HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road; Rancho Santa Fe Road Assessment District 86-5; 1986-07-01Ik-. 3^0 ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS STUDY for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-5 Report 86-006 prepared for: City of Carlsbad Office of the City Engineer 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 prepared by: Alexander Segal, Ph.D. Consultant in Acoustics 5222 Trojan Ave. tt 316 San Diego, CA 92115 July 1986 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 1. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road presently results in high levels of noise affecting the existing residences located along the road. Traffic noise impacts greatly depend on medium and heavy truck traffic. Recently adopted Ordinance, v;hich bans trucks weighting more than 7 tons from using the road, resulted in traffic noise decrease in the area. The field sound level measurements and the theoretical traffic noise prediction calculations were performed in order to evaluate traffic noise impacts on a number of the existing residences located along Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and Melrose Avenue as illustrated on the topography cross-sections provided by the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. Several traffic flow alternatives were considered including the existing traffic flow conditions (before and after the truck ban), and the forecasted traffic flov/ conditions (v/ith and without the proposed widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road). It was assumed that the recently imposed truck ban would remain in the future. The analysis revealed that traffic noise impacts on the majority of the existing residences under investigation exceed the City of Carlsbad General Plan exterior noise limit (Ldn=65 dB). After the truck ban had been imposed, traffic noise decreased by at least 3 decibel. However, at some of the residences traffic noise still exceeds Ldn=65 dB. It is expected that in the future traffic flow and traffic noise would increase. Since the road widening will result in the road centeriine being located at larger distance from the existing residences, traffic noise increase would be lower than that anticipated from the forecasted traffic flow increase. Analysis shows that the present (after the truck ban) and the forecasted traffic noise impacts could be reduced to Ldn=65 dB by 3 to 7.5 ft high solid acoustical barriers placed betv/een the residences under investigation and the road. In order to reduce traffic noise impacts to Ldn=45 dB inside the residences, dual or laminated windows might be needed. Some kind of mechanical ventilation could also be required in order to provide a habitable living environment inside the residences at the "closed window" conditions. Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 2. INTRODUCTION This Acoustical Analysis is submitted in accord with the agreement with the City of Carlsbad regarding the acoustical evaluation of traffic noise impacts on the existing residences located along Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and Melrose Avenue and shown on the topography cross-sections provided by the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. Several traffic flow alternatives, as specified by the City of Carisbad Engineer, are considered. The City of Carlsbad General Plan uses a Day-Night Average Sound Level (Ldn) of 65 dB as a noise limit for the outside "noise sensitive" residential areas (such as yards, patios, balconies, etc.). The interior noise limit is Ldn=45 dB. Since the existing and the forecasted traffic load on section of Rancho Santa Fe Road under consideration is relatively high (Average Daily Traffic CADT] in excess of 12,000 vehicles per day), a potential exists that traffic noise impacts to the residences aiong Rancho Santa Fe Road might exceed the City of Carlsbad Noise Limits. 2. METHOD OF EXTERIOR NOISE EVALUATION The acoustical conditions in the area under investigation were evaluated using the direct sound level measurements and the theoretical methods of traffic noise prediction. The field noise measurements were made by a Metrosonics dB-306C Metrologger Digital Sound Level Analyzer, which is a Type II instrument in accord with the ANSI S 1.4-1971 requirements. The Analyzer takes 4 samples of "A" Weighted sound levels per second ("Slow" time constant). Typically Metrosonics dB-306C was mounted on a tripod four to five feet above the ground with a windscreen fitted to the microphone. Before and after the noise level measurements the meter was calibrated with a C-302 Acoustical Calibrator. Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Traffic count v/as taken during the field sound level measurements in order to aid in comparison analysis between the theoretical and the field data. The theoretical evaluation of traffic noise impacts v/as performed on the IBM PC computer using a custom-made computer program. The program is based on the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Prediction Model FHWA-RD-77-108 (1) modified for the California conditions. The program uses the California Vehicle Noise (Calveno) reference energy mean emission levels developed by Caltrans in 1984 (2), and incorporates the new revised grade corrections developed by Caltrans and presented at the January 1986 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (3). Based either on the one-hour number of vehicles (HNV) or on the average daily number of vehicles (ADT) information, traffic mix, speed, and other traffic' flov/ and the project topography data, the program estimates the one-hour equivalent sound level CLeq(h)] and the Community Equivalent Noise Level (CNEL) at the specified location. The program assumes that CNEL is 1.5 to 2 dB higher than Leq(h). That is rather a conservative assumption for typical residential roads since lower traffic volumes on weekends and lower truck volumes on weekends and during the night hours are ignored. The program takes into account different sound propagation above the ground conditions (drop-off rate). For acoustically hard sites ("reflective" sites v/ith a site parameter ALPHA=0.0), the calculations are performed using the propagation rate of 3 dB per doubling of distance (3 dB/DD). For acoustically soft sites ("absorptive" sites with a site parameter ALPHA=0.5 and 4.5 dB/DD propagation rate), the calculations are performed for both the "soft" and the "hard" site conditions. In order to describe potential noise impacts v/ithin the project, the following community noise descriptors were used: A-Weiqhted Sound Level (dB) - the sound level measured with the utilization of the "A-weighting" frequency correction. This correction weights the contribution of sounds of different frequencies so that the response of the average human ear is s imulated. Equivalent Sound Level (LEQ or Leq) - the A-weighted level of a continuous steady sound which contains the same total acoustical energy over the averaging time period as the actual time varying s ound. 4 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Maximum sound level (Lmax) - the maximum sound level recorded during the measurements. One-Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Leq(h)) - the Leq over one hour averaging period. Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) - a composite noise index derived from the summation of hourly LEQ's over a 24-hour time period with increasing weighting factors applied to the evening (7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, + 5 dB) and the nighttime (10:00 pm to 7:00 am, + 10 dB) time periods. Day-Night Average Sound Level (PNL or Ldn) - is identical to CNEL except that no evening (7:00 pm to 10:00 pm) adjustment is used. For most practical applications, CNEL and Ldn are considered to be equal. 4. EXISTING NOISE ENVIRONMENT In order to determine the existing traffic noise impacts along the stretch of Rancho Santa Fe Road under investigation, the field sound level measurements were made at several locations on two Saturdays (April 12 and May 24, 1986) and on two Tuesdays (April 29 and June 24, 1986). The noise readings were taken during morning, mid-day and afternoon hours. The measurements were performed before and after the new Ordinance v/hich bans trucks weighting more than 7 tons from using the stretch of Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and Questhaven Road v/as approved by the City of Carlsbad Council. The first noise measurement location was along relatively level part of Rancho Santa Fe Road north of Cadencia Road and about several hundred feet south of the SDG&E easement. Surrounding land is relatively level and vacant. Therefore, there was an unobstructed viev/ to the road from the measurement location with subtended angles within -80, +90 degrees. The noise readings were taken at approximately 50 ft from the centeriine of Rancho Santa Fe Road which at that location is a two lane road with posted traffic speed of 45 mph. The results of the sound level measurements at Location 1 with the corresponding traffic flow data (number of automobiles, medium and heavy trucks) recorded during each test are summarized in Table 1. Report 86-006 Assessment District No 86-5 Table 1 RESULTS OF THE FIELD SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENTS AT LOCATION 1 Tes t No . Date Time Number Auto of M.' veh i c1e s Tr. H.Tr. Te s t durat i on min.sec Leq Lma: 1 4-12 4-5p . m. 146 1 0 10 . 04 66 82 2 4-29 1-2p . m. 118 6 8 10 . 27 69 83 3 4-29 1-2p . m. 130 6 21 10 .33 73 86 4 4-29 1-2p . m. 127 8 19 10 . 35 71 85 5 6-24 6-9a . m. 180 4 1 10 . 58 68 84 6 6-24 8-9a . m 202 5 2 10 . 29 69 83 7 6-2 4 8-9a . m 153 5 1 10 . 34 68 81 8 6-24 8-9 a . m 154 4 0 11 . 11 67 81 9 6-24 9-10a .. m 153 5 3 11 . 17 68 82 10 6-24 9-10a . m 130 5 0 10 . 46 67 86 11 6-24 9-10a . m 179 6 3 11 . 45 69 87 The second noise measurement location was in front of the existing residence at the south-west corner of Cadencia Street and Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. Rancho Santa Fe Road at that location has 2 traffic lanes with the road grade ranging from 2 to 6 percent. The noise readings were taken at roughly 30 ft from the road centeriine. There was an unobstructed view to the road from the measurement -location with subtended angles of about -90, +90 degrees. Posted traffic speed in the area is 45 mph. The results of the sound level measurements at Location 2 with the corresponding traffic flow data (number of automobiles, medium and heavy trucks) recorded during each test are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 RESULTS OF THE FIELD SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENTS AT LOCATION 2 Test Date Time Number of vehicles No. Auto M.Tr. H.Tr. Test durat i on min.sec Leq Lmax 1 4-29 2-3p.m. 166 6 11 2 5-24 4-5p.m. 170 2 0 3 6-24 12-lp.m. 156 5 2 10 . 40 13.55 11.17 74 70 72 91 87 88 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 The third noise measurement location was several hundred feet south of intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road v/ith Melrose Avenue. Rancho Santa Fe Road at that location has 2 traffic lanes and a left turn lane. Near the measurement location the road grade was within 2 percent with significant grade increase further to the north. Posted traffic speed is 45 mph. The noise readings were taken at approximately 45 ft from the road centeriine (Tests 1, 2, and 3), and at approximately 56 ft from the road centeriine (Test 4). There was an unobstructed view to the road from the measurement location v/ith subtended angles of -90, +90 degrees. The results of the sound level measurements at Location 3 with the corresponding traffic flov/ data (number of automobiles, medium and heavy trucks) recorded during each test are summarized in Tab1e 3. Table 3 RESULTS OF THE FIELD SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENTS AT LOCATION 3 Test No . Date Time Number Auto of vehicles M.Tr. H.Tr. Test durat ion min.sec Leq Lmax 1 4-12 3-4p.m. 148 4 0 10.02 68 81 2 4-12 4-5p.m. 153 1 0 10.10 68 80 3 4-29 2-3p.m. 83 9 14 4 . 38 75 89 4 4-29 2-3p.m. 152 7 20 10.25 71 86 In order to verify the validity of the theoretical traffic noise prediction techniques planned to be used, traffic flow data recorded during each test were transformed to the one-hour values and based on these value the "calculated" Equivalent Sound Levels CLeq(c)3 were estimated for all noise measurement locations. Traffic speed of 45 mph was used in all calculations. The calculated values (LeqCc3) were than compared with those obtained during the field tests (LeqCm]). Since the results of the field tests were recorded in decibels without the fractional portion (integers), the results of .the acoustical calculations were also converted to integers (by rounding the fractional portion) in order to allow the comparison of identical variables. The examples of the acoustical calculations are shown in Tables 1 through 10 in the Attachment.The final results are summarized in Tables 4, 5, and 6. Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Table 4 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FIELD RESULTS AT LOCATION 1 Test HNV % of Trucks Speed Leq C c ] Leq Cm] Leq C No . M.Tr . H.Tr . mph (calc) (meas) Leq L 1 876 0 . 6 0 . 0 45 66 . 8 (67) 68 + 1 2 758 4.5 6 . 1 45 69.8 (70) 69 -1 3 893 3 . a 13.4 45 72 . 4 (72) 72 0 4 873 5 . 2 12 . 3 45 72 . 1 (72) 71 -1 5 1012 2 . 2 0 . 5 45 68 . 1 (68) 68 0 6 1197 2 . 4 1 . 0 45 69 . 2 (69) 69 0 7 903 3.1 0.6 45 67.9 (68) 68 0 8 848 2.5 0 . 0 45 67. 1 (67) 67 0 9 856 3 . 1 1 . 9 45 68 . 4 (68) 68 0 10 752 3.7 0 . 0 45 66 . 8 (67) 67 0 11 960 3 . 2 1 .6 45 68 . 7 (69) 69 0 Table 5 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FIELD RESULTS AT LOCATION 2 Test HNV % of Trucks Speed Leq C c ] Leq Cm] Leq Cm]- No . M.Tr . H.Tr . mph (calc) (meas) Leq C c] 1 1029 3 . 3 6.0 45 73.5 (74) 74 0 2 742 2.8 0 . 0 45 69.1 (69) 70 + 1 3 867 3 . 1 1 . 2 45 70.6 (71) 72 + 1 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Table 6 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FIELD RESULTS AT LOCATION 3 Tes t HNV % of Trucks Speed Leq C c ] Leq Cm] Leq Cm]- No . M.Tr . H.Tr . mph (calc) (meas) Leq C c ] 1 909 2.6 0 . 0 45 68.2 (68) 68 0 2 909 0.6 0 . 0 45 67.8 (68) 68 0 3 1374 8.5 13.2 45 75.3 (75) 75 0 4 1031 3.9 11.1 45 72.2 (72) 71 -1 As can be seen from Tables 4, 5, and theoretical calculations are in a good obtained during the field tests (some explained by higher traffic speed during presence of unusually loud vehicles in reflections by the intervening topography, theoretical noise prediction techniques used to describe the existing and the conditions in the area. 6, the results of the agreement v/ith those differences could be the specific tests, traffic flow, sound etc.). Therefore, the specified above can be forecasted acoustical The existing noise environment along the stretch of Rancho Santa Fe Road under investigation was determined based on the traffic flow information provided by the City of Carlsbad and the average traffic mix and speed data obtained during the field tests. According to the City of Carlsbad, the existing ADT on Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and La Costa Avenue is within 12,700, and between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Avenue traffic increases to ADT=14,400. The majority of the existing residences along Rancho Santa Fe Road are located between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Avenue where the traffic load is greater. For the purpose of the noise impact analysis, the City of Carlsbad has selected 11 existing residences located along Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and Melrose Avenue. The topography cross-sections of these residences, as specified by the City of Carisbad, are presented on Fig. 1 through 6 in the Attachment. The topography cross-sections represent the following residential lots: Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 North of La Costa Avenue Secti on 1 -Lot 40 (At Cadencia Street, Revised C. T. 72-20) Secti on 2 -Lot 48 (At Casca Way, Revised CT. 72-20) ; Secti on 3 -Lot 49 (At Casca Way, Revised CT. 72-20 ) ; Secti on 4 -Lot 54 (At Mus1o Lane, Revi sed C.T. 72 -20) ; Secti on 5 -Lot 57 (At Mus1o Lane, Revised C.T. 72 -20) ; Secti on 6 -Lot 92 (At Tr igo Lane, Revised C.T. 72 -20) ; Sect ion 7 -Lot 93 (At Trigo Lane, Revised CT. 72 -20 ) ; Secti on 8 -Lot 99 (At Piragua Street, Revised CT . 72-20); Secti on 11 • - Lot at Agua Dulse (C. T. 72-20); South of La Costa Avenue Section 9 - Lot 126 (At Quebrada Circle, CT. 72-3); Section 10 - Lot 129 (At Quebrada Court, CT. 72-3); As has been specified above, the existing traffic load on Rancho Santa Fe Road between Olivenhain Road and La Costa Avenue is slightiy lower than that betv/een La Costa Avenue and Melrose Avenue. In order to address "the worst case" conditions, the calculations were performed assuming that the existing ADT is 14,400 aiong the entire stretch of Rancho Santa Fe Road under investigation. Traffic speed of 45 mph was used in all calculat ions. Analysis of the weekday traffic count data revealed that during the day-hours there v/as an average 4.2% medium and 9.4% heavy trucks in the area before the truck ban, and that there v/as about 3% of medium and 1% of heavy trucks after the ban v/as imposed. These data were further used in the theoretical noise prediction analysis in order to address traffic noise impacts before and after the truck ban. According to the field observations, some of the existing residences along Rancho Santa Fe Road are separated from the road by fences and walls of different size and material. These walls might provide some attenuation of traffic noise impacts. However, since most of these walls are acoustically not "solid", their sound attenuation effect was ignored during this analysis. All calculations were performed for the "first floor" (5 ft above the ground) observer position. The examples of the acoustical calculations are presented in Tables 11 and 12 in the Attachment. The final results of the acoustical calculations are summarized in Table 7. 10 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Table 7 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS AT THE SELECTED CROSS-SECTIONS (EXISTING CONDITIONS, NO BARRIERS) Secti on Before the truck ban After the truck ban No . Ldn Compiiance Ldn Comp1iance in dB with Ldn=65 dB in dB • with Ldn=65 dB 1 74 + 9 71 + 6 2 74 + 9 71 + 6 3 73 + 8 70 + 5 4 73 + 8 70 + 5 5 74 + 9 71 + 6 6 74 + 9 71 + 6 7 75 + 10 71 + 6 8 74 + 9 71 + 6 9 66 + 1 61 -4 10 71 + 6 65 0 11 62 -3 56 -9 As can be seen, traffic noise impacts to most of the existing residences under investigation significantiy exceed the Ldn=65 dB limit established by the City of Car 1sbad. It also can be seen that the noise impacts decreased by at least 3 dB after the truck ban had been enforced. The additional calculations were performed in order to determine the existing traffic noise contour location. Since the existing building structures provide different degree of shielding, determination of the noise contour location within the already developed areas is considered to' be not practical. Therefore, the noise contour location on the undeveloped "level" iand was addressed. It was determined that before the truck ban the Ldn=65 dB traffic noise contour was located somewhere at 200 to 220 ft from the road centeriine. After the truck ban had been imposed, the Ldn of 65 dB noise contour is expected to be somewhere at 100 to 130 ft from the road centeriine. For elevated or depressed (in relation to the road elevation) areas distance to Ldn=65 dB noise contour might be different. 11 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 5. FUTURE NOISE ENVIRONMENT Future developments in the area and anticipated improvements of Rancho Santa Fe Road to the Prime Major Arterial standard v/ili result in traffic noise impact increase. The City of Carlsbad estimates that future traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road v/ithout the road widening (2 lane road) might increase to ADT of 20,000. With the proposed road improvements to a 6 lane standard, the expected ADT might reach 44,000. The forecasted traffic fiow data were used in the theoretical noise prediction analysis for determination of future acoustical conditions in the area of interest. The results are summarized in Table 8. Table 8 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS AT THE SELECTED CROSS-SECTIONS (FUTURE CONDITIONS, NO BARRIERS) Sect ion No . Without the wideninq With the wideninq Sect ion No . Ldn in dB Compliance with Ldn=65 dB Ldn in dB Comp1iance with Ldn=65 dB 1 72 + 7 73 + 8 2 72 + 7 74 + 9 3 71 + 6 73 + 8 4 71 + 6 73 + 8 5 72 + 7 74 + 9 6 72 + 7 74 + 9 7 73 + 8 74 + 9 8 72 + 7 74 + 9 9 62 -3 65 0 10 67 + 2 69 + 4 11 58 -7 59 -6 12 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 The analysis shows that the forecasted traffic noise impacts on the majority of the existing residences under investigation could significantly exceed Ldn=65 dB outdoor noise limit established by the City of Carisbad. The analysis also shows that after the road widening, traffic noise impacts on the existing residences wouid be by 1 to 2 dB higher than that v/ithout the widening. That sound level increase is somewhat lower than could be anticipated from the forecasted traffic flow increase by 220% after the road widening (101og(44000/20000)=3.4 dB). The lower noise increase can be explained by the fact that after the widening, the road centeriine wouid be further from the existing residences than it is now. It was determined that without the road widening future Ldn=65 dB traffic noise contour wouid be located somewhere at 120 to 150 ft from the road centeriine ("level" topography). With the road widening and the anticipated traffic increase, the Ldn=65 dB noise contour wouid be located somewhere at 200 to 240 ft from the road centeriine. As was mentioned above, for elevated or depressed (in relation to the road elevation) areas distance to the Ldn=65 dB noise contour could be different. 6. MITIGATION MEASURES The analysis shows that the existing and the forecasted traffic noise impacts on some of the existing residences along Rancho Santa Fe Road might exceed the Ldn=65 dB noise level limit established by the City Of Carlsbad. In order to reduce traffic noise impacts to Ldn=65 dB of less, different noise mitigation measures were considered. Since the acoustical barriers are the most widely used measures for traffic noise mitigation, appiication of the free standing solid acoustical barriers was evaluated the first. The City of Carlsbad typically considers 6 ft high soiid noise attenuation walls as an acceptable noise mitigation alternative (4). Therefore, the acoustical calculations were performed to determine the noise attenuation effect of 6 ft high acoustical barriers placed between the road and the existing residences under the investigation. The calculations were performed for ail 4 traffic flow alternatives considered in this analysis. The examples of the acoustical calculations are shown in Tables 13 and 14 in the Appendix. The final results are summarized in Tables 9 and 10. 13 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Table 9 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS AT THE SELECTED CROSS-SECTIONS (EXISTING CONDITIONS, 6 FT HIGH BARRIERS) Sect ion No . Before the truck ban After the truck ban Sect ion No . Ldn in dB Compliance with Ldn=65 dB Ldn in dB Comp1iance with Ldn=65 dB 1 68 + 3 63 -2 2 68 + 3 63 -2 3 66 + 1 62 -3 4 66 + 1 61 -4 5 67 + 2 63 -2 6 68 + 3 63 -2 7 68 + 3 64 -1 8 68 + 3 64 -1 9 62 -3 Not requi red 10 66 + 1 Not requi red 11 Not requi red Not requi red Table 10 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS AT THE SELECTED CROSS-SECTIONS (FUTURE CONDITIONS, 6 FT HIGH BARRIERS) Section Without the wideninq With the widening No. Ldn Compliance Ldn Compiiance in dB with Ldn=65 dB in dB with Ldn=65 dB 1 64 -1 67 + 2 2 €5 0 67 + 2 3 63 -2 66 + 1 4 63 -2 65 0 5 64 -1 66 + 1 6 65 0 67 + 2 7 65 0 67 + 2 8 65 0 67 + 2 9 Not requi red Not requi red 10 62 -3 65 0 11 Not requi red Not requi red 14 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 As can be seen from Tables 9 and 10, at the "after and "future without widening with the truck ban alternatives, the 6 ft high soiid wails would noise impacts on the "first floor" observers at under investigation to Ldn=65 dB or less. However, the truck ban" or "future with widening with traffic flow conditions, traffic noise impacts residences could still exceed Ldn = 65 dB even v/ith acoustical barriers. the truck ban" traffic flow reduce traffic the residences at the "before the truck ban" on some of the the 6 ft high The additional calculations v/ere performed to determine the optimal acoustical barrier height needed for traffic noise mitigation to Ldn=65 dB at ali cross-sections under the consideration. The results of the calculations are summarized m Tables 11 and 12. Table 11 NOISE MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE EXISTING CONDITIONS (COMPLIANCE WITH Ldn=65 dB LIMIT) Section Before the truck ban No. traffic flow conditions After the truck ban traffic flow conditions 1 Wali (8 . 5 ' above pad) Wall (4.5' above pad) 2 • Wall (8 . 0 ' above pad) Wall (4.5' above pad) 3 Wall (6. 5' above pad) Wali (4.0' above pad) 4 Wail (6 . 5 ' above pad) Wail (4.0' above pad) 5 Wail (7. 0 ' above pad) Wall (5.0' above pad) 6 Wall ( 7 . 0 ' above pad) Wall (5.0' above pad) 7 Wall (7. 5 ' above pad) Wail (5.5' above pad) 8 Wall ( 8 . 0 ' above pad) Wall (5.0' above pad) 9 Wail ( 3 . 0 ' above road) Not requi red 10 Wai i (6. 5 ' above road ) Wall (3.0' above road) 11 Not requi red Not required 15 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 Table 12 NOISE MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE FUTURE CONDITIONS (COMPLIANCE WITH Ldn=65 dB LIMIT) Section Without the road wideninq No. (2 lane road) With the road v/ideninq (6 lane road) 1 Wail (5.5' above pad) Wail (7.0' above pad ) 2 Wall (5.5' above pad) Wali (7.0' above pad ) 3 Wai 1 (5.0' above pad) Wall (6.5' above pad) 4 Wall (5.0' above pad) Wall (6.0' above pad) 5 Wali (5.5' above pad) Wail (6.5' above pad) 6 Wali (6.0' above pad) Wail (6.5' above pad) 7 Wall (6.0' above pad) Wail (7.0' above pad) 8 Wal 1 (6.0' above pad) Wail (7.5' above pad ) 9 Not requi red Not requi red 10 Wail (3.0' above road) Wali (5.0' above road) 11 Not requi red Not required As follows from Tables 11 and 12, the present (after the truck ban) and the forecasted traffic noise impacts could be reduced to a Ldn=65 dB (for the "first floor" receptors) by placing of solid acoustical barriers ranging in height from 3 to 7.5 ft between the residences under investigation and the road. In order to reduce traffic noise impacts existed before the truck ban, the barriers with height of up to 8.5 ft wouid be required. Since typical traffic noise mitigation barriers have little or no sound attenuation effect for the upper floor rooms, it might be expected that traffic noise impacts on the upper floor elevations (if any) of residences located along Rancho Santa Fe Road might exceed Ldn=65 dB limit even when noise barriers are installed. It should be also mentioned that due to reflection of sound from the building elements, in some cases noise impacts behind the noise attenuation barriers could be slightly higher than that specified above. 16 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 The noise attenuation barriers should be (masonry, concrete, stucco on wood frame, 2 etc.) without any openings. A barrier that has 10% of its total area provides a maximum of of solid design inch thick wood, openings totaling 4 dec ibei noi se attenuation (5). Therefore, the intended openings in a barrier (for drainage, etc.) should not exceed 1% of the total area, and the construction specifications should require that all joints are tightly sealed. The barriers could contain the light transparent sections (1/8 to 1/4 inch safety glass, shatterproof plexiglass, etc.) and could consist of the earth berms topped by the freestanding walls. For depressed or elevated (in relation to the road grade) lots, the barrier height might be lower than that for "level" lots. The City of Carisbad uses Ldn=45 dB as the interior noise limit. In order to reduce the exterior noise impacts specified above to Ldn=45 dB, the buiiding envelope need to provide at least 20 to 30 decibel of noise reduction. Since sound attenuation of typical building envelope at the "open v/indow" conditions is relatively low ( somev/hat between 10 to 15 decibel depending on size of the open area, room absorption, etc.), it can be expected that with the windows open, the interior noise in the residences under investigation might exceed 45 decibel. In order to reduce the interior noise impact to Ldn = 45 dB, the windows of the affected residences need to be closed and some kind of mechanical ventilation need to be used to compensate for the lost natural ventilation. Additionally, use of dual or laminated glazing could be required in some windows, especially, at the upper floor rooms. Determination of more specific exterior and interior noise mitigation measures shail be provided on the case by case basis. It appears that the exterior and the interior noise analysis need to be performed for ail future residences planned to be placed within Rancho Santa Fe Road corridor. Traffic noise predictions and the proposed noise mitigation measures contained in this report are preliminary only and represent the best estimates based on currentiy available information. Alexander Acous t ica. fegai, Ph.D. Eng ineer 17 Report 86-006 Assessment District No. 86-5 REt'liKENCES 1. Barry,T.M., and Reagan,J.A. (1978). "FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model," Report No. FHWA-RD-77-108 by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highv/ay Administration. 2. Hendriks, R.W., (1984). "California Vehicle Noise Emission Levels," Interim Report by Office of the Transportation Laboratory, California Department of Transportation. 3. Hendriks, R.W., (1986). "Heavy Truck Noise Emission Levels on Grades in California," Report by Office of the Transportation Laboratory (Caltrans) to the Transportation Research Board Annual Meet ing. 4. Letter from the City of Carlsbad Land Use Pianning Office dated April 8, 1986. 5. The Noise Guidebook, A Reference Document for Implementing the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Noise Policy, (1985). U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Pianning and Development. 18 0) Figure 1. Cross-sections 1 and 2 ^ •-^ --^^ •.SSSSSkk.v..^s,V|.'SS.k.k.^^-^C,.. I 1 Figure 2. Cross-sections 3 and 4 ® lk Figure 3. Cross-sections 5 and 6 1 Figure 4, Cross-sections 7 and 6 V Figure 5. Cross-sections 9 and 10 V zz.y 1 / / / Aie' / 30^ X o Figure 6. Cross-section 11 APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 1 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 1, TEST 1 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 876.0 7. OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 0.6 7. OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 0.0 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTAN CE 50. Q SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE -49.6 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 0.0 ROAD ELEVATION -1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION -=; n ROAD GRADE (%) -1.0 LEFT ANGLE --80.0 RIGHT ANGLE -90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS • OF CALCUL ATIONS CREFLEC TIVE^ SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB iU ITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66.6 -3. 76 0.0 66.6 M.TRUCKS 52.7 -3.94 Q.O =;•- T H.TRUCKS 39.5 -4.38 0.0 -IQ c; FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h)- - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - 66.3 dl EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 68 to 69 dB APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 2 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 1, TEST 3 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION .HNV - 893,0 Z OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.8- >: OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 13.4 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 50.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE -49. 6 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE O.C ROAD ELEVATION -1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION -5.0 ROAD GRADE (X) -i .0 LEFT ANGLE --80.0 RIGHT ANGLE -90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq\h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq (h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in .dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 65.9 -3.76 0.0 65. C / M.TRUCKS 60.8 -3.94 •.0 60. o H.TRUCKS 70.8 -4,38 0.0 70. a FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATION S (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=C.O) - 72.4 dB EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 73 to 74 dB APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 3 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 1, TEST 7 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 903.0 'I. OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.1 % OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 0.6 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATI? JN SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 3I.NGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE ROAD ELEVATION TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - RECEIVER ELEVATION ROAD GRADE (7.) LEFT ANGLE RIGHT ANGLE 50.0 49.6 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 -SO.O 90. D INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL (NO BARRIER) NUMBER SHIELDING in dB Leq(h) (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66,6 -3.76 Q.O M.TRUCKS 60.0 -3.94 O.Q 60.0 H.TRUCKS 57.4 -4,38 0,0 57.4 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (.ALPHA=0.0) - 67.9 dB EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 69" to 70 dB APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 4 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 1, TEST 9 TRAFFIC FLOW I MFORMATION HNV - S56.0 % OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.1 % OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 1.9 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 0,0 ROAD ELEVATION 1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION 5,0 ROAD GRADE (%> 1.0 LEFT ANGLE -80.0 RIGHT ANGLE 90.0 [NTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq ( h ) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WI TH A ' BARRIE li j AUTOS 66. 3 -3.76 0.0 66. M.TRUCKS 59.8 -3,94 0,0 59. O H.TRUCKS 62. 2 -4,38 0,0 62. INAL RESULTS « OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIEL •DING) TOTAL Led (h) 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=n.O) -68. 4 dB •*•*•*•*•*•*•***•***#******•*#•* •***.Ji-*.)(.***-S.* EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 69 to 70 dB **#*•*-tf •*•»*•*•*•***•#*-*•* •^•S-»-*-M--i?-*-S-#-fS--**** APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 5 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 1, TEST li TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATIOf HNV - 960.0 '/. OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.2 "/. OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 1.6 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTAN CE 50.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE -49.6 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 0,0 ROAD ELEVATION -1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION -5.0 ROAD GRADE (7.) -1,0 LEFT ANGLE --80.0 RIGHT ANGLE -90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('RE ELECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Lsq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66.9 -3.76 0.0 66,9 M.TRUCKS 60.4 -3.94 Q.O 60.4 H.TRUCKS 61.9 -4.38 O.Q 61.9 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - 68.7 dB EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 70 to 71 dB APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 6 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 2, TEST 1 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 1029.0 7. OF MEDIUM TRUCKS % OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 6.0 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 30,0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - 29.4 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 0,0 ROAD ELEVATION - 1,0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - 1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION - 5.0 ROAD GRADE (7,) - 4,0 LEFT ANGLE - -90,0 RIGHT ANGLE - 90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' Slit) SOURCE (NO Leq(h) BARRIER) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leg NUMBER in dB (WITH A (h) BARRIER) AUTOS M.TRUCKS H.TRUCKS 69.5 63.4 70.6 -3.65 0.0 69. -3.95 0.0 63. -4,70 0.0 70, 1=1 4 i. FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Lsd(h) 'REFLE CTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) 73.5 dB EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 74 to 75 dB •***•)(••!<••);••*•***•*•?(•#*•«•**•* •it APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 7 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 2, TEST 3 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 867.0 % OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.l' y. OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 1.2 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 30.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - 29.4 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 0.0 ROAD ELEVATION -1,0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION -5.0 ROAD GRADE (X) -4.0 LEFT ANGLE --90.0 RIGHT ANGLE -90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULA TIONS ('REFLECT IVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WI TH A BARRIER) AUTOS 69.0 -3. 65 Q.O 69.0 M.TRUCKS 62.3 -3.95 0.0 62.3 H.TRUCKS 62.9 -4.70 0.0 62.9 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - 70.6 dB * it -if ***•**•** •it -it *-it-it-it-i^ EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 71 tc 72 dB *-it * •it-it *-it-it-it * •* -it-it-it-it-it-it-it * APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 8 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PRED,ICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC' CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 3, TEST 1 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 909.0 X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 2.6 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 0.0 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 45.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - 44.6 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 0.0 ROAD ELEVATION - 1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - 1,0 RECEIVER ELEVATION - 5.0 ROAD GRADE (7.) - 2.0 LEFT ANGLE - -90.0 RIGHT ANGLE - 90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDIiNG Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WITH A BARRIER) n AUTOS 67.4 -3.74 O.C M.TRUCKS 60.0 -3.94 0.0 60.0 H.TRUCKS 40.3 -4.44 0.0 40.3 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - 68.2 dB * •it ***-it •it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it #-it-it-it-it •it *-it •* EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 69 to 70 dB •it*-it*-it****-)t-it*-it-it*****-it********.it-it***-it** APPENDIX REPORT 86-006 TABLE 9 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 3, TEST 3 •RAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV . - 1374.0 X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 8,5 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 13.2 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 45, 0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE -44. 6 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 0, 0 ROAD ELEVATION 1. n TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1. 0 RECEIVER ELEVATION 5. 0 ROAD GRADE (X) 0 LEFT ANGLE -90. 0 RIGHT ANGLE 90. 0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 63.3 -3.74 0.0 68.3 M.TRUCKS 66.9 -3.94 0.0 66.9 H.TRUCKS 73.3 -4.44 0.0 73.3 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE'. SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - 75.2 dB ******-it**-it-it***-it#*-)t*-it#****it-it-it****#***-it-it-it* EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 76 to 77 dB **###***^it*-***^it-)t-it**-it*-it**-it*-it**^)t-it**-it APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 10 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - LOCATION 3, TEST 4 TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION HNV - 1031.Q X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.9 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 11.1 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTAN CE 56.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DI STANCE -55.7 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 0.0 ROAD ELEVATION -1.0 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -1.0 RECEIVER ELEVATION -=; n _J 3 Ul ROAD GRADE (X) -.ii o U LEFT ANGLE --90.0 RIGHT ANGLE -90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCUL ATIONS CREFL .ECTIVE' SI i E) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq (h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER m dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66.4 -3.77 0.0 66. 4 M.TRUCKS 61.3 -3, 93 Q.O L 1 Win H.TRUCKS 70.4 -4, 33 0.0 70. 4 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=O.Q) - 72.2 dB TOTAL Leq(h) - 'SOFT' SITE (ALPHA=0.5) - 70.8 dB *-it-it •it-it-it * * * * * •it-it-it * * * *-it-it-it-it-it *-it * * it * EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 73 to 74 dB EXPECTED CNEL - 'SOFT' SITE - 72 to 73 dB •it •it * * * *-it * * *-it *-it-it-it-it •* * * *-it * •it *-it-it it * * * APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 11 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - SECTION 1, NO BARRIER, BEFORE THE TRUCK BAN TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION ADT - 14400.0 X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 4,2 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 9.4 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 43.0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - 42.3 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 15.0 ROAD ELEVATION . - 506.3 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - 507,2 RECEIVER ELEVATION - 512.2 ROAD GRADE (X) - 2.0 LEFT ANGLE - -90.0 RIGHT ANGLE - 90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULAT IONS CREF! .ECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER X I 1 UJ-< (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66.8 -0.41 0,0 L L O '—•Ul n U M.TRUCKS 61.9 -0.68 0,0 61.9 H.TRUCKS 69.9 -1.63 0,0 69. 9 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) •it**it****it-it****-it^it*-it*-it****-it-it****-)t-it^ EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 73 to 74 dB •it * * *-it-it #-it •it •it * *-it •it * * * it-it * •it •* •it-it-it *-it •* * * * APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 12 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - SECTION 1, NO BARRIER, AFTER THE TRUCK 3A^ TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION ADT - 14400.0 X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3.0 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 1.0 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE 43. 0 SI.NGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE -42. •.J BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE H 1= •i -1 . 0 ROAD ELEVATION 506. TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) -507. RECEIVER ELEVATION 512. ROAD GRADE (X) Zi. 3 0 LEFT ANGLE -90. i" RIGHT ANGLE 90, Q INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECT IVE' SITE) SOURCE (NO Leq(h) BARRIER) FRESNEL SHIELDING NUMBER in dB (WI Leq TH A (ff) BARRIER) AUTOS M,TRUCKS H,TRUCKS 67,2 60.5 60.2 -0.41 O.Q -0.68 O.Q -1.63 0.0 i."7 LJ / • 60. LJO B 5 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIEL DING) TOTAL Lsd(h) ' REEL ECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=0.0) - •it-it * it-it it it-it it * * *-it-it * * -it *-it-it *-it-it ^ EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 70 to 71 dB itit-Sit*it*it-Sitit*it*it*ititititititititititit-itit-!t-*itit-jt APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 13 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - SECTION 1, 6' BARRIER, BEFORE THE TRUCK BAN TRAFFI C FLOW INFORMATION ADT X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS X OF HEAVY TRUCKS SPEED IN MPH 14400.0 4. 2 9. 4 45.0 PROJECT GEOMETRY INFORMATION SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE ROAD ELEVATION TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - RECEIVER ELEVATION ROAD GRADE (X) LEFT ANGLE RIGHT ANGLE 43.0 42. 3 15.0 506.3 513.2 512.2 2.0 -90.0 90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) FRESNEL NUMBER SHIELDING Leq(h) in dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 66.8 M,TRUCKS 61.9 H.TRUCKS 69.9 0.47 0.26 0.00 -8.4 53.4 -7.2 54.7 -5.0 64.9 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL L8d(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITS (ALPHA=0.0) it it-it-it it it*it it it-it it it it it-it it*it it it it it it it it it it it it it i^ EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 67 to 63 dB it it it * ii-it * it it it it it it •* it it-it it it it it it it it it it it *-it it it it * i^ APPENDIX REPORT 86-0 06 TABLE 14 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT CALCULATIONS FHWA-RD-77-108 TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (MODIFIED FOR CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS) ROAD NAME - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RECEPTOR LOCATION - SECTION 1, 6' BARRIER, AFTER THE TRUCK BAN TRAFFIC FLOW INFORMATION ADT - 14400.0 X OF MEDIUM TRUCKS - 3,0 X OF HEAVY TRUCKS - 1.0 SPEED IN MPH - 45.0 SOURCE TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 43=0 SINGLE-LANE EQUIVALENT DISTANCE - 42.3 BARRIER TO RECEIVER DISTANCE - 15.0 ROAD ELEVATION - 506,3 TOP OF BARRIER ELEVATION (WALL) - 513.2 RECEIVER ELEVATION - 512.2 ROAD GRADE (X) - 2.0 LEFT ANGLE - -90.0 RIGHT ANGLE - 90.0 INTERMEDIATE RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ('REFLECTIVE' SITE) SOURCE Leq(h) FRESNEL SHIELDING Leq(h) (NO BARRIER) NUMBER in dB (WITH A BARRIER) AUTOS 67.2 0.47 -8.4 58.8 M.TRUCKS 60.5 0,26 -7,2 53.2 H.TRUCKS 60,2 0.00 -5,0 55.2 FINAL RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS (WITH SHIELDING) TOTAL Led(h) - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE (ALPHA=Q.Q) - 61.2 dB it it it it it it it it it-it it it it it it # it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it * it it it it it it it EXPECTED CNEL - 'REFLECTIVE' SITE - 62 to 63 dB it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it-^Sit it it it it-S-it^it it**