HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment; Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment; 1998-10-19- s Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Project 3190) DESIGN STAGE 1 FINAL PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING if? Submitted to: Doug Helming, P.E. City Consultant Project Manager City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Submitted bv: Richard T. Liptak, P.E. Consultant Project Manager Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Rd Suite A-153 San Diego, CA 92123 DOKKEN ENDINEERINB October 19, 1998 DOKKEN ENGINEERING October 19,1998 Mr. Doug Helming City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment-Final Preliminary Engineering Dear Doug: Dokken Engineering is pleased to submit Milestone 4 for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment Project. Milestone 4, the fourth of four milestones, is the final submittal for Design Stage 1. With this submittal, preliminary engineering has been completed for the Rancho Santa Fe Realignment Project. Milestone 4 consists of resubmittal of all previous Design Stage 1 project components with resolution of all outstanding project issues. Project components included herewith are substantially the same as that previously submitted in Milestones 1, 2 & 3. Project components that have been revised over the course of Design Stage 1 development are summarized on the following page. We have enjoyed working with the City of Carlsbad on Design Stage 1, preliminary engineering for Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment. We look forward to future involvement with the City in Design Stage 2 as we complete Plans, Specifications and Estimates for Phase I Construction. If you require any additional information, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, Richard T. Lij^^ Project Manager 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 TEL: 619.514.8377 FAX: 619.514.8608 DOKKEN ENGINEERINB Project Component Evolution and Revisions Profile for Rancho Santa Fe Road, shown on Geometric Approval Drawing, was revised for Milestone 2 from initial submittal with Milestone 1. Profile was revised for several reasons: Profile was raised slightly (approximately 2') in vicinity of 199+00 'RSF' to reduce height of cut slope in order to minimize potential impact with overhead power poles on east side of alignment. Profile was lowered slightly (approximately 4') in vicinity of 256+00 'RSF' to allow better intersections tie-in grades with proposed realigned Questhaven Road. Profile was lowered slightly (approximately 0.7') in vicinity of 281+00 'RSF' to allow for better connection with profile developed for City of San Marcos improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road north of Melrose Drive. Interim Conditions Drainage Plan was revised for this submittal from initial submittal with Milestone 3. Interim Conditions Drainage Plan submitted with Milestone 3 showed concrete drainage inlets being built to full dimensions at ultimate curb line locations. Revised drainage plan shows drainage inlets being built at ultimate curb line locations, however they will not be constructed to full dimensions. Winged portions of Type B inlets will not be constructed and a modified Type G Inlet top will be constructed. This change will result in cheaper initial construction costs for the City and allow for better surface drainage for interim conditions until outside lanes are constructed. Also shown on Interim Conditions Drainage Plan, included in this submittal, is the addition of AC paved ditches located at approximate ultimate curb line locations. AC paved ditches will help to convey storm water to drainage inlets from cut slopes and 'bench" areas created for fiimre outside lane construction. Engineers Estimate(s) has been revised to reflect this addition to project. Long Term Detour Alignment and Profile for Altemative A, Scenario 1, has been revised since initial submittal with Milestone 1. Altemative A, Scenario 1 assumes 'top of hill' phase boundary and construct Phase I first. Alignment has been revised to eliminate conflicts with existing 12" water line and to help minimize earthwork necessary for detour constmction. Revised alignment and profile is included in 'Phasing' portion of this submittal. Horizontal stopping sight distance calculations for revised alignment are included in sight distance portion of this submittal. Utility Relocation Maps were revised for Milestone 3 from initial submittal with Milestone 2. Revisions added existing utilities not previously shown with Milestone 2 submittal. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Topographic Mapping Three-dimensional topographic mapping was developed exclusively for use with this project utilizing the latest aerial photogrametric mapping techniques. The project corridor was flown and photographed February 28, 1998. This information was used to develop 3-D contours, a digital terrain model (dtm) and a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model. The TIN model was used in conjunction with roadway design software to perform earthwork analysis found elsewhere in this report. Horizontal control for this project was established using static Global Positioning System (GPS) surveying from County Of San Diego High Precision Geodetic Network (HPGN) control monuments 'Lomax' and 'Ca 11 07*, as shown on Record of Stirvey 14310. Additional monuments, as shown on Record of Survey 13928, were also incorporated into the network. A level circuit was run using County Of San Diego Bench Mark K-302 as the vertical reference. This datum was used on Record of Survey 13928. The data was then reduced and the values used for subsequent Real Time Kinematic (RTK) surveying of the aerial control. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Topographic field surveys to supplement aerial mapping were also performed to cross-section San Marcos Creek. This information will be used in the study of creek hydraulics in the vicinity of planned Rancho Santa Fe Road bridges over San Marcos Creek. Attached exhibit shows the 16 different AUTOCAD R13.dwg 3-D topographic files that have been delivered to the city on CD under separate cover. n I c rsftopoOI. dwg I I I I c I I I rsftope I 6. dwg rsftopoI5o dwg rsftopoOSo dwg rsftopoI3o dwg rsftopo03. dwg rsffopo02. dwg rsftopo05o dwg rsftopoI I . dwg rsftopo09« dwg rsftopoOG. dwg DOKKEN NBINCERINa RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIONHeNT COLOR TOPO EXHIBIT UdfH. I9SB DOKKEN ENGINEERING Geometries City of Carlsbad Circulation Element lists Rancho Santa Fe Road as a prime arterial roadway. City of Carlsbad Design Manual lists the design speed for a prime arterial at 60mph with a minimum centerline radius of 2400'. The minimum centerline radius of 2400' assumes a normal crown slope. In areas where a 2400' radius is not provided, the roadway will be superelevated. The city Design Manual lists the maximum profile grade for a prime arterial as 7%, and a maximimi profile grade of 6% where the prime arterial crosses an intersecting roadway. Because Rancho Santa Fe Road is plaimed to have intersecting roadways within the limits of this project, the maximum grade on Rancho Santa Fe Road is proposed to be 6%. Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road is planned to tie into existing Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa Avenue. Tie to existing Rancho Santa Fe Road will occtar approximately 800' south of La Costa Avenue at a point where Rancho Santa Fe Road has been widened to ultimate conditions (SDP 86-03A conditions property owner at SE comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue to construct improvements adjacent this property). As proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road progresses to DOKKEN ENGINEERING the north, horizontal alignment and vertical profile have been developed to conform to previous alignment and profile developed by Project Design Consultants (PDC). Conformance with PDC alignment and profile was considered appropriate in part due to adjacent property owners previously utilizing PDC alignment to develop master plans for their properties. The proposed alignment is slightly easterly of the PDC alignment in the vicinity of Mahr Reservoir. As proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road approaches northem project limits, horizontal alignment has been developed to tie into planned improved Rancho Santa Fe Road currently being designed by City of San Marcos. Rancho Santa Fe Road plans currently being developed by San Marcos will connect directly to City of Carlsbad's Rancho Santa Fe Road, with Melrose Drive being realigned to coimect to proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road as one leg of a fotir-leg intersection. Profile grade for Rancho Santa Fe Road in vicinity of San Marcos Creek has been developed in accordance with findings foimd in San Marcos Creek hydrology study and bridge hydraulics study. These studies entitled "Hydrology Study for San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road" and "Hydraulic and Scour Studies for Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge on San Marcos Creek" were developed for use with this DOKKEN ENGINEERING project by Howard Chang Consultants and transmitted to the City of Carlsbad under separate cover. These reports reached conclusions on stream discharge and water surface elevations for a 100-year storm event in San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road. 100-year storm water surface elevations were used to help set bridge soffit elevations to insure a 100-year storm would pass under the planned stmcture. 100-year storm water surface elevations were also used to set grades on Rancho Santa Fe Road north of San Marcos Creek so that roadway will not flood during a 100-year storm event. Table below summarizes curve data for the six horizontal curves proposed for Rancho Santa Fe Road. Horizontal curves with radii less than 2400' will be superelevated at 2% and will require variance due to their non-standard curve radii. Curve # Radius (ft) Delta Tangent (ft) Length (ft) 1 1500 23 54' 02" 317.47 625.72 2 1800 43 48' 07" 723.63 1376.08 3 2400 81 05'58" 2053.40 3397.09 4 2400 33 10'39" 714.96 1389.73 5 1800 71 24'29" 1293.62 2243.35 6 1400 40 41'50" 519.23 994.42 DOKKEN ENGINEERING Following this sheet is horizontal alignment traverse data and vertical profile data. 1"=200' Geometric Approval Drawing can be found at the end of this submittal. Copyright (1993) GEOPAK Corporation =========== All rights reserved GEOPAK Project: Rancho Sante Fe Road Realignment, city of carisbad Subject: Horizontal Alignment Job No. 1 Operator: KB Date: Friday May 8, 1998 10:26 pm SYSTEM FIX 4 ASEC 2 BEAR PRI 0 NOR NE STA 2 FILE: 'RSFIC' * 1 Describe Chain RSFl Chain RSFl contains: 115 CUR Cl CUR C2 CUR C3 CUR C4 CUR C5 CUR C6 PDC2 Beginning chain RSFl description mm Point 115 N 1,972,837.2082 E 6,258, 583.6540 Sta 145+53.34 "m Course from 115 to PC Cl N 14A 53' 34. 72" E Dist 1,070 .9309 mt Curve Cl Curve *. Data --.--* ••m fm •mm P.I. Station Delta Degree = Tangent = Length = 159+41.75 23A 54' 02.00" • 3A 49' 10.99" 317.4746 625.7151 N •(RT) 1,974,178 .9738 E 6,258,940 .4941 Radius = External = 1,500.0000 33.2287 Long Chord = Mid. Ord. 621.1883 32.5085 'mm P.C. Station 156+24.27 N 1,973,872 .1640 E 6,258,858 .8986 m P.T. Station 162+49.99 N 1,974,426 .4162 E 6,259,139 .3970 CC. N 1,973,486 .6425 E 6,260,308 .5100 -Back = N Ahead = N 14A 53' 34.72" E 38A 47' 36.72" E chord Bear = N 26A 50' 35.72" E Course from PT Cl to PC C2 N 38A 47' 36.72" E Dist 534 .8857 m Curve Data nm Curve C2 m -< one ±nn c c o c o 0 m Delta 43A 48' 06.94" (RT) Degree = Tangent = 3A 10' 59.16" 723.6305 im Length = 1,376.0781 Radius = 1,800.0000 External 140.0106 Long Chord = Mid. Ord. 1,342.8122 129 .9060 P.C. Station 167+84.S8 N 1,974,843 .3106 E 6,259,474, .5113 P.T. Station 181+60.95 CC. Back = N 38A 47' 36.72" E Ahead = N 82A 35- 43.66" E Chord Bear = N 60A 41- 40.19" E N 1,975,500.5720 E N 1,973,715.5823 E 6,260,645.4735 6,260,877.4470 Course from PT C2-to PC C3 N 82A 35' 43.66" E Dist 284.5329 Curve Data Curve C3 P.I. Station Delta = Degree = Tangent = Length = Radius ~ External Long Chord = Mid. Ord. Station Station P.C. P.T. CC. Back Ahead = N = N 204+98.89 BIA 05' 58.04" 2A 23' 14 .37" 2,053.3987 3,397.0860 2,400.0000 758.5513 3,120.5173 576.3792 184+45.49 218+42.57 82A 35 lA 29 43.66" 45.62" N (LT) 1,975,801.8710 E 1,975,537.2409 E 1,977,854.5698 E 1,977,917.2272 E 6,262,963.9090 6,260,927.6336 6,263,017.5176 6,260,618.3356 Chord Bear = N 42A 02' 44.64" E Course from PT 03 to PC C4 N 1A 29' 45.62" E Dist 674.7839 Curve Data Curve C4 P.I. Station Delta = Degree = Tangent = Length = Radius = External - Long Chord = Mid. Ord. P.C. Station P.T. Station CC. Back = N Ahead = N Chord Bear = N 232+32.31 33A 10' 38.80" 2A 23' 14.37" 714.9567 1,389.7335 2,400.0000 104.2290 1,370.3987 99.8909 225+17.36 239+07.09 lA 29 ' 34A 40' 18A 05' 45.62" E 24.42" E 05.02" E N (RT) 1,979,243.8367 E 1,978,529.1237 E 1,979,831.8226 E 1,978,466.4663 E 6,263,053.7999 6,263,035.1343 6,263,460.5377 6,265,434.3163 Course from PT C4 to PC C5 N 34A 40' 24.42" E Dist 456.7163 Curve 05 P.I. Station Delta Tangent = Curve Data * * 255+57.43 N 71A 24' 28.73" (LT) 3A 10' 59,16" 1,293 .6213 1,981,271.3139 E 6,264,456.3021 Length = Radius - External = Long Chord = Mid. Ord. P.C. Station P.T. Station CO. Back = N Ahead = N Chord Bear = N 34A 36A lA 2,243.3479 1,800.0000 416.6317 2,100.9519 338.3228 243+63.81 266+07.15 40' 24.42" E 44' 04.31" W 01' 49.95" W N 1,980,207.4297 E N 1,982,308.0418 E N 1,981,231.4470 E 6,263,720.3629 6,263,682.5765 6,262,240.0289 Course from PT C5 to PC C6 N 36A 44' 04.31" W Curve Data Dist 758.9754 Curve C5 p'l. Station Delta Degree Tangent ~ Length = Radius = External - Long Chord Mid. Ord. P.C. Station P.T. Station CC. Back = N Ahead = N Chord Bear = N 278+85.36 40A 41' 49.94" 4A 05' 33.20" 519.2263 994.4204 1,400.0000 93.1831 973.6472 87 .3680 273+66.13 283+60.55 36A 44' 04.31" W 3A 57' 45.63" E 16A 23' 09.34" W N (RT) 1,983,332.4123 E 6,262,918.0735 1,982,916.2964 E 1,983,850.3972 E 1,983,753.6479 E 6,263,228.6270 6,262,953.9555 6,264,350.6085 Course from PT C6 to PDC2 N 3A 57' 45.63" E Dist 686.0356 Point PDC2 N 1,984,534.7927 E 6,263,001.3651 Sta 290+46.59 Ending chain RSFl description Copyright (1993) GEOPAK Corporation All rights reserved Proj ect: rsf Subj ect: [ None ] Job No. 1 Operator: KB Date: Saturday October 17, 1998 11:48 am SYSTEM FIX 4 ASEC 2 BEAR PRI 0 NOR NE STA 2 FILE: 'RSFl GEOPAK Print Profile RSFIPRO Profile: RSFIPRO STATION ELEV GRADE TOTAL L BACK L AHEAD L VP I VP I 166+39.00 166+69.10 311.7400 313.3020 5.1900 VPC VP I VPT 168+00.00 320.0959 5.1900 K= 289.4 173+00.00 346.0459 1,000.0000 500.0000 500.0000 178+00.00 354.7215 1.7351 VPC VPI VPT 183+10.00 363.5706 1.7351 K = 188.2 185+00.00 366.8673 380.0000 19 0.0000 19 0.0000 186+90.00 373.9999 3.7540 VPC VPI VPT 211+50.00 466.3484 3.7540 K= 133.6 213+00.00 471.9794 300.0000 150.0000 150.0000 214+50.00 480.9786 5.9994 VPC VPI 6 High Point VPT 214+75.00 229+75.00 230+24.65 244+75.00 482.4785 572.4700 528.9636 488.2450 5.9994 K = 258.3 3,000.0000 1,500.0000 1,500.0000 -5.6150 VPC VPI VPT 263+50.00 382.9637 -5.6150 K = 215.2 267+40.00 361.0652 780.0000 390.0000 390.0000 271+30.00 353.3 022 -1.9905 VPC Low Point VPI ! VPT VPI 5 277+45.00 279+24.65 280+80.00 284+15.00 284+18.82 341.0605 339 .2725 334 .3923 352.5925 352.8000 -1.9905 K = 90.3 670.0000 335.0000 335.0000 5.4329 5.4329 DOKKEN ENGINEERING Sight Distance Calculations Horizontal stopping sight distance for this project has been evaluated utilizing standards set forth in the Califomia Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual, July 1990 edition. Vertical sight distance has been evaluated utilizing Eagle Point Roadway Design Software, in conformance with AASHTO standards. The attached sight distance calculations are intended to identify areas where the city prescribed 60mph design speed criteria for a prime arterial cannot be maintained. Reasons for not being able to maintain 60mph design speeds will be identified and the use of non-standard design speeds will be justified. There are two horizontal ctirves on the proposed alignment where the 60mph design speed cannot be met. At the first location, Curve 1, the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road ties into existing Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa Ave. This 1500' radius curve provides a 55mph design speed for stopping sight distance. The majority of this curve is within a portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road that is currently widened to its ultimate condition. The radius of this existing curve was established at a time when Rancho Santa Fe Road was classified as a major arterial. Rancho Santa Fe Road was subsequently upgraded to prime arterial status by the city. DOKKEN ENGINEERING At the second location, Curve 6, the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road approaches Melrose Drive from the south. This 1400' radius curve provides a 55mph design speed for stopping sight distance. A 60mph design speed cannot be achieved here without additional right of way purchase by the city, or realignment of proposed roadway to the west. Realigning the road to the west will result in increased rock excavation in vicinity of proposed SB bridge abutment 1, and could also result in increased environmental impacts by bridge in wetlands within creek channel. The proposed curve is to be superelevated at a rate of 2% maximum cross-fall. There is a single vertical curve on the proposed alignment where the 60mph design speed cannot be maintained. Sag vertical Curve 6, which is the vertical curve between the proposed bridge over San Marcos Creek and the intersection with Melrose Avenue has a design speed of just imder 55mph, about 54mph. The length of this vertical curve and the ahead tangent grade on this vertical curve are restricted due to the requirement to tie into existing Rancho Santa Fe Road, or City of San Marcos improved Rancho Santa Fe Road, near Melrose Avenue. Design speed for sag vertical curves are govemed by headlight sight distance and could be improved in this area with appropriate street lighting. In this area the vertical and horizontal alignment maintain consistency, each with a design speed of near 55mph. DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377' FAX (619) 514-8608 420 r. "\ •r c,^ :L. (COS-' / JOB SUBJECT DATE j BY CHECK JOB NO, /o£8 SHEET DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 iSoo' U\ut*T ^^•Diu^ ^^£Mit-V'^ rTr^S'Oii^ IAN^^ \Soo - t-.S _ / - I -fo' vn\frOiAK) J^.LA,r-.x:; '^Ai:)w^ •—.——- 2- - ll' \4^: Z8.o4'' JOB SUBJECT JOB NO. JOB NO. BY SHEET 2- 0, g BY SHEET 2- 0, g CHECK SHEET 2- 0, g CHECK SHEET 2- 0, g DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY OANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 I - l4"^S JOB ^ 1: L._ . - f • \ DATE , JOB ND, BY CHECK SHEET 3 0, g DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY OANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377* FAX (619) 514-8608 "^A'Di^ C&kfl^^ ^'^^^^Ofc, U>^t (^'S'') JOB SUBJECT JOB ND, /OSS BY SHEET, 4 CHECK o, g, DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 \84+45,4^ 'gA^^•^.^ C-v:MTcr^ :rNi.^O'^ LAM'C C"^'^J) z4co' ~ Z'^' - ^sul' 1>^^^u>^-t ^(:;t^ C^V.— 2V JOB SUBJECT DATE BY CHECK JOB NO. SHEET^ DOKKEN NGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 '^AOv^b CtMitX-. TMS\O\E LAM<£: (^ 3^ 7C AU.t:ui AvN^^-Jc 6rfS'cT -\o 0%^t'^<:st\<if^ -fzov^ lltj-J^\dt U*ob" .'. GOtv.^^ '^gSVb.H Qvc JOB SUBJECT DATE . JOB NO. JOB r ' J ' w BY SHEET h JOB r ' J ' w BY SHEET h JOB CHECK SHEET h DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377' FAX (619) 514-8608 iSbo' Lefr ZAD\u.t. tt^ZX- L.A.^'^ 3=1' 1 u I i.'w"«-— I, J -1 JOB SUBJECT DATE JOB ND. JOB BY 5S SHEET 7 °' 8 JOB BY 5S SHEET 7 °' 8 JOB CHECK SHEET 7 °' 8 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 )4cxi' Zvtirn' X)\iiArJC€ CtKTtViAlUwt lo iivrJi^t't^'^'-'^ '^AQvu'^ ::^f^b\oe tA'^ C^Zj V " 13SS' 6 - / Cos-' ;^jl^Sj: Z:^" " • 45^. JOB SUBJECT DATE . JOB NO, JOB DATE . JOB NO, JOB BY SHEET 9 "oi-g- • • JOB CHECK SHEET 9 "oi-g- • • DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377* FAX (619) 514-8608 V JOB SUBJECT DATE . BY' . ' CHECK JOB NO, SHEET / Of" / DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 A - l-iuiui-*-!- o» 1>?wet's ev'c --S JOB SUBJECT f'^^v-^^-M.^) DATE CHECK JOB NO, SHEET DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153' SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377* FAX (619) 514-8608 \ L ns-foo JDB SUBJECT <>\ ^-n ^1VI /-.MX DATE. BY CHECK JOB NO, SHEET DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 •=- 7 4ao ' ^ 4tx>' > Z-o' JOB SUBJECT DATE . JDB ND, BY SHEET CHECK 0. ^- DOKKEN ENGINEERINB 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 4oo 4 ,^6^o^ JOB SUBJECT DATE BY S2 CHECK JOB ND, SHEET . D6 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (619) 514-8377 • FAX (619) 514-8608 zn-^i i Bo 4.4^^^ C 4-4^z- C-^'.ir't^j^^^^oj' ^ S::4' Le. c C4'43Z '^2.u4^)/;43c.\ 'fee 4c>a -f- Z.^ ( JOB SUBJECT DATE, , JOB NO. BY SHEET •S& 5" CHECK ol , - > DOKKEN ENGINEERING Project Phasing The Rancho Santa Fe Road realigimient project has been proposed by the city to be built in two construction phases. Phase I construction will build Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue toward the north; Phase 11 will build Rancho Santa Fe Road from Melrose Avenue to the south. It is possible Phase II will precede Phase I to construction. Two scenarios have been analyzed for this project. Scenario 1 assumes Phase I precedes Phase II to construction. Scenario 2 assumes Phase II precedes Phase I to construction. Each scenario considers two altematives, Altemative A and Altemative B, for long-term transitions between existing Rancho Santa Fe Road and proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road. For each scenario, the Altemative A phasing boundary is adjacent to Mahr Reservoir, near the high point of original ground on the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment. For each scenario, the Altemative B phasing boundary is near where the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road aligmnent crosses the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road aligimient. Attached exhibits show Altemative A and Altemative B plans and profiles of long-term detours for each scenario. In the event Phase I and Phase II are awarded as one contract, these altematives will be used to help develop traffic handling plans for stage construction. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Phase Boundary Recommendations Factors considered when determining best location for the Phase I / Phase II boundary were: • Long-term detour alignment and profile • Earthwork balancing between Phase I and Phase II • Cost of detour construction • Environmental Considerations Altemative B, with the Phase I / Phase II boundary near where proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road crosses the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road (approximate Sta. 254+00 'RSF' line) is the recommended boundary. This boundary is the preferred boundary no matter which phase is constructed first. Altemative B surpasses Altemative A in all factors considered. Altemative B alignment for each scenario is much shorter with a smoother profile than Altemative A for each scenario. As shown in the earthwork analysis found elsewhere in this submittal, balancing between Phase I and Phase II construction will be more easily accomplished with the Altemative B phasing boundary. Earthwork required for Altemative B DOKKEN ENGINEERING detour constmction for each scenario would be less than Altemative A for each scenario. Therefore, detour constmction costs will be less. Also, Altemative B detour construction will be more environmentally acceptable than Altemative A detour because Altemative B detour does not encroach upon the habitat protection area. onoavoItSbdr. ogn 540 530 520 510 500 Conform +o Existing Roncho Santo Fe Rood i.2O0jyy V.C. Conform to Proposed Rancho Santo Fe Road (Phase II Construction) 490 4B0 4 70 460 10 15 PROFILE Horzi (••100' V«r+i f-ZO* 8 20 25 PLAN I--IOO- DOKKEN ENaiNEERINS RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT LONG TERM DETOUR ALTERNATIVE A (SCENARIO II) pnosao114bdr. dgn 450 440 450 420 4K) 400 390 Conform to Existing Rancho Santa Fe Rood (Phase I Construct I on) 380 10 4 ELEVATION Horn I--200' Vtrti I--W 15 8 DOKKEN NtaiNECRINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT LONG TERM DETOUR ALTERNATIVE B (SCENARIO 1) RECOMMENDED PHASING BOUNDARY (FOR CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST) 500 490 480 470 460 450 440 430 420 4 10 Conform to Existing Rancho Santa Fe Rood Conform to Proposed Roncho Sentd Fe Rood (Phase I I Construct ion) 400 IO I 5 6 7 ELEVATION 20 Horri OIOO' »«rti I-•23' DOKKEN ENOINEERINB PLAN f-lOO' RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT LONG TERM DETOUR ALTERNATIVE B (SCENARIO II) cnasBOi t low. agn RECOMMENDED PHASING BOUNDARY (FOR CONSTRUCT PHASE II FIRST) DOKKEN ENGINEERING Earthwork Analysis Excavation and embankment quantities were calculated with Geopak Roadway Design Software and a three-dimensional digital terrain model developed for this project by PhotoGeodetic Corporation and Lintvedt, McColl & Associates. Earthwork was analyzed under three different cases. Case I analyzed earthwork volumes over the entire length of proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road (La Costa Avenue to Melrose Avenue). Case II analyzed earthwork volumes with the assumption the Phase I / Phase II boundary is adjacent to Mahr Reservoir (proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Sta 232+00 'RSF' line). Case III analyzed earthwork volimies with the assumption the Phase I / Phase II boundary is near where proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road crosses existing Rancho Santa Fe Road (proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Sta 254+00 'RSF' line). Phase I is the south portion of the project and Phase II is the north portion of the project. Case I earthwork analysis calculated the earthwork volumes required to complete the entire proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment Project at 818,000 CY of excavation and 630,000 CY of embankment. The profile grade for Rancho Santa Fe Road has been L)6 DOKKEN ENBINEERING designed to optimize the earthwork balance while still providing no greater than the maximum grade of 6% for a prime arterial roadway through all intersections. The excess material generated with this project will be wasted on-site in a city approved disposal area. Case II earthwork analysis assumes the Phase I / Phase II boundary is adjacent to the Mahr Reservoir, near the high point of the original ground on the proposed alignment. Phase I earthwork quantities have been calculated at 681,000 CY of excavation and 286,000 CY of embankment. Phase II earthwork quantities have been calculated at 137,000 CY of excavation and 344,000 CY of embankment. If Phase I is constmcted prior to Phase II, 207,000 CY of material will need to be stockpiled and brought forward in Phase II to complete embankment constmction. If Phase II is constmcted prior to Phase I, 207,000 CY of material will need to be borrowed from the southem portion of the project to complete the embankment north of the reservoir. Case III earthwork analysis assumes the Phase I / Phase II boundary is near where the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road crosses the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road. Profile grades of the proposed and existing alignments of Rancho Santa Fe Road cross within 3 ft of each other at this location. Phase I earthwork quantities have been calculated at DOKKEN ENGINEERING 789,000 CY of excavation and 519,000 CY of embankment. Phase II earthwork quantities have been calculated at 29,000 CY of excavation and 111,000 CY of embankment. If Phase I is constmcted prior to Phase II, 82,000 CY of material will need to be stockpiled and brought forward in Phase II to complete embankment constmction. If Phase II is constmcted prior to Phase I, 82,000 CY of material will need to be borrowed from the southem portion of the project to complete the embankment in Phase II. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Summary of Earthwork Quantities: Case I (Total Project) MM •n Excavation Embankment Project Totals 818,000 CY 630,000 CY •••m ^ Case II (Phase I / II Boundary near Mahr Reservoir, Sta 232+00 'RSF' line) 'MH Excavation Embankment Phase I 681,000 CY 286,000 CY -Phase II 137,000 CY 344,000 CY Case in (Phase I / II Boundary near intersection of proposed and existing Rancho Santa Fe Road, Sta 254+00 'RSF* line) Excavation Embankment Phase I 789,000 CY 519,000 CY .mm Phase II 29,000 CY 111,000 CY LEGEND COU) PLANE tt K 0/ERUV (VARIABLE THICKNESS) WIDENING (NEW STRUCTURAL SECTION} B-lor B-Z 'RSF' 12' , < .Varies (Tto 15', 12^ •RSF' ir 5.5' 5' ir 3' SW Shid KT IZ H^^VN^^> G-Z- .5.5' IZ AC WERLAT NEW STRUCTURAL SECTION IZ ShId G-Z IZ IZ IZ PG- 6' , IZ IZ IZ Slid G~Z 5.5- SH NEW STRUCTURAL SECTION RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TYPICAL SECTION SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TYPICAL SECT/ON NORTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE I A— IDOKKEN IENBINEERINB '"^ fflc* two* RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT —I. Bradbury RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT 5'«pAan Botts RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IMPROVEMENT SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVE Stephen Bates RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IMPROVEMENT SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVE UAT II. /99a RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IMPROVEMENT SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVE LJ DOKKEN ENGINEERING San Marcos Creek Hydrology A hydrology study was prepared to provide the discharges for floods of different frequencies for San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road. The existing Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge on San Marcos Creek does not have adequate capacity for passing the 100-yr flood; therefore, this bridge will be replaced as a part of the Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement project. A previous hydrology smdy for San Marcos Creek was made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1971. Peak flows for intermediate regional flood for San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road from the 1971 study is summarized below. The intermediate regional flood is one that could occur about once in 100 years on the average. In other words, the intermediate regional flood is equivalent to the 100-yr flood. Intermediate Regional Floods obtained by Corps of Engineers San Marcos Creek Location Intermediate Regional Flood Rancho Santa Fe Road 13,000 cfs The hydrology study by the Corps of Engineers was made at a time before the master plan of development for the region was available. For DOKKEN ENGINEERING this reason, the study was for the physical conditions of the drainage basin existing at the time of study but it does not reflect the physical conditions when the drainage basin is ftilly developed. The proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road will serve the region for a long time in the future. It is therefore necessary to design the bridge based on the ultimate 100-yr flood for the fully developed conditions of the drainage base for San Marcos Creek. The hydrology study was made to determine the ultimate flood discharges based on the master plan for future development on the drainage basin of the creek. The flood discharges of San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road obtained from this study are simmiarized below. The completed report entitled "Hydrology Study for San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road" has been transmitted to the City of Carlsbad imder separate cover. Flood Discharges of San Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road San Marcos Creek Location 10-yr flood 25-yr flood 50-yr flood 100-yr flood Rancho Santa Fe Road 7,520 cfs 10,800 cfs 14,000 cfs 16,500 cfs DOKKEN ENGINEERING October 19, 1998 Mr. Doug Helming City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RG: Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment - Engineers Estimate City of Carlsbad Project 3190 Dear Doug: Please find attached the Engineers Estimate of cost for above referenced project. This estimate has been prepared at a preliminary engineering design stage and includes a contingency of 15%. Also shown are an estimated 12% design fee and 15% construction administration fee. Attached are two plots (Altemative A and Alternative B) showing different geographic zones for which the project has been broken into for purposes of assignment of costs, construction phasing, and funding source identification. The geographic zone dividing lines are based upon factors such as: timing of proposed construction; construction in Tiabitat protection area'; phase boundary between Phase I construction and Phase II construction; and HBRR funding area. Altemative B geographic zones assume phase boundary is at ^crossover' where proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road crosses over existing Rancho Santa Fe Road near proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road station 254+00 *RSF. Altemative A geographic zones assume phase boundary is at 'top of hill' location, adjacent Mahr Reservoir and by high point of proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment near station 225+40 'RSF (see Milestone 1 submittal, 'Phasing'). Descriptions of Altemative B geographic zones are as follows: Zone I consists of improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa Avenue (159+00 to 165+80 'RSF'). This area has been broken into a separate zone because the City of Carlsbad has determined the property owner at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue is responsible for the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road adjacent their property. Also, it is considered likely this portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road will be widened prior to the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 TEL: 619.514.8377 FAX: 619.514.8608 DOKKEN ENGINEERING Zone 2 consists of realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and begin ^habitat protection area' (165+80 to 217+00 'RSF'). This area has been broken into a separate zone due to its location adjacent the *habitat protection area'. It is considered likely the property east and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road within Zone 2 will eventually be developed. Because this area will be eventually developed it is anticipated the initial construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include only 2 NB lanes and 2 SB lanes, with the remaining 1 NB and 1 SB lane constructed as the adjacent land develops. Zone 3 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road within 'habitat protection area' (217+00 to 237+00 *RSF'). This area has been broken into a separate zone because property east and west of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road will not be developed. Becaiise adjacent property will not be developed it is possible initial construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include building this portion of roadway to its ultimate width of 3 NB lanes and 3 SB lanes. Zone 4 consists of reaHgned Rancho Santa Fe Road between end 'habitat protection area' and 'crossover' phase botmdary location (237+00 to 254+00 'RSF). This area has been broken into a separate zone due to its location between the 'habitat protection area' and 'crossover* phase boundary. The northem limit of Zone 4 has been chosen at station 254+00 'RSF' because it will be the approximate location of end constmction in Phase I constmction contract for Alternative B. It is considered likely the property east and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road within Zone 4 will eventually be developed. Because this area will be eventually developed it is anticipated the initial constmction of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include only 2 NB lanes and 2 SB lanes, with the remaining 1 NB and 1 SB lane constmcted as the adjacent land develops. Zone 5 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road between 'crossover' phase boundary and proposed bridge federal funding limits (254+00 to 268+32 'RSF). The southem limits of Zone 5 (254+00 'RSF) has been chosen because it will be the approximate location of begin constmction in Phase II constmction contract for Altemative B. The northem limits of Zone 5 (268+32 'RSF') has been chosen due to its location at 200' south of begin Rancho Santa Fe Road bridges over San Marcos Creek. 200' is the normal approach length for which federal funding is available for HBRR projects. Zone 6 consists of reaHgned Rancho Santa Fe Road within vicinity of proposed bridges over San Marcos Creek and includes bridges (268+32 to 276+00 'RSF). The southem and northem hmits for this zone have been chosen to include proposed stmctm-es and 200' of approaches from begin and end bridges. 200' is the normal approach length for which federal funding is available for HBRR projects. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Zone 7 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road between northem HBRR funding limits and proposed realigned Melrose Drive (276+00 to 284+20 'RSF). The northem limit for this zone has been chosen at location of proposed realigned Melrose Drive because it is likely all improvements for Rancho Santa Fe Road north of realigned Melrose Drive will have been completed by City of San Marcos prior to Phase II constmction. Zone 8 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road north of proposed reaHgned Mefrose Drive (284+20 to 295+00 'RSF'). This area has been broken into its own zone because it is considered Hkely this area of roadway will have been improved by the City of San Marcos prior to Phase II constmction. Northern limit of Zone 8 has been chosen to adequately transition realigned Rancho Stmta Fe Road into existing Rancho Santa Fe Road north of proposed realigned Melrose Drive. Descriptions of Altemative A geographic zones are as follows: Zone I consists of improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa Avenue (159+00 to 165+80 *RSF). This area has been broken into a separate zone because the City of Carlsbad has determined the property owner at the south-west comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue is responsible for the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road adjacent their property. Also, it is considered likely this portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road will be widened prior to the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Zone 2 consists of realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and begin 'habitat protection area' (165+80 to 217+00 'RSF). This area has been broken into a separate zone due to its location adjacent the 'habitat protection area'. It is considered likely the property east and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road within Zone 2 will eventually be developed. Because this area will be eventually developed it is anticipated the initial constmction of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include only 2 NB lanes and 2 SB lanes, with the remaining 1 NB and 1 SB lane constmcted as the adjacent land develops. Zone 3 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road between begin 'habitat protection area' and top of hill' phase boimdary (217+00 to 225+40 'RSF). This area has been broken into a separate zone because property east and west of reaHgned Rancho Santa Fe Road will not be developed. Because adjacent property wiU not be developed it is possible initial constmction of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include building this portion of roadway to its ultimate width of 3 NB lanes and 3 SB lanes. Zone 4 consists of reaHgned Rancho Santa Fe Road between top of hill* phase boimdary and proposed bridge federal funding Hmits (225+40 to DOKKEN ENGINEERING 268+32 'RSF). The southem limits of Zone 4 (225+40 'RSF) has been chosen because it will be the approximate location of begin constmction in Phase II constmction contract for Altemative A. The northem limits of Zone 5 (268+32 'RSF) has been chosen due to its location at 200' south of begin Rancho Santa Fe Road bridges over San Marcos Creek. 200* is the normal approach length for which federal funding is available for HBRR projects. Zone 5 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road within vicinity of proposed bridges over San Marcos Creek and includes bridges (268+32 to 276+00 *RSF). The southem and northem Hmits for this zone have been chosen to include proposed stmctiu^s and 200' of approaches from begin and end bridges. 200' is the normal approach length for which federal funding is available for HBRR projects. Zone 6 consists of reaHgned Rancho Santa Fe Road between northem HBRR funding limits and proposed realigned Melrose Drive (276+00 to 284+20 'RSF). The northem Hmit for this zone has been chosen at location of proposed realigned Melrose Drive because it is likely aU improvements for Rancho Santa Fe Road north of reaHgned Melrose Drive will have been completed by City of San Marcos prior to Phase II constmction. Zone 7 consists of realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road north of proposed realigned Mebose Drive (284+20 to 295+00 'RSF). This area has been broken into its own zone because it is considered likely this area of roadway will have been improved by the City of San Marcos prior to Phase II constmction. Northem Hmit of Zone 8 has been chosen to adequately transition realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road into existing Rancho Santa Fe Road north of proposed realigned Melrose Drive. The Engineers Estimate has been broken into seven different estimate schedules. Assumptions used in the development of these different schedules are listed below. Summaries of the seven different estimate schedules are as foUows: Schedule A: Schedule A Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with widening and reaHgnment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive. Schedule A assimies Phase I (south half of alignment) precedes Phase II (north half of alignment) to constmction. Sciiedule A does not include any constmction south of La Costa Avenue or north of Melrose Drive. Schedule A assumes work required to support reaHgned roadway south of La Costa Avenue and north of Melrose Drive has been completed prior to Schedule A being constmcted. Schedule A assumes phase boundary is at 'crossover* phase boundary location (254+00 'RSF). DOKKEN ENGINEERING ScfieduleA consists of constmction in Altemative B geographic Zones 2-7. Estimate assumes combination of both interim (4-5 travel lanes) and ultimate constmction (6 travel lanes). Schedule A Zone analysis for Zones 2-7 are simunarized below. Zone 2-5 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 4-12* travel lanes, 2-8* shoulders, 18' impaved raised island median • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes ¥i of costs required to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue) • Relocation of utiHties that are Cit^s responsibility Zone 6 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 6-12' travel lanes, 2-8* shoulders, 24* paved raised island median • Ultimate width stmctures (2 stmctures, each 51.75* wide) over San Marcos Creek • Drainage facihties necessary to support ultimate roadway Zone 7 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 5-12' travel lanes (3 NB, 2 SB), 2-8* shoulders, 24* paved raised island median DOKKEN ENGINEERING Drainage facihties necessary to support ultimate roadway Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes ¥i of costs to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/Melrose Drive) Sciiedule A also includes costs associated with providing long term detour/transition between proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road and existing Rancho Santa Fe Road at 'crossover* phase boimdary. Schedule B: Sciiedule B Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with widening and reaHgnment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive. Schedule B assumes Phase II (north half of alignment) precedes Phase I (south half of alignment) to constmction. Sciiedule B does not include any constmction south of La Costa Avenue or north of Melrose Drive. Sciiedule B assumes work required to support reaUgned roadway south of La Costa Avenue and north of Melrose Drive has been completed prior to Sciiedule B being constmcted. Sciiedule B assimies phase boimdary is at 'crossover' phase boundary location (254+00 'RSF). Sciiedule B consists of construction in Altemative B geographic Zones 2-7. Estimate assimies combination of both interim (4-5 travel lanes) and ultimate constmction (6 travel lanes). Schedule B Zone analysis for Zones 2-7 are summarized below. Zone 2-5 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 4-12' travel lanes, 2-8' shoulders, 18' unpaved raised island median • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes of costs required to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue) Relocation of utiHties that are City's responsibility DOKKEN ENGINEERING Zone 6 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 6-12' travel lanes, 2-8' shoulders, 24' paved raised island median • Ultimate width stmctures (2 stmctures, each 51.75' wide) over San Marcos Creek • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway Zone 7 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 5-12' travel lanes (3 NB, 2 SB), 2-8* shoulders, 24' paved raised island median • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes V2 of costs to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/Melrose Drive) Schedule B also includes costs associated with providing long term detour/transition between proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road and existing Rancho Santa Fe Road at phase boundary. Schedule C: Sciiedule C Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa Avenue. This work is being estimated as a separate schedule because it is anticipated this work will have been completed prior to Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive. Schedule C consists of constmction in Altemative B geographic Zone 1. Estimate assumes constmction consisting of cold plane/AC overlay of existing pavement and ultimate width widening, including constmction of new stmctural section, curb. DOKKEN ENGINEERING gutter, sidewalk adjacent north boimd lanes and street lighting. Sciiedule C Zone analysis for Zone 1 is summarized below. Zone 1 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • Widening to ultimate width roadway Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes V2 of costs required to provide ultimate traffic signals at intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue) • Drainage facihties necessary to support ultimate roadway Landscaping costs for ultimate roadway are not included in estimate. Schedule D: Sciiedule D Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with constmcting two additional outside lanes within Altemative B Zone 3. Constmcting two additional outside lanes wiU complete this section of roadway to ultimate width. This work is being estimated as a separate schedule due to Zone 3 location being within the *habitat protection area*. It is considered likely this section wiU be built to ultimate width with Phase I constmction because land adjacent this zone will not be developed at a later time. Schedule D consists of constmction in Altemative B geographic Zone 3. Estimate assumes two additional outside lanes constmcted at same time foiu- inside lanes are constmcted. Estimate includes constmction of new stmctural section, curb, gutter, sidewalk, textured paving of median and street Hghting. Landscaping costs for ultimate roadway are not included in estimate. Schedule E: Schedule E Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with constmcting one additional SB outside lane within Altemative B Zone 7. Constmcting one additional outside lane will complete this section of roadway to its ultimate width. Schedule E consists of constmction in Altemative B geographic Zone 7. Estimate assumes one additional SB outside lane constmcted at same time four inside lanes DOKKEN ENGINEERING are constmcted. Estimate includes constmction of additional stmctural section, curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting for SB roadway. Schedule F: Schedule F Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs associated with reaHgnment and widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road and realignment of Melrose Avenue north of proposed *A* Street. This work is being * shown under separate estimate because it is considered Hkely this section of Rancho Santa Fe Road and realignment of Melrose Avenue will be completed by City of San Marcos prior to Phase II constmction. 411 * Sciiedule F consists of constmction in Altemative B geographic Zone 8. Estimate m includes costs to reaHgn and widen Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose Avenue to their ultimate aHgnments and widths. Estimate assumes improved Rancho Santa Fe Road wiU transition to existing Rancho Santa Fe Road at a point approximately ^ 1000' north of proposed 'A' Street. Estimate does not include costs for constmct 'A' Street. ••I Kg) Schedule G: Sciiedule G Engineers Estimate of costs consists of constmction costs IN associated with widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive. Sciiedule G assmnes phase boimdary is at top of hill* phase boundary location (225+40 'RSF'). Schedule G assumes Phase I (south ^ half of ahgnment) precedes Phase II (north half of aHgnment) to constmction. Schedule G does not include any constmction south of La Costa Avenue or north of *" Melrose Drive. Schedule G assumes work required to support reaHgned roadway ^ south of La Costa Avenue and north of Melrose Drive has been completed prior to Schedule G being constmcted. m ^ Schedule G consists of constmction in Altemative A geographic Zones 2-6. Estimate assumes combination of both interim (4-5 travel lanes) and ultimate constmction (6 travel lanes). Sciiedule G Zone analysis for Zones 2-6 are summarized below. m Zone 2-4 includes: m m • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway m ** • 4-12* travel lanes, 2-8' shoulders, 18' unpaved raised island median m *• • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway DOKKEN ENGINEERING • Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes V2 of costs required to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue) • Relocation of utiHties that are Citj^s responsibility Zone 5 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 6-12' travel lanes, 2-8' shoulders, 24* paved raised island median • Ultimate width stmctures (2 stmctures, each 51.75' wide) over San Marcos Creek • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway Zone 6 includes: • Earthwork necessary to support ultimate roadway • 5-12' travel lanes (3 NB, 2 SB), 2-8* shoulders, 24* paved raised island median • Drainage facilities necessary to support ultimate roadway • Traffic signal work necessary to support ultimate roadway (includes ¥i of costs to provide ultimate traffic signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road/Melrose Drive) Sciiedule G also includes costs associated with providing long term detour/transition (built in Phase I) and short term detour/trEuisition (built in Phase II) between proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road and existing Rancho Santa Fe Road as shown in Traffic Handling/Stage Constmction Plans for Altemative A. Unit costs used in the development of this estimate have been derived from several sources. Sources include: 1996 Caltrans Contract Cost Data Book; Bid summary \)z DOKKEN ENGINEERING from recent La Costa Avenue widening project within City of Carlsbad; Lane/Station Foot Constmction Costs for Prime and Major Arterial Streets (prepared by Walter Brown, 3/30/98); conversations with Caltrans Office Engineer staff; and informal input by local contractors. Please call if you should have any questions or if you require any additional information. m m Sincerely, Richard T. Liptak Project Manager 1058/140/Estimate lLOT.doc m m m n n I I • IDOKKEN lENBINKCRINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIQNyENT ENQINEER'8 ESTIMATE ZONE LOCATIONS (ALTERNATIVE A) JulyZr, B3e £. MMsraremarsv aanBaw SB) IDOKKEN NBINCERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIONMENT ENQINEERS ESTIMATE ZONE LOCATIONS (ALTERNATIVE B) Ju^Zr. 1998 IDOKKEN : E N Q > N E E R I CITY OF CARLSBAD RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING (PROJECT 3190) COST ESTIMATE - PHASE I CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PHASE II CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A Zone * Station L'mits Ptiase 165'BO ID 217+00 Phase I Cla^s lie d oltice i2 ^jl1 Lotd Con^[rLc;ion Schedoi& [UPM; ">chftdultis tolal I I'aflit Co-lrjl Fjrnish ^r'_d ^ii^lallproj^l aigii i4 signa :o!jl 2 Clear my and g'ubb^nij UnclT^sified e'cavalio'i ] disf^'be Qt H> AC pj Heniijve and dispose cl Q)i5lina jLia'drai't RncK ^iQpe p 'JJ leclion JT^ shewn on br.dga qndinq pl a Abpl.all cpncrcrg pavamerl_ Cole planb existing asphjil concf 4J- RCP Rip-'ap energy di; r^i^ncretf e'lery^ d a^ipjlar Type A .niol Type A S inlpt lype A-rnodi^ed inlol Type F rnlel Type G inlgr Intel ON Hot Ap'i Wing War Type HDW CqnrifilflL.jg PCC li'n^ ditch Type A PCC torrm.-e nilcn Type npad cone '<jle pacing Mela' beam guard ^ailirt; l'ed«s:rian lar-i;^ r:in?h rushion ^l<r--j Tens railing (Type f iral sign-i g FirnI ^Irpmg cenrrni • plele I Pa'.ab e Watei 18' Sleel W.rer Ll ! P^liib e W3:ei 1 f aieel WalerY",- S 4.035 :03 00 Helu^are P3:able Watei 14'ACP Wale.- L.ne .use PVCi Pek.caie Pies^uie Racucing Elation RoiLic.itp Rflclaimfid yValet 12'PvC Force Mam 0 16/ "t" ac" 237-00 to !54-M)0 Ptiase I Quannty SubloL _0 16/ S9.000 Sli OOP S46.083 S14J,750l _|7 500 S51.030 :sa>35 10 :75>oo Phase II _C 1 6 / " ii DO" SSa 333 $9 ceo E»tli,c!ec i'/ale.- la'ACPWalfi Lxdujtid Water Hjdr, Ntod.ly E^iiiling S gnal a Liglilirg ;Ranchc Santa Fa Roa!:l La Ojsla A'.Qr._oj S_L LjMing (Rancho Soma F e ROd<;-Cotineclu' RoadI Signal a L.g^.lmj IRain^rio Santa Fe Roao Que^l'iaven Roadj Remove E.isting S.gnal S Lig'ilmg iRancho Eanl.T Fe Hoad La Coile Meaamvsl SiQO^I ft Lighting ; Ranctig i>anla FE Roao Mglrosc A^ec^ei Lk':i'''"!a ' L" _S7 (too SC K 903 "50 i22 500 • so" _ _|5.i43 jia,/')Q 0 b7 164C' C'IT Sriei^l L •gn:mg _ K"^n^trIFCI I ont] Te_rJTi_ Deljj.' 11^;S, Ccniirgency SulJtOlal (8,192,237 ComsaueWon Toted phase I: . WiaieT Total: |1 348 S6.5ti0 ti3"l?3 S^C COO Subtotal 11.666 253 S3.000 " "Su Subtotal 15-306,914 Consb'i^an Total imas# U; 12% Design Fe^ 15% ConstruEtkm Admintstratiofl l=8er Phase IITofai; $1,166,212 (500,000 jM.OQO ^,000 ^350,000 (130,000 (1,560 (4B,Ba0 tw.ooo T49S,730 ^ 1,017,293 tii.ooo (63,945 tlM,9lB (261.750 $161,100 ^2,Z50; (320,670 (2B,W0 f416,500 (107,500 (20,000 (10,000 (7,500 |7s,oon (45,500 (21,600 ^308,000 (42.000 (3.300 tJ6,20n $61,950 f45,900 $43,680 (187,520 (54,600 (38,720 (19,000 (33.000 (15,000 (22,000 |36S|95T (4,000,000. (144,000 142,000 (15,400 (M.OOO , (50,700 (93,000 (176,400 p,000 (23,500 (91,000 (103,000 ^20,000 . (50,000 (15,000 $100,000 (2,816,038 (21,569,623 Total: $27,418,821 IDOKKEN CITY OF CARLSBAD RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING (PROJECT 3190) COST ESTIMATE - PHASE II CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PHASE I CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE B OOKTCPIV ^'^^ CARLSBAD (PROJECT 3190) - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT & WIDENING ° COST ESTIMATE - RSF Rd IMPROVEMENTS SOUTH OF LA N E E R SCHEDULE 0 COSTA AVE Zone# 1 Station Limits 159+00 to 165+SO Item Phase Phase 1 Unit Cost/Unil Ouaniity Subtotal TOTAL Traffic Coiilrol LS S t 00 13.000 $18,000 00 $18,000.00 Environrnonlal fencniQ LF $ 2 00 680 St.360 00 $1,360.00 ClearmQ and qnibbing AC $ 7.600 00 0 2 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 Unctassilied eicavation CY $ B.OO 500 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Saw, cut, remove, anil dispose of e*islinq AC pauenient al CY $ 50.00 200 510,000 00 110,000.00 Silt fence LF $ 2.00 580 $1,360 00 51,360.00 Aqgreqaie base CY I 33 00 470 $15.510 00 $15,510.00 Asphalf concreie oavement TON $ 32.00 1,460 $46,720 00 546.720.00 Cold plane 2-inc(i exislinq aspliall concrete SF S 0.50 27,000 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 24" RCP LF s 90.00 650 $58,500 00 $58,500.00 Type A A inlef EA s 3,000.00 3 $9,000 00 $9,000.00 Type G curb and Quiter LF s 8 00 680 $5,440 00 $5,440.00 Median curb and QUfler LF s B 00 1.200 $9,600 00 $9,600.00 PCC sidewalk SF $ 2 00 3.400 $6,800 00 $6,800.00 Median slampcd conciete pauing SF $ 4 00 7,500 $30,000.00 530,000.00 Pedestrian rarnps EA $ 1,500.00 1 $1.500 00 S1,S00.00 Crasti cusfiioR EA $ 2,500 00 1 $2,500 00 S2.500.00 Temp Rail (Type Ki LF $ 12 00 700 58,400 00 SS.400.00 Final signing LS s 2.000.00 1 52,000 00 $2,000.00 Final striping LF s 0.50 4.200 52,100 00 $2,100.00 Erosion control AC s 2,500.00 0 25 $625 00 $625.00 Modify Esistinq Signal 8 Lightinq (Rancho Sama Fe Road.'La Costa AvenuGi LS s 23,500 00 1 523,500 00 $23,500.00 Ciry Street Lighlmg LS s 10,000 00 1 $10,000.00 510,000.00 13% Contingency 542.290.25 Constiuction Total: i5%Constniciion AtftniniatfatNm Fee: Total: 93Z4SS15 $48,634 $411,766 DOKKEN N E E R CITY OF CARLSBAD (PROJECT 3190) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT & WIDENING COST ESTIMATE - ZONE 3 - TWO ADDITIONAL LANES SCHEDULE D Zones 3 Item Station Limits 237*00 to 254*00 Item Phase Phase! Unit Cost/Unit Quantity Subtotal TOTAL Aggregate base CV 5 33 00 900 $29,700.00 $29,700.00 Aspnalt concfeto pavement TON $ 32.00 1,800 $57,600.00 $57,600.00 T/pe G curb and gurter LF $ 8.00 4,000 $32,000.00 532,000.00 PCC sidewalk SF $ 2.00 20,000 540,000 00 540,000.00 Median stamped-conciete paving SF $ 4.00 36.000 $144,000 00 $144,000.00 Pedestrian lanics EA $ 1,500.00 4 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Final striping LF $ 0 50 8,000 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Landscaping LS 5 16.500.00 1 $16.500 00 $16,500.00 City Street Liqlitinq LS 5 50.000.00 1 $50,000.00 550.000.00 15% Coniiiigenoy 556.970.00 ; Cwisaiictioni Totel: $436,770 tZ%,D^mfee: $52,412 15% C<msfruction Acfministratkm Fmi $65^16 Total: $554,698 DOKTCPIV ^'^^ CARLSBAD (PROJECT 3190) J_y WXXAVJ-ii RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT & WIDENING COST ESTIMATE - ZONE 7 - ONE ADDITIONAL SB LANE SCHEDULE E ENGINEERINB Zone # 7 Item Station Limtts 276+00 to 284*20 Item Phase Phase 11 Unit Cost/Unit Quantity Subtotal TOTAL Aggregate base CY $ 33.00 200 56,600 00 $6,BM.0O Aspfialt concrete pavement TON $ 32.00 400 $12,800.00 $12,800.00 Type G curb and gutter LF S 8.00 820 $6,560 00 S6,560.00 PCC sidewalk SF S 2.00 4.100 $8,200.00 $8,200.00 Pedestnan ramps EA S 1.500 00 2 $3,000 00 $3,000. C» Final striping LF S 0.50 1,800 $900 00 $900.00 Landscaping LS S 5,500 00 1 S5.500.00 $5.SO0.00 Cilv street liqtitinq LS $ 25.500 00 1 $25 500 00 $25,500.00 15% Contingency $10,359.00 Construction Total: $79,419 12% Qesfan Fee: $9,530 15% CtmstnK^ion Administration Fee $11,913 Total: $100,862 i.''29..'98 DOKKFM ^'^^ CARLSBAD (PROJECT 3190) ^^^^^^^^^ RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT & WIDENING COST ESTIMATE - RSF Rd NORTH OF MELROSE AVENUE SCHEDULE F ENGINEERING Zone# 8 Item Station Limits 284+20 to 295+00 Item Phase Phase II Unit Cost/Unit Quantity | Subtotal TOTAL Traffic Conlfol LS $ 150,000 00 1 $150,000 00 £150,000.00 Environmental fencing LF $ 2.00 3 400 $6,800 00 $6,800.00 Clearinq and grubbing AC $ 7.600.00 6 $45,600 00 $45,600.00 Unclassified excavation LS S 9 00 30.000 $270 000 00 SZ70.000.00 Saw, cut, remove, and dispose of existing AC pave.'iiont at CY S 50 00 700 $35,000 00 S35.0O0.OO Silt fence LF s 2.00 3,400 S6.800 00 $6,800.00 Aqgrogate base CY s 33.00 3.000 $99,000 00 $99,000.00 Asphalt concrete pavement TON s 32.00 6,100 SI95.200 00 S195.200.00 18" RCP LF $ 75.00 450 333,750 00 $33,750.00 36" RCP LF $ 105.00 90 S9 450 00 £9,450.00 42" RCP LF $ 115 00 20 52,300.00 $2,300.00 54" RCP LF $ 135.00 350 $47,250.00 $47,250,00 66" RCP LF $ 260.00 260 $67,600 00 $67,600.00 72" RCP LF s 270 00 100 $27,000 00 $27.000.00 Type A inlet EA s 2,500 00 1 52,500 00 $2,500.00 Type A-4 inlet EA $ 3,000.00 3 S9.000 00 S9.000.0D Type A-6 inlet EA $ 4,500.00 1 $4.500 00 $4,500.00 Type A-7 inlei EA $ 5.500 00 3 516,500 00 $16,500.00 Type B-1 inlet EA $ 4 000.00 8 532,000 00 $32,000.00 Type F inlet EA $ 3 000.00 2 56,000 00 $6,000.00 Winq Wall Type HDW EA $ 4.200 00 2 S8,400 00 $8,400.00 PCC brow dilch Type A LF $ 7 50 520 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 Type G curb and gutter LF s 8 00 3,400 $27,200 00 $27,200.00 fWedian curb and gutter LF s 8.00 6,000 $48,000 00 $48,000.00 PCC sidewalk SF $ 2.00 17.000 $34,000 00 S34.000.00 Median stamped concrete paving SF $ 4.00 40 800 S 163.200 00 £163,200.00 Pedestnan ramps EA s 1 500.00 5 $7,500 00 $7,500.0) Crast( cushion EA $ 2 500.00 3 $7,500 00 $7,500.1X1 Temp Rail (Type K) LF $ 12.00 3,600 $43,200.00 $43,200.00 Final signing LS $ 8,000 00 1 $8 000 00 SB,000.00 Final stnpinq LF s 0.50 30,000 515,000.00 £15,000.00 Erosion control AC s 2,500.00 5 $12,500 00 $12,500.00 Signal 8 Lighting (Rancho Santa FE Road/Molrose Avenue) LS $ 50,000 00 1 $50,000 00 $50,000.00 City Street Lighting LS $ 90,000 00 1 $90,000 00 S90.0O0.00 15% Contingency £237.697,50 ConstnjiSion Total: $1,^,348 12% Design Fee: $218,682 15% Con5tfUcti<m Admlntslration Fee: S273.352 Total: $2,314,381 6..'29.''9a IDOKKEN CITY OF CARLSBAD RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING (PROJECT 3190) COST ESTIMATE • PHASE I CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PHASE II CONSTRUCTION TOP Of HILL BOUNDARY SCHEDULE G Zone » Slat ion Limits Phase Cla^i "A" liflld ntlicfi \2 oltn:«& loiai IS 'Tiunll'i Cnn£lr uclicr SchML,.e :CPM) ^chedulfl^ 1013') .Traf'c Conlriil f urn.ah and ingl.ill proiflcl sign ^4 syn& lolal 2'cuiiliacl) IB6*8C lo 217*00 Phase I lencinq CIdijr np ai"J Qrubb 11^ Saw, cur. and dispose jl enslinq AC paven'ynI I! terica Rock gmpe prolgclion , Ehswn on bjidqo i^radi^Q pla Cold pla sphalt 105 00 Hi 6o R'p-idp energy dr.^.p.ilp i nc I ele eiiergf diss p.Tt Winf, WaiI Ty,;a IIUW - dilch Type di:i.h T,pe D rb and gullei Mediae slampod ' I Ljujrd i3il'"g Cia^hh cushion [ Ten^p/ailing {Type Final signing Final si'ip'ng 'n Geo 00 OfO tindge^ Lorriptele H eloc a le Poldble Wa:er la" SlseTwalBi Line ni>locala FolablB Wa'ei 16" Sipol Walei Line rolcoatfl Potab.( RelcoDle Pro^su Walei 14" ACP Wata; Line :u e Heg'-oiir-i Srarion Relo:ale Raclamad" Walei 12" PVC Fo'co Mai'r •L.cluaed WalBi IB'fiCPV^atei L'Cluatfd Wale- IB'Slool Walai Hydranl^^ \todilv E.isti-g fe.gnal 3 Lighl, ig iRanchc Kania f e RuadLj Cosla Av Signal A Lighliig iRnncno Siaiila Fe Read Connecic Signal ^ L.ghli.'ig i Rancho Sama 1 a Road. Oueslnj^ 1 =00 OC ?'J 'lOO lie F>,slina S'^fiMl 3 Ligliling iRancho ydiild Fe Road E Signal i L^jhlinp iI'Lincho Saiila PL Hc'dd Me.rose Aveiijc.i J03 000 OC 00 ^.C.QCC 00 Si-idje l_ahl-u_ Cily Sliee" L iij'^ liny Ccnsl'ut;! Long Term Delou' Cxinstruct Sngrf Te.'m De'oj' ConI ngo 15 CCC 00 eo ijOO 00 217-M)0lo:i6«40 Pliase I PliasE II 268-05 lo ;7S-KI0 Ptiase II 175 bSO Iso" 57.560' W2.125 su 0 0000 0 GOOO 276*00 to 294*20 Pliasell S10_8011 113,000 SI 5.000 si .920 \1 0000 b riooo' 121.000 S?4.500 6 OCOO] 4 00 6T Subtotal $s.;30 a96 SuBlatal S2.981.433 1 53C 4 OOC ' _S2t.600 si?,boo S35 OoO SO SO _|_100.0CC so S4_4C_0 _ i'l.540 SIS.772 CoiwBiictlonToUtfPtWMf: (it^a.329 ' S% gon^trudipn Adminte£raUon Foe: . Phage I Totai: $1^1,849 Subintal 16,345,286 Construction Total Pttase U: 15% CgnsBucHon Admlnistraffiin PhaseliTofel: $io^K),9a7 $500,000 ^54,000 P.oco t46,880 j4;i,fl3C, ^.sofl,4a3 HM.QOO tt.SBO ,tB5,000 |*9B,B4I i1.0l7,5M 115,000 , $69,845 $104,916 tM1,7M tl 62,000 ^Z,2S0 $331,300 faifl.iTS $28.000, 1107.500 $20,000 $10.000 , $?,600 $B1|000 $45,000 ^.300 $3.000 f6Z,100 $45,975 $43,880 1197,600 $84.600 $38,720 $19,000 $36,000 117,500 $23,506 $375,138, $4.000,000, $144,000 -mm. 115,400 >91,220 $^3.000 $176.400 $3,000 $23,500 $81,000 $103,000 $20,000 $50,000, $15,000 $60,000 $60,000 $2,64»,120 $?1,643.256 Total: $27,740,935 420 410 400 390 360 370 360 (-•> 07Z7y. I80J30- vr. 350 340 330 10 15 PROFILE Horiz I I"=100' Vert I r-25' 8 20 Prepared For Ci t-y of Carlsbad IDOKKEN ENOINECHINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT 'CONNECTOR ROAD' PLAN a PROFILE Pl/IOM.RSP/51 l/EIIHlB>t5/CIHp«ll.DCII T/ll/W 3ao 370 360 350 340 10 15 PROFILE Horiz I r-lOO' Vert « I'=20' PLAN I•-IOO' CUWE DATA No. R 0 T L Comments 0) IOO-31.13' 60.37' ZX Crown (2) Z5Cr 4r55'ZCr 94.94-181.47 ZX Crow/i Prepared For Ci 1-y of Carlsbad DOKKEN ENBINEENINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT 'QUESTHAVEN ROAD' PLAN A PROFILE ••/lOM-WP/SI I/HCMIBITS/OHIUP.BO >/11/M -FG 350 340 330 320 4 In OG 10 PROFILE Horiz Ver+ I•-100' I•=20' IO*QQ -LCWI'" 275*30.59 'RSF CUR/E DATA No. R D T L Comments (') 35ff le^zzir 136.00' 259.43' ZX Crovn Prepared For: Ci fy of Carlsbad IDOKKEN NaiNEERINB I•- 100' RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT *LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE' PLAN & PROFILE P»/l05*-IWP/5ll/tCTHni/lCmpln.pG« DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC HANDLING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/ LA COSTA AVENUE r TRAFFIC THIS STAGE 1. MAINTAIN EXISTING TRAFFIC PATTERN ON SOUTHBOUND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. 2. REDUCE NORTHBOUND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TO ONE THROUGH-RIGHT LANE AND MAINTAIN EXISTING LEFT TURN. CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE ). WIDEN RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. 2. CONSTRUCT ULTIMATE WIDTH RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD ON RIGHT SIDE TO 172*00 'RSF'. 3. CONSTRUCT INTERIM WIDTH RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD FROM 172*00 'RSF' TO THE NORTH. A. CONSTRUCT PORTION OF h€DIAN NORTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE TO 170*00 'RSF'. CONSTRUCT FULL WIDTH MEDIAN FROM 170*00 'RSF' TO THE NORTH. DO NOT CONSTRUCT MEDIAN SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. T£W>ORARY-STRIP ING EDGE OF PAVEMENT LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY S \ PAVEMENT MARKINGS ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For: City of Carlsbad IDOKKEN N N E E R I N B sxQiigKCiisazi m»-m RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT 'RANCHO SANTE FE'/'LA COSTA AVE' STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 1 TRAFFIC THIS STAGE CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE 1. PLACE NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC ON NEW RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD ALIGNMENT. 2. SHIFT NORTHBOUND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TRAFFIC TO FAR RIGHT SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. 1. CONSTRUCT LEFT SIDE NEW RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. 2. CONSTRUCT ULTIMATE WIDTH RANCHO SANTA FE ROAO ON LEFT SIDE TO 173*00 'RSF'. 3. MODIFY TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC. RAISED MEDIAN LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY 4\ I PAVEMENT MARKINGS ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For: Ci fy of Carlsbad IDOKKEN E N B N E E R I N B Pi/l05>/500/5n/r»f-lg-»toJ.ain l/Zl/M RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT RANCHO SANTE FE'/'LA COSTA AVE' STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 2 DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC HANDLING CONNECTOR ROAD TRAFFIC THIS STAGE CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE I. MAINTAIN TRAFFIC PATTERN ON EXISTING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. I. CONSTRUCT CONNECTOR ROAD EAST OF EXISTING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K> WORK AREA ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For: Ci fy of Carlsbad IDOKKEN IENBINEERINB • /i01«/500/5n/i7--»«o'-aBn 7/l3/«« RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONNECTOR ROAD' STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 1 TRAFFIC THIS STAGE CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE I. PLACE TRAFFIC ON CONNECTOR ROAD |. COMPLETE CONNECTOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTED DURING STAGE I. TEMPORARY STRIPING LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY *\ I PAVEMENT MARKINGS ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For: Cify of Carlsbad IDOKKEN NBINEERINB 3914MirmCaimM. SOtMSS SnDtga a SBZI mn^m RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT 'CONNECTOR ROAD' STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 2 i/il»«/lOa/5l«/cr.»«B».0B" DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC HANDLING 'CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. PLACE TRAFFIC ON LONG TERM DETOUR ANO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CONSTRUCTED DICING PHASE I. TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC NOTE: ASSUMES 'CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST Prepared For: Ci ty of Carlsbad IDOKKEN NBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE l/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 1/SCENARIO 1/ALTERNATIVE B iOS»/50a/5H/onorji.»cl-pn n.ngi.oun 7/IV«« X. Prepared For: City of Carlsbad NOTE: ASSUMES 'CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST IDOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE l/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 2/SCENARIO 1/ALTERNATIVE B DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC HANDLING CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY CONSTRUCT PHASE II FIRST 1 TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. MAINTAIN TRAFFIC PATTERN ON EXISTING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. 5 CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE I CONSTRUCT LEFT SIDE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD FROM 259*00 'RSF' TO THE NORTH. 2. CONSTRUCT LONG TERM DETOUR. /''/.''-•/' //-•/// • ? // / / . / : • . '/••// •//•/ I \ \" \ ^'•.-'•^""[..•'•">y LEGEND == TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) ^$^83 WORK AREA •m TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For: City of Carlsbad IDOKKEN Ic NBINEERINB NOTE: ASSUMES 'CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE l/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE II FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 1/SCENARIO 2/ALTERNATIVE B DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASFT/II BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE II FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 2/SCENARIO 2/ALTERNATIVE B DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHA8ET/II BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE il FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE I/STAGE 1/SCENARIO 2/ALTERNATIVE B NOTE: ASSUMES 'CROSSOVER' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST Prepared For: City of Carlsbad DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASn7n BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE II PIR»T STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE I/8TAGE 2/SCENARiO 2/ALTERNATIVE B DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC HANDLING TOP OF HILL' PHASE BOUNDARY CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. MAINTAIN TRAFFIC PATTERN ON EXISTING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE 1. CONSTRUCT INTERIM WIDTH RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TO 225*17 'RSF'. 2. CONSTRUCT LONG TERM DETOUR. ENDINEERINB NOTE: ASSUMES 'TOP OF HILL' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE t/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE I/STAGE 1/SCENARIO 1/ALTERNATIVE A TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. PLACE TRAFFIC ON NEW RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND LONG TERM DETOUR CONSTURCTED EXJRINC PHASE I. CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE t. CONSTRUCT INTERIM WIDTH RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD FROM 225+17 'RSF' TO 25^*00 'RSF'. 2. CONSTRUCT SHORT TERM DETOUR. LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Prepared For- Cl ty of Carlsbad NOTE: ASSUMES 'TOP OF HILL' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD (PHASE I) IDOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE l/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 1/SCENARIO 1/ALTERNATIVE A Pi/IMt/SOO/SU/BWT.KI-tn • l.jlgl ULI.nyi t/n/M fl ri n y I ir« TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. PLACE TRAFFIC ON SHORT TERM DETOUR AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CONSTRUCTED DURING PHASE M, STAGE f. ..yy y .-^y.^-'--^ - •^ / - CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE I. CONSTRUCT LEFT SIDE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD FROM 254*00 'RSF' TO THE NORTH. y ••— > SHORT TERM' DETOUR LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) WORK AREA TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC IRANCHO SANTA FE R iPHASE n ,^ NOTE: ASSUMES 'TOP OF HILL' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST Prepared For; City of Carlsbad IDOKKEN IE NBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE i/M BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING ,PHA_SE li/STAGE 2/SCENARrO 1/ALTERNATIVE A n r r' r I TRAFFIC THIS STAGE I. PLACE TRAFFIC ON LEFT SIDE OF NEW RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. yyymyy/yyyy'/yi; - M CONSTRUCTION THIS STAGE I. CONSTRUCT RIGHT SIDE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD FROM 254*00 'RSF* TO THE NORTH. y LEGEND TEMPORARY RAIL (TYPE K) y ' WORK AREA n^B TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION ARRAY ft DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC ::^ANCH6 SANTA>^ : <PHAS^£ I) ki Pi/lWa/MO/Su/Bnnrf.KI.BH IUtB5l»l-O0™ 1/t%m V.V.' ' NOTE: ASSUMES 'TOP OF HILL' PHASE BOUNDARY AND CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST Prepared For: City of Carlsbad IDOKKEN IE NBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PHASE l/ll BOUNDARY-CONSTRUCT PHASE I FIRST STAGE CONSTRUCTION/TRAFFIC HANDLING PHASE ll/STAGE 3/SCENARIO 1/ALTERNATIVE A DOKKEN ENGINEERING STAGE CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC HANDLING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/ MELROSE DRIVE tm DOKKEN •• NBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT ^RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD'/ MELROSE DRIVE STAGE CONSTRUCTION /TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 1 DOKKEN ENOINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD'/ MELROSE DRIVE STAGE CONSTRUCTION /TRAFFIC HANDLING STAGE 2 . I UN9D0TT LAW & GFEvl9=*AN ENGINEERS Memorandum To: Kirk Bradbury From: Dave KrautfTjjQ^,^^ CC: File Date: 07/08/98 Re: Rancho Santa Fe Road Minimum Lane Configurations. Upon review of the existing volumes on Rancho Santa Fe Road, La Costa Avenue, and Melrose Drive, we have the following recommendations for the minimum traffic lanes to be provided dunng construction activities. Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue: Minimum Northbound: One left-turn lane, one through-right lane Southbound: One left-turn lane, one through lane, one right-turn lane Eastbound: One left-turn lane, one through-right lane Westbound: One left-turn lane, one through-right lane Preferred Northbound: One ieft-turn lane, one through lane, one nght-tum lane Southbound: One left-tum lane, one through lane, one right-turn lane EasttDound: One left-tum lane, one through lane, one right-turn lane Westbound: One left-turn lane, one through lane, one right-turn lane Rancho Santa Fe Road/Melrose Drive: Minimum ^ ^ Northbound: One left-tum lane, one through lane Southbound: One through lane, one rlght-tum lane Eastbound: One left-tum lane, one right-turn lane Preferred Northbound: One left-tum lane, two through lanes Southbound: Two through lanes, one right-turn lane Eastixjund: Tvwj left-turn lanes, one right-turn lane DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONTOUR GRADING PLAN DOKKEN LOCATION MAP IE NBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONTOUR GRADING PLAN sHCfT 6 or » • 0»l.lH>/^II.HMI«ltyillHT-ll«.liC» DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONTOUR GRADING PLAN r DOKKEN CNBINEERIND RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONTOUR GRADING PLAN swcfT 9 or g DOKKEN ENBINEERINB RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CONTOUR GRADING PLAN SHtip- OOF K