HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Rd Improvements Water Report; Rancho Santa Fe Rd Improvements Water Report; 1990-10-25WATER REPORT RANCHO SANTA FE ROAO IMPROVEMENTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 90-01 VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 25, 1990 PREPARED FOR: FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PREPARED BY: PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 SECOND AVENUE, SUITE 500 AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 (619) 235-6471 FOR l8t PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL Brad D. Smith, P.E. RCE 46221 Registration Expires: 12/31/90 PREPARED BY: T.W. CHECKED BY: K.K. K**^ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page . 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Description of Study Area 3 Existing Water Distribution System 5 Proposed Water Distribution System 5 Analysis and Results 6 Conclusion 8 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1 - Project Location Map 4 Figure 2 - Exhibit 'B' - Domestic Water Main .... 10 Figure 3 - Table of Recommend Unit Water Flows - Vallecitos Water District .... 11 Figure 4 - Schematic Drawing 12 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 'A' - Existing Utilities Exhibit Proposed Water and Relocations Connection INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to: Determine the size of the water distribution main recjuired to be installed in the proposed realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, within the Vallecitos Water District jurisdiction, as per the City of Carlsbad and Vallecitos Water District Standards. The proposed extension and size of the municipal water main was based on the design criteria utilized by the Vallecitos Water District for water facilities and the proposed land uses for adjacent property designated in the General Plan Amendment prepared by Project Design Consultants in conjunction with the Rancho Santa Fe Road Environmental Impact Report. Construction of this water distribution system is in conjunction with construction for the widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, and will provide potable water for developable property adjacent to the Rancho Santa Fe Road Alignment. To show the proposed relocation of existing water distribution lines in the area of Melrose Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA Rancho Santa Fe Road is generally a north-south road which links San Marcos to Encinitas. The section of Rancho Santa Fe Road designated for improvement originates at the Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection with La Costa Avenue and north to the Melrose Avenue intersection across San Marcos Creek. Refer to Figure 1, page 4, for a project location map. Melrose Drive La Costa Meadows Drive W^TEK rytsrx/cr Questhaven Road PROJECT LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1 ProjectDesign Consultants T Planning and EnglnttHng 1010 Second Avenue. Suile SOO, San Diega CA 91101 6I9J3S-6471 FAX2J4 0349 4- J.//. 738.20 II EXISTING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Two large existing water mains are located within the project area and will be affected by construction of the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment. A 14-inch main originating at the Meadowlark tanks (see Figure 2), approximately 3,000 feet northeast of the Melrose Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, runs south within the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road right-of-way alignment and is connected to an existing pressure-reducing station, located approximately 2 00 feet south of the intersection of La Costa Meadows Drive and Rancho Santa Fe Road. A 20-inch main exiting from the previously mentioned pressure- reducing station runs north within the Rancho Santa Fe Road right- of-way and within the Melrose Avenue right-of-way to the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Alga Road. This 2 0-inch main is important because three separate agencies have an interest in this line, the Vallecitos Water District, the Olivenhain Water District, and the Costa Real Water District, and they will be involved with any proposed construction associated with the 2 0-inch main. PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Approximately 3,700 lineal feet of proposed water main will be installed within the right-of-way of the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment. The proposed main will be connected to the existing 14-inch ACP water main approximately 14 0 feet north of La Costa Meadows Drive. Refer to Exhibit 'B', page 10, which shows the alignment of the proposed water main. The first +2,000 lineal feet of water main will be 14-inches in diameter. This 14-inch line will have sufficient capacity for fire protection of developable property adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road. The remaining +1,700 lineal feet of proposed water mains, stretching to the Olivenhain Water District boundary, will be 12-inches in diameter. A connection to a 12-inch water main owned by the Olivenhain Municipal Water District is proposed at the boundary between both districts. This connection will be valved and closed. The connection allows for emergency supply in the event that there is a supply problem north of San Marcos Creek. The existing 20-inch water main will be relocated within the right- of-way of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Refer to Exhibit 'A', which shows the existing utilities to be abandoned and the proposed relocation within the proposed right-of-way. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Analysis and design of the proposed extension of the municipal water distribution was based on the Vallecitos Water District design criteria; and a proposed land uses for adjacent property, prepared by Project Design Consultants. Refer to Exhibit 'B' for a portion of the preliminary land use exhibit prepared by Project Design Consultants. DESIGN CRITERIA; 1. Vallecitos Water District - Design Recjuirements a. Design Flow - The design flow used for calculation purposes was peak day demand plus fire flow demand. b. Service Pressures 1. Minimum desirable pressure: 40 psi. 2. Minimum allowable pressure during fire event: 20 psi. 3. Maximum desirable pressure: 125 psi. 4. Maximum allowable pressure: 150 psi. c. Water Distribution Svstem 1. Maximum velocity of 5 feet per second at peak day demand plus fire flow demand. 2. Maximum velocity of 8 feet per second at peak hour demands. 3. Maximum allowable head loss of 10 feet per 1,000 feet of pipeline. 4. Maximum desirable head loss of 5 feet per 1,000 feet of pipeline. 5. C factor =120 for head loss calculations. Calculations were performed using the KYPipe Pipe Network analysis program developed by Dr. Don Wood of the University of Kentucky. Refer to pages 12-15, for demand calculations and hydraulic results. This program was utilized by the Vallecitos Water District to analyze their existing water distribution system. Refer to Figure 4, page 12 for a schematic drawing showing the proposed 14" extension of municipal water main. CONCLUSION Conclusion from this study that the proposed extension of the municipal water distribution system, as designed, satisfactorily meets the standards and rec^uirements for the Vallecitos Water District and the City of Carlsbad for peak day demand and future fire flow demand. The installation and relocation of water facilities presented in this report should be performed in conjunction with the construction of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, in order to provide potable water service to adjacent developable property and prevent future demolition of Rancho Santa Fe Road. moarm - v .; •;. feV' • ' • i M LARK ^ .. ,.. ,, ... WATER TAKIKe\ \ .a. ^8/5.00 ' '^K ''mFQSW CONMtCTIOM TO aisi)4;"Acp miff? MAIN PROPOSED LAND USE •--^"^^^- r-'^rM DESIGNATIONS / PROPOSED •>k$^,^'MW'^'' ff^ DOMESTIC WATER MAIN v'XS'^ll^^^o.o.J^ ' EXHIBIT "B" ' 1/ ^'' '^'-''^' ' ^'^ TREATMENT { PLANT • ^ ' ^' 200 400 800 NAL V; .:- 17:3 ;AC:x1,0 DU/AC •, \ FUTURE WATER MAIN ^ ^ 12" PIPE , L'^t ZOOO A'" pmmmm-^:ho 7 /iii^^^^^^iPRO POSED 12" X •'••••••{•< % VALLECITOS \.\ WAT£^ DISTJ^/CT EMERGENCY ' CONNECTIONr Ti^ON/C/Wt o 1 •\-, 1'. .'••( 1 H 'vv;.'>'^\\ ;>^:i-'-|* ; • Project Design Corisidtcints TABLE 4-1 \WftTERxDUrYjrFACrORS Land Uae Category Measured Unit Water Demands (gpd/ac) Recortmendod Unit Water Deanonds (gpd/ac) 1 - Hillside Residential (0.05-0.25 du/ac) 2 - Rural Residential (0.125-1.0 du/ac) 3 - Residential (1-2 du/ac) 4 - Residential (2-4 du/ac) ^5=Si ResidentiaKX4^ du/^ 6 - Residential (4-8 du/ac) 7 - Residential (8-12 du/ac) 8 - Residential (12-15 du/ac) 9 - Residential (15-20 du/ac) 10- Residential (20-30 du/ac) 11- Inteiisive Ag./Res. (0.125-0.5) 12- Agricultural/Res. (0.125-1.0) 13- Ccmnercial 14- Office Professional 15- Light Industrial 16~ Industrial 17- Schools & Public Facilities 18- Palomar College 19- San Marcos Stats University 20- Parks 21- Solid Waste Management 22- _Open Space 778(1) 1,517 1,585 3,684 3,772 1,850 778(1) 1,123 1,370 1,045 773(2) 2,187(3) 1,135 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,750 moo9 2,000 2,250 3,750 3,750 .4,000 2,000 1,000 1,250 1,500 1.50j 2,000 1,250 2,250 2,250 1,250 -0- -0- / ^CH5hAA Tl<^ Vi^/^W G 3< 9 k- <r/r"rt :(3> C -fZO in" 0 c v5 (D ^ o (^cr)i>^<zs. juncrffon node = ZJO^ 00^ f/='^ IZ 7, '^00 9/^^ 2.^ ^p^; 3^^^ 3 BEST ORIGINAL FLGWRATE i3 £XFft£53ED IN uFM AND PR£5SUF:E IN FSiG A ilitlHAKV OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LEhtGTH LIAPiETEK, KGUGHNESS HlriOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE l.l-LLi.' i j 1 ESOO.O 14.0 iOO.O .00 2 EOOO.O i4.0 iOO.O .00 t 0 dO'-A). 0 14.0 IcO.O .00 4 3 4 2000 i 0 12,0 i£0.0 .oO 5 i e J 1700.0 id.O icO.O .00 f//sr. riP6 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND l4b.OO 215.00 205.00 aow.oo .00 ELEVATION CONNECTING FIFES 410.00 1 c 336.00 c 3 415.00 3 4 5 •Jjy.lA' H •JcO.'-.iO J OUTPUT SELECTION; ALL RESULTS ARE QUTPUl EACH PERiGL THIS sVSTEH HAS 5 FlrcS WITH 5 juiCTluNS , 0 LuGFS AND i FGNS THE RESULTb ARE ODTAINED AFTER £ TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT .Oi^iOOO •IFE NO. NODE HQS. FLOWRATE t€AD LOSS PUftP ^€AD MINOfi LOSS 'VELOCITY HL/l^XiO 1 0 1 EbSi.OO 34.45 .00 .00 5.54 U.ob 2 1 2 £510.iJO 21.*) .00 .00 5.23 10.70 3 2 3 EE^S.OO 1E.9S .00 .00 4.76 b.47 4 3 4 20i>3.i)0 21.23 .i;)0 5.D7 10.&2 5 3 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAI4D GRA££ LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 1 I4b.00 780.55 410.iX' 160.57 2 215.00 75'3.15 538.00 152.30 d £95.0(1 74o.22 415.y*:-143.53 4 2000.00 :c4.:^ 550.00 .';>75i;83' .00 746.cc 520.0(' mM •HE l£T SYSTEH DEMAND = EOSO-'-H) SUHCiARV OF INFLOWS IT I AND OUTrLt-wS-.-tuii'l rlsED GRAL-E liuut LGWRATE 15 EXFRE55ED IN uF'H AND PRESSURE IN FSId bEST ORIGINAL z^oo ^pm /^to A SUHftARV OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS iPEET' iINCHES; i 0 i 2900.0 14.0 100.0 2 1 2000.0 14.1. iOO.O c 2000.0 14.0 120.0 4 3 4 2000.0 12.0 120. (J 5 i if00,0 12.0 120.0 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LEi^JGTH DiAiltTER ROUGHNESS flltCR LOSS K ri*ED GRADE ..jy dii.ou .00 .00 .00 ,00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTU* PIPES 1 146.00 410.00 1 2 £ 215.00 333.00 £ 5 3 295.00 415.00 3 4 5 4 ''S5(K).0C) 550.00 4 J .!JO 520.00 5 OUTPUT SELECTION; ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD inIS SYSTEM HAS 5 PIPES WITH 5 JUNCT IGf'IS , 0 LOCPS AND 1 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY - .00000 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE t£AD LOSS PW fCAD MINOR LOSS VELKITY HL/lOO*) 1 0 1 3156.00 47.42 .00 .00 6.53 16.35 2 I 2 3010.00 29.95 .00 .00 0.27 14.93 3 2 3 £795.00 15.63 .00 .0(j 5.32 9.31 4 3 4 2500.00 32.10 .00 .00 7.09 16.05 5 • 3 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCl ION NUMBEF; DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 1 146 .iX' 76/.55 410.00 154.95 2 215.00 '37.63 SC'S.OO 175.17 3 E'95.00 7i9.yO 415.00 131.73 4 250<j .00 000.90 550 .:X 59.32 J 719.00 520. iX 36.23 IHE NET SYSTLM DEMAND - 3156.00 SUi'IMAftY uf IMFLCWSt'i AND uUTr'Luiwi-} PRCM rlXtD GRADE iJOOc: '"' . - • ^ -LGWRATE 15 EAFPESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUilMARV Or THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS BEST ORIGIIMAL ^^^^ ipem^^o f y)00 jpyn ^/>e PIPE NO. NODE NGS. LENGTH DIAMETER K0UGHNE35 rllNOR LGsS FIXED'GRADE (FEET) (INCHES' 315.00 1 •9 2900.0 14.0 iOO.O .Oij c 1 £ 2000.0 14.0 100.0 .00 0 £ d'.-'OO .0 14.J icO .0 .•}'•} 4 ij 4 2000.0 12.0 12i.'.0 I70'j.0 12.0 120.y . I'O JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVAriON CONNECTING-FiFES 1 i4c.OO 4iOAiO 1 2 t Lij.UO JsS.iJu c J 3 295.00 4i5.C'0 ,3 4 J 4 3000iOO« 550.0V 4 J .'j'-i 520.00 5 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE GUiPUT EACH PEPiOD THIS SVbTtM HAS 5 PIPES WITH 5 JUNCTIONS . 0 LOOPS AfC 1 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ftCURACV = .OtXOO RAfJCHO SANTA FE ROAD VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT ' PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE J€AD LOSS FW f£AD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/li>X 7.62 21.47 7.31 19.91 O.Ci7 ic.Oi 3.51 22.-50 .iX .Ol' 1 0 1 3656.00 .00 .iX 2 i £ 3510. W 39.83 .00 .00 2 •3295.00 25.27 .00 .00 4 5 4 SOifJ .'jOi 45.00 .:X .•JO 5 3 5 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 1 146.00 752.74 410.00 143.52 2 215.00 712.92 5j6.-Ai 102.47 £95.00 o67.66 415.0V 113.15 4 3000.00 642.66 550. oO 40.15 tr .01. 657.66 52v.00 72.DJ THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3656 .00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS! T/ Aiuj uoirLuWSi-; FRON FIXED GRADE NODES FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPh AND PRESSURE IN FSI A SUMMARY OP THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS STATIC Thc^uOE •Ir'E NO. MODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS • MINOR LOSS iFEET' (INCHES; 2000.0 14.0 2000.0 i4,0 200U.0 12.0 1700.U L2.0 IvO.O lOO.O 120.0 120.0 120.0 .00 rlXED GRADE 515.00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 1 .00 £ .00 3 .00 4 .00 5 .oO ELEVATION CONNtCTING PIPES 410.00 33E.00 4l5.oO 550.00 520. oO 1 d £ 3 5 4 OUTPUT SELECTION; ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIUD THIS SYSTEM HAS 5 PIPES WITH 5 JUNCTIONS . o LOOPS AND i FGNS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD VALLECITUS WATER DISTRICT -IPE NO. INGDE NOS. rLuWRAlE HEAD LOSS FUliP' HEA£i MINGK LOSS'VELOCITY HL/ioO 1 0 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,0v J i C 1 c .00 .*X ,00 ,00 ,00 •i 2 •a ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oO 4 3 4 .00 .00 .00 .-X ,00 .00 5 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 UNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 1 .00 315.00 410.00 175:50' c .00 315.00 33S.OI) 3 .iX 315.Ov 415.00 . 4 .00 315.00 550.00' 5 .00 315.00 520.00' flg7;83 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = .00 SUMMARY OF iNFLOWS't) AND uUl'FLOWSi-.' FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 1 FLOWRATE .00