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3903-3; Mission Basin Water Wells Remove, Inspect; Mission Basin Water Wells Remove, Inspect; 2005-05-02
MISSION BASIN WATER WELLS EQUIPMENT REMOVAL, WELL INSPECTION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT CMWD CONTRACT NO. 3903-3 PREPARED BY GREGG DRILLING & TESTING, INC. 2726 WALNUT AVENUE SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 Phone: 562-427-6899 May 2, 2005 MISSION BASIN WATER WELLS: EQUIPMENT REMOVAL, WELL INSPECTION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT CMWD CONTRACT NO. 3903-3 1.0- Introduction Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc. (Gregg), 2726 Walnut Avenue, Signal Hill, CA 90755 was retained by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to remove well appurtenances from six wells, video log/inspect the wells and preserve the wells by installing a steel well cover over the top of each well. On January 18,2005 Gregg commenced demolition activities at the site, these activities were completed on January 28,2005. Demolition activities consisted of removal of the pumps, pump shafts, related materials and oily water from the wells and removal of the surface structures surrounding the wells. Permanent caps were installed on the top of the wells. The wells were allowed to sit undisturbed for one month after the demolition work to allow the mineral scaling debris that was loosened from the well casing during pump removal to settle. On March 7, 2005 the wells were video logged. The video logging was performed by Pacific Surveys of Claremont, CA using a Laval R2000 down-hole video camera. In general terms, all six of the wells showed a high degree of corrosion and a large buildup of mineral scaling throughout the entire length of each of the wells and the well casings appeared to be dented and/or collapsed at various depths. During pump removal activities large amounts of mineral scaling were dislodged from the well casing. This dislodged scaling went into suspension and did not settle completely. This, combined with the brackish content of the water in the wells, somewhat limited the optical clarity of the video camera during logging. It is apparent from the logging however that the steel well casings have deteriorated significantly due to corrosion and mineral scaling and have undergone deformation at various depths. 2.0 Summary of Well Conditions Well No. 3 Installed in 1948, a 14" diameter well with 10 gage casing, a total depth 212', slotted with 3/8" Mills knife from 138' to 196' and five slots around the circumference spaced at one foot intervals. Static water level at 6.6'; 0' to 6.6' scale/honey comb, thin layer of honeycomb floating on water, 6.6' to 157' very cloudy (high TDS water, floating particles) and no major obstructions. Well silted up at 157'. Well No. 4 Installed in 1946, a 14" diameter well with 10 gage casing, a total depth of 212', slotted with 3/8" Mills knife from 138' to 196' and five slots around circumference spaced at one foot intervals. Static water level at 5.5'; well obstructed at 11.2'. Obstruction appears to be pipe and wood. Well No. 5 Installed in 1951, a 16" diameter well casing where the total depth was not recorded, 30' of 10" perforated casing installed at bottom of well. Static water level at 4.7'; 7' to 170' very cloudy (high TDS water, floating particles); 170' to 195' heavy rust buildup on casing. Well No. 6 Installed in 1953 to a total depth 160', a 16" diameter well casing to 128', 32' of 10" casing installed at bottom of well, 10" casing perforated from 128' to 148'. Static water level at 9.9'; 9.9' to 110' very cloudy (high TDS water, floating particles); 135' heavy rust buildup, unable to lower camera past 135' due to corroded casing Well No. 7 Installed in 1953 to a total depth 170', a 16" diameter well casing to 117', 10" liner from 105 to 148' - perforations (48 holes per foot) from 120' to 148', crushed rock 148' - 170'. Static water level 10', 10' - 105' high amount of suspended solids, 105' heavy rust buildup, casing overlap, unable to lower camera past 109' due to rust buildup on lower casing. Well No. 8 Installed in 1956 to a total depth 143', an 18" diameter well casing, perforated from 110' to 140'. Static water level at 10', high amount of suspended solids through well column. At 101', a break was noted in the casing due to heavy corrosion of well casing, rock showing behind casing break. Unable to lower camera past 127. 3.0 Well Rehabilitation and Retrofitting The six wells examined in the Mission Basing were all installed between 1946 and 1956 making the wells between 48 and 58 years old. All six wells exhibited a high degree of mineral encrustation, scaling and corrosion. The wells were perforated with either a Mills knife or by drilling holes in the well casing. Perforating well casing in this manner was an acceptable practice and a typical well installation process at the time the wells were installed. However perforations of this type can allow a high amount of sand and finer particles to enter the well and make for higher entrance velocities of water entering the well. This in turn will increase wear on the pump shaft and pump. Due to the age and construction of these wells they are likely poor candidates for rehabilitation and retrofitting. Well Rehabilitation - Retrofitting m m. The well rehabilitation process entails re-development of the well by airlift/airswab, bailing, chemical treatment and/or pumping to clean out sediments in the well casing and mineral scaling or biofouling from the well casing and screen. A pump test is then performed to evaluate the production of the well. Retrofitting of the well consists of installing a smaller diameter casing and well screen in the well, installing a sand pack between the two well casings and installing a pump in the well. This smaller casing will decrease the amount of water that can be pumped from the well. Due to the elevated salt content and high TDS of the water it is recommended that well liners, submersible pumps and pump columns be stainless steel 316. The estimated costs for rehabilitation and retrofitting the Mission Basin wells are presented below. Please note that the price of stainless steel has shown considerable fluctuation in the past 24 months, mainly increasing. Prices for well screen, casing and submersible pumps are based on current prices. Well No. 3 DESCRIPTION Well Rehabilitation 8 5/8" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 blank casing 8 5/8" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 louvered casing Install casing, sand pack, well seal Develop New Well Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days foot foot foot days each NUMBER 10 140 60 200 2 1 UNIT COST $2,500.00 $126.00 $174.00 $30.00 $2,500.00 $78,000.00 TOTAL COST $25,000.00 $17,640.00 $10,440.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $78,000.00 $142,080.00 Well No. 4 Well No. 4 has surface debris in the well which would need to be removed prior to well rehabilitation. DESCRIPTION Remove Debris From Well Well Rehabilitation 8 5/8" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 blank casing 8 5/8" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 louvered casing Install casing, sand pack, well seal Develop New Well Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days days foot foot foot days each NUMBER 4 10 140 60 200 2 1 UNIT COST $ 2,000.00 $2,500.00 $126.00 $174.00 $30.00 $2,500.00 $78,000.00 TOTAL COST $ 8,000.00 $25,000.00 $17,640.00 $10,440.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $78,000.00 $150,080.00 Well No. 5 DESCRIPTION Well Rehabilitation 10 3/4" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 blank casing 10 3/4" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 louvered casing Install casing, sand pack, well seal Develop New Well Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days foot foot foot days each NUMBER 10 150 45 200 2 1 UNIT COST $2,500.00 $158.00 $205.00 $30.00 $2,500.00 $78,000.00 TOTAL COST $25,000.00 $23,700.00 $9,225.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $78,000.00 $146,925.00 Well No. 6 Well No. 6 is not a good candidate for relining due to the 10" inner liner present in the existing well. The existing inner liner will prevent the installation of a new inner liner of a size sufficient to allow for adequate flow. Due to the age and degraded condition of the well it may not be possible to produce significant amounts of water from the well. DESCRIPTION Well Rehabilitation Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days each NUMBER 10 1 UNIT COST $2,500.00 $68,000.00 TOTAL COST $25,000.00 $68,000.00 $93,000.00 Well No. 7 Well No. 7 is not a good candidate for relining due to the 10" inner liner present in the existing well. The existing inner liner will prevent the installation of a new inner liner of a size sufficient to allow for adequate flow. Due to the age and degraded condition of the well it may not be possible to produce significant amounts of water from the well DESCRIPTION Well Rehabilitation Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days each NUMBER 10 1 UNIT COST $2,500.00 $68,000.00 TOTAL COST $25,000.00 $68,000.00 $93,000.00 Well No. 8 DESCRIPTION Well Rehabilitation 12 3/4" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 blank casing 12 3/4" Diameter, 0.25" wall ss316 louvered casing Install casing, sand pack, well seal Develop New Well Install Pump, 6" Column, Base, 2" Sounding Tube Total UNITS days foot foot foot days each NUMBER 10 100 40 140 2 1 UNIT COST $2,500.00 $175.00 $245.00 $30.00 $2,500.00 $74,000.00 TOTAL COST $25,000.00 $17,500.00 $9,800.00 $4,200.00 $5,000.00 $74,000.00 $135,500.00 4.0 New Well Installation For comparison purposes a new well installed to a depth of 200' and constructed using 10" diameter blank casing (140') and 60' of continuous wire wrap screen, 0.040 slot, installed in a 16" diameter borehole can allow for a flow of approximately 2000 gallons per minute with a 1 psi pressure drop through the slots. The estimated cost to install a new well is as follows: ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DESCRIPTION Mobilization/Demobilization Drill Rig Drill/Install 18" Conductor Casing Drill 8" Pilot Boring Ream Boring to 16" 10" SS316 Wire Wrap Screen, 0.040 Slot 10" SS316 Blank Casing 0.025" wall Install Casing, Sand Pack, Well Seal Well Development Pump Testing Install Pump, 6" column, Base, Sounding Tube Total UNITS per well foot foot foot foot foot foot day day each NUMBER 1 50 200 200 60 140 200 3 2 1 UNIT COST $7,500.00 $150.00 $20.00 $35.00 $195.00 $158.00 $24.00 $2,200.00 $3,500.00 $76,000.00 TOTAL COST $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $4,000.00 $7,000.00 $11,700.00 $22,120.00 $4,800.00 $6,600.00 $7,000.00 $76,000.00 $154,220.00 The cost to abandon the existing wells by tremmie grouting with a nine sac sand/cement slurry would be between $5,500 to $7,500 per well. The costs presented for rehabilitation-relining and new well construction do not include: technical oversight of the work; permitting of the work, discharge/disposal of water generated during well rehabilitation and development and disposal of drill cuttings and drill mud generated during well construction. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The existing Mission Basin water wells are quite old, most in excess of 50 years, and exhibit signs of considerable degradation which will likely limit the effectiveness of any rehabilitation efforts. Mechanical action inside the wells, i.e. bailing and surging, could cause damage to corroded well casing which could make it impossible to reline the wells. The existing wells were perforated with either a Mills knife or by drilling holes in the well casing. Both these methods were standard practice for well construction at the time the wells were installed; however, neither can provide the entrance capacity that a continuous wire wrap screen or a high flow louvered screen can. Therefore, the lined wells will be limited in the amount of water they can produce by the perforations in the old wells. Future rehabilitation of lined wells is also a consideration. The smaller diameter liner installed in the existing well does not allow the energy generated by bailing, swabbing and airlifting to effectively reach the gravel pack surrounding the outer casing. This will cause the wells to silt up faster and in turn reduce the life of the well. The cost for rehabilitating and relining the existing wells is approximately the same as it would be for installing new wells. A new well installation will allow greater water intake and can provide greater capacity than relining the existing wells. For these reasons, it is our recommendation that new wells be installed rather than trying to rehabilitate and install liners in the existing wells. Due to the high salt content of the water at the site it is recommended the new well casing and screen be stainless steel 316 (SS316). This will inhibit corrosion and give the well casing and screen a longer life and will require less maintenance over the life of the well. Likewise, the submersible pump and riser pipe should also be made with SS316. Mission Basin Wells, North of Mission Ave Before and After Demolition, Well Casings Remain for Inspection and Possible Rehab Before After Well #3 Well #4 Well #4 Well #5 Well #5 (Febl8,2004) Mission Basin Wells, North of Mission Ave Before and After Demolition, Well Casings Remain for Inspection and Possible Rehab Well #6 Well #6 Well #7 Well #7 Well #8 Well #8 (Febl8,2004) KlVER. Lj : 327 _Sr/o/j.T£/z I S 7V/»/r uruAL. Co. .LJ££t.L. -D-28- -2S— 2.0V— II. I14B + 5. Cur* 7b ft a Lit J/3 ( ft aw tic 12 " AfiAA r- > « DRILLING CONTRACTORS . :. . ( J> I J Xr""' TELEPHONE CORONA lOft E. IV. Brockman & Son WELL * 3 Distributor PUMPS and EQUIPMENT 918 West Sixth Street, Coron*, California May 14, 1943 Carlsbad H utual Water Co. . . .-• Carlsbad Calif. Log and record of 14" Gravel pack veil Ceding 14" Double 10 ga. ' Starter . Special gravel pack type Shoe 24" ... Casing 14" Log . 0 - 28» Ocean nud 28 - 132' Ocean mud and sand 152-152' Sand and gravel 152 - 180* Sand and small gravel 180 - 183* Ocean mud and sand 188 - "204* Sand and small gravel •• 204 «• 208' Coarse gravel and sand 'r 208 - 212' Clay Perforated from 158 « to 196' ~~ Five cuts to the round, rounds 12" apart Hills perforater 5/8" blade Well Started on April 21, 1948 Well completed May 11, 1948 MUTUAL. Lt)are-n Oa. Oe H"(LAAve, ROCK CHur£ • 0-/6' • ' ,**— • TA^tr ^<~ - -/&" P/t>£ M ' L&AJ& . f • • /2B-J801 f&D-l^L ' i * . » • • t , » t • . • - ' _ ..... ^ • > • ..;••:'. fiLfiLff Sana .X^*^ i ^? f T~ rv?*»v» / x ^ ' I—---' £ise'/z. </ /2." f~/v V£S A**""**- - — ^^" # s"""^ ;gffauf^ Pomona Jot T.iting and Pumping Equipment " \i \k)FLL My.,. Pr.,,u,. SyUm, .. ' PK......OIfic. IO4...R...S76 «nd I4O-W v -' ^ ^ I9O5 •' " Pip. and Fi«in9. — ... ••) if* /*/*•/ a- A ft. Ru.t-ol.um PaintE. w. BROCKMAN WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR 918 W.tt Sixth Str*.t CORONA, CALIFORNIA December 27, 1945 . Carlsbad Mutual Water Company • Log of 14" well. - :?i;. . ' -. • • "• .•.-•: -;'•-•;• 0 - 16 River sand 16 - 55 Black mud 55 - 128 Black sand 128 - 180 Sand and gravel 180, - 196 Sand 196 - 210 Sand and gravel / 210 . - 212 Blue clay Cut from 190 to 150 feet every 12 inches. .' -•••' Five cuts to round. CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COLU-AKY Log of 14" Well 0 - 16 River sand 16 - 55 Black mud 55 - 128 " Black sand . 128 - .,180 . Sand and gravel '.,-: 180 -; , 196 Sand K V 196 - . . 210 Sand and gravel * ••' • 210 - 212* Blue clay • ;. Cut from 190 to 130 feet every 12 inches. . Five cuts to round. " .- (Er.st well) Located in the HS:fc of MWi of Sec. 18, T-ll-S, K-4-W, SBBM . Coupleted Dec. 1945. - . Rose ft<J6» 1(3 •15-80 33.' 32. Hours. 80-/2B I2&- /3V 53-3 Of It,"U£.i_l. S/LT f U)6LL Jf £sr Co. 22? OF 16" 2.8, La. Ptft. f~*°T SC SrttVA t J2.TO /O UAL. . A~\i # 53-3 San Diego-San Luis Key Valley . Total depth of well 148 0-25 ft;, fine sand 25-80 ft; silt and fine sand 80-128ft; fine sand . . • 128-134ft; medium sand with scattered small rock 134-140ft; coarse sand and $ to 10" rock 140-148ft; sand with equal amount of rock (very good) 148-l60ftj fine sand and silt \ , . ' • NOTE: Well was filled back in to 148 feet Y/ith crushed rock. . 32 feet of 10" line of which 20' was perferated, was set at this depth. Signed; Robert L Morrison, Well Driller riievngmai, implicate jna iripncjte wiin Ihe _ ($«I;»BI 707< 7077"DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES •f o DOX 107* -ATE OF CALIFORNIA DEF «-——"- . DIVISION OF % (1) DRILLER: (person, firm, or corporation) Namc}.forrl8on -ell r-rSllnys— TtaMi 1, *?«*ri?t(*n Address Hf-.l ^nufeK "fiftl» £econ<Hrtof Calif. OWNER: life}! <jT'~3~~3 Name Cerlphtd %'utusl Tfnts* Ce^pnry Address Cn-ldm-l. f>llf. .-~> (2)-*;. Proposed Use (Check) Equipment Domestic Q Industrial Q Rotary Q Irrigation Q Test Well . Q DugVell D Municipal (3 Other D Other Q (3) CASING: 128 ft! «r 16 i« 10 n>./r». ei.inf rr»»« »'ft « «u 32 " 10 • " ?8 Iba" oef Poftfe . r - ' •• •• •• - .;. • £• . « ~ - - .... Type »*><f »'** of tlioc or veil rinj (4) PERFORATIONS: rcrfor>t<j 1?8 ft. to 1<J3 ft. 22 Koio per foot «•.. .. .. .. » .. .. .. ~ M •«•*•• *• I* •• •«•••• •* t* .. - .. .. .. .. Diameter of perforation) in., length is. (5) WATER LEVELS: "•* '•'Va» electric log raade of »•«!!? Q Y« 3 No If yet, itticb cc?j*. . -" I5f«ili it wSich »-atfr wsi first found ft J • ft. Sun&ns level btfore perforatirtf G 1, f'- $..r.d.-n, !«,,l ,f«, p^fwaims 61 ft. X&re your <jb«rvjt»on of ar.y cKin$e in watrt level m-feile drilUoF TV3 T^9 * V« » surface lanitiry seal proviJt-J? T^O (6) WELL PUMPING TEST: Cipicity Y fal./min. ft. rfnv down • V,i vc|| jnvtl pieltj? VfSJi T CO Id • " C3 At"c'1 (7) TYPE OF WORK (check): Ncv well Q Reconditioning of Veil fj nrcpenlng existing «-rll rj , >0. 1, Vn.r Cod.) .-- ' ( > State Vrll NnARTMENT OF PUBLIC. O«KS . ^ ., ^ f\TcR RESOURCES ^_^ ///'*•/ ^/^^ 3 (8) LOCATION OF WELL: R. F. D. or StrMt No. ^An f lllc Hojr* V A 1 l»y - (9) WELL LOG: .. ; • . - . Toul itftli of «-rll ) Afl ' . | FarmJtioa: Mcntioa size of water <«TC|— 0 ft. to ?S fc. ^<iv» rin rvl ?5 " 60 " silt An<1 ?lf«» «ntvl 80 " 19« ~ f\nn nf>^A l?ft " £fia 1»J m«'4ttm M^ V'^fe *<M\ft<»fM • - e-.f»ll rack 134 •• 140 ™ cpUT*pft satxl ttn$ }> to 10" - rock 140 " l-'3 ~ »««•? wifh <»»nr»l «"«»i»»«f «*• - ror't (n*rv rtot) 143 " 1^0 ~ fin** RC**""! f»n<' *? 5 > •* .• - wn»f»f W&I^ «»»« ^n?«^ V*rNT- ln to 143 fifc ffSth cfosV.Si* r«rk. ?.? feat of 10" lir*»* of trhloh ?0* tf«5 pft?. •<*«!•« t.ftJ*.W*»B R»» «fe <.n<B ~ f^»r<^^t ' .. : '. .. .. •-.'• "''. • .. - ' '- , •• ••• . .. „ ^ X •* •• .. " *^ "• i r T i •VW1c ..».«{ "U*/ !•"" . 0>n,p!«t«J *°S» lij I»-C > <ipt 1 i>,Date of Report ( 19 XC'ELL DRILLER'S STATE3a:NT: Thii u-ell u-ai JriUcJ seX'r tay jurisJiclion and Ibil teporl is hue lo ttt Ivs ej my knoulcJge ar.J Miff- - / — \ ^ Vorricon "?olj "'rlllors C.57 n««j "*3'fE*.-at«* lf )9&3 4CSTO 3-51 3^U 1'UIN © SPO 30, QA&LS&AO MUTUAL. LJ^reA Co Norri tiAUL£Q 7/3 AMD //?' t-e-AU/va. Jl' o* IQ /A/ $/£>£• T//£- /&" £ AS/MS. » 6? OA&E/L .. /ir Tel CUT 13.0 Five MeGtum (A/ITS/ 5/1 AJ a LJirtt ftcx.* S/-z.£ •UP ro SAfjQ LJirri LOTS Of Of /foc/f up AOCK. (&A£LK P, DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES P. O. BOX 107* CACRAMCNTO •. CALIFORNIA (Section* 10U, Itrr, 7071, W.ur Ce<U) >-. ", ,,ATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLl||pfcMtKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Scale Veil No._ Other Veil No._ Region (1) DRILLER: (person, firm, or corporation) Name M ftps T -3 OX tf~LL T3S TILTHS Address 1151 55^ v»pl« • EscondHo. Calif. OWNER: We// -3~-73 ~ / Name CAULS SAO Mir? ITS L 'VAT-H CD. Address /•.„„.,..,_. C 11* " " (2) Proposed Use (C&foi) Equipment Domestic 0 Industrial Q Rotary D Irrigation D Test Well Q Dug Well Q Municipal [tl Other d .Other Q (3) CASING: 117 ft. »f !*"• i» ftSl. \fb-/f- e«Mnj ''ft '• w<" 4? " on " •}" -**?."-> ~ •• M MM •.*.«••• ft) •* MM M *« •* M •* •< *M M t« •• Type ind >!»e of slice or veil ri«r ] r •*•/*. ' •- -' V * (4) PERFORATIONS: *M M M M «• •• «• M M •• M •* «• 11 •« •* *• •• •« H ' *• ** •• *• M M *« •»••*•• «,« M M *• •• •• •• •* •» •* •• « .. « .. .. Diameter of perforation* • -- *~ r .*. t V in., length '*> i». (5) WATER LEVELS: Vi» electric Io£ raiJe of veil? D Yei £j No If yri. attacb copy. V» . .u,fa-e »ni,,n- •«! prov;j«J> (6) WELL PUMPING TEST: Clpjritjr Sjl./raio. ft. inw icvn . V»wrtl.,,«!p«l.J, V«,« my lti>t> K.'.J i -aii.it |*>II- -Jor,' Allacli Tcrr.ncnturc V*al a cnsmieil analytit made? copjr H .fc,r.Jor.,J v., •»•«!! c.pp.J. (7) TYPE OF WORK (check): Nrwell Q Rf con Jriioningo{ well [] IJ«pcning existing well Q (8) LOCATION OF WELL: R. F. D. or Street No. >tf| e* *-i* vXf *r- «.,i;^T 1J -. n ^f l?-4-*f- ' ' " (9) WELL LOG: Total Jepili of irtll ^*7 fl ' ft. Foriaat!oai Mtntioa size of vaBBrfnvtl— - i,-| " ?« — 1 .,., ... !-|* ™fs " op- - v^ »./-!-• ^ * M Q« " l^ii - *i^* -=.-!» ,--•«.-.» .-;*«. " ~ *- 1 ...',.?•!». 120 " _ 123 - m«<iiyjr. nnn^ v!*V. snail " ~ 'rp-ik sl-» -j^ »-. '•" l?n •• 7"?— •.•»3;>i-( --.-*...-*% ,^^•. _ ^ t 1 ' M !^> " 1C1 ~ -«^;...' .5 ^i*?, Tn», - * • l i -v« !•:-> " 14^» - ^ft.,M,e-, ,^^,t fl^"» i^i, ,» " •" -« •»-•'<• •« - »• o ?•• 14H •• i«!r> - M,,--.- ;-:^. ,~.^.,...- ,;*«-, ~ -• ^ .^ -. r- ., , « «!/;"< « -„, „ V.,,,, *.-,T =!.,,,« —- "lOTEj •y«n 1 ...^_, .„. , ,^» A ^ "• 1*»0 "-»v». -^^ *«1Via -.. ,. ' " ~ "»5*,V \£'» ra^lr.*-.-> )4R Tf "" *** Tly ftT^^lp** Ar* Rrt^f.4 -.^aiv.^. b°rs. At \4& fec.t ^0" 1 ! war w*« .set rnd 1^" »,-**>* ,.,,V-..i s-n^fc ,-p ** "" * 17 •£&Q,*S' . ? Q.Q.-*J\ t\O J ^ "^Q fi^1 casing.„ it «• •• •>• •• •> .. •( ••» " Vort itancJ A O T- 1 1 2 "S3 • Coie?!««* An^\'\ 39 » _C? Dale of Report .'.. -v- = "> '" " 1'3?J . H WELL DRILLF.R'S STATEMENT: . Thii U'tll U'lis Jril'eJ fcJt r my jariiJidion anj Ibh tff>ort it hut to tbt tut of my knotilc.l^f anil belief* B"^-<^^x^£5v''I>r<'''' ^^^' _^ *~ / ^ i ^^SZr^- • "~ ' _ r x B Of S/e*r To t '/a.'. /Bo /& T~//~ 5. 7"o I'/z To 13." L>£Lt. no'- HAfl.fi &LACK L OA £> /W£L To /Jaati .orJiT" ^3/ [. Or ROSE) UJ&U 0-2.0-' .-a.0-.90- 70-//01 /b/-/b5"~ Of / Pii.ua. RIVER SfiMO 5 A Dcffl/v ff)^c . 1 % __ / Si-ucCUK* Pomona Jet j \ -Teiting and Pumping Equipment (st*.'"'?- Myr, Pr«.,u,. SyUm. '^ PnoB.....Om« IO4...R.,.S76,nd I4O-W W . . Ettablii'hed I9O5 «„",. .. E. W. BROCKMAN - ——~ " WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR 918 Wett Sixth Street CORONA, CALIFORNIA December 11, 1945 • » . WESKP WELL Carlsbad Mutual Y/ater Company Log of 14" well. • ••••••'.-.-- „ : '; : 4 .. " . ' •."•'.. 0 — 20 River send • 20 - 90 Black ocean san«a 90 - 110 Black ocean sanafl 110 4 •"." 160 Sand and small {gravel 160 - 161 Ocean mud 161 - 165 Ocean mud and ssaid 165 . — 204 Coarse gravel eBad sand ; 204 - 205 'Blue clay Cut from 169 to 165 feet every eight inches, with |«» blade. Six cuts to round. CAHLSEAD MUTUAL tfAIEli CC^PAKY Log or 14" Well. '0 - .20 River sand 20 - 90 Black ocean sand 90 - ilO Blnck ocean sand 110 - ; 160 Sand and snail gravel 160 . - 161 Ocean mud 161 ~ 165 Ocean mud and sand ''.••»• - - • ' 165 * 204 Coarse gravel and sand 204 - 205 Blue clay Cut from 189 to 16? feet every eight inches» trith irt blade Six cuts to round. (West well) Located in the NEi of MTCi Sec. 18, T-ll-S, R-4-W, SBBM. Coinpleted Dec. Drilled by E. W. Brockman, 918 V7. Sixth St., Coronaf Calif. LJ£LL Esr. t\) UJ /DP to? CASt/JCL ' lO" LD. ft to LJATF& LJtrH /AD AMciAV ti& AoutS 2." I I (D O 1 1 1 1 1 1 I j§CO ^.—•^ ~coQ_ 'o 'c 3 S -o CO _Q _C/) k_COO (D O75 -" 5=5 c S>— ^*C/3 03CO c0 '(/Jin ^ I