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3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 2; Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 2; 2004-04-16
^ 18 iMnn WATER POU imOU PREVENTION PLh for RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 Prepared for: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1203 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 MARK PLOTNIKIEWICZ, RESIDENT ENGINEER 760-744-4578 Submitted by: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 2585 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081-8831 760-727-9767 ROY BARTLF.TT, PROJECT MANAGER Project Site Address RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Melrose to San Elijo Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manaser MARC PACHECO 760-C01-1885 SWPPP Prepared by: rC\ CONSTRUCTORS, INC 2585 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081 - 8831 760-727-9767 Roy Bartlett, Project Manager SWPPP Preparation Date April 16, 2004 if*:' Storm Water Pollution Prevetition Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 Section 100 SWPPP Certifications and Approval IQO-I 100.1 Initial SWPPP Certification lOO-l 100.2 SWPPP Approval 100-2 100.3 Annual Compliance Certification 100-3 Section 200 SWPPP Amendments........... „... 200-1 200.1 SWPPP Amendment Certification and Approval 200-1 200.2 Amendment Log 200-4 Section 300 Introduction and Project Description „ 300-1 300.1 Introduction and Project Description 300-1 300.2 Unique Site Features 300-1 300.3 Constmction Site Estimates 300-1 300.4 Project ScheduleAVater Pollution Control Schedule 300-1 300.5 Contact Information/List of Responsible Parties 300-3 Section 400 References.. „„ 40O-I Section 500 Body of SWPPP..... , 50O-I 500.1 Objectives 500-1 500.2 Vicinity Map 500-1 500.3 Pollutant Source Identification and BMP Selection 500-1 500.3.1 Inventory of Materials and Activities that May Pollute Storm Water. 500-1 500.3.2 Existing (pre-construction) Control Measures 500-2 500.3.3 Nature of Fill Material and Existing Data Describing the Soii 500-3 500.3.4 Soil Stabilization (Erosion Control) 500-3 500.3.5 Sediment Control 500-5 500.3.6 Tracking Control 500-5 500.3.7 Wind Erosion Control 500-6 500.3.8 Non-Stomf Water Control 500-6 500.3.9 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control 500-7 500.3.10 Cost Breakdown for Water Pollution Control 500-7 500.4 Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) 500-7 500.5 Construction BMP Maintenance, Inspection and Repair 500-7 500.6 Post-Construction Storm Water Management 500-8 500.6.1 Post-Construction Control Practices 500-8 500.6.2 Operation/Maintenance after Project Completion 500-8 500.7 Training 500-9 FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ContenlS SWPPP_Temp[ate_2003word2000tixed.(Joc Page i Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 ^ Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 V CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 500.8 List of Subcontractors 500-9 500.9 Other Plans/Permits 500-9 Section 600 Monitoring Program and Reports 600-11 600.1 Sile Inspections 600-11 600.2 Discharge Reporting 600-U 600.3 Record Keeping and Reports 600-12 600.4 Sampling and Analysis Plan for Sediment 600-12 600.5 Sampling and Analysis Plan for Non-Visible Pollutants 600-12 600.5.1 Scope of Monitoring Activities 600-12 SWPPP Attachments Attachment A Vicinity Map Attachment B Water Pollution Control Drawings Attachment C BMP Consideration Checklist Attachment D Computation Sheet for Determining Runoff Coefficients Attachment E Computation Sheet for Determining Run-on Discharges Attachment F Notification of Construction (NOC) Attachment G ...Program for Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Conslruction Site BMPs Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Sile Inspection Checklist Attachment I Trained Contractor Personnel Log Attachment J Subcontractor Notification Letter and Log Attachment K Notice of Discharge, Written Notice or Order Attachment L SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist Attachment M Annual Certification of Compliance Form Attachment N Other Plans/Permits Attachment O Notice of Completion of Construction (NCC) Attachment P Water Pollution Control Cost Breakdown Attachment Q BMPs Selected for the Project FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contents SWPPP_Templaie_2003word20O0 fixed doc Page ii Storm Vi/ater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 100,1 Initial SWPPP Certification Project Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 City of Carlsbad: CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 "I certify under a penaity of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." / Contractor's Signature Date Roy Bartlett, Project Manager Contractor's Name and Title 760-727-9767 Contractor's Telephone Number \\3-2\SHAHED\3010 RSF Rd\SWPPP\SWPPP^TefTiptale^2003word2000 fixed.doc Section 100 Page 100-1 Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 100.2 SWPPP Approval The Resident Engineer is the authorized representative of the City of Carlsbad for approving, signing, and certifying the SWPPP. The SWPPP was prepared by the Contractor and submitted for review and approval by the Resident Engineer, pursuant to the Special Provisions, the SWPPPAVPCP Preparation Manual, the Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual, the Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks and the requirements of the Permit(s) all as set forth in Section 300-13 of the Project Specifications. For City Use Only Resident Engineer's Approval and Certification of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Project Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 City of Carlsbad: CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 "I certify under a penally of law that this document all all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possiblity of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Mark Plotnikiewicz 760-744-4578 RE's Name RE's Telephone Number FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Tempiale_2003word2000fixed.doc "•^ *f^..j43'^W2»!ra^rr-.;-t-:-.--i.i(«''.ftt'3r.;-aaat--2 . f..,y^.,j^K|j,rrr T-niif—T s^,;. \.- Section 100 Page 100-2 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) R.ANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 100.3 Annual Compliance Certification By June 15 of each year, the contractor shall submit an Annual Certification of Compliance to the Resident Engineer (RE) stating compliance with the terms and conditions of the Pennits and the SWPPP. The Annual Certification of Compliance Form and RE Approval Form are included in Attachment M. Completed Annual Certifications of Compliance and Approvals can be found in the following pages. FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_TBmpla1e_20O3word20OO fixed.doc Section 100 Page 100-3 storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 S< 3923 200.1 SWPPP Amendment Certification and Approval This SWPPP shall be amended: » Whenever there is a change in construction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater(s), or a municipal separate storm drain system (MS4); or • If any condition of the Permits is violated or the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges has not been achieved. If the RWQCB determines that a Permit violation has occurred, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented within 14- calendar days after notification by the RWQCB; © Annually, prior to the defined rainy season, when required by the project's Special Provisions; and • When deemed necessary by the RE. w The following items will be included in each amendment; t> Who requested the amendment, o The location of proposed change, o The reason for change. 6 The original BMP proposed, if any. ® The new BMP proposed. The amendments for this SWPPP, along with the Contractor's Certification and the RE's approval, can be found in the following pages. Amendments are listed in the Amendment Log in Section 200.2 FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Templaie_2O03worcl2000 fixed doc Section 200 Page 200-1 1 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 SWPPP Amendment No. Project Name: City of Carlsbad: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 To Be Completed by Contractor "I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Contractor's Signature Marc Pacheco, Project Supt. Date 760-801-1885 Contractor's Name and Title Contractor's Telephone Number For City Use Only Resident Engineer's Approval and Certification of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Amendment "I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the inforrhation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directiy responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware thai there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." v.. RE's Signature Mark Plotnikiewicz, Date 760-744-4578 FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP„Template_2003word2000 fixed.doc Section 200 Page 200-2 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 8c 3923 RE's Name RE's Telephone Number v.. FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Tsmplate_2003word2000 fixed.doc Section 200 Page 200-3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 200.2 Amendment Log RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Project Name: City of Carlsbad: CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 Amendment No. Date Brief Description of Amendment Prepared By - r MnzEfuaoK;,' T. ••»iJ!-*a;a3ME!BUmiicii>4R.-ar: r^.K'.s;"! v.: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Templale_2003word2O0O (ixed.doc Section 200 Page 200-4 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 300.1 Introduction and Project Description The project is located in Carlsbad and San Marcos, San Diego County, Califomia on Rancho Santa Fe Road and on Melrose Drive. The project will realign and widen Rancho Santa Fe Road from just south of the intersection of San Elijo to just north of Melrose and join currentiy active projects at each end. A portion of Melrose Drive and of Corintia Street will also be realigned. Two new 3-spa;i box girder bridges will replace the existing structure over San Marcos Creek. The existing bridge will be demolished. Included in the project are new trunk utilities including water, sewer and reclaimed water facilities. A new signalized intersection will be constructed at San Elijo. Stonn drain improvements are included along with erosion protection, irrigation and landscaping. 300.2 Unique Site Features San Marcos Creek is within the project limits. This natural feature drains an upstream area of approximately 30 square miles. Estimated volume for 50 year storm is 14,000 CFS. Any change in volume resulting from increases in impervious area caused by this project is negligible. A temporary stream crossing as well as bridges over and utilities through the stream bed are to be constructed as part of the project. .3 Construction Site Estimates The following are estimates of the construction site: Construction site area 102,000 m^ Percentage impervious area before construction 34 % Runoff coefficient before construction .59 Percentage impervious area after construction 40 % Runoff coefficient after construction ^'^ .62 Anticipated storm water flow on to the construction site .7 m3/sec Calculations are shown in Attachment D Calculations are shown in Attachment E 300.4 Project ScheduleAVater Pollution Control Schaduio Estimated NTP / Begin Construction 4 May, 2004 Site preparation, K-Rail, Signs I IMay, 2004 taa:JLM^J-ant^auBtnTttoiBnTi;jUAis-.'rnsiia»r3EV.'r^ •^•^;KEv'-'CK,•«^.^•lJiai-!^JT••«^v• • •.•-...iLi-.-'.jiajww ••- •,- -..^.r^- . -.• - • - —: • •L:... .-.^ FCt CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Section 300 SWPPP_Teniplale_2003word2000 tixed.doc Page 300-1 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3B87 f: 399.3 Clearing, Grubbing Install Temporary Stream Crossing Pier Excavation -Dewatering Complete Major Earthwork Install Erosion Protection on Completed Areas Begin Rainy Season Complete Southbound to Subgrade Complete Storm Drain, Untilily Stage I Complete Paving Stage I Shift Traffic to Stage II, Set K-Rail Demo Existing Bridge Complete Northbound Abutment Embankments Complete Rough Grade Complete Storm Drain Stage II Begin Dry Season Complete Underground Utilities AC Pave Stage II Begin Rainy Season Complete Planting, Erosion Control End Construction 13 May, 2004 22 May, 2004 7 June, 2004 3 September, 2004 27 September, 2004 1 October, 2004 28 October, 2004 30 November, 2004 15 December, 2004 27 December, 2004 20 January, 2005 23 February, 2005 15 April, 2005 21 April, 2005 30 April, 2005 1 July, 2005 20 August, 2005 I October, 2005 25 October, 2005 8 February, 2006 FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_T6rr¥ilate_2003word2000 fixed.doc Sec; Prjfi .--"1 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 300,5 Contact Information/List of Responsible Parties The Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) assigned to this project is: MARC PACHECO 760-801-1885 FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 2585 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081-8831 The WPCM shall have primary responsibility and significant authority for the implementation, maintenance, inspection and amendments to the approved SWPPP. The WPCM will be available at all times throughout duration of the project. Duties of the Contractor's WPCM include but are not limited to: B Ensuring full compliance with the SWPPP and the Permit bi Implementing all elements of the SWPPP, including but not limited to: Implementation of prompt and effective erosion and sediment control measures Implementing all non-storm water management, and materials and waste management activities such as: monitoring discharges (dewatering, diversion devices); general site clean- up; vehicle and equipment cleaning, fueling and maintenance; spill control; ensuring that no materials other than storm water are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems; etc. Pre-slonn inspections n Post-storm inspections n Storm event inspections u Routine inspections as specified in the Special Provisions or describf-cl in the SWPPP. tJ .Preparing annual compliance certification n Ensuring elimination of all unauthorized discharges tJ The Contractor's WPCM shall be assigned authority by the Contractor to mobilize crews in order to make immediate repairs to the control measures FCi CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Section 400 SWPPP_Template_2003word2000fixed.doc Page 300-3 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 E Coordinate with the Engineer to assure all of the necessary corrections/repairs are made immediately, and that the project complies with the SWPPP, the Permit and approved plans at all times. E Submitting Notices of Discharge and reports of Illicit Connections or Illegal Discharges *faii».waMM35B!OS»ai«sat'«iiir.s^™j^w:i'^^ r nrrnrf'miit- - . .r--v, • • • • ~: i-.'.-'rzLT-jr^i^.j..,: .• - FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Section 400 SWPPP_Templata_2003word2000fiyed.doc Page 300-4 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Section 400 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 The following documents are made a part of this SWPPP by reference: • Project plans and specifications No. 3907, dated July 31, 2002, prepared by DOKKEN ENGINEERING. B State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 99-08~DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 ("General Permit"), Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction Activity, August 1999. • State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Resolution No. 2001-046, Modification of Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sy.stem (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (General Permit), adopted by the SWRCB on April 26, 2001. V. H Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual, dated NOVEMBER 2000. Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, SWPPPAVPCP Preparation Manual, dated NOVEMBER 2000. FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Template_2003wotd2000 fixed doc Section 500 Page 400-1 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 500.1 Objectives This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has four main objectives: E3 Identify all pollutant sources, including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) from the construction site, and n Identify non-storm water discharges, and K Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from the construction site during construction, and 0 Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during construction designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed (post-construction BMPs). This SWPPP conforms with the required elements of the Permit and with the required elements of the General Permit issued by the State of Califomia, State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). This SWPPP will be modified and amended to reflect any amendments to the Permits, or any changes in construction or operations that may affect the discharge of pollutants from the construction site to surface waters, groundwaters, or the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP will also be amended if it is in violation of any condition of the Permit or has nol achieved the general objective of reducing pollutants in storm water discharges. The SWPPP shall be readily available on-site for the duration of the project. 500.2 Vicinity Map The construction project vicinity map showing the project location, surface water boundaries, geographic features, construction site perimeter, and general topography, is located in Attachment A. The project's Title Sheet provides more detail regarding the project location and is also included in Attachment A. 500.3 Pollutant Source Identification and BMP Selection 600.3.1 Inventory of Materials and Activities that May Pollute Storm Water The following is a list of construction materials that will be used and activities that will be performed that will have the potential to contribute pollutants, other than sediment, to storm water 500-1 storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 runoff (control practices for each activity are identified in the Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) and/or in Sections 500.3.4 through 500.3.9: I Vehicle fluids, including oil, grease, petroleum, and coolants El Asphaltic emulsions associated with asphalt-concrete paving operations Cement materials associated with curb, sidewalk, drainage stutures, median barriers, and bridge construction ti Joint and curing compounds n Paint, solvents and thinners i.; Wood products Ei Metals and plated products m Fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides Construction activities that have the potential to contribute sediment to stoiTn water discharges include: E Clear and grub operations 13 Grading operations K Soil import and export operations u Utility installations c Landscaping operations Attachment C lists all Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are either minimum requirements or special contract requirements, and all BMPs selected for this project. Implementation and location of BMPs are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B. Narrative descriptions of BMPs to be used during the project are listed by category in each of the following SWPPP sections. Attachment Q includes a copy or a list of all the BMPs selected for this project. 500.3.2 Existing (pre-construction) Control Measures The following are existing (pre-construction) control measures encountered within the project site: n Existing previously cleared areas have been treated with mulch - BFM c Fiber rolls have been installed on existing cleared slopes 500-2 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 D Silt Fences have been place at the lower limits of cleared slopes at some locations LJ Construction entrances have been installed at entry points to unsurfaced areas H Construction and easment limits have been fenced Portions of the site have been cleared of nesting habitat to avoid potential delays due to construction activities occuring during the nesting season. Coincidental to the clearing operations, erosion and other pollution prevention measures were installed under separate contract (by others). 500.3,3 Nature of Fill Material and Existing Data Describing the Soil Existing site features include existing streets to be removed and/or joined, unimproved native hillsides which have been previously cleared and an active streambed where stumps remain from past clearing operations. Some "unsuitable" areas have been identified on the project documents as areas to be excavated to approved limits and replaced. These areas are generally located near and in the streambed. Major excavation consists primarily of dense rock overlain by clayey topsoils with scattered boulders. Existing site features that, as a result of past usage, may contribute pollutants to storm water (e.g., toxic materials that are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the construction site) include: K None known Embankment constmction will require sorting, stockpiling and crushing to size the material to be excavated. Crushing equipment will be utilized concurrent with excavation and embankment operations. 500.3.4 Soil Stabilization (Erosion Control) Soil stabilization, also referred to as erosion control, consists of source control measures that are designed to prevent soii particles from detaching and becoming transported in storm water runoff Soil stabilization BMPs protect the soil surface by covering and/or binding soil particles. This project will incorporate minimum temporary soil stabilization requirements, temporary soil stabilization measures required by the contract documents, and other measures selected by the 500-3 storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 contractor. This project will implement the following practices for effective temporary and final soil stabilization during construction: 1) Preserve existing vegetation where required and when feasible. 2) Apply temporary soil stabilization (erosion control) to remaining active and non-active areas as required by the Construction Site BMPs Manual and the Special Provisions. Reapply as necessary to maintain effectiveness. 3) Implement temporary soil stabilization measures at regular intervals throughout the defined rainy season to achieve and maintain the contract's disturbed soil area requirements. When the project's Special Provisions require it, temporary soil stabilization will be implemented 20 days prior to the defined rainy season. 4) Stabilize non-active areas within 14 days of cessation of construction activities. 5) Control erosion in concentrated flow paths by applying erosion control blankets, check dams, erosion control seeding, and lining swales as required in the special provisions. 6) Apply seed to areas deemed substantially complete by the RE during the defined rainy season. 7) At completion of construction, apply permanent erosion control to all remaining disturbed soil areas as required in the special provisions. Sufficient soil stabilization materials will be maintained on-site to allow implementation in conformance with Caltrans requirements and described in this SWPPP. This includes implementation requirements for active and non-active areas that require deployment before the onset of rain. Implementation and locations of temporary soil stabilization BMPs are shown on the Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) in Attachment B and/or described in this section. The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C indicates the BMPs that will be implemented to control erosion on the construction site; Ihese-are: ti SS-l, Scheduling CI SS-2, Preservation of Existing Vegetation B SS-3, Hydraulic Mulch H SS-5, Soil Binders B SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers, & Erosion Control Blankets/Mats 500-4 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 500.3.5 Sediment Control Sediment controls are structural measures that are intended to complement and enhance the selected soil stabilization (erosion control) measures and reduce sediment discharges from construction areas. Sediment controls are designed to intercept and settle out soil particles that have been detached and transported by the force of water. This project will incorporate minimum temporary sediment control requirements, temporary sediment control measures required by the contract documents, and other measures selected by the contractor. Temporary sediment control materials, equivalent to 10% of the installed quantities in the site, will be maintained on-site throughout the duration of the project, to allow implementation of temporary sediment controls in the event of predicted rain, and for rapid response to failures or emergencies, in conformance with other Caltrans requirements and as described in this SWPPP. This includes implementation requirements for active areas and non-active areas before the onset of rain. Implementation and locations of temporary sediment control BMPs are shown on the Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) in Attachment B. The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C indicates all the BMPs that will be implemented to control sediment on the construction site; these are: H SC-1, Silt Fence and/or SC-5, Fiber Rolls n SC-7, Street Sweeping and Vacuuming p SC-10, Storm Drain Inlet Protection B SC-2, Desilting Basin c SC-5, Fiber Rolls Cl SC-6, Gravel Bag Berm 13 SC-8 Sand Bag Barrier 500.3.6 Tracking Control The following BMPs have been selected to reduce sediment tracking from the construction site onto private or public roads: B SC-7, Street Sweeping and Vacuuming 500-5 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 n TC-1, Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit 500.3.7 Wind Erosion Control The following BMPs have been selected to control dust from the construction site: n WE-1, Wind Erosion Control 500.3.8 Non-Btorm Water Control An inventory of construction activities and potential non-storm water discharges is provided in Section 5.3.1. The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C and the following list indicates the BMPs that have been selected to control non-storm water pollution on the construction site. Implementation and locations of some non-storm water control BMPs are shown on the Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) in Attachment B. A narrative description of each BMP follows. » NS-6, Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting E NS-8, Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning B NS-9, Vehicle and Equipment Fueling B NS-10, Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance o NS-l, Water Conservation Practices ti NS-2, Dewatering Operations B NS-3, Paving and Grinding Operations u NS-4, Temporary Stream Crossing K NS-5, Clear Water diversion Bl NS-7, Potable Water/Irrigation 500-6 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 ^ CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 500.3.9 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control An inventory of construction activities, materials, and wastes is provided in Section 5.3.1. The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C and the following Ust indicates the BMPs that have been selected to handle materials and control construction site wastes. A narrative description of each BMP follows. • WM-l, Material Delivery and Storage B WM- 2, Material Use n WM-4, Spill Prevention and Control a WM-5, Solid Waste Management • WM'9, Sanitary/Septic Waste Management » WM-3, Stockpile Management a WM-6, Hazardous Waste Management B WM-8, Concrete Waste Management " WM-10, Liquid Waste Management 500.3.10 Cost Breakdown for Water Pollution Control A cost breakdown itemizing the contract lump sum for water pollution control has been developed for this project and is included in Attachment P. The cost breakdown reflects the items of work, quantities and costs for BMPs shown in the SWPPP, except for those construction site BMPs and permanent BMPs that are shown on the project plans and for which there is a contract item of work. 500.4 Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) The Water Pollution Conlrol Drawings can be found in Attachment B of the SWPPP. 500.5 Construction BMP Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Inspections will be conducted as follows: ^ • Prior to a forecast storm 500-7 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 8c 3923 B After a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site Q At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events H Weekly during the rainy season B Every 2 weeks during the non-rainy season n At any other time(s) or intervals of time specified in the project Special Provisions. Completed inspection checklists will be submitted to the RE within 24 hours of inspection. Copies of the completed checklists will be kept with the SWPPP. A tracking or foUow-up procedure shall follow any inspection that identifies deficiencies in BMPs. A program for Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of BMPs is shown in Attachment G. 500.6 Post-Construction Storm Water Management 500.6.1 Post-Construction Control Practices The following are the post-construction BMPs that are to be used at this construction site after all construction is complete: B Rip Rap energy dissipators B Median landscaping complete in place u Slope landscaping complete in place and hydroseeded slopes B sandbag barrier, environmental fence, silt fence, gravel bags and gravel bag wier (all as shown on the project plans) 500.6,2 Operation/Maintenance after Project Completion The post-construction BMPs that are described above will be funded and maintained as follows: Short Term Funding: The contract provides for a plant establishment period. Long Term Funding: Owner responsibility 500-8 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 r~j'^7as:rami:iEiaL "omv^ta/s^tr.- rTiiiim» 11 n i i M , \ iiiihiiiiin iiwiiiii|i r mv in i M i n M'I - ^'B'P'ikwiTgT-~i'"'TirwiwTiii7iiifwwini .^•"-ii i n The responsible party for the long-term maintenance of post-construction BMPs is the owner (The City of Carisbad) 500.7 Training Section 300.5 shows the name of the contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM). This person has received the following training: D Construction Site Storm Water Management Short Course for Field Staff B Informal training in preparation and ammending WPCP's as well as implementation on various Cal Trans projects in Districts 7 and 8 The training log showing formal and informal training of various personnel is shown in Attachment I. This SWPPP was prepared by Roy Bartlett, Project Manager. 500.8 List of Subcontractors All contractors and subcontractors will be notified of the requirement for storm water management measures during the project. A list of contractors will be maintained and included in the SWPPP. If subcontractors change during the project, the list will be updated accordingly. The subcontractor notification letter and log is included in the SWPPP as Attachment J. 500.9 Other Plans/Permits Attachment N includes copies of other local, state, and federal plans and permits. Following is a list of the plans and permits included in Attachment N: H Current version of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 99-08- DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. . CAS000002, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction Activity, August 1999. Including Resolution No. 2001-046, "Modification of Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (General Permit)", adopted by the SWRCB on April 26, 2001. 500-9 Sform Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 Q Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) finding of NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT dated January 25, 2002 B Los Angeles District U S Army Corps of Engineers CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERMIT n Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION dated 8 January, 2001 E State of Califomia Department of Fish and Game STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 along with Amendment and Extension No. 1 dated September 5, 2003 EJ City of Carlsbad Planning Department review dated November 30, 2001 500-10 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 Section 600 Monitoring Program and Reports 600.1 Site Inspections The contractor will inspect the site prior to a forecast storm, after a rain event that causes runoff from the constmction site, at 24-hour intervals during extended rain events, weekly during the rainy season, every 2 weeks during the non-rainy season, and as specified in the project Special Provisions. The results of all inspections and assessments will be documented, a copy shall be provided to the RE within 24 hours of the inspection, and copies of the completed inspection checklists will be maintained with the SWPPP. Site inspections conducted for monitoring purposes will be performed using the inspection checklist shown in Attachment H. The name(s) and contact number(s) of the assigned inspection personnel are listed below: Assigned inspector: Marc Pacheco Contact phone: 760-801-1885 600.2 Discharge Reporting If a discharge occurs or if the project receives a written notice or order from any regulatory agency, the contractor will immediately notify the RE, and will file a written report to the RE within thirty days ofthe discharge event, notice, or order. Corrective measures will be implemented immediately following the discharge, notice or order. A sample discharge form is provided in Attachment K. All discharges shall be documented on a Discharge Reporting Log using the example form in Appendix A, Attachment U. Discharges requiring reporting include: H Storm water from a DSA discharged to a waterway without treatment by a temporary construction BMP; H Non-storm water, except conditionally exempted discharges, discharged to a waterway or a storm drain system, without treatment by an approved control measure (BMP); • Storm water discharged to a waterway or a storm drain system where the control measures (BMPs) have been overwhelmed or nol properly maintained or installed; H Storm water runoff containing hazardous substances from spills discharged to a waterway or storm drain system; • Where water quality sample results from a 303(d) stream listed for sediment indicate elevated levels of sediment in downstream samples; B Where water quality sample results indicate elevated levels of non-visible pollutants; and 600-1 i Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 .^.^-^^..^ ^, ^^^^S2:f,^£L'^^^- ^^^^^ ^^^^ • - ' °" " ^rrmnniiii ••wiiimiiFn m iim"i"—'•"T.-'-TPW i i Other discharge reporting as directed by the RE.. The report to the RE will contain the following items: r The date, time, location, nature of operation, and type of unauthorized discharge, including the cause or nature of the notice or order, Li The control measures (BMPs) deployed before the discharge event, or prior to receiving notice or order, The date of deployment and type of control measures (BMPs) deployed after the discharge event, or after receiving the notice or order, including additional measures installed or planned to reduce or prevent re-occurrence, and ^ An implementation and maintenance schedule for any affected BMPs 1,3 Record Keeping and Reports Records shall be retained for a minimum of three years for the following items: K Sile inspections tJ Compliance certifications B Discharge reports H Approved SWPPP document and amendments 600.4 Sampling and Analysis Plan for Sediment This project does not have the potential to discharge directly to a water body listed as impaired due to Sedimentation/Siltation and/or Turbidity pursuant to Clean Water Act, Section 303(d). 600.5 Sampling and Analysis Plan for Non-Visible Pollutants This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Non-Visible Pollutants describes the sampling and analysis strategy and schedule for monitoring non-visible pollutants in storm water discharges from the project site and offsite activities directly related to the project in accordance with the requirements of Section B of the General Permit, and applicable requirements of the Caltrans Guidance Manual: Stormwater Monitoring Protocols, Second Edition, July 2000. 600.5.1 Scope of Monitoring Activities The following construction materials, wastes or activities, as identified in Section 500.3.1, are potential sources of non-visible pollutants to stomi water discharges from the project. Storage, use, and operational locations are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B. 600-12 Sform Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 Contract No. CONTRACT NO. 3907 CMWD PROJECT NOS. 3887 & 3923 B Solvents and Thinners B Concrete curing compounds a Pesticides and Fertilizers The following existing site features, as identified in Section 500.3.3, are potential sources of non- visible pollutants to storm water discharges from the project. Locations of existing site features contaminated with non-visible pollutants are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B. • None known The following soil amendments have the potential to change the chemical properties, engineering properties, or erosion resistance of the soil and will be used on the project site. Locations of soil amendment application are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B. None known The project has the potential to receive storm water run-on with the potential to contribute non-visible pollutants to storm water discharges from the project. Locations of such run-on to the Caltrans right-of-way are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B. B Surface drainage from adjacent projects B San Marcos Creek stream flow from upstream sources such as golf courses and abandoned mines. Sampling for non-visible pollutants will be conducted when (1) a breach, leakage, malfunction, or spill is observed; and (2) the leak or spill has not been cleaned up prior to the rain event; and (3) there is the potential for discharge of non-visible pollutants to surface waters or drainage system. FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SWPPP_Tempfate_2003word2000 fixed.doc Error! Reference source not found. Section 600 Page 600-13 c J PROJECT SITE ~ m SCALE rOm WABH —cm— —vm— )))))»}))»;})») ouri^^r f^ar^cnoN/ coNc^er^ WASH-cur AK^A eram OKA\N /wu^r fKoi^cxioH myi^ONHmxAi-i^y e^Neiriv^ AK€-A f^lf^/UNP^KfrKt^UNP N6-9-V&HlCU^ ^ t'Q\J\?mnX f^U^H N& N6-10-V^HlCUe- ^OD\PmHX MAINf&NANCe 66-2-f'Ke6gKVAfl(?N eXI6flN& V^y^1K1\0W fG-I-efA&IHZ^P CiW6fSUCf liJN eNfKANC^/^XIf 66 - 1 1 -6l-£?f^& PKAm6 66-9-eAKrH PIKe-/PKAINA6e 6WAL^&6 ANP 0\X0m6 50-'^-0H^0K. PAM5 6C-1 -6iur f^^r^&^e 6C-6-6ANP 0A& &ARKI 6C-3-6^piM&Nr rpAf'e 6rt?KMWAr^K PI6GHAR6^ Ut7CAr 1 (?N RANCHO SANTA f^E fZD, NOJZTH, V^ASE Z CITV OF ^/iJ^LSBAD OOHrKACr NO. 3907 xm \HfomAX\OH oti xme^ p^AWiN&$ AU Aocuuxe fOK WAX^K FOl-l-UXlOt^ COHX^Ol- POKfOUe MY. XH0 It^fOKUAXiOU Ohi XHie fUAN 16 INX^NP^O XO 6^ O^t-O A6 A OU\Q^l^im fO^ xm CONXKACXOK AHO 6UdCONX^ACXOI^6 XO imxAi^i- mxe^ POUUXION CONXKOL- oevic^e AX Hue^Au uocAXiONe XHKou&Houx xm 6ixe. xmH oumme A^e xo u oeep IN coNouNCXioN ff/fH xm nAKKAXin e^cxioN oc xm 6xom nAxt^K roui-uxiON mvmxiOH fi.AH(eweF). f\M C0N01XI0N6 MAY mC^66lXAX0 MOC>lflCAXiON6 XO Xme^ 0KAWIN&6. xe^eouKY 60IU exAdiuiZAXiON mAeuKee wiuu u \u^uumxi-Q \o 0AY6 p^iOK XO xm 6XA^x Of xm oi-fimo RAINY e^AeoN ANP AX KfwuAK iNxmAue xmou&Houx xm RAINY 0^A6ON XO AOh\$Ve ANP MAINXAIN Xm OONXRACX'e PI6XURO0P eolu AUA(peA)fRor^cxioN uouiUM^Nxe {eu CONXRACX eFf0lflCAXtON6). pemANmx ^RoeioN OONXROL^ WIUU U iNexAu^p Ae AUAe AU p^xeRMiN^p XO &e eueexANxIAi^uY OOMPUX^. A^^ PKAiNAce- iNu^xe UCI^VIN& KUNOff fKou piexuKoep eoii^ AUAe te- eKOxeoxep WIXH A ee-Pimnx XRAP iNvt-x pKOxt-oxiON A/5-4- T^Mp^r-e^'^M ^^(P^^/N^i CL^^ vJ^TB^ pivai^^^^^^ PROJECT vic/Nmr MAP NO SCALE PCI PCI UStRNAME -> qlenp OGN FLE -> p:\ilG3-rif\5ll-fd\Tte3ec01. ./ii/f\ Don itrT UA • 1 i > PCI "^Af^K fOl-l-UriOH GONTKOl^ PKAWIN&3 USEftNAME -> gloop OGN FILE -1 p^MftJ-rsfNSII.raMWJacOa.Ogn X 0 1020 40 BO -EWIFtOHUEftTAUy SENSfTf/E AREA PLAN: RANCHO SANTAIFE ROAD per 4 " <^ USERMAME -> ^lerp OCN F«_E •> pMI63_rst\5n_fd\lt6)t<;0i.()go PCI C0N:5T1i.UCrdR5 DSERNAME •> glenp OGN F«-E -) o:M163„r!i(\5!Ui(f\H6J.c04.fl,j. niiwn p»n.Ff:T MO ; 3aA7c VWD PROJECT NO.: PLAN: RAN&HO SANTA FE ROAD 0 loeo «j PCI 1 . . . - - ! ihfff / ^ USERNWJE ^lenp DON F«_£ -> piSlW3_r«(\5II-f!l\IlS3«05.0gn \ \ 0 asa « eo PCI 7 Of Q USEHNAME -> DfiN FLE '> p \1163_rsf\5H_rd\lt63i!c0e,d9n r FHTEB yXTBVAL ASEA PER PLAN PLAN TC~I STABIUZED CONSTRUCnON ROADWAy NO SCAL£ PUBUC RtGHT-OF-WAf EXISTING GROUND PUBUC Ria^-OF-W» PRO/JDE APPROPRIATE TRANSTTION V BETWEEM STABIUZED CONSTHUCTm TC~I STABIUZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NQ SCALE . ' I. SET POSTS AND EXCfVATE A ± Bf 4 IN m BflO CU)_ 3. ATTACH we FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE FENCE AMD EXTEHD IT INTO THE TRENCH. ' SC~!SILT FEN^E NO SOME g-m 4 VARIES WEIR SECTION DETAJL THICKNESS m- e- UIN SECTION A-A 'FILTER yXTERIAL GRK/ELBAG BARRIER WEIR SECTION SEE DETAIL -WEIR SECTION SEE DETAIL PLAN SC-10 INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE 6 CKFIU. AND COUPACT THE E -CA/JSTED SaU LEGEND G!WElB/eS — m ffl— FIBER mus SC-ISIU FENCE TC-I STABIUZED ENTRAMCE/EXTT TC-Z STABIUZED ROAOKAT EM/IRONUENTAL FEHCING SC-10 INLET PROTECTKM I. SET POSTS EROSION CONTROL NOTES L EOUIPUEHT AND WORKERS FOR EUERGENCf WORK SHALL BE UADE A/AJLABIE AT AU. TIUES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. AU. NECESSARf UATERIAIS SHAU BE STOCKPILED ON SITE AT CONVENIENT tOCATKWS TO FJCIUTATE RAPID CONSTRUCTIOtl OF TEUPORARf DEVISES WHEN RAIN IS EUINENT. 2. DEVICES SHmH. ON PLAMS SHALL NOT BE i/O/ED OR UODIFIED WfTHOUT THE APPRWAL OF THE ENSNEERitiG INSPECTS. 3. THE (XNTRMTOR SHAU. RESTORE AU. EROSION CONTROL DEVISES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION EOF THE CfTY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCTION RA/NFAO. 4. THE WNTRACTOR SHAU INSTAU. ADDfTIONAL EROSION CONTROL UEASURES AS UfT BE REOUIRED BT THE OTY ENGINEER DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN ORCUUSTANCES WHICH UAf ARISE 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHAU BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHAa TAtCE NE(XSSARr PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PUBUC TRESPASS OtfTD AREAS WHERE OtPOUNLXD WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDfTm. ••- , 6. AIL EROSION CONTROL UEASURES PROi/IDED PER THE APPRO/ED GRADING PLAM SHALL BE INCORPORATED HEREON. 7. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIUETER UUST DRAIN AINAy FROU THE FACE OF SLOPE AT THE CONCUJSIOtI OF EACH WORKING DAf. a ALL REUa/ABLE PROTECTEE DEVICES SHONN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH VIORKING DAT WHEN THE FVE (5) DAT RAIN PROBABIUTY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTT PERCENT (4oy.l. SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REUOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL 9. AU. GRJVEIBAGS SHAU. BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH UINIUUU /CGREGATE. KX SHOUU) INITIAL APPUCATKIN OF EROSION CONTROL TYPE (BFWFAIL TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE CO/ERAGE OF &iADEO SWPES (90X CO/ERASE)BETWEEN (KJ/EUBER « AMD AMD APRILI4. THE SUJPES SHALL BE STABIUZED BY ADDfTIONAL APPtJCfflONS OF EWJSWW CONTROL TYPE (BFU) AS REOUIRED BT THE CfTY ENGIhEER. ' : a STAnE EN/IRONl/ENTAL FENCING TO THE POSTS. ENVIRONMENTAL FENCE NO SCALE WEIR SECTION SEE DETAIL GRAVELBAG BARRIER NOTE: GRAI/ELBAG BARRIER SHAU. BE A UINIUUU OF 3 BAGS HIGH. SECTION A-A GRAVELS AG BARRIER NO SCALE SECTION B-B WEIR SECTION DETAIL USE AWE -> sl«ip DGN FILE -> pA1163,rit\51Urd\1163ec07.dsn PCI CDN^THuCTdKS WAXe^ P'Oll'UXlON GONXKOl. P^AW{N&6 WAXe^ P'Oll'UXlON GONXKOl. P^AW{N&6 Ni9N^ ""4-2'^^¥i/ ^""^ ^ Attachment C BMP Consideration Checklist CONSTRUCTION SITE BMPs CONSIDERATION CHECKLIST The Contractor shalf consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BIMPs which are not included in the SWPPP shall be checked as "Not Used" with a brief statement describing why it is not being used. All selected BMPs shall be included in the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and paid for as a separate Item or work TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION BMPs 1 BMP No. BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT m CHECK IF CONTRACT REQUIREMENT CHECK IF USED CHECK IF NOT USED IF NOT USED, STATE REASON SS-1 Scheduling • SS-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation • ^X SS-3 Hydraulic Mulch SS-4 Hydroseeding cn SS-5 Soil Binders ^y SS-6 Straw Mulch •d) CO SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers, & Erosion Control Blankets/Mats \^ SS-8 Wood Mulching Tempo FlowC rary Concentrated onveyance Controls i^y^ SS-9 Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales & Lined Ditches \^ «X SS-10 Outlet Protection/ Velocity Dissipation Devices SS-11 Slope Drains The Contractor shall select one of the five measures listed or a combination thereof to achieve and maintain the contract's rainy season disturbed soil area (DSA) requirements. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific project shal! be verified by the Contractor or determined by Caltrans. Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 BMP Consideration Checklist 1 of 4 Attachment C BMP Consideration Checf<list CONSTRUCTION SITE BMPs CONSIDERATION CHECKUST The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not included in the SWPPP shall be checked as "Not Used" with a brief statement describing why it is not being used. All selected BMPs shall be included in the Schedule of Values, except for those Items shown on the plans and paid for as a separate item or work TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs r BMP No. BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT (7) CHECK IF CONTRACT REQUIREMENT CHECK IF USED CHECK IF NOT USED IF NOT USED. STATE REASON SC-1 Silt Fence • \^ SC-2 Desilting Basin SC-3 Sediment Trap _• . SC-4 Check Dam SC-5 Fiber Rolls SC-6 Gravel Bag Berm SC-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming • SC-8 Sand Bag Barrier SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection • WIND EROSION CONTROL BMPs WE-1 Wind Erosion Control • TRACKING CONTROL BMPs TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit TC-2 Stabilized Construction Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash /v^/ he^^ (2) Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific project shall be verified by the contractor or determined by Caltrans. BMP Consideration Checklist 2 of 4 JBflL Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks mSSmS SWPPP/WPCP preparation Manual QiHmns November 2000 ( Attachment C BMP Consideration Checklist CONSTRUCTION SITE BMPs CONSIDERATION CHECKLIST The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not included in the SWPPP shall be checked as "not used" with a brief statement describing why It is not being included All selected BMPs shall be Included In the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and paid for as a separate Item or work NON-STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMPs R BMP 1 BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT m CHECK IF CONTRACT REQUIREMENT CHECK IF USED CHECK IF NOT USED IF NOT USED. STATE REASON NS-1 Water Conservation Practices NS-2 Dewatering Operations NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operations NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing j NS-5 Clear Water Diversion 1^ 1 NS-6 Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation 1 Vehicle Operat and Equipment ons NS-8 Vehide and Equipment Cleaning • NS-9 Vehide and Equipment Fueling • NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance • Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific project shall be verified by the contractor or determined by Caltrans. JHKp Caltrans Storm \A^ter Quality Handbooks ^^mfff SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Ca/han^ November 2000 BMPs Consideration Ctiecklist 3 of 4 Attachment C BMP Consideration Checl<list CONSTRUCTION SITE BMPs CONSIDERATION CHECKLIST r ,VVApE^ANAGEf^ENTAND-^A^|^l4;^LLUTI0^Jc^ c BMP Consideration Checklist 4 of 4 <9 Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 Attachment D Computation Sheet for Detennining Runoff Coefficients REQUIRED TEXT: Total Site Area - /^Ac^/^^ (A) Existing Site Conditions Impervious Site Area' ^ 3^, 700 >V\Z- (B) Impervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient '^''^ ^ (C) Pervious Site Area^ = ^2 300 ^'"^^ (D) Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient"* ^ 4^ (E) Existing Site Area Runoff Coefficient -^52S^1±1^^ ^ Proposed Site Conditions (after construction) Impervious Site Area' = AO^^OO P(\z. (G) Impervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient" = ^fT (H) Pervious Site Area^ - ^/^ZOO m 2- (0 Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient^ = 4-0 (J) Proposed Site Area Runoff Coefficient i^^i^i^^ll^ = CP ^Z. 1. Includes paved areas, areas covered by buildings, and other impervious surfaces. 2. Use 0.95 unless lower or higher runoff coefficient can t)e verified. 3. Includes areas of vegetation, most unpaved or uncovered soil surfaces, and other pervious areas. 4. See the table on the following page for typical C values. Stomi Waler Quality Handbooks ' SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Computation Sheet for [determining Runoff Coefficients November 2000 3 of 3 L COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO HYDROLOGY MANUAL Table 1 shows the Runoff Coefficient values in Ihe cun ent Design and Procedure Manual. Table I Land Use Soil Group Land Use A B C D Single Family 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 Multi-Units 0.45 '0.50 0.60 0.70 Mobile Home 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.65 Rural (lots greater than V2 acre) 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 Commercial (80% Impervious) 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 Industrial (90% Impervious) 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 IL REVIEW OF "C" VALUES Numerous references that use the "Rational" procedure were reviewed and the "C" values and procedures of determining the runoff were evaluated. Examples include the procedures used by Riverside County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, City of San Francisco, City of Oakland, Denver Urban Drainage District, and references from APWA and ASCE. County Flood Control has evaluated precipitation and stream flow recorded data since the Flood Control District was established in 1968. Extensive analysis ofthe methodology for the rational and unit hydrograph procedures has also been accomplished. This includes analysis of the runoff process and comparison of the two methods. This experience provides a basis for the development of this report. in 1969, Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers and the 1992 Design and Constmction of Urban Storm water Management Systems were published by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Environmental Federation. This Manual gives a range of runoff coefficients values for different land uses and types of ground surfaces as shown in Table 11 Table II Land Use/Type of Surface Range of"C" Vaiues Business downtown 0.70 to 0.95 Business in neighborhoods 0.50 to 0.70 Single family 0.30 to 0.50 Multi-units, detached 0.40 lo 0.60 Multi-units, attached 0.60 to 0.75 Suburban Residential 0.25 to 0.40 Apartment 0.50 to 0.70 Light Industrial 0.50 to 0.80 Heavy Industrial 0.60 to 0.90 Parks and Cemeteries 0.10 to 0.25 Playgrounds 0.20 to 0.35 Railroad yard 0.20 to 0.35 Unimproved land 0.10 to 0.30 Asphalt and Concrete 0.70 to 0.95 Brick 0.70 to 0.85 Roofs 0.75 to 0.95 Sandy soil lawn, 2 percent slope 0.05 loO.lO Sandy soil lawn, 2 to 7 percent slope 0.10 to 0.15 Sandy soil lawn, >7 percent slope 0.15 to 0.20 Heavy soii lawn, 2 percent slope 0.13 to 0.17 Heavy soil lawn, 2 to 7 percent slope 0.18 to 0.22 Heavy soil lawn, >7 percent slope 0.25 to 0.35 IIL SAN DIEGO COUNTY LAND USE ELEMENTS There are 28 different types Land Use Elements within the County of San Diego General Plan. Ofthe 28 Land Uses, 15 have densities of one or more dwelling units per acre and are listed in Table III with respect to their Land Use Element Number. The effective percent impervious is based on discussions with the Planning Department, evaluation of typical land use pattems, amount of roofs, driveways, parking surfaces, etc. that are direct/indirect connection to the storm system and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) criteria in the County Hydrology Manual. Attachment E Computational Sheet for Determining Run-on Discharges INSTRUCTIONS M Item A. The runoff coefficient represents the percent of water, which will run off the ground surface during the storm. Values of the coefficient, "C*', can be determined from Figure 8I9.2A, "Runoff Coefficients for Undeveloped Areas", and Table 819.2B, "Runoff Coefficients for Developed Areas", from Caltrans, ' Highway Design Manual, Fifth Edition. • Refer to the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Topic 819 - Estimating Design Discharge, for a more detailed explanation on calculating weighted runoff coefficients for areas containing varying amounts of different cover. • Item B. Rainfall intensity, in millimeters per hour, is the average rainfall intensity for the selected frequency. Refer to the County Flood Control, or U. S. Army Corps of Engineers manuals for rainfall intensity values. • Item C. Drainage area in square kilometers includes impervious and pervious areas and surfaces covered by buildings. • SWPPP preparer shall provide calculations for offsite run-on if flow quantities ^ are not available via the project design documents (Drainage Report, Hydrology ^ Report, etc.) • The rational method should not be used for drainage areas greater than 1.3 km^ ^ (130 ha). See Caltrans, Highway Design Manual, Fifth Edition, Section 819.2. Existing Site Conditions Area Runoff Coefficient Area Rainfall Intensity Drainage Area Site Area Run-on Discharge 0.28x(A).\(B).x (C) .6>Z (A) Z7A mm/hr (B) ,/OZ W (C) ^4-35 mVsec (D) I. ,. storm V^fater Quality Handbooks ^ ———— SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Compulation Sheet for Detemiining Run-on Discharges November 2000 1 of 4 ^ ^ Attachment F Notification of Construction (NOC) INSTRUCTIONS H The NOC form shown in the following page is a blank form. The completed Notification of Construction (NOC) will be provided by 4^ Ocone^r Stomi Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Notification of Constmction November 2000 1 of 2 SUla Water Resources Control Bovd NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WrrH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 99-08-DWQ) Attachment ^ I. NOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) MARK ONLY ONE fTEM 1. • New ConslnJdion 2. • Ct^ngeot Informatton (or WDIQg II. PROPERTY OWNER Name Contact Perstxi Maying Address Title ~ City State Zip Phone { ) III. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Developef/Conlfaclor Contact Person MaSing Address TiBe City Slate Zip Phone IV. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION •"Project Name Sr"Fnysic 'nysical Address/lxcaiion Crty [or nearest City) Site Conlaci Person latitude Zip l-ongilode County Sile Phboe Nurr*er I L_ Emergency Phone Number { > :: A. Total size ol constmction site area: Acres B. Total area to t>e deturbed: Acres (%o( total. J C. Percent ol sile imperviousness (induding rooflops): Before Construction: % After Construction: % F. Is the construction site part oJ a larper common plan ol development or sale? • YES • NO H. Conslruclion commencemeni dale: L % of sile to t>e mass graded: J L D. Trad Number(s): E. Mle Post Maitcec G. Name o( plan or deveJopmeni; J. Projected construction dales: Complete gracfing: / / GoTT^Ie projed:. K. Type ol Construction (Check aS Ihat appty): 1- • Residentiat 2. • Comnwrctal 3. • Industriaf 4. • Reconslruction 5. • Tfansportalion 6. • UliTity Oescription: 7. • Other (Please Usi): V. BILLING INFORMATION SEND BILL TO; • OWNER (as in II. above) Name Contact Person '^'EVELOPER ,, in 111. abovej Mailing Address Phone/Fax h«K.jrHER 1 (enter inlormation at riqhl) City Slate Zip A- Has a local ^erK7 approved a required erosionfeetfcneni control plan? v-T^^ ^ ~* ••U VE;S i -^f^jQ Does the erosionfcedimeni conlrol pian address corslrucfioo activifies such as inlrastrociwe and stmctures' r-i ""^ES i '2m Name ol kjcal agency:_^^ ^ Rwoe; ( ) i this project or any part ihertol. siftjed to condilions imposed under a CWA Section 404 permit ol 401 Water Quality CerlifKation' fTl-^;" r-i"^ " 11 yes. provide details: vn. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does the storm water runoff Irom Ihe construction site discharge to (Check all that apply); 1. • Indirectly to waters ol the U.S. 2- D Storm drain system - Enter owner's name: 3. n Directly lo waSers of U.S. (e.g.. river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc.) B. Name of receiving water (river, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean):. VIM. IMPLEMEWTATION OF NPDES PERMfT REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POaimON PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (check ^e) — , • ..^.=....==.=:..:=.^..^^^_^,_^^^ • A SWPPP has been prepared for Ihis lacifity and is availabte lor review: Dale Prepared; / / Dale Amendiid; j_ / • A SWPPP will be prepared and ready for review by (enter date); / / B. ^UJM^iS^^n!!^'^ ^ ^ '"^^'^^ ^'^^^^ ^'^ ^^"^"^ ^"^^ constmction. home K)nstniction. etc. • A mwitoring and maintenance schedule has been developed that includes inspection ol ihe conslniction BMPs before antic^aied slomi events and alter actual slomi events and is available for review. If chcd^sd abovB: A quafified person has been assigned responsibaity for pre-stonn and posl-slorm BMP inspeclioos '° efleaiveness and necessary repairs or design changes _ Q YES • NO W , Phone: ( ) C. PERIWT COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY ' " PrS^S F^frSiSr "'"^"^ 'esponsibiD.y lo ensure fuN compfiance with the Pem«t and lo implemeni aR elements ot Vhe Slomi Water Pollution 1. Preparing an annual compliance evaluaiion „ • YES QNO -. Phone: ( ) - 2. Eliminaling aB unauthorized discharges „ „ . • '^^S__GL^j^ ^IX. VICINrry MAP AND FEE (must show sile kx:ation in relation lo nearest named streets, intersections, etc.) ' Have you induded a vidnily map witt? this subminal? i ' . •= [HB.,_ „ .n,«.Hj KKip nFiui uiKtsiMMnaaif D~YES Q Have you induded payment of the annual fee with tttis s^xniOat? Q YES • NO X. CERTIFICATIONS I cemty under penalty of law that this docuinent and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance vMb a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information Pi 'U-nltted. Based on my inquio' oi tiiL- person or persons v^rtio manage the system, or those persons directly responsit>le for gathering the I Jormatlon, the information i^vK^A^vd IS lo the best o my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are yfgnificant penalties for sut^r.- ^ :; r-A; intormation, including the possibility of fine or imprisonmenl. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the permit induding the development and implemeniation o( a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan will be complied with." Wnted Name: Signature: ' >: .j^a^, — ' — . • • • ,., — Program for Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Construction Site BMPs The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BP/IPS identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION BMPs SS-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation Bi-weekly E inspect protective fencing and repair or replace as necessary n Repair or replace damaged vegetation per SS-1 working detail G Repair damaged roots or compacted soils in the root zone SS-3 Hydraulic Mulch SS-7 Rastic Covers Bi-weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during ;, extended rain eventsif. E Maintain continuous mulch cover over area to be protected. Re-spray hydraulic mulch as necessary. E As soon as weather and soil conditions permit, repair any slope damage and re- spray damaged or exposed areas o Replace and dispose torn or missing sections of plastic covers. Replace or supplement anchors as necessary to keep covers in place. SC-1 Silt Fence SC-4 Check Dam SC-S Sandbag Barrier SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs Bi-weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event that causes runoff fpom the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events Daily B Remove, dispose, and replace damaged, deteriorated, or othervwse unsuitable BMPs B Repair any slope damage as soon as weather conditions permit. B Replace torn sand bags as required. n Replace torn sections of silt fences. Re- key bottom of fences as needed. E Remove retained sediments before they reach 1/3 of the barrier height or of the sediment holding capacity H Clean and dispose of accumulated sediment deposited in sediment traps around drainage inlets; re-secure silt fence as needed B Remove BMPs when no longer needed, as directed by the Engineer. Repair slopes/surfaces damaged by BMP removal B Inspect site access points daily B Sweep tracked sediment > Storm VWater Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP PreparaUon Manual November 2000 Program for Maintenance, Irispection, and Repair of Construction Site BMPs 1 of 3 Attachment G Sample Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Program The contractor shall use tiie following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) SC-2 Desilting Basins INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) Bi-weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events MAINTENANCBREPAIR PROGRAM Remove sediment as necessary. Pump and discharge accumulated water. Check outlet structure and spillway for any damage or obstructions. Repair damage and remove obstructions as needed. Check outlet area for erosion and stabilize, if required. Remove sediments when storage zone is one-third full. Examine basin t)anks for seepage and stnjctural soundness. WIND EROSION CONTROL BMPs WE-1 Wind Erosion Control c Daily H Maintain water trucks and water distribution equipment in good order and fix leaks immediately TRACKING CONTROL BMPs TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Weekly Prior to forecast storm After a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events Replace gravel as necessary, ra Remove excessive soil accumulation. H Sweep surrounding areas. NON-STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMPs NS-6 Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-8 Vehicle and Equipm^t Cleaning NS-9 Vehide and Equipment / Fueling NS'lO Vehide and Equipment Maintenance Weekly Inspect site during project execution for evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping. Observe site perimeter for evidence or potential of illicitly discharged or illegally dumped material wtiich may enter the job site. Notify the Resident Engineer of any illicit discharges or illegal dumping incidents at the time of discovery. B Remove, dispose and replace damaged, deteriorated, or otherwise unsuitable BMPs H Remove vehides and/or equipment that leak. B Replace drip pans or absorbent materials as needed. Re-stock spill materials. B Remove BMPs when no longer needed, as directed by the Engineer. Repair slopes/surfaces damaged by BMP removal Program for Maintenance. Inspection, and Repair of Construction Site BMPs 2 of 3 Storm Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 Attachment G Sample Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Program The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs Identified in the SWPPP/WPCP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) INSPECTION FREQUENCY (all controls) MAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPs WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage WM-2 Material Use WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control VWI-5 Solid Waste Management WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management WM-8 Concrete Waste Management Weekly Prior to forecast storm Alter a rain event that causes runoff from the construction site At 24-hour intervals during extended rain events Weekly B Keep storage areas clean, well organized, ar>d equipped with ample dean-up supplies as appropriate for the materials stored H Repair or replace perimeter controls, containment structures, covers and liners as needed to maintain proper function and protection a Properly remove and dispose accumulated rainwater from containment fadlities B Cover any stockpiles with appropriate mats or covers. a Maintain waste fluid containers in leak proof condition. Repair or replace dumpsters that leak B Provide timely service and removal to prevent dumpsters and sanitary fadlities from overflowing. c Schedtile Refuse Confractor to pick up vraste containers weeWy., t" /' •^v Remove accumulated debris from , concrete washouts. Replace lining and sand bags as necessary a, -5-' Stonn Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 Program for Maintenarx^, Inspection, and Repair of Construction Sile BMPs 3 of 3 Storm Water Quality Construction Site Inspection Checklist INSTRUCTIONS CJ Use this fonn for inspecting BMPs as described in SWPPP Section 500.5. s This inspection form shall be completed and signed by tho Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM). o The Conceptual SWPPP (CSWPPP) or the Special Provisions may require the Contractor to use a different inspection form B The weather information shall be the best estimate of beginning of the storm event, duration ofthe event, time elapsed since the last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall. c List observations of all BMPs: temporary soil stabilization (erosion control), temporary sediment controls, wind erosion controls, tracking controls, non-storm water controls and waste management and matenals pollution controls. B Evaluate BMPs for adequacy and proper implementation and whether additional BMPs are required in accordance with the terms of the Permits. B Verify implementation of non-storm water discharge BMPs and evaluate their effectiveness. B One time discharges of non-stoim water shall be inspected when such discharges occur. H Describe any inadequate BMPs. B Note the conective actions required, including any changes to the SWPPP, and implementation dates. n If you answer "No" to any of the questions, describe the conective action(s) to be taken and when the conective action(s) are to be completed. Should you need more space to describe corrective actions, identify your response numerically and use additional sheets as necessary. storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist 1 of 7 Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name Contracl N° 39 o 7 Contrador Inspedor's Name inspedor's Title Signature - Date of Inspection inspection Type (Check Applicable) • Prior to forecast rain • After a rain event • 24-hr intervals during extended rain • Other Season (Check Applicable) O Rainy • Non-Rainy Storm Data Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) PROJECT AREA SUMMARY AND DISTURBED SOIL AREA (DSA) SIZE LIMITS FROM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Total Projed Area Rainy Season DSA Limit Field Estimate of Adive DSAs Hedares Hectares Hedares 2S.Z Acres Acres Acres OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Preservation of Existing Vegetation Is temporary fendng provided to preserve vegetation in areas where no construdion adivity is planned? Location: Location: Location: Slomiwaler Quality Construction Inspection Check List Attachment I-i Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checi<list OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requiremerit ' Ves No N/A - I-i Corrective Action Location: Temporary Soil Stabilization Does the applied temporary soi! stabilization provide 100% coverage for the required areas? Are any non-vegetated areas that may require temporary soil stabilization? Is the area where temporary soil stabilization required free from visible erosion? Location: Location: - Location: Location: Temporary Linear Sediment Barriers Are temporary linear sediment barriers properly installed in accordance with the details, ftjndional and maintained? Are temporary linear sediment barriers free of accumulated litter? Is the built-up sediment less than 1/3 the height of the barrier? Are cross barriers installed where necessary and properiy spaced? Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Are storm drain inlets internal to the projed properiy proteded with either Type 1, 2 or 3 inlet protedion? Are storm drain inlet protedion devices In working order and being properly maintained? Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Desilting Basins Are basins maintained to provide the required retention/detention? Are basin controls (inlets, outlets, diversions, weirs, spillways, and racks) in working order? Location: Location: Location: Storm VNfeter Quality Constmction Inspection Checklist 3 of 7 Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A : . - Corrective Action ^ Location: Stockpiles Are all locations of temporary stockpiles, induding soil, hazardous vraste, and construdion materials in approved areas? Are stockpiles protected from run-on, run-off from adjacent areas and from winds? Are stockpiles located at least 15 m from concentrated flows, dovmstream drainage courses and stonnn drain inlets? Are required covers and/or perimeter controls in place? Location: Location: Location: Location: Concentrated Flows Are concentrated flow paths free of visible erosion? Location: Location: Location: Location: Tracking Control Are points of ingress/egress to public/private roads inspeded and swept and vacuumed daily? Are all paved areas free of visible sediment tracking or other particulate matter? Location Location Location Location Wind Erosion Control Is dust control implemented in conformance with Sedion 10 of the Standard Specifications? Location: Location: Location: Location: Dewatering Operations Is devratering handled in conformance with the devratering permit ssued by the RWQCB? is required treatment provided for devratering effluent? ,ocation: Stormwater Quality Construction Inspection Check List 4 of 7 Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist OTHER REQUfREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Location: Location: Location: Vehicle & Equipment Fueling, Cleaning, and Maintenance Are vehide and equipment fueling, deaning and maintenance areas reasonably clean and free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious malerial? Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance adivities performed on an impermeable surface in dedicated areas? - If no, are drip pans used? Are dedicated fueling, deaning, and maintenance areas located at least 15 m away from downstream drainage facilities and water courses and protected from run-on and runoff? Is wash water contained for infiltration/ evaporation and disposed of outside the highway right of way? Is on-site deaning limited to washing with water (no soap, soaps substitutes, solvents, or steam)? On each day of use, are vehides and equipment inspeded for leaks and if necessary, repaired? Location: Location; Locafion: Location: Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control Are material storage areas and washout areas proteded from run-on and njnoff, and located at least 15 m from concentrated flows and dovmstream drainage facilities? Are all material handling and storage areas dean; organized; free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material; and stocked with appropriate dean-up supplies? Are liquid materials, hazardous materials, and hazardous wastes stored in temporary containment fadlities? Are bagged and Ixixed materials stored on pallets? Are hazardous materials and wastes stored in appropriate, labeled containers? Are proper storage, clean-up, and spill-reporting procedures for hazardous materials and wastes posted in open, conspicuous and accessible locations adjacent to storage areas? Are temporary containment facilities free of spills and rainwater? Are temporary containment facilities and bagged/boxed materials covered? Are temporary concrete washout fadlities designated and being used? Are temporary concrete washout fadlities fundional for receiving and containing concrete waste and are concrete residues prevented from entering the drainage system? Do temporary concrete vrashout fadlities provide sufficient volume and freeboard for planned concrete operations? Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist 5 of 7 Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are concrete v^asles, including residues from cutting and grinding, contained and disposed of off-site or in concrete wigshout facilities? Are spills from mobile equipment fueling and maintenance properly contained and cleaned up? Is the site free of litter? Are trash receptacles provided in the Contrador's yard, field trailer areas, and at locations where workers congregate for lunch and break periods? Is litter from vrark areas within the construdion limits of the projed site colleded and placed In watertight dumpsters? Are waste management receptacles free of leaks? Are the contents of vraste management receptacles properly proteded from contact with storm water or from t>eing dislodged by winds? Are waste management receptacles filled at or beyond capacity? Location: Location: Location: Location: Temporary Water Body Crossing or Encroachment Are temporary waler body crossings and encroachments construded as shown on the plans or as approved by the engineer? Does the project conform to the requirements ofthe 404 permit and/or 1601agreement? Location: Location: Location: Location: Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting Is there any evidence of illidt discharges or illegal dumping on the projed site? If yes, has the Engineer been notified? Location: Location: Location: Locatfon; Discharge Points Are discharge points and discharge flows free from noticeable pollutants? Are discharge points free of any significant erosion or sediment transport? Location: Stormwater Quality Construction Inspection Check List 6 of 7 Attachment H Storm Water Quality Constmction Inspection Checklist OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A ; V/V'';':JCqfrectivo Action Location: Location: Location; WPCP/SWPPP Update Does the WPCP/SWPPP, Project Schedule/Water Pollution Control Schedule and WPCDs adequately refied the current site conditions and contrador operations? Are ail BMPs shown on the WPCDs instailed in the proper location(s) and according to the details for the plan? Location; Location: Location: Location; General Are there any other potential water pollution control concems at the site? Location: Location: Location: Location; storm Water Quality Construction Inspection Checklist 7 of 7 Trained Contractor Personnel Log INSTRUCTIONS H Use this sheet to record individuals attending formal training programs specified in section 500.7 of the SWPPP. This form may also be us?.d to record informal tailgate on-site meetings on storm water management. Storm Water Management Training Lo, Project Name: ^A/C^^ /^>Q> T^/ft^B Contract Number: (S^/^J^C-^^/^V ^^^7 Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate) M Temporary Soil Stabilization gf Temporary Sediment CorJ.roI Wind Erosion Control M Tracking Control ^ Non-storm water management Waste Management and Materials Pollution Controi Specific Training Objective: /^££^ x^^='y^g^7';7:^/^>t/^ y&^4^/,e^^B%/T Location: - df/f:SC^ Date; 7^- 2^ - J Instructor: y^d://^e.J> ^/V^^ Telephone: "^(^9' 7^3 "^/(P/ Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone - ^72:7 Trained Contractor Personnel Log 1 of 2 SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS RANCHO SANTE FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE ll CONTRACT NO. 3907 SUBCONTRACTORS ACL Construction 4030 E. Grand Ave Pomona, CA 91762-9600 Contact: Elizabeth Evans (909) 629-8189 (909) 629-9338 FAX 3010-04-101 CIP Barrier Diversified Landscape Co. 33801 Washington Street Winchester, CA 92596 Contact: Joel Ular (909) 926-7444 (909) 926-7440 FAX 3010-04-103 Landscaping $361,986.21 Dywidag-Systems International USA Inc 2154 South Street Long Beach, CA 90805 Contact: Ron Giesel (562)531-6161 (562) 531-2667 FAX 3010-04-104 Prestressing c Fontana Steel 947 Rancheros Drive 3A San Marcos, CA 92069 Contact: Chris Lloyd (760) 291-1590 (760)291-1595 FAX 3010-04-105 Reinforcing Steel Gilbert Ayala & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 1264 San Bemadino, CA 92402 Contact: Jim Chavez (909) 888-7390 (909) 888-0369 FAX 3010-04-106 A/C Paving $593,534.50 Griffith Company 12200 Bloomfield Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Contact: Pete Jezowski (562) 929-1128 (562) 864-8970 FAX 3010-04-107 Curb & Gutter Harber Companies, Inc. 1880 E. Riverview Drive 3010-04-108 Bridge Removal Updated 3/30/04 San Bemardino, CA 92408 Contact: Bob Harber (909) 478-1957 (909) 478-0019 FAX *W High Light Electric, Inc. P.O. Box 7339 Riverside, CA 92513 Contact: Chuck Fisher (909) 352-9646 (909) 352-2921 FAX 3010-04-109 Electrical $252,880.00 Malcolm Drilling, Co. 2125 La Mirada Drive Vista, CA 92083 Contact: Kelly Beckwith (760) 727-0056 (760) 727-0881 FAX 3010-04-110 CIDH Piles Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 Contact: Shaun Cavanaugh (858)513-2525 (858) 513-9494 FAX 3010-04-111 Station Electrical $84,000.00 Orange County Striping 183 N. Pixley St. Orange, CA 92868 Contact: (714) 639-4550 (714) 639-6353 FAX 3010-04-112 Striping $42,884.00 Owen-Pacific 1236 S. Compton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Contact: Douglas B. Bithell (213) 747-7125 (213) 746-2714 FAX 3010-04-113 Pressure Reducing Station Waterproofing Penhall Company 5775 Eastgate Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: Pat Menses (858) 550-1111 (858) 550-1120 FAX 3010-04-114 Joint Seals SB&O 3615 Keamy Villa Rd, Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92123 3010-04-115 Survey Updated 3/30/04 Contact: Mike Butcher (858) 560-1141 (858) 560-8157 FAX Southwest V-Ditch 3625 Placentia Lane Riverside, CA 92501-1119 Contact: Lorraine (909) 781-4303 (909) 781-2774 FAX 3010-04-116 Gunite Ditches Tom C. Dyke PO. Box 352 Alpine, CA 91903 Contact: Mike Bukett (619) 445-2270 (619) 445-4934 FAX 3010-04-117 Blasting $278,600.00 Valley Crest Landscape Development 8450 Miramar Place San Diego, CA 92121-2804 Contact: Brendan (619) 458-9900 (619) 458-9904 3010-04-118 Stamped Concrete Updated 3/30/04 Attachment J Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) Subcontractor Notification Log SUBCONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION LOG r Project Name: Caltrans Contract Number: SUBCONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CONTACT NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PAGER/ FIELD PHONE DATE NOTIFICATION LETTER SENT TYPE OF WORK USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) Subcontractor Notification Log 2 of 2 jSBI^ Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks (m^ff SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Qtftmfw November 2000 CONSTRUCTORS, INC April 1, 2004 ACL Construction 4030 E. Grand Ave Pomona, CA 91762-9600 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. ^ FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pemiits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Pennits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drivs Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 1^ * CONSTRUC TORS. INC. April 1,2004 Diversified Landscape, Co. 33801 Washington Street Winchester, CA 92596 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(S\\WP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pennits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements ofthe SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 920S3 1 EL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 CONSTRUC TORS, INC. April 1,2004 Dywidag-Systems Intemational USA Inc. 2154 South Street Long Beach, CA 90805 Re; Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity(CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SV/PPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub coirespondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 *• IS c- CONSTRU C T O R S. INC April 1,2004 Fontana Steel 947 Rancheros Drive 3A San Marcos, CA 92069 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity(CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perfonn on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pemiits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc; Sub coirespondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 CONSTR UCTORS, INC. - • - "^'"V^TaTfif i^TTTmBUfc^ — April 1,2004 Gilbert Ayala & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 12647 San Bemadino, CA 92402 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pennits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements ofthe SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 F/\X: 760-560-0253 F - C - I CONSTR UCTORS, INC, April 1,2004 Griffith Company 12200 Bloomfield Ave Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Peimits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements ofthe SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2565 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 c • c • I CONSTRUCTORS. INC. April 1,2004 Harber Companies, Inc. 180 E. Riverview Drive San Bemardino, CA 92408 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with constmction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Pennits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Pemiits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 c CONSTRUCTOR S» INC. April 1, 2004 High Light Electric, Inc. P.O. Box 7339 Riverside, CA 92513 Re; Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Pennit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implemeni the requirements of the Pemiits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 CONSTRUCTORS. INC April 1, 2004 Malcolm Drilling 2125 La Mirada Drive Vista, CA 92083 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board 1. ;us adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Wetter Discharges Associated with Construction Activity(CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub conespondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 F * C * I CONSTRUCTORS, INC. April 1,2004 Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Constmction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. ^ FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Pennits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Peimits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX; 760-560-0253 CONSTRUCTORS, INC. April 1,2004 Orange County Striping 183 N. Pixley St. Orange, CA 92868 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with constmction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constmctors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub conespondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 CONSTR UCTORS, INC April 1,2004 Owen-Pacific 1236 S. Compton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn; Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity frorn entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pian(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Peimits for any wo.k that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits ra^ -/ ., subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encourap/.-i • , advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP md the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the constmction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 c F * C » CONSTRUCTORS, INC April 1,2004 Penhall Company 5775 Eastgate Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Re; Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn; Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Constmction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with constmction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Pennits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Pennits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pennits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constmctors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL; 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 c • c * I CON S TRU C TO RS. INC April 1,2004 SB&O 3615 Kearny Villa Rd, Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92123 Re; Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Constmction Activity(CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL; 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 F • C * CONST RUCTORS, INC April 1,2004 Southwest V-Ditch 3625 Placentia Lane Riverside, CA 92501-1119 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Pennit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Constmction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. ^ FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pian(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Pemiits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition ofthe Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the constmction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, ' FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc; Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92003 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 F • C * CONSTRU C T O R S, INC April 1,2004 Tom C. Dyke P.O. Box 352 Alpine, CA 91903 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these peiTnits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with constmction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SV/PPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Pennits may b'; subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constmctors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 F/VX: 760-560-0253 c CONST R U C TO R S. INC. April 1,2004 Valley Crest Landscape Development 8450 Miramar Place San Diego, CA 92121-2804 Re: Rancho Sante Fe Road North, Phase 2 SWPPP Notification Attn: Subcontractor Project Superintendent Please be advised that the Califomia State Water Resources Control Board has adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit and the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Constmction Activity (CAS000002, Order No. 99-08-DWQ). The goal of these permits is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with constmction activity from entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters. FCI has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) in order implement the requirements of the Permits. As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, FCI Constructors, Inc. Roy Bartlett Project Manager Cc: Sub correspondence Job file 2585 Business Park Drive Vista, CA 92083 TEL: 760-727-9767 FAX: 760-560-0253 ^^^^^^ Notice of Discharge, Written Notice, or Or<der INSTRUCTIONS « This form will used to report instances of discharges. The completed form will be submitted to the Resident Engineer within 7 days ofthe assessment of discharge, written notice or orders from a regulatory agency. "^^^ ^ Date: Subject: Notice of Discharge Project Name: ^AJaHO ^r^JrH fs 'jep. Alh^rH. pH^^ Z. Contract Number; . __ S9^7 In accordance with the NPDES Statewide Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Construction Activity, the following instance of discharge is noted; Date, time, and location of discharge Insert description and date of event Nature ofthe operation that caused the discharge Insert description of operation Initial assessment of any impact cause by the discharge Insert assessment Existing BIVIP(s) in place prior to discharge event List BMPs in place Date of deployment and type of BMPs deployed after the discharge. BMPs deployed after the discharge (with dates) Notice of Discharge 1 of 2 Attachment K Notice of Non-Compliance - Sample Insert steps taken to prevent recurrence Implementation and maintenance schedule for any affected BMPs Insert implementation and maintenance schedule If toher information or a modification to the above schedule is required, notify the contact person Name of Contact Person Title Company Telephone Number Signature Date Notice of Discharge 2 of 2 • Storm V\fater Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Guide September 2000 storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Monitoring Program Checklist INSTRUCTIONS H This form provides a checklist of all items that shall be included in the SWPPP. ra The checklist shall be completed by the contractor to ensure that all required elements of the SWPPP have been addressed. n The completed SWPPP Checklist shall be included as Appendix L of the final SWPPP. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: .O^A^GHD >:5^AVT/^ FC Bp. h/i7^TH, 'PHA^B Z CONTRACTOR: /^C I OAJ:^Tej/C:U?i^. /AJC^. CONTRACT NO; 3'9^ 7 SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 100 SWPPP Certification and Approval c.10 100.1 SWPPP Certification C.10 100.2 SWPPP Approval c.10 N/ 200 SWPPP Amendments A.4.a, A.16 200.1 Amendment number and date entered into SWPPP - Amendment Log A.4.a. A.16 200.2 Amendment Certification and Approval A.4.a, A.16 300 Introduction/Project Description 300.1 Project Description and Location (narrative) A.5.a.1 300.2 Unique Site Features (narrative) A.S.a.l Storm VWater Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Novemljer 2000 SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist 1 of 5 Attachment L SWPPP and Monitoring Program Cfwcklist SEC ;TI0M A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE SWPPP _ Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMf^flENTS 300.4 Project Schedule/Water Pollution Control Schedule (narrative or graphical^ A.5.C.5 400 References A.14 500.2 Vicinity Map (narrative or graphic) A.S.a.l \X 500.2 Site perimeter A.5.a.1 ^^ 500.2 Geographic Features A.5.a.1 t/ 500,2 General tofxjgraphy A.S.a.l 500.4 Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) (graphic or narrative) A.5.a.2 500.4 Site perimeter A.5.a.2 500.4 Existing and proposed buildings, lots, and roadways A.5.a.2 500.4 Storm water collection and discharge points A.5.a.2 500.4 General topography before and after construction A.5.a.2 500.4 Anticipated discharge location(s) A.5.a.2 500.4 Drainage patterns Including the entire relevant drainage areas A.5.a.2 500.4 Temporary on-site dralnage(s) A.5.a.2 500.3 Pollutant Source and BMP Identification (narrate/ or indicate on site map) A.5.b Drainage A.5.b.1 \y 500.4 Drainage patterns after major grading A.S.b.l 500.4 Slopes after major grading A.5.b.1 Attach, E Calculations for storm vrater run-on A.5.b.1 500.4 BMPs tiiat divert off-site drainage from passing through site A.5.b.1 500.4 Storm Water Inlets A.5.b.2 \^ 500.4 Drainage pattems to stomi vrater inlets or receiving water A.5.b.2 500.4 BMPs ttiat protect storm water inlets or receiving water A.5.b,2 S//e History (narrative; if possible, indicate location(s) on the Water Pollution Control Drawings) A.5.b 500.3.3 Nature of fill material and data describing the soil. Description of toxic materials treated, stored, disposed, spilled or leaked on site A.5.b.3 vX 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 BMPs that minimize contact of contaminants with storm water A.5.b.3 Location of Areas Designated for: A.5.b.4 500.3.8 & 500.4 Vehide storage & service A.5.b.4 500.3.8 & 500.4 Equipment storage, cleaning, maintenance A.6.b.4 0 SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist 2 of 5 Storm Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual Novemtjer 2000 Attachment L SWPPP and Monitohng Pmgram Checklist SECTION A: STORi^^ WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED N/A IF NOT APPUCABLE- SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS uX 500.3.9 & 500.4 Soil or waste storage A. 5. b.4 1/ 500.3.9 & 500.4 Construction material loading, unloading, storage and access A.5.b.4 500.3.8 & 500,3.9 Areas outside of Owners right-of-way (yards, borrow areas, etc.) BMP Locations or Descriptions for: A.5.b.5 500.3.9 & 500.4 Waste handling and disposal areas A.5.b.5 iX 500.3.9 & 500.4 On-site storage and disposal of constmcrtlon materials and waste A.5.b.5 500.3.8, 500.3.9 & 500.4 Minimum exposure of storm water to construction materials, equipment, vehides, waste A.5.b.5 500.6 Post Construction BMPs A.5.b.6 iX 500.6.1 Listing or Description of Post-construction BMPs A,5.b.6 500.4 Location of post-construdion BMPs A.5.b.6 500.6.2 Parties responsible for long-term maintenance A.5.b.6 Additional Information A.5.C 500.3.1 Description of other pollutant sources and BMPs A.5.C.1 tx 500.3.2 Pre-conslrudion control practices A.5.C.1 500.3.1 Inventory of materials and activities that may pollute storm water A.5.C.2 iX 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 BMPs to reduce/eliminate potential pollutants listed in the inventory A.5.C.2 300.4 Runoff coefficient (before & after) A.5.C.3 300.4 Percent impervious (before & after) A.5.C.3 Attach. F Copy of the NOC A.5.C.4 300.3 Construction activity schedule A.5.C.5 ^^ 300.5 Contact Information A.5.C.6 500.4.1 SOIL STABILIZATION (EROSION CONTROL) A.6 The SWPPP shall include: A.6.a-c 500.4 Areas of vegetation on site A.6.a.1 vX 500.4 Areas of soil disturbance that vwll be stabilized during rainy season A.6.a.2 500.4 Areas of soil disturtiance wdiich will be exposed during any part of the rainy season A.6.a.3 300.4 Implementation schedule for erosion control measures A.6.a.4 500.3.4 BMPs for erosion control A.S.b vX 500.3.7 BMPs to control Wind erosion A.6.C Stomn Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist 3 of 5 Attachment L SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) CHECK IF ADDRESSED N/A (F NOT APPLICABLE SWPPP _ Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 500.3.5 SEDIMENT CONTROL A.8 500.3.5 & 500.4 Description/illustration of BMPs to prevent Increase of sediment load in discharge A.a 300.4, 500.3.5 Implementation schedule for sediment control measures A.S 500.3.6 BMPs to control sediment tracking A.8 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 NON-STORM WATER IVIANAGEMENT -A. 9 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Description of non-storm water discharges to receiving waters A.9 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Lcx:ations of discharges A.9 500.3.8 & 500.3.9 Description of BMPs A.9 300.5 Name and phone number of person responsible for non-storm water manaqement A.9 500.6 POST-CONSTRUCTION A.10 500.6.1 Description of post-construdion BMPs A.10 500.6.2 Operation/Maintenance of BMPs after project completion (including short-term funding, long-term iijnding and responsible party) A.10 500.5 MAINTENANCE, INSPECTIONS, AND REPAIR A.11 vX 300.5, 600.1 Name and phone number of person(s) responsible for inspedions A.11 600.1, Attach. H Complete Inspedion checklist: date, weather, inadequate BMPs, visual observations of BMPs, corrective action, inspector's name, title, signature A.ll.a-f OTHER REQUIREMENTS A.12-16 500.7 Documentation of all training A.12 500.8 List of Contradors/Sufcicontradors A.13 SECTION B: MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS CHECK IF ADDRESSED N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE SWPPP Section ITEM GENERAL PERMIT REF. COMMENTS 600.1 Description of Site Inspedion Plans B.3 100.3 Compliance certification (annually 7/1) B.4 600.2 Discharge reporting B.5 L/ 600.3 Keep records of ail inspections, compliance certifications, and noncompliance reports on site for a period of at least three years B.6 SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist 4 of 5 Storm Water Quality HandlDooks SWPPPAVPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 '• Annual Certification of Compliance Form INSTRUCTIONS 1 B By June 15 of each year, the Contractor shall complete and submit this form to the Resident Engineer for approval as required in Section 100.3 ofthe SWPPP Annual certification of compliance is based on the site inspections required in the SWPPP. m n Completed and signed Annual Certifications and Approvals shall be included Section 100.3 of the SWPPP following the required text ofthe section. « This Annual Certification of Compliance form does not need to be completed at the initial approval, but it shall be submitted during the first year ofthe initial SWPPP approval. Annual Certification of Compliance for the Construction Contractor Project Name: Contract Number: Contractor Company Name: Contractor Address: Construction Start Date: Description of Work: Work Now in Progress: 59^7 Completion Date: description of work , ^ r> -. work in progress Stonn V\feter Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP PreparaUon Manual November 2000 Annual Certification of Compliance 1 of 3 Attachment M " Annual Certification of Compliance Work Planned for Next 12 Months: vrork planned "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properiy gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infonnation to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is. tme, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Contractor Signature; Date: Annual Certification of Compliance 2of3 Storm Water Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual November 2000 ' .• I O Attachment M Annual Certification of Compliance Approval by the Resident Engineer for the Annual Certification of Compliance Resident Engineer's Findings I, and/or personnel acting under my direction and supervision, have inspected the project site and the work described above and find as follows: 1. • YES • NO Storm water pollution control measures are being implemented in accordance with the SWPPP approved for the project. 2. • YES • NO The project site and activities thereon are in compliance with the Statewide NPDES Pemiit No. CAS000003, the NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002 or local NPDES permits, which ever is applicable. When both 1 and 2 above are checked 'Ves", the resident engineer must complete the annual certification below. If either 1 or 2 above are checked "no", the resident engineer must: a File a notice of non-compliance within 30 days of identification ofthe noncompliance; a Document follow up actions below; a Notify the contractor; and a Initiate coirective actions in accordance with the contract. Resident Engineer's Follow up Actions: / certifi- wider penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my dn-L'ciiun or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly galher and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry ofthe person or persons i vho manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the mformal ion submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I' am cnvore that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFICATION Resident Engineer's Name and Signature Date stomi Water Quality Handbooks Zemb^2S)'''°'''""°" Certification of Compliance 3 of 3 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) ORDER NO. 99 - 08 - DWQ NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS (WDRS) FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY The State Water Resources Control Board finds that: 1. Federal regulations for controlling pollutants in stomi water runoff discharges were ^A^Tr^i^^J^^.^J' ^"^'^'^^ Protection Agency (USEPA) on November 16,1990 (40 Code of Federal RegulaUons (CFR) Parts 122, 123, and 124). The regulations require discharges of stonn water to surface waters associated with constmction activity includine clearing, grading, and excavation activities (except operations that result in disturbance of less tfian five acres of total land aiea and which are not part of a larger coimnon plan of .) development or sale) to obtain an NPDES pemih and to implement Best Available A Techno ogy Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control y Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate stomi water pollution. 2. This General Pennit regulates pollutants in discharges of stonn water associated with construction activity (stonn water discharges) to surface waters, except from those areas on Tnbal Lands; Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit; constmcfion projects which disturb less than fi ve acres, unless pan of a larger common plan of development or sale; and stonn water discharges which are detemiined ineligible for coverage under this General Pennit by the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). Attachment 1 contains addresses and telephone numbers of each RWQCB office. 3. This General Pennit does not preempt or supersede the authority of local stomi water management agencies to prohibit, restrict, or control storm water discharges to separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses within their jurisdiction, as allowed by Sute 4. To obtain authorization for proposed storm water discharges to surface waters, pursuant to this General Permit, the landowner (discharger) must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) with a vicinity map and the appropriate fee to the SWRCB prior to commencement of constmction activities. In addition, coverage under this General Pennit shall not occur until the apphcant develops a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the requirements of Section A of this pennit for the project. For proposed constmction activity conducted on easements or on nearby property by agreement or permission, or by an owner or lessee of a mineral estate (oil, gas, geothennal, aggregate, precious metals, and/or industrial minerals) entitled to conduct the activities, the entity responsible for the constmction activity must submit the NOI and filing fee and shall be responsible for development of the SWPPP. 5. If an mdividual NPDES Permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to this General Permit or if an altemative General Pennit is subsequently adopted which covers stonn water discharges regulated by this General Pennit, the apphcability of this General Pennit to such discharges is automatically tenninated on the effective date ofthe individual pennit or the date of approval for coverage imder the subsequent General Permit. 6. This action to adopt an NPDES pennit is exempt fix)m the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Pubhc Resources Code Section 21100, et seq,) in accordance with section 13389 ofthe CaHfomia Water Code. 7. The SWRCB adopted the Califomia Ocean Plan, and the RWQCBs have adopted and the SWRCB has approved Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans). Dischargers regulated by this General Permit must comply with the water quality standards in these Basin Plans and subsequent amendments thereto. 8. The SWRCB finds storm water discharges associated with constmction activity to be a potential significant sources of pollutants. Furthennore, the SWRCB finds that stonn water discharges associated with constmction activities have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an excursion above water quality standards for sediment in the water bodies listed in Attachment 3 to this pennit. 9. It is not feasible at this time to establish numeric effluent hmitations for pollutants in storm water discharges from constmction activities. Instead, the provisions of this General Permit require implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control and abate the discharge of pollutants in storm water discharges. 10. Discharges of non-stonn water may be necessary for the completion of certain constmction projects. Such discharges include, but are not limited to: irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, street cleaning, and ^ dewatering. Such discharges are autiiorized by this General Permit as long as they (a) do ^1 comply with Section A.9 of this General Permh. (b) do not cause or contribute to violation of any water quality standard, (c) do not violate any other provision of this General Permit, (d) do not require a non-storm water pennit as issued by some RWQCBs, '^""^ (®) not prohibited by a Basin Plan. If a non-stonn water discharge is subject to a separate peimit adopted by a RWQCB, die discharge must additionally be authorized by the RWQCB pennit. 11. Following adoption of tiiis General Pennit, tiie RWQCBs shall enforce tiie provisions herein including the monitoring and reporting requirements. 12. Following public notice in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations, the SWRCB in a pubhc meeting on June 8, 1998, heard and considered all comments. The SWRCB has prepared written responses to all significant comments. 13. This Order is an NPDES permit in compliance with section 402 ofthe Clean Water Act (CWA) and shall take effect upon adoption by tiie SWRCB provided the Regional Administrator of tiie USEPA has no objection. If tiie USEPA Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the General Permit shall not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. 14. This General Permit does not authorize discharges of fill or dredged material regulated by tiie U.S. Amay Corps of Engineers under CWA section 404 and does not constitute a waiver of water quality certification under CWA section 401. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED tiiat all dischargers who file an NOI indicating tiieir intention to be regulated under tiie provisions of tiiis General Permit shall comply witii tiie following: A. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS: 1. Autiiorization pursuant to this General Pennit does not constitute an exemption to applicable discharge prohibitions prescribed in Basin Plans, as implemented by tiie nine RWQCBs. 2. Discharges of material otiier tiian storm water which are not otherwise autiiorized by an NPDES pennit to a separate storm sewer system (MS4) or waters ofthe nation are prohibited, except as allowed in Special Provisions for Constmction Activity, C.3. 3. Stonn water discharges shall not cause or tiu-eaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance. 4. Stonn water discharges regulated by tiiis General Pemih shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity listed in 40 CFR Part 117 and/or 40 CFR Part 302. 4 3 B. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS: 1. Stonn water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges to any surface or ground water shall not adversely impact human healtii or tiie environment. 2. The SWPPP developed for tiie constmction activity covered by tius General Permit shall be designed and implemented such that storm water discharges and authorized nonstonn water discharges shall not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any applicable water quality standards contamed in a Statewide Water Quality Control Plan and/or tiie appHcable RWQCB's Basin Plan. 3. Should it be detennined by tiie discharger, SWRCB, or RWQCB tiiat storm water discharges and/or authorized nonstonn water discharges are causing or contributing to an exceedance of an ^Hcable water quality standard, the discharger shall: a. Implement conective measures immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded, followed by notification to the RWQCB by telephone as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after tiie discharge has been discovered. This notification shall be followed by a report within 14-calender days to the appropriate RWQCB, unless otiienvise directed by tiie RWQCB, describing (1) the nature and cause of the water quality standard exceedance; (2) the BMPs currently being implemented; (3) any additional BMPs which will be implemented to prevent or reduce pollutants that are causing or contributing to the exceedance of water quality standards; and (4) any maintenance or repair of BMPs. This report shall include an implementation schedule for conective actions and shall describe the actions taken to reduce the pollutants causing or contributing to the exceedance. b. The discharger shall revise its SWPPP and monitoring program immediately after the report to tiie RWQCB to incorporate tiie additional BMPs that have been and will be implemented, the implementation schedule, and any additional monitoring needed. c. Notiiing in tiiis section shall prevent tiie appropriate RWQCB from enforcing any provisions of tiiis General Permit while tiie discharger prepares and implements the above report. C. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: 1. All dischargers shall file an NOI and pay tiie appropriate fee for constmction _| activities conducted at each site as required by Attachment 2: Notice of hitent- General Instmctions. 4. All dischargers shall develop and implement a SWPPP in accordance with Section A: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The discharger shal] implement controls to reduce pollutants in stonn water discharges from tiieir constmction sites to tiie BAT/BCT perfoimance standard. Discharges of non-storm water are autiiorized only where tiiey do not cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard and are controlled tiirough implementation of appropriate BMPs for elimmation or reduction of pollutants, hnplementation of appropriate BMPs is a condition for autiiorization of non-stonn water discharges, Non-stomi water discharges and tiie BMPs appropriate for tiieir control must be described in tiie SWPPP. Wherever feasible, altematives which do not resuh in discharge of nonstonn water shall be implemented in accordance witii Section A.9. of tiie SWPPP requirements. All (Hschargers shall develop and implement a monitoring program and reporting plan in accordance witii Section B: Monitoring Program and Reporting Requirements. All dischargers shall comply with the lawfiil requirements of municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and otiier local agencies regarding discharges of stonn water to separate stonn sewer systems or otiier watercourses under tiieir jurisdiction, including appHcable requirements in municipal storm water management programs developed to comply witii NPDES pemiits issued bv the RWQCBs to local agencies. 6. All dischargers shall comply witti tiie standard provisions and reporting requirements contamed in Section C: Standard Provisions. 7. The discharger may temiinate coverage for a portion of tiie project under tiiis General Pennit when ownership of a portion of tins project has been transfened or when a phase witiiin tins multi-phase project has been completed. When ownership has transfened, tiie discharger must submit to its RWQCB a Change of hifonnation Forni (COI) Attachment 4 witii revised site map and tiie name, address and telephone number of tiie new owner(s). Upon transfer of title the discharger should notify tiie new owner(s) of tiie need to obtain coverage'under tius General Pennit. The new owner must comply witii provisions of Sections A 2. (c) and B 2. (b) of tills General Permit. To tenninate coverage for a portion of tiie project when a phase has been completed, tiie discharger must submit to its RWQCB a COI witii a revised map tiiat identifies tiie newly delmeated site. Jl 8. The discharger may tenninate coverage under tius General Pemiit for a complete project by submitting to its RWQCB a Notice of Tennination Forni (NOT) and ^ tiie post-constmction BMPs plan according to Section A.10 of this General' ) w % Pennit. Note tiiat a constraction project is considered complete only when all ••i^ portions of tiie site have been transferred to a new owner; or tiie following conditions have been met: a. There is no potential for constmction related storni water pollution, b. All elements of tiie SWPPP have been completed, c. Constmction materials and waste have been disposed of properly, d. The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements, and e. A post-constmction storm water management plan is in place as described in tiie site's SWPPP. 9. This General Peimit expires five years from tiie date of adoption. D. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (RWQCB) AUTHORITIES: ^ 1. RWQCBs shall: ^- hnplement tiie provisions of tins General Pemiit. hnplementation of tiiis General Pennit may mclude, but is not limited to requestmg tiie submittal of SWPPPS. reviewing SWPPPs. reviewing monitoring reports, conducting compliance inspections, and taking enforcement actions. b. Issue pennits as tiiey deem appropriate to individual dischargers, categories of dischargers, or dischargers in a geographic area. Upon issuance of such pennits by a RWQCB, tiie affected dischargers shall no longer be regulated by tius General Pennit. 2. RWQCBs may require, on a case-by-case basis, tiie inclusion of an analysis of potential downstream impacts on receiving waterways due to the pennitted constraction. 3. RWQCBs may provide infonnation to dischargers on tiie development and implementation of SWPPPs and monitoring programs and may require revisions to SWPPPs and monitoring programs. 4. RW(}CBs may require dischargers to retain records for more tiian tiiree years. 5. RW(3CBs may require additional monitoring and reporting program requirements mcluding samplmg and analysis of discharges to water bodies listed in -1 -3 6. Attachment 3 to this pennit. Additional requirements imposed by the RWQCB should be consistent with the overall monitoring effort in the receiving waters. RWQCBs may issue individual NPDES pennits for tiiose consttiiction activities found to be ineligible for coverage imder this pennit. CERTIFICATION The undersigned. Administrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a fiill, tme, and conect copy of an order duly and regularly adopted at a meeting ofthe State Water Resources Control Board held on August 19,1999. AYE: NO: James M. Stubchaer Maiy Jane Forster John W. Brown Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None /s/ Maureen Marche Administrative Assistant to the Board i ^ k SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 1. Obiectives A Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed and implemented to address tiie specific circumstances for each constmction site covered by tiiis General Permit. The SWPPP shall be certified in accordance witii tiie signatory requirements of section C, Standard Provision for Constmction Activities (9). The SWPPP shall be developed and amended or revised, when necessary, to meet tiie following objectives: a. Identify all pollutant sources mcludmg sources of sediment tiiat may affect tiie quality of storm water discharges associated witii constraction activity (storm water discharges) fijom the constraction site, and b. Identify non-stoim water discharges, and c Identify, constmct, implement m accordance witii a tune schedule, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate poUutants in storni water discharges and autiiorized nonstonn water discharges from tiie constraction site during constraction, and d Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during constraction designed to reduce or elimmate pollutants after constraction is completed (post- constraction BMPs). 2. Implementation Schedule a. For constmction activity commencing on or after adoption of tiiis General Pennit, the SWPPP shall be developed prior to tiie start of soil-disttiri^ing activity in accordance witii tiiis Section and shall be implemented concunently witii commencement of soil-dismrbing activities. b. Existmg pennittees engaging in constraction activities covered under tiie tenns of tiie previous General Constraction Permit SWPPP (WQ Order No,92-08-DWQ) shall continue to implement tiieir existing SWPPP and shall implement any necessary revisions to tiieir SWPPP in accordance witii tius Section of tiie General Pennit in a timely manner, but in no case more tiian 90-calender days from tiie date of adoption of tiiis General Pennit. c. For ongoing constmction activity involving a change of ownership of property tiie new owner shall review tiie existing SWPPP and amend if necessary or develop a new SWPPP witiiin 45-calender davs i 3. Availability The SWPPP shall remain on the constmction site while the site is under constmction during working hours, commencing with the initial constmction activity and ending with tennination of coverage under the General Permit. 4. Required Changes a. The discharger shall amend tiie SWPPP whenever tiiere is a change in constraction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if the discharger violates any condition of this General Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing or elnninating pollutants in stonn water discharges. If tiie RWQCB detennines that tiie discharger is in violation of tiiis General Pennit. tiie SWPPP shall be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 14-calendar days after notification by the RWQCB. All amendments should be dated and directly attached to tiie SWPPP. b. The RWQCB or local agency witii the concurrence of tiie RWQCB may require the discharger to amend the SWPPP. 5, Source Identification The SWPPP shall mclude: (a) project information and (b) pollutant source identification combined witii an itemization of tiiose BMPs specifically chosen to control tiie pollutants Hsted. a. Proj ect Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a vicinity map locating the project site with respect to easily identifiable major roadways, geographic features, or landmarks. At a minimum, the map must show the constraction site perimeter, tiie geographic features sunounding tiie site, and the general topography. (2) The SWPPP shall include a site map(s) which shows tiie constraction project in detail, mcluding tiie existing and planned paved areas and buildings. (a) At a mimmum. the map must show the constraction site perimeter, existing and proposed buildings, lots, roadways, stoim water collection and discharge points; general topography botii before and after constraction; and tiie anticipated discharge location(s) i where tiie stonn water from tiie constraction site discharges to a municipal storm sewer system or other water body. (b) The drainage patterns across tiie project area must clearly be shown on the map, and the m^ must extend as far outside the site perimeter as necessary to illustrate tiie relevant drainage areas. Where relevant drainage areas are too large to depict on tiie map, map notes or inserts illustrating the upstream drainage areas are sufficient. (c) Temporary on-site drainages to cany concentrated fiow shall be selected to comply with local ordinances, to control erosion, to retum flows to their natural drainage courses, and to prevent damage to downstream properties. 3. Infonnation presented in tiie SWPPP may be represented eitiier by nanative or by graphics. Where possible, nanative descriptions should be plan notes. Nanative descriptions which do not lend tiiemselves to plan notes can be contained in a separate document which must be referenced on the plan. b. Pollutant Source and BMP Identification The SWPPP shall mclude a description of potential sources which are likely to add pollutants to storni water discharges or which may result in nonstonn water discharges from tiie constraction site. Discharges originating from off-site which flow across or tiirough areas disturbed by constraction tiiat may contain pollutants should be reported to tiie RWQCB. The SWPPP shall: (1) Show drainage pattems and slopes anticipated after major grading activities are completed. Runoff from off-site areas should be prevented from flowing tiirough areas tiiat have been disttuhed by constmction unless appropriate conveyance systems are in place. The amount of anticipated storni water run-on must be considered to detemiine tiie appropriateness of tiie BMPs chosen. Show all calculations for anticipated storni water run-on, and describe all BMPs implemented to divert off-site drainage described m section A. 5 a. (2) (c) around or tiirough tiie constraction project. (2) Show tiie drainage pattems into each on-site storai water inlet point or receiving water. Show or describe the BMPs tiiat will protect operational stonn water inlets or receiving waters fix)m contaminated discharges otiier tiian sediment discharges, such as, but not limited to: storni water witii 10 elevated pH levels from contact witii soil amendments such as lime or gypsum; slurry fiom sawcutting of concrete or asphalt ;washing of exposed aggregate concrete; concrete rinse water; building washing operations; equipment washing operations; minor street washing associated with street delineation; and/or sealing and paving activities occuning during rains. (3) Show existing site feattires tiiat, as a resuh of known past usage, may contribute pollutants to storm water, (e.g.. toxic materials tiiat are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the constraction site). Show or describe tiie BMPs implemented to minimize tiie exposure of stoxm water to contaminated soil or toxic materials. (4) Show areas designated for tiie (a) storage of soil or waste, (b) vehicle storage and service areas, (c) constraction material loading, unloading, and access areas, (d) equipment storage, cleaning, and mamtenance areas. (5) Describe tiie BMPs for control of discharges from waste handling and disposal areas and metiiods of on-site storage and disposal of constraction materials and constraction waste. Describe the BMPs designed to ^ mmunize or eHminate the exposure of storm water to constraction ^ materials, equipment, vehicles, waste storage areas, or service areas. The BMPs described shall be in compliance witii Federal, State, and local ^ laws, regulations, and ordinances. (6) Describe all post-constraction BMPs for tiie project, and show the location of each BMP on tiie map. (Post-constraction BMPs consist of pennanent feattires designed to minimize pollutant discharges, including sediment, from the site after consttiiction has been completed.) Also, describe tiie agency or parties to be tiie responsible party for long-temi maintenance of tiiese BMPs. c. Additional Infonnation (1) The SWPPP shall include a nanative description of pollutant sources and BMPs tiiat cannot be adequately communicated or identified on tiie site map. In addition, a narrative description of preconstraction control practices (if any) to reduce sediment and otiier pollutants in storni water discharges shall be included. (2) The SWPPP shall include an inventory of all materials used and activities perfonned during constraction tiiat have tiie potential to contribute to tiie J discharge of pollutants otiier tiian sediment in storni water. Describe tiie ^ BMPs selected and tiie basis for their selection to eliminate or reduce tiiese pollutants in the storni water discharges. 11 (3) The SWPPP shall include tiie following information regarding the consttiiction site surface area: tiie size (in acres or square feet), tiie runoff coefficient before and after constraction, and the percentage that is impervious (e.g., paved, roofed, etc.) before and after consttiiction. (4) The SWPPP shall include a copy of tiie NOI, and tiie Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number. Should a WDID number not be received from tiie SWRCB at the time consttiiction commences, the discharger shall mclude proof of mailing of tiie NOI. e.g., certified mail receipt, copy of check, express mail receipt, etc. (5) The SWPPP shall include a consttiiction activity schedule which describes all major activities such as mass grading, paving, lot or parcel unprovements at tiie site and tiie proposed time fiame to conduct those activities. (6) The SWPPP shall list tiie name and telephone number of tiie qualified person(s) who have been assigned responsibihty for prestonn. poststonn, and storm event BMP mspections; and tiie qualified peison(s) assigned responsibility to ensure fiill compliance with tiie pennit and 'A implementation of all elements of tiie SWPPP, including tiie preparation / of tiie annual compliance evaluation and tiie elimmation of all unauthorized discharges, 6. Erosion Control Erosion control, also refened to as "soil stabilization" is tiie most effective way to retain soil and sediment on tiie constraction site. The most efficient way to address erosion control is to preserve existing vegetation where feasible, to limit disttirbance, and to stabilize and revegetate disttu-bed areas as soon as possible after grading or consttiiction Particular attention must be paid to large mass-graded sites where tiie potential for soil exposure to tiie erosive effects of rainfall and wind is great. Mass graded consttiiction sites may be exposed for several yeais while tiie project is being built out. Thus, tiiere is potential for significant sediment discharge from tiie site to surface waters. At a minimum, tiie discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment contt-ol on all disttirbed areas during the rainy season These disttiri>ed areas include rough graded roadways, slopes, and building pads. Until pennanent vegetation is estabhshed, soil cover is tiie most cost-effective and expeditious mrthod to protect soil particles from detachment and transport by rainfall. Temporary soil stabilization can be tiie single-most important factor in reducing erosion at constraction sites. The discharger shall consider measures such as: covering witii mulch temporary seedmg, soil stabilizers, binders, fiber rolls or blankets, temporary vegetation' permanent seeding, and a variety of other measures. 4 12 The SWPPP shall include a description of tiie erosion conttol practices, including a time schedule, to be unplemented during constraction to mmimize erosion on disttirbed areas of a consttuctton site. The discharger must consider tiie fiill range of erosion conttol BMPs. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecttng and unplementing appropriate BMPs. The above listed erosion conlrol measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or mnovattve approaches cunently available or being developed. a. The SWPPP shall include: (1) An outline of tiie areas of vegetative soil cover or native vegeution onsite which will remam undisttirbed during tiie consttiiction project. (2) An outlme of all areas of soil disttirbance includmg cut or fill areas which wtil be stabilized during tiie rainy season by temporary or pennanent erosion contt-ol measures, such as seedmg. mulch, or blankets, etc. (3) An outHne of tiie areas of soil disttirbance, cut, or fiH which will be left exposed during any part of tiie rainy season, representing areas of potential soil erosion where sediment conttol BMPs are required to be used during constraction. measures. b. c. (4) A proposed schedule for tiie implementation of erosion conttol The S WPPP shall include a description of tiie BMPs and control practices to be used for botii temporary and pennanent erosion contt-ol measures. The SWPPP shall include a description of tiie BMPs to reduce wind erosion at all times, witii particular attention paid to stock-piled materials. 7. Stabilization (1) All disttirbed areas of tiie consttiiction site must be stabilized. Final stabihzatton for tiie puiposes of submitting a NOT is satisfied when: -All soil disttirbing activities are completed AND EITHER OF THE TWO FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE MET: -A unifomi vegetative cover witii 70 percent coverage has been established OR: -equivalent stabilization measures have been employed These measures include tiie use of such BMPs as blankets, reinforced 13 channel liners, soil cement, fiber mattices, geotextiles, or otiier •"^^ erosion resistant soil coverings or treatments. (2) Where background native vegetation covers less tiian 100 percent of tiie surface, such as in arid areas, tiie 70 percent coverage criteria is adjusted as follows: If tiie native vegetation covers 50 percent ofthe ground surface, 70 percent of 50 percent (.70 X .50=.35) would require 35 percent total uniform surface coverage, 8. Sediment Control The SWPPP shall include a description or illusttation of BMPs which will be implemented to prevent a net increase of sedunent load in storni water discharge relative to preconsttiiction levels. Sediment conttol BMPs are required at appropriate locations along tiie site perimeter and at all operational intemal mlets to tiie storm drain system at all times during tiie rainy season. Sediment conttol practices may include filtration devices and barriers (such as fiber rolls, sih fence, stt-aw bale barriers, and gravel inlet filters) and/or setthng devices (such as sediment ttaps or basms). Effective filttation devices, baniers, and settlmg devices shall be selected, installed and mamtamed properly. A proposed schedule for deployment of sediment control BMPs shall be included m tiie SWPPP. These are tiie most basic measures to prevent sediment fix>m leaving tiie project ; site and movmg into receiving waters. Limited exemptions may be autiiorized by ttie ^ J RWQCB when work on active areas precludes tiie use of sediment conttol BMPs temporarily. Under ttiese conditions, tiie SWPPP must describe a plan to estabHsh perimeter controls prior to the onset of rain. During tiie nonrainy season, the discharger is responsible for ensuring tiiat adequate sediment conttol materials are available to contt-ol sediment discharges at tiie downgrade penmeter and operational inlets in tiie event of a predicted storni. The discharger shall consider a fitil range of sediment contt^ols. in addition to tiie contt-ols hsted above, such as sttaw bale dikes, earth dikes, bmsh baniers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drain, sandbag dikes, fiber rolls, or ottier conttols. At a minimum, tiie discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment contt-ol on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. Ifthe discharger chooses to rely on sediment basins for tt-eatinent puiposes. sediment basins shall, at a mimmum, be designed and maintained as follows: Option 1: Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance. provided tiiat ttie design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. ) OR 9 14 Option 2: Sedunent basin(s), as measured from tiie bottom of tiie basin to the principal outlet, shall have at least a capacity equivalent to 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into tiie sediment basin. The lengtii of tiie basm shall be more tiian twice tiie widtii ofthe basm. The lengtii is detemuned by measuring tiie distance between tiie inlet and tiie outlet; and the deptii must not be less than three feet nor greater tiian five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. OR Option 3: Sedunent basin(s) shall be designed using ttie standard equation: As=I.2Q/Vs Where: As is tiie mmimum surface area for ttapping soil particles of a certam size; Vs is tiie settlmg velocity of tiie design particle size chosen; and Q=C x I x A where Q is tiie discharge rate measured in cubic feet per second; C is tiie runoff coefficient; I is tiie precipitation intensity for tiie 10-year. 6-hour rain event and A is tiie area draining into tiie sediment basin m acres. The design particle size shall be tiie smallest soil grain size I detennined by wet sieve analysis, or tiie fme silt sized (0.01mm) particle, ^Jj and tiie Vs used shall be 100 percent of tiie calculated settling velocity. The lengtii is determined by measuring tiie distance between the inlet and tiie outiet; tiie lengtii shall be more ttian twice tiie dimension as ttie width; ttie deptti shall not be less ttian ttiree feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency (two feet of storage, two feet of capacity). The basin(s) shall be located on ttie site where it can be maintained on a year-round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain ttie two feet of capacity; OR Option 4: The use of an equivalent surface area design or equation, provided tiiat the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water qualitv tiian Option 3. 1 J A sedunent basin shall have a means for dewatering witiim 7-calendar days following a stonn event Sediment basins may be fenced if safety (worker or pubhc) is a concem. The outflow fiom a sediment basm ttiat discharges into a nattiral drainage shall be ^ provided witii outiet protection to prevent erosion and scour of tiie embankment and ^ cnaimel. 15 The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecttng and designing sedimem contt-ol BMPs. The above listed sediment control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches cunently available or being developed. The SWPPP shall include a description of tiie BMPs to reduce tiie ttacking of sediment onto public or pnvate roads at all times. These pubhc and private roads shall be mspected and cleaned as necessary. Road cleaning BMPs shall be discussed in tiie SWPPP and will not rely on tiie washing of accumulated sediment or silt into tiie storni drain system. 9. Non-Storm Water Management Describe all non-stonn water discharges to receivmg waters tiiat are proposed for tiie constt-uctton project. Non-storai water discharges should be ehmmated or reduced to tiie extent feasible, hiclude tiie locations of such discharges and descriptions of all BMPs designed for ttie contt-ol of pollutants in such discharges. Onetime discharges shall be momtored during tiie time tiiat such discharges are occuning. A qualified person should be assigned tiie responsibility for ensuring tiiat no materials ottier ttian storni water are discharged m quantities which will have an adverse effect on receivmg waters or stonn dram systems (consistent witti BAT/BCT), and ttie name and contact number of ttiat person should be included in tiie SWPPP document. Discharging sedim water which wiU cause or contribute to an exceedance ofthe apphcable RWQCB's Basm Plan from a dewatering site or sediment basin into any receiving water or storni drain witiiout filttation or equivalent treattnent is prohibited. ^0. Post-Constmction Storm Water Manaqement Tlie SWPPP shall include descriptions of tiie BMPs to reduce pollutants in stomi water discharges after all consttiiction phases have been completed at tiie site (Post- Consmictton BMPs). Post-Constraction BMPs include tiie minimization of land disttirbance. ttie mmimization of impervious surfaces, treattnent of storni water mnoff rsurilTo th^''? biofilter BMPs. use of efficient inigation systems, H ' "^T '^"""^^^^ " '^^^ appropriately designed and consttucted energy dissipation devices. These must be consistent witii all local post-consttuctton storni water managemem requirements, policies, and guidelines The discharger must consider site-specific and seasonal conditions when designing tiie ^m^L^J^^i K maintenance of conttol practices after constt^^^tion is completed shall be addressed, including short-and long-temi fimding sources and tiie 16 11. Maintenance. Inspection, and Repair The SWTPP shall mclude a discussion of the program to inspect and mamtain all BMPs as identified in tiie site plan or other nanative documents tiu-oughout the entire duration of tiie project. A quahfied person will be assigned tiie responsibility to conduct inspections. The name and telephone number of that person shall be listed in the SWPPP document. Inspections will be perfoimed before and after storm events and once each 24-hour period during extended stoim events to identify BMP effectiveness and implement repairs or design changes as soon as feasible depending upon field conditions. Equipment, materials, and workers must be available for rapid response to failures and emergencies. All conective mamtenance to BMPs shall be perfonned as soon as possible after the conclusion of each stonn depending upon worker safety. For each inspection required above, tiie discharger shall complete an inspection checkHst. At a mmimum. an inspection checkHst shall include: a. Inspection date. b. Weatiier mfoimation: best estunate of beginnmg of storm event, duration of event, time elapsed smce last storm, and approximate amount of ramfall (inches). c. A description of any inadequate BMPs. d. If it is possible to safely access during inclement weather, list observations of all BMPs: erosion contt-ols, sediment conttx)ls, chemical and waste controls, and non-stoim water contt-ols. Otiierwise. list result of visual inspection at relevant outfall, discharge point, or downstt-eam location and projected requfred maintenance activities. e. Conective actions required, including any changes to SWPPP necessary and implementation dates. f Inspectors name, titie, and signature. The dischargers shall prepare their inspection checklists using the inspection checkHst fonn provided by the SWRCB or RWQCB or on fonns that contain tiie equivalent mfoimation. 12. Training Individuals responsible for SWPPP preparation, hnplementation. and pemiit comphance ^1 be ^propriately trained, and tiie SWPPP shall document aU teaining. This includes mose personnel responsible for mstallation. mspection. maintenance, and repair of BMPs Those responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending tiie SWPPP shall also document tiieir ttaining. Training should be botii fomial and infomial. occur on an 17 ongomg basis when it is appropriate and convenient, and should include ttaining/workshops offered by tiie SWRCB. RWQCB, or otiier locally recognized agencies or professional organizations. 13. List of Contractors/Subcontractors The SWPPP shall include a Hst of names of all contractors, (or subconttactors) and individuals responsible for implementation of tiie SWPPP. This Hst should include telephone numbers and addresses. Specific areas of responsibihty of each subcontractor and emergency contact numbers should also be included. 14. Otiier Plans This SWPPP may mcoiporate by reference tiie appropriate elements of otiier plans reqmred by local. State, or Federal agencies. A copy of any requirements incoiporated by reference shall be kept at the constraction site, 15. Public Access The SWPPP shall be provided, upon request, to tiie RWQCB. The SWPPP is considered a report tiiat shall be available to tiie pubhc by tiie RWQCB under section 308(b) of tiie Clean Water Act. 16. Preparer Certification The SWPPP and each amendment shall be signed by tiie landowner (discharger) or his representative and include tiie date of mitial preparation and tiie date of each amendment. SECTION B: MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1- Required Changes The RWQCB may require ttie discharger to conduct additional site inspections, to submit reports and certificattons, or perfonn sampling and analysis. 2. Implementation a. The requirements of tiiis Section shall be implemented at tiie time of comm«icem«it of consttiiction activity (see also Section A. 2. hnplementation Schedule). The discharger is responsible for implementing tiiese requirements until consttuctton activity is complete and tiie site is stabilized b. For ongoing constraction activity involving a change in ownership of property covered by tius General Pennit. tiie new owner must complete a NOI md 18 ^.. implement the requirements of this Section concuirent witii tiie change of ) ownership. For changes of mformation, tiie owner must follow msttiictions in C. 7. Special Provisions for Consttiiction Activity ofthe General Pennit. 3. Site Inspections Quahfied personnel shall conduct inspections of tiie consttiiction site prior to anticipated storm events, during extended stonn events, and after acmal storni events to identify areas conttibuting to a discharge of storni water associated witii consttuctton activity The name(s) and contact number(s) of tiie assigned inspection personnel shall be listed in ttie SWPPP. Pre-stonn mspections are to ensure ttiat BMPs are properly installed and maintamed; post-storm mspections are to assure tiiat tiie BMPs have fimctioned adequately. During extended stonn events, mspections shaU be reqmred each 24-hour period. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be evaluated for adequacy and proper implementation and whetiier additional BMPs are required in acconiance witii tiie tenns of tiie General Pennit (see language m Section A. 11. Mamtenance, Inspection, and Repair). Implementation of nonstoim water discharge BMPs shall be verified and tiieir effectiveness evaluated. One time discharges of non-stonn water shall be mspected when such discharges occur. i 4. Compliance Certification Each discharger or quahfied assigned personnel listed by name and contact number in tiie SWPPP must certify annually tiiat constraction activities are in comphance witii tiie requirements of tiiis General Pemih and tiie SWPPP. This Certification shall be based upon ttie site inspections required in Item 3 of tiiis Section. The certification must be completed by July 1 of each year. 5. Noncompliance Reporting Dischargers who cannot certify compliance, in accordance witii Item 4 of tiiis Section and/or who have had otiier mstances of noncompHance excluding exceedances of water quality standards as defined m section B. 3. Receiving Water Limitations Language shall notify tiie appropnate RWQCB witiiin 30 days. Conective measures should be implemented immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded. The notifications shall identify tiie noncompliance event, including an initial assessment of any impact caused by the event; describe ttic actions necessary to achieve compliance; and mclude a time schedule subject to tiie modifications by tiie RWQCB mdicatmg when comphance wih be achieved. NoncompHance notifications must be submitted witiiin 30-calendar days of identification of noncompHance 19 6. Monitoring Records Records of all inspections, compliance certifications, and noncompHance reporting must be retained for a period of at least tiiree years fiom tiie date generated. Witii tiie exception of noncompHance reporting, dischargers are not required to submit ttiese records. SECTION C: STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1. Dutv to Comply The discharger must comply witti aU of ttie conditions of tins General Pennit. Any pemut noncompliance constittites a violation of tiie Clean Water Act (CWA) and tiie Porter-Cologne Water Quality Conttx>I Act and is grounds for enforcement action and/or removal from General Peimit coverage. The discharger shall comply witii effluent standaids or prohibitions established under Sectton 307(a) of tiie CWA for toxic pollutants witiim tiie time provided in ttie regulations ttiat estabHsh ttiese standards or prohibitions, even if tiiis General Pemih has not yet been modified to incorporate the reqmrement. 2. General Permh Actions ^ ™'"i^y be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause The filmg of a request by the discharger for a General Pemiit modification, revocation and reissuance, or tennination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not annul any General Permit condition. If any toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance T^^^f. ? '"'^ '^^'^'^ °' P'°hibition) is promulgated under Section 307(a) of ^^S^ ^ '"""^ pollutant which is present in the discharge and that standard or prolubition is more stringent than any limitation on the pollutant in this General Permit this General Permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued to confonn to the toxic ' effluent standard or prohibition and the dischargers so notified. 3- Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Dsfmcp It shall not be a defense for a discharger in an enforcement action that it would have been 20 4. Dutv to Mitigate The discharger shall take all responsible steps to mmhnize or prevent any discharge in violation of tiiis General Pennit. which has a reasonable likelihood of advereely affecting hiunan health or the environment. 5. Proper Operation and Maintenance The discharger shall at all times properly operate and maintam any facilities and systems of tt-eattnent and contt-ol (and related appurtenances) which are instaUed or used by tiie discharger to achieve compliance witii tiie conditions of tiiis General Pennit and witii tiie requu-ements of Storni Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Proper operation and mamtenance also includes adequate laboratoiy conttols and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Proper operation and maintenance may reqmre tiie operation of backup or auxihaiy facilittes or smiilar systems installed by a discharger when necessary to achieve compliance witii tiie conditions of tins General Peimit. 6. Propertv Rights This General Pennit does not convey any property rights of any sort or any exclusive pnvileges. nor does it auttiorize any mjury to private property or any mvasion of personal nghts. nor does it auttiorize any mfiingement of Federal. State, or local laws or regulations. 7- Dutv to Provide Infoimation The discharger shall fiimish tiie RWQCB, State Water Resources Contt-ol Board, or USEPA, witiim a reasonable time, any requested infonnation to detennine compliance witii tins General Pennit. The discharger shall also fiimish. upon request, copies of records required to be kept by tiiis General Pennit. 8. Inspection and Entry The discharger shall allow tiie RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA. and/or. in the case of consttiiction sites which discharge ttirough a municipal separate stonn sewer an auttionzed representative of ttie municipal operator of tiie separate storai sewer system receiving the discharge, upon tiie presentation of credentials and otiier documents as may be required by law, to: ^ a. b. Enter upon tiie discharger's premises at reasonable times where a regulated consttuctton activity is being conducted or where records must be kept under ttie conditions of this General Peimit; Access and copy at reasonable times any records tiiat must be kept under tiie condittons of tins General Permit; 21 hispect at reasonable tunes tiie complete consttiiction site, mcluding any off-site staging areas or material storage areas, and tiie erosion/sedhnent contt-ols; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times for tiie purpose of ensuring General Pennit comphance. 9. Signatorv Requirements a. b. 1 All Nottce of Intents (NOIs), Notice of Teraiinations (NOTs), SWPPPs certificattons, and reports prepared m accordance witii tius Order submitted to ttie SWRCB shall be signed as follows: (1) For a corporation: by a responsible coiporate officer. For tiie puipose of tiiis Section, a responsible coiporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, tt-easurer. or vice president of ttie corporation m charge of a pnncipal busmess fimction, or any ottier person who perfonns sunilar pohcy or decision-makmg fimctions for tiie coiporation, or 0>) tiie manager of tiie consttiiction activity if autiiority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to tiie manager m accordance witti comorate procedures; (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or ttie proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a mumcipality. State, Federal, or otiier pubhc agency: by eitiier a pnncipal executive officer, ranking elected official, or duty autiiorized representattve. The principal executive officer of a Federal agency mcludes tiie chief executive officer of tiie agency or the senior executive officer havmg responsibility for ttie overall operations of a principal geographic umt of tiie agency (e.g.. Regional Administrator of USEPA). AU SWPPPs, reports, certifications, or otiier infonnation required by tiie General Penrnt and/or requested by the RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA. or tiie local stomi water management agency shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly auttionzed represemative. A person is a duly authorized representative if: (1) The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and retained as part of tiie SWPPP; or 22 y (2) The authorization specifies eitiier an individual or a position having responsibility for tiie overall operation of tiie consttiiction activity, such as the position of manager, operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibihty, or an individual or position havmg overall responsibility for environmental matters for ttie company. (A duly auttiorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position). c. If an autiiorization is no longer accurate because a different mdividual or position has responsibihty for tiie overaU operation of ttie consttiiction activity, a new auttiorization must be attached to tiie SWPPP prior to submittal of any reports, mformation, or certifications to be signed by tiie auttiorized representative. 10. Certification Any person signing documents under Section C, Provision 9 above, shall make ttie foUowing certification: "I certify under penalty of law ttiat ttiis document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance witii a system designed to assure tiiat qualified personnel properly gattier and evaluate ttie infomiation submitted. Based on my ^ J uiquiry ofthe person or persons who manage tiie system or tiiose persons directiy / responsible for gatiiering tiie infonnation, to tiie best of my knowledge and belief, ttie information submitted is, ttiie, accurate, and complete, I am aware tiiat there are significant penalties for submitting false infonnation, including ttie possibihty of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." 11- Anticipated Noncompliance The discharger will give advance notice to tiie RWQCB and local storni water management agency of any planned changes in tiie consttiiction activity which may result m noncompliance with General Permit requirements. 12- Penalties for Falsification of Reports Section 309(c)(4) of tiie CWA provides tiiat any person who knowingly makes any false matenal statement, representation, or certification in any record or otiier document submitted or required to be maintained under ttiis General Pennit. including reports of fu'^vi^Ann ' '^'^^ "P°" conviction, be punished by a fine of not more uian $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more tiian two years or by both. 23 ^ 13. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability 1" Nottiing in tiiis General Pemiit shall be consttiied to preclude tiie instimiion of any legal actton or relieve tiie discharger fiom any responsibihties, Habilities, or penalties to which the discharger is or may be subject to under Section 311 of ttie CWA. 14. Severabilitv The provisions of this General Pemiit are severable; and, if any provision of this General Pennit or ttie appiication of any provision of tiiis General Pemiit to any circumstance is held mvahd, tiie appHcation of such provision to otiier circumstances and tiie remainder of ttlis General Permit shall not be affected ttiereby. 15. Reopener Clause This General Pennit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or tenninated for cause due to promulgation of amended regulations, receipt of USEPA guidance conceming regulated acttvittes. judicial decision, or m accordance witti 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.62, 122.63, 122.64, and 124.5. 16. Penalties for Violations nf Permit Cnnditinns w?) ^- Section 309 of tiie CWA provides significant penalties for any person who J violates a pennit condition unplementing Sections 301, 302.306. 307 308 318 or 405 of tiie CWA or any pemiit condition or Imiitation implementing any such section m a pemut issued under Section 402. Any person who violates any pennit conditton of this General Pennit is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $27 500 per calendar day of such violation, as well as any otiier appropriate sanction provided by Section 309 of tiie CWA. b. The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Contt-ol Act also provides for civil and cnminal penalties which in some cases are greater tiian tiiose under ttie CWA. 17. Availability A copy of ttlis General Pennit shall be maintained at ttie constraction site during consttuctton activity and be available to operating personnel. 18. Transfers ^tSi^'/S'-""^ J^^"^^^^- A new owner of an ongoing construction activity ^ronVeTt , I '«==ojdance with the requirements of this General Pennit to be authonzed to discharge under this General Pennit. An owner who sells property covered Pi^ovide the new owner with a copy ofthis General Pennit. -"asnaii 24 19. Continuation of Expired Permit This General Pennit continues in force and effect until a new General Pennit is issued or the SWRCB rescinds tiiis General Pennit. Only tiiose dischargers autiiorized to discharge under ttie expiring General Pemiit are covered by tiie continued General Permit. 25 r^y: FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 916 498 5008; 01/25/02 17:55; #724; Page 2/3 m U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION CALinORWlA DIVISION 980 Nitilt) Street, Suite 400 Sacraincnto, CA. 95814-2724 January 25, 2002 INRBPLVfUVBRTO HDA-CA File#:ll-SD-0-Carlsbad Rancho Santa Fe STPLF-5308(007) Document #: P38246 Mr. Pedro Orso-Dclgado, Interim District Director Caltrans, District 11 P.O. Box 85406 San Diego. CA. 92186-5406 Attention: Kelly Dunlap. Associate Environmental Planner Pear Mr. Orso-Delgado: SUBJECT: RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT/BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FONSI We have reviewed the Environmental Assessment (EA) (received on January 22,2002) for tho proposed Rancho Santa Fe realignment and bridge replacement in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego and have detennined that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is applicable. The design features as presented in the EA are conceptually approved. The original signed FONSI is enclosed. You may proceed with the notification to ttic State and area wide clearinghouse of the availability of this FONSI. Should you have any questions, please contact Jeff Lewis, Senior Transportation Engineer at (916) 498-5035 or e-mail "ieff.lewisf%ftiwa.dot.gov." Sincerely, FOB Michael G. Ritchie Division Administrator Enclosure FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FOR Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project City of Carlsbad In San Diego County The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the proposed Rancho Santa Fe realignment and bridge replacement project will have no significant impact on the human environment. This Finding of No Significant Impact is based on the attached En-vironmental Assessment (EA) and mcorporated technical reports, which have been independently evaluated by the FHWA and detennined to adequately and accurately discuss the need, environmental issues, and impacts ofthe proposed project and appropriate mitigation measures. These documents provide sufficient evidence and analysis for detennining that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required. The FHWA assumes responsibility for the accuracy, scope, and content of the attached EA and incorporated technical reports. JeftVby. W. Kolb Dato Chief, District Operations - South I 1 ! J REPLY TO Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS SAN DIEGO RELD OFFICE 16885 WEST BERNARDO DRIVE, SUriE 300A SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92127 August 24, 2000 ] ! City of Carlsbad ATTN: Mr. Dave Hansen Deputy City Engineer Engineering Department 2075 Las Pahnas Court Carlsbad, CaHfomia 92009 File Number: 200001251 Gentlemen: ^rK^J^/p" i!' •^""'^eming your proposal to widen and realign a section of Rancho Santa Fe Road from approximately 100 feet south of the La Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection to approximately 100 feet north of the Melrose Dnve/Rancho S^ta Fe Road intersection. This project is part of the City of Carlsbad's General PI^ to upgrade Rancho Sata Fe Road to meet its designation as a Prime Arterial Roadway and affecte a porhon of San Marcos Creek and its tributaries in the City of San Marcos, San Diego County, Cahfomia. TTiis project indudes the relocation of a sanitary sewer line from the old bndge structure to a location under San Marcos Creek in the footprint of the construction disturbance area for the new bridge. . .A-^^^ "r""^^ determined that your proposed activity compUes with the terms and conditons of natonwide permit NW14 for fills for roads crossing waters of the United States (mcludmg wetlands and other special aquatic sites) and encompasses three separate locations with pennanent impacts of 0.5,0.27 and 0.15 respectively. parate locanons t^r^. Additionally, the Corps has determined that your proposed activity compUes with the tenns and conditons of the natonwide pennits NW 12 for utility line discharges (0 04 of an acre of impact) lying within the foot print at the San Marcos Creek Bridge siteNW 18 for ^"iewaSlr °' T^^'^ ^ ^^-P-^'y conftr^ctoll^cess s^ecfj^n r ? ^"'^"^ °^ ""'^"^ S'^'^^ (induding wetlands and other speaal aquatic sites) encompasses two separate descriptions with temporary impacts of 1.18 You must comply with all tenns and applicable conditions (regional, general 404 onlv SclosieX ' " '"^""^'^ complete W'^compCcfstteS -2- 1 ! Furthennore, you must comply with the following Special Condition(s): ^' ?l?ff ^^''^^ "P^^ conditions stated in the Section 401 Water OuaUtv StonCl sr'T.'rr "''^"'^ ''^Sional Water Quality Board and/or tij^ Action 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the Cahfomia Department of F4 and 2. ^e pennittee shall compensate for impacts to waters of the U.S, induding wetlands bv Creek watershed as dose to the impact area as is feasible. This acreage is estimatT,^^^ a minimum rato of 3:1 for impacts to Sou^em Willow Scmb and dLtobed"S a 1:1 ratio for impacts to unvegetated ephemeral waters. Prior to initiate c^m^ctoTof KmsTl^ir' ^r"^-^' "^'^ ^'"""^^ P^°i-'' Pennittee^h^'Ko fte Coips a mitigation plan consistent with the Los Angeles District Habitat Mitigation and Monttonng Proposal Guidelines, dated June 1993. The pemuttee shall obtain finlwritten &"i^grnrdwfj-n"^^^^^^^ SZ^^ I " u°'°Si'"' Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, whidi identifies c^ntol^ m^ ' ' """"'"^S program, succL standards, ^ Cnr^nfp^ rneasures Ihe pemuttee shall obtain written approval of this plan from the Corps of Engmeers pnor to initiation of constmction. y^nomme Sa fe^n^ ' *° ^"'P' "^"^ ^""^ P^°S^^ ^^°rts on the mitigation area m accordance with the approved plan. These reports shall include photograpWc Z'^u"^ mitigation area. Five years after the project is completefUie pemuttee shaU submit to the Corps a report documenting L^g^TreveSaton of the ^e. If the mitigation area(s) have not adiieved the criteria statedTthe mitigation p an the pemuttee shaU reevaluate the soil, vegetative, and hyte-W conditions of the mitigation area to detennine what remedial actions nJd^^ bf taken Followmg unplementation of appropriate corrective actions, the penniS^ S^aU repS^t t^^^T.^ZT'-' ^^^^ LnitoTuntSd ^' i^te^rLT^r/^ ^ '''^'^"^ ^' Management Practices to ensure that toxic . 6. ^^Pf^ittee shall ensure that all vehides maintenance, staging, storage and dispensing j of fuel occurs m designated upland areas. The pemuttee shalletu^ tStTe^^^ -3- 7. The pemuttee shaU remove aU excess fill and/or constmction debris, temporary fill or stiuctures used for access and dewatering for constiuction purposes, and equipment from tiie site immediately upon completion of constiuction. j 8. Prior to onset of consttiiction/excavation, tiie permittee shall provide ttie contractor(s) * witii a copy of tius permit: The contractor shaU read and agree to comply witti aU conditions herein. i 9. Disturbed slope areas in tiie viciiuty of any jurisdictional waters of ttie U.S. Shall be stabihzed using jute netting or ottier appropriate means, and revegetated witii native I vegetation prior to tfie onset of ttie first winter rains following constiuction, so as to 1 miiumize sedimentation and related impacts to the drainage. I 10. The pennittee shaU provide notification, eittier written or verbal, to tfie Corps of Engineers > at least one week prior to tfie start of work as to ttie anticipated beginning and endine dates of constmction. ° I 11. A copy of tfie permit shall be on tfie job site at aU times during constiuction. The pennittee shaU provide a copy of tius pennit to all onsite contractor(s), subcontractor(s) and forepeisons(s). The pennittee shaU requhe tiiat all such conti-actor(s), subcontractor(s) and forepersons(s) read ttiis autfiorization in its entiurety prior to initiation of ttie project and ensure tfiat aU appropriate permit conditions are implemented as intended. 12. hnplementation of tfie mitigation plan shall be initiated as a point when tfie continued development of tfie site would not impinge upon tfie potential viabUity of ttie instaUed mitigation, hnplementation of ttie mitigation should be timed to take advantage of the cool winter wet season. 13. V^itfun 45 days of completion of tfie project, tfie permittee shall submit to tiie Corps of Engineers: a. Photographs taken at ttie project site before, during and after constmction for those aspects significant to impacts to waters of ttie U.S.; and b. One copy of "as built'' drawings. This letter of verification is vahd for a period not to exceed two years unless tfie nationwide penrnt is modified, reissued, or revoked before tiiat time. It is incumbent upon you to remain uiformed of changes to the nationwide permits. A nationwide pennit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. Also it does not autiiorize any injury to tfie property or rights of ottiers or autfiorize interference witti 1 ! , , J — i—j r--r^* V •''fe"^ liiierierence wit ) any existing or proposed Federal project. Furttiermore, it does not obviate ttie need to obtain J ottier Federal, state, or local autfiorizations reqmred by law. ! -4- Th^ you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have questions, please contact Karon M Marzec at (858) 674-5384. ^ Sincerely, ' , Ct'Ji /wu, AA^. Mark Ehirham Chief, Soutfi Coast Section Regulatory Branch Enclosures 1 J -1- 1 LOS ANGELES DISTRICT as. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERMIT Permit Number 200001251 Date of Issuance: August 24,2000 Name of Permittee: J City of Carlsbad ! City of Carlsbad Engineering Department ) 2075 Las Pahnas Court Carlsbad, Cahfomia 92009 Upon completion of tfie activity autiiorized by tius permit, sign tius certification and retum it witii an ongmal signahire to tfie following address: j U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch (200001251) P.O. Box 532711 I Los Angeles, CaHfomia 90053-2325 Please note tfiat your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a Corps of I Engmeers representative- If you faU to comply witti tiiese Nationwide permits you may be 9 subject to pennit suspension, modification, or revocation. r j j I I hereby certify tfiat tfie work autfiorized by tfie above referenced Nationwide pemiit has 1 been completed m accordance witti tiie terms and conditions of said pennit. Signature of Permittee ^3,.^ NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER NW12, NW14, NW18. „d NW33 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. NaHonwide Permit NW12, NWU, NWIS, and NW33 Tenns: Your activity is autl,orized under NW12. NW14, NWIS .and NW33 subject to the following terms: Nationwide Number 1 ?• T IHlity Uen Di.ch.rf... Discharges of dredged of fill material I and preconstmction contours are^maintSied towev" accSldf t^ "'"''''^ ^ ^Ma^^^r^^^trfrr utii;Ter:?nSS by this ( manner that it is dispersed by cui^ents or^other forces ^'e m ^ extendtfperiod ^ ' j mmiediately upon completion of the utility hfie. (See 33 CFR P^3Sr '^'^ I Sfif H P^™«^^ -""St notify the district engineer in accordance with the I Notification general condition, if any of the followin| criteria are net: I a. Mechanized land dearing in a forested wetland; b. A Section 10 permit is required for the utility line; I c. The utility line is waters of the united States exceeds 500 feet-or a. The width of the fill is Umited to the minimum necessary for the achial crossing; tl!l\^ ^^fo"^ ^ r°"'"t^' °^ S^af^= ^ "^t^d to a filled area of no more than 1 /2 acre for eadi separate and distinct crossing. c. The crossing is culverted, bridged or otherwise designed to prevent the restriction of and to withstand, expected high flows and tidal flows'and to prevent the resection of low flows and the movement of aquatic organisms; me restnction ot d The crossing, induding all attendant feahires, both temporary and pennanent is part of a smgle and complete projed for crossing of a water of L uJiited Staled, ^ tlZ^- ^ "^"'jf' "duding wetlands, the pennittee notifies tiie Dishict - Engmeer m accordance with tiae 'Notification" general condition. The notiiica^o™t J also mclude a dehneation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands I ft^l!^?^^ combined with NWP 18 or NWP 26 for the purpose of increasing the Krtir^^nSralSfetTSS^^ 1 etabSL^"lHT^^"A^^^^^^^ 1 estabhshmg apphcabtiity of tius NWP. (Sections 10 and 404) purpose ot imlc^^^^' ^'^'"^^S^y excavated area, will not cause the loss of more than iie arr« , KT ^"^T^ ^'^""^^ P^°^ of this N^ sites tiiat are adversely affected by flooding and spedal aquatic sites thTt are drSso that ttiey would no longer be a water of ttie United States as a result of L projX nf^^^l ^^*3>-f' including any excavated area, exceeds 10 cubic yards below ttie plane of ttie ordmaiy high water mark or ttie high tide hne or if tfie disdiarge is inTspea^al aquatic site, mcludmg wetiands, Uie pemuttee notifies ttie District EnrinlTi^ accordance witti ttie "Notification" general condition. For disdiargeTi^^ciS aouatir sites, includmg wetlands, ttie notification must also include aTSoTo afeted special aquatic sites, mcluding wetlands (Also see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); ^d d The disdiarge, including aU attendant feahires, botti temporary and pennanent is Son'"' ""P'"'" P"""*''' "^"^ ^ P^^-'^ P'S'ose of a"'" pr^fSrio SdToi"^ "'"^ ^^^'^ --p^^*^ Nationwide Number .33: Temporan^ Constmction. A.r..c ..H n.-^^^ Temporary shiichu-es, work and discharges, including cofferdams necessarv fnr rnncfr,,^f; ^ • • :rorS b TT-^' oUons^c^on sites; proviSTt^L^aSSdTr^^;^^^^^^^^^^ auttionzed by Uie Coips of Engmeers or ttie U.S. Coast Guard, or for ottier constmction activities not subject to ttie Corps or U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Appropriate measles must be aken to mamtam near nomial downstream flows and'to minimize floc^i^g m m^t bT^f matenals, and placed m a manner, ttiat will not be eroded by expected high flows The^e of dredged matenal may be allowed if it is detennined by ttie Disrtd EnH^!erX it wfu n^^^^ cause more ttian minimal adverse effects on aquatic resources. Tem™ Sl m^ be enll. removed to upland areas, or dredged material rehimed to its original locTta^^Xwine ^ m.loH r"""""' """'^S restoration plan; and requiringX^tiveYoiSn metiiods (e.g., constmction mats in wetiands where practicable.). (Secti^ 10 a^idlSj 2. Nationwide Pennit General Conditions A. Tl,e following general conditions must be followed in order for any authorization by a NWP to be valid: NavigaHon. No acHvity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navieation ^"Sur'^puS:.;"''^"'"'-*^^^ system, while the river is in an offSTl^dy S^ll! ,h ^ for possible inclusion in the management responsibility for suA river has dS^'rZ^^ appropnate Federal agency, with direct adversely affect *e Wild ^n^Le ^ ^ve^ d^ita^^^^^ *^* f P™P°^ "^^"^ Rivers may be obtained from the aDDronr,»7fp!^ n' I ^ Information on Wild and Scenic s T^ritfis^^^rtv""^™ y. Water Quality. * ° llited ("R 3^'^:^^' '^"'^ ^" '"'"^'''"^ "-"-y ""'«-«on must be obtamed or (b) For NWPs 12. U. 17,18. 32,39,40,42,43. and 44. where the State or tribal 40, certification (either 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 1 genencally or mdiyidua^ly) does not require or approve a water quality management pian the permittee must mclude design criteria and techniques that will ensure that the aThnH^^T' t ^ not result in more than minimal degradation of water oualitv A^mn^i . authorized work does quality managementplanmdudesf^onnwatermarge'^^^^^^ downstream aquatic system, including water quality Refer to General ronHTnf r, f ? • ^rr:frcrmrb=^^^^ 11. Endangered Species. Pr.J^nt^ ^^T °^ informal consultation with the FWS or NMFS the Di<;h-w Engmeer may add species-specific regional endangered species conditions to t^e N^s (b) Authorization of an activity by a nationwide permit d^ not authorS L "take" of « thr... ^ endangered species as defined under the Fpdpral FnHj.r,»<.«^ c °^ ^ threatened or 10 „. ,^"P;'^^'™^-"^^-S°^/P^°*-^es/esahome.html,respectiv^^ ^ NltnafS^^^^ Part Art>>^Ai.r^ authorized, until ihe DE has complied with the provisioiS of 1^ TFR 13. Notification. SsSgin^JiZX^^lll^^^^^^^^^ I «''--'p-^'''-iioTthX*:i™^^^ prospective permittee that the PCN is sHll incomplete and the PCN reWew proX^H^i . ^ ' ejt^t:;;^^^ , (2) If nohfied m wnting by the District or Division Engineer tha, an individual pemiit is required- ^S^^J"^^'^''^^' P^™*"^'^ "ghl to proceed under the NWP may be modified suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR T:,n ii voi iSa^r °' """"""""^ anrinrd^th\^™f (1) Name. addr«5. and telephone numbers of the prospective pennittee; Locahon of the proposed project; (3) Brief descripHon of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect ,dv-r,=» env^onmental effects the project would cause; any other NwTs). e Jona?^eneraCr^rsr„r «d?r.r'ar°'^'^"'^^'°'^"-^'°-*°^^ dXTore:rarr;:;tr^-«°-°'*^^^ m-H^aL^ '-j"^" Transportation Crossings, the PCN must include a compensatory mihgahon proposal to offset pennanent losses of waters of the United Slates and a s^teZnt (Ss^o'Tt^i^^.tsitgfHr^^^^^^^ ?f^°c^rof;fSeii:^^^^^^^ (9) For NWP 29. Single-Family Housing, the PCN mit also include- (0 Any past use of this NWP by the individual permittee and/or the pennittee's spouse- pl^itt~ ^'"^'"""""^ -«-'^ a personaTresl^ceSr (ui) A descripHon of the enKre parcel, including its size, and a delineation of wetlands foltro^^T"^ r P"''" °' '""^ ™asuring 1 /4 acre or less will not requTre a ftrrit?rH ''"""r ^PP"""' P™^ide an indicahon of wheS ^Llr r °' ^'""""^ *a' °" P^P'rty- For parcels greater than 1/4 acre in size, a fonnal wetland delineation must be prepared in accordance with the cun-ent method required by the Corps (See oaraCTaoh nmi- Ov) A Written descripHon of all land^dudin/if avSe. JafdLSptif )'owned bv ™Hot infnt! ' " °f """^-^'''P (i"d"ding any land owned as a part^ corporation, jomt tenant, co-tenant, or as a tenant-by-the^nKretv) and anv land onwk- k (0 Sufficient baselme mformation so as to identify the approved channel depths and a^^o"^^ t'^^^ authorized proteded J^e approved flood control protection or drainage is not increased- M n ^ c in/ro^ * dredged niaterial disposal site. (11) For NWP 33, Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering, the PCN must alsd inrl»H 13) For NWP 39. Residential, Commercial, and InsKhiHonal Developments lhePCNmu«inM A a compensatory mitigaHon proposal that offsets unavoidable losses ^waters of fte uS S,l«' nTpor^C? :^''A """^ "'f "'"P*'-"°^ -WgaKon should not be r^Ze, |i:^pr:i=,res"::r:::;er^^^^ (15) For NWP 43. Stonnwater Management Facilities, the PCN must include for thp . ^ of new stormwater management facilities.amaintenanceplan (in ac^l^^^^^ I uSte/''''""'''' ' compensatory miHgabon proposal to offset losses of water., of LtrrdvTly'aVSy r^^teS^a'^^^^^^^^^ ' ''"Tf °" °' ^" ^^'^^ °' '^^ ""'-'^ ^ in (b) a„I9) Of Ceneral Cond^Ho^^A^^^-^^i^iSi^X^^^^^^^^^^^ l^^t^^eth^ji^r^rvi^^"^^^ or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may beTLa^ tothe ruWrJtt'rLrT =Sgir:r^re::n^y«^^^^^ the proposal in detennining wheTher*eTr^^^^ """i'^',?"" =PP«<^"' '"^uded in r.-=ir-™?HS=":"»—^^^^^^ Any compensatory miHgaHon proposal must be approved by the District Enmneer orinr t„ de.S'.osubmita^mpelli.^^^^^g^^X^^^^^^^ I^I^s&g'^a-TpS^^^ and conditions of the nationwide f^mit ^ ^ ^ P"'"*^ P"'^*'' ""•^^^ *^ '=™s miniLtthrfie^mtol^r^^^^^^ under the NWP and instrurt the apSt on Ae project does not qualify for authorization penni, (2) that the project is ^^o^^^^Jl^Z^ZtZ'^'^t:^^ "b'" mitigaHon proposal that would reduce the adve^ effect^ onThl L n ^P submission of a level; or (3) that the project is authorised undeTth! MWP V environment to the minimal Whete the District &^gineer detenS^eTt^at mitittnT^ ™'''«"«°'« °r conditions, minimal adverse effe<S oTthe ao^. * """8'"°" r«q>"«d order to ensure no more than PCN period, Mud^^the n^esL™ ^T""^ ^"^"^ "^ay app.ic^tsuLmitamilg*HoT;rTprrS,7wTM^^^^^ Engineer has approved a specific mitigltio^^Un *^ (e) Agency Coordination: The District Engineer will consider any comments from Federal and State For activities requiring notification to the District Eneineer that rMnl. in ,k. i t 1 1 /2 acre of waters of the United States the Distrirt F„,Hn!l i. °^ °' ^r^ater than immediately (e.g.. via facsijfe tranSiilsfon nvf , ' ''""'P' °' " "°«ficaHon, provide the approp^ate'oJfices of^F sh~ Xs^^ife sTte n^^^^^^ ' ^"^^ , EPA, State Historic Preservation OfficerfSHPni =,^^7 f""'" °' '1"^% agency. Service. With the exception of ^ 37 ^'aPPr°Pnate. the National Marine Fisheries ^ the material is HansmiL to tewfone o^he Ksti^F 't"'" "^^^ ^""^ "^ate substantive, site-specific comment If J.„^^^^^^^ ?l """^ '"'^"^ '° Provide , additional 15 calendar daysTfore mito^a ^J^^^ an agency the District Engineer will wait an fully consider agency coi^^te7ec™ eS wi*inT Di^Wct Engineer will I to the resource agenly e^pT^ pm^wi hel^ ^'^^'"^ T P^°^'d- "° response administrative r^or7;ssSed wTel!^ H^' V'^ ^"^^^^ ^e •1 considered. AsrequteXsSontr^tf^^^^^^^^^ ''c"™ J Management ActX DistricS«f w Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and within 30 days of receipt of anrSaTpLh Habit ^^P""*f^af onal Marine Fisheries Service I encouraged to provide'^he Co^fr^^ e "pSofno S^^^^^ recommendations. Applicants are (0 Wetlands Delineations: wSaTd deCaTrs ^'''P^''^ "^ency notification, method required by the Corps pTr r^TsTp^^S^^^^^^^ """'^r? size. The pennittee mav a^k r^Z . 7, Paragraph (b)(9)(iu) for parcels less than 1/4 acre in the Corps^rrddlton F?.S^orlTe1^^^^^ ^ '''•ay if I delineation has been completed and suZ^tte;i to £ Cn ^ K ''art until the wetland I 14. Compliance Certification. Eve"^ per^rti wTo i^s ^WSTN '-T^^ Corps will submit a signed certi^fiatiOT r^a^d.nf thIT f Nationwide pennit verification from the 1 certification will be fo^ard^d bXco^ll^^J^/.^,^^^^^ '""-^"^ A statement that the authorized work waTZ. auttionzahon letter. The certification will include: a.) ' general or specific condtTon'trrL^merjtr ^^^^ authorization, including any ). -H.epen.tconditions;andc.)Tl,esi.^^^^^^^ "\":Sttp^^:rkiaX,o"^^^^^^^^ exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with tteS T^^^!ttT T^T"^ crossing over tidal waters is constnicted undeK ft a," f .l^'v'^°^"™P''' " ' ^ where thelSvity is for repair oTmrpufeTsupptiSL^r',? " public water supply intake except 17. Shellfish Beds. No activity including st™^r« LTw^kT T"" " stabilizaHon.*^ (discharges of dredged or fill materiaf ^vT^r , """Sable waters of the United States or I asphalt, etc.) and m^aterial useTfor ct^r^cZ o d must'^f^ '"f' '»<^-' 3 amounts (see Section 307 of the Clean WaTer Art" ^ """" ^ ''""^ '"""^ pollutants in toxic . '^'^'Sed^rLTmLtfl^f^^^^^^^^^ 1 required when necessary to ensure that the fdv^Kts^o Z'^ "H' °" >« * District Engineer will Jnsider the factors disc^S teW wh^^ a-juatic environment are minimal. The appropriate and practicable mitigaHon n^t^^off^ra^vt^ e^Srthl^^^^^ j are more than minimal. aaverse effects on the aquatic environment that may be'appropria^'and prfc^^blTiXt b'uUr: n^'^^^^^^^^^ ^"-^-^--Bs^ilarCi^:^^^^^^^^^^ ! a^qia^c^2:::^;f=rr^^^^^ adverse effects on the aquatic environment arTmIS An im^^^^^^^ '"^"^ '^^ V plan for projects in or near streams or other opl wT sle eTtlblisi^^^^ compensatory I mamtenance. to the maximum extent practicable, of vegetafe^bu«e s nexHl ?' . 1 project site. The vegetated buffer should consist of natiC^ci^ T^e S wc^C^ the appropriate width of the veeetated h„ff»r ,n,< i„ •"'J.^ °P^"es l ne Uisti-ict Engmeer will detennine vegeteted buffer will be 2^10 M '^I wide I^^^^^^ m which cases it will be required. Normally, the 1 require wider vegetated bu to adX^ H J *^ ^i*"" Engineer may 1 waters on the profeS^tet JSe i^t^^^STr ''"'"'^ " '^""^ "P^" impacts to ensure that the net dvS^s^nle ZIT "'"P^"-"'^ ™«gation for wetland buffer will comprise no more to iTs oHS rl ^ environment are minimal, any vegetated permanently filfed ^e,^7st::^::^r,~l:-^^^^^^ after the 3ToKCeret^?d^^^^ "1 of the NWPs (e.g. foSsg /4 *! "'""L" '° -"^^ *^ acreage limits of some J wetlands to a l/4 a "eKowever ?/2 ac"e1^^^^^^^ ^ created to change a 1/2 acre loss of ™ a 1/3 acre loss of wetlands .TSslarel^^^^^ T "^r" '° "^""^ ™Pa-'^ °' I c) To the extent appropnate. perinittees should coraider mitigaHon bankS^J^d nth^r, n^^ro»ero?it^j;2::r^sts "1 authorized work on the aquahc e^v^mnmlT ^ *^ ™' a^^rse effects of the f mitigation banks. wilTbeTeTeS^XrofZ^-' ""^''^'"^ ™«8ation approaches, such as ' District Engineer determine ft! a^i^!f^fi P "'^'"S compensatory mitigaHon. unless the on which is best for tl^q^t^Z^^-^^'Z::^^''^^''^'^'' ^appropriate, based 1 involve larger blocks of protecteTIZT - ^ mitigation are preferred because they I and are mo^ eas^ylhtSt cor^r^^^^^^^^^^ ""t^ -"^aHon g Jb, approach is not available in the wateSiTft"DiS En. °.r other consolidated mitigation i =m^=^:==5S^ ' 21. Management of Water Flows -r„ Z°, P^"^'^P^'^'^S area are not authorized. maintL prec^LmilTdotrLtitmXrrdT"' r*^"'""' ""^ ^^""^ ^-'S"ed to { Furftenn^re, fte acH*; ™^n^^enTyS^^ "P^""^' '"^ "'S- 1 flows (unless Ae primal, purpose o^S is to ta^^.^d^ V /l'^^^^ "°™al or expected high * dredged or fill material miLtwiteand ex^^I^ SflotrT' "H " "'"^"S^ 8 practicable, provide for retaining ex^ flo^^mfw, maximum extent Ae Site simiL to preconstnrcS co^H^^^d m^t '''t'.P"'"^^ maintaining surface flow rates from relocate water, or redirect water flow b™^^' ""'^^ fr""* *e project site, Ae maximum^xtem ;r*^:^,"r:iSeS"n"s*^^^^^^ ^'^*«T' ^^'^^^'^ S upstream of Ae project site unl^s the a*W^ l ^"^ " downstream and 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundment T^Z^^^ ilcl^J-^" 7"™ '° -""""S^ ^ater flows, the United States or disciS^ge of dredged^ hTmaTeri^^^^^ ''"f ''"'^ -""Sable waters of on Ae aquatic system caused by the Seated Z^,? 7 T ^" ™P°""'^™"' of water, adverse effects f minimiii to Ae maximum extent pra^tble ^ ''ha" be • sVarlrJi^rgi'ofZgtdtr fi?^^^ avoided to Ae maximum exLt pra« ' ''""^'"^ "'^^ ™Sralory waterfowl must be 1 '^".:"'^^r«?isl':;ge&^^ , " ~. Natilr^^^^^^ -ine ----'Snificanceandidentif^ySs^^^^ o;7r^ty'^:r ^rent""^"^ '"'^^'^ '"'""''^ "™ waters after notice and directly affecting. criHcal resource wate s. includi^fwttiani ad^^^^ T "'""'^ " dredged or fUl materials into waters of fte UnitS I, , u ' f ° '""^ discharges of this condition. ^ ^""^ concurred m a determination of compliance with j (b) For NWPs 3,8,10,13,15,18,19,22,23,25, 27 28 30 33 34 36 ^7 .nH « • accordance with General Condition 13 for anv artivitT; ^ ^ 38- notification is required in waters induding wetlands adja^^ to 'tiose Ja^Tl^^^^ P " ^""'^'^^'^ ^'^^^ under these NWPs only after hedete^n« ZT^' ^^t"'^^ Engmeer may authorize activities 1 more than minimal. '^^tennines that the mtpacts to the critical resource waters wil] be no J FEMA-approved local flS^l m^;"^ Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance £.te Maps or a stream wher« the average annual flow is HveZSr^^nd Xr T °" authorized by NWPs 29,39,40,42,43, and U F^r ^s^!^u u ' ^^^^^^t^-^) are not notify the District Engineer in aco^rd^ice^Wd^Sn^C^^^^^ the prospective permittee must documentation that ^y permanent ab^ve^dP^U f ^ the notification must include floodplain below headL^e^^lt^^Th^^^^^^^ °' V"^'f^n "^'^ '^y^" \ requirements. ^ ^ ^ FEMA-approved local floodplain construction ' l^¥S^^^"-^'»-*=P'""'-astreamwherefteaverageannualflowisfive not auAorized by NWs 12. 4 29^« «^ V""' ""^P''" headwaters L *e District Engin'eer in acco'rdtce wi^aS'eS Sn^Ho"n iT ^L'eCtir!'™ P'™"'" I l=r;trts^-"-"-p'---^^^^^^ ^dl^Ai^r^X'^rtCr^^^^^^ 43, and 44. For NWPs 12 and L. Ae peS m^ n^fv tl^e IwTp'" 2'' J Condition 13 and Ae notification muTt indud" Z^^ttntn Slt^lt"""'"r"'"" """^-y-P-yw^^FEMAorFEMA-approvedrarfllTpirZ^— •) comment. The District Engineer may also designate additional critical resource waters after notice and ' opportunity for comment. (a) Except as noted below, discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States are nol V- authorized by NWPs 7,12,14,16,17, 21,29, 31, 35,39,40,42,43, and 44 for any activity within, or 1 directly affecting, critical resource waters, induding wetlands adjacent to such waters. Discharges of ' dredged or fUl materials into waters of the United States may be authorized by the above NWPs in National Wild and Scenic Rivers if the activity complies with General Condition 7. Further, such discharges may be authorized in designated critical habitat for Federally listed threatened or endangered spedes if the activity complies with General Condition 11 and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service has concurred in a determination of compliance with this condition. (b) For NWPs 3,8,10,13,15,18,19,22,23,25,27,28,30,33,34,36,37, and 38, notification is required in accordance with General Condition 13, for any activity proposed in the designated critical resource waters induding wetiands adjacent to those waters. The District Engineer may authorize activities ~j under these NWPs only after he determines that the impacts to the critical resource waters will be no 1 more than minimal. -4 26. Fills Within 100-Year Floodplains. For purposes of this general condition, 100-year floodplains will be identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or M FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. • (aj Discharees Below Headwaters. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States resulting in permanent, above-grade fills within the 100-year floodplain at or below the point on a stream where the average aimual flow is five cubic feet per second (i.e., below headwaters) are not 1 authorized by NWPs 29,39,40,42,43, and 44. For NWPs 12 and 14, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and the notification must include documentation that any permanent, above-grade fills in waters of the United States within the 100-year floodplain below headwaters comply with FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction j requirements. I (b) Discharees in Headwaters (i.e., above the point on a sh-eam where the average annual flow is five cubic feel per second). I (1) Flood Frinee. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States resulting in pennanent, above-grade fills within the flood fringe of the 100-year floodplain of headwatere are not authorized by NWPs 12,14,29,39,40,42,43, and 44, unless the prospective permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13. The notification must include documentation that such discharges comply with FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction requirements. (2) Floodwav. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States resulting in permanent, above- grade filb within the floodway of the 100-year floodplain of headwaters are not authorized by NWPs 29,39,40,42, 43, and 44. For NWPs 12 and 14, the permittee must notify the Dishict Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and the notification must include documentation that any permanent, above grade fills proposed in the floodway comply with FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction requirements. 1 California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region "nston H. Hickox Secretary for "^rT" vironmental Proleclion Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb9/ 9771 Clairemoni Mesa Boulevard, Suite A. San Diego, Califomia 92124-1324 Phoae (858) 467-2952 • FAX (858) 571-6972 Action on Request for Clean Water Act section 401 Water Quality Certification for Discharge of Dredged and/or Fill Materials Davis Governor I 0 2001 DHPARTMHWT ] J PROJECT: APPUCANT: Rancho Santa Fe Road (File No. OOC-045) Mr. David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ACTION: 1. • Order for Standard Certification 2. • Order for Technically-conditioned Certification 3. • Order for Denial of Certification STANDARD CONDITIONS: The following three standard conditions apply to ^ certification actions, except as noted under Condition 3 for denials (Action 3). 1, This certification action is subject to modification or revocation upon administrative or judicial review, including review and amendment pursuant to section 13330 ofthe Califomia Water Code and section 3867 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations (23 CCR). This certification action is not intended and shall not be construed to apply to any discharge from any activity involving a hydroelectric facility requiring a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license or an amendment to a FERC license unless the pertinent certification application was filed pursuant to 23 CCR subsection 3855(b) and the application specifically identified that a FERC license or amendment to a FERC license for a hydroelectric facility was being sought. The validity of any non-denial certification action (Actions 1 and 2) shall be conditioned upon total payment of the full fee required under 23 CCR section 3833. unless otherwise stated in writing by the certifying agency. J California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper File No. OOC-045 1 1 •v. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: In addition to the three standard conditions, the applicant shall satisfy the following: ^" Imrf'T"!''^" ^ ™P'='"«"'^'l ^ described in the application submitted on April 26 2000. Any deviation from the proposed project, as described in File No. OOC-045 shall require additional 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. All storm drain inlets shall have storm drain inlet filters (e.g.. Fossil filters or their equivalent) to treat urban runoff. Maintenance of these, filters shall be conducted per the manufacturers specifications by the City of Carlsbad. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CONTACT PERSON: Stacey Baczkowski Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region 9771 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite A San Diego, CA 92124 858-637-5594 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: I^tfth^ '""r ^ T '"'"'"'8= ^^"'^ho Santa Fe Road project will comply !vT I" °^ '"'^"""^ Umitations"), 302 fWater Quaht^ TNSnSs^^^^^^^^ ^7'"" ^'-''-'^ Implementation Pr^UOe if *e nl w . 1 °/ """^'^^ )' 307 ("Toxic and Pretreatment Effluent Standards") of the Clean Water Act. Although we anticipate no further regulatory involvement should new disZt " "™ '° °" T"°"'"'^'^^'^^ ' "^'^^ ''"^"'y P-"'--. «.ay i sue w^te discharge requirements at that time. J ^ "^^^ A^/^^ cfecutive Officer Regional Water Quality Control Board Attachments 1 and 2 Attachment 1 File No. OOC-045 Applicant: Applicant Representatives: Project Name: Project Location: Type of Project: Project Description: J ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT INFORMATION Mr. David Hauser City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2739 760-602-8562 (f) Ms. Sheni Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 760-942-5147 760-632-8710 (f) Rancho Santa Fe Road (OOC-045) The proposed project site is located in the eastem portion ofthe City of Carlsbad, in northern San Diego County. The project footprint lies within Uie northwestem portion of the Rancho Santa Fe United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle; sections 1, 6,19,20,29. 30, 31, 32; Townships 12 and 13 South; Range 3 and 4 West. Road realignment and sewer pipeline. The proposed widening and realignment project is part ofthe City of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho Santa Fe Road to a Prime Artenal Roadway Designation. A Prime Arterial Roadway has a 126-foot nght-of-way containing six travel lanes, a bike lane, an 18 foot raised median, sidewalks, curb, and gutter. The northeriy approach for the new bridge(s) would be approximately 2,200 feet long and include the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, and the reconsanction of approximately 300 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersection. The realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road would be constructed to the full width on the east side ofthe median, with sidewalks, curb and gutter, and street lights from the bridge to north of Melrose Drive. The Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be moved approximately 400 feet to the north ofthe present intersection. Melrose Drive would be realigned from the Comita Drive/Melrose Drive intersection northwest to the realigned Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. Comita Drive would be extended to connect with the realigned Melrose Drive. A 24-inch sewer pipeline would also be installed by the Vallecitos Water Attachment 1 File No. OOC-045 Federal Agency/Permit: Other Required Regulatory Approvals: Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance: Receiving Water: District during construction of the bridge. The pipeline would be within the limits of temporary disturbance associated with the bridge and would not result in any additional impacts. The pipeline will be encased with concrete and riprap, with a slope of 1.5:1. will be placed around the pipe. The pipeline, concrete, and riprap will be placed below grade with a minimum of 1 foot of cover over the top. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14, 18, and 33 California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement In 1992, the City of Carisbad approved the prehminary alignment for the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment and Mass Grading Project; the EIR for this project was certified by the City of Carlsbad on April 3, 1992. An addendum to the final EIR was prepared in March 2000 to address the final alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. San Marcos Creek, unnamed ephemeral drainages In^acted Waters of the United States: Dredge Volume: Related Projects Inqjiemented/to be Implemented by the Applicant(s): Compensatory Mitigation: Best Management Practices: ^^^^^ The proposed project will permanendy impact 0.42 acre of southem willow scmb, 0.27 acre of disturbed wetlands, and 0.24 acre of unvegetated ephemeral waters of the U.S. Temporary impacts include 0.97 acre of southem willow scmb. 1,227 cubic yards. The City of Carlsbad has implemented two projects in the past five years that have resulted in temporary impacts to San Marcos Creek. The first project consisted of emergency access to repair a dip section ofthe Gibralter Street bridge. The second project replaced and/or repaired pedestrian and golf cart bridges at La Costa. T&mpor&ry impacts for both of these projects are estimated at 0.1 to 0.3 acre. The proposed mitigation program will include a total of 2.2 acres of offsite creation and 1.4 acres of offsite enhancement of jurisdictional southem willow scmb and freshwater marsh. The proposed mitigation area is located immediately east ofthe project area within University Commons along San Marcos Creek. The mitigation area will be preserved as an element of the Fieldstone HCP. In addition, 0.54 acre of jurisdictional southem willow scmb will be restored onsite within the area of impact along San Marcos Creek. All storm drain inlets shall have storm drain inlet filters (e.g.. Fossil filters or their equivalent) to treat urban runoff. Maintenance of these filters shall be conducted per the manufacturers specifications by the City of Carisbad. Attachment 2 File No. OOC-045 ATTACHMENT 2 DISTRIBUTION LIST 1 1 Mr. Terry Dean Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 16885 West Bemardo Drive, Suite 300A San Diego, CA 92127 Ms. Sherri Miller Dudek and Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 1 cTATg OF CALIFORNIA THF HFSOURCES AGgMCY DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME j ' ^uth Co»s( Region I Jk9 Viewridge Avenue V~ ,n Oiago. Californii 92123 (8S8I 467-4201 1 FAX tSSai 467-4235 City of Carisbad Attn; David Hauser 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad. CA 92009 GRAY C RECEIVED JUN 07 2001 ENGfNEERlNG DEPARTMEN"? June 05. 2001 .J I Dear Mr. Hauser: Enclosed is Streambed Alteration Agreement 5-142-00 that authorizes work on the Rancho Santa Fe Road Rcaligmnent and Mass Grading project impacting San Marcos Creek in San Diego County. This action is authorized under Section 1600 ofthe Fish and Game Code and has been approved by the Califomia Department of Fish and Game. Pursuant to the requirements ofthe Califonua Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Department filed a Notice of Determination (NOD) on the project on hCfOl - Under CEQA regulations the project has a 30-day sUlutc of Umitations on court challenges ofthe Department s approval under CEQA. The Department believes that the project fully meets the requirements of the Fish and Game Code and CEQA However, if court chaUenges on the NOD arc received dunng the 30- day period then an additional review or even modification ofthe project may be required. It no comments are received during the 30-day period, then any subsequent comments need not be responded to. This information is provided to you so that if you choose to undertake the project prior to the close ofthe 30-day period, you do so with the knowledge that additional actions may be required based on the results of any court challenges that arc filed dunng that penod. Please contact Tamara Spear at (858) 467-4223 if you have any questions regarding the Streambed Alterarion Agreement. Sincerely. C F. Raysbrook Regional Manager Enclosure cc: Tamara Spear J 1 ') CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego. California 92123 Notification No. 5-142-00 AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPOSED STREAM OR LAKE ALTEFIATION THIS AGREEMENT, entered into between the Stale of Califomia. Department of Fish and Game, hereinafter called the Department, and David Hauser. representing the Citv of Carisbad. a municipal comoration State of Caiifomia., hereinafter called the Operator, is as follows: WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1601 of Califomia Fish and Game Code, the Operator, on the 22"* dav of May. 2000. notified the Department that they intend lo divert or obstruct tha natural flow of. or change the bed. channel, or bank of. or use material from the streambed(s) of. the following waterfsl: thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek. San Diego County, Califomia. Seclions Township 12S. 13S Range 3W. 4W . J WHEREAS, the Department (represented by Tamara Spear through a site visit on the 15th ' day of June. 2000) has determined that such operations may substantially adversely affect those exisling fish and wildlife resources wilhin the streambed of thirteen unnamed ' ephemeral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek, specifically ) identified as follows: Birds: least Bell's vireo (Vireo belfiipusil/us). southwestem willow fTycatcher fgmp/donax trallii extimus).CaWfomia gnatcatcher (PolioptHa cafifbmica californica). I northem harrier iOrcus cyaneus). white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus). Coobef^s hawk (Acdoitercoooeri) red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). red-shouldered hawk (Buteo platvotems oiatVDtenjsYsouthem Califomia mfous-crowned sparrow (Aimophila wfjceos). Bell's sage sparrow (Amohisoiza belli belli), loooerhead shrike (Lanius lutiovidanusY j Reptiles and Amphibians: arrovo southwestem toad (Bufo micrvscaohus californicus). San * Diego homed lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei). westem spadefoot toad (Scaohioous hammondi). red-diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus mber). coastal rosy boa (Lichanura trivirgata). 1 two-striped oarter snake (Thamnophis hammondii'): Mammals: San Diego pocket moUse (Chaetodipus fallax fallax). Dulzura Califomia pocket mouse (Chaetodipus californicus fei7ioralis\ San Diego black-tailed lack rabbit (Lepus calilbmicus). desert woodrat (Neotoma J lepida): Invertebrates: guino checkerspot butterfly (Buoh/dr/as editha auinoV monarch buttefflv rPanat/s plexious): Plants: San Dieoo golden star (Muilla clevelandii). San Diego thorrmtnt (Acanthomintha ilicifblia). Nevln's bartaenv (Bertehs nevinii). thread-leaved I brodiaea {Brodiaea filifolia). coast woolly-heads (Nemacaulis denudata var. denudata). smooth tarolant (Hemizonia punaens ssp. laevis) mud nama (Nama stenocarpum) including the southem willow scrub, freshwater marsh, and sunroundino Diegan coastal saoe scrub, southem mixed chaparral, valley needlegrass grassland, annual grassland and eucalyptus j grassland which provide habitat for such species in the area. THEREFORE, the Department hereby proposes measures to protect fish and wildlife j resources during the Operator's work. The Operator hereby agrees to accept the following measures/conditions as part of the proposed work. I If the Operator's work changes from that stated in the notification specified above, this * Agreement is no longer valid and a new notification shall be submitted lo the Department of Fish and Game. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and with other pertinent code sections. Including but not limited to Fish and Game Code Sections 5650. 5652. 5937, and 5948. may result in prosecution. STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 Nothing in this Agreement authorizes the Operator lo trespass on any land or property nor does it relieve the Operator of responsibility for compliance with applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances. A consummated Agreement does not constitute Department of' Fish and Game endorsement of the proposed operation, or assure the Department's concurrence with permits required from other agencies. TNs Agreement becomes effective the date of Department's signature and terminates December 31.2004 fbr oroiect construction only. This Agreement shall remain in effect for that time necessary to satisfy the terms/conditions of this Agreement. 1. The following provisions constitute the limit of activities agreed to and resolved by this Agreement. The signing of this Agreement does not imply that the Operator is precluded fmm doing other activities at the sile. However, activities not specifically agreed to and resolved by this Agreement shall be subject to separate notification pursuant to Fish and Game Code Seclions 1600 et seq. 2. The Operator proposes to alter the streambed of thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek to accommodate I the roadway realignment, widening and bridge replacement improvements to Rancho ) Santa Fe Road. A 24-inch sewer pipeline will also be installed within the limits of temporary disturbance at the proposed bridge footprint by Vallecitos Water District ' during the bridge construction. The project is located firom approximately 100 south of K J the La Costa Avenue/Rancho Fe Road intersection to approximately 100 feet north of the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road within the City of (ICarlsbad, San Diego County I impacting 2.11 acres of streambed. 3. The agreed work includes activities associated with No. 2 above. The project area is ^ located in the streambed of thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages, tributaries to j San Marcos Creek and San Marcos Creek, San Diego County. Spedfic work areas and mitigation measures are described on/in the plans and documents submitted by the Operator, including an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the M Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading. SCH#90010850 dated March • 2000: Conceptual Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment, dated December 2000: Biological Resources Report and Impact Analvsis 1 for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment-dated November 2000 and shall be s implemented as proposed unless directed differently by this agreement. I 4. The Operator shall nol impact more than 2.11 acres of jurisdictional habitat comprised 1 of 1.39 acres southem willow scrub. 0 27 acres disturbed freshwater marsh, 0.45 unvegetated ephemeral streambed. Of these impacts. 0.93 are permanent and 1.18 are I temporary. Permanent impacts caused by the project include 0.42 acres of southern willow scrub, [ 0.27 of disturbed wetland and 0.24 acres unvegetated streambed. Mitigation for J . permanent impacts to southern willow scrub shall occur at a 3:1 ratio of creation. ^ Disturbed freshwater marsh shall be mitigated al a 1:1 ratio of creation and 2:1 ratio of I enhancement, and unvegetated streambed shall be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio of creation. » All mitigation for permanent impacts shall be in-kind, occur off-site, and include 1.77 acres creation and 0.54 acres enhancement for a total of 2.31 acres. I Temporary impacts caused by the project Include 0.97 acres of southern willow scrub and STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 '"^ ^ 0.21 acres unvegetated streambed 0.54 acres of southern willow scmb shall be restorec w on-site at a 1:1 ratio. 0.47 acres of southern willow scrub shall be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio I of creation and 2:1 ratio of enhancement. 0.21 acres of unvegetated streambed shall als< ' be restored on-site. 1.29 acres of mitigation for temporary impacts shall occur off-site including 0.43 acres of creation and 0.86 enhancement and shall be in-kind. i The off-site mitigation area of 3.60 acres for the project is located along San Marcos Creek in the City of San Marcos, within Ihe University Commons Specific Plan. 5. The Operator shall submit a Final Revegelation/Monitoring Plan for both the 3.60 acres of mitigation off-site and the 0.54 acres on-site to the Department for review within 30 days of signing this Streambed Alteration Agreement The plan shall specify a non-native plant control program, plant palette and include a long-term maintenance provision for tha on-site mitigation and a plant palette for (he on-site revegetation. The Operator shall receive Department approval prior to project initiation/impacts. AI! mitigation shall be installed no later lhan March 31. 2003. 6. The Operator shall nol remove vegetation wilhin the stream from March 15 to July 31 to avoid impacts to nesting birds. 7. The Operator shall have a qualified biologist onsite daily during any impacts lo vegetation for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing condition numbers 6, 9, 14, and 21 of this agreeement. 6. No equipment shall be operated in ponded or flowing areas. f 9. Disturbance or removal of vegetation shall not exceed the limits approved by the I Department. The disturbed portions of any stream channel shall be restored. Restoration shall include the revegetation of stripped or exposed areas with vegetation native to the j area. 10. Installation of bridges, culverts, or other structures shall be such that water flow is not I impaired. Bottoms of temporary culverts shall be placed at stream channel grade; I bottoms of permanent culverts shall be placed al or below stream channel grade. 11. Preparation shall be made so that mnoff from sleep, erodible suriaces will be diverted I into stable areas with little erosion potential. Frequent water checks shall be placed on * dirt roads, cat tracks, or other work trails to control erosion. I 12. Water containing mud, silt or other pollutants from aggregate washing or other ' activities shall not be allowed to enter a lake or flowing stream or placed in locations that may be subjected to high storm flows. I 13. Structures and associated materials not designed to withstand high seasonal flows shall be removed to areas above the high water mark before such flows occur. j ' 14. The perimeter of the work site shall be adequately flagged lo prevent damage to w adjacent riparian habitat. ' 15. Staging/storage areas for equipment and materials shall be located outside of the stream. •» STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 J) 16_ The Operator shall comply with all litter and pollution laws. All conlractors subcx)ntractors and employees shall also obey these laws and il shall be the responsibilil of Ihe operator to ensure compliance. 'CJ^Munsioiin 17. If a stream's low flow channel, bed or banks/lake bed or banks have been altered these shall be relumed as nearly as possible to their original configuration and width ' without creating future erosion problems. y a un i, 18. All planting shall have a minimum of 100% sun/ival the first year based on the onginal quantity planted and 90% survival for container trees and 80% survival for contamer shmbs thereafter and/or shall attain 75% naUve wetland cover after 3 years and 90% native wetland cover after 5 years for thelife of the project. If the survival and cover requirements have not been met, the Operator is responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Replacement plants shall be monitored vyith the same survival and growth requirements for 5 years of planfing. 19. All planting shall be done between October 1 and April 30 lo lake advanlaoe of the winter rainy season. 20. An annual report shall be submitted to the Department by January 1 of each year for 5 years after planting. This report shall inciude the sun/ival, percent cover and height of both tree and shmb spedes. The number by spedes of plants replaced an overview of the revegetation effort, and the method used to assess these parameters shall also be included. Photos from designated photo stations shall be included. 21. Access to the wori< site shall be via exisling roads and access ramps. f ^® located within a stream/lake, where spoil shall be washed \ back into a stream/lake, or where it will cover aquatic or riparian vegetation. I 23. Raw cement/concrete or washings thereof, asphalt, paint or other coating material oil J or other petroleum products, or any other substances which could be hazardous to aquatic life resulting from project related activities, shall be prevented from contaminating I fh!J^i51^JLT^f'"3 n ®, w^i^rs of the slate. These materials, placed vmthin or where ^X^tV^^f^^ streanVlake by Operator or any party woricing under contract, or with the permission of the Operator, shall be removed immediately. 1 1 24. No debns. sod, silt. sand. bark, slash, sawdust, mbbish. cement or concrete or washings thereof, oil or petroleum products or other organic or earthen malerial from any conslruclion. or associated activity of whatever nature shall be allowed lo enter into or placed where it may be washed by rainfall or runoff into, waters of the State When a«T^l?^^r l^K-fhT'!.*!.'^' -?u^*^"fi?.°'' "^^^''^ ^® removed from the work area No rubbish shall be deposited within 150 feet of the high water mark of any stream or lake. 25. No equipment maintenance shall be done within or near any stream channel where petroleum products or other pollutants from the equipment may enter these areas under any flow. 26. The Operator shall provide a copy of this Agreement to all contractors, subcontractors, and the Operator's project supervisors. Copies of the Agreement shall be readily available at work sites at all times during periods of active work and must be presented to any Department personnel, or personnel from another agency upon J STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 demand. 1 27. The Department reserves the right to enter the project site at any time to ensure compliance with terms/conditions of this Agreement. i 28. The Operator shall notify the Department, in writing, at least five (5) days prior to initiation of constmction (project) activities and at least five (5) days prior to completion of constmction (project) activities. Notification shall be sent to the Department at 4949 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego. CA 92123 Attn: Tamara A. Spear T 29 It is understood the Department has entered iri.to this Streambed Alteration j Agreement for purposes of establishing protective features for fish and wildlife. The dedsion to proceed with the project is the sole responsibility of the Operator, and is not I required by this agreement ft is further agreed all liability and^or incurred cost I related to or arising out of the Operator's project and the fish and wildlife protective conditions of this agreement, remain the sole responsibility of the Operator. The (Operator agrees to hold harmless the State of California and the Department of Fish and Game against any related claim made by any party or parties for personal injury or any other damages. ^ 30. The Operator shall request an extension of this agreement prior to its termination. ^ Extensions may be granted for up to 12 months from the date of termination of the agreement and are subjed to Departmental approval. Th6 extension request and fees shall be submitted to the Department's Region 5 office al the atx>ve address. If the Operator fails to request the extension prior to the agreement's termination, then the I Operator shall submit a new nolification with fees and required information to the I Department Any activities conduded under an expired agreement are a violation of Fish and Game Code Sedion 1600 et seq. The Operator may request a maximum of one j extension of this agreement 31. The Department reserves the right to suspend or cancel this Agreement for other I reasons, induding but not limited to the following; a. The Department detenmines that the information provided by the Operator in support of the Notification/Agreement is incomplete or inaccurate; b. The Department obtains new infonmation thai was nol known to it in preparing the terms and conditions of the Agreement; [ c. The project or projed adivities as described in the Notification/Agreement have changed; d. The conditions affecting fish and wildlife resources change or the Department determines that project activities will result in a substantia! adverse effect on the environment 32. Before any suspension or cancellation of the Agreement, the Department will notify the Operator in writing of the circumstances which the Department believes warrant suspension or cancellation. The Operator will have seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of this notification to respond in writing to the circumstances described In the ^^.^ Department's notification. During the seven (7) day response period, the Operator shall immediately cease any projed activities which the Department specified in its notification. The Operator shall not continue the specified activities until that time when the Department notifies the Operator in writing that adequate methods and/or measures have been identified and agreed upon to mitigate or eliminate the significant adverse effect STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT #5-142-00 CONCURRENCE (David Hauser) California Dept of Fish and Game [signature) (signatute) (dats) (titte) CF. Ravsbrook. Regional Manager (tiUe) 1 " ATE OF CALFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Gownof ^'^ .JEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME =—= = — = South Coast Region 4949Viewridge Aven ue San Dlego, Califomia 92123 (858)467-4201 September 5, 2003 David Hauser City of Carisbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92009 RE: Rancho Santa Fe Road Retignment Project, Streambed Alteration Agreement #5-142-00 Amendment and Extension No. 1 Dear Mr. Hauser: We have reviewed your request to amend and extend our Streambed Alteration Agreement, #5-142-00, to alter the streambed of thirteen unnamed ephemeral drainages, tributaries to San Marcos Greek and San Marcos Creek In San Diego County. Pursuant to Fish and Game Code Sedion 1600 et seq., this letter, when countersigned by you amends our agreement as follows: 5. The Operator shall submit a Final Revegetalion/Monitoring Plan for both the 3.60 acres of mitigation off-site and the 0.54 acres on-site to the Department for review within 30 days of signing this Streambed Alteration Agreement. The plan shall spedfy a non-native plant conlrol program, plant palette and include a long-term maintenance provision for the on-site mitigation and a plant palette for the on-site revegetation. The Operator shall receive Department approval prior to project initiation/impacts. All mitigation shall be installed no later lhan March 31. 2006. This letter, vktien countersigned by you, extends the period during which adivities otherwise authorized by the agreement may continue. The new termination date of the agreement is December 31,2005. Be advised ttiat all terms of agreement 5-142-00 remain in force throughout the new term of the agreement A copy of said agreement AND THIS AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION LETTER must be kept on site and be shown upon request to Department personnel during all periods of work. Page 1 of 2 copies of this letter are being sent to you. PLEASE RFTI IRM r^wp QII^MCO ORIGINAL to the Department of Fish an'd Game, 'at 4949 5?ewidS Av^^^^^^ CA 92123. J If you havefurtherquestions. please contad meat (858)467-4223. Sincerely, amara^ SpeSr Environmentai s6^dalist III CONCURRENCE DATE Page 2 of 2 1 J City of Carlsbad Planning Department V November 30, 2001 ^'A.. .-•it Carrie Loya-Smalley City of Carlsbad Public Works Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: HDP OM 1 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD WIDENING The City has completed a review of the application for a Hillside Development Permit for grading for the Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening Project. Rancho Santa Fe Road North Is shown on the City of Carlsbad General Plan Circulation Element as a Prime Arterial roadway. The project extends from La Costa Avenue northerly to Melrose Drive a distance of approximately 2.25 miles. The project will grade the full road right-of- way of 126 feet and construct four of the ultimate 6 travel lanes. The adjacent landowners will construct the remaining two travel lanes, parkway and median improvements as their property develops. It is the Planning Director's determination that the project is consistent with the City's Hillside Development Ordinance, Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and therefore approves this request based on the following: Findings: Undevelopable areas of the project, pursuant to Section 21.53.230(b) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, have been properly identified on the constraints map. The project complies with the purpose and intent provisions of Section 21.95.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code in that proposed grading has been designed to relate to the slope of the land, the quantity of grading has been minimized and is 7,687 cubic yards per acre which is within the acceptable range listed in the Hillside Development Regulations, and a number of the proposed slopes will be an interim condition that will be modified when the adjacent properties are developed resulting in a lowering of the slope height In several locations. The project complies with Section 21.95.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and Section 21.95.140 if a modification to the development and design standards is approved in that hillside areas where a circulation element roadway must be located provided the proposed alignment is environmentally preferred and comply with all other city standards are excluded from the hillside development and design standards of Section 21.95.120. Rancho Santa Fe Road is designated as a prime arterial in the circulation element of the general plan and the proposed alignment has been determined to be environmentally preferred in EIR 91-01 for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading Project certified by the City Council 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us ^ J I 1 J HDP 01-11 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD WIDENING November 30, 2001 Page 2 on June 2, 1992 and the Addendum dated March 2000. The project design results in grading quantities in the acceptable range. Were the exclusion provisions of Section 21.95.130 of the Hillside Development Regulations not applicable to the project proposed slopes which are not contour graded in addition to slopes over the maximum slope height of forty feet also qualify for a modification to the development and design standards pursuant to Section 21.95.140 (1) in that the proposed design will result in significantly more undisturbed area than requiring additional contour grading adjacent to Habitat Conservation Plan Open Space areas as this would extend slope heights and impact the preserve area and the existing native habitat. 4. The project design substantially conforms to the hillside development guidelines manual in that contour grading will occur where it will not create additional environmental impacts, runoff control will be accomplished as required by the manual through the construction of onsite catchment basins and energy dissipators, and landscaping will be installed to reduce erosion potential. The remaining design guidelines illustrated in the manual are directed at the construction and placement of structures, which are not included in this project. 5. The Planning Director has determined that: a. EIR 91-1 was certified on June 2"", 1992 in connection with the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading project. An Addendum to the Final EIR for the project was prepared and is dated March 2000. The Hillside Development Permit, HDP 01-11 approves the proposed grading design as beirig in conformance with the Hillside Development Ordinance and the environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed in EIR 91-1 and the March 2000 Addendum; b. The project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant in the prior EIR 91-1 or the March 2000 Addendum; c. None of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent EIR or a Supplemental EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist. Conditions: 1. Approval is granted for HDP 01-11, as shown on Exhibit(s) "A" through "W", dated November 30, 2001, incorporated by reference and on file in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved exhibit(s). Any proposed grading and/or development substantially different from this approval as determined by the Planning Director, shall require an amendment to this Hillside Development Permit. 2. The Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading Project Final Environmental Impact Report Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as listed in City Council Resolution No. 92-152. HDP OM 1 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD WIDENING November 30, 2001 Page 3 „___ 3. The paved section of Melrose Drive west of Rancho Santa Fe that will be closed as a result of the new Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe intersection configuration shall be removed. The area shall be landscaped and irrigated in conformance with a landscape and irrigation plan to be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to the start of grading in phase 2 of the Rancho Santa Fe Road North project. CITY OF CARLSBAD GARY^. WAYNE Assistant Planning Director GEW:0N:c8 c: John Maashoff, Associate Engineer Doug Helming, Helming Engineering File Copy Data Entry Planning Aide ( Notice Of Completion of Construction INSTRUCTIONS « The Notice ofCompletionofConstruction will be inserted by Rc atthe^nrl ofthe projecL ^ aimeend i Slorm Waler Quality Handbooks SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual K, . •• . November 2000 Notice of Compieiion of Construction 1 of 1 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. City of Carlsbad Contract No.3907 SWPPP Bid Item Breakdown BMP ID Description Units U/P Quantitv Value SC-1 silt fence ' LF $3.20 9,159 $29,309 silt fence '* LF $9.14 2,704 $24,715 SC-5 fiber roll * LF $2.69 5,255 $14,136 fiber roll " LF $4.25 2,160 $9,180 SC-6 gravel bags - median chevrons * EA ' $251.00 13 $3,263 SC-10 inlet protection * EA $82.00 8 $656 inlet protection EA $109.00 6 $654 SC-6 disipator protection - gravel bags • EA $1,675.00 6 $10,050 disipator protection - gravel bags ** EA $2,183.00 4 $8,732 TC-1 temporary construction entrance * EA $1,272.00 2 $2,544 temporary construction entrance *» EA $2,577.00 6 $15,462 NS-8 to 10 hazardous material enclosure *•• EA $7,074.00 1 $7,074 WM-1 to 6 WM-8 concrete washout pits ** EA $1,378.00 10 $13,780 SS-3,5,7, pre/post storm maintenance ** EA $1,455.00 10 $14,550 9,10,11 WM-4 sweeper It* HR $108.00 140 $15,120 WM-9,10 miscellaneous materials *« LS $514.00 1 $514 NS-2,4,5 stream crossing, dewatering ** LS $20,262.00 1 $20,262 Remains - post construction Temporary - during construction Totai $190,000 Scheduling SS-1 BMP Objectives Soil Stabilization Sediment Control Tracking Control Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications This best management practice (BMP) involves developing, for every project, a schedule that includes sequencing of construction activities with the implementation of construction site BMPs such as temporary soil stabiHzation (erosion control) and temporary sediment controls measures. The purpose is to reduce the amount and duration of soil e^osed to erosion by wind, rain, runoff and vehicle tracking, and to perform the construction activities and control practices in accordance with the planned schedule. Construction sequencing shall be scheduled to minimize land disturbance for all projects during the rainy season. Limitations None identified. Standards and Specifications Plan the project and develop a schedule or to layout the construction plan. The schedule shall clearly show how the rainy season relates to soil- disturbing and re-stabilization activities. The construction schedule shall be incorporated into the SWPPP or WPCP. The schedule shall include detail on the rainy season implementation and deployment of: temporary soil stabilization BMPs, temporary sediment control BMPs, tracking control BMPs, wind erosion control BMPs, non-storm water BMPs, and ma^m Caltfans Stomfi Vyfeter Quality Handbooks Conttructlon Site Best Rtarwgement PracticeB Manual Scheduling SS-1 ^Jjj November 2000 1 of 3 SS-1 Scheduling waste management and materials pollution control BMPs. Schedule shall also include dates for significant long-term operations or activities that may have planned non-storm water discharges such as i dewatering, sawcutting, grinding, drilling, boring, crushing, blasting, painting, hydro-demolition, mortar mixing, bridge cleaning, etc. Schedule work to minimize soil disturbing activities during the rainy season. Work out the sequencing and timetable for the start and completion of each item such as site clearing and grubbing, grading, excavation, paving, pouring foundations, installing utilities, etc., to minimize the active construction area during the rainy season. Schedule major grading operations for the non-rainy season v>/hen practical. Stabilize non-active areas as soon as practical. Monitor the weather forecast for rainfall. When rainfall is predicted, adjust the construction schedule to allow the implementation of soil stabilization and sediment controls and sediment treatment controls on all disturbed areas prior to the onset of rain. Be prepared year-roimd to deploy soil stabilization and sediment control and sediment treatment control practices as required by Section 2 of this Manual. Erosion may be caused during dry seasons by unseasonal rainfall, wind and vehicle tracking. Keep the site stabilized year-round, and retain and maintain rainy season sediment trapping devices in operational condition. Sequence trenching activities so that most open portions are closed before new trenching begins. Incorporate staged seeding and re-vegetation of graded slopes as work progresses. Consider scheduling when establishing permanent vegetation (appropriate planting time for specified vegetation). Apply permanent erosion control to areas deemed substantially complete during the project's defined seeding window. SS-1 Scheduling 2of3 Caltrans Storm V\/ater Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Scheduling SS-1 Maintenance and • Verify that work is progressing in accordance with the schedule. If Inspection progress deviates, take corrective actions. • Amend the schedule when changes are warranted or when directed by the Resident Engineer (RE). • The Special Provisions require annual submittal of rainy season implementation schedule. Amend the schedule prior to the rainy season to show updated information on the deployment and implementation of construction site BMPs. "7 Attwir Caltrans Stonn V\tater Quality Handbooks Construction SHs Bast Management Practices Manual Scheduling 3S-1 November 2000 3 of 3 Preservation of Existing Vegetation SS-2 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control • Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Preservation of existing vegetation is the identification and protection of desirable Purpose vegetation that provides erosion and sediment control benefits. Appropriate • Preserve existing vegetation at areas on a site where no construction activity Applications is planned or will occur at a later date. • On a year-round basis, temporary fencing shall be provided prior to clearing and grubbing operations or other soil-disturbing activities in areas where no construction activity is planned or will occur at a later date. • No grading or disturbances diall occur in areas identified on the plans to be preserved, especially on areas designated as Envirorunentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Limitations Protection of existing vegetation requires planning, and may limit the area available for construction activities. Standards and Timing Specifications Preservation of existing vegetation shall be provided prior to the commencement of clearing and grubbing operations or other soil-disturbing activities in areas where no construction activity is planned or will occur at a later date. Preservation of existing vegetation shall conform to scheduling requirements set forth in the special provisions. Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Presenmtion of Existing Vegetation SS-2 1 0f4 SS-2 of Existing Vegetation Design and Layout • Mark areas to be preserved with temporary fencing made of orange polypropylene that is stabilized against ultraviolet light. The temporary fencing shall be at least one meter wide and shall have openings not larger than 50mm by 50mm. • Fence posts shall be either wood or metal, at the Contractor's discretion, as appropriate for the intended purpose. The post spacing and depth shall be adequate to completely support the fence in an upright position. • Minimize the disturbed areas by locating temporary roadways to avoid stands of trees and shrubs and to follow existing contours to reduce cutting and filling. • Consider the impact of grade changes to existing vegetation and the root zone. Installation • Construction materials, equipment storage, and parking areas shall be located where they will not cause root compaction. • Keep equipment away from trees to prevent trunk and root damage. • Maintain existing irrigation systems. • Employees and subcontractors shall be instructed to honor protective devices. No heavy equipment, vehicular traffic, or storage piles of any construction materials shall be permitted within the drip line of any tree to be retained. Removed trees shall not be felled, pushed, or pulled into any retained trees. Fires shall not be permitted within 30 m (100 ft) ofthe drip line of any retained trees. Any fires shall be of limited size, and shall be kept under continual surveillance. No toxic or construction materials - including paint, acid, nails, gypsum board, chemicals, fuels, and lubricants - shall be stored within 15 m (50 ft) of the drip line of any retained trees, nor disposed of in any way which would injure vegetation. Trenching and Tunneling • Trenching shall be as far away from tree tnmks as possible, usually outside ofthe tree drip line or canopy. Curve trenches around trees to avoid large roots or root concentrations. If roots are encountered, consider tunnelmg under them. When trenching and/or tuimeling near or under trees to be retamed, tunnels shall be at least 450 mm (18 in) below die ground surface, ^ and not below the tree center to minimize impact on the roots. J no 9 D r-. . . MK^m Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks SS-2 Preservatton of Existing Vegetatton Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual AttSv November2000 of Existing Vegetation SS-2 • Tree roots shall not be left exposed to air; they shall be covered with soil as soon as possible, protected, and kept moistened with wet burlap or peat moss until the tunnel and/or trench can be completed. • The ends of damaged or cut roots shall be cut off smoothly. • Trenches and tunnels shall be filled as soon as possible. Careful filling and tamping will eliminate air spaces in the soil which can damage roots. • Remove any trees intended for retention if those trees are damaged seriously enougih to affect their survival. If replacement is desired or required, the new tree shall be of similar species, and of at least 50 mm (2 in) caliper, unless otherwise required by the contract documents. • After all other work is complete, fences and barriers shall be removed last. This is because protected trees may be destroyed by carelessness dxiring the final cleanup and landscaping. Maintenance and During construction, the limits of disturbance shall remain clearly marked at all Inspection times, irrigation or maintenance of existing vegetation shall conform to the requirements in the landscaping plan. If damage to protected trees still occurs, . maintenance guidelines described below shall be followed: • Serious tree injuries shall be attended to by an arborist. • Any damage to the crown, trunk, or root system of a retained tree shaW be repaired immediately. • Damaged roots shall be immediately cut clean. • If bark damage occurs, all loosened bark shall be cut back into the undamaged area, with the cut tapered at the top and bottom, and drainage provided at the base of the wood. Cutting of the imdamaged area shall be as limited as possible. • Soil which has been compacted over a tree's root zone shall be aerated by punching holes 300 nun (12 in) deep with an iron bar, and moving the bar back and forth until the soil is loosened. Holes shall be placed 450 mm (18 in) apart throughout the area of compacted soil under the tree crown. • Stressed or damaged broadleaf trees shall be fertilized to aid recovery. • Trees shall be fertilized in the late fall or early spring. • Fertilizer shall be applied to the soil over the feeder roots and in accordance with label instructions, but never closer than 1 m (3 ft) to the trunk. The Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Bast Management Practices Manual Preservation of Existing Vegetation SS-2 November 2000 3 of 4 SS-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation fertilized area shall be increased by one-fourth of the crown area for conifers that have extended root systems. During construction. District Environmental shall be contacted to ensure that ESAs are protected. SS-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation 4of4 MtU^ Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks fl^^v Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual a^S^ November 2000 Hydrauiic Mulcii Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control • Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Limitations Standards and Specifications ^draulic mulch consists of applying a mixture of shredded wood fiber or a eq^^i^^^ ' ^^'"^^^ ^'^"^^^^^ - ^^^fi- -th hydro-mulc^g equipment Tins will protect exposed soil from erosion by raindrop impact or wmd. This IS one of five temporaiy soil stabilization alternatives to cXd. • Hydraulic mulch is applied to disturbed areas requiring tempomiy C'r^iri^ nr^^ "'^^'^'^^^^'^^^^^^ disturbeTlreas ti.at must re-disturbed followmg an extended period of inactivity. • e^tZ atT incompatible with immediate earthwork activities and would have to be removed. • Wood fiber hydraulic mulches are generally short-lived (only last a part of a f-^mn) and need 24 hours to diy befo^ rainfall occL toZ ' e'Sv ^ ^^'^"^ ^^^^ ^^^^ to be • Prior to application, roughen embankment and fill areas by rolling with a cnmpmg or punching type roller or by track walking. Tmck w^nT^l only be used where otiier metiiods are impractical. ^ MUL Cartrans storm vy&ter Quality Handbooks 13 HydraulK Mulch SS-3 1 of2 SS-3 Hydraulic iMulcli Maintenance and Inspections • Materials for wood fiber based hydraulic mulches and hydraulic matrices shall conform to Standard Specifications Section 20-2.07. Paper based hydraulic mulches alone shall not be used for temporary soil stabilization applications. Hydraulic Mulches • Wood fiber based hydraulic mulches are manufactured from lumber mill wood waste or from urban sources. This type of mulch is mixed in a hydraulic apphcation machine (hydroseeder) and applied as a liquid slurry. Wood fiber mulch can be manufactured contaming a stabilizing emulsion in each bag, or specified without. • Apply as a liquid slurry using a hydraulic application machine (i.e., hydroseeder) at rates of mulch and stabilizing emulsion recommended by the manufacturer to achieve complete coverage ofthe target area. Hydraulic Matrices • Apply a wood fiber base layer and a paper fiber top layer, both mixed witii acrylic polymers as binders. Apply as a liquid slurry using a hydraulic appUcation machine (i.e., hydroseeder) at die following minimum rates, or as specified by the special provisions, to achieve complete coverage ofthe target area: 841 kg/ha (750 Ibs/ac) wood fiber mulch, 1,140 kg/ha (1,000 Ibs/ac) recycled paper mulch and 520 liters/ha (55 gal/ac) of acrylic copolymer. • Alternatively, a bonded fiber matrix (available mixed in a single bag) shall be applied at the rate specified in the special provisions. Ifthe rate is not contained in tiie special provisions, tiie bonded fiber matrix shall be applied at a rate of 3,400 to 4,500 kg/ha (3,000 to 4,000 Ibs/ac) based on manufacturers recommendation, to achieve complete coverage ofthe target area. Do not apply immediately before, during, or after a rainfall. • Maintain an unbroken, temporary mulched ground cover throughout tiie period of construction tiie soils are not being reworked. Inspect before expected rain storms and repau- any damaged ground cover and re-mulch exposed areas of bare soil. • After any rainfall event, tiie Contractor is responsible for maintaining all slopes to prevent erosion. SS-3 Hydraulic Mulch 2of2 ^•U^ Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks m^^m Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual guSmm November 2000 Soil Binders SS-5 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control • Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Soil binders consist of applying and maintaining polymeric or lignin sulfonate soil stabilizers or emulsions. Soil binders are materials applied to the soil surface to temporarily prevent water-induced erosion of exposed soils on construction sites. Soil binders typically also provide dust, wind and soil stabiHzation (erosion control) benefits. This is one of five temporary soil stabilization altematives to consider. Appropriate Soil binders are applied to disturbed areas requiring short-term temporary Applications protection. Because soil binders can often be incorporated into the work, they may be a good choice for areas where grading activities will soon resume. Limitations • Soil binders are temporary in nature and may need reapplication. • Soil binders require a minimum curing time until fiiUy effective, as prescribed by the manufacturer, wiiich may be 24 hours or longer. • Soil binders will generally experience spot failures during heavy rainfall events. If runoff penetrates the soil at tiie top of a slope treated v«th a soil binder, it is likely that the runoff will imdercut the stabilized soil layer and discharge at a point further down slope. • Soil binders do not hold up to pedestrian or vehicular traffic across treated areas. • Soil binders may not penetrate soil surfaces made up primarily of silt and clay, particularly when compacted. • Some soil binders may not perform well with low relative humidity. Under rainy conditions, some agents may become slippery or leach out of the soil. 4» Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Construction Sito Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Soil Binders SS-6 1 of 5 SS-5 Soil Binders May not cure if low temperatures occur within 24 hours of application. Standards and General Considerations Specifications • Regional soil types will dictate appropriate soil binders to be used. • A soil binder must be environmentally benign (non-toxic to plant and animal life), easy to apply, easy to maintain, economical, and shall not stain paved or painted surfaces. • Some soil binders are compatible with existing vegetation. • Performance of soil binders depends on temperature, hiunidity, and traffic across treated areas. • Avoid over-spray onto the traveled way, sidewalks, lined drainage channels, and existing vegetation. Selecting a Soil Binder Properties of common soil binders used for erosion control are provided on Table 1. Use Table 1 to select an appropriate soil binder. Factors to consider when selectiag a soil binder include the following: ^j?] • Suitability to situation - Consider where the soil binder will be applied; if it needs a high resistance to leaching or abrasion, and wliether it needs to be compatible with any existing vegetation. Determine the length of time soil stabilization will be needed, and ifthe soil binder will be placed in an area where it will degrade rapidly. In general, slope steepness is not a discriminating factor for the listed soil binders. The soil binders in Table 1 may also be used for dust control using the provided dust control appUcation rates. The dust control appUcation rates will not be adequate to provide protection from water-induced erosion. • Soil types and surface materials - Fines and moisture content are key properties of surface materials. Consider a soil binder's ability to penetrate, likelihood of leaching, and ability to form a surface crust on the surface materials. • Frequency of appHcation - The frequency of appHcation can be affected by subgrade conditions, surface type, traffic volumes, climate, and maintenance schedule. Frequent applications could lead to high costs. Application fi^quency may be minimized if the soil binder has good penetration, low evaporation, and good longevity. Consider also that frequent application will require frequent equipment clean-up. JHBjjL Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks SS-6 Soil Binders Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual 2 of 5 aSSm November 2000 Soil Binders ) ^^^^^^^ OBwr November 2000 "•«'''™"P"''!«lce8 Manual conjunction with preservL T " '° ^ ^''^i^ved in years, it has a high r^isZlZT^lTTp- ""'^ ^ vegetation. However, it is also ^ITT " '^""P^^We with existing ^es.ahiefo.ho..te™';^°„^--^^^^^^^ ' abrasion, it would be n^or^Srl"'"^^^^^ frequently by construction actiSll ^ ^" ""^"ed more frequently. TT,eir high p^et^^ ^^"^^ can be applied the. n,oderate resistance tf a~™ ^T^^^ ^-^^ .^"''-tion but veiy compatible with vegetation ^ not ^PP////iSfSo//s//i(fere . Moreth ' ''^''""^^'^Pe^atur^ is below 4»C(40''F) Soil Binders SS-6 3of5 SS-5 Soii Binders Maintenance and Inspection Generally, soil binders require a minimum curing time of 24 hours before they are fiilly effective. Refer to manufacturer's instructions for specific cure times. For Hquid agents: Crown or slope ground to avoid ponding. - Uniformly pre-wet ground at 0.14 to 1.41/m^ (0.03 to 0.3 gal/yd^) or according to manufacturer's recommendations. Apply solution under pressure. Overlap solution 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in). Allow treated area to cure for the time recommended by the manufacturer; typically, at least 24 hours. Apply second treatment before fu-st treatment becomes ineffective, using 50% appHcation rate. In low humidities, reactivate chemicals by re-wetting with water at 0.5 to 0.9 Vm^ (0.1 to 0.2 gal/yd^). Reapplying the selected soil binder may be needed for proper maintenance. High traffic areas shaU be inspected on a daily basis, and lower traffic areas should be inspected on a weekly basis. After any rainfall event, the Contractor is responsible for maintaining all slopes to prevent erosion. S8-6 Soil Binders 4of5 Caltrans Storm water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Soil Binders SS-5 TaWe 1 Properties of Soil Binders for Erosion Control Chemicals Copolymer Lignin Sulfonate Psyllium Guar Comments - Forms semi-permeable transparent cnjst. - Resists ultraviolet radiation and moisture induced breakdown. - Paper industry waste product - Acts as dispersing agent - Best in dry climates - Can be slippery - Effective on dry, hard soils - Forms a crust - Effective on dry, hard soils - Forms a crust Relative Cost High Moderate Low Low Environmental Hazard Low Low Low Low Penetration Moderate Moderate High High Evaporation Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Resistance to Leaching Low High High High Resistance to Abrasion High Low Moderate Moderate Longevity 1 to 2 years 6 months to 1 year 3 to 6 months 3 to 6 months Minimum Curing Time before Rain 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours Compatibility with Existing Vegetation Good Poor Poor Poor Mode of Degradation Chemically Degradable Biologically/Physically/ Chemically Degradable Biologically Degradable Biologically Degradable Labor Intensive No No No No Specialized ApF^ication Equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes Liquid/Powder Liquid Powder Powder Powder Sur^ce Crusting Yes Yes, but dissolves on rewetting Yes, but dissolves on rewetting Yes, but dissolves on rewetting Clean-Up Solvents Solvents Water Water Erosion Control Application Rate Apply 800-1,000 I/ha (85- 110 gal/ac). Apply 5,600-6,500 l/ha (600-700 gal/ac). Apply 170 kg/ha (150 lb./ac)with 560-2,200 kg/ha (500-2,000 Ibs./ac) fiber mulch. Apply 110-220 kg/ha (100-200 Ibs./ac) with 560-2,200 kgflia {500-2,000 Ibs./ac) fiber mulch. Dust Control Application Rate Apply 280-520 L/ha (30- 55 gal/ac). Loosen surface 25- 50mm (1-2 in). Need 4- 8% fines. Apply 470- 1,900 l/ha (50-200 gal/ac). Apply 170 k/ha (150 Ibs./ac). Apply at 45-70 k/ha (40-60 Ibs./ac). 4» Caltrans Stonn VJatex Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Soil Binders SS-6 5 of 5 straw l\/luicii SS-6 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control • V\find Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Straw mulch consists of placing a uniform layer of straw and incorporating it into the soil with a studded roller or anchoring it with a tackifier. This is one of five temporary soil stabilization altematives to consider. • Straw mulch is used for soil stabilization as a temporary surface cover on disturbed areas until soils can be prepared for re-vegetation and permanent vegetation is established. • Also typically used in combination with temporary and/or permanent seeding strategies to enhance plant establishment. • Availability of erosion control contractors and straw may be limited prior to the rainy season due to high demand. • There is a potential for introduction of weed-seed and unwanted plant material. • When straw blowers are used to apply straw mulch, the treatment areas must be within 45 m (150 ft) of a road or surface capable of supporting trucks. • Straw mulch ^pHed by hand is more time intensive and potentially costiy. • May have to be removed prior to permanent seeding or soil stabiUzation. • "Punching" of straw does not work in sandy soils. MBUj^ Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks fl^^V Construction Stte Best Managemwit Practices Manual aJSww November 2000 Straw Mulch SS-6 1 of 3 SS-6 Straw Mulch On small areas, a spade or shovel can be used. On slopes with soils which are stable enough and of sufficient gradient to safely support construction equipment without contributing to compaction and instability problems, straw can be "punched" into the Standards and • Straw shall be derived from wheat, rice, or barley. Specifications • AH materials shall conform to Sections 20-2.06, 20-2.07 and 20-2.11 ofthe Standard Specifications. • A tackifier is the preferred method for anchoring straw mulch to the soil on slopes. • Crimping, punch roller-type roUers, or track-walking may also be used to incorporate straw mulch into the soil on slopes. Tmck walking shall only be used where other methods are impractical. • Avoid placing straw onto the traveled way, sidewalks, lined drainage channels, sound walls, and existing vegetation. • Straw mulch with tackifier shall not be applied during or immediately before rainfall. Application Procedures • Apply loose straw at a minimirai rate of 3,570 kg/ha (4,000 lb./acre), or as indicated in the project's special provisions, either by machine or by hand distribution. • The straw mulch must be evenly distributed on the soil surface. • Anchor the mulch in place by using a tackifier or by "punching" it into the soil mechanicaUy. • A tackifier acts to glue the straw fibers together and to the soil surface. The tackifier shaU be selected based on longevity and ability to hold the fibers ia place. • A tackifier is typically applied at a rate of 140 kg/ha (125 Ib/ac). In windy conditions, the rates are typically 200 kg/ha. • Methods for holding the straw mulch in place depend upon the slope steepness, accessibility, soil conditions and longevity. If the selected method is incorporation of straw mulch into the soil, then do as follows: Applying and incorporating straw shall follow the requirements in Section 20-3.03 of the Standard Specifications. CalUans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks ^_ Construction St 2 of 3 iuSww November 2000 SS-6 straw Mulch flH Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual straw iVIuicii SS-6 Maintenance and Inspections ground using a knife-blade roller or a straight bladed coulter, known commercially as a "crimper". On small areas and/or steep slopes, straw can also be held in place i using plastic netting or jute. The netting shall be held in place using 11 gauge wire staples, geotextile pins or wooden stakes (as described in 1 BMP SS-7, "Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Conti-ol ' Blankets/Mats". The key consideration in maintenance and inspection is that the straw needs to last long enough to achieve erosion control objectives. Reapplication of straw mulch and tackifier may be required by the Resident Engineer to maintain effective soil stabilization over disturbed areas and slopes. After any rainfaU event, the Contractor is responsible for maintaining all slopes to prevent erosion. ^•HjjL Caltrans Storm V\bter Quality Handbooks ^^^m Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aJSww (November 2000 Straw Mulch SS-6 3of3 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/Mats SS-7 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking ContnsI • Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and This Best Management Practice (BMP) involves tiie placement of geotextiles. Purpose plastic covers, or erosion control blankets/mats to stabiHze dishirbed soil are^ and protect soUs from erosion by wind or water. This is one of five temporary soil stabilization altematives to consider. Api^ropnate These measures are used when disturbed soils may be particularly difficult to Applications stabiHze, including tiie foUowing sitiiations: • Steep slopes, generally steeper tiian 1:3 (V:U). • Slopes where the erosion hazard is high. • Slopes and disturbed soils where mulch must be anchored • Distiirbed areas where plants are slow to develop adequate protective cover. • Channels witii flows exceeding 1.0 m/s (3.3 ft/s). • Channels intended to be vegetated. • Stockpiles • Slopes adjacent to water bodies of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Limitations V Blankets and mats are more expensive tiian otiier erosion control measures due to labor and material costs. This usuaUy limits tiieir appUcation to areas maccessible to hydraulic equipment, or where otiier measures are not applicable, such as channels. ^•j^ Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Consb-uction Stte Best Management Practices Manual OMww November 2000 Geotextiles, Plastk: Covers and EC Blankets/Mats SS-7 1 of 9 SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/IVlats standards and Specifications • Blankets and mats are generally not suitable for excessively rocky sites, or areas where the final vegetation wiU be mowed (since staples and netting can catch in mowers). • Blankets and mats must be removed and disposed of prior to appUcation of permanent soil stabilization measures. • Plastic sheeting is easily vandalized, easily torn, photodegradable, and must be disposed of at a landfiH. • Plastic results in 100 percent runoff, which may cause serious erosion problems in the areas receiving the increased flow. • The use of plastic shaU be limited to covering stoclqjiles, or very small graded areas for short periods of time (such as through one imminent storm event), until altemative measures, such as seeding and mulching, may be installed. Material Selection There are many types of erosion control blankets and mats, and selection of the appropriate type should be based on the specific type of application and site conditions. Selection(s) made by the Contractor must be approved by the Resident Engineer (RE). The foUowing criteria shall be considered in selection of the appropriate material: Cost Material cost Preparation cost Installation cost Add-ons Effectiveness Reduction of erosion Reduction of flow velocity Reduction of runoff AcceptabUity Environmental compatibiUty Institutional/regulatory acceptability Visual impact S8-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and EC Blankets/Mats 2of9 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/Mats SS-7 • Vegetation Enhancement Native plant compatibility Moisture retention Temperature modification Open space/coverage • Installation Durability Longevity Ease of installation - Safety • Operation and Maintenance Maintenance frequency Geotextiles • Material shall be a woven polypropylene fabric with minimimi thickness of 15 mm, minimum width of 3.7 m and shall have minimum tensile strength of 0.67 kN (warp) 0.36 kN (fiU) in conformance witii the requirements in ASTM Designation: D 4632. The permittivity of tiie fabric shaU be approximately 0.07 sec in confonnance with the requirements in ASTM Designation: D4491. The fabric shaU have an ultraviolet (UV) stability of 70 percent in conformance with the requirements in ASTM designation: D4355. Geotextile blankets shall be secured in place witii wire staples or sandbags and by keying into tops of slopes to prevent infiltration of surface waters under Geotextile. • Geotextiles may be reused if, m the opinion of tiie RE, they are suitable for the use intended. Plastic Covers • Temporary soil stabilization (Type plastic cover) material shall be polyethylene sheeting and shaU have a mimmum thickness of 6 mils. Plastic covers shall be anchored by sandbags placed no more than 3 m (10 ft) apart and by keying into the tops of slopes to prevent infiltration of surface waters under die plastic. AU seams shall be taped or weighted down tiieir entire lengtii, and tiiere shall be at least a 300 mm (12 in) to 600 mm (24 in) overlap of all seams. • Plastic covers may be reused if, in the opinion ofthe RE, they are suitable for the use intended. Caltrans stonn Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Geotextiles, Plastk: Covers and EC Blankets/Mats SS-7 ^^5^ November 2000 3 9 SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/Mats Erosion Control Blankets/Mats • Erosion control blankets/mats shall be either straw, coconut, straw/coconut or Excelsior blanket, in accordance witii the project Special Provisions, SSP 07-390. Site Preparation • Proper site preparation is essential to ensure complete contact ofthe blanket or matting with the soil. • Grade and shape the area of installation. • Remove all rocks, clods, vegetation or other obstmctions so that the installed blankets or mats wUl have complete, direct contact with the soil. • Prepare seedbed by loosening 50 mm (2 in) to 75 mm (3 in) of topsoil. Seeding Seed the area before blanket installation for erosion control and revegetation. Seeding after mat installation is often specified for turf reinforcement application. When seeding prior to blanket installation, all check slots and other areas disturbed during installation must be re-seeded. Where soil filling is specified, seed the matting and the entire disturbed area after InstaUation and prior to fUUng the mat with soil. Anchoring • U-shaped wire staples, metal geotextile stake pins or triangular wooden stakes can be used to anchor mats and blankets to the ground surface. • Staples shall be made of 3.05 mm steel wire and shaU be U-shaped with 200-mm legs and 50-mm crown. Wire staples shaU be minimum of 11 gauge. • Metal stake pins shall be 5 mm (0.188 in) diameter steel with a 40 mm (1.5 in) steel washer at the head of the pin. • Wire staples and metal stakes shall be driven flush to the soil surface. • All anchors shall be 150 mm (6 in) to 450 mm (18 in) long and have sufficient ground penetration to resist puUout. Longer anchors may be required for loose soils. O) SS-7 Geotejdiles, Plastic Covers and EC Blankets/Mats 4 of 9 tbltnjiw Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Q Erosion Control Blankets/Mats SS-7 V Installation on Slopes Always consult the manufacturer's recommendations for installation. In general, these will be as follows: • Begin at the top ofthe slope and anchor tiie blanket in a 150 mm (6 in) deep by 150 mm (6 in) wide trench. Backfill ti-ench and tamp earth firmly. • UnroU blanket downslope in the direction of water flow. • Overiap tiie edges of adjacent parallel rolls 50 mm (2 in) to 75 mm (3 m) and staple every 1 m (3 ft). • When blankets must be spUced, place blankets end over end (shingle style) with 150 mm (6 in) overiap. Staple through overiapped area, approximately 300 mm (12 in) apart. • Lay blankets loosely and maintain dkect contact with tiie soU. Do not stretch. • Staple blankets sufficientiy to anchor blanket and maintain contact with the soil. Staples shall be placed down the center and staggered with the staples placed along tiie edges. Steep slopes, 1:1 (V:H) to 1:2 (V:H), require a mimmum of 2 staples/m^ (2 staples/yd^). Moderate slopes, 1:2 (V:H) to 1:3 (V:H), require a minimum of 1V2 staples/m^ (1 'A staples/yd^), placing 1 staple/m (1 staple/yd) on centers. Gentie slopes require a minimum of 1 staple/m^ (1 staple/yd^). Installation in Channels Always consult tiie manufacturer's recommendations for InstaUation. In general, tiiese wUl be as follows: • Dig initial anchor trench 300 mm (12 in) deep and 150 mm (6 in) wide across the channel at the lower end ofthe project area. • Excavate intemiittent check slots, 150 mm (6 in) deep and 150 mm (6 in) wide across tiie channel at 8 m to 10 m (25 ft to 30 ft) intervals along tiie channels. • Cut longitudinal channel anchor slots 100 mm (4 in) deep and 100 mm (4 in) wide along each side of the installation to bury edges of matting, whenever possible extend matting 50 mm (2 in) to 75 mm (3 in) above tiie crest ofthe channel side slopes. ^•jjL Caltrans stonn V\tater Quality Handbooks ^ii^ S^*^^!!!^'** M-wgement Practices Manual Geotextiles, Plastc Covers and EC BlanketsMats 88-7 OMnrm "ovemoer jiooo 5 of 9 SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Control Blankets/Mats • Beginning at the downstream end and in the center ofthe channel, place the initial end ofthe first roll in ttie anchor trench and secure witii fastening devices at 300 mm (12 in) intervals. Note: matting wiU initially be upside down in anchor trench. • In the same manner, position adjacent rolls m anchor trench, overlapping the preceding roll a minimimi of 75 mm (3 in). • Secure these mitial ends of mats with anchors at 300 mm (12 in) intervals, backfill and compact soil. • UmoU center strip of matting upsti-eam. Stop at next check slot or terminal anchor trench. UnroU adjacent mats upstream in similar fashion, maintaining a 75 mm (3 in) overlap. • Fold and secure all rolls of matting snugly into all transverse check slots. Lay mat in the bottom of the slot then fold back against itself Anchor through botii layers of mat at 300 mm (12 in) intervals, then backfiU and compact soil. Continue rolling all mat widths upstream to the next check slot or terminal anchor trench. • Altemate method for non-critical installations: Place two rows of anchors on 150 mm (6 in) centers at 8 m (25 ft) to 10 m (30 ft) intervals in lieu of excavated check slots. • Shingle-lap spliced ends by a minimum of 300 mm (12 in) apart on 300 mm (12 in) intervals. • Place edges of outside mats in previously excavated longitudinal slots, anchor using prescribed staple pattem, backfill and compact soU. • Anchor, fiU and compact upsti-eam end of mat in a 300 mm (12 in) by 150 mm (6 in) terminal trench. • Secure mat to ground surface using U-shaped wire staples, geotextile pins, or wooden stakes. • Seed and fill turf reinforcement matting with soil, if specified. Soil Filling (if specified for turf reinforcement) • Always consult the manufacturer's recommendations for mstallation. • Do not drive tracked or heavy equipment over mat. SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and EC Blankets/Mats 6of9 tbfbanr Caltrans Storm Wiater Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Managwnent Practices Manual November 2000 SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and r~ Erosion Control Blankets/Mats V — • Avoid any traffic over matting if loose or wet soil conditions exist. • Use shovels, rakes or brooms for fme grading and touch up. • Smootii out soil filling; just exposing top netting of mat. Temporary Soil Stabilization Removal • When no longer required for the work, temporary soU stabUization shall become the property of the Contractor. Temporary soil stabUization removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of outside the highway right of way in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. Maintenance and Areas treated with temporary soU stabiUzation shall be inspected as specified in Inspection the special provisions. Areas treated with temporary soil stabiUzation shall be maintained to provide adequate erosion control. Temporary soil stabiHzation shaU be reappUed or replaced on exposed soils when greater than 10 percent of the previously treated area becomes exposed or exhibits visible erosion. • All blankets and mats shall be inspected periodically after installation. • Installation shall be inspected after sigiuficant rain storms to check for erosion and imdermining. Any faUures shaU be repaired immediately. • If washout or breakage occurs, re-install the material after repairing the damage to the slope or channel. Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks m^^f Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Geotextiles, Plastk: Covers and EC Blankets/Mats S5-7 a^ifyg^ November 2000 7 of g SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/Mats INITIAL CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH NTS TERMINAL SLOPE AND CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH NTS Stake at 1 m to 1.5 m intervals SOMETRIC VIEW NTS HOO mm x 100 mm I anchor shoe ~^ ~ 100 mm 150 mm 100 mm- INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH NTS NTS NOTES: 1. Check slots to be constructed per manufacturers speciflcotions. 2. Staking or stapling layout per manufacturers specifications. 3. Install per monufacturer's recommendations SS-7 Geotextiles, Plastk: Covers and EC Blankets/Mats 8of9 0t Caltrans Stomn V\ftiler Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Managemwit Practices Manual November 2000 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets/Mats SS-7 -150 mm X 150 mm anchor trench Mats/blankets should be ins tolled verticolly downslope. source ISOMETRIC VIEW <^^^^^,t^^?*^ TYPICAL SLOPE SOIL STABLIZATIQN ' ' NTS Non —woven eotextile filter abric under typical treatment. WET SLOPE LINING NTS NOTES: 1. Slope surface shell be free of rocks, clods, sticks and gross. Mots/blankets shall have good soil contact. 2. Lay blankets loosely and stoke or staple to maintain direct contact with the soil. Do not stretch. 3. Install per manufacturer's recommendations MtU^ Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks ^^^m Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual aJSm November 2000 Geotextiles, Plastk: Covers and EC Blankets/Mats SS-7 9 of 9 Eartli Dilces/Drainage Swaies and Lined Ditches SS-9 V BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and These are stmctures that intercept, divert and convey surface run-on, generaUy Purpose sheet flow, to prevent erosion. Appropriate Applications Earth dikes/drainage swales and lined ditches may be used to: Convey surface runoff down sloping land Intercept and divert runoff to avoid sheet flow over sloped surfaces Divert and direct runoff towards a stabilized watercourse, drainage pipe or channel. To intercept runoff from paved surfaces. Earth dikes/drainage swales and lined ditches also may be used: Below steep grades where runoff begins to concentrate Along roadways and facility improvements subject to flood drainage. At the top of slopes to divert nm-on from adjacent or undisturbed slopes. At bottom and mid-slope locations to intercept sheet flow and convey concentrated flows. This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis with other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engmeer (RE). Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales and Uned Ditches SS-9 1 of3 SS-9 Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales and Lined Ditches Limitations Standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspections Earth dikes/drainage swales and lined ditches are not suitable as sediment trapping devices. May be necessary to use other soil stabilization and sediment controls, such as check dams, plastics, and blankets, to prevent scour and erosion in newly graded dikes, swales and ditches. Care must be applied to correctly size and locate earth dikes, drainage swales and iined ditches. Excessively steep, unlined dikes and swales are subject to erosion and gully formation. Conveyances shall be stabilized. Use a lined ditch for high flow velocities. Select flow velocity based on careful evaluation of the risks due to erosion ofthe measure, soil types, over topping, flow backups, washout, and drainage flow pattems for each project site. Compact any fills to prevent unequal settlement. Do not divert runoff from the Highway right-of-way onto other property. When possible, install and utilize permanent dikes, swales and ditches early in the constmction process. Provide stabilized outiets. Inspect temporary measures prior to the rainy season, after rainfaU events, and regularly (approximately once per week) during the rainy season. Inspect ditches and berms for washouts. Replace lost riprap, damaged linings or soU stabilizers as needed. Inspect charmel linings, embankments, and beds of ditches and berms for erosion and accumulation of debris and sediment. Remove debris and sediment, and repair linings and embankments as needed or as directed by the Engineer. Temporary conveyances shall be completely removed as soon as the surrounding drainage area has been stabiUzed, or at the completion of constmction. SS-8 Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales and Uned Ditches 2of3 ^HK- Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks m^^m Construction SH« Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Earth Oikes/Dral»» 600 mrr, r^^^bilizing ^ow^, needed 9round r,ne Flow Sfoodord Spec-ficofLs. ''^ Compacted fin Min Stobi-liz/ng cover ^'^en needed Stri Flow ground ,,ne ) SS-9 3of3 Outlet ProtectionA/elocity Dissipation Devices SS-10 BMP Objectives • Soil Stat»llzation • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Managem^t Definition and These devices are placed at pipe outlets to prevent scour and reduce the velocity Purpose and/or energy of exiting storm water flows. Appropriate Applications Limitations These devices may be used at the foUowing locations: Outlets of pipes, drains, culverts, slope drains, diversion ditches, swales, conduits or channels. Outlets located at the bottom of mild to steep slopes. Discharge outiets that carry continuous flows of water. Outlets subject to short, intense flows of water, such as flash floods. Points where lined conveyances discharge to unlined conveyances. This BMP may be unplemented on a project-by-project basis with otiier BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). Loose rock may have stones washed away during high flows. Grouted riprap may break up in areas of fi^eze and thaw. If there is not adequate drainage, and water builds up behind grouted riprap, it may cause the grouted riprap to break up due to the resulting hydrostatic pressure. ibttnrw Caltrans Stomi W^ter Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best H/lanagement Practices Manual November 2000 Outlet ProtectkMWekKity Dissipatkm Devk»s SS-10 1 of3 SS-10 Outlet Protection/Velocity ion Devices Standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspection There are many types of energy dissipater's, with rock being the one that is represented in the attached figure. Please note that this is only one example and the Resident Engineer (RE) may approve any other type of device proposed by the contractor. Install riprap, grouted riprap, or concrete apron at selected outlet. Riprap aprons are best suited for temporary use during constmction. CarefiiUy place riprap to avoid damaging the filter fabric. For proper operation of apron: Align apron with receiving stream and keep straight throughout its length. Ifa curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in upper section of apron. If size of apron riprap is large, protect underlying fUter fabric with a gravel blanket Outiets on slopes steeper than 10 percent shall have additional protection. Inspect temporary measures prior to the rainy season, after rainfaU events, and regularly (approximately once per week) during the rainy season. Inspect apron for displacement of the riprap and/or damage to the underlying fabric. Repair fabric and replace riprap which has washed away. Inspect for scour beneath the riprap and around the outiet. Repair damage to slopes or unda-lying filter fabric immediately. Temporary devices shaU be completely removed as soon as the surrounding drainage area has been stabiUzed, or at the completion of constmction. SS-10 Outlet ProtectionA/elocity Disslpatkin Devk»s 2 of 3 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction SKa Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Outiet ProtectionA/eiocity :ion Devices SS-10 NTS Filter Fabric SECTION A-A 1.2 W (min) Pipe outlet to wel defined channel Key in 150-230 mm, 6-9 in.) recommended for entire perimeter. 1.5 dio. rock mox), placed at 150 mm min. depth NTS Pipe Diameter Discharge Apron Length, La Rip Rap mm m% m Dso Diameter Min mm 300 0.14 3 100 0.28 4 150 450 0.28 3 150 0.57 5 200 0.85 7 300 1.13 8 400 600 0.85 6 200 1.13 8 200 1.42 8 300 1.70 9 400 For larger or higher flows, consult a Registered Civil Engineer Source: USDA-SCS V Caltrans Storni Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Outlet ProtectionA/ekx% Dissipation Devk»s SS-10 3of3 Slope Drains SS-11 BMP Objectives • Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Standards and Specifications A slope drain is a pipe used to intercept and direct surface runoff or groundwater into a stabilized watercourse, trapping device or stabiUzed area. Slope drains are used with lined ditches to intercept and direct surface flow away from slope areas to protect cut or fill slopes. • Slope drains may be used at constmction sites where slopes may be eroded by surface runoff. • This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis with other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). • Severe erosion may result when slope drains faU by over topping, piping, or pipe separation. • When using slope drains, limit drainage area to 4 ha (10 ac) per pipe. For larger areas, use a rock-lined channel or a series of pipes. • Maximum slope generally Umited to 1:2 (V:H), as energy dissipation below steeper slopes is difficult. • Direct surface runoff to slope drains with interceptor dikes. See BMP SS-8, "Earth DUces/Drainage Swales, and Lined Ditches". • Slope drains can be placed on or buried underneath the slope surface. • Recommended materials are PVC, ABS, or comparable pipe. Caltrans Stonn V^ter Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Slope Drains 8S-11 1 of 3 SS-11 Slope Drains SS-11 Sk)pe Drains 2of3 4k Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Maintenance and Inspection When installing slope drains: Install slope drains perpendicular to slope contours. Compact soil around and und^ entrance, outlet, and along length of pipe. Securely anchor and stabiHze pipe and appurtenances into soil. Check to ensure that pipe cormections are water tight. Protect area around inlet with filter cloth. Protect outlet with riprap or other energy dissipation device. For high energy discharges, reinforce riprap with concrete or use reinforced concrete device. Protect inlet and outlet of slope drains: use standard flared end section at entrance for pipe slope drains 300 mm (12in) and larger. Inspect before and after each rain storm, and twice monthly until the tributary drainage area has been stabilized. FoUow routine inspection procedures for inlets thereafter. Inspect outiet for erosion and downstream scour. If eroded, repair damage and instaU additional energy dissipation measures. If downstream scour is occurring, it may be necessary to reduce flows being discharged into the channel unless other preventative measures are implemented. Inspect slope drainage for accumulations of debris and sediment. Remove built-up sediment from entrances and outlets as required. Flush drains if necessary; capture and settie out sediment from discharge. Make sure water is not ponding onto inappropriate areas (e.g., active traffic lanes, material storage areas, etc.). Slope 1 x ... Earthen dike (compacted) Waterproof seal, Typical @ joints D + 300 mm Flared end secti on Geotextile fabric I]™^_SLOPEDRAfN NOTTO~SCALE— Caltrans Storni Water Quality Handbooks Slope Drains SS-11 3of 3 Silt SC-1 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A silt fence is a temporary linear sediment barrier of permeable fabric designed to Purpose intercept and slow the flow of sediment-laden sheet flow runoff. SUt fences allow sediment to settie from runoff before water leaves the constmction site. Appropriate Silt fences are placed: Applications • Below the toe of exposed and erodible slopes. • Down-slope of exposed soil areas. • Around temporary stockpiles. • Along streams and channels. Limitations • Not effective unless trenched and keyed in. • Not intended for use as mid-slope protection on slopes greater than 1:4 (V:H) • Must be maintained. • Must be removed and disposed of Standards and General Specifications Don't use below slopes subject to creep, slumping, or landslides. Don't use in streams, channels, or anywhere flow is concentrated. Don't use silt fences to divert flow. ^•UL Caltrans storm Water Quality Handbooks mt^m Construction Stte Beat Management Practices Manual MSS^ November 2000 Silt Fence SC-1 1 of 5 SC-1 Silt Fence Design and Layout • The maximum length of slope draining to any point along the silt fence shall be 61 m (200 ft) or less. • Slope of area draining to fence shall be less than 1:1 (V:H). • Limit to locations suitable for temporary ponding or deposition of sediment. • Fabric Ufe span generally limited to between five and eight months. Longer periods may require fabric replacement. • SUt fences shaU not be used in concentrated flow areas. • Lay out in accordance with Page 5 of this BMP. • For slopes steeper than 1:2 (V:H) and that contain a high number of rocks or large dirt clods that tend to dislodge, it may be necessary to install additional protection immediately adjacent to the bottom ofthe slope, prior to installing sUt fence. Additional protection may be a chain link fence or a cable fence. • For slopes adjacent to water bodies or Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs), additional temporary soil stabiHzation BMPs shaU be used. Materials • Silt fence fabric shaU be woven polypropylene with a minimum width of 900 mm and a minimum tensUe strength of 0.45-kN. The fabric shaU confonn to the requirements in ASTM designation D4632 and shaU have an integral reinforcement layer. The reinforcement layer shall be a polypropylene, or equivalent, net provided by the manufacturer. The permittivity of the fabric shaU be between 0.1 sec"^ and 0.15 sec"' in conformance with the requirements in ASTM designation D4491. • Wood stakes shaU be commercial quality lumber of the size and shape shown on the plans. Each stake shall be free from decay, splits or cracks longer than the thickness of the stake or other defects that would weaken the stakes and cause the stakes to be stmcturally unsuitable. • Staples used to fasten the fence fabric to the stakes shall be not less than 45 mm long and shall be fabricated from 1.57 mm or heavierwire. The wire used to fasten the tops of the stakes togetiier when joining 2 sections of fence shaU be 3,05 mm or heavier wire. Galvanizing ofthe fastening wire will not be required. e» . - ^^'^•^^ ^er Quality Handbooks 9^/1; Consfruction Stte Best Management Practices Manual ^ ™ ^ November 2000 AAww Silt Fence SC-1 Installation • Generally, silt fences shall be used in conjunction with soil stabilization source controls up slope to provide effective control. • Trenches shaU not be excavated wider and deeper than necessary for proper installation ofthe temporary linear sediment barriers. • Excavation of the trenches shaU be performed immediately before installation of the temporary linear sediment barriers. • Constmct silt fences with a set-back of at least Im from the toe of a slope. Where a sUt fence is determined to be not practicable due to specific site conditions, the sUt fence may be constructed at the toe of the slope, but shall be constmcted as far from the toe of the slope as practicable. • Constmct the length of each reach so that the change in base elevation along the reach does not exceed 1/3 the height ofthe barrier; in no case shaU the reach exceed 150 meters. • Cross barriers shall be a minimum of 1/3 and a maximum of 1/2 the height of the linear barrier. • Bottom ofthe silt fence shaU be keyed-in. • Install in accordance with Page 5 of this BMP. Maintenance and • Repair undercut silt fences. Inspection • Repair or replace split, tom, slumpmg, or weathered fabric. • Inspect sUt fence vAim rain is forecast. Perform necessary maintenance, or mamtenance required by the Resident Engineer (RE). • Inspect sUt fence foUowing rainfaU events. Perform maintenance as necessary, or as required by the RE. • Maintain sUt fences to provide an adequate sediment holding capacity. Sediment shall be removed when the sediment accumulation reaches one- tiiird (1/3) of the barrier height. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. • Silt fences that are damaged and become unsuitable for the intended purpose, as determined by the RE, shaU be removed from the site of work, disposed of outside the hi^way right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications, and replaced with new silt fence barriers. ^•K. Cattrans storm Water Quality Handbooks fl^V Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Silt Fence SC-1 a^SSm November 2000 3 of 5 SC-1 Silt Fence Holes, depressions or otiier ground disturbance caused by the removal of the temporary sUt fences shall be backfiUed and repaired in conformance with the Standard Specifications. Remove silt fence when no longer needed or as required by the RE. Fill and compact post holes and anchorage trench, remove sediment accumulation, and grade fence alignment to blend witii adjacent ground. SC-1 Silt Fence 4of5 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks *^^r (^or^truction Site Best Management Practices Manual Q^a^ November 2000 Silt Fence if ) 5>s ^ hi - fi I- 1^ if it 1^ •5 E ll I I s - E g III 5 ! I J ^ ^^uctirs^^^^i^^ — AbK November aoo SIH Fence SC-1 5 of 5 Desilting Basin BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management - On construction projects with disturbed areas during the rainy season; and • 2::o::^:"^r"^'^^""^-"-*^*^^«^^--or - At ^lets of disturbed soil areas with ar^as between 2 ha and 4 ha (5ac and • ^"^^ ""^ '^'^'^ ->-n control before selecting temporary desilting basins. i Requires large surface areas to pennit setUing of sediment. " Not appropriate for drainage areas greater than 30 ha (75 ac). I Not to be located in live streams ' If safety is a concem, basins may require protective fencing. Size may be limited by availability of right-of-way. Limitations Caltrans storm Wfeter Quality Handbooks OeslHing Basin SC-2 1 of 8 Desilting Basin standards and Specifications . Limitthecontributingareatothedesiltingbasintoonlythenmofffromthe d^?droLeas.Letemporaryconcentrated£lowconvey^^^^^^^^^ toXert nmoff from undisturbed areas away from the des.ltmg basm. . Desilting basins shall be designed to have a capacity equivalent to 100 , SSLrsofstorageCasmeasuredfromthetopofthebasmtothe , ;Lipal ouUet.) per hectare of contributory area. Th.s desi^ is k s than fte required to capture the 0.01 mm particle size but larger than that required to capture particles 0.02 mm or larger. . Tlie length ofthe basin shall be more than twice the vHdth ofthe basin; fte ta^Sl be determined by measuring the distance between the mlet and the outiet. . The depth must be no less than one (1) meter nor greater than 1.5 m. . Basins with an impounding levee greater than 1.5 m tall, measured from the forstpointtoJimpoundingareatothehighe^pointoftheleve^^^^ basins capable of impounding more than 1000 cubic -eters (m ), shall be designed by a professional Civil Engineer registered with fte s^e of California The design must be submitted to fte Resident Engmeer (RE) for St7at.?ast7dayspriortoftebasinconstruc.ion Thede.^shall ilide maintenance requirements, including sedmient and vegetation Loval, to ensure continuous fimction of fte basm outlet and bypass structures. . Design and locate desilting basins so ftat ftey can be maintained. ConLct desilting basins prior to fte rainy season and construction activities. . Desilting basins, regardless of size and storage volume, shaU include feiTs to accommodate overflow or bypass flows ftat exceed fte^s,^ storm event. The calculated basin volume and proposed locaUon shall be submitted to fte RE for approval at least 3 days prior to fte basm constmction. . Basins shall be designed to drain wiftin 72 hours foUowing storm events. . The outflow from fte desilting basin shaU be provided wift ouflet protection to prevent erosion and scouring of fte embankment and chamiel. . Basin shall be located: (1) by excavating a suitable area or where a low embanlanent can be constructed across a swale, (2) where post-construchon (pennanent) detention basins will be constructed, (3) wh^e failui. Wd not cause loss of life or property damage, and (4) where fte basms can be ^ SC-2 Desilting Basin 2of8 at Caltrans Storm Vteter Quality Ha"*^^*^* . Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Basin SC-2 maintained on a year-round basins to provide access for maintenance, including sediment removal and sediment stockpUing in a protected area, and to maintain the basin to provide the required capacity. Areas under embankments, stmctural works, and desilting basin must be cleared, stripped of vegetation in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 16 - Clearing and Gmbbing. Earthwork shaU be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 19 - Earthwork. Contractor is specifically directed to Section 19-5 , "Compaction", and 19-6, "Embankment Constmction". Basin inlets shaU be located to maximize travel distance to the basin outlet. Rock or vegetation shaU be used to protect the basin inlet and slopes against erosion. A forebay, constmcted upstream of the basin may be provided to remove debris and larger particles. Principal outlet shall consist of a cormgated metal, high density polyethylene (HDPE), or reinforced concrete riser pipe with dewatering holes and an anti-vortex device and trash rack attached to the top ofthe riser, to prevent floating debris from flowing out of the basm or obstmcting the system. This principal stmcture shaU be designed to accommodate the inflow design storm. Stmcture shall be placed on a firm, smooth foundation with the base securely anchored vrith concrete or other means to prevent floatation. Attach riser pipe (watertight coimection) to a horizontal pipe (barrel) which extends through the embankment to toe of fiU. Provide anti-seep coUars on the barrel. Cleanout level shaU be clearly marked on the riser pipe. Avoid dewatering of groimdwater to the desUting basin during the rainy season. Insignificant quantities of accumulated precipitation may be dewatered to the desilting basin unless precipitation is forecasted within 24 hours. Chain link fencing shall be provided around each desUtmg basin to prevent imauthorized entry to the basin or if safety is a concern. Fencing shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 80 - Fencing. Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual Desilting Basin SC-2 November 2000 3 of 8 SC-2 Desilting Basin One ofthe dewatering configurations shown below for the principal outlet may be used. The Contractor shall verify that the outiet is properly designed to handle the design and peak flows. Outlet #1, See Page 6 Perforate the top one-third of the riser with 13 mm (0.5 in) diameter holes spaced 200 mm (8 in) vertically and 250 mm (10 m) - 300 mm (12 in) horizontally. Place 19 mm (0.75 in) gravel over perforated holes to approximately 50 mm (2 in) minunum thickness to assist in prevention of clogging of dewatering holes. Gravel will naturally settie into a cone surrounding the riser pipe. Outlet #2, See Page? Perforate the lower one-half of the riser pipe with 13 mm (0.5 in) diameter holes spaced approximately 75 mm (3 in) apart, in each outside vaUey (corrugated metal pipe). Place 19 mm (0.75 in) gravel over perforated holes to approximately 50 mm (2 in) minimum thickness to assist in prevention of clogging of dewatering holes. Gravel wiU naturally settie into a cone surrounding the riser pipe. Outlet #3, See Page 8 Provide two 25 mm (1 in) diameter holes above the sediment storage volume on opposites sides of the non-perforated riser pipe. This wUl typicaUy provide sufficient detention time for basins to drain approximately 4 ha (10 ac). Constmct an emergency spillway to accommodate flows not carried by the principal spUlway. Spillway shaU consist of an open channel (earthen or vegetated) over undisturbed material (not fiU) or constmcted of a non-erodible riprap. SpiUway control section, vMch is a level portion ofthe spillway channel at the highest elevation in tiae channel, shall be a minimum of 6 m (20 ft) in lengtii. - Use outlet protection at the pipe outiet. See BMP SS-10, "Outiet Protection/Velocity Dissipation Devices". SC-2 Desilting Basin 4of8 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks m^^m Construction She Best Management Practices Manual a^gm November 2000 SC-2 Desilting Basin Maintenance and • inspect temporary desilting basins before and after rainfall events and Inspection weekly during the rest of the rainy season. During extended rainfaU events, inspect at least every 24 hours. • Examine basin banks for seepage and structural soundness. • Check inlet and outlet stirictures and spUlway for any damage or obstmctions. Repair damage and remove obstmctions as needed, or as directed by the RE. • Check inlet and outiet area for erosion and stabilize if reqmred, or if dkected by the RE. • Remove sediments when storage zone is one-third fiiU. • Check fencmg for damage and repair as needed or as directed by the RE. Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Constructton Site Best Management Practices Manual Desilting Basin SC-2 November 2000 5 of 8 SC-2 Desilting Basin -Stoblized Inlet Embankment ^ Side Slopes /^1:3 (V:H) Wax Outlet protection Emergency spillway TOP VIEW Riser with hood and trash rack Inflow Settling Depth Emergency spillway 300 mm Sediment 30O mm Storage Depth Stabilized Outlet, Riser encased in gravel jacket. Upper two-thirds perforated Anti-Seep Collars NOTE: This outlet provides partial draining of pool. TYPICAL DESILTING BASIN - OUTLET #1 NOTTO SCALE O) SC-2 Desilting Basin 6of 8 ^•H^ Cattrans Stomi V\bter Quality Handbooks Construction SKe Best Management Practices Manual a^Swm I^Qvember 2000 Desilting Basin Riser partially encased in gravel jacket. Lower one-third to one- half perforoted. -Trash rack Emergency spillway Freeboard 300 mm Embankment 1:3 (V:H) slope Max. Stabilize w/ vegetation If needed. ^Anti flotation block NOTE: This outlet provides complete draining of pool. Anti-seep collar TYPICAL DESILTING BASIN - OUTLET #2 NOTTO SCALE Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual a^Swu November 2000 Desilting Basin SC-2 7 of 8 SC-2 Desilting Basin 300 mm Crest of emergency spillway Sediment cleanout permanent pool NOTE: This outlet provides no drainoge for permanent pool. TYPICAL DESILTING BASIN - OUTLET #3 NOTTO SCALE 8C-2 Desilting Basin 8of8 Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks mK^m Construction site Best Management Practices Manual aJSg^ November 2000 Trap SC-3 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Stomi Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A sediment trap is a temporary basin with a conttoUed release stmcture, formed Purpose by excavating or constmcting an earthen embankment across a waterway or low drainage area. Appropriate • Sediment traps may be used on constmction projects during the rainy Applications season where the contributing drainage area is less than 2 ha (5acres). Traps would be placed where sediment laden storm water may enter a storm drain or watercourse, and around and/or up-slope from storm drain inlet protection measures. • This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis in addition to other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). • As a supplemental control, sediment traps provide additional protection for a water body or for reducing sediment before it enters a drainage system. Limitations • Requires large surface areas to pemiit settling of sediment. • Not appropriate for drainage areas greater than 2 ha (5 ac). • Only removes large and medium sized particles and requires iq)stream erosion control. • Attractive and dangerous to chUdren, requiring protective fencing. • Not to be located in live streams. • Size may be limited by availabiUty of right-of-way. Odbww Caltrans Stomn V\toter Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Sediment Trap SC-3 1 of 5 SC-3 Standards and Specifications Trap Constmct sediment traps prior to rainy season and constmction activities. Trap shaU be located: (1) by excavating a suitable area or where a low embankment can be constmcted across a swale, (2) where faUure would not cause loss of life or property damage, and (3) to provide access for maintenance, includmg sediment removal and sediment stockpiling m a protected area. Trap shall be sized to accommodate a settimg zone and sediment storage zone with recommended minimum volumes of 130 m^/ha (67 yd^/ac) and 65 m /ha (33 yd^/ac) of contributing dramage area, respectively, based on 12.7 mm (0.5 in) of nmoff volume over a 24-hr period. Multiple traps and/or additional volume may be required to accommodate site specific rainfall and soU conditions. Traps witii an impounding levee greater tiian 1.5 m taU, measured from the lowest point to the impounding area to the highest point ofthe levee, and traps capable of impounding more than 1000 cubic meters (m^), shall be designed by a professional CivU Engineer registered with the state of Califomia. The design must be submitted to the Resident Engineer (RE) for approval at least 7 days prior to the basin constmction. The design shall include mamtenance requirements, including sediment and vegetation removal, to ensure contmuous function ofthe trap outlet and bypass structures. Earthwork shaU be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 19 - Earthwork. Contractor is specificaUy directed to Sections 19-5 and 19-6 entitied, "Compaction" and "Embankment Constiuction," respectively. Areas under embankments, stioictural works, and sediment traps shaU be cleared and stripped of vegetation in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 16 - Clearing and Gmbbing. Trap lengtii to widtii ratio shaU be greater tiian 3:1 (L:W) or baffles are required to prevent short cfrcuiting ofthe inlet flow. Trap inlets shall be located to maximize the travel distance to the trap outlet. Use rock or vegetation to protect tiie trap outlets against erosion. Fencing, in accordance witii Standard Specifications Section 80 - Fencing, shaU be provided to prevent unauthorized entry. To dewater tiie ti-ap, tiie outlet shall be consttiicted in one of tiie following two ways: 8C-3 Sediment Trap 2ofS Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual OtiSmw November 2000 Sediment Trap SC-3 (1) Use cormgated metal, high density polyethylene (HDPE), or reinforced concrete riser pipe with dewatering holes encased in gravel to prevent floating debris from flowing out of the trap or obstmcting the system : (See Figure 1). (2) Constmct a cmshed stone outlet section of the embankment at the low | point of the trap (See Figure 2). The stone section serves as a non-erosive spiUway outiet for flood flows and the bottom section provides a means of dewatering the trap between rainfaU events. Maintenance and • Inspect sediment traps before and after rainfall events and weekly during Inspection the rest of the rainy season. During extended ramfall events, inspect sediment traps at least every 24 hours. • Check trap banks for seepage and stmctural soundness. • Check outiet stmcture and spillway for any damage or obstmctions. Repair damage and remove obstructions as needed or as directed by the RE. • Check outiet area for erosion and stabilize if required, or as directed by the RE. ^ • Remove accumulated sediment -whea the volume has reached one-third the original trap volume. • Properly disposed of sediment and debris removed from the trap. • Check fencing for damage and repau as needed or as directed by the RE. V JHEKL Caltrans stomn V\liMer Qualtty Handbooks Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual Sediment Trap SC-3 \SEL November 2000 3 of 5 SC-3 Sediment Trap Stabilized inlet ^ j Embonkment ^ Side slopes (V:H) ^ ' Max i^Outfatl TOP VIEW Emergency spillway Inflow Riser w/ hood & trash rack V Settling depth 600 mm Min depth Sediment storage 300 mm Min deptii^ Emergency spillway Riser encosed in gravel —' jacket. Upper two-thirds perforated. SIDE VIEW mm Stabilized Outlet AntI—seep collars NOTES: 1. Typical trap design shown will handle 12.7 mm of of runoff over o 24 hour period. 2. Settling volume: 130 per hectare of drainage area. 3. Sediment storage volume: 65 m^ per hectare of drainage area. TYPICAL SEDIMENT TRAP NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 1 SC-3 Sediment Trap 4 of 5 Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual t^b^g^ November 2000 Sediment Trap NOTE; Size splllwoy to convey peak design flow. TYPICAL OPEN SPILLWAY SC-3 Outlet pi olternativ necessory ow 1. iin All slopes 1:3 (V: H) or flatter 300 mm Min Watertight connection Perforate riser EMBANKMENT SECTION THRU RISER TYPICAL SEDIMENT TRAP NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 2 Cattrans Storm Wiater Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Sedlnwnt Trap 8C-3 5of5 Check Dams SC-4 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization • Sediment Ccwitrol o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Nwi-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A check dam is a small device constmcted of rock, sandbags, or fiber rolls, placed Purpose across a natural or man-made channel or drainage ditch. Check dams reduce scour and channel erosion by reducing flow velocity and encouraging sediment dropout. Appropriate Applications • Check dams may be mstalled in the following: In small open channels which drain 4 ha (10 ac) or less. In steep channels where storm water runoff velocities exceed 1.5 meters per second (m/s). During the establishment of grass Unings m dramage ditches or channels. In temporary ditches where a short length of service does not warrant establishment of erosion-resistant Unings. • This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis with other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by tiie Resident Engineer (RE). Limitations • Not to be used in Hve streams. • Not appropriate in channels wiuch dram areas greater than 4 ha (10 ac). • Not to be placed in channels which are afready grass Uned unless erosion is expected, as installation may damage vegetation. • Require extensive maintenance following high velocity flows. JBH^ Caltrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Site Best Management Practices Manual Check Dams SC-4 Abaw November 2000 , ^3 SC-4 Cliecic Dams Standards and Specifications Promotes sediment trapping v^^ch can be re-suspended during subsequent storms or removal ofthe check dam. Not to be constmcted from straw bales or a silt fence. Check dams shaU be placed at a distance and height to allow small pools to form behind them. Maintenance and Inspection Install the first check dam approximately five meters (5 m) from the outfaU device and at regular intervals based on slope gradient and soil type. For multiple check dam instaUation, backwater from downstream check dam shall reach the toe of the upstream dam. High flows (typicaUy a 2-year storm or larger) shaU safely flow over the check dam witiiout an increase in iqistream flooding or damage to the check dam. Where grass is used to line ditches, check dams shall be removed when grass has matured sufficientiy to protect the ditch or swale. Rock shall be placed individuaUy by hand or by mechanical methods (no dumping of rock) to achieve complete ditch or swale coverage. Inspect check dams after each significant rainfall event. Repair damage as needed or as required by the RE. Remove sediments when depth reaches one-third of the check dam height. Remove accumulated sediment prior to permanent seeding or soil stabilization. Remove check dam and accumulated sediment \^^en check dams are no longer needed or when required by the RE. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. SC-4 Check Dams 2of3 Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks ma^B Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual aJSt^ November 2000 Check Dams SC-4| h**1 X E o in CD ELEVATION 200 mm to 300 mm diameter rock X D TYPICAL ROCK CHECK DAM SECTION ROCK CHECK DAM NOT TO SCALE Cattrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Constructton Site Best Management PracUces Manual November 2000 Check Dams SC-4 3 of 3 Fiber Rolls SC-5 J BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o V\find Erosion Cwitrol o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Standards and Specifications A fiber roll consists of straw, flax, or other similar materials that are rolled and bound into a tight tubular roll and placed on the face of slopes at regular intervals to intercept runoff, reduce its flow velocity, release the runoff as sheet flow, and provide some removal of sediment from the runoff. • May be used along the top, face, and at grade breaks of exposed and erodible slopes to shorten slope length and spread runoff as sheet flow. • Fiber rolls may be used as check dams if approved by the Resident Engineer (RE). • This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis with other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the RE. • Is a relatively new sedim^t control/soU stabiUzation technology. Effectiveness and capabiUties in the field are not completely known. • Although fiber rolls provide some sediment removal, this BMP is not to be used in place of a linear sediment barrier (i.e., a sUt fence, sandbag barrier, or straw bale barrier). Fiber Roll Materials • Fiber rolls shall be either: (1) prefabricated rolls; or, (2) rolled tubes of erosion control blanket. Cattrans Storm VU^ter Quality Handtxraks Construction Site Best Nianagement Practices Manual November 2000 Fiber Rolls SC-« 1of3 SC-5 Fiber Rolls Maintenance and Inspection Assembly of Field Rolled Fiber Roll • RoU length of erosion control blanket into a tube of minimum 200 mm (8 in) diameter. • Bind roll at each end and every 1.2 m (4 ft) along length of roll with jute- type twine. Installation • Locate fiber rolls on level contours spaced 2.4 to 6.0 m (8 to 20 ft) along the face of slope, or as required by the RE. • Stake fiber roUs into a 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 in) trench. • Drive stakes at the end of each fiber roU and spaced 1.2 m (4 ft) maximum on center. • Use wood stakes with a nominal classification of 19 by 19 mm (3/4 by 3/4 in), and minimum length of 600mm (24 in). • If more than one fiber roll is placed in a row, the roUs shall be butted; not overlapped. Removal • Fiber rolls are typicaUy left in place. • If fiber roUs are removed, coUect and dispose of sediment accumulation, and fiU and compact holes, trenches, depressions or any other ground disturbance to blend with adjacent ground. • Repair or replace split, torn, unraveling, or slumping fiber roUs. • Inspect fiber rolls when rain is forecast. Perform maintenance as needed or as required by the RE. • Inspect fiber roUs following rainfaU events and a least daily during prolonged rainfall. Perform maintenance as needed or as required by the RE. SC-6 Fiber Rolls 2of3 BUm ^^^^^ S^"^ Qualtty Handbooks mB^m Constt-uction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Fiber Rolls SC-5 Note; Install fiber roll •long a level contour. Vertical spacing measured along the face of the slope varies between 2.4 m and 6.0 m Install a fiber roll near slope where it transitions into a steeper slope TYPICAL FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION N.T.S. Rber roll 200 mm min 19 mm X 19mm wood stakes max 1.2 m spacing ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL N.T.S. Caltrans Stwm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Rber Rolls SC-6 3of3 Gravel Bag Berm SC-6| BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Vtfnd Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management ) Definition and A gravel bag berm consist of a single row of gravel bags tiiat are installed end-to- Kurpose end to form a barrier across a slope to intercept runoff; reduce runoff velocity, release runoff as sheet flow, and provide some sediment removal. Appropriate Applications Limitations Standards and Specifications • Along tiie face and at grade breaks of exposed and erodible slopes to shorten slope lengtii and spread runoff as sheet flow. • BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis witii otiier BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by tiie Resident Engineer (RE). • Altiiough tills BMP WiU remove some sediment, it is not to be used in place of a Imear sediment barrier (i.e., a silt fence, sandbag barrier, or sfraw bale barner). • Degraded gravel bags may mpture when removed, spiUing contents. • Installation can be labor intensive. • Lunited durability for long term projects. Materials • Bag Material: Bags shall be woven polypropylene, polyetiiylene or polyamide fabric or burlap, minunum unit weight 135 g/m^ (four ounces per square yard), muUen burst sti-engtii exceeding 2,070 kPa (300 psi) in conformance witii tiie requirements in ASTM designation D3786, and ultraviolet stability exceeding 70 percent in conformance witii tiie requirements in ASTM designation D4355. fUj^ Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks m^^m Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual ^Mhm November 2000 Gravel Bag Bern) SC-6 1 of 2 SC-6 Gravel Bag Berm Bag Size: Each gravel-filled bag shall have a length of 450 mm (18 in), width of 300 mm (12 in), thickness of 75 mm (3 in), and mass of approximately 15 kg (33 lb). Bag dimensions are nominal, and may vary based on locally available materials. Altemative bag sizes shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer (RE) for approval prior to deployment. Fill Malerial: FiU material shaU be one-half to one-inch Class 2 aggregate base, clean and free from clay and deleterious material, conforming to the provisions in Section 26-1.02 "Class 2 Aggregate Base," of the Standard Specifications. FiU material is subject to approval by the RE. Installation Maintenance and Inspection InstaU along a level contour. Tightiy abut bags Inspect gravel bag berms before and after each rainfall event, and weekly throughout the rainy season. Reshape or replace gravel bags as needed, or as directed by the RE. Repair washouts or other damages as needed, or as directed by the RE. Inspect gravel bag berms for sediment accumulations and remove sediments when accumulation reaches one-third of the berm height. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. Remove gravel bag berms when no longer needed. Remove sediment accumulation, and clean, re-grade, and stabUized the area. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. 8C-6 Gravel Bag Bemn 2of2 M/M^ Cattrans Stomt Water Qualtty Handbooks m^^m Constructton Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming SC-7 BMP Objectives • Soil stabilization • Sediment Control • Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Practices to remove tracked sediment to prevent the sediment from entering a storm drain or watercourse. These practices are implemented anywhere sediment is tracked from the project site onto public or private paved roads, typicaUy at points of egress. Limitations Sweeping and vacuuming may not be effective when soU is wet or muddy. • Do not use kick brooms or sweeper attachments. • Inspect potential sediment tracking locations daily. • Visible sediment tracking shall be swept and vacuumed on a daily basis. Standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspection • If not mixed with debris or trash, consider incorporating the removed sediment back into the project. • Inspect ingress/egress access points daUy and sweep tracked sediment as needed, or as required by the Resident Engineer (RE). • Be careful not to sweep up any unknown substance or any object that may be potentially hazardous. • Adjust brooms frequently; maximize efficiency of sweepiag operations. • After sweeping is finished, properly dispose of sweeper wastes at an approved dumpsite in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. Cattrans SXorm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming SC-7 1 of 1 Sandbag Barrier SC-8 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o NorvStorm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A sandbag barrier is a temporary linear sediment barrier consisting of stacked Purpose sandbags, designed to intercept and slow the flow of sediment-laden sheet flow runoff. Sandbag barriers aUow sedmient to settie from runoff before water leaves the constmction site. Sandbags can also be used where flows are moderately concentrated, such as ditches, swales, and storm drain inlets (see BMP SC-10, Storm Drain Inlet Protection) to divert and/or detain flows. Appropriate Applications Along the perimeter of a site. Along streams and channels. Below the toe of exposed and erodible slopes. Down slope of exposed soil areas. Around stockpUes. Across channels to serve as a barrier for utiUty trenches or provide a temporary channel crossing for constmction equipment, to reduce stream impacts. Parallel to a roadway to keep sediment off paved areas. At the top of slopes to divert roadway runoff away from disturbed slopes. To divert or direct flow or create a temporary sediment basin. During construction activities in stream beds when the contributing drainage area is less than 2 ha (5 ac). Ob Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks Constructton Stte Best Management Practtces Manual November 2000 Sandbag Barrier SC-8 1 of 4 SC-8 Sandbag Barrier Limitations When extended constmction period limits the use of either silt fences or straw bale barriers. Along the perimeter of vehicle and equipment fiieUng and maintenance areas or chemical storage areas. To capture and detain non-storm water flows until proper cleaning operations occur. When site conditions or constmction sequencing require adjustments or relocation of the barrier to meet changing fleld conditions and needs during constmction. To temporarily close or continue broken, damaged or incomplete curbs. This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis in addition to other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). Limit the drainage area upstream of the barrier to 2 ha (5 ac). Degraded sandbags may mpture when removed, spilling sand, histallation can be labor intensive. Limited durabiUty for long term projects. When used to detain concentrated flows, maintenance requirements increase. Standards and Specifications Materials SC-8 Sandbag Barrier 2 of 4 Sandbag Material: Sandbag shall be woven polypropylene, polyethylene or polyamide fabric, minimum unit weight 135 g/m^ (four ounces per square yard), muUen burst strength exceeding 2,070 kPa (300 psi) in conformance with the requirements in ASTM designation D3786, and ultraviolet stabUity exceeding 70 percent in conformance with tiie requirements in ASTM designation D4355. Use of burlap is not acceptable. Sandbag Size: Each sand-fiUed bag shaU have a length of450 mm (18 in), width of 300 mm (12 m), thickness of 75 mm (3 m), and mass of approximately 15 kg (33 lb.). Bag dimensions are nominal, and may vary based on locaUy avaUable materials. Altemative bag sizes shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer (RE) for approval prior to deployment. Fill Material: All sandbag fill material shall be non-cohesive. Class 1 or Class 2 permeable material fi*ee from clay and deleterious material, conforming to the provisions in Section 68-1.025 "Permeable Material," of Cattrans Storm W^ter Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 4» Sandbag Barrier SC-8 the Standard Specifications. The requirements for the Durability Index and Sand Equivalent do not apply. Fill material is subject to approval by the RE. /nsfa//atfon • When used as a linear control for sediment removal: Install along a level contour. Tum ends of sandbag row up slope to prevent flow around the ends. Generally, sandbag barriers shall be used in conjunction with temporary soil stabilization controls up slope to provide effective control. Install as shown in Page 4 of this BMP. • When used for concentrated flows: Stack sandbags to required height using a pyramid approach as shown in Page 4 of tiiis BMP. •s^ - Upper rows of sandbags shall overly joints in lower rows. • Constmct sandbag barriers with a set-back of at least Im from the toe of a slope. Where it is determined to be not practicable due to specific site conditions, the sandbag barrier may be constmcted at the toe ofthe slope, but shall be constmcted as far from the toe ofthe slope as practicable. Maintenance and • Inspect sandbag barriers before and after each rainfaU event, and weekly I nspection throughout the rainy season. • Re^ape or replace sandbags as needed, or as directed by the RE. • Repair washouts or other damages as needed, or as directed by the RE. • Inspect sandbag barriers for sediment accumulations and remove sediments when accumulation reaches one-third the barrier height. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. • Remove sandbags when no longer needed. Remove sedmient accumulation, and clean, re-grade, and stabUized the area. Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handt)0Cd(S Constructton SHe Best Management Practtces Manual Sandbag Barrier SC-8 November 2000 3 of 4 Sandbag Barrier -I- 111? 11 f = 5-5 "E ll: E i s " B; I • e t 5 E. .J SC-8 Sandbag Barrier 4of4 Cattrans Stomn V\feter Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Straw Bale Barrier SC-9 BMP Objectives • Soii Stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A straw bale barrier is a temporary linear sediment barrier consisting of straw Purpose bales, designed to intercept and slow sediment-laden sheet flow runoff. Straw bale barriers allow sediment to settie from runoff before water leaves the constmction site. Appropriate Applications Along the perimeter of a site. Along streams and channels. Below the toe of exposed and erodible slopes. Down slope of exposed soU areas. Aroimd stockpiles. Across minor swales or ditches with smaU catchments. Around above grade type temporary concrete washouts (See BMP WM-8, "Concrete Waste Management"). Parallel to a roadway to keep sediment off paved areas. This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis m addition to other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). ^^^^^ VUbt^r Qualtty Handbooks ^^^m Constructton Stte Best Management Practtces PManual arify„tm November 2000 Straw Bale Banler SC-9 1 of4 SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier Limitations • Don't use in areas subjected to highly concentrated flows, such as channels or live streams. • Installation can be labor intensive. • Straw bale barriers are maintenance intensive. • Degraded sh-aw bales may fall apart when removed or left in place for extended periods. • Can't be used on paved surfaces. • Not to be used for drain inlet protection. • ShaU not be used on lined ditches. Standards and Materials Specifications ^ straw Bale Malerial: Straw bale materials shaU conform to the provisions in Section 20-2.06, "Straw," of tiie Standard Specifications. • Straw Bale Size: Each straw bale shall be a minimum of 360 mm (14 in) wide, 450 mm (18 in) in height, 900 mm (36 in) m lengtii and shall have a minimum mass of 23 kg (51 lb.) The stiaw bale shaU be composed entirely ) of vegetative matter, except for the binding material. • Bale Bindings: Bales shall be bound by either steel wire, nylon or polypropylene string placed horizontaUy. Jute and cotton binding shall not be used. Balmg wire shall be a minimum diameter of 1.57 mm. Nylon or polypropylene string shall be approximately 2 mm in diameter with a breaking strength of 360 N. • Stakes: Wood stakes shall be commercial quaHty lumber ofthe size and shape shown on the plans. Each stake shaU be fiw from decay, spUts or cracks longer than the thickness of tiie stake, or other defects that would weaken the stakes and cause the stakes to be structurally unsuitable. Installation Lunit the drainage area upstream of the barrier to 0.3 ha/100 m (0.25ac/100ft) or barrier. Limit the slope lengtii drainmg to the straw bale barrier to 30 m (100 ft.) Slopes of 2:100 (V:H)(2%) or flatter are preferred. If tiie slope exceeds 1:10 (V:H) (10%), tiie lengtii of slope upstream of the barrier must be less tiian 15 m (50 ft). o/. A » . » • JHb Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks SC-9 straw Bale Bamer Consttiiction Stte Best Management Practices Manual 2 0" 4 aJbSm November 2000 Straw Bale Barrier SC-9 • Install straw bale barriers along a level contour, with the last straw bale turned up slope. • Straw bales must be instaUed in a trench and tightiy abut adjacent bales. • Constmct straw bale barriers with a set-back of at least Im from the toe of a slope. Where it is determined to be not practicable due to specific site conditions, the straw bale barrier may be constmcted at the toe of the slope, but shall be constmcted as far from the toe of the slope as practicable. • See page 4 of this BMP for instaUation detail. Maintenance and • Inspect straw bale barriers before and after each rainfaU event, and weekly Inspection throughout the rainy season. • Inspect straw bale barriers for sediment accumulations and remove sediments when depth reaches one-third the barrier height. Removed sediment shall be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. • Replace or repair damage bales as needed or as directed by the RE. • Repair washouts or other damages as needed or as directed by the RE. • Remove straw bales when no longer needed. Remove sediment accumulation, and clean, re-grade, and stabUized the area. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the higjhway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. Cattrans Stomn V\tater Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practtces Manual Straw Bale Barrier SC-9 November 2000 3 of 4 SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier SC-9 straw Bale Barrier 4of4 BK^m ^ttrans Storm VUater Qualtty Handbooks mm^m Consta-ucttonStte Best Management Practtces Manual Q^S^ November 2000 Storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Contrd o Wind Erosion Corrtrot o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Devices used at storm drain inlets that are subject to runoff from constmction Purpose activities to detain and/or to filter sediment-laden runoff to aUow sediment to settle and/or to filter sediment prior to discharge of storm water into storm water drainage systems or watercourses. Appropriate Applications Limitations Where ponding wiU not encroach into highway traffic. Where sediment laden surface runoff may enter an mlet. Where disturbed drainage areas have not yet been permanentiy stabilized. Where the drainage area is 0.4 ha (1 ac) or less. Appropriate during wet and snow-melt seasons. Use only when ponding wiU not encroach into highway traffic or onto erodible surfaces and slopes. If safety is a concem, use other methods of temporaiy protection to prevent sediment-laden storm water and non-storm water discharges to enter the storm drain system. Sediment removal may be difficult in high flow conditions or if runoff is heavily sediment laden, ff high flow conditions are expected, use other on- site sediment trapping techniques in conjunction with inlet protection. Frequent maintenance is required. For drainage areas larger than 0.4 ha (lac), runoff shall be routed to a sediment trapping device designed for larger flows. See BMPs SC-2, "Desilting Basin", and SC-3 "Sediment Traps". JHHL, Cattrans Storm V^ter Quality Handbooks B^B Constructton Site Best Management Practices Manual ^oSSL November 2000 Stomi Drain inlet ProtectkMi SC-10 1 of 6 SC-10 storm Drain Inlet • Filter fabric fence inlet protection appropriate in open areas is subject to sheet flow and for flows not exceeding 0.014 m^/s (0.5 cfs). • Sandbag barriers for inlet protection are applicable when sheet flows or concentrated flows exceed 0.014 m^/s (0.5 cfs), and it is necessary to allow for overtopping to prevent flooding. • Excavated drop inlet sediment traps are appropriate where relatively heavy flows are expected and overflow capabiUty is needed. Standards and Identify existing and/or planned storm drain mlets that have the potential to Specifications receive sediment-laden surface runoff. Determine if storm dram inlet protection is needed, and which method to use. Methods and Installation • DI Protection Type 1 - Filter Fabric Fence - The fUter fabric fence (Type 1) protection is illustrated in Page 4. Similar to constmcting a silt fence. See BMP SC-1, "Silt Fence". Do not place filter fabric underneath the mlet grate since the collected sediment may fall into the drain inlet when the fabric is removed or replaced. • DI Protection Type 2 - Excavated Drop Inlet Sediment Trap - The excavated drop inlet sediment trap (Type 2) is iUustrated in Page 5. Similar to constmcting a temporary silt fence. See BMP SC-1, "Silt Fence". Size excavated trap to provide a minimum storage capacity calculated at the rate of 130 m^/ha (67 yd^/ac) of drainage area. • DI Protection Type 3 - Sandbag Barrier - The sandbag barrier (Type 3) is iUustrated in Page 6. Flow from a severe storm shall not overtop the curb. In areas of high clay and sUts, use filter fabric and gravel as additional filter media. Constmct sandbags in accordance with BMP SC-8, "Sandbag Barrier". Maintenance and Inspection General Inspect aU inlet protection devices before and after every rainfall event, and weekly during the rest of the rainy season. During extended ramfaU events, inspect inlet protection devices at least once every 24 hours. Inspect the storm drain inlet after severe storms in the rainy season to check for bypassed material. Remove all inlet protection devices within thirty days after the site is StabiUzed, or when the inlet protection is no longer needed. SC-10 stomn Drain Inlet Protection 2of6 jjj^Bm C^^i^s stomfi Water Quality Handbooks fl^^V Construction Stte Best Managemwit Practices Manual November 2000 storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10 Bring the disturbed area to final grade and smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize aU bare areas around the inlet. Clean and re-grade area around the inlet and clean the inside ofthe storm drain iiUet as it must be free of sediment and debris at the time of final inspection. I i Requirements by Method • Type 1 - FUter Fabric Fence Make sure the stakes are securely driven in the ground and are in good shape (i.e., not bent, cracked, or splintered, and are reasonably perpendicular to the ground). Replace damaged stakes. Replace or clean the fabric when the fabric becomes clogged with sediment. Make sure the fabric does not have any holes or tears. Repair or replace fabric as needed or as directed by the Resident Engineer (RE). At a minimum, remove the sediment behind the fabric fence when accumulation reaches one-third the height of the fence or barrier height. Removed sediment shaU be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications. • Type 2 - Excavated Drop Inlet Sediment Trap Remove sediment from basin \^en the volume of the basin has been reduced by one-half. • Type 3 - Sandbag Barrier Inspect bags for holes, gashes, and snags. Check sandbags for proper arrangement and displacement. Remove the sediment behind the barrier when it reaches one-third the height of the barrier. Removed sediment shall be incorporated in the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in confonnance with the Standard Specifications. tbtbanm Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Constructton Stte Beat Management Practices Manual Storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10 November 2000 3 of 6 SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Geotextile Blanket Drain inlet -Silt Fence per SC-01 SECTION A-A Dl PROTECTION TYPE 1 NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. For use in areas where groding has been connpleted and final soil stobilizotion and seeding ore pending. 2. Not applicable in paved areas. 3. Not applicoble with concentrated flows. SC-10 stonn Drain Inlet Protectkm 4of6 BBm ^^^^ Qualtty Handbooks f^^B Con^tn'cUon Stte Best Management Practices Manual aS!w November 2000 Sheet flow Less than 0.4 ha (1 oc) 150 mnn Min overlop at ends of silt fence. Geotextile Blanket Silt Fence per SC-01 PLAN ^^^^ Storm Drain inlet SC-10 -Stabilize area ond grade unifornnly around perimeter Geotextile Blanket 1:1 slope Silt fence Per SC-01 Remove sediment before reoching one-third full. ^ J 300 mm Min f 600 mm Max ^-_rn-r_-_-. _ "^^^^^^^ , /^^^ ^ J 300 mm Min f 600 mm Max 1.2 m ± Section A-A flow Concentrated Rock filter(use if flow is concentrated) Edge of sediment trap Drain inlet Geotextile Blanket Silt fence Per SC-01 Dl PROTECTION TYPE ? NOT TO SCALE Notes 1. For use in cleared and grubbed and in graded areas. 2. Shope basin so that longest inflow areo faces longest length of trap. 3. For concentrated flows, shape basin in 2:1 rotio with length oriented towards direction of flow. BBIK ^'('^"B %^nr\ Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual .OMbwv November 2000 Stomn Drain Inlet Protection SC-10 5 of 6 SC-10 Storm Inlet Protection Pavement Spillway, 1-bag high 'YPICAL PROTECTION EQR INIET ON SUMP Sandbags 2 —bogs high Spillway, 1 —bag high TYPICAL PROTECTION FOR INLET ON GRADE Sandbags 2-bags high NOTES: 1. Intended for short-term use. 2. Use to inhibit non-storm water flow. 3. Allow for proper maintenonce and cleanup. 4. Bags must be removed after adjacent operation is completed 5. Not applicable in areos with high silts and clays without filter fabric. SC-10 Stomn Drain Inlet Protection 6of6 Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practtces Manual f^^gg^ November 2000 Wind Erosion Control WE-1 BMP Objectives • Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control • Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Wind erosion control consists of applying water or other dust palHatives as necessary to prevent or alleviate dust nuisance. Dust control shaU be appUed in accordance with Caltrans standard practices. Covering of small stoclqiiles or areas is an altemative to applying water or other dust palUatives. Appropriate This practice is implemented on all exposed soUs subject to wind erosion. Applications Limitations Effectiveness depends on soU, temperature, humidity and wind velocity. Standards and Specifications Water shaU be applied by means of pressure-type distributors or pipelines equipped with a spray system or hoses and nozzles that wUl ensure even distribution. All distribution equipment shaU be equipped with a positive means of shutoff. Unless water is appUed by means of pipeluies, at least one mobUe unit shaU be available at all times to apply water or dust palliative to the project. ff reclaimed waste water is used, the sources and discharge must meet California Department of Health Services water reclamation criteria and the Regional Water QuaUty Control Board requirements. Non-potable water shaU not be conveyed in tanks or drain pipes that wiU be used to convey potable water and there shall be no connection between potable and non- potable supplies. Non-potable tanks, pipes and other conveyances shall be marked "NON-POTABLE WATER - DO NOT DRINK." Materials applied as temporary soil stabilizers and soU binders wiU also provide wind erosion control benefits. Cattrans Storm V^ter Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practtces Manual November 2000 VNAnd Erosion Control WE-1 1 of 2 WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Maintenance and • Check areas protected to ensure coverage. Inspection , , • Implement requirements of Section 10 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications as appropriate. ufE 4 iAi«^ E . /^ *„i JHL Ca^rans Stonn Water Qualtty Handbooks WE-1 Wind Eroston Control Constructton Stte Best Mal»gement Practices Manual Attm November2000 Stabilized Construction TC-1 BMP Objectives • Soil stabilization o Sediment Control • Tracking Control • W\r\d Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Standards and Specifications A stabilized constmction access is a defined point of entrance/exit to a construction site that is stabilized to reduce the tracking of mud and dirt onto pubUc roads by constmction vehicles. • Use at constmction sites: where dirt or mud is tracked onto pubHc roads adjacent to water bodies where poor soils are encountered where dust is a problem during dry weather conditions. • This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis in addition to other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the Resident Engineer (RE). • Site conditions wiU dictate design and need. • Limit the points of entrance/exit to the constmction site. • Limit speed of vehicles to control dust. • Properly grade each constmction entrance/exit to prevent runoff from leaving the construction site. • Route runoff from stabilized entrances/exits through a sediment-trapping device before discharge. MKj^^ Cattrans Storm V^er Qualtty Handbooks M^^V Construction Slto Best Management Practices Manual Stabilized Construction Entrance/Extt TC-1 a/SSm November 2000 1 of 4 TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Design stabilized entrance/exit to support heaviest vehicles and equipment that wiU use it. Select constmction access stabilization (aggregate, asphaltic concrete, concrete) based on longevity, required performance, and site conditions. The use of asphalt concrete (AC) grindings for stabilized constmction access/roadway is not aUowed. Use of constmcted or constmcted/manufactured steel plates with ribs for entrance/exit access is aUowed vwth written approval of the RE. ff aggregate is selected, place crushed aggregate over geotextUe fabric to at least 300 mm (12 in) depth, or place aggregate to a depth recommended by a geotechnical engineer. A crushed aggregate greater than 75 mm (3 inches) but smaller than 150 mm (6 inches) shall be used. Designate combination or single purpose entrances and exits to the constmction site. Require aU employees, subcontractors and others to use them. Maintenance and Inspection Require that all employees, subcontractors, and suppliers utiUze the StabiUzed constmction access. Inspect routinely for damage and assess effectiveness of the BMP. Repau if access is clogged with sediment or as directed by the RE. Keep aU temporary roadway ditches clear. TC-1 stabilized Construction Entrance/Extt 2of4 Mbww Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practtces Manual November 2000 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit TC-1 Crushed aggregate greater than 75 mm (3 in) but smaller than 150 mm (6 in) Original /-Filter fabric L- 300 mm (12 in) Min, unless otherwise specified by a soils engineer SECTION B-B NTS >-< 5: Q < O Q UJ > < CL O in X LU NOTE: I Construct sediment barrier and channelize runoff to sediment tropping device Match Existing Grade Temporary pipe culvert as needed 15 m Min Width OS reguired to accomodate anticipated traffic or four times the circumference of the largest construction vehicle tire, whichever is greater PLAN NTS Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit (Type 1) Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Stabilized Constructton Entrance/Extt TC-1 3of4 TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Crushed aggregate greater than 75 mm (3 in) but smaller than 150 mm (6 in) / /-Filter fabric fi / y—Original T-300 mm (12 in) Min. unless otherwise specified by a soils engineer SECTION B-B NTS Crushed aggregate greater than 75 mm (3 in) but smaller than 150 mm (6 in) Corrugated steel panels Original i jj-mjTj-urr-LJi/irmjT^^ n Origin 300 mm (12 in) Min, unless otherwise specified by a soils engineer Filter fabric SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE NOTE: Construct sediment barrier end channelize runoff to sediment trapping device Sediment trapping device Corrugated steel panels A 3 m min or as required to accomodate anticipoted traffic, whichever is greater. 15 m Min Match Existing Grade or four times the circumference of the largest construction vehicle tire, whichever Is greater PLAN NTS Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit (Type 2) TC-1 Stat^llzed Constructkm Entrance/Exit 4of4 BMk Cattrans Stomi Water Qualtty Handbooks ^^B S>t» Best Management PracUces Manual aJSmw November 2000 Water Conservation Practices NS-1 v.. BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Water conservation practices are activities that use water during the construction of Purpose a project in a maimer that avoids causmg erosion and/or the transport of poUutants offsite. Appropriate Applications Limitations Standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspection Water conservation practices are implemented wdierever water is used. Applies to all constmction projects. None identified. Keep water equipment in good woridng condition. Repair water leaks promptiy. Washing of vehicles and equipment on the constmction site is discouraged. Avoid using water to clean construction areas. Paved areas shaU be swept and vacuumed. Direct constmction water runoff to areas where it can soak into the ground. Apply water for dust control in accordance with Section 10 ofthe Standard Specifications. Inspect water equipment at least weekly. Cattrans Storm Wiater Qualtty Handtiooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Water Conservatton Practk»s NS-1 1 of 1 Dewatering Operations NS-2 Jpw; Jpw) BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o V\find Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Matenals and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Dewatering operations are practices that manage the discharge of poUutants from groundwater and accumulated precipitation dewatering operations. These practices are implemented >Aiiere groimdwater or accumulated precipitation wiU be discharged from a constiiiction site. ControUing sediment from dewatering operations is required on aU projects that pump sediment-laden water from work areas and plan to discharge the pumped water into a conveyance system or water body. Dewatering discharges include but are not limited to: • Removal of uncontaminated groundwater. • Removal of accumulated rainwater from work areas. • Removing water from cofferdams or diversions. • Site conditions wiU dictate design and use of dewatering operations. • The controls discussed in this best management practice (BMP) address sediment only, ff the presence of polluted water is identified m the contract, the contractor shaU implement dewatering poUution controls as reqmred by the contract documents, ff the quality of water to be removed by dewatering is not identified as poUuted in the contract documents, but is later determined by observation or testing to be poUuted, the contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer (RE) and comply with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.116, "Differing Site Conditions." • The controls detailed in this BMP only allow for minimal settiing time for sediment particles. Use only when site conditions restrict the use ofthe other control methods. Cattrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Devratering Operattons NS-2 1 of3 NS-2 Dewatering Operations Standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspection Dewatering operations will require, and must comply with, applicable local permits. Avoid dewatering discharges where possible by using the water for dust control, by infiltration, etc. The flow chart shown in page 3 of this BMP shaU be utiUzed to guide dewatering operations. Contractor shall notify the RE of planned discharges. The RE wiU coordinate monitoring and permit compliance. Discharges must comply with regional and watershed-specific discharge requiremoits. Ensure that dewatering discharges do not cause erosion at the discharge point. Sediment Control Treatment: Dewatering effluent (groundwater and accumulated precipitation) that is laden with suspended soUds shall be treated by a device designed to remove soil particles down to 0.02 mm in size. Desilting basins (see BMP SC-2) and sediment traps (see BMP SC-3) are examples of temporaiy treatment devices; these devices shaU be designed according to the respective BMPs. A filtration devise may be substituted for a desilting basin or sediment trap if the Contractor can demonstrate, to the RE's satisfaction, that the filtration device provides equivalent or greater removal of suspended soUds than the basin. Filter bags may be used for smaU-scale dewatering operations. Prior to completion of permit application, notify the District Environmental Unit to perform testing requirements and complete necessary paper work for the pennit. Inspect fUtering device frequentiy and repair or replace once the sediment build-up prevents the stmcture from functioning as designed. Accumulated suspended solids removed from a dewatering device shaU be spread on the project site and stabUized at locations designated by the RE, or shaU be disposed of outside the highway right of way in conformance with the provisions m Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. NS-2 [)eMBtering Operattons 2of3 JHH^ Cattrans Stomn Wiater Qualtty Handbooks m^B Construction SKe Best Management Practices Manual a^fg^ November 2000 Operations Notify Construction Stomi Water Coortinator of proposed dewatering discharge. Is dewaterfng operation wflhin tfie jurisdiction of the North Coast RWOCB (except within ttw Russian, Bel and Mad River jwatersheds between September 30th and May 15tti)? Yes Dewatering generaly prohibited, tf dewatering operations are necessary, RWQCB must be contacted, and an exemption from general prohibition sought Is dewal^ng regulated by separate permit Fsquremwts? Yes Fottow separate 1 permit procedures. | Determine pH, dissolved toygen. f urbididty, total suspended sofids, BODs 20C. COD and TOG. tsit possible to oistein permission todischarge into sanitary sew»system? No NoWy the RWQCB of proposed dewatering dscharge and provide sampBng results. Yes Arange to discharge dewatering effhjent into sarWtary sewer. Does water have an odor or discdoration other than sediment or is thor« an oily sheen or foam on the surface? la fte water toxic? Will tfie discharge cause the pH of the receivina ^^^^Z^ 1^ depressed below 6.5? WMI the flow ex^ 1% Of the flow for the receiving water? WHI the discharge continue for mofe than 4 months and exceed 0.25 MGD? Consult wift fte RWQCB as to discha^ requiretnenls. No to Ail Isftere opportunity to dewater to an infHtratfon device? No Yes \ Yes Discharge to 1 infiltralion device. 1 (s water visibty clear? No Yes (Implement sediment control treatment and tfscharge | treated water to storm drain or off-«lte I \ Accumulated Precipitation Dewataring Deciaion Chart Discharge dear water to storm drain or off-site. Rspoft montoring results per RWQCB requirements. Bj^ Cattrans storm Vteter Qualtty Handbooks Dewatering Operattons NS-2 3 of 3 Paving and Grinding Operations NS-3 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Procedures that minimize pollution of storm wat^ runoff during paving Purpose operations, including new paving and preparation of existing paved surfaces for overlays. Appropriate These procedures are implemented where paving, surfacing, resurfacing, or Applications sawcutting, may pollute storm water runoff or discharge to the storm drain system or watercourses. Limitations Standards and Specifications Finer solids are not effectively removed by filtration systems. Paving opportunities may be limited during wet weather. Substances used to coat asphalt transport tmcks and asphalt tmcks and asphalt spreading equipment shaU not contain soap and shaU be non- foaming and non-toxic. Place drip pans or absorbent materials under paving equipment while not in use, to catch and/or contain drips and leaks. See also BMP WM-10, "Liquid Waste Management". When paving involves asphaltic concrete (AC), the foUowing steps shall be implemented to prevent the discharge of grinding residue, uncompacted or loose AC, tack coats, equipment cleaners, or unrelated paving materials: Minimize the washing of sand or gravel from new asphalt into storm drams, streets, and creeks by sweeping wdiere practical. Old or spilled asphalt must be disposed as approved by the Resident Engineer (RE). Ottbmm Cattrans Stomn V\bter Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Paving arto Grinding Operations NS-3 1 of 4 NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operations AC grindings, pieces, or chunks used in embankments or shoulder backing must not be allowed to enter any storm drains or watercourses. Apply temporary perimeter controls until stmcture is stabilized or permanent controls are in place. Examples of temporary perimeter controls can be found m the foUowing BMPs: SS-10, "Earth DUces/Drainage Swales & Ditches"; SC-1, "Silt Fence"; or SC-5, "Fiber RoUs". CoUect and remove all broken asphalt and recycle when practical; otherwise, dispose in accordance with Standard Specification 7-1.13. Any AC chunks and pieces used in embankments must be placed above the water table and covered by at least 0.3m (1 ft) of material. Use only non-toxic substances to coat asphalt transport tmcks and asphalt spreading equipment. Drainage inlet stmctures and manholes shall be covered wiih filter fabric during application of seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, and/or fog seal. Seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal shall not be applied if rainfaU is predicted to occur during the application or curing period. Clean asphalt coated equipment off-site whenever possible. Whm cleaning dry, hardened asphalt from equipment, manage hardened asphalt debris as described in BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste Management". Any cleanmg on site shall foUow BMP NS-8, "Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning". Do not wash sweepings from exposed aggregate concrete into a storm drain system. Collect and retum to aggregate base stockpile, or dispose of properly. Allow aggregate rinse to settie. Then, either aUow rinse water to dry in a temporary pit as described in BMP WM-08, "Concrete Waste Management", or pump tiie water to the sanitary sewer if aUowed by the local wastewater authority. Do not aUow saw-cut Portiand Concrete Cement (PCC) slurry to enter storm drains or watercourses. Residue from grinding operations shaU be picked up by means of a vacuum attachment to the grinding machine, shall not be aUowed to flow across the pavement, and shaU not be left on the surface of the pavement. See also BMP WM-8, "Concrete Waste Management"; and BMP WM-10, "Liquid Waste Management". NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operattons 2of4 0t Cattrans Stomi Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Paving and Grinding Operations NS-3 Pavement Grinding and Removal • Collect digout material by mechanical or manual methods. This material may be recycled if approved by the RE for use as shoulder backing or base material at locations approved by the RE. • If digout material caimot be recycled, transport the material back to a Maintenance facility or approved storage site. • Digout activities shall not be conducted in the rain. • When approved by the RE, stockpUe material removed from roadways away from drain inlets, drainage ditches, and watercourses. • Disposal of PCC and AC waste shall be in conformance with Section 15-3.02 of tiie Standard Specifications. See also BMP WM-8, "Concrete Waste Management". Thermoplastic Striping • All thermoplastic striper and pre-heater equipment shutoff valves shall be ir^ected to ensure that they are working properly to prevent leaking thermoplastic from entering drain inlets, the storm water drainage system, \^ or watercourses. • The pre-heater shaU be filled carefully to prevent splashing or spilling of hot thermoplastic. Leave six inches of space at the top ofthe pre-heater container when fiUing thermoplastic to allow room for material to move when the vehicle is deadheaded. • Contractor shall not pre-heat, transfer, or load thermoplastic near drain inlets or watercourses. • Clean truck beds daily of loose debris and melted thermoplastic. When possible recycle thermoplastic niaterial. Thermoplastic waste shaU be disposed of in accordance with Standard Specification 7-1.13. Raised/Recessed Pavement Marker Application and Removal • Do not transfer or load bituminous material near drain inlets, the storm water drainage system or watercourses. • Melting tanks shaU be loaded with care and not filled to beyond six inches from the top to leave room for splashing when vehicle is deadheaded. When servicing or filling melting tanks, ensure aU pressure is released before removing lids to avoid spiUs. Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Paving and Grinding Operattons NS-3 ^^^^ November 2000 3 of 4 NS-3 and Grinding Operations On large scale projects, use mechanical or manual methods to coUect excess bituminous material from the roadway after removal of markers. Waste shaU be disposed of in accordance with Standard Specification 7-1.13. Maintenance and Inspection Inject and maintain machinery regularly to minimize leaks and drips. Ensure that employees and subcontractors are implementing appropriate measures during paving operations. NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operattons 4of4 jm^m Cattrans Stonn Water Qualtty Handbooks Bt^m Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual a^gg^ November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 BMP Objectives • Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations A temporary stream crossing is a stmcture placed across a waterway which allows vehicles to cross the waterway during constmction without entering the water, eliminating erosion and downstream sedimentation caused by the vehicles. Temporary stream crossings are instaUed at sites: • Where appropriate permits have been secured (1601 Agreement). • Where constmction equipmoit or vehicles need to frequently cross a waterway. • When altemate access routes impose significant constraints. • When crossing perennial streams or waterways causes significant erosion. • Where constmction activities wiU not last longer than one year. • Will usually disturb the waterway during installation and removal. • May require Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 401 Certification, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit and approval by Califomia Department of Fish and Game, ff numerical-based water quality standards are mentioned in any of these and other related permits, testing and sampling may be required, ff monitoring is not addressed in the contract documents, contact the Resident Engineer (RE). • Installation may require dewatering or temporary diversion of the stream. See BMP NS-2, "Dewatering Operations ". Bribanm Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction SKe Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 1 of 7 NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing • May become a constriction in the waterway, which can obstmct flood flow and cause flow backups or washouts. If improperly designed, flow backups can increase the pollutant load through washouts and scouring. Standards and General Considerations Specifications ^ Location ofthe temporary stream crossing shall address: • Site selection where erosion potential is low. • Areas where the side slopes from highway runoff wUl not spUl into the side slopes of the crossing. The foUowing types of temporary stream crossings shall be considered: • Culverts - Used on perennial and intermittent streams. • Fords - Appropriate during the dry season in arid areas. Used on dry washes and ephemeral streams. Avoid use on perennial streams. • Bridges - Appropriate for streams with high flow velocities, steep gradients and/or where temporary restrictions in the channel are not allowed. Design and instaUation requires knowledge of stream flows and soU strength. Designs shaU be prepared under dfrection of, and approved by, a registered civU and/or stmctural engineer. Both hydraulic and constmction loading requirements shaU be considered with the foUowing: • Comply with the requirements for culvert and bridge crossings, as contained in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, particularly if the temporary stream crossing wiU remain tiirough the rainy season. • Provide stabiUty in the crossing and adjacent areas to withstand the design flow. The design flow and safety factor shaU be selected based on careful evaluation of the risks due to over topping, flow backups, or washout. • InstaU sediment traps immediately downstream of crossmgs to capture sediments. See BMP SC-3, "Sediment Trap". • Avoid oU or other potentiaUy hazardous waste materials for surface treatment. NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing fl^^m ^onMnJctton Site Best Management Practices Manual 2 of 7 aSSm November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 Construction Considerations: • Stabilize constmction roadways, adjacent work area and stream bottom against erosion. • Constmct during dry periods to minimize stream disturbance and reduce costs. • Constmct at or near the natural elevation of the stream bed to prevent potential flooding upstream of the crossing. • Vehicles and equipment shall not be driven, operated, fueled, cleaned, maintained, or stored in the wet or dry portions of a water body where wetland vegetation, riparian vegetation, or aquatic organisms may be destroyed, except as autiiorized by the RE, as necessary to complete the work. • Temporary water body crossmgs and encroachments shall be constmcted to minimize scour. Cobbles used for temporary water body crossmgs or encroachments shall be clean, rounded river cobble. )• The exterior of vehicles and equipment that wiU encroach on the water body ^, witiim the project shall be maintained fi*ee of grease, oU, fuel, and residues. • Disturbance or removal of vegetation shall not exceed the mmimum necessary to complete operations. Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to vegetation by people or equipment. • Riparian vegetation, vAien removed pursuant to the provisions ofthe work, shaU be cut off no lower than ground level to promote rapid re-growth. Access roads and work areas bmit over riparian vegetation shaU be covered by a sufficient layer of clean river run cobble to prevent damage to the underiying soil and root stmctiire. The cobble shall be removed upon completion of project activities. • Any temporary artificial obstmction placed vwthin flowing water shaU only be built from material, such as clean gravel or sandbags, that will cause littie or no siltation. • Drip pans shaU be placed under all vehicles and equipment placed on docks, barges, or otiier structures over water bodies \^en the vehicle or equipment is planned to be idle for more than one hour. • Conceptual temporary stream crossings are shown in Figures 1-3. ^-^ Specific Considerations: Bt^m Cattrans Storm WMer Qualtty Handbooks CoratrurtlonS Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 Mow November 2000 Zofl NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing • Culverts are relatively easy to constmct and able to support heavy equipment loads. • Fords are the least expensive of the crossings, with maximum load limits. • Temporary fords are not appropriate if constmction will continue through rainy season, if thunderstorms are likely, or if the stream is perennial. • Bridges are generaUy more expensive to design and constmct, but provides the least disturbance of the stream bed and constriction of the waterway flows. Maintenance and Maintenance provisions shaU include: Inspection • Periodic removal of silt behind fords, in culverts, and under bridges. • Replacement of lost aggregate from mlets and outlets of culverts. • Removal of temporary crossing promptiy when it is no longer needed. Inspection shall, at a minimum, occur weekly and after each significant rainfaU, and include: ^) • Checking for blockage in the channel, sediment buUdup in culverts or ^ behind fords, or trapped debris. • Checking for erosion of abutments, channel scour, riprap displacement, or piping in the soil. • Checking for stmctural weakening of the temporary crossing, such as cracks, and undermining of foundations and abutments. ^ , ^Itrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing ^^B Construction Site Best Management Practtces Manual aSmw November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 Stabilized approach Swole NOTE: Surface flow of rood diverted by swale and/or dike. TYPICAL BRIDGE CROSSING NOT TO SCALE Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 5of7 NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing 1/2 Diameter of pipe 300 mm, or as needed to support loads whichever is greater. Coarse aggregate Capacity of pipe culverts together ^ design flow + safety factor Earth fill covered by large angular rock, upstream and downstream. Engineering fabric ELEVATION Approach stabilized with coarse aggregate Large angular rock over eorth fill, upstream & downstream. Flcaw. Diversion and/or swale Approach stabilized with coarse aggregate Top of bonk Diversion and/or swale Top of bank Stream channel PLAN VIEW TYPICAL CULVERT CROSSING NOT TO SCALE NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing 6of7 ^•K- Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks fl^V Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aJSfg^ November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 Surface flow diverted engineering fabric diverted Aggregate approch 1:5 (V: H) Maximum slope on road Surface flow diverted by swale Surface flow diverted by swale Engineering Fabric New road Original stream bed Aqqreqote bed over engineering fabric TYPICAL EORD CROSSING NOT TO SCALE Cattrans Stomn V\bter Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-4 7of7 Clear Water Diversion NS-5 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Clear water diversion consists of a system of structures and measures that mtercept clear surface water runoff upstream of a project site, transport it around the site, and discharge it downstream with minimal water quaUty degradation for either the project constmction op^ations or the constmction ofthe diversion. Stmctures commonly used as part of this system include diversion ditches, berms, dikes, slope drains, drainage and interceptor swales. Appropriate implemented where appropriate pemiits (1601 Agreement) have been secured and Applications work must be performed in a running stream or water body. Limitations • Diversion/encroachment activities wiU usuaUy disturb the waterway during iastaUation and removal of diversion structures. • Specific permit requirements or mitigation measures, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CaUfomia Department of Fish and Game, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), etc. may be included in contract documents because of clear water diversion/encroachment activities. • Diversion/encroachment activities may constrict the waterway, w^ch can obstmct flood flows and cause flooding or washouts. Standards and Specifications General Where working areas encroach on live streams, barriers adequate to prevent the flow of muddy water into sfreams shall be constmcted and maintamed between working areas and streams. During construction ofthe barriers, muddying of streams shall be held to a minimum. 4r Cattrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Clear WMer Diverston NS-6 1 of4 NS-5 Clear Water Diversion Diversion stmctures must be adequately designed to accommodate fluctuations in water depth or flow volume due to tides, storms, flash floods, etc. Heavy equipment driven in wet portions of a water body to accomplish work shall be completely clean of petroleum residue, and water levels are below the gear boxes of the equipment in use, or lubricants and fuels are sealed such that inundation by water shall not result in leaks. Mechanical equipment operated in the water shaU not be submerged to a point above any axle of said mechanical equipment. Excavation equipment buckets may reach out into the water for the purpose of removing or placmg fUl niaterials. Only the bucket of an excavator/backhoe may operate in a water body. The mam body ofthe crane/excavator/backhoe shaU not enter water covered portions of a water body, except as necessary to cross the stream to access the work site. Stationary equipment such as motors and pumps, located within or adjacent to a water body, shall be positioned over drip pans. When any artificial obstruction is being constructed, maintained, or placed in operation, sufficient water shall, at all times, be aUowed to pass downstream to maintain aquatic Ufe downstream. The exterior of vehicles and equipment that wiU encroach on a water body within the project shall be maintained free of grease, oU, fijel, and residues. Disturbance or removal of vegetation shall not exceed the minimum necessary to complete operations. Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to vegetation by people or equipment. Riparian vegetation, when removed pursuant to the provisions ofthe work, shaU be cut off no lower than ground level to promote rapid re-growth. Access roads and work areas built over riparian vegetation shaU be covered by a sufficient layer of clean river run cobble to prevent damage to the underlying soil and root stmcture. The cobble shall be removed upon completion of project activities. Drip pans shaU be placed under all vehicles and equipment placed on docks, barges, or other stmctures over water bodies when the vehicle or equipment is plaimed to be idle for more than one hour. Where possible, avoid or minimize diversion/encroachment impacts by scheduling construction during periods of low flow or when the stream is dry. See also the project special provisions for scheduling requirements. NS-6 Ctoar Water Diversion 2of4 4» aUbww Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Clear Water Diversion NS-5 Scheduling shall also consider seasonal releases of water from dams, fish migration and spawning seasons, and water demands due to crop irrigation. • Constmct diversion stmctures with materials free of potential pollutants such as soil, sUt, sand, clay, grease, or oil. If sandbags are used, they shall be fiUed with clean materials free of sUt, clay, and organic substances. Temporary Diversions/Encroachments • Constmct diversion channels in accordance with BMP SS-9, "Earth DUces/Drainage Swales, and Ditches". • In high flow velocity areas, stabUize slopes of embankments and diversion ditches using an appropriate liner, in accordance with BMP SS-7, "Geotextiles, Mats/Plastic Covers and Erosion Control Blankets", or, use rock slope protection, as described in Standard Specifications Section 72-2, "Rock Slope Protection." • Where appropriate, use natural sti-eambed materials such as large cobbles and boulders for temporary embankment/slope protection, or other temporary soU stabilization methods. • Provide for velocity dissipation at transitions in the diversion, such as the point w^ere the stream is diverted to the channel and the point wtiere the diverted stream is retumed to its natural chaimel. See also BMP SS-10, "Outiet ProtectionA'^elocity Dissipation Devices". Temporary Dry Construction Areas • When dewatering behind temporary structures to create a temporary dry construction area, such as coffer dams, pass pumped water through a sediment settling device, such as a portable tank or settling basin, before returning water to the water body. See also BMP NS-2, "Dewatering Operations". • ff the presence of poUuted water or sediment is identified in the contract, the contractor shall implement dewatering poUution controls as required by the contract documents, ff the quaUty of water or sediment to be removed whUe dewatering is not identified as polluted in the contract documents, but is later detemiined by observation or testmg to be polluted, the contractor shaU notify the Resident Engineer (RE) and comply with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.116 "Differing Site Conditions." • Any substance used to assemble or maintain diversion stmctures, such as form oU, shall be non-toxic and non-hazardous. Cattrans stomn V\bter Qualtty Handbooks fl^^r Conatrucflon Stte Best Management Practices Manual Clear Waller Diversion NS-6 a/bwm November 2000 ZrAA NS-5 Clear Water Diversion • Any material used to minimize seepage underneath diversion stiuctures, such as grout, shall be non-toxic, non-hazardous, and as close to a neub-al pH as possible. Maintenance and • inspect diversion/encroachment stiuctures before and after significant Inspection storms, and at least once per week while in service. • Inspect embankments and diversion channels before and after significant storms, and at least once per week while in service for damage to the linings, accumulating debris, sedunent buildup, and weakening of tiie slope protection. Remove debris and repair Imings and slope protection as required. NS-B Ptoar Ufat«r nk«r.i«« £B^ Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks NM Ctoar W&ter Diversion Construction Stte Best MaJagemwit Practices Manual a^SSm November 2000 Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-6 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Procedures and practices designed for constmction contractors to recognize UUcit connections or Ulegally dumped or discharged materials on a constmction site and report incidents to the Resident Engineer (RE). • fllicit connection/illegal discharge detection and reporting is appHcable anytime an ilHcit discharge is discovered or iUegaUy dumped material is found on the constmction site. • This best management practice (BMP) applies to all construction projects. • Unlabeled or non-identifiable niaterial shaU be assumed to be hazardous. • lUicit connections and Ulegal discharges or dumping, for the purposes of this BMP, refer to discharges and dumping caused by parties other than the contractor. • Procedures and practices presented in this BMP are general. Contractor shall use extreme caution, immediately notify the RE when ilUcit connections or Ulegal dumping or discharges are discovered, and take no fiirther action unless directed by the RE. • ff pre-existing hazardous materials or wastes are known to exist on site, the contractor's responsibility will be detailed in separate special provisions. Cattrans Storm V\bter Qualtty Handtx>oks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual llltoit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detectton and Reporting NS-6 November 2000 1 of 3 NS-6 illicit Connection/illegal Discliarge Detection and reporting Standards and Planning Specifications Inspect site before beginning the job for evidence of Ulicit connections or iUegal dumping or discharges. • Inspect site regularly during project execution for evidence of Ulicit connections or iUegal dumping or dischaiges. • Observe site perimeter for evidence or potential of illicitiy discharged or iUegally dumped material which may enter the job site. Identification of illicit connections and illegal dumping or discharges. • Solids - Look for debris, or mbbish piles. SoHd waste dumpmg often occurs on roadways witii light traffic loads or in areas not easily visible from the traveled way. • Liquids - signs of illegal liquid dumping or discharge can include: Visible signs of staming or unusual colors to the pavement or surrounding adjacent soils Pungent odors coining from the drainage systems. Discoloration or oUy substances in the water or stains and residues detained witiiin ditches, channels or drain boxes. Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season. • Urban Areas - Evidence of UUcit connections or iUegal discharges is typicaUy detected at storm drain outfall locations or at manholes. Signs of an UUcit connection or Ulegal discharge can include: Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season. - Unusual flows m subdram systems used for dewatering. Pungent odors coming from the drainage systems. - Discoloration or oUy substances in tiie water or stains and residues detained witiiin ditches, channels or drain boxes. - Excessive sediment deposits, particularly adjacent to or near active off- site constmction projects. « Con™c«on.,K^„ D^ar^a De.ec«o„ a™, Reporting S^iS^rsr^J^rPracBc^ Manual ^^"^ alSSm November2000 ^^^^^ NS-6 Illicit Connection/illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting • Rural Areas - IlHcit connections or illegal discharges involvmg urigation drainage ditches are detected by visual inspections. Signs of an illicit discharge can include: Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season. Non-standard junction stmctures. Broken concrete or other disturbances at or near junction stiuctures. Reporting • Notify the RE of any Ulicit connections and Ulegal dumping or discharge mcidents at the time of discovery. The RE wiU notify the District Storm Water Coordinator for reporting. Cleanup and The contractor is not responsible for investigation and clean up of ilUcit or iUegal Removal dumping or discharges not generated by the conti-actor. Caltrans may duect contractor to clean up non-hazardous dumped or discharged material on the constmction site. Cattrans Storm V\feter Qualtty Handbooks , . ^^^m Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual llltott Connection/lltogal Disctiarge Detection and Reporting NS-6 ^Jjj November2000 3°*^ Potable Water/Irrigation NS-7 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Potable Water/Irrigation consists of practices and procedures to reduce the possibiUty for the discharge of potential pollutants generated during discharges from irrigation water lines, landscape irrigation, lawn or garden watering, planned and unplanned discharges from potable water sources, water Hne flushing, and hydrant flushing. Appropriate implement this BMP \^^eneve^ the above activities or discharges occur at or enter Applications a constiuction site. Limitations None identified. Standards and • Where possible, dfrect water from off-site sources around or through a Specifications constmction site m a way that minimizes contact with the construction site. • When possible, discharges from water Une flushing shaU be reused for landscaping purposes. • Shut off the water source to broken lines, sprinklers, or valves as soon as possible to prevent excess water fiow. • Protect downstream storm water dramage systems and watercourses from water pumped or bailed from trenches excavated to repau- water lines. • Inspect irrigated areas within the construction Umits for excess watering. Adjust watering times and schedules to ensure that the appropriate amount of water is being used and to minimize nmoff. Consider factors such as soil stmcture, grade, time of year, and type of plant material in determining the proper amounts of water for a specific area. Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Potable WaterArrigation NS-7 1 of 2 NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation Maintenance and • Repair broken water lines as soon as possible or as directed by the Resident Inspection Engineer (RE). w ) uQTiw-w Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks N8-7 Potable VWaterflrrlgatton Construction Stte Beat Management Practices Manual MSL November2000 Vehicle and Cleaning NS-8 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management ) Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Procedures and practices used to minimize or eliminate tiie discharge of pollutants from vehicle and equipment cleaning operations to storm drain system or to watercourses. These procedures are appHed on aU constiuction sites where vehicle and equipment cleaning is performed. Limitations None. Standards and Specifications ) On-site vehicle and equipment washing is discouraged. Cleaning of vehicles and equipment witii soap, solvents or steam shaU not occur on tiie project site unless tiie Resident Engineer (RE) has been notified in advance and tiie resulting wastes are fiilly contained and disposed of outside tiie highway right-of-way in conformance witii tiie provisions in Section 7-1.13 of tiie Standard Specifications. Resulting wastes shall not be discharged or buried witiun tiie highway right-of-way. Vehicle and equipment wash water shaU be contained for percolation or evaporative drying away from storm drain inlets or watercourses and shall not be discharged within tiie highway right-of-way. AU vehicles/equipment tiiat regularly enter and leave tiie constmction site must be cleaned off-site. When vehicle/equipment washing/cleaning must occur on-site, and tiie operation cannot be located witiiin a stracture or buUding equipped witii appropriate disposal faciUties, tiie outside cleaning area shall have tiie MK^m Cattrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks po^tn^cMon Stte Best Management Practices Manual ai^aiw November 2000 Vehicle and Equipment aeaning NS-8 1 of 2 NS-8 Vehicle and Cleaning Maintenance and Inspection following characteristics, and shall be arranged with the constmction storm water coordinator: Located away from storm drain inlets, drainage facUities, or watercourses Paved with concrete or asphalt and bermed to contain wash waters and to prevent nm-on and runoff Configured with a sump to aUow collection and disposal of wash water Wash waters shall not be discharged to storm drains or watercourses Used only when necessary When cleaning vehicles/equipment with water: Use as littie water as possible. High pressure sprayers may use less water than a hose, and shaU be considered. Use positive shutoff valve to minimize water usage. The control measure shall be inspected at a minimum of once a week. Monitor employees and subcontractors throughout the duration ofthe constmction project to ensure appropriate practices are being unplemented. Inspect sump regularly and remove liquids and sediment as needed or as directed by the RE. NS-8 Vehtete and Equipment Cteaning 2 of 2 ^Bk ^^^^ Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual a^Strw November 2000 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling NS-9 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Contrd o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of fiiel spUls and Purpose leaks into the storm drain system or to watercourses. Appropriate These procedures are applied on all constmction sites where vehicle and Applications equipment fueling takes place. Limitations Standards and Specifications On-site vehicle and equipment fueling shaU only be used where it's impractical to send vehicles and equipment off-site for fiieling. When fueling must occur on-site, the contractor shaU select and designate an area to be used, subject to approval of the Resident Engineer (RE). Absorbent spUl clean-up niaterials and spiU kits shaU be avaUable in fueUng areas and on fueling tmcks and shaU be disposed of properly after use. Drip pans or absorbent pads shall be used during vehicle and equipment fueling, unless the fueling is performed over an impermeable surface in a dedicated fueling area. Dedicated fueling areas shall be proteaed from storm water run-on and runoff, and shall be located at least 15 m from downstream drainage faciUties and watercourses. Fueling must be performed on level-grade areas. Nozzles used in vehicle and equipment fueling shaU be equipped with an automatic shut-off to control drips. Fueling operations shall not be left unattended. Cattrans stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks fl^^v Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual ^JJ^ November 2000 Vehkde and Equipment Fueling NS-9 1 of 2 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Maintenance and Inspection Protect fueling areas with berms and/or dUies to prevent run-on, runoff, and to contain spills. Use vapor recovery nozzles to help control drips as weU as air pollution where reqmred by Au Quality Management Dishicts (AQMD). Fuel tanks shall not be "topped-off." Vehicles and equipment shaU be inspected on each day of use for leaks. Leaks shall be repaired immediately or problem vehicles or equipment shaU be removed from the project site. Absorbent materials shall be used on small spiUs instead of hosing down or burying techniques. The spent absorbent material shaU be removed promptiy and disposed of properly. Federal, state, and local reqmrements shaU be observed for any stationary above ground storage tanks. MobUe fueling of constmction equipment throughout the site shall be mmimized. Whenever practical, equipment shall be transported to the designated fiieling area. FueUng areas and storage tanks shall be inspected on a regular basis. Keep an ample supply of spiU cleanup material on the site. Immediately cleanup spUls and properly dispose of contaminated soil and cleanup materials. HS-9 Vehtote and Equipnnent Fueling 2of2 ^•1^ Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aSS^ November 2000 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance NS-10 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilizatlcxi o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o V\find Erosion Contrd • Non-Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management V Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system or to watercourses from vehicle and equipment maintenance procedures. These procedures are appHed on all constmction projects where an on-site yard area is necessary for storage and maintenance of heavy equipment and vehicles. Limitations None identified. Standards and Specifications Drip pans or absorbent pads shall be used during vehicle and equipment maintenance work that involves fluids, unless the maintenance work is performed over an impermeable surface in a dedicated maintenance area. All fueling tmcks and fueling areas are required to have spiU kits and/or use other SpiU protection devices. Dedicated maintenance areas shall be protected fix)m storm water run-on and runoff, and shaU be located at least 15 m from downstream drainage faciUties and watercourses. Drip Pans or plastic sheeting shaU be placed under aU vehicles and equipment placed on docks, barges, or other stmctures over water bodies when tiie vehicle or equipment is planned to be idle for more than one hour. Absorbent spUl clean-up materials shaU be available in maintenance areas and shall be disposed of properly after use. Substances used to coat asphalt transport tmcks and asphalt spreading equipment shall be non-toxic. Drainage inlet structures and manholes shall rblbwm Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance NS-10 1 of2 NS-1 o| Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Maintenance and Inspection be covered with filter fabric when seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal is applied to adjacent surfaces. Seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal shall not be appHed if ramfall or thunderstorms are predicted to occur during the appHcation or curing period. Use off-site maintenance facilities whenever practical. For long-term projects, consider using portable tents or covers over maintenance areas. Properly dispose of used oUs, fluids, lubricants and spiU cleanup materials. Do not dump fuels and lubricants onto tiie ground. Do not place used oil in a dumpster or pour into a storm drain or watercourse. Properly dispose of or recycle used batteries. Do not bury used tires. Repair leaks of fluids and oU immediately. Provide spiU containment dU;es or secondary contamment around stored oil and chemical drums. Maintain waste fluid containers in leak proof condition. Vehicle and equipment maintenance areas shall be inspected regularly. Vehicles and equipment shall be inspected on each day of use. Leaks shaU be repaired immediately or the problem vehicle(s) or equipment shall be removed from the project site. Inspect equipment for damaged hoses and leaky gaskets routinely. Repair or replace as needed. NS-10 Vehtole and Equipment Maintenance 2 of 2 ^KMm Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks m^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aSSm November 2000 Section 8 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control Best Management Practices 8.1 Definitions Waste management and materials pollution control best management practices (BMPs), lUce non- storm water management BMPs, are soiu-ce control BMPs that prevent pollution by limiting or reducing potential pollutants at their source before they come in contact with storm water. These BMPs also involve day-to-day operations of the construction site and are under the control ofthe Contractor, and are additional "good housekeeping practices", which involve keeping a clean, orderly construction site. 8.1.1 Waste Management BiVIPs Waste management consists of implementing procedural and structiiral BMPs for handling, storing, and disposing of wastes generated by a construction project to prevent the release of waste materials mto storm water discharges. Waste management includes the following BMPs: • Spill Prevention and Control • Solid Waste Management • Hazardous Waste Management • Contaminated Soil Management • Concrete Waste Management • Sanitary/Septic Waste Management • Liquid Waste Management 8.1.2 Materials Pollution Controi BMPs Materials pollution control (also called materials handling) consists of implementing procedural and structural BMPs for handling, storing, and using construction materials to prevent the release of those materials into storm water discharges. The objective is to reduce the opportunity for rainfall to come in contact with these materials. These controls shall be implemented for all applicable activities, material usage and site conditions. Materials handling practices include the following BMPs: " Material Delivery, and Storage • Material Use • Stockpile Management JK^m Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks A^^r Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Sectton 8 OJSKW November 2000 1 Section 8 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control BMPs Table 8-1 lists tiie waste management and materials pollution control BMPs. It is important to note tiiat all tiiese BMPs have been approved by Caltrans for statewide use and tiiey shall be implemented depending on tiie conditions/applicability of deployment described as part of tiie BMP. Table 8-1 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPs ID BMP NAME 1 WM-l Material Delivery and Storage | WM-2 Material Use 1 1 WM-3 Stockpile Management 1 1 WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control | 1 WM-5 Solid Waste Management i j WM-6 Hazardous Waste Management \ WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management 1 WM-8 Concrete Waste Management {{ WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management | 1 WM-10 Liquid Waste Management | The remainder of tius Section shows tiie workmg details for each of tiie waste management and materials pollution control BMPs. Secttons 2of2 BBLm Cattrans Stomi Water Qualtty Handbooks m^^^ Construction Stte Bast Management Practices Manual aibmw November 2000 Material Delivery and Storage WM-1 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Procedures and practices for the proper handling and storage of materials in a maimer that minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses. These procedures are implemented at all constmction sites with deUveiy and storage of the following: • Soil • Pesticides and herbicides • FertiUzers • Detergents • Plaster • Petroleum products such as fuel, oU, and grease • Asphalt and concrete components • Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, glues, adhesives, paints, solvents, and curing compounds • Concrete compounds • Other materials that may be detrimental if released to the environment Limitations • space limitation may preclude indoor storage. • Storage E^eds must meet building & fire code requirements. Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Material Delivery and Storage WM-l 1 of 3 IAfM-1 Material Delivery and Storage standards and General Specifications • Train employees and subcontractors on the proper material delivery and storage practices. i • Temporary storage area shaU be located away fixim vehicular traffic. j i • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be suppUed to tiie Resident &igineer (RE) for aU materials stored. Material Storage Areas and Practices Liquids, petroleum products, and substances Usted in 40 CFR Parts 110, 117, or 302 shall be handled in conformance with the following provisions: • Storage, preparation, and mixing shaU be accomplished in temporary containment faciUties. Each temporary containment facUity shall provide a SpUl containment volume equal to 1.5 times the volume of aU containers therein and shall be impervious to the materials contained therein for a minimum contact time of 72 hours. • Sufficient separation shaU be provided between stored containers to aUow for spUl cleanup and emergency response access. • Incompatible materials, such as chlorine and ammonia, shaU not be stored in the same temporaiy containment faciUty. • To provide protection from wind and rain, throughout the rainy season, temporary containment facilities shaU be covered during non-working days and prior to rain events. • Temporary containment faciUties shaU be maintained fi^ of accumulated rainwater and spiUs. • Materials shaU be stored in their original containers and the original product labels shaU be maintained in place in a legible condition. Damaged or otherwise illegible labels shall be replaced immediately. • Liquid materials, petroleum products, and substances listed in 40 CFR Parts 110,117 or 302 shaU be stored in approved containers and drums shaU not be overfiUed. Containers shall be placed in temporaiy contamment facilities for storage. • Bagged and boxed materials shaU be stored on paUets and shaU not be aUowed to accumulate on the ground. To provide protection from wind and rain, throughout the rainy season, bagged and boxed niaterials shaU be ,^1^ covered during non-working days and prior to rain events. >^ ^Bl^ Cattrans Storm V\tater Qualtty Handbooks WM-l Material Delivery and Storage m^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual 2 of 3 aSSm November 2000 Material Delivery and Storage WM-1 • Stockpiles shall be protected in accordance with BMP WM-3, "Stockpile Management". • Minimize the material inventory stored on-site (e.g., only a few days supply). • Store materials indoors within existing stmctures or sheds when available. • Have proper storage uistmctions posted at all times in an open and con^icuous location. • Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums, or bagged materials directiy on the ground. Place these items on a pallet and when possible, under cover in secondary containment. • Keep hazardous chemicals weU labeled and in their original containers. • Keep ample supply of appropriate spiU clean up material near storage areas. • Also see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste Management", for storing of hazardous materials. Material Delivery Practices • Keep an accurate, up-to-date invaitory of material deUvered and stored on- site. • Employees trained in emergency spUl clean-up procedures shall be present when dangerous materials or Hquid chemicals are unloaded. Spill C/ean-up • Contain and clean up any spUl immediately. • If significant residual materials remain on the ground after constmction is complete, properly remove and dispose any hazardous materials or contaminated soU. • See BMP WM-4, "SpiU Prevention and Control", for spUls of chemicals and/or hazardous materials. Maintenance and • Storage areas shall be kept clean, weU organized, and equipped with ample Inspection clean-up suppHes as appropriate for the materials being stored. • Perimeter controls, containment stmctures, covers, and liners shall be repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper fimction. • Inspect storage areas before and after rainfaU events, and at least weekly during other times. Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Consbuction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Material Delivery and Storage WM-l November 2000 3 of 3 Material Use BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Conh-ol o Wind Erosion Control • Non-storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and These are procedures and practices for use of constmction material in a maimer Purpose that minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses. Appropriate This BMP applies to all constmction projects. These procedures apply when the Applications foUowing materials are used or prepared on site: • Pesticides and herbicides • FertiUzers • Detergents • Plaster • Petroleum products such as fuel, oU, and grease • Asphalt and other concrete components • Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, glues, adhesives, paints, solvents, and curing compounds • Concrete compounds • Other materials that may be detrimental if released to the envfronment Limitations • Safer alternative building and constiiiction products may not be avaUable or suitable in every instance. Caltrans Stomn Wiater Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Material Use WM-2 1 of2 WM-2 Material Use standards and Specifications Maintenance and Inspections Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be supplied to the Resident Engineer (RE) for all materials. Latex paint and paint cans, used brushes, rags, absorbent materials, and drop cloths, when thoroughly dry and are no longer hazardous, may be disposed of with other constmction debris. Do not remove the original product label, it contains unportant safety and disposal information. Use tiie entire product before disposing ofthe container. Mix paint indoors, or in a containment area. Never clean paintbrushes or rinse paint containers into a street, gutter, storm drain or watercourse. Dispose of any paint thiimers, residue and sludge(s), that cannot be recycled, as hazardous waste. For water-based paint, clean brushes to the extent practical, and rinse to a drain leading to a sanitary sewer where permitted, or mto a concrete washout pit or temporary sediment trap. For oU-based paints, clean brushes to the extent practical and filter and reuse thinners and solvents. Use recycled and less hazardous products when practical. Recycle residual paints, solvents, non-treated lumber, and other materials. Use materials only where and when needed to complete the constmction activity. Use safer altemative materials as much as possible. Reduce or eliminate use of hazardous materials on-site when practical. Do not over-apply fertilizers and pesticides. Prepare only the amount needed. Strictiy follow the recommended usage instmctions. Apply surface dressings in smaller appUcations, as opposed to large applications, to aUow time for it to work in and to avoid excess niaterials being carried off-site by runoff. AppUcation of herbicides and pesticides shaU be performed by a Ucensed appUcator. Contractors are required to complete tiie "Report of Chemical Spray Forms" when spraying herbicides and pesticides. Keep an ample supply of spUl clean up material near use areas. Train employees in spiU clean up procedures. Avoid exposing appHed materials to rainfaU and runoff unless sufficient time has been allowed for them to dry. Spot check employees and subcontractors montiily throughout the job to ensure appropriate practices are bemg employed. WM-2 Material Use 2of2 Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks ^^^m Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aSmm November 2000 Management WM-3 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Procedures and practices to reduce or eliminate poUution of storm water from Purpose stoclqiUes of soU, and paving materials such as portiand cement concrete (PCC) mbble, asphalt concrete (AC), asphalt concrete mbble, aggregate base, aggregate subbase or pre-mixed aggregate and asphalt minder (so called "cold mix" asphalt). Appropriate Implemented in aU projects that stockpUe soU and paving materials. Applications Limitations None identified Standards and Specifications Protection of stockpUes is a year-round requirement. Locate stockpiles away from concentrated flows of storm water, drainage courses, and inlets. Protect all stockpiles from storm water run-on using a temporary perimeter sediment barrier such as berms, dikes, sUt fences or sandbag barriers. Implement wind erosion control practices as appropriate on all stockpUed material. For specific information see BMP WE-1, "Wind Erosion Conti-ol." Stoclq)iles of contaminated soU shaU be managed in accordance with BMP WM-7 "Contaminated Soil Management". Bagged materials should be placed on paUets and under cover. 0 gmm Cattrans Storm W^ter Qualtty Handbooks ^^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aJSSm November 2000 Stockpito Management WM-3 1 0f2 WM-3 Stoclcpile Management Protection of Non-Active Stockpiles Non-active stockpiles of the identified materials shall be protected further as follows: • Soil stockpiles: During the rainy season, soil stockpiles shaU be covered or protected with soil stabilization measures and a temporary perimeter sediment barrier at all times. During the non-rainy season, soil stockpiles shall be covered or protected with a temporary perimeter sediment barrier prior to the onset of precipitation. • Stockpiles of portiand cement concrete rubble, asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete rubble, aggregate base, or aggregate subbase: I>uring the rainy season, the stockpUes shall be covered or protected vwth a temporaiy perimeter sediment barrier at aU times. During the non-rainy season, the stockpUes shaU be covered or protected with a temporary perimeter sediment barrier prior to the onset of precipitation. • Stockpiles of "cold mix *': During the rainy season, cold mix stockpiles shall be placed on and covered with plastic or comparable material at all times. During the non-rainy season, cold mix stockpiles shaU be placed on and covered with plastic or comparable material prior to the onset of precipitation. Protection of Active Stockpiles Active StockpUes ofthe identified materials shaU be protected further as follows: • All StockpUes shall be protected with a temporary linear sediment barrier prior to the onset of precipitation. • Stockpiles of "cold mix" shaU be placed on and covered with plastic or comparable material prior to the onset of precipitation. Maintenance and • Repair and/or replace perimeter controls and covers as needed, or as Inspections dhected by tiie RE, to keep tiiem fimctioning properiy. uuu 4 *>.-._i. .. Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks wiiM stockpito Management ^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual 2 of 2 W I nnnn a/barw November 2000 Spill Prevention and Control WM-4 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o VWnd Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Application These are procedures and practices implemented to prevent and control spiUs in a manner that minimizes or prevents the discharge of spilled material to the drainage system or watercourses. This best management practice (BMP) applies to aU construction projects. Spill control procedures are implemented anytune chemicals and/or hazardous substances are stored. Substances may include, but are not limited to: • Soil stabUizers/binders • Dust Palliatives • Herbicides • Growth inhibitors • FertiUzers • Deicing/anti-icing chemicals • Fuels • Lubricants • Other petroleum distillates To the extent that the work can be accompUshed safely, spiUs of oU, petroleum products, substances listed under 40 CFR parts 110,117, and 302, and sanitary and septic wastes shaU be contained and cleaned up immediately. iMtanr Cattrans Stomn Wiater Qualtty Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Spill Prevention and Conbol WM-4 I0f4 WM-4 Limitations Standards and Specifications • Spill Prevention and Control This BMP only applies to spills caused by the contractor. Procedures and practices presented m this BMP are general. Confractor shall identify appropriate practices for the specific materials used or stored on-site. To the extent that it doesn't compromise clean up activities, spills shaU be covered and protected from storm water run-on during rainfall. Spills shall not be buried or washed with water. Used clean up materials, contaminated materials, and recovered spUl material that is no longer suitable for the intended purpose shall be stored and disposed of in conformance with the provisions in these special provisions. Water used for cleaning and decontamination shaU not be allowed to enter storm drains or watercourses and shaU be collected and disposed of in accordance with BMP WM-10, "Liquid Waste Management". Water overflow or minor water spiUage shall be contained and shaU not be allowed to discharge into drainage facUities or watercourses. Proper storage, clean-up and spiU reporting instmction for hazardous materials stored or used on the project site shall be posted at all times in an open, conspicuous and accessible location. Waste storage areas shall be kept clean, well organized and equipped with ample clean-up suppHes as appropriate for the materials being stored. Perimeter controls, containment stmctures, covers and liners shall be repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper function. Education Educate employees and subcontractors on what a "significant spiU" is for each material they use, and what is the appropriate response for "signiflcant" and "insignificant" spiUs. Educate employees and subcontractors on potential dangers to humans and the environment from spiUs and leaks. Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce appropriate disposal procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings). Establish a continuing education program to mdoctrinate new employees. WM-4 Spill Preventton and Control 2of4 Cattrans Stomi Witer Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Spill Prevention and Control WM-4 • The Conti^ctor's Water Pollution Conti-ol Manager (WPCM) shall oversee and enforce proper spiU prevention and control measures. Clean up and Storage Procedures • Minor SpUls i i Minor spiUs typically involve small quantities of oU, gasoline, paint, etc. which can be controUed by the first responder at the discovery of the SpUl. Use absorbent materials on small spUls rather than hosing down or burying the spUl. Remove the absorbent materials promptiy and dispose of properly. The practice commonly followed for a minor spUl is: 1. Contain the spread of the spUL 2. Recover spiUed materials. 3. Clean the contaminated area and/or properly dispose of contaminated materials. • Semi-Significant SpiUs Semi-significant spUls stUl can be controUed by the first responder along with the aid of otiier personnel such as laborers and the foreman, etc. This response may require the cessation of aU other activities. Clean xsp spiUs immediately: 1. Notify the project foreman immediately. The foreman shall notify the Resident Engineer (RE). 2. Contain spread of the spiU. 3. ff the SpUl occurs on paved or impermeable surfaces, clean up using "dry" methods (absorbent materials, cat Utter and/or rags). Contain the spiU by encircling with absorbent materials and do not let the SpUl spread widely. 4. ff the spill occurs in dirt areas, immediately contain the spiU by constiiictmg an earthen dUce. Dig \jp and properly dispose of contaminated soU. 5. ff the spUl occurs during rain, cover spill with tarps or other material to prevent contaminating runoff. Cattrans Stomfi VVater Qualtty Handbooks ^ j^_.,t««* B^ Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Spill Prevention and Control WNM nJl. November 2000 WM-4 Maintenance and Inspection Spill Prevention and Control Significant/Hazardous Spills For significant or hazardous spills that cannot be controUed by personnel m the immediate vicinity, the following steps shall be taken: 1. Notify the RE immediately and foUow up with a written report. 2. Notify the local emergency response by diaUng 911. In addition to 911, the contractor will notify the proper county officials. It is the contractor's responsibiUty to have all emergency phone numbers at the constmction site. 3. Notify the Govemor's Office of Emergency Services Warning Center, (805) 852-7550. 4. For SpiUs of federal reportable quantities, in confomiance with the requirements m 40 CFR parts 110,119, and 302, the contractor shaU notify the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. 5. Notification shall first be made by telephone and followed up with a written report. 6. The services of a spUls contractor or a Haz-Mat team shall be obtained immediately. Constmction personnel shaU not attempt to clean up until the appropriate and qualified staff have arrived at the job site. 7. Other agencies which may need to be consulted include, but are not Umited to, the Fue Department, the PubHc Works Department, the Coast Guard, the Highway Patrol, the City/County Police Department, Department of Toxic Substances, CaHfomia Division of OU and Gas, Cal/OSHA, etc. Verify weekly that spill control clean up materials are located near material storage, unloading, and use areas. Update spill prevention and control plans and stock appropriate clean-up materials whenever changes occur m the types of chemicals on site. ^^^^ WBM SpNI Prevention and Control 4of4 ^•HjL Cattrans Stonn Walter Qualtty Handbooks ^^^m Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual f^/SSm November 2000 Solid Waste Management WM-5 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and These are procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of Purpose pollutants to the drainage system or to watercourses as a result ofthe creation, stoclq)iUng, and removal of construction site wastes. Appropriate Solid waste management practices are implemented on all construction projects Applications that generate soUd wastes. Solid wastes include but are not limited to: • Construction wastes including brick, mortar, timber, steel and metal scraps, pipe and electrical cuttings, non-hazardous equipment parts, styrofoam and other materials used to transport and package constmction materials. • Highway planting wastes, including vegetative material, plant contamers, and packaging materials. • Litter, including food containers, beverage cans, coffee cups, paper bags, plastic wrqjpers, and smoking materials, includmg litter generated by the pubUc. Limitations Temporary stockpUmg of certain constmction wastes may not necessitate stringent drainage related controls during the non-rainy season or in desert areas with low rainfaU. Standards and Education Specifications The Contactor's Water PoUution Conti-ol Manager (WPCM) shall oversee and enforce proper soUd waste procedures and practices. 4» Cattrans Stomn V\bter Quality Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Solid Waste Management WM-6 1 of 3 WM-5 Solid Waste Management WM-6 SoHd Waste Management 2of3 • Instmct employees and subcontractors on identification of solid waste and hazardous waste. • Educate employees and subcontractors on solid waste storage and disposal procedures. • Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings). • Reqmre that employees and subconti-actors follow soUd waste handling and storage procedures. • Prohibit Uttering by employees, subcontractors, and visitors. • Wherever possible, minimize production of solid waste materials. Collection, Storage, and Disposal • Littering on the project site shall be prohibited. • To prevent clogging of the storm drainage system litter and debris removal fmm drainage grates, trash racks, and ditch lines shaU be a priority. • Trash receptacles shaU be provided in the Confractor's yard, field frailer areas, and at locations where workers congregate for lunch and break periods. • Litter from work areas within the constmction limits ofthe project site shaU be collected and placed in water tight dumpsters at least weekly regardless of whiether the Utter was generated by tiie Contractor, the public, or others. CoUected litter and debris shall not be placed in or next to drain inlets, storm water drainage systems or watercourses. " Dumpsters of sufficient size and number shaU be provided to contain the soUd waste generated by the project. • FuU dumpsters shaU be removed from the project site and the contents shaU be disposed of outside the highway right of way in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of tiie Standard Specifications. • Litter stored in coUection areas and containers shaU be handled and disposed of by trash hauling contractors. • Materials that are disposed of or temporarily stockpiled outside the highway right-of-way but arc visible from the Highway, shall be in a neat and orderly fashion to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer (RE). • Storm water run-on shall be prevented from contacting stored solid waste through the use of berms, dUces, or other temporary diversion stmctures or Cattrans Stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks H^^r Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual j^^iyy Novemt>er 2000 0 Solid Waste Management WM-5 tiirough the use of measures to elevate waste form site surfaces. • Solid waste storage areas shaU be located at least 15m from drainage facilities and watercourses and shall not be located in areas prone to flooding or ponding. • Except during fair weatiier, constmction and highway planting waste not stored in watertight dumpsters shall be protected from wind and rain by securely covering the waste with tarps or plastic sheetmg or protected m conformance witii tiie appUcable Disturbed SoU Area protection. • Dumpster washout on tiie project site is not allowed • Notify ti-ash hauling conti^ctors that only watertight dumpsters are acceptable for use on-site. • Plan for additional containers during tiie demolition phase of constmction. • Plan for more frequent pickup during the demolition phase of constiuction. • Designate on-site waste storage areas and obtain approval ofthe RE. • Segregate potentially hazardous waste from non-hazardous constiuction site waste. • Make sure that toxic Uquid wastes (used oUs, solvents, and paints) and chemicals (acids, pesticides, additives, curing compounds) are not disposed of in dumpsters designated for constmction debris. • Dispose of non-hazardous waste in accordance witii Standard Specification 7-1.13, Disposal of Material Outside tiie Highway right-of-way. • For disposal of hazardous waste, see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste Management". Have hazardous waste hauled to an appropriate disposal and/or recycling facility. • Salvage or recycle useful vegetation debris, packaging and/or surplus building materials \^en practical. For example, trees and shmbs from land clearing can be used as a brush barrier, or converted mto wood chips, tiien used as mulch on graded areas. Wood pallets, cardboard boxes, and constmction scraps can also be recycled. Maintenance and • The WPCM shall monitor on-site solid waste storage and disposal I nspection procedures. • Police site for litter and debris. JHK- Cattrans storm WMer Quality Handbooks c«iw »Ai=*to iuiannn«m«nt wiuufi BBf Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual Solid W&ste Management WNW ^^jjJJ November 2000 Hazardous Waste Management WM-6 BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o VWnd Ero^on Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and These are procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of Purpose pollutants from constmction site hazardous waste to the storm drain system or to watercourses. Appropriate Applications Limitations This best management practice (BMP) appHes to all constmction projects. Hazardous waste management practices are implemented on constmction projects that generate waste from the use of: Petroleum Products, Concrete Curing Compounds, PalUatives, Septic Wastes, Stains, Wood Preservatives, Asphalt Products, Pesticides, Acids, Paints, Solvents, Roofing Tar, or Any materials deemed a hazardous waste in CaUfomia, Titie 22 Division 4.5, or Hsted in 40 CFR Parts 110,117,261, or 302. Nothing in this BMP relieves the Contractor from responsibiUty for compliance with federal, state, and local laws regarding storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous wastes. This BMP does not cover aerially deposited lead (ADL) soils. For ADL soils refer to BMP WM-7, Contaminated Soil Management, and the project Special Provisions. Cattrans Storm Waier Qualtty Handbodts Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Hazardous Waste Managennent WM-6 1 of5 Hazardous Waste Management standards and Education Specifications • Educate employees and subcontractors on hazardous waste storage and disposal procedures. • Educate employees and subcontractors on potential dangers to humans and the environmoit from hazardous wastes. • Instmct employees and subconfractors on safety procedures for common constmction site hazardous wastes. • Instmct employees and subcontractors in identification of hazardous and soUd waste. • Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce hazardous waste management procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings). • The Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee and enforce proper hazardous waste management procedures and practices. • Make sure that hazardous waste is coUected, removed, and disposed of only at authorized disposal areas. Storage Procedures ^) • Wastes shall be stored in sealed containers constmcted of a suitable material and shall be labeled as required by Title 22 CCR, Division 4.5 and 49 CFR Parts 172,173, 178, and 179. • All hazardous waste shaU be stored, transported, and disposed as required in Title 22 CCR, Division 4.5 and 49 CFR 261-263. • Waste containers shall be stored in temporary containment facilities that shaU comply with the foUowing requirements: Temporary containment faciUty shall provide a spiU containment volume equal to 1.5 times the volume of aU containers. Temporary containment facUity shaU be impervious to the materials contained for a minimum contact time of 72 hours. Temporary containment facUities shall be maintained fi-ee of accumulated rainwater and spiUs. Sufficient separation shaU be provided between stored containers to allow for SpiU cleanup and emergency response access. Incompatible materials, such as chlorine and ammonia, shaU not be stored in the same temporary containment faciUty. ; mmar Cattrans Storm Wbter Qualtty Handbooks WM-6 Hazardous Waste Management B^B Construction Site Best Management nw:tices Manual 2 of 5 tJSSL November 2000 Hazardous Waste Management - Throughout the rainy season, temporary containment facilities shall be covered during non-working days, prior to rain events. Drums shall not be overfilled and wastes shall not be mixed. Paint brushes and equipment for water and oil based paints shall be cleaned within a contained area and shaU not be aUowed to contaminate site soUs, watercourses or drainage systems. Waste paints, thiimers, solvents, residues, and sludges that cannot be recycled or reused shall be disposed of as hazardous waste. When thoroughly dry, latex paint and paint cans, used brushes, rags, absorbent materials, and drop cloths shall be disposed of as solid waste. Ensure that adequate hazardous waste storage volume is avaUable. Ensure that hazardous waste collection containers are conveniently located. Designate hazardous waste storage areas on site away from storm drains or watercourses and away from moving vehicles and equipment to prevent accidental spills. Minimize production or generation of hazardous materials and hazardous waste on the job site. Use containment berms in fueling and maintenance areas and \^^ere the potential for spiUs is high. Segregate potentiaUy hazardous waste fix)m non-hazardous construction site debris. Keep Uquid or semi-Uquid hazardous waste in appropriate containers (closed drums or simUar) and under cover. Clearly label all hazardous waste containers with the waste being stored and the date of accumulation. Place hazardous waste containers in secondary containment. Do not allow potentially hazardous waste materials to accumulate on the ground. Unless watertight, containers of dry waste shall be stored on paUets. Do not mix wastes. JB^m Cattrans stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks «^^r Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual Hazardous Waste Management WM-6 aJSw November 2000 3 of 5 Hazardous Waste Management Maintenance and Inspection Disposal Procedures • Waste shall be disposed of outside the highway right-of-way vwthin 90 days of being generated, or as directed by the Resident Engineer (RE). • To minimize on-site storage, fiiU containers of waste shall be disposed of outside the highway right-of-way at least weekly. In no case shall hazardous waste storage exceed requirements in Titie 22 CCR, section 66262.34. • Waste shall be disposed of by a Ucensed hazardous waste fransporter at an authorized and Ucensed disposal faciUty or recycling facUity utilizing properly completed Uniform Waste Manifest forms. In no case shall hazardous waste storage exceed requirements in Titie 22 CCR, section 66262.34. • A Caltrans certified laboratory shall sample waste to determine the appropriate disposal faciUty. • Make sure tiiat toxic liquid wastes (used oUs, solvents, and paints) and chemicals (acids, pesticides, additives, curing compounds) are not disposed of in dumpsters designated for solid waste construction debris. • Properly dispose of rainwater in secondary containment that may have mixed with hazardous waste. • Recycle any useful material such as used oil or water-based paint when practical. • Attention is directed to "Hazardous Material", "Contaminated Material", and "AeriaUy Deposited Lead" of the contract documents regarding the handling and disposal of hazardous materials. • The WPCM shall monitor on-site hazardous waste storage and disposal procedures. • Waste storage areas shall be kept clean, weU organized, and equipped with ample clean-up suppUes as appropriate for the materials being stored. • Storage areas shaU be inspected m conformance with the provisions in the contract documents. • Perimeter controls, containment stmctures, covers, and liners shall be repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper function. • Hazardous spUIs shall be cleaned up and reported in conformance with the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and tiie mstiuctions posted at the project site. WM-6 Hazardous Wlaste Managennent 4of5 BK^ Cattrans Stomi Water Qualtty Handbooks mK^m Construction SHe Best Management Practices Manual a^SSw November 2000 Hazardous Waste Management WM-6 The National Response Center, at (800) 424-8802, shall be notified of spills of Federal reportable quantities in conformance with the requirements in 40 CFR parts 110,117, and 302. Copy of BiU of Laden and disposal receipts shaU be provided to the RE. BSIk Cattrans stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks ^^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual a^Sg^ November 2000 Hazardous WaaXe Management WI\M 5of5 Concrete Waste Management WM-8 CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA BMP Objectives o Sdl Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose These are procedures and practices that are implemented to minimize or eHminate the discharge of concrete waste materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses. Appropriate • Concrete waste management practices are implemented on constmction Applications projects w^ere concrete is used as a constmction material or where concrete dust and debris result form demolition activities. • Where slurries containing portiand cement conca-ete (PCC) or asphalt concrete (AC) are generated, such as from sawcutting, coring, grinding, grooving, and hydro-concrete demolition. • Where concrete tmcks and other concrete-coated equipment are washed on site, when approved by the Resident Engineer (RE). See also NS-8, Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning. • Where mortar-mixing stations exist. Limitations None identified. Standards and Specifications Education Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppUers on the concrete waste management techniques described herein. The Contractor's Water PoUution Confrol Manager (WPCM) shall oversee and enforce concrete waste management procedures. Bdbwm Cattrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Concrete Wdste Managennent WM-8 1 of 4 Concrete Waste Management Concrete Slurry Wastes • PCC and AC waste shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or watercourses. • PCC and AC waste shall be collected and disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with section 7-1.13 of Standard Specifications or placed in a temporary concrete washout faciUty. • Disposal of hardened PCC and AC waste shall be in conformance with Section 15-3.02 ofthe Standard Specifications. • A sign shall be instaUed adjacent to each temporaiy concrete washout faciUty to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper faciUties. • Below grade concrete washout facUities are typical. Above grade faciUties are used if excavation is not practical. • Do not allow slurry residue from wet coring or saw-cutting AC or PCC to enter storm drains or receiving waters by: Placing temporaiy berms or sandbags around coring or saw-cutting locations to capture and contain slurry runoff. Placing straw bales, sandbags, or gravel dams around inlets to prevent slurry from entering storm drains. • Vacuum slurry residue and dispose in a temporaiy pit (as described in On- Site Temporary Concrete Washoia FaciUty, Concrete Transit Truck Washout Procedttres, below) and allow slurry to dry. Dispose of diy slurry residue in accordance with BMP WM-5, "SoHd Waste Management", or, for on-site disposal, in accordance with Standard Specification 15-3.02, Removal Methods. • Collect residue from grooving and grinding operations in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 42-1.02 and 42-2.02, "Construction." On-site Temporary Concrete Washout Facility, Transit Truck Washout Procedures • Temporary concrete washout feciUties shall be located a minimum of 15 m (50 ft) from storm drain inlets, open drainage faciUties, and watercourses, unless determined unfeasible by the RE. Each facility shall be located away fiT3m construction traffic or access areas to prevent disturbance or tracking. _ ^^^^ • A sign shall be installed adjacent to each washout facility to inform concrete ^ equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. The sign shall be JHV Cattrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks WM-6 Concrete Wtete Management ^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual aSw November 2000 Concrete Waste Management WM-8 instaUed as shown on the plans and in conformance with the provisions in Section 56-2, "Roadside Signs", of tiie Standard Specifications. Temporary concrete washout faciUties shall be consbucted above grade or below grade at tiie option ofthe Contractor. Temporaiy concrete washout faciUties shall be constmcted and maintained in sufficient quantity and size to contain aU Hquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. Temporary washout facUities shaU have a temporaiy pit or bermed areas of sufficient volume to completely contain aU liquid and waste concrete materials generated during washout procedures. Perform washout of concrete trucks in designated areas only. Once concrete wastes are washed into the designated area and allowed to harden, the concrete shall be broken up, removed, and disposed of per BMP WM-5, "SoHd Waste Management", and in conformance vrith the provisions in Section 15-3.02, "Removal Metiiods", of tiie Standard Specifications. Dispose of hardened concrete on a regular basis. Tenporary Concrete Washout Facility (Type Above Grade) Temporary concrete washout facility (type above grade) shaU be constmcted as shown on the plans, with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of 3m, but with sufficient quantity and volume to contain aU Hquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. The lengtii and width of a faciUty may be increased, at tiie Confractor's expense, upon approval ofthe RE. Straw bales, wood stakes, and sandbag materials shaU conform to the provisions in BMP SC-9, "Straw Bale Barrier". Plastic Uning material shaU be a minimum of 60 mil polyethylene sheeting and shaU be fi-ee of holes, tears or other defects that compromise the impermeability ofthe material. Portable delineators shall conform to the provisions m Section 12-3.04, "Portable Delineators", ofthe Standard Specifications. The delmeator bases shall be cemented to the pavement in the same manner as provided for cementing pavement markers to pavement in Section 85-1.06, "Placement", of tiie Standard Specifications. Portable delineators shaU be applied only to a clean, dry surface. Ten^rary Concrete Washout FacUity (Type Below Grade) Temporary concrete washout facility (type below grade) shall be constructed as shown on the plans, with a recommended minimum Mk - ^25J November 2000 ^ °' ^ Cattrans Storm V*ter Qualtty Handbooks i.o„^.^ont UWAJI Construction Site Beat Management Practices Manual Concrete VWaste Management WM WM-8 Concrete Waste Management Maintenance and Inspection length and minimum width of 3m (10 ft). The quantity and volume shaU be sufficient to contain aU liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. The length and width of a faciUty may be increased, at the Contractor's expense, upon approval of the RE. Lath and flagging shall be commercial type. Removal of Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities • When temporary concrete washout facilities are no longer required for the work, as determined by the RE, the hardened concrete shall be removed and disposed of in conformance with the provisions in Section 15-3.02 of the Standard Specifications. Materials used to constmct temporaiy concrete washout faciUties shall become the property of the Contractor, shall be removed from the site of the work, and shall be disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. • Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal ofthe temporaiy concrete washout facUities shall be backfiUed and repaired in conformance with the provisions in Section 15-1.02, "Preservation of Property," of the Standard Specifications. • The Contractor's Water Pollution Confrol Manager (WPCM) shaU monitor on site concrete waste storage and disposal procedures at least weekly. • The WPCM shall moiutor concrete working tasks, such as saw cutting, coring, grinding and grooving at least weekly to ensure proper methods are employed. • Temporary concrete washout faciUties shall be maintained to provide adequate holding capacity with a minimum fi*eeboard of 100mm for above grade faciUties and 300mm for below grade faciUties. Maintaining temporary concrete washout facUities shaU include removing and disposing of hardened concrete and returning the facUities to a functional condition. Hardened concrete materials shall be removed and disposed of in conformance with the provisions in Section 15-3.02, "Removal Methods," ofthe Standard Specifications. • Existing facilities must be cleaned, or new faciUties must be constmcted and ready for use once the washout is 75% fuU. WM-8 Concrete VUaste Management 4of4 Odtm Cattrans Stomi W^ter Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management BMP Objectives o Soil stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Cwitrol o V\find Erosion Control • Non-Stomi Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of constmction site sanitary/septic waste materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses. Sanitary/septic waste nianagement practices are implemented on all constmction sites that use temporary or portable sanitary/septic waste systems. Limitations Not applicable. Standards and Specifications Education Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppUers on sanitary/septic waste storage and disposal procedures. Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers of potential dangers to humans and the environment from sanitary/septic wastes. Instruct employees, subcontractors, and suppliers in identification of sanitary/s^tic waste. Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings). Establish a continuing education program to indoctrinate new employees. ^^^^^^ Storage and Disposal Procedures • Temporary sanitary faciUties shall be located away from drainage faciUties, watercourses, and from traffic circulation. When subjected to high winds or risk of high winds, as determmed by the Resident Engmeer (RE), temporary Caltrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Santtary/Septto Waste Management WM4 1 of 2 WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management sanitary facilities shaU be secured to prevent overturning. • Wastewater shall not be discharged or buried within the highway right-of-way. • Sanitary and septic systems that discharge directiy into sanitary sewer systems, where permissible, shall comply with the local health agency, city, county, and sewer district reqmrements. • If using an on site disposal system, such as a septic system, comply with local health agency requirements. • Properly connect temporary sanitary facUities that discharge to the sanitary sewer system to avoid ilUcit discharges. • Ensure that sanitary/septic facUities are maintained in good working order by a licensed service. • Use only reputable, Ucensed sanitary/septic waste haulers. Maintenance and • The Conb-actor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall monitor Inspection on site sanitary/septic waste storage and disposal procedures at least weekly. uiu.ac u «> « ..^ JBt Cattrans stomn Water Qualtty Handbooks WJM Santtary/Septic Waste Management ^^B Construction Stte Best Management Practices Manual November 2000 Liquid Waste Management WM-10 BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization o Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control • Non-Storm Water Management • Materials and Waste Management Definition and Purpose Appropriate Applications Limitations Procedures and practices to prevent discharge of poUutants to the storm drain system or to watercourses as a result of the creation, coUection, and disposal of non-hazardous Uquid wastes. Liquid waste management is appUcable to constmction projects that generate any ofthe foUowing non-hazardous byproducts, residuals, or wastes, such as: • Drilling slurries and driUing fluids • Grease-free and oU-free wastewater and rinse water • DredguQgs • Other non-storm water Hquid discharges not permitted by separate permits. • Disposal of some Hquid wastes may be subject to specific laws and regulations, or to requirements of other permits secured for the constmction project (e.g.. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] permits. Army Corps permits. Coastal Commission permits, etc.). • Does not apply to dewatering operations (see BMP NS-2 Dewatering Operations"), solid waste management (see BMP WM-5, "SoUd Waste Management"), hazardous wastes (see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste Management"), or concrete slurry residue (see BMP WM-8, "Concrete Waste Management"). • Does not apply to non-stormwater discharges permitted by any NPDES permit held by the pertment Caltrans District, unless the discharge is determined by Caltrans to be a source of pollutants. Typical permitted non- stormwater discharges can include: water line flushing; landscape urigation; ^•^y Caltrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks ^^^B Construction Slto Best Management Practices Manual ^aSmw November 2000 Uquid Waste Management WM-10 1 Of4 WM-10 Liquid Waste Management diverted stream flows; rising groimd waters; uncontaminated pumped ground water; discharges from potable water sources; foundation drains; irrigation water; springs; water from crawl space pumps; footing drains; lawn watering; flows from riparian habitats and wetiands; and, discharges or flows from emergency fue fighting activities. Standards and General Practices Specifications • The Conb-actor's Water PoUution Conti-ol Manager (WPCM) shall oversee and enforce proper Uquid waste management procedures and practices. • Instmct employees and subcontractors how to safely differentiate between non-hazardous liquid waste and potential or known hazardous Uquid waste. • Instmct employees, subconfractors, and suppUers that it is unacceptable for any liquid waste to enter any storm drainage device, waterway, or receiving water. • Educate employees and subconfractors on liquid waste generating activities, and Uquid waste storage and disposal procedures. • Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings). • Verify which non-stormwater discharges are permitted by the Caltrans Statewide NPDES pennit; different regions might have different requirements not outiined in this pemiit. Some listed discharges may be prohibited if Caltrans determines the discharge to be a source of poUutants. • Apply the "Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning" best management practice (BMP) for managing wash water and rinse water fi-om vehicle and equipment cleaning operations. Containing Liquid Wastes • DriUing residue and drilling fluids shall not be allowed to enter storm drains and watercourses and shaU be disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in confomiance with the provisions m Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. • ff an appropriate location is avaUable, as determined by the Resident Engineer (RE), drillmg residue and driUing fluids that are exempt under CCR T23 §2511(g) may be dried by infiltration and evaporation in a containment facility constructed in conformance with the provisions conceming the Temporaiy Concrete Washout FaciUties detailed in BMP WM-08, "Concrete Waste Management" UflULin I wfc...* t. JHb Caltrans Storm Water Qualtty Handbooks VWMO UquW W^ste Management ^I^T Conatruction Stte Best Maliagement Practices Manual tbfbww November 2000 Liquid Waste Management WM-10 • Liquid wastes generated as part of an operational procedure, such as water- laden dredged material and drUling mud, shall be contained and not allowed to flow into drainage channels or receiving waters prior to treatment. • Contain Uquid wastes in a controUed area, such as a holding pit, sediment basin, roU-off bin, or portable tank. • Containment devices must be structurally sound and leak free. • Containment devices must be of sufficient quantity or volume to completely contain the liquid wastes generated. • Take precautions to avoid spiUs or accidental releases of contained Hquid wastes. Apply the education measures and spUl response procedures outiined in BMP WM-4, "SpUl Prevention and Conti-ol". • Do not locate containment areas or devices \^4lere accidental release ofthe contained Uquid can threaten health or safety, or discharge to water bodies, channels, or storm drains. Capturing Liquid Wastes • Capture aU Hquid wastes running off a surface M^iich has the potential to affect the storm drainage system, such as wash water and rinse water from cleaning walls or pavement. • Do not allow Hquid wastes to flow or discharge uncontrolled. Use temporary dikes or berms to intercept flows and direct them to a containment area or device for capture. • ff the Hquid waste is sediment laden, use a sediment frap (see BMP SC-3, "Sediment Trap") for capturing and treating the Hquid waste stream, or capture in a containment device and allow sediment to settie. Disposing of Liquid Wastes • Typical method is to dewater the contained Hquid waste, using procedures such as described in BMP NS-2, "Dewatering Operations", and BMP SC-2, "DesUting Basin"; and dispose of resulting soHds per BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste Management", or per Standard Specifications Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right-of-Way", for off-site disposal. • Method of disposal for some liquid wastes may be prescribed in Water QuaUty Reports, NPDES permits. Environmental Impact Reports, 401 or 404 permits, local agency discharge permits, etc., and may be defined elsewhere in the Special Provisions. Cattrans Stomi Water Qualtty Handbooks Construction Stte Best Management Practices Hllanual tJquid Waste Management WM-10 November 2000 3 of 4 WM-10 Liquid Waste Management Maintenance and Inspection Liquid wastes, such as from dredged material, may require testing and certification whether it is hazardous or not before a disposal method can be determined. For disposal of hazardous waste, see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste Management". ff necessary, further treat Uquid wastes prior to disposal. Treatment may include, though is not limited to, sedimentation, filtration, and chemical neutralization. Spot check employees and subcontractors at least monthly throughout the job to ensure appropriate practices are being employed. Remove deposited soUds in containment areas and capturing devices as needed, and at the completion of the task. Dispose of any soUds as described in BMP WM-5, "SoHd Waste Management". Inspect containment areas and capturing devices frequentiy for damage, and repair as needed. WM-10 Liquid Waste Management 4of4 Cattrans Stomn V\tater Qualtty Handbooks Constmctkm Stte Best Management Practices IManual a^^gg^ November 2000 SHOP DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS Helming ^nginccnngj Inc. 1 6^o \jnAa Vista Drive., Suite 101 San Uarcos,CAno69 {/6o)7^-990i fax(7^0)7-^-^50^ DATE: May 10, 2004 TO: MARK PLOTNIKIEWICZ, RESIDENT ENGINEER FROM: DOUG HELMING, CONSULTANT PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, PHASE 2. PROJECT NO. 3907 SUBMITTAL NO. 001-3 No. Copies Transmitted: 1 SUBJECT: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) I have reviewed the revised SWPPP. The SWPPP is retumed marked "No exceptions taken". Please make sure you sign all copies of the SWPPP as Resident Engineer. Should you have any questions please contact me. CITY OF CARLSBAD SHOP DRAWING REViEW If'mf r^^rf' f ^""^ --^^^ °' '^^'^f'S ^^^^''•'^3 of any drawing Z T '•sspons.Dmly fbr complete and accurate perfomiance of the Wori< in accordance with thf^ Co!:iraci Dra-^.inas and Spochicaficns naittisr Shal! such approval roioesa tha Ccniractor f?orn any liebiiiiy pisasd unon hiff. by any provision in the Form Ccintract. ' O REJECTED/RE3USMIT O AMEND AND RESUBMIT O v^- MAKE CpRREeriONS NOTED •^..../...y NO EX9^PTJ6N^ TAKEN Byr^JL-W-* C w/o enclosures: Grant Ekiund, Construction Manager, City of Carlsbad Page 1 of 1 FROM: F • C • I CONSTRUCTORS, INC. SUBMHTAiySHOP DRAWING TRANSMITTAL FORM TO: City of Carlsbad 1645 South Rancho Santa Fe Road. Ste 202 San Marcos. CA 92069 ATTN: Construction Manager DATE: .^-7--^4- PROJECT NAME: Rancho Santa Fe Road North Phase 2 (Bid Schedule ) PROJECT NO.: OWNER: Contract No. 3907 SUBMITTAL NO.: NO.: S /-3 SUBJECT OF SUBMITTAL: SPECIFICATiON SECTION(S): PLAN SHEET NUMBER(S): THIS IS AN ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL THIS IS A REVISION OF / —2 SUBMr TAL /Z3 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: Check & Complete either (A) or (B) below: We have reviewed in detail and certify that the material, equipment or construction procedure(s) contained in this submittal meet all the requirements specified in or shown on the Contract Documents, Construction Specifications and Constnjction Plans with no exceptions. _(B) We have reviewed in detail and certify that the material, equipment or constmction procedure(s) contained in this submittal meet all the requirements specified in or shown on the Contract Documents, Construction Specifications and Constaiction Plans except for the followina deviations: CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: n: 2585 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE. VISTA. CAUFORNIA 92083-8831 - TEL: (760) 727-9767 MA[N FAX; (760) 727-9892 ADMINISTRATIVE FAX: (760) 560-0253 ESTIMATING FAX: (760) 727-9603 . CONTRACTOR S LICENSE NO. 772589 AN EQUAL'OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER An JSSF Comtructon. Inc. Company MAY 7 2004