HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Sante Fe Road Realignment; Rancho Sante Fe Road Realignment; 2001-11-01AC0L8TICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT RANCnO SANTA EE ROAD REALIGNMENT (Phase 1) Prepared for: CITY OE CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, California 92009 Prepared by: StASSOOAtmO^C 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 NOVEMBER 2001 Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report TABLC or CONTENTS " Section Page No. tm SUMMARY iii 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 ^ 2.0 FROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 to 2.1 Project Location and Setting 1 2.2 Proiect Characteristics 1 P ^ ito 3.0 NOISE CRITERIA 4 ^ 3.1 City of Carisbad Noise Criteria 4 Itf 3.2 FHWA/Caltrans Noise Criteria 5 to k to k z 4.0 METHODOLOGIES AND INSTRUMENTATION 6 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 6 6.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS 8 7.0 NOISE ABATEMENT MEASURES INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT 11 8.0 CONSTRUCTION NOISE 13 9.0 REFERENCES 13 ATTACriMCNTS Attachment 1 Traffic Volume Summary Attachment 2 SOUND32 1576-01 November 2001 ' Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report TABLC Of CONTENTS iContlnued^ to Page No. LIST or riGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Regional Map 2 Project Location 3 Noise Measurement and Receptor Locations 7 City Proposed Sound WaU Location 12 Construction Equipment Noise Leveis 14 LIST or TABLES Table 1 Noise Abatement Criteria Houriy A-weighted Average Sound Level - Decibel (Dba) 5 Table 2 Short-term Measured Average Noise Level and Concurrent Traffic Volumes 8 Table 3 Existing Noise Levels 9 Table 4 Predicted Traffic Noise Impacts 10 & A^WClATEiv LNC. P^Kii'm^ T—« iff! <*mt^.* iVufn*! 1576-01 November 2001 it te to k te •I to m k Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report SUMMARY Existing noise sensitive receivers in the project vicinity include approximately 50 residences located along the western portion of the project site along Rancho Santa Fe Road. Existing noise levels currently exceed the Federal Highway Administration's Noise Abatement Criteria at some of the residences aiong Rancho Santa Fe Road. The proposed project would realign Rancho Santa Fe Road east of the existing residences. Future noise levels generated by project traffic from the proposed road realignment and widening would comply with the Federal Highway Administration and Cahfornia Department of Transportation's Noise Abatement Criteria. 1576-01 November 2001 te m te rm to to Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION This noise study is provided for the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) project located within the City of Carisbad. The City of Carisbad is the lead agency for the project. The project would also be federally funded, therefore, Caltrans is a responsible k agency. Phase 2 of the project consists of the Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement project ^ located north of the Phase 1 area. A noise study for the Phase 2 project has been previously prepared (Dudek & Associates July 2001) This study documents the existing noise level based on noise measurement and modeling. " The future noise levels were calculated based on the proposed project's roadway design and « traffic volume conditions. Noise sensitive receivers were identified and noise impacts have ^ been evaluated relative to the applicable noise criteria. ^ 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ^ 2.1 Project Location and Setting The proj ect site is located near the southeastern portion of the City of Carisbad. The regional project location is depicted in Figure 1. The area ranges from relatively flat ground to sloping hUlsides. There are approximately 50 single family homes located adjacent to the existing ^ Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment and undeveloped land in the vicinity of the project site <i* {Figure 2). The homes along Rancho Santa Fe Road are situated below, above and at-grade with the elevation of Rancho Santa Fe Road, and generally have existing four to six-foot high m^ ^ wood fences along the backyards. *• 2.2 Project Characteristics PM The City of Carisbad's proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment project would realign te and widen approximately 9,000-linear feet of Rancho Santa Fe Road (S-10) from two lanes to an ultimate six-lane Prime Arterial Roadway from approximately La Costa Avenue to j ust J south of San Elijo Road (previously named Questhaven Road). to |& ASSOCIATE |NC. 1576-01 November 2001 IHl to Orange County Camp Pendleton Fallbrook Riverside County pi to z to to n Oceansitle Vista Valley Center O 1"-8 Miles San Marcos Escondido O O -Z- O i Project Site Rancho Santa Fe Ranclio Bernardo Del Mar'. Mira Mesa Poway 1 Santee Ramona LaJolla t San Diego, LaMesa Lemon Grove Coronado \ Imperial Beach National / City Chula Vista f > Otay Mesa Alpine Mexico Tijuana te k to Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) - Acoustical Assessment Report Regional Map FIGURE 1 r*^ 1 Existing Corintia Dr. Existing Single Family Residential CITY OF OCEANSIDE Existing Light Industrial Park La Costa Meadows Dr. Existing Bridge Questhaven Rd. Phase 1 Impact Area La Costa Ave. Scale In Feet Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) • Acoustical Assessment Report Project Vicinity FIGURE 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road Project ^ Acoustical Assessment Report te Roadway Realignment m te The proposed widening and realignment proj ect is part of the City of Carisbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho Santa Fe Road to meet its designation as a Prime Arterial Roadway. The pi realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road wiU be constructed with six lanes, a median, sidewalks, curb il and gutter, and street lights. As part of the realignment project, a coUector road would be constructed to connect realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road with a portion of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road to provide temporary access to Cadencia Street. k te 3.0 NOISE CRITERIA This report foUows the noise criteria and poUcies established by the City of Carisbad, as weU as th e C aUfornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). These guidelines establish procedures for noise studies regarding traffic noise prediction, noise analyses and noise abatement criteria. The proposed project is located within the City of Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad noise criteria are applied within the local jurisdiction area. Caltrans and FHWA noise criteria are also used for land uses adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road and where Rancho Santa Fe Road ^ is the predominant noise source, te 3.1 City of Carlsbod Noise Criteria te ^ The City of Carisbad describes community noise levels in terms of the Community Noise ^ Equivalent Level (CNEL). The CNEL is a 24-hour average A-weighted sound level with a ten decibel (dBA) "penalty" added to noise during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., and a five I dBA penalty added to the evening hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The five and ten dBA penalties are apphed to account for increased noise sensitivity during the evening and nighttime hours. The A-weighted scale measures noise levels corresponding to the human hearing frequency response. All sound levels in this report are A-weighted. Noise levels at adjacent residences were also evaluated in terms of the peak hour average sound level. The noise peak hour average sound level is the noise descriptor typically used by the FFIWA and to Caltrans when evaluating traffic noise. 2 The City of Carisbad requires that the maximum acceptable exterior noise level for new residential development shaU not exceed a CNEL of 60 dBA. r 1576-01 W November 2001 Rancho Santa Fe Rood Project • Acoustical Assessment Report te P k 3.2 FHWA/Caltrans Noise Criteria The FHWA foUows the noise abatement procedures established in the Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR 772). Caltrans also foUows the noise abatement procedures as weU as policies established in Caltrans Highway Design Manual Chapter 1100. The FHWA noise abatement criteria categorizes different activities and land uses for the purposes of assessing noise impacts. Table 1 shows the FHWA noise abatement criteria. The criteria are based on the peak hour (noisiest) average sound level which regularly occurs during a 24-hour period. The noise abatement criteria for outdoor noise exposure typically is applied where frequent human use occurs such as swimming pools and common use areas at multi-family residences and the backyards of single family homes. TABLE 1 Noise Abatement Criteria Hourly A-Weighted Average Sound Level - decibel (dBA) Activity Category LJh) — Description of Activity Category A 57 (Exterior) Lands on which serenity and quiet are of extraordinary significance and serve an important public need and where the preservation of those qualities is essential if the area is to continue to serve its intended purpose. B 67 (Exterior) Picnic areas, recreation areas, playgrounds, active sports areas, parks, residences, motels, hotels, schools, churches, libraries and hospitals. C 72 (Exterior) Developed lands, properties, or activities not included in Categories A or B above. D — Undeveloped lands. E 52 (interior) Residences, motels, hotels, public meeting rooms, schools, churches, libraries, hospitals and auditoriums. te A traffic noise impact occurs when the predicted traffic noise levels with project approach withm 1 dBA, or exceed the Noise Abatement Criteria. Noise Abatement Criteria, when approached or exceeded, requires the consideration of traffic noise abatement measures. Also, a traffic noise impact occurs if there is a substantial noise increase. A noise increase is te &A^OCUTTE,S.INC.j 1576-01 November 2001 *• Rancho Santa Fe Rood Project • Acoustical Assessment Report m ' m te substantial when the predicted noise level within the project exceeds the existing hourly average noise level by 12 dBA. m ^ 4.0 METHODOLOGIES AND INSTRUMENTATION E • To determine the existing noise levels and potential noise impacts, noise measurement were conducted adjacent to the project site. Noise modeling was also conducted using Caltrans' ^ SOUND32 traffic noise prediction model (Caltrans 1983). This model is based on the FHWA traffic noise prediction model (FHWA-RD-77-108). The SOUND32 noise model accepts as G input the number and types of vehicles on the roadway {i.e., heavy trucks, medium trucks, and automobUes), vehicle speeds, and physical characteristics of the road and topography; as weU as receiver and noise barrier heights and locations. The CALVENO vehicle noise L emission levels were used in the noise model (Caltrans 1987). z P k The noise measurements were conducted using calibrated Larson-Davis Laboratories Model 700 (S.N. 2132) digital integrating sound level meter. The sound level meter meets the current American National Standards Institute standard for a Type 1 sound level meter. Traffic counts were made during the short-term noise measurement. The truck percentage used in the noise model was 3.52% medium trucks and 1.24% heavy trucks for Rancho Santa Fe Road. The truck percentages are based on vehicle mix surveys conducted by the City of Carlsbad (City of Carlsbad 1995). To verify the input used in the noise model, the same traffic volume and vehicle composition ratios counted during the noise measurements were used. The posted speed limit for Rancho Santa Fe Road is 45 mUes per hour. This speed correlated weU with the results of the noise measurements and was used in the existing noise modeling for the road. The modeled values were within 1 dBA of the measured noise levels which confirms the assumptions used in the noise model. Existing and future traffic volume information is provided in Attachment 1. 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS pi Three noise measurements were conducted at the residential area located along the western k portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road (Sites Ml, M2 and M3, Figure 3). The primary noise source at the measurement sites is traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road. The noise measurement sites were selected to provide an unobstructed view of the Rancho Santa Fe Road {i.e., no intervening walls, buUdings, topography etc.). The measured average sound levels were 73 km 1576-01 & AmXnATES. LNCJ November 2001 te CiD Noise Measurement Location O Noise Receptor Location GRADING PLAN SOURCE: Dokken Engineering. February 2000 Scole In Feet Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) - Acoustical Assessment Report Noise Measurement and Receptor Locations FIGURE to Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report r to dBA at Site 1, 70 dBA at Site 2 and 71 dB at Site 3. Tahle Z depicts the results of the noise measurements adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road. TABLE 2 Short-Term Measured Average Noise Level and Concurrent Traffic Volumes E Site Description DatejTime Cars HT^ M1 Approximately 30' to center line of road 10/18/01 12:50 •1:10 PM 73 dBA 446 7 1 M2 Approximately 45' to center line of road 10/18101 12:20-12:40 PM 70 dBA 466 g 3 M3 Approximately 40' to center line of road 10/18/01 11:40 AM-12:00 PM 71 dBA 505 7 1 Notes: ' Equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (time-average sound level) ^ Medium trucks ^ Heavy trucks k k The existing noisiest hourly average sound level was determined based on the existing peak hour traffic volume (City of Carisbad, 2001a). When adjusted to the peak hourly average noise level, the modeled noise level ranges from approximately 53 to 73 dBA at the backyards of the existing homes (i.e.. Sites 4-14). The existing (noisiest) one-hour average sound levels for various receiver locations are depicted in Tahle 3. The noise level at the homes adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road varies. Due to factors such as the amount of noise attenuation associated with intervening topography (i.e., graded slopes) as well as the distances from the homes to the road. The intervening topography is generally more effective at shielding the traffic noise for the homes located at the bottom of the slopes. 6.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS To determine future noise levels and the significance of potential noise impacts at land uses adjacent to the project site, future peak hour buUdout (assumed to occur in the year 2020) k 1576-01 November 2001 Rancho Santa Fe Road Project ^ Acoustical Assessment Report noise levels were calculated using the SOUND32 model. The noise modeling included the future peak hour buildout traffic information (City of Carisbad, 2001b) and the physical improvements shown on the design plan for the road widening and realignment improvements. TABLE 3 Existing Noise Levels z IF te hi Siti< Lociition Numbpr ot Umts Ri'prc^anted EiiMing Wurst Hour Noi'-.e Li'vH Lciiihi, ilBA Activity Ciiteijury ami NAC Lonihi Impact Typo Ml Rancho Santa Fe Road (right-of-way) 76 D(") None M2 Rancho Santa Fe Road (Utility easement) 73 D(") None M3 Rancho Santa Fe Road (Undeveloped Land) 73 D(-) None 4 Cuesta PI. (Backyard) 2 53 B(67) None 5 Cuesta PI. (Backyard) 2 54 B{67) None 6 Dehesa Ct. (Backyard) 4 54 B(67) None 7 Dorado PI. (Backyard) 3 55 B(67) None 8 Dulce Ct. (Backyard) 3 57 B(67) None 9 Del Rio Ct. (Backyard) 6 65 B(67) None 10 Trigo Lane (Backyard) 5 68 B(B7) None 11 Trigo Lane (Backyard) 6 73 B(67) None 12 Muslo Lane (Backyard) 8 70 B(671 None 13 Casca Way (Backyard) 5 67 B(67) None 14 Esfera Ct. (Backyard) 3 64 B(67) None 15 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 51 D(") None 16 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 51 D(") None 17 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 49 D(") None 18 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 48 D(-) None r If &A^<XIAT1ES,_INCJ November 2001 1576-01 Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report k z The proposed project would realign the road away from the existing homes, thereby reducing the traffic noise exposure at the residences. With implementation of the project, the future peak one-hour average noise level is projected to range from approximately 49 to 58 dBA at the backyards of the existing residences located along the west side Rancho Santa Fe Road. This noise level would comply with the FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria. The predicted future buUdout peak one-hour average noise levels at the receivers is depicted in Table 4- TABLE 4 Predicted Traffic Noise Impacts to r k Sito Lncalioii Nnise Aclivity Dcvplnprnsnt Existing PrnlictPd Ineruasu Calugury Prrdatof Nnise Nnnn or iindlUAC 1978 Li'vi'l LPVPI DtwriMW Lnnli) Impact Typo Ml Rancho Santa Fe Road (right-of- way) 76 63 •13 D(") None M2 Rancho Santa Fe Road (Utility easement} 73 55 -18 D(-) None M3 Rancho Santa Fe Road (Undeveloped Land) 73 54 -19 D(^) None 4 Cuesta Pl. (Backyard) Yes 53 57 +4 B[67) None 5 Cuesta PI. (Backyard) Yes 54 56 + 2 B(67) None 6 Dehesa Ct. (Backyard) Yes 54 53 -1 B(67} None 7 Dorado PI. (Backyard) Yes 55 51 -4 B(67| None 8 Dulce Ct. (Backyard) Yes 57 49 -B B(67) None 9 Del Rio Ct. (Backyard) Yes 65 58 -7 B(67) None 10 Trigo Lane (Backyard) Yes 68 58 -10 B(67| None 11 Trigo Lane (Backyard) Yes 73 56 -17 B(67} None 12 Muslo Lane (Backyard) Yes 70 53 •17 B(67) None 13 Casca Way (Backyard) Yes 67 53 -14 B(67) None 14 Esfera Ct. (Backyard) Yes 64 53 -11 B(67) None 15 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 51 57 +6 D(-) None 16 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 51 55 +4 D(") None 17 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 49 53 +A D(") None 18 Undeveloped (Zoned Residential) 48 54 •t-6 D(") None te & ASSOCWTE.^. INC, November 2001 1576-01 10 HI ll I z r k Rancho Santa Fe Rood Project • Acoustical Assessment Report Future residential development has been approved for singie famUy homes along the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road (Sites 15-18). The tentative map for these homes indicates that the residences would be located approximately 15 to 30 feet below the elevation of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The future peak hour average noise level at these future residences would range from approximately 53 to 58 dBA. The future worst-case one-hour average noise level at the homes located near the northwest corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue (Sites 4-7) would range from approximately 51 to 55 dBA. This noise level complies with ¥HWA/Ca\tians Noise Abatement Criteria of 67 dBA, Leq(h) for Activity Category B land uses. It should also be noted that the future noise levels at the existing homes wUI comply with the City of Carlsbad's noise criteria. Thus, the noise impact would be less than significant as compared to the City's noise criteria. 7.0 NOISE ABATEMENT MEASURES INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT m Future noise levels would comply with the FHWA/Caltrans noise criteria at aU the existing L homes located along Rancho Santa Fe Road Phase 1 project area. Therefore, noise abatement features are not required to comply with the Noise Abatement Criteria. However, as part of the engineering design plans for the proj ect, the City wiU construct a six-foot high sound wall along the west side of Rancho Santa Fe Road at the southern portion of the project site. The location of the proposed noise barrier is depicted on Figure 4. The homes adjacent to the proposed sound wall are located at the bottom of a slope and would be approximately 25 to 50 feet below the elevation of reaUgned Rancho Santa Fe Road. The intervening slope wiU provide significant noise attenuation at the adjacent residences. As previously stated, the proposed sound wall is not required to comply with the FHWA/Caltrans criteria, but, is a design feature of the project. The City recognizes that the sound waU is not required per FHWA/Caltrans criteria. Therefore, the City wiU not seek reimbursement from the FHWA for construction of this sound waU (City of Carlsbad 2001). 1576-01 fm November 2001 11 te r Proposed 6' Sound Wall Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) - Acoustical Assessment Report Sound Wall Location FIGURE Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report k 8.0 CONSTRUCTION NOISE Noise generated by construction equipment on this project would occur with varying intensities and durations during the different phases of construction: clear and grub, earthwork, base preparation, paving and cleanup. Equipment expected to be used would include tractors, backhoes, pavers and other related equipment. Maximum noise levels at 50 feet range from approximately 75 to 95 dBA for the type of equipment normally used in a project such as this. The noise levels associated with various types of construction equipment are shown in Figure 5- Noise produced by construction equipment would be reduced by approximately six dB per doubling distance. Thus, the noise level would be about 6 dB less at 100 feet as compared to 50 feet from the equipment. Project construction wiU comply with applicable local requirements. Also, the contractor shall comply with aU local sound control and noise level standards, regulations and ordinances which apply to any work performed pursuant to the contract. Each internal combustion engine, used for any purpose on the job or related to the job, shaU be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer. No internal combustion engine shall be operated on the project without said muffler. 9.0 REFERENCES California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), June 1983. User's In structions for SOUND32 (FHWA/CA/TL-83/06). California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 1987. California Vehicle Noise Emission Levels, FHW/VCA/TL-87/03. City of Carlsbad, September, 1995. Noise Guidelines Manual. City of Carisbad, October 10, 2001a. Future Buildout Peak Hour Traffic Forecast Volumes (Fax data). City of Carisbad, October 9, 2001b. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Count Volumes (Fax data). mmmmMm 1576-01 &ASS<ra/nt:s,iN^ November 2001 13 COMPACTERS (ROtLERS) FRONT LOADERS BACKHOES TRACTORS SCRAPERS, GRADERS PAVERS TRUCKS NOISE LEVEL (dBAl AT 50 FEET CONCRETE MIXERS CONCRETE PUMPS CRANES (MOVABLE) CRANES (DERRICK) it -a Ul PUMPS GENERATORS COMPRESSORS PNEUMATIC WRENCHES JACK HAMMERS AND ROCK DRILLS PILE DRIVERS (PEAKS) VIBRATORS SAWS NOTE: Based on limited avaiiabte data samples. SOURCE: EPA PB 206717, Environmental Protection Agency, Dec. 31,1971, "Noise from Construction Equipment & Operations" Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment (Phase 1) - Acoustical Assessment Report Typical Construction Noise Generation Levels FIGURE te k m te te Rancho Santa Fe Road Project • Acoustical Assessment Report City of Carisbad, October 22, 2001. Telephone Conversation v(^ith Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), December 1978. FHWA Highv(^ay Traffic Noise Prediction Model. to A^OCIATE-S. INC. 1576-01 November 2001 15 ATTACHMENT I Traffic Volume Summary (Existing and Future Peak Hour Volumes] to k & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/essional learns for Complex Projects to te Rancho Santa Fe Road Existing Peak Hour Vehicles Cars 1199/905 MI 44/33 Future Peak Hour Vehicles HT 16/12 to to to Rancho Santa Fe Road (n/o future coUector road) (s/o future coUector road) (Northbound/Southbound) Cars 1695/2206 1418/1989 MT 63/82 52/74 HI 22/29 18/26 Ml to to to l': to I: Attachment 2 m k SOUND32 t.S to DUDEK &ASSOCIATES A California Corporation Rancho Santa Fe existing (rsfrple>:.s32) ^-Rancho Santa Fe Road. 1 1199 , 45 , 44 , 45 , 16 , 45 '"'!'-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 2 905 , 45 , 33 , 45 , 12 , 45 m •-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 3 Mll905 , 45 , 33 , 45 , 12 , 45 T-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 4 ^1199 , 45 , 44 , 45 , 16 , 45 ^^-Northbound existing segment 1, 1 N, 10, 70, 300,Nl 170,270,310,N2 1,245,360,315,N3 ,578,820,330,N4 N,719,965,332,N5 902, 1140, 334,K6 liti, 1040, 1275, 340,N7 N,1170,1400,350,N8 f,1350,1571,366,N9 r,1710,1920,392,NIO 1750,1960,396,Nil L-SOOTHBOUND EXISTING SEGMENT 1, 2 C, -40, 90, 300,Sl ,130,310,310,52 N,200,400, 315,S3 1*1,551,825,330,S4 ^,719,982,332,S5 N,900,1160,334,56 ^, 1038,1290, 340,37 -1,1160,1410,350,S8 ,1349,1588,366,S9 N,1700,1930,392,310 ^-740,1972,396,311 te'-SOUTBOUND EXISTING 2, 3 N, 1740,1972,396,Sll pti, 2 048, 2453, 436, S12 • •1,2223,2749,460,313 ,2280,2840,468,514 N,2398,3040,484,315 •1,2525,3249, 500,516 tmi,2663,3480,510,517 N,2728,3580,512,318 ^,2859, 3806, 510,519 ^058,4145,508,320 L-NORTHBOUND EXISTING 2, 4 ^,1750, 1960,396, Nil T,2060,2440,435,N12 ,2242,2732,460,N13 N,2300,2828,468,N14 E,2422,3019,484,N15 ,2550,3226,500,N16 N,2676,3447,510,N17 r,2739,3545,512,N18 1,2385,3795,£10,N19 3083,4140,508,M20 B-Top of Slope, 1,1,0,0 H.2a,418,314,314,81 to.73,419,316,316,62 295,560,322,322,B3 >R99,689,326,326,84 te 450,750,329,329,65 (•»45,850,330, 330,B6 78,979,332,332,87 830,1170,334,334,88 1020,1308,340,340,69 ,145, 1429,350, 350,810 te-Top of Slope, 2,1,0,0 1327,1600,366,366,Cl ^i397, 1670,372,372, C2 te^3 0,1705,374,374,C3 1657,1915,390,390,C4 ^726,1993,398,398,C5 847,2160,412,412,C6 ™-Top of Slope, 3,1,0,0 1815,2385,442,442,01 fM 925,2351,442,442,02 tesSO,24 00,442,442,03 2031,2485,445,445,04 f»»14 0,2679, 464,464,05 ^ 210,2800,476,476,06 lw 2249,2858,476,476,07 ^390,3 070,492,492,08 447,3160,492,492,09 te4 50,3200,504,504,010 2500,3277,504,504,011 ^-Top of Slope, 4,1,0,0 1^530,3495,528,528,El 2590,3465,528,528,E2 ipi645,354 0,525,525,E3 703,3630,525,525,E4 *?78 0,3750,525,525,E5 2835,3815,525,525,E6 ., 1 , 67 ,500 11129,556,298,Rl R, 2 , 67 ,500 P»90,650,300,R2 j^, 3 , 67 ,500 390,780,299,R3 R, 4 , 67 ,500 1^22,1033,295,R4 to, 5 , 67 ,500 821,1220,296,R5 I, 6 , 67 ,500 98,1335,336.,R6 R, 7 , 67 ,500 ^339, 1630,369. , R7 8 , 67 ,500 ™689,1965,401,R8 R, 9 , 67 ,500 1223,2831,481,R9 , 10 , 67 ,500 2390,3113,497,RIO E, 11 , 67 ,500 649,3580,530,Rll R, 12 , 67 ,500 —360,1240,341.,M1 13 , 67 ,500 tegOO,2280,425.,M2 R, 14 , 67 ,500 ^890, 3910, 518 . ,M3 R, 15 , 67 ,500 H(ii070, 1032, 371. , RFl '., 16 , 67 ,500 '"5250,1080,373.,RF2 R, 17 , 67 ,500 Mi :590,1205,376.,RF3 Mt, 18 , 67 ,500 2820,1310,333.,RF4 nm, 4.5 g^L, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18 C,C te U i; to to m 10 11 12 14 m ^15 16 ^19 20 •122 23 to 25 . 27 to28 29 0.* 88 196 . 7 BERM 0 .* 89 174 . 3 BERM 0.* Cl 99. 2 BERM 0.* C2 48 . .1 BERM 0. * C3 309. .7 BERM 0 .* C4 104 . .4 BERM 0 .* 05 206, .7 8ERM 0.* 01 115 . ,1 BERM 0.* 02 60. ,2 BERM 0.* 03 110 ,8 BERM 0 .* D4 223 . .3 BERM 0 .* 05 14 0 .3 BERM 0 .* 06 69 , 9 BERM 0.* 07 255 . 1 BERM 0.* D8 106 . 5 BERM 0.* D9 41 .9 BERM 0. * DIO 91 .8 BERM 0 .* El 67 .1 BERM 0.* E2 93 .1 BERM 0.* E3 107 . 1 BERM 0.* E4 142 .6 BERM 0 .* E5 85 . 1 BERM to 1 REC ID DNL PEOPLE LEQ(( •«1 Rl H 67. 500 . 52. 9 2 R2 S 67. 500 . 53. 9 R3 67. 500. 53. 8 te 4 R4 67. 500. 55 . 0 5 R5 67. 500. 56 . 5 te 6 R6 67. 500. 64 . .5 y 7 R7 (O 67 . 500. 68 . 3 * 8 R8 U 67 . 500. 72. .8 9 i 10 R9 RIO l^ 13 67. 67. 500. 500 . 70. 66, .4 ,6 tell Rll 57. 500 . 63. .5 12 Ml 67. 500. 75, .5 <*13 M2 67 . 500. 73 . ,0 k^" M3 67. 500. 73 . .1 15 RFl 67. 500. 51. ,4 RF2 67. 500. 50. .5 17 im ^18 RF3 RF4 n 67. 67. 500 . 500. 49. 48 .2 .4 I6ARRIER TYPE COST i to •BERM MASOWRY MASONRY/JERSEY CONCRETE 0. 0 . 0. 0. TOTAL COST = $ ^BARRIER HEIGHT INDEX POR EACH BARRIER SECTION RANCHO SANTA FE FUTURE-(rsfrplfu) (pJ-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 1 1418 , 50 , 52 , 50 , 18 , 50 *^-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 2 1695 , 50 , 63 , 50 , 22 , 50 •-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 3 1(^1695 , 50 , 63 , 50 , 22 , 50 T-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 4 PWtl989 , 50 , 74 , 50 , 26 , 50 ^'-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 5 2206 , 50 , 82 , SO , 29 , 50 J'-Rancho Santa Fe Road, 6 2206 , 50 , 82 , 50 , 29 , 50 ^L-NORTHBOUND FUTURE SEGMENT 1, 1 N,10,73,300,Nl ''^, 172,275,310,N2 tel.243,365,315,N3 N,390,530,326,NN4 (pfir,555,680,336,NN5 r,735,815,344,NN6 '''R,995, 950,352,NN7 N,1201,1022,356,NN8 T,1423,1070,360,NN9 tar,1655.,1100,366,NNIO N,1822.,1128,372,NNll ("•^-NORTHBOUNO FUTURE SEGMENT 2, 2 ^J,1822.,1128,372,NNll N,1930.,1150,375,NN12 ^,2085. ,1180, 382,NN13 ],2330.,1270,392,NN14 tei,2570.,1378,4 02,NN15 N,2792 . ,1515,412,NN16 •"•j, 3000. , 1678, 422, NN17 Jigl, 3190. , 1858. 432, NN18 N, 336 0.,2058,442,NN19 pa^4e2 . ,2230, 450, NN20 i '^-NORTHBOUNO FUTURE 3, 3 TI,34 82.2230,450,NN20 N, 3634,2510,462,NN21 E, 3755, 2852,476, NN22 ,3833,3275,506,NN23 N,3863,4025,524,NN24 [, 3905 . ,4520, 530,NN25 -SOUTHBOUND FUTURE 1, 4 N, -40,90,300,331 S,130,310,310,332 ,200,400,315,553 ,332,549,326,554 N,SOO, 710,336,335 1,730,880,346,336 1,935,982,352,337 N,1125,1055,355,338 1,1360,1113,360,359 J, 1645.,1150,366,5310 ~H,1315.,1180,372,SSll L-SOUTHBOUND FUTURE 3, 5 EJ, 1815 . , 1180, 372,3311 ^,1920.,1195,376,SS12 ' N,2070.,1235,382,3313 ^,2310. ,1318,3 92,5514 i te N,2540.,1420,402,3515 2760. ,1568,412,5515 ,2970.,17 20,422,SS17 m N,3150.,18 98,432,5518 N, 3325.,2 090,442,5519 im 430.,2253,450,3320 te-50UTHBOUNO FUTURE 3, 5 N,3430,2253,450,5520 fff,3580,2538,462,3321 te.3'^00'286 9,476,5322 N,3779,3282,506,5523 (,3805,4025,524,SS24 ^853,4538,530,3325 '-Top of Slope, 1,1,0,0 128 . ,418,314,314,61 f73 . ,419,316,316,B2 H-Top of Slope, 2,1,0,0 398.,690,332,332,64 C50 . ,750, 336, 336,35 45.,850,330,330,86 578.,979,332,332,67 ^80. , 1170, 334, 334, B8 "• 020. ,1308,340,340,89 145 . ,1429,350,350,810 B-Top of Slope, 3,1,0,0 f*327,16 00,366,366,Cl 1^397,1570, 372,372, C2 1430,1705,374,374,C3 1(^657,1915,390,390,C4 .726,1993,398,398,C5 "''[847,216 0,412.412,06 B-Top of Slope, 4,1,0,0 ^.815,23 85,442,442.01 |M»925,2351,442,442,02 1950,2400,442,442,03 IPt031,2485,445,445,04 ; ;i40,2679,464,464,05 2210,2800,476,476,06 2249,2858,476,476,07 i;390,3070,492,492.08 te447,3160,4 92,492,D9 2450,3200,504,504,010 ^2500,3277,504,504,011 ^-Top of Slope, 5,1,0,0 2530,3495,528,528,61 |p£590,3465,528,528,E2 i645,3540,525,525,E3 "'^703, 363 0, 525, 525, E4 2780,3750,525,525,E5 !e35.3815,525,525,E6 iBft-Top of Slope (New), 6 , 1 , 0 ,0 2050 . ,960,370,370,FTl ^998 . ,1035, 377, 377, FT2 ^002 . , 1070, 380, 380, FT3 2262.,1145,390,390,FT4 jp^540.,1260,400,400,FT5 •765.,13 90,410,410,FT6 '•^980.,1555,420.42 0,FT7 B-New Wall, 7,2, 0,0 ^_74.,418,317,323,BF2 296..559,327,333,8F3 IH498 . , 690,332, 338,BF4 75 . ,815, 342,348,BF5 *^4 0.,985,351,357,BF6 R, 1 , 67 ,500 itm :29,556,298,R1 W, 2 , 67 ,500 290,650,300,R2 m., 3 , 67 ,500 ^90,780,299,R3 R, 4 , 67 ,500 _£22,1033.295,R4 !, 5 , 67 ,500 ^21, 1220,296,R5 R, 5 , 67 ,500 *''*)98,1335,336 . , R6 ' S'' '500 1339,1630,369.,R7 jpl, 8 , 67 ,500 . .689,1965,401,R8 to R, 9 , 67 ,500 2223,2831,481,R9 i, 10 , 67 ,500 11*390,3113,497,RIO R, 11 , 67 ,500 •"•,649, 3580, 530,RU 12 , 67 ,500 2070,1032,371.,RFl 13 , 67 ,500 5250,1080.373,,RF2 toi, 14 . 67 ,500 2590,1205,376.,RF3 ^i, 15 , 67 ,500 ^820, 1310,383 . ,RF4 R, 15 , 67 ,500 p^eO,1240,341.,M1 17 , 67 ,500 1910,2280,420.,M2 R, 18 , 67 ,500 J890,3910,518.,M3 IK, 4.5 ALL.7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 ^J,0 E te 'BAR BARRIER HEIGHTS BAR ELE 01234567 ID LENGTH TYPE 0. • 81 45 .1 BERM •I 2 0 .* B4 79.5 BERM 3 0.* B5 133.1 eERM *• 4 0. * B6 185.3 BERM m s 0 .* 67 278.0 BERM 6 0.* B8 196 .7 BERM 0.* 69 174 .3 BERM 8 0.* 01 99 ,2 BERM 9 0.* C2 48 .1 BERM 0.« 03 309.7 BERM toll 0. * 04 104 .4 BERM 12 0.* C5 206 .7 BERM ^13 0.* 01 115.1 BERM 14 0 .* D2 60 .2 BERM 0.* 03 110 .8 BERM • 16 0. * 04 223 .3 BERM *-17 0. * 05 140.3 BERM 18 0 .* D6 69. 9 BERM '-19 0.* 07 255.1 6ERM ^20 0.* 08 105 . 5 BERM 21 0.* 09 41.9 BERM ^22 0. * DIO 91.8 BERM *-23 0 . * El 67. 1 BERM 24 0 .* E2 93 . 1 BERM PM 25 0.* E3 107 . 1 BERM IB26 0.* E4 142 .6 BERM 27 0.* E5 85.1 BERM fW 0. * FTl 91.5 BERM 29 0 .* FT2 35.4 BERM 0.* FT3 270.8 BERM 31 0 . * FT4 301. 0 BERM 0.* FT5 260. 0 BERM 33 0.* FT6 271 .2 BERM r* te ^4 6. * eF2 186 .7 MASONRY 35 6 . * 6F3 166 .1 MASONRY P*36 6 .* BF4 216 .9 MASONRY to" 6. * BF5 315.0 MASONRY k 0 1 2 3 4 ; lEC REC ID ONL PEOPLE LEQ(I 1 Rl 67. 500. 54 .5 2 R2 67 . 500. 53.4 3 R3 67. 500 . 51.9 4 R4 67. 500. 50.3 5 R5 QJ 67. 500. 49.1 6 R6 67. SOO. 57.9 7 R7 lo 67. 500. 57.7 8 R8 11 67. 500. 56 .3 9 R9 I "I 67. 500. 53 , .4 M 10 RIO 67. 500. 53. .2 11 Rll 67. 500. 53. .4 lm 12 RFl IS" 67. 500. 57. .3 13 RF2 i h 67. 500. 55. .4 14 RP3 n 57. 500. 52, .5 l»15 RP4 67 . 500. 53 , ,9 16 Ml 67. 500. 63. ,2 ffl 17 M2 67. 500. 54. .8 2.3 M3 67. 500. 54 .4 fm BARRIER TYPE OOST BERM 0. MASONRY 46536 . ig MASONRY/JERSEY 0. CONCRETE 0. IP, „ TOTAL COST = S 47000. fei BARRIER HEIGHT INDEX FOR EACH BARRIER SECTION ! lililillliillliliiiilllii to llllllllllll CORRESPONOING BARRIER HEIGHTS FOR EACH SECTION ff 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 6. 6. 5. 6. m to ff to to to ff k