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117-01; Aviara Planning Area No. 15-Lucas & Mercier; Aviara Planning Area No. 15; 1994-01-24
PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY STUDY FOR AVIARA PLANNING AREA NO. 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD Date: JN: January 24, 1994 117-01 PREPARED BY: LUNDSTR 5965 PACIFIC CENTER BLVD., SUITE 703 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 (619)450-1445 FAX 450-1094 PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY STUDY FOR PLANNING AREA NO. 15 This Preliminary Hydrology Study discusses the hydrologic background, existing condition, and proposed development of Aviara Planning Area No. 15. ; : Background Aviara Planning Area No. 15 was rough graded as part of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-35, Aviara Phase 1 Unit E, City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 295-2A, Sheets 3 and 4 of 9, prepared by P&D Technologies. An underground storm drain system was installed to collect and convey runoff for the rough graded condition. This pipe design is shown on City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 295-2. The hydrologic calculations for the storm drain system is contained in the study by P&D Technologies entitled "Hydrology Study for Carlsbad Tract No. 85-35, Aviara Units D & E." The study considered the site to be a future multi-family residential project with a storm drain system designed accordingly. Existing Conditions The City of Carlsbad constructions drawings referenced above have been As-Built approved and accepted. The site is rough graded on an approximate 6% grade in a northerly to southerly direction. Little to no vegetation exists on the graded soil. Surface drainage swales collect the^ storm runoff and concentrate it into the existing temporary desilting basins at the southerly end of the site. An underground 18" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) collects the surface runoff, conveying it offsite to an existing 24" RCP. An ungraded natural Coastal Resource Area lies to the east of the site. The storm runoff from this area flows onto the site and is collected into an existing concrete ditch. The ditch directs the runoff into the existing underground storm drain system. Adjacent properties to the north, west, and south flow away form the site and do not appear to impact the hydrologic pattern of the site. Proposed Development The site is proposed as a multi-family residential project with private roads. The existing storm drain system will be realigned within the travelled way of the proposed private street traversing the site. The P&D Hydrology Study assumed a multi-family residential runoff coefficient, therefore, it is expected that a realigned 18" RCP storm drain will be sufficient for this project. The City of Carlsbad construction drawings show flow rates and velocities for the storm drain pipes. The final engineering hydrology study shall use the Rational Method to check the proposed street flows and pipe size of the realigned 18" RCP. The study shall be in conformance with the latest City of Carlsbad Master Drainage and the Carlsbad Drainage - Design Criteria handout. 94/160-R GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS April 18, 1994 REVISED ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS SIX UNIT SUBDIVISION CITY OF CARLSBAD Prepared Gordon Bricken President /mmb Prepared for: MR. DENNIS HENDRICKSON LUCAS AND MERCIER DEVELOPMENT 29712 Avenida de la Banderas Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif 92688 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 94/160-R GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS SUMMARY This analysis has been completed to determine the exterior and interior noise exposure and the necessary mitigation measures for the proposed six unit subdivision project located between Date and Olive Avenues in the City of Carlsbad. A comprehensive list of recommendations and requirements is given in the following summary. Details are discussed in the body of the report. A. EXTERIOR NOISE CONTROL The project will not exceed 60 dBA CNEL as required by the City. B. INTERIOR NOISE CONTROL The buildings would be expected to be constructed, as a minimum, in accordance with the outline of Table 3. However, the following interior mitigation measures must be incorporated into the project to produce 45 dBA CNEL:,r (1) Add STC 25 glazing -- all Plan 1 Bedrooms 1 and 3; all Plan 2 Bedrooms 2/3 {2} Add STC 27 glazing -- Plan 2 Master Bedroom Note, that the only windows affected are those with a visual sight-line to the rail line. C. VENTILATION When calculations depend on having windows closed, as it is in this case, it is good practice to provide adequate fresh air ventilation without resorting to the opening of the windows, should the occupant desire not to do so. Air conditioning is recommended for all units. 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 94/160-R GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a noise impact and design study of the proposed six unit subdivision project located between Date and Olive Avenues in the City of Carlsbad. Included in this report is a discussion of the expected exterior community noise environment and the recommendations for control of noise in the interior living areas. A vicinity map showing the general location of the construction site is presented on Exhibit 1 -- Site Location Map. The proposed development consists of six, single family detached dwellings. The east boundary of the site is 109 feet from the railroad tracks, which is the only potential major source of noise. Houses are interposed between the site and the tracks as well as a wall which extends along the backside of Olive. The site plan is shown on Exhibit 2. 2.0 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA The City of Carlsbad requires all residential projects to conform to the requirements of Table 1. TABLE 1 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA^ Exterior 60 dBA CNEL Interior 45 dBA CNEL (1) Please see NOISE RATING METHODS (Appendix 1) for a complete explanation of acoustical terminology. 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 94/160-R 3.0 rMEASURED NOISE LEVELS i A measurement was conducted at the site on April 6, 1994. The chart is shown on Exhibit 3. The sound level is set by the freeway which is partially visible from the site. The average sound level was 52 dBA. A train passby registered a maximum 82 dBA with a Single Event Exposure Level of 86 dBA SENEL {This term forms a portion of the CNEL equation) . 4.0 DESIGN NOISE LEVELS 4.1 ROADWAY Interstate 5 is within 1,600 feet of the project site. Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard are the nearest surface streets of any consequence. Tamarack Avenue is approximately 1,100 feet from the site, while Carlsbad Boulevard is approximately 1,300 feet from the site. These roadways will not impact the site at these distances. Interstate 5 is approxi- mately 1,600 feet from the project site. This distance, along with building and terrain shielding between the freeway and the site, minimize the noise impact of Interstate 5 on the project site. Thus, roadway noise will not impact the project site. This line serves Santa Fe Railroad freight trains and Amtrak passenger trains at the present time. It is proposed as a route for the North County Transit District commuter rail service. 4.2 RAILROAD A line of the Santa Fe and Amtrak railroads passes to the east of the project site at a distance of 109 feet. The CNEL equation is of the form: CNEL = SENEL + 10 LOG W - 49.4 (Equation 1) where W = Nd + 3*Ne + 10*Nn Nd = Number of Trains 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Ne = Number of Trains 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. Nn = Number of trains 10 P.M. to 7 A.M. The calculations, according to the HUD Methodology, were carried out to determine this rail line's impact on the site for freight and Amtrak operations. The HUD calculations produce a value called the Day-Night Noise Level {LDN) . This term is calculated the same way as the CNEL equation except the term, W = Nd + Ne + Nn) . The LDN and CNEL figures are almost always within 0.5 dBA. 94/160-R The HUD calculations are contained in Appendix 2. The NCTC levels were based on Equation 1 and field measure- ments of the Los Angeles Metrolink Commuter Trains were used. The results of these calculations yield a railroad noise level of 67 dBA LDN(CNEL) without accounting for the effect of the houses between the tracks and the site. The LDN and CNEL terms are essentially equal. The railroad parameters used for the railroad noise calculations are given in Table 2. TABLE 2 PARAMETER RAILROAD PARAMETERS AMTRAK Number of daily trains Percentage 10 P.M. to 7 A.M... Percentage 7 P.M. to 10 P.M.., Number of locomotive Number of railroad cars Speed Horn Signal. Bolted Rails Noise level at 109 feet without barriers 18 20% 10% 1 8 50 MPH No Yes 63 SANTA FE 4 50% 0% 50 40 MPH No Yes t NCTD 14 21% 14% 65 50 MPH No No 62 1)Santa Fe and Amtrak based on the existing schedule. NCTD figures obtained from Mr. Peter Aaland, NCTD on 4/13/94. The existing houses sit on a bluff overlooking the railroad line. They are at the same approximate elevation as the project site. The bluff, the houses, shed, and the wall at the end of Olive form a barrier which will reduce the sound levels of the railroad. The barrier setup was simulated with a computer model. The calculations were carried out for four locations on the site located in the front and rear yards' of the two project lots nearest the tracks. The calculations are contained in Appendix 3. The results are 58.1 to 60.0 dBA CNEL based on the projected rail level. The results were derived another way as well. The sample train was measured at 86 dBA SENEL. Using the 94/160-R train operation figures given in Table 2, the resulting CNEL value at the measurement point would be 54 dBA CNEL. This is 3 to 6 dBA less than the calculation. Therefore, there is reasonable assurance that the calculated value is a worst case scenario. 4.3 AIRCRAFT There are no concentrated aircraft operations in the vicinity of the project site. Thus, aircraft noise will not impact the site. 5.0 MITIGATION MEASURES 5.1 EXTERIOR The exterior noise levels do not exceed 60 dBA CNEL. The site complies with the City requirements. 5.2 INTERIOR The City's exposure criteria for new resi- dential construction requires that the interior noise environment, attributable to outside sources; be limited to 45 CNEL. Analysis and recommendations for control of outdoor-to-indoor noise intrusion are presented in this section. ' The exterior-to-interior noise reduction expected for the planned construction was based on a detailed analysis of sample rooms and units planned for the development. Calculations of the expected typical noise reduction performance were performed for sample rooms. The analysis was based on the typical spectra expected for the primary sources of community noise impact, the typical octave-band transmission loss for each element in the planned building shell, the relative square footage of each element of the planned building shell, the expected typical interior surface treatment, and the acoustical absorption coefficient for each interior surface treatment. Corrections1 for the "A" Weighted room absorption factors are also included. Each component of the building shell (e.g. exterior wall, windows, doors, etc.) provides a different amount of transmission loss for each "A" Weighted octave- band of community noise. With the knowledge of the 94/160-R building shell components and their individual octave band transmission loss values for the noise sources, calculations of the composite building shell transmission loss can be made for each room. The characteristics of the basic building shell are given in Table 3. TABLE 3 BASIC BUILDING SHELL CHARACTERISTICS PAtfEL CONSTRUCTION Exterior Wall Siding or stucco, 2" X 4" studs, R-13 fiberglass insulation, 1/2" drywall Windows 3/32" single pane aluminum horizontal sliders Sliding Glass Door 3/16" single pane aluminum horizontal sliders Roof Shingle over 1/2" plywood, fiberglass insulation, 1/2" drywall, vented Floor Carpeted except kitchen and baths Railroad noise levels at the site will be as high as 60 dBA CNEL at ground level and 67 dBA at the second floor level. This will require as m^ch as 15 dBA interior noise reduction at the first floor level (60- 45=15) and 22 dBA at the second floor level (67-45=22). Specific room calculations were carried out to determine whether additional mitigation is needed. The calculations are contained in Appendix 4, and the results are given in Table 4 on the following page. 94/160-R TABLE ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUES PLAN ROOM Living/Dining Kitchen/Nook Family Master Bedroom Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Living Room NOISE (dBA) REDUCTION 19* 21 21 23 24 25 26 25* 26 28* 21 23* 23 25 27 28* 21 23* 24 26 20* 21 22 23 25 26 CONSTRUCTION MINIMUMS Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 (1> glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing + Baffled Roof T-3 + STC 30 glazing + Baffled Roof T-3 + STC 33 glazing + Baffled Roof T-3 + STC 35 glazing + Baffled Roof Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing Table 3 Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing + Baffled Roof T-3 + STC 30 glazing + Baffled Roof Table 3 Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing + Baffled Roof Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 30 glazing T-3 + STC 30 glazing + Baffled Roof T-3 + STC 33 glazing + Baffled Roof (2) (2) (2) Dining Room 30*Table 3 94/160-R TABLE 4 -- Continued ' ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUES PLAN ROOM Family Room Kitchen/Nook Bedroom 4 NOISE (dBA) REDUCTION 23* 25 27 25* 26 19 22* 24 26 / o \Master Bedroom^' Bedroom 2/3 19 21 22* 24 26 21 23* 23 25 27 CONSTRUCTION MINIMUMS Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 30 glazing Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 30 glazing T-3 + STC 30 glazing + Baffled Roof Table 3 T-3 + STC 25 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing T-3 + STC 27 glazing + Bafflejd Roof T-3 + STC 3d glazing + Baffled Roof Satisfies requirement Please see Appendix 5 for an explanation of STC ratings. Only windows with a line-of-sight to the Railroad. The results of Table 4 show that the proposed project must incorporate the following interior noise mitigation measures: 1) Add STC 25 glazing - all Plan 1 Bedrooms 1 and 3; all Plan 2 Bedrooms 2/3 Add STC 27 glazing -- Plan 2 Master Bedroom > Note, that the only windows affected are those with a visual sight-line to the rail line. 94/160-R 5.3 VENTILATION When calculations depend on having windows closed, as it is in this case, it is good practice to provide adequate fresh air ventilation without resorting to the opening of the windows, should the occupant desire not to do so. Air conditioning is recommended for all units EXHIBIT 1 SITE LOCATION MAP ITEM EXHIBIT 2 LOTLINO ONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION CUT/HLL SLOt'ES LIMIT OF GRADING CURB A GUTfl-R SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT RETAINING WALL EXISTING MAIN DA OLI DATE CHART SPEED SCALE LOCATION -3mm A 40 60 60 DB 70 EXHIBITS Y 80 r100 L % DB 90- 60- 70- DB 60- 60- 40- -90 -80 -70 I -60 -50 -40 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 DB DB GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPENDIX 1 NOISE RATING METHODS 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 Page 1 of 3 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS NOISE RATING METHODS The A-weighted decibel of "A" scale on the sound level meter is often used in the measurement of noise because the weighting characteristics of this scale approximate the subjective response of the human ear to a broad frequency band noise source by discriminating against the very low and the very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. Since community noise is seldom constant, varying from moment to moment and throughout the day, the "A" weighted noise level needs to be further described to provide meaningful data. The Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Department of Transportation, foreign countries and private consultants are now using three time-exceeded percentile figures to describe noise, which are: (1) Lqrt is the noise level which is exceeded 90% of any sample time period (such as 24 hours) and is used to describe the background or ambient noise level. (2) LCQ is the noise level which is exceeded 50% of the time. It is the median level. (3) LIO is the noise level which is exceeded 10% of the time and is a good descriptor of fluctuating noise sources, such as vehicular traffic. It indicates the near-maximum levels which occur from grouped single events. Being related to the subjective annoyance to community noise, it is a good design tool 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone(714) 835-0249 Page 2 of 3 in the planning of acoustical barriers. More recent noise assessment methods are based on the equivalent energy concept where L /vl represents the average energy content of a fluctuating noise source over a sample period The subscript (x) represents the period in which the energy is computed and measured. Current practice references the quantity to either one (1) hour, eight (8) hours, or twenty- four (24) hours. When referenced to one (1) hour, L is also sometimes called HNL (Hourly Noise Level) . Since L is the summation of the functional productseq * of noise level and duration, many combinations of noise level, duration time and time history can make up the same L value. Thus, an L /-.. equals 50 means only that the average noise level is 50 dB. During the 24-hour period there can be times when the noise level is higher than 50 dB, and times when it is lower. If the period of the measurement is only a single event, the energy content is not averaged. The energy expression for a single event is simply the sum of the functional product of the noise level and duration time of the event. This term is called L or SENEL (Single Event Noise Exposure Level)1. The summation of L values averaged over one hour is L ,1V,e y eq (1) ' Leq(8)' Snd Leq(24)' L is further refined into L, (Level Day-Night) and CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level) , where noises that occur during certain hours of the day are weighted (or penalized) because they are considered subjectively more annoying during these time periods: (1) Ldn is the sound level in dBA which corresponds to the average energy content of the noise being measured over a 24-hour period including a 10 dBA weighting penalty for sound levels which occur during the nighttime hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. This is a rating method recommended by the Environmental Page 3 of 3 Protection Agency because it takes into account those subjectively more annoying noise events which occur during the sleeping hours. (2) CNEL. is the sound level in dBA which corres- ponds to the average energy content of the noise being measured over a 24-hour period including a five (5) dBA penalty for noise which occurs during the evening hours of 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., and a ten (10) dBA 'weighting penalty for noise that occurs during the night- time hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. For typical high- way vehicular traffic situations, computer analysis has shown that CNEL and L, correlate within 0-5 dBA.an The percentile figures LIO/ Lso' and Lqn can be directly scaled from a graphical recording of the measured noise over a particular time period. They are also convenient to implement in automatic measurement equipment. Energy parameters Le' Lea' Ldn' an<^ CNEL require expensive and complicated equip- ment. As a result, engineers have devised ways of estimating L (and hence, L, ) using standard instrumentation and methods. GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPENDIX RAILROAD NOISE CALCULATIONS HUD METHODOLOGY 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana. California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 RAILROADS - Diesel Locomotives 1000 Unacceptable 40 60 80 1 200 400 600 1000 2000 Effective Distance (ft) 4000 6000 10,000 WORKCHART 3 ADJUSTMENTS TOR DIESEL LOCOJVDTIVES Railway Railway Railway #1 #2 #3 9 No. of Locomotives 2 .jr «* .5" 10 Average Speed Table 9 X '^ X x -/^ x X ' £ X 11 Horns (enter 10) / x / x / X 12 Nlgit- time Table 5 /$7 J-34 /.sy 13 14No. of Adj. No. Trains of Trains (line 2) x /<? = r-f x / = /y-0 x /T « ^'6 15 Work chart 3 ^5 ^ - ^ - 16 Barrier Attn. ^; 17 Partial DNL ^7 ^ ^2. AEJUSTMENTS FOR RAILWAY CARS AM) RAPID TRANSIT TRAINS 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 DNL Number Average of cars Speed 50 Table 10 Railway #1 ''6 x ^-7/ x Railway #2 / x /'7<P x Railway #3 '^^ x *?*7y x Combined Locomotive and Railway Railway #1 $3 ~ Railway #2 ^y Railway #3 fr Z Bolted Rails (enter 4) / x / x / x Car DNL Total DNL for all Railways Nlg-it- No. of Work- Horns time Trains Adj. No. chart Barrier Partial (enter 100) Table 5 (line 2) of Trains 4 Attn. DNL / x />7 x // = /J± &*-#m&* / x #34 x / = /<?7 ^ . #f ~ 3% f ft, f A *** **^ ^ "* r^ ^* ^*" *^*^ /"« Date : ^/fi/^f /~' // ^^Signature: fctfT?* ffit**^^-*1' s 4 I p ru O" RAILROADS Cars and Rapid Transit 75 -70 65 60 55 -—:— - .——H 1- , , . . i f - . • - Unacceptable - 1000 I 80° 160° 10 40 60 80100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 6000 10, Effective Distance (ft) 000 WORKCHART 4 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPENDIX 3 BARRIER CALCULATIONS 1621 East Seventeenth Street. Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 TITLE: SIMULATION 4/14 EFFECTIVENESS / COST RATIOS BAR ELE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 - 0.* 2 - 0.* 3 - 0.* 4-0.* 5 - 0.* 6-0.* 7 - 0.* 8 - 0.* 9 - 0.* 0123456 1 - BARRIER DATA smmum 8AR BARRIER HEIGHTS ELE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 - 16.* 2 - 13.* 3 - 24.* 4 - 17. * 5 - 24.* 6 - 17.* 7 - 24.* 8 - 17.* 9 - 24.* 0123456 i REC REC ID DNL PEOPLE LEQ(CAL) 1 Rl 67. 500. 59.8 2 R2 67. 500. 59.9 3 R3 67. 500. 60.0 4 R4 67. 500. 58.1 BARRIER TYPE COST 8ERM 0. MASONRY 363703. MASONRY/JERSEY 0. CONCRETE 0. 7 81 Pi 81 P2 82 PI 82 P2 63 Pi 83 P2 64 PI 84 P2 85 PI 7 8AR 7 ID 81 PI 81 P2 82 PI 82 P2 83 PI 83 P2 64 PI 84 P2 65 PI 7 LENGTH TYPE 975.0 MASONRY 40.4 MASONRY 50.0 MASONRY 81.2 MASONRY 29.0 MASONRY 23.5 MftSONRY 27.9 MASONRY 784.1 MASONRY 15.0 MASONRY GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPENDIX INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION CALCULATIONS 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana. California 92701 Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING,/DINING - PLAN 1 FLOOR AREA 328 SURFACES TL £ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT .WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S •" -10LOG(ET*S> 10LOGA NR 40 43 5O s 20 O"T 28 31 29 34 r~> i-; "^ 176o 576 . O5 3O . 05 40 . 05 36 . 05 24 . 04 33 . 04 323 . 6 328 . 0253 8. 820893E-03 0 . -i"' . 2004749 5.705618E-02 1.906387E-02 4. 154453E-02 . 1305792 . 7828396 1 . 063272 23.92521 18.98848 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING/DINING - PLAN 1 - STC 25 FLOOR AREA 328 SURFACES TL €> AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT .WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR 40 43 5O •"."> ~!" 26 28 31 29 34 . 05 . 05 = 05 . 05 .04 .04 . 6 253 176 o 576 30 40 •_>O 24 -—' •!'» 328 328 -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOBA NR 8.820893E-03 .1503562 .1004755 5.70561SE-02 1,906387E-Q2 4.'154453E-02 . 1305792 .5331963 2.731129 23.92521 20.65634 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING/DINING - PLAN 1 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 328 SURFACES TL £ AREA T*S EXT.WALL 1 EXT.WALL 2 EXT.WALL 3 INT.WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*5 - -10LOG(ET*S 10LOSA NR WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING/DINING - PLAN 1 - STC 27 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF., FLOOR AREA 328 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S 40 43 50 s 25 . 05 28 . 05 28 . 05 31 .05 29 . 04 34 - 04 « 6 !) 253 176 0 576 30 40 36 24 ?'"' 328 328 „ i 8 0 9 6 5 i 4 . 3 ±_ 21 0253 .820893E-Q3 .48682SE-02 . 339575E-02 .70561SE-02 . 9063S7E-02 . 154453E-02 1305792 4406286 .559273 3.92521 . 48448 EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD ' DOORS ROOF FLOOR 40 43 50 25 28 2:8 3 1 29 40 .05 . 05 , 05 • 05 . 04 . O4 ,6 253 176 0 576 30 40 36 24 3 3 328 328 . 02! 8.8: o 9.4! 6. 3 5.7' 1.9 4.1' . 03 ET*S -10LQG<ET*S> 1OLOGA NR 8.820893E--03 9.486828E-02 6.339575E-02 :i.705618E-02 1.906387E-02 4.154453E-02 .3428495 4.648965 23.92521 22.57418 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING/DINING - PLAN 1 - STC 30 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF FLOOR AREA 328 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LOG(ET*S> 10LOGA NR WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL. 3 TNT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW o SGD DOORS- ROOF FLOOR ET*S -1GLQG<ET*S) 10LOGA NR 40 43 50 s 28 „ OS 31 .OS 23 . 05 31 .05 29 . 04 4O u O4 . 6 OR CALCULATING ROOM NO I LIVING /DINING - PLAN 1 32S TL £ 40 43 5O 31 .05 34 , OS 3 1 . 05 34 . 05 29 . 04 40 . 04 „ 6 '-, tr ••?; 176 0 576 30 40 36 24 •i'1 -..' 328 32S SE REDUCTION VALUE - STC 33 PLUS BAFFL AREA oe.--: 1.76 0 576 30 40 36 24 3>3 328 328 . O253 8. 820893E-03 0 4.754681E-02 3. 177312E-02 5.70561SE-02 1 . 906387E-02 4. 154453E-02 . 032S . 2639054 5.735517 23.92521 23.71073 ED ROOF I1 T*S . 0253 8. S2G893E-G3 0 2.382934E-02 1 . 592429E--02 2.S59581E-02 9.554571E-03 4..154453E-G2 . 0328 . 1863699 7. 296242 27; g ^25^1 25.22145 WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SOD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -- -1GLQG(ET*S) lOLdGA NR OR CALCULATING ROOM NO LIVING/DINING - PLAN 1 328 TL S 40 43 50 s 33 . 05 36 . 05 33 . OS 36 . 05 29 . 04 40 . 04 . 6 ISE REDUCTION - STC 35 PLUS AREA 253 176 0 576 30 40 36 24 7-C?:, 328 323 VALUE BAFFLED ROOF T*S . 0253 8.82G893E-Q3 0 1 . 5G3562E-02 1 .004754E-02 1 . 8G4275E-G2 6. 02B526E-03 4. 154453E-G2 . 0328 . 1576199 8. G2389 23.92521 25.9491 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VAL ROOM NAME KITCHEN/NOOK - PLAN 1 FLOOR AREA 201 SURFACES TL @ AREA EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S ,- -10LOG(ET*8) 10LOGA NR WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 INT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD • DOORS ROOF FLOOR 0 43 50 s 0 23 0 0 29 0 OR CALCULATING KITCHEN/NOOK - 201 TL O 43 50 0 26 0 0 00 o 0 123 64 256 . 05 0 .05 12 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 33 . 04 0 .6 201 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION PLAN 1 -- STC 25 £ AREA 0 123 64 256 . 05 0 „ 05 12 . O5 0 , 05 0 . 04 33 . 04 0 .6 201 0 6. 164601E-03 . 00064 0 6.014248E-02 0 0 4. 154453E-02 0 . 1084916 9. 646039 21 . 24374 24.8897B VALUE l1 T*S 0 6. 164601E-03 . uuuo4 0 3.014265E-02 0 o 4.1154453E~02 Q ET*S -10LQG<ET*S> 10LOGA NR 7. B4917SE-0! 11.05176 21.24374 26.2955 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME: FAMILY - PLAN i FLOOR AREA 171 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW i WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LOG<ET*S> 10LOGA NR 0o 50 " o 0 30 0 0 o - . 05 .05 .05 .05 .04 '. 04 .6 0 o 54 296 O 0 50 0 0 o 171 0 0 . 00054 0 0 .05 0 0o . 05054 12.96365 20.62356 27.58721 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME MBR ~ PLAN 1 - STC 25 FLOOR AREA 191 SURFACES TL. @ AREA EXT. WALL 3. EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOCT(ET*S> 10 LOG A NR 0 43 50 0 2'-':- 30 0 0 34 . 05 .05 . 05 . 05 .04 .04 ~ 6 0 82 95 221 0 30 25 0 0 191 191 0 4. 109734E-03 . 00095 0 . 1503562 . 025 0 0 7.603846E-02 .2564544 5.909899 21 .20837 21. 11827 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME MBR - PLAN 1 - STC 25 WINDOW WITH SIGHT TO R.R. FLOOR AREA 191 SURFACES TL € AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 0 EXT. WALL 2 43 EXT. WALL 3 5O I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 0 WINDOW 2 26 WINDOW 3 30 SGD 0 DOORS 0 ROOF 34 FLOOR ET*S -10LQG<ET*S) 10LOGA NR 0 82 95 221 . 05 0 . 05 30 . O5 25 . 05 0 . 04 0 .04 191 .6 193. 0 4. 109734E-03 . OO095 0 7 . 535663E- 02 . 025 0 0 7.&03846E-02 . 1814548 7.412314 21.20S37 22.62068 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE: REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME MBR - PLAN 1 - STC 27 WINDOW WITH SIGHT TO R.R. FLOOR AREA 191 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT -WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 S6D DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LDG<ET*S 1 OLOSA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT .WALL- WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD ' DOORS ROOF FLOOR 0 43 50 s o 28 30 0 o 34 ) FOR CALCULATING MBR - PLAN 1 - 191 TL O 43 50 O 28 ?'•', O 0 o 40 0 82 95 221 , O5 0 „ 05 30 . 05 25 . 35 0 . I>4 0 . :>4 191 .6 191 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE STC 27 WINDOW W/ SIGHT PLUS S AREA 0 82 95 221 . 05 0 . 05 30 . 05 25 . 05 0 . 04 0 .04 191 .6 191 0 4. 109734E-03 . 00095 0 4.754681E-02 . 025 0 o 7. 603846E-02 . 153645 8. 134816 21.20837 23.34319 BAFFLE!} ROOF T*S 0 4. 109734E-03 . OOO95 o 4.754681E-02 . 025 0 0 i . 0 1 9 1 ET*S -10LOG(ET*S) 1OLOGA NR 9.670654E-02 10.14544 21.20837 25.35381 WORK SHEET FOR: CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME MBR - PLAN 1 - STC 30 WINDOW W/ SIGHT PLUS BAFFLED ROOF FLOOR AREA 191 SURFACES TL S AREA T*S i a.109734E-03 2.3829B4E-02 •--,") KT. EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SSD DOORS ROOF FLOOR 0 43 50 s 0 31 30 0 o 40 - = 05 . 05 .05 . 05 . 04 .04 . 6 0 32 95 221 0 30 25 0 0 191 191 0 4. . 0 o *"> . 0 0 0 . c ET*S '" -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOGA NR 7.298958E-02 11.36739 21.20837 26.57576 WUKK bHtt. I l~ ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LQG(ET*S) 10LOGA NR UK UALCULAT1NU ROOM NOISE BR2 - PLAN 1 121 TL £ 0 0 50 / 0 . 05 0 . 05 30 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 40 . 04 ,6 RE DUG 1 1UN VALUE AREA T*3 0 O 0 0 63 . 00063 267 0 0 0 0 25 . 025 0 0 0 0 121 .-0121 121 . 03773 14.23313 19.49975 27.73288 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR3 - PLAN 1 FLOOR AREA 128 SURFACES TL £ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW i WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -iO!_aG"<c-:T*S) 10LOGA NR 40 43 50 0 . 05 23 . G5 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 34 „ 04 . 6 101 66 12 1 57 0 25 0 O o 128 128 . 0 1 0 1 3.307835 . 00012 0 . 1 252968 0 0 0 5.095772 . 1397824 7.217441 19.69602 20.91346 E-O; E-O; WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR3 - PLAN 1 - STC 25 FLOOR AREA 128 SURFACES TL S AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT, WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOGA NR 4O 43 50 0 26 0 o 0 34 . 05 . 05 . 05 . OS .04 .04 . 6 101 66 12 157 0 25 0 0 o 128 128 . 0 1 0 1 3. 307835E--03 . 00012 0 6.279719E-02 0 o 0 5.'095772E-C2 . 1272827 8.952305 19.69602 22.64833 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR3 - PLAN 1 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 12S SURFACES TL AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - 40 43 50 s O . 05 28 . 05 0 . 05 0 . OS O . 04 34 . 04 . 6 101 66 12 157 0 25 0 A 0 .1 28 128 -1QLQG(ET*S> 10LOGA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD ' DOORS ROOF FLOOR FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE BR3 - PLAN 1 - STC 27 PLUS 128 TL @ 40 43 SO 0 . 05 28 . 05 0 . O5 0 . 05 0 . 04 40 . 04 . 6 REDUCTION BAFFLED AREA 101 66 12 157 0 25 0 0 0 128 128 . 0 1 0 1 3. 307835E-03 . 00012 0 3.962234E-02 0 0 0 5.095772E-02 . 1041079 9.825164 19. 69602 23.52119 VALUE ROOF r T*S . 0 1 0 1 3.307835E-O3 . 00012 0 3. 962234E-02 0 0 0 ' .0128 ET*S -10LQG<ET*S> i OLOGA NR 6.595018E-0; 11.80784 19.69602 25.50386 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 201 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOB-(ET*S> 1.0 LOG A NR 0 43 0 o r--'~'l 31 O 29 34 . 05 . 05 . 05 .05 . 04 . 04 .6 0 181 0 597 0 50 27 0 •-> - 3 20 1 201 0 9.071486E-Q3 0 o . 2505937 2, 144686E-02 0 4. 154453E-02 8.QQ1953E-02 .4026761 3.950441 2 1 . 89883 19.84927 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING - PLAN 2 - STC 25 FLOOR AREA 201 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 0 EXT. WALL 2 43 EXT. WALL 3 0 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 0 WINDOW 2 26 WINDOW 3 31 SGD 0 DOORS' 29 ROOF 34 FLOOR ET*S -1CLO(3<ET*S> 1 OLDS A NR . 05 -05 .05 . 05 . 04 .04 . 6 0 18:1 o 597 0 50 27 0 • J1 •!"' 20 1 2(-">l 0 9.071486E-Q3 0 o . 1255944 2. 1446S6E-O2 0 4. 154453E-02 8.O01953E-G2 . 277676S 5.564605 21 .89833 21.46344 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME LIVING - PLAN 2 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 201 SURFACES TL £ AREA T*1 EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SOD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LOG<ET*S) 1 OLOGA NR WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW i WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD ' DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOG<ET*S? 1 OLOGA NR 0 43 0 s 0 28 31 0 29 34 OR CALCULATING LIVING - PLAN 20 1 TL 0 43 0 0 31 31 0 2? 34 0 181 0 597 „ 05 0 . 05 50 . 05 27 . 05 0 , O4 33 -04 201 . 6 20 1 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE 2 - STC 30 @ AREA 0 181 0 597 . 05 0 . 05 50 . 05 27 . 05 0 . 04 33 .04 201 .6 201 0 9. 071486E--03 0 0 7.924468E-02 2. 1446B6E-02 g 4. 154453E-O2 S.001953E--02 .2313271 6.357735 21.89833 22.25657 l' T*S o 9.O71486E--03 0 0 . 0397164 2. 144686E-02 0 4.-154453E-02 8. 001953E-02 . 1917983 7. 171541 21.89883 23.07037 WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S '" -10LOG(ET*S) 1 QLQGA NR WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOG(ET*S. 1 OLOGA NR OH CALCULATING LIVING - PLAN : 201 TL 0 43 0 s 0 31 31 0 29 40 rOR CALCULATING LIVING - PLAN 201 TL 0 43 0 o 34 34 0 29 40 ) ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE 2 - STC 30 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF £ AREA 0 181 0 597 . 05 0 . 05 5O . 05 27 . 05 0 . 04 33 .04 201 .6 201 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE 2 - STC 33 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF @ AREA 0 181 0 597 . 05 0 . 05 50 . 05 27 . 05 0 . O4 33 .04 201 .6 201 T*S 0 9.071486E-03 0 0 .0397164 2, 144686E--02 0 4. 154453E-02 . 0201 . 1318793 8. 798235 21.89833 24.697O7 I1 T*S 0 9.071486E-O3 0 o 1 . 990536E-02 1 . 074S89E-02 0 4.-154453E-Q2 . 0201 . 1 0 1 37*03 9. 940394 21.89883 25.83973 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME DINING - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 138 SURFACES TL @ AREA EXT.WALL 1 EXT.WALL 2 EXT.WALL 3 INT.WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S '"• -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOGA NR T*S oo 50 S 0 0 30 0 0 0 „ 05 , 05 .05 , 05 .04 . 04 , 6 0 0 59 301 0o 25 0 0 o 138 0o . 00059 0 0 . 025 0 0 0 . 02559 15.9193 19.81547 29.73477 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FAMILY - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 181 SURFACES TL @ AREA '*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT -WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - 40 43 0 s 0 . 05 23 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 0 « 04 .6 104 62 0 216 0 30 0 Q 0 0 181 -10LOG(ET*S> 10LOGA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE FAMILY - PLAN 2 - STC 25 181 TL e 40 43 0 O . 05 26 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 0 . 04 . 6 REDUCTION AREA 1O4 62 0 216 0 30 o 0 0 0 1S1 . 01O4 3. 10736E-03 0 0 . 1503562 0 o o 0 . 1638636 7.855176 20.87782 22.73299 VALUE 'I1 T*S . 0104 3. 10736E-03 O 0 7. 535663E-0 r") 0 0 ,o ET*S -10LOG<ET*S> 1OLOGA NR 8.88639BE-02 10.51274 20.87782 25.39056 WORK SHEET EOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FAMILY - PLAN 2 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 181 SURFACES TL $ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SBD DOORS ROOF FLOOR 40 43 0 s 0 28 0 0 0o . 05 . 05 . 05 .05 . 04 . 04 .6 104 62 0 216 0 30 0 0 n 0 181 ET*S " -10LQG<ET*S> 1OLOGA NR .0104 3.10736E-03 O 4.754681E-0: 0 o 0 o 6.105417E-02 3.2. 14285 20.87782 27.02066 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME KITCHEN/NOOK - FLAW 2 FLOOR AREA 2O7 SURFACES TL £ AREA T*S EXT. WALL I EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 INT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LOG(ET*S) 1 OLOG A NR 40 43 50 s o 23 0 o 29 0 - . 05 . 05 .05 .05 . 04 .04 .6 16 106 96 236 0 12 0 o_.,..-,. 0 207 . 00 1 6 5.3125B4E-03 . 00096 0 6. G14248E-02 0 0 4. 154453E--02 0 . 1095596 9.603496 21.35451 24.95801 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME KITCHEN/NOOK - PLAN 2 - STC 25 FLOOR AREA 207 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*£ EXT. WALL 1 4O EXT. WALL. 2 43 EXT. WALL 3 5O I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 O WINDOW 2 26 WINDOW 3 0 SGD 0 DOORS 29 ROOF 0 FLOOR ET*S -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOSA NR 16 1 06 5 96 236 . 05 0 0 . 05 12 -3 . O5 O 0 . 05 0 C . 04 33 4 . 04 0 C. . 6 2O7 7 1 jl 2£ . 0016 5.312584E-03 .00096 3.014265E--02 .'154453E-02 7.955977E-02 10.99307 21.35451 26.34757 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR4 - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 100 SURFACES TL *1 AREA EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -- -lOLQGdET* 1 OLOGA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME: FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT .WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S — 1 0! OR \E-~T* 1 OLOGA NR 40 - 23 0 0 0 0 " 272 20 .05 25 O . 05 0 0 . '05 0 0 . 05 0 0 . 04 0 0 . 04 0 .6 100 S) FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE BR4 -- PLAN 2 - STC 25 100 TL © AREA 40 23 0 0 0 0 272 23 . 05 25 0 . 05 0 0 . 05 0 0 . 05 0 0 . 04 0 0 . 04 0 . 6 1 00 3 ' . 0023 0 0 .25 0 0 0 0 0 .2523 5.980828 18,69525 18.67608 'l' T*S . 0023 0 0 . 1252968 0 0 0 0 , 0 . 1275968 8-941602 18.69525 21.63685 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR4 - PLAN 2 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 100 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOS(ET*S 1 OLOGA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT .WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -101 OR <ET*E 40 0 O s 25 O 0 0 0 0 ) FOR CALCULATING BR4 - PLAN 2 - 1 00 TL 40 0 O 28 0 o o o o >) f-,-7- o 0 272 . 05 25 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 0 .. 0 4 0 . 6 1 00 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE STC 30 @ AREA j-JTr j^. '_' 0 o 272 .05 25 „ 05 0 . 05 0 ,. 05 0 . 04 0 . 04 0 . 6 1 OO . 0023 O 0 7.905691E-02 0 0 0 0 0 8. 135691E-02 10.89606 IB. 69525 23.59131 r T*S . 0023 0 0 3.962234E-Q2 0 0 o 0 ' 0 4. 192234E-02 13.77554 10L06A NR 18.6952' 26.4708 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE ROOM NAME MBR - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 219 SURFACES TL £ ,'EDUCTION VALUE EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 3GD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S •- -10LQG(ET*S> 10LOGA NR WORK SHEET F ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT .WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT, WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S -10LOQ (ET*S) 1 OLOGA NR 40 43 0 y 20 23 0 0 0 34 OR CALCULATING MBR - PLAN 2 -• 219 TL 40 43 0 *"^ ™^" 26 0 0 o 34 S6 102 0 237 . 05 30 . 05 30 . 05 0 . OS 0 . 04 0 ".04 219 .6 219 ROOM NOISE REDUCTION STC 25 & AREA 86 102 0 237 . 05 30 . 05 30 . O5 0 . 05 0 . 04 0 -04 219 . 6 2 1 9 8.599999E-03 5. 112109E-03 0 "? . 1503562 0 0 0 8. 71S546E-02 .5512538 2.586485 21.91954 18.506O2 VALUE V T*S 3.599999E-03 5. 112109E-03o . 15O3562 7.535663E-02 0 0 0 i 8.718546E-02 .3266104 4,8597 21.91954 20.77924 WUHK bHLL 1 1 ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LQG(ET*S 1 OLOGA NR WORK SHEET ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF- FLOOR ET*S -10LOG(ET*£ 10LO6A -UK CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION MBR - PLAN 2 -- STC 27 2 1 9 TL e AREA 40 " 86 43 102 0 0 237 25 . O5 30 28 . 05 30 0 . 05 0 0 . 05 0 0 . 04 0 34 .04 219 .6 219 ) FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION MBR - PLAN 2 - STC 30 219 TL S AREA 40 36 43 102 O 0 237 28 . 05 30 31 .05 30 0 .05 0 0 « 05 0 0 . 04 0 34 .04 219 .6 219 S) VALUE T*S 8.599999E-03 5. 112109E-03 0 9.4S682SE-02 4.754681E-02 0 Oo 8. 718546E-02 . 2433127 6. 138353 21 . 91954 22.05789 VALUE I1 T*S 8. 599999E-O3 5. 1 121 091- -03 0 4.754631E--02 2. 382984E-02 0 0 0 • 8. 71S546E-02 . 1722742 7 . 637797 21.91954 NR WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S - -10LQG(ET*S: 1 GLOB A NR MBR - PLAN 2 - 219 TL 40 43 0 ' 28 31 0 0 0 40 - STC 30 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF il> AREA 86 102 0 237 . 05 30 . 05 30 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 0 .04 219 .6 219 T*S 8.599999E-0: 5. 112109E-Q; 0 4.754631E-0; 2. 332934E-0: 0 0o . 0219 . 1069838 9.706618 21.91954 25.62616 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR2/3 - PLAN 2 FLOOR AREA 120 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT .WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S '" -10LOG(ET*S) 10LQGA NR WORK SHEET FOR ROOM NAME BR FLOOR AREA 1 SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 INT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF- FLOOR ET*S -10L.OG<ET*S> 10LOGA NR 40 43 o s 0 . 05 23 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 34 . 04 .6 CALCULATING ROOM NOISE 2/3 - PLAN 2 STC 25 jL.'1' J TL @ 40 43 O 0 . 05 26 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 . 04 34 . 04 .6 1 0 1 58 0 1 76 0 25 O o o 120 1 20 REDUCTION AREA 101 58 0 176 0 I-;'b 0 0 0 120 120 . o i o i 2.906835E-03 0 0 . 125296S 0 0 0 4.777286E-02 . 1860766 7.303084 17.48804 20.79112 VALUE .»I T*S . 0 1 0 1 2.906885E-03 0 n 6. 279719E-02 0 0 0 ' 4.777286E-02 . 1235769 9.080626 19.48804 22.56867 WORK 3HEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR2/3 -- PLAN 2 - STC 27 FLOOR AREA 120 SURFACES TL S AREA T*S EXT -WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT .WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR ET*S "" -10LQ6(ET*S) 1 CLOG A NR WORK SHEET FOR ROOM NAME BR FLOOR AREA 1 SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 WINDOW 2 WINDOW 3 SGD DOORS ROOF FLOOR 40 43 0 s 0 28 o 0 0 34 CALCULATING 2/3 - PLAN 2 20 TL 40 43 0 0 28 O 0 o 40 . 05 . 05 . 05 ,05 . 04 . 04 .6 ROOM NO I - STC 27 e . 05 . 05 . 05 . 05 . 04 • 04 .6 101 58 0 176 0 25 0 0o 1 20 120 3E REDUCTION VALUE PLUS BAFFLED ROOF AREA 101 SB 0 176 0 25 0 o 0 120 120 . 0 1 0 1 2.906885E-Q3 0 0 3.962234E-02 0 0 0 4.7772B6E-02 . 1004021 9.9S2572 19.48S04 23.47061 ']' T*S . 0 1 0 1 2.906B85E-Q3 O 0 T o/. ''T'-^-rj rr_ fio-_' « 7 O j:- J. •_' *1 L_ '•_' .£. 0 0 0 ' .012 ET*S ~10LOG(ET*S) 1OLOGA NR 6.462923E-0 11.3957 i 19.48804 25.38375 WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME BR2/3 - PLAN 2 - GTC 30 PLUS BAFFLED ROOF FLOOR AREA 120 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 40 EXT. WALL 2 43 EXT. WALL 3 0 I NT. WALL WINDOW 1 • 0 WINDOW 2 31 WINDOW 3 0 SGD 0 DOORS 0 ROOF 40 FLOOR ET*S "" -10LOG(ET*S) 10LOSA NR 101 58 0 176 . OS 0 . 05 25 . 05 0 . -05 0 . 04 0 .04 120 .6 120 . 0 1 0 1 2.906885E-03 0 0 ,O1 98582 0 0 0 .012 4.486509E-02 13.48091 19.48804 26.96896 V GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPENDIX 4 WINDOW PRODUCT GUIDE 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana. California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS GLAZING IN ALUMINUM SASH NOTES Glazing products are rated by Sound Transmission Class (STC). Not all similar products provide the same STC number. Attached are listings of ratings of the larger glazing manu- facturers. Every manufacturer listed does not have tests on every configuration. Absence of data, however, may simply be a reflection of an incomplete product file on our part. One may not transfer ratings for product types. Also, many of these products are special frame configurations, seal configurations, and glass configurations. Therefore, you must be certain to specify the correct frame and glass combinations. Note — This data represents the information on file. Gordon Bricken and Associates, Inc., takes no responsibility on current product availability or ratings. Please consult the manufacturer's specific rating data and product specifications. Revised August 11, 1989 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714)835-1957 WINDOWS 1) STC (2)RATINGv ' SINGLE SLIDERS DOUBLE SLIDERS MANUFACTURER 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SS - SS Dual SS DSB DSB 3/16" 3/16"_ DSB All None 2, 4 2 2, 3 1, 4 3, 6 4 3 None 5 Listed Listed 28 29 30 31 32 33 5/8" Dual 3/16" Tempered 1/2" Dual Dual 3/16" Annealed Dual 1/4" 1/4" Laminated 5/8" Dual Dual 1/2" Laminated 5/8" Laminated 5/16" Laminated SS-SS 34 SS - 3/16" SS-DSB DSB-Dual Dual-Dual SS-DSB SS-SS 3)1 3 6 1 6 1 1 1 5 2 3, 4 1 2 1 2 1 3 WINDOWS — Continued STC RATING 35 36 ^ 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 (1) (2) (3) SINGLE SLIDERS DOUBLE SLIDERS SS-3/16" SS-Dual DSB-DSB SS-3/16" 1/2" Laminated SS-DSB DSB-3/16" 3/16"-3/16" SS-3/16" SS-Dual 1/4" Laminated-3/16" DSB-3/16" 3/16"-Dual 1/2" Laminated-3/16" DSB-3/16" Dual-Dual Dual-Dual DSB-Dual 3/16"-Dual |1 = Premier 12 = International #3 = Guaranteed Products 14 = Century (Elco) #5 = Rolleze 16 = Rylock MANUFACTURER 4 6 4 3 1 2 4 4 2 2 6 3 2 6 5 2 V5 5 5 Where STC ratings are required, then, the manufacturer should supply evidence of product compliance. Multiple ratings for the same glass in Premier Products represent different glass products suppliers. Consult Premier for source. SLIDING GLASS DOOR (1) STC RATING GLASS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3/16" Dual 3/16" Dual - 1/4" Dual - Dual 33 5/8" Dual 1/4" Laminated MANUFACTURER 3, 5 4 1 1 s fi'2>1 , D, D None Listed 4 6<2> None Listed 6(2) 1 5 (D II #2 13 #4 #5 #6 Premier International Guaranteed Products Century (Elco) Rolleze Rylock (2)Frame varies with some glass GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS MANUFACTUER WOOD AND PLASTER FRAME WINDOWS STC RATINGS DESCRIPTION PEL LA Single Wood Frame Double Glazed S3 Casement Double Glazed 3/16".... Triple Glazed ANDERSON wood frame with 3/8" Welded Insulating Glass Casement Awning Gliding Double Hung Double Hung with Storm. . r ALENCO Plastic Frame Model V-402 with Insulating Glass 1/4" Laminated and DSB Horizontal Slider ALENCQ Single Hung Plastic Frame DSB Glass 1/4" Laminated Glass... INSULATE Single Hung Plastic Frame Dual 1/4" Laminated Glass (1" total spacing) j . STC RATING 30 33 34 34 30 24 24 26 33 35 32 36 37 1621 East Seventeenth Street. Suite K • SantaAna. California92701 • Phone(714)835-0249