HomeMy WebLinkAbout3583; Cannon Road Lift Station; Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report; 2002-07-01I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report CANTERBURY DEVELOPMENT Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Prepared by: DHK Engineers, Inc. Escondido, California July 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The noise impact analysis for the City of Carlsbad Cannon Road Lift Station (CRLS) on the noise (nuisance) levels at nearby critical receptors is presented in this report. The proposed pump station will have a 1.6 million-gallon per day (mgd) average flow capacity and 3.2 mgd Peak Wet Weather Flow (PWWF) at ultimate build-out. The primary location is adjacent to the existing lift station, east of the proposed Cannon Road. Figure ES-1 provides a facility overview of the project area. The objectives of this analysis are: 1. To evaluate the anticipated noise impacts associated with the proposed CRLS located at the neighboring receptors; and 2. To verify that the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria for noise control of the proposed project can comply with the City's General Plan noise criterion. The methodology used in the analysis is as follows: 1. Establish regulatory noise impact goals at critical receptors in the area surrounding CRLS, including residential and biological. 2. Determine the noise impacts associated with mechanical equipment at CRLS using acoustical simulation computer modeling in accordance with industrial stationary source standards. Compare the incremental increase to the nighttime minimum decibel requirement of 45 dB(A). 3. Provide design guidance to the City Engineers regarding acoustical features. The City of Carlsbad Noise Ordinance limits the noise associated with construction activities to daytime hours only and restricts holiday activities. Located in close proximity to the CRLS are the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Canterbury residential development and the future Cannon Road. Based on discussions with City of Carlsbad staff during the project kick-off meeting, a 60 dB(A) standard has been set for the lagoon for environmental reasons. Residential design criterion for the City of Carlsbad (Noise Guideline Manual, 1995) requires 60 dB(A) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) not be exceeded. Since operation of the CRLS is continuous, acoustical design criterion must be established for the late evening- early morning hours, where a not to exceed 45 dB(A) level is required. Prediction of future noise impacts within a region requires a series of very complex calculations to determine the areas and extent of potential acoustical problems. To properly assess complex systems of multiple noise sources, receptors and environmental factors; computer-aided simulation programs have been developed to assist in the calculation process. Due to large area of the project site, low background ambient noise level and project specific environmental features (e.g., lagoon, elevated terrain, etc.); a computer simulation program was selected to assist with this project. The computer model calculates the noise generated from the CRLS. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Construction of Cannon Road will add traffic noise to the immediate area. Traffic noise associated with the Cannon Road is not incorporated into the computer model. Although the traffic along Cannon Road is anticipated to be high, the CRLS operates on a continuous basis and therefore the "worst-case" nighttime (minimal traffic) is assumed to demonstrate CRLS noise compliance. The major noise generating equipment located at the CRLS are the odor control fan and associated exhaust stack. One scenario was simulated using SoundPLAN noise prediction software. The scenario includes the odor control fan located within the blower room of the CRLS, which is equipped with an acoustical roll-up door, sound absorption panels on the vertical walls (50% coverage) and sound absorption panels on the ceiling (25% coverage), and a odor control stack silencer. The results of the noise prediction simulation are summarized in Table ES-1. The CRLS mechanical equipment will have no potentially significant noise impacts to the adjacent receptors. The conclusions are based on the predicted "noise impacts" to the adjacent Canterbury Development are far below (~ 25 dB(A)) the conservative nighttime criterion of 45 dB(A). Figure ES-2 provides a noise impact map within 200 meters of the CRLS based on the mechanical equipment and acoustical design enhancements. Table ES-1 Project Noise Impact at Receptors within 200 meters of CRLS dB(A) Criterion: Project Incremental Increase < 45 dB(A) @ fence line or nearest receptor Receptor Number, Location & Coordinates 15- SPS EAST 25M (521.50, 474.5, 26.5) 16- SPS EAST 50M (546.5, 474.5, 25.5) 17- SPS NORTH 25M (496.0, 499.00, 10.5) 18- SPS NORTH 50 M (496.0, 524 19- SPS SOUTH 25M(496.0, 449.5 20- SPS SOUTH 50M(496.0, 424.5 21- SPS WEST 25M (47 1.0, 474.5, 22- SPS WEST 50M (446.0, 474.5, 5,9.1) , 24.4) , 34.5) 10.5) 10.5) 23- CD Lot 14 (622, 540, 9.2)* 24- CD Lot 16 (592, 535, 9.8)* 25- CD Lot 17 (542, 505, 9.2)* 26- CD Lot 19 (572, 494, 9.2)* 27- CD Lot 22 (617, 485, 9.8)* 28- CD Lot 25 (647, 495, 10)* Noise Incremental Increase by CRLS 34.4 18.4 26.6 23.3 36.1 24.3 29.6 27.8 17.3/17.6* 18.6/19.1* 22.5/25.0* 21.5/22.3* ! 6.0/6.4* 13.9/14.2* *First floor/second floor CD= Canterbury Development (See Figures 4- 1,4-2) CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION Noise Modeling Assessment SCALE: 1 INCH = APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET SPS = SINGLE POINT SOUND RECEIVER • = ANALYSIS POINT CITY OF CARLSBAD 1000-METER SITE MAP DHK ENGINEERS, INC. JULY, 2002 FIGURE ES-1 CAN! ERBURYDEVELOPMEEN1 LEGEND NOISE SOURCE (STACK) NOISE SOURCE SPS RECEIVERS RESIDENTIAL CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION WALL CONTOUR LINE NOTES: INTERIOR SCRUBBER FAN = 75 dB(A) NO ENCLOSURES ROOF STACK SILENCER = 70 dB(A) NOISE LEVEL in dB(A) • <= 10 <= 15 <= 20 20 < <= 25 25 < <= 30 30 < <= 35 35 < <= 40 40 < <= 45 45 < •<= 50 50 < •<= 55 55<11<= 60 60<BB<= 65 65<BB<= 70 70 <• CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL SOUND MODEL 200-METER GRID DHK ENGINEERS JULY 2002 FIGURE ES-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY 1 2.0 NOISE CRITERION AND ASSUMPTIONS 2 2.1 NOISE BACKGROUND 2 2.2 NOISE CRITERION 2 2.3 PHYSICAL ASSUMPTIONS 4 2.3.7 Noise Profiles of the Phoenix Carbon System 4 2.3.2 Point And Area Noise Sources 4 3.0 NOISE ASSESSMENT METHODOLGY 6 3.1 NOISE SIMULATION MODEL 6 3.1.1 Geo-Data Module 6 3.1.2 Industrial Propagation 7 3.1.3 Calculation/Graphics 7 3.1.4 Project Model Parameters 7 3.1.5 Grid Map Selection 7 3.1.6 Noise Abatement Techniques 8 4.0 NOISE SIMULATION RESULTS 9 4.1 NOISE RESULTS 9 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 13 6.0 REFERENCES 14 LIST OF TABLES Table2-l 3 Table3-1 6 Table4-l 10 TableS-1 13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2- 1 5 Figure 4-1 11 Figure4-2 12 July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The analysis of the impact of noise from the City of Carlsbad CRLS on the noise (nuisance) levels at nearby critical receptors is presented in this report. A Preliminary Siting Drawing (Reference 1) for the CRLS has recently been completed to assist siting selection. The proposed pump station will have a 1.6 mgd average flow capacity and 3.2 mgd PWWF at ultimate build-out. The primary location is adjacent to the existing lift station, east of the proposed Cannon Road. Based on City direction, it is assumed that the odor control configuration selected for the CRLS will be the Phoenix Carbon treatment with sodium hypochlorite addition to the incoming raw wastewater. The Phoenix Carbon treatment system noise generating scores includes a fan and noise from the stack tip. CRLS is located approximately one mile west of Interstate 5. The Cannon Road extension provides an alternative route to S78 and 1-5 and will connect El Camino Real with College Boulevard. The anticipated daily traffic warrants a four-lane roadway. Palomar Airport is located less than one mile south of the proposed project. 1.1 Objective and Methodology The objectives of this analysis are: 1. To evaluate the anticipated noise impacts associated with the proposed CRLS located at the neighboring receptors; and 2. To verify the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria for the noise control aspects of the proposed project can facilitate compliance with the City's General Plan in accordance with the City's Noise Guidelines Manual. The methodology used in the analysis is as follows: 1. Establish regulatory noise impact goals at critical receptors in the area surrounding CRLS, including residential and biological. 2. Determine the noise impacts associated with mechanical equipment at CRLS using acoustical simulation computer modeling in accordance with industrial stationary source standards. Compare the incremental increase to the nighttime minimum decibel requirement of 45 dB(A). 3. Provide design guidance to the City Engineers regarding acoustical features. July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 2 2.0 NOISE CRITERION AND ASSUMPTIONS The noise nuisance criterion is presented in this section. In addition, a description of the noise simulation model and the assumptions applied to determine noise levels at critical receptors are also presented in this section. 2.1 Noise Background Sound is mechanical energy transmitted by pressure waves in a compressible medium such as air. Noise is unwanted sound. Sound is characterized by various parameters that describe the rate of oscillation of sound waves, the distance between successive troughs or crests, the speed of propagation, and the pressure level or energy content of a given sound. In particular, the sound pressure level has become the most common descriptor used to characterize the loudness of an ambient sound level. The decibel (dB) scale is used to quantify sound intensity. Because sound pressure levels can vary by over one million times within the range of human hearing, a logarithmic loudness scale (similar to the Richter Scale used for earthquake intensity) has been devel- oped to keep sound intensity numbers at a convenient and manageable level. Since the human ear is not equally sensitive to all sound frequencies within the entire spectrum, noise measurements are weighted more heavily within those frequencies of maximum human sensitivity (middle A and its higher harmonics) in a process called "A-weighting," written as dB(A). Table 2-1 illustrates the typical A-weighted sound level of representative noise sources. Acoustical terminology definitions are provided in Appendix A. 2.2 Noise Criterion The City of Carlsbad Noise Ordinance 8.48 NOISE limits the noise associated with construction activities to daytime hours only and restricts holiday activities. Located in close proximity to the CRLS are the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Canterbury residential development and the future Cannon Road. Based on discussions with City of Carlsbad staff during the project kick-off meeting, a 60 dB(A) standard has been set for the lagoon for environmental reasons. Residential exterior design criterion for the City of Carlsbad (Noise Guideline Manual, 1995) requires 60 dB(A) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) not be exceeded. Since operation of the CRLS is continuous, acoustical design criterion must be established for the late evening- early morning hours, where a not to exceed 45 dB(A) level is required. Industrial noise level impacts are based on the property line noise limits for stationary noise generators in a residential area as summarized below: Applicable Limit One-Hour Average Sound Level Time Period (Decibels- dB(A)) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 60 7 p.m. to 7 p.m. 45 July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 3 Table 2-1 Typical Noise Source dB(A) levels Noise Source Noise at ear level from rustling leaves 20 Room in a quiet dwelling at midnight 32 Soft whisper at five feet 34 Large Department Store 50 to 65 Room with window air conditioner 55 Conversational Speech 60 to 75 Passenger Car at 50 ft. 69 Vacuum cleaner in private home at 10 69 feet Ringing alarm at two feet 80 Bulldozer at 50 ft 87 Heavy city traffic 90 Home lawn mower 98 Jet aircraft at 500 feet overhead 115 Human pain threshold 120 Reference: Noise Control Reference Handbook, Industrial Acoustics Company July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 4 Construction of Cannon Road will add traffic noise to the immediate area. Traffic noise associated with the Cannon Road is not incorporated into the computer model. Although the traffic along Cannon Road is anticipated to be high, the CRLS operates on a continuous basis and therefore the "worst-case" nighttime (minimal traffic) is assumed to demonstrate CRLS noise compliance. 2.3 Physical Assumptions The analysis requires establishing values for physical parameters such as the noise profiles of the fan and stack, building and noise abatement wall configurations, reflective properties of the building surfaces and orientation to receptors. Key physical assumptions are described below. 2.3.1 Noise Profiles of the Mechanical System (Normal Operation) The following assumptions are based on the normal operating mechanical equipment within the CRLS: Scenario 1: Phoenix Carbon (fan and vessel) @ 75 dB(A) at ,5 feet from unit (based on fan acoustical data presented in Appendix B) Exhaust Stack @ 70 dB(A) at stack tip directed up (based on a exit velocity of 2800 feet per minute) Acoustical Design features: • Fan located in Blower Room (concrete walls, with sound absorption panels walls and ceiling), • Odor stack discharged vertically with carbon bed used as silencer • No louver or building openings directed toward Canterbury Development 2.3.2 Point and Area Noise Sources The locations of noise sources and receptors, release height of the odor exhaust stack, dimensions and building shape, equipment location and landscape contours are critical to the model results. The architectural design proposed in the current (Reference 2) building layout as provided by the Engineer is used in the model. The model should be rerun if significant architectural changes and or additions are made in the next design phase. The major noise source considered for this project is assumed to be within the CRLS building where the Phoenix Carbon Scrubber will be located. The Design Engineers' preliminary engineering drawings are used to determine the approximate location of the odor control fan and stack. Figure 2-1 provides an aerial photograph of the project area. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION Noise Modeling Assessment SCALE: 1 INCH = APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET SPS = SINGLE POINT SOUND RECEIVER • = ANALYSIS POINT CITY OF CARLSBAD 1000-METER SITE MAP DHK ENGINEERS, INC.JULY, 2002 FIGURE 2-1 July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 6 3.0 NOISE ASSESSMENT METHODOLGY Prediction of future noise impacts within a region requires a series of very complex calculations to determine the areas and extent of potential acoustical problems. To properly assess complex systems of multiple noise sources, receptors and environmental factors; computer-aided simulation programs have been developed to assist in the calculation process. Due to large area of the project site, numerous noise generating sources, very low background ambient noise levels and project specific environmental features (e.g., lagoon, elevated terrain, etc.); a computer simulation program was selected to assist with this project. The results will assist in the determination of potential impact of the adjacent receptors by CRLS. The project criterion has been conservatively established to provide "no perceptible" increase in noise caused by the normal operations of the CRLS. 3.1 Noise Simulation Model SoundPLAN Wins, developed by Braunstein +Berndt GmbH, was selected as the most appropriate modeling program for the CRLS Noise Assessment. The selection was based on recent experience on similar projects and the program's ability to calculate multiple sources with various degrees of abatement, multiple receptors and several terrain features. SoundPLAN's main objective is to calculate noise emitted from industrial sources and assess the influence upon receivers. The model data are generated in compliance with standards selected by the user and the results are presented in tabular and/or graphic form. SoundPLAN was developed as a composite noise simulation program for traffic, industrial, rail and airport simulations. The program includes the following modules: Geo-Database, Industrial Noise Propagation, Calculation, and Graphics. 3.1.1 Geo-Data Module The Geo-Data module allows for site specific development of the source, receptor and environmental features of the project. The Geo-Data files allow for layering of various files including source and receptor location (x,y,z) coordinates, buildings, acoustical characteristics (absorptive or reflective), and special features (terrain, ground cover, landscape abatement, and lagoon). Each file can be combined to form various combinations of "situations". A summary of geo-data files is provided in Table 3-1. Table 3 -1 Geo-Data Files File Name Description CONTOURS, geo Terrain mapping including coordinates, elevation and landscape i CALC AREA .geo Calculation area: RECErVERS.geo Twenty-seven specific point receptors including 20 residential. Coordinates and elevation. CANNON ROAD LIFT Coordinate, elevation, and acoustical data for odor control fan, STATION. Geo _ __ _ stack, and pjant sttu£;ture,_including building acoustical properties J3TACK. Geo _ Coordinate, elevation, and acoustical data for odor control stack WALL.Geo Coordinates and elevation of sound wall ROADS. Geo Coordinates and elevation for major roadways within project area TEXT.geo _ Receptor identification numbers July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page? 3.1.2 Industrial Propagation SoundPLAN provides six industrial propagation calculation choices. Each calculation method is internationally recognized and offers unique computer simulation techniques. German-based VDI 2714/VDI 2720 is identical to ISO 9613 and was used for the simulations. ISO 9613 is a general purpose standard for outdoor noise propagation. VDI 2714/2720, ISO 9613 calculates the sound pressure for a frequency using the following formula: LS=[LW + D1+K0] -[DS+ZD] Where: Ls sound pressure for a single frequency Lw sound power DI directivity of the source KO spherical model Ds spreading ED different contributing factors a. air absorption b. ground absorption c. volume type absorption d. screening 3.1.3 Calculation/Graphics The computer simulation program operates in types of "Situations". Prior to the execution of the program, the situation is set-up with the appropriate selection of geo-data files, calculation standard and calculation parameters. The calculation parameters are selected to determine the overall area, distances between points, acoustical scale (dB(A) weighted), specific receptor and graphical parameters. 3.1.4 Project Model Parameters The project and adjacent areas were analyzed for zones with the greatest potential for noise conflict. Since noise impact is greatly determined by proximity of sources to receptors, the CRLS project site and adjacent land to the north, east and south were selected as appropriate areas of study. The location of sensitive receptors, analysis of elevated terrain and preliminary layout of the CRLS assisted in the determination of the project study area. Geo-Data files were developed and completed to include terrain associated ground cover, lagoon, acoustical enclosures, walls, equipment and specific receptors. Noise absorption and reflective properties are provided for each geo-data file. 3.1.5 Grid Map Selection A noise calculation grid of 1000 meters by 1000 meters was selected for the entire project area. A height of 1.5 meters was used for the grid map noise calculations. Second floor noise receptor locations were provided for the residential area immediately northeast of the project (Canterbury Development). A 200 meter by 200 meter calculation area was also completed to assist in the detailed identification of areas of impact within the western boundary of the Canterbury Development. July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 8 3.1.6 Noise Abatement Techniques Application of the most efficient noise abatement features can be provided at the source of receptors. The closer to the source or receiver, the better the noise attenuation is. Possible noise reduction options include: • sound absorptive material installation on the sound walls, • location of the fan within the CRLS, • reduction of stack velocity to reduce noise associated with stack discharge and • redirection of the odor control stack to vertical. All of the above acoustical provisions are currently incorporated into the project design. July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 9 4.0 NOISE SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1 Noise Results Noise modeling was conducted for the pump station configuration described in Section 3. The noise results are summarized in Table 4-1. A graphical presentation of predicted noise isopleths by the SoundPLAN model are provided as Figure 4-1 (100 x 100 meter), Figure 4-2 (1000 x 1000 meter). SoundPLAN input and output files are provided in Appendix C. July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 10 Table 4 -1 Project Noise Impact at Critical Receptors dB(A) Criterion: Project Incremental Increase < 45 dB(A) @ fence line or nearest receptor Receptor No., Location & Coordinate 1 - SPS #1 (23.69, 568.24, 16.50) 2 - SPS #2 (167 .67, 763.67,26.50) 3 - SPS #3 (215.32, 881.04, 31.50) 4- SPS #4 (296.22, 796.73, 16.50) 5- SPS #5 (718.88, 292.75, 71.20) 6- SPS #6 (681.77, 270.22, 71.20) 7- SPS #7 (65 1.09, 232.85, 62.86) 8- SPS #8 (641.03, 205. 13, 62.50) 9- SPS #9 (626.97, 159.13,62.50) 10- SPS #10 (521.90, 95.21, 37.30) 11- SPS #11 (440.00, 92.00, 30.20) 12- SPS #12 (365.07, 107.15, 23.30) 13- SPS #13 (461.00, 240.00, 16.75) 14- SPS #14 (436.00, 253.00, 15.20) 15- SPS EAST 25M (521.50, 474.5, 16.7) 16- SPS EAST 50M (546.5, 474.5,8.0) 17- SPS NORTH 25M (496.0, 499.00, 10.50) 18- SPS NORTH 50 M (496.0, 524.5, 9.1) 19- SPS SOUTH 25M(496.0, 449.5, 20.0) 20- SPS SOUTH 50M(496.0, 424.5, 8.0) 21- SPS WEST 25M (471.0, 474.5, 10.50) 22- SPS WEST 50M (446.0, 474.5, 9.12) 23- CD Lot 14 (622, 540, 9.2)* 24- CD Lot 16 (592, 535, 9.8)* 25- CD Lot 17 (542, 505, 9.2)* 26- CD Lot 19 (572, 494, 9.2)* 27- CD Lot 22 (617, 485, 9.8)* 28- CD Lot 25 (647, 495, 10)* *First floor/second floor CD= Canterbury Development Noise Incremental Increase by CRLS 5.3 4.3 5.2 5.5 -7.2 -6.9 -7.0 -7.0 -7.1 -8.7 -6.2 -2.6 -5.5 -4.0 34.4 18.4 26.6 23.3 36.1 24.3 29.6 27.8 17.3/17.6* 18.6/19.1* 22.5/25.0* 21.5/22.3* 6.0/6.4* 13.9/14.2* CANT ERBURY DEVE LOPMEN1 LEGEND NOISE SOURCE (STACK) NOISE SOURCE SPS RECEIVERS RESIDENTIAL | | | | CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION WALL CONTOUR LINE NOTES: INTERIOR SCRUBBER FAN = 75 dB(A) NO ENCLOSURES ROOF STACK SILENCER = 70 dB(A) NOISE LEVEL In dB(A)I<= 10 <= 15 <= 20 <= 25 25 < <= 30 30 < <= 35 35 < <= 40 40 < <= 45 45 < <= 50 50 < <= 55 55<1 <= 60 60<B <= 65 65<B <= 70 70 <• CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL SOUND MODEL 200-METER GRID DHK ENGINEERS JULY 2002 FIGURE 4-1 CANTERBURY DEVELOPMENT SPS12 SPS 11 LEGEND NOISE SOURCE (STACK) NOISE SOURCE SPS RECEIVERS RESIDENTIAL CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION WALL CONTOUR LINE NOTES: INTERIOR SCRUBBER FAN = 75 dB(A) NO ENCLOSURES ROOF STACK SILENCER = 70 dB(A) NOISE LEVEL in dB(A) • <= 10 <= 15 <= 20 20 < <= 25 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL SOUND MODEL 1000-METER GRID DHK ENGINEERS JULY 2002 FIGURE 4-2 July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 13 5.0 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are derived from modeling and the data presented in Table 4- 1. Table 5-1 summarizes the predicted noise impact to receptors within 200 meters of the CRLS. Table 5 -1 Project Noise Impact at Receptors within 200 meters of CRLS dB(A) Criterion: Project Incremental Increase < 45 dB(A) ©fence line or nearest receptor Receptor No., Location & Coordinate 15- SPS EAST 25M (521.50, 474.5, 16.7) 16- SPS EAST 50M (546.5, 474.5,8.0) 17- SPS NORTH 25M (496.0, 499.00, 10.50) 18- SPS NORTH 50 M (496.0, 524.5, 9.1) 19- SPS SOUTH 25M (496.0, 449.5, 20.0) 20- SPS SOUTH 50M (496.0, 424.5, 8.0) 21- SPS WEST 25M (471.0, 474.5, 10.50) 22- SPS WEST 50M (446.0, 474.5, 9.12) 23- CD Lot 14 (622, 540, 9.2)* 24- CD Lot 16 (592, 535, 9.8)* 25- CD Lot 17 (542, 505, 9.2)* 26- CD Lot 19 (572, 494, 9.2)* 27- CD Lot 22 (617, 485, 9.8)* 28- CD Lot 25 (647, 495, 10)* Noise Incremental Increase by CRLS 34.4 18.4 26.6 23.3 36.1 24.3 29.6 27.8 17.3/17.6* 18.6/19.1* ,___ 22.5/25.0* 21.5/22.3* 6.0/6.4* 13.9/14.2* *First floor/second floor CD= Canterbury Development The CRLS mechanical equipment will have no potentially significant noise impacts to the adjacent receptors. The conclusions are based on the predicted "noise impacts" to the adjacent Canterbury Development are far below (~ 25 dB(A)) the conservative nighttime criterion of 45 dB(A). July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 14 REFERENCES 1. City of Carlsbad- Cannon Road Lift Station Preliminary Siting Drawings, CDM, April 2002. 2. City of Carlsbad- Cannon Road Lift Station Preliminary Lift Station Drawings, CDM, April 2002. 3. City of Carlsbad- Noise Guidelines Manual, September 1995. 4. Noise Control Reference Handbook, Industrial Acoustics Company, 1989. APPENDIX A Acoustical Terminology July 2002 Cannon Road Lift Station Noise Impact Report Page 1 Acoustical Terminology: Ambient Noise: The sound pressure levels associated with a given environment. Ambient noise is a composite of sounds from near and far sources none of which are particularly dominant. Background Noise: The sound pressure levels in a given environment from all sources excluding a specific sound source being investigated or measured. Barrier: Any obstacle placed between the source and the receiver to reduce the noise impact on the receiver. CNEL: Community Noise Equivalent Level is an index or metric of community noise. The metric used in California for quantifying aircraft and community noise levels, usually within 1 dB (higher) than Ldn for most community noise sources. CNEL adds 5 dB between the hours of 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. and 10 dB between the hours of 10:00 p.m.- 7:00 a.m., which is slightly different than L^. Day-Night Average Sound Level (Lan): The A-weighed equivalent continuous sound exposure level for a 24-hour period with a 10 dB adjustment added to sound levels occurring during nighttime hours of (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) Decibel "A" Scale: Sound level weighting which approximately represents the frequency response of the human ear, which is less sensitive to low frequency than to high frequency sound. Far Field Noise: Noise acting in accordance to the inverse law. Double the distance- reduce the dB(A) by "6". Leq: Equivalent sound level. The dB(A) level of a steady state sound which has the same dB(A) weighted sound energy as that contained in the actual time-varying sound being measured over a specific time period. Mass Law: Equation indicates that the transmission loss increase 6 dB each time the weight of the barrier is doubled. Noise Control: Usually involves three elements including 1) A noise source, 2) a receiver of noise and 3) various paths noise can travel between the source and receiver. Sound Absorption Coefficient: The dimensionless ratio of the sound energy absorbed by a given surface to that incident upon the surface. Sound Receiver: One or more observations points at which sound is evaluated or measured. The effect of sound on an individual receiver is usually evaluated near the ear or close to the body. Speed of Sound in Air: 1,129 feet per second APPENDIX B Acoustical Information for Phoenix Carbon Fan 02/05/2801 18;24 1626 PAGE S3 3 b ,»him * 0. It CO 8 sslf 5 *r^$ j D |5»*S Power (hp) CO <D * (N O i f) CB 00 <0 t M O APPENDIX C SoundPLAN Input /Output Files DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MODEL INFORMATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Project description CANNON ROAD LIFT STATIONProject title: Engineer: DHK Customer: CITY OF CARLSBAD Description: Small Grid 200 meters x 200 meters Run description Calculation: Single Point Sound Title: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Run file: FIGURE 4-1 SPS.run Result number: 2 Calculation start: 7/14/2002 10:01:30 PM Calculation end: 7/14/2002 10:01:35 PM Kernel version: 1/31/2002 Run parameters Angle Increment: 1.00 ° Reflection Depth: 0 Number of reflections: 3 Weighting: dB(A) Standards: Industry: VDI2714/2720 Air absorption: ISO 3891 Limitation of screening loss: single/multiple 20 dB 125 dB Environment: Air pressure 1013.25mbar rel. Humidity 30 % Temperature 5 °C VDI-Parameters for diffraction C1=3 C2=20 Dissection parameters: Distance to diameter factor 2 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Floor Name 1. Floor LOT 16 SPS 2. Floor 1. Floor LQT17SPS 2. Floor 1. Floor LOT 19 SPS 2. Floor CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED RECEIVER LEVELS: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK X | Y | j m i m 192.00 ! 135.00 _, 192.00 ! 135.00 142.00 105.00 142.00 i 105.00 174.00 j 92.00 174.00 92.00 1. Floor SPS EAST 25M 121.00 74.50 1. Floor : SPS EAST 50M 146.00 74.50 1. Floor ISPS NORTH 25M 96.00 99.50 1. Floor SPS NORTH 50M 96.00 124.50 1. Floor SPS SOUTH 2 1. Floor SPS SOUTH 5 5M 96.00 i 49.50 DM 96.00 | 24.50 1. Floor SPS WEST 25M 71.00 74.50 1. Floor SPS WEST 50M 46.00 74.50 Z Recept. m 9.80 12.60 9.20 12.00 9.40 12.20 26.50 25.50 10.50 9.12 25.90 34.50 10.50 10.50 Terrain Height m 9.80 9.80 9.20 9.20 9.40 9.40 25.00 24.00 9.13 7.62 24.50 33.00 9.00 9.00 LrD.max dB(A) 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 69 69 69 59 69 69 LrN.max LrD LrD.diff dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) 49 20.1 -38.9 49 20.4 -38.6 49 24.3 -34.7 49 26.5 ; -32.5 49 22.7 -36.3 j 49 23.8 -35.2 49 37.2 -21.8 49 21.1 ; -37.9 67 27.5 I -41.5 67 23.5 -45.5 67 37.6 -31.4 49 29.9 -29.1 | 67 30.5 -38.5 67 27.2 -41.8 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /TfcTKk CANNON ROAD LIFT STATIONVJ-MC^ / DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SrcType LrD LrN LrS dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) A dB(A) Floor 1. Name LOT 16 SPS X192.00 m Y 135.00 m Z9.80 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area !Area :Area 'Area Area Point -7.3 -7.3 | -7.34 -34.5 -34.5 -34.53 -27.6 -27.6 , -27.64 -29.2 -29.2 -29.22 -28.2 -28.2 -28.19 17.9 17.9 17.87 -6.4 -6.4 -6.39 3.7 3.7 3.73 -20.6 -20.6 -20.62 -27.4 -27.4 -27.43 15.7 15.7 15.74 Floor 2. Name LOT 16 SPS X192.00 m Y 135.00 mZ 12.60 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point -7.2 -7.2 -7.24 -34.4 -34.4 -34.42 -27.5 -27.5 -27.51 -29.1 -29.1 -29.11 -28.1 -28.1 -28.10 18.1 18.1 | 18.05 -5.9 -5.9 -5.95 4.4 4.4 4.41 -20.3 -20.3 -20.34 -27.3 -27.3 -27.26 16.3 16.3 16.26 Floor! Name LOT 17 SPS X142.00 m Y 105.00 m Z9.20 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) X^%k CITY OF CARLSBAD@T ^A m-, - ^jji CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION PAGE1 7/15/2002 ^BSSJr NOISE IMPACT REPORT SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 COftiXv_J4IK^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SrcType LrD LrN LrS | A dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK iArea -3.4 -3.4 -3.39 | 0.0 lArea -30.3 -30.3 -30.32 0.0 Area -23.7 -23.7 -23.68 0.0 Area -25.7 -25.7 -25.67 0.0 \ Area | -23.4 -23.4 -23.41 0.0 Area 22.9 Area i -1.9 Area 8.8 Area ; -16.5 22.9 22.87 0.0 -1.9 -1.86 0.0 8.8 8.85 0.0 -16.5 -16.48 0.0 ' Area ; -23.7 -23.7 -23.65 0.0 Point 18.3 18.3 18.30 0.0 Floor 2. Name LOT17SPS X142.00 m Y 105.00 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area -1.4 -1.4 -1.36 0.0 Area -28.5 -28.5 -28.50 0.0 | Area -21.8 -21.8 -21.77 0.0 i Area -23.3 -23.3 -23.33 0.0 Area i -22.2 -22.2 -22.17 0.0 Area 24.3 Area 0.6 Area , 10.4 24.3 24.33 0.0 0.6 0.62 j 0.0 10.4 10.39 0.0 Area -14.4 -14.4 -14.42 0.0 Area -21.7 -21.7 -21.66 0.0 Point 22.1 Floor 1. Name LOT 19 SPS X 174.00 m Y 92 Rollup Door Area ; -4.1 22.1 22.06 i 0.0 i 00 m Z9.40 m Terrain 9.40 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) -4.1 -4.10 0.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 2 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 cnftik V-3|:#^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: STATION FIGURE 4-1:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SrcType i LrD dB(A) LrN| dB(A) ! LrS dB(A) , A dB(A) Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK lArea 'Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point Floor 2. NameLOT19SPS X174 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point Floor 1. Name SPS EAST 25M X121 Rollup Door Access Door Area Area , -29.7 , -24.3 -25.7 -25.3 19.0 -7.3 6.6 -18.7 -25.8 20.1 00 m Y ; -4.0 ' -29.6 -24.1 -25.5 -25.2 20.4 -4.5 7.6 -18.4 -25.6 20.8 00 m Y 6.7 -18.6 -29.7 ! -24.3 i -25.7 -25.3 19.0 ' -7.3 '• 6.6; -18.7 -25.8 20.1 92.00 m -4.0 i -29.6 -24.1 -25.5 -25.2 20.4 ! -4.5 7.6 -18.4 ; -25.6 20.8 74.50 m 6.7 -18.6 -29.72 -24.29 -25.67 -25.28 18.99 -7.29 6.60 -18.72 -25.82 20.09 Z 12.20 -3.96 -29.58 -24.12 -25.54 -25.16 20.44 -4.50 7.56 -18.35 -25.60 20.84 Z 26.50 6.71 -18.62 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Terrain 9.40 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i o.o : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 j 0.0 o.o i m Terrain 25.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 3 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 (fiffikv^3cK^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-1:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK j SrcType LrD LrN dB(A) ! dB(A) LrS dB(A) A dB(A) | Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area 'Area Area Area Area Area Area Point -13.7 -13.7 -14.8 i -14.8 -13.9 -13.9 34.7 ! 34.7 11.0 : 11.0 20.8 20.8 -5.7 i -5.7 -15.0 ; -15.0 33.4 33.4 -13.71 -14.83 -13.93 34.69 11.02 20.81 -5.73 -15.02 33.43 Floor 1. Name SPS EAST 50M X 146.00 m Y 74.50 mZ 25.50 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point Floor! Name SPS NORTH 25M X 96.00 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Area Area Area 0.8 0.8 -28.0 -28.0 -21.0 -21.0 -22.8 -22.8 -21.6 : -21.6 18.9 i 18.9 -7.4 ! -7.4 4.9 4.9 -13.2 -13.2 -20.6 | -20.6 16.5 i 16.5 0.78 -28.00 -21.02 -22.78 -21.61 18.93 -7.40 4.89 -13.20 -20.56 16.54 m Y 99.50 m Z 10.50 7.1 7.1 -20.0 -20.0 -14.6 ! -14.6 7.13 -20.03 -14.58 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 : 0.0 . 0.0 | o.o : o.o m Terrain 24.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 i 0.0 '• o.o ; o.o ' m Terrain 9.13 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 4 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 CffiBkv_ifm DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SrcType LrD LrN LrS A dB(A) dB(A) 1 dB(A) dB(A) 1 Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area -16.7 -1 Area -15.3 -1 6.7 -16.68 0.0 5.3 -15.29 0.0 Area 19.0 19.0 19.03 0.0 ! Area -8.0 -8.0 -7.96 0.0 Area 6.4 6.4 6.42 0.0 Area -9.3 -9.3 -9.32 | 0.0 ;Area -1.2 1.2 -1.17 i 0.0 ! Point 26.7 26.7 26.69 0.0 ! Floor! Name SPS NORTH 50M X96.00 m Y 124 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area 1.1 1 50 m Z9.12 m Terrain 7.62 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) .1 1.12 0.0 Area -25.7 -25.7 -25.69 0.0 Area -19.9 -19.9 -19.93 0.0 Area -22.1 -22.1 -22.11 j 0.0 Area -20.9 : -20.9 -20.94 0.0 Area 13.5 , 1 Area ' -13.7 -1 Area 1.6 1 3.5 13.55 0.0 3.7 -13.72 0.0 .6 ; 1.62 ; 0.0 Area -15.3 -15.3 -15.28 0.0 Area -9.6 -< Point 22.9 2 3.6 -9.61 I 0.0 ! 2.9 22.94 0.0 j Floor 1. Name SPS SOUTH 25M (HILL) X 96.00 m Y 49.50 m Z 25.90 m Terrain 24.50 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Area 20.5 20.5 20.47 0.0 Area -2.5 -2.5 -2.47 0.0 Area -4.1 -4.1 -4.07 0.0 Area -1.3 -1.3 -1.27 0.0 \ CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /tAfjfJV CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION VS-Mfi2> ASSE DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name SSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-1 : INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SrcType LrD LrN dB(A) dB(A) LrS dB(A) A dB(A) Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area -1 Area 3 3.9 -13.9 5.1 i 35.1 Area 10.5 10.5 Area | 20.9 20.9 Area '• -12.0 -12.0 Area -15.4 i -15.4 Point 33.5 33.5 Floor 1. Name SPS SOUTH 50M X 96.00 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK -13.92 35.08 10.48 20.90 -11.99 -15.43 33.49 m Y 24.50 m Z 34.50 Area 13.1 13.1 Area -10.7 ; -10.7 Area -10.5 -10.5 Area -9.9 -9.9 Area -19.8 | -19.8 Area 25.8 I 25.8 Area ( Area 1 Area \ -1 3.8 0.8 3.3 13.3 7.1 -17.1 Area i -20.6 | -20.6 Point 27.4 27.4 Floor 1. Name SPS WEST 25M X71.00 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Area 2 Area Area Area 13.07 -10.68 -10.54 -9.89 -19.83 25.85 0.83 13.29 -17.15 -20.58 27.36 m Y 74.50 m Z 10.50 3.4 23.4 1.2 -1.2 2.1 -2.1 0.7 ! -0.7 Area -15.3 -15.3 23.44 -1.17 -2.06 -0.65 -15.32 0.0 o.o ; 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Terrain 33.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 : 0.0 m Terrain 9.00 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 6 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 CfifiiK^~irc DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE STATION 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK i SrcType LrD LrN dB(A) dB(A) LrS A dB(A) dB(A) Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Point Floor 1. Name SPS WEST 50M X 46.00 Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Stone Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point 20.0 : 20.0 -7.9 -7.9 8.0 8.0 -13.4 -13.4 -1.9 -1.9 29.0 29.0 19.98 0.0 -7.94 0.0 8.01 0.0 -13.43 0.0 -1.86 0.0 29.03 ] 0.0 m Y 74.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 9.00 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) 14.0 14.0 -10.0 -10.0 -9.8 -9.8 -9.4 -9.4 -20.9 -20.9 14.4 14.4 -13.3 -13.3 2.9 2.9 -18.4 -18.4 -10.0 -10.0 26.7 26.7 13.97 0.0 I -10.04 0.0 -9.82 0.0 ! -9.36 0.0 -20.92 0.0 14.37 0.0 -13.26 j 0.0 2.93 0.0 -18.39 0.0 ; -10.04 0.0 26.70 i 0.0 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE? 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SOURCE Source Type Lw Ko dB(A) dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB ' Mean Ground Effect (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) ; dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio (Aatm) Part dB dB(A) Unassessed Sound Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) Floor 1. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 2. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 1 . Floor Rollup Door Access Door Name LOT Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point Name LOT Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point Name LOT ; Area Area 16SPS 58.4 3.0 35.0 i 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 : 3.0 28.8 ] 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 | 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 ! 3.0 33.3 ' 3.0 70.0 : 3.0 16SPS 58.4 3.0 35.0 ; 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 j 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 ! 3.0 33.3 i 3.0 70.0 ; 3.0 17SPS 58.4 3.0 35.0 i 3.0 116.20 115.89 116.25 115.89 113.52 113.70 111.18 113.07 110.65 113.91 113.64 116.23 115.93 116.19 115.92 113.39 113.73 111.22 113.00 110.62 113.88 113.48 57.96 57.64 X 192.00 m 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.1 52.1 51.9 52.1 51.9 52.1 52.1 X 192.00 m 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.1 52.1 51.9 52.1 51.9 52.1 ; 52.1 : X 142.00 m 46.3 46.2 Y 135.00 m Z 9. 4.5 4.6 3.8 4.5 3.4 4.5 4.6 3.8 4.1 4.1 3.2 30 m Terrain 11.8 15.6 7.2 11.0 1.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 3.5 7.4 i 1.5 Y 135.00 m Z 12.60 m Terrain 4.1 4.1 3.4 4.1 2.9 4.0 4.1 3.3 3.6 3.6 2.7 12.2 : 15.9 7.6 11.4 1.9 0.8 0.8 0.4 3.7 7.7 1.5 ; Y 105.00 m Z 9.20 m Terrain 4.2 4.4 14.3 17.7 9.80 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 : 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 9.80 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 ; 0.0 0.4 9.20 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 dB(A) -7.3 -34.5 -27.6 -29.2 -28.2 17.9 -6.4 3.7 -20.6 -27.4 15.7 dB(A) -7.2 -34.4 -27.5 -29.1 -28.1 18.1 -5.9 4.4 -20.3 -27.3 16.3 dB(A) -3.4 -30.3 LrD LrD 1 ' i LrD © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 CfKIV. jj-^XJ>iX!„,,'&• :ff DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Source Type CANNON ROAD MEAN PROPAGATION LIFT STATION : FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Lw Ko ' | dB(A) dB \ Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss Mean Ground (Agr) i dB Effect Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) ! dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio Unassessed Sound i (Aatm) Part Pressure dB dB(A) '• at Receiver (Ls) ; dB(A) Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 2. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 1. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Area 1 Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 ; 3.0 33.3 3.0 70.0 \ 3.0 58.15 57.69 55.56 55.55 53.01 55.05 52.51 55.78 55.78 Name LOT17SPS Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point 58.4 3.0 35.0 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 i 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 3.0 33.3 3.0 ! 70.0 3.0 57.98 ! 57.69 57.99 57.72 55.26 55.58 53.07 54.86 52.42 55.69 1 55.43 Name LOT19SPS Area Area i Area Area I Area ; 58.4 ! 3.0 • 35.0 3.0 ! 32.8 3.0 , 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 83.73 82.59 83.19 81.97 80.91 46.3 46.2 45.9 45.9 45.5 45.8 45.4 45.9 45.9 X 142.00 46.3 46.2 46.3 46.2 45.8 45.9 45.5 45.8 45.4 45.9 45.9 X 174.00 49.5 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.2 2.6 4.2 ! 1.5 4.1 ! 4.3 2.4 3.0 : 3.1 1.1 m Y 105.00 3.1 3.3 1.5 3.1 0.3 3.0 \ 3.1 1.2 1.7 2.0 ; 0.0 m Y 92.00 4.8: 4.8 4.4 4.8 3.4 j 10.5 ; 13.9 4.8 2.1 3.0 3.2 6.9 10.9 7.4 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 13.3 16.9 9.7 12.6 4.8 1.8 1.7 : 2.8 6.1 10.0 4.9 m Z 9.40 m Terrain ; 11.2 13.5 6.3 10.3 1.5 0.0 i 0.0 \ 1 0.0 • ! '0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o : 0.2 9.20 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 : 0.2 9.40 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -23.7 -25.7 -23.4 22.9 -1.9 8.8 -16.5 -23.7 18.3 dB(A) LrD -1.4 -28.5 -21.8 -23.3 -22.2 24.3 0.6 10.4 -14.4 -21.7 22.1 dB(A) LrD -4.1 -29.7 -24.3 -25.7 -25.3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 2 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 ^^.^....•^X"CfHI\^.m...f\M*k\wJvV */ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source • Lw Ko SOURCE Type dB(A) dB Distance from • Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB | Mean Ground (Agr) dB Effect Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio i Unassessed Sound (Aatm) Part • Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A)dB(A) Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 2. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Floor 1. Floor Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Area Area Area Area Area Point 72.0 | 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 3.0 33.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 ! 79.49 77.19 ' 78.93 78.14 82.50 80.29 Name LOT19SPS Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point | 58.4 3.0 35.0 3.0 32.8 : 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 : 3.0 35.9 3.0 33.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 83.75 82.63 83.08 82.00 80.71 79.52 77.24 78.81 i 78.08 82.45 80.05 Name SPSEAST25M Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 58.4 3.0 35.0 3.0 32.8 3.0 i 35.7 ; 3.0 , 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 i 3.0 57.3 3.0 33.61 32.47 30.83 31.46 27.99 29.25 27.91 26.53 49.0 48.8 j 48.9 48.9 49.3 49.1 X 174.00 m 49.5 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.1 49.0 48.8 48.9 48.9 ! 49.3 49.1 X 121.00 m 41.5 41.2 40.8 41.0 39.9 40.3 39.9 39.5 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.2 3.8 3.5 Y 92.00 4.6 4.8 3.7 4.7 2.7 4.7 4.8 3.7 3.5 3.1 2.8 Y 74.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 4.7 0.2 1 4.5 9.0 i m Z 12.20 m Terrain ' 11.2 i 13.4 6.8 ; 10.2 2.1 0.8 1.9 I ; 48 ; 9.5 m Z 26.50 m Terrain 13.1 ; 15.4 8.7 12.6 2.8 I ' 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 i 0.3 9.40 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 25.00 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : o.o ' ; 0.0 0.0 -1.1 19.0 -7.3 6.6 -18.7 -25.8 20.1 dB(A) LrD -4.0 -29.6 -24.1 -25.5 -25.2 20.4 -4.5 7.6 -18.4 -25.6 20.8 dB(A) LrD 6.7 -18.6 -13.7 -14.8 -13.9 34.7 11.0 20.8 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 3 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 CRBk^-MK^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source Lw Ko SOURCE Type dB(A) dB Distance from Mean Spreading Loss Mean Ground Effect Source to (Adiv) (Agr) m dB dB Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio Unassessed Sound 1 (Aatm) Part Pressure dB dB(A) at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) Concrete Wall , Area Concrete Wall Area STACK Point 35.9 3.0 33.3 : 3.0 70.0 3.0 Floor 1 . Floor Name SPS EAST 50M Rollup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Lower Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Rolllup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall , Area STACK Point 58.4 3.0 35.0 | 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 ! 3.0 48.0 : 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 3.0 33.3 3.0 70.0 , 3.0 Floor 1 . Floor Name SPS NORTH 25M Rollup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Lower Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Rolllup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall Area STACK Point 58.4 ; 3.0 35.0 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 3.0 33.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 27.84 39.9 0.0 32.23 41.2 0.0 26.51 39.5 0.0 4.7 10.1 X 146.00 m Y 74.50 m Z 25.50 m Terrain 56.41 46.0 4.1 55.03 45.8 4.8 54.41 45.7 3.4 53.97 45.6 4.8 51.90 i 45.3 1.7 51.51 45.2 , 4.8 49.77 44.9 4.8 49.78 44.9 4.5 50.65 45.1 3.0 55.34 45.9 2.5 50.57 ; 45.1 2.7 10.4 15.4 7.7 11.0 3.4 6.0 8.6 6.0 3.9 8.4 8.5 X 96.00 m Y 99.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 23.78 38.5 1.0 25.57 39.2 2.0 25.42 39.1 . 0.0 27.08 39.7 1.8 23.66 38.5 0.0 26.94 ; 39.6 1.6 25.50 39.1 2.0 26.91 39.6 0.0 21.57 37.7 0.2 20.40 37.2 0.2 25.97 39.3 0.0 14.7 16.9 11.3 13.9 5.6 14.8 17.8 14.2 10.3 6.9 1 0.0 i 0.0 0.1 24.00 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 o.o ; o.o o.o 0.0 -18.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 9.13 m LrD.max 69 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ;o.o ; 0.0 0.0 0.1 -5.7 -15.0 : 33.4 dB(A) LrD 0.8 -28.0 -21.0 -22.8 -21.6 18.9 -7.4 4.9 -13.2 -20.6 16.5 dB(A) LrD 7.1 -20.0 -14.6 -16.7 -15.3 19.0 -8.0 6.4 -9.3 -1.2 26.7 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 4 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 dirKMLMEk j DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Source Type CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Lw K dB(A) d ;o Distance from Source to B m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Effect (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio Un< (Aatm) Part Pressi dB dB(A) assessed Sound jre at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) Floor 1 . Floor Name SPS NORTH 50M Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point 58.4 3 35.0 3 32.8 3 0 48.56 0 50.46 0 50.30 35.7 3.0 52.03 28.8 0.0 48.46 72.0 ; 3.0 51.91 48.0 3 57.3 3 0 50.38 0 51.85 35.9 3.0 46.61 , 33.3 3.0 45.24 ! 70.0 3.0 50.67 Floor 1 . Floor Name SPS SOUTH 25M (HILL) Rollup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Lower Wall Concrete Wall Rolllup Door Access Door Concrete Wall Concrete Wall Concrete Wall STACK Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Point 58.4 3.0 31.23 35.0 3.0 29.64 32.8 3.0 27.68 35.7 3.0 27.99 28.8 0.0 28.58 72.0 3.0 27.96 48.0 3.0 29.72 57.3 3.0 26.15 35.9 I 3.0 31.43 33.3 3.0 33.10 70.0 3.0 26.32 Floor 1 . Floor Name SPS SOUTH 50M Rollup Door Access Door Area Area ; 58.4 3.0 | 57.21 : 35.0 3.0 55.53 X 96.00 m 44.7 45.1 45.0 45.3 44.7 45.3 45.0 45.3 44.4 44.1 45.1 X 96.00 m 40.9 40.4 39.8 39.9 40.1 39.9 40.5 39.3 40.9 41.4 39.4 X 96.00 m 46.1 45.9 Y 124.50 m Z 9.12 m Terrain 3.3 3.6 1.5 3.5 0.2 3.4 3.6 1.6 1.9 1.8 0.0 12.2 15.0 9.2 12.0 4.8 12.7 16.0 11.8 7.9 4.8 Y 49.50 m Z 25.90 m Terrain 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 9.9 10.3 Y 24.50 m Z 34.50 m Terrain 2.1 2.7 7.62 m LrD.max 69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 : | 0.0 o.o j ; 0.0 i -30.9 i 0.2 24.50 m LrD.max 69 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 t 0.0 i i 0.0 i ] . 0.1 ] 33.00 m LrD.max 59 0.0 0.0 dB(A) LrD 1.1 -25.7 -19.9 -22.1 -20.9 13.5 -13.7 1.6 -15.3 -9.6 22.9 dB(A) LrD 20.5 -2.5 -4.1 -1.3 -13.9 35.1 10.5 20.9 -12.0 -15.4 33.5 dB(A) LrD 13.1 -10.7 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 CFKRKV-X!-¥> DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Source SOURCE ! Type i CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK ; LW KO i dB(A) dB Distance from Mean Spreading Loss : Mean Ground Effect Source to (Adiv) ! (Agr) m dB dB Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) dB Mean Air Absorption Reflectio Unassessed Sound (Aatm) Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A)dB(A) Concrete Wall Area Lower Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Rolllup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall ' Areai STACK I Point 32.8 i 3.0 I 35.7 3.0 i 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 ! 35.9 ; 3.0 ! 33.3 3.0 1 70.0 , 3.0 Floor 1. Floor Name SPS WEST 25M Rollup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall Area Lower Wall Area Concrete Wall \ Area Rolllup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall ' Area Concrete Wall Area Concrete Wall Area STACK Point 58.4 3.0 35.0 3.0 1 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 72.0 3.0 i 48.0 3.0 57.3 3.0 35.9 3.0 | 33.3 3.0 70.0 ; 3.0 Floor 1. Floor Name SPS WEST 50M Rollup Door Area Access Door Area Concrete Wall j Area Lower Wall Area Concrete Wall Area 58.4 3.0 35.0 3.0 32.8 3.0 35.7 3.0 28.8 0.0 53.98 45.6 0.7 53.87 45.6 2.9 54.98 45.8 0.0 53.88 45.6 3.4 55.62 45.9 3.8 52.44 : 45.4 i 1.6 57.77 46.2 ; 1.7 59.36 46.5 : 1.0 52.73 i 45.4 I 0.0 2.8 0.2 0.4 8.0 9.3 X 71.00 m Y 74.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 20.79 37.4 0.6 22.32 38.0 1.2 21.99 37.8 0.0 23.40 38.4 0.9 24.58 38.8 0.0 25.90 39.3 1.3 27.83 39.9 2.2 26.75 ' 39.5 0.0 26.51 39.5 0.4 22.06 37.9 | 0.2 25.97 39.3 0.0 5.3 14.5 16.8 12.7 12.4 4.6 X 46.00 m Y 74.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 45.72 44.2 3.2 47.28 | 44.5 3.5 46.84 ; 44.4 , 1.2 48.33 44.7 3.3 49.16 44.8 | 0.3 4.6 0.0 0.0 j 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 i 9.00 m LrD.max 69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 9.00 m LrD.max 69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ; -10.5 -9.9 -19.8 25.8 0.8 13.3 -17.1 -20.6 27.4 ! dB(A) LrD 23.4 -1.2 i -2.1 -0.7 -15.3 20.0 -7.9 ; 8.0 -13.4 -1.9 29.0 dB(A) LrD 14.0 -10.0 -9.8 -9.4 -20.9 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 6 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-1: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source Lw Ko Distance from SOURCE Type j | Source to dB(A) dB | m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Effect (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Loss (Abar) dB Mean Air Absorption . Reflectio (Aatm) ! Part dB | dB(A) Unassessed Sound Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) RolllupDoor Area 72.0 3.0 i 50.84 Access Door Area j 48.0 ( 3.0 \ 52.79 Concrete Wall ' Area I 57.3 3.0 i 51.59 Concrete Wall Area 35.9 3.0 ! 51.30 Concrete Wall Area 33.3 3.0 46.72 STACK Point 70.0 3.0 • 50.46 45.1 45.5 45.3 45.2 44.4 45.1 3.4 3.7 1.5 2.2 1.9 0.0 12.2 15.1 10.5 9.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 14.4 -13.3 2.9 -18.4 -10.0 26.7 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 7 7/15/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MODEL INFORMATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Project description CANNON ROAD LIFT STATIONProject title: Engineer:. DHK Customer: CITY OF CARLSBAD Description: Conceptual Design Large Grid, 1000 meters Run description Calculation: Single Point Sound Title: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Run file: SPS 1000. run Result number: 1 Calculation start: 7/14/2002 12:55:39 PM Calculation end: 7/14/2002 12:55:48 PM Kernel version: 1/31/2002 Run parameters Angle Increment: 1.00 ° Reflection Depth: 0 Number of reflections: 3 Weighting: dB(A) Standards: Industry: VDI 2714/2720 Air absorption: ISO 3891 Limitation of screening loss: single/multiple 20 dB 125 dB Environment: Air pressure 1013.25 mbar rel. Humidity 30 % Temperature 5 °C VDI-Parameters for diffraction C1=3 C2=20 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /-f|?f|\ CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^A^IjK^ SO DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall JRCE SPECTRA IN dB(A): SrcType X Point 496.50 Area 496.62 Area 498.63 Area 494.72 Area 497.17 Area 496.75 Area 492.26 Area I 491.53 Area i 493.06 Area ! 492.63 Y 474.50 472.80 474.37 476.40 473.23 477.98 479.55 476.31 474.35 474.90 FIGURE 4-2 z 17.50 9.79 9.29 16.24 13.79 12.19 12.19 9.79 9.29 13.79 lorS 8.96 2.10 40.92 23.03 64.44 41.26 8.34 2.10 35.72 INDOOR FAN, ROOF Lw Ko 63Hz 125H 25C 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 67.1 63.8 6 46.3 3.0 i 44.3 4 34.4 0.0 31.2 29.7 2 49.3 3.0 45.8 44.4 4 35.0 3.0 31.7 30.3 2 22.2 3.0 19.4 17.8 1 49.3 3.0 47.2 43.8 3 32.2 3.0 I 30.8 2 35.3 ;3.0 32.2 1 30.7 2 : STACK )Hz 500Hz 1000H 2000HZ 4000HZ 70.0 0.9 51.7 44.8 36.1 35.9 0.2 34.4 33.1 23.4 13.2 6.9 4.9 2.5 29.6 16.2 3.7 -8.8 8.1 7.9. 2.7 9.5 20.0 -18.7 -11.6 -19.2 6.1 14.8 -6.7 -5.9 -20.9 7.5 4.5 d&^ \k^ CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /TOfiL CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^^cfi^ ASSESSED RECEIVER LEVELS: FIGURE DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Floor Name 1 House 5 (SE) 2 1 House 6 2 1 House 7 2 1 I LOT 14 SPS 2 i 1 LOT 16 SPS 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 LOT 17 SPS LOT 19 SPS LOT 22 SPS LOT 25 SPS SPS 01 SPS 02 SPS 03 1 SPS 04 Usage WR WR WR WR WR WR ! WR . WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK X m 722.05 722.05 685.12 685.12 657.30 657.30 622.00 622.00 592.00 592.00 542.00 542.00 572.00 572.00 617.00 617.00 647.00 647.00 23.69 167.67 215.32 296.22 Y m 289.54 289.54 266.87 266.87 228.41 228.41 Z m 71.90 74.70 71.90 74.70 63.76 66.56 540.00 10.10 540.00 12.90 535.00 9.70 535.00 12.50 505.00 9.20 505.00 12.00 494.00 9.20 494.00 485.00 485.00 12.00 9.80 12.60 495.00 10.20 495.00 13.00 568.24 16.50 763.67 26.50 881.04 796.73 31.50 16.50 Terrain Height m 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 61.36 61.36 10.10 10.10 9.70 9.70 9.20 9.20 9.20 9.20 9.80 9.80 10.20 10.20 15.00 25.00 30.00 15.00 LrD.max dB(A) 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 LrN.max dB(A) 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 LrD dB(A) -7.2 -7.0 -6.9 -6.8 -7.0 -6.8 17.3 17.6 18.6 19.1 22.5 25.0 21.5 22.3 6.0 6.4 13.9 14.2 5.3 4.3 5.2 5.5 LrN dB(A) -7.2 -7.0 -6.9 -6.8 -7.0 -6.8 17.3 17.6 18.6 19.1 22.5 25.0 21.5 22.3 6.0 6.4 13.9 14.2 5.3 4.3 5.2 5.5 LrD.diff dB(A) -66.2 -66.0 -65.9 -65.8 -66.0 -65.8 -41.7 -41.4 -40.4 -39.9 -36.5 -34.0 -37.5 -36.7 -53.0 -52.6 -45.1 -44.8 -53.7 -54.7 -53.8 -53.5 LrN.diff dB(A) ' -56.2 -56.0 ; -55.9 i -55.8 ! -56.0 -55.8 i -31.7 -31.4 : -30.4 -29.9 -26.5 -24.0 -27.5 -26.7 -43.0 i -42.6 -35.1 -34.8 -43.7 -44.7 -43.8 i -43.5 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Floor Name 1 SPS 08 1 SPS 09 1 SPS10 1 SPS 11 1 SPS 12 1 SPS 13 1 SPS 14 1 SPS EAST 2£ CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED RECEIVER LEVELS: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Usage X Y m j m WR 641.03 205.13 WR 626.97 159.13 WR 521.90 95.21 WR 440.00 92.00 WR 365.07 ; 107.15 WR 461.00 240.00 WR i 436.00 j_ 253.00 M Gl i 521.00 474.50 1 SPS EAST 50M Gl 546.00 474.50 1 SPS NORTH 1 SPS NORTH 25M Gl ! 496.00 499.50 50M Gl ; 496.00 524.50 1 SPS SOUTH 25M Gl 496.00 449.50 1 ISPS SOUTH 50M Gl 496.00 424.50 1 SPS WEST 25M Gl 471.00 474.50 1 SPS WEST 50M Gl 446.00 474.50 Z m 62.50 62.50 37.30 30.20 23.30 16.75 15.20 26.50 25.50 10.50 10.50 25.88 34.50 10.50 10.50 Terrain Height rn 61.00 61.00 35.80 28.70 21.80 15.25 13.70 25.00 24.00 9.00 9.10 24.38 33.00 9.00 9.00 LrD.max dB(A) 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 LrN.max ; LrD LrN LrD.diff i idB(A) i dB(A) I dB(A) dB(A) 49 -7.0 -7.0 ! -66.0 49 -7.1 | -7.1 -66.1 49 ! -8.7 -8.7 -67.7 49 -6.2 -6.2 -65.2 49 -2.6 -2.6 -61.6 49 -5.5 ! -5.5 -64.5 49 ! -4.0 [ -4.0 | -63.0 67 j 34.4 34.4 ' -34.6 67 ! 18.4 18.4 -50.6 67 26.6 i 26.6 -42.4 67 23.3 ! 23.3 '• -45.7 67 36.1 36.1 -32.9 67 24.3 i 24.3 ' -44.7 67 j 29.6 ' 29.6 ; -39.4 67 27.8 | 27.8 -41.2 LrN.diff I dB(A) i -56.0 -56.1 ! -57.7 -55.2 -51.6 -54.5 -53.0 -32.6 -48.6 -40.4 -43.7 -30.9 -42.7. -37.4 -39.2 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 2 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 CTKKKVJf^A , DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Source STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION )CTAVE BAND SPECRA OF SOURCES: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source i Type i Point Area Area 1 Area ! Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area - Area | Area Area X 496.50 496.62 498.63 494.72 497.17 496.75 492.26 491.53 493.06 492.63 Y 474.50 472.80 474.37 476.40 473.23 477.98 479.55 476.31 474.35 474.90 Z 17.50 9.79 9.29 16.24 13.79 12.19 12.19 9.79 9.29 13.79 Source Size 8.96 2.10 40.92 23.03 64.44 41.26 8.34 2.10 35.72 Lw 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 Ko (. \ 3.0 3.0 6 3.0 33 125 250 500 1 2 4 8 Hz Hz Hz Hz kHz kHz kHz kHz | 70.0 7.1 63.8 60.9 51.7 44.8 ' 36.1 35.9 34.8 44.3 40.2 34.4 33.1 23.4 13.2 0.0 31.2 29.7 26.9 4.9 ; 3.0 45.8 44.4 42.5 29.6 16.2 3.7 -8.8 -13.2 3.0 3 3.0 1 1.7 30.3 28.1 7.9 9.4 i 17.8 12.7 i 3.0 47.2|43.8 39.5 20.0 -18.7-11.6-19.2 3.0 1 30.8 26.1 : 14.8 -6.7 -5.9 -20.9 3.0 32.2 30.7 27.5 ; 4.5 ! ; © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /-jl?fi\ CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^i^C^D ASSESSE DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name :D CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua dB(A) Floor 1 Name House 5 (SE) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name House 5 (SE) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name House 6 STACK Rollup Door South X 722.05 m Y 289.54 m Z71.90 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area !Area -13.6 -8.4 -34.6 -44.3 -28.0 -43.0 -55.7 -29.4 -49.3 -42.0 -13.6 -8.4 -34.6 -44.3 -28.0 -43.0 -55.7 -29.4 -49.3 -42.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 X 722.05 m Y 289.54 m Z 74.70 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area -13.3 -8.2 -34.4 -43.9 -27.7 -42.7 -55.4 -29.3 -49.2 -41.8 -13.3 -8.2 -34.4 -43.9 -27.7 -42.7 -55.4 -29.3 -49.2 -41.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 X685.12 m Y 266.87 m Z71.90 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 ; Point Area -13.2 -8.2 -13.2 -8.2 0.0 0.0 dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 /TjfKk CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION VL^EJD^ ASS DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name ESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source i LrD LrN Attenua dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name House 6 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name House 7 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall 'Area Area iArea Area Area Area Area Area -34.5 -34.5 0.0 .44.3 -44.3 0.0 -27.9 -27.9 0.0 -43.0 -43.0 ; 0.0 -55.6 -55.6 0.0 -29.2 -29.2 0.0 -49.0 -49.0 0.0 -41.7 -41.7 : 0.0 X685.12 m Y 266.87 m Z 74.70 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area -13.2 -13.2 0.0 i -8.0 -8.0 ! 0.0 -34.2 -34.2 0.0 -43.9 -43.9 0.0 ! -27.6 -27.6 0.0 -42.7 -42.7 i 0.0 -55.4 -55.4 0.0 -29.0 -29.0 | 0.0 -48.9 -48.9 0.0 -41.4 -41.4 o.O X657.30 m Y 228.41 m Z 63.76 m Terrain 61.36 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) Point Area Area Area Area -13.6 -13.6 0.0 -8.2 -8.2 0.0 -34.8 -34.8 0.0 -44.1 -44.1 i 0.0 i -27.8 -27.8 0.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 2 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 rTTTRk CANNON ROAD LIFT STATIONv!2icC^ /a DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source i Area Area Area Area Area LrD LrN Attenua ! dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) -43.6 -43.6 0.0 -55.8 -55.8 0.0 -27.5 -27.5 0.0 -47.8 -47.8 ! 0.0 -41.0 -41.0 0.0 Floor 2 Name House 7 X657.30 m Y 228.41 m Z66.56 m Terrain 61.36 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Point ;Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area -13.5 -13.5 0.0 \ -8.0 -8.0 ! 0.0 | -34.6 -34.6 0.0 -43.8 -43.8 0.0 -27.6 i -27.6 0.0 -43.4 ; -43.4 0.0 -55.6 -55.6 0.0 -27.2 -27.2 0.0 -47.6 -47.6 0.0 -40.7 -40.7 0.0 Floor 1 Name LOT14SPS X622.00 m Y 540.00 m Z 10.10 m Terrain 10.10 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 14.9 14.9 0.0 i 13.4 13.4 0.0 -10.1 -10.1 0.0 -24.6 -24.6 0.0 -6.3 -6.3 0.0 ! -25.8 -25.8 0.0 i -42.0 -42.0 0.0 -18.5 -18.5 0.0 ^% >>fe^ CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 3 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 snn^vyy>|7\ fi DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD LrN Attenua dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area .Area -39.5 : -39.5 0.0 -27.7 j -27.7 : 0.0 Floor 2 Name LOT 14 SPS X622.00 m Y 540.00 m Z 12.90 m Terrain 10.10 m LrD.max 59 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 15.3 15.3 0.0 13.6 13.6 0.0 -9.7 -9.7 0.0 -24.5 -24.5 0.0 -5.9 -5.9 0.0 -25.6 -25.6 0.0 -41.9 | -41.9 0.0 ! -18.4 ! -18.4 0.0 -39.4 -39.4 0.0 -27.6 -27.6 , 0.0 Floor 1 Name LOT 16 SPS X592.00 m Y 535.00 m Z9.70 m Terrain 9.70 m LrD.max 59 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Point Area Area Area .Area .Area Area Area Area Area 15.8 ; 15.8 0.0 15.3 15.3 0.0 -8.3 -8.3 ' 0.0 -22.7 -22.7 0.0 ; -4.4 -4.4 0.0 -23.9 -23.9 0.0 -39.8 -39.8 ; 0.0 -16.6 -16.6 0.0 -37.7 -37.7 0.0 -26.1 -26.1 ! 0.0 Floor 2 Name LOT 16 SPS X 592.00 m Y 535.00 m Z 12.50 m Terrain 9.70 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 4 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 cnfiiK ^~^n DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall |Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall (Area Area Area Area Floor 1 Name LOT 17 SPS X542 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area 'Area Area Area Floor 2 Name LOT 17 SPS X542 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Point Area Area i 16.5 i 15.5 -7.8 -22.6 -3.9 -23.6 -39.7 -16.5 ; -37.6 -25.9 16.5 15.5 -7.8 -22.6 -3.9 -23.6 -39.7 -16.5 -37.6 -25.9 00 m Y 505.00 18.5 20.2 -3.9 -18.4 0.9 | -19.8 -35.9 -12.7 -33.4 -22.1 18.5 20.2 -3.9 -18.4 0.9 -19.8 -35.9 -12.7 -33.4 -22.1 00 m Y 505.00 22.2 21.8 -1.1 22.2 21.8 -1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 m Z9.20 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 cortexvJ_3Cff^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD | LrN dB(A) i dB(A) Attenua dB(A) i Roof Concrete South Wall Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area ;Area Area Area -16.7 -16.7 2.1 2.1 -17.5 -17.5 -33.9 -33.9 -10.6 -10.6 -31.7 -31.7 -20.2 i -20.2 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 o.o i Floor 1 Name LOT 19 SPS X572.00 m Y 494.00 m Z9.20 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area 20.1 S 20.1 15.6 15.6 -10.1 i -10.1 -19.7 ; -19.7 -1.7 j -1.7 -21.3 -21.3 -37.4 -37.4 -13.3 -13.3 -33.2 -33.2 -22.6 -22.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o : o.o ; o.o I 0.0 0.0 i Floor 2 Name LOT 19 SPS X572.00 m Y 494.00 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area 20.9 20.9 16.6 i 16.6 -8.9 -8.9 -19.5 -19.5 -0.7 -0.7 -21.0 -21.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 i o.o 0.0 ; ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 6 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 crefikv_3c|J^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua dB(A) Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Floor 1 Name LOT 22 SPS X617 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Floor 2 Name LOT 22 SPS X617 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Area Area Area -37.2 -13.2 -33.0 -22.3 00 m Y 1.2 4.1 -22.8 -25.7 -14.9 -25.9 -40.7 -17.8 -40.4 -29.5 00 m Y 1.8 4.4 -22.5 -25.5 i -14.5 -25.7 -40.6 -17.7 -40.3 ! -37.2 ! -13.2 I -33.0 -22.3 485.00 ; 1.2 i 4.1 -22.8[ i -25.7 -14.9 -25.9 . -40.7 i -17.8 I -40.4 i -29.5 485.00 1.8 I 4.4 i -22.5 i -25.5 , -14.5 -25.7 , -40.6 -17.7 I -40.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 m Z9.80 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 m Z12.60 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 7 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Name Source LrD i LrN • \ dB(A) | dB(A) Concrete North Wall Area -29.3 -29.3 Floor 1 Name LOT 25 SPS X647.00 m Y 495.00 n STACK Point 13.5 13.5 Rollup Door South Area 3.0 3.0 Access Door South Area -16.8 -16.8 Roof Area -25.6 | -25.6 Concrete South Wall Area i -12.7 -12.7 Concrete Internal Wall Area -26.7 -26.7 Concrete North Wall Area -42.8 : -42.8 Rollup Door West Area ' -18.5 -18.5 Access Door West Area -38.3 -38.3 Concrete North Wall Area -28.9 -28.9 Floor 2 Name LOT 25 SPS X647.00 m Y 495.00 n STACK Point 13.9 ; 13.9 Rollup Door South Area 3.2 3.2 Access Door South Area -13.9 \ -13.9 Roof Area -25.6 i -25.6 Concrete South Wall .Area -12.4 j -12.4 Concrete Internal Wall Area i -26.7 -26.7 Concrete North Wall Area -42.7 | -42.7 Rollup Door West Area -18.4! -18.4 Access Door West Area -38.3 -38.3 Concrete North Wall Area -28.8 i -28.8 Floor 1 Name SPS 01 X 23.69 m Y 568.24 n Attenua dB(A) 0.0 ! i Z 10.20 m Terrain 10.20 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0o.o : i Z13.00 m Terrain 10.20 m LrD, max 59 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i Z 16.50 m Terrain 15.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 (TIfiKV^AC^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD dB(A) i LrN Attenua dB(A) dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall i Point Area Area Area iArea Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Floor 1 Name SPS 02 X167 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area 4.9 -6.4 -30.9 -33.8 -21.8 -37.5 -42.5 -15.7 -31.6 -29.3 67 m Y 3.8 -6.3 -32.5 -34.4 -22.1 -37.5 -42.5 -15.6 -32.9 -29.5 Floor 1 Name SPS 03 X215.32 mY STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Point Area Area 4.8 -6.5 -31.0 4.9 : 0.0 -6.4 0.0 1 -30.9 0.0 -33.8 0.0 -21.8 0.0 -37.5 0.0 -42.5 0.0 -15.7 0.0 -31.6 0.0 i -29.3 0.0 ! 763.67 m Z 26.50 m Terrain 25.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 3.8 0.0 -6.3 0.0 -32.5 0.0 -34.4 0.0 -22.1 I 0.0 -37.5 0.0 : -42.5 0.0 , -15.6 0.0 \ -32.9 0.0 i -29.5 i 0.0 881.04 m Z31.50 m Terrain 30.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) 4.8 | 0.0 | -6.5 0.0 ! -31.0 0.0 I ^% ^^ CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 dlfiKMJNi?£g> DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD \ LrN dB(A) ! dB(A) Attenua dB(A) I Roof Concrete South Wall Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area -34.0 -34.0 -22.0 -22.0 -35.0 -35.0 -42.5 j -42.5 -26.4 -26.4 .44.5 .44.5 -33.6 i -33.6 0.0 ! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS 04 X296.22 m Y 796.73 m Z16.50 m Terrain 15.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area I Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area 5.1 , 5.1 -5.2 | -5.2 -31.3 -31.3 -33.1 -33.1 -21.0 -21.0 -34.2 -34.2 -41.5 -41.5 -25.0 -25.0 -45.0 -45.0 -33.5 -33.5 o.o ; 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 0.0 • 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS 08 X641.03 m Y 205.13 m Z62.50 m Terrain 61.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area 'Area •Area Concrete Internal Wall Area -13.7 ^ -13.7 -8.2 -8.2 -35.1 ' -35.1 -44.0 '< -44.0 -27.9 ! -27.9 -43.9 -43.9 0.0 o.o ! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 10 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 cnrfik v^3|^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua \ dB(A) Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area lArea Area Area -55.9 -27.5 -47.9 -40.9 -55.9 -27.5 -47.9 -40.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS09 X626.97 m Y 159.13 m Z62.50 m Terrain 61.00 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area -14.0 -8.2 -34.8 -43.6 -27.5 -44.0 -56.2 -27.1 -47.5 -40.4 -14.0 -8.2 -34.8 -43.6 -27.5 -44.0 -56.2 -27.1 -47.5 -40.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Floor 1 NameSPSIO X521.90 m Y 95.21 m Z37.30 m Terrain 35.80 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall i Point Area Area Area !Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Area Area Area -15.1 -10.0 -36.1 -45.0 -29.1 -45.3 -57.5 -28.6 -48.8 -15.1 -10.0 -36.1 -45.0 -29.1 -45.3 -57.5 -28.6 -48.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 11 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 /T\?QV CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION^j&zjn A DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD LrN dB(A) dB(A) Attenua dB(A) Concrete North Wall Area -41.8 -41.8 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS 11 X440.00 m Y 92.00 m Z 30.20 m Terrain 28.70 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area -11.9 -11.9 -7.7 -7.7 -33.9 , -33.9 -42.0 ; -42.0 -26.6 I -26.6 -43.9 -43.9 -56.4 -56.4 -26.0 -26.0 -46.3 -46.3 -39.0 -39.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS 12 X365.07 m Y 107.15 m Z23.30 m Terrain 21.80 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall , Point Area Area Area :Area 'Area Area Area Area Area -7.7 -7.7 -4.3 -4.3 -31.0 • -31.0 -38.8 -38.8 -23.1 -23.1 -42.4 -42.4 -55.2 i -55.2 -23.1 -23.1 -44.4 -44.4 -35.8 -35.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS 13 X461.00 m Y 240.00 m Z 16.75 m Terrain 15.25 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 12 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Name Source >,LrD dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name SPS 14 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name SPS EAST 25M STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Point Area - Area Area Area Area ;Area Area Area Area X 436.00 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area X 521. 00 Point Area Area -11.4 -6.8 -33.2 -43.9 -26.9 -42.6 -55.1 -26.5 -46.4 -40.3 m Y -11.0 -5.1 -31.3 -40.9 -24.8 -41.1 -53.2 -23.7 -43.9 -37.2 m Y 33.6 26.7 3.0 | -11.4 -6.8 -33.2 -43.9 -26.9 -42.6 -55.1 -26.5 -46.4 -40.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 o.o : 0.0 253.00 m Z 15.20 m Terrain 13.70 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) -11.0 -5.1 -31.3 I -40.9 ' -24.8 -41.1 -53.2 -23.7 -43.9 -37.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ! 474.50 m Z 26.50 m Terrain 25.00 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) 33.6 26.7 3.0 0.0 : o.o 0.0 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 13 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 CfifiiKV_3C|D> DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL:FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source LrD ! dB(A) LrN dB(A) Attenua dB(A) Roof Concrete South Wall Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Floor 1 Name SPS EAST 50M X546 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Floor 1 Name SPS NORTH 25M X496 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area -7.8 9.3 -8.8 -26.6 -2.5 -21.8 -11.9 -7.8 9.3 -8.8 -26.6 -2.5 -21.8 -11.9 00 m Y 474.50 15.4 15.3 -10.4 -19.0 -3.1 -19.8 -34.6 i -10.4 -31.2 -20.7 15.4 15.3 -10.4 -19.0 -3.1 -19.8 -34.6 -10.4 -31.2 -20.7 00 m Y 499.50 26.2 16.4 -9.9 -10.2 0.0 -11.8 26.2 16.4 -9.9 -10.2 0.0 -11.8 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Z25.50 m Terrain 24.00 m LrD, max 69 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Z10.50 m Terrain 9.00 m LrD, max 69 dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 14 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 cnrf^v^ifK^ DHK ENGINEERS, 1 Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION > ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION NC. LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source i i LrD LrN Attenua i dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Concrete North Wall jArea Rollup Door West Area Access Door West Area Concrete North Wall Area Floor 1 Name SPS NORTH 50M X496 STACK Point Rollup Door South Area Access Door South Area Roof Area Concrete South Wall Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Area Rollup Door West Area Access Door West Area Concrete North Wall Area Floor 1 Name SPS SOUTH 25M X496 STACK Point Rollup Door South Area Access Door South Area Roof Area Concrete South Wall :Area Concrete Internal Wall lArea Concrete North Wall Area Rollup Door West Area Access Door West Area j&ZQ*. S -12.2 -12.2 0.0 1 -2.0 -2.0 1 0.0 -23.1 -23.1 ! 0.0 -12.7 -12.7 0.0 00 m Y 524.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 9.10 m LrD, max 69 dB(A) | 23.0 23.0 0.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 -15.6 -15.6 0.0 -15.4 -15.4 0.0 -4.8 -4.8 0.0 -17.2 -17.2 0.0 -20.7 -20.7 0.0 | -7.9 -7.9 0.0 -28.7 -28.7 0.0 : -17.9 -17.9 0.0 , 00 m Y 449.50 m Z 25.88 m Terrain 24.38 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) 33.5 33.5 0.0 32.5 32.5 0.0 i 8.6 8.6 0.0 -7.8 -7.8 ' 0.0 12.8 12.8 0.0 -13.8 -13.8 0.0 -27.0 -27.0 0.0 11.3 11.3 | 0.0 -5.4 -5.4 0.0 ; CITY OF CARLSBAD HT^g CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION PwSloo2 \&r NOISE IMPACT REPORT SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 COfiiKV_3CK^ DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Name CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Source i LrD LrN Attenua dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) j Concrete North Wall lArea -1.7 -1.7 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS SOUTH 50M X496.00 m Y 424.50 m Z 34.50 m Terrain 33.00 m LrD.max 69 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area 22.5 22.5 0.0 19.4 19.4 i 0.0 -6.8 -6.8 0.0 i -15.4 -15.4 , 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.0 ; -21.0 -21.0 0.0 > -32.1 -32.1 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.0 -17.8 -17.8 0.0 -12.0 ! -12.0 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS WEST 25M X471.00 m Y 474.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 9.00 m LrD.max 69 STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Point Area Area Area Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area 29.2 29.2 0.0 17.4 17.4 0.0 -9.9 -9.9 : 0.0 -9.8 -9.8 0.0 1.2 1.2 0.0 -14.7 -14.7 0.0 -12.8 -12.8 0.0 I 14.5 14.5 0.0 : -3.8 -3.8 0.0 0.5 0.5 ; 0.0 Floor 1 Name SPS WEST 50M X446.00 m Y 474.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 9.00 m LrD.max 69 dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 16 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ASSESSED CONTRIBUTION LEVEL: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall : Source Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area i LrD i dB(A) 27.7 11.7 -15.3 -15.3 ! -4.0 -20.1 1 -21.0 5.0 -12.8 -7.3 LrN dB(A) 27.7 11.7 -15.3 -15.3 -4.0 -20.1 -21.0 5.0 -12.8 -7.3 Attenua dB(A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 17 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 ffifilk CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^J^c|£) MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw Ko Distance from Source to dB(A) dB m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Mean Air ; Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Abar) (Aatm) ' Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB i dB(A)dB(A) dB(A) Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof House 5 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area House 5 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area House 6 Point Area Area Area (SE) 70.0 ,3.0 296.45 69.5 1 3.0 296.81 46.3 : 3.0 296.37 34.4 0 49.3 3 35.0 3 0 299.20 0 295.70 0 299.43 22.2 3.0 303.85 49.3 3.0 302.85 32.2 3.0 300.58 35.3 3 (SE) 70.0 3 69.5 3 46.3 3 34.4 0 0 300.35 0 296.98 0 ! 297.41 0 296.97 0 299.73 49.3 ;3.0 296.27 35.0 3.0 300.00 22.2 1 3.0 304.41 49.3 3.0 303.43 32.2 3.0 301.17 35.3 i3.0 300.91 70.0 3 69.5 3 0 285.48 0 285.73 46.3 3.0 285.66 34.4 0.0 288.26 X 722.05 m 60.4 60.4 60.4 60.5 60.4 60.5 60.7 60.6 60.6 60.6 X 722.05 m 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.4 60.5 60.7 60.6 60.6 60.6 X 685.12 m 60.1 60.1 60.1 60.2 Y 289.54 m Z 71.90 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 20.2 1.1 ! 15.6 0.1 i 18.4 0.3 13.2 0.1 14.9 0.1 15.6 ; 0.1 i 15.3 0.1 i 16.2 0.1 i | 18.9 0.2 ; 14.9 0.1 Y 289.54 m Z 74.70 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 19.9 | 1.1 i 15.4 i 0.1 ' 18.2 0.3 12.8 0.1 ; 14.6 ! 0.1 15.3 ; 0.1 : 15.0 0.1 \ 16.0 0.1 18.8 0.2 14.6 0.1 Y 266.87 m Z 71.90 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 20.2 1.1 I 15.7 0.1 j 18.6 0.3 i 13.6 i 0.1 | dB(A) LrD -13.6 -13.6 -8.4 -8.4 -34.6 -34.6 -44.3 -44.3 -28.0 -28.0 -43.0 -43.0 -55.7 -55.7 -29.4 -29.4 -49.3 -49.3 -42.0 -42.0 dB(A) LrD -13.3 -13.3 -8.2 -8.2 -34.4 -34.4 -43.9 -43.9 -27.7 , -27.7 -42.7 -42.7 -55.4 -55.4 -29.3 -29.3 -49.2 ! -49.2 -41.8 , -41.8 dB(A) LrD -13.2 ! -13.2 -8.2 -8.2 -34.5 -34.5 -44.3 -44.3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE1 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 rnrfik CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^L^ffi^> MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Sourc Lw Ko SOURCE ! Type ! : dB(A) dB Distance from Mean Spreading Loss Source to (Adiv) m • dB Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier | Mean Air i Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Abar) : (Aatm) Part i Pressure at Receiver (Ls) ; dB dB ' dB(A)dB(A) dB(A) Concrete South Wall Area 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area 35.0 3.0 Concrete North Wall '• Area '< 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 35.3 3.0 Floor 2 Name House 6 STACK ' Point 70.0 '3.0 Rollup Door South Area 69.5 3.0 Access Door South Area 46.3 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 iO.O Concrete South Wall Area 49.3 \ 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area 35.0 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West ; Area 32.2 J3.0 Concrete North Wall : Area 35.3 3.0 Floor 1 Name House 7 STACK | Point 70.0 3.0 Rollup Door South ; Area 69.5 3.0 Access Door South Area 46.3 i 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 0.0 Concrete South Wall i Area 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall I Area i 35.0 1 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 284.69 60.1 288.88 60.2 293.02 60.3 291.63 60.3 289.31 60.2 289.06 60.2 X 685.12 m 286.03 60.1 286.35 60.1 286.28 60.1 288.81 ! 60.2 285.28 60.1 289.48 60.2 293.60 60.4 292.24 ' 60.3 289.93 60.2 289.63 60.2 X 657.30 m 297.31 ' 60.5 297.14 60.5 297.44 60.5 300.03 60.5 296.35 60.4 300.91 60.6 304.67 ' 60.7 302.79 60.6 300.43 60.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 15.1 0.1 16.0 0.1 15.6 ! 0.1 16.3 0.1 19.0 0.2 14.8 ; 0.1 Y 266.87 m Z 74.70 m Terrain 69.50 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 20.2 ; 1.1 15.5 0.1 ! 18.3 0.3 • 13.1 0.1 14.8 0.1 15.6 0.1 15.3 | 0.1 16.1 0.1 | 18.8 0.2 14.5 ; 0.1 Y 228.41 m Z 63.76 m Terrain 61.36 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 20.2 1.1 15.3 0.1 ; ; 18.5 i 0.3 ! 13.0 0.1 i 14.7 0.1 16.2 : 0.1 15.4 i 0.1 14.3 ; 0.1 17.5 | 0.2 -27.9 -27.9 -43.0 -43.0 -55,6 -55.6 -29.2 -29.2 -49.0 -49.0 -41.7 i -41.7 dB(A) LrD -13.2 -13.2 -8.0 -8.0 -34.2 -34.2 -43.9 -43.9 -27.6 -27.6 -42.7 -42.7 -55.4 -55.4 -29.0 -29.0 -48.9 -48.9 -41.4 -41.4 dB(A) LrD -13.6 -13.6 -8.2 -8.2 -34.8 -34.8 -44.1 -44.1 -27.8 -27.8 -43.6 -43.6 -55.8 -55.8 -27.5 -27.5 -47.8 -47.8 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 2 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5--1/31/2002 rnrfik CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^U-fib MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN DHK ENGINEERS, INC. , ROOF STACK Sourc SOURCE Type Concrete North Wall Area Lw ; Ko dB(A) dB 35.3 3.0 : Distance from Source to m 300.33 Floor 2 Name House 7 STACK Point Rollup Door South ; Area Access Door South Area Roof ! Area Concrete South Wall Area Concrete Internal Wall , Area Concrete North Wall Area Rollup Door West Area Access Door West Area Concrete North Wall ! Area Floor 1 Name LOT 14 STACK Point Rollup Door South Area Access Door South Area Roof Area Concrete South Wall Area Concrete Internal Wall Area Concrete North Wall Area Rollup Door West Area Access Door West Area Concrete North Wall Area Floor 2 Name LOT 14 STACK Point Rollup Door South Area Access Door South Area 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 46.3 3.0 ; • 34.4 '0.0 ! 49.3 1 3.0 ; 35.0 3.0 22.2 ;3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 ; SPS 70.0 '3.0 69.5 3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 ; 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 :3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 ,3.0 SPS 70.0 3.0 i 69.5 ;3.0 • 46.3 3.0 i 297.76 297.66 297.97 300.49 296.83 301 .40 305.15 303.30 300.95 300.81 141.63 142.12 139.62 142.29 141.45 139.67 143.02 145.07 144.57 144.87 141.51 142.15 139.66 | Mean Spreading Loss ; (Adiv) : dB 60.6 X 657.30 m 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.6 60.5 60.6 60.7 60.6 60.6 60.6 X 622.00 m 54.0 54.1 53.9 54.1 54.0 53.9 54.1 54.2 54.2 54.2 X 622.00 m i 54.0 54.1 53.9 Mean Ground (Agr) : dB 48 Y 228.41 m Z 66 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 Y 540.00 m Z 10 3.5 4.6 4.6 3.7 4.0 4.2 : 4.2 j 4.6 i 4.6 4.1 ! Y 540.00 m Z 12 3.2 4.2 4.3 Mean Barrier | (Abar) j dB 13.8 56 m Terrain 20.1 15.1 18.3 12.7 14.5 16.0 15.2 14.0 ! 17.2 13.5 10 m Terrain 0.4 0.7 1.1 0.4 5.6 8.8 11.9 ; 15.7 7.7 90 m Terrain 0.6 0.7 Mean Air : Reflection '• Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) Part ; Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A) ! dB(A) dB(A) 0.1 61.36 m LrD.max 59 1.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 : ! 0.1 0.1 i 0.2 i 0.1 i 10.10 m LrD.max 59 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 -49.4 : 0.1 o.o 0.0 0.1 0.1 i 10.10 m LrD.max 59 0.5 0.1 0.2 -41.0 -41.0 dB(A) LrD -13.5 -13.5 -8.0 -8.0 -34.6 -34.6 -43.8 -43.8 -27.6 -27.6 -43.4 -43.4 -55.6 -55.6 -27.2 -27.2 -47.6 -47.6 -40.7 -40.7 dB(A) LrD 14.9 14.9 13.4 13.4 -10.1 . -10.1 -24.6 -24.6 -6.3 -6.3 -25.8 -25.8 -42.0 -42.0 -18.5 -18.5 -39.5 -39.5 -27.7 -27.7 dB(A) LrD 15.3 ; 15.3 13.6 13.6 -9.7 ; -9.7 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 3 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 /TiTQv CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^^%M3 MEAN PROPAGATION:FIGURE 4-2:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw : Ko : dB(A) : dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss , Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier • (Abar) dB i Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) Part ; Pressure dB dB(A) at Receiver (Ls) ' dB(A) dB(A) Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Area Area Area Area Area Area Area LOT 16 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area LOT 16 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 34.4 !0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 ; 35.3 :3.0 SPS 70.0 3.0 69.5 '3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 !3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 SPS 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 I 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 142.20 141.40 139.66 143.01 145.10 144.62 144.82 113.22 113.76 111.23 113.66 113.12 110.97 114.04 116.27 115.96 116.23 113.06 113.79 111.28 113.53 113.05 110.94 114.02 116.30 54.1 54.0 53.9 54.1 54.2 54.2 54.2 X 592.00 52.1 52.1 51.9 52.1 52.1 51.9 52.1 52.3 52.3 ; 52.3 X 592.00 52.1 52.1 51.9 52.1 j 52.1 51.9 52.1 52.3 ; 3.3 3.7 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.3 3.7 m Y 535.00 m Z 3.2 4.5 | 4.6 1 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.6 3.8 m Y 535.00 m Z 2.7 4.0 4.1 2.9 3.3 I 3.6 3.6 i 4.1 1.4 0.5 ! 5.8 ; 9.1 ! 12.2 ; 16.0 8.0 i 9.70 m Terrain 1.5 0.6 1.0 1.5 0.7 6.0 8.8 ; 12.1 15.9 8.2 , 12.50 m Terrain 1.3 ! 0.8 0.9 1.9 ! 0.7 . I 6.2 i 9.2 I! Ii 12.4 i 0.1 : 0.1 -48.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 : I 9.70 m LrD.max 59 0.4 i 0.1 0.1 | 0.1 ! '. 0.1 -75.3 0.1 o.o ; 0.0 | 0.1 iI 0.0 9.70 m LrD.max 59 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 | • 0.1 ! o.o 0.0 -24.5 -24.5 -5.9 i -5.9 -25.6 -25.6 -41.9 -41.9 -18.4 -18.4 -39.4 -39.4 -27.6 -27.6 dB(A) LrD 15.8 15.8 15.3 15.3 -8.3 -8.3 -22.7 -22.7 -4.4 -4.4 -23.9 -23.9 -39.8 -39.8 -16.6 -16.6 -37.7 -37.7 -26.1 -26.1 dB(A) LrD 16.5 16.5 15.5 15.5 -7.8 -7.8 :22.6 -22.6 -3.9 -3.9 -23.6 -23.6 -39.7 , -39.7 -16.5 -16.5 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 4 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 rnrsik CANNON ROAD LI FT STATION ^J^lfi^> MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF ST> DHK ENGINEERS, INC. Sourc Lw [ Ko SOURCE Type ; dB(A) dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Mean Barrier Mean Air (Agr) (Abar) (Aatm) dB dB dB \CK Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD Part ; Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) j dB(A) ; dB(A) Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 35.3 3.0 Floor 1 Name LOT17SPS STACK i Point 70.0 3.0 Rollup Door South Area 69.5 3.0 Access Door South ' Area 46.3 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 0.0 Concrete South Wall Area 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area 35.0 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 35.3 3.0 Floor 2 Name LOT17SPS STACK Point 70.0 3.0 Rollup Door South : Area 69.5 < 3.0 Access Door South Area 46.3 ;3.0 Roof Area 34.4 0.0 Concrete South Wall Area 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall i Area 35.0 . 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West ' Area 32.2 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area j 35.3 3.0 Floor 1 Name LOT19SPS STACK Point 70.0 J3.0 Rollup Door South Area 69.5 3.0 116.00 116.17 55.35 55.59 53.05 55.66 55.06 52.82 55.90 58.03 ! 57.71 ! 58.11 55.00 55.63 53.12 55.38 54.90 52.73 55.83 ; 58.06 57.77 57.96 78.35 78.23 52.3 52.3 X 542.00 m 45.9 45.9 45.5 45.9 45.8 45.5 45.9 46.3 46.2 46.3 X 542.00 m 45.8 45.9 45.5 45.9 45.8 45.4 45.9 46.3 46.2 46.3 X 572.00 m 48.9 48.9 4.1 16.3 0.1 3.4 8.5 ' 0.0 '• -37.6 ; -37.6 I -25.9 -25.9 Y 505.00 m Z 9.20 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) LrD 1.0 7.4 0.2 4.1 2.3 0.0 4.3 3.4 0.1 1.5 5.3 0.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 3.0 : 9.4 0.0 3.1 12.0 0.0 4.2 14.5 0.0 4.4 18.0 0.0 2.6 ; 11.5 ! 0.0 18.5 18.5 ; 20.2 20.2 ; -3.9 -3.9 -18.4 i -18.4 ; 0.9 j 0.9 -19.8 ! -19.8 i -35.9 ; -35.9 -12.7 -12.7 -33.4 -33.4 -22.1 -22.1 Y 505.00 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD max 59 dB(A) LrD 0.0 4.8 ! 0.2 3,0 1.8 0.0 3.1 1.7 0.1 0.4 4.8 | 0.0 1.3 3.0 0.0 1.8 8.3 0.0 2.0 11.2 0.0 3.1 13.6 0.0 3.3 17.3 0.0 1.5 10.7 ; 0.0 22.2 22.2 21.8 21.8 -1.1 -1.1 -16.7 -16.7 2.1 2.1 -17.5 : -17.5 -33.9 -33.9 i -10.6 -10.6 j -31.7 -31.7 -20.2 -20.2 Y 494.00 m Z 9.20 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) LrD 3.7 i 0.3 4.8 3.2 0.0 20.1 20.1 15.6 , 15.6 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK Sourc Lw i Ko SOURCE , Type i | dB(A) i dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Mean Air Reflection (Abar) ' (Aatm) ' Part dB dB dB(A) Unassessed Sound LrD Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) dB(A) Access Door South ' Area ' 46.3 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 JO.O Concrete South Wall Area ; 49.3 ! 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area 35.0 [3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 Rollup Door West Area 49.3 3.0 Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 Concrete North Wall ''•• Area ! 35.3 3.0 Floor 2 Name LOT19SPS STACK Point 70.0 3.0 Rollup Door South Area 69.5 3.0 Access Door South Area 46.3 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 0.0 Concrete South Wall Area ; 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area ; 35.0 ; 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 1 3.0 Rollup Door West Area ! 49.3 3.0 Access Door West Area '. 32.2 1 3.0 Concrete North Wall ' Area 35.3 3.0 Floor 1 Name LOT22SPS STACK Point 70.0 3.0 Rollup Door South Area 69.5 3.0 Access Door South Area 46.3 3.0 Roof Area 34.4 0.0 Concrete South Wall Area 49.3 3.0 Concrete Internal Wall Area ; 35.0 3.0 Concrete North Wall Area 22.2 3.0 75.88 79.49 77.65 76.95 81.04 82.33 81.28 81.81 78.10 78.26 75.93 79.29 77.53 76.89 80.99 82.36 81.33 81.70 121.09 120.88 118.74 122.62 120.27 120.37 124.79 48.6 49.0 48.8 48.7 49.2 49.3 49.2 49.3 X 572.00 m 48.9 48.9 48.6 49.0 48.8 48.7 49.2 49.3 49.2 49.2 X 617.00 m 52.7 52.6 52.5 52.8 52.6 52.6 52.9 4.8 3.5 4.6 4.1 3.7 4.7 4.8 4.3 6.0 : 0.1 1.5 0.0 0.6 I 0.0 -16.0 6.5 ; 0.0 9.7 : 0.0 11.6 0.0 14.3 0.0 ; 7.2 ! 0.0 \ Y 494.00 m Z 12.00 m Terrain 9.20 m LrD.max 59 2.9 4.8 4.8 2.8 4.0 3.5 3.0 4.4 4.8 3.7 0.3 2.2 0.0 i 4.7 . 0.1 2.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 -15.2 6.8 0.0 10.2 0.0 11.7 , 0.0 14.2 0.0 7.7 i 0.0 : Y 485.00 m Z 9.80 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.7 13.9 0.5 ! 10.9 ! 0.0 14.7 0.1 2.6 j 0.1 j 9.8 0.0 -32.7 6.5 I 0.1 ; 8.2 ! 0.0 -10.1 -10.1 -19.7 -19.7 -1.7 -1.7 -21.3 -21.3 -37.4 ; -37.4 -13.3 i -13.3 -33.2 -33.2 -22.6 -22.6 dB(A) LrD 20.9 20.9 16.6 16.6 -8.9 -8.9 -19.5 -19.5 -0.7 -0.7 -21.0 -21.0 -37.2 : -37.2 -13.2 -13.2 -33.0 -33.0 -22.3 ; -22.3 dB(A) LrD 1.2 i 1.2 4.1 i 4.1 -22.8 -22.8 -25.7 -25.7 -14.9 -14.9 -25.9 -25.9 -40.7 -40.7 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SOURCE Sourc I Type Lw 1 dB(A) Ko ' dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss • Mean Ground Mean Barrier Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound (Adiv) ; (Agr) | (Abar) dB dB | dB (Aatm) Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) j dB dB(A) | dB(A) LrD dB(A) Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 2 Name STACK 1 Area Area Area LOT 22 Point Area i Area Area 1 Area Area Area Area Area Area LOT 25 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 49.3 32.2 35.3 SPS 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 SPS 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 3.0 3.0 ! 3.0 125.67 124.29 124.82 53.0 4.8 12.3 52.9 ! 4.8 ! 17.8 52.9 4.8 10.0 0.0 ! -17.8 0.1 -40.4 | 0.0 ; -29.5 -17.8 -40.4 -29.5 X 617.00 m Y 485.00 m Z 12.60 m Terrain 9.80 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) LrD 3.0 3.0 3.0 | 0.0 | 3.0 ] 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 120.95 120.91 118.78 122.51 120.21 120.35 124.77 125.70 124.33 124.76 52.7 , 4.5 ! 13.6 52.6 4.8 10.6 52.5 4.8 14.4 52.8 4.3 2.8 52.6 4.8 9.4 52.6 4.6 ; 6.5 52.9 4.5 8.4 53.0 4.8 12.1 52.9 4.8 17.7 52.9 4.7 ; 9.9 : 0.5 1.8 0.0 4.4 0.1 ' -22.5 0.1 : -25.5 0.0 -32.3 -14.5 0.1 | -25.7 0.0 -40.6 0.0 , -17.7 0.1 I ; -40.3 0.0 -29.3 1.8 4.4 -22.5 -25.5 -14.5 -25.7 -40.6 -17.7 -40.3 -29.3 X 647.00 m Y 495.00 m Z 10.20 m Terrain 10.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) LrD 3.0 i 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 ' 3.0 : 3.0 ' 3.0 3.0 151.93 151.86 149.66 153.38 151.22 151.09 155.40 156.46 155.19 155.67 LOT 25 SPS Point 70.0 3.0 151.82 54.6 • 4.3 54.6 4.8 10.1 54.5 j 4.8 6.7 54.7 i 4.4 0.8 54.6 4.8 5.9 54.6 4.6 5.5 54.8 4.4 8.7 54.9 4.8 11.1 54.8 4.8 13.8 | 54.8 4.7 7.5 0.6 i 13.5 0.1 | 3.0 0.1 ! -16.8 0.1 i -25.6 0.1 j -24.1 ' -12.7 0.1 , -26.7 0.1 | ; -42.8 0.0 -18.5 0.1 \ -38.3 0.1 ' -28.9 13.5 3.0 -16.8 -25.6 -12.7 -26.7 -42.8 -18.5 -38.3 -28.9 X 647.00 m Y 495.00 m Z 13.00 m Terrain 10.20 m LrD.max 59 dB(A) LrD 54.6 3.9 0.6 ! 13.9 13.9 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE? 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 ^T|fK|V CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^^Xjffj MEAN PROPAGATION:FIGURE 4-2:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc , Type Lw dB(A) Ko dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier (Abar) dB Mean Air (Aatm) dB Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD Part Pressure dB(A) i at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) dB(A) Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS01 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS02 Point Area , Area Area Area Area 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 3.0 3.0 ' 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 ' 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 151.90 149.70 153.30 151.18 151.08 155.39 156.49 155.23 155.63 481.58 482.08 483.75 479.46 482.61 481.18 476.45 476.39 478.28 477.64 437.59 439.03 439.52 435.02 439.18 435.63 54.6 54.5 54.7 54.6 54.6 54.8 54.9 54.8 54.8 X 23.69 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.6 64.7 64.6 64.6 64.6 64.6 64.6 X 167.67 63.8 63.8 63.9 63.8 63.9 63.8 4.8 4.8 4.1 ! 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.8 4.8 4.5 m Y 568.24 m Z 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 ; 4.3 ', 43 4.2 m Y 763.67 m Z 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.8 3.9 9.8 3.7 1.1 5.6 5.8 9.0 11.0 13.7 7.7 16.50 m Terrain 10.5 13.2 0.7 6.1 7.6 i 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 15.00 m 1.8 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 26.50 m Terrain 25.00 m j 10.8 13.5 1.0 ; 6.5 , ; 7.7 ; 1.7 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 -23.7 | ' LrD.max 59 1.3 -14.6 -34.5 -39.3 -28.1 -44.1 -48.3 , -22.2 ' -35.3 -34.9 LrD, max 59 i > 3.2 3.2 -13.9 -13.9 -25.6 -25.6 -12.4 -12.4 -26.7 -26.7 -42.7 -42.7 -18.4 -18.4 -38.3 -38.3 -28.8 -28.8 dB(A) LrD 4.9 4.9 -6.4 -6.4 -30.9 -30.9 -33.8 -33.8 -21.8 -21.8 -37.5 . -37.5 -42.5 -42.5 -15.7 -15.7 -31.6 -31.6 -29.3 -29.3 dB(A) LrD 3.8 3.8 -6.3 -6.3 -32.5 -32.5 -34.4 -34.4 -22.1 -22.1 -37.5 -37.5 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGES 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SOURCE Sourc Type Lw Ko dB(A) dB i Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Mean Barrier , (Agr) (Abar) ! dB dB Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound (Aatm) Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A) dB(A) LrD dB(A) Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name Area Area Area Area SPS03 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS04 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS08 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 '0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 !3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 431.19 432.89 435.36 434.50 494.05 495.81 495.68 491.52 495.76 491 .52 487.65 490.03 492.54 491.66 379.06 380.63 380.37 376.50 380.66 376.26 372.53 374.97 377.45 376.70 63.7 63.7 63.8 63.8 X 21 5.32 m 64.9 64.9 64.9 64.8 64.9 64.8 64.8 64.8 64.8 64.8 X 296.22 m 62.6 62.6 62.6 62.5 62.6 62.5 62.4 62.5 62.5 62.5 X 641 .03 m 3.9 4.0 4.0 j 3.8 Y 881.04 m Z 31.50 3.9 4.1 4.2 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.0 Y 796.73 m Z 16.50 3.9 ; 4.3 4.3 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.1 Y 205.13 m Z 62.50 m Terrain 10.5 13.2 0.8 ; 6.3 5.3 I 10.3 12.9 4.2 m Terrain 10.7 13.4 0.8 6.4 5.4 i 10.5 13.1 5.1 m Terrain 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 30.00 1.9 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 15.00 1.5 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 61.00 m LrD.max 59 1.2 -14 -34 6 .6 -39.5 -28 -40 -48 -34 -48 -39 m LrD.max ! m LrD.max .3 .9 .3 .8 .1 .1 59 59 -42.5 -15.6 -32.9 -29.5 dB(A) LrD 4.8 -6.5 -31.0 -34.0 -22.0 -35.0 -42.5 -26.4 -44.5 -33.6 dB(A) LrD 5.1 -5.2 -31.3 -33.1 -21.0 -34.2 -41.5 -25.0 -45.0 -33.5 dB(A) LrD -42.5 -15.6 -32.9 -29.5 4.8 -6.5 -31.0 -34.0 -22.0 -35.0 -42.5 -26.4 -44.5 -33.6 5.1 -5.2 -31.3 -33.1 -21.0 -34.2 -41.5 -25.0 -45.0 -33.5 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 9 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 ffiffiik CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^J^cK) MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN,ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw Ko j dB(A) dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier j (Abar) ', dB Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) | Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A)dB(A) dB(A) STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall ' Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area ! Area ; Area SPS09 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS10 Point Area Area Area Area 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 ! 46.3 '3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 !3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 i 49.3 3.0 ! 32.2 3.0 35.3 >3.0 70.0 3.0 ; 69.5 3.0 i 46.3 1 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 70.0 3.0 69.5 ;3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 ;3.0 , 308.71 308.39 308.90 311.37 307.70 312.42 315.93 313.83 311.49 311.41 343.93 343.42 344.17 346.51 342.87 347.75 350.92 348.57 346.27 346.24 380.31 379.08 380.55 382.39 379.08 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.9 60.8 60.9 61.0 60.9 60.9 60.9 X 626.97 m 61.7 j 61.7 ' 61.7 61.8 61.7 61.8 61.9 61.8 61.8 61.8 X 521 .90 m 62.6 62.6 62.6 62.7 62.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 19.9 15.0 18.4 12.6 14.4 16.2 i 15.2 14.0 17.2 13.4 Y 159.13 m Z 62.50 m Terrain 61 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 19.2 14.1 17.2 11.3 13.1 15.3 14.6 12.6 15.9 11.9 ', 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 | 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 : 0.2 0.1 .00 m LrD.max 59 1.3 ! 0.1 -56.7 0.3 0.1 ; 0.1 I -91.6 0.1 0.1 | 0.1 -96.3 0.2 -99.1 0.1 : Y 95.21 m Z 37.30 m Terrain 35.80 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 19.2 ! 15.0 17.6 | 11.8 13.9 1.5 i 0.1 0.4 0.1 I 0.2 -13.7 -13.7 -8.2 -8.2 -35.1 -35.1 -44.0 -44.0 -27.9 -27.9 -43.9 -43.9 -55.9 -55.9 -27.5 -27.5 -47.9 -47.9 -40.9 -40.9 dB(A) LrD -14.0 -14.0 -8.2 -8.2 -34.8 -34.8 -43.6 -43.6 -27.5 -27.5 -44.0 -44.0 -56.2 -56.2 -27.1 -27.1 -47.5 -47.5 -40.4 -40.4 dB(A) LrD -15.1 -15.1 -10.0 -10.0 -36.1 -36.1 -45.0 -45.0 -29.1 -29.1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 10 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5-1/31/2002 rrefik CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^J-^cK^ MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw dB(A) Ko Distance from Source to dB m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier Mean Air Reflection (Abar) ; (Aatm) Part F dB dB dB(A) Unassessed Sound LrD 3ressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) dB(A) Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Area Area Area Area Area SPS11 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS12 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 3.0 j 384.06 3.0 I 385.98 3.0 382.94 3.0 380.91 35.3 3.0 381.13 70.0n 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 3.0 386.51 3.0 385.17 3.0 387.04 0.0 388.16 3.0 385.38 3.0 390.19 3.0 391.14 3.0 387.93 3.0 386.22 3.0 386.41 3.0 389.84 3.0 388.47 3.0 390.64 0.0 391.06 3.0 388.86 3.0 393.33 3.0 393.34 3.0 390.09 3.0 388.75 3.0 388.91 62.7 62.7 62.7 62.6 62.6 X 440.00 m 62.7 62.7 62.8 62.8 62.7 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.7 62.7 X 365.07 m 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.9 62.9 62.8 62.8 62.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 15.7 0.2 15.0 0.1 13.4 0.1 16.3 0.2 12.5 0.1 Y 92.00 m Z 30.20 m Terrain 28.70 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 15.9 1.5 : 12.5 0.1 15.3 0.3 8.6 0.1 11.2 0.2 14.2 0.2 13.9 0.1 10.6 0.1 13.7 0.2 9.6 0.1 Y 107.15 m Z 23.30 m Terrain 21.80 m LrD.max 59 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 11.6 1.5 9.1 0.1 12.3 ; 0.3 j 5.4 0.2 7.6 0.2 12.6 0.2 ! 12.6 0.1 7.6 | 0.1 i 11.8 0.2 6.4 i 0.1 i -45.3 -45.3 -57.5 -57.5 -28.6 -28.6 -48.8 -48.8 -41.8 -41.8 dB(A) LrD -11.9 i -11.9 -7.7 -7.7 -33.9 -33.9 -42.0 -42.0 -26.6 -26.6 -43.9 -43.9 -56.4 -56.4 -26.0 -26.0 -46.3 i -46.3 -39.0 -39.0 dB(A) LrD -7.7 -7.7 -4.3 -4.3 -31.0 -31.0 -38.8 -38.8 -23.1 -23.1 -42.4 -42.4 -55.2 -55.2 -23.1 -23.1 -44.4 -44.4 -35.8 , -35.8 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 11 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 (T\fjT|\ CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION VI^ILB3> MEAN PROPAGATION:FIGURE 4-2:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw dB(A) Ko dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier (Abar) : dB Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) Part Pressure dB dB(A) at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) dB(A) Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof SPS 13 ! Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area SPS 14 Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 3.0 i 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 ! 3.0 ' 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 o.o : 3.0 3.0 3.0 : 3.0 3.0 3.0 236.96 235.39 237.26 238.57 235.71 240.48 241.43 238.15 236.42 236.74 229.42 227.86 229.92 230.78 228.27 232.85 233.26 229.96 228.44 228.72 SPS EAST 25M Point Area Area Area 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 3.0 ! 3.0 : 3.0 0.0 26.08 29.56 28.19 28.17 X 461.00 58.5 58.4 58.5 58.6 58.4 58.6 58.7 58.5 58.5 58.5 X 436.00 58.2 58.2 58.2 58.3 58.2 58.3 58.4 58.2 58.2 58.2 X 521. 00 39.3 40.4 40.0 40.0 m Y 240.00 m Z 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 m Y 253.00 m Z 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 m Y 474.50 m Z 0.0 0.6 i 0.8 • o.o 16.75 m Terrain 20.2 16.1 18.9 ; 14.8 15.8 17.1 j 16.7 15.4 ' 18.1 ; 15.2 15.20 m Terrain 20.1 14.6 i 17.3 12.1 ! 14.0 15.9 15.2 ! 12.9 15.9 | 12.5 | 26.50 m Terrain 4.9 | 5.5 2.1 15.25 m LrD.max 59 0.9 0,1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 '• 0.2 0.1 i 13.70 m LrD.max 59 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.1 : 0.1 ; 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 25.00 m LrD.max 69 0.1 : 0.0 0.0 0.0 dB(A) LrD -11.4 -11.4 -6.8 : -6.8 -33.2 -33.2 -43.9 -43.9 -26.9 -26.9 -42.6 -42.6 -55.1 -55.1 -26.5 -26.5 -46.4 -46.4 -40.3 -40.3 dB(A) LrD -11.0 -11.0 -5.1 -5.1 -31.3 i -31.3 -40.9 -40.9 -24.8 -24.8 -41.1 i -41.1 -53.2 -53.2 -23.7 -23.7 -43.9 -43.9 -37.2 -37.2 dB(A) LrD 33.6 33.6 26.7 26.7 3.0 3.0 -7.8 -7.8 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 12 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 rnffiik CANNON ROAD ^J^CW") MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4 LIFT STATION -2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Type Lw Ko dB(A) dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Mean Barrier (Agr) dB (Abar) dB Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) Part Pressure dB dB(A) , at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) dB(A) Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Area Area Area Area Area Area 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 32.2 3.0 35.3 3.0 j 26.90 28.28 32.50 33.90 32.79 31.13 SPS EAST 50M Point Area Area Area Area Area Area : Area Area Area 70.0 3.0 : 69.5 '3.0 [ 46.3 3.0 34.4 0.0 49.3 3.0 35.0 !3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 3.0 ; 32.2 3.0 35.3 ,3.0 50.10 51.79 50.02 52.04 50.08 51.08 55.58 56.68 55.32 54.67 SPS NORTH 25M Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 70.0 3.0 69.5 3.0 46.3 3.0 34.4 !0.0 • 49.3 3.0 35.0 3.0 22.2 3.0 49.3 1 3.0 ' 32.2 3.0 ; 25.94 26.70 25.29 23.69 26.62 21.49 20.36 23.61 25.34 39.6 40.0 41.2 41.6 41.3 40.9 X 546.00 m 45.0 45.3 45.0 45.3 45.0 45.2 45.9 46.1 45.9 45.8 X 496.00 m 39.3 39.5 39.1 38.5 39.5 37.6 37.2 38.5 39.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Y 474.50 3.4 4.8 4.8 3.4 4.7 4.4 3.9 4.8 4.8 4.3 Y 499.50 0.0 1.4 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.8 1.8 3.4 6.8 i 10.6 13.2 ; 155 9.3 m Z 25.50 m Terrain 9.0 7.1 9.8 4.6 : 5.6 8.2 10.0 11.8 15.6 8.9 | m Z 10.50 m Terrain ' 7.4 15.2 18.4 6.1 12.8 12.1 j 15.0 17.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.00 m LrD.max 69 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 -23.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : 9.00 m LrD.max 69 0.1 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 o.o : 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 9.3 9.3 -8.8 -8.8 -26.6 -26.6 -2.5 -2.5 -21.8 -21.8 -11.9 -11.9 dB(A) LrD 15.4 , 15.4 15.3 15.3 -10.4 -10.4 -19.0 -19.0 -3.1 -3.1 -19.8 -19.8 -34.6 -34.6 -10.4 -10.4 -31.2 -31.2 -20.7 -20.7 dB(A) LrD 26.2 26.2 16.4 16.4 -9.9 -9.9 -10.2 | -10.2 0.0 0.0 -11.8 , -11.8 -12.2 -12.2 -2.0 -2.0 -23.1 -23.1 ©CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 13 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 - 1/31/2002 /-fkrjTiV CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ^S^MLJK^ MEAN PROPAGATION:FIGURE 4-2:INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK DHK ENGINEERS, INC. SOURCE Sourc Lw , Ko , Type ; : dB(A) | dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier (Abar) I dB Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Aatm) , Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB dB(A)dB(A) dB(A) Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South 1 Area 35.3 3.0 SPS NORTH 50M Point i 70.0 3.0 Area 69.5 3.0 Area 46.3 3.0 Area 34.4 0.0 Area 49.3 3.0 ', Area 35.0 ;3.0 Area 22.2 3.0 , Area 49.3 3.0 Area 32.2 3.0 Area 35.3 3.0 SPS SOUTH 25M Point ! 70.0 3.0 Area ', 69.5 3.0 Area 46.3 3.0 j Area 34.4 0.0 Area 49.3 3.0 Area 35.0 3.0 Area 22.2 3.0 Area 49.3 3.0 1 Area 32.2 3.0 Area ' 35.3 3.0 SPS SOUTH 50M Point 70.0 jS.O Area 69.5 3.0 Area : 46.3 3.0 25.05 50.44 51.67 50.18 48.35 51.48 46.48 45.11 48.36 50.22 49.81 26.35 28.29 29.97 28.53 26.51 31.53 33.26 31.54 29.99 28.14 52.77 54.20 55.88 39.0 X 496.00 45.1 45.3 45.0 44.7 45.2 44.3 44.1 44.7 45.0 44.9 X 496.00 39.4 40.0 40.5 40.1 39.5 41.0 41.4 41.0 40.5 40.0 X 496.00 45.4 45.7 45.9 0.0 m Y 524.50 m Z 0.0 3.4 3.6 0.2 1.6 1.9 1.8 3.3 3.6 1.5 m Y 449.50 m Z 0.0 : o.o 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 m Y 424.50 m Z 1.4 4.8 4.8 11.9 10.50 m Terrain i 4.7 12.8 : 16.2 4.8 10.2 9.0 12.2 15.2 9.8 25.88 m Terrain ' , 2.0 10.8 10.7 34.50 m Terrain 3.4 : 2.6 5.3 0.0 9.10 m LrD.max 69 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.38 m LrD.max 69 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.00 m LrD.max 69 0.2 0.0 0.0 -12.7 -12.7 dB(A) LrD 23.0 23.0 11.0 11.0 -15.6 -15.6 -15.4 -15.4 -4.8 -4.8 -17.2 -17.2 -20.7 -20.7 -7.9 -7.9 -28.7 -28.7 -17.9 -17.9 dB(A) LrD 33.5 33.5 32.5 32.5 8.6 8.6 -7.8 -7.8 12.8 12.8 -13.8 -13.8 -27.0 -27.0 11.3 11.3 -5.4 -5.4 -1.7 -1.7 dB(A) LrD 22.5 22.5 19.4 19.4 -6.8 -6.8 ^u^ \te^ CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 14 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SOURCE Sourc Type Lw dB(A) Ko dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading (Adiv) dB Loss Mean Ground (Agr) dB Mean Barrier (Abar) dB Mean Air Reflection (Aatm) Part dB dB(A) Unassessed Sound Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB(A) LrD dB(A) Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Access Door West Concrete North Wall Floor 1 Name STACK Rollup Door South Access Door South Roof Concrete South Wall Concrete Internal Wall Concrete North Wall Rollup Door West Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 ; 3.0 54.92 52.80 57.87 59.50 57.52 55.88 54.43 SPS WEST 25M Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 35.0 22.2 49.3 32.2 35.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 26.42 25.66 27.64 24.37 26.47 26.11 21.86 20.60 22.07 21.75 SPS WEST 50M Point Area Area Area Area Area Area Area 70.0 69.5 46.3 34.4 49.3 | 35.0 22.2 49.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 50.94 50.61 52.60 49.00 51.34 50.89 46.52 45.52 45.8 45.5 46.2 46.5 46.2 45.9 45.7 X 471. 00 39.4 39.2 39.8 38.7 39.5 39.3 37.8 37.3 37.9 37.8 X 446.00 45.1 45.1 45.4 44.8 45.2 45.1 44.4 44.2 1.5 3.5 3.2 2.3 i 3.6 4.3 ! 2.3 2.4 2.4 9.5 8.5 1.8 2.8 2.3 m Y 474.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain ! 0.0 1.2 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.1 0.0 4.2 14.7 17.2 5.4 11.6 13.1 m Y 474.50 m Z 10.50 m Terrain 0.0 3.4 3.7 0.3 1.6 \ 2.2 1.9 3.1 12.3 15.5 4.6 9.5 10.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.00 m LrD.max 69 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.00 m LrD.max 69 0.2 : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -15.4 0.9 -21.0 -32.1 0.8 -17.8 -12.0 . dB(A) LrD ; 29.2 17.4 -9.9 -9.8 1-2 -14.7 -12.8 14.5 -3.8 0.5 dB(A) LrD 27.7 11.7 -15.3 -15.3 -4.0 -20.1 -21.0 5.0 -15.4 0.9 -21.0 -32.1 0.8 -17.8 -12.0 29.2 17.4 -9.9 -9.8 1.2 -14.7 -12.8 14.5 -3.8 0.5 27.7 11.7 -15.3 -15.3 -4.0 -20.1 -21.0 5.0 © CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 15 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002 DHK ENGINEERS, INC. CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION MEAN PROPAGATION: FIGURE 4-2: INDOOR FAN, ROOF STACK SOURCE Sourc Type Lw Ko dB(A) dB Distance from Source to m Mean Spreading Loss (Adiv) dB Mean Ground Mean Barrier Mean Air Reflection Unassessed Sound LrD (Agr) (Abar) (Aatm) ! Part Pressure at Receiver (Ls) dB j dB dB dB(A) ' dB(A) dB(A) Access Door West Area 32.2 3.0 47.03 Concrete North Wall Area 35.3 ,' 3.0 46.61 44.4 44.4 3.5 1.2 0.0 0.0 -12.8 -7.3 -12.8 -7.3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION NOISE IMPACT REPORT PAGE 16 7/14/2002 SoundPLAN 5.5 -1/31/2002