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39721; Municipal Golf Course "The Crossings at Carlsbad"; Municipal Golf Course "The Crossings at Carlsbad"; 2006-07-01
i\IL „ City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project % 39721 Monthly Status ^ °;ijidy 2006 eport c: p c ^ • • > y o I 3. a • Prepared by Dudek & Associates, Inc. DUDEK &ASSOCLVTES,INC. SCORECARD Hole BackTee Par Hole BackTee Par 1 435 4 10 346 4 2 377 4 u 393 4 3 412 4 12 436 4 4 222 3 13 342 4 5 5S4 5 14 1.30 3 6 440 4 15 541 5 7 527 5 16 540 5 8 160 3 17 192 3 9 355 4 18 414 4 Out 3512 36 In 3334 36 Out .3512 36 Total 6S46 72 CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Table of Contents Section 1: Mass Grading Contract > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potential Issues Section 2: jGolf Course Construction Contract| > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potential Issues > Project Photographs Section 3: Goii Course Buildings Contract > Executive Summary > Contract Status - Change Orders > Cash Flow Projection > Project Schedule > Potential Issues > Project Photographs Section 4: > Overall Golf Course Project Financials Section 1 - Mass Grading Contract No. 3972M General Contractor: Sema Construction 6 Orchard #150 Lake Forrest, CA 92630 Construction Start Date: September 8,2005 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for July The Grading Contractor, Sema Construction (Sema), continues to complete punchlist items. Approximately 90% of the items on the list are complete with the remaining items scheduled for completion in August. Staff is preparing the final balancing Change Order and Agenda Bill for Council to accept the project. Planned Work for August • Continue with punchlist work, close-out procedures, and preparation of the final Change Order. Contract Status -Change Orders Change Order No. 7 has been signed by the Contractor and is being circulated for signature. Staff is preparing Change Order No. 8, which will be the final Change Order that balances the Bid Items and finalizes all of the Contract quantities to actual quantities installed in the field. This Change Order will close out the project. Cash Flow Projection There will be an August progress biUing that shows all work to be 100% complete. A final retention billing will be processed after recordation of the Notice of Completion. Project Schedule Work is substantially complete so there will be no further Baseline Schedule up-dates or 3-Week Look Ahead Schedules. Staff will address a final time extension or waiver of L.D.'s as a part of final Change Order No. 8. Potential Issues None to report. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Project #39724 MASS GRADING CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: 7,721,463.48 2,827,918.43 10,549,381.91 36.62% 10,549,381.91 Description Approved Projected Project Total C lange Orders $ 7,721,463.48 1 Remedial Grading ($2.22/yd.) $ 932,400.00 $ 8,653,863.48 2 Increase SWPPP Measures $ 825,413.10 $ 9,479,276.58 3 Cap Archeological Site/Creek Crossing $ 48,192.33 $ 9,527,468.91 4 PVC Pipe Change/Clearing/Boxes $ (7,254.00) $ 9,520,214.91 5 Additional Sur\'eying $ 25,000.00 $ 9,545,214.91 6 Increase Compaction from 90% Co 95% $ 224,000.00 $ 9,769,214.91 7 Adjustments to estimated quantities to reflect the actual quantities of materials instaUed in the field $ 780,167.00 $ 10,549,381.91 Total Approved Change Orders: $ 2,827,918.43 Revised Contract Amount: $ 10,549,381.91 Pending Final Execution Potential Change Orders Estimate Total Estimated Potential Changes: $ Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 10,549,381.91 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-1 Contract 1 - Mass Grading Cash Flow Projection $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 (^^ o"^ cv* <:^^ / ^ ^ / / f ^"^^ ^c^" ^^<r ^^^^ T <i^^' 0 Monthly Projection • Monthly Actual City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Section 2 - Golf Course Construction Contract No. 39721-2 General Contractor: Wadsworth Golf Construction Company 600 N. 195'^ Avenue Buckeye, AZ 85326 Construction Start Date: March 1, 2006 Hok m DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC, City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for July Wadsworth Golf Construction Company (Wadsworth) continues to make progress planting the Golf Course having sprigged (grassed) Holes #1, #4, i^^8 and #9 in July. The "Front Nine" of the course is essentially complete. The Contractor is continuing with sod placement and Cart Path installation for the "Back Nine" (Holes #10 through M8). The Contractor is scheduled to have the entire course grassed by mid September, 2006. A Golf Hole is considered complete once the grass has been established for over fourteen days and is turned over to the City for maintenance. The Architect made four site visits in July and approved several holes for grassing along with the tees and greens. Construction activities for the month included the following: • Approval of Holes #1, ^^4, #8, and #9 for grassing. • Irrigation system flushing, cleaning and testing. • Continued sod placement for Holes #7, ?^10 and Ml. • Continued installation of Bunker Sand. • Continued Lake Liner installation and Pump Station construction. • Continued work on the Lake WaterfaU feature on Hole #7. • Continued with placement of concrete Cart Path. Planned Work for August • Irrigation system flushing, cleaning, and testing. • Sprigging of Golf Holes #7, MO, and Ml. • Begin mitigation irrigation system and planting. • Continue installation of sod on Holes M2 through M4. • Complete Lake Liner and Pump Station work. • Complete the Lake Waterfall feature on Hole #7. • Continue placement of concrete Cart Path. Contract Status- Change Orders Change Order No. 2, containing twelve items, has been drafted and distributed for review and execution. The total cost of Change Order No. 2 is $581,728.00 and represents 6.07 % of the Contract amount. There are several other Potential Change Orders (PCO) currently being reviewed by the CM Staff that will be converted to Change Order No. 3 next month. DUDEK & ASSOCUTES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Goif Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Cash Flow Projection Actual cash flow continues to outpace projections due to the fact that Wadsworth has made more progress than shown on the schedule. Based on Wadsworth's progress we expect this trend to continue for several more months. Project Schedule Wadsworth is clearly ahead of schedule on grassing the Golf Course fairways. However, planting of the mitigation and wetland areas is behind schedule and has not started because work is not allowed to occur until after the California Gnatcatcher breeding season ends on August 15, 2006. Dates for the delivery and installation of the Bridges have not been confirmed and until they are a final completion date for the project can not be made. This issue is further discussed under "Potential Issues". Potential Issues There is still a concern with the fabrication schedules for Bridges "B", "C", "D" and "E". Bridge "E" and "C" have been approved and released for fabrication, however, a firm delivery date has not been provided by the Contractor. Once we have these dates the full impact to the schedule can be determined and reported. CM Staff expects the approval and release of Bridge"B" to occur next month. The Contractor has re-sequenced several activities to accommodate the delays with the Bridges, primarily so grassing of the Golf Course could continue during the peak planting season. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC, City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Hole # 6 Greg Nash Planting Inspection Day 1 7-06-06 Hok # 6 Planted 25 Days 7-31-06 & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Hole # 7 WaterfaU design review Greg Nash & Johan Perslow "Pace" 7-18-06 Hole # 7 Lake & Bridge "A" Construction Activities 7-20-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Reclaimed VVater Irrigation Pump Station Delivery 07-17-06 Irrigation Pump Station Factory Training 07-28-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Project #3972-2 GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: 16,727,761.00 1,015,047.00 17,742,808.00 6.07% 83,123.74 17,825,931.74 Description Club House Parking Lot Water Main Rewsions, Hole 18 Change from PAR 3 to PAR 4, Drainage Pipe Change, Cart Path Fibermesh, Hole 7 Reshaping, J SWPPP, Calloway Tree Additions, Additional Sur\'eying, Additional Bunker Sand Work, Installation of Lateral Sewer Line from Comfort Sc. A' to Maintenance Bldg. Approved Projected Project Total 16,727,761.00 433,319.00 $ 17,161,080.00 POC on 16" Potable Water line at 6 Tees, Bridge A' Modifications to Veneer, Bridge A' Foundation Changes, Revise Grassing/Seed Placing, Drainage on OakTrees 36' fist Larger, Bridge E' Abutment #\ Redesign, Bridge E' Rock Breaking at Abutment #2, SDG&E Electrical Trench Palomar Airport Road/College Blvd, & Hole #7 Waterfall Vault Power, 5 Additional 60" Pinus Eldarica Trees at Holes # 6 and #3, Bubblers on all Trees 24" or Greater, Grade Modifications on the Fairways of Holes #7, #10, #11, & #17, Tie-in Potable and Recycled Water Lines into Existing Lines on College Boulevard and Install Meter Boxes & Backflow Devices. 581,728.00 $ 17,742,808.00 Total Approved Change Orders: 1,015,047.00 Revised Contract Amount: $ 17,742,808.00 Pending Final Execution Estimate Irrigation & Pump Station Changes $ (50,000.00) Clean-up/Removal of Pre-Exisitng Trash on the Projest Site $ 10,000.00 Remedial Grading on Bridge B', C, & D' $ 50,000.00 Drainline Behind Lower Lake #7 s 35,000.00 Additional Pile Length on Bridge B' & C i 37,387.71 Addition of 96 Oak Tree Behind Hole #18 Green s 736.03 Total Estimated Potential Changes: $ 83,123.74 Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 17,825,931.74 | City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-2 Contract 2 - Golf Course Cash Flow Projection $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 sf sF y y 0" >2 y y y HlVIonthly Projection • Monthly Actual y City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report dsworth Golf Construction C Carlsbad G.C. 3-wk Schedule 08.24.06 11 B B B 12 B B B 13 B B B 14 B B ~ii B 17 B ~Te~ B 19 B -J6 -B ~Tl B —22'-B 23 B B B 26 B B 28 B 29 B 30 B ~I1~ B 32 B B — B 36 B 36 B 37 B 38 B 39 B io" B 41 B 42 B 43 B '44" B 45 B 46 B ""47^ B 48 B 49 B Zi 51 B 52 Zi 53 B 54 B 55 B 56 B '~S7' -^ Task Name Duration Stirt Shape DR and hote #16 3.2 wt» Fri 5/26/06 Irrigation 15,16 2.9 wkt Thu 5/18/06 Wadswortti secondafy rough irrigation front 9 8.5 wks Thu 5/18/06 Grns Dmg hote 16 4 days Thu 5/18/06 Frwy Dmg 18 11 days Mon 6/26/06 Gravel Blanket hdo 18 3 days Fri 7/7/06 Root Zone mix Instanation Holes PG,8,10 13 days Mon 6/12/06 Root Zone mix inttaltetion Hotes 11,12 15 days Mon 6/19/06 intake HneAvat waB const, in fake 10 days Tue 5/23/06 Laka 7 construction 6 wks Thu 5/18/06 Concrete cart path lorm and pour front 9 5 wks Thu 5/18/06 Parsons waHs 6 wks Thu 5/18/06 Bunker Construction front G 3.4 wks Thu 5/18/06 Tree Ranting front 9 3.4 wks Thu 5/18/06 Irrigation MNjoation areas 5,6.4.3,2 5 wks Mon 5/22/06 Grow/kill MitigBtion araas 8 wks Mon 5/29/06 Sod hofas 5,6 6.5 days Tue 5/23/06 Sod Hotes 2,3 3 days Tuo 5/30/06 Stolonize 2.3 8.5 days Tua 6/20/06 BrtdQe "A" 20 wks Thu 5/18/06 Bfidge"B" 90 days Thu 6/1/06 Bridge "C" 90 days Thu 8/1/06 Bridge "D" ???7???77? 5 days Tue 9/5/06 Bridga "E" 80 days Mon 5/22/08 Hyrdoseed Fe«;ue Hole#e 3 days Wed 6/7/06 Sod Hole 4 2 days Tue 6/6/08 Concrete cart path form and pour t>Bck 0 13 days Wad 7/5/06 Sod Holes 1,8,9 3 days Mon 6/26/06 Stolonize Holes 5,6 2 days Thu 7/8/06 Sod Hole PG Area 1 day Fri 7/7/06 Seed greens 1,8,9 2 days Thu 7/13/06 Pump station daWvsry t setup 5 days Tue 7/18/06 Grsansmix 13,14,15 3 days Mon 7/24/06 Irrigate Hole«1S & Driving Range 14 days Mon 7/10/06 Saad green PG 1 day Thu 7/20/06 Bunkar construction back 9 45 days Mon 7/3/06 Tras planting back 9 45 days Fri 6/30/06 Sprig holes 1,8,9 4 days Fri 7/26/06 PrapforsodhoteslO, 11,13 7 days Mon 7/31/06 Seed & Sod holes 10,11,13 4 days Mon 6/14/06 SprtghcrieslO, 11,13 4daye Mon 8/14/06 Prep for sod hotea 16,17,18 14 days Mon 8/14/06 Saed&SodholeBl6,17,18 Sdays Wed8/30/06 Sprig holes 16.17.18 3 days Thu 8/31/06 Prep for sod holes 12,14 7 days Tue 9/5/06 Seed a Sod holes 12,14 3 days Wed 9ffi/06 Sprig holes 12.14 3 days Fri 9/8/06 Prep for sod OR 4 days Mon 9/11/06 Sod Green tops DR 1 dty Thu 9/14/06 Sprig DR 2 days Sat 9/16/06 Prep for sod Hote 15 3 daya Tue 9/19/08 Seed&Sod hole 15 1 day Wed 9/20/06 Sprig hole 15 Iday Fri 9/22/06 Concrete cart paSi S SDGSE tie-ins 14 days Mon 8/28/06 Driving range Lights 14 days Tue 9/5/06 Palomar Airport Rd improvamente, median etc 30 days Sun 10/1/06 Mitigation Areas • American Landacape 60 days Tue 8/15/06 Finish Fri 6/16/06 Wed 6/7/06 ; Mon 7/17/06 f Tue 5/23/06 \ Mon 7/10/06 Tue 7/11/06 : Wed 6/28/06 ' Fri 7/7/06 Mon 6/5/06 Wed 6/28/06 . Wed 6/21/06 : Wed 6/28/06 ; Fri 6/9/06 ': Fri 6/9/06 Fri 6/23/06 Fri 7/21/06 ~ Wed 5/31/Oe Thu 6/1/06 ' Fri 6/30/06 ; Sun 10/1 m r Jul 2.'06 Jul 9,-06 Jul 16,'06 Jul 23,'06 Jul 3D,'06 Aug 6.'06 SSMT WT FSSMTWT F SSMTWTF SSM TWT FSSMTWT F SSMTWT F S Aug 13, '06 S M T^W T F S t°M' •06 T W T F S Aug 27, '06 TWTF Sun 10/1/06 1 Sun 10/1/06 i" Mon 9/11/06 i Thu 9/7/06 r Fri 6/9/06 • Wed 6/7/06 : Fri 7/21/06 . Wad 6/28/06 Fri 7/7/06 Fri 7/7/06 Fri 7/14/06 Mon 7/24/08 Wed 7/26/06 Thu 7/27/06 Thu 7/20/06 Thu B/31/06 Wed 8/30/06 ~ Wed 6/2/06 Tue 8/8/06 • Thu 8/17/06 : Thu 8/17/06 : Wed 8/30/06 Tue 9/5/06 Mon 0/4/06 Wed 9/13/06 Fri 9/8/06 Tue 9/12™ Thu 9/14/06 : Thu 9/14/06 Mon 9/18/06 Thu a/21/D6 Wed 9/20/06 Fri 9/22/06 Thu 9/14/06 Thu 9/21/06 Thu 11/9/08 i Wed 11/1/06 IZZ] I Project look ahead schedule Date: Thu B/24/06 Task Split External Tasks External Milestone DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. u/or CoMpiei Prujcctf Carlsbad Golf Course Contract No 39721 Planting & Seeding 2006 John Przybyszewski May-06 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sod # 6 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sod # 5 31 Sod #2 June 06 Jun-06 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sod #3 7 Sod # 4 Fes # 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Fescue # 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 L80 20 L8a Fescue # 3 21 L80 Sod # 1 22 23 L80 24 L80 25 26 H70 27 M70 Gr. 2,3,4,5,6 28 L80 Sod #8 29 Sprig # 2 Ts & Fair 30 H70 Sprig # 3 Ts & Fair /s( green seeded #2 may have extra 1-11/2 Ibs. Isi hote sprigged #2 may be heavy on tees Greens seeded wilh Lesco drop spreader setting "23" > 1 1/2 ibs./I.OOO Jul-06 Jul-06 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 L80 2 3 L80 4 L80 5 L80 6 L80 Sprig # 6 Ts & Fair 7 L80 Sprig # 5 Sod P-G 8 L80 9 10 L80 11 L80 12 L80 13 L80 Irr lake meter 3356 ir 14 L80 ' Seed Gr 1,8,9 15 L80 18 17 L80 18 L80 Greg Nash 19 L80 20 L80 Seed Putting Green 21 L80 22 L80 23 24 L80 25 L80 26 L80 27 L80 Pump station Running 28 L80 Pump online Generator 29 L80 Sprig#8/9 30 31 L80 Greg Nash H70 Greg Nash * 07- 74-06 > Irr lake meter 3356 on 10 Am Grassinq Summarv 7/31/2006 Planting Days Greens Planting Days Fairways Planting Days Fecsue 35 2,3,4,5,6 33 2 54 6 32 3 48 5 17 1,8,9 25 6 41 3 11 Putting Green 24 5 3 8&9 Grassing Scfiedule July 29 > 8-9 Aug 1 >1 Aug 4 > 7-10-11 Aug 14 > 12-13-14 Aug 23 > 16,17,18 Aug 31 > 15- DR 'Must have Irrigation Pump Station online Except Hole #7" " * Holes #13, #14 Bridges C.E ' Hole #16 Bridge E ' Hole #15 Bridges D, E fJEINBUCfJ Section 3 - Golf Course Buildings Contract # 39721-3 General Contractor: Jaynes Corporation 111 Elm Street, Fourth Floor San Diego, CA 92101-2649 Construction Start Date: November 1, 2005 till mm Pf fll f 1 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Cour,se Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Executive Summary Work Summary for July Maintenance Building Jaynes Corporation (Jaynes) is in the final phase of construction, primarily working on punchlist items for the building. The interior of the building is painted, flooring installed, and is essentially ready for occupancy. The Contractor is installing door hardware so the building can be locked. The building's exterior is complete and only site work remains. CM Staff is working with Jaynes to complete an office so Kemper's Maintenance Superintendent can utilize it prior to final completion. Clubhouse Building Structural steel installation for the building's towers is complete. Steel stud framing for the East side is also continuing and most of the masonry block has been completed. The milestone of setting the trusses on the building's East side has been reached. However, the trusses on the building's West side are still outstanding. There has been a substantial delay in getting the trusses for the West side of the building, which has forced the Contractor to re-sequence the work. The Contractor is now scheduling his work as if the building is two separate buildings (East and West sides) and is planning his work accordingly. Planned Work for August Maintenance BuUding • Complete interior punchlist items. • Complete exterior underground piping and electrical. • Compkte site concrete and asphalt. Clubhouse Building • Continue with exterior underground piping. • Continue with Half-Way House construction. • Continue work on Comfort Stations "A" and "B". • Continue second floor metal wall stud framing. • Begin West side truss instaUation. • Continue with steel stud installation. • Continue with plumbing and electrical rough-in. Contract Status-Change Orders Change Order No. 2 has been prepared and is being distributed for review and execution. It contains ten items for an estimated total of $114,004.75. There are several other Potential Change Order (PCO) requests that are currently under review and will be converted to Change Order No. 3 next month. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Cash Flow Projection Actual cash flow appears to continue to balance out projections from month to month, and we expect this trend to continue through-out the remainder of the project. Project Schedule The Contractor updated the schedule through the end of May. The schedule shows that the Contractor is about six weeks behind schedule. The Contractor and CM Staff continue to meet to review means to accelerate the schedule. The key item is the delivery and installation of the trusses for the second floor of the West side of the building. As mentioned earlier the Contractor is separating the building into two halves, East and West sides. This should pick-up some time on the overall schedule. If the West trusses can be expedited and instaUed earlier than estimated, the Contractor can get the project back on schedule. Potential Issues The potential issue mentioned last month regarding the wrong structural bid set is resolved regarding both time and schedule impacts. The Contractor has submitted three Potential Change Order requests from their structural metal supplier and Framing Contractor for a total amount of $80,000.00 that has been agreed to by CM Staff and is included in Change Order No. 2. CM Staff was able to negotiate this down approximately $20,000.00. The West side building trusses have had several issues. During the submittal process several discrepancies arose. The roof trusses were changed from Douglas Fir rafters to Glue-lam beams, and most of the steel plate and connection details needed to be revised. Unfortunately, the submittal process for these trusses has taken over four months and has impacted the buUding's completion schedule. At this time the full impact caused by the truss submittal is unknown and is still being evaluated. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Maintenance Building Electrical Switchgear Set - Ready for power 7-03-06 Maintenance Building Shower - Ready for Tile 7-03-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Comfort Station 'A" at M Tee Pad 7-20-06 Comfort Station "B" 7-03-06 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Project #3972-3 GOLF COURSE BUILDINGS CONTRACT STATUS/CHANGE ORDERS Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Percent Change Orders (on Original Contract): Potential Change Orders (Estimate): Potential Revised Contract Amount: 10,660,864.00 228,796.75 10,889,660.75 2.15% 20,224.00 10,909,884.75 Description Approved Projected Project Total Change Orders $ 10,660,864.00 1 Elevator Modification to Holeless, Modification to Parking Lot Structural Section, Add Concrete for Stepped Footing, Duct above west side of Club House Mechanical Room Door, H Vac Relocation, Modify Switchgear w/two Electric Meters @ Halfway House, Demo Rock and Perimeter Wall Footing at Maintenance Building, Delta 8 Structural Changes - Steel $ 114,792.00 $ 10,775,656.00 2* Window W2 Radius Adjustment, Landscape Irrigation Sleeve Damage, Atmospheric Vent for Sewer Pump @ Halfway House &t Clubhouse, Door Hardware Changes, Substitution of Glu Lam l?eams in lieu of Douglas Fir Rafters in West Wing of the Clubhouse, SEER #10 & #13 AC Unit Upgrade, Exterior Steel Columns Clubhouse, Maintenance Building Gas Meter Relocation, Maintenance Bldg. Concrete Slabs & Parking Lot, Sand Blasting of Glue-Lam Beam Trusses in West Wing of the Clubhouse. $ 114,004.75 Total Approved Change Orders: $ 228,796.75 Revised Contract Amount: $ 10,889,660.75 Peniding Final Execution Potential Change Orders Estimate Modifications co Site Sewer and Water Une Piping $ (6,650.00) EUminate WaterUne @ Comfort Station A &r SewerUne Revisions $ (5,200.00) Relocation of Comfort Station B & Alter Sewer &: Water Lines $ (16,100.00) Tile Upgrades $ 11,283.00 ("tmcrctc Sl.ihs Under Statues $ 3,349.00 Delta 8 Structural Changes Wood Beam, Truss, steel plate, rough carpentry $ 26,108.00 Provide Electricity to Stove @ Maintenance Building $ 1,180.00 Extra Survey Work $ 5,400.00 Plumbing Deletions & Additions @ Maintenance Building $ 854.00 Total Estimated Potential Changes: S 20,224.00 Projected Budget (w/potential Changes): $ 10,909,884.75 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Municipal Golf Course Project 3972-3 Contract 3 - Buildings Cash Flow Projection $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 # # # # # # c?*" # y y y y y y 'ir y y y ^ ^ £ ,<y ^ -^^ / f I Monthly Projection I Monthly Actual City of Carlsbad Municiapl Golf Course Project #3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Activity RESP Activity Orig Rem % Early Early Total ID Description Dur Dur CmpI Start Finish Float Carlsbad Golf Course Buildings Initial Sitework 1250 SDG Interface with SDGE 120 48 60 01NOV05A 06OCT06 22 1060 GEN Temporary Access Roads 5 3 40 03NOV05A 03AUG06 18 Maintenance Building 16420 16840 16810 16400 16900 16762 15905 15650 15630 15710 16290 15660 15770 15750 15900 14450 16340 FIR ELE ELE FIR ELE ELE GEN GEN GEN GEN PLU Maint Fire Protection System Testing Maint Electrical Trim-Out Maint Ceiling Electrical Trim Maint Fire Protection Underground Maint Equipment Room Electrical Hool<-Up Energize Maint Bldg. Maint. Bldg Punchlist and Wall^-Through Maint Access Panels Installation Maint Toilet Partitions Maint Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Installation Maint Plumbing Trim RES Resilient Flooring GEN GEN WIN FEN PLU Maint Toilet Accessories Maint Lockers Maint Window Treatment Installation Maint Rolling Gate Maint Systems Testing Clubhouse Sitework JUL I 3 2006 AUG SEP 10 50 100 100 71 80 100 06JUL06A 17JUL06A 24JUL06A 25JUL06A 26JUL06A 27JUL06A 31JUL06A 01AUG06 01AUG06 01AUG06 01AUG06 02AUG06 03AUG06 03AUG06 04AUG06 15AUG06 22AUG06 21AUG06 29JUL06A 29JUL06A 02AUG06 01AUG06 31JUL06A 25OCT06 01AUG06 02AUG06 02AUG06 07AUG06 04AUG06 03AUG06 16AUG06 04AUG06 28AUG06 28AUG06 52 75 61 16 66 60 70 67 68 69 60 68 52 52 iMa It Electrical Trim-Out iMa it Ceiling Electrical Trim 8900 CRE Curb & Gutter Excavation 5 1 90 07JAN06A 01AUG06 29 9581 CRE Valley Gutter / Swale Excavation 5 1 90 10JAN06A 01AUG06 29 9570 CRE Pour Curbs/Gutters/Swales 5 1 80 11JAN06A 02AUG06 29 6230 SUR Survey Site Utilities 2 1 60 04APR06A 01AUG06 10 4500 LAN Irrigation Piping 10 5 50 01MAY06A 07AUG06 21 4420 PAV Asphalt Paving Basecourse 5 1 75 08MAY06A 08AUG06 32 4430 PAV Asphalt Paving 5 3 50 15MAY06A 11AUG06 32 6560 ELE Site Lighting Wire 5 3 50 15MAY06A 11AUG06 39 14 21 28 femporary Access Roads IMaint Fire Protection Sys IMaint Fire Protection Underground IMaint Equipment Room Electrical Hook-Up inergize Maint. Bldg. IMaint Access Panels Installation IMaint Toilet Partitions IMaint Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Installation iMaint Plumbing Trim •Resilient Flooring IMaint Toilet Accessories ^HHHIHBHBHMaint Lockers •Maint Window Treatment Installation Maint Rolling Gate^^^^^^^^^H Maint Systems TestingI ICurb & Gutter Excavation /alley Gutter / Swale Excavation IPour Curbs/Gutters/Swales ISurvey Site Utilities ^^•irrigation Piping ^^^•Asphalt Paving Basecourse lAsphalt Paving •Site Lighting Wire Start Date Finish Date Data Date Run Date 01NOV05 02FEB07 01AUG06 07AUG06 16:08 © Primavera Systems, Inc. Early Bar Progress Bar Critical Activity Sheet 1 of 3 Jaynes Corporation Carlsbad Golf Course Buildings Update #3 As of August 1, 2006 Three-Week Lookahead Schedule Layout LT-09 Date Revision hecke pprove Activity ID 9420 9490 6190 9400 9500 4520 6580 9460 9710 6200 4510 9440 RESP CRE CRE PLU CRE CRE LAN ELE CRE CRE PLU LAN CRE Activity Description Concrete Paving Grade & Compact Drive Pad Excavation Sewer System Handicap Ramp Drive Pad Prep Irrigation Wiring Set Light Poles Concrete Site Paving Reinforcing Precast Pole Bases Water System Irrigation Valves & Valve Boxes Concrete Site Paving Placing Orig Dur 15 Rem Dur 15 % CmpI Early Start 01AUG06 01AUG06 02AUG06 03AUG06 08AUG06 08AUG06 Early Finish 07AUG06 Total Float 21 07AUG06 15AUG06 09AUG06 14AUG06 21AUG06 21 10 34 21 21 14AUG06 15AUG06 15AUG06 16AUG06 22AUG06 22AUG06 18AUG06 21AUG06 21AUG06 29AUG06 28AUG06 12SEP06 39 38 21 10 21 38 2006 JUL AUG SEP 3 Concre Club House 5020 FRA Wood Beams 5 1 75 26JUN06A 08AUG06 -19 5010 FRA Roof Decking 10 5 50 03JUL06A 13OCT06 -44 6460 AIR H.V.A.C. Ductwork 5 3 50 08JUL06A 10OCT06 -46 7020 PLU Upper Underslab Plumbing Rough-In 3 1 95 10JUL06A 01AUG06 -14 •Upper Underslab Plumbing Rough-In 7020 PLU Upper Underslab Plumbing Rough-In 3 1 95 10JUL06A 01AUG06 -14 5440 DRY Structural Metal Framing 5 1 80 10JUL06A 07AUG06 -19 6360 FIR Fire Protection Rough-In 5 2 60 13JUL06A 10AUG06 51 5200 ROO Roofing Dry-In 10 5 50 15JUL06A 20OCT06 -26 5430 DRY Light Metal Framing 15 6 60 17JUL06A 18OCT06 -46 6270 PLU Wall Plumbing Rough-In 7 3 60 24JUL06A 13OCT06 -44 4780 STR Structural Steel Beams Tower/Upper Level c n 100 25JUL06A 31JUL06A Structural Steel Beams Tower/Upper Level 4780 STR Structural Steel Beams Tower/Upper Level D u 100 25JUL06A 31JUL06A 5220 ROO Metal Roof Dry-In 4 2 50 27JUL06A 10OCT06 -41 5100 WAT Deck Waterproofing 5 5 5 31JUL06A 13OCT06 -7 9900 CRE Cast-ln-Place Step Concrete Placing 1 1 0 01AUG06 01AUG06 29 •Cast-ln-Place Step Concrete Placing 5720 GEN Fireplace Installation 5 5 0 01AUG06 07AUG06 -19 ^^••••Fireplace Installation 6400 FIR Fire Protection Underground 6 6 0 01AUG06 08AUG06 51 ^^^^^^^•Fire Protection Underground 9930 CRE Cast-ln-Place Step Form Strip 2 2 0 02AUG06 03AUG06 29 ^•Cast-ln-Place Step Form Strip 5470 DRY Exterior Cement Board 10 10 0 09AUG06 22AUG06 -15 5000 FRA Wall Sheathing 15 15 0 09AUG06 29AUG06 11 Comfort Station 30065 FRA CS Construct Wood Framing 5 0 100 21JUL06A 29JUL06A ^^HCS Construct Wood Framing •cs Hollow Metal Frames for Block HCS Install Misc Metals 30165 GEN CS Hollow Metal Frames for Block 1 1 0 01AUG06 01AUG06 65 ^^HCS Construct Wood Framing •cs Hollow Metal Frames for Block HCS Install Misc Metals 30105 STR CS Install Misc Metals 2 2 0 02AUG06 03AUG06 71 ^^HCS Construct Wood Framing •cs Hollow Metal Frames for Block HCS Install Misc Metals 7 14 21 28 Concrete Paving Grade & Compact IDrive Pad Excavation ^^^^^•Sewer System iHandicap Ramp IDrive Pad Prep ^••^•irrigation Wiring ISet Light Poles Site Paving ReinforcingI IPrecast Pole Bases Water SystemI Irrigation Valves & Valve Boxe^ Concrete Site Paving PlacingI Sheet 2 of 3 Activity RESP Activity Orig Rem % Early Early Total 2006 Activity RESP Activity Orig Rem % Early Early Total JUL AUG SEP ID Description Dur Dur CmpI Start Finish Float 1* 31 ,7 ,14 21 28 4 30135 MET CS Metal Roof 5 5 0 02AUG06 08AUG06 68 ^^^^••CS Metal Roof 30075 un CS Install Site Sewer and Water 10 10 0 02AUG06 15AUG06 65 30145 PAI CS Paint 1 1 0 09AUG06 09AUG06 68 •CS Paint 30155 PLU CS Finish Plumbing 1 1 0 10AUG06 10AUG06 68 •CS Finish Plumbing 30180 GEN Comfort Station Completion 0 0 0 10AUG06 68 •Comfort Station Completion 30200 GEN Comfort Station Obtain Certificate of Occupancy 1 1 0 11AUG06 11AUG06 74 •Comfort Station Obtain Certificate of Occup 30175 GEN CS Punchlist and Walk-Through 3 3 0 16AUG06 18AUG06 65 CS F jnchlist and Walk-Throughl^H 30185 GEN CS Final Inspections 3 3 0 21AUG06 23AUG06 65 ^^•CS Final Inspections Half-Way House 20195 CRE HH Site Concrete 10 5 50 14DEC05A 07AUG06 54 20135 MET HH Metal Roof 5 4 20 10JUN06A 11AUG06 54 20095 ELE HH Rough Electrical Walls and Ceiling 2 2 0 01AUG06* 02AUG06 57 •HH Rough Electrical Walls and Ceiling 20075 UTI HH Install Site Sewer and Water 10 10 0 03AUG06 16AUG06 59 Vater 20085 FOO HH Install Kitchen Hood 2 2 0 08AUG06 09AUG06 56 MHH Install Kitchen Hood 20105 STR HH Install Misc Metals 2 2 0 08AUG06 09AUG06 56 HHH Install Misc Metals 20115 DRY HH Sheetrock 2 2 0 14AUG06 15AUG06 54 •HH Sheetrock 20125 DRY HH Tape and Texture 5 5 0 16AUG06 22AUG06 54 •••^•IHH Tape and Texture Maintenance Building Sitework 14410 UTI Maint Site Utilities 15 2 90 17MAY06A 08AUG06 18 16560 ELE Maint Site Lighting Wire 4 2 50 12JUN06A 14AUG06 52 16600 ELE Maint Site Electrical Primary Wire 5 0 100 21JUL06A 29JUL06A ^^^•Ma it Site Electrical Primary Wire 16600 ELE Maint Site Electrical Primary Wire 5 0 100 21JUL06A 29JUL06A it Site Electrical Primary Wire 4340 EAR Site Grading 4 4 0 01AUG06 04AUG06 18 •^•Site Grading 16580 ELE Maint Set Light Poles 5 5 0 09AUG06 15AUG06 18 ^^^^^•Maint Set Light Poles 14420 PAV Maint Asphalt Paving Basecourse 2 2 0 15AUG06 16AUG06 57 HMaint Asphalt Paving Basecourse 9410 CRE Concrete Paving Excavation 20 20 0 16AUG06 13SEP06 18 C 9330 CRE Aprons / Stoops Prep 5 5 0 17AUG06 23AUG06 59 ^^^^••Aprons / Stoops Prep 14430 PAV Maint Asphalt Paving 5 5 0 17AUG06 23AUG06 57 ^^^^^•Maint Asphalt Paving Sheet 3 of 3 Section 4 Overall Golf Course Proiect Financials Contract ^ 3972M, 39721-2, and 39721-3 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course - Project 3972 Budget, Expenditures and Contracts through 7/31/2006 This table summarizes expenditures and contracts authorized as of the July 26, 2005 Agenda which approved the construction budget of the Golf Course in the amount of $45,320,789. Original budget and budget changes Original Estimate Increases (Decreases) Revised Budget Grading 7,721.463 2,835,172 S :7.2S4i 10,549,381 Construction 16,727,761 40,843 $ 16,768,604 Buildings 10,661,052 114,792 S 10,775,844 Construction contingency 1.755,514 2,943,954 (2,974,964) $ 1,724,504 Construction misc. 5,855,000 25,000 $ 5,880,000 GroW'in/pre opening costs 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 Start up costs 1,500,000 s 1,500,000 Total Estimated Cost $ 45,320,790 $ 5,959,761 $ (2,982,218) 48,298,333 A B c D E EXPENDITURES / Budget Total Contract Expenditures Contract Remaining CONTRACTS Budget / Oibligation Expenditures Balance Budget (A'C-D) * Grading - SEMA Construction (US Bank-Escrow) $ 10,549,381 10.549.581 9,759,787 789,594 * Construction - Wadsworth (California Bank & Trust) 16,768,604 16.768,604 7,930,171 8,838,433 - * Buildings Jaynes Corporations (California Bank) 10,775,844 10,775,844 6,755,685 4,020,159 - Contingency 1,724,504 1.724,504 1,724,504 Subtotal Construction 39,818,333 39,818,333 24,445,643 13,648,186 1,724,504 * Construction management & miscellaneous 2,315,000 Dudek 1,500,000 902,092 597,908 * Geotechnical testing (1) 150,000 T] Dixon &: James Nelson (Artwork) 128,000 70,400 57,600 Simon Wong ( inspection) 1,408 968 440 Engineering overhead 67,372 67,372 Construction Analysts 2,880 2,880 Misc. (shipping, copies, etc) 47,686 47,686 Water Meters (estimate not in original budget) 500,000 161,411 338,589 Mark Mojado (San Louis Rey Band of Indians) 33,668 33,668 Testing Engineers 175,000 124,181 Subtotal construction management/support 2,465,000 2,456,014 1,337,294 1,118,720 8,986 * Design Team - construction phase services 250,000 250,000 Greg Nash 75,000 44,830 50,170 (75,000) Douglas Frederikson Architects 85,000 72.722 12,278 (85,000) * Environmental monitoring and special studies 350,000 350,000 217730 132,270 - * Utility fees 25,000 7,420 17,580 * SDG&E Undergrounding 1,150,000 1.055,999 94,001 * Furniture Fixtures Sr Equipment 1,640,000 1,640,000 * Grow'ln and Pre-opening maintenance 1,100,000 1,100,000 Kemper Sports Management (detail on separate schedule) 140,000 44,198 95,802 (140,000) * Start-Up Budget to open and operate 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total Expenditures and Commitments $ 48,298,333 $ 42,924,347 $ 27,225,855 $ 15,037,427 6,035,071 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report (1) Geotechnical testing is subcontracted by Dudek Groyy-In and Pre-opening maintenance Budget Expenditures Remaining Budget * Operations Management Kemper .Sports Management Base Fee Kemper .Sports Management Relocation, misc * Pre-opening maintenance Grow in Payroll Grow in Supplies Maintenance Building Set up Cart Storage Set up Range / Course Set up * clubhouse Operations Clubhouse Payroll Clubhouse Supplies Marketing Inventory 140,000 156,551 520,799 632,050 157,500 5,000 85,500 208,000 406,600 118,000 170,000 29,677 14,521 110,323 142,030 520,799 632,050 157,500 5,000 85,500 208,000 406,600 118,000 170,000 Totals 2,600,000 44,198 2,555,802 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project Construction Contracts - Monthly Cash Flow Projection Cash Flow Projection by Month Montli Mass Grading Contract BiUings Golf Course Building MontUy Total Cumulative Total September - 2005 October - 2005 November - 2005 December - 2005 January - 2006 February - 2006 March - 2006 April - 2006 May - 2006 June - 2006 July - 2006 August' 2006 September - 2006 October - 2006 November - 2006 December - 2006 January - 2007 February - 2007 March - 2007 1,700,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 500,000.00 521,463.48 300,000.00 700,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 727,761.00 500,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 800,000.00 700,000.00 660,864.00 1,700,000.00 1,100,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,600,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,600,000.00 2,021,463.48 2,000,000.00 2,700,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 3,200,000.00 1,660,864.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 727,761.00 1,700,000.00 2,800,000.00 4,800,000.00 7,400,000.00 9,400,000.00 11,000,000.00 13,021,463.48 15,021,463.48 17,721,463.48 20,721,463.48 23,721,463.48 27,021,463.48 30,221,463.48 31,882,327.48 32,882,327.48 33,882,327.48 34,882,327.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 35,610,088.48 Totals: $ 7,721,463.48 $ 17,227,761.00 $ 10,660,864.00 Contract Values: 1. Mass Grading: $ 7,721,463.48 2. Golf Course: ^^^27,761.00 3. Buildings: $ 10,660,864.00 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project # 3972 July 2006 Monthly Status Report