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LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................................ III
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................................... III
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Project Setting .............................................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Original Site Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.3 Existing Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Authority and Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.5 Coordination with Other Agencies ................................................................................................................ 1-5
2. AREA OF STUDY ................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Scope of Study ............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Community Description ................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Principal Flood Problems .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.4 Other Features-(Flood Protection Measures) ............................................................................................... 2-3
3. ENGINEERING METHODS .................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Hydrology Preparation .................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Hydraulic Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Model Assumptions ...................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.5 Progression of Proposed Alternatives with Model Results ............................................................................ 3-3
3.6 Modifications ................................................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.7 Modeling Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 3-4
3.8 Vertical datum ............................................................................................................................................... 3-5
4. FORMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
5. OTHER STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
6. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6-1
7. LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Report Limitations ................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... REF-1
Table Of Contents Conditional Letter of Map Revision
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APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................................................ A
Application Forms for Conditional Letters of Map Revision ..................................................................................... A
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................................................ B
HEC-RAS Hydraulic Simulation............................................................................................................................... B
APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................................................ C
Chang Consultant Reference Documents ............................................................................................................... C
APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................................................................ D
Rick Engineering Company Reference Documents ................................................................................................ D
APPENDIX E ................................................................................................................................................................ E
Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creeks Floodplain Limits & Work Map .................................................................... E
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Figure 1 – Vicinity Map .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Figure 2 – Location Map ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Figure 3 – Horizontal Control Map - 1 ................................................................................................................... 1-7
Figure 4 – Horizontal Control Map - 2 ................................................................................................................... 1-8
Figure 5 – Firm Map No. 0607360768 F ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 6 – Annotated Firm Map No. 0607360768 F .............................................................................................. 2-6
Table 3.1-1. Feature Representation..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3.1-2. Pier Widths from Existing Model ....................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3.2-1. Steady State Flow Data..................................................................................................................... 3-2
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The city of Carlsbad has commissioned Brown and Caldwell to perform a hydrology and hydraulic analysis
for Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks to determine the base 100-year floodplain and its overall impact
upon the surrounding residential community, to modify the floodplain via vegetation removal and dredging
of the two creeks, and to provide other infrastructure modifications for flood control and protection. This
project is built upon a series of past-related projects which similarly were designed to contain a potentially
detrimental flood within the watershed for the purpose of restoring flood control and protection to the
surrounding community. Figure 1 provides the Vicinity Map for the Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creeks
Dredging and Improvements Project.
The project information developed for this study will also support the Conditional Letter of Map Revision
(CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to be submitted to fulfill the requirements of FEMA and the
City’s Floodplain Management regulations which reference FIRM map requirements.
Figure 1 – Vicinity Map
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1.1 Project Setting
Agua Hedionda Creek, as well as Calavera Creek, are within the Carlsbad Hydrologic unit located in the
southwest portion of California. Agua Hedionda Creek originates in the hills south of the San Marcos
Mountains and generally flows in a westerly direction. The conveyance varies from mild to steep slopes with
varying channel widths along its path of travel. The channel bottom and its side slopes have vegetation
features that range from sparse to dense ground cover, with an accompanying tree canopy of various types of
native species and residentially planted ornamental species.
Coupled with its major tributary, Buena Creek, the watershed drains an approximate area of 29 square miles
(18,560 acres) where it conveys the collected runoff and discharge to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, located
approximately 1.5 miles downstream of the project site. Agua Hedionda Lagoon then discharges through
major arterials, ultimately emptying into the Pacific Ocean. At this discharge point, the lagoon is in the
coastal zone, subject to the rules and regulations under Coastal Waters jurisdiction.
Calavera Creek originates at Lake Calavera, which receives surface flow from numerous easterly tributaries
that originate from the City of Vista. Calavera Creek meanders in a southerly direction through open space.
As it approaches the project site, the channel is noticeably smaller than Agua Hedionda Creek. Within the
project site, the channel bottom and side slopes are covered with natural vegetative features that range from
sparse to dense ground cover, along with an accompanying tree canopy of various types of native species
mixed in with ornamental species planted by adjoining residents. Similar vegetative features, as well as, a less
dense tree canopy can be found within the Agua Hedionda Creek alignment.
Within the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) community, Calavera Creek flows southwesterly,
along the northwest boundary of the RCMHP community to a point of confluence with Agua Hedionda
Creek located approximately 300 feet east of the El Camino Real bridge crossing. During a sufficiently large
rainfall event, the channel may overflow into a flood control detention facility designated as Basin BJB.
Runoff continues to flow southward through an 11-foot by 7-foot reinforced concrete box culvert under the
intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road and enters the Rancho Carlsbad community at the point
of confluence with a tributary known as Little Encina Creek.
The RCMHP community is bounded by both Calavera Creek and Cannon Road to the north, El Camino Real
to the south and Rancho Carlsbad Drive to the east. Agua Hedionda Creek conveys runoff in a westerly
direction under Rancho Carlsbad Drive and through the center of the community. From this point, the
confluence flows in a westerly direction under the Cannon Road Bridge. (See Figure 2 - Location Map) The
RCMHP community is comprised of upscale manufactured homes totaling 502 units with typical lot widths
of 50 feet by a length of 80 feet. The community has a central recreational center which includes a
clubhouse, a pool, tennis courts, with an executive golf course and an open space east of the community.
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Figure 2 – Location Map
1.2 Original Site Conditions
According to construction plans dated in June 1969, the natural flow and channel configuration of Agua
Hedionda and Calavera creeks thru the project site were realigned in conjunction with the development of the
RCMHP residential community. The channels were reconstructed as man-made, earthen trapezoidal
channels as shown in the original “Grading Plans for the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park” prepared by
South Bay Engineering. The plans detail the grading and excavation for the Mobile Home Park development,
roadway work, channel reconstruction and extension, including work within both Agua Hedionda and
Calavera creeks.
The constructed alignment of Agua Hedionda Creek included both a 58-foot and 44-foot channel sections,
located immediately upstream of the El Camino Real Bridge and immediately upstream of the confluence
between the Calavera and Agua Hedionda creeks, respectively. The original Agua Hedionda channel was
typically 11.5 feet deep with 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) side slopes and an average channel bed slope of 0.15
percent (0.0015 ft/ft). Calavera Creek alignment began at the confluence with Agua Hedionda Creek and
proceeded upstream to the proposed intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. The original
Calavera Creek channel had a typical bottom width of approximately 4 feet, an average channel bed slope of
0.30 percent (0.0030 ft/ft), a channel depth of 9 feet, and 2:1 side slopes.
Agua Hedionda Channel improvement plans prepared by VTN Engineer, in August 1985, provided for rock
slope protection at the banks of the channel, around the El Camino Real crossing and the Cannon Road
Crossing. In addition, a rock slope protection berm 195 feet long by 15 feet wide was installed across the
mouth of the channel, 225 feet downstream of the Cannon Road Crossing.
In 1998, additional channel enhancement and repair work of Agua Hedionda Creek occurred immediately
west of El Camino Real with the construction of the Cannon Road Bridge. In addition, the creek bottom was
modified to a width of 80 feet under the Cannon Road Bridge, as well as, providing a width of 100 feet
midway between Cannon Road and El Camino Real bridges. The channel width narrows down to 76 feet as
the channel approaches the El Camino Real Bridge looking in an upstream direction.
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1.3 Existing Conditions
Significant sediment movement and deposition along Agua Hedionda Creek channel bed has been occurring
since reconstruction and repair work was accomplished in 1969 and 1998, respectively. To facilitate the
discussion, multiple channel stationing is used as reference points (see Figures 3 & 4 – Horizontal Control
Maps 1 & 2, respectively) where feasible.
The banks along Agua Hedionda Creek are generally sloped at 2:1 and have vegetative ornamental
groundcover or trees that provide some slope stability. The channel width reduces from about 70-feet at
Station 18+99 to about 40 feet at Station 19+99, maintaining at 40-foot width to a point just upstream of the
first pedestrian/roadway crossing (“Line AH” Station 42+99).
The upstream portion of Calavera Creek within the RCMHP also has mild to steep slopes along the channel
banks. It also shows signs of local scour along its northern and southern bank faces (“Line CC” Station 8+00
to 11+00), as well as, around drainage appurtenances (Station 22+30). Furthermore, the channel capacity has
been reduced by sedimentation in the lower reaches of the channel near its confluence (“Line CC” Station
00+00) with Agua Hedionda Creek (“Line AH” Station 18+76.78) and by encroachment of non-native trees
and homeowner improvements such as decks, patios, retaining walls, and ornamental landscaping.
Towards the El Camino Real Bridge crossing (“Line AH” Station 16+00), a significant amount of sediment
has deposited under the structure. Water staining at the underside of the bridge indicates that the water level
in Agua Hedionda Creek reaches the bridge bottom under most large rainfall events. The vertical clearance
from the ground line to the bridge bottom is approximately 7 to 9-feet, limiting flow volume through the
conveyance channel. The channel section between the Cannon Road Bridge crossing (“Line AH” Station
12+50) and the downstream end of the El Camino Real Bridge (“Line AH” Station 15+00) is densely
vegetated and has rock slope protection around each bank. Under the Cannon Road Bridge crossing,
significant deposition of sediment and deleterious materials exist, restricting flow at this point. Similarly, the
vertical clearance from the ground line to the bridge bottom is approximately 6 to 8-feet. The two combined
restrictive flow conditions minimize the available open area for efficient discharge creating a backwater effect
that may lead to potential flooding upstream.
The sediments found within the channel bottom are largely composed of coarse to fine-grained sand with a
small percentage of gravel and trace amounts of fine material that can be easily transported downstream at
high velocities and deposited when the channel widens and flow velocities decrease. This deposition action
elevates the channel bottom, ultimately reducing the conveyance capacity of the channel.
1.4 Authority and Acknowledgements
The City of Carlsbad will have signatory authority and will be responsible for the facility in conjunction with
the RCMHP residential community. Aerial mapping has been provided by the Photo Geodetic Corporation.
Mapping and additional field points have been provided by Right of Way Engineers. Additional mapping has
been provided by the City of Carlsbad and Lyle Engineering, Inc.
HEC-1 Information for the Agua Hedionda Watershed has been provided by the Rick Engineering Study and
is included in Appendix D. Additional modifications to the discharge volumes within the Calavera Creek
have been provided by Chang Consultants as provided in Appendix C.
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1.5 Coordination with Other Agencies
As part of on-going work to provide flood protection for the community, the City performed emergency
dredging work under the auspices of an Army Corps Regional General Permit No. 63 (File No. 200600151).
The emergency dredging work was performed between the limits of the Cannon Road Bridge and 0.16 miles
northeast of El Camino Real Bridge. Coordination with other governing agencies, such as the San Diego
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Department of Fish and Game, and the Coastal Commission was
required to meet individual agency standards of care. Currently, appropriate agency permits have been
submitted and are under review.
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The ultimate goal of this study is to determine an effective hydraulic capacity of Agua Hedionda and Calavera
creeks which will aid in minimizing the floodplain boundary. Based on engineering judgment and
assumptions to reduce the 100-year floodplain elevations, the recommendations for design alteration of the
existing channel configurations through a proposed dredging methodology, and upon implementation of said
recommendations, will remove the threat of flooding to the maximum number of dwelling units within the
Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) community.
2.1 Scope of Study
For the purpose of this study, the hydraulic investigation of the Agua Hedionda Creek alignment will
originate downstream, at the discharge point 440 feet west of the Cannon Road Bridge crossing (“Line AH”
Station 7+00), will incorporate major drainage features and will terminate at the Rancho Carlsbad Road
crossing (“Line AH” Station 48+50.35). The overall alignment length of Agua Hedionda Creek that will be
modeled using HEC-RAS will be at least 4,150 feet. The relevant Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM - Panel
768 of 2375), Map Number 06073C0768 F (with an Effective Date: June 19, 1997) is included as Figure 5.
FIRM No. 06073C0768 F will be used for comparison of pre-project floodplain boundary for Agua
Hedionda Creek. See work maps, Exhibit 2 – Agua Hedionda Proposed Water Surface Elevation (Final
Design) and Exhibit 5 - Agua Hedionda Proposed Water Surface Elevation with FIRM background enclosed
in Appendix E of this document.
Similarly, the hydraulic investigation of the Calavera Creek alignment will originate at the confluence with
Agua Hedionda (“Line CC” Station 4+49), will incorporate proposed channel features where applicable
(including gabion structures, rock slope protection, Vmax slope protection), and tie into an existing drop
structure feature (“Line CC” Station 35+26.20). The overall alignment length of Calavera Creek that will be
modeled using HEC-RAS will be at least 3,077 feet. Similarly, the FIRM No. 06073C0768 F will be used for
comparison of pre-project floodplain boundary for Calavera Creek. See work maps, Exhibit 1 – Calavera
Creek Proposed Water Surface Elevation (Final Design) and Exhibit 4 – Calavera Creek Proposed Water
Surface Elevation with FIRM background enclosed in Appendix E of this document.
The 100-year storm event will be modeled to determine the floodplain boundary of the channels under
current conditions. This model will serve as a benchmark for calibration. Modification of the existing
channel geometry, coupled with a lower finished grade profile will allow for more volume of runoff within
the banks and will provide efficient flow control. The proposed model with suggested improvements will re-
establish the floodplain elevation, thus removing the majority of housing units from the floodplain. The
extent of localized flooding will be confirmed after the channel dredging work is completed. For the
combined floodplain and relationship to the FIRM, see the Annotated Firm (Figure 6) and the work maps,
Exhibit 3 – Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creek Combined Proposed Water Surface Elevation (Final Design)
and Exhibit 6 – Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creek Combined Proposed Water Surface Elevation with
FIRM background enclosed in Appendix E of this document.
It is noted that the current FIRM - Panel 768 of 2375 (Map Number 06073C0768 F) has not been revised to
reflect the Chang Study for the Calavera Creek (Case No.: 09-09-0276P). However, the work maps provided
in Appendix E reflect the updated conditions.
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2.2 Community Description
The RCMHP community is mostly made up of single story dwelling units (totaling 502 units) and can be
classified as medium to high density residential, based on General Plan Land Uses for the City of Carlsbad.
The units have a typical lot width of 50 feet by a length of 80 feet. Approximately 52 units have the rear of
the property adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek, while 41 units have the rear of the property adjacent to
Calavera Creek. The dwelling units are typically raised at least 2.0 feet above the ground line of the original
grade line. Streets are generally paved with asphalt concrete and have rolled concrete gutters and drainage
swales to control onsite runoff. The community has an average gentle slope of 0.50-percent (0.005
foot/foot) that generally drains from the northeast corner at (elevation 60.00+) towards the southwest end of
the community (elevation 44.00+).
Existing drainage facilities are typically composed of concrete overside drains and drainage inlets with small
diameter culverts having flow lines that provide positive drainage away from the residential areas. The private
residential streets (which have a 2.00 % crown) force flow lines towards the gutters. These were constructed
in conjunction with intermittent inlets to provide an approximate 1.0-percent longitudinal slope in asphalt
Other typical drainage features and areas found onsite include rain gutters which would contribute to the
overall runoff by directing water from residential area roofs and driveways away from the residences and
towards the gutter lines.
Based on Parcel Map No. 17985, Parcel 1 contains all the housing units with an area equal to 88.44 acres.
Parcel 2, which contains the club house and other structures, has a corresponding area of 6.14 acres.
For purposes of this study, the runoff from the community will not have a significant impact to the overall
discharge that is being contributed to the Agua Hedionda Creek. Additional runoff generated by this project
will be managed within the existing storm water conveyance system.
2.3 Principal Flood Problems
Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks have historically been subject to varying amounts of unsteady state flow
conditions. This has caused the existing channel flow path and configuration to become inefficient over time.
These inefficiencies are a result of deposition, degradation and scour at various locations along each channel
alignment. It is proposed to model existing conditions in order to determine areas that are subject to
constrained flow, impingement or other conditions that are detrimental to the flow efficiency of the creeks.
Evidence of minor local scour caused by the channel runoff was observed around drainage appurtenances
(such as culverts and overside drains) and along the bank slopes (“Line AH” Station 19+50, 21+55, 24+85,
29+53). Similar occurrences of localized scour can be seen along the channel alignment where obstructions
to the flow path, such as trees or other appurtenances, impinge flow through the channel (“Line AH” Station
16+70, 17+50, 19+50, 21+50, 24+00, 29+50, 30+50, 41+15).
There is evidence of scour around existing concrete aprons, sediment deposition, and movement of the
existing rock slope protection. These conditions are typically attributed to high velocities, changes in channel
geometry or changes in surface material (hard surface to softer surface).
Another example of scour can be found at “Line AH” Station 30+15, where the channel alignment has a
slight curve. A railroad tieback retaining wall protects that toe of slope and embankment at “Line AH”
Station 30+15. However, due to the flow velocity and height of the water column, the runoff has managed to
go behind the appurtenance (tie back wall) and scoured a hole at the bank slope.
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2.4 Other Features-(Flood Protection Measures)
The Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks dredging project is a component of on-going floodplain
reconstruction work for the purpose of restoring flood control and protection. Several components
surrounding the project (depending on the timing of construction) will be incorporated into the design and
subsequent construction. These projects features will require construction tie-ins, coordination of design
features, or temporary facilities that may require diversion during the construction phase of this project.
These project features are briefly discussed below:
Gabion Drop Structures at Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creeks – The project will incorporate five drop
down structures within Agua Hedionda (six for Calavera Creek) for velocity control and potential
vegetation enhancement.
Desilting Basin – This design feature will provide temporary sediment control measures during
construction and will also serve as a permanent sediment control feature that will require long term
Maintenance Access Road – The access road will provide an entry way for equipment to initially construct,
and ultimately maintain the channels.
Slope and Drainage Repairs. – The proposed work will entail the slope stabilization of areas subject to
erosion or scour with slope treatment materials such as Vmax or other product, and replacement of
damaged headwalls and drainage appurtenances that discharge to the creeks.
Rock Slope Protection at the Maintenance Access Road – The primary purpose of the rock is for
protection of the proposed slope that will be subjected to water forces at the bend of the channel.
Ornamental Wall – This feature is to replace “in kind” the removal of the existing wall adjacent to
Calavera Creek. Removal of existing wall will allow maintenance access to the channel. This work may
require utility relocation of sewer, water and power.
84” Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert - Proposed Diversion upstream of Calavera Creek to reduce flow
volume (See Appendix C - Chang Study).
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Brown and Caldwell (BC) has been commissioned to prepare HEC-RAS modeling for the existing and
proposed conditions of both the Agua Hedionda Creek and Calavera Creek channels (project site). The
existing conditions (baseline) model has been prepared with the data provided by the City of Carlsbad, and
hydrology information provided for the 100-year event using the estimated flows developed by other
consultants (Rick Engineering Company and Chang Consultants). The baseline model, if feasible, will be
used to prepare calibration data for the project site. The baseline model will be compared to the existing
FEMA mapping to determine floodplain boundaries and other areas of concern. Upon completion of the
baseline simulations, proposed and alternative channel alignments will be modeled to determine the best fit
channel geometry and mitigation along the banks. The modeling effort is being performed in support of
proposed channel modifications.
HEC-RAS versions 3.1.3 and 4.0, developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center for use by the Army
Corps of Engineers, will be utilized for all hydraulic model simulations. The HEC-RAS program is intended
for use in calculating water surface profiles for steady state, gradually varied flow. The strength of the
program relies upon the basic computational procedures of the one-dimensional energy equation. Through
the standard equations, the program can compute subcritical, supercritical and mixed flow regime water
surface profiles. Energy losses in a system are evaluated by friction (use of Manning’s equation) and
contraction/expansion (structure coefficients multiplied by the change in velocity head of the system). The
HEC-RAS program is ideal for modeling and studying floodway encroachments, floodplain studies and flood
insurance evaluations. Supporting information for the watershed will be provided by the Agua Hedionda
Watershed GIS Based Master Plan and the Carlsbad Channel and Basin Project Special Use Permit prepared
by Rick Engineering Company. Other supplemental information will be provided by the Conditional Letter
of Map Revision Request (Case No. 07-09-1313R) and the Letter of Map Revision (Case No. 09-09-0276P)
for Robertson Ranch prepared by Chang Consultants and information provided by the City of Carlsbad.
3.1 Hydrology Preparation
The Rick Engineering Company prepared a GIS-based Drainage Plan for the Agua Hedionda watershed
portion of the City of Carlsbad. The Drainage Plan calculated the 100-year peak runoff for the watershed
tributary to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and its ultimate discharge to the Pacific Ocean. The computations
provided preliminary information that included the Agua Hedionda Creek and Calavera Creek channel flow
volumes. The initial data provided from the Rick Engineering documents was compared to the approved
FEMA floodplain. Adjustments were made, incorporating the additional hydrology and hydraulic analyses
performed by Chang Consultants. These studies are discussed further in Section 5.
3.2 Hydraulic Preparation
All model default parameters were used, except where noted. Flow lines provided for the existing conditions
were not modified. Features identified in the site walk photos and the survey data were added to the model,
as shown in Table 3.1-1. Manning’s n values, not shown in Table 3.1-1, were adapted from the existing
HEC-RAS model.
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Table 3.1-1. Feature Representation
Water Course Features Represented Explicitly Other Feature Representations
Agua Hedionda Creek
Box Culvert
Lower Agua Bridge
Cannon Road Bridge
El Camino Road Bridge
Houses on the right and left banks are
represented with a Manning’s roughness of 0.2
Calavera Creek Right bank flood wall(1)
• Houses on the left bank are represented with a
Manning’s roughness of 0.2
• Riprap in channel is represented with a
Manning’s roughness of 0.035
(1) The flood wall top elevation was set to the elevation in the survey data: 46 feet at the downstream end and 67 feet at the most upstream cross section.
The information for the Agua Hedionda Creek bridges and culvert was obtained from the bridge AutoCAD
drawings and supplemented with pier widths from the existing HEC-RAS model. It was assumed that the
bridge cross section centerline coincided with the flow line provided. The pier width assumptions are
outlined in Table 3.1-2.
Table 3.1-2. Pier Widths from Existing Model
Structure Pier Width (ft)
Box Culvert n/a
Lower Agua Bridge 4.5
Cannon Road Bridge 1.5
El Camino Road Bridge 1.3
3.3 Model Assumptions
A steady-state flow hydraulic analysis was performed with the flow and boundary conditions shown on Table
3.2-1. Following the previous study by Rick Engineering, Chang Consultants performed a HEC-1 analysis to
model an upstream split flow scenario in Calavera Creek. An additional tributary input, upstream in this
scenario, results in increased flow from the upstream to downstream portions of this study. The flow data
used in our initial model runs is a result of the HEC-1 analysis.
Table 3.2-1. Steady State Flow Data
Water Course 100-yr Event Flow (cfs) Boundary Condition
Agua Hedionda Creek • 7,338 upstream of confluence
• 8,247 downstream of confluence • Downstream water surface elevation = 35 feet
Calavera Creek Upstream Flow 629
Downstream Flow 909
• Downstream water surface elevation = 43.32 feet
(from Agua Hedionda model results)
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100-Year Event Flow
Initial hydraulic simulation of Agua Hedionda Creek indicated flooding that extended beyond the cross
sections, reaching the Calavera Creek channel from “Line AH” Station 7+00 to 21+99. Therefore, the Agua
Hedionda cross sections were extended to the floodwall on the right bank of Calavera Creek up to and
including the section at “Line AH” Station 19+99.
This point (“Line AH” Station 19+99) was considered the “confluence” during design flow event (see Table
3.2-1) for the steady state flow analysis. Agua Hedionda Creek was modeled with a 100-year storm event
discharge volume of 7,338 cfs for the upstream portion of the channel “Line AH” Station 19+99 to 48+50.
Agua Hedionda was also modeled with a 100-year storm event discharge volume of 8,247 cfs for the
downstream portion of the channel (“Line AH” Station 19+99 to 7+00).
Since Agua Hedionda Creek’s 100-year flow affects the confluence of Calavera Creek, the water surface
elevation of “Line AH” Station 21+99 was used as the downstream control for the Calavera Creek model
(“Line CC” Station 4+49) simulation.
The Calavera Creek hydraulic simulation was modeled independently (of Agua Hedionda Creek) using the
100-year storm event discharge volume of 629 cfs acquired from an independent study prepared by Chang
Consultants (November 2008) and accepted by FEMA on September 2009.
3.4 Boundary Conditions
The Agua Hedionda Creek hydraulic model determined that a water surface elevation of 35.0 feet MSL could
be achieved at “Line AH” Station 7+00. This water surface elevation was used as the downstream boundary
control for determination of back water effects upstream of Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks.
The hydraulic model simulation was run using a subcritical flow regime to determine the water surface
elevation and resulting floodplain boundary (footprint of flooding) as shown in the work maps for Calavera
Creek (Exhibits 1 and 4), for Agua Hedionda Creek (Exhibits 2 and 5), and for the Combined Floodplain
with FIRM background (Exhibits 3 and 6), provided in Appendix E.
3.5 Progression of Proposed Alternatives with Model Results
1. The initial model run illustrated the existing conditions in Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks. This
model simulation generated the floodplain footprint as shown in FEMA mapping. This model
simulation showed flooding to impact half of the Rancho Carlsbad community (278 housing units).
2. Proposed modifications to Agua Hedionda Creek began by using a 70’ channel width with 2:1 side
slopes. This model simulation decreased the amount of flooding within the Rancho Carlsbad community
although flooding still would impact 26 housing units.
3. A maintenance access road on the northern bank of Agua Hedionda Creek and a desiltation basin within
the channel floor were incorporated into the proposed modification design described in alternative 2 (70’
channel width with 2:1 side slopes), just downstream of the confluence.
4. A revision to the Agua Hedionda Creek geometry was proposed after the determination that further
protection was necessary for the Rancho Carlsbad community. The modification incorporated an 85’
channel width with 1.5:1 side slopes. The desiltation basin was also widened and incorporated into the
revised proposal. The proposed maintenance access road described in alternative 3 was withdrawn due
to the widening of the channel.
5. The proposed conditions of an 85’ channel width with 1.5:1 side slopes incorporated both the widened
desiltation basin and the installation of a proposed maintenance access road to a new location, just
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downstream of the confluence with Calavera Creek. A revised discharge volume was used based on the
modifications of the weir wall upstream of Calavera Creek. The change in condition was based on work
by Chang Consultants (November 2008) and accepted by FEMA on September 2009. Please refer to
Case No. 09-09-0276P for elevations and volumes provided in Appendix C of this document.
6. The final proposed conditions mimic those of alternative #5. In this alternative, drop structures were
incorporated into a 200 foot stretch of Calavera Creek for velocity control, just upstream of the
confluence with Agua Hedionda Creek and at 200 foot stretch of Calavera Creek almost 2,000 feet
upstream of the confluence. Similarly, drop structures were incorporated into a 200 foot stretch for the
design at Agua Hedionda Creek, just west of Rancho Carlsbad Drive.
3.6 Modifications
The current Agua Hedionda Creek channel geometry was modified in order to contain the 100 year flood
flows within the channel banks, lowering the footprint of the floodplain to minimize impacts to the
surrounding residential areas. The bottom channel width, between the Cannon Road Bridge (“Line AH”
Station 12+75) and the downstream of El Camino Real Bridge (“Line AH” Station 14+88) was widened to 85
feet. This 85 foot width was also incorporated to the upstream sections between the El Camino Real Bridge
(“Line AH” Station 15+99) and just west of the confluence between Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creeks
(“Line AH” Station 18+99). The channel slope from section “Line AH” Station 18+99 to “Line AH” Station
40+41 was set to a 0.15% grade with the channel elevation at “Line AH” Station 18+99 beginning at 32.01 ft.
Manning’s roughness values from section “Line AH” Station 18+76 were also modified to 0.025 to reflect a
clean, uniform channel bottom.
3.7 Modeling Conclusions and Recommendations
The modeling performed for the “Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Alternative Analysis for Agua
Hedionda Channel Maintenance”, provided several alternatives that depicted undetained flow and detained
flow for the channel through the community. The undetained flow revealed flooding beyond the channel
banks, impacting at least half the community. The detained flow minimized the flood footprint but still
created a significant impact to the community. The additional alternatives, provided in this study were able to
reduce the flood footprint, minimizing flood impacts down to approximately 12 housing units. However, the
last detained alternative required the construction of retaining flood walls to contain the flow within the
channel banks.
The hydraulic modeling for the Agua Hedionda Dredging Project incorporated revised topography that
reflected different channel flow conditions due to heavy vegetation, changes in flow path and sediment
deposition within the channel footprint. Initial field observations revealed localized scour around
appurtenances that have encroached in the channel flow path, damage to existing drainage facilities and
appurtenances, such as overside drains, concrete aprons and displacement of rock slope protection.
Other impacts created within the channel include: emergency dredging within the center of Agua Hedionda
Creek to minimize flooding, vegetation removal between the bridges, and adjacent work upstream of Calavera
Creek. Future impacts such as new development with storm water facilities will alter drainage flow patterns,
create diversions and will make some facilities obsolete.
These existing and future channel conditions have been discussed and considered to determine if additional
assumptions must be incorporated into the hydraulic modeling for the Agua Hedionda Dredging Project.
The most significant of impacts will be the proposed development north of Cannon Road. This development
has proposed the design and subsequent construction of an 84-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe that will drain
the development and will divert 473 cfs from the Calavera Creek channel. This will relieve the volume of
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flow at the upstream basin and will aid in the reduction of the overall volume at the downstream confluence
between Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creeks.
Based on the above mentioned information, the assumption of reduced flow was introduced into the
hydraulic model. Utilizing the initial channel geometry width of 70 feet with 2:1 side slopes, the 100-year
discharge flow volume of 7,338 was used upstream of the confluence and 8,247 downstream of confluence.
The model results generated a floodplain footprint that exceeded the banks of both channels.
Revised hydraulic simulations introduced a desiltation basin and a maintenance access road. The addition of
a desiltation basin and the access road altered the geometry of the channel. However, this modification did
not have a significant impact to the channel capacity or the floodplain.
The next revision changed the geometry of the channel. Utilizing the channel geometry of 85 foot width with
1.5:1 side slopes, and the same discharge flow volumes of 7,338 (upstream) and 8,247 (downstream)
respectively. The model resulted in lowering the water surface elevation, as well as, lowering the floodplain
footprint. Thus, the flow volume was contained within the banks of both channels. Once this hydraulic
simulation became stable, the desiltation basin and maintenance access road were incorporated. Although,
the addition of a desiltation basin and the access road altered the geometry of the channel, this modification
did not have a significant impact to the channel capacity or the floodplain.
Additional features, such as gabion drop structures and rock slope protection, were added to the model for
purposes of sediment and velocity control. These control features slightly raised the channel bottom and
water surface elevation from the proposed modifications at Calavera Creek. However, this change in water
surface did not create a significant impact to the adjoining properties.
The current hydraulic model with channel geometry of 85 feet width and 1.5:1 side slope minimizes the
flooding potential to about 6 adjacent properties. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a design that
incorporates the design features to minimize potential flooding described above. Details on elements that
make up the HEC-RAS hydraulic simulations are found in Appendix B.
3.8 Vertical datum
As part of the work order agreement, aerial mapping and field surveys was completed by our sub-consultants,
Photo Geodetic Corporation (San Diego, CA.) and Right-of-Way Engineering Services, Inc. (Oceanside,
CA.), respectively. Coordinate controlled aerial panels (targets) were set on October 2005 prior to the aerial
photography. The aerial photography survey was performed on October 27, 2005, flown at a preset elevation
to acquire and generate base mapping at one-foot contour intervals. The base mapping generated for the
Agua Hedionda & Calavera creeks project would have one foot contours with a standard accuracy of + 0.5
foot on a 1”= 40’ scale map. Additional field surveys were conducted to fill in the gaps where the vegetative
canopy was too dense to acquire ground elevations through aerial means.
Additional supplemental work (spot elevations and tie-in points) were acquired using Total Station electronic
equipment. The additional field points were required to tie in survey monuments and aerial panels, and
obtain rim and invert elevations for utility vaults, sanitary sewer manholes, cleanouts, headwalls, poles, fences,
bridge corners and bottom of bridges, existing flow line elevations for both creeks, and spot elevations in
areas that have rock slope protection. The spot elevations generated by the survey personnel have a standard
accuracy of + 0.1 foot on a 1”= 40’ scale map. The one-foot contour mapping is justified for an accurate
assessment and delineation of the flood plain area for the project. The mapping also meets submittal
requirements as outlined by FEMA.
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Plot files have been created which form the basis of the base map used for the development of the drawings.
The basis of bearings and coordinates/benchmarks are based on NAD 83 (1991.35 EPOCH) points as
shown on the City of Carlsbad Control Record of Survey No. 17271 using the following two points:
Point No. 105, N 1999466.124, E 6241021.960, Elevation=26.13’ (NGVD29) located on a 2.5” disk in
northeast corner of Cannon Road Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek, 120’ southwest of El Camino Real
Point No. 109, N 1998301.767, E 6239246.162, on 2.5” disk in drainage box inlet on the south side of
Cannon Road, 0.2 miles west of El Camino Real
A utility contacts list was prepared and a request for information letter sent out to the utilities adjacent to and
within the community. The utility search was performed to determine the location of fuel and gas lines,
communications such as telephone and cable, and other underground utilities such as electrical, water and
sewer. The location and description of these utility features are identified in the design drawings.
The City of Carlsbad also provided development drawings from adjacent proposed developments which
identified features such as future drainage culverts, utility lines, lot lines and property boundaries. The
electronic files were overlaid on the base map as a raster image, and was then fitted to scale and converted
into a digitized image.
Property boundary lines and easement lines have been incorporated into the design drawings. These survey
features are based on the information acquired from Parcel Map No. 17985, recorded on February 4, 1998.
Control coordinates for Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks alignments are as follows:
Agua Hedionda Creek, Downstream Station 7+00, elevation 32.00, N=1999383.49, E=6240499.88.
Agua Hedionda Creek, Upstream Station 48+53.25, elevation 43.00, N=1999221.85, E=6244213.33.
Calavera Creek, Downstream Station 0+00, elevation 31.98, N=1999828.95, E=6241412.29.
Calavera Creek, Upstream Station 35+28.36, elevation50.00, N=2001302.56, E=6244361.60.
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In 1968, the U.S. Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act, which created the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP was designed to reduce future flood losses through local floodplain
management and to provide protection for property owners against potential losses through flood insurance.
As part of the agreement for making flood insurance available in a community, the NFIP requires the
participating community to adopt floodplain management ordinances containing certain minimum
requirements intended to reduce future flood losses. The NFIP regulations for floodplain management are
the minimum criteria a community must adopt for participation in the NFIP. The community is responsible
for approving all proposed floodplain development and for ensuring that permits required by Federal or State
law have been received. State and community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the
interest of safety, may set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If
the State or Community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria,
those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements.
The community is also responsible for submitting data to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security -
Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS-FEMA) reflecting revised flood hazard information so that
NFIP maps can be revised as appropriate. This will allow risk premium rates and floodplain management
requirements to be based on current data.
Submissions to DHS-FEMA for revisions to effective Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), Flood Insurance Rate
Maps (FIRMs), or Flood Boundary Floodway Maps (FBFMs) by individual and community requesters will
require the signing of application forms. These forms will provide DHS-FEMA with assurance that all
pertinent data relating to the revision are included in the submittal. They will also ensure that: (a) the data
and methodology are based on current conditions; (b) qualified professionals have assembled data and
performed all necessary computations; and (c) all individuals and organizations affected by proposed changes
are aware of the changes and will have an opportunity to comment on them.
If the submission involves revisions to multiple flooding sources, then separate forms should be completed
for each flooding source.
For purposes of this study, a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be submitted for the
community. The appropriate forms have been included in Appendix A and are as follows:
Form 1 – Overview & Concurrence Form that provides the basic information regarding the revision request
and requires the signatures of the requester, community official, and engineer.
Form 2 – Riverine Hydrology & Hydraulics Form provides the basic information on the scope and
methodology of hydrologic and/or hydraulic analyses that are prepared in support of the revision
request. This form is used for revision requests that involve new or revised hydrologic and/or
hydraulic analyses of rivers, streams, ponds, or small lakes.
Form 3 – Riverine Structures Form provides the basic information regarding hydraulic structures constructed
in the stream channel or floodplain. This form should be used for revision requests that involve
new or proposed channelization, bridges/culverts, dams/basins, and/or levees/floodwalls.
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Brown and Caldwell (BC) was commissioned to prepare HEC-RAS modeling for the existing and proposed
conditions of both the Agua Hedionda Creek and Calavera Creek channels (project site). The existing
conditions (baseline) model has been prepared with the data provided by the City of Carlsbad, and hydraulic
information provided for the 100-year event using the estimated flows developed by others consultants
(Chang Consultants and Rick Engineering Company).
Chang Consultant Analysis
Initial hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were prepared for the project by Chang Consultants in order to
establish the 100-year flow rates and water surface elevations. In particular, the analyses determined the
portion of the 100-year flow rate discharging from Detention Basin BJB that will be directed into the 84-inch
reinforced concrete pipe versus the portion that will remain in the 11-foot by 7-foot reinforced concrete box
(RCB) culvert. A summary of the analyses used for this determination is provided below.
Two HEC-RAS analyses were performed using this 100-year flow rate to determine the flow split in the 11-
foot by 7-foot RCB (see HEC-RAS output (Appendix C) and work map). A vertical wall in the RCB will
direct a portion of the flow into the 84-inch RCP, while the remainder will continue downstream in the RCB.
A HEC-RAS analysis was created starting in the 84-inch RCP, continuing upstream to the split, and ending at
the upper end of the RCB. A lid was added to the cross-sections to model the closed conduits and cross-
section interpolation was performed to increase the number of cross-sections. A second HEC-RAS analysis
extended up the entire length of the RCB, up to and including the flow split wall. The cross-sections
upstream of the wall are the same in both HEC-RAS analyses.
An iterative procedure was used to determine how the 971 cfs approaching the split would be divided
between the 84-inch RCP and the 11-foot by 7-foot RCB. In both HEC-RAS analyses (performed by Chang
Consultants on November 2008), the wall that splits the flow is located between cross-sections 5 and 6.
Cross-section 7 is just upstream of cross-section 6 and the wall. The individual flow rates in the RCB and
RCP below the split must add up to 971 cfs since this is the flow rate approaching the split. Therefore, the
total flow rate below the split was maintained at 971 cfs, but the individual flow rates were varied in the RCB
and RCP until the hydraulic grade lines above the split (above cross-section 7) matched in each analysis. This
procedure determined that approximately 473 cfs will be directed to the 84-inch RCP and 498 cfs will
continue in the 11-foot by 7-foot RCB.
Rick Engineering Analysis
A HEC-1 hydrologic analysis was previously performed by Rick Engineering Company (Rick) for the Agua
Hedionda Creek and Calavera Creek watersheds, which are tributary to the project site. The analysis is
included in Rick’s December 13, 2004 report, Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park, Alternative Analysis for
Agua Hedionda Channel Maintenance. The watershed was delineated using the United States Geological
Survey’s quadrangle maps (see the HEC-1 Work map located in Appendix D. Rick performed field
investigations to verify the watershed boundaries. The land uses and hydrologic soil groups were based on
the adopted land uses and the Soil Survey, San Diego Area, California, respectively.
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The proposed hydraulic model of Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks provides a relatively uniform slope at
0.0015 foot/foot from “Line AH” Station 41+50 to about Station 18+70. Beyond “Line AH” Station 18+70
and through the bridges (El Camino and Cannon Road), the slope matches the original graded slope of
0.0030 foot/foot. The hydraulic modeling shows that the relative velocities through the channel (past the
confluence and before the bridges) will have a range between 5.10 to 7.30 feet per second. This velocity
range can typically generate some sediment movement and scour around bridge abutments and columns
during various stages of flow.
Part of the design elements incorporated were drop structures to provide steps between grades. This would
allow a drop in elevations (one to two feet) between grades so as to maintain mild slopes as part of velocity,
scour and sediment controls. This would also aid in reducing the excavation required, particularly in the
Calavera Creek, to match existing conditions within the overall channel footprint.
It is anticipated that the dredging will remove most of the existing sandy material. However, it will expose
the fine material, composed of clay and silt underneath the existing finished grade. The potential sediment
movement and or transport within the water column cannot be easily predicted unless a sediment study can
be performed. To provide a measure of control with a velocity reduction measure, the introduction of a
desilting basin between “Line AH” Station 17+00 to 18+70 has been incorporated into the design. In
addition, a Gabion Structure has been added to provide a step down (change in grade elevation) into the
basin and to control the velocity of water entering the basin. This feature will provide a measure of
sediment/silt protection that can be anticipated based on the relative velocities generated in the modeling of
the creeks.
An essential component of the desilting basin is the maintenance required to keep it functioning at capacity.
To allow for periodic cleaning and sediment removal, a maintenance access road has also been incorporated
into the design. Unfortunately, the geometry of the access road has contributed to further excavation along
the north side of the slope just west of the confluence between Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks. The
channel widening and access road have also contributed to greater excavation quantities, removal of an
ornamental wall that will be replaced, and addition of rock slope protection at the base of the maintenance
access road.
It is also noted that there is existing rock slope protection around the bridge abutments and in front of the
bridges. However, sediment deposition has covered most of the rock within the bottom of the channel. In
anticipation of encountering the rock slope protection, a further investigation will have to be performed
during construction, since it is difficult to determine the current depth of rock due to its resident time
(original rock position at construction in 1969), potential movement due to undermining and settlement due
to its own weight. An added feature is the Gabion Structure added upstream of Agua Hedionda Creek. This
structure has been added to provide a step down (change in grade elevation) from the existing concrete
channel located underneath Rancho Carlsbad Drive (“Line AH” Station 41+50). Hydraulic modeling reveals
that velocities are approaching 10 feet per second through this section. There is also a difference in elevation
by about three feet due to scour damage downstream of the bridge. The proposal to introduce the gabion
structure at (“Line AH” Station 41+50) the tie-in location (Rancho Carlsbad Drive) will mitigate for velocity
and elevation difference. This will provide a measure of velocity control and will step down the flow to the
milder proposed finished grade.
6: Findings and Conclusions Conditional Letter of Map Revision
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Report Limitations
This document was prepared solely for City of Carlsbad in accordance with professional standards at the time
the services were performed and in accordance with the contract between the City of Carlsbad and Brown
and Caldwell dated October 3, 2005. This document is governed by the specific scope of work authorized by
the City of Carlsbad; it is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities
contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by the City of
Carlsbad and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation
as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information.
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Conditional Letter of Map Revision
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Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures – Experience, Selection and Design Guidance, Hydraulic Engineering Circular 23 (HEC-
23), Publication No. FHWA-NHI-01-003, Second Edition, March 2001.
City of San Diego Regional Standard Drawings (Document No. 769332), May 1997.
Debris Control Structures - Evaluation and Countermeasures, Hydraulic Engineering Circular 9 (HEC-9), Publication No. FHWA-IF-04-016,
Third Edition, October 2005.
Geotechnical Evaluation, Cannon Road and El Camino Real Bridges, Carlsbad California (Project No. 105953001) prepared by Ninyo & Moore
Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, San Diego, California, November 30, 2006.
Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), April 2003.
HEC-RAS River Analysis System, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), Version 3.1, November 2002.
HEC-RAS River Analysis System, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), Version 4.0, March 2008.
Improvement Plans for Robertson Ranch East Village, (Project No. C.T. 02-16) prepared by O’Day Consultants, Carlsbad, California.
Improvement Plans for Cannon Road, (Project No. C.T. 02-16) prepared by O’Day Consultants, Carlsbad, California.
Limited Geotechnical Evaluation, Rancho Carlsbad Channel and Basin Project (Project No. 105132001) prepared by Ninyo & Moore
Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, San Diego, California, January 7, 2004.
Limited Environmental Analysis for Agua Hedionda Creek (Project No. 105760001) prepared by Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and
Environmental Consultants, San Diego, California, February 10, 2006.
Letter of Map Revision Request for Robertson Ranch, prepared by Chang Consultants, (LOMR Case # 09-09-0276P) November 2008.
Revisions to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Maps (MT-2), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), February 2006.
Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Alternative Analysis for Agua Hedionda Channel Maintenance, (Job No. 13182-D) prepared by Rick
Engineering Company, December 2004.
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Application Forms for Conditional Letters of Map Revision
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HEC-RAS Hydraulic Simulation
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HEC-RAS Plan: InitConds River: Aqua Hedionda Reach: 1 Profile: PF 1
Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl
(cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft)
1 4850.351 PF 1 7338.00 52.00 62.78 62.51 63.21 0.002180 6.91 1952.25 1098.39 0.42
1 4800.691 PF 1 7338.00 52.00 62.45 62.39 63.09 0.001916 8.48 1870.07 1120.56 0.52
1 4749.705 PF 1 7338.00 50.33 61.96 61.96 62.94 0.002608 9.99 1398.57 887.66 0.61
1 4665.751 PF 1 7338.00 50.00 60.59 60.59 61.47 0.002795 9.72 1425.56 854.64 0.62
1 4631.179 PF 1 7338.00 50.00 60.58 59.90 61.15 0.001737 7.98 1730.75 916.15 0.49
1 4574.898 PF 1 7338.00 50.00 60.88 58.76 60.97 0.000275 3.55 3858.20 1190.08 0.20
1 4527. PF 1 7338.00 46.00 59.98 56.50 60.87 0.001070 7.89 1195.05 304.42 0.41
1 4506.998 Culvert
1 4480.664 PF 1 7338.00 46.00 55.87 55.13 58.48 0.005488 12.96 566.23 81.40 0.87
1 4416.27 PF 1 7338.00 45.27 56.47 57.90 0.002439 9.61 764.67 96.96 0.59
1 4374.902 PF 1 7338.00 44.00 56.28 57.79 0.002465 9.87 744.57 94.01 0.60
1 4349.904 PF 1 7338.00 44.00 55.98 57.70 0.003421 10.52 697.33 94.99 0.68
1 4299.906 PF 1 7338.00 44.00 56.01 57.46 0.002839 9.66 759.44 103.30 0.63
1 4249.908 PF 1 7338.00 44.00 55.31 53.20 57.25 0.003506 11.19 655.59 149.72 0.69
1 4199.036 PF 1 7338.00 44.06 55.42 52.88 56.98 0.002776 10.01 732.73 257.28 0.63
1 4191.972 Bridge
1 4159.973 PF 1 7338.00 43.00 52.23 52.23 55.48 0.017128 14.46 507.31 94.44 1.00
1 4041.402 PF 1 7338.00 41.44 49.65 49.65 52.84 0.007671 14.32 512.26 81.09 1.00
1 3999.91 PF 1 7338.00 40.54 48.71 48.39 51.36 0.006526 13.06 561.76 92.35 0.93
1 3974.91 PF 1 7338.00 39.99 49.05 51.03 0.004226 11.27 651.38 99.29 0.76
1 3949.911 PF 1 7338.00 39.45 49.11 50.87 0.003555 10.67 727.84 123.95 0.71
1 3899.914 PF 1 7338.00 37.95 49.01 50.67 0.003101 10.36 736.61 130.47 0.66
1 3848.401 PF 1 7338.00 37.80 48.71 50.50 0.003366 10.75 755.76 170.94 0.68
1 3789.182 PF 1 7338.00 37.62 48.65 50.25 0.002962 10.23 871.08 206.43 0.64
1 3749.916 PF 1 7338.00 37.51 48.53 46.37 50.13 0.003169 10.24 885.20 236.33 0.67
1 3731.052 PF 1 7338.00 37.45 48.53 46.27 50.05 0.002906 9.98 936.95 343.55 0.64
1 3699.917 PF 1 7338.00 37.36 48.58 46.08 49.91 0.002407 9.34 1034.63 516.11 0.59
1 3674.918 PF 1 7338.00 37.28 48.54 45.91 49.85 0.002306 9.26 1189.84 562.77 0.58
1 3624.92 PF 1 7338.00 37.13 48.51 45.61 49.70 0.002053 8.77 883.91 421.88 0.55
1 3574.923 PF 1 7338.00 36.98 48.30 45.61 49.59 0.002274 9.17 1136.74 492.31 0.57
1 3524.925 PF 1 7338.00 36.84 48.17 45.53 49.46 0.002399 9.18 1083.73 473.89 0.58
1 3474.927 PF 1 7338.00 36.68 47.86 45.38 49.32 0.002659 9.74 936.88 372.18 0.62
1 3430.428 PF 1 7338.00 36.55 47.72 45.25 49.20 0.002631 9.78 870.69 404.79 0.61
1 3399.93 PF 1 7338.00 36.50 47.63 45.23 49.12 0.002695 9.83 802.54 285.69 0.62
1 3299.93 PF 1 7338.00 36.17 47.39 44.88 48.85 0.002593 9.69 798.43 187.79 0.61
1 3199.93 PF 1 7338.00 35.88 47.10 44.57 48.58 0.002606 9.78 793.70 198.02 0.61
1 3099.93 PF 1 7338.00 35.59 46.97 44.17 48.30 0.002243 9.28 945.70 268.39 0.57
1 2999.93 PF 1 7338.00 35.30 46.58 43.94 48.05 0.002392 9.75 872.05 242.93 0.59
1 2899.164 PF 1 7338.00 35.00 46.38 43.68 47.80 0.002325 9.61 925.30 322.07 0.58
1 2799.93 PF 1 7338.00 34.72 46.25 47.54 0.002100 9.16 936.95 334.07 0.55
1 2699.93 PF 1 7338.00 34.43 46.09 47.32 0.001925 8.93 1000.82 582.20 0.53
1 2599.93 PF 1 7338.00 34.13 45.90 47.13 0.001928 8.91 995.02 610.50 0.53
1 2499.93 PF 1 7338.00 33.84 45.68 42.59 46.93 0.001987 8.98 970.27 480.88 0.54
1 2399.931 PF 1 7338.00 33.55 45.31 42.19 46.71 0.002126 9.51 931.94 638.06 0.56
1 2349.933 PF 1 7338.00 33.40 45.25 42.02 46.59 0.002049 9.30 809.30 652.78 0.55
1 2299.935 PF 1 7338.00 33.25 45.09 41.93 46.48 0.002187 9.49 949.62 667.08 0.56
1 2249.938 PF 1 7338.00 33.10 44.97 41.88 46.37 0.002144 9.52 955.04 625.75 0.56
1 2199.94 PF 1 8092.00 32.95 44.39 42.20 46.20 0.003051 10.81 891.51 577.98 0.66
1 2149.942 PF 1 8092.00 32.80 43.93 42.01 46.01 0.003375 11.56 704.21 267.87 0.70
1 2099.945 PF 1 8092.00 32.65 43.85 41.88 45.81 0.003234 11.25 727.62 274.23 0.68
1 2049.947 PF 1 8092.00 32.50 43.88 41.59 45.58 0.002851 10.46 781.51 373.70 0.64
1 1999.949 PF 1 8092.00 32.35 44.80 41.40 45.10 0.000602 5.25 2215.13 437.75 0.30
1 1949.952 PF 1 8092.00 32.20 44.73 38.77 45.07 0.000463 5.28 2188.54 407.56 0.28
1 1899.954 PF 1 8092.00 32.05 44.56 39.44 45.03 0.000638 6.05 1846.05 389.82 0.32
1 1849.957 PF 1 8092.00 30.00 44.52 38.52 45.00 0.000604 6.09 1797.68 1239.24 0.31
1 1819.12 PF 1 8092.00 30.00 44.52 38.30 44.97 0.000596 5.96 1791.31 1375.68 0.31
1 1774.959 PF 1 8092.00 30.00 44.48 37.40 44.95 0.000509 5.86 1731.64 1369.31 0.29
1 1724.961 PF 1 8092.00 30.00 44.45 37.28 44.92 0.000537 5.83 1675.99 1351.25 0.29
1 1674.963 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 44.30 38.45 44.88 0.000738 6.40 1485.42 1132.33 0.35
1 1649.964 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 44.03 44.83 0.001160 7.32 1213.41 1055.38 0.42
1 1638.348 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 44.01 38.67 44.82 0.001162 7.28 1171.87 1034.49 0.42
1 1599.81 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 44.13 38.55 44.69 0.001783 6.01 1434.18 964.41 0.34
1 1569.522 Bridge
1 1488.443 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 42.85 38.56 43.78 0.003077 7.79 1060.37 127.81 0.46
1 1408.665 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 42.74 38.55 43.49 0.002845 6.95 1164.71 784.13 0.43
1 1351.03 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 42.62 38.37 43.32 0.002668 6.69 1209.63 658.56 0.42
1 1275.886 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 42.31 38.27 43.10 0.002885 7.12 1136.24 135.98 0.43
1 1238.54 PF 1 8092.00 31.60 42.25 38.14 42.98 0.002454 6.80 1182.89 143.41 0.41
1 1200.003 Bridge
1 1142.497 PF 1 8092.00 32.50 40.33 39.10 42.07 0.029741 10.61 762.78 122.29 0.75
1 1024.058 PF 1 8092.00 33.00 39.44 39.81 0.009597 4.87 1662.94 378.59 0.41
1 979.6722 PF 1 8092.00 32.43 39.26 39.48 0.004669 3.71 2180.15 434.98 0.29
1 928.4945 PF 1 8092.00 32.00 39.17 39.29 0.002166 2.77 2917.41 506.31 0.20
1 874.9925 PF 1 8092.00 32.00 39.10 39.19 0.001475 2.32 3486.21 592.98 0.17
1 824.9947 PF 1 8092.00 31.58 39.07 39.12 0.000853 1.81 4468.75 732.14 0.13
1 774.9974 PF 1 8092.00 30.44 39.05 39.08 0.000535 1.47 5503.18 868.24 0.10
1 724.9996 PF 1 8092.00 30.99 39.01 39.05 0.000637 1.56 5197.29 857.18 0.11
1 700. PF 1 8092.00 30.84 39.00 33.82 39.04 0.000601 1.54 5268.06 848.74 0.11
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0100020003000400050003035404550556065Agua Hediona Proposed Conditions Plan: Initial Conditions 7/18/2007 Main Channel Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundAqua Hedionda 1
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4850.3514665.7514574.8984527. 4374.9024159.9733999.91 3749.9163699.9173624.92 3574.9233524.9253474.9273399.93 3299.93 3099.93 2999.93 2899.1642599.93 2399.9312299.9351488.4431408.6651351.03 1275.8861238.54 979.6722Agua Hediona Proposed Conditions Plan: Initial Conditions 7/18/2007 LegendWS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta
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HEC-RAS Plan: initial River: Calavera Creek Reach: 1 Profile: PF 1
Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl
(cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft)
1 3526.202 PF 1 754.00 55.00 59.60 59.60 60.97 0.011607 9.61 83.74 31.95 0.95
1 3497.842 PF 1 754.00 54.07 59.91 60.20 0.001907 4.96 232.50 137.36 0.40
1 3440.587 PF 1 754.00 54.00 58.75 58.75 59.91 0.008654 8.81 97.80 60.57 0.82
1 3397.854 PF 1 754.00 54.00 58.28 58.95 0.005536 6.63 118.05 47.58 0.66
1 3347.869 PF 1 754.00 53.00 57.84 57.13 58.64 0.006606 7.19 105.81 53.87 0.71
1 3307.211 PF 1 754.00 53.00 57.09 57.09 58.24 0.012365 8.70 90.08 72.51 0.95
1 3300.001 PF 1 754.00 51.00 56.13 55.88 57.22 0.010650 8.37 90.22 60.84 0.88
1 3297.001 PF 1 754.00 51.00 56.24 55.64 57.13 0.007952 7.54 100.15 62.74 0.77
1 3293.911 PF 1 754.00 51.00 56.29 55.48 57.07 0.006753 7.08 106.56 64.04 0.71
1 3197.880 PF 1 754.00 49.24 56.25 56.62 0.002012 4.88 154.41 33.56 0.40
1 3097.880 PF 1 754.00 49.00 56.03 56.41 0.002189 4.97 151.70 34.43 0.42
1 2997.880 PF 1 754.00 49.00 55.49 56.10 0.004184 6.26 120.51 31.85 0.57
1 2897.880 PF 1 754.00 49.00 55.18 55.71 0.003210 5.86 128.69 30.25 0.50
1 2797.880 PF 1 754.00 48.20 54.61 55.31 0.004519 6.74 111.87 26.83 0.58
1 2697.880 PF 1 754.00 48.20 54.35 54.88 0.003288 5.83 129.27 31.55 0.51
1 2597.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 54.04 54.56 0.003070 5.77 130.67 30.81 0.49
1 2497.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 53.59 54.20 0.004046 6.26 120.47 31.01 0.56
1 2397.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 52.97 53.72 0.005370 6.92 108.95 29.55 0.64
1 2297.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 52.76 50.75 53.25 0.002936 5.66 195.17 310.63 0.48
1 2248.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 51.48 51.37 52.90 0.012923 9.57 78.81 33.81 0.95
1 2243.880 PF 1 754.00 47.00 51.59 51.16 52.76 0.009501 8.67 86.97 25.69 0.83
1 2197.880 PF 1 754.00 46.00 50.62 50.62 52.19 0.014129 10.04 75.07 23.86 1.00
1 2100.000 PF 1 754.00 44.00 48.63 48.63 50.18 0.014171 9.99 75.45 24.30 1.00
1 2097.000 PF 1 754.00 42.10 49.15 47.61 49.89 0.005228 6.89 109.48 26.45 0.60
1 2000.000 PF 1 754.00 43.03 48.94 49.43 0.003082 5.65 133.44 33.08 0.50
1 1997.000 PF 1 754.00 42.00 48.96 49.41 0.002631 5.33 141.43 33.35 0.46
1 1992.930 PF 1 754.00 42.00 48.90 49.39 0.003191 5.63 133.99 33.30 0.49
1 1897.880 PF 1 754.00 42.00 48.77 49.12 0.001852 4.73 159.54 34.71 0.39
1 1880.880 PF 1 754.00 42.00 48.70 49.08 0.002204 4.95 152.17 35.33 0.42
1 1877.880 PF 1 754.00 41.10 48.71 49.07 0.002052 4.77 158.08 35.52 0.40
1 1797.432 PF 1 754.00 40.89 48.57 48.91 0.001757 4.70 160.72 35.33 0.38
1 1793.932 PF 1 754.00 40.88 48.56 48.90 0.001721 4.68 161.57 35.66 0.37
1 1747.886 PF 1 754.00 40.75 48.25 46.42 48.78 0.003346 5.83 130.31 34.08 0.50
1 1697.906 PF 1 754.00 40.62 47.96 48.59 0.003728 6.37 119.30 29.15 0.53
1 1647.922 PF 1 754.00 40.49 47.65 48.37 0.004769 6.83 111.15 29.32 0.59
1 1597.931 PF 1 754.00 40.32 47.48 48.12 0.004314 6.38 122.09 52.65 0.57
1 1547.946 PF 1 754.00 40.15 47.32 47.90 0.003727 6.15 127.31 38.05 0.54
1 1497.966 PF 1 754.00 39.98 47.22 47.71 0.002803 5.63 138.44 37.53 0.47
1 1447.987 PF 1 754.00 39.73 47.10 47.57 0.002603 5.52 142.14 37.62 0.46
1 1398.007 PF 1 754.00 39.48 46.68 47.38 0.004147 6.76 113.47 28.07 0.56
1 1348.021 PF 1 754.00 39.23 46.42 47.17 0.004350 6.97 110.28 26.87 0.56
1 1298.037 PF 1 754.00 38.98 46.49 46.92 0.002299 5.24 149.34 41.44 0.43
1 1248.033 PF 1 754.00 38.73 46.25 46.77 0.003220 5.79 133.51 38.59 0.50
1 1148.026 PF 1 754.00 38.23 45.81 46.41 0.003798 6.23 122.30 30.98 0.52
1 1048.018 PF 1 754.00 37.82 45.68 42.64 46.08 0.002035 5.05 149.47 117.10 0.40
1 948.0112 PF 1 754.00 37.49 45.14 43.17 45.78 0.004044 6.42 117.69 198.96 0.55
1 864.6447 PF 1 754.00 37.21 44.58 43.29 45.36 0.005792 7.07 106.61 107.19 0.64
1 823.6991 PF 1 754.00 37.08 44.61 42.63 45.10 0.003161 5.65 134.19 135.54 0.49
1 774.3492 PF 1 754.00 36.97 44.74 41.37 44.94 0.000865 3.64 217.05 198.00 0.28
1 724.7677 PF 1 754.00 36.94 44.69 41.46 44.90 0.001046 3.60 212.71 194.75 0.30
1 675.4707 PF 1 754.00 36.90 44.55 41.58 44.83 0.001422 4.24 180.89 180.40 0.35
1 649.9057 PF 1 754.00 36.89 44.50 41.40 44.79 0.001396 4.32 177.49 178.57 0.34
1 549.9057 PF 1 754.00 36.82 44.61 41.89 44.65 0.000392 2.16 491.36 186.44 0.18
1 500.9156 PF 1 754.00 36.78 44.59 41.75 44.63 0.000340 2.12 522.21 257.20 0.17
1 496.8356 PF 1 754.00 35.27 44.59 40.95 44.63 0.000297 2.10 537.59 266.44 0.16
1 449.9057 PF 1 754.00 35.13 44.56 40.84 44.62 0.000341 2.38 513.97 260.19 0.17
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050010001500200025003000350035404550556065Calavera Creek Initial Conditions Plan: CC_IntitialConds 8/17/2007 Main Channel Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundCalavera Creek 1
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3526.2023397.8543197.8803097.8802997.8802897.8802797.8802697.8802597.8802497.8802397.8802297.8802100.0002000.0001897.8801797.4321747.8861647.9221547.9461447.9871348.0211248.0331148.0261048.018948.0112774.3492549.9057449.9057Calavera Creek Initial Conditions Plan: CC_IntitialConds 8/17/2007 LegendWS PF 1GroundBank StaIneff
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HEC-RAS Plan: RevLOMR River: Aqua Hedionda Reach: 1 Profile: PF 1
Reach River Sta Profile E.G. Elev W.S. Elev Vel Head Frctn Loss C & E Loss Q Left Q Channel Q Right Top Width
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)
1 4850.351 PF 1 63.21 62.78 0.42 0.10 0.02 2558.25 3544.44 1235.31 1098.39
1 4800.691 PF 1 63.09 62.45 0.64 0.11 0.03 2475.62 3889.66 972.72 1120.56
1 4749.705 PF 1 62.94 61.96 0.97 0.23 0.03 2786.44 4300.29 251.27 887.66
1 4665.751 PF 1 61.47 60.59 0.89 0.10 0.02 3152.87 4030.22 154.91 854.64
1 4631.179 PF 1 60.98 59.90 1.08 0.07 0.27 2793.21 4454.35 90.44 667.57
1 4574.898 PF 1 60.18 60.00 0.18 0.05 0.12 4404.33 2762.12 171.55 1075.74
1 4527. PF 1 60.02 58.68 1.33 103.92 7106.53 127.54 186.48
1 4506.998 Culvert
1 4480.664 PF 1 58.45 55.76 2.70 0.23 0.37 7338.00 80.86
1 4416.27 PF 1 57.85 56.38 1.46 0.10 0.01 0.06 7337.94 96.23
1 4374.902 PF 1 57.73 56.19 1.54 0.07 0.02 0.03 7337.97 91.47
1 4349.904 PF 1 57.63 55.86 1.78 0.16 0.08 7338.00 93.64
1 4299.906 PF 1 57.39 55.89 1.50 0.16 0.05 7338.00 101.97
1 4249.908 PF 1 57.17 55.15 2.02 0.06 0.14 7338.00 128.30
1 4199.036 PF 1 56.97 55.42 1.56 0.00 0.18 7338.00 257.18
1 4191.972 Bridge
1 4159.973 PF 1 55.54 52.80 2.74 0.01 0.05 7338.00 134.83
1 4153 PF 1 55.48 52.23 3.25 0.00 0.16 7338.00 94.44
1 4152.9 PF 1 55.09 52.38 2.71 0.03 0.06 7338.00 105.04
1 4147 PF 1 55.00 51.67 3.33 0.31 0.20 7338.00 75.19
1 4081 PF 1 52.58 49.91 2.67 0.01 0.06 7338.00 82.56
1 4078 PF 1 52.51 49.28 3.23 0.00 0.12 7338.00 78.92
1 4077.9 PF 1 51.63 48.80 2.83 0.02 0.06 7338.00 76.12
1 4075 PF 1 51.56 48.11 3.45 0.38 0.24 7338.00 72.17
1 4005.91 PF 1 50.25 47.61 2.64 0.01 0.05 7338.00 86.27
1 4002.91 PF 1 50.20 47.10 3.09 0.00 0.35 7338.00 83.46
1 4002.81 PF 1 49.84 47.93 1.91 0.01 0.00 7338.00 88.03
1 3999.91 PF 1 49.83 47.91 1.92 0.13 0.03 7338.00 87.95
1 3955.911 PF 1 49.66 47.85 1.81 0.01 0.00 7332.37 5.63 109.75
1 3952.911 PF 1 49.66 47.82 1.84 0.00 0.12 7332.55 5.45 109.36
1 3952.811 PF 1 49.54 48.10 1.44 0.00 0.00 7331.40 6.60 112.66
1 3949.911 PF 1 49.54 48.10 1.44 0.00 0.01 7331.40 6.60 112.66
1 3948 PF 1 49.53 48.12 1.41 0.13 0.02 7329.99 8.01 112.90
1 3899.914 PF 1 49.38 47.82 1.56 0.15 0.02 7338.00 85.97
1 3848.401 PF 1 49.20 47.41 1.79 0.19 0.04 7337.97 0.03 90.83
1 3789.182 PF 1 48.98 47.30 1.67 0.13 0.01 7334.77 3.23 161.17
1 3749.916 PF 1 48.84 47.03 1.81 0.05 0.02 7337.60 0.41 131.00
1 3731.052 PF 1 48.76 47.03 1.73 0.07 0.06 7336.13 1.87 202.54
1 3699.917 PF 1 48.63 47.10 1.53 0.05 0.00 7333.67 4.33 216.86
1 3674.918 PF 1 48.58 47.06 1.51 0.09 0.05 7336.89 1.11 186.84
1 3624.92 PF 1 48.43 47.10 1.33 0.09 0.02 7337.71 0.29 151.99
1 3574.923 PF 1 48.32 46.79 1.53 0.10 0.00 7337.41 0.59 138.94
1 3524.925 PF 1 48.22 46.68 1.54 0.11 0.01 7337.65 0.35 128.90
1 3474.927 PF 1 48.09 46.42 1.67 0.10 0.00 7337.60 0.40 129.91
1 3430.428 PF 1 47.99 46.32 1.67 0.07 0.00 7337.84 0.16 123.44
1 3399.93 PF 1 47.92 46.25 1.67 0.22 0.01 7337.93 0.07 124.29
1 3299.93 PF 1 47.69 46.06 1.64 0.22 0.00 7337.95 0.05 123.52
1 3199.93 PF 1 47.47 45.80 1.67 0.20 0.04 7337.84 0.16 120.51
1 3099.93 PF 1 47.23 45.69 1.54 0.21 0.02 7334.60 3.40 191.41
1 2999.93 PF 1 47.01 45.31 1.70 0.22 0.00 0.00 7334.47 3.53 161.41
1 2899.164 PF 1 46.79 45.10 1.69 0.21 0.04 7335.53 2.47 166.93
1 2799.93 PF 1 46.54 44.99 1.55 0.20 0.05 7338.00 0.00 124.26
1 2699.93 PF 1 46.29 44.90 1.39 0.20 0.02 0.13 7337.87 137.61
1 2599.93 PF 1 46.08 44.52 1.56 0.21 0.01 0.27 7337.73 0.00 131.87
1 2499.93 PF 1 45.86 44.20 1.66 0.23 0.02 0.47 7337.53 135.85
1 2399.931 PF 1 45.61 43.74 1.87 0.12 0.02 0.28 7337.72 158.58
1 2349.933 PF 1 45.48 43.66 1.81 0.13 0.02 0.29 7337.71 228.23
1 2299.935 PF 1 45.33 43.34 1.99 0.14 0.02 0.13 7337.87 225.50
1 2249.938 PF 1 45.18 43.03 2.14 0.14 0.02 0.16 7337.84 220.36
1 2199.94 PF 1 45.01 42.94 2.07 0.15 0.03 7338.00 225.11
1 2149.942 PF 1 44.83 42.51 2.32 0.16 0.02 0.01 7338.00 227.29
1 2099.95 PF 1 44.65 42.39 2.26 0.00 0.00 7337.97 0.03 248.50
1 2099.945 PF 1 44.65 42.39 2.26 0.15 0.08 7337.97 0.03 248.50
1 2049.95 PF 1 44.42 42.42 2.00 0.00 0.00 7337.85 0.16 239.57
1 2049.947 PF 1 44.42 42.42 2.00 0.08 0.48 7337.85 0.16 239.57
1 1999.95 PF 1 43.86 43.46 0.40 0.00 0.01 0.10 4652.80 2685.10 355.77
1 1999.949 PF 1 43.85 43.32 0.53 0.05 0.01 0.06 5262.74 2984.20 345.59
1 1949.952 PF 1 43.79 43.29 0.50 0.04 0.01 1.57 7054.98 1190.45 329.46
1 1899.954 PF 1 43.74 43.28 0.47 0.01 0.00 4.77 7155.82 1086.41 272.01
1 1876.78 PF 1 43.72 43.22 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.66 7610.10 636.24 513.38
1 1876.68 PF 1 43.72 43.22 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.66 7610.11 636.24 513.37
HEC-RAS Plan: RevLOMR River: Aqua Hedionda Reach: 1 Profile: PF 1 (Continued)
Reach River Sta Profile E.G. Elev W.S. Elev Vel Head Frctn Loss C & E Loss Q Left Q Channel Q Right Top Width
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)
1 1870.78 PF 1 43.72 43.22 0.50 0.00 0.02 0.63 7610.51 635.86 512.38
1 1870.68 PF 1 43.70 43.26 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.88 7665.27 580.86 518.37
1 1867.78 PF 1 43.70 43.25 0.45 0.00 0.02 0.87 7665.43 580.71 517.85
1 1867.68 PF 1 43.68 43.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 1.41 7610.48 635.10 523.82
1 1861.78 PF 1 43.68 43.29 0.39 0.01 0.00 1.38 7610.89 634.73 522.57
1 1849.957 PF 1 43.67 43.28 0.39 0.01 0.00 1.19 7613.01 632.80 518.77
1 1819.12 PF 1 43.66 43.28 0.38 0.02 0.00 0.53 7710.39 536.07 486.92
1 1774.959 PF 1 43.64 43.25 0.39 0.03 0.01 0.14 7354.86 891.99 533.16
1 1724.961 PF 1 43.60 43.11 0.49 0.04 0.02 0.04 7713.41 533.56 1027.26
1 1674.963 PF 1 43.54 42.83 0.70 0.03 0.01 0.26 7988.25 258.50 1031.53
1 1649.964 PF 1 43.50 42.71 0.79 0.02 0.00 8247.00 988.51
1 1638.348 PF 1 43.48 42.65 0.83 0.04 0.02 8247.00 953.87
1 1599.81 PF 1 43.42 42.65 0.77 0.00 0.03 8246.99 0.01 772.60
1 1569.522 Bridge
1 1488.443 PF 1 43.11 42.31 0.79 0.08 0.04 8247.00 138.61
1 1408.665 PF 1 42.99 42.33 0.66 0.06 0.02 8247.00 794.52
1 1351.03 PF 1 42.91 42.31 0.60 0.08 0.01 8247.00 666.86
1 1275.886 PF 1 42.82 42.15 0.67 0.04 0.01 8247.00 147.90
1 1238.54 PF 1 42.77 41.96 0.81 0.00 0.01 8247.00 142.38
1 1200.003 Bridge
1 1142.497 PF 1 42.31 40.69 1.62 3.01 0.28 8247.00 123.15
1 1024.058 PF 1 39.02 38.35 0.67 0.95 0.05 8247.00 370.91
1 979.6722 PF 1 38.03 37.51 0.51 0.69 0.06 8247.00 416.94
1 928.4945 PF 1 37.28 36.96 0.32 0.54 0.01 8247.00 484.28
1 874.9925 PF 1 36.73 36.45 0.28 0.42 0.03 8247.00 567.36
1 824.9947 PF 1 36.28 36.09 0.19 0.28 0.02 8247.00 691.95
1 774.9974 PF 1 35.99 35.86 0.13 0.34 0.01 8247.00 794.12
1 724.9996 PF 1 35.64 35.41 0.23 0.35 0.01 8247.00 818.52
1 700. PF 1 35.29 35.00 0.29 8247.00 819.01
0100020003000400050003035404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 Main Channel Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundAqua Hedionda 1
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4850.3514665.7514574.8984527. 4374.9024159.9734005.91 3749.9163699.9173624.92 3574.9233524.9253474.9273399.93 3299.93 3099.93 2999.93 2899.1642599.93 2399.9312299.9351488.4431408.6651351.03 1275.8861238.54 979.6722Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 LegendWS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta
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02004006008001000120014005060708090100110120130Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4850.351 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.04.03502004006008001000120014005060708090100110120Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4800.691 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.03.03502004006008001000120014005060708090100110Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4749.705 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.03.0351
0200400600800100012005060708090100110Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4665.751 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.03.035020040060080010001200505560657075808590Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4631.179 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.03.0350200400600800100012001400505560657075Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4574.898 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.035.03.0352
02004006008001000464850525456586062Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4527. Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0402004006008001000464850525456586062Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4506.998 Culv CulvertStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.04020040060080010004550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4506.998 Culv CulvertStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.043
020040060080010004550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4480.664 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.04020040060080010004446485052545658606264Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4416.27 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.202004006008001000404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4374.902 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.24
0200400600800100040455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4349.904 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.202004006008001000444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4299.906 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.202004006008001000444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4249.908 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.03.25
02004006008001000444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4199.036 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.013.202004006008001000444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4191.972 BR Lower Aqua BridgeStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.013.20200400600800100042444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4191.972 BR Lower Aqua BridgeStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.013.26
0200400600800100042444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4159.973 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.013.2010020030040050060070080042444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4153 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.201002003004005006007008004045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4152.9 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.27
01002003004005006007008004045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4147 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.201002003004005006007008004042444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4081 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.201002003004005006007008004042444648505254565860Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4078 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.28
0100200300400500600700800354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4077.9 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.20100200300400500600700800354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4075 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4005.91 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.29
02004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4002.91 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 4002.81 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3999.91 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.210
02004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3955.911 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3952.911 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3952.811 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.211
02004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3949.911 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3948 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.202004006008001000354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3899.914 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.212
0200400600800100030354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3848.401 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.20200400600800100030354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3789.182 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.03.20200400600800100030354045505560Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3749.916 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.03.213
05001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3731.052 Upstream end of lateral weirStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.205001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3699.917 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3674.918 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.214
0500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3624.92 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3574.923 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3524.925 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.215
0500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3474.927 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.2050010001500200030354045505560657075Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3430.428 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3399.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.216
0500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3299.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3199.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.205001000150020002500303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 3099.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.217
05001000150020002500303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2999.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2899.164 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2799.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.218
0500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2699.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.2020040060080010001200140016001800303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2599.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2499.93 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.219
020040060080010001200140016001800303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2399.931 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000120014001600304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2349.933 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000120014001600304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2299.935 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.220
02004006008001000120014001600303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2249.938 Downstream end of lateral weirStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.202004006008001000120014001600303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2199.94 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.20200400600800100012001400303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2149.942 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.221
020040060080010001200304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2099.95 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.2020040060080010001200304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2099.945 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.2020040060080010001200304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2049.95 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.0422
020040060080010001200304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 2049.947 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.025.040200400600800100012003035404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1999.95 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.03.040200400600800100012003035404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1999.949 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.03.0423
0200400600800100012001400303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1949.952 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.03.040200400600800100012001400304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1899.954 Junction with CCStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1876.78 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0424
05001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1876.68 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1870.78 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1870.68 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0425
05001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1867.78 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1867.68 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1861.78 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0426
0500100015002000250030405060708090Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1849.957 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0405001000150020002500304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1819.12 Road on right bankStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.040500100015002000250030405060708090100Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1774.959 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0427
0500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1724.961 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.040500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1674.963 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.040500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1649.964 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.0428
0500100015002000303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1638.348 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.03.040500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1599.81 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.040500100015002000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1569.522 BR El Camino RoadStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0429
02004006008001000120030323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1569.522 BR El Camino RoadStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.1.025.102004006008001000120030323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1488.443 Downstream El Camino Real BridgeStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.1.025.1020040060080010001200304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1408.665 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.1.03.130
02004006008001000120030405060708090Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1351.03 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.1.03.102004006008001000304050607080Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1275.886 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.1.03.1010020030040050060030323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1238.54 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.0431
010020030040050060030323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1200.003 BR Cannon RoadStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.025.04010020030040050060030323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1200.003 BR Cannon RoadStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.045.08.0450100200300400500600323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1142.497 Downstream Cannon Road BridgeStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.045.08.04532
0100200300400500600323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 1024.058 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.0501002003004005006007003234363840424446Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 979.6722 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.0501002003004005006007003234363840424446Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 928.4945 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.0533
0200400600800323436384042444648Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 874.9925 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.05020040060080010003035404550Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 824.9947 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.05020040060080010001200303540455055606570Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 774.9974 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.0534
020040060080010003035404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 724.9996 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.08.05020040060080010003035404550556065Agua Hediona Resub Plan: Rev LOMR flows 10/16/2009 RS = 700. Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.0835
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HEC-RAS Plan: CC Final River: Calavera Creek Reach: 1 Profile: PF 1
Reach River Sta Profile E.G. Elev W.S. Elev Vel Head Frctn Loss C & E Loss Q Left Q Channel Q Right Top Width
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)
1 3526.202 PF 1 60.50 59.22 1.28 0.13 0.28 0.00 601.26 27.74 29.95
1 3497.842 PF 1 59.82 59.49 0.33 0.26 0.11 79.77 499.36 49.87 123.06
1 3440.587 PF 1 59.44 57.99 1.46 0.37 0.25 627.16 1.84 24.83
1 3397.854 PF 1 58.53 57.92 0.61 0.30 0.01 623.81 5.19 41.56
1 3347.869 PF 1 58.22 57.55 0.67 0.35 0.04 628.37 0.63 47.86
1 3307.211 PF 1 57.84 56.77 1.06 0.05 0.16 621.36 7.64 68.21
1 3300.001 PF 1 57.17 56.63 0.54 0.01 0.02 627.39 1.61 66.75
1 3297.001 PF 1 57.13 56.67 0.47 0.01 0.01 627.93 1.07 67.72
1 3293.911 PF 1 57.11 56.68 0.42 0.17 0.06 628.21 0.79 68.56
1 3197.880 PF 1 56.88 56.66 0.22 0.11 0.00 629.00 34.89
1 3097.880 PF 1 56.76 56.55 0.21 0.13 0.01 629.00 36.28
1 2997.880 PF 1 56.62 56.35 0.28 0.24 0.03 629.00 35.44
1 2897.880 PF 1 56.35 55.76 0.60 0.39 0.02 909.00 31.91
1 2797.880 PF 1 55.95 55.15 0.80 0.39 0.06 0.00 909.00 28.48
1 2697.880 PF 1 55.49 54.90 0.59 0.32 0.00 909.00 33.46
1 2597.880 PF 1 55.16 54.57 0.59 0.36 0.01 908.26 0.74 32.90
1 2497.880 PF 1 54.79 54.11 0.68 0.48 0.02 909.00 33.49
1 2397.880 PF 1 54.30 53.46 0.84 0.34 0.13 909.00 30.81
1 2297.880 PF 1 53.83 53.42 0.41 0.22 0.11 84.49 820.63 3.88 449.59
1 2248.880 PF 1 53.50 51.97 1.52 0.05 0.09 1.15 907.85 121.28
1 2243.880 PF 1 53.35 52.14 1.22 0.50 0.05 9.24 899.76 223.05
1 2197.880 PF 1 52.81 51.08 1.73 1.33 0.03 909.00 24.95
1 2100.000 PF 1 50.79 49.15 1.63 0.02 0.24 909.00 25.90
1 2097.000 PF 1 50.52 49.69 0.83 0.39 0.08 909.00 28.19
1 2000.000 PF 1 50.05 49.50 0.55 0.01 0.02 909.00 34.82
1 1997.000 PF 1 50.02 49.53 0.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 909.00 35.08
1 1992.930 PF 1 50.01 49.46 0.55 0.23 0.04 0.00 909.00 35.08
1 1897.880 PF 1 49.73 49.33 0.40 0.03 0.00 0.14 908.86 44.70
1 1880.880 PF 1 49.69 49.26 0.43 0.01 0.01 0.10 908.88 0.02 44.75
1 1877.880 PF 1 49.68 49.28 0.40 0.15 0.00 0.11 908.84 0.05 45.26
1 1797.432 PF 1 49.53 49.13 0.40 0.01 0.00 0.26 907.50 1.24 64.03
1 1793.932 PF 1 49.52 49.12 0.40 0.11 0.02 0.33 907.01 1.66 69.10
1 1747.886 PF 1 49.39 48.80 0.59 0.17 0.01 0.17 903.55 5.28 42.78
1 1697.906 PF 1 49.21 48.48 0.72 0.21 0.01 0.06 903.67 5.27 31.80
1 1647.922 PF 1 48.99 48.18 0.81 0.22 0.04 903.86 5.14 32.27
1 1597.931 PF 1 48.73 48.05 0.68 0.19 0.02 7.02 899.44 2.54 88.97
1 1547.946 PF 1 48.52 47.92 0.61 0.16 0.02 0.00 879.10 29.89 45.55
1 1497.966 PF 1 48.34 47.82 0.53 0.13 0.01 0.00 883.91 25.09 41.59
1 1447.987 PF 1 48.21 47.70 0.50 0.16 0.03 876.79 32.21 40.83
1 1398.007 PF 1 48.01 47.20 0.81 0.23 0.01 898.61 10.39 31.74
1 1348.021 PF 1 47.78 46.89 0.88 0.16 0.12 897.07 11.93 29.77
1 1298.037 PF 1 47.49 47.02 0.47 0.14 0.01 884.26 24.74 46.28
1 1248.033 PF 1 47.34 46.77 0.57 0.37 0.01 891.51 17.49 43.61
1 1148.026 PF 1 46.97 46.26 0.71 0.30 0.07 901.80 7.20 52.43
1 1048.018 PF 1 46.60 46.11 0.49 0.33 0.03 908.50 0.50 76.74
1 948.0112 PF 1 46.24 45.42 0.81 0.57 0.05 908.41 0.59 81.72
1 864.6447 PF 1 45.61 44.28 1.33 0.32 0.15 909.00 26.92
1 823.6991 PF 1 45.14 44.30 0.84 0.13 0.16 0.00 909.00 87.44
1 774.3492 PF 1 44.86 44.54 0.32 0.08 0.00 2.42 906.43 0.15 146.61
1 724.7677 PF 1 44.78 44.45 0.33 0.11 0.02 0.16 908.75 0.09 111.15
1 675.4707 PF 1 44.65 44.17 0.48 0.07 0.00 0.01 908.90 0.09 162.56
1 649.9057 PF 1 44.58 44.08 0.51 0.15 0.12 0.00 908.98 0.01 160.38
1 549.9057 PF 1 44.31 44.22 0.09 0.04 0.00 0.01 429.07 479.92 182.70
1 500.9156 PF 1 44.27 44.18 0.09 0.01 0.04 0.06 468.99 439.95 197.20
1 496.8356 PF 1 44.22 43.70 0.52 0.15 0.02 0.02 907.54 1.44 154.97
1 449.9057 PF 1 44.05 43.32 0.73 0.00 906.74 2.26 142.47
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050010001500200025003000350035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 Main Channel Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundCalavera Creek 1
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3526.2023397.8543197.8803097.8802997.8802897.8802797.8802697.8802597.8802497.8802397.8802297.8802100.0002000.0001897.8801797.4321747.8861647.9221547.9461447.9871348.0211248.0331148.0261048.018948.0112774.3492549.9057449.9057Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 LegendWS PF 1GroundBank StaIneff
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05010015020025030054565860626466Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3526.202 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.035.04050100150200250300545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3497.842 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.035.04050100150200250300545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3440.587 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.035.041
050100150200250545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3397.854 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.04.035.0405010015020025052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3347.869 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.04.035.04050100150200250525456586062Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3307.211 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.042
0501001502002505052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3300.001 us drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.040501001502002505052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3297.001 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0450501001502002505052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3293.911 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0453
0501001502002504850525456586062Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3197.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0450501001502002504850525456586062Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 3097.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025048505254565860Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2997.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.044
05010015020025048505254565860Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2897.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025030048505254565860Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2797.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025030048505254565860Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2697.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.045
0501001502002503004648505254565860Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2597.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025030046485052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2497.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025030035046485052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2397.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.046
02004006008001000455055606570Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2297.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04020040060080010004550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2248.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04502004006008001000455055606570Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2243.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0457
0200400600800100046485052545658606264Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2197.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.040200400600800100044464850525456Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2100.000 us drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04020040060080010004244464850525456Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2097.000 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.048
02004006008001000404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 2000.000 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0402004006008001000404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1997.000 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0402004006008001000404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1992.930 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.049
020040060080010001200404550556065707580Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1897.880 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04020040060080010001200404550556065707580Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1880.880 us drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04020040060080010001200404550556065707580Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1877.880 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0410
0200400600800100012004045505560657075Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1797.432 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.040200400600800100012004045505560657075Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1793.932 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060040455055606570Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1747.886 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0411
010020030040050060070040455055606570Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1697.906 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.040100200300400500600700404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1647.922 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.040100200300400500600700404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1597.931 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0412
0100200300400500600700404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1547.946 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060070035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1497.966 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060070035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1447.987 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0413
010020030040050060070035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1398.007 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060070035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1348.021 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060070035404550556065Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1298.037 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0414
0100200300400500600700354045505560Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1248.033 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050060038404244464850525456Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1148.026 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1GroundBank Sta.2.035.0401002003004005006003638404244464850525456Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 1048.018 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0415
010020030040050036384042444648505254Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 948.0112 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050036384042444648505254Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 864.6447 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050034363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 823.6991 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0416
0100200300400500303540455055Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 774.3492 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.040100200300400363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 724.7677 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04010020030040050036384042444648505254Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 675.4707 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0417
010020030040036384042444648505254Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 649.9057 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04050100150200250300350363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 549.9057 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.04050100150200250300350363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 500.9156 us drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0418
05010015020025030035034363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 496.8356 ds drop structureStation (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0405010015020025030034363840424446485052Calavera Creek Resub Plan: Dwnstrm per AH 10/16/2009 RS = 449.9057 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)LegendEG PF 1WS PF 1Crit PF 1GroundIneffBank Sta.2.035.0419
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Chang Consultant Reference Documents
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Rick Engineering Company Reference Documents
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