HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Spec 229; Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Spec 229; 1978-01-01 (2)DIVISION 3 � • 3-1 Gen� �(a} The Contractor shall p�rfo�°rn all the concre�e work shown on the dra�aings and r�quired by thes� specifica�ionsm The � Contx°$ctor shall furnish, a.n accordance with the provisions of Se�tion 1-19� a.11 the matex�ials for concr�te and. shall form� ialix, place, cure, repair� finish, and do all other work requ ir to produce finished concrete work. (b) The Contrae-�or sh�11 furnish bending diagrams, placing drawings, and reinforcement steel lists for all required reinforce- ment steel, as specif ied in Section 1-17. 3-2 Contractor's plant and constructiorl ec�uipnent -(a} Prior to ._�_r_ izz�,cstallation the Contractor shall su�mit the following for approval: Drawings and data for plant; list and data of construction equipment; procedures for the processing, handling, transporting, sorting, and proportioning of material for concrete; and for mixing, transporting, forming, placing, and curing of concrete. The Contractor shall maintain and operate �he plant and. construction equipmen� in a manner which will produce the results specified herein. ( b) The facilities specified in Se�,tian 1-10 shall be provided at the Contractor's concrete plant for concrete cont-��l testin�. 3-3 Conerete materials 3-3.1 Cement -(a) Cement shall be furnished by the Contractor _�__o__..�. and shall be type II, low alkali, conforrning to the requirements of F�deral Specifications SS-C-192. Unless otherwi`se pez°r��itted Y�y the Engineer, all ce.�ent shall �e procured from the same mill. The Contractor shall order cer�ent not less than �0 days before dc� ': rery of the cement is required o (b} The Contractor shall arrange �'or �he cement sampling, testing, and reporting in accordance with the requirements of Section 1-19. T'he Contractor shall furnish a report of test results for each lot of cement offered for use under this contract, shall identify the test report with the particular lot of cement, and shall certi�'y that the sampling, testing procedures, and cement �onform with the requirer�ents of these specifications. ' ( c) Cement not c anform in� �to the spec if icat ic�ns shall he promptly removed from the site of the work. Cer�ent which has nat �een used within 6 months after -test s�.all not be used unless check test�ing proves it conforms to the specifica�tions. CONCREZrE DIVISION 3, PAGE 1 �d) The Contractor shall previde �ar �to����.�f c�me�t �nd will not be permitted to use cement in t�e w�rk directly �r�m the hauling operations whenever any c�ment i� �vail�bl� th�t h�s been stored more than 30 d�ys after delivery at the sit� �f �he work. Stora�e bins for bulk cement sh�ll be s� const�ucted �h�t there will be na d�ad st�ra�e and will b� af suffici�nt c� cit� to maintain an adequate supply at �11 times. 3-3.2 Pozzolan -(a) Poz�olan shall conform to the requirements of ASTAS Standard C 618-68 with the follc�ring exceptions to Table 2: Physi�al require�ents Pozzolanic activity index: With port l�nd �er�ent , at 2� days , minimum, percentage of con�rol --�� 90 Wi.th lir�i�, at "7 d�,y°�, r�inil:�um PSI __�- l,C�t�C� Water requirernents, z.�axir�ium, percentage of control - - - - - - - - - 1l0 Reactivity with ce:�ent alkalies: Reductian of r.los�tar expansion at 14 days, �inimum, percent - - - - _ _ �5 (b} The Contractor shall n�tif;� the Authority w�.thin �0 days priar to use, namin� the source of supply of the pozzolan, whether it will be shipged in sacks or 'oulk, and giving the purchase order nur�ber, contract nur.zbers, and ather identificatians that will identify the pozzalan to be furnished. (c} Th`e Contractor shall arran�e for the pozzolan sampling, testing, and reparting in accordance with the requirements of Section 1-19. The Contractor shall furnish a repar� of test results for each lot of pozzolan o�'fered for use under this contract, shall identify the test repart with the particular lot of pozzolan, and sh�ll cer�ify that the sampling� testin� p�ocedux�es, and pozzolan canforr:l to the require.��en�s of the specifications e Poz�olan nat confarming to the specifications shall be p�°ort;�tly removed from the s ite of the wor1� . # 3-3•3 Fine aggre�ate -(a) Fine aggregate for concrete shall cansist of natural sand ob�ained f�°om appz°aved pits �nd sh�ll• in - all cases be washedm The control of washing af fine a�gregate shall �� such that the f in�r par�icl�s of smnd ar� retain�d or remo�ed as required. Washed or satur�teci s�nd shall be allaWed ta drain at least 24 hours to a uniform r�oisture conten� i�efor� batching. Dry sand shall oe moistened uefore handling, when necessary, to preT�en� s�gregation. 'I4h� fine aggrega-�e sh�,ll be CONCRETE . � DNISION 3, PAGE 2 .` _ „ _ •: �:i • � i i �' � �- •.. . ... _ �. , _. _.. :� • ` • � : . i „ • . � • • i ..' ' :� s • ._.. . � _ .. f �.. � - _ ��.. � .! �.i �:: y • ��.. : i' f : - " - �•" • _ �- �: � y `° :" i : • • • _ - • _ ' � , « . - 3/8-inch squmre No. � 4 No . 8 No. 16 �` No . 30 No. 50 No. 100 No . 2QfJ ai�.EVE,' 3 �.Z@ ._ � , 100 90 to 100 6; �0 90 �+5 to 75 30 to 5C� 12 to 22 2 to 8 O to � �rovided, that the difference between �he percenta�es passing the .. No. 30 and the No. 50 sieves shall not exceed 32. (b) Fine aggregate shall be cornposed of clean, hard, strong, durable, uncoated grains. The percentages of deleterious substances in the sand as batched shall not exceed the following ��alue s . Deleterious material Percent by weight �ermissible Material passing No. 200 screen ( ASZi+�1 Standard C 117-�7 ) shale {As� standard C 123-66 Spec if ic gravity of heavy liquid, 1.96) Clay lur,�ps �ASZM Standard C 1�-2-�'7 } Total of other deleterious substances (such as alkali, mica, coated �rains, sof't fla�y particles, and loa��} Total of all deleterious materials 3 1 1 2 7 The fine a��regate may be rejected for any of the following reasons: (1) Organic Irnpurities - If , when tested in accordance with rlethods prescri�ed b,y AS�I Standard C�+0-66, the color of' the�upernatant liquid above the tes� sample is darker than tY�e re�'erence standard color; (2) Specific Gra�-�ity - If, when tested in accordance with th� r�ethods prescribed in ASZ�i Standard C 1..?�'>-b�3, the specific gr�vi�y (sa�turated surface-dry basis) is less than 2 . �$; CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PAGE 3 �3} Sand Equivalent.- If, when tested in ac�ordance with the methads prescri��d in Cali�ornia Division of Highways 2�est Methc�. No. 217f the s�nd equivalent value ie less t 80; �nd (�+} Sadium sulphate test far soundness - If, when tested in accordmnce with the methods prescribed in ASZT+I Stan�.ard �C $8-63, the weighted average loss after 5 cycles is more _ than 3.0 percent, by weight. The Contractor shall provide satisfactory facilities under the batchers for procuring represeri�ative �e$t sam�les. � (c) Fine aggregate departing in any respect from the fare- going requirements shall not be used in the work, and the Contractor shall do all sorting, crushing, screenin�, blending, washing, and other oper�tions nec�ss�ry to rn�ke th�. �v�,il�ble m�teri�l �onform to said requirements and shall receive no extra campensation therefor, nor for the necessity of separating and wasting any part af the na�ural ;na�erials. In case the �iner p��ticl�s from �he crushed coarsu ag��e�atc are permitted or required to be mixed with the sand fram natural depasits, the 2 products shall be unifarr.ily blended before washing or screening to insure a cor�l�ined product of constant cai;�position. . (d) Fine aggregate as prepared for use, shall be of such quality that 2-inch by �+-inch mortar cylinders :nade with a r�ixture of cenient and the sand under test shall develop compressive stren�ths at 7 and 2� days of not less than 90 percent of those de �:-elaped by a rnortar prepared in the same manner with the same ceTr.ent and graded Ottawa testing sand, all in accordance with the method prescri�ed ��y A,STI�1 Standaz�d C 87-08. 3-3.�+ Coarse ag�regate -(a) Coarse aggre�ate shall consist of �ra�,-el obtained fror:� approti-�ed pits and shall be cor�lposed of strong, hard, clean, duraY�le, uncoated pe�'oles or rock fragr�ents fre� fro�:� alkali, organic, or other deleterious i:latter. The percentages of deleterious su�stances in any size of coarse aggre�ate as batched shall not exceed the �'ollowin� values: Deleterious r�aterial Percent c;y wei�ht, perraissible ` _ A��aterials passin� No. 200 screen (AS�� Standard C 117-67 ) No:�:inal size range 3f 16 inch to 3��- ineh 1�2 Non:inal s ize range 3/�- inch to 1-1�2 inch l,�'-� C ONCRETE DIVISI4N 3, PAGE �+ Shale (AS2M Standard C 123- ) specific gravity of heavy liquid, 1.9� 1 Clay lumps �ASTM Stand.a,rd C 1�-2-67 ) 1/2 � �� � Total of all deleterious r�la�erials 2-1 f 2 Coarse r�ggregate n�sy be re jected for any of the following reasons : (1) Los An�eles Rattler Zhst - If, when tested in accordance with the rnethod prescribed in ASTM Standard C 131-66, the lass, using grading A, exceeds 10 percent �y weight at 100 revolutions, or 40 percent by weight at 5d4 revolutions; (2 } Sodium Sulphate Test for Soundness - If , when tested in accordance with Methods prescribed in AS`I'M S�tandard C 8�-n3, the weighted average loss after 5 cycles is r�ore than 10 percent by weight; (3) SpeClf'1C Gravity -�f, when tested in accordance with the �t�ethods prescribed in AS'IM Standard C 127-b8, the speeifie gravity (saturated surface-dry basis) is less than 2.60; and (�+) If, when tested, the coarse aggregate contains rr,ore than 5 percent by weight of soft or friable particles and �ore than 3 percent of thin, elongated, ar lam.inated pieces. The Contractor shall proT��ide satisfactory iacil_ities under the batci�ers �or procuring rPpreser�tative �amples . ('o) Coarse aggregate shall l�e washed and, if necessar�r, shall again �e unzfor�r:Iy r3oistened �ust before �:�atchin�. Coarse ag�regate shall be furnished in the pri:.�ary sizes specified below and sha11 be stored in separate batching �;ins and Uatched as required to confor� to the co::.�ined �;radin�; require��ents . The gradin� ar proportionin� of the fine coarse aggregates in the �.11X shall be �.�aried as dir�cted by t�ze Engineer arld wz.11 �e based on securing a weil-graded ag�;re�ate and producin� concrete havin� the require�. ��ori;a��ility, density, and stren�th witho�at the use of e,�.cess sand, water, or cen:ent e The grading Qf the pri;:�ary sizes o�' the coarse aggre�ate shall �]e witi�in the lin�its, in percentages, by weight, as follows: Prir:zary aggregate size %Jo. 2 1-1 2 inch r�axsr��u.r: size Sie e size Percent passing 2 inch sq�are 104 CONCRETE DIVISION 3p PAGE 5 Primaz°y a� x�� ate siZ� Na. 2(Cantinued} ldl � inch maximum siz� Si�ve size 1-1�2 inch square 1-inch square 3%�+-inch square 3/8-inch square Sieve s ize 1-1�2-inch square 1-inch square 3f �+-inch square 3/8-inch square No . �+ Sie �re size 1-1�2-inch square 3�8-inch square No. 4 No. 8 ",. ! . t �� •• : •• • . • . • . Prim�ary�a�grega,te size No �3 Percent passing 100 90 to loo 64 to �0 0 to 15 0 to 5 Primary aggregate size No. �+ ��..,.. ,� _.___. Percent passing 100 90 to lU0 0 ta 15 0 to 5 �c� �n the e�;ent coarse ag�regate is stored in stoc�:piles in .ad��-ance oi" concreting operations, si�ch stockpiles shall be built up by approved methods sa that coning or segregation of the �r.aterial cannot occur. Coarse aggre�ate which hecomes unsuitable �ecause af se�regation in stacl`piles, excesai�,: e r�r�a'�age, or far any other re�son, shall not be used until after it has .�een rescreened and r;ade to confo :� to t��e require���ents of these specifications . The rescreened n.aterial shall pass directLy to the bins o,�er the 'r�atch- in� equipr�lent unless the aggregate is deli��,ered directly into the ba�tch plant bins fro� production bins at t2�e aggregate processing plant withaut inter:nediate stor��e or handlin� athe�° than lo�din� and unloa�.ing the transport trucks. ( d} Fine and coarse aggre��,te .;�ay �e o�tained fro�n any appro��-ed saurce . The Contractor s��all notify the Eri�inees° in writing w�thin �0 days after recei���in� notice to be�;in wor�, naT��in� the saurce of fine or coarse a�gre�ate. Once such no�ificatian is �i� eng the source of fi��e or coarse a�gregate sha:�l not be chan�ed without prior written apx�ro��al of the Engineer. Appro�:�al o.i so���rces shall not be constr� .ed as constitutin� appro���al o� a11 materials ta��en �'rom said sources, and the Contractor shall be responsible for the specifiec� quality of all such r��aterials us�a in the wor��.. If tne a�greg�tes are ta 1�e o:�t�ined fro�:� sourc�s COiVC�'�ETE DIVIS1Cll! 3 9 PAGE � not previausly teat�d and approved b� the Authority, the Contractor sh$11 submit to th� Engin�er certified test results fraffi a recogniz�d testing laburatory indicating campliance with the re�uirem�nts of thea� s �ifications4 3~3•5 Water reducing admixture -(a) The Contractor may use an un- modified wat�r reducing admixture in all concrete, such as Plastiment � Admixture as suppli�d by Super C�nerete Emulsion�g Ltd., Los Angeles, Californi�; Zee�on L�U, �s manufactured by Croxn 2ellerback Corp,, Pozzolith P-8, as m�nufactured by Master Builders Coffipany; or an approve� equsl, and said admixture shall eonform to the folloWing requirements: (1} The admixture shallbe aspecially manufactured derivative of hydroxylated carboxylic acid or an unmodified lignasulfonate; (Z} The admixture shall contain no calcium chloride, C3) The admixture shall centain no air-entrai.ning agent; (�+) The admixtur� shall reduce the drying shrinka�e of the concrete by at least 10 percent when tested by a lcaeal cotmner- cial laboratory approved by the Engineer. Said tests shall be at tl�e expense of the supplier and the results of said tests shall be furnished to the Authority prior to its use in the concrete; (5} The admixtur� shall increase the fl�dity of the concrete or mortar and show improved placement under vibrati.on when con- crete or mor�tar of a low slump is specified; (�i� �he admi�cture shall k�e ndded to the mix in the proportion recommended by its manufaeturer to reduce the water-cement ratio as needed to produce concrete or mortar of a required slump and workability, said proportion to be subject to the ap- proval of the En�ineer; {7) V�riations in the proport�c�ns of the admixture used may be made, with the approval of the Engineer, to maintain uniform water requiremetns under variable temperature conditions; and (8) The Authority reserves the right to rescind the approval far use of any admixture Which demonstrates incompatability � with the eement being used on the work. Any admixture so re- jected shall be replaced wzth an admixture which demonstrates compatabilityo (b} No air-entrainin�-agent will be permitted in any concrete used hereunder, CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PAGE 7 3-3.6 Water for concrete - Water for cancrete shall be furnished � by the Contractor. Al1 water used in concrete shall be clean and free from abjectionable quanities of or�anic matter, alkali, salts, and other impurities which, in the opinion of the Eng�neer, rr�i�ht reduce the strength, durability� or other quality of the concrete. 3-4 Proportioning -(a) In �e.neral, the �aaterials for concrete will be proportioned to produce a concrete capable af being depasited so ' as to obtain maximum �ensity and, where cieposited in forr:as� to have rnaximum smoothness of surface, and haz-ing an ultimate compressive strength at the a�e �f 28 days of not less than the ar.zount shawn in the following tab�alation for each type of work_ mentioned, and ha��ing not less than the following designated sacks of cer�ent and weight of pozzola_n per c�ubic�yard of concrete:.�r� Stren�th Minimun No. of Pozzolan C1ass Type of work in psi �sacks of ce:rient {pounds } � � A Str�actl�res, cut- off' walls , and incasez��ent af pipe and steel-plate specials 3000 B Pipe for �� an- hole cha�:�'�ers and r:�anhole rings C Supports across pipe trenches and concrete f ill f'or structure iound- ations D Pipe lining •�• ii 3000 @ 7 days: :�. 4 C-1%2 0 �;. {} 7 0 � CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PAGE � (b) Th� determin��ion o�' compressive strength in pounds r square inch will be made by testing RE�-i.nch by 12-inch cylinders in accordance with �est method specified by ASTM Stand�rd C 39-68. �es�s and analyses of the aggregate and of the resulting concre�e will be mad.e by the Engineer at fr�quent intervals, and the mixes used shall be chan�ed whenev�r, in the opinion of the Engineer, such change is necessary o�° desirable in order to seGure the required er,onomy, warkabilzty, densityp impermeability9 surface finish, and strengthm 0 (c) The ex�ct proportions in which these materials are to be used for different parts of the work shall be as deterrnined by the Engineer during the progress of the work. (d� The norr:inal maximum size of coarse aggregate for any part of the work shall be the largest of the specified sizes, the use'of which is practicable from the standpoint of satisfactory placement of concrete and consolidation of the concrete by vibration. ( e} The quantity of water reduc i.ng ad.,�,ixture to �e adcied to each batch of eoncrete shall l,e as directed, and in general, will be the quantity recommended :..y the zl�anu� act�arer . Water reducing adm�.xture, in suitable dilute form, shall be added to the 1�atch in the mixin�; water . (�' ) No separate payment will �:;e r�ade to the Contractor for pozzolan, cernent, and water reducin� adn�ixture f�rnished and used by hiM e All cor�!pensation to be recei�.�ed theref'or shall be included in the prices named in the Bidding Sheets for the related cancrete itemse 3-5 N�aximur� ter� erature of concrete -(a} The ter��peratures of the concrete as placed shall not �e more than �0°F. When the temperature of the r�aterials or the proba��ility of increases in ambient air temperature indicates a te��perat;�re of the concrete, as placed, abo�:e 90°F, the Contractor shall er�;ploy eif'ectitTe rileans to maintain the te�r.perature of the concrete within the specified. limits such as precoaling aggregates and �ixing water, using ice to caol the �Zixin� water, shadin� of aggregates, or placing at a tizne of day when the ingredients will not produce concrete abo�.•e �0°F. (b� Any wettin� of' aggregate for cooling shall �=e perforr,led sufficier�tly in advance af deli��ery into the batching plant bins and in such a r�lanner �that the batched G<<aterial will ha�-e a uniforr.l and stable moisture content. Variatians in a��regate r�joa.s�ure shall not cause T.��.riations of :r�ore than 1�2-inch in slump froln batch to batch or followi.ng a delaya �ny rewashing found necessary to provide clean aggre�ate, as batched, shall not be performed in conn�ction �rith the specified rescreening at t he 'c�at c h plant . • � 1 • •+ • 3-6 Consistency -(a) The quantity of water entering into a batch ' of concrete shall be just sufficient, with a norn:al mixing period, to produce � concret� which, in the judgment of the Engineer, can be worked properly into place without segregation and which can be compacted by the vibratory methods herein specified to give the desired density, i.mpermeability, and smoothness of surface. The quantity of water shall be changea as necessary with variatic�ns in the nature or r�oisture content of the aggregate, to uniformly produce the desired consistency. Water shall not be added to compensate for stiffening of cancrete before placing. (b) The slump of the concrete after the concrete has been deposited, but before it has been consolidated, shall not exceed 3 inches for cancrete in the t ops of walls and in slabs that are horizontal or nearly horizontal; provided, �.hat in other parts c�f structures the slump of the conerete as placed shall conform to the following limits, zneasured in inches: Type of concrete Structare walls less than 12 inches thick Structure walls greater than 12 inches thic�: Warking 1 ir,�it � 3 Inad�� ertency r.�ar�in F� r Rejection la.z�nit � � � The slur�p, as indicated herein, will �.�e :�:eas�4red in accordance with the :� ethods prescribed in ASTM Standard C 1�+3-�6. ( c) The "Wor�ting Lirnit" is the :�,axirr.um slu�r,p permissi ole for estimating the quantity of Izlixing water to ���e used in th� concrete. The specified slurr,p will :�e the ri11.r.11.illllm slui�:p that will enablE pl�,cing and consalid.ating concrete as specified and will be less than the "Workin�; Limit" . The �`Inad�:�ertenc�r Margin" is the allowable deviation fror�� the "Workin� Lin:it" �or sucn occasional batches of concrete as �nay inad�.�ertently exceed the "Wor�ting Limit" . Batches of concrete with slu��ps in the "Inad���er- tency Mar�in" will k�e re jected if the frequency of their occurrence is exc�ssi e. Concrete that has been rejeceted for faii.ure to rle�t slui��p liraits shall not be sal��aged for use in the work. In- creased r�ixing time, addition oi dry :naterials, or sirr�ilar modificatians of a re jected batch for the pl.irpose of' conf'or�r:ing to slu:np lir�its will nat be per:r,itted. 3-7 Batchin�; 3-7 .1 General -{ a} The Contractor shall. pro��- ide er�uipr�ent � and shall r��aintain and operate the eq�iprr:ent as required to accur�,tely deterrrline and cantral the quantity of each separate ingredient entering the concrete. The ql�antities of i:;ull: cei�ent, • • ��vISlo�t 3, pa�� lo 0 potizolan, �in� aggre�a��, and each si�e of coarse ��gregat� enteri�g ��ch b�tch of concrete sha�l b� determine� by automatic weighing. �e ��antity of �a�e� shall b� determined by weighing or v�lumet�ic measu�°�m�nt. �he�e sacke� cement ar�d po�zolan ar� used, ��e concr�t� sh�ll be pr�port�oned on the basis of integral sacks of cement �r po��Ql�n unless each �aterial is wei�he�. Cha��ing �f �ei�h ho��rs �i�ectl� from ag�regate handling equip�n�nt such �s fr�n��end lo�ders will not be permitted. {b) Whe� bulk c�ment, poz�olan, and ag�re��te are hauled from a centr�l �atchin� plant t� the �ixers, �he c�ment and poz�olan for each ba�ch sh�ll be pl�ced eithe� in �n indi�.idual compartment which will pre��ent �h� cement and p�zzolan from in�ermingla.n� wi�h the ��gre�ates �,nd will prevent loss of ce�ent and po2zolan, or be complete3.y enfolded in ancl ca��.�ered by the ag�regates by loading the cemen�� pozzalan, and aggregates for each batch simultaneously intc� °�h� 'oatch cnmpartment, Each com�rt- ment shall ha� e suf f ic ien�t C8�}�,C 1�y tfl prevent los s in trans it and to prevent spilling and in-terr�a.ngling af �at�hes -as corfipartments are be ing er�pt ied . ( c) If the cement and pozzc�lan are enfolded i.n ag�regates containin� moisture, and �.el�ys occur between filling and emptying the campartments, the Contractt�r, shall at his own expens�, add extra cement to each batch in accordance with the following schedule: Hours of Contact Between Ceznen� and Wet Aggx°e�ate 0 to 2 2to3 3 �o � � to. `� 5to� 0��.-er b Additianal Ce7rent Required 0 percent 5 percent 10 percent 1;- pexcent �'� perc�nt Batch will be �ejected 3-7 .2 E�Lzipnlent -( a) The �reighin� equigment for aggregates sha3�l be capable of �°eady ad�ustments to compensate for variation in r��oist�;re c�c�n�ent of tre a��regates and �'or e�'�ecting changes in co�crete�,�ix propartions. (��) Scales r.jay be either �he sprin�le�� dial type or the „ r�,ultiple bea.°� type , If the dial tvpe is used, the dial shall ?�e of such size and so �rran�ed t,�iat it ��lay �ve read easil� fro_�� �he aperatin�; platf'c�rr�� . I�' the ��l��ltiple �ea<r t e is used, the scales �hall be provided with an indicator which will gi��e positi�e � e� i�.ence of o�.�er or under wei�;ht easily �°isil�le for the op�rator. The indicator sha11 �}e so designed tha-t it will aperate durin� addition of the last '�-Q� pounds wei�hed :,,y each beam. T'he o,�.er-tra�v�el of -the indica�tor hand shall operate dura.ng o erlo�d up to 1;0 pc�>>nds, Indica-�ors shall be enclosed a�ainst mois�ure and dust. • • i :} � �� . .. • ��'.; s l '... (c� Bu�k cement and pozzolan shall be weighed in an individual hopp�r and shall be kept separate from the aggregates, until the batch ingredients are discharged from the batching hopper. The hopper m�,y be attached ta a separate scale for individual �eighing or may be attached �o the aggregate scale for automatic cumulative weighing. If the materials are weighed cumulatively, the cement and pozzolan shall be weighed before the other ingredients. If the materi:als are weighed cumulatively by beam scales, a separate beam shall be pravided for weighing each material. (d) The capacity of scales for wei�hing cement, pozzolan, and � a�gregate shall not exceed that of the nearest commercial size of scale having a capacity of approximately 1-1%2 times the total amount of material to be weighed by them in 1 operation. Each scale graduation shall be approximately 1�1,000 of the total capacity of the scsle. {e) Weighing equipment shall l�e sufficiently insulated against vi�bratian or :navement of other operatin� equipment about _ the plant so that the accuracy of delivered quantities of materials will not be impaired. The batching equipment shall be constructed and operated so that when the entire plant is running, the combined inaccuracies in feeding and measuring the material will not exceed 1 percent for water or cer�ent and pozzolan, 2 percent for any size of a�gregate, and 1-1f2_ percent for the total aggregate in any batch. (f) Before weighing equipment is placed in operation, it shall be tested for accuracy by the State Bureau of Weights and NSeasures . A certif'icate of inspection shall be �htained from this agency statin�; the de�ree of accuracy of the scales. At intervals not to exceed 1 month thereafter, or at any time the accuracy of the scales may be in question, the Contractor shall make tests, in the presence of the Engineer, of the operating performance of each scale or other measurin� device, ovEr the ranges of ineasurements involved in the batching opera-�ions. The Contractor shall provide standard test weights totalling at least 1%10 of the batch scale capacity and any other auxiliar� testing equipment required. The Contractor shall make such adjustments, repairs, or replacements as may be necessary to meet the specified requirements for accuracy of ine�surement �,nd peri'ormance . (g) All batching equiprrlent in automatic plants � shall be interlocked so that a new wei�;hing cycle cannot be started until all batchers are completely emptied and the batcher discharge gates and valves are closed; t�he batcher discharge gate cannot be opened until the correct weic�hts of materials are in the � batchin� hoppers and the scales in balance; and the discharge gates cannvt be closed until all materials are entirel�r disc�arged from the hopper and the scales are b�ck in balance. In a central batching and rnixin� plant, the water val.ves shall be interlociced sa that the batcher discharge valve cannot be opened until the f illing valve is closed. CONCRETE DIV ISION 3, PAG�� 12 Th� admixture dispensers shall be interlc�cked to operat� with the water batcher . th) Equipment for water measurement shall be designed for convenient confirma�tion of the accuracy �f the mea�surement. The operating mechanism in the water measuring devi�e shall be such that leakage will not occur when the valves are closed. Wat�r tanks on portable mixers shall be construc�ted so that the ind.�.cati.ng device �aill register� withi� the speCified limit of accuracy, the quantity of wa�er discharged, re�ardless of the inclination of the mixer e TY�e wra�er measuring device shall be in full view of the operatora . (i} Dispensers for water redu�ing admixtures shall have sufgicient ^apacity to measure at one time the full quantity of the progerly diluted solution required for each batch and shall be maintained in a clean and freely operating conditian. Unless admixtures are added ta premeasured water for the batch, �thei,r discharge into the batch shall be arranged to flow automatic.ally and unifarmly into the stre�� of Yt11Xli2� water from beginning �o end of its flow into the mi.xer. Dosages of water reducing ad- mixtures shall not vary from required dosages by more than 5 per- cent. Equipment for measurement shall be designed for visual confirmation of the accuracy of the measurement for each batch. 3-7.3 Samples and tests: - Before concrete production is started, the Contractor shall provide aceeptable facilities for obtaining samples of cement, pozzolan, aggregates, and concrete as required. Said facilities shall be provided at the batching plant or at the batching and mixing plant. Samples of aggregate and samples of concrete for tests of slump and compressive stren�th shall be furnished as requested by the Engineer. 3-8 Mixing 3-8.1 Generald -(a) Any mixer ��hich at any time produces unsatisfactory results shall be repaired proMptly and effectively ar shall be replaced. Mi.xers shall not be loaded in excess of their rated capacity unless authorized by the Eng7.neer. (b). Variations in cons�_stency during discharge of a single batch, as deterrnined by slump tests, shall not exceed one inch, except that a greater variation will be permitted if the slump of conerete decreases and no water is added. Variations in mix and grading in `• clifferent parts of the delivered bateh shall be within the limits stated in I�STM S�andard C 9�+-E�3. (c� The Authority reserves the right to increase the mixing time when the charging and mi.xing operations fail to praduce a delivered batch in which var�.atians of consistency, n�ix, or grading are within the limits specifi�ed above . C ONCRE TE D NIS IOIV 3, PAGE 13 (d) Water shall be introduced prior to, during, and fallawin� mixer-char�ing operations. O��ermixing such as to require addition of water to preser�.re the required consistency will not be permitted. (e) Each mixer shall be equipped with a mechanically operated timing and signaling de�.-ice which will indicate and assure the completion of the required t�lixin� period and will count the batches. (f) .Effective telephone or 2-way radio cammunication shall be provided between the batching plant or the batching and mi�cing plant and the point of placement. Telephones shall be equipped with call bells, horns, ar flashin� colored lights which can be easily distinguished fror� other signals nearl�y. The communication system shall be maintained in proper working condition at all times during placement of cor�crete . 3-8.2 Batch r�ixers -(a� Mixers in centralized batching and mix�ng plant shall be �rr�nged so tha-� miying action in_the_m3.xers can be observed fron� a location conl�enient to the mixing plant operator's station. (b) Concrete ingredients shall be r�ixed for not.less than 1-1�2 minutes after all the ingredients, except the full quantity of water, are in the mixer. This minimum mixing tirne shall be increased lf 2 minute for each cuk�ic yar�. of concrete in excess of 2 c�zbic yards unless r�ixer perforr�ance tests der�onstrate satisfactory znixing in the minimum time. 3-� Preparation of 'suriaces for concreting -(a) Irnr:�ediately �efore placing concrete, a11 surfaces of foundations upon or against which the concrete is to Ue placed shall be f'ree fronl standin� water, l�ud, and de�ris . Rocl� sarf'aces shal_1 :�e washed free of all loose r�aterial with air-water jets . Rocl�� and a11 other surf'aces upon or against which concrete is to be placed, shall, in addition to the foregoing requiren�ents, �e clean and free from oil, o� jectiona�.�le coatings, and loose, detached, or unsound fragrnents. ( l� ) Earth surfaces, after �>eing tri�rir.ed and compacted in accordance with the requirer:lents of Section 2-11 shall be thoroughly �r.oistened ��y sprinkling prior to the placing of any eoncrete lzpon thera and shall �e kept .��oist by freqaent sprinkling as required up to the t ir�le of plac ing conc rete thereon . ( c) All surf'a�es oi' f'ox^r!s and er,�bedded items that hatTe �een encrusted with dried mortar ar �;rout from concrete pre�iously ' placed shall be cleaned of all such mortar or grout before the surrounding or ad�jacent concrete is placed. (d} Conerete surfaces Lipon or against which new concrete is CONCRET.E DNISION 3, PA�GE l�+ to be placed and to which new concrete is to adhere or where • the placement of concrete has be�n stopped or interrupted so th�t� in the opinion of the En�in�er, the new concrete cannot be � incorporated integrally with that previously placed, are de�ined as construction joints. The surfaces of construc�ion joints shall be clean and rough pria� to coverin� �ith fresh concrete or mortar. Cle�ning shall consist of �he removal of all lait�nce, loos� or � defecti�.r� con.crete, and foreign material. The surfaces of the joints sh�ll be suffieiently rough t� assure satisfactory bond with the new concrete. Cleaning of the surfaces of all construction joints shall be accomplished �y wet sandblasting, followed by �horou�h washing, � All pools of water shall be r�r�o��ed from the surfaces of con- struction joints before the new concrete is placed. (e) When the placi.ng of concrete is -to t�e interrupted long enough for the concrete to take its final set, the workin� face shall be given a shape by the use of forms or other means that will secure proper union with sut�se4uent work. (f) When new cor�crete is to Le placed against eoncrete in existing struct��res or against new concrete that is more than 3Q days old or against concrete that has �een pex�r.litted to dry out, the surfaces shall be roughened and cleaned as specified in paragraph (d) of this Section 3-9, and in addition thereto, the surfaces shall be kept thoroughly wet durin� the 2�-hour period ir�n;ediately prior to the placement of the new concrete. This wet�ing shall be accomplished l�y contin,zous sprinkling or Ly co<<ering exposed surfaces with �;�urlap, or :::�y paeking holes full of burlap and ��eeping the burlap wet. All existing projecting steel bars to be er�vedded in new concrete shall �:e cleaned as specified in para�raph (c ) of this Section 3-'�. 3-10 Forn�s 3-10.1 General -(a) Drawings showin�; the �eneral design and detail dimensians of' the for��;s proposed ior the structvres shall be prepared by the Contractor and su�r�itted to the Engineer for appro�-�al, as set forth in �ection 1-17, at least 30 days before i aG�ricat ion of the Sorr�� is to be started . (:: ) Any expense incurred ,::�T t��� Contractor in the r,an,?facture or fabrication of iorr�:is prior to the approval of drawin�s � w, shall t.e at his own risi�_, Neither tn� �,ppro���,l o�' tre Contractor's drawin�s nor the inspection of' for�ns � y the En�;ineer shall relie��e the Contractor oi' responsi�:;ility for t��e adequacy of the forr�s nor fror.� the necessity f'or ren�edying any defects w�ich �tiiay �' de� �elop or :jecoi:�e apparent with �zse . The Engineer r�zay at any time condemn any section or sections of forrrls round def icient in any respect, and the Contractor shall pro�lp�tly remo�� e the condei-�:ned forr.�s froi�, the worl: and replace then� at his awn e�ense o CONCRETE �Zvzszo� 3, PAGE 15 . (c) All verti�al surfaces o� concrete members shall be �ormed unlesa pl�cement of the concpete against the ground is callcd for on the draMin�s or ia �uplicity authorized by the Engineer. The dimensions oi concrete m�mbera sho�n on the dra�ings apply t� forzned surfaces ex�tpt vhere other- wise indicated, and not lesa than 1 inch af cancrete shall be added where cancrete is permit�ed t� b� placed against trimmed ground in lieu of forms. Such permission will be granted o�ly Where the character of the ground is such that it can be trimmed to the required lines and will stand se- curely without c��in� or sloughing until the concrete has been placed. 3-10.2 Construction -(a) �orins for con�rete �oured in pl�ce and hav�ng permanently expase� exterior or int�rior surfaces shall be constructed xith garticular care to secure finish af uniform texture, free from visible irregulariti��, gatch marks, and discoloratians; and said forms shall be ne�, �aterproof, synthetic resin bonded exterior type Douglas Fir plywood manufa�t��ed e�peeially for concret� iormw�rk an� shall conform to the requirements of U. S. Product Standard PSl-66 for Concr�te Farms, Class I� �nd shall be ed�e �e�led but shall not be m�ll oiled. In�tallation of f�rms ft�r exposed concrete surfaces shs-l�. conform to the following: (1) The edges af facing panel� shall be butted tightly and the �oints pointed with water putty, such as Durham's water putty as distribu�ed b�r Neville �uilding Mmterials, Los Angeles; Duratite Wo�ci Dou�h, as manufactured by Duratite, Inc., Dayton, Ohio; Rutland patching plaster, or an approved equal. (2} Plywood form panels shall be placed with the grain af the auter ply parallel to the direction af span wherever possible. C3) Far�n panels shall be af such size as to minimi2e joints as much as possibl� and to bring horizantal jaints at natural hori- zantal 1.ines of dema�°catian. (�+) Forms for expc�sed concrete, as specified in par��raph (a) hereof, shall be coated with an approved release agent prior to the pla�ing of concrete. The release agent shall be non- st�inin�, shall nt�t leave re�idual ma��ter on the surface of the �oncr�te nor adversely affect prop�r bonding af paint, plasters, or other s�rfa�e coatin� to be applied subs�quently. Coating containin� mineral oils or other nan-drying ingredients �vill nat be permitted. The coatin� s�all be appli�d in accordance with th� manufacturer's specifications befc�re reinfarcement steel is placed, (b} Forms f�r all other concretp surfa�es shall be af CO�CRETE DS'�ISION 3, PAGE lb metal, plywood� ar metal-lines timber; e�cep� that forms for precast concrete cylindrical manhole chambers shall be of inetal. All forms shall be true in every respect �o the required shape and size; shall eonform to the established alinement and grades; and shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to maintain their positifln a�d shape under the loads and operations incident to placing and vibrating the concrete. Metal forms shall be * accurately made so that similar removable parts will be interchangeablee (c) Suitabl� �nd effecti�fe means shall be pro�ided for ` holdin� adjacent �dges and ends of panels and sections ti�htly to�ether and in accurate alinement so as to pre�rent the formatian of ridges, fins, offsets, or sinlilar surface defects in the finished concrete. The forms shall be tight so �s to pre�rent the loss of water, c�ment, and fines during placing and vibrating of the concretea (d) �dequate and suital�le �neans shall be pro�.�ided for removing forrns without injury to the surfaee of the fir�ished concrete. A sufficient number of forms of each kind shall be pro�r�ided to permi°� the required r��e of progress to be main�v�.���_�:�.. 4'r.enever, in the opinion of the Engineer, additional forms are necessary to main�ain the required progress, such additional forms shall be provided �y the Contractor at his own expense. {e) Where ties extending through the concrete are used to support or to strent;then forr:�s, the ties shall �e pro��rided with metal waterstops which shall remain embedded, and said ties shall be so const,ructed and so removed that no tie other than Metal will be left in the concrete, and that no r�etal tie which extends to within 1-1�2 inches or any concrete surface w i11. be left in the concretee The maximum diameter of remo� able cones for rod ties, or o.i other remo��.�- able form -tie fasteners, shall not exeeed 1 inch, and all such fasteners shall be such as to leave holes of regular shape for rea�ling. Holes left by the rer.loval of tie rods or of fasteners fro:� the ends of the tie rods shall be properly rea�ned with stzitable taothed reamers before bein� filled with mortar as specified in Section 3-l�, The use of wire ties for holding foz�r.�s, or of forr� ties , or form t�r�,n� :nethods which cause spalling of the concrete when the forms are stripped or the ties rez�o�ed w ill not �e permittea. . {f) Prestressed concre�Ge cylinder pipe, �aelded-steel pipe, and steel-plate specials required to be incased in concrete, and the inside forms of water-carrying portions of structures shall be supported on concrete piers or pedestals or �;y other appro�•ed rt means@ Concret� supports, if used, shall b� carried to firr:� foundations so that no settlement of said. pipe ar steel-plate specials will be possibl� during cons�ruction, and tops of permanent suppor�s shall ��� ��ep-t at least 6 inehes fror� pipe, steel-plate specials, anci reinforcement ca�e assemblies. �Zetal ties CONCRETE DIVISIOIV 3, PAGE 17 or supparts may be uscd; provided, th�t they meet the requirement� of paragraph �e) o�° this Secti�n 3-1�.2. Whatever the type of supports or ties used, the pipe, steel-plate apecial�, or steel cylinders shall be properly secur�d in position so as to prevent floating or other movement during the placing of concrete. (g) Outside forms for structures shall be constructed in lifts not ' greater than 5 feet, measured along the surface of the forms, or shall be provided with openings of sufficient size and spacing to permit the �at- isfactory introductian, working, and inspection of the concrete at in- , tervals not greater than 5 feet. Adequate clean-out holes shall be pro- vided at the bottom of ea,ch lift af forms; the siZe, number, and locations of such cleanouts shall be approved by th� Engineer. �h) Ra�er��t corners �.nd exteriQr carner� sh�ll be formed with 3�4- inch fillets or 3�4-inch chamfer�, respectively, unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or ordered. 3-10.3 Maintenance of forms - Forms shall be maintained in good condi- tion at all times, particularly as to size, shape, strength, rigidity, rightness, and smoothness of su�face. Forms, when in place, shall con- form to the established alinement and grade. Befare concrete is �laced, the forms shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with a non-staining minerial ail or other coating.approved by the Engineer. Any excess caating shall be st�ti.sfactorily removed before placing concrete. In addition, except as specified in Section 3-10.2(a}, all plywoo� ta be used as forms shall be given a preliminary oil treatment by the manufacturer ar shall be oiled by the Contractor at least 2 weeks in advance of its use. Care shall be exercised to keep form oil off the surface of steel reinforcement and other metal items to be embedded in concrete. 3-10.�+ Removal af forms -(a} Forms for incasement of prestressed con- crete cylinder pipe, steel-plate specials, and for welded-steel pipe shall be rer�oved as saon as the strength af the concrete is such that form re- moval will not result in spalling, peelin�, �erceptible crackin�, b�eaking of edg�s or of surfaces, or other damage to the concrete; provided, that supports and braces inside the steel cylinder and welded-steel pipe re- quired to maintain the diametric tolerance specified in Section 5-18.2(a) shall not be removed until the concrete has attained a strength of 3,000 paund� per square inch as determined by the Engineer. Forms for sloping surfaces shall be removed as soon as the concrete has attained sufficient stiffness to prevent sagging of the cancrete. (b) �orms and falsework supporting concrete be�ms, arch ribs, slabs, ar other members subject to direct bending stress shall_ not be re- moved in less than 21 days after the concrete has • � t • �� ; � bcen placed, unless concrete test cylinders shaw strength of not less th$n 3000 pounds per square inch in compression when cured under conditions simil�r to those affectin� the structure. Side forms for beams� �irders, calumns, walls, or other members wherein the forms do not r�sist deadloa� bendin� may be r�moved � ithi� a riod of i�0 5 d�ys, as permitted b� th� En�ine�r, provided �atisfact�ry arxangements are mad� �a cur� and p�otect the concrete thus exposed. The periods c�f �ime set forth herein durin� which th� Contractor rnay remo��e forms are perma.ssive only and are subj�ct to the Contractor's assuming all risks that may be involved in such remo�ral. ( r. } The r�mo��al of forr��s shall be done with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete. No heati•y loadin� on green concrete will be permitted. Immediately upon removal of the forms the concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted and shall be kept wet until the curing eompound is applied or other curink, procedure is made effective. 3-11 Placing and transporting 3-11.1 Placing -(a} The Contractor shall ad��ise the Engineer as to when concrete will be placed. Unless inspection is waived in each specific case, placin� of concrete shall �e perforrned only in the presence of the Engineer. {b} No concrete shall be placed until all formwork, installatian of parts to be emUedded, and preparation of surfaces invol�: ed in the placing ha��e been appro,�ed 1.�y t�1e En�in�er, ( c} The order of plac ing c oncrete and the nt:�,i uer, type , position, ar�d design of lonbitudin�l joints shall bP su�ject to the appro � a1 af the Engineer. In forr�ed concrete, a trans �erse construction joint with a keyway shall ��,e pro�. ided at the end of any continuous concrete placer�lent as shown on the drawings. 0 (d) No concrete shall be placed until all wat�r entering the spaee to be f'i.11ed with concrete has been properly cut off ar has been di-�.�erted t�y pipes or otrer !r.eans and carried out of the for���s, clear of the wor�. No concrete shall ue deposited under water nor shall the Contractor, without explicit perznission, allow still water to rise on any concrete until the concrete shall hatre attained its 1I11t1�,1 set . G3ater in zrlotion shall not '�e gerr.�ittea to flow o�.�er the surface af any concrete in �ucr. r�anner and at such ��.relocity as will injizre the surface finish of the concrete. ( e} The type and opera� ion of any cc�ncrete pump or of any pneur.�atic or other type of placing eqlzipr.nent used on the wor�� shall be su�: ject to the appro�:�al of the En�;ineer. (f ) Structural concrete p�acement in forr��s shall :�e started with an o�-ersanded �nix wzth 3��a -inch rlaxuz�ul�l a�gregate, an extra CONCRETE DNISION 3, PAGE 19 sack of cement per cubic•yard, �nd a 5-inch slump. Thisf m� shall be placed several inches deep �n the construction joint. A mortar lay�r shall not be used. This starting mix shall �� omitted in open work in which the regular mix can be read.ily plac�d on th� construction joint without loss of mortar and shall be thoroughly vil�rated, . � (g) Retenpering concrete will not be perr�itted. Any concrete which has become so stiff that prop�r placing cannot be assured sh�ll be wasted and any concrete so wasted will not be estimated for paymento (h) Concrete shall not be dropped through reinforcement st�°el or into any deep form, whether reinfarce�ment is present or nat� so as to cause separation af the coarse aggregate from the mortar, nor shall concrete �e placed in any form in such a r�anner as to leave an accumulation of mortar an the forrri surfaces above the placed concrete. Hoppers and, if necessary, vertical ducts of c�n�.T�s, rubber, or metal shall b� used in the forms, or other means shall be employed so that the concrete shall ��e deposited, as nearly as practicable, directly in its final position and said concrete shall not be caused to flow such that the lateral mo : ernent will percait or cause segr�gation of the coarse aggregate, mortar, or water from the concrete mass. Methods and equipm�nt employed in depositing concrete in farms shall be such as will not result in clusters or groups of coarse aggregate being separated fror,� the concret� mass, but if clusters do occur th�y shall be scattered bef ore the concrete is �ribrated. In no case shall the free fall of concrete exceed 4 feet_below the ends of ducts, chutes, or bu�;gies. (i) All ends of chutes,�hopper �ates, and all other points of concrete discharge throu�hout the Cozztractcar's conveyin�, hoistin�;, and placin� systera shall t�e so designed and arranged that concrete passing fror� t�e� will not �e separated in fallin�; into whatever receptacle irnmediately receives it. Adequate headroom provision must ��e made at such points for a vertical drop and for proper raffling. No �hUtes or con`eyor belts shall 'oe used except as approti�ed by -the Enginer. Chutes lon�er than 50 feet and com%eyor belts i.on�;er than 100 feet will not be perrnitted. T•linir:�ur� slopes of chutes shall 'oe such that concrete af the specified consistency wil�. readily flow in then�. I:I' a conzr�eyor l>elt is �ased, it shall �e wiped clean �y a device operated in s�..ch a manner that none of the r�ortar adherin� to the Lelt will be w�,sted. �11 conveyar k�elts and " chutes shall be co�ered when weather con3itians might affect the concrete quality ad•,�ersely as c�eter�;ined :�y the Engineer. ( j) F�ccept as intercepted l�y �;oints, all formed concrete shall be placed in contin��.ous, approxirr;ately horizontal layers, the depths caf which �enerally shall not exceed 20 inches. The Engineer will require lesser depths where necessary to insure each new layer bein� placed while the pre�.ious layer is still CONCRETE DI�IS�ON 3, PAGE 20 - • : i � : - : • :.. : • ' i • � ' .. � � • , � �, � � i • • �. _ �r � � �., •' :• - � � � � .. .. ! •, • • � * � � .;. i ..� � .: � . • i �, • • : � .. - ; .., • � .. M • ' • i � _ � .. � .. , � , � 3-11.2 Transporting - The methads and equipment us�d for transporting cc�ncr�te and the time that elapses during transportati,on shall be sueh as will not cause appreciable segregation af coarse a,�gre�a�ce or slump l�ss �.n excess of 1 inch in the concrete as it is delivered into the worl�o Only agitating equipqnent shall be used to transport concrete on roads or rails. Any concrete which is transportecl any appreciable distance after the mixing shall be agitated zn transit, or remixed; provided, that transit mixin�; and long distance transportation of m ixed concrete will not be permitted in any case where cantral of ��easurement of cement, aggregates, or water, or any other operation affecting the quality of cancrete fails to compl� with the requi.rements �et forth else- where. Concrete shall be placed �efore ini�ial se� has occurred. 3-12 Consolida�ing - Concrete shall be consolidated 'ay vibration to the m�imum practica�.;le density so that it is fre� from pockets of coarse aggregate and entrapped air and closes snugly against all surfaces of forms and er�,redded Inaterials . I:� consolidatin.g each layer of eoncrete, the :ribrator shall ti.�e operated at regular and frequent inter�-als and in as nearly a tiertical position as possible. The vibration head shall be allowed to penetrate deeply and re�ibrate concrete in the l�nderlying layers. The top layer of each �lacem,ent shall �e re�ibrated systematically at the latest time the concrete can ��e made plastic by ��leans of �,rit�ra�tion. Lay�rs of concre-te shall not �e placed uritil the layers previously placed ha�:�e �een ��i��rated thoroughly as specified. Care shall be exercised to avoid contac-� of the ��: il�ra�in� head with surfaces of the forr�s . Consolidation of concre �e shall be ,ay electric or nneumatic dritire vibrators o�' sufficient power and capacity to cor�sQlidate the concrete effecti�tiely and q�Aic?�ly. Iin�nersion type �-•ibrators shall be operated at s}�eeds of at least 7,000 rpm when imn:ersed in the concrete. 3-13 Finishing ` �-13,1 General - Finishin�; of concrete surfaces shall only be perfor:ned ay skilled wor�,��nen . The Contractor shall advise the Engineer as to when concrete will be finished. Unless inspection � is wai�:red in each specific case, finishing ol concrete shall only ��e perfor�^ed in the presence of the En�ineer. Concrete surfaces will be tes-ted by the Engineer to deterr:ine that surf'ace irreg�,.alarities are within the specifzed lir��its . 3-13.2 Forr.�ed surf'aces - A11 i'inished forl:led st�rfaces shall_ CONCr�.ETE DIVISION 3, PAGE 21 conform accurately to the shape, alinerient, �rades, and sections shown on the plans or prescribed by the Engineer. The surfaces shall be free from fins, bulges, ridges, offsets, honeycoinbing, or roughness of any kind and shall present a f inished, smooth, continuous, hard surface. Precautions shall ve taken, with the use of skill�d ;nen and by ski.11ful manipulation, to insure that all interior concrete surfaces which will come in contact with flowing wat�r shall haz�e the sr�ooth and e}�-en te�ture produced by the proper use of the best forrts and the �est and rnost modern r.leans of concrete placernent . Cancrete surfaces which will not be in contact w ith f lowing water shall lil�ewise be finished in a good and wor�nanli��e manner and sha11 �e free from unsightly or injurioU.s imperfections but will not require the same care specified for the surfaces �rhich will come in contact with flowing water. External cornexs shall be roLlnded or 'oe�t�eled, where required, by th� use of malding strips or with suitable n:olding or finishing tools. Where groo�les are shawn on the drawings for struct��.res they shall be for�ned �.y molding strips or other suita'ule means. 3-13.3 Unformed s�zrfaces - The concrete shall i�e brought z�p e�,renly to sli�htly abo.�e fini.shed grade and thoroughly cornpacted by vi'�rating, ta:�pin�, and rolling or other appro��ed :�eans. The top shall be struck off to accL�rately established grade strips or grade bloc'��s and the surface floated r�y hand or i�y a nechanical float to 'orin� j ast eno���h r��ortar to the slzri'ace for troweling. The s�lr�'ace shall be tested with a strai�htec��e and a ter.�plate to detect high and low s�ots which, if fo�{r1d to exceed l�a' inch in 10 feet, shall �.�e eliminate�? . As soon as any r.ioisture slzeen has disappeared froi�� the floated surface and the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prej.�ent drawin� moisture and � ine r�aterials to the sur{'ace, -the a�iri'ace shall be �;i�.en a steel-trawled finish to produce a sr;�ooth, hard, unif'or�r� finis}�. A f'�nal steel troweling shall '�e �i,��en after the concrete is so hard th3t no ���ortar accu:-�.�lates on the trowel when it is r��:anipulated_ to give hea�•y pres�ure to cor.�pact and harden the surface . Macnine finishing prod�icin� equally satisfactory resl�? ts ;�lay ue su-, stitL�ted for the finishing process herein prescri: �ed . Excessi . e u��d:.�lations and 1oca1 irre�-alarities in si�ape, althou�h of sr�ooth appearance, rrill not .,e pe�l:�itted. 2'he :.�se of a special r:�ortar finishin�; coat will not be per::.itted, ::ut the desired s���r�'�,ce shal.L be o,:.�tained '. y thorou�hly wor'-in� the noz~„al concrete �:�ix. �-l3 .`� E�pased ���rfaces - Per��:anently e�,posecl e�terior and � interior concz•ete s��.r-�'aces shall be thorou�:?�:iy wetted, and, as t�iey appraac':� dryne ,s, a�r. o��t o� l pa,rt pc�rtland ce�.�ent to 2 parts oi' sand passin�M a No. 1c� screen sh�ll �}e wip�d or ���rashed _ on, fi_�l in� a1l holes and poc��..:ari: ;. A�'ter tre �ro.4t has 1:een spreac� e�. er.Zi.y a si;;:i �_a:r ,. i:: Yritl�o;at wat�r s�L�,=� l-:�e r��-.��� ed on to ' re.�o e t}�e e��C�ilJ :.iatetia� ar�d to stif�'en t?�e �ro��.t i�� tr�e ho�.es and poc'�:;ar�_s. .4fter the �ro.�t has thoro�.;�hl�T harclene� it sha11 'ti�e wiped wit:� clean �:: �ri ap to re�r�o�.�e all s�_:r�'ace �ro��t co��_pl.etely, so CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PA�E 22 : �. _ , � - + ` *.: . - t • '' • � •. - • _ _ �, :, . t _: - :. � • s r • s .,, � � : ; :: �� , ; ; � ,: • �i * , - � s . . _. . � . • � � � : :: • .. • ~ : . � . . , • � - �; � .; ' � : . �. '.' �. .: � ' i� r, • : r-• • ;. . ;, • :• s .. , i ' ` •; _ ., • ', • ., . . t : - �, �, � ,- a" �i • a+ f ••;, ., � ., . � . . ,i .. , �., ._ .. . " /1. �.' i, ., • .. : �. : • .. _ . . • ,' • � I i : � • ; ;. 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Passing � No. 200 No. 200 to No. 100 NO • .�.VO 't0 NQ s 5� No. 50 to No. �.� Retained on Na . 1�..� 0 7 13 30 20 The mixing and placing of material for ta the requirements of SDCWA Standard Pneumaticall� �pplied Martar, insofar 4 11 25 50 3� repair purposes Specifications C2 as applicable. shall conform for 0 (c ) Af'ter being reamed as specified in Section 3-10.2(e,, holes left by tie-rod cones or tie rods_and other imperfections havin� a depth greater than their least surface dir�ensions shall be repaired in an appro��red ��anner with dry-pac�ced ��artar. (d) All repairs shall be bailt �ap and shaped in sl�ch a ma�zner that the co:��pleted wor�. W111 confor;�� to the requirements of Section 3-13.2, usin� appro ed z�ethods which Gil�..l not distur�� the bond or cause sa��ging or horizontal fract�.�res . S�_.rfaces shall match the finish of the surro�,.r�ding concrete and shall recei���e the sa�ne l.ind and ar�o�arlt of c�srin€, treat::�ent as req��ired f'or the concrete in the repaired section. �( e) t�lhere . Pr the Engineer orders repairs to t�e r::ade with an adhesive, said �dhesive shall r1e an �poxy resin as r�,anufactt.�rea by Adhesi��e Engineerin� Coz�pany, Edoco T�chnical Prod�:.cts Corcpany, F�.rane Plastics Co:npany, or an appro,�ed eay"al. Adhesi-, e shall confor��: to California Di��ision of Higr:ways �pecii'ications ��5-F-�+3 and shall �e tised in accordance with the require:nents of the r:�a,n�:.fact�:.rer. A�_� repaix°s shall. :_�e soun� and free i ro?:, shrinl�a�e cracl,s and dr�.?_�.���.y areas after t�ze fillin�;s na��e ;;een c�ired and ha-.-e dried at least 30 days. ( f) No additional pa;T:��ent will be �r.ade to the Contractor S'or epoxy furnished and �:sed �y hirn , All co;�;pensation to be recei�. ed therefor shall �.-e incl.tded in the prices na.,led in the �3iddin� Sheets �'or t}ze ap�lica��;le concrete itei:�s . 3-1 j C�_�ring concrete - Al�. concrete shall :.:e cvr�d :�y �ne or a combination of the �:i�thods speci�'ied in �DCW�1 Standard Speci:i ications C3, C�rin� oi Concrete and P,?ortar. 3-1�': Cleanin� a:ld protectin� concrete 3-l� ;.l C�eanin�; e.,posed s��rf`aces - l��e Contractor :�,ay �:e req�:ired, at an;� time prior t� the :i inal acceptance of t�le wor��, to . CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PAGE 2�+ - : •_ � m: _ �� -• . _ • • _ • • _ •: _ �� :.• - � _ � �_ .� _ • • a � _ : � - � _ � � - * _ � _ � . � _ : •s � - • . _ _: � � . 3a16m2 Car� �nd repair - Th� Cont�°�ctQr shall protect all �o�c�° t��ains� d�age from excessi � heat, a�Terstr�ss, lack of , moisture, or any other c�use until fic�al acceptance �y the Authori�y. Sp�ci�l care sh�11 ae tal�en �o pr�t�,��nt tne dryin� out of concrete and to avoid rou�hening or o�herwise dama�ing the surfaees. A,ny concrete found to b� dar�aged, or which raay ha�,re �een originally w defecti�re p o�° which b�ct�ni�s defeetijre a�t any �ime prior to the final acceptance of the cc�mpleted wos°k, or which departs fror� the establish�d lin� or grade, or which, far any other reason does not conforn-� to the specifications, shall be satisfactorily repaired �r remot.�ecl and replaeed with accepta�le concrete at the Contractor's expense. 3-16s3 Protection against freeZin�; - The Contractor shall �e prepared to protect newly placed conerete a�ainst freezing when the passi�:ility af freezin�; is indicated ��y U� S. Weather Bureau fros� warnin�s. Concrete sllall �e pratected against freezi.ng ternperatures for not less than 2��- hol.�rs after it is placed. Where artificial heat is e��ployed, special care shall �;e taken to pre�. ent the concrete fro��� drying. 3-17 Tolerances - Where tolerances are not stated in the specifications or -shown on the drawings for any indi��id�al struct �re or feature thereof, perr�;issi�le de�.°iations will �� e interpreted in conformity with the pro��isions of this Section �-17. T�ne Contr�ctor shall be responsi'ole for setti.ng and r:-:aintainin� concrete iorms sufficiently wit��in the tolerance 1ir:i`ts so as to ins :.se cor:�pleted wor�: within the tolerances speci� ied herein. Concr�te ��or�� that eyceeds the �tolerance li.:,its speci�'ied herein shall be re- �ec'�ied or re.:�o-�ed, as ordered ?,y tr.� En�ineer a Tolerances for Str �ct _.res Variation �'ro::� the pl�u?_ :i: or fra�:� the. specif'ied �^atter aj' all strt�ct_�.res, �ncllai��� the lines and s�rfaces of wa�Lls, piers, or �rertical .��o�:�t �';z'00': P, S In l� �'ee�t In 20 j'�et In �-0 fe�t �12 incn 3f'+ incr or .a:cre In �b �ri�d G(�T1St�'�C't 1G:1 �-;j4� ���n 'I'�r � ce t r�e ati�o�:•e a��; ot:rits '1/�� 121C}'1 ��2 �nch �tid: C'C,' t�'ie a� o�,�e a;�o;zr_t� Varia�i�on iro:�� the le��.�e1 or In 1.0 feet fro t:�� �raae� indi�ate3 In 30 feet o:z ; -, . ���rawi���� in sla, �s, or ,�.,c�re cr n�rizc�ntal �c�int, �n buried constr��,�t;�on .*` � (� / � � Toler�nces for Structures (Continued) Departure from cross-sectional dimen- s ions of piers and s imilar members Depe,rture from specified thickness of slabs, walls; and similar members Minus 1%4 inch Plus 1/2 inch Minus 1l�+ inch Plus 1�2 inch 3-18 Cutoi'f walls :- Cutaff Wa11s shall be constructed in the manner and at the locations shawn on the drawings. The excavation �'or the walls shall be made to the dimensions specified. Concrete shall be so placed as to completely fill the spaces excavated far the cutoffs to the level shown on the draw ings, or ordered by the Engineer 3-19 Manhole chambers 3-19.1 Cen�eral: -(a) Concrete pipe sections required for manhole chambers shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor and shall be spun reinforced concrete pipe or verticall�r cast reinforced concrete pipe canform- ing to the requirements specified herein. _ (b) The total height of circular manhole chambers shall be made up of one or more sections of pipe as shown on the drawings; provided, that the maximum number of field joints shall not exceed one for structur� heights to 11.5 feet; two for structure hei�hts from 11.5 feet to 19.5 feet; and three for structures over 1�.5 feet in height. Joints between sections shall be bell and spigot joints properly laid up with mortar and pointed. The pipe sections shall be placed with the bell end downward. The uppermost and lowermost end shall be formed square ar shall be squared by cuttin� off the spigot ar bell, as the case may be, using cutting methods acceptable to the Engineer. 3-19.2. Reinforced concrete pipe: - Reinforced concrete pipe ior manhole chambers shall conform to the requireMents of Section 207-2 of the Standard Specificata.ons for Public Works Canstruction of t�e Joint �onimittee of AFWC-AGC, with the following exceptions : (1) The pipe shall be reir�forced with circular coils of helically-wound steel bars conferming to the details on the drawings; (2) No internal pressure test or external loading test of the pipe sections will be required; and (3) 'I'he pi�e sections shall be fabricated in lengths which will accomodate the required vertical dimensions of the manhole char�bers . 3-20 Joints in structures 3-20.1 Gc�neral: - (a} The joints required are of various t;,rpes . . CONCRETE DIVISION 3, PAGE 26 ■ 0 � : • . � • : -- • ♦- � "• I • • = '.• � ` M, • � f � s • (b} The Contractor may, subj�ct to the approT.�al of the F,ngineer, inst�ll additic�nal const�uciion joints, hawever, all such joints shall contain watex°stops conforn:ing to those specified here in . �c } Where ��r joint material requires the Ll$E of nails, the nails shall be copper conforc�ing to the Federal Specif ication No, FF-N-105 for common copp�er wire na,ils . 3-20.2 Expansion jaint filler r�aterial -(a) �pansion joint filler ma�erial shall consist of strips of prefor�;�ed, nonextruding, resilient bitt.�minous fiber typ� material of the din�ensions detailed on the drawings and shall conform to the requirements of AS�I Standard D1751-�5. (U) Bituminous fiber type expansion joint material shall be fastened by nailin�;, wiring, or cerr�entin� to i,he first section of concrete placed next to a joir�t ir� st�ch a manner that grout will not lod�e behind the filler sheet or form eonnecting fins or ridges between the faces of concrete at the joint, After the forms are stripped, all �joint fillers shall be trirr.���ed to neat appear�,ng lines which shall not �xtend �eyond the concrete surface. 3-20.3 S�onge ru�;�er filler of the preformed, nonextruding, conforl�ing to the requirer.;ents - (a) Spon�e rub�er filler shall resilient, nonoit�li�ino�Ls type af' ASTM Standard D 1752-67 , type r�e I. ( b� Preforrned expans ion j oint f ill�r of the rt�:� �er sponge type shall ue cut to the s ize and shape of the j oint s.;rface to l�e co��ered and held in place on the points o:C copper nails. The eopper nails s�:all �,�e er.��>edded in t�te first placed concrete with t,heir points protrudin� fror.l the surfaces of the Rjoints to Le covered with t�e joint filler. The joints �>etween portions of the e�ansion joint filler shall be sufficiently �ight to pre, ent r.:ortar from seeping thro�_l�h said joi�ts . The ed�;es of expansion joirit filler shall 'oe placed flush with the finished surzace of the concrete or to the :_ otto�;� edge of the chaT:,fers, except �rhere r�;i���er sealant is required to be place�l, in whicn case the edt7e of the expansion joint ����aterial shall be left e� en with or j�.ist -�,elow t�le �ottoi:� su�face of the sealant �;roo-: A. t�lrere the expansioz� �;oi_Zt f i11es� �:�aterial abuts a waterstop, the �"iller shall �:f�e placed sntz�ly a�ainst the waters U ��� ',;:� „� •f, � r t. �;�•c � �. f ro1� entering the space . , 3-20. �� Rub��er sealant -( a) Ru�. ber sealant f'or Lise in groo��- es of expansion anci constr�tction joints and elsewhere as shown on the cirawin�;s shall be poZ�narethane polyz�:�er ��hich cures at al::'�ient te�;�pera��ires �o a f ir�c, flexible, tear resistant r�ab�.�er desi�ned for 1:ondinf; to conc��ete which is ta ,.�e c:ontin�.lously s�.a����er�;�d in wa,ter. G�NCRETE DIVIS:LON 3 , PAGE 27 The sealant and primer therefor shall be a product of the same r�an��lfactl�xer. The cured physical properties of the sealant shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASA Standard llr�.l and Federal Spec if icat ion No . TT-S-227b . Th� material shall meet the following requirements: (1) Hardness, Shore "A" (instantaneous) after 7 days sunmer�ence in water: Not less than 22 nor more than �+C?; (2) T�ensile strength and ultil:�ate elongation; 150 psi r�inir:lum and with not less than 700 percent elongatian when tested in accordance with AS�I Standard D�+12-68, at 75°F; and (3) Golor o�' material; Where su�merged in water ar on outside of structures belaw uackfill limits -�}lac��; where nat s u'�mer�ed in water -�;ray ('c� } In �joints where _waterpraof _r.�astic -conforz:�ing to the - - requirements of paragra�h {'o} of this section 3-20.�!- is required, the slots and groo,.-es shall �e thoroughly cleaned of r��ortar, rust, and oth�r de�ris . Unpa,inted stee] s_,r�'aces shall r�e prepared as required for painti�l�. S��rfaces to which the t�lastic is to ce applied shall l�e dry and free fror�l dust or other foreign sl�Ustances and shall be properly primed. The prirler and �nastic shall be applied in accordance with the instrLlCtlOT1S fur.�ished c:�y the ,nanufacturer thereof . The joints sYlall �e finished flush and srnooth, except that in right an�;le joints the mastic may ve applied as a fillet. Certified test reports from the sealant manufacturer on the actual bateh of material being supplied indicating cot��pliance with the a��o�. e requirer�lents shall i�e fL�rrlished the En�ineer �efore the sealant is ased on the jo� . (c) Where rt�astic is specii'ied as a sealant at access co��rs and si�r,ilar places not continlzo.lsly subrrtierged in water, the Contractor shal_t fl.�rnish an�. apply a calkin� cor�,po���nd. The co����pound shall '��e a 1 part polysulf'ide �ase cornpoLind, ready for use as pacl,a�ed, confor.,�:in� to the requirements of Federal Specification No. TT-S�-OOc30, and its cured physical properties shall lneet or exceed the require���ents of ASA Standard li.t>._L arid Federal Specification No . TT-S-227t� . The co;��pound shall ha �� e the f'ol.lowing properties : �l) (2) It shall readily adhere to concrete ar steel_ surfaces; It shall '�e watert i�ht after application; ( 3) It shall be plastic at 37 °F ���.it shall not slur.�p at 1� 0°F when ,�sed as a filler in �,�ertical joints of the type shown on the drawin�,s; (�+ ) It, shall ha . e a color which :�ratches the con�rete and �hall be capa�;le of supportin� a paint coat witho-.,.t 1�leeding; � CONCRETE �IVISIC�N 3 p PAGE 2z: (5) It shall not ha�den materially whe� expased to the we�ther; and �6} It shall be readily calked into place or shall be suit�bl� for use with a� plac ing gun . (d) J'oints �ahich ar�e requi.�°ed to be filled with expansion joint sealant shall be provided with : -- �-. grooves as sh�wn on the drawin;gs . The material used for forming th� tapered grooves sh�ll be left in place in the � groove until after all farms have been removed and the floors or othe� �djacent areas have been cleaned and swept. Af�er removing the forms from the grooves, all laitance and fins shall be removed. and the grooves shall be sandblasted. . The primer and sealant shall be placed in accordance with �the recommendations Qf the manufacturer, taking special care to properly mix the sealant before its applic�tiono 3-2,0,5 Bond preventer: - Compound to be applied to the surfaces of concrete at joints to prevent bonding shall be Go].d Band-curing and bond-breaking compaund, as manufactured by Contractors Chemical Supply Company; Superior "Form Release", as manufactured by Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc., or an approved equal and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's directions, except that said compound shall be applied by brush. Care shall be taken to keep said compound off the surfaces of the grooves in which rubber sealant is to be placecl. 3-20.� Waterstops: - Waterstops, where shown on the drawings or where required under Sectian 3-20.1(b) shall 'oe extruded virgin poly-vi.nyl-chloride eompound of the size and shape shown on the drawings. Installation shall be in a continuous s�rip with splices and laps at cutoff rings to provide a water-tight seal. Installation and splicing shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 3-20.7 Measurement and payment: - No payment will be made for sponge rubber filler, preformed expansion joznt filler, waterstops, rubber or mastic sealant, or curing and bond-breakin� cor�pound. Any cor,lpensation to be received by the Contractor therefor shall be included in the prices bid for the related items of the Bidding Sheets. CC��.TCRETE DiVISION 3, PAGE ?9 3-22 Reinforcem�nt steel 3-22.1 Furnishing: - All reinforcement steel and welded wire fabric shal be furnished, fabricated, and installed by the Con- tractor. The Contractor shall also furnish all the wires, metal supports, clips, and other appurtenances necessary to fulfill the requirements of the spec if ic�tions. Reinforcement steel for concrete structures and pipe incasement shall be deformed bars of intermediate grade confarming to the requirements of�ASTM Standard A 615-68. Welded wire fabric for reinforcement in mortar coating shall canform ta requirements o� ASZi�I Standard A 185-68, or ASTM Standard A 497�68. 3-22 . 2 Fabricat ian :-( a� ) The Contractar shall cut ar�d bend all reinfor�ement steel to the dimensions and shapes shown on the drawings or in accordance with approved fabrication details. All bars shall be bent cold and shall be delivered to the job properly bund�ed and tagged in a manner that will permit easy iaentifica�ion as to loca-�ian in the work. Should the Contractor elect to fabricate on the job, he shall do so in a manner and with equip�nent suited to the purpose and approved by the Engineer. All reinforcement steel fabricated in the field shall be piled and tagged in a mamner which will permi.t ready identification of its location in the work. (b) The Contractor shall fabr�.cate and pla,ce reinforcemen� bars in structures in accordance with approved complete bendin� diagrams, placing lists, and placing drawings. Said drawings, diagrams, and lists shall be prepared by the Con�ractor as specified in Section 1-17. Two direct prints and one clear, legible sepia transparency o� the details of the reinforcement steel shall be submit�ed by the Contractor at the earliest possible date after receipt by the CQntractor of the Natice to Proceed. Said details o{' reinforcement steel for fabricaiion and erection shall conform �a the requirer.�ents of these specific�tiQns and to those applicable provisions not in conflict with the requirements specified herein of the Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Cori- structzc�n, pub�ished by t�,e Western Concrete i�einforcing Steel Institute. The shop-bending di�grarns shall show the actual length of bars, t� �he nearest inch, measure�. to the intersect�.on of the extensians (tangents for �ars of circular cross section) of the outside surface . 3-22.3 Placing: -(a) Before the reinfarcement steel is placed in positian, �t shall be thoroughly cleaned by the Contractor of all dirt, loose mill scale, excessive rust, and other substances that might reduce the bond b�tw�en steel and concrete. (b) The bars shall be placed. accurately in th�e positions and with �the spacings shown on the drawings or ordered and shall be securel,y fasten�d in position so as to prevent their becoming displaced CONCRETE ?�NI3ION 3, P�GE 30 w . du� �he plac of con�r�te. Weld�d connections sh�ll be provided in.f�rc ent sse�blies whe called far o� the winga or el� here in th�s� s cif ica�tians nd at splic�s wh�re the quired length of l�p c not l�e provided. rs additianal to thos� �ho on th� wi�ag� ar ordered 9 which m��r b� found �ece s s�ry ar d� s ix°able by th Contr ctor for th� pu se of securin� r�inf orc�me�xt in posi�ion� s�al�. b fu�ish�d and inst�ll�d b�r the Contrac�ox° witY�- �tat dix° c� ymer��t by the Authority th�r�for ur�der y contract item or othc is�. Wh�r�v��° bars �r� splic�d, they shall b� lapped t�e distance shown oa �the drawin�s in each case� or where the length of the lap is nat shown on th� draw�ngs, not less than 30 times th� bar size, with a clear space between adjacent lapped bars of 2-1%2 times th� eqaivaler�t bar siZe whe.re thc sp�cified bar s ci.ng permits; provided, that where b�rs ax°e to be spliced by welding, said bars shall be spliced with full-penetratian butt-welds; and. �rovided fur�her that �tYae weldang shall be done by an approved �. arc-w�lding proc�ss �nd shall develop the full strength of the bar. Welding of' reinforcem�nt steel shall confortn to the requirements of AWS D12.1-61, R�comm�nded Practices for Welding Reinforcin� �teel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concre�te Construction. Bars shail be spliced only a� points shown �n tY�ie approved bending lists and construct�.on drawings or where approved by the Engineer. Reinforcement s�e�l sha11 b� nlacea nat �loser than 2 inches to formed surFaces of concr�te or 3 inch�s to the surfaces of concrete in contact with the �round. (c) Reinforcement �teel shall at all times be protected from moisture until concrete is placed ar�un�. it. Ends of bars which ar� to be left proj�cting from the concretP for any considerabl.e time shall be paint�d with a�eavy coat of n�at cement grout. Special care shall be taken to �revent any �isturbance of reinforc�- ment in concrete tha� has already been placed. (d} Toleran�es for placing r�inforcement ste�l: V'ariation from protective cove�°in� With 2�-in�h c��W�r 1��+ �nch Va�iation from �n�.icated spacing Wa.�th 3 � inc h cove�r 3-23 Measurement and Pa�rment for Concrete> 1�2 Inch 1�2 Inch 2-23.1 Payment - Paym�nt for cc�ncrete in structures and anchors will be made under Item 8 on th� Bidding Sheets. CONCRETE DIVISION 3 PAGE 31 3�23.2 Ouantity: - The quantities of eoncrete to be paid for under Item 8 will be measured to the lines and grades shown on tre drawings, or prescribed by the Engineer, and no payment will be made for concrete placed outside of said lines; provided, that no volume will be included for payment unless occupied by concrete, �egardless af the lines indi- cated on the drawings, except that no deductions will be made for embedded structural shapes, reinforcement stee, and pi�es or conduits having a cross-sectional area less than 20 square inches. The concrete to be measured to said lines and included f.or payment sh�ll be placed in the valve structures, meter structures, manholes, blowoffs and air release valve structures, cutoff wa.11s, encasement for steel plate specials and cradles. 3-23.3 Z�ork Included: - The work under Item � shall include the furnish- ing, setting up. cleaning, oi�ing, and removal of forms wher.e re�ui.red; the f_urnishing a.nd hauling of all �aterials� including cement used in the manufaeture and curint of eoncrete, the mixing, p�acing and curin� of canc�ete, �he furnishing of mixed concrete sufficient to make the required test speciments; the furnishing and use o� admixtures; the f��nishing and application of sealing compound; the furnishing and placing of performed expansion �oint filler, saturated felt and sealant, when required for the respective structures; and the making of sa�isfactory provisions for required openings, enclosures, recesses, inserts, blockauts, anchorages, and means for attac�ing all metalwork as shown on the drawings or as ordered. 3-24 Measur�ment and payment for furnishin fabricatin and lacing reinforceMent stee.l:� 3-24.1 Pay�ent: payment for furnishing, fabrzcating, and placing reinforcemen� steel «ill be made at the unit price per pound named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 4, which unit price shall include the cost of furnishin� steel-bending diagrams and placing drawings; furnishing and attaching wire ties, metal supports, clips and spacers; and of cutting, bending, cleanin� �nd secu�ing a11 reinf�rcement bars. 3-24.2 Quantity: - Measurement fo.r payment of reinforcement steel wi11 be made only of the computed weight of bars �laced in the concrete in accordance with the approved detailed steel lists and placing diagrams or as directed. Weights will be computed on the basis of the nominal s�ctional area of bars place� and weights of a cubic foot of steel at 4$9,6� �ourids, and no extra �ayment shall be claimed and no reduction in payment will be made because of any actu�l or alleged differences between the wei�hts thus computed and the actual weights of steel placed. 3-25 Measurement and a ment for f_urnishin - and installin h0-inch diameter concrete i e tor access structures: 3-25,1 Payment; Payment for concrete pipe �or manhole chambers will be made at the unit price per linear foot narned in the Bidding Sheets under Item 27, Payment under said I.tem 27 shall in�luc�e the fabrication, curing, haul.in�, and installation thereaf and sh211 also include the 0 . CONCR�TE DIVISIO?`1 3, PAGE 32 furnishing of a11 materials required, in�luding cement, reinforcing steel and iterns of embedded metal work, as shown on the drawin�s. 3-25.2 uanti�� - The quantity ta be paid for under I�em 27 shall be the tota� number of lin�ar teet measur,ed along the axis after installation. ` 3-26 Measurement and a ment for furnishin and installin recast reinfor- ced concrete covers for 6�-inch inside diameter �ccess str.uctures: 3-�6.1 Fa�ment: Fayment for precast reinforced concrete eovers will � be made at the unit price for each named in the B�dding Sheets under I�em 2$. Payment under said Ttem 28 shall include the f abricati�n, curing, hauling and installation thereaf and sha11 also include the furnishing of a11 materials required, in�luding cement, reinforcing steel and items of embedded metalwork, other than �he c�s� iron frames and covers. 3-26.2 uantit�: The quantity to be paid under Item 2$ shall be the tota2 number of cavers sati�f actorily furnishin� and installed. � � CQNCRETE DIVISIQN 3, PAGE 33 i � PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE �-1 General; -(a) This division of the specifica�ions covers the fabrication and installation of pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe, attachme�ts to - the pipe, and steel plate sections which may be required for closure, bends or for other special condi�ions. (b} Special bends required f or the vertical and hari�ontal align- '� ment of the pipeline wi11 be furnished and installed as specif3ed under Division 5 of these specif ications, excepi f or the method of payment. 4-2 Descri_ption: - The pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe to be furnish�d and installed hereunder consists of: a welded steel cylinder with �ized bell and spigot joint rings welded to its ends; a cement m�rtar lining centrifugal.ly applied within the steel. cylinder and spigot ring; a rein- forcemen� of continuous steel rod wound hel.ically around the c�utside of the �ylinder at predetermined stress and welded to the steel joint ring at each end of the cylinder� a coating of dense mortar covering the cylinder and rods; and a self-centering joint with a preformed gasket of rubber, so designed that the joint will be watertight under all conditi�ns of service. 4-3 Markin :- Each pipe section shall be rnarked with the head designation, the amount of bevel if any, and all pipe with a bevel or outlet will have t�►e point on the circumference marked which is to be laid uppermost. In addition, each section shall be marked with a number designating system- atically the position of the section in the pipeline corresponding to the erection profile; such numbering shall be continuous for the entire contract. These markings shall be plainly painted on the inside of each seetion of pipe or otherwise permanently aff ixed thereto as soon as prac- tical after the mortar coating is applied. 4-4 Design and dimensions: -(a) �Subject to the tolerance specif ied in paragraphs (b} and (d) hereof, each section of pipe constructed for use on straight alignment shall be a true right eylinder. (b} Sections with the spigo�t end beveled shall be constructed and laid where required on the curved alignment, as set forth in Section 4-l$. The total angular def lection at any joint shall. be as shown on the drawings but in any case shall not exceed 5 degrees. The f inished joints shall be as smooth and �ree f rom leakage as specified for the square joint sections. (c) The construction of the joints and �he laying and joining of the � pipe sections shall. be such that the maximum offset of the inside of the pipe at any joint will be not more than 1/8-inch, except for unavoidable greater offsets at beveled joints, (d} The inside diameter of the pipe shall not vary more than lj2 of 1 percent from the specifiecl diameter, and the average diameter at any section shall be not less than the specified diameter. PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE I . (e} The average thickness of the concrete lining inside the cylin- der or spigot rin� shall not be less than 3/4 inch for pip� �ver l6 inches in diameter or 1/2 inch for pipe 1.6 inches or less in diameter. {f) The minimum thickness of the cement mortar coating shall be 1-1/4 inch over the rods. (g) Pipe shall be manufactured in standard uniform lengths within a range af 24 to 40 feet, except where shorter lengths are required for closure or for laying on a curved alignment. Pip� ends shall be square and within 1J4 inch of the specif ied l,ength e�cept when beveled ends are ` furnished. 4-5 Drawin s to be submitted b the Contractor: - The Contractor shall submit for approval, inaccordance with the requirements of Section 1-17, shop drawings of the pipe which shall show details of the s�eel cylirider, joint rings, fihe lining, the coating, and the size and spacing of the rod reinf orcing. The shop drawings shall show details of the special sections required f ar closures and the details and locations t�f manholes and outlets to be attached to the pipe, together with the erection profile drawings showing: (1) The location, length, size and head designation by number of each pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe section and each steel plate special section; (�) The pipe centerline elevatian and station at all changes in grade or horizontal alignment; (3) All elements t�f curves and bends, both in horizon�kal and vertieal alignment; (4} The limits of each reach of concrete incasement as shown on the drawings or ordered; and (5) Details and lr�cations of bulkheads for the hyc�rostatic testing of the pipeline in accordance with the provisions c�f Sectian 8-2m 4--6 Mater�.als 4-6.1 Cement and a�gregates: Cement and aggregates shall �onfarrn to the S.D.C.W.A. Standard Specifications, Revision C-i, "Fneumatically Applied � Mortar" or Division C-6, "Spun Mortar Lining". Graduatit�n c�f aggregates may be modified tc� provide a lining and coating c�f maximum density, subject to the approval of the Engineer. 4-�.2 Steel for s i ot and bell rin s and bondin bars: -{a) Ste�l for bo�Ch bell and spigot rings shall conf orm to the requirements of AZSI 5tandard C-1012, (b} Steel f or b�nding bars shall conf arm tc� �.he requirements of AISI Standard C--1010. PRETENSION�D COI��RETE CYLINDER PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 2 4-6.3 Steel f�r c linders> -(a) Stee1 cylinders shall be made of hot- rolled sheets and cQnform to th� Specifications for Hot-rolled Carbon Steel Sheets and Strip, Structural Quality� Grade C, ASTM Designation A570. (b) Steel plate special pipe cylinder� and be11s, and for collars at Qutlets shall c�nform to the Standard Specifica�ions for Low and In�er- mediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Ouality, Grade " D, ASZ'M Desi�nation A283, or ASTM Designation A285, Grade C, 4-6.4 Spirall_y wound circumferential rod reinforcements: -(a) The cir- � cumferential rod reinforcement shall be plain round bar conforming ta the 5pecification of Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for concrete reinforcement, ASTM Designation A615, Intermediate Grade (Minimum yield point of 4�,��� psi) . (b} The Gontraetor shall furnish to the Engineer mill certif icates for the rod reinforcement from the supplier of said rod, and �he results of tensile tests taken by �the supplier from each coil. In addition to the tests performed by the supplier, the pipe manufacturer will perform random tensile tests upon 10 specimens f rom each heat that shall be selected by the Engineer. If any of the 10 random tensile tests fails to comply with the minimum tensile strength requirements, the entire heat caill be rej ected. 4-6.5 Rubber �askets: -(a} The rubber gaskets shall be fabricated from a high-grade, tread-type compound containing not less than 50 percent by volume of f irst grade natural crude rubber or first grade synthetic rubber. The basic polymer shall be natural rubber, and butadiene- styrene, synthetic. The compound shall contain no Factice, rubber substitutes, reclaimed rubber, or deleterious substances, and shall have the following characteristics: Tensile strength, pounds per ElongatiQn at break, percent, square inch, minimum - Natural rubber.....,..,...2,700 Synthetie rubber..,...q...2,000 minimim - Natural rubber........,... 400 Synthetic rubber........,. 350 Water absorption, by weight, 2 days at 158°F, percent, maximum ...................................... 1.5 Shoredurometer, type A ....................................55+ 5 Compression set (constant deflection) gercent of deflection, maximum...o..�.........e .................. c ColdFlaw, not to exceeda.oe,..m,oa..,,o,e....,,..>..o,aa „ Tensile stren�th afte� oxygen bomb agin� (96 hours at 158°F, 300 pounds per square inch) pereent �� tensile strength before aging.a.e...,.s.,,......,.a... 20 �17 :1 PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLI�TDER PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 3 Increase in Shore durometer hardness after oxygen bomb aging, maximum increase over original Shore durometer... 8 Acetone extract, percent, maximum ............................ 15 Specific gravity, + 0.05 within the range of .................�.95-1.45 _ (b) The physical properties of the rubber compound shall be deter- mined by tests performed in accordance with the appropriate sections of Federal Test Method Standard bQl, except for Shore durameter and compres- sion set. Durameter tests sha11 be performed in accordance with the requirements of �STM Standard D 2240-68. All tests for compression set shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of ASTM Standard D 395-69, method B, constant deflection. (c) A1l rubber gaskets shall be extruded or molded and cured in such a manner as ta be dense, hemageneous, of smooth surface, and free from porosity and ather imperfections. The pipe si�e sha11 be s�amped ar molded on each gasket. The gaskets shall he extruded or molded to the specified size within a tolerance af plus ar minus I/64 inch on any diameter measured at any cross section. The gaskets shall be shop-spliced to form continuous rings. The length of the gasket shall be determined by volumeteric means. The splices shall be ful�-molded and shall be made by beveling the ends of the gaskets t� he s�liced at an ang�e of 45 degrees or flatter, and, after ttle application of a suitable rubber cement and gum rubber to the beveled ends, the splice shall be vulcanized in a mold for a time sufficient to produce maximum strength in the splice. Gaskets f�r �he joints sha11 be of suff icient length and sectzonal area to f ill the space provided when the pipe is laid and t� insure that, when the joint is assembled, the gasket will be campressed to form a watertight seal. The rubber gasket shall be the sole element of the joint depended up�n to provide water- tightness. (d} Tn accordance with the requirements of Section 1-19, the Contrac- tor shal� furnish certified copies of the test reports af the rubber com- pound us�d in the rubber gaskets. The gaskets shall be the product of a manufacturer having a successful experience record in the manufacture of rubber gaskets for pipe joints, (e) The rubber shall be stored in as cool a place a� practicable, preferably at 70°F or less, and in no case shall the rubber for joints be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. The �asket shall be stored so as to permit free circulation of air about the rubber, 4-7 Fabrication of steel c�linders: 4-7.1 Gener�l: -(a) The sheets for t�e steel cylinders for cancrete cylinder pipe and the plates far the steel plate specials shall be joined by an approved arc-welding process. The steel sheets shall be formed into cylinders having either circumf erentially and logitudinally welded seams or helically welded seams. The steel plates shall be �ormed into PRETENSTONED CONCRETE CYLINDFR PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 4 cylinders having circumferential and longifiudinal butt-welded seams. Helical seams shall be butt welded or lap welded with a pressed lap with the offset edge inside the cylinder. All welds shall develop not less than 100 percent of the strength of the plates �nd sheets, b�sed on the minimum of th� specified tensile stren�th rang� of the pla�es and sheets used. ~ {b) The fabrication, welding, and testing of the steel cylinders including �he attachment of joint rings, shall conform to the requirement5 of Division S insofar as applicable; rovided, that chipping of sound weld beads on the interior of the cylinders wil� not be required, and that the � welding may be done either by aut�matic machine or by hand methods. 4-7.2 Attaehin manholes and outlets: - The steel cylinders to which man- hole or outlet assemblies are to be attached shall be reinforced by welding a wrapger plate or a reinforcing collar depending upon the size of the out�et. 4-7.3 H drostatic ressure te�tin :- Each cylinder sha31 be subjected to a shop hydrostatic pressure test in ac�ordanee with �he provision of Section 5-lbe �ny leaks in cylinders fabricated from shee�s shall be correGted by reweldin�, after which the cylinder shall be retested. Any lea�s in cylinders fabricated from steel plates shall be corrected by chipping out the defective partion o� the weld and rewelding, after whieh the cylinder shall be retested. N� cylinder shall be mortar lined until it is found free from leakage or other defects under the specif ied hydro- static test. 4-8 Toints 4-8.1 General: - The joints shall be of the rubber-gasketed type l�ck joint with a steel joint ring at both the bell and at the spigot ends of the pipe. The pipe joints shall be watertigh� under all normal c�nditions of service, including expansion, cantractic�n and ordinary earth s�ttlement. A�oint will not be acceptable if it allows water to in�iltrate f rdm the outside when the pipe is empty. Said joints shall be electrically bonded as shown on the drawings; r�ovzded, that where lock �oints are to be welded as shown on the drawings, bonding bars will not be required. 4-8.2 �'ormin the bell: - The bell sha11 be form�d as shawn on the drawings by welding a bell ring consisting of a specially formed section of steel to the cylinder with a continuc�us f illet weld, or with double continuaus fillet welds where the specif ied f ield joint requires that the adjaining joint rings be welded together. The bell ring, exclusive of �he deformed ends, sha11 be a true cylinder with xts surf ace parallel to the axis of the pipe and with the dimensions shown on the drawings, 4-8.3 Formin the s i ot. - The pipe spigot shall be formed b� welding a spigot ring to the cylinder with a continut�us £illet weld as shown on �he drawings, or with double continuous fillet welds where the specif ied field joint requires that �he ad�oining joint rings be welded tog�ther, The spigot ring sha11 be made from the specially shaped steel sect�.on �hown on the drawings. PRETET3SIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER. PSPE DIVISION 4, PAGE S 4-$.4 Weldin�: - Each bell ring and each spigot ring shall be butt welded ta form a continuous ring, with the butt weld made by a method which allows development of the full strength of the steel section, and which conforms to the applicable requirements of Division 5. After welding, the ring sh�ll be smoothed on its contact face by grinding the weld flush with the adjacent surfaces. The contact surfaces of the bell and spigo� rings shall be smooth to preven� injury to the rubber gasket. 4-8.5 Final sizing: -(a) The final sizing of the bell and spigot ring shall be done on a press by stretching the steel beyond its elastic limit to a circular ring af the proper diameter. T�e rings shall be chec�ed for size and shape on accurate templates. The joing rings shall be sized to the designed diameter of the cont�et surfaces without �xceeding the follow- ing circumferential tolerances, the circumference being calculated on the basis of said designed diameter. Joint Rin Spigot Bell Toleranc� on taped Circumference after prestressing Plus zero, minus 3/32 inch Minus zero, plus 3/32 inch {b) In na case shall the inside circumf e�ence of the bell be equal ta or less than the outside circumference of the adjacent spigot or exceed the circumference of said spigot by rnore than 3/l6 inch. 4-8.6 Tolerances: -(a) The joint rings shall be held circular a�d cen- tered on the pipe axis �uring the fabrication of the pipe. The joint rings in the completed pipe shall not deviate from a true circle by a diametral variati�n of more than 3/16 inch ior the bell nor more than 1/4 inch far tha spigot. (b) Notwithstanding the fabrication tolerances permitted by these specifications in the manufacture of �he join� rings and the pipe, the joint rings shall telescope so as to form a space of approximately uniform size for proper compression of the rubber gasket, and there shall be n� �nn��ar space between the ou�side of the spigot ring and �he inside of the bell ring contact surface in excess of 1/8 inch, measured in a radial direction, when t�e pipe is joined in the f ield and the joint is fully telesc�ped. Zn the event the radial to�erance mentioned above is exceeded as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to provide a weld between the spigot ring and bell ring equivalent to the weld shown on the drawings for welded lock joints, Said welding shall be at the Contractor's sole expense. {c} The cylinders shall be fabricated so fihat the outside circum- ference a� the ends o� the cylinder shall not be greater than the interior circumf erence of the joint ring at the region of contact with the cylinder, and s� that the di£ference between said circumference shall not exceed 3/l� inch. 4-8.7 Welded Lock Joints: -{a) Where resistance required at join�s, within the limits shown on the joint r�n�s of the pretensioned concrete cylinder to tensile forces is drawings or ardered the pipe shall be attac�ed �i *' -' �, • , r ► � I! • • ' • to the cylinder by double fillet welds a�d �oined in the field by a welded cannecti�n. (b) Wherever a welded l�ck joint �s specifzed, the steel cylinder in �he �d�acen� pipe section shall con�ain at least SO% of the total s�eel required for internal gressure. For such f ield welding of lock joints, the joint shall be first made in the standard manner using the rubber gaske�s, aft�r which the joint rings shall be jbined by welding as shown on the drawings. (c) Field weldin� �hall conform to the applicable provisions of Division 5. 4-� Centrifu all a lied cement mortar linin :- All fabrication of the cen- trifugally applied cement mor�ar lining will be done in acc�rdance with the S.D�C.��.A. Standard Specifications C-6 t°Spun Mo��ar Lining':' and S.D.C.W.A, Standard Specificatic�ns C-3 14Curing of Concre�e and Mor�ar". 4-1Q Placin of rod reinfor�ement: -{a} Af�er the I.ining has been cured as specified, cireumferen�ial �einforcing rod shall be wound helically around the cylinder under a�ensile stress equal to from 110 percent to 125 percen� of �he difference between te�e specif ied minimum yield points of the rod and cyl.inder. An accurate �.nd dependable device shall be provided for tension- ing and for measuring and indicating the tensian in the rod reinforcement during the winding operation. (b) an standard pipe, circumferential rpd �ei.nforcezn�nt shall be eontinut�us trom the bell to the spigot ring. A11 splices shall be lap welded, but� welded or otherwise spliced so as t� be equal in s�rength to the minimum specified strength of the rod. Rods sha11 be welded only to the joint rings and shall not be welded ta the cylinder. The welded connections to the joint rings shall be suff iciently sCrong and secure to anchor the rod against its spe�ified minimum yield strength. The number of coils o£ rods alon� any 2 f oot length of cylinder sha11 not be less than required by the design. (c) As the eircumf erential rod reinforcement is wound, a pdrtland cement paste composed of one sack of cement to six (6) gallons oi water sh�ll be applied �o the rod or to the cylinder �ust ahead c�f the rod so that the portion of t,he rod bearing against the cylinder will be coated with cement paste. Up to, but not exceeding, ten (10) gallons of water may be used per saek of cemen� in hot, arid regions. A re�arder of a " type approved by the Engineer rnay be used in the mix, Immedi�tely prior to pla�ement of the cernent paste, al1 loose mill scale, excessive rust, oil, grease, and other foreign substances sha11 be rernoved from all steel � surfaces with which fihe cemen� paste will be in cc�n�act. 4-11 Cement mor�ar coatin :- The cemen� mortar coating sha11 be fabricated in accordance with the S.D.C.W.A, Standard Specif ica�zan C-2, "Pneumatic�.11y Applied Mortar", or S.D.G.W.A, Standard Specification C-S, "Mortar Coati�ngs". PRETENSZONED CO��CRETE CYLINDEP� PIPE DTVISION 4, PAGE % 4-12 Manhole and autlet assemblies: -(a} Manhole and outle�s sha11 be installed in the pipe a� the sta�i�ns �hown on the drawings unless otherwise ordered or permitted. (b) The preparafiion and approval nf shop drawings for manhole and outlet assemblies, arid the materials used for their fabrica�ion, weld test- � ing, and installation shall confo�m to the applicable requirements of Div- ision S. (c) No manhole or outlet shall be insCalled 1e�s than 6 f eet from the �. end af the section of pr��ensioned cc�ncrete cylinder pipe. The stations of such rnanhules and outlets may be shifted to provide this 6.foot minimum distance, subject in each case to the approval of the Fn�ineer. (d} The reinforcem�nts for rnanholes anc� outlets shall �onsist �f a collar, a wrapper plate� or a crotch plate, a� detail.ed on the drawings. (e) The outside of the f langed manhole or outlet thimble and the exposed area around the outlet sha11 be coated with cement mc�rtar, 1 inch in th3.ckness. (f} The interior of the flanged manhol.e or c�utlet thimble shall be lined wifih 1/Z inch of cement mortar. (g) Payment fe�r furnishing and installing manholes and outlets will be made afi the unit price named under I�Cem 17 of the Bidding Sheet. 4-13 Ha�.dlin and trans ortation, -(a) The pipe, if transported �a the trench site before the specified curing of al�. cancrete is completed, shall be equipped with bulkheads and the interior of �he pipe, water cured ccantin- uously. The pipe shall not be dropped or subjected to any jar, impact, or other mistreatment tha� anight crack the cancret� core, mor�ar sheath, or lining or that might otherwise damage the pipe. (b) Any section of pipe which, in the opin�.on of the Engineer, is damaged b� the Contx�actc�r beyond satisfactary repair shall be rem�ved from �he site of �he w�rk and replaced with anc��her section ider��ical in type and havin� equal cylinder rein�tir�.ement and rod reinfarcement wrapping. (�) For wark in public streets, pipe shall not be s�ored at the site of the work, but shall be placed in the tren�h t�pon delivery unless trench- side storage is permitted by the public authority having jurisdic�inn. " 4-1.4 L�'��.i..�. e : 4-14.1 General: -(a) The sectians of preten�ianed concrete cylinder pipe �hall be f itted tagether tight�.y and shall. be laid true to line and grade, �n accordance with stakes established by the Engineer. Pipe secfiions with the spigr�t end b�veled shall be laid so that Che top mark. shal.l not deviate by more than 2 inches fram a vertical line through the center of �he pipe sections� Pipe sectic�ns wi�h manhole or ou�lets shall be laid so tha� the �aces o� manhtale and top outlet flanges will be truly perpendicular ta a vc�r��.c��. plane �hrou�h the axis r,� the pipe, and that the faces af side �ut1e� fla.nges shall be t�uly vertical, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. PRETENS�t�I�7ED CQ��RETE CYLYNDEP� PIPE DI�TISION 4, P�.GE $ (b) When pipe-laying is not in pro�ress, the ends of the pipelines sha�l be kept elased with sui�able plywood or sheet metal bulkheads ta prevent drying out of the pipe interior. 4-14.2 In Trencha -{a) Bedding of the pipe shall cQnform to �he require- ments of Section 2-lle Wher� called ��r on the drawings or Qrdered by the , Engineerg pipe encasement shall be placed around portions �f the pipe in accordance with the typical section sh�wn on the drawin�s. The encasement shall be composed of Class A concre�e, as specif ied in Division 3e (b) The pipe trench shall be kept free from water at a11 times during laying operations. �n grades exceeding l� percent, the pipe shall be laid up hi11. 4-15 Joinin i e sections: -(a) In joining pre�ensioned conerete cylinder pipe sections, the rubber gasket shall be placed in the groove in the spigot ring after each section of pipe is lowered into the trench, and the bell of the previous pipe shall be 2ightly coated with an approved lubrica�ing solution to reduce the frietion on the entering gasket. Each joint and rubber gasket shall be thoroughly cleaned before the secti�n of pipe is lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean until all join� work thereon is completed. The spigot of the pipe section shall then be inserted inta the bell of the adjoining pipe and forced in�o its proper position in such a manner as to prevent injury to the pipe and to the gasket. Care shall be tak�n to see that the spigot is fully inserted into the bell. Pipe shall be entered as nearly in alignment as possible. Til�ing of pipe to insert will nofi be permitted. (b) Since field welds will not be tested for leakage prior to backfilling the pipeline, special precautions shall be fiaken and only the most highly qualified welders shall be emplc�yed thereon. If the joint rings are found to be rusted or pitted where the weld metal is to be deposited, they shall be cleaned by sandbl.asting immediately before the field weld is made. Heating the concrete adjacent to the joint rings more than necessary shall be avoided, and any concrete lining damaged in the course o� the welding sha11 be entirely removed and replaced with pneumatically applied mortar. 4-16 Exterior 'oint recess: -(a) The exterior joint recess of the pipe sha11 be protected by placing an approved covering around t�e pipe at the j�int. The covering shall be held s�curely in place to prevent any leakage �f grout while said exterior f ield joint is being poured. " (b) Af ter suf f icient backf ill has been placed between the joints to hold the pipe securely in plaee for a minimum o� 3 pipe sections in advance, the exterior joint recess shall be flushed with water and then fille� with . grout, mixed in progortions of 1 part portland cement to 1-1j2 parts of sand and having a consistancy suitable for pouring. The joint recess shall be f illed by pouring from 1 side only, and shall be rodded wi�h a wire or �ther flexible rod so that the graut completel.y fills the joint recess around the bottom and up to the horiZontal diameter on the ogposite side. Pouring and rodding the grout from 1 side shall be eontinued to allow completion of �he f illing of the entire joint recess in 1 operation; care shall be taken not to leave any unf illed space. The grouted joint abave the trench bottom shall PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 9 be cured by �he wet-burla�-mat meth�d as specifi�d in Sec�ion C3.3 of �.D.C.�?�A. S�andard Specificati�ns C3, "Curing of Concrere and Mortar", until the trench is backf illed. (c) After grouting, addi�ional backfil�. shall na� be placed agai�st the joint until after the �rou� has thoroughly hardened. When pipe laying has been stopped for the day, groutin� af al1 exterior jaint recesses shall be complete, subjec� ta �he lirnitations t�� Sectioia 4-1�(b) above. 4-17 Interior�-�oint recess; -(a} The interior joint recess shall be filled with mortar of stiff consistency mixed in the proport�ions of 1 part port- land cement to l-1/2 par�s of sand. The mortar shal.l be tightly packe� into the �oint reces� and handpointed b� c�perators highly �killed in such w�rk, and the iriterior surfaces t�f the joint shall be finished off flush wi�h the adjoining surfaces and to a smoothness equal to that specified in Section 3-13 for i.nterior pipe surf acesa Backfilling of the trench shall b� completed i.n each x�each of pipeline befare �h.e interiox' joint recesses therein are pointed wi.th mortar, except for pipe siZes 21-inches �.n diame��r and 1ess, For pipe 21-inches and less, inszde pointing will be accomplished by means af an inflated swab which is drawn through the gi�e as laying operations progress. {b� The interi�r joints in pretensioned concrete eylinde� pipe shall be cured b�r the sealin�-campound �nethod. The �pecified 2 coats of sealing compound may be a�plied on such �join�s by brus�.ing instead o� by spraying, (c� The Contractor sha11 fill the qipelin� with water and sha11 test the line f�r watertightness in acco�'dance with �he provisions of Divisian 8. 4-1.8 Curves : 4--18.1 Uns mmetrical c�asure: - The laying of pretensioned ec�ncre�e cylinder pipe on curved ali�nment by means �£ any unsymmetrical Glosure of the spigot inta �he bEll wi.l1 be permit�ed only where devi�tinn �rom �he normal closure shawn on the dra�ain�s does �o� exceed 3/4 inch p�.11 an the autside of the curv�, �he pu11 ta be measured on the inside of �he pipe. 4-18.2 B�veled end. -(a) Fnr curved alignmen� requi.ring greater angular defl�ction at the joint than that perznissable by means of a.n unsymmetrica�. cic�sure vi the spigot intc� the b�11 as specified above, sections o� pipe with the spigo� end beveled, and of approximately the �ame length as �he standard sectzons of square-ended pi�e, shall be furr�ished and laid by the Contractar; ,, ro�ided, that where �.ppraved by the Engineer, the beveled sections of pipe may be sharter than the s�andard sectic�ns in o�der �.a acct�mmada�e the required cu��atu��. (b) All secti.ons of pre�en�ioned cnncrEte cylinder pipe to be laid on curved align.men�t shall be rnitered accurately �o conform to �Che required radius of curvature, sn fiha�: alterna�ion of the normal closure �f the s�iigot rings in�� the bell rings of �he lock jaints will not be nece�sary in joining the �ipe secti�ans> Pipe sections with the spi�ot end beveled sha11 conform in workmanship, s�ren�th� and right��ss ta the requirements of these specifi- catic�ns �c,r th� joints in square-ended pipe. The beveled end of a pipe PRETENS IONEI� CONCRETE C�'L INDE� P IPE DIVISZON 4, PAGE 1d shall not have a deflection fro� a plane pe�pendicular to the pipe axis exceedin� the amount shown on the drawings, or9 if not so sh�wn, said deflection shall not exceed 5 degrees. (c) Where curves a�e required, and subject to the approval of the En�ineer, the required curvature may be accomplished by constructing steel plate special sections in accordance with �he requirement af Section � 4-19. The pipe adjacent to such short radius bends and at other places where join�s with tensile resistance are required, within the limits in each case shown on the drawings or ordered, shall be laid with welded y lock joints in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4-8a7 and 4-19. 4-19 Steel late s ecial i e sections: 4-19.1 General� - Steel plate special sections of pipe shall be constructed in the manner shown on the drawings where permit�ed at bends and for closures; Each steel plate special pipe section shall eonsist of a shop-fabricated steel, cement mortar-lined and �oated or encased steel cylinder, 4-19.2 Linin :- The lining of the steel plate special pipe sections shall be ot such thickness as to provide a continuation of the f inished inside diameter o� the adjacent pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe. In no case shall the finished inside diameter of the steel plate special pipe section be less than tha� of the adjacen� pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe. 4-19.3 Cylinder: -(a) The steel cylinder for steel plate specials shall have the thickness called for on the drawings and shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 4-7.1 and Sections S-1 to 5-lb� inclusive, including the requirements with regard to hydrostatic tests in the shop. The ends of the cylinders in steel plate �pecial sections of pipe shall be provided with s�andard joint rings attached with double fille� welds and joined by means of rubber-gasketed lock-�oint connections to the adjacent pretensioned concrete pipe sections in the manner specif ied in Section 4-9 and, in addition, the lock-�oint rings shall be welded together in the �ield, as speci�ied in Sec�ion 4-8,7, wherever called for on the drawings or ordered. (b) Within the length of any steel plate special section of pipe, the steel cylinder shall be continuously welded together by means of shop- welded j oints; r.� ovided, tha� if a f ield j oint in the cylinder is required for closure, said f ield j oint shall be a butt-strap j aint conf orming to the � details shown c�n the drawings. Each butt-strap join� shall be tested by the saap and compressed air method as specif ied in Section 5-16.6. Girth seams for shop assembly shall not be less than 72-inches apart on straight _ sections of pipe. 4-19.4 Concrete: -(aj The concrete in s�eel plate special pipe enc�asement shall be Class A and shall conf orm �o the requirements of Division 3. Cement sY�all conform to the requirements of Section 3-3.1. The reinforcement steel to be placed in the concrete �jacket o� any steel plate special pipe sectiQn shall conform to the requfrements of Section 3.22 and the details as shown on the drawings. PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE DIVISION 4g PAGE 11 (b) Before placing the concrete jacket in any steel plate special pipe �ection, the cylinder shall be securely braced on the i�side in a manner which wi11 maintain t�� diametric t�lerance specified in Section S-2.1. Such braces shall not be removed un�il the concrete �as attained a strength of 3,OQ0 pounds per square inch as specified in Sec�ion 3-10.4(a). (c) The lining inside the steel cylinders sha11 be either spun mortar - Iining in accordance with S.D.C,t�,A. Standard Specificatian Cb, or pneu- matically applied mortar in accprdance with S.D.C.W.A. S�andard Specif ication C2, provided �hat hand-placed mortar may be used for the repair of local- ized areas. � 4-20 Measurement and a ment for furnishin and installin retensioned concre�e cylinder i e: 4-20.1 P_a�ment: (a} Payment f or furnishing and installing preten�ioned concrete cyl�nder pipe of the stated inside diame�er and head dPsignations will be made at the respective unit prices per linear foot named in the Bidding Sheets under I�em 20. Payment under said Item 10 shall include the f urnishing of a11 materials �equired including cement, lock-joint rings and gaskets; the f�brication, curing and tes�in� af the pretensioned con- crete cylinder pipe; and the haulin� and in5talling of the completed sections of pipe. (b) Payment for furnishin� and installing special bends required for the vertical and horizontal alignment of the pipeline will be made under the same un�t price as the adjacent c�ass of pipe. (c) Payment for furnishing and installing steel manholes and outlets and for exterior coating and interior lining of the manholes and outlets will be included in the uni� p�ice for steel plate specials in the Bidding 5he�ts under Item 17. (d} Required weldin� of lock joints for the pipe will be paid under Item 16 according tQ the diame�er of the pipe that is we��ed. 4-20.2 uantity: - The quantities to be paid for under Item lb shall be the total number of linear feet of pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe o� each desi�nated class, along with �he required special bends, measured on the axis of the pipe �fter installation, backf zllin� and testing; provided, that in making partial estimates for monthly paym�nts, the provisions of Section 1-7 shall govern. � 4-20.3 ti��lork included: -(a) The work under Item 10 shall also include all work and ma�erials necessary for p�in�ing the interior joint recesses and grvutin� the exterior joint recesses, for properly connecting the pretensioned pipe to steel-plate specials at each junction �herewith, for furnishing and installin� ,joint bonding bars, and the lining and coating or reinforced encasement of the special bends and closures. (b} I�em 10 shall include the f urnishin� of mortar and steel suffi- cient to make the required test specimen�. PRETENSIONED CONCRETE CYLINDER PSPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 12 (c) Item 10 shall include, wi�hou� additional compensation therefor, the furnishing of all the wa�er pumps, piping, bulkheads, and measuring devices as well as means for securing the ends of test seetians and per- forming the work �or filling ihe pipelines with water and making the required tests. 4-21 Pa ment for welded lock-'oints: - Payment for welded lock-j�ints wil� be for the pipe size and number of welds shown on the drawings or so ordered, of the appropriate diameter in the �idding Sheets under Item l�. � PRETENSI�NE..n CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE DIVISION 4, PAGE 13 DIVISI�_N S STEEL PIPE I�.ND FABRICATED STEELTr�ORK 5-1 General: -(a} The steel pipe and fabricated s�eelwork required to be fabricated, furnished, and insta�.led hereunder shall include a11 pipe for steel pipeline construction; all steel manhole and outle�t assemblies attached to pretensioned concrete cylinder gipe or steel pipe, as the case may bea and a11 spe�ial steel-plate work and m�.nufactured pipe and �ittings required as hereinafter set forth. (b} For all steel pipe and fabricated steelwork inc�uded in the eontracfi, the Contractor shall. furnish steel plates, steel. pipe, flan$es, and other manufac�ured steel parts as required and shal2 f abricate the pipe and steel- work by electric-arc welding, Th� f abrication of the pipe and steelwark shall conform to the requirements of the latest editi.on of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sectic�n VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels; rp ovided, that no requirements set forth in these specifications or shown on the drawings sha11 be waived because of any provisions of, or any omission from, said ASME Code. {c) �J'here the term "steel pip�°" t�r "pipeline" is used in these speci- fications in connection with specify�ing the requirements �or the fabricated steelwork, the term sha11 be construed to include fabricated steel pipe, mill-manuf actured steel pipe, and any type of pressure vess�l involved unless the contex� clearl.y indicated atherwise. 5-2 Desi n and dimensions 5-2.1 Dimensions: -(aj The pi,pe and other fabricated steel sections shall nowhere have a diameter less than that called �or on the drawings, (b} The length of shop-fabricated secti�ns of pipe shall in no case be greater than 40 �eet, sub�ect to the provisions of Section 5-2.1 (c): At the Contrac�or's option each pipe section may be fabricated with a single course which shall be no greafier than 40 feet in length, havin� nofi more than the number of longitudinal seams shown in the following tabulation: Inside Diameter Inc.hes No, of Seams a Up to 3p 1 31 to 61 2 STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEEL��IORK DIVI5ION 5, PAGE 1 Where more than one seam is used, the plates sha11 be of equal wid�hs. The maximurn wid�h of sfieel plate shall nat exceed 120 inches. (c) The Contractor may, at his option, shop-weld �wo adjacent courses of pipe together to form single courses not to exceed SO feet in length. The joints so welded in the shdp, if used, shall conform to the details shown on the drawings for lap-weld�d joints, including the eement mortar coating and lining. Lap-welded joints made in acc�r- dance with the provisions her�in stated shall be complete prior to de- livery to the job site. (d} The Cantractor sha11 haue payment if the option so stat�d in shall the j oining of adj acent cours Contractc�r f rom conforming t� any o no basis for claim for additional Section 5-2.1(c} is exercised; nor es of pipe operate to re�ieve the f the provisions of this Division 5. 5-2.2 Desi n: -(aj A11 sh�p joints shall be double butt-welded and f ield joints sha11 be rubber gasketed as shown on the drawings and herein- after specif�.ed; �ov�ded, that butt-strap �oints shall be used where required for clasure �r where shown on the drawings; and pravided further, tha� lap welded �oints shall be used where shown on the drawings. Where rubber-gasketed join�s are used, �aid �oints st�all conform to the require- ments of Sections 4-6.6 and 4-9; p,rovided, that the bell.s for welded steel pipe shall be formed as specified in Section 5-11..3. (b} The longitudinal joints of adjacent courses sha11 be stag�ered. (c) When plate f1an,�es �r crotch plates are made from butt-welded segments, the joints between such segments shall no�. be placed adjacent to longitudinal joints in adjoining steel--plate sections. Crotch plates and flanges made from butt-welded segments shall be stress-relieved in accardance with the prov�.sions of S�ction 5-9.2. (d) Forged steel slip-on flang �or in each case on �he drawings, sh flanges and connections; provided, � for blind flanges, reducing flanges, are greater in diameter than 24-inch s or welding neck flanges, as called 1 1 be furnished for all companion at plate flanges wil� be permitted special flanges� and flanges which nominal pipe size. (e) The drawings at�ached to these specifications are design drawings and are not to be construed as shop drawings. All groportioning and detail- ing of the s�eelwQrk far the pipeline, including steel-plate specials, man- hr�les and outlets, and pass holes, �.nd the fabrication thereof, shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with �he requiremen�s of the latest editican of the ASME Bc�iler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIIT, Unfired Pressure Vessels; �rovided, that if the details on the design drawings are stronger or better suited �for the work, in the opinion of the Engineer, such details an the design draw�.n�s shaZl b e con.trolling, S-3 Sho� draw:ings. - The Contractar shall s�bmit for approval in accordance with the requirements of Section 1-17, detail shop drawings of the steel pipe, steel vessels, manhc�les and outlets to be attached to the pipe, and a1.1 steel- plat� specials to be incorporated in the pipeline and structures, together with erection prcfile drawings showing: 0 5TEEL PZPE w4I�SD F�BRICATED STEE%T�ORK DIViSI0r1 5, PAGE 2 (1) The location, length, plate �hiekness, location of welded seams, and designat�on by number df each steel pipe sectidn and s�eel-plate special to be �urnished and installed and laca�ion of �est bulkheads, (2} The pipe axis sta�ion and elevation at all changes in grade or harizontal alignment, �3} The s�ation and centerline �levation to which the spigot �nd of each pipe, within the limits �f a horizontal or vertical curve, will be la�d, (4) All elements of curves and bends, both in horizontal and vertical alignment, includin� elements of �he resultant true angular def lections in all cases of cpmbined curvature; (5) The limi�s of each reach oi concrete incasement as shown on the drawings or ordered; and (6) Locations of all longitudinal and circumf erential joints in the pipe and steel-pla�e specials. 5-4 �arking: - Each section of pipe and each section of fabricated steelw�r� shall be permanently and le�ibZy marked with a number designating the position af the section in �he pipeline, correspondin� to the number shown on the erection profile ref erred to in Section 5-3. Mitered pipe sha11 be marked also to show the poin� on the circumference to be laid uppermost. The mar�ing shall be affixed in an ap�roved manner on the exposed exterior surface of the be�l, �r as otherwise directed, 5-5 Materials; 5-5.1 Stee�ates: -{a) Steel plates for the steel pipe and appurtenances and for steel-plate specials, excep� as o�herwise specified in this Section 5-5, shall conf�rm to the requirements of ASTM Standard A 283-67, grade D, (b) A11 structural s�eel ine�rporated in the s�ruc�ures requir�d under the eontract n�t specif ied �therwise and steel plates f�r crotch plates greater �han 2 inches in thickness, sha11 be fabricated from s�eel conforming to the requirements �f ASTM Standard A 3b-b$. (c) The steel plates shall be ardered by thiekness with a rnaximum allowable variation of nofi more than 0.01 inches less than the �hickness � specified. The Cont�ac�or sha11 �u�nish certified copies of all mzll reports covering the physica� and chemical properties of the stee2 �ur- nished. The cold working of steel plates to obtain the specified tensile � requirements will not be permitted. Any laminations or other defects in the plates shall be cause f or re�ection wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer, such laminations or defects will impair the quality of the pipe or steel-plate specials. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEEL�^��RK DZVISION S PAGE 3 5-5.2 Mi11-manufactured steel i e: - Mi11 manu�actured steel pipe sha11 conform �o the requirements of ASTM Standard A.53-6�, Type S, grade B or ASTM Standard A 106-68, grade B. Pipe shall be ordered by schedule number and wall thicknes� as indicated on the dr�wings. 5-5.3 Flan es: -(a} The �imensi�ns and drilling of flanges n�t other- �aise called for on the drawings shall conform t� �he reguirem�nts of the 150-pound standard of ASA Stand�rd B 16.5 f or heads up to and including 460 feet or to the requirements of the 300-pound standard of ASA Stand.ard B 16.5 for heads greater than 4�0 f�et as applicable, A11 flanges shall be fu11 thickness, f lat-faced, and drilled. The gaske� surface shall have a vee serrated finish bf approxima�e�y 32 serrations per inch approximately �164 inch deep. The serrations m�y be either c�ncentric or spiral (phono- graphic), A Blanchard ground f inish on f�arige faces will not be accep- table. (b) Welding neck f langes and slig-on flanges shall be forged steel conforming to the re�uirements �f ASTM Standard A 181-68, grade I or II. Welding neck flanges shall be bored ta match the inside diameter of the ad j oining pipe . All f laxiges shall be spot f aces or backf aced parallel to th� f rqnt f ace . (c) Plate flanges sha�.l be machined from steel plate cc�nforming to the requirements of ASTM S�andard A 285-66, grade C, firebox quality or ASTTZ Standard A 515-�9, grade 65. (d) B�ind fl.anges sh311 be farged steel conforming to the require- ments specified in paragraph (b), her.eof, or shall be plate flanges con- forming to the requirements specified in paragraph (c}, hereof. .All flange �aces shall be machined flat as set forth in paragraph (�.} of this Section 5-5.3. (e) Plate flan�es may be built up of segments welded together; r� ovided, that the plates used shall have sufficient thickness to permit machining so that the finished flanges will be of the specified thick.ness, with true surfaces free from defects; and rovided further, that the flanges shall be stress-relieved in accordance with �he provisions of Section 5-9.2. Edge rc,lling of bar stock �o form flanges wi11 not be permitte�. (f} The final machining on the contact faces of a�l flanges shall be done ir� each case af ter the flange has been welded to the adj acent steel-p�ate sec�ion and after the section has been stress-relieved where stress-relieving is required. 5-5 , 4 Thimbles :- All st�ee�. pipe used in f abricated f ittings and in branch cc,nnections shall be di the wall thickness and �iameter called for in each case on the drawings. All thimbles and reinforcement collars sha11 be properly shaped to fit the contour of the steel pipe or steel- work and shall be attaehed by welding. The provisions of 5ections 4-19 and 5-7 with r�gard to the position of manhol�s and outlets on pipe STEEL P IPE AND FA�R.ICATED STEELGTORK DIVISION S, PAGE �+ sections� and in cam�liance with speci�ied locations, shall apply to all steel �him�les. 5-5.5 Boltin materialsa -(a) The studs and balts for flanged connec- tions shall be manufactured to the �equirements of AS'TI� St�ndard A 3�7-68 grade B7, exeept �ha� �he require�ents specif ied herein sh�ll control where at variance wi�h ASTM Standard A 3�7-6$. Studs threaded �ull length, each with 2 nu�s, shall be �urnished for flange bol�ing. (b} Nuts shall conform to the requirements af ASTM Standard A 307-6� ` grade B�r grade 2H, Heavy Series , The f i� shall be f ree f it (class 2) except th.at medium fit (class 3) shall be provided in holes tapped f or studs. (c) Studs shall be of such length �that not less than 1/4 inch nor more than 1%2 inch will proj�ct through the nut when drawn tight. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal except where special shapes are required. 5-5.6 Gaskets: - Gaskets for f langed joints shall be fu11-face gaskets made of asbestos composition sheet packing graphited both sides, 1/l6 inch thick, and of a quality equal to Crane Company Cranite, Johns- Manvil.le Corporation Noo 64 asbestos, or Garlock No. 7Q21, 5-5.7 Threaded o enin s: -(a} Threaded openings shall be nat less than 2 inches nor more than 4 inches in nominal pipe size, and shall be a standard wei�ht, flat bottom Thredolet threaded outlets as manuf actured by Bonney Forge and Tool Works, Allentown, Pennsylvania, or an approved equal, e�cept that where the mounting surface is curved to a diameter of 36 inches or less, the Thredol��C mounting diameter shall be the same as that Qf the surface upon which it is to be mountede (bj The threaded ou�let and the plug therefor shall be f orged �rom steel conforming to �he specifieations set forth in either ASTM Standard A 105-65, �rade II or ASTM Standard A 181-65, grade II, 5-5,8 Weldin� outle�s: - Where Weldol.et welding type outlets are called for on the drawings, they shall be a mounting diameter the sam� as that of the surface upon which they are to be mounted, except as specif ied in Section 5-5.7(a). Welding type outlets shall be farged fram steel conforming to the requirements specified for �threaded outlets in Section ,, 5-5.7(b), above, 5-5p9 Sleeve-t e cou lin s> -- {a} Sleeve-type couplings shall be Smith-Blair style 411, Dresser style 38, without pipe stop, unless other- ` wise shown on the drawings, or an approved equal. Insulating couplings shall be Dresser style 39, Smith-Blair style 4�.6, or an approved equal; excep�t that insulato�'s shall be placed on each end of the pipe being coupled and the middle ring of such couplings sha11 be provided with pipe stops. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK, DIVISION 5, PAGE 5 (b) Materials used for �he canstruc�ion of sleeve-type cauplings sha11 be af hi�h �uality carbon steel of commercial grades be�t �uited for the purpase in�ended. (c) Gas�ets �hal1 be suitable for use in potable water supply systems. The middle rings for sleeve-type couplings, in pipe-sizes 6-inches and larger, �hall be the same thickness as the pipe on which � they are used. Length of said middle rings shall be 4-inches for 4-1/2 inch outside diameter pipe, 7-inches for pipe 6-S/8 inch outside diam�ter t� 4$-inch insid.e diameter, inclusive, and 10-inches for 4g-inch in�ide diameter to 60-inch inside diameter pipe. inclusive. Length of middle ' rings far diameters larg�r than 60 inches shall b� as indicated �n the drawings. {d) Sleeve-type couplings shall be coated in accordance with the requirem�nts �f Sections 5-20,3 and 5-20.4. 5-5�1b Other materials: - Other materials and appurtenances, for which s�e�ific requirements are n�t set fo�th i� the spec��ications nor shawn on the drawings, shall be of high q.uality commercial �rades, best suited for the purpose intended. 5-5.11 Ins ection and tests of m�terials: - All pr�v3sians of Section 1-19 shall apply to the inspection and tests of �aterials to be furnished hereunder. S-5 Curves an les, closures and short sections 5-b.l General; - Closing courses and short sections of pipe shall b� furn- ished by the Contractor as found necessary in �he field, or as required by the Eng�neer, ti�There clasing �ieces are required, the Contractor shall make all necessary measurement� and shall be responsible for their accuracy. Closin� �ourses and shart sections of steel pipe sha11 b.e not less than 4 f eet in length, unless otherwise shwon the the dra�ings. 5-6.2 Def lections of s�uare-ended pi�e. -(a) The angular def lection at any rubber-gasketed or lap-welded field joint in sq.uare-ended pipe sha11 na� exceed a pull of 3/4-inch, and the penetration of the spigot into the bell at all point� of the eircumference shall be at least equal to the required p�netration shown �n the drawings, (b) Butt�s�r�p joints shall be used only at locations where shown on the drawings or authorized by the Engineer f.or purposes of closure. No Y angular deflection �ill be permitted at said butt-strap joints. 5-6.3 Beveled pipe: - Far curved alignment requiring greater angular deflec- tion at the joints than permitted by the limitation applicable ta the lay�ng � oi square�ended �ipe, as set forth in Sec�ion 5-6.2, curves shall be made by joinin� beveled pipe sections of substan�ially standard leng�h, except where shorter beveled courses are necessary to accommodate the required radius of curvature. Such bev�ls shall not exceed 5 degrees each, unless �therwise sho�n, at rubber-gaske�ed or lap-welded join�s, all of which STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 6 shall be taken on �he bell end, no bevel being permitted on the spigot end, th� deflection between the centerlines �f adjacent courses thus not exceeding 5 degrees, unless otherwise shown, at the rubber-gasketed or lap-welded j�in�s. 5-6.4 Sho -fabricated bends. - Def lectians no� exceeding 15 degrees �. between the centerline of ad�ac�nt courses will be permitted at girth seams double butt we�.ded in �he shop. Th� radius of curva.ture of the pipe axis in bends shop fabricated from short courses shall be 25 feet, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. .� 5-6.5 No additional co� ensation: -(a} The curves and angles shall be constructed to the dimensions called for and shall be installed at the points s�own on �the drawings, and no allowance wi11 be made to the Con- tractor on account of angular changes or additional an�les ordered by the Engi.neer in advance of fabrication. (b) The curves, bends, angles, closures, and short sections of pipe will be paid for as standard straight pipe of the same length measured along the axis, 5-7 Manhales outle�s and ass holes 5-7.1 General. - The Contractor shall furnish all steel manhole and outlet assembiies with gaskets, stud bolts, and other appurtenances therefor and all steel thirnbles, flanges, pads, pipe of specified plate thickness, and other steelwork required for outlets and connections and shall attach them to the pipe in accordance with the dimensions and locations shown on the drawings. All said manholes, outlets, and connections shall conform to the applicable provisions of this Division 5. 5-7.2 Attached to i e. -(a} The manhole and outlet assemblies attached to pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or steel pipe, required to be furnished and installed by the Contractor under Itern 34, include the wrapper plates, outlet sleevesa outlet pipes and collars for manholes and outlets attached to pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe, as specified in Section 4-8.2; reinforcement collars, pads, outl.et pipes and similar steelwork requi�ed for steel pipe manholes and outlets and for conneetions to the air release, vacuum valve and air release, pumping well, and related valves ta be installed in structures. Slipon flanges, blind flanges and reducing flan�es as required together with studs,bolts, nuts and gaskets will be furnished and installed by the Contractor under Items 26 and �' 34, as applicable, (b) Manholes and outlets shall be installed in the steel pipelin� �. or steel-plate specials at the stations shown therefor on the drawings unless otherwise ordered or permitted. The Contrac�or sha11 be responsible for any interference with existing pipes, conduits, or other structures resulting f rom any unordered deviation from the specif ied locations and shall at his own expense install closures where required �o conform to the designated locafiions. STEEL PIPE AND FABRIGATED STEELT�IORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 7 (c) Na manhole or outlet shall be installed less than b feet from �he end of any shop-fabricated section of steel �ipe unless otherwise shown or ordered by the Engineer, and the layout of the plates shall be arranged to meet this requirement; r�ovided, that �he stations of the manholes may be shifted to provide the 6 foat minimum dist�nce, subject to each case to the requirements hereof, concerning interference with existing structures and the approval of the Engineer. 5-7.3 Pass holes: -(a) The C�ntractor may provide, at his own expense, flanged outlets in the steel pipe additional to the requir�d manholes and outlets shown on the drawings or ardered by the Engineer for use in passing ho�e, lead wires, equipmen�, or materials into �he pipe, Any such additional outlets shall c�nf�rm ta the requirements af the sgecifications for the required manholes and outlets; �rov'z�ded_, that these openings shall be reinforced with collars, saddles, �r pads af approved design which shall be welded securely to the pipe. (b) The Contractor also ma� prnvide, at his �wn expense, f orged steel threaded outlets o� approved design conf orming to the requirements �f Section 5-5.8 f or use in passing hose or lead wires in�o the pipe. Such threaded outlets shall be tapped wit� standard �ipe thread and be welded to the pipe in an approved manner, and solid forged steel plugs conforming to the require- ments of Sectian 5-5.7 shall be furnishing and used for clasure. Said plugs shall not project beyond the inner surface of the pipe shell. The pipe thread in �he ou�le� shall be retapped to correct any distortion caused by welding, and a seal weld may be at least 2 passes shall be ap�lied around th� outle�s o� the plug after it has been inserted in final posi�ion in the field. (c) All such outlets, �lu�s, and closures shall be coated inside and outside to match the adjacent coated surf aces in the same manner as specif ied for outle�s and as required at field joints in the pipe. (d) No payment under any item of the Bidding Sheets will be made for any such apening or its elosure made by the Contractor for his convenience. 5-8 Steel- late s ecials: -(a) The steel-plate specials required to be furn- i�hed and i�stalled by �he Con�rac�o� under Item 17 shall be as.shawn on the drawings and described in the following paragraph. (b) Torispherica� heads, blowOff piping, and butt-strap erection co�plin�s �ttached to steel-plate specials, together with anchor rings for anchorage of steel-plate sections at structures, filler rings, and ` lock-joint rings f�r connections between pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe and steel-plate special� and other specia� s�eel-plate work similar in general to the above listed articles, as shown on �he drawings or , ordered, and will be paid for as steel-plate specials under Item 17; �rouided, that butt-strap�, lock-joint ri�gs, and filler rings at the closing sections f�r the Contractor's convenience and temporary steel bulkheads provided f�r the required hydrostatic test of the �ipeline will nat be classed as steel-plate spe�ials under Item �7, STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISI�N 5, PAGE $ S-9 Fabrication � 5-9@1 Steel- Iate sections: - Each steel-plat� special, and each steel manh�le and outlet shall be shop-fabrieated complete, excep� �hat f ield joints to facili�ate erection may be provided a� �ndicated on the drawings or approv�d by the Engineer� The limits of the steel-pla�e specials for purposes of payment shall be as shown on th� drawings, regardless of any increase in the length of special steel-plate sections which may be approued for the convenience af the Gontractor. Thimbles and oth�r fittings to be welded to steel gipe, or �o a special steel-plate sectian after it has been lined shall be attached at the pipe fabrica�ing plant. 5-9.2 Stress-reli�vin :-(a} Stress-reli�ving of carbon steel parts, where required by the latest Edi�ion of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, and where speci�ied herein, shall be done by heating the required parts to between 11Q0°F and 120d°F in a sui�able furnace with adequate temperature control, The furnace temperature shall be br�ught slowly up to the required ternpe�ature and be held at that temperature for at least 1 hour per in�h thickness of the thickest part, but in na case less than 1 hour. The section shall be allowed to cool slowly in accordance with the applicable requirements of the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels. Furnaces shall have temperature recorders, and 3 copies of the charts of the stress relieving temperatures used shall be furnished to the Engineer. {b) Al1 parts to be we�ded shall be �dequately supported throughout any preheating, welding, and stress-relieving operations to prevent def lec- tion or distortion, 5-9.3 Assembl�: - The use of sledges for driving or hammering in such a rnanner as to injure any joint or edge wi11 not be permitted. Care shall be taken to grevent the finished pipe from falling, or from being in any way subjected to h�avy shockse Sharp kinks, scars, bends, or other in�uries from hammering or other causes shall be cause f or rejection wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer, the presence of such deformation indicated, or where the removal of the same will produce, injury to the material. 5-la Preparation of edges 5-10.1 General: -(a) The ends and edges of or lap welds shall be machined or be otherwise � of the Engineer; provided, �hat sheared edges plates or sheets over 1/4-inch in thicknessm al1 pipe secti�ns for bufit truly faced t� the satisf action wi�l n�t be acceptable for {b) If the ends are f aced with a cutting torch, all inequalities " and scale due to burni�g sha�l be removed by grinding ar chipping. Beveling wi�h a torch will be permitted; �rovided, that such beveling shall be done b� a method approved or pr�scribed by the Engineer and shall inclu�e the removal by grinding of all burnt me�al, scaleg and inequalities. STEEL PIPE AND FABRSCATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 9 (c} The dimensions and shape of the ed�es of the p�ates to be joined �y welding and �he gap between the plates s�all be such as to allow thorough fusion and complete penetration, and the edges of plates shall be properl� formed to accommodate the varidus welding conditibns. All projecting burrs shall be removed. Hammering shall not be used to shape the edges preparatory to weld�ng. 5-10.2 Ali�nment: -(a) A11 plates shal� be cut true ta line so th:lt the edges, when in position for welding, shall be straight, paralie2, and in contac� on longitudinal se��ms, w {b) The maximum gap between ed�es shall be no more �han 1/6 inch in the case �f cir�umferential seams, 5-11 �or_+�ming 5-11.1 General: -(a) Bef ore rolling c�r forming longitudinal edges all �1a�.es sha b 1ap broken by a continuous xolling operaCion or be formed in a press havin� dies that are machined to the proper radius, and the p�essure exerted during the lap-breaking operation sha11 be sufficient to secure a, true and uniform curve at the edges of the plate. Plates shall th�n be rolled or press f ormed to the specif ied diameter. (b) All scale atid other fdreign matter accumulating on �he pla�e during t,he rvller and forming operation shall be continuously remt�ved by an air blast so that %t will no� be rolled or pressed into the surface of the plate, and the sur:Cace of breaker dies and rolls shall be kept c�ear of all bits of inetaZ or other accumulated materials during forming operations. Bits of inetal, or �ther rubbish rolled into the surface of the plate will be.�cause for rejection. (c) Each section of pipe shall be formed to a true circle of the specified diameter �hroughout its entire length so as to groduce a tinished pi�e truly round and free from dents, ki.n.ks, and abrupt changes in curvatures. The outside circumference of �he finished pipe shall not be less th.an its theoretical val,ue, and shall not exceed its theoretical value by more th�an 1./4 inc,h, (d) A11 rolling and forming shall be cornpleted prior to making the bu�t welds. (e� There shall be no heating or hammering for straightening or curving for the necessary forming of angle s. 5-1I.2 Minimum radius: - No forming pro c ess wi11 be permxtted in which the pl�.tes, or any portions thereof, are b ent or otherwise formed during any stage c�f the process �o a curva�ure of appreciably smaller radius than the radius c�f eurvature correspondin� to the sp�.cif xed diame�er of the pipe. 5-11.3 Forming bells: -(a) The bells shall be sha�ed so as to accomodate the spigot penetration shown on the drawings or specified herein. The bell shall be formed on an expending press or bv being thrust axially over a die STEEL PTPE AND FABRICATED STEELG]ORK DIVISION' 5, PAGE lQ in such a manner as to stre�ch �he steel pl��e bey�nd its elastic limit to a truly round bell of suitable diameter and shape, avoiding injuri�us reductiQn in pla�e thickness at �ny point, and avoiding impairment of the physical properties �f any part of the plate. (b� �o proce�s w�ll be permitted in which the bell is farmed by rolling. The axis of the bel� shall be parallel to �he �xis of the gzpe and the eccentricity �f said axis shall not be greater than 1/8 inch. (c} Bel1s f or ma.�ered pipe shall be normal to t�he axis of �he adj acent " course of the ad�c��.ning pip�, and the axis of any such bell shall be parallel to �the axis af such adja�ent course. All bells shall be truly circular. 5-11.4 Tolerances for s�eel i e for welded field 'oints: -- (a) At the ends o£ s�raight sect�.ons of pipe, including those with ends mitered for vertica2 curvature, and at the ends of shop bends for vertical curvature, the in�erior circumferential length of ��e bell shall not be less than the exterior circumf eren�ial length of the spigo�, and the d�ff erence between the lengths sha1.1 not exceed 3/32 inch. (b� In the case of all shop-fabri�ated bends fon c��ri2ontal curvature, all straight sectians with ends mitered for horizontal curvature, and aIl straight sections less than 15 feet in length, the interior circumfe�ential length of the bell shall be greater than the exterior circumferential length of the �pigot, and such difference in circumferential length shall be not less than 1/16 inch and nc�t greater than 1/8 inch. 5-11.5 Tolera�ces for steel i e wi�h rubber-- askete� field "oints: - Tolerances for steel pipe with rubber-gasketed join�s shall be the same as specified in Section 4-8.6 for pre�ensioned concrete cylinder pipe, 5-12 Pre aration for weldin 5-12.1 Fittin�u�: -(a) The edges of �he plates having been prepared and the plates formed as hereinbefore specified, special care shall be taken in the layout of �oints in which fillet welds are to be used in order to insure �he fusion of the weld rnetal at the battom of �he f illet. Prior to such welding, the plates shall be fitted cl�sely, and during welding, they shall be held firmly together. (b) The edges of butt joints shall be tack welded or clamped firmly in place in proper alignment �nd so he�.d thrt�ughout the weiding pro�ess. 5-12.2 Cleanin,: -(a} Prior to weld3.ng, the surfaces of all pla�es � and members to be welded by an automatic process shall be cleaned thor- oughly of all scale and rust by sandblasting or steelgrit blasting for a distanee of not iess th�n l �..nch, and c�f aI.1 oil. o� grease for a di.stance of no� less than 3 inches fr�m the weldin� edge, and on both sides of the plates in the case of butt �oin�s� (b} Grease or oil sha�.l be rernoved by an approved cl�aning method. The use of kerosene or any heavier petroleum solvent will not be permi�ted. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELT��TORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 11 (c} Sandhlas�in� and athex cle.aning shall pre.ferably be done prior to any �ack welding of �he plates. Should inspection indicate a greater amaunt ot porosity at the tack welds than 'iri the remainder of the welds, the tack welds shall be sandblasted prior to automatic �elding. (d) When it is necessary to deposi� metal over a previously welded surface, any scale, slag, or welding flux �fiere�n shall be removed by a roughing �o�l, chisel, air ch_ipping hammer, or other suitable means t� prevent inclusion Qf impurities in the weld metal. 5-12.3 Alinin�: -(a� Where bu�t-welded joints are used, particular -� care shall be ta�en in alining the edges �� be �oined so that complete penetratian and fusion at the bottom af the joint will be assured, The offset in abutting edges shall not exceed 1/16 inch at circumferential seams and shall not exceed 1/32 inch at logitudinal searns. (b) For plates over 1/2 inch in thic�ness, if the thickness of 2 adjacent plates are different by more than 1/8 inch, �he thicker plate shall be trimmed to a smooth taper extending far at distance af at least 4 times the offset between abutting surfaces so that adjoining edges will be approximately the same thickness. The length of the required ta�er may include the width �f the weld. 5-13 T�leldin�_ _..-�___.,� 5-13.1 General: -(a� A1l welding shall be done by an unvarying arc- welding process which excludes the atmosphere during the proces� of depa- sition and while the metal is in a molten state. The size and type of electrode used, and the current and voltage required, shall in all cases be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The type of wire and flux to be used for automatic proc�sses shall also be subject to the approval of the Engineer. (b� Rusted or otherwise damaged electrodes shall not be used, and violation of this provision shall be sufficient cause for rejection of th.e work. Used f lux from automatic raelders shall be sif ted of �ree f ines and coarse pi�ces �nd shall have a11 mill scale removed before reusing. (c} All welds shall be of uniform compositian, neat, smocrth, full strength, ductile, and shall be made with a technique which will insure unifarm dis�ribution of load throughout the raelded section w3.th a min- imum tendency to produce eccentric stress ar distortion in th� weld or in the metal adjacent thereto. (d) Circumferential welds and al1 longitudinal welds shall be made in such manner and on such time schedules as to avoid excessive residual internal stresses in the welded joints and to avoici set�Ging up ob,�ect- ionable stresses due to temperature ct�anges in the completed pipelines. Longitudinal seams shall be welded before girth seams. a STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELt�TORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 12 5-13.2 ualit of weldsa -(a} There shall be no greater evidence of oxidation in the metal of �he weld than in the metal o� the uriwelded plate4 All welded joints sha11 be o� a�yp� �hat will produce complete fusion of the pla�es and sha11 be free fr�m unsound metal, pinh�les, and cracks. � .. {b� The finish of weided joints shall be reasonably smo�th and free from grooves, depressions, burrs, and c�ther irregularities, and ther� shall be no valley or undercut in the center or edges c�f the weld. (c) Any pipe section which shows irregularities in shape after welding may be re-rolled to mak.e it cylindrical, but in nQ ease shal:l it be reformed by ham�ering. (d� All back chipping on both automatic and hand welding, whether for zepairs or preparation of the groove for the original weld, shall be subject to inspection be�r�re being filled with weld metal. As set forth in Seetion 5-11,1(d), no butt weld sha11 be made prior to the completion of the rolling and forming. A11 butt welds for both hand and automatic welc�ing shall be back chipped to sound metal and inspected before welding the reverse side. 5-13.3 Lon itudinal 'oints: -(a) All lon$itudinal joints shall be double butt welded by an approved fu11y automatic welding process, usin� welding heads which permit visual investigation of the deepest point �f penetrafi.ion o� the f irst pass and which permit backfilling of extensive repair cuts by the automa�ic process. T�.e first pass on longitudinal welds shall be an the outside of the pipe and sha11 accomplish at least 75 percent of the complete pen�trati�n. All inside longitudinal seams of the steel pipe with rubber-gasketed joints shall be ,ground smooth, after machine welding, a distance of 8 inches at the bell end before belling. (b} All joint welds shall be eontinuous for the full length of the seam, and shall be buil� up uniformly at the center of the weld to form a rein�orcement on both sides of the plate. The bead on the outside oi the pipe shall have a heigh� of at least 2/16 inch and a minimurn W�dth of at least 1-1/2 times the thickness of the �1ate, r�ovided, that in any case the weld and penetration shall be of suff icient width so that both ed�es to be joined shall be entirely involved in the weld, re�ardless of a possible inaccuracy in the line of travel of �he automatic elec�rode. t�'here the welding methtid permits a considerable deviation in the line of travel of �he welding head, the Contractor shall place a scribed line parallel to and a f ixed distance from the edges of the plat�s prior �o welding so that the location of the welding bead with regard �o the plate joints may be readi�y checkeda (.c} Whe�e w�ldi�g on sma11 pipe �.s done from one side only, the bead on the inside of the pipe shall be subsequently removed by chipping so that the finished weld on the in�ide of the pipe wi11 be practically STEEL PIPE A�A�tI1 FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISIOi�t 5, PAGE 13 flush with the plates. The inside bead wi11 be in no case required to be larger than the autside bead but shall be of sufficient size so that upon its removal, as herein specified, the inside fusion lines and any defects near th� under surface of the �aeld metal G�ill be exposec�. (d) If camplete penetration and reinforcemen� t�n both sides of but�- - welded joints are not satisfactorily accomplish�d when the welding is done from one side, �hen t�ie reverse side shall be chipped out tt� the extent necessary to secure a clean surface of the originally deposited weld m�tal and an automatic weldi.ng pass made an the reverse side. The bead on the "' inside of the pige shal� be no mare than 1i32 inch. in heigh� and the width of the bead shall be not less than 3/8 inch with smoothly tape�ec� ed�es. The Contr�ctor, be�ore making fihe second weld, shall chip out the uzider- side of �he first weld with a r�+und-nosed tool until entirely sol.id and clean metal is re�.ched. (.e) Each back-chipped welding groove shall be subject to inspection and approval prior to weldin�. AlI welding shall be subject to the requix°e- ment that there shal.l be nr� valley, groove, or undercut ��on$ the edge of ar in �he c�n�er of the weld, and that the deposited metal shall be �used smoothLy and uni�ormly intr� the plate surface at the edges of the joint. (f) If �h� normal welding process is interrupted for any reasan, speci�.�. care sha11 be �aken, when welding is resumed, �o get full penetra- tion and thorough fusion between the weld metal and �he plates and the weld metal previously dep�sited. Where welding is interrupted by faulty machine ope�ation, such portion nf the weld as designated by the Engineer shall be removed by chipping before resurning welding opera�ions. 5-13.4 Sh�a circumferenti.al 'oints: - Shop circumferential joints shall. be double butt welded, The details of a11 shop circumferential jaints shall-conform to the requirem�nts foz longi�Cudinal joints as �iven abt�ve; r�ov�ided, that the inside weld shall be made first. Circumferential joints in bends and welded-�teel plate sp�cials need n.ot be rnade by a.utomatic welding methods. 5-13.5 Fie��.d joints; -(a) Field joints sha11 be of the rubber-�asketed type except where welded joints are shown on the drawings, A11 required f ield welded joints sha11 conform to the rec�uirements specified herein for shc�p welds, exce�t that the welds need not be rnade by automatic weld- ing methods. T,lelded joints shall conf orm to the details shown the t�pical _ drawings for lap-welded field jr�in.ts or for butt-strap join�s where re- quired for closure. (b) At a11 but�-strapped field joints, the inside weld or welds, as '� the case may be, shall be compl.eted before starting on the outside we�d. Inside welds at the field �oints shall be made wiith 1 downhanc� pass and 1 uphand pass. Fitting of butt straps shall be done with angle-bar clips and bolts pulled tig,ht; �rovided � that such angle bar clips shall be re- moved to the satisf action of the Engineer upan completion of welding. The use of chains and jacks to pu11 up straps will not be permitted, STEEL PIpE AND FABRICATED STE�LTnIORK DIVI.SION 5, PA�GE 14 � (c) In reaches of pipeline where lap-welded field joints are shown on the drawings, at intervals not exceeding 3�� feet along said reach, and at the f�rst regular lap-welded fie�d joint outside af each end of each concrete anchor ar in major structuresg the depth of the be11 f�r 1ap �oints shall be I inch more than that normally r�quired and the pipe shall be laid taith an initial lap of n�� less than 1 inch more than the normal amount at such joints� The use nf butt s�raps will not be permit�ed at field joints requiring the additional length o£ 1ap in reaches of pipe required to be laid with lap-welded field .joints; provided, that a butt- strap joint will be permitted at clos�ng field joints reg.uiring the additional length of lap when expressly approved by the EngineerA The welding of each such f ield joint shall be performed at a time when the temperature is approximately the lowest during the 24-hour day, after at least 260 l�near feet of pipe have been laid and the joints have been welded ahead and in back of the joints with additional lap, and af�er backf ill has been eompleted ahead a�d in back �f the joints. Where such joints occur near the ends of a concrete anchor, the welding of the joints shall be deferred until the heat of h�dration of the concrete in �he anchor has been dissipated, but in no case sooner thari 14 days after placing �f the concrete has been completed. ��here such jdints occur in a traveled roadway or street intersection, and with the permission of the Engineer, said joints may be shifted to the second joint outside of said anchor, when by so doing said roadway or street intersection can be more quickly r��tored to traffic. 5-13,6 Hand weldin�: - deposited in successive passes or beads in the table: Plate thickness, inches 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 i.3 j32 7/16 15/32 1/2 More than 1/2 (a} In all hand welding, the metal shall be layers so that there will be at least as many completed weld as indicated in the �ollowing Fillet weld, m�nimum number of asses 1 2 � 3 4 4 4 4 1 for each 1j8 inch and any �emaining fraction thereof (b� Far a11 hand butt welds and other ha�d welds where possible, _ except plain 90 degxee £il.let welds, the plate edges sha11 be so pre- pared that there will be sufficient angle in the welding grobve to preverat side arcing of the electrode and �Co permit penetrati�n at the deepest point of �he groove. All such welds shall be back - chipped with a round-nosed tool to clean metal on the reverse side from the side of the deepest penetration beft�re any welding is done on said reverse side. Eaeh hand pass and each back-chipped welding groove shall be subject to inspection before the ensuing pass is made. Each hand pass shall be the full width of the weld. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELT�TCIRK I?IVISION S, PAGE 1.5 inc� of inetal shall be (c) For all ha�nd welds, not rnc�re than �./� whether in butt depasited in eaeh pass. Fach pa�s except the fina�- one, or fillet welds shall be thorou hl bobbed or peened to reliev� S�r�� ad � ucceedi g age stresses and to remave dirt,gslag, or flux bef°re the slate� at each is applied. Each pass shall be thoroughly fused int� the p i1� side of the welding graove or f i11et and sha11 not be P��l�ted to p u in the cen.ter of the weld. Undercu�Cting alo�.� e�-t�er �ide will not P be per.mitted. 5-13.7 Def ects: - A11 pc�rosity and cracks, trapp�'� Welding f lux, �r other � defec�s in the welds shall be completel.y removed 1� a manrier which w�ill ermit ra er and com lete re air b welding. D���ctive w'��-ds ���a��ects general�be�repaired by hand weldingy �vi4 ded, �hat the rePalr wh�re, in in autornatic welds shall be made �n au�amatic welding �►a��'�n�'S air the En ineer's d inion, �Che def ec� 3s s�a extensiv� a� to make a h�nd rep g P undesirable. ctdr's eq��-Pm�nt for all weld- 5-13.8 Contraetor's e ui ment: - The Contxa ��ndition ing and flame cutting shall be designed and maintained i� s��h o erators to obtain the re- at all times, as to p�rmit t�ualif ied welding � a roved by quirements �rescribed in these specifications, ax'�.d shal� be , pp ex�i�ted; the Engineer. The use of a semiautomatic welding pr�cess wlll beln�er £or r�ovided, the Con�ract�r shall obtain pri�r a�pPzOval £ro� �he Eng the articular a lication he ro ose s t a utilize said semi-aut.oma Cess to P PP P � welding process; �.nd rovided further , tha� the semi-automatio fP t,°hese speci- be utilized produces a weld which mee t s a 11 other provisians f ications. . _ skilled welder� who haldi�gd 5-14 Wel� der�. (a� All welding shall be dc►ne by All We adeq�a�e experience in the �nethod and ma�Gerials to be used. r���du,�e of operators shall be �ualified under �he standard qualification p Seetion IX� the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure V�S�eZ Code, Welding Qualif ications. Any welder o r w+�lding oPerator p �rforming work under this contract shall have been u�.� if ied for the pro�ess involved �1. w�.thin the past 3 year�. shall conduct (b) The Contrac�.Q�, when requi�ec�i �y t%.e En�in.eer, that are tes�s �af his welders �o determine th� �r ability to Produce welds accordanCe in cornpliar�ce with these speeif ication.� _ Tests sha11 be made in using machines and electr�des with the above--named qualif ication prr� c+�dure the presenCe o� the similar to �hose that are to be used ori the work and in . of t�sts don�• In lZeu Engineer, who shall determine the qua.�... �...t�' of the W°rk require that the En�lneer may �e�nducted in the p�esence of the Engir�.e ��, � testi�g w e l d e r s b e q u a l i f i e d u n d e r t h e A S M E C� u a� i f ica�iOn Procedure bY the s��e agency ap�rnved by the En�ineer: The :s-gecimens shall be we l�a � lnumber �f �osition in which the weld�r is qual i�� ing ta Work, and the passes shall be used as specif ied in �+� ction 5=13 . 6��) • lates as the �work (c) The Erigineer may call f or �.c�i; c�iitio�n�l test �rb� �he work under the progresses and may demand the remova � ,�f any` weldex ��he reg�rdless o contract whose work on the pipe is nc�-� satis�a���ry� a�l �at�rials and quality of the tes� c�+�lds . The Cont ��. ctor sha�l £�rnish bear a.11 expense of quali�ying welde �- �. f STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELW4RK. DIVISION 5, PAGE 16 �d} The sequence of welding and all welding procedures shall be subject t� �pproval by the E�gineer� 5-15 Test lates tes� s ecimens and sam 1�s 5-lSol Test plates: -(a) ihe C�ntra�t�r shall furnish and prepare � ready for testing a1I test specimens required �or determinatinn �f th� quali�� of longitudinal and circumferential welds and sha11 perform the specif ied t�sts, all at his own expense. A set of 2 test plates sha11 be prepared for welding and shall be tack welded to the end of at least � 1 longitudinal joint for every 800 linear fee� of combined langitudinal and circumferential weld. The edges to be welded in the test plates shall be a continuation of, and a duplic�tion of, the corresponding ed�es of the longi�udinal �oint, excepfi that the �est plates shall be flat instead of curved. (b� The test plates shall be identical in thickness and in physical and chemical properties to the plates used in the pipe section �o which they are attached. T�e Engineer shall determine in all cases at which end of the longitudinal joint the test pla�es shall be attached. The test plates shall be of suff icient width to provide at least 1 reduced section te�si�n, 1 free-bend, and 1 nick-break test speciman. The weld metal in these test specimens shall be deposited eontinuously with the weld metal deposited in the longitudinal joint, using �he same methods and materialsa Procedure tests will be required f rom each automatic welding machine before work is s�arteda (.c� Ifs in the opinion of the Engineer, the method of making the circumferenfiial j oints or the ef f icieney of such j oints is diff erent from that of �he longitudinal joints, �he Engineer rnay require l sample of suff icient si�e to provic�e a least 1 r�duced-section tension, 1 free- bend, and 1 nick-break test specimen to be cut out of the pipe �or each 804 linear fee� of circumferential welded joint. In �he �vent �hat such cut-out samples of circurnferential joints are required, 1 set caf tack- welded test plates, as hereinbefore specified, shall be taken for each 84d linear f eet of lr�ngitudinal welded � oint . (_d} Zn the event that the results of inspection, or of the tests tak.en as hereinbefore provided, shall indicate tha� the welding work being done is unsatisfa.ctory, the Contractor shall furnish such additional samples as may be necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to establish ,. def initely the quality of.the worko 5-15.2 Test s eeirnens: - Tension-test specimens with a mechan�.cal net width of 1-1/2 inches shall show a joint eff iciency of not less than � 100 percent, based on the minimum of the specified tensile-strength range of the plates, In the free-bend and nick-break tests, the size of specimens, the �method of making th� tests, and the results of the tests shall conf orm to the p�rovisions of Sec�ions 5,1, 5.2, and 5.3 of AWWA Standard C2(�l, except that the elongation requi.rement by a free-bend test method shall be at l.east 25 percen�. STEEL PTPE ANI) FABRICATED STEELW�RK DIVISI4N 5p PAGE 17 5-15.3 Sam les cut from i e: - ta) The Engineer may require the Contrac- tar to cut from the pipes such samples as the Engineer finds necessary to determine �hat the tack-welded t�st plates, prepared as provided under Sec- tion 5-15.1, truly represent the welds in the pipe; .�rovided, �hat the total number of samples required, including the number of sets af tack-welded test pla�es, sha11 not exceed 1 sample f�r each $00 feet of welded joint, unless inspection or the results of the t��t indicate faulty workmanship. (b) The Contractor may, at his option, furnish samples cut frnm the pipe at loca�ions selected b� the Engineer in place of any of the �es�-plate w specimens required ta be furnished under Section 5-15.1 in which event l sample will be required f rom each 800 fee� of welded joint on satisfactory work, and as many shall be furnished as may be required in case any faulty workmanship is revealed. (c) Positions from which the weld sarngles are to be cut shall be selected by the Engineer. The Contractor shall weld patch plates into the she11 of the pipe to cl�se the opening from which the samples are cut. Each patch pla�e shall be of the same grade of material and of the same thickness as the plate from which the sample is removed. The patch plate shall be inserted into the opening f lush wi�h the pl�te of the pipe and shall be fully butt welded a� required for �ther butt w�lds. 5-16 Testi� .�..,�._.. 5-16.1 H dros�atic Test: - After eompletion of fabrication and weld�.ng in the shop, each section of steel �ipe, including bends� or in the case af pretens�.oned eoncrete cylinder pipeline construction, each_completed steel cylinder with lock-jc�int rings attached, shall be subjected in the shop to a hydrostatic pressure test; ro�ided, that in the case of steel pipe or steel cylinders with rubber-gasketed joints, the test may be made withaut spigot rings attach�d; rovided further, that the spig�� rings attached subsequent to the hydrostatic test herein beiore described �hall be tested by the soap and compressed air test described in Sectio�n 5-i6.6. Shop- fabricated sec�ions of the steel cylinders far steel-plate specials with- ou� rubber-gasketed joints shall alst� be subjected to the specified hydro- static �est. Subjec�. to �.he requirements of 5ecta.on 5-16.3, welded-steel p3pe sections ret�uir�ng mitering on the ends may be tested before mitering. All such tests shall be made prior to the application of any pratective coating or lining. 5-16,2 Test method: -(a) All air shall be vented from the pipe before the test pressure is applied. The �est pressure shall be held on each section not less than 5 minutes, and in any event shall be held for a sufficient leng�h c�f time to permit inspection of all ,�oints. The hydrostatic-test pressures to be used shall be �dmputed from the following formula: p� 53,000 x� For use on all pipe, cylinders, and D specials fabricated from A2$3 grade D steel. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 18 , : i!1 l For use on cylinders fabricated frc�m A�45 s�eel - � . .. . .• . t= minimum thickness o� the plate course in �he steel pipe section tested or �he �thickness o� the steel cylinder in inches, D- int�rnal dia.meter of the steel pipe �r cylinder in inehes (maximum internal diameter af tapered section) (b) thlThen subjected ta the above hydrostatic-test pressure, the pipe or cylinder shall show n� leaks, undue distortion, or other def ects, Any leaks or other defects which develop during �he hydrostatic test shall be repaired by chipping aut and rewelding, after which the repaired section shall again be tested as herei�. provided and on such retest shall show no leaks ar other defects. 5-1b.3 Ma netic article examination and radir� ra hic test: -(a) In the event the bell or any section of pipe is formed subsequent to the shop hydro- static test on such section of pipe, the Contractrar shall perf�rm a magnetic particle examination on that portion of each welded longitudinal joinfi which is within the longitudinal limits of the area of plate subjected to deforma- �ion in forming the bell; r� ovided, that a minimum of 10% of �Ghe longitu- dinal welds described above shall be examined by the radiographic method. (b) The magnetic parti�le examination or radiographi� test, as the case may be, shall be performed on the aff ected portion of every longi- tudinal joint in 1p(� per cent of the sections of pipe on which the bell is formed subsequent to the shop hydrostatic test. The testing shaJ.l be done at the expense of the Contrac�or utilizing suitable apparatus approved by the Engineer, (cj Radiographs shall be submitted to the Engineer and magnetic particle examination shall be done in the presence of the Engineer, who will determine the acceptability of the welded joints> In either case, �he tests shall be rnade in accardance with the requirements and techniq�es specified in the la�test edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Unf ired Pressure Vessels. All defects in the welds disclosed by either or both of the above described test methods shall be repaired in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 5-13.7. . 5-16.4 Sha fabricated bends: - Shop fabricated bends of the steel pipe and the steel cylinders fc�r steel plate specials shall be subjected to the specif ied hydrostatic test. For this purpose the Contractor shall weld test heads ta the en.ds of the bends, and after completion of the test shall r�.move the heads and prepare the ends of the steel pipe section for f ield weldi�g� and the end.s of the steel cylinder for welding, where welded f ielcl �j oints are required, of lock.-j oint rings, in accorciance with the requirements of Secti.on 5-10 to 5-12, inclusive, or shall provide other satisfae�ory means for making the required test. Where lock-joint rings STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5 FAGE 19 are to be attached to the steel cylinders far steel-plate specials subse- quent to the shop hydrostatic test, the welds shall be tested by the soap and compressed air �est or by other test aeceptable to the Engineer. 5-16.5 Su lementar testin :-(a) After shop fabrication and before the application of the protective linings and coatings, all steel-plate specials, steel manholes, and out�ets shall be hydrostatically tes�ed as specified in Section 5-16.2 so that all welded joints, except those subjected to the soap and compressed air test can be examined visually while under pressure. All manholes and fittings attached to steel-plate specials shall be subject t� either hydrostatic test or soap and compressed air test. (b) For the hydrostatic testing of manholes and outlets attached to s�eel pipe or ta steel-plate specials after it has been lined, and for the hydrostatic testing of manholes and outlets attached to steel cylinders f or pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe, after completion o£ the test speci- f ied in Section 5�16.2, the Contractor shall perforrn supplementary testing suff icient to afford visual inspection �f all welded joints in such ma�holes and outlets and of the welded connections to the steel pipe secti�ns ar cylinders, while under an internal water pressure compufied according to the f ormula set forth in Section 5-16.2; r� avided�, that wh�re manhole thimbles with flanges attached are to be t�sted separately before being attached to the �ipe, each such as�embly shall be hydrosta�ically tested a� an internal pressure equal to the tes� pressure specif ied for the section of pipe �o which the thimbles are to be attached, or ta an internal pres- sure equal to 1-1/2 times the rating of the attached f lange, whichever is the �reater. (c) Such supplementary testing shall be done before the application of linings and coatings. For all such manholes and outlets attached to the steel pipe ar cylinder by means of a welded joint of a type suscep- tible to positive leakage testing by the soap and compressed air test specif ied in Sect�on 5-16.�, the Contractor may apply the latter in lieu of hydrostatic pressure for testing the welded joint. 5-��.6 Soa and com ressed air test; -(a� All joints welded in the field, including lap-welded join�s shown on the drawings or ordered by the Engineer or otherwise, sha11 be tested b� the soap and compressed air method as hereinafter described, The soap and compressed air test also may be used in lieu of hydrostatic testing of welded joints in the steel manhole outlets and spigot rings, which are at�ached to steel- plate sections after completion of the shap hydro�tatic test of the pipe sections. (b) As soon as practicable after the welding of each joint to be tested by the soap and compressed air test has been cdmpleted, the Gon- �raetor shall tes� said joint as follows: Each joint shall be subjected to a soap test by for�ing compressed air, at approximately 44 pounds pressure per square inch, into each said joint and, while the joint is under pressure, every portion of every welded seam forming a part of the STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 20 �oint shall be swabbed with a heavy soap s�lu�ion on an approved commercial bubble producin� leak test �luid and shall be carefully examined for leakage. The Contractor sha11 repair any defects disclosed by the test by chipping o�t and rewelding the chipped section, after which the same test shall again be applied. The Contract�r shall provide ail appara�us and ma�erials f�r making the ` tests4 shall drill and tap the necessary holes as shown on the draw- ings, and shall plug weld the h�les af�er testing4 5-16.7 Ex ense of tests: - The Contractor at his own expense shall furnish and at�ach suitable dished heads and blxnd flange� for mak- ing the tests and after comp�etion of the te�ts, shall remove the heads and properly rest�re the ends �f the sections in aecordance with the applicable requirements of these specifications, or the Contract�r shall provide other satisfactory means f�r making the required tests, 5-17 Trans ortation and deliver of i e and steelwork 5-17.1 General: - Every p�ecaution shall be �aken to prevent injury to the pipe and steelwork during load�ng, transporta�ion, and unloading, Internal braces as requ�red by the provisions of Section C5.1(a) of SDCWA Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mor�ar Lining, sha11 be installed in all pipe, whether plant lined or f ield lined-in-place, and shall remain in place until the stulls speci�ied in Section 5-18.2 are installed. 5-17.2 Handling:- After the a�plication of the external coa�ing, the pipe shall be handled only by means of approved hooks on the ends or by means of bel� slin�s, as specified in Section C5.6 of SDCWA Standard Specifications C5, Mor�ar Coa�ingso Trucks or trailers used for the transporation of the pipe shall be provided with padded bolsters curved to f it the ou�side af the pipe. Padding sufficiently thick and still to prevent scoring �he pipe coating shall be used under tie chains. 5-17p3 Frotection of coatin :- Coated pipe shall not be placed directly on ro�gh ground, bu� shall be supp�r�ed in an approved manner which will pro�ect the coating against injury whenever stored at trench side or elsewhere. Rolling the pipe on the coated surface will not be perm�tted, but the pipe may be rolled on sleepers in contact with only the bare ends of the pipe. � 5-17.4 Bulkheads: - As required under Section C6.9 ot SDCWA �tandard Specificati�ns C6, Spun Mortar Zinin�, �he tight bulkheads secured to the ends o� each section of spun mortar-lined pipe upon completion of the mortar lining therein shall remain in place during transportation to and � storage at the trenchs and after rernoval from the spinning yard, no sec- tion of mortar--l�.ned pipe shall be stored longer than 2 days without the sys�ematic applica�ion of water to the in�ericar in such manner as to keep the mc�rtar lining con�inuously moist, STEEL PTPE AND FABRZCATED 5TEELWORK DIVISIDN 5, PAGE 21 5-17.5 Dama�ed Pi�e: - Any pipe section that becomes damaged shall be repaired as dir�cted by the Engineer if, in his opinion, a satisfactory rep��r can be made; otherwise, it sha11 be repl.�ced with an undamaged section of like dimensians at the expense of the Contraet�r. 5-18 Installin� steel pipe 5-18.1 Cleanin of 'oints: - Just prior to the installation of any section of pipe or steelwork, all foreign rnatter of every nature and all protective material shall be removed from the surfaces that are to be in contact as y joints, so as to leave thorou�hly clean surf_aces for metal-to-metal or rubber-to-metal contact in the f ield jainfis; provided, that the removal prior to welding wi11 not be required of t�e protective coatings applied in conformity with the requirements �f Section C6.2{b) of SDCkrA Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mor�ar Lining, which d�es not interfere with or impair the quality of the f ield welding of the joints, where f ield welding is required, 5-18.2 Stullin� and bracing: -(a) Pipe to be incased in concrete, includ- ing b�nds and steel-plate specials, shall be braced in an approved manner to prevent distortion, and in such manner that the diameter of the pipe shall not vary mare than lj2 oi 1�ercent from the specif ied diameter. These supports shall remain in pla�e until their removal is authorized by the Engineer. (b) Prior to placement in the trench, for pipe to be backfilled, each section o� pipe shall be s�ulled with timber stulls, each consisting of a timbe� strut provided with end bl�cks shaped to fit the curvature of the interior surface of the spun mor�ar-lined pipe. (c) The Contractor shall provide stulls adequate to resist the back- iill �oads encountered without structural failure af the stull members or injur�� to the pipe lining, and, if found necessary, sha�l decrease the spacing of stulls or provide struts and blocks of larger sectional dimen- sions. The s�ulls shall be so placed and sha11 be of such lengths as to elongate the vertical diameter of pipe, subject to such variation in each case as may be ordered by the Engineer to suit the trench canditions encoun- tered along the pipeline. (d) Stull stru�s shall be firmly wedged and secured to �he blocks so that t:he stulling will rernain intact in the specified position during handli_ng and installing of the pipe and backfi�ling of the �rench. (e) The s�ulls shall remain in plaee until the trench �ackfill has been consolidated, and thereaft�r until their removal is authorized by the Engineer. (f) Sttills may be z-eused su.bsequent to their removal; pravided, that a11 damaged ends ar� re-dressed to afford square and uniform bearing; and �rovided further, that all fastening devices previously used shall b� completely removed. STEEL PIPE Ar�D FABRICATED STEELWORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 22 5-18.3 Layin��pipe: -{a} Each section of pipe shall be accurately laid to the required line and grade and sha11 have a firm bearing t� the full len�t� of the section on f�unda�ions�prepared in accordance with the re- quirement� of Section 2-ll, excep� at bell holes �ar welded field joints. Pipe sections laid in �he trench sha11 be of the length speci�ied in Sec�ion 5-2.14 � {b) In placing pipe in the trench, tfie pipe shall be held by the sling at the balancing point of the sec�i�n, in the case of 40 f oat sections, or at 2east 2 slings in the event sections of pipe in excess of 40 feet, as provided far under Section 5-2A1 are installed, and the pipe shall not be dragged on the �ot�om of the trench but sha11 be supported by the sling or slings, as the case may be, while being f i�ted ta the adjaCent pipe section. The longitudinal welded seams shall be staggered with adjacent pipe sections as shown on the drawings or �rdered, Pipe shall be laid uphill on grades exceeding l� percent, (e) The pipe shall be securely held in position by blocking and by partial backfilling between field joints in such manner as not ta inter- fere with the required work at the joints. Blocking shall be placed near the ends of the section and elsewhere as directed, and where ordered shall be removed after sufficient backfill has been placed to hold the pipe in position. {d) As a part of the work af laying the pipe, and without direct compensation therefor, the Contractor shall make such excavations autside of the specif ied trench section as are needed for bell holes, where required, and for spaces sufficient to permit removal of the sling from each pipe section without damage to the pipe coating and shall subsequently back- fill such bell holes and spaces. (e} After each section of pipe has been set into position, it shall be attached to the ad�oining section by means of a rubb�r-gasketed joint or by an arc-welded joint as shown an th� drawings, except that welds at f ield joints requiring an additional length of lap shall be made in accor- dance with the provisions �f Sect�on 5-13.5(c). Preparation for and per- foranance of the welding shall conform to the requirements of Sections 5-12 ta 5-I4, inclusive, insofar as they are applicable to required field welds. Welded s�eel pipe with rubber gaskets shall be joined as specif ied in Section 4-18. {f� The use of dogs, clips, lugs, or equivalent devices welded to the pipe fo� the purpose of for�ing it into position will not be permifited. 5-18.4 Completin,�joints: -(a) As soQn as the welded field joints, where ' such joints are required, have been welded in accordance with the require- ments of Sections 5-13 and 5-14 and the soap and compressed air testing of said joints has be�n complete� in accordance with the requirements of Section 5-16a6, the coating �t such field joints shall be applied in accor- dance with the applicable r�quirem�nts of Sections C5�1 to C5.6, inclusive, of SDCWA Standard Specif ications CS, Mortar Coa�ing. The joints for rubber- gasketed steel-pipe with type A coating shall be completed as s�ecif ied in Section 4-19. STEEL PIPE AND FABRIGATED STEELT�ORK Dzvzszo� 5, PAGE 23 (b) Where diapers ar� used f�r poured field jaints, the dimensional requirements set farth in Section C5.3(c} of S�CWA Standard Specif ica�ions C5 shall not be relaxed. The Enginear may arder the diapers td be removed for inspection pri�r to backfilling. (c} The baekf illing operations sha11 be started as soon as th� rnortar at the f ield jo�nts has been placed and has attained �n age af not less tha� 24 hours. After the pipe has been backfilled, the lining at field joints in spun mor�ar-lined steel pipe shall b� completed in �ccordance with �he pro- visions of Section C6.7{d) of SDCWA Standard Specifiations C6, Spun Mortar Lining. The mortar linin� at f ield joints shall be applied to the thickness required for a flush junction with the spun mortar lining set forth in Sec- tion 5-20. 5-18.5 Continued curing: - Under a contract ineluding spun mortar lining in the welded-steel pipe, as soan as the fie�d joints have been completed in ea�h portion of pipeline between manhol�s and the soa� and compressed air test�ng of the required we:Lded joints has been completed in �cco�danc� with the requirements of Sectioii 5-1b.6 each pdrtion of pipeline shall be segre- gated from the subsequently installed pipe by me�ns of plyw�od bulkhe�ds so as ta prevent circulation of air in the se�regated por�ion of the pipeline, and the Contractor shall proceed immediately to spray �r otherwise apply moisture insi�e such bulkheaded portions of �ipeline in a manner that will e�f ectively prevent the drying out of the mortar lining� Such application of mdisture shall be comm�nced in each portiQn of pipeline within 2 weeks after the pipe laying and shall be continued as re�uired until the pipeline is f illed with water for �esting as specif ied in Section 8-2. Machine- placed mortar lining shall be cured and pratected in aec�rdance with the requirements �f Sections C7.9 and C7.1� af SDCt{,�A Standard Spe�ifications C7, Field Placed M�rtar Li�ing. 5-19 Installin steel- late s ecials 5-19.1 General: -(a) As set forth in Section 5-8, s�eel plate specials constitu�in� part af the main pipeline shall be comple�ely erected and align�d in their proper positions befo�e the adjoining butt-strap joints �r required lap �oints are wel�ed or befdre the conc�ete or conerete incasements are pla�ed. (b) The Contractor, �nder a contract including steel pipe, shall furnish and insta�l all materials for the insulating joints as shown on the drawings, as a part a� the work re�uired under Item �7. Prior �o installation of s�eeve-type couplings, the surfaces of the couplings and the ends of the p�pe shall be coated wi�h ep�xy in accordanee with the require�ents of Sec�ions 5-5,� �nd 5-�0 and as �h�wn on the drawings. After the insu- la�ing jaints have been assembled in the pipel3ne, and after all field join�s have been welded, where welded field jnints ar� required, and the back�ill has been placed for a distance of 300 feet on each side of said insulating j�i�ts, and insulating joints and the uncaated portions of the ad�acent stee� pi�e sh�ll b� coated with c�al-tar pximer and enamel in STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELt�ORK DIVISION 5, PAGE 24 accordance with the applicable requirements �f Sections S-2�.3(a) and 5-2a.4(a} of these specif ications and Section 5-4.4 �f At`�TA S�andard C2�3 �n� �� �h�wn on ��e d��wi�gs. After said coal-tar enamel has been elec- trically tested �o insure that �he pipeline is properly insulatedp said insulating joa��s sha11 be incased in concrete as shown on the drawingss Care shall be taken t� prevent any con�act between the main pipeline and � reinforcernent steel, tie wires, me�al supp�rts and clips at any point of said join� encasement. A�learance o� 2 inches shail be maintained between the re3nforcemen� s��e1 and any part of sa3d insulating joint ass�mblies. All payment to be reeeived by the Contractor for c4nstructing said insula- 4 ting joints will be included in prices named �n the Bidding Sheets for Item 17 for iurnishing and installing steel-plate �peci�ls, Item 9 f or furnishing, fabricatin�, and placing reinfor�emen� steel; and Item 8 for stru�ture concre�e4 5-19.2 Connectin to concrete i ea -(a) The Contractoz shall make such adjus�ments as may be necessary for pr�per closure between the pre�ensioned concrete cylinder pipe and the adjoinin$ stee�-plate spe�ials. (b) Closin� joints in steel-plate speci�ls for the Contractor's convenience sha11 be made with bu�� s�raps welded in accordance with the details shown on �he drawings, and the j�ints shall be �ested as specified in Secrion 5-16,6� (c) t�rh.ere sections of different outside diame�ers are to be �oined by bu�t straps, filler plates sha11 be installed to accommodate the differ- ence in thickness; ,��a�a, at the Contractor's optian the use of milled buttstrap plates �c,ri11 be allowed. In either case, the minimum thickness of buttstrap plate at any section shal� be at least equal to the thick- ness of the thinner glate at the closure. w 5-19.3 Connectin to steel i e: - Where a steel-plate special is con-: nected to steel pipe, a but�-strap or lap-welded field joint shall be used, and the joint shall.be tested by means of the soap and compressed air test as specified in Section 5-16.b. 5-19.4 Balted �onnec�tions; -(a) The Contrac�ar will furnish all �olts and gaskets required far at�aching all equipment. (b) Wherever f langed steel-pla�e speeials or other steelwork require bolting, exCept for the bal�ing of s�.eeve--�ype couplings, the bolts there- � for shall be taken up evenly all ax'ound using the c.rossover method and then shall be set u�ing a stri�.ing wrench� After 24 hours, the bolts shall be r�set tc� as�ure that they are �ight. Bolts for sleeve-type couplin�s �. shall be tigh�ened to the torque reeommended by the manufacturer. STEEL PIPE AND FABRICATED STEELWORK. DIVISION 5, PAGE 25 5-20 Coatingz lining andTpainting � 5-2Q.1 Lini�: -(a) Straight �ections of carb�n steel pipe shall be lined with mortar in accordance with the requirements of Sections C6.1 to C6.10, inclusive, of SDCWA Standard Specif ications C6, Spun Mortar Lining; provided, ihat the lining shall have a truly cylindrical inside surface with uniform diam�ter for the entire length of the spun 13ning and end in a shoulder normal to the inside surface. (b) Pneuma�ically applied mortar lining conforming to the require- ments of Section C6.$ of SDC[�A Standard Specifications C6, Sp�in Mortar Lining, will be required on steel-plate specials where the in;�ide diameter is 36 inches or more, excepting any strai�ht s�ctions of such specials in which the lining is placed by specif ied rnethods of spinning or f ield placing. (c} Stee1 fittings furnished by the C�ntrac�Cor under Item 17 and hav- ing a diameter less than 36 inches sha11 be lined w�.th mortar which may be applied by hand plastering; �rovided, th.at the methods �se�. shall be such as to produce a lining subs�antially equivalent in quality to pneumatically applied mortar lining as specitied in Sec�ion Cb.8 of SDCWA Standard Speci- fications C6, and that the n�aterials used and the curing of the lining sha11 conform to Sections C6.$ and C6.9 of SDCWA Standard Specifications C6. (d) The interior st�rfaces of manhole and ��utlet thimbles and steel- plate specials shall be lzned with pneumatically applied or hand applied rnortar, the requir�ments applicable �a each part of the steel-plate work being as shown on the drawings and specifi�d herein. {e) Cement in the lining shall conform ta the requirements of Section C6.4 of SDCWA �tandard Sp�cifica�ions C6 or Section C7.6 of SDCWA Standard Specifications C7, as'applicable. 5-20.2 Coatings: -{a) Type A or Type B coating conforming to the require- m�nts of Section CS.l to C5.6, inclusive, of SDCWA Standard Specifications C5, Mortar Coating, shall be applied on the exterior surfaces of pipe, certain steel-plate sp�cials, and bl.ind--flanged outlet and 45 degree outlet assemblies according to the limits for the coating shown on the drawings or ordered. (b) The exposed exterior rnetal surfaces of flanged manhole assemblies inside of structures sha11 be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting and painted in accordance wit�i the provisions of Section b-4. .� (c) The exposed interior metal surfaces of the blind and reducing flanges af all manholes and outlets shall be coated as shown on the drawings, with coal-tar primer and enamel in accordance with the applieable provisions of Sections C$.l to C$,5, inclusive, of SDCWA Standard Specifications C8, Coal Tar Caatings. 5--20.3 Painting: -(a) Contact surf aces of flanges, gaskets, and surfaces of studs for flanged connections and of bolts far sleeve-type ct�uplings sha11 be coated with red lead immediately prior to assemblin�;. Bolts for sleeve-type couplings used for insulating j��ints shall be coated with coal-tar primer, STEEL PIPE AND FA$�IC�TED STEELt�10RK DIVISION 5, PAGE 26 �b� All exposed exterior surfaces of an� gortions of manholes and steel-pla�e specials inside of structures shall be thoroughl� cleaned by sandblasting in accordance with the re�uire�ents �f Section 5-20.4(ej, and shall be painted with a shog coat of red lead primer and, after installati�n, shall be given an additional co�t of red lead primer and 2 coats of color paint, al1 as required by thA provisions of Section 6-4. S-2no4 E� coati�: -(a} Where a sleeve-�ype cougling is required to be in��alled hereunder, the interior surf ace of the middle ring of the coupling, the edges of the pipe or steel-plate special, the mortar lining at the joint, and the interio� and exterior end surfaces of the pipe or special sections shall be coated with epoxy for the dis�ances shown �n the drawings. t�here sleeve-type coupling is to be furnished as insulating joint, the entire surface not covered with epoxy shall be coated with coal-tar primer, and, after the erection of said couplings has been completed, th� exterior surfaces of said couplings and the sur- faces of the adjoining pipe shall be coated wi�h coal-tar prirner and enamel and incased in concrete in accordance wi�h the requirements of Section 5-19.1(b). {b) Epoxy coating shall be a trowelable epoxy formulat�on such as: "Specoat" SEC-ETP, as manufactured by Specialties Engineering Company, Pasadena, California; "PermapQn" 10� percent epoxy., as manufaetured by Interchemical Corp; or an approved equal. (c) The steel surfaces shall be prepared for the epoxy coating by sandblasting t� "white metal" in accordance with the requirements of SSPC- SPS, using due caution �o prevent injury to �he adjacent rnortar coatings. All welds, edges, and sharp corners shall be ground to a eurve, and all weld spa�ter shall be removed, The sandblasting shall be dry 5andblasting, and the maximum surf ace prof ile shall nat exceed 3 mil�. The areas to be coated with epoxy sha11 not be touched between the time of sandblasting and the time of application of the epoxy coatin�. The first c�at of epoxy coating shall be applied to the surfaces caithin 2 hours after sandblasting. (d) The epoxy shall be applied in accordance w3th the manufacturer's recommendations which require heating of the metal to 125°F �o remove all rnoisture from the surf ace, the f illing of cracks and cavities with putty- like material (Specoat ETCH) be�ween first and second coats where necessary, and allowing each c�a� to become almost tack free before applying the next GOG�� s {e) After the final coat is thoroughly dry, the compleCed coating shall be checked for thickness by means of a dry film thickness tester. The entire surface shall be tested for pinholes with a b7-1/2 vol.t Tinker and Rasor Model M-1 nondestructive type holiday detectarp Any pinholes shall be touched up and retested until the coating is acceptable to the Enginee�. The f inished thickness shall be not less than 1S mils nor more than 25 mils. STEEL PIPE AND FABRrCATED STEELW4RK DIVISION S, PAGE 27 (f) In order to prevent damage to the �poxy coating during shipping and handling, the coated surfaces shall be protected wi�h suitable tem- porary wrappings. 5-20.5 Payrnent: - All compensation to be received by the Contractor for coating and painting as specified herein shall be included in the prices � named in the Bidding Sheets for furnishing and installing steel flanges on manhole� and outlets and f or furnishing and installing steel-plate specials under item 17, =tem 23 and Item 340 5-21 Measurement and a ment for furnishin and installin mortar lined and coa�ed welded steel pipe 5-21.1 Payment; -(a) Payment for furnishing and installing mortar lined and coated welded-s�eel pipe in accardance with the requirements of Sec- tions 5-1 to 5-2Q, inclusive, wi11 be made at the respective unit prices per linear foot named in the Bidding Sheets under Item ll for pipe �f the stated diameter a�d plate thicknes�, which unit price� ahll include furn- ishing, fabricating, delivering, installing place, joining, and testing the mortar lined and coated steel pipe required under the contract, all in accordance with the drawi_ngs and these specifi�ations. (b) The work under Item 11 includes the furnishing �f al1 re�uired materials, includirlg cement, lock-joint rings, gaskets, preparing the in- terior pipe surfac��s, and applying �pun mortar lining, in accordance with the requirements of Section 5-20.1(a) and Sections C6.1 t� C�.l�, inclusive, of SDCWA Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mortar Lining of field-plaeed m�rtar Iining in aceordance with the requirements of Sections C7.1 to C7.10, inclusive, af SDCT�A Standard Specif ications C7, Field-Placed Mortar Lining, and applying cement mortar coating in accordance with the provisions of Sections C5.1 to C5.6, inclusive, of SDCT�IA Standard Specificatians C5, Martar Coatings. {c) Requir�d welding of lap-welded field joints wi11 be paid for under Item 16, 5-21.2 C�ua_ntity: - The quantity to be paid for under Item 11 shall be the total number of lineal feet of martar lined and coated s�eel pipe, of each specif ied thickness of plate, including cu�ves and bends, satis- factor�ly furnished, fabr�cated, installed and tested in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-21.1, hereof, such lengths to be measured along �he axis of the pipe after installation; r�ovided, that in measure- ment af length no account will be taken of �aps; and provided further, that in making partial estimates for monthly payment, the requirements af Section 1-7 shall govern. 5-2�,3 Rela�ed features: - The Contractor sha11 alsa, as part of the work under Item 11, furnish all water, pumps, piping, bulkheads, measur- ing devices, and testing apparatus and shall pzrform the work of making shop and field tests and filling �he pipeline with water as sp�cified in Section 5-16 and $-2. 5-22 Measurement and � ment for furnishin and installin steel manholes and outlets in i es and furnishi� and insta�lin steel lat� s ecials STEEL PIPE AND FABRIC�TED STEELtiJORK DSVISION 5, PAGE 2� 5-22.1 Pa m� ent -(a) Payment for furnishing, ins�alling and painting s�eel manholes and �langed �utle�s in pipes will be made at the unit przce for each of the appropriate diameters named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 34. The unit pr�ce shall include co�lars, wrapper �la�es, autlet sleeves, outlet pipe and flanges, the mortar lining and coating, and the boltsg nuts and gaskets �or the attachrnent of adjaeen� valves or fittings. � (b) Payment fo� furnishing, installing and painting steel blind flanges will be made at the unit price f or each of the appropriate dia- � meters named in the Bidding Sheets unde�' Item 26. The unit price shall include bol�s, nuts and gaskets for the attaehment Qf the b�ind flange to adjacent val.ves and fittings. (c} �ayment for furnishing, fabricating, installing, �esting and painting the various articles of fab�icated s�.eelwork w�.11 be made at the unit p�ice per pound �f steel named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 17, a11 in acccardance wi�h the specifications, and as shown on the draw- ings ar as ordered by the Engineer, (d) Payment for the various aritcles of steelwork will include the mortar linin,g and coating of thes� articles in accordanGe with the plans and specifications. The weight of �he mortar lining and coating shall not be included in the �aeight for payrnen� under Item I7, furnishing and installing steel p�a�e specials. � < STEEL PIPE AND FABR7�CATED STEELWORK DIVISI�N 5, PAGE 29 DIVISI�N 6 MISCELLAN£�UG METAL��'OR� 0 6-1 General: - The Contractor shall furnish, install and huild into �he structures as rec�uired all equipment, miscellaneous metalwork, struc� tural steel, steel pl�te work and piping as shown on the drawings or ordered by the engineer. Said steelwork shall be fabricated, marked and Match-marked to facilitate assembly in the field. The Contractor shall furnish suitable b�lts, nuts and other fasteners to proper�.y assemble all metal work, valves and piping. The C;ontractor sh�.11 furnish suitable welding materia.ls and equipment and do such field welding as may be required to erect said steelwork as shown on the drawings and in accordance with. approved details. Sma11-diametPr piping shall be furnished in random lengths and be cut, threadeci, bent, and installed by the Contractor in a workman like manner using an approved compound on a11 threaded �oi.nts. 6-2 Contractor �urnished materials and. su lies 6-2.I. Materials and su �lies: -(a) Sleeve tvpe couplings furnished and installed by the Contractor shall conform to the requ?re�nents ot Sec�.i�n 5-5.9. (b) Victaulic type coupling;s furnished and installed shall be of the highest grade commercial quality. (c� Bolting rnaterials and gaskets furnishec? anci i.nstall�d. by the Contractor for installation of lubricated plug valves, air release and vacuum valves, butterf2y valves, pressure re�ucing va2ves, and venturi tuhes shall conform to the r_equirements of Section 5-5.5 and Section 5-5,6, respectively. 6-2.2 �perations and ad'ustments: - All movin� parts, control mechanisms and other machinery shall be care�ully installed, tested for operat�on, and a.d,justed so that all parts move f reely in rel.ation to each other and function properly in a manner insurin� sa.tisf actory operation. Any changes or adjust�ents required to secure the sati:sfactory operation of the equipment or to correct s�ach minor errors and inaccuracies in the � various parts as may be expected to occur in the ordinary manufacture of the several classes of inetalwork shal_1 be made by the Contractor at his own expense. 6-3 Miscellaneous metal caork 6-3.1 Sho drawin s- Before beginning fabrication of structural steel- work ar miscellaneous metalwar�.� the Contractor sh�11 submit to �he Enpineer for approval complete shop and erection drae.�in�s showing de�ails of inethods, material.s and finishes he proposes to use, in accordance with the reauirements of Secti�n 1-17. ASISCELLANE�US MFTALTaC�RK DIVT�IO'`I h PAGE 1 6-3.2 Structural steel - All structural steel shapes, plates, bars, an� rods including those smaller than the AISC sizes shall, unless otherwise indicated or s�ecif ied, con£orm to ASTM Standard A 3b-b�. b-3.3 Gratin� -(a) Grating .for platforms and grating covers f.or vent structures shall be fabricated from standard grating sections of the type shown an the drawings, or an approved equal, cut to the dimensions shown on the �rawings. (b) Circular gratings, unsupported. ends of strai�ht sections and openings shall be banded �s shown on the drawin�s. All gratin� shall be hot-dip galvanized after tabrica�ion as specified in Section �-4.3. 6-3.4 Bolts -�a) Steel bolts, includin� U-b�lts and anchor bolts, except as specified in paragraph (c), below, shall conform to Grade A, ASTM Stan- dard A 3�7-68. Threads sha11 be coarse thread series conformin� to �he requiremerits of ASA Standard Bl.l for sizes 1 inch an� smaller in diame�er, and with special threads of the American (�?ational) form with 1%8-inch pitch (8 �itch thread s��ies) f�r si�es 1-l/� �nches a�d lar�er �n diameter. The fit sha11 �e class 2 free f it, Thre�ds made by rolling wi11 not be per�itted. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all holts shall have hexagon heads and hexa��n nuts. �uts shall be heavy hexagon series. Square and hexagon heads and hexagon nuts sha11 conform in �imensions to the requirement of the ASA Standards B18.2.1 and B18.2.2. Stud bo��s sha.11 be of such length, and anchor bo.lts shall he so set, that nnt less than l/4 inch and not more than 1/� inch will project through the nut Grhen it is drawn tight, (b) Except for piping service, as sp�cified in Sec�ion 5-5.5, al1 bolts, ��ch�rs, and anchor bolts shdll be provided in plain, springl�cka �r bevel washers in accordance witih the �equirements ot the structure in which they are used. U?ashers sh�.�.1 conform td the requ�r��ments of Ay� Standards B2�'.l and 827.2. (c) All bolts and nuts required for piping servic� �hall be as specified in Section 5-5.5. 6-3..� Fabrication and installation -(a) Except as otherwise shown on the drawings t�r ��.s specifiec� herein, the de�ign, fabricatic�n and erectian df all structural steel and al1 miscellan�ous ferrous metalwo�k items shall conform to t:�e requirements o.f the AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of �tructural Steel for �iuildin�s and "� tr.e welding re�t�irements o_f_ the A.merican ihlelding Soni�tv S�anclards �.s adopted by the AISC. (_b} The Con�ractor sha�_1 take the nec�ssa�'y precautions during fab�ication of artic�le;� to he galv�nized to prot�erly fabricate and prepare the material. to prevent embritfilement, as described in AS'I'h1 Standard A 143-65, and t� prevent warpage and distor�ion as describec�. in t�S'TI�1 Standard A 384-58 (1q65) . Violatior_ of the provisions of this paragraph wxll be sufficient eause for re,jection of. the wark. MISCFLLA�TEOUS METALt�QRK DIVZSIO?�t 6, PAGE 2 6-3.6 �leldin� - Steel and mi�cellaneaus ferroti� metalwork �hall be welded by an unvarying arc welding process which ex�ludes the atmosphere during the process of �eposition and �hile �he metal is in a molten state. The �ype and size of electro�e used and the current and voltage required sha11 in all cases be subject to the apprav�l �f �he En�ineer_s Rus�P� or otherwise damaged electrodes shall not be used, and vi�lation of this pro- vision wi11 be sufficient cause far rejectian of the work, All welds shall be of uniform composition and shall be neat, smooth, full strength, and ductile; shall be �ree from porosity and clinker; and shall be made �•�ith a techniq_ue which will insure uniform distribution of load throughout the welded section with a minimum tendency to produce eccentric stress or dis- tortion in the weld or in the metal adjacent thereto. i-?elding, where cal`led for, shall be continuous along the entire line of contact, except where interrnittent welds or tack-welded eonnections are specified. 6-4 Paint3n and coatin 6-4,1 General -(a} All paint and other coating materials shall be fur- nished by the C�ntract�r as pr.ovided in Section 1-19. All p�int or protective cQating material sha11 be brought to the ,job in original can- tainers and s�al1 be stored in enclosed str_uctures to protect them from weather and from e�cessive heat or cold, (b) Al1 exposed unmachined metal surfaces, except galvanized steel or corrosion-resisting steel surf aces, shall be painted or coated by the Contractor in ac�ordance with the requirements hereinafter specified, The exposed interior metal surf_aces of r_educing flan�es and blin� f_lange� of flanged outlets shall be coated with coal-tar primer and enamel as shown on the drawings. Other metalwork exposed to the inside oi s�ructures and metalwork exposed to the ou�.side atmosphere shall be pain�ed with 2 coats of rust inhibitive primer and 2 coats of finish paint, except for �he mortar exterior coating of manhole �ssemblies as specified in Section 5-20.2. (c) Metal surfaces of equipment which have been previously cleaned and given the required shap coats of primer or enamel will not be required to be recleaned by sandblasting i� the ori�in�1 coat is intact, but the Contractor sha11 clean these surf aces b_y apnroved means which will pro- perly prepare them for repriming anci finish paint. GTherever any �revi= ously primed or painted surfaces have become corroded, the surfaces shall be cleaned to bright metal by sandblasting as specified in Section 6-4.2, before the specified coating is applied. (d) Rust inhibit�.ve primer shall be an isopthalic alkyd resin sueh as Engard 126 as manufactured by Engar.d Coatings Corporation, or an ° oxozoline modified alkyd such as Blox-rust, as manufac�ured by Fuller- 0'Brian Paints and Coatings, or an approved equal. The seconr_1 coat of rust inhibi�ive primer shall be tinted �aith 2�r 3 ounces of 4 lampt�lack in oi2, per gallon, to provide color contrast. Rust znhibitive primer, specified herein, shall be used within 6 months after �ormulation; appli- catiQn shall be in accordanee with the manuf acturer's recommend�tions to produce a dry f ilm thickness o_f 2.0 mils per coat. Z'�ISCELT,A?'tEOU� METALt�1��K DIVISTQN 6, PAGF 3 (e) Color paint for valves, Piping and nongalvani�ed exposed metal shall be Rust-Oleum Green Aluminum, No. 1�3a, as manufactured by Rust- �1eum Corporation, ar an approved equal. The �anuf acturers approved reducer_ sha11 be used exclusively. (f ) Metal doors shall have a finish c�at of. P�ust-Oleum Chestnut Brown, No. 977, as manufactured by Rust-Cleum. (g} Epoxy coating shall conforrn to the requirements of Section 5-20.4. (h) Coa1-tar primer and coal-tar enamel. shall conform to the require- ments of Section C-8.2 of San Diego Cot�nt_y r�Tater Auth�rity Standard Speci- ficati�ns C-8, Coal-Tar Caatings. 6-4.2 Pre aration and a lication -(a} All structural steel, all exterior surfaces of piping, and all other meta_lwork .required to be painted and. not provided with a shop coat of paint and the eYterior surfaces of inetalwork, except where in contact with concre�e, furnished by the Contractor and not required to be coated in anather znanner, shall be thoroughly cleaneci by sandblasting to whi�e metal in accordance Wlt�'l the requirements of �SpC- SP-5 and sha11 be given 2 coats of primer and �2 coats o.f color pa�_n.t. On1y 1 coa.t of prirner shall be applied in the shop. Surfaces which will not be accessible after asseznbly or after installation shall be given.a second shop coat of gr_imer. (b) A,fte� installation, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean all surfaces to be p�.inted and shall repair all c�amaged places in the origin�al paint film in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Afte� the paint on such repaired areas has thoroughly dried, 1 coat of primer and 2 �oats of color paint shall be applied to the exposed surf aces. Color paint shall be applied in aceordance with th�.manuf a�.turer's e�irection�. Machined surf.aces shall not be painted except for the caating of flanges with red lead as specified in Section 5-20.3. (c) Rust inhibitive primer shall be applied in accordan�e with the manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications; the prirner shall be applied by brush or. spray methods to produce a minimum dry fi7_m thick- ness ot 3 mils and shall be applied within 2 hours a�ter comPletion of sandblasting. Ambient and metal sur.f ace temperatures at the time of agpli- cati�n sha11 not be less than SO° F. (d) All painting shal.l be performed in a skillful and. workmanlike r,lanner, s�.tisfactory to the Engineer, and each coat of paint shall. be permitted to dry properly before the succeeding cc�at is applied. Paint may be applied by dipping or spraying if approved by the Engineer. ?�o paint shall be applied in dam.p or freezing weather except under suitable cover, and the meta� sha11 be free f rom moisture when, the paint is app�ied. (e) The surfaces of. the metal�riork to be coated with coal-tar enamel shall be cZeaned by sandblasting af�er wliich the Contractor shall apply a priming coat before enameling. The application of_ coal-tar primer an� enamel shall be in accordance with the ap�lic�.hle provisions of Sections C-$.l to C-8.S inclusive of S,D.C.��?.A. Stanclard Specificatiora.s C-8, Coal- Tar Coatings. I�1I�CELLA�TEdUS IuIETAL�•'nRI:. DIVISIOTI 6, P�GI�, 4 (f) Alternate coats of all paints and primer� including touch-up coats, shall be tinted for color cantrast to facilitate visual inspec- tion� (g) No coa�ing sha11 be applied before �he Engineer has accepted the surface preparation. If a coating has be�n applied without the approval of, or not unde� t�e sup�rvision of, �he Engineer, the Contractor � shall, if directed by the Engineer� remove said coating b_y sandblasting or other approved means and recoat said surface in accordanee with these specifications. * 6-4.3 Galvanizin� -(a� Steel gratings� toge�her with c�rtain other metal iterns so designated on the drawings, shall be hat-dip galvanized after fabricatione �'abrication sha1.1 conform to the requirements of Section 6-3. (b) Fabricated steelwork required to he galvani�ed shall, after t�he steel surf.aces have �ieen thoroughly cleaned of rust and scale bv sandblasting or other approved methods be galvanized zn accordance �aith ASTM Stand�rd A 123-fi8a, except that �alvanizing sha11 withstand seven 1-minute imraersions when tested in accordance with the requirements o.f. ASTM Standard A 239-41 (1965). (c) Bolts, anchor bolts and other threaded fasteners required to be galvanized shall, after being p.roperly cleaned, be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of ASTM fitandard A 153-67, Table �. 6-5 Embedded items and anchor bolts 6-5.1 Embedded items -(a) The surf aces of all metalwork to b� in eontact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose seale and rust� graut, m�rtar and other �oreign substances imme- diately before the concrete is placed. Contact surfaces of flanges, and of studs for f.langed connections, shall be given a coating of red inhibi�ive �rirner immediately prior to assemblin�. (b} t��There required, galvanized pipe sleeve� sha11 be furnished and set by the Contractor. Said pipe sleeves shall be accura�ely placed and securely he1.d to avoid movement or displacement while concrete is heing placed. (c} Openings for pipes, inser_ts for pipe hangers, and bracke�s, and the wetting of anchors shall, where practicable, be provided for * during the placing of concretea 6-5.2 Anchor bolts -(a} Anchor bolts shall be cleaned of al1 dirt , and �ther foreign substances, shall be accurately set and shall be maintained in position by templates while t�eing embedded in concrete. (b} t-�herever it is irnpracticable to place anchors or anchor bolts required for the installation of comparatively light metal aecessor�es before the concrete is placed, holes shall be drilled in the concrete after it has thoroughly set, and concre�e anchors shall be installed as specified in paragraph (c), following. �'[ISCELL��'�1��US M�'TAL�I�ORK DT?�T_�Tn�� �, PA.GE 5 (c) Anchors for fastening struc�ural steel to concrete shall be set in holes drilled i_n c�ncrete after it has thoroughly set. Wherever said concrete anchors are shown on the drawings, they shall be Phillips "Red Head" snap-off rnachine-driven �nchors, Star "Se2fdrill Shield" snap-off end type, machine-�driven anchors with appropriate cap screw�, or �.n approved eq_ual, The use of power driven anchors for installing miscell- aneous metalwor�.c wi11 not be permitted. (d) Anch�rs f or structural steel to be embedded in cancrete, or to be cast integrally into concrete panels, shall be bars bent to �he config- uration shown on the drawings or high qualit_y commercia.11y manufactured ; concrete anchor studs. Anchors shall be provided for welding to fl�.� surfacPs or in fillets �>f an�les, as required. Sizes, spacing and welding of anchors shall be as 5ho�an on the drawings. (e) Where anchor bolts are required f.or embedding in concrete, said �.nchor bolts shall have 90-degree hooks in accordance with the details indict�ted on the drawings . 6-b Measurement and a ment: -(a) Measurement for payment for furnishing and installing miscellaneous metalwnrk including steel door frames, doors, hardware, ladders, grating, grating support angles, �a1ve stern extensions, valve stem extensiori guides, cast iron manhole cdver and frames, cast iron p�.pe �.nd steel pipe for vents, wi11 be rnade of each part af ter fabrication. Said weights shall be deterrnined by ca.�culations frc�m the approved shop drawings, using �he ne� reauired dimensions of the par�s, with no additional allowance for the overweight tolerance permitted by the specifications for the material involved. The weight� of welding materials sha11 nat be included for �ayment, Three and orfe-half percent of the cal.culated weight will be added in the case of galvanized articles to allaw f.or galvanizing. The wei�h� �f steel wi11 be taken as 489. �i0 pt�unds per �ubi� fot�t. The weight af manufactured items will be determined in the most practicabie manner by the Fngineer using for that purpose scale weights, shipping taeights, manufacturer's weights, �atalog weights or estima�ed weight. (b) Payment f�r furni�hing and installing miscellaneous metalwork will b� rnade at the unit price per pound named in the Bidd.ing Sheets, under Itern 18, which unit price sh�.l1 include the cost of all lahor, materials, and means required to ftirnish, shop assemble, install, test and furnish the variaus articles required and for paintin� or coating al� exposed surfaces of the met�.lwork in accordance with the specifications and as shown on the drawings. (c) Payment f�r furnishing and installing blind flanges, flexible �oupling,s and victaulic couplings of various sizes and service ratings �hown on the drawings will be made at the unit prices shown on the Biddin� , Shee�s under I�ems 26, 29 and 30 respectively. The unit prices shall include al1 labor, materials {including bolts, nuts & gaskets), and eq_uipment required to furnish, instaLl, test and paint a1.L expt�sed surfaces of the metalwork in accordance with the requirements of �his Division 6. I'ZISCFLLANEnUS METALt�?ORT�; DIVISION 6, P�4GF �i DIVISION 7 VALVES METERS A�D RF:LATED EQUZPMENT , 7-1 General: {a) The Contractor shall furnish and install the lubricated plug valves, air and vacuum valve assemblies, rubber-seated butterfly valv�s, pressure reducing valves, flow metering equipment, electric valve operators and telemetering eable as shown on the drawings. {b} AlI moving parts, eontrol mechanisms, and other machinery shall be �arefully installe�, tested for operation and ad�usted so that all parts move freely in relatiQn to each other and function properly. Any changes or ad.justments required to secure the satisfactory operation of the equigment will be made by the Contractor at his expense. {c} All bolts, nuts and gaskets shaZ2 be furnished and installed as specified in Section 5-5.5 and Section 5-5.6 respectively. (d) Painting and coating shall be performed in a�cazdance with Section 6-4. 7-2 Lubricated Plu Valves: - The Contractor shall furnish and install flanged, worm-gear operated, lubricated plug valves of the size and pressure rating shown on �he drawings. Valve gea�ing, where required, shall be turned 90-degrees by the valve manufac�urer to suit the con- ditions of installation. Hand wheels for lubxicated plug valves sha11 be provided where shown on the drawings. Electric valve operatars mounted on the valves as shown on �he drawings shall be installed on the plug valve by �he electric operator manuf.ac�urer at his factory. The lubricated plug valves to be furnished and ins�alled hereunder shall be completely packed with the manufacturer's recommended type and grade of Iubricant prior to installation. 7-3 Air Release and Vacuum Va1ve Assemblies: - The Gontractor shall furnish and install air release and vacuum valve assemblies of the size and pressure ra�ings shown on the drawings. Each assemblv shall consist of one air and vacuum valve and one 1-inch air release valve with �.-inch gate valve and brass piping equal �o Valve and Primer. Corporation's Apco Mode1 152/20qA. The t�ody and cover shall be cast iron and the floats and trim shall be stainless steel. 7-4 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves: 7-4.1 General -"�he Contractor shall furnish flanged, manually operated � rubber-seated. butterfly valves of the size required. All valves and valve operators shall conform ta the requirements of AWG�TA Standard C5C14, latest revision, as rnodified or supplemented by th� following provisions: VALVES, METERS & RELATED EQUIPMEPdT DTVISTON 7, �'AGF 1 (a} Al� valves �ha11 be short-body, Class �50B. {b) Valves shall be designed for manual operation and shall be opened by rotating the opera�or hand wheel in a counter- clockwise direction. Each valve shall have an indicator mechanically attached to the operating shaft which will clearly indicate the position of the valve disc. {c} The valve port diameter shall not he less than the nominal � valve diameter minus one inch. (d) Shaft to disc connections made by pinning sh�ll utilize solid, stainless steel taper pins with locic washer and nut for mechanical anchorage. Other methods of pinning shall • be subject to appraval by the Engineer. (e} Taper pins, bolts, nuts and taashers in contact with the water in the valves shall be fabricated fram stainless steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM Standard A276, Type 30� or Type 316. 7-4.2 Seats -(a) Retaining rings, clamps, sc�ews-and bolts attaching the rubber seat to the valve body shall be fabricated fr�m stainless steel or bronze. Valve seats shall be of a design that permits the removal and replacement of al1 seat components at the valve in:�tallation site. Spool-type rubber liners covering the entire inner surf,�ce of the valve body and e�tending over any partion of the flange faces will not be a.cceptable. (b) Rubber for valve seats sh�l1 c�nform to the applicable pro- visions of A�1?GIA Standard C504, 1.ates� revision. 7-4.3 Discs - Discs fabricated fror.m cast iron, cast steel or fabricated steel, shall be coated with two coats of epoxy, �•'.eysite No. 74t� or approved equal, to a zninimum thickness of 12 mils. Disc of bronze need not be coated. 7-4.4 Valve Body - The interior raf the val.ve body, with exception of the rubber seat recess and stainless steel or bronze parts, shall be coated with two coats o.f epoxy, Keysite N�. 74Q or apprc�ved equal, to a minimum thickness of 12 mi�s� 7-4.5 Qpera.tors -(a) Operators furnished hereunder shall be designed to apply the necessary torque to operate the valve under its full rated working pressure of 150 psi. (b) A11 oper.ators and other parts requiring lubrication shall be fully l.ubricated at the factory and shall req_uire n.o additional lubri- cation f or the lif e of the valve . 7-5 Pressure Reducing �jalves: (a) The Contract�r shall furnish and install pressurE reducing valves af the si�e indicated on the drawings. (b} These valves shall maintain a con�tant downstrearn pressure regardless of varying inlet pressure. It shall be a hydraulically operated, pzlo�-controlled diaphragm-t_ype �;lobe valve. The main �ralve shall have a single removable seat and a r�silient clisc. The stem shall be guided at both enc�s b_y a bearing in the valve cover and an integral bearing in the valve seat. The interior trim shall be stainless sfieel. Z10 external pa.ckin� glands are permitted, and there shall be no pistons operating VALVES, MFTERS & RELATED FQUIPMENT DIVISIOI`d 7, PAGE 2 7-5 �b) Continued: the main valve or pilot controls, (c) The pilot cantrol shall be a direct-acting, adjustable, spring-loaded, norma�ly open, diaphragm valve, designed to permit flow � when controlled pressure is less than the sprin� setting, The control system shall include a f.ixed orif ic�. (d) The water passages of the valves shall be c�ated with epoxy . resin. The average thickness of the coatin� sha11 be 12 rnils but minimum thickness shall be at least 8 mils. 7-6 F1ow Meterin E ui ment: {a} The Con�ractor shall furnish and install Venturi tubes with cast xran bodies and �langes ends of the service rating indicated on the drawings. The throat liner will be of bronze and the internal ferrous surfaces will be mortar lined, The flanges shall be spot-faced or back-faced on the outside face so that this surface is paralle2 to the front face of the flan�e. The Venturi tube, shall be B�F Series 18d Universal Venturi tube, or an approved equal. (b) The f low meters shall be BIF Model 210 MDUAX-TIR Type M meters, or an approved equal. The range of operation will be from l to 20 cfs at 230" differential. The meters wi11 be installed complete wi�h mercury and l�� charts for each meter will be furnished. {c} A BIF Mode1. 231-0$ CTM Duration Pulse Transmitter, or an approved equal, shall be mounted and wired in the abave meters. 7-7 Electric Valve Q erators: (a) The Contractor shall furnish and ins�all the electric valve operators on the valves so indicated on the drawings. The electric valve operators shall be TnR�--MA�TFR, Model TM-1-1/6 H.P. The case sha11 be weather proof and the speed of operation will be such as to require not less than faur minu�es for the valve to fu11y open, (b) The electric operators will he eq_uipped as follows: l. Motor Voltage: 115 Volts 1 Phase 60 Hertz 2. Cantrol Voltage: 115 Volts� 1 Phase 6d Kertz 3. 4 SPDT independently ad�ustable li�it switch.es 4. 2 independently adjustable torque switches ° 5. Integral Magnetic Reversing Starter Size °'t�0" with both mechanical and electrical interlocks and one resetable thermal overload. � 6a A11 integrally moun�ed electrical equipment. Factory wired to properly identified terminal strip. 7. Direct drive type manual override with revolving 18 inch diameter handwheel. 8. Drive nut internally machined to �it valve input worm shaf t , (c) The electric operators wi11 be mtaunted on the valve at the operator manufacturer's f acility. � VALVES, METERS & RELAT�D EQUIPMENT -_ DIVISIOr1 7, PAGE 3 (d) The Contractor shall exercise every precauti�� in the tran�- porting, s�oring and installation of the valve and its rnounted electric aperator. 7-8 Telemeterin Cable 7-8.1 General: - The Contrac�or shall furnish and install t�aa telemetering cablErs at the bottom of the pipe trench near the bottom of th� pipe for all ' reaches of /-�2", 39", 33", 30" and 12" �sipeline. 7-8.2 Ma�erial.s: (a) The cable f urnished shall be two twisted pair of 19 gauge wire encased in a go�her resistant shea�h. The cable sha11 ` meet the Rural Elec�rific�tio�. Administration Specification PC-54. Cable shall be furnished in 5,000 foat spools which is the appr�ximate distance between risers. The 1a�t spool re�uired may be less than 5,000 feet. (b) �t the risers �a�h of the �.ables �hal1 be installed in one- inch rigid steel canduit. 7-8.3 Installa�ian: (a} The two c4.abYes shall be 1a�.d in the bottom o� �he trench near the bottom af the p:ipe as pipe laying progresses. The Gontractor shall exercise every prec�.aution to avaid. damage to the cable durin� �torage, ins�all�tion and bac:kfilling operations. The cabl.e shall be laid suff iciently taut sa that loops and kinks are avoided. (�b� At th�se places where the pipe is encased in conerete the cables sha11 be loeated in a smali trench benea�h the concrete encasement and encased in. sand, a minimum of 3 inches on a�l sides. The two cahles may share this tren�h. (c) At ap�rroximately every 5,OOd feet or at each zneterin�� sfiruc- ture the cables shall rise above g�aund. Each cable shall be in�talled in a 1-inch ri�id steel conduit �hat extends frc�m near the bottom �f �he tre�ch to a commo� poi�.t five feet above. the surrounding ground surf_ace. �t leas� one of Che risers shall be bent arc�und the p�.pe below grounc� s� that hoth risers exit the ground vertically no� mc�re than 6 inches apart. (d) The cable$ at each riser shall be ta�;ged �o that each cable se�men� can be ident�.fied as to its terminu� and on which side of the pipe it is located. (e) T� a�ny splicing of the cables is req_ui.r�d, such splicing will c�nform �o the Rural Electrif ication �4,dministration Specification PC-2 dated �Tune 18, 1973. (f) Each buried segment of cable shzll be electrically tested at each ri�er for shorts and opens. The cabl�e sha�l be Megger tested �o _ verify that the cable rneet� REA Specifica�ions PC-54. f. VALVES, METERS & RELA,TED EQUIPMENT DIVISION 7, PAGE 4 7-9 Measurement and Pa ment �-�,I For furnishin and ins�allin lubrieated lu valves air re�ease and v�cuum assemblies, air release valves, rubber sea�ed but�erfl valves, cor orat3�n cocks and ressure reduein valves.- (a) Payment for fur- nishin� and installing lubricated plug valves, air re�ease and vacuum ` valve assemb2ies, a3r release valves, rubber-seated but�erfly valves, corpQra�ion cocks, and pressure �educing valves of the various sizes and pressure ratings required� as shown on �he drawings or as ordered by the . Enginee�, wi11 be made at the unit price named in the Bidding Sh�ets, (b) The unit prices shall include the cost of all lahor, ma�erials, (includzng bolts, nuts, and gaskets), and equipment required t� furnish, install, test and pain al� exposed surfa�es of the metalwork in accordance with the requirements o� Dzvisi�n 6 and 7 of these specifications. (c} The items for va��es named in the Bidding 5heets are: lubricated p�ug valves Item 19 a thru c air release & vacuum valve as�emblies Ttem 2� a air r�lease valves Item 2� b rubber-seated butterf�y valves I�em 21 pressure reducing valves Item 22 corporation cocks Item 32 7-9.2 For furnishir� and installin flow meterin eaui ment: �(a) Payment for furnishing and installing the venttiri tubes and furni�hing the meters and pulse transmitters of the various sizes and pxessure � ratings required, as shown on the drawings or as ordered by the Fngineer, will be made at the unit prices named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 23. (b) The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and equipmen� required to furnish, install, test and gaint a11 exposed surfaces of the venturi �ubes in a�cordance wi�h the requirements of Aivision 6 and 7 of these speci�ica��ons. (c) The unit prices shall include the furnishing and deliverin� to the completed metering structure the meter, recorder and transmitter. 7-9.3 For furnishin and installin electric valve o erators: Payment for furnishing and installin� �he elecfiric valve operators wi11 be made � at the unit price named in the Biddin� Sheets under Itern 24. 7-9.4 For furnishin and installin telemeterin cable: -(a) Payment for furnishing and installin� telemetering cable shall be rnade at the ` uni� price narned in the Bidding Sheets under Item 25, (b) Measuremen� for paymen� wi11 be made for the telemetering cable as=it is dispensed from the manufacturer.'s reel and �rawn rea�onahly taut in the t�ench and extended above ground at riserso VALVES, MFTERS & REL�TLD EQUIPMENT � DIVTSION 7, PAGE S {c) Payment �or furnishing and �nstalling one-inch rigid s�eel cand��it will be made under the unit price named in the Bidding Sheets under Item 18. (d) .T10 sep�rate payment will be made for splices or riser posts. 0 a . VALVES, METERS & R�LATED EQUZPMENT DIV�SInN ?, PAGE fi � DIVISIQN 8 TESTIrIG . 8-1 Testin of welded field "oints -(a� As soon as practicable af�er the welding c�f each required 1ap-welded joint and butt-strap joint in the steel pipeline and e�ch butt-strap or lap joint in �he steel-plate � specials for the pretensioned concrete cylande� pzpeline ar the welded- steel pipeline, as the +case may be, is completed, the Con�ra�tor sha1�. test said ,joints by the soap and compressed-air test in accordance with �he requiremen�s of Section 5�16.6. (b) After the welded joints have been tested and found to be satisfactory, the lining and coating at the jaints shall be cQmpleted in accc�rdance with the reguirements of Section CS.3 (c) o� S.D.C,G?.A. Standard Specifz.cations C5, Nlortar Coatings or Section C6.7 (d) of S.D.C.G1,A. Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mortar Lining, as appli- cable. $-2 Tes�in of i: eline : 8-2.1 Pre�paratic�n:-- (a} Each complete�. length of pipeline required to be sectionalized for testing, as hereinafter prescribed, shall be bulk- headed.and fi.11ed with water as soon as pract�.c�ble, but until the final field hydrostatic test is made, as he.reinafter prov�dec�., the pipe will not he required to be subjected to greater water pressur.e than that necessary to keep it filled. (b} Any unwatering necessary on account of de�ects, and the subsequent refilling, shall be done by the Contractor at his c�Gm expense. After cornpletion of the entire pipeline construction included. in a t�st reach, but in no event sooner �.han 28 days af�er said completion, the Contractor shall test the line under the hydrostatic pressure.herein- �f ter specif ied . (e) The bulkheads used for testing shall be of adequate design and construction to withstand the required pressures without causing in,�ury to or excessive stresses in the pipe. Drawings showing the planned schPdule of testing and the details of test bulkheads shall be submitted, as specified in. Section 1-17 by the Contractor and a�proved by the Engineer pric�r ta the fabrication of the pipe. . 8-2-� Test reaches: At each end of a�est reach of �ipeli.ne, a minimum of 6(}d f eet of pretensioned concrete pipe or 8�0 f eet of welded steel pipe, as the ease may be� wi11 be required to be in place and backfilled beyond the end of said reach befo�e testing is started, Tf the end of a test reach of pipeline adjoins pipeline consfiruc�ion under another eon-- tract and the required l�ngth of ad�joining pipe has not yet been placed at the �ime the Co�,�Cr�.ctor hereunder is read_y to t�st said reach, the Contractor, at his own expense, sha11 pravide adequate anchorage, accep- TESTING DIVISION $, PAGE 1 table �o the Engineer, �4r fihe restrain.t of pipe sections tahile under test. Any such special anchorage s�al1 be removed by the Con�ractor upon comple- tion of the p�peline test. 8-2.3 Ii drostatic test: -(a� Subject to the provisions of paragraph (i) of this Section 8-2.3, the pipeline shall be tested. A�ter. completion of testing, the test heads sha11 be removed, and the p�pe lining shall be . repaired. (b� After each reach of pipeline to be tested has been filled with water, it shall be allawed to stand under pressuxe �or a sufficient �ime to a11aw the escape of air before the test period is begun. (c) During the test a preSsure corresponding to,:a hydrostatic he�d equal �o the highest point of tfie maximum hydraulic gradient line, as shown on th� drawings in the reach being Cested, shall be maintained for not less t�an 24 hours. (d} The Contractor shall provide suitable calibrated tanks for measurement of leakage and shall furnish the water; the necessar.y bulk- heads or bumped �eads, piping, calibrated gages, pumps, power, labor and other means; and shall do everything �ecessary for filling each reach of pipeline to be tested, for obtai�ing and mainta�ning the required water pressure, and for filling the entire pipeline with taater after the conclusion :: af testing, as hereinaf ter specif ied. (e) The Contractor at his own expense shall do any excavating neces- sary to loeate and repair lealr.s ar other defects which mav develop under test, including removal of backf ill already placed; shall r,eplace such excavated materials; and shall make all repa�.rs necessary �o secure �Che required waterti�htness, after wh.ich the test shall be repeated until the pipe under test is found satisfactory. (,f) For each reach of pipel.ine tested separa�ely, the leakage per inch ot internal pipe diameter for a 24 hour period at the head specified above shall not exceed �ive (5} gallons per mile. The leakage during the test periad shall be measured volumetrically by means of suitable tanks. (g) Regardless of the rate of leakage, all detectable leaks shall be stopped. Af ter the necessary repairs f or correcting any such detectable leak have been satisfactoril,y completed, whether in the pipe or in any of the appurtenances connected th�reto, the Contractor shall ref ill th� aff ected reach of pipeline with wa�Cer and shall. apply the specified test pressure. � This process shall be repeated until no further leaks can be detected. (h) After the pipe has successfully met all of the te�t requirements, the pipeline shall be filled with water::and so maintained until the comple- tion of the contract. The Contractor shall assume a1,1 responsibiiity for any damage to the pipe as a result of pressure imposed during the operations of filling the pipeline with water and conducting the tests. `lESTING DIVISIO�S 8, PAGE 2 (i} The Contractor will initially be permitted to �est, in a single reach, any consecutive portion of the pipeline included in the contract. In the event the Contractor, gursuant to such permission, elec�es to so test any p�rtion of the pipeline in greater length than 200 miles, and the total leakage in the reach under t�st exeeeds the total maximum allowable leaka�e for a reaeh of 2.0 miles, as computed in accordanc� with the provisions of para�raph (f} hereof, then the Gontractor sha11 * install intermediate bulkheads s� as to divide said portian of the pipeline into separa�e test reaches as specified in par�graph (a) hereof, and shall repeat the test �n each said shorter reach, making � such repairs as may be necessary until the leakage in each said shorter reach under the specified test is within the maximum all�wahle leakage, as s�ated in said paragraph (f) hereof. Subject to the foregoing pro- visions, the Contractor will be permitted to utilize for the required testing any sectionalizing valve or head installed in the porti�n of the pipeline include� in the cont�act. (j) Be.for� acceptance of the contrac� work, a11 test bulkheads shall be removed. At each location where a bulkhead. is removed, the pipe shall be completely restored to a condition confor.ming to the requirements of the specificati�ns for the finished wor�.. 8-2.4 Com ensation for testin :- All compensation to be reeeived by �he Contractor for the testing and related work required hereunder shall be included in the unit prices named in the Bidding Sheets for related contract items. TESTING DIVISIOT� 8, PAG� 3 . DIVISION 9 DISINFECTION 9-1 General - All pipelines shall be disinfected and then flushed with clean potable water, 9-2 A licati�n of chlorineo -(a> Chlorine shall be applied in any of the following forms: liquid chlorine, gas-water m��ture or calcium or sodium � hypochlorite and water mixture. Chlorine gas-water mixture sha11 be appl�ed by means of a solution-feed chlorinating device. (bj If high-test calcium hypochlorite (HTI�, Perchloron, or Pittchl�r) with 65-70 percent chlorine is used it shall be mixed with water to pro- duce a chlorine solution of 10,000 ppm. This will require 1 pound of fresh compound to 8.� gallons of water. If sodium hypochlorite {liquid laundry bleach), with 5�1/4 percent chlorine is used it shall be mixed at the rate �f l gall�n of bleach to 5.25 gallons of water to produce a chlorine solution ot 1�,�0� ppme (c) The chlorinating agent sha�l be introduced at the beginning of the pipeline section, Water shall be controlled to flow slowly into the pipeline during the application of the chlorine. The rate of chlorine mixture flow shall be in such proportion to the rate of water entering the pipe that the chlorine d�se applied to the water entering will be appro�imately 5� ppm. (d} The retention period shall be 24 hours. The residual concen- tration of chlorine at the end of this period shall be at least 25 ppm at the extremities of the newly constructed pipeline. In �he event the residual is less than 25 ppm at the end of the i4 hours retention period, the Cantractor shall continue chlorination as directed by the Engineer until disinfection is assured. (e) All valves and other appurtenances shall be operated while the pipeline is f i11ed with the chlorinating agent. 9-3 Flushin�the pi.peline - Following disinfection, all treated wa�er shall be thoroughly flushed f rom the pipeline at its extremeties until the replacement water throughout its length, upon test, is comparable in quality to the water served the public from the e�isting system and � approved by the local public health authority. 0 DIVISTON 9 DISINFECTION SEGnTID SA^? I?IFGC� A�IIEDUCT �FCOND PIPELINE SPFCIFTC�TIOT3S �i0. 229 . •• � . SDCWA Standard Specifica�ions � � � r�•� - j • .... . i . ., , � , .. . � �■.. �, � � . � , . ■ C2.1 General - The materials for anc� the mixing and placing of pneumatacally appli�d mortar f'or coating and linzng of pipe, for repairing defects in concrete, and for other purposes wher� specified or ordered shall conf'orm to the requirements hereinafter spec if ied < C2.2 Cemer�t - Cement shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be type II, low alkali, conforming to the requirements of Federal Specifzcation SS-C-192. Unless othe�ra.se permitted by the Engineer, all ce�nent shall be procured frorn the same mill. The �uthority s��all be furnished wi.th 3 certified copies of reports from the company supplyin� the cement, stating that the cement de2ivered ta t22e work complies with the specificatinns. C^.3 Sand -(a) Sa�d for pneumatically applied mortar shall consist of natural sand obtained from approved pits ana shall in all cases be wash�d, The control of the washing of sand shall be such that the finer particles are retazned or removed as required. Washed or saturat�d sand shall be allowed to drain at least 2�+ hours to a uniform rnoisture content before batching. Dry sand shall be moistened before handling ��hen necessary to prevent segregation, 'I'he sand shall be screened through a horizontal vibrating screen having square openings, and the grading as determined in accordance with the methods prescribed by ASZM Standard C 136 shall be within the following limits: Passing a 3/8-inch square s ieve Passing a No. �+ Passing a No. 8 Passing a No. 16 Pass ing a No . 34 Passing a Noo 50 Passing a No� lOQ Passin� a No. 200 s ieve sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve PERCENT � 100 9c to zoo 65 to 90 �+�� tQ 75 3o to �o 12 to 22 2 to 8 0 to � The difference betwzen the percentages passing the No. 30 and the No. 50 sieves shall not exceed 32. M � (b) Sand shall be composed of clean, hard, strong, durable, � uncoated grains, free from shale, lumps, and soft or flaky particles and from injuriaus �o�nts of dust, alkali, organic mat�ter, lo�,m, . mica, or other deleterious substanees. When tested in accordance with the methads prescribed by ASZM Standard C�+0, the color of the supernatant liquid shall not be darker than the standard specified therein, and shall not contain more than a total of 3 percent by volume of clay, sil�, mica, or C2-1 PNEUMATZCALLY APPLIED MORTAR (Continued) other objectionable ino;��anic materials, as determined by settlement after tho�roughly mixing and shaking the sample with 2-1�2 times its volume of a 3 percent (��y weight� solution of sodium hydroxide in a graduated column. , (c} Sand which in any respect varies from the foregoing require- ments shall not be used in the work, and the Cantractor shall do all sorting, crushing, screening, blending, washing, and other operations necessary to make the available material conform to said requirements and shall receive no � extra compensation therefor, nor for the necessity of separating and wasting any part of the natural materials. In case the finer particles from the crushed coarse aggregate are permitted or required to be mixed with the sand fram natur��l deposits, the 2 products shall� be uniformly blended before washing or screening to insure a combined groduct of constant cornposition. (d } ��,n�. �,� �repared for use sh�ll be of such �quality that 2� inch by �+-inch mortar cylinders made wit� a mixture of cement and the sand under test shall develop compressiv� strengths at 7 and 2$ days of not less than 90 percent of �hose developed by a mortar prepared in the sam�e manner with the sarne cement and graded Ottawa testing sand, all in accordnace with the method prescribed in ASTM Standard. C 87. C2.4 Water. Water for ��neumatically applied martar shall be furnished by .._.�____. the Contractor. All wa-ter shall be clean and free from objectionable quan�ities of arganic matter, alkali� salts, ar,d other impurities which, in the opinion of the Engineer, might r� duce the s�t rength, durability, or other quality of the pneumaticall3t applied mortar. C2.5 Proportionin�. Pr�eumatically applied mortar shall ordinarily be mixed in the propositons of 1 sack af cement (9�+ pounds } to 4-lf 2 cubic feet of sand, but the relative proportions of sand and cement shall be subject to change by the Engineer a; the materials used or results obtained indicate to be desirable at any time during the progress of the wor�. �2.6 Mixing. The sand �nd cement shali be thoroughly mixed in a dry state -..___._.,�,.. be�'ore being deposited :��n the placin.g machine or its hopper. Machine mixing will be xequired unless �apecific autharity ta use hand mixing is given by the Engineer. The machi.��e and its operation shall be sub ject to the approval of the Engineer. The mi�in� operation shall con-tinue for a periQd of not less �han 1 minute after �,ll :;�r�d and cement is placed in the mixer. The sand shall contain or be mois��;ened with 5 to 10 percent of water by volume and shall not be mixed with �.:he cement until just before placing in the hopper in order to insure against partial setting of the cement. Dry-mixed materials shall be used promptly af'��r mixing. Any materials that remain in the hopper longer than 45 minutes after mixing shall be discarded. Rebound, recovered clean and �'ree of foreign matter and otherwise in acceptable candition for reuse, may be reus�d as sand in a qualit�r not to exceed 20 percent of the �otal sand requiremen�ts. C2 -2 t� � � - � ��� • - � - . . C2 � 7�,l,�,j„�g e { a) For plac ing pneumat ically appl ied mortar, the Contractor shall only employ men experienced in such work ans� who are full.y qualifi�d to do the �aork properly and in accordance with the requir°ements of these specifications . (b ) Pneumatically applied r;lort�r shall be placed r�y � �,he dry-rn�.x process using machines operated at an air pressure of' not less than 50 pounds nor more than 75 pounds per square inch when no more than 200 feet of material hose is used. These pressures shall be increased 5 pounds for each additional 50 � f'eet of nose, and not more �han �+0� feet of hose shall be attached to any machine without the advance approval of the Engin�er. The water pressure at the nozzles shall be at least 15 paunds greater than the air pressure in the machine, and the discharge noz2le shall be equipped with a tnanually operated water-injection system f'or directing an even distributian of water through the sand-cement r.iixture. The water valve shall be capable of ready adjustment to vary the quantity of water, and shall be convenient to the nozzle- man. A properly operated air compressor of' ar,iple capacity to r�aintazn a supply of clean, dry air adequate for maintaining suffi.cient nozzle velocity for the application to be performed �nd at the same time operate a blow pipe for clearing rebound shall be used. The mortar shall be applied by pneumatic pressur� from a discharge noZzle held about 2 to 5 ieet from the surface, unless otherwise directed, and in a stream as nearly normal as possible to the surface being covered. (c) Every precaution shall be taken to prevent the occurrence of sand pockets, and if any develop they shall be immedi- ately cut out and replaced with pneumatically applied mortar at the expense of the ContractoreNo hand patching will be allowed. � � (d) At �he beginning of placing operations, the Contractor shall fill such sample containers as �the Authority will provide, using the sand and cement proportions� sand sizes, air and water pressures, and nozzle sizes designa-ted by the Engineer. During the progress of the work, the Authority reserves the right to require other sampl.es to be made and also to order the proportions of aggregates, siZes of sand, pressures9 and size� of nozzles changed if necessary to obtain better results in the finished work. C2.8 Curing. All pneumatically applied mortar shall be cured using 1 or a. combination of the methods specified in SDCWA �tandard Specifica�ions No. C3, Curing of Concrete and Mprtar. „2_3 � �� , a �� . . � . , : � • .. ..: * -, � w� y .�. :� � +� � � �. C3.1 General. (a) Th� curin� of con�ret�, mo�tar co�ting, and mortar lining shall. conform to one or �, combination of the methrads hereinafter specified. Combined �uring methods �h�ll be sub�ect to approval by the Engineer. �b) All surfaces of concre�e in structures and in the incase- ment of pipe and steel-plate specials and all surfac�s of mortar coating and mortar lining shall be kept wet l�+ days usin� the �ret-burlap-mat method or the water-spray metho�., except that ex- terior surfaces to b� covered with backfill may be cured by the wet-earth method. The Contractor may have the additional option af using the sealing-com�ound method; provided, that where said surfac�s are permanently exposed, sealing compound shall be used only when approved by the Engineer, and, when so approved, said sealing compound shall be of a type that will not discolor the surface. The Contractor may use the curing-blanket method for curing of the tops of slabs when approved by the Engineer. Where wooden forms are used, they shall be wettec� immedistely before concreting and shall be kept maist until removed. (c) `I�he entire surface to be cured shall be kept continuousl.y and completely we�t during the entire specified curing period whenever any water-curin� method is used. (d) The operation of any wetting system or application of sealing compound as herein specified shall not be permitted to interfere With the prompt rubbing or grinding down or other treatment or repair of surface irregularities immediately upon: removal of forms, nor shall the operation of any wetting system c�r the application of the sealin� eompound be delayed await�ing repairs to concrete surfaces, and, if so required by the Engineer, the curing operations sh�ll be started immediately after the removal of forms, �nd any necessary repair work shall be done th�reafter. (e} Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all construction joints to which subsequently placed concrete is to adhere shall be water cured until they are cover�d with concrete, or, if sub-. sequent concrete placement is delayed for an extended period of time, the jaint shall be kept continuously wet for a minimum period of 2�+ hours irarnediately preceding the placement of a.d. joining concrete . Sealing compound shall not be applied to the surfaces of such construction joints. Form�d surfaces specified to be coated with coal-tar sealing compound or comb ination curing compound and separation membrane to prevent bond to adjoining concrete to be placed sub- sequen-tly shall be water �ured during any time elapsing between placement of' concrete and application of saicl sealing compound.. 4There sealing cor�pound has been applied on surfaces againsi which conerete is to be glaced subsequently and to which it is to adhere, said compound shall be entirely rernoved by wet sandblasting jus� prior to the placing c�f the new concrete. c3-Z CURIlVG OF CONCRETE AND MORTAR (Cantinued.) C3.2 Water-s.�method. Surfaces to b� cured by the water-spray method sha 1 be tightl� sed off by bulkheads, ar other means� or entirely surraunded by ti�ht enclosures, or the surfaces shall be kept moist by an adequste sprinkling or spray system, or other suit- able means , for 1�+ days immediately follawing the removal of forms � or following the surface finishing in the case of unformed surfaces or of mortar lining in steel pipe or cylinders. � C3.3 We�t-burla�,-mat method. Surfaces to be cured by the wet- burlap-mat method shall be thoroughly we'�ted and covered with wet burlap mats as soon as the farms have been stripped ar as soon as the concrete has set sufficiently to avoid marring the surface. There- after, the burlap and the concrete surfaces shall be kept wet for 14 days. � C3.�+ Wet-earth method. Surfaces to be cured by the wet-earth method shall be thoroughly wetted �nd. kept under w�t earth for 14 days or until backfi�.led, beginning as soon as the concrete has set suff ic iently to avoid harrr�ing the surface . C3.5 Steam method. (aj Within 2 to 4 haurs after completion of the casting of each pre-cast concrete pipe, the filled forms shall be thoroughly steam cured, as specified herein� in an acceptable draft- free chamber which shall maintain a saturated steam cure throughout the ehamb�r with a maximul allowable temperature variation of 20°F from the coolest to the w��.rmest place in the chamber during the speci�'ied curing cycle. �.t'he maximum rate of temperature change in the chamber shall not exceed �+0°F per hour. (b) The steam-curing cycle shall camprise a primary and s secondary curing period totalling not less than 3b hours. The primary steam�curing period, being that part af the steam curing applied aft�r the �-�+ hour delay period and preceding the removal of forms, shall consist of a saturated steam cure at a rninimum temperature of 94°F or 14°F above the outside am�}ient air temperature; whichever is greater, for � minimum period of 8 hours . 2�'h� secondary stea.m-curing period, being that part of tk�e steam curing applied after the removal of the forms, shall consist of a saturate�. steam cure at a temperature range of not less than �3Q °F nor more th�:n 160'°F for a m� nimum period of 18 hours with not less than 36 hours �lapsing from the beginning of the primary cure to the e�nd of the secr�nd�ry cure, including interruption for removal of farms� (c} The p�r�'ormance capabilit ie s of the steam chamber shall be substanti�ted by means of compression tests of sta�.dard concrete compression test specimens made in accord.ance with the requirements of A,SZT�I Standard C39; except, that said test specimens shal�. be steam cured in the chamber together with the precast concrete pipe being manufactured. The number cf te�t cyl.inders required shall be not � C3-2 ' � f • ` � Ii i' '' • -• less than the number of precast concrete pipe sections being cured in the chamb�r� The number and location of the test cylinders shall be as desa.gnated by the ��ir�eere If .the concrete strengths of the tes�t cylinders a� the ena of the secondary curing pe�°iod are below the specified design strengths, the curing period shall be extended �s di�ected by the Engineer, but in no case shall the ex�ension exceed an additional 36 �10UZ'S s �d) In the case of prestr�ssed eoncrete pipe, a1.1 pipe cores shall be cured as specified in p�ragraphs (a), �b}, and (c), of this section. After completion of the prestressin� operation, and within 2 to �+ hours after campletion of the applicat ion of the cement mortar sheath�, said sheath shall be cured in the steam-curing chamber at a temperature not exceeding 90°F for the first 3 hours or un�il the mortar has taken i�s initial set, whichever oceurs first, followed by a curing period at a temperature range of 13CD ''F minimum to 160 °F inaximum, sub ject to the requirements specif ied in the foregoing paragraphs for secondary euring period; except, that the total duration of the mortar sheath stea�t curing periad shall be not less than 36 hours. If the star� of the steam cure is delayed more �han 2 hours following the placing of the cement mortar sheath, a water-spray methad cure shall be commenced and maintained continuously until the steam cure has started or until l�- days have elapsed; said water-spray cure shall con�'orm to the require- ments oi Section C3.2 herein. (e} Temperature recorders af an apprav�ed type shall be installed and maintained at �he curing chambers. The location of the sensing bulbs and their recorders shall b� subject to the approval of the Engineer. Two copies of the charts of the recorded curing-chamber tempera,tures shall be submitted to the Engineer following the comple-tion of e�ch curing cyele. C3.6 Curing-blanket r�ethod. {a} Surfaces to be cured by the curing-blanket method shall be thoroughly wetted and then cover�d with curing blankets as soon as the conerete has set sufficiently to avoid marring the surfaee. The curing blankets shall remai.n in place for �.�+ days. Should the curing blankets become torn or other- wise ineffective9 the Contractar shall replace damaged sections. The curing blankets shall consis� of one of the fallowing two types: (1) sheets of heavy waterproof Sisalkraft paper laid with the edges butt�d together and with the joints b�tween strips sealed with 2-inch wide strips of sealing tape or with the edges lapped not less than 3 inches and fastened together with waterproof cement �3-3 CURING OF CONCRETE AND MbRTAR (Continued� ta form continuous waterti�ht joints; or (2} sheets of clean polyethylene having a m�.nimum t hickness of �+ mils, laid with edges butted tagether and with the jaints betwe���. sheets sealed with 1-inch wide strips of acetate tape. (d} During the curing pFriod no traffic of any nature or depositing of objects� temporary or atherwise, shall be permitted an the curing blankets. „ C3.7 Sealing-compound method. (a) Al1 surfaces to be cured by the sealing-compound method shall be sprayed thoraughly, completely and uniformly with two coats of sealin� compaund at the rate far each coat c�f not less than 1 gallon ta each 250 square feet af surface. Al1 sealin� compaund shall be furnished by the Cantractor and shall confarm to the requirements of Sectic�n C3.8. The sealing compound shall be sprayed on the cancrete surfaces usin� approved equipment having separate lines to the nozzl.�s for mat�rial an.d fc�r campressed air. � {b) When used on an unformed concrete surfac�, application of the first coat of seal.ing compour,d shall be commenced immediately after finishing operati.ons have been completed. When se��.ing compound i� us��. on a formed concrete surface , the surface shall f irst be moistened w�ith a fine spray of water �.m�mediately after the forms have been removed and continued until the surface does not readily absorb further water. As saon as the surface �'ilrl of water has disappeared and there is �n approac� to surfac� dryness, the first caat of sealing compound shall be applied. Tn the eve�.t that application of sealing campound is delayed on ea.ther formed or unformed surfaces the surface shall be kept continuausly moist until the compound h�s been applied or the specified period of water curing has ela,psed. As soon a� the first coat has become dry, a second c�at shall be applied in the same manner and of the same.quality as the f �.rst . {c) Pre�aution �hall b� taken by the Contractor to avoid damage to coatin�s of sealizg compounc�. for a period of not less than 2$ dayso Any such dama,g� shalL be repaired immediately to the satisfaction of the Engineer . G3o8 Sealing-�compound. {a) All sPaling compound required for curing concre e ar m�►r ar shall be furnish.ed b� the Cantractar. The s�aling compound m�,y be m�ie from auy com�ination o�' materials and by any process that w�ll yiel�. a product which can be used with safety u�.d�r pr�perl� cant�rolled conditions af use and which canforms to the raeg,uiremen�s af ��iese specifications; provided, that sealing compound tc, be used an �xposed surfaces shall be of an �pproved non-staining type. ��a} `�h� Au�horit�r r�serves �the right, at any time, to sam�le �,nd t��t the s�aling cc�mpound received on the job by the Contraetor. In no even� s��,11. any c�f said materiai.s be used under the contract with- ou� ap�roval b�r t�ie F�ngine�r. C3-�- . � � � - � � ,�• , • � .� � .� 0 . (c) Sealing compound shall comply wit� the follawi�g pr.ysical req,u.irener�ts e A coating of s�aling coa�pou�d spraycd on a m�oist concr�te surf�c�, eith�r prior or subs��u�nt -ta thc time tre concrete has attain�d its lril.tl�l s�t, sh�ll adhere fir:,ll�r to t�� eoncr�t� surf�,ce ��'ter th� concr�t� has hard.��ede W�er: appl���. o�i �. d;�:�p vertica,l concret� �ur�'�c�, in 2 eo�ta at the syaeci�'ied cov�r�r ::� ��n� wit?: ar. inter�jal o�' �+ hours �et�a��� co�tU, ana expos�3 at wn at::�oapYieric tel�peratu:�� of I_00°F arzd r�lative hun:i�ity o:�' 21 ��er^e�:�, tr.� sealin� cor;�ou��� �hall be dr;,� t,o toticl� Ta:.t'�i� � hours a.ftel� � :�pplicat� o:� of i he s�cond coat , The coz7�pou �d, w�hen so applie�. ur��1 exposed, shal� nei�ti�er run nor s�,� on the concr��e s�:riace. Th� v:�scosit�� of the sealin� compou�zd sh�ll be such as will permit s,atisfactoxy spray applicatior. �y �leans o� an �ir �;un. (c�) The :�ealing value of tlte con:pout�d shall 'ae sach that five 6-inch diar,et�r �y 12-inch concret� sper.i.x�lens, we�ghi:�g approximately 30 1Ls . each, wnen coa�t�d at the a�;z o{' 24 hours wi ��: t'1e f�.rst af � co�ts of tre s�aling cc�::pour.d nt a covera�e of 3��Q s�vare feet per �allon an�, with a secand coat applied at ti�e sarle coverage app.roximately � hours later, shall not lose rnore than 0.5 percent of the newly coat�d weight due to evaporation duri.lg a 9b- hour exposure �t an atmosphere continuously ms�intained at 100°F to 105 °F �nd at l� ta 15 p�rcent r�lt�ti.ve hurlidity. After exposure in this atr.losph�re for an ac�ditional �+ days, tne total loss ir� we�g�lt shall not �xceed 0.75 percent. The concrete spec�nens used in this test snall show no evidence of softening due to reaction between the sealin� compound and the concrete. (e) Sealing cornpour��d sha11 not be diluted by the addition of soivents or thinners ncar s��all it �.�e altered i� any rn�,nner without the sp�cific approval of the Engineer, and then �r.ly in the manner prescribed �y him. S�aling �ar�pound that has become cnilled to such an extent that it is tao viscous for satisfactory application shall be heatcd until i.t h�s proper �:'l�aidity; provided, thAt in no case sha�ll the corr�pound be h�a�ted to a te�per�,tur� higher than 100°F. H�ating shall be ccon�plish�d by ste�m, or by placin� the container in a:�ot- water bath, or by oth�r �pproved r�.�thods. Segling compaunds shall not bc heated b�r dircct exposure of the cantaincr to fire. C3-5 `11 '. ' li �, ' i ' � + • . • • i ' �' :• F C5 � 1 G��� -�� Cc�ntr�ctor sha,ll #'urnish �11. %bor, equipm�nt� a�d m�teri�l.s � g,uir d� �nd �hall �,pply in the manner hereinaftex° s cifi�d �rel.ded�wir� f�bx°3�, reinferced mortar coating to th� exterior surf��e of steel pip� an.d, �here� required, to the �xterior surf�,ces of steel manho�.e and outlet thimbles and ste�l-pla°�e specials. o types of exterior pipe coatings are designated ty� A and. t B, resp�ctiv�l�r. Type A coating shall consist of said reinfarced mortar, having a m�inimum thickness af one inch, applied to the bare metal surface of the steel plate .'.��j,ae B coating shall consist of an exterior coal-tar coatin� applieci to the bare metal surfaces of the steel plate and a reinforced mortar coating, id�entic�l with that required for type A coating, applied over the coal-�ar enamel. Maierials and application of coal-tar enamel for type B coating shsll conform to �he xequiremer�t� of SDCWA S�andard Specifications C8, Coal Tar Coatin�s . The dra�wings show the limits with�,n which the steel pipe and s�eel-plate specials $re to be provided with exterior coat3.n� of each specified type. The exterior coatings shall be extended av�x adjacen� exterior surfa�es caf st�el �himbles to �he extent �rdered in each case, C5.2 T�iaterials - The materials for exterior mortar coatings, whe�her applicatian is by pneumatic or other approv�d methods, shall conform to the provisions of SDCWA Standard Specifications C2, Pneuma�Gically Ap�lied Mortar� C5.3 Application -(a) The reinforced exterior mortar coa�ing may be applied by pneumatic methads in accordance with SDCWA Standard Specifications C2, Pr�eumatically Applied Mortar, or by a coat ing machin� of approved t ut� i1.iz in� rotat ing brushes or belts. (b } T�,e Contractor sha].l apply the mortar co�,ting in such a mar�ner tha�t no slou�hing will occur at any time during ar follc�win� its application. If �he rec�uired total thickness of coating is built up in layers, the intervening time between the application of adjac�nt l�yers shall not b� such as to permit the precec�ing layer to take a permanent set4 At th� ends af pipe s�ctions anr� elsewh,ere, if for any reason it is necessary� to interrupt pl�,c ing f or a suff ic i�nt length of t 3me to permit the material taking a perm�nent setg thereby forming a definite construc-ti�n �oirat, the Cor�tractor shall farm � aquare ahoulder by� shooting agaimst a backing strip, or s 1 cut back, with a trac�rel or othe� suitabl.� tool, th� irr� r edges of the material last pla,ced to a clean, unl�rok�n surfac�, �dicul to the face, sazc�i as will provide a suit�bl� �onnection or construetion � A40R�'AR COATIlVGS ( Cont inued ) joint between such material and the material to be subsequently placed. Care snall b� takEtn in performing this work not to shatter or disturb the material rema�.ning in place nor ta disturb the embedd�d welded- wire fabric. Before placing fresh material against the surfaces of such joints, these surfaces shall be carefully cleaned and wetted by the Contractor to insure a good bond between the fresh material and that �reviously placed. Featheredged construction joints will not be ��ermitted. The Contractor shall provide suitable means for checking t,he thickness of the coating applied. .As soon as the material has hardened sufficiently, in the opinion of the Engineer, it shall be thorot�ghly wetted wi�h w�,ter and thereafter cured as provided in Secti�n C5.5. (c) Before placing the reinforced mortar coating to pipe 30 inches or maxe in diameter, the braces in th� bare ends of the pipe shall be r�rnove�. as specified in S�ction C�.10(�,) ��' S�CWA Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mortar Lining; provided, that interior brace� sha�_l be left in place . At each end af eaeh secti.on af pipe �.nd st��l-plate s��cial, a suitable distance shall be left uncoated at the coating pl�,nt to �ermit the making of field joints. Said distance at the encis of sections to be le ft without mortar coating until after erecticR��. of th� sections shall be approximately 8 inches subject to mc�dification a� directed by the Engineer. Under a contract includ.a.ng insta�. �.�ta.on of the pipe and ste�l-plate specials, exterior coating at weld�d joints �hall be applied within 1 day after weld testing b�r the saap and cc�m�r�ss�d-air leakage test, except when weather conditian� prevc�n-t, so th�:�t backfilling will not be de].ayed. The uncoated areas �� th� end�; of tl�e sections shall be cleaned and coated sa that when complet�:d thE} surf'aces will be cr�vered with a continuous, unbroken coating of the tikickness and quality hereinb�fore sp�cified. Field joixlts in �x�terior mortar coating shall be made either by� pneumatically applying or by pouring mortar in a suitable cylindrical fo�m. Pneumatically appli�d mortar at field joints shall have a min�um thickness of 1 inci:�i. Pour�d martar at field jaints shall over- lap �the ad jac�r�t pneL� �nat ically applied mortar coating a distanee of not less than � inchF:��, and the thickness of the poured mortar shall �ae not less than l�l j�� �:.nches . CS.�+ Reinfor�ement.. (a) For reinforcem� zt of exterior martar ccaatin�s;'� ie�.�'on�'rar�tor shall furnish 2.-inc .1 by -'�-inch, 12-gage by l�-�ag� {American St� el a1�d Wix°e Ga,ge ) elect�ically weld.ed, g�lvanized steel �7ire fabrzc (2;:�+ -:�2.x12 �alv., crimped 3/8 inch. Welded-wire �abrz� shall. cc�nform tc� th� requirements af ASTM St.andard A 185. Fabric i� sto���ge ::;ha�l be l�e�t clean. and protected from excessive rust. (b ) W�xe rein�'vrcement fabric shall be a�tached directly tc� th� ba:�e ste�:l. ey�ind�r pxiQr to �,pplication of mortar in the case of �yp� A co��irl� � t ric�r �� ��ttach:ing �he wire reinforcement to the steel cylinder aver t���: coF�I.�tar enamel in the case of typ� B coating, a coat of max�t;a�r 3 f 3 t�-ia.c� w�z�,ll be applied �ft�r which the welded wire fabric shall �:� �l�,ce�. �.m��c�.za�e�y� �,r�r� imbedded into the mortar. y ��_2 t�ICRT.AR COAT II�T:�S { Cant i.nued) (c} The �abric shsll be applied to the pi�e in a sin�;le l�;,rer b�T hela.cally k�indin� a cQn�znuous roll c�f fal�ric an the pa.pe. Far ���rpe .�� eoa� in�, -che fa�rsc shall be �.ppl3.ed under su:Cfi.cient in:i.�ial tens:�on �a preven� �he freshly applied mortar coat�ng from sa�;ing �a�aay :�rom t-,he pi.p�. . S?�licini; o�:' helicall�r-��ound. strips shall 1�e made by en���;a..n� each lon��..- tudinal ��rire in the strip �ith the correspondi.n,; ton�itudinal ��rire o�' the strip to be spl�..ced th�reto, lappi_n� the er�ds so th�t uhe overlap r,leasux•ed �etw�er. ou�ermost cross��rzres of each �'abric shee � or rcd a s not le4 s�,xian � �he spa�i,n; o� the crossw�.res. jrTire ends shall �e �.�Tisted to ;ether. �-�el�call;;�-wound s�rips shall not have a;a� of more than fi,�,to ;i.nches �etween them, and a 12-inch tlide circur��ferenuial strip shall be added around eacn enc� of the p:ipe. l�'or mit�red bends, :�ittings, and se�ticans of �a_�e nar, sui+aale for helically-wound reinforcer�ent, the co�tin� shall '�e reirai�;�rced hS� the use o� successive circumierential strips of fabric� une�er sui:�':ic�er��� initial �ension to prev�nfi, the :ireshlv appli.ed mortar coatin�s from sa;;,;a.n;; away irotr� the pipe. In �he c�se of 2'�.rpe -� coat�.ng, ends of s�a�d c�.rcur�:- �'eren�i-al reinforcement strips shall overlap c�ne full_ mesh, measured be���feen outerr7ost cr�sswires of each fa'nr�_c strip, �nd shall be tied securely at intervals not exceedin� l� inches, ��:ith lE.-ga�e, �;alvana zed steel tiaire, w�..th ends crimped in �� lush with the fabric suriace. S�, id circur.lferential strips shall have a gap of twa inches iaetween them around th� pipe, ai�d �l��e long�.tud�..nal joi.n� of each course �f �he rein:t�orcer�eni� fabric shall 1�e s�a�;�ered �l�th the jaints of adjacent courses. �,'Ylen reinforcemen �:C`a:�ric is t� ue applied ta a section of pipe havin� e�tericr enamel coa#.:i.x�.;, the fabrzc shall ae s�opged a.pgroxim�tely �'ive inches i�ack fror� trie ea€�es af the enamel coatin� on the pipe, and the mortar coatin; shall �e applied so as t�o cover -che fa�ric completely. (d} _�ollowz n; the pl�c� n; of' rein� orcement t'aoric �'o-r lyp� �. coatin�, a second coat of mort�r 5%8 1.nch thiek shall be appl�_ed over tne fa'�ric to brin� the �total �thickness of the mortar to the �equired on� �_ncY�. The mc�rtar :�'or T;;,�ae !` c�ating sh�ll ue applied �o the full one inch thicknesa, in �ccordanee 4a:�th the ap�li,c��ale provisioris of :�cc�,ion C5.3 a� these speci.fications, ( e) �einforceznent and coa �ing at �."ield joints in the mortar eUa�in� s��all �onform to the requirements herein �pecified for the coat�.n�; as a �rhole. { f� P-iaterials used �'or �:he preparation $nd wrapp�_n� o� ru���er- �asketed joiizus in �ype .�: coated pipe shall conform to the followi.n�: ( l� Service cer�ent shall be r�llied Chemical uorx�ara�io� .. i`;o. 1C0 S�rvlce Ce;nen�, Protec�o t�lrap T��a. .1180, or an appraved equ� 1; { 2) F� ller comgound sha11 �e F'licoflex i�i� � 240 Fi ller Compc�und, Protec�o �y'rap T:o q 113U, or an �tpproved equal; � (3) Coal-:�ar �rimer for use under coal-tar tupe sh�ll 'ae Protec �o t�;rap i,�oo ll7Q Prirner, TC Coalpri.me, or an approved equal; ai�d � C5-3 T�ZGRlAR CQAT I�3GS ( Cont inued } {4} Tape far wrapping said joints shall be caal-tar tape such as: T�pecoat CT as manufactured tay Tapecoat Compan3r, Inc. ,�vanston, Tllinois; Protecto Wrap 1`10. 1�{}-55 as manu- factured b�,T Pro �ecto M•�rap Company, Denver, CQlarado, or an approved equ�l. (g} Coal-tar tape shall be applied only to prvperly cleaned ar�d primed surfaces sfter the spec�.fied primer has cured. Coal-tar tape shall overlap existzn�; p�.pe caating as tihown on the dratain�s. r,djac�nt wr�ps �f' �ape sriall averlap a minimum of one :i.nch, and the ends af each wrap shall overlap at least �� inches. The compl�ted joints shall be electri�cally �ested, as specl.fied in Air1i�1A Standa�d C243. (h) P�lortar co�t�.ng shall k�e applied over the joi.nts previously preFared, as herein specified, in accordance �aith the applicable requirer�ents of ;�c �,ions C5.1 to C5. � of these specificat ions a C5.5 Curin,�: - (a} "y'he mortar coatin� sha11 b� cured �ay ihe ti�rater- spray method or �y zhe sealing cor�pound meth�d, ss s�.�ecified in aDCY��A St3ndard Specifications C3, "Curing of Concrete and Nlortar," r�nd as ampliFi.ed herein. ('�a) �,c�r curinc, �y the seal�.ng compc�und method, not less than 12 hvurs shall elapse be��reen the application of the rilartar and trie sealin� compound. The mor�ar coatin�; shall he kept cont�nuousl�T wet �ay me�ns c�f an adequa �e water spray ar sprinklin�; syszem durin� the interval of t�_me elapsi.n�; �:efore appli.cation of sealing campound. a,'hen the se�ling compound is dry, a dense coat af' whitewash shall ��e applied thereon, except thst whi.tewasY� wi.11 not i�e requixed �r� wh�_te-pi�nented compound. �r7l�itewash nk�ter�_als sh.all conform to th� requirements of Sect�.an 2.7 of At�n,�1A Standard C203. CS.G Protection of �i�e coatin�s: - T��e Can�ractor shall protec�; the pipe coati_n�;s froni dama�;e dur7_n� ts�ansportation �nd erection oz" the �a�pe, and shall restor� an�t damaged pox�tions oS' the coatin�s ta a conditian equal ta that specil'ied he�•ein for the ori;�_nal tiaork. Belt slings, sa placed as ta preverlt deformati_on, shall be used �'or.handlin� coated pipe sections. � n no even�c shall pa.pe ��e tran�ported fr�rl the coatin� 3rard until after the extera.or r:lortar coatinU has at,tained an age of 7 days. C�-�+ � r � ► �_•� - � � . :�t�� ��. , . C6.1 General. {a} Under a contract including spun mortar-lined welded-steel pipe, the Gontractor shall furnish all ma��rials, � labor, and equi�nent required and shall pr�pare the intera,or surfaces and apply, in the manner hereinafter specified, centrifugally spun mort�r lining with a steel-troweled fi�ish to the in�erior of each straight section af welded steel-plate ' pipe; pneumatically applied martar or machine-place�� mortar lining to the interior of bends and short sections 36 inehes or more in diameter which cannot satisfactorily be lined by the spinning method; similar pneummtically applied mortar or machine-placed cement mortar lining to_the interior of said pipe at welded f ield joints if installation of the pipe is included in the contract; and hand-plastered mortar to the in�terior of steel-plate f ittings less than 36 inches in diameter. {b) The centrifugal lining machine used shall be of a type that has been used successfully far siriilar work and that has been shown to be capable of handlin� pipe of the size and type required under these specif ications. The Contractor shall employ at least one supervisor wha has saccessfully operated the same type of equipment on similar work. Froper safety measures and devices shall be provided to protect workmen from injury and property from damage. C�.2 Preparation of surfaces . (a ) I�mmediately prior to the �pplicaticn of the mortar lining, the interior surfaces of the pipe and steel-plate and fabricated fittings shall be cleaned. Lc�ose scale, loose rust, and all accumulations of dirt Qr debris shall be removed. All oil and grease shall be removed thoroughly by flushing and wiping, using an approved valatile solvent and clean rags. (b) Immediately upon completion of cleaning, a suitable rust-preventive material shall be applied with a brush to the ends of the pipe and steel-plate specials wherever welded field joints are required. Said material shall be applied to the edges of the plate at both ends of �he pipe, f i�tings, and specials and to adjoining strips on the interio�° and the exterior ends as shown on the drawings or as c�irected by the Engineer. Said rust-preventive coating shall be so applied, and so shielded and maintained during the subsequent application and curin� of the spun mor-tar lining and the ext,�rior pipe coatings, as to protect �the surfaces laene�th from rusting, pitting, or ather corrosion until the pipe sections are assembled for field �relding, and the material used shall be of such char�cter th�� th� quality of the joint w�lds will not be impaired by i,ts presenceo Rust-preventive compound as h�rein specified shall be furnished by the Cantrac�or, but its suitability for the purposes herein set farth shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. C6-1 SPUN MORTAR ISNING (Continued} CE .3 Mo�. (a ) Mortar for the centrifugally spu�� lir�ing shall be a mi;�ture of por�la:�d cem�nt, screened sand, and water af the qualities herein s�ecified, w�ll mixed and of the proper consistency to produce a dense, hor�ogenous lining which will bond firmly to tY�e pipe surface. The mortar shall be mixed in the propartions of approximately l part of cernent to 2-1�2 parts of screened sand by weight, the exact proportions af these ingredients and the amount of water entering into each batch to be determined from the materials used and the results obtain�d, and the Authority reserves the right to change .the proportions of dry Materials and the amount of water p�r batch at any time during the pragress of the work. The mortar shall be mixed by machine for a period of not less than 3 nor more than 6 r,�inutes and shall be used prornptly after mixing. No mortar which has attained its initial set shall be used. C6.4 Ce�men�t. Cer�ent shall be furnished by the Contractor and shail be of type II, la�r alkali, conforrning to the requi.rements of Federal Spec�.f ications SS-C-l92. Unless otherwise perr:litted by th� Engineer, all cement shall be procured from th� same mill. The Authority shall be furnished 3 certified copies of reports from the coripany supplying the cement, stating that the cement 3elivered to th� work complies with tY�e specifications for the ty�e to be used. C6.5 Sand. (a) Sand for spun mortar lining shall consist � of natural sand obtained from approved pits and shall in all cases be washed. The control of the washing of sand shall be such that the i'iner particles are retain�d ar removed as required. �ashed or�saturate� sand shall be allvw�d to drain at least 2�+ hours to a uniform moisture content before batching. Dry sand shall be moistened before handling when n�cessary to prevent s�gregation. The sand shall be screened through a hnrizontal vibrating screen having sq,uare openings, and the grading, as d�termined in accordanee with th� rnetr�d.s pr�scribed by ASTM Standard C 136, shall be within the following lir�lits : PERCENT � Passing a 3/8-inch square sieve 104 Passing a No. �+ sieve 90 to 10� Passing a No. 8 sieve 65 to 90 Passing a No. 16 sieve . �5 to 75 Passing a Na. 30 sieve 3C? to 50 Passing a No. 50 sieve 12 to 22 Passing a No. 100 sieve 2 to 8 Passing a No. 200 sieve 4 to �+ The difference betwe�n the percentages passing the No. 30 and the No. 50 sieves shall not exceed 32. C6-2 r i• ,y • � �,� {b) Sand shall be composed o�' clean, hard, stror��, durable, uncoated gz°ains, �'ree from shale, lumps,� a.nd soft or flal�y pax°ticles and. fr�om in,�uriouv amaunts of dust, alkali, organic matter, loam, mic�, ox° othe�° del�t�x°ious substances . When tested in accordance �rith. the m�ethods presc�°ib�d in ASTM Standard C�+0� the color of the sup�rna,tar�t tiquid shall not be darker than �he Standard specitiea therein and shall not contain more than a total of 3 p�rcent by volume of clay, silt, mica, or other objectionable inorganic materials, as determined by settlement after thoroughly shaking the sample with 2-1%2 times its volume of a 3 percen�t {by weight )solution af sodium hydroxide in a graduated column. {c) Sand which in any respect vari.es irom the foregoing requirements shall not be used in the work, and the Contractor shall do all sorting, crushing, screening, blending, washing, and other operations necessary to make the avail�ble materia,l conform to said requirements, and shall receive no extra compensation theref'orep nor for the necessity of separating and washing any part of the natural materials. In case the �`iner particles from the crushed coarse aggregate are permitted or required to be mixed with the sand from natural denc�sits, the 2 products shall be uniformly blended before washing or screening to insure a combined product of constant composition. (d� Sand as prepared for use shall be of such quali�y that 2-inch by �+-inch mortar cylinders made with a mixture of cement and the sand under test shall develop compressive strengths at 7 and 28 days of not less than 90 percent of those developed by a mortar prepared in the same manner with �he same cement and graded Ottawa testing sand, all in accoxdance with the method prescribed in ASTM Standard C 87, C6.6 Watere Water for mortar shall b� furnished by the Contractor, A11 water used in mortar shall be clean and free from objection- able quantities or organic matter, alkali, salts �nd other impurities which, in the opinion of the Engineer, might reduce the strength, durability, c�r other quality of the mortar. � C6.7 Application and surface fini5h. {a) Each section of pipe, while mortar is being placed therein and for a sufficient time thereafter� shall be revalved with its axis in a horizontal .. position and at such a speed as will produce a unifarm distribution of the mortar over the interior surface of the pipe section.Sufficient mortar shall be mixed in 1. batch to completely line 1 pip� section, and the mortar shall be placed in the pipe within 1. minu�e af�er discharge from the mixerp and in a mannex° providing immediate and. uniform long�.�udinal distribution of the ba.tch from end to end of the pipe sectionss After all mortar has been C6-� SPUN MORTAR LINING (Continued) placed in the pipe section and has becor�e distri�uted ta �, unifor� thickn�ss o�rer the interiar pipe sue�'ace, the rotation o�' the �ipe shall be eontinued at a speed which will compact the �r;ortar, but in no case less than a peripheral speed of 3200 feet per minute. This speed shall be maintained for a sufficient length of time to secure the greatest passible density of i�ortar and sr��oothness af surface, and to det�elo�� sufficient cortlpaction and Lond to perr;:it re:�noval of the pipe fr�m the spinning machine without injury to the linin� , Prozjis ions shall be r:�ade to rer�o � e all water and laitance expelled during the spinning operation in such :r:anner that the interior sur�'ace will be sriooth, straight, and tr:;e . At the rrost suita'r�le tirae after reT7�ocral of the pipe frorn the spinning i�lachine, as determined f�om re�ults obtained, th� lining shall be �i«ren a steel- troweled finish by skilled opera�ors, and a second troweling shall �e done in any case if the first fails to remove �,ll laitance and produce a smooth, nard-finish sarface. (b) Unless other�rise shawn on the drawin�s, the thickness of the lining in the � ipe shall. be 1�2 inch with a�olerance o�' plus 1�4 inch or minus z�rc. , �x�epting that r�anhale and outlet thir�oles and other i�ittings, where so indicated on the drawings, shall have a thickness of 1%Z� inc:n with a tolerance of plus or r;linus 1�i6 ineh. The p�_pe sha11 �e truly round prior to spinning, and the use of round- up rin�s to keep the pipe cylindrical w ill not be perrnitted. Regard- less of the arr�ount of out-of-roundness, if any section af pipe� when rot�ted in the spinning machine at the peripheral speed to be used for cor�paction, vibrates or exhi��its any other departure fro�n the required quality, said section of pipe shall be remo�red fro�F� the �achine before the '�atch of �;lortar is deposited, and shall be trued to cylindrical shape so that when returned to the spinning rnachine the required srr�ooth, concentric rotation will �e obtained. Sn the ei-ent the eauiptnent to be 1_�sed is such that the lon�itudinal sea:�s in the pipe come in contact with wheels or belts of the spinning r�achine, the outsicle uead of the weld 17�ay be reducec 'c�y chipping at :>uch points of contact, but sa�id chipping shall r�ot reduc� the bead to a height of less than 1�32 inch, or be c�one in a �nanner that will impair the strength of the weld. (c) Pipe, steel-plate specials, and fa�ricated fittings which «ill req�zire welded field joints shall be left uncoated for a distance of appral;iz.�ately c� inches at eacli end .lz�less otherwise shawn on the drawin�s or o.rdered by the Engint�er. In sections to c�e ir_stalled with -_��echanical couplings, the r.:ortar lining shall �xtend to the ends o�' the section and srall bu finishe� to a sa,�.iare �houlder � l�.�sh �rith the end � ace . (d) Under a contract w�ich incl�..�des installation of pipe � and s�te�l-plate specials, interi�r linin� at welded �oints shall 'ae a�pplied after the pipe h�s been �ac��'i11ed. The uncoated areas shall 'c;e thoro��.ghl�T � 4 C6-L. �< � � � � � � - � � 0 cleaned of all corrosion and of all foreign substances of any kind which adhei�e to th� steel-plate surfaces, including any residue frc�m the grotective coatin,g previousl�r applied as grovided in Section C6.2(b), following which said areas shall ;i.zrnnediately be caated with pneumatically applied mortar or cement mor�tar ta the thickness required for a flush junction with the adjoir�ing :�pun mortar lining. The lining o�' said interior joints shall b� applied by pneumatic methods in accordance with the provisions af Section C6.8, insofar as applicable, or by approved inachine-placing methods, Cement mortar lining applied at field joints shall conform to the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard C�02, e�cept that the provision� hereof shall control where at variance with said �WWr1 Standard C602. After application of pneur�atically applied mortar or machireplaced mortar, each joint shall be screeded and steel- troweled in the case of pneumatically applied znortar, and by both mechanical and hand �roweling in the case of machine-placed mortar, to a t�ue surface which is flush ��ith and equal in smoothness to the surface t;o the spun lining; said finish shall be applied in such a manner that the bond �etween the pneumatically applied mortar or rnachine-placed mortar and the pipe is not impaired. {e) The interior surfaces of shop-fabrieated bends and short sections 36 inches or more in diameter shall be coatec� with pneumatically applied mortar conforming to the requirements of Section C6.S; provided, that where any course more than 12 feet long is included in a shop- fabricated bend or angle, the lining in said course shall be applied b�' spinning and no� by pneumatic methods. Steel fittings having a diameter of less than 36 inches shall be lined with martar which may be applied by hand plastering; provided, that the methads u�ed shall be sa�h as �o produce a lining substantially equivalent in quality to pneumatically applied mortar lining as specified in Section C6.8. {f) Where a�enings in the pipe shell for manholes, outlets, or other purposes are required, a sufficient quantity of the spun mortar lining to accor.�modate the welding flf steelwork at the openir�g shall be removed while in a sufficiently green condition to facilitate its separation from the steel-plate surface. The required opening shall be cut in the steel plate, and then the manhole thimble and reinforcement collar, or other steelwork, shall be welded in place. At all times while the operatic�ns described herein are being performed on any pipe section prior to its transportation from the spinning yard to the trench, the ` spun mortar lining shall be kept continuously moist. A�'�er completion of all welding necessary for attaehment of the manhole or other steelwork at the opening, and of the required testing of the joint for leakage, the � Contractor shall remove all damaged lining, prepare the interior surfaees, place or restor� the lining in the pipe by the pnet,zrnatic method, line the manhole or outlet thimble with mortar by hand plastering� ancl promptly resume the required water-spray cure of the lining. (g) The operatiQns of preparing surfaces fcar spun mortar lining, as well as applying, finishing, and curing said lining, and the �r. �PUN i,10F�T��R LINING ( Cantin�.ed � coardination of sa.ic� operatians T�aith the fabrication of the pipe and application of exterior coatings will be affected by the type oi e��iip:,�e�1-� used, weather conditions, and the degree of protec-tion fro��: th<- N�eather a�' ��orded by the Contractor' s plant . In order to adapt said opf.a��ation� to the conditians >>�ntioned, the Contractor shall caop�rate wit;;� t�.e Engineer in wor]:ing o�lt s�,ch reasonaule ��odifications in :�.an..:facturin� proc.edure as rnay be requirecl to produce the r�sults �lere in spec if iea . Ci::.�.�� Pn�ur:�a-�ical�.;� ap��lied :nortar lining of steelworl� -(a; The Con�ractor shall furnish r�ayuired r.�?aterials and apply pneur,latically appl.iec� mortar lining, and shall steel-trowel :Finish the irlterior s.ir•face� of sections of steelwork shown on the drawings or specified to be Y�7artar lined, but which ar� not suseptible to liri.in� by r:�achine �lacing. Under a contract including prestressed concrete cylinder pipe construction� the interior surfaces oi' all steel-plate special s�ctians of pipe shal� receiY:-e a w�lded wire fabric reinfarc�d, pneul:�aticalLy applied mortar lining. Z�he materials far and the prox�ortions, mixing, sa7�plin�, and ap�lication of pneumatically applied raortar sha11 conz'artn to the provisi�ns of SDCWA Standard Speca.ficatic�ns G2, Pneumatzcally Appl.ied Mortar, except as I�ladified or a��t7plified in this section. ( u) PneuiYryatically applied r�ortar linir� shall be applied at the coatin� yard or pzpe plant unless otherwise expressly� pertnitt�d by the Engineer in particular instances or under a contraet including field-placed mortar .�ining. Any pneumatically appl-ied rnartar applied to the interior o�' sections after erection shall not be placed earlier than 3+8 hours after any required concrete incasernent has ��een placed o:�tside of the section. Before application of pneur�latieally applied r�ortar, the inte��ior surface of the pipe shall be thoraughly cleaned of all dirt, �,re�,se, ail, paint, excessive rust, laose z:�ill scale, ancl other substax.�ces which rlight prevent the securing of a satis�'actory bond betwe�n the lining and the steel-plate surface. ( c) Fabric for reini orcen�ent of pneumatically appJ_ied mortar ar r�achine-placed mortar lining will �;�e required for all linin�s 3f �� inch or more in thickness, unless otherwise shown on the,drawings, on flat surfaces, and at a�rupt changes in direction of surfaces. For reinforcement of pneumatically applied rnortar or rnachine-placed linin��, the Contractor sha.11 fur:�.ish 2-inch by �+-inch, 12 gage by 12 gage (American Stee� ana Wire Ga�e) electrically welded, galvanized steel wire �'abric �2x4-12x12 Galv. ). The wire fabrie shall conforrn to the requirements of ASTM Standard A 135. The reinforce�»ent when installed shall be free .fror� dirt and paint or o�her coating r,�aterial, shall be placed inside the sections so that the rnembers lengthwise of the strip extend circumferentially around the ins ide surface, and shall U� attached to the steel surface by electric-arc tack welding at i�tervals not m.ore than l� inches apart, measured both along the axis of the section and circumfer�n�ially. Sides and ends of the reinforcel�lent shall overl�,p l full r�esh. C�-c> SPUN MORTAR LINING {Continued) (d) The pneur:iatically applied mortar li�ing in steel pipe and fittings sr�ll ha`�� a thickness of 1/2 inch, with a tolerance of plus or zi:inus 1%.l� inch, unless shoran otherwise on the drawings, and fa�az°ie reinforcer.�ent will not be required therein except as specified in paragraph (c�, hereof. Pneumatieally applied. mortar shall �;e applied continuously without construction joints, except at the ends of runs of appraved extente The Contractor shall tane satisfactory precautions to prevent injury to the completed coating caused ::�y the falli�� thereon of particle� o:i re�;ound fro.:�; -thc placin.� operations . The Contractor shall screed or ro�. off' the surface of the linin� and then finish it with a steel trowel ta a sillootn surface f'r�e fro�1: wa-..�es or s^ra�ches . E�tre��e care sha11 Le exercised in screedin�; alzd trowelir�g not to loosen or distur% the �.�ody of the lining, and� if neeessary in order to obtain � s?'_�oOth �,21d unifor��l s��irf'ace �aith a ��lini�. �u��� o�' tl�a�ielin�;, a i'lash coati��� of r�neuri�aticall�T applied r�lort,ar shall be applied prior to the �tee'1 tro��eling' which shal:i consist o�' approxir��atel� 1 part of ce:ry�ent aiid 2 part� of' sand passing a vibrating scxeen with l�u-inch s�uar�� ��:�.i�r.gs and graded within the following limits: i iT i . . I�1.AXIN1Uh1 PERCENT Pa�sin� a No. 2Q0 No. 20� to No. 100 No. l00 to N�, j� r No . ;- 0 t o No e 1�_� Retained on No. 16 ? �. 11 2j / O ��-0 0 7 13 30 20 C6.9 Curing -{a,) ��tnediately upon cornpletion of the linin� o�' each section of pipe or steel-plate special, t he section shail be closed tightly at eacn end �y b�alkheads . After the rriortar has set, but in no ejrent later than 12 hours after application o�` the linin�;, curing shall be co�l�enced oy the water-spray method confor��;ing �o the requirernents of SDCWA Standard Specifications C3, Curin� af Concrete and Mortar. 'I'he application o�' the required exterior pneumatically applied mortar coating shall not bE ��e�un earlier than 72 hours a�'ter co�npletion of spinning if the initial cure of the lining is by means of water spray, or 'oefore the cor,ipletion of the required l��ini.r�um of 12 hours of steat� cure i� the initial cure is with steam. In any event, the r�iortar lining shall be l�ept continuovsly ?.�oist during the application of said e�teri�r coatin� and therea�'ter until the pipe section is finally loaded �'or transportatian to the trench, regardless of the lapse tir:�e after s�inning. Each pipe section shall be kept closed at the ends during transportation and durin�; storage at the site of the worl� o Under a contraet incluain� insi,allation of the pipe and specials, the Contractor shall sched.ule his operations so that pipe will be installed within !+c hours after applica-Gion of _�aater to the lining has '�;een discontinued. After the pipe and specials C6-7 all SPUN MORTAR LINIlVG � Cont inued ) have been installed, the mortar lining therein shall be kept cantinuously moist unt:�l the pipelin� is filled with water for testing. {b} Pneumatically applied mortar applied at field joints "" and elsewhere within the pipe after erection shall be cured by the sealing-compound method as �pecified in SDCWA Standard Speciiications C3, Curing of Concrete and Mortar. y C6.10 Protecting lined pipe. (a) The Contractor shall protect all mortar lining from damage during handling, transportation, and erection of the pipe and specials. I�mmediately after the martar lining has been completed� internal bracing shall be placed at the uncoated ends of the pipe to prevent the maximum and minimum diameter at any point from exc�eding 1�2 of l percent of the nominal diameter and shall remain in place until stulls are placed in the pipe as required by �he spee��.f ic�tion� for �n�talling steel pipe except that said braces may temporarily be removed when the pipe is placed in the coating machine as set forth in Section C5•3(c) of SDC�1A Standard 5pecifications C5, Mc�rtar Coatings. Im�nediately after removing the pipe from the caating machine, said braces shall be replaced and additional braces shall be placed on the interior to maintain the diametric tolerances; provided, that where requir�d prior to coating, in the opinion of the Engineer, said additional interior braces shall be added prior to the mortar coating, but not until the linin� has received the minimum cure specified in C6.9(a� of SDCGI� Standard Specifications C6, Spun Mortar Lining. Where braces are placed on coated areas, sufficient bearing surface shall be provided at the ends of the braces inside the pipe so that no damage will �e done to the martar lining. After erection of the pipe, the Contractar shall remove any damaged lining and replace it with new pneumatically applied martar lining in accordance with provisions of Section C6.8. (b) If, in the opinion of the Engineer, canditions are such as to require that the lined pipe be protected from the rays of the sun, the Contractor may be required to coat the outside of the pipe with whitewash iia�rnediately after spinning and, when necessary for protecting the lining of pipe expased to extreme solar heat, h� shall cool th.e pipe by covering it with wet burlap just prior to applying the whitewash. Materials for whitewash shall be furnished by the Cantractar and shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.7 of AWWA Standard c2o3. {c) In remaving the pip� from the spinning machine and in all subsequent handling during transportat ion and installation in the trench, each section of pipe shall be lifted gently by means of belt slin�s so spaced as to preven� deformation of the pipe section. • � . • ti) + • !+•E ' • �. � I ' : �1! U � : _ -.- � l /1 ; C7o1 Gen�rala (�) Under a con-�ract including fi�ld-placed cement mortar lining in �elded.-st��l pipe9 the Cont�ractor shall. „ �l) Furnish all materials� l�abor, and eg,uipment; (2} I�repare �he in�t�rior surfaces; and (3) Apply {in the mann�r herein.after specified}: iA machine-placed mortar lining to th� . weld.ed steel-plate pipe in place; iid pneumatically applied mortar to the interior of bends and short sections 3E� inches or more in diameter which cannot be satisfactorily �lined by said machine rnethod; and iii. hand-plas�ered mortar to the interior of steel-plate f�.ttings less than 36 inches in diametero (b} The lining machine shall be of a type that has been used successfully for similar work over a period of at least 3 years. A bidder may be required to present evidence that his organization or desi�n.ated subcontractor, has success- fully performed similar wQrk by the use of a machine of the type proposed to be used hereunder. C7.2 Access to pipelines. {a) Access to the pipeline for p�.acin� field-placed cement mortar lining may :.}� �btained by temporarily omitting short sections of"pipe or by deferring the placing of closing courses of' pige until after the completa.on af the lining; �rovided, that said closing courses shall conform to the requirements of these specifications �'or the fabrication and installation of steel pipee The Contractor shall indicate on the detailed shop drawings, his proposed method for obtaining access to the pipeline. (b} The Contractor may utilize manholes, flanged outlets, and a�ny pass holes havin� threaded outlets9 provided, that af°ter the use of any pass hole, �he steel plug shall be replaced and the pipe coating and lining shall be repaired. All mar�hole and outlet covers rernoved for access shall be " replaced �to the completed status required by these specifications. � c) The Contra.ctox� may provide flanged outlets in ,, the pipe in addition to required outlets called for on the drawings or order�d by the Engineer; provided,� that said additi�nal outlets shall conform to the requirements of the sp�cifications for required outletsp and provided further, that no payment under any contract iter� o�° othez�rise will be made for such additional outlets or for �he required lining and coating thereof. C7-1 F IELD PLACED MaRTAR LIN ING (�ont inued } C7.3 Cl�aning of the pipe before lining. The Contractor shall clean -the interiar surfaces of the pipeline prior ta commencement of lining operations, said cleaning to be performed by hand or machine methods, or both, and shall include the rer�oval of water, laose scale, loose rust, and all dir�t and other foreign materials. C7.�+ Cement mortar linin�;. The cement mortar lining shall be continuous, dense, and without variation in quality, and shall adhere ' to the wall o�' the �::.pe a�t all points . The lining shall have a thickness of 1�2 inch, with a 4.,olerT�.nce of plus 1��+ inch and minus zero, unless atherwise shown on t; �ie dr�,w�.ngs , C7 . 5 Cern,ent mortar �'or linin� . {�} Mort�,r �'or the linirlg shall be cornposed of cement, �cree��ed sand, and water, well mixed ��nd of proper proport ions and cons i�tenr�y to obt�,in a dense , homogen�ou: � lining that will adhere fiy�r7ly t<� the pipe surface .'�.'he proportions of cemen�t anc�. sand in the mo�t��r �'c��r the lining shall be 1 part cement to not less than 1 pa.rt nc .r mc�r� �t�1�r� �-1�2 parts of scr�eened sand by volume, the exact proportic�c: �o be d�termined by the characteristics of the san3 us�d. Port�.ar3 cernent sh�ll be used in the mortar; ro�vided� that natural cement or po{3zolanic mate.rial may be substitued for a part of �he portland cement in proportions nat to exceed l part of natural cement or pozz�lanic mat�rial to 5 parts, by volume, c�f portland cement. When thc� mixture rat�_o fnr sand and cement has been deterMined, r�easurement of th� dry m�ateria:� shall be by volume an�. shall be controlled accurately throughr�ut the �oua�se of the work, preferably by means of a box of known volume into ��h�.ch materials may be emptied and struck off . (b} The water-c�ment ratia shall be carefully controlled and kept to a rninimum, with an allowance being made as necessary for moisture which may call�ct on in�terior pipe surfaces, and as required for most effectiv� machine operat ion and adhesion of mortar to the pipe.� { c� Where pr�mixe�. r��rt�r is to be applied with a lining machine, premixin�; shall �t ? for a suf� icient length of time, approxirr,ately' � minutes, -�a obta� n ir�axir� am plastici�ty, ar�d such premixed mortar shall be applied bef�r� initial :�et has taken place. C7.6 M,�ter:i�,ls for 2.ining, {c�) Cement shall be furnish�d by the � Cantract�r ar�d shall be type I:�, low alkali, canfarming to Federal SpE�Clf'1C��t1.Ori �S-C-l�2. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, all cement s�all be procured from the ��sne rnill. Th� Authority shall be furnishe�� 3 certif ied copies of reports from the company supplying the • c�ment, atat ing that �he cement d�livered to the work complies with the specif ications f'or -�he �yqe specif'ied to be used. �7�.� FIELD PLACED M4RTAR LIlVING (Continued} (b } Natural cernent shall conform to r�STM 5�tandard C 10, type Nm (c} Pazzalanic materi�,l shall cansist of siliceous ' Qr siliceous and aluminous material which� in �'inely div�ded form and in the presenc� of moistur�, will react with. calcium hydroxid� �t ordinary �emperatures to form compounds possessin� cementitious properties. Po2zc�lan�.c material shall mee� the ` z'ollowing detailed requirements when tes-ted in acccardance tai�h designated para�raphs af Federal Speciiication SS-C-15�. (1) Loss on ignition shall not exceed l0 percent when tested in accordance with Paragraph �-.3.�5; (2} Material retained an a 325-mesh sieve shall not exceed 12 percent when tested in accordance �rith Paragraph �- . �- .2 .1. 5 . l, (3) When 35 percent by absolute volume of type II cernent is replaced by the pazzolanic material, the 28-day compressive strengths of mortar specimens fabricated with uhis rni.��ture shall be at leas� 85 percent of the 28-d�ys compressive s�rength o�'�specimens prepared with neat cement. Specimens shall be fabricated in accordance with Par�graph �.�+.8, with the follow'ing modifications: pa,rts shall be mixed by weigh� in the proportions of 1 part cement (or mixture of pozzolanic material and cement), 2.75 par�s of graded O�ttawa sand? and sufficient water to obtain a flow of 100 to 115 using the method d.escribed in Pa.ragraph �+.�+,8.'S. Af�er being removed from the molds at 24 hours, the specimens shall be placed in airtight containers and stored at 104°F for 27 days and then allowed tc cool fQr 24 hours at 73°F � lo7°F before testing for strength. The average of 3 specimens for each mix shall be used in computation� and (�+) The amount �f water requa.red for cement-pozzolanic � mortar to obtain a flow of 10� to 115, as described in 3 abc�ve, shall not exceed 115 percent of the water - required to obtain the same flow when using type II cement. �. �7_� F I��LD PLACID MORTAR LINING ( Cant inued } ( d} Sa,nd for mortar shall cons ist of natural sand obtained from appraved pits and shall in all cases be washed. The control of the washin� of fine aggregate shall be such that the finer particles of sand are retained. or removed as required. Washed or saturated sand shall be allowed to drain at least 2�+ hours to a uniform moisture �ontent before batching. When necessary to prevent segregation, dry sand shall be moistened before handling. The fine aggregate s�all be screened through a horizontal vibrating screen having square apenings, ana the gracting of the fine aggregate, as determined in accordance with th� m�thods prescribed by AS2"�I Standard C 136, shall be within the following limits; PERCENT Passing a No. 16 sieve 4 Passing a 1Vo. 2Q sieve 95 to 100 Passin� a No. 30 sieve 85 to 95 Passing a No. 54 sieve 15 t� 35 Passing a No. l00 sieve 1.5 to 5 Passing a No. 200 sieve 1 to 3 Passing a No. �+QO sieve 4 �e) Sand shall consist �f inert granular material having hard, strong, durable, uncoated grains produced frorn hard crystalline rock, Sand shall be free from injuriaus amounts of dust, clay lumps, shale, soft or flaky particles, mica, loaxn, oil, and alkali. Th� maximum percentage by weight of deleterious substances shall not e:;ceed the �ollowing limits: PERCENT SUBSTANCES BY WEIGH'� Shale 1 Clay lumps 1 Mica and atnei� deleterious �ubstances 2 Sum af a�Ll deleterious substances 3 The color of the supernatant liquid shall not be darker than the standard specified thereizz when tested in accordance with the methods in AS'I'i�� St andard C �+0 . ( f� Sand which in any respect varies fror� the foregoing requirements shall not be used in the wark, and the Contractor shall do all sarting, crushing, screening, blendi_ng, washing, and other operatians necessary to make the available material conform to said requirements, and shall receive no extra compensation therefar� nor for the necessity of separating out �nd wasting any part of the natural materials. In case the finer particles from the crus hed coarse a�gregate are permitted or required to be mixed with the sand �'rom natural deposits, the 2 products shall be unifarmly blended before washing or screenin�; to insure a combined product of constant compositian. . C7-�- FIELD PLACID M�RTAR LINING {Gontinued) ( g} Sand as prepared for use shall be of' such quality that 2-inch by �+-znch mortar cylinders made with a mi�cture of cement and the sand under test sh�ll develc�p campressive strengths at 7 and 28 days of not less than 90 percent of those developed by a mortar prepared in the same manner with the same cement and graded Ottawa testing sand, all in accordance with the method prescribed by ASTNi Standard C�7. (h) Water for mortar shall be furnished by the Contractox�, All water used in mortar, whether obtained from the Authority or other sources, shall be clean and free from objectionable quantities of organic matte�r, alkali, saltis, and other impurities which9 in the c�pinion of the En�ineer, might reduce th� strength� durability, or other quali�ty af the mo�tar. C7.7 O�enings. 4penings in the pipe lzne far manholes, outlets, and blowoffs shall be temporarily closed and covered with �asily removable stoppers, coverings, or other suitable devices to prevent the intrusion of cement mortar into such openings. Upon completian of the lining, the Contractor shall r�move all such stoppers, covexings, or other devices from such openings, and shall repair any lining damaged in the process. Th� outlet openings shall then be trimmed, smoothed, and pointed. C7.8 Application and surface finish. {a) I;mmediately prior to the passage of the lining machine through.the pip�line, all sand, loose mortar, and other fore�.gn material that has accumulated since completion of the preparation of surface shall be removed. {b} The lining shall be applied in one course�by us� of a machine with an applicator head which will centrifugally project the mortar against the surface of the pipe without injurious rebound and with sufficient velocity to cause the mortar to be denscly packed and to adhere in plac�. The use of compress�d air will not be permitted in the process of mixin� or applicatian. The rate of travel of thc mach�ne and the rate of dis�har�e of mortar against the wall of the pip� shall be entirely mechanieally cantrolled so as to produce a smooth lining of uniform thickness � throughout the interior of �he pipeline. The machine shall lae provided with attachm�nts for mechanically troweling the martar and the machine shall travel ahead of the linin� so that the freshly _ placed and troweled mortar will not b� touched until after it has set. The trowel arrangement shall be such that the pressure applied ta the lin-ing will be uniform, praducing a smooth �urfac� withaut spiral shoulders or undulations� and producing a lining of un.iform thickness . (c} The finished surface shall be uniformly smooth w ith no trace of sand or gritty particl�s. Sand, �rit, and any other imperfection shall b� completely removed to the satisfaction C7_5 . FIELD PLACED P�IORTAR LINING ( Continued ) of the Engineer. A.f�er troweling, �h� finished surface shall be tested for finish, and 9 out of 10 places checked shall conforrn to the tolerance hereinafter specified. The finished surface shall be such that a 2��-inch strai�;ht-edge laid parallel to the axis of the pipe along the suri'ace of a straight section of machin�-placed and troweled lining shall at no point have a space between the lined surface and the straight-ed�;e ,�reater than 1�16 inch. (d} Lining in areas where the qual.ity is defective� such as sand packets, voids, over-sande�. areas, blisters, drur.lr.ly are�,s, e�cessively cracl�ed areas, and unsatisfactory thin spots, shall be -remaved to the pipe wall and shall be replaced, in accord�nce with �he requirer:lents of SDCWA Standard Specifications C2, Pneurnatically �pplied Mortar, to the full required thiekness of the m�ort�r lining. In rernovin� defect ive 1_ining, the rr,ateria�l shall be cut back to a s�,uare shoulder, and rlo fe�,theredge joiz�.ts will be perr�litted. �e} The interior s�zrfaces of bends and sp�cial sections 36 inches lon� or r;�ore in diar�eter �rhich cannot satisfactorily be lin�d �y niachine placing, and the interiar surfaces of any short sections or closing courses of pipe tempor�,rily omitted ancl sui�- sequently plac�d after cor,�pletion oF the �nachine-placec mortar linin�;, shall be coated with pneurna-� ic�lly applied mortar conforrning to th� requirernents of SDG"G�A Stand��rd �pecifications C2, Pn�umatically �pplied Mort�,r. Steel fittings of �� diar�eter less than 36 inches shall be lined ��ith mortar by hand-plaster�.n�; provided, that the methods used shall b� such as to produce a lin�_ng substantially equivalent in quality to the machine-placed mortar l�ning. ( f) Cement morta�# applied by r��ethads desi�nated in paragraphs ( d} and ( e), h�reo�', shal.l �>e f ini shed to a si:�ooth surface by troweling with steel finishing trowels. (�) All hand-finishing work shall b� c��mpleted within 2�- hours after machine-applied rnartar linin� has been caMpleted for a given s�ction of pipeline. Machine application of nlortar lining shall be slowed or stopp�d, if necessary, to assure time for hand patchin� of �.ef�ctive machine-line�. areas in accordance with such �chedule. C7.� Curing. (aj Curing operations shall begin imm�diately after conpletion of the mortar lining and surface �finish�ng of each section of the pipeline. The pipe �hall be closed and a moist atmosphere shall yae m�,intained in such section of the pipeline by �neans of mist head sprinklers which shall be so operated as to keep th� lining continuously dar�lp. Curing operations shall be continued until the pipeline is filled. ��-6 FIELD PLACED MORTAR LININ'G �Continu�d) (b) The exterior surfaces of steel pipe expos�d to tr�e sunlight shall be sprinkled with water dur3ng daylight haurs during the linin� f inishing and curin� period. (c) After completion of the lining in the pipeline, the entire pipeline shall be filled with watcr and so maintained until the completion of th� contraet, unless atherwise directed by the Engineer. C7.lOProtection of lining. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent injury to the lining. Should the lining be damaged through the fault of the Contractor, or at any time prior to completion of the contract; be faund not to comply with the specifications, such damage or unsatisfaetory portions of �the lining shall be remov�d and shall be replaeed with lining conforming to thes� specifications . C7-7 -�r � . �.-M - , � ; •� •- •� C8,1 General. {a) The Con�ra,etor shall furnish all necessary labor, equipment, and ma-tez°i.als ar�d shall apply coal-tar primer and coal-�ar enamel as h�reina�`ter specified an steel surfaces where designated on the drawings or elsewhere in these SPeC1.f'1.Cr3t1fl11S . (b) Type B coating consists o�' an exterior coal-tar enamel coatin� applzed to the bare metal surfaees of the steel plate and a reinforced mortar coating applied over the coal-tar enamel. The limits of type B coating shall b� as shown on the drawings. . G8.2 P�aterial� (a) The coal-tar primer and coal-tar enamel i'urnished by the Gontractor, and the testing procedure therefor, shall ct�nform to the requirements set forth in Sections 2,1 to 2.�+, inclusive, of the AWWA Standard C203. The Contractor shall submit samples in accordance with Section 2,3 of said AWWA Standard. C203, The �'urnishing of said primer and enamel shall be subject tQ the provisions of Sections 1.4 to 1.1Q, inclusive, of said AWWA Standard C2Q3. (b� Both coal-tar primer and synthetic prirner applied to the surface of steelwork shall be a product of the same manufacture�° supplying the coal-tar enamel and shall be that recommended by said manufacturer for use with the enamel. C8.3 Freparation of surfaces. {a) All metal surfaces to be coa�ed with coal-tar primer and enamel shall be prepared as specified in Section �.2 of AWWA Standard C203. Any che�nical solutions used in cutting or welding shall be washed off with hot water and th.e surface allowed to dry. �r'elding slag or scale shall be removed fram all welds by wirP brushing, hamrnering, or ather satisfactory means, and all wela.ing splash globules shall be removed prior to priming. (b) Where coal-tar coatings are to be applied to the exteri.or surfaces of �pun mortar-lined pipe, sandblasting of said � exterior surfaces shall oe done concurrently with the cleaning af the interior surfaces prior to application of the spun mortar �lining, and a protective coating of coal-tar primer shall be applied to said e��terior surfaees iznmediately after completion of - sandblastingA After initial curing of' the spun mortar lining by water ior 72 hc�urs as speei�ied zn SDCWA Standard Specifications No� C6 for Spun Mortar Lining, before the application of exterior coatings may be begun, said protective coat�.ng of primer shall be remaved by a second sand.blast ing oper�.t ion perfoz�ned. in such manner as not tfl endanger the�green nlortar lining in the pipe; provided, i COAT TAR COATINGS (Continued) that th� r�moval of the protective primer coating will be required only to an extent insuring adequate bonding of the seeond coal-tar priming coat to be applied as provided in Section C8.� In any case, all corrosion and forei�n substances shall be compl�tely remaved from the exterior of the pipe in said second sand-blast ing operation, and the subsequent appli- cation of prir��er �,nd enamel sha11 follo�r withaut delay. As an alternative to th� above-descrii�ea sequence af coating and lining application, the exterior coal-tar enarnel coating may be applied before the pipe is lined�with mortar; �rovided, that in such event the e�uipment for spinning the pipe shall be of � type affordin�; adequate protection to the exterior enamel coating, and that after campletion of the lining oper�tion the ena�el coating shall be r�tested electrically �� the method specified in A�JWA Standard C203, and any damaged places in saici enamel coating shall be sati�factorily repaired, C�%��+ Applicatian of coal-tar coatings. (a) Application of �oal-tar coatings shr�ll con�'orrn to the requirer�ents of Sections 3.3 to 3.5, inclusive, S�ctions 3.;� to 3.1�+, inclusiv�, and Section �-.3 af AWWA Standard C203; provided, that the thickness of enarrlel coating shall be 1%8 inch with tol��°ance of plus or r:linus 1�32 inch where it is applied as part of type B caating; and provided �'u�-ther, that coating of field .,join.ts in pipe with type B coatin�; shall be done prc�r:ptly after the weld�d joints have been tested. , (b) In the �vent the Contractor's welding r�ethads result in the inc°lusion of gas-forming elements in any of the shop or fi�ld welds, or result in any other condition found to be detrirr.ental to the successful application Gf coal-t�,r enamel as herein provided, the Contractor shall devise and us�, an all affected steel-plate ��ork� suitable and effective measures for �laminating such xnclusions or other detrimental conditions, or preventing thEir detrimental efiects be�'ore any primer or enarrel is applied., said measures to include time-curing the pip� sufficiently, tharoughly.neutralizing the gas-forming �lements, or other approved treatr�ent . C�3.5 Protecting coated pipe. (a) The Contractor shall protect al.l coated steel surfaces from dar�age prior to and during erectic�n in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of AWGTA Standard C203. (b) If, in the opinion of th� �ngineer, conditions are such as to rec�uire tha� the coated surfaces be protected fror� the rays of th� sun, the Contractor may be required to coat the exposed areas w ith whit�wash. P�^aterials for whitewash shall be furnished by the Contractar and shall confor:n to �he requirements of Section 2.7 of �I��WA Standard C203. The whitewash shall be thoroughl,y removed from t?.ze plate surfaces at the ends of pipe s�c `,ian � before caal-tar coatings are applied at fiel�. jaint,s . C�-2 SAN DIEGO CQUNTY WATER AUTHORITY � SPECZFZCATIONS ��. 229 CONSTRUCTI�T1 OF THE TRZ—AGENCZES WATER TRANSMISSTON PZPELTNE FROM SAN MARCOS TO CARLSBAD SERVTNG CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL �'ATER DTSTRICT GITY OF OCEANSIDE VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT PART II . DRAtaII�TG S 0