HomeMy WebLinkAbout1230-75; ; La Costa Sewer; 1976-03-154 RANCHO LA COST?-. SEWER DESIGN FLQV7S CRITERIA USED: Overall density was based on the terrain of the basin and the yield of the tv,'0 subdivisions submitted and approved. Overall Density = 4 D.U./Acre 3.5 persons/D-U. 100 gallons/person/day The resulting average flows were then multiplied by a peaking factor as shown on the attached chart (derived from the "North Coastal San Diego County Sewerage Survey" - Rawn Report) The results and the resulting design pipe sizes are tabulated on the attached "Exhibit "A". Calculations for the pipe sizes selected are enclosed in the form of copies of the corrtputor tapes. V.C.P. was selected and an "N" Value of 0.013 used. A minimum velocity of 2.0 ft/sec. was maintained in all but the last run of pipe at design flow. (Upstream 15" V.C.P. - V = 1.9 ft./sec.) Manhole spacing v;as held to a maximum of 350 ft. in almost all cases. \ V Jo 1 N3 N3 V f I 5 *1 <5 1 6/72 0-2 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS Inter-Office Correspondence SUBJECT: TO • FROM MESSAGE 6/72 0-2 SUBJECT: ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS Inter-Office Correspondence D£s/<3iy CAI~CS. - /X'AK'C^O A>V COSTA SE DATE • TO • FROM MESSAGE 4 ^ M^p»»:w- RANCHO LA COSTA SEWER PUMP STATION PEAK FLOWS Q 3,217 G.P.M. (See Exhibit "A") S±'i', The site selected for the pump station was chosen based on several factors: (1) The land is owned by Rancho La Costa. (2) The ele'vation is at 10-feet above mean sea level. This allows 4-feet of freeboard above the '"Intermediate Regional Flood" (100 year flood) and 1.5 feet above the "Overflow limit line of the Standard Project Flood" as delineated in a report to San Diego County by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, dated April, 1971. (See attached) (3) Geologically the site is on the upper (easterly) slope of the alluvial deposit and should be well clear of any mud or silt deposits. Ground water is expected however. A Smith & Loveless "Capsular" pumping station was selected for both its pre-tested reliability and ready availability as V7ell as aesthetic considerations. Additional gunite protection may be desireable based on chemical analysis of the ground water, A 4,0C0 gallon wet well of conventional reinforced concrete construction is provided. The only above ground items will be the access hatch to the station and a protection structure for the standby power generator, regular pov/er is to be supplied by underground conduit from the south end of Lagoon Lane. The entire perimeter of the station site is to be suitably landscaped and fenced. Q max. ^ 3,217 g.p.m. Tobal Lift = 131 " (-6) - 137 ft. Total Length of 14" A.G.P, pressure line ^ 1,730' iMinor losses (elbow, fittings , etc .) ~ 23 3 ' Total Equiv. L 2,000' H.W.C. ^ 140 T.D.H. = 137 ft + ( 2000/^QQ) (1. 67) (0 .54) ^ 155 Ft. V = 6.68 ft./Sec. An 8D4B pump unit was selected to be driven by a 125 HP Motor. Three of these units are to be supplied any two of v/hich are more than able to handle the maxim.um expected flow. An interlock is to be provided to prevent operation of all three units simultaneously. Custom Series Outline Drawings (2-3 Pump) Page 3 ± Ul O -J ^ < cn i 133J NI av3H nvioi e 33^d~ U6l 'I 9unr 91-299 sesuB» 'exauai :iuBid uieiAj uouejodjoQ auApoo3 UOISIAIQ y STATE OF CAUFORNtA SANDIEGO COAST REGIONAL CO.M.UISSION /•p ?^ TV} n wmA mw This Certificate shall serve to notify all interested parties that this project has been: XX APPROVED EXEMPTED by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission in compliance with the CaUfomia Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972. El Cajnino Real v/esterly along the north side of Batiquitos Lagoon then northv/esterly to the Ponto Treatment Plant, Carlsbad Location of Project (address): Control Number: Date of Commission Action: Verification: F18A1 October 4? 1974 Thomas A. Crandall, Executive Director San Diego Coast Re^onal Commission Notice to Contractors: This Certificate to be publicly displayed in a prominent location on the construction site until construction is completed. MAI.COtW A LOVG Cl»>'nvtn OCT 2 3 1974 STATE OP CAL'POnNtA-CALIf-OHNlA COASTAL ZONE CQNSEnvATION COMMISSION RONALD RE AGAN. Cov*f no^ SArToiEGoToAST REGIONAL COMMISSION * MISSION GOnce HOAO. SUITE 320 r.AN OIEGO. CAV.lf=ORNWA 03A30-Ttl..U\4^ 280-6992 ROiJERT C. FRAZEE Vice C^s*'rTVln ' JEFFERY D. FRAUTSCHV Rpprfftenioiiv* to tti# Date: October 22, 1974 Control No.: F1841 CM.fom.*Co^^t..zon^ ConMrvADon Commm.o.'i Applicant: „ Rancho La Costa , a Ltd. Partnership THOMAS A. CRANOALU • Attention: Donald B. Ayres E"'^'-t>'-'^°'CC;«UCL^,. Drav/er "A" Huntington Beach, Ca. 9264^ project Address: ^ Camino Real westerly along the north side of Batiquitos Lagoon then northwesterly to the Ponto Treatment Plant, Carlsbad I>ear Sir; You ere hereby granted a development pennit. Tliis permit is issued after a hearing before the Conanission and after the Regional Cormission found that tho proposed development will not have any substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect and is consistent with the findings and declarations set forth in Section 27001 and objections set forth in Public Resource Code Section 27302. Tnis permit is limited to developrr.ent described below and set forth in material on file with the Commission, and subject to the terms, conditions, end provisions, hereinafter stated: A. D^Vr^LDPMKMT: Constmction of one pump station and trunk sewer line with a design capacity of 3.5 million gallons per day which would hook into the Encina Treatment Plant, Project address above. B. T5Rr-:S AND COHDITIOrJS: 1. That the applicant agrees to adhere strictly to the current plans for the project es submitted to the Commission. 2, Tnat thc applicant agrees to notify the Commission of any substantial changes in the project. "." 3* That the applicant will meet all the local code requirements and ordiances, and obtain all necessary pennits from State and Federal Agencies. .4. That the applicant agrees to conform to the permit rules and regulations of tho " Califomia Coastal Zone Conservation Commission, 5" That the applicant agrees that the Commission staff may make site inspections of the project during construction and upon complction-x year 6. Ihat construction on the project will start within jiSfc^Q^^x follovdng final approval of tho project by the appropriate governmental agency. 7. That the entire sewer line, except the twxt laterals for the approved subdivisions, be located mthin the permit zone. 8. That the tvjo laterals be sized to serve only the tvjo approved subdivisions Spinnaker HIU - 333 "dv/elling units; Rancho La Cuesta - 373 dwelling units and no additional servipe be provided to surroxmding lands through the subject laterals unless approved by ihe Coastal Commission or successor agencies. (OVER) Tnrr.3 nn1 con-iitions am to run vdlh th'-* Innd. Those terns nnd conditions shall be perpetual and it is the intention of tho parties to bind all future owners and pos3os:xjro of thc subject property. 11/73 - 2 - B. ^R:-I3 AM) CONDITIONS: 9- That the pump station shall be aesthetically designed and landscaped to complement the Comity park and view from 1-5 £Lnd shall be subject to reviev/ and approval by the Executive Director, i c. STA!;DAHP PROVISIONS (1) rMinCT COM?! TArJC:-.: Ponnittcc is under obligation to conform strictly to pemit unJer pjnalties ostablislied by California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972. (2) Tn:;-:iT P:-:v;^TO?Miv!T ArrP crM!n:-:TTO?I: Pcnnittee shall conmcnco dovjlopmcnt in a timoly marLner and complete t!io dovelopncnt in a reasonable tir.io. (3) AS510':AnTUTY PF F?:R:;IT: Tnis permit is not assignable unless the Permittee's obligations un lor tlie por!::it are assumed by assignee in writing \\dthin one year, and a copy of the required assuTiption agi'eement delivered to the Regional Commissio (4) APPrViL: Unless appealed to the State Coirmission within ten (lO) vjorkiiig days follovrJjig final action by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission, all tenns and conditions shall bo filial. (5) DlSCIAI?/i%R: Thc pennit is in no way intended to effect the rights and obligations heretofore existirig under private agreements nor to effect the existing regulations of other public bodies, (6) P^m-IITTS^ TO R^sTI^F-::-! COPY: This pennit shall not be valid unless ;^dthin ten (lO) days Permittee retuiTis a signed copy aclcnowledgirig contents to San Diego Coast Regional Commission. - • If you have any question on this pennit, please contact the staff of the Regional Corrjnission- Very truly yours. Thomas A, Crandall Executive Director ^ \J \J XJ ILJ TV n A A A A Directions to Permittee: Permittee is to execute below* and retum one copy cf this pennit to the San Diego Coast P^gional Commission. I have road and understand tho terms, conditions, limitations, and provisions of this permit and agree to abide by them. RANCHO LA COSTA^a Limited Partnership By: RANCHO^U CilSTA ASSOCIATES, a Generel Partner Control Ko. FI841 Date OCTOBER 24, 1974 Si^natupc of Pennitte^^^oger Ce/^wng Vice Pres lonald B^Ayres, Sx/. Secretary* WAYNE P. LILL ROBERT E; MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING 224-2467 TO: Woodside Kubota & Associates 2965 Roosevelt Carlsbad, California Attn: Jack Kubota 3904 GROTON STREET T-R-A-N-S-M-I-T-T-A-L sAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 DATE: March 15, 1976 PROJECT: Rancho La Costa Sewer SUBJECT: Criteria Report TRANSMITTED HEREWITH THE FOLLOWING LISTED: FOR: SUBMITTAL Original Tracings T.O.'s_ Prints Reference Dwgs Descriptions Other Estimates Check prints REVIEW & APPROVAL SIGNATURE RETURN INFORMATION AS REQUESTED SY 1 copy of "Criteria & Design Conditions for Rancho La Costa Sewer" dated February 4, 1975. (Sorry for the delay) cc: FF:ml AE No. 962 nr iirs i t ^ n i-ic \ Yours very truly, ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS Frank Finney WOODSIDK/KUBOTA « ASSOC.I*. WM, INC. MEMORANDUM September 6. 1977 TO: Mr. John Henley, Acting General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District ATTN: Mrs. Wilda Simpson FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer Carlsbad Municipal Water District SUBJECT: Rancho La Costa Sewer Project - Our Project No. 75-112 It is my pleasure indeed to close another job, and attached herewith are the following items for the official file of the District: 1. Original Reproducible Ozalid consisting of four sheets which are the as-built drawings for the subject project (please file in the official place of the District according to the assigned drawer number). 2. One set of blue lines of as-built drawings and one set of the blue lines of the inspector's original plans. 3. One complete set of the inspection reports and accompanying photographs. 4. A draft of the "Recapitulation of Expenditures". In addition to this trust deposit account for the engineering and inspection work, the District also installed the complete water meter installation, and you have a separate work order for that item of work. Because this is a lump sum project, the excess of funds as shown on our recapitulation statement can be comingled with your "overhead expense" so that there is no refund to the contractor. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please check with the under- signed immediately. After the completion of your final report for the water meter instal- lation and your review and approval of our submittal of the expenditure report, please prepare a final financial summary on the Water District letterhead and return same to this office for transmittalyto the contractor. JYK/lb End. 4 CMWD 75-112 DRAFT September 6, 1977 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENDITURES TRUST ACCOUNT DEPOSIT RANCHO LA COSTA SEWER PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 75-112 (1) TOTAL CASH DEPOSITS $1 ,200.00 (2) DISTRICT EXPENDITURES: PLAN CHECKING, CONSTRUCTION DATE INSPECTION AND OTHER 12/75 $ 25.00 2/76 40.00 3/76 8.00 6/76 15.00 8/76 108.00 9/76 123.75 10/76 60.00 11/76 3.00 12/76 360.00 2/77 99.00 3/77 66.00 4/77 10.50 5/77 18.00 8/77 42.00 TOTAL $ 978.25 CMWD OVERHEAD $ 146.73 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1 ,124.98 (3) BALANCE OF DEPOSIT FUND $1 .200.00 $ 75.02 r 1 I WOODSIDK/KUBOT* a ASSOCMTU. INC. May 27, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. John Henley, Assistant General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District ATTN: Wilda Simpson, Accounting Officer FROM: Jack Y. Kubota. District Engineer SUBJECT: Rancho La Costa Sewer Project Attached herewith is check #12032 in the amount of $1,900.00 received from Don Hubbard Contracting Company for the subject project. Please make reference to our letter of May 5, 1977 showing the break-down of this cash deposit. Specifically, the District has an outstanding work order for the installation of the water service and we are making an allocation of $1,200.00 for that work. Additionally, the second $1,200.00 is for the plan checking, contract administration, and construction inspection. Jack Y. Kubota 7 — s JYK/wv CMWD 75-112 DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. P.O. BOX 577 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 753-1137 DATE INVOICE AMOUNT y J. ... .^J^ J 90-2637 1222 12032 PAY_ .Dollars CHECK NO.. / I TO THE ORDER' OF DATE CROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT" / 1 DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK ENCINITAS BRANCH ENCINITAS, CA C E ! y E E wooDSiiJi: • CONSULT: i^fG WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSUUTI Na|^. RNOINKKRS 2965 Roosevelt St. • P. O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad. Catifornia 92008 •(714) 729-1194 May 5^ 1977 Don Hubbard Contracting Company 46 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, Ca. 92024 Subject: Rancho ta Costa Sewer Project - CarlsbadMunicipal Water District Gentlemen: As we near completion of the subject project, it is appropriate that we work out the financial arrangements for the Water District activities which includes the fresh water service, installation and the contract coordination and inspection. On the basis of the expenditures to date and the projected ex££J3-S£s of the Water District for the meter lation, a total of (|T,200^i 11 be spent directly for tjie_j£a,ter For the liason and inspection services an additional 200}i s to bring the project to a conclusion. ^^~^l/C Accordingly a total of $2,400 is involved in the entire transaction, and you have already advanced $500, thus an additional remittance of $1,900 is now in order. We shall provide you with a complete break- down of all of the District's expenses and in the event there is any remaining balance, it will be refunded to you. Please make your remittance payable to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and forward same to this office for processing. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned immediately. i nstal - service. estimated Ver^truly yours. Carlsbad ubotaA Di strict MumVipal Water Engi neer District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District JYK/wv In Orange County, Santa,Ana CMWD -^y^ -7--^ ^ /^ ^ WAYNE P. LILL ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 March 25, 1977 Woodside-Kubota & Assoc., Inc. 2965 Roosevelt Street P.O. Box 1095 Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Rancho La Costa Sewer Project Dsar Mr, Kubota: Your letter of March 15, 1977 provided application forms for fresh water service for the above project. These have been transmitted to the City of Carlsbad, attention Mr. Tim Flanagan, for appropriate action. Enclosed is a print of Sheet 4 (revised 1-28-77) of Dwg No, 181-5 covering this project. The revision was necessitated by sub-soil instability encountered at the time of installation of the gravity main. The City requested a relocation as shown. Test trenches were dug and soils density tests taken. What you see is the result. The revised plan with a minimum one foot clearance below your water main was submitted to and approved by the City and by the State Health Dept. prior to installation. I am sorry for the delay in getting copies to you sooner. Please update your file plans and if there are any questions please call. Thanks for your help in the above matters. Yours very truly, RECEIVED MAR2 I n WOODSIDE-KUBOTA & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Frank B. Finney CC: Tim Flanagan Don Hubbard Enclosure: FBFiml (962) :/1RLSBKD/l/1UNICIP/P 14/ATER DISTRICT o Telephone (714)438-2722 5^50 El Comino Real Corlsbad, California 92008 OFFICE MEMO To: Mr. J. Y. Kubota S be * Fresh Water Service - Lagoon ' • Lane Station (75-9) From: John P. Henley Date: April 11, 1977 Attached is a breakdown of my expenses to date to construct water service for this station. RECEIVED APRU;' 77 WOUuo.jt- hUDUirt & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SERVICE BY D.H.C. - P.O. 2140 Saddle Copper tubing Valves Labor Meter Box $ 680.00 C.M.W.D. Tap 25.00 Meter, 1" 83.62 RP device 325.42 Install 50.00 Misc. brass 7.50 491.54 491.54 $1 ,171.54 JPH:fw 4/11/77 I WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. COMSUt.TINO'' -J •-^••.•:. •• -T^'. • --ti-tiiStilillrf: ENOINEERS 2965 Roosevelt SI. - P. 0. Box 1095 • Carlsbad. California 92008 • (7M) 729-! J94 March 15, 1977 Mr. Frank Finney Associated Engineers 3904 Groton Street San Diego, Calif. 92110 Subject: Rancho La Costa Sewer Project - Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Dear Mr. Finney Enclosed herewith is an original and one copy of a "Application for Service" for the fresh water service to the Lagoon Lane sewage pumping station. The District is getting ready to make the service connection, so that we ask you to have the appropriate official of the City of Carlsbad execute the application and we ask that you return same to this office for processing. We have noted in the field the changes that you have made in locating the force main in Lagoon Lane in the vicinity of our 8-inch water main. We ask that you furnish to this office the specific details and "as- built" features of this crossing, in view of the very critical nature of providing adequate separation between our fresh water line and the sewage force main. Of course, we would want the as-built drawings of your sewer project in all of the areas where you are in the proximity of our public water system facilities. Very truly yours Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer Carlsbad Municipal Water District End . cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Don Hubbard Contracting Company JYK/le (n Orange County. Santa Ana CMWD 75-112 y^RLSBKD /V1UNICIP/1L kV^MER DISTRICT 5950 E) Camino Real, Carlsbod, California 92008 Telephone (714) 438-2722 March 8. 1977 Hubbard Contracting Co., Inc. 46 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 Subject: Fresh Water Service, Lagoon Lane Station Attention: Jack Rugar Dear Jack: I have waited patiently for a figure from you for the construction of the subject station. Your company will be required to furnish the materials and related labor listed below: 1 - 8x2 Saddle 1 - 2" Corp 25' + - 2" Type "K" Copper 1 - 2" 90° Ell cxc 1 - 2" Angle Meter Stop 1 - Brooks #724 Box Labor to install Saddle, Corp. Stop, Copper Tubing, Angle Meter Valve and Meter Box per CMWD Instructions. It Is imperative that the District and your company coordinate their efforts on this job as the District will be hanging the 1" meter, the 1" RP device and related plwnbing. When you have compiled the data and have arrived at a firm price, would you please notify me so that I may issue a purchase order for your work on this station. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT JPHijlw John Henley* Assistant Manager Copy to: ^Woods 1 de/ Kubo ta WOOD! n .ti . I -: PAY_ WOODSIOE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIA. es, INC. MEMORANDUM TO: ATTN: FROM: SUBJECT: November 19. 1976 Mr. Win Priday. General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District Mrs. Wilda Simpson, Accounting Officer Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer Rancho La Costa Sewer - Our Project No. CMWD 75-112. Enclosed herewith is Check No. 09623 in the amount of $500.00, issued by Don Hubbard Contracting Company. This is a deposit for the ex- penses for the subject project and additional funds will be deposited by the contractor to cover inspection expenses and the water service connection to the new sewage pumping station. Jack Y. Kubota End . -. . DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. P.O. BOX 577 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 • 753-1137 CONTRS CO. ^00 BOLS O O CTS DATE ri INVOICE AMOU MT 1 r / 90-2637 1222 09623 .Dollars CH«CK-NO.---»no9»-mwou-wT -DISOOUNT CMECK AMOUNT" S'a6 22. TO THE ORDER OF . DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. ti., SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK i ENCINITAS BtlANCH ENCINITAS, CA CMWD 75-112 DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. P.O. eOX 577 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 753-1137 m HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. DATE INVOICE AMOUNT d §OQDOLSOOCTS 90-2637 1222 ' 09623 _Dollars CHe^:K-^>JO.- TO THE ORDER . ' OF \[C^JLJLM l^j,MJuj>J i^aA^i^f —DATE - -n-noss-mwoo-NT-tftSCO ONT CWECK AMOUNT] 9± DON HUBBARD CONTRACTING CO. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK ENCINITAS BRANCH ENCINITAS, CA W00U6iUt-i\UtfOlA & ASSOC. : INSULTING ENGINEERS WAYN5 P. LILL ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS "pavi^fw 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET ^ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 R-A-N-C-H-0 -P^^':-:"C^a-s^T-^-:v'^ PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE The above meeting was held on September 20, 1976, at the City Hall, Carlsbad, California. In Attendance: Don B. Ayres, Sr. Don Hubbard, Sr. Jim Jensen Russ Morrison Rene Munar Wayne P. Lill Frank B. Finney Les Irwin John P. Henley Jerry Whitley Alan de la Suosa (No one in attendance) Rancho La Costa Don Hubbard Contr. Co tl II II City of Carlsbad II II Associated Engineers Carlsbad Municipal Water District Woodside-Kubota & Associates Pacific Telephone Company S.D.G. & E. (1) Coordination with the various utility companies was the first item of discussion. Telephone service will be provided from the joint pole line and underground in the same trench as S.D.G, & E. along Lagoon Lane. Kathy Clark of P.T. & T. is to be notified by the Contractor at the appropriate time. (2) The Contractor is to complete the application at A.T. & S.F. Railroad Company to obtain necessary permits for construction on their right-of-way. (3)J The Carlsbad Municipal Water District expressed their desire place the pressure regulator and meter at a location and elevation so as it will be clear of any future curb .construction. This will be almost impossible at this time due to topographic and right-of-v/ay problems. They will however, check further to see if a better location can be found. They also stated that the indicated 3" A.C. line is of no concern to them since it is "downstream" of the meter. The Contractor will check with the City to attempt to substitute 2" PVC at a savings to the Owner, X ^1 September/76 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Prepared 21 Sept/76 (4) The Contractor is to proceed with obtaining his permit from the State for the freeway crossing and to obtain permission to use a smaller casing size. (5) Quantity measurement of crushed rock bedding was discussed. It was concluded that the best miethcd would be to use actual truck load counts and to decrease this by the calculated amount used to support the pipe in its proper alignment. (6) A preliminary sequence of construction and schedule of fund distribution was presented by the Contractor and discussed briefly. These will have to be studied and modified if necessary (7) Meeting was concluded and adjourned at 12:00 noon. A field inspection was made of the manholes already staked. The alignment as shown appears good. The project is to officially start on Tuesday, September 21, 1976. FF;ml (962-Construction) 1*" STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1350 Fr«nt St,, Eooia aiJO RTTE ! V E 0 Mr. John P. BeaiXpy, SujwsrlxsterKlent CarXabad HunidpaX itfeiter Oldtrlct HI C«imlno Eeal CQri«t;6a, C&Xifomie 0 f March 3, 197^' Sear Mr. Henley: 1M» lo In TOSponae to Hr. Fren^ Flimey of Associated ai^sinears' reijuest for our «tpprov«i of a reduced pressure principle becKflow prevention ^vica for wse at tbe oorvlca eoraaectlon to the City of Carlabed'a tocho l& Costa ^emgd PXB^ Station, pirns vlll call f^r a X-loch (Baoco or approved €N^1) R.P, <!aiviea Xoeat«d Juat inaida tJ:^ fmm Xixm, XB inchea above finished grode- ifeter sarvlco viXX tim extmtdod to Juat c^xtalda of the pun^ static and vill aarva a alisgXa hoaa bibb and poaalbly a landacepe Irrl^tlon s^mtocs. \ks havo dlacuaaod tha propoaaX vlth tho 3an Diego County De^rtmst of PubXlc H«silth end havo no c^jectlon to tho uso of an devioo for thla partieuXsr In^talXetlonj provldod that althar the Cerabad M.W.D. or tlie City of Carlabad wlXX subalt to our office the foUowing: X. A atatemrt that tha dovlc© vlXl bo tested at Xsest c»5oe«yery six RMgitha; and 2. A atatcioent as to uho vlXX taat tba device, aXon^ with a amscmsr^ of thalr (juaXlllsatiorw; and 3. A atatoMit that tho test roauXts will bo fovmrdod within ^.days^ after tlio taats to our Qs^rttsmxt end to tha CarXsVi^ M>W.D. If the City ofO^isbad aasujaes the rosponstblXity of teatlr^ tii« davico. Zt should ba noted that tho above accoptanca la based on tho d^scrlptton of conditions contalnesd In tho first peragr^h. If tha City of Carlsbad dacldes to usa puE^s Xnbrlceted vlth dontoatlc vater> en ^p^irovied eir-gt^ separation esust ba provided. KWjPFMtJh C3 Vory truly ywatt. KirlOiQjn W. Ces.^t'^ll Ulstrlct iSisliwJor cot 3BB Dlego County Dopt. of Pxibllc SsaXth - Attni J<^!n MoXboum City of Carlsbad - Attni TSJH FXenagan Aasoclatad Shslneora - Attn: FrenK Finney ^/(foo&nii^, Kubota & Associates, Inc - Attn: Jeofc Kxibota Minutes from Preconstruction Conference for Rancho La Costa Sewer, held at City of Carlsbad Engineering Department on September 20, 1976 CMWD No. 75-112 Thoseinattendance: Don Hubbard Contracting Co. - 2 Associated Engineers - 2 San Diego Gas & Electric - 1 Pacific Telephone - 1 City Engineering Department - 2 Carlsbad Municipal Water District - 1 Woodside/Kubota & Assoc. - 1 Discussed Carlsbad Municipal Water District's part of project and covered the fo11 owing items: 1. Along Avenida Encinas, the District has existing water services (6" & 8") which may be in alignment of sewer trench zone. Contractor was made aware of condition and will take care in not damaging water services. 2. Discussed crossings of existing water mains and contractor will pothole for exact field locations. 3. From Manhole #19, located on easterly right-of-way of 1-5 highway to inspection manhole in Lagoon Lane, the contractor will pothole existing water main to insure exact horizontal and vertical alignment. This portion because of terrain could be constructi on problem and contractor was made aware of same. 4. At 2" water service connection the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requested that the location of connection be placed so that future widening of Lagoon Lane would not necessitate relocation either vertically or horizontally of new 2" service. Henley indicated that District would place new service in existing Carlsbad Municipal WaterDistrict easement. Also discussed was offsite 3" A.C. water line to pump station. The City Engineering Department is requiring this 3" line. It was mentioned by Russ Morrison, City Inspector that line was "future water main". We told all at meeting that the District does not consider this a water main for any future considerations, that we only consider it a water service connection for the pump station 5. Carlsbad Municipal Water District will locate existing water mains for potholing. 6. Henley requested copy of letter from State Health Department to Associated Engineers stating its approval of sewer improve- ment plans. Associated engineers will mail Henley a copy. Construction will begin in September, 1976. Estimate that sewer in Lagoon Lane will be constructed starting in November, 1976. Submitted by jrrr^ Whitley ?3 i l£ WOODSIDE/KUBOTA A ASSOCIATES. INC. _. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2965 Roosevelt St. . P. O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (714)729-1194 September 8, 1976 Mr. Frank Fi nney Associated Engineers 3904 Groton Street San Diego, Calif. 92110 Subject: Rancho La Costa Sewer Project - Our Job No. 75-112 - Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Dear Mr. Finney: We understand that the subject sewer project will soon get under way with Don Hubbard Contracting Company of Encinitas performing all of the work. The project will involve several activities of the Water District and we have the following items to go over with you: 1. Please furnish to this office 2 sets of bluelines of the construction project as finally approved. We want to utilize these drawings in our project coordination. 2. The Water District has revised its estimate for the construction of the water service, which will include the meter, pressure reducer, and backflow preventor. We have assigned a lump sum cash deposit of $3,000.00 for all of this work as well as project liaison for the entire proceedings. 3. Mr. Russ Morrison of the City of Carlsbad has made inquiry to us as to the necessity of a 3" A.C. service line from our meter connection to the sewage pumping station. We advised Mr. Morrison that our District's jurisdiction does not include that private service line, so we have no require- ments in that regard. 4. In the event you arrange a "preconstruction conference" please advise this office so that we may send a representative to the meeting. in Orange County, Santa Ana ENOINEERS Page 2 Mr. Frank Finney September 8, 1976 At an appropriate time we shall forward to you a formal "application' for service" for the fresh water service. Please contact the under- signed if you have any questions regarding the project. Very truly yours Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer Carlsbad Municipal Water District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District. JYK/le CMWD 75-112 PROJECT WORK ORDER PROJECT WO. ; 75-9 CONSULTING tr^iGi.^idL.^o Description Of Project: Fresh Water Service Location Of Project: Lagoon Lane Station Justification For Project: Estimated Incremental Cost Of Project: Direct Cost: Labor $ 296.00 Materials Furnished By Contractor . 1052 .56 825 .72 825 .72 Materials Furnished By C.M.W.D 1052.56 $ 1348.56 Indirect Cost: Transportation & Special Equipment Engineering & Supervision Administrative & General Interest During Construction 1651.44 Total Cost Of Project $ 3000.QQ Estimated Annual Incremental Income From Project Increase In Operating Revenues $ Decrease In Operating Expenses Increase In Operating Income Reimbursement Agreement $ Checked By Accounting Officer: tiJ - ?!^^,^nr^ Approved By: Board Of Directors/Manager Submitted by: _ _Jeh.iL_£^Jienl£y- Dated: Dated: August 20, 1976 a ?- IS '7 ft '•ido RECEIVED AUG 2 01976 WOODSlDL-KUdOiA & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ^• mmjE-imoik & ASSOC. CO-NSULTING ENGINEERS A 36 inch sleeve shall be jacked and bored beneath State Highv^y Route 5 at approxiiuately 1600 feet south of Poinsettia Lane (Engr. Sta. 1752+7ll) through V7hich an 18 inch ductile iron mechanical joint sev;er ifiain shall be installed by use of skids as approved by the Engineer, The 3 6 inch sleeve shall be one of the follov;ing: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: 36" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 36" Steel Pipe, 0.375" min" thickness with welded seams and joints. The above work to be done shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and subject to all terms, conditions and restrictions as set forth in the Encroachment Permit to the City of Carlsbad from the Department of Transportation of the State of California, dated June 5, 1975, No. 117 5-0-7 84,8 5, ll-ED-5, P.M. 45.3, a copy of said Permit is attached to these Special Provisions. NO jacking pit will be allov/ed in the median area of the State Highway. C~12 CONCRETJ :NCASEMENT Concrete encasement shall conform to Standard Drav/ing No. S-11 of the City of Carlsbad. cpwF.n MANHOLE STUBOUTS: Ali Gtubouts, where indicated on the improvement plans, sV.all be 8 inch vitrified clay pipe 4 feet long,and shall be installed with "stoppers" in accordance with Subsection 207-8.3,2 of the Standard Specifications: C-14 W.ATER SERVICE: 1- The Contractor shall arrange for a 2 inch copper v;ater service v;ith a 1 inch meter and a pressure regulator, and a reduced pressure principal backflov/ prevention device, all to be installed by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District^ , dard^"B^Y^i rua^^n. 1 *. i >^ l-.j^^^ ^^^lijiA<--<»£^nr IshaA- ' at an approx- ima'to location indicated cn sheet 10 of the improvement Plans (Lagoon Lane-Sta. IVBl+SOi). The Contractor shall pay CMWD for their services and include these costs as part of the bid submitted for this Contract. C"4 D r r- L MAY 1 01976 WOODSiDE- r.UjOi'A Ik nSSOC CONSULTING ErJGiNetRS C-15 V7ATER LINE A 3 inch asbestos cement (A.C.) water line shall bs installed from the above mentioned water service to the Pump Station as indicated on the improvement plans. Pipe shall be laid at a minimum of 24 inches below existing grade or as designated by the Engineer. C-16 PAVEMiENT REPLACEMENT & NEW CONSTRUCTION .1 PAVEMENT-REPLACEMENT: V?here existing pavement is excavated for construction in Poinsettia Lane and Lagoon Lane, the Contractor shall replace said pavement sections as follows: Poinsettia Lane Lagoon Drive: 3" A.C. on 5" of Class II Aggregate Base Material on Approved Subgrade 3" A.C. on 6" of Class II Aggregate Base Material on Approved Subgrade, Replacement of pavement sections shall be accomplished by such a method as to restore the travel v/ays to their existing condition or better. Existing pavement shall be cut to provide a neat edge for replacement of pavement. .2 PAVEMENT - NSW CONSTRUCTION: The Contractor shall construct a 12 foot wide access road from Lagoon Drive to the pump station site. Construction shall consist of grading as directed by the Engineer and placemient of 3" A.C. on 6" of Class II Aggregate Ease material on an approved subgrade. All "on-site" pump station paving is to be done as part of the V7ork required under Section C-21 of these Specifications and will be paid for as part of that lump sum item and no additional compensation will be allov/ed. C-5 March 5. 1976 Mr. Frank Fi nney Associated Engineers 3904 Groton Street San Diego, Calif. 92110 Subject: Bancho La Costa Sewer - Project No. 75-9 - Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Dear HH. Finney: Following up on our letter of February 17, 1976, to you we have made an estimate of the total cost to the District for furnishing the pumping station with a fresh water service, pressure reducing valve, and an approved backflow prevention device. In addition, we have evaluated the extent to which the District will be Involved in moni- torinu the construction activity of the entire project and providinq the necessary inspection services. For purposes of budgeting these -^stiiiiated costs within the scope of the construction contract, we recoir.iviend that you provide for a cash allowance of $2,000.00 for all of the expenses as estimated above. We have also received word from the State Department of Public Health regarding the approved backflow prevention device, and the District and this office will respond to the Health Department and coordinate the project with respect to what we will be doing for you. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours Jack Y, Kubota. District Engineer Carlsbad Municipal Uater District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water district JYK/le C.'lUO 75-112 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH i3$0 frOBi St., Boea Sua £it««o, a Gtarl^i«A, CftUftmU SG008 ^- ZHaiir Nr. Haaalny! 3ub,^<-tt auMOio lii CMta Masns Ptsv dtstloc M« i« Ic wM^op— to Mr. Awli flnMor of imwoeimtmA aoglMm* MfOMt tw oisr i^Vflmiil m ttiSmmA prmmem ^imlplm teekAaw pxm»U«ii Cm^dm tor mm m% tim mmeHm mmmvtim to Citr ot Qufl«bsd'fl BMs«tha £• Oswtft Bmmm twv :3tettfiR. VfeM ftei* vlll oalX HMT « l^inefb (Bwso #fiC ar <B»rwa gjiwil) B.P. %ter •«nriM vUX be •xt«tid«d to jiwt iw««lA» ol' th« ^wip ttstiflB mA viU s«rv« otOsr « •SagS^ hmm bilbb aad yossi^ m Imdset^* txilsfttidn i^nittM. Ms mm <UM»«ftBd t2M pnqpoMa vitu tti* mm 0i4^ Ooun^ P^iartiiiwwit of ]N;bXie SiftX^ MMl ao Qi»4«««i«i to tint nao ^ M 4ovioo for thi* ywrtiottliur iiwtallftUen, j^rovlAod tlMt olthor ttm CKPtSmA N.W.H. or t^ eitgr of OftrX^bod vllX svtedt to our offleo the ftaCUowliigt X. A ototMMct tliat aoTl«w vlll bo tostod at Xaaat omemmry B. A atatawnt aa to nbO vlXX toat tbo 4ovloa, aXoog with a vammry of Vmtr ^fimUJkmtiem} aad 3. A atataaoiit ^»at tba tost rmmaXtm vlXX bo AKrwupdod vlthlci JO days aftar tin taats to our nugsrtwsiit and to tbo OurXMad M.ll.0. If ths (^t^ of OarXabad aaaanwi tim v«»pQcaiblXi^ of taatl»e ^ doviee. Xt siMauXd ba ootad that tha abovo aeoq^taaeo is baaod m ihm daaeari|)tlott of to urn {Hava Xubrieatad with dosioatie votor ^ an igyrowd air-eap s^^axai^on «EWt bo pmidsd. Vttry tnOy youars. XUCSPHIS^PI District jftis^tioor eet Bmn £da«o Oauatar )D«lpt. of P^Xlo HaaXth - Attns iHOJooum Cl^ of CSaarlBbad - Attet tSn fla&aaKt Aaooaiataa lasiflam * Attns tatds Tlan^ t/Hoodi^Utef l&i^bQta % jUtsoeiatMf Ine - Attn: Jaob TO: Jack Y. Kubota SUBJECT: Fresh Water Service - Rancho La Costa Sewerage Pumping Station, Lagoon Lane FROM: John P. Henley, General Superintendent DAT|: f!ff^(J.^fVED MAR 31976 : WOODSIDE-KUBOTA & ASSOC. ^ CONSULTING ENGINEERS Responding to your memo of February 26, 1976, the cost for service,Iriefer and reduced pressure principal backflow preventer (accepted type) is $1,047.07. breakdown of the costs, material and labor: 8"xl" Saddle 37.00 I" Corporation Stop 12.00 25' 1" Type K Copper 32.50 1" Angle Meter Stop 15.00 1" Meter 76.00 1" Ball Valve 20.50 1" Pressure Reducer E93S 45.90 1 #6 Meter Box 26.00 1" Model RP #1 Cla-Val 274.60 1" Brass Pipe & Fittings 75.00 1 Day Backhoe & Operator 200.00 16 hrs. C.M.W.D. forces 96.00 910.50 C.M.W.D. 15% 136.57 $1,047.07 JPH:de Attach. Respectfully submitte,d> cc: W. F. Friday PROJECT UORK ORDER PROJECT NO.; 75-112 Description Of Project: Fresh Water Service Location Of Project: Rancho La Costa Sewerage Pumping Station, Lagoon Lane, Lyman Line, Sta. Justification For Project: Estimated Incremental Cost Of Project: Direct Cost: Labor $ 296.00 Materials Furnished By Contractor .. Materials Furnished By C.M.W.D 614.50 $ 910.50 Indirect Cost: Transportation & Special Equipment . Engineering & Supervision Administrative & General 136.57 Interest During Construction Total Cost Of Project $_ Estimated Annual Incremental Income From Project Increase In Operating Revenues $ Decrease In Operating Expenses Increase In Operating Income Reiniiursement Agreement $ Checked By Accounting Officer: Approved By: Board Of Directors/Manager Submi>1/fe^y: V. Henley, GeheralySujDefintendent Dated: D><ted: M:ch„l.^__197£ _ MEMORANDUM February 26, 1976 TO: Mr. Win Friday, General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District ATTENTION: Mr. John Henley, General Superintendent FROM: Jack Y. Kubota, District Engineer S'JBJECT: Fresh Hater Service - Rancho La Costa Sewerage Puuiping Station - Lagoon Lane. Frank H. Ayres & Son are ibaking ahead with their plans to construct the north shore line sewerage system of Batiquitos Lagoon and we have concluded the first plancheck of the project. The pumping station V'/ill be located southeast of the southerly end of Lagoon Lane and they are requesting a fresh water service from our "Lyman line" exten- sion. Accordingly, please prepare a cost estimate for a water service, which would include the foi1 owlng featu res: 1 . Tap of the wa ter ina 1 n and service line of approxi ma tel y 2 5 feet ~ 1 inch. 2. 1 inch di sc iieter. 3. 1 inch pressure reducing valve. ''\. 1 inch reduced pressure principal backflow preventor (as approved by the Health Department). All required meter boxes and appurtenances. Please forward this information to the undersigned and we will contact the engineers for the project. Associated Engineers. Jack Y. Kubota JYK/le 7 c 11? rMUn February 17, 1976 Mr. Frank B. Finney Associated Engineers 3904 Groton Street S*wi Dieqo, Calif. 92110 rr\\ •] ' ' Subject: Rancho La Costa Sewer - Project No. 75-9 Carlsbad riunlclpal Water District CEfiar Mr. Finney: E^nclosed herewith Is a set of checkprlnts (12 sheets) of the engineering /pTians for the subject project. We have reviewed this project in the ifteld and have made various comments within the plans themselves regarding •thti potential problem areas In conflicts between the water system faclH- iiii^s of the Water District and the sewer project. We call your particular •Attention to the fact that where there are crosslnas of our existing facilities, the field conditions are such that an Inspection of tlie Jrfater District facilities should be made prior to any construction Activities being commenced by the sewer contractor. Stated another way, w« would encourage you to proceed with the Investigation as soon as possible and to actually field locate our water system facilities. ilnsofar as the fresh water service for the pumping station Is concerned, we suggest that you forward directly to the State Department of Public rH^lth - Bureau of Sanitary Engineering - the plans Involving the pump Station only. Including the details of your "air gap" separation for the pumping station. The State Department of Public Health will then formally respond to you and to the Water District and give their comments and consent to this procedure. We appreciate very much having this opportunity to provide the coordina- tion that Is necessary between sewerage and water agencies. At such time you have formally approved plans, we shall proceed with the detailed right-of-way program providing for permission being granted by the District for the use of our easement. Please contact the under- signed If you have any questions. Very truly yours Jack Y, Kubota, District Engineer End. Carlsbad Municipal Water District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District JYK/sp 75-112 WAYNE P. LILL ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING *i f : 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 February 4, 1975 I-'r. Tim Flanagan, City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Rancho La Costa Sewer Dear Sir: It is our pleasure to transmit herev/ith supporting information for the design of the "Rancho La Costa Sewer". Items included are: (1) A 1000 scale vicinity map showing the relationship of the project to the city limits, the coastal zone line and the various ownerships in the area. (2) The criteria used to establish expected peak flows with supporting data: (a) A peaking factor curve (Rawn Report) (b) Prints of computer tapes giving hydraulic properties for the pipe sizes selected. (3) Pump station criteria with factors leading to our selections: (a) Prints of expected flood flows from. Corps of Engineers Report on San Marcos Creek (Plan & Profile). (b) Basic layout of pump station selected. (c) Horsepower requirement curves for an 8D4B pump. (4) Certificate of Approval issued by the San Diego Eegional Coastal Commission dated October 4, 1974 and stating the conditions of approval. (5) Exhibit "A" showing area served including sub-basins v;ith a tabulation of calculations of flows expected at ultimate development. The above items are submitted to aid the City in checking our plans and specifications which are being transmitted under separate cover. Please let us know if there are any questions or if we can supply any additional information. Yours very truly, Enclosure: Vja^ne .^P . Lill' cc: Rancho La Costa W/enclosure