HomeMy WebLinkAbout1210-50; Palomar Airport Rd.; relocating fire hydrand; 1978-02-2859on ^ubbarD dontracting do. ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR YARD AND OFFICE-46 ENCINITAS BLVD. ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 577, ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TEL; 753-1137 SEWER CONSTRUCTION PIPE LINE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT RENTALS February 28, 1978 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 EX Camino Real Carlsbad, Calif. Attns Mr. Kubota Re: Palomar Airport Fire Hydrant Re-Location. We will furnish all labor and material to relocate the fire hydrant at Palomar Airport, to a point 30 feet tiom the present location, as per Mr. Kubotas' instructions. The installation charge will be based on Time and Material not to exceed $1,000.00. Jack Rugjeir Ass't. Sec'y, nriMn CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL rrn 9 ft'70 viUiU. WATER wsTwcr rtB ^ 0 (Q c: DJ o 10 W 3 S "2. o £ » SED S-o " < w (P 5 3 n T * 3 4 o c 5." 5 c B w !^ o> 2. ™ •< o o (D wo? (D m —- w c u>'< a> — o m 3 ^ n> 01 o » S » 0) f Cfi 2 o =• w 5 3 " S S o in 1° H > > 1^ O Ijl O o o o m X' O o 1.J 2 w >: > TJ r- r: Ui o o a; O 9- S CL 3 III o K O K a, m It S 3 a 3. q 2 n O 3 i o > X > OH] o < O m li z o o o m m > o zo 5° m 5 OS o5 2c r 5 OO V 3) Z »> <o9 3 3" o < > m ^ < c O r- O r™ J3 U3 m -n O m rn C/l o Tf. Ll i~" o r : .'• a/ r~ " > <n 3: c ' ~J •'J >• C^" —' rr c az Oi X •D H p n- 01 VJ1 TJ C og n OH ms 3 m z H n O -< o Tl > Z o m O O OTifTiancD>H m ? # J E 5 > 2 Tl 5 ro 00 jJ o -J o z s X M Z ri ^ ^ _ m m # # S m in > > p a > 5 > > 5 W ,-< M W -sl December 23» 1977 R. E. Bunch County o£ San Dlego f<Z:\ Dept. of Transportation [ Ll Cocmiunity Service Agency Building 2, 5555 Overland San Dlego» CA 92123 Subject: Fire Hydrant Relocation, Palomar Airport i • . • Dear lix. Bunch: As per your plan for the relocation of the fire hydrant at Palomar Air- port, Line D, Taxi Way, your plan Indicates an addlticmal 12 feet of water line. That, of course. Increases the cost somewhat, and we suggest that the county Issue a purchase order for its installation of water line and relocation of the fire hydrant in the amount not to exceed $1,500. This, of course, can be coordinated with your construction that is now in prog^s at Palnmar Airport. Although, if It As agreeable with you, we vlSh to hold off until barricades are constructed on that segment of the road inasmuch aa this decreases traffic and will make the job easier for us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT John p. Uenley, General/^nager CActing) JP^:nd cc: Lovell Uurlbut Jim Jackson WOODSIDE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIAV JNC. MEMORANDUM November 3 , 1977 TO: John Henley, Acting General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer SUBJECT: Palomar Airport - Street Improvement Project We looked over the problem with the Kaz Chine temporary irrigation service that is tied into the Hughes Helicopters fire hydrant. I believe that the simplest thing to do is to move the temporary line right against the fence and then bury the waterline where the main opening exists. There is going to be a problem no matter what you do but that appears to be the simplest solution. With regard to moving the fire hydrant where the new a ire raft crossing is located, we see no problem in your instrumenting a 90° bend and moving the hydrant to the east. We are sending back the drawings for now. Please save them or return them to^us. JYK/skb Enclosure CARLSBAD MUNiCIHAL Mn\/ /»77 R J MASSMAN Director Officei ol County Engineer & Rood Commisiionet County Surveyor County Airports CuUNTY OF SAN DidGO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY Bldg 2. 5555 Overlond Ave. Son Diego. Colifornio 92123 Telephone: 1 714) 565- 5177 November 1, 1977 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Pacific Telephone Company .Sanitation & flood Control Dept. i Carlsbad_Municipal Water District^ Attn: Mr. Larry Smith Attn: Right-of-way Liaison Attn: Mr. Darwin Drake Attn: Mr. Jack Kubota Attn: Mr. John Henley f Gentlemen: Subject: Construction of Palomar Airport Access Road R.S. 1534-3 Project UJ0230 A preconstruction conference on the above project will be held at 1 • 30 p.m. UMXmXXon November 8 1977, in the Construction Engineering Group Conference Room, Building 5, Department of Transportation, County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego Califomia. Very truly yours, R. J. MASShlAN Director of Transportation R. E. BUNCH Controls Engineer and Utilities Coordinator RJM:REB:my xc: R. J. Massman: Contract Admin. Al Waldman L. Hurlbut, Mgr., Palomar Airport REC'D. CARLSBAD MUrJiCfPAL WATER DISTRICT NOV o77 C/1RLSBND AAmiClPAl M/ATER DISTRICT [ I Con lino Reai. Coilibod. Colifornia P200C T&ioptione' (7 i-^) -13^ -?/l'2 October 27, 1977 Mr. Lovell Hurlbut County of San Diego Palomar Airport Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Fire Hydrant Relocation Dear Lovel1, As per our discussion Monday, regarding the replacement and restationing of the fire hydrant which will be in the way of your new taxiway, we have arrived at a cost estimate of approximately $1,000,00. The actual construction can be handled in either of two ways: (1) The contractor doing the roadwork, etc., can make arrangements with the water district for the work which will include his depositing with the district the aforementioned amount; or (2) The County can contract with Carlsbad Municipal Water District and place with us the deposit. We will then do the actual construction ourselves. If you have any further questions please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OPH:fw COUNTY OF SAM. DIEGO .'ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIC CONFERENCE NOTES Date 11-8-77 Location: Subject: Time started i. PM Time completed 2:20 PM 5555 Overland Ave., T>ppar^TP^n^ -nf Tra^^r-^rtation Oo^fe^ehce Room, Bldg. 5 Construction of Palomar Airport Access Road, from Palomar Airport Road W.O.No. UJ0230 Conferees: Name Title Organization Dale Sutton Lovell Hurlbut Barry Cohen Dave Branch Wayne Reilly Al Higdon Joe L. McGuire F. J . McGuire G. W. Tennies Robert Hoglen W'.E. Jack Watson A. S. Haimn Dick Bunch Cable Locator Airport Manager Carlsbad Muni. Water Distrit Estimator Area Manager General Supervisor Const. Tech IV C.C.O. Ass't. Civil Engirneer Assoc. Land Surveyor Jr. Civil Engineer Asst. Road Division Supt. Ass't Material Engineer Utilities Coord, Pacific Telephone Palomar Airport General Manager Sully-Miller Const. Co, II San Diego County The Resident Engineer will be Jim Jackson. 1. Utilities: Utilities were reviewed. The Telephone Co. says no problems expected. A Gas Co. line on line "D" will not conflict with the work. A temporary water line at the Airport will be an obstruction to the grading of Road "A" unless moved or buried. It was decided that the line would be buried in a location clear of construction. 2. Submittals: Contractor proposes to start 11-21-77 if documents approved by then. First payroll must be delivered to the County prior to 11-27-77. It need not be for the full work week. REC'f) ^''^f^'-^™ MUNICIPAL H'-P "LU U. WATER DISL\'iCT UC C - ^J^J( Form ER 500 (10/75~OS1) Pre-Construction Conference Notes -2- November 8, 1977 3. Staking and Materials Testing: Surveys will provide the necessary construction staking after notification by Sully-Miller of their move-in date. Advance notice of two work days is needed for staking requests, Al Hamm of Materials Lab advised that R.C. test can be taken on 24 hour notice of less and every effort to provide prompt results will be made. A. Contract Compliance: Joe L. McGuire, EEO, discussed the requirements with the Contractor's EEO officer. There will be periodic inspection of the work by State and Federal Agencies and reporters. Be sure that all signs are up, and that all other EDA requirements are met. NOTES PREPARED BY: Joe McGuire FJM:EWS:mcy COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ENGINEER DEPARTMENT CONTRACT EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LIST Contract Work Order Contract Description Construction of Palomar Airport Access Road, from Palomar Airport Road. Contractor Sully-Miller Address 5SS Airport. Ocenaside, CA Phone 757-3910 County Construction Trailer Phone NONE Contractor Project Phone t^QNE The following emergency phone numbers shall be used to contact responsible personnel after normal working hours, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. UTILITIES San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Telephone Co. Sanitary Sewer Water District San Diego County Carlsbad M.W.D. COUNTY PERSONNEL Resident Engineer Jim Jackson Construction Technician Construction Technician Senior Civil Engineer Clyde Lehman Al Higdon J.R, Davidson Principal Civil Engineer R.L. Shick CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL Engineer - Estimator Office Manager Job Manager Dale Smith Area Office Manager Area Safety Engineer Wayne Reilly Phone 235-6323 Phone 438-2722 Phone 565-5703 Phone 729-2348 Phone 466-5415 Phone 463-4114 Phone 442-7800 Phone 244-1846 Phone 277-8672 Phone Phone Phone 728-0993 Phone "749-3122 Phone Distribution: Contractor, R.E., Construction Engr., E.C.C., Comm. (Radio Station A) M/ATER DISTRICT [I Curnino Reol. Corlsbod, Colifornio 9200B OFFICE MEMO To: J, Y» Kubota From: John p. Henley Subject: Pre-Construction Conference Date: September 30, 1977 County of San Diego Re: Construction of Transient Parking Apron at Palomar Airport, Project KJ 78-23 Dear Jack, I attended the pre-construction conference yesterday at 11:00 A.M., which in- volved Phase 1 of construction to start no earlier than two weeks from yesterday, Construction consists of electrical wiring and a parking apron on the airport runway proper. CMWD is involved only in that we will furnish construction water for the job. Phase 2 has not been awarded at this time. As you know. Phase 2 is the re- vamping of the entry-way, etc. JPH:fw CaUNTY OF SAN DIEGO " J MASSMAN Director DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' Son Diego. California 92123 oincesof COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY County Engineer & Rood Commitsiontff County Surveyor Counly Airporti Telephone: ( 714) 565-5177 September 16, 1977 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Pacific Telephone Company i£a!ill5aOiifiici^ Sanitation & Flood Control Dept. Attn: Mr, Larry Smith Attn: Right-of7Way Liaison ^ttnt^Mrj^'aobn HenVe^^ Attn: Mr ."Darwin Drake Gentlemen: Subject: Construction of Transient Parking Apron at Palomar Airport, Project No. KJ7823 A preconstruction conference on the above project will be held at 11 :00 A.M./Rjc5t. on September 29 , 1977, in the Construction Engineering Group Conference Room. Building 5, Department of Transportation; County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego Califomia. Very truly yours, R. J. f-^SSMAN Director of Transportation R. E. BUNCH Controls Engineer and Utilities Coordinator R.JM:REB:my xc: R. J, -iassman: Contract Admin. R. Walsh prpin CARLSBADMUNICIPAL CTp 9 r'77 WOODSIDE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIATES. INC. COMUILTINO r 2465 Pio Pico Drive • P.O. Qox 1095 • Carlibad, California 92008 • (714) 729-1194 September 20 , 1977 Richard E. Bunch Utility Coordinator County of San Diego Department of Transportation 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Subject: Palomar Airport Expansion Program - Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Bunch; Responding to your request made to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, we are submitting, under separate cover, the following plans for the public water system that are at the Palomar Airport: 1. 16" Water Main in Palomar Airport Road (5 sheets). 2. Line "E" - North of Palomar Airport Road (3 sheets). 3. Palomar Airport Road Conduit Crossing (1 sheet). 4. Palomar Airport Road Water Main Extension (4 sheets). There is also one additional pipeline project, namely the original 6" water main extension designed and constructed by the County of San Diego, We ask that you check with your own Department for the original drawings of this 6" line. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the information that we have given you, or if you have need of additional assistance. y truly yours. /jack Y, ^iibo£a) District Engineer / Carlsbadl Municipal Water District cc: Carlsbad Municipal. Water District JYK/skb CMWD 74-115 tfTOrnnge Countv. Santa Ana n June 23. 1975 U San DiecjO County Environmental Keview Board Office of Environmental Management 1600 Pacific Highway, Roorri 260 San Diego, Ca. 92101 uentlenien: The enclosed coii<rijents and recommendations of the Carlsbad i'.unicipal Water District regarding the Master Plan Report of tlie Palomar Airport is again submitted to your body for review as described In your legal notice dated June 6, 1975. We are enclosing 10 copies of this for your convenience. Very Truly Yours, CAKLSbAO MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Winder K, Priday, General Manager WFP:de Enclosure 5780 0 Camino Reai. Carisbaa, California 9200Q Telephone: (714} 729-.234S April 16, 1975 COMMENTS AND RECOMHENDATIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REGARDING "MASTER PLAN REPORT - PALOMAR AIRPORT" - JfflUARY 1, 1975 The Board of Directors through the District staff have reviewed the subject report relating to two aspects of the master plan report as It affects the affairs of the District. Specifically, our responsibility to Insure that all of the current developments and proposed improvements have a complete and adequate public water supply for airport uses and fire protection makes it very important that we review critically the planning phases of this important utility. Secondly, the District operates and maintains its administrative and operating center immediately adjoining airport property and Included 1n this public facility is a community building complex for public meetings. Accordingly, we have the following comments and recommendations as it relates to the master plan report now under consideration; 1. The master plan report and accompanying Environmental Impact Report addresses Itself briefly to the inadequacy of the existing public water supply for existing airport uses, and adequate fire protection. 2. We recommend that the master plan be supplemented with a complete in-depth engineering master plan for public water service, which will take Into account current deficiencies, planned expansion of the airport, complete fire protection, and landscaping and green belt requirements. This recommended in-depth study should cover not only the specific physical needs, but the administration, construction, and financing of the expanded facility. 3. Our District currently operates a major transmission line, which is located within the zone of construction of the new parallel runway. The report makes no reference to this pipeline facility and does not make any evaluation of the various impacts as a result of this major facility that will need to be relocated. 4. The master plan report has no specific discussion as to the Impact of the proposed airport expansion upon the Water District's administration and operations center. As we currently Interpret data there will be a substantial adverse impact so that these matters should be discussed as well as the potential solutions to the impacts and problems and the attendant issues, which the Water District will have to face. In summary, we believe it Is urgent that the specific Issues we have raised as your neighbors and the public water agency responsible to our entire District be carefully considered. - 2 - A legal notice to be published in the Evening Tribune °" Jime 6^ San Diego County Environmental Review Board Office of Environmental Management 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 260 San Diego, Califomia 92101 (714) 236-3720 Notice is hereby given that the County of San Diego has received draft Environmental Impact Reports (EIR's) for: EASTVIEW ESTATES, TM5412, R74-64, Log #74-19-2890', Rezone of 59.27 acres from LC to R-l-B and R-1(15) to be subdivided into 99 lots, located north of Jamacha Blvd. on the east side of Sangamon Ave., Spring Valley. New Environ- ment Research Co. LIVE OAK SPRINGS SUBREGIONAL ANALYSIS AND FOUR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS, TPM''S 10677, 10792, 10895; 10894, four minor subdivision maps involving 16 parcels on 124.4 acres in the Live Oak Springs/Boulevard/Tierra del Sol areas plus a sub- regional analysis. Manzanita/Boulevard/Live Oak Springs. 1) Ayres Construction Co., 2) Old Stage Stop, Ltd., 3) Michael Gay; 4) Laura Gay. PALOMAR AIRPORT, Log #75-7-15, a phased expansion of Palomar Airport including additional runway § support facilities on 500 acres. NfV of the intersection of Palomar Airport Rd, ^ El Camirtb Real. South of Carlsbad. Airports Division, SD County General Services. UPGRADING AND ENLARGEMENT OF SAN ELIJO '.VATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES (WPCF), Public Project YE0067, includes: Conversion of WPCF from primary to secondary treatment, flood control channel and ocean outfall extension; con- struction of Whispering Palms interceptor and land outfall system. Project area encompasses approximately 13,000 acres in north coastal portion of San Diego County. The draft EIR's for these projects are available FOR REVIEW ONLY at the Office of Environmental-Management, the.Ecology Centre, 340 Kalmia St., and the El Cajon, Encinitas, Fallbrook, Lemon Grove and Vista branches of County Library. In addition, Eastview Estates is available at Spring Valley Library, Live Oak Springs is available at Campo-Morena Village Library and Palomar Airport is available at Carlsbad Public Library. San Diego County has also received a Supplement to the draft EIR for: HELIX BAYVIEW, TM3580, Log #74-14-2361, a subdivision of 22.9 acres into 35 lots for single-family residential dwelling units. Located on Grandview Drive approximately 3/4 mile east of Bancroft Dr., La Mesa area of County of San Diego. Comments on these draft EIR's must be submitted in writing to the Office of Environmental Management by July^^J^^^ 1975, the end of the review period. Ibr information regarding the Environmental Review Board Hearing on the above projects, call the Office of Environmental Management aft^^g.^[jijj^j^p^^l975. ^» *i- ^ WATER DISTRICT ^ '3 GENERAL AVUTION The CtriTi e.eneraviation refers to all aviation activities except '.'ne ail.itary and the scheduled airlines. Gener-ll L;if ioi' includes the following types of flying: busi'.ne.^is , cc!;i::ierc ial, personal, instructional and spec ial i-''irpuS<r . [^usiness - fndustry use general aviation aircraft to increa^t [i^,t' rioxibiTity of the day-to-day operations. Business firms ow-'y a totnl OL AO,000 general aviation aircraft. t.- ^>T]-3 I. - i'xec rea t ion and pIeasLIre . i-l^I'Z^l?J--\':?A"^-S^^^^^ ~ f^S'^^ training programs are required for the avlat:lo:. industry and general aviation provides the ma j or ]Mjr t LOR or the special train ing neces sary, includ ing flying , 'nec hanic nl, aircraft serv i c i ng , etc. Spec ia I pur pose This categ(?ry of general aviation covers acti^'ities Irom fire coiitrol, ]>ipeline patrol, police sur- veillance and rescue, t^ all tvpes of emergency assistance. Commerc ial - Commuter ai1 ines operations and air taxi provide scheduled sei-vioe for passengers and cargo and on-call air trnnsportat ion. This category also includes aerial appl.icatior t lv log (c roy dust ing). Goniinuter Airlines are air taxi operators providing SC heduled a iriine service and are certificated to opera to ander: Feuera I Air Regul at ion.s Part 135 , Air Taxi Operators and Commercial Operators 01 SiDa 11 Aircraft. SCHEDULED AIRLINES Sciiednled Airlines are not general aviation. Scheduled Airlines are certificated to operate under: Federal Air Regulations Part 121, Cert ification and Operat ions: Domestic, Flag and Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators of Large Aircraft. April 16, 1975 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REGARDING "MASTER PLAN REPORT - PALOMAR AIRPORT" - JANUARY 1, 1975 The Board of Directors through the District staff have reviewed the subject report relating to two aspects of the master plan report as it affects the affairs of the District. Specifically, our responsibility to insure that all of the current developments and proposed improvements have a complete and adequate public water supply for airport uses and fire protection makes it very important that we review critically the planning phases of this important utility. Secondly, the District operates and maintains its administrative and operating center immediately adjoining airport property and included in this public facility is a community building complex for public meetings. Accordingly, we have the following comments and recommendations as it relates to the master plan report now under consideration: 1. The master plan report and accompanying Environmental Impact Report addresses itself briefly to the inadequacy of the existing public water supply for existing airport uses, and adequate fire protection. 2. We recommend that the master plan be supplemented with a complete in-depth engineering master plan for public water service, which will take into account current deficiencies, planned expansion of the airport, complete fire protection, and landscaping and green belt requirements. This recommended in-depth study should cover not only the specific physical needs, but the administration, construction, and financing of ^780 El Car^ r.. Reai. Carlsbad, California 9200S Teiephone: [7!4) 729-234£ C 0 the expanded facility. 3. Our District currently operates a major transmission line, which is located within the zone of construction of the new parallel runway. The report makes no reference to this pipeline facility and does not make any evaluation of the various impacts as a result of this major facility that will need to be relocated. 4. The master plan report has no specific discussion as to the impact of the proposed airport expansion upon the Water District's administration and operations center. As we currently interpret data there will be a substantial adverse impact so that these matters should be discussed as well as the potential solutions to the impacts and problems and the attendant issues, which the Water District will have to face. In summary, we believe it i's urgent that the specific issues we have raised as your neighbors and the public water agency responsible to our entire District be carefully considered. (Presented at a Public Hearing, April 16, 1975) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Winder F. Prfday, General Manager WFP:rb S780 E:^ Ca-i; Rccv Cariibad Calitorni^i 9200F Telephone' [7'4j 7/9.rMf c()NCii?<t:).N'?; p.:^0P0SEP AiRPO:-rr DL^ELISPMELT ;Vr p;U,(;M/^,'> AIRPORT. CARLS-^AL. CAL1.FC;:NIA ' ii:i; or: tn^ P;:opo?eci Palomar AiL'port Master P'^n report . Lu.>d OP Aprij It, 197!^, at 7:JU c , ir- th^^ c:^fec^r ' ^; -1,^ ;j i/'.'! = Lcoj , ^,>5 / I'loTuoe S cs^e ^ ^ Car 1 s '.i. i' . ,„ Oi :• :.. i...> i j> •; ,;or t i' be -"'.r-; Lev i cu ov re , • •• ^SC""" . I i 'n: ,i •.. : cs Ui % I.^ Lcn 0 t..-. CLJUP^Y ot '^.^^n 01ei:^o. ITS d,-'.:..-ing to be he^rd nay present •vi.itLe.i or r'al v' r: Alr^PLR'. NAhAGEk ?a ' --(n.-j ^ j • nor t WOOD IS WOODSIDK/KUBOTA A ASSOCIATKS, IMC •NOINIBRS MEMORANDUM January 7, 1975 TO: Win F. Priday, General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer SUBJECT: Palomar Airport Expansion Program. Following up on your memorandum report of December 17, 1974, we have discussed the problem of water service to the Palomar Airport at our Board of Directors meeting, at which time the Board authorized the Poinsettia Avenue Area and the Ayres Study Area to be combined into one water system report. In that Board discussion I also Indi- cated that we would proceed with a final determination of a pipe- line size along Palomar Airport Road and that any additional water system requirements to the Airport would have to come from the Improvement District No. 3 - Line E, or additional new construction by the Airport. Accordingly, we are proceeding on this basis as far as our master plan study is concerned and we will also be coming to the Board of Directors very soon and seek authorization to proceed with the pressure reducing station at Point'^D^'and the pipeline extension In Palomar Airport Road to connect with the Cabot, Cabot & Forbes pipeline construction. From a timing standpoint we will be acce- lerating our schedule to meet the water system requirements for the new industrial park. If appropriate, we can discuss this further at our next staff meeti ng. ---^^ j^ack HI Kubota JYK/le nUl il* WAiHR ^'ISIkiCT -Ji^-'^ 'ii /5 -I R lie MEMORANDUM To: Jack Kitootft From: Win Priday Subject: Date: Oecentjer 17, 1974 Reference your mm regarding "Palomar Expansion Program" dated DeceRtoer 16, 1974 As you are aware, Hr. Hurlbut did talk to im briefly on the afternoon of the above date. It appeared to im at the time and during a brief discussion, between you and I that we should, without further delay> Identify the needs for the airport as proposed and adjacent areas as projected under the Seneral Plan. It Is wiy opinion based on past performances, that neither the (^unty nor their consultants will ever answer our requests. WFe:de Septeuiber 13, 1974 Hr. lovell C. Hurlbut Airport teaser Palowar Airport 2366 Paloiuar Airport Road CarUbad, Ca. 1: The CarUbad Hunlclpal Viater District is vlUlly Interested In the prograsi for tlve expansion of the San Dlego Coiffity Palomar A1ri>ort faculties. We are concerned i^out tbe requireajents for water as It relates to land use adjacent to the airport activities froff. Uic staoi^olnt of our abllitiy to adequately serve dofnestlc water, but mors particularly fira service. The District has eon«irn over Ut^ prob«*ble relocation of a Urge transRilsslon min running westerly from El Casilno f?eal and adjacent to your existing north property 11ns. There my be l^ia^^>^ other areas of nutual Interest that we might axplore If we could meet with you and your project planning staff. I tJiInk the Airport Project is lii^JOftant mm^b to ejqsedlte SUCIJ a neeting at an early date. Very truly yours» CAflSBAO msnCIPAl yATER DISTRICT ^ cc; »3ack Y* Kiibota ^780 El Camino Reai, Carlsbad. Califorfsia 92008 Telephone: |7I4| 729-2348 WOOP WOOPSIDE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIATKS, IHC. MEMORANDUM September 10, 1974 TO: Win Priday, General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer SUBJECT: Palomar Airport Expansion Program In view of the rapid pace of development plans at the Palomar Airport this office recommends that the District proceed immediately with an Informal discussion with Mr. Lowell Hulburt and County personnel he would Invite so we can commence Immediately a program for master planning for public water system requirements around Palomar Airport, As a matter of background history, the County of San Diego constructed one 6" line to serve the original airport complex and there have been no additional enlargement as far as the County of San Diego is con- cerned, Hughes Tool Company built the 12" line for their fire pro- tection service; however, there has been no determination made as to the full scope of total water system requirements. Accordingly, I recommend that you arrange a meeting with the County people and see how we can get this program going. /Jack Y. Kubota pr-psfa^ fAQlcpnn ii"n'iininir " - ^ JYK/le 1 A TIC WOODSIDB/KUBOTA « ASSOCIATES, INC 2965 Roosevelt St. • P. O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 > (714) 729-1194 AUQUSt 26, 1974 Mr. J.L. Smith, Utilities Coordinator County of San Dlego Department of County Engineer 5555 Overland Ave. San Dlego, Calif. 92123 Subject: Palomar Airport Expansion Program Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Smith: Responding to your request by letter dated August 19, 1974, there Is being forwarded to you under separate cover the engineering construc- tion drawings for the District's - Line E - Improvement District No. 3. This arterial water main traverses the entire length of the pro- posed 1,000 foot acquisition north of the existing airport site and it is an Important facility to service the areas and it continues to the west to the Terramar area of Carlsbad. In view of the timing for the expansion of the airport facilities we shall be communicating with Mr. Lowell Hulburt, Airport Manager, regarding the complete evaluation of the existing airport and the future airport expansion to make a determination as to the entire public water system requirements for the airport facilities and fire protection facilities. We believe it is timely that this complete review be made with the latest proceedings for the land use designa- tions around the airport. Please contact this office if you have need of any further Information and we look forward to working with you on this project. Very T:ruly yjours J^k Y. KuboM, District Engineer C^rJ^bad Mun(jc1pal Water District cc: [Xarlsbad Municipal Water District Mr. Lowell Hulburt, Airport Manager JYK/le \^ tn Orange County, Santa An«;-^\ WOODSIDE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIATES, INC. KNOINKKRS 2965 Roosevelt St. • P. O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (714) 729-1194 11 n n r p n 1^7/1. r. >: n :,' • n S H i • . i r. ^ 0 '• v.: 'i r.'^r-r n •. 1 H [• i -1 r " -'si vi s i (•^ l-l I- j ' •'' i •1:! • '11', ( I 1", : ; • • "i • S u I; 1 e c t: ' t • ^ r ^ i !; i ^ i. i 1 i c"11 f"'I^ / I--• .'^ 1 - f-r. r ^ i,n np"j c3r 1 n0 Peal r. a r f'a 1 oi.a r rr-c r* • C'?.^' r .iris f'i r' '•' ' u n 1 c i ft n 1 ;: - :. i <^ t r c t . f • r r r i ; - • , • \',~ r r t i r n j ,- -j , i . p ^ ' ;^ ! i" " r • ' T'" ' ' • ( ,-• V r I •' ' I! r. -5 r "i n 3 1 i ' • ^ not 1 f r r 0 u r ; ••}••••. 't' npv •'i.ri.i'rr i •''o ri".<i ti or: I I o r -j fl ,-. •:>(!'•; t;:is of^ic;; n'; f o S ^ r,.r + r ' C: r V t r u 1 V \' 0 u r s LIJIO I'l strict Tnnlneer ( :i r 'i s i rl • u r i f 7 n 1 V 31 e r District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water '"district . Piercp. Proiect Encineer JRP/sp In Orange County, Santa Ana COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY Department of General Services GERALD B. WILSON ^ ,,, . DUp Services Qjrector county operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 Biog, icrnces DIVISIONS: Administration 565-5283 Airports 5B5-5572 Architecture 565-5300 January 16, 1974 5G5-5265 Communications 565-5313 Facilities Maint. 565-5115 Fleet Operations 565-5444 Mr. Winder F. Priday, General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5780 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Palomar Airport Expansion Dear Mr. Priday: Thank you for your letter o£ January 10, 1974, addressed to Mr. Hurlbut, Airport Manager, Palomar Airport, in which you suggest the possibility of a property trade to assist the ex- pansion of the airport. As you know, William L. Pereira Associates have been retained as consultants for the master planning of the airport. Your letter is being forwarded to them. We are asking them to eval uate your suggestion and advise us, which information will be conveyed to you when received. We appreciate your concern for the welfare of Palomar Airport. Sincerely, A. C. WALDMAN, Director Airports Division ACW:DLY:csr cc: G. B. Wilson, Director, Department of General Services L. C. Hurlbut, Airport Manager, Palomar Airport WATER 0!Sl(<iC! JAN 2 174 January 10, 1974 n u Hr. Lovell C. Hurlbut, Airport Manager Paloiriar Airport 2386 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 liear Lovell: A rather provocative Idea has been with me lately and I feel the need to share it with you as it has a great deal to do with your future expansion of the Palomar Airport. I aiT^ guessing that the C. H. W. D. business office and yard may very well be in the future approach pattern to the airport. This brings up the question, would the need arise for the County to have possession of the C. hU W. D. property? Should this be the case, ny idea would be to make a trade with the County for the seventeen acres or. the southwest quadrant cf El Camino Real and Palosf.ar Airport Road. iiefore I expounc on the maiiy aspects of the idea, I would ask for your professional thinking on two considerations; will the future airport needs Include the C. M. W. D, property and If so would the County consider a trade? I have not discussed any of the above with Cistrict Directors, but if you think there Is an> need for further preliminaries, I will be aveilable at your pleasure. Very truly yours, CARLSBAD »iICIPAL WATER DISTRICT umom F. FRIDAY General Manager WFP/ss V 5780 E! Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92008 Telephone: (714) 729-2348 COUNTY ENGINEER DEPARTMENT - CALCULATION SHEET 1 Project H^iC^^/.AR A!R FORT A CCES \ No. Sheet / . of / Subject UTILIT'J MiOCDT/CN PLh^ - LINE '[)•" TAV.VJPiV \ \ Computed by B-lDlMLlL ^^^^ K ~ 0-11 Checked by Date i ^ ..J •-•J .- _ w — u,, r •-^ £^.. K: '-C era - '^5 M^. . L-c UJ CD vn CARISBAD MUNICIPAL nrp O 'j '77 CGJNTY OF SAN DitoO R J MASSMAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION :it^:.;:;:,r:r" Offices of COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY r.i.phon.: (7uj 565-5177 County Engineer & Rood Commissioner County Surveyor dounty Airports September 7, 1977 Mr. John P. Henley Assistant Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: August 4, 1977, meeting at Palomar Airport. Attendees: Philip R. Safford, Airports Division Lovell C. Hlirlbut, Airports Division John Henley, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Jack Kubota, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Henley: With respect to subject meeting the following is ray understanding of the items discussed: 1. Airport Water Service a) Existing Airport Development. Water service to the existing aviation areas of the airport appears to be adequate for the existing and anticipated future requirements. Development of this area is essentially complete with only minor expansion possible on the few remaining lease areas. No action is indicated at this time. Undeveloped Airport Land. Water service requirements of undeveloped County owned property south of Palomar Airport Road can probably be met from existing Water District distribution lines. County did not participate in cost of construction for these lines. The Water District will require County to pay a share of said costs and any additional construction which may be required when the property is developed. Approximately eight or nine acres of land are available for development in this area. OrP'n CARLSBADMUNICIPAL c?rp 0*77 ntb U. WATER DISTRICT ^ i I Mr. Henley -2- August 8, 1977 c) Future Expansion. If the Water District is to provide timely and adequate water service to the proposed second runway airport expansion area the County needs to take action to identify requirements at this time. This will advise that funds for design of the second runway area are included in this year's budget. Design for the second runway is currently in progress. It is anticipated that design will be complete next year with actual construction commencing in late 1978 or in 1979, depending on availability of Federal grant funds. This schedule should allow adequate time for coordination of water service requirements. 2. Impact of Proposed Second Runway on Water District Offices Management of the Water District is of the opinion that the second runway will adversely impact the existing offices on El Camino Real. Funds have been budgeted to develop plans for relocation of their offices outside of the airport impact areas. In conjunction with this relocation the District representatives stated that since the relocation would be a direct result of second runway construction the County should purchase the existing facility. Airport representatives agreed to initiate preliminary studies for possible County acquisition of the property in conjunction with construction of the second runway. Very truly yours. P. R. SAFFORD,VChief Operations § Development PRS:kjw cc: Real Property Jack Kubota C/1R1 SBf\DA1UNICIB4L wcp.on.?72, ^yATER DISTRICT t'^tiO [1 Cofnino Reo'. Corlsbod, Colilornia 92008 OFF/CE MEMO To: J. Y. Kubota From: John p. Henley Subject: Pre-Construction Conference Date: September 30, 1977 County of San Diego Re: Construction of Transient Parking Apron at Palomar Airport, Project KJ 78-23 Dear Jack, I attended the pre-construction conference yesterday at 11:00 A.M., which in- volved Phase 1 of construction to start no earlier than two weeks from yesterday, Construction consists of electrical wiring and a parking apron on the airport runway proper. CMWD is involved only in that we will furnish construction water for the job. Phase 2 has not been awarded at this time. As you know. Phase 2 is the re- vamping of the entry-way, etc. JPH:fw c April 16, 1975 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS QF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REGARDING "MASTER PLAN REPORT - PALOMAR AIRPORT" - JANUARY 1, 1975 The Board of Directors through the District staff have reviewed the subject report relating to two aspects of the master plan report as it affects the affairs of the District. Specifically, our responsibility to insure that all of the current developments and proposed improvements have a complete and adequate public water supply for airport uses and fire protection makes it very important that we review critically the planning phases of this important utility. Secondly, the District operates and maintains its administrative and operating center immediately adjoining airport property and included in this public facility is a community building complex for public meetings. Accordingly, we have the following comments and recommendations as it relates to the master plan report now under consideration: 1. The master plan report and accompanying Environmental Impact Report addresses itself briefly to the inadequacy of the existing public water supply for existing airport uses, and adequate fire protection. 2. We recommend that the master plan be supplemented with a complete in-depth engineering master plan for public water service, which will take into account current deficiencies, planned expansion of the airport, complete fire protection, and landscaping and green belt requirements. This recommended in-depth study should cover not only the specific physical needs, but the administration, construction, and financing of S780 £i CamV- Real Carlsbad, Califomid 92008 Telephone: [7i4! 729 234? Ill WOOD IB •>....> V J WOODMDK/KUBOTA * ASSOCIATBS, IMC. MEMORANDUM January 7, 1975 TO: Win F. Priday, General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer SUBJECT: Palomar Airport Expansion Program. Following up on your memorandum report of December 17, 1974, we have discussed the problem of water service to the Palomar Airport at our Board of Directors meeting, at which time the Board authorized the Poinsettia Avenue Area and the Ayres Study Area to be combined into one water system report. In that Board discussion I also indi- cated that we would proceed with a final determination of a pipe- line size along Palomar Airport Road and that any additional water system requirements to the Airport would have to come from the Improvement District No. 3 - Line E, or additional new construction by the Airport. Accordingly, we are proceeding on this basis as far as our master plan study is concerned and we will also be coming to the Board of Directors very soon and seek authorization to proceed with the pressure reducing station at Point'^D^'and the pipeline extension in Palomar Airport Road to connect with the Cabot, Cabot & Forbes pipeline construction. From a timing standpoint we will be acce- lerating our schedule to meet the water system requirements for the new industrial park. If appropriate, we can discuss this further at our next staff meeti ng. /-A Jack /Y/ Kubota - , -..:h\. JYK/le llUfU, WAlfiR ^-STidCT 75