HomeMy WebLinkAbout3583-2; South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III; South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III; 2002-12-06STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN
City of Carlsbad
Public Works
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Submitted by:
SYLMAR, CA 91342
Brandon Pensick, Bree Zinsmeister, Butch Griggs
Project Site Address:
Cahnon Drive &Faraday PFiv€^
Contractor's Water PoUution Control Manager:
Bree Zinsmeistei'
818-367-9748 Ext. 307
SWPP Prepared by:
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
12874 San Fernando Rd^
Sylmar; OA 91342
Bree Zinsmelster, Project Engineer
SWPPP Preparation Date:
December 6, 2002
Section 100
Section 200
Section 300
Section 400
Section 500
Section 600
SWPPP Certifications and Approval 1
Initial SWPPP Certification 1
SWPPP Approval 2
Annual Compliance Certification 3
SWPPP Amendments 4
SWPPP Amendment Certification and Approval 4
Amendment Log 6
Introduction and Project Description 7
Introduction and Project Description 7
Unique Site Features 7
Construction Site Estimates 7
Project Schedule/Water Pollution Control Schedule 7
Contact Information/List of Responsible Parties 7
References 10
Body of SWPPP .11
Objectives 11
Vicinity Map 11
Pollutant Source Identification and BMP Selection 12
500.3.1 Inventory of Materials and Activities that May
Pollute Storm Water 12
500.3.2 Existing (pre-construction) Control Measures 12
500.3.3 Nature of Fill Material and Existing Data Describing the Soil 13
500.3.4. Soil Stabilization (Erosion Control) 13
500.3.5 Sediment Control 13
500.3.6 Tracking Control 14
500.3.7 Wind Erosion Control 15
500.3.8 Non-Storm Water Control 15
500.3.9 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control 15
Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) 15
Construction BMP Maintenance, Inspection and Repair 15
Post-Construction Storm Water Management 15
500.6.1 Post-Construction Control Practices 15
500.6.2 Operation/Maintenance after Project Completion 16
Training 16
List of Subcontractors 16
Other Plans/Permits 16
Monitoring Program and Reports 17
Site Inspections 17
Discharge Reporting 17
Record Keeping and Reports 17
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. bas cbecked the submittals
with ttie contract Drawings and Specifications and found it
10 meet all requirements of same including dimensions and
that the Contractor*! guarantee fully applies to the specified
material or eqoipment.
Re: Specification Sectioa Page No.
Paragraph Ho.^QSzHiJSi Drawing , rr
I. Reicher Creamer and Son. lac ^ ^.^^ Z_
SWPPP Attachments
Attachment A Vicinity Map
Attachment B.Modifications to the Caltrans Construction Site Best Management
Practices (BMPs) Manual
Attachment C BMP Consideration Checklist
Attachment D Project Schedule
Attachment E
Attachment F Notice of Intent (NOI)
Attachment G. Program for Maintenance. Inspection, & Repair of Construction Site BMPs
Attachment H Storm Water Quality Construction Site Inspection Checklist
Attachment I Trained Contractor Personnel Log
Attachment J Subcontractor Notification Letter and Log
Attachment K Notice of Discharge, Written Notice or Order
Attachment L SWPPP and Monitoring Program Checklist
Attachment M Annual Certification of Compliance Form
Attachment N Other Plans/Permits
Attachment O Notice of Completion of Construction
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t;"!:.- /•OW i-iO not relieve the contractor of his respon.sibfi'ly to complv
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
^ Section 100
SWPPP Certifications and Approval
100.1 Initial SWPPP Certification
City of Carisbad Contract No. 3583-2
"I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infonnation,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations".
Contractor's Signature Date
Bree Zinsmelster, Project Engineer 818-367-9748
Contractor's Name and Titie Telephone Number
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. 11/26/02 Page 1
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
100.2 SWPPP Approval
For City of Carlsbad Use Only
City Approval and Certification ofthe
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
City of Carlsbad Contract No. 3583-2
"I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infornnation,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations".
Engineer's Signature Date
Engineer's Name Engineer's Telephone Number
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, inc. 11/26/02 Page 2
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
100.3 Annual Compliance Certification
By June 15 of each year, the contractor shall submit an Annual Certification of Compliance to
the Engineer stating compliance with the terms and conditions of the Permits and the SWPPP.
The Annual Certification of Compliance Fonn and Engineer Approval form are included In
Attachment M. Completed Annual Certifications of Compliance and Approvals can be found in
the following pages.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Section 200
^ SWPPP Amendments
200.1 SWPPP Amendment Certification and Approval
This SWPPP shall be amended:
• Whenever there is a change in construction or operations which may affect the
discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater{s), or a municipal separate storm
sewer system (MS4); or
• If any condition of the Permits is violated or the general objective of reducing or
eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges has not been achieved. If the RWQCB
determines that a Permit violation has occurred, the SWPPP shall be amended and
implemented within 14 calendar days after notification by the RWQCB;
• Annually, prior to the defined rainy season, when required by the project's Special
Provisions; and
• When deemed necessary by the Engineer.
The amendments for this SWPPP, along with the Contractor's Certification and the Engineer's
approval, can be found in the following pages. Amendments are listed in the Amendment Log in
section 200.2
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
SWPPP Amendment No.
City of Carlsbad Contract No. 3583-2
To be Completed by Contractor
"I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations".
Contractor's Signature Date
Bree Zinsmelster, Project Engineer 818-367-9748
Contractor's Name and Title Telephone Number
For City of Carlsbad Use Only
Engineer's Approval and Certification of the
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Amendment
"I certify under a penalty of law that this document and ail attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the infonnation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is tnje, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations".
Engineer's Signature Date
Engineer's Name Engineer's Telephone Number
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. 11/26/02 Page 5
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
200.2 Amendment Log
City of Carlsbad Contract No. 3583-2
No. Date BriefOescriptlon of Amendment Prepared By
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
^ Section 300
w Introduction and Project Description
300.1 Introduction and Project Description
The project is the construction of a fourteen-inch HDPE force main and a fifteen-inch PVC
gravity sewer pipeline in the existing portion of Cannon Road between Car Country Drive and
Faraday Avenue. A portion of the pipeline was previously constructed in the Macario Canyon
Bridge. The project also includes construction of access holes, connection to the active sewer
gravity pipeline at Car Country Drive and the inactive pipeline in Cannon Road at Faraday
Avenue. The project will require saw-cutting the existing pavement, removal of pavement and
replacing it and restriping at the completion of the project.
300.2 Unique Site Features
The project is located within the existing Cannon Road Right of way and is currently open for
use. During the construction of the project, the westbound lane will be closed to all traffic
except construction related traffic. The road bisects native vegetation starting at approximately
STA 50+00. The California Coastal Commission has conditioned that all work be completed
within the right of way to prevent entry into the sensitive habitat.
300.3 Construction Site Estimates
The project is within an existing roadway and hydrologic and hydraulic analysis has been
Vi^ performed to design the existing storm drain system. This project will not increase run-off and
no further hydrologic or hydraulic analysis is required.
300.4 Project ScheduleA/Vater Pollution Control Schedule
Estimate Construction Start: 1/6/03.
Estimate Construction Finish: 3/21/03.
Mobilization of equipment and materials to begin on 1/3/03.
Store temporary soil stabilization and temporary sediment control products beginning on 1/14/03
Submit annual rainy season implementation schedule 1/6/03
Continue to implement and maintain temporary BMPs throughout rainy season.
Coastal Rainy season begins October 1, 2002.
Actual Rainy Season Begins December 15, 2002.
Begin sawcut roadway 1/6/03
Begin stockpile and haul AC offsite 1/13/03 C
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Begin spoil/backfill stockpile 1/15/03
Fuze HDPE 1/14/03
Dig. Lay, backfill HDPE 1/14/02
Install temporary concrete washout 1/15/03.
Begin dig, form, pouracess holes 1/24/03.
Begin Dig, Lay, Backfill PVC gravity sewer 1/24/03.
Construction by-pass 2/13/03
Connect sewer pipeline to existing pipe 2/20/03
Flush HDPE 1/24/02
Pressure Test, flush PVC and access holes 2/20/03.
Remove concrete washout and restore area to original grade.
Rainy season ends April 15, 2003.
Project complete 3/21/03.
See attached schedule (Attachment D) for more detailed information. This schedule will be
updated monthly.
300.5 Contact Information/List of Responsible Parties
The Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) assigned to this project is:
Bree Zinsmelster
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
12874 San Fernando Rd.
Sylmar, CA 91342
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. 11/26/02 Page 8
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
The WPCM shall have primary responsibility and significant authority for the implementation,
maintenance, inspection and amendments to the approved SWPPP. Duties of the Contractor's
WPCM include, but are not limited to:
• Ensuring full compliance with the SWPPP and the Permit
• Implementing all elements of the SWPPP including, but not limited to:
Implementation of prompt and effective erosion and sediment control measures
Implementing all non-storm water management, and materials and waste
management activities such as: monitoring discharges (dewatering, diversion
devices), general site cleanup, vehicle and equipment cleaning, fueling and
maintenance, spill control, ensuring that no materials other than storm water are
discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or
storm drain systems, etc.
• Pre-storm inspections
• Post-storm inspections
• Storm event inspections
• Preparing annual compliance certification
• Ensuring elimination of all unauthorized discharges
• The Contractor's WPCM shall be assigned authority by the Contractor to mobilize crews
in order to make Immediate repairs to the control measures
• Coordinate with the Engineer to assure all ofthe necessary corrections/repairs are made
immediately, and that the project complies with the SWPPP, the Permit and approved
plans at all times
• Provide copies of all forms weekly to the Engineer.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Section 400
The following documents are made a part of this SWPPP by reference:
• Project plans dwg. 396-2A and specifications no. 3583-2, dated 8/20/02, prepared by
City of Carlsbad.
• California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 2001-01, NPDES No.
CAS0108758, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.
• Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, Construction Site Best Management
Practices Manual, dated November 2000 as amended by the City of Carisbad
(see Attachment B).
• Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual, dated
November 2000.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Section 500
500.1 Objectives
This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has four main objectives:
• Identify ail pollutant sources, including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of
storm water discharges associated with construction activity (storm water discharges)
from the construction site, and
• Identify non-storm water discharges, and
• Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, and maintain Best
Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water
discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from the constnjction site during
construction, and
• Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during construction designed to
reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed (post-construction BMPs).
This SWPPP conforms with the required elements of Permit No. CAS0108758 issued by the
State of California, State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). This SWPPP will be
_ modified and amended to reflect any changes in construction or operations that may affect the
discharge of pollutants from the construction site to surface waters, groundwaters, or the
municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP will also be amended If It Is in
violation of any condition of the Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing
pollutants in storm water discharges. The SWPPP shall be readily available on-site for the
duration ofthe project.
500.2 Vicinity Map
The construction project vicinity map showing the project location, surface water boundaries,
geographic features, construction site perimeter, and general topography, is located in
Attachment A. The project's Title Sheet provides more detail regarding the project location and
is also included in Attachment A.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
500.3 Pollutant Source Identification and BMP Selection
500.3.1 Inventory of Materials and Activities that May Pollute Storm Water
The following is a list of construction materials that will be used and activities that will be
performed that will have the potential to contribute pollutants, other than sediment, to storm
water runoff (control practices for each activity are identified in sections 500.3.4 through
Vehicle fluids, including oil, grease, petroleum, and coolants
Asphaltic emulsions associated with asphalt-concrete paving operations
Cement materials associated with PCC concrete used for underground utilities
Paints Solvents, thinners
Wood products
Metals and plated products
Construction activities that have the potential to contribute sediment to storm water discharges
• Soil export operations
• Temporary stockpiling
• Utility excavation operations
• Backfill material
Attachment C lists all Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are either minimum
requirements or special contract requirements, and all BMPs selected by the Contractor for this
project. Implementation and location of BMPs are shown on the WPCDs in Attachment B.
Narrative descriptions of BMPs to be used during the project are listed by category in each of
the following SWPPP sections.
500.3.2 Existing (Pre-Construction) Control Measures
The following are existing (pre-construction) control measures encountered within the project
• Cannon Road is currentiy paved and all drainage facilities are constructed. Curb and
gutter convey drainage to an existing storm drain system. This storm drain system
drains into existing desiltation basins.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
500.3.3 Nature of Fill Material and Existing Data Describing the Soli
Existing Cannon Road was graded in several controlled grading operations between 1995 and
1999. Backfill was compacted to minimum 90% relative compaction, asphaltic concrete base
and pavement has been in place for several years and the road is currently in use.
It is not anticipated that any hazardous materials will be encountered during the construction of
the pipeline.
500.3.4 Soil Stabilization (Erosion Control)
Soil stabilization, also referred to as erosion control, consists of source control measures that
are designed to prevent soil particles from detaching and becoming suspended in storm water
runoff. Soil stabilization BMPs protect the soil surface by covering and/or binding soil particles.
This project will incorporate minimum temporary soil stabilization requirements, temporary soil
stabilization measures required by the contract documents, and other measures selected by the
contractor. This project will utilize and implement the following principles for effective temporary
and final soil stabilization during construction:
The project is the construction of a pipeline in an existing roadway. The erosion control
measures will include the prevention of off-site siltation of any stockpiled materials and are
addressed In Section 500.3.5
• SS-1, Scheduling
Year around: WPCM shall monitor the weather using National Weather Sen/ice reports to track
conditions and alert crews to the onset of rainfall events.
Durmg the rainy season: Disturbed areas will be stabilized with temporary or permanent
erosion control before a rain event hits. Prior to forecast storm events, temporary BMPs will be
deployed and inspected.
During the non-rainy season: The project schedule will sequence construction activities with the
installation of both soil stabilization and sediment control measures. The construction schedule
will be arranged as much as practicable to leave existing paved areas undisturbed until
immediately prior to excavation.
500.3.5 Sediment Control
Sediment controls are structural measures that are intended to complement and enhance the
selected soil stabilization (erosion control) measures. Sediment controls are designed to
intercept and settle out soil particles that have been detached and transported by the force of
water. This project will incorporate minimum temporary sediment control requirements,
temporary sediment control measures required by the contract documents, and other measures
selected by the contractor. The temporary sediment control BMPs selected are adequate to
prevent a net increase of sediment in storm water discharge relative to pre-construction levels.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Sufficient quantities of temporary sediment control materials will be maintained on-site
throughout the duration of the project, to allow implementation of temporary sediment controls in
the event of predicted rain, and for rapid response to failures or emergencies, in conformance
with other City requirements and as described in this SWPPP. This includes implementation
requirements for active areas and non-active areas before the onset of rain.
Implementation and locations of temporary sediment control BMPs are shown on drawings. The
BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C indicates all the BMPs that will be implemented
to control sediment on the construction site, these are:
• SC-1, Silt Fence
• SC-5, Fiber Rolls
• SC-7, Street Sweeping and Vacuuming
• SC-10, Storm Drain Inlet Protection
During the rainy season, temporary sediment controls will be Implemented at the drainage
perimeter of disturbed soil areas, at the toe of slopes, at storm drain inlets, around stockpiled
materials and at outfall areas at all times.
During the non-rainy season, temporary sediment controls will be implemented at the drainage
perimeter of disturbed soil areas and at storm drains downstream from disturbed areas before
rain events.
Storm drain inlet protection will be used at all Inlets to storm drain systems during the rainy
season when downstream from construction activity.
During the non-rainy season, In the event of a predicted storm, the following temporary
sediment control materials will be maintained on-site: silt fence materials, gravel bags and fiber
rolls for inlet and perimeter protection barriers and check dams.
500.3.6 Tracking Control
The project does not include any major grading activities so a stabilized construction access is
not required. The contractor will verify that trucks are loaded and the area kept clean through
street sweeping activities to limit any tracking of materials off the project. The following BMPs
have been selected to reduce sediment tracking from the construction site onto private or public
• SC-7, Street Sweeping and Vacuuming
Road sweeping and vacuuming will occur during soil and materials hauling and as necessary to
keep street surfaces clear of soil and debris. Washing of sediment tracked onto streets, into
storm drains will not occur.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
500.3.7 Wind Erosion Control
The following BMPs have been selected to control dust from the construction site;
• WE-1, Wind Erosion Control
Potable water will be applied to disturbed soil areas of the project site and spoil piles to control
dust and maintain optimum moisture levels for compaction. The water will be applied using
water trucks. As shown on the project schedule, project soils will be disturbed and exposed
from approximately 1/14/03 to 2/25/03.
BMP WE- 1, Wind Erosion Control, and BMP NS- 1, Water Conservation Practices, will be
implemented to provide dust control and prevent discharges from dust control activities and
water supply equipment. Water application rates will be minimized as necessary to prevent
runoff and ponding and water equipment leaks will be repaired immediately.
During windy conditions (forecast or actual wind conditions of approximately 25 mph or greater),
dust control will applied, including haul roads to adequately control wind erosion and possible
siltation onto adjacent farming activities.
500.3.8 Non-Storm Water Control
An inventory of construction activities and potential non-storm water discharges is provided In
Section 500.3.1. The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C and the following list
indicates the BMPs that have been selected to control non-storm water pollution on the
construction site. A narrative description of each BMP follows:
NS-1, Water Conservation Practices
NS-3, Paving and Grinding Operations
NS-6, Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting
NS-8, Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
NS-9, Vehicle and Equipment Fueling
NS-10, Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting
The contractor will implement BMP NS-6, Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and
Reporting throughout the duration of the project.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Paving Operations
The project will include placement of AC pavement. Paving locations and adjacent storm drain
inlets are shown the project drawings. Paving operations will generally be conducted as shown
on the project schedule in Section 300.4. BMP NS-3, Paving and Grinding Operations, will be
implemented to prevent paving materials from being discharged off-site. Covers will be placed
over each Inlet adjacent to paving operations. The covers will consist of scrap carpeting or filter
fabric placed over, and tucked under, each inlet grate. Following paving operations, the area
will be swept. Inlet covers will be removed, and the inlets will be inspected for paving materials.
Vehicle and Equipment Operations
• Several types of vehicles and equipment will be used on-site throughout the project,
including graders, excavators, loaders, paving equipment, rollers, trucks and trailers,
backhoes, forklifts, generators, compressors, and traffic control equipment. BMPs NS-9,
Vehicle and Equipment Fueling, and NS-10, Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance will be
utilized to prevent discharges of fuel and other vehicle fluids. Except for concrete
washout, which is addressed in Section 500.3.8, vehicle cleaning will not be performed
• All vehicle maintenance and mobile fueling operations will be conducted at least 15
yards away from operational inlets and drainage facilities and on a level graded area.
500.3.9 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control
An inventory of construction activities, materials, and wastes is provided in Section 500.3.1.
The BMP Consideration Checklist in Attachment C and the following list indicates the BMPs that
have been selected to handle materials and control construction site waste. A narrative
description of each BMP follows.
WM-1, Material Delivery and Storage
WM-2, Material Use
WM-4, Spill Prevention and Control
WM-5, Solid Waste Management
WM-9, Sanitary/Septic Waste Management
Material Delivery, Storage, and Use
In general, BMPs WM-1 and WM-2 will be implemented to help prevent discharges of
construction materials during delivery, storage, and use. The general material storage area will
be located in the contractor's yard as shown on WPCD-4. A sandbag barrier (BMP SC-8) will
be provided around the storage area to prevent run-on from adjacent areas. Two types of
storage/containment facilities will be provided within the storage area to minimize storm water
contact with construction materials:
• Water-tight shipping containers will be used to store hand tools, small parts, and most
construction materials that can be can-led by hand, such as paint cans, solvents and
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. 11/26/02 Page 16
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Very large items, such as pipe and stockpiled lumber, will be stored in the open In the
general storage area. Such materials will be elevated with wood blocks to minimize contact
with run-on.
Aggregate and base materials will also be stockpiled in the general storage area and will be
surrounded with sediment controls (i.e., gravel bag barrier or silt fence).
Spill clean-up materials, material safety data sheets, a material inventory, and emergency
contact numbers will be maintained and stored in the office.
Spill Prevention and Control
BMP WM~4, Spill Prevention and Control, wil! be implemented to contain and clean-up spills and
prevent material discharges to the storm drain system. Spill prevention is also discussed above
in Material Delivery, Storage, and below in the following waste management and equipment
maintenance sections.
Waste Management
BMP WM-5, Solid Waste Management, and BMP WM-6, Hazardous Waste Management will be
implemented to minimize storm water contact with waste materials and prevent waste
discharges. Solid wastes will be loaded directly into tmcks for off-site disposal. When on-site
storage is necessary, solid wastes will be stored in watertight dumpsters in the general storage
area of the contractors yard. AC and PCC rubble will be stockpiled in the general storage area
and will be surrounded with sediment controls (SC-8, Sandbag Barrier). Solid waste, including
rubble stockpiles, will be removed and disposed off-site at least weekly. Coast Waste
Management will provide solid waste disposal services. Hazardous wastes will be stored in the
shipping containers or covered containment area discussed above for materials storage.
Hazardous wastes will be appropriate and clearly marked containers and segregated from other
non-waste materials.
Contaminated Soil Management
Contaminated soil management BMPs address the possibility of construction activity near
contaminated soils. The construction site has no known history of contaminated soil or other
impairments. However, employees will be instructed to recognize evidence of contaminated
soil, such as buried debris, discolored soil, and unusual odors.
Concrete Residuals and Washout Wastes
This project includes placement of concrete. No discahrges are anticipated. Estimated pour
dates are shown on the project schedule in Section 300.4. Concrete pours will not be
conducted during or immediately prior to rainfall events.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
BMP WM-8, Concrete Waste Management, will be implemented, a concrete washout facility will
w be constructed and maintlaned. All excess concrete and concrete washout slurries will be
discharged to the washout facility for drying. BMP maintenance, waste disposal, and BMP
removal will be conducted as described in WM-08. Dried-off concrete will be used as fill
material If permitted by the City.
Sanitary and Septic Wastes
The contractor will implement BMP WM-9, Sanitary and Septic Waste Management, and
portable toilets will be located and maintained at the contractors yard for the duration of the
Towable portable toilets will also be provided at the construction site.
500.4 Construction Site BMP's
City of Carisbad modifications to Caltrans construction site BMP's can be found in Attachment B.
500.5 Construction BMP Maintenance, Inspection and Repair
A program for Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of BMPs is shown in Attachment G.
500.6 Post-Construction Storm Water Management
500.6,1 Post-Construction Control Practices
The following are the post-construction BMPs that are to be used at this construction site after
all construction is complete:
• Outlet protection/velocity dissipation devices at all culvert outlets
• Deslitation basins will be utilitized.
• Street sweeping and trash pick up.
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storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
500.6.2 Operation/Maintenance after Project Completion
The post-construction BMPs that are described above will be funded and maintained as follows:
Short terni funding: City of Carisbad Maintenance and operations Budget
Long term funding: City of Carisbad Maintenance and operations Budget
The responsible party for the long-term maintenance of post-construction BMPs is the
City of Carlsbad.
500.7 Training
Section 300.5 shows the name of the Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM).
This person has received the following training:
• 24 hour SWPPP Training
• On-Site Environmental Protection Training
The training log showing formal and informal training of various personnel is shown in
Attachment I.
This SWPPP was prepared by
Bree Zinsmelster, Project Engineer
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
500.8 List of Subcontractors
All contractors and subcontractors will be notified of the requirement for storm water
management measures during the project. A list of contractors will be maintained and included
in the SWPPP. If subcontractors change during the project, the list will be updated accordingly.
The subcontractor notification letter and log is included in the SWPPP as Attachment J.
500.9 Other Plans/Permits
Attachment N includes copies of other local, state, and federal plans and permits. Following is a
list of the plans and permits included in Attachment N:
• California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 2000-01, NPDES No.
CAS0108758, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. 11/26/02 Page 19
stomi Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Contract No. 3583-2
Section 600
IVIonitoring Program and Reports
600.1 Site Inspections
The Contractor will inspect the site prior to a forecast storm, after a rain event that causes runoff
from the construction site, at 24-hour inten/als during extended rain events, and as specified in
the project Special Provisions. The results of all Inspections and assessments will be
documented and copies of the completed inspection checklists will be maintained with the
SWPPP. Site inspections conducted for monitoring purposes will be performed using the
inspection checklist shown in Attachment H.
The name(s) and contact number(s) ofthe assigned inspection personnel are listed below:
Assigned inspector: Brandon Pensick or Briee Contact phone: 818-391-3373 or 818-
Zihsrheisfer 391-3771
600.2 Discharge Reporting
If a discharge occurs or if the project receives a written notice or order from any regulatory
agency, the Contractor will Immediately notify the Engineer and will file a written report to the
Engineer within 7 days of the discharge event, notice, or order. Corrective measures will be
implemented immediately following the discharge, notice or order. A sample discharge form is
provided in Attachment K.
The report to the Engineer will contain the following items:
• The date, time, location, nature of operation, and type of unauthorized discharge,
including the cause or nature of the notice or order;
• The control measures (BMPs) deployed before the discharge event, or prior to receiving
notice or order;
• The date of deployment and type of control measures (BMPs) deployed after the
discharge event, or after receiving the notice or order, including additional measures
installed or planned to reduce or prevent re-occurrence; and
• An implementation and maintenance schedule for any affected BMPs.
600.3 Record Keeping and Reports
Records shall be retained for a minimum of three years for the following items:
• Site inspections
• Compliance certifications
• Discharge reports
• Approved SWPPP document and amendments
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, rne. 11/26/02 Page 20
Section 4
Temporary Sediment Control
Best Management Practices
4.1 Temporary Sediment Control Practices
Temporary sediment control practices include those practices that intercept and slow or detain the
flow of storm water to allow sediment to settle and be tr^ped. Temporary sediment control
practices can consist of installing temporary linear sediment barriers (such as silt fence, sandbag
barrier, and straw bale barrier); providing fiber rolls, gravel bag berms, or check dams to break up
slope length or flow; or constructing a temporary desilting basin, sediment trap, or sediment basin.
Linear sediment barriers are typically placed below the toe of exposed and erodible slopes,
downslope of exposed soil areas, around temporary soil stockpiles, and at other appropriate locations
along the site perimeter.
Temporary sediment control practices shall be implemented in conformance with the criteria
presented in Section 2, Selecting and Implementing Construction Site Best Management Practices
(BMPs), of this Manual. Temporary sediment control practices include the BMPs listed in Table
Tsa>l0 4-1
SC-1 Silt Fence
SC-2 Desilting Basin
SC-3 Sedinnent Trap
SC-4 Check Dam
SC-5 Fiber Rolls
SC-6 Gravel Bag Berni
SC-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming
SC-8 Sancftiag B»ner
SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier
SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection
The remainder of this Section shows the working details for each of the temporary sediment control
Caltrms Storm Wats' Quality Handtxxto
Construction Site Bast ManaQonent Practlcaa Mwual
a/Smm November 2000
Sectton 4
Silt Fence SC-1
BMP Objectives
• Son Stabilization
• Sediment Control
• Tracking Control
• Wind Eroston Control
• Non-^omi Water Management
• Materials and Waste Managemait
Definition and A silt fence is a temporary linear sediment barrier of permeable fabric designed to
Purpose intercept and slow the flow of sediment-laden sheet flow nmoff. Silt fences allow
sediment to settle &om nmoff before water leaves the constmction site.
Appropriate Silt fences are placed:
Below the toe of exposed and erodible slopes.
Down-slope of exposed soil areas.
Around temporary stockpiles.
Along streams and channels.
Limitations Not effective unless trenched and keyed in.
Not intended for use as mid-slope protection on slopes greater than 1:4
Must t>e maintained.
Must be removed and disposed of.
Standards and General
Specifications Don't use below slopes subject to creep, slumping, or landslides.
Don't use in streams, channels, or anywhere flow is concentrated.
Don't use silt fences to divert flow.
Caltrans Sbjmi Water Quality Handbooks
ConsmictiOT Ste Best Management Practices Manud
a^^^tr Nownber2000
Silt Fence SC-1
1 ofS
Silt Fence SC-1
Design and Layout
The maximum length of slope draining to any point along the silt fence
shall be 61 m (200 ft) or less.
Slope of area draining to fence shall be less than 1:1 (V:H).
Limit to locations suitable for temporary ponding or deposition of sediment
Fabric life span generally limited to between Ave and eight months. Longer
periods may require fabric replacement
Silt fences shall not be used in concentrated flow areas.
Lay out in accordance with Page 5 of this BMP.
For slopes steeper than 1:2 (V:H) and that contain a high nimiber of rocks
or large dirt clods that tend to dislodge, it may be necessary to install
additionai protection immediately adjacent to the bottom of the slope, prior
to installing silt fence. Additional protection may be a chain link fence or a
cable fence.
For slopes adjacent to water txKiies or Environmentally Sensitive Areas
(ESAs), additional temporary soil stabilization BMPs shall be used.
Silt fence febric shall be woven polypropylene with a minimum width of
900 mm and a minimum tensile strength of 0.45-kN. The fabric shall
conform to the requirements in ASTM designation D4632 and shall have an
integral reinforcement layer. The reinforcement layer shall be a
polypropylene, or equivalent, net provided by the manufecturer. Tte
permittivity of the fabric shall be between 0.1 sec"' and 0.15 sec"' in
confonnance with the requirements in ASTM designation D449I.
Wood stakes shall be commercial quality lumber of the size and shape
shown on the plans. Each stake shall be free from decay, splits or cracks
longer than the thickness of the stake or other defects that would weaken
the stakes and cause the stakes to be structurally unsuitable.
Staples used to &sten the fence fabric to the stakes shall be not less than 45
mm long and shall be febricated from 1.57 mm or heavier wire. The wire
used to ^ten the tops of the stakes together when joming 2 sections of
fence shall be 3.05 mm or heavier wire. Galvanizing of the festening wire
will not be required.
JBStm Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
MKHv Construction Site Bast Mariagemant Practices Maiual Silt Fence SC-1
(^tSw November 2000 2ofS
Silt Fence SC-1
Generally, silt fences shall be used in conjunction with soil stabilization
source controls up slope to provide effective control.
Trenches shall not be excavated wider and deeper than necessary for proper
installation of die temporary linear sediment barriers.
Excavation of the trenches shall be performed immediately before
instaiiation of the ten^rary linear sediment barriers.
Constmct silt fences with a set-back of at least lm from the toe of a slope.
Where a silt fence is determined to be not practicable due to specific site
conditions, the silt fence may be constructed at the toe of the slope, but shall
be constructed as &r fcom the toe ofthe slope as practicable.
Construct the length of each reach so that the change in base elevation
along the reach does not exceed 1/3 the height of the barrier, in no case
shall the reach exceed 150 meters.
Cross barriers shall be a minimum of 1/3 and a maximum of 1/2 the height
ofthe linear barrier.
Bottom of the silt fence shall be keyed-in.
Install in accordance with Page 5 of this BMP.
Maintenance and Repair undercut silt fences.
Repair or replace split, torn, slimming, or weathered &bric.
Inspect silt fence when rain is forecast Perform necessary maintenance, or
maintenance required by the Resident Engineer (RE).
Inspect silt fence foUowing rainfall events. Perftsm maintenance as
necessary, or as required by the RE.
Maintain silt fences to provide an adequate sediment holding capacity.
Sediment shall be removed when the sediment accimiulation reaches one-
third (1/3) of the barrier height Removed sediment shall be incorporated in
the project at locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the
highway right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications.
Silt fences that are damaged and become unsuitable for the intended
purpose, as determined by the RE, shall be removed from the site of work,
disposed of outside the highway right-of-way in confonnance with the
Standard Specifications, and replaced with new silt fence barriers.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Bast Management Practices Manual Silt Fence SC-1
NovemberSOOO 3of S
_ Silt Fence SC-1
Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal of
the temporary silt fences shall be backfilled and repaired in conformance
with the Standard Specifications.
Remove silt fence when no longer needed or as required by the RE. Fill
and compact post holes and anchorage trench, remove sediment
accumulation, and grade fence alignment to blend with adjacmt ground.
Caltruis Storm Ws^ Quality H^xfeooks
Construction Sita Best Mariagement Practices Manual Silt Fence SC-1
a^^tHv Nowwnber2000 4 0(5
£0 X H Teod lUm
(SH nsut e, T * te}
-1 Z mat dlunatar — 3
—1 U'-^
'Sindbifi (2-l>,tn high)
Tl (D 3
Canttmcl lha lanftli tl Hieh ntOi wi that tl (JenltaD *laBt tu niich dHt nel iiotid 1, . . buiicr, U) no uat riuiU thi rtuh lanjlh ixcui
Tb> lut E.S m B[ t*Bei ihiU b* tinned up •lop*
Sttlci diDMUlsu m ntmluL
Unicnitqn mty wy ta fit ItdM nofedltlon'
B, einku ikall ba aftti •! S.fi « mnliouDi uid ihdl bi
pHlUcHi*d OB dmnutrun ild* of (ust.
t. StAlua ta ovtrUkp uid luat Cabrto ID fold vomid «Hb iil*k« M* luU turn. Imon labrlo Iv tUln >ltb 4 staplK
T, BUlM* Aan b« drlm U|>iU, lst*U»r te jmnst patantl*! lUiv-Uimifh et »dkn>Bt mt Mnt. Tlw Uu >t th* italui •hill bt (Huml >ilh win,
B. ror nd lUki, J*DH l4brLa ahBU b« fahlBd erouad tto •tokea
on* full turji and i«ured vtlh i itaplH,
lOnLmuai 4 itiflu par lUdu. Umtoalixu >hnni mr. tygiliuL
10. Craia buTlwi lb*]] bl • Biliinun ol 1/a uid • nKiimum sf i/i tha bolflil ol Ih* Uiinr barrlH'.
UklBtoiiuai epoinu (bill b< ••dLBHil rotoalu lohbid ^1 l*iu*.
la. Mnl>| watlBn (hdl Ml b* fUaai t\ nunp lagtUeiu,
13. 8(Bdb*( mn OBd lojFin ihoU bi oftat 1* *UDilBtl* fapi
Tunptd backlU
Slop* dLrtcUoB
DliKtlsn Gl tloir
Ituc roHti - IM Bl (Ste rM* 1)
Croi* bBirt*r
(SB* BOll ID>
TM Bl ikipc
Fiber Rolls SC-5
BMP Oblectives
Soil Stabilization
Sediment Control
Tracking Control
Wind Erosion Control
NcHi-Storm Water Management
MateriE^s and Waste Management
Definition and
A fiber roll consists of straw, flax, or other similar materials that are rolled and
bound into a ti^t tubular roll and placed on the face of slopes at regular intervals
to intercept runoff, reduce its flow velocity, release the runoff as sheet flow, and
provide some removal of sediment from the runoff.
May be used along the top, face, and at grade breaks of exposed and
erodible slopes to shorten slope length and spread runoff as sheet flow.
Fiber rolls may be used as check dams if ^proved by the Resident
Engineer (RE).
This BMP may be implemented on a project-by-project basis with other
BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the RE.
Is a relatively new sediment control/soil stabilization technology.
Effectiveness and capabilities in the field are not conq)letely known.
Although fiber rolls provide some sediment removal, this BMP is not to be
used in place of a linear sediment barrier (i.e., a silt fence, sandbag t)arrier,
or straw bale barrier).
Standards and Fiber Roll Materials
Specifications ,. .,
Fiber rolls shall be either
(1) prefabricated rolls; or,
(2) rolled tubes of erosion control blanket
Cattrans Storm Watra* Quality Hantfixx^
Construction Site Best Managanent Practices Manual
Movent 2000
Rber Rolls SC«
1 Of3
Fiber Rolls SC-5
Assembly of Field Rolled Fiber Roll
Roll length of erosion control blanket into a tube of minunum 200 mm (8
in) diameter.
Bind roll at each end and every 1.2 m (4 ft) along length of roll with jute-
type twine.
Locate fiber rolls on level contours spaced 2.4 to 6.0 m (8 to 20 ft) along the
face of slope, or as required by the RE.
Stake fiber rolls into a 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 in) trench.
Drive stakes at the end of each fiber roll and spaced 1.2 m (4 ft) maximum
on center.
Use wood stakes with a nominal classification of 19 by 19 ram (3/4 by 3/4
in), and minimiun length of 600mm (24 in).
If more than one fiber roll is placed in a row, the rolls shall be butted; not
Fiber rolls are typically left in place.
If fiber rolls are removed, collect and dispose of sediment accumulation,
and fiU and compact holes, trenches, depressions or any other groimd
distiut)ance to blend with adjacent grotmd.
Maintenance and Repair or replace split, torn, unraveling, or slumping fiber rolls,
Inspect fiber rolls when rain is forecast. Perform maintenance as needed or
as required by the RE.
Inspect fiber rolls following rainfall events and a least daily during
prolonged raintalt. Perform maintenance as needed or as required by the
Caltrans Storm Water QuaTity \iandbooks
ConstrucSon Ste Bast Maiiagement Practl(»s Manual Fiber Rolls SC-5
November2000 2of3 Mbmnr
Fiber Rolls SC-5
Install fiber roll
along a levd contour.
Vertical spacing
meosured along
face of the slope
varies between
2.4 m and 6.0 m
Install a fiber roll near
slope where it transitions
into a steeper slope
Fiber roll
200 mm min
19 mm X
wood stakes
max 1.2 m
Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Hancft}ooks
Construction Site Best Manaoement Awticas Manual
November 2000
Fber Rolls S&«
street Sweeping and Vacuuming SC-7
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabilization
Sedment Control
Tracking Control
Wind Erosion Cwitrol
Non-Storm Water Managem^
Materials and Waste Managemait
Definition and
Practices to remove tracked sediment to prevent the sediment from entering a
storm drain or watercourse.
These practices are implemented anywhere sediment is tracked from the project
site onto public or private paved roads, typically at points of egress.
Limitations Sweeping and vacuuming may not be effective when soil is wet or muddy.
Do not use kick brooms or sweeper attachments.
Inspect potential sediment tracking locations daily.
Visible sediment tracking shall be swept and vacuimied on a daily basis.
Standards and
Maintenance and
If not mixed with debris or trash, consider incorporating the removed
sediment back into the project
Inspect ingress/egress axxess points daUy and sweep tracked sediment as
needed, or as required by the Resident Engineer (RE).
Be careful not to sweep up any unknown substance or any object that may
l>e potentially hazardous.
Adjust brooms frequently; maximize efficiency of sweeping operations.
After sweeping is finished, properly dispose of sweeper wastes at an
approved dumpsite in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of
the Standard Specifications.
Caflnvts Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Street Sweeping and Vacuuming SC-7
1 of 1
storm Drain Inlet Protection sc-io|
BMP Objectives
• Soil Stabiltzatron
• Sedment Control
• Tracking Conb^
• Wind Eroskm Control
• Non-Storm Water Managemwt
• Materials and Waste ManagemOTt
Definition and Devices used at storm drain inlets that are subject to runoff from construction
Purpose activities to detain and/or to filter sediment-laden runoff to allow sediment to
settie and/or to filter sediment prior to discharge of storm water into storm water
drainage systems or watercourses.
Where ponding will not encroach into highway trafiic.
Where sediment laden surface runoff may enter an inlet
Where disturbed drainage areas have not yet been permanentiy stabilized.
Where the drainage area is 0.4 ha (1 ac) or less.
Appropriate during wet and snow-melt seasons.
Use only when ponding will not encroach into highway traffic or onto
erodible surges and slopes. If safety is a concem, use other methods of
temporary protection to prevent sediment-laden storm water and non-storm
water discharges to enter the storm drain system.
Sediment removal may be difficult in high flow conditions or if runoff is
heavily sediment laden. If hi^ flow conditions are expected, use other on-
site sediment trapping techniques in conjunction witii inlet protection.
Frequent maintenance is reqmred.
For drainage areas larger than 0.4 ha (1 ac), runoff shall be routed to a
sediment tipping device designed for larger flows. See BMPs SC-2,
"Desilting Basin", and SC-3 "Sediment Traps".
Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Ste Bast Management Practices Muiual
November 2000
Stomi Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
1 0f6
^ storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
Filter fabric fence inlet protection appropriate in open areas is subject to
sheet fiow and for flows not exceeding 0.014 m^/s (0.5 cfs).
Sandbag barriers for inlet protection are applicable when sheet flows or
concentrated flows exceed 0.014 m^/s (0.5 c&), and it is necessary to allow
for overtopping to prevent flooding.
Excavated drop inlet sediment traps are appropriate where relatively heavy
flows are expected and overflow capability is needed.
Standards and identify existing and/or plaimed storm drain inlets that have the potential to
Specifications receive sediment-laden surfece ranoff. Determine if storm drain inlet protection
is needed, and which method to use.
Methods and Installation
DI Protection Type 1 - FUter Fabric Fence - The filter fabric fence (Type
1) protection is illustrated in Page 4. Similar to constructing a silt fence.
See BMP SC-1, "Silt Fence". Do not place filter febric undemeath tiie inlet
grate since the collected sediment may fall into the drain inlet when the
fabric is removed or replaced.
DI Protection Type 2-Excavated Drop Iniet Sediment Trap-The
excavated drop inlet sediment trap (Type 2) is illustrated in Page 5. Similar
to constmcting a temporary silt fence. See BMP SC-1, "Silt Fence". Size
excavated trap to provide a minimum storage capacity calculated at the rate
of 130 m'/ha (67 yd^/ac) of drainage area.
DI Protection Type 3 - Sandbt^ Barrier ~ The sandbag barrier (Type 3) is
illustrated in Page 6. Flow fix)m a severe storm shall not overtop the curb.
In areas of high clay and silts, use filter fabric and gravel as additional filter
media. Construct sandbags in accordance with BMP SC-8, "Sandbag
Maintenance and General
Inspect all inlet protection devices before and after eveiy rainfall event, and
weekly during the rest of the rainy season. During extended rain&Il events,
inspect inlet protection devices at least once every 24 hours.
Inspect the storm drain inlet after severe storms in the rainy season to check
for bypassed material.
Remove all inlet protection devices within thirty days after the site is
stabilized, or when the inlet protection is no longer needed.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual Storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
ff^^gg^ November 2000 2 of 6
storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
Bring the distuihed area to final grade and smooth and compact it.
Appropriately stabilize all bare areas aroimd the inlet
Clean and re-grade area around the inlet and clean the inside of the
storm drain inlet as it must be free of sediment and debris at the time of
final inspection.
Requirements by Method
Type I - Filter Fabric Fence
Make sure the stakes are securely driven in the groimd and are in good
shape (i.e., not bent, cracked, or splintered, and are reasonably
perpendicular to the ground). Replace damaged stakes.
Replace or clean tiie febric when the ^imc becomes clogged with
sediment. Make sure the fabric does not have any holes or tears.
Repair or replace &bric as needed or as directed by the Resident
Engineer (RE).
At a minimum, remove the sediment behind the febric fence when
accumulation reaches one-third the height of tiie fence or barrier
height Removed sediment shall be incorporated in the project at
locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway
right-of-way in conformance with the Standard Specifications.
Type 2 ~ Excavated Drop Inlet Sediment Trap
Remove sediment fixjm basm when the volume of the basin has been
reduced by one-half
Type 3 • Sartdbag Barrier
Inspect ba^ for holes, gashes, and snags.
Check sandbags for proper arrangement and displacement Remove
the sediment behind the harrier when it reaches one-third the height of
the barrier. Removed sediment shall be incorporated in the project at
locations designated by the RE or disposed of outside the highway
right-of-way in confonnance with the Standard Specifications.
Cdtrans Storm Water Ckiality Handbooks
Consmjction Ste Best Mmagemant Practices Manual
a^bvm NovendierZOOO
Storm [}rain Inlet Protectkm SC-10
3of 6
storm Drain inlet Protection sc-io|
-Geotextile Blanket
-Drain inlet
Silt Fence per SC-01
Sheet flow
Less than
0.4 ha (1 ac)
150 mm Min
overlap at ends
of siit fence.
Geotextile Blanket
Silt Fence per SC—01
1. For use in areas where grading has been completed and final sot! stabilization
and seeding ore pending.
2. Not applicable in paved areas.
3. Not applicable with concentrated flows.
Caltrans Storm Water CKtality Han(ftod(S
Construction Ste Best Management Practices ManutU
November 2000
Storm Drain Net Protection SC-10
storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
•Stabilize area and
grade uniformly
around perimeter
Siit fence Per SC-01
300 mm Min
600 mm Max
Remove sediment
before reaching
one-third full.
Section A—A
Concentrated Rock fifter(use if flow
is concentrated)
Edge of
sediment trap
Drain Inlet
X Blanket
•—Silt fence Per SC-01
1. For use in cleared and grubbed and in graded areas.
2. Shape basin so that longest inflow orea faces longest length of trap.
3. For concentrated flows, shape basin in 2:1 ratio with length oriented
towards direction of flow.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Cmstniction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Stomi Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
storm Drain Inlet Protection SC-10
Spillway, 1—bag high .Sondbogs
2—bags high
spillway, 1—bag high Sandbags
2-bags high
1. Intended for short-term use.
2. Use to inhibit non—storm water flow.
3. Allow for proper maintenance and cleonup.
4. Bags must be removed after adjacent operation is completed
5. Not applicable in areas with high silts and clays without filter fabric.
Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Storm DrEun Inlet Protection SC-10
Wind Erosion Control |WE-1
BMP Objectives
SoH Stabilization
Sediment Control
Tracking Control
Wind Erosion CminA
Non-Stonn Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and Wind erosion control consists of applying water or other dust palliatives as
Purpose necessary to prevent or alleviate dust nuisance. Dust control shall be applied in
accordance with Caltrans standard practices. Covering of small stoclq)iles or
areas is an altemative to applying water or other dust palliatives.
Appropriate This practice is implemented on all exposed soils subject to wind erosion.
Limitations Effectiveness depends on soil, temperature, humidity and wind velocity.
Standards and
Water shall be applied by means of pressure-type distributors or pipelines
equipped with a spray system or hoses and nozzles that will ensure even
All distribution equipment shall be equipped with a positive means of
Unless water is applied by means of pipelines, at least one mobile unit shall
be available at all times to apply water or dust palliative to the project.
If reclaimed waste water is used, the sources and discharge must meet
Califomia Department of Health Services water reclamation criteria and the
Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements. Non-potable water
shall not be conveyed in tanks or drain pipes that vrill be used to convey
potable water and there shall be no connection between potable and non-
potable supplies. Non-potable tanks, pipes and other conveyances shall be
Materials applied as temporary soil stabilizers and soil binders will also
provide wind erosion control benefits.
JH9t.Cidtrans storm Water Quafity Hancttxnks
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual Wind Eroston Control WE-1
November2000 lof2
Wind Erosion Control WE-1
Maintenance and
Check areas protected to ensure coverage.
Implement requirements of Section 10 of the Caltrans Standard
Specifications as appropriate.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Manaoement Practices Manual
Novrantier 2000
Wind Eroskin Control WE-1
2of 2
o Water Conservation Practices NS-1
BMP Objectives
* Soil Stabilization
* Sediment Control
• Traddng Control
* Wind Erosnn Coitrd
• Non-Stonn Water Management
• Materids £md Waste Management
Definition and
Standards and
Maintenance and
Water conservation practices are activities that use water during the constmction of
a project in a manner that avoids causing erosion and/or the transport of pollutants
off site.
Water conservation practices are implemented wherever water is used.
Applies to all constmction projects.
None identified.
Keep water equipment in good working condition.
Repair water leaks promptiy.
Washing of vehicles and equipment on the construction site is discouraged.
Avoid using water to clean construction areas. Paved areas shall be swept
and vacuumed.
Direct constmction water runoff to areas where it can soak into the ground.
Apply water for dust control in accordance with Section 10 of the Standard
hispect water equipment at least weekly.
caltrans Stonn Water QuaHty Handbooks
Constmction Ste Best Managemant Practices Manual
{November 2000
Water Consen/atkm Practices NS-1
1 of 1
Paving and Grinding Operations NS-3
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabaizatk)n
Sedment Control
Traddng Conbol
Wind Erosion Control
Non-Stonn Water Manag^nent
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and Procedures tiiat minimize pollution of storm water nmoff during pavmg
Purpose operations, including new paving and preparation of existing paved surfaces for
Appropriate These procedures are implemented where pavmg, surfacing, resurfecing, or
Applications sawcutting, may pollute storm water runoff or discharge to the storm drain system
or watercourses.
Standards and
Finer solids are not effectively removed by filtration systems.
Paving opportunities may be Umited during wet weather.
Substances used to coat asphalt transport tmcks and asphalt tmcks and
asphalt spreading equipment shall not contain soap and shall be non-
foaming and non-toxic.
Place drip pans or absoihent materials imder paving equipment while not in
use, to catoh and/or contain drips and leaks. See also BMP WM-10,
"Liquid Waste Management".
When paving involves asphaltic concrete (AC), the following steps shall be
iiiq)lemented to prevent the discharge of grinding residue, uncompacted or
loose AC, tack coats, equipment cleaners, or unrelated paving materials:
Minimize the washing of sand or gravel fit)m new asphalt into storm
drains, streets, and creeks by sweeping where practical.
Old or spilled asphalt must be disposed as approved by the Resident
Engineer (RE).
CE^trans Stwm Water Quality Handbodts
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
Paving £uid Grinding C^rations NS-3
1 of 4
Paving and Grinding Operations NS-3
AC grindings, pieces, or chunks used in embankments or shoulder
backing must not be allowed to enter any storm drains or watercourses.
Apply temporary perimeter controls until structure is stabilized or
permanent controls are in place. Examples of tenqwrary perimeter
controls can be found in the foUowmg BMPs: SS-10, "Earth
Dikes/Drainage Swales & Ditehes"; SC-1, '*SiIt Fence"; or SC-5,
"Fiber Rolls".
Collect and remove all broken asphalt and recycle Viiien practical;
otherwise, dispose in accordance with Standard Specification 7-1.13.
Any AC chunks and pieces used in embankments must be placed above
the water table and covered by at least 0.3m (1 ft) of material.
Use only non-toxic substances to coat asphalt transport tmcks and
asphalt spreading equipment
Dramage inlet stmctures and manholes shall be covered with filter fabric
during application of seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, and/or fog seal.
Seal coat tack coat slurry seal, or fog seal shall not be applied if rainfall is
predicted to occur during the application or curing period.
Clean asphalt coated equipment off-site whenever possible. When cleaning
dry, hardened asphalt from equipment, manage hardened asphalt debris as
described in BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste Managemenf'. Any cleaning on
site shall follow BMP NS-8, "Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning".
Do not wash sweepings fi-om exposed aggregate concrete into a storm drain
system. Collect and retum to aggregate base stockpile, or dispose of
Allow aggregate rinse to settie. Then, either allow rinse water to dry in a
temporary pit as described in BMP WM-08, "Concrete Waste
Managemenf, or pump the water to tiie sanitary sewer if allowed by the
local wastewater authority.
Do not allow saw-cut Poitiand Concrete Cement (PCC) slurry to enter
storm drains or watercourses. Residue fix)m grinding operations shall be
picked up by means of a vacuum attachment to the grinding machine, shall
not be allowed to fiow across the pavement, and shall not be left on the
surfece ofthe pavement. See also BMP WM-8, "Concrete Waste
Management"; and BMP WM-10, "Liquid Waste Managemenf*.
Caltrans ^rm Water Quality Handbocdcs
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000 Paving and Grinding Operatkins NS^
2 of 4
Paving and Grinding Operations
W -------
Pavement Grinding and Removal
Collect digout material by mechanical or manual methods. This material
may be recycled if ^proved by the RE for use as shoulder backing or base
material at locations approved by the RE.
If digout material cannot be recycled, transport the material back to a
Maintenance &ciUty or approved storage site.
Digout activities shall not be conducted in the rain.
When ^proved by the RE, stockpile material removed &om roadways
away from drain inlets, drainage ditohes, and watercourses.
Disposal of PCC and AC waste shall be in conformance with Section
15-3.02 ofthe Standard Specifications. See also BMP WM-8, "Concrete
Waste Management".
Thermoplastic Striping
All thermoplastic striper and pre-heater equipment shutoff valves shall be
inspected to ensure tiiat tiiey are working properiy to prevent leaking
thermoplastic fix)m entering dram inlets, the storm water drainage system,
or watercourses.
The pre-heater shall be filled carefully to prevent splashing or spilling of
hot thermoplastic. Leave six inches of space at the top of the pre-heater
contamer when filling thermoplastic to allow room for material to move
when the vehicle is deadheaded.
Contractor shall not pre-beat transfer, or load thermoplastic near drain
inlets or watercourses.
Clean track beds daily of loose debris and melted thermoplastic. When
possible recycle thermoplastic material. Thermoplastic waste shall be
disposed of in accordance with Standard Specification 7-1.13.
Raised/Recessed Pavement Marker Application and Removal
Do not transfer or load bitiiminous material near drain inlets, the storm
water drainage system or watercourses.
Meltmg tanks shall be loaded with care and not filled to beyond six inches
from the top to leave room for splashing when vehicle is deadheaded.
When servicing or filling melting tanks, ensure all pressure is released
before removing lids to avoid spills.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Ste Best Man^ement Practices Manual Paving and Grindhig C^rations NS-3
November2000 3of4
Paving and Grinding Operations NS-3
Maintenance and
On large scale projecte, use mechanical or manual methods to collect excess
bimminous material from the roadway after removal of markers.
Waste shall be disposed of in accordance with Standard Specification
Inspect and maintain machinery regularly to minimize leaks and drips.
Ensure that employees and subcontractors are implementing appropriate
measures during paving operations.
c Caltrans St(»m Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Paving and Grinding Operatkms NS-3
4 of 4
"Jl"*"'*-Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge
Detection and Reporting
BMP Objectives
• Soil Stabilization
• Sediment Control
• Tracking Contrd
• Wind Erosnn Contitil
• Non-Stomi Water Management
• Materials ^ Waste Management
Definition and Procedures and practices designed for constmction contractors to recognize illicit
Purpose connections or illegally dumped or discharged materials on a construction site and
report incidents to tiie Resident Engineer (RE).
Appropriate Illicit connection/illegal discharge detection and reporting is applicable
Applications anytime an illicit discharge is discovered or illegally dunked material is
found on the constmction site.
This best management practice (BMP) appUes to all constmction projects.
Limitations Unlabeled or non-identifiable material shall be assumed to be hazardous.
Illicit connections and illegal discharges or dumping, for the purposes of
this BMP, refer to discharges and dumping caused by parties other than the
Procedures and practices presented in this BMP are general. Contractor
shall use extreme caution, immediately notify the RE when illicit
connections or illegal dumping or discharges are discovered, and take no
fiirther action unless directed by the RE.
If pre-existing hazardous materials or wastes are known to exist on site, the
contractoi's responsibility will be detailed in separate special provisions.
Caltrans Stwm Water Quality Hstfidbooks . Construction Ste Best Management Practices Muiual Illicit Connection^liegal Discharge Dete^on and Reporting N&«
November 2000 1 of 3
NS-6 Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge
Detection and Reporting
standards and planning
Specifications inspect site before beginning tiie job for evidence of illicit connections or
illegal dumping or discharges.
Inspect site regularly during project execution for evidence of illicit
cormections or illegal dumping or discharges.
Observe site perimeter for evidence or potential of illicitly discharged or
illegally dumped material which may enter the job site.
Identification of illicit connections and illegal dumping or discharges.
Solids - Look for debris, or mbbish piles. Solid waste dumping often
occurs on roadways with light traffic loads or in areas not easily visible
from the traveled way.
Liquids - signs of illegal liquid dumping or discharge can include:
Visible signs of staining or unusual colors to the pavement or
surrounding adjacent soils
Pungent odors coming firom the drainage systems.
Discoloration or oily substances in the water or stains and residues
detained witiiin ditches, channels or drain boxes.
Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season.
Urban Areas - Evidence of illicit connections or illegal discharges is
typically detected at storm drain outfall locations or at manholes. Signs of
an illicit connection or illegal discharge can include:
Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season.
Unusual flows in subdrain systems used for dewatering.
Pungent odors coming from the drainage systems.
Discoloration or oily substances in the water or stains and residues
detained within ditches, channels or drain boxes.
Excessive sediment deposits, particularly adjacent to or near active off-
site constmction projects.
C^trans Storm Water Qusdity Handbooks
Constmction Site Best Management Practices Manual Illicit Connection/lllegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-6
Novanber2000 2of 3
Illicit Connection/lllegal
Detection and Reporting
Rural Areas - Illicit connections or illegal discharges involving irrigation
drainage ditehes are detected by visual inspections. Signs of an illicit
discharge can include:
Abnormal water flow during the dry weather season.
Non-standard junction stmctures.
Broken concrete or other disturbances at or near junction structures.
Notify the RE of any illicit connections and illegal dumping or discharge
incidents at the time of discovery. The RE will notify the District Storm
Water Coordinator for reporting.
Cleanup and The contractor is not responsible for investigation and clean up of illicit or illegal
Removal dumping or discharges not generated by the contractor. Caltrans may direct
contractor to clean up non-hazardous dumped or discharged material on the
••-^ constmction site.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Hanctt>od(s
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting NS-6
November 2000 3°* 3
Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabilization
Sediment Control
Traddng Contrd
Wind EroskHi Control
Non-Stonn Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
Procedures and practices used to minimize or eliminate the discharge of pollutants
fi-om vehicle and equipment cleaning operations to storm drain system or to
These procedures are applied on all constmction sites where vehicle and
equipment cleaning is performed.
Limitations None.
Standards and
On-site vehicle and equipment washing is discouraged.
Cleaning of vehicles and equipment with soap, solvents or steam shall not
occur on the project site unless the Resident Engineer (RE) has been
notified in advance and the resulting wastes are fiilly contained and
disposed of outside the hi^way right-of-way in confonnance with the
provisions in Section 7-1.13 ofthe Standard Specifications. Resulting
wastes shall not be discharged or buried within the highway right-of-way.
Vehicle and equipment wash water shall be contained for percolation or
evaporative drying away fiom storm drain inlets or watocourses and shall
not be discharged witiiin the highway right-of-way.
All vehicles/equipment that regularly enter and leave the constmction site
must be cleaned off-site.
When vehicle/equipment washing/cleaning must occur on-site, and the
operation cannot be located within a stmcture or building equipped with
appropriate disposal facilities, the outside cleaning area shall have the
Cattrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Ste Best Managwnant Rwitlces Manual
Vehide and Equipment Cleaning NS-8
1 of2
Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
Maintenance and
following characteristics, and shall be arranged with the construction storm
water coordinator
Located away from storm drain inlets, dramage fiicilities, or
Paved with concrete or asphalt and bermed to contain wash waters and
to prevent run-on and runoff
Configured with a sump to allow collection and disposal of wash water
Wash waters shall not be discharged to storm drains or watercourses
Used only when necessary
When cleaning vehicles/equipment with water:
Use as littie water as possible. High pressure sprayers may use less
water than a hose, and shall be considered.
Use positive shutoff valve to minimize water usage.
The control measure shall be inspected at a minimum of once a week
Monitor employees and subcontractors throughout the duration ofthe
constmction project to ensure a|)propriate practices are being implemented.
Inspect sump regularly and remove liquids and sediment as needed or as
directed by the RE.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality HamftxMks
Consmiction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
V^k^e and Equ^sment Clewing NS-8
Vehicle and Equipment Fueling
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabilization
Sediment Control
Tracking Control
Wind Eroston Contrd
Non-Stonn Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of fiiel spills and
Purpose leaks into the storm drain system or to watercourses.
Appropriate These procedures are applied on all construction sites where vehicle and
Applications equipment fueling takes place. I
Standards and
On-site vehicle and equipment fueling shall only be used where it's
impractical to send vehicles and equipment off-site for fueling.
When fueling must occur on-site, the contractor shall select and designate
an area to be used, subject to approval of the Resident Engineer (RE).
Absorbent spill clean-up materials and spill kits shall be available in fueling
areas and on fueling tracks and shall be disposed of properly after use.
Drip pans or absoihent pads shall be used during vehicle and equipment
fiieling, unless the fueling is performed over an impermeable surface in a
dedicated fueling area.
Dedicated fueling areas shall be protected from storm water run-on and
runoff, and shall be located at least 15 m from downstream drainage
faciUties and watercourses. Fueling must be performed on level-grade
Nozzles used in vehicle and equipment fueling shall be equipped with an
automatic shut-off to control drips. Fueling operations shall not be left
Caltrans Stonn Water Chjality Handbooks
Constmction Site Best Management Practices Manual
l4ov«nber 2000
Vehicle and Equipment Fueling NS-9
1 of2
Vehicle and Equipment Fueling TOP
Maintenance and
Protect fiieling areas witii berms and/or dikes to prevent run-on, mnoff, and
to contain spills.
Use vapor recovery nozzles to help control drips as well as air pollution
where required by Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD).
Fuel tanks shall not be "topped-off."
Vehicles and equipment shall be inspected on each day of use for leaks.
Leaks shall be repaired immediately or problem vehicles or equipment shall
be removed from the project site.
Absorbent materials shall be used on small spills instead of hosing down or
burying techniques. The spent absoibent material shall be removed
promptly and disposed of properiy.
Federal, state, and local requirements shall be observed for any stationary
above ground storage tanks.
Mobile fueling of constmction equipment throughout the site shall be
minimized. Whenever practical, equipment shall be transported to the
designated fueling area.
Fueling areas and storage tanks shall be inspected on a regular basis.
Keep an ample supply of spill cleanup material on the site.
Immediately cleanup spills and properly dispose of contaminated soil and
cleanup materials.
Cattrans Stomn Water Quality Hancfl>ooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Vetiide and Equt|xnent Fueling NS-9
2 of 2
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance NS-10
BMP Objectives
Soil St£^jlization
Sedment Centred
Traddng Control
Wind Erosion Contiul
Non-Stonn Water Management
Materials and Waste Muiagement
Definition and
Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to
the storm drain system or to watercourses from vehicle and equipment
maintenance procedures.
These procedures are applied on all constmction projects where an on-site yard
area is necessary for storage and maintenance of heavy equipment and vehicles.
Limitations None identified.
Standards and
Drip pans or absorbent pads shall be used during vehicle and equipment
maintenance work that involves fluids, unless the maintenance work is
performed over an impermeable surface in a dedicated maintenance area.
All fueling tmcks and fueling areas are required to have spill kits and/or use
other spill protection devices.
Dedicated maintenance areas shall be protected from storm water run-on
and mnoff, and shall be located at least 15 m from downstream drainage
facilities and watercourses.
Drip Pans or plastic sheeting shall be placed under all vehicles and
equipment placed on docks, barges, or other stmctures over water bodies
when the vehicle or equipment is plarmed to be idle for more than one hour.
Absorbent spill clean-up materials sliall be available in maintenance areas
and shall be disposed of properly after use.Substances used to coat asphalt
transport tmcks and asphalt spreading equipment shall be non-toxic.
Drainage inlet sttuctures and manholes shall be covered with filter febric
Caltrans Storm Water Ckiality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Vehide and Equipment Maintenance NS-10
1 of2
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance NS-10
Maintenance and
when seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal is applied to adjacent
surfaces. Seal coat, tack coat slurry seal, or fog seal shall not be appUed if
rainfall or thunderstorms are predicted to occur during the application or
curing period.
Use off-site maintenance facilities whenever practical.
For long-term projects, consider using portable tents or covers over
maintenance areas.
Properly dispose of used oils, fluids, lubricants and spill cleanup materials.
Do not dump fuels and lubricants onto the ground.
Do not place used oil in a dumpster or pour into a storm drain or
Properly dispose of or recycle used batteries.
Do not bury used tires.
Repair leaks of fluids and oil immediately.
Provide spill containment dikes or secondary containment around stored oil
and chemical drums.
Maintain waste fiuid containers in leak proof condition.
Vehicle and equipment maintenance areas shall be inspected regularly.
Vehicles and equipment shall be inspected on each day of use. Leaks shall
be repaired immediately or the problem vehicle(s) or equipment shall be
removed from the project site.
Inspect equipment for damaged hoses and leaky gaskets routinely. Repair
or replace as needed.
Cattrans Stomi Water Quaiity Handbodcs
Constmi^on Site Best Managonent Practices Manuid
Vehk:le wd Equipment Mfuntenance NS-10
Section 8
Waste Management and Materials Pollution
Control Best Management Practices
8.1 Definitions
Waste management and materials pollution control best management practices (BMPs), like non-
storm water management BMPs, are source control BMPs that prevent pollution by limiting or
reducing potential pollutants at their source before they come ui contact with storm water. These
BMPs also involve day-to-day operations of the construction site and are under the control ofthe
Contractor, and are additional "good housekeeping practices", which involve keeping a clean,
orderly constmction site.
8.1.1 Waste Management BMPs
Waste management consists of implementing procedural and structural BMPs for handling, storing,
and disposing of wastes generated by a construction project to prevent the release of waste materials
into storm water discharges. Waste management includes the following BMPs:
" Spill Prevention and Control
• Solid Waste Management
• Hazardous Waste Management
• Contaminated Soil Management
• Concrete Waste Management
• Sanitary/Septic Waste Management
• Liquid Waste Management
8.1.2 Materials Pollution Control BMPs
Materials pollution control (also called materials handling) consists of implementing procedural and
structural BMPs for handling, storing, and using constmction materials to prevent the release of
diose materials into storm water discharges. The objective is to reduce the opportunity for rainfall to
come in contact with these materials. These controls shall be implemented for all applicable
activities, material usage and site conditions. Materials handling practices include the following
• Material Delivery, and Storage
• Material Use
• Stockpile Management
Caltrans Stonn Water QuaTity Handbooks
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual Sectk>n 8
November 2000 ^
Section 4
Non-Storm Water Management & Waste Manag&nent BMPs
Table 8-1 lists the waste management and materials pollution control BMPs. It is important to note
that all tiiese BMPs have been approved by Caltrans for statewide use and they shall be implemented
depending on the conditions/applicability of deployment described as part ofthe BMP.
Table 8-1
WM-1 Material DeHvery and Storage |
WM-2 Materia Use |
1 WM-3 Stockpile Managwnent j
1 WM-4 spill Prevention and Control |
1 WM-5 Sdid Waste Management {
Hazarctous Waste Management
1 WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management
WM-8 Concrete Waste Management
WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management |
WM-10 Liquid Waste Management |
The remainder of tiiis Section shows the working details for each of the waste management and
materials pollution control BMPs.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Hancfixwks
Construction Site Best Managttnent Practices Manud
a^bmm November 2000
Material Delivery and Storage WM-1
BMP Objectives
* Soil St£^ilization
* Sediment Control
• Tracking Control
* Wind Erosk»i Control
• Non-Stonn Water Management
• Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
Procedures and practices for the proper handling and storage of materials in a
manner that minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these materials to the storm
drain system or to watercourses.
These procedures are implemented at all construction sites with delivery and
storage of the following:
Pesticides and herbicides
Petroleum products such as fiiel, oil, and grease
Asphalt and concrete components
Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, glues, adhesives, paints, solvents,
and curing compounds
Concrete compounds
Other materials that may be detrimental if released to the environment
Limitations Space limitation may preclude indoor storage.
Storage sheds must meet building & fue code requirements.
Ccdtrans Storm Water Qu£dity Handbooks
Consbuction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Material Delivery £uid Ste»age WM-1
1 of 3
Material Delivery and Storage IAfM-1
Standards and General
Specifications jTain employees and subcontractors on the proper material delivery and
storage practices.
Temporary storage area shall be located away from vehicular traffic.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be supplied to tiie Resident
Engineer (RE) for all materials stored.
Material Storage Areas and Practices
Liquids, petroleum products, and substances listed in 40 CFR Parts 110,117, or
302 shall be handled in conformance with the following provisions:
Storage, preparation, and mixing shall be accomplished in temporary
containment facilities. Each temporary containment fecility shall provide a
spill containment volume equal to 1.5 times the volume of all containers
therein and shall be impervious to the materials contained therein for a
minimum contact time of 72 hours.
Sufficient separation shall be provided between stored containers to allow
''W for spill cleanup and emergency response access.
Incompatible materials, such as chlorine and ammonia, shall not be stored
in the same temporary containment fricility.
To provide protection fiT)m wind and rain, throughout the rainy season,
temporary containment facilities shall be covered during non-woridng days
and prior to rain events.
Temporary containment fecilities shall be maintained See of accumulated
rainwater and spills.
Materials shall be stored in their original containers and the original product
labels shall be maintained in place in a legible condition. Damaged or
otherwise illegible l£^ls shall be replaced immediately.
Liquid materials, petroleum products, and substances listed in 40 CFR Parts
110,117 or 302 shall be stored in approved containers and drums shall not
be overfilled. Containers shall be placed in temporary containment
f^iUties for storage.
Bagged and boxed materials shall be stored on pallets and shall not be
allowed to accumulate on the ground. To provide protection from wind and
rain, throu^out the rainy season, bagged and boxed materials shall be
covered during non-working days and prior to rain events. c
Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Material Delivery and Storage WM-1
November 2000 2 of 3
Material Delivery and Storage WM-1
Stockpiles shall be protected in accordance with BMP WM-3, "Stockpile
Minimize the material inventory stored on-site (e.g., only a few days
Store materials indoors within existmg stmctures or sheds when available.
Have proper storage instractions posted at all times in an open and
conspicuous location.
Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums, or bagged materials directly on
tiie ground. Place tiiese items on a pallet and when possible, under cover m
secondaiy containment.
Keep hazardous chemicals well labeled and in their original containers.
Keep ample supply of appropriate spill clean up material near storage areas.
Also see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste Management", for storing of
hazardous materials.
Material Delivery Practices
Keep an accurate, up-to-date inventory of material delivered and stored on-
Employees trained in emergency spill clean-up procedures shall be present
when dangerous materials or Uquid chemicals are unloaded.
Spill Clean-up
Contain and clean up any spill immediately.
ff significant residual materials remain on the ground after constraction is
complete, properly remove and dispose any hazardous materials or
contaminated soil.
See BMP WM-4, "Spill Prevention and Control", for spills of chemicals
and/or hazardous materials.
Maintenance and Storage areas shall be kept clean, well organized, and equipped with ample
Inspection clean-up supplies as appropriate for the materials being stored.
Perimeter controls, containment stmctures, covers, and Uners shall be
repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper function.
Inspect storage areas before and after rainfell events, and at least weekly
during other times.
Caltrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Material Ddivety and Storage WM-1
^j^g^ November 2000 3 of 3
Material Use
BMP Objectives
* Soil Stabilization
* Sediment Control
* Tracking Confa'd
• Wind Erosion Control
• Non-Stonn Water Management
• Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
These are procedures and practices for use of construction material in a manner
that minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these materials to the storm drain
system or to watercourses.
This BMP applies to all constraction projects. These procedures sqjply when the
following materials are used or prepared on site:
Pesticides and herbicides
Petroleum products such as fuel, oiL and grease
Asphalt and other concrete components
Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, glues, adhesives, paints, solvents,
and curing compounds
Concrete compounds
Other materials that may be detrimental if released to the environment
Safer altemative building and construction products may not be available or
suitable in every instance.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best litanagament Practices Manual
November 2000
Material Use WM-2
1 of 2
Material Use
Standards and
Maintenance and
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be supplied to the Resident
Engineer (RE) for all materials.
Latex paint and paint cans, used brushes, rags, absorbent materials, and
drop cloths, when thoroughly dty and are no longer hazardous, may be
disposed of with other construction debris.
Do not remove tiie original product label, it contains important safety and
disposal information. Use the entire product before disposing ofthe
Mix paint indoors, or in a containment area. Never clean paintbrushes or
rinse paint containers into a street, gutter, storm drain or watercourse.
Dispose of any paint thinners, residue and sludge(s), that cannot be
recycled, as hazardous waste.
For water-based paint, clean brashes to the extent practical, and rinse to a
drain leading to a sanitary sewer where permitted, or into a concrete
washout pit or temporary sediment trap. For oil-based paints, clean brashes
to the extent practical and filter and reuse thinners and solvents.
Use recycled and less hazardous products when practical. Recycle residual
paints, solvents, non-treated lumber, and other materials.
Use materials only where and when needed to complete the constraction
activity. Use safer altemative materials as much as possible. Reduce or
eliminate use of hazardous materials on-site when practical.
Do not over-apply fertilizers and pesticides. Prepare only the amount
needed. Strictly follow the recommended usage instractions. Apply
surface dressings in smaller applications, as opposed to large applications,
to allow time for it to woric in and to avoid excess materials being carried
off-site by runoff.
Application of herbicides and pesticides shall be performed by a licensed
Contractors are required to complete the "Report of Chemical Spray Forms"
when spraying herbicides and pesticides.
Keep an ample supply of spill clean up material near use areas. Train
employees in spill clean up procedures.
Avoid exposing applied materials to rainfell and nmoff unless sufficient
time has been allowed for them to dry.
Spot check employees and subconttactors montitily throughout the job to
ensure appropriate practices are being employed.
Caltrans Stonn Water Quality IHs^xIbooks
Constmction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
htovember 2000
Material Use WM-2
stockpile Management
BMP Objectives
* Soil Stabilization
* Sediment Control
* Traddng Control
• WirKi Ero^on Contix>l
• Non-Stonn Water Management
• Materials and Waste Management
Definition and Procedures and practices to reduce or eliminate pollution of storm water from
Purpose stockpiles of soil, and paving materials such as portiand cement concrete (PCC)
rabble, asphalt concrete (AC), asphalt concrete rabble, aggregate base, aggregate
subbase or pre-mixed aggregate and asphalt minder (so called "cold mix"
Appropriate implemented in all projects that stockpile soil and paving materials.
Limitations None identified
Standards and
Protection of stockpiles is a year-round requirement.
Locate stockpiles away fi^m concentrated flows of storm water, drainage
courses, and inlets.
Protect all stockpiles from storm water run-on using a temporary perimeter
sediment barrier such as berms, dikes, silt fences or sandbag barriers.
Implem&it wind erosion control practices as appropriate on all stockpiled
material. For specific infomiation see BMP WE-1, "Wind Erosion
Stoclqiiles of contaminated soil shall be managed in accordance with BMP
WM-7 "Contaminated Soil Management".
Bagged materials should be placed on pallets and under cover.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbodfs
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Stockpile Management )AM-3
1 of 2
stockpile Management |WM-3
Protection of Non-Active Stockpiles
Non-active stockpiles ofthe identified materials shall be protected further as
During the ramy season, soil stockpiles shall be covered or protected
witii soil stabiUzation measures and a temporary perimeter sediment
barrier at all times.
During the non-rainy season, soil stockpiles shall be covered or
protected with a temporary perimeter sediment barrier prior to the onset
of precipitation.
Stockpiles of portiand cement concrete rubble, asphalt concrete, asphalt
concrete rubble, aggregate base, or aggregate subbase:
During the rainy season, die stoclq>iies shall be covered or protected
with a ten^rary perimeter sediment barrier at all times.
During the non-rainy season, the stockpiles shall be covered or
protected with a temporary perimeter sediment barrier prior to the onset
of precipitation.
Stockpiles of''cold mix":
During the rainy season, cold mix stoclq)iies shall be placed on and
covered with plastic or comparable material at all times.
During the non-rainy season, cold mix stockpiles shall be placed on
and covered with plastic or comparable material prior to the onset of
Protection of Active Stockpiles
Active stockpiles of die identified materials shall be protected fiirther as follows:
All stockpiles shall be protected with a temporary linear sediment barrier
prior to the onset of precipitation.
Stoclqjiles of "cold mix" shall be placed on and covered with plastic or
comparable material prior to the onset of precipitation.
Maintenance and Repair and/or replace perimeter controls and covers as needed, or as
Inspections directed by the RE, to keep tiiem functioning properiy.
Caltrans Stomn Water QuaNty Handbodts
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Stockpile Management WM-3
November200a 2 of 2
Spill Prevention and Control
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabilization
Sedment Control
Traddng Control
Wind EroskHi Control
Non-Stomi Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
These are procedures and practices implemented to prevent and control spills in a
manner that minimizes or prevents the discharge of spilled material to the
drainage system or watercourses.
Appropriate This best management practice (BMP) applies to all constraction projects. Spill
Application control procedures are implemented anytime chemicals and/or hazardous
substances are stored. Substances may include, but are not limited to:
Soil stabilizers/binders
Dust Palliatives
Growth inhibitors
Deicing/anti-icing chemicals
Other petroleum distillates
To the extent that the work can be accomplished safely, spills of oil, petroleum
products, substances listed under 40 CFR parts 110,117, and 302, and sanitaiy
and septic wastes shall be contained and cleaned up immediately.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality HarKbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
Novemtier 2000
Spill Prevention and Control WM-4
1 of4
Spill Prevention and Control
Standards and
This BMP only applies to spills caused by the conti-actor.
Procedures and practices presented in this BMP are general. Contractor
shall identify ^propriate practices for the specific materials used or stored
To the extent that it doesn*t compromise clean up activities, spills shall be
covered and protected from storm water mn-on during rainfell.
Spills shall not be buried or washed with water.
Used clean up materials, contaminated materials, and recovered spill
material that is no longer suitable for the intended purpose shall be stored
and disposed of in conformance with the provisions in these special
Water used for cleaning and decontamination shall not be allowed to enter
storm drains or watercourses and shall be collected and disposed of in
accordance with BMP WM-10, "Liquid Waste Management".
Water overflow or minor water spillage shall be contained and shall not be
allowed to discharge into drainage facilities or watercourses.
Proper storage, clean-up and spill reporting instruction for hazardous
materials stored or used on the project site shall be posted at all times in an
open, conspicuous and accessible location.
Waste storage areas shall be kept clean, well organized and equipped with
an^le clean-up supplies as appropriate for the materials being stored.
Perimeter controls, contaiiunent stmctures, covers and liners shall be
repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper function.
Educate employees and subcontractors on what a "significant spill" is for
each material they use, and what is the appropriate response for
"significant" and "insignificant" spills.
Educate employees and subcontractors on potential dangers to humans and
the environment from spills and leaks.
Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce appropriate disposal
procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings).
Establish a continuing education program to indoctrinate new employees.
Caftrans Stem Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Managemant Practices Manual
November 2000
Sf»ll Prevention and Control WM-4
2 of 4
Spill Prevention and Control
The Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee
and enforce proper spill prevention and control measures.
Clean up and Storage Procedures
Minor Spills
Minor spills ^ically involve small quantities of oil, gasoline, paint,
etc. which can be controlled by the first responder at the discovery of
the spill.
Use absorbent materials on small spills rather than hosing down or
burying the spill.
Remove the absorbent materials promptiy and dispose of property.
The practice commonly followed for a minor spill is:
1. Contain the spread of the spill.
2. Recover spilled materials.
3. Clean the contaminated area and/or properly dispose of
contaminated materials.
Semi-Significant Spills
Semi-significant spills still can be controlled by the fust responder
along with the aid of other persormel such as laborers and the foreman,
ete. This response may require the cessation of all other activities.
Clean up spills immediately:
1. Notify the project foreman immediately. The foreman shall notify
the Resident Engineer (RE).
2. Contain spread of the spill.
3. ff the spill occurs on paved or in^jeimeable surfaces, clean up
using "dry" methods (absorbent materials, cat litter and/or rags).
Contain the spill by encircling with absorbent materials and do not
let the spill spread widely.
4. If the spill occurs in dirt areas, immediately contain the spill by
constmcting an earthen dike. Dig up and properly dispose of
contaminated soil.
5. If the spill occurs during rain, cover spill with tarps or other
material to prevent contaminating runoff.
Ciritrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Spill Prevention and Contrd WM-4
^y^^ November2000 3 of 4
Spill Prevention and Control
Maintenance and
Significant/Hazardous Spills
For significant or hazardous spills that cannot be controlled by
personnel in the immediate vicinity, the following steps shall be taken:
1. Notify the RE immediately and follow up with a written reporL
2. Notify the local emei^ency response by dialing 911. In addition
to 911, the contractor will notify the proper county officials. It is
die contractor's responsibility to have all emergency phone
numbers at the constraction site.
3. Notify the Governor's Office of Emergency Services Waming
Center, (805) 852-7550.
4. For spills of federal reportable quantities, in conformance with the
requirements in 40 CFR parts 110,119, and 302, the contractor
shall notify tiie National Response Center at (800) 424-8802.
5. Notification shall first be made by telephone and followed up with
a written report.
6. The services of a spills contractor or a Haz-Mat team shall be
obtained immediately. Constraction personnel shall not attempt to
clean up until the appropriate and qualified staff have arrived at
the job site.
7. Other agencies which may need to be consulted include, but are
not limited to, die Fire Department, the Public Worits Department,
tiie Coast Guard, the Highway Patirol, the City/County Police
Department, Department of Toxic Substances, Califomia Division
of Oil and Gas, Cal/OSHA, etc.
Verify weekly that spill control clean up materials are located near material
storage, unloading, and use areas.
Update spill prevention and control plans and stock appropriate clean-up
materials whenever changes occur in the types of chemicals on site.
Caltr^ Stonn Water Quality Hancbooks
Construction Ste Best Management Practices Manual
ftovember 2000
Spill Prevention and Contrd WM-4
Solid Waste Management
BMP Objectives
• Soil Stabilization
• Sediment Control
• Tracking Contrd
• Wind Erosion Control
• Non-Storm Water Managemrait
• MateriEds and Waste Management
Definition and
These are procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of
pollutants to the drainage system or to watercourses as a result ofthe creation,
stockpiling, and removal of constraction site wastes.
Solid waste management practices are implemented on all constmction projects
that generate solid wastes.
Solid wastes include but are not limited to:
Constraction wastes including brick, mortar, timber, steel and metal scraps,
pipe and electrical cuttings, non-hazardous equipment parts, styrofoam and
other materials used to transport and package construction materials.
Highway planting wastes, including vegetative material, plant containers,
and packaging materials.
Litter, including food containers, beverage cans, coffee cups, paper bags,
plastic wrappers, and smoking materials, including litter generated by the
Temporary stocIq)iling of certain constmction wastes may not necessitate
stringent drainage related controls during the non-rainy season or in desert areas
with low rainfall.
Standards and
The Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee
and enforce proper soUd waste procedures and practices.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbodcs
Constmction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Sdid Waste Management WM-5
1 of 3
Solid Waste Management
Instmct employees and subcontractors on identification of solid waste and
hazardous waste.
Educate employees and subcontractors on solid waste storage and disposal
Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures
(incorporate into regular safety meetings).
Require that employees and subcontractors follow solid waste handlmg and
storage procedures.
Prohibit littering by employees, subcontractors, and visitors.
Wherever possible, minimize production of solid waste materials.
Collection, Storage, and Disposal
Littering on the project site shall be prohibited.
To prevent clogging of the storm drainage system litter and debris removal
from drainage grates, trash racks, and diteh lines shall be a priority.
'''•y^ Trash receptacles shall be provided in tiie Contractor's yard, field trailer
areas, and at locations where workers congregate for lunch and break
Litter from work areas within the constraction Umits of the project site shall
be collected and placed in water tight dumpsters at least weekly regardless
of whether tiie litter was generated by the Contractor, the public, or otiiers.
Collected litter and debris shall not be placed in or next to drain inlets,
storm water drainage systems or watercourses.
Dumpsters of sufficient size and number shall be provided to contain the
solid waste generated by the project.
Full dumpsters shall be removed from the project site and the contents shall
be disposed of outside the highway right of way in confonnance with the
provisions in Section 7-1.13 ofthe Standard Specifications.
Litter stored in collection areas and containers shall be handled and
disposed of by tr^h hauling contractors.
Materials that are disposed of or tenq)orarily stockpiled outside the highway
right-of-way but are visible fi^m the Highway, shall be in a neat and
orderiy fashion to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer (RE).
^ Storm water run-on shall be prevented from contacting stored solid waste
through the use of berms, dikes, or other temporary diversion stmctures or
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Solkl Waste Management WM-S
November 2000 2 of 3
Solid Waste Management
throug the use of measures to elevate waste form site surfaces.
Solid waste storage areas shall be located at least 15m from drainage
facilities and watercourses and shall not be located in areas prone to
flooding or ponding.
Except during fair weather, constraction and highway planting waste not
stored in watertight dumpsters shall be protected from wind and rain by
securely covering the waste with tarps or plastic sheeting or protected in
conformance with the aplicable Disturbed Soil Area protection.
Dumpster washout on the project site is not allowed.
Notify ti^h hauling contractors that only waterti^t dumpsters are
acceptable for use on-site.
Plan for additional containers during the demolition phase of constmction.
Plan for more frequent pickup during the demolition phase of constmction.
Designate on-site waste storage areas and obtain approval ofthe RE.
Segregate potentially hazardous waste from non-hazardous constraction site
Make sure that toxic liquid wastes (used oils, solvents, and paints) and
chemicals (acids, pesticides, additives, curing compounds) are not disposed
of in dumpsters designated for constraction debris.
Dispose of non-hazardous waste in accordance with Standard Specification
7-1.13, Disposal of Material Outside the Highway right-of-way.
For disposal of hazardous waste, see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste
Management". Have hazardous waste hauled to an appropriate disposal
and/or recycling facility.
Salvage or recycle useful vegetation debris, paclo^g and/or surplus
building materials when practical. For example, trees and shrabs fiom land
clearing can be used as a brush barrier, or converted into wood chips, then
used as mulch on graded areas. Wood pallets, cardboard boxes, and
constraction scraps can also be recycled.
Maintenance and The WPCM shall monitor on-site solid waste storage and disposal
Inspection procedures.
Police site for litter and debris.
Caltrsuis Stomn Water Quality Handbodcs
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sdid Waste Management WM-5
November 2000 3 of 3
Hazardous Waste Management
BMP Objectives
• Soil Stabilization
• Sediment Control
• Tracking Contrd
• Wind Erosion Control
• Non-Storm Water Management
• Materials and Waste Management
Definition and These are procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of
Purpose pollutants fix)m constraction site hazardous waste to the storm drain system or to
This best management practice (BMP) applies to all constraction projects.
Hazardous waste management practices are implemented on constraction
projects that generate waste fi^m the use of:
Petroleum Products,
Concrete Curing Compounds,
Septic Wastes,
Wood Preservatives,
Asphalt Products,
Roofing Tar, or
Any materials deemed a hazardous waste in California, Titie 22
Division 4.5, or listed in 40 CFR Parts i 10,117,261, or 302.
Nothing in this BMP relieves the Contractor from responsibility for
compliance witii federal, state, and local laws regarding storage, handling,
transportation, and disposal of hazardous wastes.
This BMP does not cover aerially deposited lead (ADL) soils. For ADL
soils refer to BMP WM-7, Contaminated Soil Management, and tiie project
Special Provisions.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Bast Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Hazardous Waste Management WM-6
1 of 5
Hazardous Waste Management
standards and Blucatlon
Specifications Educate employees and subcontractors on hazardous waste storage and
disposal procedures.
Educate employees and subcontractors on potential dangers to humans and
the environment fix)m hazardous wastes.
Instmct employees and subcontractors on safety procedures for common
constmction site hazardous wastes.
Instmct employees and subcontractors in identification of hazardous and
solid waste.
Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce hazardous waste
management procedures (incorporate into regular safety meetings).
The Contractor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee
and enforce proper hazardous waste management procedures and practices.
Make sure that hazardous waste is collected, removed, and disposed of only
at authorized disposal areas.
Storage Procedures
Wastes shall be stored in sealed containers constmcted of a suitable
material and shall be labeled as requhed by Titie 22 CCR, Division 4.5 and
49 CFR Parts 172,173, 178, and 179.
All hazardous waste shall be stored, transported, and disposed as required in
Titie 22 CCR, Division 4.5 and 49 CFR 261-263.
Waste containers shall be stored in temporary containment facilities that
shall comply with the following requirements:
Temporary containment facility shall provide a spill containment
volume equal to 1.5 times the volume of all containers.
Temporary containment fricility shall be impervious to the materials
contained for a minimum contact time of 72 hours.
Temporary containment facilities shall be maintained firee of
accumulated rainwater and spills.
Sufficient separation shall be provided between stored containers to
allow for spill cleanup and emergency response access.
Incompatible materials, such as chlorine and ammonia, shall not be
stored in the same temporary containment facility.
Caltrans Stwm Water Qudity Handtwdcs
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Hazardous Waste Management WM-6
November2000 2 of 5
..^ Hazardous Waste Management
Throughout the rainy season, temporary containment facilities shall be
covered during non-working days, prior to rain events.
Drums shall not be overfilled and wastes shall not be mixed.
Paint brashes and equipment for water and oil based paints shall be cleaned
within a contained area and shall not be allowed to contaminate site soils,
watercourses or drainage systems. Waste paints, thiimers, solvents,
residues, and sludges that cannot be recycled or reused shall be disposed of
as hazardous waste. When thoroughly dry, latex paint and paint cans, used
brashes, rags, absorbent materials, and drop cloths shall be disposed of as
solid waste.
Ensure that adequate hazardous waste storage volume is available.
Ensure that hazardous waste collection containers are conveniently located.
Designate hazardous waste storage areas on site away from storm drains or
watercourses and away from moving vehicles and equipment to prevent
accidental spills.
*««^ Minimize production or generation of hazardous materials and hazardous
waste on the job site.
Use containment berms in fueling and maintenance areas and where the
potential for spills is high.
Segregate potentially hazardous waste fix)m non-hazardous constiruction site
Keep liquid or semi-liquid hazardous waste in appropriate containers
(closed drams or similar) and under cover.
Clearly label all hazardous waste containers with the waste being stored and
the date of accumulation.
Place hazardous waste containers in secondary containmenL
Do not allow potentially hazardous waste materials to accumulate on the
Unless watertight, containers of diy waste shall be stored on pallets.
Do not mix wastes.
Caftrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Mani^ement Practices Manual Hazardous Waste Management WM*
a^^^ November 2000 3 d5
Hazardous Waste Management
CMsposal Procedures
Waste shall be disposed of outside the highway ri^t-of-way within 90 days
of being generated, or as directed by the Resident Engineer (RE).
To minimize on-site storage, fiill containers of waste shall be disposed of
outside the highway right-of-way at least weekly. In no case shall hazardous
waste storage exceed requirements in Title 22 CCR, section 66262.34.
Waste shall be disposed of by a licensed hazardous waste transporter at an
authorized and Ucensed disposal facility or recyclmg facility utilizing
properly completed Unifonn Waste Manifest forms. In no case shall
hazardous waste storage exceed requirements in Titie 22 CCR, section
A Caltrans certified laboratory shall sample waste to determine the
appropriate disposal facility.
Make sure that toxic liquid wastes (used oils, solvents, and paints) and
chemicals (acids, pesticides, additives, curing compounds) are not disposed
of in dumpsters designated for solid waste constraction debris.
Properly dispose of rainwater in secondary containment that may have
mixed with hazardous waste.
Recycle any usefiil material such as used oil or water-based paint when
Attention is directed to "Hazanlous Material", "Contaminated Material",
and "Aerially Deposited Lead" of the conduct documents regarding tiie
handling and disposal of hazardous materials.
Maintenance and The WPCM shall monitor on-site hazardous waste storage and disposal
Inspection procedures.
Waste storage areas shall be kept clean, well organized, and equipped with
ample clean-up supplies as appropriate for the materials being stored.
Storage areas shall be inspected in conformance with die provisions in the
contract documents.
Perimeter controls, containment stmctures, covers, and Imers shall be
repaired or replaced as needed to maintain proper fimction.
Hazardous spills shall be cleaned up and reported in conformance with the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and the instructions posted
at the project site.
Caltrans Stomi Water Quality Handboc^
Constiuction Site Best Management Practices Manual Hazardous Waste Utenagement WM-6
^^j^ November 2000 4 of 5
Hazardous Waste Management
The National Response Center, at (800) 424-8802, shall be notified of spills
of Federal reportable quantities ui conformance with the requirements m 40
CFR parts no, 117, and 302.
Copy of Bill of Laden and disposal receipts shall be provided to the RE.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Hazardous Waste Management WM-6
5 of 5
Concrete Waste Management
BMP Objectives
Sdl Stabilization
Sediment Contrd
Tracking Conb^
Wind Erosion Control
NcMi-StOTm Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
These are procedures and practices that are implemented to minimize or eliminate
the discharge of concrete waste materials to the storm drain system or to
Appropriate Concrete waste management practices are implemented on constraction
Applications projects where concrete is used as a constiuction material or where concrete
dust and debris result form demolition activities.
Where slurries containing portiand cement concrete (PCC) or asphalt
concrete (AC) are generated, such as fix)m sawcutting, coring, grinding,
grooving, and hydro-concrete demolition.
Where concrete tiiicks and other concrete-coated equipment are washed on
site, when approved by the Resident Engineer (RE). See also NS-8, Vehicle
and Equipment Cleaning.
Where mortar-mixing stations exist.
Limitations None identified.
Standards and
Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers on the concrete waste
management techniques described herein.
The Contiactor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee
and enforce concrete waste management procedures.
Cattrans Stomrt Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Managonent Practices Manual
November 2000
Concrete Waste Management VM-B
1 d4
Concrete Waste Management
Concrete Slurry Wastes
PCC and AC waste shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or
PCC and AC waste shall be collected and disjxised of outside the highway
right-of-way in confonnance witii section 7-1.13 of Standard Specifications
or placed in a temporaiy concrete washout facility.
Disposal of hardened PCC and AC waste shall be in confonnance with
Section 15-3.02 of tiie Standard Specifications.
A sign shall be installed adjacent to each temporary concrete washout
facility to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper
Below grade concrete washout facilities are typical. Above grade feciUties
are used if excavation is not practical.
Do not allow slurry residue &om wet coring or saw-cutting AC or PCC to
enter storm drains or receiving waters by:
- Placing temporary berms or sandbags around coring or saw-cutting
locations to capture and contain slurry mnoff.
Placing straw bales, sandbags, or gravel dams around inlets to prevent
slurry from entering storm drains.
Vacuum slurry residue and dispose in a temporary pit (as described in On-
Site Temporary Concrete Washout Facility, Concrete Transit Truck
Washout Procedures, below) and allow slurry to dry. Dispose of dry slurry
residue in accordance witii BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste Management", or,
for on-site disposal, in accordance with Standard Specification 15-3.02.
Removal Methods.
Collect residue from grooving and grinding operations in accordance with
Standard Specifications Section 42-1.02 and 42-2.02, "Constraction."
On-site Temporary Concrete Washout Facility, Transit Truck
Washout Procedures
Temporary concrete washout facilities shall be located a minimum of 15 m
(50 ft) fmm storm drain inlets, open drainage fecilities, and watercourses,
unless detennined unfeasible by tiie RE. Each fecihty shall be located away
fcom constmction traffic or access areas to prevent disturbance or tracking.
A sign shall be installed adjacent to each washout facility to inform concrete
'^^0 equipment operators to utilize the proper fecilities. The sign shall be
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
ConshTJCtion Site Bast Management Practices Manual Concrete Waste Management WM-«
^^^^ November2000 2 of 4
Concrete Waste Management
installed as shown on the plans and in conformance with the provisions in
Section 56-2, "Roadside Signs", of the Standard Specifications.
Temporary concrete washout fiicilities shall be constmcted above grade or
below grade at the option of the Contractor. Temporary concrete washout
facilities shall be constmcted and maintained in sufflcient quantity and size
to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations.
Temporary washout &cilities shall have a temporary pit or bermed areas of
sufficient volume to completely contain all liquid and waste concrete
materials generated during washout procedures.
Perform washout of concrete tmcks in designated areas only.
Once concrete wastes are washed into the designated area and allowed to
harden, tiie concrete shall be broken up, removed, and disposed of per BMP
WM-5, "Solid Waste Management", and in confonnance with the
provisions in Section 15-3.02, "Removal Methods", of tiie Standard
Specifications. Dispose of hardened concrete on a regular basis.
Temporary Concrete Washout Facility (Type Above Grade)
Tenqwrary concrete washout facility (type above grade) shall be
comtracted as shown on the plans, with a recommended minimum
length and minimum width of 3m, but with sufficient quantity and
volume to contain all Uquid and concrete waste generated by washout
operations. The length and width of a facility may be increased, at the
Contractor's expense, upon approval of the RE.
Straw bales, wood stakes, and sandbag materials shall conform to the
provisions in BMP SC-9, "Sti^w Bale Barrier".
Plastic lining material shall be a minimum of 60 mil polyethylene
sheeting and shall be fieeof holes, tears or other defects that
compromise the impenneability ofthe material.
Portable delineators shall conform to the provisions in Section 12-3.04,
"Portable Delineators", ofthe Standard Specifications. The delmeator
bases shall be cemented to the pavement in the same manner as
provided for cementing pavement markers to pavement in Section
85-1.06, "Placement", ofthe Standard Specifications. Portable
deUneators shall be applied only to a clean, dry surface.
Temporaiy Concrete Washout FacUity (Type Below Grade)
Temporary concrete washout facility (type below grade) shall be
constracted as shown on the plans, with a recommended minimum
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Man^ement Practices Manual Concrete Waste Management WM-8
November2000 3 of 4
Concrete Waste Management WM-8
Maintenance and
length and minimum width of 3m (10 ft). The quantity and volume
shall be sufficient to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by
washout operations. The length and width of a facility may be
increased, at the Contractor's e;q)ense, upon ^proval ofthe RE. Lath
and flagging shall be conunercial type.
Removal of Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities
When temporary concrete washout fecilities are no longer required for the
work, as detennined by the RE, the hardened concrete shall be removed and
disposed of in conformance with the provisions in Section 15-3.02 of the
Standard Specifications. Materials used to constmct temporary concrete
washout facilities shall become the property of the Contractor, shall be
removed fi\)m the site of the work, and shall be disposed of outside the
highway right-of-way in conformance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13
of the Standard Specifications.
Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal of the
ten^iorary concrete washout facilities shall be backfilled and repaired in
confonnance with the provisions in Section 15-1.02, "Preservation of
Property," of the Standard Specifications.
The Contiactor's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall monitor
on site concrete waste storage and disposal procedures at least weekly.
The WPCM shall monitor concrete woridng tasks, such as saw cutting,
coring, grinding and grooving at least weekly to ensure proper methods are
Temporary concrete washout feciUties shall be maintained to provide
adequate holding capacity witii a minimum freeboard of lOOmm for above
grade facilities and 300mm for below grade fecilities. Maintaining
temporary concrete washout fecilities shall include removing and disposing
of hardened concrete and retuming the fecilities to a functional condition.
Hardened concrete materials shall be removed and disposed of in
conformance with the provisions in Section 15-3.02, "Removal Methods,"
ofthe Standard Specifications.
Existing facUities must be cleaned, or new fecilities must be constmcted and
ready for use once the washout is 75% fiill.
Caltians Stoim Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Mviual
November 2000
Concrete Waste Management WM-8
Sanitary/Septic Waste Management
BMP Objectives
• Soil Stabilization
• Sediment Comrd
• Tracking Contred
• Wind Erosion Control
• N(xi-Stonn Water Management
• Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
Procedures and practices to minimize or eliminate the discharge of constmction
site sanitary/septic waste materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses.
Sanitary/septic waste management practices are implemented on all constraction
sites that use temporaiy or portable sanitary/septic waste systems.
Limitations Not applicable.
Standards and
Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers on sanitary/septic waste
storage and disposal procedures.
Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers of potential dangers to
humans and the environment from sanitary/septic wastes.
Instmct employees, subcontractors, and siqjpliers in identification of
sanitary/septic waste.
Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures
(incorporate into regular safety meetings).
Establish a continuing education program to indoctrinate new employees.
Storage and Disposal Procedures
Temporary sanitary fecilities shall be located away fi^m drainage facilities,
watercourses, and from traffic circulation. When subjected to high winds or
risk of high winds, as determined by the Resident Engineer (RE), temporary
Cattrans Stonn Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Sato Best Management f^actices Manual
November 2000
Sanitary/Septic Waste Management WM-9
1 of2
Sanitary/Septic Waste Management
Maintenance and
sanitary fecilities shall be secured to prevent overturning.
Wastewater shall not be discharged or buried within the highway
Sanitary and septic systems that discharge directiy into sanitary sewer
systems, where permissible, shall comply with the local health agency, city,
county, and sewer district requirements.
if using an on site disposal system, such as a septic system, comply with
local health agency requfrements.
Properiy connect temporary sanitaiy fecilities that discharge to the sanitary
sewer system to avoid ilUcit discharges.
Ensure that sanitary/septic facilities are mainfeined in good working order
by a licensed service.
Use only reputable, licensed sanitary/septic waste haulers.
The Contractor's Water PoUution Control Manager (WPCM) shall monitor
on site sanitaiy/septic waste storage and disposal procedures at least
Caltians Stomi Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
November 2000
Santtaiy/Septic Waste Management WM-9
Liquid Waste Management WM-10
BMP Objectives
Soil Stabilization
Sediment Coritmi
Tracking Comrd
Wind Erosion Control
Non-Storm Water Management
Materials and Waste Management
Definition and
Procedures and practices to prevent discharge of pollutants to tiie storm drain
system or to watercourses as a result ofthe creation, collection, and disposal of
non-hazardous liquid wastes.
Liquid waste management is applicable to constraction projects that generate any
ofthe following non-hazardous byproducts, residuals, or wastes, such as:
Drilling slurries and driUing fluids
Grease-free and oil-free wastewater and rinse water
Other non-storm water liquid discharges not permitted by separate permits.
Disposal of some liquid wastes may be subject to specific laws and
regulations, or to requirements of other permits secured for the constraction
project (e.g.. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES]
permits, Araiy Corps permits, Coastal Commission permits, ete.).
Does not apply to dewatering operations (see BMP NS-2 Dewatering
Operations"), solid waste management (see BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste
Management"), hazardous wastes (see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste
Management"), or concrete slurry residue (see BMP WM-8, "Concrete
Waste Managemenr).
Does not apply to non-stormwater discharges pemiitted by any NPDES
permit held by the pertinent Cattrans District, unless the discharge is
determined by Caltrans to be a source of pollutants. Typical permitted non-
stormwater discharges can include: water line flushing; landscape irrigation;
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual
Liquid Waste Management WM-10
1 of4
- Liquid Waste Management
diverted stream flows; rising ground waters; uncontaminated pumped
ground water, discharges from potable water sources; foundation drains;
hrigation water, springs; water fiom craw] space pumps; footing drains;
lawn watering; flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; and, discharges
or flows fixim emergency fire fighting activities.
Standards and General Practices
Specifications connector's Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) shall oversee
and enforce proper Uquid waste management procedures and practices.
Instmct employees and subcontractors how to safely differentiate between
non-hazardous liquid waste and potential or known hazardous Hquid waste.
Instract employees, subcontractors, and suppliers that it is unacceptable for
any liquid waste to enter any storm dramage device, waterway, or receiving
Educate employees and subcontractors on liquid waste generating activities,
and liquid waste storage and disposal procedures.
Hold regular meetings to discuss and reinforce disposal procedures
(incorporate into regular safety meetings).
Verify which non-stormwater discharges are permitted by the Caltrans
Statewide NPDES permit; different regions might have different
requirements not outiined in this pennit. Some Usted discharges may be
prohibited if Caltrans determines the discharge to be a source of pollutants.
Apply the "Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning" best management practice
(BMP) for managing wash water and rinse water fcom vehicle and
equipment cleaning operations.
Containing Liquid Wastes
DriUing residue and drilling fluids shall not be aUowed to enter stoim drains
and watercourses and shall be disposed of outside tiie highway right-of-way
in confonnance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard
ff an appropriate location is available, as detennined by the Resident
Engineer (RE), drilling residue and drilUng fluids tiiat are exempt under
CCR T23 2511(g) may be dried by infiltration and evaporation in a
containment facility constiiicted in confonnance with the provisions
concerning the Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities detailed in BMP
WM-08, "Concrete Waste Management"
Caltians Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Uquid Waste Management WM-10
November 2000 2 of 4
Liquid Waste Management WM-10
Liquid wastes generated as part of an operational procedure, such as water-
laden dredged material and driUing miKl, shall be contained and not allowed
to flow into drainage chaimels or receiving waters prior to treatment.
Contain Uquid wastes in a controlled area, such as a holding pit, sediment
basin, roll-off bin, or portable tank.
Containment devices must be stracturally soimd and leak fi^.
Containment devices must be of sufficient quantity or volume to con^iletely
contain the liquid wastes generated.
Take precautions to avoid spills or accidental releases of contained liquid
wastes. Apply the education measures and spill response procedures
outiined in BMP WM-4, "Spill Prevention and Control".
Do not locate containment areas or devices where accidental release ofthe
contained liquid can threaten health or safety, or discharge to water bodies,
channels, or storm drains.
Capturing Liquid Wastes
\^ Capture all liquid wastes running off a surfece which has the potential to
affect the storm drainage system, such as wash water and rinse water fix>m
cleaning walls or pavement.
Do not allow liquid wastes to flow or discharge uncontrolled. Use
temporary dikss or berms to intercept flows and direct them to a
containment area or device for capture.
If the liquid waste is sediment laden, use a sediment trap (see BMP SC-3,
"Sediment Trap") for capturing and treating the liquid waste stream, or
capture in a containment device and allow sediment to settie.
Disposing of Liquid Wastes
Typical method is to dewater the contained liquid waste, using procedures
such as described in BMP NS-2, "Dewatering Operations", and BMP SC-2,
"Desilting Basin"; and dispose of resulting solids per BMP WM-5, "Solid
Waste Management", or per Standard Speciflcations Section 7-1.13,
"Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right-of-Way", for off-site
Method of disposal for some liquid wastes may be prescribed in Water
Quality Reports, NPDES permits. Environmental Impact Reports, 401 or
404 permits, local agency discharge permits, etc., and may be defined
elsewhere in the Special Provisions.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks
Construction Site Best Maiiagement Practices Manual Uquid Waste Management WM-10
f*)vember2000 3 of 4
Q Liquid Waste Management |WM-10
Liquid wastes, such as fixim dredged material, may require testing and
certification whether it is hazardous or not before a disposal method can be
For disposal of hazardous waste, see BMP WM-6, "Hazardous Waste
If necessary, further treat liquid wastes prior to disposal. Treatment may
include, though is not limited to, sedimentation, filtration, and chemical
Maintenance and Spot check employees and subcontractors at least monthly throughout the
inspection job to ensure appropriate practices are being employed.
Remove deposited solids in containment areas and capturing devices as
needed, and at the completion of tiie task. Dispose of any soUds as
described in BMP WM-5, "Solid Waste Management".
Inspect containment areas and c^turing devices frequentiy for damage, and
repair as needed.
MfmM Cattrans Stonn Watffl* Quality Hambooks
mS^m Constmction Site Best Management Practices Manual l-iqukl Waste Management WM-10
^JJJ^ November 2000
Attachment B
Modifications to the Caltrans Construction Site Best Management Practices
(BMPs) Manual
The contract documents for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase III Reach II shall be
comprised of the current edition of the Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Manual published by Caltrans and as modified by the additions and substitutions listed below:
Modifications to the Construction Site Best Management Practices:
Delete all references to Resident Engineer (RE) and replace with Engineer (E).
Replace all references to Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications and replace with
Section 7-10.2 and 300-1.3 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction
Replace all references to Section 7-10 of the Standard Specifications and replace with
Section 7-8.1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC).
Replace all references to Section 15-1.02 of the Standard Specifications and replace with
Section 7-9 ofthe Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC).
Replace all references to Section 15-3.02 of the Standard Specifications and replace with
Section 300-1.3 ofthe Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC).
Delete all references to highway.
SS-1: Delete any reference to seeding and revegetation. The work associated with this
project shall occur entirely within the paved portion of the right-of-way.
SC-5: Add the following to Appropriate Applications
May be used for inlet protection
Replace the following under Removal
Fiber rolls will not be left in place
Delete "if fiber rolls removed" and replace with "After fiber roll removal"
SC-10: Delete all references to sandbags and replace with gravel bags.
SS-2: Delete reference to Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and replace with
Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHAs).
NS-2: Reporting: Replace District Storm Water Coordinator with Environmental Programs
WM-8; Temporary Concrete Washout Facility (Type Above Grade). Delete reference to
Section 12-3.04 "Portable delineators and replace with Flexible base glue down
delineators and shall meet the following specifications:
Page B-1
WM-10: Appropriate applications: Add the following:
Flushing of pipelines
All pipeline flushing shall be into a desiltation basin. Contractor shall supply
method to remove HDPE shaving that may be in the pipe prior to discharge from
the basin and provide a method to remove shavings from the basin.
Page B-2
W Attachment C
BMP Consideration Checklist
The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not included in the SWPPP
shall be checked as "Not Used" with a brief statement describing why it is not being used.
All selected BMPs shall be included in the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and
paid for as a separate item or work
SS-1 Scheduling 4 •
SS-2 Preservation of
Existing Vegetation 4 • • work is in a paved area
SS-3 Hydraulic Mulch 4(1) • • X trenching in existing
SS-4 Hydroseed ing 4(1) • • X trenching in existing
SS-5 Soil Binders 4(1) • • X trenching in existing
SS-6 Straw Mulch 4(1) • • X trenching in existing
Geotextiles, Plastic
Covers, & Erosion
Control Blankets/IVIats
4(1) • • X trenching in existing
SS-8 Wood Mulching • • trenching in existing
Temporary Concentrated
Flow Conveyance Controls • • •
Earth Dikes/Drainage
Swales & Lined
Ditches • • trenching in existing
Outlet Protection/
Velocity Dissipation
Devices • • X In-place
SS-11 Slope Drains • • X trenching in existing
The Contractor shall select one ofthe five measures listed or a combination thereof to achieve
and maintain the contract's rainy season disturbed soil area (DSA) requirements.
Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific
project shall be verified by the Contractor or determined by Caltrans.
Attachment C
BMP Consideration Cliecklist
The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not Included in the SWPPP
shall be checked as "Not Used" with a brief statement describing why it is not being used.
Ail selected BMPs shall be included in the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and
paid for as a separate item or work
SC-1 Silt Fence 4 •
SC-2 Desilting Basin • • Stonn drain system in place
SC-3 Sediment Trap • • Storm drain system in place
SC-4 Check Dam • • Storm drain system in place
SC-5 Fiber Rolls • May be used for inlet
SC-6 Gravel Bag Berm • • Storm drain system in place
SC-7 Street Sweeping and
Vacuuming 4 •
SC-8 Sand Bag Barn'er • • Storm drain system in place
SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier • • Storm drain system in place
SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet
Protection 4 •
WE-1 Wind Erosion Control 4 X X •
TC-1 Stabilized Constmction
Entrance/Exit • • X Roadway is paved
TC-2 Stabilized Construction
Roadway • • X Roadway is paved
TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire
Wash • • X Roadway is paved
Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific
project shall be verified by the contractor or determined by Caltrans.
Attachment C
BMP Consideration Checklist
The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not Included in the SWPPP
shall be checked as "not used" with a brief statement describing why It is not being included.
All selected BMPs shall be included in the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and
paid for as a separate Item or work
NS-1 Water Conservation
Practices •
NS-2 Dewatering Operations • • No dewatering in this
NS-3 Paving and Grinding
Operations •
NS-4 Temporary Stream
Crossing • • No stream crossings
NS-5 Clear Water Diversion • • No dear water diversion
Illicit Connection/lllegal
Discharge Detection
and Reporting
4 •
NS-7 Potable
Water/Irrigation • • Irrigation is not a part of this
Vehicle and Equipment
Operations • • •
NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment
Cleaning 4 m •
NS-9 Vehicle and Equipment
Fueling 4 E X •
NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment
Maintenance 4 K X •
Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific
project shall be verified by the contractor or determined by Caltrans.
Attachment C
BMP Consideration Checklist
The Contractor shall consider using all BMPs listed hereon. Those BMPs which are not included in the SWPPP
shall be checked as "not used" with a brief statement describing why it is not being used.
All selected BMPs shall be included In the Schedule of Values, except for those items shown on the plans and
paid for as a separate item or work
WM-1 Material Delivery and
Storage 4 • X •
WM-2 Material Use 4 • X •
WM-3 Asphalt Concrete
Stockpiles • X •
WM-4 Spill Prevention and
Control 4 • X •
WM-5 Solid Waste
Management 4 • X •
WM-6 Hazardous Waste
Management • •
WM-7 Contaminated Soil
Management • • X Area previously graded and
no contaminated soil In the
exting fill.
WM-8 Concrete Waste
Management X •
WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste
Management 4 • X •
WM-10 Liquid Waste
Management X •
Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. Applicability to a specific
project shall be verified by the contractor or determined by Caltrans.
J3 20 21 3 .10 17 34 j31
1 Notify / Post signs 2 weeks prior to start 2 23DEC02 24DEC02 31DEC02 01JAN03
11 Mobilization/ Set-up Offices 3 02JAN03* 06JAN03 02JAN03 06JAN03
21 Set-up Traffic Control PH. 2 4 07JAN03 10JAN03 07JAN03 10JAN03
31 Survey Project 4 07JAN03 10JAN03 08JAN03 13JAN03
41 Video & Photograph Job Site 1 09JAN03 09JAN03 10JAN03 10JAN03
221 Layout Job Site 2 09JAN03 10JAN03 14JAN03 15JAN03
Subtotal 15 23DEC02 10JAN03 31DEC02 15JAN03
231 Set-up Traffic Control PH.1 1 07FEB03* 07FEB03 07FEB03 07FEB03
241 NTP PH. 1 ( Not Before Jan. 27, 2003) 1 10FEB03* 10FEB03 10FEB03 10FEB03
251 Pothole Utilities 1 10FEB03 10FEB03 10FEB03 10FEB03
261 Grind Trench 2 10FEB03 11FEB03 10FEB03 11FEB03
271 Excavate Trench Sta. 10+04 to 30+50 11 11FEB03 25FEB03 11FEB03 25FEB03
281 Backfill Trench Sta. 10+04 to 30+50 5 26FEB03 04MAR03 26FEB03 04MAR03
331 Video Detection- Legoland Drive 3 03MAR03 05MAR03 04MAR03 06MAR03
291 Install & Test S Manholes 2 05MAR03 06MAR03 05MAR03 D6MAR03
301 Video Sewer & Mandrel Test 2 07MAR03 10MAR03 07MAR03 10MAR03
311 Asphalt Pave and Stripe PH. 1 3 Q7MAR03 11MAR03 07MAR03 11MAR03
321 Pick-up Traffic Control PH. 1 1 12MAR03 12MAR03 12MAR03 12MAR03
Subtotal 24 07FEB03 12MAR03 07FEB03 12MAR03
Phase 2 Lego Land Dr. to Faraday
51 Pothole Trench 1 13JAN03 13JAN03 13JAN03 13JAN03
211 NTP PH. 2 1 13JAN03 13JAN03 13JAN03 13JAN03
61 Grind Trench 2 13JAN03 14JAN03 16JAN03 17JAN03
71 Excavate/ Install HDPE Sta. 89+94 to 94+23 2 14JAN03 15JAN03 14JAN03 ISJANOS
81 Fuse & String HDPE 3 14JAN03 16JAN03 17JAN03 21JAN03
91 Backfill Sta. B9+94 to 94+23 2 16JAN03 17JAN03 16JAN03 17JAN03
Mobilization/ Set-up Offices
Set-up Traffic Cohtrol PH. 2
Survey Protect;
yideo & Photograph Job Site
Ljiyout Job ^te
iet-up Traffic Contrd PH.1
^NTP PH. 1 ( Not Before Jan. 27, 2003)
^Pottiole Utilities
^Grlnd Trench '•
^Excavate Trench Sta. 10+04 to 30+50
Backfill Trench Sta. 10+04 to 30+50,
Video Detection- Legdand Drivb,
^Install & Test 5 Manilas
: Video Sewer & Mandrel Test,
Asphalt Pave and Stiipe PH. 1,
Pick-up Traffic Conta-ol PH. 1
'^Pothola Trench
^NTP PH. 2
^Grind Trendi
'Excavate/ Install HDPE Sta. 89+94 to 94+23
, 'Fuse & Stiing HDPE
^y^ckflll sta. 89+94 to 94+23
lart Dale
'Hlsh Date
ata Date
un Date
06DECD2 14:55
I Primavera Systems, Inc.
1^ Early Bar
Float Bar
' Progress Bar
'Critical Acti\^ty
CB01 Sheel 1 or 2
J. Fletcher Creamer & SOT, Inc.
S. Aqua Hedionda Sewer Project
Preliminary Schedule
Classic Schedule Layout
Date Revision Checked Approved 06DEC02 Preliminary Schedule
Tie-in to Bridge at Sta. 89+94
Excavate & Bed HDPE Sta. 60+00 to 78+00
Install & Shade HDPE Sta. 60+00 to 78+00
Backfill Trench Sta. 60+00 to 78+00
Tie-In to Bridge at Sta. 78+31
Test Force Main Sta. 60+00 to 94+23
Excavate & Install Sewer 30+50 to 36+85
Backfill Sewer Sta. 30+50 to 38+65
Install & Test 2 Manholes
Asphalt Pave and Stripe PH. 2
Pick-up Traffic Control PH. 2
f 5
23 30 i i3_ 21 3 10 ,17 24 ,3 .10 ^ / 24
-•Tta-ln to Bridge at Sta. 89+94
j31_., J.
'Excavate & Bed HDPE Sta. 60100 to 78+00
install & Shade HDPE Sta. 60+00 to 78+00
^Backfill Trench Sta. 60+00 to 78+00
^Tie-in to Bridge at Sta. 78+31
^test Force Main Sta. 60+00 to 94+23
^Excavate & Install Sewer 30+^ to 38+85
^Backfill Sewer :sta. 30+50.to 38+85
-•install & Test 2 Manhbles
Asphalt Pave and Stripe PH. 2i
Pick-up Traffic Control PH. 2 i
06DEC02 14:53
' Primavera Systems, Inc.
Early Bar
Float Bar
' Prograsa Bar
' Critical Activity
CBOl Sheet 2 of 2
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
S. Aqua Hedionda Sewer Project
Preliminary Schedule
Classic Schedule Layout
Date Revision Checked Aooroved
06DEC02 Preliminary Schedule
SWPPP Schedule of Values
Bid Item LS is $ 1,500.00
Breakdown of bid item
Storm Water Plan $ 1,000.00
Inlet Protection $ 500.00
Dust Control $ 0.00
(Water truck will be onsite as part of other operations)
Vehicle / Equipment Cleaning $ 0.00
(Maintenance of equip. & related preventative measxu*es relating to oil & fuel
contaminates is built into the cost of Creamer equip.)
Waste Management $ 0.00
(Item included in project overhead & material cost)
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach Ul
Attachment G
BMP Consideration Checklist
The contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair
ofBfi^Ps identified In the SWPPP/WPCP
SS-1 Scheduling Weekly • Review and update as necessary
• Inspect protective fencing and repair or
replace as necessary
SC-1 Silt Fence
SC-5 Fiber Rolls
SC-10 Storm Drain Inlet
Prior to forecast storm
After a rain event that
causes runoff from the
construction site
At 24-hour intervals during
extended rain events
• Remove, dispose, and replace damaged,
deteriorated, or othenvise unsuitable
• Replace torn gravel bags as required.
• Replace torn sections of silt fences
• Remove retained sediments before they
reach 1/3 of the banner height or 72 of the
sediment holding capacity
• Clean and dispose of accumulated
sediment deposited in sediment traps
around drainage inlets; re-secure silt
fence as needed
• Remove BMPs when no longer needed,
as directed by the Engineer
SC-7 Street Sweeping and
Daily • Inspect site access points daily
• Sweep tracked sediment
WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Dally • Maintain water trucks and water
distribution equipment in good order and
fix leaks immediately
SC-7 Street sweeping and
Daily • Inspect site access points daily
• Sweep tracked sediment
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase 11 Reach III
C:\Documents and Seltings\BZinsmeister.JFCSON\LocaI Settings\Temporary Intemet Flles\OLKBSWPPP_SAHI RI
Attachment G
I PH II Attachments.doc Page G-
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedlonda Interceptor Phase II Reach Ul
The contractor shall use the foUowing guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair
______ of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP
NS-1 Water Conservation
NS-3 Paving and Grinding
NS-6 Illicit Connection/Illegal
Discharge Detection and
NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment
NS-9 Vehicle and Equipment
NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment
WM-1 Material Delivery and
WM-2 Material Use
WM-3 Asphalt concrete
WM-4 Spill Prevention and
WM-5 Solid Waste Management
WM-6 Hazardous Waste
WM-8 Concrete Waste
WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste
WM-10 Liquid Waste Management
Weekly Inspect site during project execution for
evidence of illicit discharges or illegal
Observe site perimeter for evidence or
potential of illicitly discharged or illegally
dumped material which may enter the job
Notify the Resident Engineer of any illicit
discharges or illegal dumping incidents at
the time of discovery.
Remove, dispose and replace damaged,
deteriorated, or otherwise unsuitable
Remove vehicles and/or equipment that
Replace drip pans or absorbent materials
as needed. Re-stock spill materials.
Remove BMPs when no longer needed,
as directed by the Engineer. Repair
slopes/surfaces damaged by BMP
Prior to forecast storm
After a rain event that
causes runoff from the
construction site
At 24-hour intervals during
extended rain events
Keep storage areas clean, well
organized, and equipped with ample
clean-up supplies as appropriate for the
materials stored
Repair or replace perimeter controls,
containment structures, covers and liners
as needed to maintain proper function
and protection
Properiy remove and dispose
accumulated rainwater from containment
Cover any stockpiles with appropriate
mats or covers.
Maintain waste fluid containers in leak
proof condition. Repair or replace
dumpsters that leak
Provide timely service and removal to
prevent dumpsters and sanitary facilities
from overflowing.
Schedule Refuse Contractor to pick up
waste containers weekly.
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:\Documents and Settings\BZinsme(ster.JFCSON\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Flles\OLKE\SWPPP SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc
Attachment G
Page G-
Storm Water PoUution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach IU
The contractor shaU use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair
of BMPs identified in the SWPPP/WPCP
WM-8 Concrete Waste
Weekly • Remove accumulated debris from
concrete washouts. Replace lining and
sand bags as necessary
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:\OocurTients and Settings\BZinsmeister.JFCSON\Local SettingsWemporary Internet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAiHI R I
Attachment G
I PH 11 Attachments.doc Page G-
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase Ul Reach U
Attachment H
Storm Water Quality Construction Site Inspection Checklist
Project Name 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
Inspector's Name
Inspector's Title
Date of Inspection
Inspection Type
(Check Applicable)
O Prior to forecast rain • After a rain event
n 24-hr intervals during extended rain D Other
(Check Applicable) • Rainy O Non-Rainy
Storm Data
Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs):
Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm
(Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days
Approximate Rainfall
Amount (mm)
Requirement yes No N/A Corrective Action
Temporary Soil Stabilization
Does the applied temporary soil stabilization provide 100%
coverage for the required areas?
Are any non-vegetated areas that may require temporary soil
Is the area where temporary soil stabilization required free from
visible erosion?
Temporary Linear Sediment Barriers
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment H
C:\Documents and Setting3\BZinsmeisterJFCSON\LocaI Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page H-
Storm Water PoUution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase Ul Reach U
Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action
Are temporary linear sediment barriers properly installed in
accordance with the details, functional and maintained?
Are temporary linear sediment barriers free of accumulated titter?
Is the built-up sediment less than 1/3 the height of the barrier?
Are cross barriers installed where necessary and properly
Storm Drain Inlet Protection
Are storm drain inlets intemal to the project properly protected
with either Type 1, 2 or 3 inlet protection?
Are storm drain inlet protection devices in wori<ing order and
being properiy maintained?
Desilting Basins
Are basins maintained to provide the required
rete ntion/detention?
Are basin controls (inlets, outlets, diversions, weirs, spillways, and
racks) in working order?
Are alt locations of temporary stockpiles, including soil, hazardous
waste, and construction materials In approved areas?
Are stockpiles protected from run-on, run-off from adjacent areas
and from winds?
Are stockpiles located at least 15 m from concentrated flows,
downstream drainage courses and storm drain inlets?
Are required covers and/or perimeter controls in place?
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment H
C;\Oocuments and Settings\B2insmelster.JFCS0N\Lacal Settings\Temporary Intemet Fites\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R 111 PH II Attachments.(Joe Page H-:
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase Ul Reach U
Requirement yes No N/A Corrective Action
Tracking Control
Are points of ingress/egress to public/private roads inspected and
swept and vacuumed daily?
Are all paved areas free of visible sediment tracking or other
particulate matter?
Wind Erosion Control
Is dust control implemented in conformance with Section 7-8 of
the SSPWC?
Vehicle & Equipment Fueling, Cleaning, and Maintenance
Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance
areas reasonably clean and free of spills, leaks, or any other
deleterious material?
Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance
activities performed on an impenneable surface in dedicated
If no, are drip pans used?
lAre dedicated fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas located
at least 15 m away from downstream drainage facilities and
watercourses and protected from run-on and runoff?
Is wash water contained for infiltration/ evaporation and disposed
of outside the highway riqht of way?
is on-site cleaning limited to washing with water (no soap, soaps
substitutes, solvents, or steam)?
On each day of use, are vehicles and equipment inspected for
leaks and if necessary, repaired?
Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control
3583-2 South Agua Hedlonda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:\Documents and Seltings\B2insmeister.JFCS0N\Local SettingsVTemporary Internet Fites\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R 111 PH II Attachments.doc
Attachment H
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase IU Reach U
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach Ilt
C:\Document8 and Settlngs\BZinsmelsler.JFCSOhALocal SettingsMemporary Intemet Rles\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHi R I
Requirement res No N/A Corrective Action
Are material storage areas and washout areas protected from
run-on and runoff, and located at least 15 m from concentrated
flows and downstream drainage facilities?
Are all material handling and storage areas clean; organized; free
of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material; and stocked with
appropriate clean-up supplies?
Are liquid materials, hazardous materials, and hazardous wastes
stored in temporary containment facilities?
Are bagged and boxed materials stored on pallets?
Are hazardous materials and wastes stored in appropriate,
labeled containers?
Are proper storage, clean-up, and spill-reporting procedures for
hazardous materials and wastes posted In open, conspicuous and
accessible locations adjacent to storage areas?
Are temporary containment facilities free of spills and rainwater?
Are temporary containment facilities and bagged/boxed materials
Are temporary concrete washout facilities designated and being
Are temporary concrete washout facilities functional for receiving
and containing concrete waste and are concrete residues
prevented from entering the drainage system?
Do temporary concrete washout facilities provide sufficient
volume and freeboard for planned concrete operations?
Are concrete wastes, including residues from cutting and grinding,
contained and disposed of off-site or in concrete washout
Are spills from mobile equipment fueling and maintenance
properiy contained and cleaned up?
Is the site free of litter?
^re trash receptacles provided in the Contractor's yard, field
trailer areas, and at locations where workers congregate for lunch
and break periods?
Is litter from work areas within the construction limits of the project
site collected and placed in watertight dumpsters?
ftre waste management receptacles free of leaks?
Are the contents of waste management receptacles properly
protected from contact with storm water or from being dislodged
by winds?
Are waste management receptacles filled at or beyond capacity?
Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting
Is there any evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping on the
project site?
Attachment H
I PH II Attachments.doc Page H-
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase IU Reach U
Requirement res No N/A Corrective Action
If yes, has the Engineer been notified?
Discharge Points
Are discharge points and discharge flows free from noticeable
Are discharge points free of any significant erosion or sediment
Does the WPCP/SWPPP, Project Schedule/Water Pollution
Control Schedule adequately reflect the cun-ent site conditions
and contractor operations?
Are all BMPs installed in the proper location(s) and according to
the details for the plan?
Are there any other potential water pollution control concerns at
the site?
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment H
C:\Documents and Setlings\BZinsmeister.JFCSOrALocal SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page H-:
Storm Wafer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase Ul Reach U
Attachment I
Storm Water Management Training Log
Project Name: 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase III Reach II
Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate)
H Temporary Soil Stabilization S Temporary Sediment Control
.B) Wind Erosion Control ^ Tracking Control
Non-storm water ^ Waste Management and Materials Pollution
^ Control management
Specific Training
Location: 'S;4-e, Date:
Instructor: H'AA^L CUAP Telephone: ?)H- ^H^-'^H^^
Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary)
Name Company Phone
JFC ?l3-36>-^?43
Ifttf Tvy
3184 Cannon Road West Reach 2 Segment 2 Attachment I
C:\Documents and Settlngs\BZinsmeister.JFCSON\Local SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OU<BSWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page 1-1
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pian (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U reach IU
Attachment J
Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) and Notification Log
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised that the California State Water Resources Control Board has
adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Pennit) to the State of
California, CA S0108758, Order No. 2001-01. The goal of the permit is
prevention of discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from
entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters.
The City of Carlsbad has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in order to implement the requirements of the Permits.
As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits
for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any
condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance
with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your
employees working on this project ofthe requirements ofthe SWPPP and the
Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at
the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions.
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C;\Document5 and Settings\BZtnsmeister.JFCSON\Local SetlingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page J-1
Stomi Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase // reach IU
Attachment J
Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) and Notification Log
Olson Precast Company
13820 Slover Ave.#D
Fontana, CA 92337
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised that the California State Water Resources Control Board has
adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Permit) to the State of
California, CAS0108758, Order No. 2001-01. The goal ofthe permit is
prevention of discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from
entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters.
The City of Carlsbad has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in order to implement the requirements ofthe Permits.
As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits
for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any
condition ofthe Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance
with State and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your
employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP and the
Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at
the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions.
Bree Zinsni^^er, Project Engineer
J, Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
818-367-9748 Ext. 307
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach II!
C:\Docijments and Settings\BZinsmeistBr.JFCSONU.ocal SettingsMempora/y Intemet Files\OLJ<BSWPPP_SAHl R til PH II Attachments.doc Page J-1
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U reach IU
Attachment J
Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) and Notification Log
Luzaich Striping, Inc.
P.O. Box 2426
El Cajon, CA 92021
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised that the California State Water Resources Control Board has
adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Permit) to the State of
California, CAS0108758, Order No. 2001-01. The goal ofthe permit is
prevention of discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from
entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters.
The City of Carlsbad has developed a Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in order to implement the requirements of the Permits.
As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits
for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any
condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance
with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your
employees working on this project ofthe requirements ofthe SWPPP and the
Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at
the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions.
tfer, Project Engineer
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
818-367-9748 Ext 307
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:\Documents and Settinga\B2insmei5ter.JFCSON\Local Se(tings\Temporary Intemet Rles\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page J-1
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U reach IU
Attachment J
Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) and Notification Log
Melchior Land Surveying Inc
5731 Palmer Way
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised that the California State Water Resources Control Board has
adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Permit) to the State of
Califomia, CA SOI 08758, Order No. 2001-01. The goal of the permit is
prevention of discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from
entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters.
The City of Carlsbad has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in order to implement the requirements ofthe Permits.
As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits
for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any
condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance
with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your
employees working on this project ofthe requirements ofthe SWPPP and the
Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at
the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions.
Bree Zinsnxeiscer, Project Engineer
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
818-367-9748 Ext. 307
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:y3ocumBnts and Settings\BZ!nsmeister.JFCSON\Local Settings\Temporaty Intemet Rles\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III 11 Attachments.doc Page J-1
Stoim Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase // reach Ul
Attachment J
Subcontractor Notification Letter (Sample) and Notification Log
Lekbs Elect|;ic, Inc,
El Cajon, CA 92020
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised that the California State Water Resources Control Board has
adopted the NPDES Statewide Storm Water Permit (Permit) to the State of
California, CA S0108758, Order No, 2001-01. The goal of the permit is
prevention of discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity from
entering the storm drain system, ground and surface waters.
The City of Carisbad has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in order to implement the requirements of the Pemnits.
As a subcontractor, you are required to comply with the SWPPP and the Permits
for any work that you perform on site. Any person or group who violates any
condition of the Permits may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance
with state and federal law. You are encouraged to advise each of your
employees working on this project ofthe requirements ofthe SWPPP and the
Permits. A copy of the Permits and the SWPPP are available for your review at
the construction office. Please contact me if you have further questions.
Bree Zinsmelster, Project Engineer
J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc.
818-367-9748 Ext. 307
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda interceptor Phase II Reach III
"""^ C:\Documents and Settings\BZ!nsmeister,JFCSON\Local Settlngs\Temporary Intemet Rles\OU<£\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page J-1
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U reach IU
Project Name: 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach 111
Lekos Electric, Inc. Christina
1370 Pioneer Way
El Cajon, CA 92020
12/2/02 Video
Melchior Land
Surveying, Inc.
Dale A.
5731 Palmer Way
Carlsbad, CA 92008
12/2/02 Surveying
Luzaich Striping,
P.O. Box 2426
El Cajon, CA 92021
12/2/02 Street
Olson Precast
Mary Flood 13820 Slover Ave#D
Fontana, CA 92337
12/2/02 Sewer
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
C:\Doajments and Settings\B2lnsmeister.JFCS0N\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Fiies\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page J-;
Storm Water PoUution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach Ul
Attachment K
Notice of Discharge, Written Notice, or Order
To: Date: Insert Date
Subject: Notice of Discharge
Project Name: 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach
In accordance with the City of Carlsbad NPDES Statewide Permit for Storm
Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, the following
instance of discharge is noted:
Date, time, and location of discharge
Insert description and date of event
Nature ofthe operation that caused the discharge
insert description of operation
Initial assessment of any impact cause by the discharge
insert assessment
Existing BIVIP(s) In place prior to discharge event
list BMPs in place
Date of deployment and type of BIVIPs deployed after the discharge.
BMPs deployed after the discharge (with dates)
Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and/or prevent recurrence of
the discharge
insert steps taken to prevent recurrence
Implementation and maintenance schedule for any affected BMPs
insert implementation and maintenance schedule
If further information or a modification to the above schedule is required, notify
the contact person below.
Name of Contact Person Title
Company Telephone Number
Signature Date
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase li Reach III Attachment K
C:\Documenls and Settings\azinsmeister.JFCSON\Loca! SettingsMemporafy Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page K-'
storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach IU
Attachment L
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
and Monitoring Program
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
100 SWPPP Certification and Approval
N/A 100.1 NOI No Grading
100.2 Related Pennit Conditions
200 SWPPP Amendments
200.1 Amendment Certification and Approval
200.2 Amendment number and date entered into
SWPPP - Amendment Log
300 Introduction/Project Description
300.1 Project Description and Location (nan-ative)
300.2 Unique Site Features (narrative)
300.4 Project Schedule/Water Pollution Control
Schedule (narrative or graphical)
300.5 Contact Information
400 References
500 Body of SWPPP
—. — .-^p.
500.1 Objectives
500.2 Vicinity Map (nan-ative or graphic)
500.2 Site perimeter
500.2 Geographic Features
500.2 General topography
500.3 Pollutant Source Identification and
BMP Selection
500.4 Constmction Site BMP's
500.4 Sform Water Inlets
500.4 BMPs that protect storm water inlets or
receiving water
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach HI Attachment L
C;\Documents and Settings\BZinsmeister, JFCSONMocal SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKBSWPPP_SAHI R 111 PH II Attachments.doc Page L-'
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach IU
Site History (narrative; if possible, indicate
location(s) on the Water Pollution Control
Nature of fill material and data describing the
soil. Description of toxic materials treated,
stored, disposed, spilled or leaked on site
500.3.8 &
BMPs that minimize contact of contaminants
with storm water
Location of Areas Designated for:
500.3.8 Vehicle storage & service
500.3.8 Equipment storage, cleaning, maintenance
500.3.9 Soil or waste storage
500.3.9 Construction material loading, unloading,
storage and access
500.3.8 &
Areas outside of Owners right-of-way (yards,
borrow areas, etc.)
BMP Locations or Descriptions for:
500.3.9 Waste handling and disposal areas
500.3.9 On-site storage and disposal of construction
materials and waste
500.3.8, &
Minimum exposure of storm water to
construction materials, equipment, vehicles,
500.6 Post Construction BMPs
500.6.1 Lisfing or Description of Post-construcfion
500.6.2 Parties responsible for long-term maintenance
Additional information
500.3.1 Description of other pollutant sources and
500.3.2 Pre-construction control practices
500.3.1 Inventory of materials and activities that may
pollute storm water
500.3.8 &
BMPs to reduce/eliminate potential pollutants
listed in the inventory
300.4 Runoff coefficient (before & after)
300.4 Percent impervious (before & after)
Attach. F Copy ofthe NOC
300.3 Construcfion activity schedule
300.5 Contact information
The SWPPP ShaU Include:
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment L
C;\DocumentB and SetBngs\BZinsmeister.JFCSON\Local Settings\Tempc«iry Intemet FilesVOU<E\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page L-^
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase // Reach IU
300.4 Implementation schedule for erosion control
500.3.4 BMPs for erosion control
500.3.7 BMPs to control wind erosion
500.3.5 Descripfion/Illustration of BMPs to prevent
increase of sediment load In discharge
Implementation schedule for sediment control
500.3.6 BMPs to confi-ol sediment tracking
500.3.8 &
500.3.8 &
Descripfion of non-stonn water discharges to
receiving waters
500.3.8 &
500.3.9 Locations of discharges
500.3.8 &
500.3.9 Descripfion of BMPs
300.5 Name and phone number of person
responsible for non-storm water management
500.6.1 Description of post-construcfion BMPs
Operation/Maintenance of BMPs aiter project
completion (including short-term funding,
long-term funding and responsible party)
Name and phone number of person(s)
responsible for inspections
Attach. H
Complete inspection checklist: date, weather,
inadequate BMPs, visual observations of
BMPs, corrective action, inspector's name,
title, signature
500.7 Documentation of all training
500.8 List of Contractors/Subcontractors
Section B: Monitonnc and Reporting
600.1 Description of Site Inspection Plans
100.3 Compliance certification (annually 7/1)
600.2 Discharge reporting
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment L
C:\Documents and SettingsVBZinsmelsterJFCSONMocal SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc Page L-;
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach IU
Keep records of all inspecfions, compliance
certifications, and noncompliance reports on
site for a period of at least three years
100.1 Signed SWPPP Certificafion C.9. 10
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III Attachment L
C:\Documents and Settlngs\B2nsmei5ter.JFCSONy,ocal SettingsUemporary Internet Files\OU<BSWPPP_SAHl R III PH II Attachments.doc Page L-
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach Ul
Attachment M
Annual Certification of Compliance forthe Construction Contractor
Project Name: 3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach III
Contractor Company Name:
Contractor Address:
Construction Start Date:
Description of Work:
Completion Date:
Road Construction
Work Now in Progress:
Work Planned for Next 12 Months: Road construcfion
"1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properiy gather and evaluate the
information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathenng the
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is,
true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations."
Contractor Signature: Date:
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach 111
C:\Documents and Settings\BZinsmeister.JFCSON\Local SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKBSWPPP_SAHI R ill PH II Attachments.doc
Attachment M
Page M-
Stomi Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase U Reach IU
Approval by the City for the
Annual Certification of Compliance
I, and/or personnel acting under my direction and supervision, have inspected the
project site and the work described above and find as follows:
1 • YES • NO Storm water pollution control measures are being implemented in
accordance with the SWPPP approved for the project.
2 • YES • NO The project site and activities thereon are in compliance with the
Califomia Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region Order no. 2001-01 NPDES
No. CAS0108758.
When both 1 and 2 above are checked "yes", the resident engineer must complete the
annual certification below.
If either 1 or 2 above are checked "no", the resident engineer must:
• File a notice of non-compliance within 30 days of identification of the
• Document follow up actions below;
• Notify the contractor; and
• Initiate corrective actions in accordance with the contract.
City Follow up Actions: ^^^^
/ certify under penalty of law that this document and ali attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that
qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on
my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly
responsible forgathering the infonnation. the information submitted is to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
imprisonment for knowing violations.
Engineer's Name and Signature Date
3583-2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Phase II Reach lit Attachment M
C:\Documents and Settings^BZinsme^ter.JFCSaN^Local SettingsMemporary Intemet Files\OLKE\SWPPP_SAHI R III PH II Attachments.doc ^^9^ M