HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Sidewalk Inventory Report City of Carlsbad; Sidewalk Inventory Report City of Carlsbad; 1991-02-01CITY OF CARLSBAD SroEWALK INVENTORY REPORT GINEERING DEPT LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. CA 92009-4859 Prepared by: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION FEBRUARY 1991 CITY OF CARLSBAD Traffic Engineering Division SIDEWALK INVENTORY REPORT FEBRUARY 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Background and Purpose 1 General 2 Data 2 Construction Program 3 Appendices A. Sidewalk Priority Rating Equation B. Sidewalk Priority List C. Future Development Link List D. Non-Essential Link List E. Roadways without sidewalk Alphabetical List F. Construction Program G. Sidewalk - Typical Section San Diego Regional Standard Drawing ENGINEERING DEPT LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. CA 92009-4859 CITY OF CARLSBAD Traffic Engineering Division SIDEWALK INVENTORY REPORT INTRODUCTION In recent years alternative modes of transportation, ranging from walking and bicycling to light rail systems and high occupancy vehicle lanes, have been investigated by agencies throughout Southern California. San Diego County alone has various legislative measures, Proposition A for example, implemented to construct facilities to accommodate some alternative forms of transportation. This report focuses on walking as a mode of transportation and the facilities required to provide for the safety and convenience of the pedestrian. Over the years a variety of projects throughout the City of Carlsbad have provided facilities that would benefit the pedestrian. However, in many cases there are no existing facilities, i.e. sidewalks, for the pedestrian to utilize in accessing these areas. In locations where sidewalk does not exist, pedestrians are often required to utilize either the parkway or the edge of the traveled way. Due to potential conflicts, both of these locations are generally unacceptable for use by the pedestrian. The parkway sometimes has an unpaved and occasionally uneven surface with various obstructions such as vegetation, signs and utility poles and the paved edge of the traveled way does not provide a physical barrier from vehicles and often creates conflicts with bicyclists. Presented in this report is a program for future construction of sidewalk linkages throughout the City, emphasizing the need to complete these links on a systematic basis to achieve a Citywide uniform sidewalk network. Establishing a Sidewalk Prioritization Procedure for construction of missing sidewalks will enable staff to compare various locations throughout the City that are in need of sidewalk construction. The end result will be a ranking of sidewalks to be constructed in the future that can be used in the yearly City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP). BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Traffic Engineering Division staff have been actively pursuing a program to address sidewalk facilities for the pedestrian. One aspect of this program culminated in a Citywide Pedestrian Action Plan. Research efforts obtained information from other jurisdictions in Southern California pertaining to pedestrians and pedestrian facilities. Meetings were held with some residents of Carlsbad to obtain their input regarding pedestrian safety. All of this information was combined into a Pedestrian Action Plan that was approved by City Council in March of 1988. The plan contained 5 key elements pertaining to pedestrian safety and elimination of pedestrian facility deficiencies throughout Carlsbad. Sidewalks are required to be constructed as a condition of approval for most developments throughout the City. However, there are a number of remaining locations, especially in the older portions of the City, where sidewalk facilities are deficient or were never constructed. This report identifies those sidewalk locations and is consistent with Key Element No. 2 of the Pedestrian Action Plan which required an inventory, evaluation and prioritization of locations throughout the City where sidewalk and sidewalk links are deficient or missing. In 1988, the City of Carlsbad received a $10,000 Proposition A/Transportation Development Act Grant from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). This grant was used to compile a comprehensive listing of all locations throughout the City that do not have sidewalks and to determine a method of prioritizing these locations for future construction. Summarized in this report afe the field observations and prioritized listing of locations recommended for sidewalk improvements. One goal of this project is to receive funding from other sources in conjunction with the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program so that missing sidewalks can be constructed in accordance with the priority listing. Any number of methods could have been developed to prioritize the locations included in this report. For that reason^ a number of different factors were investigated with one set of criteria ultimately selected and used to compile the list. Locations having the highest number of priority points are ranked highest on the list. It is stressed, however, that other considerations such as financial constraints, private development, right of way requirements or capital improvement projects may necessitate that a lower priority location be constructed prior to a location that is ranked higher on the list. Therefore, the Sidewalk Priority List is intended to be used as a planning tool for completing all new and missing sidewalk links throughout the entire City of Carlsbad. GENERAL A sidewalk is defined in the California Vehicle Code as "that portion of a highway, other than the roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings or other delineation for pedestrian travel." Sidewalks are generally constructed of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) because of its strength and durability. However, in some Carlsbad locations Asphaltic Concrete (A/C) pavement is utilized on an interim basis. Standard widths for sidewalks range from 4.5 feet to 10.0 feet in locations having high pedestrian activity. Sidewalks are constructed parallel to both sides of a roadway, although in some applications, the sidewalk will be constructed parallel to the roadway in a meandering fashion, weaving through a landscaped parkway for aesthetic purposes. DATA A number of factors pertaining to walking as a mode of transportation and a form of recreation were utilized in establishing the Sidewalk Priority List. Pedestrian activities such as children going to and from school, citizens walking or jogging for exercise or citizens and tourists alike utilizing the many parks and beaches and the downtown redevelopment shopping area were all considered in the analysis and ranking procedure. To facilitate the inventory and analysis of missing sidewalk and sidewalk link locations, staff divided Carlsbad into four quadrants as listed below. Northeast (NE) - North of Palomar Airport Road and East of El Camino Real Northwest (NW) - North of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino Real Southwest (SW) - South of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino Real Southeast (SE) - South of Palomar Airport Road and East of El Camino Real Only sidewalk locations that are deficient were included for evaluation purposes and this listing is provided in Appendix E. Staff considered many factors when examining these deficient sidewalk locations, including sidewalk encumbrances such as vegetation, fences, street light standards, telephone and utility poles, utility boxes and ground slope. All roadway improvements that normally would be required to install the sidewalk such as partial street widening, concrete curb and gutter or asphaltic concrete berm construction, or construction of any drainage facilities were also considered in the Sidewalk Priority List. In addition to these physical improvements, staff investigated prevailing vehicle speeds and volumes, pedestrian activity and economic feasibility to complete a project. Ranking of the various sidewalk locations is shown in Appendix B, Sidewalk Priority List, and was accomplished by using the Sidewalk Priority Rating Equation indicated in Appendix A. Factors included in this equation are estimated pedestrian volumes, traffic volumes, roadway design speed, geographical locations, and a number of special conditions, as indicated in Appendix A, which would warrant sidewalk construction. Not all missing sidewalk segments were included, however, in the Sidewalk Priority List. Therefore, other categories were added to account for all of the sidewalk segments that were inventoried. Appendix C, Future Development Link List, accounts for missing sidewalk links that will be constructed in the future via another mechanism, i.e. future improvement agreement, developmental condition, capital improvement project, etc. Appendix D, Non-Essential Link List, accounts for missing sidewalk links that are non-essential for initial scheduling into a priority program. The locations are roadway segments that are generally located in isolated residential areas in established neighborhoods. These segments include fully improved cul-de-sac streets, low density rural areas or single loaded residential streets with sidewalk already existing on the loaded side. Another aspect that was investigated for planning of the long term construction goals was the total estimated construction cost to install all of the sidewalk links throughout the City of Carlsbad. The method used to determine the total estimated costs included a breakdown of each roadway segment by length, multiplied by various unit price dollar amounts. This figure represents the estimated cost to construct the link/segment. Construction unit price information used was the City of Carlsbad Unit Price for Checking Subdivisions and Pennits dated February 1989. Estimated costs were added together to obtain a total cost estimate for construction of all sidewalk links throughout the City. Only factors that were readily apparent by visual inspection were used in calculating the estimated costs; i.e., if roadway widening is needed to construct sidewalk, if the sidewalk can be constructed utilizing A/C berm or PCC curb and gutter and the cost of the actual concrete sidewalk slab itself. Once the estimated costs were established, a contingency factor of 25 percent was included to reach a final segment cost. It is not in the scope of this report to calculate actual construction cost estimates. Items such as drainage, right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation were not included into the total estimated cost. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Roadway improvements in Carlsbad are financed and constructed by one or more methods. One of the methodologies is to place needed improvements in the five-year Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.). Different funding sources, such as developer fees, are used to finance each proposed project in the CLP. for the appropriate year. The 5-year construction program for sidewalks is based upon an annual allocation of $300,000 in the Capital Improvement F'rogram with the five-year program indicated in Appendix F. Beginning with priority rank number 1, each sidewalk segment estimated construction cost was totaled consecutively until the $300,000 yearly allocation was reached. In fiscal year 1990/91 there is a $400,000 carry over from fiscal year 1989/90, however, annual City funding was not available for fiscal year 1990/91. This resulted in a total availability of funds of $400,000 for the first year of sidewalk construction. All of the missing sidewalk segments were listed consecutively in accordance with the Sidewalk Priority List for the initial five-year construction program, although not all of the sidewalk segments were included on the yearly funding list. These projects were not included because of previous inclusion in a Capital Improvement Project already existing for a given segment. Additionally, sidewalk segments being scheduled for construction should be coordinated with other types of facilities construction that is being scheduled for that roadway segment. In this way total cost effectiveness for the projects can be maximized while keeping construction activity in the area down to a minimum. Pertaining to this, notes have been incorporated into Appendices B, C and F regarding facilities construction coordination. The Sidewalk Priority List and subsequent coiwtruction program is intended to be used as a tool for planning the future construction of the missing sidewalk segments. Financial constraints, developer requirements, right-of-way demands, etc., could alter the order by constructing a segment that has a lower priority over one that has a higher priority on the list. As sidewalk segments are constructed, future five-year construction programs will be formulated so that a complete sidewalk network will exist throughout the City of Carlsbad by buildout. APPENDIX A SIDEWALK PRIORITY RATING EQUATION SIDEWALK PRIORITY RATING EQUATION To establish the sidewalk segment construction priority, an equation was developed that utilizes three factors deemed most pertinent to obtaining project prioritization. The equation and each of these factors are defined as follows: Segment = Priority Pedestrian Conflicts plus (+) Special Conditions divided by (-) Cost Index Pedestrian Conflicts CVolume/Capacitv x Speed x Pedestrian Factort: Roadways having higher traffic volumes, higher speeds and that are heavily used by pedestrians will tend to have a greater potential for pedestrian/vehicular traffic conflicts. Points were assigned in this category based on roadway capacity, speed and estimated pedestrian usage. Categorv Volume/Capacity (actual volume to capacity ratio-no points assigned) Speed (85th percentile or Design): greater than 45 mph 25 to 45 mph less than 25 mph Points 10 5 1 Pedestrian Factor (PF): greater than 20 peds 10 10 to 20 peds 5 less than 10 peds 1 Special Conditions (SO: Any number of conditions could exist at a location that would justify a higher priority. Points assigned in this category were based upon the following special conditions. Categorv rSpecial Condition') School Route (Sidewalk segment provides school access) Points Direct School Access Secondary School Access *20 *15 A- 1 Categorv CSpecial Condition') Points Institutional (sidewalk segment is located adjacent to 15 a school, medical facility, senior citizen center or church, etc.) Recreational (Sidewalk segment accesses City parks, beaches, etc.) 10 Hazardous Physical Condition (sidewalk 10 segment is located adjacent to a hazardous physical condition. Some examples of possible hazardous physical conditions are bridges, drainage swales, steep slopes, lagoons, railroad tracks, inadequate verticai and/or horizontal sight distance, etc.) Commercial/Industrial (sidewalk segment accesses Commercial/ 5 Industrial Zones.) g-NOTE If a sidewalk segment has either direct or secondary school access to more than one school, multiply School Route points by 2. Cost Index (CD: Although all of the sidewalk segments are needed to provide a uniform and complete sidewalk network throughout Carlsbad, economics dictates that any one project should be considered and weighed against the benefit of constructing other needed locations. With limited funding available, the higher cost of a project tends to make the project less desirable to construct than one having a lower construction cost. Points were assigned in this category based upon estimated construction costs. Category (Estimated Cost $") Points less than 25,000 1 25,001-50,000 2 50,001-100,000 3 100,001-150,000 4 150,001-200,000 5 200,001-300,000 6 300,001-400,000 7 400,001-500,000 8 500,001-1,000,000 9 1,000,00H-10 A - 2 APPENDIX B SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST SIDEWALK INVENTORY PRIORITY USTING PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 1. TAMARACK AVENUE E - Park Dr. to 214.0' West 90.00 $4,800.00 2. VALLEY STREET C - Basswood Ave. to 335.0' North 82.50 7,550.00 3. CAMINO VIDA ROBLE B - Yarrow Dr. to Corte Del Abeto 82.31 17,800.00 C - Corte Del Nogal to 260.0' South 82.31 5,850.00 D - Palomar Airport Rd. to Corte Del Nogal 82.31 23,750.00 E - 528.0' e/o Palomar Oaks Wy. to 123.0' East 82.31 4,400.00 F - Owens Ave. to 117.0' East 82.31 4,150.00 G - 528.0' w/o Owens Ave. to 121.0' West 82.31 4,300.00 H - El Camino Real to Las Palmas Dr. 82.31 23,750.00 J - Las Palmas Dr. to Palomar Oaks Wy. 82.31 23,750.00 K - Palomar Oaks Wy. to Palomar Airport Rd. 82.31 17,800.00 4. MONROE STREET A - Park Dr. to 350.0' North 80.00 14,000.00 C - 103.0' n/o Karren Ln. to 81.0' North 80.00 3,250.00 D - Basswood Ave. to 52.0' South (UUP 92) 80.00 1,150.00 E - Magnolia Ave. to 430.0' South 80.00 17,200.00 F - Basswood Ave. to 451.0' South (UUP 92) 80.00 18,050.00 H - Magnolia Ave. to 137.0' North 80.00 5,500.00 5 CHESTNUT AVENUE E - Donna Dr. to 152.0' West 78.00 3,400.00 6. HIGHLAND DRIVE E - Chestnut Ave. to 331.0' North 75.00 13,250.00 N - Hillview Ct. to Magnolia Ave. 75.00 17,800.00 0 - Chestnut Ave. to 314.0' South 75.00 12,550.00 P - Basswood Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 75.00 21,100.00 7. VICTORIA AVENUE A - 125.0' w/o Elm Ave. to 101.0' West 70.00 4,050.00 TAMARACK AVENUE F - La Portalada Dr. to 363.0' West 70.00 8,150.00 JEFFERSON STREET B - Chinquapin Ave. to Citrus Pl. 70.00 10,700.00 C - Citrus Pl. to Tamarack Ave. 70.00 6,350.00 D - Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 70.00 16,550.00 E - 99.0' s/o Magnolia Ave. to 101.0' South 70.00 4,050.00 8. BASSWOOD AVENUE A - Donna Dr. to 78.0' West 65.00 2,950.00 D - Valley St. to Maezel Ln. 65.00 11,900.00 E - Maezel Ln. to Canyon St. 65.00 11,500.00 L - Donna Dr. to Belle Ln. 65.00 15,250.00 PARK DRIVE B - Monroe St. to 463.0' South 65.00 18,500.00 C - 68.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 51.0' South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 2,900.00 D - 119.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 78.0' South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 - 4,200.00 E - 192.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 226.0' South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 12,900.00 I - 112.0' s/o Monroe St. to 262.0' South 65.00 10,500.00 J - Tamarack Ave. to 462.0' North 65.00 18,500.00 9. PINE A"VENUE C - Lincoln St. to 184.0' West 60.00 7,350.00 D - Garfield St. to 82.0' West 60.00 1,850.00 E - Lincoln St. to 19.0' West 60.00 750.00 TOTAL $434,050.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-1 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 10. VALLEY STREET B - Magnolia Ave. to 610.0' South 56.50 $24,400.00 11. OCEAN STREET A - Oak Ave. to 71.0' South 55.00 2,800.00 B - Elm Ave. to Grand Ave. 55.00 22,800.00 C - Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. 55.00 12,200.00 D - Beech Ave. to 232.0' South 55.00 13,200.00 F - Pacific Ave. to 395.0' North 55.00 22,600.00 G - Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. 55.00 21,700.00 I - Elm Ave. to 510.0' South 55.00 20,400.00 J - Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. 55.00 12,200.00 L - Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. 55.00 21,700.00 M - Pacific Ave. to 163.0' North 55.00 9,300.00 N - Mountain View Dr. to Garfield St. 55.00 5,500.00 12. CHESTNUT AVENUE F - 90.0' w/o Seaview Wy. to Donna Dr. 49.00 8,850.00 J - Westhaven Dr. to 485.0' East 49.00 19,100.00 13. MAGNOLIA AVENUE C - Highland Dr. to 25.0' East 46.50 1,000.00 E - Valley St. to 437.0' East 46.50 17,500.00 F - Monroe St. to 389.0' West 46.50 15,550.00 I - Valley St. to 176.0' East 46.50 3,950.00 K - Monroe St. to 189.0' West 46.50 7,550.00 14. MAGNOUA AVENUE A - Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. 45.00 20,800.00 G - Pio Pico Dr. to 189.0' East 45.00 7,450.00 H - Adams St. to 275.0' East 45.00 6,200.00 J - Highland Dr. to 243.0' West 45.00 9,550.00 15. LAGUNA DRIVE C - Jefferson St. to 197.0' West (UUP 91) 44.69 14,650.00 F - Roosevelt St. to Madison St. (UUP 91) 44.69 20,100.00 G - 248.0' w/o Jefferson St. to 206.0' West (UUP 91) 44.69 15,300.00 16. GRAND AVENUE B - Jefferson St. to 226.0' West (dP 91) 42.50 9,050.00 17. VALLEY STREET H - Basswood Ave. to Oak Ave. 41.25 42,250.00 18. CAMINO VIDA ROBLE A - El Camino Real to Yarrow Dr. 41.16 41,600.00 I - Las Palmas Dr. to Las Palmas Dr. 41.16 35,650.00 19. GRAND AVENUE A - Carlsbad Blvd. to Ocean St. 40.00 16,900.00 MONROE STREET B - Park Dr. to SunnyhUl Dr. 40.00 30,200.00 G - Park Dr. to Sunnyhill Dr. 40.00 30,200.00 20. HIGHLAND DRIVE D - Tamarack Ave. to 792.0' North 37.50 31,700.00 F - Chestnut Ave. to Magnolia Ave. 37.50 31,700.00 M - Magnolia Ave. to Tamarack Ave. 37.50 42,250.00 21. PINE AVENUE B - Garfield St. to 206.0' East 35.00 8.100.00 STATE STREET B - Carlsbad Blvd. to 244.0' South (UUP 91) 35.00 23,200.00 HIGHLAND DRI'VE I - Arland Rd. to Las Flores Dr. 35.00 4,000.00 K - Butters Rd. to 125.0' North 35.00 2,800.00 R - Forest Rd. to Las Flores Dr. 35.00 23,350.00 S - Butters Rd. to Forest Rd. 35.00 4,400.00 T - Yourell Ave. to Butters Rd. 35.00 1.500.00 TOTAL $735,200.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-2 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-3 PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 22. BASSWOOD AVENUE B - 128.0' e/o Eureka Pl. to Highland Dr. 32.50 $48,700.00 23. LA COSTA AVENUE C - 2540.0' e/o El Camino Real to 205.0' West 30.25 4,600.00 D - 2740.0' e/o El Camino Real to 105.0' West 30.25 2,350.00 E - 697.0' w/o Nueva Casrilla to 156.0' West 30.25 3,500.00 F - 470.0' w/o Nueva Castilla to 157.0' West 30.25 3,550.00 G - 600.0' w/o Nueva Castilla to 97.0' West 30.25 2,200.00 H - 271.0' w/o Nueva Castilla to 179.0' West 30.25 4,050.00 I -Nueva Castilla to 183.0' West 30.25 4,100.00 J • 94.0' w/o Viejo Castilla to 71.0' West 30.25 1,600.00 K - 528.0' w/o Gibraltar St. to 159.0' West 30.25 3,600.00 L - Gibraltar St. to 60.0' West 30.25 1,350.00 24. WASHINGTON STREET A - Elm Ave. to Oak Ave. 30.00 16,500.00 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD E - Tamarack Ave. to 35.0' North 30.00 1,400.00 PRIESTLY DRIVE A - Faraday Ave. to Rutherford Rd. 30.00 17,800.00 B - Rutherford Rd. to La Place Ct. 30.00 11,900.00 RUTHERFORD ROAD A - Geiger Ct. to Landau Ct. 30.00 11,900.00 B - Pascal Ct. to Priestly Dr. 30.00 17,800.00 C - Landau Ct. to Pascal Ct. 30.00 11,900.00 BUENA 'VISTA WAY C - Arland Rd. to Elmwood St. 30.00 20,500.00 H - Pio Pico Dr. to 172.0' East 30.00 9,400.00 25. VALLEY STREET A - Magnolia Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 28.25 36,400.00 F - Chestnut Ave. to Magnolia Ave. 28.25 36,400.00 26. OCEAN STREET E - Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. 27.50 34,200.00 H - Elm Ave. to 447.0' North 27.50 25,600.00 K - Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. 27.50 34,200.00 27. EL CAMINO REAL K - Elm Ave. to 1056.0' South 25.86 23,750.00 28. WALNUT AVENUE A - Lincoln St. to 198.0' West 25.00 7,900.00 — B - Lincoln St. to 79.0' East 25.00 3,150.00 PACIFIC AVENUE B - Ocean St. to Mountain View Dr. 25.00 21,100.00 'KNOWLES AVENUE B - Gregory Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. 25.00 4,400.00 AUCANTE ROAD A - Altisma Wy. to 528.0' East 25.00 11,900.00 CYPRESS AVENUE A - Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. 25.00 23,900.00 B - Garfield St. to 260.0' East 25.00 10,400.00 C - Ocean St. to Garfield St. 25.00 6,800.00 GARFIELD STREET F - 105.0' n/o Elm Ave. to 151.0' North 25.00 6,000.00 G - Cypress Ave. to 169.0' South 25.00 6,800.00 M - Pine Ave. to 73.0' South 25.00 1,650.00 N - 101.0' n/o Beech Ave. to Cypress Ave. 25.00 17,400.00 0 - Pacific Ave. to 157.0' North 25.00 9.000.00 TOTAL $519,650.00 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 28. LINCOLN STREET A - 161.0' s/o Oak Ave. to 263.0' South 25.00 $10,500.00 (cont) B - Chestnut Ave. to 217.0' North 25.00 8,700.00 C - Chestnut Ave. to Walnut Ave. 25.00 17,800.00 D - Walnut Ave. to Pine Ave. 25.00 17,600.00 F - Pine Ave. to 87.0' North 25.00 3,500.00 G - 145.0' n/o Pine Ave. to 166.0' North 25.00 6,650.00 ADAMS STREET C - Tamarack Ave. to Magnolia Ave. 25.00 23,700.00 G - 169.0' s/o Magnolia Ave. to 270.0' South 25.00 10,600.00 29. CHESTNUT AVENUE K - Cameo Rd. to El Camino Real 24.50 41,600.00 30. EL FUERTE STREET B - Unicomio St. to Cacatua St. 24.26 23,800.00 31. POINSETTIA LANE B - 100,0' e/o Avenida Encinas to 528.0' East 23.44 11,900.00 32. MAGNOUA A'VENUE D - Valley St. to 811' West 23.25 32,450.00 33. TAMARACK AVENUE H - 124.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 315.0' East (OP 90-91) 22.75 23,450.00 34. MAGNOUA AVENUE B - 114.0' e/o Adams St. to 1056.0' East 22.50 41.600.00 LAGUNA DRIVE B - State St. to Buena Vista Cir. (UUP 91) 22.35 36,750.00 D - Buena Vista Cir. to 438.0' East (UUP 91) 22.35 32,600.00 E - State St. to Roosevelt St. (UUP 91) 22.35 29,600.00 36. MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE A - Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. 20.00 16,100.00 PACIFIC AVENUE A - Ocean St. to Garfield St. 20.00 2,000.00 ELM AVENUE A - Glasgow Dr. to Tamarack Ave. 20.00 79,200.00 GAYLE WAY B - Monroe St. to Aim Dr. 20.00 9,600.00 C - Ann Dr. to Donna Dr. 20.00 13,900.00 FOREST AVENUE B - Highland Dr. to Highland Dr. 20.00 6,650.00 C - Pio Pico Dr. to 187.0' East 20.00 13,900.00 D - Spruce St. to 348.0' East 20.00 19,000.00 F - Highland Dr. to Wilson St. 20.00 19,300.00 37. VALLEY STREET G - Magnolia Ave. to 1108.0' South 18.83 96,500.00 38. STATE STREET A - Laguna Dr. to Carlsbad Blvd. 17.50 41,150.00 HIGHLAND DRIVE H - Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. 17.50 41,150.00 J - Forest Rd. to Arland Rd. 17.50 46,100.00 Q - Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. 17.50 42,250.00 ALGA ROAD D - Corintia St. to 1056.0' East 17.50 23,750.00 E - El Camino Real to Estrelia De Mar 17.50 17,800.00 F - Estrelia De Mar to Almaden Ln. 17.50 23,750.00 G - Almaden Ln. to Alicante Rd. 17.50 5,950.00 K - Santa Isabel St. to El Fuerte St. 17.50 17,800.00 L - Xana Wy. to 792.0' West 17.50 17,800.00 39. OAK AVENUE A - State St. to 132.0' West (HR. 91) 16.00 5,300.00 B - Roosevelt St. to State St. (HR 91) 16.00 12.400.00 TOTAL $944,150.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT .(Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPRO'VEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-5 PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 40. LA COSTA AVENUE 0 - 528.0' e/o El Camino Real to 1584.0' East 15.13 $35,650.00 P - Nueva Castilla to 1584.0' West 15.13 35,650.00 Q - Nueva Castilla to Calle Madero 15.13 35,650.00 R - Calle Madero to Romeria St. 15.13 29,700.00 41. MADISON STREET A - 106.0' n/o Grand Ave. to 207.0' North 15.00 4,650.00 B - Laguna Dr. to 528.0' South 15.00 21,100.00 C - 211.0' s/o Laguna Dr. to 528.0' South 15.00 21,100.00 DONNA DRIVE B - Janis Wy. to 79.0' South 15.00 3,150.00 H - Janis Wy. to 111.0' South 15.00 4,450.00 I -Gayle Wy. to Janis Wy. 15.00 13,900.00 BUENA VISTA WAY D - Valley St. to Arland Rd. 15.00 36,300.00 42. HIGHLAND DRIVE G - Elm Ave. to Basswood Ave. 13.25 124,700.00 43. YARROW DRIVE A - Palomar Airport Rd. to Camino Vida Robie 12.91 71,300.00 44. EL FUERTE STREET C - Cacatua St. to Chorlito St. 12.13 35,600.00 45. PINE AVENUE A - Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. 11.67 89,600.00 46. -TAMARACK A'VENUE A - Carlsbad Blvd. to 467.0' East (OP 90-91) 11.38 25,700.00 47. EL CAMINO REAL I -Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0' South (QP 91-92) 10.24 23,750.00 J • Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0' North 10.24 23,750.00 48. LA COSTA AVENUE B - 70.0' e/o El Camino Real to 2376.0' East 10.08 53,450.00 49. LAS PALMAS DRIVE A - Camino Vida Robie to Camino Vida Robie 10.00 95,000.00 GAYLE WAY A - Moruroe St. to Donna Dr. 10.00 27,000.00 PALMER WAY/ B - Impala Dr. to Faraday Ave. 10.00 21,100.00 COUGAR DRIVE BUENA'VISTA WAY B - 33.0' e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. 10.00 92,800.00 I -270.0' e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. 10.00 67,400.00 J • Valley St. to Elmwood St. 10.00 51,300.00 FOREST AVENUE A - Crest Dr. to Highland Dr. 10.00 26,000.00 G - Wilson St. to Crest Dr. 10.00 28,600.00 50. PARK DRIVE F - 140.0' s/o Grady Pl. to 248.0' South 9.00 9,900.00 G - 322.0' n/o Marina Dr. to 462.0' North 9.00 18,500.00 51. ALGA ROAD A - El Camino Real to 1320.0' West 8.75 29,700.00 C - Corintia St. to Cazadero Dr. 8.75 29,700.00 I -Cazadero Dr. to Corintia St. 8.75 29,700.00 J • Corintia St. to Santa Isabel St. 8.75 41,600.00 M - Xana Wy. to Melrose Dr. 8.75 29,700.00 52. KNOWLES AVENUE C - Elmwood St. to Gregory Dr. 8.33 58,900.00 E - Elmwood St. to Pio Pico Dr. 8.33 78,500.00 ADAMS STREET D - Magnolia Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 8.33 70,600.00 E - Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. 8.33 70,600.00 H - Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. 8.33 70,600.00 53. ROOSEVELT STREET A - Laguna Dr. to 109.0' South 8.13 2,450.00 B - Laguna Dr. to 71.0' South 8.13 2.850.00 C - 154.0' s/o Laguna Dr. to 126.0' South 8.13 2,850.00 D - 125.0' n/o Beech Ave. to 125.0' North 8.13 2.800.00 TOTAL $1,647,300.00 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 54. BUENA VISTA WAY E - Wilson St. to Valley St. 8.00 $35,300.00 F - Crest Dr. to Wilson St. 8.00 35,300.00 55. TAMARACK AVENUE B - Garfield St. to Hibiscus Cir. (OP 90-91) 7.58 78,550.00 I - Garfield St. to Hibiscus Cir. (OP 90-91) 7.58 78,550.00 56. DONNA DRIVE J - Gayle Wy. to Basswood Ave. 7.50 42,250.00 57. FOREST AVENUE E - Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. 6.67 71,100.00 58. CANNON ROAD B - Los Robles Dr. to Carlsbad Blvd. (UUP 91) 6.08 46,300.00 59. CORTE DE LA PINA -A - Yarrow Dr. to Cosmos Ct. 6.00 23,800.00 60. ALGA ROAD H - Alicante Rd. to Cazadero Dr. 5.83 89,100.00 61. ARLAND ROAD A - Buena Vista Wy. to Highland Dr. 5.33 87,150.00 BUENA VISTA WAY K - Crest Dr. to Valley St. 5.33 70,600.00 62. ADAMS STREET B - Chinquapin Ave. to 326.0' Nordi 5.26 7,350.00 F - Chinquapin Ave. to Harrison St. 5.26 21,100.00 63. EL CAMINO REAL S - Chestnut Ave. to 1848.0' South (OP 91-92) 5.17 169,200.00 64, LA PORTALADA DRIVE A - Milano Dr. to Tamarack Ave. 5.00 4,280.00 ALTISMA WAY A - 49.0' n/o Alicante Rd. to 211.0' North 5.00 4,750.00 ARENAL ROAD A - El Camino Real to Estrelia De Mar 5.00 5,950.00 VENADO STREET A - 28.0' w/o Esfera St. to 83.0' West 5.00 1,850.00 CHESTNUT AVENUE A - Lincoln St. to 285.0' East 5.00 11,400.00 B - Lincoln St. to Garfield St. 5.00 8,400.00 G - Washington St. to 400.0' West 5.00 16,000.00 H - Garfield St. to 143.0' East 5.00 5,700.00 VALLEY STREET D - Oak Ave. to 208.0' North 5.00 8,200.00 E - McCauley Ln. to Buena Vista Wy. 5.00 17,700.00 I - Elm Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. 5.00 23,500.00 DONNA DRIVE A - Chestnut Ave. to 528.0" North 5.00 11,900.00 C - Basswood Ave. to Janis Wy. 5.00 73,900.00 ~ D - Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. 5.00 7,150.00 E - Falcon Dr. to 138.0' North 5.00 3,100.00 F - Chestnut Ave. to Charleen Cir. 5.00 4,800.00 G - Charleen Cir. to 112.0' North 5.00 2,500.00 K - Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. 5.00 7,100.00 L - Falcon Dr. to 134.0' North 5.00 3,000.00 CHINQUAPIN AVENUE A - West end of street to 150.0' East 5.00 6,000.00 D - Jefferson St. to 164.0' East 5.00 3,700.00 F - Adams St. to 240.0' East 5.00 9,600.00 G - Highland Dr. to 249.0' West 5.00 9,950.00 H - West end of street to 218.0' East 5.00 8,700.00 I - Harrison St. to Adams St. 5.00 21,100.00 J - Highland Dr. to 249.0' West 5.00 9,950.00 GARFIELD STREET D - Chestnut Ave. to 29.0' North 5.00 1,150.00 WESTHAVEN DRIVE B - Chestnut Ave. to Park Dr. 5.00 12,300.00 D - Chestnut Ave. to Park Dr. 5.00 15,250.00 CORTE DEL ABETO A - Camino Vida Robie to end of street 5.00 47,500.00 CORTE DEL NOGAL A - Camino Vida Robie to end of street 5.00 47.500.00 TOTAL $1,269,530.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-6 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 64. OAK AVENUE D - Highland Dr. to 203.0' East 5.00 $8,000.00 (cont) G - Easteriy end of street to 107.0' West 5.00 4,200.00 BASSWOOD A'VENUE F - Doima Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. 5.00 5,200.00 I - Highland Dr. to 165.0' West 5.00 6,500.00 J - Monroe St. to 237.0' West 5.00 9,300.00 K - Monroe St. to Belle Ln. 5.00 8,800.00 M - Donna Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. 5.00 5,200.00 SKYUNE ROAD A - MacArthur Ave. to 528.0' South 5.00 16,825.00 65. PARK DRIVE L - HQlside Dr. to 792.0' South 4.50 31,700.00 66. ALGA ROAD B - Cazadero Dr. to El Camino Real 4.38 142,550.00 67. CANNON ROAD A - Los Robles Dr. to El Arbol Dr. (UUP 91) 4.05 64,050.00 68. EL FUERTE STREET A - Santa Isabel St. to 2112.0' South 3.10 316,800.00 69. PARK DRIVE K - Tamarack Ave. to 1584.0" South 3.00 84,500.00 70. COVE DRIVE A - End of street to 792.0' North 2.50 31,700.00 GARFIELD STREET J - Southerly end of street to 1056.0' North 2.50 41,600.00 SUNNYHILL DRIVE C - Tamarack Ave. to Monroe St. 2.50 41,600.00 E - Tamarack Ave. to Moiu-oe St. 2.50 41,600.00 HILLSIDE DRIVE A - Park Dr. to Highland Dr. (OP 95-2000) 2.50 31,700.00 B - Park Dr. to Highland Dr. (OP 95-2000) 2.50 42,250.00 OAK AVENUE F - Highland Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. 2.50 45,450.00 PALMER WAY/ A - Impala Dr. to El Camino Real 2.50 102,200.00 COUGAR DRIVE BASSWOOD AVENUE G - Adams St. to 434.0" East 2.50 28,200.00 H - Eureka Pl. to 415.0" East 2.50 27,750.00 SKYUNE ROAD C - Tamarack Ave. to 1056.0' North 2.50 33,650.00 D - Alder Ave. to Westhaven Dr. 2.50 33,650.00 HIGHLAND DRIVE A - Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover St. (CEP 95-2000) 2.50 25,250.00 C - Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. (OP 95-2000) 2.50 50,500.00 L - Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover St. (QP 95-2000) 2.50 25,250.00 71. ADAMS STREET A - Harrison St. to Park Dr. 2.18 346,500.00 72. OAK AVENUE-. C - Highland Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. 1.67 62,350.00 LAGUNA DRIVE A - Elmwood St. to 57.0' e/o Pio Pico Dr. 1.67 58,400.00 I - Elmwood St. to 85.0* e/o Pio Pico Dr. 1.67 58,400.00 BASSWOOD AVENUE C - Valley St. to 181.0' West 1.67 62,100.00 SKYUNE ROAD B - Tamarack Ave. to 1584.0' North 1.67 50,500.00 HIGHLAND DRIVE B - Hoover St. to Adams St. 1.67 134,600.00 73. EL CAMINO REAL B - La Costa Ave. to 3168.0' North 1.36 71,300.00 C - Arenal Rd. to 2640.0' North 1.36 59.400.00 TOTAL $2,209,525.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-7 SIDEWALK PRIORITY UST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK EST. RANK LOCATION SEGMENT POINTS COST 74. BEECH AVENUE F - Garfield St. to 99.0' East 1.00 $2,200.00 MILANO DRIVE A - Trieste Dr. to La Portalada Dr. 1.00 7,050.00 B - La Portalada Dr. to 346.0' East 1.00 7,800.00 GRAND AVENUE C - Hope Ave. to end of street 1.00 16,850.00 D - 16.0' e/o Hope Ave. to 92.0' East 1.00 3,600.00 SUNNYHILL DRIVE A - 208.0' n/o Hillside Dr. to MacArthiu- Ave. 1.00 21,100.00 B - 83.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to MacArthur Ave. 1.00 18,500.00 PARK DRI'VE H - Moru-oe St. to Westhaven Dr. 1.00 16,850.00 75. LA COSTA AVENUE A - Piraeus St. to El Camino Real (OP 93-94) 0.91 760,150.00 N - Piraeus St. to El Camino Real (QP 93-94) 0.91 760,150.00 76. LA COSTA AVENUE M - Rancho Santa Fe Rd. to 2376.0' East 0.54 53,450.00 77. SUNNYHILL DRIVE D - Tamarack Ave. to 1320.0' South 0.33 52,800.00 HOOVER STREET A - Highland Dr. to Adams St. 0.33 63,400.00 78. PARK DRI'VE A - Monroe St. to Westhaven Dr. 0.20 165,100.00 CREST DRIVE A - Buena Vista Wy. to Forest Ave. 0.20 160.100.00 TOTAL $2,109,100.00 PROJECT TOTAL $9,868,505.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-8 EXHfBIT 1 (APPENOtX B) SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST LOCATIONS (NW QUADRANT) LEGEND: —^— RSCAL YEAR '90 - '91 ——— FISCAL YEAR '91 - "92 —^— nSCAL YEAR '92 - '93 FISCAL YEAH '93 - '94 FISCAL YEAR '94 - '95 FISCAL YEARS '95 I BEYOND SHT. 1 OF 4 I la lp li h ... I • III* EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX B) SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST LOCATIONS (NE QUADRANT) LEGEND: FISCAL YEAR '80 - '81 FISCAL YEAR '81 - '82 FISCAL YEAR '82 - '83 FISCAL YEAR '83 - '84 FISCAL YEAR '84 - '86 • IMIB FISCAL YEARS 1985 & BEYOND SHT. 2 OF 4. t 1.233.000 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX B) SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST LOCATIONS (SW QUADRANT) LEGEND: • IHII FISCAL YEAR '90 - '91 FISCAL YEAR '91 - '92 FISCAL YEAR '92 - '93 FISCAL YEAR '93 - '94 FISCAL YEAR '94 - '95 FISCAL YEARS 1995 & BEYOND SHT. 3 OF 4 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENOIX B) SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST LOCATIONS (SE QUADRANT) LEGEND: MBIIM FISCAL YEAR 'BO - '81 1^— FISCAL YEAR 'at - '92 —• FISCAL YEAR '82 - '83 •i^H FISCAL YEAR '93 - '94 Mi^B FISCAL YEAR 'S4 - '85 I I •• I FISCAL YEARS 1995 t BEYOND SHT. 4 OF 4 APPENDIX C FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT miLlO WAY AVENIDA ENCINAS BATIQUITOS DRIVE BEECH AVENUE CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS CAMINO HILLS DRIVE CANNON ROAD CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CAZADERO DRIVE CHESTNUT AVENUE CHINQUAPIN AVENUE CHRISTIANSEN WAY COLLEGE BOULEV/VRD CORINTL\ STREET DATE AVENUE A - Levante St. to 1056.0' East A - 1056.0' n/o Palomar Airport Rd. to 1584.0' North B - Cannon Rd. to 528.0' South C - Cannon Rd. to 528.0' South D - 2640.0' s/o Cannon Rd. to 256.0' South E - Palomar Airport Rd. to 3432.0' South F - Poinsettia Ln. to 2904.0' North A - End of street to 528.0' North B - End of street to 1584.0' North A - Ocean St. to 69.0' East C - Ocean St. to 31.0' East A - Paseo Del Norte to 2112.0' East A - El Camino Real to end of street C - Car Country Dr. to 100.0' e/o 1-5 NB On-Ramp A - La Costa Ave. to Poinsettia Ln. B - Poinsettia Ln. to Manzano Dr. C - Manzano Dr. to Cerezo Dr. D - Cerezo Dr. to Cannon Rd. (UUP 91) F - La Costa Ave. to Poinsettia Ln. G - Poinsettia Ln. to Shore Dr. (UUP 91) H - Shore Dr. to Shore Dr. (UUP 91) I - Oceanside City Limit to 1584.0' South J - Tierra Del Oro to Shore Dr. A - Corintia St. to 796.0' West B - Corintia St. to 1056.0' V^Test C - Tyler St. to 306.0' West D - Roosevelt SL to 127.0' West I - Roosevelt St. to 149.0' V/est B - Long PI. to 160.0' East C - Jefferson St. to 528.0' West E - Garfield St. to 125.0' West A - Ocean St. to 227.0' East B - Washington St. to Carlsbad Blvd. C - Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. D - Washington St. to Carlsbad Blvd. A - 1584.0' e/o Faraday Ave. to'131.0' East A - Melrose Dr. to end of street A - Garfield St. to 528.0' East SIDEW/U.K CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) C-1 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEW/^K SEGMENT EL C/^INO REAL ELM AVENUE GARFIELD STREET GLASGOW DRIVE HARRISON STREET HOOVER STREET IMPALA DRIVE LEVANTE STREET LINCOLN STREET LOCUST AVENUE LUCIERNAGA STREET MAPLE AVENUE MARINA DRIVE M/JIRON ROAD MELROSE DRIVE OLIVE AVENUE OLIVENH/yN ROAD P/U.MER ^NAY/COUGAR DRIVE A - Levante St. to Olivenhain Rd. D - 1320.0' n/o Dove Ln. to Palomar Airport Rd. E - 500.0' n/o Faraday Ave. to 250.0' North F - Palomar Airport Rd. to 3168.0' North (CIP 90-91) G - 100.0' n/o Cougar Dr. to 4224.0' North H - Tamarack Ave. to 5280.0' South L - 300.0' s/o La Costa Ave. to 6336.0' South M - Aienai Rd. to 2640.0' South N - 1584.0' s/o Camino Vida Roble to Alga Rd. O - Palomar Airport Rd. to 792.0' North (QP 90-91) P - 200.0' s/o CoUege Blvd. to 2904.0' South Q - 1584.0' s/o Kelly Dr. to Camino Hills Dr. R - KeUy Dr. to 1056.0' Soutii • 264.0' w/o Chatham Rd. to 3168.0' West (CIP 2000+) - Chinquapin Ave. to 87.0' South - Chinquapin Ave. to Tamarack Ave. - Tamarack Ave. to Redwood Ave. - Wakiut Ave. to 147.0' South Soutiierly end of street to 528.0' North - Tamarack Ave. to Sequoia Ave. - Tamarack Ave. to 96.0' North - Sequoia Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. - Ehn Ave. to 528.0' Soutii - Ehn Ave. to 1056.0' Nordi - 1320.0' n/o Elm Ave. to 68.0' Nortii Chinquapin Ave. to Adams St. 226.0' s/o Chinquapin Ave. to Adams St. Adams St. to end of street Palmer Wy. to 1320.0' East El Camino Real to AnQlo Wy. Oak Ave. to 163.0' North Adams St. to Harrison St. Argonauta St. to 172.0' West Argonauta St. to 173.0' West A -136.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 62.0' East A - Park Dr. to 307.0' West End of street to 792.0' West Alga Rd. to Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Mga Rd. to 528.0' South C - Corintia St. to Rancho Santa Fe Rd. A - Garfield St. to 528.0' East El Camino Real to 1584.0' East El Camino Real to Impala Dr. B- A B C E • I - K- L - P - A. B- C A. B B • A A E • A A B A A B A C S1DEW/U.K CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Progranuned Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PR0GR/>J»4 (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPRO'VEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) C-2 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT P/U.OM/yi /yRPORT ROAD PARK DRIVE PASEO DEL NORTE POINSETTIA L\NE PONTO DRIVE (NORTH AND SOUTH) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD SEGOVIA WAY SEQUOIA AVENUE TAMARACK AVENUE TYLER STREET WALNUT AVENUE WASHINGTON STREET A - Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad Blvd. B -1-5 Bridge to 100.0' e/o Avenida Encinas (CIP 91-92) C -1-5 NB On-Ramp to 1-5 Bridge (CIP 91-92) D - 300.0' w/o Paseo Del Norte to 1-5 NB On-Ramp (CIP 91-92) E - Yarrow Dr. to 1848.0' West F - El Camino Real to 2640.0' West G - Business Park Dr. to 5808.0' West H - Carlsbad Blvd. to Aveiuda Encinas I - Avenida Encinas to 400.0' w/o Paseo Del Norte (CIP 91-92) J - 528.0' w/o El Camino Real to 2112.0' West K - El Camino Real to Business Park Dr. L - Paseo Del Norte to 8448.0' East M - 528.0' e/o Paseo Del Norte to 7920.0' East M - KeUy Dr. to Marina Dr. A - Palomar Akpoit Rd. to 2640.0' North A - Avenida Encinas to 1056.0' West C - 100.0' e/o Avenida Encinas to 1056.0' East A - Carlsbad Blvd. to 2640.0' South A - La Costa Ave. to 528.0' Soutii B - La Costa Ave. to 500.0' s/o Mekose Dr. (QP 2000+) C - La Costa Ave. to Mekose Dr. (CIP 2000+) D - OUvenhain Rd. to 2640.0' South A - 100.0' w/o Gabacho St. to 1056.0' West B - 100.0' w/o Gabacho St. to 1056.0' West A - 73.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to Garfield St. B - 131.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to Garfield St. C - Hibiscus Cir. to Jefferson St. (CIP 90-91) D - Linmar Ln. to Jefferson St. (CIP 90-91) G - 792.0' w/o Ehn Ave. to 1584.0' West J - Hibiscus Cir. to Linmar Ln. (CIP 90-91) K - Ehn Ave. to 792.0' North A - Chestnut Ave. to 110.0' North B - Oak Ave. to 792.0' South C - Garfield St. to Lincoln St. B - Beech Ave. to Grand Ave. C - Grand Ave. to Christiansen Wy. D - Beech Ave. to Christiansen Wy. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) C-3 EXHIBIT 1 t APPENDIX C) FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST LOCATIONS (NW QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 1 OF 4 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX C) FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST LOCATIONS (NE QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 2 OF 4 L N I I EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX C) FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST LOCATIONS (SW QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 3 OF 4 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX C) FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LINK LIST LOCATIONS (SE QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 4 OF 4 APPENDIX D NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST SIDEWALK LOCATION SEGMENT ACUNA COURT A-El Fuerte St. to end of cul-de-sac ADAIR WAY A-Tamarack Ave. to end of street AFTON WAY A-Celinda Dr. to end of street ALDER AVENUE A-Skyline Rd. to 264.0' East B -Skyline Rd. to Monroe St. C-Skyline Rd. to 264.0' East D -Skyline Rd. to Monroe St. ALICANTE ROAD B -Alga Rd. to Pamplona Wy. ALMADEN LANE A-Alga Rd. to Zamora Wy. ALTISMA WAY A-49.0' n/o AUcante Rd. to 211.0' Nortii ANN DRIVE A-Gayle Wy. to Laiuie Cir. B -Laurie Cir. to Janis Dr. C-Janis Dr. to Gayle Wy. ARBUCKLE PLACE A-Jefferson St. to Madison St. B -Madison St. to 98.0' East ARENAL ROAD B -EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac ARGONAUTA STREET A-Corintia St. to Argonauta Wy. B -Obelisco Cir. to Obelisco Cir. C-Obelisco Cir. to BabUonia St. D -BabUonia St. to Argonauta Wy. ARGONAUTA WAY A-Argonauta St. to end of street B -Argonauta St. to Luciemaga St. C-Luciemaga St. to 264.0' South BABILONIA STREET A-El Fuerte St. to Argonauta St. BALDWIN LANE A-Chinquapin Ave. to end of street BEECH AVENUE B -216.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 162.0' East D -Washington St. to 170.0' West E -Carlsbad Blvd. to 125.0' East BELLE LANE A-Basswood Ave. to end of cul-de-sac BOLERO STREET A-Corte De La Vista to El Fuerte St. BUENA PLACE A-Jefferson St. to 528.0' East BUENA VISTA CIRCLE A-Laguna Dr. to 1320.0' North BUENA VISTA WAY A-Jefferson St. to 792.0' East G -Jefferson St. to 792.0' East BUTTERS ROAD A-Highland Dr. to end of cul-de-sac CADENCIA STREET A-200.0' e/o Perdiz St. to 1056.0' West CALETA COURT A-EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac CAMDEN CIRCLE A-Ridgecrest Dr. to end of cul-de-sac CAMINITO AZUL A-Camino Del Prado to end of street CAMINITO DEL MAR A-Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac CAMINITO DEL REPOSO A-Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac CAMINITO DEL SOL A-Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac CAMINITO ESTRADA A-Paseo Del Norte to end of street D-1 NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT CAMINITO ROSA A-Camino Del Prado to end of street CAMINITO VERDE A-Camino Del Prado to end of street CAMINO DEL PARQUE A-Caminito Del Sol to Paseo Del Norte B -Caminito Del Mar to Caminito Del Sol C -Caminito Del Reposo to Caminito Del Mar CAMINO DEL PRADO A-Caminito Aztil to Cainino De Las Ondas B -Caminito Rosa to Caminito Azul C -Caminito Verde to Caiiunito Rosa D -Camino De Las Ondas to Canunito Verde CANYON STREET A-Sandy Pl. to Basswood Ave. B -Sandy Pl. to end of street CARACOL COURT A-EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac CARNABY COURT A-Southampton Rd. to end of street CEREZO DRIVE A-Carlsbad Blvd. to Los Robles Dr. B -Los Robles Dr. to El Arbol Dr. CHARLEEN CIRCLE A-Donna Dr. to end of ciU-de-sac CHARTER OAK DRIVE A-Ridgecrest Dr. to Seacrest Dr. CIPRIANO LANE A-Forest Ave. to end of cul-de-sac CITRUS PLACE A-Jefferson St. to end of cul-de-sac GLEAR'VIEW DRIVE A-MacArthur Ave. to 528.0' South CORTE DEL CEDRO A-Corte De La Pina to 792.0' North COVENTRY ROAD A-Regent Rd. to Pontiac Dr. CYNTHIA LANE A-East end of cul-de-sac to West end of cul-de-sac DAVIS AVENUE A-Knowles Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. B -Knowles Ave. to Laguna Dr. DAVIS PLACE A-Davis Ave. to end of cul-de-sac DORCHESTER PLACE A-Southampton Rd. to end of street EL ARBOL DRIVE A-Manzano Dr. to Cerezo Dr. B -Cerezo Dr. to 528.0' North C -Cannon Rd. to Cerezo Dr. ELMWOOD STREET A-Laguna Dr. to Highland Dr. B -Lagima Dr. to Knowles Ave. C -Knowles Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD A-Arenal Rd. to Playa Rd. B -Playa Rd. to Marazul Wy. C -Marazul Wy. to Caracol Ct. D -Caracol Ct. to Caleta Ct. E -Caleta Ct. to Aiga Rd. F -Arenal Rd. to Alga Rd. D-2 NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT FALCON DRIVE A-Donna Dr. to 528.0' East B -Donna Dr. to 120.0' West C -Donna Dr. to 96.0' West GARFIELD STREET H -Pacific Ave. to Ocean St. GATESHEAD ROAD A-End of street to 267.0' South GREGORY DRIVE A-Knowles Ave. to Cynthia Ln. GUEVARA ROAD A-Highland Dr. to end of cvil-de-sac HARBOR DRIVE A-Chinquapin Ave. to end of street HAYMAR DRIVE A-El Camino Real to 2640.0' East B -El Camino Real to 3168.0' West C -El Camino Real to 2904.0' West D -East end of street to 1848.0' West HEMLOCK AVENUE A-Garfield St. to 246.0' East B -Garfield St. to 345.0' East HIBISCUS CIRCLE A-Tamarack Ave. to end of street B -Tamarack Ave. to 45.0' North HILLCREST CIRCLE A-Seacrest Dr. to end of cul-de-sac HOLLY BRAE LANE A-Alder Ave. to end of cul-de-sac HOME AVENUE A-Hope Ave. to 583.0' East HYACINTH CIRCLE A-528.0' n/o Elder Ct. to 75.0' Nortii B -528.0' n/o Elder Ct. to 50.0' North JAMES DRIVE A-End of street s/o Basswood Ave. to 185.0' North JANIS WAY A-Donna Dr. to 294.0' West B -Donna Dr. to 391.0' West JEFFERSON STREET A-Las Flores Dr. to Marron Rd. F -64.0' n/o Pine Ave. to 107.0' North JUNIPER AVENUE A-Garfield St. to 1056.0' East KARREN LANE A-Monroe St. to end of cul-de-sac KNOWLES AVENUE A-174.0' e/o Jefferson St. to 1056.0' East D -Jefferson St. to 1056.0' East LA PLACE COURT A-Priestiy Dr. to end of cul-de-sac LAGUNA DRIVE H -1-5 to 528.0'West LAKEWOOD STREET A-Spokane Ave. to Olympia Dr. LANDAU COURT A-Rutherford Rd. to end of cul-de-sac LARKSPUR LANE A-Adams St. to end of cxil-de-sac LAURIE CIRCLE A-Aim Dr. to end of cul-de-sac LAWRENCE STREET A-Olympia Dr. to Spokane Ave. LINMAR LANE A-Tamarack Ave. to 339.0' South LONG PLACE A-Chinquapin Ave. to end of cul-de-sac LONGVIEW DRIVE A-End of street to 792.0' North D-3 NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT LOS ROBLES DRIVE A - Manzano Dr. to Cerezo Dr. B - Cerezo Dr. to Cannon Rd. C - Cerezo Dr. to Cannon Rd. MACARTHUR AVENUE A - SimnyhiU Dr. to Skyline Rd. B - SunnyhUl Dr. to Clearview Dr. C - Clearview Dr. to Skyline Rd. MAEZEL LANE A - Basswood Ave. to end of street B - Basswood Ave. to end of street MANZANO DRIVE A - Carlsbad Blvd. to El Aihol Dr. MAR AZUL WAY A - EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac MARJORIE LANE A - Chestnut Ave. to end of cul-de-sac MARMOL COURT A - El Fuerte St. to end of cul-de-sac MCKINLEY STREET A - Pine Ave. to Basswood Ave. MEADOWLARK LANE A - Basswood Ave. to end of ctU-de-sac MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE B - Ocean St. to Pacific Ave. C - Pacific Ave. to Carlsbad Blvd. OAK AVENUE E - VaUey St. to 259.0' East OBELISCO CIRCLE A - Argonauta St. to Argonauta St. OBELISCO PLACE A - Obelisco Cir. to end of cul-de-sac OLEANDER WAY/RUSSELIA COURT A - At intersection OLYMPIC DRIVE A - Spokane Ave. to 1584.0' North OWENS AVENUE A - Camino Vida Roble to end of street PALISADES DRIVE A - Tamarack Ave. to 725.0' North PALM AVENUE A - Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. B - Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. PAMPLONA WAY A - Alicante Rd. to Almaden Ln. PASCAL COURT A - Rutherford Rd. to end of cul-de-sac PIO PICO DRIVE A - MagnoUa Ave. to 336.0' South B - MagnoUa Ave. to 104.0' North C - Pine Ave. to 105.0' North D - Buena Vista Wy. to 174.0' North E - 35.0' n/o Las Flores Dr. to Forest Ave. F - YoiureU Ave. to Forest Ave. G - YoureU Ave. to 257.0' North H - Tamarack Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 1 -Chestnut Ave. to Oak Ave. J - Buena Vista Wy. to 1848.0' Soutii K - Buena Vista Wy. to 243.0' North L - Las Flores Dr. to 1056.0' Nortii PIRAGUA STREET A - Cadencia St. to 1056.0' East PLAYA ROAD A - EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac D-4 NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST (continued) LOCATION SIDEWALK SEGMENT POLLY LANE RATCLIFF ROAD REDWOOD AVENUE RIDGECREST DRIVE SALIENTE WAY SANDY PLACE SEACREST DRIVE SHORE DRIVE SPRUCE STREET ST. GEORGE COURT SUBIDA TERRACE TIERRA DEL ORO TOPEKA STREET TUTTLE STREET VALLEY PLACE VENADO STREET WESTHAVEN DRIVE WILSON STREET WOODVALE DRIVE WFRIGHT PLACE YOURELL AVENUE A - Tamarack Ave. to end of street A - Highland Dr. to end of cul-de-sac A - End of street to Garfield St. A - Camden Cir. to Seacrest Dr. B - Meadowlark Ln. to Camden Cir. C - Seacrest Dr. to Charter Oak Dr. D - Seacrest Dr. to Charter Oak Dr. E - Basswood Ave. to Seacrest Dr. F - Basswood Ave. to Meadowlark Ln. A - Reposada Dr. to Rustico Dr. A - Canyon St. to end of cul-de-sac A - Ridgecrest Wy. to Basswood Ave. A - Carlsbad Blvd. to Carlsbad Blvd. A - Forest Ave. to 108.0' North B - YoureU Ave. to 106.0' South C - YoureU Ave. to 130.0' Nortii D - Yotu-eU Ave. to 187.0' South E - YoureU Ave. to 130.0' North A - Southampton Rd. to 528.0' East A - Rustico Dr. to Reposada Dr. A - Carkbad Blvd. to end of cul-de-sac A - Spokane Ave. to 1056.0' Nortii A - Buena Vista Wy. to 79.0' North B - 176.0' n/o Buena Vista Wy. to Las Flores Dr. C - Buena Vista Wy. to Las Flores Dr. A - VaUey St. to end of cul-de-sac B - Cadencia St. to Esfera St. A - Park Dr. to 808.0' Soutii C - Park Dr. to 598.0' South A - Forest Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. A - Westhaven Dr. to Park Dr. B - Westhaven Dr. to Park Dr. A - Palomar Oaks Wy. to 347.0' East A - Pio Pico Dr. to Spruce St. B - Spruce St. to 338.0' East D-5 EXHIBIT (APPENDIX LOCATIONS ( QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 1 OF 4 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX D) NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST LOCATIONS (NE QUADRANT) LEGEND: i.._> —•• SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 2 OF 4 t <.,«0.O0D rAciric ocCAH E.XHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX D) NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST LOCATIONS (SW QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 3 OF 4 EXHIBIT 1 (APPENDIX D) NON-ESSENTIAL LINK LIST LOCATIONS (SE QUADRANT) LEGEND: SEGMENT LOCATION SHT. 4 OF 4 APPENDIX E ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK ALPHABETICAL LISTING ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE STREET NAME Acuna Ct. Adair Wy. Adams St. SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEW/a.K SIDE OF QUADRANT REOUIRED STREET Alton Wy. Alder Ave. Alga Rd. Alicante Rd. A El Fuerte St. to end of cul-de-sac SE 1584.0" PC Both A Tamarack Ave. to end of street NW 528.0' PC E A Harrison St. to Park Dr. NW 3696.0" NC Both B Chinquapin Ave. to 326.0' North 326.0" PC E C Tamarack Ave. to Magnolia Ave. 1056.0' PC E D Magnolia Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 1056.0' NC E E Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. 1056.0" NC E F Chinquapin Ave. to Harrison St. 528.0" NC W G 169.0' s/o MagnoHa Ave. to 270.0' South 270.0 NC W H Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. 1056.0" NC W A Celinda Dr. to end of street NW 117.0" NC N A Skyline Rd. to 264.0' East NW 264.0" NC N B Skyline Rd. to Monroe St. 528.0' PC N C Skyline Rd. to 264.0' East 264.0' NC S D Skyline Rd. to Monroe St. 528.0' PC S A EI Camino Real to 1320.0' West SW 1320.0' PC N B Cazadero Dr. to El Camino Real SE 6336.0" PC N C (Zorintia St. to C^azadero Dr. SE 1320.0" PC N D Corintia St. to 1056.0' East SE 1056.0" PC N E El Camino Real to Estrelia De Mar SE 792.0" PC S F Estrelia De Mar to Almaden Ln. SE 1056.0" PC S G Almaden Ln. to Alicante Rd. SE 264.0" PC S H Alicante Rd. to Cazadero Dr. SE 3960.0" PC S I Cazadero Dr. to Cbrintia St. SE 1320.0" PC s J Corintia St. to Santa Isabel St. SE 1848.0" PC s K Santa Isabel St. to EI Fuerte St. SE 792.0" PC s L Xana Wy. to 792.0' West SE 792.0" PC s M Xana Wy. to Melrose Dr. SE 1320.0' PC s A Altisma Wy to 528.0" East SE 528.0" PC E B Alga Rd. to Pamplona Wy. 1584.0' PC W LEGEND NC = New Construction PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-1 STREE'F NAME I I I I a 1 i I I I I I I i I I 1 I ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS LEGEND NC = New Construction PC = Partial (Construction * N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Almaden Ln. A Alga Rd. to Zamora Wy. SE 3696.0" PC Both Altisma Wy. A 49.0' n/o Alicante Rd. to 211.0' North SE 211.0' PC E Anillo Wy. A Levante St. to 1056.0" East SE 1056.0' PC S Ann Dr. A Gayle Wy. to Laurie Cir. NW 266.0' NC E B Laurie Cir. to Janis Dr. 270.0' NC E C Janis Dr. to Gayle Wy. 515.0' PC W Arbuckle Pl. A Jefferson St. to Madison St. NW 303.0' NC N B Madison SL to 98.0' East 98.0" NC S Arenal Rd. A EI Camino Real to Estrelia De Mar SE 264.0" PC ,N B EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac 528.0" PC Both Argonauta St. A Ctorintia St. to Argonauta Wy. SE 2112.0" PC N B Obelisco Cir. to Qbelisco Cir. 393.0" PC S C Obelisco Cir. to Babilonia St. 203.0" PC S D Babilonia St. to Argonauta Wy. 207.0" PC s Argonauta Wy. A Argonauta St. to end of street SE 792.0" PC E B Argonauta St. to Luciemaga St. 528.0" PC W C Luciemaga St. to 264.0" South 264.0' PC W Arland Rd. A Buena Vista Wy. to Highland Dr. NW 792.0" NC Both Avenida Encinas A 1056.0' n/o Palomar Airport Rd. to 1584.0' North NW 1584.0" PC E B Cannon Rd. to 528.0' South 528.0" PC E C C:annon Rd. to 528.0" South NW 528.0" PC W D 2640.0" s/o Cannon Rd. to 256.0" South NW 256.0" PC W E Palomar Airport Rd to 3432.0' South SW 3432.0' NC W F Poinsettia Ln. to 2904.0" North SW 2904.0" NC W Babilonia St. A El Fuerte St. to Argonauta St. SE 2112.0' PC Both Baldwin Ln. A Chinquapin Ave. to end of street NW 258.0" PC Both E-2 ALPIiABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Basswood Ave. A Donna Dr. to 78.0" West NW 78.0" NC N B 128.0" e/o Eureka PI. to Highland Dr. 928.0' NC N C Valley St. to 181.0" West 181.0" PC N D Valley St. to Maezel Ln. 528.0" PC N E Maezel Ln. to Canyon St. 511.0' PC N F Donna Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. 230.0" PC N G Adams St. to 434.0" East 434.0' NC S H Eureka Pl. to 415.0' East 415.0' NC S 1 Highland Dr. to 165.0" West 165.0' NC s J Monroe St. to 237.0' West 237.0' NC s K Monroe St. to Belle Ln. 391.0" PC s L Doima Dr. to Belle Ln. 400.0" PC s M Donna Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. 230.0" PC s Batiquitos Dr. A End of street to 528.0' North SW 528.0" NC E Batiquitos Dr. B End of street to 1584.0" North 1584.0" NC W Beech Ave. A Qcean St. to 69.0" East NW 69.0" NC N B 216.0" e/o C:arlsbad Blvd. to 162.0' East 162.0" NC N C Ocean St. to 31.0' East 31.0' PC S D Washington St. to 170.0" West 170.0' PC S E Clarlsbad Blvd. to 125.0" East 125.0' NC s F Garfield St. to 99.0" East 99.0' PC s Belle Ln. A Basswood Ave. to end of cul-de-sac NW 480.0' NC Both Bolero St. A Corte De La Vista to EI Fuerte St. SE 1584.0' PC W Buena Pl. A Jefferson St. to 528.0" East NW 528.0" PC Both Buena Vista Cir. A Laguna Dr. to 1320.0" North NW 1320.0' PC Both LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S := South, E = East, W = West E-3 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET • Buena Vista Wy. A Jefferson St. to 792.0' East NW 792.0' PC N B 33.0' e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. 1320.0" NC N C Arland Rd. to Elmwood St. 276.0" NC N D Valley St. to Arland Rd. 528.0" NC N E Wilson St. to Valley St. 528.0" NC N F Crest Dr. to Wilson St. 528.0 NC N G Jefferson St. to 792.0" East 792.0" PC S H Pio Pico Dr. to 172.0" East 172.0" NC S I 270.0" e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. 1056.0 NC s J Valley St. to Elmwood St. 1056.0" NC s K Crest Dr. to Valley St. 1056.0' NC s Butters Rd. A Highland Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 1056.0" PC Both fl Cadencia St. A 200.0" e/o Perdiz St. to 1056.0' West SE 1056.0" PC N Caleta Ct. A Estrelia De Mar to end of cul-de-sac SE 1056.0" PC Both J|' Camden Cir. A Ridgecrest Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 407.0" PC Both ^ Caminito Azul A Camino Del Prado to end of street SW 264.0" PC S " Caminito Del Mar A Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac SW 528.0" PC N •i Caminito Del Reposo A Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac sw 528.0" PC s Caminito Del Sol A Camino Del Parque to end of cul-de-sac sw 528.0' PC S • Caminito Estrada A Paseo Del Norte to end of street sw 528.0' PC N ^ Caminito Rosa ft A Camino Del Prado to end of street sw 264.0' PC S Ji' Caminito Verde A Camino Del Prado to end of street sw 528.0" PC S Mft Clamino De Las Ondas A Paseo Del Norte to 2112.0' East sw 2112.0" NC N I i I I I LEGEND NC = New Construction PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-4 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Camino Del Parque A Claminito Del Sol to Paseo Del Norte SW 1320.0" PC E Camino Del Parque B Caminito Del Mar to Caminito Del Sol 224.0" PC W C Caminito Del Reposo to Caminito Del Mar 243.0" PC W Camino Del Prado A Caminito Azul to Camino De Las Ondas SW 263.0" PC W B Caminito Rosa to Caminito Azul 223.0" PC W C Caminito Verde to Caminito Rosa 213.0" PC W D Camino De Las Qndas to Caminito Verde 1320.0' PC E Camino Hills Dr. A El Camino Real to end of street NW 1848.0" NC N Camino Vida Roble A El Camino Real to Yarrow Dr. SW 1848.0' PC N B Yartow Dr. to Corte Del Abeto sw 792.0' PC N C Corte Del Nogal to 260.0" South sw 260.0' PC N • D Palomar Airport Rd. to Corte Del Nogal sw 1056.0" PC N E 528.0" e/o Palomar Oaks Wy. to 123.0" East NW 123.0' PC N F Owens Ave. to 117.0' East NW 117.0" PC N G 528.0' w/o Owens Ave. to 121.0' West NW 121.0" NC N H El Camino Real to Las Palmas Dr. SW 1056.0" PC S I Las Palmas Dr. to Las Palmas Dr. sw 1584.0" PC S J Las Palmas Dr. to Palomar Oaks Wy. sw 1056.0" PC s K Palomar Oaks Wy. to Palomar Airport Rd. sw 792.0" PC s Cannon Rd. A Los Robles Dr. to EI Arbol Dr. NW 354.0" NC s B Los Robles Dr. to Carlsbad Blvd. 256.0" NC s C Car Country Dr. to 100.0" e/o 1584.0' NC N 1-5 NB On-Ramp Canyon St. A Sandy Pl. to Basswood Ave. NW 249.0' PC w Canyon St. B Sandy PI. to end of street 528.0' NC w Caracol Ct. A Estrelia De Mar to end of cul-de-sac SE 1056.0" PC Both Carlsbad Blvd. A La Costa Ave. to Poinsettia Ln. SW 12672.0" NC E B Poinsettia Ln. to Manzano Dr. SW/NW 10032.0" NC E C Manzano Dr. to Cerezo Dr. NW 1056.0" NC E D Cerezo Dr. to Cannon Rd. NW 1584.0" NC E LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-5 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Carlsbad Blvd. E Tamarack Ave. to 35.0' North NW 35.0" NC E (Continued) F La Costa Ave. to Poinsettia Ln. SW 12672.0' NC W (Continued) G Poinsettia Ln. lo Shore Dr. SW/NW 11088.0' NC W H Shore Dr. to Shore Dr. NW 528.0" NC W 1 Oceanside City Limit to 1584.0" South NW 1584.0" NC Both J Tierta Del Oro to Shore Dr. NW 510.0" NC W Clarnaby Ct. A Southampton Rd. to end of street NE 264.0" PC S Cazadero Dr. A Corintia St. to 796.0" West SE 792.0" PC N B Corintia St. to 1056.0" West 1056.0' PC S Cerezo Dr. A Carisbad Blvd. to Los Robles Dr. NW 230.0" NC Both B Los Robles Dr. to El Arbol Dr. 250.0' NC Both Charleen Cir. A Donna Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 700.0" PC Both Charter Oak Dr. A Ridgecrest Dr. to Seacrest Dr. NW 528.0' PC Both Chestnut Ave. A Lincoln St. to 285.0" East NW 285.0' NC N B Lincoln St. to Garfield St. 210.0' NC N C Tyler St. to 306.0" West 306.0' NC N D Roosevelt St. to 127.0" West 127.0' NC N E Donna Dr. to 152.0" West 152.0' PC N F 90.0" w/o Seaview Wy. to Donna Dr. 315.0" NC N G Washington St. to 400.0" West -400.0" NC S H Garfield St. to 143.0' East 143.0' NC S I Roosevelt St. to 149.0' West 149.0' NC s J Westhaven Dr. to 485.0' East NW 485.0" NC s K Cameo Rd. to El Camino Real 1056.0" NC. s Chinquapin Ave. A West end of street to 150.0' East NW 150.0" NC N Chinquapin Ave. B Long PI. to 160.0' East 160.0' NC N -C Jefferson St. to 528.0' West 528.0' NC •N D Jefferson St. to 164.0' East 164.0' PC N E Garfield St. to 125.0' West 125.0' NC N F Adams St. to 240.0' East 240.0' PC N G Highland Dr. to 249.0" West 249.0" NC N LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-6 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS LEGEND NC = New construction, PC = Partial (Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Chinquapin Ave. H West end of street to 218.0" East NW 218.0' NC S (Continued) I Harrison St. to Adams St. 528.0" NC s J Highland Dr. to 249.0" West 249.0" NC s Christiansen Wy. A Ocean St. to 227.0" East NW 227.0' NC N Christiansen Wy. B Washington St. to Carlsbad Blvd. 454.0' NC N C Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. 528.0' NC S D Washington St. to Carlsbad Blvd. 454.0' NC S Cipriano Ln. A Forest Ave. to end of cul-de-sac NW 724.0' PC Both Citrus PI. A Jefferson St. to end of cul-de-sac NW 595.0' NC Both Clearview Dr. A MacArthur Ave. to 528.0' South NW 528.0' NC Both College Blvd. A 1584.0" e/o Faraday Ave. to 131.0" East NW 131.0' NC S Corintia St. A Melrose Dr. to end of street SE 264.0" PC E Corte De La Pina A Yarrow Dr. to COsmos Ct. SW 528.0" PC Both Corte Del Abeto A Camino Vida Roble to end of street SW 1056.0" PC Both Corte Del Cedro A COrte De La Pina to 792.0' North SW 792.0" PC Both Corte Del Nogal A Camino Vida Roble to end of street SW 1056.0" PC Both Cove Dr. A End of street to 792.0' North NW 792.0" NC W Coventry Rd. A Regent Rd. to Pontiac Dr. NE 792.0" NC N Crest Dr. A Buena Vista Wy. to Forest Ave. NW 1584.0" NC Both Cynthia Ln. A East end of cul-de-sac to NW 1848.0' PC Both Cynthia Ln. West end of cul-de-sac E-7 STREET NAME ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Cypress Ave. A Qcean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. NW 597.0" NC N Cypress Ave. B Garfield St. to 260.0" East 260.0" NC S C Ocean St. to Garfield St. 170.0" NC S Date Ave. A Garfield St. to 528.0" East NW 528.0" NC Both Davis Ave. A Knowles Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. NW 528.0" NC Both B Knowles Ave. to Laguna Dr. 528.0' PC Both Davis Pl. A Davis Ave. to end of cul-de-sac NW 323.0' PC Both Donna Dr. A Chestnut Ave. to 528.0" North NW 528.0' PC E B Janis Wy. to 79.0" South 79.0' NC E C Basswood Ave. to Janis Wy. 1848.0' NC E D Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. 317.0' PC E E Falcon Dr. to 138.0" North 138.0' PC E F Chestnut Ave. to Charleen Cir. 213.0' PC W G Charleen Cir. to 112.0" North 112.0' PC W H Janis Wy. to 111.0" South 111.0' NC W I Gayle Wy. to Janis Wy. 347.0' NC W J Gayle Wy. to Basswood Ave. 1056.0' NC W K Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. 316.0' PC W L Falcon Dr. to 134.0' North 134.0' PC W Dorchester Pl. A Southampton Rd. to end of street NE 528.0" PC S El Arbol Dr. A Manzano Dr. to Cerezo Dr. NW 1056.0" NC E B Cerezo Dr. to 528.0' North 528.0" • NC E C Cannon Rd. to Cerezo Dr. 1584.0" NC W EI (Camino Real A Levante St. to Olivenhain Rd. SE 3960.0" NC E B La Costa Ave. to 3168.0" North SE 3168.0' PC E C Arenal Rd. to 2640.0" North SE 2640.0' PC E -D 1320.0' n/o Dove Ln. SE 8448.0' NC E to Palomar Airport Rd. E 500.0' n/o Faraday Ave. to 250.0' North NE 250.0' NC E LEGEND NC = New Construction PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-8 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET El Camino Real F Palomar Airport Rd. to 3168.0' North NE 3168.0" NC E (Continued) G 100.0' n/o Cougar Dr. to 4224.0' North NE 4224.0" NC E H Tamarack Ave. to 5280.0' South NE 5280.0" NC E I Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0' South NE 1056.0" NC E J Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0' North NE 1056.0" PC E K Elm Ave. to 1056.0' South NE 1056.0" PC E L 300.0' s/o La Costa Ave. to 6336.0" South SW 6336.0" NC W M Arenal Rd. to 2640.0' South SW 2640.0' NC W N 1584.0" s/o Camino Vida Roble to Alga Rd. sw 5280.0' NC W O Palomar Airport Rd. to 792.0" North NW 792.0" NC W P 200.0" s/o College Blvd. to 2904.0' South NW 2904.0" NC W Q 1584.0" s/o Kelly Dr. to Camino Hills Dr. NW 5280.0" NC W R Kelly Dr. to 1056.0" South NW 1056.0" NC W S Chestnut Ave. to 1848.0" South NW 1848.0" NC W El Fuerte St. A Santa Isabel St. to 2112.0' South SE 2112.0" NC E B Unicomio St. to Cacatua St. 528.0" PC Both C Cacatua St. to ChorUto St. 792.0" PC Both Elm Ave. A Glasgow Dr. to Tamarack Ave. NE 528.0" NC N B 264.0' w/o Chatham Rd. to 3168.0' West NE 3168.0" PC E Elmwood St. A Laguna Dr. to Highland Dr. NW 1136.0" NC E B Laguna Dr. to Knowles Ave. 603.0' NC W C Knowles Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. 627.0" NC W Estrelia De Mar Rd. A Arenal Rd. to Playa Rd. SE 792.0" PC E B Playa Rd. to Marazul Wy. 528.0" PC E C Marazul Wy. to Caracol Ct. 528.0" PC E D Caracol Ct. to Caleta Ct. 528.0" PC E E Caleta Ct. to Alga Rd. 528.0" PC E F Arenal Rd. to Alga Rd. 3168.0" PC W Falcon Dr. A Donna Dr. to 528.0" East NW 528.0" PC - Both B Donna Dr. to 120.0" West 120.0' PC N C Donna Dr. to 96.0" West 96.0" PC S LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-9 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME Forest Ave. SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Garfield St. Gateshead Rd. Gayle Wy. Glasgow Dr. Grand Ave. A Crest Dr. to Highland Dr. NW 650.0' NC N B Highland Dr. to Highland Dr. 166.0' PC N C Pio Pico Dr. to 187.0' East 187.0' NC N D Spruce St. to 348.0" East 348.0' NC N E Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. 1056.0' NC S F Highland Dr. to Wilson St. 378.0' NC S G Wilson St. to Crest Dr. 500.0' NC S A Chinquapin Ave. to 87.0" South NW 87.0' NC E B Chinquapin Ave. to Tamarack Ave. 542.0' NC E C Tamarack Ave. to Redwood Ave. 239.0' NC E D Chestnut Ave. to 29.0" North 29.0' NC E E Walnut Ave. to 147.0" South 147.0' NC E F 105.0" n/o Elm Ave. to 151.0" North 151.0' NC E G Cypress Ave. to 169.0" South 169.0' NC E H Pacific Ave. to Qcean St. 293.0' PC E I Southerly end of street to 528.0" North 528.0' PC E J Southerly end of street to 1056.0" North 1056.0' NC W K Tamarack Ave. to Sequoia Ave. 260.0' NC W L Tamarack Ave. to 96.0" North 96.0' NC W M Pine Ave. to 73.0" South 73.0' PC W N 101.0" n/o Beech Ave. to Cypress Ave. 436.0' NC W O Pacific Ave. to 157.0' North 157.0" PC W P Sequoia Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 214.0' NC W A End of street to 267.0' Soulh NE 267.0' PC W A Monroe St. to Donna Dr. NW 675.0' NC N B Monroe SL to Ann Dr. 240.0' NC S C Ajin Dr. to Donna Dr. 347.0' NC s A Elm Ave. lo 528.0' South NE 528.0' NC E B Elm Ave. to 1056.0' Norlh 1056.0' NC Both C 1320.0' n/o Elm Ave. lo 68.0' North 68.0' NC W A Carlsbad Blvd. to Ocean St. NW 422.0' NC N B Jefferson St. to 226.0' Wesl 226.0' NC N C Hope Ave. to end of street 430.0' NC N D 16.0' e/o Hope Ave. to 92.0' East 92.0' NC S I I LEGEND NC PC N New Construction, Partial Construction North, S = South, E = East, W = Wesl E-10 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT CITY WIDE (Continued) LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Gregory Dr. A Knowles Ave. lo Cynthia Ln. NW 300.0' PC Both Guevara Rd. A Highland Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 792.0" PC Both Harbor Dr. A Chinquapin Ave. to end of street NW 528.0" PC Both Harrison St. A Chinquapin Ave. to Adams Sl. NW 1056.0" NC E B 226.0" s/o Chinquapin Ave. lo Adams Sl. 830.0" NC W Haymar Dr. A El Camino Real lo 2640.0" East NE 2640.0" NC N B El Camino Real to 3168.0' Wesl NW 3168.0" NC N C El Camino Real lo 2904.0" West NW 2904.0" NC S D East end of street to 1848.0" Wesl NE 1848.0" NC S fi'eiifliock Ave. A Garfield Sl. to 246.0" East NW 246.0" PC N B Garfield SL to 345.0" East NW 345.0" PC S Hibiscus Cir. A Tamarack Ave. to end of streel NW 528.0" PC Both B Tamarack Ave. to 45.0" Norlh 45.0" NC Both Highland Dr. A Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover St. NW 792.0" NC E B Hoover St. to Adams St 2112.0' PC Both C Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 792.0' NC Both D Tamarack Ave. lo 792.0" North 792.0' NC E E Chestnut Ave. to 331.0" Norlh 331.0' NC E F Chestnut Ave. lo Magnolia Ave. 792.0' NC E G Elm Ave. lo Basswood Ave. 1584.0' NC Both - H Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. 1056.0' NC E 1 Arland Rd. to Las Flores Dr. 100.0' NC E • J Forest Rd. to Arland Rd. 620.0' NC E K Butters Rd. lo 125.0" Norlh 125.0' PC E L Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover Sl. 792.0" PC W M Magnolia Ave. lo Tamarack Ave. 1056.0" NC W N Hillview Ct. to Magnolia Ave. 445.0' NC W O Chestnut Ave. to 314.0' South 314.0" NC W P Basswood Ave. to Chestnut Ave. -528.0" NC W Q Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. 1056.0" NC W R Forest Rd. to Las Flores Dr. 584.0" NC W S Butters Rd. to Forest Rd. 197.0" PC Both T Yourell Ave. to Butters Rd. 65.0" PC W LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-11 STREET NAME LEGEND ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = Wesl CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Hillcrest Cir. A Seacrest Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 390" PC Both Hillside Dr. A Park Dr. to Highland Dr. NW 792.0" NC E B Park Dr. lo Highland Dr. 1056.0" NC W Holly Brae Ln. A Alder Ave. to end of cul-de-sac NW 1056.0" NC Both Home Ave. A Hope Ave. lo 583.0" East NW 583.0" PC N Hoover St. A Highland Dr. to Adams St. NW 792.0" NC Both B Adams Sl. to end of streel 342.0" NC . S Hyacinth Cir. A 528.0" n/o Elder Ct. to 75.0" North SW 75.0' PC E B 528.0" n/o Elder Cl. to 50.0" Norlh 50.0" PC W Impala Dr. A Palmer Wy. to 1320.0" East NE 1320.0" PC Both James Dr. A End of streel s/o Basswood Ave. NW 185.0" PC W to 185.0' North Janis Wy. A Donna Dr. to 294.0' West NW 294.0" PC N B Donna Dr. to 391.0' Wesl 391.0" PC S Jefferson Sl. A Las Flores Dr. lo Marron Rd. NW 2904.0" NC Both B Chinquapin Ave. lo Citrus Pl. 475.0" NC E C Citrus PI. to Tamarack Ave. 282.0" NC E D Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 735.0' NC W E 99.0' s/o Magnolia Ave. lo 101.0' South 101.0' NC W F 64.0' n/o Pine Ave. to 107.0' North 107.0" NC W Juniper Ave. A Garfield Sl. to 1056.0" East NW 792.0" PC Both Karren Ln. A Monroe St. to end of cul-de-sac NW 400.0" PC Both Knowles Ave. A ^ 174.0" e/o Jefferson St. lo 1056.0" East NW 882.0" NC N B Gregory Dr. lo Pio Pico Dr. 197.0" PC N C Elmwood Sl. to Gregory Dr. 792.0" NC N D Jefferson St. to 1056.0" East 1056.0" NC S E Elmwood St. to Pio Pico Dr. 1056.0" NC S E-12 ALPILVBETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET La Costa Ave. La Place Ct. La Portalada Dr. Laguna Dr. Lakewood St. Landau Ct. Larkspur Ln. A Piraeus Sl. lo El C^amino Real SW 8976.0" NC N B 70.0" e/o El Camino Real to 2376.0" East SE 2376.0' PC N C 2540.0" e/o El Camino Real to 205.0" West SE 205.0" PC N D 2740.0" e/o El Camino Real to 105.0" West SE 105.0" PC N E 697.0" w/o Nueva Castilla lo 156.0' Wesl SE 156.0" PC N F 470.0" w/o Nueva Castilla to 157.0" Wesl SE 157.0" PC N G 600:0" w/o Nueva Castilla to 97.0" West SE 97.0" PC N H 271.0" w/o Nueva Castilla to 179.0" West SE 179.0' PC N 1 Nueva Castilla lo 183.0" Wesl SE 183.0' PC N J 94.0" w/o Vieja Castilla lo 71.0 Wesl SE 71.0' PC N K 528.0' w/o Gibraltar Sl. to 159.0' Wesl SE 159.0' PC N L Gibraltar Sl. lo 60.0' West SE 60.0' PC N M Rancho Santa Fe Rd. lo 2376.0' East SE 2376.0' PC N N Piraeus St. to EI Camino Real SW 8976.0" NC S O 528.0' e/o EI Camino Real to 1584.0" East SE 1584.0" PC s P Nueva Claslilla to 1584.0" West SE 1584.0" PC s Q Nueva C^tilla to Calle Madero SE 1584.0' PC s R Calle Madero to Romeria St. SE 1320.0' PC s A Priestly Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 792.0' PC Both A Milano Dr. to Tamarack Ave. NE 190.0" PC W A Elmwood St. to 57.0" e/o Pio Pico Dr. NW 792.0" NC N B State St. to Buena Vista Cir. 494.0' NC N C Jefferson St. to 197.0" West 197.0' NC N D -Buena Vista Cir. to 438.0" East 438.0' NC N E State St. to Roosevelt Sl. 398.0" NC S F Roosevelt St. to Madison St. 398.0" PC S G 248.0" w/o Jefferson Sl. to 206.0" Wesl 206.0" NC s H 1-5 to 528.0" West 528.0" PC s I Elmwood Sl. to 85.0" e/o Pio Pico Dr. 792.0" NC s A Spokane Ave. to Olympia Dr. NE 792.0" PC E A Rutherford Rd. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 528.0' PC Both A Adams St. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 1056.0' PC Both LEGEND NC = New (Construction, PC - Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E"= East, W = West E-13 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Las Palmas Dr. A Camino Vida Roble lo Camino Vida Roble SW 2112.0" PC Both Laurie Cir. A Ann Dr. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 340.0' NC Both Lawrence Sl. A Olympia Dr. to Spokane Ave. NE 528.0' PC E Levante Sl. A EI Camino Real lo Anillo Wy. SE 1056.0' PC S Lincoln St. A 161.0' s/o Oak Ave. to 263.0' South NW 263.0" NC E B Chestnut Ave. lo 217.0" Norlh 217.0" NC E C Chestnut Ave. lo Walnut Ave. 445.0" NC W D Walnut Ave. to Pine Ave. 440.0' NC W E Oak Ave. lo 163.0" North 163.0" PC W F Pine Ave. to 87.0" North 87.0" NC W G 145.0" n/o Pine Ave. to 166.0" North 166.0" NC W Linmar Ln. A Tamarack Ave. to 339.0" South NW 339.0" PC Both Locust Ave. A Adams St. lo Harrison Sl. NW 528.0" NC Both Long Pl. A Chinquapin Ave. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 720.0" NC Both Longview Dr. A End of Slreet lo 792.0" North NE 792.0" PC W Los Robles Dr. A Manzano Dr. lo Cerezo Dr. NW 528.0" NC Both B Cerezo Dr. to Cannon Rd. 1584.0" PC E C Cerezo Dr. to (Cannon Rd. 1584.0' NC W Luciemaga St. A Argonauta St. lo 172.0' Wesl SE 172.0" PC N B Argonauta St. lo 173.0' West 173.0' PC S MacArthur Ave. A Sunnyhill Dr. to Skyline Rd. NW 594.0' NC N B Sunnyhill Dr. lo Clearview Dr. 251.0' NC S C Clearview Dr. lo Skyline Rd. 298.0' NC s LEGEND NC = New construction, PC = Partial (Construction N = Norlh, S = Soulh, E = East, W = West E-14 STREET NAME ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY 'WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial (Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Madison St. A 106.0" n/o Grand Ave. to 207.0" North NW 207.0' PC E B Laguna Dr. lo 528.0" South 528.0" NC E C 211.0" s/o Laguna Dr. lo 528.0" Soulh 528.0* NC W Maezel Ln. A Basswood Ave. lo end of slreet NW 372.0" PC E B Basswood Ave. to end of slreel 390.0" PC W Magnolia Ave. A Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. NW 528.0" NC N Magnolia Ave. B 114.0" e/o Adams St. lo 1056.0" East 1056.0" NC N C Highland Dr. to 25.0" East 25.0" NC N D Valley St. to 811.0" Wesl 811.0" NC N E Valley St. lo 437.0" East 437.0" NC N F Monroe Sl. lo 389.0" West 389.0" NC N G Pio Pico Dr. to 189.0" East 189.0' NC S H Adams St. to 275.0" East 275.0' PC s I Valley St. to 176.0" East 176.0' PC s J Highland Dr. to 243.0" West 243.0' NC s K Monroe Sl. to 189.0' West 189.0' NC s Manzano Dr. A Carlsbad Blvd. to EI Arbol Dr. NW 455.0" NC N Maple Ave. A 136.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 62.0' East NW 62.0" NC N Mar Azul Wy. A Estrelia De Mar to end of cul-de-sac SE 792.0" PC Both Marina Dr. A Park Dr. lo 307.0' Wesl NW 307.0" NC s Marjorie Ln. A Chestnut Ave. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 514.0" PC Both Marmol Cl. A El Fuerte St. to end of cul-de-sac SE 264.0" PC Both Marron Rd. A End of Slreet to 792.0" West NE 792.0" NC N McKinley St. A Pine Ave. lo Basswood Ave. NW 528.0" NC Both Meadowlark Ln. A Basswood Ave. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 577.0" PC Both E-15 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Melrose Dr. A Alga Rd. to Rancho Santa Fe Rd. SE 2112.0' PC E B Alga Rd. to 528.0" Soulh 528.0" PC W C Corintia St. to Rancho Santa Fe Rd. 500.0" NC W Milano Dr. A Trieste Dr. to La Portalada Dr. NE 314.0" PC S B La Portalada Dr. lo 346.0" East 346.0" PC S Monroe St. A Park Dr. lo 350.0" North NW 350.0' NC E B Park Dr. lo Sunnyhill Dr. 528.0' NC E C 103.0" n/o Karren Ln. lo 81.0' North 81.0' NC E D Basswood Ave. lo 52.0' Soulh 52.0' PC E E Magnolia Ave. to 430.0' South 430.0' NC W F Basswood Ave. to 451.0' Soulh 451.0' NC W G Park Dr. to Sunnyhill Dr. 528.0' NC W H Magnolia Ave. to 137.0' Norlh 137.0' NC W Mountain View Dr. A Ocean St. lo Carisbad Blvd. NW 403.0' NC N B Ocean St. to Pacific Ave. 225.0' PC S C Pacific Ave. to Carlsbad Blvd. 161.0' NC S Oak Ave. A State St. to 132.0' West NW 132.0' NC N B Roosevelt Sl. lo Slate St 310.0' NC N C Highland Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. 1584.0' NC N D Highland Dr. to 203.0' East 203.0' NC N E Valley Sl. to 259.0" East 259.0' NC N F Highland Dr. lo Pio Pico Dr. 1554.0" NC S G Easterly end of slreet to 107.0" West 107.0" NC s Obelisco Cir. A Argonauta St. to Argonauta Sl. SE 2112.0' PC Both Obelisco Pl. A Obelisco Cir. to end of cul-de-sac SE 792.0' PC Both Ocean St. A Oak Ave. lo 71.0" South NW 71.0' NC E B Elm Ave. lo Grand Ave. 398.0' NC E C Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. 214.0' NC E D Beech Ave. lo 232.0" South 232.0" NC E E Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. 598.0" NC E LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = Norlh, S = South, E = East, W = West E-16 STREET ALPIL4BETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS LEGEND NC = New (Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Ocean St. F Pacific Ave. lo 395.0" Norlh NW 395.0" NC E (Continued) G Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. 380.0" NC E H Elm Ave. to 447.0" North 447.0" NC W I Elm Ave. to 510.0' South 510.0" NC W J Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. 214.0" NC W K Cypress Ave. lo Beech Ave. 598.0' NC W L Pacific Ave. lo Cypress Ave. 380.0' NC W M Pacific Ave. to 163.0' Norlh 163.0' PC W N Mountain View Dr. to Garfield St. 200.0" PC S Oleander Wy./ R«ssei.ia Ct. A Al Intersection SW 165.0" PC N Olive Ave. A Garfield St. lo 528.0' East NW 528.0" NC Both Olivenhain Rd. A El Camino Real lo 1584.0" East SE 1584.0" NC N Olympia Dr. A Spokane Ave. lo 1584.0" Norlh NE 1584.0' PC W Owens Ave. A Camino Vida Roble to end of streel NW 528.0' PC w Pacific Ave. A Ocean St. to Garfield St. NW 202.0' PC N B Ocean St. lo Mountain View Dr. 528.0' NC S Palisades Dr. A Tamarack Ave. to 725.0" Norlh NW 725.0' PC w Palm Ave. A Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. NW 476.0' NC N B Pio Pico Dr. lo Adams St. 312.0' NC S Palmer Wy./Cougar Dr. A Impala Dr. lo El Camino Real NE 1848.0' NC E/N B Impala Dr. lo Faraday Ave. 528.0" PC E C El Camino Real to Impala Dr. 792.0" PC s/w E-17 ALPIL\BETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REOUIRED STREET Palomar Airport Rd. A Avenida Encinas lo (Carlsbad Blvd. NW 2112.0' NC N Palomar Airport Rd. B 1-5 Bridge lo 100.0" e/o Avenida Encinas NW 500.0' NC N C 1-5 NB On-Ramp to 1-5 Bridge NW 100.0' NC N D 300.0" w/o Paseo Del Norte to 1-5 NB On-Ramp NW 300.0' PC N E Yarrow Dr. lo 1848.0" West NW 1848.0' NC N F El Camino Real lo 2640.0' Wesl NW 2640.0' NC N G Business Park Dr. lo 5808.0" Wesl NE 5808.0' NC N H Carlsbad Blvd. lo Avenida Encinias SW 2112.0' NC S I Avenida Encinas lo 400.0" w/o SW 1584.0' NC S Paseo Del Norte J 528.0" w/o El Camino Real to 2112.0' Wesl SW 2112.0" NC s K El Camino Real lo Business Park Dr. SE 12144.0" NC s L Paseo Del Norte to 8448.0' East NW 8448.0" PC N M 528.0' e/o Paseo Del Norte lo 7920.0' East SW 7920.0" PC s Pamplona Wy. A Alicante Rd. to Almaden Ln. SE 264.0" PC N, Park Dr. A Monroe St. to Westhaven Dr. NW 5180.0" PC E B Monroe Sl. to 463.0' South 463.0" NC E C 68.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. lo 51.0' Soulh 51.0" NC E D 119.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. lo 78.0' South 73.0' PC E E 192.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. lo 226.0' Soulh 226.0' NC E F 140.0' s/o Grady Pl. lo 248.0' Soulh 248.0' NC E G 322.0' n/o Marina Dr. to 462.0' Norlh 462.0' NC E H Monroe Sl. to Westhaven Dr. 528.0' PC W I 112.0' s/o Monroe Sl. to 262.0" Soulh 262.0' NC W J Tamarack Ave. lo 462.0" Norlh 462.0' NC W K Tamarack Ave. lo 1584.0" Soulh 1584.0' NC W L Hillside Dr. lo 792.0" South 792.0" NC W M KeUy Dr. to Marina Dr. 4752.0" NC W Pascal Ct. A Rutherford Rd. to end of cul-de-sac NW 792.0" PC Both Paseo Del Norte A Palomar Airport Rd. to 2640.0' Norlh NW 2640.0" PC E LEGEND NC = New Construction, ' PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = Soulh, E = East, W = West E-18 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Pine Ave. A Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. NW 1584.0' NC Both B Garfield Sl. to 206.0" East 206.0" NC N C Lincoln Sl. to 184.0" Wesl 184.0' NC N D Garfield St lo 82.0" Wesl 82.0" PC S E Lincoln St. to 19.0" Wesl 19.0" NC S Pio Pico Dr. A Magnolia Ave. to 336.0" South NW 336.0' NC E B Magnolia Ave. to 104.0" North 104.0' NC E C Pine Ave. lo 105.0" North 105.0" NC E D Buena Vista Wy. to 174.0" North 174.0' NC E E 35.0" n/o Las Flores Dr. to Forest Ave. 390.0" NC E F Yourell Ave. to Forest Ave. 528.0" NC E G Yourell Ave. lo 257.0" North 257.0" NC E H Tamarack Ave. lo Chestnut Ave. 2376.0" NC W 1 Chestnut Ave. lo Oak Ave. 1056.0" NC W J Buena Vista Wy. lo 1848.0" South 1848.0" NC W K Buena Vista Wy. to 243.0' Norlh 243.0" NC W L Las Flores Dr. to 1056.0' Norlh 1056.0" PC W Piragua St. A Cadencia St. to 1056.0' East SE 1056.0" PC S Playa Rd. A EstreUa De Mar to end of cul-de-sac SE 1056.0" PC Both Poinsetiia Ln. A Avenida Encinas to 1056.0' West SW 1056.0" NC N B 100.0" e/o Avenida Encinas to 528.0" East 528.0" PC N C 100.0" e/o Avenida Encinas lo 1056.0" East 1056.0" NC S Polly Ln. A Tamarack Ave. to end of street NW 528.0" PC W Ponto Dr. (North) A Carlsbad Blvd. to 2640.0" South SW 2640.0" NC Both Ponto Dr. (South) A Carlsbad Blvd. lo Carlsbad Blvd. sw 1584.0" NC Both Priestly Dr. A Faraday Ave. to Rutherford Rd. NW 792.0" PC W B Rutherford Rd. lo La Place Ct. 528.0' PC W LEGEND NC = New construction, PC = Partial (Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-19 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET SIDEWALK CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF NAME SEGMENT LIMITS QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Rancho Santa Fe Rd. A La Cosla Ave. lo 528.0" Soulh SE 528.0' PC E B La Cosla Ave. lo 500.0" s/o Melrose Dr. 10060.0' NC E C La (Costa Ave. to Melrose Dr. 10560.0' NC W D Olivenhain Rd. to 2640.0" Soulh 2640.0' NC E Raicliff Rd. A Highland Dr. to end of cul-de-sac NW 528.0' PC Both Redwood Ave. A End of Slreel lo Garfield Sl. NW 792.0' PC Both Ridgecrest Dr. A (Camden Cir. lo Seacrest Dr. NW 1056.0' PC Both B Meadowlark Ln. to Camden Cir. 528.0' PC Both C Seacrest Dr. to Charier Oak Dr. 175.0' PC N D Seacrest Dr. to Charier Oak Dr. 215.0' PC S E Basswood Ave. lo Seacrest Dr. 151.0' PC N F Basswood Ave. lo Meadowlark Ln. 129.0' PC S Roosevell St. A Laguna Dr. lo 109.0" South NW 109.0' PC E B Laguna Dr. to 71.0" Soulh 71.0' NC W C 154.0" s/o Laguna Dr. lo 126.0" South 126.0' PC W D 125.0" n/o Beech Ave. lo 125.0' North 125.0' PC W Rutherford Rd. A Geiger Ct. to Landau Ct. NW 528.0' PC S B Pascal CL to Priestly Dr. 792.0' PC S C Landau CL to Pascal Ct. 528.0' PC s Salienie Wy. A Reposada Dr. to Rustico Dr. SE 1056.0' PC s Sandy Pl. A Canyon St. to end of cul-de-sac NW 366.0' PC Both Seacrest Dr. A Ridgecrest Wy. to Basswood Ave. NW 1584.0' NC Both Segovia Wy. A 100.0' w/o Gabacho St. to 1056.0" West SE 1056.0' PC N Segovia Wy. B 100.0' w/o Gabacho Sl. to 1056.0" West 1056.0" NC S Sequoia Ave. A 73.0" e/o Carlsbad Blvd. lo Garfield Sl. NW 361.0" NC N Sequoia Ave. B 131.0' e/o Carisbad Blvd. to Garfield Sl. 314.0" NC S Shore Dr. A Carlsbad Blvd. lo Carlsbad Blvd. NW 1056.0' PC Both LEGEND NC = New (Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = Norlh, S = South, E = East, W = Wesl E-20 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Skyline Rd. A MacArthur Ave. to 528.0' Soulh NW 528.0' PC Both Skyline Rd. B Tamarack Ave. to 1584.0" North 1584.0' PC E C Tamarack Ave. to 1056.0" North 1056.0' PC W D Alder Ave. lo Westhaven Dr. 1056.0' PC Both Spruce St. A Forest Ave. to 108.0" North NW 108.0' PC E Spruce St. B Yourell Ave. lo 106.0" South 106.0' PC E C Yourell Ave. lo 130.0" North 130.0' PC E D YoureU Ave. to 187.0" South 187.0' PC W E YoureU Ave. to 130.0" North 130.0' PC W St. George Ct. A Southampton Rd. to 528.0" East NE 528.0' PC S State St. A Laguna Dr. lo (Carlsbad Blvd. NW 433.0' NC E B Carlsbad Blvd. lo 244.0" Soulh 244.0' PC W Subida Ter. A Rustico Dr. lo Reposada Dr. SE 792.0' PC S SunnyhiU Dr. A 208.0" n/o HUlside Dr. lo MacArthur Ave. NW 528.0' NC E B 83.0" s/o Tamarack Ave. to MacArthur Ave. 462.0' NC E C Tamarack Ave. lo Monroe St. 1056.0' PC E D Tamarack Ave. to 1320.0" Soulh 1320.0' NC W E Tamarack Ave. lo Monroe Sl. 1056.0' PC W Tamarack Ave. A Carlsbad Blvd. lo 467.0" East NW 467.0' NC N B Garfield St. to Hibiscus Cir. NW 1056.0' NC N C Hibiscus Cir. to Jefferson St NW 820.0' NC N D Linmar Ln. to Jefferson St. NW 238.0' PC S E Park Dr. lo 214.0" West NW 214.0" PC N F La Portalada Dr. lo 363.0" West NE 363.0" PC N G 792.0' w/o Elm Ave. to 1584.0' Wesl NE 1584.0" PC N H 124.0' e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 315.0' East NW 315.0' NC S I Garfield Sl. lo Hibiscus Cir. NW 1056.0' NC S -J Hibiscus Cir. to Linmar Ln. NW 517.0' NC s K Elm Ave. to 792.0' North NE 792.0' NC E LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Consiruction N = North, S = Soulh, E = East, W = West E-21 ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) STREET NAME SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Tierra Del Oro A Carlsbad Blvd. lo end of cul-de-sac NW 317.0' PC Both Topeka St. A Spokane Ave. to 1056.0' Norlh NE 1056.0' PC E Tultie Sl. A Buena Vista Wy. to 79.0' Norlh NW 79.0* PC E B 176.0' n/o Buena Vista Wy. lo Las Flores Dr. 550.0' PC E C Buena Vista Wy. lo Las Flores Dr. 792.0" PC W Tyler Sl. A Chestnut Ave. to 110.0' Norlh NW 110.0" PC W B Oak Ave. to 792.0" Soulh 792.0" PC W Valley Pl. A Valley SL to end of cul-de-sac NW 500.0" NC Both VaOey St. A Magnolia Ave. lo Chestnut Ave. NW 910.0" NC E B Magnolia Ave. lo 610.0" Soulh 610.0" NC E C Basswood Ave. lo 335.0" North 335.0" PC E D Oak Ave. lo 208.0' Norlh 208.0" NC E E McCauley Ln. to Buena Vista Wy. 450.0" NC E F Chestnut Ave. to Magnolia Ave. 910.0" NC W G Magnolia Ave. to 1108.0" South 1108.0" NC W H Basswood Ave. to Oak Ave. 1056.0" NC W 1 Elm Ave. lo Buena Vista Wy. 597.0" NC W Venado St. A 28.0" w/o Esfera St. to 83.0" West SE 83.0" PC N B Cadencia Sl. lo Esfera St. 2112.0" PC S Victoria Ave. A 125.0" w/o Elm Ave. lo 101.0" West NE 101.0" NC S Walnul Ave. A Lincoln Sl. lo 198.0" West NW 198.0' NC N B Lincoln Sl. lo 79.0" East 79.0' NC N C Garfield St. to Lincoln St. 210.0' NC S Washington St. A Elm Ave. to Oak Ave. NW 413.0' NC E B Beech Ave. lo Grand Ave. 716.0" NC E C Grand Ave. to Christiansen Wy. 226.0" NC W D Beech Ave. lo Christiansen Wy. 469.0" NC W LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial Construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West E-22 STREET NAME ALPHABETICAL LISTING ROADWAYS WITHOUT SIDEWALK CITY WIDE (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT LIMITS CITY SIDEWALK SIDE OF QUADRANT REQUIRED STREET Westhaven Dr. A Park Dr. to 808.0" Soulh NW 808.0' PC E B Chestnut Ave. lo Park Dr. 312.0' NC E C Park Dr. to 598.0' Soulh 598.0' PC W D Chestnut Ave. to Park Dr. 387.0' NC W WUson Sl. A Forest Ave. lo Buena Vista Wy. NW 1584.0' NC Both Woodvale Dr. A Westhaven Dr. to Park Dr. NW 288.0' PC E B Westhaven Dr. to Park Dr. 268.0' PC W Wright Pl. A Palomar Oaks Wy. to 347.0' East NW 347.0' PC N Yarrow Dr. A Palomar Airport Rd. lo Camino Vida Roble SW 1584.0' PC Both Yourell Ave. A Pio Pico Dr. lo Spruce St. NW 570.0' PC Both B Spruce St. lo 338.0' East 338.0' PC Both LEGEND NC = New Construction, PC = Partial construction N = North, S = South, E = East, W = Wesl E-23 APPENDIX F CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR 1 FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $424,100.00 Priority Rank Location Sidewalk Segment EscCost Remarks 1. TAMARACK AVENUE Park Dr. to 214.0' West $4,800.00 2. VALLEY STREET Basswood Ave. to 335.0' North 7,550.00 3. CAMINO VIDA ROBLE Yarrow Dr. to Corte Del Abeto Corte Del Nogal to 260.0' South Palomar Airport Rd. to Corte Del Nogal 528.0' e/o Palomar Oaks Wy. to 123.0' East Owens Ave. to 117.0' East 528.0' w/o Owens Ave. to 121.0' West El Camino Real to Las Palmas Dr. Las Palmas Dr. to Palomar Oaks Wy. Palomar Oaks Wy. to Palomar Airport Rd. 17,800.00 5,850.00 23,750.00 4,400.00 4,150.00 4,300.00 23,750.00 23,750.00 17,800.00 4. MONROE STREET Park Dr. to 350.0' North 103.0' n/o Karren Ln. to 81.0' North Basswood Ave. to 52.0' South Magnolia Ave. to 430.0' South Basswood Ave. to 451.0* South MagnoUa Ave. to 137.0' North 14,000.00 3,250.00 1,150.00 17,200.00 18,050.00 5,500.00 F.I.A UUP 92 UUP 92 5. CHESTNUT AVENUE Donna Dr. to 152.0' West 3,400.00 6. HIGHLAND DRIVE Chestnut Ave. to 331.0' North HiUview Ct. to MagnoUa Ave. Chestnut Ave. to 314.0' South Basswood Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 13,250.00 17,800.00 12,550.00 21,100.00 F.I.A (Various Parcels) 7. VICTORIA A'VENUE 125.0' w/o Ehn Ave. to 101.0' West 4,050.00 7. TAMARACK AVENUE La Portalada Dr. to 363.0' West 8,150.00 7. JEFFERSON STREET Chinquapin Ave. to Citrus Pl. Citrus Pl. to Tamarack Ave. Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 99.0' s/o MagnoUa Ave. to 101.0' South 10,700.00 6,350.00 16,550.00 4,050.00 8. BASSWOOD AVENUE Donna Dr. to 78.0' West VaUey St. to Maezel Ln. Maezel Ln. to Canyon St. Donna Dr. to BeUe Ln. 2,950.00 11,900.00 11,500.00 15,250.00 8. PARK DRIVE Monroe St. to 463.0' South 68.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 51.0' South 119.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 78.0' South 192.0' s/o Tamarack Ave. to 226.0' South 112.0' s/o Monroe St. to 262.0' South Tamarack Ave. to 462.0' North 18,500.00 2,900.00 4,200.00 12,900.00 10,500.00 18,500.00 CLP. 95-2000 CLP. 95-2000 CLP. 95-2000 HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTT (Programmed Fiscal Year) FIA - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT F-1 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR II FISCAL YEAR 1991/92 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $316,250.00 Priority Rank Location Sidewalk Segment Est. Cost Remarks 9. PINE AVENUE Lincohi St. to 184.0' West Garfield St. to 82.0' West Lincohi St. to 19.0' West 7,350.00 1,850.00 750.00 10. VALLEY STREET MagnoUa Ave. to 610.0' South 24,400.00 11. OCEAN STREET Oak Ave. to 71.0' Soutii Elm Ave. to Grand Ave. Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. Beech Ave. to 232.0' South Pacific Ave. to 395.0' North Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. Ehn Ave. to 510.0' Soutii Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. Pacific Ave. to 163.0' North Mountain View Dr. to Garfield St. 2,800.00 22,800.00 12,200.00 13,200.00 22,600.00 21,700.00 20,400.00 12,200.00 21,700.00 9,300.00 5,500.00 12. CHESTNUT AVENUE 90.0' w/o Seaview Wy. to Dorma Dr. Westhaven Dr. to 485.0' East 8,850.00 19,100.00 F.I.A (2 Parcels) 13. MAGNOLIA AVENUE Highland Dr. to 25.0' East VaUey St. to 437.0' East Monroe St. to 389.0' West VaUey St. to 176.0' East Monroe St. to 189.0' West 1,000.00 17,500.00 15,550.00 3,950.00 7,550.00 F.I.A 14. MAGNOLL\ AVENUE Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. Pio Pico Dr. to 189.0' East Adams St. to 275.0' East Highland Dr. to 243.0' West 20,800.00 7,450.00 6,200.00 9,550.00 F.I.A (1 Parcel) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) FL\ - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT F-2 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR III FISCAL'YEAR 1992/93 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $302,450.00 Priority Rank Location Sidewalk Segment Est. Cost Remarks 15. LAGUNA DRIVE Jefferson St. to 197.0' West Roosevelt St. to Ma(Jison St. 248.0' w/o Jefferson St. to 206.0' West — 1991 CLP./ UUP 16. GRAND AVENUE Jefferson St. to 226.0' West — 1990 CLP. 17. VALLEY STREET Basswood Ave. to Oak Ave. 42,250.00 F.I.A 18. CAMINO VIDA ROBLE El Camino Real to Yarrow Dr. Las Palmas Dr. to Las Palmas Dr. 41,600.00 35,650.00 19. GRAND AVENUE Carlsbad Blvd. to Ocean St. 16,900.00 19. MONROE STREET Park Dr. to SunnyhiU Dr. Park Dr. to StmnyhiU Dr. 30,200.00 30,200.00 20. HIGHLAND DRIVE Tamarack Ave. to 792.0' North Chestnut Ave. to MagnoUa Ave. MagnoUa Ave. to Tamarack Ave. 31,700.00 31,700.00 42,250.00 F.I.A (Various Parcels) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECH" (Programmed Fiscal Year) FIA - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT F-3 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR IV FISCAL YEAR 1993/94 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $338,850.00 Pnorirty Rank Location Sidewalk Segment Est. Cost Remarks 21. PINE AVENUE Garfield St. to 206.0' East 8,100.00 21. STATE STREET Carlsbad Blvd. to 244.0' South 23,200.00 UUP-91 21. HIGHLAND DRIVE Arland Rd. to Las Flores Dr. Butters Rd. to 125.0' North Forest Rd. to Las Flores Dr. Butters Rd. to Forest Rd. YoureU Ave. to Butters Rd. 4,000.00 2,800.00 23,350.00 4,400.00 1,500.00 22. BASSWOOD AVENUE 128.0' e/o Eureka Pl. to Highland Dr. 48,700.00 23. LA COSTA AVE. 2540.0' e/o El Camino Reial to 205.0' West 2740.0' e/o El Camino Real to 105.0' West 697.0' w/o Nueva CastiUa to 156.0' West 470.0' w/o Nueva CastiUa to 157.0' West 600.0' w/o Nueva CastUla to 97.0' West 271.0' w/o Nueva CastiUa to 179.0' West Nueva CastiUa to 183.0' West 94.0' w/o Viejo CastiUa to 71.0' West 528.0' w/o Gibraltar St. to 159.0' West Gibraltar St. to 60.0' West 4,600.00 2,350.00 3,500.00 3,550.00 2,200.00 4,050.00 4,100.00 1,600.00 3,600.00 1,350.00 24. WASHINGTON STREET Elm Ave. to Oak Ave. 16,500.00 24. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD Tamarack Ave. to 35.0' North 1,400.00 F.I.A 24. PRIESTLY DRIVE Faraday Ave. to Rutherford Rd. Rutherford Rd. to La Place Ct. 17,800.00 11,900.00 24. RUTHERFORD ROAD Geiger Ct. to Landau Ct. Pascal Ct. to Priestiy Dr. Landau Ct. to Pascal Ct. 11,900.00 17,800.00 11,900.00 24. BUENA VISTA WAY Arland Rd. to Ehnwood St Pio Pico Dr. to 172.0' East 20,500.00 9,400.00 25. VALLEY STREET MagnoUa Ave. to Chestnut Ave. Chestnut Ave. to MagnoUa Ave. 36,400.00 36,400.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTIUTY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) FIA - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT F-4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 'YEAR V FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $347,200.00 . Priority Rank Location Sidewalk Segment Est Cost Remarks 26. OCEAN STREET Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. Ehn Ave. to 447.0' North Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. 34,200.00 25,600.00 34,200.00 27. EL CAMINO REAL Ehn Ave. to 1056.0' South 23,750.00 28. WALNUT AVENUE Lincohi St. to 198.0' West Lincohi St. to 79.0' East 7,900.00 3,150.00 PACIFIC AVENUE Ocean St. to Mountain View Dr. 21,100.00 KNOWLES AVENUE Gregory Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. 4,400.00 ALICANTE ROAD Altisma Wy. to 528.0' East 11,900.00 CYPRESS AVENUE Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. Garfield St. to 260.0' East Ocean St. to Garfield St. 23,900.00 10,400.00 6,800.00 GARFIELD STREET 105.0' n/o Ehn Ave. to 151.0' North Cypress Ave. to 169.0' South Pine Ave. to 73.0' South 101.0' n/o Beech Ave. to Cypress Ave. Pacific Ave. to 157.0' North 6,000.00 6,800.00 1,650.00 17,400.00 9,000.00 LINCOLN STREET 161.0' s/o Oak Ave. to 263.0' South Chestnut Ave. to 217.0' North Chestnut Ave. to Walnut Ave. Walnut Ave. to Pine Ave. Pine Ave. to 87.0' North 145.0' n/o Pme Ave. to 166.0' North $10,500.00 8,700.00 17,800.00 17,600.00 3,500.00 6,650.00 ADAMS STREET Tamarack Ave. to MagnoUa Ave. 169.0' s/o MagnoUa Ave. to 270.0' South 23,700.00 10,600.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) FIA - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT F-5 varies Width as shown on plan NON-CONTIGUOUS Width as shown on plan •1/2" R -i 1/4" per ft. I 1/2" R Weakened Plane Joint—I —1 ; • • CONTIGUOUS NOTES 1. Concrete shall be 520-C-2500. 2. See Standard Drawing G-10 for joint details. LEGEND ON PLANS Revision Bv Approved Date ..SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING HKOMMtNOtO THE SAN OlfCO RfClONAl SIANOAOOS COMMITTEE Thickness 7-7 ..SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING HKOMMtNOtO THE SAN OlfCO RfClONAl SIANOAOOS COMMITTEE Thirkn°ss SIDEWALK - TYPICAL SECTIONS HKOMMtNOtO THE SAN OlfCO RfClONAl SIANOAOOS COMMITTEE Conc. ,. 1.1, -77/..5 SIDEWALK - TYPICAL SECTIONS Cooroinjiol RCE 'SSOI Diit SIDEWALK - TYPICAL SECTIONS DRAWING ri 7 NUMBER u"/ SIDEWALK - TYPICAL SECTIONS DRAWING ri 7 NUMBER u"/ APPENDIX G