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3551; Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening #3551; Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening #3551; 1999-09-27
Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (Project 3551) PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FINAL REPORT Submitted to: Glen Van Peski, P.E. City Consultant Project Manager City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Submitted by: Richard T. Liptak, P.E. Consultant Project Manager Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Rd Suite A-153 San Diego, CA 92123 ffl DOKKEN ENGINEERING September 27, 1999 DOKKEN ENGINEERING September 27, 1999 Mr. Glen Van Peski, P.E. City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening-Preliminary Engineering Final Report Dear Glen: Dokken Engineering is pleased to submit the Preliminary Engineering Final Report for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Project. With this submittal, preliminary engineering has been completed for the Poinsettia Lane Widening Project. Preliminary Engineering Final Report consists of resubmittal of all previous preliminary engineering components with resolution of all outstanding project issues. We have enjoyed working with the City of Carlsbad on preliminary engineering for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Project. We look forward to future involvement with the City in final design as we complete Plans, Specifications and Estimates for Poinsettia Lane improvements. If you require any additional information, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, Richard T. Liptak/P. Project Manager, 1095/200/240.30 Prel Eng Final Rpt/PreEngRptLOT.doc 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 TEL: 619.514.8377 FAX: 619.514.8608 PROJECT OVERVIEW DOKKEN ENGINEERING Project Overview The City of Carlsbad has commenced project planning for the widening of Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. Project planning consists of preliminary engineering, environmental review and permitting and final design. This report summarizes studies and analysis performed to date for preliminary engineering. Environmental review and permitting is currently being completed in the form of a Mitigated Negative Declaration document. Final design will commence upon the approval of preliminary engineering and Mitigated Negative Declaration document. The Poinsettia Lane widening project proposes to widen Poinsettia Lane to ultimate width between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad. The Project will widen the existing overhead structure at the North County Transit District (NCTD) railroad tracks. The existing overhead structure provides one lane of travel in each direction, with a concrete sidewalk for eastbound pedestrians and an asphalt sidewalk for westbound pedestrians. Improvements to overhead structure will provide two travel lanes in each direction, with raised center island median, concrete sidewalks, and bike lanes. DOKKEN ENGINEERING In addition to structure widening, project will widen Poinsettia Lane roadway between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. Existing roadway varies in width between one and two travel lanes for westbound traffic and between one and three travel lanes for eastbound traffic. Improvements to roadway will provide two travel lanes for westbound traffic and from two to three travel lanes for eastbound traffic. Roadway will also include concrete sidewalks, raised center island median and bike lanes. In addition to surface improvements, Carlsbad Municipal Water District will extend the existing potable water line and recycled water line along Poinsettia Lane. Existing water lines run west from intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas and terminate prior to structure along Poinsettia Lane. Project will extend water lines across structure towards Carlsbad Boulevard. Potable water line will tie to existing water line along Carlsbad Boulevard. Recycled water line will terminate prior to Carlsbad Boulevard in anticipation of future recycled water line system expansion. Sanitary sewer improvements will construct a short length of sewer line from existing sewer line running under Poinsettia Lane to property line on north side of Poinsettia Lane, just west of Avenida Encinas. DQKKEN ENGINEERING Final design engineering is currently underway to improve Carlsbad Boulevard in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane. Existing northbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard will be converted to southbound lanes and new northbound lanes will be constructed to the east. Poinsettia Lane widening project does not plan any modifications to Poinsettia Lane within 220' of intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard. Improvements to Poinsettia Lane necessary for Carlsbad Boulevard modifications will need to be a part of the Carlsbad Boulevard design. Development planned for property near the north east corner of intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane plans a right-turn- in/right-turn-out driveway off of Poinsettia Lane, just to the west of structure. Design plans for driveway tie-in to Poinsettia Lane can be part of Poinsettia Lane widening project if the driveway is constructed prior to roadway widening. Final design will include coordination with property developer. Vertical overhead clearance between NCTD railroad tracks and existing structure soffit is 23'. Widening of the structure will match existing structure profile and vertical clearance will be maintained at 23'. Widening of structure will require modifications to existing license agreement between NCTD and the City of Carlsbad. Preliminary DOKKEN ENGINEERING engineering has included coordination with NCTD, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF). All of these entities have provided their concurrence with the project concepts and coordination will continue through final design. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING DOKKEN ENGINEERING Topographic Mapping Three-dimensional topographic mapping was developed exclusively for use with this project utilizing the latest aerial photogrametric mapping techniques. The project corridor was flown and photographed on April 16, 1999. This information was used to develop 3-D contours, a digital terrain model (dtm) and a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model. Horizontal control for the project used Caltrans District 11 control monuments 1755 R and 5-45.61L with published NAD 83 coordinate values. These monuments were used as the Basis of Bearings for the project. Caltrans District 11 control monument 1755 R (elevation 57.10 NAD 29 1966 adjustment, mean sea level) was used for vertical control. Attached exhibit shows the AutoCAD R13.dwg 3-D topographic file that has been delivered to the City on CD under separate cover. GEOMETRICS DOKKEN ENGINEERING Geometries The Poinsettia Lane widening project will widen Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad. The project will widen the existing overhead structure at the NCTD railroad tracks and widen the roadway to support the improved structure. Project horizontal geometries were designed to minimize embankment construction necessary for support of the roadway. Embankment was provided for future widening when the existing bridge was constructed in 1984. In order to minimize environmental impacts to existing project site and to economize project construction costs the geometries were designed to fit within existing embankment. The proposed project will fit within the existing embankment with exception of approximately 150' of curb, gutter and sidewalk along Poinsettia Lane near Avenida Encinas. In this area there is insufficient existing embankment to support planned improvements and the construction of a small retaining wall will be necessary. Project control centerline for Poinsettia Lane will utilize same control centerline as established by Caltrans for the Interstate 5/Poinsettia Lane interchange modifications in 1991. This control centerline will be DOKKEN ENGINEERING used because of its location near actual center of Poinsettia Lane and due to existing roadway being crowned at this control centerline. The control centerline is a tangent within project limits and contains no horizontal curves. Minimum curb line radius used for transitioning roadway within existing embankment is 2400'. Bay tapers for left-turn pockets are 120' in length and contain reversing curves with radii of approximately 300'. Project control centerline for Avenida Encinas will also utilize same control centerline as established by Caltrans for the Interstate 5/Poinsettia Lane interchange modifications. Traverses for each of these centerlines is attached. Project vertical geometries have been designed to exactly match profile of existing roadway and structure. The deck of widened portion of structure will physically tie to deck of existing structure and therefor it is necessary for profiles to be identical. Profile of roadway will be identical to existing profile in order to meet widened structure at begin bridge and end bridge. Existing crossfall of roadway varies between 3.9% and 1.5%. The widened portion of roadway will match existing cross-fall. Existing roadway will receive an asphalt overlay in order to further life of existing roadway and provide a clean, finished appearance for entire roadway DOKKEN ENGINEERING within project limits. Cold milling will occur at project limits near Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. Cold milling will also occur adjacent existing concrete gutter on south side of Poinsettia Lane to accept asphalt overlay. Project will not modify intersections of Poinsettia Lane and Carlsbad Boulevard or Avenida Encinas and capacity will not be increased at these intersections. One of the alternatives studied as part of preliminary engineering provided dual left turn lanes for the eastbound left turns from Poinsettia Lane to Avenida Encinas. A dual left turn lane alternative would require acquisition of additional property from the owner near northwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas. This alternative would also require larger retaining wall compared to the wall required for single left turn alternative. Future turning movement projections do not support need for dual left turns and the single left alternative is the preferred alternative for final design. Acquisition of roadway easement for a property currently recorded as roadway slope easement will be necessary for preferred alternative. Preferred alternative can be found in Geometric Approval Drawing section of this report. The dual left turn alternative can be found in the Alternatives Studied section of this report. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Another alternative was studied that had similar geometries as the Geometric Approval Drawing alternative (single left turn lane) except the minimum curb radii for transition areas was 1800'. The City of Carlsbad prefers the Geometric Approval Drawing with a minimum curb radius for transition areas of 2400'. The single left turn alternative with minimum curb radii for transition areas of 1800' is not shown in this Report. Copyright (1998) GEOPAK Corporation All rights reserved Project: poinsettia Subject: Job No. 95 Operator: KB Date: Friday September 24, 1999 9:30 am SYSTEM FIX 2 ASEC 0 BEAR PRI 0 RED NE STA 2 FILE: 'POIN1' GEOPAK * 1 Describe, Chain PL Chain PL contains: LMA3 LMA1 LMA2 Beginning chain PL description Point LMA3 N 1,982,333.53 E 6,234,438.40 Sta 1742+71.00 Course from LMA3 to LMA1 N" 76" 54' 40" E Dist 1,029.00 Point LMA1 N 1,982,566.56 E 6,235,440.67 Sta 1753+00.00 Course from LMA1 to LMA2 N 76" 54' 40" E Dist 3,000.00 Point LMA2 N 1,983,245.95 E 6,238,362.73 Sta 1783+00.00 Ending chain PL description * 2 Describe Chain ENC Chain ENC contains: BEGENC1 CUR ENC1C1 CUR ENC1C2 Beginning chain ENC description Point BEGENC1 N 1,982,596.78 E 6,236,011.43 Sta 9+00.00 Course from BEGENC1 to PC ENC1C1 N 16" 56' 08" W Dist 66.43 Curve Data * * Curve ENC1C1 P.I. Station Delta Degree = Tangent = Length = Radius = External = Long Chord = Mid. Ord. P.C. Station 10+54.59 N 20" 00' 03" (RT) 11" 27' 35" 88.16 174.53 499.98 7.71 173.65 7.60 9+66.43 N 1,982,744.67 6,235,966.40 1,982,660.33 E 6,235,992.08 P.T. Station 11+40.96 C.C. Back = N 16A 56' 08" W Ahead = N 3A 03' 55" E Chord Bear = N 6" 56' 06" W N N 1,982,832.71 E 1,982,805.97 E 6,235,971.11 6,236,470.38 Course from PT ENC1C1 to PC ENC1C2 S 3A 03' 55" W Dist 0.00 Curve Data Curve ENC1C2 P.I. Station Delta Degree = Tangent = Length = Radius = External = Long Chord = Mid. Ord. P.C. Station P.T. Station C.C. Back = N Ahead = N Chord Bear = N 3A 18A 7A 13+73.83 21A 06' 22" 4A 35' 02" 232.86 460.45 1,249.95 21.51 457.85 21.14 11+40.96 16+01.41 03' 55" E 02' 27" W 29' 16" W N (LT) N N N 1,983,065.24 1,982,832.71 E 1,983,286.65 E 1,982,899.55 E 6,235,983.56 6,235,971.11 6,235,911.45 6,234,722.95 Ending chain ENC description SIGNT DISTANCE DOKKEN ENGINEERING Sight Distance Stopping sight distance was reviewed during preliminary engineering to determine existing design speeds for Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. Design speed determination is based upon stopping sight distance for vertical curves as defined in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Fourth Edition, July 1990. The existing profile of Poinsettia Lane, traveling from west to east, consists of a sag vertical curve, a crest vertical curve and a sag vertical curve. These three curves were analyzed and their design speeds were determined to be 35mph, 35mph and 30mph, respectively. Because the Poinsettia Lane project will widen Poinsettia Lane without significant modification to the roadway profile, the design speeds will remain unchanged at the conclusion of the project. Project will widen the existing structure by matching profile of existing structure deck and widening to the north. Roadway widening will remove existing curb, gutter, sidewalk and guardrail and match existing pavement grade with new structural section. Improvements to stopping site distance by profile modifications would require construction of a split profile grade between eastbound and westbound traffic and a new independent structure north of existing structure. Split profile grade between eastbound and westbound traffic would require construction of approximately 800' of retaining walls up to 7' in height between DOKKEN ENGINEERING eastbound and westbound lanes. Typical cross-sections for this alternative are included in Advance Planning Studies section of this Report. The need for retaining walls could be eliminated by complete removal of existing structure and a new four lane structure built in its place with reprofiled approaches to structure. Both of these two alternatives are considered cost prohibitive and beyond funding sources the City has available for this project. Design speeds for sag vertical curves can be improved by installing additional street lighting within sag area. Streetlights can be placed at the edge of roadway at a known spacing to provide minimum amount of lumens necessary to eliminate headlight stopping sight distance deficiencies within sag vertical curves. However, design speed of crest vertical curve at structure is unaffected by installing additional streetlights. Because it is considered advisable to maintain a consistent design speed along a continuous length of roadway, additional street lighting within sag area may not be the best solution. Another solution may be implementation of measures intended to keep vehicle traffic within existing design speeds for roadway. These measures may include roadside warning signs with an advisory speed limit, flashing beacons on top of warning signs, or a regulatory posted speed limit with enforcement within this portion of Poinsettia Lane. GEOMETRIC APPROVAL DRAWING TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS 3- r-9- POINSETTIA LANE <t COLD MILL EXISTING PAVEMENT REMOVE EXIST CURB. CUTTER SIDEWALK EX ISTINC CURB. CUTTER & SIDEWALK 1756*00 C--II SIDEWALKA 6' BIKE LANE , 24- WB THROUGH 4' RAISEDMEDIAN 24' 6' 5' :'. EB THROUGH BIKE LANE SIDEWALK !| nnolnnnlnnnlnoOIOOO OOP OOOlOOOlQOO rsi>^;S?o7^ '"I "TVi i DOKKEN PROJECT FKimurp: KB DATE> DETAILS RV: JJ SCALE:-AS-SHOWN PROJECT MANAC£R_ELIL JOB NO.: X)95 ENCMCER Or WORK: KIRK F. BRADBURY PATE: RCE: C052099 "AS BUILT" BENCHMARKi DESCRIPTION: ELEVATION: LOCATION: DATE NTUM. •NOKCR OF WORN /^ .DATE 1MTML OTHER APPROVAL DATE NITIAL OTY APPROVAL SHEET TYPICAL CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS CROSS SECTIONS FOR- POINSETTIA LANE APPROVED LLOYD B. HUBBS »£ 23089 EXPM2 -31-01 CtTY ENGINEER CHKD BYIRVWP a DATE PROJECT NO. MDRAWING NO. 355 1 II 'SECOl.DGN JJ 09/24/99 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening City of Carlsbad (Project 3551) Dokken Engineering 7/19/99 Item Master Engineer's Estimate of Cost Prepared at Preliminary Engineering Stage Unit Quantity $/Unit Total Mobilization* Traffic Control System* Field Office* Construction Schedule (CPM)* Remove Structure (Portion) Remove Concrete Remove and Salvage MBGR Imported Borrow Crushed Aggregate Base AC Pavement Stamped Concrete Landscaping & Irrigation Cold Plane AC (Roadway) Cold Plane AC (Structure Deck) Construct Inlet 18"RCP 24" RCP Concrete Barrier (Type 25B) 8" Type B-1 Median Curb Type G Curb & Gutter PCC Sidewalk (4") Widen Structure Street Lighting Paint Traffic Stripe Roadside Sign 8" Recycled Waterline 12"Waterline Pipe Expansion Vaults Structure Crossing Connection To Existing Water Lines Connection To Existing Recycled Water Lir Air Release And Vacuum Valve Assemblie 21 " VCP Sewer 5' Diameter T-Lock Lined Manhole LS LS LS LS LS CY LF CY Ton Ton SOFT LS SOFT SOFT EA LF LF LF LF LF SOFT LS LS LS EA LF LF EA LS EA LS EA LF EA - • 1 1 1 100 550 2500 600 1400 8200 1 13300 6000 3 44 6 908 2025 908 4540 1 1 1 10 780 780 2 2 2 1 2 70 1 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $7,200.00 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $100.00 $6.00 $20.00 $24.00 $36.00 $4.00 $20,000.00 $1.20 $1.20 $2,700.00 $80.00 $100.00 $120.00 $10.00 $12.00 $2.50 $700,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,500.00 $350.00 $65.00 $80.00 $30,000.00 $65,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 $10,000.00 Subtotal $50,000 $25,000 $7,200 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 $3,300 $50,000 $14,400 $50,400 $32,800 $20,000 $15,960 $7,200 $8,100 $3,520 $600 $108,960 $20,250 $10,896 $11,350 $700,000 $20,000 $1,500 $3,500 $50,700 $62,400 $60,000 $130,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $17,500 $10,000 $ 1,555,536 Contingency (20%) Railroad Flagging and Inspection LS (Construction Total Design & Administration (1 5%) Construction Inspection (10%) | Total 1 $ 50,000.00 $ $ $ 311,107 50,000 1,916,643 | 287,496 191,664 2,395,804 | * = Shared Cost (City of Carlsbad/CMWD) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening City of Carlsbad (Project 3551) Dokken Engineering 7/19/99 Engineer's Estimate of Cost (City of Carlsbad's Project Costs) Prepared at Preliminary Engineering Stage Item Unit Quantity $/Unit Total Mobilization* Traffic Control System* Field Office* Construction Schedule (CPM)* Remove Structure (Portion) Remove Concrete Remove and Salvage MBGR Imported Borrow Crushed Aggregate Base AC Pavement Stamped Concrete Landscaping & Irrigation Cold Plane AC (Roadway) Cold Plane AC (Structure Deck) Construct Inlet 18"RCP 24" RCP Concrete Barrier (Type 25B) 8" Type B-1 Median Curb Type G Curb & Gutter PCC Sidewalk (4") Widen Structure Street Lighting Paint Traffic Stripe Roadside Sign LS LS LS LS LS CY LF CY Ton Ton SQFT LS SQFT SQFT EA LF LF LF LF LF SQFT LS LS LS EA 1 1 1 1 1 100 550 2500 600 1400 8200 1 13300 6000 3 44 6 908 2025 908 4540 1 1 1 10 $ 38,000.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 6.00 $ 20.00 $ 24.00 $ 36.00 $ 4.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1.20 $ 1.20 $ 2,700.00 $ 80.00 $ 100.00 $ 120.00 $ 10.00 $ 12.00 $ 2.50 $ 700,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 350.00 Subtotal $ 38,000 $ 19,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 3,300 $ 50,000 $ 14,400 $ 50,400 $ 32,800 $ 20,000 $ 15,960 $ 7,200 $ 8,100 $ 3,520 $ 600 $ 108,960 $ 20,250 $ 10,896 $ 11,350 $ 700,000 $ 20,000 $ 1 ,500 $ 3,500 $ 1,180,236 Contingency (20%) Railroad Flagging and Inspection LS | Construction Total Design & Administration (15%) Construction Inspection (10%) I Total $ 1 $ 50,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 236,047 50,000 1,466,283 | 219,942 146,628 1,832,854 | * = Shared Cost (City of Carlsbad/CMWD) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening City of Carlsbad (Project 3551) Dokken Engineering 7/19/99 Engineer's Estimate of Cost (CMWD's Project Costs) Prepared at Preliminary Engineering Stage Item Unit Quantity $/Unit Total Mobilization* Traffic Control System* Field Office* Construction Schedule (CPM)* 8" Recycled Waterline 12" Waterline Pipe Expansion Vaults Structure Crossing Connection To Existing Water Lines Connection To Existing Recycled Water Line Air Release And Vacuum Valve Assemblies 21" VCP Sewer 5' Diameter T-Lock Lined Manhole LS LS LS LS LF LF EA LS EA LS EA LF EA 1 1 1 1 780 780 2 2 2 1 2 70 1 $ 12,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 65.00 $ 80.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 250.00 $ 10,000.00 Subtotal $ 12,000 $ 6,000 $ 1,700 $ 5,000 $ 50,700 $ 62,400 $ 60,000 $ 130,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 17,500 $ 10,000 $ 375,300 Contingency (20%)$ 75.060 (Construction Total Design & Administration (15%) Construction Inspection (10%) (Total $ $ $ $ 450,360 | 67,554 45,036 562,950 | * = Shared Cost (City of Carlsbad/CMWD) ALTERNATIVES STUDIED STRUCTURES, GENERAL PLAN & DETAILS -Pt (existing) BB 4ff-6~i r 4T-5-+4ff-ff-i ~3 ffl Sorrfer fyp« 25 Cto/n t/mr flo/W SECTION A-A r-2tr-0"SECTION - STAGE r-Kr-cr Polnsettta lane (nan) lto//> Troofcs.Track Z Concrete Barrier Type 2S w/ Chain Unit Railing Polnsettla Lans (na*>Precast Prestressed Slab Units V I _ L I _ I '• wr/rf PotnsetMo Lane \TYPICAL SECTION - STAGE 2 r-KT-O* Existing Concrete Barrier Type 25 w/ Chain Unit Railing to be removed. VMtMifa Denotes Bridge Removal (Portion) Denotes existing structure Note, The Contractor stall verify all controlling field dimensions before ordering or fabricating any material.1 ________ ___DOKKEN »*i»ai«**s»»«j DATE. - sour: AS SHOWN JOB NO.: 1095 - JOHN s. BBHOP »AS BUILT" BENCHMARK! DATE INGMCII MTUH. jr vouft REVISION DESCRIPTION OArc Olid « NTW. VXOVN. wrc orr A* Mn«. PWVM. SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT »4UJI """""poTNSETTlA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING APPROVED f 23889 EXPH2-31-01 CITY ENCWttK DATE Ixxx llxxx-o K395GPOI.OGN REV.Z GB 8-5-99 n ra • 1 -c ' "/: <r' s , IX< ( IZ< 4i I3L/ /2>, ,,/ 5/_^ L - — - V 1 -1-.— ' ^, 1 _ , - ^ mm \^N/\^^/^/^rt/^x^/«>J\^^^-/^ft/^^/^tt<^^/^M^^/^/^^/^/^/^/\/^ •i r-(9 fi 0/A/.Z. \ &0+J0 \ \ \ I"**"4/14 DOKKEN rni n CANAL DRIVE • RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 95670-6116GOLD CANAL DRIVt ^ ^ 858.0642 . FAX (916) 858-0643 ADVANCED PLANNING STUDIES ri p* tA r? M f* t* /s'-o" S Utilise* t,*, „11 U DOKKEN KNBINKKMINB DES. DR. CHK. ADVANCE PLANNING STUDY OF PATE / "y" DWC. NO. f i p * UECHANfCAW -STA&LZED EARTH (USE)- RETAIKlNGlWAU. tat Prepared For: City of Carlsbad C/?055 SECT/ON: PO/NSETT/A LANE SCALE: HORIZ. I"=10' VERT. I" =5' POIN8ETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING ALTERNATIVE 2 ROADWAY CROSS-SECTION EXHIBIT 8 DOKKEN BNBINKKMINB - 7.0 5 >MUj///fre£ < V ;" u ?', <.'i 2-^f z'-o*-— ^ I * 0 s Z, fedf... Tp P/c DOKKEN ENBINKKHINO DES. OR. *PPO.DATE REVISION IPPO ADVANCE PLANNING STUDY SHEET OF DATE / / owe. NO. ' PROFILE-. POINSETTIA LANE VERT. /" =3(7 -.1 : m kit 8 10 15 8 2O f^STWG RAISED MEDIAN JOW EXISTING CONSTRUCT NEW STRUCTURE RAISED MEDIAN -\ POINSETTIA LANE Prepared For: City of Carlsbad PLAN: POINSETTIA LANE SCALE: HORIZ. I" =150' u POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING ALTERNATIVE 2 PLAN A PROFILE EXHIBIT 4 DOKKEN 0S- ST. 48" _ , 47.41 57.48' -EB Datum Elev - 40.00 //+DO ~Af>prox OG 13+00 SECTION A-A r-4a-cr RR Main Tract RR Tract 2 ^ i* Jc I 1 BB \ \ \ ^£ exist Polnsertla Lane 11+00 \\ / 12+00 I \ EB \ / 13+00 r I Y~"\ PLAN r-40-rjr Notei Denotes existing structure C exist Pofnsettla Lane - Concrete Barrier Type 26 w/ Chain Unk Railing CIP/RC Slab Driven L, 7 Piles SECTION Prepared For: City of Carlsbad POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEADWIDENING ALTERNATIVE 2STRUCTURE GENERAL PLAN EXHIBIT 3 BNMINBENINB HtV.U &'« DRAINAGE DOKKEN ENGINEERING Drainage Studies Improvements to Poinsettia Lane will widen the structure and roadway without modifications to the existing profile or modifications to existing intersections at Carlsbad Blvd or Avenida Encinas. Existing drainage patterns will essentially remain unchanged and watershed areas will increase only slightly. Existing drainage structures on north side of Poinsettia Lane within project limits consists of a single Caltrans Type OS inlet in sag portion of vertical curve flanked on each side with a Caltrans Type OL-7 inlet. Flanking inlets direct runoff toward inlet in sag and runoff is then directed to the south within a 18" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Poinsettia Lane will be widened by approximately 3' within the sag vertical curve. Existing inlets on north side of Poinsettia Lane will need to be demolished and new inlets built to the north of existing inlets. New inlet construction can replicate existing inlets with three closely spaced inlets, or could consists of a single inlet with a relatively long curb opening to accept all runoff within low point of sag vertical curve. New drainage structure would connect with existing drainage system by extending existing 18" RCP to the north. DOKKEN ENGINEERING An analysis of the 18" RCP that would carry runoff away from the new inlets show the existing 18" RCP is adequately sized to convey a 100-year storm event. Analysis of 18" RCP during preliminary engineering did not include hydraulic analysis of drainage system beyond structure that combines flow from three separate drainage culverts and directs runoff to the west. A summary of hydrologic and hydraulic calculations is attached. INLET ANALYSIS: 100 Year Storm Drainage System: Storm Drain Line A Node: N 1 ULTIMATE: P6= 2.5 in. Minimum Tc = 5 min. Location , • ,-' FLEI. ft 54.10 Description Type OL-7 on grade Area ac 0.51 C 1.0 L ft 600 H ft 23.4 Tc mm 5.00 I in/hr 6.59 Q cfs 3.36 S % 3.45 y ft 0.28 CONCLUSION: Required L (=16') will intercept 100% of the 50-year Q. V fps 4.0 L ft 7 a ft 0.33 Qi cfs 2.33 Req'd L ft 10 Qbvoass cfs 1.02 Node: N 2 ULTIMATE: Location • *, ",*,-i-*V- FLEI. ft 54.06 Description Type OS in sag Area ac 0.07 C 0.95 L ft • H ft " Tc min 5.00 I in/hr 6.59 Q cfs 1.44 Req'd L ft 0.7 L ft 3.5 Clr curb Area ff 1.75 Curb Ht. ft 0.5 d ft 0.25 CONCLUSION: d < curb ht., therefore the required L (=3.5') will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. Node: N 3 ULTIMATE: Location ••' WV *£•.*' FLEI. ft 54.08 Description Type OL-7 on grade Area ac 0.24 C 0.95 L ft 285 H ft 11.7 Tc mm 5.00 I in/hr 6.59 Q cfs 1.53 S % 3.33 y ft 0.22 CONCLUSION: L = 7' will intercept 100% of the 100-year Q. V fps 4.0 L ft 7 a ft 0.33 Qi cfs 2.00 Req'd L ft 5 Qbvoass cfs 0.00 EQUATIONS:= [(11.9xL3)/H]'M5 I = 7.44 x P8 x Tc845 Q = 1.008xCxlxA y = depth of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual V = velocity of flow in approach based on Appendix X-D of the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual a = depth of depression per City of Carlsbad DS-1 "Local Depression" for curb inlets On Grade - Required L = Q / ( 0.7 x ( a * y )15) = 30' maximum for Type B-1 inlet In Sag - Required L = Q / 2 where Q is maintained within top of curb elevation Clear curb Area = L x .5" d = depth of flow to inlet opening based on Chart 13 "Curb-opening inlet capacity in sump locations" of the Drainage of Highway Pavements HEC No. 12 Qi= 0.7xL(a-t-y)13 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATION ID Descrip Shape Matl Length Dia Q ft cfs SD2 SD4 18"RCP Ex. 18"RCP jjCirc^ Circ Cone J21J64 "23L43 J?;£H- 13.012 Circ Cone 66.00 0.012 j)J9_ "~OJ7" 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.53 5.30 ID SD2 SD4 Normal Depth 0.40 0.72 Normal ' Velo fps 4.10 6.31 Critical Depth ft 0.46 0.89 Critical Velo fps 3.29 4.87 Capacity cfs .^gJMS,..^ 10.73 12.24 Upstrm Junct Loss ft 0.17 0.02 State of Flow SUPER SUPER ID Upstrm Node Dwnstrm Node Actl Depth Upstnn Actl Depth Dwnstrm HGL Upstrm HGL Dwnstnn EGL Upstrm EGL Dwnstnn ft ft ft ft ft ft SD2 N3 N2 0.63 0.40 51.51 51.10 51.68 SD4 i^tz^ N4 N5 091 072 50.83 49.98 51.36 50.60 ID Inlet FL Upstrm Inlet FL Dwnstrm Freeboard Upstrm Freeboard Dwnstrm Invert Upstrm Invert Dwnstnn Actl Velo Upstrm Actl Velo Dwnstrm ft ft ft fps fps SD2 54.08 54.06 2.57 2.96 50.88 50.70 2.16 4.04 SD4 saase71 n/a 54.00 n/a 4.02 49.92 49.26 4.75 6.28 CONCLUSION: All pipes show a calculated freeboard (difference between Inlet FL and HGL) greater than 2.4 feet and the system is shown to conservatively convey the 100-year storm. 100-YEAR INTERIM STORM SUMMARY P8=2.5in 2.5 in Drainage System No. A Watershed Area No. 1 2 3 Soil Group ' Land Use Rdwy Rdwy Rdwy Runoff Coefficient 1.00 0.95 0.95 Area ac 0.51 0.07 0.24 L ft 600 - 285 H ft 23.4 - 11.7 Time of Concentration mm 5.00 5.00 5.00 Rainfall Intensity in/hr 6.59 6.59 6.59 100 Year Flow cfs 3.36 0.42 1.53 NOTE: Rdwy = roadway, medians, and cut/fill slopes REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER CITY OP CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD. CA 92009 BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION 7807 CONVOY COURT. SUITE 200 SAN DIECO. CA 9211 REMOVE CONCRETE DITCH AND GRADE TO DRAIN IN^CATCfh ^V ^O ADJUST STORM DRAIN MANHOLE TO CRAOE SEE SHEET 0- GRADE 2iI OR FLATTERFROM BACK OF SW TO ^ CATCH AT R/W LINE CONTOUR GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN THIS PLAN ACCURATE FOR CONTOUR GRADING AND DRAINAGE ONLY SCALE I"-SO*G-4 _ CITY Of CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD. CA 92009 BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION 7807 CONVOY COURT. SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO. CA 921 11 DRAINAGE D R A4 NAG E—S-Y S-T-E M-N DJEUJLNA.GLE STAGE CONSTRUCTION DOKKEN ENGINEERING Stage Construction & Traffic Handling The majority of Poinsettia Lane widening project can be constructed within a single traffic handling phase. Temporary railing (Type K) will be placed adjacent to the existing edge of pavement on the north side of Poinsettia Lane. All roadway demolition, roadway widening and drainage system construction can take place behind the temporary railing without a reduction in the number of traffic lanes or vehicle capacity. The north side of Poinsettia Lane would be closed to pedestrian traffic and pedestrian traffic would be directed to the south side of Poinsettia Lane. Restriping of Poinsettia Lane would be necessary at the time the temporary railing is placed. Temporary railing will be placed on the structure on an alignment 28' north of existing southern curb. This placement will allow 14' of travel lane for westbound traffic and 14' of travel lane for eastbound traffic. This temporary railing location allows adequate space for structure demolition and structure construction. Temporary railing will need to be affixed to the deck to protect rail from failing off structure if struck by public traffic. Temporary railing will be affixed per detail provided in the contract plans. A plan view and typical structure cross-section for the first traffic handling phase is attached. DOKKEN ENGINEERING A second traffic handling phase will be needed to place deck closure pour between existing structure deck and new structure deck. For this phase there will be ample room for public traffic because the new structure will be used to carry westbound traffic. A construction phase may be necessary to complete waterline utility work in the vicinity of structure abutments. After waterline alignment is finalized a determination can be made if an additional phase is required. The new sewer line stub from near centerline of Poinsettia Lane to northern property line will require traffic control. Trenching operation to locate and tie to existing sewer line is expected to be of relatively short duration. Adequate roadway exists to the south of planned excavation to accommodate both directions of travel. A detailed traffic control plan can be provided with contract plan set. Temporary railing with a 6' high chain link fence will be provided at bottom of existing structure abutment embankments adjacent to the railroad tracks. Preliminary engineering coordination with NCTD has indicated that it will be necessary to have railroad flagmen on-site at all times work is conducted within railroad right-of-way. NCTD has indicated it may be acceptable to eliminate flagmen for certain portions of work if temporary railing with chain link fence is placed between work area and the railroad tracks. DOKKEN ENGINEERING Structure widening will require construction over and adjacent live railroad tracks. Train traffic within the work zone is very frequent during weekday daylight hours, especially around commute times. Some structure construction work will need to be scheduled at a time when a significant time window is available that no trains will pass. Typically, the only time of day when a significant time window will be available is late at night. Examples of the type of construction that will require a significant time window is shoring construction for bent pile cap excavation, existing structure demolition and pre-cast deck placement. Other work that may require a significant time window is pile driving. Pile driving may occur during daylight hours between commuter trains, but it is possible that pile driving will occur late at night. NCTD may prohibit daytime pile driving due to dimensions of proposed pile driving rig, confidence level in Contractor or unusually heavy train frequency. Frequent daytime train traffic may also encourage Contractor to drive piles at night due to increased efficiency of pile driving operation. Ramifications of nighttime construction activities have been addressed in Mitigated Negative Declaration document. Attached are exhibits showing location of shoring for pile cap construction and formwork for pier walls adjacent to railroad tracks. Actual design of shoring and formwork will be the responsibility of the Contractor, subject to approval from the City and NCTD. 1 ; i ; I i i i i I I i I 1 I i i $•: 1 j i i I 4 ; * i / OH44'-8 is\n/'-o ' .4 I? IDOKKEN / J > > / ) ft SH6ET OF DATE NO. . It DOKKEN L/tot LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS WATER UTILITIES POINSETTIA LANE ROAD WIDENING PROJECT WATER, RECYCLED WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS The following paragraphs are a summary of the determinations made at the various meetings with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), the City of Carlsbad, Dokken Engineering and Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc. (DBE,I), related to the proposed improvements required for the Poinsettia Lane Road Widening Project. DBE,I met with Mr. Randy Klaahsen, Project Manager for CMWD, in January and February of this year to discuss the existing facilities and proposed improvements during 'the proposal phase of this project, and then again in June and July as verification of those earlier meetings during the preliminary design phase of this project. A meeting held on July 12, 1999 attended by Mr. Klaahsen, Mr. Glen Van Peski, representing the City, Mr. Kirk Bradbury of Dokken Engineering and Mr. Dan Smith of DBE,I finalized the direction for the preliminary design related to the water, recycled water and sewer improvements for this project. WATER There is an existing 12-inch water main in Poinsettia Avenue which lies approximately 27 feet north of centerline that terminates at a disconnect vault approximately 550 feet west of Avenida Encinas. It has been determined that this water main will be extended westerly and connect into an existing 10-inch water main on the easterly side of Carlsbad Boulevard. It was the preference of the City of Carlsbad and Dokken Engineering to minimize the visual impacts of the water main for the overpass crossing. Therefore, the alignment for the water main extension will be in the gap between the existing and the proposed bridge decks, which according to the preliminary drawings is approximately 4 feet wide. This location is in lieu of hanging the pipe off the side of the bridge. The water main will be an 8-inch concrete mortar lined (CML) and epoxy coated steel pipeline which will be encased in a large steel pipe and supported with specially fabricated pipe hangers at regular intervals along the span of the bridge. The casing shall be utilized over the railroad tracks and shall extend towards the abutment 2-3 feet beyond the v-ditches at the toe of the concrete slopes of the abutment structure. The CMWD allowed a downsizing of the domestic water main to 8-inch for the overpass crossing, the water will increase to a 12-inch diameter size both east of and west of the overpass. The water main will angle from its existing terminus at the disconnect vault towards the centerline of the overpass, it will hang between the bridge decks as it crosses over the railroad tracks, then angle northerly to an alignment 15 feet north of the Poinsettia Lane centerline to its point of connection with the existing 10-inch water line. Please refer to the 24" x 36" exhibit labeled Figure No. 1 for the preliminary alignment. An expansion vault will be required at the east and west bridge abutments. This vault will enclose a fitting that will allow the expansion/contraction of the water line crossing the bridge as well as provide flexibility for the piping system in case of a seismic event. Additionally, other pipe fittings and special pipe supports will be required to be placed in the vault. Combination air release and vacuum relief valves will be placed at the high point of the overpass which is approximately just east of the easterly bridge pier. RECYCLED WATER The improvements related to recycled water for this project will consist of extending the pipeline westerly to Carlsbad Boulevard in the same manner as the domestic water line. However, a minimum clearance of 4 feet, outside to outside, from domestic water pipe must be maintained for those underground portions of the parallel pipeline alignments. The 8-inch recycled water line will maintain its position north of the domestic water line for the entire extension towards Carlsbad Boulevard. It will require expansion fittings at both ends of the bridge similar to the domestic water line and these will be enclosed in the same vault as the domestic water line expansion fittings. The recycled water main extension will terminate approximately 10-feet west of the crossing with the existing 10-inch domestic water line along the east side of the Carlsbad Boulevard right-of-way. SEWER An existing 21-inch VCP sewer extends westerly from Avenida Encinas to the easterly edge of the railroad right-of-way. Several of the manholes for this trunk sewer extend up through the side slopes of the roadbed embankment. The CMWD will require that this situation be mitigated by rerouting the trunk sewer through a proposed development of the northwest corner of Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane. The portion of this rerouting that will be a work item for the road widening project will be to construct a new manhole on the existing 21-inch VCP sewer at approximate station 1756+46 and provide at 21-inch branch line north to the northerly right-of-way of Poinsettia Lane. This line will be capped at the northerly terminus and await the developer's project to be extended and eventually tied back into the trunk sewer along the easterly side of the railroad right-of-way. Stop logs will be constructed to prevent flow into the branch line. When the sewer is extended by the developer the west outlet will be plugged and flow will exit the manhole through the northerly outlet. The specific location of the new manhole will require coordination with the developer of that parcel at the northwest corner of Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia. 72 68 64 60 56 PROPOSED ROAD WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS (BY OTHERS) PPINSETTIA LANE »o 26! oc UJ oo 10 15* CCUJ5O PROPOSED MEDIAN (BY OTHERS) APPROXIMATE EXISTING FINISHED SURFACE -NEW 12" DOMESTIC WATER MAIN NEW 8" RECYCLED WATER MAIN 72 68 64 60 56 SECTION SCALES HORIZONTAL 1" = 10' VERTICAL 1" = 5' CITY OF CARLSBAD POINSETTIA LANE DOMESTIC AND RECYCLED WATER MAINS SECTION AT STA. 1747+00 SEPT 1999 DANIEL BOYLE ENGINEERING, INC. OCEANSIDE. CA FIGURE NO. 2 DIO-IOI-OO X-I67 NEW BRIDGE DECK 8" CML STEEL PIPE INSIDE 15" I.D. STEEL CASING SEE FIGURE 5, TYPICAL BOTH SIDES OF BRIDGE ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 20' CITY OF CARLSBAD POINSETTIA LANE DOMESTIC AND RECYCLED WATER MAINS BRIDGE CROSSING CONCEPT SEPT 1999 DANIEL BOYLE ENGINEERING, INC. OCEANSIDE. CA FIGURE NO. 3 DIO-IOI-OO X-I67 NEW BRIDGE DECK EXISTING BRIDGE- DECK f i. ooo|ooo|oo6|ooo|oooiooo|ooo|ooo|Qoo^^|c •Pf 1i r~= -r=.j2|O^ -SEE DETAIL AT RIGHT APPROXIMATE EXISTING GRADE f I SECTION LOOKING EASTERLY SCALE: 1" = 10' NEW BRIDGE STRUCTURE 4'-0" 8" RAISED MEDIAN WITH ACCESS TO PIPELINES 1 i- EXISTING / BRIDGE / STRUCTURE FABRICATED PIPE HANGER 8" RECLAIMED WATERLINE INSIDE 15" STEEL CASING 8" DOMESTIC WATERLINE INSIDE 15" STEEL CASING CENTER MEDIAN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CITY OF CARLSBAD POINSETTIA LANE DOMESTIC AND RECYCLED WATER MAINS CROSS SECTION THROUGH BRIDGE SEPT 1999 DANIEL BOYLE ENGINEERING, INC. OCEANSIDE. CA FIGURE NO. 4 DIO-IOI-OO X-I67 MATCH BRIDGE- DECK ELEVATION' BRIDGE SLABVAULT ACCESS MANHOLE CONCRETE VAULT APPROACH SLAB PIPE BRACKET 8" CML & EPOXY COATED STEEL PIPE \zmmm (TYP.) f i i 8" STEEL 22-1/2' BEND (TYP.) SLOPE •8" FLG FLEXIBLE EXPANSION JOINT WITH 8" EXPANSION ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT (TYP.) oo O ef-jj QpO GRAVEL BASE BRIDGE ABUTMENT V BRIDGE ABUTMENT ABUTMENT PILE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2" = T-O" NOTE: 1. DETAIL APPLIES TO EASTERLY AND WESTERLY BRIDGE ABUTMENTS. 8" CML & EPOXY COATED STEEL PIPE (TYP.) 4'-0" CORE HOLE THROUGH BRIDGE ABUTMENT (TYP.) FILL ANNULAR SPACE WITH STYROFOAM (TYP.) SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE CITY OF CARLSBAD POINSETTIA LANE DOMESTIC AND RECYCLED WATER MAINS PIPELINE INSTALLATION AT BRIDGE ABUTMENT SEPT 1999 DANIEL BOYLE ENGINEERING, INC. OCEANSIDE. CA FIGURE NO. & DIO-IOI-OO X-I67 STRUCTURE FOUNDATION REPORT AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 16760 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619)487-2113 Fax (619) 487-2357 STRUCTURE FOUNDATION REPORT POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Submitted To: DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 Submitted By: AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL 16760 WEST BERNARDO DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92127-1904 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Job No. 9-252-102500 Recycled Paper '•^ MvJ K/V AGRA Earth & ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Environmental, Inc. [_~* 1 6760 W. Bernardo Dr. ; May 25, 1 999 (revised July 1 2, 1 999) ^ J^^g27 Job No. 9-252-102500 Fax (619) 437-2357 Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite A-153 San Diego, California 92123 Attention: Mr. Kirk Bradbury Re: POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING This letter transmits AGRA Earth & Environmental^ revised structure foundation report for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening at the San Diego Northern Railroad tracks in Carlsbad California. This investigation was conducted in general conformance with the scope of work presented in AGRA's proposal dated October 29,1998. If you have any questions concerning this report, or need additional information, please call me at (619) 487-2113. Yours truly, AGRA Earth & Environmental James J./Stone, RGE 808 Principal Engineer I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (i) L TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 GENERAL 1 1.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK 1 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION 3 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION 3 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING 3 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 5 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS 5 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5 3.3 SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 6 3.3.1 General 6 3.3.2 Regional Faulting 6 3.3.3 Local Faulting 6 3.3.4 Liquefaction 6 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8 4.1 EARTHWORK 8 4.1.1 General 8 4.1.2 Settlements 8 4.1.3 Flexible Pavement Structural Section 8 4.2 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS 9 4.2.1 General 9 4.2.2 Deep Foundations 9 4.2.3 Other Design Parameters 12 4.2.4 Seismic Design Criteria 12 4.2.5 Corrosion 12 5.0 CLOSURE 12 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW 12 5.2 LIMITATIONS 13 REFERENCES 14 I Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (ii) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Vicinity Map 2 Figure 2 - Location of Test Borings 4 Figure 3 - Fault Map 7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Tip Elevations for Class 45 and Class 70 Piles 9 Table 2A - Lateral Capacities for Piles (Steel H Piles) 10 Table 2B - Lateral Capacities for Piles (12-inch square Concrete Piles) 11 APPENDICES Appendix A - Test Boring Log A-1 to A-5 Appendix B - Laboratory Test Results B-1 to B-3 Appendix C - Log of Test Borings C-1 AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS | Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (Hi) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This executive summary presents a brief description of the prominent conditions, conclusions and recommendations from the structure foundation investigation performed by AGRA Earth & Environmental for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening at the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way in Carlsbad, California. The bridge is located on Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard on the west and Avenida Encinas on the east. The existing bridge is a prestressed concrete, 3-span structure 142.2 feet long and 44.7 feet wide. It carries 2 traffic lanes, a bicycle lane and a sidewalk. Approach embankments were constructed originally across the entire Poinsettia Lane right-of-way and will accommodate abutments for the new construction. It is understood that the existing bridge will be widened. The final configuration will carry 4, 12-foot wide traffic lanes; 2, bicycle lanes between 5 and 8 feet in width; 2, 5-foot wide sidewalks and a raised center median. The existing overhead configuration was achieved by placing about 22 to 35 feet of fill at the abutments. Between 2 and 4 feet of fill were placed along the railroad tracks, probably part of the original railroad construction. The fill at the abutments is underlain by terrace deposits which in turn are underlain by Santiago Formation. A 5-foot-thick layer of colluvium overlies the terrace deposits at the location of boring B-1 along the railroad tracks. The fill consists of silty sand. The terrace deposits are comprised of medium dense to dense clayey and silty sandstones and sandy claystones. The underlying Santiago Formation consists of a very dense or hard silty sandstone and clayey siltstone. Groundwater was encountered at depths of about 18 to more than 50 feet below the ground surface, corresponding to an elevation as high as about 30 feet above sea level. Foundation plans have not been finalized. Due to the presence of deep fills at the abutments, and relatively compressible fill and colluvium at bent locations, deep foundations are considered most appropriate for support of the widening. Recommendations for Class 45 and Class 70 piles are contained in this report. Recommendations for alternative types of piles can be provided when foundation plans are finalized. The regional seismicity is not unique compared to the rest of southern California. A peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of 0.5g can be used in design. The depth to rock-like material is between 10 and 80 feet. The fill soils and formational materials at the overhead represent a corrosive environment with respect to buried metal and concrete. Concrete for structural elements in contact with the ground should incorporate Type II Portland cement in the mix. No new fill will be placed for the widened structure. No special settlement period is needed. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page(1) 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL This report presents the results of the structure foundation investigation performed for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening at the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way in Carlsbad, California. The bridge is located on Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard on the west and Avenida Encinas on the east. (Figure 1) This investigation was conducted in general conformance with the scope of work presented in AGRA's proposal dated October 29,1998. 1.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The existing bridge is a prestressed concrete, 3-span structure 142.2 feet long and 44.7 feet wide. It carries 2 traffic lanes, a bicycle lane and a sidewalk. Approach embankments were constructed originally across the entire Poinsettia Lane right-of-way and will accommodate abutments for the new construction. It is understood that the existing bridge will be widened. The final configuration will carry 4,12-foot wide traffic lanes; 2, bicycle lanes between 5 and 8 feet in width; 2,5-foot wide sidewalks and a raised center median. 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK Initially, AEE made a site reconnaissance and reviewed published geologic and seismicity data as well as data from similar projects in the area. The structure foundation investigation included subsurface exploration, soil sampling, laboratory testing, engineering analyses and consultation with designers. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate selected engineering properties and to provide a basis for geotechnical design recommendations. The data collected were analyzed to develop conclusions and recommendations regarding: 1. Types, locations and engineering characteristics of foundation materials. 2. Engineering seismology of the project area, including liquefaction potential. 3. Geotechnical factors potentially affecting the design of the proposed structure, including settlement and groundwater. 4. Geotechnical design parameters for the most suitable methods of foundation support including allowable bearing capacities and resistance to lateral loads. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper 01990 MapQuestcom, InajOIOGQ N«VT«ch Approx. North POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - VICINITY MAP AGRA Earth & Environmental Draft JJS Approved JJS Date 5/25/99 Job No. 9-252-102500 -2- Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (3) 5. Corrosivity of on-site soils with respect to steel and concrete. 6. Fill and backfill material, placement and compaction procedures. 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program consisted of 4 test borings drilled with hollow-stem auger equipment to depths of 40.5 to 66.3 feet. The locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained using a 2.5-inch I.D. samplerdriven by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Standard penetration tests were performed using a 1.4-inch I.D. sampler driven by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches in general conformance with ASTM D 1586. Disturbed samples were obtained from the standard penetration sampler. The drilling and sampling operations were performed under the supervision of an AGRA geologist who also logged the borings and obtained the samples for examination and laboratory testing. The logs of the test borings are contained in Appendix A. Soils are classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix A. Rock is described according to its physical characteristics. Existing groundwater conditions were noted during drilling. Upon completion of the field exploration program, the borings were backfilled. 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate selected engineering properties and to provide a basis for geotechnical design recommendations. The following tests were performed: > Moisture Content and Dry Density > Direct Shear >• Resistivity pH AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper t ,- I 5 ---f •. ' -f —f ' r—ii ; t > . » ;:» ,;4 ,,.i ijl \Wo/n Track B-2 B-1 exist Polnsnttla Lar» I&OO B-1 Test Boring (current study)PLAN 1"=40' POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS AGRAEarth & Environmental "Drift | Approved j Data Job No. JJS 5/25/99 9-252-102500 Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (5) > Soluble Sulphate Content >• Chloride Ion Content •> Grain size analyses > R-value Results of the moisture content and dry density determinations are shown on the boring log in Appendix A. Remaining test results and brief descriptions of the test procedures are contained in Appendix B. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS The Poinsettia Lane Overhead spans the Sa'n Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way between deep abutment fills on both the east and west ends. The fills were placed initially to accommodate future widening and extend beyond the current traveled way. Existing fill slopes range from about 1:1-% (vertical:horizontal) to 1:1 where the slopes are paved in front of the abutments. Minor amounts of fill have been placed along the railroad tracks. Surface vegetation consists of sparse grass and weeds. 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The existing overhead configuration was achieved by placing about 22 to 35 feet of fill at the abutments. Between 2 and 4 feet of fill were placed along the railroad tracks, probably part of the original railroad construction. The fill at the abutments is underlain by terrace deposits which in turn are underlain by Santiago Formation. The terrace deposits extend to depths of 37 to 44 feet. The Santiago Formation continues to the maximum depth explored, 66.3 feet. A 5-foot-thick layer of colluvium overlies the terrace deposits at the location of boring B-1 along the railroad tracks. The top of the terrace depots was encountered at depths of 4 to 7 feet along the railroad tracks. The top of the Santiago Formation at bent locations is at depths of 25 to 31 feet below the ground surface. The fill consists of silty sand. The terrace deposits are composed of medium dense to dense clayey and silty sandstones and sandy claystones. The underlying Santiago Formation consists of a very dense or hard silty sandstone and clayey siltstone. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (6) Groundwater was encountered at depths of about 18 to more than 50 feet below the ground surface, corresponding to an elevation as high as about 30 feet above sea level. Groundwater levels can rise following periods of rainfall and during the wet season. 3.3 SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 3.3.1 General Southern California is known to be seismically active, and much geologic and seismologic evidence of earthquake activity is available. The engineering seismology study for this project included review of regional and local faulting, the general tectonic regime, and existing historic data. 3.3.2 Regional Faulting Earthquakes within about 60 miles of the site are capable of generating ground shaking of engineering significance to the structure. The site is located within the regional influence of several fault systems that are classified as active or potentially active. Figure 3 shows the proximity of the project to these faults. The most significant fault to the design of the project is the Newport- Inglewood-Rose Canyon/East Fault, about 5 miles to the west. The estimated peak acceleration during the maximum credible earthquake on this fault is estimated to be 0.5g. 3.3.3 Local Faulting The project site is not located within a currently established Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Study Zone. Consequently, trenching to locate active fault traces is not mandated. Surface fault rupture at the site during the design life of the structure is considered unlikely. However, the area is vulnerable to strong, earthquake-induced ground shaking during the design life of the project. 3.3.4 Liquefaction Liquefaction can occur when loose, granular soils below the water table are subjected to vibratory motions such as those induced by earthquakes. The vibrations cause a rise in the pore water pressure. If the pressure rises high enough, the sand can lose strength and behave as a fluid. Liquefaction can result in substantial settlements or other disruptions at the ground surface. Dense formational materials were encountered at relatively shallow depths in all the borings, and groundwater levels are relatively deep. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction is considered slight. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Recycled Paper POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3 - FAULT MAP AGRA Earth & Environmental Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25, 1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (8) 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 EARTHWORK 4.1.1 General Minor earthwork associated with the widening and backfill adjacent to the bridge supports associated with construction of the foundation system is planned. All grading should be performed in conformance with Sections 300-3 and 300-4 of the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition. Ponding or jetting of unclassified fill and structure backfill should not be permitted. All fill and backfill materials should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction based on the ASTM D 1557 laboratory test method (Section 211-2.1). The upper 3 feet of fill or backfill .beneath pavement structural sections should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. Fill slopes probably will be composed of granular soils which are susceptible to surface erosion. Slope paving should be incorporated where 1:1 % slopes are used. Consideration should be given to the use of jute mesh or other surface treatments to those slopes not being paved to minimize soil transport by run-off. All roadway drainage should be directed to appropriate collection and discharge facilities so that run-off does not flow over the tops of slopes. 4.1.2 Settlements Only minor fills will be placed for final grading, and ground surface settlements are expected to be minimal. Settlements should be complete shortly after placement of the fill. No special settlement period is necessary. 4.1.3 Flexible Pavement Structural Section Poinsettia Lane has been assigned a Traffic Index (Tl) of 8.5 by the City of Carlsbad. A laboratory R-value test on a sample of existing fill material from the roadway resulted in a measured R-value of 68. Based on a maximum design value of 50 for conservatism, calculations in accordance with Caltrans procedures indicate that the following pavement section corresponding to a Tl of 8.5 is appropriate: AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ) Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25, 1999 (revised July 12, 1999) Page (9) Pavement Component Thickness (inches) Asphalt Concrete Surface Course (AC) 5 Aggregate Base Course (Class 2 AB) 6-% 4.2 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS 4.2.1 General It is understood that the existing overhead structure is supported on driven piles. A potential for significant settlement exists if the new structure is supported on shallow foundations in existing fill. Cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) piles can be considered for support of the widening. However, caving occurred during drilling of the test borings, and groundwater levels are within anticipated pile depths. Therefore, driven piles appear most appropriate for foundation support. 4.2.2 Deep Foundations Foundation Capacity and Settlement Driven piles will develop support by friction along the sides of the piles in the dense and hard formational materials at depth. Pile tip elevations for Class 45 piles at abutments and Class 70 piles at abutments and bents are presented in Table 1. Ultimate uplift capacities of the piles are also shown in Table 1. Actual uplift capacity for design may be limited by structural considerations . If pile spacing is at least 3 times the maximum dimension of the pile, no reduction in axial capacity for group effects is considered necessary. TABLE 1 TIP ELEVATIONS FOR CLASS 45 AND CLASS 70 PILES Location Abutment 1 Design Loading (Service) 70 tons 45 tons Nominal Resistance Compression 280 kips 180 kips Tension 140 kips 90 kips Design Tip Elevation (feet) 30 (1); 30 (2); 30 (5) 37(1); 37 (2); 37 (5) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) 30 37 Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (10) Location Bent 2 Bent3 Abutment 4 Design Loading (Service) 70 tons 70 tons 70 tons 45 tons Nominal Resistance Compression 280 kips 280 kips 280 kips 180 kips Tension 140 kips 140 kips 140 kips 90 kips Design Tip Elevation (feet) 10(1); 10 (2); 10 (5) 10(1); 10 (2); 10 (5) 26(1); 26 (2); 26 (5) 30(1); 30(2); 30 (5) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) 10 10 26 30 (1) Compression; (2) Tension; (3) Lateral Loads - Table 2; (4) Scour Potential - was not evaluated for this study; (5) Liquefaction - very unlikely. Lateral loads causing % inch of deflection at the ground surface for 12-inch square piles are provided in Table 2. Lateral pile capacity can be assumed to increase linearly with deflection up to a maximum deflection of 1 inch. If deflections greater than 1 inch are anticipated, lateral capacities should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. TABLE 2A LATERAL CAPACITIES FOR PILES (Steel H Piles) Pile Location Abutment 1 Bent 2 Bent3 Abutment 4 Lateral Load at % inch Deflection Free Strong 2.5 kips 7.9 kips 9.7 kips 2.5 kips Weak 1.4 kips 4.1 kips 5.9 kips 1 .4 kips Fixed Strong 6.6 kips 23.8 kips 25.0 kips 6.5 kips Weak 4.1 kips 13.2 kips 15.2 kips 4.1 kips Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS t_ Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (11) TABLE 2B LATERAL CAPACITIES FOR PILES (12-Inch Square Concrete Piles) Pile Location Abutment 1 Bent 2 Bent 3 Abutment 4 Lateral Load at % inch Deflection Free 1.7 kips 4.9 kips 6.8 kips 1.7 kips Fixed 4.7 kips 15.6 kips 17.3 kips 4.6 kips Pile settlement is expected to be on the order of % inch and should be essentially complete shortly after completion of the widening superstructure. Pile Driving Each pile should be evaluated during driving to determine if adequate capacity has been achieved. For practical purposes, final set should equal or exceed that required for the recommended allowable load capacity based on "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Section 305-1.5. If specified tip elevation is reached without satisfying the Greenbook formula, pile driving should continue until final set is attained. Piles which encounter practical driving refusal above the specified tip elevation may be acceptable, depending on pile and hammer behavior during driving. The geotechnical engineer should observe pile driving and evaluate each pile on a case-by-case basis. It is recommended that a pile hammer which develops a minimum energy of 40,000 foot-pounds per blow be used. Drilling in the terrace deposits for pile installation at the abutments and bents does not appear needed unless cobbles or extensive gravel lenses are encountered. Calculations indicate that the piles will have to be driven 10 to 14 feet into Santiago Formation at the bents in order to develop required vertical capacities. Drilling likely will be needed to advance the piles to specified tip elevations at the bents. Drilled holes in the Santiago Formation should not have diameters larger than the minimum pile dimension and should not extend closer than 5 feet to specified tip elevations. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (12) 4.2.3 Other Design Parameters Average geotechnical parameters for bridge design are: »• The wet density can be taken as 130 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). > The modulus of subgrade reaction under vertical loads for soils at abutments can be taken as 150 pounds per cubic inch. >• Active and passive equivalent fluid pressures of 35 pcf and 350 pcf, respectively, can be used for wingwall design. 4.2.4 Seismic Design Criteria As discussed in Section 3.3.5, a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of 0.5g should be used for this site. For design purposes, the depth to rock-like material can be considered to be 10 to 80 feet. 4.2.5 Corrosion Laboratory test results indicate that the soils underlying the site form a slightly to moderately corrosive environment with respect to steel and reinforced concrete. Type II portland cement is recommended for use in concrete in contact with the ground. Adequate concrete cover over reinforcing steel should be provided in accordance with good construction practices and design standards. 5.0 CLOSURE 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW The foundation and earthwork plans and pertinent sections of the project specifications should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer to evaluate conformance with the intent of the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report. If project conditions orfinal design vary from those described in this report, AGRA should be contacted regarding the applicability of, and the necessity for any revisions to, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. Removal of unsuitable soils, placement and compaction of structural fill, and excavations for footings should be observed by the geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist of record. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (13) Appropriate field tests should be performed to provide quality control and quality assurance for structural fills and related earthwork elements. 5.2 LIMITATIONS This report is based on the project as described and the information obtained from the test borings at the approximate locations indicated on Figure 2. The findings are based on the results of the field, laboratory and office investigations, combined with interpolation and extrapolation of conditions between and beyond the boring locations and reflect interpretation of the limited direct evidence obtained. This report has been prepared for the use of Dokken Engineering in design of the described project. It may not contain sufficient information for other users or other purposes. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practice in the San Diego County area. It may not contain sufficient information for other projects or uses. AGRA Earth & Environmental G4*-— x<7 . J/frames J. Stone, GE No. 808 Principal Engineer JJS/js Distribution: (6) client Brian H. Reck, CEG 1792 Senior Geologist Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINECRIMG GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (14) REFERENCES 1. Blake, T.F., 1992, EQFAULT Ver. 1.01, Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized California Faults, Computer Program. 2. California Department of Transportation, 1989, Bridge Design Aids Manual. 3. , 1986, Bridge Design Details Manual. 4. , 1987, Bridge Design Specifications Manual. 5. , 1986, Bridge Memo to Designers Manual. 6. , 1995, Highway Design Manual. 7. ' , 1995, Standard Specifications. 8. California Department of Transportation, Division of Structures, As-Built Plans, Woodley Street Overhead, December 1960(7). 9. California Division of Mines and Geology, Weber, F.H., 1982, Recent Slope Failures, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California. 10. California Division of Mines and Geology, Weber, F.H., 1963, Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California, County Report 3. 12. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982, NAVFAC DM-7.2, Foundations and Earth Structures. 13. Jennings, C.W., 1992, Preliminary Fault Activity Map of California, Compilation and Interpretation: California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 92-03. 14. Mualchin L., California Seismic Hazard Detail Index Map, dated July 1996. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ^0 Recycled Paper •*- Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (15) 15. Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes: EERI Monograph Series, Berkeley, California. 16. Slemmons, D.B., 1982, Determination of Design Earthquake Magnitudes for Microzonation, Proceeding of Third International Microzonation Conference, Vol. 1. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper TL '1. t_ .-i-4 L L.APPENDIX A L_ Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge t... Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-1 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION HighlyOrganicSoils Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit >50% OL CL ML Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit <50% QRneGrained.Soite.(more than 50% Is smaller than No. 200 sieve) SC SM Sands with Fines Clean Sands>12% Fines <5% Fines SP SW Sands - more than 50% of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve GP GW Gravels with Fine: Clean Gravels>12% Fines I <5% Fines Gravels - more than 50% of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve (more than 50% fs larger than No. 200 sieve) 60 :40 •20 K I-M IL CL /s /f Ml \ / &C .*< y L / CH / OH // &M / 1 LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA GW and SW: Cu = DM /D,0 greater than 4 for GW, greater than 6 for SW Cc = Djo2/DM x D,o between 1 and 3 GP and SP: Clean gravel or sand not meeting requirements for GW and SW GM and SM: Atterberg Limit below "A-LINE" or PI less than 4 GC and SC: Atterberg Limit above "A-LINE", or PI greater than 4 §ill or Finelay 1 Sand MediumSand CoarseSand FineGravel 8oarseravel Cobble Boulder f ievezoo 40 10 4 3/4" 3" 12"ize 20 40 60 80 LIQUID LIMIT Classification of earth materials is based on field inspection and should not beconstrued to imply laboratory analysis unless so stated MATERIAL SYMBOLS Asphalt Concrete Conglomerate Sandstone Silty Sandstone Clayey Sandstone Siltstone Sandy Siltstone -._.-/ Siltstone/Silfy Claystone Claystone/Shale Calcaerous Sandstone Marl Limestone Dolostone Breccia Volcanic Ash/Tuff Metamorphic Rock Quartzite Extrusive Igneous Roc Intrusive Igneous Rock CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION FOR SOILSAccording to the Standard Penetration Test Blows /Foot* 0-5 6-10 11-30 31-50 50 Granular Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Blows /Foot* 0-5 6-10 11-30 31-50 50 >70 Cohesive Very Soft Sort Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard ' using 140-lb. hammer with 30" drop = 350 ft-lb/blow LEGEND OF BORING Bulk Sample Driven Sampli Water Level 2 _U Material Change ARfiroximatel/laleriaiChangi Bottom of the Boring "NSR" indicates NO SAMPLE RECOVERY Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-2 TEST BORING LOG BORING: B-1 Date(s) Drilled: 5/5/99 Surface Elevation (ft): 49 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Depth to Groundwater (ft): 18.5 Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc.)101 114 If °5> If Q 24.9 15.2 MoistureContent (%)15 29 31 38 63 71/6" 79/6" 64/0 Blow Count(blows/foot)bag 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 .4 Sample Size(inches)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 0) Q.Recovery (%)E Q i 5 10 15 V 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 - - _ — - _ - = - - - - - f? S& ? I -1= '•+ ^-r '=- — =IMaterial Symbol-SM- SC CL Unified SoilClassification-A FILL: i\ Tan fine SILT \ "DarkbrowrTf COLLUVIUM: ~\ Dark brown S Sheet 1 of 1 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 40.5 Drilling Contractor: C & K Drilling Caving: up to 21 ft after pulling auger out T SAND. 'r rie CLAYEY SAND. 7 5ILTY CLAY with minute voids. / ^TERRACE DEPOSITS: Mottled gray-green poorly indurated fine CLAYEY ' ' SANDSTONE. / G>ay-green poorTy indurated Ifne to medium S"lLTY SANDSTONE. ...Trace of fine GRAVEL at 21 ft. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Tan-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. Gray-white CLAYEY SILTSTONE, poorly bedded. ...Red-gray-brown below 38 ft. NOTES: 1. Total depth 40.5 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by:TMP Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-3 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/5/99 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft): 20.5 FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc.)110 100 £• It fr-~0 9.6 23.9 MoistureContent (%)15 29 32 39 69 67/6" 71 <in/4"Blow Count(blows/foot)bag 1.4 2.5 I-4bag 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1 A .§in —in ® 0 a.J-1=TO z^ V) 1 2 3 1 6 7 8 9 m d 0) 0. reW BORING: B-2 sheet 1 of 1 Surface Elevation (ft): 50 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 41 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Drilling Contractor: C&KDrilling Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 Caving: up to 23.5 ft after pulling auger ou Recovery (%)E Q 2 5:; ?>. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 | ~ - E - = - - £s?Q. Q>0) 0>QiS. %-^=- . _!• .1 • ^Z — ^;(Material Symbol-SM- SC — —Unified SoilClassification-.FILL: \ Yellow-brown fine SILTY SAND. "\ Dark~brown fine CLA?E? SAMD with scattered" f -\ COBBLES. r I TERRACE DEPOSITS: ' I Red-brown to orange-brown poorly indurated fine I ""l CLAYEY SANDSTONE, with minute voids and |r \ magnesium-oxide staining. / > Gray-green ^ATJD? ClA?STOTQElvitR rnlnute voids. ' Gray-green and orange-brown poorly indurated fine SILTY SANDSTONE. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE.. Tan poorly becTdea CTAYEY SILTSTDNE. ...Red gray-brown below 38 ft. NOTES: 1. Refusal on hard rock at 41 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by: TMP project: Komsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-4 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/6/99 Hole Diameter (ln):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft): 51 .-.£/) O ull FIELD NO1(strike/dip114 110 110 110 109 & h 12.1 12.9 6.3 8.4 20.7 2 MoistureContent I21 35 22 35 23 35 31 46 35 91 59/6" 50/3" •E*Blow Cou(blows/foi1.4 bag 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1.4 %Sample S(inches)1 1a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 dz H nU) BORING: B-3 sheetion Surface Elevation (ft): 77 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 61.5 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Drilling Contractor: C&KDrilling Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 Caving: not recorded 2ouQ)£ Eaaa: t 5 Fw10 itw 15 Jh 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 ' 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 E 1 ||ft£ FiE | i11| FE Eiiti— -- - — || -LI -*i -s^ jf / * 7 "5X.T (Material SyiSM co.— *!-l Unified SoClassificatFILL: Yellow-brown fine to medium SILTY SAND. TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. ...Red-yellow below 32 ft. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light brown slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. White-gray slightly indurated SANDY SILTSTONE. NOTES: 1. Total depth 61. 5 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by: CEN wi. i witioctiic Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-5 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/7/99 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft):FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc.)111 109 110 113 124 .£•'« Ifb~Q 9 9.8 12.7 127 13.3 MoistureContent (%)33 30 36 32 39 7 45 39 50/8" 67 88 86/6" 50/3.5 Blow Count(blows/foot)2.5 bag 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 8 55 -5>0) 0) IIot ss.v> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12: 13 14 d at"a. raV) BORING: B-4 Surface Elevation (ft): 77 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 g &0)§d>o: S Og t 5 t "OF10 ! 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 ti11iiI ^ 1 It - - '•£ *•"Q. o>tt> 0) Q!£. :• V; 41 •' • . ' _!• : = := "=- z: =[Material SymbolSM Unified SoilClassificationFILL: Sheet 1 of 1 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 66.3 Drilling Contractor: C & K Drilling Caving: not recorded Light brown fine to medium SILTY SAND. ...Dark red-brown below 25.5 ft. ...Light brown below 30 ft. TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. Yellow-brown to orange-brown poorly indurated fine to coarse SANDSTONE. Mottled gray-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY ^ SANDSTONE interbedded with CLAYEY SILTSTONE^ / Ligfit gray^brown slightly indurated (5LAYEY SILTSTONE with scattered fine SANDSTONE lenses. ...Red-gray-brown below 63 ft. NOTES: 1. Total depth 66.3 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by:CEN L_ APPENDIX B Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (B-1) APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory test program was designed to fit the specific needs of this project and was limited to testing on-site materials. A brief description of each type of test is presented below. Results are given on the following pages and on the boring logs in Appendix A. Moisture contents and dry densities were determined for numerous relatively undisturbed samples. Results are listed on the boring logs in Appendix A and the Log of Test Borings. In addition to the in-situ field tests, strength characteristics of the subsurface soils were determined in the laboratory by direct shear tests performed on 3 relatively undisturbed samples. Specimens were submerged and tested at 3 normal loads. All samples were tested in a 2.5-inch I.D. circular shear box, using a controlled displacement rate. The direct shear tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 3080. Results are listed in Table B-1. Corrosivity tests were performed on 1 sample. The pH and minimum electrical resistivity were determined in general accordance with California Test 643. Soluble Sulphate content was determined in accordance with California Test 417. Total chloride ion content was determined in accordance with California Test 532. Results are contained in Table B-2. The grain size distribution of 1 sample was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 422. Results are plotted on Page B-3. An R-value test was performed in accordance with California Test 301 procedures. Results are discussed in the main text of the report. Soil samples not tested are now stored in our laboratory for future reference and analysis, if needed. Unless notified to the contrary, all samples will be disposed of 30 days from the date of this report. ©Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (B-2) TABLE B-1 SUMMARY OF DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 3080-72) Boring No. / Sample No. B-1/4 B-3/2 B-3/6 Normal Stress (psf) 1125 2160 3195 1125 2160 3195 1125 2160 3195 Peak Shear Stress (psf) 1526 2729 3571 1221 2303 2867 888 1647 2432 Shear Stress at 0.25 in Displacement (psf) 712 1619 2461 842 1720 2387 731 1443 2128 TABLE B-2 SUMMARY OF CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS (California Test Nos. 417, 422 and 643) Boring No. / Sample Na B-4/2 fiH 7.3 Resistivity (ohm-cm) 2990 Soluble Sulfate (ppm) 240 Chloride (ppm) 241 I Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS 10 ri r U.S STANDARD SIEVE SIZE No_8 Ncu.16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 90 80 70 P C3 LU ao 60 50 40 30 20 10 500 100 50 10 1.0 OiS 0.1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 BOULDER!COBBLES GRAVEL Coarse Fine SAND Coarse Medium Fine Fines (Silt and Clay) Sample No. or Location 2/5 — TestDate 5/18/99 uses Description Natural Water SILTY SANDSTONE LL PL PI SE Max Dry Density Optimum Water GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AGRA Earth & Environmental Project: POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING By: WMC Date: 5/25/99 L APPENDIX C Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (3) 5. Corrosivity of on-site soils with respect to steel and concrete. 6. Fill and backfill material, placement and compaction procedures. 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program consisted of 4 test borings drilled with hollow-stem auger equipment to depths of 40.5 to 66.3 feet. The locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained using a 2.5-inch I.D. samplerdriven by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Standard penetration tests were performed using a 1.4-inch I.D. samplerdriven by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches in general conformance with ASTM D 1586. Disturbed samples were obtained from the standard penetration sampler. The drilling and sampling operations were performed under the supervision of an AGRA geologist who also logged the borings and obtained the samples for examination and laboratory testing. The logs of the test borings are contained in Appendix A. Soils are classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix A. Rock is described according to its physical characteristics. Existing groundwater conditions were noted during drilling. Upon completion of the field exploration program, the borings were backfilled. 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate selected engineering properties and to provide a basis for geotechnical design recommendations. The following tests were performed: > Moisture Content and Dry Density > Direct Shear > Resistivity pH AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper i ti II I I fci ti ti:tt i 4 .. t i • t i ! , flff Troc* 2 B-2 B-1 exist Polnsettta Lam B-1 Test Boring (current study)PL4/V 1"=40' POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS AGRAEartft & Environmental "Drift | Approved | uate .1.15? 5/25/99 Job No. 9-252-102500 £ Polnsetfto Luna (no») Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (5) »• Soluble Sulphate Content » Chloride Ion Content > Grain size analyses *• R-value Results of the moisture content and dry density determinations are shown on the boring log in Appendix A. Remaining test results and brief descriptions of the test procedures are contained in Appendix B. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS The Poinsettia Lane Overhead spans the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way between deep abutment fills on both the east and west ends. The fills were placed initially to accommodate future widening and extend beyond the current traveled way. Existing fill slopes range from about 1:1-1/£ (vertical:horizontal) to 1:1 where the slopes are paved in front of the abutments. Minor amounts of fill have been placed along the railroad tracks. Surface vegetation consists of sparse grass and weeds. 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The existing overhead configuration was achieved by placing about 22 to 35 feet of fill at the abutments. Between 2 and 4 feet of fill were placed along the railroad tracks, probably part of the original railroad construction. The fill at the abutments is underlain by terrace deposits which in turn are underlain by Santiago Formation. The terrace deposits extend to depths of 37 to 44 feet. The Santiago Formation continues to the maximum depth explored, 66.3 feet. A 5-foot-thick layer of colluvium overlies the terrace deposits at the location of boring B-1 along the railroad tracks. The top of the terrace depots was encountered at depths of 4 to 7 feet along the railroad tracks. The top of the Santiago Formation at bent locations is at depths of 25 to 31 feet below the ground surface. The fill consists of silty sand. The terrace deposits are composed of medium dense to dense clayey and silty sandstones and sandy claystones. The underlying Santiago Formation consists of a very dense or hard silty sandstone and clayey siltstone. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (6) Groundwater was encountered at depths of about 18 to more than 50 feet below the ground surface, corresponding to an elevation as high as about 30 feet above sea level. Groundwater levels can rise following periods of rainfall and during the wet season. 3.3 SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 3.3.1 General Southern California is known to be seismically active, and much geologic and seismologic evidence of earthquake activity is available. The engineering seismology study for this project included review of regional and local faulting, the general tectonic regime, and existing historic data. 3.3.2 Regional Faulting Earthquakes within about 60 miles of the site are capable of generating ground shaking of engineering significance to the structure. The site is located within the regional influence of several fault systems that are classified as active or potentially active. Figure 3 shows the proximity of the project to these faults. The most significant fault to the design of the project is the Newport- Ing lewood-Rose Canyon/East Fault, about 5 miles to the west. The estimated peak acceleration during the maximum credible earthquake on this fault is estimated to be 0.5g. 3.3.3 Local Faulting The project site is not located within a currently established Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Study Zone. Consequently, trenching to locate active fault traces is not mandated. Surface fault rupture at the site during the design life of the structure is considered unlikely. However, the area is vulnerable to strong, earthquake-induced ground shaking during the design life of the project. 3.3.4 Liquefaction Liquefaction can occurwhen loose, granular soils below the water table are subjected to vibratory motions such as those induced by earthquakes. The vibrations cause a rise in the pore water pressure. If the pressure rises high enough, the sand can lose strength and behave as a fluid. Liquefaction can result in substantial settlements or other disruptions at the ground surface. Dense formational materials were encountered at relatively shallow depths in all the borings, and groundwater levels are relatively deep. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction is considered slight. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3 - FAULT MAP AGRA Earth & Environmental Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25, 1999 (revised July 12, 1999) Page (8) 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 EARTHWORK 4.1.1 General Minor earthwork associated with the widening and backfill adjacent to the bridge supports associated with construction of the foundation system is planned. All grading should be performed in conformance with Sections 300-3 and 300-4 of the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition. Ponding or jetting of unclassified fill and structure backfill should not be permitted. All fill and backfill materials should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction based on the ASTM D 1557 laboratory test method (Section 211-2.1). The upper 3 feet of fill or backfill beneath pavement structural sections should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. Fill slopes probably will be composed of granular soils which are susceptible to surface erosion. Slope paving should be incorporated where 1:1 V* slopes are used. Consideration should be given to the use of jute mesh or other surface treatments to those slopes not being paved to minimize soil transport by run-off. All roadway drainage should be directed to appropriate collection and discharge facilities so that run-off does not flow over the tops of slopes. 4.1.2 Settlements Only minor fills will be placed for final grading, and ground surface settlements are expected to be minimal. Settlements should be complete shortly after placement of the fill. No special settlement period is necessary. 4.1.3 Flexible Pavement Structural Section Poinsettia Lane has been assigned a Traffic Index (Tl) of 8.5 by the City of Carlsbad. A laboratory R-value test on a sample of existing fill material from the roadway resulted in a measured R-value of 68. Based on a maximum design value of 50 for conservatism, calculations in accordance with Caltrans procedures indicate that the following pavement section corresponding to a Tl of 8.5 is appropriate: AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS | Recycled Paper '"L Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (9) Pavement Component Thickness (inches) Asphalt Concrete Surface Course (AC) 5 Aggregate Base Course (Class 2 AB) Q-Yt 4.2 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS 4.2.1 General It is understood that the existing overhead structure is supported on driven piles. A potential for significant settlement exists if the new structure is supported on shallow foundations in existing fill. Cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) piles can be considered for support of the widening. However, caving occurred during drilling of the test borings, and groundwater levels are within anticipated pile depths. Therefore, driven piles appear most appropriate for foundation support. 4.2.2 Deep Foundations Foundation Capacity and Settlement Driven piles will develop support by friction along the sides of the piles in the dense and hard formational materials at depth. Pile tip elevations for Class 45 piles at abutments and Class 70 piles at abutments and bents are presented in Table 1. Ultimate uplift capacities of the piles are also shown in Table 1. Actual uplift capacity for design may be limited by structural considerations . If pile spacing is at least 3 times the maximum dimension of the pile, no reduction in axial capacity for group effects is considered necessary. TABLE 1 TIP ELEVATIONS FOR CLASS 45 AND CLASS 70 PILES Location Abutment 1 Design Loading (Service) 70 tons 45 tons Nominal Resistance Compression 280 kips 180 kips Tension 140 kips 90 kips Design Tip Elevation (feet) 30(1); 30 (2); 30 (5) 37(1); 37 (2); 37 (5) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) 30 37 I Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Staicture Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (10) Location Bent 2 BentS Abutment 4 Design Loading (Service) 70 tons 70 tons 70 tons 45 tons Nominal Resistance Compression 280 kips 280 kips 280 kips 180 kips Tension 140 kips 140 kips 140 kips 90 kips Design Tip Elevation (feet) 10(1); 10 (2); 10 (5) 10(1); 10 (2); 10 (5) 26 (1); 26 (2); 26 (5) 30(1); 30(2); 30 (5) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) 10 10 26 30 (1) Compression; (2) Tension; (3) Lateral Loads - Table 2; (4) Scour Potential - was not evaluated for this study; (5) Liquefaction - very unlikely. Lateral loads causing % inch of deflection at the ground surface for 12-inch square piles are provided in Table 2. Lateral pile capacity can be assumed to increase linearly with deflection up to a maximum deflection of 1 inch. If deflections greater than 1 inch are anticipated, lateral capacities should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. TABLE 2A LATERAL CAPACITIES FOR PILES (Steel H Piles) Pile Location Abutment 1 Bent 2 BentS Abutment 4 Lateral Load at % inch Deflection Free Strong 2.5 kips 7.9 kips 9.7 kips 2.5 kips Weak 1 .4 kips 4.1 kips 5.9 kips 1.4 kips Fixed Strong 6.6 kips 23.8 kips 25.0 kips 6.5 kips Weak 4.1 kips 13.2 kips 15.2 kips 4.1 kips I Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (11) TABLE 2B LATERAL CAPACITIES FOR PILES (12-Inch Square Concrete Piles) Pile Location Abutment 1 Bent 2 Bent 3 Abutment 4 Lateral Load at % inch Deflection Free 1.7 kips 4.9 kips 6.8 kips 1.7 kips Fixed 4.7 kips 15.6 kips 17.3 kips 4.6 kips Pile settlement is expected to be on the order of % inch and should be essentially complete shortly after completion of the widening superstructure. Pile Driving Each pile should be evaluated during driving to determine if adequate capacity has been achieved. For practical purposes, final set should equal or exceed that required for the recommended allowable load capacity based on "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Section 305-1.5. If specified tip elevation is reached without satisfying the Greenbook formula, pile driving should continue until final set is attained. Piles which encounter practical driving refusal above the specified tip elevation may be acceptable, depending on pile and hammer behavior during driving. The geotechnical engineer should observe pile driving and evaluate each pile on a case-by-case basis. It is recommended that a pile hammer which develops a minimum energy of 40,000 foot-pounds per blow be used. Drilling in the terrace deposits for pile installation at the abutments and bents does not appear needed unless cobbles or extensive gravel lenses are encountered. Calculations indicate that the piles will have to be driven 10 to 14 feet into Santiago Formation at the bents in order to develop required vertical capacities. Drilling likely will be needed to advance the piles to specified tip elevations at the bents. Drilled holes in the Santiago Formation should not have diameters larger than the minimum pile dimension and should not extend closer than 5 feet to specified tip elevations. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (12) 4.2.3 Other Design Parameters Average geotechnical parameters for bridge design are: »• The wet density can be taken as 130 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). »• The modulus of subgrade reaction under vertical loads for soils at abutments can be taken as 150 pounds per cubic inch. *• Active and passive equivalent fluid pressures of 35 pcf and 350 pcf, respectively, can be used for wingwall design. 4.2.4 Seismic Design Criteria As discussed in Section 3.3.5, a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of 0.5g should be used for this site. For design purposes, the depth to rock-like material can be considered to be 10 to 80 feet. 4.2.5 Corrosion Laboratory test results indicate that the soils underlying the site form a slightly to moderately corrosive environment with respect to steel and reinforced concrete. Type II portland cement is recommended for use in concrete in contact with the ground. Adequate concrete cover over reinforcing steel should be provided in accordance with good construction practices and design standards. 5.0 CLOSURE 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW The foundation and earthwork plans and pertinent sections of the project specifications should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer to evaluate conformance with the intent of the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report. If project conditions orfinal design vary from those described in this report, AGRA should be contacted regarding the applicability of, and the necessity for any revisions to, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. Removal of unsuitable soils, placement and compaction of structural fill, and excavations for footings should be observed by the geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist of record. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAl SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (13) Appropriate field tests should be performed to provide quality control and quality assurance for structural fills and related earthwork elements. 5.2 LIMITATIONS This report is based on the project as described and the information obtained from the test borings at the approximate locations indicated on Figure 2. The findings are based on the results of the field, laboratory and office investigations, combined with interpolation and extrapolation of conditions between and beyond the boring locations and reflect interpretation of the limited direct evidence obtained. This report has been prepared for the use of Dokken Engineering in design of the described project. It may not contain sufficient information for other users or other purposes. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practice in the San Diego County area. It may not contain sufficient information for other projects or uses. AGRA Earth & Environmental J^~-,/frames J. Stone, GE No. 808 Principal Engineer JJS/js Distribution: (6) client Brian H. Reck, CEG 1792 Senior Geologist I Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (14) REFERENCES 1. Blake, T.F., 1992, EQFAULT Ver. 1.01, Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized California Faults, Computer Program. 2. California Department of Transportation, 1989, Bridge Design Aids Manual. 3. , 1986, Bridge Design Details Manual. 4. , 1987, Bridge Design Specifications Manual. 5. , 1986, Bridge Memo to Designers Manual. 6. , 1995, Highway Design Manual. 7. • , 1995, Standard Specifications. 8. California Department of Transportation, Division of Structures, As-Built Plans, Woodley Street Overhead, December 1960(7). 9. California Division of Mines and Geology, Weber, F.H., 1982, Recent Slope Failures, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California. 10. California Division of Mines and Geology, Weber, F.H., 1963, Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California, County Report 3. 12. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982, NAVFAC DM-7.2, Foundations and Earth Structures. 13. Jennings, C.W., 1992, Preliminary Fault Activity Map of California, Compilation and Interpretation: California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 92-03. 14. Mualchin L, California Seismic Hazard Detail Index Map, dated July 1996. -<* AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (15) 15. Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes: EERI Monograph Series, Berkeley, California. 16. Slemmons, D.B., 1982, Determination of Design Earthquake Magnitudes for Microzonation, Proceeding of Third International Microzonation Conference, Vol. 1. Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS t_ t- L •m:i APPENDIX A Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-1 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION pt HighlyOrganicSoils OH CH MH Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit >50% OL CL ML Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit <56% (more than 50% is smaller than No.200 sieve) SC SM Sands with Fines Clean Sands>12% Fines <5% Fines SP SW Sands - more than 50% of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve Gravels with Fine: Clean Gravels>12% Fines I <5% Fines Gravels - more than 50% of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve Coarse Grained Soils(more than 50% is larger than No. 200 sieve) 60 s !2C EQHML. CL Ml &CL CH OH&MI LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA GW and SW: Cu = DM /D10 greater than 4 for GW, greater than 6 for SW Cc = Djo2/DM x D|0 between 1 and 3 GP and SP: Clean gravel or sand not meeting requirements for GW and SW GM and SM: Atterberg Limit below "A-LINE" or PI less than 4 GC and SC: Atterberg Limit above "A-LINE". or PI greater than 4 §ilt or Finelay | Sand MediumSand CS°aan1e FineGravel 8oarseravel Cobble Boulder eievezoo 40 10 4 3/4' 3' 12"ize 20 40 60 60 LIQUID LIMIT Classification of earth materials is based on field inspection and should not beconstrued to imply laboratory analysis unless so stated MATERIAL SYMBOLS Asphalt Concrete Conglomerate Sandstone Silty Sandstone Calcaerous Sandstone —3 Clayey Sandstone Siltstone Sandy Siltstone Clayey Siltstone/Silty Claystone Claystone/Shale Limestone Dolostone Breccia Volcanic Ash/Tuff Metamorphic Rock Quartette Extrusive Igneous Roc Intrusive Igneous Rock CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION FOR SOILS According to the Standard Penetration Test Blows / Foot* 0-5 6-10 11-30 31-50 50 Granular Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Blows / Foot* 0-5 6-10 11-30 31-50 50 >70 Cohesive Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard ' using 140-lb. hammer with 30" drop = 350 ft-lb/blow LEGEND OF BORING Bulk Sample Driven Sarnpli Water Level ¥- JJ Material Change . App.roxjma.te_MaterialChange Bottom of the Boring "NSR" indicates NO SAMPLE RECOVERY Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-2 TEST BORING LOG BORING: B-1 Date(s) Drilled: 5/5/99 Surface Elevation (ft): 49 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Rlfl Type: Hollow Stem Auger Depth to Groundwater (ft): 18.5 Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc.)101 114 &'in If £-~ Q 24.9 15.2 MoistureContent (%)15 29 31 38 63 71/6" 79/6" G4/G Blow Count(blows/foot)bag 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 .4 x ?? HTO i^fV) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dz fl> Q. nV)Recovery (%)E Q OK 5 10 15 V ?5 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 I —_ w — _ — I - - - - - - - Q. 0)Q) 0)D!t *< ^1=- ^ ^r — z= =[Material SymbolLsivt- sc CL Unified SoilClassification-,FILL: i\ Tan fine SIL I \ "DsfrkbrownT COLLUVIUM: "\ Dark brown E Sheet 1 of 1 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 40.5 Drilling Contractor: C & K Drilling Caving: up to 21 ft after pulling auger out "Y SAND. r rie CLAYEY SAND. 7 JILTY CLAY with minute voids. /" ^TERRACE DEPOSITS: Mottled gray-green poorly indurated fine CLAYEY ' 1 SANDSTONE. / (3ray-green poorly indurated line to medium 5ILTY SANDSTONE. ...Trace of fine GRAVEL at 21 ft. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Tan-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. Gray-white CLAYEY SILTSTONE. poorly bedded. ...Red-gray-brown below 38 ft. NOTES: 1. Total depth 40.5 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by:TMP Project: Poinsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-3 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/5/99 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft): 20.5 FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc.)110 100 £•'55 II fQ 9.6 23.9 MoistureContent (%)15 29 32 39 69 67/6" 71 50/4"Blow Count(blows/foot)bag 1.4 2.5 I-4bag 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1 A Sample Size(inches)1 2 3 t 6 7 8 9 m 6z Oa ra CO BORING: B-2 sheet 1 on Surface Elevation (ft): 50 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 41 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Drilling Contractor: C & K Drilling Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 Caving: up to 23.5 ft after pulling auger ou Recovery (%)i Q 2 5 U io_ H 15 M j°-l 25 M 30. J 35 I 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 *; C"Q. d) oS. E| _ s=f — =f= -L- .: -;^~ — = — - - - - - - - -Material Symbol-SM- SC Unified SoilClassification-A FILL \ Yellow-brown fine SILTY SAND. J ~\ Dark"brown fine CLATE? SAND with scattered f -\ COBBLES. /- ITERRACE DEPOSITS: ' I Red-brown to orange-brown poorly indurated fine I ""l CLAYEY SANDSTONE, with minute voids and |r \ magnesium-oxide staining. / 1 Gray-green"SAND? ClA?STO"NElvitR minute voids. ' Gray-green and orange-brown poorly indurated fine SILTY SANDSTONE. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY _. SANDSTONE.. ~Tah poo~r1y"bed~de~a CLAYEY SILTSTOSlE. ...Red gray-brown below 38 ft. NOTES: 1. Refusal on hard rock at 41 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by: TMP project: Pomsettia Lane Bridge Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-4 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/6/99 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft): 51 *-?co oui-S FIELD NO!(strike/dip114 110 110 110 109 £• !iD 12.1 12.9 6.3 8.4 20.7 g MoistureContent <21 35 22 35 23 35 31 46 35 91 59/6" 50/3" c?Blow Cou(blows/foi1.4 bag 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1.4 JB 2? t«ra !=,to 1 1a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6z 0) 0. nto Surface Elevation BORING: B-3 sheet 1 on (ft): 77 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 61.5 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Drilling Contractor: C&KDrilling Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 Caving: not recorded ^^g.I RecoveryE Q 2 t 5 Fw 10 IP 11 15JF 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 ' 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 EiiEft\£ f 1iii|iK.fEE 1 1Pp - -— i ff -^ •^ ^ - ? rr .'.= * "5JQ E (Material SySM fm _- o•— yi Unified SoClassificalFILL: Yellow-brown fine to medium SILTY SAND. TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. ...Red-yellow below 32 ft. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light brown slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. White-gray slightly indurated SANDY SILTSTONE. NOTES: 1. Total depth 61 .5 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by: CEN I IWjCWt. I UIIIOCLllCt l_Cll 1C Job. No. 9-252-102500 5/25/99 Page A-5 TEST BORING LOG Date(s) Drilled: 5/7/99 Hole Diameter (in):8 3/4" Depth to Groundwater (ft): -^FIELD NOTES(strike/dip etc111 109 110 113 124 .&• M II fr~a 9 9.8 12.7 127 13.3 MoistureContent (%)33 30 36 32 39 7 45 39 50/8" 67 88 86/6" 50/3.5 Blow Count(blows/foot)2.5 bag 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 1 4 1 4 1.4 Sample Size(inches)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12- 13 14 o 0) "a. aCO BORING: B-4 Surface Elevation (ft): 77 Rig Type: Hollow Stem Auger Boring Completion: Backfilled on 5/5/99 Ebiu & E Qg t 5 t "DE 10 II 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 E 1iIF1iii ^)£K.IF i | Ih (FH- £ft I•t- f t - - •5c-Q. Q)0) 0)oS r---: rz zr: rr — : =j~ — ™ "5 Material SymbSM Unified SoilClassificatiorFILL: Sheet 1 of 1 Total Depth of Boring (ft): 66.3 Drilling Contractor C & K Drilling Caving: not recorded Light brown fine to medium SILTY SAND. ...Dark red-brown below 25.5 ft. ...Light brown below 30 ft. TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. Yellow-brown to orange-brown poorly indurated fine to coarse SANDSTONE. Mottled gray-brown poorly indurated fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-white slightly indurated fine to medium SILTY ^ SANDSTONE interbedded with CLAYEY SILTSTONE. / "~ Dgfit gray^brown slightly indurated Cl_A"YEY SILTSTONE with scattered fine SANDSTONE lenses. ...Red-gray-brown below 63 ft. NOTES: 1. Total depth 66.3 feet. 2. Sampler driven by 140-pound hammer falling from 30" height. 3. Elevation obtained from on-site survey. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Logged by:CEN APPENDIX B •ft Dokken Engineering Job No. 9-252-102500 T. Structure Foundation Report May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Page (B-1) APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory test program was designed to fit the specific needs of this project and was limited to testing on-site materials. A brief description of each type of test is presented below. Results are given on the following pages and on the boring logs in Appendix A. Moisture contents and dry densities were determined for numerous relatively undisturbed samples. Results are listed on the boring logs in Appendix A and the Log of Test Borings. In addition to the in-situ field tests, strength characteristics of the subsurface soils were determined in the laboratory by direct shear tests performed on 3 relatively undisturbed samples. Specimens were submerged and tested at 3 normal loads. All samples were tested in a 2.5-inch I.D. circular shear box, using a controlled displacement rate. The direct shear tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 3080. Results are listed in Table B-1. Corrosivity tests were performed on 1 sample. The pH and minimum electrical resistivity were determined in general accordance with California Test 643. Soluble Sulphate content was determined in accordance with California Test 417. Total chloride ion content was determined in accordance with California Test 532. Results are contained in Table B-2. The grain size distribution of 1 sample was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 422. Results are plotted on Page B-3. An R-value test was performed in accordance with California Test 301 procedures. Results are discussed in the main text of the report. Soil samples not tested are now stored in our laboratory for future reference and analysis, if needed. Unless notified to the contrary, all samples will be disposed of 30 days from the date of this report. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Structure Foundation Report Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 May 25,1999 (revised July 12,1999) Page (B-2) TABLE B-1 SUMMARY OF DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 3080-72) Boring No. / Sample No. B-1/ 4 B-3/2 B-3/6 Normal Stress (psf) 1125 2160 3195 1125 2160 3195 1125 2160 3195 Peak Shear Stress (psf) 1526 2729 3571 1221 2303 2867 888 1647 2432 Shear Stress at 0.25 in Displacement (psf) 712 1619 2461 842 1720 2387 731 1443 2128 TABLE B-2 SUMMARY OF CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS (California Test Nos. 417, 422 and 643) Boring No. / Sample No. B-4/2 JDH 7.3 Resistivity (ohm-cm) 2990 Soluble Sulfate (ppm) 240 Chloride (ppm) 241 Recycled Paper AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I i i i t i I 1 I i ri 10 3" 2" \v," r »// 1/2*%"New. U.S STANDARD SIEVE SIZE No^.16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 ! i 90 80 70 60 m. 2 50 40 ocrm0.30 20 10 500 100 50 10 1.0 0!5 0.1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 BOUtEERJ COBBLES GRAVEL Coarse Fine SAND Coarse Medium | Fine Fines (Silt and Clay) Sample No.or Location 2/5 — TestDate 5/18/99 uses Description Natural Water SILTY SANDSTONE LL PL PI SE Max Dry Density Optimum Water GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AGRA Earth & Environmental Project: POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING By: WMC Date: 5/25/99 t- APPENDIX C ft rL iut m m ""ft !|i j !ifj Jl'l ,1«1I 1®®€ iium i! *W?fi Hihi 5! «3K s il i*& H U 33 *CT 3 .1 a 18>III hi! l! PLAN SCALE :1'- 1749+50 \ ]'p-3 I \ — v- — \\ \ \ \ \ \ B-2 1750+00 (LlB-1 1750+50 NEW fcPOINSETTIA LANE 1751+00 B-4 1751+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 qPOINSE-TTIA LANE (existing) 12+50 13+00 ELEVATION 80 ELEV. 76 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1100+12.3 -UOO+JJ.4 noo+rz? 11004-1 2.8 RLL Yellow-brown, flne to medium SILTY SAND TERRACE DEPOSfTS: Red-brown, flne to medium t; SILTY SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated ELEV. 50 - I - I 11004.11.4 ...color change to red-yellow 1100+12.5. 3 - I - - I - I i - i- SANTIAGO FORMATION: Ught brown, flne to medium SILTY SANDSTONE, slightly Indurated I1QQ+H I109+I1.4 White-gray SANDY SILTSTONE. slightly Indurated lltO+IU I100+M.4 PROFILE B-2 [•FILL: Yellow-brown, flne SILTY SAND Dark brown, fine CLAYEY SAND scattered COBBLES TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown to orange-brown, flne CLAYEY SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated, with minute voids and magnesium-oxide staining "Gray-green SANDY CLAYSTONE wfth minute voids Gray-green and orange-brown, flno SILTY SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated I100+I8.5. ~=~r? 1100+12.5 1100+1 I - I HORIZONTAL SCALE: V - 10 VERTICAL SCALE :V-10* 1100+11.4 iJC s-s-oe SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-whits, flne to medium SILTY SANDSTONE, slightly Indurated Tan CLAYEY SILTSTONE, poorly bedded _ ...color changeto red gray-brown_ I10Q+M.4 ELEV. 76 I BULK 2 1100+11.4 FILL: Tan, flne SILTY SAND Dark brown, flne CLAYEY SAND COLLLMUM: Dark brown SILTY CLAY with minute voids TERRACE DEPOSITS: Mottled gray green, flne CLAYEY _ -=-i 1 SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated —' Gray green, fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE, poorly hdurated I100+H.4 -MOO* m. hai+H.4 1100+11.4 ...trace 01 flne GRAVEL r-z-i SANTIAGO FORMATION: Tan-white, flne to medium SILTY SANDSTONE, slightly Indurated f100+l1.4 -noo+i 1.4 _ ! _ I Gray-white CLAYEY SILTSTONE, poorly bedded ...color change to red-gray-brown REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PLANS APPROVAL DATE AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. NOTES: 1.) GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERS) IN BORMQSB-1, B-2 AND M AT ELEVATIONS 3X5,29 J AND 20.0 FEET. 2.] EU-VATIONSMSED ON UNDATED PUN BY CALTRANS 3.) BORINGS LOGGED BY TED PHMA3, STAFF GEOLOGIST ANDCAHLTON E. NETTLETON, 4.) BENCHMARK -CALTRANS DISTRICT11 CONTROL MONUMENT LOCATED ON THE R«HT SDE OF ROUTE « ON TOP OF CUTBANK 130 m± SOUTH OF POINSemA LANE OVEHCROSSINQ ELEVATION 80 I RLL Light brovm, flne to medium SILTY SAND ...color change to dart; red-brown ...color change to light brown 3_ TERRACE DEPOSITS: Red-brown, flne to medium. SILTY SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated Yellow-brown to orange-brown, flne to coarse. SANDSTONE, poorly Indurated Mottled gray-brown, fine to medium SILTY SANDSTONE, - i - i poorly Indurated SANTIAGO FORMATION: Gray-white, flne to medium SILTY SANDSTONE Interbedded with CLAYEY SILTSTONE, sllgntlly Indurated Light gray-brown CLAYEY SILTSTONE with scattered - I - I flne SANDSTONE lenses, slightly Indurated ...color change to red-gray-brown 1100+11.4* S-M» W-W NOOROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 STATIONING 1749+50 1750+00 1750+50 1751+00 1751+60 (fcPCHNSETTIALANE)JOB No. 9-252-1025 PLATE I SCN Off DATE DRAWN BY CHECK BY J.B. D.POORTER JAMES STONE T.M. PRIMAS/C.E. NETTLETON ncu> iNvcsnono* wn MAY i. 1999 PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF CALRSBAD CALIFORNIA BRIDGE POINSETTIA LANE OH WIDENING LOG OF TEST BORINGS ORIGINAL SCALE IN INCHES T DISREGARD PRINTS BEARING REVISION DATES (PRELIMINARY STAGE ONLY)tnn—i—i—r-^n 1 1—r SHEET OF ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 16760 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619)487-2113 Fax (619) 487-2357 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING AT SAN DIEGO NORTHERN RAILROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Submitted To: DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD SUITE A-153 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 Submitted By: AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL 16760 WEST BERNARDO DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92127 June 15, 1999 Job No. 9-252-102500 Recycled Paper AG R A AGRA Earth & ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Environmental, Inc. 16760 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619)487-2113 Fax (619) 487-2357 June 15, 1999 Job No. 9-252-102500 Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite A-153 San Diego, California 92123 Attention: Mr. Kirk Bradbury Re: POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT This letter transmits the Environmental Site Assessment Report AGRA Earth & Environmental prepared for the Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening at the San Diego Northern Railroad tracks in Carlsbad, California. No evidence for hazardous materials was found during a surface reconnaissance and governmental records search. The closest reported leaking underground storage tank is sited more than % mile away, and there is no indication that the leak affected local ground water. Consequently, the potential that hazardous materials may have migrated beneath the property from off-site sources is very slight. More detailed information is contained in the attached report. If you have any questions concerning this report, or need additional information, please call me at (858) 487-2113. Yours truly, AGRA Earth & Environmental James J. Stone, RGE 808 Principal Engineer I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering June 15,1999 Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 Environmental Site Assessment Page (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 3.0 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 2 3.1 GEOLOGY 2 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 3.3 HYDROGEOLOGY 3 4.0 RESULTS OF RESEARCH 3 4.1 SITE HISTORY 3 4.2 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 3 4.3 ADJOINING LAND USE 3 4.4 REGULATORY DATABASE REVIEW 4 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 4 6.0 CLOSURE 4 APPENDIX APPENDIX A Database Search Results AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS t Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering June 15,1999 Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 Environmental Site Assessment Page (1) 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subject site and vicinity with regard to the potential presence of environmentally hazardous substances. The scope of work for this study consisted of gathering readily available information which could provide a basis for the assessment of the site and included: • Site reconnaissance and documenting observable indications of environmental concerns; • Reconnaissance of the area immediately surrounding the site, evaluating land use and the resultant potential for adverse environmental effects at the subject property; • Review of available local geologic maps. • Review of regulatory agency database lists, reports and files which include reported environmental concerns in the vicinity of the subject site. Specific lists and databases reviewed are listed in a report prepared by VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. (VISTA), the summary portion of which is included in Appendix A; • A review of topographic and historic maps and plans indicating past use of the site and vicinity, including businesses, activities or conditions which possibly could compromise the environmental integrity of the property. Aerial photographs covering several prior years have been ordered. If examination of these photographs indicates conditions different than those that exist currently, or a prior use not apparent from the database search, an amendment to this report will be prepared; • Preparation of this report summarizing the findings and conclusions of the research and reconnaissance performed. Environmental impairment of property resulting from activities such as illicit or unreported dumping or spilling of hazardous materials may not be readily apparent. The opinions and conclusions presented in this report are based on information readily available at the time of assessment. Subsurface exploration and collection of quantitative information, such as analyses of soil or water samples, was beyond the scope of this assessment. The Phase I assessment does not address the ASTM Phase I non-scope issues of radon, lead-based paint, asbestos surveying, lead in drinking water or wetlands. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering June 15,1999 Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 Environmental Site Assessment Page (2) 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Poinsettia Lane Overhead spans the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way between deep abutment fills on both the east and west ends. The fills were placed initially to accommodate future widening and extend beyond the current traveled way. Existing fill slopes range from about 1:1-% (vertical:horizontal) to 1:1 where the slopes are paved in front of the abutments. Minor amounts of fill have been placed along the railroad tracks. Surface vegetation consists of sparse grass and weeds. 3.0 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 3.1 GEOLOGY The general area where the Overhead is located is underlain by terrace deposits over Santiago Formation. AGRA performed a structure foundation investigation for the Overhead widening and presented the results in a report dated May 25, 1999. The investigation included exploring subsurface conditions by drilling 4 test borings. Detailed descriptions of the fill and natural materials underlying the area are contained in the following section. 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The existing overhead configuration was achieved by placing about 22 to 35 feet of fill at the abutments. Between 2 and 4 feet of fill were placed along the railroad tracks, probably part of the original railroad construction. The fill at the abutments is underlain by terrace deposits which in turn are underlain by Santiago Formation. The terrace deposits extend to depths of 37 to 44 feet. The Santiago Formation continues to the maximum depth explored, 66.3 feet. A 5-foot-thick layer of colluvium overlies the terrace deposits at the location of one of the borings along the railroad tracks. The top of the terrace depots was encountered at depths of 4 to 7 feet along the railroad tracks. The top of the Santiago Formation at bent locations is at depths of 25 to 31 feet below the ground surface. The fill consists of silty sand. The terrace deposits are composed of medium dense to dense clayey and silty sandstones and sandy claystones. The underlying Santiago Formation consists of a very dense or hard silty sandstone and clayey siltstone. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOtUTiONS \ Recycled Paper •If,, Dokken Engineering June 15,1999 Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Job No. 9-252-102500 Environmental Site Assessment Page (3) 3.3 HYDROGEOLOGY Groundwater was encountered at depths of about 18 to more than 50 feet below the ground surface, corresponding to an elevation as high as about 30 feet above sea level. Groundwater levels can rise following periods of rainfall and during the wet season. According to research reported as part of the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) assessment of the area, the groundwater in the area is of no beneficial use. 4.0 RESULTS OF RESEARCH 4.1 SITE HISTORY The San Diego Northern Railroad tracks were constructed in the early 1900s. Plans reviewed for portions of the alignment near Del Mar for a previous project indicate that the tracks were in-place at approximately their present location before 1915. No significant changes in site conditions are known to have occurred until grading associated with construction of the Overhead. Available plans indicate that the existing structure was constructed in the early- to mid-eighties. 4.2 SITE RECONNAISSANCE The Poinsettia Lane Overhead spans the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way between deep abutment fills on both the east and west ends. The fills were placed initially to accommodate future widening and extend beyond the current traveled way. Existing fill slopes range from about 1:1-% (vertical:horizontal) to 1:1 where the slopes are paved in front of the abutments. Minor amounts of fill have been placed along the railroad tracks. Surface vegetation consists of sparse grass and weeds. 4.3 ADJOINING LAND USE The properties in the general area of the Overhead are used mainly for residential and recreational purposes. No industries considered significant generators of hazardous materials are located nearby. One photograph developing business considered a small generator of hazardous waste is located within % mile of the site. It is very unlikely that any waste generated at that location would have an impact on the Overhead location. AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ( Recycled Paper •-f u Dokken Engineering Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Environmental Site Assessment June 15, 1999 Job No. 9-252-102500 Page (4) 4.4 REGULATORY DATABASE REVIEW The database search performed by VISTA Information Solutions (VISTA) searched Federal, State and local databases and lists for sites where hazardous materials are generated, stored or have been released into the environment. The search disclosed only a few listed sites within one mile of the Overhead. The subject site itself was not listed with any of the environmental regulatory agencies researched. Details of the research procedures, as well as maps indicating the areas searched relative to the site, are provided in the VISTA report in Appendix A. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on reconnaissance of the subject site and surrounding areas, review of historical and regulatory data, and conversations with individuals familiar with the property and nearby businesses, it is concluded that the likelihood of hazardous materials on-site, or along the railroad tracks near the Overhead, is very small. No significant potential sources of hazardous materials are located in the vicinity, and groundwat'er conditions and the distance to identified leaking underground storage tanks make migration through groundwater movement extremely unlikely. 6.0 CLOSURE This report is based on the information obtained from site reconnaissance and research of readily available records and databases. This report has been prepared solely for the use of Dokken Engineering and the City of Carlsbad for evaluation of the potential presence of hazardous materials on the subject property. It may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. It has been prepared in accordance with generally recognized environmental consulting practices in the San Diego County, California area and makes no other warranties, either express or implied, as to the conclusions or data included. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth & Environmental smes J. Stone, RGE 808 'rincipal Engineer JS/jjs Distribution: (6) Addressee 9252102500/c:\PoinSettiaLane\Envm>nmental Report AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS I Recycled Paper APPENDIX A Report SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) PROPERTY INFORMATION Project Name/Ref #: Not Provided Carlsbad, CA 92008 Latitude/Longitude: ( 33.102634, 117.315246 ) CLIENT INFORMATION AGRA Earth Environmenta AGRA EarthEnvironmental-San D 16760 West Bernardo Dr. SanDieqo,CA92127 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database - Type of Records A) Databases searched to 1 mile: US EPA NPL National Priority List US EPA CORRAGTS RCRA Corrective Actions and associated TSD (TSD) STATE SPL State equivalent priority list B) Databases searched to 1 mile: STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS list • US EPA CERCLIS / Sites currently or formerly under review by US EPA NFRAP US EPA TSD RCRA permitted treatment, storage, disposal facilities STATE LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks STATE SWLF Permitted as solid waste landfills, incinerators, or transfer stations C) Databases searched to 1 mile: STATE UST Registered underground storage tanks STATE AST Registered aboveqround storage tanks D) Databases searched to 1 mile: US EPA ERNS Emergency Response Notification System of spills US EPA LGGEN RCRA registered large generators of hazardous waste US EPA SM GEN RC RA registered small generators of hazardous waste STATE SPILLS State spills list within 1/8 mHe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1« to 1/4 mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 to 1/2 mHe 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1/2 to imfe 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 l/erabn 2.6.1 Page/1 This report meets the ASTM standard E-1527 for standard federal and state government database research in a Phase I environmental site assessment. A (-) indicates a distance not searched because it exceeds these ASTM search parameters. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Customer proceeds aite own risk in choosing to rely on VISTA services, in whole or in part, rjriorloproceedmg with any transaction. VISTA cannot be an insurer of the accuracy of the information, errors occurring in conversion of data, or for customer's use of data. VISTA and Hs affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees and independent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, loss or expense suffered by customer resulting dkecdy or Mirecdy from any ^formation provided by VISTA. NOTES For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page/2 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) Map of Sites within 1 Mile Subject Site * Category: A Databases Searched to: 1 mi. Single Sites ^ Multiple Sites ^t >Xx'*'"X. Highways and Major Roads \^^\ Roads ^1l~~*^J^ ^ Railroads % "••-•"" '"•• Rivers or Water Bodies v---'"^ Utilities NPL, SPL, CORRACTS (TSD) B 1/2 mi. H •CERCLIS\ NFRAP, TSD, LUST, SWLF, SCL C 1/4 mi. A A UST D 1/8 mi. 0 0 ERNS, GENERATORS For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page #3 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) Map of Sites within 1/4 Mile Subject Site Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites A 1 mi. Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities NPL, SPL, CORRACTS (TSD) B 1/2 mi. CERCLISV NFRAP, TSD, LUST, SWLF, SCL A A UST O O ERNS, GENERATORS For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page #4 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) Sites Represented as Radius Buffers These radii are estimated from agency records or detailed street maps. The radii may be based on the furthest boundary of each property or study area from its center. For more information contact the agency referenced by source number in the site listing. Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page #5 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) Street Map Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page #6 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) SITE INVENTORY MAP ID 1 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/8 mile) VISTA 10 DISTANCE DIRECTION HOUR PHOTO AN «««* 7040AVENIDAENCINAS °'wm E CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A j 3 10 ti B £ a. 1 o * §LL. c 15 D </>5o 3 N30HSX 35 MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/8 -1/4 mile) VIST A ID DISTANCE DIRECTION A a. 3"£ g tt OO i. B y. a. § ^ §§ t—to _i UL l! C iS D (X) 1 in 2 5O 3 i/>-j Ei/> No Records Found MAP ID 2 2 2 2 2 2 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/Z mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION CARLSBAD VOLVO 3976054 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS 0'26m N CARLSBAD. CA 92009 CARLSBAD VOLVO JOtuaos 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS 0'26 "Jj CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HOEHN HONDA 197360 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-30MN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HOEHN HONDA ?«*** 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS ft30iljj CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HOEHN HONDA 10788290 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-30^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HOEHN HONDA ^98274 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS a30MN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A a! I 1 ^ B _i o B 3 X X , C § X X X X K D 13 i X a. X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page f 7 MAP ID 3 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION RATAN RAM S «3MK 7204PONTO "•34US CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A a! SIS)t. & i% B _i 0. t/5 1g 1 u. c i X S D iO S3 0 i(O MAP ID 4 5 6 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 1 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT S297ZS3 2017 HY 101 0'73M ENCINITAS.CA 92024 THOMPSON ROSE CO INC «J226 7440 BATIQUITOS DR tt77^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 DENNIS FLOWERS »»»» 8000 POINSETTIA LANE END °'93 M'E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A % S 1-rTfS 8 ft B £ a, a!u. ^g g 12 fc X u. ^ C i X X 5 D </> 1 iSo S a ^ X 2 ft X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • 767 • Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 0403. Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page/8 UNMAPPED SITES VISTA ID SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE BEACH 1238666 HIGHWAY 101 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CECIL J.HANNAN «>«»7 2433 - 7 07TH ST ENCINITAS.CA 92024 H G FENTON **0677 16251 BRANDY CANYON SAN DIEGO, CA 92073 USN-FLEET ASW TRAINING CENTER «"**» HARBOR HARBOR OR SAN DIEGO, CA 921 47 THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY RANCHO SAN DIEGO H4«9 VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, CA 921 99 SOUTHLAND CORP 7499536 8355 OTAY MESA RD SAN DIEGO, CA MURRAY CANYON BURNSITE 5813398 TB 53-D4 ADJ MURRAY RIDGE PK SAN DIEGO, CA SOUTH BAY LAND OUTFALL PHASE 1 «»<«53 ALIGNMENT ALONG MONUMENT RD TO PACIF SAN DIEGO, CA SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSIO &30526 SAN DIEGO, CA BELL JR HIGH SLF/SWEETWATER II SSXMHK SAN DIEGO, CA SAN DIEGO, CA 6612668 SOLEDAD (SAN TMLR) «w/777 SOLEDAD MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN SAN DIEGO, CA 92073 A iCORRACTSfTSD)£ B *CERCLIS/NFRAPo 12 B j X X X X X c i X X X X X X 5 X D c/> X 2 3u9 1 E</> X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page/9 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) DETAILS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/8 mile) VISTA Address*: HOUR PHOTO AN 7040AVENIDAENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ICRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC* 5596 Agency Address: Generator Class: VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 4061006 0.10 Ml /E Point CAD983665282 AN HOUR PHOTO 7040AVENIDA ENCINAS UNIT 106 CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Generates 100 kg. /month but less than 1000 kgJmonth ofnon-acutely hazardous waste Map ID 1 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/8 • 1/4 mile) No Records Found SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 - 1/2 mile) VISTA CARLSBAD VOLVO Address*: 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC1 1612 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 007 PETROLEUM NOTREPORTED 1000 (GALLONS) RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC* 5596 Agency Address: Generator Class: SAMEASABOVE 1 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED VISTA ID*: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Aqency ID: 3976054 0.26 Ml /N Point N/A Tank Status: ACTIWN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: *&*** cw*» 0 Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS I EPA ID: | CAD981 983323 CARLSBAD VOLVO 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Generates 100 kg./month but less than 1000 kg./month ofnon-acutely hazardous waste Map ID 2 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 0403. Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page/10 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) CONT. VISTA CARLSBAD VOLVO Address*: 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5835 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: TOOIU Tank Contents: WASTE OIL Tank Age: » Tank Size (Units): '«» (GALLONS) SAMEASABOVE 1 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 7004905 0.26 Ml /N Point H20071 Tank Status: ACTIVE^N SERVICE Leak Monitoring: NOT AVAILABLE Tank Piping: SUCTION Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED Map ID 2 VISTA HOEHN HONDA Address*: 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC* 1612 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: TOOIU Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): «*» (GALLONS) VISTA ID* : Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Aqency ID: 197360 0.30 Ml /N Point N/A SAMEASABOVE 1 NOTREPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status: ACTIVBIN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: ^"<y Co* 0 Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: FIBERGLASS Map ID 2 VISTA HOEHN HONDA Address': 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC* 5835 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: TOOW Tank Contents: WASTE OIL Tank Age: " Tank Size (Units): '«» (GALLONS) VISTA ID*: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 7004904 0.30 Ml /N Point H19612 SAMEASABOVE 1 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: NOT AVAILABLE Tank Piping: GRAVITY Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED Map ID 2 VISTA HOEHN HONDA Address*. 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE LUST • State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC* 5671 Agency Address: Facility ID: Leak Date: Leak Report Date: Site Assessment Began: Leak Detection Method: VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 10788290 0.30 Ml /N Point N/A HOEHN HONDA 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92018 9UT3700 07122/98 07122/98 08/14/98 TANK CLOSURE Map ID 2 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page/11 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 • 1/2 mile) CONT. Leak Cause: Leak Source: Substance: Remediation Event: Remediation Status: Media Affected: Description / Comment: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN WASTE OIL LEAK STOPPED BY: CLOSE TANKLEAK STOP DATE: 07/22/98 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY SOIL ONLY PRIORITY: LOW POTENTIAL HEALTH/SAFETY/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EXISTS AFTER INVESTIGBENEFICIAL NO BENEFICIAL GROUNDWATER USELOCASENUM: H19B12-001,BASINNUM:904.40,GWDEPTH: 13' VISTA HOEHN HONDA Address*: 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 11498274 Distance/Direction: 0.30 Ml / N Plotted as: Point STATE LUST- State Leakinq Underground Storage Tank /SRCf 5497 EPA/Agency ID: N/A Agency Address: Facility ID: Leak Report Date: Site Assessment Plan Submitted: Substance: Remediation Event: Remediation Status: Media Affected: Region / District: Description / Comment: Description / Comment: Description / Comment: HOEHN HONDA 6800 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92018 9UT3700 07/22/98 08/27/98 WASTE OIL EXCAVATE AND DISPOSE PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN REQ SOIL ONLY SAN DIEGO REGION COUNTY: SAN DIEGO CROSS STREET: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD REVIEW DAJE-.09/28/98 Map ID 2 VISTA RATANRAMS Address": 7204 PONTO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC* 1612 VISTA IDI: 4038485 Distance/Direction: 0.34 Ml / S Plotted as: Point EPA/Aqencv ID: N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Underground Tanks: ^ Aboveground Tanks: NOT REPORTED Tanks Removed: NOT REPORTED Tank ID: room Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): MOO (GALLONS) Tank ID: TOOIU Tank Contents: UNKNOWN Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): NOT REPORTED (GALLONS) Tank ID: now Tank Contents: UNKNOWN Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): NOT REPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: AW Code n Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: Agency Code o Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: Agency Code o Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID 3 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page/12 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): wow PETROLEUM NOTREPORTED NOT REPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED Agency Code 0 UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T001U PETROLEUM NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED Agency Coded UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T001U OTHER NOTREPORTED 3003 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED Agency Code 0 UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): TOOW OTHER NOTREPORTED 8101 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED AgencyCodeO UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS \ STATE UST • State Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5835 I Agency ID:| H17155 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: RATANRAMS 7204PONTODR CARLSBAD. CA 92009 7 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): TOOW DIESEL NOTREPORTED 8101 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T002U DIESEL NOTREPORTED 3003 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T003U WASTE OIL NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T004U WASTE OIL NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): TOOSU OTHER NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T006U OTHER NOTREPORTED NOT REPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ' VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page f 13 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T007U UNLEADED GAS NOT REPORTED 8000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -1 mile) VISTA Address*: LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 2017 HY 101 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5835 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T001U DIESEL NOT REPORTED 280 (GALLONS) VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 5297263 0.73 Ml /NA Radius H32324 SAMEASABOVE 1 NOT REPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: NOTAVAILABLE Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED Map ID 4 VISTA Address*: THOMPSON ROSE CO INC 7440BATIQUITOSDR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRCf 5596 Agency Address: Generator Class: VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 423226 0.77 Ml /E Point CAD982368854 THOMPSON.ROSE COMPANY INC 7440BATIQUITOSDR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Generates 100 kg./month but less than 1000 kgJmonth ofnon-acutely hazardous waste Map ID 5 VISTA DENNIS FLOWERS Address': 8000 POINSETTIA LANE END < CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 1612 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: now Tank Contents: OTHER Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): '«*» (GALLONS) SAMEASABOVE 1 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 1587469 0.93 l/Hi/E. ><•'• Point N/A Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: ^»«y code o Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS STATE LUST -State Leaking Underground Storage Tank /SRCf 5497 I EPA/Aqency ID: |N/A Agency Address: Facility ID: Leak Report Date: Site Assessment Plan Submitted: Contamination Confirmed Date: Case Closed Date: DENNIS FLOWERS 8000 POINSETTIA LN CARLSBAD. CA 92007 9UT1764 07/25/90 08/09/90 07/2S/90 05/11/93 Map ID 6 • * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 767-0403. Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page f 14 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 • 1 mile) CONT. Substance:DIESEL Remediation Status:CASE CLOSED Media Affected:SOIL ONLY Region / District:SAN DIEGO REGION Description / Comment:COUNTY: SAN DIEGO Description / Comment:REVIEW DATE:11/30/93 I STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5671 TEPA/Agency ID:IN/A Agency Address: Facility ID: Leak Date: DENNIS FLOWERS 8000POINSETT1ALN CARLSBAD. CA 92007 9UT1764 07/12/90 Leak Report Date:07/25/90 Contamination Confirmed Date:07/25/90 Case Closed Date:05/11/93 Leak Detection Method:OTHER MEANS Leak Cause: Leak Source: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Substance:DIESEL Remediation Event:LEAK STOPPED BY: OTHER MEANSLEAK STOP DATE: 07/12/90ENFORCEMENT: NONE TAKEN Remediation Status:CASE CLOSED Media Affected:SOIL ONLY Description / Comment:PRIORITY: LOWLOCASENUM: H99083-001,BASINNUM:904.51.GWDEPTH: (STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5835 TAqency ID:[H99083 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: DENNIS FLOWERS 8000 POtNSETTIALN END CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1 NOT REPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T001U DIESEL NOTREPORTED 10000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED NOTAVAILABLE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ' VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.8.1 800-767-0403. Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page f 15 UNMAPPED SITES VISTA Address': THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY RANCHO SAN DIEGO VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, CA 92199 STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC* 5689 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: VISTA ID*: Agency ID: 124449 37-CR-0101 NCCOSC SAN DIEGO NCCOSC SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO. CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSURE PENDING UNDER REVIEW VISTA Address*: MURRAY CANYON BURNSITE TB 53-D4 ADJ MURRAY RIDGE SAN DIEGO, CA PK STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC* 5689 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: VISTA ID*: Agency ID: 5813398 37-CR-0051 SAMEASABOVE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSED OTHER VISTA Address*: SOUTH BAY LAND OUTFALL PHASE 1 ALIGNMENT ALONG MONUMENT RD TO PACIF SAN DIEGO, CA STATE SWLF • Solid Waste Landfill / SRC* 5689 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: VISTA ID#: Agency ID: 6830853 37-AA-0914 SAMEASABOVE TREATMENT PROCESSING PROPOSED' PROPOSED/PLANNED VISTA SAN DIEGO CONVENTION Address*: SAN DIEGO, CA CENTER EXPANSIO STATE SWLF • Solid Waste Landfill / SRC* 5689 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: VISTA ID*: Agency ID: 6830526 37-CR-0098 SAMEASABOVE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY OTHER UNDER REVIEW VISTA BELL JR HIGH SLF/SWEETWATER II Address*: SAN DIEGO, CA STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC* 5689 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: VISTA ID*: Agency ID: 6829882 37-CR-0088 SAMEASABOVE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY OTHER UNDER REVIEW * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page/16 1... SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED A) DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC*: 5789 The agency release date for NPL was April, 1999. The National Priorities List (NPL) is the EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC*: 5455 The agency release date for Calsites Database: Annual Workplan Sites was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC*: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "corrective action". A "corrective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occurred, even if it predates RCRA. B) DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE CERCLIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC*: 5790 The agency release date for CERCLIS was March, 1999. The CERCLIS List contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List(NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The information on each site includes a history of all pre-remedial, remedial, removal and community relations activiies or events at the site, financial funding information for the events, and unrestricted enforcement activities. NFRAP VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC*: 5791 The agency release date for CERCLIS-NFRAP was March, 1999. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page/17 SCL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5454 The agency release date for Calsites Database: All Sites except Annual Workplan Sites (incl. ASPIS) was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are classified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. The CalSites database includes both known and potential sites. Two- thirds of these sites have been classified, based on available information, as needing "No Further Action" (NFA) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The remaining sites are in various stages of review and remediation to determine if a problem exists at the site. Several hundred sites have been remediated and are considered certified. Some of these sites may be in long term operation and maintenance. RCRA-TSD VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5689 The agency release date for Ca Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) was December, 1998. This database is provided by the Integrated Waste Management Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-255-4021. The California Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database consists of both open as well as closed and inactive solid waste disposal facilities and transfer stations pursuant to the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972, Government Code Section 2.66790(b). Generally, the California Integrated Waste Management Board learns of locations of disposal facilities through permit applications and from local enforcement agencies, LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5366 The agency release date for Region f7-Colorado River Basin Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing was August, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #7. The agency may be contacted at: 760-346-7491. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5497 The agency release date for Lust Information System (LUSTIS) was October, 1998. This database is provided by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The agency may be contacted at: 916-445-6532. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5670 The agency release date for Lahontan Region LUST List was January, 1999. This database is provided by the Lahontan Region Six South Lake Tahoe. The agency may be contacted at: 530-542-5400. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • 767 • 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page f 18 t...LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5671 The agency release date for Region f 9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank List was December, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #9. The agency may be contacted at: 619-467-2980. C) DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 1612 The agency release date for Underground Storage Tank Registrations Database was January, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Underground Storage Tanks. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4364; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5835 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-UST Sites was January, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at: 619-338-2268; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. AST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5513 The agency release date for Aboveground Storage Tank Database was December, 1998. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4364. D) DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE ERNS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5598 The agency release date for was December, 1998. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database containing records from October 1986 to the release date above and is used to collect information for reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal authorities including the EPA, the US Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of Transportation. The ERNS hotline number is (202) 260-2342. RCRA-LgGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators are facilities which generate at least 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste (or 1 kg./month of acutely hazardous waste). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Pagef 19 RCRA-SmGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. SPILL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRCf: 5835 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-Spill Sites was January, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at: 619-338-2268. End of Report For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 595501901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: June 7,1999 Page/20