HomeMy WebLinkAbout3338; Agua Hedionda & Calavera Creek Dredging; Agua Hedionda Creek Hydraulic Study; 1996-11-10Howard H. Chang Consultants
Hydraulic, Hydrologic and Sedimentation Engineering
P.O. Box 9492
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
(619)756-9050, 594-6380, FAX: (619)756-9460
November 10, 1996
Mr. Lee Anderson
Ms. SueLoftin
Mr. Steve Weed
Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estate
5200 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, California 92008
Dear Friends:
Subject: Technical Review for the Hydraulic Study of Agua Hedionda Creek
by Ensign & Buckley in 1992
Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the hydraulic study for Agua Hedionda Creek
in the City of Carlsbad made by Ensign & Buckley in 1992. The hydraulic study was for the
purpose of determining the 100-yr flood level and floodplain and floodway boundaries. My
review was to assess the accuracy of the study results for Agua Hedionda Creek at Rancho
Carlsbad Country Club. /
In the review, I have found some basic mistakes in the study. Such mistakes resulted in
significantly higher 100-yr flood elevations in Agua Hedionda Creek near El Camino Real. The
major mistakes include incorrect roughness coefficients, incorrect definitions of the mam channel
and overbank areas, and improper split flow analysis to account for weir flows over the roadway
of El Camino Real as described below.
Incorrect roughness coefficients (or n value) were used for certain cross sections. For
example, the n value of 0.08 was used for the cross section just downstream of El Camino Real.
The NC record for this section is as follows:
NC0.04 0.05 0.08 0.3 0.5
This data record defines the n value of 0.04 for the left overbank, 0.05 for the right bank, and
0.08 for the main channel. The XI record defines the main channel to be from station 25 feet to
170 feet for a total width of 145 feet. In fact, the main channel at this location has a bed width
of about 100 feet. The channel bed is basically free of vegetation but trees do grow near the
channel bank. Figure 1 shows physical conditions of the channel as viewed from the El Camino
Real Bridge. This picture was taken in the summer of 1996. Since the main channel is clean, the
proper n value should be about 0.03 but not the value of 0.08 used in the Ensign & Buckley study.
The incorrect definitions of the main channel and roughness coefficient contributed to a
significantly higher water-surface elevations near El Camino Real Bridge. Because of the higher
water-surface elevations, there would also be significant flood discharge overtopping the roadway
of El Camino Real. Most of the overtopping discharge would occur on the west side of the
channel where the roadway elevations are lower.
If correct n values had been used in Ensign & Buckley study, computed water-surface
elevations would have been lower and the overtopping discharge would have been much less and
most likely insignificant. At this time, the Cannon Road project is moving forward. After the
completion of Cannon Road, the overtopping flow to the west will be blocked by the higher road
embankment. As a conservative measure, one should disregard the overtopping flow in the
hydraulic computation. Without split flow due to overtopping, the starting water-surface elevation
at the downstream limit of study would also be lower according to the Ensign & Buckley study.
In conclusion, I have found some basic mistakes in the Ensign & Buckley study. Such
mistakes contributed to significantly higher 100-yr flood elevations near El Camino Real. In view
of the mistakes, it is necessary to revise the study before any official floodplain mapping is
adopted by the city of Carlsbad and FEMA.
Please free to call me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Howard H. Chang
Ph.D., P.E.
it I! Hi lii
Fig. 1. View of main channel for Agua Hedionda Creek just downstream of El Camino Real
* 3. 5- —
/ - V, 75"
, - 7, 75-
/ 7, -9 5-
/ ^,3o
3i.\ o
5 ' "7, 3 - 3 ^ , -7
V - J ^ . a
^ed to develop and validate the cunes of figure 14
>)stcnutic regional pattern. Duration turned out to be
.tor. rhe>curvcs shown are based on data for the 2-yr
I. Within the accuracy of the data available, it could
Jt neither magnitude nor return period was a signifi-
ce of Snow in Estimating
y Values
itrjbutii ii i-i" Miow .:in*'Ui;ts U> the ;>re»ipitalion-:'re-
•> for Jaratioiis of 14 hours or 'ess ha.s been invcsii-
t of the western United States, hi many parts of this
ularly .it higher elevations, snow accounts for over M)
e normal annual precipitation. Thus, the importance
) short-duration (6- to 2-4-hr) precipitation-frequency
interest for a more complete understanding of the
frequency regime.
inual .precipitation containing a ..high percentage of
nces does not necessarily mean that• sipovrcontributed
> the annual series of maximum 6- or 24-hr procipita-
[ his problem was investigated by'tubulating two sets
ill stations where snowfall observations were made
j first set of data contained the greatest 24-hr (and
at recording-gage stations) precipitation 'amount for
:ardless of typo of precipitation (water equivalent for
unts). The'second series was restricted solely to rain-
some eases, the second series contained amounts as
fth highest for a particular year. Results of these
are reported in the section for each state.
Reliability of Results
The term "reliabilit;. " is used here as an indication of the
degree of confidence that t-m be placed in tbe accuracy of the
results obtained from the maps. The reliability at these results is
influenced by the sampling errors in time and space, and by the
manner in which the maps were constructed. Sampling errors in
time and space result !r,
.:"iom.i!oiis storm '.s!r. h h .
Ixs for one >t;:;ic<:i. . !U r.
!) !he chance
'...;.x' piecipitation e'
v.1 'in over .1 limited
event (especially <>f itj*. II -'lld
i .1 -:.:.. iii In '.he
.;:•....! .! ::.:. ^).
- . ill e ^o.;-iJer.d !•
gr..j:fve .:.a. Chiii. i
. cetivc n-iLire) at a sr
easijy have occurred at a neighboring station or between
Results from a generalized anal-, sis based on spaccsivenjgHJg tech-
niques are considered more nearly correctthan rojits determined
from an analysis of only individual stalioA diy. (it the'more
nwrtniaiiious regions, orography has grejlfet"cWttrototf the 'oration
and magnitude of the largest storms and Dimple *fUv$ <^-r;~i:1g
between neighhoiing •.i.itj.-ns is in:ippropri;He: Cfniskler.ition nn.it
be given to effects of the slopes of surrounding terrain, station
elevations, the intervening barrier between- station location and
moisture source, etc.
The locations of the stations used in the analyses aic shovvn in
figures 3 and 4. This geographic networlf of stations Joes u u
reveal with complete accuracy the very detailed structure of the
isopluviul patterns in the mountainous regions of the West. The
multiple regression equations discussed earlier were used to help in
interpolation between values computed for these stations. The
standard error of estimate for these relations should be consiiieied
when using the precipitation-frequency values shown on the maps
In general, the accuracy of the estimates obtained from the maps
of this Atlas varies from a inmtmtfp.^^^^^|^|!$|'cj||t>iolMhii
shorter return periods in relatively nonof^|f>iphic ,regjoos to 20
percent lor the longer return periods jfe ib?4R9E* rugfi«d orp-
graphic regions.
\ The values shown on these maps are in general :;grceni.'!it
with those of Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 40 (U.S.
Weather Bureau I9M). Differences are found because f the
gteuter attention paid to physiographic features in the present
study Even though the precipitation-frequency maps presented are
prepared considering physiographic factors, only those of a major
scale could be considered. There are some basins, therefore, that
are more sheltered or exposed than a generalized topographic map
would indicate. The rriup values may not be representative of the
precipitation regimes in »t^ch basins.