HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Spec 229; Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Spec 229; 1978-01-01�';� � s � �`� � s � � �'r°� S�r� a�°cos �� Ca�°lsl�� �er��n� �a�lsb� � ur�i�i ai ���r i�t�°i�t �ity �f �J��ar��iti� �i�ta I�°�i�ati�n i�tri�� � � � � � � ; J=:1' � ., � ��� � �; � - r . ;�s � s _ ` � � - � ' ' - �: «; . , r . _ �,. . , � E . . `�` . ��` �' _ ! � � , ° � t �' . :. ,�. ��, i � ,�; � ��, r; ��_� i i t , . , �. �s ' , � i ' CONSTRUCTION OF TKE TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRA.NSMISSION PIPELINE FItOM SAN MARCOS TO CARLSBAD SERVING C.ARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CITY OF OCEANSIDE VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT PART I Notice Inviting Bids, Instruetions tQ Bidders Proposal, Agreernent and Specifications PAR.T I I Drawings I.� . R. Bur zell General Manager and Chief Engineer . , s.�zv na�co coU�� w�TE� Auz�oRz� SPECIFTCATIONS N0. 229 CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSIQN PIPELINE FROM SAN MARCOS TO CARLSBAD SERVING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CITY QF OCEA.NSIDE VISTA IRRIGATIQN DISTRICT PART I TEXT � Bids will be received until 2.00 p.m., April 6, 197$, and then publicly opened in the 5an Diego County Water Au�hority Building, 2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California 92103. eQN�E��s ��� � �� . Notice Invi�in Bids S�c � A-1 A -2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A -� A --7 .A -8 A-9 A-10 Instructions to Biddex°s Sec. B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 g_� B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 Pro�osal Date af openin� bids Location of the work Descript�.on c�f the work A lternative schedules A�ward of contract Requests for clarification Bidder's statements Certified check and bonds Prevailing rates of wages Con-cract document� Form of proposal and signature Preparation of the proposal Improperly balanced proposals Lowest responsible bidder Equalizin� factors Bid bond or check Local conditions Execution of contract Bonds Workm�n's compensation insurance Insurance policies and bond� Addre�s and marking of propca�al Liabili.ty insurance Bidder's declaratzon Bidder's bond Acknowledgement of annexed instrument Bidding sheets Bidder's plan far construction Agreement and �onds .�. Articles of agreement � Bond far faith�'ul performance Acknowledgement of annexed instrument Bond for materialmen and laborers . Acknawledgement of annexed instrument Certification • � .; . • �., ��.. , � H.� � M. � ! � The Contract Sec. 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 The Pngine�er ..+. 9ec. 9 10 11 The Authority _ ...� �,____� Sec. 12 1.3 14 15 The Contractor sec , 16 17 18 19 20 The Work 3ec. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 31. CONTEpTS PA GE I I Definitions Contrnct docamenta aomplementary Time and order of Mork A�aignmtnt forbidden 3ubcontracta �iotice to diacontinue �ork under contract L�gal a�ddress o� Contractor Additional aurety AutYuarity of the Enginaer Chu�ea F�ctra x�rk sns�na ion of Mork - ezttns ion ot' t i.me Delays -� no extra compansation Terminntion of contraat 8ight o�' xay Qb1.�.gatiou c�f Contractor Peraoa�l. at�tar�tion Proteats Contr�►ctor' � rea�ronsibilities Cont ctor to furniah infa tion Liaies, gradea, ana measurementa cificationa and di°a�ir�a �!t'�CP�als, xorkxoanehip and t�sts In�pection ` inatic�n of worY Detb�tive Mrork or material Right of praperty in material� Title to materiala f ound on tht �ork A����� t� rk D gea a� failure ta complete on time Patents �nd capyrights . �. . � � 0 � SeC. 3� 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 �+0 41 �+2 Public Relations Sec. Personnel No paym�nt fox° temporary �rorks Partial estimat�s Partial estimates ar�y� be wi�hY�eld Partial payments Final estimate and payment False or erroneous certificates Acceptance of wox°k not a w�iver Final payment terminates liability Payment only in accordance with contract Moneys may be retained Unpaid claims �+3 Access to records 44 Laws and regulations 45 �There is no Paragr�gh 45} 46 Payment of wages �+7 Eigh� hour law �� Overtime -- no extra compensation 4� Prevailing rates of wages 50 (There is no Par�,graph 50) 51 Interference with fire hydrants, highways and fences 52 4ther rights of way and structures 53 Public safety 54 Trespass 55 Charaeter c�f workmen 56 Employment of labor 57 Enforcement of order 58 Safety, sanitar�, and medical requirements Miscellaneous 59 Workmen's compensation 64 Emplogrment of apprentices • ., DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS Division 1 - Special Conditions Sec. 1-1 The requirement 1-2 Beginning and completion of the work 1-3 Scheduling of the work 1-4 � Liquidated damages for delay �' 1-5 Supplementary requirements 1-5.1 General � � 1-5.2 Existing public utilities, pipes, conduits and miscellaneous structures 1-5.3 Miscellaneous 1-5.4 Operations in the area of Wiley Br��. �oncYete Plant and Industrial Asphalt Plant 1-5.5 Payment 1-6 �Iearing 1-7 Partial estimates 1-8 Interference with adjacen� work 1-9 Inspection Costs 1-10 Field office for Authority persannel 1-11 Sanitation 1-11.1 Toilets 1-11.2 Maintenance of jobsite 1-12 Safety 1-13 Improvements 1-14 Regulations 1-14.1 General 1-14.2 Traffic 1-15 Utilities 1-15.1 Water supply 1-15.2 Power .. 1-15.3 Telephone service 1-16 Contract drawings . 1-17 Drawings required to be subrnitted by the Contractor 1-17.1 General CONTENTS PAGE IV Di_v_ision 1 - Special Conditions (Continued} 1�I7.2 Revisions 1-17,3 Approv�d drawin�s 1-17.4 Contractor's responsibilit� . E�� 1-20 1-21 1-22 Materials and equipment furnished b;� the Authorit� Materials and equipment furnished b�r �he Contrac�or 1-19.1 General I-19.2 Qualit� 1-19.3 Inspection and tests 1-19.4 Time of inspection and test 1-19.5 Test methods 1-19,6 Right of rejection 1-19.7 Material orders 1-22.1 1-22.2 1-22.3 1-22.4 1-22.5 1-22.b 1-22.7 1-23 1-23.1 1-23.2 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 Referen�e specifications Trade Names and alternatives Contrac�or's p1an� and e ui ment General Fire protection Ganstruction lighting ConstructiQn wiring Ventilation Dust aba�ement Cleaning up Maintenance and guaranty Guaranty Surety bond Mobilization Relocate Vista Irri�ation Districts 6" Stee1 Water Line Test Stations Crossin� Buena Vista Sanitation District 14" Force Main CONTENTS PAGE V Division 2 - Earthwork Sec. 2-1 2-2 2-3 2 -4 2-5 2-6 Excavation 2-I.1 General 2-I.2 Excavatian beyane contract Iimits 2-1.3 Care of d rainage water 2-1.4 Test borings 2-1.5 Alignment changes Explosives and blasting Disposal of excavated materials. Removing loose material �-&.1 2-6.2 2-6.3 2-6.4 2-6.5 2-6,6 Remaving and replacing trees, shrubs and Iawns Public utilities, other pipes, conduits, miscellaneous structures Ma�.��t�in�a�g i� �e�ri�e Changes Relocation at Authority expense Changes in Authority pipeline to avoid inter�erences Interference with drains Supports far existing conduits 2-7 Safeguarding excavations and pr�tecting. propertY 2-8 Bench excavation 2-9 2-io 2-11 2-11.1 2-11.2 2-11.3 2-11.4 2-11.5 2-lz 2-12.1 2p ifr • ` 2-12.3 2-12.4 2-I2.5 2-12.6 2-Z2.7 2-12.8 2-12.9 Trench excavation Structure excavation Preparation of faundations Genera2 Norma� bedding Bedding in rack Distrubed natural foundations Rock backfill Backfill Beneral Sand backfill Local backfill Campaction of backfill Cansolidating backfill Compaction and consolidation tests Backfill in roadways Removal of supports Temporary wooden bulkheads � x � CONTENTS PAG E V I � � Divisian 2 - Ear�hwork - (Continued) Sec. 2-13 Disturbed material 2-14 Rock backfzll 2�14,1 General 2-14,2 Mat�rial 2-15 Cutting and rest�rin�street and roadway surfacing and concrete work 2-15.1 Cutting or breaking 2-15.2 Restroing facilities 2-1� No direc� payment for resurfacin 2-17 Final Payment 2-18 Cultivating, seeding and mulching 2-19 Measurement and Payment 2-19.1 Payment for trench excavation 2-19.2 Payment for structure excavation 2-19.3 Payment for backfill 2-19.4 Pa�rment for rock backf ill 2-19.5 Payment for culiivating, seeding, and mulching righ t-ofRway 2-19.6 Payment for �Ghe support of excavations Division 3 - Conerete Sec. 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3.1 3-3.2 3-3.3 3-3.4 3-3,5 3-3,6 3 -4 3-5 3-6 General Contractor's plant and construction e uipment Concrete materials Cement Pozzolan Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Water-reducing admixture Water for concrete Proportioning Maximum temperature of concrete Consistency CONTENTS PAG E V I I D�..vision � - Concrete - (Continued� ie.sr ����r�.�� snn �.�..e�r..r�. See. 3-7 Batching 3-7.1 Genersl 3-7.2 Equipment 3-?.3 Samples and tests 3-8 M. �x.ing 3-8.1 General 3-8.2 Batch mixers 3-9 Pre�aration oi' surfaces far conereting � r.. ��.��,rr r r rr�.r.�r�wwr 3-10 Forms __.__..__ 3-10.1 General 3-10.2 Constructian � 3-10.3 M�i.��er��n�e c�f fa�m� 3-10.4 Removal of forms 3-11 Placin� and transporting 3-11,1 Placing 3-11.2 Transporting 3-12 Consol�dating � 3-13 Finishing 3-13.1 utne�al 3-13.2 Formed surfaces 3-13.3 �Tnformed surfaces 3-13.4 E�osed surf�ces 3-13.5 Pr�ctices not permitted 3-l�+ Treat�nent c�f surface defects 3-15 Curin� concre�:e �iY�w� 3-lE Cleaning and protecting concrete .�...._...._ 3-l� � 1 Cle�.niaa� e�posed. ��f'��� 3-1�.2 Care and repair 3-16.3 Protection against freezing 3-17 3-18 3-lg 3-l�.l 3-19.� 3 -20 3-20.1 3-2(} . 2 CONTENTS PAGE VII I Tolerances Cutoff walls Manhole chambers �ener�,l Reir�forced cancrete pipe Jo:�_nts in structures Generai Exgansian joint filler material - �. x D�vision � - Concrete - (Concrete} .�. �. 3-20.3 Sgonge rubber fil.ler 3-2c�.4 xubber sealant 3-20.5 Bond preven-ter 3-20.6 wa�tez°st��s 3-20.7 �ieasurem�nt and payment . . �-�3. There is no Section 3-21 3-22 Reinforcement steel 3-22e1 Furnishing 3-22.2 Fabrication 3-22•3 Placing 3-23 Measurement and payment for concrete , 3-23•1 Payment 3-23.2 Quantity 3-23.3 Work Included 3-24 Measurement and payment for furnishin�, fabricating, and placing reinforeement steel 3-24.1 Payment 3-24.2 Quantity � 3-25 Measurement and payment for furnishing and installing 60--inch diameter concrete pipe � for access structures 3-25.1 Payment 3-25.2 Quantity 3-26 IwIeasurement and payment for furnishin� and installing precast �einforced concrete covers _�._,�. 3-26.1 Payment 3-2�.2 Quantity 0 x Division 4-Pretensioned Concrete Cylinder Pipe Sec. 4-1 General 4-2 Descri tion 4-3 Markin� 4-4 Design and dimensions �+-5 Drawin�s to be submitted by the Contractor � 4-6 Materials �-�•1 Gement and aggregates 4-6.2 Steel for spigot and bell rin�s and bonding bars CONTENTS PAGE IX Division 4- Pretensioned Conc�ete C linder Pi e Concrete} 4-6.3 Steel for cyl3nders 4-6.4 Spirally wound circumferential rod reinforcements 4-�.5 Rubber gaskets Sec. 4-7 Fabrication of steel cylinders 4-7.1 General 4-7.2 Attaching manholes and outle�s 4-7.3 Hydrostatic pressure testing 4-8 4-8,1 4-8.2 4-8.3 4-8.4 4-8,5 �-$�6 4-8.7 Joints General Forming the bell Forming the spigat Welding �inal sizing Taleranc�s Welded lock-joints 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-14.1 4-14.2 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-18.1 4-18.2 ��� 4-20 Centrifugally applied cement mortar Iining Placin� of rod reinforcement . Cement mortar c�ating Manhole and outlet assemblies Handlin,� and transporation Lay in,�, p ipe General In trench Joinin,�pipe sections � Exteriar `oint recess Interior oint recess Curves � Unsymmetrical closure Beveled end Steel- late s ecial i e sections 4-19.1 General 4-19.2 Lining 4-19.3 Cylinder 4-19,4 Concre�e Measurement and pa�rment far furnishing and installing � retensioned concrete cylinder�p ipe 4-20.1 Payment 4-2D.2 Quantity 4 CONTENTS PAGE X Division 4- Pretensioned Concrete C linder Pi e Continued 4-2p.3 W�rk included Sec. 4-21 Paymen� for welded lock �oints Division S- Steel Pi e and Fabricated S�eelw�rk Sec. 5-1 General * S-2 Desi n and dimensi�ns 5-2.1 Dimensions 5-2.2 Design 5-3 0 S-4 S-5 5-5.1 5-5.2 5-5 . 3 5-5.4 5'S.5 5-5.6 5-5.7 5-5.8 5-5.9 5-5.1� 5-5.11 Shop drawings Marking Materials Steel plates Mil1-manufactured steel pipe Flanges Thimbles Bolting materials Gaskets Threaded openings Welding outlets Sleeve-type couplings Other mater�.als Inspection and tests af mafi erials Curves, angles, closures, and short sections 5-6.1 General 5-6,2 Def lections of square-ended pipe 5-6.3 Beveled pipe 5-6.4 Shop-fabricated bends 5-�i.5 No additional eompensation Manholes, autlets, and pass holes 5-7.1 General 5-7.2 Attached to pipe 5-7.3 Pass holes C�: 5-7 5-8 Steel-�late specials � S-9 Fabrication 5-9.1 Steel-plate sections 5-9.2 5tress-relaeving 5-9.3 Assembly CONTENTS PAGE XI Division 5- Steel Pi e and Fabricated Steelwork continued CONTENTS PAGE XII 5-10 Preparation of ed�es 5-10.1 General 5-10.2 Alinem�nt 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-�14 Forming 5-ll.l General 5-11.2 Minimum radius 5-11.3 Forming bells S-11.4 Tolerances for steel pipe for welded field joints S-11.5 Tolerances for steel pipe with rubber- gasketed f ield j oints Preparaiion for wel.ding 5-12.1 Fitting up 5-12.2 Cleaning 5-12.3 Alining Welding 5-13.1 General 5-13.2 QualiCy of welds 5-13.3 Longitudinal joints 5-13.4 Shop circumferential �oints 5-13.5 Field jaints 5-13.6 Hand welding 5-13. 7 Defects 5-13.8 Contractor's equipment t�Jelders 5-15 5-15.1 5-15.2 5-15.3 5-15.4 5-15.5 5-15.6 5-16.7 s-1� 5-18 Test plates, test speciments, and sampl_es Hydrostatic tes� Test method Magnetic particle examinatian and rad.i�sgraphic t�st Shap �abricated bends Supplementary testing Soap and compressed air test Expense of tests Transt�oration and deliver� of pipe and . Steelwork 5-17,1 General 5�17.2 Handling 5-17.3 Protection of coating 5-17.4 Bulkheads 5-17.5 Damaged pipe Installin steel i e 5-18.1 Cleaning of joints 5-18.2 Stulling and bracing 5-18.3 Laying pipe 5-18.4 Completing joints 5-18.5 Contir�ued curing � Division 5- Steel Pi e and Fabricated Steel Continued) 5-19 Installin steel- late s ecials 5-19.� General 5-19.2 Connecting to concrete pipe 5-19.3 Connectin� to s�eel pipe 5-19.4 Bolted connectians 5-2a Coatin linin and aintin 5-20.1 Linin� � S-2�.2 Coatings , 5-20�3 Painting 5-20.4 Epoxy C�ating S-20w5 Payment 5-21 Measurement and a ment for furnishin and installin martar lined and coated welded-steel i e $-21.1 Payment 5-21.2 �uantity 5-21.3 Related f eatures 5-22 Measurement and a ent for furnishin and installin steel manh4les and outlets in i e and°_furnishin and installin steel- late s ecials 5-22.1 Payment 5-22,2 Quantity 5-23 M�asurez�a�nt and a ment for exteriox' coatin of thimbles and s�eel-- late s ec3als 5-23.1 Payment 5-23.2 Quan�.ity 5-24 Measureznent and a ment for interior linin of thimbles and steel- la�e s ecials 5-24.1 Payment 5-24.2 Quantity 5-25 Pa ment f or la -welded field 'oints 5-26 Measurement and a ent for reducin flan es and blind �Ian es 5-2�i,1 Payment 5-26.2 Quantity � Divxsion 6 - Mi�cel�.aneous Metalworl� 6-1 General � 6-2 Contraetor furnished e ui ment CONTENTS PAGE XIIZ Divisian 6- Miscellaneaus Metalwork Continued 6-2.1 Materials and supplies 6-2.2 Operations and adjustments 6-3 Miscellaneous metalwork 6-3,1 Shdp drawings 6-3.2 Structural steel 6-3.3 �rating 6-3.4 Bolts 6-3.5 �abr�cation and instal�ation 6-3.6 Welding 6-4 Paintin and coatin 6-4.1 General 6-4.2 Pr�paration �nd applicatian b-4.3 Galv�.nizin� 6-5 Embedded items and anchor bolts 6-5.1 �mbedded itezns 6-5.2 Anchor bol�s 6-6 Measurement and a ment Divisian 7- Valves Meters and Related E uz men� 7-1 General 7-2 Lubricated lu valves 7-3 Air release and vacuum valve assemblies 7-4 P�ubber-��ated butterf 1 valves 7-4.1 General 7-4.2 Seats 7-4.3 Discs 7-4.4 Valve body 7-4�.5 Uperators 7-S Pressure reducin valves 7-6 �low meterin,� equipment 7-7 Electric valve o erators 7-8 Telemeterin cable 7-$Wl G�neral 7-8.2 Materials 7-8.3 Installation 7-9 Measurement and p�yment 7-9.1 For furnishing and installing valves 7-9.2 For furnishing and installing �low metering equipment 7-9.3 For furnishing and Installing electric valve operators CONTENTS �-g,4 For furnishing and Installing telemetering cable PAGE XIV T fi � Division 8 - Testin S�c. 8-1 : : . i . . . Division 9 -- Disinfectian Sec , 9-�. 9-2 9-3 Testin of welded f ield '�irits Testin of i eline P�eparation Test reaches �Iyt�.`Y'OSt�.�1C tBSt Comgensation for testing General. A�plica�ion of chlorine Flushin the i eline APPENDIX A SDCt�TA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS C2 - Pneumaticall A lied M�rtar �ec. C2,i General C2.2 Cemen� C2.3 Sand C2.4 �Ta�er C2.5 Proportioning C2.6 Mixing C2,7 Placing C2.8 Curing C3 -�urin o€ Concrete and Mortar Sec. C3.1 General C,3.2 Water--spray mefihod C3.3 GJet burlap mat method C3.4 61et earth method C3.5 S�eam method C3.6 Curing blanket method C3.7 Sealing c�mpaund method C3.8 Sealing compound C5 - Mortar Coatin s Sec. C5.1 C5.2 CSp3 C5.4 C5.5 C5.6 General Materials Application R.einforcement Curing Protection of pipe coatings CQNTENTS PA.GE XV C6 - Spun Martar Lining Sec, C6.1 C6.2 C6.3 C6.4 C6.S C6.6 Cb.7 C6.8 C6.9 C6,10 General Preparation of surfaces Mortar Cement Sand �]ater Applicatian and surface finish Pneuma�ically applied mortar lining of steel work Curing Protecting lined pipe C7 - Field Placed Mortar Lining Sec. C7.1 C7.2 C7.3 C7.4 C7.5 C7.6 C7.7 C7.$ C7.9 C7.10 C$ - Goa1 Tar Coatings Sec. C8,1 C8.2 C8.3 C8.4 C8.5 General Access to pipelines Cleaning of the pipe before lining�; CemenC mortar I.ining Cement mortar for lining Materials for lining Openings Applicatian and surface finish Curing Protectian of lining General Materials Preparation of surfaees Application of coal-tar coatings Protec�ing coated pipe � . a CONTENTS PAGE XVI S�N DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORIT� Notice Invitin Bids For construction of the Tri-Agencies Water Transmission Pipeline from San �Zarcos to within the city limits of Carlsbad. A-1 Date of n enin bids: - Sealed bids for constructin� the Tri-Agencies t�a�er Transmission Pipeline from San Marcos to within the city limits af � Carlsbad, in accordanGe wi�h Authority specif ications, theref ore, Numbered 229 will be received by the San Diego County Water Authority, by mail or at the reception counter in its office at 2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California, 921Q3, until 2:00 p.m., April �, 197$, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in said aff ice. A-2 Locatian of the work: - The pipeline to be constructed hereunder is located within the County of San Diego, and the cities of Garlsbad, 4ceanside, San Mareos and Vista. It begins near 8th �treet and Rancho Santa Fe Road in San Marcos and terminates at the future intersection of Elm Avenue and College Boulevard in Carlsbad. A-3 Descri tion of work: - The work comprises the e�nstruction �f approximately 7.2 miles of pipeline, 12 through 42 inches in finished inside diameter and appurtenant works. A-4 Alternate t es of i e: - The bidder may propose pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or mortar-lined and mortar-coated steel pipe, as set forth in the specifications. Only one type of pipe will be considered for any one diameter. The various diame�ers of pipe and the len�th of each are as follows: T e of Pi e Pretensioned Concrete Cylinder Pipe or Welded Steel Pipe with Exterior Reinforced Tsor�ar Coating and Interior Mortar Lining I.D, inches) 42 39 33 30 21 12 Len th feet) 3,810 L.F. 5,230 L.F. 1.L y 2�0 1.7 s L' s 3,300 L•F- 14,7$� L.F. 350 L.�', A-5 Award of Contract: - Award will not be made for less than all of the items of the Bidding Sheet except that only one type of pipe will be proposed for each diameter of pipe set for�h. Award will no� be rnade to more than one bidder. The Authority reserves Ghe right, after apening bids, to reject any ar a1l bids or to make award to the lowest responsible bidder as may be in �he best interesfi of the Authority. Bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's estirnate of the several items caf work as shown on the Bidding Sheets. A-6 Re uests for clarification: - In the event a prospective bidder desires clarification of any details on the drawings or of provisions of the sgeci- fications, request therefor, in order to receive consideration, must be made to the Authority in writing in time to be received by the Authority at least 10 days befare the scheduled opening of bids. Response, if desirable, will be made in writing for the benef it of a11 prospective bidders and without divulging the source of inquiry, A-1 A-7 Bidder's statements: - A bidder must furnish as part of his bid a full and explicit statement of his plan or layout for performing the work, in- cluding a complete description of his proposed construction plant and de- tailed program for construction. Failure to comply with these requirements will render a bid infarmal and shall be suff icient cause f or its rejection. A-$ Certif ied check and bonds: - Each bid must be accompanied by a certi- fied or cashier's check or by a corparate surety bond, an the forms furnished by the Authority as a guaranty that the bidder will, if an award is made to him in accordance with the terms of his bid, promptly secure workmen's com- pensation insurance and liability insurance, execute a contract in the re- u quired form, and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faitl�ful performance of the contract and for payment of claims of materi.almen and Iaborers there-� under. Said check or bidder's band shall be in an amt�unt not less than ld percent of the amount o£ the bid. Th� faithful performance bond shall be in the amount equal to 1Qt� percent af the total amount payable under the terms of the contract. The bond for materialmen and laborers shall be in the amount equal to 50! of the total amount payable under the contract. The Au�thorifiy reserves �he right to reject an.y t�ond �.f, in the ap�nion �� �he Engineer, the bond and surety's acknowledgement is not in the form included in the con�ract documents. A-9 Prevailin rates of wa e: - In accordance with the provisions �f the California Labor Code, the Authority has obtain.ed fram tl�e Aepartment of Industrial Relations .the general prevailing ra�es af wages and the general prevailing rates of wages for holidays and overtirne work, in��he locality in �ahich the wark is to be performed, and it shall be mandatory upon the Contrac�or to whom the contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor under him to pay not les� than said specified rates to all workmen employed by them in the execu�ion of the contract. Copies of the prevailing rates of wages are on file at the principal off ice o� the Authority, 275� Fourth Avenue, San Diego, Califarnia and are available to any interested party on request. The Authority shall cause copy to be posted at said job site. Properly indentured apprentices may be employed upon such work, and the provisians of the California Labor Code, particularly the provisions there- of relating to wages of the apprentices, shall be applicable in the event of such employment. A-10 Contract documents: - The contract documents shall consist of this Notice Inviting Bids, together with �he Instructions to Bidders, form of Proposal with Bidding Sheets and Bidder's Plan for Construction, form of Agreement, Specificatians, and the Drawings listed therein, all of which dacuments and drawings are on f ile in the office of the General Manager and Chief En�ineer of the Authority, and are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. Plans showing the character of the work ma� be seen at the San Diego County Water Authority, 2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California, 921Q3, and complete sets of said con��ract documents may be purchased at $10.0� per set, which sum will not be refunded. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHt�RITY ����,��` y�, � ; . Y. �, . R . BURZ ELL A-2 General Manager and Chief Engineer INSTRUCTI�NS TO BIADERS B-1 Forrn af ro osal and si nature: - The pr.oposal shall be submi�ted on the form provided by the AuthQrity and shall b� enclosed in a sealed envelope mar�ked and addressed as hereinaiter directed9 The bidder �hall state in words and figures the unit prices or the specif ic sums as the ca�e may be, and per- form the work required by the specifica�ions. In case words and figures d� not agree, the words shall govern and the figures shall be disregarded, Sf the unit priee and the total amount named by a bidder for an_y item are not in a�reement, the unit price along will be considered as representing �he �idder's intention and the tot�ls will be corrected to confarm thereto. If the proposal is made by an individual it shall be szgned and his fu11 name and his address shall be given; if it i� made by a firm it shall be signed with �he co-partnership name by a member �f the �irrn, who shall also sign his own name, �nd the name and address of each member shall be �iven; and if i� i� made by a�orporation the name of �he corporation shall be signed by its duly authorized officer or officers attested by the corporate seal, and the names and �itles of all off ic�rs o� the corporation shall be given. No tel�graphic proposal nor telegraphi� modifications of a proposal will be eonsidered, B-2 Pre aration of the ro osal: - Blank spaces in-the proposal shall be properly filled, The phraseolo�y of the proposal must not be changed and no ad�itions shall be made to the items �entinned therein. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal will render it inf ormal and may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasure or interlinea- tiQn must be explained o� nated in the proposal over �he signature of the bidder. Al�ernative proposals �i11 not be considered unless specif ically provided for in the Bidding Sheet. A bidder may withdraw his �roposal before the hour fixed for opening bids, without prejudice to himself, by submitting a writte� request to the General Manager and Chief Engineer of the Authority for its withdrawal, and his prQposal will be returned to him unopened when reached in �he procedure of apening bids� No proposal may be withdrawn after the hour fixed for opening bids without r�ndering the accompanying cer�if ied or cashier's �heck or bidder's bond subje�t to forfeiture as liquidated dam- ages in like manner as in the case of iailure to execu�e contract after award, as hereinaf�er grouided. No proposal received afte� �he time named �r at any place other than the place stated in the Natice Inviting Bids t�ill be cnnsidered. A11 bids will be opened and declared publicly. Bidders, their representa�ives, and athers in�erested are invited to be present at the � opening. The Authority �eserves the right t� �aive an� informality in an� bid, to reject any or all proposals, to reject one part of a prQposal and accept the other, except �o the extent �hat, bids are qualif ied by specifi� limitations, and to make award to the lowest res�onsible bidder as fihe " interest of the Authority may require. Where bonds are required, the bidder shall name in his proposal the surety or sureties which have a�reed to furnzsh said bonds, : B-3 Im ro erl balanced ro osals: - An.y pr�posal which in the opinion of the Fngineer is so unbalanced between the various contract items as to be detrimental to the interests of the Authority will be rejected. B-4 Lowest res�onsible bidder: - In selecting the low�st responsible bidder, consideration will be given not o�ly to the financial standing but also to the general competency of the bidder for the performance of the work covered by the praposal. To receive favorable consideration, a bidder may be r�quired to present evidence that he has successfully per- farmed similar work of comparable magnitude or submit other evidence satis- factory to the Authority that he or his associates are personally competent to manage the proposed undertaking and to carry it forward to a successful conclusion. Professianal integrity and honesty of purpose shall be �ssen- tial requirements. A shbwing �f adequate financial resources may be re- quired but �ill not alone determine whe�her a bidder is competent to under- ta�e the proposed work. �-5 Equali�in� gac�ars: - t�herever app�icable, eq�a��zin� elemen�s o� factors not specifically rnentioned or provided for herein, such as interest during construction, costs of transporation, inspection (including salaries and travel and subsistence expenses), installation, and operati�n, or any other factor or element in addition to that of price which would affect �he total cost or value to the Au�hority will be taken int� considera�ion in comparing bids far award of contract. B-6 Bid bond or check: - Each bidder shall submit with his proposal an unconditional certified or cashier'� check drawn on a solvent state or national bank, or a bidder's bond with a responsible corporate surety, on the form approved by the Authority in the sum stated in the Notice Inviting Bids, payable to the San Diego Caunty Water Authority, as a guaranty that the bidder will, if an a�ard is made to him in accardance with the terms of his proposal, promptly execute a contract in the required form, secure the payment of workman's compensation, and furnish sati�factory bonds and certi- f icates of insurance. If a bidder to whom an award is made fails or ref uses to execute the contracr, secure the payment of workmen's compensa�ion, and furnish the required bonds and certif icates of insur�nce, all within the time stated in Section B-8 hereof, the moneys represented by said check or bidder's bond shall became and remain the property �f the Authority and shall be subject to deposit with the Treasurer of the Authority as other moneys belanging ta the Authority, the amount thereof being agreed to by the bidder as liquidated damages due the Au�hority on account of the delay in the execu�ion o� the contrac� and bonds, and in the perf�rmance of work thereunder, resulting fram each failure or refusal. The check of a bidder to whom contract has been awarded will be returned to him after all of the acts, for the performa�ce of which said check is required, have been fully performed, Checks of other bidders will be returned as soon as their pro- posals a�e rejected, o� in any event at the expiratian of forty-f�ve {45) days f ram the date of opening bids. The liability of the Authority in connection with the said checks shall be limited to the return of the checks herein provided. : B-7 L�cal conditions: - Bidders shall read the specifica�ions� e�arnine the drawings, and make �heir own estimates �f th� existing facilities and the difficulties which wi11 attend the executian of �he work called for by the proposed contract� including local conditions, uncertainty of weather� and all other contingencies. Bidders shall satisfy themselves by personal examination of the 1�cation of the proposed work, and by such ather means � as �hey may choose as to actual condi�ions and requirements and as to the accuracy of the quantities stated in the Bidding Sheet. Information derived from the maps, plans, specifications, praf ile, or drawings, or from the M Engineer or his assistants, shall not relieve the bidder of this respon- sibility, and the interpretation of the data disclosed by borings or other pre�iminary investigations is not guaranteeed by the Aut�ority. The quan- tities of work or material s�ated in the unit-price items of the Bidding Sheet are given only as a basis for the comparision of bidsa and the Authority does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount or work or material wi11 correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any unit-price item of the work as may be d�emed necessary o� expedient by the Engineer. Bidders shall not at any time after the submission of a bid ma�e or have any claim for damages or anticipated prof its or loss of profit or otherwise because of any diff er- ence between the quan�ities of work actually done and material furnished and those stated in said unit-price i�ems of the Bidding Sheet, B-8 Execution of contract:-� A bidder to wham award is made shall execute a written contract wi�h the Authority on the form of agreement attached hereto, secure the payment of workmen's compensatian, and furnish good and approved bonds and certificates of insu�ance, all in accordance with the provisions hereof and within the time stated in the Notice Znviting Bids, or if no such time limit is s�ated therein, then within f ifteen {15) days from the date of the mailing of a notice from the Authority to the bidder, according to the address given by him, o� the acceptance of his proposal, or such additional tirne as may be allowed by the Engineer. If a bidder to whom award is made fails or refuse� to enter into contract as herein pro- uided, or to con�orm to any of the stipulated requirements in connection therewith, the money represented by his check or bidder's bond sha11 became the property of the Authority as grovided in Section B-6 hereof, the award will be annulled, and in the discretion of the Authority an award may be made to the bidder whose proposal is next most acceptable to the Authority; and such b�dder shall f ulfill every stipulation embraced herein as if he were the party to whom the f irst award was made. A carporation to which an award is made may be required before the contract is f inally executed, tQ furnish � evidence of its corporate existence, of its right to do business in California, and of the authority of the officer signing the contract and bonds for the corporation to so sign. B-9 Bonds: -(a) Except as otherwise provid�d in the Notice Inviting Bids, a bidder �o whom contract is awarded shall wi�hin the time mentioned in the precedin� paragraph furnish a bond wi�h a responsible corporate surety or corporate sureties conditioned upon the faithful p�rformance by the said bidder of all coven�nt� and stipulations in �he contrac�. Said bond shall B-3 be in the forrn provided �y �he Authority and approved by the General Manager and Chief En�ineer in an amount equal to one hundred percent (la0%) of �he estimated aggregate payments to be made under �he contract. (b) Within the time mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a bidder to whom contract is awarded shall, in addition to the fai�hful performance bond hereinbef ore stipulated, furnish also a bond in the form provided by the Authority and approved by the General Manager and Chief Engineer and in accordance with the provi�ions of California Civil Code Section 3247 et. seq. This bond, hereinafter ref erred to as the bond for materialmen and laborers, shall be in a sum of 50% of the estimated aggregate payments to be made under th� contract. (c} The surety on al1 bonds furnished mus� be sa�isf actory to the Board. All bonds shall be furnished by �he bidder to whom con�rac� has bee� awarded at h�s �w� ��st and exp�nse. B-10 Workmen's comp ensation insurance: - Bef�re the contract is executed an behalf of the Authoritys a bidder to whom eontract has been awarded shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he has secured in the manner required by law the payment of warkmen's compensation provided for in the Californ3a Labar Code and all amendments thereto; but this requirement does not apply to contracts for f�rnishing materials and equipment only. B-11 Address and markin�of proposal: - The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and.addressed to the General Manager and Chief En�ineer, San Diego County Ulater Authority, 2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California, 92103. The envelope shall be plairily marked in the upper-left hand corner with the name and address of the Bidder and bear the words "Proposal for", followed by the name of the work and the da�e and hour of opening bids. The certified or cashier's check ar Bidder's bond shall be enclosed in the same envelope with the praposal.. B-12 Liabil.it,y insurance: -� Befc�re the contract is executed on behalf of the Authority a Bidder to wham contract has been awarded shall furnish to the Authority a policy or eertificate of protective liability insurance in which the �Authc�rity �h.all be na��d in such insuranc� as an additional insured with the Bidder. The policy sha11 insure the Authr�rity, �.ts off icers, and its employees, the Bidder, his employees, his subcontractors, and their er�ployees, while acting within �he scope of their duties against all claims arising out of or in connection with the work to be performed and shall remain in full force and effect until the work is accepted by the Authority. The policy shall provide the following limits: Bodily Injury $ 500,000 each person $ 1�D00p000 each accident prc�perty damage $ 500,ODn each acciden� Such protect�.ve liability insurance shall be primary and nancontributing with any insuranee policy carried by the Authority. V B-4 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY PRaPOSAL For Construction of the Tri-�gencies G)ater � Transmission Pipeline and Appurtenant W�rks from San �Tarcos to Carlsbad SPECIFICATION N0. 229 Proposals received until 2:00 P.M. April 6, 1978 by the General Manager and Chie� Engineer o£ the San Diego County �ater Authority, TO THE GENERAL MANAGER AND CHIEF ENGII�IEER OF THE SAT1 DIEGO G4UNTY �G�ATER AUTHtJRZTY: The undersigned hereby declares, as bidder, that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as prineipals are thase named herein; that no director or a�.y other off icer or employee of the Authari�y is in any manner financially interested directly or indirectly in this praposal ar in the prof�ts to be derived from the contract proposed to be taken; that this bid is made without any cannectian with any other persQn or persons making a bid for the same purpt�se; that the bid is in all respect fair and wifihout collusion or fraud; �.hat he has read the Notice Inviting Bids and the Instru�tions to Bidders hereto attached and agrees ta all the stipulations contained therein; that he has examined the site of the work, the form of A�reement approved by the Authority, and the Specifieati�ns and Drawings �herein referred to, and he proposes and agrees that i� his bid as submitted in �he attached Bidding Sheet be accepted., he will �ontract in the form so approved to perform al1 the work mentioned in sai� approved form of Agreement and the Specif ications and to complete the same within the time stipulated therein; and then he will accept in full payment therefor the prices named in said Bidding Sheet. Said prices are to include and cover the furnishing of all materia�.s, except as otherwise provided in the specifications, the performing ot all the labor requisite or proper, and the providing of all necessary machinery, tools, apparat�s, and other means af construction; and the performance and completion of all the work '` in the manner set forth, described and shoti,m in �he Specificatians or on the drawings for the work and in the form of A�reement. - The bidder further agrees that, upon receipt of written notice of the acceptance of this proposal within 30 days after the date af opening of the bids, he will execute the con�ract in accordance with the proposal as ac- cepted, secure the payment r�� workmen's compensation, and furnish the re- quired bonds and certificates of insurance, all within 15 da3rs from date of mailing of said notice of acce�atance to him at his address as givan below, or within such additional time as may be al.lowed by the Chief En�;ineer; � and tha� upon failure or refusal to do so within said time, then the certified or cashier's check or bidder's bond, accompanying this bid, and the money payable thereon sha11 be f orfeited to and bec�me the property of San Diego County ��ater Authority as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal; rovided, that if said bidder shall execute the contract, secure the payment of work�en's compen�ation, and furnish = the required bonds and certificates of insurance within the aforesaid time, his cer�ified or cashier's check, if furnished, shall be retur�ed to him within 3 days thereafter, and the bid bond, if furnished, shall become void. The bidder further declares that the surety or sureties named in the space provided below have agreed to furnish bonds in the form and aggre- gate amounts set forth in �he accompanying Notice Invi�ing Bids, and Section B-9 of the Instructions to Bidders, in the event contract is awarded an the basis of this pra�osal, P-2 PROPQSAL (continu�d} � DATE Bidder's pQst-off ice address: Bidder By Title Names and addresses of a11 members c�f the f irm or names and titles of aIl off icers of the corporation: (CORPORATE SEAL) Corporation organized under the 1.aws of the State of Contractor's License No. Sure�y or sureties: �3 c �� � c� � {Not necessary when c�rtif ied or cashier's check accompar�ies bid} We, the undersigned principal and surety, acknowledge ourselves, our heirs, execu�.ors, administrators, and successors, ,�ointly and severally, bound �o San Die�o County Z�'ater Authority in the sum of Dollars ($ ) to be paid to said Authority i� the bid of the undersi�ned principal for constructing the Tri-Agencies Water Transmission Pipeline, under Specification No. 229 of said Authority, ineluding any and al1 addenda thereto issued before the bid opening da�e, shall be accepted and the proposed contract awarded to said princ�.pal, and said principal shall fail to execute the can�ract, secure the payment of workmen's com- pensation insurance, furnish the bonds and certificated of insurance required in eonnection ther�with within the tim.e and in the manner required by said specif ication; otherwise, this abligati�n to be vdid. In the event suit is brought �tpon this bond by the Authority and judgement is recavered, the surety shall pay al1 costs incurred by the Authority in such suit, including a rea�onable attorney°s f ee to be f ixed by the Court, WITNESS our hand this day of , 1978. Principal By• . Title Surety By• . P-4 Tit1e � � • � � • � �r • . STATE 4F CALIFQRNIA } ) SSe Ct�tJNTY OF ) On this day of � 19�, before me personally came , known to me to be the attorney in fact of , Surety Company the corparation that executed the within instrument and adk,nowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WH'EREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my of'ficial seal, at my office in the aforeQaid county, the day and year in this certificate first above writ�en. Notary Public in and for the County of ,State of (SEAL) California. P-4a SPECIFICATI�NS 229 BZDD=NG SHEET Schedule of Prices for Construc�ion of a PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPELINE and/or a � CEMENT MORTAR LINED ANT? COATED STEEL PIPELINE from San Marcos to Carlsbad � Inside Pipe Diameters of 42, 39, 33, 30, 21 and 12 inches Length 3$,680 feet Ztern Quantity Unit No. Descri tion and Uni� Price Amount �. Mobilization Lump Sum $ 50,000.00 2. Excavation: 2a, Trench Excavation 2b. Structure Excavation , 2c. 3. 3a. 3b, 3c. 4P 5. S,1 s 7. 8. 9. Shoring of Excavation Backf ill : Compacted Backfill Consolidated Backfill Sand Bacl�f i11 72,000 cu yd $ $ 730 cu yd $ $ Lump Sum $ 19 , U�CI �u yd 38,700 cu yd 5,Op� cu yd Rock to Stabili2e Subgrade 220 cu yd Cultivating Right of taay 18 acre Seeding Right of Way �8 Acre Mulching Right c,f Way 54 ton Furnishing� & Placing Concrete 450 cu yd Furnishing, Fabricating and Placing Reinforcem�nt Steel 60,000 lb 10. Furnishin and Installin Pretensioned Concrete C linder Pi e: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ P-5 BID QNE TYPE PIPE QNLY IN EACH DIAMET�R Item Quantity Unit No. Descri tion and Unit Price Amoun�C 10. 42" I.D. Concrete Pi e 10a. 42-4t�0 8tJ0 lin ft $ $ lOb. 42-45t� lOc. 42-5Q0 10. 39" I.D. Concrete Pi e 14d. 39-404 10e, lOf. lOg. lOh. 10. 10i. lOj . 1QK 101. lOm. 10. 1Qn. � 100. lOp. � 1Q. �. 39-454 39-500 39-550 39-600 33 " I.D. Concrete Pi e 33-550 33-600 33-650 33-700 33-75� 30" I,D. Concrete Pipe 30-550 30-600 30-650 21" I.D. Concrete Pi e 21-550 2,600 lin ft $ $ 410 1 in f t $ $ 730 lin ft $ $ 1,180 lin ft $ $ 1,550 lin ft $ $ 1,�80 lin ft $ $ 690 lin f � $ $ l, 54(J lin f t $ $ 2,124 lin ft $ $ 3,480 lin ft $ $ 2,290 lin ft $ $ 1,7$0 lin ft $ $ 75 0 1 in f t $ $�� 2,014 lin ft $ $ S40 lin ft $ $ 2,970 lin ft $ $ �• . Y Item �uantity. Unit Noe Descri tion and Unit Price Amount �o�. 2z-��o �., 770 �.i� f� � � 1Qs. 21--650 2,240 lin ft $ $ lOt. 21-70� 1,570 lin ft $ $ 1ou. Zz-�sa �., 75� 1in ft � $ lOv. 21-800 1,260 lin f� $ $ 1.Ow. 21-85Q 900 lin ft $ $ lOx. 21-900 1,420 lin ft $ $ 10y. 21-950 900 lin ft $ $ 10. 12" I.D. Concrete Pi e lOz. 12-400 � � O 11. 11a. llb. 11. 11c. 11d. lle, 11. llf. llg. i�.. llhe lli. 350 lin ft $ $ Mortar-Lined and Coated Steel Pi e: 42" I,D. Stee1 Pi e 42-1/4" 42-5/16" 3, 39 " I.D. Steel Pi e 39-1/4" 1, .�9-s1�.�" z, 39-3/8" 33 " I.D. Steel Pipe 33--5 / 16" 7 , 33-3j$„ 4a 30" I.D. S�eel Pi e 3�}-1/4" 2 , 30-5/16" 1, St�4 lin f t $ $ OlQ lin f �, $ $ 910 lin f t $ $ 630 lin ft $ $ 690 lin ft $ $ 140 lin ft $ $ 074 lin f t $ $ 040 lin ft 260 lin f t $ $ $ $ P-7 Item Quantity Unit No. Descri tion and Unit Frice Amount 11. 21" T.D. Stee1 Pi e llj e 21-1/4" 11,56(� lin ft $ $ 11k. 21-5/16" 3,22U lin f� $ $ 11. y 111. 12. 13. 14. 15. i�. lba� 16b. 16c. 16d. 16e. 16f � 17. 1�1t I.D. Ste�.1 Pipe 12-1/4" NOT U5ED NOT USED NtJT USED NOT USED Field We�.ded Jc�ints : 42" Pipe 39°' Pipe 33" Pipe 30" Pipe 21" Fipe 12" Pipe Furnishin & Ins�allin 350 lin f t $ $ 14 ea 4 ea 45 ea 3 ea 72 ea 18 ea Steel Plate S ecials 18,0t�4 lb 18. Furnishin & Tnstallin Misce�.laneous Metalwork: 26,500 lb 19. . 19a. 19b. ig�. 19d. Furnishin & Instal].in Lubrica�ed Pl.0 Valves Com lete with Stud Bolts Bolts Nuts & Gaskets: 4-inct� 200�� Service Rating 4-inch 400�� Servi�e Rating 6-inch 400�� Service Rating 14-inch 200�� Service Rating 2 ea 15 ea z.� ea 1 ea . . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ . Item Quantity Unit No. Descri tion and Unit Price Amdunt 19e. 12-inch �00�� Service Rating 1 ea $ $ 19f. 12-inch 4a0�� Service Rating 2 ea $ $ 19g. 18-inch 400�� Service Rating 9 ea $ $ � ��� 2 Ob . 21. Furnishin & Installin 4-inch Combination Air and Vacuum �alve with 1-inch Air Release Valve Gom lete with Bolt� Nuts Gaskets & Fifitin s and I-inch 200�� Air Release Va1.ve : 4-inch Combination Air Release & Vacuum Valve, 250�� Ser � R.at . 1-inch 20��� Air Release Valve Assembly Cornplete Furn3shing & Ins�alling 10-inch Glass 150 B Rubber- Seated Butterfly Valve Complete w/Bolts, Nuts & Gaskets 22. Furnishing & Installing l0-inch Pressure Reducing Valve w/125�� Flanges, Complete w/Bolts, Nuts & Gaskets 15 ea b ea 1. ea 1 ea 23. Furnishin & Installin Venturi Tube Meter Recorder & Transmitter Com lete tn1/Bol�s Nuts & Gaskets: 23a, 10-inch 1 ea 23b. 18-inch 4 ea 24. Furnishing & Ins�.alling t,leather-proof Electric Operators for Lubricated P1ug Valves 25. Furnishing & Installing Telemetering Cable, Includin� Above Ground Terminals 5 ea $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,5�0 lin ft $ $ P-9 Item Ouantity Unit Nos Descri tion and Unit Price A.mount 2�i. Furnishin & Install�.n Blind Flan es Com lete W/Bolts Nuts & Gaskets: 26a. 6-inch 30Q�� Service Rafiing 15 ea $� $ 26b. 20-inch 340�� Service Ratin$ l� ea $ $ 27. 27a. 27b. 28. 29. 29a. 29b. 30. 30a. 30b. 30c. 310 � 32. � 33. 340 Furnishin� & Installin� Reinforced Concrete P%pe for Access Structures: 60-inch I,D. 36-inch I.D. Furni�hing & Installin� Precast Reinforced Concrete Cover for 64-inch I.D. Access Structure Furnishin & Installin Flexible Cou�lin�s l2-inch 1$-inch Furnishin�; & Installin,g Victaulic T�pe Coup lin�s: , 4-inch 10-inch 18-inch Furnishing & Installing 1-l/2-inch P.V,C. Pipe Furnishin & Installing 1" Car oration Cocks Relacate 6" Steel Z�Iater Main at Station 37+90+ Furnishin & Installin Flan ed Outlets Com lete W/Bolts Nuts & Gaskets: 120 �in ft $ $ 30 lin ft $ $ 34 ea $ $ 3 ea $ $ 1 ea $ $ 1. ea $ $ 2 ea $ $ 8 ea $ $ 120 lin ft $ $ 14 ea Lump Sum P-lp $ $ $ Item Ouant�ty Unit No. Descri tion and Unit Price Amount 34a� 4-inch 340�� Service Rating 15 ea $ $ . 34be &-Inch 30Q�� Service Ra�ing l5 ea $ $ 34c, 12-Inch 300�� Service Rating 3 ea $ $ � 34d. 18-lnch 30��� Seruice Rating � ea $ $ 34e. 2Q-Inch 3�0�� Service Rating 19 ea $ $ 35. Furnishing & Installing Test Stations, Comp�ete �4 ea $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT BID: $ P-11 BIDDER' � PZ�AN FOR C4NSTRUCi'I�N Replies ta these inquiries must b� full and explicit. 1. en, b;y �hom, and in wh�t mar�n�r wa s the s i te fc�r thi s proposed work insp�ct.ed on behalf of the bidder? . , 2o Explain your plan or layr�ut for performing the proposed work, inclur�ing description of proposed �onstruction plant and detailed construction p�o�ram. Attaeh adaitional sheet� if necessary. � P-12 � BTDDER'S PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTI�N confiinuedj 3. Bidder shall set forth the name and address of the place of business of each subconiractor who will perform wark, labor, furnish ma�erials or render service to the bidder on sa�d contract, and eaeh subcantractor . licensed by the State of California who, under subcontract to bidder, specially fabrica�es and ins��lls a par�i�� t�f the wc�rk according to detailed drawings con�.ained in the plans and specifications, in an amount of e�cess of one-half {If2) of one percent (Il) of the total bid, and µ the portion of the work �o be done by such subcontractor in accordance wifih Government Code Section 41Q4. Location of Fortion of work Name of subcontractor Place of business to be dane ..��._-._. � P-° 1_ 3 ' ' al�i 1 � TfiSS AG �G�NT, made and entered into thi.s day af in the year one �:hausand n�.ne hundred , by and bet�aeen tr�e San Diego County Water Auth�rity, an A�athority organized anc� inc�rporated under th� Caunty Water Authc�rity Act af the �tate of Califarnias �C�lifornia st�tutes o:� 19�3, Chagter ��+5, page 2490, anc� the �n�endments thereto) hereinafter d�signated as the Auth�rity, party og the first part, and � hereinafter desi�nated as the Gontractar, par�y of the second Fa�t, WITNE;SE2H: That the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: � � � AR�ICLE I4 For and in cansideration of the ga.yn�enfi,s and a�reements hereinafter mentianed to be made and perfor�ned by the Authority, the Contractor agrees with �he Authority to construct and tc� perform and complete in a good and worl�anlike manner all the work pertaining thereto shown on the drawings and described in t�e specif'icatians hereto attaehed, to furnish at his own pr�per cost an�. e�ense all toals, equipment, labor, and materials necessar� tneref�r, except such materials as in the said specifications are stipulated to be f�arnished by the Authority, and to do everything require� by this Agreemen�c and the ssid specifications nnd drawings. ARTICLE II. For furnishing all said materia�s and labor, furnishing and removing all plant, temporary saorks or struct,uress �oals and equipment, and daing all the work contemplated and embra�ed in ��his Agreement; also for all loss and damage arising out of the iiatu.�e of the work afaresaid, or from the action of the eleme:�,ts, or from any �:n- foreseen difficulties wh�.ch may arise or be encoun�ered in th� prosecu�ion of the wark until its acceptance by the Authority, and for al� risks �� every descriptian conn�ect�d with the work; also f`�r all expenses incurred by ar in consequEr�ce of the susp�ns�.on or discontinuanec� of wor�., e�c�pt such as in the said specifications are e��essly stipulated to b� b��ne by the Authority; and for w�ll and fa�_thfully completir_� the work �n� the whole therecf, in the mar.ner shown and dzscribed in the s��.d d�'F.�WiT1gS and specifications and in aecordance w�.�h the requirements of the Engineer under tr�em, the Authority will p�ay and the CU�.tractor shall r�ceive in full compensation ther�for the prices na�ned in o�' the Blciding Sh�et of the Propos�l hereto attarheci. C-1 ARTICLE III. The Autharity hereby promises and agrees with the said Contracior to employ,� and does hereby employ the 581� COntraGta� to provid� the materi�ls and to do the work acc�rdin� to thP terms and conditions herein contained and referred ta, for �he prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to p�ay the same at the time, in the manner and upon the eonditions set forth in the sgecifi��.tions; and the said parties for themselves, their heirs, executnrs, administrators, successars, and assigns, do hereby agree ta the full performance of the covenants ,� herein conta�.n�d. ti ARTICLE IV. The Notice Inviting Bids, the Instructions to � Bidders, the Proposal, the 5pecificatior�s, and the Drawings mentioned ` therein, all of which are hereto a�tached, are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agre�ment, IN WITNESS WHERIEQF: The parties hereto have caused this contract to be execut�d the day and year first abc�ve written. SAN DIEGO C�UNTY WATER A�ORITY (Authority Seal� �Y General Manager and Chief Engineer Attest : F�ecutive Secretary of San I�iego County Water Authority Contractor ; Title 0 Appraved as to forr� and executiQn: General Counsel of " San Diego Caunty Wat�r AutY�ority (Corporate Seal) C-2 i'-� , � * ` � � � � � � � I��?i�: Al.tea�r�.tive fUrm raf faithful performance aond provic� ing for �uare tht�n one surety may be s�cured upon applic�.�ion to the Authority and used in lieu of the f or:n h�.re s hown . I�'t�W ALL I�ZEN BY T�S�' PRESEI�'TS : Ti:at we , u hereinafter ref�rred to as "Contractor", as principal, an3 � as s�ar�ty y are held and firmly bound unto the San Diego County Water �uthority, in the sum of dollars, ($ ), lawful money af the United States of America, for the payment of which sum, well ar�d truly to be made, we bi.nd ourseltfes � jointi y and s�e�Terall;�, f 1z't;11�r by thes� �,lY°� S E Tlt S . The condition of the foregaing cbligation is such th��, WHERF,AS, said Contrac�or has been awarded and is abo•at to enter into a the annexed contract with the San I�iego Co�anty Water Authority for and is required by said Au�Y�ora.t�r to give this bond in connection witr the exeeution of s�id contrac�; NOW, THERFaRE, if the said C�ntractor shall well and t,ruly �.o and p�rform all of the covenants an�. obligations of said contract �n his paY~t to be done and. perf'orm�:d at the ti.mes and in �hz manner S��C1.fl�d trif.'r!.'r.n, � G-3 M:� i i' � � .. �. , • -• then this obligation shall be null and void, atherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effects PROVIDED, that any alterations in the work to be dc�ne, or the material to be furnished, which may be made pursuant to the terms of "` said contract, shall not in any way rele�.se either the Contractor or the surety �here�nder, nor shall any extensi.ons of �tirne granted under the provisions of said contract release either the Contractor or the surety, „ and notice of such alterations or extensions of the contract is hereby waived by the surety. WITNESS our hands this day of 19 (Seal) �ontractor $Y Title Appraved: General Manager and Chi.ef Engineer of San Diego County Water Authority � � (Seal) � Surety . Approved as �Co� form and execution : �eneral Counsel of �an Diego County Water Authority C-� : ,t� • , �i� �u1�11 • ; ►!#��:��li����i :,i1Ti�iY1 STATE (JF CALIFURNIA ) SS e CQtINTY OF ) ► � On this day of , 19 , , before me personally carn� , known to me to be the attorney in fact of , Surety Company the corporation that executed the within instrur�en�t and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi.�ed my official seal, at my office in the aforesaid county, the day and year in this certificate first above written. � �� ) � Notary Public in and for the County of , State af California C-4a BpND FOR MATERIAI�I�IEN AND LABORERS NOTE: Alternative form of bond for materialrnen and laborers providing for more than one surety may be secured upon appli- cation to the Authority and used in lieu of the form here shown. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, hereinafter referred to as °tContractor", as princi.pal, and as surefiy, are held and firmly bound unta the San Diego County Water Authority�, in the sum of dollars (.$ ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum, well and trul.y to be made� we bind aurselves, jointl_y and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the abr�ve obligation is such that: WH.EREA.S, said principal has been awarded and is about �o enter into the annexed contract with th� San Di�go County �?ater Authority for and is required by said Authority to give this bond in eonnection with the execution of said contract; NOT�1, THEREFORE, if said principal as Contractor in said cantract, or his subcontractors, faiis to pay for any m�terials, provisi�ns, pr�- vender, or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the „ performance of the work cantracted to be done, or for any work or labor therean of any kind, or for amounts due ur�der the L?nemployment Insurance Code or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld and paid over to the Franchise Tax Board from the wa��s of employees � of the principal. and his subconirac�urs pursuant to Section l8$t�6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code wi�h respect to such work or labor, said s�lrety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum speci- fied above, and a1so, in case suit is brought upon this k�onci, a reasonable attozney's fee, to be f ixed by the c�urt. This t�and shall inure to the C� benefit of any and all persons entitled to tile claims under Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of Calif�rnia so as to give a right of action to them or their assi�ns in any suit brought upon this b�nd. PRQVIDED� that any alterations in the work to be dane, or the material ta be furnished, which may be made pursuant to the terms of said contract, � shall not in any way release either the Contractor or �he �urety thereunder, nor shall any extensions af time granted under the provisions of said contract release either the Contractor ar the surety, and notice of such alteratians � or extensions of the con�ract is hereby waived by the surety. WITNESS our hands this day of , 19 Contractor (Seal) By: � Title Approved� General Manager and Chief Engineer of San Die�o County Water Authority Surety (Seal} By_ � Approved as to form and execution: General Counsel o� San Diego County Water Authority C-6 a / • �� � • • � � r STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS. COU'�N''I''Y OF } a Qn thi.s day of , 19_��___�_ � x before me personally came ', known to r�e to be the attorney in fact of , Surety Gampany the carporation �hat executed the within instrument a�d acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITIYESS WHEREpF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixeci My official seal, at my office in the aforesaid county, the day and year in this eertificate first above written. { SEAL � 1Votary Public in and for the Caunty of , State o� California C-�a CERTIFIC�TTON (as required by �ection 18�1 af the Cali.for:�ia Labor Caae) I am aware o� the �rovisions of Section ✓700 of the e Labor Coae which re�uire every emplayer to be insured a�a�r.st lia.bility ��r work.�en's cot:��ensation or to undertake seli'�- insurance in accorclance with the provisions of that co3e, and I wil� cor�ply wit� such �rovisions before cor�,::encin� the perforrnance of th� work of this �ontract . Contractor By Ti.tle ( Corperate Sea� } . �pproved: General Counsel of' Sar. D�.ego County GTater Authority C-�b SPECIFTCATI4IVS •, i i • ; Captions accompanying specifica�tion sections and paragraphs are fos° convenience of r�ference only and do not farm part of the Specific�,tions. 0 k 14 Definitions. (a) Whenever the �aords d�fined in this article, or pronouns used in their stead, occur in these specifications or in any of the other contract docui;lents they shall have the meaning here given; (b) The word AUTHORIZ'Y shall r�ean San Diego County Water Authority. ( c) The words BQARD OF DIRECTORS or BOARD sha�.l mean the Board of Directors of the Authority (d) The word ENGINEER, whenever not qualified, shall mean the General Mana�er and Chief Engineer of the Authority, acting either directly or through his properly authorized agents, such agents acting severally within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. (e} The word CON�F�ACTOR shall mean the part_of the second part entering into contract with the Authority for the performance of work required by these specifications, and the legal representatives of said party, or the agent appointed to act for said party in the performance of the work, Said party is referred to throughout the contract documents as if of the singular number and the masculine gender. (f) The word SUBCONTRACTOR shall mean any person, firm or corporation perforrling work or labor or rendering services to the general contractor in or about the construction of the work or improvement in an amount in ex�ess of one-half {1`2) of one percent (lp) of the general contractor's total bido (g) The word TON shall mean the short ton of 2,000 poundse ( h) Wherever in the S�C lf 1Cr�t lOI1S or upan the drawings the words DIRECTED, REQUI.��D, PERI4iZZ�, ORDERED, DESIGNATED, P`RESCRIBED, or words of like impart are used it shall be understood that the f direction, requirement, perr�ission9 order designation, or prescription of the Engineer is intended, and similarly the words APPROVID9 ACCEPTABLE, SATISFAeTORY, or words of like import, shall mean approved or acceptable to, or satisfactory �` to the Engineer, unless otherwise expressly stated. C-7 SP'ECIFICATIONS-GENER�,L CONDITIONS (Continued) (i� The figures �iven in the specifications ar upan the drawings after the word ELEVATIaN, or an abbreviation of it shsll mean distances in feet above the Sa,n Diego County Water Authority datur�, as established by the Engineer. This datum is mean sea level according to the best information available. � 2. Contract docLunents corn,plementary - The Notice Inviting Bids, the T----- Znstructions ta Bidders, the Proposal, the Specifications, and the Draw ings, together with the Agreement, constitute THE CONTRACT . These contract documents are complementary, and what is called for ir� any one shall be as binding a, if c�,lled for in all . The intention of the documents is to require a complete and finished piece of work includin� all labor, materials, equipment, and transportation necessary for the prop�r ex�cution of th� work, wit h the exc�ption of such items as are definitely stipulated in the specifications or th� drawings to be furnished by the Authox•it y. Anything shown in the drawings and nct in the specif ications or zn the specifications and not in the ctirawings, or neither in the draw ings nor in the specifications but necessary to properly complete the structure in accordance w ith the law and go�Ternmental regulations, shall bE per�'ormed by the Contractor as though shown in both the drawings and the specificationse Materials or work described in words which so applied have a well-known t�chnical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. 3. Tinze and order of work. (a) The Contractor shall at all times employ such fc�rce, plant, materials, and tocls as will be sufficient, in the opinion of the Engineer, to pr�secute the work at not less than the rates fixed under the terms of the contract and to conplete the work or any separable portions thereof within the time limits therein fixed. If the Contractor shall fail to employ suff icient force, plant, materials, and tools or to maintain adequate progress he may, after such failure, be required to increase his progress at any point or points ar to modify his �►lans and procedure in such manner and to such extent as the Engineer may direct. No extension of time shall be made for ordinary d�1.�y� �,nd. accid�a2�t� a�nd the c�ecu�rrenc� c�f such sh�ll nct relieve th,e Cantractor from the necessity of maintaining the required progress. In case of an extension b�r the Engineer of the time for the completion of the contract, as hereinaft�r pravided, a�°evised schedule af progress may be prescribed in accardance with such extension of time. (b) The time in which the various artions and the whole of the ' contract are to be rformed and the work is to be com leted is of the essence of the contract . �• • � � � •i � � i � _• �+e Assignrnent forbiddene The Co�tractor sh�ll nat assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this contract, Qr of his righ�t, titl� or in�erest in or to �he same or any gari thereof, �ithaut the previous consent in wri�ing of the Engineer; and. he shall not ass�.gn, by pawer of. attorney or otherwise, any of the moneys to becor:�e due and payable under �he contrac�, unless by �,na wi�t�. the lil�e c�r�sent signified "` in like mannez�. If the Contractor shall, without such previous written consent, assign, transfer, convey, suble�, ar otherwise dispose of the contract, or of his right, title or interest therein, or of any of the � maneys to become due under the contrac-t� to any� other personp company, or other corporation, the contract may at the option of the Authority, be terminated, revoked, and annulled, and the Au�hority shall thereupon be relieved and discharged from any and all liability and obligations growing out of the same to �he Contractor, and to his assignee or transieree. No right under the contract, nor any right to any money to becorne due hereunder, shall be asserted against the �uthority in law or equity by reason of any so-calleci assigriment of the contract, or any� part thereof, or by reason of the assignr,lent of any moneys to become due hereunder, unless authorized as aforesaid by the written consent of the Engineer. 5. Sub�ontracts. (a) In the discretion of the Eng:ineer, and subject to the provisions of subsection (b) hereof, subcontracts may be permitt�d to �uch extent, and only �o such extent, as shall be shown to be necessary or definitely advantageous to the principal contractor in the prosecution of the work, and w ithout injury t� the interests of the Authority. The re-subletting of work by a subcontractor shall be subject to the same limitations as an ori�inal subletting. In general, the broking of work ��ill not be favored, and the subletting of tbe entire contract, or of substantial complete units of itp will be permitted only upon an adequate showing of necessity, involving some new candition not reasonably foreseeable at the time of proposal a Na subcr�ntract will be perr;litted which has the effe�t of avoiding the residence or wage requirements or any other provisions of the main contract. Individual subcontractars, or members of contracting ar subcon�racting organizations, personally engaged upon the wor��., shall be subject to all the requirements of Sections �+5 t� 4�, inclusive, 5�- and 55 hereof, and to all other conditions of these specifications applicable to employees working for wages . (b) Reference is h�reby made to the provisions of Chapter 2 of Division 5, Title I af the Governmen�t Code of the State of Cala.fornia. As required by the provisions oi said Ch�pter 2, each bidder shall set forth in his proposal the name and location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the prime contractor in or about the construction of the work or° improve m ent in an amount in excess of ane h�lf ( l��) of one per cent (�,} s�f° t�.e prime �-9 SPECIFICATIONS-GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued} Contractor's total bid, and the portion af the work which will be done by each subcontractor. The attention of the bidder is directed to the ather provisions of said Chapter 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of said Chapter � and the Cantractor's compliance therewith, the Authority's acceptance of his bid shall not canstitute authority to the Contractor ta sublet or subcontract any of the wark to any subcontractor so narned in the proposal, but permission to subcontract any portion of the work to any subcon�ractor so n.a,med in the proposal shall be within the discretion of the Engineer, as provided in subdivision (a) of this section. (c) A copy of each subcontract, if in writing, or if not in writing then a w�itten statement si�ned by the Contracto� �iving the name of the subcontractor and the terms and conditians of such subcontract, shall be filed with the Engineer before the subcontractor begins work. E�ch subc�ntract sha,ll �ont�in a refer�nc� to th� �gr�ement b�tween the Authority and the Ccntractar, and the terms of that agreement and all parts thereof shall be made a part of such subcontract in so far as applicable to the work covered thereby. Each subcontract shall provide for its annulment by the Contractor at the order of the Engineer if in the Engineerfs opinion the subcontractor fails to comply with the requirements of the princip�l contract in so far as the same may be applicable to his work. Noth�ng herein contained shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Authority, or relieve tr.� .;antractor of any liability or obligation hereunder. 6. Nat ice to discontinue wark under contract. (a) If the work to be done under the contract shall be abandoned by the Contractor, or if the Contractor shall make a general assignment far the benefit of his creditors or be adjudicated a bankrupt, or if a receiver of his property or business be appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, or if this contract shall be assigned by him otherwise than as hereinbefore specified, or if at any time�the Engineer shall be of the apinion that the performance of the contract is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed, or that the Contractor is wilfully violating any of the conditions or covenants of the contract, or of the specificatians, ar is exceedin� the same in. bad fa�ith or not in accardance with the �erms thereof, or if the work be not fully cornpleted within the time named in the contract for its completion, or within the time to which the completion of the contract may have be�n extended, as hereinbefore provided, the Engineer, acting on behalf of the Autharity, may by written notice instruct the Contractor to discontinue all work, or any part thereof under this contract. �b} When such written notice is served upon the Contractor as hereinaft�r provid�d in Section 7, he sh�ll immediately discontinue the work or such part thereof as is covered. by the notice, and shall not C+�i� • • , • •� • t t a -• resume the same except by written ins�ructions from the Engineer� In any such case the Authority may take ch�.rge of the work and complete it b�r a new con�ract or by force aecount. In so doing, the Authority may take poss�ssion of and use any of the ma�t�rials 9 plant p�toals, equipment, supplies, and property of every kind provided by the Contractor for the � purposes of his work. The Authority may procure other materials and pro- vide labor for the campletion of the same, or contract therefor, and charge the expense of completion by either method to tY�e Contractor. These � charges shall be deducted from such mon�ys as may be due or m�,y at any time hereafter become due the Contractor under and by virtue of this contract, or° any part thereof, In case such expense shall exceed the amount which would have been due the Contractor under the contract if the same had been cornpleted by him, he shall pay the amount of such e�cess to the Authority; and in case such expense shall be less than the amount which would have been payable under this contract if -�he sarle hacl been completed by the Contractora he shall have no claim to the difference except to such ex- tent as may be necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to reimburse the Cantractor or the Contractor's sur�ties for any expense, properly in- curred for plant, camp, equipment, materials, supplies, and labor devoted to the prosecutsrn of the work, of' sahich the Authority shall have received the benef it arld wnich shall not have been otherwise paid for by the Authority. In computing such expense, so far as it shall relate to plant and equipment taken over by the Authoritya the salvag e value of such plant and equipment at completion of the work, shall be deaucted from the depreciated value thereof at the time taken over by the Authority, and the difference shall be considered as an expense. Evidence of such expense, satisfaetory to the Engineer, shall be required, and all necessary estimates and appriasements shall be r�ade by him. When any partieular part of the work is being carried on by the Authorzty, by contract or other�aise, under the provisions of this section, the Contractor shall continue the remainder of the work in conformity with the terms of his contract, and in such manner as in nowise to hinder or interfere with the persons or work- men employed, as above provided, by the Authorityg by contract or otherwise, to do any part of the work, or to complete the same under the provisions of this section. 7. Le�al address of Contractor, (a) The address given in the Con- tractor's propasal on which the contract is lounded is hereby designate , as the place to whieh all notices, letters, and other communications to the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered4 The delivering at the above � named pl�ce ar the depositing in a past-paid wrapper directed to the above place, in any post office mail box re�ularly maintained by the post office, of any notice, letter or other cornmunication to the Contractor� shall be deemed suffieient service thereof upon the Contractor and the date of said �` service shall be the date of such delivery or mailing. Such address may be changed at any time by a, written notice signed by �the Contractor and delivey�ed to the Engineero C-11 SPECIFICATIONS-GFNERAL CONDITIONS (Continued� (b} Nothing herein contained shall be deeme�3 to preclude or render inoperative the service of any notice, letter, or ather communications upon the Contractor personally. 8. Additional surety. If during the continuance of the contract any _ ,. of the sureties upan�the faithful perfarmance bond in the opinion of the Engin�er are ar become insufficient, he may require additianal sufficient sureties which the Contractor shall furnish ta the satisfaction af the Engineer within 15 da�rs after notice, and �n default thereof the ` contract may bc suspended and the work completed as provided in Section 6 hereof . 9. Authority of the En�ineer. The Engineer shall�give all orders, lines, grades, and direc-tions contemplated. under th� contr�ct; sh�ll determine the adequacy of the Contractor's methods, plant, and appurtenances; shall determine in all cases the amount, quality, acceptability, and fitness af the s�veral kinds of work and materials which are to be paid. for; shall determine al.l questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof; and shall decide in all cases every question which may arise relative to th� fulfillment of this contract on the part of the Contractor. Shauld an�� discrepancy appear or any misunderstanding arise as to the import of snything contained in the specifications ar drawings, the �ratter shall be referre3 to the Engineer, who shall decide the same in accordance with the true intent and meaning as construed by him, and his decision shall be binding on the Contractor. Any differences or conflicts which may �rise between the Contractor and other contractors of the Autharity in regard to the ir work shall be adjusted and determined by the En�ineer. 10. Cha�. (a) If the Engineer f inds it impracticable to comply strictly with these specifications, the Engineer may prescribe a madification of requirements or of inethods of work; and for such purposes the Engineer may at any time during the life af the contract, by written order make such changes as ne shall find necessary in the design, line, ��°�de, fc��n, �aca�ti�n, d.�.Yn�nsi�ns, plan, or materi�l of �ny p�xt �f the work or equipm�nt her�inafter specified, or in the quantity or character of the work or equi�nent to be furnished. If such changes increase or diminish the quantity or amount of work to be done, they shall nat constitute the basis for a claim for d.amages ar anticipated profits on the wark that may b� dispensed with; provided9 that if such changes or alterations render useless any work alr�ady done or materials alread.y furnished or used in the work, the Engineer shall make reasonable allowmnce therefor, which action shall be binding upon both parties. (b� In the event of increasing ar decreasing of work, the tatal amount of work actually done or materials or equipdnent furnished shall be paid far according to the unit price established far such work under the C-12 . � , � ., � ; � � _� � . contraet, wherever such unit pric�s have been es�tablishede In the even�t no prices �,re named in the contract to cov�r such chan�es or �lterations, the cost of such ch�nges shall be cover�d as hereinaft�r provided f'or extra work. 11. Extra Work . ( a) If during �he performance of the cor�tract it shall in the opinion of the Engine�r become necessar� or desirable for the proper completion of the cantract to order work done or materials or equipznent furnished which in the opinion of the Engineer are not susceptible of classification under the unit-price items named in t.he Bidding Sheet, and are not included in any i�tem for which a lump sum is bid, the Contractor shall do and perform such work and furnish such materials and equipment. Such labc�r, materials, and%or equipment will be classed as extra work and shall be ordered in writing before such �rork is started. No extra work shall be paid for unless ordered in writing. (b} Extra work and material will ordinarily be paid for a�t a lump sum or unit price agxeed an in writing by the Engineer and the Contractor before the extra work shall be ordered. If the estimated cost of such extra work shall be $10,000 or more, such extra work ord�r shall be approved by the Board. (c) The performance of any extra work or the furnishing of any extra material which, in the judgment of the Engineer, is of like charac�er to and susceptible of c1A.�sification under the unit-price items of the contract as specif ied shall' if �he ordex of the Engineer shall so provide, be paid for at the unit price n�xned for such work in the Bidding Sheet4 (d) Whenever, in the judgment of the Engineer, such extra work or such extra material, as the case may be, is not of like character to and susceptible of classification under the unit-pz°ice iterns of the contract as specified, and it is impracticable because af the nature of the work, or for any other reason to fix the price before �he extra work order shall be issued, extra work and rnaterial, when furnished by the Contractor, shall be paid for at actual necessary cost of matexials, supplies, labor (including foreman's wages}, workmen's compensation insurance, contributions made to the 5tate as required by the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Act, Chapter 352, Statutes of 1935, as amended, ta�es paid to the Federal Government �s required by the Social Security Act, approved August 1�+, 1935, as �mended, and the reasc�nable value of the "use of equipment for the actual time it is used, all as determined by the Engineer, plus l5 per cent for prof it, general expenses, excise taxes, property ta�es, bond premiums, license and inspection fees imposed by any gouern- mental authority9 and all othex i�tems of expense, �ah�ther of the kind �numerat�d herein or othe�ris�. The E�igin�er's determination and certification of said actual, neeessary cost sh�ll be binding �nd conclusive on the Contractor, and the Engineer shall be deem�d �he arbiter to determine th� cost of such wark. c-�3 SP'ECIFICATIaNS-GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued) (e) If any work or materials be ard�red under this section an a cost-plus basis, the Contractor shall, at �he times directed during the performing af the work ar the furnishing of the mat�rials, render to the Engineer written reports in prescribed form, showing the name and number af each workman employed thereon, the numb�r of hours employed thereon, the character�of work he is doing, and the wa�es paid or to be paid to him, also showing the materials delivered and any other items that may enter inta the cost, the quantit�, and character of each such material, fram whom purchas�d and the net amount paid or to be paid therefar, and such ather information as directed. If required, the Contractar shall produce any books, vauchers, other records, or memoranda which will assist the En�ineer in aeterminin� the true, neces�ary cost of the work and materials to be p�id for . {f) An�r extra work performed hereunder shall be subject to all of the provisions of the contract and the Contractor's sureties shall be bound with reference thereto as under the original contract. 12. Suspension of work-extension of time. (a) The Authority re- serves the right of suspendin� the whole or any part af the work herein contract�d to be done, if the Engineer shall deem it for th� interest of the Authority to da so. If'th� said work shall be delayed in consequence of such suspension or Qf any act or omission af the Authority, or by strikes, acts of God, ar other unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or his subcontractors, (all which shall be determined by the Engineer, whose determinatian and certificatian thereof shall be binding and conclusive upon th� Contractor), the Contractor shall be entitled to so much additiorsal time wherein to perform and complete the contract an his part as the Engineer shall certify in writing to be just. When delay is caused by an order to suspend work given on account af climatic conditions that could have been reasonably foreseen the Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time on account of such order. 0 (b) Application for extension of time must be made promptly in writing, stating cause. No d�lay shall be made the basis in any application far extension af ti.me, unless such delay and the caus�s there- of shall have be�n called to the attention of the Engineer in writing within the 30 days immediately following the end of such delay. Application� � for extension of time shall be addr�ssed to the Engineer and transmitted , through the engineer in immediat� charge of the work. 13. Delays--na �x�ra compensation. Except when in the jud�m�nt of " _ .� the Engineer direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failur°e of the Authority to provide necessary right of way, or site for installation, unless otherwis� specifically provide� in the Detail Sgecifications, the Contractor shall receive no compensation on C-14 ' • ' • � i i i s -s ' account of any suspension of th� wark either in �rhr�l� c�r in psr�t for any othex de1��T or hindrance herein r��ntioned. Where such ex�ra compensa�ion is clairr,ed a written itemized sta-�ernen� settin� fo�th in detail the amount thereof shall be presented promptl�T by �the Contractor9 and in no case later �1`:�Il 30 d�,ys after the close of the I11QI1'��'1 (�.l�Y'111�.; whieh � extra cost if clair.:eci to. ha�re c�een incurred. Unless so presented the claim shall be deemed to have �een waived. �ny such claim if found correct will �e approv�d and the aanou.zt fou�d due as actual extra cost . shall be include� in tize next partial estir�ate maa.e as provided in Section 33. The �ecision of the Engineer whether extra cost has been incurred and the amount thereoF shall be final and bindin� on both partiese 14 . Te l�:ination of contract . { a) If at any tirne be�'ore co�npl.et ion of work under the contract it shail be found by �he Baard that reasons beyond the control of the parties hereto render it ir:possible or again�t the in�terest oi' the Authority to complete the wark contracted to be done; or if the work shall have been prevented or suspended by injunction issued by a court of co�petent jurisdiction or by any other order of constituted authority for a periad in excess of 30 consecutive daysg the Board at any time, by written notice to the Contractor, may discontinue the work and terr:�inate the contract; or if the en.tire work shall have been suspended for a period in excess of 60 consecuti�e days and termination is demanded by the Contractor in accord�nce with Section 62(b) hereof, the contract shall be discorltinued. Upon the service of such noti.ce of termination, the Contractor shall discontinue the work in such manner, sequenceF and at such times as the Engine�r may direct, continuing and doing after said natice only such work and only until such t ime or times as the Eh�ineer ma�r C�13"eCt j and the Contractor shall have no claim for dar�ages for such discontinuance or terr�ination of the contract; nor shall the Contx�actor have any clairn for anticipated profits, on the work thus disgensed wi'th, nor any other claim except (i) for the work actually perforr�ed up to the ti.�ne of coz;;plete discontinuance including any extra work ordered by the Engine�r to be done under Section ll after the date of said order; and {ii) for any liquidated damages accuring up to the date of said notice of termination in accordance with the provisions of Section 12. �b} purchase of Contractor's �lant. In the event that the work under this contract is discontinued and the contract terminated, as herein provided, the Board r�ay, and at the request of the Contractor shall, purchase from the Contractor, on the basis of payment pravided hex°einafter in this � section, all plant, tor�ls, and eql�ipment of th� Contractor, i�.cluding buildings and appurtenancesp �,nd road construc�ion ir�pravements, which are installed at the t irie of such diseontinuance on land of the Authority, on street right of wa�f, or in �ransit, or contracted for in writing or temporarily rer�_oved for repairs, in use or ta be used exclusively on the work of this eontract, whi�h in the opinion of the Enginee� are suitable and will be required, except for such discon�inuance and tex^nination, to cor�plete the work; and, in aadition to arf;ounts estima�ted under the various items of this contract, the authori�y shall pay to the Contractor for such C-15 SPECIF`ICATIQNS-GEfiTERAL C4I�DITIONS ( Continued ) plant, tools, and equipment, the d�preciated cost thereof, as here�.nafter in this section defined, as determined by the Engineer. (c) Consumable sut�plies. �urthermore, in the event of.such dis- continuance and said termi.nation, the Hoard may, and at the request of the Contractor �hall, purchase f'rom the Contractor all consumable supplies of the Contractor on hand, or in transit, or on definite commitment, includ- ing fuel, lubricants, and materials af construction nat incarporated in the work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, ar� suitable and required, except for such discontinuance and termination, to complete the work; and the Authority shall pay to the Contractor for such consumable supplies the pric�s paid therefor by the Contractor. {d) Cost of la�nt. For the purpose of this section, the cost of the pl.�nt, to�ls, �nd equip�nent sh�ll includ�� ir� tk�e case of equipment purchased new for the work of this contract, the purchase price actually �id by t�e �c�ntractor, ��ci in case of prevao�a�lyr used. equi�n�r�t, tne cost or fair value in place on the work as determined by the Engineer, but not exceeding 85 percent of the said cost new; it shall also include transpartation and er�ction costs of said plant, tools, and equi�nent but it shall not include any general, indirect, or other overhead. charges except in amount equal to 5�ercent of the cost of ssid plant, taols, and equipenent, nar shall it include any cost of maintenance and aperation of said plant, tools, and equipmer�t . (e) Depreciated cost. The depreciated cost at the time of such ____.__..� discontinuance and termination shall be estimated as such proportionate part of the cost thereof, as defined in subsection (d) hereof as the value of the work remaining to be done under all items of the contract at the time of such discontinuance and terminatian bears ta the combined value of the whole �ork done and that remaining to be done under th�se items, bath of said values as estimated by the Engineer, at the time of such discantinuance and terminatian, at the prices stipulsted in the contract; provided, that if in the �udgnent of the Engineer sny item or items of plan�, tools or equipcnent to be evaluated hereunder are inadequate for the completion of �he job, or woul.d require replac�men�s, remova�]., or extensive regairs befare the campletion of the cantract, then the estim- ated depreciated cost of such item or iterns shall lx reduced, as may appear to the Engineer to be equitable and just. (f} Plant, tools and equip�nent account. The Contractor shall keep a separate account of the purchase and installstion cost of plant, tools, and equipment, nat including consumabl� supplies, and of all paym�nts far labor chargeable to transportation and erection on such account, and shall at all times give the En�ineer access to the same; shall maintain in his files, sub�ec� ta manthly inspection by the Engineer, a complete set of certified bills and vouchers showing payments on such account; �nd upon such discontinuance and termination shall submit to the Engineer an itemized inv�ntory and cost account of such plant, toals, equipment, and consumable supplies as are thcn in use or to be used on the work. c-Zb - ' / ' i "�'' • i # w _� ( g� Com let ion af esantr�act m 3r� �th� even�t tha-t ��� work shall be so c�.iscontinued �and �h� cont�act te�nina,t�d� �Y�� satisf�cto�y completian of such work as �h� En�ineer m�y thex°�af°��r dir�c� �nd s�,tisfactar�r compliance with the term� ��' s�id ard�r s�all b� deemec� the completion of the work specified in �his contract; and. �the f'�.nal s�imate shall be of the � amoun� of the work completed. -to the time of' such discon�tinu�,ncc and termination, to�ether with sueh othe�° surzs as m�,y be due the Contractor in accordance wi-th the provisions of this section� and shall also, in the � event that plant, tools, �qui�nent, �nd consumable supplies of the Contractor are purchased by the Board, zncl�de th� purchase price thereof as r.erein provided. 15. Ri�ht of way. (a) The ri�ht of way for the works to �e constructed under these specific�-tions will be provided by the �.uthority. Nothing herein contained, howeverp and nothing ma�rked. an the drawingsp shall b� interpreted as givir�g the Contr�,ctor exclusive occupancy of the territory provided. When two ox more contracts are being executed at one time on the same or adjaceni land in suc% rnanner �hat work on one contract may interfere with that on another, the Engineer shall decide which contractar shall cease work, and �rhich shall continue or whether the work on both contracts shall progress at the same tirne, and in what manner. When the territory of one contract is the necessar�r ox° convenient rneans of access for the execution of another contract, such privilege of access or any other reasonable privil�ge may be granted by th� E�gineer to the Contractor so d�siring, to the extent, amaunt, in the manner, and at the times permitted. No such decision as to the method or time conducting the work or the use of territory shall b� made the basis of any claim for delay or damage, excegt as provided in Seetion 12 hereof. (b) Those lands to be fux°nished by the Authority for camp sites, construction operations, concrete aggregate pits' roads,� and other purposes will be sgecifically shown on the dra�in�s or pravided for in the Detail Specificatians. Should the Contractor find it necessary ta use any additional land fc�r his caanp or for other purposes during the eonstruction of the work, he shall provid� for the use of such lands at his own expense. 16 e Obligat ions o�' Contractor .'I'Yie Contractor at his own snle cost and expense shall perform �ll labor and services �nd furnish all the materials, tools, and applianees, except as hereinaf`ter otherwise definitely � provided, nec�ssar�r or proper far g�rforming a�nd compl�ting �h� work required by these specific�tions, in the manner and within the time stipulated in th� I�tail Specifica�ionsm He sh�ll furnish, �rect, � maintain, and remove the construction plara-t and such ��mporary works as may b� required. If at an�r time before th� cs�mmencem�nt or during the p�°ogress of the work or �ny p�r�t of i�t� th� Contr�ctor's m�thods or appliances a.ppear to �h� Enga.neex to be unsafe, ineffi�ien�� or inadequate � � � � o � a�-�` • ir. � . . . for securing the safety af the warlflnen, the quality of work requircd, or the rate �of progress stipul�ted, he may order the Coatractor to increase� thcir safety and efficiency or to imprave their character, and the Contractor shall compl.y with such arders at his own ex�pense; but n�ith�r the making of such demands nar the failur� of the Engineer to make such demands shall relieve the Gantractor of his obligatian to s�cure the safe conduct c►f the work, the quality of work required and the rate of progress stipulated in the cantract. The Contractor alone shall be re- sponsible for the safetyp efficiency, and adequacy of his plant, apnl.iances, and methods, and for any cl.azna�e which may result from their failure or their improper construction, maintenance, ar operation. Al.l the labor, services and materials shall be performed and furnished strictly pursuant to, and in coni'ormity with th� General Conditions of th� �Specifications, the Detail Sp�cifications, and th� lines and grades and ather directions of the �igineer as given from time to time duran,� the progress of the work und�r the terms of the contract, and also in accordance with the contract drawings and with workin� drawin�s to be fu�nished fr�m time to tim+� �� provided her�in. The Contractar shall complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and in accordance with the spccifications and drawings herein mentioned, at the prices fixed in the contract. 17. Personal a�tentiar�. The Contractor shall give his personal attention const�ntly to the faithful prosectuion of the work, and shall be present, either in person or by a duly sutharized and campetent represcntative, on the site of the work, continually during its progress, to receive direetions ar instructions froan the E�igine�r. Whenever the Cantractor is not present on any part of the wark where it may be d�sired to give directions, orders may be given by the Engineer, and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who may have charge of the particular par-t of the work in reference to which orders are given. 18. .�otes�s. If the Contractor considcrs any work demanded af him to b� ou�sici� �he x�equir�m�nts af th� contract, or if he considers any record or x�uli�xg of the En�ineer or of �ny inspectar to be unfair, he shall immediately upon such work being demanded or such rccord or ruling beir� ffi�d.e p�s� fc�� �itt�� in��z��t�.�ns �r dec�.si��, wher�u�on he shall procced without d�lay to perfo�m the work or conform to the record or ruling; but unless the Contractor finds such instructions or d�cisions satisfactory, h.e shall, within 10 days after receipt of same, file a writt�n pro�est with the En�ineer stating clearly and in detail his objections and the reasons th�refor. Fxcept for such grounds of protest or ob�ections are made of record in the manner specified and within the time stated herein,, th� Contr�ctor hereby waives all graunds for protests or objections to th� records, rulir�s, instructians, ar decisions of the Engineer, ar�d hereby agrees tha.t as to all matters not included in such protests �nd �cords, instructions, and decisions of the Engineer shall be f inal and. c onclus ive . �. ' ' • `' i � � � _� 19a Contractor's responsibili�ies4 (a� Excep�t as otherwise provided in the contract documents, �the Contrac�or sh�ll bear all losses resultin� to hizn on accoun� of the amount or chara�cter of the woxk� or fror� any unforeseen obstructions or difficulties whi.ch may be encoun�ered, or _ from any uncumbrances orl the lzne of the workp or because the nature of the grQund �.n or on which the work is done is different frorn �rhat is assumed ar was expectedp or on account of the weather, floods, or ather causes, and he shall assume the defense af, and indemnify and save harmless � the Authority and -the Board and each member of the Bc�ard, and their officers and agents from all liabili-�y and claims of any kind arising from the � negligence or wilful misconduct of the Contractor ar his agents. (b} The Contractor shall be responsible for any material furnished him and for the care of all work until its completion and final acceptance, and he shall at his own expense replace damaged or lost material and repair damaged parts of tne work, or the same may be elone at his expense by the Authority. He shall remove from the vicinity of the completed work all plant, buildings, rubbish, unused material, concrete forms, etc., belonging to him or used under his direction during construction, and in the event of his failure to do so the same may be removed by the Authority at the expense of the Contract.or. 20. Contractor to furnish informatzon. Before proceeding with the erection of construction plant, including sheetingp bracing, and other temporary structures, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with information and drawings of all such structures as may be required. Drawin�s and prints in such detail as may be required, of articles, machinery, or fabricated materials entering into permanent construction which are by these specifications required to be furnished by the Contractor and of which detailed drawings are not furnished by the Authority shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval and shall become the property of the Authority. �uch approval shall not, however9 operate to waive or modify any provision or requirement contained in these specifications. 21. Lines, gradesL and measurement. All lines and �rades will be �iven by the En�ineer, but the Contractor shall provide such materials and give such assistance as may be requiredo The Contractor shall preserve all bench marks, monuments, survey marks, and stakes, and in case of their removal or destruction by him or has employees he shall be liable for the cost of their replacement. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed, � s reasonable time in advance, of the times and places at which he intends to do work, in order that lines and grades may be furnished, �hat inspection may be provided, and that necessary measurements for record �nd payment . msy be with the minimum of i.nconvenience to the En�ineer or of delay t� the Gontractor. Whenever the Engineer finds it n�cessary to carry on his operations outside of regular warking hours or �t other times when the wark of the Contractor is not in progress, the Contractor shall furnish all ��19 ' � � • . �1' � ' ` ! 1, , • ' • � � nccessary ser�vice �nd assis�anc�. I�o direct payment shall be made for the cost �o th� Contractar of �ny of th� work or delay occasioned by �iving lines �nd �r�d�s, or m�,ki�� oth�r n�ccss�ry measurements, or by inspection. 22. S�ecifications and dr$wingso The Contractor shall keep an the wark a copy of the specificatior�s an.d, drawings and shall a� all times give the Engi�.�er access t��reto. The Contractoz° shall ch�ck all dimensions and quantities on the dr�,wings or schedules herein contained or given to him by the En�ineer9 ar�d shall notify the Engineer of all errors therein which may be discovered by examining and checking the drawings. He shall not take advantage of any error or omission in these specifications, or in th� dra,�ings or schedules, �s full instructions will b� furni�h�d by th� �n�in�er should su�h ��°ror c��° amissivn be discov�red, ancl the Cvntr�c�tor s�.a1.1 carry out such instructions as if ariginally specified. 23. Materials, worl�manship, and tes�s. The Cantractor shall sub- mit samples, specimens, ar test pieces of such material to be furnished or used in the wQrk as the En�;ineer may require. All materials must be of the specified qu�lity �nd e�ua� ta �pproved s�rnple9 if samples have been submitted. All work shall b� done and completed in a thorough, workmanlike manner, notwithstanding any omission from these specifications or the drawings . �he Cont�°actor shall furnish without cost to the Authority such quantities of concrete, concrete aggregates, and other can.struction mat�rial as may be r�quired for t�st purposes, and shall place at the Engineer's disposal all available facilities for and cooperate with him in the samplings and testin� of all materials and wor�nans hip . 24. Inspection. All materials furnished and all work done under these �pecific�tions sh�ll be sub�ject to ri�id inspection. Work done in the �bs��c� of prescribed ins ction may be requir�d to be torn out and replaced und.er the praper inspect ion, and the entire cost of tearing out and repl�cem��,t� in�ludi�.g th.� cc�st caf" �ll m�teri�l.� fua�i��.ed. b� the �uthority and used in the work torn out� shall be borne by the Contractor, irr�spect ive of whethcr the work torn aut is found to be def ective or not . 6�ork eov�red up �rithc�ut th� authority of the Engineer, shall upan c�rd�r af the En�in��r, be uncovered to the extent required, and the Contr�ctor �h�,ll s�mil.arl� b�ar the �ntire cost of performin� �11 the work �,nd furr�ishi �ll materi�ls necessary for the removal of the coverin� and its subs�quent replac�ment, as dir�cted and approv�d by the ine�r � 6d�caever the �ontracta�° a:rranges to work at ni�ht or at any t�.me �ahen wo�l� is no�t usually in progress, or ta vary the pexiod durin� which �c�r� 3.� c�r�°ied on e�ch ci�y, he sh�ll give the Engineer due natic� scs t t i�as ��io�. m�y b� p�ovided. �ucY� work shall be don� with- out ��c�ra coyn�ens�tion a «�� • ■ ' • ' � • � • � , ^ • , 25 e F.�amination of workA '1'Yae Contractor shall furnish the Engineez° every reasonable facility for ascertainin�; wh�ther the work is in accordance wi.th the requi�°ernents mnd intention of these specificatians even to the extent of uncovering or �aking down portions of �'inisheci work which have - been previously approved or authorized to be cc�verede ShQuld such previously a roved work �thus ex osed or exar�ined rove satisfactor the uncoverin� or takin down and the re�l�ac�ing af' the coverin c�r the maki.ng good of the parts removed, shall�be included in the contract estimates and will l�e paid � for at the con-tract priees for the kind of work done� or as extra work�as � determined by the Engineer; but should the work xe posed or exar�ined prove unsatisfactory, the uncovering� taking down, replacing, and making good shall be at the expense of the Contractor, and he shall be charg�d with the cost to the Authori�y of' any materials furnished by the Autho�°ity for the unsatisfactory work and its replacement in excess of the requa.rements for satisfactory original eonstruc�ian. 26. Defective work or material. (a) The inspection of the work shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligatic�ns to fulf ill his contract as herein prescribed, and defective work shall be made good, and unsuitable materials may be rejected, notwithstandin� that such work and materials have been previously overl�oked by the Engineer and accepted or estimated for payment . If the work, ar any paz°t tk�ereof, shall be found defective at any time before �the final acceptance of the whole work, the Contrac�or shall forthwith make good such defect without cor.lpensation in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, and shall be charged as provided in the preceding section for any excess material furnished by the Authority; provided, that in the event the Engineer finds that the said defect necessitating the repair or removal of completed work is due �o the use of materials furnished by the Authority which were when incorporated in the work, or have since become, unsatisfactory or unsuitable f'rom causes for which the Coa�tractor is not responsible, then the Authority shall pay uncler applicable contract i�ems or as ex�tra work for the placing, tearing outp removal from the vicinity, and replacing of such defective work or for its repair as ordered9 and shall furnish wi�hout charg� satisfactory matera.al to replace that previously furnished by the Authori�y. {b ) If any materia,ls furnished and brought upon the �round b3r the Contractor for use in the workp or selected for �he same by him, shall be condemned by the Engineer as unsuitable or not in conformity with the ,� specificatians, the Contractor shall forthw ith discard such materisls and remave them to a sa�isfactory dista.nce from the vicinity of the work. (c) If the Contractor shall fail or neglect to make ordered repairs of defective �rork or to remove eondemned r�a�erials from �he work within 10 days after the service by �he Engineer of an order to do such �°epair �rork or remove such r�aterials, the En�ineer ac�ting on beha�lf of the AutY�or°i�ty may C-21 • 1 + • ' �!" • • � � ` • r � • . � :. : • • - � ' .: - - s; •. _s -� •,: • - • - - • *- � b• . • � " > ! i � / � ; �. :: _ • � • 27o Righ� af pra�er�ty in ma�terials� �Tothing in this contract shall be conside�cd as v�stin� in the Contractor any xight of property in materials used, after they have been �,tt�ched ar affixed to the work ar the soil, - but all such materaals sh�ll, upon ��ing sd attached or affi:xed, become the property of th� Authorit�r . 28. Title to materials found on the work. The title to all water and to the right to th� use of �11 wa��r� to a:ll soil, stone, gravel, sand, mineral�, and all other m�terials developed. or obtained in the excavation or other operati�ns by the Contz°actor or any subcontractor or any of their employe�s, and °th� �°ight �o use or d�.spose of the same, are hereby �xpressly res�rv�ct ir� the �u�t�i�x°ity �ncl neither t�e Contr�ctor, nor any subcon�ractor, nor any of their emplayees shall have any right, title, or inter�st in or to any par-t thereaf, neither shall the�9 nor any c�f them,assert or make a,ny clsim thereto. Th� Gontractor may b� permitted to use in the work wi�hout charge any such materi�,ls which meet the requirements of these specifications. 29s Access to work. The Board and the Engineer, his assistants, in- spectors, �gents, �nd. other �m�loye�s, shsll at mll times-and far any purpc�se have a�cess to the work �nd the prcmises used by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall provide safe and proper facilities therefor. Further- more, the Boa�rd and the En�ineer, his assistants, inspectors, and agents shall, at all times, have �nediate access to all places of manufscture where machin�ry or ma�erials are being manuf'�ctured, produced, or fabricated for use under these specific�,tians,and sh�ll have full facilities far determining th�,t all such m�chinery or mat�rials are being mad.e strictly in accordance with the specifications and dxawings. The Contractar shall, wh�never so x°eg.uested, �iv� �th� Engin�er access to the proper invoices, bills o� l�din�, etc. and. sY�all provide scal�s and �ssistance for weighing, or s�ssist ce for �e�s�.ri.ng �r of the m�terials . • �_���:- : _. , � , . _ . - - . : . : .: . � � +, � ,� � � .� � � �r -� .� r a� ., i � � � ,� � �_ ;� .t �, � ; gh I�+•� _. _r s� •• _ _ � _ i- -. � � • . - • _ � : • • - i• s -. • - i :. + ••�r _ -• � � . . • �: • -: :_ � . - •- • • •: s •: -•_ • •- - _ .- •- _ s •, _ ; ; _ w . � • •- .• _ �,_ � s s � •- . • � �- _ ,�r « � c� -• • s � .. �. : •, . • _ - • - _ _ � � . ,. � _ _ � c .� ._• •r _, ,. _ . .�_ _ _ • � ,. � ., e :: • s : - � • . . . • • _ • __ • • •- . _ , � . : - � � •-• - ;. s s �: :-,- �� �t, • - • - • � �_ � � � - ,.. • . � _ •_ � : � • •-• . � - - . _ - . -- _ _ � >: , � . _ � . •r • �.� _ � _ .� • .- _ , ; :.. _ � _ i • "' i� i , _ �' •" • • "' " : -• � �GG SPECIF'ICATIONS-GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued j contract, If the time for �the completion of the work as aforesaid shall be extended by the Engineer, then and in such case the Authority shall be fully authorized and empow�red to deduct from the final estimate of the amount due the Contractor under the provisions of this con�tract the amount of any dama,ges determined as hereinbefore stipulated for each day that the Contractor shall be in defaul�, for the completion of the work '� or separable.part thereof, beyond the date to wh.ich the time for said completion shall have been extended by the Engineera (See also Secti�n 33)• Perrnitting the Contractor to continue and finish the work, or any part - of it, after the date to which the time fixed for its completion may �ave been extended, shall in nawise operate as a waiver on the part of the Authority and for any of its rights under this cantract. 31. Patents and cop�rights. The Contractor shall hold and save the Authority and the Board, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from liability of any nature and kind, including costs and expenses, for or on accoun� of any copyrighted or uncopyrighted composition, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance, manufactured, furnished, or used by him in the performance of this con�ract, including their use by the Authority, unless otherwise specifically stipulated in this contract. 32. No �a�znt far temporar� works . No direc-t payment will be rnade to the Contractar for providing transpor�ation, light, power, tools, and equipment, or for furnishing, building, and maintaining camps, construction plant, access roads, sanitary convenience, disposal works, water supply, fire protection, guards, trestles, telephone system, and other temporary works, or for the removal of all temporary structures, plant, and mat�rials, or for the medical a�tendance or health protection, or for watchmen, magazine keepers or guards, ar for any other service, thing, or material, unless payment therefor has been definitely provided. Compensation for all such services� facilities, things, or materials necessary ar required to execute the work in accordance with the provisions of the contract shall be considered as having been included in the prices stipulated for the appropriate items. 33• Partial estimates. In o�der to assist the Contractar to prosecute the work advantageausly, the Engineer shall, on or about the twenty-fifth day of each calendar month, excepting as provided in Section 3�+, make in writing and certify to the ControZler of the Authority an estin�aze such as a.n his opinion shall be just and fair, of the amount and value of the work done by the Contractor up to that tir:le in the performance of the contract. In the case of work for which unit pri.ces are named in the contract the estimate shall be computed on the basis of said unit prices. In the case of work for which a lump surri is named in the contract, the Engineer may use the prices subrnitted by �he Contractor in the "Bidder's breakdown of lump sum bid"� provided, that in case the prices su'ornitted in said breakdown do not c-23 ' / � • �1' ' i #� • � � � in the opinion af the Engineer, truly represen�t th� actual r�lative costs of the di�'ferent parts of the wc�rk, the Engine�r shall prepare a schedule of prices which shall be used in estimating the value of the wark per- formed; and �rovided further, if the Can�ractor was not req,uired to submi�t such breakdawn with his bid, the En�ine�r shall prepar� a schedule of prices which shall be used in estimating the value af the work performed. To the figure thus arrived at shall be added any amounts due the Contractor for extra work and the amount of any approved claims for extra cast to the date of the progress estimate. A deduction of 10 per cent or af such larger or smaller percentage as may be hereinaft�r stipulated in these specifi- cations shall be made from the total thus computed, and from the remainder there shall be further deducted any amounts due the Authority from the Contractor for supplies or materials furnished or services rendered and any other amounts that may be due the Authority und�r the terms of this contr�ct . From the bal�,azce thus determined �h�11 be ded.ucted. �he �,mount of all previous payments and the remainder shall constitute the par-tial estimate for that month. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the I�tail specifications, no materials not incorporated in the worl� anci nane af the Contractor's plant shall be included in the partial estimates. Such partial estimates shall not be required to be made by strict measurement, but they may be made by measurement or by estimation, or partly by one method and partly by the otYier, and it shall be sufficient if they are approximate only. 3�+. Partial est imates may be withheld. The partial estimates pro- vided for in Section 33 hereof and or the payment thereof may, at any time, be withheld or reduced if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor is not diligently and efficiently endeavorin� to comply with the intent of the contract, or if the Gontractor shall fail to pay his labor and material bills as they become due. 35• Partial payments. (a) Upon each partial estimate being made and certified in writing to the Controller of the Authority, the Authority (unless payment be withheld as provided in Section 3�+ hereof ) within 15 days after the date of such estimate, except as stipulated in subsection (b) hereof, shall pay to the Contractor the amount stated in such estimate or certificate to be due the Contractor; provided, however, that the Authority may at all times reserve and retain from such partial payments, or any of them, in a,dditior� tc� the retained percenta�e and other amounts � abave mentioned to be deducted in computing the partial estimates, any sum or sums which by the terms hereof , or of any law of the State of California it is or may be authorized or required to reserve ar retain; � and provided further, that no such partial estimate ar payment shall con- stitute an accep�ance of the work ar any portion thereof. The percentage deducted as abave set forth shall become due and payable with and as a - part of �the finsl payment to be made as hereinafter providedv (b) In the event work under the contract or any part thereof shall C-2�+ SPECIFICATIOlUS-GENER,A.L CC}NDITIfl1VS ( Cont inued } be �.isconta.nued as prQvided in Section 6, the said retained percenta,ge shall become and be �he property of �he Authority tca �he exten� necessary to repay ta �he Authority any exce�s in the cost of �he work above the contract price; and af'ter issuance of notice �to discontinue �rork, as � there�.n provided� no payments upon partial estimates ar otherwise shall thereafter be made the Cantractor f'or the �aork cavered by said notice until completion of the work and final settlemen�. 36. Final estimate ar�d payment 4 Whenever in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall have completely performed the contract on his part, the Engineer shall so certify in writing to the Controller of the Authority, and in his certificate he shall state, from actual measurement, the whole amount of wor�� dane by the Cantractor� and also the value of such work under and according to the terms of the contract. Within 10 days after the date of cor�pletion the Engineer sha11 cause to be f'iled, on behalf of the Authority, i.n the office of the county recorder of the county or counties in which the work is located, a notice of the completion of the work herein agreed to be d.one by the Contractor. On the expiration of 35 days after the filing of such notice of campletion af the work, the Authority shall pay to the Contractor the amount remaining after deducting frora the amount or value stated in the f irs�-r�entioned eertificate all such sums as shall theretofore have been paid to the Contractor under any of the provisions of the contraet, and also any sum or all sums of money which 'c�y the terms hereof the Authority is or may be authorized or required to reserve or retain. All prior certificates upon which partial payments may have �een ma,de, being merely estimates, shall be subject to correction in the f inal certificate, which final certificate may be made without notice thereof to the Contractor or of the measurements upon which it is based. 37e False or erroneous certificates. Neither the Authority, nor any officer thereof, shall at any time either befare or after the f'inal completion ancl acceptance of the work and payment therefor pursuant to any return or cert�.ficate rnade or given by the En�ineer or any� other engineer, or their officer9 agent, or appointee of the Authority, under any provisions of this contract, 'oe precluded or estopped by any such return or certif icate from showing the true and correct amount and eharacter of the work done and materials furnished by the Contractor or any other person under this agreement, or from showing at any time that such return or certificate is untrue and incorrect or ir.�properly made in any particular, or that the work and materials, or any part thereof, do not in fact conform to the specif ications; and the Aut hority shall not be precluded or estopped, not- withstanding an3r such return or certificate and payment in accordance there- with9 from demanding and recovering from the Contractor such dama�;es as it may sustain b�r reason of his failure to cotr!ply with the specifications . 38. Acceptance of work not a waiver. IVeither the acceptance by the Authority or its Engineer ar any of its employees, nor any order, measurer�ents, C-25 or cert�ficate by the Engineer, nor any payment of money by the Authority or any of its afficers, n�r any payment for, or acceptance of the whale or any part of �he work by the Engineer or the Authority, nor any extension of time, nar any possession taken by the Authority or its employees, sha�1 operate as a waiver of any portion of this contract or of any power herein reserved to the Authority, or any right to damages herein provided; nor sha11 any waiver of such breach of this contract be held to be a waiver - of any other or subsequent breach. 39. Fina1 a ent terminates 2iabilit . No claim shall be made or be f iled and neither �he Authority nor the Board, n�r any member of the Board, nor any of its agents, shall be liable, ar held to pay any mbne�, except as specif ically provided in the contract. The acceptance by the Contractor af the final payment aforesaid shall operate as, and shall be, a release ta the Authority, the Board, and each member of the Board and their agents, from all claim and liability to the Contractor for anything done or furnished fo�, ar relating to, the work �r for any act ar neglect �� �he �uth��it� or �f ��y ��r�an relating to or affecting the work, except the claim against the Authority for the remainder, if any there be, of the amounts kept or retained as provided in Section 41. 40. Payment only in accardance with contract. The Cantractar shall not demand or be entitled to receive payment for the work or materials, �r any portion thereof, except in �he manner set �orth in the contract; nar unless each and every one af the promises, agreements, stipulations, terms, and conditions herein contained td be performed, kept, observed, and fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, shall have been performed, kept, observed, and fulf illed, and the Engineer shall have accepted the work and given his certificate to that ef�ect. Said final certificate af completion and acc�ptance shall be final and conclusive upon the C�ntractor. 41. Mone�s ma� be retained. The Authority may keep any moneys which would otherwise be payable at any ti�e hereunder, and apply the same, or �o m�ch as may be necessary �herefor, ta the payment of any expenses, losses, or damages, as determined by the Engineer, incurred by the �ut�ority, for which the �antract�r is liable unde� the contrac�. 42. Un�aid claims> If, upon o� before the completion of the work herein agreed to be performed ar at any time prior to the expiration of the period within which a st�p notice may be served as prescribed by S�ction 3181 et. seq. of the Civil Code of the State of California, � entitled by law to f i1e a stop notice any person or persons shall file with the A�thority a verif ied staCement of such claim, setting forth the information required by Civil Cade Sectian 3103. The Authority shall withold from the moneys under its control s� much of said moneys n due vr to became due the Contractor under this contract as shall be sufficient to satisfy and discharge the amount in such notice or under � such aeti�n claimed �o b� due, together wi�h the �osts thereof in the manner and for the period prescribed b� law9 �rovid d, that if the Board �hall in i�s discre�ion permi� the Co���ac�or to f il� such additional . bond as is authorized by Sec�ion 3196 �f the Civil �ode, in an am�unt equal to �ne and o�e-f�ur�h ti�es the amou�t of said claim, said moneys shall not thereafter be wi�hhe�d on ac�oun� of such claim, ~ 43. Access to records. The Con�ract�r sha11 permi� the Engineer to have access to ori�inal payrollss ��uchers, and �ther records to the extent requir�d under these specif ica���ns. 44. Laws and re ulations. The Con�ractor shall k�ep himself fully informed of all laws, ordinances, and regula�ions in any rnanner affecting those engaged or employed on the �ork, or the �aterials u�ed in the work, or in any way affecting the conduct of �he work, and of all orders and decrees of bodies or �ribunals having any jurisdiction or authority Qver the same. If an� discrepency �r inconsistency should be discovered in this contrac�, or in the drawings or specifica�ions herein referred to, in relation to any suc� law, ordinance, re�ulation, arder �r decree, he shall forthwith report the same in writing to the Engineer. He shall a� all tirnes himself observe and comp�y with, and shall cause all his agents and emplo�ees to observe and compl� �ith all such applicable laws, ordin- ances, re�ulations, orders, and d�crees in eff ect or which may become eff ective before completion of this con�ra�t; and shall pr��ect and indemnify the Authority and the Board and its officers and agents against any elaim or liability arising from ar based �n the violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation, order,_or decree, whether by himself or by his �mployees. Excegt as ntherwise explicitly pr�vided elsewhere in these specificaiions, all permit� and licens�s necessar� to the prosecutian of the work shall be secured by the Contractor at his own expense, and he sh�ll pay all taxes properly assessed against his equipment or property used or required in connection with the work. 450 (There is no Paragraph 45.) �-27 46. Payment of wa�es. The issuance �s payment for wages of any evidence of indebtedness is prahibited unless the same is negotiable and payable on demand w�.thout discaunt. C�lages must be paid at least semi- monthly on regular paydays established in advance, and shall include all amounts for labor ar services performed by employees of every description (See California Labor Code). 47. Ei ht-hour law. Pursuant to the provisions c�f the California Labo�r Code, eight hours labor shall constitute a legal day's wark. Work � performed by employees o£ Contractors in excess �f eight hours per day, and forty hours during any one week, shall be permitted up�n public work upon compensation ft�r all hours worked in excess of eight h�urs per day at not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay. The Contractor sha11 forfeit as a penalty tc� the Authori�y $�5.00 for each workrnan employed in the execution of this contract by him or by any subcdntractor under him, for each calendar day during which such wo�kman is required, or permitted to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day and forth hours in any one calendar week in violation. of the provisions of said Labor Code. 4$. Overtime--no extra com ensation. Overtime work., i.e<, work in exces� of eight hours in any one calendar day, or wark perfarmed on a Sunday or other legal holiday shall no� entitle the Contractor to any com- pensation for any contract item in addition �a that stipulated in the cantract for the kind of work performed, even though such overtirne or 1ega1 holiday work may be required under emergency conditions, and may be ordered by the Engineer in wri�ing. In case t�f extra work ordered by the Engineer, under the provisions of Section II hereof, n� additional payment will be made to the Contractor because r�f the payment by him of bvertime or legal holiday rates for such work, unless the u�e of overtime or legal holiday work in connection with such extra work is specifically ordered in writing by �he Engineer, and �hen only ta s�xch extent as extra payment is regularly being made by the Contractor �o his men for overtime or legal holiday work of a similar nature in the sarne locality. 49. Prevailin� rates c�f wages. The Authority has obtained from the Department caf Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the loca�ity in wh�.ch the work is to be ptrformed for each craft �r type of worker needed ta execute the contract. Copies of the prevailing rate af wages are on file at the principal office of the Authority, 2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California and sha11 be posted at each jah site. The Contractor shall f arfeit as a penalty ta the Authority $25,00 fc�r each calendar day, or por�,ion thereof, f or each w�rker paid less than the said stipulated prevailing rates for any wo�rk done under th� cantract by him, or by any �ubcontractor under hzm, in violation of the provisions r�f the California Labor Code. The difference between such stipulated prevailing wage rates and the maunt paid to each warker for each calendar day or por- tion thereof f or which each worker was paid less than the stipula�ed pre= vailing wage rate shall be paid to each worker by the Contractor. � 0 : 50. (There is no Paragraph 50.� 0 51. In�erference with f ire h drants hi hwa s and fences. The � Contractor shall so conduct his operations as not to close or obstruct any portion of any highway, road, or street, or prevent in any way free access to fire hydrants until he has obtained the permits therefore from the pr�per authorities. If any highway required ta be kept open shall be rendered unsafe by the Contractor's operatians he shall rnake such repairs or provide such temporary guards as shall be accep�able to the Authorities having jurisdiction and to the Engineer. Any highway or street maintenance or repair work required by 1Qcal authorities in connection with necessary operations under this eontract shall be perf ormed by th� Contrac�or at his own cost and expense. �ences subject to interference shall be kept up by the Contractor un�il the work is finished and then restored to their ori- ginal condition. 52. Other rights of wa� and structures. Except as otherwise speci- � cially provided in �he Detail Speci�ications, the Con�ractor shall not do any work that would affect any railway track, pipeline, telephone, tele- graph, or electric transmission line, irriga�ion ditch or other structure, nor en.ter upon the ri�ht of way or other lands appurtenant thereto, until notified by the Engineer that the Authority has secured authority there- for from the proper companies or par�ies. Thereafter and before he begins such work the Contractor shall give said companies or parties due notice of his intention �o do so, and he shall give said companies or parties convenient access and every f acility for removing, shorin�, supporting, or �therwise protecting such tracks, lines� ditches9 or structures and for replacing same. The Contractor shall not be entitled ta any extension of time or any extra compensation on account of any postponement, inter- ference, or delay caused by such structures being on the si�e of the work except as provided in Sections 12 and 13 hereof. 53. Public sa�ety. During the performance of the work the Contractor shall erect and main�ain temporary f enees, bridges, railings, and barriers and shall take a11 other necessary precau�ions and place proper guards for ' the preventio� of accidents; shall put up and keep suitable and suffieient lights and other signals and shall inde�nify and save harmless the Authority and the Board, its off icers and agents and employees from all damag�s and � costs to wich �hey may be �ut; by reason of injury to person Qr property resulting f�om �he Con�ractor's neg�igence Qr earelessness in the perform- ance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper materials, implements, or applfances used in its construction, or by or on accourit of an� act or omission of �he Contrac�or or his a�ents. � 54. Tres�ass. The Contractor shall be respo�sible f�r all damage or injury which may be caused on any pr�perty by trespass by the C�n- tractor or his employees in the course nf their employment, whether the said trespass was cammitted with ar without the eonsent or kn�w- ledge of the Contractor. 55. Character of workmen. None but skilled workmen shall be ' employed on work requiring special qualification. When required in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor or any subcontractor shall dis- charge any persan wh� isy in the opinion of the Engine�r, incompetent, w unfaithful, disorderly or otherwise unsatisfactary, and shall not again employ such discharged person on the work except with �h� consent of the Engineer. Such discharge shall not be the basis of any claim for compensation or damages against the Authority �r any af its of.f iC�rs. �b. Emplo�ment �f labor. (a) �o c�nvict lahar shall be directly employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor in the perfarmance of �ny w�rk done ��d�� this �on�r�ct� (b) In the emplayment of labor in the performance of this con- tract, the Authority desires that the Contractor and a11 subcontractors shall, wherever possible, give first consideration_to residents of the local area. 57. Enforcement of order. The Contract�r shall be responsible for maintaining good order in his camps and at all locations where work is performed under this co�tract and to that end shal� empla� such watchmen or other persons as may be required. Unauth�rized persans shall be excluded f rom the camps and f r�m the si�e of the work. The Contractor shall no� sell, nor shall he permit or suffer the introduction or use of intoxicating liquars �r narcatics upon the works embraced in these specifications or upon any of the grQunds nccupied or con�rolled by him in connection with such works. 58. Safet sanitar and medical re uirements. The Cantractor and his subcontractors and employees shall promptly and fully carry out the saf ety� sanitary and me�ical requirements as hereinafter stated ar as ma� from time to time be prescribed by the Engineer, t� the end that praper wark shall be done, and �he saf ety and health of the employees and of the local communi�ies may be conserved and saf eguarded. In case such regula- tions and orders are nat observed by the Contractor they may be enforced by the Engineer at the Contractor's e�pense. The Contractor shall summarily Y dismiss and shall not again engage exc�pt with the written cons�nt of the Engineer any employee who violates the safe�y, sanitary, or medical require- ments. 59. uTorkmen°s com ensa�ian. (a} In accordance with the provisions of Section 370� of the California Labor Code, the Contractar will be requi�ed to secure �he payment af compensation ta his employees. C-30 �b) Prior to beginning work under the contract, the Contractor shall sign and f ile with the Authority �he iollowing certif ication: o'I am awaxe of the provisic�ns of Section 37Q(7 of the Labor Cod� which requires every emplayer to be �.nsured agains� liabili�y for workmen's c.c�mpensation or �o undertake se�.f- ` insu�ance.in accordance with t�ae provisians �f that code, and I will comply with such provisions b�fare commenci�g the perforrnance of the work of this contract". x (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, before the cantract is executed on behalf of the Authority, a bidder to whom a contract has been awarded shall furnish satisfactt�ry evidence that he has secured in the manner required and prouided by law the payment af workmen°s compensatiane f�Q. Em 10 ment of a rentices. The Contractor's attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contrac�or o� any subcontractor under him, Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the contractor ar subcantractor employing tradesmen, in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in tha� trade f 4r a certi�i- cate or approval. The certif icate will also f ix the ratio af a�prentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen'`in such cases shall no� be l�ss than one to f ive except: (l. ) tiJhen unemployment in the area of coverage by the � oint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an au�erage of 15 percent in the 3 man,ths prior to the request for certi- ficate, or (2.) When the number of appren�iees in trainin,g in �Che area exceeds a ratio of one ta f ive, or (3.} Z�Then the trade can show tha� i� is replacing at leas�. 1/30 of its rnembership through apprenticeship trainin� on an annual basis statewide or locally, or 0 (4. } L�]hen assignment of an apprentice to any work performed under the contract would cre�.�e a condition which would jeopardize his life or the life, safety, or property of f�.11ow employees or �he public at large or if the speci- f ic task �.o which the apprentice is to be assigned is of such nature that the �rai�ning cannot be prt�vided by a j r�urneyman . The Contractor is required to make contributions �o funds established for the administration of appren�iceship programs if he employs regis�ered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such e�ntracts and if other contra�tdrs on the public works site are making such contribu�ions. C-31 The Contrac�or and any subcontrac�or under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.b in the empl�yment of apprentices. Information relative to apprentice�hip standards, wage schedules and other requirements may be abtained from �he Dir�ctor af Industrial Relations, ex officio the Administrator �f Apprenticeship, San Francisc�, California, �r from the Divisi�n af Apprenticeship Standards and its branch off ices . 0 C-32 SPECIF7C�TIONS NQ. 229 DIVISIQN 1 • , � � � 0 1-1 The Reguirement: -(a) It is required th�t there be constructed and completed, in accordance with these specif ications and the drawin�s listed in Section 1-16� a pipel.ine and appurtenan� works for the Tri- A�encies G�ater Transmission Pipeline, beginning at the San Diego County Water Authority's Second Pipeline of the Second Aqu�duct in San Marcos and extending westerly about six and one-fourth miles into the Ci�y of Carlsbad. In addition, aboufi three-quarter of a mile of branch pipelines are required. {b} As set forth in the Bidding Sheets, bids may be submitfied for pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or cemen�. mortar-lined and coated Stee1 pipe, or a combination of the two that limits any ane diameter of pipe to just one type of pipe. Only such plan, specif ica�ions and items of work as are appropriate shall apply to the type of pipe bid. 1-2 Be innin and com letion of wo�k: -(a) The Cantr-actor shall begin work within 30 ealendar days after the date of receipt by the Contractor of the Notice to Praceed, and shall complete all work in the cantract within 24C1 working days af ter date of such notice. (b) No work or operations under the contract shall be performed between the hours of 9:C?0 p.m, and 6:00 a,m. of the following day, nor at any time on Sundays, nor on any of the f ollowing holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran°s Day, Thanks- givin� Day, and Christmas Day, except in cases of emergency certi�ied to by the Engineer or in cases where such work or operation shall have been authori�ed between such hours or on such days by permission in writing from the Engineer. 1-3 Schedu�ing of work: -(a) Pric�r to commencing work, and at such oth�r times as may be required by the Engineer, the Con�rractor shall submit schedules showing �he order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the wark, the estimated number of working days elapsed when the several parts are to be started, and also �he estimated nuraber of working days required to complete the several parts. Said schedules shall �ie subject to the approval of the Engineer4 In the event that the Engineer shall be of the opinion that any schedule of operatir�n as thus submitted is inadequate to secure �he completion of the work in the time agreed upon or is otherwise not in accordance wiih the specifications, or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the work is being inadequately or improperly prosecuted in an�r respect, the Engineer may require that the Cont�actor submit new schedules and improve or chan�e the prosecution of th� work in such mann�r as to assure prsaper and �timely execution. SPECIAL CQNDITIONS DIVISION l,PAGE 1 (b) All pipeline closures shall be located so as to minimize the disruption of the normal movements of vehicles and pedestrians in the area. Layout drawings showing sueh closures and the estirnated number of working days that each closure is to remain open shall be submitted for review and approval as a part of the construction schedule. {c) The Contractor shall require the fabricator of pretensioned L concrete cylinder pipe or welded steel pipe to submit a production schedule for the pipe included in the contract, which schedule shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) hereof. , 1-4 Liquidated dama,ges for delay: - The liquidated damages provided for by Sec- tion 30 are f ixed at $300.00 per calendar day under any of the pipeline schedules. 1-S Supplementary requirements 1-5.1 General: - Without limiting the requirements specified elsewhere in these specifications, the Cantractor shall conform to the specia� �equire- ments imposed by the authorities of the various agencies within their res- pective jurisdiction. 1-5.2 Existin ublic utilities, i e, conduits, and miscellaneous struc- tures: Contractor acknowled es his res onsibilit as set forth hereinafter and s ecificall waives the rovisions of Cal�farnia Government Code S 4215 which desi nates such res onsibilifi to certain ublic a encies. The drawings show the position of the various pipes, conduits, poles and other structures as they are supposed to exist along the line of the work, but the Contractor before commencing any excavation shall ascertain from records and locate by inspection the existance and pasition, and shall determine ownership of such f acilities. No error or omission on said drawings shall be construed to relieve the Contractor from his responsibility in protecting any such pipe, conduit, pole or other structure. 1-5.3 Miscellaneaus: - The Contractor, prior to commencing any construction whereby he might move or disturb survey monuments or bench marks of other agencies, shall give the Autharity 15 days prior notice in writing in drder that said monuments may be referenced for replacement. Any monuments disturbed or destroyed during the work without being referenced shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the agency having .jurisdiction thereover, at the cost and expense of the Cantractor. 1-5.4 0 erations in the area of Wile Bros. Concrete Plant and Industrial ' As�halt's Plant: - The Contraetor shall conduct his operations in the vicinity of Wiley Bros. concrete batch plant and Industrial Asphalt`s plant sa that these plants can operate without restriction. This may require the Contrac- w tor to perform his work outside of the regular hours the plants are in operation. 1-5.5 Payment:- All compensation to be received by the Contractor for complying with all the supplementary requirements specified in the preceding Section 1-5.1 to 1-5.4, inclusive, shall be included in the prices named in the Bidding Sheets for the various items of the Contract. SPECIAL CONDITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE 2 1-6 Clearin�. - The ri$h�s of way where in �he �udgement o� the En$ineer, clearing is necessary, shall be cleared of all trees, brush, �ubbish, and ather ob�ecti�nable �atter� and such materials �hall become the property of the �ontractor, ans sh�ll be removed from the si�e of work as soon as practicabl�, or atherwise disposed of as approved by the Engineer. All compensation for clearing and for a11 work incidental { hereto shall be included in the prices named f�r �he various items of the Bidding Sheetsa 1-7 Partial Estima�es: -(a) In �a�ing partia2 es�imates, a deduc�ion of 10 percent will be mad� frorn the total estimated value of �he work perf orrned until f inal completion and acceptance of all work required by these speci- ficatians; Provided, that if at any time after 5� percent of the work has been completed, the Engineer deterrnines that satisfactory progress is being made, he may at his discretion, authorize any of the remaining partial payments in fu11, subject to the 10 percent deduction stated previously and any other deductions set forth under Sectian 33, (b) Before pige will be included for partial payments, the Contractar shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Engineer, that pay�nent has been made in full for work and materials incorp�rated therein� that title there- to has been vested in the Contractor and that no lien or encumbrance has been attached to said items, and the Contractor agrees n�t to eneumber or permit the encumbrance thereof, (c) In estimating the value of the pipeline work performed for the purpose of makin� said partial �stimates, the Engineer will include for payment 50 percent of �he leng�h of pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or spun-mortar-lined and welded steel pipe, as the case may be. All partia� estimates listed herein are sub�ect ta the ded��tions stated in said Secti�n 33. {d) The Engineer will include in each case an additibnal 44 percent after the pipe, manhales, outlets and specials have been satisfactorily tested as provided in Sections 8-1 and $-2. All partial estimates shall also be subject to the deductions stipulated in sai� Section 33. 1-8 Interference �ith adjacent work: - The Contractor shall cooperate with _�__. other contractors or forces that are performin� wark a� or near the site, shall conduct his operations in such manner a.s not to cause any unnecessary delay or hindrance �o their work, and shall coordinate his work with theirs so as to permit proper completion c�f all pro�ects in the area, 1-9 Ins ection Costs. -(a) Wherever the property of the Federal Government, or of �he State of California, or of the County of San Diego� or of the County Sanitation Dis�ricts of San Di�ga Coun�y� or o� any City aff ected by the work included in the contract, the Contractor shall bear all costs of inspection and of traff ic regula�ion lawfully exacted by said govern- me�t, sta�te, county� district, �.ity or other agency, durin� the time of p�rforming the work affecti.ng said property. SPECIAL C(JNDITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE 3 {b) For purposes of defraying the cos�s of inspection required in eonnection with backf illing the excavations and with cutting and restor- ing road surface improvements in public roads within unincorporated territory of San Die�o County, the Contractor shall make a deposit of funds with the San Diego County Road Department in an amount estimated by said Department to be suff icient to cover said costs on the work in- cluded in the cantract. Said funds shall be deposited with said Raad y Department priar to �he performance of work under the contract in any public road in unincorparated territory of said county. (c} Where required under the terms of the permits, th� Contractor shall obtain liability insurance acceptable to and in an amount required by the publzc agency having jurisdiction. The po3icy shall insure said agency against all claims arising out of or in connectian with the work to be performed and shall remain in full force and effect until the wark is accepted by the Authority. The Contractor shall furnish each such agency a certif ieate of protective liability insurance showing the pro- tection afforded and the amount thereof. 1-10 Field offices for Authority Personnel: -(a} The Contractor shall pro- vide an off ice at the plant cahere the steel or pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe is being fabricated and said office shall be appro�imately 12 by 14 feet. The Contractor shall furnish and install 2 desks, 3 chairs, and l plan table. (b� The Contractor will not be required to provide a f ield office for use of Authority personnel at the si�e of the wark. 1-11 Sanitation 1-11.1 Toilets: - Fixed or portable chemical toilets made inaccessible ta f lies shall be provided wherever needed for the use af employees. 1-11.2 Maintenance of � absite: - All parts of the work shall be maintained in a neat, clean and sanitary eondition. All wastes and refuse from sani- tary facilities provided by tile Cc�ntractor �r from any other source related t� �he �ontrac�a�'s �gerati�ns sha�1 b� �a��n ea�e of in a���itary manner satisfac�ory to the En�ineer and in accordance with the laws and regul�tia�� pertaining thereto, 1-12 Safet�: - Apgropriate first aid facilities and supplies shall be kept at the site af the work, and the Contractor shall provide and maintain all measures required by the Construction Safety �rders issued by the Division of Indus- trail Safety of the State af California. , 1-13 Im�rovements: -(a} Where the pipeline construction is in proximity to � improvements$ such as buildings and o�her structures, roads, fences, paved areas, driveways, sewers, other pipelines, and other substruetures, includ- ing trees and other vegetation, all said improvements shall be maintained in.place and shall not be disturbed or damaged, except for such removal of improvement within the right of way as is unavoidable in order to accomo- date required excavations. SPECIAL CONDITIL�NS DIVISION l, PAGE 4 (�) Wh�re necessa�� £or purposes of pipeline co�s�ructi�n, �h� Con- trac�or shall �ove interf�rin� structures� improveme�ts� ar portions �here- of tempo�aril� to prouide spac� for his ope�ations. Any such building� road, fenee, s�wer, o�h�r pipelines, or Qther structure or improvement so moved, damaged, or disturbed by th� Con�rac�or, unles� othe�aise showra. on �he drawings, sha11 be completely replaced and g�stored by him to a ' eondition at least as ��od as its c�nditio� immediate�y priar to i�s di�- turbance by his operations� and the replaeement and restoration of said improvements or structures shall, unless otherwise shown on �he drawin�s, , be exactly in the respective positions which they �ccupi�d at �he �ime of beginnin� of the w�rk under the contract; r� ovided, the Contractor wi11 not be required to pay for necessary damages to lawns and other vegetation on such ri�ht of way furnished b� the Au�horit� or to restare vegetation an such right of way9 except as �ay be specified elsewhere in these specific�tions. 1-14 Re�ulations 1-14.1 General: -(a) The major portion of the work will be located in Authority-furnished rights of way and in pub�ic stxeets in the County, In the performance of the work within said County, the Contractor shall comply with the ordinances, �egulations and all other lawful requirements of the County authorities within their respective �urisdictions governing work in public streets and ways, The Authority will obtain such excavation and related permits as may be required by the ordinances and regulations of said county. The Contractor shall be governed by the Authority's obligations under said permits and shall comply with the terms and conditions thereof, The Contractor sha11 also obtain any required permits and provide deposi�s or bonds, or both, required by �he agencies affected. (b) Wherever necessary or required for the convenience of the public or individual residents at street �r highway crossings, private driveways, or elsewhere, the Contractor shall provide suitable temporary bridges aver unfilled excavations, except in such cases as the Contractor shall secure the written cons�nt of the individuals or authorities concerned to omit such temparary bridges, which written consent sha11 be deliuered to the Engineer prior to excavation, All such bridges shall be main�ained in service until access is provided across the backf illed trench. Temporary bridges for street and highway crossing shall conform to the requir�ments of the authority having jurisdic�ion in each case, and the Contractor shall adopt designs furnished by said authority f�r such bridges� or shall submit designs ta said authority for approval, as may be requir�d� (c) The Contractor shall comply wigh the lawful orders and re�ula- tions of the Sta�e of California, the County Engineer �f San Die�o County, the Flood Control District of San Diego County, the County Sanitati�n Districts of San Diego County, and the State Division of Forestry of the State of �alifornia, as they apply �� �ons�r�ction opearations affectin� property or improvements under �he respective jurisdi�tions of said auth� orties. The Authority will obtain any nec�ssary pe�mit� for the crossing of �hannels under �he jurisdic�ion o� said Flood Control District. The Cantractor shall be governed b� the Authority°s obligations under said permits and shall camply with the terms and conditions there�f, SPECIAL COTIDITIONS DIVISION �., PAGE S (d� Neither the terms hereof nor anything shotan on the drawings in connection with the right of way provided by the Authority shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to conduct �perations in said rights of way in violation of any city �r county drdinance or regulation re- stricting interference with watercourses and drainage channels. The Contractor shall take adequate precautions agai�st a�structing st�rm water fl�w in any a�f ected waterc�urse �r channel and shall not deposit excavated materials dn any area where they rnight in�erfere with or be ` subject to erosian from such flaw. Ce) Nothing herein shall be construed �o entitle the C�ntractor to n the exclusive use of any public or priva�e street or way during perfor- mance of the contract work, and he shall so conduct his operations as not to interfere unnecessarily with �he authorized wo�k of utility com- panies or other agencies in such streets and ways. 1-14.2 Traffic: -(a) For the pratectian �f traffic in public or pri- vate streets and ways, the Contractor shall provide, place and maintain a�� necessa�y barricades, �ra�fic co�es, �ar�in� sig�s, light� and other safety devices in accordance with the requirements of the "Manual of ���rning Signs, Lights, and Devices f�r Use in Performance of Work Upan Highways", as issued by the State of California, Departm�nt of PubZic Works, Division of Higheays. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions, for the protection of the work and saf ety o� the public. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated at night and al1 Iights shall be kept burning from sun�et until sunrise. The Contractor shall station such guards or flagmen and shall conform t� such special safety regulations relating to traffic control as may be required by the public authorities within their respective jurisdiction. Opposing traffic lanes shall be physically separated by pedestals with f lashers or reflectorized signs, unless permitted otherwise by the agency having jurisdiction in each case. All flagmen shall canduct themselves in accordance with the pamphlet, "Instructions to Flagmen", published by the Sta.te of California. (b) During the progress of the work, adequate provisions shall be made by the Contractor to accommodate�he normal traffic alang streets immediately adjacent to or crossing the work. so as to cause a minimum of inconvenience to the general public. {c) Unless permission to clase certain stree�s is obtained, in writing, by the Contractor from �he au�h�arities conGerned, at least 1J2 the �ridth af each street shall be kept open t� firaf�ic. Where � required by authariti�s having jurisdiction over streets and highways, satisfactory detours shall b� provided by the Contractt�r at his expense. (d) If closure of any streets are required during canstruction, a formal applicatian for a street closure shall be made to the au�hority� having jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to �he street closure in order to determine necessary signing and detour requirements, SPECIAL CpNDITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE 6 (ej Prior ta the �tar� of canstru�tion operati�ns, the Con�ractor shall notif� the Police� Fire, Traffic and En�ineering departments of all jurisdic�ional agencies involved in givin� the approximate starting date, approximate compl�tion da�e expected� and the nam� and �elephone number of a responsible g�rsan who m�y be contacted in the event of a condi�ion requiring immedia�e at�entionR The Contractor shall li�ewise notify said " agencies a� least 4$ hours in advance o� co�plet�ly or partially closing any publie �horoughfare or of op�ning any �ublic thorou�hfare which has been completely or parially closed, (f ) Any shif �ing of traf f ic f rom one lane to another, which is necessary in order to maintain the required number �� lanes� shall be di - rected in such a manner that traff ic may mo�re smoothly across the work with- out any sudden changese The minimum radii allc�wed f or transitioning traffic from one lane to another shall be 2S0 feet. (g) The Contrac�or may post "No Parking" signs within the construc�ion area. (h) Traff ic lan�s mentioned herein and not otherwise specified shall have a minimum wid�h of 12 fee�, In addition, all �raffic lanes shall have two feet clearance from curbs and�other obs�tructions, and five f eet clear- ance from any excavation. - � (i) Ingress to and egress from private driveways shall be maintained and intersecting highways and streets shall be kept open at a1.1 times. {j) The Contractor shall protect and maintain in operation all traffic signal cantrol pads, and should these or other similar facilities be damaged in any way during construction, the Contractor shall repair or replace said facili�ies to the satisfaction of the owner, (k) Temporary striping of pav�ment shall be removed by the Contractor by wet sandbiasting a�C his sole expensea 1-15 Utilities 1-15.1 �dater su.p,pl�: -(aj The Contrac�tor shall provide, at his own expense, at each point o� construction or other required operation� an adequate supply of water of a quality suitable fQr all domestic and construction purposes, The Contrac�or sha11 provide and operate all pumpin� plants, pipelines, valves, � hydrants, s�.orage tanks, and all other equipment necessary f or the adequate opera�ion of his wa�er supply system. Wat�r �sed f or domestic purposes shall be free f rom contamination and shall conform to �he requirern�nts of the Sta�te y and local authorities for potable water, Th� Contractor shall be solely respons3ble for the adequate func�i�ning of his water supply syszem and shall be so�.ely liable for a�y claims or damages resulting from the use of same. (b} The Contractor shall nc�t make connecti�n to, or draw water from any f ire hydrant or pipeline wi�.hout f irs� ob�aining permissican from the public� or private autht�rities having j�risdiction �ver �the use of said ' ' f i / � : '+ �; � .. f ire hydrant or pipeline and from the public or private agency owning the affected water system. For each such connection made �he Contractor shall first attach to the fire hydrant or pipelines a valve, and a meter if required, of a size and type acceptable to said autharit�es and agency. 1-15.2 Power: - The Contrac�or shall provide, at his awn expense, all neeessary power required for his operations under �he Con�ract. The Gontractar shall provide and maintain in good order such modern power equipment and installations as shall be adequate to perform the work required by the Contract in a safe and satisfactory manner, 1-15.3 Telephone service: -(a) The Contractor shall provide and main- tain at all times during the progress of the work, at his own expense, not less than ane telephone each, in g�od order, near the plan� and near the field construction work included in the Contract. Each t�lephone shall be connected to an established exchange for toll service and with all other telephones utilized by the Cantractor. (b) The Contractor shall permit Authority employees and the auth- orized representatives of affected public authorities free and unlimited use of said telephone facilities for all calls which do not involve pub- lished toll charges. Calls originated by Authorit� employees which involve toll or message unit charges shall be billed to the Authority by the Can- tractor at the rate charged him by the telephone company. 1-16 Contract drawings: -(a) The location af the wark, its general nature and extent, and the form and general dirnensions of the pipeline and appurten- ant works are shown on the drawings made a part �f these specifications, as listed herein: LIST OF DRA'WINGS Sheet Drawing No, No. -� l S-b61 2 S-6�i2 3 S-663 4 5-664 5 5-665 6 S-b66 7 S-667 8 5-668 GENERAL General Location Map & Cover Sheet General P1an & Prof i1.e - Station d+92.66 to Station 170+50, General Plan & Profile - Station 1i0+50 to Station 331+(�0. PLAN AND PROFILE S�ation 0+92,66 ta Station 25+50 Station 25+54 to Station 41+00 Virginia St. Branch Line Stae 0+00 to Station 4+23.18 Station 41+00 Statian 67+50 Station 95+00 to Station 67+50 to Statian 95+00 to Statian 121+04 . SPECIAL CONDITI4NS DIVISION l, PAGE 8 � � 0 R Sheet Drawing Nt� . No . 9 5-669 10 5-670 ll 5-6�1 12 S-672 13 S-673 l4 s-674 15 S-675 lb 5-676 17 5-677 18 S-fi78 19 S-679 1 .:t 21 5-681 22 S-682 23 5-683 24 S-684 25 5-685 26 5-68� 27 5-687 28 5-688 29 S-6$9 3O 5-690 31 S-691 St�tion 121+{JO ta Station 147+00 S�a�fon 147+00 tn S�ati�n 17Q+5Q Station 170-t�0 to Stati�n 1�2-F50 Station 182+50 to S��.tion 205+00 Station 205+Ob to Station 232+00 S�ation 232+(�0 �o Station. 258+00 Station 258+00 to Station 283+Q0 Station 283+0� to 5�.ation 310+Oa Station 310+Op to Station 331+0� Station t�+00 to S�ation 19+00 Squires Reservoir Pipeline - Station 19+OU to Station 34+00 Squires Reservoir Pipeline Station 0+15.19 to Station 9+35 San Francisco Peak Branch Line DETAILS Design & Joint D�tails-Pretensioned Concrete Cylinder and Welded Stee1 Pipe Outlet and Flange Details Blow-Off and �ir Valve Details 12-Inch Service Connec�ion 18-Inch Service Connec�ion Metering and Pressure Cdntrol. Structure, Bueno No. 8 Valve and I�Ieter Structure, Bueno No. 9 and Carlsbad �10. 3 Valve and Meter Structure, Carlsbad Na. 4 and Oceanside No. 4 Miscellan�ous De�tails Miscellaneous Details Log of Test Hs��es . , � � �. � � .. ,� . (b) The drawings as listed herein for the work show conditions as they are supposed �r believed by the Engineer to exist, but it is not intended or to be inf erred that the conditions as shawn thereo� consti- tute a represen�atian by the Authority, or its off icers, that such con- diti�ns are actu�lly existent, nor shall the Contractor be relieved of the liability under his contract, or the Authority or any of its officers be liable far any loss sustain�d by the Contractor as a result of any _ variance between conditions as shown on the drawings and the actual can- ditions revealed during the progress of the work or �therwise. (c} When deemed necessary by the Engineer additional detailed drawings will be furnished the Contractor during the progress of the work. The Contractar will be furnished such number of copies of the drawings and specifications as may be required for carrying out the work. Contact prints of the original d�awings from which the attached reduc�ions were made will be �urnished �he Can��acto� �or constructi�n purposes upon request. (d} The grades tor the pipeline as shawn on the drawing� apply �o the center of pipe. t�here the indicated angular def lections in vertical alignment as shown on the prof iles are grea�er than the permissible de- f lection at a single pipe joint, special bends as specif ied for the type of pipeline eonstruction incl�ded in �he contract, or vertical curves made by layin� separate sections af pipe with permissible deflectians at the joints, shall be constructed in aecordance with the applicable require- ments for laying pipe on curved alignment, as set forth elsewhere herein. (_e} In the event of unf or�seen interf erence with other pipes or structures, the line or grade of the pipe, or both, may be ordered ehanged by the Authority t� affard the pr�per clear��ce. 1-17 Drawin s re uired to be submitted b the Contractor 1-17,I General: -(a) At a time suff iciently early to allow review and approval as hereinafter specif ied and �o accomodate the rate of construc- tion progress required under the contract, the Contractor sha11 submit �d th� Engi�ee� f�r app��val �omplete �h�g, assembly� and layo�t drawings of the fabricated articles to be furnished and installed under the con- trac�, including all steel pipe, steel-plate specials and other steel- wark; all pre�ensioned concrete cylinder pipe and �he cores, cylinders, and pretensioning details therefor; and all ather items for which shop, assembly or layout drawings are speeified hereinaf�er, The Contractor shall prepare and submit, as specified herein, c�mplete bending diagrams, placing lists, and placing drawing� for the reinforcement bars in struc- tures, incasements and anchors to be constructed under �he contract. Two direct prints and one clear, legible sepia trans�arency of each drawing r shall be submitted prior to manufacture or fabricatinn �f the respective articles. The required drawings �hall be submitted in complete sets so that suff icient in�ormati�n will b� available far checking. Drawings submitted withaut complete infarmati�n will be returned without approval. SPECIAL COP�DITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE l� (b) All drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be on standard 22-inch by 3�-inch base sheets, regardless of the amount of d�tail shvwn on the drawings, and shall be provided with a title block in the lower righ� hand eorner with provision for a drawing number to be added by the Authori�y. ' (c) Within 15 working days a�ter receipt of �aid drawings, the Engineer will transmi� one copy of each drawing to the Contract�r marked "Returned for Revision", "ApprQvedp', or "Approved, Except as Noted", In . the last case, al1 rev�,sions will be clearly shown on the returned copy, which shall be considered as an apprt�ved drawing, anc� only drawir�gs or prints so corrected shall be used for fabrieation. (d) In the event said drawings and other data are found to be unsatisfactory, one �et will be transmitted to the Contractor within the said 15-working-day period with a statement of tbe points wherein they have been found unsatisf�c��ry, in which case the Contractor shall pro- ceed at once to revise �aid dr�wings and other data until they are found to be satisfactory by the Engineer and are approved by him. 1-17.2 Revisions: -(a) Revisions shown on the shop, assembly or addi- tional layout drawings necessary to mee�. the requirements �f the speci- fica�ions shall no� be taken as �he basis of claims for extra charges» The Contractor shall accept such revisions or submit others for agproval. (b) When delay is caused b�y the resubmission of details, the Con- tractor shall not be entitled to any damages or extensions of ti�e on account of such delay. (c) The corrections on prints marked "Approved, Excep� as Nr�ted/1, shall be made on the tra�ings and new prints and sepia transparencies shall be submitted within 15 working days after receipt of said drawings by �he Contractor. 1-17,3 Approved drawings: - As soon as practicable after approval by the Engineer of any shop, assemble, or layout drawings, one clear, legible, transparent print on cloth or Mylar of the tracing of the appraved draw- ing shall be f orwarded to the Authar�ty except that one �lear, legible, sepia transparency of each fit�al corrected sheet for bending diagrams, placing lists, and placing drawings for reinforeement steel will be ac- ceptable. 1-17.4 Contractor°s res onsibilit :-(a) The Engineer's approval of drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of the en�Cire responsibili�y for the correction of details and dimensions. The Contra�ctor shall as- A sume all responsibility and risk for any misfits due to any errors i.n the dra�aingso Any fabrication or other work performed by �he C�ntrac�or in advance of the receipt of Authc�rity-approved drawings shall be entirely at the Contractor°s risk. SPECIAL CON�ITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE 11 (b} After approval of drawings, the Contract�r shall not deviate in any way f rom the design, details, or dimensions shown thereon without the written consent of the Engineer. 1-1$ Materials and e ui ment furnished b the Authorit :- The Au�hority will not furnish any material or equipment required by these specif ications. 1-19 Materials and e ui ment furnished b the Contractor 1-19.1 General: - The Contractar shall furnish all tools, equipment, materi- . � als, supplies, and manufactured articles necessary or required for the performance and completion of the wor� included in the contract in accord- ance Wl�h the specif ications and the drawings, inc�uding fabricating, utilizing, and securing in place the materials and articles furnished. 1-19.2 ualit�: - All materials and ar�icles �sed for perrnanent installa- tion in the work �hall be new and shall conform to the respective speci- fications or b��nd� hereinafter designated, �nd in �h� �vent �he m�t�r�al� or articles are not specified in detail in these s�ecif icatians, the materi- als or articles shall be selected as the best available far the purpose for which used, considering strength, ductility, durabilitv, and the best current engineering practice, as determined by the Engineer, 1-19.3 Inspection and tests: -(a) All materials and articles fu�nished by the Contractor shall be subject to rigid inspection, and no materials or article shall be used in the work until it has been inspected and ac- cepted by the En�ineer. (b) The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer full infarmation as to the progress of the work in its various parts and shall give the Engin- eer timely natice of the Contractor's readiness for inspection. (c) The Authority shall be furnished promptly with three complete certif ied copies of mill-test and f actary rep�rts, showing chemical and physical praperties of the materials to be used in the work, made in accordanee wifih the applicable specifications for the material, as provided in these specif ications. All certificates shall be furnished and all tes�s and analyses required in connection therewith shall be made at the expense of the Contractor. 1-19.4 Time of ins� ection and test: -(a) When practicable, inspection will be made durin� the manufacture of the articles, The Contractor shall � furnish, without additianal charge, all reasonable facilities and as5ist- ance f or the safe and convenient inspection and tests required by the Engineer. _ (b) Samples and test specimens required under these specifications shall be furnished and prepared ready for testing in ample time for the completion of the necessary tests and analyses before the articles or materials are to be delivered or used. The Contractar at his awn expense shall furnish and prepare the required specirnens and perfarm the required tests and analyses. SPECIAL CONDITIONS �IVISION l, PAGE 12 (c} Final insp�etion and ace�ptance of the articl�s or materials may be made after delivery a� th� si�e of the work �nd at the expense of the Authority. In the event �hat any mat�rial a� �he �ite of �h� �ork is re�ected on account of fa�lure to pass inspec�ion Qr test� �he Contrac- tor shall promptly replace �he materialsm Final insp�c�ion will be made as promptl� as practicable but may not, i� all cases, be made prior to " erection or f inal assembly. 1-19.5 Test methods; -(a) When �ot otherwise specif ied, all sampling _ and testin� shall be in accordance with the methods prescribed in the current standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials appli- cable to the class and nature of the articles or materials considered; how- ever, the Authority reserves the right to use any generally accepted systern of inspection which� in the opinion of th� Engineer, will insure the Auth- ori�y that the quali�y of workmanship is in full accord with the sp�cifi- cations. (b) The Engineer shall have the ri�ht to selec�, test and analyze at the expense of the Authorzty, additional test specimens of any or all of �he materials to be used. Results of such tests and analyses shall be considered with the results of the tests or:_analyses rnade by the Contrac- tor to determine compliance with the applicable specif ica�ions for �he materials so tested or analyzed. 1-19,6 Right of re�ection: -(a} The Authority shall have the �ight, at � all times and places� to reject any articles or materials to be furnished hereunder which, in any respect, fail to meet fihe requirements of these sgecifications, regardless of wh�ther the defects in such articles or materials are detected a� the point of manufacture or af ter completion of the work at the site, If the inspector, through an oversight or other- wise, has accepted material or work which is defective or which is con- trary to the specif ications, such material no ma�ter in what sta$e or condition of rnanufacture, delivery, o� erection, may be rejected by the Au�hority. {b} Compliance with the specif ications is distinctly a duty of the Contractor and said duty shall not be avoided by any act or ommision on the part of the Authority's inspec�ar. (c) The Contrac�or shall promptly remove re��c�ed art�cles or mate- rials from the site of the work af�er notification af rejection. 1-1947 Material orders: -(a) The Contrac�or shall furnish to the Engineer, as soon as issued, �hree �opies af all orders placed outside the Contractor's plant for articles or materials to be incorporated in the � work. Said orders in all cases shall carry a notation �o the effect that the articles and materials are sub�ec� to inspection and acceptance by the Authority, said inspection to b� both during manufacture and after d�livery at the site of the work� (b} The Contractor shall al�o furnish �he Engineer such additional information as may reasonably be required, respecting the charac�er of �he materials and the progress of their prflcurement, including copies of invaices, bills of lading, and shipping lis�s on all articles and materials for use on the work included in the contract. SPECIAL CONDITIONS DIVISI0�1 l, PAGE �-3 (c} Any adjustments, corrections, or repairs found necessary after the delivery of articles or materials, including all additional handlzng and shipping, shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1-20 Ref erence specif ications :-(a) ti�Thenever in these specif ica� ions ref - erences are made to published standards or requirements, it shall be understood that the latest standards or requirements of the respective issuing agencies which have been published as of the date that the work is advertised for bids shall apply, except as otherwise specified herein and except to the extent that said standards or requirements.may be in conflict with applicable laws, ordinances, or governing codes. No requirement set forth in these specifications or shown an �he drawings shall be waived because of any provision of, or omission from said standards or require- ments. {b} The fallowing abbrevia�ions of �he names o£ a�encies prQmul- gating reference specif ications are used herein: ACI AGC AISC AISI APWA ASME .ASTM At�TA SDCj�TA SSPC USASI American Concrete Institute Associated General Contractors of America, Southern California Chapter American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. American Iron and Steel Institute American Public Works Association, Southern California Chapter American Society for Mechanical Engineers American �ociety for Testing and Materials American Water ldorks Association San Diego County Water Authority Steel Structures Painting Council United States of America Standards Institute (c) The SDCWA Standard Specif icatians referred to herein are made a part of these specifications and are included as Appendix A. 1-21 Trade names and alternatives: For convenience in designation in the speci- f�catic��s, �quipment o� ma.teria�.s to be i�corporated in the work may be desi�nated under a trade name or the name of a manufacturer and his catalog information. The use of alternative equipment or material which is of equal quality and of the required characteristics far the purpose intended will be permitted, subject to the following requirements: (1) The burden of proof as to the comparative quality and suitability of alternative equipment or materials shall be upon the Contractor and he shall furnish, at his own expense, three copies of complete description, information, and perfarmance data, showing the equality of the materials or equipment offered to those specified, and such other necessary or related infarmatian as may be re- quired by the Engineer; (2} The Engineer will be the sole judge as to the comparative quality and suitability of alternative equipment or materials and his decision shall be final; and (3) The Contractor shall. have 35 days after the date of receipt by the Cc�ntractor of the Notice to Proceed for submission of "and equal" item, SPECZAL CONDITIQ�IS DIVISIO�i l, PAGE 14 � r '"� �.. � ���: • R .. '. ,.. �. /. ,-. .r .. .� .. .. � _ " �, . . ��. ..: �� i . � • �. . M ' � ..• ���. " i � � ` i . . t '� � � � +' �• �:• � ! .. i�� � i" • . � ' �: i ` � '� � �! . � " �; �' .. ' f . • �'. . •� f t • 'l '•t • • (b) The Contractor shall familiarize himself and comply with a11. applicable state, county, and city rt�les and regulations pertainin� to . safety, sanita��.c�n, fire prote�tian, barriers, warning lights and signs. 1-22.2 Fire �rotection: The canstruct�.on plan� �.nd al1 other parts of � the work shall be connected with the C�ntractor°s wa�er supply system and adequately protected against damage by f ire. Hose cannectians and hose, water casks, ct�ernical equipment or other suff icient means shall be provided for f ighting fires in �he temporary s�ructures and in the tim- bered portions of the trench, and responsible persons �hall be instructed in the caperation of such f ire apparatus sa as to prevent or minimize the hazard of fi�e. 1-22.3 Construction lighting: All work eanducted at night or under con- ditions of def icient daylight shall be suitably Iighted to insure proper work and to afford adequate facilifiies for inspect�.on and safe working conditions. 1-22.4 Construction wirin :-(a) All wiring for electric light and power shall be installed and maintained in an approved f irst-class manner and shall be securely f astened in place at all points. {b) Unless otherwise permitted, circuits separate from lig�hting circuits shall be used for al1 power p�rposes. Electric li�ht and power �ires shall be kept as far as possible from telephone or si�nal wires. I-22.5 Ventila.tion: During the �erforman�e of any work or operations req,uiring entry by �the Contractor's c�r �the Authority's persc�nnel4 �he Contra�tor shall keep the air insid� the pipeline in a conclitir�n sui�- ab�e for the health of �he men, A sufficient supply of fresh air shall b� provided at all times in all places in the pipel3.ne where men are working, and provision shall be made for the quick removal of gases and of any dust genera��d b� dust-producing ope�'aticans� Such ven�tilaCion plant, of ample capacity� shall �be installed and used as required t� �. produce the cond�tions herein specif3.ed. 1-2206 Dust aba�tementa The Con�ractor shall �urnish all labor, equip- A ment and mean� required and shall carry ou� �ff ective measures where- ever and as often as nec�ssary �o prevent his aperations from producing dust in amoun�s d�ma�ing tc� prc�per��r� cultivated vegetation� orchards, trees s�r clomestic anima.ls or causin� a nuisance to persons livin� or accup�ing build�ngs in �he vicinity. Th� Cvntractor shall be �espon- sible f or any damage resuiting f rom any dust originatin� f rom his oper- atianso The dust abatement measures �hall be continued unti�. the Con- tr�ctor is reli�ved of fu�°ther respc�nsibility. All compensafiion ta be received for dus� abatement sh�.l1 b� included in th�. prices nam�d for the various items of the Bidding She�ts. SPECIAL C0�IDITTONS DIiTISION 1, PAGE l� 1-22.7 Cleaning up: -{a} During the pragress of �he work, the Gon- � tractor shall keep the premises occupied by him in a neat and clean condition and free from an unsightly accumulation of rubbish. Upon completion of the work and before the f inal estimate is submitted, the Contractor shall at his own expense, satisfactorily dispose of or remove from the vicinity of �he work alI plant, buildings, rubbish, unused matexials, concrete forms, removed pipe, and other equipment and materials belonging to him or used under his direction during construction, and in the event of his failure to do s�, the same may be removed and disposed of by the Authority at the Cbntractor's expense. (b) As a part of the clean-up operation, operation an lands inclu- ded in a private right of way, or in any ather lands affected, the Can- tractor shall restore the soil for the full width of the right of way to a mechanical condition equivalent to �hat which existed at the time of beginning construction operations o� each such area, by thor�ughly loosening the soil with subsoilers or other acceptable means, then by discing and leveling if necessary. Any stones, gravel �r other delet- erious material le�t from spoil banks on such lands sha�l be removed by the Contractor before this final preparation of the soil and shall.be disposed of as required in Section 2-3 for excavated materials. (c) The Contractor shall, at his own expense, secure a written re- lease from each land owner with wh�m a special agreement for use of pro- perty has been made, or where �he property is left in a condition contrary to that shown in the contract drawings or �lsewhere in these Specif ications. Two copies of each release shall be furnished to the Engineer. 1-23 Maintenance and guaranty �,____�-- 1-23.1 Guarant�: -(a) The Con�raetor hereby guarantees that the entire wark constructed by him under the contraet will fully meet all requirements of the Contract as to quality of workmanship and materials furnished by him. The Contxactor`hereby agrees to make at his own expense any repairs or replacements made necessary by defects in ma�Cerials or workmanship supplied by him that become evident within �wo years af�er the date of f inal p�yment, and to restc�re �to fu11 co�z��liance with the requirements of these specif ica�tions, including the test rec�uirements set forth in Division 8, any part of the pipeline dr appurtenant works which during the two-year period is found to be def ieient with respect to any provision of the speci- fications. (b) Replacement of backfill, where it has settled below th� required '� finish surfaces, shall be �onsidered part of such repair work, and any repair or resurfacing constructed by fi.he Contractor, which becomes necessary by reason df settlement, shall be likewise considered part of such repair � work unless the Contractor shall have obtained a statement in writing from the affected private owner or public agency �eleasing the Authority from further responsibility in connection with such resurfacing. (c) The Contractor shall make a11 repairs and replacements promptly upon the receipt of written orders from the Engineer. If the Contractor SPECIAL CdNDITIONS DIVISION l, PAGE 16 fails to rnake such repairs and replacements promp�ly, the Authority may do the wark and the Contractor and his surety sha11 be liable to the Authority for the cost thereaf. 1-23.2 Surety bond: -�a) The guarantees and agreements set forth in " Seetion 1-23�1 shall be secured by a surety bond which shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Authori�y before the Notice of Completion and acceptance of the work agreed to be done by the Contractor, as mentioned � in Seetion 3b, shall be file� by the Engineer, Said bond sha11 be an approved form and executed by surety company or companies satisfactory to the Authority, and shall be in the amount of $100,000.00. (b) Instead of providing the bond described above, the Contractor may, at his option, provide that �he Faithful Performance Bond furnished under the contract shall remain in force and effect for said purposes in the amount of $100,000.Q4. 1-�4 Mobilization: -(a) Mobilization includes movin� on to the site; furnish- ing equipment; and furnishing and erecting plant, temporary buildings, and other cons�ruction facilities; all as required for the proper performance and completion of the work. (b) As soon as practicable after receipt of the Notice to Proceed, the Contrac�or shall subrnit a breakdown to the Engineer for approval which shallshow the estimated value of each rnajor component of mobil- ization. When approved by fihe Engineer, the break�own shall be the basis for progress payments under Item l. (c) Payment for m�bilization will be made at the lump-sum price named in the Bidding Sheets under Item l. 1-25 Relocate Vista Irri ation Districts' 6" Steel Water Line:- (a) The Contractor will relocate the Vista Irrigation Districts 6" �teel water main in La Mirada Drive at Virginia S�reet so that it will not conflict with the 12-ineh service connection at Sta�ion 38�+02,81. The modifi- cation �o the 6-inch water line shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner that is acceptable to the Vis�a Irri�ation District, (b) Payment for relacation of this 6-inch water line will be made at the lump-sum price named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 33, 1-26 Test Station: - The Gontractor shall construct test stations as shown on the detail plans and at such locations alang the pipeline as direc�ed by the Engineer4 Payment for test stations will be made at the unit price � under Item 35 in the Bidding Sheets. 1-27 Crossin Buena Vista Sani�ation District �4-Inch Force Main: - The Con- tractor wi�l exercise every precaution while crossing under t�is 14-inch sewer force main. It is constructed of an asbestos cement pipe that would be extremely diff icult to replace. After the completion of the water pipe- line the force main will be supported by crushed rock which will be paid under Item 4 in the Bidding Sheet. SPECIAL CONDITIONS DIVTSIbN l, PAGE l7 1 i � .• �• ✓ �. �' � � . � i . t , . � - i . ' �. . •'' � � . • ' a ' � i ` i ' • ,i, ' • • ' ' � • �, .� ' �• ♦ ` •�: � •� ' �� ..: #��. .' .: ' . ��. 4 . ��. �:� :• �. �. . . ' • � � • . . ' • � • • . ! � i .' • . � � � � � .. �� . . . �.. � • �.... :� �� ' �� ' .'. '. i � �� :• • ' , .. i : ���. I •�. �. .: � �. •. �� � � ���i i � . ' � .:i ' ... ..• ' �� ' �.� # . . ,•,. . ... � • � .�.. ��� •� i . .. ��- � •� . �. ��. :l 1 .: ��: � �. � ' �, �. . � �. . � • . : . _ . • . - r s • - a _ • - - . . a - • . . ' s r- . r • • � • „ ,� � _ _� _� ��_. _ � • � � • � (b} Unless otherwise approved by th� Enginee�, not mare than 3,000 feet of tren�h shall b� opened in advance of pipe lay�.ng, when in open country, and not more than 30� feet when in street�. Not more than 1,tJt}0 feet of trench sha11 be l�ft unfilled to th� rear of said pipe Iaying at any �ime in open country and not more than 300 f�et of �rench be left unfilled beh �nd pipe laying in s�reets. (c) The elapsed time from the beginning of excavatfon a� any point in a public street until completion of backfill and t�mporary resurfacing at such point sha11 not in any case exceed a perios of 20 days. A11 stree�s used sha11 be kept free from dust and mud. 2-1.2 Excavation beyand contract limits:- (a) At either or both ends of the pipeline, the Contractor may be required by the Engineer to take out a suitable amoun� of excavatiom beyond the eontract limits in order to provide space in which to work and to provide stable excavation slopes so that material will no� slump in on the pipeline before it is backfilled. In excavating at �hese points, special care shall be taken to avoid dis- tuxbing the foundation upon which pipe wi11 be 1aid, Payment for excavation ou�tside the spe�ified contract limits in accardance with the provisions af this Section 2-1.2 will be made at the unit prices nam�d in the contract for adjacernt excavation with in the contract limits. {b} The Authority reserves �he right to perform excavation or �o order ex�avation by another contraetor at either or both �nds of the pipe- line in amflunts limited to, and und�r conditions similar to, those set forth in paragraph (a}, hereof, and in suclh event �he Cox�tractor sha11 have no claim for comp�nsation or 1Qss of profit or o�herraise on account of any exeavation work so perform�d. . - s a . • - - - s . . . . • . . - . - s • • - - �r - � • •.- . r � � � . # i ' i '" II � . ' - • �, " � ' � ` � � . " • � � . s • . t • � # � � •, � • � � �, � . � � , - � � � , w �, ,o � • • ' '. • , ` � . " l . . r a �. � e � � . � �, '� � �. , , � , � . � , �, . � � t � . . • � . +, • . • . � • • • ; � � • � .� .� . '.. i ... .'. `� � ..�� � �:� �� � f : ' ,: �, • i '. � • �� ':^ . .. �:� �• .• �• 1 � • • (b} At certain locations which are sub�ect to the overflow af storm water, the Cantractor may be prohibited from making excavations during rainy weather and may also be required at his own cost and expense to furnish bags filled with sand and place them wherever ardered along streets and h ighways as a means of protecting the traveling public. Ade- quate flumes sha11 be provided wherever necessary for conveying the storm water runoff from all tributary drainage areas acrass the trench. 2-1.4 Test borings: -(a) The Authority has made test borings at inter- - vals alang the Iirie of the work. The locations, as recorded in the field, are shown on the plan-profile drawings in their respective positians; Iogs af test borings are shown on the detail draw3ngs. _ (b) The Authority does not represent that said logs show the con- ditions that wi11 be encountered in performing the wark and the Authority represents only that any such logs and samples show conditions encountered at the particular point from which such logs and samples were obtained. Bidders must assume al1 r�spansibilit� f�r deducti�ns and �onc�usions which may be made as to the nature of the materials to be excavated, the difficulties of making and maintaining the required excavations, and of doing other work af�ected by the gealogy at the site of the work. 2-1.5 Alignment chan�es; -(a) In the event changes in alignment of the pipeline or the 1oca�ion of structures are required by the Engineer duririg the pragress of the work, the Cantractor wi11 be reimbursed for any necess- ary increase which such changes may cause in the total cost to him of break- ing and restoring surface improvements as required under Section 2-16. (b) The amount of such reimbursernent will be determined by the Engineer, whose dete�ination thereof sha11 be final; provided, that na compensation will be paid to the Contractor in any case on accaunt of restoration costs incurred by him due to excavations more than 1 foot o��.� side the payment lines for excavation or to negligence on his part. Such adjustment in removal and restoration costs will not be made separately for any portion of the total of said changes in alignment or locatian, but will include collectively a11 line changes made in the �hole work, and said reimbursementg if any, to the Contractor shall represent only the necessary net increase in said total cost to him. (c} Exc�p� as herein provided, and as may result from changes in quantfties under the severa� items o£ the contract for which unit prices are �amed in the Bidding Shee�s, no additional payment will be made to the Contractor on accoun� of any chan�e in the alignment of pipeline or in the Iocation of structures required by the Engineer during the pragress of the work, 2-2 Explosives and blasting:- (a) The use af explosives on the work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. A11 opera�ions involving ~ the handlings storage and use of explosives shall be conducted with �very precaution prescrib�d �y �he Construct��n Sa�e�y Orders af th� Division of Industrial Safety af the State of California and by local laws and regulations. EARTHWORK DIVISIOI� 2, Page 2 r � s� r-' - -' .r � - • • �- _ r- - -a o- __ • . '•, - � � � - t, � . _ • • - - t ' , s • - - r :., � � � i �' :•' : .., � ��. . 1 S � � ' ' •��� :� i .. ''- �:. � I I �. :•' ' � :i ' , ` • '•.. i ' '. . . ,... ' - �: • . �l. • ' � :�� ! • �:�� t� . i :.. • ., • � " . .: `. ' �. �:• ..... � .: •: .i. � • ' ` '�, ' • i t. '� • • ' .. • �• ' �:i� ' � � •, ' . . • ' • � • • . i - . . ' ! 1 . � . .: i � � � • i ' � . . . � • .• �.' .� � ' � .: � . •� ': •'� .'�. . •� �� . '� •: �i " : :•' • • '�. . . s • -,a s� • - � - -• � �' r . � . - � . r . - • � - � � - - • - - . ° . • _ , ^'� ., _ � • , • �, i '�; '• . � ^ i '� ' �. ' - ' ' �1 . i ' 1 . .. . � � . � i� • ` . !' '� . -r• .' i. " '. �•�� . � ` •� �. ..: '� � � i � .. , '. • . .: . :� .. ". .. . �� . i . �. .'- ..i. ..�. �.:. � :t �: �. .'. ... ',�: ' . - i • � ... . .i� • . • � .:. ` ' i '. � .. � .. � ' •. .. .' . :� �.• ,-. .'. � .!. ���. .: �t , � • � i .:�. .i .. ��: �;. . . .�. : � . �' • '� •'; �,' �• '� i •' • ' • ' • � i . ` • ' • . • � ', • � • " • 1 t `� • t . ' • ' �. � ��� .. .. •` ' .. < � '. �. ..: ' � ' .r i. .�. .•. � • r � s • s • r � . • a t ^ ^• - . • • .•- - - •- -� • • I i ' ' i i � • ' � • (b) A1Z material removed from th� excava�tions in excess of that stored temporarily as above specified sha11 be immediatelgr hauled a�aay and used in backfilling elsewhere or, if not used, shall be disposed of by the Contractor. (c) No material sha11 be disposed of, either te�porarily or per- manently, on privately or publicly owned property unless �he Contractor sha11 first obtain written permission therefor from �he owner or ageney concerned. {d} Rubble, such as broken pavement, unsuitable soil, waste concrete, rock, bc�ulders and s�ther undesirable materials, tagether wi�h the excavated material which cannot be utilized, shal�. be hauled off the si�e and disposed of by the Cc�ntractor, The Con�ractor sha11 locat�, make arrangements for, and obtain the necessary permits for the offsite disposal of these materials. (e) All costs of inspection required by local or state governmental authorities in connection taith the disposal c�f said ma�erfals, other than costs of Authority inspection, shall b� born.e by the Contractor. All com- pensatfon t� be received by the Contractor fox disp�sal of excavated materials as specified herein, sha�.l be included in �he unit pric�s named in the contraet for the items of excavati�n and backfill. < :. �. � � ' • 2-4 Remaving laose material; As a part of the work of making the required excavations, the Contractor shall remove any loose material which appears dangerous to workmen or to structures. The fact that such removal may enlarge the excavatian beyond the limits wh ich define the payment quan- tities sha11 nat operate ta relieve the Contractor from the necessity of making such removal, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to addition- al compensation under any contract item or otherwise on account of such removal and enlargement. 2-5 Removing and replacing trees, sh rubs and lawns: -(a} Wherever in streets and other public places it is necessary to remove or trim trees or shrubs, and wherever in said public places, lawns or other ornamental vegetation are destroyed or darnaged, the Cantractor, except as otherwise expressly required or permitted by the authorities referred to, shall remove and replant the same trees and sh rubs or replace them with new trees or shrubs of a kind and size acceptable to said authorities, shall trim the trees, and shall replace the lawns, all in accordance with the regulations and subject to the direction of said authorities, (b) AI1 replanting af trees and other vegetation required hereunder shall be performed promptly following the completion of the pipeline in the affected areas, Provi�ions relating to loss of or damage to planting or other vegetation in adjacent private land resulting from the Contractor's operations, are se� forth in Section 1-13. (c) Wherever ariy tree or other vegetation is to be preserved in place, it shall be protected in a satisfactary manner, and wherever it is to be removed permanently, the Contractor sha11 make the necessary arrangements far its disposal. The Contractor shall not burn any tree, tree cuttings, or other vegetation in violation af the regula�ions of the State Division af Forestry or in violation of the regulatians af the Pollution Control District of San Diego County, Compensatian to be received by the Contrac- tor for removing, preserving in place, replacing vegetation, and disposing of removed vegetation, as described in this section, shall be included in the uni� prices named in the Bidding Sheets for the several items included in the contract. (d} The Contractor shall be liable for all damages and costs on a�count of aray unauth.�riz�d re�nc�va�. of tr��s, �hrubs, and ot�her vegetation �.n connection with his operatians and for damage to any such vegetation left standing, except for such cutting of roots as is absolutely necessary in order �o cornplete the work properl�r in accordance with these specifications. (e} Unless otherwise a�proved by �he Engineer, irrigation pipes, � ditches, or other irrigation facilities removed or in any way damaged during the performance of the work shall not be kept out of service far a periad of t�.me longer than 24 hours, If it is not practicable within the said 24 hour period to effect a permanent reconstruction o£ the existing ' irrigation iacilities, the Contractor shall provide approved temporary means far conveying water in, along, over and across the right of way, rahich means shall be equivalent to the existing water-carrying facilities. Such tempor- ary means af service shall be maintained b3r the Contractor until the perman- ent facilities are restored. EART'HWORK DIVISION 2, Page 4 ... :• � . ,, � �. i ' �t� � '� . � �:f � •: � ' • '. . .• . � .'�. � " t • � .. �:i • ..: • r �.. ! ' " �. •, :� a .: � .� �.f .., ' • . .. • .,.. • ;� ' ., .. �:i �. I . � � .. i ' f�. �. •. .: � ..� �. .:. .� . .- ,. .�: S. ; , � : � � .�. . � �'� �' ' . . i. ! ' �,. .. • i, .:• ' . l M 1: II . ! ::_: .. � � . s _ _ i _ .� . s � - - • - a � r- . -a � � , _ _ � • ., • s � - .. • ' E - • • . , • - . . � - - f . s • - • ' - .. - . � - • - • . • . � � _ � � _ • . � s • _ a � � . � i _ - •• s • ♦ a s- •s r � � � ., , •��� .' a. �.• - � - � s�:- �, • . ,� - • • � •' • a r r • - • • • - •. •, r � s -� • � � s s. {b) The drawings show �he position of the vario�xs pipes, conduits, poles and other structures as they are supposed to exist along the line of work, Additional facilities unknown �o th� Authority may exist. Z'he Con- �tractor sha11 endeavor to protect all such facili.�ties during the progress of the work here�nder. 2-6,2 Chan�es: -{a} Wherever, in the judg�ment of the Con�rac�tor, the economical performance of th� work requires �he temporary or permanent removal of any of the property nazned in Section 2-6.1 (a) or where �he performance of the work endangers any of said property, wherever situated along the work, the Contractor shall make arrangemen�s �aith the owner of said property for its temporary or permanent r�moval, for its protection or for other changes that may be necessary in order to perform the work more readily, and a11 expense of maintenanc�, removalp reconstructiong and repair of said proper�y shall be borne by the Contractor, whether or not such property extends inside the limits of r�equired excav��tion, except as otherwise provided in Section 2-6.4. . - �. - . -. . . - .. . - . . - . - a a • • r r- '• r - •' - '�' • . s . . - r - r ..�- • , � _ - . •.- . � i < ,,�, � _' � � � _. � _ _. _ � , � � . � i - r t. i. • i � f,•' � • • _ �J . � � � - . � ,. � it ' � � ' � - • ' � � • ` ! . � � i . ', • � ) .. ` l • � i i. t . . • ` . i: " • . f , . ' � :• � 'i � !. - � ' �. � � ' • • ,- �' ',� f ' • `i • ' • II • ' ". �',. • •i' � ' •' • . , • •', '' . • ' � •. ,. i „" • i . � l • . ' . . � � • �. . � .; � ' ! • � • ' � ' • ' � ' •� � � � �� . ����. • - • • � ."' �� • �:��� �• � . � �� � � �, i ..r .�. � �. �. � , . �. .� �.. � .�. • :, � ' . ' � ` �• ` . �� �: 1 ; � ! ' 4 ; a � � � ! .' { , • ' . •, ' � • t • ' ' . I `'� ; • � � • i i � � • • ,. -' • ` • i " ' ! � � ; � , � .., i � . � ` ' � � � !, '�: � . � ' ��i i i �� ���: . ��. :• ..: .. • ���� �� . � i ' � ��. �; ,... �� ' •. ',: ,� •: �� - • '�. ��. i i�: � '. :i. .. . ... �w; � ' ��:-�. , _ . • � � . �' . `. � _�,, s . r � s;r_ _ � • i r � �� "�. . ���� � �� � • 2-6.3 Relocation a� Authority expense: �(a) In case it is found that the space required for any of the permanent work under the contract is occupied by a gas or water main or ather utility condui�, or in case said main ar other utility conduit extends mor� or less parallel to the trench prism and encroaches continuously �pon the trench prism for a distance of more than 200 feet as defined by the paymen� lines therefor, as shawn on the drawings, then in either such event, except where atherwise shown on the drawings, the Authority will make a11 necessary arrangements with the owner of said gas or wat�r main or other utility canduit for its relocatian ` and recannection a�t the Authority's cost and expense, including the recon� nection of services and the resurfacin� of the backfilled trenches required for said relocation; pravided, that a11 costs of moving or maintaining over- _ head wires and calbes and their supparting poles, whether encauntered inside or outside of excavation Iines, and aiI casts of removing abandoned pipes and other abandaned substructures wh ich encroach upon the required excava- tions, shall be borne solely by the Cantractor. Required utility relocations under 20� feet in length shall be the responsibility of the Contracto� unless oth erwise shown �n �h� drawi�gsa � {b� �e Aut�or�.�Cy r��erve� the r�.�h� t� �rran�� fc�r th.e p�rfo�znance of said utility main or conduit re7.ocation and reconnection during the progress of the work of the Contractor hereunder, and the Contractor shall coordinate his operations with those of the other agencies involved and shall not remave or disturb any mains or services until notified by the Engineer that he may do so. - (c) Any required maintenance af said relocated utility lines with in the limits af the pipeline excavation, any temporary removal of portions of such relocated lines for the Contractor's convenience, and any necessary removal of abandoned sectians shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor. (d) The Authority wi11 use a11 means at �.ts disposal to accomplish any utility re].ocations required under the stipulations hereof at such times that the pragress of the Contractor will not be impeded, but the Contractor sha11 have no claim against the Authori�y on accaunt of delay due ta the time or manner of relaca�ion, reconnection, and related work performed by the owners of affected utility mains, conduits, or other structures pursuant to arrange- ments made by the Autfiorfty or atherwise. 2-6.4 Changes in Authority�pipeline to avoid interferences: Z''he Authority reserves the right, during the progress af the work and upon determination of the actual position of the existing mains and other conduits, to make changes in the grade ar alignment, or both, of the Authority's pipeline wherever, by doing sa, the necessity �or relocation as provided in Section A 2-6.3 of any such u�ilitq main or candui� wi11 be avoided, Except as pro- vided in Section 2-1.5, said changes made in advance of �xcavation sha11 not enti�le the Contractor to additional compensation other than in�luded under the unit prices named in the Bidding Sh.eets for the respective contract it�ms. " 2-6.5 Interference wi�h drains:- (a) The Contractor shall not disturb any storm drains, channels, culverts, or cannections thereta until he has obtai,ned a permit ta do sa from the agency having juri.sdictian. The Contractor shall install temporary pipes or flumes of adequate size to convey all storm water, ,. !. � � . , _ f i ' � � � � � r .. �' t . � � .. � • I, . � .:. �'. ' � • ` s . - s - � . � . r�u ^ •, . - �� . - • - i • ' s _ _ 't • • � • i � . a i - c • ' � • . � . • , • _ �: t•• � �• f •' �. �;a r. ' • . • � �- . � . ' . - - •',� .; • -�� �„ _ {b} F�r �he reconstruction of any �uc�a clrains and. other faca.lities „ the �ontrac�or shall obtain �he n�cessar� pe�°mits i� aceor�.a��e �aith �egu- lations of t�e public agency having jurisdictian and shall perf�rm the reconstruction work in conformity with th� specificationsg subjeet to in- spection by such agency. Appropriate adva�ce notification of such r�con- � struction work shall be given t� each such agency havin,g jurisdict3on, and no such recons�ruction work shall be commenced in the absence c�f a d�ly authorized inspector of th� agency having jurisdiction. (c) The Contractor shall �eceive no compensation for required re- construction of storm drains, culvezts, channels, or ather conduits, ex- cept that included in the prices named in th,e Bidding Sheets for excava- tion and related items. 2-6.6 Supports for exist�ng conduitsm - 6dherever the public authorities having juristiction require concrete supports for storna drains, culverts, channels, or other conduits �rhich are encountered within the area to be backfilled, and wherever, in the opinian of the Engineer, such supports are necessary for adequately protecting any conduit or structure so en- countered, the Contractor shall construct said supports in accordance with the orders of the Engineer. Where concrete walls are constructed to pro- vide such support, said walls shall have a f irm bearing on the subgrade and against the undisturbed ground at the sides of th� excavation. In general, support walls shall be constructed with f irm b earing against pre- stressed concrete cylinder pipe and entirely free from con�act with steel pipe installed under the contract, but the dimensions of the support a.nd the method of its cons�truction in each case shall be th� most suitable to the condi�ions, as determined by the Engine�r. 2-7 Safeguarding excavations and protecting property �(a} E�c�.v�.tions shall be so shored and braced �hat they will be safe, ancl so that the ground alongside th� excavations will no�t slide or settle� and sa �hat all exist- ing improvem�nts of any k�.nd, on either public or p�iva�.e property, will be fully prote�c�ed from darnage. (b) The Contractor shall comply with �he occupational, safety and health requirements of the State Labor �ode, Th� following sp�cific it�ms " are call�d to �he att�ntion of the �on�ractor: l. The Con�ractor shall obtain a permit from the Division of Indus- . trial Safe�.y for the cons�ruction o€ excavations which �re five feet or deeper and into which a person is requireci to ci�scenda � • . i � t • a. • . ! . , .. • � ! t ' � � i i • M ` ' �' • � � � i7 • • • ' •, i • ' • t� .l� �; • "' � t' " i ' i', • • , • • ! t � • • • � � � i � � • r i � •- If such plan varies from the sharing system standards, the plan shall be prepared by a registered civil or structural engineer. (cj The attention of the Cantractor is dir�cted to Sectian 832 0� the Galifornia Civil Code relating to the latera3 and subjacen� support, and wherever building or other improvements adjacen� to the excavation may be damaged by said excavation, the Contractor, acting for that purpose as the agent of the Authority, shall give the notice referred to in said section, said notice being for the benefit of bath the Contractor and the Authority. � 2-8 Bench excavation - Not specified. 2-9 Trench excavation -(a} The Contractor shall make all trench �xcavations to the full depth and width required to accommodate the pipe, including the minimum side clearance shown on the drawings. (b) The Cvntractor shall provide adeq�ate trench sharing and bracing to safeguard the excavatians and the ground adjaee�t thereto in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-7, and the quantity of excavation will be m�as�red ��r p� �nt to ��� li.nes pr�s�ribed herein r�gardl��� af �.y i.ncrease in section necessary for the purpose of placing such sharing and bracing. (c) Trenches with vertical sides are shown on the drawings, but the Contractor may excavate trenches having sloping sides; provided, that any additional right af way required therefore shall be procured by the Contractor at his sole cast and expense, and all liability and costs on account of damage to property and impravements in connection with said sloping shall be assumed by the cantractar; and pravided, that paym�nt for excavation and backfill. will be made only to the vertical excavation payment lines established as hereinbefore specified. {d} Where the pipeline passes across streets and highways, or is located in streets and highways, the trench shall be e�cavated ta vertical lines re- gardless of whether the adjoining sections are vertical or not, and these trenches shall be protected as specified in Section 2-7. Trench excavations in roadways shall have substantially straight surface boundaries for the suitable trimming of the cut edges of the pavement. 2-10 Structure excavation �- (a} The Contractar shall excavat� all material of whatever nature encountered outside of �he specified trench section which be- comes necessary to remove for the proper construc�ion of the structures shown on the drawings c�r ordered by the Engineer as part of the work included in the contract, and shall also make all open-cut excavatians required for the instal- lation of any required branch pipes, blowaff discharge pipes, and other acces- sory pipes, appurtenant to the structures. (b} For any parts of appurtenant structures which are outside the pay- . ment lines of the typical trench section involved, as shown on the drawings, �he quantities Qf excava�ion and backfill will be measured far payment to the neat lines af the outside dimensions of the structure foundations, and ver- tically therefrom ta the ground surface, but no excavation within the payment lines of the trench section will be classed as structure excavation; �rovided, that any excavatian for bell holes will not be measurecl for payment. Excavation EARTHWORK DIVISION 2, Page 8 outside the pa�ment lines of the main trench sections for installation of blowoff discharge pipes and other small-diameter accessory pipi�g leading from structures for which payment lines are not shown on.the drawings� will be measured to vertical lines 6 inches on each side from th� ex�erior �f the pipe an� will b� paid for as structure excavation. 0 2-11 Pre aration of foundations � 2-11,1 General -(a} Foundations in earth upon which concrete or pipe is to be placed shall be f inished accurate ly to the dimens�ons shown on the drawings, or prescribed by the Engineer, brought to proper moisture content by sprinkling as required, and thoroughly compacted �y means of vibratory tampers or rollers to 90% of maximum dry density. No boulders shall be left projecting within the minimum excavatian lines shown on the drawings. (b) F�undations for concrete on bedrock shall be trimmed to the pre- scribed lines, thoroughly cleaned of mud and debris, and moistened in ad- v�nce of placin� cancreteo �c) All foundation surfaces shall be free from pools of water and other foreign debris at the time of placing concrete. 2-11.2 Normal bedding -(a) Normal bedding according to the typical excavation sections shown on the drawings shall be sued unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer . (b) The bottom portion of �he trench shall be given a final trim such that each pipe section wh en first laid will be continuously in contaet with the ground on the required grade, along the full length of the pipe section. (c) Wherever norma.l bedding is required and due to inaccurate trimming, or other cause, the bottom of the trench fails to afford uniform support as herein required, the Contractor shall remove any pipe sections placed, shall refill the trench bottom to the required grade with selected material from required excavations and shall compact said selected material from required excavations to 90% of maximum dry density measured in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-12.6, and shall retrim the �rench bottom to the rQquired section and grade. w 2-11,3 �edding in rock - Where the bottom of the trench excavati.on is in rock or other materials, which, in the judgment of the Engineer, by r�ason of its hardness, cannot be excavated to provide a uniform bearing for the pi.pe, the material shall be removed a minimum oi 6 inches below � the grade of the bottom of the pipe and the trench refilled tc� the required pipe subgrade with selected material from required excavations which shall be brought to optimum moisture content and compacted to 94% of rnaximum dry density, measured in accordan ce with the requirements of Section 2-12.6. 2-11.4 Disturbed natural founda�ions -(a� If at any p lace the natural foundation material is disturbed or loosened during the process of exca- va�ion or otherwise9 it shall be brought to optimum moisture content and EARTHWORK DIVTSI4N 2, PAGE 9 thoroughly compacted by means of vibratory tampers and rollers, ar if re- quired by the Engineer, it shall be removed and replaced with selected material from required excavations and compacted to 90% of maximum dry den- sity, measured in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-12.6, all at the sole cost of the Cantractor. (b) Adjacent to each end of each structure the Contractor shall remove � all disturbed material below sub grade and shall refill such excavation be- tween undisturbed material and the subgrade of the p ipe in accordance with the requirements of th is Section 2-ll. No additianal payment will be made for � the work to be performed hereunder, and all compensation to be received by the Cvntractor shall be included in the unit prices named in the Bidding Sheets for the rela.ted items of the contract. 2-11.5 Rock backfill - Wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer, the ground upor� wh�.ch pipe is ta be �.aid or structures are to be constructed is not suf- ficiently stable to provide a suitable foundation, the excavation shall be made to such depth below the required grade for the bottorn of the pipe or structure and ta such lines as may be ordered and shall be refilled to said grade with rock backfill conforming to the requirements of Sectian 2-15. 2-12 Backf ill 2-12.1 General -(a) The excavations shall be backfilled to the level af the pavement, the pavement base, or to the ground surface as it existed imme- diately prior to beginning construction hereunder, as the case may be, unless otherwise shown an the drawings or ordered by the Engineer. The materials used for backfill shall be abtained from required excavations. {b) The backfill shall not be dropped directly upon the pipe or upon any other structure, and all material coming within 12 inches of any pipe or other structure shall be free from rocks ar bould�rs larger than 6 inches in maximum diameter and from unbroken masses of earth materials which might lodge and leave unf illed packets. The material used for the backfill, the amount thereof, and the ma-ner of depositing shall be subject to the appraval of the Engineer, but the Contractor will be held responsible for any displacement of pipe or other �t�ucitures, ar�y da�.�� tc� �i���.� surf�.ce, o� ang� �.�s�abili�� �f �he s�ruct�res caused by the improper depositing of the backf ill materials . (c) �'illing, material conditioning, and compacting operations shall be executed in a systematic manner. The Contractor shall devise whatever safe- guards and standarc►s of operation the Engineer may require to insure that _ compacted f ill will meet or exceed the minimum compac�ior� standards. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractar's methods are not conducive tc� achieving the desired results, these methods shall be immediately changed as directed by the Engineer . Drc�pping a weight from a boom o�c other si.milar methad will ` not be permitted for compacting backfill. (d) During the backfilling af excavatians which are in close proximity to existing pipelines or existing structuresg special care shall be exercised E;ARTHWO RK DIVISI�N 2, PAGE 10 not to cause settlement or lateral movement of the structures. In �rder to safeguard against movement of structures, the Contract�r shall palce �he backf ill at said locations in layers n�t e�ceeding 6�nches in thickness, and thoroughly compact each layer �ith hand-operated, power-driven tampers. Before each layer is tamped, the material �herein shall be brought to the op�imum moisture eonten� for maximum compaction, as de�e�mine d by the En- � gineer. Material too wet for proper compaction by tamping shall not be used f or backf ill�.ng by this method . Heavy compacting equipment shall not be used for backfilling by this method. Heavy campacting equipment shall not .� be used closer than 2 fee� to walls of any structure. (e) Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe and rubber gasketed welded steel pipe shall be backfilled promptly after the external joints have been poured with mortar and have attained an age of 2 hours. Structures and steel- plate sections incased in concrete shall be backf illed as soon as the con- crete has a�tained sufficien� strength, a� determined by �he Engineer, to sustain the loads imposed. Welded steel pipe, with welded field joints, shall be b ackfilled af ter the exterior gunite coating at required weldeci field joints has attained an age of not less than 24 haurs, taking such precautions as may be necessary to prevent injury to the exterior coating during backfilling operations. (f) Stulls as specified in Se�tion 5-18.2 shall be in place in the steel pipe before the backfilling is commenced, and the stulls shall re- mai:� in place until their removal is authorized by the Engineer. (g) All joint holes for welded steel pipeline construction, where welded f ield joints are required, shall be refilled with selected material from required excavations compacted in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-12.4 or 2-12.5 as applicable. , 2-12.2 Sand backfill - Sand backfill is defined as natural sand which shall be substantially free f rom organic matter, loam, or other substances detrimental to its use for the purposes of producing an adequately com- pacted backfill and whieh shall meet the following gradation requirements: . Percent Fassing a 1/2 inch square sieve 100 Passing a No . 4 sieve 70-1t�0 Passing a No. 16 sieve 5�-90 Passing a No e 50 sieve 15-40 Passing a No. 200 sieve 0-$ The material may be river-run and need not be washede 2-12.3 Local�backfill - Local backfill is defined as material removed ` fram the required excavations which is subsequently replaced as backfill at approx3mately the same location from which i� was removed. Local back- f�.11 exclusively shall be u�ilized for all backfill, except as otherwise specif ied in this Division. EARTHWORK. DIVISI�IV 2, PAGE 11 2-12.4 Cam action of backfill -(a) All compacted backfill, as shown on the drawings or ordered by the Engineer, shall be compacted to 90 percent of the laboratory standard maximum soil dry de nsity far the material being compacted as determined by the test method described in Section 2-12.6. (b) Backfill to be compacted by heavy campaction equipment shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in thickness prior to com- paction. Backfill to be compacted w ith power operated hand equipment shall be placed in layers not exceeding 6 inches in thickness prior ta compaction. Be- fore each layer is tamped, the material therein shall be brought to optimum moisture content for m�imum compaction, as determined by the Engineer. 2-12.5 Consolidating backf ill -(a) Consolidation of backfi�l by p�nding and jetting will b e permitted when, as de�ermined by the Engineer, the backfill material contains less than 20% of f ines passing a��200 sieve; is of such charac- ter �hat it will be self-draining when campacted, and that faundation material will not soften or be otherwise damaged by the applied water, and no damage from hydro���.�ic pre��ur� will re�ult t� th� ps.pel�.ne �r structure�. ��n p�nding and jetting is permitted, the backfill material shall be placed and consolidated in layers not exceeding 4 fee� in thickness to 85% o� the laboratory standard maximum soil dry density for the ma�erial being consolidated as determined by the test method d�scribed in Section 2-12.6. Ponding and jetting methods shall be supplemented by the use of vibratory or other compactian equipment when neces- sary ta obtain the required cansolidation. The water jets shall be at least 1-1/4 inches in diameter and of sufficient length to extend to the bottom of each layer, The Cantractor shall operate �he jets with a water pressure of at least 40 pounds per square inch and in such manner as to settle �he backfill thoroughly. The backfill shall be satisfactorily settled throughout the length and depth of each layer before discontinuing operations on said layero On slopes too s�eep to consalida�e backfill effectively� as determined by the Engineer, the backfill shall be compacted by other means to the density hereinbefore speci- f ied e (b) Sluicing backfill by directing a stream of water over the backf ill as it is pushed into the trench so the backfill wi11 hydraulic into place araund the pipe will be permitted. Care shall be exercised not to displace or float the pipe� The selected material shall be deposited in the trench and brought up evenly on both sides af the pipe, to a grade one foot above the pipe, and con- solidated by sluicing with water. Befare additional material is placed upon t.he por�ion of the backf i11 thus consolidated, an �dequate interval of time, as determined by the Engineer, shall be allawed ta permit reduction of �he water content to a degree affordin� the required consolidatian. If inspection indi- cates the consol�id.ation does not meet these. specifications, after sufficient time has elapsed to permit excess water to drain from the material, theyContrac- tor shall use water jets or other approved means to increase the consalidation to the required degree. {c) All backf. ill rnaterial lumber and other re�use. Trench in the opinion of. the En�ineer, shall be free of foreign matter, sueh as -rush, sections shall be free of foreign debris, which, would be detrimental in the backfill. . EARTHWORK DIVISION Z$ PAGE 12 2-12.6 Compaction and consolidation tests -(a� The degree of compaction __ __ and density shall be determined and controlled in accordance with test m�thod ASTM D698-66T, Method C modified as followsa The sleeve type rarr�ner shall be 10-1b and the height of drop shall be 18 inches� The tes� for determinataon of the in-place density of the compacted or consolidated material will be made using Me�hod E-24 of th� Ue S, Bureau of Reclamation, .� (b} Tests mention�d in Sectaon 2-12.6{a} will be performed by the Auth- ority during the progress of the work to d�termine compliance with �.he com- � paction ar consalidation requirements specified herei.n, and �he Contractor shall coop�rate in the making of such tests by providing the labor and equipment necessary to obtain said tests at the required depth andallowing a reasonable time therefor. (c) The Contractor shall rernove material as required in any areas where the compaction or consolidatian of the material when tested does not fully comply with these specifications, The unsatisfacto�il�r compacted or consoli- dated material shall be pramptly removed, after notificaCion, and replaced with material that will conforrn ta th� specifi�d requirements, Any additional costs for such requi�ed removal and recompaction of m.aterial shall be borne by the Contractor m 2-12.7 Backfill in roadways -(a) The final grade of campacted backfill shall conforrn to the grade of the pavement subgrade e�isting at the beginning of operations, except where shown otherwise on the drawings. All compaction of backfill, placing of overfill, and dressing and trimm.ing of backfill, and subsequent replacing of pavement shall be performed as a part of the work of backfilling, and the Contractor will be entitled to no additional payment theref oz� . {b) Af ter the excavation in streets and roadways has been backfilled as hereinbefore specified, and after the material has dried sufficiently, the surf ace shall be graded and rolled until unyielding with a roller weigh- ing no� less than 12 tons, after which the temporary surfacing required shall be constructed and maintained as specified in Section 2-lb. (c) Where space is not available along the �.rench for storage of ex- cavated material, the Contractor will be required to furnish space for temporary storage and to load and haul backfill from such storage when the pipe trench is ready for backf illing. • (d) For each reach of pipeline, the backfilling operations as herein specified shall be completed without unnecessary delay, and no part of the pipeline shall be left in a par�ially backfilled s�ate for an extended period of time, Construction of the required manhold struc�ures in streets, in- � cluding installatian of manhold frames and covers and the welding of special joints, sha11 be completed without delay following pipe laying in order that backf illing and road surfacing may be completed as soon as practicablea EARTHWORY DItTISION 2, PAGE 13 2-12.8 Removal of supports - Where supports of any nature are used in the trench, the supports shall all be removed prior to backfilling unless otherwise appraved by the Engineer. Where tight sheeting is used it shall be removed systematically as soon as practicable, while backfilling progresses, by pull�ng alternate pieces along each side of the trench, alternating also fram ane side of the trench to the other . 2-12.9 Temporary wooden bulkheads - Wherever a reach of pipeline has been laid, the Contractor, as a part of the work of backfilling, shall provide and install an approved waoden bulkhead at each end af such reach of pipeline where �- pipe laying has been discontinued pending subsequent closure so that the trench may be backf ill�d pramptly in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-12.7(d). 2-13 Disturbed material - Adjacent to each end of each structure, pipe incasement, and incasement in jacked casing or tunnel� the Contractor shall remnve all di�turbed materials below subgrade and shall refill such excavation between undisturbed material and the subgrade of the pipe in accordance with �he re- quir�ent �f Sec�i.�n ��11.4. I�e� ae�di����.�.1 �a.�rm.���. ��.11 be �ade ��r th� w�r�. tc� be performed hereunder, and all compensation to be received by the Cantractor shall be included in the unit prices named in the Bidding Sheets for related items of the contract. 2-14 Rock backfill 2-l�+.l General - Rock backfill for producing an adequate foundation for the pipe and structures or for affording permeable fill shall be furnished by the Contractor and palced where c�rdered. The rock backfill shall be carefully placed and sufficiently compacted by tamping in a manner sat�.sfactory to the Engineer and so as to support, without settlement, the pipe or structures which are to be placed upon it. 2-14.2 Material -{a} Where ordered by th� Eng3neer, for foundation pur- poses in unstable ground, the b ack�ill snall consist of sound, crushed rock and shall be within the follawing grading limits: Percent Passing a 1-1/2 inch square sieve 100 Passing a 1-inch square sieve 35-55 Passing a 3/4-inch square sieve 10-30 Passing a No. 4 sieve 0-14 (b} For permeable backfill, the rock shall consist of a crushed rock or ` pit-run material approved by the Engineer and shall be composed of sound, durable particles that will pass through a vibrating screen having 1-1/2 inch squa.re openings and not more than 7 percent af which will pass througl� a screen having ,� 1-inch square openingse The rock shall be fre�. draining and shall not contain obje�tion�ble quantities of soil or f ine sand. EARTHWORK DIVISION 2, PAGE 14 2-15 Cutting and restoring street and roadwa� surfacing and conczete work 2-15.1 Cutting or breaking - In cutting or breaking street and roadway surfacing and concre�e �ork, the Contractor shall not us� eq�aipmen� whic� will strike a blow heavier than that of a hand pavement cut�er operated by � compressed air. All por�land cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavements, gutters, driveways, curbs, and sidewalks excavated or damaged shall be removed between nea� vertical cuts rnade with a sqw of an approved type or � in th� case of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, between vertical cuts made by other acceptable methods at the nearest score marks beyond the damaged portion as may b� required in each case by the stat�, count�, or ci�.y auth- orities concerned. 2-15.2 Restori�facili�ies -(a) All street and highway surface im- provement excavated or damaged by t���. Contractor shall be restored by him in accordance with the regulations and specif ications of, and subject to the inspectian of, th- public authority having jurisdiction in each case. {b} All driveways, private roads, and other facilities not under the jurisdiction of a public authority, excavated or damaged by the Contractor, shall be reconstructed by him with the same kinds of materials as used in �he original construction and to the sam.e thi�kness and other applicable dimensions, as nearly as may be, in such mann�r as to restor� the affected portions of all said driveways and other facilities to a sound �.nd service- able condition satisfactory to the Engineer; provided, that the thiCkness of replaced concre�e driveways shall be not less than 6 inches. The im- provements to be restored by the Contracto r shall include all pavements and other classes of surfacing whether in main roadways or in shoulders, all curbs, gutters, driveways, sidewalks, drainage structures, lighting stan- dards, walls, and any other surface improuements removed or damaged by him in the course of his operations under the contract, (c} Wherever required by said public authQrities, the Contractor shall place tempoxary surfacing gromptly after backfilling and shall maintain such surfacing for the period of time fixed by said authorities before proceeding w ith the final restora�ion of improvements. In order to obtain a satisfactory junction with adjacent suxfaces ; t�he Gontractcar shall cut back ancl trim the edges so as to p rovide a clean, sound, vertical joint be- fore permanent replacement of an excava�ed or damaged portion of pavement, gutter, driveway, curb, or sidewalk. Damaged edges of pavement along the - excavation shall be trimmed back by saw cutting in straight lines of 30 feet minimum length. 4 (d) Wherever sidewalks, driveways, or private roads have been removed for purposes of construction, the Contractar shall pla�e suitable temporary sidewalks, drivzways, or roadways gromptly a.fter baekfi.11ing and shall main tain them in satisf actory condition for the period of time f ixed by the autharities having jurisdi.ction over the affected portions before pro- ceeding with final restoration or� if no such period of time is so fi�ed� shall so maintain said temporary sidewalks, driveways, or roadways until the f inal restoration thereof is made. EAR�ORK DIVISION 2, PAGE 15 (ej The Au.tho�ity will obtain any necessary encroachment perYnits re- quired by t�e State DivisiQn o� Highways p Th� Contxactor �zill be required to ob tain a permit f�r excavation and shall confarm tc► the pravisions of both said permits for all required excavation and restoratian wr�rk within right of way under jurisdiction of the State Division of Highways. (f} For work in streets, highways, and other public places in the un- ;� incorparated area of San Diego County, the Au�hority will obtain excavation per- mits from the San Diego County Road Departrnent, which Department will pr.escribe the procedure for resurfacing and other restoration work required under said permits. The San Digo County Road Department will require a deposit to be " made and a permit must be obtained, by the Contractor to cover the costs of inspection by said Department, and to cover the costs of temporary alterations and final restaration of pavement lane striping and incidental costs of traffic control incurred by said Department on account of �he operations of the Contrac- tor u�der the contrac�. (g) For work in highways, and other public places, the Authority will ob- tain any necessary permits, and the authorities will prescri�ie the �requi�enaent� far resurfacing and other restoration work required under said permits. The Contractor shall perform the resurfacing and related restoration work in accordance with said requirements and shall conform to all the provisions of said permits. (h) The righ� is re;�erved to the San Diego County Road Department to perform w ith their own forces said resurfacing and ather restoration work under their respective jurisdictions. In the event any one of said agencies elects to perf orm its own restoration work, the Authority will pay to said agency all lawful charges incur.red under the provisions herein referred to for resurfacing street surface improvement excavated or damaged by the Contractor in his operatians under the cantract within the area under' the jurisdiction of said agency, and f or the purpose of making such payments will deduct from moneys atherwise due the Contractor under the contract the total amount paid to said agency in satisfaction of such lawful charges . {i) Flood control channels, bridges, storm drains, culverts, electric lightin,� �tandard� �.nd cc�nduit� � and. any �ther public improvements which are excavated or damaged by the Contractar shall b e restared by the Con�ractor in conformity with the regulations of the f lood control district, city, county, s�ate �r other agency ha�ring jurisdiction, as provided in Section 2-6,5� and any permits required in connection therewith, other than permi.ts to be obtained by the Authority as stipulated elsewhere in these specifications, shall be � obtained by the Contractar. 2-16 Na direct payment for resurfacing -(a} No direct payment will be ma.de to the Contractor for cutting and restoring street and roadway surfacing and cancrete work as herein specified� but all compensation to be received therefor shall be included in the uni� prices bid for the several i.tems of th.e wo�`k as shown in the Biddfng Sheets . EARTHWORK DIVISIQN 2, PAGE 16 (b) Tn the event that subsequent to the opening of bids hereunder, street improvements are constructed in any area in which excavations for �the pzpeline or appurtenances are re�quired to be made and in which no such improvements or in which imp rovements of lower replacement cast existed pri�r to said opening of bids, an appropriate adjustment as determined t�y � the Engin�er will be m.ade in determining the costs of such replacement { chargeable to the Contractor; �rovided, that such ad,�ustment will not in- clude re3.rnbursemen� to the Contractor for any eosts incurred by him on account of damage to surface improvements more than 1 foot outside the pay- • rnent lines for excavation; and provided further, that no such adjustments will be made on account of any street surface improvement constructed sub- sequent to the time specified in the Contracotr's approved progress schedule to be submitted as prescribed in Section 1-3, for construction of that por- tion of �he pipeline in the area of such street surface improvement. 2-17 Final payment -(a) As u prerequisite to the acceptance by the Authority of the work under the contract, the Contractar shall submit evidence ac- ceptable to the Authority that within the li.mi:ts of each public agency having jurisdietion over streets, roads, or highways in which surface im- provements are to be restored or repaired on account of the operations of the Contractor hereunder, all such restoration and repair have been completed to the satisfaction of such public agency. �b) After the completion of all work under the contract, the Authority will f ile the Notice of Completion of the work pursuant to Section 36 of the specifications. Upon the expiration of 35 days thereaf ter, the Auth- ority will make the final payment due the Contractor under the contract �ut shall withhold therefrom an amount considered sufifcient by the Engineer to guarantee that restoration and repair of all surface imp�ove- ments for which releases from the affected public agencies have not been obtained. After all restoration work has been completed and the cost thereof paid by the Contractor or by the Autho rity, the Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Authority a release from each affected public agency. After all releases have been ob�ained, the Authority will deduct from the amount withheld a sum sufficient to cover all costs paid by the Authority, excep� inspection costs, and will remit to th� Contractor any arnount remaining from said withheld funds. 2-18 Cultivating, mulching and seeding -(a) At Iocations along the right of way for the pigeline where the native vegetation has been destroyed by construc- tion operations and at other areas where protection is determined to be ' necessary by the Engineer, the Engineer may direct the Contra�tor to cul- tivate and seed the groundv .. {bj Just prior to seeding, the ground sha:ll be cultivated with a disc, harrow or other app�opriate tool to break up the sail and prepare it far seeding, {c} The area shall be seeded uniformly with 100 pounds of barley per acre. Seecling shall be dane in anticipation of the winter rainy season or shartly after the first rain in the Fall. Iman.ediately after distribution, EARTHWORK DIVISION 2, PAGE 1? the seed shall be covered by the soil sufficiently to insure germana.tion and �o protect the seed from wildlif�. Seed shall be furnish.ed by the Contractor and shall be of high quality approved by the Engineer. {d} On steep hillsides, as determined by the Engineer, scarified and seeded areas shall be covered immediately after seeding with a mulch of rice, barley, wheat, oat or bean straw, spread uniformly over the area at the rate of 3 tons dry weight per acre. The straw shall be worked inta the soil by shoving it into the loose surf ace at intervals of appraximately $ inches, by means af a stud roller or by ather methods appraved by the Engineer. Mulch shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall b e suitable f ar the purpose intended, as determined by the Engineer . 2-19 Measurement and paym.ent 2-13,1 Payment for trench excava�ion -- (a) Payment will b� made at the unit price per cub ic yard named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 2b for trench exca- �ati�n. (b) The quantity of excavation to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards of material excavated in accordance with teh requiremenrs of Section 2-1 and measured to the payment lines of the trenches, as shown on the drawings, between the ground surface existing at the time of beginning excavation under this contract and the bottom lines of the excavation as shown on the drawings or ordered, regardless of the actua.l dimensions af the excavation. Excavation for any additional width and depth of trench required for pipe incasement will be measured ta the neat lines of the base of the incasement as shown on the drawings and vertically therefrom. I�iaterial outside of the specified payment lines removed in order to provide joint holes f or the pipeline construction will not be included in the quantity measured f or payment. The work under this i�em inclu.des the disposing of all excavated materials in excess of that required far b ackfill in accordance with the prov isions of Section 2-3, (c) Compensation ta be received by the Contractar f or providing any re- qi�ired shoring as specified in Section 2-7 shall be included in the uni� prices named in the Bidding Sheets for the various items of the contract. {d} Excavatian for additional depth of trench required for bedding pipe in hard material in accordance with the provisions af Section 2-11 and exca- vation for additional depth and width of trench required for pipe incasement and rock refill, will be measured for payment as �rench excavatian according to the lines to wh ich material is removed below the normal sub grade in can- farmity to the drawings and the orders of the Engineer. Na additional allow- ance will be made far the excava�ion of joint holes for pipeline construction, and a�y compensation ta be received therefor shall be included in the price named for trench excavation measured as described herein. (e) The method of average end areas will be used in determining payment quantities for excavation; provided, tha.t each end area will be based on trench depth measurements taken only at the centerline of the pipe. . EA.RTHWORK DIVISIQN 2, PAGE 18 2-19.2 Pa��ent �or struc�ure ��cavation �(a� Payment w�ll be made at the unit pric� per. cubic yard named in �he Biddi�g Shee�s under It�m 2c for structu�e excauati�n� (b) The quantity of excavation �o be paid for under I�em 2c shall be the number of cubic yards of material removed in accordance with the appli- cable provisions of Division 2 to l�nes established as hereinafter providedo (c) Regardless of the se�ti�ns actually excavated, the quantities to be paid f or will be measured to neat lines of ou�side dimensions of founda- tions for structures; �o vertical lines 6 inches on each side of small- diamet�er accessory pipes appurtenant to the structures, including excava- tion f or the blowo�f discharge piping; and, in each of the above cases, vertically from �he bottom lines of the excavations as shown on the drawings or ordered, to the bottorn lines of the trench section or to the ground surface, as the case may be. (d) For manhole, blowoff, pumping well� vacuum valve, air release valve, and other required structures, excavation outside the specified payment lines of the adjacent trenc� section will be paid far as structure excava�ion under. Item 2cF but all excavation within the specified trench section payment lines and their ccantinuation throughou� the limits of the structures will. be classed as trench excavation under Item Zb and not as structure excavation, (e) As par� of the work under Item 2c, the Con�ractor shall dispose of all material in excess of that required for backfill in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-3. No excavation made outside of the lines of the specified trench sectian other �han .for the required s�ructures and branch pipes as set forth herein will be included as a part of the work to be paid for �.inder Itern 2c � 2-19>3 Payment for backfill -(a} Payment far backfill will be made at the respecti.ve unit prices ger cubic yard named in the Bidding Shee�s under T�Gems 3a, 3b, and 3c, which uni� pric�s shall include all compensation to be received by the Contractor for furnishing the wat�r, labor, and means for placing and compacting or consolidating the backfill and for furnishing, handling, and hauling the sand for backfill, where required, placed in the space around and over the pipes and structures includ�d in the contract • in accard�nce with the requirements of Section 2-12, {b) Measurement for payrnent will be made only of the quantities ac- tually placed within the pay line limits for excavation between the ordered � top of th- backfill and the bo�.tom of the requir�d excavation. The m:ethod of average �nd areas will be used in determining backfill quanti�iesp provided, that each end area will be based on trench depth measurements �aken only at the centerline �f the pipe. ._ �• � + ; ., . 2-19 .4 Payment f or rock backfill -(a� Payment for rock backf ill, where ordered by the Engineer, will be made at the unit price per cubic yard named in the Bidding Sheets under I�em 4a wh ich. unit price shall include all compensa- tion to be received by the Con�ractor far furnishing all materials for the back- fill and alI labor and means for placing and compacting the backfill in accor- . dance with the requirement of Seetion 2-15 and for handling and hauling said � materials. � {b} P��easurernent for payment will be made only for the quantities actually placed within the vertical payment lines f or excavati.on unless placement o� the rock outside said lines is specially ordered by the Engineer. �ieasurement for payment of rock backf ill w ilI be made to the lines ordered by the Engineer. Any rock backf ill placed outside said lines due to overexcavating will not be mea�ured fc�r payment. (c) Rock. or grav�l nat ordereci by the Engineer which may be used by the Contractor to facilitate the unwatering of excavations will not be measured for payrnen� bu� sha�l be at t�.e �on���ct��'s s�Ie e:�pen��. 2-19.5 Payment f.or cultivating, seeding and mulching ri�ht-af-way -(a) Pay- ment f_ar cultivating right-of-way will b e made at the unit price per acre bid therefor in the Bidding Sheet under Item 5. Payment for seeding right-of -way will be made at the unit pY'ice per acre bid therefor in the Bidding Sheets under Item G. Payment f or mulching wi11 be made at the unit price per ton bid there- far in the Bidding Sheet under Item 7. ib) Measurement for payment for cultivating and for seeding will be made of the actual areas specifically directed by �he Engineer to be scarified and to be se�ded. (c) Measurement for payment for mulching will be made of the actual wei�ht of mulch applied. (d} The Authority re serves the right to order a greater or lesser quantity of work under Items 5, 6, and 7 at the respective unit prices named in the Bi�din� Sheets and the Contractor shall be entitled to compensation only for that area of right-o:E-way actually scarified and seeded and fnr the weight of mulch applied to the areas specifically directed by the Engineer. 2-19 e6 Pa�rment for �he support of e�cavatic�ns - The Contractor shall be paid fc�r suppor.ting th e pipe trench and other excava.tions in accordance with the plan submitted by him and approved by the Authority. The lump sum bid under. Item - 2e shall be prara�ed as the work is performed. Any deficiencies in the quality or quantity of shoring rel�.tive to the plan subm.itted will reduce the tatal and final payment accordingly. _ EARTHW�RK IiIVISI�N 2, I�AGE 2t7