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3182; Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Replacement; Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Replacement; 1998-03-27
Woodward-Clyde Engineering & sciences applied to the earth & its environment March 27, 1998 Ms. Kelly J. Weaver, P.E. Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Analytical Groundwater Testing Data Report Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Replacement Project and South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain Project Carlsbad, California CMWD Project No. 91-403 City of Carlsbad Project No. 3538 Woodward-Clyde Reference No. 9751028A-0011 Dear Ms. Weaver: Woodward-Clyde International-Americas (Woodward-Clyde) is pleased to present the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) and City of Carlsbad (City) this data report which summarizes the results of groundwater testing for the proposed interceptor sewer replacement and storm drain pipeline project. Our services were performed in accordance with our proposal dated December 9, 1997 (Reference No. 9751028A-PROP). The purpose of the groundwater testing was to provide the CMWD information pertaining to groundwater constituents in the project area in order to prepare an application for a NPDES construction dewatering permit in accordance with the San Diego RWQCB Order No. 96-41. BACKGROUND Preliminary groundwater analytical testing was performed along the proposed pipeline alignment during our geotechnical investigation conducted in August 1997. The results of limited analytical testing of groundwater samples collected from CPT soundings using the Hydropunch™ groundwater sampling technique were presented in our geotechnical report for the project dated January 30, 1998 (Reference No. 9751028A-0007). The Hydropunch™ groundwater samples were submitted for preliminary screening of potential contamination only and included total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and Priority Pollutant metals. The results of the preliminary Hydropunch™ groundwater sampling discussed in our January 30, 1998 report, and are summarized in Table 1. 31 ^Woodward-Clyde Consultants • A subsidiary of Woodward-Clyde Group, Inc. Sunroad Plaza 3, Suite 1000-1615 Murray Canyon Road • San Diego, California 92108 619-294-9400 • Fax 619-293-7920 W:\9751028A\0011-A-LDOC\a7-Mar-98\SDG Woodward-Clyde Ms. Kelly J. Weaver, P.E. Carlsbad Municipal Water District March 27, 1998 Page 2 WELL SAMPLING Monitoring wells installed in November 1997 during the geotechnical investigation were utilized to collect groundwater samples for additional laboratory testing. The 4 monitoring wells (MW-11A, -18A, -22A and -27A) sampled are located: • Near the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Jefferson Street (MW-11 A) • Near the intersection of Chestnut and Jefferson Street (MW-22A) • About 200 feet north of Tamarack Avenue along the NCTD right-of-way (MW-27A) • About 200 feet south of Pine Avenue along the NCTD right-of-way (MW-18A) Monitoring wells were purged and sampled in accordance with San Diego County, Department of Environmental Health (DEH) guidelines. LABORATORY ANALYSES AND RESULTS Discreet groundwater samples were collected on February 24, 1998, from each of the 4 monitoring wells (MW-11 A, -18A, -22A and -27A) and analyzed for the following: Total Nitrogen by SM 4500 Total Phosphorus by EPA Method 365.3 Settleable Solids by EPA Method 2540-G Total Suspended Solids by EPA Method 2340-D Hydrogen Sulfide by SM 4500 Total Residual Chlorine By SM 4500 Ammonia by SM 4500 pH by EPA Method 150.1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by modified EPA Method 8015 Arsenic by EPA Method 206.2 Cyanide by EPA Method 335.2 Tributyltin by GC-FPD Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity by SM 2130 Total and Fecal Coliform by SM 9221 In addition, two composite samples (one composite of discreet samples collected from wells MW-11A and MW-22A, and one composite of discreet samples collected from wells MW-18 W:\9751028A\0011-A-LDOC\27-Mar-98\SDG Woodward-Clyde Ms. Kelly J. Weaver, P.E. Carlsbad Municipal Water District March 27, 1998 PageS A and MW-27A) were analyzed for Acute Toxicity (two species) by EPA Method 600/4- 90/027F. A single composite sample (prepared from discreet samples collected from all four wells) was analyzed for Chronic Toxicity (three species) by EPA Methods 600/R-95/136, 600/4-87/028 and MPB 1991. Acute and chronic toxicity testing procedures are described in the attached laboratory report. Analytical laboratory results from the February 24, 1998 sampling event, and Hydropunch™ groundwater sampling conducted in August 1997 are summarized in Table 1. Copies of the laboratory data sheets and chain-of-custody forms for samples collected in February 1998 are attached. UNCERTAINTY AND LIMITATIONS Geology and geochemistry are inexact sciences, and investigative data commonly contain large uncertainties. The behavior of petroleum products and other contaminants in soil and groundwater are complex phenomena. The available data do not preclude the presence or absence of materials at other locations along the project alignment which presently, or in the future, may be considered hazardous. We performed our services for this project in accordance with current professional standards for contaminant assessment investigations; no guarantees are either expressed or implied. We appreciate the opportunity to be of continuing service to the CMWD and City. If you have any questions regarding this report, please give us a call. Very truly yours, WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL-AMERICAS Moi Arzame: Project Manager MA/rwt Attachments W:\9751028A\Q011-A-LDOC\27-Mar-98\SDG Table 1 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS CARLSBAD-VISTA SEWER/STORM DRAIN Test FPHa-gasoline FPHa-diesel fuel TRPH" VOCsc PCBsd Units ug/l ug/l mg/l ug/l ug/l Monitoring Wells MW-11A <20 <500 na na na MW-18A MW-22A <20 <20 <500 na na na <500 na na na MW-27A <20 <500 na na na Hy C-3 na na <1 ND ND C-6 na na <1 ND ND dropunch Sample Locations C-10 na na <1 ND ND C-16 na na <1 ND ND C-21 na na <1 ND ND C-29 na na <1 ND ND SVOCs8 Bis(2-ethylhexl)phthalate ug/l na na na na 9 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Petals Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Mercury Selenium Arsenic Hexavalent chromium tesidual chlorine Cyanide Dissolved sulfide Total coliform Fecal coliform Turbidity )issolved oxygen Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, nitrate Total phosphorus Settleable solids Total suspended solids Ammonia as nitrogen )H mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l MPN/100ml MPN/100ml NTU mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l unitless na na na na na na na 0.002 <0.02 <0.05 <0.02 <0.05 8 <2 37 2.42 0.22 12.8 <0.05 <0.2 48 <0.1 6.8 na na na na na na na <0.002 <0.02 <0.05 <0.02 <0.05 13 2 29 4.56 0.19 1.81 <0.05 <0.2 44 <0.1 6.8 na na na na na na na <0.002 <0.02 <0.05 <0.02 <0.05 17 <2 136 3 0.19 10.9 0.14 <0.2 250 0.1 6.9 na na na na na na na <0.002 <0.02 <0.05 <0.02 <0.05 8 <2 31 NO 0.27 23.2 0.06 <0.2 92 <0.1 6.8 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0001 0.004 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 0.6 <0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.0009 <0.03 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 0.4 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0005 <0.03 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 0.7 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.0008 0.04 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.0001 <0.03 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 0.3 0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.3 0.0008 <0.03 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Woodward-Clyde Page 1 of 2 W:\9751028a\0011 -A-T.XLS\3/27/98 Table 1 (Concluded) SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS CARLSBAD-VISTA SEWER/STORM DRAIN Test Conductivity Tributyltin Units umhos/cm ug/l Monitoring Wells MW-11A 2,050 <0.005 MW-18A 160 <0.005 MW-22A 2,840 <0.005 MW-27A 3,100 <0.005 Hy C-3 na na C-6 na na dropunch Sample Locations C-10 na na C-16 na na C-21 na na C-29 na na Acute Toxicity1 Topsmelt Mysid TU TU 0.59 0.41 0.59 0.41 0.59 0.41 0.59 0.41 na na na na na na na na na na na na Chronic Toxicitya Topsmelt Kelp Echinoderm TU TU TU <1.0 <2.4 <2.4 <1.0 <2.4 <2.4 <1.0 <2.4 <2.4 <1.0 <2.4 <2.4 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Notes: Specific test methods are described in the attached report. a: Total petroleum hydrocarbons, quantified as gasoline and diesel fuel b: Total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons c: Volatile organic compounds d: Polychlorinated biphenyls e: Semivolatile organic compounds; compounds other than those listed were not detected f: Acute bioassay conducted on two separate composite samples (composite of MW-11A and MW-22A, and a composite of MW-18A and MW-27A) g: Chronic bioassay conducted on one composite sample of groundwater collected from MW-11 A, MW-18A, MW-22A and MW-27A. na: Not analyzed ND: Not detected The symbol V (less than) indicates the constituent was not detected at the specified laboratory detection limit (except for acute and chronic bioassays; see attached lab report for explanation). Woodward-Clyde Page 2 of 2 W:\9751028a\0011-A-T.XLS\3/27/98 Pacific Treatment 4340 Viewndge Avenue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. (619) 56°-7717 *Fax (619) 56°7763 " Analytical Chemistry Laboratory LDCQTDCvM March 4, 1998 Woodward-Clyde Consultants Project Name: Carlsbad/Vista Attn: Katy Shirley Project No.: 9751028A-001 Sunroad Plaza 3, Suite 1000 Laboratory Log No.: 0404-98 1615 Murray Canyon Road Date Received: 02/24/98 San Diego, California 92108 Sample Matrix: Four groundwater samples PO No.: None Please find the following enclosures for the above referenced project identified: 1) Analytical Report 2) QA/QC Report 3) Chain of Custody Form Comment: Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, Turbidity and Dissolved Oxygen were performed by subcontract laboratory, results enclosed. Acute and Chronic Toxicity and Total Nitrogen results to follow. Certificate of Analysis Samples were analyzed pursuant to client request utilizing EPA or other ELAP approved methodologies. Date of extraction, date of analysis, detection limits and dilution factor are reported for each compound analyzed. All samples were analyzed within the method required holding time from sample collection. A minimum of 90% of the data for each analytical method is associated with acceptable quality control criteria. Determinations of completion were made by assessing the following QA/QC functions, as applicable to methodology: • Surrogate Percent Recovery, Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) percent recoveries for all analyses, • Matrix Spike Recovery/Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery (MSR & MSDR) and Relative Percent Difference (RPD from MSR & MSDR). / certify that this data report is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. Columbo Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! ANALYSIS RESULTS - TPH BY DOHS MODIFIED EPA 8015 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/25/98* 02/25-27/98 GROUNDWATER PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK 0404-98-1 0404-98-2 0404-98-3 0404-98-4 SAMPLE ID: MW-11A-(A-M) MW-18A-(A-M) MW-22A-(A-M) MW-27A-(A-M) TPH-GASOLINE RL DF 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 RESULTS PPB (UG/L ND ND ND ND ND TPH-DffiSEL RL DF 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 RESULTS PPB (UG/L) ND ND ND ND ND CARBON RANGES: GASOLINE C6-C12; DIESEL C10-C30 RL - REPORTING LIMIT DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. •NOTE: APPLIES TO TPH-DIESEL ONLY. TPH-GASOLINE WAS PERFORMED BY PURGE AND TRAP. PTAS DCN 300-014 (Rev 7/97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewridge Ave., suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 (619) seo-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME/NO. : CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOG#: 0404-98-1 SAMPLE ID: MW-llA-(A-M) DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE DIGESTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: DF •= DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED DETECTION LIMIT. DUP.- DUPLICATE DETECTION LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. •NOTE: APPLIES TO ARSENIC ONLY. 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/26/98* 02/25-03/03/98 GROUNDWATER ANALYTE pH TSS CONDUCTIVITY RESIDUAL CHLORINE SETTLEABLE SOLIDS HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM CYANIDE DISSOLVED SULFTDE AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC PREP./ANALYSIS DETECTION LIMIT DF RESULTS METHODS EPA 150.1 SMEWW 2540D SMEWW2510B SMEWW 4500 Cl G SMEWW 2540 F SMEWW 3500 CrD SMEWW 4500 CNC SMEWW 4500 S2D SMEWW 4500 NH3D SMEWW 4500 PO4 E EPA 7060 0.1 1 6.8 20 1 48 1 1 2050 0.05 1 ND 0.2 1 ND 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND 0.002 UNITS MG/L MG/L UMHOS/CM MG/L ML/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VlewridgeAve., Suite A •SanDiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOGtf: 0404-98-2 SAMPLE ID: MW-18A-(A-M) DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE DIGESTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED DETECTION LIMIT. DUP. - DUPLICATE DETECTION LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. •NOTE: APPLIES TO ARSENIC ONLY. 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/26/98* 02/25-03/03/98 GROUNDWATER ANALYTE pH TSS CONDUCTIVITY RESIDUAL CHLORINE SETTLEABLE SOLIDS HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM CYANIDE DISSOLVED SULFTDE AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS EPA 150.1 SMEWW 2540D SMEWW 25 10 B SMEWW 4500 Cl G SMEWW 2540 F SMEWW 3500 CrD SMEWW 4500 CN C SMEWW 4500 S2 D SMEWW 4500 NH3D SMEWW 4500 PO4E EPA 7060 DETECTION LIMIT 0.1 20 1 0.05 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.002 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESULTS 6.8 44 160 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND UNITS MG/L MG/L UMHOS/CM MG/L ML/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VlewrldgeAve., Suite A •SanDiego.CA 92123 (619) 560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME/NO. : CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOGtf: 0404-98-3 SAMPLE ID: MW-22A-(A-M) DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE DIGESTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/26/98* 02/25-03/03/98 GROUNDWATER ANALYTE pH TSS CONDUCTIVITY RESIDUAL CHLORINE SETTLEABLE SOLIDS HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM CYANIDE DISSOLVED SULFIDE AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC PREP./ANALYSIS DETECTION LIMIT DF RESULTS METHODS EPA 150.1 SMEWW 2540D SMEWW 25 10 B SMEWW 4500 Cl G SMEWW 2540 F SMEWW 3500 CrD SMEWW 4500 CN C SMEWW 4500 S2 D SMEWW 4500 NH3 D SMEWW 4500 PO4E EPA 7060 0.1 1 6.9 20 1 250 1 1 2,840 0.05 1 ND 0.2 1 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.002 ND ND ND 0.1 0.14 ND UNITS MG/L MG/L UMHOS/CM MG/L ML/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED DETECTION LIMIT. DUP. - DUPLICATE "NOTE: APPLIES TO ARSENIC ONLY. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 ViewridgeAve., Suite A -SanDiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME/NO. -. CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOGtf: 0404-98-4 SAMPLE ID: MW-27A-(A-M) DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE DIGESTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED DETECTION LIMIT. DUP.= DUPLICATE DETECTION LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. 'NOTE: APPLIES TO ARSENIC ONLY. 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/26/98* 02/25-03/04/98 GROUNDWATER ANALYTE PH TSS CONDUCTIVITY RESIDUAL CHLORINE SETTLEABLE SOLIDS HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM CYANIDE DISSOLVED SULFIDE AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS EPA 150.1 SMEWW 2540D SMEWW 25 10 B SMEWW 4500 Cl G SMEWW 2540 F SMEWW 3500 CrD SMEWW 4500 CN C SMEWW 4500 S2 D SMEWW 4500 NH3D SMEWW 4500 PO4 E EPA 7060 DETECTION LIMIT 0.1 20 1 0.05 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.002 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESULTS 6.8 92 3,100 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.21 ND UNITS MG/L MG/L UMHOS/CM MG/L ML/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Viewridge Ave., Suite A «San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTBV SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTAPTASLOG*: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR 1 ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE EXTRACTED: 03/02/98 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/98 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOL. AVT. : 1000 ML RESULTS PPB (UG/L) TETRABUTYLTIN TRffiUTYLTIN DffiUTYLTIN MONOBUTYL1TN 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND ND ND ND DP - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. J —a^ *S Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewndge Ave., suite A • san Diego, CA 92123 (619) 550-7717 FAX (619) 560-7/63 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTIN SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOG#: 0404-98-1 SAMPLE ID: MW-11A-(A-M) DILUTION FACTOR 1 DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 02/24/98 02/24/98 03/02/98 03/03/98 GROUND WATER 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UG/L) TETRABUTYLTIN TRIBUTYLTIN DIBUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND ND ND ND DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 ViewridgeAve., Suite A -SanDiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTIN SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOG#: 0404-98-2 SAMPLE ED: MW-18A-(A-M) DILUTION FACTOR 1 DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 02/24/98 02/24/98 03/02/98 03/03/98 GROUND WATER 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UG/L) TETRABUTYLTIN TRffiUTYLTIN DfflUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND ND ND ND DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND •= NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Vlewridge Ave., Suite A «San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTIN SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOGtf: 0404-98-3 SAMPLE ID: MW-22A-(A-M) DILUTION FACTOR 1 DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRLX: S AMPLE VOL./WT.: 02/24/98 02/24/98 03/02/98 03/03/98 GROUND WATER 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UG/L) TETRABUTYLTIN TRffiUTYLTIN DffiUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND ND ND ND DF - DILUTION FACTOR ND - NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VlewtldgeAve., Suite A «SanDiego,CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTEV SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: WOODWARD-CLYDE PROJECT NAME/NO.: CARLSBAD/VISTA PTASLOG*: 0404-98-4 SAMPLE ID: MW-27A-(A-M) DILUTION FACTOR 1 DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 02/24/98 02/24/98 03/02/98 03/03/98 GROUND WATER 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UG/L) TETRABUTYLTIN TRffiUTYLTIN DffiUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND ND ND ND DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = NON DETECT ABOVE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT. REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VtewridgeAve., Suite A •SanOiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Comment : ATTN: ROGER LAHR (PROJ.CARLSBAD/VISTA) Sampled : 02/24/98 : M Received : 02/24/98 05:15 PM MW11A-1/11:: 980202893 MW18A-1/2:5E 980202894 MW22A-I/12:^ 980202895 MW27A-I/1:4( 980202896 >c K ) Coliform, Total 8 13 ) 17 8 i _ Coliform, Fecal < 2 2 < 2 < 2 i 1i Coliform results are in MPN/100 ml using Multiple Tube Fermentation ND = None Detected f\ Reported by Robert L. Chambers Eric W Chambers 03/02/98 Michael Harris Date Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Comment : ATN: ROGER LAHR METHOD:SM213OB (PROJ.CARLSBAD/VISTA) DET.LIMIT: 0.10 NTU Sampled : Received : MW-11A-G/11 980202901 ^ 02/24/98 : M 02/24/98 05:15 PM Turbidity >5 MW-18A-G/2:55 980202902 MW-22A-G/12:40 980202903 MW-27A-G/1:40 980202904 i 37 NTU 29 NTU 136 NTU 31 NTU i 1i ND = None Detected Reported by Robert L. Chambers Eric W Chambers Michael Harris 02/26/98 Date Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Comment : ATTN: ROGER LAHR (PROJ.CARLSBAD/VISTA) METHOD:SM4500-0-C DET.LIMIT:0.10 mg/L Sampled Received : 02/24/98 : M : 02/24/98 05:15 PM Oxygen, Dissolved MW-11A-K/11:25 980202897 MW-18A-K/2:55 980202898 MW-22A-K/12:40 980202899 MW-27A-K/1:40 980202900 L __ 2.42 mg/L 4.56 mg/L 3 . 00 mg/L ND 11 1L ND = None Detected Reported by Robert L. Chambers Eric W Chambers Michael Harris 02/25/98 Date QA/QC REPORT METHOD: TPH-DOHS MODIFIED EPA 8015-GROUNDWATER DATE ANALYZED: 02/25-27/98 QA/QC SAMPLE: PTAS 0404-98 BLANK SPIKED ANALYTE GASOLINE DIESEL LCS % R 99 103 LCSD % R 97 110 RPD 2 7 ACCEPTABLE LCS/LCSD CRITERIA % 75-125 75-125 ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA % <30 <30 LCS % R - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY LCSD % R - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD - RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VlewrldgeAve., Suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT QA/QC SAMPLE: ERA 9979 DATE ANALYZED: 02/25/98 SPIKED ANALYTE PH TV 9.09 DV 8.94 AR 8.89 - 9.29 QA/QC REPORT QA/QC SAMPLE: ERA 9972, 9979 DATE ANALYZED: 03/02/98 SPIKED ANALYTE TSS CONDUCTIVITY TV 66.6 806 DV 65 798 %R 97 99 QA7QCREPORT DATE ANALYZED: 02/25-03/03/98 SPIKED ANALYTE RESIDUAL CHLORINE HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM CYANIDE DISSOLVED SULHDE AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC LCS%R 104 98 82 97 98 105 85 MS%R % 111 97 103 89 104 64* MSD%R 96 111 95 101 93 102 60* RPD :' 0 . ;> 01 • 2 • '. . .-"2. •. .-•. ..-' *.. . - ' 2 6 ACCEPTABLE LCS.MS/MSD CRITERIA % 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 75-125 ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA % <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 TV-TRUEVALUE DV - DETERMINED VALUE AR - ACCEPTABLE RANGE % R - PERCENT RECOVERY LCS % R - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R - MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R - MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD - RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE * NOTE: POOR MATRIX SPIKE RECOVERIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO SAMPLE MATRIX EFFECTS. A DUPLICATE LCS WAS ANALYZED WITH THE SAMPLE BATCH AND THE RESULTING RECOVERY AND RPD MET OR EXCEEDED ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewrtdge Ave., suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT METHOD: ORGANOTIN SPECIES BY GC-FPD-GROUNDWATER DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/98 QA/QC SAMPLE: PTAS 0401-98-2 SPIKED ANALYTE TETRABUTYLTIN TRIBUTYLTIN DffiUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN LCS%R 90 63 14 18 MS%R 93 92 69 15 MSD % R 99 99 73 22 RPD 6 7 6 38 ACCEPTABLE LCS.MS/MSD CRITERIA % 27-144 61-143 D-163 D-16 ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA % <30 <30 <30 <30* LCS % R • LABORATORY CONTOOL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R - MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R - MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD - RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE D - DETECTION LIMIT * NOTE: DUE TO LOW RECOVERIES, THIS VALUE IS FREQUENTLY EXCEEDED. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 vimntdge AW., suite A. san Diego. CA 92123 (619) 550-7717 FAX (619) seo-7763 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Comment : ATTN: ROGER LAHR (PROJ.9751028A-0011/0404-98) * NITRATE RESULT IS NO3/N02 COMB Sampled : 02/24/98 : M Received : 02/26/98 08:33 AM MW-11A-A/11 980202955 MW-18A-A/12 980202956 ( MW-22A-A/12:: 980202957 | MW-27A-A/1:( 980202958 DC l_ _ Nitrogen, JO 0 DO 0 JO 0 D 0 I Kj .22 .19 .19 .27 eldahl mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 1 Nitrogen, Nitrate £ 12.8 1.81 10.9 23.2 i mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 1 ND = None Detected Reported by Robert L. Chambers Eric w Chambers Michael Harris 03/04/98 Date CO 1 3 F E 8 2*1 P 5 • fviUECT NA PROJECT NO Sample Number /AW-I8A -H ' -r -j -1C -L -M MVU-21A- A 1 -B ~C -D -E -r-^ -H -I -T -k -L -/w Location MlAf-rtA 4 r AAH/-ZZA ' Total Number of Samples Shipped: Woodward-Clyde Consultants CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ^0 SHIPMENT NO. DATF 2 /2 • ^1 / ^J f LX ^^|5 •< " \S(^ 1 f Type of Sample Material 6.U/-. ^ Method (z>r»\* \ Type of Container / - / . J- ) - 2.- r-/- )-/- /-/- y- /-/- i- /-- z- JT-rj / =f | Sampler's Signature: Kj/HJ /I I Type of Preservation Temp !Z££ \ fA jT\ '' Chemical 3 -V/9<2 Analysis Required* /?A. co*^. vi* J 6>/*'/ruK / /^l huTU 1 T\>r\. no. TPH "T/wici'j-u T*±*!t A/ Cs**' S3 <Zi,A<\i'<L( AAJhk ArftfliG yiuKtkaui, \i***t\ u 1 ^" lT'1fl^vrtf+**^>(ln <Lt JCUfDlTly (f\i b>y\ ». ij*? ~fl "&Cf<Jr vblrr*lt>^ Trth^ /A'*- T2.0< TPH -fayic'rl-v ' =» Relinquished By: // J /T~ff^\ — ~ Relinquished By:t/ / "pled by, '. /"-\ Signature td^/jf^-V^T*--* Signature _ ^fa±>L Printe Comp Resor Relinqu Signa Printe Comp Resor Rslinqu Slgna Printe Comp Resor Relinqu Signa Printe Comp Resor riNama ^ /T^/l' «-' U*fOiin0K Printed Mama TT^ any (*S£,C. Company ^^PPTX^ j^too VJ *»^ shed By: )/?A__ riNama -~=^r ft\ \U any "I ^ *^ > y^_ • i " iii..i»^i^X^v^"i «b~)Cl^v-<-} Printed Nama /I- r (sWr*~ t>~^ Company P^l/^S shed By: Relinquished By: hira Signature ri Nama Printed Mama any Company I shed By: Relinquished By: hire Signature rl Nama Printed Nama any Company i Special Shipment / Handling / Storage Requirements: * Note — This does not constitute authorization to proceed with analysis Date - Time (^Tt5 Date Time Date Time Date Time A 'L pi V t rA-.S -fr r/Y/vW-' 7^ 93FEBW PS'"*** PROJEC Sample Number MW ^ -Z1A-A -"B -d -D -C -P -£ -H -r -j -t; -L r -M Location M\A/-2")A ^ Woodward-Clyde Consultants CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD TMAUP. Carlsbd / l/is-L* q- TWO.- " ^0 SHIPMENT NO • PAGE. 7T/ 673> A- OO II Type of Sample Material (^.U? r Method f>f*k \ Total Number of Samples §higped: /# | Sampler1 Relinqu Signa Prints Comf Resoi Relinqu Signa Printe Comf Peso Relinqu Signa Printe Comp Resoi Relinqu Signa Printe Com| Reso 'shedByV mjtft±= tiira j\toWl.l'aUF===:: Type of Container /- /' /' /- /- /- /- /- /- /- /- •2 - ^_ '/ /s Signature' f 4*jjf~£ Type of Preservation Temp Tc£ i ' y k— J^r^a==' Chemical - • — ~^ nnllnni linhnrl nlX *^ Rinnatura T*/-*t~~z£*i~~~£^ 3 ,.3 2 ,ZHrf8 Analysis Required* TMLfiJ . Cr^ss, Ckn~,0<t fl/*T"* / 5 , nf^t* its fho^pkr*) \Jt**<*4*r^ &<//*.~ S,l£'<U ~JW kirv pk. CorJL. 7*«7 CtofiT £0/ij&\*^! Jribul-,,!^ T).O, TP1 Tsvfci'j-** ' /} 1 Date _ 1 O , j«J.ft. id Nama K ' $£,(!( L- C0 /&&*({ 1 Printed Nama /7), M<Jf»eU3r^ I ' 1 >any W f,L. i Mn*l) r/ ^ ished By: A/ lture — — ijtuid MBrna "V^VI ( f-^r-'Yo ^\___— — - -r-ift«<-i "^ (any -{p -7rv*YS: i ished By: hira d Nama (any 1 shed By: tura id Nama (any n Company fr^=ri _JTmj i ^^"^ " l^^ Relinquished By: /? a o Date SignahirA jf^i^Lr^^, XX £}{iQ/ 1 / <5t Company ff/TJ C ^V Relinquished By: Date Signature / / _ nmeCompany Relinquished By: Date Signature / / limeCompany Special Shipment / Handling / Storage Requirements: * Note — This does not constitute authorization to proceed with analysis KL Pacific Treatment 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc.(619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory March 25, 1998 Woodward-Clyde Consultants Attn: Katy Shirley Sunroad Plaza 3, Suite 1000 1615 Murray Canyon Road San Diego, California 92108 Project Name: Carlsbad/Vista Project No.: 9751028A-001 (Addition) Laboratory Log No.: 0404-98 Date Received: 02/24/98 Sample Matrix: One groundwater sample PO No.: None Enclosed With this letter is the report on the following analyses on the sample from the project identified above: Acute and Chronic Toxicity was performed by subcontract laboratory, results are enclosed. The sample was received by Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. intact and with chain-of-custody documentation. The test results and pertinent quality assurance/ quality control data are listed on the attached tables. / certify that this data report is la compliance both technically and for completeness. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. Colombo Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! Mia ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY SERVICES 551 OMorehouse Drive San Diego. CA 92121 619458-9044 Fax 619 458 0943 March 25, 1998 California Lab Cert. # 1802 Ogden I.D. TestNos. 9802-067, 9802-068, 9802-069, 9802-080, 9802-081, and 9802-082 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services Inc. 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Attention: Roger Lahr Enclosed is a report of the bioassay tests recently conducted by our laboratory on February 24, 1998. The samples were analyzed in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency and State of California Department of Fish and Game methodologies. Please feel free to call me at (619) 458-9044, ext. 292 should you wish to discuss the results. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marissa Gaumond Technical Supervisor, Bioassay Lab Enclosure File No. 31886000.0001 © Ogden Environmental and Energy Services Company, Inc. Bioassay Laboratory 5550 Morehouse Drive, Suite B San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 458-9044 BIOASSAY REPORT to Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 February 1998 Submitted: March 24,1998 INTRODUCTION Sensitive life-stage bioassays using the pacific topsmelt Atherinops qffinis, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the giant kelp Maerocystis pyrifera, and the opossum shrimp Mysidopsis bahia were performed on groundwater samples collected in Carlsbad, California. The program was coordinated under the supervision of Mr. Veryl Wittig of Woodward Clyde and Mr. Roger Lahr of PTAS. The test series was conducted between February 24 and March 4, 1998 at the Ogden Bioassay Laboratory in San Diego, California. Verification of laboratory results: PTAS - February 1998 METHODS AND MATERIALS Test material: The materials tested were groundwater samples collected in Carlsbad, California (test nos. 9802-067, 9802-068, 9802-069, 9802-080, 9802-081, 9802-082, 9802-083). Sampling, handling, and transport of groundwater samples was conducted by personnel of Woodward Clyde. Samples were delivered to the bioassay lab by PTAS personnel on February 25, 1998. Test materials were transported to the laboratory in polyethylene cubitainers held in insulated coolers containing blue ice packs. Upon arrival at the laboratory, samples were placed in a cold room at 4°C until prepared for testing. The chronic bioassays were conducted using a composite of 4 wells (MW-11A-M, MW-18A-M, MW-22A-M, and MW-27A-M). Two separate sets of acute bioassays were conducted using composite samples of 2 wells each (MW-11A-M and MW-22A-M; MW-18A-M and MW-27A-M). The initial groundwater salinity was 0 ppt and was increased with artificial seasalts to 34 ppt for the topsmelt and mysid bioassays. The concentrations tested were 100, 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25 percent test material for the topsmelt and mysid bioassays. The highest testable concentration for kelp and echinoderm was slightly lowered due the used of brine to adjust salinity. The practical maximum concentrations for the echinoderm and kelp assays were 42 percent groundwater. Artificial salts cannot be used with these assays as they have been known to induce a toxic response from the test organisms. Brine is generated in the laboratory by freezing natural seawater and decanting the hypersaline brine from below the frozen freshwater layer. When brine or salts are used, a control containing the maximum amount used in the highest concentration is tested to ensure that no deleterious effects observed are due to the use of brine or salt. These controls were run concurrent to each assay. Statistical comparisons were made to the brine and salt controls. Laboratory dilution water: Dilution water for marine testing is obtained from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and trucked to the Bioassay Laboratory. Seawater is held in a flow-through system with an in-line system containing 20-um fiber filters and a chiller unit. Laboratory control water is filtered through a 0.20-um Millipore filter prior to use in kelp testing. The salinity of the laboratory dilution water is 34 +/- 2 ppt. PT AS-February 1998 METHODS AND MATERIALS Test material: The materials tested were groundwater samples collected in Carlsbad, California (test nos. 9802-067, 9802-068, 9802-069, 9802-080, 9802-081, 9802-082, 9802-083). Sampling, handling, and transport of groundwater samples was conducted by personnel of Woodward Clyde. Samples were delivered to the bioassay lab by PTAS personnel on February 25, 1998. Test materials were transported to the laboratory in polyethylene cubitainers held in insulated coolers containing blue ice packs. Upon arrival at the laboratory, samples were placed in a cold room at 4°C until prepared for testing. The chronic bioassays were conducted using a composite of 4 wells (MW-11A-M, MW-18A-M, MW-22A-M, and MW-27A-M). Two separate sets of acute bioassays were conducted using composite samples of 2 wells each (MW-11A-M and MW-22A-M; MW-18A-M and MW-27A-M). The initial groundwater salinity was 0 ppt and was increased with artificial seasalts to 34 ppt for the topsmelt and mysid bioassays. The concentrations tested were 100, 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25 percent test material for the topsmelt and mysid bioassays. The highest testable concentration for kelp and echinoderm was slightly lowered due the used of brine to adjust salinity. The practical maximum concentrations for the echinoderm and kelp assays were 42 percent groundwater. Artificial salts cannot be used with these assays as they have been known to induce a toxic response from the test organisms. Brine is generated in the laboratory by freezing natural seawater and decanting the hypersaline brine from below the frozen freshwater layer. When brine or salts are used, a control containing the maximum amount used in the highest concentration is tested to ensure that no deleterious effects observed are due to the use of brine or salt. These controls were run concurrent to each assay. Statistical comparisons were made to the brine and salt controls. Laboratory dilution water: Dilution water for marine testing is obtained from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and trucked to the Bioassay Laboratory. Seawater is held in a flow-through system with an in-line system containing 20-um fiber filters and a chiller unit. Laboratory control water is filtered through a 0.20-um Millipore filter prior to use in kelp testing. The salinity of the laboratory dilution water is 34 +/- 2 ppt. PTAS - February 1998 Pacific topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) - Acute Bioassay Test procedure: The test procedure described below follows that of the EPA manual for conducting freshwater and marine acute bioassays (EPA/600/4-90/027F). Both sets of acutes were declared invalid upon termination at 96 hours due to low lab control survival. The 48 hour survivial data was used for data submittal since the lab controls met the acceptability criterion of 90 percent survival. Test Animals: The test animal used was the Pacific topsmelt Atherinops affinis. Organisms were purchased from Aquatic Biosystems of Fort Collins, Colorado. Animals were shipped to the laboratory by overnight delivery service in oxygenated plastic bags contained in an insulated container. Upon delivery, test animals were observed for mortality, stress, and parasites. The batch was deemed acceptable for testing since no abnormalities were found. The organisms were acclimated to laboratory conditions over a minimum of 4 days for the chronic and acute assays. The organisms were held at the test temperature of 20±1°C until testing was initiated. Topsmelt were 15 days old upon test initiation. Test design: The test vessels used for the test were 1.0-liter tri-pour beakers which were acid-washed and solvent rinsed prior to test initiation. Testing was conducted using five groundwater concentrations, lab control, and salt control, run in duplicate, for a total of 14 test chambers per bioassay. Each test chamber contained 500 mL of test material. Ten organisms were randomly assigned to each test chamber. Test vessels were placed in an environmental chamber maintained at 20±1°C. Continuous temperature monitoring data is maintained for each environmental chamber and filed onsite. Reference toxicant tests: The concurrent reference toxicant test using copper chloride was declared invalid due to low control survival. Organism feeding: Larvae were at the 48 hour period prior to test solution renewal with approximately 40 freshly hatched and freshwater-rinsed brine shrimp per test animal. Observations and maintenance: The test was performed under static renewal conditions. A 48-hour solution renewal was performed. The test solution in each chamber was reduced to 20 percent of original volume by siphon. Dead test animals and food debris were removed from the test chambers during daily observations. PT AS-February 1998 Observations of mortality and sublethal effects were recorded daily. Daily water quality analyses were performed on the control and all effluent concentrations. Each was monitored for dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, and temperature. The whole effluent sample was measured for alkalinity upon routine check-in procedures. A complete listing of mortality and water quality characteristics is contained on the attached data sheet. Test acceptability: Control survival must be 90 percent or greater. Pacific topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) - Chronic Bioassay Test procedure: The test procedure described below follows that of the EPA manual for conducting chronic bioassays to west coast marine organisms (EPA/600/R-95/136). The test duration is 7 days. Test Animals: The test animal used was the Pacific topsmelt Atherinops affinis. Organisms were purchased from Aquatic Biosystems of Fort Collins, Colorado. Topsmelt were 14 days old upon initiation. Animals were shipped to the laboratory by overnight delivery service in oxygenated plastic bags contained in an insulated container. Upon delivery, test animals were observed for mortality, stress, and parasites. The batch was deemed acceptable for testing since no abnormalities were found. The organisms were acclimated to laboratory conditions over a minimum of 4 days for the chronic and acute assays. The organisms were held at the test temperature of 20±1°C until testing was initiated. Test design: Test chambers consisted of 400 mL polypropylene tri-pour beakers which were acid-washed and solvent rinsed prior to test initiation. Each test vessel contained 200 mL of test dilution and control water. Five replicates each of a control and five groundwater concentrations were tested. Five organisms were randomly assigned to each test chamber. Test vessels were placed in an environmental chamber maintained at 20±1°C. Continuous temperature monitoring data is maintained for each environmental chamber and filed onsite. Reference toxicant tests: In addition to groundwater testing, a concurrent reference toxicant test was conducted as part of this test series. The concentrations tested included the following: 400, 200, 100, 50, 25 (ig/L copper chloride (as copper). A control consisting of untreated dilution water was also tested. PTAS - February 1998 Organism feeding: Larvae were fed twice daily with approximately 40 freshly hatched and freshwater-rinsed brine shrimp per test animal. Observations and maintenance: Initial readings on the test solutions were recorded prior to the introduction of test animals. Parameters measured were DO, pH, temperature, and salinity. Each test chamber was monitored daily for mortality and sublethal effects. Daily renewals of test solutions were made by siphoning test material out of each test vessel and immediately adding fresh test solution of the appropriate concentration. After replacement, the used test solution was discarded or pooled by concentration to perform final water chemistries. The test duration was 7 days. Upon test termination, final observations were made and test animals were prepared for weight analysis. Fish weights were determined by placing fish from each replicate onto a tared aluminum pan and drying at 60°C for 24 hours. After drying, the fish were weighed on a Mettler balance to the nearest 0.01 milligram. Test Acceptability: Control mortality must not exceed 20 percent and mean weight of control fish must meet or exceed 0.85 mg per larvae. The LC50 for survival with copper must be <205 ug/L. The minimum significant difference (%MSD) must be <25% and <50% relative to the control for survival and growth, respectively for the reference toxicant test. Echinoderm Fertilization (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) - Chronic Bioassay Test procedure: The test procedure described below follows that of Dinnel et al. (1987) (as it pertains to the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and the EPA manual for conducting marine and estuarine chronic bioassays (EPA/600/4-87/028). Test animals: The test animal used was Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the sea urchin, collected on February 12, 1998 in Mission Bay by Ogden personnel. Animals were returned to the laboratory in an ice chest, and placed in flow-through aquaria. Sea urchins were maintained at approximately 15°C prior to test initiation. Reference toxicant tests: A concurrent reference toxicant test using copper chloride was also conducted. Nominal concentrations of 40, 20, 10, 5, and 2.5 ug/L copper (as copper) were prepared and tested. PTAS - February 1998 Test design: The test chambers used were 20-mL glass scintillation vials. Ten milliliters of test solutions and control waters were distributed to each vial using a 10-mL pipet. Five replicates were tested for each concentration. Tests were initiated by distributing test solutions, adjusting the temperature to 15°C, and placing the vials in a temperature- controlled environmental chamber. Test chambers were arranged in randomized fashion. Collection of gametes and test initiation: Male and female gametes were collected by injecting at least ten sea urchins with 0.5 mL of 0.5 M KC1. Spawning began immediately following injection. After distinguishing the sexes (males with white sperm, females with orange eggs), each animal was placed upside down over a glass beaker containing 50 mL of filtered seawater. The sea urchins were allowed to spawn for 30 minutes. Following spawning, the sperm from at least four males was combined into one solution and held at 15°C. The density of this solution, in sperm per mL, was determined by measuring the absorbance (run). The procedure is as follows. The DR 2000 spectrophotometer was set at 400 nm wavelength to measure absorbance. The spectrophotometer was blanked with laboratory seawater. Twenty five milliliters of sperm solution were placed into the spectrophotometer cuvette and measured. The optimal absorbance range is 0.80 to 1.0. The sperm stock absorbance measurement for this test was determined to be 0.816. The fertilization test was conducted using a 200:1 sperm to egg ratio. A sperm mixture was prepared to this concentration by adding the appropriate quantity of sperm from the concentrated stock to seawater. Sperm was then added to each test vial using a 100-ul Eppendorf pipet with a sterile tip. Sperm additions were made approximately 60 minutes after spawning was induced. Eggs from at least four females were collected and pooled in a glass beaker. The egg concentration of this solution was determined by adding 1 mL of egg suspension to a Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber and counting it at 20X under a Wild dissecting microscope. A diluted egg suspension was prepared from the stock to yield 2000 eggs per mL. Exactly 1 hour after sperm addition, a 1-mL aliquot of eggs was dispensed to each test vial. Additions were made with an Eppendorf pipet with a sterile 1-mL capacity tip. Test termination and observation: The test was terminated 20 minutes after the addition of eggs by dispensing 1 mL of 5 percent buffered formalin to each test vial. Following test termination, a 1 mL sample was taken from the bottom of each vial and distributed to PT AS-February 1998 a Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber for observation. All replicates were evaluated for the absence or presence of an obvious fertilization membrane around the eggs observed. At least 100 eggs per replicate were observed. Observations: Initial readings of DO, pH, and salinity were recorded for the controls, the 12.5 and 42 percent groundwater concentrations, and the 10 and 40 ug/L copper chloride concentrations. Statistical Analysis: The number of fertilized eggs for each replicate was transformed into a percentage. Each percentage was treated with an arcsine square root transformation. The computer program TOXCALC, Version 5.0 was used for statistical analysis. Normality was checked with the Shapiro-Wilks Test, and homoscedasticity with Bartlett's Test. Dunnett's procedure was used to determine significant differences in the effluent and reference toxicant tests. If the data did not meet the assumptions of ANOVA, the nonparametric Steel's test was conducted. The Probit method was used to determine the EC50 for the reference toxicant test. Test acceptability: Control fertilization should be between 60 and 90 percent. Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) - Chronic Bioassay Test procedure: The test procedure described below follows that of the Marine Bioassay Project manual for conducting marine bioassays (MBP 1991). Collection and transport of test plants: Giant kelp zoospores are obtained from the reproductive blades (sporophylls) of adult plants. The sporophylls were collected in the kelp beds off of La Jolla, California. Sporophylls were kept between layers of wet paper towels in a cooler containing blue ice and maintained at approximately 9-12°C during holding and transport. Preparation of test plants: Sporophylls were cleaned, rinsed with 0.20um filtered seawater, blotted dry, and arranged in a single layer to desiccate for one hour. The blades were then rinsed again and placed in a two-liter glass bowl containing one liter of clean filtered seawater. The bowl was then placed in a cold water bath at 15°C. One hour later, the blades were removed and any immobile spores settled to the bottom. After approximately 30 minutes, the motile zoospores were siphoned from the top layer of seawater into a flask and observed under a compound microscope at 1 OOx to verify their PTAS - February 1998 viability. Spore density was determined by direct count of the spore solution with a Nuebauer hemacytometer. Test Design: The test chambers used for the both test material and reference toxicant testing test were 50-mL petri dishes. A standard microscope slide was placed on the bottom of each container. Thirty milliliters of each test solution were distributed to the test containers using automatic pipettor. Solutions were adjusted to 15°C and placed in a an environmental chamber at 15°C for the duration of the test period. Temperature fluctuation was less than 1 °C in either direction. To eliminate bias in the analysis of test results, placement of test containers in the environmental chamber was done using a random numbering system. Using the calculated spore concentration, 225,000 spores were added to each test chamber resulting in a final density of 7500 spores/mL. Test chambers were illuminated on a 16:8 light:dark cycle using cool white light at an intensity of approximately 50 uE/nvVs. Reference toxicant tests: In addition to groundwater testing, a concurrent reference toxicant test was conducted. Nominal concentrations of 180, 100, 56, 32, 18, 10, and 5.6 Hg/L copper chloride (as copper) were tested. A control consisting of untreated laboratory dilution water was also tested. Observations and maintenance: Salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen of the control and high test concentration were measured at the beginning and end of the 48-hour test period. At the end of the 48-hour test period, the microscope slide contained in each test chamber was removed, a 18-mm cover slip was placed on top, excess water from the top and bottom of the slide was blotted away, and the slide was observed microscopically at 400- 450X. The endpoints were germination success and germination tube length. Statistical Analysis: The percentage of germinated spores was arcsin square root transformed. Dunnett's procedure was then run to check for significant differences in germination between the controls and each test concentration. Average germ tube length per replicate was also analyzed using Dunnett's test on untransformed data. Test Acceptability: For results to be valid, mean control non-germination cannot exceed 30 percent, and mean control germination-tube length must be at least 10 um. In PTAS - February 1998 addition, the germination-tube length NOEC must fall below 35 ug/L copper in the reference toxicant test. PTAS - February 1998 RESULTS A summary of the results for the assays conducted on PTAS groundwater is contained in Table 1. Test data and statistical summaries are contained in the appendix. Table 1. PTAS - February 1998 Test Type and NOEC TU Species Test No. (% effluent) (toxicity unit) Chronic Testing - Composite Sample MW-11A-M, MW-18A-M MW-22A-M, and MW-27A-M Topsmelt - survival 9802-067 >100 <1.0 Topsmelt - growth 9802-067 >100 <1.0 Kelp - germination 9802-068 >42 <2.4 Kelp - tube growth 9802-068 >42 <2.4 Echinoderm - fertilization 9802-069 >42 <2.4 Acute Testing - Composite Sample MW-1 1A-M and MW-22A-M Topsmelt - survival* Mysid - survival MW-18A-M and MW-27A-M Topsmelt - survival* Mysid - survival 9802-080 9802-081 9802-082 9802-083 (% effluent) >100 >100 >100 >100 0.59 0.41 0.59 0.41 * 48 hour data used to calculate LC50 and TU values; see Test Procedures under topmelt acute above for further detail. 10 PT AS-February 1998 REFERENCES Dinnel, P. A., J. M. Link, and Q. S. Stober, 1987. Improved methodology for a sea urchin sperm cell bioassay for marine waters. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 16:23-32. EPA, 1993. Methods for measuring the acute toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater and marine organisms, Fourth Edition, EPA/600/4-90/027F, August 1993. EPA, 1995. Short-Term Method for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to the West Coast Marine and Estuarine Organisms, EPA/600/R- 95/136, February 1995. "Experimental Evaluation of Effluent Toxicity Testing Protocols with Giant Kelp, Mysids, Red Abalone, and Topsmelt." Marine Bioassay Project, State of California Water Resources Control Board (Division of Water Quality Report No. 89-5WQ, December 1991). Tidepool Scientific Software, 1992-1994. TOXCALC Comprehensive Toxicity Data Analysis and Database Software, Version 5.0. 11 Appendix A 4 Well Composite Sample MW-11A-M, MW-18A-M MW-22A-M, and MW-27A-M Topsmelt Chronic Test Data and Statistical Summaries Larval Fish Growth and Survival Test-7 Day Survival Start Date: 2/25/98 Test ID: 9802-067 Sample ID: PTAS-Pacific Treatment End Date: 3/4/98 Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: WELL Sample Date: 2/24/98 Protocol: EPAW 95-EPA West Coast Test Species: AA-Atherinops affinis Comments: PTAS ID 0404-98; Comp Samples MW11AM, MW18AM, MW22AM, and MW27AM Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 0. 0. 1. 1. 1 1.o, 1 8000 ,8000 0000 ,0000 0000 .0000 ,8000 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 .0000 .0000 .8000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 1 1 0, 1 1. 1. 1. 3 .0000 .0000 .8000 .0000 0000 0000 .0000 0, 1 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 4 ,8000 .0000 .0000 .0000 ,0000 .0000 .0000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 0. 0. 0 1. 1. 1. 0. 9200 9600 .9200 0000 ,0000 .0000 9600 N-Mean 0.9583 1 .0000 0.9583 1.0417 1.0417 1.0417 1.0000 Mean 1.2500 1.2977 1.2500 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.2977 Min 1.1071 1.1071 1.1071 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.1071 Max 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 1.3453 CV% 10.434 8.207 10.434 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.207 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Rank 1 -Tailed Sum Critical 25 30 30 30 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates non-normal distribution (p <= 0.01) Equality of variance cannot be confirmed The control means are not significantly different (p = 0.54) Statistic 0.76012 0.63246 Critical 0.9 2.30601 Skew Kurt -1.4778 1.97749 Hypothesis Test (1-tail, 0.05) NOEC LOEC ChV TU Steel's Many-One Rank Test 100 >100 1 Dose-Response Plot i" 5 0.5 30.4 "0.3 0.2 0.1 0 coO coO <N CO oo Pagel ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:.Alii Larval Fish Growth and Survival Test-7 Day Growth Start Date: 2/25/98 Test ID: 9802-067 Sample ID: PTAS-Pacific Treatment End Date: 3/4/98 Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: WELL Sample Date: 2/24/98 Protocol: EPAW 95-EPA West Coast Test Species: AA-Atherinops affinis Comments: PTAS ID 0404-98; Comp Samples MW11AM, MW18AM, MW22AM, and MW27AM Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 1 1.1580 1.0460 1.2860 1.3120 1 .3220 1.4160 1 .2200 2 1.1060 1.1560 1.1420 1.1740 1.3480 1.3220 1.3760 3 1.1940 1 .2740 1.1180 1 .2300 1 .3740 1.2180 1.2140 4 1.0600 1.1720 1.2380 0.9980 1.3440 1.1840 1 .3280 5 1.2600 1.2280 1.2760 1.1440 1.3480 1.2200 1.3460 Transform: Untransformed Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1556 .1752 .2120 .1716 .3472 .2720 .2968 N-Mean 0.9833 1 .0000 1.0313 0.9969 1.1464 1.0824 1.1035 Mean 1.1556 1.1752 1.2120 1.1716 1.3472 1.2720 1.2968 Win 1.0600 1.0460 1.1180 0.9980 1.3220 1.1840 1.2140 Max 1.2600 1.2740 1.2860 1.3120 1.3740 1.4160 1 .3760 CV% 6.700 7.322 6.389 9.920 1.371 7.520 5.773 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 -Tailed t-Stat Critical -0.695 0.068 -3.250 -1.829 -2.298 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 MSD 0.1249 0.1249 0.1249 0.1249 0.1249 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > 0.01) Bartlett's Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.12) The control means are not significantly different (p = 0.71) Hypothesis Test (1 -tail, 0.05) NOEC LOEC ChV Statistic 0.9841 1 8.81301 0.37861 TU MSDu MSDp Critical 0.9 15.0863 2.30601 MSB MSE Skew Kurt -0.1731 -0.202 F-Prob df Dunnett's Test 100 >100 1 0.12489 0.10627 0.0252 0.007 0.01432 5,24 Dose-Response Plot 1.6 1.4 1.2 !' 00.8>.0)00.6r- 0.4 0.2 coo_o 1-tail, 0.05 level of significance coo OT if)c\j (£) IO CM toCM Page 1 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by: Echinoderm Chronic Test Data and Statistical Summaries Sperm Cell Fertilization Test-Proportion Fertilized Start Date: 2/25/98 Test ID: 9802-069 Sample ID: PTAS-Pacific Treatment End Date: 2/25/98 Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: WELL Sample Date: 2/24/98 Protocol: DL 87-Dinnel/Link Test Species: SP-Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Comments: PTAS ID 0404-98; Comp. samples MW11AM, MW18AM, MW22AM and MW27AM Conc-% L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 8981 .4800 ,9712 9029 ,8515 .6800 .5100 0, 0, 0. 0. 0, 0,o, 2 8972 5893 .8100 8378 7788 .7400 ,4600 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3 8600 5686 9048 8456 7607 8000 3017 0. 0, 0. 0 0, 0 0, 4 8400 .4643 8300 .8480 ,8131 .6700 4200 5 0.9200 0.4800 0.9300 0.8807 0.8600 0.7130 0.3551 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 Mean 0.8831 0.5164 0.8892 0.8630 0.8128 0.7206 0.4094 N-Mean 1.7099 1.0000 1.7218 1.6711 1.5739 1.3953 0.7927 Mean 1.2242 0.8020 1.2452 1.1931 1.1254 1.0153 0.6932 Min 1.1593 0.7497 1.1198 1.1563 1.0596 0.9589 0.5815 Max 1.2840 0.8752 1.4001 1.2539 1.1873 1.1071 0.7954 CV% 4.092 7.245 9.253 3.477 4.988 5.875 12.237 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 -Tailed t-Stat Critical -9.554 -8.433 -6.972 -4.600 2.346 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 MSO 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > 0.01) Bartlett's Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.42) The control means are significantly different (p = 1.77E-06) Hy pothesis Test (1 -tail, 0.05) NOEC LOEC ChV Dunnett's Test 42 >42 Statistic 0.97759 4.95664 12.3067 TU MSDu MSDp 2.38095 0.10893 0.21088 Critical 0.9 15.0863 2.30601 MSB 0.24582 Skew 0.19556 MSE F-Prob 0.00538 1.7E-11 Kurt -0.3263 df 5,24 Dose-Response Plot 1-tail, 0.05 level of significance Page 1 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:_ Kelp Chronic Test Data and Statistical Summaries Macrocystis Germination and Growth Test-Proportion Germinated Start Date: 2/24/98 Test ID: 9802-068 Sample ID: PTAS-Pacific Treatment End Date: 2/24/98 Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: WELL Sample Date: 2/23/98 Protocol: MBP 90-Anderson et al. Test Species: MP-Macrocystis pyrifera Comments: PTAS ID 0404-98; Comp. Samples MW11A, MW18AM, MW22AM. and MW27AM Conc-%1 L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 0.8113 0.8000 0.8200 0.9057 0.9000 0.8621 0.8269 0.8600 0.8571 0.9200 0.8000 0.8462 0.9200 0.9400 0.7600 0.8000 0.8200 0.8000 0.8000 0.7800 0.8000 0.8400 0.7500 0.7778 0.8600 0.8400 0.7937 0.8400 0.7843 0.8400 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8800 0.8400 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 Mean 0.8111 0.8094 0.8276 0.8331 0.8372 0.8471 0.8494 N-Mean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0021 .0000 .0224 .0293 .0343 .0466 .0494 Mean 1.1229 1.1208 1.1473 1.1535 1.1581 1.1746 1.1782 Min 1.0588 1.0472 1.0799 1.1071 1.1071 1.0826 1.1071 Max 1.1873 1.1832 1.2840 1.2586 1.2490 1.2840 1.3233 CV% 4.629 4.714 6.929 5.917 5.027 7.144 7.121 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 -Tailed t-Stat Critical -0.580 -0.716 -0.817 -1.180 -1.257 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 MSD 0.1077 0.1077 0.1077 0.1077 0.1077 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > Bartlett's Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.93) The control means are not significantly different (p = Hy pothesis Test (1 -tail, 0.05) NOEC LOEC Dunnett's Test 42 >42 0.01) 0.95) ChV Statistic 0.91315 1.33716 0.06456 TU MSDu MSOp 2.38095 0.0909 0.11211 Critical 0.9 15.0863 2.30601 MSB MSE 0.00216 0.00521 Skew 0.82165 F-Prob 0.83338 Kurt -0.2271 df 5,24 Dose-Response Plot 0.9 : 3°8- .i°'7 §0.6. 00.5:c | 0.4 ; O00.3.S i ^0.2; 0.1 . o • 1'cc C £: i T I I Ir 1 1 i i I • ~5 <n 10 m m CMS CM (N ^ CM Tf C ^ (O »-O COO m ^ 1-tail, 0.05 level of significance Page 1 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:. Macrocystis Germination and Growth Test-Growth-Length Start Date: 2/24/98 Test ID: 9802-068 Sample ID: PTAS-Pacific Treatment End Date: 2/24/98 Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: WELL Sample Date: 2/23/98 Protocol: MBP 90-Anderson et al. Test Species: MP-Macrocystis pyrifera Comments: PTAS ID 0404-98; Comp. Samples MW11A. MW18AM, MW22AM. and MW27AM Conc-% L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 1 13.750 13.500 13.000 15.250 11.523 12.750 12.525 2 14.000 12.358 10.855 12.000 12.000 10.500 11.690 3 13.000 1 1 .250 12.750 1 1 .500 14.000 1 1 .523 11.000 4 14.750 1 1 .750 12.750 1 1 .750 13.000 11.750 11.750 5 14.000 10.750 10.500 12.750 13.360 11.250 13.000 Transform: Untransformed Conc-% L-Lab Control B-Control 3.125 6.25 12.5 25 42 Mean 13.900 11.922 11.971 12.650 12.777 11.555 11.993 N-Mean 1.1660 1.0000 1.0041 1.0611 1.0717 0.9692 1.0060 Mean 13.900 11.922 11.971 12.650 12.777 1 1 .555 11.993 Min 13.000 10.750 10.500 11.500 11.523 10.500 11.000 Max 14.750 13.500 13.000 15.250 14.000 12.750 13.000 CV% 4.514 8.931 9.956 12.070 7.887 7.075 6.504 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 -Tailed t-Stat Critical -0.071 -1.053 -1.236 0.531 -0.103 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 2.360 MSD 1.633 1.633 1.633 1.633 1.633 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > 0.01) Bartlert's Test indicates equal variances (p - 0.80) The control means are significantly different (p = 7.19E-03) Hy pothesis Test (1 -tail, 0.05) NOEC LOEC ChV Dunnett's Test 42 >42 Statistic 0.95421 2.32179 3.57941 TU MSDu MSDp 2.38095 1.63251 0.13694 Critical 0.9 15.0863 2.30601 MSB 1.1058 Skew 0.55813 MSE F-Prob 1.19627 0.48242 Kurt -0.0794 df 5,24 Dose-Response Plot 16 14 12 0110 Is O 6 O 4 2 0 coO -O<0 •• 1-tail, 0.05 level of significance m(N co O CD m ID inc\i inCM Pagel ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:. Appendix B 2 Well Composite Sample MW-11A-M and MW-22A-M Topsmelt Acute Test Data Acute Fish Test-48 Hr Survival Start Date: 2/25/98 End Date: 3/1/98 Sample Date: 2/24/98 Comments: Wells 11A and 22A Test ID: 9802-080 Sample ID: Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: Protocol: EPAA 93-EPA Acute Test Species: PTAS-Pacific Treatment WELL AA-Atherinops affinis Conc-%1 L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 1.0000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.8000 0.8000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 .0000 .7500 .9500 .0000 .9500 .9000 .9000 N-Mean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .3333 .0000 .2667 .3333 .2667 .2000 .2000 Mean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .4120 .0492 .3305 .4120 .3305 .2596 .2596 Min 1.4120 0.9912 1 .2490 1.4120 1.2490 1.1071 1.1071 Max 1.4120 1.1071 1.4120 1.4120 1.4120 1.4120 1.4120 cv% 0.000 7.818 8.661 0.000 8.661 17.115 17.115 N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Auxiliary Tests Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Normality of the data set cannot be confirmed Equality of variance cannot be confirmed The control means are significantly different (p = 0.02)6.25669 4.30266 Dose-Response Plot 1 0.9 0.8 _0.7 2 ts 10.4 S?0.3 0.2 0.1 coO JDra oO W meg cb in tsi om Page 1 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:AfA Mysid Acute Test Data Acute Mysid Test-96 Hr Survival Start Date: End Date: Sample Date: Comments: 2725/98 3/1/98 2/24/98 Wells 11A and 22A Test ID: 9802-081 Sample ID: Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: Protocol: EPAA 93-EPA Acute Test Species: PTAS-Pacific Treatment WELL MY-Mysidopsis bahia Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9500 N-Mean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0000 .0000 .1111 .1111 .0000 .0000 .0556 Mean 1 1 1 .2490 .2490 .4120 1.4120 1 1 1 .2490 .2490 .3305 Min 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .2490 .2490 .4120 .4120 .2490 .2490 .2490 Max 1.2490 1.2490 1.4120 1.4120 1.2490 1.2490 1.4120 CV% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.661 N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Auxiliary Tests Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Normality of the data set cannot be confirmed Equality of variance cannot be confirmed The control means are not significantly different (p = 1.00)4.30266 Dose-Response Plot 1 0.9 0.8 _0.7 (0 |0, t?0.5 = 0.4<e ~0.3 0.2 0.1 0 coO o 'c IT) CN oo Pagel ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:_ Appendix C 2 Well Composite Sample MW-18A-M and MW-27A-M Topsmelt Acute Test Data Acute Fish Test-48 Hr Survival Start Date: 2725/98 End Date: 3/1/98 Sample Date: 2/24/98 Comments: Wells 18A and 27A Test ID: 9802-082 Sample ID: Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: Protocol: EPAA 93-EPA Acute Test Species: PTAS-Pacific Treatment WELL AA-Atherinops affinis Conc-%1 L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 1.0000 0.8000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.7000 0.8000 100 0.8000 1.0000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 0, 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 .9500 7500 8000 .8000 .7000 .8000 .9000 N-Mean 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 .2667 .0000 .0667 .0667 .9333 .0667 .2000 Mean 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 .3305 .0492 .1201 .1071 .9912 .1071 .2596 Min 1 0 0 1 0 1 1. .2490 .9912 .9912 .1071 .9912 .1071 .1071 Max 1.4120 1.1071 1.2490 1.1071 0.9912 1.1071 1.4120 cv% 8.661 7.818 16.280 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.115 N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Auxiliary Tests Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Normality of the data set cannot be confirmed Equality of variance cannot be confirmed The control means are not significantly different (p = 0.11)2.81331 4.30266 Dose-Response Plot Pagel ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:. Mysid Acute Test Data Acute Mysid Test-96 Hr Survival Start Date: 2/25/98 End Date: 3/1/98 Sample Date: 2/24/98 Comments: Wells 18A and 27A Test ID: 9802-083 Sample ID: Lab ID: CAOEE-Ogden Bioassay Sample Type: Protocol: EPAA 93-EPA Acute Test Species: PTAS-Pacific Treatment WELL MY-Mysidopsis bahia Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Conc-% L-Lab Control S-Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100 Mean 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9500 0.9500 0.9000 0.9000 N-Mean 1.0000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9500 0.9500 0.9000 0.9000 Mean 1.4120 1.4120 1.2490 1.3305 1.3305 1.2596 1.2490 Min 1.4120 1.4120 1.2490 1.2490 1.2490 1.1071 1.2490 Max 1.4120 1.4120 1.2490 1.4120 1.4120 1.4120 1.2490 CV% 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.661 8.661 17.115 0.000 N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Auxiliary Tests Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Normality of the data set cannot be confirmed Equality of variance cannot be confirmed The control means are not significantly different (p = 1.00)4.30266 Dose-Response Plot 8 CO Pagel ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by:. Appendix D Chain-of-Custody Form Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/HME STAMP Client: fj"AS Address: / Aim: KO<r^r/L- Phone: Sampled by: Fax: Billing Address: *:V /*- Project: 775/0 O g* -OO|I /O¥O»| Client Sample ID IWW— Hi4~4ta WIVAy -• t 52/$«»> AA MW — '2.2L* — 1*1 ^fcW* ^rA <• ^0- f-1g P0#: 9^23< Sample Date ^^«I J#v \ . • '•'.,-•-*• Sample Time V-^"" ". Sample Matrix £«IMJ \ i,' '* "• >r 5,0, V •Container Types: B= Brass Tube; V=VOA; G=Glass;^l*las^:; O=Otner (list) Tamper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes No ^N?/^ Samples): /CoioN Ambient Warm Correct Containers: (Y$ No VOAsw/ZHS: Yes No/^N^ All Samples Properly Preserved: Yes No l/N/$ Disposal: /fw(aqueoiis)> • PTAS (@$5.00/sample) Return Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day 4 day ^I5ocmar\ Comments: -^fc^t - CO^^ . cj( MW-U^M^/HVl/.lt/J Cir*;t —e#~>f. «f *w- Ii5-/n . w^«sfU-/*i , ,j*m/-ii* — <M y i MW- •2.7M- 1*\ Af*/Te fVK *9*bfJ.w/l ^^18-4 * M»vJ^7A t O Container(s) # Type* £ fhk ^ \ *••s f * -x PTAS 14 2 3 4 5 6 " 8 9 10 REQUESTED ANALYSIS a 00 TPH(DHS) Gas Diesel! S SO 10 (Purgeable Halocarbons)S ,! 1 & is 00s 8240/8260 (Volatile Organics)so 1 .£ > S<soo s '-: C RELINQUISHED JY Signature ^~i^-&^' ' ~ Print /fl. ifaj/Z-rP'Tl^T') Company PTfr £ Signature Print *«**>> -t '"Signature Print Company TTLC Metals (CAC Title 22) jSTLC Metals (CAC Title 22)TCLP (RCRA) Metals Organics£ 3 S COp DATE/TIME ^ct) -: X S- .0 fs» V X X x! AJ, j y ^^A, \^ ^ ,\i RECEIVED BY Signature Print Company Signature Piiut Company Signature y^ _ _ , Print "^.f^/^ QrtAjMtinfi Company O&Al* • PTAS reserves the right to return samples that dont match our waste profile. ' White -PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Client (w/Report) GoUenrod - Client Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) -"•waai Sample Number MW-/M-A - B -£ -b -E -F -6 -N -X ~J ~H -L 1 -M AAW- iBA-A 1 -B ~^. -D •*E -.p / ^«**& Location MUHlA \ - \ AAW-I8A Woodward-Clyde Consultants CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ^^ SHIPM PAGE -n ENTNm '. "^^757 £> l#/4 -OOII Type of Sample Material /£,w Method 6r<vb r Type of Container /- /- /^ /^ /- I- 1^ /' /';-/- 1 -l/o*'3 y- /-/ ^ /- /- /- /- / — f h~~~ fi Type of Preservation Temp TCE. i\— Chemical f . AnalysTSFtequired* ToMtNtCS1- 55 <^<»r»i'^ /vj*4»/r --5 ^^s-^- ^/;A*vfcf /KA,«n;e tf,JalenJ<>«lf''<Lt TuTi'rf-rt* af> Con^T^^rw n a c'f'/ CA llrr\ ^ 1ft 6«/y/./f>v T>.0, ren Unefctfv TfyhS- W (s*1* -S5> J cTLy^ni/^ (- xleia/C ^pk<&ah«M.\ 4nrwin,< Hh oV» ^*\_ SK//J <Lf } tiroi M\JT Total Number of Samples Shjpped: A 2~S~ \ Sampler's Signature: Kjbdrf~d """ ' Relinqui! Signat Printec Compi Reson Relinqui! Signat Printec Compi Reson Relinqui: Signat Printec Comp Reson Relinqui! Signat Printec Comp Reson ihed By: V /5/fW//'AAjfe> _ ^* Rolingirishod "B1^ */££&$ fotf t jS^\ Sinnahira "^ /i^J~^L^ \ ^x Date x4 ,QZ-t,/^^ Name " ' Jrfnf L . La fct/ ft* If Printed Name// Kl i 7A J^-f*^C?O l any Company T**^T>7S ^JWf*" -^> ^M^B1_-_ v / shed By: /• ure ^^.f^ Name ^2r\ • i-V. 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