HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; 1997-08-01CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT FOR THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Dudek & Associates, Inc. Prepared by: Gallegos & Associates August 1997 CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT FOR THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street San Diego, Califomia 92024 (619)942-5147 Prepared by: GaUegos & Associates 5671 Pahner Way, Suite A Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 (619) 929-0055 Project 5-97 Area Covered: Approximately 3,500 Unear feet Site Previously Recorded: None Sites Recorded: None Structures Evaluated: San Marcos Creek Bridge - No. 57C-0278 USGS 7.5' Quadrangle: Rancho Santa Fe Key Words: Rancho Santa Fe Road, Calttans Historic Bridge Inventory, San Marcos Creek Bridge - No. 57C-0278, Negative Survey Cl CaiolVnE.Kvfe—» Carolyn E. Kyi Senior Archaeologist Roxana L. itAUiips Project Historian Dennis R Gallegos Project Manager August 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NAME PAGR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ill 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description 1 -1 1.2 Proposed Project 1-1 1.3 Environmental Setting 1-6 1.4 Background - Prehistoric 1-7 1.5 Background - Historic 1-7 1.6 Record Search and Literature Review Results 1-8 2 METHODS AND RESULTS 2.1 Methods 2-1 2.2 Survey Results 2-1 3 SIGNIFICANCE AND EVALUATION 3.1 Federal Criteria 3-1 3.2 Specific Criteria for Assessing and Determining Significance 3-1 3.3 Significance 3-2 3.4 National Register Evaluation 3-2 3.5 Effect and Mitigation of Effect 3-2 3.6 State and Local Criteria 3-3 3.7 Recommendations 3-3 3.8 Summary 3-3 4 REFERENCES CITED 4-1 PJ. 5-97 AUGUST 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued NUMBER LIST OF FIGURES NAME PACE M 1-2 1-3 3-1 Regional Location of Project Project Vicinity Map Rancho Santa Fe Road Survey Area Sites CA-SDI-11444/H and CA-SDI-11435 1-2 1-3 1-4 3-4 LETTER LIST OF APPENDICES NAME PACE A B C D Caltrans Forms Record Search Requests Key Personnel Resumes San Diego Union Article "San Marcos 7 Come Back to Haunt Developers," July 23, 1981 A-l B-1 C-1 D-1 PJ. 5-97 AUGUST 1997 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Cultural Resource Survey Report for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement Project Carlsbad, CaUfomia AUTHORS: Carolyn E. Kyle, Roxana Phillips, and Dennis R. Gallegos Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, CaUfomia 92008 DATE: August 1997 SOURCE OF COPIES: South Coastal Information Center San Diego State University San Diego, CaUfomia 92182-0136 ABSTRACT: This report provides the results of a cultural resource study completed by GaUegos & Associates in March 1997. The smdy included a Uterature review, record search, field survey of the study area, and a determmation of significance, effects, and mitigation of effects for the proposed demoUtion and replacement of an existing San Marcos Creek Bridge No. 57C-0278 located on Rancho Santa Fe Road. The study area, situated within the cities of Carlsbad and San Marcos, extends north fiom Questhaven Road to north of Melrose Drive. No cultural resources were identified within the study area by the Uterature review, record search, or field survey. The bridge has been evaluated by Caltrans and given a No. 5 ratmg, provided for bridges which do not meet National Register criteria. The bridge, built in 1978. is identified as not important under die Califomia Environmental QuaUty Aa (CEQA), and not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. A smaU pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) and a historic foundation/o-ash scatter (CA-SDI-11435) are located just north of the proposed project area on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road at its intersection with Meadow Laric Ranch Road. The pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) contains two wooden crosses surrounded by a small wooden fence. Seven people are known to have been buried in the cemetery, which because the areal extent of the cemetery is unknown could be located anywhere within the 5.7-acre site near the comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Meadowlark Road (The San Diego Union 1981). Apple and Lilbum (1994) state that archival research indicates that tiie cemetery may have been larger than tiie area that is currentiy fenced off by the wooden fence and recommended archaeological monitoring if constmction activity was proposed within 100 feet of the cemetery. For this study, this area is interpreted as 100 feet outside of tiie area currently surrounded by the wooden fence. PJ. 5-97 i i i AUGUST 1997 m If widening or secondary impacts are going to threaten this area, it is recommended that a new fence be put in place 100 feet outside the existing wooden fence to ensure none of the burials are disturbed. Also, if the historic foundation/trash scatter (CA-SDI-11435) is going to be threatened by widening or secondary impacts it should be fenced to prevent impacts from constmction equipment Because the areal extent of the cemetery is unknown, mitigation measures are recommended if the road widening or secondary impacts (i-c, staging areas) are to extend within 100 feet of the existing wooden fence and additional work is recommended. This additional work should include historical and archival research, testing of the area with ground penettating radar to locate subsurface anomalies that might indicate coffins or burials, and archaeological monitoring during constmction. Impacts to biuials identified within proposed consUnction areas can be mitigated by avoidance, by project redesign, or removal and reburial to a nearby recognized cemetery. PJ. 5-97 iv AUGUST 1997 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION GaUegos & Associates conducted a cultural resource study for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement project This report provides results of a records search, Uterature review, cultural resource survey of the study area, and an evaluation of a bridge within the smdy area for National Register eUgibiUty. The bridge is identified in the Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventory (1987) as tiie San Marcos Creek Bridge, No. 57C-0278. The survey was conducted to comply with the CaUfomia Environmental QuaUty Act (CEQA), and the City of Carlsbad GuideUnes. The San Marcos Creek Bridge was evaluated under National Environmental PoUcy Act (NEPA), under Executive Order 11593, Sections 106 and 110(a) of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (Caltrans Forms are included as Appendix A). Literature information and site records for previously recorded cultural resources within a one-mile radius of the study area were obtained from the South Coastal Information Center at San Diego State University and from the San Diego Museum of Man. The record search requests are included as Appendix B and resumes of key personnel are provided in Appendix C. 1.2 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project reaUgns and widens approximately 3,500 linear feet of Rancho Santa Fe Road (S-10) from two lanes to an ultimate six-lane Prime Arterial Roadway from just south of Questhaven Road to just north of Mehose Drive in northem San Diego County (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). The project area is shown on the Rancho Santa Fe 7.5' USGS 1968 quadrangle map (Figure 1-2). The proposed widening and reaUgnment project is part of the City of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho Santa Fe Road to meet its designation as a Prime Arterial Roadway. A Prime Arterial Roadway has a 126-foot right- of-way containing six travel lanes, a bike lane, an 18-foot raised median, sidewalks, curb and gutter (Figure 1-3). PJ. 5-97 1-1 AUGUST 1997 Gallegos & Associates \ C-*" Rancho Santa Fe 7.5'USGS Quadrangle 1968, Photorevised 1983 Scale. i;24,000 Project Vicinity Map FIGURE 1-2 BASE MAP SOURCE: City of Corlsbad. rebruory 1397 Scale in Feet Gallegos & Associates Rancho Santa Fe Road Smdy Area FIGURE 1-3 m The new bridge over San Marcos Creek is planned to accommodate the Prime Arterial Roadway. The bridge replacement project will involve constmction of a new bridge in a location west of the existing bridge and demoUshing the existing bridge. The bridge is located partially within and adjacent to the west of existmg Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Meadows Drive on the north and Questhaven Road on the south. The existing right-of-way provides for the maximum footage required for construction of the new bridge. Along with the new bridge, the project includes constmction of roadway improvements at the south and north ends. The southerly roadway approach for the proposed bridge will extend approximately 1,800 feet which will include reconstructing the Questhaven and Rancho Santa Fe roads intersection, and reconstmcting approximately 600 to 800 feet of Questhaven Road east of the intersection. If the portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road located south of this project is delayed, then a detour will be used to join the Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge approach with the existing aUgnment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, In this portion of the southem Prime Arterial Roadway, the project is to constmct a 32-foot width of pavement on either side of the median curbs, inner two lanes in each direction plus eight feet of the third land, the median curbs, and the appropriate tum lanes. The northerly roadway approach for the new bridge(s) wiU be approximately 1,700 feet long and include tiie reconstmction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and the reconsdiiction of approximately 500 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersection. The reaUgned Rancho Santa Fe Road wiU be constmcted to the fuU width in the east side of the median, with sidewalks, curb and gutter and stteet lights from the bridge to north of Mekose Drive. The west side of the roadway will be constmcted with 32 feet of paving adjacent to the median curb. There are two altematives for the connection of Rancho Santa Fe Road with Melrose Drive: 1. The preferred altemative for tiie reaUgned Rancho Santa Fe Road is to match mto existing Melrose Drive. This arrangement wiU necessitate closing of the existing the Corinthia Street access to Melrose Drive and extending Xana Way southerly and easterly to meet Melrose Drive. Existing Rancho Santa Fe Road, located north of tiie study area in San Marcos, would be curved at its southerly terminus to "T' into tiie new Meirose/Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment PJ. 5-97 1-5 AUGUST 1997 2. The altemative aUgnment is for Rancho Santa Fe Road to match into existmg Rancho Santa Fe Road sinular to the existing arrangement Melrose Drive would then swing east to intersect with Rancho Santa Fe Road in a location about 450 feet nortiierly of tiie present intersection. Corinthia Stteet would extend east to intersect with the reaUgned Mehose Drive. Currentiy, Rancho Santa Fe Road is a two-lane conventional highway in northem San Diego County which connects tiie City of Encinitas to the south with tiie City of San Marcos to the north. The majority of the proposed project will lie within the City of Carlsbad with some of tiie project within tiie City of San Marcos. The proposed project aUgnment ttaverses rolling hiU terrain and would generally be to tiie south and west of the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment The proposed project area has traditionaUy had low volumes of intra-regional and inter-regional ttaffic. However, there is anticipated to be future growth in the commercial and residential development along Rancho Santa Fe Road. This increase in ttaffic volume, coupled with regional increases in traffic volume associated with further development in the North County region, necessitate the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The existing Rancho Santa Fe Road consists of two lanes with as asphalt berm on the west side and a combmation of asphalt and concrete curb on the east side. A tmck by-pass route creates a three-lane paved road with asphalt berm on both sides in uphiU areas of the stretch. San Marcos Creek is crossed by an existing bridge which is located between Questhaven Road intersection and the Melrose Drive intersection. The Rancho Santa Fe Road has two northbound lanes and one southbound lane that cross the bridge. 1,3 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The study area is located generaUy east and west of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road from Questhaven Road on the south to north of Mehose Drive. Topography within the study area includes the San Marcos Creek drainage and knoll slopes. Vegetation includes introduced grasses and trees, and disturbed riparian habitat in the creek. The study area is disturbed by consttuction of roads and commercial complexes. Portions of tiie study area have been used historically for ranching and farming. SoUs within tiie smdy area include Cieneba rocky coarse sandy loam and San Miguel rocky silty loam with 9 to 30 percent slopes located in rolUng hiUs and steeply sloping terrain, and Huehuero loam, Ramona sandy loam, and VisaUa sandy loam with 5 to 9 percent slopes PJ. 5-97 1-6 AUGUST 1997 located on moderate slopes (US Department of Agriculture 1973). Cieneba series soils are shallow coarse and loams form of material that has weatiiered in place in granitic rock. Huerhuero series soils are moderately weU drained loams witii a clay subsoil tiiat have developed in sandy marine sediments. Ramona series soUs are very deep sandy loams witii a sandy clay loam subsoil tiiat have developed in granitic aUuvium. San Miguel soils are shallow to moderately deep sUty loams with a clay subsoil tiiat are derived fi'om metavolcanic rock. VisaUa series soils arc composed of deep sandy loams derived from granitic alluvium and arc found on alluvial fans and flood plains. 1.4 BACKGROUND - PREHISTORIC San Diego County was occupied prehistorically by at least two major cultural groups. The San Dieguito are generaUy accepted as tiie first inhabitants of tiie region, occupying San Diego County as early as 9,000 years ago. Conttoversy surrounds tiie subsequent occupation from 9,000 to 1,300 years ago (Early Period). The initial occupation (San Dieguito Complex) is beUeved to represent a people who entered San Diego County from tiie desert. These people hunted, fished, miUed plant foods, and coUected and processed sheUfish. The occupation from at least 8,300 years ago to roughly 1300 years ago is identified as the La JoUa Complex and Pauma Complex. Archaeological sites reflecting this occupation arc coastal sheU habitation sites, inland hunting and milling campsites, and quarry sites. San Dieguito and La JoUa/Pauma complexes arc beUeved to be of the same cultural stock, representing one long period of occupation. Occupation after 1,300 years ago (Late Period) is weU documented by the numerous Kumeyaay/Dieguefio and Luiseno habitation sites. Artifacts and cultural pattems reflecting this Late Period occupation include small projectile points, pottery, obsidian from Obsidian Butte, and cremations. 1.5 BACKGROUND - HISTORIC During the Spanish period of occupation, the general area in and around the study area served as grazing land for cattie and other Uvestock belonging primarily to Mission San Luis Rey. After secularization of tiie Franciscan missions in 1834, three large tracts of surrounding land werc granted to individuals by the prevailing Mexican govemment. These grants include Rancho Aqua Hedionda to tiie northwest, Rancho Las Encinitas to tiie south, and Rancho Los VaUeeitos de San Marcos to tiie northeast. The former mission PJ. 5-97 1 -7 AUGUST 1997 « holdings continued to be used for grazing cattie and horses long after the advent of American Rule and gradually became available for agricultural settiement with a focus on crop production. Despite the fact that numerous immigrants arrived in San Diego in the 1880s seeking rural lands, few selected north San Diego County for settiement. A colony, commonly known as Olivenham, focused on agricultural pursuits, purchased Rancho Las Enciiutas and survived for a short period of time before abandonment of the land. Some of the original colonists remained in the area as independent land owners. Rancho Agua Hedionda ultimately became tiie property of tiie KeUy family, and land developers purchased Rancho Los Vallecitos de San Marcos and laid out a town site that later became the community of San Marcos. Many of the settiers associated with acquisition of ranch property or land made available to new settiement. remained to estabUsh rural communities. An 1879 township plat map depicts only two house sites (J. Ortega and B. Orosco) in the vicinity of the project area, which are located in Section 29. An early 1900s plat map (Alexander ca. 1913) indicates early ownership of land within the smdy area. As depicted on the subject map, C. Huchling owned a portion of the northeast quarter of Section 30, A. Shubert and O. Grosschaff jointiy owned the northwest quarter of Section 29, and the Lux Land Co. owned a portion of the southwest quarter of Section 29. Portions of land within sections 28 and 29 were then owned by the Tico family, several members of which arc buried in the pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) located on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road, near the junction with Meadow Lark Ranch Road. As rcported in the 23 July 1981 issue of the San Diego Union, seven persons were buried in the cemetery between 1890 and 1910 (see Appendix D), EarUer land ownership is represented by remnants of the Ortega adobe (CA-SDI-8643/H), situated to the east, outside of the smdy area. This adobe is currentiy located in a park adjacent to a business complex and is protected, to some degree, by an overhead covering. 1.6 RECORD SEARCH AND LITERATURE REVIEW RESULTS Four studies have been completed for the Rancho Santa Fe Road widening and reaUgnment project These include a survey by GaUegos and Pigiuolo (1989), a siu'vey by Roth (1990), a test of five prehistoric sites by Kyle and Gallegos (1992), and a survey by Apple and LUbum (1994). The record search and Uterature rcview identified no previously recorded sites within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) (Appendix B). The site record PJ. 5-97 1-8 AUGUST 1997 m m maps show site CA-SDM1570 to be within the study arca, however, this site, tested by Kyle and GaUegos (1992) is located on a knoU outside the study area. As discussed above, a smaU historical cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) is located outside tiie northem end of the proposed study area. In addition, a historic foundation/ttash scatter (CA-SDI-11435) is located outside of the northeast comer of the study area, southeast of the historical cemetery (CA-SDI-1444/H). Smdies completed within one-nule of tiie study area include Kaldenberg (1968, 1975a, 1975b, 1976a, 1976b). Carrico (1974). Qty of Carlsbad (1975). BuU (1976), Recon (1976a, 1976b). Berryman (1977), Cook (1977). Eckhardt (1977), Norwood and BuU (1977), Advance Planning & Research Associates (1978), Cupples (1979), Archaeological Systems Management (1980), Magalousis (1980), Talley and Bull (1980), Apple and Olmo (1980, 1981). Polan (1981), Larry Seeman Associates. Inc. (1982), GaUegos (1983), Smitii (1985. 1990a, 1990b). Cheever and GaUegos (1986a, 1986b), Cheever (1988), BisseU and Raschke (1988), Pigniolo (1988). City of San Marco (1989). Gallegos and Pigniolo (1989. 1990), Gross and Wade (1989), Michael Brandman Associates, Inc. (1989). P&D Technologies (1990), Hanna and Wade (1990), Hanna (1991). Whimey- Desautels and Sundberg (1991). These smdies have identified 38 cultural resources within a one-mile radius of tiie study area. The recorded cultural resources include prehistoric shell scatters, Uthic scatters, temporary camps, habitation sites, quarries, bedrock miUing, stone walls, stone enclosures, and isolate artifacts. Historic resources include ranchos, adobes, a copper mine shaft, buUding foundations, ttash scatters, stacked stone cauns. rock walls, and the pioneer cemetery previously discussed. Two of the prehistoric sites (SDM-W-148 and SDM-W-191) were recorded by Rogers (ca. 1920) who described them as smaU camps. Rogers' reported that a landsUde in 1916 exposed a burial and that a skull, coUected from the burial, was in the Museum of Man. The large number and wide variety of both prehistoric and historic cultural resources arc evidence of long term use of the area. The presence of several creeks, appropriate Uthic material for stone tools, and floral and faunal resources made the region desirable for Native Americans and later European settiers. PJ. 5-97 1-9 AUGUST 1997 SECTION 2 METHODS AND RESULTS 2.1 METHODS The cultural rcsource survey was conducted by GaUegos & Associates in Febmary and March 1997. The field survey was completed by Dennis GaUegos, Carolyn Kyle, Larry Tift, and Tracy Sttopes. The smdy arca was surveyed on foot using a 10 m interval between survey ttansects. Ground visibUity was generaUy exceUent as much of the study area was bumed during the Harmony Grove wild-firc on October 21, 1996. Vegetation had not regrown in approximately 70 percent of the study area, aUowing exceUent ground visibiUty. The remaining portion of the smdy area had poor ground visibUity due to vegetation, fill, and development Disturbance witiiin tiie smdy area includes existing roads and agricultural activity. 2.2 SURVEY RESULTS No cultural resources were identified during the field survey. The San Marcos Creek bridge was prcviously evaluated for National Register eUgibUity by Calttans (1987) during a historic bridge inventory conducted between 1984 and 1986. Diuing this study, bridges werc assigned a significance code rating of (1) to (5). These codes arc identified as: (1) bridges already Usted in the National Register of Historic Places, (2) bridges aheady determined to be eUgible for the National Register, (3) bridges tiiat appear to meet National Register criteria. (4) bridges requiring further research, and (5) bridges which do not meet National Register criteria (Caltrans 1987). The San Marcos Creek Bridge was placed in Category 5, identifying this stmcturc as not eUgible for the National Register of Historic Places. The Caltrans forms for the bridge evaluation arc included as Appendix A. Bridges Usted in Category 5 require no further evaluation under Caltrans Guidelines. In addition, the San Marcos Creek Bridge was buUt in 1978 and. therefore, does not meet tiie requirement of being 50 years or older to qualify as a historical stmcture. Five sites (CA-SDI-4498, CA-SDI-11435, CA-SDI-11444/H, CA-SDI-11569, and CA-SDI-11570). located adjacent the study area were relocated during the current study. Site CA-SDI-4498, recorded by Franklin (1981) as bedrock milling features with several flakes scattered around tiie outcrops, is located outside the study area. This site, which has not been tested for significance, appears to be relatively undismrbed. Site CA-SDI-11569 PJ. 5-97 2-1 AUGUST 1997 •m was tested by Kyle and Gallegos (1992) and was determined to be significant Site CA- SDI-11570 was tested by Gallegos and Pigniolo (1990) and was determined to be a significant resource. Both of these sites arc located on knolls outside the study area and wUl not be hnpacted by the project, as proposed. Site CA-SDI-11444/H is a smaU pioneer cemetery located outside the northem boundary of the smdy area on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road at its intersection with Meadow Lark Ranch Road. Site CA-SDI-11435 is a historic foundation/ttash scatter. This site is located adjacent, but outside of the northeast comer of the study area. The record search miaps provided by the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University and the San Diego Museum of Man show site CA-SDI-11570 to be within the study area, however, this is a mapping error and tiie site is not located within the smdy arca. PJ. 5-97 2-2 AUGUST 1997 ^ SECTION 3 SIGNIFICANCE AND EVALUATION 3.1 FEDERAL CRITERIA m * Federal laws, procedures, and poUcies which affect tiie tteatment of cultural resources m include tiie Antiquities Aa of 1906. PubUc Law 59-209, Executive Order 11593, Section «• 106 of tiie National Historic Preservation Aa of 1966 (PubUc law 89-665) as amended , Public Law 93-291, National Environmental PoUcy Aa of 1969 (PubUc Law 91-190), ^ Federal Land PoUcy Management Aa (PubUc Law 94-579), and rcgulations 36 CFR 60 and 36 CFR 800. For tiie manager, cultural resources must be recommended as eitiier eUgible. or not eUgible to tiie National Register of Historic Places to determine effect and the need for mitigation of effect. If the property is determined eligible, then a determination of effect (36 CFR 800) must be provided. If tiie property is identified as not eligible, tiien * a determination of no effect can be submitted to the SHPO for concurrence. 3.2 SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING AND DETERMINING SIGNIFICANCE ^ EUgibUity is determined through appUcation of National Register Criteria, as provided in 36 CFR 60.6 and 36 CFR 64: *• The quaUty of sigruficance in American history, architecture, archaeology, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, stmctures. and objects of state and local importance that possess m integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, and: m (a) that are associated with events that have made a significant conttibution to the broad pattems of our history; or ••I (b) that are associated with the Uves of persons significant m our past; or * (c) that embody tiie distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of * constmction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or tiiat represent a significant and distinguishable entity * whose components may lack individual distinction; or (d) that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, informatton important m •m. prehistory or history. PJ. 5-97 3-1 AUGUST 1997 Otiier criteria considerations arc provided for evaluating properties. Certain properties wiU qualify if they arc integral parts of districts that mea the criteria, or if they faU withm particular categories, including a property primarily commemorative in intent if design, age, tradition, or symboUc value has vested it with its own historical sigruficance. A property must meet at least one of the criteria for Usting in the National Register of Historic Places. Integrity must also be evident through historic quaUties including location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. 3.3 SIGNIFICANCE There is no evidence to indicate the presence of historic or prehistoric archaeological sites within the smdy area. On the basis of the Caltrans assessment and the age of the bridge which was buUt in 1978, the San Marcos Creek bridge is identified as not historicaUy important on the local and state levels, and not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. 3.4 NATIONAL REGISTER EVALUATION National Register recommendations are forwarded to the State Historic Preservation Of&cer (SHPO) and the Advisory CouncU for review and concurrence. Sites identified as eUgible for Usting in the National Register of Historic Places need to be mitigated of potential adverse effects through avoidance, or a data recovery program, or a combination of avoidance and data recovery. 3.5 EFFECT AND MITIGATION OF EFFECT Bridge No. 57C-0278 is identified as not eUgible for inclusion to the National Register. No additional work is necessary for resources identified as not eUgible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. 3.6 STATE AND LOCAL CRITERIA State criteria includes CEQA. Local criteria is provided under City of Carlsbad GuideUnes. Bridge No. 57C-0278 is identified as not important under CEQA criteria and not significant under City of San Marcos criteria. The bridge wiU be directiy effectedAmpacted by tiie PJ. 5-97 3-2 AUGUST 1997 .m proposed project, however, cultural resources identified as not important/significant need not be addressed as to mitigation measures. 3.7 RECOMMENDATIONS No cultural resources were identified within tiie smdy area boundaries and the San Marcos Creek Bridge has been determined to be not unportant and not eUgible to the National Register. However, a smaU pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) and a historic foundation/ttash scatter (CA-SDI-11444/H) arc located just north of tiie proposed project area (Figure 3-1) on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road at its intersection with Meadow Lark Ranch Road The pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) contains two wooden crosses surrounded by a smaU wooden fence. Seven people are known to have been buried in tiie cemetery, which because the areal extent of tiie cemetery is unknown could be located anywhere withm the 5.7-acre site near tiie comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Meadowlark Road (The San Diego Union 1981). Apple and LUbum (1994) state tiiat archival rcsearch indicates tiiat tiie cemetery may have been larger than the area that is cunentiy fenced off by tiie wooden fence and recommended archaeological monitoring if consttuction activity was proposed witiiin 100 feet of tiie cemetery. For this smdy, this area is interprcted as 100 feet outside of the area currentiy surrounded by the wooden fence. If widening or secondary impacts are going to tiireaten tiiis area, it is recommended tiiat a new fence be put in place 100 feet outside the existing wooden fence to ensurc none of tiie burials are disturbed. Also, if tiie historic foundation/ttash scatter (CA-SDI-11435) is going to be threatened by widening or secondary impacts it should be fenced to prevent impacts fijom constmction equipment Because the areal extent of the cemetery is unknown, mitigation measures are recommended if the road widening or secondary impacts (i.e., staging areas) are to extend within 100 feet of the existing wooden fence and additional work is recommended. This additional work should mclude historical and archival research, testing of the arca with ground penetrating radar to locate subsurface anomaUes tiiat might mdicate coffins or burials, and archaeological monitoring during constmction. Impacts to burials identified withm proposed constmction areas can be mitigated by avoidance, by project redesign, or rcmoval and reburial to a nearby recognized cemetery PJ. 5-97 3-3 AUGUST 1997 Rancho Santa Fe 7,5'USGS Quadrangle ^y-'y' ^ V i •T^^'^' • 1968, Photorevised 1983 Scale: 1:24,000 Gallegos & Associates 1 A 7 ^ \ f ' ' y ' ' ^ I _ _ _ _ _ _ . . i FIGURE Sites CA-SDI-U444/H and CA-SDI-11435 as Shown on Project Vicinity Map | 3_| m m 3.8 SUMMARY Caltt^s has identified sites CA-SDI-11444/H and CA-SDI-11435, as EnvhonmentaUy Sensitive Areas (ESA). The ESA has been designated on project plans to protect them from project impacts. In summary, no cultural resources werc identified within the study arca boundaries. One bridge, the San Marcos Creek Bridge, No. 57C-0278, which wiU be replaced during the proposed project, was evaluated to determine local, state, and federal sigruficance. This bridge is identified as not significant/important on the local and state levels, and not eUgible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. A pioneer cemetery (CA-SDI-11444/H) and a historic foundation/ttash scatter (CA-SDI-11435) located outside the northem boundary of tiie study area and may not be hnpaicted by the proposed project. However, arciuval rcsearch indicates that the cemetery is larger that what is currentiy visible at tiiis location. Therefore, it is recommended that if constmction impacts arc to occur within 100 feet of the cunentiy standing fence, mitigation through removal of the burials be completed. Removal of the burials would include ground penetrating radar exploration to identify subsurface anomalies that could be coffins or burials. The burials within tiie impact area would then be removed and reburied in a nearby recognized cemetery. Avoidance of tiie cemetery can be achieved by fencing a 100 foot wide area outside the existing cemetery fence to ensure avoidance of grading unpacts/effects. Avoidance of tiie historic foundation/ttash scatter can be achieved by fencing a 100 foot area outside tiie site to ensure avoidance of grading and staging unpacts. Calttans has identified these two sites witii a 100-foot buffer around each as an EAS. The EAS has been designated on project plans to protect them from project impacts. PJ. 5-97 3-5 AUGUST 1997 SECTION 4 REFERENCES CITED Advance Planning & Research Associates 1978 Renaja Ranch Lot SpUt Archaeological and Biological Survey, TPM 15230, EAD Log #78-1-27, Deluz Canyon, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Alexander, W.E. ca. 1913 Plat Book of San Diego County, California. Pacific Plat Book, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Apple, Rebecca McCorkle and M. Lori Lilbum 1994 Archaeological Survey Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Widening Project, San Marcos, CaUfomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Apple, Stephen A, and Richard K. Olmo 1980 An Archaeological Assessment of SDM-W-915, La Costa, Meadowbrook, Carlsbad, Califonua. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center. San Diego State University. 1981 An Archaeological Assessment of SDM-W-915. La Costa, Carlsbad, Califomia. Cultural Resource Survey of Industtial Parcel #096, San Marcos, Califomia. Ms. on file, Soutii Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Archaeological Systems Management 1980 Archaeological Investigation of SDi-5080. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. « Berryman, Stanley R. m 1977 Archaeological Investigation of the Gaty and Denk Reserves and Water Transmission Line. Ms. on file. South Coastal Infonnation Center, San Diego State University. * BisseU, Ronald M. and Rod Raschke m 1988 Cultural and Paieontological Resources Literature Review of the Rancho ^ Santa Fe and Questiiaven Business Center Properties, San Marcos, San ^ Diego County, Califomia. Ms. on file. South (joastal Information Center, San Diego State University. m m PJ. 5-97 4-1 AUGUST 1997 BuU, Charles 1976 Archaeological Investigations, Santa Fe Knolls. Ms. on file. South Coastal * Information Center, San Diego State University. Califomia Department of Transportation (Calttans) 1987 Sttuctures Maintenance System-HSLALL; Historical Significance-Local m, Bridges, San Diego County. * Carrico, Richard ^ 1974 Historical - Archaeological Survey of the Lake San Marcos Project Ms. on m file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Cheever, Dayle HI 1988 Cultural Resource Survey of tiie CaniUo Rancho Road ReaUgnment Study ^ Area. Carlsbad. Califomia. Ms. on fUe, South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. MB CityofCarlsbad Ml 1975 La Costa Master Plan and General Plan Amendment Ms. on fUe, South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. City of San Marcos 1989 Initial Environment Assessment, Byron White Property Specific Plan, San Marcos, Oty of San Marcos. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information « Center, San Diego State University. * Cheever. Dayle and Dennis GaUegos m 1986a Cultural Resource Survey of Industrial Parcel #096, San Marcos, m California. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State ^ University. 1986b Cultural Resource Survey of Industtial Parcel #097, San Marcos, ^ Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State ii University. « Cook, John 1977 Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Copper Creek Hills Lot SpUt, San ^ Diego County. Ms. on file. South Coastal Infonnation Center, San Diego State University. Cupples, Sue Ann ^ 1979 A Cultural Resources Survey Report for a Proposed San Marcos County Water Disttict Sewage Interceptor PipeUne. Part B. Ms. on file. South ^ Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. PJ. 5-97 4-2 AUGUST 1997 m Eckhardt, WUUam T. 1977 Archaeological Survey of the Assessment Districts Number 76-1 and 76-3 San Marcos County Water Disttict Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Gallegos, Dennis R. 1983 Archaeological Report for Business/Industrial, Richmar, Lake San Marcos and Barhiun/Discovery Community Plan, San Marcos, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Infomiation Center, San Diego State University. GaUegos, Dennis R. and Andrew Pigniolo 1989 Cultural Resource Survey of tiie Rancho Santa Fe Road AUgnment, Carlsbad. CaUfomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1990 Cultural Resource Testing Program for tiie University Commons Project, San Diego. Califomia. Ms. on file. Soutii Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Gross, Timothy and Mary Robbins-Wade 1989 /^haeological Investigation of SDi-9772 (SDM-W-3411). San Marcos, Califorrua. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Hanna, David C. 1991 The Phase U Archaeological Test of Malcohn J. Rogers' Site SDM-W-181 at La Costa Town Center m the Qty of Carlsbad, Cdifomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Hanna, David C. and Sue A. Wade 1990 A Resurvey and Assessment of the Cultural Resources of CarrUlo Ranch in the City of Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Kaldenberg, Russell L, 1968 An Archaeological Resource Impact Report for Lake San Marcos Greens. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1975a An Archaeological Resource Impact Report for Lakeshore Farms Unit One and HUlsdale Farms. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1975b Archaeological Investigations at Rancho Canillo Estates, Carlsbad, San Diego County, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. PJ. 5-97 4-3 AUGUST 1997 1976a An Archaeological Impact Report on La Costa Far South (Easterly Area) Including Santa Fe KnoUs. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1976b An Intensive Archaeological Reconnaissance of the La Costa Land Company Property. Carlsbad, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Kyle. Carolyn E. and Dennis R. Gallegos 1992 Archaeological Test of Five Prehistoric Sites for the Rancho Santa Fe Road AUgnment Project. Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Larry Seeman Associates, inc. 1982 Draft Envuonmental Impact Report: Revised Parks and Recreation Element, Carlsbad, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Infomiation Center, San Diego State University. Magalousis, Nicholas 1980 Final Report Archaeological Investigation Limited Test Excavation of Site W-1086 (SDi-4687) and W-1089 (SDi-4690), San Diego County. Ms. on file. South Coastal Infomiation Center, San Diego Stale University. Michael Brandman Associates, Inc. 1989 Draft Environmental Impact Report San Marcos Flood Conttol Channel, San Marcos Creek/Las Posas Reach. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Norwood. Rick and Charles Bull 1977 Draft Envkonmental Impact Report for Vista Corona Annexation. Ms. on file, Soutii Coastal Infomiation Center. San Diego Stale University. P&D Technologies 1990 San EUjo Ranch Specific Plan Draft Envkonmental Impact Report. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Pigniolo, Andrew 1988 Penasquitos Substation 230/kV Addition: Cultural Resource Investigation. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Polen, R. Keith 1981 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the San Marcos County Water District Altemate Sewer AUgnment, San Marcos, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. PJ. 5-97 4-4 AUGUST 1997 Recon 1976a 1976b Prcliminary Environmental Information on Rancho CarriUo. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. PreUminary Draft Envkonmental Impact Information for Lake Calavera Hills Units I-IV. Ms. on file, Soutii Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Rogers. Malcom n.d. n.d. Roth, Linda 1990 Site Record Form for SDM-W-148. On file. San Diego Museum of Man. San Diego, CaUfomia. Site Record Form for SDM-W-191. On file, San Diego Museum of Man. San Diego, CaUfomia. Archaeological and Historical Survey, 700 acres. City of Carlsbad Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment Route and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Mass Grading Plan. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. Smith, Brian F, 1985 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the 18(X)-acrc Partin-Bennett Project, San Marcos, Califomia. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1990a An Archaeological Survey of tiie LF San Marcos Subdivision Project. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 1990b Results of an Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Cultural Resources within the San EUjo Ranch Specific Plan. Ms. on file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. TaUey. Paige R. and Charles S. BuU 1980 Impact Mitigation Report for Rancheros De La Costa. Ms. on file, Soutii Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. U.S. Department of Agriculturc 1973 Soil Survey, San Diego, Califomia. Soil Conservation Service and Forest Service. U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) 1968 Topographic map, Rancho Santa Fe Calif. Quadrangle. Photorevised 1983. PJ. 5-97 AUGUST 1997 4-5 Whimey-Desautels. Nancy A. and Frederick A. Sundberg 1991 Archaeological and Historical Literature Search and Records Check for Altemative AUgnments for Highway 680, San Diego County. Califomia. Ms. on file, Soutii Coastal Infomiation Center, San Diego State University. PJ. 5-97 4-6 AUGUST 1997 m APPENDIX A CALTRANS FORMS Department ofTransportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT - NEGATIVE FINDINGS 1. HIGHWAY PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION District County Route Post Mile Charge Unit and Expenditure Authorization 11 SanDiego Rancho Santa Fe Rd. U/A 965100-6ENVREV The proposed pcoject is to demolish and reconstruct the existing San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Maicos Creek (Bridge 57C-0278). The approximately 3,500 linear foot study area is located in northem San Diego County in the Cities of Carlsbad and San Maicos between Questhaven Road and Meadow Lark Ranch Road (Exhibit 1). The existing bridge is located on Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Meadows Drive on the north and Questhaven Road on the south. Hie existing right-of-way provides for the maximum footage required for constniction of two proposed three-lane bridges (Exhibit 2). Along the new Ixidge, the project includes construction of roadway improvements at the south and north ends. The southeriy roadway ^>ixoach for the proposed bridge will extend apptoximat&ly 1.800 feet, which will include reconstructing the Questhaven and Rancho Santa Fe Roads intersection, and reconstructing approximately 600 to 800 feet of Questiiaven Road east of tiie intersection. The northeriy roadway £^proach for the new bridge(s) will be approximately 1,700 feet long and include the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and the reconstiucticxi of approxiinately 500 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of the intersecti(»i. 2. AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) FWHA Senior Transportation Engineer Approval: Name ^Dale_ Jeffery S. Lewis Description: The APE encompasses the [noposed undolaking and includes existing or existing and future right-of-way limits, as depicted on Exhibit 3. 3. SOURCES CONSULTED X National Register of Historic Places Yean 1997 (and updates to date) X Califomia Inventoiy of Historic Resources Yean 1976 (and updates to date) X Califomia Histaical Landmarks Yean 1990 (and updates to date) X California Points of HisKxical Interest Yean 1992 (and updates to date) JC_Archaeological Site Records [Name(s) of Institution(s)]: Soutii Coastal Information Center at SDSU Date: March 1997 San Diego Museum of Man Date: March 1997 Local Historical Society [Name]: Date: Thirty-eight cultural resources werc kientified within a one-mile radius of the project area. No cultural resources have been identified within the study area. The San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Marcos Creek (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is located wittiin the APE. The bridge, which was buill in 1978, was evaluated by Caltrans during a historic bridge inventory ctxiducled between 1984 and 1986 and placed in Category 5, which includes those structures that were determined not eligible for the National Register. Bridges in Category 5 require no further evaluation. SHPO: N/A Date: Othen Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventory Department of Transportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT-NEGATIVE FINDINGS-Page 2 4. RESUME OF SURVEY Archaeological Survey RepOTt (Attachment 1) Bridge £valuati(Mi (Attachment 2) Historic Architectural Evaluati<xi Historic Research Evaluation Report Native American Input Other (Specify): JC_Yes. Yes. No No _N/A _N/A Yes X No N/A Yes X No N/A Yes No X N/A Yes X No N/A 5. CALTRANS APPROVAL Recommended for Approval: Martin D. Rosen, District 11 Heritage Preservatiwi Cowdinator Date j^>IHX)ved:. Chris White, Chief EnvircHimenlal Analysis Branch B Date 6. FHWA DETERMINATION Check One: _X A. No cultural resources are present within or adjacent to the project's APE. B. Cultural resources within or adjacent to the pxyect's APE do not possess any historical, architectural, archaeological oc cultural value. Cultural studies are complete and satisfactory. The requirements of 36 CFR 800 have been completed. Jeffery S. Lewis FHWA Senior Transportation Engineer Date HisKxic Property Survey Rcport - Negative Findings Preparer Carolyn E. Kyle Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 929-0055 - (619) 929-0056 FAX EXHIBIT 2 PROJECT VICINITY MAP Gallegos & Associates San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement ICA-SDI-11444ml' BASE MAP SOURCE: San-Lo Aerial Surveys, Flown January 29. 1997 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (ESA) LIMITS CA-SDI-11435 SAN MARCOS CREEK BRUXiE AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) Gallegos & Associates 0 400 Scale in Feet San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement APE Map EXHIBIT 3 PJ. #05-97 ATTACHMENT 1 m Department of Transportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT DPO-EP-25 (REV .2/83) I. HIGHWAY PROJECT DESCRIPTION District County Route Post Mile Charge Unit and Expenditure Authorization SfloJSiegQ Rancho Santa FeRd. 96510Q^NVREV The [m)posed jxoject is to demolish and reconstruct the existing San Marcos Creek Bridge over San Marcos Oeek (Bridge 57C-0278). The approximately 3,500 linear foot study area is located in northem San Diego County in the Cities of Carlsbad and San Marcos between Questiiaven Road and Meadow Lark Ranch Road (Figure 1). The existing Ixidge is located on Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Meadows Drive on the north and (^esthaven Road on the south. Hie existing right-of-way provides for the maximum footage required for construction of two pr(^x)sed three-lane bridges (Rgure 2). Along the new Ixidge, the jnoject includes construction of roadway improvements at the south and north ends. The southeriy roadway q)iHX)ach for the iMt:f)osed bridge will extend £4)proximately 1,800 feet, which will include reconstructing ttie (^esttiaven and Rancho Santa Fe Roads intei^tion, and reconstructing proximately 600 to 800 feet of (Juesttiaven Road east of the intersection. The northeriy roadway proach for the new tHidge(s) wiU be £q)proxiniately 1,700 feet long and include the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersectim and the reconstruction of ai^noximately 500 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive east of tiie intersection. II. STUDY FINDINGS The San Marcos Creek Bridge (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is the only cultural resource kxated within the study area. The bridge was built in 1978 and was evaluated during the Caltrans (1987) historic trndge inventory and deteimined to be a Category 5 bridge. Categoiy 5 hidges do not meet National Register criteria for eligibility and require no furttier evaluation. This survey is accinate only ioc the area delineated on Figure 3. Should additi(Hial lands be added to the project, an additi(»ial inventorv mav be required. m. INTRODUCTION Name of Surveyor Qualifications Date of Fieldwork Carolyn E. Kyle Dennis R. Gallegos B.A., M.A. Anthropology, SDSU; February 13, 1997 SOPA certified; 12 years archaeological March 3,1997 experience in Califwuia and Arizona B.A. Anthropology, CSU, Northridge B.A. Business, CSU, Nortimdge 20 years archaeological expoience in California and Arizona. Present Environment: The project area is located generally east and west of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road between Meadow Lark Ranch Road on ttie north and Questiiaven Road on the south. Topogn^hy within the study area includes the San Marcos Creek drainage and knoll slopes. Vegetation includes introduced grasses and trees, and disturbed riparian habits in the creek. The study area is disturbed by construction of roads and commercial complexes. Pwtions of the study area have been used historically for ranching and farming. Ethnography: Prehistorically. the area is near the interface of both tiie Kumevaav and ttie Luisefio (Kroeher 19251. Department of Transportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT - Page 2 IV. SOURCES CONSULTED m Archaeological Site Records on fde at: San Diego State University, South Coastal Information Center San Diepo Museum of Man Other Sources Consulted: Caltrans Hisioric Bridge Inventory National Register of Historic Places (1989 & Supplements) Califomia Inventory of Historic Resources (1976) California Historical Landmarks Directoiy (1990) Califomia Points of Historical Interest (1992) Results: Thirty-eight cultural resources are identified within a one-mile radius of the study area. No cultural resources have been identified within the study area. The San Marcos Cre^ Bridge (Bridge No. 57C-0278) is located within the project area. A small pioneer ceme^, CA-SDI-11444/H, and a historic foundation and trash scatter, CA-SDI-11435. are locked at the north end of the project area on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road at its intersection witti Meadow Lark Ranch Road. These resources are located proximately 100 feet outside of the APE and will not be impacted by the proposed project These two cultural resources will be designated as an Environmental Sensitive Aiea (ESA) that includes a 100-foot buffi^ around the sites, the ESA will be shown on project plans to pxitect them from possible indirect project-related impacts. V. FIELD METHODS The entire study area was surveyed on foot using 1 Om wide transect intCTvals m VI. REMARKS VIL CERTIFICATION Preparer: Carolyn E. Kyle Title: Senior Archaeologist Gallegos & Associates Signature: Date: Reviewer: Chris White Title: Chief, Environmental Analysis Branch B. Caltrans District 11 Signature: Date: VIIL MAPS District Location: Figure 1 USGS: Figure 2 Rancho Santa Fe Calif. 7.5 USGS quadrangle, dated 1968 Project Map: Fipure 3 m m Department ofTransportation NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT - Page 3 IX. PHOTOGRAPHS Yes_JL_(On file: Gallegos & Associates) X. BIBLIOGRAPHY Califnnia Department ofTransportation (Caltrans) 1987 Structures Maintenance System-HSLALL; Historical Significance-Local Bridges, San Diego County. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ettinology Bulletin 78. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) 1968 Topogr^hic map, 7.5' Rancho Santa Fe Calif. Quadrangle, Photorevised 1983. FIGURE 2 PROJECT VICINITY MAP Gallegos & Associates San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement ICA-SDI-1I444M1- BASE MAP SOURCE: San-Lo Aerial Surveys, Flown January 29, 1997 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (ESA) LIMITS CA-SDI-11435 SAN MARCOS CREEK BRIDGE AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) Gallegos & Associates 0 400 Scale in Feet ir San Marcos Creek Bridge Replacement Survey Map FIGURE 3 PJ. #05-97 m ATTACHMENT 2 49 STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE SYSTEM - HSLALL HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE - LOCAL BRIDGES PAGE 258 COUNTY 57 CSD ) <i • BRIDGE FEATURES FACILI TY H IST m NUMBER ROUTE INTERSECTED CARRIED CITY SIG 5700223 OOOOO MEADOW CREEK OLD HWY 80 5 57C0229 OOOOO HORSE CREEK OLD HWY 50 5 57Cb230 OOOOO FLAT CREEK OLD HWY 80 5 m 57C0231 OOOOO CARRI20 CREEK OLD HWY SO 5 57CC233 osno MURRAY CANYON FRIARS ROAD SD 5 57002 3^+ OOOOO LA POSTA CREEK OLD HWY 5 0 5 57C0237 0W955 COTTONWOOD CREEK BUCKMAN SPRINGS RD 5 5700238 OOOOO BUENA VISTA CREEK JEFFERSON ST CBD 5 m 57C0239 0S107 SAN DIEGO RIVER PACIFIC HWY SD 5 57C0253 OOOOO SWEETWATER RIVER WILDWOOD GLEN LN 5 57C025<^ 0S307 W MISSION BAY DR OC W MISSION BAY DR SD 5 m 57C0255 0S3O7 OFF RMP FOR INGRAHAM ST INGRAHAM ST SD 5 57C0256 OSI 12 S MISSION BAY DR OC SEA CLIFF BL SD 5 57C0258 0S167 SWEETWATER RIV JAPATUL RD 5 57C0259 OSI 67 PETERSON CYN JAPATUL RD 5 57C0263 OOOOO KEYS CHANNEL DUBLIN RD 5 ... 57C0265 OSI 35 WASHINGTON CHANNEL MAIN ST ECJ 5 57C026 6 OS-^IO VALLEY CENTER VALLEY CENTER RP 5 MM 57C0267 OS^ 1 0 POTRERO CR VALLEY CENTER RD 5 57C0269 0S167 N FK SWEETWATER RIV DEHESA RD 5 57C0270 0l'J9 55 COTTONWOOD.CR BUCKMAN SPRINGS RD 5 •!•> '. -. . 57C0271 0W9 55 COTTONWOOD CR BUCKMAN SPRINGj RD 5 57C0273 OS 1 9 1 TELEGRAPH CYN OTAY LAKES RD CHV 5 57C027A OSI 9 1 OTAY RIV OTAY LAKES RD 5 m 57C0276 OS 1 59 ENCINITAS BLVD UP ATSF RR 5 57C0277 QS1^2 RANCHO GUAJOME N SANTA FE AVE OCN 5 W A S H 1N b TG L. H A N N E L AVACADO 5T ECJ 5 57C0280 0 S 3 9 0 POMERADO CR POWAY RD PWY 5 57C028I 0 S 5 9 0 RATTLESNAKE CR POWAY RD PWY 5 5 7C0253 CSS^tS ENCINITAS CR RANCHO SANTA FE RD CSD 5 m 570028^ OOOOO NORTH HARBOR DR NORTH HARBOR DR SD 5 57C02S5 0S30^ NIMITZ BLVD NIMITZ BLVD SD 5 m 57C0286 OOOOO NIMITZ BLVD NIMITZ BLVD SD 5 m 57C0237 OS 1 1 2 SAN DIEGO RIV SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD SD 5 57C02S9 OS I 1 0 OLD TOWN UP CFRIARS RD ) AT S. SF RR SD 5 57C029 1 OS 1 1 0 MISSION CENTER RD UC FRIARS RD SD 5 57C029 2 05110 SAN DIEGO CO.N CO UC FRIARS RD 5D 5 -Mi 57C0293 OS 1 1 0 STADIUM WAY UC FRIARS RD SD 5 mik 57C029'=t 05110 SAN DIEGO PREMIX CO UC FRIARS RD 5 57C029 5 05^15 FRIARS R D FRIARS RD SD 5 m 57C02 96 OSI 66 FORESTER CR CUYAMACA ST ECJ 5 57C0297 05128 FORESTER CR FLETCHER PARKWAY ECJ 5 m 57C0293 0S286 LOS COCHES CR LOS COCHES RD ^ m 57C029 9 0S2 9 9 WASHINGTON CHANNEL MAGNOLIA AVE ECJ 5 57C0300 05 3-=*^ LOMA ALTA CR EL CAMINO REAL OCN 5 •m \ 5 7C0 30 1 OSI 50 SAN MARCOS C R SAN MARCOS BLVD SMCS 5 J 57C0302 052 6 2 SWE : £ X K i v TRIO S W E t r A T E R R D 5 5 7C0 30 3 0S262 S',--EETWATER RIV TRIB SWEETWATER RD 5 APPENDIX B RECORD SEARCH REQUESTS Soulh Cooslol Infotmalion Ccniet Sociol Science Reseorth Lobomlorv HfcDiego binle Untversiry College ot Arts ond Letteis 5500 Componile Drive \m SonDiegoCA 92182-4S37 619-594- 5682 FAX:6I9- 594-l3S8 •m m CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request: Dafe of Request: Date Request Received: Gallegos & Associates: Carolyn Kyle Febmary 11, 1997 February 17, 1997 Project Identification: Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement, #5-97 0 The South Coastal Inforniation Center historical files show NO recorded sites within the project area nor within one mile of the project boundaries. (X) Tlie South Coastal Information Center historical files show recorded site location(s) with the projected area and/or within one mile ofthe project. Project maps have been reviewed. The bibliographic material for reports in your project area and/or within one mile have been included. The historic maps on file at the South Coastal Information Center have been reviewed as have the National Register, State Landmarks, and Points of Historic Interest. If there are historic properties noted in those materials, in your area, the information has been included. Archaeological/Historic Site check: OLJ Date: 2/19/97 Project Map/Bibliographic check: GU Date: 2/19/97 Historic check: GLJ Date: 2/19/97 III! (AlKOkNIA SlAli UNIV(RSIlr . Kt.kirJidil - (I \:lu<«\-, • (U«<,. UimmifM/ llilK . hr.na • li Mofilcicv Hiiy • NdftliKflgf; • l'orii(,iiii • ',(in(imciiln -',1111 Kfriiiiriliiiu • Sim l)N;ij(,. Sdii (i(i(iir,(u • Sun li lliji(i)ri . Il[|yvj(iiil . Hijiiiliijl'll • Inin) hiTid' . !(c Aii(|(.'lf, - Mtinliinc /iiniiiiniy :•• • Snn lur, f)\„:[«, • Snn Mnnrj-,- S-iinn'i. • Slfinr'.lNn: I'M San Diego Museum of Man REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request: Name of Projecc: Date of Request: Date Request Received Gallegos & Associates - Carolyn Kyle Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement #5-97 11 February 1997 14 February 1997 Job The Record Search for the above referenced project has been completed. Archaeological site file information is enclosed for the following sites located within or in the vicinity of the project area: W-148A W-191 W-1079 [thru] W-1084 W-2379 [thru] W-2382 W-4355 W-4397 U-6495 W-659 W-915 W-1115 W-1999 W-2969 W-3411 U-4471 [thru] W-4483 W-917 W-2210 W-3473 W-5037 Bibliographic information is enclosed for the following reports on archaeological environmental impact studies conducted within or in the vicinity of the project area: EIS-23 EIS-444 EIS-917 EIS-1356 EIS-136 EIS-671 EIS-978 EIS-150 EIS-673 EIS-1028 EIS-425 EIS-907 EIS-1077 EIS-428 EIS-917 EIS-1077 This Record Search is based only on information contained in the files of the San Diego Museum of Han. Archaeological site records and/or environmental impact studies pertaining to the project area may exist in other repositories. Record Search prepared by: Date of Record Search: Grace Johnson 16 February 1997 135() El Prado, Biilboa ['ark, San Dicgo, California 42101, 61t^23y-2(K)l, FAX r.l9-21')-27'14 An cducDtior.al. non-profit corpaml.on founded in 1 9! ^ rollrcl.n,; for poslcnty nnd displ.iyinf; llu> l.fo and history ol .n.ua nul APPENDIX C KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES RESUME DENNIS R. GALLEGOS PRINCIPAL Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 619-929-0055 EDUCATION B.A. Anthropology, Califomia State University, Northridge, 1974 B.S. Business, Califomia State University, Northridge, 1973 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Society for American Archaeology Archaeological Conservancy Sodety for Califomia Archaeology San Diego County Archaeological Society Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission 1989-1993 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Gallegos & Associates 1990 to Present Principal Investigator for cultural resource studies within southem Califomia for federal. State and local compliance. These projects include constraint level evaluations, surveys, CEQA testing programs, evaluations for National Register status, and data recovery programs. Mr. Gallegos is knowledgeable of Federal legal requirements as well as, City, County and CEQA requirements, having worked on over 300 projects within the past 20 years. He has served as principal investigator for a number of recent federal cultural resource projects which involved agency and 106 compliance. These projects include: surveys and test programs on Camp Pendleton, NAS Miramar, Naval Radio Receiving Facility, and Cleveland National Forest; testing of a 5,000 year-old site along tiie San Luis Rey River VaUw to detennine site importance; and testing to detemiine site boundary for a village within (juajome Regional Park for the (>>unty of San Diego. Major cultural resource overviews include San Dieguito River Valley Park (80,000 acres). City of Escondido, San Marcos planning areas. City of Encinitas, Otay River Valley, and San Luis Rey River Valley. Recent projects managed by Mr. Gallegos include: Stardust Golf Course, NAS Miramar sample inventory of 20,000 acres. City of San Diego East Mission Gorge data recovery program, Pardee Subarea IH inventory (3,000 acres), Subarea IV inventory (1,500 acres), Subarea V Inventory (2,000 acres), and Santa Margarita River VaUey inventory (5,000 acres). DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1^6 OgdenTERC Environmental and Energy Services Company 1978 to 1990 Projea manager responsible for management and direction of cultural resource surveys, test excavations, and data recovery programs. Major projects include the data recovery programs for Ballast Point, Batiquitos Ridge, Twin Oaks Valley Ranch, Kuebler Ranch - Otay Mesa, Fieldstone Northview, and Daon's Santa Fe Ridge. UtiUty line projects involving FERC, NEPA, and 106 compUance include the SCE Palo Verde/Devers 200-mile transmission line corridor survey, testing, and data recovery program; SDG&E La Rosita transmission Une; and Uie SD(j&E La Jet solar study. Large-scale Class II cultural resource inventories include die Bureau of Land Management's 2.5-milUon acre Central Mojave and Colorado Desert regions and the BLMs 250,000-acre EastAVest Mesa Imperial Valley studies. Archaeological Consultant 1977 to 1978 Archaeological consultant with Wiith Associates, Ina for SDG&E including: Tal^ Substation survey (field diiector); Phase n archaeological inventory report, plant site to Devers and Miguel Substations, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system environmental study; archaeological study of the Jamul Mountain Alternative, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system environmental study (field director); and Phase I archaeology rqwrt, plant site to VictorviUe/Lugo and Devers to Victorville/Lugo, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system environmental study. Bureau of Land Management 1975 to 1977 Archaeologist for tiie USDI, Bureau of Land Management, CaUfomia Desert Planning Staff, Sacramento/Riverside, Califomia. Lead archaeologist for tiie SaUne VaUey Unit Resource Analysis (cultural resource inventory of 500,000 acres). Assisted in the cultural resource inventory, unit resource analysis, and management framework plan for tiie East Mojave Planning Units (2,000,000 acres in tiie CaUfomia Desert). Devdoped survey inventory and data coUection methods for computer input and analysis. Developed a predictive modd for locating prehistoric sites on tiie basis of environmental vanables. This model also identified site type and relative site density for each site type on the basis of environmental setting. State of OUfomia 1975 Archaeologist for the State of CaUfomia, Dqjartment of Parks and Recreation. Responsible for site testing and excavation of the 1812 Russian Fort Ross, Fort Ross, Califomia. m m DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1^96 Archaeological Consultant 1972 to 1974 Archaeological consultant for historic and prehistoric sites to include mapping, survey, excavation, and data recovery programs for private contractors, utUities, universities^ Caltrans, HUD, and museums. Project areas include: Ventura Mission site, Ventura] Califomia; Kiik Creek, Big Sur, CaUfomia; Salton Sea area, Imperial County, CaUfomia; Crowder Canyon, San Bemardino County, (Mfomia; and Cuyama, CaUfomia! ResponsibiUties included data recoveiy, analysis, photography, and report writing. State of CaUfomia 1970 to 1973 Park aide for the Dq)aitment of Parks and Recreation. Responsible for surv^, excavation, payroll, and disbursement of funds for tiie Castaic, Hardluck, and Pyramid projects, Los Angdes National Forest, Califomia. AWARDS Spedal Achievement Award, presented by the Bureau of Land Management, CaUfomia Desert Planning Staff, April 1977. MAJOR REPORTS 1995 (witii others) Otay Mesa Road Widening Project Cultural Resources Technical Report Literature review and fidd survey of 1,750 aaes. Rqxjrt prepared for City of San Diego and Caltrans. 1995 (with others) Historical/Ardiaeological Survey Report for Subarea V Future Urbanizing Area, San Diego, CaUfomia. Literature review and fidd survey of approximatdy 2,000 acres in north San Diego County. 1995 (with others) Cultural Resource Inventoiy of the Santa Margarita River VaUey, Omp Pendleton. Background study and field inventory of approximatdy 5,000 acres for Camp Pendleton, north San Diego County. 1995 (with others) Archaeological Survey Report for Interstate 905 Study Area. Literature review and field survey for 1,750 acres on Otay Mesa for the City of San Diego and C:altrans. 1994 (witii Kyle) Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites for tiie Stardust Golf Course ReaUgnment Project, City of San Diego, Califomia. Testing program to determine site significance for 10 prehistoric sites. Two major habitation sites witiiin the San Diego River Valley were identified as significant. Ml DENNIS R. GALLEGOS iy96 1993 (with others) Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for the Reclaimed Water Distribution Master Plan for tiie Northem and Central Service Areas Phase la, San Diego County, CaUfomia. Literature review and fidd survey for approximately 100 Un^ miles. 1993 (with Strudwick) The Archaeolo^cal Investigation of CA-SCLI-847 San Clemente Island CaUfomia. Data recovery program for a 4,000 year old site on San Clemente Island for conducted for the U.S. Navy. 1993 (witii others) Historical/Archaeological Surv^ and Test Report for Subarea HI Future Urbanizing Area, San Diego, Califomia. Literature review and fidd survey for 3,000 acres in north San Diego County. 1993 (witii others) - Historical/Archaeolo^cal Survey Report, One Qty Block Witiiin Downtown Oceanside Redevdopment Core Block Area, Oceanside. Testing program to - detemiine presence/absence of historic resources and the significance of resources. 1993 (witii othera) Historical/Archaeological Survey and Test Kepoit for Subarea TV Future Uibanizing Area, San Diego, (California. Literature review and fidd survw of 1,500 acres in north San Diego County. 1992 (with Strudwick) Historical/Archaeological Test R^rt for Daley Ranch, Escondido, CaUfomia. CEQA test program to determine importance for 23 prehistoric and historic sites. ^ 1992 (with Strudwick) Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for Montedto Ranch Property, Ramona, ^ Califomia. Literature review and fidd inventory for 953 acres producing 36 prehistoric and historic sites. m 1992 (witii Kyle) Historical/Archaeological Survey and Test for Carlsbad Ranch, C:arlsbad, m Cahfomia. Literature review, fidd survey and significance testing conducted for five sites. 1992 (^vith Schroth and Strudwick) Historical/Archaeological Sample Inventory for Naval Air Station, Miramar, San Diego, Califomia. Fifteen percent sample inventory of the 18,433 acre faciUty to provide data for GIS ARC-INFO and site probabiUty modeUng for land use planning. 1992 (editor) Cultural Resource Evaluation for tiie ViUage of Tenaja, CA-RIV-271 and CVL-RIV- 3973, Trabuco Ranger District, Qevdand National Forest. Testing program conducted to determine National Register eUgibiUty. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS iy96 1992 (witii Kyle) Historical/Archaeological Survey and National Register Evaluation RqxDrt for Camp Pendleton MiUtary Family Housing, San Diego, (Alifornia. Survey and testing program to identify and determine National Register properties. 1990 (with Schroth) Archaeological Investigations of a Five Hundred Year Old Settlement at Twin Oaks Valley Ranch, San Marcos, CaUfomia. A data recoveiy program for a late period habitation site in compUance with federal, state and local requirements. 1990 (witii Kyle) Early Period Occupation at tiie Kuebler Ranch Site SDi-8654, Otay Mesa. San Diego County, CaUfomia. A data recovery program for a 7,000 years old site on Otay Mesa prepdxed for the County of San Diego. 1989 (witii otiiers) (Mtuial Resource Inventoiy and Testing Program, for Lilac Ranch, VaUey Center, California. Survey of 1,000 acres and testing program for 20 prehistoric and historic sites. 1989 (witii othere) Cultural Resource Inventory and Testing Program for Salt Creek Ranch, Chula Vista, CaUfomia. Surv^ of 1,000 acres and testing of historic and prehistoric sites for site importance under CEQA. 1988 (with otiiers) Cultural Resource Inventory and Data Acquisition Program, GEO East Mesa Geotiiermal Project, Imperial VaUey, Califomia. Cultural resource inventory of 1000 aaes for geotiiermal energy devdopment on USDI, BLM lands in tiie (California desert. 1988 (with others) Cultural Resource Inventory for a Series of DriU Sites witiiin tiie Amir, Indian Rose Area Lease. Inventory conducted in southeastem CaUfomia for tiie devdopment of gold exploration on federal lands by Amir Mines, Ltd. 1988 (with others) Cultural Resource Inventory and CEQA Test for Site Importance, Rancho Bernardo Lake Course. Inventory of 315 acres, identification and testing of ten prehistoric sites for the J.W. Colachis Company. 1988 (with others) Cultural Resource Survey and Testing Program for the East Mesa Detention FaciUty, San Diego Califonua. Project involved the survey of 523 acres, tiie identification of eight prehistoric and one historic site, and the testing of these sites with respect to CEQA. Three of these sites were quarry locaUties on Otay Mesa. Report prepared for the County of San Diego. 1988 (with others) Five Thousand Years of Maritime Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDI-48 (W-164), San Diego, CaUfomia. Report involved tiie excavation of a 2.5 percent sample within a coastal sheU midden site, dated from 6000 to 1500 years before present. Report prepared for the U.S. Navy. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1/96 1987 (with others) Historical/prehistoric Inventory for the Green Dragon Colony, La JoUa (CaUfomia. Rqx>rt documents the historic^ devdopment of the Green Ehagon Colony. EIR report for the City of San Diego. 1987 (with others) Cultural Resource Inventory for Rancho La Quinta. Inventory of 1272 acres identifying six prehistoric sites within CoacheUa Valley, Riverside County, CaUfomia. Report prq)ared for the Landmark Land Company. 1987 (with others) Subsurface Testing Program to Identify and Evaluate Cultural Resources for tiie Santa Barbara Retail Revitalization Project. Testing program to identify historical and prehistoric sites witiiin four dty blocks of downtown Santa Barbara. R^it prepared for the City of Santa Barbara. 1986 (with others) Cultural and Paieontological Survey and Testing for Padfic Rim, Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Project involved the survey of over 1,000 acres along the northem shore of Batiquitos Lagoon, tiie identification of 14 prehistoric, 1 historic, and 1 paieontological site, and the testing of prehistoric and historic sites to determme importance under CEQA. Rcport prepzied for the City of Carlsbad. 1986 (with Cheever) Cultural Resource Testing Program for Archaeological Sites SDI-607, -612, -212, 6825 and W-105, Carlsbad, Califomia. Testing program for five sites located along the south shore of Batiquitos Lagoon for the City of Carlsbad 1986 (with Cheever) Carmel Mountain Ranch Data Recoveiy Program for Early Period Archaeolo^cal Site SDI-6087. Report prepared for (Carmel Mountain Ranch. 1986 (with others) Lake (CahuUla Prehistoric Occupation at IMP-4434 and IMP-5167, Imperial VaUey, CaUfomia. Data recovery for Ryerson Concrete Company. 1985 Early and Ute Period Occupation at Rogers Ridge (SDI-4845, W-182), Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Data recoveiy program to include tiie excavation of 94, 1 by 1 m units at sue loci dating firom 850 to 7000 years B.P. for Resource Microsystems Inc. and Daon Inc. 1984 (with others) Archaeological Investigations at SDI-5130, Mar Lado Project, Oceanside, CaUfomia. Data recovery program for L and L Devdopment. 1984 Cultural Resource Data Recovery Program for SDG&E's Imperial VaUey to La Rosita 230-kV Transmission Line Report prepared for SDG&E, San Diego, California. 1984 Windsong Shores Data Recovery Program for Site W-131 (Agua Hedionda), (Carlsbad, (California. Excavation of a 5 percent sample at a 7,000 to 8,500 year old site for Hunts Partnership. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1/96 1984 West Mesa Cultural Resource Survey, and Site Evaluation, Imperial VaUey, CaUfomia. Rqx)rt prepared fortheBureau of LandManagement. 1983 Excavation of Diegueno/Ipai Subsistence Camps above Endiutas Creek: A Data Recovery Program for Fiddstone Northview, Encinitas, CaUfomia. Rq>ort prepiaxed for the Fieldstone Development Company. 1983 Archaeological Overview for the City of San Marcos, Business/Industrial, Richman, Lake San Marcos, and Barham/Discoveiy (Community Plan. Report prepared for tiie City of San Marcos. 1980 (with othere) (Cultural Resource Inventory and National Register Assessment of tiie Southem (CaUfomia Edison Palo Verde to Devers Transmission Une (Conidor (Califomia portion). Prq)ared for Southem CaUfomia Edison, Rosemead, CaUfomia. 1980 (witii othere) Qass n Cultural Resource Inventoiy of East Mesa and West Mesa Regions, Imperial VaU^, (Califomia. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Rivereide, Cahfomia. 1979 (witii others) Qass n Cultural Resource Inventory of the Central Mojave and Colorado Desert Regions. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, CaUfomia. 1978 (witfi White) An Ardiaeological Survey of tiie Talega Substation Site. Prqiared for San Di^o Gas & Electric by Wirth Associates, Inc., San Diego, (California. 1978 (with othere) Documentation of the Phase II Archaeology Inventory Report, Plant Site to DCVCTS and Migud Substation, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Environmental Study. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Wirth Associates, Inc., San Diego, Califomia. 1978 Jamul Mountains Altemative Route SuitabiUty Review, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Environmental Study. Prq)ared for San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Wirth Associates, Inc., San Diego, CaUfomia. 1977 (with others) Phase! Archaeology Report, Plant Site to VictorviUe/Lugo and Devers to Victorville/Lugo, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Environmental Study. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Wirth, Associates, Inc., San Diego, CaUfomia. 1977 SaUne VaUey Unit Resource Analysis - Cultural Resources. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, CaUfomia Desert Planning Staff, Riverside, CaUfomia. 1976 (with Hanks) East Mojave Management Framework Plan - Cultural Resources. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, CaUfomia Desert Planning Staff, Riverside, (Califomia. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS ly96 PUBLICATIONS Patterns and Implications of Coastal Settlement in San Diego County: 9000 to 1300 Years Ago. In, Essays on tiie Prehistory of Maritime CaUfomia. Center for Archaeoloeical Research at Davis, No. 10, 1992. Five Thousand Years of Maritime Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDi-48 (W-164), San Diego, California. In press. Antiquity and Adaptation at Agua Hedionda, Carlsbad, CaUfomia. In Hunter-Gatherers of Early Holocene Coastal California, Institute of Archaeology, University of Califomia Los Angeles, 1991. A Review and Synthesis of Environmental and Cultural Material for tiie Batiquitos Lagoon Region in San Dieguito - La Jolla, Chronology and Controversy, San Diego County Archaeological Society, Research Paper, Number 1,1987. Rdocation of tiie BaUast Point Try works Oven Foundation (with Addla Schroth) in Fort Guijarros Quarterly 3:2. Early Man and a Cultural Chronology for Batiquitos Lagoon in Casual Papers, Cultural Resource Management Center, Dq)artment of Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1986. * Batiquitos Lagoon Revisited in Casual Papers, (Cultural Resource Management Cent^, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1985. Class II Cultural Resource Inventory, East Mesa and West Mesa Region, Imperial Vallev California, (witii others). USDI, BLM, 1980. * ^ J'' Cultural Resource Inventory of the Central Mojave and Colorado Desert Regions, (with others). USDI, BLM, Cultural Resources PubUcations, Archaeology 1980. •m RESUME CAROLYN E. KYLE SENIOR ARCHAEOLOGIST Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 929-0055 EDUCATION M.A. Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1988 B.A. Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1983 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Society of Professional Archeologists Society for American Archaeology Society for CaUfomia Archaeology San Diego County Archaeological Society PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Gallegos & Associates October 1991 to Present Project Archaeologist for cultural resource surveys. CEQA testing programs, evaluations for National Register status, and data recovery programs. Ms. Kyle served as project archaeologist for die Camp Pendleton Housing, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, NOSC survey and test , North Torrey Pines Bridge inventory, and die Interetate 905 project, which involved federal agency and 106 compliance. City and County of San Diego include: East Mission Gorge data recovery and monitoring program for constmction of the East Mission Gorge Force Main; VaUey (Center Sewerage and Water Reclamation FaciUties test; JuUan Water Control FaciUties test; test of tiiree sites for the Kumeyaay Lake Campground; overview smdies of the San Luis Rey and Otay River VaUeys; and testing of seven sites for the Remington HiUs project. County of San Diego Febmary 1989 to October 1991 Environmental Analyst for the Department of Planning and Land Use/Archaeological SpeciaUst. Duties required by this position included initial review of submitted projects, determination of required environmental studies, review of submitted studies, and presentation of detennination and subsequent findings to the County Board. Reviewed archaeology reports submitted by consultants in response to County determinations. Responsible for report review and recommendations for cultural resource work necessary for the proposed 22,000 acre Otay Ranch project. ERC Environmental and Energy Services Company 1985 to Febmary 1989 Project archaeologist responsible for direction of cultural resource surveys, test excavations, and data recovery programs. Major projects include die data recovery program for BaUast Point, Batiquitos Ridge, Kuebler Ranch - Otay Mesa, San Diego m m CAROLYN E. KYLE 2/96 Mission, and Westwood Valley. Responsible for direction of field and laboratory crews, coordination of artifact analysis, and principle author of reports of findings. Archaeological Consultant 1983 to 1985 Archaeological consultant with various firms including WESTEC, RECON, RBR & Associates, and Brian F. Mooney & Associates, Positions for these firms mcluded both laboratory and field crew member for Johnson-Taylor Adobe, unda the supervision of Dr. Susan Hector, RECON; Fieldstone Northview, Unit 4, Encinitas, under the supervision of Dennis GaUegos, WESTEC; data recovery program for a large prehistoric vUlage at Sabre Springs, Poway, under the direction of Sean Cardenas, RBR & Associates. MAJOR REPORTS 1995 (witii Gallegos) Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites for tiie Stardust Golf Course ReaUgnment Project. A significance test of cultural resources located adjacent the San Di^o River. Prq)ared for the City of San Diego. 1995 (with othere) Otay Mesa Road Widening Project Cultural Resources Technical Rqxjrt: Archaeological testing of nine cultural resources, Prq)ared for the City of San Diego. 1994 (with others) Remington HiUs Project: Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites Otay Mesa, San Diego, CaUfomia. Archaeological significance testing of seven prehistoric sites. Prepared for the City of San Diego. 1994 (with others) Historical/Archaeological Test for the Clasa de Aguirre Adobe Site, City of San Diego, Califomia. A test using mechanical and hand excavation to identify presence/absence of remains of the Casa de Aguirre adobe Prepared for the City of San Diego. 1994 (with Gallegos) Cultural Resource Survey and Test for the Clalifomia Department of Corrections, R.J. Donovan-n Conectional FadUty Project, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, CaUfomia. A Uterature review, record search, and 174-acre field survey that identified the presence of previously recorded site CA-SDI-8654. A subsequent significance test was completed for the portion of the site located within the project area. Prepared for the CaUfomia Department of Coirections. 1993 (with others) Data Recovery Program for a Portion of Prehistoric Site CA-SDI-10148 East Mission Gorge Pump Station and Force Main, San Diego, Califomia. A data recovery program to mitigate impacts to portions of CA-SDI-10148, identified as significant after constmction was begun. Analysis of recovaed artifacts identified a 2,0(X) year old mUling tool kit. Prepared for the City of San Diego. m m m •m CAROLYN E. KYLE 2/96 1993 (witii Gallegos) Archaeological Evaluation of Prehistoric Sites CA-SDI-11606, CA-SDI-11057A, and CA-SDI-11057B Kumeyaay Lake Campground, San Diego, Califomia. A significance test prepared for the City of San Diego. 1993 (witii Gallegos) Cultural Resource Survey and Test of Five Sites for the Otay Water District Central Area and Otay Mesa Interconnection PipeUne AUgnments. A significance test that identified one significant and four not significant cultural resources. Prepared for the Otay Water District. 1993 (with Gallegos) A Constraint Study for the Otay VaUey Regional Park FPA. This study included a literature review, record search, identification of constraints and opportunities, and recomm^dations for the proposed Otay Valley Regional Park. 1993 (withothCTs) HistoricaVArchaeological Test Report for Sites CA-SDI-9775, CA-SDI-9775, CA- SDM3187, and CA-SDI-13188 East County Square Devdopment San Di^o County, (CaUfomia A significance test prepared for tiie County of San Diego. 1992 (witii GaUegos) Historical/Archaeological Survey and Testing for CA-SDI-5352 and CA-SDI- 12730, Otay Mesa, San Diego, Califomia. A testing program for a 250-acre pared on Otay Mesa. 1991 (with othere) Six Thousand Yeare of Occupation at Batiquitos Ridge. Report involved excavation of a five percent phased sample inventory to provide mitigation of development impacts. 1990 (with Gallegos) Early Period Occupation at the Kuebler Ranch Site SDi-8654, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, CaUfomia. A data recovery program for a 1,000 year old site on Otay Mesa prepared for the County of San Diego. 1988 (with othere) Cultural Resource Inventory and CEQA Test for Site Importance, Rancho Bemardo Lake Course. Inventory of 315 acres, identification and testing of ten prehistoric sites for the J.W. Colachis Company. 1988 (with others) Cultural Resource Survey and Testing Program for the East Mesa Detention FaciUty, San Diego CaUfomia. Project involved the survey of 523 acres, tiie identification and testing of eight prehistoric and One historic site. Three of these sites were quany locaUties on Otay Mesa. Report prepared for the County of San Diego. 1988 (with othere) Five Thousand Years of Maritime Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDi- 48 (W-164), San Diego, CaUfomia. Report involved the excavation of a 2.5 percent sample within a coastal shell midden site, dated from 6000 to 1500 years before present. Report prepared for the U.S. Navy. CAROLYN E. KYLE 2/96 1987 (with others) Cultural Resource Inventory for Rancho La C^mta. Inventory of 1272 acres identifying six prehistoric sites within Coachella Valley, Riverside County, (CaUfomia. Report prepared for the Landmark Land Company. 1986 (with others) Archaeological Investigation at Westwood VaUey, San Diego, CaUfomia. Ten sites located within the Westwood VaUey, Rancho Bemardo in San Diego, County. PUBLICATIONS Five Thousand Years of Maritime Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDi-48 (W-164), San Diego, California. In press, A 2,000 Year Old MUUng Tool Kit from CA-SDI-10148, San Diego, CaUfomia. In: Proceedings for California Archaeology, Vol. 8,1995 An (Overview of the Late Prehistoric Village in the Westwood VaUey, Rancho Bemardo, OUfomia in Proceedings ofthe Society for California Archaeology, PROFESSIONAL PAPERS PRESENTED "An Overview of the Ballast Point Data Recovery Program at Site SDi-48, San Diego, Califomia." Paper presented at the Sodety for CaUfomia Archaeology Meetings, City of CommCTce, (CaUfomia. "An Overview of the San Diego Mission Excavations." Paper presented at the San Di^o Counfy Archaeology Sodefy. "An Overview of the Late Prehistoric VUlage in Westwood Valley, Rancho Bemardo, Califomia." Paper presented at the Society for Califomia Archaeology Meetings, Fresno, CaUfomia. "An Overview of tiie Prehistoric Village in Westwood VaUey, Rancho Bemardo, CaUfomia." Paper presented at the San Diego County Archaeological Society. "A 2,000 Year Old Tool Kit from CA-SDI-10148, San Diego CaUfomia." Paper presented at the Society for Califomia Archaeology Meetings, Ventura, CaUfomia. "A Prehistoric MUUng Tool Kit from CA-SDI-10148, San Diego, Califomia." Paper presented at the Society for CaUfomia Archaeology Meetings, Ventura, CaUfomia. Ml 8/96 1/2 ROXANA L. PHILLIPS PHILLIPS RESEARCH SERVICES Historical/Archaeological Consultant EDUCATION M.A. History, emphasis in Historic Preservation, University of San Diego, 1984 B.A. Anthropology, emphasis in Archaeology, San Diego State University, 1979 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Ms. Phillips has 12 years of experience as a historian and 18 concurrent years as an archaeologist, including prehistoric and historic archaeology. As a historical/archaeological consultant, Ms. Phillips conducts a wide variety of studies including: archival research, evaluation of historical sites, buildings, stractures, and historic archaeological resources. Projects include a variety of studies including constraint studies, applications for National Register inclusion, and resource analysis and report preparation for environmental impact reports requuing evaluation and assessment of resources under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Califomia Environmental (Juality Act (CEQA), and local guidelines. Between 1985 and 1992, Ms. Phillips completed over 150 historical land use studies for environmental audits conducted on mral and urban sites located throughout CaUfomia and in Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Virginia, Guam, and Hawaii. Ms. Phillips is cunentiy listed with the City of San Diego as a qualified historian, architectural historian, and historical archaeologist. The following studies were conducted by Phillips Research Services or as an environmental SpeciaUst witii Ogden Environmental Services. 1995 Historical overview of the Santa Margarita River Valley within Camp Pendleton and assessment of Historic Archaeological Resources, San Diego County, CaUfomia. Survey and constraint study of historical/architecmral resources for the East Border Crossing Specific Plan - Cultural Resource Element, Imperial County, Califomia. 1994 Historical research, survey, and testing activities within the Otay Water District Central Area and Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipeline Alignments. 1993 Research and report preparation on the potential for historical resources within the East Mission Gorge Pump Station and Force Main, San Diego, Califomia. Project included field monitoring and excavation at prehistoric site CA-SDI-10148. 1990 Survey, history, and architectural assessment of the El Centro Naval Air Station. Constraint level historical research for the Mission Valley Water Reclamation Project. Constraint level historical research for tiie Santee Water Reclamation Project. Survey for archaeological/historical cultural resources for the Palm Desert Project. 8/96 2/2 ROXANA L. PHILLIPS 1989 Survey, history, and architectural assessment for the proposed Imperial Prison Site. Imperial County, Califomia. Constraint level history for altemative alignments for Metropolitan Water District San Diego Pipeline 6. 1987 Survey, history, and architectural assessment of sites within the Rancho La Quinta Project, Riverside County, California. 1986 Field work and analysis for Lake Cahuilla Prehistoric Occupation of CA-IMP-4434 and CA-IMP-5167, hnperial Valley, Califomia. 1982 Archaeological Data Recovery Program: Northem Portion of IT Corporation Imperial Valley Site. Prepared for IT Corporation. 1981 /Archaeological Data Recovery Program: Southem Portion of IT Corporation Imperial Valley Site. Prepared for IT Corporation. 1981 Archaeological Survey of the Tmckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Well Locations, Imperial County, Califomia. 1980 Survey for the Class II Cultural Resource Inventoiy of die East Mesa and West Mesa Regions, Imperial VaUey, Califomia. APPENDIX D SAN DIEGO UNION ARTICLE "SAN MARCOS 7 COME BACK TO HAUNT DEVELOPERS" JULY 23, 1981 •m m Developers are seeking permission to move the remains of seven San Marcos 7 Come Back Tc By MITCH HIMARA start Writer, nw Son Diw Union The San Marcos Seven may never gain the courtroonn notoriety of the Chicago Seven or other such groups, but they are assured of their day in court - even though thev died more than 70 years ago. Today the seven lie in their own piece of a 5,7-acre site at the comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Meadowlark Road in San Marcos, all part of a 40- acre property targeted to become a residential development. The developers want to move the bodies. The San Marcos Seven include Tomasa Tico de Gonzalez. Alfredo Tico, Casildo Figueroa. Jose Figueroa. Jose Urbano. Felipe Sanchez and Ramon Morales - all of whom died between 1890 and 1910, according to court documents. The developers - six couples making up a limited partnership knowii as Jan's Apartments - are seeking a court order to remove the remains of the seven from the abandoned burial site and inter them in another cemetery at the partnership's expense. The developers say the gravesites have been abandoned for at least 10 years and that it has bt-en unsuccessful in locating the next-of-kin of the seven THE SAN OIEGO UNION Q Thursdoy, July 23, 1981 3(*RossPtwfo ^re seeking permission to move the remains of seven persons buried between 1890 and 1910. 's 7 Come Back To Haunt Developers Courtroom notoriety of the •;sured of their day in court m acre site at the comer of •^an Marcos, all part of a 40- ^ velopment. The developers le Gonzalez, Alfredo Tico. elipe Sanchez and Ramon 1 1910, according to court m iited partnership known as • remove the remains of the em in another cemetery at m ndoned for at least 10 years "^.p next-of-kin of the seven THE SAN DIEGO UNION 0 Thursdoy, July 23, 1981 individuals to get permission to move the bodies. In a petition to the court, they said their attempts to locate death records of the seven have been unsuccessful. , . i, Dr. Donald G. Ramras, the county's deputy director of public health, submit- ted an affidavit saying he would not oppose the request In an interview, Ramras said such requests have come m every so often when small gravesites have tumed up. "As long as they make every effort to locate the next-of-kin of the deceased and follow all the procedures, which includes going to court, we do not oppose such requests," Ramras said. Attomey Keith McWilliams said the partnership is seeking a lot split tor development of the property, which consists of three parcels. A brief history of the parcel indicates that Tico was the wife of a rancher who homesteaded 160 acres there. Alfredo Tico was her son, and the Figueroas were grandchildren. ^ i Morales is said to have been shot to death by Parker Dear Jr.. who claimed he was attacked by Morales. He was found innocent in a coroner's inquest. Superior Court Judge Carlos A. Cazares has scheduled a hearing on the request Sept. 1.