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Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation
Water Quality
on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad
Desalination Project
Poseidon Resources Corp.
1055 Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06901
Nelda Matheny
HortScience, Inc.
4125 Mohr Ave., Suite F
Pleasanton CA 94566
December 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
Methods of Study 3
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory 4
Comparison Landscapes 4
Plant Appearance Assessment 8
Estimated Landscape Response to Water Quality Categories 9
Summary of Key Findings 10
List of Tables
Table 1. Key plant species that comprise Carlsbad landscapes and tolerance 5
to Category 1 water.
Table 2. Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories 11
of water quality.
Table 3: Species sensitive to category 1 water and tolerant of category 2 water 9
Table 4: Species requiring category 3 water to maintain acceptable appearance 10
Table 5: Species not rated because of lack of information to assess their 10
boron and chloride tolerance List of Figures
Fig. 1: Average boron and chloride concentrations in irrigation water at each of the 5
three comparison landscape sites compared to the three categories of possible
desalinated water quality.
Fig. 2: Species with and without toxicity symptoms 5
Fig. 3: Purple leaf plum foliage appearance in June and September. 6
Fig. 4: Plants appearance normal at a distance, but some injury at close range 6
Fig. 5: Landscapes irrigated with moderate to high concentrations of chloride 7
that maintained attractive appearance.
Fig. 6: Sensitive plants normal from a distance, but when viewed closely 7
Exhibited negative effects of salt.
Fig.7: All plants had acceptable appearance when viewed from a distance; 8
even when close views were unacceptable.
Fig. 8: Plants with obvious areas of dead tissue were unacceptable 8
Fig. 9: Plants with small areas of dead tissue were considered acceptable 8
by some, unacceptable by others
Fig. 10. Plants with yellowing between leaf veins were generally acceptable 9
Appendix A: Scientific and Common Names of Inventoried Landscape Plants.
Appendix B: Descriptions of Carlsbad Landscape Inventory Sites
Appendix C: Description of Comparison Landscapes and Data Collected
Appendix D: Plant Appearance Assessment Tool and Results
HortScience, Inc. 1
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Executive Summary
Poseidon Resources Corp. is proposing to construct a seawater desalination project in Carlsbad,
CA that would supply 50 million gallons of water per day for municipal users. The desalinated
water would supply all potable water needs, including landscape irrigation. The purpose of this
study is to determine if the water quality proposed to be produced in terms of boron and chloride
(category 1 water) is adequate to maintain acceptable appearance of the ornamental plant
species most widely used for landscaping in Carlsbad. The study is also aimed to determine if
the use of desalinated water with lower boron and chloride levels (categories 2 and 3 water) have
significant benefit to landscape appearance.
Category 2 Water
B: 0.55-0.75 ppm
Cl: 120-160 ppm
Category 3 Water
B: 0.5 ppm
Cl: 56 ppm
Category 1 Water
B: 0.8-1.0 ppm
Cl: 180-240 ppm
HortScience’s work included inventorying plant species present in Carlsbad landscapes,
evaluating performance of plants growing in landscapes currently irrigated with boron and
chloride concentrations similar to the three categories of desalinated water, defining acceptable
plant appearance for Carlsbad landscapes, and determining the probable affects of irrigating
Carlsbad landscapes with desalinated water.
Key study findings
1. Category 1 water is acceptable for irrigation of the majority of the most widely used
species of ornamental plants in Carlsbad. Potential change in appearance of less tolerant
species when irrigated with category 1 water would be comparable to that observed in
the areas of Carlsbad where reclaimed water is currently used for irrigation (e.g. Four
Seasons Resort, Poinsettia Park, Plaza Paseo Real, Grand Pacific Palisade Hotel and
Karl Strauss Brewery).
2. Use of irrigation water with lower levels of boron and chlorides (i.e., categories 2 and 3
water) is not likely to result in significant tangible benefits and dramatic improvement of
the City’s landscape appearance when compared to irrigation with category 1 water.
3. Experience with irrigating landscapes with recycled water containing boron and chloride
concentrations similar to category 1 water in the cities of Carlsbad and Livermore
indicates that landscapes of acceptable appearance can be maintained.
4. Use of irrigation water with lower levels of boron and chlorides (i.e., Category 2 and 3
Water) is not likely to provide a benefit to landscape appearance when viewed from a
distance. Salt-sensitive species would have better appearance when closely viewed. A
small amount of salt damage is not apparent to most people.
5. The Desalination Advisory Group of residents of the City of Carlsbad assessed plant
appearance of 65 photographs of 35 plants (near and far view) irrigated with various
levels of boron and chloride in the water. It was their opinion that all plants had
satisfactory appearance when viewed from a distance (10-15’). When closely viewed, a
narrow band of brown leaf edge or tip was considered acceptable.
6. While 200 landscape species were encountered in our survey of Carlsbad landscapes,
30 species are common to most landscapes and comprise the core of plant materials
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
within the City. For over a third of the species inventoried there were only one or two
plants present.
Carlsbad landscape inventory
Eleven sites within Carlsbad, ten landscapes and one nursery, were selected to represent the
plant, soil and microclimate diversity present. A total of 200 plant species were recorded. Fifteen
percent of the species occurred commonly in landscapes, 46% infrequently, and 39%
occasionally. The thirty species that occurred commonly are the key plants that comprise
Carlsbad landscapes.
Comparison landscapes
Because there is limited information on landscape species tolerance to boron and chloride, it was
necessary to find existing landscapes that were irrigated with water containing the target
concentrations of boron and chloride to assess plant performance. Three comparison
landscapes were identified that met the selection criteria:
Livermore, CA sites irrigated with recycled water – Category 1 boron; Category 2 chloride
Carlsbad sites irrigated with recycled water – Category 3 boron; Category 1 chloride
Davis, CA sites irrigated with potable water – Category 2 boron; Category 3 chloride
At each comparison site plants were inventoried, appearance and any salt affects rated, soil and
tissue samples analyzed, and photographs taken.
Most landscape species at all sites were normal in appearance and did not show any salt affects.
At each site, however, there were a few sensitive species that exhibited negative effects on a
portion of the foliage. No plants exhibited severe effects such as dieback of entire leaves and
stems or death.
Plant appearance assessment
A plant appearance assessment tool was prepared that included 65 photographs of 35 plants
with and without injury due to boron and chloride, from all comparison sites, from both close and
distance views. Seventeen of the Desalination Advisory Group members (residents of the City of
Carlsbad) viewed each photograph and rated it as “acceptable”, “unacceptable”, or “no opinion”.
All plants were rated as acceptable when viewed from a distance of 10-15’. When viewed at
close range (within 3’), 50 (77%) were considered to have acceptable appearance; 7 (10%),
unacceptable; and 8 (12%) had no majority.
Estimated landscape response to water quality categories
Using the Carlsbad plant inventory and species tolerance information generated through the site
evaluations and literature search with the results of the acceptable plant appearance survey, we
estimated the likely response of landscape plants to irrigation with category 1 water.
Of the 200 species inventoried in Carlsbad landscapes, we estimate 135 would maintain
acceptable appearance when irrigated with category 1 water. With category 2 water, 172 species
would maintain acceptable appearance, including all but two of the common landscape species
(plus one plant whose boron and chloride tolerance is not known). Maintenance of acceptable
appearance is dependent on proper irrigation management. Seven species were unrated
because of lack of information to assess their boron and chloride tolerance.
HortScience, Inc. 2
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Final Report
Poseidon Resources Corp. is proposing to construct a seawater desalination project in Carlsbad,
CA that would supply 50 million gallons of water per day for municipal users. The purpose of this
study is to evaluate the suitability of the desalinated water for irrigating landscape plants
frequently encountered in the City of Carlsbad.
The desalination of seawater removes most but not all of the salts in the water. Water quality
guidelines define maximum concentrations of certain salts and ions based on human
consumption. They do not, however, define quality standards for plants. Plants have greater
sensitivity to some salts and ions - such as the boron and chloride - than humans. When boron
and chloride concentrations are higher than tolerated by the species, adverse effects such as
reduced growth, yellowing, marginal browning, dieback and death may occur. Plant species vary
widely in their tolerance to boron and chloride.
An important consideration in determining the degree to which the seawater is desalinated is
defining what the maximum tolerable concentration of boron and chloride are for landscape
plants in Carlsbad. The key question Poseidon Resources Corp. wanted answered is: What
concentrations of boron and chloride in the projected desalted water will result in acceptable
landscape appearance in the Carlsbad community considering the plant species, soil types, and
climate conditions that exist there? Three categories of boron and chloride concentrations were:
Category 2 Water
B: 0.55-0.75 ppm
Cl: 120-160 ppm
Category 3 Water
B: 0.5 ppm
Cl: 56 ppm
Category 1 Water
B: 0.8-1.0 ppm
Cl: 180-240 ppm
HortScience, Inc. has experience with landscapes in California irrigated with water containing
boron concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 ppm and chloride concentrations ranging from 50 to
250 ppm. We were asked to apply that experience to the Carlsbad landscape and estimate the
likely response to irrigation with desalinated water at the three concentrations of boron and
chloride defined above. Also providing advice and assistance during the project design and
sample collection were Bill Darlington, soil scientist, Soil and Plant Laboratory, and Dr. Steve
Grattan, water scientist, University of California Davis.
Methods of Study
There were four primary methods of study to address the project questions.
1. Inventory plant species at sites representing the range of soil types and microclimates in
Carlsbad. Rank species according to frequency of use. Collect and analyze soil
samples from representative landscapes. The results of this work are provided in
Appendices A and B.
2. Identify comparison landscapes similar to those in Carlsbad and that were irrigated with
water containing target concentrations of boron and chloride. At each landscape, rate
species condition and appearance, and collect soil and tissue samples for analysis of salt
concentrations. The results of this work are provided in Appendix C.
3. Prepare an assessment tool to determine what an acceptable landscape plant
appearance is for Carlsbad. The Desalination Advisory Group members rated the
assembled photographs of plants exhibiting a range in boron and/or chloride toxicity
symptoms. The results of this work are provided in Appendix D.
HortScience, Inc. 3
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
4. Develop a matrix of probable species response to long-term irrigation with water
containing 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 ppm boron and 100, 180, and 240 ppm chloride based on
the data generated in tasks 1-3. The results of this work are provided in Table 2 (page
1. Carlsbad landscape inventory
Eleven sites within Carlsbad, ten landscapes and one nursery, were selected to represent the
plant, soil and microclimate diversity present:
Aviara , Tern Place
Aviara Resort
La Costa
Rancho Carrillo area, Quintana, Rancho Bravado and Rancho Latigo, Paseo Jaquita
Magee Park
Garfield St. between Beech Ave. and Cypress
Carlsbad City Hall
Monroe St. between Westwood Dr. and Carlsbad Village Dr.
Calaveras Hills, Chatham and Nantucket Ln.
Mystic Point
Miles Pacific Nursery
A total of 200 taxa were recorded (see Appendix A for scientific and common names). For each
plant species the number of landscapes and the relative frequency of occurrence in each
landscape in which it occurred were recorded (see Appendix B for data). Plant species were
then identified as occurring commonly, occasionally or infrequently in Carlsbad landscapes.
Fifteen percent of the species occurred commonly in landscapes, 46% infrequently, and 39%
occasionally. The thirty species that occurred commonly are the key plants that comprise
Carlsbad landscapes (Table 1).
2. Comparison of landscapes
Because there is limited information on landscape species tolerance to boron and chloride, it was
necessary to find existing landscapes that were irrigated with water containing the target
concentrations of boron and chloride to assess plant performance. Target concentrations were
0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 ppm boron and 100, 180, and 240 ppm chloride. In addition the landscapes at
comparison locations needed to have species present common to Carlsbad landscapes, and be
reasonably similar in soils and climate.
We identified three comparison landscapes that met the selection criteria:
Livermore, CA sites irrigated with recycled water;
Carlsbad sites irrigated with recycled water; and
Davis, CA sites irrigated with potable water.
The Livermore recycled water quality approximated the category 1 desalinated water for boron
and category 2 for chloride (Fig. 1). The Carlsbad recycled water quality was similar to the
category 1 chloride and category 3 boron. The Davis potable water quality was comparable to
the category 2 boron and category 3 chloride.
At each comparison site plants were inventoried, appearance and any salt affects rated, soil and
tissue samples analyzed, and photographs taken. Results and summaries of each landscape are
provided in Appendix C.
HortScience, Inc. 4
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Table 1: Key plant species that comprise Carlsbad landscapes and relative salt tolerance.
Common name Plant type Relative salt tolerancea
Australian tea tree shrub high
Bird of paradise herbaceous perennial high
Bougainvillea vine high
Cajeput tree tree high
Camelia shrub moderate
Chinese hibiscus shrub high
Daylily herbaceous perennial high
English ivy ground cover high
Escallonia shrub moderate
Fern pine tree moderate
Flax herbaceous perennial high
Fortnight lily herbaceous perennial moderate
Giant bird of paradise herbaceous perennial high
Heavenly bamboo shrub low
Indian hawthorn shrub high
Indian laurel fig tree high
Lily of the Nile herbaceous perennial low
Oleander shrub high
Olive tree high
Philodendron herbaceous perennial moderate
Photinia shrub moderate
Pink trumpet vine vine unknown
Pygmy date palm tree moderate
Queen palm tree high
Star jasmine ground cover high
Tobira shrub high
Variegated pittosporum shrub high
Wax-leaf privet shrub high
Wheeler's dwarf pittosporum shrub moderate
Xylosma shrub moderate
________________________________________________________________ aBased on evaluation of species performance in sites irrigated with water containing
high, moderate and low concentrations of chloride and boron.
Fig. 1: Average boron and chloride concentrations in irrigation water at each of the three
comparison landscape sites compared to the three categories of possible desalinated
water quality.
HortScience, Inc. 5
December 20, 2005
Category 2 Water
B: 0.55-0.75 ppm
Cl: 120-160 ppm
Category 3 Water
B: 0.5 ppm
Cl: 56 ppm
Category 1 Water
B: 0.8-1.0 ppm
Cl: 180-240 ppm
B: 0.75 ppm
Cl: 56 ppm
B: 0.4 ppm
Cl: 240 ppm
B: 1.1 ppm
Cl: 160 ppm
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Most landscape species at all sites were normal in appearance and did not show any salt affects
(Fig. 2). At each site, however, there were a few sensitive species that exhibited negative effects
on a portion of the foliage (Appendix C). For instance, at the Davis site, approximately 110
species were examined, 16 showing effects of excess boron, primarily brown leaf tips and edges
on older foliage. No plants at any of the sites exhibited severe effects such as dieback of entire
leaves and stems or death.
Fig. 2: Most species,
like star jasmine (left),
had normal
appearance even at
the highest levels of
boron and chloride.
In contrast, heavenly
bamboo (right) had
foliage burn due to
salt where boron and
concentrations were
moderate and above.
At the Livermore sites boron and chloride concentrations were lower at the beginning of the
irrigation season (late spring) compared to the end of summer. For salt sensitive species, injury
was present the end of the growing season only (Fig. 3). Deciduous plants loose the salt-
affected leaves in the fall, and new leaves produced the following spring are normal in
appearance. For evergreen plants, new foliage that is normal in appearance masks the older
leaves that have brown edges (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3: Purple leaf
plum irrigated with
recycled water in
Livermore appeared
normal in June (
but by Septem
showed brown
edges due to salt
accumulation in the
leaves (right).
Fig. 4: Xylosma
irrigated with
recycled water in
appeared normal
from a distance
(left), but showed
salt injury on older,
hidden foliage
HortScience, Inc. 6
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
At all sites the overall landscape appearance was healthy and attractive (Fig. 5). No salt affects
were noticeable from a distance. In most cases it was necessary to look closely at the older,
hidden foliage to find any damage due to salts (Fig. 6).
Fig. 5: Examples of landscapes irrigated with moderate to high concentrations of chloride and
boron. All maintain an attractive appearance. (Bottom right, Livermore recycled water; all
others, Carlsbad recycled water)
Fig. 6: Sensitive plants that were examined from a distance appeared normal, but when viewed closely
exhibited some negative effects of salt. (Left: median at Aviara in Carlsbad, heavenly bamboo symptoms
at close range; right: rose planting in Livermore, foliage injury observed only at close range.)
HortScience, Inc. 7
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
3. Plant appearance assessment
A plant appearance assessment tool was prepared that included 65 photographs of 35 plants
(near and far view) with and without injury due to boron and chloride, from all comparison sites
(see exhibit in Appendix D). On October 11, 2005 seventeen of the Desalination Advisory Group
members viewed each photograph and rated it as “acceptable”, “unacceptable”, or “no opinion”.
People varied widely in how they assessed plant appearance. For instance, one person
identified 62 photos acceptable; 1, unacceptable; and 3, no opinion. In contrast, another person
identified 26 acceptable; 22, unacceptable; and 18, no opinion.
Of the 65 photographs assessed, 50 (77%) were considered to have acceptable appearance by
10 or more people; 7 (10%), unacceptable; and 8 (12%) had no majority. All plants were rated as
acceptable when viewed from a distance (Fig. 7). Plants viewed at close range that were
identified as having unacceptable appearance had obvious brown edges along the leaves (Fig.
8). Plants that had no majority generally had slight damage (Fig. 9). Leaf yellowing, which can
be a symptom of excess chloride, was generally rated acceptable (Fig. 10).
Appearance of lily-of-the-Nile was unacceptable regardless of water quality.
Fig. 8: Plants with obvious areas of dead
tissue were unacceptable (London plane
at Livermore site).
Fig. 7: All plants had acceptable appearance when
viewed from a distance, even when close views were
unacceptable (Ash at Poinsettia Park, Carlsbad).
Fig. 9 (left): Plants with
small areas of dead
tissue were considered
acceptable by some,
unacceptable by others
(American elm at
Fig.10 (right): Plants
with yellowing between
leaf veins were
generally acceptable
appearance (citrus at
Carlsbad recycled
water site).
HortScience, Inc. 8
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
4. Estimated landscape response to water quality categories
Using the Carlsbad plant inventory and species tolerance information generated through the site
evaluations and literature search with the results of the acceptable plant appearance survey we
developed a matrix of probable species response to long-term irrigation with water containing 0.5,
0.75, and 1.0 ppm boron and 100, 180 and 240 ppm chloride. The results are provided in Table
2 (located at end of report, p. 12). A summary follows.
Of the 200 species inventoried in Carlsbad landscapes, we estimate 135 are tolerant of the
Category 1 water. Plants intolerant of Category 1 water are likely to develop symptoms of leaf
necrosis (brown edges), chlorosis (yellowing), and/or stunted growth. Thirty-seven species are
estimated to require Category 2 water to maintain acceptable appearance (Table 3). Twenty-one
species are estimated to require Category 3 water to maintain acceptable appearance (Table 4).
Six species were unrated because of lack of information to assess their boron and chloride
tolerance (Table 5).
Table 3: Species sensitive to category 1 water and tolerant of category 2 water.
Frequency in
Common name Plant type Landscape
Australian willow Tree Infrequent
Big blue lily turf Herbaceous perennial Occasional
Brisbane box Tree Occasional
Burford holly Shrub Infrequent
Camelia Shrub Common
Cardboard palm Tree Infrequent
Catalina cherry Tree Infrequent
Chinese flame tree Tree Infrequent
Clivia Herbaceous perennial Occasional
Escallonia Shrub Common
Euryops Herbaceous perennial Occasional
Fern pine Tree Common
Fortnight lily Herbaceous perennial Common
Foxtail palm Tree Infrequent
Gardenia Shrub Infrequent
Hawaiian elf scheffflera Shrub Occasional
Hong Kong orchid tree Tree Infrequent
Hydrangea Shrub Infrequent
Lady palm Shrub Infrequent
Long-leafed yellow wood Shrub Occasional
Loquat Tree Occasional
Orange, lemon Tree Occasional
Peppermint gum Tree Infrequent
Philodendron Shrub Common
Photinia Shrub Common
Pygmy date palm Shrub Common
Queensland umbrella tree Tree Occasional
Red ironbark Tree Occasional
Red-flowering gum Tree Infrequent
Rose Shrub Occasional
Sword fern Herbaceous perennial Infrequent
Torrey pine Tree Infrequent
HortScience, Inc. 9
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Table 3: Species sensitive to category 1 water and tolerant of category 2 water,
Frequency in
Common name Scientific Name Landscape
Trumpet tree Tree Infrequent
Viburnum Shrub Occasional
Wheeler's dwarf pittosporum Shrub Common
Xylosma Shrub Common
Yew pine Tree Occasional
Table 4: Species requiring category 3 water to maintain acceptable appearance.
Frequency in
Common name Plant type Landscape
African tulip tree Tree Infrequent
Banana Herbaceous perennial Infrequent
Camphor Tree Occasional
Champaca Tree Infrequent
Crape myrtle Tree Occasional
European white birch Tree Occasional
False strawberry Ground cover Infrequent
Firewheel tree Tree Infrequent
Heavenly bamboo Shrub Common
Japanese black pine Tree Occasional
Kentia palm Tree Infrequent
Lily-of-the-Nile Herbaceous perennial Common
London plane Tree Occasional
Orchid Herbaceous perennial Infrequent
Princess flower Shrub Infrequent
Purple leafed plum Tree Occasional
Southern magnolia Tree Occasional
Sweetgum Tree Occasional
Tasmamian tree fern Herbaceous perennial Occasional
Violet trumpet vine Vine Occasional
White alder Tree Occasional
Table 5: Species not rated because of lack of information to assess their boron and
chloride tolerance
Frequency in
Common name Plant type Landscape
Angel-wing jasmine Vine Occasional
Blood-red trumpet vine Vine Infrequent
Canton fishtail palm Tree Occasional
Ginger lily Herbaceous perennial Infrequent
Pink trumpet vine Vine Common
Tipu tree Tree Infrequent
HortScience, Inc. 10
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Summary of Key Findings
1. Category 1 water is acceptable for irrigation of the majority of the most widely used
species of ornamental plants in Carlsbad. Potential change in appearance of less tolerant
species when irrigated with category 1 water would be comparable to that observed in
the areas of Carlsbad where reclaimed water is currently used for irrigation (e.g. Four
Seasons Resort, Poinsettia Park, Plaza Paseo Real, Grand Pacific Palisade Hotel and
Karl Strauss Brewery).
2. Use of irrigation water with lower levels of boron and chlorides (i.e., categories 2 and 3
water) is not likely to result in significant tangible benefits and dramatic improvement of
the City’s landscape appearance when compared to irrigation with category 1 water.
3. Experience with irrigating landscapes with recycled water containing boron and chloride
concentrations similar to category 1 water in the cities of Carlsbad and Livermore
indicates that landscapes of acceptable appearance can be maintained.
4. Use of irrigation water with lower levels of boron and chlorides (i.e., Category 2 and 3
Water) is not likely to provide a benefit to landscape appearance when viewed from a
distance. Salt-sensitive species would have better appearance when closely viewed. A
small amount of salt damage is not apparent to most people.
5. The Desalination Advisory Group of residents of the City of Carlsbad assessed plant
appearance of 65 photographs of 35 plants (near and far view) irrigated with various
levels of boron and chloride in the water. It was their opinion that all plants had
satisfactory appearance when viewed from a distance (10-15’). When closely viewed, a
narrow band of brown leaf edge or tip was considered acceptable.
6. While 200 landscape species were encountered in our survey of Carlsbad landscapes,
30 species are common to most landscapes and comprise the core of plant materials
within the City. For over a third of the species inventoried there were only one or two
plants present.
HortScience, Inc. 11
December 20, 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmSydney golden wattleAcacia longifoliaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Acacia redolensAcacia redolensOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Lily-of-the-NileAgapanthus africanusCommon yes no no yes no no 3AgaveAgave spp.Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1White alderAlnus rhombifoliaOccasional yes no no yes no no 3AloeAloe sp.Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1AlstroemeriaAlstroemeria hybridsOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Blue hybiscusAlyognme huegeliiInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1ApteniaAptenia cordifloliaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Norfolk Island pineAraucaria heterophyllaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Marina madroneArbutus 'Marina'Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1King palmArchontophoenix cunninhamianaOccasional yes ? ? yes yes yes 1ManzanitaArcthostaphylos densiflorusInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Myers asparqagusAsparagus densiflorus 'Myers'Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Sprenger asparagusAsparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri'Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Dwarf coyote bushBaccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks'Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Water hyssopBacopa monnieriOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Hong Kong orchid treeBauhinia blakeanaInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes no 2BergeniaBergenia crassifoliaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1European white birchBetula pendulaOccasional yes no no yes no no 3BougainvilleaBougainvillea cultivarsCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Bottle treeBrachychiton populneusOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Mexican blue palmBrahea armataInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Japanese boxwoodBuxus microphylla japonicaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Pink powder puffCalliandra haematocephalaInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Weeping bottlebrushCallistemon viminalisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1CameliaCamelia japonicaCommon yes yes no yes yes no 2Natal plumCarissa macrocarpaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Canton fishtail palmCaryota ochlandraOccasional yes no no yes no no unknownCrown of gold treeCassia excelsaInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Wild lilacCeanothus gloriosisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Mediterranean fan palmChamaerops humilisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1CamphorCinnamomun camphoraOccasional yes yes no yes no no 3Rock roseCistus x purpureusInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Acceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChlorideEvaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmAcceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChlorideOrange, lemonCitrus spp.Occasional yes yes no yes yes no 2CliviaClivia miniataOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2Violet trumpet vineClytostoma callistegioidesOccasional yes no no yes no no 3Breath of heavenColeonema pulchrumOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Mirror plantCoprosma repensInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1CordylineCordyline australisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Parney's cotoneasterCotoneaster lacteumOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1JadeCrassula ovataOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Carrot woodCupaniopsis anacardioidesOccasional yes ? ? yes yes yes 1False heatherCuphea hyssopifoliaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Monterey cypressCupressus macrocarpaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Italian cypressCupressus sempervirensOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Sago palmCycas revolutaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1OrchidCymbidium spp.Infrequent yes no no yes no no 3Tasmamian tree fernDicksonia antarcticaOccasional yes yes ? yes no no 3Fortnight lilyDietes iridioidesCommon yes yes no yes yes no 2Blood-red trumpet vineDistictis buccinatoriaInfrequent yes ? ? yes ? ? unknownPurple hopbushDodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1DracenaDracena marginataInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1DymondiaDymondia margaretaeInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Pride of MadeiraEchium candicansOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1LoquatEriobotrya japonicaOccasional yes yes no yes yes ? 2Coral treeErythrina caffraInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1EscalloniaEscallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii'Common yes yes yes yes yes no 2Lemon-scented gumEucalyptus citriodoraOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Red-flowering gumEucalyptus ficifoliaInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2Dwarf blue gumEucalyptus globulus 'Compacta'Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Peppermint gumEucalyptus nicoliiInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes no 2Silver dollar gumEucalyptus polyanthemosInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Red ironbarkEucalyptus sideroxylonOccasional yes yes yes yes yes no 2Manna gumEucalyptus viminalisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Bushy yateEucalypus conferruminataInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Variegated euonymusEuonymus japonicus'Aureo-VariegOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1EuryopsEuryops pectinatusOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmAcceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChlorideBlue marguriteFecelia amelloidesInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Blue fescueFestuca glaucaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Weeping figFicus benjaminaOccasional yes yes ? yes yes yes 1Fiddleleaf figFicus lyrataInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Moreton Bay figFicus macrophyllaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Indian laurel figFicus microcarpaCommon yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Creeping figFicus pumilaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1False strawberryFragaria chiloensisInfrequent yes no no yes no no 3GardeniaGardenia angustaInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2GazaniaGazania spp.Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Australian willowGeijera parvifloraInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes ? 2GeraniumGeranium spp.Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Silk oakGrevillea robustaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Algerian ivyHedera canariensisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1English ivyHedera helixCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Ginger lilyHedychium spp.Infrequent yes ? ? yes ? ? unknownDaylilyHemerocallis hybridsCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Chinese hibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensisCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Kentia palmHowea fosterianaInfrequent yes no no yes no no 3HydrangeaHydrangea macrophyllaInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2Burford hollyIlex cornuta 'Burfordii'Infrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2ImpatiensImpatiens wallerianaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Blue dawn flowerIpomea indicaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1JacarandaJacaranda mimosifoliaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Angel-wing jasmineJasminum laurifolium nitidumOccasional yes ? ? yes ? ? unknownJasmineJasminum polyanthemumOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1JuniperJuniperus chinensis Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1JuniperJuniperus chinensis horizontalisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Hollywood juniperJuniperus chinensis 'Torulosa'Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Shore juniperJuniperus confertaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Chinese flame treeKoelreuteria bipinnataInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2Crape myrtleLagerstroemia indicaOccasional yes yes no yes no no 3LantanaLantana camaraOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Trailing lantanaLantana montevidensisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmAcceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChlorideLavenderLavandula spp.Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Tree mallowLavatera maritimaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Australian tea treeLeptospermum laevigataCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1New Zealand tea treeLeptospermum scopariumInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Wax-leaf privetLigustrum japonicumCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Sea lavenderLimonium pereziiOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1SweetgumLiquidambar styracifluaOccasional yes no no yes no no 3Lily turfLiriope muscariOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2LobeliaLobelia erinusInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1HoneysuckleLonicera hildebrandianaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Brisbane boxLophostemon conferta (Tristania)Occasional yes ? ? yes yes no 2Southern magnoliaMagnolia grandifloraOccasional yes no no yes yes no 3Cajeput treeMelaleuca quinquenerviaCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1New Zealand Christmas treeMetrosideros excelsusInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1ChampacaMichelia champacaInfrequent yes ? ? yes ? no 3BananaMusa spp.Infrequent yes ? ? yes ? ? 3MyoproumMyoporum laetumOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Pacific myoporumMyoporum laetum 'Pacificum'Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1MyoporumMyoporum parvifoliumInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1African boxwoodMyrsine africanaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1MyrtleMyrtus communisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Heavenly bambooNandina domesticaCommon yes no no yes no no 3Sword fernNephrolepis spp.Infrequent yes yes no yes no no 2OleanderNerium oleanderCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1OliveOlea europaeaCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Trailing African daisyOsteospermum fruiticosumOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Pink trumpet vinePandorea jasminoidesCommon yes ? ? yes ? ? unknownPelargoniumPelargonium spp.Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Red fountain grassPennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'Occasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1PhilodendronPhilodendron sp.Common yes yes no yes yes no 2Canary Island palmPhoenix canariensisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Date palmPhoenix dactyliferaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Pygmy date palmPhoenix robeleniiCommon yes ? ? yes yes no 2FlaxPhormium hybridsCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmAcceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChloridePhotiniaPhotinia fraseriCommon yes yes no yes yes no 2Golden bambooPhyllostachys aureaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Black bambooPhyllostachys nigraInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Calabrian pinePinus brutiaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Canary Island pinePinus canariensisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Aleppo pinePinus halepensisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Monterey pinePinus radiataOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Japanese black pinePinus thunbergiiOccasional yes yes no yes no no 3Torrey pinePinus torreyanaInfrequent yes yes ? yes yes ? 2TobiraPittosporum tobiraCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Variegated pittosporumPittosporum tobira 'Variegata'Common yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Wheeler's dwarf pittosporumPittosporum tobira 'Wheeleri'Common yes yes no yes yes no 2Victorian boxPittosporum undulatumInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1London planePlatanus x acerifoliaOccasional yes yes no yes no no 3Cape plumbagoPlumbago auriculataInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Fern pinePodocarpus graciliorCommon yes yes no yes yes no 2Long-leafed yellow woodPodocarpus henkeliiOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2Yew pinePodocarpus macrophyllusOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2Purple leafed plumPrunus cerasifera 'Atropururea'Occasional yes yes no yes no no 3Hollyleaf cherryPrunus illicifoliaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Catalina cherryPrunus illicifolia lyoniiInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2Strawberry guavaPsidium cattleianumInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1FirethornPyracantha hybridsOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Evergreen pearPyrus kawakamiiOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Indian hawthornRhaphiolepis indicaCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Lady palmRhapis excelsaInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2Lemonade berryRhus integrifoliaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1African sumacRhus lanceaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1RoseRosa cultivarsOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2RosemaryRosemarinus officinalisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Pincushion flowerScabiosa columbariaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Queensland umbrella treeSchefflera actinophyllaOccasional yes ? ? yes yes no 2Hawaiian elf schefffleraSchefflera arboricolaOccasional yes ? ? yes yes no 2California pepperSchinus molleOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Table 2: Probable species response to long-term irrigation with three categories of water quality.OccurrenceCommon name Scientific name in Landscape0.5 ppm 0.75 ppm 1.0 ppm 100 ppm 180 ppm 240 ppmAcceptable Plant Appearance?Water Quality CategoryaBoron ChlorideBrazillian pepperSchinus terebinthifoliusOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Dusty millerSenecio cinerariaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Potato vineSolanum jasminoidesInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Royal robe solanumSolanum rantonnetii 'Royal Robe'Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1African tulip treeSpathodea campanulataInfrequent yes no no yes no no 3Firewheel treeStenocarpus sinuatusInfrequent yes ? ? yes no no 3Giant bird of paradiseStrelitzia nicolaiCommon yes yes ? yes yes yes 1Bird of paradiseStrelitzia reginaeCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Queen palmSyagrus romanzoffianumCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Brush cherrySyzygium paniculatumOccasional yes ? ? yes yes yes 1Trumpet treeTabebuia sp.Infrequent yes ? ? yes yes no 2Bald cypressTaxodium distichumInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Cape honeysuckleTecoma capensisOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1GermanderTeucrium x lucidrysInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Oriental arborvitaeThuja orientalisInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Princess flowerTibouchina urvilleanaInfrequent yes no no yes no no 3Tipu treeTipuana tipuInfrequent yes ? ? yes ? ? unknownStar jasmineTrachelospermum jasminoidesCommon yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Windmill palmTrachycarpus fortuneiInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1SpiderwortTradescantia virginianaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Society garlicTulbaghia violaceaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1VerbenaVerbena x hybridaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1ViburnumViburnum tinusOccasional yes yes no yes yes no 2Dwarf periwinkleVinca minorInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Mexican fan palmWashingtonia robustaOccasional yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Coast rosemaryWestringia fruticosaInfrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1Foxtail palmWodyetai bifurcataInfrequent yes yes no yes yes no 2XylosmaXylosma congestumCommon yes yes no yes yes no 2Cardboard palmZamia furfuraceaInfrequent yes ? ? yes yes ? 2CallaZantedeschia spp.Infrequent yes yes yes yes yes yes 1aCategory 1: boron 0.8-1.0 ppm, chloride 180-240 ppm; Category 2: boron 0.55-0.75 ppm, chloride 120-160 ppm; Category 3: boron < 0.5 ppm, chloride <100 ppmEvaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad LandscapesPosidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination ProjectHortScience, Inc.December 2005
Appendix A
Scientific and Common Names
of Landscape Plants Inventoried
in Ten Carlsbad Landscapes
Table A-1: Alphabetical by Scientific Name
Table A-2: Alphabetical by Common Name
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water
Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad
Desalination Project
Table A-1: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by scientific name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle shrub
Acacia redolens Acacia redolens ground cover
Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile herbaceous perennial
Agave sp. Agave herbaceous perennial
Alnus rhombifolia White alder tree
Aloe sp. Aloe herbaceous perennial
Alstroemeria hybrids Alstroemeria herbaceous perennial
Alyognme huegelii Blue hybiscus shrub
Aptenia cordiflolia Aptenia ground cover
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island pine tree
Arbutus 'Marina' Marina madrone tree
Archontophoenix cunninhamiana King palm tree
Arcthostaphylos Manzanita shrub
Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' Myers asparqagus herbaceous perennial
Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprenger asparagus herbaceous perennial
Baccharis'Twin Peaks' Dwarf coyote bush ground cover
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop herbaceous perennial
Bauhinia blakeana Hong Kong orchid tree tree
Bergenia crassifolia Bergenia herbaceous perennial
Betula pendula European white birch tree
Bougainvillea sp. Bougainvillea vine
Brachychiton populneus Bottle tree tree
Brahea armata Mexican blue palm tree
Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese boxwood shrub
Calliandra haematocephala Pink powder puff shrub
Callistemon viminalis Weeping bottlebrush shrub
Camelia japonica Camelia shrub
Carissa macrocarpa Natal plum shrub
Caryota ochlandra Canton fishtail palm tree
Cassia excelsa Grown of gold tree tree
Ceanothus gloriosis Wild lilac shrub
Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan palm shrub
Cinnamomun camphora Camphor tree
Cistus x purpureus Rock rose shrub
Citrus sp. Orange, lemon tree
Clivia miniata Clivia herbaceous perennial
Clytostoma callistegioides Violet trumpet vine vine
Coleonema pulchrum Breath of heaven shrub
Coprosma repens Mirror plant shrub
Cordyline australis Cordyline shrub
Cotoneaster lacteum Parney's cotoneaster shrub
Crassula ovata Jade herbaceous perennial
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot wood tree
Cuphea hyssopifolia False heather shrub
Cupressus macrocarpa Monterey cypress tree
Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress tree
Cycas revoluta Sago palm shrub
Cymbidium sp. Orchid herbaceous perennial
Dicksonia antarctica Tasmamian tree fern herbaceous perennial
Dietes iridioides Fortnight lily herbaceous perennial
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Table A-1: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by scientific name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Distictis buccinatoria Blood-red trumpet vine vine
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Pruple hopbush shrub
Dracena marginata Dracena shrub
Dymondia margaretae Dymondia ground cover
Echium candicans Pride of Madeira herbaceous perennial
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat tree
Erythrina caffra Coral tree tree
Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii' Escallonia shrub
Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon-scented gum tree
Eucalyptus ficifolia Red-flowering gum tree
Eucalyptus globulus 'Compacta' Dwarf blue gum tree
Eucalyptus nicolii Peppermint gum tree
Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver dollar gum tree
Eucalyptus sideroxylon Red ironbark tree
Eucalyptus viminalis Manna gum tree
Eucalypus conferruminata Bushy yate shrub
Euonymus japonicus 'Aureo-VariegatusVariegated euonymus shrub
Euryops pectinatus Euryops herbaceous perennial
Fecelia amelloides Blue margurite herbaceous perennial
Festuca glauca Blue fescue herbaceous perennial
Ficus benjamina Weeping fig tree
Ficus lyrata Fiddleleaf fig tree
Ficus macrophylla Moreton Bay fig tree
Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel fig tree
Ficus pumila Creeping fig vine
Fragaria chiloensis False strawberry ground cover
Gardenia angusta Gardenia shrub
Gazania sp. Gazania ground cover
Geijera parviflora Australian willow tree
Geranium sp. Geranium herbaceous perennial
Grevillea robusta Silk oak tree
Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy ground cover
Hedera helix English ivy ground cover
Hedychium sp. Ginger lily herbaceous perennial
Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily herbaceous perennial
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus shrub
Howea fosteriana Kentia palm tree
Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea shrub
Ilex 'Burfordii' Burford holly shrub
Impatiens walleriana Impatiens annual
Ipomea indica Blue dawn flower annual
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda tree
Jasminum laurifolium nitidum Angel-wing jasmine shrub
Jasminum polyanthemum Jasmine vine
Juniperus chinensis Juniper shrub
Juniperus chinensis horizontalis Juniper ground cover
Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' Hollywood juniper shrub
Juniperus conferta Shore juniper ground cover
Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese flame tree tree
Lagerstroemia indica Crape myrtle tree
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Table A-1: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by scientific name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Lantana camara Lantana shrub
Lantana montevidensis Trailing lantana ground cover
Lavandula sp. Lavender herbaceous perennial
Lavatera maritima Tree mallow shrub
Leptospermum laevigata Australian tea tree shrub
Leptospermum scoparium New Zealand tea tree tree
Ligustrum japonicum Wax-leaf privet shrub
Limonium perezii Sea lavender herbaceous perennial
Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum tree
Liriope muscari Lily turf herbaceous perennial
Lobelia erinus Lobelia annual
Lonicera hildebrandiana Honeysuckle vine
Lophostemon confertus (Tristania) Brisbane box tree
Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia tree
Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree tree
Metrosideros excelsus New Zealand Christmas tree
Michelia champaca Champaca tree
Musa sp. Banana herbaceous perennial
Myoporum laetum Myoproum shrub
Myoporum laetum 'Pacificum' Pacific myoporum ground cover
Myoporum parvifolium Myoporum ground cover
Myrsine africana African boxwood shrub
Myrtus communis Myrtle shrub
Nandina domestica Heavenly bamboo shrub
Neodypsis decari Triangle palm tree
Nephrolepis sp. Sword fern herbaceous perennial
Nerium oleander Oleander shrub
Olea europaea Olive tree
Osteospermum fruiticosum Trailing African daisy ground cover
Pandorea jasminoides Pink trumpet vine vine
Pelargonium sp. Pelargonium herbaceous perennial
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Red fountain grass herbaceous perennial
Philodendron sp. Philodendron herbaceous perennial
Phoenix canariensis Canary Island palm tree
Phoenix dactylifera Date palm tree
Phoenix robelenii Pygmy date palm tree
Phormium hybrids Flax herbaceous perennial
Photinia fraseri Photinia shrub
Phyllostachys aurea Golden bamboo shrub
Phyllostachys nigra Black bamboo shrub
Pinus brutia Calabrian pine tree
Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine tree
Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine tree
Pinus radiata Monterey pine tree
Pinus thunbergii Japanese black pine tree
Pinus torreyana Torrey pine tree
Pittosporum tobira Tobira shrub
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated pittosporum shrub
Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeleri' Wheeler's dwarf pittosporum shrub
Pittosporum undulatum Victorian box shrub
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Table A-1: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by scientific name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Platanus x acerifolia London plane tree
Plumbago auriculata Cape plumbago shrub
Podocarpus gracilior Fern pine tree
Podocarpus henkelii Long-leafed yellow wood shrub
Podocarpus macrophyllus Yew pine tree
Prunus cerasifera 'Atropururea' Purple leafed plum tree
Prunus illicifolia lyonii Hollyleaf cherry tree
Prunus illicifolia lyonii Catalina cherry shrub
Psidium cattleianum Strawberry guava shrub
Pyracantha hybrids Firethorn shrub
Pyrus kawakamii Evergreen pear tree
Rhaphiolepis indica Indian hawthorn shrub
Rhapis excelsa Lady palm shrub
Rhus integrifolia Lemonade berry shrub
Rhus lancea African sumac tree
Rosa cvs. Rose shrub
Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary ground cover
Scabiosa columbaria Pincushion flower annual
Schefflera actinophylla Queensland umbrella tree herbaceous perennial
Schefflera arboricola Hawaiian elf scheffflera herbaceous perennial
Schinus molle California pepper tree
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazillian pepper tree
Senecio cineraria Dusty miller herbaceous perennial
Solanum jasminoides Potato vine vine
Solanum rantonnetii 'Royal Robe' Royal robe solanum shrub
Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel tree tree
Strelitzia nicolai Giant bird of paradise herbaceous perennial
Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise herbaceous perennial
Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen palm tree
Syzygium paniculatum Brush cherry shrub
Taxodium distichum Bald cypress tree
Tecoma capensis Cape honeysuckle shrub
Teucrium x lucidrys Germander herbaceous perennial
Thuja orientalis Oriental arborvitae shrub
Tibouchina urvilleana Princess flower shrub
Tipuana tipu Tipu tree tree
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine ground cover
Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill palm tree
Tradescantia virginiana Spiderwort herbaceous perennial
Tulbaghia violacea Society garlic herbaceous perennial
Verbena x hybrida Verbena herbaceous perennial
Viburnum tinus Viburnum shrub
Vinca minor Dwarf periwinkle ground cover
Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm tree
Westringia fruticosa Coast rosemary shrub
Wodyetai bifurcata Foxtail palm tree
Xylosma congestum Xylosma shrub
Zamia furfuracea Cardboard palm shrub
Zantedeschia sp. Calla herbaceous perennial
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Table A-2: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by common name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Acacia redolens Acacia redolens ground cover
Myrsine africana African boxwood shrub
Rhus lancea African sumac tree
Agave sp. Agave herbaceous perennial
Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine tree
Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy ground cover
Aloe sp. Aloe herbaceous perennial
Alstroemeria hybrids Alstroemeria herbaceous perennial
Jasminum laurifolium nitidum Angel-wing jasmine shrub
Aptenia cordiflolia Aptenia ground cover
Leptospermum laevigata Australian tea tree shrub
Geijera parviflora Australian willow tree
Taxodium distichum Bald cypress tree
Musa sp. Banana herbaceous perennial
Bergenia crassifolia Bergenia herbaceous perennial
Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise herbaceous perennial
Phyllostachys nigra Black bamboo shrub
Distictis buccinatoria Blood-red trumpet vine vine
Ipomea indica Blue dawn flower annual
Festuca glauca Blue fescue herbaceous perennial
Alyognme huegelii Blue hybiscus shrub
Fecelia amelloides Blue margurite herbaceous perennial
Brachychiton populneus Bottle tree tree
Bougainvillea sp. Bougainvillea vine
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazillian pepper tree
Coleonema pulchrum Breath of heaven shrub
Lophostemon confertus (Tristania) Brisbane box tree
Syzygium paniculatum Brush cherry shrub
Ilex 'Burfordii' Burford holly shrub
Eucalypus conferruminata Bushy yate shrub
Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree tree
Pinus brutia Calabrian pine tree
Schinus molle California pepper tree
Zantedeschia sp. Calla herbaceous perennial
Camelia japonica Camelia shrub
Cinnamomun camphora Camphor tree
Phoenix canariensis Canary Island palm tree
Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine tree
Caryota ochlandra Canton fishtail palm tree
Tecoma capensis Cape honeysuckle shrub
Plumbago auriculata Cape plumbago shrub
Zamia furfuracea Cardboard palm shrub
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot wood tree
Prunus illicifolia lyonii Catalina cherry shrub
Michelia champaca Champaca tree
Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese flame tree tree
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus shrub
Clivia miniata Clivia herbaceous perennial
Westringia fruticosa Coast rosemary shrub
Erythrina caffra Coral tree tree
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
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December 2005
Table A-2: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by common name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Cordyline australis Cordyline shrub
Lagerstroemia indica Crape myrtle tree
Ficus pumila Creeping fig vine
Phoenix dactylifera Date palm tree
Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily herbaceous perennial
Dracena marginata Dracena shrub
Senecio cineraria Dusty miller herbaceous perennial
Eucalyptus globulus 'Compacta' Dwarf blue gum tree
Baccharis'Twin Peaks' Dwarf coyote bush ground cover
Vinca minor Dwarf periwinkle ground cover
Dymondia margaretae Dymondia ground cover
Hedera helix English ivy ground cover
Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii' Escallonia shrub
Betula pendula European white birch tree
Euryops pectinatus Euryops herbaceous perennial
Pyrus kawakamii Evergreen pear tree
Cuphea hyssopifolia False heather shrub
Fragaria chiloensis False strawberry ground cover
Podocarpus gracilior Fern pine tree
Ficus lyrata Fiddleleaf fig tree
Pyracantha hybrids Firethorn shrub
Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel tree tree
Phormium hybrids Flax herbaceous perennial
Dietes iridioides Fortnight lily herbaceous perennial
Wodyetai bifurcata Foxtail palm tree
Gardenia angusta Gardenia shrub
Gazania sp. Gazania ground cover
Geranium sp. Geranium herbaceous perennial
Teucrium x lucidrys Germander herbaceous perennial
Strelitzia nicolai Giant bird of paradise herbaceous perennial
Hedychium sp. Ginger lily herbaceous perennial
Phyllostachys aurea Golden bamboo shrub
Cassia excelsa Grown of gold tree tree
Schefflera arboricola Hawaiian elf scheffflera herbaceous perennial
Nandina domestica Heavenly bamboo shrub
Prunus illicifolia lyonii Hollyleaf cherry tree
Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' Hollywood juniper shrub
Lonicera hildebrandiana Honeysuckle vine
Bauhinia blakeana Hong Kong orchid tree tree
Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea shrub
Impatiens walleriana Impatiens annual
Rhaphiolepis indica Indian hawthorn shrub
Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel fig tree
Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress tree
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda tree
Crassula ovata Jade herbaceous perennial
Pinus thunbergii Japanese black pine tree
Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese boxwood shrub
Jasminum polyanthemum Jasmine vine
Juniperus chinensis Juniper shrub
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
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December 2005
Table A-2: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by common name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Juniperus chinensis horizontalis Juniper ground cover
Howea fosteriana Kentia palm tree
Archontophoenix cunninhamiana King palm tree
Rhapis excelsa Lady palm shrub
Lantana camara Lantana shrub
Lavandula sp. Lavender herbaceous perennial
Rhus integrifolia Lemonade berry shrub
Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon-scented gum tree
Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile herbaceous perennial
Liriope muscari Lily turf herbaceous perennial
Lobelia erinus Lobelia annual
Platanus x acerifolia London plane tree
Podocarpus henkelii Long-leafed yellow wood shrub
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat tree
Eucalyptus viminalis Manna gum tree
Arcthostaphylos Manzanita shrub
Arbutus 'Marina' Marina madrone tree
Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan palm shrub
Brahea armata Mexican blue palm tree
Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm tree
Coprosma repens Mirror plant shrub
Cupressus macrocarpa Monterey cypress tree
Pinus radiata Monterey pine tree
Ficus macrophylla Moreton Bay fig tree
Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' Myers asparqagus herbaceous perennial
Myoporum parvifolium Myoporum ground cover
Myoporum laetum Myoproum shrub
Myrtus communis Myrtle shrub
Carissa macrocarpa Natal plum shrub
Metrosideros excelsus New Zealand Christmas tree
Leptospermum scoparium New Zealand tea tree tree
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island pine tree
Nerium oleander Oleander shrub
Olea europaea Olive tree
Citrus sp. Orange, lemon tree
Cymbidium sp. Orchid herbaceous perennial
Thuja orientalis Oriental arborvitae shrub
Myoporum laetum 'Pacificum' Pacific myoporum ground cover
Cotoneaster lacteum Parney's cotoneaster shrub
Pelargonium sp. Pelargonium herbaceous perennial
Eucalyptus nicolii Peppermint gum tree
Philodendron sp. Philodendron herbaceous perennial
Photinia fraseri Photinia shrub
Scabiosa columbaria Pincushion flower annual
Calliandra haematocephala Pink powder puff shrub
Pandorea jasminoides Pink trumpet vine vine
Solanum jasminoides Potato vine vine
Echium candicans Pride of Madeira herbaceous perennial
Tibouchina urvilleana Princess flower shrub
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Pruple hopbush shrub
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Table A-2: Taxa encountered in 10 Carlsbad Landscapes, alphabetized by common name
Scientific name Common name Plant type
Prunus cerasifera 'Atropururea' Purple leafed plum tree
Phoenix robelenii Pygmy date palm tree
Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen palm tree
Schefflera actinophylla Queensland umbrella tree herbaceous perennial
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Red fountain grass herbaceous perennial
Eucalyptus sideroxylon Red ironbark tree
Eucalyptus ficifolia Red-flowering gum tree
Cistus x purpureus Rock rose shrub
Rosa cvs. Rose shrub
Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary ground cover
Solanum rantonnetii 'Royal Robe' Royal robe solanum shrub
Cycas revoluta Sago palm shrub
Limonium perezii Sea lavender herbaceous perennial
Juniperus conferta Shore juniper ground cover
Grevillea robusta Silk oak tree
Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver dollar gum tree
Tulbaghia violacea Society garlic herbaceous perennial
Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia tree
Tradescantia virginiana Spiderwort herbaceous perennial
Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprenger asparagus herbaceous perennial
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine ground cover
Psidium cattleianum Strawberry guava shrub
Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum tree
Nephrolepis sp. Sword fern herbaceous perennial
Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle shrub
Dicksonia antarctica Tasmamian tree fern herbaceous perennial
Tipuana tipu Tipu tree tree
Pittosporum tobira Tobira shrub
Pinus torreyana Torrey pine tree
Osteospermum fruiticosum Trailing African daisy ground cover
Lantana montevidensis Trailing lantana ground cover
Lavatera maritima Tree mallow shrub
Neodypsis decari Triangle palm tree
Euonymus japonicus 'Aureo-VariegatusVariegated euonymus shrub
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated pittosporum shrub
Verbena x hybrida Verbena herbaceous perennial
Viburnum tinus Viburnum shrub
Pittosporum undulatum Victorian box shrub
Clytostoma callistegioides Violet trumpet vine vine
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop herbaceous perennial
Ligustrum japonicum Wax-leaf privet shrub
Callistemon viminalis Weeping bottlebrush shrub
Ficus benjamina Weeping fig tree
Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeleri' Wheeler's dwarf pittosporumshrub
Alnus rhombifolia White alder tree
Ceanothus gloriosis Wild lilac shrub
Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill palm tree
Xylosma congestum Xylosma shrub
Podocarpus macrophyllus Yew pine tree
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Posidedon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc.
December 2005
Appendix B
Descriptions of Carlsbad Landscape
Inventory Sites
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water
Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad
Desalination Project
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Appendix B
Descriptions of Carlsbad Landscape Inventory Sites
Carlsbad landscape inventory
Eleven sites within Carlsbad, ten landscapes and one nursery, were selected to
represent the plant, soil and microclimate diversity present:
Aviara , Tern Place
Aviara Resort
La Costa
Rancho Carrillo area, Quintana, Rancho Bravado and Rancho Latigo, Paseo
Magee Park
Garfield St. between Beech Ave. and Cypress
Carlsbad City Hall
Monroe St. between Westwood Dr. and Carlsbad Village Dr.
Calaveras Hills, Chatham and Nantucket Ln.
Mystic Point
Miles Pacific Nursery
A total of 200 taxa were recorded (see Appendix A for scientific and common names).
For each plant a frequency rating 1-3 was assigned (1=one plant, 2=several plants,
3=many plants). Site frequency ratings for each species were summed for a total
frequency rating. The maximum frequency rating possible was 30; the lowest, 1.
Frequency ratings ranged from 1 to 28 (Fig. B-1). Almost half of the species were
represented by only one or two plants.
Fig. B-1: Frequency of occurrence of 200 taxa inventoried in ten Carlsbad
Frequency of occurrenceNumber of species
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December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
In addition the number of landscapes in which each species occurred was tallied (Fig. B-
2). Only 22 species (11%) occurred in five or more landscapes. Eighty-nine species
(45%) occurred in only one landscape.
Fig. B-2: The sum number of landscapes in which each of the 200 species
Each of the 200 species was identified as occurring commonly, occasionally or
infrequently in Carlsbad landscapes based on the number of landscapes and the relative
frequency of occurrence in each landscape in which it occurred. Fifteen percent of the
species occurred commonly in landscapes, 46% infrequently, and 39% occasionally. The
thirty species that occurred commonly are the key plants that comprise Carlsbad
landscapes (Table B-1).
Descriptions of each site, the species present, and the frequency ratings for all species
are provided following this text (pages B-5 through B-14).
HortScience, Inc. B-3
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Table B-1: Landscape plants commonly occurring in 10 Carlsbad landscapes.
Scientific Name Common Name Sum No.
Frequency Landscapes
Ratingsa Occurringb
Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile 17 8
Bougainvillea sp. Bougainvillea 20 8
Camelia japonica Camelia 6 5
Dietes iridioides Fortnight lily 7 5
Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii' Escallonia 9 5
Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel fig 9 5
Hedera helix English ivy 10 4
Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily 21 8
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus 14 9
Leptospermum laevigata Australian tea tree 9 4
Ligustrum japonicum Wax-leaf privet 12 5
Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree 9 4
Nandina domestica Heavenly bamboo 8 5
Nerium oleander Oleander 8 4
Olea europaea Olive 9 4
Pandorea jasminoides Pink trumpet vine 7 5
Philodendron Philodendron 9 5
Phoenix robelenii Pygmy date palm 10 4
Phormium hybrids Flax 17 7
Photinia fraseri Photinia 13 5
Pittosporum tobira Tobira 9 4
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated pittosporum 10 5
Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeleri' Wheeler's dwarf 14 6
Podocarpus gracilior Fern pine 9 4
Rhaphiolepis indica Indian hawthorn 28 10
Strelitzia nicolai Giant bird of paradise 13 5
Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise 28 10
Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen palm 23 8
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine 16 7
Xylosma congestum Xylosma 15 6
aNumber of landscapes in which species was present; total 10 landscapes. bSum of frequency of occurrence at each site (1=one plant, 2=several plants, 3=many
plants); 30 maximum.
HortScience, Inc. B-4
December 20, 2005
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 1: Aviara, Tern Place
Common name Plant type Frequency*
Lily of the Nile perennial 2
Lily turf perennial 2
Long-leafed yellow wood shrub 3
Myrtle shrub 1
Natal plum shrub 1
Orange, lemon tree 2
Pelargonium perennial 2
Philodendron perennial 2
Photinia shrub 1
Pink trumpet vine vine 1
Potato vine vine 1
Purple leafed plum tree 1
Pygmy date palm tree 3
Queen palm tree 3
Queensland umbrella tree perennial 2
Sago palm shrub 3
Society garlic perennial 2
Southern magnolia tree 1
Star jasmine ground cover 2
Tasmamian tree fern perennial 2
Variegated pittosporum shrub 1
Viburnum shrub 2
Violet trumpet vine vine 3
Wax-leaf privet shrub 2
Weeping bottlebrush shrub 1
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 2
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscapes
Soils: Loamy alluvium; Corralitos loamy
sand; Charleston fine sandy loam
Irrigation: Potable water, primarily sprinklers
Plants: 54 taxa present (see table)
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
Common name Plant type Frequency*
Alstroemeria perennial 1
Angel-wing jasmine shrub 2
Australian tea tree shrub 2
Bird of paradise perennial 2
Blue dawn flower annual 1
Blue hybiscus shrub 1
Bougainvillea vine 2
Breath of heaven shrub 2
Burford holly shrub 1
Camelia shrub 1
Carrot wood tree 2
Chinese hibiscus shrub 2
Daylily perennial 3
English ivy ground cover 2
Escallonia shrub 2
European white birch tree 1
Euryops perennial 1
Evergreen pear tree 1
False strawberry ground cover 1
Fern pine tree 3
Flax perennial 3
Fortnight lily perennial 1
Heavenly bamboo shrub 1
Impatiens annual 2
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Italian cypress tree 1
Jacaranda tree 3
King palm tree 2
Common name Plant type Frequency
Aloe 2
Banana perennial 1
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Bottle tree tree 2
Bougainvillea vine 3
California pepper tree 1
Calla perennial 1
Champaca tree 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 3
Clivia perennial 1
Coral tree tree 2
Date palm tree 3
Daylily perennial 3
Dwarf periwinkle ground cover 3
Flax perennial 3
Fortnight lily perennial 2
Geranium perennial 2
Giant bird of paradise perennial 3
Hawaiian elf scheffflera perennial 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Indian laurel fig tree 2
Japanese boxwood shrub 2
Jasmine vine 2
Lantana shrub 2
Lily of the Nile perennial 3
Marina madrone tree 1
Aptenia ground cover 3
Norfolk Island pine tree 1
Orange, lemon tree 3
Orchid perennial 2
Philodendron perennial 3
Pink powder puff shrub 3
Pink trumpet vine vine 1
Pride of Madeira perennial 2
Princess flower shrub 1
Pygmy date palm tree 2
Queen palm tree 3
Queensland umbrella tree perennial 2
Sago palm shrub 2
Star jasmine ground cover 3
Strawberry guava shrub 1
Tasmamian tree fern perennial 2
Water hyssop perennial 3
Weeping fig tree 3
Xylosma shrub 3
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 2: Four Seasons
Resort Hotel
Site Description
Landscape type: Resort landscape
Soils: Loamy alluvium; Corralitos loamy
sand; Charleston fine sandy loam; Las
Flores loamy fine sand
Irrigation: Recycled water
Plants: 46 taxa present (see table at right)
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
Entrance to resort
Common name Plant type Frequency
Acacia redolens ground cover 2
Angel-wing jasmine shrub 2
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Blood-red trumpet vine vine 2
Bougainvillea vine 3
Brazillian pepper tree 3
Brisbane box tree 3
Brush cherry shrub 1
Cajeput tree tree 2
Calabrian pine tree 2
Calla perennial 1
Canary Island pine tree 1
Canton fishtail palm tree 1
Cape plumbago shrub 1
Carrot wood tree 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 3
Daylily perennial 3
English ivy ground cover 3
Escallonia shrub 2
Evergreen pear tree 1
Firethorn shrub 3
Flax perennial 2
Giant bird of paradise perennial 3
Hawaiian elf scheffflera perennial 1
Hollywood juniper shrub 2
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Indian laurel fig tree 2
Italian cypress tree 1
Juniper shrub 3
Kentia palm tree 2
Lavender perennial 1
Lemon-scented gum tree 2
Lily of the Nile perennial 3
Lily turf perennial 2
London plane tree 3
Long-leafed yellow wood shrub 2
Mediterranean fan palm shrub 1
Mexican fan palm tree 1
Monterey pine tree 1
Myoproum shrub 2
Olive tree 1
Orange, lemon tree 3
Philodendron perennial 1
Pink trumpet vine vine 2
Pygmy date palm tree 2
Queen palm tree 3
Queensland umbrella tree perennial 1
Red ironbark tree 2
Rosemary ground cover 1
Silk oak tree 2
Southern magnolia tree 1
Star jasmine ground cover 3
Sweetgum tree 1
Trailing lantana ground cover 3
Tree mallow shrub 1
Wax-leaf privet shrub 3
Weeping bottlebrush shrub 2
White alder tree 2
Xylosma shrub 3
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 3: La Costa Resort
Site Description
Landscape type: Resort landscapes
Soils: Huerhuero-Urban Land Complex;
Salinas clay loam, Placentia sandy
loam near creek
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 60 taxa present (see table at right)
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
Entrance to resort
pH 6.5
Salinity (ECe) 1.5
Calcium (me/l) 6.6
Magnesium (me/l) 4.1
Sodium (me/l) 4.7
Potassium (me/l) 0.8
Boron (ppm) 0.24
Sulfate (me/l) 7.6
Chloride (me/l) 4.1
Sodium adsorption ratio 2.0
Results of Soil Analysis
Entrance median turf
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 4: Quintana,
Carrillo Ranch,
Rancho Bravado, Rancho
Latigo, Paseo Jaquita
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscapes
and common areas
Soils: Las Posos stony fine sandy loam;
Altamont clay; Huerhuero loam
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 53 taxa present (see table at right)
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
pH 7.2
Salinity (ECe) 2.4
Calcium (me/l) 17.2
Magnesium (me/l) 5.4
Sodium (me/l) 6.7
Potassium (me/l) 1.4
Boron (ppm) 0.15
Sulfate (me/l) 25.9
Chloride (me/l) 1.7
Sodium adsorption ratio 2.0
Results of Soil Analysis
Carrillo Ranch Shrubs
Common name Plant type Frequency
Aloe perennial 2
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Bottle tree tree 2
Bougainvillea vine 3
Breath of heaven shrub 1
Brush cherry shrub 1
Cajeput tree tree 2
California pepper tree 2
Calla perennial 1
Canary Island pine tree 2
Canton fishtail palm tree 1
Chinese flame tree tree 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 2
Crape myrtle tree 1
Daylily perennial 3
Dwarf coyote bush ground cover 2
European white birch tree 1
Evergreen pear tree 1
Flax perennial 3
Gazania ground cover 3
Heavenly bamboo shrub 1
Hydrangea shrub 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Italian cypress tree 1
Jacaranda tree 2
Japanese boxwood shrub 1
Jasmine vine 2
King palm tree 2
Long-leafed yellow wood shrub 2
Mexican fan palm tree 2
Oleander shrub 1
Pelargonium perennial 2
Philodendron perennial 2
Photinia shrub 3
Pink trumpet vine vine 2
Purple leafed plum tree 2
Pygmy date palm tree 3
Queen palm tree 3
Red fountain grass perennial 1
Red-flowering gum tree 1
Rose shrub 2
Royal robe solanum shrub 2
Shore juniper ground cover 1
Star jasmine ground cover 3
Trailing lantana ground cover 3
Triangle palm tree 1
Variegated euonymus shrub 3
Variegated pittosporum shrub 3
Viburnum shrub 1
Violet trumpet vine vine 2
Wax-leaf privet shrub 3
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 2
Wild lilac shrub 2
Common name Plant type Frequency
Aleppo pine tree 1
Alstroemeria perennial 1
Australian tea tree shrub 1
Bald cypress tree 1
Bergenia perennial 1
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Blue fescue perennial 1
Blue margurite perennial 1
Bougainvillea vine 1
Brazillian pepper tree 1
California pepper tree 2
Camelia shrub 2
Catalina cherry shrub 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 1
Date palm tree 1
Dusty miller perennial 1
Euryops perennial 1
Firewheel tree tree 1
Giant bird of paradise perennial 3
Ginger lily perennial 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 1
Indian laurel fig tree 1
Jade perennial 1
Japanese black pine tree 1
Lavender perennial 1
Lemonade berry shrub 1
Lobelia annual 1
Manna gum tree 3
Manzanita shrub 1
Mexican fan palm tree 1
Monterey cypress tree 2
Monterey pine tree 1
Myoproum shrub 1
N. Zealand Christmas tree 1
Norfolk Island pine tree 1
Olive tree 3
Photinia shrub 2
Pincushion flower annual 1
Rock rose shrub 1
Rose shrub 3
Rosemary ground cover 1
Sea lavender perennial 1
Spiderwort perennial 1
Sprenger asparagus perennial 1
Sword fern perennial 2
Tobira shrub 1
Torrey pine tree 3
Trailing African daisy ground cover 1
Variegated pittosporum shrub 1
Verbena perennial 1
Water hyssop perennial 1
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 5: Magee Park
Site Description
Landscape type: City park
Soils: Marina loamy sand
Irrigation: Potable water, sprinklers
Plants: 51 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
pH 7.2
Salinity (ECe) 2.4
Calcium (me/l) 17.2
Magnesium (me/l) 5.4
Sodium (me/l) 6.7
Potassium (me/l) 1.4
Boron (ppm) 0.15
Sulfate (me/l) 25.9
Chloride (me/l) 1.7
Sodium adsorption ratio 2.0
Results of Soil Analysis
Common name Plant type Frequency
Algerian ivy ground cover 2
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Blue dawn flower annual 1
Bougainvillea vine 2
Cajeput tree tree 2
Camelia shrub 1
Canary Island palm tree 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 1
Crape myrtle tree 1
Daylily perennial 2
Euryops perennial 2
Flax perennial 2
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Jade perennial 1
Lily of the Nile perennial 1
Manna gum tree 3
Myers asparqagus perennial 1
Myoproum shrub 1
Norfolk Island pine tree 2
Oleander shrub 2
Southern magnolia tree 1
Star jasmine ground cover 1
Sydney golden wattle shrub 2
Variegated euonymus shrub 2
Victorian box shrub 1
Wax-leaf privet shrub 1
Weeping fig tree 1
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 2
Xylosma shrub 1
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 6: Garfield St. between Beech Ave. and
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscapes
Soils: Marina loamy sand
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 29 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc. B-10
Common name Plant type Frequency
Acacia redolens ground cover 1
African sumac tree 2
Australian tea tree shrub 3
Australian willow tree 2
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Cajeput tree tree 3
Camelia shrub 1
Clivia perennial 2
Coast rosemary shrub 3
Dracena shrub 1
Dwarf blue gum tree 1
Escallonia shrub 2
False heather shrub 2
Fern pine tree 3
Flax perennial 2
Fortnight lily perennial 1
Gazania ground cover 2
Germander perennial 2
Giant bird of paradise perennial 3
Golden bamboo shrub 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Juniper ground cover 2
Lady palm shrub 1
Lantana shrub 3
Lavender perennial 2
Lemon-scented gum tree 1
Loquat tree 1
Mexican fan palm tree 1
Myoporum ground cover 2
New Zealand tea tree tree 1
Pacific myoporum ground cover 3
Parney's cotoneaster shrub 1
Pride of Madeira perennial 3
Pruple hopbush shrub 1
Queen palm tree 3
Red ironbark tree 3
Rosemary ground cover 2
Sago palm shrub 2
Silver dollar gum tree 3
Society garlic perennial 2
Sprenger asparagus perennial 2
Star jasmine ground cover 2
Sydney golden wattle shrub 1
Tasmamian tree fern perennial 1
Tobira shrub 3
Weeping bottlebrush shrub 1
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 3
Windmill palm tree 2
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 7: City Hall
Site Description
Landscape type: Municipal landscape
Soils: Marina loamy sand; Chesterson Urban
Land Complex
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 48 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc. B-11
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 8: Miles Pacific
Site Description
Wholesale nursery growing large containerized
kentia palms, Chamaedorea palms and bird-of-
paradise for indoor commercial landscapes.
HortScience, Inc. B-12
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 9: Monroe, east of
Carlsbad Village
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscape
Soils: Marina loamy sand
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 62 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
Common name Plant type Frequency
African boxwood shrub 2
Agave perennial 3
Bird of paradise perennial 2
Black bamboo shrub 1
Bougainvillea vine 3
Brazillian pepper tree 2
Brush cherry shrub 2
Canary Island pine tree 1
Canton fishtail palm tree 2
Cape honeysuckle shrub 2
Cardboard palm shrub 1
Carrot wood tree 1
Chinese hibiscus shrub 1
Cordyline shrub 2
Creeping fig vine 1
Daylily perennial 2
Dwarf blue gum tree 2
Dymondia ground cover 1
English ivy ground cover 2
Escallonia shrub 1
Euryops perennial 2
Evergreen pear tree 1
Fern pine tree 1
Fiddleleaf fig tree 1
Firethorn shrub 1
Fortnight lily perennial 1
Foxtail palm tree 2
Giant bird of paradise perennial 1
Heavenly bamboo shrub 1
Hollywood juniper shrub 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Indian laurel fig tree 1
Italian cypress tree 1
Common name Plant type Frequency
Jade perennial 1
Japanese black pine tree 1
Juniper shrub 2
King palm tree 2
Lily of the Nile perennial 2
Loquat tree 1
Mirror plant shrub 1
Oleander shrub 2
Olive tree 2
Photinia shrub 2
Pink trumpet vine vine 1
Purple leafed plum tree 1
Queen palm tree 2
Red fountain grass perennial 1
Rose shrub 1
Sea lavender perennial 2
Sprenger asparagus perennial 2
Star jasmine ground cover 2
Sweetgum tree 2
Sydney golden wattle shrub 1
Tobira shrub 3
Trailing African daisy ground cover 2
Tree mallow shrub 1
Variegated pittosporum shrub 2
Wax-leaf privet shrub 3
Weeping bottlebrush shrub 2
Weeping fig tree 2
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 2
Xylosma shrub 2
Common name Plant type Frequency
Acacia redolens ground cover 2
Australian tea tree shrub 3
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Brisbane box tree 2
Bushy yate shrub 1
California pepper tree 2
Camelia shrub 1
Camphor tree 2
Cape honeysuckle shrub 2
Carrot wood tree 2
Chinese hibiscus shrub 1
Clivia perennial 1
Daylily perennial 2
English ivy ground cover 3
False heather shrub 1
Fern pine tree 2
Firethorn shrub 1
Fortnight lily perennial 2
Gardenia shrub 1
Heavenly bamboo shrub 2
Honeysuckle vine 1
Hong Kong orchid tree tree 1
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Juniper shrub 3
Lantana shrub 2
Lemon-scented gum tree 1
Lily of the Nile perennial 3
London plane tree 2
Olive tree 3
Oriental arborvitae shrub 1
Parney's cotoneaster shrub 3
Peppermint gum tree 3
Philodendron perennial 1
Photinia shrub 2
Purple leafed plum tree 2
Queen palm tree 3
Society garlic perennial 2
Sweetgum tree 2
Tipu tree tree 1
Tobira shrub 2
Variegated euonymus shrub 1
White alder tree 2
Xylosma shrub 3
Yew pine tree 2
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 10: Calaveras Hills,
Chatham St.
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscapes
and common areas
Soils: Highly graded light brown fine loamy
sand and sandy clay loam
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 44 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc.
pH 5.8
Salinity (ECe) 1.0
Calcium (me/l) 2.8
Magnesium (me/l) 2.0
Sodium (me/l) 5.1
Potassium (me/l) 0.3
Boron (ppm) 0.19
Sulfate (me/l) 5.7
Chloride (me/l) 2.0
Sodium adsorption ratio 3.3
Results of Soil Analysis
Common name Plant type Frequency
Bird of paradise perennial 3
Bougainvillea vine 3
Brisbane box tree 3
Camphor tree 2
Cape honeysuckle shrub 3
Daylily perennial 3
Escallonia shrub 2
Flax perennial 2
Gazania ground cover 3
Heavenly bamboo shrub 3
Indian hawthorn shrub 3
Indian laurel fig tree 3
Japanese boxwood shrub 1
Lily of the Nile perennial 3
Moreton Bay fig tree 1
Oleander shrub 3
Photinia shrub 3
Queen palm tree 3
Southern magnolia tree 2
Variegated pittosporum shrub 3
Wheeler's dwarf pitto-
sporum shrub 3
Xylosma shrub 3
Yew pine tree 3
Carlsbad Landscape Inventory
Site 11: Mystic Point
Site Description
Landscape type: Residential landscapes
and common areas
Soils: Reddish brown sandy loam
Irrigation: Potable water
Plants: 23 taxa present
*Frequency of occurrence ratings:
1=one or two plants, 2=several plants, 3=many plants
HortScience, Inc. B-15
Appendix C
Descriptions of Comparison Landscapes
Results of soil and tissue analyses
Livermore – Recycled water
Davis – Potable water
Carlsbad –Recycled water
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water
Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad
Desalination Project
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc. C-2
December 20, 2005
Appendix C
Descriptions of Comparison Landscapes
Results of soil and tissue analyses
Because there is limited information on landscape species tolerance to boron and
chloride, it was necessary to find existing landscapes that were irrigated with water
containing the target concentrations of boron and chloride to assess plant performance.
Target concentrations were 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 ppm boron and 100, 180, and 240 ppm
chloride. In addition the landscapes at comparison locations needed to have species
present common to Carlsbad landscapes, and be reasonably similar in soils and climate.
We identified three comparison landscapes that met the selection criteria:
Livermore, CA sites irrigated with recycled water,
Carlsbad sites irrigated with recycled water, and
Davis, CA sites irrigated with potable water
The Livermore recycled water quality approximates the category 1 desalinated water for
boron and category 2 for chloride. The Carlsbad recycled water quality is similar to the
category 1 chloride and category 3 boron. The Davis potable water quality is comparable
to the category 2 boron and category 3 chloride.
Landscapes selected to represent the water quality at each location were:
Livermore recycled water – Livermore Water Reclamation Facility, Livermore
Airport, and Las Positas College campus
Carlsbad recycled water – Poinsettia Park, Plaza Paseo Real, Grand Pacific
Palisade Hotel and Karl Strauss Brewery
Davis potable water – University of California Davis campus
At each of the sites the following were performed:
1. Inventory landscape species present.
2. Rate appearance of boron and chloride damage exhibited by each species. Two
ratings were applied
Symptom ratings:
0 no symptoms
1 foliar chlorosis and/or necrosis, less than 10% of leaf
2 foliar necrosis, 10-25% of leaf
3 foliar necrosis, 25-50% of leaf
4 foliar necrosis >50%, defoliation, stem dieback
5 plant dead
Appearance ratings (assessed 3' from plant):
A plant appears normal, acceptable appearance
B moderate; symptoms degrade appearance
C unacceptable; symptoms severe
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
3. Note factors affecting plant health and appearance and irrigation type.
4. Collect and analyze a minimum of three soil and tissue samples from selected
species. For the Livermore site, samples were collected in the early and late
summer to assess the change in boron and chloride concentrations through the
primary irrigation season.
5. Photograph plants from which samples were collected.
Description of Comparison Landscapes
Descriptions of each of the comparison landscapes, results of soil and tissue analyses,
and photographs of plants are provided following this text (pages C-5 through C-16).
Plant assessment and soil and tissue analyses indicated a range in boron and chloride
concentrations within and among sites and plant species. In general, boron
concentrations were higher at the Davis and Livermore sites than at Carlsbad, and
chloride concentrations where higher at the Carlsbad and Livermore sites than at Davis.
This is consistent with the quality of the irrigation water at each site.
Most landscape species at all sites exhibited no symptoms of chloride or boron damage.
At each site, however, there were sensitive species that exhibited salt damage (Table C-
1). For instance, at the Davis site, approximately 110 species were examined, 16
exhibiting boron injury. No plants exhibited symptoms of stem dieback or death.
At the Livermore sites boron and chloride concentrations were lower at the beginning of
the irrigation season (late spring) compared to the end of summer (September). It is
likely that winter rains leached the salts, lowering their concentration in the soil. New
foliage produced in the spring would be expected to have lower concentrations of salts
than at the end of the season. Salt injury symptoms on sensitive species were greater in
the late summer than the earlier in the season.
HortScience, Inc. C-3
December 20, 2005
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
HortScience, Inc. C-4
December 20, 2005
Table C-1: Summary of plants exhibiting boron and/or chloride toxicity at
comparison landscapes.
Chloride and boron concentrations
Ave. water
Max. tissue
Max. soil
concentration Species exhibiting injury
Livermore B: 1.1 ppm B: 1234 ppm B: 2.59 ppm White alder
water Cl: 160 ppm Cl: 2.08% Cl: 536 ppm
Purple leaf plum
Heavenly bamboo
London plane
Crape myrtle
Valley oak
Davis B: 0.75 ppm B: 426 ppm B: 1.25 ppm Maidenhair tree
Potable water Cl: 56 ppm Persimmon
Fortnight lily
Southern magnolia
Red oak
Sweet box
American elm
Ornamental strawberry
English walnut
Carlsbad B: 0.4 ppm Cl: 3.5% Cl: 530 ppm Escallonia
water Cl: 240 ppm
Fortnight lily
Evergreen ash
Boston ivy
Ornamental strawberry
Trumpet vine
Red ironbark
Nicol’s peppermint
Pygmy date palm
Brisbane box
Purple orchid tree
Heavenly bamboo
Pygmy date palm
Heavenly bamboo.
Species Sample Date Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Crape myrtle June 7.3 1.3 7.6 1.4 4.2 4.0 2600 137 0.85 2 B Soil dry. September 7.3 2.6 12.0 1.3 4.4 11.8 1400 2.08 3 C Soil very dry. June 7.1 1.8 9.3 1.6 4.3 4.8 3200 58 0.22 0 A Soil moist. September 7.2 2.6 13.4 1.4 5.5 12.7 11000 115 1.52 3 B Soil moist. 3 Xylosma June 7.5 2.1 13.3 2.4 6.8 7.9 600 213 0.75 1 A Tip burn. 1800 236 0.40 No tip burn. September 7.3 2.9 13.6 1.9 4.9 15.1 3600 256 1.52 2 A Soil dry. 2 Purple leaf plum L1—Livermore Water Reclamation Site Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Landscape has been irrigated with recycled water for approximately 10 years. Irrigation water, on average, contains 142 ppm Cl, 1.0 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers. Salt injury symptoms were: 1-severe; 2-moderate; 3-slight. 1 2 3 HortScience, Inc.
Species Sample Date Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 4 Photinia June 1.3 0.8 7.7 0.8 5.1 4.0 1200 76 0.30 1 A Slight chlorosis on older foliage. September 7.4 2.5 10.5 0.9 3.9 14.8 1400 73 0.52 1 B Foliage hit by sprinkler June 7.7 1.9 10.1 1.7 5.2 7.4 x x x x x Foliar disease. September 7.7 2.6 16.9 2.6 8.7 14.0 2000 1234 0.92 2 B Soil very dry. 6 Escallonia June 7.4 1.6 9.9 1.4 5.9 6.8 2400 289 0.32 0 A Soil wet. September 7.3 3.0 18.8 1.9 7.9 14.8 3400 388 0.52 0 A Soil very wet; plants sheared. 5 Rose L2—Livermore Airport Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Landscape has been irrigated with recycled water for approximately 6 years. Irrigation water, on average, contains 142 ppm Cl, 1.0 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers. Salt injury symptoms were: 4-low; 5-severe; 6-none. 4 5 6 HortScience, Inc. C-6
Species Sample Date Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 7 Rhaphiolepis June 7.1 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.7 0.8 400 30 0.06 0 A Soil very dry. September 7.2 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.5 2.5 400 33 0.12 0 A Soil very dry. 8 Xylosma June 7.2 1.2 7.6 0.7 4.7 5.2 1000 127 0.76 1 A Soil moist. September 7.0 2.4 10.3 1.0 3.6 7.1 5000 217 0.72 1 A Soil moist. 9 Euonymus June 7.3 1.1 7.1 0.7 5.4 5.3 1200 43 0.59 0 A Powdery mildew September 7.7 2.2 11.0 1.0 4.8 13.1 600 45 0.58 0 A Soil moist; pow-dery mildew 10 Nandina June 7.3 1.3 8.1 0.8 5.5 5.6 2000 369 1.35 1 A Soil moist. September 7.0 1.7 4.4 0.8 1.6 4.9 1200 245 1.52 1 A Soil dry. 11 Star jasmine June 7.6 0.7 3.4 0.4 3.0 2.4 1200 41 0.41 0 A Soil dry. September 7.7 1.2 5.3 0.5 2.9 7.4 1000 78 0.22 0 A Soil dry. 12 Agapanthus June 7.2 1.1 6.4 0.8 4.1 4.3 1800 341 1.16 1 B Soil moisture variable. September 7.6 2.4 10.8 1.0 4.1 12.3 1400 691 1.42 3 C Soil moisture variable. L3—Las Positas College Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Landscape has been irrigated with recycled water for approximately 3 years. Irrigation water, on average, contains 142 ppm Cl, 1.0 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers and bubblers. Because the site was large, six species were monitored. Salt injury symptoms: 7, 9, 11-none; 8,10-slight; 12-severe. HortScience, Inc. C-7
10 11 12 L3—Las Positas College Irrigated with Recycled Water 7 8 9 C-8 HortScience, Inc.
Species Sample Date Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 13 Rhaphiolepis June 6.8 0.6 2.1 0.2 1.7 0.7 400 29 0.06 A September 7.2 1.1 3.2 0.3 1.6 3.0 200 28 0.09 A Soil very dry. 14 Photinia June 7.6 0.5 1.6 0.1 1.3 0.3 200 31 0.29 A September 7.2 1.5 3.0 0.2 1.1 2.7 600 80 0.32 A Soil very dry. Italian alder L4—N. Canyons Parkway Irrigated with Potable Water Site Summary: Potable water quality range: Cl—52-130 ppm, B—0.17-0.92 ppm. Lack of irrigation affected plant appearance. 13 14 HortScience, Inc. C-9
Species Sample Date Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 15 Xylosma June 6.9 1.4 2.7 0.5 1.2 5.5 200 57 0.55 A September 7.0 1.5 2.6 0.4 0.9 4.4 600 83 0.32 A Soil very dry. 16 June 7.4 1.2 3.7 0.3 1.6 1.0 1000 132 1.61 B Tip burn. June 2000 61 1.15 A No tip burn. Agapanthus September 7.0 2.8 5.7 0.5 1.5 8.3 1200 146 1.58 C Soil very dry. L5—Al Caffodio Park Irrigated with Potable Water 15 14 HortScience, Inc. Site Summary: Potable water quality range: Cl—52-130 ppm, B—0.17-0.92 ppm. Lack of irrigation affected plant appearance. C-10
Species Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Chinese hackberry 8.4 1.1 4.7 0.5 3.0 1.0 600 341 0.42 2 B Decree of injury sysmptoms varied. 2 Xylosma 8.5 1.1 5.3 0.9 3.1 5.1 600 436 0.34 1 A 3 Heavenly bamboo 7.8 1.6 4.4 0.5 1.8 3.4 2000 177 0.83 1 A Tip necrosis 7.8 1.6 4.4 0.5 1.8 3.4 400 89 0.37 No necrosis 4 Red oak 7.6 3.7 12.4 0.4 3.7 26.4 1200 286 0.30 3 B Young tree. 5 American elm 3400 426 0.82 1 A University of California, Davis Irrigated with Potable Water Site Summary: Irrigation water, on average, contains 0.75 ppm boron, less than 100 ppm chloride. Irrigation primarily is by sprinklers, bubblers, and by hand. Of 110 species examined in the landscape , 16 exhibited boron injury symptoms: maidenhair tree, persimmon, hackberry, mulberry, linden, zelkova, fortnight lily, wis-teria, rose, southern magnolia, red oak, sweet box, American elm, abelia, ornamental strawberry, and English walnut. HortScience, Inc. C-11
1 2 3 4 University of California, Davis Irrigated with Potable Water 5 HortScience, Inc. C-12
Species Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Indian hawthorn 6.6 2.6 11.5 0.77 3.8 14.7 800 29 0.22 0 A No symptoms. 2 Star jasmine 6.0 3 14.2 1.16 4.5 13.7 3000 62 0.86 0 A No symptoms. 3 Camphor 6.7 2.6 16.3 0.93 5.8 12.4 3200 63 1.59 1-3 A-C Condition variable. 4 Evergreen ash 1200 15 1.02 1-2 B Symptoms more severe where foliage hit by sprin-C1—Poinsettia Park, Carlsbad Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Irrigation water, on average, contains 240 ppm Cl, less than 0.5 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers. Of 17 species in the landscape, 4 exhibited chloride injury: red ironbark, Nicol’s peppermint, evergreen ash and camphor. 1 2 3 HortScience, Inc. 4 C-13
Species Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Lily-of-the-Nile 6.7 3.2 18 0.52 5.4 15 2400 333 1.22 2 B Soil dry. 2 Bougainvillea 6.9 3.2 7 0.5 2.9 6.7 3600 59 2.92 0 A Soil dry. 3 Trumpet vine 7.2 1.8 9.5 0.26 4 8.0 600 57 1.62 1 B Soil moist. 4 Ornamental strawberry 7.2 1.8 9.5 0.26 4 8.0 600 96 1.98 2 C Soil dry. C2—Plaza Paseo Real, Carlsbad Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Irrigation water, on average, contains 240 ppm Cl, less than 0.5 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers and bubblers. Of 52 species in the landscape, 5 exhibited chloride injury: lily-of-the-Nile, trumpet vine, ornamental strawberry, lily turf, and pygmy date palm. 1 2 3 HortScience, Inc. 4 C-14
Species Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Natal plum 6.7 1.7 8.7 0.52 3.9 8.2 400 33 1.62 0 A Excellent appearance 2 Star jasmine 7.3 1.9 10.9 0.47 4.7 8.1 2400 53 0.42 0 A Heavily sheared 3 Variegated tobira 7.5 1.9 10.1 0.56 4.2 8.2 1600 68 0.56 0 A On perimeter slope 4 Boston ivy 3200 36 3.52 4 C C3—Grand Pacific Palisade Hotel & Karl Strauss Brewery, Carlsbad Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Irrigation water, on average, contains 240 ppm Cl, less than 0.5 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers and bubblers. Of 37 species in the landscape, 5 exhibited chloride injury: Brisbane box, Boston ivy, shrubby yew pine, Carolina laurel cherry, and white alder. 1 2 3 HortScience, Inc. 4 C-15
Species Soil Analyses Tissue Analysis Plant Ratings Comments pH Ece Na B SAR Cl Na B Cl Symptoms Appearance mmhos/cm meq/l ppm meq/l ppm ppm % 1 Heavenly bamboo 7.3 1.9 9 0.43 4.1 7 6400 76 4.48 3 C In entry median; soil dry. 2 Arbutus ‘Marina’ 6.8 2.2 9.9 0.5 4.2 10.9 2200 55 0.32 1 A Symptoms on old, lower leaves only. 3 Champaca 6.2 2.7 13 0.51 4.6 11.7 2000 106 1.98 3 C In raised bed by entrance. C4—Four Seasons Resort, Carlsbad Irrigated with Recycled Water Site Summary: Irrigation water, on average, contains 240 ppm Cl, less than 0.5 ppm B. Irrigation is by sprinklers and bubblers. Of 67 species in the landscape, 10 exhibited chloride injury: Lily-of-the-Nile, Clivia, Grevillea ’Noellii’, Arbutus ’Marina’, purple orchid tree, heavenly bamboo, cham-paca, Cymbidium, pygmy date palm, and Boston ivy. 1 2 3 HortScience, Inc. C-16
Appendix D
Plant Appearance Assessment Tool
and Results
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water
Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad
Desalination Project
Evaluation of Proposed Irrigation Water Quality on Carlsbad Landscapes
Poseidon Resources/Carlsbad Desalination Project
Appendix D
Plant Appearance Assessment Tool
and Results
A plant appearance assessment tool was prepared that included 65 photographs of 35
plants with and without boron and chloride damage, from all comparison sites, and both
close and distance views. On October 11, 17 of the Desalination Advisory Group
members viewed each photograph and rated it as “acceptable”, “unacceptable”, or “no
opinion”. Photographs and tally of ratings for each follows this text.
People varied widely in how they assessed plant appearance (Table D-1). For instance,
evaluator ‘K’ identified 62 photos acceptable; 1, unacceptable; and 3, no opinion. In
contrast, evaluator ‘A’ identified 26 acceptable; 22, unacceptable; and 18, no opinion.
Of the 65 plants assessed, 50 were considered to have acceptable appearance by 10 or
more people; 7, unacceptable; and 8 had no majority. All plants were rated as
acceptable when viewed from a distance. Plants viewed at close range that were
identified as having unacceptable appearance had obvious brown, necrotic edges along
the leaves. Plants that had no majority generally had slight browning. Leaf chlorosis
(yellowing), which can be a symptom of chloride excess, was generally rated acceptable.
Table D-1: Summary of ratings by 17 evaluators of plant appearance with and
without boron and chloride damage at both close and distant views.
Evaluator Number of Responses
Acceptable Unacceptable No opinion
A 26 22 18
B 39 8 19
C 61 5 0
D 50 5 11
E 39 26 1
F 43 21 2
G 40 16 10
H 33 32 1
I 50 16 0
J 43 22 1
K 62 1 3
L 52 13 1
M 50 12 4
N 60 1 5
O 43 19 4
P 51 12 3
Q 46 20 5
Average 46.4 14.8 5.2
HortScience, Inc. D-2
December 20, 2005
Carlsbad Plant Appearance Rating ToolSummary of Ratings by Desalination Advisory CommitteeOctober 11, 2005
What is an acceptable plant appearance for Carlsbad landscapes?
Rating systemIndicate your opinion of the plant’s appearance by checking one: AcceptableUnacceptableNo opinion17 respondentsD-3
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm12 Acceptable4 Unacceptable1No opinion8Acceptable7Unacceptable2 No opinionD-4
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm4Acceptable12Unacceptable1 No opinion15Acceptable2Unacceptable0 No opinionD-5
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm13Acceptable2Unacceptable2 No opinion3Acceptable14Unacceptable0 No opinionD-6
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppmJune11Acceptable5Unacceptable1 No opinionAugust2Acceptable13Unacceptable2 No opinion11Acceptable4Unacceptable2 No opinionD-7
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm7Acceptable9Unacceptable1 No opinion14Acceptable3Unacceptable0 No opinionD-88Acceptable8Unacceptable1 No opinion
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm13Acceptable3Unacceptable1 No opinion16Acceptable0Unacceptable1 No opinionD-9
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm14Acceptable2Unacceptable1 No opinionD-1013Acceptable4Unacceptable0 No opinion8Acceptable2Unacceptable7 No opinion
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm7Acceptable10Unacceptable0 No opinion15Acceptable2Unacceptable0 No opinionD-11
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm16Acceptable0Unacceptable1 No opinionD-12
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm5Acceptable9 Unacceptable3 No opinion14Acceptable2Unacceptable1 No opinionD-13
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm12Acceptable3Unacceptable2 No opinion6 Acceptable11Unacceptable0 No opinionD-14
Davis -PotableCl56 ppmB 0.75 ppm16Acceptable0Unacceptable1 No opinion14Acceptable1Unacceptable2 No opinionD-15
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm17 Acceptable0Unacceptable0 No opinion13Acceptable3Unacceptable1 No opinionD-16
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm16 Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 No opinion17Acceptable0Unacceptable0 No opinionD-17
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm16Acceptable1Unacceptable0 No opinion14Acceptable1Unacceptable2 No opinionD-18
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm16Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 No opinion16Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 No opinionD-19
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm16Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 No opinion17Acceptable0 Unacceptable0 No opinionD-20
Davis -PotableCl56 ppmB 0.75 ppm6Acceptable8 Unacceptable3 No opinion12Acceptable3 Unacceptable2 No opinionD-21
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm16Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 No opinion15Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-22
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm15Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinion16Acceptable0 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-23
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm12Acceptable3 Unacceptable2 No opinion0Acceptable15 Unacceptable2 No opinionD-24
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm13Acceptable4 Unacceptable0 No opinion11Acceptable4 Unacceptable2 No opinionD-25
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm15Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinion1Acceptable14 Unacceptable2 No opinionD-26
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppmD-2715 Acceptable2 Unacceptable0 No opinion15 Acceptable2 Unacceptable0 No opinion
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm17 Acceptable0 Unacceptable0 No opinion15 Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-28
Davis -PotableCl56 ppmB 0.75 ppm14Acceptable2 Unacceptable1 No opinion15Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-29
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm15Acceptable1 Unacceptable1 No opinion15Acceptable2 Unacceptable0 No opinionD-30
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm15Acceptable0 Unacceptable2 No opinion16Acceptable0 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-31
Carlsbad-recycledCl240 ppmB <0.5 ppm11Acceptable5 Unacceptable1 No opinion13Acceptable3 Unacceptable1 No opinionD-32
Livermore-potableCl52-100 ppmB .4-.5 ppm13Acceptable4 Unacceptable0 No opinion16Acceptable1Unacceptable0 No opinionD-33
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm15Acceptable0 Unacceptable2 No opinion15Acceptable0 Unacceptable2 No opinionD-34
Livermore-recycledCl150 ppmB 1.1 ppm12Acceptable4 Unacceptable1 No opinion6Acceptable8Unacceptable2 No opinionD-35