HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road Phase II Construction; Rancho Santa Fe Road Phase II Construction; 2003-01-10FINAL HYDROLOGY REPORT FOR Rancho Santa Fe Road North Phase II Construction in the CityofCarlsbad Project No. 3190 Submitted to: City of Carlsbad, Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared By: DOKKEN ENGINEERING 9665 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 435 San Diego, CA 92123 Contact: Jason Hubbard, P.E. Telephone: (858)514-8377 Date: 01-10-03 TABLE OF CONTENTS W Page 1. E^TRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose of Study 1.2 Scope 2. PROJECT SETTING I.3 2.1 Project Description 2.2 Topography 2.3 Soil Groups 2.4 Land Uses 2.5 Location Map 3. HYDROLOGY 4_6 3.1 Design Criteria 3.2 Rainfall Intensity Calculation 3.3 100-Year Storm Summary 3.4 Node Summary 4. HYDRAULICS 7_8 4.1 Design Criteria 4.2 Water Quality 4.3 Link Summary 5. DRAINAGE 5.1 Slorm Drain System F 9_50 5.1.1 Existing System Description 5.1.2 Proposed System Description 5.1.3 Hydrologic Calculations 5.1.4 Hydraulic Calculations 5.2 Storm Drain System G 51-59 5.2.1 Existing System Description 5.2.2 Proposed System Description 5.2.3 Hydrologic Calculations 5.2.4 Hydraulic Calculations 5.3 Storm Drain System H 60-62 5.3.1 Existing System Description 5.3.2 Proposed System Description 5.3.3 Hydrologic Calculations 5.3.4 Hydraulic Calculations 5.4 Slorm Drain System I 63-81 5.4.1 Existing System Description 5.4.2 Proposed System Description ^ 5.4.3 Hydrologic Calculations 5.3.4 Hydraulic Calculations 6 APPENDIX A-REFERENCES: MAPS & CHARTS AI-A5 7 APPENDDC B - TECHNICAL REFERENCE: HYDRAULICS B1-B8 8 APPENDIX C-RIPRAP DESIGN C1-C8 9 APPENDIX D - DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SYSTEMS Dl 10. EXHIBITS 10.1 Existing Hydrology Map 10.2 Proposed Hydrology Map 11. DRAINAGE AND GRADING DETAILS 11 1. INTRODUCTION w 1.1 PURPOSE OF STUDY This Drainage Report is the basis for the design of drainage facilities for the widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the City of Carlsbad and the City of San Marcos. Also considered for design of drainage facilities are the modifications of San Elijo Road / Detour 'A', La Costa Meadows Drive, and Melrose Drive / Corintia Street as they are tied into the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road. Portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road and most of La Costa Meadows Drive are located within the City of San Marcos. The project's storm drain system is divided into 5 subsystems (F-J), shown on the Hydrology Map located in Section 10. Drainage design is a coordinated effort between the City of Carlsbad and City of San Marcos as there are several road and urban development projects dependent on and influencing the Rancho Sanla Fe Road North Phase II Constmction project. 1.2 SCOPE This study quantifies the amount of storm water mnoff within the project limits for interim and ultimate conditions. The proposed slorm drain system is designed to intercept and convey the lOO-year design flows. Additional consideration was made for future developments outside the projeci limits and ^ therefore all relevant calculations are divided inlo interim and ultimate conditions. All drainage design is in accordance wilh the Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, dated August 1997, and the City of Carlsbad Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan, dated March 1994. 2. PROJECT SETTING 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Rancho Santa Fe Road North Phase II project will continue the widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road (RSF) begun in the Phase I conlract. This project will connect lo the Long Term Detour constmcted in Phase I and Detour 'A' constmcted by an adjacent contract and continue the roadway in its northerly direction. The cunent design of Detour 'A' and its connection to the new RSF is still at a conceptual state at the time of this report. The RSF roadway alignment crosses the San Marcos Creek west of its cunent crossing location and will tie-in back into existing RSF beginning at approximate station 284+15. RSF will be in an interim condition til station 265+99.83, south of the bridge. Interim conditions are where paving only occurs for a 4-lane highway separated by an unpaved median. Ultimate conditions are where paving occurs for full 6-lane width with landscaped median. Side gunite ditches and AC spillways convey mnoff to interim modified Type *B' inlets in the interim condiiion where in the ultimate condition, mnoff is conveyed by curb & gutter to standard curb inlets. RSF is super-elevated lo drain to the west (northbound lanes drain to median) from station 244+00 to station 267+10 and then reverses to drain to the east at station 272+66 (southbound lanes drain to median). In these locations, slotted drain and a series of 4' Type *B' inlets are located to prevent ponding along the median (i.e. the fast lane of travel). There is also a sag location at station 279+24.65, north of the bridge as RSF changes to a positive grade to meet the intersection with Melrose Drive (MD) and tie-in back into existing RSF. Further improvements from the City of San Marcos will continue the widening and realignment of RSF north of the MD intersection. La Costa Meadows Drive (LCM) will intersect wilh the realigned RSFR further to the wesl and at a higher elevation than existing RSF. This will create a sag location in LCM at station 12+44.37 that will intercept large flows from the contributing watershed that is primarily for industrial / commercial use. LCM is in the Cily of San Marcos. The cunent intersection of MD to RSF will shift lo the north by approximately 425'. The elevation of this intersection will be higher than the original and as such will cause a sag location on the north side of MD. The sag location on the south side of MD occurs where a residential side streel, Corintia Street (CS), connects lo MD and therefore the sag location occurs on CS. 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY The site lies in an area of moderate rolling hills, approximately 5.1 miles from the coast located within the Batiquitos Lagoon watershed. The Batiquitos Lagoon watershed is divided into two major drainage basins known as the San Marcos Creek watershed and the Encinitas Creek watershed. The Phase II portion of realigned RSF and its associated side streets are locaied between two hills creating a condition of substantial off-site mnoff South of the bridge, the project creates a cut situation to the west and a fill situation lo the east as tiie natural tenain is a low hill sloping easterly to the San Marcos Creek. The tenain along the road alignment north of the bridge is a low gradient sloping towards the creek and increasing toward the north as RSF ties into the existing RSF. The anticipation of residential communities to the east and wesl of the road will likely increase the amount of mnoff to the proposed storm drain systems. 2.2 son:. GROUPS The San Diego County Soils Interpretation Study Map located in Appendix A, shows the hydrologic soil groups for the project site. Soil types are defined as A (low mnoff potential), B (moderate mnoff potential), C (high mnoff potential), or D (very high mnoff potential). Soil Type B extends approximately 2000 feet south of the existing San Elijo Road to the San Marcos Creek and is also located northeast of RSF and Meadow Lark Ranch Road. Soil Type C is found northeast of RSF and San Marcos Creek. Soil Type D is located along the San Marcos Creek and northwest of RSF and the creek. 2.3 LAND USES Land uses for each basin are shown in the 100-Year Flow Summary of Section 3, Hydrology. Most on-site basins are small and primarily are comprised of paved roadway, unpaved or landscaped medians, and cut/fill slopes, and therefore have a high mnoff coefficient. Existing off-site basins are composed of medium-density residential development, highly vegetated open space, and industrial development. It is anticipated that some off-site areas will be developed in the future for medium-density residential and commercial development. Runoff coefficients were adjusted to reflect these anticipated future developments. 2.4 LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE 3. HYDROLOGY 3.1 DESIGN CRFTERIA The County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Draft formula was used to determine the time of concentration, Tc. Time of concentration was determined by the formula: Tc = (11.9 X L^/}if'-^^\ where Tc = time of concentration, in hours (5 minute minimum). L = horizontally projected length of the watershed, in miles. H = difference in elevalion along effective slope, in feet. In areas where rainfall followed a direct path to inlets, the rational method was used to estimate the peak discharge, Q. Peak discharge was determined by the fonnula: Q = 1.008 C i A = discharge, in cubic feet per second. C - coefficient of runoff. I = average rainfall intensity, in inches per hour, for a given frequency and for the duration equal to the time of concentration. A = drainage area, in acres. Note: In areas where rainfall followed more than one path before being intercepted by an inlet, the modified rational method was used to estimate the peak discharge, Q, as demonstrated in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual Draft, Section 3.3.1. 3.2 RAINFALL INTENSITY CALCULATION The County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Draft method was used to determine rainfall intensities for a given duration and frequency. Rainfall intensity was determined by the formula: I = 7.44 p6 D = average rainfall intensity, in inches per hour, for a given frequency and for the duration, = precipitation for the 6-hour 100-year storm, in inches, determined from isopluvial charts located in Appendix A. D = duration, in minutes, equal to the time of concentration. 3.3 MAXIMUM 100-YEAR STORM SUMMARY (HIGHEST 100-YEAR FLOW OF THE INTERIM AND ULTIMATE) Ps-2.9in Drainage Watershed Soil Land Runoff Time of Rainfall 100 Year System No. Area No, Group Use Coefficient Area L H Concentration Intensity Flow ac ft ft min in/hr cfs F N16 D Rdwy 0.95 0.22 538 29.4 5.00 7.64 1.60 N17 D Rdwy 1.00 0.28 373 20.8 5.00 7.64 2.14 N17.5 B&D Rural 0.40 7.89 1337 129.0 15,00 3.76 11.87 N19 D Rdwy 0.95 1.11 767 45.9 5.00 7.64 7.29 N20 D Rural 0.45 2.04 364 45.9 10.00 4.89 4.49 N21 D Rdwy 1.00 0.62 556 29.3 5.00 7.64 4.70 N25 D Rdwy 1.00 0.10 230 13.1 5,00 7.64 0.79 N22.3 D Rdwy 1.00 0.12 130 2.7 5.00 7.64 0.95 N22.4 D Rdwy 1.00 0.09 173 0.7 5.00 7.64 0.69 N25 D Rdwy 1.00 0.23 287 16.2 5.00 7.64 1.74 N26.5 D Rdwy 0.95 2.00 788 43.9 5.00 7.64 13.10 N27 D Rdwy 1.00 0.39 475 24.2 5.00 7.64 3.00 N28 D Rdwy 0.95 0.12 450 22.5 5.00 7.64 0.48 N30 B&D Rural 0.40 13.99 1792 196.7 15.85 3.63 20.32 N31 D Rdwy 1.00 0.37 451 26.1 5.00 7.64 3.21 N33 D Rdwy 0,95 1.20 638 35.9 5.00 7.64 8.20 N34 B&D Rural 0.40 19.03 1370 241.4 15.00 3.76 28.63 N36 D Rdwy 1.00 0.31 460 24,0 5.00 7.64 2.33 N37.75 D Rdwy 0.95 0.36 700 34.0 5.00 7.64 2.63 N40 D Rdwy 1.00 1.04 587 15.7 7.18 5.91 4.88' N41 D Rdwy 1.00 0.08 140 5.6 5.00 7.64 3.68 N42 D Rural 0.40 5.73 1100 230.0 15.00 3.76 8.62 N43 D Rural 0.55 0.27 20 12.0 5.00 7.64 1.13 G NGI D Rdwy 1.00 1.22 1146 22.3 8.07 5.61 40.12 NG2 C Rdwy 0.80 16.63 1650 76.8 7.64 5.81 44.35 NGS C Rdwy 0.95 2.72 585 6.9 5.82 6.92 35.59 NG5.8 D Rdwy 1.00 1.15 1412 54.2 7.30 5.99 6,28 H NH1 C Rdwy 0.80 2.90 868.00 54.40 5,00 7.64 17,73 1 Nil C Rdwy 0.80 4.85 1230 54.3 6.22 6.64 25.78 NI2 D Rdwy 1,00 1.08 956 26.5 6.13 6.70 7.16* Nt2.3 D Rdwy 0.85 0.19 444 6.1 5.00 7.64 0.08 NI3.1 D Rdwy 1.00 0.30 634 11.3 5.30 7.36 2.22 NI14 D Rdwy 0.80 1.56 505 26.6 5.00 7,64 14.37- NI20 D Rdwy 1.00 0.74 488 15.8 5.00 7,64 8.02' 1 NI22 D Rdwy 0.55 5.91 1005 41.8 5.44 7.23 23.53 NOTE: Flows designated with an asterik ""' are increased due to smaller adjacent areas which contribute to the total area as a whole (See individual calculations for more detaiis). Rural = residential, open fields Rdwy = roadway, medians, cut/fill slopes 3.4 NODE SUMMARY Node - ID Description Node - ID Description N F15 TYPE B-5 CO N Gl TYPE B-2 INLET N F16 TYPE A-4 CO WITH CSP RISER* N G2 TYPE B-2 INLET N F17 TYPE B INLET N G2.5 TYPE B-2 INLET N F17.25 TYPE B-5 CO N G3 TYPE B-5 CO (MOD) N F17.5 CSP TYPEB INLET' N G4 TYPE B-5 CO N F18 TYPE B-5 CO NG5 TYPE 'F' CB (MOD) N F19 TYPE B-1 INLET N G5.5 JUNCTION STRUCTURE No.l N F20 CSP TYPE B INLET-N G5.8 TYPE B-1 INLET N F21 TYPE B INLET N G6 48" WING TYPE HEADWALL N F22 TYPE B-5 CO N 11 TYPE B-2 INLET N F22.1 TYPE B-5 CO N 12 TYPE B-2 INLET MOD 'C N F22.2 TYPE B-5 CO N 12.25 JUNCTION STRUCTURE No.l N F22.3 TYPE B INLET N 12.3 TYPE B INLET N F22.4 TYPE B INLET f^OD 'D' N 12.5 36" WING TYPE HEADWALL N F22.5 36" PIPE STUB N 12.7 CONNECTION TO CHANNEL N F23 PIPE STUB AND PLUG N 13 CONNECTION TO CHANNEL N F24 TYPE B-5 CO N 13.1 TYPE B-1 INLET N F25 TYPE B INLET MOD 'A' N 14 TRANSITION STRUCTURE No.2 N F26 TYPE B-5 CO N 15 84" WING TYPE HEADWALL N F26.5 TYPE B-1 INLET N 16 CONNECTION TO CHANNEL N F27 TYPE B INLET MOD 'B' N 114 TYPE B-2 INLET N F28 TYPE B-1 INLET N 116 JUNCTION STRUCTURE No.l N F29 TYPE B-5 CO N 120 TYPE B-2 INLET N F30 CSP TYPE B iNLET' N 120.5 36" PIPE COLLAR N F31 TYPE B INLET N 122 TYPE B-2 INLET N F32 TYPE B-5 CO N EXI EXST CO N F33 TYPE B-1 INLET N EX2 EXST CO N F34 WINGTYPE HEADWALL (24")* N EX2.5 EXST CO N F35 JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO.1 N EX3 EXST JUNCTION STRUCTURE N F36 TYPE B INLET N EX3.5 EXST CO N F37 TYPE B-5 CO N EX4 EXST CB N F37.5 JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO.1 N EX20 EXST INLET ON GRADE N F37.75 TYPE A-4 CO WITH CSP RISER' N EX22 EXST CO N F38 TYPE B-5 CO N EX22 EXST CO N F40 TYPE B-1 INLET N EX24 EXST CO N F41 TYPE B-1 INLET N HI 3-18" PIPE COLLARS N F43 48" WING TYPE HEADWALL N H2 STRAIGHT HEADWALL, 3-PIPES •INLET IS IN INTERIM CONDITION 4. HYDRAULICS 4.1 DESIGN CRITERIA All drainage design is in accordance with the Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, dated August 1997, and the City of Carlsbad Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan, dated March 1994. The inlets were analyzed using methods described in the Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad and additional references used from the Drainage of Highway Pavements Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 (HEC12). Inlets are analyzed for resultant flow depths and spread widths. Depth should not exceed top of curb elevations for a 50-year storm event and right-of- way elevations for a lOO-year storm event. Spread width should not exceed shoulder widths for the designated storm frequency. Depth of flow for interim inlets or inlets located outside the right-of-way should not exceed the rim elevation of the inlet structure. Where a channel connects to an inlet, the depth of flow in the channel shall not exceed the top elevation of the channel. Inlet locations are based on maximum spacing recommendations, to maintain similar drainage pattems, at or near super-elevated reversal points, and at low points in the road. Pipes were analyzed using cunent Geopak Civil Software package based on equations explained in the HEC12. Analysis shows data for the purpose of sizing pipes for the lOO-year storm event. Minimum pipe size of 18" was used per city standards. Channel capacity analyses were preformed using DAR Software or in altemate software for comparison reasons. All calculations are in English units. 4.2 WATER QUALITY The Regional Water Quality Control Board requires a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan be implemented for constmction of this project. As water quality issues are significant for a roadway improvement project of this size, the designer has worked in cooperation with the City of Carlsbad to develop the following measures to maintain existing water quality levels: (1) erosion control plans are included in the contract plans, (2) wing type headwalls and rip rap pads are placed at all outfall localions, (3) limits of work and environmentai fence locations are designated in the plans to preserve natural vegetation, and (4) channel locations are placed to prevent erosion of concentrated flows along proposed flow paths. Additionally, the City of Carlsbad has an extensive street sweeping program to remove pollutants and debris from the roadway surface. 4.3 LINK SUMMARY Link-ID Description Link - ID Description SDF15 18" RCP SDG1.5 30" RCP SDF15.6 24" RCP SDG2 30" RCP SDF16 18" RCP SDG3 36" RCP SDF17 42" RCP SDG4 24" RCP SDF17.5 42" RCP SDG5 18" RCP SDF18 24" RCP SDG5a 48" RCP SDF19 18" RCP SDG5b 48" RCP SDF20 18" RCP SDH1 3-18" RCP SDF21 48" RCP SDM 24" RCP SDF22 36" RCP SDI2a 36" RCP SDF22.15 36" RCP SDI2b 36" RCP SDF22.25 18" RCP SDI2.5 MINOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL SDF22.35 36" RCP SDI2.7 MINOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL SDF22.45 36" RCP SDI3 84" RCP SDF22.55 18" RCP SDt3,1 18" RCP SDF23 48" RCP SDI3a EX 66" RCP SDF24 18" RCP SDI3b EX 66" RCP SDF25 48" RCP SDI4a MAJOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL SDF26 18" RCP SDI4b MAJOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL SDF26.5 24" RCP SDI6 18" RCP SDF27 18" RCP SDI21 24" RCP SDF28 48" RCP SDI22 36" RCP SDF29 18" RCP SDI40 18" RCP SDF30 18" RCP SDEXIa EXST 60" RCP SDF31 48" RCP SDEXIb EXST 60" RCP SDF32 24" RCP SDEX2 EXST 60" RCP SDF33 24" RCP SDEX2,5 EXST 60" RCP SDF34a 48" RCP SDEX3 EXST 42" RCP SDF34b 48" RCP SDEX3.5 EXST 42" RCP SDF35 18" RCP SDEX20 EXST 18" RCP SDF36a 48" RCP SDEX21 EXST 48" RCP SDF36b 48" RCP SDEX22 EXST 54" RCP SDF36.5 18" RCP SDEX23 EXST 36" RCP SDF38 24" RCP SDF39 18" RCP SDF40 48" RCP RAIN SYSTEM F SDl'28 RANCHO SANATA FH ROAD Prepared For City of Carlsbad DOKKEN ENQINEERINQ 9665 CMpeateft-HStfte 455 S(i)CtewM9a23 ffifiJSfflW PfKUECr UM/MlEft R Upfak PROJECT EHSmEER K Bradbury OeSIGMEfi J Hubbard DET MIS Bf G Parker DATE January 2003 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM F HYDRAULIC SCHEHATIC CIN RIM > 5. DRAINAGE 5.1 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM F 5.1.1 EXISTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION At the time of this report, existing drainage facilities are fairly non- existent in the area where storm drain system F (SDF) is proposed. However, with the construction of the Phase I portion of RSF, SDF will be placed from station 240+33 to the Long Term Detour. This system will be main line pipe, 39' off the centeriine ranging in size from 24" lo 36" RCP. Interim Type 'B' inlets are set off the pavement (in the ultimate curb location) and drain the roadway via AC spillways. Side gunite ditches convey flows from cut slopes to these interim inlets. Where Phase I ends, mainline flows are discharged to the east into a natural channel course. These flows make it to existing San Elijo Road which has a number of culverts under the road draining to the San Marcos Creek. Runoff north of the Phase I / Phase II connection flows overiand to the San Marcos Creek in natural channel courses. Existing RSF contains and channels mnoff from the roadway and hillside mnoff to the west in a northeriy direction to the San Marcos Creek. It is not known at the time of this report what facilities will be in place from adjacent residential pre-developments or roadway projects (i.e. Detour 'A'). 5.1.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Phase II proposed to abandon the easteriy discharge point for the Phase I portion of SDF and connect onto its northeriy 36" stub pipe. This will include the removal of the upstream pipe plug. SDF in Phase II will continue to the north where il will discharge flows directly into the San Marcos Creek. SDF will maintain the interim Type 'B' inlets utilized in Phase I up to the point where curb & gutter will be placed. Inlets will be placed on the high side of the super-elevated road to drain nuisance flows in an ultimate condition. Slotted CSP pipe and Type 'B' inlets at 300' spacing will be placed in the median where the roadway surface is in a super-elevation condition. Inlets, from the high side, median, and unpaved median will drain to the west side of the roadway (southbound traffic). Cut slopes on the west side will be protected using brow ditches that convey flows to either side gunite ditches, CSP type inlets, inlet headwalls, or directly to the San Marcos Creek. Inlets will be placed just south of the bridge approach slab to limit flows bypassing onto the bridge itself As there is a super-elevated reversal on the southbound bridge stmcture, there will be deck drains placed appropriately. Note: the Phase I portion of the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations of System F are covered in the Phase I Drainage Report. 5. DRAINAGE 5.1 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM F 5.1.3 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: NFI 6 P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. INTERIM: Localion FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cts 450.98 Type 'A-4" CO with CSP Riser 0.22 0.95 538 29.4 5.00 6.59 1.38 CONCLUSION: CSP inlel is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q, see ditch analysis below. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]^'^ ! = 7.44 X Pe X Tc"^^ Q = C X I X A C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 90% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: NFI 6 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. INTERIM: Location FL EL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft mtn in/hr cfs : .251+29.53 450.98 Type 'A-4' GO with CSP Riser 0.22 0.95 538 29.4 5.00 7.64 1.60 I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc"^^ 0 = C X I X A C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 90% Impervious CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTEAM MEDIAN GUNITE DITCH: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Output: Channel Flow Side Bottom Channel Mannings Flow Normal Normal Normal Section Rate Slope Width Slope coeff. Type Depth Velocity Top Width cfs ft ft/ft ft fps ft Trap. 1.80 3 0.1 0.0561 0.016 Super-0.28 6,0 1.79 critical Channel Sizing: CSP inlet Type B: Velocity Freeboard Channel Channel Freeboard Channel Opening Wtr Surf. Head Needed Top Width Height Provided Type Height Elev. ft ft ft in ft in in 0.6 0.07 3 6 0.23 Median 6.0 3.4 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height and Freeboard Provided > Freeboard Needed, Median Ditch {See Detaiis) adequately accommodates the 100-year storm. Since the Wtr Surf. Elev. in the Ditch < Opening Height of the CSP Inlet Type B, 100% of the IDO-year storm is intercepted. EQUATIONS: Channel Slope = flattest slope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Velocity Head = { Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical flow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Height - Normal Depth Project: N F16 - Median Ditch from 246+00 to 25H-29 (15:24:49 on 01/02/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS trapezoidal section flow rate 1.60 cfs bottom width 0.10 ft side slope of trapezoidal section 3.000 slope of invert or channel bottom 0.056150 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 0.43 ft normal depth 0.28 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 2.68 ft/sec critical top width 2.68 ft critical area 0.60 sq. ft critical slope 6.582298E-03 normal velocity 6.00 ft/sec normal top width 1.79 ft normal area 0.27 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F17 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % tt fps ft ft 251+18.88 a75*RT 452.21 Type B on grade 0.28 1.0 373 20.8 5.00 6.59 1.84 5.62 0.25 4.7 0 22 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded widlh, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 214.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = K 11.9 x L^) / H 1'^^^ | = 7.44xP6xTc-"^ Q = C X I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per Cily of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )'-^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:NF17 P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL EL Description Area C Tc 1 Q Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 452.21 Type B on grade 0.28 1.0 5.00 7.64 2.14 0.00 2.14 5.62 0.26 4.8 0 24 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 214.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Qi Qbvoass CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 214.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 214.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. 2.23 0.00 EQUATIONS: Tc = [( 11 -9 " L^) / H j'^^^ I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc Q = C X IxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County ot San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )^-^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)'^, Q^yp = bypass from previous inlet, Qbypass = bypass leaving this inlet CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Flow Rate = 2.23 cfs Pipe Diameter = 1.5 ft Slope = 5.615 % Normal Depth = 0.4 ft Normal Velocity = 5.58 fps Normal Top Width = 1.33 ft Velocity Head = 0.48 ft Freeboard Needed = 0.10 ft Freeboard Provided = 1.10 ft Project: N F17 Slotted CSP Drain from 249+03 to 251+15 RT (11:15:13 on 09/27/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 2.14 cfs pipe diameter 1. 50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.056200 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.55 ft normal dept:h 0.40 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 3.62 ft/sec critical top width 1.45 ft critical area 0.59 sq. ft critical slope 1.691224E-02 normal velocity 5.58 ft/sec normal top width 1.33 ft normal area 0.38 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N Fl 7.5 INTERIM: Pe = 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEI. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs .253+06.77; • 76C80'LT' 441.00 CSP Type B in sump 7.89 0.4 1337 129.0 15.00 3.24 10.23 CONCLUSION: CSP inlet is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q, see ditch analysis below. INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: NFI 7.5 INTERIM: Pg = 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 441.00 CSP Type B in sump 7.89 0.4 1337 129.0 15.00 3.76 11.87 EQUATIONS: 11.9 x L3 ) / H ].385 I = 7.44 X P6 x TC-.645 Q = Cx I xA C = Average of Soil Group B and D, njrai land use Note: an additional 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds. CAPACITY CHECK FOR UPSTREAM BROW DITCH: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Channel Flow Channel Channel Mannings Section Rate Diameter Slope coeff. cfs ft ft/ft Circ. 11.87 2 0.15 0.016 Note: the maximum slope allowed in the DAR analysis is 0.10, which is more conservative than 0.15 (see output). Channel Sizing: Velocity Freeboard Channel Channel Freeboard Channel Head Needed Top Width Height Provided Type ft ft ft in ft 1.64 0.15 2 12 0.39 B Output: Flow Normal Normal Normal Type Depth Velocity Top Width ft fps ft Super-0.61 14.53 1,84 critical CSP Inlet Type B: Opening Wtr Surf. Height Elev. in in 8 7.32 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height and Freeboard Provided > Freeboard Needed, Brow Ditch Type B(See Details) adequately accommodates the 100-year storm. Since the Wtr Surf. Elev. in the Ditch < Opening Height of the CSP Inlet Type B. 100% of the 100-year storm is intercepted. EQUATIONS: Channel Siope = flattest slope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Velocity Head = ( Normal Velocity)2 / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical flow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Heigth - Normal Depth Project: N F17.5 Brow Ditch Type B from 249+00 to 253+06 LT (13:17:02 on 09/27/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 11.87 cfs pipe diameter 2.00 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.100000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 1.24 ft normal depth 0 . 61 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 5.82 ft/sec critical top width 1.94 ft critical area 2.04 sq. ft critical slope 8.415064E-03 normal velocity 14.53 ft/sec normal top width 1.84 ft normal area 0.82 sq. ft \6 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: NFI 9 P6= 2.5 Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft tt 255*34 15 58.50*'LT' 427.33 Type B-1 on grade 1.11 0.95 767 45.9 5.00 6.59 6.91 5.62 0.33 5.70 0.33 19 CONCLUSION: Required L (=19') wil! intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. INTERIM: Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft ^^^^ 427.33 Type B-1 on grade 0.98 0.95 716 35.1 5.00 6.59 6.11 5.62 0.32 5.60 0.33 17 CONCLUSION: Required L (=17') will intercept 100% of the 50-year Q, but the ultimate condition governs. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11,9 x L' ) / H f^^ I = 7.44 X Pg X Tc"^^ Q = C X IxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )''^) = 30" maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Induslrial, 90% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node; N F19 P6= 2.9 Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Localion FL El. Description Area C Tc 1 Q QbVD Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 427.33 Type B-1 on grade 1.11 0.95 5.00 7.64 8.02 0.00 8.02 5.62 0.34 5.90 0.33 19 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=19') designed forthe 50-year storm will intercept 7.29 cfs of the total 100-year Q. Qi Qtmiass CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=19') designed forthe 50-year storm will intercept 7.29 cfs of the total 100-year Q. cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=19') designed forthe 50-year storm will intercept 7.29 cfs of the total 100-year Q. 7.29 0.73 INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Area C Tc 1 Q Qbvp Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 255+34.15. 58^0'tT ' 427.33 Type B-1 on grade 0.98 0.95 5.00 7.64 7,09 0.00 7.09 5.62 0.34 5.90 0.33 19 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=19') designed for the 50-year storm will intercept 100% of the total 100-year Q. 01 QiMiass CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=19') designed for the 50-year storm will intercept 100% of the total 100-year Q. cfs cfs EQUATIONS: Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)' ^ Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Obywss = bypass leaving this inlet 7.29 0.00 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F20 INTERIM: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 438.30 CSP Type B in sump 2.04 0.45 364 45.9 10.00 4.21 3.87 CONCLUSION: CSP inlet is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q, see brow ditch analysis below. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x L^) / H J•^^ I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645. Q = C x I x A C = Soit Group D, Rural Note: an additional 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds, however, since this is a relatively small area and since the majority of the water is conveyed in brow ditches, only 5 minutes is added. INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F20 INTERIM: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 438.30 CSP Type B in sump 2.04 0.45 364 45.9 10.00 4.89 4.49 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H r^'^ I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, Q = C x I x A C = Soil Group D, Rural Note: an additionai 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds, however, since this is a relatively smail area and since the majorify of the water is conveyed in brow ditches, only 5 minutes is added. CAPACITY CHECK FOR BROW DITCH TYPE B: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) input: Channel Section Flow Rate Channel Diameter Channel Slope Mannings coeff. cfs ft/ft Circ. 4.49 2 0.049 0.016 Channel Sizing r- Velocity Head Freeboard Needed Channel Top Width Channel Height Freeboard Provided Channel Type ft ft ft in ft 1.1 0.11 2 12 0.55 B Output: Flow Normal Normal Normal Type Depth Velocity Top Width ft fps ft Super-0.45 8.52 1.67 critical CSP Inlet: Opening Wtr Surf. Height Elev. in in 8.0 5.4 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height and Freeboard Provided > Freeboard Needed, Brow Ditch Type B (See Details) adequately accommodates the 100-year storm. Since the Wtr Surf. Elev. in the Ditch < Opening Height of the CSP Inlet Type B, 100% of the 100-year storm is intercepted. EQUATIONS: Channel Slope = flattest slope of the channel carrying the greatest ponion of water Velocity Head = ( Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical fiow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Heigth - Normal Depth Project: N F20 - Brow Ditch Type B from 253+50 to 255+08 LT (10:55:41 on 01/16/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 4.49 cfs pipe diameter 2.00 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.049000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 0.74 ft normal depth 0.45 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 4.21 ft/sec critical top width 1-93 ft critical area 1-07 sq. ft critical slope 6.838914E-03 normal velocity 8.52 ft/sec normal top width 1.67 ft normal area 0.53 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F21 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 428.73 Type B on grade 0.62 1.0 556 29.3 5.00 6.59 4.05 5.62 0.28 5.2 0 40 intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS Tc = f f 11.9 X L^) / H V^^ I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc Q = CxlxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )^ ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impen/ious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F21 ULTIMATE: PG= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q Qhyp Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 428.73 TypeB on grade 0.62 1.0 556 29.3 5.00 7.64 4.70 0.00 4.70 5.62 0.29 5.4 0 43 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 400.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year 0. EQUATIONS Tc = r f 11.9 X L^ 1 / H 1^^ Qi Qbvoass CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 400.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year 0. EQUATIONS Tc = r f 11.9 X L^ 1 / H 1^^ cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 400.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year 0. EQUATIONS Tc = r f 11.9 X L^ 1 / H 1^^ 4.70 0.00 Q = Cx I xA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Loca! Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )^^} = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)'^ CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: DAR Open Channe! Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Flow Rate = 4.70 cfs Pipe Diameter = 1.5 ft Slope = 5,62 % Normal Depth = 0.61 ft Normal Velocity = 6.95 fps Normal Top Width = 1.47 ft Velocity Head = 0.75 ft Freeboard Needed = 0.15 ft Freeboard Provided = 0.89 ft Project: N F21 - Slotted CSP Drain from 251+24 to 255+30 RT (12:21:34 on 10/14/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 4.70 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.056200 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.83 ft normal depth 0.61 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 4.66 ft/sec critical top width 1.49 ft critical area 1.01 sq. ft critical slope 1.927811E-02 normal velocity 6.95 ft/sec normal top width 1.47 ft normal area 0.68 sq. ft i~-' 7 u INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F22.3 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc ! 0 S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/fir cfs % ft fps ft ft 98*67.65 ;'SE* 45.97'LT 424.26 Type B Inlet on grade 0.12 1.0 130 2.7 5.00 6.59 0.82 1.76 0.23 2.6 0.33 3 CONCLUSION: Required L (=3') will intercept 100% of the 50-year 0. (4' is the minimum length for a Type 8 inlet) EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]^^^ ! = 7.44 X Ps X Tc"^^ Q = C xIxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manua! a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Loca! Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y)' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F22.3 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 Qtot s y V a L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 98467.65'Se 45.9rLT' 424.26 Type B Inlet on grade 0.12 1.0 130 2.7 5.00 7.64 0.95 0.00 0.95 1.76 0.23 2.6 0.333 4 CONCLUSION: L (=4') designed forthe 50-year 0 witl intercept 100% of the 100-year O. Qi ^bvpass EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H 1 cfs cfs EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H 1 1.18 0.00 ! = 7.44 X Pe X Tc" Q = Cx tx A y = depth of fiow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industriai, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)' ^ Q^^p = bypass from previous intet, Q^vpass = bypass teaving this intet Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F22.4 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc t 0 a Req'd L Clr curb Area Curb Ht. d 99+^19.65 "SE' 10.34'RT ft Type B(mod) 'D' in sag ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 99+^19.65 "SE' 10.34'RT 426.30 Type B(mod) 'D' in sag 0.09 1.00 173 0.7 5.00 6.59 0.59 0 1 0.50 0.5 0.30 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 10.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year 0. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]^^^ 1 = 7.44 x P6 x Tc-.645, Q = C x I x A Required L = 0 / 2 where O is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Loca! Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlel capacity in sump tocations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F22.4 P6= 2.9 In Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q a L Ctr curb r/w d ft Area line 99+19.65 'SE' ft Type B(mod) ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 10.34'RT-426.30 'D' in sag 0.09 1.00 173 0,7 5.00 7.64 0-69 0 1 0.50 0.7 0.54 slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year 0. EQUATIONS: Tc - [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] I = 7.44 x P6 x Tc-.645, O = C x I x A Required L ^ Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d - depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industriai, 100% Impervious Project: N F22.4 - Slotted CSP Drain from 99+11 to 99+28 *SE' RT (12:39:21 on 10/14/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 0.69 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.001000 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.31 ft normal depth 0.64 ft -> flow is subcritical (Yn > Yc) critical velocity 2.64 ft/sec critical top width 1.21 ft critical area 0.26 sq. ft critical slope 1.713937E-02 normal velocity 0.95 ft/sec normal top width 1.49 ft normal area 0.73 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F25 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 2581^.12 , 10.25" RT, 413.79 Type B(mod) A' on grade 0.23 1,0 287 16.2 5.00 6.59 1.50 5.62 0.21 4.7 0 23 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curiD opening is utilized with 84.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 x Pg X Tc Q = C X I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / (0.7 x ( a + y )^^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 intet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F25 Pe= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc t Q Qb^ Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 413.79 Type B(mod) 'A' on grade 0.23 1.0 287 16.2 5.00 7.64 1.74 0.00 1.74 5.62 0.23 4.8 0 23 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4" curb opening is utilized with 84.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Qi QbvOTss CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4" curb opening is utilized with 84.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. cfs cfs EQUATIONS: Tc = f (11.9 x L^) / H l'^ 1.78 0.00 t = 7.44 X Pg X Tc Q = C x 1 x A y = depth of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )''^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 x L (a+y)^•^ Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Qcypass = bypass teaving this intet CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: DAR Open Channel Ftow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Flow Rate = 1.78 cfs Normal Depth = 0,36 ft Pipe Diameter = 1.5 ft Normal Vetocity = 5.26 fps Slope = 5.62 % Normal Top Width = 1.29 ft Vetocity Head = 0.43 ft Freeboard Needed = 0,09 ft Freeboard Provided = 1.14 ft Project; N F25- Slotted CSP Drain from 257+17 to 258+00 RT (14:18:36 on 09/27/02} DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 1.74 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.056200 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.50 ft normal deptih 0.36 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 3.41 ft/sec critical top width 1.41 ft critical area 0.51 sq. ft critical slope 1.675603E-02 normal velocity 5.26 ft/sec normal top widt±i 1.29 ft normal area 0.3 3 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F26.5 P6= 2.5 Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 395.15 Type B-1 on grade 2.00 0.95 788 43.9 5.00 6.59 12.52 5.62 0.38 6.20 0.33 30 CONCLUSION: Required L (=30') witt intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] l=7.44xP6xTc^^ Q = C x I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 'Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = O / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 intet C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious for the interim and 90% impen/ious for the ultimate INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F26.5 P6= 2.9 Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Area C Tc 1 0 Qbyp Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft ,261+07.03 58 50' LT 395.15 Type B-1 on grade 2.00 0.95 5.00 7.64 14.52 0.73 15.25 5.62 0.40 6.70 0.33 30 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=30') designed for the 50-year storm wiil intercept 13.10 cfs of the totat 100-year 0. Qi Qbvpass CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=30') designed for the 50-year storm wiil intercept 13.10 cfs of the totat 100-year 0. cfs cfs EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 X L^) / H ] 13.10 2.15 Q = C X I X A y = depth of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the Caunty of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets C ^ Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% impervious for the interim and 90% impervious for the ultimate Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y}^^, Qf,^ = bypass from previous inlet, Ooypass = bypass teaving this iniet INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F27 ULTIMATE: PG= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 396.84 Type B(mod) 'B' on grade 0.39 1.0 475 24.2 5.00 6.59 2.59 5.62 0.24 5.0 0 32 drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H f^^ 1 = 7.44 X Pg X Tc Q = CxlxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Cartsbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )^ ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node;N F27 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FLEI. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q Qbyp Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr Cfs Cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 396.84 Type B(mod) 'B' on grade 0.39 1.0 475 24.2 5.00 7.64 3.00 0.00 3.00 5.62 0.25 5.1 0 35 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 296.00' of slotted CSP Oi QbVMSS dram to mtercept 100% of the 100-year Q. cfs cfs n 1 3 , , 1 1 ,.385 3.06 0.00 I = 7.44 X Pg X Tc Q = Cx IxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / (0,7 x ( a + y )^^) 30 maximum for Type B-1 intet C = Soil Group D, industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)^•^ Qbyp = bypass from previous intet, Qbypass = bypass teaving this inlet CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: DAR Open Channel Ftow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Ftow Rate = Pipe Diameter = Slope = 3.06 1.5 5.62 cfs Normal Depth = 0.48 ft ft Normal Vetocity = 6.14 fps % Normal Top Width = 1.4 ft Velocity Head = 0.59 ft Freeboard Needed = 0.12 ft Freeboard Provided = 1.02 fl n Project: N F27- Slotted CSP Drain from 258+09 to 261+02 RT (14:35:14 on 09/27/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 3.00 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.056200 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.66 ft normal depth 0.48 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 4.02 ft/sec critical top width 1.49 ft critical area 0.75 sq. ft critical slope 1.748539E-02 normal velocity 6.14 ft/sec normal top width 1.40 ft normal area 0.49 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F28 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc t Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac tt ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 399.47 Type B on grade 0,12 0,95 450 22.5 5.00 6.59 0.72 5.62 0.20 4.70 0.33 3 CONCLUSION: Required L (=3') will intercept 100% of the 50-year 0. however, only flow contained by the gutter Qi ^bvoass Will enter this inlet. Alt extra ftow (0.24 cfs) will be bypassed to the next inlet downslope. See Gutter Capacity next page. (4' is the minimum tength for a Type B inlet) Pni lATiriMC- Tr- = I 1 11 Qv|3\/U 1-385 cfs cfs Will enter this inlet. Alt extra ftow (0.24 cfs) will be bypassed to the next inlet downslope. See Gutter Capacity next page. (4' is the minimum tength for a Type B inlet) Pni lATiriMC- Tr- = I 1 11 Qv|3\/U 1-385 0.48 0.24 I = 7.44 x Pg X Tc-^^ Q = Cxl xA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y)' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 90% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F28 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEL Description Area C Tc 1 Q Qbyp Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 399.47 Type B on grade 0.12 0.95 5.00 7.64 0.83 0.00 0.83 5.62 0.20 4.80 0.33 4 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=4') designed for the 50-year storm wilt intercept 100% of the 100-year Q, however, only Qi Qbvoass Tlow contained by the gutter will enter this inlet. All extra flow (0.35 cfs) will be bypassed to the next inlet downslope. See Gutter Capacity next page. em iA-r\r\t.,c. x« _ r / H * n .. i 3 , , , . i,385 cfs cfs Tlow contained by the gutter will enter this inlet. All extra flow (0.35 cfs) will be bypassed to the next inlet downslope. See Gutter Capacity next page. em iA-r\r\t.,c. x« _ r / H * n .. i 3 , , , . i,385 0.48 0.35 I = 7.44 X Ps X Tc" Q = CxI xA y = depth of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 90% Impervious Ql = 0.7 X L (a+y)'•^ Qbyp = bypass from previous iniet, Qp^pass = bypass teaving this intet FlowMaster Output Gutter Capacity for N F28 Project Description Worksheel Type Solve For N F28 Gutter Section Discharge Input Data Slope Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Gross Slope Spread Mannings Coefficient 0.056200 ft/ft 1.50 ft 0.083300 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 1.50 ft 0.013 Results Discharge Flow Area Depth Gutter Depression Velocity 0.48 cfs 0.1 ft2 0.12 ft 1.1 In 5.07 ft/s Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering p:\...\hydraulics\gutter capacity check n f28.fm2 Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614o] 10/14/2002 1:58 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F30 INTERIM: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL Ei. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 264+17.98 ezss'LT 377.00 CSP Type B in sump 13.99 0.40 1792 196.7 15.85 3.13 17.51 CONCLUSION: CSP inlet is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q, see brow ditch analysis betow. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]-^^ I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc 0 = C X I x A C = Average of Soil Group B and D, rural tand use Note: an additionat 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds. INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N FSO INTERIM: Ps= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEI. Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 377.00 CSP Type B in sump 13.99 0.40 1792 196.7 15.85 3.63 20.32 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]-^^ t = 7.44 X Pe X Tc" "^ Q = Cx IxA C = Average of Soil Group B and D, rural tand use Note: an additional 10 minules is added lo natural watersheds. CAPACITY CHECK FOR BROW DITCH TYPE B: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Input: Channel Section Ftow Rate Channel Diameter Channel Stope Mannings coeff. cfs ft/ft Circ. 20.32 2.5 0.1 0.016 Channel Sizinc Vetocity Head Freeboard Needed Channel Top Width Channel Height Freeboard Provided Channel Type tt ft ft in ft 4.3 0.19 2.5 15 0.51 B Output: Flow Normal Norma! Normal Type Depth Velocity Top Width ft fps ft Super-0.74 16.59 2.29 critical CSP Inlet TypeB: Opening Wtr Surf. Heighl Elev. in in 8.0 8.9 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height and Freeboard Provided > Freeboard Needed, Side Gunite Ditch (See Details) adequatety accommodates the 100-year storm. Since the Wtr Surf. Etev, in the Ditch < Opening Height of the GSP Inlet Type B, 100% of the 100-year storm is intercepted. EQUATIONS: Channel Slope = flattest stope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Vetocity Head = ( Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical ftow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Heigth - Normal Depth Project: N P30 - Brow Ditch Type B from 257+60 to 264+12 LT (15:12:38 on 01/31/02} DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 20.32 cfs pipe diameter 2.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.100000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 1.53 ft normal depth 0.74 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 6.45 ft/sec critical top width 2.44 ft critical area 3.15 sq. ft critical slope 7.742777E-03 normal velocity 16.59 ft/sec normal top width 2.29 ft normal area 1.22 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F31 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEI. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 264+08.93 9.7S' RT 379.93 Type B Inlet on grade 0.37 1.0 451 26.1 5.00 6.59 2.46 0.24 2.70 5.32 0.24 4.9 0 30 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utiiized wifh 296.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: To = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 X Ps X Tc"^^ Q=Cx1xA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / (0.7 x ( a + y )'^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F31 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q Qbyp Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 379.93 Type B Inlet on grade 0.37 1.0 451 26.1 5.00 7.64 2.86 0.35 3.21 5.32 0.25 5.0 0 37 drain lo intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = 1 f 11.9 x L^ 1 / H l^^ I = 7.44 x Pfi x Tc"-"^ Q = Cx I xA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets excepi for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = 0 / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )'-^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)'^ Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Qbypass = bypass teaving this inlet CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: OAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See aftached sheet for originat output) Flow Rate = 3.21 cfs Pipe Diameter = 1.50 ft Stope = 5,21 % Normal Depth = 0.51 ft Normal Velocity = 6.09 fps Normal Top Width = 1.42 ft Vetocity Head = 0.58 ft Freeboard Needed = 0.13 ft Freeboard Provided = 0.99 ft Project: N F31 - Slotted CSP Drain from 261+11 to 264+04 (14:18:50 on 10/14/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 3.21 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.052100 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.68 ft normal depth 0.51 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 4.11 ft/sec critical top width 1.49 ft critical area 0.78 sq. ft critical slope 1.766316E-02 normal velocity 6.09 ft/sec nonnai top width 1.42 ft normal area 0.53 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F33 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft 265+73.33 >Mi;5d'LT- 370.13 Type B-1 on grade 1.20 0.95 638 35.9 5.00 6.59 7.50 4.60 0.34 5.30 0.33 20 CONCLUSION: Required L (=20') wilt intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft :l5So'^: 370.13 Type B-1 on grade 1.07 0.95 638 35.9 5.00 6.59 6.70 4.60 0.33 5.3 0.5 13 CONCLUSION: Required L (=13') will intercept 100% of the 50-year Q, but the ultimate condition requires a 20' length. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] | = 7.44xP6xTc"^ Q = Cxl xA y = depth of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = vetocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = Q / (0.7 x ( a + y)' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 intet C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 90% impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F33 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C Tc 1 Q QbVD Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft .255+73,33 58.50' LT 370.13 Type B-1 on grade 1.20 0.95 5.00 7.64 8.70 2.15 10.85 4.60 0.37 5,60 0.33 20 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=20') designed for the 50-year storm witl intercept 8.20 cfs of the totat 100-year Q. Qi Qbvpass cfs cts 8.20 2.65 IIN t tHiM: Location FL Et. Description Area C Tc 1 Q Qtot S y V a L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 265+73.33 58!50' LT : 370.13 Type B-1 on grade 1.07 0.95 5.00 7.64 7.77 2.15 9.92 4.60 0.36 5,50 0.33 20 CONCLUSION: tntet L (=20') designed for the 50-year storm wiil intercept 8.02 cfs of the totat 100-ye ar Q. Qi Qbvoass EQUATIONS: Qi = 0.7 x L (a+y)' ^ 0^^^ = bypass from previniis inlet, Oi,,p^^ - bypass teaving this intot cfs cfs EQUATIONS: Qi = 0.7 x L (a+y)' ^ 0^^^ = bypass from previniis inlet, Oi,,p^^ - bypass teaving this intot 8,02 1.90 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F34 PG= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL Elev. Description Area C L H Tc I 0 ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs , 265+73.37 89.22" LT 357.50 24" Wing Type Headwall 19.03 0.40 1370 241.4 15.00 3.24 24.68 CONCLUSION: 24" Wingwall inlet is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q (see brow ditch analysis) INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F34 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. INTERIM: Location FL Elev. Description A C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 357.50 24" Wing Type Headwall 19.03 0.40 1370 241.4 15.00 3.76 28.63 EQUATIONS: To = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] .-.645 I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc' Q = CxIxA C = Average of Soil Group B&D, Rural Note: an additionat 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds, however, since this a relatively small area with high slopes and a portion of the totat amount of the water is conveyed in a brow ditch, only 5 minutes is added. CAPACITY CHECK FOR BROW DITCH TYPE B: CONCLUSION: The primary ftow is contained by the natural channel that flows directly into the Wing Type Headwall, therefore no capacity check is needed for the brow ditch. INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F36 ULTIMATE: PB= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location 267+03.15 FLEL ft 366.04 Description TypeB on grade Area ac 0.31 1.0 460 24.0 Tc mm 5.00 in/hr 6.59 Q cfs 2.01 3.92 0.24 fps 4.0 0 Req'd L ft 25 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 290.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 X Ps X Tc' "^ Q = CxlxA C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb Inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )'^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)' ^ Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Qbypass = bypass leaving this inlet INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F36 ULTIMATE: PG= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C Tc Q Ql £bffi. Qtot Req'd L ft ac mm in/hr cfs cfs •267+03.15. cfs 366.04 Type B on grade fps 0.31 1.0 460 24.0 5.00 7.64 2.33 0.00 2.33 3.92 0.25 4.1 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 290.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. CAPACITY CHECK OF UPSTREAM SLOTTED CSP DRAIN: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Qi cfs 2.36 Fiow Rate = 2.36 cfs Pipe Diameter = 1.50 ft Slope = 3.92 % Normal Depth = 0.46 ft Normal Vetocity = 5.02 fps Normal Top Width = 1.39 ft Vetocity Head = 0.39 Freeboard Needed = 0.12 Freeboard Provided = 1.04 ft 27 Q, bypass cfs 0.00 r? Project: N F36- Slotted CSP Drain from 264+13 to 266+98 RT (15:51:15 on 09/27/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 2.33 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.039200 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.58 ft normal depth 0.46 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 3.72 ft/sec critical top width 1.46 ft critical area 0.63 sq. ft critical slope 1.701431E-02 normal velocity 5 . 02 ft/sec normal top widtih 1.39 ft normal area 0.46 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F37.75 INTERIM: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location 268+85.73 0.00"^ FL EL ft 358.98 Description Type 'A-4' CO with CSP Riser Area ac 0.36 0.95 ft 700 ft 34.0 Tc mm 5.00 in/hr 6.59 CONCLUSION: CSP intet is designed to accept 100% of 100-year Q, see median gunite ditch analysis. EQUATIONS: Tc = I ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]-^^ I = 7.44 X Pg X Tc ^^ 0 = CxIxA C = Soil Group D, Induslrial, 90% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F37.75 Q cfs 2.27 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. INTERIM: Location FL EL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr Cfs 358.98 Type 'A-4' CO with CSP Riser 0.36 0.95 700 34.0 5.00 7.64 2.63 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x L^) / H ]-^^^ I = 7.44 X Pg X Tc-^^ Q = CxlxA C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 90%. Impen/ious CAPACITY CHECK FOR MEDIAN GUNITE DITCH: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for original output) Input: Channel Flow Side Bottom Channel Mannings Section Rate Slope Width Slope coeft. cfs ft ft/ft Trap. 2.63 3 0.1 0.0312 0.016 Channel Sizing: Velocity Freeboard Channel Channel Freeboard Channel Head Needed Top Width Heighl Provided Type ft ft ft in ft 0.5 0.10 3 6 0.13 Median Output; Flow Normal Normal Normal Type Depth Vetocity Top Width ft fps ft Super-0.38 5.5 2.41 critical CSP Intet Type B: Opening Wtr Surf. Height Etev. in in 8.0 4.6 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height and Freeboard Provided > Freeboard Needed, Median Gunite Ditch (See Details) adequatety accommodates the 100-year storm. Since the Wtr Surf. Etev. in the Ditch < Opening Height of the CSP Intet Type B, 100% of the lOO-year storm is intercepted. EQUATIONS: Channel Stope = flattest stope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Vetocity Head = ( Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical flow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Height - Normal Depth Project: N F37.75 - Median Gunite Ditch from 261+90 to 268+85 (17:17:58 on 01/15/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS trapezoidal section flow rate 2.63 cfs bottom width 0.10 ft side slope of trapezoidal section 3.000 slope of invert or channel bottom 0.031200 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 0.53 ft normal depth 0.38 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 2.96 ft/sec critical top width 3.27 ft critical area 0.89 sq. ft critical slope 6.162729E-03 normal velocity 5.45 ft/sec normal top width 2.41 ft normal area 0.48 sq. ft 40 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F40 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tl = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Areag L H Ti 1 Q, 8 ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % 354.75 Type B-1 on grade 0.30 west slope 0.55 55 14.6 5.00 6.59 1.07 26.60 Areab c. L QAVG T S y V ac ft cfs cfs min % ft fps 0.74 gutter ftow 1.0 587 4.56 9.50 2.51 2.68 0.32 3.90 T« I' Qlotal a Req'd L min in/hr cfs ft ft 7.51 5.07 4.55 0.33 13 CONCLUSION: Req'd L (=13') wilt intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Areaa Ca L H T, 1 Q, S ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % -_269+99.|3j '.SSISO'LT'- 354.75 Type B-1 on grade 0.30 west slope 0.55 55 14.6 5.00 6.59 1.07 26.60 Areab Ch L QAVG Pava T, S y V ac ft cfs cfs min % ft fps 0.69 gutter flow 1.0 510 4.46 9.80 2.18 2.68 0.32 3.90 Tc r Qlotal a Req'd L min in/hr cfs ft ft 7.18 5.22 4.46 0.33 13 CONCLUSION: Req'd L (=13') witt intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: T = [ ( 11-9 x L^) / H ] T=L7V T, = T + T, Q, - C x 1 x A I = 7.44 x Ps x T"r = 7.44 x Pg x T," y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet Ca = Soit Group D, Residential, Single Family Cb = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious QAVG = Q, + ((qavc/2) * Areab) q^vg = estimated until O^VG = Qtoiai Qtotai = t' (Area^' C^ + Areab * CQ) INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F40 P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Ti = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Areaa Ca L H Ti 1 Q, S ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % 354.75 Type B-1 0.30 0.55 55 14.6 5.00 7.64 1.24 26.60 on grade west slope Areab Cb L QAVG qava T, S y V ac ft cfs cfs min % ft fps 0.74 1.0 587 5.30 11.05 2.45 2.68 0.33 4.00 gutter ftow Tc f Qtoial a Inlet L QbvD Qi QbVDOSS min in/hr cfs ft ft cfs cfs cfs 7.45 5.91 5.30 0.33 13 2,65 4.88 3.07 CONCLUSION: tntet L (=13') designed for the 50-year storm will intercept 4.88 cfs of the 100-year Q. INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Area^ Ca L H Ti t Q, S ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % 269+99!l3 - '58'.56'lT 354.75 Type B-1 on grade 0.30 west stope 0.55 55 14.6 5.00 7.64 1.24 26.60 Areao Cb L QAVG T, S y V ac ft cfs cfs min % ft fps 0.69 gutter flow 1.0 510 5.20 11.43 2.13 2.68 0.33 4.00 T. 1' Qtotai a Inlet L Qbyp Q,nt QbvDasa min in/hr cfs ft ft cfs cfs cfs 7.13 6.08 5.20 0.33 13 1.90 4.88 2.22 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=13') designed for the 50-year storm will intercept 4.88 cfs of the 100-year Q. EQUATIONS: T = [ ( 11 -9 x t^) / H ] T,= L/V T^ = Ti + T, O, = C X I X A I = 7.44 X Pe X T,-"^ 1' = 7.44 x Pg x T^"^^ y = depth of fiow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )' ^) - 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet Cg = Soil Group D, Residential, Singte Family Cb = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious QAVG = Q. + {(qavg/2) * Areap) q^vg = estimated until QAVG = Qtotai Q.otai = I' (Area^' C^ + Areab * Cp) Q,n, = 0.7 X L (a-t-y)' ^, Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Qbypass = bypass teaving this intet 4^ INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F41 ULTIMATE: Location 270+51.43 Sa.SO'LT FL El. ft 353.46 Description Type B-1 on grade Area ac 0.08 1.0 140 H 5,6 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Tc 5.00 in/hr 6.59 Q cfs 0.53 2.28 0.22 fps 3.00 0.33 CONCLUSION: Required L (=2') witt intercept 100% of the 50-year Q, but 7' is required by the 100-year ultimate to pick up att watershed before the bridge. Req'd L ft INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in^r cfs % ft fps ft ft 2704^i1.43 'saso' LT 353.46 Type B-1 on grade 0.08 1.0 119 4.5 5,00 6.59 0.51 2,28 0.22 3.00 0.33 2 watershed before the bridge. EQUATIONS: Tc = (( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 X Pe X Tc Q = Cxt xA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of ftow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 intet C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F41 P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL El. Description Area C Tc 1 0 Qbvp Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft 353.46 Type B-1 on grade 0.08 1.0 5.00 7.64 0.61 3.07 3.68 2.28 0.31 3.7 0.33 11 CONCLUSION: Required L (=11') will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Qi Qbypass CONCLUSION: Required L (=11') will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Required L (=11') will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. 3.94 0.00 INTERIM: Location FL El. Description Area C Tc I Q QbVD Qtot S y V a Req'd L ft ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs % ft fps ft ft ' 270+51.43 . 58:50' CT- 353.46 Type B-1 on grade 0.08 1.0 5.00 7.64 0.60 2.22 2.81 2.28 0.28 3.5 0.33 9 CONCLUSION: Required L (=9') wilt intercept 100% of the 100-year Q, but 11' is required by the ultimate condition. Qi QbvDass CONCLUSION: Required L (=9') wilt intercept 100% of the 100-year Q, but 11' is required by the ultimate condition. cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Required L (=9') wilt intercept 100% of the 100-year Q, but 11' is required by the ultimate condition. 3.00 0.00 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 x Ps X Tc"^^ Q = C X I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets except for median inlets in super elevated crossfalls. Required L = Q/ (0.7x(a + y )'^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet Qi = 0.7 X L (a+y)' ^, Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet, Qbypass = bypass leaving this inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F42 INTERIM: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ac ft ft min in/hr cfs Type 'B' Brow Ditch 5.73 0.40 1100 230 15.00 3.24 7.43 INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node:N F42 INTERIM: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ac ft ft min in/hr cfs Type 'B' Brow Ditch 5.73 0.40 1100 230 15.00 3.76 8.62 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]-^^ I = 7.44 x Pg X Tc Q = Cx IxA C = Average of Soil Group B&D, Rural Note; an additionat 10 minutes is added to natural watersheds, however, since this a relatively small area with high slopes and a portion of the total amount of the water is conveyed in a brow ditch, only 5 minutes is added. CAPACITY CHECK FOR BROW DITCH TYPE B: DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (See attached sheet for originat output) Input: Channel Section Flow Rate Channel Diameter Channel Stope Mannings coeft. cfs ft/ft Circ. 8.62 2 0,0556 0.016 Channel Sizinc r- Velocity Head Freeboard Needed Channel Top Width Channel Height Freeboard Provided Channel Type ft ft ft in ft 1.8 0.15 2.5 15 0.65 B Output: Flow Type Normal Depth Normal Velocity Normal Top Width ft fps ft Super- critical 0.6 10.75 1.84 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height, the Brow Ditch Type B, adequately accomodates the 100-yr storm. EQUATIONS: Channel Slope = flattest slope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Velocity Head = { Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical ftow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Heigth - Normal Depth M5 Project: N F42 - Brow Ditch Type B from 270+02 to 271+48 LT (08:17:25 on 02/04/02) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis S Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 8.62 cfs pipe diameter 2.00 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.055600 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 1.05 ft normal depth 0.60 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 5.18 ft/sec critical top width 2.00 ft critical area 1.66 sq. ft critical slope 7.538250E-03 normal velocity 10.75 ft/sec normal top width 1.84 ft normal area 0.80 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F43 INTERIM: P6= 2.5 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location Description Type 'B' Brow Ditch Area ac 0.27 0.55 20 CONCLUSION: See Brow Ditch analysis. 12 Tc 5.00 in/hr 6.59 cfs 0.97 INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line F Node: N F43 INTERIM: P6= 2.9 In. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Ltxation Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 ac ft ft min in/hr cfs Type 'B' Brow Ditch 0,27 0.55 20 12 5.00 7.64 1.13 CONCLUSION: See Brow Ditch analysis. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] I ^ 7.44 x Pg X Tc^^ Q = CxI xA Ca = Soil Group D, Residential, Singte Family CAPACITY CHECK FOR BROW DITCH TYPE B: DAR Open Channel Ftow Analysis & Design (See aftached sheet for original output) Input: Channel Flow Channe! Channel Mannings Section Rate Diameter Slope coeff. cfs ft/ft Circ. 1.13 2 0.03 0.016 Channel Sizing: Vetocity Freeboard Channel Channel Freeboard Channel Head Needed Top Width Height Provided Type ft ft ft in ft 0.4 0.07 2.5 15 0.99 B Output: Flow Type Normal Depth Normal Vetocity Normal Top Width ft fps ft Super- critical 0.26 4.77 1.34 CONCLUSION: Since Normal Depth < Channel Height, the Brow Ditch Type B, adequatety accomodates the 100-yr storm. EQUATIONS: Channel Stope = flattest slope of the channel carrying the greatest portion of water Velocity Head = ( Normal Velocity)^ / 2 x g Freeboard Needed = 0.25 x Normal Depth for Supercritical ftow in a trapezoidal channel Freeboard Provided = Channel Heigth - Normal Depth Project: N F43 - Brow Ditch Type B from Sta 265+03 to 268+16 RT (13:13:48 on 01/02/03) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 1.13 cfs pipe diameter 2.00 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.030000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 0.37 ft normal depth 0.26 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 2.86 ft/sec critical top width 1.55 ft critical area 0.39 sq. ft critical slope 7.033612E-03 normal velocity 4.77 ft/sec normal top width 1.34 ft normal area 0.24 sq. ft 5. DRAINAGE 5.1 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM F 5.1.4 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 5.1.4 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATION: STORM UNE F and related laterals BEST omm^ ~1 , 5.1.4 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATION: STORM LINE F and related laterals T STORM DRAIN SYSTEM G SDG3 NG4 LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE ts O o {/I SDG1.5 NG3 DOKKEN ENQINEERINQ 9665 CiBslw^efrte Suite «5 San fltep W 92123 f6S)SH3?7 pmJECT EMSmEEB K Bradbury CCSGHEft 7 Hubbard January 2003 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM Q HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC 5.2 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM G 5.2.1 EXISTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Most of LCM including the commercial / industriai properties north of LCM to the east-west channel that separates these properties from the undeveloped hillside farther to the north drain to the location of the proposed storm drain system G (SDG). Flows in the south half of LCM continue to RSF and drain southerly to the San Marcos Creek, east of the bridge. Flows conveyed in the curb & gutter along the north half of LCM are collected by an existing curb inlet on grade. Bypass flows from this location, flows from portions of MD and the super-elevated RSF (as far north as Meadowlark Ranch Road where RSF is in crown), and additional commercial / industrial flows are collected by a curb inlet in sag along RSF (See System I). Total flows are discharged on the west side of RSF into the San Marcos Creek. 5.2.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The improvements that will be made to RSF will create a low point in LCM that is near the location of the existing northerly inlet, but several feet higher in elevation. Due to the shift in alignment and elevation of RSF, the existing inlet to capture flows to the RSF low point will no longer be in the roadway. The pavement in this area will be removed and the area will be regraded to drain to a new catch basin. New bridge abutments will be placed in the same location as the SDG outiet, therefore it will need to be shifted northeriy. Improvements will make it difficult to salvage any existing structures; all existing drainage facilities will be abandoned or removed and new facilities will be built to perform in a similar fashion. The low point on the north side of LCM collects about 17 acres of watershed and in tum receives a large runoff. There is an insufficient amount of space for an inlet large enough to accept 100% of the 50 or 100-yr flow (see 5.3.3 conclusion for Nodes 1&2). The flow would begin ponding at this 30' inlet and spill over the crown of LCM to another proposed inlet in the south side of LCM. This inlet will be sized to intercept the remainder of the runoff within the limits of the right-of- way. Overtopping flows will continue to the San Marcos Creek southeriy from the south half of LCM and bypass northeriy to the catch basin located outside the right-of-way for the north half of LCM. 51 5. DRAINAGE 5.2 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM G 5.2.3 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G1 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. ft 340.70 Description Type C-2 in sag Area ac 1.22 1.00 1146 H 22.3 Tc 8.07 in/hr 4.84 0 cfs 5.90 0.33 Req'd L ft Clr curb ft' 1.50 Curb 0.5 0, CONCLUSION: d is undefinable using Chart 13 from Appendix A, therefore FlowMaster is used as a third analysis. Due to overtopping from N G2 (22,33 cfs for the 50-yr storm and 33.00 cfs for the 100-yr storm), a required L (=26') witl be required to intercept the total ftow, see N G2 calculations and FlowMaster output next page. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x ) / H ] I = 7.44 X Pg X Tc'^^ Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Cartsbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of How to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious OtOt cfs cfs 22.33 28.23 INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N Gl ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. ft 340.70 Description Type C-2 in sag Area ac 1.22 1.00 1146 22.3 Tc 8.07 in/hr 5.61 0 cfs 6.84 0.33 Inlet L ft 26 Clr curb ft' 13.00 CONCLUSION: d is undefinable using Chart 13 from Appendix A, therefore FlowMaster is used as a third analysis. Due to the overtopping from N G2 and bypass from N G5.8, a required L (=26') will be required to intercept the 100-yr ftow, see N G2 calculations and FlowMaster output next page. r/w line ft 0.7 Q, byp Otot cfs cfs 33,28 40.12 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L' ) / H ] l = 7.44xP6xTc"^ a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d - depth of flow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening intet capacity in sump tocations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious r/w tine = curb ht. + 10 ft span at a 2% slope upward = .5 ft -H .2 ft = .7 ft Qbyp = bypass from previous inlet FlowMaster Output Type C-2 Inlet In Sag (N G1 50-yr) Project Description Worksheet Type Solve For Combination Inlet for Overflow to (Gl 50yr) Combination Inlet in Sag Spread Input Data Discharge Local Depression Local Depression Width Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Cross Slope Curb Opening Length Opening Height Curb Throat Type Grate Width Grate Length Grate Type Clogging 28.23 cfs 4.0 in 1.50 ft 1.50 ft 0.083333 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 12.00 ft 0.50 ft Horizontal 1.50 ft 2.83 ft P-50 mm (P-1-7/8") 0.0 % Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread Throat Incline Angle Depth Gutter Depression Total Depression Open Grate Area Active Grate Weir Length 25.51 ft 90.00 degrees 0.61 ft 1.1 in 5.1 in 3.8 ft^ 5.83 ft p:\...\hydrautics\lcmlowpointsag fm2 1/2/2003 1:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. Dokken Engineering ^^'''^'^ ^"^'""S^ 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 ^'^^'^^^^^ ^^14o] FlowMaster Output Type C-2 Inlet In Sag (N G1 100-yr) Project Descnption Worksheet Type Solve For Combination Inlet for Overfiow to (Gl lOOyr) Combination Inlet In Sag Spread Input Data Discharge Local Depression Locat Depression Width Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Cross Slope Curb Opening Length Opening Height Curb Throat Type Grate Width Grate Length Grate Type Clogging 40.12 cfs 4.0 in 1.50 ft 1.50 ft 0.083333 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 26.00 ft 0.50 ft Horizontal 1.50 fl 2.83 ft P-50 mm (P-1-7/8") O.Q % Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread Throat Incline Angle Depth Gutter Depression Total Depression Open Grate Area Active Grate Weir Length 25.59 ft 90.00 degrees 0.61 ft 1.1 in 5.1 in 3.8 ft2 5.83 ft Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering p\ .\hydraulics\lcmlowpointsag.fm2 Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614o] 1/2/2003 1:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury. CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Pagel INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G2 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. ft 340.70 Description Type C-2 (mod) in sag Area ac 16.63 0.8 1650 76.8 Tc mm 7.64 in/hr 5.01 Q cfs 66.68 0.33 Req'd L ft 34 Ctr curb ft' 17.00 Curb 0.5 CONCLUSION: Because d is undefineable using Chart 13 from Appendix A and the Req'd L exceeds the max mum (30'), FlowMaster is used " as a third analysis. At a depth of .61 ft from the gufter flow line, the 50-yr Q would overtop the crown of LCM and fiow to N Gl 44.35 cfs would be gathered by N G2 with a 30' curb opening length before the overtopping, leaving 22.33 cfs to be picked uo by N G1 (,n addition to the 5.90 cfs it already must collect). A 12' Inlet at N Gl would be required to gather 28 23 cfs(22 33 ^ 5 90) for the 50-yr 0, however a 26' Intet would be required for the 100-yr 0 (see 100-yr calculations). Note: the elevation of the crown in th.s area is approximately equal to the top of curb, therefore the 100-yr flow is collected after topping the crown and reaching the top of curb. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H l = 7.44xP6xTc-^^ Required L = Q / 2 where 0 is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Ctear curb Area = Lx.5' d = depth of ftow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening intet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soi! Group C, Industrial, 80% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G2 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Type C-2 (mod) in sag Area ac 16.63 0.8 1650 76.8 Tc 7,64 in/hr 5.81 Q cfs 77.35 0.33 30 Clr curb ft^ 15.00 Curb 0.5 Q cfs 0.00 Qtot cfs 77.35 CONCLUSION: Because d is undefineable using Chart 13 from Appendix A and the Req'd L exceeds the maximum (30') FlowMaster is used as a third analysis. At a depth of .61 ft from the gutter flow line, the 100-yr Q would overtop the crown of LCM and ftow to N HG1 44.35 cfs would be gathered by N G2 before the overtopping, leaving 33.00 cfs to be picked up by N Gl (in addition to the 6 84 ' Cfs It already must collect). A 26' Inlet would be required to gather 40.12 cfs(33.00 . 7.12) without further topping the crown or top of curb for the 100-yr 0. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] l = 7.44xPsxTc^^ Required L = 0 / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = Lx ,5' d = depth of ftow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 80% Impervious FlowMaster Output Type C-2 Inlet In Sag (N G2 Capacity Check) Project Description Worksheet Type Solve For Combination Inlet (G2) Combination Inlet In Sag Spread Input Data Discharge Local Depression Local Depression Width Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Cross Slope Curb Opening Length Opening Height Curb Throat Type Grate Width Grate Length Grate Type Clogging 44.35 cfs 4.0 in 1.50 ft 1.50 ft 0.083330 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 30.00 ft 0.50 ft Horizontal 1.50 ft 2.83 ft P-50 mm (P-1-7/8") 0.0 % Options Calculation Option Use Both Resufts Spread Throat Incline Angle Depth Gutter Depression Total Depression Open Grate Area Active Grate Weir Length 26.00 ft 90.00 degrees 0.61 ft 1.1 in 5.1 in 3.8 ft2 5.83 ft Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering pA \hydraulics\lcmlowpointsag,fm2 Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [6140] 1/2/2003 1:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury. CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Stnrm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G5 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. CONCLUSION: d is conservatively interpolated. Wtr Surf. Elev. > Top of Opening, but remains in the pond created by the 338' contour tine in the grading (see Hydrology Map). Therefore, the Type F Catch Basin acts as an orifice and intercepts 100% of the 50-yr Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [(11.9xL^)/H]^«^, |=7.44xPsxTc- Q = CxlxA Qbyp = Flow passed on from N J2 C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 80% Impervious Clear curb Length = (2 x 3') = 6' for 2 openings Clr curb Area ft"^ 3.88 16.2 Clr curb Length ft 6.00 Wtr Surf. El. ft 337.45 in 9.0 Top of Opening ft 336.85 1.35 Clear curb Area = 2 x [ ( 2 x 1/2 x 2.5" x 1,5') + ( 6.5" x 3') ] = 3.875 f^ for 2 openings INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Stnrm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G5 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. CONCLUSION: d is conservatively interpolated. Wtr Surf. Elev. > Top of Opening, but remains in the pond created by the 338' contour line in the grading (see Hydrology Map). Therefore, the Type F Catch Basin acts as an orifice and intercepts 100% of the 100-yr Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ] l = 7.44xp6xTc'"^ Q = Cxl xA Qbyp= Flow passed on from N J2 C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 60% Impen/ious Clr curb Area 3.88 'oyp cfs 17.73 Clr curb Length ft 6.00 Wtr Surf. El. 17.4 ft 9.0 337.55 Top of Opening ft 336.85 Qtot cfs 35.59 1.45 51 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G5.8 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL Et. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y v a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft ft ^ 274+66-71, 70:50' RT 344.81 Type B-1 on grade 1.15 1.00 1412 54.2 7.30 5.16 5.95 2.0 0.37 3.7 0.33 15 CONCLUSION: Required L (=15') will intercept 100% of the 50-year 0. EQUAIlONSi Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L') / H l = 7.44xp6xTc'^^ Q=CxIxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x (a -t- y )' ^) = 30" maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line G Node: N G5.8 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location ._274+66.7T', 70.50'kr FL Et, ft 344.81 Description Type B-1 on grade Area ac 1.15 0,95 1412 54.2 Tc min 7.30 in/hr 5.99 0 cfs 6.56 2.0 CONCLUSION: Inlet L (=15') designed for the 50-year storm witt intercept 6.74 cfs of the 100-year Q. 0.38 cfs 0.18 fps 3.8 Qtot cfs 6,74 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11,9 x L^) / H ] l=7,44xP6xTc^^ 0 = C X I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = vetocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qi = 0.7 X L (a-i-y)' ^ Qbyp = bypass from prevtous intet, Qbypass - bypass leaving this inlet 0.33 Qi cfs 6.28 15 Q bypass cfs 0.28 5. DRAINAGE 5.2 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM G 5.2.4 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 5.2.4 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATION: STORM LINE G and related laterals Link - ID Description Shape Mat! Length N s Dia Q ft ft/ft ft cfs ^^Gicdila^M 6SdHcrete SDG 2 30" RCP Circular Concrete 35.35 0.012 4.13 2.5 40.12 SDG 4 24" RCP Circular Concrete 39.66 0.012 0.86 2 35.59 mmm SDG 5a 48" RCP Circular Concrete 138.43 0.012 0.5 4 120.06 m26m Normal Normal Critical Critical Capacity Upstream Link - ID Depth Velocity Depth Velocity Junction Loss ft fps ft fps cfs ft SDG 2 1.17 17.85 2.13 9 90.3 1.04 SDG 4 2 11.62 1.93 11.47 22.69 1.99 SDG 5a 4 9.8 3.3 10.83 109.86 0 o V, i Q '<• 'i Go s •" "' Ij,-. ••.^i?"' STORM DRAIN SYSTEM H Prepared For: City of Carlsbad 4^ Jz Jv 4^ SDHl DOKKEN NOINEERINB mUECriHIWBEft MUEEf flMMEEII /C Bradbury J Hubbard OETMSBt G Parker are January 200 J RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH, PHASE 2 •TORH DRAIN •YSTIM H HYDRAULIC •CHBMATIC 5.3 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM H 5.3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The existing storm drain system H (SDH) consists of one inlet in sump taking in runoff from parts of the industrial parking lot north of LCM (see location 3.02 on existing hydrology map). Runoff from this area is then discharged via a 3-18" RCP modified curb outlet to the gutter along existing RSF. Flow is then conveyed southerly to another existing inlet located on the east side of RSF in a sag location. 5.3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Due to the westerly shift of the proposed RSF in this area, it would be more difficult to connect SDG to the proposed drainage system m RSF (See System I). Instead, the 3-18" RCP's will be extended by approximately 15' and outlet with a straight headwall (modified for 3 pipes) and directed over a riprap pad. Discharged flows will sheet flow overland into the Type F Catch Basin in System G. 60 5. DRAINAGE 5.3 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM H 5.3.3 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line H Node: N HI P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. CONCLUSION: See 5.3.4 for hydraulic capacity. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H | = 7.44xP5xTc'"^ C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 80% Impen/ious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line H Node: N H1 UL. 1 iivm 1 i- Location FL El. Oescription Area C L H Tc 1 O ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 337.57 Concrete Pipe Collar (3) 2.90 0.80 868 54.4 5.00 6.59 15.28 P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 337.57 Concrete Pipe Collar (3) 2.90 0.80 868 54.4 5.00 7.64 17.73 CONCLUSION: See 5.3.4 for hydraulic capacity, EQUATIONS: Tc = [(11.9xL^)/H]^^^ I =7.44x PgxTc C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 80% Impen/ious 5. DRAINAGE 5.3 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM H 5.3.4 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 5.3.4 100-YEAR HYDRAUUC COMPUTATION: STORM LINE H Unk - ID Description Shape MatI Length N S Dia Q ft ft/ft ft cfs ^Concrete! Normal Normal Critical Critical Capacity Upstream Link-ID Depth Velocity Depth Velocity Junction Loss ft fps ft fps cfs ft 5.4 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM I 5.4.1 EXISTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Storm drain system I (SDI) drains large undeveloped areas north of the commercial / industrial properties along LCM and east of RSF. These flows are collected in an east-west open channel and into a 42" pipe at RSF. Piped flows converge with those collected from the west half of RSF, residential properties west of RSF and north of MD, and the north half of MD. These flows are conveyed in curb & gutter in MD, storm drain systems in the residential properties, and AC dike along RSF. Street flows in MD and RSF are collected by a grate inlet with an AC spillway and apron set off the roadway EP. Collected flows are directed southeriy across MD in a 60" pipe to converge with flows collected from the south half of MD and the residential properties west of Corintia Street (CS) and east of Alga Road. Flows are conveyed in curb & gutter to curb inlets along MD on continuous grade and to inlets in a sump in CS. Flows combined into a 54" pipe in the south side of MD and converge with the previous mentioned 60" pipe into a 72" pipe and discharge southeriy to a lined open channel east of the VWD treatment plant and west of RSF. The open channel crosses a VWD access road and discharges final flows to the San Marcos Creek 5.4.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The east-west open channel described above will be paved over in a future roadway project, but at the time of this report, it is assumed to be in use. Regardless, the 42" pipe draining this area is sufficient to handle current and future flows. No improvements are planned for RSF north of the intersection with MD. This is a temporary roadway tie-in and flows on the east half will flow southeriy to the RSF low point which is a part of this system. Flows on the west half will continue westeriy along MD to the low point located on the north half of the roadway. A new inlet will be located here that will tie-in into the existing 60" line undemeath the new MD alignment. Since new MD is in a slight fill condition. A temporary inlet will be placed outside the right-of-way to collect flows generated between the existing residential development and the road. Flows in the south half of MD are conveyed to the southeriy low point which is actually the CS tie-in to MD. Collection of the low point occurs in CS with an inlet on either side. The westeriy inlet is larger due to larger fiows from MD and the northerly residential development off CS. These collected flows are conveyed southeriy on a 36" that will tie-into the existing pipe and manhole located in existing MD. Flows converge into a 54" pipe running parallel to existing MD. Though the pavement in existing MD will be removed and the area regarded, the direction of underground flows will maintain current alignments. The existing 60" 63 line undemeath new MD will change to an up-sized 66" pipe just southwest of the MD / RSF intersection. In this location, along RSF, a 4' Type B inlet is located with a reach of slotted drain that will tie-into the 66" line to the west. This inlet is needed as RSF goes through a super- elevated reversal and the westerly draining roadway surface approaches a 0% cross slope. The small amount of roadway generated mnoff must be collected prior to crossing the width of the traveled road to the median. Flows in the 66" pipe will converge with the flows in the 54" pipe utilizing a City of Carisbad Transition Stmcture No. 2. Exiting flows will be conveyed in an 84" pipe to a major channel. Flows to the RSF low point, both on the east and west side will be collected by Type B-2 inlets and piped to the same discharge point as the 84" pipe previously described. Both discharging pipes have wing type headwalls and some blending of the concrete channels will be required. Combined flows will tie-into an existing open channel just north of an existing VWD access road crossing to their Meadow Lark treatment facility. 64 5v 5. DRAINAGE 5.4 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM I 5.4.3 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 11 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 0 a Req'd L Cir curb Area Curb Ht. d ^ 279+24.66 BSF 58.50'RT ft Type B-2 in sag ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft ^ 279+24.66 BSF 58.50'RT 337.72 Type B-2 in sag 4,85 0.8 1230 54.3 6.22 5.72 22.22 0.33 12 6.00 0.5 0.50 CONCLUSION: d is undefineable on Chart 13 in Appendix A, therefore FlowMaster is used to confirm a suitable d value. A d value of .50 is achieved with an intet length of 30" using FlowMaster (curb intet in sag analysis), therefore the Type B-2 Inlet will accept 100% of the 50-yr flow. See FlowMaster output next page. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ]^^^ I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, Q = C x I x A Required L *= Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Cartsbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area= Lx .5' d = depth of ftow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening intet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group C, Industrial, 80% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 11 P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q a L Clr curb r/w d Area line ft Type B-2 ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 337.72 in sag 4.85 0.8 1230 54.3 6.22 6.64 25.78 0.33 30 15.00 0.7 0.54 Conclusion: A d value of .54 is achieved with an inlet length of 30' using FlowMaster (curb inlet in sag analysis). .54 < r/w line, therefore the Type B-2 Inlet witt accept 100% of the 100-yr flow. See FlowMaster output next page. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, Q = CxlxA a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Ctear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of ftow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soit Group C, Industrial, 80% Impervious r/w tine = curb ht. -t-10 ft span at a 2% slope upward = .5 ft + .2 ft = .7 ft FlowMaster Output Type B-2 Inlet In Sag (N 11 50-yr) Project Description Worksheet N11 - 50yr Type Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 22.22 cfs Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Curb Opening Length 30.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Spread 20.35 ft Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Depth 0.50 ft Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in p:V.Ahydraulics\ni, curb inle..fm2 Dokken Engineering '"'"'RoXaster vsTfe''^ 10/15/2002 8:14 AM 6 Haestad Melhods. Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury. CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 FlowMaster Output Type B-2 Inlet In Sag (N 11 100-yr) Project Description Worksheet Type Solve For N 11 - lOOyr Curb Inlet In Sag Spread Input Data Discharge Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Cross Slope Curb Opening Length Opening Height Curb Throat Type Local Depression Local Depression Width 25.78 cfs 1.50 ft 0.083330 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 30.00 ft 0.50 ft Vertical 4.0 in 4.00 ft Results Spread Throat Incline Angle Depth Gutter Depression Total Depression 22.47 ft 0.00 degrees 0.54 ft 1.1 in 5.1 in p:\..,\hydrautics\n il curb intet.fm2 Dokken Engineering 10/15/2002 8:20 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Gl Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614o] (203) 755-1666 Pagel INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 12 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc 5 min. Location FL El. Description Areal Cl Ll HI Td 1 1 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 339.50 Type B-2 in sag 0.69 1.00 956 26.5 6.13 5.78 3.97 CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 02 CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. ac ft ft min in/hr cfs CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. 0.39 1.00 376 8.5 5.00 6.59 2.59 CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. Totat Area C Tc 1 Q1+Q2 Qguller Qtot a Req'd L Clr curb Area Curb HL d CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs ft ft n' ft ft CONCLUSION: The larger area is more influenciat, therefore the Tc and 1 calculated for the larger area wilt be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. 1.08 1.00 6.13 5.78 6.24 0.08 6.16 0 4 2.00 0.5 0.67 EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645. Q = C x I x A Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curiD elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soii Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qgutter = Flow Contained by gutter at top of cross stope, see gutter capacity for N 12.3 INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 12 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL Et. Description Areal Cl Ll HI Tc1 1 1 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs 339.50 Type B-2 in sag 0.69 1.00 956 26.5 6.13 6.70 4.61 0.00 CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 1 2 Q2 QbvD CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. 0.39 1.00 376 8.5 5,00 7.64 3,00 0,00 CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Total Area C Tc i Q1+Q2 Qgutter Qtot a Req'd L Ctr curb Area curb height d CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. ac min in/hr cfs cfs cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft CONCLUSION: The larger area is more inftuencial, therefore the Tc and t calculated for the larger area will be used in the analysis. Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 5' curb opening is utilized with 600.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. 1.08 1.00 6.13 6.70 7,24 0.08 7.16 0 4 2,00 0,50 0.46 EQUATIONS: Tc = [(11,9xL^)/H]^^^ I = 7,44 X P6 X TC-.645, Q=CxlxA a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x ,5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Qgutter ^ Flow contained by gutter at top of cross slope, see gutter capacity for N 12.3 Project: N 12 Slotted CSP Drain from 276+23 to 282+26 LT (08:05:19 on 01/06/03) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Deptih INPUTS circular section flow rate 7.16 cfs pipe dieutieter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.020000 Manning coefficient 0.0240 REStJLTS critical depth 1.04 ft normal depth 1.10 ft -> flow is subcritical (Yn > Yc) critical velocity 5.50 ft/sec critical top width 1.39 ft critical area 1-30 sq. ft critical slope 2.337977E-02 normal velocity 5.15 ft/sec normal top width 1.32 ft normal area 1.39 sq. ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 12.3 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEI. Description Areal Cl Ll HI Tcl 11 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ISFSISB" LT 339.95 Type B-2 in sag 0.11 0.85 444 6.1 5.00 6.59 0.64 Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 Q2 ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 0.08 0.85 307 4.1 5.00 6.59 0.44 Total Area C Tc 1 Qtot a Req'd L Ctr curb Area Curb Ht. d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 0.19 0.85 5.00 6.59 1.08 0.33 1 0.50 0.5 0.20 I J — \ — • k.... .1,. .yii, ,ui ti I jr^ti i_i II lici; This intet receives onty gutter flow, therefore the gutter capacity is what dictates the amount of ftow intercepted by this inlet, see next page for gufter capacity analysis. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H 1 = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, 0 = C x I x A Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of ftow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soii Group D, Industrial, 80% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 12.3 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL EL Description Areal 01 Ll HI Tcl 11 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs 339.95 Type B-2 in sag 0.11 0.85 444 6.1 5.0O 7.64 0.74 0.00 Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 02 QbVD ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs 0.08 0.85 307 4.1 5.00 7.64 0.51 0.00 Total Area C Tc 1 Qtot a L Clr curb Area curb heighl d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 0.19 0.85 5.00 7.64 1.25 0.33 4 2.00 0.87 0.22 this intet receives onty gutter flow, therefore the gutter capacity is what dictates the amount of ftow intercepted by this inlet, see next page for gutter capacity analysis. no FlowMaster Output Gutter Capacity for N 12.3 Project Description Worksheet N 12.3 Gutter Type Gutter Section Solve For Discharge Input Data Slope 0.001600 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Spread 1.50 ft Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Results Discharge 0.08 cfs Flow Area 0.1 ft^ Depth 0.12 ft Gutter 1.1 in Depression Velocity 0.86 ft/s Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering p:\...\hydrautics\n i2.3 gutter capacity Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614o] 10/15/2002 8:17 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page l Project: SDI2.5 - Minor Drainage Channel from 278+45 to 278+55 LT (16:20:09 on 01/02/03) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS trapezoidal section flow rate 33.02 cfs bottom width 1.00 ft side slope of trapezoidal section 1.500 slope of invert or channel bottom 0.100000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 1.68 ft normal depth 0.83 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 5.61 ft/sec critical top width 6.03 ft critical area 5,89 sq. ft critical slope 4.625894E-03 normal velocity 17.72 ft/sec normal top width 3.49 ft normal area 1.86 sq. ft 17 Project: SDI4b - Major Drainage Channel from 277+90 to 278+85 LT (16:24:28 on 01/02/03) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS trapezoidal section flow rate 649.23 cfs bottom width 9.00 ft side slope of trapezoidal section 1.500 slope of invert or channel bottom 0.024000 Manning coefficient 0.0160 RESULTS critical depth 4.27 ft normal depth 2.45 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 9.86 ft/sec critical top width 21.82 ft critical area 65.86 sq. ft critical slope 2.997023E-03 normal velocity 20.89 ft/sec normal top width 16.35 ft normal area 31.08 sq. ft 1 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node; N 13.1 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location .•2824-ffi9fi ^: 58150^;^! FL EL ft 343.74 Description Type B-1 on grade Area 0.30 1.00 634 11.3 Tc 5.30 in/hr 6.35 Q cfs 1.91 3.2 0.24 fps 3.7 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 165.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H l = 7.44xP6xTc^^ Q = Cx Ix A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x (a + y)' ^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, industrial, 100% Impervious 0.33 Req'd L ft INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 13.1 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q S y V a Req'd L ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs % ft fps ft 343.74 Type B-1 on grade 0.30 1.00 634 11.3 5.30 7.36 2.22 3.2 0.25 3.8 0.33 CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 165.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% ofthe 100-year Q, EQUATIONS: Tc = f (11.9 x L^ W H 1^^ QbVD Qtot Qi Qbvoass CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 165.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% ofthe 100-year Q, EQUATIONS: Tc = f (11.9 x L^ W H 1^^ cfs cfs cfs cfs CONCLUSION: Due to a limited allowance for ponded width, a 4' curb opening is utilized with 165.0' of slotted CSP drain to intercept 100% ofthe 100-year Q, EQUATIONS: Tc = f (11.9 x L^ W H 1^^ 0.00 2.22 2.47 0.00 Q = C X I X A y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-O of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a + y )'^) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious Project: N 13.1 Slotted CSP Drain from 282+16 to 283+76 LT (07:35:20 on 01/06/03) DAR Open Channel Flow Analysis & Design (Version 4.00): Normal/Critical Depth INPUTS circular section flow rate 2.22 cfs pipe diameter 1.50 ft slope of invert or channel bottom 0.032000 Manning coefficient 0.0240 RESULTS critical depth 0.56 ft normal depth 0.48 ft -> flow is supercritical (Yc > Yn) critical velocity 3.66 ft/sec critical top width 1.45 ft critical area 0.61 sq. ft critical slope 1.695337E-02 normal velocity 4.61 ft/sec normal top width 1.40 ft normal area 0.48 sq. ft n6 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System; Storm Drain Line I Node: N 114 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Areal Cl Ll H1 Tcl 1 1 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 349.38 Type B-2 in sag 0.71 0.9 518 27.6 5.00 6.59 4.19 Area2 02 L2 H2 Tc2 1 2 Q2 ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 1.56 0.8 505 26.6 5.00 6.59 8.19 Total Area C Tc I Qtot a Req'd L Clr curb Area Curb Ht. d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 2.26 0.831 5,00 6.59 12.39 0.33 7 3.50 0,5 0.65 A required L (=12') wilt be used to obtain a d of ,48 ft, to give d < curb ht and 100% interception of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x ) / H ] I = 7.44 x P6 x Tc-.645, Q = C x I x A Required L = Q / 2 where 0 is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Ctear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening intet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 114 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Areal Cl Ll H1 Tcl 11 Ql Qbvo ft ac ft ft mtn in/hr cfs cfs MD'66.93' FTT 349.38 Type B-2 in sag 0.71 0.9 518 27.6 5.00 7.64 4.86 0.00 Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 Q2 QbVB ac tt ft min in/hr cfs cfs 1.56 0.8 505 26.6 5.00 7.64 9.51 0.00 Total Area C Tc I Qtot a L Clr curb Area r/w line d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 2.26 0,831 5.00 7.64 14.37 0.33 12 6.00 0.70 0.53 CONCLUSION: d < r/w line, therefore the Inlet L (-12') designed for the 50-year storm witl intercept 100% of the lOO-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = f ( 11.9 x L^) / H I I = 7.44 x P6 x Tc-.645, Q = CxtxA a - depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Locat Depression" for curb inlets Ctear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump tocations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious r/w tine = curb fit -t-10 ft span at a 2% slope upward = .5 ft + ,2 ft = .7 ft INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 120 P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. ULTIMATE: Location FL Et. Description Areal Cl Ll HI Tcl 11 Ql ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs 12+10.71 CS 22.50* LT 348.24 Type B-2 in sag 0.31 1 646 15.8 5.00 8.59 2.07 Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 Q2 ac ft ft min in/hr Cfs 0.74 1 488 15.8 5.00 6.59 4.85 Total Area C Tc 1 Qtot a Req'd L Ctr curb Area Curb Ht. d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 1.05 1 5.00 6.59 6.92 0.33 4 2.00 0.5 0.75 CONCLUSION: d > curb ht., therefore the required L (=4') wilt not intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. A required L (=8') witt be used to obtain a d of .45 ft, to give d < curb ht. and 100% interception of the 50-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x L^) / H I = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, Q = C x I x A Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5" d = depth of ftow to intet opening based on Chart 13 "CuriD-opening inlet capacity in sump tocations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Industrial, 100% Impen'ious INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 120 ULTIMATE: Pe= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FL El. Description Areal Cl Ll HI Tcl 1 1 Ql Qbvo ft ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs 348.24 Type B-2 in sag 0.31 1 646 15.8 5.00 7.64 2.40 0.00 Area2 C2 L2 H2 Tc2 12 Q2 Qbvo ac ft ft min in/hr cfs cfs 0.74 1 488 15.8 5.00 7.64 5.62 0.00 Total Area C Tc 1 Qtot a L Clr curb Area r/w line d ac min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft ft 1.05 1 5.00 7.64 8.02 0.33 8 4.00 0.70 0.48 CONCLUSION: d < r/w line, therefore the tntet L (=8") designed for the 50-year will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ ( 11.9 x L^) / H ^^^^^ I = 7.44 x P6 xTc-.645, Q = CxlxA a = depth of depression per City of Cartsbad DS-1 "Loca! Depression" for curb inlets Ctear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soit Group D, Industrial, 100% Impervious r/w line = curb ht. + 10 ft span at a 2% slope upward = .5 ft + .2 tt = .7 ft 11 INLET ANALYSIS: 50 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 122 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location 12+10.71 CS 22.50' Rrr FL Et. ft 348.24 Description Type B-2 in sag Area ac 5.91 0.55 ft 1005 H ft 41.8 Tc min 5.44 in/hr 6.24 Q cfs 20.28 ft 0.33 Req'd L ft 11 Clr curb Area ft' 5.50 Curb Ht. ft CONCLUSION: Because d is undefinable using Chart 13 from Appendix A, FlowMaster was used to produce the required intet length. An inlet L (=28') will be used to obtain a d of .49 ft, to give d < curb ht. and 100% interception of the 50-year Q. See FlowMaster output next page. EQUATIONS: Tc = [ (11.9 x L^) / H ]•^^ 1 = 7.44 x P6 x TC-.645, Q = C x I x A Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation a = depth of depression per City of Cartsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capaciiy in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soit Group D, Singie Family 0.5 INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line I Node: N 122 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.9 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location FLEL Description Area C L H Tc 1 Q a L Clr curb r/w d ac ft ft min in/hr cfs Area line •".latia?!-. ft Type B-2 ac ft ft min in/hr cfs ft ft ft^ ft 348.24 in sag 5.91 0.55 1005 41.8 5.44 7.23 23.53 0.33 16 8.00 0.7 - of the 100-year Q, see FlowMaster output next page. EQUATIONS: Tc ^ f ( 11.9 x L^) / H V^. I = 7.44 x P6 xTc-.645, Q = CxtxA a = depth of depression per City of Carisbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets Clear curb Area = L x .5' d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "CuriD-opening inlet capacity tn sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No.12 C = Soil Group D, Single Family r/w line = curb ht. + 10 ft span at a 2% slope upward = .5 ft + .2 ft = .7 ft FlowMaster Output Type B-2 Inlet In Sag (N 122 50-yr) Project Description Worksheet Type Solve For N 122 {50-yr) Curb Inlet In Sag Spread Input Data Discharge 20.28 cfs Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 n/n Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 n Results Spread 19.87 ft Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Depth 0.49 ft Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in p:\...\hydrautics\n i22 inlet capacity.fm2 10/16/2002 2:13 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. Dokken Engineering 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer; Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [6l4o] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 FlowMaster Output Type B-2 Inlet In Sag (N 122 100-yr) Project Descnption Worksheet N 122 (100-yr) Type Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 23.53 cfs Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Spread 21.94 ft Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Depth 0.53 ft Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in , ^ ,. , .^n- , Project Engineer: Dokken Engineering p:\...\hydraul)cs\n i22 tntet capacity.fm2 Dokken Engineering FlowMaster v6 1 [614o] 10/16/2002 2:13 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 ' Page 1 ^0 5. DRAINAGE 5.4 STORM DRAEN SYSTEM I 5.4.4 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 5.4.4 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATION: STORM LINE I and related laterals Link - ID Description Shape MatI Length N S Dia Q H % tt cts SDI 1 24''RCP Circular)" fConcrete^ - 64.67 0.012 0.49 r. - • 2 25.78 e. SDI 2a 36" RCP Circular Concrete 35.77 0.012 0.84 3 32.94 SDI 2br • Circutaf'.* Cwrarete 48.79 ,0012' . MI'#o;6ai^i='% *C3 * SDI 2.5 MINOR DRAIN CHANNEL n/a n/a 24.64 0.012 11.93 3 33.02 MINOR^RAti^HANNEL SDI 3 84" RCP Circular Concrete 150 0.012 1.59 7 616.21 rCOTcretflv i#aoi2^ SDI 3a EX 66" RCP Circular Concrete 42.55 0.012 2.02 5.5 337.94 l^^;Clrc'ularl1-#J0.Ot2^ SDI 4a MAJOR DRAIN CHANNEL n/a n/a 37.62 0.012 2.34 3 616.21 DRAIN CHANNEt •^63v51^ MOI^ mwm SDI 6 18" RCP Circular Concrete 28.67 0.012 2.93 1.5 0.08 ^f;l2^RC^^ ^^;40;5|^-t SDI 22 36" RCP Circular Concrete 13.28 0.012 3.24 3 31.55 ^iA:73U-^•t^;o:oi^ SD EXI a EX 60" RCP Circular Concrete 190.8 0.012 0.77 5 218.37 . Circular' ; Concrete; , ^ 87.03 0.012;- SD EX2 EX 60" RCP Circular Concrete 110.92 0.012 0.22 5 232.74 •Circular Concrete . , 213.55^ 'V0.012P-" SD EX3 EX 42" RCP Circular Concrete 234.03 0.012 1.91 35 105.2 'llfGifcular^^i iConcret^ ^%?40:93r# SD EX20 EX 18" RCP Circular Concrete 3.69 0.012 7.04 1.5 5 ^i:E)e48^RC«:^'^ /^COTcrete .^,443.26 0.012*^ 5!i|24S.£^ SD EX22 EX 54" RCP Circular Concrete 424.58 0.012 1.39 4.5 276.05 •fti-.^Circul£tf^| tConCTete;' ^51.67 . - 0.012* Link-ID Normal Depth Normal Velocity Critical Depth Critical Velocity Capacity upstream Junction Loss tn 1 ft fps ft fps cfs ft tn 1 tn 1 SDI 2a 1.5 9.35 1.86 7.14 66.18 0.32 tn 1 |4%-1.8#^ tn 1 SDI 2.5 0.69 23.37 1.68 5.61 881.67 0.08 tn 1 1.68^V c:^5.6i r ~:334.9^n i5^'t>Ycry;'^-'., tn 1 SDI 3 4.34 24.6 6.32 16.85 873.57 1.06 tn 1 ' 0.56. 3.66 « • Ji 23.0R, - tn 1 SDI 3a 3.24 23.2 4.97 14.96 517.19 1.86 tn 1 SDl 3bf* ' "-r 3^7-' 4.98 ^*;.t5.04. . --514.037^ tn 1 SDI 4a 2.05 24.92 3 15.22 1235.28 0.58 tn 1 -'^SDI 4b'-i.'-"- '--2.2r ' '3 ^ - 16.03' '-1137.65* tn 1 SDI 6 0.07 2.7 0.09 1.74 19.48 0 tn 1 SD(21 ^. ^ - t4a-9.75 1.72 .8.18 27.23 , 0.87 • tn 1 SDI 22 1.01 15.16 1.82 7.02 130 0.07 tn 1 SDI 40" . . A * • 0.73 16.71 1.39 8.4 29.8. ' > 1.03 tn 1 SD EXI a 3.65 14.23 4.2 12.41 247,65 1.92 tn 1 SD EXIb 0.82 6.87 1.04 4.85 247.58 0.27 tn 1 SD EX2 5 12.16 4.31 12.94 131.24 0.5 tn 1 SD EX2.5 3.38 -16.49 < - 4.31 12.94 = 291.54?^^ \ '••''v0.2^--:-'3' tn 1 SD EX3 2.16 16.92 3.12 11.6 150.46 0.13 tn 1 SD EX3.5 2.18 16.66 . ';:3.12 -11.6 ,147.54^ ,' ti-'^" 2.09: tn 1 SD EX20 0.41 12.64 0.86 4.77 30.19 0,12 tn 1 SD EX21 4 19.96.':; 3.93 : 19.53 216.12 =y8.44 tn 1 SD EX22 4,5 17.81 4.34 17.55 251.13 0 tn 1 ,SO EX23 0.96 16.26>; ? 1.82 7.02 •143.22 0.1 tn 1 APPENDIX A REFERENCES: MAPS & CHARTS PAGE Al DESCRIFTION Hydrologic Classification of Soils for project area REFERENCED FROM San Diego County Soils Interpretation Study Map, Figure B-3 Dated 1986 A2 100-Year 6-Hour Precipitation County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, Dated 1993 A3 Runoff Coefficients (Rational Method) County of San Diego Design and Procedure, Dated 1993 A4 Gutter and Roadway Discharge - Velocity Chart County of San Diego Design and Procedure, Dated 1993 A5 Curb-opening Inlet Capacity in Sump Locations Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No. 12, Chart 13-dated 1984 W. , H 3 W 18 iLrE I ) TOO OOO rcrr 7 ^GQE AtE Ga£ HrE2 HrC AlC ,0 CmE2 B D RaC D ExE HrC2 30 •V. Smf SnG ExG. SnG HrD2 31 ^1 AtC: AtD )HrC2, LvF3 HrD2 AtE AN ;ijf?r UJ D AtD2> 'RuG AtE2 c LeC2' HI 0 5r^E . i OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD COflTROL C 100-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION "-20-/ ISOPLUVIALS PRECIPITATION IN OF lOO-YEAR 6-HOUR TENTHS OF AN INCH Pftp U.S. DEPARTMEN SPECIAL STUDIES DRANCH. OFFICE OF It 30' _ d by r OF COMMERCE ^f'V^^''^ OCtAKlC AND AT,^JoSPItCHIC ADMINISTRATION DROLOCV. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) DEVELOPED AREAS (URBAN) Coefficient. C Soil Group Land Use Residential: Comnnercial 80% Impervious Industrial 90% Impervious B D Single Famtly .40 .45 .50 .55 Multi-Units .45 .50 .60 .70 Mobile Homes .45 .50 .55 .65 Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) .30 .35 .40 .45 ,70 .75 .80 .85 ,80 .85 .90 .95 NOTES: Soil Group maps are available at the offices of the Department of Public Works. Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0,50. For example: Consider commercia! property on D soil group. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = 0.85 = 0.53 80 J APPENDIX IX Updated 4/93 _ n > .0173 RCSIDENTIAL STREET ONE SIDE ONLY 30 40 50 Given' Q.= 10 S = 2.5% Chort gf«M: D«pth = 0.4, Velocity = 4.4 ip.s. SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN M A N^ L APPROVED A V, GUTTER ANO ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART DATE APPENDIX X-D A A r < a. Ui O 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 DISCHARGE a (FT^/S) CHART 13. Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations. 40 50 60 APPENDIX B TECHNICAL REFERENCE: HYDRAULICS r 16.12 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations The methodology employed to by GEOPAK Drainage to compute the water surface profiles though a storm drain network is typical of any open channel water surface procedure. A backwater analysis is performed through the system beginning at the most downstream point (outlet) and progressing upstream to the most remote nodes. GEOPAK Drainage will compute the hydraulic grade line using gradually varied flow analysis in free surface flow conditions and pressure flow computations under full flow conditions. The resulting hydraulic gradeline represents the locus of elevations to which the water would rise if open to atmospheric pressure (e.g., piezometer tubes) along a pipe run and can is can be used to evaluate the adequacy ofthe design and identify areas where flooding occurs. Hydraulic = vVater Level Grade Line Piezometers 16-16 GEOPAK Drainage GEOPAK 98 16.12.1 Hydraulic Gradeline The hydraulic gradeline (HGL) procedure begins at the most downstream node (outlet) and proceeds upstream through each link in the same fashion. A starting HGL at this downstream point elevation must be defmed. The procedure for developing the HGL through a link of the network from dovmstream node to upstream node is as follows: Downstream EGL Downstream HGL AX Energy Gradeline (EGL) (HGL) uniform depth criticai depth 1. Beginning with the HGL at the downstream node (HGLi). the Energy Gradeline (EGLi) is computed from: EGL = HGL-^-— where: V = velocity at flow depth HGL (m/s) g = gravity (9.81) HGL = elevation of hydraulic gradeline Assuming a very small change in the energy and depth (Ay) compute the HGL2 from HGL2 = HGL1+ Ay 2. Determine the distance along the pipe (Ax) to create the Ay loss due to friction = Ax = SfAy where Sf = 0.5(Si+S2) 3. This procedure of computing HGL2 and the distance along the pipe proceeds until the end of the pipe has been reached yielding the HGL at the upstream end ofthe pipe. 4. The resuiting upstream HGL is subsequentiy used on the next upstream pipe as its starting downstream HGL. GEOPAK Drainage GEOPAK 98 Technlcal Reference 16-17 can altematively used the computed energy gradeline upstream as the starting downstream EGL on the next pipe upstream. This altemative method differs in that the EGL's upstream and downstream at a node are equal rather than the conventional assumption that the HGL's are equal. 5. If junction losses are desired they computed prior to progressing upstream and added to the hydraulic gradeline. 16.12.2 Special Considerations • If the starting HGL is less than critical depth then critical depth will be assimied. • If the HGL converges to equal the imiform depth the computations proceed to the upstream end at unifonn depth • Once the HGL reaches the soffit of the pipe full flow conditions begin. • Hydraulically steep pipes where uniform depth is less than the critical depth are checked with a backwater profile to verify if the resulting upstream HGL drowns out critical depth at the upstream end. If it does than the backwater profile is accepted. If the backwater curve does not exceed the critical depth, then a forewater profile is generated for this supercritical condition. A forewater profile uses the same procedure as above but progresses from the upstream end towards the downstream end. It begins at critical depth at the upstream end and converges towards unifonn depth as the calculafions proceed downstream. • HydrauUc jumps may occur when mixing supercritical and subcrifical water surface profiles. GEOPAK Drainage does not compute the exact location of a jump but will check if downstream subcritical depths have sufficient energy to force a supercritical profile to its conjugate depth thereby satisfying the conditions required for a jump to occur. Message will be appear indicating the existence of a jump. 16-18 GEOPAK Drainage GEOPAK 98 16.13 Junction Loss Methodologies Five junction loss methodologies are discussed: • Free surface transition losses • Pressure flow transition losses • Bend losses • Terminal inlet / jimction losses • Complex junction losses 16.13.1 Transition Losses - Free Surface The energy losses may be expressed in terms of the kinetic energy at the between the incoming and outgoing pipes: ^,=^,A(—) where Kt is the transition Loss Coefficient. H.^KX-^-^) forV2>V, H,^K,{-^-^)forW,>W2 where: Vl = upstream velocity V2 = downstream velocity / ."^ Ki = Loss Coefficient for expansion of contraction 16.13.2 Transition Losses - Pressure Flow The energy losses may be expressed in terms of the kinetic energy at the between the incoming and outgoing pipes: where Kt is the transition Loss CoefficienL ^t-f^iC \ )forV2>Vi 2g H,=KX^ ' )forVi>V2 2g GEOPAK 98 r Technical Reference 16-19 where: Vl = upstream velocity V2 = downstream velocity ^ ^ Kt = Loss Coefficient for expansion of contraction 16.13.3 Bend Losses Method 1 Bend losses may be estimated from the equation: V^ Hb=Kb — 2g Where the Kb can be estimated from the following table. K - Bend Loss Coefficient Degree of Turn at Bend 0.10 20 0.32 40 0.64 60 1.06 80 1.32 90 Method 2 Bend losses may be estimated from the equation: V^ H. = K,- Where the Kb can be estimated from the following table. K - Bend Loss Coefficient Degree of Turn at Bend 0.19 15 0.35 30 0.47 45 0.56 60 0.64 75 0.70 90 16-20 GEOPAK Drainage GEOPAK 98 16.13.4 Curve Losses Losses for curved pipe segments may be estimated from the equation: where: (J) = central angle of bend in degrees 16.13.5 Terminal Inlet/Junction Loss 2g where: V = Velocity at tenninal end of junction Kt = Loss Coefficient for terminal junction -\''^ 16.13.6 Complex Junctions Manhole losses in many cases comprise a significant percentage of the I overall losses v«thin a sewer system. Losses at junctions are dependent upon flow characteristics, junction geometry and relative sewer diameters. Method 1 Losses at junctions where one or more incoming laterals occur may be estimated by combining the laws of pressure plus momentum where Hj is equal to the junction losses. V^ GEOPAK 98 V / Technical Reference 16-21 \ How Row Using the laws of pressure plus momentum, the loss Hj can be estimated as follows: As As As cos 5 Method 2 Losses at junctions where one or more incoming laterals occur utilizes the principle of conservation of energy, involving position energy and momentum energy. The energy content of the inflows is equal to the energy content of the outflow plus any losses due to the collision and turbulence. The loss Hj can be estimated as follows: 16-22 GEOPAK Drainage fe7 GEOPAK98 where: Q = discharges V = horizontal velocities K - bend loss factor GEOPAK 98 ,^ Technical Reference 16-23 APPENDIX C RIPRAP DESIGN LOCATION A: Outlet for Storm Drain Line F to San Marcos Creek 1.) Description of Natural Creek: a. highly vegetated b. .6% slope c. > 80' top width d. trapezodlal shape 2.) Description of Outlet: a. 48" RCP b. conveying approximately 270 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout = 25.95 fps 3.) Conclusion: a. 3Do = 16 ft, La = 17 ft, Wd = 33 ft (dimensions adjusted due to physical constraints) b. d50 = 1.78 ft c. WT = Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ xy = {4/3){7i)(d50/2)^x 62.2 x 2.65 = 486.49 Ib, therefore Rock Class is 1/4 ton d. However, due to a Vout = 25.95 fps, Rock Class = 2 ton is recommended. e. Riprap T = 3 x dSOa ,on where dSOa ton = 2 [ (WT / 62.2 x y) x 3/47i therefore, T= 23.1' f. Required Filter Blanket: 2" crushed rock atop sand atop filter fabric LOCATION B: Outlet for Brow Ditch to San Marcos Creek 1. ) Description of Natural Creek: a. highly vegetated b. 0.6% slope c. > 80' top width d. trapezodial shape 2. ) Description of Outlet: a. 2' wide Type B Brow Ditch b. conveying approximately 8.62 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout= 10.75 fps // / 3.) Conclusion: a. 3Do= 6 ft. La = 12 ft, Wd= 18 ft b. d50 = 0.5 ft c. WT = Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ x 7 = (4/3)(7i)(d50/2)^ x 62.2 x 2.65 = 10.78 Ib, therefore Rock Class is No. 2 Backing d. However, due to a Vout = 10.75 fps, close proximity to bridge, and slope protection, Rock Class = 1/2 ton is recommended. e. Riprap T = 3 x d50i,2 ton where d50i;2 ton = 2 [ {WT / 62.2 x y) x 3/47T therefore, T = 14.6' f. Required Filter Blanket: 1" crushed rock atop sand atop filter fabric LOCATION C: Outlet for Brow Ditch from VWD Sewer Access Road 1. ) Description of Natural Creek: a. highly vegetated b. 30% slope c. > 50' top width d. trapezodial shape 2. ) Description of Outlet; a. 2' wide Type B Brow Ditch b. conveying approximately 1.13 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout = 4.77 fps 3.) Conclusion: a. 3Do = 6 ft, La = 12 ft, Wd = 18 ft b. d50 = 0.3 ft c. WT - Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ x y = (4/3){Ti)(d50/2)^ x 62.2 x 2.65 = 2.33 Ib, therefore Rock Class is No.2 Backing d. Vout - A.ll fps would be supported by Rock Class No. 2 Backing. e. Riprap T = 3 x dSO^o. 2 Backing where dSO^jo. 2 Backing = 2 [ (WT / 62.2 x y) x 3/47i therefore, T = 2.5' f. Required Filter Blanket: 1/4" crushed rock atop filter fabric (no sand) LOCATION D: Outlet for Storm Drain Line G to San Marcos Creek 1. ) Description of Natural Creek: a. highly vegetated b. 0.6% slope c. > 80' top width d. trapezodial shape 2. ) Description of Outlet: a. 48" RCP b. conveying approximately 126.34 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout = 10.32 fps 3.) Conclusion: a. b. c. d. e. 3Do - 12 ft. La = 24 ft, Wd - 36 ft d50 = 0.8 ft WT = Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ x y = (4/3)(7t)(d50/2)^ x 62.2 x 2.65 = 44.17 Ib, therefore Rock Class is between light and 1/4 ton However, due to a Vout = 9.98 fps, Rock Class = Light is considered, but due to proximity to bridge and slope protection, 1/2 ton is recommended. Riprap T = 3 x d50v4TON where d50v4 TON - 2 [ (WT / 62.2 x y) x 3/4T[ therefore, T = 14.5' Required Filter Blanket: 3/4" crushed rock atop sand atop filter fabric LOCATION E: Outlet for Storm Drain Line H 1. ) Description of Discharge Point: a. hydroseeded b. 0.8% slope c. > 20' top width d. trapezodial shape 2. ) Description of Outlet: a. 3-18" RCP b. conveying approximately 17.7 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout = 6.9 fps 3.) Conclusion: a. 3Do = 13.5 ft. La = 15 ft, Wd = 29 ft b. d50 = 0.6 ft c. WT = Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ x y = (4/3)(jt){d50/2)^ x 62.2 x 2.65 = 18.6 Ib, therefore Rock Class is No.2 Backing d. Vout = 6.9 fps is supported by No. 2 Backing. e. Riprap T = 3 x 650^0.2 Backing where dSO^o, 2 sacking = 2 [ (WT / 62.2 x y ) x 3/47t f"^ therefore, T = 4.3' f. Required Filter Blanket: 1/4" crushed rock atop filter fabric (no sand) LOCATION F: Outlet of watershed to Type F Catch Basin of Svstem G 1. ) Description of Natural Creek: a. Side of parking lot b. 3% slope c. < 20' top width d. parabolic shape 2. ) Description of Outlet: a. spillway b. conveying approximately 18 cfs c. Assume minimum tailwater conditions d. Vout = 8.8 fps 3.) Conclusion: a. 3Do = 9 ft. La = 12 ft, Wd = 21 ft, however due to existing topography and limited space due to the parking lot, recommended riprap pad dimensions are as follows: 3Do= 5 ft. La = 15 ft, Wd ^ 5 ft b. d50 = 0.45 ft 0. WT = Volume x 62.2 Ib/ft^ x y = (4/3)(7r)(d50/2)^ x 62.2 x 2.65 = 7.86 Ib, therefore Rock Class is No.2 Backing d. Due to a Vout = 8.8 fps, Rock Class = Facing is recommended. e. Riprap T = 3 x d50,ac,ng where d50,acing = 2 [ (WT / 62.2 x y) x 3/4Tt therefore, T = 5.4' f. Required Filter Blanket; 3/8" crushed rock atop sand atop filter fabric (no sand) 7.54 Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook Outlet 100 200 Discharge, ft^/sec 1 1 1—i II IIII 1 1 1 llllll 1 1—H 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 25 Discharge, m^/sec Fig. 7.45 Design of riprap outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full; minimum tailwater conditions. (6, 14) REFERENCE; Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (Goldman, Jackson, & Burszlynsky) 200-1.6 Stone for Riorao [Pg. 37) Add: "The individual classes of rocks used in slope protection shall conform to Table 20O-l.6(B). PERCENTAGE LARGER THAN Table 200-1.6{B1 CLASSES ROCK srzES 2 TON 1 TON 1/2 TON 1/4 TON NO. 2 BACK- ING NO. 3 BACK- ING * TON 0.3 2 TON 30-ICO 0.3 1 TON »-100 30-100 0-3 1/2 TON 30-100 0.3 1/4 TON 95-100 30-100 200 LS «-ioo 73 Lfl 95-100 OJ 25 LB 23-73 0-5 5LB 90-100 23-75 1 LS 90-100 The arnount of material smaller than the smallest size listed in the table for any class of rock slope protection shall not exceed the percentage limit listed in the table determined on a weight basis. Compliance with the percentage liinit shown in the table for all other sizes of the individual pieces of any class of rock slope protection shall be determined by the ratio of the number of individual pieces larger than the smallest size listed in the table for that class also pertaining to 200-1.6.1. 2 200-1.5,1 Selection of Riprap and Filter Blanket Hateri al Table 200-1.6.1(A) Vei. Fl/Sec (I) Rock <2) Riptsp Thick- aeu •T- Fiher Bhnfcel (31 Uooer Laverfj) Vei. Fl/Sec (I) Rock <2) Riptsp Thick- aeu •T- Opel Sec. 200 (4) OpL2 Scc.40 0 (4) Opi-3 (5) Layer (6) 6-7 No. 3 Back- .6 3/16" C2 D.G. — 7-8 No. 2 Back- mi 1.0 1/4-B3 D.G. — S-9.3 Fac- mg 1.4 3/S-— D.G. — 9.3-U Ugbt ^o 112' — 3/4- 1- 1/2- P.fl. — 11/13 1/4 TON 2.7 3/4* — 3/4- 1- 1/2- P.B. SAND 13-13 1/2 TON 3.4 r — 3/4- l- 1/2- P.B. SAND 13-17 I TON 4.3 1-1/2-— TYPE B SAND 17-3) 2 TON 3.4 2* — TYPE B SAND See 200-1.6 Practical use of this table is limited to situations where "T" is less than inside diameter. (1) Average velocity in pipe or bottom velocity in energy dissipater, whichever is greater. (2) If desired riprap and filter blanket class is not available, use next larger class. (3) Fil ter bl anket th i ckness - 1 Foot or "T", whi chever i s 1 ess, (4) Standard Speci fications for Public Works Construction. (5) D.G. =• Disintegrated Granite, 1 MH to 10 MH. P.B. = Processed Miscellaneous Base. Type B = Type B bedding material, (minimum 75% crushed particles, lOOX passing 2 1/2" sieve. IQ% passing 1" sieve). 6) Sand 75% retained on #200 sieve. REF[:Ri7..VCt:: l'^''-'4 Rceiniuil Supplcincni AiitcndineiU-- (o •'GrL-cnbunk" Stand.iri.1 Sj^uLilicaium.^ Inr Public Wurks CnnsiruLtum l'W4 Hdilum. 3 4f • ff- CWC BLOCK ft yQRTAR PWG rum SECTION F-F CONNECTION OF PIPE TQ EXISTING INI FT NO SCAIE PIPE PUIG NO SCA -IIAX3R DRAJHACE CHAMNEL PER l>-7l BOTTOU WIDTH'IOff-.DEPTH'Se- UINOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL PER D-70 I iy^ BOTTOU WIDTH-IZ: DEPTH-36- ' ^ DRAINAGE CHANNEL JUNCTION PLAN VIEW NO SCfiE 5-xl5'x5-RIP RAP ENERCr aSSIPffOR -F- BACKING No. 3 tT-ff} PER O-n TTPE Z - CRUSHED ROCK ir THICK} AND WO/EN GEOTEXTIir FABRIC &r WING TYPE HEAONAU. J6- WING TYPE HEADNALL PLM NO SCAIE SPILL WAf APRON WITH RIP RAP — EXST r PVC TYPE A DIKE SECTION A-A NO SCME PRS DfTCH HO SCALE DC DOKKEN ENQINEERING PROJECT VHr.lHFFFI: JH DATE' DCTAtS BT: JH / GP -sriu 7-. AS SHOWN PROJECT »AN*r,FR RTL JOB NO. 1163 ENCIfJEER or WORKt JASON P. H(jBe*ftD aA^^•. RCE: COSOJt? 'AS BUILT" "EvtwED BY- BENCHMARKi DESCRffTDN^ K-302. A STMDARD [MSK STAUPEO K 302 1935. SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCREre POST ELEVADONT 533.J9 HCVO 29 tUCAN SEA LEVELl PER NGS DATA SHEET LOCATIOfJ' FOUND U.S.CIG.S, BRASS DISC STAMPED •1(302 1935" IN CONC, MON. POINT L£S B.5-EASTERLY QF EASTERN BERM LINE ON RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, 133'NORTHERLI' OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE POLE MARKED ••TL230n' AWD -TLljazS' ANO APPROXIMATELY 1,2 MILES NORTHERLY Of THE INTERSECTION OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD ANO LA COSTA AVENUE REVISION DESCRIPTION out! APPBDHM. ^ICITY OF CABLSBADlfVll J J 11 EMCiNEERWC DEPARTMENT || | JA DRAJNAGE DETAILS FOR: RANCHO SANTA F£ ROAD IMPROVED OAKH) HAUSER PE 33081 E»P:6-]O-0E DEPUTY CITT EMCINEEO DATE OWN BY: CHKO BT, RVWD BY PHOJECT wo. 3190 mAHINC MO 368-2BI PRO/IDE SUfTTED HOLE SEE DETA/L C STA/NIESS STL '/2' 8 xT- HILTI KWIK-BOLT OR ECU//Ai£ifr ^•R TYP DETAIL SLOTTED HOLE DETAIL CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INLET TYPE -ffPER 0-16 e-O-NOTES: sx TYP 3X TYP NIN /. ALL BOLTS SHAU Sf I^Z INCH IN DIAMETER AMD T INCHES IN LENGTH. Z ALTERNATIVE DETAILS NAT BE SUBNITTED BT THE CONTRACTOR FOR APPRO/AL Bf THE ENGINEER. J. SEE D-9 AMD D-16 FOR ADOfTlONM. NOTES. TOP OF BROW DfrCH TYPE -ffPER D-75 SECTION F-F MEDIAN GUNITE DITCH NO SCAIE NOTES: /. IX)NGITUDINAL SWPE OF GUNITE UNED DITCH SHALL BE ZX UINIUUU ELEVATKM SHOWN ON PLANS CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INLET TYPE -ffPER D-16 STATKM GRATE DETAILS PER D-17 Cf-S- SPACING! CONFORM GUNfTE DfTCH TQ OPENING OF INLET PLAN GRATE DETAILS PER D-n /r-S- SPACING! J- 470-C-2000 CONCRETE OR T 2500 PSI. A/R PLACED CONCRETE WITH 6- X e- t 'K) X *I0 WEIDED WIRE KESH PLAN CSP INLET TYPE 'BT (MOD) WTH CONC APRON NO SCALE SECTION B-B TYPE 'A-4' CO WfTH CSP RISER NO SCAIE DOKKEN EN I N E E R [ N O PROJECT ENGINEER:_JH_ nATF. DETAIS HT. JH SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT MANAGER-RIL, JOB NO . 116J ENCNEEH or WORK: JASON P, MUBBAflD RCE- C06O3I7 'AS BUILT" BENCHMARKI DESCRIPTON: K-302. A STANDARD DiSK STAMPED K 302 1935. SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE POST ELEVATION: 533.39 NGVO 29 (MEAN SEA LEVEL) PER NGS OATA SMEET LOCATION: FOUND U.S.C.liC.S, BRASS DISC STAWPED K302 1935 - IN CONC. MON. POINT LIES 8,5-EASTERLY DF EASTERN BERM LINE ON RANCHO SANTA FE ROAO. 133'NORTHERLY OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE POLE MARKED "TL230IR AND ••TL13B2S ' AND APPROXIMATELY 1,2 MILES NORTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF RANCHD SANTA F£ ROAO AND LA COSTA AVENLTT HOtiH Of HOfK A: REVISION OESCRIPTION OTKII APPBOIAI. '1'^ CITY OF CARLSBADlfV^ I i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I m DRAINAGE DETAILS FOR: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Pt JXIBl E)IP6-30-06 DtPUlY CITY ENCINEEfi DWN BY. , CHKD BY: RVWD ST. PROJECT NO 3190 CRANING NO 368-2BI DGN FR.E -> IREOUEST 'U GALV CABLE ITYP) WING TYPE HEAMALL PEP D-35 POST ITYP) j 4 BROW DITCH l-PC -gl APRON PLAN NO SCALE SEE DETA/L SECTION B-B NO SCAIE 3- 470-C-ZOOO CONCRETE OR T 2500 PSi. A/R PLACED CONCRETE WITH 6- X G" X 'K) X 'KJ WELDED WIRE UESH SECTION A-A NO SCALE r X 5- X 0-9- OR S- B X O-S- POST BRACKET DETAIL-POST POCKFT NO SCALE CUTOFF WALL FOR BROW DITCH NO SCALE NOTES: L IDNGITUOINAL SLOPE OF APRON SHALL BE ZX UINIUUU END VIEW NO SCALE DOKKEN ENQINEERI.NC} PROJECT FNT.MfFH JH nATF: DFTAH S RY JH / JJ SfAir. AS SHOWN PHOJECT MANAGER_RIL. JOB NO.. 1163 ENCHCER OF WORK- JASON P HUBBARD RCE- C060317 "AS BUILT" HEvre*ED BY: BENCHMARKI OESCRIPTION: K-302. A STANDARD DISK STAMPED K 302 1935, SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE POST ELEVATION: 533 39 NGVD 29 (MEAN SEA LEVEL) PER NGS DATA SHEET LOCATION- FOUND U.S.C.liG.S. BRASS OtSC STAMPED -K30Z 1935 - IN CONC. MON. POINT LIES B.S-EASTERLY OF EASTERN BERM LINE ON RANCHO SANTA FE ROAO, 133'NORTHERLY OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE POLE MARKED '•TL230ir AND "TLT3825" AND APPROXIMATELY 1.2 WLES NORTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAO ANO LA COSTA AVENUE Nd^^iL 1 mmi or WAU ELEVATION NO SCALE CABLE RAIUNG FOR WING TYPE HEADWALL NOTES: K CABLE SHAU NOT BE SPUCED BETWEEN INTERNEDIATE TURNEUCKlES ANO END POSTS. 2. AU POSTS. CABLE AND HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED. J. msrs TO BE VERTKAL AND PLUNB. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AU DEPENDENT DiUENSKWS IN THE FIEID BEFORE ORDERING OR FABRKATING ANT HATERIAL 5. ALTERNATIVE DETAILS UAY BE SUBMITTED BT THE CONTRACTOR FOR APPRO/AL Bt THE ENGINEER 6. POST POCKETS TO BE CENTERED IN TOP OF WAU. 7. PRO/IDE THIUBLES AT AU CABLE LOOPS. •joxfii OF won 3: REVISION DESCRIPTION CITY OF CARLSBAD H I ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS I 7 A DRAJNAGE DETAILS FOR: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD OAVC HNJSEH PE 33061 EIP E-JO-06 DEPUTY CIIY fNGII4EEB " OWN BY: , CHKD BY, RVWO BT PROJECT NO 3190 DRAWING NO 368-29 TYPE B tUOOlCURB INIET PER THIS SHEET- 414.51 IB- SLDTTED-y CSP DRAIN A TYPE B lUOOlCUPB INLET PER THIS SHEET- IF SLaTTED-\ V CSP DRA/N -A rc • 397.62 IS- SLOTTED CSP DRA/H TC ' 4/4.35 -TC • 39r.40 TYPE 'B'INLET (MOD} A NO SCAL£ TYPE 'B'INLET (MOD) B NO SCALE TC - 339.51 TYPE B (UOO) CURB INLET PER THIS SHEET TC • 339.5/ IB- SIDTTED CSP DRA/H TYPE B IVOOI CURB INIET PER THIS SHEET TC ' 339.43 zr RCP rrPCAL PLAN CALIDUT, HOTEi FISXtUNE IS 6" BElDW TC TYPE INLET (MOD)C NO SCALE TYPE 'B'INLET (MOD) D NO SCALE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SEE ONG. M-2 •4 I 1 AROUND OPENING CURB UNE Ax &x C RIP RAP ENERGf DISSIPATOR ROCK CLASS I T-r) PER 0-40 TYPE I OR 2 r CRUSHED ROCK irMAX THCKNESSI WITH SAMD IS" UAX THCKNESS/ TYPICAL RIP RAP PAD NOTES: /. SAND ONIT USEO AS INDKATED ON PLAMS 175X RETAINED OM 200 SIEVE! 2 CRUSHED ROCK PER GREEN BOOK. SECTKM gOO-l 3 WO/EN GEOTEKTIIE FABRC IS REOUIRED UNDER THE FILTER BLANKET IN AU CASES 4. FOR ADDITKMAL DETA/LS SEE D-40 TRANSTTION TO NORUAL CURB HEIGHT IN K3 FT. ON BOTH SIDES UNIESS OTHERWISE NOTED ELEV SHONN ON ROUNDED PIPE ENDS SEE DNG. D-6/ TYPE B (MOD) CURB INLET NO SCALE SECTION A-A NO SCALE NOTE: FOR ADOfTKMAL IMFORUATKM SEE 0-2 PER SDRSD DOKKEN ENOINEERINO PROJECT ENCINEER:_JtL DATET DETAIS BY. JJ / JH SCALE: J^S_SHOWN PROJECT MANAGER^SIL. JOB NO.: 1163 ZHOnLZa or WORK: OATE- JASON P. HUBBARD RCE.- C060317 "AS BUILT" REVIEWED BT. BENCHMARKi DESCRIPTION: K-302. A STANDARD DISK STAMPED K 302 T935. SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE POST ELEVATION: 533.39 NGVD 29 (MEAN SEA LEVEL) PER NGS DATA SHEET LOCATION- FOUND U.S.C.&G S. BRASS DISC STAMPED ••K302 1935 - IN CONC. MON. POINT LIES B.5'EASTERLY OF EASTERN BERM LINE ON RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. 133'NORTHERLY OP ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE POLE MARKED '•TL23011" ANO •'TL13B25" AND APPROXIMATELY 1.2 MILES NORTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF RANCHQ SANTA FE ROAD AND LA COSTA AVENUE SMEET 42 CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 174 SMEET 42 ENCINEERINC DEPARTMENT SHEETS 174 DRAJNAGE DETAILS FOR: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD APPsovFD OAVK} MAUSER OAVK} MAUSER ^~ PE 330B1 t)lP-6-JO-06 KPUIY ClIT ENGJNEEK OATE MTC MIIAJ. /l^ - , Mil •MlUi curt: hlll*l OWN BY rh4Kn RT PROJECT NO 3190 DRAWINC NO 368-28 :NCIWE> REVISION DESCRIPTION oiie* vpcovjM, Cl" *PP»0¥AI Rvwn RT PROJECT NO 3190 DRAWINC NO 368-28 USERNAME -> KJSER DGN FILE -) ISEOUEST