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39721; Municipal Golf Course "The Crossings at Carlsbad"; Municipal Golf Course "The Crossings at Carlsbad"; 2006-11-01
City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project ^ 39721 "The Crossings at Carlsbad Monthly Status Report November 2006 Prepared by Dudek & Associates, Inc. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. SCORECARD 1 lolc Back tee I'ai-Hole ll.ickkv Par 1 4 II) 346 4 2 .177 4 ll 393 4 3 412 4 12 436 4 1 222 3 13 342 4 5 584 5 14 130 3 6 440 4 15 541 ? -527 5 16 540 5 8 160 3 17 192 3 9 355 4 18 414 4 Oul 3512 35 In 3334 3(. Oul 3512 if. lolal 6846 72 CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Table of Contents Section 1: Mass Grading Contract > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potential Issues Section 2: Golf Course Construction Contract > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potentiallssues > Project Photographs Section 3: 1 r T» '11' /-^ Goli Course Buildings Contract! > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potentiallssues > Project Photographs Section 4: > Overall Golf Course Project Financials Section I - Mass Grading Contract No. 3972M General Contractor: Sema Construction 6 Orchard #150 Lake Forrest, CA 92630 Construction Start Date: September 8, 2005 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC, City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for October There was no work done in October by Sema Construction (Sema). In order to close out the contract CM Staff is currently negotiating with Sema to grade the Wetlands area as trade off for the wetlands disturbance they caused last year. When this item is resolved CM Staff will move forward with the preparation of the final Change Order (No. 8) and Agenda Bill to close out the project. Planned Work for November • Final close-out procedures, possible grading of the Wetlands area, and preparation of change Order No. 8. Contract Statu-s-Change Orders CM Staff wiU be preparing Change Order No. 8, which will be the final Change Order that balances the Bid Items and finalizes all of the contract quantities to actual quantities installed in the field. This Change Order will close out the project, but can not be finalized until the City and Sema agree on the costs for the Wetlands disturbance, that occurred during clearing of the site. Cash Flov^ Projection There was a small progress billing in October for additional brow ditch instaUed at the West Crib Wall and at Holes MO and #11. A final retention billing will be processed after recordation of the Notice of Completion. Project Schedule Work is substantially complete so there will be no further Baseline Schedule up-dates or 3-Week Look Ahead Schedules. CM Staff wiU address a final time extension or waiver of Liquidated Damages as a part of final Change Order No. 8. Potential Issues None to report. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Project 5^39724 MASS GRADING CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: S $ $ $ ,s 7,721,463.48 2,827,918.43 10,549,381.91 36.62% 10,549,381.91 Description Approved Projected Project Total C lange Orders $ 7,721,463.48 1 Remedial Grading ($2.22/yd.) $ 932,400.00 $ 8,653,863.48 2 Increase SWPPP Measures $ 825,413.10 $ 9,479,276.58 Cap Archeological Site/Creek Crossing $ 48,192.33 ,S 9,527,468.91 4 PVC Pipe Change/Clearing/Boxes $ (7,254.00) $ 9,520,214.91 5 Additional Sur\'eying $ 25,000.00 $ 9,545,214.91 6 Increase Compaction from 90% to 95"/o $ 224,000.00 $ 9,769,214.91 7 Adjustments to estimated quantities to reflect the actual quantities of materials instaUed in the field $ 780,167.00 $ 10,549,381.91 Total Approved Change Orders: $ 2,827,918.43 Revised Contract Amount: $ 10,549,381.91 * Pending Final Execution Potential Change Orders Estimate Total Estimated Potential Changes: $ Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 10,549,381.91 City of Carlsbad Mumcipal Golf Course Project #3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-1 Contract 1 - Mass Grading Cash Flow Projection $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 ^C^ ^Q*^ ^Qb^ ^c:^^ 'T y y^ y 'T 'y y y y y y y y y y / /' A/ / NO^^'^ f"'// / / ri- jy ^ <.# ^ ^ 0 Monthly Projection • Monthly Actual City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Section 2 - Golf Course Construction Contract No. 39721-2 General Contractor: Wadsworth Golf Construction Company 600 N. 195'^ Avenue Buckeye, AZ 85326 Construction Start Date: March I, 2006 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC Hole ^ 7 Green and Lake 11-30-06 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for November As stated last month, Wadsworth Golf Construction Company (Wadsworth) has completed planting of the entire Golf Course and are currently working with Kemper Sports Management (Kemper) on maintenance of the Golf Course. (A grassing schedule has been included for reference). Wadsworth continues to concentrate on planting of the Coastal Sage Mitigation areas and creation of approximately six acres of Wetlands. Wadsworth, Kemper and CM Staff continue to work on creation of the punchlist for the Golf Course. The Architect made two more site visits in November to advise on the punchlist items and final planting areas. Construction activities for the month included the foUowing: • Irrigation system testing. • Continued with installation of Mitigation area irrigation system, and grow and kill cycles. • Completed placement of concrete Cart Path. • Continued construction of Bridge "A" over CoUege Avenue. • Began creation of the Wetlands areas. Planned Work for December • Irrigation system testing. • Continue with Mitigation area irrigation system and planting. • Continue with Wetlands creation work. • Tie-in of Cart Path to Fairways. • Begin preparation of Golf Course punchlist. Contract Status-Change Orders Change Order No. 4, containing 12 items, was executed this past month. The total cost of Change Order No. 4 is $390,000.00. The total of the four executed Change Orders is $1,635,164.00 and represents 9.8% of the contract amount. CM Staff is currently preparing Change Order No. 5 for an estimated amount of $280,000.00 which confirms aU of the changes related to the five Golf Course Bridges. This Change Order should be circulated shortly. CM Staff is currently drafting Change Order No. 6 containing several items that will be approximately $600,000.00. Cash Flow^ Projection Actual cash flow wUl continue to decrease as the project nears completion. Based on Wadsworth's progress we expect this trend to continue, and should be less than projections. DUDEK City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Project Schedule Wadsworth is complete with grassing the GoU Course. Planting of the Mitigation and Wetland areas is in fuU swing and it appears that this work can be completed within the original schedule. A wet winter is stiU a concern and may impact the schedule. Dates for the delivery and instaUation of the last remaining Bridge (Bridge "B") have still not been confirmed so a final completion date for the project cannot be provided. Bridge "B" is due to arrive in late December, early January 2007. Potential Issues There is stUl a concern with the instaUation schedule for Bridge "B" because a rain storm during or just prior to the instaUation could have a major impact on the schedule. The Contractor wUl have to stage a crane almost in the streambed which gets wider during a rain event making access and staging for the crane nearly impossible. A dry period of approximately two weeks prior to setting the bridge will be necessary to complete the instaUation. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report • ' \ Hoks #12,13,14,15,16 11-01-06 Hole 6 from Fairway 11-03-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Wetlands Clearing 11-08-06 College Bridge "A" Deck Pour 11-15-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Cadsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Hole # 8 Last Grow & Kill Application 11-16-06 Hole # 7 Mitigation Area Hydroseeding 1L29-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Project #3972-2 GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Executed Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: 16,727,761.00 1,915,164.00 18,642,925.00 11.45% 319,696.00 18,962,621.00 Description Approved Projected Project Total Change Orders $ 16,727,761.00 1 Club House Parking Lot Water Main Revisions, Hole 18 Change from PAR 3 to PAR 4, Drainage Pipe Change, Cart Path Fibermesh, Hole 7 Reshaping, SWPPP, CaUoway Tree Additions, Additional Surveying, Additional Bunker Sand Work, Installation of Lateral Sewer Line from Comfort St. A' to Maintenance Bldg. $ 433,319.00 $ 17,161,080.00 2 POC on 16 " Potable Water Une at 6 Tees, Bridge A' Modifications to Veneer, Bridge A' Foundation Changes, Revise Grassing/Seed Placing, Drainage on Oak Trees 36' & Larger, Bridge E' Abutment ?!^1 Redesign, Bridge 'E Rock Breaking at Abutment #2, SDG&E Electrical Trench Palomar Airport Road/CoUege Blvd, & Hole #7 Waterfall Vault Power, 5 Additional 60" Pinus Eldarica Trees at Holes # 6 and #3, Bubblers on aU Trees 24" or Greater, Grade Modifications on the Fairways of Holes #7, ?!^10, #11, & #17, Tie-in Potable and Recycled Water Lines into Existing Lines on CoUege Boulevard and Install Meter Boxes &r Backflow Devices. $ 581,728.00 $ 17,742,808.00 3 clean up/Removal of Pre-Existing Trash on the Project Site, Remedial Grading on Bridge 'B', C, 'D', Drain Une Behind Lower Lake #7, Additional Pile Length on Bridge B' & C, Generator at Pump Station, 96' Oak Ttee Behind Hole #18 Green, Bridge A' UtiUty Prep Work, Rainbird Relocation Kit, Hole #6 Permanent Connection 16" POC Potable, 8" Reclaim, CaUoway Tree Addition, Bridge B' Abutment #1 Over excavation, InstaUation of SDG&E Terminator Pad. $ 230,117.00 $ 17,972,925.00 4 Increase Fairway Drainage, Erosion Control, Surveying, & Trash Clean- up/Removal on the Ptoject Site, InstaU 18" RCP SD Line in CoUege Blvd., Increase Sprig Rate, BoUards in Front of SDG&E Transformer, AdcUtional 10" Gate Valve, 2" Blow-Off, & 2" M.A.R., Shooting Range Soil Removal, Clear Wetlands Atea, InstaU 8 " SD PipeUne Along Cart Path, Modify Driving Range Tee Complex. $ 390,000.00 $ 18,362,925.00 *5 Bridges .\, B, C, D, & E Modifications ,S 280,000.00 $ 18.642.925.00 Total Approved Change Orders: $ 1,915,164.00 Revised Contract Amount: $ 18,642,925.00 * Pending Finaf Execution * Potential Change Orders Estimate * Irrigation & Pump Station Changes $ (50,00000) * Industrial Pad CribwaU Landscaping & Irrigation $ 52,94400 * Additional Irrigation for Slopes on the Right Side of Hole #15 & #16 $ 115,719.00 * Additional Container Plants $ 87,922.00 * Shooting Range Ttees $ 5,616.00 * SpUt Rail Fence $ 85,295.00 * Protection Fence $ 22,200.00 * Total Estimated Potential Changes: $ 319,696.00 * Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 18,962,621.00 City of Carlsbad Mumcipal Golf Course Project #3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-2 Contract 2 - Golf Course Cash Flow Projection $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 y> y y / //' t^' d f /' / 0 Monthly Projection • Monthly Actual City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Cpr1mb«d G.C. 3-wlc SchMlul* 1.06 6, '06 M T W D»c 31, '06 S M T rjSTTo? 3 ~m ZA :J 13 '3 rj ZA ZA ZA ZA :j! ZA ZA ZA ZA ZA ZA 3 ZA ZA ZA ~B ZA 'E3 ^E3 ZA 39 :J il 3 42 2A ao 3 :^ ZA ZA ZA 3 3 3 "3 3 51 task Nam* Shtt» ORsnd holtiH S n 15,16 Wadaworth a«condary rough irrigation front 9 Gma Dmfl hole 16 Frwy Dmg 18 Qraval Blanicat hofa IS Root Zona mix IfisttlWon Holaa PG.S.IO Root Zona mix mtaHation Holes 11.12 Irttaka Uns/wat well conat. Irr laka Laka 7 comtructlon Concrete cart path form and pour front S Bunker Conatructwn front 9 Trae P!anting frorrt 9 Irrigsthxi Mitlsaiion areaa 5,6,4,3.2 Grow/kiH MHjgatlon arees Sod h a 5,6 &odHolea2.3 Stokmlza 2,3 Brklga'A' Brldga "B" Bridaa'C- Brtdge "0" New Design Bridge "E- Hyrdoaaad Fascua Hoie#e Sod Hole 4 Concrata cart path form and pour back 9 Sod Holes 1,S.9 Stolonize Holas 5,6 Sod Hole PO Araa Seed greens 1 ,S.9 Pump station delivery & sslup Grssnsmlx 13,14,15 Irrlgsta HoMIS & Driving Ranga Seed green PG Bunker constructlan back 9 Tree planting back 9 aprighelasl.M Prap tor aod holes 10,11, 13 SawliSodholeslO, 11, 13 Sprig holes 10,11,13 Prep tor aod holes 16,17 Sssd & Sod holes 16,17 Sprig hdss 18,17 Prsp for sod hoIss 18,12.7 Seed 4 Sod holes 18,12, 7 Sprig holaa 18,12. 7 Prap tor aod 14 Seed & Sod holes 14 Prsp for sod hole 15 Prep for sprigs hole 15 Sprig 15 Sod hole IS Prap & aprig DR Driving range Lights Watlwds dssring & install In-igatlon Palomtr Airport Rd improvsmante, madian « Mitigation Areas • American Landacape Punch Uat hole* 1 thru fi Punch Nat holes 10 thm 18 + DR 2.Bwks 8.5 wks 4 days 11 dsys 3 days 13 days ISdaya todays 3.4 wks 3.4 wka Svrks 8v^ 6.5 dsys 3 dsys 8.5 daya 27.4 wks 127 dsys 95.5 days 5 dsys 80 daya 3daya 2 day* 13 daya 3daya 2 day* 1 day 2 daya Sdaya 45 daya 45 daya 4 daya 7 daya 4 days 4 day* ISdaya Sdaya 3 daya 7 days 3 dsy* 3 dsys 4 days 3 daya 4 daya 3 daya 1 day 2daya 5 day* 30 daya 81 dsys 28 daya 74 days 16 days Fri SI26/X Thu 5/18/06 Thu 5/18/06 Thu 5/18flD6 Mon 6/26/06 Ffi 7/7/06 Mon 6/12/06 Mon 6/19/06 Tue5mrt» Thu 5/iara6 Thu6/18«» Thu Sl^aOB Thu 5/18/06 Thu 5/18/06 Mon 5122/06 Mon6CT«)6 Tue 5/23/06 Tue 5/30/06 Tue 6^06 Frie/3ora Mon 7/24/06 Thu 8/1/06 Mon 10/9/06 Mon 5/29/06 Wed 8/7/06 Tue 6/6/06 Wed 7/5^6 Mon 6/26flDB Thu7/6« Fri 7/7/08 Thu 7/13/06 Tue7/18ffl8 Mon 7/24/06 Mon 7/10/06 Thu 7/20/06 Mon 7/3/06 Fri8™V06 Fri7/28A)e Mon 7/31/06 Mon 8/14/06 Mon BI^4ltX Mon 8/14/06 Thu 8«i/oe Thu 9/7/06 Mon 9/11/06 Thu 9/14/06 Fri 9/15/06 Sat 9/16/06 Wad9/2MJ6 Tue 1013106 Wad 10/4/06 FrilO/e™ Wed 10/18/06 Mon 10/9/06 lutSISW Mon 10/16/06 Thu 1/4/07 Thu 9/14/06 Mon 12/4/08 Tua12«6A» Fint^ Fri6/iene Wad 6/7/06 Mon 7/17/06 Tue 5/23/06 Mem 7/10rt» Tue 7/11/06 Wed6/28rt)6 Fri 7/7/06 Mon 6/5/06 Wed 6/28/06 Wed 6/21/06 ; Wed 6CT/06' Fri6«fl6 Fri 6^/06 Fri 6/23/06 Fri 7/21/06 Wed 5/31/06 Thu 8/1/06 Frte/30ffl6 Sun 12/31/06 Mon 1/8/07 Thu 10/5/06 Fri 10/13/06 Tue 9/12/08 Fria'9flD6 Wed 6/7/06 Frt 7/21/06 Wed6/28«M Fri 7/7/06 Fri 7/7/06 Fri 7/14/06 Mon7/24«6 Wed 7/2«n}6 Thu 7/27/08 Thu 7/20/06 Thu 8/31/06 Wed8AX)/06 Wada/2W Tus KfeAW Thu 8/17/06 Thu 8/17/06 Thu 8/31/06 Tus9/5rt36 Sat m/06 Mon 9/18/06 Sat 9/16/06 Mon 9/16/06 Wed9/20«)6 Fri9/22«» FrilOWOe Fri10/6rt36 Fri10W06 Thu 10/19™ Fri 10/13/06 Wed 10/11/T)6 Fri 1/5^7 Mon 2/12/07 Fri 12/22/08 Mon 12/25/08 Tue 1/2/07 Dil^VOe Dec 10, '06 TFSSMTWTFSSMTWT F S Task Summary Project Summary External Taaka Extamal Mllaatone •'^t' DUDEK & ASSOCIATES. INC, HEINBUCH Carlsbad Golf Course Contract No 39721 - 2 Planting & Seeding 2006 November Grassing Summary Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thiursdav 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 Sunday 6 M70 7 M70 8 M70 9 M70 Piayable 11,12 10 M70 11 M70 12 M70 13 M70 Lake Meter 47B97.8 off 14 M70 15 M70 Greg Nash 16 M70 17 M7U Fescue P/R #15 18 M70 19 M70 20 L70 Reseed #10,11 greens 21 L70 FescLie #14 22 L70 23 M70 Thanksgiving 24 IUI 70 Holiday 25 M70 26 M70 27 M60 Rain No Worif 28 Mid 60 29 Mid 60 wind Mix "A" #7 30 Mid 60 MIX "A" Itr, 2,4 27 Low PW psi East Date Days Greens 06/27/06 156 2,3,4,5,6 07/14/06 138 1,8,9 07/20/06 152 Puttina Green 08/28/06 10&11 08/29/06 92 13 9/21/2006 70 18 09/23/06 68 16 & 17 09/39/06 62 7 & 14 10/02/06 59 12 10/31/06 53 15 11/20/06 10 10&11 Fairways Date Days Hole it 06/29/06 154 2 06/30/06 154 3 07/06/06 146 6 07/07/06 145 5 07/29/06 125 8&9 08/01/06 121 1 08/05/06 117 4 & 7 08/12/06 110 10 08/19/06 108 11 & 13 09/02/06 89 16 09/08/06 84 17 09/16/06 75 18 09/29/06 62 12 10/06/06 55 14 10/14/06 41 DR 10/20/06 47 15 11/30/06 Date 06/07/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 08/04/06 11/17/06 11/20/06 Days Fescue Hole tt 174 6 162 5 138 3 118 2-7 slope 13 15 left slope 10 14 Section 3 - Golf Course Buildings Contract # 39721-3 General Contractor: Jaynes Corporation 111 Elm Street, Fourth Floor San Diego, CA 92101-^2649 Construction Start Date: November 1, 2005 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for November Maintenance Building Jaynes Corporation (Jaynes) continues to work on minor punchlist items for the building. Kemper has moved into the building and is using it daily for its maintenance activities. A Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Department. Clubhouse Building With all of the trusses now in place the project is wide open for all trades to move forward to completing their work. The Contractor was able to "dry-in" the building prior to Thanksgiving weekend, which is a huge milestone because it allows work to continue inside the building indifferent of the weather. The dry-in also allows the Contractor to move forward with finish work such as drywaU, taping and painting. Most trades are active on the site on both the interior and exterior of the building and currently making good progress towards finishing the building. Planned Work for December Maintenance Building e Complete punchlist items. • Jaynes to provide warranty support. Clubhouse Building • Continue with exterior underground water and sewer piping, e Continue with Half-Way House construction. e Continue work on Comfort Stations "A" and "B". e Begin with drywall installation on the West side, e Continue with wrapping, EFIS and plastering of the exterior building. • Continue roof sheeting of the West side. e Dry-in of the building's West side is complete, e Truss installation of the West side is complete. Contract Status-Change Orders Change Order No. 3 containing 16 items for an estimated total of $94,635.00 has been prepared and is being distributed for review and execution. There are several other Potential Change Order requests that are currently under review and will be converted to Change Order No. 4 next month. Casfi Flow Projection Actual cash flow has fallen behind primarily due to the delays in receiving the trusses for the DUDEK City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report West side of the Clubhouse Building. Now that the trusses have arrived and are being installed, the West side of the Clubhouse will open up to other construction thereby increasing cash flow. Project Schedule The construction schedule continues to show that the Contractor is about eight to ten weeks behind schedule. Meetings continue between the Contractor and CM Staff to review ways to accelerate the schedule. With the completion of the trusses for the second floor of the West side of the building the Contractor wUl now be able to prepare a recovery schedule and hopefully accelerate the work to complete the project earlier. Potential Issues The project schedule continues to be the biggest issue as the completion date is eight to ten weeks behind schedule. The Contractor and CM Staff continue to meet and explore ways to expedite the work. With the recent approval by City Council of the Clubhouse expansion, CM Staff is working with Jaynes to determine a firm cost and schedule impacts. There is a possibility that this work may further extend the schedule. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report clubhouse - All Roof Trusses in Place (West End of Roof) 11-07-06 Clubhouse - Interior View of Roof Trusses (Looking West) 11-07-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Big Truss at Angle Turn Point of Clubhouse Roof 11-07-06 Trusses over Clubhouse Dining Room (Looking West) 11-07-06 DUDEK City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Maintenance Facility from #6 Fairway ll-n-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC Telephoto of Maintenance Facility from #5 Green Looking over ^6 Tee Pads 11-16-06 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Project #3972-3 GOLF COURSE BUILDINGS CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: 10,660,864.00 323,431.75 10,984,295.75 3.03% 43,124.00 11,027,419.75 Description Approved Projected Project Total C lange Orders $ 10,660,864.00 1 Elevator Modification to Holeles,s, Modification to Parking Lot Structural Section, Add Concrete forStepped Footing, I'luct above we,st side of Club House Mechanical Room Door, H-Vac Relocation, Modify Switchgear w.'two Electric Meters <&> Halfway House, Demo Rock and Perimeter Wall Footing at Maintenance Building, Delta 8 Structural Changes - Steel $ 114,792.00 $ 10,775,656.00 2 Window VV2 Radius Adjustment, Landscape Irrigation Sleeve Damage, Atmospheric Vent for Sewer Pump dp Halfway House & Clubhouse, Door Hardware Changes, Substitution of Glu-Lam Beams in lieu of Douglas Fir Rafters in West Wing of the clubhouse, SEER #10 & AC ITnit Upgrade, ExteriorSteel Columns - Clubhouse, Maintenance Building Gas Meter Relocation, Maintenance Bldg. Concrete Slabs & Parking Lot, Sand Blasting of (rlue- Lam Beam Trusses in West Wing of the Clubhouse. $ 114,004.75 $ 10,889,660.75 Modifications to Site Sewer and Water line Piping for the Clubhouse (CH), Revise I 'nderground Sewer & Water Piping for the Maintenance Building (MB),Revise Underground Sewer & Water Piping for the Comfort Stations (CS), Modify Structural Wood Beams & Trusses per Delta 8, Provide Electricity to Stove ^i' MB, Install Water Service & Fire Protection to the MB, BathroomTile Upgrades in the MB, Concrete Slabs Under Bronze Statues, FRP Panels to the Bathroom (!!> the MB, Extra Survey Work, Modif)' Roof Drain Bubbler System & the MB to Tie-in to the Storm Drain, Install 60' of Sewer Line to the Wash Rack Facility at the rear of the MB, Modify the Fire Service Rise Piping from Interior to Exterior of the MB, Replace Plastic Laminate with Stainless Steel Around the Stove in the CH, Sandblast Wood Trellis around the CH, Install Two Sewer Lift Stations. $ 94,635.00 $ 10,984,295.75 Total Approved Change Orders: $ 323,431.75 Revised Contract Amount: $ 10,984,295.75 * Pending Final Execution Potential Change Orders Estimate C~h.uigcs tn the Fini.sh hlcwitions of the MR Marking Int $ 8,428.00 Electrical Power for Sewage Pump @ Halfway House (HH) & CS 'B' $ 2,433.00 Revise Wood Door Frames at the CH $ 1,758.00 Duct Work Transitions $ 1,822.00 Additional Smoke Detectors @ CH Cart Storage Area $ 7601.00 Revise CH Lower Level Floor to Broom Finish $ (808.00) Relocate Monument Sign & deletion of irrigation & Landscape in Median on Hidden Valley Road $ (4,532.00) Re construction of Modified Cul-de-sac at the End of Palomar Oaks Way $ 10,943.00 Backflow Devises $ 6,554.00 Caulk Maintenance Building Slab $ 3,168.00 Revise Storm Drain at the CH S 5,757.00 Total Estimated Potential Changes: S 43,12400 Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 11,027,419.75 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project #1972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-3 Contract 3 - Buildings Cash Flow Projection $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- - ^ Jo ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ / / / s/' / / / / 0 Monthly Projection • Monthly Actual City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Carlsbad Golf Course Buildings Maintenance Building Club House 5190 6460 6360 5200 5430 6270 5100 5120 5470 6910 6850 ROO AIR FIR ROO DRY PLU Flat Roofing H.V.A.C. Ductwork Fire Protection Rough-In WAT ISU Flat Roofing Dry-In Light Metal Framing Wall Plumbing Rough-In Deck Waterproofing Wall Batt Insulation DRY Exterior Cement Board sou ELE Sound System Rough-In Rem % Dur CmpI Early Start Roof Electrical Rough-In 15905 GEN Maint. Bldg Punchlist and Walk-Through 5 1 99 25OCT06A 13DEC06 -12 P Clubhouse Sitework 8900 CRE Curb & Gutter Excavation 5 1 90 07JAN06A 01DEC06 -46 • 9570 CRE Pour Curbs/Gutters/Swales 5 1 90 11JAN06A 12DEC06 -52 1 4500 LAN Irrigation Piping 10 5 50 01MAY06A 07DEC06 -57 ' 4420 PAV Asphalt Paving Basecourse 5 1 75 08MAY06A 18DEC06 -52 1 4430 PAV Asphalt Paving 5 3 50 15MAY06A 21DEC06 -52 ' 6590 ELE Site Electrical Conduit 10 8 20 20NOV06A 12DEC06 -52 1 9420 CRE Concrete Paving Grade & Compact 5 5 0 01DEC06 07DEC06 -41 9490 CRE Drive Pad Excavation 5 5 0 01DEC06 07DEC06 -45 6210 PLU Gas System 10 10 0 01DEC06 14DEC06 -52 9500 CRE Drive Pad Prep 5 5 0 08DEC06 14DEC06 -41 4520 LAN Irrigation Wiring 10 10 0 08DEC06 21DEC06 -57 9400 CRE Handicap Ramp 5 5 0 13DEC06 19DEC06 -50 9460 CRE Concrete Site Paving Reinforcing 5 5 0 15DEC06 21DEC06 -41 4510 LAN Irrigation Valves & Valve Boxes 5 5 0 22DEC06 29DEC06 -57 9440 CRE Concrete Site Paving Placing 15 15 0 22DEC06 15JAN07 •41 15 7 10 0 6 5 1 50 75 100 50 90 95 100 90 80 80 06JUL06A 08JUL06A 13JUL06A 15JUL06A 17JUL06A 24JUL06A 31JUL06A 15AUG06A 15AUG06A 15AUG06A 15AUG06A Start Date Finish Date Data Date Run Date 01NOV05 27FEB07 01DEC06 29NOV06 14:12 © Primavera Systems, Inc. Early Bar Progress Bar Critical Activity CB07 Jaynes Corporation Carlsbad Golf Course Buildings Update #7 As of December 1, 2006 Three-Week Lookahead Schedule Comfort Station 30160 RFI#207 Half-Way House & Comfort Stn Lavs 7 2 71 17OCT06A 04DEC06 -16 30155 PLU cs Finish Plumbing 1 1 0 08DEC06 08DEC06 -16 30180 GEN Comfort Station Completion 0 0 0 08DEC06 -16 30175 GEN cs Punchlist and Walk-Through 3 3 0 11DEC06 13DEC06 -16 30185 GEN CS Final Inspections 3 3 0 14DEC06 18DEC06 -16 30200 GEN Comfort Station Obtain Certificate of Occupancy 1 1 0 19DEC06 19DEC06 -16 Half-Way House 20145 PAI HH Paint 3 3 5 27NOV06A 14DEC06 -25 20085 FOO HH Install Kitchen Hood 2 2 0 01DEC06 04DEC06 -25 20125 DRY HH Tape and Texture 5 5 0 05DEC06 11DEC06 -25 |RFI#207 Half-Way House & Comfort Stn Lavs ^CS Finish Plumbing •Comfort Station Completion ^•CS Punchlist and Walk-Through ^S Final Inspections •Comfort Station Obtain Certif •••••••••HH Paint IHH Install Kitchen Hood IHH Tape and Texture Sheet 2 of 3 Activity RESP Activity Orig R«m % Early Early Total ID Oescription Dur Dur CmpI Start Finish Float 1 20155 PLU HH Finish Plumbing 2 2 0 15DEC06 18DEC06 -25 \ 20157 ELE HH Finish Electrical 2 2 0 15DEC06 18DEC06 -25 [20180 GEN Halfway House Completion 0 0 0 18DEC06 -25 r~20175 GEN Hallway House Punchlist and Walk-Through 5 5 0 19DEC06 26DEC06 -25 27 Maintenance Building Sitework 5755 5745 GEN Maint. Bldg. Site-Work Punchlist & Walk-Through GEN ! Maint. Bldg. Site-Wori< Final Inspections 75 27OCT06A 14DEC06 13DEC06 18DEC06 -15 -15 2001 JJEC_ JAN Halfway Hc ise Punchlist and Walk-Throughl 18 26 ,1 HH Finish Plumbing HH Finish Electrical ^Halfway House Completion IMaint. Bldg. Site-Work Punchlist A Walk IMaint. Bldg. Site-Work Final In Sheet 3 of 3 Section 4 Overall Golf Course Proiect Financials Contract 3972M, 39721-2, and 39721-3 IDUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Cadsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course •• Project 3972 Budget, Expenditures and Contracts through 11/30/2006 Original budget and budget changes Original Estimate Increases (Decreases) Revised Budget Grading Construction Buildings Construction contingency Construction misc. Grow in/pre opening costs/start-up 7.721,46? $ 16,727,761 10.661,052 1,755,514 5,855,000 2,600,000 2.827,918 1,635,164 228,797 7,266,776 2,500,000 (100,000) S $ $ (4.68},290) $ S $ 10,549,381 18.362,925 10.889,849 4.339,000 8.355,000 2,500.000 Total Estimated Cost 45,320.790 $ 14.358,655 $ (4.683.290) $ 54.996,155 D EXPENDITURES / CONTRACTS Budget Total Contract / Obligation Expenditures Contract Balance Remaining Budget (A-C-D) * Grading - SEMA Construction (US Bank-Escrow) * Construction - Wadswortli (California Banl< & Trust) * Buildings - Jaynes Corporations (California Bank) Contingency Subtotal Construction * Construction management & miscellaneous nudek TJ Dixon & James Nelson (Artwork) Simon Wong (inspection) Engineering overhead Construction Analysts Misc- (shipping, copies, etc) Water Meters (estimate not in original budget) Mark Mojado (San Louis Rey Band of Indians) Testing Engineers Subtotal construction management/support * Design Team - construction phase services Greg Nash l~)ouglas Frederlk.son Architects * Environmental monitoring and special studies (Dudek) * SDG&E Undergrounding & Utility fees * Fumiture Fixtures & Equipment * Mitigation maintenance & monitoring (5 years) * GroW'ln and Start-up 10,549,381 18.362.925 10.889.849 4,339.000 10,549,381 18,362,925 10,889,849 4,339,000 10,341,156 14,752,159 8.128,604 44,141.155 3.845.000 3.845.000 370.000 500,000 1.150.000 990,000 1.500.000 2.500.000 44.141.155 2,570,000 128,000 1.908 74,926 2,880 62,650 675,000 33,668 187,000 3.736.032 75,000 85,000 500,000 17423 33,221.919 1,749,283 96,000 1,833 74,926 2,880 62.650 611,492 33,668 173,126 2.805.859 72,130 81,546 336,074 1.044,126 314,319 208,225 3,610,766 2,761,245 6.580.236 820.717 32.000 75 63,508 13,874 930.174 2,870 3,454 163,926 17,423 4.339.000 4.339,000 108.968 370.000 (75.000) (85.000) 105,874 972,577 1.500.000 2.185.681 Total Expenditures and Commitments $ 54.996.155 $ 48.554.610 $ 37.875.973 $ 7.698.083 % 9.422.099 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # ViTl November 2006 Monthly Status Report Grow-In and Pre-opening maintenance Budget ^ ,. Remaining Expenditures Budget * Operations Management Kemper Sports Management Base Fee 140,000 66,692 73.308 Kemper Sports Management - misc. 23,000 23.000 * Pre-opening maintenance Grow in Payroll 520,799 77,928 442.871 Grow-in Supplies & Utihties 602,050 154,966 447.084 Maintenance Building Set-up 157.500 9,03? 148.467 Cart Storage Set up 5,000 5.000 Range / Course Set-up 85,500 85.500 Grassing and seeding 200.000 200.000 * Clubhouse Operations Clubhouse Payroll 208,000 208.000 Clubhouse Supplies 440,151 5,000 435.151 Inventory -700 (700) Marketing 118.000 118.000 Totals 2.500.000 314.319 2,185.681 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project Construction Contracts - Monthly Cash Flow Projection Cash Flovy Projection by Month Month Mass Grading Contract Billings Golf Course Buildint Monthly Total Cumulative Total September - 2005 October - 2005 November - 2005 December - 2005 January - 2006 February - 2006 March - 2006 April - 2006 May - 2006 June - 2006 July - 2006 August - 2006 September - 2006 October - 2006 November - 2006 December - 2006 January - 2007 February - 2007 March - 2007 1,700,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 500,000.00 521,463.48 300,000.00 700,000.00 1.000,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000,00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 727,761.00 500, 1,100, 1,100 SOO StX) 1,000 1,200 1,000 1,000 800 700 660 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 ,000.00 000.00 ,864.00 1,700,000.00 1,100,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,600,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,600,000.00 2,021,463.48 2,000,000.00 2,700,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 3,200,000.00 1,660,864.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 727,761.00 1,700,000.00 2,800,000.00 4,800,000.00 7,400,000.00 9,400,000.00 11,000,000.00 13,021,463.48 15,021,463.48 17,721,463.48 20,721,463.48 23,721,463.48 27,021,463.48 30,221,463.48 31,882,327.48 32,882,327.48 33,882,327.48 34,882,327.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610.088.48 35,610,088.48 Totals: 7,721,463.48 $ 17,227,761.00 10,660,864.00 Contract Values: 1. Mass Grading: $ 7,721,463.48 Golf Course % 17,^-27,761.C O 3. Buildings: City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 November 2006 Monthly Status Report