HomeMy WebLinkAbout; South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor Pavement; South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor Pavement; 2003-05-08Testing Engineers- San Diego, Inc. IVfr. William Lopez City of Carlsbad 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Established 1946 May 8,2003 Project No. 2002-0349F Subject: Project: Dear Mr. Lopez: AS-GRADED / PAVEMENT COMPACTION REPORT City of Carlsbad - South Agua Hedionda - Sewer Interceptor Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request. Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. (TESD) has conducted compaction testing during construction of the above referenced project. Services described herein were provided by TESD from January 15,2003 through Febmary 28,2003. As indicated in our field inspection reports, a representative of this office observed underground utility trench backfill and compaction, compaction of impOTted aggregate base and placement of asphalt concrete pavement for the referenced project. Backfill soil was placed in 6- to 8-inch thick lifts and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction of the soil's dry density as measured by ASTM D1557, for up to 12 inches below subgrade. Aggregate base material and top 12 inches of subgrade soil were placed in 6- to 8-inch thick lifts and compacted to 95 percent relative compaction of the dry density as measured by ASTM D1557. Compaction of the backfill soil and aggregate base was obtained by a CAT 320B Track hoe with a compaction wheel attachment, and a CAT L82 Loader. For the asphalt concrete compaction, IR - ST80 and IR - DD224 rollers were used, and asphalt concrete pavement was compacted to 95% relative compaction of its laboratory maximum density as determined by ASTM D1561. Test numbers 194 and 198 for asphalt concrete paving had relative compaction results of 94 percent, however, these test areas were approved by the city inspector. City of Carlsbad Senior Inspector Bill Lopez oversaw grading and pavement operations. Summaries of field and laboratory compaction test results are provided on Tables 1 and 2. Results of our field observations and density testmg indicate that the placement of utility trench backfill, aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement generally meets the minimum relative compaction requirements of 90, 95, and 95 percent, respectively. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 715-5800. Sinierely, Testing Engine^ - San Diego, Inc, Carl<» E. Acerc StaflfEbgineer ' 2002-(fc26 City of Carlsbad as-graded.cea Chad M Davis, RCE 59908 Project Civil Engineer Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 Print Date: Project Number; Project Name: Location: Engineer: Test# Test Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17A 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/16/03 1/16/03 1/16/03 1/16/03 1/16/03 1/16/03 1/17/03 1/17/03 1/17/03 1/17/03 1/17/03 Table 1 REPORT OF nOMPACTION TF.';T riATA May 1,2003 2002-034gF South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 Material Structun Test Location Moisture Field Opt. Dry Density (pcf) Rel. Compaction Field I Max. Qbtainec|Requirei Conform Non-Conform « ISA 1/17/03 m 19A 1/17/03 S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s AB AB AB AB AB AB AB SS station 31+00, 2 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft.-3.0 ft. Ofbacl^fill 8.9% 10.5% 121.0 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 31+00. 2 fl. below AC, 2.5 ft.-3.0 ft of backfill 9.2% 10.5% 121.2 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 32+00, 2 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft.-3.0 ft. of backfill 9.4% 10.5% 121.7 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 32+50, 2 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft.-3.0 ft. of backfill 9.1% 10.5% 121.7 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 33+00, 2 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft.-3.0 ft. of backfill 9.7% 10.5% 121.6 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 34+00, 6 ft. below AC, 9 ft. of backfill 11.1% 10.5% 122.1 127.5 96% 90% Conform ss Station 34+50,4 ft. below AC, 9 ft. of backfill 8.7% 10.5% 121.7 127.5 95% 90% Conform ss Station 35+00,2 ft. below AC, 9 ft. of backfill 11.0% 10.5% 122.6 127.5 96% 90% Conform ss Station 35+50, 6 ft. below AC, 9 ft. of backfill 11.0% 10.5% 120.6 127.5 95% 90% Conform ss Station 36+00. 4 ft. below AC, 9 ft of backfill 11.6% 10.5% 121.4 127.5 95% 90% Conform ss Station 36+50, 4 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 9.5% 10.5% 115.6 127.5 91% 90% Conform ss Station 36+50, 2 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 10.2% 10.5% 122.1 127.5 96% 95% Conform ss Station 37, 2 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 11.1% 10.5% 121.2 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 37+25,2 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 12.2% 10.5% 121.1 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 37+50, 2 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 11.9% 10.5% 121.3 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 37+75,2 ft. below FS, 9ft. of fill placed 12.0% 10.5% 121.5 127.5 95% 95% Conform ss Station 31+25 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -.5 ft. 15.1% 5.5% 129.4 144.5 90% 95% Nonconform ss Station 31+75 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -1 ft. 14.6% 5.5% 131.9 144.5 91% 95% Nonconform ss Station 32+50 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -1 ft. 16.2% 5.5% 128.9 144.5 89% 95% Nonconform ss Station 33 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -1 ft. 13.4% 5.5% 132.9 144.5 92% 95% Nonconform ss Retest#17. Dated 01/17/03, Station 31+20 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -.5 ft. 8.1% 5.5% 138.0 144.5 96% 95% Conform ss Retest#18, Dated 01/17/03Station 31+78 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS - 1ft. 6.6% 5.S% 140.7 144.5 97% 95% Conform ss Retest#19, Dated 01/17/03, Station 32+50 Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive, FS -1 ft. 7.3% 5.5% 139.5 144.5 97% 95% Conform Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Engineer: ^^^Q^LQECOMEMBQU TEST DATA May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 20A 1/17/03 Test Location 21 1/20/03 AB 22 1/20/03 AB 23 1/20/03 AB •«« mi 24 1/20/03 AB 25 1/20/03 AB m 26 1/20/03 AB 27 1/20/03 AB « 28 1/20/03 AB m 29 1/20/03 AB m 30 1/20/03 AB mi 31 1/20/03 AB m 32 1/20/03 AB m 33 1/22/03 S mi 34 1/22/03 S m m 35 1/22/03 S m 36 1/22/03 S mt 37 1/22/03 S mt 38 1/22/03 S m 39 1/22/03 S m 40 1/22/03 S m 41 1/22/03 S m 42 1/22/03 S m 43 1/22/03 S «• 44 1/22/03 S ^^^^5™Soi^^ Cannon Road E. of Legoland Drive. FS- ^^^"^ ^^^^ 1 ft. ' SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta in 9% n «/ « ... 30+87 EL=AB ^'^'^ ^^2.6 118.5 95% 95% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 111 % 11 ^0/ ,, o n .. „ 31+50 EL=AB ^^-^-^ ^^2.9 118.5 95% 95% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 32 99% 11 «/ , EL=AB ^^•^'^ ^13-4 118.5 96% 95% 3':57Er4l'°''^=°'"''°^-'^'^ ^1=% 1123 118.5 95% 95% SS cannon Road E.cfLegc,and Dr., S,a 33 11.4% ,,.50. ,,3.2 1,8.5 96% 95% 34™::"°'^^°'^"'^''^-'^'^ ^^^-Z" 11=% 113.a 113.5 96% 95% SS cannon Road E,ofLego,and Dr., S.a 35 9.9% 11.5% ,13.8 118.5 96% 95% 3t5™Sr°''^=°'^"''°^-'^'^ ^l-"-"" 11=% 113-2 118.5 96% 95% SS cannon Road E.ofLe9o,and or., s,a 36 10.9% 11.5% 113.0 118.5 95% 95% 35:50 11=% 112.9 118.5 95% 95% SS cannon Road EofLsgoland Dr., S.a 37 10.3% 11.5% nzr 1I8.5 95% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., sta 107% 11 w .... 37+50EL=AB "=% 11^-3 118.5 95% 'r.T^^.fo^^T:f:r- 1-= -% ,tFrr5feet°''^=*"''°^-'^'^^' 1°°% 113.4 123.5 92% 6™Eri1^5°feer"'°''''^ ^O"""" 11=3 123.5 90% ,°,l73"^^-4^. Of Legoland D^^ 1°°% "=.3 123.5 91% 62™:Fs"-5;eer"'''''-'''^ '''' "^l 123.= 90% ,t:sTfeet°''^°'^"'°'-''*^" 1°°% 11=-^ 123.5 91% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., sta 101% inn»/ HT, .O„ 63+50 EL=FS-4.5 feet 123 = 91% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 64 9 8% inn»/ 117 c .o„ EL=FS-4.5feet 11*^.= 123.5 91% 6t57Er:FS.'4 5'feer"°^'''^ ^^-^ 11«= 123.5 92% EtFr-r5feet°'''^*"'°^-'''^^^ 1°« 11^.3 128.5 91% 6t57Er:Fs'45°;eer"'"'^'^ 1°°°^» "3.2 128.5 92% .tFr.rrfeet"''^"'"'^'^'^'^^^ i°« n^i 123.5 91% Rel. Compaction Conform Jbtainec^equirec Non-Conform Conform 95% 95% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform REPORT np CQMPAnTlf^M TEST DATA m Print Date: Project Number- Project Name: Location: Engineer: I Test "! '45 46 47 48 49 50 Test Date 1/22/03 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 jfviaterlaiptructur^Test Location ~S Moisture Field I Opt. S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S AB AB S S S S S S S S 9.4% 9.0% 122.3 132.5 92% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 66+50 EL=FS -4.5 feet 10.1% 9.0% 121.7 132.5 92% er^solL^^^^^^^ '-^'^ ^-^^/^ 132.5 92% SS Cannon R^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ T.T,L~fs"^^^^^^^^ ^-^^/^ ^1^-« 132.5 90% EL~^^^^^^ ''-''^^ '-'-'^ 119-9 132.5 90% ^LTs%Tfeet°''''°''"''''-^ ^20.9 128.5 94% S:~feet°''''°'"'°^''^^ ''-'-'^ ^13.9 128.5 93% ss Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 70+50 EL=FS -4.5 feet SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr Sta 71 EL=FS -4.5 feet SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 71+50 EL=FS -4.5 feet ss Cannon_RoadE. Of Legoland Dr., sta 10.8% 10.0% 116.2 128.5 90% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr., Sta 72+50 EL=FS -4.5 feet ss Cannon_RoadE.o,Legoi^ ,o.O% ,0.0% 1,6.6 ,28.5 91% SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr Sta 73+50 EL=FS -4.5 feet SS Cannonj^oad^^^ ^^^^^ 10.3% 10.0% 117.7 128.5 92% 9.8% 10.0% 117.6 128.5 92% 10.6% 10.0% 116.6 128.5 91% 10.8% 10.0% 116.2 128.5 90% 9.9% 10.0% 116.9 128.5 91% 10.0% 10.0% 116.6 128.5 91% 10.2% 10.0% 117.2 128.5 91% EL=FS -4.5 feet SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr Sta 61+50 EL=FS-4.5 feet SS Cannon Road E. of Legoland Dr. Sta 62+25 EL=FS -4.5 feet SS Cannon Road, Sta 63 EL=FS -2.0 feet 5.6% 5.5% 139.9 144.5 97% 5.1% 5.5% 140.7 144.5 97% 9.6% 10.0% 122.4 128.5 95%> SS Cannon Road. Sta 63+50 EL=FS-2.0 feet 10.0% 10.0% 122.6 128.5 95% SS Cannon Road, Sta 64 EL=FS-2.0 feet 10.3% 10.0% 122.8 128.5 96% SS Cannon Road. Sta 64+50 EL=FS-2.0 feet 11.1% io.o% 122.8 128.5 96% SS Cannon Road. Sta 65 EL=FS-2.0 feet 10.6% 10.0% 123.8 128.5 96% SS Cannon Road. Sta 65+50 EL=FS-2.0 feet 9.9% 10.0% 123.5 128.5 96% SS Cannon Road. Sta 66 EL=FS-2.0 feet 10.3% io.O% 122.4 128.5 95% mpaction cfRequirecj Conform Non-Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform 95% Conform REPORT OF COMPAf^TinM JEST DATA Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Engineer: Test # 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Test Date 1/23/03 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 92A 93 94 93A 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad. CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 Materialt s" s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s AB AB AB AB AB Jtructurt Test Location ss Cannon Road, Sta 67 EL=FS -2.0 feet ss Cannon Road, Sta 67+50 EL=FS -2.01 SS Cannon Road, Sta 68 EL=FS -2.0 feet SS Cannon Road. Sta 68+50 EL=:FS -2.0 f SS Cannon Road, Sta 69 EL=FS -2.0 feet SS Cannon Road. Sta 69+50 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 70 EL=FS -2.0 feet ss Cannon Road. Sta 74 EL=:FS -2.0 feet SS Cannon Road, Sta 76 EL^FS -2.0 feet SS Cannon Road, Sta 777+75 EL=FS -2 0 feet SS Cannon Road, Sta 63 EL=FS -2.0 feet SS Retest #92. Dated 01/23/03. Cannon Road. Sta 63 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 63+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 64 EL=AB SS Retest # 93. Dated 01/24/03. Cannon Road, Sta 63+50 EL=AB Moisture Dry Density (pcf) Rel. Compaction Conform 1 Field 10.1% 1 Opt. 10.0% Field 123.2 1 Max. 128.5 Dbtainec 96% jRequirec 95% Non-Conform Conform 9.8% 10,0% 122.7 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.3% 10.0% 122.9 128.5 96% 95% Conform 11.2% 10.0% 122.4 128.5 95% 95% Conform 11.0% 10.0% 122.8 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.6% 10.0% 122.8 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.2% 10.0% 122.7 128.5 95% 95% Conform 9.9% 10.0% 122.9 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.6% 10.0% 121.6 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.9% 10.0% 121.6 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.3% 10.0% 121.7 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.0% 10.0% 122.4 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.6% 10.0% 122.5 128.5 95% 95% Conform 11.2% 10.0% 122.9 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.3% 10.0% 122.2 128.5 95% 95% Conform 11.0% 10.0% 123.3 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.2% 10.0% 123.8 128.5 96% 95% Conform 9.7% 10.0% 122.3 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.3% 10.0% 123.2 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.9% 10.0% 122.7 128.5 95% 95% Conform 11.4% 10.0% 121.8 128.5 95% 95% Conform 4.3% 5.5% 133.4 144.5 92% 95% Nonconform 4.8% 5.5% 139.4 144.5 96% 95% Conform 5.1% 5.5% 132.8 144.5 92% 95% Nonconform 3.9% 5.5% 133.0 144.5 92% 95% Nonconform 5.3% 5.5% 137.3 144.5 95% 95% Conform REPORT OF COMPArrTinM TEST HATA m m Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Engineer: May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Tests 94A 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 1/27/03 Conform Non-Confor AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB S S S S S S S AB AB AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 65 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 65+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 66 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 66+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 67 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 67+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 68 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 68+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 69 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 69+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 70 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 70+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 71 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 71+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 90+25 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 91 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 91+75 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 92+50 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road. Sta 93+25 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 94 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 72 EL=FS -2.0 ft SS Cannon Road, Sta 72+50 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 73 EL=AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 73+75 EL=AB 0-t>"/o 5.5% 137.4 144.5 95% 95% Conform 10.9% 11.5% 114.0 118.5 96% 95% Conform 11.6% 11.5% 113.0 118.5 95% 95% Conform 11.1% 11.5% 114.2 118.5 96% 95% Conform 10.6% 11.5% 113.5 118.5 96% 95% Conform 11.7% 11.5% 112.7 118.5 95% 95% Conform 11.3% 11.5% 112.3 118.5 95% 95% Conform 11.5% 11.5% 112.8 118.5 95% 95% Conform 11.1% 11.5% 113.4 118.5 96% 95% Conform 10.8% 11.5% 112.7 118.5 95% 95% Conform 10.6% 11.5% 113.1 118.5 95% 95% Conform 11.0% 11.5% 113.8 118.5 96% 95% Conform 11.1% 11,5% 113.3 118.5 96% 95% Conform 11.2% 11.5% 113.8 118.5 96% 95% Conform 11.3% 11.5% 113.4 118,5 96% 95% Conform 10.8% 11.5% 113.2 118.5 96% 95% Conform 9.6% 10.0% 122.8 128.5 96% 95% Conform 9.8% 10.0% 123.0 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.1% 10.0% 122.5 128.5 95% 95% Conform 9.7% 10.0% 122.7 128.5 95% 95% Conform 10.0% 10.0% 123.1 128.5 96% 95% Conform 10.4% 10.0% 122.8 128.5 96% 95% Conform 9.9% 10.0% 114.6 118.5 97% 95% Conform 10,2% 11.5% 114.2 118.5 96% 95% Conform 10.6% 11.5% 114.3 118.5 96% 95% Conform 10.4% 11.5% 113.1 118.5 95% 95% Conform REPORT OF COMPAHTinN TEST OATA Print Date: Project Number; Project Name: Location: Engineer: May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carisbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 -m 1 Test# Test Date Material Structure Test Location Moisture Field 1 On! Dry Density (pcO Rel. Compaction Conform 120 1/27/03 AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 74+75 EL=AB 11.0% 11.5% 114.6 118.5 >J\J\,<A\\ icLp\t?^UircC 97% 95% 1N 0 n- uo nror m Conform •m 121 1/27/03 AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 75+50 EL=AB 10.9% 11.5% 114.3 118.5 96% 95% Conform nm 122 1/27/03 AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 76 EL=AB 11.6% 11.5% 114.7 118.5 97% 95% Conform ml 123 1/27/03 AB SS Cannon Road, Sta 77 EL=AB 10,8% 11.5%, 114.1 118.5 96% 95% Conform m 124 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 77+75 EL=AB 10.9% 11.5% 113.8 118.5 96% 95% Conform 125 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 78+50 EL=AB 11.3% 11.5% 113.1 118.5 95% 95% Conform 126 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road. Sta 79+25 EL=AB 11.0% 11.5% 113.8 118.5 96% 95% Conform 127 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 80 EL=AB 11.6% 11.5% 114.0 118.5 96% 95% Conform 128 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta81+75 EL=AB 10.9% 11.5% 112.8 118.5 95% 95% Conform 129 1/27/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 82+50 EL=AB 11.1% 11.5% 112.9 118.5 95% 95% Conform m 130 1/28/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 90 EL=AB 10.3% 11.5% 1147 118.5 97% 95% Conform «• 131 1/28/03 AB ss Cannon Road. Sta 90+75 EL=AB 10.7% 11.5% 113.7 118.5 96% 95% Conform 132 1/28/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 91+50 EL=AB 10.4% 11.5% 113.3 118.5 96% 95% Conform 133 1/28/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 92+25 EL=AB 11.0% 11.5% 112.8 118.5 95% 95% Conform -134 1/28/03 AB ss Cannon Road, Sta 93 EL=AB 11.2% 11.5% 112.7 118.5 95% 95% Conform m '135 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 31+50 EL=AC 146.8 149.5 98% 95% Conform m» *136 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 32 EL=AC 145.9 149.5 98% 95% Conform <« *137 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 32+50 EL=AC 146.2 149.5 98% 95% Conform *138 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 33 EL=AC 144.5 149.5 97% 95% Conform m» *139 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 33+50 EL=AC 144.8 149,5 97% 95% Conform •m *140 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 34+50 EL=AC 145.1 149.5 97% 95% Conform Ml '141 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 35 EL=AC 145.4 149.5 97% 95% Conform «• •142 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 35+50 EL=AC 144.7 149.5 97% 95% Conform m •143 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 36+50 EL=AC 145.2 149.5 97% 95% Conform •144 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 37 (61-) EL=AC 144.9 149.5 97% 95% Conform mt '145 1/29/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 62 EL=AC 147.1 149.5 98% 95% Conform REPORT OF COMPArrinM TEST DATA Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Test# Test Date •146 1/29/03 •147 1/29/03 •148 1/29/03 •149 1/29/03 •150 1/29/03 •151 1/29/03 •152 1/29/03 •153 1/29/03 May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Chad Michael Davis. RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 iMateriallStructurdTest Location *154 1/29/03 '155 1/29/03 AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 63 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 64 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 65 EL=AC SS Cannon Road. Sta 66 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 67 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 68 EL=AC SS Cannon Road. Sta 369 EL=AC SS Cannon Road. Sta 70 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 71 EL=AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 72 EL=AC 146.2 149.5 98% 95% 147.0 149.5 98% 95% 146.3 149.5 98% 95% 146.1 149.5 98% 95% 146.9 149.5 98% 95% 147.0 149.5 98% 95% 146.4 149.5 98% 95% 145.7 149.5 97% 95% mt •156 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 73 EL=AC 145.6 149.5 Cannon Road, Sta 73 EL=AC 145.6 149.5 97% •157 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road. Sta 74 EL=AC 145.1 149.5 Cannon Road. Sta 74 EL=AC 145.1 149.5 97% mt •158 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 75 EL=AC 145.9 149.5 Cannon Road, Sta 75 EL=AC 145.9 149.5 98% •m •159 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 76 EL=AC 1446.3 •160 Cannon Road, Sta 76 EL=AC 1446.3 149.5 967% mm •160 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 77 EL=AC 146.0 149.5 '161 Cannon Road, Sta 77 EL=AC 146.0 149.5 98% m '161 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 78 EL=AC 145.1 m Cannon Road, Sta 78 EL=AC 145.1 149,5 97% m '162 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 79 EL=AC 145.7 149.5 Cannon Road, Sta 79 EL=AC 145.7 149.5 97% •m •163 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 80 EL=AC 146.2 mm •164 Cannon Road, Sta 80 EL=AC 146.2 149.5 98% •164 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 81 EL=AC 144.7 149.5 •m Cannon Road, Sta 81 EL=AC 144.7 149.5 97% m •165 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 82 EL=AC 145.4 149.5 97% '166 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 82+50 EL=AC 146.1 149.5 98% at •167 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 90 EL=AC 146,5 149.5 Cannon Road, Sta 90 EL=AC 146,5 149.5 98% •mt '168 1/29/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 90+50 EL=AC 145.2 149.5 97% m 169 1/30/03 AB ss Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 60 EL=AB 6.1% 5.5% 140.5 144.5 97% mt •170 1/30/03 AC SS Cannon Road, Sta 91+50 EL=AC 145.1 149.5 97% m *i7i 1/30/03 AC ss Cannon Road, Sta 92+25 EL=AC 146.3 149.5 98% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA Print Date: Project Number; Project Name; Location; Engineer: May 1.2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carisbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 Test# Test Date Material Structure Test Location •172 1/30/03 AC 173 1/30/03 AB '174 1/30/03 AC mi *174A 1/30/03 AC '175 1/30/03 AC '176 1/30/03 AC •177 1/30/03 AC mm 178 2/4/03 S 179 2/4/03 S Ml 180 2/4/03 S 181 2/4/03 S 182 2/4/03 S 183 2/5/03 S 184 2/5/03 S 185 2/5/03 S 186 2/5/03 AB 187 2/5/03 AB • 188 2/5/03 S 189 2/5/03 S urn 190 2/5/03 S -m 191 2/5/03 S m mt 192 2/5/03 S mt 193 2/6/03 S M "194 2/6/03 S m^ 195 2/6/03 S m 196 2/6/03 S SS Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 60 EL=AC SS Cannon Road Manfiole, Sta 34+25 EL=AB SS Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 60 EL=AC SS Retest #174, Dated 01/30/03 SS Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 34+25 EL=AC SS Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 34+25 EL=AC SS Cannon Road Manhole, Sta 93+50 EL=AC P P Moisture Field 1 Opt Dry Density (pcf) Rel. Compaction Conform Field Max. Obtainec|Requirec Non-Conform 11.2% 11.5% P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Sewedine Station, 20+90 -1.5 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft. of fill Sewerline Station, 21+80 -1.5 ft. below AC, 2.5 ft. of fill Sewerline Station, 23+80 -1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. of fill Sewerline Station. 23+95 -1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. of fill Sewerline Station, 24+25 -2 ft. below AL, 2 ft. of fill Sewerline Station, 94+20 -3 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 93+90 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 94+00 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewedine Station, 94+15 -1.5 ft. in depth Sewerline Station, 93+90 -1.5 ft. in depth Sewerline Station, 27+70 1.5 ft. below AC. 3 ft. in depth Sewedine Station, 27+00 1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. in depth Sewerline Station, 26+30 1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. in depth Sewerline Station, 25+60 1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. in depth Sewerline Station, 24+90 1.5 ft. below AC, 3 ft. in depth Sewerline at Station, 17+00 -3 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 17+50 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewedine at Station, 18+00 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline al Station. 18+80 -3 ft. below AC 9.1% 9.0% 8.8% 9.2% 9.4% 9.2% 9,4%, 9.5% 5.1% 4.9% 8.1% 8.2% 7.8% 8.5% 8.3% 9.1% 9.8% 9.9% 9.6% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.5% 5.5%, 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% 146.0 113.4 135.1 143.5 144.1 144.8 145.0 121.7 121.8 121.4 122.2 122.7 122.8 122.3 134.4 144.8 143.4 137.4 136.1 133.9 137.2 137.1 119.9 120.4 120.9 120.3 149.5 98% 95% Conform 118.5 96% 95% Conform 149.5 90% 95% Nonconform 149.5 96% 95% Conform 149.5 96% 95% Conform 149.5 97% 95% Conform 149.5 97% 95% Conform 128.5 95% 95% Conform 128.5 95% 95% Conform 128.5 94% 95% Conform 128.5 95% 95% Conform 128,5 95% 95% Conform 128.5 96% 90% Conform 128.5 95% 95% Conform 128.5 105% 95% Conform 144.5 100% 95% Conform 144.5 99% 95% Conform 132.5 104% 95% Conform 132.5 103% 95% Conform 132.5 101% 95% Conform 132.5 104% 95% Conform 132.5 103% 95% Conform 127.5 94% 90% Conform 127.5 94% 95% Nonconform 127.5 95% 95% Conform 127.5 94% 90% Conform REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA Print Date: Project Number: Project Name; Location: May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carisbad, CA Engineer: Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 Test# Test Date Material Structurt Test Location Moisture Fiftlri nnt Dry Density (pcf) FiolH Mav Rel. Compaction '^htainprR^ni lir^r Conform W n.-(^7i n fn rm 197 2/6/03 S P Sewerline al Station. 19+50 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 20+50 -1.5 ft. below AC 10.0% 10.5% 120.7 127.5 95% 95% INUI I^V-rUI LIUi 111 Conform **198 2/6/03 S P Sewerline al Station. 19+50 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 20+50 -1.5 ft. below AC 10.4% 10.5% 120.4 127.5 94% 95% Nonconform m 199 2/6/03 S P Sewerline at Station, 28+20 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 30+00 -1.5 ft. in depth 10.1% 10,5% 120.5 127.5 95% 95% Conform mt 200 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline at Station, 28+20 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 30+00 -1.5 ft. in depth 5.6% 5.5% 138.2 144.5 96% 95% Conform •m 201 2/7/03 AB P Seweriine Station, 29+50 -1.5 ft, in depth 5.7% 5.5% 138.2 144.5 96% 95% Conform m 202 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 28+90 -1.5 ft. in deplh 5.4% 5.5% 138.2 144.5 96% 95%, Conform 203 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 28+10 -1.5 fL in depth 5.2% 5.5% 137.6 144.5 95% 95% Conform 204 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 27+50 -1.5 ft in depth 5.7%, 5.5% 137.4 144.5 95% 95% Conform 205 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 26+50 -1.5 ft. in depth 5.1% 5.5% 139.0 144.5 96% 95% Conform 206 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 25+80 -1.5 ft in depth 5.8% 5.5% 137.8 144.5 95% 95% Conform 207 2/7/03 AB P Sewedine Station, 25+00 -1.5 ft. in depth 5.2% 5.5% 137.6 144.5 95% 95% Conform 208 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 24+45 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.8% 5.5% 137.3 144.5 95% 95% Conform 209 2/7/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 23+50 -1.5 ft. in depth 5.8% 5.5%, 137.7 144.5 95% 95% Conform 210 2/7/03 S P Manhole at Staion 28+53, -2.5 ft. below AC 10.7%, 9.0% 134.8 132.5 102% 95% Conform ... 211 2/7/03 S P Manhole at Station 28+73. -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 22+75 -1.5 ft. in depth 10.9% 9.0% 135.7 132.5 102%, 95% Conform 212 2/10/03 AB P Manhole at Station 28+73. -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline Station, 22+75 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.3% 5.5% 137.7 144.5 95% 95% Conform -** 213 2/10/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 21 +90 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.1% 5.5% 138.4 144.5 96% 95% Conform 214 2/10/03 AB P Sewedine Station, 21+00 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.4% 5.5% 138.6 144.5 96% 95% Conform -Mi* 215 2/10/03 AB P Sewedine Station, 17+25 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.5%. 5.5% 138.4 144.5 96% 95% Conform •m 216 2/10/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 18+25 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.2% 5.5% 137.9 144.5 95% 95% Conform 217 2/10/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 19+25 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.3% 5.5% 137.9 144.5 95% 95% Conform m 218 2/10/03 AB P Sewerline Station, 20+25 -1.5 ft. in depth 4.4% 5.5% 138.9 144.5 96% 95% Conform m 219 2/10/03 S P Sewedine Station, 13+25 -5 ft. in depth 8.5%, 9,0% 131.8 132.5 99% 90% Conform m 220 2/10/03 S P Sewerline at Station, 13+95 -2.5 ft. below AC 8.9% 9.0% 132.4 132.5 100% 95% Conform *• 221 2/10/03 S P Sewerline at Station, 14+70 -3.5 ft below AC Sewerline at Station, 15+50 -5 ft. below AC 8.4% 9.0% 132.3 132.5 100% 90% Conform mi 222 2/10/03 S P Sewerline at Station, 14+70 -3.5 ft below AC Sewerline at Station, 15+50 -5 ft. below AC 9.0% 9.0% 132.8 132.5 100% 90% Conform REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA Print Date: Project Number- Project Name: Location: May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carisbad, CA Engineer-Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 Tesl# Test Date MaterialBlructurdTest Location Moisture Dry Density (pcf) Rel. Compaction Conform 224 2/10/03 S P Sewerline at Station. 16+25 -2 ft. below AC 8.8% 9.0%. 133.1 132.5 100% 95% Conform 225 2/18/03 S P Sewerline Station, 16+20 -1.5 ft. in deplh 12.4% 9.0% 135.9 132.5 103% 95% Conform 226 2/18/03 S P Sewerline Station, 15+80 -1.5 ft. in depth 12.1% 9.0% 135.3 132.5 102% 95% Conform ml 227 2/18/03 S P Sewerline Station, 15+20 -1.5 ft. in depth 11.7%, 9.0% 134.8 132.5 102%, 95% Conform •m 228 2/18/03 S P Sewedine Station. 12+45 -6 ft. in depth 11.5% 9.0% 133.4 132.5 101% 90% Conform 229 2/19/03 S P Sewedine Station, 12+00 -7 ft. in depth 9.1% 9.0% 125.5 132.5 95%. 90% Conform 230 2/19/03 S P Sewedine Station, 12+20 -4 ft. in depth 9.2% 9.0% 125.7 132.5 95% 90% Conform 231 2/19/03 S P Sewedine Station, 12+50 -1.5 ft. in depth 9.4% 9.0% 126.1 132.5 95% 90% Conform tm 232 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 12+00 -6 ft. in depth 9.5% 9.0% 126.0 132.5 95%, 95%, Conform 233 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 12+45 -4 ft. in depth 8.4% 9.0% 123.4 132.5 93% 90% Conform 234 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 11 +50 -7 ft. in depth 8.8% 9.0% 124.0 132.5 94% 90% Conform 235 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 11+75 -5 ft. in depth 8.9% 9.0% 124.3 132.5 94% 90%, Conform 236 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 11+30-1.5ft. in depth 8.9%, 9.0% 125.5 132.5 95% 95%, Conform 237 2/19/03 S P Sewerline Station, 11+00-6 ft. in depth 9.0% 9.0% 132.5 132.5 100% 90% Conform 238 2/19/03 S P Sewedine Station, 11 +05 -4 ft. in depth 10.1% 9.0% 132.5 132.5 100% 90% Conform 239 240 2/20/03 S P Manhole for Sewedine at Station 24+50, - 2.5 below AC 11.2% 9.0% 126.4 132.5 95% 90%, Conform 239 240 2/20/03 S P Manhole for Sewerline at Station 24+55, - 1.5 below AC 10.5% 9.0% 125.5 132.5 95% 95% Conform 241 2/20/03 AB P Manhole for Sewerline at Station 24+50 at bottom of AC 5.5% 6.0% 140.0 144.5 97% 95% Conform 242 2/20/03 AB P Manhole for Sewerline at Station 24+60 at bottom of AC 6.2%, 6.0%, 140.0 144.5 97% 95% Conform •m 243 2/20/03 S P Manhole for Sewedine at Station 20+63, - 3.5 below AC 8.8% 9.0% 123.9 132.5 94% 90% Conform m 244 2/20/03 S P Manhole for Sewerline at Station 20+68, - 1.5 below AC 9.1%, 9.0% 125.4 132.5 95% 95% Conform m 245 2/20/03 S P Seweriine at Station, 20+95 -4 ft. below AC 9.0% 9.0% 122.8 132.5 93% 90% Conform m 246 2/20/03 S P Sewerline at Station, 21+35 -4 ft. below AC 9.2% 9.0% 123.4 132.5 93%, 90%, Conform m 247 2/20/03 S P Sewedine al Station, 21+00 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 21+40,1.5 at bottom of AC Sewerline at Station, 20+63, 1.5 ft. in depth 8.9% 9.0% 126.2 132.5 95% 95% Conform mk 248 2/20/03 S P Sewedine al Station, 21+00 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 21+40,1.5 at bottom of AC Sewerline at Station, 20+63, 1.5 ft. in depth 9.5% 9.0% 126.1 132.5 95% 95%. Conform m 249 2/21/03 AB P Sewedine al Station, 21+00 -1.5 ft. below AC Sewerline at Station, 21+40,1.5 at bottom of AC Sewerline at Station, 20+63, 1.5 ft. in depth 5.7% 6.0% 138.0 144.5 96% 95% Conform REPORT OF COMPArTln^J TEST DATA Print Date; Project Number; Project Name; Location; Engineer: May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Chad Michael Davis, RCE 59908, Renewal 12/31/03 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 m 273 , 274 ml 275 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/21/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/22/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 AB AB S S S AB AB S AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 95% 95% 90% 90% 95% 95% sewerline al Station, 20+95, 1.5 ft. in 6.7%^o^40.4 144.5 97% Sewerline^^ ,3,^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ M^nholejorse ,59., ^^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^1°^^^^^^^--^^^^^^^^ 16.5% 107.6 110.0 98% ~jr~'''^^*'°"^'^^«-- ^'-''^ ^^-^"/^ 10^-7 110.0 97% ~p?h'~^''*^^'°"^'^^^-- ^-^"/^ 6-0% 138.3 144.5 96% SewerlineatStation.16+95,1.5ftindepth 6.5% 6.0% 138,9 144.5 96% 95% SewerlineatStalion,10+80,-5belowAC 10.3% 10.0% 120.4 128.5 94% SewerlineatStation,10+70,-3beIowAC 10.6% 10.0% 120,3 128,5 94% M^nhc^ej^^ 9.0% 122.7 132.5 93% 3~wAc'"''"'''*'^^^^^ ''-'"'^ '-'-'^ 120.7 132.5 91% sewerline at Station. 10+50,-7 below AC 9.8% 9.0% 122.I 132.5 92% SewerlineatStation. 10+35.-5belowAC 9.5% 9.0% 121.4 132.5 92% 15t«~^''^^''^^ ^°-1^/« 9.0% 125.2 132.5 94% SewerlineatStation. 10+20,-3 below AC 10.8% 9.0% 122.0 132.5 92% SewerlineatStation.10+25.-1.5belowAC 10.9% 9.0% 125.3 132.5 95% SewerlineatStation,16+60,1.5ftindepth 5.4% 6,0% 138.2 144.5 96% Sewerline at Station. 15+75. 1.5 ft in depth 6.1% 6.0% 137.7 144.5 95% SewerlineatStation, 15+00. 1.5ftindepth 6.2% 6.0% 138.6 144.5 96% SewerIineatStation.14+25,1.5ftindepth 6.4% 6.0% 137.5 144.5 95% SeweriineatStation, 13+50, 1.5ftindeplh 6.0% 6.0% 137.7 144.5 95% 'rftTde^r'^^ ^-^^/^ 133-3 144.5 96% SewerIineatStation.12+20.1.5ftindepth 5.7% 6.0% 139.4 144.5 96% SewerlineatStation,11+50,1.5ftindepth 5.5% 6,0% 136.8 144.5 95% SewerIineatStation,10+80,1.5ftindepth 5.0% 6.0% 140.4 144.5 97% SewerlineatStation, 10+25, 1.5ftindepth 5.4% 6.0% 138.2 144.5 96% 90% 90% 90% 90%, 90% 90% 95% 90% 95% 95%, 95% 95% 95%, 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%, 95% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Print Date; Project Number: Project Name: Location: Engineer: ^^EQSIjQF^OMPACTONJlEST^^ May 1, 2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carisbad, CA •276 •277 '278 '279 '280 '281 '282 •283 •284 •285 •286 '287 •288 '289 •290 •291 '292 •293 •294 '295 •296 •297 •298 '299 •300 '301 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 2/24/03 AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P sewerline at Station 30+15, 5 ft of 3/4" inches AC Sewedine at Station 29+20, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline at Station 28+73,5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline at Station 28+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewedine at Station 27+25,5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewedine al Station 26+50, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline at Station 25+75, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine al Station 25+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 23+50, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 22+70, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewedine at Station 22+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline at Station 21+30, 5ftof 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 20+50, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 19+80, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 19+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 18+35, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline al Station 17+60,5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewerline at Station 16+90, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine al Station 16+20, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 15+50, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 14+75. 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 14+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 13+25, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 12+50, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Sewedine at Station 11+75,5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 11+00, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC 149.7 152.7 98%, 148.5 152.7 97% 148.7 152.7 97%, 148.8 152.7 97% 149.3 152.7 98%, 148.6 152.7 97%, 149.0 152.7 98%, 149.9 152.7 98% 150.0 152.7 98% 151.7 152.7 99% 149.8 152.7 98% 151.1 152.7 99% 149.6 152.7 98% 149.0 152.7 98% 148.9 152,7 98% 151.6 152.7 99% 148.7 152.7 97% 152.0 152.7 100% 151.6 152.7 99% 152.0 152.7 100% 149.8 152.7 98% 150.2 152.7 98% 150.4 152.7 98% 149.8 152.7 98% 150.1 152.7 98% 151.2 152.7 99% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%, 95% 95%, 95% 95%, 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% Q5% 95% 95%, 95% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform REPORT OF COMPArrinM TEST DATA Print Date; Project Number; Project Name: Location: Engineer- May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA m *302 2/24/03 *303 2/24/03 •304 2/28/03 '305 2/28/03 *306 2/28/03 '307 2/28/03 •308 2/28/03 *309 2/28/03 *310 2/28/03 *311 2/28/03 •312 «l '313 mt '314 '315 ^ '316 ^ -317 « '318 ^ '319 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 *320 2/28/03 *321 2/28/03 '322 mt '323 '324 *325 •326 mm «*327 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 I Material, AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Seweriine at Station 10+20, 5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station 10+00,5 ft of 3/4 inches AC Seweriine at Station. 10+21.1 1/2 inches thicl< of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine al Station, 11+00,1 1/2 inches thickof 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station, 12+00.1 1/2 inches Wick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station, 12+87,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station. 13+40, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 14+00,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Sewerline at Station, 14+85,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 15+75,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Sewedine at Station , 16+73,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Sewedine at Station, 17+50. 1 1/2 inches Ihick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 18+50. 1 1/2 inches thickof 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 19+50,1 1/2 inches thickof 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 20+50.1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Sewedine at Station. 21+50,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station. 22+50,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 23+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 25+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine al Station , 27+00,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station . 28+50,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 30+00. 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station , 31+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station. 33+00, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Seweriine at Station, 34+50. 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC Sewedine al Station , 36+00,1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC 149.9 152.7 98% 95% Conform 148.7 152.7 97% 95% Conform 146.8 152.7 96% 95% Conform 145.8 151.0 97% 95% Conform 145.0 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.5 151.0 96% 95% Conform 146.8 151.0 97% 95% Conform 145.0 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.5 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.3 151.0 96% 95% Conform 145.2 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.9 151.0 96% 95% Conform 147.5 151.0 98% 95% Conform 145.9 151.0 97% 95% Conform 146.2 151.0 97% 95% Conform 144.8 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.2 151.0 95% 95% Conform 145.8 151.0 97% 95% Conform 145.1 151.0 96% 95% Conform 144.5 151.0 96% 95% Conform 145.2 151.0 96% 95% Conform 146.1 151.0 97% 95% Conform 146.7 151.0 97% 95% Conform 148.1 151.0 98% 95% Conform 145.8 151.0 97% 95% Conform 144.6 151.0 96% 95% Conform m m Print Date: Projecl Number- Project Name: Location; Engineer BEPQRTOLCQMPACTION TESTHATA May 1,2003 2002-0349F South Agua Hedionda Carlsbad, CA Test# Test Date mt •328 •329 '330 '331 •332 '333 '334 •335 •336 '337 •338 '339 '340 •341 •342 '343 •344 '345 •346 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 2/28/03 p ^ I "^Hd I Opt P Seweriine at Station, 37+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 39+00. 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Sewedine al Station, 40+50. 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 42+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine al Station, 44+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station , 48+50, 1 1/2 inches thick of 1/10 inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 50+50,1 1/2 inches cap of 1/iOofan inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 52+50.1 1/2 inches capof 1/10ofan inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 54+50,1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 56+50,1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station .58+50. 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station , 60+50,1 1/2 inches cap of 1/I0ofan inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 62+50, 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 64+50, 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station. 64+40, 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 69+65,1 1/2 inches capof 1/10 of an inch AC P Sewedine at Station, 69+65, 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine at Station, 71 +65. 1 1/2 inches cap of 1/10 of an inch AC P Seweriine al Station , 73+65. 1 1/2 inches -ASPHALT CONCRFTr..... r. ""^^ °^ '"-^^^ AC 1^1° ^7% 95% Conform 11 - I EST NUMRFR oo'3 \MAt^ i»,.r-., AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC 147.1 151.0 97% 95% 146.2 151.0 97% 95% 145.9 151.0 97% 95% 146.8 151.0 97% 95% 147.3 151.0 98% 95% 144.2 151.0 95% 95% 144.0 151.0 95% 95% 145,0 151.0 96% 95%, 144.3 151.0 96% 95% 144.8 151.0 96% 95% 144.3 151.0 96% 95% 143.7 151.0 95% 145.5 151.0 96% 146.1 151.0 97% 145.2 151.0 96% 146.4 151,0 97% 148.1 151.0 98%o 146.0 151.0 97% 95% 95% 95%, 95% 95% 95% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform ,NOTE-TESTNUMBER223WAS,NADVERTANTLVSK,PPEDBVTHETECHN,C,AN. TABLE 2 RESULTS OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS (ASTM-D-1S57) SAMPLE. DESCRIPnON MAXIMUMDRY OPTIMUM MOISTURE DENSITY (PCF) CONTENT (%) m -« 1 Orange brown silty sand 127.5 10.5 m 2 Class n aggregate base 144.5 5.5 •w 3 YeUow brown clayey sand with trace of gravel 128.5 10.0 4 Orange silty sand with trace of gravel sand 132.5 9.0 •m ml 5 Gray brown recycled base with A.C. 118.5 11.5 mt 6 Yellow brown poorly graded sand 110.0 16.5 m 7 Class H aggregate base 144.5 6.0 8 Gray light brown clayey sand with gravel 124.0 11.5 «« 9 Yellow light brown sand 133.0 7.5 l« 5253 C2-AR 4000 - Hanson San Marcos 152.7 5263 C2-AR 4000 - Hanson San Marcos 151.0 •m