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City of
: Batiquitos interceptor
iVianlioie Inspection and
Assessment Report
City Project No. CP 3538
December 2005
Services, Inc.
Batiquitos interceptor Manlioie
Inspection and Assessment
Final Report
City Project No. CP 3538
Downstream is a San Diego based firm centrally located to provide service to Southern
Califomia. We are the largest pipeline inspection, and cleaning company in San Diego
County. Our personnel are qualified and specialized for pipeline inspections, cleaning,
flow monitoring and storm drain BMP's. We use state ofthe art equipment and
continually upgrade our systems to maintain the highest standard of excellence. Please
visit our website @ downstreamservices.com.
Downstream Services Inc. (DSI) is pleased to deliver this Final Report presenting the
results ofthe Batiquitos Interceptor Manhole Inspection and Assessment Project.
DSI also inspected all ofthe manholes (43) located on the approximately 11,000 linear
feet of sewer line identified in this project. Manholes were high pressure washed prior to
inspection to remove dirt, scum, or other obstructions. A trap was utilized to prevent any
loose material other than dirt from entering the flow during manhole cleaning. The
inspections were performed from above ground without confined space entry. A
Manhole Inspection Report was used to detail site information, map location, condition of
the manhole, and any defects present. Each manhole was rated from one (1) to five (5) to
establish an assessment value based upon a rating legend also included in this report.
A pole camera designed for specific use in sanitary sewers was used to document the
manhole inspections. Included in these inspections is an area photo used to identify the
physical location ofthe manhole; a bird's eye view to look straight down the manhole;
views up any incoming pipes; and photos of any defects present in the manhole. All of
these photos are presented in jpeg format as well the entire inspection in an mpeg video
on DVD.
Corporate Office • 2855 Progress Place • Escondido, CA 92029
Ph 760 746 2544 Ph 800 262 0999 Fax 760 746 2667
Services, Inc.
Project Completion:
Upon the completion ofthe scope of work and acceptance by the city's engineer, all
manhole lids were re-sealed with Engineer approved silicone sealant. DSI conducted all
operations in compliance of all Federal, State and Local laws including OSHA.
If I can answer any questions at all, please feel free to contact me at the office, or on my
cell® (760) 594-1516
Richard Delgadillo
Project Manager
Corporate Office • 2855 Progress Place • Escondido, CA 92029
Ph 760 746 2544 Ph 800 262 0999 Fax 760 746 2667
City of Carlsbad
Batiquitos Interceptor Manhole Inspection and Assessment
City Project No.CP 3538
Manhole Structural Defect and Maintenance Rating Legend
Each manhole inspected was given a rating from 1- 5, based on severity of defects
observed. A scrape/penetration test was performed on the chimney, cone, and
barrel sections ofthe manholes. Scrape/penetration tests were also performed on
the bench, in the channel and around each pipe connection. A pole affixed with a
curved hook was used to perform the scrape/penetration tests on all concrete and
coal tar surfaces. For each rating category, some or all of the following conditions
were present:
Ratine 1:
No serious defects are detected.
A "Hard'* result was obtained in the scrape/penetration test on 75% ofthe manhole.
Visible infiltration consists of stains and/or minor deposits.
No capacity problems are observed.
Rutins 2:
A "Soft" result was obtained in the scrape/penetration test on <_ 50% of the manhole.
The liner and/or precast concrete has light deterioration and can be penetrated
approximately inch.
Visible infiltration may be seeping or consists of stains and/or deposits.
Light sedimentation may be measured in the invert.
Pipe capacity is adequate.
Rehabilitation can be scheduled long-term.
Rutins 3:
A "Soft" result was obtained in the scrape/penetration test on <_ 75% of the manhole.
The liner and/or precast concrete has moderate deterioration and can be penetrated
approximately '/i inch. The liner may be peeling.
Infiltration may be seeping or dripping.
Light sedimentation may be measured in the invert.
Maximum depth/diameter may exceed 50% of pipe capacity.
Rehabilitation is necessary medium-term within three to five years.
Rutins 4:
A "Soft" result was obtained in the scrape/penetration test on <_ 100% of the manhole.
The liner and/or precast concrete has severe deterioration and can be penetrated
approximately 1 inch. The liner may be peeling or absent.
Infiltration is visibly running.
Moderate sedimentation may be measured in the invert.
Maximum depth/diameter may exceed 50% of pipe capacity.
Rehabilitation is necessary medium-term within two to three years.
Rutins 5:
A "Soft" result was obtained in the scrape/penetration test on 100% ofthe manhole.
The precast concrete has severe deterioration and is sloughing off into the channel.
Penetrations were performed without scraping to minimize removal of material. The liner
is severely corroded or absent.
Infiltration is severe often entering from multiple points in the pipe.
Sedimentation is moderate in the invert is a result of the deteriorating manhole.
Maximum depth/diameter may exceed 50% of pipe capacity.
Rehabilitation is urgent and should be completed within one to two years.
il ii fcJ ii ii iJ ii I I i i I i llllllllllli
Sewer Manhole Inspection Assessment Table
Access Hole No. Rating Scrape/Penetration Infiltration Comments
AH-21 1 Hard Light stains Fiat channei; m/h in good condition
AH-22 2 Soft Stains Severe deterioration of iiner
AH-23 5 Soft Running Severe deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-24 3 Soft Seeping Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-25 3 Soft Stains, deposits Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-26 3 Soft Stains, deposits Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-27 3 Soft Seeping Sloughed-off concrete sediment in invert
AH-28 4 Soft Seeping Liner peeling, concrete deteriorated
AH-29 3 Soft Seeping Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-30 3 Soft Seeping Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-31 3 Soft Seeping Cracked chimney, severe deterioration
AH-32 3 Soft Seeping Deterioration, concrete & liner
AH-33 3 Soft Seeping Sediment; deteriorated concrete
AH-34 2 Soft None visible Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-35 3 Soft Seeping Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-36 3 Soft Seeping Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-37 3 Soft Seeping Sediment; deteriorated concrete & liner
AH-38 3 Soft Seeping Sediment; severe deterioration
AH-39 2 Soft Seeping Sediment; light deterioration
AH-40 4 Soft Dripping Sediment, mod/serious deterioration
AH-41 3 Soft Dripping Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-42 3 Soft Stains Silt, turbulence, surcharge, deterioration
il ii UJ ii ii ii il il Ii fti il Ii Ii II il I t t
AH-43 3 Soft Stains Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-44 3 Soft Stains Sediment; severe deterioration
AH-45 3 Soft Dripping Sediment; deteriorated concrete & liner
AH-46 3 Soft Seeping Sediment; severe deterioration
AH-47 3 Soft Seeping Sediment, severe deterioration
AH-48 3 Soft Stains, deposits Sediment; severe deterioration
AH-49 N/A N/A N/A Could not locate manhole
AH-50 2 Hard Stains, dripping Light deterioration
AH-51 2 Hard Stains, dripping Light deterioration
AH-52 3 Hard, with soft bench Running Light deterioration
AH-53 3 Soft Streaming Light deterioration
AH-53A 1 Hard Stains Manhole in good condition
AH-54 5 Soft Streaming Severe deterioration
AH-55 4 Soft Running Severe Infiltration
AH-56 2 Hard Seeping Light deterioration
AH-57 N/A N/A N/A Manhole not located
AH-58 3 Hard Seeping Light deterioration
AH-59 1 Hard Light stains Manhole in good condition
AH-60 1 Hard Stains, seeping Rocks & debris in invert
AH-61 3 Soft Running Turbulence; light deterioration
AH-62 1 Hard Light stains Manhole in good condition
ii i^i ^i ii ^i il Ii II II II II II ii
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
I I i
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Gabbiano Ln. Pump Station
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection type/structure
Inspector Name:
Access: drive Date of Inspection: 06/07/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent 1: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B ?" stub? VCP
Influent 2: C 24" VCP
Influent 3: D
Other: Effluent 2: E 24" VCP
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Surface Cover:
Surface Condition:
Traffic Setup:
Traffic Volume:
X Located
X Pavement
X No Problem
• Roadway
X None
D Not Located
• Off Pavement
• Cracked
• Off Roadway
• Light
0 Could Not Open
• Sidewalk
• Pothole
• Intersection
• Heavy
• Not Accessible
• Parking Lot
• Raised
• Sidewalk
• Landscape • Back Yard • Open Field
• Concrete Collar
• Driveway X Private Property • Highway
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
X Nonnal • Missing
X Round • Square
X 24" Diameter • 36" Diameter
Material: x Iron • Plastic/Composite U Other
Corrosion on Bottom: x None D Light • Medium
• Cracked
• Other
0 Other
• Rocking U Seized • Sealed • Bolted/Locked • Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
• Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good • Cracked 0 Missing Steps/Rungs: X None • Iron Q Plastic/Coated • Other
Corrosion: X None • Light • Medium D Heavy Step Condition: • Good Q Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None • Good • Poor Evidence of Surcharge: • No X Yes Heiaht 5'
Frame to MH Seal: X None 0 Good • Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ii i^j % i ai il iiiiiiliiiiiitiiiiftiii I I
Chimney & Cone
Shape: • Concentric
Material: • CIP Concrete
Condition - Visual: • Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: x Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: X None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
X Fair
• Soft
• Soft
• Stains/Deposits
• aher
• Lined
• Poor
• Dripping
• Brick
• Running
• Other
U Streaming
Min. diam. 24"
Height: 51"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft:
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench:
• CIP Concrete
X Good
X Hard
X Hard
X None
X PreCast Concrete • Lined
• Fair • Poor
• Soft Inches
• Soft Inches
U Stains/Deposit • Dripping
Brick Diam: 72"
Height: 99"
• Running U Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete • PreCast Concrete • Lined • Brick Other
Condition-Visual: X Good • Fair • Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard • Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard • Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: U None X Stains/Deposits • Dripping 0 Running • Streaming
Channel NONE
Material: 0 CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete • Lined • Brick • Other Flat bottom
Condition-Visual: Good • Fair • Poor xN/A
Scrape/Penetrate (j 3 crown of pipe: • Hard U Soft Inches XN/A
Scrape/Penetrate (3 g invert: • Hard Q Soft Inches X N/A
Infiltration/Inflow: X None • Stains/Deposits • Dripping • Running • Streaming
Flow Velocity: • Dry • Stagnant • Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) • Fast (>4 fps) U Turbulent
Flow Depth: • Dry 0 <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. • <3/4 Pipe Dia. • Full Pipe • Surcharged
Grease: X None • Light • Medium • Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None U Few D Many • Infested Tvoe
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 17'
Silt: X No • Yes Inches
Debris: X No • Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No • Yes Description
f i^J h M ii il h M (il il II Ii II II II il il
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
i I 1
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Gabbiano La. ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure typfe:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number M.H. Layout General Area: 24" M.H. Layout
Cover On: VCP
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-22 i VCP
Effluent: A 24" VCP t V Influent 1: B 24" VCP 1 \
Influent 2: C
1 \
North —-"X ^\ ^\
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located • Not Located • Could Not Open • Not Accessible
Surface Cover: • Pavement • Off Pavement • Sidewalk • Parking Lot X Landscape • Back Yard • Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem • Cracked • Pothole X Raised: 12" • Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: • Roadway X Off Roadway • Intersection • Sidewalk • Driveway • Private Property • Highway
Traffic Volume: X None U Light • Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal • Missing • Cracked 0 Rocking • Seized • Sealed • Bolted/Locked • Buried/Covered
Stiape: X Round • Square • Other Defects:
Size: X 24" Diameter • 36" Diameter • Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron • Plastic/Composite • Other
Corrosion on Bottom: • None X Light Ll Medium • Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good • Cracked U Missing Steps/Rungs: X None • Iron U Plastic/Coated • Other
Corrosion: • None X Light D Medium • Heavy Step Condition: • Good • Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None • Good • Poor Evidence of Surcharge: • No X Yes Height: 1'
Frame to MH Seal: • None X Good • Poor Vandalism: X No • Yes Description
II 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft 1 i 1 i 1 III! 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 i i i 1 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Liner: coal tar epoxy
Shape: • Concentric X Eccentric • other Describe Chimney depth: N/A
Material: • CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined • Brick G other Min. diam. N/A
Condition - Visual: • Good • Fair X^Poor (NO CHIMNEY)
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches severe deterioration cone
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: • Hard X Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: • None X Stains/Deposits U Dripping U Running • Streaming
Material: Q CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete U Lined • Brick • Other Height: 53" Liner: coal tar
Condition-Visual: • Good • Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: • Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Infiltration/Inflow: • None X Stains/Deposit • Dripping • Running D Streaming deterioration
Material: X CIP Concrete U PreCast Concrete X Lined • Brick • Other Liner: coal tar
Condition-Visual: • Good • Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: • Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: • Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: • None X Stains/Deposits • Dripping U Running • Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete • Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: • Good 0 Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: U Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: D None G stains/Deposits • Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: • Dry G Stagnant • Slow (0-1 fps) X Nomial(1-4fp8) • Fast (>4 fps) D Turbulent
Flow Depth: • Dry Q <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. • <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe U Surcharged
Grease: X None • Light G Medium 0 Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None D Few Q Many Q Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.9'
Silt: X No Q Yes Inches
Debris: X No D Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No • Yes Description
ft I fti fti il ftJ ft I
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Gabbiano La. ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number M.H. Layout General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On:
Cover Bottom: 24" \
VCP \ Down Manhole: 24" \
VCP \ \ 24" Other:
24" \
VCP \ \ 24"
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-23 k VCP
Effluent: A 24" VCP A
Influent 1: B 24" VCP t Influent 2: C 1
Influent 3: D North
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located • Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: U Pavement • Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard • Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 17" • Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway • Intersection G Sidewalk • Driveway Q Private Property Q Highway
Traffic Volume: X None • Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal Q Missing Q Cracked G Rocking • Seized • Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36° Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron Q Plastic/Composite Q Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium D Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good Q Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron Q Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None Q Good Q Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No Q Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G other Describe Chimney Height: 37"
Material: • CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick • other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects: infiltration
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running Q Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick U Other Height: 20"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bendi: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposit G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wait: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick Q Other
Condition-Visual: • Good X Fair • Poor •
Scrape/Penetrate g crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate <i g invert: x Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping X Running U Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry • Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) Q Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry Q <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium • Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None Q Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.3'
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No D Yes Description
I I I I i I i I i I Ik It J
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Gabbiano La. ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material 24" VCP
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: Q Pavement G Off Pavement U Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem U Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 15" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: Q Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonmal G Missing G Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square • Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron Q Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: Q None X Light • Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II fti il il il
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric
Material: G CIP Concrete
Condition-Visual: G Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
G Fair
X Soft
X Soft
X Stains/Deposits
G Other
X Lined
X Poor
G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
G Other
Coal tar epoxy liner
Chimney Height: 12"
Min. diam. 24"
G streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: • CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 38"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: Q None Q Stains/Deposit • Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Scrape/Penetrate near wall:
Scrape/Penetrate near channel:
X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete
Q Good G Fair
G Hard X Soft
G Hard X Soft
G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping
X Lined
X Poor
G Brick
G Running
G Other
G Streaming
Defects: infil
X Seeping
Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete • Lined U Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate § crown of pipe: U Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate ^ g invert: x Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: • None Q Stains/Deposits • Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe • Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None Q Few • Many Q Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.7'
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: XNo G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
il il ftl ftl ftl fti Ii I
Services, Inc.
I I i I i I ft I i
Manhole Inspection
i I j I I
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: • Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk • Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked • Pothole X Raised: 14" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
X Normal G Missing G Cracked
X Round G Square • Other
X 24" Diameter • 36" Diameter G Other
X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: • None X Light
G Rocking • Seized G Sealed Q Bolted/Locked • Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
Q Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good Q Cracked • Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II ftl ftl ftl ft 1 ftl i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllll ft 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 17"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual:
G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: • Hard X Soft Inches 'severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None • Stains/Deposits • Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick • Other Height: 29"
Condition-Visual: • Good • Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running • Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete D PreCast Concrete • Lined G Brick Q Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard U Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits • Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nomial(1-4fps) • Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry • <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. 0 Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light • Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.3'
Silt: X No 0 Yes Inches
Debris: X No D Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
II il ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
I i I I I I I I I
Manhole Inspection
I i I I I I
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1:
Influent 2:
Influent 3:
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Surface Cover:
Surface Condition:
Traffic Setup:
Traffic Volume:
X Located
G Pavement
X No Problem
• Roadway
X None
G Not Located
G Off Pavement
Q Cracked
X Off Roadway
G Light
G Could Not Open
G Sidewalk
U Pothole
G Intersection
G Heavy
G Not Accessible
Q Parking Lot
X Raised: IS"
G Sidewalk
X Landscape U Back Yard G Open Field
G Concrete Collar
G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round Q Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite • Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame General
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: D None X Light G Medium Q Heavy Step Condition: G Good Q Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None • Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
II ftl ftl ftl i 1 i 1 1 1 IIII i 1 i 1 1 J i 1 i 1 i 1 lllll
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 17"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition ^ Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barre//bVa// Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 31"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposit G Dripping • Running G streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete • Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry • stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) • Fast (>4 fps) • TurtDulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None • Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.5'
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
II il ftl ftl ftl fta il
^» *^ CAMlTflRV SFWFR ft .-^TflRM W
Services, Inc.
t I I I I I I I I
Manhole Inspection
I i I
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open U Not Accessible
Surface Cover: U Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk Q Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked • Pothole X Raised: 14" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing Q Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: • None X Light G Medium • Heavy Step Condition: G Good Q Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seat: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: XNo G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good Q Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II ftl ftl ftl ftl iiii IIII IIII IIII i 1 i 1 lllll
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: Q Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 45"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good. G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits • Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined • Brick G other Height: 10"
Condition-Visual: G Good U Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None • Stains/Deposit G Dripping • Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick U other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: • Good • Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: Q None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running U Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete • Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good XFair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Invert: X Hard • Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) U Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry • <i/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many D Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.1'
Silt: G No X Yes Inches 2.00"
Debris: G No X Silt appears to be sloughed-off concrete
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I II fti ftl ftl ftJ ftl ftl il
^fc ^ RflMITARV .<;FWFR A )?TnRM Ul
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
I i I t J i I I I I I
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail, ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement • Off Pavement • Sidewalk G Paricing Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 20" • Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: • Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
Corrosion on Bottom: • fgone
X Normal G Missing
X Round G Square
X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter
X Iron
G Cracked
G Other
G Other
Q Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light
G Rocking G Seized • Sealed • Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium • Heavy Step Condition: Q Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: XNo G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 IIII 1 1 1 lllll i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chimney & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 31"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good Q Fair X Poor Defects: peeling liner .
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 31"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None • Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete • PreCast Concrete X Lined • Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
infiltration/Inflow: G None Q Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick • Other Defects: peeling
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard XSoft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping • Running • Streaming
I i
Flow Velocity: G Dry G stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. • Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium • Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.7'
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No U Yes Description
I I ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
ft I ftl ftl I I
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
M.H. Layout General Area: ^^^^-^
M.H. Layout
Cover On: ^^^^-^
8" VC
drop Cover Bottom: 8" VC
drop Down Manhole:
8" VC
Other: T Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-29 y North Effluent: A 24" VCP 24"
Influent 1: B 8" drop VCP 24"
VCP 24"
VCP Influent 2: C 24" VCP
VCP 24"
VCP Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located • Could Not Open Q Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk • Paridng Lot X Landscape • Back Yard • Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 13" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway Q Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property • Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
X Normal G Missing G Cracked
X Round G Square G Other
X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
X Iron Q Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light
• Rocking • Seized G Sealed • Bolted/Locked • Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None • Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium • Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
I II II il il ftl ft I il II I I II il il il il i i I I t I I i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric
Material: G ClP Concrete
Condition - Visual: G Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surfece: G Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: X None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
G Fair
X Soft
G Stains/Deposits
G Other
X Lined
X Poor
G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
G Other
Q Streaming
Coal tar epoxy liner
Chimney Height: 27"
Min. diam. 24"
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 37"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Matenal: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: • Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft inches ^severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running Q Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G aher
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate ^ S crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate g invert: x Hard Q Soft Inches
Inftltration/lnflovi/: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running Q Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium Q Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.8*
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
illiiilfti ft Ii lilll
Services, Inc.
II i I ftl i I
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/06/05
Pictures Photo Number M.H. Layout General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
P(pe Diameter Pipe Material AH-30 1
Effluent: A 24" VCP North
Influent 1: B 24" VCP North
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk Q Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard Q Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 13" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Q Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G aher Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: x None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: • Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: x No G Yes Heinht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: x No G Yes Description
II ftl i 1 i 1 ftl ftl ft 1 ftl ftl i 1 ft 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 17"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: U Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches 'severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 12"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None Q Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 6.9"
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
II il ftl ftl ftl ftl Ii I 1 Ii II il 11 Ii il il il tl
Manhole Inspection
I 1
Services, Inc.
Overview City of Carisbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/06/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
M.H. Layout
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 24" VCP
Influent 2: C
Influents: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located U Could Not Open Q Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement U Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 15" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway U Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal Q Missing G Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G aher
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None Q Iron • Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: Q None X Light Q Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
iftiftiftiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii
Chimney & Cone
Shape: Q Concentric
Material: • ciP Concrete
Condition - Visual: G Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: • Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
G Fair
X Soft
X Soft
X Stains/Deposits
G Other
X Lined
X Poor
G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
Coal tar epoxy liner
Chimney Height: 18"
G other Min. diam. 24"
Defects: Chimney broken,
and cracked
"severe liner & concrete
G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 7"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick U Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard Q Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming X Seeping
Flow Velocity: G Dry G stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) Q Turbulent
Flow Depth: • Dry Q <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: XNone • Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 6.6'
Silt: X No Q Yes Inches
Debris: X No Q Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
1 il il ftl ftl ftl ftl
i I
Services, Inc.
I I I I i I ft I ft I i
Manhole Inspection
i I i I I 1 I i I I
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspettion/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 24" VCP
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Surface Cover:
Surface Condition:
Traffic Setup:
Traffic Volume:
X Located
G Pavement
X No Problem
G Roadway
X None
G Not Located
G Off Pavement
G Cracked
X Off Roadway
G Light
G Could Not Open
U Sidewalk
G Pothole
G Intersection
G Heavy
G Not Accessible
G Parking Lot
X Raised: 12"
Q Sidewalk
X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
G Concrete Collar
G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonnal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Conrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic'Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i 1 ftl ftl i 1 ft J ftl ftl i i 1 1 lli Iiii 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 31"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 11"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposit G Dripping Q Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard XSoft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry X <1/4 Pipe Dia. G <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few Q Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.9'
Silt: X No G Yes Inches
Debris: X No G Yes Description
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
ftl ftl ftl il i
Manhole Inspection
i I i I ft I i I I I
Overview City of Carisbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/ /05
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
pjpe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 24" VCP
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem Q Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 7" Q Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonnal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good Q Poor Vandalism; X No G Yes Description
i 1 ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 IIII i 1 ftl ill! i 1 i 1 lllll
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 21"
Material: G CIP'Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None Q Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 32"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard XSoft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard Q Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.9'
Silt: G No X Yes Inches 2.00" yes
Debris: Q No X Yes 2.00 " debris is concrete which has sloughed oft m/h
interior walls
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
i II ftl ftl ftl ftl ft I i I
Services, Inc.
ftl i i i I i I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 24" VCP
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 6" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: Q Roadway X Oft Roadway Q Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway U Private Property Q Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G aher
Size: X 24" Diameter Q 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good • Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 II ftl ftl ftl ftl fta i 1 IIII 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1
Chimney & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 20"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 29"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard XSoft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick U aher Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard XSoft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good XFair Q Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard XSoft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) Q Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Plpe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.6'
Silt: G No X Yes Inches 4"
Debris: G No X Yes debris consists of mushy concrete which has Debris: G No sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
I I I i i I i I I
Manhole Inspection
i I
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Lagoon Trail ROW
Drive, unpaved. and walk
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 24" VCP
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information t
Status: X Located Q Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible North
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 11" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk Q Driveway G Private Property Q Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing Q Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G BoHed/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round • Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No • Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good Q Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
I i II ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 32"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches ^severe
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G other Height: 19"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair • Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G £1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe D Surcharged
Grease: XNone G Light D Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.8'
Silt: G No X Yes Inches: 4"
Debris: G No X Yes 4", debris is mushy concrete which has sloughed oft
interior walls
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ftl ftl il I j fl il il il Ii II il il 11
Manhole Inspection
^» ^ .QAMITARV .9FWFR ft STflRM Vy
Services, Inc.
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Lagoon Trail, ROW
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number M.H. Layout General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On:
Cover Bottom: 24" \
VCP \ Down Manhole: 24" \
VCP \ t Other:
24" \
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-36
VCP Effluent: A 24" VCP VCP Influent 1: B 24" VCP VCP
Influent 2: C
Influents: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Pariting Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: Q Roadway X Oft Roadway Q Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
X Normal G Missing
X Round G Square
X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter
X Iron
G Cracked
G Other
G Other
Q Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light
G Rocking Q Seized G Sealed G Botted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated 0 Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium • Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl IIII 1 1 ft 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i i t i 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 21"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair " X Poor Defects:
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Matenal: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 64"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running Q Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None Q Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: Q None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 11.6'
Silt: G No X Yes Inches:: 2.00"
Debris: G No X Yes debris is mushy concrete which has sloughed oft Debris: G No interior walls.
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I i
il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl II i i il ftl II I i il il ftl
Manhole Inspection
I a i I
Services, Inc.
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Golf Course
Drive cart
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number 8" or 10"
PVC General Area: 8" or 10"
M.H. Layout
Cover On:
8" or 10"
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole: t Other: 1
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material ^ I AH-37 North
Effluent: A 24" VCP \
/— Influent 1: B 8" or 10" PVC 24" 24" Influent 2: C 24" VCP VCP
Influent 3: D VCP VCP
Site Information
Surface Cover:
Surface Condition:
Traffic Setup:
Traffic Volume:
X Located
G Pavement
X No Problem
G Roadway
X None
G Not Located
G Off Pavement
G Cracked
Off Roadway
G Light
G Could Not Open
G Sidewalk
G Pothole
G Intersection
G Heavy
G Not Accessible
G Parking Lot
G Raised:
G Sidewalk
X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
G Concrete Collar
Q Driveway X Private Property Q Highway
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
X Normal
X Round
X 24" Diameter
X Iron
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
G Missing G Cracked
G Square G Other
G 36° Diameter G Other
G Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light
G Rocking Q Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium • Heavy Step Condition: G Good Q Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: U None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ftl ftl ftl i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 IIII IIII 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1
Chimney & Cone Coat tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G aher Describe Chimney Height: 26"
G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running Q Streaming
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other Height: 144"
Condition-Visual: X Good G Fair Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard (?) Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard (?) Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: Q Good XFair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft' Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard Q Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: • Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nomial(1-4fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry Q <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. 0 Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 18.6'
Silt: G No X Yes 2.00" Inches:
Debris: G No X Yes debris in channel invert 2"
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl
Services, Inc.
I I I I i I i 1 I 1
Manhole Inspection
i I i I i I I I
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Golf Course
Drive cart, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: U Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron • Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: x None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G aher
Corrosion: G None X Light • Medium 0 Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: x No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: x No G Yes Description
II il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 1 i i 1 i 1 ilia i 1 ft 1 lllli
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 27"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24'
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 97"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping Q Running G streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running Q Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few Q Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to invert Depth: Feet: 17.1'
Silt: G No X Yes 2.00 Inches
Debris: G No X Yes 2.00 " mushy concrete in invert
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
I 11 ftl ftl ftl ftJ ftl ftl ftl
1^ CAMlTflRV <:i:WPR a .(JTHRM Wi
Services, Inc.
ftl ftl 11 i I I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Golf Course
Drive cart, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Sfte Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Suri'ace Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Pariting Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
X Normal G Missing G Cracked
X Round G Square G Other
X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
X Iron Q Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light
Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Size
G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i i ftl ftl ftl ftl ft 1 i 1 ft 1 ill 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1
Chlmnev & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 27"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Conditioti - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "light
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Height: 88"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hanj X Soft Inches Defects: infil "light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit X Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard XSoft Inches "light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light Q Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 14.1'
Silt: G No XYes 2"
Debris: G No X Yes 2" mushy concrete which sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ftJ ftl il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl Ii II il tl II il
Manhole Inspection
Report ^ RAMITflRV .<!FWFR A SmRM UU
Services, Inc.
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Golf Course. T Tee-off
Drive cart, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/09/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On:
Cover Bottom: ^ 24"
VCP Down Manhole: 24"
^ 24"
VCP Other:
^ 24"
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP t Influent 1: B 24" VCP 1
Influent 2: C North
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Suri'ace Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing Q Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Botted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Con-osion: G None X Light G Medium • Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good Q Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i i 1 i 1 f 1
Chimney & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G other Describe Chimney Height: 28"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition-Visual: •* G Good X Fair Poor •
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft Inches "light
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 87"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4fl: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "moderate
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None Q Stains/Deposit X Dripping G Running Q Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor,
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G Streaming Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Harcl X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry D Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G TuriDulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe Q Surcharged
Grease: X None • Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few Q Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 14.1'
Silt: G No XYes 2"
Debris: G No X Yes 2" mushy concrete sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
II i I II i I ftl
Services, Inc.
I t I I i I I I I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carisbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail east
Drive unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 18" VCP
Influent 1: B 18" VCP
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk Q Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 24" Q Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: x Normal
Shape: X Round
Size: X 24" Diameter
Material: X Iron
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
G Missing G Cracked G Rocking
G Square G Other
G 36" Diameter G Other Shape:
G Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light G Medium G Heavy
G Seized
G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium Q Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
t ftl ftl ftl ftl fti ftl il II t I i I lilililillll
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric
Material: G CIP Concrete
Condition - Visual: Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: • Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
G Fair
X Soft
X Soft
X Stains/Deposits
G Other
X Lined
X Poor
G Dripping
G Brick
U Streaming
Coal tar epoxy liner
Chimney Height: N/A
Min. diam. N/A
"severe cone deterioration
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: Q CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 48"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit X Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant X Slow (0-1 fps) Normal (1-4 ^s) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None Q Light G Medium Q Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.5'
Silt: G No XYes 1"
Debris: G No X Yes 1" mushy concrete sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
I II il il ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
I I i I
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Golf Course, clubhouse
Drive cart, paved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 24" VCP
Influent 1: B 15" (?)drop VCP
Influent 2: C 24" VCP
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot Landscape XYard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property Q Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
X Normal
X Round
X 24" Diameter
X Iron
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
G Missing G Cracked G Rocking
G Square G Other
G 36" Diameter G Other Shape:
G Plastic/Composite Q Other
X Light G Medium 0 Heavy
G Seized
G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Buried/Covered
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II i 1 ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i
Chimney & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 34"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard XSoft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard XSoft Inches "severe deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Barrel/Wall Coal tar liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 97"
Condition-Visual: G Good 0 Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4fl: Q Hard X Soft Inches Defects: "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar liner
Materia): X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant X Slow (0-1 fps) Nornial (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) X Turbulent due to drop connection
Flow Depth: G Dry Q <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe X Surcharged due to drop connection
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 15.4'
Silt: G No XYes 2"
Debris: G No X Yes 2" mushy concrete sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ft.
Services, Inc.
ftl ftl ftl il il il il II il il Ii
Manhole Inspection
I I i I
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Golf Course
Drive cart
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 21" VCP
Influent 1: B 21" VCP
Influent 2: C
influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking Q Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: None G Iron X Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: X Fair G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
II ft 1 ftl ft 1 ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ill IIIIIIIIIIIIII
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 20"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running Q streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 61"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
i I
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: Q None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) Q Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 10.9'
Silt: G No X Yes 3"
Debris: G No X Yes 3" mushy concrete sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
I II il ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl il
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
i I i I i i I 1 I I
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Golf Course
Drive cart, paved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter P(pe Material
Effluent: A 21" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 21" VCP
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: Q Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parting Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
X Normal G Missing G Cracked
X Round G Square G Other
X 24" Diameter G 36' Diameter G Other
X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium
G Rocking
G Heavy
G Seized
G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None XGood G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 III! 1 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chimney & Cone Coal tar epoxy liner
Shape: Q Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe Chimney Height: 18"
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Min. diam. 24"
Condition - Visual: G Good
G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches "light deterioration chimney
Infiltration/Inflow: Q None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming Moderate deterioration cone
Barrel/Wall Coal tar epoxy liner
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 33"
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: "moderate
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Bench Coal tar epoxy liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects:
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G aher
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: 0 Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light' G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many Q Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Deptti: Feet: 8.4"
Silt: G No XYes 2"
Debris: G No X Yes 2" mushy concrete sloughed off m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
il il il ftl ftl ftl ftl
i I
Services, inc.
I } I I i I I 1
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Mdnhole Number:
Lagoon Trail, off golf course
Drive, then walk
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole: AT^ 18" .
Other: 18" ^ VCP T
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material 18" ] AH-45 l-
Effluent: A 18" VCP VCP North
Influent 1: B 18" VCP
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
Site Infonnation
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 24" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: Q Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition:. X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron Q Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i 1 i 1 i 1 ftl ftl ftl ftl i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 lllll 1 , t i t
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 15"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: U Hard X Soft Inches Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard XSoft Inches "severe deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 42" Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Bench Coal tar liner
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard G Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G Streaming Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant X Slow (0-1 fps) Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light Q Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 10.2'
Silt: G No XYes 1"
Debris: G No X Yes 1" mushy concrete sloughed oft m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Services, Inc.
I i I I i I i I I
Manhole Inspection
I I Iiii
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Lagoon Trail east
Drive unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 18" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 18" VCP
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Partying Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 22" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located:
Corrosion on Bottom: • None
X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking
X Round G Square G Other
X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shape:
X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
X Light Q Medium G Heavy
Q Seized
G Sealed G Botted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light X Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i i ftl ftl ftl ft 1 i 1 ill! IIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chimney & Cone
Shape: D Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Inches Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft Inches (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G Streaming "moderate deterioration cone
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined U Brick G Other Height: 24" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Inches Defects: infil "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infll Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Inches "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft Inches deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonmal {1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light Q Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many Q Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.6'
Silt: G No X Yes 1"
Debris: G No X Yes 1" mushy concrete sloughed oft m/h interior
Unusual Odor: XNo Q Yes Description
I i
I i I i I i I ftl ftl ftl ftl i I
DOmiStreaiii Services, Inc.
ftl il ftl iJ i
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Lagoon Trail east
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1:
Influent 2:
Influent 3:
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: U Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Partying Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 16" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonmal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round Q Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other Shaoe: Size
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: Q None X Light G- Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light Q Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i II il il il ftl il ftl ftl ftl il II I I i i
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good _ G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 18"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard X Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming "severe deterioration
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 22" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Defects: "severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick Q Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium D Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.8'
Silt: G No XYes 1"
Debris: G No X Yes 1" mushy concrete sloughed oft m/h interior
Unusual Odor: No X Yes Description: chemical smell
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
I I I i I
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Lagoon Trail east
Drive, unpaved
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/08/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area: 8" M.H.Layout
Cover On: PVC Cover Bottom: PVC
/ ^ 15" VCP
Down Manhole: / V
^ 15" VCP
Other: 1 \ Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-48
Effluent: A 15" VCP t Influent 1: B 8" VCP 15"
Influent 2: C 15" VCP 15" North
Influent 3: D VCP
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Pari(ing Lot X Landscape Q Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 7.00" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property Q Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter Q 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked Q Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
II i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 fc J 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i t
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard X Soft Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming "moderate deterioration cone
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 32" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft "moderate
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft "severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.8'
Silt: G No XYes 2"
Debris: G No X Yes 2" mushy concrete sloughed oft m/h interior
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Services, Inc.
I I I I I i I j
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
AH-49 Rating
Lagoon Trail east, per map
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date Inspection attempted: 06/08/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
P>pe Diameter Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: Located X Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: Q Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway Q Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Round G Square G Other
Size: 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: Good Q Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None Light Q Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None Good G Poor Vandalism: G Yes Description
Iiliiiiiiii^iiiii i I I J t j I J I j i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete PreCast Concrete G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair Chimney Height:
Scrape/Penetrate -Near Surface: G Hard Min. diam.
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft:
G CIP Concrete
G Good
Q Hard
G Fair
G Brick G Other Height:
Coal tar liner
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench:
G Hard
G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete Lined G Brick G Other Defects: Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate near channei: G Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet:
Silt: G No Yes
Debris: G No Yes
Unusual Odor: No G Yes Description
Services, Inc.
I i I I I I I I I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number.
Hummingbird property ROW
Drive, contact property owner
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/Structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
8" PVC
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 4" CIP
Influent 3: D 15" VCP
M.H. Layout
4" CIP t
15" VCP
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located Q Could Not Open Q Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot Landscape G Back Yard X Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cradted G Pothole X Raised: 25" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G aher
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: Q None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 ft 1 ft 1 i 1 ft 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 14"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G Streaming *light deterioration
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Height: 33" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft Defects: infil 'light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft *light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running Q streaming Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: XHard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light Q Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.7'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Manhole Inspection
Report OOmiStreaiii
Services, Inc.
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Hummingbird property ROW
Drive, contact property owner
Batiquitos Lagoon >
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
8" VCP
Pfpe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1; B 8" VCP
Influent 2: C 15" VCP
Influent 3: D
15" VCP
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk Q Parking Lot Landscape G Back Yard X Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 20" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G aher
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G aher
Material: X Iron Q Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame General
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron Q Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 t j 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 t i 1 1 I i t i
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G aher Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 12"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: x Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: IJ None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming 'light deterioration
I i
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft Defects: infil *light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None Q Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard Soft •light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None U Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: U Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.8'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
ft I
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Hummingbird property ROW
Drive; contact property owner
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Pariting Lot Landscape G Back Yard X Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 23" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: Q Roadway X Oft Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Botted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G aher
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron Q Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light 0 Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G aher
Corrosion: G None X Light Q Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
iiiiiiiiii i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Iiii i j 1 j 1 j 1 i r J 1 i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 39"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: x Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming *light deterioration
I i
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Height: 40" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: XHard Soft Defects: infil *light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposit X Dripping G Running G streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft Night
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined • Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 10.3'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No Q Yes Description
II II II II il il
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carisbad
Hummingbird property ROW
Drive: contact property owner
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area: M.H. Layout
Cover On: 8" PVC 15" Cover Bottom: 15"
Down Manhole: VCP
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material AH-53
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC t Influent 2: C 15" VCP 15" ^ North Influent 3: D VCP North
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot Landscape G Back Yard X Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 4" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nomial G Missing G Cracked G Rodcing G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1^ J Ik M i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i t i t 1 1 i i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined * G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy iiner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate-Near Surface: x Hard Soft Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Height: 40" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard XSoft Defects: infil
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard XSoft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good U Fair XPoor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard XSoft *light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running X Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: U Hard XSoft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: XHard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X^1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Suncharged
Grease: XNone G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.1'
Silt: XNo Yes
Debris: XNo Yes
Unusual Odor: XNo G Yes Description
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Hummingbird property ROW
Drive: contact property owner
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
M.H. Layout General Area: 8" M.H. Layout
Cover On: VCP
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Other: AH-53-A 1 15" VCP
P(pe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" VCP
15" VCP T Influent 2: C 15" VCP 15" VCP North
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement X Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot Landscape G Back Yard Q Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 7" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway X Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rodting G Seized G Sealed G Botted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom Q None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Graeme Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: None G Iron X Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: X Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i I I I I J I I I I I 1 I I i I 1 I J
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined 'G Brick G Other *
Condition - Visual: X Good G Fair Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard Soft Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 100"
Condition-Visual: X Good G Fair Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: X Good G Fair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: X Good Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: x Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nornial (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Sun^harged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 13.4'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
I I I I I I I i I I J I 1
Services, Inc.
Manhole Inspection
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Columbine ROW
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 15" VCP
Influent 3: D
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement Q Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 18" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Botted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36° Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Ligtit G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i lllil i 1 1 IIII lllll i I i I i i i i
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G aher Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Chimney Height: 12"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard G Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard X Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming "moderate deterioration
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 26" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard X Soft Defects: infil *severe
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running X Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft *severe
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running X streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits X Dripping G Running G streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G TuriDulent
Flow Depth: G Dry X <1/4 Pipe Dia. <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 6.94'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Downstream Services, Inc.
I i 1 I I I I i I
Manhole Inspection
I I i I I
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Columbine ROW
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Numtier
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Pipe Diameter
P;pe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open Q Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard Q Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 10" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonmal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G aher
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None XGood G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 hi hi hi hi 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 j 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 i 1
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G aher Describe
Material: Q CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: G Good X Fair Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard Soft Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick • other Height:46" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: XHard Soft Defects: infil
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard XSoft •
Infiltration/Inflow: G None Q Stains/Deposit G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair XPoor
Scrape/Penetrate near wail: G Hard XSoft
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good XFair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard XSoft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: XHard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X_<1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe Q Surcharged
Grease: XNone G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.6'
Silt: XNo Yes
Debris: XNo Yes
Unusual Odor: XNo G Yes Description
II II il il i^i hi il i< mi k i tj i« i
lV^^^^M#MC#v>A9m Manhole Inspection •JK_^^Mfl1wTa€Svllll Services, Reooit
4 i i i I I
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Columbine ROW
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
15" VCP
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 12" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk Q Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G aher
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
Iiii 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 h i ft i ft i i J i i t i t.
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G other Coal tar epoxy liner
Conditiori - Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor • Chimney Height: 19"
Scrape/Penetrate -Near Surface: X Hard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming *light deterioration
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 25" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft Defects: infil -light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hand Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft *light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits Q Dripping G Running G streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: 0 Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running Q Streaming
Flow Velocity: Q Dry G stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry Q <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light Q Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few Q Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.8'
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Manhole Inspection EOvnStream
Services, inc.
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
AH-57 •
Not Located
Inspection/structure type
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Batiquitos Lagoon
Not Inspected
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Photo Number
Pfpe Diameter Pipe Material
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: G Located X Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Partying Lot G Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: G No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway G Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway G Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: G None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: G Nonnal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking Q Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: Q Round G Square G Other
Size: G 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G aher Shaoe: Size
Material: G Iron G Plastic/Composite G aher
Corrosion on Bottom: G None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Gef7era/
Condition: G Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: G None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: Q None G Light G Medium Q Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: G None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: G No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None G Good G Poor Vandalism: G No G Yes Description
i J
Chimney & Cone
Condition - Visual:
G Concentric
G CIP Concrete
G Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: G Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: G Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: • None
G Eccentric
G PreCast Concrete
G Fair
G Soft
G Soft
G Stains/Deposits
G Other
G Lined
G Poor
G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
G Other
Material: G CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G aher
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: G Hard G Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: G Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard G Soft Inches
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard G Soft Inches
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: Q ciP Concrete
Condition-Visual: G Good
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: G Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: G Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None
G PreCast Concrete G Lined
G Fair Q Poor
G Soft Inches
G Soft Inches
G Stains/Deposits G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
G aher
G Streaming
Flow Velocity:
Flow Depth:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth:
Unusual Odor:
G Dry
G Dry
G None
Q None
G No
G No
G No
G Stagnant
G <1M Pipe Dia.
Q Light
G Few
G Yes Inches
G Slow (0-1 fps)
G <1/2 Pipe Dia.
G Medium
Q Many
G Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps)
G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe
G Heavy
G Infested Type
G Turbulent
G Surcharged
G Yes Description,
Q Yes Description,
II il il ii hi hi hi il
cAMiTaRv .<;FWFR a .(iTnnM ui
Services, Inc.
I i I I I I I I I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Columbine ROW
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 15" VCP
Influent 3: D
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Partying Lot X Landscape G Back Yard Q Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 20" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonnal G Missing G Cracked Q Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G aher
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good Q Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron G Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
ilililiiiiiJiiiiii I I Jill i 1 I
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G aher Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair Poor Chimney Height: 12"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: XHard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Material: Q CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Height: 46" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual; G Good G Fair X Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft Defects: infil *light
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft Deterioration at
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposit G Dripping Q Running G Streaming X Seeping base
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft *light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running Q Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hand X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium Q Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 8.6"
Silt: G No X Yes 2"
Debris: G No XYes 2"
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Ii 11 il II il il il ii Ii II 11 II II
nf^^\n^t ^M^nhi Manhole Inspection
mJlL^nfmmSnmCn services, Reoort
Manhole Number:
City of Carlsbad
Columbine ROW
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type: Internal/standard
Inspector Name: Ramos
Date of Inspection: 06/13/05
Pictures Photo Number
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Influent 1
Influent 2
Influent 3
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Material
15" VCP
M.H. Layout
15" VCP
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Partying Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 10" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked Q Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G aher
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: XIron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: XNone G Iron G Plastic/Coated G aher
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seat: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: X Good G Fair Poor Chimney Height: 12"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard Soft Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 24" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: Q Good X Fair Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good XFair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: x Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Normal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) Q Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4 Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: XNone G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 6.8"
Silt: XNo Yes
Debris: XNo Yes
Unusual Odor: XNo G Yes Description
DOmiStreaiii Services, Inc.
I i I I i i I I I
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Columbine ROW
. Rating
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection: 06/13/05
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number 8" PVC
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 15" VCP
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 15" VCP
Influent 3: D
15" VCP
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open U Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot X Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 10" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light Q Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Nonnal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: X None G Iron Q Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: Q None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: G Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: X No G Yes Description
1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 IIII 1 1 k t 1 1 i t ! t i 1
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G aher Coal tar epoxy liner
Condition - Visual: XGood G Fair G Poor Chimney Height: N/A
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: X Hard Min. diam. N/A
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hanj Soft (NO CHIMNEY)
Infiltration/Inflow: X None Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Height: 48" Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft Defects: infil
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G Streaming
I i
Material: X CIP Concrete Q PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G Other Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None U Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming X Seeping
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: x Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry Q Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) X Nonnal (1-4 fps) G Fast (>4 fps) G Turtaulent
Flow Depth: G Dry X <1/4 Pipe Dia. <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 7.85'
Silt: G No X Yes 1"
Debris: G No X Yes 1" rocks, debris
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
Services, Inc.
t I I I I j I j i
Manhole Inspection
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Columbine & Arenal
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Photo Number
12" PVC
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 12" or 15" PVC
Influent 1: B 12" PVC
Influent 2: C
Influent 3: D
Other: 12" PVC
M.H. Layout
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: G Pavement X Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Pariting Lot Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole X Raised: 15" G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: G Roadway X Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: X None G Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing Q Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G aher
Size: X 24" Diameter Q 36" Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: X Good G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: None G Iron X Plastic/Coated G Other
Corrosion: G None X Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: X Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good G Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
Iiiiiiiiiikiiiii i t I I t i i i I i
Chimney & Cone
Shape: G Concentric
Material: G CIP Concrete
Condition - Visual: G Good
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: • Hard
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: • Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: G None
X Eccentric
X PreCast Concrete
G Fair
X Soft
X Soft
X Stains/Deposits
G other
X Lined
G Dripping
G Brick
G Running
G Other
G Streaming
Coal tar epoxy liner
Chimney Height: 75"
Min. diam. 24"
Light roots
Scrape/Penetrate Invert +4ft:
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench:
G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete X Lined
G Good G Fair X Poor
XHard Soft
G Hard X Soft
G None Q Stains/Deposit G Dripping
G Brick G Other Height: 42"
Diam: 48"
Defects: infil
Coal tar liner
Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete X Lined G Brick G aher Defects: infil Coal tar liner
Condition-Visual: G Good G Fair X Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: G Hard X Soft *light
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: G Hard X Soft deterioration
Infiltration/Inflow: G None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping X Running G Streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick Q Other
Condition-Visual: G Good X Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: • Hard X Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) Normal (1-4 fps) X Fast (>4 fps) X Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry G <1/4Pipe Dia. X <1/2 Pipe Dia. G <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: X None G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 13.3"
Silt: X No Yes
Debris: X No Yes
Unusual Odor: X No G Yes Description
iiii iiiiiiiiii iiii iliiiiiilj till
Manhole Inspection
Report EOvnStream
Services, Inc.
Overview City of Carlsbad
Manhole Number:
Columbine & Arenal
Batiquitos Lagoon
Inspection/structure type:
Inspector Name:
Date of Inspection:
General Area:
Cover On:
Cover Bottom:
Down Manhole:
Pftoto Number
12" PVC
Pipe Diameter Pipe Material
Effluent: A 12" PVC
Influent 1: B 8" PVC
Influent 2: C 12" PVC
Influent 3: D
Other: 8" PVC
M.H. Layout
12" PVC
Site Information
Status: X Located G Not Located G Could Not Open G Not Accessible
Surface Cover: X Pavement G Off Pavement G Sidewalk G Parking Lot Landscape G Back Yard G Open Field
Surface Condition: X No Problem G Cracked G Pothole G Raised: G Concrete Collar
Traffic Setup: X Roadway Off Roadway G Intersection G Sidewalk G Driveway Private Property G Highway
Traffic Volume: None X Light G Heavy
Manhole Cover
Status when located: X Normal G Missing G Cracked G Rocking G Seized G Sealed G Bolted/Locked G Buried/Covered
Shape: X Round G Square G Other
Size: X 24" Diameter G 36° Diameter G Other
Material: X Iron G Plastic/Composite G Other
Corrosion on Bottom: X None Light Q Medium G Heavy
Grade Rina/Frame Genera/
Condition: XGood G Cracked G Missing Steps/Rungs: None G Iron X Plastic/Coated g other
Corrosion: X None Light G Medium G Heavy Step Condition: X Good G Deteriorated
Cover to Frame Seal: X None G Good G Poor Evidence of Surcharge: X No G Yes Heiaht
Frame to MH Seal: G None X Good 0 Poor Vandalism: XNo G Yes Description
II i 1 i 1 hi hi hi hi i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 t 1 t i 1 1 1 i 1 I i t 1
Chlmnev & Cone
Shape: G Concentric X Eccentric G Other Describe
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete Lined G Brick G Other
Condition - Visual: X Good G Fair Poor Chimney Height: 17"
Scrape/Penetrate - Near Surface: x Hard Min. diam. 24"
Scrape/Penetrate @ Cone: X Hard
Infiltration/Inflow: X None G Stains/Deposits Q Dripping Q Running G Streaming
Material: G CIP Concrete X PreCast Concrete Lined G Brick G Other Height: 50"
Condition-Visual: XGood G Fair Poor Diam: 48"
Scrape/Penetrate invert +4ft: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ Bench: X Hard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: XNone Q Stains/Deposit G Dripping G Running G streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: G Good XFair Poor
Scrape/Penetrate near wall: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate near channel: XHard Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G streaming
Material: X CIP Concrete G PreCast Concrete G Lined G Brick G Other
Condition-Visual: XGood Fair G Poor
Scrape/Penetrate @ crown of pipe: X Hard Soft
Scrape/Penetrate @ invert: X Hard G Soft
Infiltration/Inflow: G None X Stains/Deposits G Dripping G Running G Streaming
Flow Velocity: G Dry G Stagnant G Slow (0-1 fps) Normal (1-4 fps) X Fast (>4 fps) • Turbulent
Flow Depth: G Dry X^1/4 Pipe Dia. <1/2 Pipe Dia. Q <3/4 Pipe Dia. G Full Pipe G Surcharged
Grease: X None G Light G Medium G Heavy
Pests/Insects: XNone G Few G Many G Infested Type:
Manhole Rim to Invert Depth: Feet: 9.1'
Silt: XNo Yes
Debris: XNo Yes
Unusual Odor: XNo G Yes Description