HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road; Rancho Santa Fe Road; 1997-12-23Department ofTransportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT - NEGATIVE FINDINGS 1. HIGHWAY PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION District County Route Post Mile Charge Unit and Expenditure Authorization 11 San Diego Rancho Santa Fe Rd. N/A 9651Q0-6ENVREV The proposed project is to demolish and reconstruct the existing San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Marcos Creek (Bridge 57C-0278). The approximately 3,500 linear foot study area is located in northem San Diego County in the Cities ofCarlsbad and San Marcos between Questhaven Road and Meadow Lark Ranch Road (Exhibit 1). The existing Ixidge is located on Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Nfeadows Drive on the north and Questhaven Road on the south. The existing right-of-way provides for the inaximum footage required for ccmstmction of two proposed duee-lane tddges (Exhibit 2). Along the new bndgc, the project includes constmction of roadway improvements at the south and north ends. The southeriy roadway £^iroach for the prc^wsed bridge will extend £q)proxiniately 1.800 feet, which will include reconstmcting the Questhaven and Rancho Santa Fe Roads intersection, and reconstructing approximately 600 to 800 feet of Questhaven Road east of the intersection. The northeriy roathvay spprosch for the new bridge(s) will be approximately 1.700 feet long and include the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Driv^Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and the rec(Histmcti(xi of approximately SOO feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersection. 2. AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) FWHA Senior Transportation Engineer Apprgyal: Name- Description: The APE encompasses the [Hoposra undertaking and includes existing or existing and futiire right-of-way limits, as depicted on Exhibit 3. i^j^ ^Dale.^2^;^^?^ 3. SOURCES CONSULTED X National Register of Historic Places Year 1997 (and updates to date) _2S__Califomia Inventory of Historic Resources Year 1976 (and upd^ to date) ^California Historical Landmarks Year 1990 (and updates to date) ^Califtxnia Points of Histmcal Interest Yean 1992 (and updates to date) JC__Archaeological Site Records [Name(s) of Institution(s)]: Soutii Coastal Information Center at SDSU Date: March 1997 San Diego Museum of Man Date: March 1997 _Local Historical Society [Name]: Date: Thirty-eight cultural resources werc identified within a one-mile radius of the project area. No cultural resources have been identified within the study area. The San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Marcos Credc (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is located within the APE. The bridge, which was built in 1978, was evaluated by Caltrans during a historic bridge inventory conducted between 1984 and 1^86 and placed in Category 5, which includes those stmctures that were detemuned not elipible for the National Register. Bridges in Category 5 require no further evaluation. SHPO: N/A Date: Other Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventorv Department ofTransportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT-NEGATIVE FINDINGS-Page 2 4. RESUME OF SURVEY Archaeological Survey Report (Attachment 1) Bridge Evaluati(Mi (Attachment 2) ' Historic Architectural EvaluaticMi Historic Research Evaluation Report Native American Input Other (Specily): _X_Yes_ JL_Yes_ _No_ No _N/A N/A Yes X No N/A Yes X No N/A Yes No X N/A Yes X No N/A Recommended for Aj^roval: Approved:. tin D. Rosen, Distnct 11 Heritage Preservation Cowdinator -4. 7 /nnlft Chris White, Chief Environmental Analysis Branch B Date 6. FHWA DETERMINATION Check One: A. No cultural resources are present within w adjacent to the project's APE. B. Cultural resources within or adjacent to the project's APE do not possess any historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural value. Cultural studies are complete and satisfactory. The requirements of 36 CFR 800 have been completed. /2i/z^/n S. Lewis A Senior Transpcxtation Engineer Histfflic Property Survey Repcwt - Negative Findings Preparer Carolyn E. Kyle Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad. CA 92008 (619)929-0055- (619) 929-0056 FAX Gallegos & Associates Rancho Santa Fe 7 5' USGS Quadrangle 1968, Photorevised 1983 Scale: 1:24,000 < CO UJ CQ San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement CA-SDl-11444/Hl' xwis, FHWA Senior Transportation Engineer BASE MAP SOURCE: San-Lo Aerial Surveys, Flown January 29. 1997 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (ESA) LIMITS CA.SDM1435 SAN MARCOS CREEK BRIDGE AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) ir Gallegos & Associates 0 400 Scale in Feet San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement APE Map EXHIBIT 3 PJ. #05-97 ATTACHMENT 1 Department ofTransportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT DPO-EP-25 (REV.2/83) I. HIGHWAY PROJECT DESCRIPTION District County Route Post Mile Charge Unit and Expenditure Authorization ^JJ San Diego Rancho Santa Fe Rd. UIA 965100-6ENVREV The jHX)posed project is to demolish and reconstmct the existing San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Marcos Creek (Bridge 57C-0278). The aipx)xiniately 3,500 linear foot study area is located in northem San Diego County in the Cities of Carlsbad and San Marcos between Questhaven Road and Kfeadow Lark Ranch Road (Figure 1). The existing Ixidge is located on Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Meadows Drive on the north and Questhaven Road on the south. The existing right-of-way provides for the maximum footage required for construction of two proposed three-lane bridges (Figure 2). Along the new bridge, the project includes constmction of roadway improvements at the south and north ends. The southeriy roadway approach for the proposed bridge will extend ^proximately I,SOO feet, which will include reconstructing the (Questhaven and Rancho Santa Fe Roads intosection, and reconstructing ^proximately 600 to 800 feet of Questhaven Road east of the intersection. The northeriy roadway approach for the new bridge(s) will be approximately 1.700 feet long and include the reconstmction of tiie La Costa Meadows Drive^ancho Santa Fe Road intersection and the reconstmction of ai^noximately 500 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersection. II. STUDY FINDINGS Hie San Marcos Creek Bridge (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is the only cultural resource kx;ated within the study area. The bridge was built in 1978 and was evaluated during the Caltrans (1987) historic bridge inventory and determined to be a CategcMy 5 bridge. Categmy 5 bridges do not meet National Register critoia for eligibility and require no further evaluation. This survey is accurate only for the area delineated on Figure 3. Should additicHial lands be added to the project, an additional inventorv mav be required. in. INTRODUCTION Name of Surveyor Qualiflcations Date of Fieldwork Carolyn E. Kyle B.A., M.A. AnUux)pology. SDSU; February 13.1997 SOPA certified; 12 years archaeological March 3.1997 exp^ence in CaMomia and Arizona. Dennis R. Gallegos B.A. Anthropology, CSU. Northridge B.A. Business. CSU. Northridge 20 years archaeological experience in Califomia and Arizona. Present Environment: The project area is located genially east and west of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road between Meadow Lark Ranch Road on the north and C^esthaven Road on the south. Topography within the study area includes the San Marcos Creek drainage and knoll slopes. Vegetation includes introduced grasses and trees, and disturbed riparian habitat in the creek. The study area is disturiied by constmction of roads and conmercial complexes. Potions of die study area have been used historically for ranching and farming. EthnogrflDhv! Prehistorically. tiie area is near tiie interface of botii the Kumevaav and the Luisefio nCmeher 1925V Department of Transportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT - Page 2 IV. SOURCES CONSULTED Archaeological Site Records on file au San Diego State University, South Coastal Information Center San Diego Museum of Man Other Sources Consulted: Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventtxy National Register of Historic Places (1989 & Supplements) CalifcHnia hiventory of Historic Resources (1976) Califomia Historical Landmarks Directory (1990) Califomia Points of Historical Interest (1992) Results: Thirty-eight cultural resources are identified within a one-mile radius of ttie study area. No cultural resources have been kientified within the study area. The San Marcos Creek Bridge (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is located witiiin the project area. A small pi(H)eer cemetery. CA-SDI-11444/H. and a historic foundation and trash scatter, CA-SDI-11435, are locaied at the north end of the project area on the east skle of Rancho Santa Fe Road at its into^tion with Meadow Lark Ranch Road. These resources are located ^iproximately 100 feet outside of the APE and will not be impacted by the proposed project. These two cultural resources will be designated as an Environmental Sensitive Area (ESA) that includes a 100-foot buffer around the sites, the ESA will be shown on project plans to i^otect them fron possible indirect IKoject-related impacts. tm V. FIELD METHODS The entire study area was surveyed oi foot using 1 Om wide transect intervals VI. REMARKS VIL CERTIFICATION turn Preparer; Carolyn E. Kyle Title: Senior Archaeologist GaUegos & Associates UM Signature: (^3_^Q^ C Date: :2-a-ir riw. Reviewer: Chris White Title: Chief. Environmental Analysis Branch B. Caltrans District 11 <MM Mi Signature: Qj/^ c^/Jjc Date: Jj^/^^ Ml VIII. MAPS mm District Location: Figure 1 USGS: Figure 2 Rancho Santa Fe Calif. 7.5 USGS quadrangle, dafcd 1968 Proiect Man: Figure 3 Department ofTransportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT - Page 3 IX. PHOTOGRAPHS Yes_X__(On file: Gallegos & Associates) X. BIBLIOGRAPHY Califomia Department ofTransportation (Caltrans) 1987 Stmctures Maintenance System-HSLALL; Historical Significance-Local Bridges, San Diego County. Kroeber. Alfied L. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78. Smithsonian Institution. Washington. D.C. U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) 1968 Topographic map, 7.5* Rancho Santa Fe Calif. Quadrangle. Photorevised 1983. m FIGURE 2 PROJECT VICINITY MAP Rancho Santa Fe 7.5' USGS (Quadrangle 1968, Photorevised 1983 Scale; 1:24,000 T-t V • V Gallegos & Associates CO UJ San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement ICA-SDI-I1444/HI- BASE MAP SOURCE: San-Lo Aerial Sun/eys. Flown January 29. 1997 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (ESA) LIMITS CA-SDI-11435 ^ SAN MARCOS CREEK BRIDGE AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) ir Gallegos & Associates 0 400 Scale in Feet San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement Survey Map FIGURE 3 PJ. #05-97 ATTACHMENT 2 STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE SYSTEM - HSLALL HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE - LOCAL BRIDGES PAGE 258 e COUNTY 57 (SD ) BRIDGE NUMBER ROUTE FEATURES INTERSECTED FACILITY CARRIED HIST CITY SIG 57C0228 OOOOO MEADOW CREEK OLD HWY 80 5 -57C0229 OOOOO HORSE CREEK OLD HWY 60 5 57C0230 OOOOO FLAT CREEK OLD HWY 80 5 57C0231 OOOOO CARRI20 CSEEK OLD HWY 30 5 57CC233 OSI 10 MURRAY CANYON FRIARS ROAD SD 5 57C02 3^i OQOOQ LA PGSTA CREEK OLD HWY 80 5 m 57C02 37 0W955 COTTQNl-JOOD CREEK BUCKMAN SPRINGS RD 5 57C0238 OOOOO BUENA VISTA CREEK JEFFERSON ST CBD 5 57C0239 0S107 SAN DIEGO RIVER PACIFIC HWY SD 5 57C0253 OOOOO SWEETWATER RIVE.? WILDWOOD GLEN LN 5 57C025'; 0S3O7 W MISSION BAY DR OC W MISSION BAY DR SD 5 57C0255 0S3O7 OFF RMP FOR INGRAHAM ST INGRAHAM ST SD 5 57C0256 0SU2 S MISSION BAY DR OC SEA CLIFF BL SD 5 57C025S 0S167 SWEETWATER RIV JAPATUL RD 5 57C0259 05167 PETERSON CYN JAPATUL RD 5 57C0263 OOOOO KEYS CHANNEL DUBLIN RD 5 mm 57C0265 GS135 WASHINGTON CHANNEL MAIN ST ECJ 5 57C0266 OS^IO VALLEY CENTER VALLEY CENTER RT 5 57C0267 OS^IO POTRERO CR VALLEY CENTER RD 5 57C0269 0S167 H FK SWEETWATER RIV DEHESA RD 5 57C0270 0W955 COTTONWOOD CR BUCKMAN SPRINGS RD 5 nw 57C0271 0W555 COTTONWOOD CR BUCKMAN SPRINGj RD 5 57C0273 0S191 TELEGRAPH CYN OTAY LAKES RD CHV 5 57C027A 0S191 OTAY RIV OTAY LAKES RD 5 57C0276 0S159 ENCINITAS BLVD UP ATSF RR 5 (;7rn ? 77 pAwrun r;iiA inMP M qAWTA FF AVF nrw *i 57C0278 0S3A5 SAN MARCOS CR RANCHO SANTA FE RD SMCS 5 57C0279 05136 WASHINfSTCM CHANNEL AVACAUU bl ECJ b 57C0230 JS390 POMERADO CR POWAY RD PWY 5 •MM 57CG2fil :1 S 3 9 0 RATTLESNAKE CR POWAY RD PWY 5 57C02S3 n S 3 ^ 5 ENCINITAS CR RANCHO SANTA FE RD CBD 5 57CQ234 OOOOO NQRTH HARBOR DR NORTH HARBOR DR SD 5 57C02S5 0S30^t ^t I M I T 2 BLVD NIMITZ BLVD SD 5 57C02S6 OOOOO NIMITZ BLVD NIMITZ BLVD SD 5 57C0237 OSI 12 SAN DIEGO RIV SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD SD 5 57C0229 OS 1 1 3 OLD TOWN UP CFRIARS RD) AT S SF RR SD 5 57C0291 OS 1 1 0 MISSION CENTER RD UC FRIARS RD SD 5 57C0292 OSllO SAN DIEGO CON CQ UC FRIARS RD SD 5 57C0293 osno STADIUM WAY UC FRIARS RD SD 5 •M 57C029^ 0 S 1 1 0 SAN DIEGO PREMIX CO UC FRIARS RD 5 57C0295 0S^15 FRIARS RD FRIARS RD SD 5 •H 57C0296 0S166 FORESTER CR CUYAMACA ST ECJ 5 57C0297 0S125 FORESTER CR FLETCHER PARKWAY ECJ 5 Hi 57CC293 0S286 LOS COCHES CR LOS COCHES RO ^ >* 57C0299 0S299 WASHINGTON CHANNEL MAGNOLIA AVE ECJ 5 57C0300 053^*^ LCMA ALTA CR EL CAMINO REAL OCN 5 m 57C0301 0S150 SAN MARCOS CR SAN MARCOS BLVD SMCS 5 57C0302 0S262 SWEETWATER RIV TRIB SWEETWATER RD 5 •M 57C0303 u S 2 6 2 S'.JEcTWATER RIV TRIB SWEE rWATER RD 5