HomeMy WebLinkAbout3455; Coastal Rail Trail; Coastal Rail Trail; 2002-03-06IM k P P P .i COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report 06 March 2002 SubmntedTo: Submiited By: Marshall Plantz, P E. Kirk Bradbury, P.L City Proiect Manager Consultant Proiect Manager CityofCarlsbad BokkenEngineering Pnblic Works - Engineering 9665 Cbesaneako Brive #435 1635 Faraday Avenue San Blege, CA 92123 Carlsbad, CA92CC8 OOANSIDE CARtSBAD SOIANA BEACH DELMAR SANDIEGO Trail Map Signing, Striping, and Marking Tvpe Selection Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Purpose 1 Unique Coaster Rail Trail Identification 1 Logo Sign 1 Special Banded Marking 1 Design Criteria 3 Regulatory and Guide Signs 3 Class I Bike Path 3 Class II Bike Lane 3 Class III Bike Route 3 Parking Restrictions 3 Sign Post Styles 7 Trail Information Signs 7 Permanent Message Signs 7 Kiosk Sign 8 Standard and Special Pavement Marking 9 Class I Bike Path Standard Pavement Marking 9 Class II Bike Lane Standard Pavement Marking 9 Class III Bike Route Standard Pavement Marking 9 Special Pavement Marking 9 Appendix A Section 7.0 Signing and Striping of the Project Study Report Appendix B Blank Type Selection Checklist Appendix C Example of a Bikeway Signing & Striping Plan Appendix D Regulatory and Guide Sign Technical Specifications Appendix E No Parking Sign Technical Specifications Appendix F Various Sign Post Standard Plans Appendix G Various Standard Bikeway Marking Standard Plans Coastal Rail Trail 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Purpose The Coastal Rail Trail signing, striping, and marking design concept is to present an integrated system of unique identifiers and standard Bikeway traffic devices to direct trail users along the route, wam of potential hazards, interpret natural and cultural features along the trail, and to announce the trail to motorists and train passengers. The design concept will be achieved by using unique Coastal Rail Trail identifiers, including a logo sign, special markings, trail regulation and information sign panels, and by using Caltrans and Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standard signing and pavement markings for Bikeways. Dokken Engineering submits this Type Selection Report for review by the City ofCarlsbad for purposes of fiirther clarifying design specifics that were presented generally in the 2000 Project Study Report by Chapin Land Management and Transtech Engineering. Section 7.0 Signing and Striping of the Project Study Report appears in Appendix A for convenient reference. We request that the City of Carlsbad complete the Type Selection Checklist (Appendix B) which summarizes desired alternates of specific design details. Upon direction given by the City of Carlsbad, Dokken Engineering will incorporate the selected design specifics into our Signing and Striping Plans. Please see Appendix C: Example of a Bikeway Signing and Striping Plan. Unique Coastal Rail Trail Identification The Coastal Rail Trail will be clearly recognizable by consistent and unique identifiers that help guide people to and along the trail. The two primary unique identifiers will be the Logo Sign and the Special Banded Marking. Logo Sign The fundamental concept for the trail's logo sign is a striped pattem of railroad ties, simulating the shape of a wave, which curves around each local agency's city seal. The striped pattem disappears around the bend, indicating the continuity of the route and graphically represents the various communities and environments along the Coastal Rail Trail. The official colors of the logo are Pantone Process Yellow and Pantone Blue CVU. Please see Figure 1: Logo Sign with Carlsbad city seal. The Logo Sign could appear in conjunction with standard Bikeway regulatory and guide signage as well as with trail information sign panels and kiosks. The Logo Sign panel will be located at each trail head and on many existing sign poles, electrolier poles, and at major street intersections to identify the trail. Please see Figures 2 and 3 for potential applications. Special Banded Marking In efforts to further the unique identity and recognizable character of the Coastal Rail Trail, special markings will be placed on many new and existing features. Stripes of three inch wide (3M or approved equal) reflective tape will be wrapped in parallel stripes of two Pantone Yellow between three Pantone Blue CVU around existing features along the trail such as utility poles, sign posts, signal poles, barriers, bollards, and fences. Unfortunately, the reflective tape will not sufficiently adhere to any wood features such as wood posts. Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 1 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Figure 1: Logo Sign with Carlsbad city seal. Figure 2: Typical Bike Lane Sign with White Logo Sign Mounted On Wood Post Figure 3: Typical Bike Route Sign with Yellow Logo Sign Mounted On Wood Post Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 2 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Design Criteria The design criteria for the signing, striping, and marking plan will be based on the most current edition of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, primarily Chapter 1000 for Class 1 Bikeways (Bike Path), Class II Bikeways (Bike Lane), Class III Bikeways (Bike Route) as well as the most current edition of the Caltrans Traffic Manual. Regulatory and Guide Signs For safety and consistency, the Coastal Rail Trail uses all required Caltrans and MUTCD signing, especially at street intersection crossings and railroad crossings. Portions of the proposed Coastal Rail Trail will be located on local surface streets and classified as either Class II Bike Lanes or Class III Bike Routes. This report focuses on the use of regulatory and guide signs. Class I Bike Path Bike Paths shall be one-way or two-way surfaces for exclusive use by bicyclists and pedestrians. Bike Path regulatory sign R44A will be used at Bike Path beginnings. Standard signs on the trail will match the design of vehicular signs, but their size will be smaller, in scale with bicycle traffic speeds. Please see Appendix D for various standard sign technical specifications. Class II Bike Lane Bike lanes shall be one-way facilities, and located on both sides of two-way streets. Bike Lane regulatory sign R81 and associated Bike Lane beginning and end signs R81A and R81B will be used at appropriate locations. Please see Figures 4 through 9 for typical applications of standard signs. Please see Appendix D for various standard sign technical specifications. Class 111 Bike Route Bike Routes are unstriped, shared facilities with motorists or pedestrians that should provide continuity to the bikeway system, and provide the bicyclist with a higher degree of service than altemative routes. Bike Route guide sign G93 and associated Bike Route beginning and end signs G93A and G93B will also be used at appropriate locations. Please see Figures 4 through 9 for typical applications of standard signs. Please see Appendix D for various standard sign technical specifications. Parking Restrictions Dokken Engineering will endeavor to maintain the existing parking controls in place. However, locations for potential parking restrictions for Class II Bike Lanes will be recommended by Dokken Engineering for review by the City of Carlsbad. In these locations, the City of Carlsbad can choose from the family of R26 regulatory signs or in conjunction with Bike Lane regulatory sign R81. Class II Bike Lanes striped next to curbs where parking is prohibited during certain hours will be designated with time dependent signage R82A, R82B, or R83A. Although this condition is allowable, Dokken Engineering will endeavor to avoid time dependent conditions for safety and roadway consistency. Please see Appendix E for parking sign technical specifications. Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 3 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Figure 4: Typical Bike Lane Sign with No Parking Sign Mounted on Concrete Pole Electrolier Figure 5: Typical Bike Lane Sign with Parking Mounted on Steel Pole Electrolier Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 4 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Figure 6: Typical Bike Lane Sign with Guide Signs Mounted on Perforated Steel Post Figure 7: Typical Bike Route Sign with Guide and Waming Signs Mounted on Round Steel Post Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 5 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Figure 8: Bike Path Sign Mounted On a Cut Telephone Pole Figure 9: Typical Bike Lane Sign with Mounted on a Utility Pole Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 6 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Sign Post Styles In general, Dokken Engineering will endeavor to use existing features to mount new trail signs, including existing sign posts, existing signal poles and electroliers. By using existing facilities to mount new signs, the City of Carlsbad can save costs for new posts and reduce the "clutter" of too many sign posts. However, many new sign posts will be required. For purpose of discussion, new sign posts fall under two categories: 1. New sign posts adjacent to Class 1 Bike Paths, and 2. New sign posts adjacent to existing sign posts on Class II Bike Lanes and Class III Bike Routes Where new sign posts are constructed on new Class I Bike Paths, the City of Carlsbad can select between many different altemate sign post styles to create a coordinated theme (please see below list). Where new sign posts will be constmcted near existing sign posts, the City of Carlsbad can choose between matching existing sign post styles or by selecting a new, coordinated sign post theme. New sign posts could be made of the following materials: 4x4 Wood Posts Round Steel Pipe Railroad Ties Perforated Square Tube Steel Telephone Poles The Special Banded Markings (parallel stripes of two Pantone Yellow between three Pantone Blue CVU), mentioned above, will not sufficiently adhere to any wood features such as wood posts. Please see Appendix F for various sign post standard plans. Trail Information Signs For purpose of discussion. Trail Information Signs fall under two categories: 1. Permanent Message Signs, and 2. Kiosk Sign (locked glass cabinet for posting information) Permanent Message Signs Permanent Message Signs will state trail regulations, direct users to various features, and wam of potential safety hazards along the route. These signs will also provide directional mapping and connections with other trails and present trail facts and various historic, cultural, or community interests. These signs could be printed in both English and Spanish and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (including features using Braille language) at the discretion of the City of Carlsbad. These signs could appear as presented in the Project Study Report, shown on Figures 7.5 and 7.8 of Appendix A. Constmction material, placement location, and written text of Trail Information Signs will be recommended by Dokken Engineering for review by the City of Carlsbad. These signs could be mounted on a coordinated sign post theme (see Sign Post Styles section, above). Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 7 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Kiosk Sign The kiosk sign will be a special information source for trail users (not to be confused with a kiosk presented in Figure 7.8 of Appendix A and the Project Study Report). It will be constmcted as a locked glass cabinet for posting updateable information (posters, flyers). Please see Figure 10 for an example of a glass cabinet kiosk sign. The kiosk sign could inform trail users about the trail facts and various historic, cultural, or community events that are not presented in other Permanent Information Signs. A kiosk could be located at trail heads, and at special interest points along the trail such as, at busy community intersections or at trail stations. Constmction material and placement location of the kiosk signs will be recommended by Dokken Engineering for review by the City of Carlsbad. These signs could be mounted on a coordinated sign post theme (see Sign Post Styles section, above). Figure 10: Example of a Roofed, Glass Enclosed Kiosk Sign Mounted on Wood Posts Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page Sof 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Standard and Special Pavement Marking For safety and consistency, the Coastal Rail Trail uses all required Caltrans and MUTCD pavement marking standards, especiaUy at street intersection crossings and railroad crossings. All striping and marking shall be either two-coat paint with reflective glass beads or thermoplastic. Class I Bike Path Standard Pavement Markings A 4 inch dashed yellow centeriine stripe as specified in Section 1004.2 (modified Detail 1 of Caltrans Standard Plan A20A) of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual will be used to separate opposing directions of travel on two-way Bike Paths in selected locations. Please see Appendix C for typical striping applications on Bike Paths. Class II Bike Lane Standard Pavement Markings Caltrans standard Details 39 and 39A white Bike Lane striping will be used to separate the Bike Lane from the existing roadway. Caltrans standards A24C and A24D white Bike Lane symbols and text will also be used in Bike Lanes. Please see Figures 4, 5, and 6 for typical applications of standard pavement markings. Please see Appendix G for various standard bikeway striping and marking standard plans. Class III Bike Route Standard Pavement Markings Bike Routes will have minimal pavement marking and primarily delineated by standard Caltrans and MUTCD signage. Special Pavement Markers Multiple bold stripes on the pavement will alert bicyclists and motorists at street intersections and railroad crossings. See Figure 7.10 of Appendix A and Appendix B for typical applications. Special stripes and numerals will mark the kilometers between Oceanside and San Diego for trail users. Special symbols could be used to mark fractions of kilometers as shown in Figure as shown in Figure 7.11 of Appendix A. Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Page 9 of 9 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering APPENDIX A Appendix A Section 7.0 Signing and Striping of the Project Study Report Coastal Rail Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering 7.0 Signing and Marking Crossing features for all roadways include waming signs for both vehicles and trail users. The type, locadon, and other criteria are identified in the Manual for Uniform Tra£Bc Control Devices (MUTCD) and the CalTrans Highway Design Manual. Consideration must be given for adequate warning distance based on vehicle speeds and line of sight, with clear visibility of signing absolutdy critical. 'Catching the attention* of motorists jaded to roadway signs may require adcUtional alerting devices such as a flashing light, roadway striping, or changes in pavement texture. Signing for trail users must include a standard *STOP' sign and pavement marking, sometimes combined with other features such as bollards or a zigzag approach to slow bicyclists. Care must be taken not to place too many signs at crossings lest they begin to lose their impact and may be ignored. Direction signing is useful for trail users and motorists alike. For motorists, a sign reading 'Coastal Rail Trail ?Gng' along with a trail emblem or logo helps at cros^gs to keep them aware of potential trail users neaiby. The signing and marking of the Coastal Rail Trail is designed to be an integrated system of donents to communicate the following: Orient trail users along the route; Wam trail users of potential hazards; Provide for the interpretation of natural and cultural features along the trail; and Announce the trail to motorists and train passengers; The signage system is designed to utilize the accepted design standards and fication technology utilized throughout San Diego County for marldng roadways. The signage system includes the fbllowing types of signs and markings, a description and illustrations of each follow: • Standard CalTrans and MUTCD sign panels, , • Coastal Rail Trail Logo sign panel, • Trail information sign panels, • Kiosk, • Trail map, • Stripes of reflective tape in Coastal Rail Trail colors, and • Pavement markings. 7.1 Standard CalTrans and MUTCD Sign Panels For safety and consistency, the rail trail includes the required and recommended CalTrans signing and marking standards. In addition, all signs and markings should confonn to the standards developed in the MUTCD. 114 Standard signs on the trail should match the design of vehicular signs, but their size should be smaller, in scale with the needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Table 20 simimarizes the recommended signing and striping program for the Coastal Rail Trail. Figures 7.1 and 7.2, bike lane signing and striping, illustrate the recommended signing program for Class n portions ofthe rail trail at signalized and imsignalized intersections. Class DI bike routes wiU use standard CalTrans signs in conjunction with a Coastal Rail Trail logo sign (Figure 7-3). Recommended pavement maridngs should be consistent with CalTrans Standard Specifications included in the appendix and MUTCD. In general, all signs should be located a minimum 3 to 4 feet fi-om the edge of the paved surface, have a minimnm vertical clearance of 8.5 feet (when located above the trail sur&ce), and be a minimum of 4 feet above the trail surface (when located on the side ofthe trail). The designs (though not the size) of signs and maridngs should be the same as used for motor vehicles. 115 Table 22 Recommended Siening and Marking Item Location MUTCD Designation No Motor Vehicles Entrances to traU R5-3 Use Ped Signal/Yield to Peds At crosswalks; where using sidewalks R9-5.6 Bike Lane Ahead: Right Lane Bikes Only At begiiiniiig of bUce lanes R3-16 R3-17 STOP, YIELD Al traU intersections with roads Rl-1,2 Bicycle Crossine For motorists at traU crossings WU-l Bike Lane Al the far side of aU arterial intersections DIM Hazardous Condition Slippery or rough pavement W8-10 Tunis and Curves Al turns and curves which exceed 20 mph design specifications Wl-1,2 Wl-4.5.6 Trail Intersections At traU intersections where no STOP or YIELD required, or sight Unes limited W2-1, W2-2 W2-3, W2-4.W2-5 STC»> Ahead Where STOP sign is obscured W3-1 Signal Ahead Where signal is obscured W3.3 Bikeway Narrows Where bUceway width narrows or is below 8' W5^ Downgrade Where sustained bUvway gradient is above 5% W7-5 Pedestrian Crossing Where pedestrian walkway crosses traU WnA-2 Restricted Vertical Clearance Where vertical clearance is less than Wll A.2 Railroad Crossing Where traU crosses raU tracks at grade WlO-1 Directional Signs (i.e. Beaches, Downtown, Coaster Station, etc.) At intersections where access to major destinations is available Dl-lb(r/l) Dl-lO Right Lane Must Tum Right; Be^ Right Tura Here, Yield to Bikes Where bUce lanes end before intersection R3-7 R4-4 Coastal Rail Trail Logo At aU traU entrances, major intersections/ access points n/a Trail Regulations AU traU entrances n/a Multi-purpose TraU: Bikes Yield to Pedestrians AU traU entrances n/a Bikes Reduce Speed & CaU Out Before Passing Every 2,000 feet n/a Please Staf On TraU In enviroimientaUy-sensitive areas n/a Caution: Storm Damaged TraU Storm damaged locations n/a TraU Closed: No Entry UntU Made Accessible & Safe for PubUc Use Where traU or access points closed due to hazardous conditions n/a Speed Liniit Signs Near traU entrances: where speed Umits should be reduced from 20 mph n/a TraU Curfew 10PM - SAM Based on local ordinances n/a 116 Notes: 1. The Bicycle Crossing sign (W79) is optional where the approach is controlled by a signal, stop sign, or yield si^. 2. For urt}an situations, post 250' prior to intersection, 750' In rural areas. 3. The bike lane may either be dropped entireiv approximately 200' in advance of the intersection, or a dashed line carried to the intersection is optional. Ped Push Button o Varies veeo 4' (D •c w 1 o CO • to Typical Signalized Intersection m V9H (O tt ja IE B D. M O) C £ o Varies 13' Ped Push Button When paridna area s becomes Rignt-Tum-Only c lane s Typical path of through "Z, bicyclist c: An optional 4' soDd white £ stripe may be used in S place at tne cross stripes 2 where parkina stalls are « unnecessaryoecause ^ parking is light and there S is concem tiriat a motorist £ may misconstrue the bike S lane to be a traffic lane FIGURE 7.1 BIKE LANE SIGNING AND MARKING (CLASS II) COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Notes: 1. The Bicycle Crossing sign (W79) is optional where the approach is controlled by a signal, stop sign, or yiekJ sign. 2. For urban situations, post 250* prior to intersection, 750' in rural areas. 3. The bike lane may either be dropped entirety approximately 200' in advance of the intersection, or a dashed line canied to the intersection is optionfU. vesD pjtpu«)8 tu 13' O -i dOlS 55 13' Varies2 Typical Unsignalized Intersection Varies' 1» A 4' to 4' 1^ A minimum 3' between the longitudinal joint at the concrete and 6" bike lane Is required e « tn e Z 3 FIGURE 7.2 BIKE LANE SIGNING AND MARKING (CLASS II) COASTAL RAIL TRAIL COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Logo Colors to match Pantone Process Yellow and Pantone Blue CVU COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Logo with City Seal Incorporated I ~7 24" Typical Sign not to scale FIGURE 7,3 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL LOGO SifOASTAL RAIL TRAIL £19 r r r r 7.2 Coastal RaU TraU Signs Coastal Rail Trail Logo The Coastal RaU TraU wUl be identified by a consistent, imique logo that helps guide people to and along the trail. This logo is represented on the cover and in Figure 7.3. ITie colors and form of the logo (yeUow and dark blue banding) graphicaUy represents the various communities and environments along the Coastal Rail Trail. The fimdamental concept for the trail's logo and signage system is the striped pattem of railroad ties. In the logo, the stripes disappear around the bend (see Figure 7.3), indicating the continuity ofthe route. A Coastal Rail TraU logo sign panel and a sign stating the trail regulations should be located at each trail head and at the top ofall major Coastal Rail Trail sign poles to identify the trail. Where the trail is reduced to a bike lane along a street, the required signage includes a Coastal Rail Trail sign panel and an MUTCD standard bike lane sign (code R81) mounted on existing poles, where possible. Additionally, the trail along the street is identified with the use of five stripes (two stripes of yellow between three stripes of dark blue) of reflective tape (see Figure 7.4). In addition to the placement of the Coastal Rail Trail logo sign panels along the trail, stripes of reflective tape should be employed to quickly identify the trail as it passes through a range of environments. Three inch wide tape (3M or approved equal) should be wr^ped in parallel stripes (two yellow between three blue) aroimd existing public elements such as utility poles along the trail (see Figures 7.4 and 7.5). Bollards should foliow the San Diego Regional Standard Drawing No. M-l6 for a 'Removable Post*. The bollard is a single 48-inch tall by 4 inch O.D. (outside diameter) steel pipe set in a 5 inch LD. (inside diameter) steel sleeve in a concrete footing. It should be placed on the centeriine of the trail at all entrances to prevent motor vehicles fiom entering. It should be locked to the sleeved footing for removal by emergency vehicles. The bollard should be marked vrith reflective tape fiirther identifying it as part of the Coastal Rail Trail (see Figure 7.5). The Coastal Rail Trail logo should be copyrighted for use only by the trail manager. Any proceeds generated fiom the use of the logo should be directed to the traU manager and used for further enhancement and/or maintenance of the trail. Trail Information Sign Panels A variety of messages need to be communicated to the trail user along the route. Informational signs to state the traU regulations, directions to associated features, or wamings of potential safety hazards. A Coastal Rail Trail logo sign panel and a sign stating the trail regulations should be located at each trailhead (see Figure 7.5). Directional infonnation is typically site specific, such as indicating the intersection of another trail. Signs waming the trail user of potential safety hazards and regulations for the use of the trail should be printed in both English and Spanish (see Figure 7.6) . TraU information should be printed on a series of long rectangular sign panels (see Figure 7.7) . 120 Kiosk A kiosk is a large sign panel that informs the user about the traU and/ or the adjacent community. A kiosk should be located at active trail heads, and at points along the trail which require additional signs; such as, at busy community intersections or at traU stations where there is the opportunity to relay infonnation regarding historic or cultural features. The design ofthe kiosk repUcates a manual svritch stand, common along the raUroad tracks. Each kiosk includes a traU map, regulations, community information and/or interpretive information. All information should be primed in EngUsh and Spanish. AU kiosks should be designed to meet visual and physical access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, including features such as large type and/ or panels in Braille for the visually impaired (see Figure 7.8). Kiosks may be designed to include the acknowledgment of sponsorships by local agendes, organizations, and/or corporations. TrailMcq> The trail map is a sin:^)lified graphic illustrating the relative locations of cities. Coaster Transit Stations, intersecting trails, and ten kilometer maricers and/or mile maricers along the trail (see Figure 7.9). The graphic design of the map is based on typical maps of stations along a raihx>ad line. The trail map should be on rail brochures, publications, as well as on each kiosk with an indication on the kiosk as to its placement along the trail. Like the Coastal Rail Trail logo, the trail map should be copyrighted as the property ofthe trail manager. Pavement Markings Bold stripes on the pavement alert bicycUsts and motorists of intersections (see Figure 7,10), Stripes and numerals mark the kilometers between Oceanade and San Diego for trail users and are visible to the train passengers (see Figure 7.11). Trail users travdmg south tead the kilometers from Oceanside, while tiiose traveling north read the kilometers from the Santa Fe Depot. r 121 Existing street light pole Coastal Rail Trail identiffcation colors marked In reflective tape C 4'-0'' (1.22M) •7 122 "7 r r f r I t 2'-0" *7 (.6096M) Removable post with Coastal Rail Trail identification colors marked in reflective tape Trail Regulations R6g!asdeCifCu!c:cn 7^ 6'-0" (1.288M) Paved Trail 7 2*-0* (.6096M) Soft Shoulder 3'-0' (.9144M) distance to sign 0' 2' o I Eo FIGURE 7.5 TRAIL HEAD SIGN COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 123- 7^ 6'-0" (1.288M) 7^ , 2'-0" (.6096M) 3'-0" (.9144M) 2'-0 TI^ Tf (.6096M) REDUCE SPEED REDUZLAIA VEIOCIDAD CALL OUI BEFORE PASSING AVISE ANTES DE PASAR 0' Q. CM FIGURE 7.6 BILINGUAL SAFETY SIGN POST COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 124 •7 2'-0' (.6096M) -7 CQASTAlPAIlTPAIt Genesee Garden • \ 7 "7 6*-0" (1.288M) 7 7 2'-0'' (.6096M) ^1 3'-0' (.9144M) 0-2' CM 9 FIGURE 7.7 TRAIL INTERSECTION SIGN POST COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 1^5 Trail Rules P Trail Map Elevation A Elevation B Elevation A i CD c o I UJ Pian View The kiosk Is designed after the railroad's manual switch stand. Kiosks may be located at trail heads or at trail stations. One direction of panels vtrill discuss interpretive information and/or note special community or trail events, (see plan view) Panels facing the other direction will provide trait regulations and directional maps. Panels are to be bolted to a square post, (see plan view) One side of each panel shouki be written in English and the other in Spanish. Braille text should be adhered to both panels. 3' 0' 71 7 (.9144M) 2' FIGURE 7.8 KIOSK COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 126 uj)ioe 40 km Detail of TraU Map 0" 3" SOLANA BEACH Solana Beach Station Coast Transit Station San Dieguito River Park Trail i OCEANSIDE CARISBAD gOHTAS mi SOIANA BEACH Mk SANDIEGO Trail Map ff r FIGURE 7.9 TRAIL MAP COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 127 Distance Marker Bicycle Lane Marker Removable Post CO Stop Sign for bicyclists entering the intersectton and Coastal Rfui Trail identiffcation sign facing the intersection. 128 J J J 2 L9 d A .6096M) Kilometers are marited with a iine painted across the trail and the numerals stenciled of the distances measured from the north and south ends of the trail. For example, trail users traveling to the south read the distance measured from the northem trail head yet have the distance to the southem trail head for reference. Half kilometer marker Is a 1 stenciled symbol of the trail 5: segnwnt. .6096M) 0" 4' FIGURE 7.11 DISTANCE MARKINGS ON PAVEMENT COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 129 APPENDIX B Appendix B Blank Type Selection Checklist Coastal RaH Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Type Selection Checklist Please complete this form and retum to Dokken Engineering. COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Logo Sign White Border or YeUow Border? Parking Restrictions Are parking restrictions allowed on surface streets? If parking restrictions are required, does the City of Carlsbad have a preferred sign to convey no parking? Ifyes, please choose between R26, R26A, R26D, R26G, R26H, or other: Sign Post Styles Where new sign posts will be constructed near existing sign posts, the City of Carlsbad and the Trail Manager can choose between matching existing sign post styles or by selecting a new, coordinated sign post theme: Where new signs are constructed on new Class I Bike Paths, the City of Carlsbad can select between many different altemate sign post styles to create a coordinated theme. New sign posts could be made ofthe following materials (Note: Special Banded Marking Tape will not adhere to wood surfaces): 4x4 Wood Posts Round Steel Pipe Railroad Ties Perforated Square Tube Steel Telephone Poles Trail Information Signs Does the City of Carlsbad have any predetermined information sign construction material and placement locations? Coastal RaU Trail Page i ofl Signing. Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering Type Selection Checklist Please complete this form and retum to Dokken Engineering. COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Trail Information Signs (con't) Does the City of Carlsbad have any predetermined written information to be communicated to trail users? Have any predetermined historical, cultural, or community facts been established? Does the City ofCarlsbad want any locked glass cabinet kiosks? Is there any predetermined construction material or placement locations for kiosks? Does the City of Carlsbad want information signs printed in Spanish and Braille? Standard Striping and Markings Does the City of Carlsbad prefer to use two-coat paint with reflective glass beads or thermoplastic striping and marking? Special Markings Does the City of Carlsbad have any preferred font, style, or color for kilometer markings and fractional kilometer markings? Anv other special signing^ striping, or marking instructions? Coastal Rail Trail Page 2 of 2 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering APPENDIX C Appendix C Example of a Bikeway Signing & Striping Plan Coastal Rail Trail-Carisbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Maridng Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering APPENDIX D Appendix D Regulatory and Guide Sign Technical Specifications Coastal Rail Trail-Carisbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Maridng Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MUTCD NUMBER NONE C D B BIKE PATH NO MOTOR VEHICLES OR MOTORIZED BICYCLES H —to TP - N COLOR BOROER, LEGEND & SYMBOL • BLACK BACKGROUND • WHITE (RER) THE PQUCY FOR IKTENDED USAGE Of TH»SSK»tt SHOW ON THE HEVEHSE see. CODE R44A SK3N DIMENSK)NS (INCHES) SK3N A B C D E F Q H J K L H N P MtNHIUH 12 24 1/4 3/8 6 1 1/2 1 3 31/2 61/2 11/2C 20 11/8 718 CHCF. OMSlON OF TRAFFIC ENOIHEERING (3 • REVISION REVISION OMO • tt(REV.0Sfl7) M/TCD NUIBER NOnO STATE OF CAUFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CODE R81 BIKE LANE SIGN SIZE DIMENSIONS(INCHES) SIGN SIZE A B C D E F G H J 12x8 12 8 1/4 1/4 M/2 3/4 4-1/2 1/2 1-1/2C 18x12 18 12 m 1/2 1-1/2 1-1/8 7 3/4 2C 24x18 24 18 3/8 5/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 10-1/2 1-1/2 3C COLORS BORDER & LEGEND - BLACK (Non-Reflectlve) BACKGROUND - WHITE (Reflective) • THE POUCY FOfl IKTENOEO USAGE OF THB SIGN B SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE • CHEF. OFFCE OF SIGNS AtxTDELINEATION REVtSON REVISON CODE R81A 03 MM ) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES 1 R81A SIZE 12x5 BORDER WIDTH 1/4 MARGIN WIDTH 1/4 LETTER SIZE. SERIES ft STROKE WIDTH COR. i SUFFIX SIZE 12x5 BORDER WIDTH 1/4 MARGIN WIDTH 1/4 LINE t 3C-.48 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 RAD. Ik 1 R81A 1 SUFFIX SIZE A f% C IMENS G NS 1 12x5 1 3 1 o E F G H 1 J K L J s/s" DIA, HOLES BORDER ft LCOCNO REFLECTIVE BACKGROUND APPROVED: CODE R81B ) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES 1 R81B 1 SUFFIX SIZE BORDER WIDTH MARGIN WIDTH LINE 1 LETTER SIZE. L IMP 9 SERIES ft STR( >KE WIDTH COR^ 1 1 -1 8x5 1/4 1/4 3C-.48 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE 5 RAO. 1 lh SUFFIX -1 SIZE 8x5 White DIMENSIONS BACKGROUND WITH Black BORDER a LMIND REFLECTIVE BACKGROUND a/a" OIA. HOLES APPROVED: MUTCD NUMBER DIM CODE G93 I' v BIKE ROUTE J NOTE: USE THE G93 IN COMBINATION WITH THE G32, 033 OR G33-1 TO INDICATE DIRECTION IF DESIRED. SIGN DIMENSIONS (INCHES) SIGN A B C D E F G H J STANDARD 24 18 1/2 3 12 3R 1 1/2 10 1/2 3C COLOR BORDER & SYMBOL • WHITE BACKGROUND • GREEN CHIEF. DIVISION Of TRAFFIC ENGINEERING HATF REVISION DMG •• a{REV.0SlB7) CODE G93A BEGIN 3 5a: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES IG93A SIZE 12x5 BORDER WIDTH MARGIN WIDTH LETTER SIZE. SERIES ft STROKE WIDTH COR^ 1 RAD. 1 lh 1 i SUFFIX 1 -1 SIZE 12x5 BORDER WIDTH MARGIN WIDTH LINE 1 3C-.48 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE 5 COR^ 1 RAD. 1 lh 1 * m JG93A SIZE 12x5 DIMENSIONS 1 1 SUFFIX 1 -1 SIZE 12x5 A 1 B 3 c 1 D E F G H 1 J K L i 1 C3reen . _ uhi i-a J St border. APPROVED J?- -7- 74- CODE END 3 3 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES |G93B 1 Cl If Pl V SIZE 8x5 BORDER WIDTH h MARGIN WIDTH LETTER SIZE. SERIES ft STROKE WIDTH 1 COR^ 1 RAD. 1 Us 1 -1 SIZE 8x5 BORDER WIDTH h MARGIN WIDTH LINE 1 3C-.48 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE 5 COR^ 1 RAD. 1 Us SUFFIX -1 SIZE 8x5 J ^^ggn BACKGROUND WITH White DIMENSIONS - BORDER ft LEGEND Reflectivc legend & border. APPROVED THAf Xl 3 -7-7^ MUTCD NUMBER NONE CODE ) o F 6 B H PARKING 5; SIGN DIMENSIONS (INCHES) SIGN A B c D E F 8 H MIN. 24 18 1% 10% 30 3/8 5/8 COLORS LEGENO a SYMBOL-GREEN BACKGROUND-WHITE (REFL) J THEPOLICY FORmTENOED USAGE OFTHIS SIBN IS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. DATE RCVWON RCVMON OHO • T U ( REV. UO } APPENDIX E Appendix E No Parking Sign Technical Specifications Coastal Rail Trail-Carisbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Maridng Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering STKTE OF CAUFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MUTCO NUMBER R7 COPE R26 H B 1 /- Q / F T E . t If- NO \ E \ I N Q / F T E . t If- PARKING ANY TIME \ E \ I N it t sxw DWENSKWS (MCHES) sxw A B C 0 E F 0 H J K L H N P HBOHUH 12 18 IM 1/4 m 31/2B 11/8 51/2 1 1/2 ean 38 21M6 2 3/8 91/2 COLORS BORDER « LEQEND. RED (REFL) BACKGROUND • WHfTE (REa) TW POUCT FOR WTENDED USAGE OF THB SIGN B SHOWN ON THE lgVB««DE- #MO«C^0MSUN OF TRAF^ ENGII^EERINQ OWE REVISION REVSON OUO • 8e{REV.06lV) CODE R26A CQ NO t'ARKING ANY TIME ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES SIZE •MOCR WIDTH MARGIN WIDTH LETTER SIZE. SERIES ft STROKE WIDTH COR ! RAD Sur FIX SIZE •MOCR WIDTH MARGIN WIDTH LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE S COR ! RAD -11 24x30 5/8 3/8 5D-.90 5C-.80 3D-.54 3D-.54 1 SUFFIX SIZE DIMENSIONS =11 24x30 24 3-5/8 ii 20 White BACKGROUND WITH Red BORDER ft SYMBOL 3/8" Dia. holes • Reflective Background APPROVED: h\h9M //Z6/7Z MUTCD NUMBEH CODE R280 ) I SBN DIMENSIONS (INCHES) SBN A B C D E F 6 H HMWM 12 3/1 » 3 lEOMI) 4-7/8 1-7/1 1 nANDARD M Vi l/l 1 12E0i). 1i-1/2 B4/2 2 BPBUL" » M 7/1 1 IIEW) 1B«4 12-3/4 3 COLORS SYMBOL ANO BOROER - BLACK (NON-REFL) anCLE ANO DIAGONAL - RED (REFL) MCK6R0UND-WHITE (REFL) J OR INTEHDEO USAGE OF THIS SIGN IS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. EMOtfCEfUNQ ' * DATE REVOnH REVMON OMO • T . M fEY. 12-M) MUTCD NUHBER R7-9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CODE R26G 18* 1-3/4' Y 6" 3-B 1/4' 1/4' 3-3/4' NO PARKING BIKE LANE 12" 1-1/2" Radius 2-1/4' 2"B 1-3/4" 1-1/2" T 1 3"C 1-1/2' J i 3"C J //7.^^ A.,; CHIEF, OF SjdNS AWO DEI COLORS ^ o^^^^S^S?®*^^- RED ffWtectlve) BACKGROUND - WHITE (Reflective) THE POUCY FOR IKTEHDED USAGE OF THB SIGNS SHOWN ON REVERSE SPE ANO DEUNEATION OAT/ REVISION REV1SKW MUTCD NUMBER R7-9a STATE OF CAUFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CODE R26H 1-1/2" Radius i 2-1/2"C J COLORS S!.n^?SJ5?.'"^R • BUCK(Non.Reflective) RED (Reflective)' BACKGROUND - WHITE (Reflective) -THEPOUCY FOR INTENDED USAGE OF THIS SIGN B SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE MUTCD NUMBER NONE CODE R82A SIGN DMENSIONS (BtCHES) A B C 0 E F 8 H J K L MRWUM 30 12 3/8 1/2 1 1/2 2 3/4 30 11/2 20 -11/2 81ANDARD 38 18 3/8 8/8 1 1/2 4 40 3 30 IB 11/2 SPECIAL 41 24 3/1 5/8 11/2 B BD 4 40 18 3 COLORS BORDER A LEGEND • BUCK BACKBROUND • WWTE (RER) THEPOLICY FOB INTENDED UIA6E OF THIS SIBN IS SHOWN ON REVERSE 8I0E. CHEF. DMMN OF TRAPFIC ENQMOMNO MUTCD NUMBER NOPe STATE OF CAUFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CODE R82B * V r A' • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI 1 ^ * • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI G k f • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI • B _AM-__AM _PM-_PM MON-FRI —*—T • F f • < A •« H NOTE: Spocify times when ordering. SIGN SIZE (fnm) DIMENSIONS PLUMETERS) SIGN SIZE (fnm) A B c 0 E F G H J 750 x 600 750 600 13 19 47 100 100C 63 75C 900x600 900 600 16 22 56 100 IOOO 63 75D 1200x900 1200 900 19 31 75 150 150D 100 IOOD TO CONVERT MUttCTERS TO WCHES. DWIOE BY A FACTOR OF 25. COLORS BORDER Bt LEGEND- BLACK (NON-REFLECTIVE) BACKGROUND - WHITE (REFLECTIVE) • T>C POUCY FOR INTENDED USAGE OF THB SIGN B SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE Z CHEF. OfncC GF 9QM AND DEUKAnON 7/fs/fi, ' OATE REVniON REVISION MUTCD NUMBER NONE COLORS BORDER « LEBENO - BUCK BACXBROUNO - WWTE (REFL) THEPOLICY FOR INTENDED USABE OF THIS SIBN IS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. CODE R83A SIGN OMENSXmS (RICHES) SIGN A 8 C D E F B MRNMUM 72 12 3/8 1/2 11/2 3 BB STANDARD 90 18 3/8 8/8 1 1/2 8 BB SPECIAL 108 18 3/8 8/8 11/2 4 IOB cm, OWMON OF-mAFFIC CMOMOnWO (MD -J -m arv i9jm DEC 1 4 1337 DATE RCVIMM REVWON APPENDIX F Appendix F Some Sign Post Standard Plans Coastal RaH Trail-Carlsbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Mart<ing Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering NOTES . 1. Structurol sted tubing used for post k sleeves shdl be gotvonized 12 gouge cold rolled sted. of the nominol dimensions shown hereon and meet the requirements of ASTU A446 Grade A. Z Gdvonlzing shoi b« per ASTU A52S. Posts k sleeves shoi have 7/16* dia holes spoced r O.C. ±1/8' & *QN hove no more variation in strolghtnen than 1/16' in 3'. Posts shoi be squore within ±a014'. hove twist no greoter than 0.062' in 3* ond hove comer ro(fl of 5/32" ±1/64". 3. The signs shall be mounted on posts in occordonce with Section 56. "Signs" of the Stote Standard Specifications. Al fastening hordware ts to be provided by the Controctor. 4. Maximum sign size 5.2 eq. ft (Unless Otherwise Shown on Plons) 1 3/4"x 1 3/4' 12 Gouge Post 3/8" Rivet (Typicol) Rivet SMcffleaHon Dimension: 3/B' Dia Shank 7/B' Dia Heod Grip Range: .200-.3S6 Rnish: Qectro-Golvanlze ASTU-B-633 Type m SQ r 3/8" Rivet (Typicol) Anchor Sleeve 2 l/4"i 2 1/4" 12 Gouge Poet 2"x 2'-12 Gouge Post — • ma • -Existing Ground Anchor Post Reirtsiofl By Approved Oote SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING BCCOieCNOCD vr IHC SAN OCGO RCOQNM. STANOARDS CCHHmEC ORIGINAL CPorUnson 2/95 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING BCCOieCNOCD vr IHC SAN OCGO RCOQNM. STANOARDS CCHHmEC BREAK-AWAY SIGN POST BREAK-AWAY SIGN POST j^JT.. -. t— a ^ r ia9^ ftnta BREAK-AWAY SIGN POST uiorptraon R.c.t vo\m NUUBER ^'^^ BREAK-AWAY SIGN POST uiorptraon R.c.t vo\m NUUBER ^'^^ -1 M • NM hMd Mit vttn tw woahtTM. ttoar vMfMT.mt and torn nut. •Igra orMt«r tfwn M a* •Mm. M Hat* SECTION B-B SECTION C-C ktaH nWttb ractviw^ algn > IITI •oo4 tMcM «MC«r - - - l« - -Wtf Lw - .or. • eo M f«r ^M^ mm • nn mn sWIh tloncj •Ign «p*n SECTION O-D fW U»ck> r*«^*4 on algn* lau than *it na In Motn. SM Hot* Z. Attocn Wgn to p«*t •Itn Mita at top CMnttr ata Mtta" S «M a HM hM4 ban ftat •awiara. ftMr woarnr, lacK voMr and njt. UN8ALANCE0 Sign ponal Ul BALANCEO SUGLE POST INSTALLATION Saa Hot* 5 raoordng braAaooy faotwa fw- Hn^ poat hatMoriona. 't"Po*t CK>e<kneiit n M > n aM Post L«nptt» af S»an Ponal^ POSI EUBEDlCNI POSI SIZE (mml "E- (nn> nM IOO SliiHO WOO I40iil40 RSO I40>«4 «S0 n •ittf nut OfM Km nut I M hoia for a M ^ hal haad beft not •oahark fftar vatfiar U OrHad hotaa faatu'a) Ua »da vi*« ELEVATION ( PoTM Mira Salt hal* loyaut la dapandw^t tn trP« »r ponaL Ort hal** m paat ta aotcfi ponal fu-Nahad. TWO POST INSTALLATION ELEVATION M II IU M POST SPiCWC I*6LE SCH PMCL LEMTH StCN PAlCL OVUUUNG POST SPUHC "*" "fi" •X" (ml bttiil UMd - Lsro ITS - JOO 1070 UM 1 IMO 100 t 315 12)0 ITS & 450 lias 450 1540 500 1590 Z.T40 SSO IC40 2J30 575 IT40 2.540 UO ll» 1.200 EIO I9<0 J.J50, 3.S00.1.U0 UO. tti. 16% fllO Ito 7BS 22tO 1.W0 765 24 JO 4Jtt. 4.420 lii. 920 2500 UTO. 4.420 9*0. Vi 2S90 4.720.4.aT0 96,990 2S90 990 JOSO SJe0.5.JM wanes 3200 5.490, S.e40 ioes.1140 33SO S.7W 1140 JSO S.M0,6JOO IMO, 1220 jceo 6 J50. 6.400 ll4ai2tS 1910 G.SSO eis 4120 6.100, e.a50 SIS, 1290 42T0 r.oio 44S0 TJW. T.]IO aV). 1165 4500 BACK BRACE DETAILS Saa Nal* 2 Slat far i mm gtntx ttaod Mt mlin flat voaftar^ fbar raaharfciock •otnar <r>a rwt OrH rt mm twWa m M aaa x »* mm p«at, Sl mm hoM* m HO aw • HO an poal. and Jt M NMa far n «N X HO M poata. (k-lant mt* oil* parcM to aula of algrk Saa Hota S for loMroncaa of O-aod h«a*. Flat najhar Fb*r watfw Flot ooMar.nut and icm rut SOE VIEW DETAIL A *r.9 oai OM«Mt*r for §Jn^ tftaat okMnm ponal algn*. IS mm Olaawtar for Wdnotad ponal rigna or froMd alngia rtiaat ohMinua pml aigna NOTES L PMC* long dtaMnaTon ot poat croaa aactlon noriiMl to algn aula. So* SM:tron C-C. 1. BOancad ungla poat matolatlona of untromad tlngla tfiaat otunlnun ponal algna WKM rtov* Mock apocara If 4ST nn or nora In daptn aul i ceaMnotlon of block apocara and bock brocaa If 4ST ani or ner* m dapth and S«4 M or nera In width. Sign ponals lass tfton IST mta In dapth ond BS4 mm or mor* In widlh tf^M hov* bocK Oroc** ony. i. For peat aiza aaa aign layout, foraot or ()uantity Mati. 4. eoMncad aingia poat matoiottona of LaMnataa Pon*i FnmaO aln^* mat ponal algna roqjlr* bock brocaa vh«n ti* ran or Mora In •Idin. S- BroAowoy foottro for aingi* poat mataikitlon st\Ot b* tn* MII* OS tn* br*duMay t*atur* Vioon for tha t»o poat Inatolotlon. 5. loiarone* for dlare*t*r of irliod hoMs in braokowor (•oiur* Is ti mm. STATE OF CHIFORM* DCPAKTMENI Of TttMJP0AT4TUN ROADSIDE SIGNS-WOOD POST TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAILS NO. 2 NO SCALE ALL OINCNSIOMS HRE IN UlUIMEIERS UNLESS OTHERVISE SHOWN RS2 APPENDIX G Appendix G Various Standard Bikeway Marking Standard Plans Coastal Rail Trail-Carisbad 06 March 2002 Signing, Striping, and Marking Type Selection Report Dokken Engineering IKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll M IIIIIIII IIII nil iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiHiriii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII ii'jiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii Jiiniiiiii llirjiitllli'illllMllllllll IIIIIII lllllililllllllll llllll (III IMlllillllllli lllilllillllilllliilll IIIM'IIIITIIIIItl lltlll^rillliliiiiiiiMiliiii llllll iiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii IIIIMi:illllllllllll)li lllllllllllllll A = 3.99 •ooJl-'^«» iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiririiiiiiiiiirfr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu imriiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiirii 11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiirii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiM!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinriiiiiiiiiiiinri llllllllillllllllllllllllllllllHIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJMIIIIIIIIIIJfii -200 niniiiiiiiiiHiiiMi nil lllllililllllllll' I'll'ililllllllllllllllil lllllliilillllllHIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllliilillllllHIII I1IIIIIIIMIIIIIHIH llllillllllHllllllllll lllllllllilllllHIIIIH III iiiiiiiiiiiiiiirj IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'. lllilllillllilllliilll r:ii:iitmrii»iHi IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHI lilllllllllikllllM IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIHI ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iKUiiiiiiiiiir I i?niiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllll nil lllllllllllllll nil Mriiiiiiiiiriiini lllllllllllllll I) II jijiiiiLiiJiiiiiii IHIIIIIHIIIHI llllll II liiimi lllllililllllllll lillillllllillilll iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii r lllllllllllllll niiiiiHiiiiiiiii IIIIII.Nll.lHlllllll iiitirii'i'iiiiiiiii lillillllllillilll lillillllllillilll nil lllllililllllllll A=3.90 H4-I IM'I 1111 H IH H H W M -T t PM III tn I Pt^ I wi^ -r trrii ii -j JUtoo A=2.23 ooJU ^ A=2.I4 ooJ U A=l.76 -J illillHilllllllllHIIZI IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIi' llllllHlillllllllHIKI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IMIIIHIimilllMIIIII II IIIIHIilHIIII IIIIIII lillllllMIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII TlirilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llltllllllllllllllllM'J IIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIir IHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIKI A-3.25 -lUoo A=2.88 nr^ IlllllllllllStlllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIJI1II iiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII liiiillllliilllllllll Illlllillllllllliiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII iiiitiiiiiiiiiniiiii iiiiiiirriiii.i 1111,11 llllllllllMlllllllll IliltlKUiillllllllll A=2.23 m' llllllllllllillllll lililllllilllllllll IIIIIIHIIIIlllllll j200 "T iiMiiiiiiirii:! miiiitiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiihi llllllllllllllli niiiiiiniiiiii iiijiiii IIIIIIII iniiiiiiiiiiiii llllllllllllllll iniiiiiHiiiiii rLiiiiiiiiiiivi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiH niiiiiiiiiit:ii:i J' rflnririiiiiiiiziifiiirii^iiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII HkiiiJkiiiiiNiiiKiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiii iiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiNii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiMn llllllllllllll illlllllllMlllllKllllliililllllllllllll iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii MriiHriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiii tllPillJPJIIIIIIIIIIIIllM'JIINII A-0.9 3 1 -JUso ririiriiMiiiiii IIIIIIII Illlllillllllllliiil mm iikiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiHiiii llliillllllillllllHlHIIII rimiimiiiuiiiimiii iiaitiimiiMiiiiiiiiiii i?ikiimiiiiu nil llillll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llillll Illlillillililllll I mi lilll HriHirniiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiim jijikiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii A-2.9T m'^ T JUoo A=1.76 ttf 1 iifiiiiriiMiiiiiHH iiii'iiimiiiiimiii iiaiiiiaiiimiiiiiii miiiiiimmiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii'jiiiiiiiiimiiiiii IIIMimillHHIIIIIII iKiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii iiimiiiiiiimiiiiiii llllllirrillllllliiiil ill illllllMlllllinill iiiiiikiijiiiiiiiiii A=l.95 m 2 A'2.42 S' A=l.67 -Jl-eo NOTES 111 It a Miaog* con*tat* ot "or* ttiwi on* nord, tf MiJd r*oa "UP". I.*, tha tlrat word N^oiM b* n*or*at th* «-iva 121 Iha apoe* b*t»aao aorda ahould bo at loaat four tMaa tna muxrt ot tti* omroctara for lo* tpaad roodt. but not MTO than tan ttnaa tha hal^t of tna tfwoctara. lha apoe* My ba raducad oppreprioKty whara ttMr* la Mt*d apoo* bacaiaa ot loooi condltfan*. Ill Mno- vortotlont fe< dki*n*lona awy b* occoptad by tha Ingmoar. 14) PortloTM ot o lottar, f«ia*ar or ayobol My ba awar-otad by cemaetmg •a«nant* not te oxcaad M mm tn aUth. WORD UARKMCS ITCH ITEM ITEM ITEM XMC LIS TtlD IJI flK£ 0.4C PED LtT aicu> 2M SSSSL 3JS SLOO W4 COMPACT 0.11 kn SOUL MT STOP 1.04 njMvtt 3.99 utt OM TL* UI LE" LT» VEMCUS 3.90 ffCHT 2.41 1.42 STATE DF CUIFORHUk OEPAHIMENI OF TRIHSPORIATKM PAVEMENT MARKINGS WORDS NO SCALE W.L OI«MS10»*S »RE IH . _ ^_ UllLIXCTEns UNLESS OTHEMISE SMOm A24D CENTERLINES (2 LANE HIGHWAYS) DETAIL I DETAtL2^ DETAIL A .^_|f.*4,,;.44i|, ^ilB |?.*4T,^44^1 B ««« 0«» B LH «-^ L22 F.-H t- DETAIL 5 • • IK • DETAIL 6 • S.«>. DETAIL 7 S.49 M.t4 ^ a • • « • L22 B-r MARKER DETAILS LEGEND UMKUS O ITPC • amt* tMn-raflactfva 9 TTPE AY YalUv Non-ranactlva jjpj CB TTPE C Bao-claor R*tror*fl*ctlvo R.troroflactlva foea B TTPE 0 TvO-HOy follow ll*tror*fl*ctlv* [] TTPE G On*-«oy Oaor Ratroraflaotlv* B TYPE H Cn*-vay follow Ratrerofloctiv* TYPE A fc TYPE AY 96-OS LWES ] oo MOI mt* 100 rm raiiow Olrocrloh of Trovot a H NOTE TYPE C fc TYPE 0 TYPE C fc TYPE H Oatoa I doiotad LANELINES (MULTLANE HIGHWAYS) DETAIL 8 „ 1^ 5-» • lltl ,I;H^| DETAIL 9 HA4 • OETAILIO^ m ooo ooo a DETAIL 11 DETAIL 12 ^ a r—~~i n DETAIL 13 I * I'. S.49 • DETAIL M JIU. a oooo a oooo a oooo a • -i 1-122 a ,DETAIL 11 f OJ kl JK. DETAIL 13 July 1998 RMO ilWIMt Bun NO PAS tSINC ZONES-ONE DIRECTION DETAIL 5 DETAIL 16 WiiWiArJmiirmmm^ , T.a2jL. DETAIL 17 [2.44 ri12.44 2.44 It" T." " 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 99999B9999 -i l*LZ2 m ififiJL, IO,M.JL DETAIL 18 f. 5.13 III 4.3.W DETAIL 19 • T -H rTS H_i. r.i2 » T.12 m 330: TiT B 9 9 9 9 B99099B9999e L22 m-H U- JTTso :lrTS DETAIL 20 NQ PASSING ZONES-TWO DIRECTIONS DETAIL 21 DETAIL 22 T-Jg m DETAIL 23 •I I L22 m-H K I r'* B99®99H999deBl B90999B99999BT STATE OF CAUFORNU DEPARTMENT OF TftANSPOflTATION PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES TYPICAL DETAILS NO SCALE ALL DIICNSIONS ARE IN L( I LL I HE TCHS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOVN A20A <3> DtJML 38 -ZOO mm vn* Lh* I. TJ,. 1 ,j, ^ throu9> Iraftie DETAIL 38A ' ZOO mm mt* UM DETAIL 36B JOO — Ndt* Lln«.„ •JT*' • Ml m — 4. Ul 50 DETAIL 38C a88888ll88888B LU BOO •TJI J CHANNELIZING UNF DETAL 39 • 60 mm mta Ikw BIKE LANE LINE OETAL 39A [• (0 a INTERSECTION LWE BIKE LANE LEGEM) . mmas O nrc A mta HHWaflMtlva •I TWC C Ono-MV Omo- Ikatrw Ob-aeittn af Iroval MARKER DETAM_S >zo lO-O^ C3 HI TYPE A TTPE C KatroraflactM Foea >ttaraactto CJ mta L»M DETAL 40 0.M , DETAL 40A ^00 mm a mto Uta -H K-UZa OOOOOOOO Typo A Mon-tafiaattv* LANE LINE EXTENSIONS THROUGH MTERSECTIOHS A*tr*r*fi*at»*« pa—ant -aMThir ot doana traaw and af raeoat-v i-iU • 0.1 Katrarafiaellvo p*v*>*ant MrHar al *ltti*r and ef raeata. SECTIOM a-fl SECTIOM A-A AatrarafMctliro po»a«ant mortLtr at aithar ond af racoaa. I ww |iwwj I Lou. PLAN »>o-Ooy Trot ftc "iwa II PLAM T«o-«ay Troffic (Typa a RECESS DETAII FQR RETROREFLECTIVE PAVEMENT UARKFR JMdO. JlfcEL RECESSED HA«m 1 IfilB ^io-« Mtraraflaotr** Foo* b Soa tjvied traf fM **t««* for iwrkor potta^ to b* uood vltti roooBoad pwoMnt laar-kari. P«t*a M r*«jroa • Typ* 1 raooaa. Z- Tha ratraratiactivo poianant w^ora Mtown for rooaaaod btatdtationa era nol to bo uood fer noffracoaaad ktatAtotiana. m g ft TTPE P TYPE G fc TYPE H SM MitM I aid 1. RETROREFLECTIVE PAVEMENT UARKFR FOR RECFSSCD MSTAI ^ f^J^ mit or CAUFOINA OETAATiaNT Of nuHSPOITAnm PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES TYPICAL DETAILS NO SCALE ALL BIICmsMS UC Id HIlLIMTCm (PUU OnCMIK A20D