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0940-70; ; Station Redesign -Santa Fe Reservoir; 1979-04-06
ROCKWELL ELECTRIC, INC, (619) 471-1590 SANTA FE RESERVOIR PRESSURE SUSTAINING VAULT ELECTRICAL MATERIALS SUBMITTAL Prime Contractor: Weardco Construction Corp. P.O. Box 1809 Vista, CA 92083 SUBMITTAL NO. 3? 810 LOS VALLECITOS BLVD., SUITE L, SAN MARCOS. CA 92069 SANTA FE II RESERVOIR COSTA REAL MW V^LARDCO JOB 326 LICENSE NO. 383851 C-10. SC-61 SANTA FE II RESERVOIR PRESSURE SUSTAINING VAULT ELECTRICAL MATERIALS SUBMITTAL QTY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER USE PAGES As Req Rigid Steel Conduit Steelduct Exposed Locations 1-3 4-9* As Req PVC Conduit & Fittings Carlon Underground (Concrete Encased) 10-16 As Req Liquid Tight Flexible Conduit Alflex Ultratite Connections to Equipment 17-19 As Req Liquid Tight Conduit Fittings Appleton Connections to Equipment 20-21 As Req Cast Metal Boxes (Cast Iron) Appleton Exposed Locations 22-24 As Req Conduit Fittings Appleton Exposed Locations 25-29 As Req Wire, THHN/THWN Carol All Areas 30-31 1 Ea GFI Receptacle Hubbell Per Plans 32 1 Ea Toggle Switch Hubbell Per Plans 33 As Req Wedge Anchors Redhead Equipment Mounting 34-35 As Req Fiberglass Enclosure Hoffman J-Box 36 1 Ea Time Clock Tork Exhaust Fan 37-38 2 Ea Light Fixture Appleton Vault Lighting 39 VGAT1075G * These pages not included RIGID CONDUIT btt'elduLl fiot dip ^jIvdiii^Mig offers lhe protuction ol .j unitonnly lieavy codliny of ^mc oti botti the inside and outside sutfare^ of the conduit. Tht^ costing will not chip or flakt under the n.ubt bevere bending; coiv ditioni,. Each length of hot dipped conduit is conducted through a bath of molten zinc where it remains for a carefully controlled period of time. The excess zinc Is then removed by blov^ing with super heated sle;jm. The conduit is then threaded and the threads are jialvanized witti a measured uniform coating of zmc- This sequence of uperationb produces conduit with threads which have never been snbiected Io pickhn^j (sul- phuric acid cleaning bath), hence full, bharp threads as required by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.. specifi- cation UL 6, Paragrctph 36, which we quote: "If threads are cut before the pickling operation of the cleaning process, they are quite hkely to be eaten away by the acid so that very httle metal remams, especially at the top of the threads. This condition in tmibhed conduit is to be guarded against and calls for careful inspection and sorting by ttie manufacturer of the tube previous to pickling, also uiter pickling and before the coating is applied; and when found IS to be corrected by recultmg ttie threads, or the tube is to be rejected for conduit purposes." Our galvanized threads and improved thread protectors assure fast smooth coupling run-up and lower in- st<-jflation costs. Steelduct Black Enameled Conduit is coated inside and outside with a tougti, elastic, baked- on enamel that will withstand severe bonding. J Steelduct threads are clean and full cut, galvanized after thread cutting to comply completely with all U.L thread specifications HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED CONDUIT BLACK ENAMELED CONDUIT •irii[L[D)y(gir RIGID STEEL CONDUIT Sizes and Weights Conduit is furnished in 10>fool lengtfis overall, fhreoded on both endj, and with o coupling on one end. All rigid conduit is known and recognized by its nominal inside diameter. Conduit ' Couplings Nam. Sue Per C Fr 79 DIAMlTEKS 105 133 l'/4 l'/2 2 2'/2 201 249 334 327 690 Eiternal Inches .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.873 Inttrnol InChLi Woll Thickneti 3.500 j 3'/i 831 I 982 4.000 4.500 . 1 344 i I 177Q 3,363 6.625 .622 .109 T • " ,824 .113 1.049 .1 J3 1,380 .140 r 1.610 .143 2.067 • .134 4 — T 2.469 . .203 1 3.068 ' .216 1 ! 3.548 i .226 t • ~ """ i 4.026 i .237 , 5.047 i 1 .258 r 6.065 t ' .280 •rilhoul coupling (fe«t JL inchei)! 11 1 1'4 11 1 1 1 I n 10'. J lO'.i lO'i lO'i Standard 90 Elbows Wtnghr I We.ghf Per 100 i Per 100 in Iti. in Ibi, 1 2 17 30 37 52 BB 1 68 283 340 380 75 111 195 320 423 671 1194 J807 2853 3373 10 10 750 975 7388 12287 Inchei 7.230 a.2 50 9.500 10.500 13.000 1 3.000 16.000 24,000 30.000 Oltie. 4.000 ' 7.312 4.500 8.312 5,750 9,375 12.000 1 2,625 15.000 17,625 21.875 24.625 27,437 37,782 45.813 *U.t. Minimum Weights iiriiiLpytgTr RIGID STEEL CONDUIT standard Radius Elbows 1 \ DIAMEIEftS RADII Inchei OFFitT tnchet Nominal Oultide VA I I'/4 I 1/3 2 2V2 3 3'/i .840 1.050 1.313 t I Nominal > i Intide I A Oio. C : •- j TangenI ! 90 F I tibo-i ' Inches ' ' \ ! ,622 I 3.58 , 4,000 ' 4.42 | 6.472 .824 I 3.98 j 4.300 j 5.03 ; I 1.049 ' 5.09 ' 5.750 ! 6.4 1 j 7.262 f 6.892 • 7.312 2.906 longenij 45 J Wl, Per WI, Per j Elbowv i 100 90 100 4 3 : 4.000 EI60H1 Elbo< 75 04 7.787 I 8.312 ! 3.281 4.250 111 94 8.060 • 8.718 ' 9.375 | 2,968 ! ; — - j : r- -'r 1.660 i 1.380' 6.42 7.23C | 8,08 i J0,340 | 11,170 : 1 2.000 3.031 [ ' !• 1 ' 4.000 I 195 166 3.623 I 320 272 1,900 1.610 : 7.30 8,250 9.20 ^ 10,725 | H .675 12.625 ; 3.437^ 4.000: 423 360 I ' I I I I • ! I i • 2.375 ! 2.067 ! 8.31 9,500 , 10.69 i I 2.625 M 3.81 3 | I 5.000 4.312! 5.0t)0 1 671 570 t ! • - I - . I 2.875 • 2.469 ; 9.06 10,500 1 1.94 I 14.750 i 16.187 ' 17.623 1 5.687 i - H - i - - ; ; I 3.500 i ~r ) j 4.000 3.068 I n.25 i 13.000 ; 14.75 | 18.375 | 20.125 | 21.875 \ 7.125 6.0U0 1,194 1,015 7.1 25 I 1.807 1,536 3.548 ; 13.00 '' 13.000 17.00 | 20.625 i 22.625 i 24.625 ' 7.625 ! 7.750 I 2,853 2,425 t-— - j 4.300 I 4.026 ! 13.75 • 16.000 j 18.25 | 22.937 j 25.187 27.437 i 9.187 j 5.363 : 5.047 ! 21.22 -. 24.000 ' 26.78 ; 32.219 6.625 I 6.065 ' 26.69 I 30.000 t 33.31 I i . i 39.188 35.000 37.782 ' 1 1.000 42.500 45.813 j 12.500 8.750 I 3,373 2,867 ; 1 1.000 7,300 6,280 , 1 2.500 ji 1,500 10,444 ' i. . _.. i CARLON PV DUIT RIGID PLASTIC CONDUIT Cdrlon PV-OUIT (Polyviiiyl Chlunde, C-2000 Coinpuund) ts designed tor applications where oihur metalhc condutls hjve prf^vtoutly bttifn used. Refer to Article 347-National Electrical Code lor specific use inlormalion, 11 IS manufiictured in three types TYPE 40, Hedvy W<il' ^ot underground und exposed use m dccordance wuh Article 34? o( ihe National Electrical Code; TVPE A. Thin Wall, lor underground use vwhere encased m concrete, and TYPE BO Extra Heavy Wall. Primary usage (o( CAHLON PV-DUIT. rtgtd pidstic conduit ii underground, in tne slab, encased and exposed applications. Carlon PV-DUlT rigid plastic conduit is manulaciured to NEMA TC-2 specifications, WC-}094 specificsiions. Federal specificaiions and cariius appropriate UL lisitngs. Carlon PV-OUIT, rigid plastic conduit is corrosion resistant; lightwveigtit: provides watertight joints; hat ttigh impact strengtft; installs easily and has a permanent Gray color. CARLON PV-DUIT RIGID PLASTIC CONDUIT FEATURES... EASY INSTALLATION - From 1/4 to 1/5 the weight of other conduits, greater amounts of PV DUIT can be unloaded, moved and handled ir> fewer work hours. U is easily fabrtcaied on the job, thanks to easy cutting, solvent vweld fittings and bending. LEAKPROOF JOINTS - The conduit is installed with fast, leakproof, clean, moiiture proof permanent solvent cement joints. No threading required. CORROSION PROOF - Corrosion is non-exisient in PV-OUfT, and it IS not dflected by concrete additives. Reagents nol affecting PV-DUIT are listed in part on bock ot this brochure. NON-IU1AGNETIC - A non-magneiic conduit reduces voltage diop and reduces powet loss. FIRE RESISTANT - PV DUIT is a seM-exlinguishmg thermopiasdC. and Will not support combustion, EASIER WIRE PULLING - Because of the smooth interior walls ot PV-DUlT, wire pulling is tar easier. PERMANENT EXTERIOR COLOR - PVDUIT will not stain, discolor, or wear off. Its soft gray finish is attractive and permanent. On exposed applications PV DUIT may be installed and forgotten, since PV-DUIT requires no maintenance or care. COSTS LESS - PV DUIT costs less than conventional conduit maieiials- SUNLIGHT RESISTANT - PV-OUIT is approved as sunlight resistant for outdoor exposed usage. Canlon An Indian Head Company PV-DUIT FITTINGS COUPLINGS Soekm type, Por loinifig PV DUI T. (2) PAHT PKG NO SIZE QTV E9400 100 E940E aa E940F I bO E940G r. 30 E940H r. 20 e940J 2 26 E940K 7\ 15 E940L 3 20 E940M 3:, 16 E940N 4 10 E940P 6 5 E940R 6 5 TERMINAL ADAPTERS For <.tJapmig PV DUIT lu tia>Ltii, tiiruaUed titiinyk, ntetallic tyilerrit. Male lfir«ttd& on one dnd. iockut end on otrmr. OUSTED ©LISTED f>ART f KG NO ii/E arc E943D uk) Ey4JE 11)0 E943F I ) 'JO E943G r. t 30 E94 3H r. ?ii EU43J T 30 e943K T', JO 694 31. 3 20 E943M 3;v 15 E943N 4 lb E943P 5 S E943R 6 5 FEMALE ADAPTERS For Adapting PV DUIT to tnreadHd firimgs. msiallic tysiami. Famala threads on one end,sockei end on other. PART PKG NO SIZE QTY E942D V, too E942E 75 ) 40 E942G tv. "25 E943H f) 20 £»42J 2 25 E942K '7V, 25 E942L 3 20 E942M 15 E942N 4 15 E942P 5 5 £94 2 R 6 5 BOX ADAPTERS Adaplt plastic conduit lo all «J«ciricaj L>D««» by imeriing adapter through knockout and cementing into PV OUIT couolings. X PART PKG NO SI^E QTY £&96D , 100 E996E y. 100 E996F I 100 E996G 25 E996H ~~iVT 25 E99&J 2 20 E996K 2^ 25 E996t 3 25 E996M 311 25 E996N 4 26 (JUSTED CAPS ANO PLUGS CAPS eveilable 'A" to 1 'A". PLUGS available PART PKG. NO SIZE QTY E95SO too E958E K 100 E958F 1 '5 E95SG IV. 50 E95BH 50 •P258J 2 75 •P25aL 3 25 •P258M 3Vi 25 •P25eN 4 25 •P258P 5 IS •P258R 6 15 BELL ENDS For lermineiion ol PV DUIT into a manhole. 2" to 6". PAHT PKG NO SIZE QTY. E997f t 25 E997G Vi. 7t E997H ^Vi 20 E997J 2 25 E997K 2W 10 E997L 3 30 E997M r~3% " 25 E997N 4 20 E997P 5 10 £997R 6 10 EXPANSION COUPLINGS Providat 6" of aHpantion and coniraction. In Wfarm vveaiher iniiall closed. In cold waaiher install open. PART PKG NO S12E OTY E94 5D 10 E945E 10 €94 5 F 1 10 6945G 10 E94SH r. 10 E945J 2 10 E945K 2-., 5 E94SL 3 5 E94SM 3V-5 E945N 4 5 E940P 5 6 r~E94bH ELBOWS ELBOWS Por UM mtth Pv DUIT tolveni w«ld filtmgt. Both ends plain. Special radiui elbows available on request. ty PART NO PART NO PARI NO 5i;e PKG giv E»0O E1600 imo 20 liioi iimi i'lvii 70 imf 1 20 iftec " EIUG 1'.. 20 iltOH £7U)Vl"' ?a " VMl" iibaj im} / E7nK £)«K" 8na\t "> i'ltOL £7601 [7«ai I Brull« i Vfm Brtdle "i um imf* ViOH i BfiHt i E'SOP tmp imp i 1 Size A B Mm c MIN UO 4- 1050 I'.';' IV r 1 m 5''^ IV 1', \m 2-' i7 Two' 1',.' r ; v> ' "Ph-r 2'/.. 2I7S 10",-r r' J MO I/" yy *o66' ii' i'.t i-* 500 JV '/ i%l " 24- " "(•• 3 v.- BEMDING EQUIPMENT: HOTBOX MODEL C BENDER FOR FIELD BENDING PLASTIC COr.: UlT THROUGH V/y IN DIAMETER M Fast heating, ruggedly constructed Model C OHLMI, easiest, lasiest muihod of producing lield tiend^ plastic conduits ol Vi" ihiough 1',' didinei ,PfOui£fci a iutUc^enl healed length to /oini up n, elbows as well as otfseis. kicks, si ubs. sadi,. concenirics. HOTBOX MODEL F BENDER FOR FIELD BENDING PLASTIC CONDUIT A OUCT THROUGH 6" IN DIAMETER Extra fast, larger, easily portable. Model F oil advanced features for field bending of all SI/L'^ plastic conduits and ducts... from VS" through diameters. Heats quickly <ind evenly conduit leng suflicieni to lorm 48" ladius. QO'^ elbows, Speci, designed cover and fieai flow systems provides sim method ol heating shorter lengths when requu Rubber tired wheels provide easy portability. Used in coniuncbon witfi Itie ifjermoiools bend plugs (instructions included with bender) Model F . be used to produce elbows, stubs, kicks, offsi saddles, blind bends, concentrics... as you need th in [he fieldf BEND GUIDE G 255S A VARIABLE JIG FOR FIELD BENDING PLASTIC CONDUITS Vi" THROUGH VP' Bend Guide makes possible accurate elbows, kicks, stubs and offsets in any segment from 0 to 90 degrees, and any radius trom 4" lo 12", Set clamp sections on straight stubs lor line ol conduit) and lock in position. Heat i,onduit and place in pre-set Bend Guide. 7: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: INSTALLING PV DUIT UNDER CHANGING TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS - it l^< I.T.P.I.ILJ •dttallation um it ihanutrig i.uiitianMv jnd ilia luni Vfacauiioni WioultJ b* Ukao lo allow lor aii(>an«ion and conliaclion ot Pv QUIT. Carlort manufacturat an "O" ring E XPANSION COUPLING inat Wiould b« inoallvd rMM tna and ct iha 'un 01 fiilur* to t»km up any aKpantion or contraction thai •nould ottut Thu chart indtCBlai what • upantiOn tan lm ••pactad Dl •diiout lampafatuia (aneai. Tha coMlliciarfl al linaar aiipantian ol PV DUIT it . -- . - s SPECIFICATIONS IINDUSTREX PLUS 40® RIGID NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (HeavyWall EPC) The most widely used rigid conduit in the United States, UL listed for use underground, encased in concrete or direct buried, and for use exposed or concealed In most conduit applications above ground. It is rated for use with 90" conductors and is sunlight resistant. See NEC Arti- cle 347 (and other sections) for aF)proved locations. Spe- cial compounds are used which reduce emission of smoke and HGL in fire situations, and impart better weathering characteristics. ©LISTED ON PUIS 40 RICID HON MEIAUIC GONDOIT Plus 40 Heavy Wall Norn, sue Catelog No. O.D. I.D. Wall Wl, Per 100 Ptn End Fl. Per Bundle V, 49005 840 622 109 17 100 'A 49007 1.050 .624 113 23 100 1 49006 1.315 1 049 133 34 100 IV. 49009 1 660 1 380 140 46 50 49010 1.900 1 610 145 55 50 2 49011 2 375 2 067 154 73 50 49012 2 875 2 469 203 120 10 3 49013 3 500 3 066 216 156 10 3V; 49014 4 000 3 548 226 188 10 4 49015 4.500 4 026 237 222 10 5 49016 5 563 5 047 258 301 10 6 49017 6 625 6 065 260 391 10 Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit is normally supplied in standard lengths ot 10 leel including one coupling (attached) or integrally lormed For specilic requirements it may be produced in lengths shorter or longer than 10 feet, with or without couplings INDUSTREX PLUS 80® RIGID NON-METALLIC EXTR>V HEAVY WALL CONDUIT (EPC-80) Industrex Plus 80® conduit is designed for above ground and underground applications where an extra heavy wall PVC conduit is needed. Frequently used where subject to severe physical abuse such as for pole risers, bridge crossings, and in heavy traffic areas. UL listed for use with 90 °C conductors and Is sunlight resistant. Typical Applications: i Stub-ups • Risers • Below 10 feet in warehouses • Plants • Around loading docks • High traffic areas • Where threaded connections are required. Plus eo Extra Heavy Wall Nom. Size Catalog No. O.D. ID. Wall Wl. Per 100' Pin End Fl. Per Bundle Vl 49405 840 546 ,147 21 100 49407 1 050 742 154 28 100 1 49408 1,315 .957 ,179 41 100 1'/. 49409 1 660 1.278 191 57 50 49410 1 900 1 500 200 69 50 2 49411 2 375 1 939 218 96 10 2% 49412 2 875 2 323 .276 143 10 3 49413 3 500 2 900 300 194 10 4 49415 4 500 3 826 337 284 10 5 49416 5 563 4813 375 394 ID Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit is normally supplied in standard lengths ol 10 leet including one coupling (attached). For specific requirements il may be produced in lengths shorter or longer than 10 feet, with or without couplings. INDUSTREX P&C* DUCT TYPE EB Manufactured from Industrex's exclusive high modulus C-250 Compound. Industrex Power & Communications Duct Type EB complies with UL651A, NEMA Standard TC-6 and TC-8 and ASTM Standard F-512 for Utilities Duct. It is intended for underground use encased in concrete, it is UL listed, and suitable for use with 90°C con- ductors. (©LISTED TC-6, EB-20/ASTM F512 Nom. Size Catalog No. Approx. Wl. Per 100 Feel O.D. MIn. Wall 2 48711 34 2 375 .060 3 48713 56 3 500 .061 4 48715 92 4 500 .082 5 48716 140 5 563 ,103 6 48717 199 6 625 125 TC-8, EB-35/ASTM F512 - Heavy Wall Nom. Size Catalog No. ApproK. Wl. Per 100 Feel O.D. MIn. Wall 2 58711 37 2 375 060 3 68713 68 3 500 ,076 4 66715 109 4500 100 5 68716 166 5 563 ,126 6 68717 235 6 625 152 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS TYPE A THIN WALL PV DUIT Conduit shall be Cdflon PV Duit, Tvpe A, UL Iisted for underyround encased use or dppiovetJ equdl. Conduit shdil be composed of Polyvinv' Chloride and shaH conform to NEMA standards. Conduit, fittings and cement shall be produced by ibe same manufaciuref, who must have had at least 5 years of expenence tn manufacturtnq the ptaducts. Material must have tensile strength of 7,000 PSI at 73.4°F, flexural strength of 11,000 PSI, and compressive strength of 8,600 PSI. All joints shall be solvent cemented in accordance with the recommenda- tions of the manufacturer. NOM. SIZE CATALOG NO OD, ID. WALL WT, PER 100' PLAIN END FEET PER BUNDLE 49105 ,840 720 ,060 1 I 100 49107 1 050 930 .060 13 100 1 • 49108 1315 1 195 ,060 17 100 49109 1 660 1 520 ,070 25 50 1'/.* 491 10 1,900 1,740 -080 32 50 2-491 11 2 375 2 175 .100 50 10 491 12 2,875 2.655 ,110 67 10 3' 491 13 3 500 3,250 125 90 10 4-491 IS 4,500 4.200 .150 1 46 10 TYPE 40 HEAVY WALL PV DUIT 90OCWtRE RATED Conduit shall be Carlon PV-Ouit. Type 40 90<^C UL rated or approved eqtjal. Conduit shall be composed ol Potyvii^yV Chloride and shalt conform to NEMA standards. It shall be UL listed in conformity with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code. Conduit, fittings and cement shall be produced by the same manufacturer, who must have had at least 5 years of experience in manufacturing the products. Material must have tensile strength ot 7.000 PSI at 73.4°F, flexural strength of 11.000 PSI, and compressive strength of 8,600 PSI. All ioints shall be solvent cemented in accordance with the recommenda- tions of the manufacturer. NOM. SIZE CATALOG NO, 0,D. ID, WALL WT. PER 100' PLAIN END FEET PER BUNDLE VA 49005 840 ,622 ,109 16 100 V,' 49007 1,050 ,824 ,113 22 100 1 • 49008 1.315 1,049 133 32 100 1 'i-49009 1,660 1.380 ,140 43 50 1 Vi • 49010 1 900 1,610 ,145 52 50 2-4901 1 2,375 2-067 .154 69 10 2vr - 49012 2.875 2.4b9 ,203 109 10 3-49013 3,500 3.068 .216 142 10 49014 4,000 3,548 226 170 10 4' 49015 4,500 4-026 .237 202 10 5-49016 5 563 5.047 .258 271 10 6-49017 6,625 6,065 ,280 350 10 TYPE 80 (OR SCHEDULE 80) EXTRA HEAVY WALL Schedule 80 PVC is designed for applications where an extra heavy wall PVC conduit is needed. Typical applications would include those subject to physical abuse such as pole risers, bridge crossings. Schedule 80 is manufactured from Carlon 2000 PVC Compound. Conforms to U.S. Commercial Standard PS 21-70 dimensions. NOM. SIZE CATALOG NO, 0.0. ID WALL WT. PER 100' PLAIN END FEET PER BUNDLE 49405 .840 ,546 ,147 21 100 - V7 49407 1 050 ,742 ,154 28 100 !• 49408 1-315 ,957 .179 41 100 I'A' 49409 1.660 1 278 .191 57 50 PA" 49410 1,900 1,500 .200 68 SO 2* 49411 2,375 1,939 .218 94 10 2W 4941 2 2,875 2,323 -276 142 10 3-49413 3 500 2-900 ,300 190 10 3'/i-49414 4 000 3 364 .318 232 10 4' 49415 4.500 3,826 ,337 278 10 5' 4941 6 5 563 4.813 ,375 385 10 6-49417 6,625 5,761 ,432 530 10 PROPERTIES OF RIGID NON-METALLIC CONDUIT w Thermal Mechanical ASTM Test Typical Values Coefficient of Thermal Expansion-inch/mch/°C 0696 5.13 X 10-5 Coelticient ol Thermal Ejipansion-inch/inch/°F, iPropedies@73 4'^) D696 2 89 X 10-5 Heal Distortion °F al264 PSI D648 162°F thermal Conductivity BTU (hrjfft.lCF./in) 1 3 Electrical ASTM Teat Typical Values Oielectrical Strength volts/mil D149 1100 Dielectric Constant 60 CPS ©30'C D150 400 Power Factpr 60 CPS @ 30" C DISC 1 93 ASTM Test Typical Values Specific Gravity D792 1,43 Tensile Strength (PSI) @73 4"? 0638 6,000 Izod Impact Ft Lbs /in, of notch D256 0.65-1,5 Flexural Strength (PSI) D650 12,500 Compressive Strength (PSI) D695 9,000 Hardness (Durometer D) D676 85 f Impedance Volts Lost Per Ampere Per 100 Feet 3ll 90% P.F. eo<Ki P.p. 10 900/u P.F. ao% p.p. Steel Conduit -0118 ,0123 ,0136 .0142 Plus 40 ,0105 0106 ,0121 ,0122 Using 250 MCM Cu conductor. Comparable values for other conductor sizes WIRE FILL CHARTS Tdble 3B. Maximum Number of Conductors In ^ Schedule 40 PVC Conduit I* (Based on Table 1, Chapter 9 of the N.E.C.) Maximum Number of Conductors In Schedule 80 PVC Conduit (lflcn«i| \ 2 2\1 3 4 4'/) 5 S TyptLatleis Cortductor Size AWG, MCH 14 13 24 39 69 94 154 TMWN 12 )• IS 29 51 70 114 164 TMWN 10 6 11 IS 32 44 73 104 160 8 3 5 9 16 22 36 51 71 106 136 TNWN 6 1 4 6 n 15 26 37 57 76 98 125 154 THHN 4 1 4 7 9 16 21 35 47 60 75 94 137 FEPll*thru2) 3 1 1 3 a 13 19 29 39 51 64 SO 116 f EPBOaifnuBi 2 -1 1 3 s 7 It 16 25 33 43 67 97 PFA|1«ir<ru4 Ol 1 ' ' 3 5 8 12 18 25 32 40 50 72 prAM|1*lhfu 4/01 0 1 1 3 4 7 10 15 2t 27 33 42 61 2 lUinru4 0| 00 1 1 3 6 8 13 17 22 28 35 51 XMHW (4 Ihru 000 1 1 1 3 5 7 It 14 18 23 29 42 SOOOMCMI OOOO t 1 1 2 4 6 9 12 15 19 24 35 250 I 1 1 3 4 7 to 12 16 20 26 300 1 I 1 3 4 6 e 11 13 17 24 350 1 I 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15 21 400 1 1 1 3 5 6 B 10 13 19 500 1 1 I 1 4 5 7 9 11 16 600 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 7 9 13 70(1 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 B 11 750 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 11 XHHW 6 1 60C 3 9 1 13 1 21 1 30 1 *T 3 63 Bl 5 102 7 l2o 9 las 13 TOO \ 1 \ 3 & e 7 M 750 1 1 t 2 3 4 6 7 10 For other types of wire, refer to the appropriate tables in Chapter 9 of the NEC. ictra. Hcw •A" 1-«%-IV I-»'^-J" 4" (- I 14 TMW 4 8 13 24 34 S7 82 128 I 14 THHN to 19 33 58 81 135 194 0 12 THW 3 e 11 20 2B 47 87 105 183 12 TMHN 8 14 24 43 60 100 144 0 10 THW 3 9 16 22 37 54 85 148 10 THHN S 9 15 27 38 64 92 143 a THW 1 2 4 8 11 19 28 44 77 121 a THHN 1 4 7 13 18 31 45 70 123 195 G THW t 1 3 6 8 14 20 32 56 88 G THHN 1 3 s 9 13 22 32 50 as 140 4 THW 0 1 2 4 6 ID 15 24 42 66 4 THHN 1 1 6 S 13 20 31 54 86 3 THW D 1 1 4 S 9 13 20 36 57 3 TMHN 1 1 2 5 7 11 IT 26 46 73 2 TMW 0 1 1 3 4 S 11 17 31 49 2 TMHM t 1 1 4 5 9 14 22 38 61 t TMW 0 1 1 1 3 5 8 13 22 35 t THHN 0 1 1 3 4 7 10 16 28 45 0 THW 0 1 1 2 4 7 11 19 30 0 TMHN 0 1 I 2 3 6 8 13 24 38 00 THW 0 1 1 1 4 6 9 16 26 00 TMHN 0 1 1 1 3 5 7 11 20 32 000 THW 0 0 1 1 1 3 S 8 14 22 000 THHN 0 0 1 1 2 4 G 9 16 26 OOOO THW 0 0 I 1 1 3 4 6 11 18 OOOO THHN 0 0 1 1 1 3 5 8 14 22 250 TMW 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 5 9 14 250 TMHN 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 6 11 IB 3W TMW 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 4 8 13 3W TMHN 0 0 0 1 1 t 3 5 9 15 350 THW 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 4 7 11 350 THHN 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 4 S 13 400 THW 0 0 0 0 1 \ 1 3 6 10 12 400 THHN 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 4 7 10 12 SOO TMW 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 5 B SOO THHN 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 6 10 MU TMW 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 t 4 7 MU TMHN 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 s B 700 TMW 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 8 700 THHN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 7 7S0 THW 0 D 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 5 7S0 THHN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 6 Canlon An Indian Head Company Three Commerce Park Square 23200 Chagrin Boulevard Cleveland. Ohio 44122 SNAP-LOC SPACERS SNAP-LOG SPACERS: SNAP-LOC Vertical and Hor- izontal Interlocking duct spacers designed specifically for use with plastic duct (or any duct with maximum 0.0. dimensions of NEMA TC-6). SNAP-LOC Spacers produce a low cost method of assur- ing consistent separation of plastic duel materiais lo ba encased in concrete. This high-impact styrena product developed by Carlon (patent applied lor) lor use wilh plastic duct offers both vertical and horizontal locking. Easy to use tapered join- ing slots — with maximum tolerances — allow easy job- site assembly. Carlon SNAP-LOC spacers have been proven In over three years of extensive duel installations, and, based on cuslomer demand, are now available in a lull range of sizes and separations. tn ,z ^> E O w > o m m O €L C o 3 i &) ^1 o 3 Vl 1 11 }{ii"' ABOVE THE DITCH ASSEMBLY t^^m^mm^m Duct banks assembled with Snap-Loc spat may be preassembled above the diich, then lowered m withoul breakage-, unless extreme torque is applied to Ihe duel bank The mosl practical method for assembling above Ihe dilch is lo build the duct bank assembly directly over the dilch, frequently supported. After Ihe duct bank is assembled, the entire unit may be lowered by pulling out supports one at a time. Another method is to assemble the duct bank in 20-foot units — then lower each unit m the ditch and join. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION (Duct) (Conduit) bank shall be encased in concrete with at least /ee inches of concrete at the top and bottom and two inches on each s>de, A horizontal and vertical separaiion between the ducts ol *. _ _ __ inches shall be maintained by installing Carlon high impact styrene spacers with horizontal and vertical locking at intervals ot * * . teet, 'Slananid Separations of 1". 2". 2"j" anfl 3" are avaiiabia lor moii duct diameiers "Pfttlerred inierval betweeri ^pacei assemblies is B to 10 feet DIMENSIONS: INTERMEDIATE SPACERS SIZE CAT. NO. a C 2x11,^ S289JH 3875 3 875 3x1 Va S289LH 5.000 5 000 3x2 S289LJ 5.500 5,500 4x1 VI S289NH 6 000 6000 4x2 S28gNJ 6 500 6.500 4x3 S289NL 7 500 7.500 5x1 V2 S289PH 7.060 7 060 5x2 S289PJ 7.560 7 560 5x3 S289PL 8 560 8 560 6x1'/2 S289RH B 664 8 664 BASE SPACERS SIZE CAT. NO. A C 2x1 V2 S288JH 4.212 3.875 3x1 Vi S288LH 4.800 5.000 3x2 S288LJ 4 800 5.500 4x1 Vz S288NH 5.300 6.000 4x2 S288NJ 5.300 6.500 4x3 S288NL 5.300 7.500 5x11/2 S288PH 5,830 7.060 5x2 S288PJ 5,830 7.560 5x3 Se88PL 5 830 8.560 6x1 Vj S288RH 6632 8.664 SIZES & PACKAGING: INTERMEDIATE SPACERS BASE SPACERS Conduit Size SEPARATION Conduit Size 1" w 2" 3" Conduit Size Part No. Pkg. Qty. Part No. Pkg. Qly. Pan No. Pkg. Qly. Part No. Pkg. Qty. 2" 3289JH 100 3" 5289LH 100 S289LJ 120 & 4" S289NF' 100 S289NH 110 S28gNJ 120 S289NL 100 5" S289PH too S289PJ 100 S2B9PL 110 6" S289RH 110 'Also availatil* 3-way ipacttf — S3e93NF SEPARATION Conduit Size 1" 2" 3" Conduit Size Pari No. Pkg. Qty. Part No. Pkg. Qty. Part No. Pkg. Qty. Part No. Pkg. Qty. 2" S288JH 100 3" S288LH 110 S288LJ 110 3V2 & 4" S288NF' 100 S288NH 100 S288NJ 100 S288NL 100 5" S288PH 100 S288PJ 100 S2B8PL 100 6" S2B8RH 120 'Also avaiiatiie a$ 3-way spacar — S2B83NF Carlon An Indian Head Company Three Commerce Park Square 23200 Chaqnn Boulevard CleveUnd Ohio 44122 Manutacluring Plants in: Aurora. Ohio: Clinlon, Iowa; Compton, Calilomia: High Springs. Florida: Miami, Florida, Nazareth. Penrisylvania: Oklahoma City. Oklahoma and Woodland, Calitornia. U STRATEGICALLY LOCATED WAREHOUSES Uitratite" From Aiflex '&A^^^, ALFLEX, the name which has become the industry standard in aluminum and steel flexible conduit, now supplies two types of liquid-tight flexible steel conduit with the same high quality of design and construction. Both types have a uniform squarelocked metal core with a uniform extruded cover for a tight .seal at the fittings. TYPE UL: with integral copper ground wire for use where UL Listing is required. TYPE EF; extra flexible for applications requiring movement, crossover connections, or tight bends. • With Ultratite, you need no special tools for cutting or bending. • Ultratite takes standard, liquid-tight fittings. • Ultratite has a clean, smooth metal interior for easy wire pulling, • Ultratite sizes are printed on the extruded cover and foot-marked to make measuring easier. Ultratite's quality is assured because Alflex controls the manufacharing process from raw materials to finished product to shipping and warehousing. Ultratite is inspected and tested eight times from beginning to end so that you know you can depend on it. Ultratite^ Type UL Uquid-Tight ® Type UL Ultratite provides the safest possible protection for extremely wet and oily locations. The tough Ultrabond anchored polyvinyl chloride extruded cover seals the spirally-wound, squarelocked flexible metal core. This effectively seals out liquids and gasses, including most acids and chemicals used in industry, resists flame, and cuts downtime due to wiring failure. Type UL Ultratite conforms to the provisions of Article 351 of the National Electrical Code under "Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit." Sizes \" through 1V4" have a contin- uous copper ground wire built into the core. Sizes 1V2" through 4" must be installed using a separate ground wire to conform with Article 351. Cafaiog Number Trade Size: Inches Coii tengr'^- Fee( Reei Lengths: Feet Approx. Weight Per 100 Ft. Jnjjde Diameter Min. Max. Outside Diameter Min. Max. Approx. inside Send Diameter 10038 v.-100' 600'-1200' 30 .484 .504 ,690 .710 6' 10050 100' 500'-1000' 35 .622 .642 ,820 .840 7" 10073 %-100' 500'-1000' 45 .820 ,840 1,030 1-050 10' 10100 I" 100' 400' 80 1.041 1,066 1,290 1.315 12" 10125 I VP 50' 250' UO 1.380 1,410 1.630 1.660 14" 10150 1 '/a " 50' 150' 135 1.575 1,600 1,865 1.900 11" 10200 2" 50' 100' 170 2.020 2.045 2,340 2,375 14" 10250 2Vi~ 25' 275' 220 2,480 2.505 2,840 2,875 19" 10300 3" 25-175' 280 3,070 3,100 3.460 3,500 23" 10400 4-25' 90' 425 4,000 4,040 4.460 4,500 28" Liquid Tight "ST" Flexible Metal Conduit Connectors§ CatilogNo. Sut SlO Pkg ST-as ^'i riex.hut) 100 ST-so too ST-75 50 ST-too 1 25 ST-12S 25 ST-150 1", 10 ST-200 2 5 ST-250 Vi 5 ST-300 3 5 ST-3S01 3'.j 5 ST-400t 4 5 ST-500i 5 1 ST-600t 6 1 45* Sieei iV—V Maiieahte cor I'V —a" 51-4538 tlex </] huD 50 ST-45S0 50 ST-4575 50 ST-45100 1 25 ST-4512S IV4 25 ST-45tS0 Vk 10 ST-45200 2 5 ST-4S250 5 ST-45300 3 1 ST-4S400^ 4 t 90' 90" ST-9038 (lex, V, hub SO ST-9050 '•1 50 ST-9075 ». 50 ST-90100 1 25 ST-9012S v.» 26 ST-90150 I'j 10 ST-90200 2 5 ST-90250 V'i ST-90300 3 1 ST-90400-4 1 Liquid Tight "STB" Insulated Straight Sieei +»'•—V Maiieaoie Hon r." —6" US Pal 2 782 060 Can Pat 507.070 2 687 757 700 255 SG'OLncJ'fig lugs available — iAva.lati'e w th PG inreaa reieno'aciofv'o.- r."foirTi3hon sric; r.r'CifiQ ST8-38 H flex. Vi hub too STB-50; Vj too STB-7St 50 STB-IOO4 1 25 STB-125; tv. 25 STB-150^ I'i 10 STB-200; 2 5 STB-250 2'i 5 STB-300 3 5 ST8-350T 3'.'i 5 STB-400: 4 5 STB-500^ 5 1 STB-600-6 \ Liquid Tight "STB" Insulated Flexible Metal Conduit ConnectorsiJ 45' St<] Ma'^eace itcn \''A — Cat)log No. PkQ 45" STB-4538 \ Wtx. Vl tiub 50 STB-4550 50 STB.457S 50 STB-4StOO 1 •25 STB-45125 IV, 25 — STB-45150 Vk 10 •4- STB-45200 2 5 ^ STB-452S0 2Vj 5 STB-45300 3 1 ',. STB-45400' 4 1 90' Sieei V —r Maiieab-c I'on 1W STB-9038 ST6-9050; STB-9075^ STB-90100: ST6-90125? STB-90150$ STB-9020<U STB-90250 STB-90300 STB-90400^ '.tlex, Vihub 50 50 5-4 50 1 25 IV, 25 1'^ 10 2 5 5 3 t 4 1 Liquidtlght "ST" With External Grounding Lugs§ Straight Sieei H ' —I" MaiieaD'C I'on ii.,'_6'' Sieei 1" Maiiea&ie I'on i'/.' — 4" ST-381 ^ tlex. hub 100 ST-50L 100 ST-75L 50 ST-100L 1 25 ST-125L 1V4 25 ST-150L vii 10 ST-200L 2 S ST-250L 2Vj 5 ST-300L 3 . 5 ST-350L 3V, 5 ST-400L 4 5 ST-500L 5 1 ST-«OOL 6 1 45" ST-4538L flex, ^ii hub 50 ST-45SCi. 'It 50 ST-4575L 50 ST-45100L 1 25 ST-4S125L IV, 25 ST-4S150L IVi 10 ST-45200L 2 5 ST-45250L 2% 5 ST-45300L 3 1 5T-45400L 4 90' ST-903SL ^ Ilex. V] huD SO ST-90S0L 50 ST-9075L *4 50 ST-90100L 1 25 ST-ft0125L IV4 25 ST-9015OL IVi 10 ST-90200L 2 5 ST-90250L 2'^ 5 ST-90300L 3 1 ST-90400L 4 1 Steel V—1" Uai^eacie if on — A" SGround'.ng tugs can be proviced with 'S7N."' "STL" ana Female ' ST " scnes. fele' ic lacis'y loi mtormaiion and pKcmg Liquid Tight "STB" Insulated Flexible Metal Conduit Connectors With External Grounding Lugs§ Straight SlO SieeiW'-i" MalieaDie iron 1V>' -6- Catalog No. Sue Pug STB-38L V, flex. Vl hub 100 STB-50L Vl" 100 STB-75L 50 STB-100L 1 25 STB-125L 1V4 25 STB-150L 1V1 10 STB-200L 2 STB-250t 2''i 5 STB-300L 3 5 STB-350L 3"i 5 ST B-4 oot. 4 5 STB-5001. 5 1 STB-6Q0U 6 1 45° STB-4538(.^/«fiex. Vi hub STB-4550L STB-4575L STB-45100L STB-45125L STB-45150L STB-4S200L STB-45250L STB-45300L 4" STB-4S400L 90" 1 IV4 IV) 2 2Vi 3 50 50 50 25 25 10 5 5 1 t Sieei H"—v MaiteaOie i(on IV4"—4" STB-9038L ^, (lex. V, hub 50 STB-905QL Vl 50 STB-9075L ^'4 50 STB-901 DOL 1 25 STB-9012SL IV4 25 STB-90150L IVi to STB-90200L 2 5 STB-90250L 2V2 5 STB-90300L 3 1 STB-90400L 4 1 Liquid Tight "STN" Insulated Straight Calilog No. Sizi Min. Min Max STN-38 ^ % j 'V,4 V,i *B V, too STN-SO Vl I 'V,, i "/B V,i ^ V* too STN-75 ^4 1*M IT'S ll'^a V,. v. 50 STN-100 1 V*hi 1 I'^K (1'*'H 'Al v. 25 STN-125 IV4 1 I'VK ll"/B V,. »*» %4 25 STN.150 Vlt I'Vi, 12'/H l2*ji Vw »r» •/», 10 lW.4 ( 2"6i Vl. 5 STN-200 2 lW.4 1 C 'tl 1 2"'B *B Vl. 5 STM-2S0 2'k 3VM 5 STN-300 3 3'VM »l» 5 STN-^OO 4 4»/M 4S 5 1701 W Wellington Ave. Chicago. Illinois 60657 Appleton Page 202 Ti V Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit Connectors and Hubs Metallic Connectors Held Tight For Over 4 Times The UL Pull-out Requirement! Seal Out Oil, Water, Dirt, Dust and Fumes in Applications For: • Food Processors • Beverage Plants • Chemical Plants • Dairies • Machine Shops • Plastic Fabricators • Petroleum Machinery • Gantry Cranes ...And Many Others Straight • ST" and • STB' Senes with new grounding ferrule, •STB series has insulated throat * ST and •STB' sizes to 6". 45" "ST" and "STB " Senes make some of the most difficult winng jobs easier Sizes 3/s'" to 4", 90" 'ST" and " STB " Series tor use where there isn t room to conned straight oft an encloser, which saves on conduit and con ductors. Sizes \' to 4" Space saving straight and 90" "STN " Series with an insulated throat wedge adapter designed to form a tight seal in itnockouts provides maximum wiring room. Straight •'STN" sizes from V Jo 4" and 90° "STN" sizes from V to 1". 90° ' STL' Pulling Elbows have one end for connecting liquidlight flexible conduit. The other end has a close, removable male nipple to make female. Sizes Vs". 3/4" and 1", Straight Female Steel "ST" Connectors with threaded hubs in sizes ^6" tol". 0 X STG Senes Liquidtight Neoprene Sealing Gaskets tor use where'ST ' fit- tings are terminated into J I.C, boxes or panelboards Sizes ^ip thru 6" fit all Appleton ST" series connectors. The unique Appleton ferrule, long the in- dustry leader, provides maximum surface contact for better sealing and grounding and m preventing sleeving. This exclusive ferrule design has now been modified even further by the addition of longer, more pronounced threads that provide over lour times UL pull-out requirements. Underwnters Laboratories list all Apple- ton ST, STB and STN senes connectors up to the 4" size. The 5" and 6" size connectors, though manufactured to the same rigid standards, cannot be listed as UL does not yet recognize or list larger size conduit. They are suitable for hazardous location use as covered by the National Electrical Code; Article 501-4 (b): Class I. Div II; Article 502-4 (a) 2: Class II, Div I and II; Article 503-3 (a): Class III, DIV 1 and II: Groups E. Fand G. Expanded Series Appleton's "ST" and " STB' Connectors now also available with an integral copper grounding lug to provide visible positive external ground. Straight connectors in sizes 3/8" to 6", and 45° and 90" connec- tors in sizes \" to 4". For use with liquidtight flexible metal con- duit where an external visible equipment bonding jumper is desired and permitted .^y the 1981 National Electrical Code Sec- tons 250-79{e). 501-16(b) and 502-16(b) (where external equipment bonding jumpers are permitted, they will be limited to lengths not exceeding 6 feet and will be routed parallel to the conduit enclosure). Bonded copper lugs are adequately sized to provide excellent grounding continuity and allow for visible ground path inspec- tion. The ground wire is easily installed using only an Allen head wrench. 1701 W. Wellington Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60657 on ELfCmtC C0MBU4V Liquidtight connectors with grounding lugs can also be provided with Appleton s "STN," "STL" and "Female ST ' Connec- tors (refer to factory). Installation Features of "ST", "STB", "STN" and "STL" Connectors and Hubs Flexible Liquidtight Metallic Conduit Connector Body B lit. A Ferrule Threaded Into CondLut Seating Gasket Neoprene sealing gasket eliminates common connection problems and as- sures a liquidtight installation. Seals against oil, water, dirt and chemicals. Using hacksaw, cut liquidtight, flexible conduit, (making certain that the neo- prene jacket and conduit are flush), place compression nut over conduit (A). Screw ferrule onto the spiralled steel inner wall of the liquidtight, flexible conduit (B). The firm grip of the ferrule threading against the inner conduit wall provides a continu- ous, permanent, positive metal to metal ground. Note also that there are no sharp edges to cause injury to wire during or after installation. Place the liquidtight, flex- ible conduit with the ferrule into connector body (C), tighten compression nut as far as it will go, so that it touches the connec- tor body stop (D). This will assure correct collanng ot the conduit in such a way that Page 200 B 4 FS and FD Cast Device Boxes: Malleable lron» Aluminum; Single Gang UNILETS* for Use wilh Threaded Rigid Metal Conduil and IMC FS Box 2 0(r Deep. FD Box 2 69" Deep Hub ^li* Matlaabt* Iron Alumtnum Typ» (Inchai) Ridg* Top Fl« Top 1 Snaiiox FS DDBD FD 1/2 3/4 1 1/2 3/4 I FS-1-50 FS-1-7S FS-l-lOO FD-1-50 FO-1-75 FO-MOO FS-1-50-A FS-1-75-A FS-1-100-A FSA D«efi FDA 1/2 FSA-1-50 3/4 FSA-1-75 1/2 FDA-1-50 3/4 FDA-t-75 Shallow FSC OMC FDC t/2 FSC-1-Sa 3/4 FSC-1-75 1 FSC-MOO t/2 FDC-1-50 3/4 FDC-1-75 1 FDC-1-100 FSC-1-50-A FSC-1-75-A FSC-1-100-A Shallow FSL Dtitfp FDL 1/2 FSL-1-50 3/4 FSL-1-75 V2 FDL-1-50 3/4 FOL-1-75 FSR Oe«p FDR 1/2 FSR-1-50 3/4 FSR-1-75 1/2 FDR-1-50 3/4 FDR-1-75 FS and FD Cast Device Boxes: Malleable Iron, Aluminum; Single Gang UNILETS* for Use wilh Threaded Rigid Meial Conduit and IMC FS Sox 2 00" Deep. FD Box 2 69" Deep. Hub SII* MillMbI* iron Aluminum IVP* (Incnai) Ridga Top Flat Top FSS FDS 1/2 FSS-1-50 3/4 FSS-1-75 FSS-1-50-A FSS-1-75-A 1/2 3/4 1 FOS-l-SO FDS-1-75 FDS-I-IOO Shallow FSLA 1/2 FSLA-1-50 3/4 FSL A-1-75 FDLA? 3/4 FDL A-1-75 FDL A-1-100 FSCA FSCA-1-50 3i4 FSCA-1-75 Otfep FDCA 3/^* FDCA-l-75 S^a*>« 1/2 FSCC-1-50 FSCC 3/** FSCC-1-75 D«=y 1/2 FDCC-1-50 FDCC 3/4 FDCC-l-75 t FDCC-1-100 pCpT '^2 FSCT-1-50 '^^^ " 3/4 FSCT-1-75 1 FSCT-1-100 Deep FDPT FDCT-1-50 ' 3/4 FDCT-1-75 I FDCT-t-100 FSCT-1-50-A FSCT-1-75-A FS and FO Cast Device Boxes: Malleable Iron, Aluminum; Single Gang UNILETS* for Use with Threaded Rigid Meial Conduit and IMC FS Box 2 00" Deep, FD Box 2.69' Deep Hub Slia Mallaabia Iron TVP» (Inctwa) Ridga Top Aluminum Flat Top SnjiiQMv FST 0«ap FDT 1/2 FST-1-50 3/4 FST-1-75 1/2 FDT-t-50 3/4 FDT-1-75 1 FDT-t-lOO cey 1/2 Fsx-(-50 ' 3/4 FSX-1-75 FDX 1/2 FDX-1-50 3/4 FDX-1-75 1 FDX-1-100 FSCD •''^ FSCD-l-50 3/4 FSCD-1-75 FS and FD Single Gang Box with Mounting Lugs Shallow FS Oe«p FD 1/2 FS-1-50L 3/4 FS-1-75L 1/2 3/4 FD-1-50L FD-1-75L SviaHow FSC Doep FDC 1/2 FSC-1-50L 3/4 FSC-1-75L 1/2 F0C-1-50L 3/4 FDC-1-75L Page 6 M) Appleton ^—PA I I ELECTRK: COMPANY 1701 W. Wellington Ave Chicago, Illinois 60657 FS and FD Cast Device Boxes: Three Gang; Malleable Iron. UNILETS' lof Use wilh Thr^ aaed Rigid Metal Conduit and IMC FS Box 2.00" D FD Box 2 69'Deep Typa Shallow 3/4 FS 1 • Hub Siia UallMbM Iron (Inchaa) Ridg* Top FS-3-75 FS-3-100 FD-3-75 FD-3-100 Srialiow FSS 3/4 FSS-3-75 Deap FDS 3/4 FDS-3-75 Deep FDD3/4-lt FDD-3-100 t Largest huD at bottom in illustraiion. *» co*w and Mvtea town •—32 nwaad. Stamped and Cast Covers for Three Gang FS and FD Device Boxes. Steel and Malleable Iron Covers (or Ridge Top Boxes Stamped Sl**l Covvrs Furnished with stainless steel screws, less gaslcel Catatoa Ntimbar SIMl T|rp* DMcrlpUon Rtdo^ Top For square handle tumbler or toggle flush switches FSK-3TS Blank FSK-3B Uallaabl* Iron Cast Cfivars— WaaUwrpfoof Furnished with gasket and stainless steel screws For external operation of lumliler or toggle switches with square handles FSK-3VTS Blank Cast FSK-3B-CM OaBlMt (R«plac«ni«nt) Neoprene—lor use with 3 gang cast covers above FS-GKR-3N FDB Cast Device Boxes: Single and Multiple Gang Blank Bodies for Drilling and Tapping. UNILETS' lof Use wtifi ThreadeO Rigid Metal ConOuii anO IMC Taxe Conduil Enirance Openings Irom i;?" ihru l-l;2' Type 2.69" D*ap, with Lugs Malleable Iron Ridge Top MallaaM* Iron Ridga Top SIngIs Qang Box Take all single gang covers. (Top. bottom and sides may be drilled and tapped) FDB-1L IWo Oang Box* Multipla Covar Take all single gang covers. (Top. bottom and sides may be drilled and tapped) FDB-2L Thraa Qang Box, Multipla Covar Take all single gang covers. (Top, bottom arvl sides may t>a drilled and tapped) FDB-3L TWa Qang Boxt SInglo Covor Take all two gang covers. May be drilled and tapped in back ol box (wall opposite cover) as well as top, bottom, and sides FDB-2GL FDB Cast Devic^tRTxes: Single and Multiple Gang Blank Bodies for Drilling and Tapping. UNILETS' lo( Use wiin Threaded Riqid Metal Conduit anc IMC Take Conduil Enirance Openings Irom 1/2" thru 112 Type 2.69' Dsop, with Lugs Malleable Iron Ridge Top Mallaabia Iron Ridga Top Thraa Oang Box, SIngIa Covar Take all three gang covers. May be drilled and tapped in back ol box (wall opposite cover) as well as top. bottom, and sides FDB-3GL FDH Cast Device Boxes: UNILETS* for Use with Threaded Rigid Metal Conduit anc IMC Take Hubs Irom 1/2" thru 1-1/2" (Union 1/2" thru i-t,4 SIngIa Qang Box Take single gartg covers FD-1L Two Qang Box, Multlpio Covor Take single gang covers FD-2L Thraa Oang Bax, Multipla Covar Take single gang covers FD-3L V) Faur Qang Box, MultipIo Covor Take single gang covers FCML •Wherx ordering drilled and tapped openings tor blank bodies, refer lo dimension and ordering information pages. 1701W Wellington Ave Chicago, Illinois 60657 Page 9 e FS and FD Cast Device Boxes: Single Gang and Tandem; Malleable Iron. UNILETS' lor Use with Threaded Rigid Meial Conduit and lUC FS Box 2 00 Deep FD Box 2 69' Deep Hub SIza Mallaabia lion Aluminum Typa (Inchaal Ridga Top Flat Top FS Single Gang Box with Double Opening Dapin 3.38" CC 1/2 FS-lD-50 3/4 FS-1D-75 Oapth 3.3a ^1: UHIUTS' I FSC FSC-1D-50 3/4 FSC-1D-75 FS Two Qang Tandem Box Tako slngls gang covsrs Sti allow FS ^'^ FS-2T-50 3/4 FS-2T-75 Shallow FSC 1/2 FSC-2T.50 3/4 FSC-2T-75 Oapih 1.00" r3 FS Extension FS-IEXT Stamped Covers for FS and FD Single Gang Device Boxes. Sleel Covers tor Ridge Top Boxes Aluminum Covers lor Fial Top Aluminum Boxes. Furnished with stainless sleel screws, less gasket Typa Daacrlpllon CalaloQ Numbar Slael ftidga Top For double pushbutton switches, momentary conl act, and maintain swilches FSK-1 PB For square handle tumtJler or toggle switches FSK-1 TS Aluminum Flat Top FSK-1 TS-A For square handle tumbler or toggle switches (with protecting guard) FSK-1 TSG For two or three interchangeable devices (with three-opening strap) FSK-lWD-3 For round flush receptacles, \ V without lilt cover Mounts on device. Hole Dia —1 -11'32" FSK-1 R-Q For round flush receptacles, with litt cover Mounts on device. Hole Dia. —i-ia'sr FSK-IR-T For rourx] receptacles Mounts directly on box Hole Dia —1-13/32" FSK-1 R-W For round receptacles Mounts directly on box Hole Dia —1-5/B.' 3-9/32" C to C screw holes FSK-1 R-X For round receptacles , Mounts on device Y Hole Dia —1-S.'8". ^ . 2-3/8' C to C screw holes FSK-1 R-Y For standard 2 or 3 wire duplex receptacles FSK-1 DR Aluminum Flal Top FSK-1 DR-A For pilot lamp, with ruby tewel. Ottier color jewels can be furnished il specified on order: amber, green and opal FSK-IJ Blank FSK-1 B Aluminui Flal Top FSK-1 B-A Cast Covers Tor i-S and FD Single Gang Device Boxes Malleable Iron Covers tor Ridge Top Boxes Aluminum Covers tor Flal Top Aluminum Boxes Furnished with stainless steel screws Typa Oaacrlption Calaloq Number Mallaable Iron RiQge Top Cast Cowors with Receptacle— Weatherproof. Furnished wilh spring cover, gaskel and stainless steel screws Hole Did 1-7/16" Third Pole Grounded 15A-125V 3W,2P @ 5-15R FSK-1VRG-23 20A-125V 3W,2P @ 5-20R FSK-lVRG-223 Cast Covers Only— Weatherproof. Furnished wilh gaskel and slainless sleel screws Receptacle cover wilh spring cover Hole Dca — l-7.'i6' FSK-1 VR Aluminum fUt Top FSK-1 VR-A For duplex flush receplacle with spring cover FSK-1 VDR Aluminum Flal Top FSK-1 VDR-A ^4 For pilot lamp flush receptacles, with ruby jewel. Other color lewels can be furmstied il specilied on orders: amber, green and opal FSK-IJ-C Start (Green) Slop (Red) Push buttons Takes Arrow 1615 —MA Alummu. Flal Top FSK-1 PB-A For double push button swilches FSK-1 PBS For external operation ot tumbler s\^^ switches with square handles •4t> FSK-1 VTS Operating type for square handle tumbler or toggle switches FSK-1 VS Aluminum Flat Top FSK-1 VS-A Rocker type lor square handle tumbler or toggle Hush swiicnes FSK-1 V Blank FSK-1 B-C Aluminum FUI Top FSK-1 B-CA Gaskets (Replacement) Neoprene—tor use wiih cast covers atxive FS-GKR-1N FS-GK-1N 1701 W Wellington Ave Chicago. Illinois 60657 Appletoii Page Unilet' Conduit Outlet Bodies: Form 35' and Mogul, Malleable Iron; Form 85, Aluminum. UNILETS* for Use with Threaded Rigid Metal Conduil and IMC. Back Style lor various Unllel conduit body si«es {Inches)* Unllel Body Flat Back Round Back Form 35 C.LB E LL,LR,T TB X 1/2 thru 2 1/2 Ihru t t/2 Ihru 2 1-1/4, '1-1/2 1/2 Ihru t 2-1/2 and up t-1 4 Ihru 2 2-1 2 and up t.2, 3/4, 1, 2 1-1/4 and up Form 85 C.LB.LL.LR.T 1/2 thnj 2 2-1/2 thru 4 TB t-t,4. 1-1/2 1,2. 3,4. 1, 2 E X 1/2 thru t *AII mogul Unilels are flat back design. All TA Unilels are round back design. Malleable Iron Size Form Type ilnchsi) 35 Q Patented Roller Feature — Mogul Aluminum Form as Listings in Bold Type 1-1/4'—4- U S P<a No 3.030.332 1/2 3/4 1 CSO-M C75-M ClOO-M MClOO-M C50-A C7S-A C100-A 1-1/4 2 C125-M C150-M C200-M MC12S-M MC150-M MC200-M C125-A C1S0-A C20&-A 2- 1/2 3 3- 1,2 4 C250.M C30O-M C350-M C400-M MC250-M MCOOO-M MC350-M MC400-M caso-A C300-A C350-A C400-A 1/2 a'4 1 E75-M E100-M E50-A E75-A E10O-A M/4 1-1/2 2 E125-M E1S(^M E200~M I R Patented Roller Feature- Ustings in Bokl Type 1-1/4''-4" U S P«t No 3 020 332 Mogul: 1"—4" 1/2 3.'4 1 LBSO-M LB7S-M LB100-M MLB100-M LB50-A LB75-A LB100-A 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 LBI2S-M LBtSO-U LB200-M MLB125-M MLBt50-M ML6200-M LB125-A LB1S0-A taaoo-A 2- 1/2 3 3- 1/2 4 LB3S0-M LB300-M LB350-M LB400-M MLB250-M MLB300-M MLB350-M MLa400-M LB250-A LB300.A LB350.A LB400-A 5 6 LB500-M LB600-M .1/2 3; 4 1 LLSO-M LL75.M LL100-M MLL100-M LL50-A LL75-A LLIOO-A 1-1 4 M.2 2 LLt25-M LLtSO-M LL200-M MLI.t25-M MLL150-M MLL200-M LL12S-A LLISO-A LL200-A 2- 1 2 3 3- 1:2 4 LL250-M LL300-M LL350-M LL40O-M MLL250-M MLL300-M MLL350-M MLL400-M LL25&-A LL30O-A LL350-A LL40(J-A Malleable Iron Aluminum Size Form Form (Inches) 35 Mogul 85 Mogul: r—4" LRL 1.1/4" —4" An Mogul; 1"—4" t i. TA - 1/? —1" MM" —2" 1/2 LR50-M LR50-A 3/4 1.R7S-M LR75-A 1 URIOO-M MLR100-M LRlOO-A 1-1/4 LRt2S-M MLR125-M LH125-A 1-1/2 Lni50-M MLR150-M LRISO-A 2 LH200-M MLR200-M LR200-A 2-1/2 LR250-M MLR250-M LR2&0-A 3 UR300-M MLR300-M LH300-A 3-1/2 LR3S0-M MLR350-M LR350-A 4 LRWM MLR400-M LR400-A 1/2 3'4 1 LRL50-M LRL75-M LRL10O-M 1-1,4 LRL125-M 11/2 LHL150-M 2 LRU(X>-M 1/2 TA50-M 3-4 TA75-M I TAtOO-M li2 TBSO-M 3,4 TB75-H 1 TBIOO-M 1-14 TB125-M 1-1/2 TB15&-M 2 TB200-M 1 2 X50-M 3/4 X75-M 1 XtOO-M 1-14 X125-M 1-12 XISO-M 2 X200~M LRL Unilels have a double opening with blank co^'er on one side 1/2 T50-M T5&-A 3.4 T75-M n5-A 1 T10O-M MT10O-M TIOO-A \-1J4 Tias-M MTt25-M TtZS-A 1-1/2 T150-M MT1S0-M T150-A 2 T200-M MT20&-M T200-A 2-1/2 T2S0-M MT2S0-M T250-A 3 T300-M MT30&M T300-A 3-1/2 T350-M MT350-M T350-A 4 T400-M MT400-M T40O-A TBSO-A TB75-A TB100-A TB125-A TB150-A TB200-A XSO-A X75-A X100-A Page 2 Appleton I I ELECTIK COUMNY 1 701 W Wellington Ave. Chicago, IthrxiLS 60657 CF-1 /CF-2 Manual Bending Hickeys for Rigid Metal Conduit and IMC "IM" Series Benders—With Degree Scale CaUlog Na. IM-50R IM-75R "IM" Series Bender—With "Power-Jack' Step and Degree Scale Std 10 10 tM-ioon — 1 IMC Series "Slubber" Hickeys HB-11 HB-12 HB-13 1 Standard Hickeys V2 ^4 Vi >/4 HB-7 HB-6 "Tiger-Grip" Hicksys B-5075 — — 10 B100 1 _ _ 10 High Strength Steel Handles-With Zip Guide BPH-75t 38" Long—I PS. Usewittt B-l, 8-2,8-9 8-5075*, HB-10. HB-11, IM50R BPH-100 44" Long—V* I PS. Use wilh B-3, B-5075t, BJ-5, HB-7, HB-12, IM-75R 8PH-125 54" Long—r/4" I PS. Use with B-lOO, ej-6, HB-13, 1M-100R 10 Threaded Rigid Conduit Hubs Straight Sm Catalog No. Sue Pkg HUB-$0 V2 100 HUB-75 ^4 100 HU8-100 I 50 HUa-12S 1V4 25 HUB-ISO Vh 10 HUB-200 2 5 HUB-2S0 2Vi 5 HUB-300 3 2 HUB-350 1 HUB-400 4 1 HUB soot 5 1 HUB soot 6 1 tNoi UL iisieo 90'-Mall6able Iron HUB-90 50 HU8-d0 75 HUB-90100 1 U 3 Pal '3 055,683 Can Pan'?08 255 Threaded Rigid Conduit Couplings and Connectors ly,".*,'—Steel ]".^_MaileaOle iron 90° Male to Female Gasketed Pulling Elbows— Watertight—Malleable 50 SO 25 EC-50 V2 100 EC-75 ^4 100 EC-100 1 25 EC-12S IV4 25 EC-ISO Vii 25 EC-200 2 25 EC-25Q Vk 10 EC-300 3 10 EC-350 5 EC-400 4 5 EC-500 5 2 EC-600 6 1 Pulling Elbows— e Iron FFL-5Q '/i 100 FFL.75 ^« 50 FFt-100 1 25 FFL-125 IV4 25 FFL-150 Vh 10 FFL-200 2 10 MFL-50 • 'h 100 MFL-75 ^4 50 MFL-100 1 25 MFL-125 IV4 25 MFL-150 Vh 10 MFL-200 2 to Threaded Rigid Conduit Couplings and Connectors Std. Catalog No. Sue pkg 90" Female PutDng Elbows—Malleable Iron PFFL-SO PFFL-75 PFFL-100 100 50 20 90° Female Elbowa LF90-50 LF90-75 '/2 ^4 90° Male to Female Long Bushed Elbows Malleable Iron LMFl.90-50 '/i LMFL90-75 ^4 LMFL90-100 1 LMFL90-125 IV4 LMFt90-150 1</2 LMFL90-200 2 90° Male to Female Short Bushed Elbow: Malleable Iron LMF90-50 LMF90-75 LMF90-100 ^4 100 100 100 25 25 20 10 10 100 100 100 90° Male to Female Short Box Connectors— Malleable Iron LMF90-50L 'h LMF90-75L ^4 50 50 Threaded Rigid Conduit Nipples and Enlargers Offset Nipples- Malleable Iron OFN-SO Vl 100 OFN-75 3/4 100 OFN-tOO 1 50 OFN-125 IV4 25 OFN-1S0 Vh 25 OFN-200 2 10 Male Enlargers ME50-75 ^4 Fix. Vj M 250 ME75-100 1 fix ^4 M 250 MElOO-125 Vhh>i.r M 100 Sieei irv'—I" UaUeaQl* Iron Bushed Nipples V-i" Pressure Cast IV4-—6" Malleable Iron CN-3e 100 CM-50 '/2 500 CN-75 ^4 500 CN-100 1 100 CN-125 IV4 200 CN-150 Vh 200 CN-200 2 100 CN-250 2% 25 CN-300 3 25 CN-350 3Vi 25 CN-400 4 5 CN-500 5 5 CN-600 6 5 Page 183 ^Appleton 1701 W WetHnglon Ave. Chicago, Illinois 50657 4 Threaded Rigid Conduit Nipples and Enlargers Catalog No. Size Bushed Nipples—Insulated V-T' Pressure Cast iv;'-6" Malleable iron Threaded Rigid Conduit Reducers Reducing Bushings Steel MaiieaOie I'or^ fiB2S0 150- RB-iOO 350 Reducing Bushings—Aluminum sia CN-SOl 'h 500 CN-751 J/4 500 CN-1001 1 100 CN-1251 IV4 200 CN-1S0I IV4 200 CN-2001 2 100 CN-2501 2'h 25 CN-3001 3 25 CN-3501 3'^i 25 CN-4001 4 5 CN-SOOl 5 5 CN-6001 6 5 RB 50-38 ''2-500 RB 75-50 3/4-'.'i 500 RB100-50 1 — V2 250 RB100-7S 1 — »/4 100 RBI 25-50 IV4-'I2 100 RBI 25-75 IV4->/4 100 RB125-100 IV4-1 100 RBI SO-SO Vk-SO RBI 50-75 Vh-^4 50 RBI 50-100 Vh-1 50 RB150-12S Vk—VU 100 R8200-S0 2 -SO RB200-75 2 -25 RB200-100 2 -1 25 RB200-125 2 -IV4 50 RB200-150 2 -50 RB250-150 2'h-1V2 25 RB250-200 Vh-2 25 R8300-150 3 -IV2 25 RB300-200 3 -2 25 R83OO-2S0 3 -2Vj 25 RB350-250 3Vj-2V, 25 RB350-300 3','2-3 25 RB400-250 4 -2V3 10 RB400-300 4 -3 10 RB400-350 4 -3^^ 10 RB75-50A '/4-V2 200 RB100-50A 1 — ''j 100 RBI00-75A 1 — '^4 100 RB125-50A IV4-Vl 100 nB125-75A IV4-»/4 100 RB12&-100A 1'/4-1 50 RBISO-dOA Vh-V2 50 RB150-75A Vh-50 RBI50-100A Vff~^ 50 RB150-t2SA Vh-IV4 50 RB200-50A 2 -'h 25 RB20O-75A 2 -^4 25 RB200-100A 2 -1 25 RB20O-125A 2 -l'/4 25 RB200-150A 2 -25 HB250-200A 2V,-2 25 RB300-200A 3 -2 25 RB300-250A 3 -Vh 25 RB350-300A 2'h-3 25 RB400-300A 4 -3 10 RB400-350A 4 -Vh 10 Threadless Rigid Conduit Connectors Catalog No. Compression Connectors Size V —Sieei iV—4" MaHeaCiie Compression Connectors—Insulated W 1"—1V," Steel & Maiieaoie RNTC-50 RMTC-75 RNTC-100 nNTC-125 RNTC-ISO RNTC-200 IV4 Vh 2 T Maneaote Compression Couplings V-V—Sieei f—i'i." Steel & MiKeaUie MTCC-50 NTCC-75 NTCC-IOOS NTCC-t2S NTCC-IM NTCC-2D0§ 'h '/4 2V—4" Maiiace 90' Compression Box Connectors NL90-50L NL90-75L Sta NTC-50 '1 200 NTC-75 ». 200 NTC-lOOi 1 25 NTC-12S l'/4 SO NTC-150 10 HTC-200i 2 -5 NTC-250 2'h 10 NTC-300 3 10 NTC-350 Vh 10 NTC-400 4 5 200 200 25 50 10 10 100 100 25 50 us Pat '2 667 757 S Ha.nC.)ice;ei T.gni Threadless Rigid Conduit Connectors Set Screw Connectors—Concrete Tight SNTC-50 "2 100 SNTC-7S "4 100 SNTC-100 1 50 SNTC-125 IV. 25 SNTC-150 Vh 25 SNTC-200 2 10 SNTC-250 2'h 10 SNTC-300 3 1 SNTC-350 Vh 1 SNTC-400 4 1 CF-2 Threaaiess Higid Conduit Couplings Catalog No. Sel Screw Connectors—Insulated- Concrete Tight—Steel Sue SRNTC-50 'h 10 SRNTC-7S 10 SRNTC-100 1 5 SRNTC-125 IV4 2 SRNTC-150 Vh 2 SRNTC-200 2 I SRNTC-250 2Vz !• SR NTC-300 3 SRNTC-350 Vh SRNTC-400 A —Concrele Tight— -Stet SNTCC-50 Vj 1D> SNTCC-75t J/4 lOi SNTCC-100 1 5i SNTCC-125 IV4 2- SNTCC-150 IVi 2- SNTCC-200 2 K SNTCC-250 2^/2 1( SNTCC-300 3 I SNTCC-350 3V2 SNTCC-400 4 Combination Armored Cable to Rigid Condui Couplings—Malleable ^ RCC38-50 RCC-SO RCC-75 RCC-100 1 V B X. 5 V2" Flen. 5 V Flex. 101 1" Flex. 2: RCC-12S IV4 IV4" Flex, 21 RCC-1S0 Vh IV Flex- 2.' RCC-200 2 2" Flex. 1( Rigid Conduit Locknuts "Tiger Grip" Locknuts BL38 2501 1V4 25 "Tiger Grip" Locknuts BL50 loot Vh 25 BL75 J/4 lOOC 2 10 BL100 1 50[ 2'^ 10 BL125 IV4 20c 3 10 BL150 IVj lOC Vh 5 BL200 2 lOC 4 5 BL250 2% 50 B1.300 3 50 BL350 20 BL400 4 20 V—2" Sieei BLSOO 5 10 'h 100 2V—€" Maiieaoie iron BL600 e ID Gasketed Sealing Locknuts—Steel BLSG50 BLSG75 ^4 BLSG100 1 BLSG125 IV4 BLSG150 Vh BLSG200 2 Grounding Locknuts—Malleable |ron 100c 1000 soc 20c 100 100 Non Locking Type GL-50 lOOC GL-75 J/4 SOC GL-100 1 SOC GL-125 1V4 SOC GL-150 IVj SOC GL-200 2 25C GL-250 2'h 100 GL-300 3 100 GL-350 3V, 50 GL-400 4 50 1701 W. Wellington Ave- Chicago. Illinois 60657 S)Appletori Page 184 CF-2/CH id •\,i m -h U 7i^\ yy '. p \P Rigid Conduit Bushings Calilog No. Bushings—Malleable Iron BUSO BU75 BU100 Size V2 J/4 Impact Resistant Plastic Bushlngi 105°C Temperature Rating Sid Pkg 1000 1000 500 BUI 25 IV4 200 BU1S0 Vh 200 BU200 2 100 BU250 Vh SO BU300 3 50 BU350 3'^ 20 BU400 4 20 BU500 5 10 BU600 6 10 ed—Malleable Iron BU50I '/2 1000 BU751 *4 1000 BUI 001 1 500 BU125 1 IV4 200 BU1S01 Vh 200 BU200I 2 100 BU2S0I Vk 50 BU300I 3 SQ BU350I 3V, 20 BU400I 4 20 BU500I S 10 BU600I 6 10 -Malleable Iron BUC50 •/j 1000 BUC7S ^4 1000 BUC100 1 500 BUC125 IV4 200 BUC150 Vh 100 BUC200 z too BUC250 Vh SO BUC300 3 25 BUC350 Vh 25 BUC400 4 20 BBU50 Va 400 BBU7S ^4 400 BBU100 1 200 BBU125 IV4 100 BBU150 Vh 100 BBU200 2 50 8BU250 Vh 20 BBU300 3 20 BBU350 Vh 10 BBIMOO 4 10 BBU500 5 2 BBUeoo 6 2 Self-extinguishing Thermoplastic Bushing— ISO'C Temperature Rating BBUSOH V2 400 BBU7SH *4 400 BBU100H. 1 " 200 BBU12SH IV. 100 BBU150H IV, 100 BBU200H 2 50 BBU250H Vh 20 BBU300H 3 20 BBU350H 3V2 10 8BU400H 4 10 BBU500H 5 2 BBU600H 6 2 Rigid Conduit Bushings std. Catalog Ho. Sue Pkg Threaded Grounding Bushings—insulated— with Solderless Lugs— Malleable Iron GI8-S0 V2 500 GIB-75 ^4 500 GlB-100 1 250 GlB-125 IV, 100 GIB-ISO 1V2 100 GIB-200 2 SO GIB-250 2V2 25 GlB-300 3 25 GIB-350 3V, 25 GIB-400 4 20 GIB-500 5 5 GIB-600 6 5 Set Screw Grounding Bushings—Insulated— with Solderless Lugs— Malleable Iron GIB-SOS 'h 500 GIB-75S 500 GIB-100S 1 250 I'l G1B-125S IV4 100 •i GIB-1S0S IV2 100 B GIB-200S 2 SO m G1B-250S 2V2 25 ^ GIB-300S 3 25 * GIB-350S 3V2 25 GiB-400S 4 20 GIB-500S 5 5 GIB-600S 6 S Cupped Reducing Washers—Steel RW75-50 ^4 to V2 1000 RW100-50 1 to Va 1000 RW100-75 1 to J^4 1000 RW12S-50 IV4I0 Va 500 RW125-75 lV4tO ^4 500 RW12S-100 1V4tO 1 1000 RW150-50 I'/atO '/a 500 RW150-75 IVatO It SOO RW150-100 Vh to 1 500 RW150-125 1V2tO IV4 500 RW200-50 2 to Vj 500 RW200-75 2 to *4 SOO RW200-100 2 to 1 500 RW200-125 2 to 1V4 500 RW200-15Q 2 to1V2 500 Snap-In Knockout Blanks—Steel S50 'h 1000 S75 ^4 1000 S100 1 1000 SI 25 IV4 500 S150 Vk 500 S200 2 500 Bushing Pennies—Steel PSO P75 P100 P125 P150 Va ^4 1 IV4 IVa 1000 SOO 250 2S0 100 Rigid Conduit Fittings Catalog No. Open lype No Bolt Fixture Stems- Malleable iron Sue NBFS-38 NBFS-38M Male Male Female Spacing Connector—Pressure Castt SC-SQ Va CH Rigid Metal Conduit or IMC "K-Clamps" Right Angle lype Parallel Type PC-SOPAR PC-75PAR PC-100PAH PC-125PAR PC-150PAR PC-200PAR PC-2S0PAR PC-300PAR PC-350PAR PC-400PAR 3/4 1 IV4 IVI 2 2Vi 3 3Vi 4 Edgelype Heavy-Outy U-Bolts with Hex Nuts Sid Pkg 500 500 Vi« 200 PC-50RA VI 50 PC-75RA 3/4 50 PC-100RA 1 50 PC-125RA IV4 50 PC-150RA IVi 50 PC-200RA 2 50 PC-250RA 2Vj 25 PC-300RA 3 25 PC-350RA 3Vi 25 PC-400RA 4 25 PC-500RA 5 5 PC-600RA 6 5 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 10 10 10 PC-50ET V; 50 PC.7SET J/4 50 PC-100ET 1 25 PC-125ET IV4 25 PC-150ET IV1 25 PC-200ET 2 25 PC-250ET 2Vi to PC-300ET 3 10 Dimensions Catalog No. Size A B C Pkg UBC-50 Va IV4 2\ IVi 200 UBC-7S ^* 2J/4 IVI 200 UBC-100 1 1 'V,6 3 IVa 100 UBC-125 IV4 2Vi6 3V8 IVI 50 UBC-150 IVa 2*/l6 3Vi IVI 50 UBC-20D 2 2'J/,6 4 J/8 T/8 50 UBC-250 2Va 3\ 4J/4 1% 25 UBC-300 3 4 25 UBC-350 3Va 4V2 53/4 tVa 25 UBC-400 4 5 6S/8 1^/8 25 UBC-500 5 6V18 7J/a 2 5 UBC-600 6 7VB 83/8 2 5 Page 185 1701 W. Wellington Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60657 I if Rigid Metal Conduit, IMC or EMT "Hang-On'"' Hangers Sid Catalog No. Size Pkg Hang-On' Conduit Hangers with Swivel Bolts H50-SWB H75-SWB H1D0-SWB 200 200 100 Hang-On' Conduit Hangers without Bolts 3A U S Pal #3 310 264 3 185 418 Can Pat # 851 041 HSO '/a 200 H75 3/4 200 H100 1 100 H125 IV4 100 HI 50 IVj 100 H200 2 so H250 2'^ 25 H300 3 25 H350 2'h 10 H400 4 10 Hangers with Bolts H50WB 'h 200 H7SWe 1* 200 H100WB 1 100 H12SWB IV4 100 H150WB IVa 100 H200WB 2 SO H2S0WB 2Va 25 H300WB 3 25 H350WB 3'/a 10 H400WB 4 10 , , E MMimum I I [ ; ^ 6011 i,it 1 c I One-Hole Clamps—Malleable Iron Hang-On' Conduit Hangers Dimanslont in Inchts Cal No A B C D E F HSO Vk % l3i *4 V4 •/» H75 2 «hi •/» % V4 •/» HI 00 2'J/K IVB •/n % V4 la H12S 2'^,. I*'. *lll % V4 •'M H150 3V» 1^'. ,'V.» 1 Vl. H200 3*4 Vk 'Voi 1V4 H250 4Vii Vk 'Vu IV4 VM H300 4% 2^ 'Vl, IV4 Vl. VjJ H350 2'V,4 IV4 VM "CB H400 6'/,. 3 1*4 VI "/aj H50SWB IZVM J/4 V4 H7S-SWB lf/3J »/» v« ^J/.4 H100-SWB 2"/B 'k V4 Beam Clamps, Clamps and Clamp Backs for Rigid Metal Conduit or IMC Beam Clamps (Insulator Supports) Jaw Wt. Lbs. Sta Catalog No. Siie OpeniriQ Tapping Per 100 PKg BH-SOO 1 'V„ '/4-2O 22.0 100 BH-SOO-10 1 'Vl. 10-24 21.5 100 BH-501 Vh 'V,. V„-18 45.0 SO BH-S02 2 'V,. »i'i-15 63 0 25 BH-503 2'h 1V„ '/I-13 152 0 25 ^^^^ Bum Climpt Dlmenttons In inchai Ho A e C a BH-SOO IS 1 'k BH-500-10 IS 1 \ >'44 BH-S01 1'*,. IS Vk BH-502 1"/B BH-S03 2''B T/,. Mai (.Old IDS CH Std Catalog No. Sue Pkg. CL-50M '/a 500 CL-75M J'4 500 CL-100M 1 200 CL-125M IV4 100 CL-150M Vh 100 CL-200M 2 50 CL-2S0M 2Vi 50 CL-300M 3 25 CL-350M 3''i 10 CL-400M 4 10 CL-500M 5 5 CL-600M 6 1 Clamp Backs—Malleable Iron Rigid Metal Conduit or IMC Clamps and Clamp Backs SlQ Catalog No. Sue P^g Combination Clamp and Clamp Backs—Steel CL-50CB '•! 500 CL-75CB J.4 100 CL-100CB 1 100 One-Hole Clamps—Steel Clamp Backs—Steel 2-Hole Pipe Straps—Steel CLB-50M ''1 SOO CLB-75M J/4 100 CLB-100M 1 100 CL8-125M IV4 100 CLB-150M Vh 50 CLa-200M 2 100 CLB-2S0M Vh 50 CLB-300M 3 50 CLB-3S0M Vh 25 CLB-400M 4 25 CLB-500M 5 5 CLB-600M 6 1 CL-25 V4 1000 CL-38 J'8 1000 CL-50 ''2 500 CL-75 J/4 500 CL-100 1 100 CL-125 l'/4 100 CL-150 IV2 50 CL-200 2 25 CL-250 2'/i 25 CL-300 3 10 CL-350 3Va to CL-400 4 10 «T) CLB-50 'h 500 CLB-7S »/4 100 CLB-100 1 100 CF-250 '/« 500 CF-375 250 CF-500 Va 250 CF-750 v* 250 CF-100 1 100 CF-12S IV4 100 CF-150 IVi 50 CF-200 2 50 CF-250H 2V2 25 CF-300H 3 25 CF-350H Vh 25 CF-400H 4 10 Rigid Metal Conduit, IMC or EMT Pipe Hangers type CH Clamp Body CM Fits All Pans 50 Type CH—for Single Line Conduit CH-50S '/2-V* 25 CH-125S 1 25 type CHD—for Double Lines of Conduit CH-50O '/2-V4 25 CH-125D 1 25 Vl Inch Guy Wire Conduit Clamp Hanger— Rigid or IMC CH-50 'h 100 CH-7S J/4 100 CH-100 1 100 1701 W. Wellington Ave. Chicago. Illinois 60657 '@)Appletori k>-</ I I ELCCnaC COMMNV Page 1B6 7[—'- ty'k'-'i: J'-'^T- '^'r'l •T^Tf-^nfil-ii-iii'ir --'^ CATALOG NUMBER CE-tC-SSl •Supersedes Catalog Number CE-IC-979 .'•^t^f'^:r7:^^-tr - :'.-c.:.:.~>a\ '^,.\ir-. :7-r:4.-:-;A-'' PPLIGATIONS ^^•'••:or-^p777y^;^^^^ o O ( J ' General purpose building wire, fi)rture raceways, conduit and tubing raceways, internal wiring of fixtures and other ippi cations requiring building wire, machine tool wire or appliance wiring material. Environment: -Resistant to oils, gasoline, water, acids, alkalines, ozone, sunlight abrasion and inost -chemicals. -Construction . . -.-Copper Bare, soft drawn. a6-2 AWG Class C stranding per ASTM-B-8 :'MOO0 MCM Class B stranding per ASTM-B-8 ...18 AWG Class K stranding per ASTM-B-174 .Uacket-Nyion Armor: Consists of tough polyamide nylon innor.The clear transpannt nylon armor is applied \ .over the f VC insulation. Resistant to oils, gasoline, water, acids, alkalies, ozone, sunlight .-abrasion and most chemicals. Marking: Printed over nylon as indicated in photo box. '{ COIOS COOE CAULOG RUHBER AWG SIZE VIHIL INSULATION THICKNESS HTLOH JACKH IHICIHESS NOHI- NAL OD STRAND IMG WEIGHT IK nt- PUT-UP STANDARD CARTOR THHN-STRANDED CONDUCTOR (UL FILE NO. E-51554) A 75010 14 .015 .004 .116 19 17 2000' A 75020 12 .015 .004 .135 19 25 500' 2000' C 75030 10 .020 • .004 .169 19 40 SPOOLS 500' D 75040 8 .030 .005 .216 19 64 OR REELS 500' D 75050 6 .030 .005 .260 19 96 500' £ 75060 4 .040 .006 .331 19 154 500' E 75070 3 .040 ,006 ,360 19 190 500' E 75080 2 .040 ,006 ,394 19 235 500' F 75090 1 .050 ,007 ,450 19 302 500' or 500' F 75110 1/0 ,050 ,007 ,490 19 375 1000' 500' F 75120 2/0 ,050 ,007 .540 19 465 NON-500' F 75130 3/0 ,050 .007 ,590 19 580 RETURNABLE 500' F 75140 4/0 ,050 ,007 ,650 19 720 REELS 500' F 75150 250MCM .060 ,008 ,720 37 860 PLEASE 500' F 75160 300MCM ,060 ,008 ,770 37 1020 SPECIFY 500' F 75170 350MCM .060 ,008 ,830 37 1180 500' F 75180 400MCM ,060 ,008 ,880 37 1345 500' F 75190 500MCM ,050 ,008 -950 37 1660 500' F 75206 600MCM ,070 ,009 1053 61 2020 500' F 75207 750MCM ,070 .009 1 156 61 2500 500' F 75208 lOOOMCM .070 ,009 1 310 61 3229 500' THHN SDLID CONDUCTOR (UL FILE NO. £-28421) B 75011 14 ,015 ,004 ,106 Sohd 16 500' 2000' B 75021 12 .015 .004 .123 Solid 24 SPOOLS 2000' D 75031 10 .015 .004 .154 Solid 38 OR REELS 500' TFFN-STRANDED CONDUCTOR (UL FILE NO. E-51554) 500' A 75240 18 .015 .004 ,090 16 8 SPOOLS 2000' A 75250 16 .015 .004 ,104 19 12 OR REELS 2000' • TFN-SOLID CONDUCTOR (UL FILE NO. E-134S9) 500' 75241 18 .015 .004 ,082 Solid 7 SPOOLS 2000' 75251 16 .015 ,004 ,093 Sohd 11 OR REELS 2000' STOCK A Black, white, red, blue, brown, gretn B Black, while, red. blue, brown, green C Black, white, red. blue, brown, green yellow, orange, gray, pink, purple yellow, orange, (ray yellow, orange COLORS D Black, white, red, blue E Black, while, red f Black DUPLEX AND SINGLE RECEPTACLES IZSI 2,7IB No. 5361 NEMA Reference: Receptacle: 5-20R Plug: 5-20? — 20A. t25V A.C. or O.C DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION GRADE. SACK AND SIDE WIRING Receptacle, duplex, brown nylon lace Receptacle, duplex, ivory nylon face Receptacle, duplex, gray nylon face Receptacle, duplex, yellow melamine, corrosion resistant Receptacle, duplex, grey Melamine corrosion resistant Receptacle, duplex, brown phenolic, for back or side wiring on 4" round metal box cover Receptacle, duplex, orange urea, with isolated ground Receptacle, duplex, brown nylon face Receptacle, duplex. Ivory nylon face Receptacle, duplex, gray urea metal A^^ Receptacle, No. 5352 on 4' round box cover Receptacle, duplex, brown nylon face for side wiring oniy Receptacle, duplex. Ivory nylon face lor side wiring only Receptacle, duplex, gray nylon face, side wiring only Receptacle, single, brown phenolic, for back or side wiring Receptacle, single, isolated ground, orange urea Receptacle, single, ivory urea, for back or side wiring Receptacle, single, gray urea, for back or side wiring Receptacle, single, yellow melamine, corrosion resistant Receptacle, single, gray Melamine corrosion resistant. • Receptacle, single, brown phenolic, with short mounting strap 1.937 on centers Receptacle, single, brown phenolic, I with short mounting strap 1.750 I on centers ! Same as atjove except ivory urea I Receptacle, brown phenolic, single, for side wiring only Receptacle, single, ivory urea, for ^sid^wirin^onl^^^^^^^^^^ DESCRIPTION GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLES GFCI Receptacle, duplex, brown GFCI Receptacle, duplex, Ivory GFCI Receptacle, duplex, red GFCI Receptacle, duplex, giay GFCI Receptacle, duplex, white A RECEPTACLES - SPECIAL USE Receptacle, duplex, brown phenolif Receptacle, duplex with isolated ground. Receptacle, duplex, safety type; Hospital Grade, with #12 AWG lead wires Same as above except ivory Same as above except red Seme as above except grey Same as above except white No. SG-63-H COMBINATION RECEPTACLES 2T90 mi Receptacle, 20A 125V one boss. 20A 250V second boss, specification grade, back and side wiring, brown phenolic Same as above, except ivory urea Receptacle, 20A 125V one boss. 20A 250V second boss, standard grade, side wiring, brown phenolic Same as above, except ivory urea •Caution. When receptacle is installed in the ttox, it is not ground- ed until a connection is made from the grounding screw to a sep- erate ground path not associated with the electrical system in the building. For flush plates see section I For weatherproof plates, see section I «For <:omplete hospital products listings and specifications see Xnfl K. SPECIFICATION NOTES Exposed metal parts finished to resist corrosion. Molded phenolic is general purpose type. ASpecial configuration designed for applications where it is imperative that only 5364 type plugs are used. This configuration will only accept 2 Pole 3 Wire 20 Ampere plug caps of the 5364 type, and will not accept standard 2 Pole parallel or 2 Pole 3 Wire 15 Ampere grounding types illustrated elsewhere in this catalog. • For complete corrosion resistant specifications, see section G, H.p. CONVERSION CHART 120V. 240V. ISA '/J M,P. 2 H.P. 20A 1 H.P. 2 H P, svrutiies ore w,uiiijiTMtai onu eiiit'cin lui use a\ iu>i loicu capacity on inductive loads. Balanced action assures quiet operation and long service lite LOCK AND TOGGLE TYPE SPECIFICATION GRADE — A.C. ONLY SIDE AND BACK WIRED No. 1221 No. 1221-L No. 1209 L221- 122^ DESCRIPTION 20A 120-277V Single pole, brown handle Single pole, ivory handle Single pole, gray handle Double pole, brown handle Double pole, ivory handle Double pole, gray handle Three way, brown handle Three way. ivory handle Three way, gray handle Four way, brown handle Four way, ivory handle Four way, gray handle Single pole, lock type Double pole, lock type Three-way, lock type Four way, lock type AM lock types have black nylon key guide Key for lock type switches SPECIFICATION GRADE MOMENTARY CONTACT THREE POSITION TWO CIRCUIT —A.C. ONLY DESCRIPTION '6-32 TAP lOOrf 1. 2375 1^ No. 1557 20A 120-277V Single pole, double throw, brown handle Single pole, double throw, ivory handle Single pole, double throw, lock type These three position, single-pole, double-throw switches are used to establish momentary contact In either of two circuits. That Is, a Circuit remains closed only as long as a finger holds the handle in the top or bottom position. As soon as the finger Is withdrawn, the handle springs back to Its central off position. Key No. 1209 supplied with each lock type switch. Red top denotes 20 amp. switches. SPECIFICATION GRADE THREE POSITION TWO CIRCUIT MAINTAINED CONTACT— A.C. ONLY No. 1385 20 AMPERES. 277 VOLTS A.C. Single pole, double throw, center-off. brown handle Single pole, double throw, center off, ivory handle Single pole, double throw, center off, lock type Double pole, double throw, center off, brown handle Double pole, double throw, center off. ivory handle Double pole, double throw, center off, lock type HORSEPOWER RATINGS FOR THREE POSITION TWO CIRCUIT MAINTAINED CONTACT SWITCHES 20 AMPERE l',4 HP 120 VOLTS AC. 3 HP 240 VOLTS AC. 1 HP 600 VOLTS A C. SPECIFICATION NOTES Switches provide for back or side wiring and will accommodate up to No. 10 solid or stranded wire, AOTHER COLORS AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER ADD SUFFIX "WHI" - WHITE "RDB" - RED "BLB" - BLACK * Not listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. A.C. switches not recommended for use on master or emergency power systems. WEDGE >1NCHOR Hole Size Is Bolt Size. Description Red Head's Wedge Anchor is easy to use. Anchor bolt, corbide bit, and hole size are all the same. Heavy-duty and versatile, the Wedge Anchor is non- bottom bearing, so precise hole depth or cteon-out Is not always required. A one-piece stainless steel expanding clip assures full expansion for rugged, dependable holding strength. Available In zlnc-ploted carbon steel, galvanized steel and stainless steel. Comes complete wtth washers and nuts. See Selection Chart for sizes. Benefits • Anchor size equals hole size. • One-piece wrap around stainless steel expander clip resists corrosion. • Provides 360° contact with concrete. • Comes complete with nuts and washers. • Easy to install through object to be fastened. • Non-bottom bearing. • May be driven below floor level for future alterations. Applications structural applications of all types. Ideal for fastening electrical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and plumbing systems to concrete. Other applications include tilt-up construction, pipe hanging, in-plant mochinery mountings, storage racks, warehouse equipment.highway rails, posts and guard apparatus. Numerous distinct applications for galvanized and stainless steel models. Tools and Accessories While ttiere may be slight overlapping Interpretations of "heav/' "medium" and "light" duty the following Phillips Red Head tools ore suggested when installing Wedge Anchors in indicated situations. Heavy duty Use the 747 Roto Stop* Hammer for all Wedge Anchors in heavy duty service W through VA ". Medium duty Use the 700 Roto stop' Hammer for all Wedge Anchors in medium duty service through 1". Light duty Use the 606" Hammer/Drill for all light duty V4" through Vz" service Accessories for each tool ore listed on page 29. r Installation 1. Using a bit whose diameter equals the anchor diameter, drill hole ta-any depth exceeding mini- mum embedment. Holes should be drilled using a bit conforming to ANSI B94.12-77. 2. Assemble anchor with nut and washer so that the top of the nut is flush with the top of the anchor Drive anchor through material to be fastened so that washer is flush with surtace o( material. 3. Expand anchor by lightening nut 3 to 5 turns. m Installation Cautions • Not recommended for use In lightweight masonry materlol such as block or brick. • Use of core drills is not recommended to drill holes tor use with this anchor. • Not recommended for use in new concrete which has not had sufficient time to cure. • Always wear safety glasses and other necessary protective devices or apparel when installing anchors. • Maintain accurate hole size (or proper installation and performance. • Safe working loads for single Installations under static loading should not exceed 25% ol ultimate load capacity. Models/Variations Wedge Anchors are available In threemaierials and a variety ol sizes: zinc-plated carbon steel — standard anchor for all structural, In-plant and highway uses Indicated in the Applications Section. Zinc-plated in accordance with Federal specifications QQ-Z-325C,Type II, Class 3. Available in anchor/drill sizes V4" toVA" and lengths of IV4" through 12: galvanized sleel — provides protection from mildly humid, corrosive or brine atmospheres. Excellent indoor use for pipe-hanging, machinery mounting, and various tn-plant uses. Outdoor applications include fencing, gates, handrails, docks, conveyors, highway guard ralis.signs, lighting and safety devices. Available in anchor/drill sizes Vi" Ihrough 1" and in lengths from 4y4" through 9" stainless steel - for protection In humid, highly corro- sive and acidic environments. Used extensively in architecture lo mount aluminum and stainless steel window frames and curtain walls. Bolt body 303 stain- less steel, nut and washer 16-8 stainless steel. Available In anchor/drill sizes VA through Vs" and In lengths Irom IV4" Ihrough 10.' NOTE: Special sizes and materials available on request Approvals Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. Specifications FF-S-325 Group 11,Type 4. Gloss I. Listed by Undenwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory h/lutual (FM), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and Expansion Anchor Manufacturers Insfitute (EAMI). See ICBO Report 1372 and Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Report No.105799/B02.(9-20-71),108553 (6-28-74). For test data relative lo anchor.drlll sizes and load capaci- ties, see Selection Chart. Carbon Sleel Catalog Number Stainless Sleel Catalog Number Galvaniied Steel Catalog Number Anchor Diameter A Drill 8il Slie/ Ttireads Per Inch A Overall Length B Mar Thrcliness of Material to be Fastened C Thread Length D Min. Embed- ment In Concrete -Pullout LBS. •Sheer L8S. WS-1416 WS-1422 WS-1432 WW-1416 WW-1422 WW-1432 y4"/20 1*i' 2vr 3vr IT vr >«-IH" 2627 2300 • WS-3822 • WS-3026 • WS-3830 • WS-3836 • WS-3850 • WW-3B22 • WW-3826 • WW-3830 • WW-3836 • WW-3850 H718 2-/4- 2V 3" 3V4- 5- vr r 3" IV t'/r ivr 1*4' 5094 5233 • WS-1226 • WS-1236 • WS-1242 • WS-1254 • WS-1270 • WW-1226 « WW-1236 • WW-1242 • WW-1254 • WW-1270 • WS-1242G • WS-1254G 2V 3vr 4'/i" SW 7- tvr IV 3- 4'V 1'-.- I'..- 1'..' r.r 1'..- 2'V 6310 9016 • WS-5834 • WS-5850 • WS-5860 • WS-5870 • WS-5884 • WW-5834 • WW-5850 • WW-5860 • WW-5870 • WW-5884 • WS-5860G %711 zw 5" 6- 7- 8VJ- 2- 3- 4" 5vr iv«- IV,- iv,- 1V4- IV.- 2V 8322 12.216 • WS-3446 • WS-3454 • WS-3470 • WS-3484 • WS-34100 • WW-3446 • WW-3454 • WW-34 70 • WW-34 84 • WW-34100 • WS-3454G • WS-3484G V*710 4V.- 51V 7- 10- lir vr 41i' 6vr iv«- IV IV 1V4- IV 3V4-12.405 19.200 + WS-7860 t WS-7880 * WS-78I00 t WW-7860 ' WW-7880 + WW-78100 + WS-7860G * WS-78806 6- 8- 10- IV 3V 5V 2V 2V 2V 3V 13.266 26.366 tWS-10060 tWS-10090 tWS-100120 *WS-10090G 17B 6" 9- 12" '/,- 3'.- 6'r 2V 2'i- 2V 4V 18,275 37.533 fWS-12590 *WS-125120 iy.77 9- 12-2^r 5*r 3V 3'r 5"7" 45,467 50,566 Selection Ctiart RED HE&O 'Ullimil* Laid Clpicltf In l,]DD infl | 4,0tDI PSrtlflAt i(|iliilt cancttlt ((M((* JOS Iti tlltttint li|Hl«ll|lil *||ri|ili (tncitll|. lMt< IKtpinSinl liil>ri(Li>«rilanrlilU. Ctpt«illrip«rliiirill(klii<iri4iitil Uit •srtrni loilt l«i unfit •niKMalioni «n<(( ilJlic liriinf ikstill Ml tittti IS*> Ol rh( •tlimili Itil ctficilT fat inlgtmitiBiiiiillhtt cg<idili«nt. CDtiliel jaai ntirtiltactarir rtRtiitnltlmt ITT Phillips Drill Division PO, 80K 364. Michiqan City. Indiana 46360 Tel, (219) 874-4217 Telex 25-8488 SMALL FIBERGLASS NEMA TYPE 4X ENCLOSURES 6)1) J t APPLICATION — Designed for use as electrical junction boxes, termincil wiring boxes, msirumeni riousings, ana elec- trical control enclosures in htghl/ corrosne atrnospneres Ideal tor iibo in rnobt petro-chemicdl p/.irjs Sf.vdge plants, food processing ateas, pdcking plants eiecno-pljlmg plants, etc. CONSTRUCTION — l^dolded from a special fiberglass rein- forced polyesler material wfiicfi has excellent cnemical resist- ance and outstanding physical properties Each cover t-ias an oil-resistani gasket attacfied witn oil-resistant adhesive Ali enclosures have internal pads for mounting optional panels and terminal kits PANELS AND TERMINAL KITS MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY SCREW COVER ENCLOSURE - The covar is easily remov- able, and lb allacht-d tu the body witfi uilemal hinges. The captivated cover screws are monel ENCLOSURES WITH QUICK-RELEASE LATCHES - The co ver IS attached lo the body with external hinges Hinges and latches are corrosion resistant stainless sleel ACCESSORIES - PANELS — Panels must be ordered separately as they are not furnished with the enclosures Steel, slainless steel, and aluminum panels are available See Bulletin A-5I tor stainless steel and alurrnnum panels Plywood panels are also available, see Bulletin A-8Q for details TERMINAL KITS — Terminal kits, wilh or without termi- nal blocks, are available. See Bulletin A-80 tor details MOUNTING FOOT KIT — Includes four fiberglass mounting leel and hardware See page 126 for details FINISH — The standard finish is gray inside and out. Steel panels are white enamel, MODIFICATIONS — Hoffman can supply holes, cutouts, and other modifications. Consult the factory for prices INDUSTRY STANDARDS — Conform lo the National Electri- cal Manufacturers Association (NEMA| standard for Type 4, Type 4A. Type 12, and Type 13 enclosures All enclosures are listed by Underwriters Laboralories, Inc For current Cana- dian Standards Association (CSA) listings, consult Ihe fac- tory Conform lo European Standard lEC 529, IP66. ENCLOSURES WITH SCREW COVERS Enclosure Catalog Number Enclosure Inside Dimensions A X B X C 'Steel Panel Catalog Number Panel Size A-645JFG 5'. x 4 X 4'Vi6 None No Panel A-645JFG 7^2 X 4x4'V,6 A-6P4 4'a X 2'Ei A-865JFG 7'.^ X 6x5 Vie A-6P6 X 4'„ A-1066JFG 9'.x 6x5"/,6 A-8P6 6u X 4'B A-1287JFG 11'^ X 8x6"/i6 A-10P8 X 5' s A-14107JFG 13'! X 10 X 7 y,6 A-12P10 lO'-aX 89 A-16128JFG 15'/ X 12 X 8 y,6 A-14P12 12'. X 10' = A-18149JFG 17','; X 14 X 8'Vie A-16P14 1414 X 12 = 'Panels must be ordered separately ENCLOSURES WITH QUICK-RELEASE LATCHES Enclosure Catalog Number Enclosure Inside Dimensions A X B X C -Steel Panel Catalog Number Panel Size A-645JFG0R 5'2 X 4x5 None No Panel A-845JFGQR 7'2 X 4x5 A-6P4 4'i, X 2-H A-865JFGOR 7V;x 6x5% A-6P6 4'8 X 4'-6 A-1066JFGQR 9Vi X 6 X 5y. A-8P6 6^. X 4'e A-1287JFGQR 11'/! X 8 X 6Vt A-10P8 8^'- X a^e A-14107JFGOR 13'/; X 10 X 77. A-12P10 lOUx 8'» A-16128JFGOR 15'/^! X 12 X 8% A-14P12 X 10V9 A-18149JFGQR 17'.^ X14 X sy-A-16P14 14^'. X 12"s "Panels must be ordered separately. Ptiysical Properties Value ASTM Mettiod Flexural Strength 12000 PSi D-790 Heat Distortion 400° F D-64S Water Absorption (24 Hrs,) .5% D-570 Tensile Strength 5000 PSI D-651 Specific Gravity 1.8 D-792 Flammabilily 94V 0 UL94 Dielectric Strength 400 V P M. D-149 Arc Resistance 180 Sec D-495 HOFFMAN ENGINEERING COMPANY DIVISION OF FEDEHAL CARTRIDGE CORP ANOKA, MINNESOTA Copynghl Detembe/ 19ttJ Oy HolfmJn Engineui m.^ Cunipjny J23) PRODUa BULLETIN No. 1100 April 1980 1100 Series Supersede* bulletin dated May 1977 STANDARD 24 HOUR DIAL TIME SWITCH MODELS: 1101, 1103 and 1104 OESCRIPTION: A 40 Ampere synchronous motor-driven time switch, supplied with 24 hour dial. Minimum setting between ON-OFF operation is 20 minutes. Separate manual ON and OFF levers enable operation by hand without disturbing automatic settings. APPLICATIONS: Automatic ON-OFF control of Lighting, Heating, Air Conditioning, Signs, Pumps, etc., when operation is required at the same time every day, 7 days a week. 0 @ SPECIFICATIONS: CONTACTS: SPST (1101), DPST (1103, 1104). Capacity: 40 ArTips per Pole at 277V. 1 H.P. at 120V. Voltage: 24V to 277 volt AC. MODEL 1101 Dead front removed, showing pressure terminals. TIMING MOTOR: DIAL: TERMINALS: ENCLOSURE: Heavy duty synchronous, self-starting high torque. Voltage: 120 or 208-277V, 60Hz (50Hz optional), and 24V, 60Hz. Temperature Range: -60^ to +150*F. (-51* to +66'C.) Power Consumption: 3 watts. 24 hour rotation-3'4" dia.—clear calibrations, with Day and Night zones. Can be turned by hand without disengaging gears for accurate setting. Accommodates up to 12 pairs of ON-OFF trippers. Minimum ON setting: 20 minutes. Minimum OFF setting; 75 minutes. Pressure terminal will accommodate up to AWG #8 wire. Timing motor terminals separate from switch circuit. General purpose (NEMA I). Drawn steel, beige baked epoxy enamel, with combination '/i" and V*" K.O.'s on sides, bottom and back. Lockable hasp. Cover is removable and movement releases from case at finger touch for easy installation. Back KO has screw holes for easy mounting over outlet box. Also available: Flush, with lock and key (suffix FLI) - Model 9001* Ouplex-2 standard units in one case, surface (suffix DU) - Model 9007* Weatherproof NEMA III (suffix 0) - Model 9000* Bracket mounting—less case, with bracket (specify) *Use Model number when ordering special enclosures separately ; OMITTING DEVICE: For applications requiring omitting device see product bulletin #7000. TORK Mount Vernon, N.Y. Toronto • Mexico • Naguabo P.R. 1100 SERIES Model No. Enclosure Switch Amps Volts 1101 General Purpose SPST 40 120 1102 General Purpose SPST 40 208-277 1103 General Purpose DPST 40 120 1104 General Purpose DPST 40 208-277 1101-0 Raintight SPST 40 120 1103-0 Raintight DPST 40 120 1104-0 Raintight DPST 40 208-277 ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS: GENERAL PURPOSE ENCLOSURE (NEMA Type I Surface Mount) [ o o \ —4%- — 1 TORN -5H"— 3H" 9%' For Model 1101 only For Models 1103 and 1104 RAINTIGHT ENCLOSURE (NEMA Type 3 Surface Mount) - Model 9000 Add letter "0" to Cat. No. S 3/I6 -IJJ mm 4.IV3I-— IJI mm - a I7/37" 114 mm WIRING DIAGRAMS: Removable Bridge For separate motor tarminali remove bridge from tarminali 1 & L. SPST - 1101 & 1102 TYPICAL FOR 277V SUPPLY TYPICAL FOR 208-240V SUPPLY DPST - 1103 DPST - 1104 MECHANISM ONLY, LESS CASE, WITH MOUNTING BRACKET: 1 — Distributed By: FOR OTHER APPLICATIONS SEE: TORK Brochure on Tim* Switcti Applications — Energv Saver TORK Brochure on Emerganev Lighting #301 7 Day Calendar IModeli - Bulletin W Interminent Program Time Switches — Bulletin 8000 Fast Cycle Pfogram Repeating Timers — Bulletin M8000 Double Dial Time Switches — 2 to 55 minutes, 1 to 24 times a day — Bulletin 4000 Lighting Control Canters - Bulletin T-900 Photo-Electric Controls - Bulletins B-2101. B-2003, B-2005. 5400 and B-3000. © Ptd. in U.S.A. - 4/80 lOM F2-16 Class I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,D Class II, Div. 2, Groups E,F,G Class III' UL 57 Listed V-51 Enclosed and Gasketed Incandescent Fixtures. Alt Fixtures Suitable for Use in Wet Locations. size (Inches) Catalog Number* V-51 All Aluminum With Guard* With Guard* Wall—One Tapped Hub In Flanget 60-150 WattA21 1/2 3/4 150-300 Watt PS30 1/2 3/4 VGA1050G VGA1075G VGA20S0G VGA2075G Wall—Vertical Feed-Thru^ 60-150 Watt A21 1/2 VD1050G 3/4 VD1075G 150-300 Watt PSSO 1/2 VD2050G 3/4 VO2075G Wall—Three Hubs Plus One Tapped Opening in Center of Flange^ 60-150 WattA21 1/2 3/4 150-300 Watt PS30 1/2 3/4 VGAT1050G VGAT1075G VGAT2050G VGAT2075G VGAT1075G-A VGAT2075G-A 45° Stanchion Reflector not available for this fixture 60-150 Watt A21 1-1/4 150-300 Watt PS30 1-1/4 VMAN10125G-A VMAN20125G-A 'See page 4 for temperature limits on individual V-51 fixtures. To order fixtures without guards, omit G suffix from catalog number. Order reflectors and accessories separately (pages 18, 19 and 20). ^30° Angle reflector adaptable for 100 Watt fixture only, when mounted at least 4-1/2" from wall. Discount Scliedule UD Refer to Pricing Index for price, weight, and standard package 1701 W, Wellington Ave. Chicago. Mltnois 60657 mi GENERAL ENGtNEERING CONTRACTORS 741 Olive Avenue • P.O. Box 1809 • Vista, California 92083 • Telephone (619)941-7130 Contr. Lie. 134877 To: COSTA REAL MWD 5950 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 i \ Ai-H -6 198T MUNXi'^^Vw^; ois]TO_ Attention: MR. BILL BLAKESLEY Subject: SANTA FE II RESERVOIR Date: APRIL 3, 1987 Office Ref: WEARDCO JOB //326 Submittal No. 37- We are transmitting the foliowing: for information & use xxxx approval or correction corrected drawings No. Copies Drawing Number Description 7 ELECTRICAL llATERIAL (PRESSURE SUSTAINING VAULT) by ROCKT-JELL Remarlcs: Please return _copY (copies} of eacti drawing to our office. Copies to: OFFICE FILES FTRI.D: TF.n WEARDCO CONSTRUCTION CORP. HAUTTl T L'7 ircG ^ ^ WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES. INC. •I'lluW'iBnfi •"' CONSULTI NOb-^' .. ENOINEERS 2465 Pio Pico Drive - P.O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (714) 729-1194 May 9, 1979 Mr. Robert He!1ey Post Office Box 926 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Re: Fresh Water Service - Santa Fe Reservoir Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Hei1ey: We have been working together for some time as you have moved forward with the construction of the Palomar Estates Mo bile Home Park and more recently we have been in touch with you as to the feasibility ^ of obtaining fresh water service for our chlorination station at our reservoir in lieu of constructing a separate water district line in your new driveway to the mobile home park. After reviewing this matter with you in the field, we have arrived at a plan and have presented the concept to the San Marcos County Water District inasmuch as they have certain rules and regulations regarding secon- dary water service customers. We are pleased to report that the San Marcos County Water District has consented to the proposed program and so we come to you now with the specific request that you permit these two 2" services and meter connections to your private mobile home park water system. Attached is a sketch showing the manner in which we would make the actual installation. If this proposal meets with your approval, we would appreciate your concurrence with an acknowledgement on a copy of this letter which is attached, and furthermore we can formalize our arrangement as an amendment to the agreement of June 16, 1977, that we already have between the property owners, your firm and the Water District. We would appreciate your timely response and in the event you have any questions, please contact Mr. F. J. Whitley or the undersigned. Very truly your>s / ^aitQA-i^A Jack Y. X/bota, District Engineer t^cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District CMWD 77-103 In Orange County, Santa Ana HHH WOODSIOE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIA. .d.lNC. mm • MOlfiaB PIS MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors ^' ^'^^^ Carlsbad Municipal Water District From: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer Re: Fresh Water Service - Santa Fe Reservoir We have been working with the District's Operations staff for some time to develop a pressurized water supply to operate the chlorination sta- tion at Santa Fe Reservoir and alsoto provide the irrigation system for our landscaping. Several years ago we budgeted a total of $50,000 to revamp the pressure reducing station in Palomar Airport Road and to construct a high-pressure water line in the driveway area of the new mobile home park. One of the primary motivations for this change was to eliminate the electric motor driven pumps that a re now in service With the recent completion of the new mobile home park completely sur- rounding our reservoir, we have explored the possibility of making a connection to the private water system of the park and buying water from the San Marcos District under their regular operating pressure. We discussed this idea with the Park people and with their i nforma1 consent we have contacted the San Marcos County Water District for their permission to have this type of "deduct" meter reading arrangement. The San Marcos District has responded favorably so that we are now prepared to proceed on a more forma 1 basis. We estimate that two 2-inch services and meters would cost approximately $3000, and we would also add another $1000 to repipe the water supply Into the chlorination station. In addition, in our dealings with the mobile home park people we have discussed the possibility that the District would offer them a consideration for the use of their private water system and offer a cash payment of, say $4000 to $5000. This item becomes particularly visible from the standpoint that this is approximately the amount that the mobile home park people owe us for the ©cpenses that we have incurred to date In the development of their mobile home park. Stated another way we could possibly have a "trade- off" as we formulate our agreement. We recommend the Board consider these ideas and upon the acceptance of our recommendat i ons we are prepared to proceed immediately. One last Item involving the financial implecations; our energy costs for operat- ing the pump station for Calendar Year 1978 were $953.89. As you can see this investment will ultimately be recouped over the long term. JYK:gs CMWD 77-103 1B Ar. Jim McKay ^pril 6. 1979 Page 2 f you feel there is merit to this proposal we would welcome the pportunity to meet with you and go over all the details and work ut the project to your satisfaction. ^ry\ truly yours,, \^Afj -hii :kyY. iKubota, District Engineer ^-Vsbac(/Municipal Water District Carlsbad Municipal Water District -) 77-103 gs (;/1R[ SBKD/VIUNICIP^..- ("^)''^«-^'-- /ATER DISTRICT !.''L0 Co'ninoRoal, Corlsbod, Coiitornto 92008 OFFICE MEMO To: Mr. J. Y. Kubota From: John P. Henley Subject: Project #77-103 Date: September 22, 1977 I believe that we should proceed with this project so that we can hopefully complete it by the end of the calendar year, or before Greenwood Hills has installed a permanent roadway to their new mobile home park. Enclosed are drawings of data that I have collected that should be of some assistance hopefully. I have enclosed two sketches of the existing pressure reducing vault, which also includes a proposed cover for that vault. I have shown a 42" manhole access, but I believe material for that access would be acquired or purchased more easily if we went to 48". We would, of course, use a two-piece manhole cover on this 48". The other drawing shows hopefully what now exists on the old original pipeline and installation. I have indicated in red that the flexible coupling should be inspected and probably replaced with a butt strap closure. I would also like you to design a high pressure water system to the existing chlorination station at the reservoir so that we may then chlorinate without using electrical power. As always, I am available for comments, etc. JPH:j End . C^RLSBKD C MmiClPAi i/CATER DISTRICT April 4, 1977 Mr. J. Y. Kubota Woodside/Kubota & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1095 Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Santa Fe Reservoir Pressure-Reducing Station Redesign - Project CMWD 77-103 Dear Jack, In reference to your memorandum of March 30, 1977, I am sorry that the water main from Palomar Airport Road to the Santa Fe Reservoir is in- capable of working under a higher pressure if the new Cla Valve is installed at the reservoir site. If we have to install a new Cla Valve (radial) I believe the existing vault will have to be enlarged. At this moment I am taking measurements to see if the radial will fit in the existing vault, but I do not believe it will. I concur with building a bypass line to the reservoir for chlorination purposes to eliminate the pumps and the cost involved to pump the water to a higher pressure. Would you please calculate the amount of water, the size of pipes and the amount of money needed to construct this high pressure water system for chlorination? We shall include the monies needed in next fiscal year's budget. By the end of the week I should have the necessary figures for clearance for a radial valve installation at the existing vault. Sincerely, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ley. Assistant Manager C^RLSBKD - MmiClPAi ^^P\TER DISTRICT April 4, 1977 Mr. 0. Y. Kubota Woodside/Kubota & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1095 Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Santa Fe Reservoir Pressure-Reducing Station Redesign - Project CMWD 77-103 Dear Jack, In reference to your memorandum of March 30, 1977, I am sorry that the water main from Palomar Airport Road to the Santa Fe Reservoir is in- capable of working under a higher pressure if the new Cla Valve is installed at the reservoir site. If we have to install a new Cla Valve (radial) I believe the existing vault will have to be enlarged. At this moment I am taking measurements to see if the radial will fit in the existing vault, but I do not believe it will. I concur with building a bypass line to the reservoir for chlorination purposes to eliminate the pumps and the cost involved to pump the water to a higher pressure. Would you please calculate the amount of water, the size of pipes and the amount of money needed to construct this high pressure water system for chlorination? We shall include the monies needed in next fiscal year's budget. By the end of the week I should have the necessary figures for clearance for a radial valve installation at the existing vault. Sincerely, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ey. Assistant Manager WOOD CONSULTIHalll| IS WOODSIDE/KI kSSOCIATES, INC. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: March 30, 1977 Mr. John Henley, Assistant General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer SUBJECT: Santa Fe Reservoir Pressure Reducing Station Redesign - Our Project No. CMWD 77-103 In looking over this project and responding to your memorandum of February 9, 1977, we are of the opinion that we should not try to pressurize the water main that goes from Palomar Airport Road up to the Santa Fe Reservoir. If you want to get out of the traffic area of Palomar Airport Road, we could install some new piping and get in our easement area; however, you are aware that we would end up in the driveway of the mobile home park. I suggest we just go ahead and replace the existing clay-valve, but also construct a by-pass line and lay a new water main to our reservoir, so that we can have high pressure water to operate our chlorinator and eliminate the necessity to pump. If you concur with this idea, we can run through the amount of water needed and make up an estimate of the cost of thi>nTe^ water main. ubota JVK/le UftKlSBflD MUNlCIPAr—MAR ""^ 1 77 CMWD 77-103 c ^- flop- OFFICE MEMO to Jack Y. Kubota fz^om: John P, Henley Sub,.- OPERATIONS - CLA VALVE INSTALLATION Dale: February 9, 1977 SANTA FE RESERVOIR Dear Jack: Enclosed is a shop drawing of the 90 just downstream of the existing cla valve. If my calculations are correct, we will ' be popping about 150 psi at this location, inasmuch as we have to sustain 140 to 150 psi at the Authority vault. If this 90 can sustain and operate under this pressure, perhaps we should look at a location for the new cla valve somewhere in the driveway or in the vicinity of the reservoir. I am at your disposal. JPH:de Enclosure 1 t 1 i 1 1 ••— ft ft 1^ 4 K- ft- r r tA \ I. o 0 tA tr r r (A u 1^ o D I • 5>