at Jefferson Street south to Agua Hedionda Lagoon in 1997. The District should begin design of the V/C Trunk from VC 12 through 15 in 1998 and be under construction in 1999. 2-4 .- This chapter summarizes the existing wastewater facilities within the District. These include the main trunk interceptors, lift stations, and wastewater treatment and disposal. The facilities are described along with capacities and their future needs. Analysis of the future Agua Hedionda Interceptors are presented in the following chapter. This includes updated hydraulic analysis of the NAH and SAH Interceptors. The purpose is to establish the feasibility of diverting a portion of the SAH flows into NAH. This interceptor will have available hydraulic capacity at the ultimate build-out condition. Modeling of the other interceptors is not included in the scope of this update. The other interceptors either have sufficient capacity for future flows or the design for future expansion is complete. The service area includes the majority of the City boundary with the exception of the southeast corner of the City. Two agencies, the Vallecitos Water District and the Leucadia County Water District, provide wastewater collection in this area as shown on Figure 3.1. The sewers generally flow from east to west, following the natural topography. The interceptors then follow the coast and terminate at the EWPCF for treatment and disposal. The EWPCF is owned and operated by the City and five surrounding cities and special districts through a joint powers agreement. Flows from the adjacent districts travel in interceptors through the City that are jointly owned and operated. These joint facilities are described below. Details of the inter-agency agreements are discussed in Volume I, Environmental Setting. Interceptors There are four existing interceptors. These are: 0 VistdCarlsbad 0 North Agua Hedionda 0 BuenaNallecitos 0 North Batiquitos 0 Ponto 3-1 .- Interceptors are defined as larger, continuous sewers that collect from individual basins and convey the wastewater to treatment facilities. Physical characteristics of the interceptors are contained in Appendix A. The alignments of the interceptors are shown on Figure 3.2. while the drainage basin boundaries are shown on Figure 3.3. There is a Sewer Drainage Basin associated with each of the four existing interceptors and the planned SAH Interceptor. The Sewer Drainage Basins are further broken down into Sewer Drainage Zones shown on Figure 3.4. These define tributary areas based on the configuration of the local collection system. Analysis of the future SAH Interceptor is presented In Chapter 4. The interceptor system was analyzed in the ‘Master Plan of Sewerage” January, 1992. This report utilized an ultimate population of 130,000. Based on land use changes contained In the Cily’s 1994 ‘General Plan Update”, this figure has reduced to 124,650. The 1992 plan identified required developer and City improvements. The developer improvements would be constructed as part of new planned developments. These projects are designed and constructed by the developer in accordance with District standards and approvals. The completed facilities are then transferred to the City. The only required City funded improvements include expansion of the V/C Interceptor Sewer. Plans have been prepared for a portion of this project. The design includes the portion from Agua Hedionda Lagoon northward to the existing discharge from the Buena Vista Pump Station. It includes over 2 miles of 48,42 and 36-inch sewer pipe. Improvements on Chestnut Avenue from the V/C Interceptor Sewer upstream to Harding Street are also included. This is a IBinch, parallel sewer serving only the City. Of the upstream reach, the portion along Jefferson Street to Carlsbad Village Drive needs to be constructed in 1997. The existing interceptor is at capacity during storm events. Existing manholes are failing due to hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The reach of the V/C Interceptor Sewer downstream of the Agua Hedionda Pump Station needs to be designed and constructed. As the ultimate population is projected to be lower than used in the 1992 report, no increases in other interceptor capacity are required. 3-3 _- The City jointly owns capacity in most of the interceptors with upstream sewering agencies. This was done to benefit both agencies. The interceptors and joint ownership are: InterCeDtor Vista/Carlsbad City of Vista Buena Interceptor Buena Sanitation District Vallecitos Interceptor North Batiquitos Interceptor Vallecitos Water District and City of Vista City of Encinitas and Leucadia County Water District The V/C Interceptor Sewer is jointly owned. The ownership capacities vary with reach as more City flows join the interceptor. The Buena Interceptor is owned by the Buena and the City leases capacity up to a peak Now rate of 0.8 rngd. The cities of Carlsbad, Vista, and the Vallecitos Water District all have capacity rights in the Vallecitos Interceptor from El Camino Real to the EWPCF. The joint ownership of the North Batiquitos Interceptor only covers the last 2,415 feet into the EWPCF. This line is also referred to as the Ponto Trunk Sewer. The agreements are summarized in Volume I, Environmental Setting. The City’s ownership by reach is given in Appendix A. There are currently 14 lift stations owned and operated by the District and 2 owned and operated jointly between the District and Vista. These two are the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lift Stations. The location of each of the lift stations is shown on Figure 3.5. A new lift station serving Poinsetta Shores development will begin design in 1997. The new Poinsetta Lift Station serving Carillo Ranch and Bressi Property will go on-line in 1998. Description A summary of the major facilities is given on Table 3.1. In addition, each of the lift stations with the exception of Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda was visited as part of this project. The conition of the facilities was noted. The need for code compliance updates, standby power, and odor control was noted. A detailed inventory of the mechanical and electrical equipment was compiled by District staff. The detailed inventory, including lift station photographs, is contained in Appendix 6. 3-7 Lift Station Capacities The capacity of the lift stations are reported in Table 3.1. A listing of the rated station capacity versus projected peak flows is given. The rated station capacity considers the largest pump out of service. The peak flows are as reported in the "Master Plan of Sewerage" January, 1992. Features The main station features are as listed in Table 3.2. All of the stations have standby power capability consisting of either installed generators or a connection for a portable generator. When station alarms occur, a signal is sent to the District Control Center by phone line. Only the Home Plant, Foxes, and Batiquitos stations are equipped with full telemetry. The status of major equipment can be viewed on the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software. Odor control is provided only at the Faraday (Lower) station. This consists of air injection on the force main to help prevent production of hydrogen sulfide gas. At the other stations, the wet wells are cleaned periodically. Calcium Hypochlorite is added at some station wet wells. Only the North Batiquitos, Woodstock, and Villas station wet wells have protective coating on the wet well concrete. Corrosion due to hydrogen sulfide is of concern. - 3-9 Current Operation The Lower Faraday pumps its flow to the Upper Faraday Lift Station. The Upper Faraday also receives sewage by gravity from collection sewers in the Carlsbad Research Center. Planned Improvements Chapter 4 discusses the new SAH Interceptor. A new SAH Lift Station will be required, and the implemented plan could also affect the needed improvements for the Foxes Lift Station and the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. This is also discussed in Chapter 4. Recommended Improvements Detailed recommended improvements are summarized by station in Appendix B. The improvements have been grouped by major category and are given in Table 3.3. For each station, the installation of gas detectors to monitor for dangerous hydrogen sulfide and combustible levels are recommended. This is a requirement of existing codes including Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations and the National Fire Protection Association Article 820. The gas detectors are required for both the wet well and dry wells. Alarms should also be incorporated. 3-10 -- E 7 Is E 17 Gateshead X X X X Simsbury X X X X Faraday X X X X (Lower) Agua Hedionda Not Inspected Buena Vista Not Inspected Poinsettia Not Inspected As part of the codes, the ventilation fans will need to operate continuously. Air flow switches are required as part of the above codes. An alarm should be added for ventilation fan failure. The Foxes Station requires additional fan capacity and upgrades of the ventilation ducts, doors, and odor control. The Chinquapin and Forest Stations require addition of ventilation or upgrading of the electrical system to meet higher electrical classifications. The Terramar, Vancouver, and La Golondrina Stations should be equipped with local and remote pump failure alarms. The La Golondrina Station also requires a connection for a portable generator. The Home Plant Lift Station requires wet well improvements to facilitate cleaning with a sewer vactor truck. Sand build-up in the wet well is a reported problem. Most of the stations should be inspected for loose or abandoned wiring. Each of the station wet wells has a mercury float that needs to be modifiedlchanged to meet the requirements of a Class 1, Division 1 section of the National Electrical Code. 3-1 1 All of the wastewater generated within the District is treated at the EWPCF. This plant is located south of Palomar Airport Road and east of 1-5 as shown on Figure 3.2. Treatment The EWPCF provides full secondary treatment, sludge handling, and disposal through a deep ocean outfall. The treatment levels meet all current State and federal requirements. Treatment processes include screening, grit removal, primary clarifiers, and activated sludge. The waste activated sludge is thickened in dissolved air flotation thickeners. The thickened waste sludge and primary sludge is pumped to anaerobic digesters for stabilization. The digested sludge is dewatered and used as a soil amendment. Sludge hauling and handling is done by privately operated contractors. Digester gas is used to fuel gas driven blowers and generators to reduce outside energy dependence. The rated liquid capacity is 36.0 mgd while the rated solids handling capacity is 38.0 mgd. The difference in the two capacities represents the equivalent amount of sludge that is disposed back to the sewer system from the Shadowridge WRP and the Gafner WRP. These two plants rely upon the EWPCF for sludge digestion, dewatering, and disposal. Flow schematics and design criteria Is presented in Volume IV, Reclaimed Water. Dlsposal The Encina Ocean Outfall (EOO) system includes the Interim Flow Equalization Facilities, the Effluent Pump Station, and the outfall. The Interim Flow Equalization Facilities were constructed as part of Phase IV. They include Aeration Basin No. 4 and Secondary Clarifiers Nos. 7 and 8. When the influent flows exceed the hydraulic capacity of the outfall, the excess flow could be diverted to the flow equalization facilities. When the flow rates fall to within acceptable levels, the stored flow can be pumped from the basins back to the outfall. The equalization allows the plant to pass high flows associated with storm events at a rate greater than the downstream outfall hydraulic capacity. The Interim Flow Equalization Facilities would be converted to treatment units when needed. The ocean outfall extends 7,900 feet into the Pacific Ocean and discharges at depths ranging from 135 to 168 feet below mean lower low water. The inland portion of the outfall is a 6,600 foot, 48-inch diameter, reinforced concrete pipe. A 72-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe extends the remaining 2,300 feet. The diffuser section is at the end of the 72-inch pipe. The hydraulic capacity of the outfall is a peak rate of 75 mgd. By using the Interim Flow Equalization and based on historical storm events, the overall capacity is 105 mgd. 3-12 Existing Ownership Each of the member agencies has a capacity right to the EWPCF and the EO0 system. Capacity rights are given in the Revised Basic Agreement and are shown on Table 3.4. The treatment facilities are referred to as Unit I, and the ownership is broken down into the liquid and the solids handling portions. The City owns a capacity right of 9.24 mgd for both liquid and solids. The capacity for Unit J is 24.32 percent of the total EOO system, or 25.54 mgd. This includes the Interim Flow Equalization Facilities. When these are needed for treatment, an expansion of the outfall capacity will be required. The ownership of Aeration Basin No. 4 and Secondary Clarifiers Nos. 7 and 8 will be reallocated to treatment. Addiiional outfall capacity is projected to be needed by about the year 2009 (8). Buena Sanitation District 2.26 3.51 9.24 City of Carlsbad 9.24 9.24 24.32 City of Encinitas 1 BO 1.80 4.74 Leucadia County Water District 7.1 1 7.86 19.84 Vallecitos Water District 7.54 7.54 20.68 City of Vista 8.05 8.05 21.18 Totals 36 mgd 38 mgd 100% Ownership versus Flows The historical flows from the City are shown on Figure 3.6 and summarized on Table 3.5. As indicated in Figure 3.6, in 1989 the waste water flows decreased. This is typical for many Southern California sewage agencies, and is typically attributed to conservation measures implemented due to the drought conditions. For 1995, the average annual flow for the City was 5.3 mgd versus ownership of 9.24 mgd. Expansion of the EWPCF is not expected to be required until after the year 201 0. The EWPCF is owned by six member agencies that include: 0 City of Carlsbad - 0 City of Encinitas 0 Leucadia County Water District Vallecitos Water District 3-1 3 0 Buena Sanitation District e City of Vista. - Ave I 5.56 I 5.45 I 4.40 I 4.17 I 4.60 I 4.66 5.23 I 5.29 Notes: 1. 1984-1986 are estimates from the 2020 Facility Plan I 2. Other flows are from Encina fiow reports s119321\m\vwcH3.wP0 3-14 The District projected future flows that made up the total agency flow reported in the 'Ocean Outfall Capacity Report". These projections are: m 2,000 2,005 2.010 Flow hadl 6.83 7.90 9.18 These projections would also indicate that the need for addltional capacity matches the overall Encina needs for a project on-line by the year 201 1. Based on the 1995 flows as well as the City's capacity in the EWPCF, flows could increase by 3.5 percent annually to the year 201 1. This would allow a greater increase in wastewater flows than expected population growth as reported in Volume I, Environmental Settlng. Therefore, no expansions are required over the next 5 years and most likely longer. 3-1 5 c - k Capacity analysis was conducted on the NAH Interceptor system, the future SAH Interceptor, and the V/C Interceptor. The V/C system serves Vista, Oceanside, and Carlsbad and feeds into the EWPCF. The flows from Oceanside are conveyed within Vista’s capacity rights as outlined by an exchange between those two agencies. The NAH and SAH systems serve the area of the Agua Hedionda Drainage basin and connects into the lower segments of the V/C system, which then carries the flow to the EWPCF. These service areas are shown on Figure 4.1. Flows Sewage flow rates from the existing and future developed areas have been calculated based on the projected population served by each interceptor system. The projected population was computed by determining the area of each land use type within each sewer drainage zone and multiplying that area by the expected population density. Land use types are presented in Volume I, Environmental Setting. Average flow rates were computed by multiplying the population by an average wastewater flow generation factor of 90 gallons per day, per person. The peak flow rates used to size the facilities were calculated by applying, a peaking factor to the projected average daily flow rates. The peaking factor varies from 2.0 to 2.5 and decreases as flow increases. A graph giving the peaking factor for a given average flowrate is shown in Figure 4.2. This graph was derived in the 1987 Master Plan and was also utilized in the 1992 Master Plan for the City’s service area. Relative Depth Sewer interceptors should not be designed to flow full. Unoccupied space at the top of the pipe is required for conveying sewage gases and to provide contingent capacity for peak storm events. Interceptor sizing is based on the pipe flowing at 75 percent full at peak flow if the pipe is larger than 12-inches in diameter. This is often referred to as having a D/d (depth of flow/diameter of pipe) of 0.75. If the pipe is 12-inches in diameter or smaller a D/d factor of 0.50 is used. This relative depth was also used in the 1992 Master Plan. 4-1 0 K 0 ti 8 3 a n n a m a a z W cn 4 K 0 Friction Factor The friction factor should assume that the pipe has been in service for some time and some fouling has occurred. A roughness factor as indicated by a Manning's 'n" of .013 was used to project future interceptor sizing needs. Last studies indicate that this factor will generally account for most pipe roughness, joints, and some minor fouling that occurs alter years of operation. In the design of sewer lift stations, it is required that spare units be included for mechanical reliability. A wastewater facility must be capable of operating at its design capacity with the largest operating unit out of service. The evaluation of new sewer lift stations has included 33 percent spare capacity for standby purposes. North Agua Hedionda The existing NAH interceptor is located along the north side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and includes sewer drainage Zones 78,l J, 1 I, 2C, and 148. A tabulation of these areas and the acreage by planning zone is shown in Table 4.1. The ultimate build out population served by the NAH Interceptor is projected to be 13,500, The projected population by planning zone and land use is also shown. 4-4 .- The diameter of the NAH Interceptor vanes from 8-inches in the upstream portion to 24-inches near the Foxes Lift Station. This station lifts flow from the interceptor, through a IO-inch force main, to the V/C Interceptor Sewer, just upstream from the Agua Hedionda Pump Station. The capacity of each segment of the NAH Interceptor was computed using the Sansys Computer Model and the design criteria stated earlier. Figure 4.3 graphs of the capacities of each segment. These existing capacities were then compared to the total projected wastewater flow rates from the upstream tributary areas. Some of the sewer service areas, originally designated for development, have now been zoned as open space. Therefore, unused capacity exists in the NAH Interceptor following the build out of the NAH Sewer Drainage Basin (see Figure 4.3). Some of this capacity could be utilized by flows from areas originally designated for service by the future SAH Interceptor. Most of the flow from the NAH drainage area is pumped through the Foxes Lift Station to the Vista Carlsbad Interceptor. The model results indicated that the projected capacity of the NAH drainage area can be pumped by this lift station and about 0.5 mgd of the lift station capacity will remain unused or available to pump flow diverted to the NAH from another drainage area such as SAH. .... 4-5 - ___ I_ ___ ............. ............. __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ A diversion from the SAH Interceptor to the NAH Interceptor could occur in the area where the NAH Interceptor crosses El Camino Real. If the Foxes Lift Station capacity was increased from 3.3 million gallons per day (mgd) to 4.3 mgd, an additional 1.5 mgd could be diverted from the SAH. The lift station expansion to 4.3 mgd is the largest possible expansion without requiring major structural and piping modifications. This increase in pumping capacity could be accomplished by changing the pump impeller, driver and electrical systems. No additional structural or piping facilities would be required. As Figure 4.3 shows, the flows to the NAH Interceptor could be increased by at least 1.5 mgd without exceeding capacity. It also shows the capacity that would be required if Carlsbads entire SAH flow were diverted to the NAH Interceptor. The capacity required to make this diversion exceeds the capacity of the NAH Interceptor. In summary the NAH could marginally handle diversion from the SAH of up to 2.0 mgd. Foxes Lift Station would also need major structural and mechanical upgrades to carry more than 1.5 mgd from the SAH. Four short flat sections of the interceptor may flow full when peak flows occur under build out conditions. However, these conditions could be tolerated by allowing pressurization to occur during times of peak flow. Flows from the NAH Interceptor enter the V/C Interceptor Sewer upstream from the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. This station has a piping capacity of about 23 mgd. The pumping capacity can been upgraded to about 31 mgd if one of the two standby pumps is designated as a service pump. Flows from the future SAH Interceptor sewer would also enter the V/C Interceptor, but downstream from the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. South Agua Hedionda Basin The proposed SAH Interceptor is proposed to serve the areas south and east of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon; Planning Zones 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7C, 8, 13A, 14A, 15A, 158,16,24A, 248, and 24C. Potential flows from other agencies include the 2.3 mgd of flow from Buena which now flows into the Raceway Lift Station and up to 2.66 mgd from the Leisure Area and Lake Lift Station areas within Oceanside. The SAH drainage areas within the City are shown on Figure 4.1. A preliminary alignment of the SAH system is shown on Figure 4.4. Table 4.2 lists the areas served by the SAH Interceptor, the projected zoning in each area, and the projected population to be served. Nearly 5,400 acres within the City could be served by this interceptor. The expected population of the SAH service area is about 14,500. 4-7 I I " PI 48,441 58 I UA I 14.77 I 1 462 92 278 I G I I 23,968 7c RL 2.19 1 .oo 2.32 5 458 os1 48.18 0 0 0 0 RLM 140.48 3.20 7.42 1,043 93,865 s.u33uM\vo!5c~.wPD 4-8 Sub Basin 15A 4-9 Total Avsrege Daily Fiow lation Rate (ealiday) Category Acres wm Pafaonlaore Popu os1 21.79 0 The projected flows for the SAH service area are shown in Table 4.3. These flows have been projected using the same methodologies as used for NAH. S;U332AW\VOLSCH4,WPD 4-1 1 Table 4.4 lists the calculated peak flow, and assumed slope and approximate length of each segment of the future SAH Interceptor. The segments shown include those required to serve the City, and an additional segment (SAHT2B EXT) to serve the area of Oceanside, now served by the Lake Pump Station. The table shows the required size for the 3 cases: 1. The City alone. 2. The City and Buena. 3. The City, Buena and Oceanside. The flow, head and calculated horsepower of the future SAH Lift Station are also shown. The Buena flows could connect to the SAH Interceptor and eliminate the use and upgrading of their Raceway Lift Station and Buena Lift Station. If Oceanside connects to the SAH Interceptor, they could eliminate the use of their Lake and Leisure Lift Stations. As can be noted, connecting these facilities to the future SAH Interceptor will also require increasing the capacity of the future SAH Lift Station. 4-1 2 t "" Total Cootrlbuthg noW Section Sewers&Areas imadt SAH LS SAH2 & SAHT3B 9.35 IHP"' Hp based on 33% Standby & 55% Eff. Carl6bad +E#na 1 Apx. onsr Flows +oceanski9 SrOpe &&I. ReyI. Used Req. Used Fimi Used % (ft.) (in) fin) (in) (in) Rea.(in) (in) See Evaluation of Diversions to the NAH Flow of diversions to the NAH were evaluated. Flows from the SAH system can be diverted to the NAH near El Camino Real. Lift Station and SAH segment pipe sizes were calculated for flow diversions of 0, 0.5 and 1.5 mgd. The examination of the NAH and the Foxes Lift Station indicated that up to 0.5 mgd could be diverted to the NAH system in its current condition. Diversions from 0.5 to 1.5 mgd will require an upgrade to the Foxes Lift Station's pumps, electric drivers and electrical supply systems. Diversion over 1.5 mgd requires major upgrades to the lift station's structure and force main. Table 4.5 presents the capacity of Foxes Lift Station, the future SAH Lift Station and the Agua Hedionda Lift Station under these diversion alternatives, with only the City's flows. 4-13 0.0 0.5 1.5 Existing Capacity Diversion of flow from the designated SAH service area to the NAH provides advantages to the City in two areas. First, it provides an immediate capacity from the area and second, it more fully utilizes existing facilities which will reduce the future cost of the future SAH Interceptor facilities. As previously mentioned, up to about 0.5 mgd of capacity could be diverted to the NAH prior to improvements to the Foxes Lift Station being made. Using previously mentioned peaking factor equations, EDUs and generation rates, about 1,100 units could be served. If the pump, motor and electrical upgrades were made the station could carry up to about 3,400 units before additional interceptor facilities would be required. It is estimated that the cost of upgrading the Foxes Lift Station to 4.3 mgd is $74,000. To evaluate the feasibility of long term diversions from the SAH area to the NAH Interceptor, the impacts of the sizing of the future SAH Interceptor sewers and lift station are required. The calculated flow in each segment of the proposed SAH Interceptor if no flow is diverted to the NAH Interceptor and if 1.5 mgd is diverted is shown in Table 4.3. If 1.5 mgd is diverted to the NAH Interceptor, the flow would decrease to the future SAH Lift Station and to the downstream segment of the SAH Interceptor (Segments SAH 1 thru SAH 4). Using these flowrates, a Manning's "n" value of 0.013, and depth over diameter (D/d) of 0.75, if larger than 12-inch and (D/d) of 0.5 of smaller than or equal to 12-inch diameter,.and a slope of 1 percent for the steep areas and 0.5 percent for other areas, the required sewer line sizes were computed for each segment of the SAH Interceptor. Also, the size of the future SAH Lift Station was calculated using the flows calculated, the estimated static and dynamic head, and a pump efficiency of 55 percent. Thirty-three percent additional horsepower was added to the required horsepower to allow for required standby pumping facilities. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 4.4. If 1.5 mgd is diverted to the NAH Interceptor, the size (horsepower) of pump station and the down stream segments of the SAH Interceptor (Segments SAH 1 thru SAH 4) would decrease. The increased pipe and lift station sizes needed to convey the flows from Buena and Oceanside are also noted. TO compare the cost of the two alternatives, a unit cost schedule was developed (Table 4.6). The unit costs were derived from the cost of construction of several recent interceptor pipelines throughout California. These wsts were adjusted to the Engineers News Record (ENR) Index of 3.31 2,299 4.95 3,438 30.90 21,458 3.31 2,299 4.45 3,090 30.90 21,458 4.31 2,993 3.45 2,396 31.90 22,153 3.31 2,299 0.00 0 23.00 15,972 SUu332A@3VOLsCM.WD 4-14 6550. This accounts for the most recent construction cost index in the Carlsbad area. A 35 percent factor was added to all estimated costs for construction to cover engineering, administrative and contingencies. The cost of pumping facilities is based on the installed horsepower required within the pump station. The cost is derived from previous projects varying from $2,600 per horsepower for pump stations in the 600 horsepower range to $3,500 per horsepower for stations in the 300 horsepower range. These costs were also adjusted to the present ENR (6550) and 35 percent added for project costs. 8 10 12 15 18 21 24 $4.50 $39.30 $13.76 $53.05 $4.50 $49.13 $17.19 $66.32 $4.50 $58.95 $20.63 $79.58 $4.50 $73.69 $25.79 $99.48 $4.50 $88.43 $30.95 $1 19.37 $4.50 $1 03.16 $36.1 1 $139.27 $4.50 $1 17.90 $41.27 $159.17 Using these unit costs, the estimated cost for constructing the SAH Interceptor systems, to serve the City only, was computed for both the alternatives. Table 4.7 lists a summary of the estimated costs of each of the future SAH segments and the future SAH lift station if no flow is diverted to the NAH. The second portion of Table 4.7 shows the costs if 1.5 mgd were diverted to the NAH. The estimated cost for upgrading the Foxes Lift Station was included. 4-15 As can be noted in Table 4.7, the more economical alternative is to divert 1.5 mgd from the SAH system to the NAH system to utilize its extra capacity. Therefore, flow diversion to the NAH interceptor and upgrading the Foxes Lift Station offers long term economic advantages, as well as, the advantage in the short term of offering immediate sewer service to the area. 4-16 Service for Buena and Oce anside Adjacent agencies to the City now feed wastewater through the Buena Interceptor and the V/C Interceptor to the EWPCF. Because of the geographical setting of some of their service areas, some areas of their service could be served by the SAH and eliminate some existing and future pumping. Buena and Oceanside have approached the Carlsbad Municipal Water District during the preparation of this study to ask if some flow from contributing areas could be conveyed through the Future SAH Interceptor, which would allow the abandonment of pump stations and/or eliminate the need for expanding or constructing new stations. Buena has requested that the City consider constructing the SAH Interceptor to also carry the flows that are projected to be pumped by their Raceway Basin Lift Station. The City of Vista and Buena Sanitation District. Master Plan of Seweraae. Mav 1993 indicates that the ultimate design capacity of this pump station is 2.3 mgd. If the flows now connected to this facility were diverted to the SAH, they would connect to the segment, SAHTIA. The required capacity of this segment and all others down stream would need to be increased in size to convey the Buena flows. The amount of the flows and the percent of the total, assuming Oceanside connects are also shown in Table 4.3, and the resulting segment and pump station sizes are shown in Table 4.4. If Buena was to connect to the SAH Interceptor and Oceanside did not, the resulting flowrates, pipe sizes, and percent of the total for each segment and the pump stations are indicated in Table 4.8. The estimated construction cost of each segment and the total SAH Interceptor if Buena participates are also shown. The percentage of that cost allocated to each agency is listed. FOXES LIFT STATION UPGRADES SAHl 2,310 4.15 18 SAH2 2,200 4.42 21 SAHT3A 1,500 1.24 15 $74,000 100% $74,000 $119.37 $276,000 45% $123,000 55% $153,000 $139.27 $306,000 48% $147,000 52% $159,000 $66.32 $149,000 100% $149,000 s?4332Amv(wcw.wPD 4-17 Oceanside requested, through their Master Planning Consultants, ASL Consulting Engineers, that the SAH Interceptor system also include the required capacity to carry the flows ultimately carried from their Leisure and Lake Lii Stations. The projected ultimate flows are 0.76 mgd from the Leisure Lift Station areas and 1.9 mgd from the Lake Lift Station. The flow from the Leisure Lift Station area would enter the SAH Interceptor system in segment SAHT2A. To connect to the Lake Lift Station area the SAH segment SAHT2B would need to be extended. For this purpose a SAHT2B Extension was added to the SAH Interceptor system. Both the SAHT2A and the SAHT2B Extension would require construction in areas designated as Open Space. Permits for the construction of these segments may be difficult to obtain because of open space regulations and possible impacts on endangered species habitat. If Buena and Oceanside were to connect to the SAH Interceptor, the resulting flowrates, pipe sizes and percent of the total for each segment and the pump stations are indicated in Table 4.9. This table also contains the estimated segment and total costs of the SAH system if Buena and Oceanside were to participate. The percentage of that cost allocated to each agency is also included. 4-18 4-19 L VIstalCarlsbad Interceptor The V/C Interceptor Sewer collects wastewater from Vista and brings it into the City. Additional wastewater is collected from the downtown Carlsbad area and continues along the AT&SF RR right-of-way to the EWPCF. A meter to measure the flow rate on a continuous basis is located where the V/C Interceptor enters Carlsbad. A second meter is located where the flows enter the EWPCF. Flows are pumped along the Buena Vista Lagoon by the Buena Vista Lift Station and pumped again at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon by the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. The Home Plant Lift Station and the Foxes Lift Station add flow to the V/C Interceptor upstream from the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. The SAH flows into the interceptor on Cannon Road between the pump station and the EWPCF. A map of the V/C Interceptor Sewer System is shown in Figure 4.5. Design is underway to replace a portion of this interceptor upstream from the Agua Hedionda Lift Station. When these facilities are constructed, the capacity of the system in reaches VC-5 through VC-10 will be substantially increased. As is noted in Table 4.10, present capacity of the Agua Hedionda Lift station is about 23 mgd. Table 4.10 does not reflect the impacts of diverting the sewage from the Leisure and Lake Lift Stations into the SAH Interceptor. If the Oceanside flows were diverted, the required capacity in each segment upstream from the VC-14 could be reduced by about 2.6 mgd. The station includes four pumps, two as service and two as standby. As a part of the V/C Interceptor Improvements, the force main and other required piping should be replaced with larger pipe and other improvements made to allow three pumps to service as duty pumps. One pump would remain as standby. After this occurs the station should be able to meet the projected peak flowrates of about 32 mgd. Ownership and Capacity Rights in the V/C Interceptor Sewer were established by agreement and are different for each pipeline reach. The pipeline segment size, rated capacity, and capacity rights for each segment are listed in Table 4.10. The reaches VC-13 through VC-15 are near their design capacity, and plans should be implemented to increase their capacities. Table 4.1 1 lists the capacity of each segment and the revised required capacity based on revised flow from the NAH and the SAH, as previously recommended. It also shows the capacity of the line after construction of the new segments, based on the preliminary review plans provided by Wilson and Associates, January 1997. Table 4.12 lists the capacity, size and estimated cost for each of these segments. The total cost of replacing the sections down stream of the Agua Hedionda Lift Station is about $3,600,000. If portions of the existing pipeline could be used, this cost could be reduced. - 4-20 4-22 T 4-23 vc-13 VC-14 VC-15 31.9 0.10 3,520 54" $1,121,000 36.5 0.10 5,080 60 $1,797,000 36.5 0.12 1.760 60" $623,000 This project evaluated the existing and the NAH, the future SAH and the VIC Interceptor. Because of the designation of several of the drainage areas as Open Space, a portion of the existing capacity of the existing NAH could be available for conveying sewage flows from areas previously designated to be served by the SAH. Utilizing the NAH in this method would offer some immediate service to the area as well as provide for the opportunity to decrease the cost of the construction of future SAH. The evaluations indicated that, by making diversion to the NAH Interceptor, about 1.100 dwelling units from the SAH drainage area could be served, before the NAH would reach capacity. The main factor would be the Foxes Lift Station. The Foxes Lift Station now has a capacity of about 2,300 gpm. Our examination of the station indicates that its capacity could be increased to about 3,000 gpm by making changes to the pumps, motors and electrical system. If this change was made, 1.5 mgd of peak flow could be diverted from the SAH service area to the NAH. This would increase the number of SAH units that could be served by the NAH to about 3,400. Making this improvement would not only offer immediate sewer service for the SAH service area, but could reduce the future construction cost. The estimated cost of constructing the SAH system would be reduced by about $574,000 if up to 1.5 mgd of peak flow were to be diverted to the NAH system. This is much more than the estimated cost of $74,000 to upgrade the Foxes Lift Station. Expansion of the Foxes Lift Station beyond 3,000 gpm will require major structural and pumping modifications and the costs would increase significantly. The estimated cost to construct the SAH to serve City flow only, including the upgrades to the Foxes Lift Station is about $5,986,000. Buena and Oceanside have requested that the District consider conveying some of the flow's from their service areas through the future SAH. This will allow them to abandon existing lift stations, as well as eliminate the need for construction of new stations to serve portions of their service area. Buena would divert existing and planned flows to their Raceway Basin Service area. Based on the percent of use of each segment of the future SAH, and if all the segments were constructed, Buena would utilize about 37 percent of the capacity of the future SAH system. The estimated cost of VC-16 4-24 Replacement not Required Upgrades to Agua Hedionda Lift Station and Force Main Total Estimated Cost $59,000 $3,600.000 constructing the SAH (including the improvements to the Foxes Lift Station) to serve the City and Buena would be about $8,733,000. Oceanside has requested the areas now served by their Leisure and Lake Lift Stations be added to the service by the SAH. Portions would need to be added to the SAH to reach their service areas. If Buena and Oceanside were added to the SAH, Buena would use about 27 percent of the system, Oceanside would use 32 percent of the system. The cost of the SAH (including the improvements to the Foxes Lift Station) to serve Carlsbad, Buena and Oceanside would be about $8,886,000. Portions of the V/C Line are quickly reaching capacity. The portions upstream of the Agua Hedionda Lift Station have been designed and should be constructed as soon as possible. The Agua Hedionda Lift Station needs to be increased in capacity. This can be accomplished by increasing the size of the discharge piping and the forcemain. Also, the second standby pump could be designated as a service pump. Portions of the V/C Interceptor, known as VC-12 thru 15, are quickly reaching capacity and should be replaced with larger pipe as soon as possible. The cost of replacing this 10,400 feet of sewer is estimated to cost about $3,600,000. Based on current growth rates this work should be completed before 2000. 4-25 Appendix A Existing Interceptor Engineering Characteristics Model Runs to Calculate Pipe Capacities Table 1 : Explanation of Model Runs Table 2: Data from Model Runs Sample of Input Screens from SANSYS Design Criteria and Loads Peaking Factor Partial Flow Type Zonings and Densities Pipes Areas Contributing Total Populations Coordinates Model Runs to Calculated Pipe Capacities: Run I Depth of Flow (dlD) = 1 (Full Pipe Capacity) Run Run I d/D = 0.75 (Piw CaDacitv = 75% Full) NAH Only Run 2 NAH + SAH less Sewer Zone 13A, and the Residential Low-Medium I Density in Sewer Zone 15A Run 3 NAH + SAH less Sewer Zone 13A, the Residential Low-Medium Density in Sewer Zone 15A, and Sewer Zones 16 and 1 EA, Assuming 16 and 18A Pumped to the V.B. Sewer Line Run 4 NAH + SAH Less Sewer Zone 13A, the Residential Low-Medium Density in Sewer Zone 15A, Sewer Zones 16 and 18A, Assuming 16 and 18A Pumped to the V.B. Sewer Line, and the Low-Medium Density in Area 14A Not Develooed. Tabh2 NORTH AGUA HEMONDA RESULTING PIPE CAPACITIES CALCULATED FROM ME SANSYS MODEL (Capacitiis horn he exbtiw culsbsd hmef Plan M d.0 lndubd) Pipe Dh*, - (h.) 71 21 70 21 69 21 86 21 67 21 66 21 65 24 64 24 63 24 62 24 61 24 M) 24 59A 24 59 24 58 24 57 24 brnr~h SMSY. PIPS ~~sler~~an ' Full Pipe Full Pw MFbw 9.5 11.05 9.93 9.5 10.01 9.00 9.5 10.12 9.10 9.5 10.22 9.19 9.5 9.88 8.88 9.5 10.16 9.13 c~~mlun N*HW any. PeSkFlav W~ly Run1 Run2 8.87 7.95 Run 3 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 686 6.56 6.36 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.52 6.63 8.65 8.85 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.U 8.U 8.64 8.86 8.84 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.S 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 Run 4 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.m .. i.07 7.95 8.87 7.95 8.87 7.95 8.87 7.95 8.07 7.95 9.5 5.76 5.18 7.15 9.52 8.56 0.53 7.15 4.85 4.36 0.53 7.15 6.60 5.93 &5!3 ~.. ~ 8.87 7.95 8.07 7.95 8.87 7.95 8.07 7.95 8.87 7.95 8.87 7.95 5.m 5.m 5.70 5.70 .... ~ ~~ 7.15 0.28 7.44 0.53 7.15 2.68 211 0.53 7.15 733 6.59 0.53 7.15 0.46 7.61 0.53 7.15 8.W 7.19 0.53 7.15 5.54 4.88 0.53 8.87 7.95 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 8.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 8.11 0.16 9.03 0.11 0.27 9.14 8.22 2.28 11.16 10.24 2.29 11.16 1024 2.29 11.16 10.24 2.29 11.16 10.24 2.28 11.16 10.24 2.28 11.16 10.24 2.29 11.16 10.24 228 11.16 (0.24 2.28 11.16 10.24 2.46 11.35 10.43 2.46 11.35 10.43 2.5 11.37 10.45 2.58 11.45 10.53 2.66 11.53 10.61 2.66 11.53 10.61 2.66 11.53 10.61 2.86 11.63 10.61 3.49 12.36 11.44 3.65 12.52 11.6 3.65 12.52 11.6 3.65 12.52 11.6 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 2.48 11.35 10.43 .~ 5.m 5.86 5.86 5.86 SBB 56 24 55 24 54 24 53 24 52 24 51 24 50 24 49 24 48 24 47 24 ~~.. .... 7.15 726 6.53 0.53 7.15 14.36 12.81 0.53 7.15 11.49 10.33 0.53 7.15 7.90 7.10 0.53 7.15 6.97 6.27 3.13 7.15 5.88 5.11 3.13 5.88 5.88 5.86 5.86 5.97 7.88 NAH3 7.15 686 6.17 3.13 7.15 8.87 6.18 3.13 7.15 6.82 6.13 3.13 7.15 26.45 23.70 3.13 7.15 5.40 4.85 3.13 7.15 8.46 7.61 3.13 7.15 8.73 7.85 3.13 7.15 5.26 4.73 3.13 7.88 7.09 7.88 7.88 7.99 46 24 24 45 44 24 24 43 24 42 41 24 7.09 7.99 7~BQ ... . .... ~~ 7.15 5.54 4.98 3.13 7.15 8.64 7.77 3.13 7.15 6.60 5.93 3.13 7.15 9.35 8.41 3.13 7.15 9.78 8.79 3.13 7.15 1.89 1.70 3.13 7.15 7.47 6.72 3.13 7.15 7.77 6.99 3.13 7.15 6.36 5.72 3.13 7.15 7.70 6.92 3.13 7.15 10.61 9.54 3.13 9.73 15.09 13.57 3.13 9.73 4.61 4.14 3.13 9.73 8.79 7.90 3.13 9.73 0.76 7.88 3.13 8.76 8.76 7.88 3.91 8.76 8.79 7.90 3.91 8.76 8.73 7.85 3.91 8.76 8.73 7.85 3.91 8.76 8.88 7.98 3.91 8.76 8.03 7.22 3.91 0.76 7.64 6.87 3.91 8.18 8.18 40 24 39 24 38 24 37 24 36 24 1.18 8.20 828 8.36 8.36 35 24 34 24 33 24 32 24 31 24 8.36 8.36 9.19 9.35 NAH4 NAHS 30 24 29 24 26 24 27 24 26 24 .~~ ~ 985 9.35 9.45 9A5 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 0.45 9.45 9.45 25 24 24 24 23 24 22 24 21 24 20 24 19 24 18 24 17 24 16 24 15 24 14 24 13 24 12 24 11 24 10 24 9 24 8 24 pYmp 18 6 18 5 18 4 18 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 10.11 10.11 10.11 10~11 10.11 10.11 10.11 8.76 15.64 14.11 3.91 8.78 8.09 7.27 3.91 8.76 3.43 3.08 3.91 8.76 9.57 8.60 3.91 8.76 7.12 6.40 3.91 8.76 11.10 9.98 3.91 8.76 9.88 8.88 3.91 8.76 6.56 5.90 3.91 8.76 13.07 11.75 3.91 8.76 2.02 1.82 3.91 8.76 9.44 8.49 3.91 8.76 0.W 3.91 8.76 0.W 3.91 10.51 10.63 9.56 3.91 10.51 14.57 13.10 3.91 10.51 10.18 9.15 3.91 10.51 10.39 9.34 3.91 10.51 10.53 8.47 3.91 10.51 53.69 48.27 3.91 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 3.75 12.62 11.7 10.11 10.11 10~11 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 9.45 9.45 9.45 9~45 ~~.~. 10.11 10.64 .. ~ 9.45 9.90 0 13.15 12.23 0 13.15 12.23 10.83 13.15 12.23 14.57 13.15 12.23 10.18 13.15 12.23 10.39 13.15 12.23 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 9.88 9.98 9.98 9~90 "7 .- 3 18 2 18 1 18 10.64 10.64 10.64 9.98 9.98 9.98 10.53 13.15 12.23 53.64 13.15 12.23 VOLSAPX.WB2 ~ WSYS for Smnge Version 5.01 ...................................................................... ...... ............................................................. . ...... ,- L ! .............................. ....... ........... . ,- S:\4332AW\VOL5APX _- .- . ........... -. ...... _. ........... ~ .- ...... ,- ._ - ..... - .. .._ . . ...... .- e S'd332AOOWOL5APX ,- ..................... ...................... SWZAWWOLSAPX Appendix B Lift Station Summaries Lift Station Agua Hedionda Basin Capacity Vista/Carlsbad 21 SO0 (gpm) Buena Vista Chinquapin Foxes North Agua Hedionda 2,300 Gateshead North Agua Hedionda Home Plant South Aaua Hedionda 800 VisWCarlsbad 16,063 VisWCarlsbad 360 La Golondrina North Batiquitos Poinsettia Simsbury Terramar BuenaNallecitos 110 North Batiquitos 2,250 North Batiquitos 1,230 North Agua Hedionda 382 VistalCarlsbad 100 Vancouver Villas VistdCarlsbad 150 VistalCarlsbad 125 Woodstock South Agua Hedionda 50 Appendix B Lift Station Summaries Lift Station Agua Hedionda Buena Vista Basin Capacity VistdCarlsbad 21,500 VistdCarlsbad 16,063 (gpm) I ChinauaDin I VistdCarlsbad I 360 I Foxes Gateshead 1,000 North Agua Hedionda 2,300 North Agua Hedionda 40 Poinsettia Simsbury I Home Plant I South Aoua Hedionda I 800 I North Batiquitos 1,230 North Agua Hedionda 382 BuenaNallecitos I 110 La Golondrina North Batiguitos I North Batiguitos 2,250 Terramar VistdCarlsbad 100 Vancouver VistdCarlsbad 150 I Villas I VistdCarlsbad I 125 I Woodstock South Agua Hedionda 50 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Home Plant Lift Station # 1 Location: 2359 Carlsbad Blvd. Trunk Sewer: VistdCarlsbad Basin: 1G A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 1000 800 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: 3 Type: Manufacturer: Paco Model No.: 52-49514-NCP Serial Nos.: 91 CO646701 C 91 C0646701A 91 C0646701 B Vertical Centrifugal non-clog pumps with Mechanical Seals Rated Flow: 800 gpm Speed: I770 rpm Horsepower: 20 HP Head: 70 (ft) C. Motors Manufacturer: General Electric Model No.: 5KS2560NL4JR2A Serial Nos.: 6P1233 6P1234 6P1235 Horsepower: 20 Voltage: 230 Frequency: Enclosure: Code: G 3 Phase, 60 Hz VFD Frame: L356HP1 Type: KS D. Drives Split shaft whniversal joint for flexible shaft with guide bearing. October, 1997 S- -1SUM.WC 1-1 4332A00 E. Controls Type: Features: Tesco Liquitronic IV = computer VFD - Mitsubishi Transistor Inverter. By using Key Pad to set your points. All levels of water measured with air compressor. The VFD will only operate the lead pump. F. Alarms Pump Fail: Yes Loss of Power: Yes Station Flooding: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 230 Transformer (kVa): Yes; 150,50/60 Hz Main Breaker (amp): 200 H. Telemetry I/O Dutec to Modem communicator, to Compaq 590 computer with Wonderware Software. 1. Standby Power ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. output Speed 1 Voltage I John Deere Kholer G 60ROW71 T04039, 293438 HP kW 60 ~369894 1800 n/a 240 n/a 3PH, 60 Hz Diesel Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 5.6 , Fuel Storage (gallons) 50 Rated Run Time lhrsl (with full tank) October, 1997 S?4XLM@U -1sw.wc 1-2 4332A00 L 1. Ventilation For VFD electrical Cooling fan; Dayton 240 cfm Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (cfm) 615 (Supply & Exhaust) 1035 (Supply & Exhaust) I Air Changes (per hr) 6.7 12 I J. Odor Control None K. Structure Below ground two levels. Wet well and dry well are separated by concrete wall. L. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. M. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. One Muffin Monster grinder in wet well channel. Each has its own hydraulic motor and controller. Model 30002-32, Motor. Hydraulic power pack driven with 5 HP motor. Volts 230,3 Phase, 60 Hz. Controller = PC2040 with H.O.A. Selector switch & O/L Relay Enclosure Nema 4X F.R.P. October, 1997 SMSN0J-F -1SUM.MSC 1-3 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fans for both dry and wet wells should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fans should be fitted with flow detection devices (flow switches) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Fire extinguisher should be provided for generator room. 6. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to inttinsically safe relay. COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for the above modifications ranges between $15,000 to $25,000. October. 1997 s3AnzKnu -1SUM.MY: 1-4 4332A00 HOME PLANT LIFT STATION Entrance view. Wetwell - Class 1 Div 1 requires corrosion protection 4111.m-1c1- SLDil /- t i L t a J a W 2 0 I HOME PLANT LIFT STATION Wetwell - electrical needs upgrade Standby generator .u..*=~,hs, 01 I L CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Fox Plant Lift Station # 2 Location: 4155 Hamson Street Trunk Sewer: Basin: 1L A. Flows North Agua Hedionda Lift Station Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 2300 2300 (Largest unit out of service) 8. Pumps Number: 3 Type: Vertical Centrifugal non-clog pumps with Mechanical Seals Pumps No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Manufacturer Chicago pumps Chicago pumps Fairbank Morse Model No. VOSOLC5 VOSOLC5 85400 Serial No. Unknown PO001 5627 K3P1056991 Rated Flow (gpm) 1150 1150 1500 Head (n) 65 65 65 Speed (wm) 1185 1185 1175 Horsemwer (HP) 30 30 40 C. Motors .~ Motors No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Manufacturer Marathon Marathon Reliance Duty Model No. 365upTSV98AC Electric Electric Master AC Motor Serial No. 2N916791 2N916792 1 MAF27604-G1-ZM I Horsepower (HP) 30 30 40 Voltage 220 220 220 Frequency 3 Phase, Hz 60 3 Phase, Hz 60 3 Phase, HZ 60 Enclosure Frame 365up, Frame 365up, Frame 364Hp, Single Speed Single Speed Single Speed Type TSV-BE Type TSV-BE Design B October, 1997 sN133uohLF .ZSUM.MSC 2- 1 4332AOO D. Drives Vertical open-shaft, and universal joint for flexible shafting. E. Controls Type: Features: Autocon Industries Inc. (Bubbler system) Pressure Sensor control with Bellows operation and spring lever control. Alternator selector switch type. By Electric Switch corporation #31306A, Series 31. Motor starters No. 1 - Furnas 14HB32AA-11, No. 2 - Furnas 14HB32AC-71, No. 3 - Furnas 14IP32AA71. F. Alarms Pump Fail: No Loss of Power: Yes Station Flooding: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrlcal Service I Voltage (volts): 220 Transformer (kVa): No Main Breaker (amp): 400 H. Telemetry n/a 1. Standby Power See Chinquapin Lift Station #5 -- - J. Ventllatlon Drywell Wetwell Fan Capacity (cfm) 300 (Exhaust Only) 300 (Exhaust Only) Air Changes (per hr) 4.5 4.5 K. Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 6 months. October, 1997 SY33ZAMNF.2SUM.MSC 2-2 4332AOO -. L. Structure Below ground two levels. Wet well and dry well are separated by concrete wall. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. Two Muffin Monster grinders in wet well channel. Each has its own hydraulic motor and controller. Model 30000-0032, Motor. Hydraulic power pack driven with 5 HP motor. Volts 230,3 Phase, 60 Hz. Controller = PC2040 with H.O.A. Selector switch & OR Relay Enclosure Nema 4X F.R.P. October, 1997 S543321UXNF-2SUM.MSC 2-3 4332AOO COMMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Existing exhaust fans capacities (cfm) are less than the required capacities to meet the electrical classification of the spaces (both dry and wet wells). These fans should be removed and replaced with new FRP fans with higher cfm capacities. The new supply and exhaust fans shall be rated for 2,000 cfm each. New supply fans with the new exhaust fans for both dry and wet wells should be installed. Odors generated from wet well are escaped to the atmosphere through the openings in the entrance door and uncovered grating at the top slab of the lift station. Therefore, to help control the odors, the uncovered gratings should be removed for both dry and wet wells, and the opening should be modified to allow for the installation of the new supply fans. Any remaining openings should be covered. Also, the entrance doors should be replaced with FRP doors. Ventilation ducts should be removed and replaced with new FRP ducts. The exhaust ducts should extend 10 feet higher than the top slab grade level. Ventilation fans for both dry and wet wells should be fitted with flow detection devices (flow switches) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. Combustible gas detectors should be installed in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). Local and remote alarms for both ventilation systems failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. Existing conduits and wiring installations should be upgraded in the wet well to meet Class 1, Div. 2 area. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports, or walls. -- - Walls and stairs for both dry and wet wells should be inspected and evaluated for corrosion. Wiring of the mercury float switch in the wet wells should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 S1433UOOVF-ZSUM.MSC 2-4 4332A00 FOXES LIFT STATION February. 1997 S!4332AmLFSTEVALMSC Entrance view. Wet Well - Class 1 Division 1 Electrical needs upgrade 4332A00 FOXES UFT STATION February, 1997 SVPUOOVFSTEVNUSC Wet Well - Class 1 Division 1 Electrical controls need upgrade. Needs odor control. Wet Well - Requires conosion protection. 4332AOO t 3 February, 1997 SuJ32*oovFSlCJAL USC 1-4 4332a00 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Terramar Lift Station #3 Location: Trunk Sewer: VistdCarlsbad Basin: 3A A. Flows South of Cannon East of El Arbol Capacity (gpm): 100 (Largest unit out of 3wia Projected Peak (gpm): 100 B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Fairbank Morse Model No.: 5412BK Serial Nos.: K251021136 Rated Flow: 100 gpm Speed: 1150 rpm Horsepower: 3 HP Vertical Centrifugal non-clog pumps with Mechanical Seals K251021136-1 Head: 25 (ft) C. Motors Manufacturer: U.S. Motors Model No.: 1027 Serial Nos.: 37482881 3748377 Horsepower: 3 Voltage: 220 Frequency: 3 Phase, 50 Hz Enclosure: Type: H Frame: 215P D. Drives Vertical open-shaft, with guide bearing and universal joint for flexible shafting. E. Controls Type: Features: Autocon Industries Inc. (Bubbler System) Pressure sensor control with bellows operation and spring lever action. Motor starters = Furnas 14CP32AC, Heater H-33 .- October, 1997 Su332Mov F.3SUM.MSC 3-1 4332A00 ,- F. Alarms Pump Fail: NO Loss of Power: Yes Station Flooding: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 220 Transformer (kVa): No Main Breaker (amp): 100 H. Telemetry Ma I. Standby Power Portable Unit J. Ventilation Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (cfrn) 230 (Exhaust Only) NO Air Changes (per hr) 6 K. OdorControl None. Clean wet well with Vactor every 4 months. L. structure Concrete 3 levels down. Wet well within pump room. Wet well 3' wide 6'8" higli7 M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 s1u32AMKF 3swI.Msc 3-2 4332AOO COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detecfion device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Local and remote alarms for pump failure should be provided. 7. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 8. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 sNu3uwILF JSUM.MSC 3-3 4332A00 TERRAMAR LIFT STATION Entrance view Drywell - Class 1 Div. 2 exhaust fan U.a.rnCIL5 io// TERRAMAR LIFT STATION Drywell- electrical controls CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: North Batlquitos Lift Station #4 Location: 7575 Batiquitos Dr. Trunk Sewer: North Batiquitos Bash: 1 9A A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 121 0 (Largest unit out of service) 2250, Existing La Costa station will ~ f replaced and upgraded to this flow capacity B. Pumps Number: 3 Type: Manufacturer: ATT AC Pump Model No.: 250 Serial Nos.: #1=1-74006-01-2 Rated Flow: 121 0 gpm Head: 164 (ft) Speed: 1785 rpm Horsepower: 100 HP Vertical close coupled nonclog centrifugal pumps with mechanical seals #2=1-74006-01-3 #3=1-74006-06-1 C. Motors Manufacturer: Marathon Electric XRI Model No.: XM405TTF56050ANW Serial Nos.: #1=19-04409-11/13/01 Horsepower: 100 Voltage: 480 Frequency: Enclosure: Type: TFS #2=19-04409-11/13/02 #3=19-04409-11/13/03 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed Frame: 405 HPV D. Drlves Vertical open-shaft, and universal joint for flexible shafting. E. Controls Type: Tesco Flex Control Features: Bubbler type. Alternating Relay, Derversified Electric ARA-120-ADA October, 1997 S- 4UM.MSC 4-1 4332A00 F. Alarms Pump Fail: Yes Loss of Power: Yes Station Flooding: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 480 Transformer (kva): Main Breaker (amp): 1200 Square D Class 9070 Type EZ-2,480-120, H. Telemetry 1. Standby Power ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer Caterpillar Olympian Model No. 3208 96A02053-S Serial No. 5YF022862 2027503 output HP233 kW 200 Speed 1800 Voltage N/A 2771480 Frequency NIA 3 ph. 60 Hz. Fuel Type Diesel Fuel Consumption 50% = 7.6 gals @ -- (gallonshr) 100% = 14.8 gals Fuel Storage 300 (gallons) Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Silencer 50% = 39 hrs @ 100% = 20 hrs October, 1997 S11332AOGUFdSUM.MSC 4-2 4332A00 J. Ventilation I Dry Well wet well I Fan Capacity (cfm) 3400 (supply) io00 (supply) Air Changes (per hr) 12 12 4OOO (exhaust) 11 00 (exhaust) K. Odor Control None. L. Structure Below ground concrete walls. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection Polyvinyl chloride liner. (PVC) T. ~~ck Amerplate Ameron Corporate. N. General manufactu Y Alarm call box is a Microtel. October, 1997 SW33ZAONF4W.M.W 4-3 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fans for both dry and wet wells should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 2% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fans should be fitted with flow detection devices (flow switches) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in the dry well. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Fire extinguishers should be provided for dry well and generator room. 6. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be intrinsically safe relay. 7. Dry well ventilation fans capacities should be changed to read: Supply fan 4,000 cfm, Exhaust fan 3,400 cfm. This is to maintain the space under positive pressure. October, 1997 S.%332AOXNSUM.MSC 4-4 4332AOO NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION New Lift Station - under construction Entrance view. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Chinquapin Lift Station #5 Location: 4010 Carlsbad Blvd. Trunk Sewer: VistdCarlsbad Bash: 1H A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 360 360 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: Type: Manufacturer: Model No.: Serial Nos.: Rated Flow: Head: Speed: Horsepower: C. Motors 2 Submersible explosion proof AuroraMydromatic S4HX750JC Unknown-I, S7676 360 gprn 1750 rpm 43 (fi) 7 Vz HP Manufacturer: AuroraMydromatic Model No.: S4HX750JC Serial Nos.: Unknown-I =S7676 Horsepower: 7 % Voltage: 230 Frequency: Enclosure: C.L. Ins. - B One Speed 3 Phase, 60 Hz Design: B Code: K D. Drives Submersible pumpdclosed system E. Controls Type: Float and Rod System Features: Sauare D Mechanical Alternator. Motor starter Square D, Type #SDOl, Heaters 6-40. .- October, 1997 SY33ZAWvF-5SUM.MSC 5-1 4332AOO F. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: Station Flooding: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): H. Telemetry I. Standby Power Yes, Seal Failure Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 230 NIR 100 I ENGINE GENERATOF ~ Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. output Speed Voltage Frequency Fuel Type Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) Fuel Storage (gallons) Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Silencer ~ Caterpillar Kato-Diesel 3606T 125 SR9 E 66D15626 73998 HP kW 125 1800 1800 nla 1201240 n/a 3PH Diesel 125 Residential Kittell TRS-5 J. Ventilation Drywell Wetwell Fan Capacity (cfm) No No [Air Changes (per hr) October, 1997 S.%X%?AWLF-SSUM.MSC 5-2 4332A00 K. Odor Control None L. structure A.H. Type Design, Concrete M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 S14332&W\LF-SSUM.MSC 5-3 4332AOO COMMENTS 1. Since both dry and wet wells are not ventilated, and no physical separation exists between dry and wet wells, they would be classified as Class 1, Div. 1. Therefore, the existing electrical equipment wirings and conduits installations inside the wells, which are not explosion-proof, should be upgraded to meet Class 1, Div. 1. Also, the electrical equipment wirings and conduits installations within 3 feet of the surrounding well openings should be upgraded to meet Class 1, Div.2. 2. Fire extinguishers in dry well should be provided. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Both dry and wet wells walls should be inspected for Corrosion. 6. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 S%UZAC.% FdSUM.MSC 5-4 4332AOO CHINQUAPIN LIFT STATION Entrance view Drywell - Class 1 Div. 1 electrical needs upgrade III~IIOPICCLS COR .- A CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Forest LIR Station #6 Location: South Forest, East Highland Trunk Sewer: VistdCarlsbad Basin: IC A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 360 360 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: Type: Manufacturer: Model No.: Serial Nos.: Rated Flow: Head: Speed: Horsepower: 2 Submersible Explosion Proof AuroraMydromatic S4HX750JC 5-7891 3-5566 360 gpm 1750 rpm 7.5 HP 43 (f.0 c. Motors Manufacturer: AurordHydromatic Model No.: Aurorailiydromatic Serial Nos.: S-7891 Horsepower: 7.5 Voltage: 230 Frequency: 3 Phase, 60 Hz Enclosure: C.L. Inc. B Design: B Code: K 3-5566 D. Drives Submersible pumps, closed system. E. Controls Type: Float System Features: Square D Mechanical Alternating relay. Motor Starters, Furnas 14DF326C October, 1997 s.M332AwBsuM.Hsc 6-1 4332A00 F. Alarms Pump Fail: Yes, Seal Failure Loss of Power: Yes Station Flooding: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 230 Transformer (kVa): No Main Breaker (amp): 60 H. Telemetry No. I. Standby Power Same as Chinquapin Lift Station #5 J. Ventilation Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (dm) No No Air Chanoes her hr) K. Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 4 to 6 months with Vactor. L. Structure A.H. type design. Material concrete. M. Wet Well Corroslon Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 S.WUWVF-BSUM.MSC 6-2 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Since both dry and wet wells are not ventilated, and no physical separation exists between dry and wet wells, they would be classified as Class 1, Div. 1. Therefore, the electrical wirings, and conduits installations inside the wells should be upgraded to meet Class 1, Div.1. Also the electrical equipment, wirings, and conduits installations within 3 feet of the surrounding wells openings should be upgraded to meet Class 1, Div. 2. 2. Fire extinguishers in dry well should be provided. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Both dry and wet wells walls should be inspected for corrosion. 6. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. ,--- October, 1997 SW 6SUM.MSC 6-3 4332AOO in L in a 0 w LL -0 C m CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Vancouver Lift Station #7 Location: 2990 Vancouver Trunk Sewer: VistdCarlsbad Basin: 25 A. Flows Capacity (gprn): Projected Peak (gprn): 150 150 (Largest unit out of service) 6. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Smith Loveless, Inc. Model No.: 46% Serial Nos.: 831 138 831 139 Rated Flow: 150 gpm Head: 103 (ft) Speed: 1760 rpm Horsepower: 15 HP Vertical close coupled nonclog centrifugal pumps with Mechanical seal. C. Motors Manufacturer: Reuland Electric Co. Model No.: 16055-XX2980 Serial Nos.: 833588F-10 833588F-4 Horsepower: 15 Voltage: 460 Frequency: Enclosure: Frame AWO-284V 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed Type VOND D. Drives Close coupled. E. Controls Type: Smith Loveless (bubbler system) Features: Spring loaded mercury switch for pump on-off cycle. Struthers Dunn #A31 1 XRXPR alternating relay. Motor starters, Westinghouse 4L330C, Heaters FH4B. October, 1997 S1133uwvF -7suM.Msc 7- 1 4332AOO F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: Station Flooding: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: Electrical Service Voltage (volts): Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): Telemetry None Standby Power Portable unit. Ventilation No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 460 (2) 460 to 120 Vac 60 Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (cfm) 100 (Exhaust Only) No Air Chanaes (oer hr) 12 Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 8 weeks with Vactor. We add 50# of granular chlorine every 8 weeks. StnrCtUE 36" entrance tube with pump landing 12'. Wet well and pumps separate. Wet weli concrete. Pump structure coated with Versapox Epoxy. Wet well 5'1 1" diameter, and 17'3" deep. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 SYXUAOXF-ISUM.MSC 7-2 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with How detection device flow switch connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Local and remote alarms for pump failures should be provided. 7. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 8. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. 9. Some existing electrical conduits should be upgraded from PVC to Rigid steel conduits. October, 1997 S11332MOVF-7SUM.MSC 7-3 4332A00 VANCOUVER LIFT STATION Wetwell entrance Wetwell - Class 1 Div. 1 requires corrosion protection. VANCOUVER LIFT STATION r Drywell entrance - Class 1 Div. 2 ,-- 2 0 F a I- v) I- LL K W i > a r CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Woodstock Lift Station #8 Location: 4666 Woodstock St. Trunk Sewer: South Agua Hedionda Basin: 7c A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 50 50 (Largest unit out of service) 8. Pumps Number: Type: Manufacturer: Model No.: Serial Nos.: Rated Flow: Head: Speed: Horsepower: 2 Horizontal - Self-priming with Mechanical Seal Gorman Rupp T3A3-B 778268 & 778269 50 gpm 25 (ft) 974 rpm 2 HP C. Motors Manufacturer: Sterling Model No.: 82-40193 Serial Nos.: none Horsepower: 2 Voltage: 230 Frequency: Enclosure: Frame 254T, Code G Single Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed D. Drlves V-Belt drive, two belts per pump. E. Controls Type: Features: Gorman Rupp Company (Bubbler system). Bubbler control with mercury pressure switch. "Motor circuit breaker - IT€ 30 amp. #EEZ-B030. "Magnetic starter, Allen Bradley #709-BOT, Size 1, Heaters W-53. October, 1997 SW .BSUM.MSC 8- 1 4332A00 F, Alarms Pump Fail: Yes Loss of Power: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 230 Transformer (kVa): N/R Main Breaker (amp): 100 H. Telemetry None. 1. Standby Power ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. output Speed Voltage Frequency Fuel Type Fuel Consumption (gallonshr) Fuel Storage (gallons) Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Gsnerac V-Twin HP 16 N/A N/A Gas 5.3 at 112 Load 4.3 Generac V-Twin kW 8000 - Max 10,000 240 Single Phase Silencer October, 1997 s.mUOOVF8Suu.uSC 8-2 4332A00 J. K. L. Ventilation Automatic Operation, Thermostatically Controlled. I DN Well Wet Well I ~ No -1 I Fan Capacity (dm) 140 (Exhaust Only) Air Changes (per hr) 38 Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 4-8 weeks. We also add 50# of granular chlorine every Structure Station above ground. Wet well below concrete structure. A.H. type. 6-8 weeks. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 SMWZMWJ BSM.MSC 8-3 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously. 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection devices (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reaching 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports, or walls. 6. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. .- October, 1997 S,U33UO(NF-BSUM.MSC 8-4 4332AOO WOODSTOCK LIFT STATION Wetwell - Class 1 Div. 1 requires corrosion protection Drywell - Class 1 Div. 2. III*.~yII,,X ,LOR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Villas Lift Station #9 Locatlon: 2860 Winthrop Avenue Trunk Sewer: VistaICarlsbad Basin: 7A A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 125 125 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Gorman Rupp Model No.: T3A3-B Serial Nos.: #1=779644 Rated Flow: 125 gpm Head: 90 (fi) Speed: 1912 rpm Horsepower: 15 HP Horizontal - Self priming centrifugal pump with Mechanical Seal. #2=None (unknown) C. Motors Manufacturer: Siemens Allis Model No.: 51-324-900 Serial Nos.: None Horsepower: 15 Voltage: 208 Frequency: Enclosure: Frame: 245T 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed Code: G D. Drives V-Belt drive, two belts per pump. E. Controls Type: Features: Gorman Rupp Company (bubbler system) Bubbler control with mercury pressure switch. Motor circuit breaker Square D, 70 amp, #FAL32070. Magnetic motor starter. Alien Bradley #709- DODl6, Size 3, Heaters W-67. October, 1997 S1u3uwvF .OGUM.MSC 9-1 4332AOO F. Alarms Pump Fail: Yes Loss of Power: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H,S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 200 Transformer (kva): Main Breaker (amp): 100 2 kVa, 200 volts primary to 11 5 volts H. Telemetry None I. Standby Power Portable Unit J. Ventilation Thermostatically controlled fan for automatic operation Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (cfm) 140 (exhaust only) No Air Changes (per hr) 12 __ K. Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 4-8 weeks. We alm add 5W of granular chlorine every 6-8 weeks. L. Structure Station above ground. Wet well below concrete structure. A.H. Type. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection Coated May 1994 by National Plant Services. Material used Poly Urethane spray on type. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 S.-gSUM.MSC 9-2 4332A00 L COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously. 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch.in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 SlrlU2UaVF-ffiUM.MSC 9-3 4332A00 VILLAS LIFT STATION Entrance view Drywell - Class 1 Div. 2. Wetwell - Class 1 Div. 1 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DlSTRlCT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Faraday Lift Station #10 (Upper) Location: 1759 Faraday Trunk Sewer: South Aqua Hedionda Basin: 58 & 24C A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 1000 1000 (Largest unit out of service) 8. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Smith Loveless Model No.: 6C3 Serial Nos.: 890849 890850 Rated Flow: 1000 gpm Speed: 1800 rpm Horsepower: 25 HP Vertical close couple, non-clog centrifugal pumps with Mechanical Seal. Head: 55 (fi) C. Motors Manufacturer: G.E. for Smith Loveless Model No.: 5K284DP6712ANO Serial Nos.: 035222 035225 Horsepower: 25 Voltage: 460 Frequency: 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed D. Drives Close coupled. E. Controls Type: Smith Loveless Features: Pump Alternator - ARA-120-ADA, Diversified Electronics Emergency transfer switch, automatic, Kohler Ser. No. K24650 Spring loaded mercury switch for On/Off cycles Motor starter, Westinghouse 61 OC51605, Heaters FH54 October, 1997 S- F-1OSUMMSC 10-1 4332AOO F. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: Station Flooding: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): H. Telemetry None I. Standby Power Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 480 Primary 240/480 to 120/240 225 J. I ~ ~ ~~~ ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer Cummins Kohler Model No. 505CID8-3LTR 125R02273 Serial No. 442283260 234749 output HP kW 125 Speed 1800 1800 Voltage da 460 Frequency n/a 3 Phase, 60 Hz Fuel Type Diesel Fuel Consumption (gallonshr) Fuel Storage (gallons) 125 Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Ventilation Dry Well Wet Well Fan Capacity (cfm) 215 (Exhaust Only) No Air Chanaes (per hr) 12 October, 1997 SY33UW-lOSUM.MSC 10-2 4332AOO L K. Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 3-5 weeks, add 50# of granular chlorine every 6 months L. Structure 42" entrance tube, 12' IengtWpump landing 11'10" diameter and 9'5" high. Wet well and pumps separate Wet well concrete 8' diameter, 17' depth. Coated with Versapox epoxy. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protectlon No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 SMUWUI-IOSUM.MSC 10-3 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. 8. Existing intake air for the dry well should be plugged and the entrance tube should be modified to allow for intake air form the opposite side which prevents short circuiting between exhaust and intake air. - October, 1997 S?433"F-tOSUM.MSC 10-4 4332AOO FARADAY LIFT STATION (UPPER) Entrance view Drywell - Class 1 Div. 2 ‘,3m-r.ucm FARADAY LIFT STATION (UPPER) Wetwell - Class 1. Div. 1 Standby generator. -ALaco(I ,- LA GOLONDRINA LIFT STATION Entrance view. Wetwell entrance - Class 1 Div. 1 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: La Golondrlna Lift Station #11 Location: 251 6 La Golondrina Trunk Sewer: BuenaNallecitos Basin: 6B A. Flows Capacity (gpm): 11 0 (Largest unit out of service) Projected Peak (gpm): 110 B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Smith Loveless Model No.: 4B2A Serial Nos.: 831 104 831 103 Rated Flow: 11 0 gpm Speed: 1170 rpm Horsepower: 5 HP Vertical close couple, nonclog centrifugal pumps with Mechanical Seal. Head: 45 (ft) C. Motors Manufacturer: Smith Loveless Model No.: 8264-XX2978 Serial Nos.: 834658A-6 Horsepower: 5 Voltage: 230 Frequency: 834658A-4 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single Speed Type: VONO Enclosure: Frame: AWO-L210 D. Drives Close coupled. E. Controls Type: Smith Loveless Features: Spring load mercury switch for pump odoff Struthers Dunn #211XBX-PR alternating relay Motor Starters - 801 183951 -1 4, Heathers FH46 Roto-Phase Rotary Generator - Input 1 ph., 230 volts; Output 3 ph., 230 volts max. System H/P 10, Model DER, Ser. No. 55607-LN October, 1997 S%NZMBl. F-11SUM.MSC 11-1 4332A00 F. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: Station Flooding: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): H. Telemetry None 1. Standby Power Portable unit J. Ventilation No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 230, 1 ph. No 100 Dry Well Wet Well I Fan Capacity (cfm) 50 (Exhaust Only) No Air Changes (per hr) 12 K. OdorControl None. Clean wet well every 6 months, add 50# of granular chlorine every 6 months. L. Structure 36" entrance tube, 11' pump landing. Wet well and pumps separate. Wet well concrete. Coated with Versapox epoxy. Wet well 4' diameter, depth 21'6". M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel 200. October, 1997 stu3uw\LF -1ISUM.MSC 11-2 4332AOO COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Local and remote alarms for pumps failure should be provided. 7. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 8. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe. 9. Connection for standby generator should be provided. October, 1997 SNu32*ohLF -%lSUH.MSC 11-3 4332AOO LA GOLONDRINA LIFT STATION Drywell entrance - Class 1 Div. 2 _- CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Gateshead Lift Station #I2 Location: 4779 Gateshead Road Trunk Sewer: North Agua Hedionda Basin: 7c A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 40 40 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Gorman Rupp Model No.: T3A3-B Serial Nos.: #I =E28939 #2=828940 Rated Flow: 40 gpm Speed: 988 rpm Horsepower: 3 HP Horizontal - Self priming centrifugal pump with Mechanical Seal. Head: 25 (fi) C. Motors Manufacturer: Siemens Allis Model No.: 51-391-087 Serial Nos.: None Horsepower: 3 Voltage: 230 Frequency: 3 Phase, 60 Hz Enclosure: Frame: 182T Code: K D. Drives V-Belt drive, two belts each pump. E. Controls Type: Features: Gorman Rupp Company (bubbler system) Controls with bubbler Electronic Pressure switch. Main Control board Solid State. Motor Starters Square D 20 Amp. #FAL 32020 Heaters W50. October, 1997 SW .IWUM.MSC 12-1 4332A00 .- F. Alarms Pump Fail: Yes Loss of Power: Yes High Level: Yes Low Level: Yes Combustible Gas: No H2S: No G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): 230 Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): 100 (2) 230 volts primary to 11 5 volts H. Telemetry None I. Standby Power Portable Unit J. Ventilation I Dry Well Wet Well I I I Fan Capacity (cfm) 50 (Exhaust Only) No Air Changes (per hr) 6 I K. Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 4-8 weeks. Also add 50# of granular chlorine every 6-8 weeks. L. Structure Station enclosures & entrance tube; fiberglass reinforced lsophthalic Polyester Resins. Station Nominal diameter 7'6", Height 9, entrance tube 36". Wet well 7' diameter, 25'6" deep. M. Wet Well Corrosion Protection No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. October, 1997 SWDZAWLF -12suM.Msc 12-2 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 SM3ZAW.-12SUM.MSC 12-3 4332AOO GATESHEAD LIFT STATION Entrance view. Drywell - Class 1 Div. 2 ULIIWETLSCCD n a r w v) W (3 2 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Slmsbury LIR Station #13 Locatlon: 3531 Simsbury Dr. Trunk Sewer: North Agua Hedionda Basin: 7A A. Flows Capacity (gprn): Projected Peak (gprn): 382 382 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: 'Smith & Loveless, Inc. Model No.: 4D4A Serial Nos.: #1-851053 Rated Flow: 382gpm Speed: 1760 rpm Horsepower: 50 HP Vertical close coupled non-clogged centrifugal pumps with mechanical seals. #2-851054 Head: 200 (ft) C. Motors Manufacturer: Reuland Electric Co. Model No.: 189 24-XN5363A Serial Nos.: #1-855363-A-l Horsepower: 50 Voltage: 460 Frequency: Enclosure: Frame: 365 U-AFU #2-855363-A-3 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single speed, soft start. Type: VONO Code: H D. Drives Close coupled. E. Controls Type: Features: Smith & Loveless (bubbler type system) Spring loaded mercury switch for lead on/off. Struthers Dunn pump alternator relay. Motor starters, Westinghouse #A201 K3CA, Size 3, Heaters FH 83. Automatic Transfer Switch #RMT 1504CE Russ electric. October, 1997 S%BZACV& F-lJsUu.MSC 13-1 4332A00 F. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: G. Electrical Service Voltage (volts): Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): H. Telemetry None 1. Standby Power No. Yes Yes Yes No No 460 (2) 480 volts to 130 volts 200 ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. output Speed Cummins Kohler 6BTS5.9 80R02271 21 55001 8HCH 172803 HP 126 kW 94 1800 Voltage n/a 480 Frequency nla 3 ph., 60 Hz Fuel Type diesel Fuel Consumption (gallonshr) Fuel Storage (gallons) Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Silencer Muffler 6.2 at 100% October, 1997 S- -13suM.Msc 13-2 4332A00 .- J. K. L. M. N. Ventilation I Dw well Wet well I I Fan Capacity (cfm) 178 (Exhaust Only) Air Changes (per hr) 6 Odor Control None. Clean wet well every 8 weeks. Also add 50# to 100# of granular chlorine every 8-12 weeks. Structure Generator is housed in brick building. Pump room below ground concrete structure. Wet well A.H. type concrete. Diameter 8', depth 13'8". Concrete overflow tank W 23' x L 14' x D 13'8". Wet Well Corroslon Protection No. General Alarm call box is a Microtel 200. October, 1997 SMWACUd€ 43SUM.MSC 13-3 4332AOQ COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device (flow switch) connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated, and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Wet well requires inspection and evaluation for corrosion. 7. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. .- October, 1997 S!433MW~13SUM,MSC 13-4 4332A00 .- SIMSBURY LIFT STATION Entrance view. Wetwell - Class 1 Div. 1 requires corrosion protection. v SIMSBURY LIFT STATION Drywell entrance. Standby generator room CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Faraday Lift Station #I4 (Lower) Location: 1507 Faraday Trunk Sewer: South Agua Hedionda Basin: 8 A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): 382 307 (Largest unit out of service) B. Pumps Number: 2 Type: Manufacturer: Smith & Loveless, Inc. Model No.: 4C3 Vertical close coupled non-clogged centrifugal pumps with mechanical seals. Serial Nos.: 950751 950752 Rated Flow: 307Qpm Head: 14-jft) Speed: 1760 rpm Horsepower: 25 HP C. Motors Manufacturer: Smith & Loveless Model No.: 2C284TTD8634BP Serial Nos.: #I -42453290-3/22.02 Horsepower: 25 Voltage: 460 Frequency: Enclosure: Frame: 284HPHVZ #2-42453270-3/22.02 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Single speed. Type: TDR Code: H D. Drives Close coupled. E. Controls Type: Smith & Loveless (bubbler type system) Features: Transfer switch Kohler #K-5666541-150. Ser. #K62095. Motor Starters Allen Bradley #150-A35NBD. Air Pressure spring adjusting control for pump on/off. October, 1997 SM33UMNF-14WM.MSC 14-1 4332A00 F. Alarms Pump Fail: Loss of Power: High Level: Low Level: Combustible Gas: H,S: G. Electrical Service Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Voltage (volts): 460 Transformer (kVa): Main Breaker (amp): 100 #9,480 volts to 208/120 H. Telemetry None 1. Standby Power ENGINE GENERATOR Manufacturer John Deere Kohler Model No. 80ROW71 Serial No. CD6059T220023 367275 output HP kW 80 Speed 1800 Voltage n/a 460 Frequency nla 3 ph., 60 Hz Fuel Type diesel Fuel Consumption (gallonshr) Fuel Storage 125 (gallons) Rated Run Time (hrs) (with full tank) Silencer October, 1997 SM~.I4SW.MsC 14-2 4332AOO J. Ventilatlon I Dry well Wet well I Fan Capacity (cfm) 215 (Exhaust Only) No Air Changes (per hr) 12 K. OdorControl Air injection system. Air to wet well and to force main. L. Structure 42” entry tube with 11’10” pump landing area. Height is 9’5”. Steel with Versapox Epoxy Coating. Wet well separate from pumps. Wet well concrete structure A.H. type. Diameter 5’ depth 20. M. Wet Well Corroslon Protectlon No. N. General Alarm call box is a Microtel200. _- October. 1997 Su332aoovF -14SSUM.MSC 14-3 4332A00 COMMENTS 1. Ventilation fan for the dry well should run continuously to maintain the flammability of the interior space below 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 2. Ventilation fan should be fitted with flow detection device connected to alarm signaling system to indicate ventilation system failure. 3. Combustible gas detectors should be provided in both dry and wet wells. Means should be provided to automatically de-energize all electrical sources of ignition in the well in the event the interior atmosphere of the well reach 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). 4. Local and remote alarms for both ventilation system failure and combustible gas detection should be provided. 5. Loose wirings touching other wirings should be separated, and strapped to equipment supports or walls. 6. Wiring of the Mercury float switch in the wet well should be changed to intrinsically safe relay. October, 1997 S- F-14SUM.MSC 14-4 4332AOO z 0 F 2 v) I- LL i t i .- CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LIFT STATION SUMMARY FORM STATION: Polntsettia Location: Trunk Sewer: Basin: IOA&B A. Flows Capacity (gpm): Projected Peak (gpm): B. Pumps Number: Type: Manufacturer: Model No.: Serial Nos.: Rated Flow: Head: Speed: Horsepower: Comminutor: C. Motors Engine and Generator Set: 1,230 (Largest unit out of service) 1,700 2 installed, ult. 3 Centrifugal non-clog pumps with Mechanical Seals Unknown Unknown Unknown 850 gpm 247 (ft) 1,800 rpm 125 HP 5 HP 250 kW , October, 1997 SY332AMVF-lSSUM.MSC 15-1 4332AOO