HomeMy WebLinkAbout3338; Agua Hedionda & Calavera Creek Dredging; Calavera Hills Phase II/Aqua Hedionda Channel Dredge; 2007-09-18Annual Mitigation
Monitoring Report
(Year 2) for Calavera
Hills Phase II Master
Plan, City of Carlsbad,
Prepared for
McMillin Companies
2750 Womble Road, Liberty Station, Point Lwna
San Diego, CA 92106
Contact: Mr. Don Mitchell
Prepared by
RECON Environmental, lnc.
1927 fifth Avenue
San Diego, CA 921 01 -2358
P 61 9.306.9333 F 61 9.308.9334
RECON Number 3225-1 B
September 18.2007
7 Gerald A. Scheid, Senior Biologist
Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report (Year 2) for Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Project Information
2.1 Compensatory Mitigation Site Information
2.2 Remedial ActiindMaintenance of Mitigation Site
3.0 Summary of Year 2 Monitoring
4.0 Recommended Remedial Measures
5.0 Reference Cited
Regional Location
Location of Mitigation Sies and Photo Location Points at Catavera Creek
Summary of Project Impacts on Waters of the U.S.
Standard Success Criteria
Functional Success Criteria
Native Plants for Remedial Areas
Riparian Understory Seed Mix
View Looking North from South End of Eastern Mitigation Site
View Looking Swth from North End of Eastern Migation Site
View Looking South from North End of Western Mitigation Site
View Looking Northeast Across Center of Western Mitigation Site
Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report (Year 2) for Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan
1.0 Introduction
This report is the second annual report for the mitigation sites established as part of the
Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II project. The repod presents project information,
mitigation site information, and results of the second year of monitoring postconstruction.
Compensatory mitigation described in this reporl was required for impacts to
jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including wetlands, incurred by the development project
and apprwed by the resource agencies.
2.0 Project Information
Project Name: Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II and Bridge and Thoroughfare
District No. 4, and Detention Basins.
Applicants: Calavera Hills, LLC
Mr. Don Mihell
2750 Womble Road
Liberty Station, Point Loma
San Diego, CA 921 06
61 9-794-1 252
Ci of Carlsbad
Mr. David Hauser
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Corp Permit # : File #2001-0021 S-RLK
Project Impacts:
Prq& lrnm (acres)
Rparian Fres-r Cismontane Total Non-Wetland
pmjm Woodland Marsh AlWi Marsh Wetland Wate~ Waters
Mponent Perm Tmp Perm Temp Perm Tmp Perm Temp Perm Temp
Calarera Mls 0.1 0.1 0.2
Pb !I
Cannon Rd. 0.m 0.08
Reach 3
Cdlege Ave. 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.06
Reach A
leg^^ 0.01 0.01 0.13 I~rsection
TOTAL 0.05 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.18 0.0 0.28 0.0 0.36 0.08
Pm = permanent; Terrp = temporary.
Date Project Cowbudion Commenced: December 2002.
Page I
Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report (Year 2) for Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan
Project Location: The Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II project is located in the
northeast quadrant of the city of Carlsbad. The 814acre Calavera Hills Master Plan
development area is bounded by the Oceanside city limits along with State Route 78
(S8-78) on the north and the southern boundary being approximately one-hatf of a mile
north of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The master plan's western extent is
near Carlsbad Village Drive and the easterly boundary is just west of Calavera Lake.
The project includes the proposed extensions of College Boulevard and Cannon Road,
which are generally southeast of the master plan area.
Latitude - Longitude: The project is IOcafed at approximately 33 degrees 10 minutes
north latitude and 1 17 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds longitude.
Compensatory Mitigation Site Information
The mitigation sites are located omsite along Calavera Creek (figures 1 and 2). The
mitigation sites on Calavera Creek will widen the existing creek channel to create 7.4
acres of additional wetland.
In all creation areas the existing non-native vegetation will be replaced with either
southern willow scrub, freshwater marsh, cismontane alkali marsh, or a combination of
these habitat types. Where appropriate, the southern willow scrub vegetation will be
augmented with riparian forest (e.g., western sycamore), riparian woodland (various
native willow species), and Akali marsh species (e.g., spiny rush, yerba mansa,
&grass). These mitigation sites will add to and enhance the current riparian mosaic
that supports least Bell's vireo along Calavera Creek.
Impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and non-wetland jurisdictional waters will be mitigated
by the creation of 7.4 acres of wetlandlriparian vegetation along Calavera Creek Three
habiiat types will be established: southern willow scrub, freshwater marsh, and alkali
marsh. Southern willow scrub is a riparian community found along major drainages but
occurs in small drainages as well. Typical southern willow scrub species occurring on
the project site include arroyo willow (Salix IasioIepk), Mack willow (Salix gooddingii),
mule fat, western sycamore, western ragweed (Ambmia psiIos&chya), blue elderberry
(Sambucus mexicana), and others. Freshwater marsh is on the site and is comprised of
cattail (TypAa sp.). Alkali marsh is a community that is adapted to salindalkaline soils
that are maintained by wet winter/spring and dry summerlfall conditions. Plant species
that occur in this habitat type an the site include spiny rush, yerba mama, and saltgrass.
Wetland creation will be accomplished by widening the existing floodplain of Calavera
Creek up to an additional 150 feet and lowering the land adjacent to the creek a few feet.
Native species will be introduced using rooted clrttings and seeds, as well as nursery-
grown container st&.
Page 2