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3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1, Part 2; Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1, Part 2; 2003-01-17
stomi Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPPyAttachment D Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT D _ COMPUTATION SHEET FOR DETERMINING RUNOFF ^ COEFFICIENTS ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\5l2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/14/03 c Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment D Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 Total Site Area 37.2 acres (A) Existing Site Conditions Impervious Site Area ^ = Impervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient ^'^ = Pervious Site Area ^ = Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient = Existing Site Area Runoff Coefficient fBxC)-f(DxE) = (A) 1.5 acres 0.95 35.7 acres 0.45 0.47 (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Proposed Site Conditions (after construction) Impen/ious Site Area ^ Impen/ious Site Area Runoff Coefficient Pervious Site Area ^ Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient * Existing Site Area Runoff Coefficient (G x H) + fl x J) (A) 22.3 acres 0.95 14.9 acres 0.90 0.93 (G) (H) (1) (J) (K) 1. Includes paved areas, areas covered by buildings, and other impervious surfaces. 2. Use 0.95 unless lower or higtier runoff coefficient can be verified. 3. Includes primarily roadway cut / fill slopes and areas of vegetation, most unpaved or uncovered soil surfaces, and other pervious areas. 4. See the table on the following page for typical C values and Drainage Report listed in Section 400 for roadway cut / fill slope coefficient values. ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPPyi2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/!4/03 Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment D Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c c mmOfF COSfFtCIBNTS IftAiTlOtyAl, MEtHQDl GdaffiSimr, RflSfideijjiaU ^ingte famfly. Mutti^Urfts, .40. .50 .45 .5a M. M M •3.S -40. ,70 .75 .80 ^85 «8Q 6^0 .95 8Q% IrnpSrvtoU* JmrustriaJ Soil Group fnafts.8rff.8VBtto.b^ at:t% otfjcas, pf^the Jep^nment.oif iPyblrc Wprla. l^hfifa statrat cbfiStiiqjj^ si^fAiic^trtifWmMe ^tiolatacl lrr[perviQi4t^ itabmofW^ arm%..4ie va!u?s|r^" fer coeffictent m»v be r^sed by mtjltipiyir^ 80116 tit 90^ bf tPfa ramot ^t^l lm|i^6us'nass ttf Xhq pm^t^ Feriexarr^i; Gt^def coroeFffifciai'|»qpwty D soil graup. MM impervioifsness =i: 50% Tai6u/aW(l'ifrip.erviQu^$%st = 50% BaOissd c ^ )c-o;s5 ^ 0^53 80. updated 4/33 ERRECA'S JNO. P:\l3I0_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Pliase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs,doc01/14/03 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment E Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT E COMPUTATIONAL SHEET FOR DETERMINING RUN-ON Q DISCHARGES C ERRECA'S INC. P:\l310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Ptiase I\SWPPP„ATTACHMENTs.doc01/l4/03 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment E Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c c Existing Site Conditions Area Runoff Coefficient = 0.45 (A) Area Rainfall Intensity = 2.83 inches/hr (B) Drainage Area = 109.8 acres (Cl Site Area Run-on Discharge 1.008x(A)x(B)x(C) = 141.0 cfs (D) Q = 1.008 CIA TC = (11.9XLVH)*'^ Use average Tc for largest and smallest offsite areas: Area 1: 36.7 acres L= 0.31 mi. H= 239ft. Tc =(11.9 X (0.31 )V 239)°"^ = 0.081 hrs. Area 2: 7.7 acres L= 0.15 mi. H= 73' Tc =(11.9 X (0.15)V 73)°^ = 0.056 hrs. Ave. = (0.08U0.056)/2 = .069 hrs. -i- (lOmin. for natural watersheds) 0.167hrs. = 0.236 hrs. P2= 2.1 inches/hr. (from County of San Diego 2-year 24 hour Precipitation Chart 1 = 7.44 PQD-^ I = 7.44 (2.1)(0.236x60) "^^^ = 2.83 inches/hr. Q = 1.008x(0.45)x(2.83)x(109.8) = 141.0 cfs NOTE: The two northern most watersheds are located in a previously cleared natural terrain where the primary grading operation is to be located. These two areas drain offsite flows from downstream of the Mahr Reservoir westerly to an existing culvert under an access road and flows northerly toward San Elijo Road. These two areas represent 60.5 acres. To the south, watersheds along the newly graded Rancho Santa Fe Road roadway drain to existing drainage systems previously constructed. These areas represent 41.6 acres and constitute primarily paving operations. Further to the south is the smallest, 7.7 acre watershed, located between existing and proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road with flows directed to an existing culvert draining westerly under existing Rancho Santa Fe Road. Additional fill and the construction of retaining / privacy walls will be primarily located in this area. There is an additional 97.6 acres of developed residential and recently graded lots that has not been included in the total acreage value as it should not have a significant impact on this project. Refer to the Drainage Report dated 5-29-01 prepared by Dokken Engineering for further details on existing systems. ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\5l2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/21/03 Storm IVater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment E Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 _____ Contract No. 3190 c COUNTY OF SAN OIESO DEPARTriEWT OF SANITATION t FIOOO COHTROL 2-YEfiR 1.4m ?m\mkm -II- !SOPLUVIJ\LS OF 2-YEflR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TEtlTHS OF AH IfJCH Lat 33'4' Long. Iiri3' P,= 2.1 inches/hr. U.S. DEPARTilEtir OF COMMERCE HATIO-SAL OCEANIC WD ATH0SPHEB1C AOWSISTBATION SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF HYDROLOGY. KAnOHAL VEATHER ICRVlCt 30 113' 30' 15' 30' 15' 116* ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 Storm IVater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment E Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c 3. HYDTOT.S^GY 3 4 D ESIGN CKTI^Rm iBie tomiy cif-$£mjSie^S\^ydrQl^gy^^^M^ forrmja Was j^ed to.deteriaittiiS the Sra^'Of iiSnGeTU T<r, TiiriE cortteet(»aiion was -detemiined by ^e. fbrratila: 1rc?=;^ttoBS orGonQentrationi in hpurstCS iiojn^aift.3niurdn^^ t^hoc^cSrtEail^^Jr^ijected length cflrttoe wajtarshed. In oiite^v th^ :)sdoo3l^ mctfeo'S -^M- Mi-d to ?^natB ih« ^^isK cfischa^gci Q. iPeafe Q = X.t©8 t^'I A. ^here G5= coeESdeoE of awno:^ wfasTO C ^ S#f<SN«ivciiiCTt.^ for Ril^rcbt slopes (coBp'^iite GVam most ofiFWfte or comiposite waierslieds^i is: avCTt^e ^iJxfey criterisityt IniKches.pftfehjOOV. fo^a given fieij(jencymid forthcdwafi !?gtfiil'td flieftimeof CQCiCeftccltaoo. 3.2 RAINFAU. mrmstxr cALcmjaxo^ thcCeuf^iOf Sem Dieg^ Hyr^pip'^ Manuiil mefeod.'Was used to d«!t«:miB!e taiK&iU, ipfensitiiss^for a gj\«rv duration and, Grequcpcy, RdinfeH Intensity wjasi I ^ Sverage rainfall intcimty. tn indi^^^rhbtir; Foe fl given frcqiusntfy apd foi^the dttradoo- Ps :=i.precipir3.Eibit for'the 6-^he!U^ tOtt-year sionn, m i?iehcs, determined fromjaso^iluviid charts t^^ated m\^pw:ii^tx>A. D = duratfon, in minutes, i^^h to ifcs time of conpentraUori. ERRECA'S INC. P:\l310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/14/03 o o o •V m Ol 5 * o iNTENsrrr-DUMfivi^ DESIGN CHART 15 20 Minutes 30 40 50 1 Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 tir. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed In the County Hydrolony Manual (10, 50 and TOO yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Hanual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45? to 65^ of the 24 hr. precipitation. {«ot npplicable to Desert] 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the n^K side of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency yr. 1) P. in., P 24' 2) Adjusted *Pg» 24 in. min. in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region Revised 1/85 APPENDIX XI-A I J? ? li o 5- S rn Storm IVater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment F Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 ^ Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT F ^ NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512,DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs,doc01/14/03 X. "iH. Hickox Division of Water Quality 10011 Scrcci'Sacramento, Cilifoniia 95«M«(9I6)M1-SS37 Mailing AMress: P.O. Box 1977Sacramento, Cotifi>nila • 95812-P577 ?AX(916)341-3M3 -IhlWTiei AddfWK lwp'y/www,WK*.ca.P)v/stomrAW"n<Jc".hinil Gray Davis Ctttvetnor c January 29,: D03 Date Processed: Jantiary 23,2002 CARRIE LOiTA CTTY OF a RLSBAD PUBUC WORKS 1635 FARAl >AY AVE CARLSBAT.. CA 92009 RECEIPT C F YOUR NOTICE OF INTENT The State Wi ter Resources Control Board (State Water Board) has PJ!!^^^ ^^^^ NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WTTH THE TERMS OF THE GliNERAL PBRMJT TO DISCHARG L STORM WATER ASSOCL^TED WTFH CONSTRUCTION ACTTVITY. Accordingly, you are required to comply with the permit requirements. YourWDID dentification number is: 9 37S317311. Please use this number in any future communicati >ns regarding this pemiit. SITE DESCRIPTION OWNER: CrrY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC V/ORKS DEVELOPER; ERRECAS DSC COUNTY: SAN DIEGO SITE ADDRESS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 O IMMENCEMENT DATE: 1/24/02 BS r. COMPLETTON DATE: 4/30/04 When constri ction is complete or ownership has been transferred, dischargers are required to notify the Re ^onal. Water Board by submitting a Nodce of Temiination (NOT). All State and local requiret lents must be met in accordance with Special Provision No. 7 of the General Permit. End ised i.<; a NOT for your future use. If you do not notify the State Water Board that constmction ctivity has been completed you will continue to be mvoic(5d for the annual fee each Januaiy. Please contac . your Regional. Water Board at (619) 467-2972 if you have any questions regarding permit requir- ments. To obtain storm water related information and fonn-s, please visit the storm water web pa ;c at www.swrcb.ca.gov/5t0rmwtr/jndex-btml. Sincerely, Storm Water Section Division of V ater Quahty Enclosure CaUfomia Environmental Protectinn A^ftncv Recycled Paper stately ater Resources Con A)l Board Winston H. Hickox Secreiaryfor ivirottmenlal Protedion Division of Water Quality 10011 Street •Sacramento, CatUbniia 958U-(916)341-5537 Maiting Address: P.O. Box 1977 • Sacramento, Cilifbnua • 95812-1977 FAX (916) 341-5543 • Intcnict Address: hnp://www.iwrcb.ca.§ov Ccnierhor Janiiary 23, 2002 IlECEIVED JAN 2 8 2002 EJvfGlNEERING DEPARTMCWr CARRIE LOYA CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS 1635 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 RECEIPT OF YOUR NOTICE OF INTENT 3^^™^ Resources ControI Board (State Water Board) has received and processed your NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMTT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOQATED WTTH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. Accordingly, you are required to comply with the permit requirements. Your WDID identification number is: 9 37S317311. communications regarding this petmit. Please use this number in any future SITE DESCRIPTION OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPER; ERRECAS INC COUNTY: SANDIEGO STTE ADDRESS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 COMMENCEMENT DATE: 1/24/02 EST. COMPLETION DATE: 1/31/05 When construction is complete or ownership has been transferred, dischargers are required to notify the Regional Water Board by submitting aNotice of Tennination (NOT). All State and local reqmrements must be met in accordance with Special Provision No. 7 ofthe Gencrai Permit. Enclosed is a NOT for your future use. If you do not notify the State Water Board that construction activity has been completed you will continue to be mvoiced for the annual fee each Januaiy. Please conUct your Regional Water Board at (858) 467-2952 if you have any questions regarding pennit requirements. To obtain storm water related information and forms, please visit the storm water web page at www.swrcb.ca-gov/stormwtr/index.html Sincerely, Storm Water Section Division of Water Quality Enclosure California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper MOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) SWtt WaMr Rasovcas Canml Baud NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WnX THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WO ORDER No. 99-08-DWQ) Attachment 2 ARK ONtY ONE ITEM 1. • New Constmplion 2. ^ Chaoqa of Intormatton for WDlDg [ ^^13317311 PROPERTY OWNER ime " Contact Person ailing Adoicss Titio Ity Slate 2p Ptwna ( 1 DEVELOPERreONTHACTOR INFORMATION Bwoper/Contfadar Contact Person aliino Address ' ~~ Title Slate Zip PtWfM < > - NSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION hyscal Addrass/Location Ste Contact Person Lstilude LonQhude' County iff (or neerast Cily) 6 Zip . Total size o( oonstruction sHe area: Acres s Total area lo be dtsturbed: Acres (XoTlotat. J C. Percent ol site brperviousness rtftdudtng rooRops); Belore Constiuction: % Alter Construction: Site Ptene Number Emeisency Phone Number nan 744- ABiei, . - Is (tie cofutruction she part of a larger comrnon plan of development or sale? 2 • YES • NO D. Trad Number(s): E. Mite Post Martten I. Conslruction commenccnwnt flate: % ol sftt to be mass graded: J L C; Name ol plan or developfnerii: 4. Projeded constmction dates: Complete oracfing; / f Complete project: 0^1 ^1/ f)^ I Type ol CorulAiClion (Check alt |hat apply): — I.D Residonlial 2. • commercial 3. • industrial 4. • Reconstmcfan 6. • Utility Description: 7. • Other (Please Ust): BILLING INFORMATION 5. O Transponaif ,lion >ENO GILL TO: 3 OWNER (as In II. above) Narrw Contact Person 1 2 ^[ELOPER In Wl. atMvel Hailing Address Ptione/F«jc J OTHER (entex kilormatlon at rtantl City " Slate Zip REGULATORY STATUS • Has a local agercy approved a required eroslon/sed(mer»l conlrol plan? ., Does the eroslon/sedimern conlrol plan address construction activtties such as kilraslnjcture and structures?.. • Phorte; ( ) • YES • NO • YES • NO Name ot local agency; «'SP"I«« Of «^ part thereoLsiAject to conditions Imposed under a CWA • YES Dm " If yes. provtde details: ^ RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION^^ . Does the slorm waler runolt (rem Ihe construction site discharge to (Chock all thai apply): 1. • Indirectly to waters of the U.S. Storm drain system - Enter owner's name: 3. ~ • Directly to waters ot U.S, (e.g.. rtver, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean, etc.) . Name o( receiving water, (river, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean):. . IMPL'=MENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS . STORM WATER POaUTJON PREVEI^ON PLAN (SWPPP) (check one) ^ A SWPPP has been prepared for this ladnty and is available lor review: Dale Prepared: Ql / i?l//?Z- Date Amended: \)\ilDiOh • A SWPPP wia be prepared and ready for re^rtew by (enter date): i i ^^.^J^tZ^^!^ ^ ^ '"""^^"^^^^ ''''""'"^ " ^^"^ construction, home constnjction. eto. - ^ J^iini*.'^ malnteoerice schedule has been developed that Inchides inspectfon of the construction BMPs before , . . anticipated storm evwrts and afler actual stonn events end Is available for review. lo Wcniily effectrveness and necessary repairs or design changes. Q YES • NO ^^"^^ folUt <^AlXeif:aOS Phone: CKcQn^ ~ARi^h PERMrr COMPLIANCE RESPONSiaiLTT^ pjSSsisSiSr"^^'*'^ ' 1. Preparing an annual compliance evaluation. „ ^ j2^VES ONO 2. Ellminatirtg all unaothoriMd discharges . .. _ _ i—i y^g /^f^in^lV t \ '^'s.J*^'"®"^ and a(l attachments were prepared under my dIrecUon and supervision in accordance with «^ o™,?n^ Ihat qualified personnel properly galher and evaluate the information submitted. £sed on my Inquiry ol Ihe arson o persons who manage Ihe system, or those persons directiv resoonsihle lor nathflrinn thfi InfnrmflHon ih« inMrrn/fL^..!^ Sform IVafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c NOTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH CALTRANS STATEWIDE NPDES STORM WATER PERMIT Onder No. 99-06 DWO, NPDES No. CAS000003 Prc^'ect t-l —-WW. Check One: • First Submittal or • Amendment No. Contract Numtier EA Date MM/DD/YY City (il applicable) County Tentative Start Date Tentative End Date Route Post Mile Kilometer Post Tentative Date SWPPP Available IL CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALIT)' CONTROL BOARDS tn Region 1. North Coast • Region 2, San Francisco Bay • Region 3, Central Coast • Region 4, Los Angeles Region 5, Central Valley Q Sacramento • Fresno • Redding Region 6, Lahontan • South Lake Tahoe n Victorville • Region 7. Colorado River • Region 8. Santa Ana • Region 9, San Diego III. CALTRANS DISTRICT Name^umt}er Prq/ec/ Contact Address Position title City State Zip Phone ( ) IV. CONSTRUCTION FIELD OFFICE - Attach Location Map Street Address Constmction Contact Physical Location if Different than address above Position title City State Zip Phone ( } V. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION Description and Type Woiit Additional related required approvals: • DTSC Variance • CWA 404/401 Q DFG 1601 O NPDES/WDRs • Other Descrit>e: Total Constmction Area: Acres Hectares Total Disturbed Area: Acres Hectares Receiving Water Name: Pnp/ecf In Or Adiacent to Receiving Water?: • No • Yes Proiect Discharges to?: • Groundv/ater Infiltration Basin LocaUon: • Municipal / Other System Name: V. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supen/ision In accondance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those perswis directly responsible for gathering the information, the infomiation submitted is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine arxl imprisonment of knowing violations. Signature: Date: Print/Type Name:, Title: ERRECA'S INC. P:\I3IO_RSF_SWPPP\512__DR\Phase l\SWPPP_A'TTACHMENTs docOl/21/03 Storm IVater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT G C PROGRAM FOR MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR OF CONSTRUCTION SiTE BMPS c ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Hiase 1\SWPPP_ ATT ACHMENTs.docO t/14/03 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c 7770 contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION BIVIPs SS-1 Scheduling Weekly Prior to forecast stonn • Construction schedule will reflect a plan to avoid any area from remaining exposed for longer than 21 days. • If a grading or excavation operation is scheduled and there Is an anticipated storm event, adjustments will be made so that the operation can finish before, or it will be postponed. • All major grading operations area planned to complete prior to rainy season 2001-2002. SS-4 l-lydroseeding As planned slope areas are substantially complete or prior to 21 days of exposure. • Areas that are not adequately covered may require additional applk:ations as deemed necessary. SS-9 Earth Dikes/drainage Swales & Lined Ditches Bi-Weekly Prior to forecast stomi After a rain event • Lined ditches will checked for any obstructions or damage and will cleared or repaired quickly if any damage is discovered. • Uned ditches will be cleared of any accumulation of silts. • Temporary drainage swales will be inspected for any breaching of water over sides and regraded if not containing concentrated flows. SS-10 Outlet Protection / Velocity Dissipation Devices Bi-Weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event • Rock slope protection which is proposed for this project will be inspected for damage or accumulation of silts and cleared as necessary. c ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP^ATrACHMENTs.docOI/21/03 Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP C BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) SC-1 Silt Fence SC-5 Fiber Rolls SC-6 Gravel Bag Berni SC-8 Sandbag Barrier SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs Bi-Weekly Prior lo forecast storm After a rain event that causes njnoff from Ihe construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM Weekly After a rain event that causes runoff from construction sile onto adjacent streets As necessary WIND EROSION CONTROL BMPs WE-1 Wind Erosion Control WM-3 Stockpile Management c Daily Remove, dispose, and replace damaged, deteriorated, or othenvise unsuitable BMPs Repair any slope damage as soon as weather conditions permit. Replace tom sand / gravel bags as required. Replace tom secttons of silt fences or fiber rolls. Re-key bottom of fences or fiber rolls as needed. Remove retained sediments before they reach 1/3 of the barrier height or 1^ of the sediment holding capacity Clean and dispose of accumulated sediment deposited in sediment traps around drainage inlets; re-secure silt fence as needed Remove BMPs when no longer needed, as directed by Engineer, Repair slopes/surfaces damaged by BMP removal. Fiber rolls planned for the stockpile will be inspected for correct installation Effectiveness of fiber rolls depends on sufficient staking; therefore inspection of adequate penetration of the stakes wnll be conducted. If necessary, repairs and replacement of stakes will be conducted. Fiber rolls will be checked for clogging and / or accumulation of fines inside roll. Fiber rolls will be checked to be sure they do not become buried. Inspect site access points daily. Sweep tracked sediment. Maintain water trucks and water distribution equipment in good order and fix leaks immediately Increase frequency of application of water should weather conditions become dry and hot. Inspect silt fence perimeter. See above. ERRECA'S INC. - PAI 310_RSF_S WPPP\512_DR\Phase 1\S WPPP_ ATT ACHMENTs.docOl/21/03 Sfonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM TRACKING CONTROL BMPs SC-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming Weekly Prior to forecast storm • Replace Gravel as Necessary. • Remove excessive soil accumulation. TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit After a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events • Sweep surrounding areas. • Inspect site access points daily. • Sweep tracked sediment. TC-2 Stabilized Conslruction Roadway As necessary • Inspect areas of stablized roadway, replace and restore stabilizing material. • Maintain material in designated areas, prevent dispersment by collecting material before. • Inspect stabilizing material for accumulation of sediment, replace if depth of sediment renders present material ineffective. NON-STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMPs NS-1 Water Consen/ation Practices NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operations NS-6 Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation NS-9 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Weekly Inspect site during project execution for evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping. Observe site perimeter for evidence or potential of illicitly discharged or illegally dumped material, which may enter the job site. Notify the CM of any illicit discharges or illegal dumping incidents at the time of discovery. Remove, dispose and replace damaged, deteriorated, or othenwise unsuitable BMPs Remove vehicles and/or equipment that leak. Replace drip pans or absorbent materials as needed. Re-stock spill materials. Remove BMPs when no longer needed, as directed by the Engineer. Repair slopes/surfaces damaged by BMP removal ERRECA'S INC. PA1310_RSF_SWPPP\312_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/21/03 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment G Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPs c WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage WM-2 Material Use WM-3 Asphalt Concrete stockpiles WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control WM-5 Solid Waste Management WM-6 MazanJous Waste Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management WM-8 Concrete Waste Management WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management Weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event that causes mnoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events Keep storage areas clean, well organized, and equipped with ample clean-up supplies as appropriate for the materials stored Repair or replace perimeter controls, containment structures, covers and liners as needed to maintain proper function and protection Properiy remove and dispose accumulated rainwater from containment facilities Covers any stockpiles with appropriate mats or covers. Maintain waste fluid containers in leak proof condition. Repair or replace dumpsters that leak Provide timely service and removal to prevent dumpsters and sanitary facilities from overflowing. Schedule Refuse Contractor to pick up waste containers weekly. Remove accumulated debris from concrete washouts. Replace lining and sand bags as necessary c ERRECA'S INC. PAI 310_RSF_SWPPP^512_DR\Phase I \SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road Nortii, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT H STORM WATER QUALITY CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST C ERRECA'S INC. PA1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/I4/03 c Sform IVafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase I City of Carlsbad Contract N" 3190 Contractor ERRECA'S INC. Inspector's Name Inspector's Title Signature Date of Inspection Inspection Type (Check Applk^ble) • Prior to forecast rain • After a rain event • 24-hr intervals durinq extended rain H Other Season (Check Applkrable) • Rainy • Non-Rainy Storm Data Storni Start Date & Time: Stomi Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applbable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall /Amount (mm) c PROJECT AREA SUMMARY AND DISTURBED SOIL AREA (DSA) SIZE LIMITS FROM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Total Project Area Rainy Season DSA Limit Field Estimate of Active DSAs Hectares Hectares Hectares Acres Acres Acres OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Preservation of Existing Vegetation Is temporary fencing provided to presen/e vegetation in areas where no constmction activity is planned? Location: Location: Location: ERRECA'S INC. PA13I0_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/2]/03 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Location: Temporary Soil Stabilization Does the applied temporary soil stabilization provide 100% Coverage for the required areas? Are any non-vegetation areas that may require temporary soil stabilization? Is the area where temporary soil stabilization required free from visible erosion? Location: Location: Location: Location: Temporary Linear Sediment Barriers Are temporary linear sediment barriers properiy installed in accordance with the details, functional and maintained? Are temporary linear sediment barriers free of accumulated litter? Is the built-up sediment less than 1/3 the height of the barrier? Are cross barriers installed where necessary and properiy spaced? Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Are stonm drain inlets internal to the project properiy protected with either Type 1, 2 or 3 inlet protection? Are storm drain inlet protection devices in working order and being properiy maintained? Location: Location: Location: Location: Localion: Desilting Basins Are basins maintained to provide the required retention/detention? ERRECA'S INC. P:\i310 RSF SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1 Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are basin controls (inlets, outlets, diversions, weir, spillways, and racks) in woriring order? Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Stockpiles Are all locations of temporary stockpiles, including soil, hazardous waste, and constmction materials in approved areas? Are stockpiles protected from mn-on, mn-off from adjacent areas and from winds? Are stockpiles located at least 15 m from concentrated flows, downstream drainage courses and storm drain inlets? Are required covers and/or perimeter controls in place? Location: Location: Location: Location: Concentrated Flows Are concentrated flow paths free of visible erosion? Location: Location: Location: Location; Tracking Control Are points of ingress/egress to public/private roads inspected and swept and vacuumed daily? Are all paved areas free of visible sediment tracking or other particulate matter? Location: Location; Location; Location; Wind Erosion Control Is dust control implemented in conformance with Section of the Standard Specifications? Location; Location; c ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 OTHER REOUIREMENTS 1 Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Location: Location: Dewatering Operations Is dewatering handled in confomiance with the dewatering permit issued by the RWQCB? Is required treatment provided for dewatering effluent? Location: Location: Location: Location: Vehicle & Equipment Fueling, Cleaning, and Maintenance Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance areas reasonably clean and free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material? Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance activities performed on an impermeable surface in dedicated areas? If no, are drip pans used? Are dedicated fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas located at least 15 m away from downstream drainage facilities and water courses and protected from mn-on and mn-off? Is wash water contained for infiltration/evaporation and disposed of outside the highway right of way? Is on-site cleaning limited to washing with water (no soap, soaps substitutes, solvents, or stream)? On each day of use, are vehicles and equipment inspected for leaks and if necessary, repaired? Location: Location: Location: Location: Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control Are material storage areas and washout areas protected from mn-on and mn-off, and located at least 15 m from concentrated flows and downstream drainage facilities? Are all malerial handling and storage areas clean; organized; free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material; and stocked with appropriate clean-up supplies? Are liquid materials, hazardous materials, and hazardous wastes stored in temporary containment facilities? Are bagged and boxed materials stored on pallets? Are hazardous materials and wastes stored in appropriate, labeled containers? ERRECA'S INC. PA1310_RSF_SWPPP\5l2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP^ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1 Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are proper storage, clean-up, and spill-reporting procedures for hazardous materials and waste posted in open, conspicuous and accessible locations adjacent to storage areas? Are temporary containment facilities free of spills and rainwater? Are temporary containment facilities and bagged/boxed materials covered? Are temporary concrete washout facilities designated and being used? Are temporary concrete washout facilities functional for receiving and containing concrete waste and are concrete residues prevented from entering the drainage system? Do temporary concrete washout facilities provide sufficient volume and freeboard for planned concrete operations? Are concrete waste, including residues from cutting and grinding, contained and disposed of off-site or in concrete washout facilities Are splits from mobile equipment fueling and maintenance properiy contained and cleaned up? Is the site free of liter? Are trash receptacles provided in the Contractor's yard field trailer areas, and at locations where workers congregate for lunch and break periods? Is litter from work areas within the construction limits of the project site collected and placed in watertight dumpster? Are waste management receptacles free of leaks? Are the contents of waste management receptacles properly protected from contact with storm water or from being dislodged by winds? Are waste management receptacles filled at or beyond capacity? Location; Location; Location: Location; Temporary Water Body Crossing or Encroachment Are temporary water body crossing and encroachments constmcted as shown on the plans or as approved by the engineer? Does the project conform to the requirements of Ihe 404 permit and/or 1601 agreement? Location; Location: Location: Location: Illicit Connection/tllegal Discharge Detection and Reporting ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment H Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1 Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Is there any evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping on the project site? If yes, has the Engineer been notified? Location; Location: Location; Location: Discharge Points Are discharge points and discharge flows free noticeable pollutants? Are discharge points free of any significant erosion or sediment transport? Location: Location: Location; WPCP/SWPPP Update Does the WPCP/SWPPP, Project Schedule/Water Pollution Control Schedule and WPCDs adequately reflect the current site conditions and contractor operations? Are all BMP's shown on the WPCDs installed in the proper location(s) and according to the details for the plan? Location: Location; Location; Location; General Are there any other potential water pollution control concerns at the site? Location: Location: Location: Location: c ERRECA'S INC. P:\I3I0_RSF_SWPPP\5l2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs,doc01/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment I Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT I TRAINED CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL LOG ERRECA'S INC. PA1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/I4/03 c Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment I Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 Storm Water Management Training Log Project Name: City of Carsbad Number: Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I 3190 Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate) ^ Temporary Soil Stabilization ^ Temporary Sediment Control E Wind Erosion Control S Tracking Control ^ Non-stomi water management S Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control Specific Training Objective: Location: Instructor: SWPPP San Dieao AGC Roundtable discussion Date: Telephone: June 27, 2001 (619)-433-7551 c Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone Leonard Neumann Erreca's Inc. 619-922-8592 Comments: ERRECA'S INC. P:\I310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase INSWPPP.ATTACHMENTs.docO 1/21/03 JAN.-28'03|TUE) 15:45 ERRECASINC -m -2S'03(TUE1 1.1-5; TEL:6194433002 P. 001/001 C Sfoiw Water Pollution Pravanilon plan (SWPPP)-Attachment I Rancho Santa Fv Road North. Phase 1 ^ COhtrael No. 3190 Projecl Name: City of Carsbad Number: Storm Water Management Training Log Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I fClearinai 3190 Storm Wfller Management Topic: (check aa appropriate) 13 Tempprary Soil Stabilization SI Temporary Sediment Control Bl Wind Erosion Control E[ TracKing Control KI Non-storm water managemem S Wasie Management and Materials Pollution Control BMP's. Erosion Control Specific Training Objective: Localion: AGC Office. Sag Diego Date: //- lO^ tooo Instructor: AGC tCallrana. Countv of San Dieqo Telephana: (6191-558-7444 Attendee Rostar (attach additional (omna if necessary) Name Company phone John Bartlett Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Duff Joseph Erreca's Inc. 619'390'6400 George SprIz Erroca's Inc. 619-390^6400 Kan Pilklnaton Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Tvfi Moodi Erreca's Inc. 610-390-6400 Comments; C ERRECA'S INC. PAI3lO.WR_SwpppvSia_DR'.PhaK !\SWPPP,ArrACHMENTs.det(II/H/03 c Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment I Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 Storm Water Management Training Log Project Name: City of Carsbad Number: Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I (Clearing) 3190 Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate) S Temporary Soil Stabilization ^ Temporary Sediment Control E Wind Erosion Control ^ Tracking Control S Non-storm water management ^ Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control BMP's. Erosion Control Specific Training Objective: Location: AGC Office. San Dieao Date: Instructor: AGC (Caltrans. Countv of San Dieoo Telephone: (619)-558-7444 c Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone John Bartlett Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Duff Joseph Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 George Spriz Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Ken Pilklngton Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Tye Moodi Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Comments: ERRECA'S INC. P:\l3I0„RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/l4/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment J Rancho Santa Fe Road Nortii, Phase 1 ____ Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT J ^ SUBCONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION LETTER (SAMPLE) AND ^ NOTIFICATION LOG ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPPyi2_DR\Phasc l\SWPPP^ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment J Rancho Santa Fe Road Nortii, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c Project Name: SUBCONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION LOG Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I City of Carlsbad Contract Number: 3190 SUBCONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CONTACT NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PAGER/ FIELD PHONE DATE NOTIFICATION LETTER SENT TYPE OF WORK c USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ERRECA'S INC. P:\l 310_RSF_SWPPP^512^DR\Phase 1\S WPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 SUBCONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION LOG contractor Company Name Contact Name Address Phone Cell, Pager/Field Phone baie Notification Letter Sent Scope of Work A. M. Ortega Jose Flores 10125 Channel Rd, Lakeside, Ca. 92040 619-390-1988 1/22/2003 Joint Utility Trench American Concrete Dave McMahan 1311 Grand Avenue, San Marcos, Ca. 92069 760-471-9907 1/22/2003 PCC flatwork Area-West Fence Dick Whelty PMB 50613465 Camino Canada, Ste 106, El Cajon, Ca. 92021-8813 619-561-4900 1/22/2003 MBGR, monuments, signs BCB Steel Company, Inc. Tom Coker P. 0. Box 1625, Riverside, Ca. 92502 949-683-7564 1/22/2003 retaining wall Dokken Engineering Jason Hubbard 858-514-8377 1/22/2003 SWPPP DV Associates, Inc. Clint Keyte P. 0. Box 909, Alpine, Ca. 91903- 0909 619-938-1951 1/22/2003 Cathodic Protection Hudson Safe-T-Lite Bob Eichorst 7304 Mission Gorge Rd, San Diego, Ca. 92120 619-661-6180 1/22/2003 Traffic Control Hunsaker & Associates Dan Smith 10174 Huennekens St, San Diego, Ca. 92121 858-558^500 1/22/2003 Staking & Surveying i ,rity Concrete Sandra 404 Discovery Street, San Marcos, Ca. 92069 760-744-4444 1/22/2003 Stamped Concrete W Ludwick Masonry Horst Ludwig 9279 Cabot Drive, Ste F, San Diego, Ca. 92126 858-566-0085 1/22/2003 Masonry privacy walls Mission Gunite Rhett Whaley 12067 Riverside Drive, Lakeside, Ca. 92040 619-390-7404 1/22/2003 gunite ditch Mission Valley Landscape Dan Vasquez/ Mike Latsch 6156 Mission Gorge Rd, Ste B, San Diego, Ca. 92120 619-283-6521 619-246-6521 1/22/2003 Landscaping, Irrig, hydroseed Payco Specialties, Inc. Bill Taylor 120 N. Second Ave, Chula Vista, Ca. 91910 619-422-9204 1/22/2003 Striping & Marking Rockwell Electric Inc. Tracy Adams 545 Corporate Drive, Escondido, Ca. 92029 760-489-6767 1/22/2003 Elect telco boxes, switches, peds S P Pazargad Engr Const Inc. Jerry Nove 5921 Wish Avenue, Encino, Ca. 91316 818-226-9222 1/22/2003 Wildlife Crossing Struct Steel Plate Arch Select Electric Eddie Ybarra P. 0. Box 1457 Spring Valley, Ca. 91979 619-460-6060 1/22/2003 Traffic Signals, Elect Servfor Irrig Solid Structures Jeff Hicks P. 0. Box 3858 La Mesa. Ca. 91944 619-440-7603 1/22/2003 Reinforced Concrete Structures Tom C. Dyke Drilling & P -ing Mike Burkett 619-548-2741 1/22/2003 Drill and Blast c c American Concrete Section 500.9 - List of Contractors Date Notified 1/22/03 Area-West Fence Co. Date Notified 1/22/03 BCB Steel Company, Inc. Date Notified. Dokken Engineering Date Notified 1/22/03 1/22/03 DV Associates, Inc. Date Notified 1/22/03 Hudson Safe-T-Lite Date Notified 1/22/03 Hunsaker & Associates Date Notified 1/22/03 Integrity Concrete Date Notified 1/22/03 Ludwig Masonry Date Notified 1/22/03 Mission Gunite Date Notified 1/22/03 c Mission Valley Landscape A. M. Ortega Construction Inc. Payco Specialties, Inc. Date Notified Date Notified Date Notified 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 S P Pazargad Engrg Const Inc. Date Notified 1/22/03 Rockwell Electric Inc. Date Notified 1/22/03 Select Electric Date Notified 1/22/03 Solid Structures Date Notified 1/22/03 Tom C. Dyke Drilling & Blasting Date Notified 1/22/03 c c Attachment J SWPPP Notification American Concrete Dear Sir/Madam, Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Permit) to the State of Califomia, Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in 1999 (CAS000003, Order No. 99-06-DWQ); and the General Permit (General Permit) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS00002, Order No. 99- 08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. Erreca's/Hanson SJH (Contractor) has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) m order to implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Pennits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project ofthe requirements ofthe SWPPP and the Permits. A copy ofthe Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me or Leonard, Jobsite Superintendent, at (619) 922-8592 if you have further questions. Sincerely, Rick Krantz Project Manager American Concrete Hanson SJH Construction ^y- Rick Krantz Project Manager Revised 09/97 Copyright and Published by AGC San Diego, Inc. (Printed 01/22/03 at 10:05 AM) Page 25 Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment K Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT K NOTICE OF DISCHARGE, WRITTEN NOTICE, OR ORDER C ' ERRECA'S INC. P:\I310 RSF SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ArrACHMENTs.doc01/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment K Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 To: Name of Construction Manager Date: Insert Date Subject: Notice of Discharge Project Name: Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I Contract Number: In accordance with the NPDES Statewide Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, The following instance of discharge is noted: DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF DISCHARGE NATURE OF THE OPERATION THAT CAUSED THE DISCHARGE INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF ANY IMPACT CAUSE BY THE DISCHARGE EXISTING BMP(S) IN PLACE PRIOR TO DISCHARGE EVENT DATE OF DEPLOYMENT AND TYPE OF BMPs DEPLOYED AFTER THE DISCHARGE STEPS TAKEN OR PLANNED TO REDUCE, ELIMINATE AND / OR PREVENT RECURRENCE OF THE DISCHARGE IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR ANY AFFECTED BMPs If further information or a modification to the above schedule is required, notify the contact person below. Name of Contact Person Title Company Telephone Number c signature Date ERRECA'S INC. P:\l3!0_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 ATTACHMENT L ^ STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) ^ AND MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docO 1/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 Construction Project: Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase Contractor: „___„^^_^^ Contract No: SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Sectwn ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 100 SWPPP Certification and Review C.10 V 100.1 SWPPP Certification C.10 100.2 SWPPP Approval C.10 200 SWPPP Amendments A.4.a, A.16 200.1 Miendment number and date entered into SWPPP - Amendment Log A.4.a, A.16 200.2 Amendment Certilicatkxi and Approval A.4.a, A.16 V 300 Introduction/Project Description 300.1 Project Description and Location (narrative) A.5.a.1 300.2 Unique Site Features (narrative) A.5.a.1 300.4 Proiect Schedule/Water Pollution Contro/ Schedule (narrative & graphic) A.5.C.5 400 References A.14 500.2 Vicinity Map (nairative or graphic) A.5.a.1 500.2 Site perimeter A.S.a.l 500.2 Geographic Features A.S.a.l 500.2 General Topography A.5.a.1 V 500.4 Wafer Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) (graphic or narrative) A.5.a.2 500.4 Site perimeter A.5.a.2 500.4 Existing and proposed buildings, lots and roadways A.5.a.2 500.4 Stomi water collection and discharge points A.5.a.2 V 500.4 General topography before and after construction A.5.a.2 500.4 Anticipated discharge locatbn(s) A.5.a.2 500.4 Drainage pattems including the entire relevant drainage areas A.5.a.2 500.4 Temporary on-site drainage(s) A.5.a.2 500.3 Pollutant Source and BMP Identification (narrate/or indicate on site map) A.5.b Drainage A.S.b.l ERRECA'S INC. P:\I310_RSF_SWPPP\512„DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road Nortii, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 500.4 Drainage Pattems after major grading A.5.b.1 500.4 Slopes after major grading A.5.b.1 Attach. E Calculations for storni water mn-on A.5.b.1 V 500.4 BMPs that divert off-site drainage from passing through site A.5.b.1 V 500.4 Sform Wafer Inlets A.5.b.2 V 500.4 Drainage pattems to storm water inlets or receiving water A.5.b.2 V 500.4 BMPs that protect storni water inlets or receiving water A.5.b.2 Site History (narrative; It possible. Indicate locatlon(s) on ttte Water Pollution Control Drawings) A.5.b 500.3.3 Nature of fill material and data describing the soil. Descriptbn of Toxic materials treated, stored, disposed, spilled or leaked on site A.5.b.3 See Geotechnk^l Report 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 BMPs that minimize contact of contaminants with storm water A.5.b.3 Location of Areas Designated for: A.5.b.4 V 500.3.8 & 500.4 Vehicle storage & service A.5.b.4 500.3.8 & 500.4 Equipment Storage, cleaning, maintenance A.5.b.4 500.3.9 & 500.4 Soil or waste storage A.5.b.4 500.3.9 & 500.4 Construction material loading, unk)ading, storage and access A.5.b.4 N/A 500.3.9 & 500.4 Areas outside of Owners right-of-way (yards, borrow areas, etc.) No import soils proposed for this projecL BMP Locations or Descriptions for: A.5.b.5 V 500.3.9 & 500.4 Waste handling and disposal areas A.S.b.S V 500.3.9 & 500.4 On-site storage and disposal of constmction materials and waste A.S.b.S 500.3.8, 500.3.9 & 500.4 Minimum exposure of storm water to construction materials, equipment, vehicles, waste A.5.b.5 500.6 Posf Construction BMPs A.5.b.6 V 500.6.1 Listing or Description of Post-construction BMPs A.5.b.6 500.4 Location of post-constnjction BMPs A.S.b.S 500.6.2 Parties responsible for long-term maintenance A.S.b.S Additional Information A.5.C V 500.3.1 Description of other pollutant sources and BMPs A.5.C.1 No unusual pollutants anticipated. >/ 500.3.2 Pre-construction control practices A.5.C.1 ERRECA'S INC. P:\I310 RSF SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docO 1/21/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS SOO.3.1 Inventory of materials and activities that may pollute storm water A.5.C.2 V 500.3.8 & SOO.3.9 BMPs to reduce/eliminate potential pollutants listed in the inventory A.S.C.2 300.4 Runoff coefficient (before & after) A.S.C.3 V 300.4 Percent impenrious (before & after) A.5.C.3 Attach F Copy of the NOI A.5.C.4 City to supply V 300.3 Construction activity schedule A.5.C.S Water Pollution Control Schedule attached. 300.5 Contact information A.5.C.6 500.4.1 SOIL STABILIZATION (EROSION CONTROL) A.S TTie SWPPP shall include: A.6.a-c V 500.4 Areas of vegetation on site A.6.a.1 V S00.4 Areas of soil disturi^ance ^t will be stabilized during rainy season A.6.a.2 >/ 500.4 Areas of soil disturi^ance which vnll be exposed during any part of the rainy season A.S.a.3 300.4 Implementation schedule for erosion control measures A.6.a.4 500.3.4 BMPs for enDsion control A.S.b V 500.3.7 BMPs to control wind erosion A.6.C SOO.3.5 SEDIMENT CONTROL A.B V 500.3.5 & 500.4 Description/Illustration of BMPs to prevent increase of sediment load in discharge A.8 300.4, 500.3.5 Implementation schedule for sediment control measures A.S V 500.3.6 BMPs to control sediment tracking A.S 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 NON-STORM WATER MANAGEMENT A.9 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Description of non-stomi water discharges to receiving waters A.9 >/ 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Locations of discharges A.9 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Description of BMPs A.9 V 300.5 Name and Phone number of person responsible for non-stoim water management A.9 V S00.6 POST-CONSTRUCnON A.10 SOO.6.1 Description of post-construction BMPs A.10 500.6.2 Operatton/Maintenance of BMPs after project compietion (including short-temi funding, long-term funding and responsible party) A.10 ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docO!/21/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS V 500.5 MAINTENANCE, INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR A.11 V 300.5, 600.1 Name and phone number of person(s) responsible for inspections A.11 V 600.1. Attach. H Complete inspection checklist: date, weather, inadequate BMPs, visual observations of BMPs, correcttve action, inspector's name, title, signature A.ll.a-f V OTHER REQUIREMENTS A.12-16 V 500.7 Notation of all training A.12 S00.8 List of Contractors/Subcontractors A.13 SECTION B: MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS V 600.1 Description of Site Inspection Plans B.3 100.3 Compliance certifk^tion (annually 7/1) B.4 600.2 Discharge reporting B.S 600.3 Keep records of all inspectkxis, compliance cert^icatrans, and noncompliance reports on site for a period of at least three years B.S SECTION 0: STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a If not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 100.1 Signed SWPPP Certifk^tion C.9.10 NPDES PERMIT No. CAS000002 REQUIREMENTS CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a it not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM CALTRANS PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 500.3 & 500.4 SWPPP references and/or includes peimanent and temporary BMPs H.l.b V 100-600 SWPPP contains all elements required in the State General Pennit. CAS000002 H.2.b V 100.1 & Attach. F SWPPP limits application, generation, & migration of toxic substances H.S V SOO.3.4 & 500.3.5 Implementation of adequate Erosion and sediment Controls after construction H.7 ERRECA'S INC. P;\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/2l/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment L Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No.3190 NPDES PERMIT No. CAS000002 REQUIREMENTS CHECK IF ADDRESSED n/a if not applicable SWPPP Section ITEM CALTRANS PERMIT REF. COMMENTS V 100.1 & Attach. F Copy of the Notification of Construction (NOC) H.S.a V 500.3.8 SWPPP contains BMPs for mobile operations (material production or recycling operations) including AC recycling, PCC Recycling, Concrete Mixing, Cmshing, & storage of materials that are estat^lshed by the contractor on the construction site or on other property specifically arranged for by City of Carisbad. H.S.b No recycling of materials expected on ttlis pnjject. Material storage to be contained to constmction yard and to be detennined at later date. 500.4 SWPPP applies to all areas ^at are directly related to construction including but nol limited to staging & storage yards, material borrow areas, or access roads whether or not they reside in Carisbad R/W. H.8.b N/A 500.3.8 The SWPPP contains RWQCB WDR requirements for projects that reuse Aerially Deposited Lead. (Appltoable only for projects tfiat reuse ADL soils.) H.9 No aerially deposited lead anticipated. c c ERRECA'S INC. PA1310 RSF SWPPP\5i2_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment M Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 ATTACHMENT M c ^ ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FORM ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOi/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment M Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c Annual Certification of Compliance for the Construction Contractor Project Name: City of Carisbad Contract Number: Contractor Company Name: Contractor Address: Construction Start Date: Description of Woric Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase 1 3190 Erreca's Inc. Completion Date: Description of wortt c Wori( Now In Progress: Work in progress Worit Planned for Next 12 Months: Worit planned "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment of knowing violations." Contractor Signature: Date: ERRECA'S INC. P:\13I0_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase l\SWPPP_A'rrACHMENTs.doc01/21/03 c Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment M Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 Review by the Construction Manager for the Annual Certification of Compliance Construction Manager's Findings I, and/or personnel acting under my direction and supen/ision, have inspected the project site and the worit described above and find as follows: 1. • YES • NO Storm water pollution control measures are being implemented in accordance with the SWPPP approved for the project. 2. • YES • NO The project site and activities thereon are in compliance with the NPDES General Pemiit No. CAS000002, or local NPDES pennits, which ever is applicable. When both 1 and 2 above are checked "yes", the construction manager must complete the annual certification below. If either 1 or 2 above are checked "no", the construction manager must: • File a notice of non-compliance within 30 days of kJentifkiation of the noncompliance; • Document follow up actions below; • Notify the contractor; and • Initiate corrective actions in accordance with the contract. Construction Manager's Follow up Actions: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supen/ision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the Information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infonnation, the information submitted is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment of knowing violations. CERTIFICATION BY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Construction Manager's Name and Signature Date ERRECA'S INC. P:\l 310_RSF_S WPPP\512_DR\Phase 1 \S WPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/14/03 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment N Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c ATTACHMENT N OTHER PLANS AND PERMITS C ERRECA'S INC. P:\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase I\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.docOI/I4/03 c STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB ) ORDER NO. 99 - 08 - DWQ NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GEOTRAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS (WDRS) FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY C The State Water Resources Control Board finds that: 1. Federal regulations for controlling pollutants in storm water runofF discharges were promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) on November 16,1990 (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 122,123, and 124). The regulations require discharges of storm water to surface waters associated with construction activity including clearing, grading, and excavation activities (except operations that result in disturbance of less than five acres of total land area and which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale)' to obtain an NPDES permit and to implement Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate storm water pollution. 2. This General Permit regulates pollutants in discharges of storm water associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) to surface waters, except from those areas on Tribal Lands; Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit; construction projects which disturb less than five acres, unless part of a larger common plan of development or sale; and storm water discharges which are determined ineligible for coverage under this General Permit by the Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). Attachment 1 contains addresses and telephone numbers of each RWQCB office. 3. This General Permit does not preempt or supersede the authority of local stonn water management agencies to prohibit, restrict, or control storm water discharges to separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses within their jurisdiction, as allowed by State and Federal law. /// /// /// ' Construction activities under five acres are not covered by this permit. Construction activities with less than five acres of disturbance are required to apply for a permit under Phase II regulations by August 7,2001. (CFS Section 122.26(g)(l)(ii).) c c c 4. To obtain authorization for proposed storm water discharges to surface waters, pursuant to this General Permit, the landowner (discharger) must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) with a vicinity map and the appropriate fee to the SWRCB prior to commencement of construction activities. In addition, coverage under this General Permit shall not occur until the applicant develops a Storni Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the requirements of Section A of this permit for the project. For proposed construction activity conducted on easements or on nearby property by agreement or permission, or by an owner or lessee of a mineral estate (oil, gas, geothermal, aggregate, precious metals, and/or industrial minerals) entitled to conduct the activities, the entity responsible for the construction activity must submit the NOI and filing fee and shall be responsible for development of the SWPPP. 5. If an individual NPDES Permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to this General Permit or if an altemative General Permit is subsequently adopted which covers storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit, the applicability of this General Permit to such discharges is automatically termmated on the effective date of the individual permit or the date of approval for coverage under the subsequent General Permit. 6. This action to adopt an NPDES permit is exempt from the provisions ofthe Califomia Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21100, et seq.) in accordance with section 13389 of the Califomia Water Code. 7. The SWRCB adopted the Califomia Ocean Plan, and the RWQCBs have adopted and the SWRCB has approved Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans). Dischargers regulated by this General Permit must comply with the water quality standards in these Basin Plans and subsequent amendments thereto. 8. The SWRCB finds storm water discharges associated with constmction activity to be a potential significant sources of pollutants. Furthermore, the SWRCB finds that stoma water discharges associated with constmction activities have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an excursion above water quality standards for sediment in the water bodies listed in Attachment 3 to this permit. 9. It is not feasible at this time to establish numeric effluent limitations for pollutants in storm water discharges from constmction activities. Instead, the provisions of this General Permit require implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control and abate the discharge of pollutants in storm water discharges. 10. Discharges of non-storm water may be necessary for the completion of certain constmction projects. Such discharges include, but are not limited to: irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, street cleaning, and dewatering. Such discharges are authorized by this General Permit as long as they (a) do comply with Section A.9 of this General Permit, (b) do not cause or contribute to violation of any water quality standard, (c) do not violate any other provision of this General Permit, (d) do not require a non-storm water permit as issued by some RWQCBs, c c and (e) are not prohibited by a Basin Plan. If a non-storm water discharge is subject to a separate permit adopted by a RWQCB, the discharge must additionally be authorized by the RWQCB permit. i 1. Following adoption of this General Permit, the RWQCBs shall enforce the provisions herein including the monitoring and reporting requirements. 12. Following public notice in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations, the SWRCB in a public meeting on June 8, 1998, heard and considered all comments. The SWRCB has prepared written responses to all significant comments. 13. This Order is an NPDES permit in compliance with section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and shall take effect upon adoption by the SWRCB provided the Regional Administrator ofthe USEPA has no objection. If the USEPA Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the General Permit shall not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. 14. This General Permit does not authorize discharges of fill or dredged material regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers imder CWA section 404 and does not constitute a waiver of water quality certification under CWA section 401. rr IS HEREBY ORDERED that all dischargers who file an NOI indicating their intention to be regulated under the provisions of this General Permit shall comply with the following: A. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS: 1. Authorization pursuant to this General Permit does not constitute an exemption to applicable discharge prohibitions prescribed in Basin Plans, as implemented by the nine RWQCBs. 2. Discharges of material other than storm water which are not otherwise authorized by an NPDES permit to a separate storm sewer system (MS4) or waters of the nation are prohibited, except as allowed in Special Provisions for Constmction Activity, C.3. 3. Storm water discharges shall not cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance. 4. Storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity listed in 40 CFR Part 117 and/or 40 CFR Part 302. C c B. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS: 1. Storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges to any surface or ground water shall not adversely impact human health or the environment. 2. The SWPPP developed for the constmction activity covered by this General Permit shall be designed and implemented such that storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges shall not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any applicable water quality standards contained in a Statewide Water Quality Control Plan and/or the applicable RWQCB's Basin Plan. 3. Should it be determined by the discharger, SWRCB, or RWQCB that storm water discharges and/or authorized nonstorm water discharges are causing or contributing to an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, the discharger shall: a. Implement corrective measures immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded, followed by notification to the RWQCB by telephone as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after the discharge has been discovered. This notification shall be followed by a report within 14-calender days to the appropriate RWQCB, unless otherwise directed by the RWQCB, describmg (1) the nature and cause of the water quality standard exceedance; (2) the BMPs currently being implemented; (3) any additional BMPs which will be implemented to prevent or reduce pollutants that are causing or contributing to the exceedance of water quality standards; and (4) any maintenance or repair of BMPs. This report shall include an implementation schedule for corrective actions and shall describe the actions taken to reduce the pollutants causing or contributing to the exceedance. b. The discharger shall revise its SWPPP and monitoring program immediately after the report to the RWQCB to incorporate the additional BMPs that have been and will he implemented, the implementation schedule, and any additional monitoring needed. c. Nothing in this section shall prevent the appropriate RWQCB from enforcing any provisions of this General Permit while the discharger prepares and implements the above report. C. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: 1. All dischargers shall file an NOI and pay the appropriate fee for constmction activities conducted at each site as required by Attachment 2: Notice of Intent- General Instmctions. c c 2. All dischargers shall develop and implement a SWPPP in accordance with Section A: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The discharger shall implement controls to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges from their constmction sites to the BAT/BCT performance standard. 3. Discharges of non-storm water are authorized only where they do not cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard and are controlled through implementation of appropriate BMPs for elimination or reduction of pollutants. Implementation of appropriate BMPs is a condition for authorization of non-storm water discharges. Non-storm water discharges and the BMPs appropriate for their control must be described in the SWPPP. Wherever feasible, altematives which do not result in discharge of nonstorm water shall be implemented in accordance with Section A.9. of the SWPPP requirements. 4. All dischargers shall develop and implement a monitoring program and reporting plan in accordance with Section B: Monitoring Program and Reporting Requirements. 5. All dischargers shall comply with the lawfiil requirements of municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and other local agencies regarding discharges of storm water to separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses under their jurisdiction, including applicable requirements in municipal storm water management programs developed to comply with NPDES permits issued by the RWQCBs to local agencies. 6. All dischargers shall comply with the standard provisions and reporting requirements contained in Section C: Standard Provisions. 7. The discharger may terminate coverage for a portion of the project under this General Permit when ownership of a portion of this project has been transferred or when a phase within this multi-phase project has been completed. When ownership has transferred, the discharger must submit to its RWQCB a Change of Information Form (COI) Attachment 4 with revised site map and the name, address and telephone number of the new owner(s). Upon transfer of title, the discharger should notify the new owner(s) of the need to obtain coverage under this General Permit. The new owner must comply with provisions of Sections A. 2. (c) and B. 2. (b) of this General Permit. To terminate coverage for a portion of the project when a phase has been completed, the discharger must submit to its RWQCB a COI with a revised map that identifies the newly delineated site. 8. The discharger may terminate coverage under this General Permit for a complete project by submitting to its RWQCB a Notice of Termination Form (NOT), and the post-constmction BMPs plan according to Section A.10 of this General c Permit. Note that a constmction project is considered complete only when all portions of the site have been transferred to a new owner; or the following conditions have been met: a. There is no potential for constmction related storm water pollution, b. All elements of the SWPPP have been completed, c. Constmction materials and waste have been disposed of properly, d. The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements, and e. A post-constmction storm water management plan is in place as described in the site's SWPPP. 9. This General Permit expires five years from the date of adoption. D. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (RWQCB) AUTHORTTIES: 1. RWQCBs shall: a. Implement the provisions of this General Permit. Implementation of this General Permit may include, but is not limited to requesting the submittal of SWPPPS, reviewing SWPPPs, reviewing monitoring reports, conducting compliance inspections, and taking enforcement actions. b. Issue permits as they deem appropriate to individual dischargers, categories of dischargers, or dischargers in a geographic area. Upon issuance of such permits by a RWQCB, the affected dischargers shall no longer be regulated by this General Permit. 2. RWQCBs may require, on a case-by-case basis, the inclusion of an analysis of potential downstream impacts on receiving waterways due to the permitted constmction. 3. RWQCBs may provide information to dischargers on the development and implementation of SWPPPs and monitoring programs and may require revisions to SWPPPs and monitoring programs. 4. RWQCBs may require dischargers to retain records for more than three years. 5. RWQCBs may require additional monitoring and reporting program requirements including sampling and analysis of discharges to water bodies listed in 6. Attachment 3 to this permit. Additional requirements imposed by the RWQCB should be consistent with the overall monitoring effort in the receiving waters. RWQCBs may issue individual NPDES permits for those constmction activities found to be ineligible for coverage under this permit. CERTIFICATION The undersigned. Administrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, tme, and correct copy of an order duly and regularly adopted at a meeting ofthe State Water Resources Control Board held on August 19,1999. AYE: James M. Stubchaer Mary Jane Forster John W. Brown Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. NO: None C ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Isi Maureen Marche Administrative Assistant to the Board c c c SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 1. Objectives A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed and implemented to address the specific circumstances for each constmction site covered by this General Permit. The SWPPP shall be certified in accordance with the signatory requirements of section C, Standard Provision for Constmction Activities (9). The SWPPP shall be developed and amended or revised, when necessary, to meet the following objectives: a. Identify all pollutant sources including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with constmction activity (storm water discharges) from the constmction site, and b. Identify non-storm water discharges, and c Identify, constmct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges from the constmction site during constmction, and d Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during constmction designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after constmction is completed (post- constmction BMPs). 2. Implementation Schedule a. For constmction activity commencing on or after adoption of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be developed prior to the start of soil-disturbing activity in accordance with this Section and shall be implemented concurrently with commencement of soil-disturbing activities. b. Existing permittees engaging in constmction activities covered under the terms of the previous General Constmction Permit SWPPP (WQ Order No.92-08-DWQ) shall continue to implement their existing SWPPP and shall implement any necessary revisions to their SWPPP in accordance with this Section ofthe General Permit in a timely manner, but in no case more than 90-calender days from the date of adoption of this General Permit. c. For ongoing constmction activity involving a change of ownership of property, the new owner shall review the existing SWPPP and amend if necessary, or develop a new SWPPP within 45-calender days. c c 3. Availability The SWPPP shall remain on the constmction site while the site is under constmction during working hours, commencing with the initial constmction activity and ending with termination of coverage under the General Permit. 4. Required Changes a. The discharger shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in constmction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if the discharger violates any condition of this General Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges. If the RWQCB determines that the discharger is in violation of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 14-calendar days after notification by the RWQCB. All amendments should be dated and directly attached to the SWPPP. b. The RWQCB or local agency with the concurrence of the RWQCB may require the discharger to amend the SWPPP. 5. Source Identification The SWPPP shall include: (a) project information and (b) pollutant source identification combined with an itemization of those BMPs specifically chosen to control the pollutants Usted. a. Project Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a vicinity map locating the project site with respect to easily identifiable major roadways, geographic features, or landmarks. At a minimum, the map must show the constmction site perimeter, the geographic features surrounding the site, and the general topography. (2) The SWPPP shall include a site map(s) which shows the constmction project in detail, including the existing and planned paved areas and buildings. (a) At a minimum, the map must show the constmction site perimeter; existing and proposed buildings, lots, roadways, storm water collection and discharge points; general topography both before and after constmction; and the anticipated discharge location(s) c where the storm water from the constmction site discharges to a municipal storm sewer system or other water body. (b) The drainage pattems across the project area must clearly be shown on the map, and the map must extend as far outside the site perimeter as necessary to illustrate the relevant drainage areas. Where relevant drainage areas are too large to depict on the map, map notes or inserts illustrating the upstream drainage areas are sufficient. (c) Temporary on-site drainages to carry concentrated flow shall be selected to comply with local ordinances, to control erosion, to retum fiows to their natural drainage courses, and to prevent damage to downstream properties. 3. Information presented in the SWPPP may be represented either by narrative or by graphics. Where possible, narrative descriptions should be plan notes. Narrative descriptions which do not lend themselves to plan notes can be contained in a separate document which must be referenced on the plan. b. Pollutant Source and BMP Identification The SWPPP shall include a description of potential sources which are likely to add pollutants to storm water discharges or which may result in nonstorm water discharges from the constmction site. Discharges originating from off-site which flow across or through areas disturbed by constmction that may contain pollutants should be reported to the RWQCB. The SWPPP shall: (1) Show drainage pattems and slopes anticipated after major grading activities are completed. Runoff from off-site areas should be prevented from flowing through areas that have been disturbed by constmction imless appropriate conveyance systems are in place. The amount of anticipated storm water mn-on must be considered to determine the appropriateness of the BMPs chosen. Show all calculations for anticipated storm water run-on, and describe all BMPs implemented to divert off-site drainage described in section A. 5 a. (2) (c) around or through the constmction project. (2) Show the drainage pattems into each on-site storm water inlet point or receiving water. Show or describe the BMPs that will protect operational storm water inlets or receiving waters from contaminated discharges other than sediment discharges, such as, but not limited to: storm water with 10 c c elevated pH levels from contact with soil amendments such as lime or gypsum; slurry from sawcutting of concrete or asphalt ;washing of exposed aggregate concrete; concrete rinse water; building washing operations; equipment washing operations; minor street washing associated with street delineation; and/or sealing and paving activities occurring during rains. (3) Show existing site features that, as a result of known past usage, may contribute pollutants to storm water, (e.g., toxic materials that are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the constmction site). Show or describe the BMPs implemented to minimize the exposure of storm water to contaminated soil or toxic materials. (4) Show areas designated for the (a) storage of soil or waste, (b) vehicle storage and service areas, (c) constmction material loading, unloading, and access areas, (d) equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas. (5) Describe the BMPs for control of discharges from waste handling and disposal areas and methods of on-site storage and disposal of constmction materials and constmction waste. Describe the BMPs designed to minimize or eliminate the exposure of storm water to constmction materials, equipment, vehicles, waste storage areas, or service areas. The BMPs described shall be in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. (6) Describe all post-constmction BMPs for the project, and show the location of each BMP on the map. (Post-constmction BMPs consist of permanent features designed to minimize pollutant discharges, including sediment, from the site after constmction has been completed.) Also, describe the agency or parties to be the responsible party for long-term maintenance of these BMPs. c. Additional Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a narrative description of pollutant sources and BMPs that cannot be adequately communicated or identified on the site map. In addition, a narrative description of preconstmction control practices (if any) to reduce sediment and other pollutants in storm water discharges shall be included. (2) The SWPPP shall include an inventory of all materials used and activities performed during constmction that have the potential to contribute to the discharge of pollutants other than sediment in storm water. Describe the BMPs selected and the basis for their selection to eliminate or reduce these pollutants in the storm water discharges. 11 c c (3) The SWPPP shall include the following information regarding the constmction site surface area: the size (in acres or square feet), the mnoff coefficient before and after constmction, and the percentage that is impervious (e.g., paved, roofed, etc.) before and after constmction. (4) The SWPPP shall include a copy ofthe NOI, and the Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number. Should a WDID number not be received from the SWRCB at the time constmction commences, the discharger shall include proof of mailing ofthe NOI, e.g., certified mail receipt, copy of check, express mail receipt, etc. (5) The SWPPP shall include a constmction activity schedule which describes all major activities such as mass grading, paving, lot or parcel improvements at the site and the proposed time frame to conduct those activities. (6) The SWPPP shall list the name and telephone number of the qualified person(s) who have been assigned responsibility for prestorm, poststorm, and storm event BMP inspections; and the qualified person(s) assigned responsibility to ensure full compliance with the permit and implementation of all elements ofthe SWPPP, including the preparation ofthe annual compliance evaluation and the elimination of all unauthorized discharges. 6. Erosion Controi Erosion control, also referred to as "soil stabilization" is the most effective way to retain soil and sediment on the constmction site. The most efficient way to address erosion control is to preserve existing vegetation where feasible, to lunit disturbance, and to stabilize and revegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible after grading or constmction. Particular attention must be paid to large mass-graded sites where the potential for soil exposure to the erosive effects of rainfall and wind is great. Mass graded constmction sites may be exposed for several years while the project is being built out. Thus, there is potential for significant sediment discharge from the site to surface waters. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. These disturbed areas include rough graded roadways, slopes, and building pads. Until permanent vegetation is established, soil cover is the most cost-effective and expeditious method to protect soil particles from detachment and transport by rainfall. Temporary soil stabilization can be the single-most important factor in reducing erosion at constmction sites. The discharger shall consider measures such as: covering with mulch, temporary seeding, soil stabilizers, binders, fiber rolls or blankets, temporary vegetation, permanent seeding, and a variety of other measures. 12 The SWPPP shall include a description of the erosion control practices, including a time schedule, to be implemented during constmction to minimize erosion on disturbed areas of a constmction site. The discharger must consider the full range of erosion control BMPs. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and implementing appropriate BMPs. The above listed erosion control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. a. The SWPPP shall include: (1) An outline of the areas of vegetative soil cover or native vegetation onsite which will remain undisturbed during the constmction project. (2) An outline of all areas of soil disturbance including cut or fill areas which will be stabilized during the rainy season by temporary or permanent erosion control measures, such as seeding, mulch, or blankets, etc. (3) An outline of the areas of soil disturbance, cut, or fill which will be left exposed during any part of the rainy season, representing areas of potential soil erosion where sediment control BMPs are required to be used during constmction. (4) A proposed schedule for the implementation of erosion control measures. b. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs and control practices to be used for both tempwrary and permanent erosion control measures. c. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce wind erosion at all times, with particular attention paid to stock-piled materials. 7. StabiHzation (1) All disturbed areas of the constmction site must be stabilized. Final stabilization for the purposes of submitting a NOT is satisfied when: -All soil disnirbing activities are completed AND EITHER OF THE TWO FOLLOWING CRTTERIA ARE MET: -A uniform vegetative cover with 70 percent coverage has been established OR: -equivalent stabilization measures have been employed. These measures include the use of such BMPs as blankets, reinforced 13 c channel liners, soil cement, fiber matrices, geotextiles, or other erosion resistant soil coverings or treatments. (2) Where background native vegetation covers less than 100 percent ofthe surface, such as in arid areas, the 70 percent coverage criteria is adjusted as follows: If the native vegetation covers 50 percent ofthe ground surface, 70 percent of 50 percent (.70 X .50=.35) would require 35 percent total uniform surface coverage. 8. Sediment Control The SWPPP shall include a description or illustration of BMPs which will be implemented to prevent a net increase of sediment load in storm water discharge relative to preconstmction levels. Sediment control BMPs are required at appropriate locations along the site perimeter and at all operational intemal inlets to the storm drain system at all times during the rainy season. Sediment control practices may include filtration devices and barriers (such as fiber rolls, silt fence, straw bale barriers, and gravel mlet filters) and/or settling devices (such as sediment traps or basins). Effective filtration devices, barriers, and settling devices shall be selected, installed and maintained properly. A proposed schedule for deployment of sediment control BMPs shall be included in the SWPPP. These are the most basic measures to prevent sediment from leaving the project site and moving into receiving waters. Limited exemptions may be authorized by the RWQCB when work on active areas precludes the use of sediment control BMPs temporarily. Under these conditions, the SWPPP must describe a plan to establish perimeter controls prior to the onset of rain. During the nonrainy season, the discharger is responsible for ensuring that adequate sediment control materials are available to control sediment discharges at the downgrade perimeter and operational inlets in the event of a predicted storm. The discharger shall consider a full range of sediment controls, in addition to the controls listed above, such as straw bale dikes, earth dikes, bmsh barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drain, sandbag dikes, fiber rolls, or other controls. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. Ifthe discharger chooses to rely on sediment basins for treatment purposes, sediment basins shall, at a minimum, be designed and maintained as follows: Option 1: Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. OR C 14 c c option 2: Sediment basin(s), as measured from the bottom of the basin to the principal outlet, shall have at least a capacity equivalent to 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into the sediment basin. The length ofthe basin shall be more than twice the width of the basin. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; and the depth must not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. OR Option 3: Sediment basin(s) shall be designed using the standard equation: As=1.2Q/Vs Where: As is the minimum surface area for trapping soil particles of a certain size; Vs is the settling velocity of the design particle size chosen; and Q=C x I x A where Q is the discharge rate measured in cubic feet per second; C is the runoff coefficient; I is the precipitation intensity for the 10-year, 6-hour rain event and A is the area draining mto the sediment basin in acres. The design particle size shall be the smallest soil gram size detemiined by wet sieve analysis, or the fine silt sized (0.01mm) particle, and the Vs used shall be 100 percent of the calculated settling velocity. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; the length shall be more than twice the dimension as the width; the depth shall not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency (two feet of storage, two feet of capacity). The basin(s) shall be located on the site where it can be maintained on a year-round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain the two feet of capacity; OR Option 4: The use of an equivalent surface area design or equation, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. A sediment basin shall have a means for dewatering within 7-calendar days following a storm event. Sediment basins may be fenced if safety (worker or public) is a concem. The outflow from a sediment basin that discharges into a natural drainage shall be provided with outlet protection to prevent erosion and scour ofthe embankment and charmel. C 15 c The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and designing sedmient control BMPs. The above listed sediment control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce the tracking of sediment onto public or private roads at all times. These public and private roads shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary. Road cleaning BMPs shall be discussed in the SWPPP and will not rely on the washing of accumulated sediment or silt into the storm drain system. 9. Non-Storm Water Management Describe all non-storm water discharges to receiving waters that are proposed for the constmction project. Non-storm water discharges should be eliminated or reduced to the extent feasible. Include the locations of such discharges and descriptions of all BMPs designed for the control of pollutants in such discharges. Onetime discharges shall be monitored during the time that such discharges are occurring. A qualified person should be assigned the responsibility for ensuring that no materials other than storm water are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems (consistent with BAT/BCT), and the name and contact number of that person should be included in the SWPPP document. Discharging sediment-laden water which will cause or contribute to an exceedance ofthe applicable RWQCB's Basin Plan from a dewatering site or sediment basin into any receiving water or storm drain without filtration or equivalent treatment is prohibited. 10. Post-Constmction Storm Water Management The SWPPP shall include descriptions of the BMPs to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges after all constmction phases have been completed at the site (Post- Constmction BMPs). Post-Constmction BMPs include the minimization of land disturbance, the minimization of impervious surfaces, treatment of storm water mnoff using infiltration, detention/retention, biofilter BMPs, use of efficient inigation systems, ensuring that interior drains are not connected to a storm sewer system, and appropriately designed and constmcted energy dissipation devices. These must be consistent with all local post-constmction storm water management requirements, policies, and guidelines. The discharger must consider site-specific and seasonal conditions when designing the control practices. Operation and maintenance of control practices after constmction is completed shall be addressed, including short-and long-term funding sources and the responsible party. 16 c c c 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair The SWPPP shall include a discussion of the program to inspect and maintain all BMPs as identified in the site plan or other narrative documents throughout the entire duration of the project. A qualified person will be assigned the responsibility to conduct inspections. The name and telephone number of that person shall be listed in the SWPPP document. Inspections will be performed before and after storm events and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events to identify BMP effectiveness and implement repairs or design changes as soon as feasible depending upon field conditions. Equipment, materials, and workers must be available for rapid response to failures and emergencies. All corrective maintenance to BMPs shall be performed as soon as possible after the conclusion of each storm depending upon worker safety. For each inspection required above, the discharger shall complete an inspection checklist. At a minimtim, an inspection checklist shall include: a. Inspection date. b. Weather information: best estimate of beginning of storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall (inches). c. A description of any inadequate BMPs. d. If it is possible to safely access during inclement weather, list observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list result of visual inspection at relevant outfall, discharge point, or downstream location and projected required maintenance activities. e. Corrective actions required, including any changes to SWPPP necessaiy and implementation dates. f. Inspectors name, title, and signature. The dischargers shall prepare their inspection checklists using the inspection checklist form provided by the SWRCB or RWQCB or on forms that contain the equivalent information. 12. Training Individuals responsible for SWPPP preparation, implementation, and permit compliance shall be appropriately trained, and the SWPPP shall document all training. This includes those personnel responsible for installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMPs. Those responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP shall also document their training. Training should be both formal and informal, occur on an 17 c c c ongoing basis when it is appropriate and convenient, and should include training/workshops offered by the SWRCB, RWQCB, or other locally recognized agencies or professional organizations. 13. List of Contractors/Subcontractors The SWPPP shall include a list of names of all contractors, (or subcontractors) and individuals responsible for implementation of the SWPPP. This list should include telephone numbers and addresses. Specific areas of responsibility of each subcontractor and emergency contact numbers should also be included. 14. Other Plans This SWPPP may incorporate by reference the appropriate elements of other plans required by local. State, or Federal agencies. A copy of any requirements incorporated by reference shall be kept at the constmction site. 15. Public Access The SWPPP shall be provided, upon request, to the RWQCB. The SWPPP is considered a report that shall be available to the public by the RWQCB under section 308(b) of the Clean Water Act. 16. Preparer Certification The SWPPP and each amendment shall be signed by the landowner (discharger) or his representative and include the date of initial preparation and the date of each amendment. SECTION B: MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Reauired Changes The RWQCB may require the discharger to conduct additional site inspections, to submit reports and certifications, or perform sampling and analysis. 2. Implementation a. The requirements of this Section shall be implemented at the time of commencement of constmction activity (see also Section A. 2. Implementation Schedule). The discharger is responsible for implementing these requirements until constmction activity is complete and the site is stabilized. b. For ongoing constmction activity involving a change in ownership of property covered by this General Permit, the new owner must complete a NOI and 18 c implement the requirements of this Section concurrent with the change of ownership. For changes of information, the owner must follow instmctions in C. 7. Special Provisions for Constmction Activity of the General Permit. 3. Site Inspections Qualified personnel shall conduct inspections of the constmction site prior to anticipated storm events, during extended storm events, and after actual storm events to identify areas contributing to a discharge of storm water associated with constmction activity. The name(s) and contact number(s) of the assigned inspection personnel shall be listed in the SWPPP. Pre-storm inspections are to ensure that BMPs are properly installed and maintained; post-storm inspections are to assure that the BMPs have functioned adequately. During extended storm events, inspections shall be required each 24-hour period. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be evaluated for adequacy and proper implementation and whether additional BMPs are required in accordance with the terms of the General Permit (see language in Section A. 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair). Implementation of nonstorm water discharge BMPs shall be verified and their effectiveness evaluated. One time discharges of non-storm water shall be inspected when such discharges occur. 4. Compliance Certification Each discharger or qualified assigned persoimel listed by name and contact number in the SWPPP must certify annually that constmction activities are in compliance with the requirements of this General Permit and the SWPPP. This Certification shall be based upon the site inspections required in Item 3 of this Section. The certification must be completed by July 1 of each year. 5. Noncompliance Reporting Dischargers who caimot certify compliance, in accordance with Item 4 of this Section and/or who have had other instances of noncompliance excluding exceedances of water quality standards as defined in section B. 3. Receiving Water Limitations Language, shall notify the appropriate RWQCB within 30 days. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded. The notifications shall identify the noncompliance event, including an initial assessment of any impact caused by the event; describe the actions necessary to achieve compliance; and include a time schedule subject to the modifications by the RWQCB indicating when compliance will be achieved. Noncompliance notifications must be submitted within 30-calendar days of identification of noncompliance. C 19 c 6. Monitoring Records Records of all inspections, compliance certifications, and noncompliance reporting must be retained for a period of at least three years from the date generated. With the exception of noncompliance reporting, dischargers are not required to submit these records. SECTION C: STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1. Dutv to Complv The discharger must comply with all of the conditions of this General Permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and is grounds for enforcement action and/or removal firom General Permit coverage. The discharger shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the CWA for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if this General Permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. 2. General Permit Actions This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the discharger for a General Permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not annul any General Permit condition. If any toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is promulgated under Section 307(a) of the CWA for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and that standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation on the pollutant in this General Permit, this General Permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued to conform to the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the dischargers so notified. 3. Need to Halt or Reduce Activitv Not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a discharger in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. 20 c c 4. Dutv to Mitigate The discharger shall take all responsible steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this General Permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. 5. Proper Operation and Maintenance The discharger shall at all times properly operate and maintain any facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the discharger to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit and with the requirements of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Proper operation and maintenance may require the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems installed by a discharger when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. 6. Property Rights This General Permit does not convey any property rights of any sort or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injxiry to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor does it authorize any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations. 7. Duty to Provide Information The discharger shall fumish the RWQCB, State Water Resources Control Board, or USEPA, within a reasonable time, any requested information to determine compliance with this General Permit. The discharger shall also fumish, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this General Permit. 8. Inspection and Entry The discharger shall allow the RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA, and/or, in the case of constmction sites which discharge through a municipal separate storm sewer, an authorized representative of the municipal operator of the separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to: a. Enter upon the discharger's premises at reasonable times where a regulated constmction activity is being conducted or where records must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; b. Access and copy at reasonable times any records that must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; 21 c. Inspect at reasonable times the complete constmction site, including any off-site staging areas or material storage areas, and the erosion/sediment controls; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times for the purpose of ensuring General Permit compliance. 9. Signatory Requirements a. All Notice oflntents (NOIs), Notice of Tenninations (NOTs), SWPPPs, certifications, and reports prepared in accordance with this Order submitted to the SWRCB shall be signed as follows: (1) For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this Section, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of the constmction activity if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with coiporate procedures; (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a municipality. State, Federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative. The principal executive officer of a Federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency or the senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., Regional Administrator of USEPA). b. All SWPPPs, reports, certifications, or other information required by the General Permit and/or requested by the RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA, or the local storm water management agency shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative. A person is a duly authorized representative if; (1) The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and retained as part of the SWPPP; or C 22 c (2) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation ofthe constmction activity, such as the position of manager, operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position). c. If an authorization is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the constmction activity, a new authorization must be attached to the SWPPP prior to submittal of any reports, information, or certifications to be signed by the authorized representative. 10. Certification Any person signing documents under Section C, Provision 9 above, shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, tme, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." 11. Anticipated Noncompliance The discharger will give advance notice to the RWQCB and local storm water management agency of any planned changes in the constmction activity which may result in noncompliance with General Permit requirements. 12. Penalties for Falsification of Reports Section 309(c)(4) ofthe CWA provides that any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this General Permit, including reports of compliance or noncompliance shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years or by both. C 23 c 13. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liabilitv Nothing in this General Permit shall be constmed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the discharger from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the discharger is or may be subject to under Section 311 of the CWA. 14. Severability The provisions of this General Permit are severable; and, if any provision of this General Permit or the application of any provision of this General Permit to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this General Permit shall not be affected thereby. 15. Reopener Clause This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause due to promulgation of amended regulations, receipt of USEPA guidance conceming regulated activities, judicial decision, or in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.62,122.63,122.64, and 124.5. 16. Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions a. Section 309 of the CWA provides significant penalties for any person who violates a permit condition implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the CWA or any permit condition or limitation implementing any such section in a permit issued under Section 402. Any person who violates any permit condition of this General Permit is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $27,500 per calendar day of such violation, as well as any other appropriate sanction provided by Section 309 ofthe CWA. b. The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act also provides for civil and criminal penalties which in some cases are greater than those under the CWA. 17. Availability A copy of this General Permit shall be maintained at the constmction site during constmction activity and be available to operating personnel. 18. Transfers This General Permit is not transferable. A new owner of an ongoing constmction activity must submit a NOI in accordance with the requirements of this General Permit to be authorized to discharge imder this General Permit. An owner who sells property covered by this General Permit shall inform the new owner of the duty to file a NOI and shall provide the new owner with a copy of this General Permit. 24 19. Continuation of Expired Permit This General Permit continues in force and effect until a new General Permit is issued or the SWRCB rescinds this General Permit. Only those dischargers authorized to discharge under the expiring General Permit are covered by the continued General Permit. 25 Tg OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY 'ARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME h -1 Repion ig* Avcmi. Diego, Cslffomis 92123 ) 467^201 (BS»J 467-4235 GRAY DAVlr— RECEIVED JUN 07 2001 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT June 05. 2001 City of Carlsbad Attn: David Hauser 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Hauser: Enclosed is Streambed Alteration Agreement 5-142-00 that authorizes work on the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading project impacting San Marcos Creek in San Diego County. This action is authorized under SectioD 1600 ofthe Hsh and Game Code and has been approved by the Califomia Department of Fish and Game. Pursuant to the requirements ofthe Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). the Department J51ed a Notice of Detennination (NOD) on the project on Od/tf^ _. Under CEQA regulations, the project has a 30-day statute of limitations on court challenges of the I>epartment's ^proval under CEQA. The Department believes that the project fiilly meets the requirements of the Fish and Cjame Code and CEQA. However, if court challenges on the NOD are received during the 30- day period, then an additional review or even modification of the project may be required. If no comments are received during the 30-day period, then any subsequent comments need not be responded to. This information is provided to you so that if you choose to undertake the project prior to the close of the 30^day period, you do so with the knowledge that additional actions may be required based on the resiJts of any court challenges that are filed during that period. Please contact Tamara Spear at (858) 467-4223 if you have any questions regarding the Streambed Alteration Agreement. Sincerely, CF. Raysbrook Regional Manager C Enclosure cc; . Tamara Spear c \UFORNIA DEPARTfiflENT OF FISH AND GAME JAB ViesMidge Avenue SanDiego, California 92123 Notification No-5-142-00 AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPOSED STREAM OR LAKE ALTERATION THIS AGR EEI^ENT, entered into between the State of Califomia, Department of Rsh and Game hereinafter ^'=*'f°'^ tha n^^partmpnt, and David Hauser. representina the Citv of Carisbad. a mnnidpal corporation State of Califomia . hereinafter called the Operator, is as follows: WHEREAS pursuant to Section 1601 of Califomia Bsh and Game Code, the Operator, on the 22"* day of Mav. 2000. notified the Departnr>ent that they intend to divert or obstruct the natlifaTflaw of or change the bed, channel, or bank of. or use material from.the streambed(s) of tha foltowing waterfsV thirteen unnamed ephemeral dtBinaoes. tnbutanes to San Marcos r}^ and San Marcok Creetc. San Diego County. Caiifomia. Sertions 1 ,€,19.20.^9.30:31:32 Tnwnship 12S. 13S Ranoe 3W. 4W . WHEREAS the Department (represented by Tamara Spear through a site visit on fhej^ day ofJune.'ioOO) has detennined that such operations may substantially adversely affect thc^ existing fish and wildlrfe resources vwthin the streambed of thirteen unnamed ^nhfmf^ral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek, specifically nffioH ac fhtinxA^- Birds! least Bell's vireo fV7reo bellii DUSillusY southwestem willow • taHiftf fgmp/cfonax trailii extfmusVCal'rfomia gnatcatcher iPoliooUla californica cafifomica), norttem harrier (Circus avaneusY v/hite-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus). Coot>efs hawk lAcfXiitercooperi\ red-tailed hawk (Buteo iamaicensisY red-shouldered hav^k (Bc/fep n/fl?wteffjs p/afvptenjsVsouthem Califomia rufous-crowned sparrow (Aimophila ruficeps^ RpJI's saoe sparrow (AmDhiSorza belli bellir loooerhead shrike (LBPIUS fudovidanus): Rpntiies and Amphibians: arrovo southwestem toad (Bufo mtcroscaohus californicus). San hlAfiQ homed lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei) westem spadefpot toad (S^phiopus hammoncF^; red-diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus rubeh coastal rosv boa (Uchanura tnvirqata), two-striped oarter snake (Thamnoohis hammondii): Mammals: San Dieqo pocket mouse • (Chfy^fr^ious fallax fallaxY Dulzura Califomia pocket mouse (Chaetodipus californicus femoralis) San Dieoo black-tailed lack rabbit (Leous calrfbmicus). desert woodrat (Neotoma leoidaY irTvertebrates: ouino checkersopt buttertiv (Euohvdrvas editha aumo). monarch buttefflv (Danaus plexiousY Plants: San Dieoo oolden star (Muifia clevelandii), San Dieqo thomnint (Acanthomintha ilicifoliaY Nevin's bart>erry (Berberis nevinii). thread-leaved bnpdiaea (Brodiaea mifoliaY coast vyooliv-heads (Nemacaulis denudata var, denudata). smooth tarplant (Hemizonia ounaens SSP. faevis) mud nama (Nama stenocarpum) inclucling the southem willow scrub, freshwater marsh, and surroundino Diegan coastal saoe scrub, sotJthem mixed chapamal. vallev needlegrass grassland, annual grassland and eucalyptus grassland which provide habitat for such spedes in the area. jH^REFORE the Department hereby proposes measures to protect fish and wildlife resources during the Operator's woric The Operator hereby agrees to accept the foliovwng measures/conditions as part of the proposed work. O If the Operator's v«>rk changes from that stated in the notification specified above, this Agreement is no longer valid and a new notification shall be submitted to the Department of Fish and Game. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and with other 'pertinent code sections, induding but not limited to Rsh and Game Code Sections 5650. 5652.5937'. and 5948, may result in prosecution. Page 1 of 6 "J ] J ] I STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 9 Nothing in this Agreement authorizes the Operator to trespass on any land or property nor does it relieve the Operator of responsibility for compfiance vwth applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances. A consummated Agreement does not constitLrte Department of' ^« Fish and Game endorsement of the proposed operation, or assure the Department's J concunence with pennits required from other agendes. This Agreement becomes effective the date of Departmenf s signature and tentiinates ] December 31.2004 for proiect cpnstmcSon onlv. This Agreement shall remain in effect for 1 that time necessarv to satisfy the temas/cpnditions of this Agreement 1. The foWovAng provisions constitute the limit of activities agreed to and resolved by this Agreement The signing of this Agreement does not imply that the Operator is precluded from doing ottier activities at. the site. However, activities not specifically agreed to and resolved by ttiis Agreement shall be subject to separate notification pursuant to Fish and Game Code Sections 1600 et seq. 2. The Operator proposes to alter the streambed of thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages;, tributaries to San Marcos Creek cuid San Marcos Creek to accommodate ttie roadway realignment, vyidening and bridge replacement improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road. A 24Hnch sewer pipeline will also be installed vyitinin the limits of temporary disturbance at the proposed bridge footprint by Vallecitos Water District during the bridge constmction. The project is located from approximately 100 south of ttie La Costa Avenue/Rancho Fe Road intersection to approximately 100 feet north of the W Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road within the City of Carisfciad. San Diego County impacting 2.11 acres of streambed. 3. The agreed work indudes activities assodated with No. 2 above. The project area is located in the streambed of thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek, San Diego County. Spedfic work areas and mitigation measures are described on/in the plans and documents submitted by the Operator, induding an Addendum to the Final Environmental Imoad Report for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading. SCH#90010850 dated March 2000: Conceptual Wetland Mitigation and Monitorino Plan for ttre Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment, dated December 2000: Biological Resources Report and Impact Analvsis for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment^ated November 2000 arid'Shall be implemented as proposed unless direded differently by this agreement 4. The Operator shall not impad more than 2.11 acres of jurisdictional habitat comprised of 1.39 acres southern vAWow scrub, 0.27 acres disturbed freshvrater marsh, 0.45 unvegetated ephemeral streambed. Of these impads. 0.93 are pennanent and 1 18 are temporary. Permanent impacts caused by the projed indude 0.42 acres of souttiem willow scrub, 0.27 of disturbed wetland and 0.24 acres unvegetated streambed. Mitigation for permanent impacts to southem willow scrub shall occur at a 3:1 ratio of creation. DisturtDed freshwater marsh shall be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio of creation and 2:1 ratio of enhancement, and unvegetated streambed shall be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio of creation. All mitigation for permanent impads shall be in-kind, occur off-site, and indude 1.77 acres creation and 0.54 acres enhancement for a total of 2.31 acres. Temporary impacts caused by the project include 0.97 acres of southem willow scrub and Page 2 of 6 •J STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 n 7i acres unveqetated streambed. 0.54 acres of souttiem v/illow scrub shall be restored C n^site^fa 1 1^ acres of souttiem willow scmb shall be mitigated ata 1:1 ratio ^ ^ cStfii anJ 2-1 ratio of enhancement 0.21 acres of "^vegetated streambe^^^^^^^ also £ rTstc^^ on-site. 1.29 acres of mitigation for temporary ^JpP^^X^^^J^?"^' -, ircluding 0.43 acres of creation and 0.86 enhancement and shall be in-kind. ' The off-site mitigation area of 3.60 acres for ttie prpjed is located along San Marcos Creek in the City of San Marcos, v^nthin ttie University Commons Speafic Plan. ' 5 The Operator shall submit a Final RevegetationAflonitoring Plan for botti ttie 3.60 acres d mitigation off-site and ttie 0.54 acres on-site to the Department for review within 30^ da^ of signing ttiis Streambed Alteration Agreement The plan shall specrfy a non-native - J Plant control program, plant palette and indude a long-temn maintenance provision for ttie Sr^sitrrnitigattoi^and a plant palette for ttie on-site revegetation. The Operator shall ^ receive Department approval prior to project inftiation/impacts. All mitigation shall be installed no later ttian March 31, 2003. 1 6. The Operator shall not remove vegetation v/itiiin the stream from March 15 to July 31 to avoid impacts to nesting birds. 7 The Operator shall have a qualified biologist onsite daily during any impads to vegetation for ttie purpose of monitoring and enfordng condition numbers 6. 9. 14. and 21 d this agreeement ^ 8. No equipment shall be operated In ponded or flowing areas. 1 9 DisturiDance or removal of vegetation shall not exceed the limits approved by ttie Department ^e disturbed portions of any stream diannel shall be restored. Restoration sMrlnclude the revegetation of stripped or exposed areas witti vegetation native to the ^ 10 Installation of bridges, culverts, or ottier stmdures shall be such ttiat vvater flow is not impaired Bottoms of temporary culverts shall be placed at stream channel grade; '1 bottoms of permanent culverts shall be placed at or below stream channel grade. 11 Preparation shall be made so ttiat mnoff from steep, erodible surfaces will be diverted • f into statjie areas witti little erosion potential. Frequent water checks shall be placed on i dirt roads, cat tracks, or otiier v/ori< trails to control erosion. 1 12 Water containing mud, silt or other pollutants from aggregate washing or other I activities shall not be allowed to enter a lake or flowing stream or placed in locations ttiat may be subjeded to high storm flov/s. 13 Stnjctures and assodated materials not designed to v/ittistand high seasonal flov/s shall be removed to areas above the high v/ater mari^ before such flows occur. 14. The perimeter of ttie work site shall be adequately flagged to prevent damage to adjacent riparian habitat ^ 15. Staging/storage areas for equipment and materials shall be located outside of the stream. Page 3 of 6 1 STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 ifi The Ooerator shall comply v/itti all litter and pollution laws. All contradors, JSbcJSfrado^^^^^^ also obey these laws and it shall be ttie responsibility d the operator to ensure compliance. 17 If a stream's low flow channel, bed or banks/lake bed or banks have been altered, ^ 1 ttiese shall be retumed as neariy as possible to ttieir original configuration and widtti, - * vwttiOLit creating future erosion problems. ! 18 All Planting shall have a minimum of 100% survival ttie first year, based on the ' oriainal quantity planted and 90% survival for container trees and 80% survival for container shmbs ttiereafter and/or shall attain 75% native wetland cover after 3 years and 90% native wetland cover after 5 years for ttie life of ttie project If ttie sun^ival and . J cover requirements have not been met. ttie Operator is responsit>te for replacement planting to achieve ttiese requirements. Replacement plants shall be monitored witti ttie S same survival and growtti requirements for 5 years of planting. I 19. All planting shall be done between Odober 1 and April 30 to take advantage of ttie winter rainy season. 20 An annual report shall be submitted to ttie Department by January 1 of eadi year for 5 years after planting. This report shall indude ttie sun/ival, percent cover, and height of I both tree and shmb spedes. The number by spedes of plants replaced, an ovemew of ttie revegetation effort, and ttie mettiod used to assess these parameters shall also be induded. Photos from designated photo stations shall be induded. 0 ^ 21. Access to.ttie wori< site shal! be via existing roads and access ramps. J 22 Spoil sites shall not be located witiiin a stream/lake, where spoil shall be washed back into a stream/lake, or where it will cover aquatic or ripanan vegetation. 23 Raw cement/concrete or v/ashings ttiereof. asphalt, paint or other coating material, oil 1 or other petroleum produds. or any ottier substances v^ich could be hazardous to » aouatic life resulting from projed related adivities, shall be prevented from contaminating ttie soil and/or entering ttie waters of ttie state. These materials, placed v^thin or where tiiey may enter a stream/lake, by Operator or any party woricing under conti^d, or v/itti the pemission ofthe Operator, shall be removed immediately. 24 No debris, soil. silt, sand, bari^ slash, sawdust, mbbish, cement or concrete or washings thereof, oil or petroleum produds or otiier organic or earthen material from any constmction. or associated adivity of whatever nature shall be allowed to enter into or 3 placed where it may be washed by rainfall or mnofl" into, waters of the State. When operations are completed, any excess materials or debris shall be removed from the wori< area No mbbish shall be deposited v^nttiin 150 feet of the high water mark of any sti-eam or lake. 25. No equipment maintenance shall be done within or near any sti-eam channel where petroleum produds or other pollutants from tiie equipment may enter these areas under d any flow. 26. The Operator shall provide a copy of this Agreement to all contractors, 1 subcontractors, arid the Operator's project supervisors. Copies of the Agreement * shall be readily available at work sites at all times during periods of active woric and mustbe presented to any Department personnel, or personnel from another agency upon Page 4 of 6 STREAMBED ALTERA-nON AGREEMENT #5-142-00 ^ demand. ^ 27 The Department reserves me to emer t^^^^^^^^ compliance With temis/conditions of this Agreement 23. T.e operator sHaJ, not^ ^e D^^^^^^ L^raS^S^^^^ " initiation of ^^"^t^f *'°"iP',°V'L?icS 1° ^D°e?aSnt a^VsTsT^^^^^^^ CA92123 Attr,: Tamara^ Spear 29 ,t is understood the Department has ent^into^^^^^^^ Agreement for pu^oses -JfJ^^^^^^^^^^ Operator and is not d^sion to proceed with the P'?^,'L^^^^^ J^n^bllit^ and/or incurred cost required by this agreement "'^^^'^^^'^Se "t and the fish and wildlife protectove related to or arising out of *%Operators projec^^^^^^^^^^^.^^ Operator. The conditions of th s f'Sf^?,^^,^ •^H^^'^S'te If Cawlmia and the Departrnent of F.sh and Sflgf-fanrreS?^^^^ - ^^^^^ '"^"^ " other damages. 30. TT^e operator shall r^uest an ^^-J^nt^.'^l^^l^r^^^^ Extensions may be granted for up ^ 1,2 morrths rrom^ request and fees g^I^ment and are subjed to ^^^^^^^^^C^^^^^^B addrUs. If the ^ shall be submitted to the D^par^^^t s R^on J termination, tt^n the V Operator fails to request the ^xtenaon pnc^io ine^ 9 . ^ infomiation to the ' curator shall subnrut a new "o^^ration wtti cement are a violation of F.sh I femT^c^Te^S^etirf^^^^^^^^^ -'-^"^^ ^ ^^^^^ °' ' extension of ttiis agreement I 31 Tne Department reserves the right to suspend or cancel tt,is Agreement for other ' r^-'SaSn^lt^^^^^^^^ the Operator in support •^"^fproTe^ct'o^^^^^^^^^ Notification/Agreement have 1 environment 32. Before any suspension or --njj. ofjhe^^^^^^^^ the Operator in writing of t^e arcum^anoes N^^^ date suspension or cancellation. The Opera or w have seven U^wo^^ a / of r^ipt of this notification to respond in voting to ^ ^^^^^^ 3^,3,, j Departmenf s notification. Dunng the sever) (7 day response ^^^^ .K ^j^,^tion. / ., immediately cease any proFct adivities wh^^^^^^^ W ; The Operator shall not continue the specified activ^ies u^^ rrieasures have Page 5 of 6 'I ^ CONCURRENCE (David Hauser) STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 Califomia Dept of Fish and Game (signatu^) (date) (titie) CF. Ravsbrook. Regional Manager (titte) I i Page 6 of 6 DATE APR 1 0 $01 Dudek & Associates, Inc. . 1 9665 Chesapeake Drrve. Suite 435 San Dlego. CA 92123 WE ARE SENDING YOU • Shop Drawings • C>3py of letter Dated ^ , LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ^ity of Carlsbad RECEIVED_^^^ I- - FARADAY AVENUE ^^^^^^^^^ ^ -SBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-7314 PUBUC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARXMECT ENGIN 04A)6/2001 3190-1 Rancho SanU Fe Road S Attached ' • Under separate cover via • Prints • Plans • Samples • Specifications • Change Order • the fonowing item; THESE ARE TRANSMnTED AS CHECKED BELOW: • For checking • Approved as submitted • Approved as noted •'^rre'ifet and comment • Retumed for correcUons Q For your action • For approval g For your use • ResubmH copies for approval • Design only, not for constiyction • Retum corrected pnnts Q REMARKS COPY TO: nie SIGNED: i 5fLoya-Smaney. Sr. Civa Engineer It mftctasxms art not «J /W-rf. " HEJ\.r TO Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch DEPARTMEI^ OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DtSTRICT, CORPS OF ENGiNEERS SAN DfECO FIELD OFRCE 16885 WEST BERNARDO DRiyE. SUTTE 30QA SAN DIECO, CAUFORNU SZtZT August 24, 2000 City of Carisbad ATTN: Mr. Dave Hansen Deputy City Engmeer Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Court Carisbad, California 92009 File Number: 200001251 Gentlemen; This is in reply to your May 19,2000 letter conceming your proposal to widen and reaHen a section of Rancho Santa Fe Road from approximately 100 feet south of (he U Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection to approximately 100 feet nortti of the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. This project is part of the Qty of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho .Sata Fe Road to meet its desi^tion as a Prime Arterial Roadway and affects a portion of San >4arcos Creek and its tributaries in the Qty of San Marcos, San Diego County, California. This project inchides the relocation of a sanitary sewer line from the old bridge structure to a location under San Marcos Creek in the footprint of the construction disturbance area for the new bridge. The Corps has detennined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of nationwide permit NW14 for fills for roads crossing waters of the United States (including wetiands and other spedal aquatic sites) and encompasses three separate locations ' wi^ pennanent impacts of OJ, QJ7 and 0,15 respectively. Additior\ally, tiie Corps has determined that your proposed activity compHes wi* the terms and conditioris of tiie nationwide permits NW 12 for utiHty line discharges (0.04 of an acre of impact) lying within the foot print at tiic San Marcos Creek Bridge site,' NW 18 for mmor discharges (0.01 acre of pennanent impact) and NW 33 temporary construction access and dewatenng for roads crossing waters of tiie United States (including wedands and otiier sp^ aquatic sites) encompasses two separate descriptions witii temporary impacts of 1.18 You must con^ly with all terms and applicable conditions (regional general, 404 ordy, and 401 conditions) described in Enclosure 1 and complete tiie compliance statement (Enclosure 2). 6 0 1 I 1 s ) -2- I Furthermore, you must comply with the following Special Condition(s): 1 The permittee shall abide by any special conditions stated in the Section 401 Water Quality -1 Certification or waiver from tiie California Regicmal Water QuaHty Board an^ I Section 1601 Streainbed Alteration Agreement from tiie California Departrncnt of Fish and Game. Z The pennittee shaD compensate for inpacts to waters of tiie U5, induding wetlands by restoring and/or enhancing at least 231 acres of iqjaiianhabitot witiiin tfie San Marcos ^ Creek watershed as dose to tiie iitq>act area as is feasible. This aocage is estimated using 1 a minimum ratio of 3:1 fbr impacts to Soutiiem Willow Soub and disturbed wetiands and a 1-1 ratio for impacts to unvegetated ephemeral waters. Prior to initiating construction of I Ra^dio Santa Fe Road ReaHgnment and widening project, tiie tiie Corps a miti^tionplan consistent witii tiie Los i4j:^ Dxstrirf HiziTto A^h^a^ Mimiminz Proposal Guiddma, dated June 1993. The pennittee shall obtain final vmtten approval of tiieir mitigation plan from tiie Corps prior to constuction of tiie Rancho Santa ^ Fe Road Realignment and widening project ^ 3 The pcmiitiee shall develop a Biolopcal Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, whidi id^tifies "K J ' tiic locaticin, duration, and inetiiod fbr a monitoring prt5grain, success standa^ contingencymeasures. ThepermitteeshaDobtain Corps of Engineers prior to irutiation of construction. 1 4. ThepennitteeshaUsubrriittotiieCorpsannajalwiittenprogr^ aiea^ accordance witii tiie approved plan. These reports shall indude phott^phic ]documentation of tiie mitigation area, five years after tiie prt^ is conqjleted. the pemuttee shall submit to tiie Corps a report documenting tiie degree of rev^tahon of the Ste. If tiie mitigation area(s) have not adiieved tiie criteria stated m tiie approved mitigation plan tiie pennittee shaD reevahiate ttie soil vegetative, and hydro^ J conations of tiie mitigation area to dcteimine what remedial actions need to be taken. Following irr^lcmentation of appropriate corrective actions, tiie permittee shaH replant I tiie project site witti native wetiand and i^arian vegetation and momtor until the stated J success criteria are achieved- - J 5 The pennittee shaH employ aH standard Best Management Practices to ensure tiiat toxic J inaterial silt, ddjris or cxcesshre erosion do not enta-San Marcos O^du^ construction. 6. The permittee shaB ensure that aU vehides maintenance, staging, storage and dis^^ of fuel occurs in designated iq?land areas. The pemuttee shall ensure tiiat tii^ J designated tpland areas are located in sudi a manner as to prevent any runoff £ro^ A entering watexs of flie VS. -3- ^ o 7. The pemuttee shall remove all excess fill and/or consttuction debris temTX)rarv ffll n. stmctures used for access and dewatering for constmction purpoS' I^^^oS tiie site immediately upon con^letian of construction. ^"^""^^ eqmpment from 8. Prior to onset of constmction/excavation, tiie pennittee shall provide tiie rrm^^ ^ ^ s^flr^ usmg pte nettmg or other appropriate means, and revegetated with nafo-e vegetefaon pnor to the onset of the first winter rains foUowing coStr^ctaoT^ ^ to mmimize sedm:ientatton and related impacts to the drainage. '^o^^'^to 10. Ihe permittee shaH provide notification, either written or verbal, to the Corps of Eaeineer^ t^l^ the permit Shan be on the job site at all times during construction. Ihe peonrtteeshall prov^e a copy of this peimit to all onsite contiactoi<s), subconUactorfs) '"^^S^t^I^*^^^=<I^'^'^^=hcontract4(^^ ^fo'^P^^C^ lead this aufliorization in its entirety prior to iniS^ and ensure thatan appropriateperrcutconditions areiiplemented as^d^^ ^^^^^^ the mitigation plan shall be initiated as a point when the continued ^«lT^ , '^"^ ^^Se upon the potential viability of the installed mibgafaeru fa^jlemeritabon of fee nutigation should be tiined to take advantage cool wmter wet season. . ""™^5=°i™ fo^^"^^ °^ conyletion of the project, the permittee shall submit to the Corps of after construct . ttiose aspects significant to inqjacts to wateis of the VS.- and b. One copy of'as buiir drawings. ner^. ^^^^'^'^ P^°d to exceed two years uiUess Sie nationwide "TT^' °' that time. It is incunAent upon ymf to i^ informed of changes to the nationwide peimits. /uuiu remain irJ^n^^^T^^" P^^"^"^ Pmperty rights or exdusive privileges. Also, it oT^^°'sSTT'^r'°^P"^ F-*™ it does not obviate the need to o^^ other Federal, state, or local authorizations required by law. • N-P I, 1 c ] ] I -4- Thank you for partidpating in our regulatory program. If you have questions, please contact Karon M Marzec at (858) 674-5384. ^ I Sincerely, Enclosures 1 Mark Durham Chiet Soutii Coast Section Regulatory Brandi -1- o LOS ANGELES DISXRJCT ILS. ARA^fy CORPS OF ENGINEERS CERTTHCATION OF COMPUANCE WTTH *" DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATTONWIDE PERMTT Peimit Numben 200001251 Date of Issuance: August 24,2000 Name of Permittee: City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Court Carlsbad, Califomia 92009 Upon completion of tiie activity autiiorized by tiiis permit sign tiiis certification and retum it witii an original signature to the following address: VS. Army Corps of Engineers ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch (200001251) P.O. Box 532711 Los Angeles, Califomia 90053-2325 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a Corps of Engineers' representative. If you fail to comply witii tiiese Nationwide pennits you may be subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify tiiat tiie work autiiorized by tiie above referenced Nationwide pennit has been completed in accordance witii tiie terms and conditions of said pennit Signature of Pemuttee Date c NATIONWIDE PERMTT NtJMBER NW12, NW14, NVV18, *nd NW33 TERMS AND CONDITIONS L Nationwide Pamit^^m2,^^m^(,^^^V2S,^^m33TeTO Your activity is authoriied under NWM, NW18 ,ajtd NW33 object to the foUowing tenns: Nationwide Number 12: Utility Lien Disdiar^res. Discharges of dredged of fiH material associated witii excavation, badcfill or bedding for utiHty lines, induding outfaH and intalce stmctures, provided there is no change in preconstruction contours- A "utility line "is defined as any pipe or pipeline for the transportation of any gaseous, liquid, Hquefiable, or slurry substance, for the purpose, and any cable, line, or wire for the transmission for any pmpose of electrical 6nergy, telephone and telegraph messages, and radio and television communication. The term "utiHty line" does not apply to pipes conveying drainage from another area. This NWP authorizes medianized iand dearing necessary fbr the installation of utiHty Hnes, induding overhead utiHty Hnes, provided tiie cleared area is kept to tiie minimum necessary and preconstruction contours are maintained. However, access roads, temporaiy or permanent, or foimdations assodated with overhead utiHty lines, are not authorized by this NWP. Material resulting from trench excavation may be teir^rarily sidecast (up to tiiree montiis) into waters of tiie United States, provided that ttie material is not placed in such a manner that it is dispersed by currents or other forces. The DE may extend ttie period of ^ porary side-casting not to exceed a total of 180 days, where appropriate- The area of waters ^le Uruted States that is disturbed, must be limited to the minimum necessaiy to construct tiie UtiHty Hne. In wetiands- flie top 6" to 12" of tiie tcendi should generaHy be backfilled wifli ' topsoil from the trendi. Excess material must be removed to upland areas immediately up completion of constmction. Any exposed slopes and stream banks must be stabilized immediately upon completion of the utility line. (See 33 CFR Part 322). Notification: The pennittee must notify Ihe district engineer in accordance "with tiie "Notification" general condition, if any of the fbUowing criteria are net a. Mechanized land dearing in a forested wetland; b. A Section 10 permit is required for the utiHty line; c The UtiHty line is waters of the united States exceeds 500 feet; or, d. The utiHty line is placed within a jurisdictional area (Le., a water of the United States), and it runs paraHel to a streambed that is within that jxirisdictional area. (Section 10 and 404) Nationwide Number 14: Road Crossines. Fills for roads crossing waters of tiie United States (induding wetiands and otiier spedal aqtiatic sites) provided tiie activity meets aH of tiie ving criteria: C a. The widtii of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for the actual crossing; b. The fill placed in non-tidaJ waters of the United States is limited to a filled area of no O more than 1/2 acre for each separate and distinct crossing. ^'t;^!^'^'^ 1^ °' "'^^^ designed to prevent the restriction of and to ^ftsfand, expected high flows and tidal flows, and to prevent the restriction of low flows and the movement of aquatic organisms; =>"icnon ot d Ihe crossing, induding all attendant features, both temporaiy and peimanent is part of a smgle and complete project for crossing of a water of the United States; aM, e. Por fills in spe^ aquatic sites, induding wetlands, flie permittee notifies flie Distri Engmeer m accordance with the TJotification- general condition. Ihe notification also mdude a dehneation of affected spedal aquatic sites, induding wetiands ct must pus NWP i^y not be combined with NWP 18 or NWP 26 for the purpose of increasing the footprmt of theroad crossmg^e road fills may be eKgible for an exemption from &e need ' ^ altogether (see 33 CTR 323.4). Also, where local dLimstancJ^dSe the need. District En^eers vdUd^ the tenn "expected high flows" for the puip^ T estabhshmg apphcabihty of this NWP. (Sections 10 and 404) Nationwide Number 18: Minor Dischar^^ rjff^'^. discharges of dredged or Bll material ir,tr> ,11 waters of the United Slates provided fliat flie activi^^SS of Sb^<S^ ^ ° • d^^'Wed iKaterial and the volmne of excavated area does not ^ceed 25 cubic yards below flie plane of flie ordinary water mark or flie hi^ tide b. The discharge, induding any excavated area, will not cause flie loss of more flian 1/10 acre of a speaal aquatic site, induding wetiands. For ttie puiposes of fltis NWP the acreage lirmtation indudes file filled area and excavated area plus spedal aquatic SLts^ fliat are adversely afiected by flooding and special aquatic sites fliat are dr^ed so that fliey would no longer be a water of ttie United States as a result of flie project; c If ttie discharge, induding any excavated area, exceeds 10 cubic yards below flie plane of flie ordinary high water mark or flie high tide line or if ttie disdiarge is in a specL aquatic site, mdudmg wetiands, flie permittee notifies, ttie District Engineer m accordaiice witti flie TsJotification" general conditioiv For disdiarges iTspedal aquatic sites, mdudmg weflands, tiie notification must also indude a delkieation^f^ed special aquabc sites, induding wetiands (Also see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); and d. jQie discharge, mduding all attendant features, botti temporary and permanent, is part of a smgle and complete project and is not placed for ttie purpose of a stream ^ o ^ " conjunction witti NWP 26 for any single and complete ^ project (Sections 10 and 404) <-uiiipjcie ^ Nationwide Number 33: Temporary Construction. Arr^. .nH n,;^;^^^ Temporary I <:tmctuiES work and disdiarges, induding cofferdams, necessaiy for construction activities or A acdess fins' or dewatering of construction sites; provided that flie associated primarjr activity is |C auttiorized by ttie Corps of Engineers or ttie U3. Coast Guard, or for ottier construction ' activities not subiect to ttie Corps or VS. Coast Guard regulations. Appropnate measures must be taken to maintain near normal downstream flows and to minimize floodmg. HH must be of ! materials, and placed in a manner, that wiU not be eroded by expected high flows. The use of I dredeed material may be aUowed if it is determined by flie District Engineer fliat it will not cause more flian minimal adverse effects on aquatic resources. Teinporary fill must be entirely 1 removed to upland areas, or dredged material returned to its original location, foHowmg comcletion of ttie construction activity, and Ihe affected areas must be restored to five nre-OTOiect conditions. Cofferdams cannot be used to dewater weflands or ottier aquatic areas L as to dianee flieir use. Struchires left in place after coffcrdains are removed retju^ To ^t if tocated in navigable waters of fl«= Uruted States. (See 33 OTl Part 32Z). The pe^itte must notify fl« District Engineer in acosrdancewitti flie-TJobfia general Stion. The notification must also inchide a restoration plan of reasonabk ^'^f^ to avoid ^^niinize adverse effects to aquatic resources. The District Enpie«^ ^cSS^^here necessary, to ei^fluit adverse environmental effects are mmm^ c^ditions may indude: lir^dting ttie tenq^orary work to ttie ^"^^^J^'^'^^y^^^Tl, I seasonal restrirfons; modifying ttie restoratiw plan; and requ^ mefliods (e.g., consbuction mats in weflands where practicable.). (Sections 10 and 404) } z.NiBon-widel'canllGeneiJConditionJ A. The following g=n=J condilions inu5t be followed in order for aulhoriatian by . NWP bD be vjid: 1 Niviration. No »ctivilym«Y cause more than.* nuninua»dveise effect on n«W^ _ I ^^toLc^Any^ctureor.fin.uftori=rfsh,nbeproperiyrn«nbd^ 3. ^^^I^Can.»>->^PP«'P^"»''™'-^'rr^'^^ ti.int.ined in effective operating condition during a^rt<»v ««i .fl"^ .5 «ny work bdow Aeorfnaiyhi^ water inaA or Wgh tide line; rnust be permanendy sl^^ 4. ^t:^i^^^Noaclivi.yin.ysul.t„^ydisnipt.i«n^er^ • UfTSS^s^ to the waterbody, induding .hose specie, th.t_~ aS^f^SLy puipose is »in,»und water. Odverts placed in streams must be mstalled to mamlam S '^;;|:LTH«^equipmentworidnglnwrf^^ . ^o;:Lt^1^-^S:S;on.The..tivi.ymustcomp.ywie.^^ t^T^ added by *e division engineer (see 33 CFR 33a«e)) «>d wi* «,y '^J'^^^'^ ""^ by the Corps or by *e SUle or tribe inils Section 4m water quahty certification and Coastal Zone i^^c1.=:rS:'.^^y'^i..componentof^^^ System; or in a river offidally deagnated by Congress as a "Sudy ifyer- while the river b in in o^ «udy «atus:unl« the •PP'^''^^^;:^:^*^, S«^«nt responabOity for sud, river, has detennined in wntmg that Ae pnjxaed "^^T^^ .dvcrf^aff^1«Wd ind Sc«uc River designation, orstudysutus. ^'^^'^'^"^J^ Rivers rLy be obtair«d from the appropriate Fed««l Und "-"f"^' ?^5^f' ^""^ Park Service, Ui Fores. Service. Bureau of Und JAmagement. Ui Hshand Wldhfe S«v.c^. Tribal RigS. No «:tivityoril,oper.tionm.yimr-i'««"«d'ribd rights, indudmg.butnotlmuted to, reserved waler rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. C* ^"w'^^T^Suies and lribdl««is«.lndh*JuJ 4m water .piaHly^^ waived (See 33 CFR 330.4(e)). ^.v i t!K„ri„„ f^tV.«- • (b) For NWPs \X U. 17,18, Sl 39,40,a 43, and 44, where the State or tribal 401 cerhficabon (either 7. E. genenczl]yorindmduaIJy)doesnotrcqu^ . permittee must indude design criteria and tedmiques that will ensure that the author£ed work does not r«ult in more than miniiruJ d of water quality. An important component of a water quaUty management plan indudes stormwater management that minimizes degradation of the downstream aquabc system, indudmg water quality. Refer to General Condition 21 for stonnwater rruujagenent requirem Anotfier important component of a water quaUty management plan is the «tabhsl^ and numtenance of vegetated buffer, next to open watoi, induding ftreams.^S^ to General Condition 19 for vegetated buffer reqmrements for the NW?s. 10. Coastal 2x.ne Managem«xt certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived (see Section 330.4(d)). '-"iiaisrency 11. Endangered Spedes. lu ^IT^"^"^ « authorised under any NWP whidi is likely to jeopardize the continued edstence of a ^^r^r '^"^ °' " P""^ designation, as identifieJ^^e Federal Endangered Speaes Act, or whidi will destroy or adversely modify the critical habiW speaes. Non-federal permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed spedes ord^JZf!^ habitat and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer d«t Ae reqmiemcits of ti« End^gcred Spedes Act have been satisfied and that ^ activity is autiiorized. For t^^^rJ^J:^^ "^"^ Federally-listed endangered or threatened spedes or desisted h^iUtAenotifiabon must mdude thename(s) of the endangered or threatened^« thatmay be affectedly the proposed work or that utilize die designated mtiol habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. As a result of formal or informal consultation with the FWS or NMFS the District Engmeer may add speaes-spedfic regional endangered spedes conditions to the NWPs. (b) Authonzabon of an adivity by a nationwide permit does not authorize the 'take" of a &reatened or endangered speaes « defined under the Federal Endangered Spedes Act In die absence of separate 1"^/nV^l^ t^f^° ^ Biological Opinion with 'inddental take" prmS^ ^ ar^ildlife Service or the National Marine Hsheries Service, both^lS^^' SieT^S^l^^'^^^^"'^^^^^ Informationon t^^J^^^f.t'^^'^'^'^ ^es and their critical habitat ^be obtained directfy from the office of the U.a Hsh and Wildlife Service and National Marine Hsheri« Service world wide web pages at http://wwwJws.gov/r9ciidspp/endsppiitinl and • • http://wwwjmi£s.gov/prot^jes/esahomeiitml, respectively. ^ JSS^l^:^^. ^Jf^S ""^^^ ™^ "^"^ ^"^^ properties listed, or elig&Ie for listing; in the • ^^^^ historic pxop^«bsted, determined to be eligibl,^ or whidi the prospective permittee has^ - reason to beheve may be ehgibie for listing on the National Register of Historic PUc=Cand shS not berin die acbvity untfl notified by the Distict En^«r ftat the «quirements of the Nationi HisSc ^ Pr««vabon A^ve been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and f .Sf^'^if^f" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^"^ ^"-^ Preservation Office anil die National Register of Historic PUc« (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). For activities that may atfect historic properties listeri^or elisor lisbng m, the National Register of Historic Places, the notification must state whS historic prop^ may be affected by the proposed work or indude a vidnity map indicating the loation of flie tustonc property. - 13. Notification. SJST^-^*"-^'^ by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the ^?e^% * (PCN) as eariy as possible. The District Engineer aditi^ mformatum neces«iy lo make fi« PCN complete 6nly once. However, if Sprospective pemrttee does not provide all of the requested information, then the District Engineer wfll^hT&e ^«pectiye permittee &at Ae PCN is still incomplete and Ae PCN review procTwiU not commence infonnation t«s been received by Ae District Engi^^e pr«pective permittee shall not begin the activity: r (1) Until notified in writing by the' District Engineer that the activity may pn^ceed under the NWP with any speaal conditions imposed by the Disbid or Division Engineer; or CZ) If notified in writing by the Distrid or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; (3) Unless 45 days have passed from the Distrid Engineer's receipt of the complete nolification and the prospecbve permittee has not recdved written notice from the Distrid or Division c c C propos*! to offset teoes of wateis of United Stato. (15) For NWP 43, Stonnwater Management Fadlities, the PCN must indude, for the construction of new stormwater management fadUties, a maintenance plan (in accordance with State and local Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's ri^t to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). (b) Contents of Notification: The notification must be in writing and indude the following information: (1) Name, address, and tdephone mrmbers of tbe prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and irid^^ envinsnmental effects Ae project would cause; any other NWP(s), reponal general pennit(s), or individtial peimit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed projed or any related activity; and (4) For NWPs 7,12,14,18,21,34.38,39,40,42, and 43, Ae FCN must also indude a delineation of affected spedal aquatic sites, induding wetiands, vegetated shallows (e.g., submerged aquatic vegetation, seagrass beds), and riffle arid pool complexes (see paragraph 13(f)); (5) For NWP 7, Outfall Structures and Maintenaiice,AePQ^ must irwiude mformation regard Ae original design capadtio and configuratiotxs of Aose areas of the fadEty where maintenance diedgii^ or cxcivation is proposed. (6) For NWF 14, Linear Tran^jortation Crossings, the PCN zrmst indude a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset permanent losses of watexs of Ae United States arwi a statement describing how teo^rary losses of waters of the United States will be irunimized to the maximum ectent practicable. (7) For NWP 21, Surface Coal \Criing Activities, the PCN iimst indude an Office of Surface (OSM) or state-approved mitigation plan. ' (8) For NWP 27, Sbeam and Wetland Restoration, the PQ^ must indude documentation of Ae prior condition of Ae rite Aat will be reverted by the permittee. (9) For NWP 29, Sn^e-FamiJyHousirig, the PCN must also indude: (i) Anypastuseof this NWP by the inclividual pemuttee and/or the permittee's spouse; (ii) Astateineritthatthesixig^e-fairiilyhoxisirigactivityisforapersorialreadericeof the peixiuttee; (iii) A description of AeeritireparceL inckidirig its size, and a drfiheation of wetiarids. For Ae purpose of Ais NWP, ]4*cel$ of Uiwi irieasuring 1/4 acre or less WiU not require a fonnal on-rite delineation. However, Ae applicant shaH provide an indication of where the wedands are and the amount of wetlands that exists on the property. For parcels greater than 1/4 acre in size, a formal wedand delineation must be pr^ared in accordance WiA Ae current meAod required by the Corps. (See paragraph 13(f)); pv) A written description of aH land (ir»duding, if availably legal descz^tions) owned by the prospective permittee ar\d/or the prospective peiinittee's spouse, within a one inile raciius of the parceL in "ny form of ownership (irududing any land corporation, joint tenant, co-tenant or as a tenant-by-th«itirety) and any land on v^uch a purchase and sale agreement or oAer contrad for sale or purchase has been executed; aO) For NWP 31, Maintenance of Existing Flood (:i)ntrol Projects, the pro^^ o Aer notify the Distrid Engineer WiA a PC>J prior to eadi inaintenance activity or submit a five year (or leas) maintenance plan. In addition, the PCN must indude aH of Ae following (I) Suffident baseline irJbrmation so as to identify the approved diannd depths and configurations and existing facilities. Minor deviations are authorized, provided Ae approved ficxxi control protection or drainage is not increased; (ii) A delineation of any affected special aquatic sites, induding wedands; and, (iii) Location of the dredged material disposal site. (U) For NWP 33, Temporaiy Construction, Access, and Dewatering, Ae PCN inust alsd indude a restoration plan of reasonable measui« to avoid and minimize advecse effiects to aquatic resources. (12) For NWPs 39,43, and 44, the PCN must also indude a written statement to the Distnct Engineer ocpUining how avoidance and minimization of losses of waters of Ae United States were achieved on the projed site. . 13) For NWP 39, Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments, the PCN must mdude a compmsalory mitigation proposal that ofbets unavoidable Josses of watea of the United States or justification otplaining why compensatory mitigation should rmt be required. (14) For NWP 40, Agricultural Activities, the POI must indude a compensatory mitigation requirements, if applicable) and a compensato"ry mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of ^ Ae United States. (16) For NWP 44, Mining Activities, Ae PCN must indude a description of all waters of the United States adversely affected by Ae project, a description of measures taken to minimize adverse effects to waters of the United States, a description of measures taken to comply wiA Ae criteria of Ae NWP, aiid a redamation plan (for aggregate mining activities in isoUted waters and non-tidal wetlands adjacent to headwaters and any hard rock/mineral mining activities). (17) For activities that may adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened spedes Ae PCN must indude Ae name{s) of those endangered or tiireatened spedes that may be affected'by Ae proposed work or utilize Ae designated critical habitat that may be affected by Ae proposed (1S)_ For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, Ae National Register of Histonc Places, Ae PCN must state which historic property may be a&cted by Ac proposed work or indude a vicinity map indicating Ae location of Ae historic property (19) For NWf s 14, 29,39, 40,42,43, and 44, where Ae proposed work involves^s-Aarves of dredged or fiU material into waters of Ae United States nssulting in permanent, above-grade fills within 100-year floodplains (as identified on FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA- approved local floodplain maps), Ae notification must indude documentation demonstrating that Ae proposed woric complies wiA the appropriate FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain ' construction requirements. (c) Form of Notificatioru The standard individual permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used as Ae notification but must deariy indicate tiiat it is a PCN and must indude all of the information required in (b) (IH^^) of General Condition 13. A letter containing Ae requisite information may also be used. (d) Disfarid Engineer's Dedsion: In reviewing Ae PCN for the proposed activity, Ae Distrid Engineer will determine whether tiie activity authorized by Ae NWP will result in more Aan minimal individual or cumulatrve adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to Ae public intercstL The prospective permittee may, optionally, submit a proposed mitigation plan wiA Ae PCN to expedite the process and Ac Disbrid Engineer will consider any proposed compensatory mitigation tiie applicant has induded in Ac proposal in determining whether Ac net adverse environmental effects to the aquatic enviibnment of Ae proposed woric are minimaL If Ae Disbid Engineer determines that the activity complies wiA Ae terms and conditions of Ae NWP and that Ae adverse effects on Ae aquatic environment are minimal, tiie Disbid Engineer will notify Ae' pennittee and indude any conditicms Ae District Engineer deems necessary. Any compensatory midgation proposal must be approved by the Distrid Engineer prior to commencing work. If Ae pro^>ective permittee is recjuired to submit a compensatory mitigation proposal wiA Ae PCN, Ae proposal may be either conceptual or detailed. If Ae prospective permittee elects to submit a compensatory mitigation pUn wiA Ae PCN, the Disbdd Engineer will expeditiousfy review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The Disteict Engineer must review Ae plan within 45 days of receivinga complete PCN and determine wheAer Ae conceptual or specific proposed mitigation would ensure no more than minimal adverse effects on Ae aquatic environment If Ae net adverse effects of Ae projed on the aquatic environment (after consideration of Ae compensatoiy mitigation proposal) are determined by Ac District Engineer to be minimal, tiie Distrid Engineer will provide a timely written response to Ae applicmt stating that Ae project can proceed under the terms and conditions of Ae nationwide peimit. If Ae Disbid Engineer determines Aat Ac adverse effects of the proposed work are more tiian minimal, Aen he will notify Ae applicant eiAen (1) tiiat Ae projed does not qualify for autiiorization under Ae NWP and instrud tiie applicant on Ae procedures to seek autiiorization under an individual permit; (2) that Ae projed is authorized under Ae NWP subjed to tiie appUcanf s submission of a mitigation proposal Aat would reduce tiie adverse effects on tiie aquatic environment to the minimal level; or (3) tiial Ae projed is auAorized under the NWP wiA specific mociifications or conditions. Where Ae Distrid Engineer determines that mitigation is required in order to ensure no more tiian minimal adverse effects on Ac aquatic environment, the activity will be auAorized within Ae 45-day PCN period, induding Ae necessary conceptual or specific mitigab'on or a recjuircment tiiat the appb'cant submit a mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to Ae minimal level When conceptual mitigation is induded, or a mitigation plan is required under item (2) above, no work in waters of tiie United States will occur until Ae Distrid ^ Engineer has approved a specific mitigation plan. (e) Agency Coordination: The Distrid Engineer will consider any comnnents from Federal and State agendes concerning Ae proposed activity's compliarKX wiA Ae terms and conditions of Ae NWPs and ^ Ae need for mitigation to reduce Ae project's adverse effects on Ae aquatic environment to a minimal ^'^^r activities requiring notification to the Distrid Engineer that result in die loss of greater than 1 /2 acre of waters of the Uruted States, Ae Disbid Engjneer will, upon receipt of a notification, provide immediatefy (eg., via facsimile ttartsmission, ovemight xnaiL or otiwr expeditious manner), a copy to Ae appropriate offices of the Hsh and Wildlife Service State natural resource or water quality agency, EPA, State Mstoric Preservation Officer (SHPO), and, if apptopriate,.lhe National Marine Fisheries Service. WiA the exception of NWP 37, tiiese ageiides will then have 10 calei*dar days from the date the material is transmitted to tdephone or fax Ae Distrid Engineer notice that they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comments. If so contacted by an agency, the Distort Engineer will wait an additiorud IS calcridar days before iiiafcing a dedsion on the notification. The Distrid Ertgineer wfll fully consider agency comments received witiiin the specified time frame, bul will provide no response to Ae resource agency, except as provided beJow. The Distrid Engmeer will indicate in the aciministrative record associated wiA each notification that Ae resource agencies' concems were conridered- As required by Section 305(bX4)(B) of Ae MagnusorvStevens Fishery Conserration and Management Ad, Ae Distrid Engineer will provide a reqxmse to National Marine Fisheries Service within 30 days of receipt of any Essential Hsh Habitat conservation recommendations. Applicantsare encouraged to provide Ae Coips multiple copies of notifications to expedite agency notification- (f) Wetlands Delineations: Wetiand delineations must be prepared in accordance wiA the cunent meAod required by Ae Corps. For NWP 29 see paragraph (b)(9)aiO for P««ls l*" 1/4 «« m rize. ThepennitteemayasktheCorpstoddineateAespedalaquaticrite. There may be some delay if Ae Corps does flie delineation. Furthermore, the 45-day period wiD not start until Ae wetiand delineation has been completed and submitted to ti^e Corps, yrhere appropriate. 14. Compliance Certificatiori. Every pennittee who has received a NatiomWde permit verification faom the Corps win submit a signed certification reg^urding die completed work and any required The (Mtification win be forwarded by the Corps WiA ttw auttiorization letter. The ceitificab-on win indude: a.) A statement that the autiiorized work was done in accordance wiA ttw Corps auttiorization, mchiding any "v-"- general or specific conditions; b.) A statement ttiat aiy required mitigation was completed in accordarwe WiA Ae pemiit conditions; and c) The signahire of Ae pemuttee certifying ttw completion of ttw woric and triitigation. , . 15 Use of Multiple Nationwide Permits. The use of more ttian one NWP for a sm^e and cooiplete jwojed is " prohibited, «cept when Ae acreage loss of waters of Ae United States auttiorized by ttw NWPs d<^ not «ceed Ae acreage limit of ttw NWP wiA ttw highest specified acreage limit.. For example, if aroad crosring over tidal waters is constnided under NWP 14, WiA assodated bank stabiHzabon auttio^ NWP 13, Ae inaxirmim acreage loss of waters of ttw United States for ttw total projert cannrt 16 V^ter Supply Intakes. No activity, induding structures and work in navigable waters of ttw Unitai States or disciiarges of dredged or fiU matcriaL may occur In ttw proxiinity df a pubKc water supply m^ where the activity is for repair of ttw public water su^Xy intake stnictures or adjacent barOc rtabilizabon. 17 SieUfish Beds. No activity, inchiding stnidures and work in navigable waters of ttw United States or discharges of dredged or fiU inateriaL rnay occur in anM of concenb^ted SheUfish popufations, unl» activity is directiy reUted to a shellfish harvesting activity auttiorized by NWP 4. 18 Suitable MateriaL No activity, including stmctures and woric in navigable wateis of tbe United States or discharges of dredged or fiH material, may consist of unsuitable material (e.g, trash, debn*, car bodies, asphalt etc.) and material used fbr construrtion or disdiarged must be free from toxic poUutants in lox^ amounb (see Section 307 of ttw Qean Water Art). 19. Mitigation. The projed must be designed and cons&ucted to avoid and minimize adverse effwts ^ waters of Ae United States to ttw maximum extent practicable at ttw projert rite O-fc- on rite). KCtigabon ^^p^ required when necessaiy to ensure ttut ttw adverse effects to ttw aquatic environment are miniiii^ The Distrid Engineer wiU conrider ttw factors discussed below when detennining ttw acceptability of appropriate and practiable mitigation necessary to offset adverse effects on ttw aquatic environment ttiat c are more ttwi minimal. . (a) To be practicable, ttw mitigation must be avaUaWe and capable of being done considenng co^, existing tcdmology, and logistics in light of ttw overall projed purposes. Exairyles of mibgation ttiat may be appropriate and practicable indude, but are not limited to: reducing ttw size of ttw prpjed; establishing and maintaining wedand or upland vegetated buffers to proted open waters sucii as sb-cams; and repUdng losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing or preserving similar functions and values, preferably in Ae same watershed; (b) The Distrid Engineer will require restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation of oAer ^ aquatic resources in order to offset Ae auAorized impacts to Ae extent necessary to ensure ttiat Ae ^ adverse effects on Ae aquatic environment are minimal. An important element of any compensatory mitigation plan for projects in or near streams or oAcr open waters is Ae establishment and maintenance, to Ae maximum ectent practicable, of vegetated buffers nort to open waters on ttw projed rite. The vegetated buffer should consist of native spedes. The District Engineer will detennine Ae appropriate widA of ttw vegetated buffer and in which oses it wiU be required. Normally Ae vegetated buffer will be 25 to 50 feet wide on eadi ride of ttw sfream, bul Ae Distrid Engineer iiay require wider vegetated buffers to address documented water quality concerns. If Aere are open waters on ttw projert rite and Ae Disbid Engineer requires compensatory mitigation for wetiiu^ impacts to ensure ttiat Ae net adverse effects on Ae aquatic environment are miiumal, any vejretated buffer win comprise no more ttwn 1/3 of Ae remaining compensatory mitigation acreage afto Ae permanentiy fiUed wetiands have been replaced on a one-to-one acreage basis. In addition, compensatory mitigation must address adverse effiects on wedand functions and values and cannot be used to offset ttw acreage of wetiand losses ttiat would occur in order to meet Ae acrea« limiti of som,. of Ae NWPs (e.g., for NWP 39,1/4 acre of wetiands cannot be created to change a 1/2 acre loss of wetiands to a 1/4 acre loss; however, 1/2 acre of created wetiands on be used to reduce Ae impacts of a 1/3 acre loss of wetiands). If Ac prospective permittee is required to.submit a compensatory mitigation proposal wiA Ae PCN, Ae propc»sal may be dAer conceptual or detailed. (c) To Ae extent aj^wopriate, permittees should conrider mitigation banking and oAer appropriate forms of compensatory mitigation. If Ae Disbid Engineer detennines flat compensatory mitigation is necessary to offset losses of waters of Ae United States and ensure ttial Ac net adverse effects of Ae authorized work on Ae aquatic environment are minimal, consolidated mitigation approaches, such as mitigation banlcs, will be tiw preferred meAod of providing compensatory mitigation, unless the Distrid Engineer detennines ttiat activity-specific compensatory mitigation is more appropriate, based on which is best for the aquatic cnvirohmenL These types of mitigation are pteferred because Aey invohre larger blocks of proteded aquatic environment are more likdy to meet ttie mitigation goals and are more easify checked for compliance. If a mitigation bank or ottier consolidated mitigation approadi is not available in Ae watershed, ttie Disbirt -Engineer wiU conrider o Aer appropriate fonns ^ of compensatory mitigation to o££set tiie losses of waters of ttw United States to ensure ttiat ttw net >mJ adverse effects of the authorized work on the aquatic environment are nunimaL 20. Spawning Areas. Activities, induding sfruchires and work in navigable waters of Ae United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to Ae maximum octent practicablt Activities ttiat result in ttw phyrical desbniction (tg., excavate, fiU. or smo Aer downstream by substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not auAorized. 21. Management of Water Hows. To Ae maximum extent practicable, Ae activity must be derigned to maintam preconstruction downstream fiow conditions (cg, location, capadfy, and flow rates). Furthermore, Ae activity must not permanentiy restrid or impede Ac passage of normal or expected high ' . flows (unless the primary purpose of Ae fill is to impound waters) and ttie strurture or discharge of dredged or fiU material must withstand expected high flows: The activity must to the maximum extent practicable, provide for retaining excess flows from the rite, provide for maintaining surface flow rates from the rite similar to preoonsbruction crmditions, and must not increase water flows from Ae prtjjert rite, rdocate water, or redired water flow beyond preconstruction conditions. In addition, Ae activity must to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erorion downsfream and upstream of Ae prcjjed rite, unless Ae activity is part of a larger system derigned to manage water flows. 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. If ttw activity, inchiding sbnidures and work in navigable waters of Ac United States or discharge of dred^ or fiU material, creates an impoundment of water, advese effects on the aquatic system caused by Ae accelerated passage of water and/or Ae restriction of its flow shall be minimized to Ae maximum extent practicable, 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Activities, induding strurtures and work in navigable wateis of Ae United States or disciiarges of dredged or Gil material, into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to ttw maximum extent practicable. 24. Removal of Temporary HDs. Any temporary fills must be removed in Aeir entirefy and Ae affeded areas retumed to Aeir preexisting elevation. 25. Designated Critical Resource Waters. Critical resource waters indude. NOAA-designated marine sanrtuaries. National Esbiaiine Researdi Reserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened and endangered spedes, coral reefa. State nabiral heritage rites, and outstanding national resource waters or ottwr waters offidany dcrignated by a State as having particular environmental or ecological rignificance and identified by Ae Distrid Engineer after notice and opportunity for pubh'c comment The Distrid Engineer may also derigrute adeiitional critical resource waters after notice and C opportunity for comment (a) Exc^ as noted below, discharges of dredged or ESI material into waters of the United States are not auAorized by NWPs 7,12,14.16.17,21,29,31,35,39,40,42.43, and 44 for any activity wittiin, or diredfy affecting, oitical resource waters, induding wetlands adjacent to such waters. Discharges of dredged or fiU materials into waters of ttw United States may be auAorized by Ae above NWPs in National Wild and Scenic Rrvezs if ttw activity complies wiA General Condition 7. Furttiff, such ciischarges may be authorized in derignated critical habitat for FederaUy listed threatened or endangered spedes if the activify complies wiA Ceneral Coruiition 11 and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marizw Hsheries Service has concuzred in a determination of con^Uance wiA this condition. (b) For NWs 3,8,10,13, IS, 18,19,22.23,25,27,28,30,33,34,36,37, and 38; notification is required in accordance wiA General Condition 13, for any activify proposed in tiw deagnated critical resource wateis induding wetlands adjacent to those waters. The CKstrirt Engineer may authorize activities under tiiese NWPs only after he determines that Ae impacts to the critical resource waters wiU be no more than minimaL 26. Fills Within lOO-Ycar Floodplains. For purposes of this general condition. lOO-year floodplains wiU be identified throu^ ttw Federal &nergency Management Agents (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. (a) Disdiaryes Below Headwaters. Disdiarges of dredged or fiU material into waters of the United States resulting in permarwrUr above-grade fiUs within tiw lOQ-year floodplain at or below the point on a stream where the average annual flow is five cubic feet per second (i.e., below headwaters) are not autiiorized by NWPs 29,39,40,42,43, and 44. For NWPs 12 and 14, ttie prospective permittee must notify Ae Distrirt Engineer in accordance wiA General Condition 13 and Ae notification must inchide documentation that any permanent abovergrade fills in waters of Ae Ihiited States wittiin Ae lOO-year floodpUin below headwaters compfy wiA FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain constmction requirements. (b) pisdiarfEes in Headwaters (!.&, above Ae point on a stream where Ae average armual flow is five C cubic foet per second). (1) Fiood Frinye. Discharges of dredged or fiH material into waters of ttw Lhiited States resulting in permaneit above-grade fills within ttw fiood fringe of ttw lO&year floo^lain of headwaters are not authorized by NWPs 12.14,29, 39,40,42,43, and 44, unless Ae prospective permittee iwtifics Ae Distrirt Engineer in accordance wiA Genoal Conclition 13. The notification must indude documentation that sudi discfiarges comply wiA FEMA or FBvlA-approved local floodplain consbxirtion requirements. CZ) Hoodway. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States resulting in permanent above- grade fills wittiin the floodway of ttw lOO-year fioodplain of headwaters are not authorized by NWPs 29,39,40,42, 43, and 44. For NWPs 12 and 14. Ae permittee must notify the Distrirt Engineer in accordance wiA General -Condition 13 and the notification must indude documentation tiiat ar^ permanent abbve grade fiUs proposed in Ae floodway compfy wiA FEMA or FEMA-apprqved local floodplain constmction requirements. c California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region •on H. Hickox icretarfjor virvmnetiinl Proucticn lalemct Address: bup://vi-*vf jwrcb.ca.gov/-r«»^b9/ 9771 daircmoot Mesa BouJcvanl. Suite A SM Dicgo. California 92124-1324 Phooc C858) 467-2932 • FAX (858) 571-6972 Action on Request for Clcan Watcr Act section 401 Water Quality Certification for Discharge of Dredged and/or HU Materials JAW i 0 2001 DEPARTMENT to PROJECT: APPLICANT: Rancho Santa Fe Road (File No. OOC-045) MT; David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 ACTION: 1. • (Drdcr for Standard Certification 2. • Order for Technically-conditioned Certification - 3. • Order for Denial of Certification STANDARD CONDITIONS: The foUowing three standard conditions apply to all certification actions, except as noted under CoDdition 3 for denials (Action 3). 1. This certification action is subject to modification or revocation upon administrative or judicial review, including review and amendment pursuant to section 13330 ofthe Califomia Water Code and section 3867 of Title 23 of the Califonua Code of Regulations (23 CCR). 2. This certification action is not intended and shall not be construed to apply to any discharge from any activity involving a hydroelectric facility requiring a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license or an amendment to a FERC license unless the pertinent certification application was filed pursuant to 23 CC^R subsection 3855Cb) and the application specifically identified that a FERC license or amendment to a FERC license for a hydioclectric facility was being soughL 3. The validity of any non-denial certification action (Actions 1 and 2) shall be conditioned upon total payment of the full fee required under 23 CCR section 3833. unless otherwise stated in writing by die certifying agency. Califomin Environmental Protection Agency Flic No. OOC-045 QyDITIONAL CONDITIONS: In addition to the three standard conditions, the applicant shall satisfy the following: 1 The project shall be implemented as described in the application submitted on April 26. 2000. Any deviation from the proposed project, as described in File No. OOC-045. sh require additional 401 Water (Juality CMfication. 2 All storm drain inlets shall have storm di^ inlet filters (c.g.. Fossil filters or their equivalent) to treat urban runoff. Maintenance of these fillers shaU be conducted per the manufacturers specifications by tt»e Oty of Carisbad. REGIONAL WATOR QUAUTY CONTROL BOARD CONTACT PERSON: Stacey Baczkowski . CaHfomia Re^onal Water QuaHty Control Board, San Diego Region 9711 Clairemont Mesa Blvd;. Suite A SanDiego. CA 92124 858-637-5594 ^^'ATER QUAUTY CERTIFICATION: Qereby certify that the proposed discharge from the Rancho Santa F^R^^^ p^'«=^ l^^t^^^ Mc ^able pro^sions of sections 301 CEffluent Umitations"). 302 C^zX^Q^^^ Rdated ^uent notations"). 303 (^ater Qua^^ rNational Standards of Performance"), and 307 CToxic and Pretreatment Effluen S^^l of the Clean Water Act Although we anticipate no further regulatory involvement, shouJd n^^ information come to our attention tiiat indicates a water quaHty problem, we may assue waste discharge requirements at that time. Jcrf^a Robcrtus' tfecutive Officer Regional Water Quality Control Board Attachments 1 and 2 C Attachment 1 File No. OOC-045 Applicant: AppHcant Representatives: Project Name: Project Location: Type of ProjecL- Projcct Description: ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT INFORMATION Mr. David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 760-602-2739 760-602-8562 (f) Ms. Sherri Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Tiurd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 760-942-5147 760-632-8710(0 Rancbo Santa Fe Road (OOC-045) The proposed projcct.sitc is located in Ae eastem portion of Ac C5ty of Calsbad, in northem San Diego County. The project footprint Hcs within Ac northwestern portion of Ae Rancho Santa Fc United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle; sections 1. 6.19,20.29,30. 31,32; Townships 12 and 13 SouA; Range 3 and 4 West ' Road leaHgomcnl and sewer pipeline. The proposed widening and rcaHgnmcnt project is part of the City of C^lsbad's General Plan to upgrade Riincho SanU Fc Road to a Prime Arterial Roadway Dcrignation. A Prime Arterial Roadway has a 126-foot right-of-way containing six travel lanes, a bike lane, an 18 foot raised median, ridcwalks, curb, and gutter. The northerly approach for Ae new bridge(s) would be approximately 2,200 feet long and include Ae reconstruction of Ac La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, and the reconstruction of approximately 300 feet of La C^ta Meadows Drive cast of Ae intersection. The reaHgned Rancho Santa Fc Road would be constructed to Ae full widA on Ac east side of Ac median, wiA sidewalks, curb and gutter, and street Ughts from Ae bridge to norA of Melrose Drive. The Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be moved approximaicly 400 feet to Ae north of Ae present intersection. Melrose Drive would be reaHgned from the Comita Drivc/Mclrosc Drive intersection northwest to Ac realigned Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fc Road intersection. Comita Drive would be extended to cotmect wiA the realigned Melrose Drive. A 24-inch sewer pipeline would also be installed by the Vallecitos Water o Attachment 1 -T- ] I C Federal Agency/Permit: File No. OOC-045 District during conslruction of the bridge. The pipeHne would be witiiin Ae Umits of tenr^rary disturbance associated wiA the bridge and would not result in any additional inpacts. The pipeline will be encased wiA concrete and riprap. wiA a slope of 1.5:1, wiU be placed around Ac pipe. The pipeline, concrete, and riprap wUl be placed below grade with a minimum of 1 foOt of COVCT OVCT tbc tOp. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14. 18. and 33 Other Required Regulatory Califomia Department of Hsh and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement Approvals: CaHfomia Enviroiimcntal (JuaUtyAct (CEQA) Conpliance: Receiving Water. Impacted Waters of Ae United States: Dredge Volume: Related Projects Implemented/to be Implemented by the AppHcant(s): Compensatory Mitigation: Best Management I Practices: In 1992. tbc Qty of Carlsbad approved the pfeUminaiy aUgnment for the Rancho SanU Fe Road icaiignment and Mass Grading Project; the EIR for this projea was certified by Ae City of Carisbad on AprU 3. 1992- An addendum to Ae final EIR was prepared in March 2000 to address Ae fmal alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. San Mareos Creek, unnamed ephemeral drainages The proposed project wiU pemianentiy impact 0.42 acre of southem - • wUlow scrub, 0.27 acre of disturbed wetiands, and 0.24 acre of unvegetated ephemeral waters ofthe U.S. Tcmponay inpacts include 0.97 acre of souAcm wiUow scrub. 1,227 cubic yards. The City of Carlsbad has implemented two projects in the past five years ttiat have resulted in. temporary impacts to San Marcos Creek Tbe first project consisted of emergency access to trpair a dip section ofthe Gibralter Street bridge. The second project replaced and/or repaired pedestrian and golf cart bridges at La Costa. Temporaiy inpacts for boA of Acsc projects arc estimated at 0.1 to 03 acre. The proposed mitigation program wiU include a total of Z2 acres of offsite creation and 1.4 acres of offsite enhancement of jurisdictional souAcm willow scrub and freshwater marsh. The proposed mitigation area is located immediately cast of die project area within University Commons along San Marcos Cnek. Tbe mitigation area wiU be preserved as an element of tiie Fieldstone HCP. In addition, 0.54 acre of jurisdictional souAera willow scrub wiH be restored onsite wthin die area of impact along San Mareos Creek AH storm dram inlets shall have storm drain inlet filters (e.g., FossU filters or their equivalent) to Drat urban runoff. Maintenance of these filters shaU be conducted per tiic manufacturers specifications by tiie City of Carlsbad. Aliachment 2 - , File No. OOC-045 ATTACHMENT 2 DISTRIBUTION LIST Mr. Terry Dean Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 16885 West Bemardo Drive, Suite 300A SanDiego, CA 92127 Ms. Sherri Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas. CA 92024 . State Water Resources C^trol Board Division of Water (JuaHty Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachment O Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 ATTACHMENT O ^ NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) O ERRECA'S INC. P:\l 310_RSF^S WPPP\512_DR\Phase 1 \S WPPP_ ATTACHMENTs.docOl/14/03 ton H. Hickox Secretary for .nvironmenial Proleclion State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water QuaHty lOOI 1 Street • Sacramento. California 95814.(916)341-5537 Mailing Address: P.O.Box 1977 •Sacramento. Califomia •95812-1977 FAX (916) 341-5543 • Internet Address: httpy/www.swn:b.ca.gov Gray Da\is Governor To: Storm Water Permit Holder C RE: NOTICE OF TERMD^fATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER PERMIT (GENERAL PERMIT) In order for us to terminate your coverage under the General Permit, please complete and submit the enclosed Notice of Termination (NOT) your local Regional Water Quality Controi Board (RWQCB). Refer to tiie last page of tiie NOT packet for RWQCB locations. Please note that you are subject to the aimual fee until you file a NOT and the RWQCB approves your NOT. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your local RWQCB at the number listed on tiie back page of the NOT package, or the Stoim Water Unit at (916) 341-5537. Sincerely, Storm Water Unit Division of Water Quality Enclosure c c c c State of Caiifomia State Water Resoiirces Control Board NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Submission of this Notice of Termination constitutes notice that the owner (and his/her agent) of the site identified on this form is no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with constnjction activity by NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002. I. WDID NO. II. OWNER COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CITY STATE ZIP PHONE III. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION A. DEVELOPER NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CITY CA ZIP PHONE B. SITE ADDRESS COUNTY CITY CA ZIP PHONE IV. BASIS OF TERMINATION 1. The constnjction project Is complete and the following conditions have been met. - All elements of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed. - Construction materials and waste have been disposed of properly. - The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements. - A post-construction storm water operation and management plan is in place. Date of project completion / / 2. Constnjction activities have been suspended, either temporarily or indefinitely, and the following conditions have been met. - All elements of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed. - Constmction materials and waste have been disposed of properly. - All denuded areas and other areas of potential erosion are stabilized. - An operation and maintenance plan for erosion and sediment control is in place. - The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements. Date of suspension / / Expected start up date / / c c c 3. Site can not discharge storm water to waters of the United States (check one). All storm water is retained on site. All storm water is discharged to evaporation or percolation ponds offsite. . 4. Discharge of storm water from the site is now subject to another NPDES general permit or an individual NPDES permit. NPDES Permit No. Date coverage began / / 5. There is a new owner of the identified site. Date of owner transfer / / Was the new owner notified of the General Permit requirements? YES NO NEW OWNER INFORMATION COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CTTY STATE ZIP PHONE V. EXPLANATION OF BASIS OF TERMINATION (Attach site photographs - see instnjctions). VI. CERTIFICATION: 1 certify under penalty of law that all storm water discharges associated with construction activity from the identified site that are authorized by NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002 have been eliminated or that I am no longer the owner of the site. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination, I am no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity under the general pemilt. and that discharging pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity to waters of the United States Is unlawful under the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a NPDES permit. I also understand that the submittal of this Notice of Termination does not release an owner from liability for any violations of the general permit or the Clean Water Act. PRINTED NAME TfTLE giQNATgRE: DATE / / REGIONAL WATER BOARD USE ONLY This Notice of Temiination has been reviewed, and I recommend tennination of coverage under the subject NPDES general permit. Printed Name Region No. Signature Date (_ c State ol California State Water Resources Control Board INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING NOTICE OF TERMINATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Who Mav File Dischargers who are presentiy covered under NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002 for discharge of storm water associated with construction activity may submit a Notice of Termination when they meet one of the following criteria. 1. The construction project has been completed and the following conditions have been met: all elements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed; construction materials and equipment maintenance waste have been disposed of properiy; the site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements including erosion/sediment control requirements and the appropriate use pemiits have been obtained; and a post-constmction storm water operation and management plan is in place. 2. Constmction activities have been suspended, either temporarily or indefinitely and the following conditions have been: all elements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed; constmction materials and equipment maintenance waste have been disposed of properly; all denuded areas and other areas of potential erosion are stabilized; an operation and maintenance plan for erosion and sediment control is in place; and the site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements including erosion/sediment control requirements. The date constmction activities were suspended, and the expected date construction activities will start up again should be provided. 3. Constmction site can not discharge storm water to waters of the United States. Please indicate if all storm water is retained on site or if storm water is collected offsite. 4. Discharge of constmction storm water from the site is now subject to another NPDES general permit or an individual NPDES permit. The general permit or individual permit NPDES number and date coverage began should be provided. 5. There is a new owner of the kJentified site. If ownership or operation of the facility has been transferred then the previous owner must submit a Notice of Termination and the new owner must submit a Notice of Intent for coverage under the general permit. The date of transfer and information on the new owner should be provided. Note that the previous owner may t>e liable for discharge from the site until the new owner files a Notice of Intent for coverage under the general permit Where to File The Notice of Termination should be submitted to the Executive Officer of the Regional Water Board responsible for the area in which the facility is located. See attached. If the Executive Officer, or his designated staff, agrees with the basis of termination, the Notice of Termination will be transmitted to the State Water Board for processing. If the Executive Officer, or his designated staff, does not agree with the basis of termination, the Notice of Termination will be reuimed. The Regional Water Board may also inspect your site prior to accepting the basis of termination. C c c LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS All necessary information must be provided on the form. Type or print In the appropriate areas oniy. Submit additional information, if necessary, on a separate sheet of paper. SECTION l-WDID NO. The WDID No. is a number assigned to each discharger covered under the General Pennit. If you do not know your WDID No., please call the State Water Board or Regional Water Board and request it prior to submittai of the Notice of Tennination. SECTION II-OWNER Enter the owner of the constmction site's official or legal name (This should correspond with the name on the Notice of Intent submitted for the site), address of the owner, contact person, and contact person's title and telephone number. SECTION III-CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION In Part A, enter the name of the developer (or genera! contractor), address, contact person, and contact person's title and telephone number. The contact person should be the construction site manager completely familiar with the constmction site and charged with compliance and oversight of the general permit. This information should correspond with information on the Notice of Intent submitted for the site. In Part B. enter the address, county, and telephone number (if any) of the constmction site. Constmction sites that do not have a street address must attach a legal description of the site. SECTION IV-BASIS OF TERMINATION Check the category which best defines the basis of your termination request. See the discussion of the criteria in the Who Mav File section of these instmctions. Provide dates and other information requested. Use the space under Explanation of Basis of Termination heading. SECTION V-EXPLANATION OF BASIS OF TERMINATION Please explain the basis or reasons why you believe your constmction site is not required to comply with the General Permit. To support your explanation, provide a srte map and photograph of your site. SECTION VI-CERTIFICATION This section must be completed by the owner of the site. The Notice of Termination must be signed by: For a Corporation: a responsible corporate officer For a Partnership or Sole Proprietorship: a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. For a Municipality, State, or other Non-Federal Public Agency: either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For a Federal Agency: either the chief or senior executive officer of the agency. Terry Tamminen Secretary for Environmental Protection State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Qualify loot I Street • Sacramento, Califomia 95814 • (916) 341-5536 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1977 • Sacramento, California • 958I2-I977 FAX (916) 341-5543 • Intemet Address: httpy/www.swrct).ca.gov March 26, 2004 Carrie Loya Smalley City Of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor APR 0 5 200-1 DEPARTMHM RECEIPT OF YOUR NOTICE OF INTENT The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) has received and processed your NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. Accordingly, you are required to comply with the permit requirements. The WDID identification number 9 37C326650. Please use this number in any future communications regarding this permit. SITE DESCRIPTION OWNER: City of Carlsbad DEVELOPER: Errecas Hanson SJH COUNTY: San Diego SITE ADDRESS: Rancho Santa Fe Rd From Melrose Dr To San Elijo Rd Carlsbad, CA 92009- COMMENCEMENT DATE: 12/3/03 EST. COMPLETION DATE: 06/30/06 Wh^ construction is complete or ownership hffit been transferred, dischargers are required to notify the Regional Water Board by submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT). All State and local requirements mustbe met in accordance witii Special Proviskm No. 7 of tiie Cieneral Permit. If you do not notify the State Water Board that construction activity has been completed you will continue to be invoiced for the annual fee each January. Please visit the storm water web page at www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwtr/index.htm! to obtain atl NOT and otiier storm water related mformation and forms. If you have any questions regarding permit requirements, please contact your Regional Water Board at (858) 467-2952. Sincerely, Storm Water Section Division of Water Quality California Environmental ProtecHon Agency Recycled Pe^er Stats Water Resources Control Board NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 99-08-DWQ) Attachment 2 I. NOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) 1 MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1. • New Construction 2. Change of Information tor WDID# .S^IS^IT^ II. PROPERTY OWNER Name Contact Person Mailing Address TiUe City State Zip Phone ( ) 111. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Developer/Contractor Contact Person Mailing Address Title City state Zip Ptione NSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION ctName Physical Address/t-ocalion Site Contact Person Latitude Longitude - City (or nearest City) Zip County A. Total size of constructton sile area: Acres B. Total area to t>e disturtwd: Acres (%of total. C. Percent ot site imperviousness {including rooftops): Before Construction: % After Construction: % Site Ptione Number Emergency Phone Number D. Tract Number(s): E. Mile Post Marker F. Is the constmctton site part ot a larger common plan of development or sale? • YES • NO H. Constmction commencemeni date: I. % of site to be mass graded: J L G, Name of plan or development: J. Projected construction dates: Complete grading: / / Complete project K. Type of Construction (Check all that apply): 1. • Residential 2. • Commercial 3. • Industrial 4. • Reconstmction 5. • Transportatic 6. • Utility Description: 7. • Other (Please Ust): V. BILLING INFORMATION SEND BILL TO: • OWNER (as In II. above) Name Contact Person r • •ELOPER .n III. above) Mailing Address Phone/Fax • OTHER 1 (enter infomiation at riqht) City State Zip VI.'REGULATORY STATUS A. Has a local agency approved a required erosion/sediment control plan? Q Y^g Q Does the erosion/sediment controi plan address constmction activities such as infrastmcture and structures? []] YES • NO Name of local agency: Phone' ( ) iH^..^lis project or any part thereof, subject to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 pennit of 401 Water Quality Certification? • YES D NO If yes, provide details: VH. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does the storm water runoff from the constaiction site discharge to (Check all that apply); 1. n Indirectly to waters of the U.S. 2. • Storm drain system - Enter owner's name: 3. • Directly to waters of U.S. (e.g., river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc.) B. Name of receiving water: (river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean): yin. IMPLEMENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVEhJTION PLAN (SWPPP) (check one) • A SWPPP has been prepared for this facility and is available for review: Date Prepared: / / Date Amended: • A SWPPP will be prepared and ready for review by (enter date): / / • A tentative schedule has been included in the SWPPP for actiwtles such as grading, street conslruction, home constnjction. etc. B. MONH'ORING PROGRAM n A monitoring and maintenance schedule has been developed tfiat includes inspectton of the construction BMPs before anticipated stonn events and after actual stonm events and is available for review. "^B^L If ctiecked above: A qualiried person has been assigned responsibility for pre-storm and post-storm BMP Inspections J to identify effectiveness and necessary repairs or design changes Q YES NO Name: QW^^ UT^ Phone: 11(^)1^^-4^9^ C. PERMrr COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY ~~~ A qualified person has been assigned responsibility to ensure full comf^iance with the Perniit and to implement aH elements of the Stomt Water Pollution Prevention Plan including: 1. Preparing M annual compliance evaluafion Q YES • NO Name: 0(024^^ UT^NJG^f^ Phone: ClUn)lU-~ 4^"79^ 2. Eliminating all unauthorized discharges p"[ YES [—| NO IX. VICINITY MAP AND FEE (must show site location in relation to nearest named streets, intersections, etc.) X. CERTIFICATIONS "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submlttinq false Infonnation, Including the possibility of fine or imprisonment In addition, I certify that the provisions of the permit, including the development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Ptan will'be complied with." Stale Waier Resources Control Board NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 99-08 DWQ) Attachment 2 I. NOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1. New Constructbn 2. • ChafKje of Inlormation for WDIOff II. PROPERTY OWNER Name -Conlaci Person Mailing Address TiUe Slate CA Zip Phone III. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Oeveloper/Conlractor . Contact Person Mailing Address Trtle — City Stale CA Zip Phone IV. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION ' ••''Proiect Name Sile Contact Person Hnysical Address/tjxation Latitude Longitude County City (or neiaresl City) Site Phone Number Emergency Phone Number A. Tol^ siZf ol construdKMi sHe area: Acres B. Tolal area to be disturtied: _ [ \ Acres {%o(lotalJLSD C. Percent ol sile impennousness (including rooftops): Before Construction: "7^ % After Construction; D. Tract Non*er(s): fj/ftt E. Mite Post Marker [^l/A., F. b the construction site pad ot a larger common plan Ol devetopment or s^? • YES B<L NO H. Construction commencemeni dale: X. % of site lo tie mass graded: K. Type of Construction (Check all thai apply): 1. Q Residenfial 2. CD Commerdal G. Name of plan or devetopment: J. Projected oinstruclion dates: Comptele gradmg: \h- I ^/ €^ Complete project: 0(^22Qj.Q^ 3. D Industrial 4. Q Reconstructton 6. M Utility Descriotion:'\M/ial^_^i6AJt5tZ< • Other (Please Ust): Transportation V. BILLING INFORMATION ;SEND Ba.LTO: \^ OWNER (as in IL above) Name Contact Person '^RVELOPER Mailing Address Phone/Fax in III. above) ^*Tt_i ^rHER \ (enter information at riqhl) Ctty Slate Zip Has a local agency approved a required eroston/sedimeni control plan? YES Q HQ Does the erosion/sedimeni control plan address construction activities such as infrastructure and structures? _ YES LD NO Nameottocalagency: f^^,-^ C^^dyb^ P^K^ne: (pf)?^- 7^^^ ! this projed or any part thereol.sutJied to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 permit of 40 IWa ^ YES CD NO I »yes.providedetails: ^ T/PPV 0^ RmVlirMWJ4f^ VH. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does the storm waler runoll Irom Ihe conslaictkjn sile discharge lo (Check all Ihat apply): 1. • Indirectly to waters of the U.S. 2. • Storm drain system • Enter owner's name: • 3. Directly lo waters of U.S. (e.g.. river, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean, etc.) B. Name ol receiving waler (river, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean): \hP&i£F:> fj^4<^}^ Vlll. IMPLEMENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (check one) A SWPPP has been prepared loflWsladDty and is available lor review: Date Prepared: iQ / Cfb () h Date Amended:. D A SWPPP virin be prepared and ready tor review by (enter date): / / • A tentative schedute has been included in Ihe SWPPP lor activities such as grading, streel conslruclion. home conslnictton. eta 7- B. MONnORING PROGRAM A monitoring and mainlenance sdiedule has been devetoped that inckides inspection ot the construction BiylPs before anticipated stomi events and after actual storm events and is available lor review. H ctiecked above: A t|ualilied person has been assigned responsibility for pre-storm and post-stonn BMP inspecfions to ktencily eflecliveness and necessary repairs or design changes..... „ . M YES O NO C. PERIWT COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBtlTY A quaSTied person has been assigned responstoMly to ensure fuU compliance with the Permit, and to imf^ment aH etements of the Stomi Water PoRution Prevention Plan including: t. Preparing an annual compfiance evaluation „ rt( YES Q NO 2. Eliitiinating al unautfKMized discharges. „ - ^ YES |~| NO IX. VICINITY HAP AND FEE (must show site tocatton in relalion to nearest named streets, iniersecttons. etc.) Have you induded a vidnily map with this submittal? _ Jg^YES Q ^ Have you induded payment of the annual lee with litis submittal?..- _ _ „ Q YES Q NO X. CERTIFICATIONS "1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed lo assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of line or imprisonment. In addition, I certify that Ihe provisions of the permit, including the development and implementation ol a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan will be complied with." Signature: on H. Hickox 'um^' jcretaryfor Environmental Protection California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region Davis Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb9/ 9771 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Suite A. San Diego, California 92124-1324 Phone (858) 467-2952 • FAX (858) 571-6972 Action on Request for Clean Water Act section 401 Water Quality Certification for Discharge of Dredged and/or Fill Materials JAN 1 0 200] DEPARTMENT Governor PROJECT: APPLICANT: Rancho Santa Fe Road (File No. OOC-045) Mr. David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ACTION: 1. • Order for Standard Certification 2. • Order for Technically-conditioned Certification 3. • Order for Denial of Certification STANDARD CONDITIONS: The following three standard conditions apply to all certification actions, except as noted under Condition 3 for denials (Action 3). 1. This certification action is subject to modification or revocation upon administrative or judicial review, including review and amendment pursuant to section 13330 of the Califomia Water Code and section 3867 of Title 23 of the Califomia Code of Regulations (23 CCR). 2. This certification action is not intended and shall not be construed to apply to any discharge from any activity involving a hydroelectric facility requiring a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license or an amendment to a FERC license unless the pertinent certification application was filed pursuant to 23 CCR subsection 3855(b) and the application specifically identified that a FERC license or amendment to a FERC license for a hydroelectric facility was being sought. 3. The validity of any non-denial certification action (Actions 1 and 2) shall be conditioned upon total payment of the full fee required under 23 CCR section 3833, unless otherwise stated in writing by the certifying agency. California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper File No. OOC-045 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: hi addition to the three standard conditions, the applicant shall satisfy the following: 1. The project shall be implemented as described in the application submitted on April 26, 2000. Any deviation from the proposed project, as described in File No. OOC-045, shall require additional 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. All storm drain inlets shall have storm drain inlet filters (e.g.. Fossil filters or their equivalent) to treat urban runoff. Maintenance of these filters shall be conducted per the manufacturers specifications by the City of Carlsbad. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CONTACT PERSON: Stacey Baczkowski Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region 9771 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite A San Diego, CA 92124 858-637-5594 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the proposed discharge from the Rancho Santa Fe Road project will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301 ("Effluent Limitations"), 302 ("Water Quality Related Effluent Limitations"), 303 ("Water Quality Standards and Implementation Plans"), 306 ("National Standards of Performance"), and 307 ("Toxic and Pretreatment Effluent Standards") of the Clean Water Act. Although we anticipate no further regulatory involvement, should new information come to our attention that indicates a water quality problem, we may issue waste discharge requirements at that time. JM H. Robertas Date cecutive Officer Regional Water Quality Control Board Attachments 1 and 2 Attachment 1 File No. OOC-045 ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT INFORMATION Applicant: Applicant Representatives: Project Name: Project Location: Type of Project: Project Description: Mr. David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2739 760-602-8562 (f) Ms. Sherri Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 760-942-5147 760-632-8710 (f) Rancho Santa Fe Road (OOC-045) The proposed project site is located in the eastem portion of the City of Carlsbad, in northem San Diego County. The project footprint lies within the northwestem portion of the Rancho Santa Fe United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle; sections 1,6, 19,20.29, 30, 31, 32; Townships 12 and 13 South; Range 3 and 4 West. Road realigiunent and sewer pipeline. The proposed widening and realignment project is part of the City of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho Santa Fe Road to a Prime Arterial Roadway Designation. A Prime Arterial Roadway has a 126-foot right-of-way containing six travel lanes, a bike lane, an 18 foot raised median, sidewalks, curb, and gutter. The northerly approach for the new bridge(s) would be approximately 2,200 feet long and include the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, and the reconstruction of approximately 300 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersection. The realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road would be constructed to the fiill width on the east side of the median, with sidewalks, curb and gutter, and street lights from the bridge to north of Melrose Drive. The Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be moved approximately 400 feet to the north of the present intersection. Melrose Drive would be realigned from the Comita Drive/Melrose Drive intersection northwest to the realigned Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. Comita Drive would be extended to connect with the realigned Melrose Drive. A 24-inch sewer pipeline would also be installed by the Vallecitos Water Attachment 1 File No. OOC-045 District during construction of the bridge. The pipeline would be within the limits of temporary disturbance associated with the bridge and would not result in any additional impacts. The pipeline will be encased with concrete and riprap, with a slope of 1.5:1, will be placed around the pipe. The pipeUne, concrete, and riprap will be placed below grade with a minimum of 1 foot of cover over the top. Federal Agency/Permit: Other Required Regulatory Approvals: (Talifomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance: Receiving Water: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14, 18, and 33 Califomia Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement In 1992, the City of Carlsbad approved the prehminary alignment for the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment and Mass Grading Project; the EIR for this project was certified by the City of Carlsbad on April 3, 1992. An addendum to the final EIR was prepared in March 2000 to address the final alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. San Marcos Creek, unnamed ephemeral drainages Impacted Waters of the United States: The proposed project will pennanently impact 0.42 acre of southem willow scmb, 0.27 acre of disturbed wetlands, and 0.24 acre of unvegetated ephemeral waters of the U.S. Temporary impacts include 0.97 acre of southem willow scmb. Dredge Volume: Related Projects Implemented/to be Implemented by the AppUcant(s): Compensatory Mitigation: Best Management Practices: 1,227 cubic yards. The City of Carlsbad has implemented two projects in the past five years that have resulted in temporary impacts to San Marcos Creek. The first project consisted of emergency access to repair a dip section of the Gibralter Street bridge. The second project replaced and/or repaired pedestrian and golf cart bridges at La Costa. Temporary impacts for both of these projects are estimated at 0.1 to 0.3 acre. The proposed mitigation program will include a total of 2.2 acres of offsite creation and 1.4 acres of offsite enhancement of jurisdictional southem willow scrub and freshwater marsh. The proposed mitigation area is located immediately east of the project area within University Commons along San Marcos Creek. The mitigation area will be preserved as an element of the Fieldstone HCP. In addition, 0.54 acre of jurisdictional southem willow scrub will be restored onsite within the area of impact along San Marcos Creek. All storm drain inlets shall have storm drain inlet filters (e.g., Fossil filters or their equivalent) to treat urban ranoff. Maintenance of these filters shall be conducted per the manufacturers specifications by the City of Carlsbad. Attachment 2 File No. OOC-045 ATTACHMENT 2 DISTRIBUTION LIST Mr. Terry Dean Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 16885 West Bemardo Drive, Suite 300A SanDiego, CA 92127 Ms. Sherri Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 8834 HELMING ENGINEERING, INC. CALIFORNIA FEDERAL BANK 1790 COUNTRY UNE ESCONDIDO, CA 92027 ESCONDIDO. CA 92025 90-7177-3222 O/O/^iUU** PH. 760-743-0314 f^^fo THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD 5**500.00 ORDER OF Five Hundred arid 00/100--—™^^ OOLLARS STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BO ^^^^ NOI - Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 2 /^^^^ H'ooaaau'i" i:^a^2?i7?qi: ""Ofls uoi^^iw 0 ELMING ENGINEERING, INC. o/o/onrM «R -5 A STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD HMnrihPh.sp f 500 00 Fee:SWRCB - NOI NOI - Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 2 t)UU.uu CHECKING - CAL F NOI - Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 500.00 As adopted by Resolution 2003-0064 C CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 23. Divisions. Chapter 9. Waste Discharge Reports and Requirements Article 1. Fees Section 2200. Annual Fee Schedules Each person for whom waste discharge requirements have been prescribed pursuant to section 13263 of the Water Code shall submit, to the State Board, an annual fee in accordance with the following schedules. The fee shall be submitted for each waste discharge requirement order issued to that person. An Ambient Water Monitoring (AWM) surcharge will be added to each individual fee. The AWM surcharge for all discharges pursuant to section (a) Non- Nationa! Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and (c) Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) is 9% ofthe calculated fee; the surcharge for all discharges pursuant to section (b) NPDES is 18.5% of the calculated fee. The surcharge shall be applied to all permits prior to other surcharges prescribed herein. (a) Non-NPDES fees: Annual fees for persons issued waste discharge requirement orders for discharges to land under the Waste Discharge Requirements' or surface waters not covered by a NPDES permit and Land Disposal^ Programs, shall be based on the discharge's fee rating according to the following schedule, plus applicable surcharge(s), except as provided in subdivisions (a)(2) and c. ANNUAL FEE SCHEDULE FOR DISCHARGES TO LAND Threat to Water Quality (TTWQ) Complexity (CPLX) Regulatory Programs Threat to Water Quality (TTWQ) Complexity (CPLX) Waste Discharge Requirements' Land Disposal^ 1 A $38,000 $26,000-* I B $24,000 $21,000 1 C $12,950 $13,500 2 A $8,650 $11,250 2 B $5,200 $9,000 2 C $3,900 $6,750 3 A $3,380 $4,500 3 B $1,800 $3,375 3 C $800 $1,500 c ' Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) are those discharges of waste to land that are regulated through waste discharge requirements issued pursuant to Water Code Section 13263 and that do not implemeni the requirements of Title 27 ofthe Califomia Code of Regulations (CCR). Examples include, but are not limited to, wastewater treatment plants, erosion control projects, and septic tank systems. ^ Land Disposal WDRs are those discharges of waste to land that are regulated through waste discharge requirements issued pursuant to Water Code Section 13263 and that implement the requirements of CCR Title 27. Examples include, but are not limited to both active and closed landfills and surface impoundments. ^ A surcharge of $12 000 will be added for Class I Landfills. Class I landfills are those that, during the time they are, or were, m operation are so classified by the RWQCB under 23 CCR Chapter 15, have WDRs that allow (or, for closed units, allowed) them to receive hazardous waste, and have a permit issued by the Department of Toxic Substance Control under 22 CCR Chapter 10, §66270.1 etseq. 1 As adopted by Resolution 2003-0064 (a)(1) Threat to water quality TTWQ and complexity CPLX of the discharge is assigned by the Regional Board in accordance with the following definitions: THREAT TO WATER QUALITY Category "1" - Those discharges of waste that could cause the long-term loss of a designated beneficial use ofthe receiving water. Examples of long-term loss of a beneficial use include the loss of drinking water supply, the closure ofan area used for water contact recreation, or the posting ofan area used for spawning or growth of aquatic resources, including shellfish and migratory fish. Category "2" - Those discharges of waste that could impair the designated beneficial uses ofthe receiving water, cause short-term violations of water quality objectives, cause secondary drinking water standards to be violated, or cause a nuisance. Category "3" - Those discharges of waste that could degrade water quality without violating water quality objectives, or could cause a minor impairment of designated beneficial uses as compared with Category 1 and Category 2. COMPLEXITY Category "A" - Any discharge of toxic wastes, any small volume discharge containing toxic waste or having numerous discharge points or ground water monitoring, or any Class I waste management unit. Category "B" - Any discharger not included above that has physical, chemical, or biological treatment systems (except for septic systems with subsurface disposal), or any Class 2 or Class 3 waste management units. Category "C" - Any discharge for which waste discharge requirements have been prescribed pursuant to Section 13263 ofthe Water Code not included as a Category "A" or Category "B" as described above. Included would be discharges having no waste treatment systems or that must comply with best management practices, discharges having passive treatment and disposal systems, or dischargers having waste storage systems with land disposal. As adopted by Resolution 2003-0064 (a)(2) Dredge and Fill Operation fees shall be assessed as follows, not to exceed $40,000, plus applicable surcharge(s)''. Type of Discharge Fees (i) Fill & Excavation^ Discharges. Size ofthe area as expressed in hundredths of acres (0.01 acre) (436 square feet) rounded up. $500 Base Price + (Discharge area in hundredths of an acre x $21.50) (ii) Dredging Discharges Dredge volume expressed in Cubic Yards. $500 Base Price + (Dredge volume in cubic yards x $0.08) (iii) Channel and Shoreline Discharges Includes linear discharges to drainage features and shorelines, e.g., bank stabilization, revetment and channelization projects. (Note): The fee for channel and shoreline linear discharges will be assessed under the "Fill and Excavation" or "Channel and Shoreline" schedules, whichever results in the higher fee. $500 Base Price + (Discharge length in feet x $5.00) (iv) Discharges to Non-federal (e.g. "Isolated") Waters. Discharges to waters or portions of waterbodies not regulated as "waters ofthe United States", including waters determined to be "isolated" pursuant to the findings of Solid Waste Agency of Nortfiern Coolc County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (200\) 121 S. Ct, 675. Double the applicable fee schedules except for (vi) restorafion projects (v) Low Impact Discharges. Projects may be classified as low impact discharges if they meet all of the following criteria: 1. The discharge size is less than all ofthe following: (a) for fill, 0.1 acre, and 200 linear feet, and (b) for dredging, 25 cubic yards. 2. The discharger demonstrates that:(a) all practicable measures will be taken to avoid impacts, (b) where unavoidable temporary impacts take place, waters and vegetation will be restored to pre-project conditions as quickly as practicable, and (c) where unavoidable permanent impacts take place, there will be no net loss of wetland, riparian area, or headwater fimctions, including onsite habitat, habitat connectivity, floodwater retention, and pollutant removal. 3. The discharge will not do any ofthe following: (a) directly or indirectly destabilize a bed of a receiving water, (b) contribute to significant cumulative effects, (c) cause pollution, contaminafion, or nuisance, (d) adversely affect candidate, threatened, or endangered species, (e) degrade water quality or beneficial uses, (f) be toxic, (g) include "hazardous" or "designated" material. 4 Discharge is to a waterbody regulated as "Waters of the United States". $500 Flat fee. (vi) Restoration Projects. Projects fiinded or sponsored by a govemment program with the primary purpose of restoring or enhancing the beneficial uses of water. This schedule does not apply to projects required under a regulatory mandate or to projects undertaken primarily for some other non-restorative purpose, e.g., land development. (vii) General Orders. Projects which are required to submit notification of a proposed discharge to the State and/or Regional Board as a condition of compliance with a general waste discharge requirement associated with permitting discharges authorized by a federal genera! permh or license, e.g., a 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nafionwide permit. $500 Flat fee $60 Flat Fee c ^ When a single project includes multiple discharges within a single dredge and fill fee category, the fee for that category shall be assessed based on the total area, volume, or length of discharge (as applicable) of the mulfiple discharges. When a single project includes discharges that are assessed under multiple fee categories, the total fee shall be the sum ofthe fees assessed under each applicable fee category; however a $500 base fee, if required, shall be charged only once. ^ "Excavation" refers to moving sediment or soil in shallow waters or under no-flow conditions where impacts to beneficial uses are best described by the area ofthe discharge. It typically is done for purposes other than navigation. Examples include trenching for utility lines, other earthwork preliminary to construction, removing sediment to increase channel capacity, and aggregate mining in fresh waters. 3 As adopted by Resolution 2003-0064 (b) NPDES fees: Annual fees for persons issued permits for discharges to surface waters pursuant to the program, except confined animal feeding operations, shall be based on the following schedules. (b)( I) Each public entity that owns and/or operates a storm water conveyance system, or part of such a system, that is subject to a NPDES permit for storm water discharges from a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) shall pay an annual fee according to the following schedule, plus applicable surcharge(s). The fee shall be based on the population of the public entity according to the most recently published United States Census. For public entities other than cities or counties, the population figure shall be the number of people using the entity's facilities on a daily basis. Flood control districts or other special districts named as co-permittees to MS4 permits and school disU-icts, serving students between kindergarten and fourteenth grade, shall not pay an annual fee if the city or county within whose jurisdiction the district lies, pays an annua! fee. ANNUAL FEE SCHEDULE FOR AREAWIDE MUNICIPAL STORM WATER SEWER SYSTEM PERMITS AND CO-PERMITTEES Population equal to or greater than 250,000 $25,000 Population between 200,000 and 249,999 $21,875 Population between 150,000 and 199,999 $18,875 Population between 100,000 and 149,999 $15,625 Population between 75,000 and 99,999 $12,500 Population between 50,000 and 74,999 $9,375 Population between 25,000 and 49,999 $6,250 Population between 10,000 and 24,999 $3,750 Population between 1,000 and 9,999 $2,500 Less than 1,000 population $1,250 Statewide Permit Holders $100,000 c (b)(2) Storm water discharges associated with industrial activities that are regulated by a general NPDES storm water permit, including those issued by a Regional Board, shall pay an annual fee of $700, plus applicable surcharge(s). An amount equal to the fee prescribed shall be submitted with the discharger's Notice of Intent (NOI) to be regulated under a general NPDES permit and wil! serve as the first annual fee. For the purposes of this section, an NOI is considered to be a report of waste discharge. As adopted by Resolution 2003-0064 (b)(3) Storm water discharges associated with construction activities that are regulated by a general NPDES storm water permit other than those covered under (b)(4), including those issued by a Regional Board, shall pay an annual fee of $200 plus $20 per acre, to a maximum fee of $2,200, plus any applicable surcharge, based on the total acreage listed on the NOI. An amount equal to the fee prescribed shal! be submitted with the discharger's NOI to be regulated under a general NPDES permit and will serve as the first annual fee. For the purposes of this section, an NOI is considered to be a report of waste discharge. (b)(4) Storm water discharges associated with small linear underground and overhead constmction projects, that include but are not limited to, any conveyance, pipe or pipeline for the distribution of any gaseous liquid (including water for domestic municipal services or wastewater), liquescent, or slurry substance; any cable line or wire for the transmission of electrical energy; and any cable line or wire for communications, that are regulated by a general NPDES storm water permit are subject to the following annual fees, plus applicable surcharge(s): Tier 1 -$5,000 for each region in which activities subject to the permit are conducted, or Tier 2 -A fee as prescribed by (b)(3), based on the area covered by the project. (b)(5) All other NPDES permitted discharges with permitted flows of less than 100 million gallons per day (mgd) except as provided in (b)(6), (b)(7), (b)(8), (b)(9) and c, shall pay a fee according to the following formula: Fee = $ 1,000 plus 3418 multiplied by the permitted flow, in mgd, to the maximum plus any apphcable surcharge(s). The maximum fee for NPDES permitted industrial discharges^ is $35,000, plus any applicable surcharge(s). NPDES permitted industrial discharges with a Threat/complexity' rating of lA, IB or IC are subject to a surcharge as follows: Threat/Category IC - $5,000 Threat /Category IB - $10,000 Threat/Category lA- $15,000 The maximum fee for NPDES permitted public wastewater treatment facilities is $50,000, plus applicable surcharge(s). Public wastewater U-eatment facilities with approved pretreatment programs are subject to a surcharge of $10,000. Agencies with multiple facilities under one approved pretreatment program shal! pay a $10,000 surcharge per program. (b)(6) All NPDES discharges with permitted flows of 100 mgd or greater shall pay a fee of $100,000, plus applicable surcharges. The fee shall be based on permitted effluent flow specified in the discharge permit, except as provided in (b)(7), (b)(8) and (b)(9). If there is no permitted effluent flow specifled, the fee shall be based on the designed flow of the facility. ^ NPDES permitted industrial discharger(s) means those industries idenfified in the Standard Industrial Classificafion Manual, Bureau ofthe Budget, 1967, as amended and supplemented, under the category "Division D—Manufacturing" and such other classes of significant waste producers as, by regulation, the U.S. EPA Administrator deems appropriate. (33 USC Sec. 1362). ' Threat/complexity categories are listed on page 2 of this document tified "THREAT TO WATER QUALITY . Srorm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 c Project Name: SWPPP Amendment No. I Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 City of Carisbad Contract Number: 3190 RECEIVED OCT 1 2003 DUDEK A ASSOC. FIELD OFFICF To Be Completed by Contractor "I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informafion, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Contractor's Signature Date 619-390-64X00 Contractor's Name and Titie Telephone Number For Construction Manager^s Use Only Construction Manager's Review and Certification of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Amendment "I certify under,a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the informatioif submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informafion, including the possibility of fme and imprisonment for knowing violafions." CM's Signature ia4 Date CM's Name CM's Telephone Number RRECA'S INC. P;\1310 RSF SWPPP\512 DR\Phase1\SWPPP Main RSF Road Doc January 17,2003 Section 200 Page 200-2 Siorm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 200.2 Amendment Log O Project Name: Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 City of Carisbad Contract Number: 3190 Amendment No. Date Brief Description of Amendment Prepared By / > ERRECA'S INC. P;\1310_RSF_SWPPP\512_DR\Phase 1\SV*/PPP_Main RSF Road.Doc Section 200 Page 200-3 January 17,2003 Sfonn Water PoUution PrevenUon Plan (SWPPP) Rancfw Santa Fe Roaa Norm, Pliase 1 Contract No. 3190 ^ Section 600 Monitoring Program and Reports C 600.1 Site Inspections The contractor will inspect the site prior to a forecast storm, after a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site, at 24-hour intervals during extended rain events, and as specified in the project Special Provisions, The results of all inspections and assessments will be documented and copies of the completed inspection checklists will be maintained with the SWPPP. Site inspections conducted for monitoring purposes will be performed using the inspection checklist shown in Attachment H. The name(s) and contact number(s) of the assigned inspection personnel are listed below: Assigned inspector: Leonard Neumann Travis Schmidt Contact Rione: (619)^3-7551 Mobile Phone (619)-922-8592 Contact Phone (619)^3-7551 Mobile Hione (619> €©«teet-Phone (619)-922-8641 600.2 Discharge Reporting If a discharge occurs or if the project receives a written notice or order from any regulatory agency, the contractor will iromediately notify the Engineer and will file a written report to the CM within 7 days of the discharge event, notice, or order. Corrective measures will be implemented immediately following the discharge, notice or order. A sample discharge form is provided in Attachment K, Contact phone: C7(^o^ 7^¥' */r?S CM's Telephone Number The report to the CM will contain the following items: • The date, time, location, nature of operation, and type of unauthorized discharge, including the cause or nature of the notice or order, • The control measures (BMPs) deployed before the discharge event, or prior to receiving notice or order, • The date of deployment and type of control measures (BMPs) deployed after the discharge event, or after receiving the notice or order, including additional measures installed or planned to reduce or prevent reoccurrence, and • An implementation and maintenance schedule for any affected BMPs ERRECA'S INC. D:U.O«Utf'rDject W0fk\1310 RSF SWPPP\Leonard.Doc January 17,2003 Sectton 600 Page 600-1 RECEIVED OCT 1 2003 DUDEK & ASSOC. FIELD OFFICE _ Citv of Carlsbad Public Works - Engineering City of Carlsbad Rainy Season Action Plan for Construction Sites c Action Plans are to be in place by October 1,2003 and UPDATED prior to each rain event. Project Name: Rancho Santa Fe North / Phase 1 Date: 10/1/03 Project Address: Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Ave and San Eliio Rds. Contractor: Erreca's Inc. Project Manager: Leonard J. Neumann Inspector Name & Title; Inspector Signature: Existine Condition Action Pian Erosion Control: Gravel bags are placed, silt fence is placed at toe of slopes Additional silt fence and gravel bags are onsite in the event of a storm and existing measures become inadequate. In the event of a storm run off water will be diverted into the storm drain stmctiu-e at sta 167+36 at the south end of the project and into the storm drain line at sta 11+50 at the north end of the project. Sediment Controls: N/A at this time BMP's will be placed prior to a storm Matenals and Wastes: Trash dumpsters are onsite, concrete washout areas are constructed, Stockpiles of materials will be covered prior to a storm Discharge Locations: Discharge areas are not complete at this fime BMP's will be placed prior to a storm Finished Slope Protection: N/A at this time Slopes will be stabilized until permanent hydro seeding is completed Unfinished Slope Protection: All inactive slopes are stabilized Active slopes will be stabilized when they become inactive Construction Entrance/Exit: Constmction entrance is complete Additional 3" minus rock onsite for maintenance of the entrance Inlet Protection: Gravel bags are placed at inlets Additional gravel bags are onsite in the event they are needed Other: c c SUBMITTAL / SHOP DRAWING TRANSMITTAL FORM FROM: ERRECA'S / HANSON SJH 12570 Slaughterhouse Canyon Road Lakeside, CA 92040 DATE: January 24.2003 PROJECT NAME: Rancho Santa Fe Road North Phase 1 Bid Schedule A TO: Dudek & Associates 1645 Rancho Santa Fe Rd #202 San Marcos, CA 92069 ATTN: Bill Gallegos Resident Engineer PROJECT NO: Contract No. 3190 OWNER: City of Carlsbad 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 c SUBMITTAL NO.: 10 THIS IS AN ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL X NUMBER OF SUBMITTAL SETS: SUBJECT OF SUBMITTAL: SPECIFICATION SECTION(S): PLAN SHEET NUMBER(S): SWPPP Plan THIS IS A REVISION OF SUBMITTAL NO.: Supplemental Provisions Sec 300-13 Drawing No 368-2 / Sheets 29 through 41 CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATION: Check & Complete either (A) or (B) below: X (A) We have reviewed in detail and certify that all the material, equipment or construction procedure{s) contained in this submittal meet all the requirements specified in or shown on the Contract Documents, Construction Specifications and Construction plans with no exceptions. (B) We have reviewed in detail and certify that all the material, equipment or construction procedure(s) contained in this submittai meet all the requirements specified in or shown on the Contract Documents, Construction Specifications and Construction plans except for the followina deviations: "1 hereby certify that the (equipment, material) shown and marked in this submittal or shop drawing is that proposed to be incorporated into this Project, is in compliance with the Contract Documents, can be installed in the allocated spaces, and is submitted for review." CONTRACTORS AUTldORlZED SIGNATURE: Company Name: ERRECA'S INC. Title: Leonard J. Neumann / Project Manager Date: January 24, 2003 c JAN.-28'03(TUE) 15 = 45 ERRECASINC :JAN -39'03(TUE] M.5/ TEL:6194433002 P. 001/001 Slorm Water Pollution Prevention Plan fSWPPP)-AttaQhmanl I Rancho Santa Fe floatf Narth. Phase } Contract No. 3^90 Project Name: City of Carsbad Number: Storm Water Management Training Log Rancho Santa Fa Road North. Phase I fClearinai 3190 Storm Waler Management Topic: (check aa appropriate) H Temporary Soil Stabilization ^ Temporary Sediment Control El Wind Erosion Control ^ Tracking Control 0 Non-storm waler managemem H Wasio Management and Materials pollution Control Specific Training Objective: BMP's. Emi».r>n r^ntri AQC Office. SanPleoo Date: //- ;0.2.«90D Instructor -Age fCallrana. Countv of San Diego Telephonfl: f619l-55a-744<l Attendee Roster (attach additional fonns if necessary) Name John Bartlett Duff Joseph George Spriz Ken Pilklnaton Tye Moodi Comments: Company Erreca's Inc. Erreca's Inc. Dreca'a Inc. Erreca's Inc. Jrreoa's ifH!. Phone 619-390-6400 619'390'6400 619-390-6400 619-390-6400 619-390^6400 ERflECA'S (NcT P.U3lt),RSFJwpPW,2_DR'J^.^,\SWPPP.ArrACHMW c Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)-Attachnient I Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Contract No. 3190 Storm Water Management Training Log Project Name: City of Carsbad Number: Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Phase I fClearinq) 3190 Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate) M Temporary Soil Stabilization ^ Temporary Sediment Control S Wind Erosion Control ^ Tracking Control S Non-storm water management ^ Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control BMP's. Erosion Control Specific Training Objective: Location: AGC Office. San Dieao Date; Instructor: AGC (Caltrans. Countv of San Dieoo Telephone: (619)-558-7444 Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone John Bartlett Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Duff Joseph Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Georqe Spriz Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Ken Pilkinqton Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 Tye Moodi Erreca's Inc. 619-390-6400 c Comments: ERRECA'S INC. P:\l310_RSF_SWPPP\512„DR\Phase i\SWPPP_ATTACHMENTs.doc01/14/03