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3557; Carlsbad Blvd Las Encinas Creek & Bridge; Carlsbad Blvd Las Encinas Creek & Bridge; 2011-04-21
Bridge Re�e�ment Monitoring Report for the City of �arlsbad and the Califarnia Coastal Commiss�on Las En�inas �r��k Brid � � Br. No. 57�-�79�L Ja�k L. Abcarius Nvlte A55aciates, Inc. April 21, �011 i� ,i�. � - I3ridge Elevation — =111912U 11 April 21. ?01 1 5tate of Caiifornia — The Natural Resources A�ency Caiifornia Coastal Commission 5an Diegc� Area 7575 Metropolitan Drive, 5uite l03 San Diego, CA 92 l f]8-44? I S[.II3,]ECT; 201 i Bridge Re�etment Monitoring Repnrt Las Fneinas Creek Brid�e aian� Snuthbound Caw�shad Boule�arc! Bridge Na. �7C-U79UL City oF Carlsbad, California In a�cordance with 5pecial Condition Na. 2 set by the Calii�zrnia Coastal �amn�is5ion tc� appro�e the City ❑f Carlsbad's Applicatinn N«, b-{}9-[�51, N�Ite Associates, fnc. is subEnitting this second report for the Revetment MQnitorin� Pragrarn for Las Encinas Creek Bridge, Br. No. 57C-f179�]L. This special conditinn states that "the mnnitnring rept�rt shall he submitted to the Executi�e ❑irector a�id City L�F Carlsbad Engineering Departme��t yearly after each winter stort�l season 6ut prior to the l" ot May starting with May I,?O 1[}". The ren�aining three suhsequent repvr[s shall be submiEted pri«r to May I" �f future years. Condition of Revetment The newly placed rip-rap alang the west edge ❑f sauthbound Carlsl�ad Bo�ievard s€arts at Station 104+2[].(H7 tc� 1 f15+37.5� and [�5f$ I.D[} ta 1 14+Q8.��. The statinning is measured alnng the centerline ��f sauthbound Carlsbad Soule�ard, and runs from narth to south. Brid�� �onstruction was completed on May 28, 2[] l[]. In order to cantrol the location af the toe af slc�pe on the beach sic�e duriRg construction, the cor�tra�tor placed sheet piles S 1'-1 [)"�- frQm the centerline roadway pri��r ta the instailation af the rip-rap. This dimension cnincided with the HiCh Ti[�z Cantour Line ot 4.77' [NGVD29} �r 7.�iS' (MLLW) a5 sur�eyed duri�7g the design phase oti this proje�t in 2UU9. The tiecnnd High ❑efini[iort Scanning was perforrned ❑�er the �ourse of tw❑ days ❑n April 1 1 and 12 of 2fl I I. Far ease of comparison, [he original monumen€s insta[led in 2[] I[) were yurveye�i and re5ults are shown in a tabular Format in ihis repQrt �Appendix A). It should be noted that this beach area is highly dynamic due to the constant wa�� a�tion that c1e�t�sits and remvves small sized ec�bbles along the length ❑f this praject as evidenced in ihe co�er pf�ata ot' this �-eport. A�thou�h the monuments shaw little ar n❑ e�idence ❑f mo�einent, there were svme large size rvcks that ha�e mnved westwardky. Fnllowing are svme phntos �aken on Apri] l9 of� 2� 1 1, shawing the current cQndition oi' the rip-rap, and comparing to the baseline conditian pQs[ cQnstruction of Zf}]fl. We've alsa included new scanned images to conipare again5t the images de�elc�ped in 2a10. 2 .'�_ �� c � �� j �, . .-,, . — � :�. :; ' , - - - i � i, `�F' ` �._r'�#. _. - ' {;�+�;�� t ���'�-�L•:� _ � ��. � �-jA Y�. . �. }r.s�. . f � � � -- __ �; `�,-�y�lr �■ - . _ • ' �.�r..� r � J� � w�e� .� �_ � . . . a.r� � ., . - .' .. '�-:: :-�� � ' k ' � ." � =�:. � . . , ��` -o- � � - - - .r . <. L a_ . ,- ��� '- _ ... - ` -�.4-._�� ' �, - � r .:=� - �} Tr 1 - - . - tii��'�. ._�{7.�' � _r r< �¢� .�C'�j'�'_ * y`.'�y�s_ . . '� �n� � - . y �%' • � " .. . ' �.' ' ' _ •'1%-' _' . , ► �„ • ~ �+•' • - �.• - A. _ _ � -•_�".�^ , ..r ,. ; f,��.i. , ���. . �,�� . .. . .. �� . r...��i-w� . � �t � � ���i� '3!r'r:f�.'• - �- ' ",/=-�Yr� . -. . . . " ; :'i�_ • �' I`y �i/1T ii+r+ ' ,.��•:7` :; - • � • - View kaaking Nnrth t�a14) y��� t �`� _�:�i:_s.- ;�_;: : �� "r'y�r�W y T A• -:�rf,•y�. . .�1.,,' '.:y' ,•. �y.:. - :,•.:r., :r� ��,.; +� ' :�!'� '� . i.r�-- .. .-i. �'w 5 ..r����'- �''���,=�,�'�' �yf • � 3: . ``� a ��Y 1.� :��,;,�. -.- � 3 ,�,�;� - 4- ��, � � ._;+�-��"%i"'�`I~.� .��� �� '"�i1�p �� :�± . .. • - View Lflokin� Narth f2D11) ,� _ _ - - , _ . , �;, � -�� ,y�� _ � - -'"'.���ra +".r-� - }'�"'r . �,. 1 µ . ���. ;.� � , _��„� _ ,� � � . ..s j � _-- ; - . - __ � - ._ �a - '�" - _ .- _ - _r '~� �`-- ��:._..:_ -'=i �� - - � " . . � • � . ` • �: • 1• ::.� �-ti "�-:''r`� _ "'ptf•"�i � - + � w � ' -r��: yy:.ti?":�.�.:a} .4.i-� _ --- - '-i - - - - �.' � . .�^ ■ _ � � r '� -r" y� _ � _ . . _ . Rip-Rap Looking �Iortheast {2010) �-.. r ~ ! • � '.Yt �:i.:a4 =r`�- �:.r;.:".. - ti. ��. .•':.Li'�_^ -�y:r:,- :. L'; �. .., , . , _ �: -. - _ , [ZU11) 3 - . � . � . � `i�''��� ��°�; ;: , � r._ ; �u��F: �� •`� �„�1���.' _ - r � _ �� _ �i. - . �. � '� ",��' . � �a ,�.,. , : ' �.� _ � �;�..;z'�� - . , '-�S` . . �..s . _ "�' � .�'n -�h �-- � � � • - •` �. .�. ,'� ... � ^ - - • - . . ' - r,-q7p: ..�+�-` ^r �[' . - _ . �;� :��'�.u,ti::�•.�- .�w1 t -Y� �.. ` • .tl ' +�' ti' , :ti '� � - ' �.Fi,.�- ti"+�"4?},.�i`-"-+-� ]�f �,� �.. . , _ �-- �• . .-� ��:7 '--__�`,,, -. :-� °�:-_';�--,:�--v�,�.._�, _ �:- `, ti,-... .•. . �3`�.:""_ _� -s.. - .-`��5�"'-;.��--. -' .-", s-�� ��� .•r'_�- .� : -� �-'r''�-��a� 'S.ee"+�`.`:.:+.�- �-±�, Nr'.^' _� �_� �':-_� ���Yt..- •_y.'3 ZCC- �r., . ..'�+l''d�;�.��s•.� -'�. -� �'�F-� T • _ . � �� . JYi'� ` �"`s `� r� �' . _ � ti:..yyr�,� �v �,' u'-+�ir-- a-. -R�.=�''%' 1`sT' i`.�'L9--.: �j mr.4��.ti•�t' L"�".� ='•r''="�`�s.�-`_'^%=ir-r`�-��'. �.R� i a!:' _`c.�+.€^` i April 19, 2011 r`.� � � - _ , � ' ' � �- _ . ---. `-� __ _' '- •• _�-'-�.g �� •- � - ��" _. . - � • - .;� _ _x -� '� , r - . r �, ��'s� ` � w . �_ .� � IZi�-Ra� Looking South [z�10� ��'� '•�` �'�"t"� "�� ����� � �R� ri't��f�� � 1 ..� �`��� ��_ � - "" M�� _ `C• • �._�T � � . • '-� ������: I..,_�.-��.. � . " " f.�•�� . . ' .: . . ~ 4- '��.�:� . ~ r ���� � �, • ' _ _ �-j�..�w�-F.. _ . � ra...�_� -: �[. .� ' � � - ' Z . - ' - �.��° . . ' �;"r�.a� ~- , � - �� � .• ? `� �-, •� . J.i.� ^ . • � �. Rip-Rap Looking So�th, Past the B�ridge �2Q10] �''�� . ,. � �. -; ,,.� �' � : .�� � � ' :�c�n . . '� i � '"` . ...;- ' :_ � : :='� a'v�"' •: - . -�.A��. -� ,��t-. _ - �Yy,�i � , y 1��."�^-�_» � ; _ ,.•.� -• . "L.;wr � � r �+? r i �'.'i�.'„'. �.". ' . :: �'• ti �� �'y - '. _ ' •" `.. ":.�'y�R.=.. 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"-�y ,y �yY :,r.=`�!=:s" 'l- �: . -- =+_'�'. _ _ ' - :.' � . �. r.. n :4'�=:`�•>'�:.�'�;� ��'��:.vx����'.:�,��,�•��y-��.; .� � � •:..::.y�•r- ,�';i,.�. `"�"' "• .+��� � f`�.;• . -�,r• ..a. . i:�'r�-.".;.._.:.�..,,..'.frae;';;ihti�M� r `s6�: ��C �r.� � i �T' HV5 +x .e.rcwrvs '3' . . " fNCmAS L77EF7f MNHIAL RAP AAP AfOYfTLVPA6IC �Aw . • ::�� ._ r. 7�tI SCAN AVAG£-17L�WTY L1r �MfF OU7FALL � .�. Fo�- the S ye��r rip-rap monitoring plan, a conirol syste�l� wa5 established and an i�iitial surv�y was n}ade �jn lune 1�]-1 1, 2� 1(i. Control wa� zstahlished by GPS based c�n CCS83, Ep��cf� 199 I.35 coordina[es per City �f Carlsbad Survey Contral, R�S 17�7I. The Benchmark i5 �C-147 [R�S 17271 point #1433}, ha�in� a NGVD Z9 elevatian of SO.Sb'. Five control points w�re set in the proj�ct vicinity, but autside of the rip-rap for t�uture sue�eys, in�luding a i" brass disc Ei�oun[ed on the hridge, identified as M-5. Additinnally, six bra5s caps were set ir�to boulders of the rip-rap and surveyed both horizontally and �erticafly far future monitc�ring, These are identified as M-1. 2. 3. 4, 6, and 7. All these mnnuments are clearly shown an the "Key Map to Contral and Check Points" drawing included i�i this regort (Appendix BJ. The cantrol points were dQcumented photographically as well as sUrveyed tor future Li SC. IVo[e that during �ur ?(}11 sur�ey t�� April I I and I?, al[ �nonuments were �isible except far the northernrnost Monument M-7, which w�� covered with cohb[es. [���owin� its loration though, aur sur�ey crew was able ta easily uncover it to ��t acc�rate readincs. ��r�������s � . � , __ , �;,-- .. � " �' � � ■ l'� , . r .. . :-w^��� � �• � ��CP'a .� y ' - g• � `� Y , • . + � � �,•� � � • • L: �� �� - •� ,� r'� • " r�� - . - " ' j 1� � ^ . �r�- �.�^� � tt ���"f -� ^�Y` ��_�'�_ � � _.��.�._�._.. r +'� _ Bridge Eie�ation View Loaking North-East [2610) ( r'��7T1� ?{f 1 1 � �� -Si:,.I[]5+37.SU -Sia.IUS+�I -5ta.11is+i1H Apprax. 5t�. I []4+?[1 w .r'r�� �~ r •+r •ra-•,��• . ~ � r�� ' y I{'Y�fj7• � �q �� ��� � • -r.. - �y� �� �n..o�—� �:r'-'_ -- �''�"'• �— �Y� ���?.. . .. . � � .�r _�--+._..,� �r`—�� s�r . . .. • v�r'�. _ - " �� �/... -. ..�- .w� ��. . �. � f -+ - �r��....�� "-' Fr�'--" - � �� �� ...r F'a'r�~ � � - High De�nitian 5ean Model - Section I�ey {See 2010 — 241 i Profile Sections as an insert at end of this report} Future Re�orts Nalte will continue perf'or�ning a full High �efinition Scan annually through Zfi�4, anc� each scan wil! be campared to the baseline made[ and corresponding section �iewy. The Table in Appendix A has been set up for this �omparison. This will allaw for rrEeasurement and r�cording of all nine monuments v�:rtically and horiLcmtally sc� that the pert'onnance oF the rip- rap can be e�al�aated. This e�aluatian will determine n�aintenance strategies n�er the monitorin� period. A repart will be prepared after each scan an� suhmittecf to the City af Carlsbad. Two hard copies as well as an electronic versian will be sent to the City, who will in turn forward tQ the California Coasta[ Com�nission in ac�ordance with ti�e CCC canditions of ap�roval a5 yet Fnrth in the C17� Applicati�m IVo. b-D9-(�5 f. Sha�ld you have any questians concerning this letter repart, please feel free to cnntact me at [858} 385-2128. Sincerel}+, No�te Associates, Inc. � �/ yy{ , ij,Gf,y ti .Tark Abcarius. P.E. — �ngineering Manager PPEND IX �MPARI S �N ABLE Las Encinas Creek Bridge Annual Re�etment Mvnitoring Pra�ect Na. 5060449�D Highligh�ed cells represent ihe largesl values measured. �010 2013 Qifference From 2010 r 2U1 �(Feetj Man. No. MpRh East Ele�ation Nnrth East Ele�ativn Variativn Nvrtt� Variation East Variatian Ele�ation M-1 198717a.Q37 6232576.644 i4.893 M-2 1987189.332 6232558.688 8.518 M-3 �9872782�5 6232540.045 T5.S96 M� �987333.538 62325E18076 8.588 M-5 � 987425 fi2 i 6232501.5 � 2 i 5 9 7 3 M-fi � 887555 97p 6232428 56� & 99fl M-7 1887585.6Sd fi232423.51p 9 845 4" B.a. 1987231.984 6232553.516 14.141 L.S.799Q` 1987487.766 fi232d76.6fi4 �8164 2 Cavrdin2tes and eleuafions are Gased on Noite's 20� � Survey 2016 20]4 ditFerence Fram 2fli0 f 2011 Feet Man. No. Horth East Ele�atio� Narth East Efe�atfon Variation North Variatipn East Variatinn Ele�atipn M-i i987i7Q.037 fi232576.6G4 16893 M-2 198T489.332 fi232558.688 8.516 M-3 1987278.2t15 6232546.645 15.698 M-4 1987333.538 82325a8 a76 8 588 M-5 1987425.82i 62325Q� 5i2 15.913 M-5 i987555.970 6232428.5fia 6990 M-7 1987585.55� 8232423.51Q 9.845 4" B.❑ 1$S7?3i.984 6232553.516 14.141 L.5.7990` 1gg7487.706 6232¢76.664 16.160 ` Coordi�atas and elevaliflns are pased on Nflite's 2011 5ur�ey. Monuments pfaced by others; Nal1e dfles not i+ave the 2D1D coordinates and ele�alions la compare aflainst � Coordinates and ele�ations are hased an Nolte's 2013 Survey. APPENDI� B KEY MAP T� � �NTR�L AND �HE�K. P�INTS 0 0 N �$V � 6 �2 �z O O C � u U i� � �w ��� � u � J i i � C 0 U � � C O .;, U � C O U a� � O � C 0 � � C O U � � N C O U (n � O � C 0 U � � [ O w. U � � C b U V1 ��- N � � ' �� , phY � o I F � � 1 � � �`�, a 1 _ �`��!.�' �Y �� o o i o � ' � � "° �,�,,S � " � J ` z �ry 6 ��-�,,a Q`�r °'s g �OjJ�as Q � � vf�'�_ � �� � Y �\ �i Z s � �m� m � � �44oa ! �,o '• � F` S' 'I�aS US � .�Q � i .'.'�P�� `� s U��io � :'�R..'.. s5, [,P..': x`�; �, ' a v����AS .-w ' � � � � � `�4'_.: � i z g, ' .��'m.,- h� � a o �, Q:� � 9 n U O .".�.: �y � x -w' c � F `O9.�a � � 8 d s � '- ..,r �OjJ�a_ S � x � � E � L9 a � Lo',a�s �J C�J- - � C O U � O �'' a � U � N �a � � 3� � d z� � z O � � n � �, � � k � � � y 7 � � r . . ��,; � � `, � :Y'` $ y �' � ��� ,�� �1 s "„�� '- 1' " � ,�� ��� o , � ��� � ''`::;�+':;�,r: . � `i;�f'�. � , ^ A O � ��'� � � � ,�'�� ` ' r��- l f � . " `0 1 yp w �` N � F ! �'F�^' . �4, , a. e • i :,x ;y n a 1f, '..t' _ l. �, Q �. :� ': � � � � �, . , �� y �� � �� a r-�r� � . € �� � ���� t� ��� ea �� mc noc �m ��n o.p���az .ni�a-o..3 \a'o\�iax�sau�000.wao��