HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; 2005-03-01PREPARED FOR: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 PREPARED BY: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 I C 2004 i ANNUAL MilTIGATION ACTIVITT : REPORT r k z r m k k [ r Rancho Santa Te Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project Prepared for: . City of Carisbad li 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 L Contact: Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Tel: (760) 602-2746 Prepared by: DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro^Hlorud Ttamt fot Complex Prt^eett 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 Comact: Kam Muri Tel: (760) 479-4292 Mlarch 2005 fm m c 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project TABLE or CONTENTS Section Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 COASTAL CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER MITIGATION ITEMS 1 2.1 Avoidance of Breeding Season 1 2.2 Avoidance of Noise Impacts 4 2.3 Nest Ske Protection 4 2.4 Employee Education Program 4 3.0 BIOLOGICAL MONITORING 5 3.1 Construction Activities 5 3.2 Monitoring Activities 9 3.3 Monthly Monkorkig Reports 9 4.0 HABITAT ACQUISITION & ENDOWMENT FUND 9 5.0 WETLANDS HABITAT MITIGATION ITEMS 10 Listof rfgures Figure 1 Regional Map 2 Figure 2 Vicinity Map 2 Figure 3 Site Photographs 6 ^ Figure 4 Site Photographs 7 Figure 5 Site Photographs 8 Appendix A Employee Education Program Informational Handout Appendk B Rainy Season Action Appendix C Monthly Monitoring 4186-01 1^:^-^—'March 8. 2005 z L [ I 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project 1.0 INTRODUCTION This annual report summarizes the progress and completion of various mitigation activities associated wkh the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project (Project) in 2004, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Biological Opinion issued bythe U.S. Fish and WildUfe Service (USFWS) on January 23,2002. The Project affects a subset of the area covered by the Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi-species Plan for Properties in the Southeast Quadrant of the City of Carisbad, CaUforna (HCP) (City of Cadsbad 1995) (Figures 1 and 2). Construction of the project is occurring in two phases. ^ Phase 1 of the project includes the roadway realignment between the La Costa Avenue ^ intersection in the south to approximately the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and San Elijo Road in the north. Construction of Phase 1 began in 2002 and the new roadway opened to traffic on June 21, 2004. Phase 2 of the project includes construction of the new bridge at San Marcos Creek, demoUtion of the existing bridge and roadway construction of the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road between San Elijo Road and Melrose Drive. Initial vegetation clearing for Phase 2 began in January 2004 and construction was initiated in May 2004. Mitigation activities conducted in 2004 consisted of on-going biological monitoring of construction activities to ensure compliance with various resource permits including the completion of specific monitoring measures related to the protection of the federaUy-listed threatened coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher). In addkion, mitigation activkies included on-going preparation, design and implementation of the wetlands mitigation program for impacts to wetlands. The discussion below provides documentation for each of these activities. 2.0 COASTAL CAUFORNIA GNATCATCHER MITIGATION ITEMS f 2.1 Avoidance of Breeding Season IM E Vegetation clearing for Phase 2 of the project was completed in February 2004, prior to the start of the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 15 - August 31). Coastal sage scrub and scrub oak chaparral vegetation was cleared within the Phase 2 project limits along the west P side of the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road between San Elijo Road and Melrose Avenue. mmm SlASSOCIATES, INC. 4186-01 March 8, 2005 Orange County r-SMiles San Diego Imperial Beach ™ OtayMesaVL—_ Tijuana Mexico Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Regional Map FIGURE ; 'Mm \ \Li:u' /':i..'l^ ^ifc Sancj and Gravel - ^ ^ ^ SM I76,f I Rancho Santa Fe Rd Phase 1 Project Liniits Rancho Santa Fe Rd Phase 2 Project Limits BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS, 7.5 Minute Series, Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle 2000 Scale in Feet Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Vicinity Map FIGURE r 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project Focused USFWS protocol-level surveys for gnatcatcher were conducted by Dudek wUdUfe biologist Anita Hayworth, Ph.D. (TE-781084) in suitable habitat wkhin 500 feet of the Phase 2 project limits prior to the start of construction activities in May 2004. Results of the surveys were negative and were submitted to USFWS in a survey report dated May 25,2004. 2.2 Avoidance of Noise Impacts As discussed above in Section 2.1, focused surveys for gnatcatcher conducted throughout sukable habitat wkhin 500 feet of the Phase 2 project limits were negative. Therefore, gnatcatcher monitoring activities and the implementation of noise mitigation measures was not required. 2.3 Nest Site Protection ll Vegetation clearing activities in 2004 were limked to the Phase 2 project area and were completed in February 2004 prior to the start of the gnatcatcher breeding season. No clearing ^ or grading activkies took place wkhin habitat occupied by gnatcatcher during the gnatcatcher breeding season. All vegetation clearing associated with Phase 1 of the project was completed g in February 2002 prior to the start of the breedkig season. p 2.4 Employee Education Program h In accordance with the requirements of the USFWS Biological Opinion, Dudek biologisk r Kamarul Muri conducted an employee education meeting onsite for new construction crews associated with Phase 2 on May 24, 2004. Dudek identified native habitat areas adjacent to E the project and highlighted senskive biological resources associated with the project includmg the federally-listed threatened coastal CaUfornia gnatcatcher and wetlands regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the California Regional Water QuaUty Control Board E (RWOCB) and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). An informational brochure prepared by Dudek was also provided to all in attendance at the meeting to provide E general information regarding biological resources in the area and to provide guidelines for avoiding impacts to adjacent native habitat areas (Appendix A). DUDEK 4186-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. ,, . „ ofinc ^P^i^T^^c^e^ March 8. 2005 I E Z Z Z c 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project 3.0 BIOLOGICAL MONITORING 3.1 Construction Activities The Biological Opinion issued by USFWS requires that a qualified biologist be onsite when construction activities are taking place adjacent to sensitive habitat areas. Sensitive habitat areas adjacent to the Phase 2 project include coastal sage scrub and southern mixed chaparral located to the west of the project and wetlands associated with San Marcos Creek in the northern portion of Phase 2. Beginning with initial vegetation clearing activkies in January 2004, Dudek biologists have maintained a periodic schedule of daUy or weekly biological monkoring as necessary based upon the location and extent of construction activities. Construction activities in 2004 included installation of perimeter fencing and construction ske Best Management Practicies (BMPs), vegetation clearing, installation of temporary stream diversion culverts, excavation and construction of bridge piers, construction of bridge spans and associated false-work, mass grading and associated earth work including rock crushing and screenkig, and the construction of subsurface storm drain facUities. Temporary Diversion of San Marcos Creek The natural fiow of San Marcos Creek through the bridge ske in Phase 2 was redirected through a temporary stream diversion culvert constructed at the start of Phase 2 construction in May 2004 (Figurt3). The temporary stream diversion culvert was designed to carry stream flow during low fiow conditions and wUl remain in place untU the completion of project construction. The diversion of San Marcos Creek through the bridge site was necessary to allow construction activity to occur at the bridge ske wkhout working directly wkhin the flowing portions of the creek. The temporary stream diversion culverts were constructed using three 20-inch steel pipes placed at approximately 10 to 12 inches below the existing grade of the creek bottom and extend approximately 280 linear feet between the upstream and downstream Umks of the project (Figure 4). Creek flows were redirected into the temporary culverts by manually constructing an earthen berm across the natural fiow channel of the creek. At the downstream limits of the project, the culvert was constructed to outlet into an existing DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4186-01 March 8,2005 ?rJOTO 4 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project - 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Site Photographs FIGURE PHOTO 6 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Site Photographs FIGURE Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Site Photographs FIGURE 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report ^ Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project L secondary channel of San Marcos Creek (Figurt 5). The culvert outlet area was stabUized by placement of smaU rip-rap in the channel bed and bank. Prior to backfilling the onsite portion of the creek, an effort was made to identify aquatic species remaining within the channel to determine if translocation would be necessary. However, only non-native species were identified including non-native fish species, bullfrog (Rana cattsbiana) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculs). Excavation and Construction of Bridge Piers Due to their location within San Marcos Creek, the excavation and construction of the bridge piers required the management of surface water associated with the creek as weU as ground water. As described above, surface flows associated with San Marcos Creek were redirected through temporary stream diversion culverts that outiet into a secondary channel along the downstream project limits. Due to the presence of groundwater within excavated pits, the excavation and construction of the bridge piers required the temporary extraction and storage of groundwater onsite. During pier construction, ground water was extracted from the active excavation and pumped into adjacent pier excavations and an onsite storage tank for temporary storage. Some of the ground water stored onsite was used to supply water trucks onsite for dust control. Pier excavations used to store groundwater were backfiUed once construction of the bridge piers was complete. Flooding of San Marcos Creek FoUowing the completion of the bridge piers in September 2004, the entire bridge site was lined with rock to provide a solid foundation for false work installation and as a protective measure to prevent soUs being washed downstream during winter flooding events. All construction equipment and materials were promptly removed from the bridge site prior to forecasted rain events, and no construction occurred within ponded or flowing portions of the creek. Rainy Season Action Plan IP An action plan identifying specific site BMPs that are to be updated and deployed prior to ^ forecasted rain events was prepared by the contractor and construction management at the start of the rainy season. The plan describes existing the condition of existing BMPs to r DUDEK & ASSOCIATES. INC. 4186-01 March 8, 2005 k f k Z 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project throughout the site and the appropriate action to be taken in the even of forecasted rain (Appendix B). 3.2 Monitoring Activities Beginning with initial Phase 2 vegetation clearing activities in Januar/ 2004, Dudek biologists ^ maintained a periodic schedule of daily and weekly biological monitoring as necessary based L upon the location and extent of construction activities. Construction activities were monitored to ensure that no impacts to adjacent conservation areas occurred and that ^ adequate measures were in place to minimize potential indirect impacts, such as dust, runoff, etc. ^ In addition to regular monitoring of construction activities, the inlet and outlet of the stream ^ diversion culverts were checked regularly by Dudek for signs of erosion or sedimentation. ^ Downstream portions of the creek adjacent to the project were also monitored to determine if existing habitat was being adversely affected by the redirected creek flows and groundwater *^ extraction activities. Dudek also performed monitoring of perimeter fencing and erosion control and water quality-related BMPs. Orange perimeter fencing and ske BMPs were checked and construction management was notified immediately if maintenance or repairs ^ were necessary. ^ 3.3 Monthly Reports In accordance wkh the BO, monthly reports were submkted to the City and USFWS ^ summarizing ongoing monitoring activities carried out by Dudek. Monthly reports from pp» 2004 are included as Appendix C of this report. 4.0 HABITAT ACQUISITION AND ENDOWMENT FUND In accordance wkh the requirements of the HCP adopted in the Biological Opinion for the project, over 622 acres of native lands have been transferred as onsite mitigation for several individual projects including the City's Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project. A Conservation Easement was recorded in favor of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) on January 11, 2002. In addition, an endowment in DUDEK SASSOCIAimiNC. 4186-01 Pttfttilmd •Omnt Cl 111(11 ir Prttttf March 8.2005 10 c E 2004 Annual Mitigation Activity Report Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project U the amount of $891,962 was provided to the Center for Natural Lands Management for the long-term management of the preserved habitat. ^ 5.0 WETLANDS HABITAT MITIGATION ITEMS Wetlands mitigation for the Rancho Santa Fe Road project is being implemented in two ^ phases: an onsite revegetation/restoration effort at the location of the existing Rancho Santa b Fe Road bridge at San Marcos Creek and around the margins of the new bridge, and an offsite mitigation/revegetation effort located within the University Commons project along upstream portions of San Marcos Creek. The offsite mitigation program for the Rancho Santa Fe Road project wUl be located adjacent to separately planned mitigation/revegetation areas being implemented by Brookfield Homes, Inc. (Brookfield) as mitigation for the b University Commons project. The Brookfield and City mitigation programs are contiguous ^ to one another but are being implemented as separate installation and ^ maintenance/monitoring projects. In 2004, planning for the onsite and offsite wetlands mitigation programs of the Rancho Santa Fe Road project included finaUzing the revegetation construction documents (i.e. plans and specifications) for each project. Both sets of plans were revised in 2004 and are pending future implementation by the City in 2005/2006. The implementation of the onsite wetlands restoration work at the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road bridge site is contingent upon the completion of the new bridge and demolition of the old bridge. The restoration work cannot be instaUed untU the new bridge is buUt and opened and the old bridge has been removed. The onsite restoration work occurs at the existing bridge site and within the limits of construction boundaries for the new bridge. Final revegetation grading plans for the offsite wetland mitigation program at University Commons were prepared by O'Day Consultants in late 2004/early 2005, and are currently pending final approval by the City of San Marcos. Revegetation grading and instaUation of the Brookfield portion of the wetlands mitigation at University Commons was implemented in the Fall of 2004 and wUl be completed sometime in 2005 pending weather delays. Implementation of the Rancho Santa Fe Road offsite wetlands mitigation portion at University Commons wiU likely foUow completion of the Brookfield portion. Coordination will be required between Brookfield and the City of Carlsbad in order to avoid impacts to previously installed portions. DUDEK 4186-01 I& ASSOCIATES, INC. I March 8. 2005 11 I. r APPENDIX A c ^ Employee Education Program Informational Handout r r ito Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Bridge Replacement Project, Phase 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, Phase 2 The City of Carlsbad's Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is located adjacent to sensitive native habitat. More than 260 native plant and wildlife species inhabit the areas adjacent to the project and much of the habitat has been set aside for long-term preservation to protect native plants and wildlife. Importantly, this project has been approved under state and federal environmental laws that set forth certain restrictions during construction of the project in order to protect sensitive biological resources. California Gnatcatcher Federally-listed Threatened Species California Species of Concern The Califomia gnatcatcher is a small blue-gray songbird that inhabits native coastal sage scrub habitat. Gnatcatchers eat insects and nest during the spring and summer from February through August. Gnatcatchers are highly territorial and very sensitive to disturbances. As a federally- listed threatened species, it is protected under the federal Endangered Species Act by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and as a species of concem by the Califomia Department of Fish and Game. NATIVE HABITAT San Marcos Creek/Riparian Habitat San Marcos Creek and the associated native vegetation are considered sensitive biological resources. Native vegetation in the area includes southem willow scrub and freshwater marsh which provide important habitat for native plants and wildlife. Even the existing bridge provides important nesting habitat for bats and swallows. Maintaining the water quality of San Marcos Creek is also essential to protecting the use of valuable water resources in the region. The creek and associated vegetation are sensitive to impacts from dust, erosion, litter and runoff containing oils and other chemicals associated with construction. Uplands Habitat Upland areas next to the project include native coastal sage scrub and chaparral vegetation. These areas provide important habitat for native plants and animals, including the federally-listed Califomia gnatcatcher. Upland habitat areas are most sensitive to impacts from dust, erosion, litter and intrusion by domestic pets. AGENCIES AND REGULATIONS The Resource Agencies This project is authorized by statc and federal agencies responsible for regulating activities under the federal Endangered Species Act, the federal Clean Water Act and the Califomia Fish and Game Code. These agencies have primary authority over regulated activities and may visit or enter the project site at any time. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Seirice - federal Endangered Species Act U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - federal Clean Water Act Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board - federal Clean Water Act Califomia Department of Fish and Game - Califomia Fish and Game Code Guidelines • Do not cross barriers or enter native habitat. • Do not disturb or remove orange environmental fencing. • LMaintain silt fences and other BMPs to prevent erosion and siltation of adjacent habitat. • Do not litter or dump waste into habitat areas. • Do not refuel or change oil where spills can wash into adjacent habitat. • Do not remove any plants or animals from habitat areas. • Do not injure or kill wildlife. • Do not bring pets to the jobsite. Penalties Violation of statc and federal laws protecting native plants, wildlife and habitat can result in severe penalties, including: • Habitat restoration responsibilities costing up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. • Large fines and substantial project delays. • Arrest and imprisonment may result from serious violations. r JM APPENDIX B Rainy Season Plan PI m k m k z [ k k City ofCarlsbad Rainy Season Action Plan for Construction Sites Action Plans are to be in place by October 1, 2003 and UPDATED prior to each rain event. Project Name: Rancho Santa Fe Road, Phase 2 Date: November 16, 2004 Project Address: 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 202 San Marcos, CA 92078 Contractor: FCI Constructors Project Manager: Roy Bartlett FCI Contacts: Paul Mignone Jon Krause Cell: 760-497-2926 Cell: 619-666-3579 Home: 619-300-3107 Home: 760-740-9498 Inspector Name & Title: Mark Plotnikiewicz, Resident Engineer Inspector Signature: z k p Existine Condition Action Plan Erosion Control: Silt fence placed at toe-of-slopes, fiber roll placed on slopes, large stockpile near San Elijo has been sprayed with BFM, slope on west side of existing RSF is covered with visquin Additional silt fence, fiber rolls, gravel bags, and visquin are on site in the event of a storm and existing measures become inadequate. Gravel bag check dams and silt fence will be installed on the graded portions ofthe new road to slow dovm storm water flow and prevent erosion. Sediment Controls: Silt fence, gravel bag check dams, and visquin are on the slopes leading to and adjacent to the creek. The access road between the bridges will be blocked off and gravel bag check dams and silt fence will be placed on the access road slopes adjacent to the creek. A de-silting basin will be constructed on the south side ofthe bridge just south of the final slope leading to the creek. The access road slopes adjacent to the creek will be covered with visquin prior to a major storm event. Materials and Wastes: Trash dumpsters are on site; concrete washout areas are constructed; hazardous materials are stored in spill containment area Stockpiles of materials will be covered / sprayed with BFM prior to a storm; construction materials and equipment will be removed fi^om creek bottom and floodplain prior to a storm event P tai r p te te z p Existine Condition Action Plan Discharge Locations: Existing San Marcos Creek flows through 3 - 20" culverts dunng normal flow. During high flow, the creek overtops the culverts and flows through the creek floodplain. The bottom of the existing creek bed and floodplain has been covered with rock to control silt and erosion. The rock has been graded to direct flow between the falsework bents, Prior to a storm event, all equipment and material will be removed from the creek bed and the floodplain. BMP's will be constructed on the access roads approaching the creek. Finished Slope Protection: N/A at this time Slopes will be stabilized with fiber rolls, BFM, and visquin until the permanent hydro-seeding is placed Unfinished Slope Protection: All inactive slopes are stabilized Active slopes will be stabilized when they become inactive Construction Entrance/Exit: Construction entrances / exits are in place near San Elijo, La Costa Meadows, and Melrose Drive Additional 3" minus rock is on site for maintenance Inlet Protection: Gravel bags are placed at inlets Additional gravel bags are on site in the event that they are needed Other: p k p li p k p k P k p k p c APPENDIX C Monthly Monitoring Reports z z z p te Professional Trams for Complex Projects Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporale Office; 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5H7 Fax 760,632.0164 February 12, 2004 3912-01 k p ito m te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Monthly Monttoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlshad, California Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through weekly visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Ongoing Construction Activity In January 2004, Dudek biologists made periodic visits to the project site to conduct biological monitoring of ongoing construction activities. During this time, activity within Phase 1 of the project has been limited to the construction of the wildUfe tunnel corridor and the associated portions of the roadway. During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and the contractor was notified if maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. Construction activities were monitored to ensure that no impacts to adjacent conservation areas occurred and that adequate measures were in place to minimize potential indirect impacts, such as dust, runoff, etc. m m p i te te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Projec t, City of Carlsbad, California r Phase 2 te ^ Permit Compliance Dudek attended project team meetings with City and project staff in October 2003 to review r resource permit restrictions relative to Phase 2 of the project, and specifically m anticipation of the start of vegetation clearing in January 2004. Timing restrictions, monitoring requirements, appropnate construction practices and the implementation of project conservation design elements were identified and appropriate strategies for ensuring compliance with resource permits were discussed. With respect to construction activity associated with San Marcos Creek, the following methods and restrictions were agreed upon: vegetation clearing would be completed without the construction of temporary crossings, ^ equipment or machinery wouid not be permitted within the creek, equipment or machinery te would not be permitted to cross the creek, and vegetation within the creek would be removed ^ by hand. At the request of the City, a summary of permit conditions (attached) was prepared ^ by Dudek to facilitate compliance with permits held from the Califorma Department of Fish and Game, USFWS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. p. Requirements of project California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National ^ Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) documents have conflicting timing restrictions with regard to bridge demolition and construction. The Biological Resources Technical Report (November 2000) adopted by the City during the CEQA approval process requires that the ^ existing bridge is demolished between September 15 and February 15 to avoid impacts to ^ nesting swaUows. The Environmental Assessment (December 2001) prepared for the NEPA k process requires that in order to minimize water quality degradation by sedimentation of the river channel during construction, construction of the new bridge piers and demolition of existing piers shall be limited to the dry season (March to October). As bridge demolition is anticipated to occur in AprU 2005 after the completion of the new bridge, preclusionary netting will be instaUed beneath the existing bridge prior to February 15 in order to avoid te impacting nesting swallows. If the USFWS has recommendations regarding the use of preclusionary devices or alternative methods for avoiding impacts to nesting swallows, please contact Kam Muri at (760) 479-4292. p z r te 3912-01 ^ASSOCIATES,INC.; February 12, 2004 ^ Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement ^ Project, Chy of Carlsbad, CaUfornia ^ r Grading activities in Phase 2 are not expected to begin until April 2004. Given the lack of ^ grading operations between February 15 and April 1, coastal CaUfornia gnatcatcher {Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher) monitoring within suitable habitat adjacent to the project area wiU not be initiated until approximately March 20, subject to the start of Phase 2 grading. r te Monitoring of Vegetation Clearing Activity Vegetation clearing and tree removal activities within Phase 2 of the project were initiated on January 6, 2004. Prior to the start of vegetation clearing, Dudek checked and confirmed the accuracy of staking and flagging identifying the limits of the Phase 2 project area. Dudek also r checked and confirmed that no raptor nests were present within trees prior to their removal. ^ A red-tailed hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) pair was observed carrying nesting materials to a nest m site adjacent to the project area; however, the pair was unaffected by activity onsite and is li using the nest site in spite of the exposure to existing traffic nosie from nearby Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose Drive. p Orange environmental fencing was instaUed along the project limits as portions ofthe project ^ were cleared. Erosion control measures instaUed in cleared areas throughout the site include te fiber rolls, gravel bags, silt fencing and the application of bonded fiber matrix (BFM). Remaining work is expected to be completed in the next few days, mcluding the instaUation of site fencing and erosion controls. In accordance with permit requirements, vegetation within the project area was removed prior to the February 15 start of the gnatcatcher breeding ^ season, and the March 15 start of the breeding season for riparian species. Additional clearing ^ necessary for future Phase 2 construction activities is anticipated to occur in FaU 2004 after the ^ August 31 end of the gnatcatcher breeding season. AU vegetation clearing and tree removal work was monitored by City inspectors and Dudek biologists. However, upon arriving onsite to monitor ongoing clearing activity on January 27, Dudek observed that an excavator had crossed to the south side of the creek to remove PI vegetation along the bank and crossed back to the north side shortly after. The disturbance ll to the stream channel occurred within the project Hmits but caused a temporary increase in turbidity which subsided approximately 45 minutes after the impact. Dudek immediately notified the contractor of the incident and reiterated that equipment or machinery was not permitted within the creek. Dudek reported the incident in its daily report of monitoring activities and recommended remedial action including the manual removal of any debris k remaining within the creek. .:• : 3912-01 P P z & ASSOCb\TES, INC.- February 12, 2004 r..n/<....™niN.-^f'.rC..-.f Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, CaUfornia _——^==^=^=^= With the exception of the incident described above, the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compliance with all environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. r te Very truly yours. P te p Dudek & Associates, Inc. P k p te Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmentai Sciences Division aii: Summary of Environmenial Permit Restrictions cc: John Marlin, U.S- Fisk and Wildlife Service Doug Helming, Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek Associates, Inc. Vipul Joshi, Dudek Associaies, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek Associates, Inc. m k 3912-01 &ASSOClATfcS, INC; February 12. 2004 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT PHASE 2 Summary of Environmental Perniit Restrictions City of Carlsbad 12/2/2003 Item No. Condition/Restriction Source TIMING I iFSTRICTIONS 1 All work will be conducted during the daytime hours; night lighling shall not occur except in an emergency situation. USFWS 4, EA/NEPA 2 The Operator shall not remove vegetation within the stream from March 15 to July 31 to avoid impacts fo nesting birds. CDFG 6 3 Vegetation removal lhat is needed to accomplish the proposed project shall be conducted between September 15 and February 14 immediately prior to construction. USFWS 3 4 The existing bridge over San Marcos Creek will be demolished between 15 September and 15 February to avoid impacts to nesting swallows. Prior to demolition, all potentially occurring bats and swallows will be flushed from under the bridge by a qualified biologist. BIO/CEQA 5 To minimize water quality degradation by sedimentafion ofthe river channe) during construction, construction of the new bridge piers and demolilion of existing piers shall be limited to fhe dry season (March to October). RWQCB, NEPA CONSTRI JCTION PRACTICES - WATER QUALITY AND CREEK RELATED 6 Installation of bridges, culverts, or other slRictures shall be such that water flow is not impaired. Bottoms of lemporary culverts shall be placed at stream channel grade; bottoms of permanent culverts shall be placed at or below stream channel grade. CDFG 10 7 Preparafion shall be made so that runoff from steep, erodible surfaces will be diverted into stable areas with litfle erosion potential. Frequent water checks shall be placed on dirt roads, cat tracks, or other work trails fo control erosion. CDFG 11 8 Staging/storage areas for equipment and materials shall be located outside ofthe stream. CDFG 15 9 Spoil sites shall not be located within a stream/lake, where spoil shall be washed back into a sfream/lake, or where il will cover aquatic or riparian vegetation. CDFG 22 10 The permitee shall employ all standard BMPs fo ensure that toxic material, silt, debris or excessive erosion do not enter San Marcos Creek during project construction. ACOE 5 11 Water containing mud, silt or olher pollutants from aggregate washing or other activities shall not be allowed lo enter a lake or flowing stream or placed in locations thai may be subjected lo high storm flows. CDFG 12 12 No equipment shall be operated in ponded or flowing areas. CDFG 8 13 Structures and associated materials not designed to withstand high seasonal flows shall be removed to areas above the high water mark before such flows occur. CDFG 13 14 During construction of the bridge and removal of the exisfing bridge within San Marcos Creek, an area approximately 3 meters (10 feet) wide and 3 meters high, with dry substrate, that has visual access from end to end, will be maintained to allow wildlife movement- USFWS 5, EA/NEPA 15 Disturbed slope areas in the vicinity of any jurisdictional waters of the US shall be stabilized using jute netting or other appropriate means, and revegaleated with native vegetation prior to the onset ofthe first winter rains following construction, so as to minimize sedimenataion and related impacts to the drainage. ACOE 9 1 of2 p te RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT PHASE 2 Summary of Environmental Permit Restrictions City of Carlsbad 12/2/2003 P te P ib z p k Item No. Condition/Restriction Source rnNs:TRi!rTiON PRACTICES - GENERAL 16 The Operator shall have a qualified biologist onsite daily during any impacts to vegetation forthe purpose of monitoring and enforcing condition numbers 6, 9, 14, and 21 ofthis agreement. CDFG 7 17 Disturbance or removal of vegetation shall occur only wilhin the limits of work. Any disturbed areas outside the limits of work shall be restored. CDFG 9 18 The perimeter ofthe work site shall be adequately flagged to prevent damage to adjacent riparian habitat. CDFG 14 19 The Operator shall comply with all litter and pollution laws. All contractors, subcontractors and employees shall also obey these laws and it shall be the responsibility of the operator to ensure compliance. CDFG 16 20 Access lo the work site shall be via existing roads and access ramps. CDFG 21 21 Prior to commencement of clearing or grading activities, fencing shall be installed to delmeate lhe limits of work, including designated access and staging/stockpiling areas. The construction crew must be informed ofthe sensitivityof adjacent conserved habitat. USFWS 8 22 All constaiction activity, including storage, staging and stockpiling, shall be kept within the limits of work and kept as far as possible from conserved habitat. USFWS 9 23 The project she shall be kept as free as possible of trash, refuse, discarded food wrappers, and other waste that might attract small predators that prey on gnalcatcher. Trash conlainers wilh animal-resistant lids will be provided on the site during construction. USFWS 9 24 Erosion control devices will be monitored during the rainy season lo ensure that dirt topsoil, and ofher materials are not washing into adjacenf habitat areas. If at any fime significant amounts of dust or maferial are determined fo be impacting conserved habitat, corrective measures will be taken immediately. USFWS 10 25 During grading and construction adjacent to conserved habitat, a biologist will monitor the adjacent habitat for excessive accumulation of dust or other disturbance. USFWS 10 26 The permitee shall remove all excess fill and/or construction debris, temporary fill or structures used for access and dewatering for construction purposes, and equipment from the site immediately upon completion of construction. ACOE 7 27 The permittee shall ensure that all vehicles maintenance, staging, storage and dispensing of fuel occurs in designated upland areas. The permittee shall ensure thaf these designated upland areas are located in such a manner as to prevent any runoff from entering waters of the US. ACOE 6 28 Landscaping and erosion control will not use species listed as noxious weeds (Execufive Order on Invasive Species EO i 3112). In the San Marcos Creek area, extra precaution will be taken if invasive species are found in or adjacent lo conslruclion areas, including inspection/cleaning of construction equipmenl and eradication strategies should an invasion occur. EA/NEPA p [ p k 2 of 2 P k & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/'i's-wnol Team^ ,-""r Coniph-i Projects Engineering, Planning, Corporate Offtce: Envirnnmental Sciences and ^^.^^^ ^^^^^^ 760.942.5147 Management Services Encinitas, California 92024 Fax 760.632.0164 March 2, 2004 3912-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey P Senior Civil Engineer • City of Carlsbad _ 1635 Faraday Avenue ^ Carlsbad, California 92008 P L te Ke; Monthly Monitoring Report^ Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project^ City of Carlsbad, California Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compUance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through weekly visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Ongoing Construction Activity p In February 2004, Dudek biologists made periodic visits to the project site to conduct biological li monitoring of ongoing construction activities. During this time, activity within Phase 1 of the project has been limited to ongoing road construction including finish grading and gravel laying. E During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and the contractor was notified if maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. Construction activities were monitored to ensure that no impacts to adjacent ^ conservation areas occurred and that adequate measures were in place to minimize potential indirect impacts, such as dust, runoff, etc. m te p te p te p p k p p te te c Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Carlsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federaUy-listed threatened coastal CaUfornia gnatcatcher {Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher) during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. A protocol-level focused survey is being conducted to determine if gnatcatcher are present in suitable habitat within 500 feet k of project areas currently under construction. If present, weekly monitoring wUI be conducted to determine nesting status and noise calculations wiU be made as needed based on construction activity and nest iocation. Phase 2 Site Monitoring Dudek biologists made weekly visits to monitor site conditions in Phase 2 of the project following the completion of vegetation clearing and the installation of erosion control measures in February 2004. During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and the contractor was notified if maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compliance with all environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. Very truly yours, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division & ASSOCIATES. INC. ^^grch 2, 2004 3912-01 p te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California r te cc: te P John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek Associates, Inc. Vipul Joshi, Dudek (S2 Associates, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek Associates, Inc. m k k p k p k & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3912-01 March 2, 2004 p W Engineering, Planning. g ^afi 5»ia aafl WM Kai Corporate Office: Environmental Sciences and ^^.^^ 3^^^^^ 760.942,5147 'profe..,..a,Teo.,..forCon,pU-.Proj.c>l Management SetvicBS Encmitas. California 92024 Fax 760.632.0164 AprU 16, 2004 3912-01 te Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey r Senior CivU Engineer ^ City of Carlsbad pa 1635 Faraday Avenue ^ Cadsbad, Califorma 92008 te r k k p k Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through weekly visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Ongoing Construction Activity In March 2004, Dudek biologists made periodic visits to the project site to conduct biological monitoring of ongoing construction activities. During this time, activity within Phase 1 of the project has been limited to ongoing road construction including finish grading and gravel laying. During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and construction management was notified if maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. Construction activities were monitored to ensure that no impacts to adjacent conservation areas occurred and that adequate measures were in place to minimize potential indirect impacts, such as dust, runoff, etc. k k Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey P Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, Califomia k Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Carlsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federally-Usted threatened coastal California P gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher) during the breeding season (February te 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. A protocol-level focused survey ^ was conducted to determine if gnatcatcher are present in suitable habitat within 500 feet of ''^ Phase 1 projectareascurrentlyunderconstructionbutnognatcatcherweredetected. Because gnatcatcher are not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher monitoring activities wUl not ^ be required, te ^ Phase 2 te Site Monitoring m k Dudek biologists made weekly visits to monitor site conditions in Phase 2 of the project C foUowing the completion of vegetation clearing and the instaUation of erosion control measures in February 2004. During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and construction management was notified if P maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. As construction for Phase 2 of the project ^ has yet to begin, no construction activities occurred within the Phase 2 area. E hi k P m The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compUance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. Very truly yours, Dudek &c Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division 3912-01 & ASSOCIATE. INC. I ^p^ji 10 2004 z z Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realigtmient and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California CC: P i te John Marlin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Vipul Joshi, Dudek Associaies, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. r L p k p k 3912-01 & ASSOCIATES, INCi ^p^i, ^g, 2004 z z z r L r DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC Professional Teams for Complex Projects Engineering. Planning, Corporate Office: Environmental Sciences and ^^.^^^ ^^^^^^ 760.942.5147 Management Services Encinitas, California 92024 Fax 760.632.0164 May 10, 2004 3912-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Cadsbad, California 92008 Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Ref^lacement Project, City ofCarlsbad, California Dear Ms. Loya-SmaUey: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through L weekly visits during construction. r Phase 1 te F-" Biological Monitoring of Ongoing Construction Activity k In AprU 2004, Dudek biologists made periodic visits to the project site to conduct biological r monitoring of ongoing construction activities. During this time, activities within Phase 1 of the project has been Umited to paving, curb construction and landscaping work. C During each site visit, the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and construction management was notified if maintenance repairs P were found to be necessary. Construction activities were monitored to ensure that no impacts to adjacent conservation areas occurred and that adequate measures were in place •I to minimize potential indirect impacts, such as dust, runoff, etc. Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley m Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacemem Project, te City of Carlsbad, California z P k Phase 2 Site Monitoring In April 2004, Dudek biologists made periodic visits to monitor site conditions in Phase 2 of C the project following the completion of vegetation clearing and the instaUation of erosion control measures in February 2004. During each site visit, the condition of existing • • environmental fencing and erosion control measures was checked and construction k management was notified if maintenance repairs were found to be necessary. C Construction activity in Phase 2 was initiated on May 5,2004 with limited pot holing efforts to locate existing subsurface utiUties in the vicinity of San Marcos Creek. A subsequent • monthly report for the month of May will cover the initiation of Phase 2 construction. k Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program ^ In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Cadsbad is required to m implement a monitoring program for the federaUy-listed threatened coastal California C gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher) during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. Results of a protocol-level r focused survey conducted in suitable habitat within 500 feet of the Phase 2 project area were ^ negative. Because gnatcatcher are not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher monitoring activities wUl not be required. ^ The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Proj ect is being constructed in compliance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. P te Very truly yours, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist. Environmental Sciences Division 3912-01 May 10. 2004 I&ASSOCIATES, INa z p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, CaUfornia z r te CC: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek Associaies, Inc. Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek Associates, Inc. i. P L r L te p ll DUDEK |& ASSOCIATES, INC j May 10. 2004 3912-01 Professional Teams fnr Co'nple.i Projects Engineering, Planning, Corporate Office: Environmental Sciences and ^^.^^ ^^^^^^ 760.942 5147 Management Services Encinitas, California 92024 Fax 760.632.0164 P C July 2, 2004 3912-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley p Senior CivU Engineer te City of Cadsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue r Cadsbad, California 92008 Re: Monthly Monitoring Rep^ort, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlshad, Califomia Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compUance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 te F Biological Monitoring of Ongoing Construction Activity _ In May 2004, Dudek biologists made a brief visit to the project site to monitor the status of £ ongoing construction activities. During this time, activity within Phase 1 of the project has been limited to landscaping and other minor work along the roadway. The Phase 1 roadway C between La Costa avenue and San Elijo Road was opened to traffic on June 21, 2004. With the completion of this portion of the Phase 1 roadway, limited portions of orange environmental fencing have been removed. AU existing sUt fencing and other erosion controls L remain in place. Remaining construction in Phase 1 involves the re-alignment of the La Costa Avenue intersection and is expected to take approximately 2 to 3 months to complete. Dudek wiU continue to monitor the condition of existmg environmentai fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and notify construction management if maintenance repairs are found to be necessary. p te k p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Ft Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Phase 2 Biological Monitoring of Construcfion Phase 2 construction began on May 5, 2004. The work conducted in May involved the diversion of San Marcos Creek, excavation and ongoing construction of footings for two piers under the westerly bridge and grading for the new roadway alignment. To aUow the excavation and construction of the piers for the new bridge, the fiow of San Marcos Creek onsite has been temporarUy redirected through three 20-mch diameter steel pipe culverts that extend approximately 250 linear feet and outlet into an existing secondary channel within the project limits. The culvert inlets are located beneath the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road bridge. Diversion of San Marcos Creek A trench was excavated to place three steel pipe culverts approximately 10 to 12 inches beiow the existing stream bed. The main fiow channel was bermed and diverted into the 3 pipe culverts by using hand labor to shift existing soils and place plastic tarps at a narrow point beneath the existing bridge. Upon diverting the creek, the downstream limit of the main channel was bermed and silt fencing installed to prevent sedimentation of downstream portions of the creek. The culvert outlet area was stabUized by placement of smaU rip-rap in the channel bed and bank extending approximately 4 feet from the outlet. An effort was made to identify the species that remained in the channel to determine if translocation would 'k be necessary. However, only non-native species were identified, including non-native fish species, bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus Itniusculus). The main E creek channel was then backfiUed starting at the upstream end. r te p z z z The iniet and outlet of the culverts are checked regularly by Dudek and no signs of sedimentation within the creek have been observed. Downstream portions of the creek adjacent to the project are also being monitored to determine if existing habitat is being affected by the redirected creek fiows. Pier Excavation and Groundwater Removal Once the main channel was backfUled, gradmg was initiated to levei the site to begin excavation for construction of the piers for the new bridge. There are currently two excavations onsite, one for each of the piers associated with the westerly bridge that wUl Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 3912-01 EDUDEK p 1^ Water levels in the main channel immediately downstream of the project and upstream of the stream diversion outlet appear to be affected by groundwater extraction in the Pier 2 excavation. Water levels in the adjacent main charmel appear to remain stable when the Pier 2 excavation is fiUed and used as a holding basin. FFowever, water in the main channel appears to be percolating down when the Pier 2 excavation is pumped dry for construction due to the draw down of groundwater levels. This situation is being monitored by Dudek to ensure that reduced water levels in the main channel do not cause impacts to adjacent vegetation. Avoidance of Impacts to Nesting Birds Two nesting bird locations were identified onsite. A kiUdeer (Charadrius vociferus) nest with four eggs was found within the mulch on the ground beneath the VaUeeitos Water District signboard at the southwest corner of La Costa Meadows and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The nest was protected in place by staking and flagging untU nesting was complete and the nest abandoned. The second nesting location involves a wiUow snag along the western boundary of the project being used by a northern flicker pair (Colaptts auratus). Tree swaUow (Tachycineta bicolor) have also been observed using the snag, however they do not appear to be actively nesting. The snag has been protected in place by orange environmentai fencing. Employee Education Program In accordance with the requirements of the USFWS Biological Opinion, Dudek conducted an employee education meeting onsite for new construction crews associated with Phase 2 on May 24, 2004. Dudek identified native habitat areas adjacent to the project and highlighted sensitive biological resources associated with the project including the federally-Usted threatened coastal CaUfornia gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica; gnatcatcher) and wetlands regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the CaUfornia Regional Water Ouaiity Control Board and the CaUfornia Department of Fish and Game. An informational brochure prepared by Dudek (attached) was also provided to aU in attendance at the meeting to provide general information regarding biological resources in the area and to provide guidelines for avoiding impacts to adjacent native habitat areas. The program wUl be r k Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement k Project, City of Carlsbad, California carry northbound traffic. Currently, one excavation is used as a temporary holding basin for extracted groundwater while pier construction in the second excavation takes place. Extracted groundwater is also being stored in a water tank onsite for dust control use. No groundwater is being discharged to the creek. Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 3912-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. I UDEK! July 2, 2004 p k Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley m Re: Monthly Monitoring Rtport, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement te Projtct, City of Carlsbad, California ^ repeated as necessary during the remainder of Phase 2 construction for new contractors, subcontractors and crew. p k Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program ^ In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Cadsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federally-listed threatened coastal California C gnatcatcher during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. Results of a protocol-level focused survey conducted in suitable habitat within 500 feet of the Phase 2 project area were negative. Because gnatcatcher are ^ not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher monitoring activities wUl not be required. A survey report dated May 25, 2004, has been submitted to USFWS by Anita Hayworth, r Ph.D, TE-781084. te ^ The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed ^ in compliance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. m Very truly yours, p ^ Dudek & Associates, Inc. P li Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division cc: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. k Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek (^Associates, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek d2 Associates, Inc. att. Employee Education Brochure liMJOilCi Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement & ASSOCIATES, mc 3912-01 July 2.2004 te DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Teams for Complex Projects Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 k July 15,2004 4186-01 p te Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey Senior Civil Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Cadsbad, California 92008 P te Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlshad, Califomia p L Dear Ms. Loya-SmaUey: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection started foUowing the opening of the Phase 1 roadway between La Costa Avenue and San Elijo Road on June 21, 2004. Construction currently involves grading and work associated with underground utUities. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current construction activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring is not required. However, Dudek wUl continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wUI notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. p ll p te p te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley F Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement ^ Projtct, City of Carlsbad, California p k Phase 2 Biological Monitoring of Construction In June, construction in Phase 2 involved ongoing work with pier construction at the bridge site and grading along the roadway alignment. Pier construction currently involves construction of the columns and both excavations for Pier 2 and Pier 3 remain open for the time being. One of the pier excavations continues to be used as a temporary holding basin for extracted groundwater whUe construction takes place in the second excavation. The majority of grading is currently taking place to the south of San Marcos Creek. Over- excavation is taking place in portions of the alignment where it is necessary to remove unsuitable fUl materials. The irUet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts are checked regularly by Dudek and no signs of sedimentation within the creek have been observed. Downstream portions of the creek adjacent to the project are also being monitored to determme if existing habitat is being affected by the redirected creek flows. Water levels in the main channel immediately P downstream of the project continue to fluctuate as groundwater levels in the vicinity are affected by temporary de-watering activities at the bridge site. Mature sycamore trees ^ (Platanus racemosa) in the creek area near the westem boundary of the project are showing te signs of water stress and beginning to drop some leaves. This appears to be a result of the draw-down of the water table and temporary de-watering activities at the bridge site. These ^ trees should recover when de-watering activities in the area cease and the water table is aUowed to rise back up. C Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program r In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Cadsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federally-Usted threatened coastal California Pk gnatcatcher during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect li impacts to the species. Results of a protocol-level focused survey conducted in suitable habitat within 500 feet of the Phase 2 project area were negative. Because gnatcatcher are P not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher morutoring activities wiU not be required. A survey report dated May 25, 2004, has been submitted to USFWS by Anita Hayworth, p Ph.D, TE-781084. k p k p te Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 & ASSOCIATES. INa l^fmljinntjPMfar CuM^tai Projtin July 15,2004 m te p te p te te te p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Ft Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Proj ect is being constructed in compliance with all environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. p Very truly yours, te Dudek & Associates, Inc. H • Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist 1^ Environmental Sciences Division m cc: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service te C)oug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. ^ Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering ^ Vipul Joshi, Dudek d2 Associates, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek di Associates, inc. \ BjliM Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Repiacement 4186-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC July 15. 2004 P hi p k Professional Teams for Complex Priyjects Engineering. Planning. Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporale Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 P te k p te August 19, 2004 4186-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Cadsbad, Cahfornia 92008 Re: Monthly Motiitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California m te k p k te k p k Dear Ms. Loya-SmaUey: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdhfe Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection started following the opening of the Phase 1 roadway between La Costa Avenue and San Elij o Road on June 21,2004. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current construction activity in Phase 1, biological morutoring is not required. However, Dudek wiU continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wiU notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. P te m te P te P te P ii M m te p p te p p te te p te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City ofCarlsbad, California Phase 2 p Biological Monitoring of Construction te In July, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing excavation and construction of the bridge piers and embankment waUs. De-watering activities are ongoing with the existing pier excavations being used as temporary holding basins for extracted groundwater. Grading operations continue within upland portions of the site to the south of San Marcos Creek. A water truck continues to make regular trips around the site to mimmize dust. Orange environmental fencing and silt fencing throughout the site were checked and construction management notified if maintenance or repairs were necessary. The inlet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts are checked regularly by Dudek and no signs of sedimentation witiiin the creek have been observed. Downstream portions of the creek adjacent to the project are also being monitored to determine if existing habitat is bemg affected by the redirected creek flows. Water levels in the main channel downstream of the project do not appear to be fluctuating as widely and have been observed within approximately 12 to 18 inches of pre-construction levels. PR Gnatcatcher Monitoring Program te In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Carlsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federally-listed threatened coastal California gnatcatcher during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. Results of a protocol-level focused survey conducted in suitable habitat k within 500 feet of the Phase 2 project area were negative. Because gnatcatcher are not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher monitoring activities wiU not be required. A survey report dated May 25, 2004, has been submitted to USFWS by Anita Hayworth, Ph.D, TE-781084. The Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compUance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 PR te m P te mi p k te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Projtct, City of Carlsbad, California Very truly yours, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist te m te Environmental Sciences Division CC: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming, Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Anita Hayworth, Dudek Associaies, Inc. mmm Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 |&ASSOCIATES, INC.[ ^—— p™to««(TB™h..c™pi„p™,«u August 19, 2004 te DUDEK & ASSOCIATES. INC. Professional Teams for Camples Projects Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 October 12, 2004 4186-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, California 92008 P p m k m k P te p te p te m te Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City ofCarlsbad, Califomia Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection started following the opening of the Phase 1 roadway between La Costa Avenue and San Elijo Road on June 21, 2004. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current construction activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring is not required. However, Dudek wiU continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wiU notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. p k te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, CaUfornia Phase 2 Biological Monitoring of Construction In August, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing grading activity, ongoing construction of the bridge piers and embankments and vegetation clearing on the east of the existing bridge. The majority of grading activity is taking place to the south of San Marcos Creek and generally involves excavation and the separation of suitable and unsuitable fiU material. Approxunately 400 feet of the old Rancho Santa Fe Road south of the San Elijo Road intersection is being used as a stockpiling area. Orange fencing has been installed along the west side of the stockpiling area to prevent encroachment into adjacent habitat. De-watering activities associated with IP construction at the bridge site continue to use existing pier excavations as temporary holding iiii basins for extracted groundwater. A portion of the extracted groundwater is being stored onsite and used for dust controi. Orange environmental fencing and sUt fencing throughout 2 the site were checked and construction management notified if maintenance or repairs were necessary. P * In accordance with timing restrictions in the Section 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), vegetation clearing within San Marcos Creek commenced following the end of the breeding season for riparian birds on July 31'^ Dudek verified the staked limits of work using a Global Positioning System (GPS) back- pack unit, met with construction crews prior to the start of clearing and conducted dady monitoring of clearing activities. Vegetation clearing was done manually using chainsaws. A backhoe was used to haul cut slash and logs out of the creek area but did not enter the creek itself. Orange environmental fencing was instaUed along the limits of work immediately foUowing the start of clearing activities. WhUe vegetation to the north of the creek has been completely cleared, limited vegetation remains to the south of the creek. This vegetation wUl be cleared at a later date due to it's proximity to north-bound traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road. p k P P il P k p te The inlet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts associated with the bridge construction are checked regularly by Dudek and no signs of sedimentation within the creek have been observed. Downstream portions of the creek adjacent to the project are also being monitored to determine if existing habitat is being affected by the redirected creek flows. Water leveis in the main channel downstream of the project were observed to be near pre-construction levels. DUDEK |& ASSOCIATES. INa I —— rt.(«i«n««iwc-*i«p«*«. October 12, 2004 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley ^ Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California f* _ . ____ k A break in a reclaimed water hne belonging to the VaUeeitos Water District (VWD) under Melrose Avenue occurred on August 9,2004. Although unrelated to Phase 2 project activities, surface flows from the break entered the Phase 2 project site near the Melrose Avenue intersection along Rancho Santa Fe Road. Runoff from the water entering the site managed to travel beneath a portion of the sUt fencing around the concrete-lined channel onsite. To prevent sUted runoff that may have entered the channel from flowing downstream into San Marcos Creek, VWD crews temporarily blocked off the pipe culverts beneath La Costa Meadows. The contractor and VWD crews worked together to immediately block additional water from entering the site. As a result, only a Umited amount of water actually entered the site and runoff into adjacent habitat areas did not occur. Gnatcatcher IVIonitoring Program te p te m r k p te P te F k In accordance with the USFWS Biological Opinion, the City of Carlsbad is required to implement a monitoring program for the federally-listed threatened coastal California gnatcatcher during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31) to avoid indirect impacts to the species. Results of a protocol-level focused survey conducted in suitable habitat within 500 feet of the Phase 2 project area were negative. Results also indicated that habitat within 500 feet of the new stockpihng area on old Rancho Santa Fe Road south of the San EUjo Road intersection is unoccupied. Because gnatcatcher are not present adjacent to the project, gnatcatcher monitoring activities wiU not be required. A survey report dated May 25, 2004, has been submitted to USFWS by Anita Hayworth, Ph.D, TE-781084. The Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compUance with all environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. Very truly yours, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. . Bto^ 7i~lW C«*IB PrifRU October 12, 2004 k k Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California John Marlin, US. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming, Helming Engineering, Inc. George Litzinger, Dtidek d2 Associates, Inc. Mark Phwikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek Associates, Inc. P k P te p te te P iDUDEK I&ASSOCIATES, INC. „ ^ isA»wT»»fc,c<».^p»»., October 12, 2004 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 te Professional Teams for Complex Projects Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 November 15, 2004 4186-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey Senior Civil Engineer City ofCarlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, Califomia 92008 P te k z p te Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WildUfe Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists irom Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection started following the opening of the Phase 1 roadway between La Costa Avenue and San Elijo Road on June 21, 2004. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current construction activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring is not required. However, Dudek will continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and will notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. P te jj^ Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement p» Project, City of Carlsbad, CaUfornia ^ Phase 2 p k Biological Monitoring of Construction ^ In September, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing grading and earth work, ongoing ^ constmction associated with the bridge piers and embankment walls, and the start of false work P installation for construction of the bridge spans. Grading and earth work is taking place to the L south of San Marcos Creek and generally involves excavation and the separation of suitable and unsuitable fill material. Work on the bridge piers was completed this month, but construction associated with the embankment walls is ongoing. Following the completion ofthe bridge piers, the pier excavations were backfUled and the bridge site prepared for the instailation of false work C for construction ofthe bridge spans. The entire bridge site was lined with rock to provide a solid foundation for the false work and to prevent soils being washed downstream during winter flooding events. A water truck continues to make regular trips around the site to minimize dust. Orange environmental fencing and silt fencing throughout the site were checked and construction management notified if maintenance or repairs were necessary. P k p te p ^ The inlet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts associated with the bridge construction are checked regulariy by Dudek and no signs of sedimentation within the creek have been observed. As pier constmction is now complete and the pier excavations backfilled, de-watering activities have ceased and the water level in the stream channel immediateiy downstream ofthe project site ^ has retumed to pre-construction levels. i The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compliance with all environmental requirements and pemiit regulations. If you have any ^ questions or concems please contact me at (760) 479-4292. ^ Very truly yours, ^ Dudek & Associates, Inc. c te P i te c Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist te Environmental Sciences Division P cc; John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming, Helming Engineering, Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek & Associates, Inc. 4186-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. November 2004 Prci/cuiundt Ttam* for CamfAai Pn^ccb p L DUDEK Professional Teams for Complex Projects Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas. California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 December 1, 2004 4186-01 P L Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CaUfornia 92008 Re; Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, CityofCarlsbad, California P L r te Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. P te P ii p k te Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection was completed in October. Two out of three southbound lanes are now open to traffic. The third lane remains closed for a portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road south of Camino Junipero as landscaping and other minor construction continues adjacent to the roadway. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with current activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring is not required. However, Dudek wUl continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wiU notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. p L p te Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement p» Project, City of Carlsbad, California te Phase 2 p te Biological Monitoring of Construction P <i te In October, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing grading and earth work in the southern portion of the site and ongoing construction associated with the bridge and embankment waUs. Soils from sorting activities to the south of San Marcos Creek are being hauled to the stockpile in the northern portion of the site near the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and F Melrose Avenue. Soils are also stockpUed on the abandoned portion of old Rancho Santa Fe ^ Road that is immediately south of the San EUjo Road intersection. However, this stockpile is not actively being used. Extensive work was also done prior to anticipated rain events to In deploy appropriate weather-triggered BMPs and following rain events to clean up the site and repair existing BMPs. ^ The entire bridge site along San Marcos Creek was inundated with flood waters on several r» occasions during the heavy rainstorms that occurred in October. However, the construction te management team and the contractor have been proactive and responsive in dealing with forecasted storms and have effectively minimized the risk of construction-related impacts to r* the creek and adjacent areas. As mentioned above, extensive work was carried out throughout the site prior to and following rain events to ensure that water quality and creek-related ^ protection measures are in place and functioning. The attached rainy season action plan te details the existing site conditions and lists the corresponding BMPs that are updated prior to each rain event. z As flooding has severely damaged orange fencing and overtopped sUt fencing along the E upstream and downstream limits of the project corridor, orange fencing and sUt fencing have been temporarily removed from the flood zone of the creek. Orange fencing and silt fencing located above flood levels are maintained in place and continue to be checked by Dudek. To 1^ date, the only creek-related incident to note involved two small wooden bins that were washed downstream of the site during the first storm in mid-October However, both bms were F immediately retrieved and secured onsite without causing impacts to downstream areas. F p te The inlet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts associated with bridge construction continue to be checked regularly by Dudek. During storm events, the culverts are inundated as the creek floods and flows directly across the entire bridge site. Limited scour has exposed a small portion of the stream diversion culvert at the downstream end. The exposed portion of the outlet culvert wUl be monitored and secured in place by the contractor if necessary. Rancfio Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 ASSOCLATES, INC.! December 1, 2004 i te p te r te p L p te P te p te A45. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compliance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. Very truly yours, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division all: Rainy Season Action Plan CC: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming, Helming Engineering, Inc. Gecrge Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Bngineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek d2 Associates, Inc. |&ASSOCI.\TES. INC. Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 December 1, 2004 3 p k City ofCarlsbad Rainy Season Action Plan for Construction Sites Action Plans are to be in place by October 1, 2003 and UPDATED prior to each rain event. Project Name: Rancho Santa Fe Road, Phase 2 Date: November 16, 2004 Project Address: 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 202 San Marcos, CA 92078 Contractor: FCI Constructors Project Manager: Roy Bartlett FCI Contacts: Paul Mignone Jon Krause Cell: 760-497-2926 Cell: 619-666-3579 Home: 619-300-3107 Home: 760-740-9498 Inspector Name & Title: Mark Plotnikiewicz, Resident Engineer Inspector Signature: P k P k k p k p p i te Existine Condition Action Plan Erosion Control: Silt fence placed at toe-of-slopes, fiber roll placed on slopes, large stockpile near San Elijo has been sprayed with BFM, slope on west side of existing RSF is covered with visquin Additional silt fence, fiber roils, gravel bags, and visquin are on site in the event ofa storm and existing measures become inadequate. Gravel bag check dams and silt fence will be installed on the graded portions ofthe new road to slow down storm water flow and prevent erosion. Sediment Controls: Silt fence, gravel bag check dams, and visquin are on the slopes leading to and adjacent to the creek. The access road between the bridges will be blocked off and gravel bag check dams and silt fence will be placed on the access road slopes adjacent to the creek. A de-silting basin will be constructed on the south side of the bridge just south of the final slope leading to the creek. The access road slopes adjacent to the creek will be covered with visquin prior to a major storm event. Materials and Wastes: Trash dumpsters are on site; concrete washout areas are constructed; hazardous materials are stored in spill containment area Stockpiles of materials will be covered / sprayed with BFM prior to a storm; construction materials and equipment will be removed from creek bottom and floodplain prior to a storm event p te te p ii te in p k p L p k p L Existine Condition Action Plan Discharf»e Locations: Exisling San Marcos Creek flows through 3 - 20" culverts dunng normal flow. During high flow, the creek overtops the culverts and flows through the creek Hoodplam. The bottom of the existing creek bed and fioodplain has been covered with rock to control silt and erosion. The rock has been graded to direct fiow between the falsework bents. Prior to a storm event, all equipment and material will be removed from the creek bed and the fioodplain. BMP's will be constructed on the access roads approaching the creek. Finished Slope Protection: N/A at this time Slopes will be stabilized with fiber rolls, BFM, and visquin until the permanent hydro-seeding is placed Tlnfini.shed Slooe Protection: All inactive slopes are stabilized Active slopes will be stabilized when they become inactive Con.sfruction Entrance/Exit: Construction entrances / exits are in place near San Elijo, La Costa Meadows, and Melrose Drive Additional 3" minus rock is on site for maintenance Inlet Protection: Grave! bags are placed at inlets Additional gravel bags are on site in the event that they are needed Other: p li f te te te te Professional Teams for Complex Projecis December 20, 2004 Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Tfiird Street Encinitas, California 92024 760,942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 4186-01 k P P k z P k Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Senior CivU Engineer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, California 92008 Re: Monthly Monttoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlshad, California Dear Ms. Loya-SmaUey: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Roadway construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection was completed in October. Ongoing activity at the south end of Phase 1 at La Costa Avenue is limited to landscaping, guard raU and median work. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring is not required. However, Dudek wiU continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wiU notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. All Phase 1 activities are expected to be completed in the next few months. p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road ReaUgnment and Bridge Replacement ^ Project, City of Carlsbad, California k =====^================== Phase 2 p k Biological Monitoring of Construction p k In November, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing grading and earth work and ongoing construction of the bridge spans. Grading and earth work is taking place to the south of San Marcos Creek and generally involves excavation, rock crushing activities and the separation of suitable and unsuitable fiU material. Work on the bridge spans is ongoing. A water truck continues to make regular trips around the site to minimize dust. The contractor is currently working to eUminate ponding that occurs in portions of the bridge site once flood levels have receded. The ponded areas tend to drain slowly into the creek, and can carry high levels of sUt due to the long settling time for such fine-grained material. Minor grading and the placement of rock for soU protection is planned in the northeastern portion of the bridge site where ponding has been the most prevalent. Once the minor grading and placement of rock is completed, drainage through the site during and after flood events should be improved and the potential for erosion and siltation wiU be minimized. P te p As flooding in October severely damaged orange fencing and overtopped sUt fencing along k the upstream and downstream Umits of the project corridor, orange fencing and sUt fencing ^ have been temporarily removed from the flood zone of the creek. If work is expected to ^ occur near the project limits in the creek area, orange fencing or some other means of clearly identifying the limits of work wUl be in place and a biologist present to monitor construction. ^ Orange fencing and sUt fencing located above flood levels and throughout the remainder of ^ the Phase 2 project are maintained in place and continue to be inspected by Dudek. Construction management is notified immediately if maintenance or repairs are necessary. L The inlet and outlet of the stream diversion culverts are inspected regularly by Dudek. The ^ final segment of the outlet pipe culvert has been exposed by scouring during flood events, but ^ the situation is being monitored and the pipe wiU be secured if necessary to ensure that it is ^ not washed downstream during future flood events. p The Rancho SantaFe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed ^ in compliance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any te questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. F I O S C'l ^^"'^ Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01 te |& ASSOOATTS. INC. I September 28, 2004 p te p te p k te p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Projtct, City of Carlsbad, California Very truly yours, Dudek 8z Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division te P k te cc: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek d^ Associaies, Inc. Mark Plotnikiewicz, Simon Wong Engineering Vipul Joshi, Dudek d^ Associaies, Inc. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Repiacement 4186-01 December 20, 2004 p te DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Teams fnr Comple.r Projecis Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Corporate Office: 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 760.942.5147 Fax 760.632.0164 te February 7, 2005 4186-01 Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Senior CivU Engineer City of Cadsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, California 92008 Re: December 2004 Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project City of Carlshad, California k P k Dear Ms. Loya-SmaUey: In accordance with the requirements of the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and WUdUfe Service (USFWS), this monthly letter report summarizes biological monitoring activities and reports on compliance with permit regulations. Biological monitoring of the project is being conducted by biologists from Dudek and Associates, Inc. (Dudek) through periodic visits during construction. Phase 1 Biological Monitoring of Construction Roadway construction on the final segment of the southbound lanes near the La Costa Avenue intersection was completed in October. Ongoing activity at the south end of Phase 1 at La Costa Avenue is limited to landscaping, guard raU and median work. Due to the lack of sensitive resources associated with the current activity in Phase 1, biological monitoring of construction activity is not required. However, Dudek has been and wUl continue to monitor the condition of existing environmental fencing and erosion controls in Phase 1 with periodic inspections and wiU notify construction management if maintenance or repairs are found to be necessary. No adverse impacts have been observed in the Phase 1 project area. AU Phase 1 activities are expected to be completed in the next few months. P te F k te p Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: December 2004 Monthly Monitoring Report, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge ^ Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Phase 2 Biological Monitoring of Construction In December, Phase 2 construction involved ongoing grading and earth work in the upland areas to the south of San Marcos Creek and ongoing construction associated with the south- bound bridge. Grading and earth work to the south of San Marcos Creek generally involves excavation and rock crushing activities, as well as excavation for storm drain construction within the roadway. The bridge spans along the south-bound bridge have been compieted. Current work involves construction and placement of utUities within the bridge cells. Construction activity in the northern portion of the project site near Melrose Avenue is limited with most of the area being used for staging. k The bridge site continues to be flooded by high water levels in San Marcos Creek foUowing _ rain events. The three stream diversion culverts remain in place and continue to convey flow through the bridge site. When the creek is flooded however, flows overtop the culverts and flow directly across the bridge site. The final pipeline segment of the outlet culvert on the downstream side of the site has been exposed by scouring during repeated flood events; the situation continues to be monitored to ensure that the pipeline segment is not dislodged and washed downstream. No construction activity has been conducted within the flooded areas. Rock StockpUed along the eastern embankment wall on the north side of the creek has yet to be removed from the creek area as recommended in the previous monthly report. As the bridge site continues to be flooded foUowing periodic rain events, there has been little opportunity for work to occur at the bridge site throughout the month of December. As flooding in San Marcos Creek from the rains in October severely damaged orange fencing and overtopped sUt fencing along the upstream and downstream hmits of the project corridor, orange fencing and sUt fencing have been temporarily removed from the flood zone of the creek. If work is expected to occur near the project limits in the creek area, orange fencing or some other means of clearly identifying the limits of work will be in place and a biologist present to monitor construction. Orange fencing and erosion control measures located above flood levels and throughout the remainder of the Phase 2 project are maintained in place and continue to be inspected by Dudek. la ASSOCIATES, INC. Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Febmary 2005 z p k k te F k Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley Re: December 2004 Monthly Monitoring Rtport, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project, City of Carlsbad, California Erosion control measures currently in place throughout the site include sUt fencing, fiber rolls, bonded fiber matrix (BFM) and visquin. SUt fencing, gravel bag check dams, visquin and temporary catchment basins are also in place adjacent to the creek in order to minimize runoff and sedimentation into the creek. Dudek continues to monitor the condition of construction site BMPs and construction management is notified immediately if maintenance or repairs are necessary. The Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project is being constructed in compliance with aU environmental requirements and permit regulations. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (760) 479-4292. Very truly yours. P k Dudek & Associates, Inc. Kam Muri Monitoring Biologist Environmental Sciences Division pi te p k cc: John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Helming Helming Engineering Inc. George Litzinger, Dudek di Associates, Inc. Jason Linsdau, Dudek d^ Associates, Inc. Vipul Joshi, Dudek d2 Associates, Inc. te c & ASSOCIATES, INC I ivrf»rt~rT™./-c—»i=p~j-t. February 7, 2005 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 4186-01