HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Ridge Property; Ridge Property; 1999-01-21m The Ridge Pioperty JURISDICTIONAL DELINEATION REPORT January 21, 1999 Prepared for: VEIAGES OF LA COSTA 2300 Alga Road Carlsbad, Califomia 92009 Prepared by: HELIX E>MRONMENTAL PLANNING, INC. 8100 La Mesa Boulevard, Suite 150 La Mesa, Califorma 91941-6452 <m JURISDICTIONAL DELINEATION REPORT FOR THE RIDGE PROPERTY TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION '. 1 METHODS 1 RESULTS 2 A. Description of Site 2 B. Findings 2 1. Federal Jurisdictional Areas 2 a. Non-vegetated Waters of tihe U.S. On Site 3 2. State Jurisdictional Areas 3 IMPACTS : 4 CONCLUSION 4 LITERATURE CITED 5 APPENDIX A Federal and State Jurisdictional Definitions A-l LIST OF HGURES Follows No. Title Page 1 Regional Location Map 1 2 Project Vicinity Map 1 3 Ridge Property Jurisdictional Delineation Map Pocket LIST OF TABLES No. Title Page 1 Proposed Impacts to Jurisdictional Areas of the Ridge Property 3 •m INTRODUCTION This report documents the results of a focused jurisdictional delineation of the Ridge property conducted for the Villages of La Costa. The delineation was conducted to identify and map existing areas on site that are under jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) pursuant to Section 404 of the Qean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). In addition, jurisdictional streambed and lake habitats for the Califomia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) permit requirements (Section 1603) are also provided. This information is necessary to evaluate impacts emd permit requirements associated witii the proposed project The work was conducted by biologists with HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc. (HELIX). The approximately 464-acre property is located in the City of Carlsbad, in west-central San Diego County, Califomia (Figures 1 and 2). It is located north and west of San Marcos Creek, east of El Fuerte Street, and south of Alga Road and Xana Way. The site consists of imdeveloped land. Adjoining properties consist of developed land to the north, west and south, and undeveloped land to the east. The undeveloped property to the east of the site is also owned by the Villages of La Costa, and is proposed for future development as well as open space coimections witii portions of the Ridge property as a part of the m Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad (City of Carlsbad 1997). On- site elevations range from approximately 290 feet in tiie south to 730 feet in the north-central part of the *• property. METHODS Prior to beginning field work, a color aerial photograph (dated: prior to 1998, scale approximately: 1 inch ^ = 400 feet), a development plan (Conceptual Lotting Study, Hunsaker & Associates, 4/24/98; scale: 1 inch = 200 feet), topographic and vegetation maps (scale: 1 inch = 200 feet), and a United States Geological Survey (USGS) map (scale: 1 inch = 2,000 feet) were reviewed to determine the location of potential jurisdictional areas which could be impacted by the project. A focused delineation was conducted in areas of proposed development on September 1, 1998 by HELIX Biologists W. Larry Sward and Peter — Allen. All areas that were suspected jurisdictional Waters of the United States (U.S.) were evaluated for the presence of wetiands and non-vegetated Waters of the United States as well as CDFG jurisdictional habitats. Each area was inspected according to federal wetland delineation guidelines. Wetiand ^ botmdaries were determined using the three criteria (vegetation, hydrology, and soils) established for wetland delineations, as described in the Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987). — Other references included: Field Guide for Wetland Delineation (Wetland Training Institute 1995), Memorandum: Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual (ACOE 1992), and Memorandum: Questions and Answers on 1987 Manual (ACOE 1991). Soils information was taken from Field Office Official List of Hydric Soils Map Units for San Diego Area, Califomia (USDA 1992), and Soil Survey for the San Diego Area (Bowman 1973). Soils colors were identified ^ according to Munsell's Soil Color Charts (KoUmorgen 1990). m Plants were identified according to The Jepson Manual, Higher Plants of Califbmia (Hickman 1993), A Flora of San Diego County, Califomia (Beauchamp 1986), and A Flora of Southem Califomia (Munz 1974). Wetland indicator categories of plant species were determined according to List of Plant Species that Occur in ^ Wetlands (Reed 1988), and plant nomenclature used in this report is consistent with Hickman (1993). HELIX Jurisdictional Delineation Report for Tlie Ridge Property/MDI-06/Jammry 21,1999 I RIVERSIDE COUNTY PROJECT LOCATION > o o > POINT LOMA NOTTOSCALE ROSARrro lifUX Regional Location Map THE RIDGE PROPERTY Figure •' SourcB: USGS 7.5 min Quadrangles;" Encinitas and Rancho Santa F6» Project Vicinity Map THE RIDGE PROPERTY ^ An overview of the definitions of ACOE wetiands and jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. is presented in Appendix A. Definitions of CDFG jurisdictional areas are also presented in Appendix A. Areas were determined to be non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. if there was evidence of regular surface flow (e.g., bed m and bank), but vegetation criteria was lacking. Unvegetated areas encompassed by the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) were then measured. If an area was suspected of being an ACOE jurisdictional wetiand, vegetation and hydrology indicators were noted, and a soil pit was dug and described if the area satisfied tiie first two criteria. An area is •Ml determined to be a jurisdictional wetland if it satisfies the three criteria (vegetation, hydrology and soil). ^ All potential wetiands/Waters of the U.S. were sampled in areas to be impacted by the proposed project, and were measured and mapped in the field. A summary of the findings is included in the Results _ section. RESULTS A. DESCRIPTION OF SITE The Ridge property consists of a large hill with gradual to steeply descending slopes aroimd it, which primarily drain into San Marcos Creek, and eventually into the Batiquitos Lagoon. The property is covered by native habitats with the exception of several disturbed areas and a water tower on tihe hill in the nortii-central area of the site. The Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi Species Plan (City of Carlsbad 1995) identified the following 5 habitat f3^es on site: Diegan coastal sage scrub, chaparral (southem mixed chaparral), grassland (non-native grassland), riparian scmb and woodland, and disturbed habitat. Four soil types are present on site, with the chief soil type Exchequer rocky silt loam making up about 90 percent of the site. Exchequer rocky silt loam, 9-30 percent slopes occur on the central and southem portions of the site, and Exchequer rocky silt loam, 30-70 percent slopes occur along San Msircos Creek. Several soil types occur in the northem area of the site including: San Miguel rocky silt loam, 9-30 percent slopes; Huerhuero loam 5-9 percent slopes, eroded; and Altamont clay, 5-9 percent slopes. None of these soil types are described as being potentially hydric soils (USDA 1992), but areas where soils are inundated for at least 7 consecutive days or saturated for at least 15 consecutive days during the growing season of an average year are considered hydric soils (ACOE 1992). B. HNDINGS 1. Federal Turisdictional Areas Within the proposed development area of the Ridge property, there were no areas where wetland vegetation, hydrology, and soils criteria were met However, ACOE jurisdictional non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. were present, and were measured and mapped in the field (Figure 3). A total of 4,725 cumulative linear feet, or 0.11 acre, of jurisdictional non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. occur in the area impacted by the project (Table 1). HELIX Jurisdictioiml Delineation Report for Vie Ridge Property / MDI-06 / January 21,1999 Table 1 PROPOSED IMPACTS TO JURISDICTIONAL AREAS OF THE RIDGE PROPERTY ACOE/CDFGi Jurisdiction - Resource Impacts (acres) Preserved (acres) Jurisdiction - Resource The Ridge Property Project^ Estimate of Preserved Areas^ Wetiands Southern willow scmb 19.9 Non-Veeetated Habitats Streambed 0.11 0.2 Open Water 0.25 TOTALS 0.11 20.35 ^ Impacts to ACOE and CDFG jurisdictional areas are the same 2 Development footprint is based on the plan titled: Habitat Conservation Plan Exhibit, Villages of La Costa, La Costa Oaks and Ridge; dated: September 17,1998; by: Hunsaker and Associates San Diego, Inc. ^ Estimate of preserved areas is based on habitat types from a plan titied: Habitat Conservation Plan Villages of La Costa La Costa Oaks and Ridge; dated: December 29,1998; by: Hunsaker and Associates San Diego, Inc., and consists of areas that were not formally delineated a. Non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. On Site Non-vegetated Waters of tiie U.S. occur in four drainages and their tributaries within the development area on-site (Figure 3). Hydrology was evidenced by bed and bank scouring formed by the OHWM. Drainages consisted of ephemeral streams that were not vegetated due to the regular conveyance of water. These drainages and their tributaries varied in width from less than one foot to one foot Following is a summary of each drainage and its tributaries: The first drainage occurs in the nortii-eastem area of the site and drains to the east It has a total jurisdictional length of approximately 1,225 feet The drainage has four tributaries, with the following jurisdictional lengths: 235 feet, 125 feet, 75 feet and 50 feet. The second drainage occurs in the eastern area of the site and drains to the east. It has a total jurisdictional length of approximately 950 feet. The third drainage occurs in the west-central area of the site and drains to tfie south into San Marcos Creek. It has a total jurisdictional length of approximately 1,150 feet. The drainage has three tributaries, with the following jurisdictional lengths: 260 feet, 110 feet, and 50 feet The fourth drainage occurs in the southwestern area of the site and drains to the south into San Marcos Creek. It has a total jurisdictional length of approximately 200 feet 2. State Turisdictional Areas CDFG jurisdictional areas include all ACOE jurisdictional areas (Figure 3). CDFG jurisdictional areas also include additional areas with riparian or wetiand vegetation that may not meet federal jurisdictional wetiand criteria, however, no such areas were found on site. The area of streambed impacted by the project is the same as the area of Waters of the U.S. (Table 1). HELIX Jurisdictional Delineation Report for Vte Ridge Property / MDI-06 / January 21,1999 m IMPACTS Permanent impacts will result from the development of the Ridge project. Within the proposed areas of development in the Ridge property, a total combined length of approximately 4,725 feet of ephemeral drainages (non-vegetated Waters of the U.S.) are proposed to be impacted. Jurisdictional areas consisted of four ephemeral streams and their tributaries. The Federal (ACOE) and State (CDFG) jurisdictional impacts consist of approximately 0.11 acre of non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. (streambed; Table 1 and Figure 3). Impacts to non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. are regulated by the ACOE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Waters of tiie U.S. are typically regulated under a "no net loss" policy by the ACOE, and any impacts to ACOE jurisdictional wetiands areas will require mitigation. CONCLUSION Impacts to non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. are regulated by the ACOE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C 1344). The permit requiremente under Section 404 for the project could eitiier be a Nationwide 26 or an individual permit. The project may qualify for a Nationwide 26 permit if still valid, or may require an individual permit based on the length of the non-vegetated drainage to be impacted (individual permite are often required for impacte to drainages exceeding 500 feet). However, all drainages to be impacted are non-vegetated ephemeral streambed, and generally are not considered in the 500 linear feet requirement. Currentiy, the Nationwide 26 permit is expected to become obsolete on September 15,1999. Use and reliance on this permit must begin before that date and be completed by September 14, 2000. It is expected that the project will require a Nationwide 26 permit under Section 404 because of the small amoimt of impacte, and the non-vegetated nature of the jurisdictional areas, which have a lower habitat value than a corresponding wetiand area. The final determination will depend upon the timing of the project and direction from the ACOE. Any inipacte to CDFG jurisdictional areas will require a Stieambed/Lake Alteration Agreement permit and are regulated under Fish and Game Code Section 1603 (Attachment C). A Califomia Regional Water QuaHty Control Board permit (401 Certification) will also be required obtained prior to obtaining a 404 permit. HEUX Jurisdictional Delineation Report for Vie Ridge Property / MDI-06 / January 21,1999 LITERATURE CITED ACOE. 1991. Memorandum: Questions and Answers on 1987 Manual. John F. Studt October 7,1991. 4 pages. ACOE. 1992. Memorandum: Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual. Arthur E. Williams. March 6,1992. 4 pages, plus attachmente. Beauchamp, R. Mitehel. 1986. A Flora of San Diego County, Califomia. Sweetwater River Press. National City, California. Bowman, R. 1973. Soil Survev of the San Diego Area. USDA in cooperation with tiie USDI, UC Agricultural Experiment Station, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Navy, and the United States Marine Corps. City of Carlsbad. December 1,1997. Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the Citv of Carlsbad. Agency Informal Review Draft. City ofCarlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. June, 1995. Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi-Species Plan for Properties in the Southeast Quadrant of the City of Carlsbad, California. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Army Corps of Engineers Wetiands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 100 pp. with Apjjendices. Hickman, J. C. (Ed.). 1993. The Tepson Manual, Higher Plante of California. University of Calif omia Press, Berkeley, 1400 pp. KoUmorgen Instmmente Corporation. 1990. Munsell Soil Color Charte. Baltimore, MD. Munz, P. A. 1974. A Flora of Southem Califomia. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1086 pp. Reed, P. B., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species fliat Occur in Weflands: Califomia (Region 0). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 88 (26.10). United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. 1992. Hydric Soil Liste. Field Office Official List of Hydric Soils Map Unite for San Diego Area, California. Section n Field Office Technical Guide. Davis, California. Wetiand Training Institute, Inc. 1995. Field Guide for Wetland Delineation: 1987 Corps of Engineers Manual. WTI 95-3. 143 pp. HELIX Jurisdictional Delineation Report for Vie Ridge Property/MDI-06/January 21,1999 m m APPENDIX A FEDERAL AND STATE JURISDICTIONAL DEFINITIONS I. Federal Definitions A. Wetlands and ''Waters of the United States" Definitions The Army Corps of Engineers (Federal Register 1982) and the Environmental Protection Agency (Federal Register 1980) jointiy define wetiands as: "Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation tjrpically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). The official definition of "Waters of the United States" (Waters of the U.S.) and their limite of jurisdiction, as they may apply within the study area, are defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program Regulations (Section 328.3, paragraphs (a) 1-3 and (e), and Section 328.4, paragraphs (c) 1 and 2) as: "All waters which are currentiy used, or were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide; all waters including interstate wetiands, all otiier waters such as interstate lakes, rivers, sfreams [including intermittent stieams], mudflate, sandflate, wetiands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use, degradation or destmction of which could affect interstate commerce including any such water, which are or could be used by interstate ttavelers for recreation or other purposes; or from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate commerce; or which are or could be used for industties in interstate commerce; or wetiands adjacent to waters [other than waters that are themselves wetlands]." "Non-tidal waters of the United States. The limite of jurisdiction in non-tidal waters: In the absence of adjacent wetlands, the jurisdiction extends to the ordinary high water mark, or when adjacent wetiands are present tiie jurisdiction extends to tiie limit of tihe adjacent wetiands." "The term ordinary high water mark means that line on the shore established by the fluctuation of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destmction of terrestrial vegetation (scouring), the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas." For purposes of delineation and jurisdictional designation. Waters of the U.S. must exhibit an ordinary high water mark or other evidence of surface flow created by hydrologic physical changes. These physical changes include the indicators used for satisfying the hydrologic criterion for wetland delineations. Wetiand boundaries were determined using the three mandatory criteria (plant soils, and hydrology) established for wetiand delineations and described witiiin the Wetiands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and subsequent regulatory guidance letters (March 6,1992; October 7, 1991). Following is a brief discussion of the three criteria and how they were evaluated. 1. Vegetation "Hydrophytic vegetation is defined herein as the sum total of macrophytic plant life that occurs in areas where the frequency and duration of inundation or soil saturation produce permanentiy or periodically saturated soils of suffident duration to exert a conttoUing influence on the plant species present" (Environmental Laboratory 1987). A-l The wetiand indicator status (obUgate upland, facultative upland, facultative, facultative wetiand, obUgate wetland, or no indicator status) of tiie dominant plant species of aU vegetative layers were determined. Species considered to be wetland or hydroph5rtic includes the classifications of facultative, facultative wetiand, and obUgate wetland as defined by Reed (1988)(Table Al). The percent of dominant wetiand plante was calculated. The wetland vegetation criterion was considered to be met if more than 50% of ttie dominant plante within the area sampled were classified as a wetiand species. Table Al DEHNITIONS OF PLANT INDICATOR CATEGORIES Indicator Categories ProbabiUty of Occurring in Wetlands ObUgate wetiand Occur almost exclusively in wetiands Facultative wetland UsuaUy found in wetiands (66-99% probabiUty), but occasionally in uplands Facultative EquaUy likely to occur in wetiand (34-66% probabiUty) or non- wetiand Facultative upland UsuaUy occur in non-wetiands, but occasionaUy foimd in wetlands ObUgate upland Occur almost exclusively in non-wetiands Non indicator Inconclusive status 2. Hydrology The term "wetland hydrology" encompasses aU hydrologic characteristics of areas that are periodicaUy inundated or have soils saturated to the surface at some time during ihe growing season. Areas witii evident characteristics of wetland hydrology are those where the presence of water has an overriding influence on characteristics of vegetation and soils due to anaerobic reducing conditions, respectively" (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). Hydrologic characteristics must indicate that the ground is saturated to within 12 inches of the surface for at least 5 percent of the growing season during a normal rainfaU year (approximately 18 days for most of low-lying southern Califomia). Hydrology criteria were evaluated based on the characteristics described in the foUowing Ust. Where positive indicators of wetiand hydrology were present, the limit of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) was noted and mapped. Hydrologic indicators include: • inundated soils • saturated soUs within 120 of the surface • water marks • drift lines • sediment deposite • drainage pattems in wetiands (meandering water course) A-2 • presence of oxidized root channels surrounding Uving roote (oxidized rhizospheres) • water-stained leaves • plante with hydrologicaUy induced morphological adaptations to prolonged inundation and/or saturation (e.g., aerenchyma in roote and stems, adventitious roote, and/or pneumataphores) • local soU survey data • FAC-neuttal test (ratio of OBL + FACW : FACU + UPL) • in the absence of aU other hydrologic indicators and in the absence of significant modifications of an area's hydrologic function, positive hydric soU characteristics are assumed to indicate positive wetiand hydrology 3. SoUs "A hydric soU is a soU that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part" (US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) 1995). Soils must exhibit physical and/or chemical characteristics indicative of permanent or periodic saturation. Soil mattix and mottle colors were identified at each sampling point using a MunseU soU color chart (KoUmorgen 1975). GeneraUy, an 18-inch or deeper pit was excavated with a shovel at each sampUng point unless refusal occurred above 18 inches. Mineral soils were considered hydric if the horizon immediately below the A horizon (or 10 inches) had (1) a mattix chroma of two or less in mottied soUs, or (2) a mattix chroma of one or less in unmottied soils. SoUs in each area were closely examined for hydric soU indicators, including the foUowing characteristics: • histosols • histic epipedons • sulfidic odor • aquic moisture regime • reducing conditions • gleyed or low-chroma colors • concretions • high organic content in surface layer of sandy soils • organic stteaking in sandy soils • listed on local hydric soUs list • listed on national hydric soils list Hydric soils are assumed to be present in plant communities that have a complete dominance of obligate or facultative wetland species. In some cases, there is only inundation during the growing season, and determination must be made by direct observation during that season, recorded hydrologic data, testimony of reliable persons and/or indication on aerial photographs. Soil series/phase was determined by examination of area soU maps provided in the soU survey for ttie area. B. Non-vegetated Waters of the United States The non-vegetated (non-wetland) Waters of the U.S. designation was met when an area exhibited positive indicators witihin the hydrologic criteria, but lacked sufficient indicators to meet the hydrophytic vegetation and/or hydric soils criteria. For purposes of delineation and jurisdictional designation, non- A-3 vegetated Waters of the U.S. must exhibit an OHWM created by periodic surface flow. The boimdaries of non-vegetated Waters of the U.S. were delineated at the OHWM as described in the Section 404 regulations (33 CFR Part 328). II. State Regulations A. California Department of Fish and Game Regulations The Califomia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) regulates alterations or impacte to stteambeds or lakes (wetiands) under Fish and Game Code 1601 for govemment or pubUc utiUty initiated projecte, and under Code 1603 for privately initiated projecte. The CDFG requires a Stteambed/Lake Alteration Agreement (SAA) for projecte that wiU divert or obstmct the natural flow of water, change tihe bed, channel or bank of any stteam, or use any material from a stteambed. The SAA is a conttact between the appUcant and the CDFG stating what can be done in the riparian zone and stteam course (CaUfornia Assodation of Resource Conservation Distticte). Intermittent sfreams and natural drainage charmels are also regulated under Fish and Game Code 1601 and 1603 and require a SAA. Fish and Game code 1601 regulates these areas as foUows: "Except as hereinafter provided, general plans sufficient to indicate the nature of a project for constmction by, or on behalf of, any governmental agency, state or local, and any pubUc utiUty, of any project which will divert, obstmct or change the natural flow or bed, channel or bank of any river, stteam or lake designated by the department in which there is at any time an existing fish or wUdlife resource or from which these resources derive benefit or wiU use material from the stteambeds designated by tiie department, shaU be submitted to the department. When an existing fish or wildUfe resource may be substantiaUy adversely affected by such consttuction, the department shaU notify the governmental agency or pubUc utiUty of the existence of such fish or wUdlife resource together witti a description thereof and wiU propose reasonable modifications in the proposed constmction as would aUow for the protection and continuance of tiie fish or wUdlife resource, including procedures to review the operation of such protective measures." "Agencies or pubUc utiUties proposing projecte affected by tihis section shaU not commence such operations untU tiie department has found that such project wiU not substantiaUy adversely affect an existing fish or wildlife resource or untU the department's proposals, or the decisions of a panel of arbittators, have been incorporated into such projecte." Projecte that faU under these guidelines wiU require a 1601 Stteambed/Lake Alteration Agreement. Fish and Game Code Section 1603 regulates these areas as foUows: "It is unlawful for any person to substantiaUy divert or obstmct the natural flow or substantiaUy change the bed, charmel or bank of any river, stteam or lake designated by the department, or use any material from the stteambeds, without first notifying the department of such activity, except when the department has been notified pursuant to Section 1601." Also, "It is unlawful for any person to commence any activity affected by this section until the departtnent has found it wiU not substantiaUy adversely affect an existing fish or wUdlife resource or untU the department*s proposals, or the decisions of a panel of arbittators, have been incorporated into such projecte." Projecte that faU imder these guidelines wiU require a 1603 Stteambed/Lake Alteration Agreement. B. Section 401 Certification The CaUfomia Regional Water QuaUty Conttol Boards (RWQCB) require Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Water QuaUty Certification. Federal CWA Section 401 requires that every appUcant for a U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers CWA Section 401 permit or a Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 permit must request State certification from the Regional Board that ttie proposed activity wUl not violate State and Federal water quaUty standards. A-4 REFERENCES Califomia Assodation of Resource Conservation Distticte. Guide To Stteam Proiect Permitting for the State of California. CaUfomia Department of Fish and Game. Fish and Game Code 1601 and 1603. CaUfornia Department of Fish and Game. Stteambed/Lake Alteration Notification Guidelines. m A-5