HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge Replacement; 2000-04-01pi
City of Carlsbad Project No. 5190
Pref^ared for:
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, Ca 92009-1576
Contact: Doug Helming
*• Pref7ared hy:
^ 605 Third Street
Encinitas, Ca 92024
April 2000
Page No.
Figure 1 Project Location 2
Figure 2 Final Alignment 3
Figure 3 Site Photo Key Map 7
Figure 4 Existing Site Photos 1 and 2 8
Figure 5 Existing Site Photos 3, 4 and 5 9
Pigure 6 Existing Site Photos 6 and 7 10
Figure 7 Viewshed Boundary 11
Figure 8 Bridge Replacement Visual Simulation 13
Figure 9 Southbound Travelers on Rancho Santa Fe Road 14
Figure 10 View of Roadway and Bridge From Existing Residences 15
Figure 11 View of Roadway and Bridge from Existing Residences 17
(1 •
Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
The purpose of this visual assessment is to assist the City of Carlsbad in preparing the
environmental documentation meeting the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)
and the CaHfornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for the construction of
a replacement bridge and associated roadway improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road over
San Marcos Creek. This report will determine potential impacts of the project to the visual
character of the area as viewed from surrounding land uses as well as potential impacts to
views of motorists on the project roadway.
Project Description
The proposed project covered by this visual assessment realigns and widens approximately
3,500 linear feet of Rancho Santa Fe Road (S-10) from two lanes to an ultimate 6-lane Prime
Arterial Roadway from just south of Questhaven Road to just north of Melrose Drive in
northern San Diego County (see Figures 1 andZ). The limits of grading for the final alignment
and the area of potential effect for the project are illustrated in Figure Z. The proposed
widening and realignment project is a part of the City of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade
Rancho Santa Fe Road to meet its designation as a Prime Arterial Roadway. A Prime Arterial
Roadway has a 126-foot right-of-way containing six traveled lanes, a bike lane, an 18-foot
raised median, sidewalks, curb and gutter. The new bridge over San Marcos Creek is planned
to accommodate the Prime Arterial Roadway. The bridge replacement project will involve
construction of a new bridge in a location west of the existing bridge. The existing bridge
will be demolished.
Along with the new bridge, the project includes construction of roadway improvements in
the south and north ends. The southerly roadway approach for the proposed bridge will
extend approximately 1,800 feet which will include reconstructing the Questhaven and
Rancho Santa Fe Roads intersection, and reconstructing approximately 600 to 800 feet of
Questhaven Road east of the intersection. If the portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road located
south of this project is delayed, then a detour will be used to join the Rancho Santa Fe Road
Bridge approach with the existing alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. In this portion of the
southern Prime Arterial Roadway, the project would involve construction of 32-foot width
m April 5,2000 Pg. 1
BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Series, Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle r - 2000'
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Project Location
Existing Corintia Dr.
Existing Sli^Ie
Family Residential
Existing Melrose Dr.
Existing Light
Industrial Parlc
La Costa Meadows Dr,
APE (Phase 2)
Proposed Bridges
Existing Bridge
Questhaven Rd.
Scole in Feet
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Final Alignment
Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
of pavement on either side of the median curbs, inner two lanes in each direction, plus 8 feet
of the third lane, the median curbs, and the appropriate turn lanes.
The northerly roadway approach for the new bridge(s) will be approximately 1,700 feet long
and includes the reconstruction of the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road
intersection, and the reconstruction of approximately 500 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive
east of the intersection. The realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road will be constructed to the full
width on the east side of the median, with sidewalks, curb and gutter and street lights from
the bridge to north of the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. The west side
of the roadway will be constructed with 32 feet of paving adjacent to the median curb.
Currently, Rancho Santa Fe Road is a two-lane conventional highway in northern San Diego
County which connects the City of Encinitas in the south with the City of Vista to the
north. The majority of the proposed project will lie within the City of Carlsbad with some
project within the City of San Marcos. The proposed project alignment traverses rolling hill
terrain and would generally be to the south and west of the existing Rancho Santa Pe Road
alignment. The proposed project area has traditionally had low volumes of intra-regional and
inter-regional traffic. Fiowever, there is anticipated to be future growth in the commercial
and residential development along Rancho Santa Fe Road. This increase in traffic volume due
to regional growth, coupled with projected local and regional increases in traffic volume
associated with further development in this area, necessitate the widening of Rancho Santa
Fe Road.
The existing Rancho Santa Fe Road consists of two paved lanes with an asphalt berm on the
west side and a combination of asphalt berm and concrete curb on the east side. A truck
bypass route creates a three-plane paved road with asphalt berm on both sides in uphill areas
of the stretch. San Marcos Creek is crossed by an existing bridge which is located between
the Questhaven Road intersection and the Melrose Drive intersection. Rancho Santa Fe Road
has two northbound lanes and one southbound lane across the bridge.
Environmental Commitments of Proposed Project
The City has incorporated as part of the proposed project the following measures to reduce
or avoid potential environmental impacts to existing landforms and the visual quality of the
area associated with implementation of the proposed project:
April 5. 2000 PQ- 4
Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
• All grading proposed for the roadway will conform with recommendations of
P Appendix C of the EIR prepared for the Rancho Santa Fe Realignment and
Ito Mass Grading (SCH # 90010850), Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and Hillside
^ Development regulations.
to • All temporary exposed manufactured slopes necessary to accommodate the
^ roadway will be landscaped immediately wit a hydroseed mix and jute
matting. to
Step grading techniques where feasible will be used in the construction of the
three cut slopes proposed south of the replacement bridge to simulate existing
terrain, as well as to better accommodate hydroseeding and planting efforts.
Grading techniques such as rounding the edges of the cut will be used to blend
the slopes in the existing terrain.
To control erosion, exposed portions of proposed fill and cut areas will be
planted with hydroseed mix containing native drought tolerant species.
Due to high visibility of the proposed manufactured slopes, cut slope areas
adjacent to natural areas where feasible (shrubs and trees may not survive in
cut areas that expose rocky surfaces), -will be planted with native, drought-
tolerant shrubs and trees. All cut slopes will be treated with a hydroseed mix
containing native species. Planting will occur within three months after
grading and will be temporarily irrigated until plants become established.
All landscaping on manufactured slopes, as well as the roadway median, will
comply with the guidelines of the City of Carlsbad Scenic Corridor Guidelines
The topography of the project site is characterized by undulating terrain that drains-to San
Marcos Creek. Large hills surrounding the existing roadway range from 700 feet above mean
sea level (msl) to 1,400 feet above msl. The existing Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment
extends through the lower elevations and level terrain (300-600 feet above msl) at the base
^ of the larger hillsides.
April 5,2000 pg. 5
^ Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
The hills in the project vicinity are predominantly vacant land typically covered by dense
chaparral vegetation. In 1996, a fire burned a majority of the area immediately to the east
and southwest of the project site leaving the hillsides generally clear of vegetation.
^ Existing urban land uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed improvements include
the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment, an industrial park, and two single family
F detached residential developments as well as vacant land associated with San Marcos Creek
^ and the surrounding hills {see Figures $-6).
^ A map of available views of the site from surrounding areas is illustrated in Figure 7- A
majority of the area immediately surrounding the site consists of vacant hillsides. Generally
^ unobstructed views of portions or all of the roadway are available from these hillsides. Views
*• of the site from the more level San Marcos Creek area to the east of the site are partiaUy to
^ completely obscured by intervening topography or structures. The site is visible from the
^ eastern units located within the residential development adjacent to Corintia Avenue.
Unobstructed views of the site are available from the three industrial and office structures
^ that are located adjacent to the exiting roadway to the east. Views available from the
existing residential developments as well as the industrial park are illustrated in Figures Z, 5
^ and 6.
Residential units have recently been constructed to the west of the existing roadway within
^ the APE (referred to as the Meadowlands Develof^ment). The single family residential uses
*• would be located immediately to the north and south of the existing Melrose Drive/ Rancho
^ Santa Fe Road intersection.
Proposed Grading and Bridge Improvements for Final Alignment
** Grading necessary to construct the bridge design as well as the intersections associated with
Mi the project, would involve the use of fill and cut slopes. Two fill slopes ranging in height
M from 15 to 20 feet are proposed immediately to the south and north of the proposed bridge.
Minor fill slopes (<10 feet in height) are proposed in association with improvements to
^ Questhaven and La Costa Meadows Drive. Grading along the western portion of the road
alignment would involve construction of three cut slopes of 16, 40 and 50 feet in height.
^ Bridge improvements would include replacement of the existing bridge with a single bridge.
The new surface of the bridge would be approximately 7-12 feet taller than the existing
^ facihty. The appearance of the bridge as well as grading associated with bridge improvements
tm April 4.2000 Pg. 6
City of Carlsbad, February 1997 Scale in Feet
te Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Site Photo Key Map
Site Photo 1: View looking southwest from intersection of Rancho
Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road.
Site Photo 2: View of intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and
Questhaven Road.
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Existing Site Photos 1 and 2
Site Photo 3: View looking southwest from Rancho Santa Fe Road
and industrial park.
Site Photo 4: View looking northeast from Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Site Photo 5: View of existing bridge, looking southwest from
industrial park.
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Existing Site Photos 3, 4 and 5
Site Photo 6: View of intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La
Costa Meadows Drive.
Site Photo 7: View of Rancho Santa Fe Road, looking southeast from
intersection of Xana Way and Corintia Street.
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Existing Site Photos 6 and 7
BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Series, Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle r ' 2000"
Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Viewshed Boundary
te i te
Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
is illustrated in Figure 8. As shown in Figure 8, the bridge faciUty would be relocated east of
the existing bridge and involve removal of existing mature trees. The existing bridge is
approximately 45 feet wide and 11 feet higher than the elevation at the floor of San Marcos
Creek drainage (approximately 327 feet above mean sea level (msl) at the lowest point. Based
on the conceptual roadway design, the surface of the proposed facilities would be
approximately 126 feet wide and be located at an elevation of 345-350 feet msl, which is
approximately 18-23 feet higher than the lowest elevation of the San Marcos Creek drainage.
Impacts to Views from Existing and Planned Surrounding Land Uses
• Views from the Planned Roadway
Proposed views from the roadway are illustrated in Figures 9 and 10. The vantage point for
the simulation inFigure 9 is from the proposed roadway approximately 500 feet north of the
y bridge looking south. The vantage point for the simulation in Figure 10 is from the proposed
roadway immediately south of the bridge looking south.
Views of proposed manufactured slopes from the roadway are illustrated in Figures 9 and 10.
As shown in Figures 9 and 10, use of manufactured (primarily fill) slopes, measuring 16, 40
and 50, feet in height along the southern portion of the roadway would alter the existing
topography as well as the visual character of the immediate vicinity. The proposed roadway
would be located in an area characterized by undulating terrain. Upon implementation of
the proposed proj ect, views from the road for north and southbound travelers within the APE
would include manufactured slopes that extend for approximately 1,600 feet along the
western portion of the right-of-way and 1,200 feet of smaller (up to 16 feet in height) cut
slopes along the eastern portion of the right-of-way (see Figure Z for plan view of
manufactured slopes). Measures have been incorporated into the design of the proposed
project to reduce the impacts of these slopes to below a level of significance including
landscaping accordance with City standards, contour grading of slopes to simulate terrain and
use of erosion control measures. Measures incorporated into the proposed project design are
listed in SECTION 2.0 of this report. The manufactured fill slopes shown in Figures 9 and 10
" illustrate the manufactured slopes as they would appear with landscaping.
te -
April 5, 2000 P9-12
SOURCE: Dudek & Associates, Inc. Proposed View
Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment • Visual Assessment
Bridge Replacement Visual Simulation
SOURCE: Dudek & Associates, Inc. Proposed View
Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment - Visual Assessment
View of Roadway and Bridge looking southbound on Rancho Santa Fe Road
Existing View
SOURCE: Dudek & Associates, Inc. Proposed View
Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment • Visual Assessment
View of Roadway and Manufactured Slopes looking southbound on Rancho Santa Fe Road
Visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
Views of the proposed bridge improvements and associated manufactured slopes from
southbound travelers on Rancho Santa Fe Road are illustrated in Figure 9- As shown in Figure
9, implementation of the bridge and slope improvements would not substantially change the
visual character of the area from this vantage point. Views of this area from the roadway
currently include industrial structures as well as bridge and roadway facilities. While the
proposed bridge would represent an increase in scale from the existing structure, the proposed
bridge would not be substantially taller than the existing structure. Therefore, the bridge
structure would not block or obscure any views of natural features such as the hillsides or the
creek by motorists. Therefore, significant impacts to views from motorists on Rancho Santa
Fe Road have not been identified.
Installation of the bridge would involve removal of mature trees, primarily eucalyptus, in
vicinity of the bridge. Approximately 6-8 mature trees would be removed. All trees removed
would be replaced in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards. As shown on Figure 9,
some existing mature trees surrounding the creek and located at the base of the hill to the
northwest of the creek in the area would remain following bridge construction. Considering
that only 6-8 trees would be removed and that the existing visual character of the area is
dominated by urban uses including industrial structures and roadways, removal of the trees
is not considered to be a significant adverse impact on the visual character of the area.
• Views from Existing Residences
From the residential area north of Corintia (see Figure Z for location of existing residences
north of Corintia), the replacement bridge would represent an increase in facility size (see
Figure 11). Although the proposed bridge would represent a substantial increase in size
compared to the existing bridge, the improvements would not substantially alter any
foreground views from the residences. Based on the distance of the residential area from the
bridge facilities (approximately 1,000 to 1,500 feet), the change would affect only long range
views, which would not be regarded as adverse. In addition, the type of uses available within
the long range view from the residences would not be substantially altered by the proposed
facilities. The existing view includes a bridge and roadway facilities similar to that proposed.
It should also be noted that from the residential areas, views of the facility would be partially
obscured by existing mature eucalyptus trees and riparian vegetation associated with San
Marcos Creek. As a result, implementation of the Phase 2 portion of the proposed project
^ would not result in significant impacts to views from residences.
ApriM. 2000 Pg. 16
SOURCE: Dudek & Associates, Inc. Proposed View
Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment - Visual Assessment
View of Roadway and Bridge from Existing Residences
visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
• Visual Impact to Planned Surrounding Land Uses
Residential uses recently constructed in the Meadowlands project northeast of the Rancho
Santa Fe Road/ Melrose Drive intersections located in proximity to the roadway would have
unobstructed views of the bridge replacement. However, the foreground views from the
residences would be similar to the foreground and distant views from the residences and
vehicles on the roadway (see Figures 9 and 11). The prominent visual features of the area
include predominantly urban uses including the existing roadway, and the light industrial
complex. As a result, expansion of the existing roadway in the foreground views from the
planned residences is not regarded as a significant impact of the proposed project.
Relationship of Project to Planned Surrounding Land Uses
The visual character of the area surrounding the southern portion of the proposed alignment
will change as the City General plan is built out. As discussed above, the southern portion
of the roadway alignment under both alternatives is currently surrounded by vacant land.
These vacant areas will eventually be developed with single family residential uses in
accordance with the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The General Plan designates Low Density
Residential (0-1.5 DU/acre) for the area to the east of the roadway. The vacant area
immediately to the west of the roadway will eventually be developed with Low-Medium
Density Residential (0-4 DU/acre) uses.
Planned residential uses located in proximity to the roadway would have unobstructed views
of proposed cut slopes ranging in height from 16 to 50 feet. Due to the high visibility,
construction of large manufactured slopes in proximity to residential uses, measures have
been incorporated into the design of the proposed project to avoid potentially significant
adverse impact to the future viewshed from the planned residences. Measures designed to
reduce impacts to views from motorists on Rancho Santa Fe, listed in SECTION 2.0 of this
report, would also avoid significant adverse impacts to planned residents.
As discussed in SECTION 2.0, measures have been incorporated into the proposed project that
would reduce impacts to visual quality associated with manufactured slopes from planned
and existing land uses vantage points to below a level of significance. These measures include
use of step grading techniques and landscaping on exposed manufactured slopes.
Aprils, 2000 Pg-18
visual Assessment for Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement
In addition, the type of uses available within the long range view from existing and planned
residences as well as from the planned roadway would not be substantially altered by the
proposed facilities. The existing views from these vantage points include existing urban uses
such as bridge and roadway facilities similar to that proposed, as well as existing light
industrial facilities. As a result, implementation of the proposed project would not result in
significant impacts to views from residences or from motorists on the planned roadway.
Implementation of the bridge replacement would involve removal of eucalyptus trees.
However, considering that only 6-8 trees would be removed and that the existing visual
character of the area is dominated by urban uses including industrial structures and
roadways, removal of the trees is not considered to be a significant adverse impact on the
visual character of the area.
Carlsbad, City of. 1994. City of Carlshad General Plan.
te Carlsbad, City of. 1992. Final Environmental Impact Report for Rancho Santa Fe Road
Realignment and Mass Grading (SCH #90010850).
Individuals and Agencies Consulted
te Ham, Tom. Caltrans District 11. Landscape Architecture. March 3, 1997. Personal
*" Helming, Doug. CityofCarlsbad. March/April 2000.
*• Owens, Mike. Caltrans District 11. March/April 2000. Personal communication.
April 5, 2000 Pg.19