HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Widening of Olivenhain Rd Rancho Santa Fe Rd; Widening of Olivenhain Rd Rancho Santa Fe Rd; 2004-12-01Boyle Engineering Corporation 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92111 Phone 858/268-8080 Fax 858/292-7432 www.boyleengineering.com WIDENING OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD & RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DRAINAGE BACKUP CALCULATIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD Boyle Engineering Corporation Project Manager MICHAEL CRULL Project Engineer RYAN CHANCE SD-O01-021-00 December 2004 TABLE DF CONTENTS Q CALCULATIONS 1 INLET ANALYSIS 2 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS PLAN SHEETS PROFILE SHEETS 5 HYDROLOGY MANUAL FIGURES DRAINAGE BASIN MAP BACKUP CALCULATIONS GENERAL DATA: BEST ORIGINAL HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 ^REA NUMBER 1 MREA. ACRES 0 0 0.86 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0,90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped SOTAL AREA, ACRES W^EIGHTED C VALUE Ifor'cOWC TIME Tc. min 10 YEAR. Pt 400 YEAR. Pt mummamNsiTY 0.86 0,55 20.0 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches l=7.44*P6'TC^(-0.645) MmmiFmmuR INTENSITY 1.94 inches/hour 2,91 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 0.92 ff^/s 1.38 ft^/s GENERAL DATA: HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 2 AREA. ACRES 0.98 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped AREA, ACRES WmHTED C VALUE :ONCTIMETe.mln iRAtNFALL INTENSITY 0.98 0,90 12.0 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches |=7,44*P6*TC^(-0,645) 2,70 inches/hour 4.04 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 2.38 eis 3.57 ft^/s GENERAL DATA: mMmmmeeR HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 3 AREA. ACRES 1.10 0 0 0 WNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION aved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped AREA. ACRES WmHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tt. min P WmmALL INTENSITY 1,10 0,90 12.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches I |=7,44*P6'TC^<-0.645)" 2.70 inches/hour 4.04 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 2.67 ft^/s 4.00 ft'/s GENERAL DATA: HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 4 AREA, ACRES 0 0 0,27 0 HUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0,50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped WQTAL AREA, ACRES [WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME T^.mm IQ YEAR. Pa 100 YEAR. Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.27 0,55 20.0 1.8 2,7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches l=7.44'P6*TC^(-0.645) 10 YEAR. 6 HOUR INTENSITY 1.94 inches/hour 2.91 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION ^mmAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.29 ft^/s 1 iHfte^M PtAK i« jChA-A^t 0.44 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 5 AREA. ACRES 0,30 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0,50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm,/resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tr. mm 10 YEAR, Pt 100 YEAR. Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.30 0,90 8.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches l=7.44'P6'TC^(-0.645) 3.50 inches/hour Mm^Ammmmmmmsmm 5.25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION '$(^mmMmmmRGE 0.96 ft^/S 1 1.44 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 6 AREA. ACRES 0,33 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES [WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Te. mm .Pt .Pi 0,33 0.90 fi.O 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches I |=7.44'P6'TC^(-0.645) mim^m>fmNTENsiTY 3,50 inches/hour ^imfEAjmBl^MlNTENSifY 5,25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 1.04 eis 1.56 n% GENERAL DATA: |liMiUVi>i.<' HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 7 AREA, ACRES 0.08 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident, cuVfill slopes undeveloped mTAL AREA, ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tc. mm 10 YEAR. Pt 100 YEAR. Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0,08 0.90 5.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches I l=7.44*P6'TC^-0.645) 10 YEAR, 6 HOUR INTENSITY 4.74 inches/hour 7.11 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 10 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.34 n% 1 100 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.51 ft^/s GENERAL DATA: HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 8 AREA, ACRES 0 0 1.06 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0,50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOTCONC TIME T^. min 10 YEAR, Pt MNmmmjmsiTY 1.06 0.55 30.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches |=7,44*P6'TC'^(-0.645) W^M&NTENSITY 1,49 inches/hour iiHimARmmmiNTENSITY 2.24 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION iilMiiiiiiiiiiRGE | 0.37 eis iiiMwiiiiiiliipRGE 1.31 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: • \msmmmmif HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 9 AREA, ACRES 1,43 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0,90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tc. min 10 YEAR, Pt 100 YEAR. Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 1.43 0 90 14.0 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches l=7.44'P6'TC^(-0.645) inches/hour 3.66 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 3.14 n'ls 1 4.71 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: 10 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 10 AREA, ACRES 1.09 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTtON paved areas comm,/resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tr. mm 10 YEAR. Pt 100 YEAR, Pt WAINFALL INTENSITY 1 09 0.90 14.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches l=7.44*P6'TC^(-0,645) 2.44 inches/hour 3.66 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 2.39 ft'ls 1 100 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 3.59 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: 11 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 11 AREA. ACRES 0 2.22 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm,/resident cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES [WEmHTED C VALUE TIME Tc. mm mMEAR, Pt .P, mmrAU INTENSITY 2.22 0.85 30.0 1.8 2,7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches I |=7.44*P6'TC'^(-0.645) mmmmmmmmmmMY 1.49 inches/hour 2.24 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 10 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 2.82 ft^/s 100 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 4.23 n% GENERAL DATA: 12 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 12 ARrA ACRES 0,71 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES 0.71 WEIGHTED C VALUE \ 0.90 TOT CONC TIME T^, mm \ 10.0 Determined from mmAR. Pt 1,8 inches 4QimmAR. Pt 1 2.7 inches mmmmmmTY \ I=7.44*P6"TC'^(-O,645) mmAf^mmmNTENsiTY i 3,03 inches/hour mmmim»(M-i INTENSITY \ 4.55 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION i(MiAR PEAK DISCHARGE 1.94 n% 1 I^EAR PEAK DISCHARGE 2.91 eis 1 GENERAL DATA: 13 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 13 AREA, ACRES 0,26 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tc. mm 10 YEAR. Pt 100 YEAR, Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.26 0.90 10.0 1.8 2,7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches I=7.44*P6*TC^(-0.645) 3.03 inches/hour 4.55 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION liiiiliiilliMiffGE 0.71 ft^/s 1.06 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: 14 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 14 AREA. ACRES 0.53 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tr. min 10 YEAR. Pa \ 100 YEAR, Pa \ RAINFALL INTENSITY 0,53 0.90 8.0 1,8 2,7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches |=7,44"P6'TC''(-0.645) 3,50 inches/hour 5.25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION WmCHARGE 1.67 ft^/s 1 2.51 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: 15 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 15 AREA, ACRES 0.08 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES IWEIGHTED C VALUE 10 YEAR. Pa 100 YEAR, Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.08 0.90 llOrCOWC TIME Tc. min 5.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches ] l=7.44'P6'TC^(-Q.645) 10 YEAR. 6 HOUR INTENSITY T 4,74 inches/hour 7.11 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 10 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.34 ft^/s 100 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.51 ft^/s 1 GENERAL DATA: 16 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 iREA NUMBER 16 AREA. ACRES 0.09 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped f OTAL AREA, ACRES mEIGHTED C VALUE TOTCONC TIME Tc. mm 10 YEAR. Pa 100 YEAR, Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.09 0.90 5.0 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches I l=7.44'P6'TC^(-0,645r 4.74 inches/hour Mil 7.11 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 0.38 ft^/s ^^mmi^^mtARGE 0.58 ft^/s GENERAL DATA: 17 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 ^EA NUMBER 17 AREA. ACRES 0 0 0 0.14 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm,/resident cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES [WEIGHTED C VALUE tOT CONC TIME Te, min YEAR. Pt YEAR, Pt 0,14 0.50 5.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches II l=7.44'P6'TC^(-0.645) inches/hour 7.11 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION to YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.33 ft'/s mo YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.50 ft^/s GENERAL DATA: 18 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 18 AREA. ACRES 0 0 0.57 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0,85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident, cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Te.min m YEAR. P. WO YEAR. Pt mAINFALL INTENSITY 0.57 0.55 20.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 & 3-6 inches inches l=7,44*P6*TC^(-0.645) 10 YEAR, 6 HOUR INTENSITY 1.94 inches/hour mmmimmmmmmmm 2.91 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION m 0.61 ft'/s iMmi^msmmmGE 0.91 ffis GENERAL DATA: 19 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 19 AREA. ACRES 0.78 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident, cuf/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA, ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Te. min 10 YEAR. Pt jPgjrjaR Pj INTENSITY m 0,78 0.90 8.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches |=7.44"P6*TC''(-0.645) 3,50 inches/hour 5,25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 10 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 2.46 ft^/s 1 100 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 3.69 eis 1 GENERAL DATA: 20 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 20 AREA. ACRES 0.24 0 0 0 WUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped TOTAL AREA. ACRES WEIGHTED C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tc. min 10 YEAR. Pa 100 YEAR. Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.24 0.90 to.o 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches |=7.44'P6'TC^(-0.645) inches/hour mmmmmmmmNmm 4.55 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION mmR PEAK DISCHARGE 0.66 ft^/s 0.98 eis 1 GENERAL DATA: 21 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 mEA NUMBER 21 AREA. ACRES 0,37 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0,55 0,50 DESCRIPTION paved areas comm./resident, cut/fill slopes undeveloped WS^AL AREA, ACRES CVALUE TIME Tc. mm mm§m p- TY m 0,37 0.90 8.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches l=7.44*P6'TC'^(-0.645) 3.50 inches/hour imm&'^mm INTENSITY 5.25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION 110 YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 1.17 eis mo YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE 1.75 eis 1 GENERAL DATA: 22 HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS: 1 2 3 4 AREA NUMBER 22 mPEA, ACRES 0.59 0 0 0 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 0.85 0.55 0.50 Om^lPTION paved areas comm./resident. cut/fill slopes undeveloped A."! h'» C VALUE TOT CONC TIME Tc. min \lOYEAR.Pt 100 YEAR, Pt RAINFALL INTENSITY 0.59 0.90 8.0 1.8 2.7 Determined from Figure 3-5 inches inches l=7.44"P6-TC''{-0.645) 10 YEAR, 6 HOUR INTENSITY 3.50 inches/hour 5.25 inches/hour RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATION liiiiiEiiiic mmmtGE i.ae eis momms^miiRim 2.79 ft^/s 1 Worksheet for Inlet 01 Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Input Data Discharge: 4.95 ft'/s Slope: 0.01000 ft/ft Gutter Widtti: 1.33 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.04 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.012 Curb Opening Length: 10.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 1,33 ft Results Efficiency: 95.87 % Intercepted Flow: 4.75 ft^s Bypass Flow: 0.20 ft'/s Spread: 8.01 ft Depth: 0.36 ft Flow Area: 1.18 ft' Gutter Depression: 0.08 ft Total Depression: 0.41 ft Velocity: 4.21 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0,17203 ft/ft Length Factor: 0,83 Total Interception Length: 12,05 ft Notes EXISTING INLET Worksheet for Inlet 02 Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Input Data Discharge: 5.56 ftVs Gutter Width: 1.33 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.04 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 8.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Inclined Local Depression: 4,00 in Local Depression Width: 1.33 ft Throat Incline Angle: 56.00 degrees Results Spread: 10.81 fl Depth: 0,46 ft Gutter Depression: 0,08 ft Total Depression: 0,41 ft Notes CURB INLET-TYPE B L=9' Worksheet for Inlet 03 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes EXISTING INLET Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 1,88 0.00420 1.33 0,09 0.02 0.012 9.00 4.00 1.33 100.00 1.88 0,00 9.05 0.28 0.88 0.10 0.43 2.13 0.16649 1.43 6.31 ftVs ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ftVs ft'/s ft ft ft^ ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 04 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes CURB INLET-TYPE B-1 L=6' Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 0.51 0.00420 1.17 0.01 0.01 0.012 5.00 4,00 1,33 99.11 0.51 0,00 9.12 0.09 0,42 0.00 0.33 1.23 0.08682 0.93 5,39 ft7s ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ft^/s ft=/s ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 05 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope. Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor; Total Interception Length: Notes EXISTING INLET Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 6.02 0,01500 1.33 0.09 0.02 0.012 13.00 4.00 I. 33 92,87 5.59 0 43 II. 28 0.32 1.34 0.10 0.43 4,50 0,13759 0.77 16.89 ftVs ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ftVs ft=/s ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 06 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes CURB INLET - TYPE J MEDIAN L=9' Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 3.59 0.01200 1.17 0.02 0.02 0,012 8.00 4.00 0.30 100.00 3.59 0.00 10.10 0.20 1.02 0.00 0.33 3.52 0,33098 1.07 7.51 ftVs ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ftVs ftVs ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 07 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area. Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes CURB INLET-TYPE B-1 L=6' Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 0.58 0,01000 1.17 0.11 0.01 0.012 5.00 4.00 1.17 100.00 0.58 0.00 9.48 0.17 0.31 0.12 0.45 1.89 0.25111 1.28 3.90 ftVs ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ft^/s ft^/s ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 08 Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Input Data Discharge: 6.35 ftVs Gutter Width: 1.33 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 14.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Inclined Local Depression: 4,00 in Local Depression Width: 1,33 ft Throat Incline Angle: 56,00 degrees Results Spread: 15,25 ft Depth: 0.40 ft Gutter Depression: 0.10 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Notes CURB INLET-TYPE A-2 L=15' Worksheet for Inlet 09 Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Input Data Discharge: 3.77 fiVs Gutter Width: 1,33 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 14.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Inclined Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 1.33 ft Throat Incline Angle: 56.00 degrees Results Spread: 10.77 ft Depth: 0.31 ft Gutter Depression: 0.10 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Notes CURB INLET-TYPE A-2 L=15' Worksheet for Inlet 10 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes CURB INLET-TYPE B-1 L=6' Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 0.51 0.05000 1.17 0.11 0.03 0.012 5.00 4.00 1,17 100.00 0.51 0.00 1,70 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.43 5.44 0.38862 1.08 4.61 ft'/s ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ftVs nvs ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 11 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread; Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes CURB INLET-TYPE B-1 L=12' Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 5.29 0.01200 I. 33 0.09 0.02 0,012 II. 00 4.00 I, 33 91,02 4.81 0.48 II. 20 0.32 1.32 0.10 0.43 4.01 0.13847 0.74 14.91 ft=/s ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % nvs ftVs ft ft ft^ ft ft ft/s ft/ft Worksheet for Inlet 12 Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Input Data Discharge: 2,91 ft^/s Slope: 0.00800 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.33 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.012 Curb Opening Length: 12.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 1.33 ft Results Efficiency: 100.00 % Intercepted Flow: 2.91 ft'/s Bypass Flow: 0,00 ft^/s Spread: 9.50 ft Depth: 0.29 ft Flow Area: 0.97 ft^ Gutter Depression: 0.10 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 3.01 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.15968 ft/ft Length Factor: 1.27 Total Interception Length: 9.43 ft Notes EXISTING INLET Worksheet for Inlet 13 Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread; Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Notes EXISTING INLET Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 2.51 0.00800 1.33 0.09 0.02 0.012 5.00 4.00 1.33 79.27 1.99 0.52 8.92 0.28 0.86 0.10 0.43 2.91 0.16851 0.58 8.58 ft7s ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft % ftVs ftVs ft ft ft' ft ft ft/s ft/ft Scenario: Base P-9 J-2 INLET 1 (EXIST) m X Ui H PIPE COLLAR 3 p-9 EXIST JUNCTION CO • ti. • INLETS (EXIST) INLE T - •y CO Q. / JUNCTION 1 INLET 2 P-7 JUNCTION 2 CO CL I ; PIPE COLLAR 2 cv CL j PIPE COLLAR 1 OUTLET Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021 -00\calcs\drainage\system 1 .stm 12/07/04 01:38:23 PM Boyle Engineering Corporation Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 ki Profile Scenario: Base \ ii ki n n y CO *- O)*: CO O^.^ CO m^o^l ""r W CO LU :o^ 71.00 ft ^8 inch Prtn (-oncrete S= 0.020,4 7 fvft I- oqtio CM CO TSiCD Z CM C\l CJ 55 > > EI O ?! C\l "N CO ^ w O c c cn CL -T . . ^ p ^t5>>>>£§ I I '^8.00, ^ ^ II ° °-^ae.., - -.00 „ 0+00 1-1-00 2-t-OO 3+00 Station (ft) 4+00 25.80 ft 5+00 P-2 42 inch Concrete @ S = 0.029845 ft/ft 52.00 ft 135.00 130.00 125.00 120.00 Elevation (ft) 115.00 110.00 105.00 6+00 P-1 42 inch Concrete @ S = 0.029808 ft/ft Li Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021-00\calcs\drainage\system l.stm 12/08/04 09:22:07 AM Boyle Engineering Corporation © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury. CT 06708 USA -1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 Profile Scenario: Base i i I li f u I ti Li I- or liJ O c\J o CM ^iS>>.iD •!-< _t M— 4— H— ^ M— CO N 4^ ^ OJ CM O ^ O d d d ^ d CO CC < O CvJ (N CO CVJ H + CO CM o + .. 5: iS > > .i D Q-CO^^CC CO CO ^ DiS>>>>.iD -DCo££££a:co Cl £ CM DC CM CO H'*" 1- CO O ^ T CM CO 4- LO CC un^n+ito H "^d"^ oo —' LOZ_ 1- • — 30.00 ft 41.00 ft P-5 (EXIST) 30 inch Concrete @ S = 0.033333 ft/ft 135.00 ot; o 130.00 ^qo9 ^ o>oo> LU + . .. 125.00 DiS >.l I OCO£DCCO 120.00 Elevation (ft) 115.00 110.00 0+00 1+00 25.80 ft Station (ft) P-2 42 inch Concrete @ S = 0.029845 ft/ft 105.00 2+00 P-1 52.00 ft 42 inch Concrete @ S = 0.029808 ft/ft Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o0l\omwdwp\02l-00\calcs\drainage\system l.stm 12/08/04 09:23:57 AM Boyle Engineering Corporation © Haestad Methods. Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 K3 Scenario: Base Pipe Report Label Upstream Dow/nstream Total Upstream Downstream Length ^onstructet Section Mannings Full Velocity Hydraulic Hydraulic Description Node Node System Invert Invert (ft) Slope Size n Capacity Out Grade Grade Description Flow Elevation Elevation (ftm) (cfs) (ft/s) Line In Line Out (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) P-1 PIPE COLLAR 1 OUTLET 72.01 110.55 109.00 52.00 0.029808 42 inch 0.013 173.69 13.92 113.21 110.85 P-10 INLET 4 INLET 3 (EXIST) 0.34 130.93 129.50 71.00 0.020141 18 inch 0.013 14.91 0.19 131.15 130.95 P-9 (EXIST) INLET 3 (EXIST) EXIST JUNCTION 17.52 129.50 124.00 129.00 0.042636 18 inch 0.013 21.69 9.91 130.95 125.51 P-8 EXIST JUNCTION JUNCTION 2 17.52 124.00 122.33 59.00 0.028305 24 inch 0.013 38.06 10.99 125.51 123.34 P-7 JUNCTION 2 JUNCTION 1 17.52 122.16 120.24 164.00 0.011707 24 inch 0.013 24.48 5.58 123.67 122.70 P-6 INLET 2 JUNCTION 1 3.71 130.45 130.27 13.00 0.013846 18 inch 0.013 12.36 5.58 131.19 130.87 P-9 J-2 INLET 1 (EXIST) 0.00 0.00 0.00 319.00 0.000000 12 inch 0.010 0.00 0.00 124.31 124.31 P-5 (EXIST) INLET 1 (EXIST) PIPE COLLAR 3 50.78 122.00 121.00 30.00 0.033333 30 inch 0.013 74.88 10.59 124.31 123.36 P-4 PIPE COLLARS JUNCTION 1 50.78 121.00 120.46 41.00 0.013171 30 inch 0.013 47.07 10.72 123.36 122.77 P-3 JUNCTION 1 PIPE COLLAR 2 72.01 120.04 111.32 48.50 0.179794 42 inch 0.013 426.58 24.49 122.70 112.53 P-2 PIPE COLLAR 2 PIPE COLLAR 1 72.01 111.32 110.55 25.80 0.029845 42 inch 0.013 173.80 12.60 113.98 112.56 Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021-00\calcs\drainage\system l.stm 12/08/04 09:32:34 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. Boyle Engirteering Corporation 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base INLET 7 INLET 6 FJ -p CP PIPE COLLAR 2 INLET 10 ^'5 PIPE COLLAR 1 JUNCTION 2 OD m CO o P-5 JUNCTION 1 9- INLET 11 -0 INLET 12 (EXIST) P-2 (EXIST) I J INLET 13 (EXIST) CO ^ ijj JUNCTION (EXIST) T'rtle: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021-00\calcs\drainagQ\system 2.stm Boyle En(^neering Corporation 12/08/04 04:24:16 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 : EXIST OUTLET Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 n Profile Scenario: Base n I n I Profile: PROFILE 2 Scenario: Base •s .ooro7Ti ftm •°-°'»49Sft/ft B-l (EXIST) 147 ea (t 30 Inen COncn OS . o.ooeaza H/K 11S 00 ElBvatcin (II) Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021 -00\calcs\drainage\system 3.stm 12/07/04 02:28:36 PM Boyle Engineering Corporation ' Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5,5003] Page 1 of 1 Profile Scenario: Base n I Profile: PROFILE 1 Scenario: Base 1 p-6 (EXIST) 2-8 .8 ft ,8,^^ Q,^^ ®S - 0.010771 (Vft f^(EXIS71 t^ncrBTa S •=0.016495 ft/fl P-1 (EXIST) 7-00 " ^ Cl,r,c™,e « S = • 006028 H/rr LJ Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021-00\calcs\drainage\system 3.stm 12/07/04 02:28:49 PM Boyle Engineering Corporation Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1 -203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 li ii fti ft^i ^ M m § II iftiitJftilkiiJftiiitiiiii Profile Scenario: Base £ I Profile: PROFILE ^ Scenario: Base ^ UJ a, o a>«> c < 60.70 fl ia Inch concren ' s = 0.004613 nm (exrsT> C...r„ ®s = 0.016495 wn p-1 (EXIST) 147.64 It 30 inch ConcfolB @ s = 0.006028 rtm 11 0 00 Elevaliiin (fl) 10S.OO 4-00 Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01\omwdwp\021-Q0\calcs\drainage\system 3.stm Boyle Engineering Corporation 12/07/04 02:45:37 PM © Haestad Methods. Inc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA M-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 fti fti ftl ki ft.J fti II ii ft J ft J Wk $ Scenario: Base ft i ft i I I I I I i Pipe Report Label Upstream Downstream Total Jpstreanr )ownstreanr Length ;;onstructe( Section Mannings Full Velocity Hydraulic Hydraulic description Node Node System Invert Invert (ft) Slope Size n Capacity Out Grade Grade description Flow Elevation Elevation (ftm) (cfs) (ft/s) Line In Line Out (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) P-2 (EXIST) INLET 12 (EXIST) JUNCTION (EXIST) 1.94 108.30 107.39 67.26 0.013530 24 inch 0.013 26.31 2.63 108.78 107.96 P-3 (EXIST) INLET 13 (EXIST) JUNCTION (EXIST) 1.67 108.22 107.89 41.01 0.008047 24 inch 0.013 20.29 3.90 108.67 108.28 P-5 INLET 11 JUNCTION 1 3.53 109.93 109.65 60.70 0.004613 18 inch 0.013 7.13 2.83 110.72 110.65 P-11 INLET 6 PIPE COLLAR 2 2.39 120.13 117.17 106.63 0.027760 18 inch 0.013 17.50 6.93 120.71 117.54 P-10 PIPE COLLAR 2 JUNCTION 2 2.39 117.17 114.82 78.74 0.029845 18 inch 0.013 18.15 1.40 117.75 116.20 P-9 JUNCTION 2 INLET 10 2.39 114.82 114.17 68.90 0.009434 18 inch 0.013 10.20 1.72 115.40 115.27 P-8 INLET 7 INLET 10 0.38 117.36 114.33 188.00 0.016117 18 inch 0.013 13.33 0.33 117.59 115.27 P-7 INLET 10 PIPE COLLAR 1 3.11 114.00 112.00 9.84 0,203200 18 inch 0.013 47.35 11.59 114.67 112.31 P-6 (EXIST) PIPE COLLAR 1 JUNCTION 1 3.11 112.00 109.65 218.18 0.010771 18 inch 0.013 10.90 2.49 112.67 110.65 P-4 (EXIST) JUNCTION 1 JUNCTION (EXIST) 6.64 109.65 106.89 167,32 0.016495 18 inch 0.013 13.49 4.92 110.65 107.96 P-1 (EXIST) JUNCTION (EXIST) EXIST OUTLET 10.25 106.89 106.00 147.64 0.006028 30 inch 0.013 31.84 5.78 107.96 -106.98 Title: Olivenhain Road Widening h:\o01 \omwdwp\021 -00\ca[cs\drainage\system 3.stm 12/07/04 02:46:31 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. Boyle Engineering Corporation 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Ryan Chance StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] Page 1 of 1 n +4% +2% 0 ONLLSIX -2% -4% 131.51' 150.00' 100.00' |R!GHUPP_0F CUR_e SUPER ELEVATION DIAGRAM (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) -137- -133- -0.42g -137- TC RT -133- * 9 C/1 UJ ^5 ^6 PROniE HORIZ; VERT: SCALES 1" ' «' 1" - 4" 5iS 5dg GUTTER TRANSITION +4% +2% 0 -2% -4% -137- -133- -137- TC RT -133- ^9 4'0 o CENTERIINE DATA NO. A OR BEARING RADftJS LENGTH REMARKS 1 -633.83' - ----- LOS PINOS CIRCLE • CURB DATA 33+00 NO. A OH BEARING RADIUS LENGTH REMARKS 33+00 1 N 87-29'55" E -330.81' 6" rrPE "G" C & G ' 33+00 ----- ' If CROSS SLOPE OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD IS GREATER THAN O.OS SLOPE OF GUTTER TO HATCH CROSS SLOPE OF OLIVENHAIN RQAD. [SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITION) cnaniBBfiina com^onnnon 7807 CONVOY COURT, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 921 1 1 (858)268-8080 owe H\O01\orr™a.B\O21-00\Ci.d\Pkins6t\sH 04 - ol.n rd p S: pdug JSER rchancf U'lt Dfc 09. 2004 424pm XREFS boslroad OlivFnhapn Rood SE OLVN Pralhlra Curt S: CL OLVN Prof^lfs Curb k CL 100.00' -(•4% +2X 0 -2% 50,00' SIGHT TOP OF gjRB +2 0% AXIS OF ROTATION - { OUVENHAIN ROAD SUPER ELEVATION DIAGRAM (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) 150.00' VC +4% -1-2% 0 -2X -4% -128- -124- -130- TC RT -126- O CENTERIINE DATA NO. A OR BEARWG RADIUS LENGTH REMARKS 1 N B7-29'55" E -79.45' -2 A = 41 Woe' 1200.00" 860,49' ------ • CURB DATA NO. on BEARING RADIUS LENGTH REMARKS 1 N a7'29"55" E -482' 6" TffE 'G" C * G • 2 A = 33'46'23" 1246.00' 734.45' 6' TYPE "G" C S G • 3 A " 04'37'55" 1480.00' ii9.es 6" TYPE "G" C i G • ---- IF CROSS SLOPE OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD IS GREATER THAN 0.0% SLOPE OF GUTTER TO MATCH CROSS SLOPE OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD. (SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITION). SHEET c CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WIDENING OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD & RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD STA 40+10.06 lo 49+50.00 DRAWING NO. 399-1 0"t H\001\om.d.p\02l-00\CoA''lanttl\!hl 05 - olv" rd D k Bdw9 UHR rchwice .."IE- DK oa. 3004 1005am IR£fs baslrood OlKwhain Rood SE OLVN Profiltj Cu'b Si CL OLW Profiles Curb 4 CL I 0"G h'001\omw0.p\()2l-DO\:od\fl'Jn5H\shl 06 - ol.ii rd p i pd"9 JSER rcdancr UA.t utt 06 . 200* lO.OSam XREFS bcslrcwd Olrvenhm^ Rood SE OLVN Profites Curb i CL OLWI Prolilea Curb i CL 1- rx ro 03 -124-S ) ? 2d in -122-^ .53+ LEV: in -120— -124- -122- -120- O CENTERIINE DATA NO. A OR BEARING RADIUS LENGTH REMARKS 1 A= 04'27"09" 300.00' 23.31' -2 N 5r36'52" W -23.61' -3 A= 29'50'5E'' 675.00' 375.26' -4 N 19'4*'35" W -313-82' • CURB DATA NO. A OR GEARING RADIUS LENGTH REMARKS 1 A = 96n9'05" 45.00' 75 65' 6" TVPE -G" C 4 G 2 A = 2O-20'28-641.00" 227,57' 6' TYPE -G" C & G 3 N 19-44'35" W -52.74' 6" TYPE 'G" C A G 4 A= 107-14'28" 35.00' 65.51 • 6" TYPE "G" C 4 G 5 4 = 72-45'32" 35.00' 4445' 6- TYPE "G" C 4 G 6 N 19'09'25- W -52.24' 6' TYPE "G" C & G 7 A = 02-24'3r 800.00' 33.63' 6" TYPE "G" C 4 G S N 21-33'56- W -219.32' 6' TYPE 'G" C ft G 9 N 22'42'5r W -72.70' 6" TYPE 'G' C 4 G 10 A = 61'05'59'' 203.00' 216.48 6" TYPE 'G' C 4 G 11 a = IITB'IS" 667.00' 128.69' MOO MEDIAN CUR8 W/GUTTER 12 A •= 83*30'30-25.00' 36.44' MOO MEDIAN CURS W/GUTTER 13 A = 32'49'53-221.00' 126.64' MEDIAN CURB U A = N22'42'51-yK -62.58' MEDIAN CURB 15 A= 168-3B'43' 25.00' 36.44' MEDIAN CURB 16 i= 151'43'55" 4.00' 10.54' MEDIAN CURS enainfmntnc conpomnTion 7807 CONVOY COURT, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92m (858)268-8080 owe. H.\OOl\on-,.d»p\Oil-DO\CaA''lonsel\iril 07 - rsf f<) p i p d.q USER rchonce DAiE DEC 08 . 20C4 lO.Oflom XBEFS boslfood RSf Profilf! Curb H CL Smjlli RSf Profiles Curb i CL Soulh RSF Prorilfs C:jlb 1 CL South OLVN Curli Relum Profile! RSF Profiles Curb Rtlum Soulti RSF Profiles Curb Relurr Soutti OLVN Curb Rdurn Profiles i J fl i. i n I ii STA 40+62 STA 54+75 STA 54+80 7807 CONVOY COURT. SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO. CA 921 11 (858)268-8080 DM. H:\00l\(m-dwp\02l-00\CQd\Plonstt\5lil 11 - Mp-d-g USER- ^dooliltle OflTE' Dec 10, 2004 e ISom fflEFS: bordw prof bo-derjogo Oromogs Profiles PROFILE SCAIXS HORIZ: r = 20' VERT: r = 4' "AS BUILT" EWGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL SHEET 14 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WIDENING OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD & RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD APPROVED- LLO-Tt) B. HUBBS PE' 238S9 EXP 12/31/05 CITY ENGINEER DATE DWJ BY: M'^R CHKD BY: - RVWD Br- ^ PROJECT NO. 3860 DRAWNG NO. 399-1 -125- -120- hl15- -125--125- -120- -115- -110- -115- -110- STA 11+60 7807 CONVOY COURT, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 921 1 1 (858)268-8080 -125- -120- EXISTING 18" RCP -110- STA 15+75 ^ ^ ^"^ *\«>'W.d.p\02l-00\Cod\Plr.hset\shl 15 - sapd-9 USER wtfoolltlle ""It Uec 10. 3004 a49om IREFS. boidfr prof borderjogo Droinoge Profiles PROFILE SCALES HORIl r - 20' VCTT: r = 4' 'AS BUILT' DlTE INITIAL ErraHEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL SHEET 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WIDENING OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD & RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD APPROVED. LLOrO B. HUBeS PE 23S89 EXP: 12/31/05 CITY ENGINEER DATE Dm BY: CHKD BT. RVWD BY PRO^CT NO. 3860 DRAMNG NO 399-1 i I 11 ai fcj fci fti II II I iiaiiitiiiiiiisii 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 1 Minutes Duration 3 4 5 6 Hours Directions for Application: (1) Fnam precipitation maps detemnine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are included in the County Hydrology Manual {10,50, and 100 yr maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). (2) Adjust 6 hr precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation (not applicaple to Desert). (3) Plot 6 hr precipitation on the right side of the chart. (4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. (5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. year 'P 24 %(2) in. Application Form: (a) Selected frequency (b) PQ = in., P24 = (c) Adjusted Pg^^) = (d) tjj = min. (e) I = in./hr. Note: This chart replaces the Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves used since 1965. P6 1 1^ 2 2.5 3 3^ 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Duration 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2.63 3.95 SJZT 6.59 7.90 9.22 10.54 11.86 13.17 14.40 15-81 7 2.12 3.1B 4.24 5.30 6.36 7.42 8.48 9.54 10.60 11.66 12.72 10 1.S8 2.53 3.37 4.21 5.06 6.90 6.74 7.58 8.42 9.27 10.11 15 1.30 1.95 2.50 3.24 3.89 4.54 5.19 5.84 6.49 7.13 7.78 20 1.08 1.62 2.15 2.69 a23 3.77 4.31 4.85 5.39 5.93 6.46 25 0.93 1.40 1.87 2.33 2.80 3.27 a73 4.20 4.67 5.13 5.60 30 0.83 1.24 1.66 2.07 Z49 ^90 a32 3.73 4.1s 4.56 4.98 40 0.S9 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.07 ^41 2.76 3.10 145 3.79 4.13 60 0.60 0.90 1.19 1.49 1.79 Z09 2.M, 2.69 2.98 3.28 3.58 60 0.63 0.80 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.12 2.39 2.65 2.92 3.18 90 0.41 0.61 0.82 1.02 1.23 1.43 1.63 1.84 2.04 2.25 2.45 120 0.34 0.61 0.68 0.65 1.02 1.19 1.36 1.53 1.70 1.87 2.04 150 osa 0.44 0.59 0.73 0.88 1.03 1.18 1.32 1.47 1.62 1.76 IM 0.26 0.39 0.52 0.65 0.78 0.91 1.04 1.18 1.31 1.44 1.67 240 0.22 0^ 0.43 0.54 a65 0.76 0.87 0.98 1.08 1.19 1.30 300 0.19 0.28 0.38 0,47 0.56 a66 0.75 0.65 0.94 1.03 1.13 360 0.17 0.2s 0.33 0.42 0.50 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.92 1.00 F 1 G U R E intensity-Duration Design Chart-Template HazMat/County Hydrogeology Manual/lnt_Dur Design Chart.FH8 EXAMPLE: Given: Watercourse Distance (D) ~ 250 Feet Slope (s) = 0.5% Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.70 Overland Flow Time (T) = 14.3 Minutes ^ SOURCE: Airport Drainage, Federal Aviation Administration, 1965 J 1.8(1.1-C)VD' FIGURE Rational Formula - Overland Time of Flow Nomograph HazMat/County Hydrogsology Manual/Overland Flow.FH8 l-< 1.5'— I = .015 2% Concrete Gutter RESIDENTIAL STREET ONE SIDE ONLY 5 6 7 8 g 10 Discharge (C.F.S.) EXAMPLE: Given: Q = ID S = 2.S% Chart gives: Depth = 0.4, Velocity = 4.4 f.p.s. SOURCE: San Diego County Department of Special District Services Design Manual 40 50 FIGURE Gutter and Roadway Discharge - Velocity Chart HazMat/County Hydrogeology Manual/Gutter Discharge.Velocity.FHS II fti i ft I I t I I I I I I I I ] I j I I i i t i >^ i 32*30' 32''3ff County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials 100 Year RainfaU Event -• 6 Hours Isopluvial (inches) DPW ^GIS SanGIS N Havvj San Diu^ti OivtrtJ! Oft Aivm. HcuoHa BUT w wiED TO, it« ins wfmw OF iHcriMnwjrr «A Fn>iGU F« PMncuun pijivcvE 3 0 3 Miles II II ftl ftl ftl I i I I I f I J I I i I i I I i i 33'15^ 33'Off 32''45 32°30' County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isoplitvials 10 Year RainfaU Event - 6 Hours Isof^uvial (inches) DPW cT^^TO ^GIS SanGIS Wu H:i\v .San Dit^i C^jvcroll CmrHVfq Infill WrU N inauivismcMDeiwrmoarwjunAMrraf jwiTiwaErrHeitEXFit^ 3 0 3 Miles 8 sntsineeninG conponfirion (PFN). Job No. fiyj^e Da/fi'^V^y CM By. .Date. 1/ A/ E i p IPE \M EF Z r R If P Si -r z. 0 7. —. / TT T 1.1 IS fl J. < ?E P '.IT r -/./ ft ) -7. 0 7 • r> K -A -\% -s ? )7 f+ 1 \ a u 3. >) i 0:3 \— • V / —^ ' 1—^ r Q ^• c fs L // JL e PI/ = f /( SL £ — z .0 % J /• ) = Ti r i. -— It ' -i ? 1 Tfl 2 ) --L /. 71 A / - R -n rt /-' 6 ri — 1 7 P /) • \ 7 .1 ) 0. Ti )• J. 0 1 r V t KOi z i IS ' c -Pi n D n D I I i.. c I D L 11 D D B I LIME X ^cf-