HomeMy WebLinkAbout5054; LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS; CONCEPTUAL PLANNING AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN; 1973-08-03[ r I l l l Carlsbad Municipal Water District LAKECALAVERAIMPROVEMENTS CONCEPTUAL PLANNING AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT in Association with POWELLJPBS&J ENGINEERS October 2001 Table of Contents CHAP'fER 1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................ 1-1 Purpose and Scope of Study .......................................................................... 1-1 llistory ............................................................................................................ 1-1 Area and Site Characteristics ......................................................................... 1-5 Geology and Soils .................................................................................... 1-5 Land Use .................................................................................................. 1-5 Climate and Vegetation ............................................................................ 1-6 Hydrology and Stream Flow .................................................................... 1-8 Reservoir and Dam Site Features ................................................................... 1-9 Existing Physical Features ....................................................................... 1-9 Reservoir Volume and Area Curves ...................................................... 1-11 General Safety and Operational Considerations .................................... 1-IJ CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF EVALUATION ....................................................... 2-1 Study Approach ............................................................................................. 2-1 Underlying Assumptions ......................................................................... 2-2 Environmental Considerations ................................................................. 2-2 Planning Considerations .......................................................................... 2-2 Facility Planning and Preliminary Design Criteria ........................................ 2-4 Remedial Worl<s ....................................................................................... 2-6 RW Conversion Facilities ........................................................................ 2-7 Project Cost Criteria ....................................................................................... 2-8 Construction Costs ................................................................................... 2-9 Construction Contingencies ..................................................................... 2-9 Engineering and Administration .............................................................. 2-9 Cost Index and Price Escalation ............................................................ 2-10 CHAPTER3 EVALUATION OF REMEDIAL WORKS ............................ 3-1 Description of Present Conditions ................................................................. 3-1 Outlet Tower ............................................................................................ 3-1 Spillway and Channel .............................................................................. 3-3 Access Road ............................................................................................. 3-3 Site Security ............................................................................................. 3::-6 Evaluation of Alternatives ............................................................................. 3-6 Outlet Tower ............................................................................................ 3-7 Spillway and Channel .............................................................................. 3-8 Access Road ............................................................................................. 3-9 CGvL ENGINE!:M tN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEuJPBS&J Table of Contents (Continued) Site Security ........................................................................................... 3-10 Recommended Alternative Improvements .................................................. 3-11 CHAPTER 4 PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF REMEDIAL WORKS .......... 4-1 l/0 Works Improvements .............................................................................. 4-1 Objective and Approach .......................................................................... 4-1 Results ...................................................................................................... 4-1 Spillway and Channel Improvements ............................................................ 4-9 Objective and Approach .......................................................................... 4-9 Results .................................................................................................... 4-10 Access Road Improvements ...................................................................... , .. 4-10 Objective and Approach ........................................................................ 4-10 Results .................................................................................................... 4-11 Site Security Improvements ......................................................................... 4-15 Objective and Approach ........................................................................ 4-15 Results .................................................................................................... 4-15 Remedial Works Summary .......................................................................... 4-16 CHAPTER 5 SEASONAL STORAGE ANALYSIS ...................................... 5-1 Comparison with Other Storage Reservoirs .................................................. 5-1 RW Storage Reservoirs in Califorhia ...................................................... 5-1 Comparable Capacity Reservoirs in San Diego County .......................... 5-3 Other North County Reservoirs ............... , ............................................... 5-3 Tributary Runoff Diversion ........................................................................... 5-5 Hydrology ................................................................................................ 5-5 Development of Alternatives ................................................................... 5-5 Cost Analysis and Results ........................................................................ 5-6 Seasonal Storage Potential ............................................................................. 5-9 Demand Analysis ..................................................................................... 5-9 Supply Analysis ..................................................................................... 5-11 Seasonal Balancing ................................................................................ 5-1 l Other Storage Considerations ................................................................ 5-13 CHAPTER 6 RECYCLED WATER CONVERSION FACil,JTIES .......... 6-1 Future Conversion for RW Storage ............................................................... 6-1 Existing RW Piping and Pumping Facilities ........................................... 6-1 Investigation of Future RW Piping and Pumping Facilities .................... 6-4 Constructed Wetlands for Runoff Quality Control ...................... , ........... 6-7 Aeration/Destratification System ........................................................... 6-j 1 Post-Storage Treatment Processes ......................................................... 6-13 Comparison of Alternative Facility Concepts .............................................. 6-13 Alternative Conversion Improvement Cost Comparison ....................... 6-14 Non-monetary Comparison .................................................................... 6-15 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 6-17 CGvL ENGINEERS 1N ASSOC IATION WITH POWELLiPBS&J ii Table of Contents (Continued) CHAPTER 7 REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................ 7-1 Remedial Works ............................................................................................. 7-1 Project Costs ............................................................................................ 7-1 Reconnajssance-Level Surveys and Initial Agency Review .................... 7-1 Implementation ........................................................................................ 7-2 RW Conversion Facilities .............................................................................. 7-5 Economic Assessment ............................................................................. 7-5 Implementation ........................................................................................ 7-5 Water QuaHty Monitoring Program ............................................................... 7-9 Pre-Conversion ........................................................................................ 7-9 Post-Conversion ....................................................................................... 7-9 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... R-1 APPENDIX A RECYCLED WATER DEMAND ANALYSIS ................... A-1 APPENDIX B SEASONAL STORAGE MODEL RUNS ............................ B-1 APPENDIX C PROJECT COST OPINIONS .............................................. C-1 APPENDIXD ADDITIONAL SITE PHOTOS ............................................ D-1 APPENDIX E OUTLET TOWER VIDEO SURVEY .................................. E-1 APPENDIX F GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ............................................................................... F-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Existing Lake Calavera Features .. ,. ................................................ 1-10 Table 2-1 Underlying Assumptions .................................................................. 2-3 Table 2-2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Criteria ................................................... 2-6 Table 2-3 Small Dam Safety and Operational Requirements ........................... 2-6 Table 3-1 Outlet Tower Improvement Options ............................................... , 3-7 Table 3-2 SpiJlway and Channel Improvement Options .................................. 3-8 Tab le 3-3 Access Road Improvement Options ............................................... 3-10 Table 3-4 Site Security Improvement Options ............................................... 3-11 Table 4-l Lake Calavera 1/0 Hydraulic Parameters ......................................... 4-4 Table 4-2 Water Level Control Alternatives for J/0 Tower Construction ....... 4-6 Table 4-3 Cost Opinion for 1/0 Works Improvements ..................................... 4-8 Table 4-4 Cost Opinfon for Remedial Works ................................................. 4-16 Table 5-1 Other RW Seasonal Storage Reservoir Features .............................. 5-3 Table 5-2 Comparison with Comparable Size San Diego County Reservoirs . 5-4 Table 5-3 Comparison with Other Nearby North County Reservoirs .............. 5-4 Table 5-4 Upper Calavera Creek Hydrology .................................................... 5-5 CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J iii Table of Contents (Continued) Table 5-5 HBC-I Computed Discharge Results ............................................... 5-6 TabJe 5-6 Cost Opinion For Diversjon Facilities .............................................. 5-7 Table 5-7 CMWD Recycled Water Supply Availabibty ................................ 5-11 Table 5-8 CMWD Peak-Month Supply/Demand Balance ............................. 5-12 Table 5-9 Lake Calavera's SeasooaJ Storage Benefit to CMWD ................... 5-13 Table 6-1 Alternative Conversion Cost Comparison ...................................... 6-1 5 Table 6-2 Non-monetary Factors and Issues .................................................. 6-16 Table 6-3 Alternative Non-monetary (Subjective) Comparison ..................... 6-16 Table 6-4 Cost Opinion For Future RW Conversion Facilities ...................... 6-17 Table 7-1 Cost Opinion for Remedial Works ................................................... 7-2 Table 7-2 Lake CalaveraRemedial Works Action Items ................................. 7-2 Table 7-3 Economic Assessment of RW Conversion at Phase Il Conditions .. 7-6 Table 7-4 Economic Assessment of RW Conversfon at Ultimate Conditions . 7-7 Table 7-5 Pre-Conversion Lake CalaveraMonitoriog Program ....................... 7-9 Table 7-6 Post-Conversion Lake Calavera Monitoring Program ................... 7-10 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Lake Calavera Location Map ........................................................... 1-7 Figure 1-2 Lake Calavera Volume and Surface Area Curves .......................... 1-12 Figure 2-1 Ultimate RW Distribution System Schematic .................................. 2-5 Figure 4-1 Proposed Remedial Works Plan ....................................................... 4-2 Figure 4-2 Proposed 1/0 Works Profile ............................................................. 4-3 Figure 4-3 Preliminary Plan View of Access Road and Fencing Improvements ................................................................................. 4-13 Figure 4-4 Preliminary Centerline Profile of Access Road Improvements ..... 4-14 Figure 5-1 Alternative Storm Water Diversion Facilities .................................. 5-8 Figure 5-2 CMWD Six-Year RW Demand Hydrograph ................................. 5-10 Figure 6-1 Alternative A -RW Storage -Diversion Concept .......................... 6-2 Figure 6-2 Alternative B -RW Supply-Wetlands Concept ............................ 6-3 Figure 6-3 Alternative RW Transmission Pipeline Alignments and Pumping Station Sites ...................................................................................... 6-6 Figure 6-4 Constructed Terraced Wetlands Concept for Treatment of Runoff ............................................................................................... 6-9 Figure 6-5 Constructed Terraced Wetlands Hydraulic Profile ........................ 6-10 Figure 6-6 Aeration/Destratification System Concept.. ................................... 6-12 Figure 7-1 Implementation Schedule for Remedial Improvements ................... 7-4 Figure 7-2 RW Conversion Facilities Design and Construction Schedule ........ 7-8 CGvL ENGINEERS [N ASSOCIATION WITH PowELL/PBS&J IV Table of Contents {Continued) LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1-1 Lake Calavera Site ............................................................................ 1-3 Photo 1-2 Existing Outlet Tower and Reservoir ............................................... 1-3 Photo 1-3 Dam Outlet Box and Old Water Pipeline ......................................... 1-4 Photo 1-4 Decomrnissjoned Water Pipeline ...................................................... 1-4 Photo 1-5 Spillway Channel .............................................................................. 1-6 Photo 1-6 SpilJway Apron, Walk.-way Abutment and Outlet Tower ............... 1-11 Photo 3-1 Existing Outlet Tower ...................................................................... 3-2 Photo 3-2 Outlet Tower, Rock Blanket and Walkway Abutment .................... 3-2 Photo 3-3 Spillway Apron and Upstream Channel ........................................... 3-4 Photo 3-4 Spill way Apron and Downstream Channel ... , .................................. 3-4 Photo 3-5 Spillway and Access Road ................................................................ 3-5 Photo 3-6 Paved Access Road and Dam ........................................................... 3-5 Photo 3-7 Calavera Dam Crest and Outlet Tower. ............................................ 3-6 Photo 4-1 Upper Oso Reservoir I/O Ports ........................................................ .4-5 Photo 4-2 Proposed Control Building Site ........................................................ 4-8 Photo 4-3 Bast End of Calavera Dam ............................................................. .4-12 Photo 4-4 Proposed Access Road Transition Ramp Area ............................... 4-15 Photo 6-1 Candidate RWPS Site A ................................................................... 6-5 Photo 6-2 Candidate RWPS Site B ................................................................... 6-5 Photo 6-3 Inlet Area to Lake Calavera .............................................................. 6-8 CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J V Background Chapter 1 Background PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) wishes to make immediate remedial improvements to Lake Calavera for protection and preservation of the site as well as to evaluate the feasibility of using the reservoir for future seasonal storage of water as a component of its expandjng recycled water (RW) system, This report deals with both conceptual planning of future RW conversion projects and preliminary design issues associated with a set of remedial works needed soon. The primary technical tasks associated with this planning and preliminary design report are: a Investigation of the reservoir's history and operational background □ Examination of current limitations/constraints on storage operations and control facilities □ Analysis of the effects of storage volume under various RW system expansion milestones □ Evaluation of alternatives to determine the b~st combination of actions to pursue for both remedial works and future projects □ Provision of a cost opinion associated with the proposed improvements □ Recommendations for project implementation This report is intended to meet two basic objectives: first, to define a set of remedial improvements (modifications and repairs) needed to preserve the existing assets, features and function of the storage system; second, to identify a conceptual facility plan for future improvements that would allow cost-effective incorporati.on of the storage system as an integral part of CMWD's expanding RW operations. HISTORY Calavera Dam is a compacted ea11h-fill dam constructed in the early 1940s by the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company (CMWC) in order to create a water storage reservoir. Initially called Fraser Dam, the name was later changed to Calavera after Cerro de la Calavera, a prominent volcanic plug lying adjacent to the dam near its east end. The dam was primarily designed to capture surface runoff from upper CaJavera Creek for storage within a 520-acre-foot (AF) reservoir named Lake Calavera. The storage system was constructed to aJso wpound CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSQC[A TION WITH PoWEuJPBS&J 1-1 Background supplemental groundwater supplies diverted from wells in the San Luis Rey River (Lower Missjon) basin. The general site of the reservoir and Calavera Dam facilities is presented in Photos 1-1 and l-2. Additional photos of specific site features and facilities are provided in Appendix D. Construction of the dam was completed in 1942. At that time, CMWC obtained a license to diven 150 acre-feel per year (AFY) of runoff from the upper Calavera Creek watershed. The company also installed a well in the lower reaches of Calavera Creek lO further augment their supply. In excess of 2,000 AFY of water were delivered within the company's approximately 2,500-acre coastal service area, which extended from mid-Oceanside to the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Throughout the late 1940s and early 1950s supply came from the company's five San Luis Rey Valley wells, the one well on lower Calavera Creek, and from upstream nmoff. In addition to Lake Calavera storage, the company owned and operated six small storage tan.ks within its distribution system. The early CMWC water delivery system also included a treatment plant, used to process supplemental groundwater supplies throughout the 1950s. Following completion of the San Diego Aqueduct and supply of Colorado River water to the region in 1957, the reservoir and plant continued to be used during peak water demand periods for supplemental (dry-weather) supply. However, as groundwater salinity commonly reached in excess of 1,500 mg/L (as total dissolved solids), the ooastal wells not only yielded poor quality bllt also were costly to operate. With increased reliance on lower-cost imported water, the Calavera treatment -plant was abandoned and dismantled in the early 1960s. For the past four decades, Lake Calavera has been used for limited storm water protection and flood control. The prope1ty surrounding the Lake has provjded an attractive open space for a number of passive recreational uses. The Carlsbad Public Utility District (CPUD. formerly CMWC) was formed during the early 1950s in order to obtain Colorado River water as a public member of the San Diego County Water Authority. With decommission of the water treatment system, the original CMWC water use license for "irrigation and potable supply" was subsequently changed to "recreational use and fire protection." The current CMWD was created iii 1954 to replace the CPUD. CMWD became a subsidiary of the City of Carlsbad (City) government in 1990. The City owns the Lake Calavera site, while the facilities are operated and maintained by CMWD. The Calavera water pipeline system has not operated since the treatment plant was dismantled some 40 years ago. Segments of the old 24-incb steel pipeline yet remain below the dam along lower Calavera Creek between the outlet box and the old water treatment plant pumping station site. Ponions of the pipeline can be seen in Photos 1-3 (immediately below the dam) and 1-4 (further downstream). CGvL ENOfNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELI./PBS&J 1-2 { I I I l I l ( l I Background Photo 1 • 1 Lake Calavera Site Viewing east from knoll above Tamarack A venue at Strata Drive. Lower Calavera Creek access road in foreground. (June 13, 2001) Photo 1-2 Existing Outlet Tower and Reservoir Viewing upstream (northeast) from dam crest. (March 8, 2001) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 1-3 l I { 1 l I I r I { l Background Photo 1-3 Dam Outlet Box and Old Water Pipeline Left foreground and center, resp., viewing south from dam crest. (March 8, 2001) .. L Photo 1-4 Decommissioned Water Pipeline Right center, viewing Calavera Creek across paved access road and site of old pumping station several thousand feet downstream of dam. (March 8, 2001) CGv L ENGINEERS lN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 1-4 Background AREA AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics of the Lake Calavera site, including area geology and soils, land use, hydrology, and climate and vegetation, that are germane to the study are presented in the following pages. Geology and Soils The Lake Calavera site lies at the western edge of the Upland Foothill Range and the Pacific Coastal Plain pbysiographic provinces. Geologic formations consist of partly consolidated a.on-marine sandstones, mudstones, siltstones and shales of the late Cretaceous Period interceded by earlier (c. late Mesozic/early Cenozoic) plutonic igneous meta-volcanics. Cerro de la Calavera and, most likely, the gorge rocks south of the dam constitute western outliers of batbolitic and associated intrusive basement rock formations of the Peninsular Range extending east to the Elsinore Fault. The shallow soils of the Lake Calavera site are of the Fallbrook-Vista Association, including Salinas clay loam, Altamont clays, Los Flores loamy fine sand, and Cienaga-Fallbrook rocky sandy loam. AJJ were developed in material weathered from granitic rock of the Foothill Uplands. Surface soils of this upland drainage area are situated over decomposed granitic rock and basic intrusive gabbro rock, as observed in the immediate vicinity of the spillway channel, as shown in Photo 1-5. The alluvial soils of the upper Calavera Creek drainage channel immediately upstream of the reservoir are primarily Salinas clay loams, as used for growing citrus, truck crops, tomatoes, flowers and pasture fodder1 plus more recent (Tertiary-age) Santiago Formation silty-sands to clayey-silts often occurring as lenses of claystone and siltstone. Land Use Lake Calavera is situated within a 266-acre property owned by the City. The parcel is bordered on three sides by residential development, as shown on Figure 1-1. The Phase I Calavera Heights residential development (1,100 homes) is to the immediate west. The Phase II Calavera Highlands (781 additional units) development is to the northwest of the site. City of Oceanside housing developments, including Lake Boulevard, Melrose and others, extend along the northern and eastern boundaries of the site. The southern boundary of the Lake Calavera site adjoins a large open-space parcel, termed the Calavera Reserve, owned by The Environmental Trust. The Reserve represents part of a proposed extensive stewardship inducting Box Canyon in La Costa, which is known to contain diverse native and endangered habitats typical of the entire North County area prior to development. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELJ..IPBS&J 1-5 Background Photo 1-5 Spillway Channel Viewing west of Calavera Dam, decomposed granitic rock and overlying shallow soils exposed on west side. (March 8, 2001) To the south-southwest lies another large open-space parcel owned by the City that represents a major portion of the lower Calavera Creek watershed. The Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park is situated at the confluence of the lower Calavera and Agua Hedionda creeks. Climate and Vegetation Normalized mean rainfall, over 50 years of record, for the entire City area is approximately 13 inches per year. Prolonged rainstorms in this San Diego coastal plain area of the County are very rare. Precipitation is typically between 8 and 16 inches per annum with 95 percent of rainfall occurring between November and April. The minimum annual recorded rainfall in the City was 4 inches, back in 1953. The wettest water year on record was in excess of 24 inches, occurring between October 1, 1977 and September 30, 1978. Moderate air temperatures prevail throughout the year. Mean annual temperatures lie between 59 and 63 degrees F. Coastal fog contributes to the area's humidity for considerable periods, so the loss of soil moisture from evapotranspiration is reduced significantly, especially during the early summer months. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIA TlON WITH POWELI.iPBS&J 1-6 r l ( l t l a: 0 q 0 I I 500 1000 Feet l ■G I CGv L In association with f EN<.INEERi PO\VELL /PflSJ FIGURE 1-1 LAKE CALAVERA LOCATION MAP Background Lake Calavera area soils support many annual grasses and brush common to the region. Prominent bush species include Chamise, scrub oak and sumac. The most prevalent groundcover plants include wild oats, cheatgrass and flattop buck.wheat. Plant growth is typically rapid in spring through early June when soil moisture begins to rapidly dissipate. Organic-carbon content within the soil surface layer is about 0.7 percent. Several photos of on-site wetland and riparian vegetation are provided in Appendix D. Hydrology and Stream Flow Calavera Creek represents a small northern tributary within the Agua Hedionda watershed, desigoated Hydrographic Sub-Unit (HSU 4.3). Calavera Dam is situated about one mile upstream of the confluence of Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creeks. The Calavera Creek Hydrographic Sub-Area (HSA 4.33) is separated from the main drainage of Agua Hedionda, which includes Squires Dam and Los Monos Canyon, by Santa Sinforosa Ridge. The somewhat Jarger San Marcos Creek -Batiqujtos Lagoon watershed (HSU 4.4), which includes Mahr Reservoir, lies a mile further south past Palomar Airport Road. The largest drainage system within the entire Carlsbad Unit is the southernmost Escondido basin (HSU 4.5). To the immediate north of the Agua Hedionda HSU lies the narrow Buena Vista Creek -Lagoon drainage system (HSU 4.2) traversed by State Route 78. Seasonal runoff from the 3.6-square-mile drainage area upstream of the site enters Lake Calavera via a number of small branch tributaries to upper Calavera Creek, as shown on Figure 1-1. The drainage extends several miles eastward into southwest Vista in the vicinity of the Anza Freeway (SR 78). Watershed elevations are 350-420 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to the northeast (near Breeze HilJ) and reach 500 feet amsl to the south and southeast of the site along Santa Sinforosa Ridge. The watershed contains two hills: 513-foot Cerro de la Calavera, adjacent to the dam; and 525-foot San Francisco Peak, less than a mile east of the reservoir. About 85 percent of the upstream watershed is outside City limits. Approximately 2,000 acres contain established residential developments in the South College -Lake Boulevard. Area of southeast Oceanside, as well as unincorporated areas along Sunset Drive and Breeze Hill -Melrose Drive portions of southwest Vista south to Mar Vista. Nearly all surface runoff within the 2,300-acre drainage area that reaches Lake Calavera occurs between December and late March. Annual runoff in years of normal rainfall was estimated in 1990 by L. Burzell (Reference 4) in the range of 100 to 300 AF. As the result of continued upstream residential development, however, such approximations are considered below current annual volumes accrued during. average rainfaIJ years. Minimum annual runoff, during very dry years, may be as low as 100 AF; whereas maximum volumes, anticipated in years of extreme rainfall (20-24 inches), may amount to 800 AF. CGvL ENGlNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WLTH POWELrlPBS&J 1-8 Background There are no gauging stations on any of the ephemeral streams found within the Agua Hedionda HSU, including Calavera Creek. Thus, there are no data on storm flows, their duration or other specific runoff conditions. Estimates of flow have been made for this report based on previous HEC-1 storm water modeling results extrapolated for upper Calavera Creek. These stream flow estimates for storage and diversion analysis are provided in Chapter 5. RESERVOIR AND DAM SITE FEATURES Lake Calavera is an unlined, uncovered water storage reservoir formed by a 65- foot-fogh, 490-foot-long compacted earth fill dam featuring both upstream and downstream rock-blanket faces. The dam crest elevation is 223 feet amsl. The Lake bottom, which is comprised of decomposed granite, was excavated in 1940 to elevation 160 feet amsl just beneath the dam. The maximum pool specified in the original faciJjty design of 218 feet amsl allowed for additional storm water retention. The safe yield of the reservoir (maximum to minimum pool elevations) was calculated at 340 AFY. The minimum operating pool level of 189 feet ams! was established through placement of the lowest valve port on the outlet tower. Existing Physical Features Outflow occurs through a 63-foot high outlet tower located on the reservoir bottom near the dam's upstream toe, approximate! y 115 feet away from the crest. The 9-foot 8-incb outside-diameter reinforced-concrete tower contains a grated cover, and three 18-inch poits with centers at elevations of 208.5, 201.5 and 189.0 feet ams!. A no longer functional steel ladder, which descends to the base at elevation 160 feet amsl, accessed the interior of the tower. The tower's base is connected to a 30-foot, 28-inch diameter steel pipe to 30-inch diameter reinforced-concrete pipeline passing 260 feet below the dam and connecting to a rectangular concrete box structure at the downstream toe. The key features of the dam, outlet tower and spillway are presented in Table 1-1. The cable footbridge abutment and outlet tower structure are shown in Photo 1-6. Additional photos of the existing structures and specific features are presented in Appendix D. The effective working storage volume, based on the difference between the spillway sill (216.5 feet amsl) and minimum operating level (189 feet amsl) is 480 AF. The associated water surface area is approximately 34 acres. Recent water levels however, have seldom exceeded 208 feet amsl, other than immediately following storm flows, as the upper 18-inch outlet port is open. The remaining 18-inch valves are in fully closed positions. Those found leaking a number of years ago were plugged from the tower's exterior with marine caulking by underwater divers. CGvL ENGINEERS IN AsSOCIA TlON WITH PoWELI.iPBS&J 1-9 Background Table 1-1 Existing Lake Calavera Features Item Site area (u/s of dam) Site perimeter Location Tributary drainage area Elevations: Dam crest Design maximum ws Spillway sill Minimum operating pool Design minimum ws Stream bed at u/s toe of dam Stream bed at dis foot of dam Dam type Dam height, crest width, length Dam volume Dam u/s and d/s slopes Reservoir design capacity Reservoir working storage volume Water surface area, spillway Water surface area, minimum Spillway type Spillway design flow capacity Outlet tower: Size and features Top, footing base elevations Upper 18-inch valve and port Mid 18-inch valve and port Lower 18-inch valve and port Emergency 12-inch valve Outlet pipe diameter and length Outlet pipe slope Description/Details 266 acres Approximate] y 4 miles Upper Calavera Creek, small northeast sub-basin within Agua Hedionda watershed (HSU 4.3) 2,300 acres (3.6 sqmi) 223 ft amsl 2 18.0 ft amsl 2 16.5 ft amsl 189 ft ams! 178.0 ft amsl 170 ft amsl 160 ft amsl at outlet box Earth fill 65 ft, 22 ft, 540 ft 85,000 cu yd 1.5: 1 (upper both), 2.5:1 (lower u/s), 2.25: 1 (lower dis) 540 AF (I 76 million gallons) 480 AF (156 million gallons) 34 acres (at 216.5 ft arnsl) 5 acres (at 189 ft amsl) 3-in gunite with double #6 Clinton netting and 18-in x 30-in ref. cone. anchors 2,300 cubic feet per second ( cfs) 9-ft 8-.in dia. concrete tower with 4 outlet ports 223 ft, 160 ft ams! (overall height= 63 ft) 208.5 ft amsl at centerline 201 .5 ft amsl at centerline 189.0 ft amsl at centerline 179.0 ft amsl at centerljne 30 ft of 28-in SP plus 230 ft of 30-in RCP 0 .0135 ft/ft (flow line 161.0 tol57.5 ft amsl) a) u/s = upstream; dis = downstream; ws = water surface. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWELIJPBS&J 1-10 Background Photo 1-6 Spillway Apron, Walkway Abutment and Outlet Tower Upstream dam face, viewing west from flank of Cerro de la Calavera. (March 8, 2001) Reservoir Volume and Area Curves Figure 1-2 provides computed Lake Calavera storage volume and surface area curves in relation to water depths. Reservoir design capacity, the volumetric difference between the design maximum water surface (218.0 feet amsl) and minimum pool elevation (189 feet ams]) is 540 AF. The associated water surface area (maximum inundation) is approximately 37 acres. Effective working storage, as mentioned above, is less than the capacity of Lake Calavera. General Safety and Operational Considerations Significant physical changes have occurred at Lake Calavera over the past several decades. As previously noted, most of the controls and other components of the outlet tower have deteriorated to the point that they are inoperable and/or non- functional. The suspension cable walkway leading from the dam to the tower was dismantled in the late 1980s due to deterioration and the risk of injury. Wood flooring within the tower has rotted away. The tower's interior access ladder as well as protective screens have rusted through. With loss of operable valves, water level through the outlet works can be controlled only by gravity flow through the open upper port. CGvL ENGLNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J 1-11 230 220 0 E m ~ 210 ~ ,:£ £ 200 m > Cl) w 190 180 230 0 E 220 a, j 210 c 0 200 ;: ~ Cl) i,jj 190 180 0 0 Background Lake Calavera Volume 200 400 600 800 1,000 Volume, acre-feet Lake Calavera Surface Area 10 20 30 40 50 60 Area, acres Figure 1-2 Lak e Calavera Volume and Surface Area Curves CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH P OWELLIPBS&J 1-12 Background Erosion at the dam near the spillway and along the channel itself necessitates additional protection measures. Access over the spillway apron and onto the dam also reql1ires improvements to permit reservoir construction and maintenance repair eqttipment all-weather use. Lastly, although posted with no trespassing signs by the City, encroachment of resjdential development over the past decade has allowed the public greater access to the reservoir and surrounding property. Recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, motorcycle and bicycle riding, and hiking are common. Some of these activities pose both a secu1ity and safety concern for the City that require mitigation. The modifications and repairs discussed in the next two chapters, involving a proposed set of facility and site improvements, represent remedial works. Preliminary investigations have also been implemented for possible use of Lake Calavera's storage capacity as part of a future expanded RW system. Proposed CMWD RW syslem expansion projects are discussed in several previous planning studies and preliminary design reports (References 12, 18, and 19). A number of future conceptual projects and possible alternatives involving Lake Calavera storage have been considered, ranging from upstream runoff diversion to runoff capture and treatment through a constructed wetlands system. A transmission pipeline connecting the reservoir with the RW system through a downstream pumping station and the likely need for additional treatment subsequent to storage have also been evaluated. Such long-term improvements are dependent not only on the intended ultimate function of the reservoir but also on other possible uses to which the system and surrounding site may be put. These future storage issues, alternative concept plans and options are addressed in Chapters 5 and 6 of this report. CGvLENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION Wlnl PoWELLiPBS&J 1-13 Chapter 2 Basis of Evaluation Study approach as well as planning, preliminary design and cost criteria preserited in this chapter covec both the remeclial works and conceptual level plans for proposed future RW conversion facilities. Detailed drawings and specifications of the recommended remeclial works are not required at the preliminary design level as a reasonably close approximation of size, location, and cost for these improvements can be made. It is anticipated, however, tpat some relocation and/or facility resizing may be required as detailed environmental and engineering analyses are completed during the next stage of review and design. Conceptual plans for proposed future facilities have been developed to a sufficient level of detail to permit sound economic and non-monetary comparisons of alternative projects and actions. STUDY APPROACH Remedial improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies over the next several years, are those modifications and repair projects deemed critical for protection and preservation of the Lake Calavera storage system. Absent these improvements, the City increases its liability and the risk of devaluing and possibly losing an attractive and useful community asset. The remedial improvements include: □ Restore functionality to the inlet/outlet (1/0) works through repair or replacement of the existing tower with a new I/0 pipeline □ Repair the spillway and dam face in order to maintain dam safety and protect public investment □ Extend and upgrade the existing access road to allow cost-effective construction of the other remedial projects and improved reservoir maintenance in the future □ Install fencing to mitigate present risks regarding lack of adequate site security and protect new facilities from potential damage A conceptual plan is also considered for future conversion of the Lake Calavera storage system for use as an integral part of CMWD's expanding RW system. Chapters 5 and 6 of this report examine the likely improvement projects and facilities needed to affect such a conversion and the potential benefits derived from these actions. The primary considerations of future conversion of Lake Calavera for RW storage include: CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIAllON WITH POWEulPBS&J 2-1 Basis of Evaluation o Evaluate system connection facilities, including pumping stations and transmission pipeline o Evaluate possible reservoir tributary flow diversion structures, partial bypass of 1'first-flush" flows, or an upstream constructed wetlands for pre-storage water quality control measures □ Examine aeratiotJ/destratification, chlorination, micro-filtration and other likely storage or post-storage tre.atment processes □ Consider other Lake Calavera site features, including riparian wetlands, trail systems, open land and aesthetics, fishing, and habitaJ protection in developing a conceptual R W conversion -plan Underlying Assumptions The underlying assumptions associated with addressing specific issues and concerns regarding Lake Calavera improvements, both remedial and future, are summarized in Table 2-1. These assumptions were developed in order to alJow effective internal review and appropriate revisions as project scope and level-of- effort on specific subtasks were refined during the initial period of study. Environmental Considerations Several environmental concerns have been raised regarding CMWD's proposed remedjal actions to either repair or replace the existing outlet tower at Lake Calavera. Draining the reservoir was discussed as the most likely low-cost option to facilitate such work. Concerns by area residents were voiced regarding potential adverse jmpacts on habitat, aquatic and terrestrial biota, and aesthetics associated with such draining. These concerns culminated in letters from the Sierra Club and other environmental groups expressing objections to proceeding with such actions without thorough environmental documentation and public review. One of the objectives of this study is to examine procedures other than draining that are avaHable in order to make the needed repairs and remedial improvements of Lake Calavera. The proposed actions presented in Chapters 3 and 4 have been developed with the underlying premise that maintenance of the dam, reservoir, and site (in terms of natural assets and the community mosaic) are of great importance. All feasible means to maintain and protect existing conditions will be considered in developing mitigations and examining construction techniques. Planning Considerations Future conversion of Lake Calavera to RW storage is also closely tied to a number of important planning considerations and constraints. The City's 266- acre Lake Calavera property represents one of few remaining large open-space parcels situated in the northeastern portion of the, City. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOClATION WITH POWELliPBS&J 2-2 Basis of Evaluation Table 2-1 Underlying Assumptions Issue/Concern Storage analysis Tributary runoff evaluation I/0 preliminary design3 Access roadn Site securicy3 Upstream water quality protection RW pumping station (RWPS) and transmission pipeline Alternative construction procedures a Benefit/cost analysis Planning and preliminary design report a) Remedial works phase. Study Report Assumptions To satisfy seasonal RW distribution system (RWDS) requirements under Phase II and Ultimate conditions w/ and w/o Mahr Reservoir in operation; analyses lo also address seasonal storage of natural runoff from upper Calavera Creek Future stream flows based on HEC-1 model results for upstream catchment areas Cl and C2, per Reference 13 Plan to include remedial works (demolish or modify existing tower) as well as accommodation of future RW conveyance under Phase Il and Ultimate hydraulic requirements Various conceptual design alternatives considered (bridge strncture over spjlJway, earth-fill w/ and w/out culverts, etc) each in sufficient detail to permit a comparative cost opinion Evaluation of the need for fencing in light of other ongojng site planning efforts related to remedial improvements Development and costing of both full-flow and partial, or first- flush, bypass systems; and cost compared with those of a constructed wetlands system for future conceptual RW conversion plan Development of alternative candidate sites for a future proposed pumping station, including preliminary sjte plan, and transmission pipeline alignment for connection between reservoir and RWPS To include options to reservoir draining, cleaning and re-grading, with less potential environmental impacts as well as possible mitigation measures To include both capital and O&M costs, while benefits incorporate system storage and comprehensive future potential site uses To cover above analyses of both remedial and future reservoir improvements presented wilh opinion of costs and lime schedules for project implementation The City had proposed to include the Lake Calavera property as a public project mitigation bank as part of their Habitat Management Plan (Reference 16) for future municipal projects such as the City Golf Course, major roadway extensions per the Circulation Plan, and other likely public projects. The purpose of the bank CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATJON WITH PoWELI..IPBS&J 2-3 Basis of Evaluation is mitigation of unavoidable impacts to biological resources resulting from the construction of such public facilities. The 266-acre Lake Calavera site is believed to provide nearly 207 acres of remaining credits to rrutigate impacts of City projects on an acre-for-acre basis, with the exception of impacts to gnatcatcher-occupied coastal sage scrub, southern maritime chapairnJ, marjtime succulent scrub and wetlands. Although the mitigation bank credit concept has not yet. been adopted, the idea may still bear fruit. Maintaining the open-space Jand surrounding Lake Calavera is of significant interest and value to the City. It is envisioned that future recreational activities and opportunities within this area may include extended hiking trails interconnected with a regional trail system, jogging and bicycling paths, possible fishing and boating concessions, and a nature interpretive center. The use of Lake Calavera as an integral component of storage for an expanding RW delivery system is considered compatible with the long-term open-space land-use planning concepts expressed by both the City's_Habitat Management and General Plans. Seasonal storage of RW in Lake Calavera would present a different set of conditions than does CMWD's proposed storage in Mahr Reservoir. Lake Calavera, although of larger capacity than Mahr, is situated at a considerably lower elevation. fts tributary drainage area and associated run-off is also considerably greater than that of Mahr Reservoir, as discussed in Chapter 5. Lake Calavera's placement within CMWD's RWDS is presented in the hydraulic profile schematic for Ultimate conditions, shown on Figure 2-1. Such characteristics and conditions suggest consideration of several R W conversion alternatives. These alterhatives are examined in Chapter 6. FACILlTY PLANNING AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA Facility sizing is generally based on future RW requirements presented below. Criteria and standards governing planning of proposed facilities are assumed to use quality design, materials, and construction. Further, it is assumed that proper attention will be given to considerations such as appearance, landscaping, operation and maintenance efficiency, and service reliability. In planning future facility needs, efforts have been made to effectively use existing components of the storage system where practical. The fundamental hydrologic and hydraulic ciiteria used in developing alternative reservoir improvement projects and determining their costs are presented in Table 2-2. These criteria affect facility sizing for open channel diversion structures, pipelines, pumping stations, constructed wetland systems as well as the concept design and layout of the remedial improvements. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOC IA TlON WITH POWEuiPBS&J 2-4 1---------------------------700 HGL 660 Mahr ------------"'ti::c--------------------~--~_R'::.e::e:s_e'::.rv-:::..,,,_o_,,_i_r::.~------BOO 660Zone PS 660 ZONE HWL 594' HGL550 550 ZONE 550 ZONE -------,1--------500 Potable >>------.. Water Meadowlark ul "D" PS PS Gj ....J i1i Cl) -----~--~__,,...____ _ __...c---+--il--H-G_L_3_8_4 ___ ---+-----+--------+------4oo ~ re"~ 380' ~ -~~ > Meadowlark g Water Recycling Facility <{ 384ZONE "E" lANI< J-------------=-----~--il----Capacity = 3 MGD_ 300 ti:j HGL264 264ZONE 384Zone Encina PS Lake Calavera w 1.1.. z z 0 ~ > 200 ~ UJ To La Costa South ---'£> Golf Course --------+--------------------'~-+-------------100 ■ LEGEND ~ l___) RESERVOIR, HWL a::i PUMPING STATION "f' PRESSURE REDUCING STATION UNDER CONSIDERATION NOTE: HGL'S AND PRESSURE ZONES ARE BASED ON LOW WATER LEVELS. CG L In association with 1 ••rnY .. , PQ\VELL/ PBSJ 0 FIGURE 2-1 ULTIMATE RW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SCHEMATIC Basis of Evaluation Table 2-2 H}·drologic and Hydraulic Criteria Transmission pipelines and ps: Peak-hour flow Velocity Maximum head loss Rw supply/demand for seasonal storage: Phase Il system demands Ultimate system demands Rainfall: Mean annual Dry year (well below average) Wet year (well above average) Tributary runoff: U/s urbanized area Gross annual coefficient Coefficient for desi eak storm flow Remedial Works 4,200 gallons per minute (gpm) 3 feet per second (fps) or less IO ft/1000 lineal feet (LF) 5,400 AFY (pk mo= 945 AF) 9,800 AFY (pk mo =1,716 AF) 13 inches (95% Nov-Apr) <8 inches (90% Dec-Mar) >16 inches 1,500 ac residential+ 800 ac natural/open 0.25 entire area 0.85 entire area The remedial work projects are associated with repairs or modifications to t he outlet tower, the spillway and channel, the access road, and site security. A compilation of general safety and operational requirements for small dam improvements is presented in Table 2-3. These requirements have been used as the basis of evaluation. Table 2-3 Small Dam Safet}' and Operational Requirements Spillway discharge: Return period Minimum freeboard Minimum residual freeboard at crest Inlet/outlet works: Minimum pipeline diameter Elevation Mirumum capacity Blow-off valves Controls (gates/valves) Ports Access road Securit Design flood fl ow at 500 or 1,000 yr 4 ft 1.5 ft 12 in Allow min. 2/3 volume to drain by gravity Allow 1/2 volume to drain in 7 days Near up-stream end All with trash racks/screens Accommodate peak flow at < 5 fps All-weather surface I/0 ort and I/0 control buildin fencino Two basic 1/0 configurations have been considered: a freestanding tower rising from the reservoir bottom (per existing structure), and a laid-back structure CGvL ENGINEERS IN AsSOCIATION WJTH POWELL/PBS&J 2-6 Basis of Evaluation secured to the upstream face of the dam. The existing free standing tower could be rehabilitated through an extensive set of facility improvements involving a new access bridge, new piping and valves, flooring, control mechanisms, and a new cover. In addition, a much improved security system is needed to protect against vandalism as well as ensure safe operations. Alternatively, a laid-back structure could be installed from the foot of the existing outlet tower along the upstream dam face to the high water level. Review of conceptual design considerations for the two alternatives indicates that a laid-back structure will be of comparable cost to that for repair and modification of the existing facility, while less disruptive of reservoir operations, more effective in terms of control of pool levels, and aesthetically more pleasing. The laid-back I/O pipeline concept was determined to be the preferable design approach. Spillways are designed to discharge surplus floodwater from a reservoir. Spillway capacity must accommodate the maximum probable flood when storm flows from the entire watershed are routed through the reservoir. The original design incorporated a spillway capacity of 2,300 cfs; however, debris within the c.hannel as well as some pocket erosion have likely reduced carrying capacity. The spillway improvements identified in the following two chapters are intended to restore the facility to its original design capacity. Additionally, if storage reservoir hydraulic analysis presented in Chapter 5 indicates that greater spillway capacity may be required for future tributary area storm flow conditions using cu1rent dam safety criteria, such measures and features will be incorporated as part of the RW conversion improvements presented in Chapter 6. Design of access road improvements will allow for all-weather access to the dam and the proposed I/O control system. Remedial regrading and paving will permit year-round access for both construction equipment and improved operation and maintenance activities. The remedial works will also incorporate security fencing around all new structures. A laid-back 1/0 pipe and its appurtenances will require special consideration. The I/O system design presented in subsequent chapters incorporates both public safety and security features. Protection of the access road spillway channel and proposed I/O control building would be realized through construction of gates and fencing. RW Conversion Facilities Facilities under consideration for future RW conversion projects include transmission pipelines, pumping stations, storm flow diversion structures, and various treatment processes as needed to ensure that the water stored would meet all RW quality requirements. CGvL ENGINEERS TN ASSOCIATrON WITH POWELUPBS&J 2-7 Basis of Evaluation System piping should be evaluated under a range of demand conditions, but performance assessment is typically most critical under peak-hour demands. Generally, pipelines 12-inch and greater in diameter are considered transmission pipelines. Because transmission pipelines impact large areas, they can accumulate large head losses from long pipe runs. Large pipeline friction losses associated with high fluid velocities must be evaluated witb respect to system delivery capacity, their contribution to lowered system pressures, and excessive energy consumption. Transmission pipelines are typically considered undersized if water velocities exceed 3 fps or head losses exceed 10 feet of head per 1,000 LF of pipe. Distribution pipes are normally considered undersized if velocities exceed 5 fps and head losses exceed 10 feet of bead per 1,000 LF of pipe. These criteria are, however, only general guidelines, as higher velocities and head losses may be tolerable under certain operating conditions such as systero emergencies, and within short lengths of pumping station or reservoir yard piping where impact on system pressure is minimal. A broad range of future RW quality control facilities, features and measures have b_een identified and evaluated in this report. The pre-storage controls involve consideration of storm flow diversion structures and constructed wetland systems. In-storage treatment includes aeration/destratification devices, for improving water quality within the reservoir itself. Post-storage treatment involves processes for disinfection and control of possible algae and odor problems. The downstream treatment processes of primary interest include in-line chlorination for disinfection and micro-filtration for removal of algae and suspended solids. As data on Lake Calavera water quality are minimal, in-depth evaluation of these treatment processes must await further study. A preliminary, reconnaissance- level survey of present water quality has been made as part of an extension to this study. The water quality sampling results are presented in Appendix F. PROJECT COST CRITERIA Project cost is defined as the total capital investment necessary to complete a project, including costs for land acquisition, construction, contingencies, necessary engineering services, and overhead items such as legal and administrative services, and financing. Construction cost opinions presented in this report include allowances for contractor administrative expenses as well as general overhead and profit (OH&P). Total project capHal cost includes an additional allowance for construction-related contingencies as well as engineering, environmental documentation and project administration. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEuJPBS&J 2 -8 Basis of Evaluation Construction Costs Construction cost opinions cover materiats, taxes, labor, mobilization- demobilization, and services necessary to build proposed facilities. These costs derive from cun·ent or adjusted historical cost information and are intended to represent median prices anticipated for each type of work. Cost estimating guides, previous studies, cost curves, and recent contract bids were used to develop cost information. ln an evaluation such as this, cost opinions are considered as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers for preliminary design. These are opinions made without detailed engineering data and have an expected accuracy range of plus 30 percent to minus 20 percent. Actual project costs wilJ depend on future labor and material costs, market conditions, project-specific details, and otber variables. An allowance of 20 percent for contractor OH&P is calculated from the subtotal of all other construction costs, the addition of which results in the total construction cost. Construction Contingencies A contingency allowance covers uncertainties associated with project design. Factors such as unusual foundation conditions, special construction methods, variation in final lengths or average depths of pipeline, and construction adjacent to existing facilities are just a few of the many items that may increase construction costs, and for which an allowance is made in preliminary design cost opinions. The cost of these items can vary greatly depending on the type and magnitude of project. A 20 percent allowance of total construction cost is assumed for immediate, remedial improvements to cover such-contingencies. A 30 percent allowance for constrQCtion contingencies has been assumed for analysis of future, long-term project improvements. The addition for contingencies results in subtotal project cost. Engineering and Administration The cost of engineering services for major construction projects includes some or all of the following: special investigations, surveys, foundation explorations, locating interfering uti1ities, detailed design, preparing contract documents, construction inspection, office engineering, materials testing, final inspection, and start-up of the-completed project. Depending on the size and complexity of project, total engineering, Jegal and administrative costs may range from 7 to 40 percent of the contract cost. The lower percentage usually applies to relatively large projects, simple projects, and those not requiring a large amount of preliminary investigation. The higher percentage usually applies to smaller projects, projects requiring a great deal of engineering effort, or those requiring a relatively large amount of preliminary work. An allowance of 12 percent of subtotal project cost is assumed for this report. CGvL ENGlNEERS !N ASSOCIATION Wini POWEuiPBS&J 2-9 Chapter 3 Evaluation of Remedial Works The remedial works necessary to protect and preserve Lake Calavera as a viable public asset and return it to an acceptable level of operation are examined in this chapter. Existing conctitions and problems are described, followed by an assessment of alternative actions and measures, with a concluding section identifying proposed improvements. The remedial improvements cover: a The outlet tower □ Spillway apron, channel and small dam repairs □ An improved, all-weather access road o Improved site and facility security (fencing and gates) DESCRIPTION OF PRESENT CONDITIONS This section describes the current condition of those facilities that CMWD has identified for remedial improvements. Outlet Tower The existing outlet tower and its internal control works are presently in a state of advanced disrepair. Tbe outlet works are non-functioning due to general deterioration that has occurred over many decades. All remaining valves are inoperable (stems broken and valves frozen with rust); several intake ports intentionally plugged, the interior flooring rotted, the access walkway removed, and the interior access ladder rusted out. The current state of the outlet pipe beneath the dam is also unknown. In addition, both the outlet tower and walkway abutment, as shown in Photos 3-1 and 3-2, provide unsafe attractions, especially to young people who could be injured attempting to scale or enter these structures. A field reconnaissance-level video inspection of the outlet tower was performed in late June 2001 following completion of the draft report. Photos and observations from that work are presented in Appendix E. Several copies of the videotape were made fot future reference when undertaking design of the remedial works and preparing construction contracts. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELVPBS&J I l Evaluation of Remedial Works • Photo 3-1 Existing Outlet Tower Viewing north from crest of Calavera Dam, with pool elevation at 213 feet amsl. (March 8, 2001) Photo 3-2 Outlet Tower, Rock Blanket and Walkway Abutment Left to right, viewing east from crest of dam. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 3-2 Evaluation of Remedial Works Spillway and Channel The existing spillway facility comprises of two components: the spillway itself and the channel, as shown iD Photos 3-3 and 3-4. The spillway begins at the western end of the dam and runs north approximate! y 150 feet. The structure is comprised of compacted earth with a 3-.lnch gurute surface on both the apron and the face forming the channel. Apron width ranges from approximately 5 to 25 feet. Tbe spillway sill is at elevation 216.5 feet arnsl. The spillway channel is approximately 500 feet long and ranges in width from 18 to 26 feet. The lining of the channel is comprised of large boulders, loose dirt, brush, portions of gunite, bedrock, existing facility materials, and some construction debris. The western slope is comprised of eroded native earth, brush, boulders and exposed rock as evidenced in Photo 3-5. Additional features are presented in Appendix D site photos. There is some minor cracking on the spillway apron, although it is not considered as needing immediate attention. Some erosional pockets in the channel bottom need repair. Racks and other debris must also be removed from the channel floor to reduce future problems and improve capacity, The areas of greatest concern regard erosion along the edges of the concrete cutoff structures running across the channel as well as along the foot of the spillway slope. In some small sections along the spillway slope the gunite has begun to fatigue. The open channel immediately downstream of the dam is also in need of repair and improvement. Debris removal is required to avoid further damage and deterioration, followed by gunite coating to protect the wall from erosion. Additional discussion of spillway, channel, and downstream geological conditions are found in Appendix F. Access Road The portion of the existing access road extending 80 LF beyond the paved section to the northeast corner of the spillway is often impassible following significant rainfall. Access across the spillway apron and up onto the dam crest bas been curtailed through trepching and relocating several large rocks, which are moved when necessary to allow vehicular passage. The crest of the dam itself provides reasonable access to the east end for equipment and general maintenance; however, intentionally insufficient road width exists for a turnaround. The existing unimproved access road reaches the spillway area as shown in Photos 3-3 and 3-5. Freshwater wetland habitat area extending along the shoreline of the reservoir begins to the immediate northeast of the existing dirt track. The existing paved sewer access road from Tamarack Avenue, as shown in Photo 3-6, leads east then turns south above the spillway channel and heads CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWELLIPBS&J 3-1 f [ f I I I { { { l Evaluation of Remedial Works Photo 3-3 Spillway Apron and Upstream Channel Viewing north from west end of dam, with pool elevation at 213 feet amsl. (May 16, 2001) Photo 3-4 Spillway Apron and Downstream Channel Viewing south from upstream end. (May 16, 2001) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J 3-4 r [ f r { l ( I l { l l I l { I Evaluation of Remedial Works Photo 3-5 Spillway and Access Road Viewing northwest from crest of dam, pool with elevation at 213 feet amsl. (May 16, 2001) Photo 3-6 Paved Access Road and Dam Viewing south from entrance gate off Tamarack A venue, Cerro de la Calavera with quarry in background. American flag and vehicles are at intersection with unpaved access road to dam. (May 8, 2001) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J 3-5 Evaluation of Remedial Works downstream of the dam to the lower Calavera Creek drainage area. The existing access road across the dam, shown in Photo 3-7, is approximately 12 to 15 feet wide. It is overlaid with compacted decomposed granite along the crest, but contains several shallow potholes and some small erosional gullies. Additional photos related to these remedial improvements are presented in Appendix D. Photo 3-7 Calavera Dam Crest and Outlet Tower Viewing east from knoll above Tamarack A venue, with lower Calavera Creek access road in foreground. Site Security Present security at the Lake Calavera site entails a locked gate at the paved access road entrance to the dam and lower Lake Calavera Creek off Tamarack A venue. Significant portions of the site are open to foot traffic, off-road vehicles, and other means of uncontrolled passage. Although "No Trespassing" signs are posted at the site, many have been removed or destroyed in recent years. Efforts to patrol the entire area have been ineffective. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES There are a number of possible options or alternative improvements associated with each remedial element. This section describes the alternatives and presents key advantages and disadvantages of each. The intent of this evaluation is to CGvL ENGCNEERS IN ASSOClA TION WITH POWELIJPBS&J 3-6 Evaluation of Remedial Works provide the City with a broad range of possibilities in order to support decisions regarding selection of specific improvements. Outlet Tower Three basic options for dealing w.ith the existing outlet tower were considered: (lA) Demolish the tower by removing all control equipment, seali ng off the outlet pipe, and dismantling the casing to below the low-water level (lB) Rehabilitate the tower by replacing the access walkway, ladders, deteriorated valves, shafts, flooring, and other appurtenances (lC) RepJace the tower by removing all deteriorated equipment, dismantling to beJow the Jow-water level and constructing a new laid-back I/0 pipe from the base of the tower on the face of the dam Key advantages and disadvantages associated with these three options are provided in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Outlet Tower Improvement Options lA-Demoli.sh Existing Tower Advantages: □ Likely to be least costly solution to present tower problems, 1.e., eliminates nuisance, removes risk, and reduces O&M □ Probably requires least amount of time to execute □ Offers simple solution for immediate concerns Disadvantages: □ Least flexible solution if function of reservoir is modified, e.g., RW storage, wetlands enhancement, drainage control, etc., all of which would require new I/0 works □ Would likely require draining reservoir to permit cost-effective outlet pipe plugging, tower demolition, and debris removal □ Precludes use of Lake Calavera for water storage except pumped releases □ Would not satisfy present dam safety requirements for emergency draining IB-Rehabilitate Existing Tower Advantages: □ Would allow reservoir to serve multiple functions if/as needed, e.g. RW storage, more effective storm water control, wetlands enhancement, etc. □ Allows effective use of existing outlet facilities for release of stored water □ Lake would not necessarily require draining, although construction would be difficult Disadvantages: □ Would require remote access for valve control and maintenance unless cable bridge were also rebuilt □ Likely to be as costly to constrnct as Alternative IC CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWELL/PBS&J '3-7 Evaluation of Remedial Works Table 3-1 Outlet Tower Improvement Options (continued) □ Risk of accidents associated with current tower sjtuation would remain, although mitigatjon possible in form of additional security measures □ Provides attraction to individuals attempting to scale tower during periods of elevated water levels □ Less safe than other alternatives from standpoint of maintenance and operation 1 C-Replace Existing Tower with New I/0 Facility Advantages: □ Also allows reservoir to serve multiple functions as needed, e.g.1 RW storage1 more effective storm water control, wetlands enhanoement, etc. □ Utilizes ex..isting footing and lower portion of existing tower, as well as outlet pipeline □ Offers a number of options to extent of draining and method of replacement, e.g., cofferdam, caisson, collar/coupling, underwater installation, etc. Disadvantages: □ As future function of reservoir is yet undetermined, alternative may involve some marginal costs (in excess of demoJition/repair) not attributable to present needs □ May be somewhat more complex, from construction standpoint, than Alternatives IA or lB Spillway and Channel Three basic options for dealing with spillway and channel protection were considered: (2A) Do nothing and allow continued deterioration of facility (2B) Repair apron, existing channel, and downstream channel (2C) Remove and replace existing works with new concrete apron and spillway Key advantages and disadvantages associated with these three options are provided in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Spillway and Channel Improvement Options 2A-No Action Advantages: □ Least cost □ Simple and easy Disadvantages: □ Would most likely not allow facility to meet current dam safety criteria for spillway operation CGvL ENGrNEERS IN ASSOClATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J 3-8 Evaluation of Remedial Works Table 3-2 Spillway and Channel Improvement Options (continued) 2B-Repair Existing Features Advantages: o Permits dam to meet operational criteria □ Likely to be most cost-effective of three alternatives □ Easy to implement □ Ensures prolonged service life of the facility Disadvantages: o As future use/function of reservoir is yet indeterminate, option may represent premature commitment to preservation of historic system 2C-Replace Existing Features with New Ones Advantages: □ Ensures extended service life of structure Disadvantages: □ Most costly of the three alternatives □ Difficult to implement and least flexible solution □ Major commitment of capital when ultimate use/function of reservoir is not yet determined Access Road The lower portion of the existing access road, extending 80 to 100 feet from the paved section to the northeast corner of the spillway, is paved and impassible following storms. At present, vehicle access across the spillway apron and onto the dam crest is curtailed through trenching and placement of several large rocks, which are relocated when necessary to allow maintenance vehicle passage. The crest of the dam itself provides reasonable access for cleaning equipment and general maintenance; however, there is, by intention, insufficient space at the far end for turning a vehicle around. Three basic options for dealing with the access road were considered: (3A) Do nothing and continue current restrictions (3B) Upgrade current access through an improved spillway apron with ramp to dam crest (3C) Replace current access with a new structure that bridges the spillway channel to the dam crest Key advantages and disadvantages associated with these options are provided in Table 3-3. CGvL ENGlNEERS IN ASSOClA TlON WITH POV{ELLIPBS&J 3-9 Evaluation of Remedial Works 3A-No Action Advantages: Table 3-3 Access Road Improvement Options □ Minimum environmental impact □ Least cost and easy Disadvantages: o Allows for continued erosion and deterioration of upper channel and dam o Restricts year-round maintenance and operation of the facilities 3B-Upgrade via Spillway Apron Advantages: a Offers a number of options regarding methods and future developments □ Can be phased with other improvements □ Reduces runoff/erosion problems associated with existing access road Disadvantages: □ Potentially opens area up to increased traffic unless additional security features are installed 3C-Replace With New Structure Bridging Spillway Channel Advantages: □ Would likely allow greater security at site □ Would permit larger vehicles somewhat better access for future construction/operations □ Would support future development to south side of the reservoir Disadvantages: □ Most costly □ Large capital commitment when future functions/use of site are not yet defined □ Greatest long-term environmental consequences, under the assumption that easier (better) access indirectly leads to greater impacts throughout the site □ Likely most difficult to implement □ Likely to be least compatible with cunent land use plans and policies regarding open space commitments, under same assumption as two bullets above Site Security Three fundamental approaches to site security were evaluated: ( 4A) Do nothing and continue current security problems (4B) Fence the entire site (4C) Fence key facilities only CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTB POWELLIPBS&J 3-10 Evaluation of Remedial Works Key advantages and disadvantages associated with these three options are provided in Table 3.4. 4A-No Action Advantages: Table 3-4 Site Security Improvement Options □ Minimal cost o Easy Disadvantages: □ Perpetuates high risk of accidents occurring on site o Likely to be unacceptable from a public safety standpoint, without extensive reposting or other mitigation and/or enforcement measures □ Likely to be found incompatible with General Use Plan andHMP 4B-Feoce Entire Property Advantages: □ Comprehensive Disadvantages: □ Most costly to build and maintain □ Likely to be in-effective in keeping individuals out of sensitive areas o Likely to represent negative visual/aesthetic impacts that would be clifficult to mitigate □ Incompatible with adjacent land uses to east and south 4C-Fence Operational Facilities Only Advantages: □ Likely to be a cost-effective solution to existing public safety problems □ Can be implemented as other remedial improvements are completed o Greater flexibility to future changing needs □ Provides security to those facilities of greatest concern Disadvantages: □ Would likely present some negative aesthetic/visual impacts compared with approach 4A RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE IMPROVEMENTS The following set of recommended remedial improvement options was provided at mid-conrse of project study execution. Based on review by the City at that time, preliminary design of the proposed remedial works, as covered in the next chapter, was initiated. o Outlet Tower-Subject to preliminary site investigations, pursue tower improvement Option 1 C, replacing the existing tower with a new 1/0 facility o Spillway and Channel-Pursue improvement Option 2B, repairing existing features CGvL ENGINEERS 1N ASSOCIATION WITH PoWEuJPBS&J 3-11 Evaluation of Remedial Works o Access Road-Pursue improvement Option 3B, upgrading access via the spillway apron o Site Security-Implement a localized facility fencing and gate plan per Option 4C, as needed for protection of site operations and maintenance activities CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCfATION WITH POWELLiPBS&J 3-12 Chapter 4 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Preliminary design of the proposed remedial works for Lake Calavera covers four elements: I/O works improvements, spillway channel repairs, access road upgrade, and facility fencing for site security. Each of these elements is discussed and an opinion of construction cost provided in this chapter. 1/0 WORKS IMPROVEMENTS An improved 1/0 structure would have multiple ports similar to the existing three outlet tower ports, in addition to an emergency outlet, equally spaced and approximately 6 feet apart. This vertical spacing would allow selective water withdrawal from the stratum having the best water quality, e.g., avoiding near- surface algae layers that seldom extend below 5-10 feet of depth, as well as avoiding near-bottom chemically reduced waters or bottom sediments. Objective and Approach There are two common I/O works configurations: a free-standing tower rising from the reservoir bottom, and a laid-back structure secured to the upstream dam face. Another free-standing tower could, in concept, be constructed above the base of the existing outlet tower. Altematively, a laid-back structure could be connected between the existing tower base and the old walkway abutment on the upstream dam face. Review of conceptual design considerations for the two configurations indicates a laid-back alternative would be Jess disruptive, less costly to maintain, and preferable from both environmental and engineering standpoints. Any modification to the existing structure will require review by the State of California, Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD). The primary consideration by DSOD regards maintaining adequate and controllable reservoir drainage capability under emergency situations. Results The location of the proposed laid-back J/O pipe with respect to the existing outlet tower and other site features is shown on Figure 4-1. A preliminary design profile drawing for the 24-inch pipeline and riser is shown on Figure 4-2. Three 18-incb J/O ports would be provided for selecting the best quality water stratum at any time. An additional 16-inch slide gate valve would isolate the existing tower from the new pipeline. Tb.is gate, normally closed, would be opened either manually or CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITHPOWELUPBS&J 4-1 f [ r I ( I I [ I l ( I I l l l I I ■•··· G ~ , .. ~ . . Sl FIGURE 4-1 ~ CGvL In association with ~ £ N G I N £ £ R s PO\VELL / PBSJ PROPOSED REMEDIAL WORKS PLAN DAM CREST EL 223 220 ------------~---------'----~ ---______________________________________________ _[_~] __________________________________ _ C?o 1.-~ r1 220 0 .J. N "" I <r i5 I en :::, "' -g a. ..., N ' 2 I 0 0 N 200 180 i ■·· ~ ... ~ g:: • . ~CGvL 3 ENGINEERS PROPOSE:/D 24"STEEL PIPELINE PROPOSED SS SCREEN '-PROPOSED 18" AIR CONTROL VALVE SECTION SCALE; 1'=20'-0" IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/l'BSf :~~·O PROPOSED !::l t1 AIRNACUUM VALVE 1-1 I ·· : ~-1 1 • I;! . j ~ I l.:1 t~ ------------:-<157:L 206 -------------------1r --:J ----EXISTING RC OUTLETTOWER ----------- ' ----t.·.1 ~-.! (TO BE DEMOLISHED) i:1 PROTECTIVE ;,i H FENCE, TYP l:j l~i -~-----------------------------ri---~----------------------------------- --iEL 198.5 t··, f i •~1 I I; I l:·1 Vj t·i ~-, [:·1 ~:j sz MINIMUM OPERATING POOL W.S. EL 192 -l=!~~ ___ J::~~-11 ___ 8 ____ ~---------------------------- Lj ri !J u ·~ sz SPILLWAY SILL EL 216.5 PROPOSED 1/0 PIPE · 200 190 sz MAXIMUM OPERATING POOL W.S. EL 214 PROPOSED TOC EL 185 210 SUPPORT, TYP __ • ________ PROPOSED _____________________ _ 180 GRATING, TYP ~-EXISTING RC OUTLET TOWER PROPOSED I 24" RISER ---i _17_0 _____________________________________________ J EXISTING 30" RCP/28" SP PROPOSED FLEXIBLE I .. ---- (TO REMAIN) ~- ' 170 OUTLET PIPE --~ COUPLING, TYP I ·· n '-----~--1 .... 1:l,.........J·~ :· PROPOSED 16" I I __ 1 1 ___ ..• ]; EMERGENCY i 1 1 I --~ GATE VALVE 160 !-----, · ~-----,r.-~ ·, 160 r i ,---~------------------------------------- p R O F I L E w ~;~8?~~ TEE h::f::i'.~ji---rE~Sfs~~ T~;ER SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = 16' VERTICAL 1" = 8' FIGURE 4-2 PROPOSED 1/0 WORKS PROFILE _J w > w _J <{ w Cf) z <{ w :E w 6 m <{ 1-w w u.. z z 0 ~ w _J w Preliminary Design of Remedial Works by hydraulic actuator as a fourth regular outlet port and to satisfy darn emergency reservoir drainage requirements. Based on new valve placement shown on Figure 4-2, the conservatively proposed new maximum and minimum operating levels are elevations 214 and 192 feet amsl, respectively. The new effective working volume~ based on the difference between those elevations, is approximately 380 AF. Preliminary sizing of the proposed 1/0 works was based on hydraulic network analyses taken from the May 2000 CMWD RWDS expansion report, Encina Basin Recycled Water Distributlon System Study (Reference 19). Although water volumes associated with Lake Calavera's operational storage function would be relatively small compared with those of seasonal storage, peak-hour hydraulic requirements for operational storage were used as a conservative basis to size I/0 pipes, ports, and valves. Table 4-1 lists peak-hour withdrawal rates estimated in the above-noted work for the Phase Il and Ultimate system expansions. As additional RW production capacity and operational storage volumes elsewhere are developed, the peak-hour demand on storage decreases from Phase Il to Ultimate conditions. Hence, the estimated Phase II peak-hour withdrawal rate is higher than the Ultimate rate, and the Phase II rate is used for preliminary 1/0 works sizing. Table 4-1 Lake Calavera 1/0 Hydraulic Parameters Milestone Parameter Units Phase II Ultimate Peak-hour flow gpm 3,000 4,200 1/0 pipeline/port diameter3 : Pipe velocity at 20 inches fps 3.2 4.3 Pipe velocity at 18 inches fps 3.8 5.2 Pipe velocjty at 16 inches fps 5.0 6.8 a) Using a friction factor of C = 120. Because the total headless difference between a 20-inch and 18-inch valve is relatively small, but the relative cost difference. greater, 18-incb valves are assumed for the proposed new 1/0 port controls. Each 1/0 port would be protected from coarse suspended material by appropriate stainless steel screens. The arrangement of these screens is highlighted on Figure 4-2. A photograph of similar 1/0 ports and screens at Upper Oso Reservoir, owned and operated by Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD), is shown on Photo 4-1. All valves would be hydrauUcally operated with control lines terminating in a proposed operations control building located near the west end of the dam, as shown on Figure 4-1. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWEuJPBS&I 4-4 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Photo 4-1 Upper Oso Reservoir 1/0 Ports With screens (lower center) and air/vacuum valve (lower right), viewing east from dam crest. A range of control procedures for managing reservoir water levels during construction of the Lake Calavera remedial modifications has been considered. The four water level control techniques evaluated include: (A) Complete draining of the reservoir for the period of construction (B) Near-complete draining of the reservoir, except a small upstream portion to be diked-off for storage of runoff and protection of aquatic biota during construction, with upstream impoundment reverting to wetlands created by permanent dikes (elevation 210 and 214 feet amsl) constructed on upper Calavera Creek near reservoir inlet (C) Partial draw-down of the reservoir to minimum operational water level (elevation 189 feet amsl), with construction of a small temporary cofferdam encompassing the existing outlet tower (D) Underwater construction of the I/O modifications to preserve present pool levels (elevation 208 feet amsl), maintaining full storage capacity and minimizing disruption to existing features Comparison of resultant characteristics, costs and non-monetary attributes associated with these alternative water level control procedures are presented in Table 4-2. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/PBS&] 4-5 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Table 4-2 Water Level Control Alternatives for 1/0 Tower Construction A B C Water Level Full Drain Drain with Drawdown/ Control Feature of Reservoir u/sDikes Cofferdam Pool elevation, ft amsl <176 <176 [210-218] 189 Surface area, acres <1.0 <1.0 [6] 5-6 Storage capacity, AF <5 <5 [30-40] 50-60 Muck removal, CY 1000-1200 1600-1800 500-600 Capital cost, $ 83,000 225,000 200,000 Implementation a Easiest Difficult Moderate Environmental impactb Greatest Consequential .Moderate Level of complexiti Least Moderate Moderate Agency approvalsd Difficult Difficult Moderate Overall rank.int 4th 2nd 1st a} Relative ease of implementing the alternative measure. b) Potential for both short-and long-term negative environmental consequences. c} Considering both technical and administrative issues. d) For meeting anticipated requirements, permits and other conditions. e} Considering both economic and non-monetary factors, as rated by consultant. D Underwater Construction 208 18-21 160-200 0 855,000 Difficult Least GJ"eatesr Easiest 3rd Lowering the reservoir to its historic minimum operational poo] level (elevation 189 feet amsl) and proceeding with construction of a 10-25 feet high cofferdam on the upstream submerged face to encompass the existing outlet tower is the recommended procedural alternative. Thi.s procedure is dee01ed to be much less environmentally disruptive than draining Lake Calavera as weJl as involving significantly lower costs than those associated with alternative underwater demolition and construction procedures. Constructing a laid-back I/0 pipeline on the upstream face of the dam and connecting to the existing 28-inch steel I/0 pipe and adjacent to the existing tower base involves construction of a temporary cofferdam as shown on Figure 4-L With draw-down to minimum pool, the sheet pilings forming the cofferdam walls need be approximately 25 to 30 feet long as water depths would range from O to a maximum of 20 feet upstream of the tower. The two walls of the cofferdam would be approximate1y 12 feet apart and comprise a total length of 120 feet. A special study assessing the potential biological impacts on aquatic biota and shoreline habitat plus appropriate mitigation measures associated with temporary draw-down and cofferdam construction has been proposed. This study could be carried out during the initial agency review process in fall 2001 to obtain information that can help determine the full extent and scope of mitigation measures for the reservoir water level control procedures during construction. CGvL ENGINEERS .IN ASSOCIATION WITHPOWEulPBS&J 4-6 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works The general construction steps that would likely be involved with the proposed VO modifications ar~. in order, as follows: (1) Mobilize and assemble a construction barge on Lake Calavera (2) Breach the lower 18-inch valve/inlet port on tower, allowing drawdown (3) Remove rock blanket and erect sheet piles on upstream dam face from barge as pool level drops toward elevation 189 feet amsl (4) Remove remaining rock blanket below water at depths up to 15 feet in the vicinity of tower and on face of dam, driving remaining sheet piles from barge (5) Provide internal support of cofferdam and extract interior water (6) Dismantle and remove upper 40 feet of existing tower from barge (7) Install new 16-inch emergency control slide gate at upper end of outlet pipe within tower base (8) Inspect existing 260 feet of outlet pipe below dam and correct any deficiencies (9) Sink 4-foot well shaft in compacted earth fill of upstream dam face and excavate to existing 28-inch steel outlet pipe (10) Install new 28-inch couplings, tee and 24-inch riser pipe in shaft (11) Erect new cover with screens on tower ( 12) Construct I/0 pipe anchors in compacted earth fiH of upstream dam and replace 3-foot thick rock blanket (13) Install 24-incb laid-back I/0 pipeline, ports, valve assemblies, controls, and protection equipment (14) Remove piling tops to waterline, flood cofferdam and allow reservoir to refill In addition to removal of the upper portion of the existing outlet tower and construction of a laid back I/0 pipeline, a bydraulic accumulator system for remote operation of the 1/0 valves will be needed. The system would consist of the hydraulic control lines extending from the I/0 valves to a small I/0 control building housing the accumulator, electrical controls and 1nstrumentation. A small windowless I/0 control building, with a single door, erected on a 10-foot- square concrete pad to be situated at the west end of the dam is recommended. The building site location is shown on Figure 4-1; a recent site view is presented in Photo 4-2. A cost opinion of the 1/0 works improvements is provided in Table 4-3. The improvements entail a cost of approximately $530,000 for subtotal construction, exclusive of contractor OH&P, contingencies, an.d engineering and administration. Total project costs are presented in the remedial improvements summary at the end of this chapter. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATlON WITH POWELIJPBS&J 4-7 f I Preliminary Design of Remedial Works - Photo 4-2 Proposed Control Building Site Located at west end of Calavera Dam. (May 16, 1999) Table 4-3 Cost Opinion for 1/0 Works Improvements Material Cost, Labor Cost, Ouantitv dollarsa dollars3 Item No. Unit Unit Extended Unit Extended Draw-down 65 MG -2,000 -6,100 Temporary cofferdam 200 LF 135 27,000 165 33,000 Muck removal 400 CY 5 2,000 5 2,000 Tower demolition 1 LS 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 Debris/pilings removal 300 EA 75 22,500 75 22,500 Subtotal Shoring 4 EA 600 2,400 360 1,440 Excavation 20 CY 40 800 20 400 New tower cap 5 CY 200 1,000 400 2,000 24" steel pipe 92 LF 115 10,580 105 9,660 Welding joints 20 EA 315 6,300 35 700 24x24x18 tee 3 EA 900 2,700 1,000 3,000 24" 90 elbow 1 EA 950 950 770 770 28x28x24tee l EA 1,990 1,990 1,126 1,126 Flex coupling 2 EA 500 1,000 650 1,300 16" gate valve 1 LS 7,055 7,055 3,000 3,000 CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/PBS&J Total Cost, dollarsb 8,325 61,664 4,1 11 20,555 46,248 140,903 3,946 1,233 3,186 20,801 7,194 5,858 1,768 3,202 2,364 10,334 4-8 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Table 4-3 Cost Opinion for 1/0 Works Improvements (continued) Material Cost, Labor Cost, Quantitv dollars2 dollarsa Total Cost, Item No. Unit Unit Extended Unit Extended dollarsb Pipe supports 8 EA 250 2,000 500 4,000 6,166 18" butterfly valve 3 EA 5,000 15,000 2,250 6,750 22,353 18" SS wire screen 3 EA 3,500 10,500 1,500 4,500 15,416 Subtotal 103,822 OP Repairs 260 LF 72 18,720 100 26,000 45,960 Hydraulic Accumulator Sys. I LS 32,000 32,000 41,000 41 ,000 75,024 I/0 Control Building 150 SF 100 15,000 250 37,500 53,956 E/Iwork I LS 12,000 12,000 5,900 5,900 18,396 Metal work 1 LS 3,500 3,500 1,600 l,600 5,241 Subtotal 198,578 Sales tax 7 .50 percent 15,807 Mobi]jzation/Demobilization 3 percent 13,524 Allowances" Varies 57,400 Subtotal Construction 530,033 a) Year 2000 construction pase cost.s atENRCCI = 6130. b) Current costs adjusted to ENRCCI = 6300, estimated for mid-2001. c) lncludes allowances for miscellaneous items and activities. SPILLWAY AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS The spillway channel is in immedia_te need of being cleared, cleaned and repaired to fill in erosion pockets, protect the exposed cutoff structures and patch any evident cracks, flakes and fissures. As the spillway apron is also used for access on to the dam, there is a clear need to coordinate all repairs to the spillway, channel, and downstream bed with other remedial improvements. Objective and Approach The City identified two initial objectives. First was to identify and research any required improvements to the spillway facility resulting from the addition of an access road to the dam. Second was to investigate the integrity of the spillway channel and to determine any improvements necessary. Based on discussions with the City after preliminary findings, the initial objective was redefined to detennine required modifications to the spillway in order to utilize the spillway apron for maintenance vehicle access to the dam crest and I/O structure (see following section on Access Road Improvements). CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTHPOWEuJPBS&J 4-9 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works The spillway channel was analyzed to determine improvements necessary to increase flow characteristics, as well as increase the life expectancy and safety of the spillway. DSOD requirements were considered for all investigations. Results A cost opinion was prepared for recommended improvements to the existing spillway facility, excluding cost assoeiated with the access road improvements. The costs of recommended improvements included excavation and removal of debris in the spillway channel, reinforced gunite lining of the channe~ and overlaying the spillway face. The cost opinion for subtotal construction of these improvements is approximately $47,000. Improvements to the spillway apron are discussed in the following sectjon of this report. Improvements to the spillway channel itself are recommended to decrease the effects of erosion and possible future damage to tbe spillway structure and dam. Based on preliminary analyses of the existing channel and DSOD requirements, the entire channel should be lined with either reinforced concrete or gunite. Prior to lining, all loose materials (rocks, dirt, brush, trash, etc.) within the channel should be removed. The existing east slope (face of spiJlway structure) should be rehabilitated with an overlay of reinforced gunite that will prolong the life of the structure. The existing west slope (eroded native earth and rock) may need further investigation during design to determine overall stability. Portions of tbe downstream channel may also require lining with reinforced gunite if erosion is found to be extensive. The three horizontal rows of 2-inch weep holes irregularly spaced along the spillway slope should also be cleared to remain open. ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS The initial objective for access road improvements was to determine two alternatives to cross the spillway facility. The two alternatives proposed were a bridge structure and an earthen fill over large diameter culverts. This would provide access to the dam for maintenance personnel and others as required. Objective and Approach Based on discussions with the City following preliminary findings, the initial objective was modified to investigate proposed remedial works at the preliminary design level. It was determined that the remedial improvements were to include access to the I/0 works and dam crest, as well as to a proposed control building site located near the dam. The City proposed utilizing the spillway apron as a means of access to the dam. The City desired that the access road be designed to provjde adequate access and safety for a small utility vehicle to traverse the spillway apron, transition to the dam crest, and turn around at its eastern end. CGvL ENG1NEERS IN .ASSOCIAT!ON WITH POWELL/PBS&J 4-JO Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Initial investigations of possible aocess roads across the spillway and dam crest to a then-proposed shooling range on the east side included the use of a bridge aod -arch culvert. The bridge would traverse the spillway channel from the dam crest to a point directly west across the channel. The concrete arch culvert bridge would also traverse the spillway channel at a similar location. Modifications for tie-ins to the dam and west side bank of the spillway channel would be required for both alternatives. Preliminary costs ranging from $500,000 to $700,000 were developed for the bridge and culvert options. This investigation included improving the spillway channel in conjunction wjth upgrading the existing road. Results Cost opinions were prepared for all three alternatives investigated. All three opinions included costs for improvements to the access road across the top of the dam. The cost opinion for the bridge crossing is approximately $670,000. The cost opinion for the arch culvert is approximately $560,000. The cost opinion for access utilizing the spillway apron included the following: o Excavation for the spillway extension to the north □ Construction of the extended spillway □ Improvements to the spillway apron o Construction of the transition ramp to the top of the dam □ Construction of the turnaround at the east end of the dam □ Improvements to the dam crest The cost opinion for subtotal construction of this third alternative is approximately $96,000. Detailed costs for the three alternatives are presented in Appendix C. Based on initial. findings of the two proposed spillway channel crossings (bridge and arch culvert)1 it was determined that the use of these two structures is feasible. Due to the recent elimination of access to a proposed shooting range, however, neither of these structures is recommended as r:emedial improvements. The existing spillway apron and dam crest are recommended as means of immediate access to the outlet tower, the dam crest, and the south face of the dam. A turnaround for maintenance vehicles is also recommended at the eastern end of the dam, the location of which is shown in Photo 4-3. The acces~ road across the spillway apron will require an extension of the spillway as well as a transition ramp to the top of the dam. An all-weather maintenance road consisting of a single 12-foot wide lane will need to be constructed from the southern portion of the spillway apron (elevation 216.5 to 214.5 feet amsl) to the dam crest (elevation 223 feet amsl). The transition roadway should be constructed of eartbeh fill with a concrete overlay. A conceptual plan and profile of the upgraded access roadway improvements are provided on Figures 4-3 and 4-4, respectively. CGvL ENGTNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J 4-11 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Photo 4-3 East End of Calavera Dam For upgraded access road above turnaround is proposed The transition roadway will eliminate portions of the spillway apron at its southern edge. The spillway facility (both structure and channel) may need to be increased by the same length lost in constructing the transition road from the apron to the dam crest. The extended spillway structure should consist of earthen fill with concrete overlay, while the extended spillway channel should be overlaid with reinforced concrete gunite. The transition area is shown in Photo 4-4. The existing spillway apron should be overlaid with reinforced concrete that will be able to both handle light traffic loads, as well as reduce the roughness of the existing gunite surface. This overlay will need to maintain a minimal thickness in order to not exceed the present spillway crest elevation of 216.5 feet amsl. Minor improvements to the dam are also required for completion of the access road to the eastern end of the dam. Shallow potholes on the crest and some erosional gullies and minor fissures need to be repaired. Following repair, a new layer of decomposed granite should be placed on the crest to avoid future indentations and cracks. An adequate space for maintenance vehicle turnaround is also needed at the east end of the dam. In order to construct this turnaround, minor grading will be required. The turnaround should also be overlaid with decomposed granite. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J 4-12 ( I r I { l I l l r ( l l 1 ■G. 100 200 ; CGv L In association with ii: ENG I NEERS PO\VELL I PBSJ :EXISTING : OUTLET TOWER : (DISMANTLE) ' PROPOSED LAID-BACK 1/0 PIPE ; ,. .. LAKE CALAVERA .. (• -,. •• '-:J, FIGURE 4-3 PRELIMINARY PLAN VIEW OF ACCESS ROAD AND FENCING IMPROVEMENTS 0 I ~ "' a.: I QC i5 I a, i;l a, ' 0 I 0 0 "' w ~ 0 _J Q. I ~CCvL ;5 ENG I NEERS 230 220 210 0+00 IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL / PB5J 'I 17-· j f -1-I_J_:~·~' I .,._,...~,. ! -L]_ L+--'--1--l-'--i-! , l ·-+--i-,-+-,t--, -·--+-.........,'-+--l----l--1- l 230 220 210 ...,..._..,,__,____,.=P-! I i ;--l--1-=j i---i!-+-t-+-+-+----;-t--+-+-+-t-+--+-+--t--, ·1-+-i-+-11-+-+-+-t-+---+---+-+-!-+-;.....+-+-+-i-!--+-.1--+-!-+-;_.;._,;_~-!--i-+-i---4--1-i-+-I-. .;..I! -J-.;...-;.-,1--+--!--!-l-l:~T: . ..;-;-+-t-+-o-!-+_-4-1-...,.,+i :1:=:~!-...+--,;--!-;~:::::=.:-:-1-1 r : j i -r-r--T 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 PROFILE HORIZ: 1 "=80' VERT: 1"=8' 6+00 7+00 9+00 10+00 FIGURE 4-4 PRELIMINARY CENTERLINE PROFILE OF ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Design of Remedial Works Photo 4-4 Proposed Access Road Transition Ramp Area Leading from spillway apron onto dam crest. (September 12, 2001) SITE SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Objective and Approach Present site security consists of a locked gate installed across the paved access road west of the entrance to the dam site off Tamarack A venue. There are also a number of "No Trespassing" signs posted at strategic places along the property boundary. The high cost, difficulty, and lack of aesthetics associated with fencing the entire 266-acre site combined with the need to protect specific remedial facilities indicate that fencing of several key facilities is the most viable and economical option to pursue. Results A standard 7-foot-high chain-link security fence supporting a gated 12-foot opening facing the dam and access road is recommended for protection of the proposed I/0 control building. Approximately 80 feet of fence work including two outward swinging gates would be required. Additional security fencing is recommended for placement around the proposed upper I/0 air/vacuum valve to ensure protection from vandals and animals. The hydraulic control lines, housed CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUiPBS&J 4-15 Preliminary Design of Remedial Works within conduit, would be buried in a shallow trench running along the new access road on the dam crest extending from the control building to the 1/0 port valves. An additional double-wide gated security fence js recommended for placement across the upgraded access road at its intersection with the. existing paved section extending south from Tamarack A venue and a dirt road learung east onto the Lake Calavera properly as shown on Figure 4-1. This gate would provide a barrier to motor vehicles but allow pedestrian traffic passage across the spillway and dam. The cost opinion for subtotal construction of remedial fencing is approximately $26,000. Site security regarding future RW conversion facilities has also been considered in context with the remedial fencing improvements. The planning concept of a future interpretive trail system through the property, possibly developed in conjunction with a manned fishing and boating concession at the Lake shore, might offer a more realistic means of controlling site access and maintaining security than attempts to fence and patrol the entire property. A substantially similar approach has prov.en reasonably successful under comparable circumstances at SMWD's Upper Oso Reservoir. REMEDIAL WORKS SUMMARY A summary construction cost opinion for the proposed remedial works at Lake Calavera is presented in Table 4-4. The total project cost, including design and administration, is $1,203,100, expressed in current dollars. Table 4-4 Cost Opinion for Remedial Works Item Cost, dollarsa Partial mobilization, draw-down and temp. cofferdam 97,300 Tower demolition, new cap, muck/debris removal 95,500 New laid-back 1/0 pipeline and ports 115,000 1/0 control system and building 222,200 I/O Works Improvement Subtotal 530,000 Other mobilization 15,100 Spillway, channel and dam repairs 47,300 Access road extension and upgrade 95,500 Fencing, gates and demobilization 26,200 Subtotal Construction 714,100 Contractor OH&P 20 percent 142,800 Total Construction 856,900 Contingencies 20 percent 171,400 Subtotal Project 1,028,300 Engineering and administration 17 percent 174,800 Total Project 1,203,100 a) Costs al ENRCCI = 6300. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTHPOWELllPBS&J 4-16 Chapter 5 Seasonal Storage Analysis Lake Calavera offers, in the future, the potential to provide both additional supply through impounding upstream runoff and augmented .seasonal storage for CMWD's expanding RW system. These RW storage concepts are analyzed in this chapter. Operational and emergency storage analysis are part of ongoing CMWD related distribution system work, but outside the scope of this study. Results of the following seasonal storage analyses are used in sizing the facility improvements presented in Chapter 6. COMPARISON WITH OTHER STORAGE RESERVOIRS As a basis for comparison, this srudy reviewed some of the important features and operating histories of other reservoirs in the region with storage volumes both less than and greater than Lake Calavera. The storage systems examined included other RW storage reservoirs in California, several comparably sized reservoirs in San Diego County, and some local area reservoirs used for multi-purposes. AW Storage Reservoirs in California Relatively few seasonal RW storage reservoirs exist in California. Three such seasonal impoundment systems are located in Orange County. Sand Canyon and Rattlesnake Reservoirs are owned and operated by Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), and contain total volumes of 800 AF and 1,200 AF, respectively. SMWD's Upper Oso Reservoir has a total voJume of 4,000 AF. All three reservoirs have been in RW service for over 21 years. The City of Santa Rosa, in northern California, owns and operates several RW storage reservoirs. The largest has a volume of 2,000 AF and has been in service for approximately 17 years. Their next two largest reservoirs have volumes of 1,100 AF and 700 AF, respectively, and have been in service for approximateJy 23 years. All three reservoirs have relatively flat bottoms, with an average water depth, when full, of 24 to 25 feet. AJJ three reservoirs are surrounded by man- made berms, with virtually no tributary drainage area. In discussing design and operation of these reservoirs with respective agency staff, several features emerge for possible application at Lake Calavera: □ Relative size and watershed management of upstream tributary area CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOC IA TIQN WITH POWELrlPBS&J 5-1 Seasonal Storage Analysis □ Average water depth of full reservoir □ Combination of treated wastewater with other water supplies □ Nutrient removal from treated wastewater □ Use of multiple-port I/O works □ Use of an aeration/destratffication system □ Chlorination of reservoir outflow □ Treatment of reservoir outflow for algae and other nuisance problems □ Use of basin lining and covering Table 5-1 presents a matrix of these features, listed in the same order, and their involvement at the above-noted, existing seasonal RW storage reservoirs. One of the most significant features to emerge in tbis evaluation appears to be the relative size and watershed management of upstream tributary area. By far the most problematic in this regard of the three reservoirs that have significant tributary watershed area is Sand Canyon. Runoff from a large upstream tributary area carries in fine, colloidal material and nutrients, both difficult to treat in reservoir outflow. Upper Oso appears least problematic in this regard of the three. The ratio of tributary area to total reservoir capacity for Sand Canyon is approximately 30 times larger than Upper Oso Reservoir1 s ratio. Lake Calavera, similar in this regard to Sand Canyon, presents a tributary area to total capacity ratio of 4.42: 1. The other significant feature to emerge in this evaluation appears to be the average water depth of a reservoir when full. Santa Rosa staff reported no significant algae growth or other depth-related water quality problems when water depths were predominantly greater than about 8 feet. Their three largest reservoirs only suffered problems on occasions when they were drained to within several feet of bottom. Two of their smaller reservoirs (not noted above), with volumes of approximately 200 to 300 AF and average depths of about 4 feet, have been regularly troubled with algal growth and related water quality problems. Santa Rosa has employed algae harvesters and ban-el filters to mitigate these problems. with moderate success after considerable cost and effort. Lake Calavera's average. water depth is greater than 15 feet, while planned minimum operat,ional pool depth is in excess of 12 feet. Application of the above considerations is explicitly made for proposed Lake Calavera improvements in Chapter 6 of1his report. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITHPOWELllPBS~ 5-2 Seasonal Storage Analysis Sand Canyon Rattlesnake u erOso Santa Rosa Tributary area, acres 4,330 1,290 723 32 Capacity, AF 800 1,200 4,000 3,800 Tributary area/ capacity ratio, 1/ft 5.41: 1 l.08:1 0.18:1 0.01:1 Average water depth, ft 15a 15a 30 24-25 Combined with other soufces No No Yes No No Nutrient removal at WRPs No Minorb Minoi No Minorc Multiple port 1/0 works No Yes Yes Yes Yes/Nod Aeration/destratification No Yef Nof Yes No Chlorination of outflow No Yes& Yesg No No Other treatment Yes Yesh Noi Noi No Basin lining and covering No No No No No Yesi Yesk No No No Estimated values. Partial nitrification/denitrification practiced at IRWD's Michelson Water Reclamation PJant, but not primarily for reservoir water quality. c) Partial nitrificatioo/denilrification practiced at SRWRP, primarily motivated by regulatory requirement for winter discharge to river. d) Some turbidity problems with single port and seasonally low water levels. e) System installed in 1999 with successful performance. f) Water quality tends to be good without aeration, but installation under re-evaluation. g) Initially practiced for chemical oxidation of sulfides; later continued partially to maintain chlorine residual in distribution system. h) Several relatively expensive filtration systems have been tried, witb varied success. i) Have occasionally used Adams strainers. j) Suspected high algal counts and odor problems to be rectified with. improvements. k) High turbidity and algal counts. l) Represents aggregate of their three largest reservoirs. Comparable Capacity Reservoirs in San Diego County In addition to considering current operations at other RW seasonal storage reservoirs, the fact that Lake Calavera may in the future be used for supplementing supply to the expanding RWDS merits comparison with other comparable capacity reservoirs within San Diego County. The gene.ral physical properties of four of these impoundment systems and Lake Calavera are presented in Table 5-2. Other North County Reservoirs There are, in addition to those listed above, several other multi-purpose water storage reservoirs situated in the North County coastal zone. The three principal CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATtON WITHPOWEu.JPBS&J 5-3 Seasonal Storage Analysis Table 5-2 Comparison with Comparable Size San Diego County Reservoirs San Marcos Lake US Silica FW Reservoir Name South Corte Madera Calavera Ponds Palo Verde Location San Marcos Corte Madera Carlsbad Oceanside Palo Verde Owner VWD Rancho CM Inc. City US Silica PV Ranch HOA Type Open, potable Runoff Open, runoff Off-stream Water source Maggy Creek P ine Vly Creek Calavera Creek Loma Alta Crk. Sweetwater R. Tributary area, acres 282 1,600 2,300 130 34,600 Capacity, AF 320 325 520 700 730 Surface area. acres 14 69 35 46 39 Elevation, ft ams! 830 3,920 210 230 1,800 23 5 15 15 19 Mean depth, ft Dam volume, CY 131,780 earth 3,500 concrete 85,000 earth 192,300 earth 75,000 concrete Dam H/L, ft 85/400 16/200 67/490 76/?? 67/410 impoundments are listed in Table 5-3, and are currently used for potable water storage. San Diegito Reservoir, although over twice the size of Lake Calavera, is located at comparable elevation. Lake San Marcos has an equivalent storage capacity to Lake Calavera, but its water surface elevation is much higher. San Marcos Creek runoff into the reservoir has not presented a quality pr9blem. Maerkle Reservoir is a major treated water storage facility (asphalt-lined and covered in 1998) for the City with an operational capacity slightly larger than Lake Calavera's. Table 5-3 Comparison with Other Nearby North County Reservoirs Maerkle Reservoir Lake San Dieguito Name (aka Suuires Darn) San Marcos Reservoir Location Aqua Hedionda Ck Sao Marcos Creek Rancho Santa Fe Owner CMWD Citizens DC SFID/SDWCD Type Covered, potable Open, imported Open, irrigation Supply source Imported Water• SD Aqueduct b San Diegnito Riverc Tributary area, acres 13 1,860 770 Capacity, AF 600 480 1,128 Surface area, acres 14 54 56 Elevation, ft amsl 505 500 250 Mean depth, ft 43 9 20 Dam volume, CY 479 ;500 earthfill 131,780 2,435 concrete DamH/L, ft 165/800 52/290 51/650 Water quality problems No No No a) lnfluent supply from SDCW A Second San Diego Aqueduct, no local runoff. b) Small amounts of local runoff also captured from San Marcos Creek. c) Most influent conveyed from Lake Hodges; however small volume of runoff also captured from immediate upstream drainage area. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J 5-4 Seasonal Storage Analysis TRIBUTARY RUNOFF DIVERSION As discussed in the previous section, reservoir water quality can be substantially affected by tributary drainage. Accordingly, this section of the report presents hydrological assumptions, conceptual facilities and cost opinions associated with diverting or bypassing a portion of upper Calavera Creek storm flows around Lake Calavera. Such structures might constitute an essential component of a future system to ensure protection of water quality in the reservoir should it be conve1ted to RW storage. Hydrology The tributary drainage area to Lake Calavera is approximately 3.6 square miles. The watershed extends to just east of Highway 78. The general hydrologic features of the watershed tributary to Lake Calavera are presented in Table 5-4. a Table 5-4 Upper Calavera Creek Hydrology Average Extreme Item DrvYear Year Wet Year Year Annual rainfall, inches-8 13 18 22 Runoff, AFY 100-300 500 700 850 Max month, AF 100 150 200 250 24-hr, Mgal 85 100 130 160 Storm event Low-flowb 2-yr 100-yr 1000-yr Inflow, cfs 1-20 600 1,900 3,800 Overflow, cfsc 0 90 1,400 3,600 a) Anticipated under future conditions within u:ibutary area upstream of dam. b) typical, recurrent storm with 0.25 -0.5 inch ofrainfall. c) Spillway flow assuming pre-storm pool el.= 209.0 ft ams!. Rick Engineering performed hydrology calculations using HEC-1 for this area as reported in June 30, 1998 (Reference 13). The report focused on the 100-year discharge. In order to compute smaller events, the HEC-1 model was reproduced for the two basins (Cl and C2) tributary to Lake Calavera. After duplicating the results of Rick Engineering's 100-year run, a range of 24-hour rainfall events obtained from NOAA rainfall map "isopluvials" were run in the model representing the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, and 50-year events. The results are shown in Table 5-5. A separate HEC-1 model was run for each precipitation event to compute discharge. The discharges presented in Table 5-5 were next extrapolated to a 1-year and extreme (1,000-year) event. The 1-year event, which corresponds to about l.2 inches of rainfall, was computed at 180 cfs, which represents a large flow for diversion. The design extreme flow for a 1,000-year event by extrapolation was 3,800 cfs. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOClATlON WITH PoWELUPBS&J 5-5 Seasonal Storage Analysis Table 5-5 HEC-1 Computed Discharge Results Rainfall Depth, HEC-1 Discharge, Storm Event inches cfs 2-year 2.2-2.3 595 5-year 3.0-3.2 930 10-year 3.4-3.6 1,096 25-year 4.2-5.0 1,431 50-year 4.7 -5.0 1,648 100-year 5.3-5.5 1,890 Flows smaller than the 1-year event were then run in HEC-1 to represent a probable first-flush event. The reason for focusing on a first-flush low flow is that the first flush typically bears a disproportionately large share of undesirable constituents with respect to a relatively small, and therefore more manageable, water volume. While many agencies and cities still have varying definitions of what comprises a fust-tlush event, a standard is developing in southern CaJifornia to define the first-flush event as the flow resulting from 0.1 -0.5 inches of rainfall. At Lake Calavera, flow resulting from 0.25 inches of rain would be approximately 1 cfs, and the flow resulting from 0.5 inches of rain is approximately 20 cfs. A flow of 5 cfs was adopted as the low-flow diversion design flow, which corresponds to a mid-range rainfall event within the first-flush definition. Development of Alternatives CMWD initially requested investigating both a partial and total diversion of tributary flow around Lake Calavera, with the goal of improving water quality in the reservoir. The total diversion option was quickly dismissed after reviewing the topographical features around the· Lake as well as the hydrology. Large conveyance facilities would be restrictively expensive. Therefore·, CMWD directed effort to a concept for low-flow diversion. One concept reviewed was using the nearby sewer system to discharge first-flush flows, but this concept was found to be infeasible following a brief review of the existing sewage collection facilities capability of accommodating a flow of 5 cfs. After further discussions with the City, three alternatives were investigated for a low-flow diversion: (1) Forcemain/open channel around north side of Lake to spillway channel (2) Forcemain/pipeline around north side of Lake to spillway cbanneJ (3) Anchored, gravity pipeline along bottom of Lake to existing outlet tower Alternatives 1 and 2 focus on diverting low flows along the north side of the Lake to the spillway channel, because the spjllway is located on that side. The CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PowELrJPB S&J 5-6 Seasonal Storage Analysis diversion structure would be located sUghtly upstream of the high-water elevation of the Lake, as shown on Figure 5-1. The structure wouJd extend across the channel with a side-flow weir to djvert low flows to a sump. As there is high ground between the east end of the Lake and the spillway, a pump would be required to convey water by pipeline to a high point, and from there a gravity flow channel would convey water to the east end of the spillway channel. A small tributary exists between the high point where gravity flow is possible and the spillway, and the assumption was made that an open channel around the tributary would be feasible. This concept is labeled Alternative 1. A second alternative, Alternative 2, is very similar to Alternative 1 except that the open channel would be replaced with a buried pipeline. This alternative may be more desirable for aesthetic and safety considerations. Alternative 3 is a concept in which a pipe from the diversion structure would be placed along the bottom of the Lake connecting to the outlet tower near the upstream toe of the dam. Alternative 3 eliminates the need for a pumping station, which is anticipated to require considerable maintenance, but it would add operational complexities at the outlet tower. Figure 5-1 provides the plan view alignments of each alternative. Cost Analysis and Results A summary of alternative costs is presented below and key assumptions presented in Table 5-6. Table 5-6 Cost Opinion for Diversion Facilities Cost, Alternative Features $xl.0008 Alternative 1 1,400 0 Pumping station cost opiruon based on accepted standards and relevant experience of similar pumping stations □ Pumping station cost approximately $700,000 for a flow of 5 cfs 0 App.roxjmately 500 feet of 12-inch fotcemain, 4,200 feet of a SDRSD D-75 type channel □ Diversion structure cost approximately $100,000 Alternative 2 1,700 □ 16-inch pipe used in place of gravity channel □ Other features same as for Alternative 1 Alternative 3 1,200 □ 36-inch polyethylene pipe from diversion structure to outlet tower □ Pipe anchors assumed every 25 feet at $1,000 each □ Outlet tower modification cost approximately $50,000 a) Costs at ENRCCI = 6300, exclusive of engineering and admjnistration. CGvLENG1NEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEuJPBS&J 5-7 r I r 1 I r l I l 1 I r I "' w ~ " ~ 0 ~ ::; w a; 0 ~ i CGvL 0.: ENGINEERS 0 140 Feet FIGURE 5-1 ALTERNATIVE In association with ST ORM WATER DIVERSION FACILITIES PO\VELL / PBSJ Seasonal Storage Analysis The three alternatives described above are relatively close in cost and each deserves further consideration if the City were to decide to bypass upstream flows. Alternatives I and 2 require pumping, and Alternative 3 involves pipe anchoring and outlet tower operational complexities. Based on costs alone, Alternative 3 appears to be the best alternative of the three, although creating a stable foundation for the pipe on the Lake bottom may require reservoir draining, which imposes an environmental issue and cost. Results of this concept level investigation suggested the need to evaluate other methods of pre-and post- storage treatment, such as constructed wetlands, disinfection, and micro-filtration, depending on future impounded water quality. These water quality control concepts are evaluated in Chapter 6. SEASONAL STORAGE POTENTIAL An analysis of seasonal storage potential is needed in order to determine the value of converting Lake Calavera for future storage of recycled water. Two expansion milestones were selected at which to assess the reservoir's seasonal benefit to CMWD's planned RWDS expansion: (II) Completion of Phase II, representing an annual system demand of approximate1y 5,400 AFY, with an associated seasonal dry-weather peak- day demand of 11 million gallons per day (MGD) (U) Ultimate expansion, representing an annual system demand of approxjmately 9,800 AFY, with an associated seasonaJ dry-weather peak- day demand of 10 MGD Three CMWD system scenarios were selected to quantify benefits at each of these two milestones: (A) System supply/demand fully balanced with seasonal storage capacity (hypothetical storage concept for comparative analysis purposes) (B) System supply/demand balanced with only Mahr Reservoir working storage (equivalent analysis as provided under Scenario C in May 2000 evaluation of Mahr Reservoir [Reference 18]) (C) System supply/demand balanced with both Mahr Reservoir and Lake Calavera working storage on-line Demand Analysis Monthly demands are used to determine seasonal supply and storage needs for the RW system. The ratio of peak-month to average-month demand, or peak-month factor,. is used in detennining pumping and operational storage capacities. Hourly demands are directly used in determining pumping, operational storage, and pipeline capacities, and are determined by average-day use during the peak month, multiplied by the ratio of 24 hours over the length of the regular daily CGvL ENGINEERS IN AsSOCIA TION WITH POWELLIPBS&J 5-9 Seasonal Storage Analysis irngation period expressed in hours. For example, in calculating peak-hour demands, the peak-month factor would be multiplied by two if a 12-hour irrigation period is assumed, or multiplied by three if an 8-hour irrigation period is assumed. All scenarios used the same RW demand hydrograph, which was developed from the past six years ( 1995-2000) of actual CMWD metered demand. A listing of monthly demand values and related statistics for these years is provided in Appendix A. Because the months in which peak and minimum demands occur are not the same from year to year, a simple average of each month, as shown in the second-to-last row of the table in Appendix A, does not result in representative factors for accurately modeling and projecting system demand variations. Rather, it tends to reduce peak demands and increase minimum demands. Therefore, a simple average was adjusted by an algorithm to preserve the true average peak-month and minimum-month factors, more representative of historical seasonal fluctuations. This adjusted average is shown in the last row of the same table. The resulting adjusted peak-month factor of 2.05 is used for subsequent facility analysis. A unit hydrograph was developed for monthly irrigation demands based on this adjusted six-year system average. Figure 5-2 is a graphical representation of the adjusted hydrograph. Based on these adjusted factors, July has the representative peak-month. demand and February bas the representative minimum-month demand. This bydrograph is typical of RW monthly demand variations and reflects typical southern California irrigation cycles. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Figure 5-2 CMWD Six-Year RW Demand Hydrograph CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUJPBS&J 5-10 Seasonal Storage Analysis Supply Analysis Existing and planned RW supply sources for the CMWD service area include the following: o Carlsbad Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) facility, to be constructed by CMWD at the Eocina Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF), owned and operated by the Encina Water Authority □ Meadowlark Water Recycling Facility (WRF), owned and operated by the Vallecitos Water District (VWD) o Gafner Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), owned and operated by Leucadia County Water District (LCWD) For this evaluation, it is assumed that production capacities of these plants would be used in the order listed above. Estimated available peak-month plant supply capacities in MGD and acre-feet per month (AFM) for each of the two milestones are listed in Table 5-7. Calculated plant supply capacities required for each scenario, which are sometimes less, are discussed below. Table 5-7 CMWD Recycled Water Supply Availability Potential Peak-Month Supply Phase II Ultimate Supply Source MGD AFM MGD AFM Carlsbad A WT 4.00 373 15.0 1,400 Meadowlark WRF 3.00 281 3.0 281 GafnerWRP 1.00 93 2.0 187 Total 8.00 747 20.0 1,868 Seasonal Balancing A computerized spreadsheet model of CMWD's RW system was developed to test monthly supply/demand balances, and the resulting use of seasonal storage. The model was applied to each of the two scenarios at each of the three milestones. For those analyses using Mahr Reservoir as seasonal storage, reservoir filling was assumed to occur in January and February, the two lowest demand months. Copies of these analyses are found in Append.ix B and labeled by Milestone II or U and Scenario A, B, or C. For evaluation purposes, a future ntiniroum pool level was set at 192 feet amsl for Lake Calavera in order to allow for continued submergence of a future aeration/destrat.ification system, avoidance of water quality problems associated with shallow depths, and preservation of a visually attractive, expansive water surface. The assumed minimum pool level would ensure a water depth of 12-15 feet near the outlet tower with a water surface area of approximately 7 acres. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 5-11 Seasonal Storage Analysis A critical test for seasonal supply/demand balancing is satisfying peak-month demand, either directly from one or more supply sources, or from a combination of dir-ect supply and water returned from seasonal storage (reservoir outflow). Peak-month volume results expressed in AF for the analyses are summarized in Table 5-8. Scenario C was evaluated over a range of annual rainfall assumptions to assess sensitivity to that parameter. Table 5-8 CMWD Peak-Month11 Supply/Demand Balance Peak-Month volume. AF Storage Required Supply From Volume, Milestone/Scenario Demand Carlsbad Meadow. Gafner Otherh Storagec AF Phase TI A -Fully Bala□ced 922 373 77 0 0 472 1,721 B -Mahronly 922 373 281 93 148 27 151 C -Plus Lake Calavera: Dry-year 983 373 281 93 0 236 379 Average-year 922 373 281 62 0 206 502 Wet-vear 834 373 250 0 0 211 521 Ultimate A -Fully Balanced 1,673 817 0 0 0 875 3,124 B-Mabronly 1,673 1,400 153 0 0 120 C -Plus Lake Calavera: Dry-year 1,801 1,400 85 0 0 316 Average-year 1,673 1,400 36 0 0 237 Wet-vear 1,513 1,289 0 0 0 224 a) Peak month assumed to be July, with a peak-to-average-month ratio of 2.05, based on Figure 5-2. b) Other supply capacity assumed robe supplemented potable water. c) Includes Mahr Reservoir plus Lake Calavera volumes, where applicable. Because of production limitations in planned Phase Il Meadowlark WRF and Carlsbad A WT expansions, 148 AF from other supply sources (most likely potable water), in addition to Mahr Reservoir's storage, would be needed to balance peak-month demands under Scenario IlB. In assessing Lake Calavera's seasonal storage benefit to CMWD's system, it is helpful to compare the reservoir wjtb an equivalent peak-month supply source, both in volume delivered (AF) and equivalent production rate (MGD). The estimated volume delivered from storage by Mahr Reservoir and Lake Calavera is shown in the second-to-last column for Scenario C under each of the two milestones in Table 5-8. It is also a useful perspective to see what fraction Lake Calavera's storage would represent of the total seasonal storage needed to fully balance the RW system for the two milestones. These values are summarized in Table 5-9. CGvLENGINEERS IN ASSOCJATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J 5-1 2 151 375 502 523 Seasonal Storage Analysis Table 5-9 Lake Calavera's Seasonal Storage Benefit to CMWD Equivalent Peak-Fraction of Fully- Scenario C Peak-Month Supp)y, Month Production Balanced Storage, Milestone/Condition AF Rate, MGD oercent Pbasell Dry-year 133 1.43 28 Average-year 206 2.22 44 Wet-year 182 1.96 39 Ultimate Dry-year 165 1.77 19 A verage--year 230 2.47 27 Wet-vear 103 1.11 12 Using 206 AF of Lake Calavera storage capacity, under the Phase II demand condition with average annual rainfall, would reduce peak-month supply requirements by 2.22 MGD and represent 44 percent of fully-balanced storage. Likewise, using 230 AF of Lake Calavera storage capacity, under the Ultimate demand condition with average annual rainfall, would result in a 2.47 MGD reduction in the peak-month RW production rate and represent 27 percent of fully-balanced storage. In years of well below and well above average rainfall, reduction in peak production rates would be slightly lower than in years of average rainfall under both Phase II and Ultimate conditions, as peak month supply/demand ratios are less. Other Storage Considerations Lake Calavera's emergency storage benefit to CMWD's RW system will depend on total reclaimed water production capacity available, demand on the distribution system, and volume of water in the reservoir, all at the time of the emergency, and time of year. If water were stored in the Lake-beyond minimum operating pool volumes over more of the year, say startin g in the fall, emergency supply would be available for more months. To maintain the full seasonal benefit discussed in the previous section, however, no emergency storage would be available from May through September. It is important to correctly condition emergency storage availability, so as not to inappropriately ''double-count'' Lake Calavera storage for both seasonal and emergency purposes. CGvL ENGINEE~S IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/PBS&! S-J 3 Chapter 6 Recycled Water Conversion Facilities Lake Calavera' s potential future RW system benefits accrue from both its seasonal storage value and capture of runoff as analyzed in the previous chapter. To realize this value, a number of facility improvements would be required. These improvements could occur at the reservoir, or at other locations affecting water quality of reservoir inflow and outflow. Long-term RW conversion facility concepts covered in this chapter include: o Reducing sediment, algal nutrients and other potential problem constituents from reservoir inflow through either bypassing of tributary runoff (partial diversion) or, alternatively, constructing an upstream wetlands treatment system o Constructing an improved 550 Calavera RWPS and a RW transmission pipeline between the proposed downstream RWPS and the improved .I/O works a Adding an aeration/destratification system within the reservoir o Adding a chlorination system for disinfectioning reservoir outflow at the proposed RWPS o Adding a micro-filtration system to remove algae and other suspended materials from reservoir outflow at the proposed R WPS FUTURE CONVERSION FOR RW STORAGE General system schematic diagrams of overalJ facility concepts and layout involved with conversion of Lake Calavera for either RW seasonal storage, involving bypass (diversion) of first-flush storm flows, or supplemental RW supply, involving alternative storm water quality control measures, are presented on Figures 6-1 and 6-2, respectively. An evaluation of the facilities, costs and non-monetary issues associated with these two alternative concepts as well as comparison with a no-action plan, i.e., no conversion of Lake Calavera for use with the RW system, js covered in the following sections of this chapter. Existing RW Piping and Pumping Facilities Currently, RW transmission pipelines are located throughout the City. RW service is planned for the areas near Lake Calavera in the near future. Many of the newer subdivisions near the reservoir have RW piping systems that currently CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOClA TION WITH POWELLlPBS&J 6-1 0 I .... "' N a: I ci,: 15 I CD ~ ..... g 0.. C, I 0 I 0 g .;; ~ § 0.. I ~CGvL ;j EN GIN E ERS TO RW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (384 ZONE) (550 ZONE) (384 ZONE) I r----, I sso ____ ...,I PUMPS 384 PUMPS I L ____ _ CALAVERAPS r ----, I I 384 FROM i PUMPS .... I .,._ __ CARLSBAD AWT I I L _____ _J ENCINA PS I I "'I POST-STORAGE ' TREATMENT • CHLORINATION • MICRO-FILTRATION 1 1RECOMMENDED IF ALGAE & ODOR PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED Ir RW -TRANSMISSION . PIPELINE LAKE CALA VERA r I I --- IN-STORAGE NEW TREATMENT 1/0 I ' w L ORKS2 -T- • AERATION/ DESTRA TIFICATION D RA 2REMEDIAL IMPROVEMENTS IN I I I I DISSIPATOR - 1wwER lcALAVERA jCREEK I I I I I I I FIRST-FLUSH STOR M FLOW FLOW 1 ---UPPER I CALAVERA .. CREEK RUNOFF DIVERSION WORKS ss BYPA TOC:c"i!'C ◄-_____ ~ AGU~~~~NDA ~ ____________________________ J I I AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK -------~ NO SCALE IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/ PBSJ L _____ _J LEGEND ---EXISTING FEATURE ---EXISTING STRUCTURE PROPOSED FACILITIES ~ PLUGVALVE N CHECK VALVE FIGURE 6-1 ALTERNATIVE A RW STORAGE -orvERSION CONCEPT 0 1 i:i <". a.. 0, 6 ' ;; ~ ~ 5 ~ ~■-· t ... i "' . . "' ). ~CGvL '5 ENG IN EER S TO RW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (384 ZONE) (550 ZONE) (384 ZONE) •• . I ,---- I I 5so ---::I PUMPS 384 PUMPS 1 L __________ _. CALAVERAPS ,----7 I I I I rn~ i pJ~!s ..,.r ::.,__ __ CARLSBAD AWT I I L _____ _J ENCINA PS I I I POST-STORAGE TREATMENT • CHLORINATION • MICRO-FILTRATION 1 1RECOMMENDED W ALGAE & ODOR PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED - LAKE CALA VERA :---IN-STORAGE I NEW TREATMENT :: 1/0 -------.., • AERATION/ , WORKS2 DESTRA TIFICATION RW TRANSMISSION PIPELINE L_, _ ___._ ______ _. 2REMEDIAL IMPROVEMENTS DRAIN I I I I I I I I l I lww1:R lcALAVERA !CREEK I I I I I I ,-----7 I I TO PACIFIC I AGUA HEDIONDA I _____________ _J _________ -I OCEAN ◄-------j LAGOON f-----------AGUA HED/ONDA CREEK I I L _____ _J LEGEND ---EXISTING FEATURE EXISTING STRUCTURE --PROPOSED FACILITIES 1 ---UPPER I CALAVERA CREEK _____ _.w _ _,, RUNOFF PRE-STORAGE TREATMENT • CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FLOW RETURN PUMP NO SCALE K)I N PLUG VALVE FIGURE 6-2 ALTERNATIVE 8 RW SUPPLY -WETLANDS CONCEPT IN ASSOCIATION WITH CHECK VALVE POWELL / PBSJ Recycled Water Conversion Facilities ilistribute potable water. This includes a 12-inch, 550-Zone line in Tamarack A venue just west of Lake Calavera. The 550 Calavera RWPS js proposed to be located approximately 5,000 feet southwest of Lake Calavera along the future extension of College A venue within a proposed subdivision referred to as McMmin Village. This pumping station will boost pressure from the 384-Zone to the 550-Zone. Additionally, an abandoned sewage lift station site also exists approximately 2,000 feet south of the dam adjacent to lower Calavera Creek. According to the City, this site is available for use as an alternative location for a RWPS. Investigation of Future RW Piping and Pumping Facilities The initial objective of CMWD was to evaluate two alternative sites for a RWPS downstream of Lake Calavera. This objective also included determining a proposed alignment for interconnection with the planned 384-Zone RWDS. Initial locations for the pumping station included two sites with ilisturbed areas that have minimal habitat issues. In subsequent discussions, the City also requested investigating the possibility of not only transmitting water from Lake Calavera to the 550 Calavera Pump Station, but also transmitting water through an existing non-utilized sewage forcemain located in Tamarack Avenue west of Lake Calavera, which would be connected with existing Calavera 550-Zone piping. While this idea wouJd not provide a long-term fit with the Ultimate RWDS plan, it may be practical to .initially puml? from the reservoir to the Calavera 550-Zone. Later, as the RWDS was built out to the Lake Calavera area, the pumping station could be converted back to pumping to the 384-Zone. Ultimately, the 384-Zone pumping station would be required, Although the evaluations focus on siting the 384-Zone pumping station, piping for connection to the 550-Zone is also included. Two pumping station sites were investigated: Option A, south of the Lake on the west end of the dam (shown in Photo 6-1), and Option B, the abandoned sewage lift station site several thousand feet downstream (shown in Photo 6-2). These sites are also presented on Figure 6-3. The pumping station will provide approximately one third of the maximum-day ultimate demand for the 384-Zone and all of the peak-hour ultimate demand for th.e Calavera 550-Zone. The required capacity of the pumping station is 4,200 gpm with a total dynamic head ranging from 200 to 275 feet, thus requiring the range of 300 to 400 horsepower (hp). Two new transmission main alignments were investigated for each pumping station site. One transmission main connects to the 384-Zone piping to the south and the other connects to 550-Zone piping as shown on Figure 6-3. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATIONWITHPOWEuJPBS&J 6-4 r I i f l { { { ( I l [ l l 1 l l Recycled Water Conversion Facilities Photo 6-1 Candidate RWPS Site A Viewing west from crest of dam. (May 16, 2001) Photo 6-2 Candidate RWPS Site B Viewing northwest from downstream of dam. (May 16, 2001) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTHPOWELilPBS&J 6-5 I ( r ( r ( l l ( { { l l I l l l cl; ENGINE HS 100 Feet 200 I FIGURE 6-3 ALTERNATIVE RW TRANSMISSION PIPELINE ALI GNMENTS AND PUMPING STATION SITES Recycled Water Conversion Facilities A cost opinion was prepared for the new RWPS. The subtotal construction cost for these improvements is approximately $1.1 million dollars. This figure includes the cost for both the 384-Zone interconnect transmission pipeline and the 550-Zone connection piping. Based on preli.mmary hydraulic calculations, both pumping station sites investigated were feasible. The new RWPS is required to boost the hydraulic grade line (HGL) of the water from Lake Calavera (minimum HGL 204.5) to the 384-Zone. The two recommended transmission pipelines would transmit flow from the pumping station to either a tie-in to the existing 550-Zone pipeline in Calavera Heights, or to tbe proposed 384-Zone piping south of the 550 Calavera RWPS. Costs for the two site options are comparable at this level of detail; however, Option B, the abandoned sewage lift station site offers a number of advantages over Option A. These advantages are summarized as follows: □ The site is flat and already cleared of vegetation; while grading and rock excavation is anticipated for Option A o The City already owns the site o Suction conditions from the reservoir are improved when compared with those for Option A, resulting in a wider range of operating levels likely available with Option B For these reasons, it is recommended that CMWD consider Option B as the best location for the RWPS to the 384-Zone. Constructed Wetlands for Runoff Quality Control A free water surface constructed wetlands has been proposed to improve the quality of runoff that could be captured and added to the non-potable supply in Lake Calavera. Originally proposed for nutrient removal from RW tertiary effluent, a constructed wetlands might also serve equally well in pretreating storm water runoff. The original constructed wetlands concept for treatment of RW stored at Lake Calavera was considered for location on a disturbed portion of the site to the northwest of the reservoir. The concept was examiJled in a report prepared by Brown & Caldwell in 1999 (Reference 14), as a candidate method providing additional treatment for nutrient reduction of recycled water prior to storage in the reservoir. The revised concept approach would be to allow upper Calavera Creek runoff tu pass through a series of 3 to 4 gravity-flow wetlands cells located entirely within the 100-year flood zone, with the majority of the cell area within the high-water elevation of the Lake. The existing flood zone, just upstream of the reservoir constitutes a combination of freshwater wetlands and heavily vegetated riparian scrub and woodland as shown in Photo 6-3. The constructed wetlands facilities would permit controlled application of runoff from upper Calavera Creek via a CGvL ENGINEERS IN AsSOCIATION WITH Powm . .UPBS&J 6-7 l Recycled Water Conversion Facilities terraced series of shallow ponds as well as incorporate recirculated water from the reservoir. The cells would be partially vegetated to filter the runoff and partially open to allow for solids settling and uniform flow distribution. A general layout/site plan for an up-to 10-acre, 4-cell, terraced wetlands system is presented on Figure 6-4. Photo 6-3 Inlet Area to Lake Calavera Showing existing wetlands and riparian woodlands. (September 12, 2001) A wetlands treatment system would serve to reduce settleable solids, dissolved organics, and nutrients in storm water runoff from the upstream area. Treated runoff with much-reduced solids and organic loads would present a higher-value resource for addition to the RW supply. Additionally, the constructed wetlands would better preserve water quality of the Lake as an enhanced visual asset. The vegetation in the planted areas would consist primarily of hardstem bulrush. The water levels would range from 1 to 2 feet in depth. It is anticipated that 100 to 300 AF of runoff would pass through the wetlands during the annual rainy season. In the dry season, a small pump could be used to recirculate Lake water through the wetlands to keep them growing and to avoid stagnant water. The recirculation will also remove additional nutrients from the Lake water. Mosquito control would be accomplished by using mosquitofish. An hydraulic profile for the constructed terraced wetlands concept is shown on Figure 6-5. Costs for construction of the upstream terraced wetlands would include site grading, wetlands earthwork, piping and valving, recirculation pumping, and CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUJPBS&J 6-8 I 11 I I 1 1 1 1 I I , l l I I I I I I I 11 11 I t cc a 0 'j, ill ~ ~ 0 ;i; ::l w a: 0 !cGvL jl: f NG I NEERS 0 140 Feet In association with PO\VELL / PBSJ r 280 FIGURE 6-4 CONSTRUCTED TERRACED WETLANDS CONCEPT FOR TREATMENT OF RUNOFF 0 I ...-N N I a: a ' a, :, V> a, J, 0 I 0 0 N w ~ 0 ~ i ■·· I . • •. ~ ~ . . I ~CCvL i ENGINEERS ~----------------UPPER --------------------------------------~ ---c-ACAVEAA ------ CELL #3 218 --------------------------------------------- El 214.5 ~----~----- STORAGE 20 MIL PVC LINER (TYP) ___ __ EL 213.5 . 212 CELL#4 EL 215.5 CREEK ----------'"------ - - -- EL 216.5 ...J w > w -----------...J ~ (/) ---------216 ~ ~ w > -----------g ~ f-w w _________ _m u. ~ z 0 j::: -----------~ w ...J w ----------------------------CONSTRUCTED TERRACED WETLANDS ----- ---------212 _lj_Q_ _______________ _ 25 HP PUMP IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL / PBSJ 210 ---------------------------- 4"0 RETURN PIPELINE FIGURE 6-5 CONSTRUCTED TERRACED WETLANDS HYDRAULIC PROFILE f I r I l [ I l I ( l t l l I 0 100 In association with PO\VELL / PBSJ FIGURE 6-6 AERATION/DESTRATIFICATION SYSTEM CONCEPT Recycled Wa1er Conversion Facilities place, approximately parallel to the reservoir bottom, by a series of anchors that resist the pipeline's tendency to rise when charged with air. This type system has been operating at SMWD's Upper Oso Reservoir for over ten years. While other aeration/destratification systems are feasible, a cost opinion for the one described here, with costs adjusted from SMWD' s experience, is presented in Appenrux C. The subtotal construction cost for this system is about $398,000. Annual operational cost is relatively low ($9,000/year), as the system is expected to be only activated for approximately half the year. Post-Storage Treatment Processes Open seasonal storage generally degrades bacteriological water quality below those levels specified by Title 22, California Code of Regulations, for disinfected tertiary effluent at a production source. The extent of degradation typically depends on the size of the drainage area tributary to the reservoir and the development characteristics within the drainage area. While not currently required by regulatory agencies, chlorination of reservoir outflow could be installed to mitigate potential degradation. A unit subtotal construction cost range of $150-180 per gpm of capacity is assumed for this post-storage treatment component. Standby micro-filtration for algae removal may also be necessary as a post- storage treatment step. A unit subtotal construction cost range of $1,100-1,250 per gpm of capacity is assumed for this component. Operational costs are expected to be comparable to those assumed for chlorination. COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE FACILITY CONCEPTS Three Lake Calavera conceptual storage facility alternatives have been identified: (A) Converting Lake Calavera for seasonal storage of RW similar co the Mahr Reservoir proposal (B) Using Lake Calavera for seasonal storage of storm water that would be used to supplement the RW system (C) No conversion-not using Lake Calavera storage or supplemental supply in the future RW system Selecting the best combination of facility improvements affects the costs and the decision of whether or not to convert the reservoir for use in the expanding RW system. To make a fair comparison, if the Lake is not to be used, equivalent seasonal and operational supply components must be considered. These include additional peak-month supply capacity as weJJ as ao additional above-ground operational storage reservoir. These alternatives and their associated cost opinions are presented below. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOClA TION WJTH POWELUPBS&J 6-13 Recycled Water Conversion Facilities The long-term history of other deeper-water RW seasonal storage reservoirs, discussed in Chapter 5, argues against an absolute need for pre-treating Lake Calavera inflow. The relatively large size of the Lake's upstream catchment area with respect to reservoir volume, also discussed in Chapter 5, however, prompts concern for inflow water quality issues. The combination of these two properties suggests that diversion of first-flush storm flows might represent a feasible option for seasonal storage. Given the relatively large cost of post treatment, various combinations of future conversion facility improvements have been considered. The first facility combination, Alternative A. involves the following key components: D Construction of an upstream diversion structure to allow bypass (around the reservoir) of first-flush storm flows from upper Calavera Creek o Connection of the reservoir to the RWDS to permit conveyance of excess RW for storage during low demand periods of the year a Constmction of an aeration/destratification system within the reservoir □ lnstallation of post-storage (outflow) water quality control systems, most likely incorporating both chlorination and micro-filtration processing to allow return of the supply to the RWDS during stimmer peak-demand periods The second facility combination, Alternative B, involves the following key components: □ Construction of an upstream terraced wetlands treatment system for hydraulic and quality control of upper Calavera Creek storm water runoff □ Construction of an aeration/destratification system within the reservoir □ Installation of post-storage (outflow) water quality control systen1s, most likely incorporating both chlorination and micro-filtration processing to permit delivery of the supplemental supply to the RWDS during summer peak-demand periods The third conceptual alternative, Alternative C, involves no conversion. Lake Calavera would remain unused for storage, and additional RW supply processing and storage capacity would be provided elsewhere in the system. Alternative Conversion Improvement Cost Comparison Several variations involving the extent and degree of processing for these conceptual facility alternatives were examined in order to establish a range of costs, from low to high, with each. The low-cost options for Alternatives A and B represent limited treatment under the assumption that the more extensive water quality control measures associated with the high-cost options would not be needed. The low-cost option for Alternative C, involves purchase of potable water as a supplemental supply in-lieu of seasonal storage. The high-cost option for Alternate C represents construction of additional water reclamation plant processing and storage capacity. The cost comparisons are provided in Table 6-1. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 6-14 Recycled Water Conversion Facilities Table 6-1 Alternative Conversion Cost Comparison Alternative A Alternative B Conversion for Seasonal Conversion as Alternativt C RW Stora2e Sunn)emental Supply No Conversion Low Hieh Low Hh?h Low• Hi2hb Project cost, $xl,000 6,510 8,600 4,620 6,670 1,490 6,240 O&M cost, $xl,000/yr 220 280 175 250 310 220 Present worth, $M 5.05 6.62 3.69 5.31 2.77 4.88 Unit cost, $/AFY 860 1,130 630 905 475 830 Overall cost ranking 4th 6th 2nd 5th 1st 3rd a) Potable water purchase. b) WRP and storage capacity. Based on the unit costs shown in the second-last line of Table 6-1, the alternatives ranked in order of ascending cost are as follows: o Alternative C Low-No Conversion, with potable water purchased (if available) to supplement storage o Alternative B Low-Conversion as supplemental RW supply, with restricted constructed wetlands (5 acres) an.d limited additional treatment o Alternatjye C High-No conversion, with construction of additional water reclamation processing and storage capacity a Alternative A Low-Conversion for seasonal RW storage, with limited additional treatment a Alternative B High-Conversion as supplemental RW supply, with full constructed wetlands (10 acres) and complete additional treatment a Alternative A High-Conversion for seasonal RW storage, with complete additional treatment Non-monetary Comparison Along with a cost evaluation, a set of non-monetary factors has been used to compare the three conceptual alternatives. These factors are subjective. The evaluation includes a broad assessment of the operational, functional and environmental issues listed jn Table 6-2. A numerical rating was used in comparing these alternatives, as presented in Table 6-3. Alternative B, Supplemental Supply, ranked somewhat higher overall than the other two concepts. This subjective ranking was carried out by the consultants as prut of the project evaluation effort, and as such does not necessarily represent the final judgment or position of the City. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOC1A TrON WITH PoWE.UJPBS&J 6-15, Recycled Water Conversion Facilities Table 6-2 Non-monetary Factors and Issues Factor Project Issues Implementation o Can be rapidly implemented from institutional and construction standpoints □ Can be expected to ·encounter minimum legal, financial, and logistical obstacles □ Appears likely to receive public and local government acceptance/support Flexibility □ Sensitivity of cost and perfoJmance to changing patterns of urban development/land use □ Adaptability to technological changes/advances □ Ability to meet anticipated water quality objectives/requirements Reliability □ Assurance that performance meets expectations □ Acceptable resolution of possible system failures/upsets due to natural disasters/catastrophes Compatibility □ Compatibility with existing water and wastewater plans and programs □ Minimum conflict with other local and regional plans □ Compliance with water quality control requirements o Consistency with established regulatory agency policies Environmental □ Minimum potential adverse/negative impacts on natural and cultural resources □ Effects on socio-economic development □ Protection of smface and groundwater Overall □ Relative ratio of expected performance to total cost burden Effectiveness Table 6-3 Alternative Non-monetary (Subjective) Comparison Alternative A Alternative B Conversion for Conversion as Alternative C Seasonal RW Storaee Suoolemental Sunolv No Conversion Factor Verbal Numericala Verbal Numerical" Verbal Numerical" Implementation Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Flexibility Very Poor l Good 3 Very Good 4 Reliability Good 3 Very Good 4 Very Poor l Compatibility Very Good 4 Very Good 4 Poor 2 Environmental Good 3 Very Good 4 Poor 2 Overall effectiveness Good 3 Very Good 4 Very Poor ] Summary-Average score 3.00 3.83 2.50 a) I-Very poor or inferior to all others; 2-Poor or below average; 3-Good, moderate or average; 4-Very good or above average; 5-Ex.ceUent or superior to all others. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIA TlON WITH POWELllPBS&J 6-16 Recycled Water Conversion Facilities Conclusions Based on comparison of costs and the non-monetary issues, Alternative B, involving treatment and storage of upper Calavera Creek stream flows for supplemental use in the RW system, appears to represent the best overall conceptual approach. An opinion of capital and operational costs associated with this proposed conceptual R W conversion plan is presented in Table 6-4. Table 6-4 Cost Opinion for Future RW Conversion Facilities" Cost, O&M, Improvement Size $xl,000 $:d,000/yr RWPS 1,400 gpm 799 19 Transmission pipeline 2,200LF@18-in 345 7 Aeration/destratification works 450AF 398 9 Chlorination 2,100 gpm 335 22 Micro-filtration 1,700 gpm 1,894 33 Constructed wetlands 5 acres 181 17 Subtotal Construction 3,952 - Contractor OH&P 20 percent 791 . Total Construction 4,743 . Contingencies 30 percent 1,423 . Subtotal Project 6,166 - Engineering and administration 17 percent 1,048 . Total Project 7,214 107 a) Costs at ENRCCI = 6,300. CGvLENGINEERS IN AssoCJATI0N WITHPOWELIJPBS&J 6-17 Chapter 7 Report Recommendations This chapter covers the study's recommendations regarding both remedial works and future RW conversion facilities identified and evaluated in previous chapters. REMEDIAL WORKS Project Costs A set of remedial works for Lake Calavera has been identified and a cost opinion for their design and construction determined. These remedial improvements are needed to recover, protect and enhance the intrinsic value as well as functionality of Lake Calavera. The remedial improvements, which were detailed in Chapters 3 and 4, are as follows: □ Construction of a new I/O pipeline and control building, which will require the temporary drawdown of the reservoir water surface, construction of a temporary cofferdam on the upstream dam face and demolition of the upper portion of the existing outlet tower □ Repairs to existing spillway, channel, and downstream bed □ Upgrade of the existing access roadway □ Facility fencing for security _purposes Cost opinions for these improvements are presented in Table 7-1 (same as Table 4-4). Some opinions are highly dependent on field survey results. It is anticipated that as additional field data are collected and analyzed, further cost refinements during detailed design of the improvements can proceed. Reconnaissance-Level Surveys and Initial Agency Review A set of preliminary field inspection/surveys was found necessary in order to better identify extent of repair work and refine project cost opinions for the remedial improvements. The reconnaissance-level surveys were carried out during summer 2001 and the results provided in Appendices E and F of this report. An initial review of the proposed plan and projects by City departments and various agencies with responsibility CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WfTH POWELL/PBS&} 7-1 Report Recommendations Table 7-1 Cost Opinion for Remedial Works Item Cost, dollarsa Partial mobilization, draw-down and temp. cofferdam 97,300 Tower demolition, new cap, muck/debris removal 95,500 New laid-back I/O pipeline and ports 115,000 I/O control system and building 222,200 1/0 Works Improvement Subtotal 530,000 Other mobilization 15,100 Spillway, channel and dam repairs 47,300 Access road extension and upgrade 95,500 fencing, gates and demobilization 26,200 Subtotal Construction 714,100 Contractor OH&P 20 percent 142,800 Total Construction 856,900 Contingencies 20 percent 171,400 Subtotal Project 1,028,300 Engineering and administration 17 percent 174,800 Total Proiect 1,203,100 a) Costs at ENRCCI = 6300. for approval and permitting is expected to proceed over the next few months following this report's completion. The reconnaissance-level surveys included the following: □ Video survey of existing, tower to ascertain status of internal structure, valves, other appurtenances, debris, etc. (planned coincidental video survey of existing I/O pipeline was precluded and will be performed in a later phase) □ Survey of reservoir bottom for current depth and physical characteristics of accumulated sediment □ Water quality analysis for physical, chemical and biological characterization Planned City department and agency review activities include the following: □ Environmental constraints assessment (fatal flaw analysis) □ Initial City department review □ Initial agency review, e.g., with DSOD and California Department of Fish and Game Implementation A proposed list of action items for implementation and completion of remedial works project activities is presented in Table 7-2. If the improvement project is approved and design is initiated by May 2002, it is anticipated that construction of the remedial improvements can be completed by November 2003. CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASS OCTA Tl ON WlTH PoWELL/PBS&J 7-2 Report Recommendations Table 7-2 Lake Calavera Remedial Works Action Items Action Item Comments/Notes Field surveysla?,ency review: Video inspectiona Video survey of outlet works Environmental reconnaissance3 Reservoir WQ/depth survey/sampling Geological/soils reconnaissancea Site soils/sediment testing/analysis Biological studies Site-specific review of biota/habitat Internal review City planning and other departments Resource agency reviewb Fatal flaw analysis DSOD concept review Remedial works focus Environmental Review: Environmental assessment Determination of project impacts Environmental approvat Desi~n & bid documentation: Project Design Design, cost and specifications Final agency review Remedial projects approval Prepare bid oackage(s) Bid/contract process: Advertise/accept Review /selection Negotiate/award contract(s) Pro_iect Construction: Mobilization/draw-down Set up and release to min. pool level Tower cofferdam Removal of rock blanket, drive sheet piles, install supports/shoring Dredging/demolition Mucking, excavation for riser and removal of tower top from within cofferdam New laid-back I/0 pipeline Anchor supports, 1/0 pipe installation and connections to outlet pipe Spillway/channel repairs lncludes dam and dis bed 1/0 control building Includes 1/0 connections and turnaround Access road/upgrade All weather surf ace plus dam repairs Fencing and miscellaneous Includes security gate o n access road Testinilstart-up a) Completed tasks; results are provided in this report (Appendix E and F). b) Initial review to include California Department of Fish and Game, possibly U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and others. The proposed Lake Calavera remedial works implementation schedule is presented on Figure 7-1. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH P OWELLIPBS&J 7-3 Year 2001 2002 2003 Monlh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aua Seo Oct Nov Dec Draft PDR Delivered Late May 1. Site Recon/Prelim Review tmonths 1.1 -Field Studies/Sampling 90da s 1.2 • Prepare Final PDR llO.da~s 1.3 -Biological Studies iro davs 1.4 • Citv Departmental Review ,90 da-/s 1.5 -Initial Aaencv Review 90da\S 2. Environmental Documentation 6 months 2, 1 • Impact Assessment! 120 davs _ 2.2 -Envir. Review/APProval 90 da~s 3. Desian/Bid Documents 6 months 3.1 • Proiect Desion 150.davs 3.2 • Final Agency Review 60 cfavs 3.3 -Prepare Bid Package(s) 60.davs 4. Bid/Con. Contracts Process 4 monihs 4.1 -Advertise/Aocept Bids 45 davJ, 4.2 -Review/Select 45davs 4.3 • Neaotiate/Award 45davs 5. Construction 9•months 5.1 • Mobilization & Drawdown 60davs 5.2 -Cofferdam 60 days 5.3 -Tower Demolition 60 davs 5.4 • Laid-back 1/0 Pioe 9'0da1s 5.5 • Spillway & Dam Repairs 60 davs 5.6 -1/0 Building & Access Rd 60 davs 5.7 . Fencino & Clean U1 60 davs 6. Testina/Start-Uo 1' 2monlhs Figure 7-1 Implementation Schedule for Remedial Improvements M:\Proieots\Carisbad.224\LakeCalaPDA.001\Dlvrable\Flg 7-17-2 -Fig 7-1 Report Recommendations RW CONVERSION FACILITIES' Economic Assessment An economic assessment of the costs and benefits associated with future RW conversion facilities is provided below, Table 7-3 presents an economic "snapshot" of the future facilities under Phase II RW supply and demand conditions. Table 7 ~4 presents the same assessment under the projected Ultimate RW supply and demand conditions. As expressed in Table 7-3, approximately $4.0 million in capital improvements and anticipated operational costs yield $476,000 in annual expenditures. Subtracting projected annual revenues of $245,000 and avoided costs of $233,000 results in a net annual revenue of $1,000, i.e., an economically viable but marginal endeavor under Phase 11 conditions. As expressed in Table 7-4, $7.1 million in total capital improvements and anticipated operational costs yield $767,000 in annual expenditures. Subtracting projected annual revenues of $245,000 and avoided costs of $560,000 results in a net annual revenue of $38,000, i.e., an economically viable endeavor under Ultimate conditions. Implementation A proposed project .implementation schedule for conversion of Lake Calavera to RW storage and supply is presented in Figure 7-2. These conceptual facility plan activities have been keyed to the proposed Phase Il expansion of the RW distribution system. In light of the foregoing evaluatfon and related ongoing preliminary design of the City's RW system expansions, the following recommendations are made regarding future conversion of Lake Calavera for RW storage: □ Once the remedial works are in service, sample and test the reservoir's performance and water quality in context of the need for future RW storage, specifically for the degree and extent of treatment □ Upon further analysis as to the extent, degree, and cost of pre-storage treatment (constructed wetlands) and post-storage treatment (disinfection and micro-filtration), phase the future conversion facilities with the proposed Phase Il RWDS expansion O Likely phasing of the improvements would involve staging construction of the RW transmission pipeline. pumping station and installation of an aeration/destratification system before proceeding with other pre-and post-storage water quality control measures CGvL ENGINEBRS IN ASSOCIATION WltH POWELLIPBS&J 7-5 Report Recommendations Table 7-3 Economic Assessment of RW Conversion at Phase II Conditions Item Quantity $xl,000 Capital Cost RW forcemain connection 2,200 LF@18-in 345 RWPS expansion 700 gpm 399 Water quality control features: Constructed u/s wetlands (runoff) 2.5 acres 90 Aeration/destratification Lump sum 398 Chlorination at RWPS 1,050 gpm 186 Micro-filtration at RWPS 850 gpm 1,029 Subtotal Construction, $xl,000 2,448 Contractor OH&P 20percent 490 Contingencies 30 percent 881 Engineerinl! and administration 15 percent 573 Total Project Cost, $xl"'000 4,392 Annual Cost RWPS expansion O&M 17 WQ controls (chlorination/micro-filtration) 32 Reservoir/wetlands maintenance and security 27 Allowances and other 19 Amortized capital 6 percent over 20 yrs 382 Total Annual Cost, $xl,O00/vr 476 Annual Revenue RW sales 352 AFY@$660/AF (232) Wetlands restoration/enhancement 0 Recreational proceeds (fishing, boating, etc.) Visitor fees@$2.50/d (13) Total Annual Revenue, $xl,000/yr (245) Annual A voided Costs Purchase cost of potable water 290 AF@$700/AF (204) Amortized capital for WRP expansion Not applicable 0 Amortized capital for RW oper. storage 0.2 Mga1@$140K (12) Variable O&M for WRP expansion Not applicable 0 Variable O&M for RWPS 55 kwb@$ 0.1/kwh (6) Amortized capital for alt. wetlands mitigation 2.5 ac@$500 K (11) Total A voided Cost, $xl,000/yr (233) Net Annual Cost/(Revenue), $xl,OOO/vr (1) COvLENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J 7-6 Report Recommendations Table 7-4 Economic Assessment of R\iV Conversion at lJltimate Conditions Item Quantity $xl,000 Capital Cost RW forcemain connection 2,200LF@18-in 345 R WPS expansion 1,400 gpm 799 Water quality control features: Constructed u/s wetlands (runoff) 5.0 acres 181 Aeration/destratification Lump sum 398 Chlorination at RWPS 2,100 gpm 335 Micro-filtration at RWPS 1,700 gpm 1,894 Subtotal Construction, $xl,000 3,952 Contractor OH&P 20 percent 790 Contingencies 30 percent 1,423 Engineering and administration 15 percent 925 Total Project Cost, $xl.00O 7,089 Annual Cost RWPS expansion O&M 26 WQ controls (chlorination/micro-fiJttation) 64 Reservoir/wetlands maintenance and security 30 Allowances and other 30 Amortized capital 6 percent over 20 vrs 617 Total Annual Cost, $xl,000/vr 767 Annual Revenue RW sales 352 AFY@$660/AF (232) Wetlands restoration/enhancement 0 Recreational proceeds (fishing, boating, etc.) Visitor fees@$2.50/d (13) Total Annual Revenue, $xl,000/vr (245) Annual A voided Costs Amortized capital for WRP expansion 2.5 MGD@$3.8M (431) Amortized capital for RW storage 0.75 Mgal@$0.5M (46) Variable O&M for WRP expansion 2.5MGD (47) Variable O&M for RWPS 155 kwh@$ 0.1/kwh (16) Amortized capital for alt. wetlands mitigation 5.0 ac@$500 K (22) Total Avoided Cost, $xl,000/yr (560) Net Annual CosU(Revenue), $xl.000/vr (38) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELl./PBS&J 7-7 Month 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Start Phase II RWDS Expansion 1. AW Conversion Proieci Plannin J 14,mohths· 1. 1 -Proj Plan/Facility Report 12mos·"' 1.2 -Environmental Review .-1z mos 2. Constructed Wetlands 34(110S 2.1 -Desian/Bid 10 mos 2.2 -Construction 12mos 2.3 -Start-Uo 1411'\0S 3. Aeration/Destralification 16 mo_s 3.1 -Oesian/Bid 6 mos 3.2 -Construction a.mos 3.3 -Start-Up 2 mos 4. Transmission Pipeline/Box 24mos 4.1 -Deslon/Bid 8mos 4.2 -Construction 14 mos 4.3 • Start-Up 4'mos 5. Calavera RWPS ·34 mos• coordinate with Phase ll'RWOS Exoansfoo schedule 5.1 -Phase II Hvdraulic Mods Desian 6mos_ 5.2 -Micro-filtration Svstem Deslan 6'mos 5.3 -Chlorination System Oesian 611'\0S 5.4 -384 Zone PS & PAV Desi< n .6mos 5.5 -Phase II Bid 2 mos· 5.6 -Construction 1Bmos 5.7 • Start-Up 4mos Figure 7-2 RW Conversion Facilities Design and Construction Schedule M:\Profe<:ts\Carisbad.224\LakeCelaPOR.001\0lvrable\F',g 7-17-2 • Fig 7-2 Report Recommendations WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM Pre-Conversion To test potential performance of the Lake Calavera storage system, a water quality monitoring program should be initiated. It .is recommended that such a monitoring program be implemented in 20021 to establish an accurate and reliable database for future operations and management decisions. This program should continue until the reservofr is converted to use in the RW system. Table 7-5 illustrates a pre-conversion water quality monitoring program, with samples collected in the water column near the existing outlet tower. The program requires use of a small boat for sample acquisition as well as use of a portable analyzer to measure common limnetic parameters at various depths. At the program's onset, several additional samples should be collected at other locations within the Lake, to verify that the recommended sample location is adeqt1ately representative of the entire water body. Parameter, units Fre uenc Dissolved oxygen, mg/L Analyzer Profilen Quarterly Temperature, degrees F Analyzer Profile3 Quarterly pH Analyzer Profilea Quarterly Electrical conductivity, µmhos/cm Analyzer Profilea Quarterly Oxidation-reduction potential, m V Analyzer Profilea Quarterly Turbidity, NTU Analyzer Profile3 Quarterly Total coliform, MPN/ 100ml Grab Near surface Quarterly Apparent color1 CU Grab Near surface Quarterly Algae count, organisms/ml Grab Near surface Quarterly TOC,rng/L Grab Mid-depth Quarterly General mineral, m IL Grab Mid-de th Quarterly a) Every 5 feet from surface to near bottom. Post-Conversion Table 7-6 provjdes an expanded monitoring program for future storage operations subsequent to RW conversion. Daily sample timing would depend on specific operating times of the proposed aeration/destratification system as well as any specific regulatory requirements. It is suggested that additional samples be collected on an infrequent basis elsewhere within the reservoir, with consideration especially for the upstream end. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWEuJPBS&J 7-9 Report Recommendations Table 7-6 Post Conversion Lake Calavera Monitoring Program Parameter, units Method Depth Frequency Dissolved oxygen, mg/L Analyzer Profilea Monthly° Temperature, degrees F Analyzer Profilea Monthl/ pH Analyzer Profilea Monthl/ Electrical conductivity, µmhos/cm Analyzer ProfiJea Monthll Oxidation-reduction potential, m V Analyzer Profilea Monthll Turbidity, NTU Analyzer Profilea Monthll Total coliform, MPN/lO0ml Grab Near surface Month!/ Apparent color, CU Grab Near surface Quarterly Algae count, organisms/ml Grab Near surface Quarterly TOC,mg/L Grab Top, mid, bottom Quarterly General miner~ mg/L Grnb Top, mid, bottom Quarterly a) Every 5 feet from surface to near bottom. b) April through October, otherwise quarterly. CGvL ENGINEERS IN AsSOCIA TlON WITH POWELIJPBS&J 7-10 REFERENCES Reports: 1. A History of Dams & Water Supply of Westem San Diego County, by LJoyd C. Fowler, 1952 2. Gibraltar Dam Strengthening Project, Final EIR/EA City of Santa Barbara, February 1988 3. Natural Systems for Waste Management and Treatment, Reed, Middlebrooks & Crites, McGraw-Hill, 1988 4. Report on Water Supply for Lake Calavera Golf Course, L. Burzell, August 27, 1990 5. Preliminary Siting Study for the Surface Storage of Reclaimed Water, CWP for Greater San Diego, November 1992 6. The Cost of Water Reclamation in Califomia, Richard, Asano & Tchobanoglous, UC Davis, November 1992 7. Guidelines for Water Reuse, BP A/USAID Technology Transfer Manual, September 1992 8. Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan, City Engineering Department, (Fraser & Cooper Engineering JV), March 1994 9. Sand Canyon Reservoir Micro.filtration DemonstraJion Study, Akiyoshi & Kalinsky, IR WD, August 1995 10. Reservoir Management Strategies: Development and Implementation, Spangenberg, Horne & Quinlan, IRWD Reclaimed Storage Seminar, Water Reuse 96, May 1996 11. Protecting Natural Wetlands -A Guide to Stonn Water Best Management Practices, USEPA Office of Water, October 1996 12. Reclaimed Water Master Plan Update, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, (Corrollo Engineers), November 1997 13. Rancho Carlsbad Channel & Basin Project, City, (Rick Engineering), June 30, 1998 14. Lake Calavera Constructed Wetlands, CMWD, (Brown and Caldwell, Ron Crites), January 1999 15. Sand Canyon Reservoir Filter Media Replacement Pilot Study, Kalinsky & Spangenberg, IRWD, April 1999 16. Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad, City, December 1999 17. City of Carlsbad Receiving Water Quality Sampling Program, City, (D-max Engineering), May 2000 18. Preliminary Design for the Encina Basin Phase 11 Recycled Water Distribution System -Mahr Reservoir Evaluation, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, (CGvL with Powe11 & Associates), May 2000 19. Encina Basin Recycled Water Distribution System Study, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, (Powell & Associates with CGvL), May 2000 20. Conceptual Mitigation Plan, South Carlsbad Village Stonn Drain/Sewer Line, City, May 2000 21. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, City, January 2001 22. Draft Natural Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain/Sewer Line, City, February 2001 CGvLENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITHPOWEU/PBS&J R-1 References Maps, Drawings and Other Sources of Information: 23. Drainage Master Plans l"-1,000', 1,2 of 4 sheets (City Engineering Department drawings# 296-5) 24. Area Orthophoto with topo l"-100' 1 15,24,25 of 225 sheets (Frazier & Cooper), 1988 25. Shooting Range and Access Road draft plan drawing l '-100' 26. Lake Calavera Golf Course, l" -200' proposed plan & conceptual layout 27. Rancho Carlsbad Detention Basin BIB at Cannon Rd. & College Blvd. 11' - 50' with flood map, May 2000 28. CalaveraHillsArea Vegetation Map, l "-200' 29. Soil Survey Map, USGS Quad #22 30. Calavera Hills Village T, 1"-200' (Hunsaker & Assoc.) w/planned sewage lift station 31. Calavera Hills Village Q, Landscape 32. Detention Basin BIB, 'l"-50', Rancho Carlsbad, (Rick Engineering Company) 33. Rancho Carlsbad Channel & Basin Project, 1 "-100' 34. Flood Insurance Rate Map, panel 768 of 2375 35. GIS aerial image file of Northeast Carlsbad, City of Carlsbad, April 2001 36. Water, Sewer, RW pipelines, parcel lines, and 5 feet contours for above area, City of Carlsbad, April 2001 37. Dams Under the Jurisdiction of the State of California, California Divfaion of Safety of Dams, The Resources Agency, Department of Water Resources, <www.dsod.water.ca.gov/bJtn 17> 38. Inspection of Dam and Reservoir in Certified Status, California Division of Safety of Dams, The Resources Agency, Department of Water Resources, Inspection Field Sheets, 12/8/98, 5/31/00 and 5/4/01 39. North County Times-The Californian NET, <www.nctimes.com/news>: 17 A) Dirty Creek Soils Moonlight Beach, 12/3/00 17B) Conservation Plan Targeted/or Volcanic Hill, 12117/00 17C) Group Aims to Save More Calavera Land from Development, 2118101 17D) Carlsbad Kids Take to Lagoons, Creek, Looking for Pollution, 417101 17E) Sierra Club Challenging City Over Calavera Environmental Program, 4/20101 17F) La.ke Calavera to be Drained for Repair, 5/11/01 17G) Lake Study to Include Options for City Use, 5112/01 40. Preserve Calavera-lnfo/Habitat/lssues, <www. preservecala vera. org> 41. Redesigned Wetlands Water Supply Project, Irvine Ranch Water District Project Overview Fact Sheet, <www.irwd.com/environment/wwspfact> 42. Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Storm Water Runoff, Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University, <www.soil.ncsu.edu/Broome> 43. Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Non-Point Source Pollution, NFESC Environmental Department, 1997 <http://enviro.nfesc.navy.mil/wetlands/index> 44. Conceptual Open Space & Conservation Map, Cjty of Carlsbad, June 1994 45. Calavera Nature Preserve Draft 2, November 2000 CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATIONWITRPOWEJ...LJ'PBS&J R-2 Appendix A RECYCLED WATER DEMAND ANALYSIS CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH PoWEuJPBS&J CMWD Recycled Water System Historical Monthly Recycled Water Demands3 (acre-feet), 1995-2000 Factorsc Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals Average PIA MIA Use 18.26 10.65 9.54 42.04 89.83 127.00 149.24 193.48 181.99 128.61 78.10 62.08 1,090.82 90.90 1995 Ratiob I• 0.20 0.12 0.10 0.46 0.99 1.40 1.64 .2,.13 , 2.00 1.41 0.86 0.68 2.13 0.10 Use 33.93 12.11 16.70 89.48 152.55 223.57 198.31 203.14 158.07 130.26 29.78 l0.93 1,258.83 104.90 1996 Ratiob 0.32 0.12 0.85 1.45 ~.13 1.24 0.28 0.10 0.16 1.89 1.94 1.51 2.13 0.10 Use 11.24 34.59 108.29 132.47 181.82 215.65 179.32 171.35 152.62 110.35 24.06 26.26 1,348.01 112.33 1997 Ratiob 0.10 0.31 0.96 1.18 1.62 1.9.2 1.60 1.53 1.36 0.98 0.21 0.23 1.92 0.10 Use 14.22 22.29 50.91 90.73 161.27 228.75 191.74 208.43 158.65 103.86 33.23 68.39 1,332.46 J 11.04 1998 - Ratiob 0.13 0.20 0.46 0.82 1.45 .2,06 1.73 1.88 1.43 0.94 0.30 0.62 2.06 0.13 Use 15.00 55.38 64.71 143.92 204.23 190.64 332.49 183.97 188.02 146.19 100.79 136.37 1,761.71 146.81 1999 1--,-,. Ratiob 0.10 0.38 0.44 0.98 l.39 1.30 1, '2.26 1.25 1.28 1.00 0.69 0.93 2.26 0.10 Use 136.61 56.91 17.06 166.47 142.32 254.36 278.75 248.47 191.98 177.58 91.95 106.77 1,869.24 155.77 2000 Ratiob 0.88 0.37 0.11 1.07 0.91 1.63 1.79 1.60 1.23 1.14 0.59 0.69 l.79 0.11 Simple 0.29 0.25 0.37 0.89 1.30 1.74 1.82 1.72 1.47 1.12 0.49 0.54 1,443.51 120.29 2.05 0.11 Average Adjustedd 0.15 0.11 0.25 0.84 1.30 1.94 '~.05. 1.91 1.54 1.09 0.38 0.44 2.05 0.11 a) Based on actual CMWD metered demands. b) Annual monthly demand variation expressed as a ratio of actual monthly demand divided by the average monthly demand for that year. c) Demand factors include peak-to-average (PIA) month and minimum-to-average (MIA) month. d) See report text for explanation. M :\Projeots\Carlsbad.224\LakeCalaPDR.001 \Data\LkCMoSDS4 -Demands Appendix B SEASONAL STORAGE MODEL RUNS CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOClA TION WITH POWEuJPBS&J Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements -CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 2A: Phase II with Unlimited Seasonal Storage SUPPLY: RW=4.82 mgd; Other=0 mgd DEMAND: Phase II @ 5,400 ac-ft/yr STORAGE: o ac-ft existing seasonal storage, 1,644 ac-ft required seasonal storage Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ~---------- TOTAL a) b) c) d) e) f) g) iii .!! -~ " .. ., E ::, 0 > Seasonal Variation Ratlo Project Other Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, ac-ft" ac-ft 0.10 0.10 0.15 70 0.20 0.20 0.11 49 0.40 0.40 0.25 113 1.00 1.00 0,84 378 1.50 1.40 1.30 586 1.70 1.70 1.94 871 1.95 2.10 2.05 -922 1.85 1.80 L91 857 1.50 1.30 1.54 693 1.10 1.00 1.09 492 0.40 0.50 0.38 172 0.30 0.50 0.44 199 -------·-------···----------·-- 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 5,400 INPUT n/a "'-effective/total precipitation ratlo (no units) n/a = irrigation efficiency (no units) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,400 = annual project irrigation demand (ac-fVyr) 8.00 = maximum recycled water supply available (mgd). 0.00 = maximum other water supply available (mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir lnflow allowed (mgd) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8.00 = maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgd) 2,000 = maximum reservoir wori<ing storage available (ac-ft) Monthly Supply / Oemand r, ~DDemand~ ...... ...... ■Supply f----- L--- ' f--...... i --- ----) -- -, -- --------f j r -1 Jan Fell Mar Apr May Jun Jul ,O.Vg &lp Oct Nos Dec Month F;\Pro;ects\Powell.207\C<!(lsbad Ph ll.001\Reseivolr\LkCMoSOS4 • 2A·Phll(FS) Total Demand, ac-ft 70 49 113 378 586 871 922 857 693 492 i72 199 ---------- 5,400 RW Other Total Reser. Reser. Unused Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage, RW Supp., ac-ft 0 ac-ft e ac-ft ac•ft' ac-ftg ac-ft 450 0 450 380 910 297 450 0 450 401 1,31 i 297 450 0 450 337 1,649 297 450 0 450 72 1,721 297 450 0 450 (136) i ,585 297 450 0 450 (421 ) 1,165 297 450 0 450 (472) 692 297 450 0 450 (407) 285 297 450 0 450 (243) 42 297 450 0 450 (42) 0 297 450 0 450 278 278 297 450 0 450 251 530 297 ----------------- --------·-------------·--------------------·- 5,400 .; i ::, .. ., 12 ::, 0 > 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 5,400 0 OUTPUT 2.05 = peak month factor (no units) n/a "'irrigatfon application rate (ft/yr) 5,400 = annual total demand (ac•ft/yr) 1.00 =total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul = maximum lrrlg!ltion demand month Jan =-minimum irrigation demand month 4.82 = maximum RW supply used (mgd,) 3,565 o.oo = maximum other supply used (mgd) 4.30 = maximum reservoir inflow used (mgd) 5.05 = maximum reservoir outflow used (mgd) 1,721 = maximum reservoir working storage used (ac-ft) Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply --Reser. ----------------------,-&-Unused - Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month 5/31100 I Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements -CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 2B: Phase II w/ Mahr Seasonal Storage only SUPPL V: RW=8.00 mgd; Other=2.12 mgd DEMAND: Phase II @ 5,400 ac-ft/yr STORAGE: 0 ac-ft existing seasonal storag.e, 151 ac-ft required seasonal storage Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ---------- TOTAL a) b) c) d) e) f) g) iii "*-! u .. t :, 0 > Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, ac-ft 0 0.10 0.10 0.15 70 0.20 0.20 0.11 49 0.40 0.40 0.25 113 1.00 1.00 0.84 378 1.50 1.40 1.30 586 1.70 1.70 1.94 871 1.95 2.10 2.05 922 1.85 1.80 1.91 857 1.50 1.30 1.54 693 1.10 1.00 1.09 492. 0.40 0.50 0.38 172 0,30 0.50 0.44 199 -----·• ---------- 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 5,400 INPUT n/a = effective/total precipitation ratio (no units) n/a = irrigation efficiency (no units) ac-tt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --·- 0 5,400 = annual project irrigation demand (ac-ft/yr) 8.00 = maximum recycled water supply available (mgd) 2.00 = maximum other water supply available (mgd) 1.00 = maximum reservoir inflow allowed (mgd) 1,000 900 BOO 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1.50 = maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgd) 151 = maximum reservoir working storage available (ac-ft) Monthly Supply I Demand 1DDemandL ~ LJ ■svpply -- ~ -'- --- --' -- -- • --. '-11-f!I r1 r-l l 0I --- I I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jon Jul AUg Sep Oct Nov Dec Month F:\Projects\Powe0.207\Carlsbad Ph ll.001\ReseNoirllkCMoSOS4 • 2B·Phll(MAO) Total Demand, ac-ft 70 49 113 378 586 871 922 857 693 492 172 199 5,400 RW Other Total System Reser. Unused Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage, RW Supp., ac-ft a ac-ft • ac-ft ac-ft ' ac-ft 9 ac-ft 145 0 145 76 76 602 124 0 124 76 151 623 113 0 113 0 151 635 378 0 378 0 151 370 586 0 586 0 151 161 747 0 747 {124) 27 0 747 148 895 (27) 0 0 747 110 857 (0) 0 0 693 0 693 0 0 54 492 0 492 0 0 255 172 0 172 0 0 575 199 0 199 0 0 549 --------------·---·-----------·-·-····----- 5,142 ... ., 4! !! u .. oj E :, g 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 500 400 300 200 100 258 5,400 0 OUTPUT 2.05 = peak month factor (no units) n/a : Irrigation application rate (ftlyr) 5,400 = annual total demand (ac-ft/yr) 1.00 = total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul = .maximum irrigation demand month Jan = minimum irrigation demand month 8.00 = maximum RW supply used (mgd) 1.58 = maximum other supply used (mgd) 0.81 "' maximum reservoir inflow used (mgd) 1.32 = maximum reservoir outflow used (mgd) 3,823 151 = maximum reservoir working storage used (ac-ft) Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul />/Jg Sep Ocr Nov Dec Month 5131/00 Analysts of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements -CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysi~ SCENARIO 2C: With Lk Calavera Seasonal Storage, dry yr. precip. SUPPLY: RW=B.00 mgd; Other:0.66 mgd DEMAND: Phase II @ 5,400 ac-fVyr STORAGE: 161 ac-ftexistlng seasonal storage, 352 '!IC-ft required seasonal storage Other Total RW Other Total MahrResv. Runott Lk Calavr. Calavera Seasonal VariaJlon Ratio Pro]ect System Unused I Month Min Ory Avg Oemand, Demand, Demand, Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage Retained Storage, Elev AW Supp., ac-ft • ac-ft ac-ft ac•tt• ac-fl • ac-ft ac-ft' ac-ft g ac-ft ac-ft h ft ac-ft I I l Jan Feb Mar ,V,r May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Dec TOTAL 'i i Ii .. i :, 0 > a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 20(1 0.10 0.20 0.40 1.00 1.50 1.70 1.9& 1.85 1.50 1.10 0.40 0.30 12.00 I INPUT D w 0.10 0.20 0.40 1.00 HO 1.70 -2.10 1.80 1.30 1.00 0.50 0.50 12.00 I 0.15 47 0.11 94 025 187 0.84 468 1.30 655 1.94 798 2.05 983 1.91 842 1.54 608 1.09 468 0.38 234 0.44 234 12.00 5,616 5,616 = amual profecl lmgatioo demand (ac-lt/ylj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.00 = maiclmum recycled water supply availabls (mgd) 2.00 = maximum other wa,ter supply available (mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir Inflow allowed {mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir ouillow allowed (mgd) 47 94 187 468 655 796 983 842 608 4Q8 234 234 5,616 151 = m.u<imum reservoir working storage ava1able (ac•fl) at Ma.ht 350 = maximum re,e!VOif working sto,age avalfabl1 (ac-11) at Calavera Monthly Supply/ Demand Jan ,,_, Mo, A"1 May Jun Jul A.lo Sap Oct -Ooc Monlh 122 169 18'7 468 655 747 747 747 608 468 234 234 5,388 f ; • t :, ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8} 9) 10) 11) 7IICI 600 500 ,oo 300 200 100 • ~. 0 122 76 76 72 160 204 625 0 169 76 151 72 232 207 578 0 187 0 151 29 261 209 560 0 468 0 151 14 274 209 279 0 655 0 151 0 274 209 92 0 747 (48) 103 0 274 209 0 0 747 (236) (133) 0 141 202 0 0 747 (95) 0 0 46 194 0 0 608 0 0 0 50 195 139 0 468 0 0 3 53 195 279 0 234 0 0 12 65 197 513 0 234 0 0 23 88 199 513 0 5,388 (228) 224 228 15 3,578 160 203 Curve: Depth (ft)= (10,593 • Volume (AF)) A 0.4195 2.10 = peak month fader (no un,11) n/a = irrigation applicalioo rare (l\lyll 5,816 = amual total demand (ao-tt,yr) 1.00 = total supply/demand ratio (no untts) Jul " mal<lmum Irrigation demand mont~ Jan = minimum Irrigation demand month 8.00 : maximum RW supply used (mgd) 0.00 : maximum other supply used (rngd) 0,81 =-max!n-,m reseNOir inflow u$l!cl (rngd) 2.52 = maidmum rese,voir out.flow used (mgd) 204 = maximum resef\loir working sto,age used (ac-11) QJlQ typjded WRP capaciy Monthly Reservoir I Unused RW Supply -+-~Hr, ------------------------------&--Unu.od ---------- fob -.... Oct Nov Month S/31100 Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements -CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysi~ SCENARIO 2C: With Lk CalaveraSeasonal Storage, avg. yr. precip. w/diversion SUPPLY: RW=B.00 mgd; Other=0.66 mgd DEMAND: Phase ii @ 5,400 ac-ft/yr STORAGE: 151 ac-fl existing seasonal storage, 352 ac-11 required seasonal stol'89e Seasonal Variation Ratio Project other Total RW Other Total System MatrrResv. Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, Demand, Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage Month ac-ft 0 ac-ft ac-ft ac-ft • ac-ft • ac-ft ac-ft' ac-tt g Jan 0.10 0.10 0.15 70 0 70 145 0 145 76 76 Feb 0,20 0.20 0.11 49 0 49 124 0 124 76 151 Mar 0,40 0.40 0.25 113 0 i 13 113 0 113 0 151 Apr 1.00 ;,oo 0.84 378 0 378 378 0 378 0 151 M~y 1.50 1.40 1.30 588 0 586 586 0 586 0 151 Jun 1.70 1,70 1.94 871 0 871 716 0 716 (154) (3) Jul 1.95 2.10 2.05 922 0 922 716 0 716 (206) 0 Aug 1.85 1,80 1.91 857 0 857 716 0 716 (141) 0 Sep 1,50 1.30 1,54 693 0 693 693 0 693 0 0 Oct 1.10 1.00 1.09 492 0 492 492 0 492 0 0 Nov 0.40 0.50 0.38 172 0 172 172 0 172 0 0 Dec 0.30 0.50 0.44 199 0 199 199 0 199 0 0 ---.. TOTAL 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 5,4-00 0 5,400 5,050 0 5,050 (350) Runoff Lk Calavr. Calavera Unused Retained Storage, Elev RW Supp,, ao-ft ac-ft h ft ac·ft 124 205 20o 571 107 312 211 592 89 401 214 604 0 401 214 339 0 401 214 130 0 397 214 0 0 192 205 0 0 51 195 0 0 50 195 23 .0 so 195 224 0 50 195 545 31 81 198 518 351 351 19 3,547 216 205 INPUT 0 w Curve: Depth (fl)= (10,593 • Volume (AF})" 0,4195 .; t ,; E ::, 0 > a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1iOr;JO 900 600 700 EOO 600 400 300 200 100 0 5,400 = annual project Irrigation, demand (ao-11/yr; 7.67 = maximum recycled water supply available (mgd) 2.00 = maximum other water ·supply available {mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir innow allowed (mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgd) 151 = maximum reservoir working storage available (ac-ft) at Mahr 350 = max[mum reservoir working stora_ge available (ac-ft) at Calavera Monthly Supply/ Demand Jan Fob Mar p.,,, May J~ Juf AUQ Sop Oct Nov Dae Month F:'\Pro/eet&\Powell.207\Carl!.bad F'tl tl.OOt\Re:sflN041\LkCMoSOS4 -2C•Phll(•vo) 1) 2) S) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 2.05 = peak month factor (no units) n/a : irrigalion applicafion rate (!Vyr] 5,400 : annllal total demand (ac-!Vyr) 1.00 = total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul = maximum Irrigation demand m9ntt Jan = minimum Irrigation demand mon1h 7.67 = maximum RW supply used (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other supply used (mgd) 0,81 = maidmum reservoir Inflow used ("1Qd) 2:20 = maximum reservoir outflow used (mgd) 331 = maxlmum reservoir working storage used (ac-11) Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply Q...aa avoided WRP capac;y 700 r------------------------------~ 800 Jan Jun Aug Sep OcJ Nov Mo,nlh Analysis o1 Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements• CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysi~ SCENARIO 2C: Wllh Lk Calavera Seasonal Stora.ge, avg. yr. precip. w/diversion SUPPLY; RW=8.00 mgd; Other=0.66 mgd DEMAND: Phase II @ 5,400 ac-fttyr STORAGE: 151 ac-ft exlstlng seasonal storage, 352 ao-ft required seasonal storage Month Ja.n Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL a) b) c) cl) 8) f) Seasonal V,ulatlon Ratio Wet 0.10 0.20 0.40 1.00 1.50 1,70 1.95 1.85 1.50 1. 10 0.40 0,30 12.00 I llif.l.!.! 0 w Max 0.10 020 0.40 1.00 1.40 1.70 2.10 1.80 1.30 1.00 0.50 0.50 12.00 Avg 0.15 0.11 0.25 0.84 1.30 1.94 2.05 1.91 1.54 1.09 0.38 0.44 I 12.00 Project Other Demand, Demand, ac•ft 0 BC·ft 43 0 86 0 171 0 428 0 641 0 727 0 834 0 791 0 641 0 470 0 171 0 128 0 5,130 0 5.130 = annual profect irrigation demand (ac-ftlyr; 6.67 = maldmum recycled water supply avaUable (mgd) 2.00 = maximum Dlher water supply available (mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir inflow allowed (mgd) 8.00 = maximum reservoir otJtfiow allowed (mgd) Total Demand, ac-ft 43 88 171 428 641 127 834 791 641 470 171 128 5,130 g) h) 151 = maximum reservoirworidng storllge avaUable (ac-tt) at Mahr 350 = maximum reservoir working s10tage avaDable (ac-11) at Calaoera Monthly Supply/ Demand 900 ~-------------------, •oa +----------<1-----r.a~o~"""'-~-:-,....~ 700 +----------f ■supply i:+-------ft t 400 -!------t ~ 300 +------t .looFe1,MarJA,,,""1' .... Jul""96opOetNovO.. Month AW Supply, ac-ft0 118 161 171 428 623 623 623 623 623 470 171 128 4,762 .. i .; E :, 0 > 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) .... 500 - 300 200 100 O1.her Total System MahrAesv. Aunott UcCal;ivr. Calavera Unused Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage Retained Storage, Elev AW Supp., ac•ft • ac-ft ac-tt' ac-ft g ac-tt ac-ft h ft ac-tt 0 118 76 76 144 344 212 505 0 161 76 151 106 420 215 462 0 171 0 151 0 420 215 452 0 428 0 151 0 420 215 195 0 623 (18) 133 0 420 215 0 0 623 (104) 29 0 420 215 0 0 623 (211) (182) 0 238 208 0 0 623 (168) 0 0 70 197 0 0 623 (18} 0 0 62 195 0 0 470 0 0 0 so 195 153 0 171 0 0 93 143 203 452 0 128 0 0 58 200 206 495 0 4,762 (368) 400 370 20 2,713 266 207 Curve: Depth (ft)~ (10,593 • Volume (AF)) A 0.4195 1.95 = peak monlh factor (no units) n/a = imgation app&cation rate (ftlyr) 5,130 = aMUal total demand (ac•ftlyr) 1.01 = total supply/demand ratio (no units) jul = maximum Irrigation demand montt Jan = minimum lrrlgallon demand month 6.67 = maximum RW supply used (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other supply uaed (mgd) 0,81 =maxmum reservoir lnflow used (mgd) 2.26 = maximum reservoir outllow used (mgd) 350 = maximum reservoir wor1dng storage used (ac-fl) Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply u.a iiYC/lded WRP capacjy _____________________________ j:::=::.i ~-------- Fob Jon --Month Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements• CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 3A: Ultimate with Unlimited Seasonal Storage SUPPLY: RW=8.74 mgd; Other=O n,gd DEMAND: Ultimate @ 9,800 .ac-ft/yr STORAGE: O ao-ft existing seasonal storage, 2,983 ac-ft required seasonal storage Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other Total Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, Demand, Month ao-ft • ac-ft ac-ft Jan 0.10 0.10 0.15 126 0 126 Feb 0.20 0.20 0.11 88 0 88 Mar 0.40 0.40 0.25 204 0 204 Apr 1.00 1.00 0.84 685 0 685 May 1.50 1.40 1.30 1,063 0 1,063 Jun 1.70 1,70 1.94 1,580 0 1,580 Jul 1.95 2.10 2.05 1,673 0 1,673 Aug 1.85 1.80 1.91 1,556 0 1,556 Sep 1.50 1.30 1.54 1,258 0 1,258 Oct 1.10 1.00 1.09 893 0 893 Nov 0.40 0.50 0.38 311 0 311 Dec-0.30 0.50 0.44 360 0 360 1--------·---,-------------·--------·-----.. ---------·-------------------··---·'"'---· ·-- TOTAL ii ~ f " "' t ::, 0 > a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 1,800 1,600 1,400 1.200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 9,800 0 r nla = effective/total precipitation ratio (no units) n/a = Irrigation efficiency (no units) 9,800 = annual project lrrigatfon demand (ao-ft/yt) 20.00 = maximum recycled water supply available (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other water supply available (mgd) 12.00 = maximum reservoir inflow allowed (mgd) 12.00 = maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgd) 3,125 = maximum reservoir working storage available (ac,ft) Monthly Supply/ Demand ~ ,-' ~ !DDemand~ --i ■supply . ~ ---~ I, 1,· ---1, --· ---- " --------'-'-'-'-{ -I " 1, f ~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct r,Jov Dec Month F:IProfects\Powell.207\Ca~sbad Ph ll.001\ReservolillkCMoSDS4 -SA-Ult(FS) 9,800 AW Supply, ac-ft a 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 9,800 ii ., "; e u .. t ::, g 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1.000 500 Other Total Reser. Reser. Unused Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage, RWSupp., ac-ft • ac-ft ac-ft' ac-ft 9 ac-ft 0 817 690 1,652 1,051 0 817 728 2,380 1,051 0 817 612 2,992 1,051 0 817 131 3,124 1,051 0 817 (247) 2,877 1,051 0 817 (764) 2,113 1,051 0 817 (857) 1,257 1,051 0 8H (739) 518 1,051 0 817 (441) 76 1,051 0 817 (76) 0 1,051 0 817 505 505 1,051 0 817 456 961 1,051 ------·---·----·---·----L----------------·-·---- 0 9,800 0 OUTPUT 2.05 = peak month factor·(no units) n/a = irrigation applicatlon rate (ft/yr) 9,800 = annual total demand (ac-ft/yr) 1.00 =total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul = maximum Irrigation demand month Jan = minimum irrigation demand month 8.74 = maximum AW supply used (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other supply used (mgd) 7.80 = maximum reservotr inflow used (mgd) 9.17 = maximum reservoir outflow used (mgd) 12,613 3,124 = maximum reservoir working s\orage used (ac-ft) Monthly Reservoir / Unused RW Supply Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month 5131/00 Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements -CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 38: Ultimate w/ Mahr Seasonal Storage only SUPPL V: AW:18.37 mgd; Other=0 mgd DEMAND: Ultimate @ 9,800 ac-ft/yr STORAGE: O ac-tt existing seasonal storage, 151 ac-tt required seasonal storage Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, Month ac-ft c ac-ft Jan 0.10 0.10 0.15 126 0 Feb 0.20 0.20 0.11 88 0 Mar 0.40 0.40 0.25 204 0 Apr 1.00 1.00 0.84 685 0 May 1.50 1.40 1.30 1,063 0 Jun 1.70 1.70 1.94 1,580 0 Jul 1.95 2.10 2.05 1,673 0 Aug 1.85 1.80 1.91 1,556 0 Sep 1.50 1.30 1.54 1,258 0 Oct 1.10 1.00 1.09 893 0 Nov 0.40 0.50 0.38 311 0 Dec 0.30 0.50 0.44 360 0 --·------·------·-·-----···- TOTAL 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 9,800 0 a) b) c) d) e) I) g) 1,800 1,600 1,400 .:; ~ 1.200 e " .. 1,000 t 800 ::, 0 > 600 .400 200 0 INPUT n/a =-effecllve/1otal precipitation ratio (no units) n/a = irrigation efficiency (no units) 9,800 = annual project Irrigation demand (ac-ft/yr) 16.75 = maximum recycled water supply available (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other water supply available (mgd) 1.00 = maximum reservoir inflow allowed (mgd) 1.50 ; maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgd) 151 = maximum reservoir working storage available (ac-ft) Monthly Supply/ Demand +--------....--t t--c:------1 D Demand r----i ■Sopply Jan Feb Mar /<pl May Jun Jul Auo Sep Oct Nov Dec Month F;\Pn,Jects\Powell.207\Cai1sbad PN ILOOI\ReselVOfr\LkCMoSDS4 -'3B·Ull(MRO) Total Demand, ac-ft 126 88 204 685 1,063 1,580 1,673 1,556 1,258 893 311 360 9,800 AW Supply, ac-ft a 202 164 204 685 1,063 1,553 1,553 1,552 1,258 893 311 360 9,800 1 " "' r 0 > 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 1,600 1,400 1200 1,000 800 600 400 200 Other Total Reser. Reser. Unused Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage, RW Supp., ac•ft • ac-ft ac-ft' ac-ft 9 0 202 76 76 0 164 76 151 0 204 0 151 0 685 0 151 0 1,063 0 151 0 1,553 (27) 124 0 1,553 (120) 4 0 1,552 (4) 0 0 1,258 0 0 0 893 0 0 0 311 0 0 0 360 0 0 ... -·· 0 9,800 0 OUTPUT 2.05 = peak month factor (no units) n/a = irrigation appltcauon rate (fl/yr) 9,800 = annual total demand (ac-fl/yr) 1.00 =total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul = maximum irrigation demand month Jan = minimum irrigation demand month 16.63 = maximum AW supply used (mgcl) ac-ft 1,362 1,400 1,360 879 501 11 11 12 306 671 1,253 1,204 8,971 0.00 = maximum other suppfy used (m,gd) 0.81 = maxlmum reservoir inflow used (mgd) 1.28 = maximum reservoir outflow used (mgd) 151 = maximum reservoir working storage used (ac-ft) Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply =------=·. _. ___________ ~Reser. ____ _ -e-unused Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month 5f3Ml0 Analysis of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements • CMWO Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 3C: With Lk Calavera Seasonal Storage, dry yr. precip. SUPPLY: AW=16.76 mgd; Other=0 mgd DEMAND: Ultimate @ 9,800 ao-ft/yr STORAGE: 151 ac-lt existing seasonal storage, 352 ac-11 required seasonal storage Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other Total RW Other Total I System MaMResv. Min Ory Avg Demand, Demand, Demand, Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage Month ac-lt • ac-lt ac-ft ac-ft • ac-ft. ac-ft ac•ft' ac•ft Jan 0.10 0.10 0.15 86 0 86 161 0 161 76 76 Feb 0.20 0.20 0.11 172 0 172 247 0 247 76 151 Mar 0.40 0.40 0.26 343 0 343 343 0 343 0 151 Apr 1.00 1.00 0.84 858 0 858 858 0 858 0 151 May 1.50 1.40 1.30 1,201 0 1,201 1,201 0 1,201 0 151 Jun 1.70 1.70 1.94 1,458 0 1,458 1,458 0 1,458 0 151 Jul 1.95 2.10 2.05 1,801 0 1,801 1,485 0 1,485 (316) (165) Aug i.85 1.80 1.91 1,544 0 1.544 1,485 0 1,485 (59) 0 Sep 1.50 1.30 1.54 1,115 0 1,115 1,115 0 1,115 I 0 0 001 1.10 1.00 1.09 858 0 858 858 0 858 0 0 Nov 0.40 0.50 0.38 429 0 429 429 0 429 0 0 Dec 0.30 0.50 0.44 429 0 429 429 0 429 0 0 TOTAL 12.ClO I 12.00 I 12.00 10,290 0 10,290 10,067 0 10.067 (223) Runoff Lk Calavr. Calavera Unused Retained Storage, Elev RW Supp., ac-ft ao-ft9 ft ac-lt 72 160 204 1.324 72 232 207 1,238 29 261 209 1,142 14 274 209 627 0 274 209 284 0 274 209 27 0 109 200 0 0 51 195 0 0 50 195 370 3 53 195 627 12 65 197 1,056 23 88 199 1,056 224 224 14 7,752 158 202. Curve: Depth (ft)= (10.593 • Volume {AF))" 0.4195 a) b) C) d) e) I) W : rrinlffllm variance kl seasonal Oamands {Wei yrJ O =· maxfmum varlance lo seasonal demands (dry yr) 10,290 • annual project lrrigallon demand (ac•fl/yr) 15.90 ~ maximum reoycied waler supply provided (mod) 0.00 ~ ma,dmum other waler wppty available (mod) 8.00 , maid,oom reservoir ltlflow allowed (mgd) 8.00 : malCimum ,eservolrOUCflow atlowed (mgd) 1) 2) 3) WARNINGl4) 5) 6) 7) 2.10 = peal(month factor (no unilS) n/a ~ Jrrigadon appllcallon rate (ft/yf) 10,290 = annual fOlal demand (ac-ft/yr) 1.00 =total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul "ma,rlmum lrrl{Ptlo,i demand-month Jan ~ minimum lrrigallon demand month 151 : maximum reseivoir wori<ing storage 1111;,ilable (ac-fl) at Mahr 352 = maximum reseivolr wori<tng storage available (ae•fl) at Cala\lerr 6) 9) 10) 15.90 ~ maxfmum AW supply used (mgd) 0.00 ~ maximum other supply used (ri,od) 0,81 " max1mum Inflow used (rngd} Monthly Supply/ Demand 1.000 -,-------------------, ).1100 +--------------1 1,IIOO +----------f..1-~-t 1.«>0 +-------~fa--UH,a-------1 ,.-+--------nrl 1,000 t-------llH--••....1•-------1 800 -1------l'W---llll--l a-t-■H ;■-1 ■'"I ■f-----1 !IOl)-t----- 400 -t---.....,,,~-••-,.1..-. ... l■H.la-l ■-f7--ra-l 200 -t-=-s--f 3.38 = maximum outflow used (mgd) 11) 204 " maximum WO<klng storage used (a,;-ft) at LI< Calavere Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply 1,400 ~----------------~ i.200 -------------1===~1------ t,000 lU!§ Ayolded WRP Cagatjry I I Analysts of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements• CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysl£ SCENARIO 3C: With Lk Calavera Seasonal Storage, avg. yr. preclp. SUPPLY: AW=16.76 mgd; Other=O mgd DEMAND: Ultimate @ 9,800 ac,JVyr STORAGE: 151 ao-lt existing seasonal storage, 352 ao-h required seasonal storage Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other iotal RW Other Total System MahrResv, Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, Demand, Supply, Supply, Supply, I Flow, Storage Month ac-tt • ac-tt ac-ft ac•tt • ao-rt • ac--ft ae-ft' ac•ft J.an 0,10 0.10 0.15 126 0 126 202 0 202 76 76 Feb 0.20 0.20 0.11 88 0 88 164 0 164 76 151 Mar 0.40 0.40 0.25 204 0 204 204 0 204 0 151 /1,f,r 1.(JO 1.00 0.84 685 0 685 685 0 685 0 151 May 1,50 1.40 1.30 1,063 0 1,063 1,063 0 1,063 0 151 Jun 1,70 1.70 1.94 1,580 0 1,580 1,436 0 1,436 (144) 7 Jul 1.95 2.10 2.05 1,673 0 1,673 1,436 0 1,436 I (237) (230) Auo 1.85 1 80 1.91 1,656 0 1,556 1,436 0 1,436 I (120) 0 Sep 1.50 1.30 1.54 1,258 0 1,258 1,256 0 1,258 0 0 OC! 1, 10 1.00 1.09 693 0 893 893 0 893 0 0 Nov 0.40 a.so 0.38 311 0 311 311 0 311 0 0 Dec-0.30 0.50 0.44 360 0 360 360 0 360 0 0 Runoff -LkCalavr. Calavera Unused Retained Stora_ge, Elev AW Supp., ac-ft ao-ft9 ft ac-ft 124 205 206 1,234 107 312 211 1,273 89 401 214 1,232 0 401 214 751 0 401 214 373 0 401 214 0 0 171 204 0 0 51 195 0 0 50 195 178 0 so 195 643 0 50 195 1,125 31 81 198 1,076 lrorAL 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 9,800 0 9,800 9,451 I 9,4S1 0 I (350) 351 351 19 7,785 a) b) C) d) e) f) g) h) INPUT W = rrinln.mi variance In seasonal demaods {wel yr) D = maiomum variance'" seasonal demands (dry yr) 9,800 ; annual project lrrigaUon demand (ac-fVyr) 1 s.ae ~ maximum recycled water supply provided (mod) o.oo = ma>clmum other wataf supply available (mgd) 8.00 ~ maximum res.eivolr Inflow allowed {rngd) !LOO = maximum reservoir Olllflow allowed (mgd) t 51 = maximum resowolr wori<lng storage available (ac-11) at Mahr 352 2 maxfmum reservoir wo(king storage available (ac.-h) at Calave11 Monthly Supply I Demand ,.-~------------------. 1,111>0 +---------,..--i 1,.00 +-------- j 1,200 +--------.. ~ 1.000 +--------111-ij .. -llH { 800 g eoo +----- "°° +----- ..... Feb Ma, ~ Mai J.., "" Jo.Jg Sep 0d ,,.,, Cloe - i I .. f I 214 205 Curve: Depth (ft)• (10.593 • Volume (AF))" 0.4195 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 1,400 1,ZlO 1,000 1!01) GOO <00 200 2.05 ~ peak month lac-tor (no units) n/a ~ lmgadon application mta (ftly1 9,800 = annual total demand (ac-11/yr) 1.00 ., total supply/demand ratio (no units) Jul .. maximum Irrigation clemand,monlh Jan = minimum lrrigatloo demand month 15-38 = maidmum AW supply Used (mgd) 0.00 = maximum other supply used (rngd) 0.81 = maximum inflow used (mod) 2.54 = maximum outtlow used (mgd) 331 = maximum wOlkina storage usad (GC'•fl) at Lk Oalavera Monthly Reservoir/ Unused RW Supply ---------1::::::::r1------ o L......,_-+---~-~:::t:~~::::r .Ion Ftb Mar ~· May Jew, Ju "'iv Sep Cid ,.., Dec Month ~ Ayojded WRP Qapacfly 51.31100 I Analysls of Monthly Supply/Demand/Storage Requirements PROJECT: Lake Calavera Improvements • CMWD Recycled Water System Expansion Analysis SCENARIO 3C: With Lk Calavera Seasonal Storage, wet yr. precip. SUPPLY: AW:16.76 mgd; Otl)er;{) mgd DEMAND: Ultimate @ 9,800 ac-tt/yr STORAGE: 161 ac-ft existing seasonal storage, 352 ac-ft required seasonal storage Seasonal Variation Ratio Project Other Total RW Oth@r Total System MahrResv. Min Max Avg Demand, Demand, Demand, Supply, Supply, Supply, Flow, Storage Month ac-ft • ac-11 ac-ft ac-11 • ac•ft • ac,ft ac-ft ' ac-tt Jan 0.10 0.10 0.15 78 0 78 153 0 153 76 76 Feb 0.20 0.20 0.11 155 0 155 231 0 231 76 151 Mar 0.40 0.40 0.25 310 0 310 310 0 310 0 151 Apr 1.00 1.00 0.84 ns 0 ns ns 0 ns 0 151 May 1.50 1.40 1.30 1,164 0 1,164 1,164 0 1,164 0 151 Jun 1,70 1.70 1.94 1,319 0 1,319 1,289 0 1,289 (30) 121 J11I 1.95 2.10 2.05 1,513 0 1,513 1.289 0 1,289 (224) (103) Aug 1.85 1.00 1.91 1.435 0 1,435 1,289 0 1,289 (147) 0 Sep t.50 1.30 1.54 1,164 0 1,164 1,164 0 1,164 0 0 Oct 1.10 1.00 1.09 853 0 853 853 0 853 0 0 Nov 0.40 0.60 0.38 310 0 310 310 0 310 0 0 Dec 0.30 0.50 0.44 233 0 233 233 0 233 0 0 TOTAL 12.00 I 12.00 I 12.00 9,310 0 9,310 9,060 0 9,060 I (250) Runoff Lk CaJavr. Calavera Unused Retained Storage, Etev RWSupp., ac,tt ac-tt • fl ac-tt 144 344 212 1,136 106 422 215 1,058 0 422 215 978 0 422 216 513 0 422 215 125 0 422 215 0 0 319 211 0 0 172 204 0 0 so 195 125 0 50 195 435 93 143 203 978 58 200 206 1,056 400 372 20 6,405 282 208 Curve: Depth (ft) • (10.593 • Volume (AF)) "0.4195 a) bl cl d) &) f) g) h) W ~ minimum variance in seasonal demands (we1 y( O s maxlmum variance in seaaonal demands (dry y( 9,310 -aMUal project lrrigatioo demand (ac-11/Y(, 13.80 = ma>irnJm recycled waler sUJ)ply provided (mo<f 0.00 -maxmJIJI D1hM water supply available (mgd' 8.00 • maximum reservoir Inflow allowad (mg<( 8.00 = maximum reservoir outflow allowed (mgcf, 151 • maxi,,..,m reservoir wor11fng storage avallable (ac•fl) a1 Mahi 352 • maximum reservoir w0!1<1ng storage available (ac•ft) al Calaver. Monlhly Supply I Demand 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 1.95 • peak monlh lactor (no unilS) n/a • Irrigation appllcatlO/'I rate (ltlyt) 9,310 -amual tOlal domand (ac-fllyr) 1.02 • Iola) supply/demand ratio (!10 units) Jul =maximum lrrlg~Uon demand month Jan = minimum lrrigallon demand montr 13.80 • maximum RW supply used ( rTQd) 0.00 • maximum o1her supply used (mgd! 0.81 • maxlmum inllow used (mgd) 2.40 -maximumoutllow used (mgd) 352 • maxifT'IJm WOll<ing storage usod (ac-ft) al Lk Cftlava,a Monthly Reservoir I Unused RW Supply 1,200 ~----------------~ 1,000 ---------~====~~ --- llOO ''" foo ""'' ,..,, May .kin Jul A"9 s'I' o,, -0oo 2Jl6 Ayo/dad WRP CaOjlchy ff.WOO Appendix C PROJECT COST OPINIONS CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTH POWELLIPBS&J Table C-1 Opinion of 1/0 Modification Costs 6130 6300 ENRCCI Quantity Material Labor Jan-00 mid'01 Item no unit unit cost,$ unit cost,$ Total Cost,$ A2 Drawdown 65 Mgal 8,100 8,325 A3 Cofferdam 200 LF 135 27,000 165 33,000 60,000 61,664 A4 Muck Removal 400 CY 5 2,000 5 2,000 4,000 4,111 AS Tower Demolition 1 LS 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,555 A6 Db/CD Removal 300 CY 75 22,500 75 22,500 45,000 46.248 140,902 31.8% 81 Shoring 4 ton 600 2,400 360 1,440 3,840 3,946 81 Excavation 20 cy 40 800 20 400 1,200 1,233 81 New Tower Cap 5 cy 215 1,075 405 2,025 3,100 3,186 82 24" Stee·I Pipes 92 ft 115 10,680 105 9,660 20,240 20,801 B2 Welded Joints 20 each 315 6,300 35 7QO 7,000 7,194 82 24x24x 18 Tee 3 900 2,700 1,000 3,000 5,700 5,858 82 24-tn 90 Elbow 1 950 950 770 no 1,720 1,768 82 28x28x24Tee 1 each 1,990 1,990 1,126 1,126 3,116 3,202 B2 Flex Coupling 2 500 1,000 650 1,300 2,300 2,364 B2 16" EGate Valve 1 LS 7,055 7,055 3,000 3,000 10,055 10,334 w/manual accua1or B2 Pipe Supports 8 each 250 2,000 500 4,000 6,000 6,166 82 18" BF Valve 3 each 5,000 15,000 2,250 6,750 21,750 22,353 82 18" SS Wire Screen 3 each 3,500 10,500 1,500 4,500 15,000 15,416 103,822 23.4% 84 Outlet Pipe Repairs 260 ft 72 18,720 100 26,000 44,720 45,960 su~ject to inspection/ 83 Hydrlc Accurn Systen 1 LS 32,000 32,000 41,000 41,000 73,000 75,024 B3 Controls Bldg 150 SF 100 15,000 250 37,500 52,500 53,956 B3 E/1 1 LS 12,000 12,000 5,900 5,900 17,900 18,396 83 Metalworks 1 LS 3,500 3,500 1,600 1,600 5,100 5,241 198,578 44.8% Sales tax 7 .50% 205,070 15,380 15,807 MobiVDernobl 3% 13. 159 13,524 Allowances 10% 57,400 Subtotal -Construction 459,879 530,000 530,033 Contractor OH&P 20% 106,000 Construction 636,000 Contingencies 20% 127,200 Sub-total 763,200 Eng/Envr/ Admin 17% 129,744 Total VO Project 892,944 Table C-2 Opinion of Spillway and Access Road Repair Costs Costs Lake Calavera Remedial Improvements Description Unit Qt. Access Road ltnprovments (Across Spillway Apron) Excavation (Spillway Extension) CY Export Excess Excavation CY Fill (Transition Ramp, Turn Around Region) CY Reinforced Concrete Overlay (Spillway Apron) CY Reinforced Concrete Overlay (Transition Ratnp) CY Reinforeed Gunite Overlay (Spillway Extension) CY Decomposecl Granite (Dam Crest) CY Unit Cost 300 150 150 110 30 40 125 Sub-total: Contingency @ 30% Sub-total: 100 30 40 280 280 62 27 Contractor Overhead & Profit @ 15°/c Spillway/Channel Repairs Excavation (Spillway Channel) CY Reinforced Gunite Overlay (Spillway Channel) CY 30 250 Access Road Total: 250 112 Sub-total: Contingency @ 30% Sub-total: Cost Basis $30,000 -2 $4,500 -2 $6,000 -2 $30,800 -2 $8,400 -2 $2,480 -2 $3,375 -2 $85,555 $25,667 $111,222 i16,683 $130,000 $7,500 (2,3) $28,000 -2 $35,500 $10,650 $46,150 Contractor Overhead & Profit @ 15% $6,923 Spillway/Channel Total: $50,000 Spillway and Access Road Total $180,000 Al A'l A3 A4 AS AS A7 81 82 83 84 86 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 Bl 82 83 84 C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 CB c, C2 C3 C4 cs C6 Table C-3 Remedial lmprov~ments Cost Summary /ram Mobllizatlon DrawOOwn lo min. pool elev. E'recl, Cottarcfam a, T <:Nver Muck Removal Demolilion of Upper Tower Oellris/Calreroam Removal Allowances/olher Items subtotal A New Submer:god Top Cap Size 2,50% LS 65 MQal 1 LS 400OV 1 LS 300CV f6% New 1/0 Works pipe/valves/tees Adcfnl 1/0 Controls for AW future RW Ops outlet Pipe/Bo~ Ropair 260!1· 28 In Allowances/other ilems l!l'll, .sublolal B Spillway Repalre & Extn Dam Repairs (minor) Access Road Improvements Fencing (site securily) Allowanceslotner Items Demoblllzatjoo/Clean Up sobtota:1 C Total Projecl Cost Eng, /EnvJAdmin Total C'apilal Incl. 'EDIVA allowances/other hems 2.00CV 1 LS 1200 LF 600 LF 10% 1% LS 17'¾. 10% Con bass Mid o, $/· 124 10 150 159 71 20 Jan-oo Mld'01 1.64 Base,$ Project.$ ProjQOI,$ 26,000 38,478 8,100 12.467 60.000 92,348 4,000 6,157 A) 20,000 30,763 45,000 69,261 2.4 315 37 424 186,415 266,917 a. 140 12.s2e 92.881 142,955 146,500 228.561 4.4,720 68.8,0 29.~24 ~ 323,665 498,163 31,749 49,865 8,000 12,1313 84,836 130,573 10.000 16,391 1 S,468 20,714 12.llQJl .1Uil 158,043 243,249 668,122 1,028,328 113.W .lli&tii 781,7031,203,144 103,426 Mld'01 assumes lower gate valve openetl "I/release lhroo_gh outlet pJpa subjoct to del11iled <Ile survay and environmental review assuma$ on-site disposal of muck; removal or upper 40 fl soolioas truck-haul of conslruclion debri• assumes· extensive repair of plpefine may be needed gunlle weal wall. dis channel-and clearing floor grOUllriu astwhere required Costs from 'IOWo,~s· Iru-!rno l/0 Works :i,840 20.240 1,200 7fJOO ~ 5,700 8,140 1,720 3,116 2.:ioo 10,056 fully paved from road, ap;on, e<esI and tum-around at easI and now ace,,.. rd gale alld enclosure of 1/0 controls bullding 6,000 2.l,750 .wlQQ 92,881 8-u/o Berm 15,000 Access Rd Controls 73,000 52,500 17,900 ?.,.lilQ 148,500• Ot1IIP.l 44,720 llem Mobilizallon Dmwdown ,to min, pool elev. Erecl 'Cofferdam at Tower Muck Removal wm OHP Con plus OHP 2.6,700 32,100 8,700 10.-400 Pro/sci Coor, : 38,500 12.500 92,300 64. 100 77,000 97,300 SLnl'lS 99,500 167,BOO 116,528 A:!2ta!oB ~ ~ P•Vn~erw•••r 20,025 40.050 26.700 80100 10,320 10,320 6,600 0 a 103,889 04, too o 10,000 Claa,InglGtubblng 56,669 Berms/dikes ~ Control s1ructures/e<i1Jlpment 100.sag Demolitioo of Upper Tower OeM•ICoffordam Reniolllil Allowances/other Items subtotal A Now Submetged Top Cap Newl/OWorf<s Acldnl 1/0 ContrOls for AW Outlet !'{pa/Box Repair Allowa,ice&lolher ilems subtotal B Spillway Repairs & Extn Oam Repoira (mlror) Acee&& Road trnprovemanls Fencing (site security) Allowanceslolher Oemobillzalion/Clean Up sublolalC Tolal Project Cos! Cootlngency @ 2.0% E11g. IEJwJAdmin Total Capltal· lacl. EDIVA OHIP@ 20% Conllngency @ 20% ED/lJA@ 17% Total Oa~ll•I Cos\ 4,300 5,100 21,400 25,700 48,100 57.700 95,500 ~ au.@ 199,200 239.100 199,250 B,700 10.400 99.300 119.100 115,000 168. 700 190,500 47,800 57,400 222,200 aMJlQ fililQ 345,900 415,100 345,917 33,900 40,700 8,600 10,300 90,700 1 08,800 10,700 12,800 14,400 17,300 ~ ~ 47,300 95,500 26,200 168,900 202,700 168,917 714.100 856.900 • •~2.eoo .1ZM.Q2 1,028,300 1WillQ_ 1,203,100 illAQQ' 1,028,300 .!1ilQQ. 1,203,100.. 6.200 30,800 69;500 ~ 286,000 '12,500 143,000 228,600 68,800 .4ilQQ 498,200 48,900 12,300 130,600 192,800 337,200 630,000 42,'iOO 90,700 11,500 17.000 4,300 0 21,400 2.1,40!) 21,400 0 3,000 3,000 48,100 1Mfil ~ ~ 82,806 225,008 199,200 530033 15,400 20,700 1Mllll 243.200 ·JS.800 Sacurily plus damotll & alfow 184,100 714,100 714,100 1,028,300 1,028,300 lli.§llQ 17% 1,203,100 20%0HP 20%CC harm Is a pennanenl slruutu,e $80,000 e~pendarum ror RW conversion ooffe10am is terr,porary strvctur~ $ n 0,000 expeodatum for 1em,x,t31Y Works AppendixD ADDITIONAL SITE PHOTOS CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLJPBS&J f ~ f f ' l f l \ l \ t I ( 1 l Additional Site Photos D1 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING D1-1 Shoreline Vegetation Upstream of Spillway D1-2 Shallow Water Vegetation Viewing Upstream from Spillway Apron CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WlTH POWELiJPBS&J D-1 f { 1 f 1 l \ f I l { l l t I { l l Additional Site Photos Dl-3 Mid Lake Calavera Shoreline from Dam D 1-4 Lake Calavera Inlet Area CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J D-2 i { l t \ l I \ { ( 1 { l { l Additional Site Photos Dl-5 West Granitic Wall of Spillway Channel D 1-6 Wetland and Disturbed Areas West of Lake from Access Road CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J D-3 Additional Site Photos D2 FACILITY DETERIORATION l f f { D2-1 Exposed Spillway Channel Anchors l { -- ( D2-2 Upstream Dam Face Erosion \ l CGvL ENGINEERS Ii\f ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J D-4 { r { { { I { \ I { [ { l { t { ' l Additional Site Photos D2-3 Spillway Channel Walls ,./ T "#J • • .. ; . ' D2-4 Access Road Erosion North of Spillway CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELiiPBS&J D-5 l { l { l Additional Site Photos I ~-- ✓ D2-5 Bed Debris below Spillway Channel D2-6 Construction Debris below Spillway Channel CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUJPBS&J D-6 { 1 [ { l f I { { { f { I l l l l l Additional Site Photos D2-7 Dam Face Erosion and Control Trenching CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLiPBS&J D-7 { 1 f I l I f 1 { ( f { l l l I { \ l Additional Site Photos D3 CALAVERA DAM AND SPILLWAY FEATURES D3-l Downstream Face from Outlet Box at Foot of Dam D3-2 Upstream Face and Crest from Spillway Apron CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J D-8 l J ( f I r [ f l l l { l t l { \ l Additional Site Photos D3-3 Rock Blanket on Upstream Face D3-4 Flotsam/Debris at Dam CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELiiPBS&J D-9 I { l { I ( l { l l Additional Site Photos r .-.. D3-5 Walkway Abutment and Tower CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELIJPBS&J D-10 r I r [ ( ( I 1 I l I I { l l l l \ Additional Site Photos 04 ACCESS ROAD -' --..... D4-1 Security Gate at Entrance to Paved Access Road D4-2 Spillway/Dam Access Road Turnout CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J D-11 [ I l I ( ( l I l l [ l I Additional Site Photos .. D4-3 Spillway Apron to Dam Transition Area D4-4 Barrier Rocks on Apron/Dam Face CGv L ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIA TrON WITH POWELLIPBS&J D-12 f r [ r I I I I I l [ I [ l l Additional Site Photos 05 SITES FOR FUTURE RW FACILITIES D5-1 Calavera RWPS Site A D5-2 CalaveraRWPS Site Bl CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUJPBS&J D-13 r r [ [ I l ( I r ( [ l I l l \ Additional Site Photos D5-3 Calavera RWPS Site B2 D5-4 I/O Control Building/Candidate RWPS Site A Viewing East Towards Darn Crest CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELL/PBS&J D-14 Appendix E OUTLET TOWER VIDEO SURVEY CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J Appendix E Outlet Tower Video Survey Date: Jane 28, 2001 Survey Crew: Everest V1T Technicians (C. Harke and J. Petty), City maintenance personnel (2), CGvL Engineers (J. Kennedy) Procedure & Results: Meet at City Maintenance Yard 7 AM to pick up boat, trailer, access ladder and operations/maintenance crew. Launch boat and access top of tower with secured ladder and safety equipment (8 -9 AM). Set up video equipment/control and power connections between tower and dam (9 -10 AM). EVIT technician Petty on tower to lower/retrieve camera, and EVIT technician Harke in truck on dam to operate camera tilt/focus/swing and record video (10 AM-12:30). Remove equipment, repack, and demobilize (12:30 - 2 PM). Taoe Count Camera Attitude and Observations First run down interior of tower (approx. start 10:15 AM) 0-3.8 360 pan from below safety grate on top platform (el. 219.5) 3x6-in redwood planks all intact, 3 wheel housings intact, small amount of concrete ac·cretion/chipping on platform. Camera tilt angle varies during the double pan (twice around interior) from 0 (straight down) past 90 (horizontal) to about130 up toward top edge of tower (el. 223), .interior ladder intact above platform opening. Air temp. 88 F. 3.8-5.2 Camera lowered below top platform to el. 218-216 approx. Interior ladder rungs, bars and support brackets heavily corroded, valve shafts and support brackets heavily corroded, 6-in iron I-beams intact. · 5.2-7.9 Check light (on/off) and camera lowered approx. el. 212 wl 360 pan of walls, ladder and shafts ( also up/down tilt). Concrete walls look to be in good condition but metal work highly corroded. Air temp. 90 F. 7.9-8.7 Camera lowered another foot or two. Interior ladder broken at approx. el. 210, just above upper most 18-in gate valve, redwood platform (el. 207) almost entirely gone, 6-in iron I-beams supporting several rotted redwood planks from above. Absent/open gate valve at el. 208' permits direct inflow from reservoir surface level. Estimated flow of 10-20 gpm ( 100- 200 cf./hr) pouring onto a 6-in I-beam and cascading in droplets 40-45 fl below. 8.7 -9.9 Viewing down toward mid-and lower valves/platforms below. View somewhat obscured by cascading inflow from top portal. Ladder gone, only some supports remain in wall. Bent ladder bars can be seen below. Air temp. 82F. 10.0-16.2 Slow lowering of camera and close up of ladder parts and valves at approx. el. 200. Camera lowered another 20-30 ft past mid (eJ. 201) and lower (el.189) valves. No evidence of leakage below water line. On full tilt, several wood planks floating on water surface below. 16.2 -20.9 Camera slowly lowered to water surface (el. 165 approx.). Several near Outlet Tower Video Survey water-logged wood planks from upper platforms floating on surface. 20.9-23.2 Camera submerged in 2-3 feet of standing water. Considerable amount of slime-covered debris, presumed planking/ metal parts/other possible components, on floor of tower (between el.160-163 approx.). Small fish ( est. 1-3-in length) observed in debris. Attempts at guiding camera into 28-in steel outlet pipe unsuccessful. Underwater pan and tilt. Water riled up Water temp. 78 F. 23.2-26.2 Camera brouRht back(uo) to water surface (el. 165 approx.) and shut off Second run with bung (safety cone) inserted from boat in upper intake port (approx. time 10:45 AM) 26.2-27.3 Camera lowered down tower interior wall adjacent to ladder. Bung plug unsuccessful in stemming inflow. No new observations during rapid 50 ft descent 27. -28.4 Camera reaches water level (approx. el. 165) and submerRed. 28.4 -30.2 Camera pan and tilt below water level. Extensive slime growth on debris, fisb and other aquatic organisms, some slime on camera lens. 30.2-0.8 Stir up sediment, focus difficult. Camera pulled back up to lowet 18-in inlet £ate valve (el. 189). View and orient toward valve. 30.8-34.8 Maneuver camera lens onto face of lower 18-in gate valve flange. Seal looks tight, no indication of Jeaka2e. Some corrosion evident on face. 34.8-35.2 Camera up to middle 18-in inlet gate valve (el. 201). Also looks tight with no indication of leaka2e. 35.2 -36.0 Camera uo to uooer-most 18-in ooen Rate valve oort ( el. 208). 36.0-36.6 Quick shot of bung from inside of open port, ineffectual as plug, can be seen folded over in inlet port. More rigid bung to fit port opening required to close inlet. View exterior tower walls from top (approx. start 11:20AM) 36.6-37.0 Lower camera down south side tower fa ce to water line (el. 226 to 208) 37.3 -38.2 Lower camera to bottom (el. 208 to 182 approx.). Poor view of wall due to aquatic growth in uooer 10-12ft zone and sediment at bottom, 38.2-39.2 Close up of wall on. ascent (el. 185-190 approx.) Exterior concrete waIJ looks in good condition. Water temp 74 F. 39.2-40.4 Camera up to surface (el. 208), Abundant weed growth, unable to view tower wall. Water temp 78 F 40.5 -40.9 Surface to below water line (el. 208) on north side, no view, extensive weeds .end tape Concrete Outlet Box: Submerged 8 x 5 ft concrete outlet box at downstream toe of dam el. 158 ft (bottom) -162.5 ft (top) filled with rocks, aquatic vegetation and small fish. Video camera entry into 30-in reinf. cone. outlet pipe below dam not possible without removal of barrier rocks, special setup for underwater remote control robotic camera transp01t device and effective plugging of the upper port on the outlet tower. Outflow from box to Calavera Creek estimated at between CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J E-2 Outlet Tower Video Survey 10-20 gpm based on rough measurements of water depth and velocity over 4-inch lip of box. It is recommended that the outlet box be cleared of rocks and debris during forthcoming remedial improvements to the outlet works once a cofferdam is in place so that the outlet pipe below the dam can be drained and thoroughly inspected for structural integrity and possible leakage. Principal Findings: □ 16-in concrete walls of outlet tower seem to be in reasonably good condition, as there is little or no inctication of deterioration. Base of tower is also presumed to yet be structuraUy sound. No indication of leakage around plugged ports or at joints. □ Extensive deterioration of all interior iron work (ladderj shafts, housing, supports, eye bolts, etc. with exception of 6-in pJatform support I-beams. □ 6-in I-cross beams look to be in good condition (extensive corrosion not evident) □ Nearly complete deterioration of all 3 x 6-in redwood flooring on all but top (el. 212 ft) platform. □ Interior access ladder missing between el. 210 ft and 195 ft due to deterioration of 3/8 x 3-in rails, 3/8 x 18-in rungs and 3/8x 6-in (exposed) support brackets. o Vee 30-in diam. 1/2-in mesh exterior intake screens on below water ports are presumed deteriorated, missing or removed. o 18-in gate valves are presumed non-operable due to extensive corrosion of 1 1/2-in shafts, brackets and wheel housings. □ Control wheel on lowest 12-in gate valve (el. 179 ft) is also presumed in- operable due to coJTosion and lack of access (deteriorated ladder). □ Extensive amounts of debris within tower base precluded direct access of remote video equipment into 28-in steel outlet pipe below dam. □ Presence of fish and other smalJ aquatic life forms, however, indicates relatively open access along 260 ft outlet pipe from the downstream outlet box □ Large rocks and other debris filling the outlet box precluded video access of the 30-in RC outlet pipe from the downstream end. □ Presence of small inflow/outflow through outlet tower/pipeline in late June indicates likely hood of some irrigation-related runoff tributary from upstream drainage area occurring throughout considerable portions of the dry weather period. □ Post-Inspection Finding: The outlet box was observed to have dried out during the month of August. As no leakage was detected at the mouth of the 30-in outlet pipe into the box on September 12, the outlet pipe and joints are believed to be in reasonably sound condition. Video Review: Jeremy Clemmons, Powell/PBSJ; Dave Roohk and John Kennedy, CGvL Engineers (August/September 2001) Photo Files Following: CGvL ENGLNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELVPBS&J E-3 l 11 \\ If l ~ { II i ~ 1{ [ II i Outlet Tower Video Survey OUTLET TOWER VIDEO SURVEY-JUNE 28, 2001 E-1 Video Technicians and Crew on Outlet Tower E-2 Video Equipment Setup on Dam CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEUJPBS&J E-4 f I l f { I I f J I I \ 1 { l l l ( l Outlet Tower Video Survey E-4 Rusted Valve Stem Housing and Broken Wheel below I-Beam (el. 222 ft) E-5 Base of Valve Stem Housing on Top Floor with Rotted Wood Planks (el. 219 ft) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLIPBS&J E-6 1 ( l t f J J l l I 1 f j I l Outlet Tower Video Survey E-6 Remaining Wood Floor Plank with Water Entering through Top Inlet onto I-Beam (el. 208 ft) E-7 Same Floor Level as E-6, Viewing Toward Other Side with Rusty Stem to Lower-Level Valve (on left) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITHPOWELL/PBS&J E-7 f l ( 1 1 ) I I I 1 { l I l l Outlet Tower Video Survey E-8 Viewing Down from Upper Level (el. 208 ft) to Mid-Level Plank and I- Beam and Lower Valve, Floor Plank and I-Beam E-9 Viewing Down Deteriorated Inside Ladder (from el. 216 ft) to Mid-Level Valve and Remaining Planks (stems to lower valves on right) CGvL ENGlNEERS IN ASSOCIATION WTTH POWELUPBS&J E-8 f 1 ( l { r I l t l l t 1 { l I 1 1 l Outlet Tower Video Survey E-10 Viewing Down (from el. 204 ft) to 15-ft Section of Collapsed Inside Ladder (twisted rails on left) E-11 Interior Tower Water Surface (el. 165 ft) with Floating Wood Planks and Other Debris. CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELUPBS&J E-9 f l l l f l l J I t 1 l I l 1 1 t Outlet Tower Video Survey E-12 Broken Valve Stem (to left) and Fish (center) Near Bottom of Tower (el.162ft) E-13 Collapsed Flooring, Stems, and Other Debris with Fish (lower right) Near Bottom of Tower (el. 162 ft) CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWELLiPBS&J E-10 Outlet Tower Video Survey { l f -~-~ .;I /'";. E-14 Over-flowing Outlet Box at Downstream Toe of Dam I t 1 l E-15 Outlet Box Full of Rocks and Other Debris CGvL ENGINEERS IN ASSOCIATION WITH POWEuJPBS&J E-11 Appendix F GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CGvLENGINEERS IN AsSOCIATION wm-iPOWELilPBS&J PREDESIGN GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: CGvL Engineers 6 Hughes, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92618 PREPARED BY: Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 September 7, 2001 ProjectNo. 104468001 571 o Ruffin Road • San Diego. California 92123 • Phone (858) 576-1000 • Fax (85B/ 57 6-9600 San Diego • Irvine • Ontario • Los Angeles • Oakland • Las Vegas • Salt Lake City • Phoenix $if£Jr,i;;i,i~~7~B,;JV!!J7Nf) &~~ffi\W:lt:ci\ ~;-"'•~:~.1f,;.;;--___ .... · · -~ ,f<,),· · .,~ ,, "~ ·"" · ---. -'IJJ/6/i ~ 1~'l!.IU \2S jt---~~ --~"• ., ~--:r,; ~~---~ --- ~ =LW ;µ; ZF. CS.z:G ...j • Geotecnnfcal and Envrronrnemal Sciences Consuli;;ncs Mr. Dave Roohk CGv L Engineers 6 Hughes, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92618 September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Subject: Predesign Geotechnical and Environmental Services Lake Calavera Improvements Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Roohk: In accordance with your request, we have prepared a predesign geotechnical and environmental evaluation of the Lake Calavera site. Transmitted herewith is our report that presents our find- ings, conclusions, and recommendations regarding the proposed improvements. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions or comments pertaining this rep01i, please contact the undersigned at (858) 576-1000. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Nathan A. Ash Senior Staff Geologist NAA/RJ/kmf ~~ Randal L. Irwin, C.E.G. Chief Engineering Geo lo gist 57 IO Ruffin Road • San Diego, California 921 23 • Phone /858) 57 6· 1000 • Fax /858} 57 6-9600 San Diego • Irvine • Ontario • Los Angeles • Oakland • Las Vegas • Salt Lake Oty • Phoenix CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad APPENDIXF TABLE OF CONTENTS September 7, 200 I Project No. 104468001 Page 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................................ 1 3. GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE AND SOIL SAMPLING ................................................ 1 4. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................. 2 5. BACKGROUND AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ...................................................... 3 6. GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE AND SOIL SAMPLING ................................................ 4 6.1 . Earth Materials .............................................................................................................. 4 6.1.1. Artificial Fill ....................................................................................................... 4 6.1.2. Marsh Deposits .................................................................................................... 5 6.1.3. Granitic Rock ...................................................................................................... 5 6.1.4. Santiago Formation ............................................................................................. 5 6.2. Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................................ 6 6.3. Groundwater and Reservoir Water ............................................................................... 6 6.4. Faulting and Seismicity ................................................................................................ 6 7. ENVIR.ONMENTAL EVALUATION ..................................................................................... ? 7 .1. Water Sampling and Water Column Profiling ................................................. , ............ 7 7. 1. 1. Water Sampling and Laboratory Analysis .......................................................... 7 7.1.2. Water Column Profiling ...................................................................................... 9 7.2. Environmental Sediment Sampling ............................................................................... 9 7.3. Reservoir Bottom Profiling ........................................................................................... 9 8. · DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 10 8.1. I/0 Controls Building ................................................................................................. 10 8.2. Spillway Cbannel ......................................................................................................... 10 8.3. Access Road ................................................................................................................ 11 8.4. Outlet Tower Cofferdam and I/O Pipeline ................................................................. 12 8.5. Constructed Wetlands .................................................................................................. 12 8.6. Environmental and Water Quality Assessment .......................................................... 13 9. LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 14 10. SELECTED REFERE'NCES .................................................................................................. 15 Tables Table 7-1 -Water Quality Test Data ................................................................................................ 8 Table 7-2 -Water Column Profile Field Data ................................................................................. 9 Illustrations Figure 1 -Site Location Map Figure 2 -Site Plan Figure 3 -Topographic Map l(ln901scl(t.oo~e CGv L Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Attachments Attachment FA Attachment FB Soil Sample Laboratory Testing Results Water and Sediment Sample Laboratory Testing Results II CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad 1. INTRODUCTION September 7, 2001 Project No_ 104468001 In response to your firm's request, we are pleased to submit this predesign geotecbnical and envi- ronmental evaluation report for the subject project. The purpose of our study is to assess the general geological and geotecbnical conditions in the Lake Calavera area as well as perform a limited environmental assessment related to both remedial and proposed future improvements at the site. We understand that the remedial projects will involve construction of a temporary cofferdam to facilitate modifications to the existing outlet tower, construction of a new laid-back inlet/outlet (I/O) pipeline and abutments on the upstream dam face, construction of a 150 square-foot I/O controls building on the downstream terrace edge of the earthfill dam, repair of and improve- ments to the spillway channel, access road improvements, utilities installation, and fencing. An initial environmental assessment of water and sediment samples collected from the reservoir and creek mouth was also made. Proposed future projects at Lake Ca1avera might include an up- stream constructed wetlands, a reservoir re-aeration-destratification system, and post-storage, downstream treatment facilities. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on our discussions with your fum and our Proposal No. P-5150, dated June 13, 2001, we performed.the following scope of services: 3. GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE AND SOIL SAMPLING • Review of background information including available geotechnical reports, geologic and topographic maps, and stereoscopic aerial photographs. • Geologic field reconnaissance of the site with emphasis on the areas of the proposed I/0 control building, tower cofferdam and pipeline abutments, spillway channel improvements, access .road and utilities, as well as possible future facilities at the upstream end of the reser- voir. • Co1lection of soil samples (2 bulk samples) at selected locations in the areas of the proposed control building and upstream constructed wetlands for preliminary geoteclmical testing. Testing included sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, and Expansjon Index. Samples were col- lected with hand equipment by geologists from Ninyo & Moore. '146!•Rlr.doc. 1 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 • Depth profiling at selected locations, from the outlet tower to the upstream end of the reser- voir and back using an electronic depth finder and manual soundings. Access was gained using a small watercraft. Depths were measured to the nearest foot from water surface to bottom (Figure 2). • Collection of three water quality samples, for designated analytical laboratory analyses. Samples were obtained at depths of 3, 12, and 22 feet below the water surface adjacent to the outlet tower. • Analytical profiling of the water column near the outlet tower with respect to dissolved oxy- gen (DO), temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total dissolved solids (TDS). Readings for the profile were takep at approximately 5-foot increments from surface to bot- tom. The results of the profiling are presented in Section 7.1.2. • Collection of a sediment sample from the upstream end of the reservoir, for designated chemical analysis. The test results are discussed in Section 7 .2. • Preparation of this predesign geotechnical and environmental evaluation report, which pro- vides our :findings and preliminary conclusions and recommendations regarding the proposed improvements. The report addresses geotechnical issues such as general geologic conditions, potential geologic hazards, and a preliminary assessment of the suitability of on-site earth materials for the construction of the proposed improvements. Also included are the results of a limited initial environmental assessment. 4. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS The project site is located at Lake Calavera, a dam and reservoir storage system situated in northeastern Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. The site includes Calavera Dam, the reser- voir, dam spillway, tributary lands immediately upstream, and access roads (Figure 2). The -earthfill dam is 65 feet high~ 20 feet wide at the crest, and 490 feet in length. It has historically been used for capture and storage of surface water runoff. A dirt access road extends across the axis of the darn and connects with a paved road l 00 feet west of the dam. The dam was con- structed of compacted earth fi]l with rock blankets placed on both the upstream and downstream faces. The spil1way is located on the west side of the dam and extends roughly 500 feet in a north-south orientation. The spillway elevation at the crest is 216.5 feet relative to mean sea level (MSL). The east wall of the spillway is a roughly 1.5:l (horizontal:vertical) slope that has been coated with gunite from the north end roughly 250 feet south. The remainder of the east wall is native 2 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 rock. The west wall of the spillway is an approximately 1:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope composed of native rock. The base of the spillway is gently to moderately sloping toward the south and is composed ,of granitic rock. A 63-foot tall reinforced concrete tower structure is located on the north end of the submerged dam slope and is connected to an outlet pipe that passes below the base of the dam. The pipe outlets into a concrete box located at the downstream base of the dam (Figure 2). Lake Calavera constitutes an unlined, uncovered, reservoir created upstream (northeast) of Calavera Dam. The reservoir currently has approximately 28 feet of depth with a surface area of 20 acres. When full; it ha.s a maximum depth of 36 feet with a water surface area of 26 acres (CGvL, 2001). The upstream end of the reservoir terminates in a marshy area at the mouth of upper Calavera Creek. The dam crest elevation is 223 feet MSL and the maximum operating pool is 220 feet MSL. The water surface elevations typically range between 206 and 216 feet MSL (CGvL, 2001) and was measured during the fieldwork for this study at 208 feet MSL, using the top of the outlet tower as a reference point. 5. BACKGROUND AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Calavera Dam was built in the early 1940's by the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company to capture surface runoff from the upper Calavera Creek watershed for storage in a 520 (acre-feet) AF res- ervoir. The water was originally used for delivery to the Company's coastal service area. The delivery system included several water supply wells, a pipeline system, and a water treatment plant. The transmjssion system and water treatment plant have not been in use since their aban- donment in the 1960's. Lake Calavera has since been used for limited stormwater protection, flood control, and passive recreational pursuits. It is our understanding that the proposed remedial improvements at the reservoir include con- struction of a 150 square-foot I/0 control building located on the downstream terrace edge of the dan1, construction of a cofferdam to facilitate repair of the existing outlet tower and new I/0 pipeline and abutments, repairs and improvements to tbe spillway, construction of an access road connecting with the paved access road to the west of the dam and extendi,ng along the crest of the darn (Figure 2), and fencing portions of the site for improved security 3 CGvL Engineers September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad In addition, several future improvements related to conversion of the reservoir for reclaimed water use have also been considered. These include a possible constructed wetlands system up- stream of the reservoir and new water quality control facilities in the vicinity of the existing outlet tower. 6. GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE AND SOIL SAMPLING Geologic reconnaissance of the dam was performed by a geologist from our firm and included review of background information including available geotechnical reports, geologic and topo- graphic maps, stereoscopic aerial photographs and a limited field reconnaissance. The reconnaissance was performed in the area of the spillway, upstream and downs.tream dam faces, and upstream. Bulk soil samples were taken in the area of the proposed I/0 control building and near the mouth of Calavera Creek, upstream of the reservoir, for designated laboratory testing. Laboratory tests performed on the samples included sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, and Expan- sion Index. 6.1. Earth Materials Earth materials encountered during our geologic reconnaissance and mapped by Tan and Kennedy (1996) include artificial fill1 marsh deposits, weathered and decomposed granitic ·rock assigned to the Green Valley Tona:Iite, and Santiago Formation. Generalized descrip- tions of the units are provided below. The soil samples were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). 4-'61-Rlt,dac 6,1 .1. Artificial Fill Artificial fill material was encountered in the area to the north and west of the dirt ac- cess road where it meets the paved road (Figure 2). Thickness of fill in these areas is on the order of several feet and may not have been placed as compacted fill. A fill berm has been constructed at the north end of the spjllway that is approximately 4 feet high. In gen- eral, fill material consists of brown, damp to moist, silty and clayey sand with gr<!vel These fills are likely improperJy compacted and unsuitable for the support of structures or compacted fill. 4 CGvL Engineers September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Lake Calavera Improvements, Car1sbad 4~6S-R..1r,Joc The dam structure also consists of compacted fill material containing upstream and downstream face rock blankets (CGvL, 2001). The dam was not observed to exhibit any noticeable seepage, piping, or major settlement and the fill used for dam construction ' has performed well for its intended purpose. Several minor erosion features were ob- served, mainly on the upstream crest of the dam, and are likely related to the presence of the access road along the crest of the dam. The limits of darn fill above the water line are presented on Figure 2. 6.1.2. Marsh Deposits Marsh deposits were encountered in the vicinity of the mouth of Calavera Creek in boring HB-2. Marsh deposits consist of dark grayish brown to nearly black organic clay and organic clayey sand and contain abundant roots and organic debris. Marsh deposits are wet to saturated and very soft or very loose. Marsh deposits in their present condi- tion have very limited suitability for the support of compacted fill, structures, or use as compacted fil1. 6.1.3. Granitic Rock Granitic rock assigned by Tan and Kennedy (1996) to the Cretaceous-age Green Valley Tonalite was encountered and/or is mapped as underlying the majority of the site in- cluding the areas of the spillway, dam, access road, and portions of the reservoir. Granitic rock ranges from relatively unweathered to decomposed. Decomposed granitic rock is composed of brown to slightly reddish brown, dry to damp, loose to dense, silty fine sand. The decomposed granite was observed to be locally highly erodable in some areas of the spillway. In general, the less weathered granitic rock was more resistant to erosion, however, the rock may have difficult rippability. In general, the granitic rock is suitable for the support of structures and compacted fill. 6.1.4. Santiago Formation Fonnational sediments assigned by Tan and Kennedy (1996) to the Tertiary-age Santi- ago Formation are mapped north of the dirt access road and as underlying the majority of the reservoir and upstream areas at depth. Tan and Kennedy (1996) descrih~ the San- 5 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 tiago Formation as light-colored, poorly-bedded, poorly-indurated, fine-to medium- grained sandstone interbedded with siltstone and claystone. 6.2. Laboratory Testing Soil samples were collected during our field exploration using hand tools in the location of the proposed I/0 control building, and upstream of the reservoir, near the mouth of Upper Calaveras Creek. (Figure 2). Laboratory tests performed by Ninyo & Moore included sieve analysis, Expansion Index, and Atterberg limits. The results of these geotechnical engineer- ing tests are provided in Attachment FA. 6.3. Groundwater and Reservoir Water Groundwater was en.countered near the surface in boring HB-2 excavated for this study and was not observed in HB-1. Groundwater levels may be expected to fluctuate due to seasonal variations, water usage, and other factors. Proposed drainage or draw down of portions of the reservoir may affect 'the groundwater conditions in the immediate vicinity of the water con- trol structures. Reservoir surface water levels fluctuate due to increases or decreases in runoff fr.om the wa- _tershed. Reservoir water levels (especially exceptionally high levels) may effect access to the proposed improvements or create hazardous condit1ons. Evidern;:e of seepage or piping was not observed in the vicinity of the earthen dam. 6.4. Faulting and Seismicity Based on our field observations, and review of pertinent geologic data and stereoscopic aer- ial photographs, mapped faults are not located on or in the near vicinity of the site. The closest known active faults are the Rose Canyon fault zone, located approximately 6 miles west of the site, the Elsinore fault zone, located about 22 miles east of the site, and the Coronado Bank fault, located 25 miles west of the site (Jennings, 1994). Portions of the Rose Canyon fault zone are mapped as being within State of California Earthquake Fault Zones. The Lake Calavera site is not located in an Earthquake Fault Zone. t46&·RJr.doc 6 CGvL Engineers September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Lake Calayera Improvements, Carlsbad The most significant seismic event likely to affect the proposed facilities would be a maxi- mum moment magnitude 6.9 earthquake along the Rose Canyon fault zone (Califonria Division of Mines and Geology [CDMGJ. 1998). According to the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) (International Conference of Building Officials [ICBO), 1997) and the CDMG (1998), the Rose Canyon fault zone is classified as a "B" seismic source type. The site is lo- cated within UBC Seismic Zone 4, but is not located within a UBC Near-Source Zone for active faults. Based on a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Western United States, issued by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (1999), the project site is located in a zone where the horizontal peak ground acceleration having a 10 percent probability of exceed- ance in 50 years :is 0.27g (27 percent of the acceleration of gravity) and a 5 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years is 0.4 l g. The requirements of the governing jurisdic- tions and the practices of the Structural Engineers Association shou1d be considered in the design of the structure. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Water samples were collected near the outlet tower for laboratory water quality analysis (Fig- ure 7). A water column profile was also performed near the outlet tower. A -sediment sample from upstream was collected for designated chemical analysis. 7.1. ,vater Sampling and Water Column Profiling Specific laboratory analyses of the water, and sediment samples collected at the site are pre- sented below and laboratory data are presented in Attachment FB. 4468-R.lr.doc 7.1.1. Water Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Water samples were collected in the vicinity of the out1et tower at depths of 3, 12, and 22 feet below the water surface using a submersible sample pump. Laboratory analysis in- cluded tests for chemical oxygen demand, tota1 phosphate, nitrogen (Kjeldahl), nitrogen (nitrate), total dissolved solids, total alkalinity, hydroxide alkalinity, carbonate alkalinity, bi- carbonate alkalinity, stdfate, chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, turbidity, 7 CGvL Engineers September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad 4(68-RIT,doc. total coliform count, fecal colifonn count, and color. Laboratory test results are summarized in Table 7-1. Table 7-1 -Water Quality Test Data Test Run: Sample3 Result Sample 12 Result Sample Result (m2'f) (~l!fl) 22 (mg/£) Chemical Oxygen Demand 42.8 53.2 75.8 Phosphate, Total 0.23 2.48 3.43 Nitrogen, Kjeldabl 1.17 1.54 15.3 10.4 as 12.2 as Nitrogen, Nitrate ND NO3 NO3 Total Dissolved Solids, IDS 2570 3190 3190 Alkalirnty, Total 219 248 268 Alkalinity, Hydroxide 0 0 0 Alkalinity, Carbonate 0 0 0 Alkalinity, Bicarbonate 267.2 302.6 327 Sulfate 537 634 556 Chloride 969 1234.3 1275.1 Calcium 297 365 365 Magnesium 119 145 147 Sodium 404 500 499 Potassium 17.1 22.7 23.2 Turbidity (NTU) 11.3 34 40 Coliform, Fecal 8 4 2 (MPN/100ml) Coliform, Total 300 50 13 I (MPN/1 OOm]) Color Test pH Dominant Wave-Luminescence Purity lenlrth (%) (%) Sample 3 8.3 553 99.1 10 7.6 553 98.7 10 Sample 12 7.8 540 98.8 10 7.6 540 98.7 10 Sample 22 8.1 700 92.1 10 7.6 700 92.5 10 8 l(in9o&l(loore CGvL Engineers September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Lake Calavera .Improvements, Carlsbad 7.1.2. Water Column Profiling A profile of the water column was performed in the vicinity of the outlet tower using a Horiba™ U22 instrument at 5-foot depth increments from the water surface to near the bottom. Parameters measured included dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids. A summary of field data collected with this in- strument is presented in Table 7-2. Table 7-2 -Water Column Profile Field Data Water Dissolved Oxygen Temperature pH Conductivity T.D.S. Depth (m!!/l} (°C) (Siem) (elf) 25 0.00 13.2 7.23 4.71 3.2 20 0.00 13.3 7.23 4.95 3.2 15 0.12 14.8 7.19 5.02 3.2 10 0.65 21.7 7.25 4.85 3.0 5 8.73 24.5 8.07 4.04 2.6 0 10.43 25.0 8.19 3.98 2.5 7.2. Environmental Sediment Sampling Sediment samples were collected, for designated environmental laboratory analysis, in boring HA-2 using a hand auger. Laboratory tests performed on the sediment sample included Ti- ·ue 22 metals, EPA 8081&8082 (PCBs/Pesticides), EPA 8260B (volatile organics), and EPA 8270C (semi volatile organics). Laboratory test results indicate that the con~entrations of harm- ful po Uutants in the soil in the marsh sediments at the mouth of upper Calavera Creek, where observed, were either below detectable limits or in innocuous concentrations. Laboratory re- sults are presented in Attachment FB. 7.3. Reservoir Bottom Profiling Reservoir water depths were measured from the water surface to the bottom using an elec- tronic depth finder and manual soundings. Depth measurements were performed at various locations throughout the reservoir. Depths ranged from 3 to 28 feet, with the deepest por- tions of the reservoir in the vicinity of the outlet tower. Depth measurements are presented on Figure 2. 4 ~ 68-R l r,doc 9 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad 8. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Based on our review of background information, limited geologic reconnaissance, water, soil, and sediment laboratory analysis, field data collection, and our understanding of the project~ we present the following conclusions and recommendations. Specific grading plans for the proposed remedial works were not available at the time of this report. Comments regarding observations made during our geologic field reconnaissance are presented in Figure 3. 8.1. 1/0 Controls Building The area of the proposed VO controls building is mapped by Tan and Kennedy (1996) as being underlain by granitic rock. Limited subsurface evaluation from boring HB-1 and geo- logic reconnaissance indicate that there is likely a few feet_ of poorly developed topsoil grading into decomposed and weathered granitic rock. Laboratory testing from boring HB-1 indicates that the topsoil is composed of silty sand that is loose to medium dense3 non-plastic, and has an Expansion Index of very low (approximately zero). Plans showing the exact proposed lo- cation of the new bu-ilding were not available at the time of this report. A portion of the area may be underlain by fill materials associated with dam construction. Fill material may not be suitable for the support of the structure and shou]d be evaluated along with more detailed subsurface analysis of the building site during the design phase of the project. Remedial . grading for the topsoil will also be needed. 8._2. Spillway Channel The area of the existing spillway channel is mapped by Tan and Kennedy (1996) as being underlain by granitic rock. A detailed description of the condition of the spillway is pre- sented on Figure 3. Field reconnaissance and "As-Constructed" building plans for the dam (Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, 1941) indicates that the east wall of the spillway chan- nel is coated with 3 inches of gunite reinforced with double 4" x 4" #6 netting. The gunite section of the east spillway wall extends for approximately 240 feet and has a slope of 1: 1 (horizontal:vertica1). Visual inspection of the gunite slope indicates that the gunite is in relatively good condition and is functioning to protect the channel wall as intended. The gunite terminates roughly 55 feet south of the projected dam access. The east wall south of 446S•Rlr.doc 10 CGvL Engineers Lake CaJavera Improvements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 the gunite area is composed of intensely weathered to decomposed granitic rock with slopes ranging from 1:1 to 1/2:1 (horizontaJ:vertical). The east wall has been eroded around the gunite in the area of the gunite/native transition and void space exists behind 1he gunite. The east wall continues south of the gunite area for roughly 260 feet. The wall is locally highly eroded and shows indications of sloughing and backcutting. The bottom of the spillway channel is composed of moderately weathered to decomposed granitic rock. The rock is jointed in some areas and joints are locally nearly vertically ori- ented. The spillway channel is crossed by two 1.5 foot by 2.5 foot concrete cutoffs. The roc)c has been eroded around the cutoffs and void space exists below the cutoffs. Erosion gullies have formed in several locations along the spillway channel indicating that the bottom of the spillway channel is locally highly susceptible to continued erosion. Several areas of the spillway channel are partially blocked with piles of construction debris. The west wall of the spillway channel is composed of moderately to intensely weathered and eroded granitic rock. The wall was originally constructed as a 1/2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope, but erosion has oversteepened portions and cut back others. Proposed improvements to the spillway channel may extend as far as from 300 feet south of the centerline of the dam to the convergence of the spillway and Calavera Creek. Granitic rock along this stretch of . the spillway is moderately to intensely weathered or decomposed and can be highly erodable. Erosion gullies and bank cutbacks were observed, especially along the east wall of the channel. The channel also contains thick vegetation and debris in some areas. The spill- way channel should be further evaluated to provide recommendations for repair and erosion mitigation. 8.3. Access Road The existing dirt access road extends from the asphalt road west of the dam, southward across the spillway then continues east along the dam crest (Figure 2). The northernmost portion of the dirt road, near the intersection with the asphalt road, is likely underlain by several feet of undocumented fill material (Figure 3). This fill may not be suitable for sup- port of the proposed new access road and should be further evaluated. The pro.posed location 11 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera hnprovements, Carlsbad September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 of the new access road is plotted as extending onto the crest of the dam and extending to the east, terminating with a turnaround at the east end of the dam. The approach to the dam from the existing dirt road is mapped as being underlain be granitic rock and may be suitable for placing fill or retaining walls for a dam access ramp. The majority of the road will be un- derlain by the fill material composing the dam. These areas should also be further evaluated as part of the design phase. 8.4. Outlet Tower Cofferdam and 1/0 Pipeline Proposed pipeline improvements include construction of a new 24-inch steel I/0 pipeline extending from the base of the existing outlet tower to approximately 2/3 of the way up the north dam face. The pipeline will likely be constructed with typical pipe abutments. Toe face of the dam is underlain by an existing 3-foot thick rock blanket with rocks ranging in size up to approximately 2 -3 feet in diameter. The rock blanket m its present condition could be pro- hibitive to construction and measures for its removal/replacement should be evaluated. Proposed I/0 improvements may be facilitated by the construction of a coffer dam, or series of coffer dams in the vicinity of the existing outlet tower. Constraints to construction may include the existence of the rock blanket beneath at least a portion of the proposed location, possible significant thicknesses of soft, unstable lake depositsi and possible hard underlying granitic bedrock, as well as access and environmental issues. Further evaluation of the pro- posed coffer dam location is recommended during design. 8.5. Constructed Wetlands A series of wetland cells have been considered as part of a future recycled water conserva- tion concept plan; extending for approximately 1,700 feet to the northeast immediately upstream of the existing reservoir. Laboratory testing of samples taken from this upstream area indicate that the soil, in its present condition_, is not suitable for the support of structures or compacted fill and has limited suitability for use as compacted fill. Construction of berms, levees, etc. would likely involve the import of significant quantities of fiil material. -446S.-Jt"Jrdoc 12 CGv L Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad 8.6. Environmental and Water Quality Assessment September 7, 200 l Project No. 104468001 The water quality data collected provide some general information regarding reservoir water quality characteristics. However, the conclusions that can be drawn from these data are in- herently limited due to sampling and analysis uncertainties (e.g. accuracy and precision), interpretation of water quality objectives, and the fact Lake Calavera is a dynamic system that constantly reacts to changes in the physical, chemical, and biological environment. A much better understanding of reservoir water quality would be provided br a more rigorous and extensive sampling and analysis program that addresses seasonal variations as well as sampling locations. The sampling and analysis of sediment and upland soil should also be a part of additional studies regarding water quality or the preparation of a water quality man- agement plan for the reservoir, if necessary. The following general comments are based on a comparison with various water quality pa- rameters and objectives for inland surface waters as presented in the Water Quality Control Plan, San Diego Basin (9), prepared by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (1994). The Basin Plan presents beneficial uses and water quality objectives intended to be protective of those uses, The presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) is essential in maintaining aquatic life and aesthetic -qualities of the lake water. Thus, DO is an important indicator of overall water quality. The lack of DO near the bottom of the reservoir is likely due to oxygen consumption at the sedi- ment water interface associated with bacterial decomposition of organic matter and elevated coocentrations of mineral and organic nutrients. Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter :is also supported by the presence of a strong noxious odor (hydrogen sulfide?) noted during collection of the bottom water samples. The mineral and organic nutrients are likely con- tributors to the elevated turbidity and total dissolved solids found in the water samples. Due in part to the thermal stratification of the reservoir, as evidenced by the significant decrease in temperature between 10 to 15 feet beneath the lake surface, oxygen replenishment is minimal. Thus, anoxic conditions will likely continue until thermal stratification breaks down in the cooler Autt.imn months. 446S-Rlr,doc 13 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad Septembe; 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 Elevated total phosphate in the water samples suggests that control of phosphate may be a major concern in managing the water quality of the reservoir. Excess phosphate can stimu- late plant growth in nuisance quantities. The range in pH of the water indicates neutral to slightly alkaline conditions. These condi- tions are supported by the alkalinity values of the samples, which indicate that the water has adequate neutralizing capacity that wou1d act as a buffer against large variations in pH. Total and fecal coliform concentrations do not indicate a significant contribution of bacteria from natural sources, stonnwater pollution or sewage spills. 9. LIMITATIONS All of the data and conclusions obtained are preliminary and related to a limited scope of field reconnaissance and laboratory analyses. Additional studies will be necessary to provide geotech- nical design parameters and possible environmental mitigation measures concerning the recommended remedial improvements for Lake Calavera H68-R.I r.doc. 14 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad 10. SELECTED REFERENCES September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near- Source Zones in California and Adj acent Portions of Nevada: International Conference of Building Officials. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, 1994, Water Quality Con- trol Plan San Diego Basin (9): dated September 8. Car1sbad Mutual Water Company, 1941, "As Constructed" Lake Calavera Dam Plans: dated September. CGvL Engineers,2001, Lake Calavera Improvements Preliminary Design Report: draft dated May. County of San Diego, 1958, Topographic Survey, Sheet 214-1773: scale 1'' = 200': dated July. County of San Diego, 1973, Ortbotopographic Survey, Sheet 214-1773: scale l'' = 200': dated June 14. Iotemational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO)~ 1997, Uniform Building Code: Whittier, Cali- fornia Tan,· S.S., and Kennedy, M.P.,. 1996, Geologic Map of the Oceanside, San Luis Rey, and San Marcos 7.51 Quadrangles, San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines. and Geology Open-File Report 96-02. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS . Source Date Flight Numbers ScaJe USDA I 4/14/53 I AXN-9M I 158 & 159 I 1:20,000 15 l N 1900 0 1900 3800 Approximate Scale in Feet REFERENCE: 2001 THOMAS GUIDE FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STREET GUIDE AND DIRECTORY A SITE LOCATION MAP LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA _P_A_O_J E_C_T_N_O_.---+-__ D_AT_E_----1 ( 104468001 8/01 , FIGURE 1 ) l ( ' [ \ { 4468001ph BASE: FUTURE AERATION/OE-STRATIFICATION SYSTEM CONCEPT. CGVL ENGINEERS, CITY OF CARLS8AD, UNDATED 0 ~HB-2 015 LEGEND Location of Ninyo & Moore hand borings Sounding Location with depth to bottom below waler surface (208') Limits of Existing Dam, fill above water line N A 200 400 Approximate Scala in Feat SITE PLAN ... -M/nua& ~oo .. e._.... LAKE cALAVERA IMPRovEMENrs I,. ii" • J • -CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ;::::======--==~ PROJECT NO.___ DATE ( FIG 2 URE ) 104468001 8/01 _ _ 0 "-,g f8 ,.,, ... zzs-+-----Kgr af Qal QI Tsa Kgr Artificial RII Quaternary Alluvium Quaternary Lake Deposits Tertiary Santiago Formation Cretaceous Granitic Rock r Kgr LEGEND ----Approximate geologic contacts •••••• • • • • Approximate limits of erosional features .. ,. 7la._ Strike and dip of bedrock jointing H B-1 0 Location of hand boring 22b • Original soil boring locations - BASE: CALAVERA DAM, CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, DATED SEPT. 1941 " r TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 0 80 160 Jfln90&1ft1111--re LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ... ~--Approximate Scale in Feet ( PROJECT NO. DATE JC FIGURE \.. ~ \ 104468001 8/01 3 El. ... ~ ) Figure 4 Lake Calavera Depth Profile 210 -,--------------------------, U) ~ 195 ~-------------------------------~ ;:t= c 0 += ~ 190--+-+--------~~---------------------i (l) w 175 -+--------,.----..-------.-----~----,--------l 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 Distance U/S of Dam, ft Figure 5 Lake Calavera Water Quality Profile (/) @ 198 --i---71f---~-------tl~-----ffi-----------------7'!f------; ;t= c 0 += 0 a; 193 -ir---~~-....,_---m-------------g...--------------t LLJ ~Temp --&-pH 188 -4------------1E----lfr----------H-l-------,__------------j -6.-EC --¾--TDS _,._DO 183 -~--~~-A-,----fll----,-------e-----,----------.------------; 0 5 10 15 20 25 Water Quality Parameter Value, units CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad ATTACHMENT FA September 7, 2001 Project No. 104468001 SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS Classification Soils were visually and texturally classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) as described in ASTM D2488-93. Gradation Analysis Gradation analysis tests were performed on selected soil samples in general accordance with ASTM D 422-63. The grain-size distribution curves are shown on Figure F-1 and F-2. The test results were utilized in evaluating the soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Ex_pansion Index Tests The expansion index of selected materials was evaluated in general accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 18-2. Specimens were molded under a specified compactive energy at approxi- mately 50 percent saturation (plus or minus I percent). The prepared 1-incb thick by 4-inch diameter specimens were loaded with a surcharge of 144 pounds per square foot and were inun- dated with tap water. Readings of volumetric swell were made for a period of 24 hours. The results of these tests are presented on Figure F-3. Atterberg Limits Tests were perfonned on selected fine-grained soil samples to evaluate the liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index in general accordance with ASTM D 4318-95. These test results were utihzed to evaluate the soil classification in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Sys- tem. The test results and classifications are shown on Figure F-4. 4468-R I do<: GRAVEL SAND FINES Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 3' 1-112· 1· 314• 1/2" 318' 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 100 90 80 I I T I T I -~ I I I I I ' ' ' I I I I I I I 1\1 I I I I I 1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I-70 :c Cl UJ 60 ~ > a, Cl'. 50 w z u: 'z 40 w Ll Cl'. w 30 C. II I I l I ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r-... I I :1 I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I '\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I 100 10 0.1 0,01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Symbol Hole No. Depth Liquid Plastic Plasticity (ft) Limit Limit Index • HB-1 0-1.0 --- PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 422-63 JVln9o&l(toore SVH8-1A@<>1.o.,1s D10 D30 Dso Cu Cc Passing U.S.C.S No.200 /%) -.. ---28 SM GRADATION TEST RESULTS LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE 104468001 9/01 0.0001 GRAVEL SAND FINES Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 3" 1-112" 1" 314• 112· 3/8' 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 100 90 80 -- I I T I I I I T T ... I--, I I I 1 I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I ' I ' I I f-70 :,: (!) w 60 ~ >-a, ~ 50 w z G: f-40 z w ffi 30 I>. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'\ I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 I I I I I T I I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I II I I I 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Symbol Hole No. Depth Liquid Plastic Plasticity (ft) Limit Limit Index • HB-2 0-1.0 38 19 19 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 422-63 r SVHS.2@~1.0.>il; 010 0 30 Dso c., Cc Passing u.s.c.s No. 200 1%) - ----48 CL GRADATION TEST RESULTS LAKE CALAVERAIMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE 104468001 9/01 0.0001 ... EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS SAMPLE SAMPLE INITIAL COMPACTED FINAL VOLUMETRIC EXPANSION EXPANSION LOCATION DEPTH MOISTURE DRY DENSITY MOISTURE SWELL INDEX POTENTIAL IFTI (%) IPCFl (%) (IN) HB-1 (B) 0-1.0 7.5 117.9 14.6 -0.0027 0 Very Low PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH UBC STANDARD 18°2 EIHB1@0-1,0,xls EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS LAKE CALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE C;:) 1----------+----I 3 104468001 9/01 U.S.C.S. SYMBOL LOCATION DEPTH LL (¾) PL(%) Pl (%) CLASSIACA TION U.S.C.S. (FT) (Minus No. 40 (Entire Sample) Sieve Fraction) • HB-2 0-1.0 38 19 19 CL CL ■ HB-1 (B) 0-1 .0 NP NP • 0 □ !!,. X + NP -Indicates non-plastic 70 :,!! 60 0 -~ 50 >< w Q 40 ~ t () i= 30 • 1/) :3 20 a. 10 0 AT~l!Lxls V V ~7 V CH ./ V V I/' I/ CL V MH&OH I/ • V ./ ----:. I ., II/IL,' ML&OL ~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT (LL), % PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 4318-98 'ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS~ LAKECALAVERA IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE ~ ------+-----4 104468001 9/01 CGvL Engineers Lake Calavera Improvements, Carlsbad ATTACHMENT FB September 7, 2001 Project No. I 04468001 WATER AND SEDIMENT SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS ~468-R I doc Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street NINYO & MOORE 5710 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number l738 Comment ATTN:NATHAN ASH 07/20/01 M 07/20/01 04:30 PM (LAKE CALAVERA/104468001) Sampled Received Coliform, Fecal I I Coliform, Total :========= ========----==--------=============~======== ====--===-=========== C..JVL-3 / 10:50 107072so 11 300 a . ---------++----------------------+----------------------+--------------------- ( fVL -12 '; 11:00 l I 10707251 11 so 4 ----------++----------------------+----------------------+---------------------~ ·VL-22 / ll:55 I I 10707252 11 13 2 -----------++----------------------+----------------------+--------------------- Coliform results are in MPN/100 mi using Multiple Tube Fermentation Reported by Robert L. Chambers M.S, Michael M. Chambers M.S., P.S. 07/25/01 Michael Harris Plu) Date Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hanc6ck Street NINYO & MOORE 5710 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 San Diego, CA 92110 (619} 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 Customer# Reference Sampled Received Comment 1331 Sample# 10707253 Date Started 07/20/01 CVGL-3 /LK. CA.LAVERA 07/20/01 10 :50AM 07/20/01 04:30PM P.O. # ATN:N.ASH 104468001 Date Completed: 07/31/01 Test Run: Chemical Oxygen Demand Phosphate, Total Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate Solids, Dissolved Alkalinity -Total Alkalinity -Hyd~oxide Alkalinity -Carbonate Alkalinity -Bicarbonate sulfate - Chloride Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Turbidity Additional Test Dominant Wavelength Luminance Purity ND ~ None Detected DL s Detection ~imit = Result: 42 .-a mg/L -0.23 mg/L 1.17 mg/L 10.4 AS N03 mg/L 2570 mg/L 219.0 mg/L 0.0 mg/L 0.0 mg/L 267.2 mg/L 537 mg/L 969.0 mg/L 297.0 mg/L 119 mg/L 404 mg/t. 17.1 mg/L 11..3 NTU SEE COLOR pH 8.3 553 99 .1% 10 % Reported by Robert L. Chambers M,S. Michael M. Chambers M.S., P.E. MCL DL Method: 6 SM5220C 0.05 SM4500 0.10 SM4500C 0.18 SM4S00H 10 SM24SOC 0.2 SM2320B 0.2 SM2320B 0.2 SM2320B 0.2 SM2320B 1 SM4500 0.2 SM4500B l.0 SM3120B 1 SM3120B 1 SM3120B 1 SM31208 0.10 SM2130B pH 7.6 553 98.7% 10 % 08/01/0.l Michael Harris PhD Date Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street NINYO & MOORE 5710 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 Customer# Reference Sampled Received Comment 1331 Sample# 10707254 CGVL-12/LK.CALAVERA Date Started 07/20/01 Test Run: 07/20/01 11:00AM 07/20/01 04:30PM ATTN: NATHAN ASH Chemical Oxygen Demand Phosphate, Total Nitr::ogen, K]"eldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate - Solids, Dissolved Alkalinity -Total Alkalinity -Hydroxide Alkalinity -Carbonate Alkalinity Bicarbonate Sulfate Chloride Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Turbidity Additional Test Dominant Wavelength Lunlinance Purity ND -None Detected DL ~ Detection Limit P.O. # Date Completed : 07/31/01 (LAKE CALAVEA/104468001} Result: MCL DL Method: 53.2 mg/L 6 SM5220C 2.48 mg/L 0.05 SM4500 1.54 mg/L O.lO SM4SOOC 12.2 AS N03 mg/L O.lB SM4SOOH 3190 mg/L 10 SM24SOC 248. 0 mg/L 0.2 SM2320B 0.0 mg/L Q.2 SM2320B 0.0 mg/L 0.2 SM2320B 302.6 mg/L 0.2 SM2320B 634 mg/L 1 SM4SOO 1234.3 mg/L 0.2 SM4500B 365.0 mg/L 1.0 SM3120B 145 mg/L l SM3120B 500 mg/L 1 SM3120B 22 .7 mg/L 1 SM3l20B 34 NTU 0.10 SM2130B SEE COLOR pH 7.8 pH 7.6 540 540 98.8%. 98 .7% 10 % 10 % Reported by Robert L . Chambers M.S. Michael M. Chambers M.S., P-~- 08/01/01 Michael lfarris PhD Dat:e Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street NINYO & MOORE 5710 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO I CA 9·2123 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 Customer# Reference Sampled Received Comment 1331 Sample# 10707255 CGVL-22/LK.CALAVERA 07/20/01 11:30AM 07/20/01 04:30PM P.O . # ATN : NATHAN ASH Test Run: Chemical Oxygen Demand Phosphate, Total Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate Solids, Dissolved Alka.linity -Total Alkalinity -Hydroxide Alkalinity -Carbonate Alkalinity -Bicarbonate sulfate Chloride Calcium Magnesium S6dium Potassium Turbidity Additional Test Dominant Wavelength Luminance Purity ND a None DetecGed DL; Detection Limit Result: 75.8 mg/L 3 .43 mg/L 15.3 mg/L ND mg/L 3190 mg/L 268.0 mg/L 0.0 mg/L o·. o mg/L 327.0 mg/L 556 mg/L 1275.1 mg/L 365.0 mg/L 147 mg/L 499 mg/L 23 .2 mg/L 40 SEE COLOR pH 8.09 700 92 .1% 10 % Repor:ed by Robert L. Chambers M.S. MicJ1,ael M. Chambers M.S., ·P.E. Date Started 07/20/0l Date Completed: 07/31/0l MCL DL Method: 6 SM5220C 0.05 SM4500 0. 10 SM4500C 0.04 SM4500H 10 SM24S0C 0.2 SM2320B 0 .2 SM2320B 0.2 SM2320B 0.2 SM2320B l SM4500 0.2 SM4500B l. 0 SM3120B 1. SM3120B 1 SM31205 1 SM3120B 0. 1.0 SM2130B pH 7.6 700 92.5% 10 % 08/01/01 Michael Barris PhD Date NINYO & MOORE 5710 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Customer# Reference Sampled Received Comment Test. Run: Addit.ional Test P..ntimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Cobalt Chromium, Tot.al Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1.738 1331 CGVL-SEDIMENT. 07/20/01 11:30AM 07/20/01 04:30PM ATTN; NATHAN ASH 8081/8260/8270 Sample# 10707256 Date Started : 07/20/01 P.O.# Date Completed: 08/14/01 (LAKE CALAVERA/104468001) ADD.REPORTS: Result: MCL DL Method: SEE REPORTS ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B 3.2 mg/Kg 1. 0 SM3120B 69.4 mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B ND mg/L 0.01 SM3J.20B 4.7 mg/Kg-1.0 SM3120B 8.9 mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B 17.5 mg/L 1. 0 SM3120B 2.0 mg/Kg 1.0 SM3113B ND mg/Kg 0.1 SM3112B ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B 5.5 mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B ND mg/Kg 1.0 SM3120B 26.2 mg/Kg 1.. 0 SM3120B 44 .5 mg/Kg 1. 0 SM3120B ND ~ None D-et:ecced DL = Oet:eccion Limit. MCL = Repo,ted by Robe.re L. Cha~hers M.S. MiChpel M. Chambers M.S., P.E, 08/20/01 Mi chael Harris PhD Date vo, .i.(,-&._VV.1.. rn1. .&."I: .. VJ rt'1.A ..)Jt1't-OVUt1JJ D.:JJ:\ ~--1..0~ . ~--·s-·-:.·K·: .A .N.A.1 ·v:·r •.1 ·e .AL B.;. · -L' ~ 'ti ·o: .. Tb . "'-;~:~J1r1·.-E·_.-~ , .... . . ·... . ~ D .. --~1%:.11-·J. .. ~ ~ , . . -1.t ~ r ··•·--··-&7 .. -,,. .... ------······r ...... , ...... f --cr··;v+ ✓--.. 7-•·1 ~like Chambers Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 BSK Submissioi;. #: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID#: ll8342 Project ID: PrQjectDcsc: Submissl:on Comments: Sample Type: Solid Samp1e Description: 7256 Sample Comments: Organics Analyte Method Reault Utii13 .\,4'-DDD EPA808l ND mg'Xg 4,4'-DDE EPA8081 ND mg/Kg 4,4'-DDT EPA8081 ND mg/Kg &.•BHC EPA808l ND mg/Kg Aldrin EPA 8081 ND mg/Kg b-BHC EPA 808) ND mg/Kg Ch!ordm; EI'A 8081 ND mg/.Kg d-BHC SPA 8081 ND .mg/Kg Dield."'in l.:l'A8081 ND mef.!Cg Endosul:an I EPA 8081 ND mliKg tmdo,ulmn n [j!IA!0,21 ND ~ .En.dosulf.e.n s\!lfau E.PA &-081 ND m&OCg ~ndrin ~AllOil ND mg.,'.Kg Endrin aldehyde E?A 8081 ND ~g g-BHC E'PA 8081 ND m§"Kg He-ptACh!'Clr EPA80U ND m&'Xg Hcptachlor epoxide EPA SCSI ND mg.!Kg Methoxychlor EPA 8081 ND mg/Kg 'l'oxaphcce EPA 8081 ND mg/Kg -Arochlor 1016 EPA8082 ND mg/Kg Arochlor 1221 EPA 5082 ND mg/Kg - Arocblor 1232 EPA801!2 ND mef.Kg Arochlor 1242 EPASO!l ND mg,'.Kj ,A..rochlcr l:Z48 EPA8C82 ND mdX-g ArPcblor )254 EPA 800 ND mg,Xg Arochlor 1260 EPA8082 ND mg/.Kg l,1,1,2-Tctru:hlol"C-(\hane E!'A 8260 ND µg/Kg 't, 1,1-Trlchloroethane EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 1, l.2,2• T etrachlor.>c!lh2lle E:PA8260 ND µg,](g : , l ,2-Trichlorociliw-.e EPA 8260 ND µg,Xg 1, t-Dicbloro-2-propt!I!cne EPA 8260 .ND µg;Kg mg/L: Milligrams/Liter (ppm) mg/Kg: Milligranw'Kilogram (ppm} µg/L: Micrograr:u/1..iter (ppb) PQL: Prectical Quantita:tion limir DLR: Detection Limit for Repor:ing : PQL JC Dilution µg/Kg; Micrograms/Kilognun (ppb) %Rec: Pcn:cntRecoycted (~WTogates) ND: None Detected atDL~ R:pon Ai:tl,~eatit::1 cc-&:: IIIIHIUHll~qf lJ IIHllffll II IIH!m Hlli!U Qi vv:.1 •,u, Certificate of Analysis EL.AP Certificsfe #1180 Report ls&ic Date: 08/17/2001 Den= Sampled: 07/20!2001 TiI::ie Sa.'llplcd: 1130 Dstc Received: 07/24/2001 Prep Analym PQL Dilution DLR Date Date 0.05 0.v5 0,05 0.05 0.-02 0.0.5 0.05 o.os 0.02 0.05 0.0! 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.(1~ 0.05 0.0:5 0.05 0.4 0.1 0.1 O.l 0.1 0.1 O.l 0.1 5.0 5.0 5.C, s.o 25 1 0.fJS 07/30/2001 O.vS 07/30/2001 0.(t:5 07/3(;/2001 1 0.05 07/.lQ/20Ql o.oz 07/30/2001 0.05 07/30/2001 1 0.0:S 07/300001 l 0.05 07/30/2001 ] 0.02 Oi/30/2001 1 0.05 07/30/2001 1 0.05 07/l0/2001 0.0$ 07/30/2001 1 o.cs 07/30/2001 I 0,U5 07/30.12001 1 0.05 07/30/2001 0.IJ5 07/30/2001 0.05 07/30/20Gi l 0.0S 07/30/2001 1 0.4 07/30/2001 1 0.1 07/30/2001 I 0.1 07/30120()1 l 0.1 07/30/2001 0,l 07/J0/2001 0.1 07/30/2001 0.1 07/30/'2001 0.1 07/30/2001 I 5 08/01/2001 1 s 08/01/2001 1 ~ 08/01/2001 5 08/Q1/2001 1 25 08/0U2001 H; Alla1yzed ol!'.sicie of bold time P: Ptclii.-ninazy 1esuh 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/0 lf.?00 l 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01aoo1 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/011"-001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08i0ll2001 08/01/2001 08/011'2001 0&/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 0&/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 S: Suspect result See Cov~ Lcrte-r for wromeofs. E; • .\na.J:·sis p('rfu:med by Exteml!l ll\boT111ory. S.e..! Extern~ Labora\Ory Report ~e:its. Page 2 of7 Mike Chambers Certificate of Analysis Environmental Engineering Laboratory ELAP Certificate #1180 3538 Hancock Street Report Issue Date: 08/17/2001 San Diego, CA 92110 BSK Submission#: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID #: 128342 Project ID: Project .Desc: Sublll.Wi.:.u ColJ.iJJ.ieo~: Sample Type: Solid Da!eSampled: 07/20/2001 Sample Description: 72j6 Time SBinpled: 1130 Sample Comments: Date Received: 07/24/2001 Organics Prep Analyais A_nalyte Mithod Result Unita PQL Dilution DLR Datil Date 1, 1-Dichlorocthanc EPA 8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 l,1-Dlohlorocticoc EPAS260 rm µg/Kg s.o 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 I, 1-Dichloropropcne EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 s 08/01/2001 08.'0112001 1.2,3-T richlorobenunc EPA&260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 s 08/0lt2001 08/01/2001 l_.2,3-Tr:ichloropropB!l.C EPA8260 1'-.1) µg/Kg s.o 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 l.,2,+'1',;..11.,,.,1,.,..., .. .,... D'A62(;Q ND !-'~ s.o I -' 08/01/1001 08/01/2001 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene EPA&:Z60 ND µg/Kg s.o l 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 l ,2-Dlbro%1lc-3-cblorcpro:,ane (DBCP) EPA8260 ND µg/Kg s.o 1 5 os·,0112001 08/01/2001 1,2-Dibromoetha.nc EPA8260 1'1) µg/Kg 5.0 l 5 08i01/2001 08/01/2001 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 1,2 •Dichloroethane EP.A8260 'ND µg/Xg 5.0 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 l.l•Dichloropropane EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2.001 08/01/2001 1,3,S-Tl'imethylbenzeoc EPA8260 ND µgt'"Jeg s.o l 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 l,3•Dichlorobcnzene EPA&260 :rm µg,'Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2.001 08i0l/2001 1,3 OichlQroptopllllj EPAil60 !-11) µg/Kg S-.0 1 j 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 1,4-Diehlorobenzene EPA&260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 l ~ 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 1-Chlorobutane EPA 8260 !"11) µg/Kg s.o 1 5 08/01/200] 08/01/2001 2,2-Dichloropropane EPA8260 ND µg/Kg .s.o 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 2d3µtaDOne EPA-8260 ND µg/Kg 25 25 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 2-cllloratohiene EPA8260 ND µg.'Kg 5.0 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 2-Hcxmonc EPA8260 ND µef"q 25 1 25 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 3-chloropropeoe EPAS260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 4-Chlorotolucn c EPA 8260 ND µgt'.Kg 5.0 ' j 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 4-Methyl-2-pent.enone EPA8260 :ND µg/Kg 25 1 25 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Acetone EPA 8260 ND µg/Xg 25 1 25 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Benzene EPA8260 :rm µglKg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/0i/200) Bromobenzime EPA8260 ND µg!Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Brcmochlcl'OlllC'dwle EPA8260 ND µg/Kg s.-0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Bromodichlorom,:th1111e EPA 8260 ND µg!Kg 5.C 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Bromoform EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/Gl/2001 08/01/2001 Brorncmcthanc EPA8260 ND µg/Kg s.o 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 mg/L: Milligrams/Liter (ppm) mg/Kg: Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) PQL: Practical Quantitatior.: Limit DLR: Detection Limit for Repo:tiag H: Analyzed. ott.side of hold time P: P~liminary result µg/L: MiQl'Ogramf.'Lit.:r (ppb) : PQL x Dilution S: Suspect result See C0ver Letter for co!Dlilents. fl~ Micrograms/Kifogram (_ppb) ND: None Detected at DLR E: Analysis performed by E>:tcroal laboratory. %Rec: Percent R...--covercd (surrogaics) See Exteroal Laboratory Report attachments. •-•••-,. , .. •-••1t•~••-t•••-.-i-w•■IMII t., WW': WIIU.'Tltll '1111001 :..n 111 :07 :i.U 5504W560'Hi il>ll L~i" @OOd 100, Mike Chambers Certificate of _Analysis Environmental Engineering Laboratory ELM Certificate #1180 3538 Hancock Street Report Issue Date: 08/17/2001 San Diego, CA 92110 BSK Submission#: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID#: 128342 Project ID: Project Deso: Submission Comments: Sample Type: Solid Date Sampled: 07/20/2001 Sample !kscription: 7256 Time Sampled: l 130 Sample Comments: Date Received: 07/24/2001 Organics Prep Analysis Anslyte Method Result Units PQL Dilution DLR Due Date Carbo11 Disulfide EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/200] 0&/01/2001 ~ttiieh!oiitle EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Chlcrobenzene .EPA8260 ND µg;Kg 5.0 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Chloroethane EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01.12001 Cblotofur.n EPA 8260 ND µg/Kg. 5.0 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 C"a!oromcthanc EPA8260 ND µ~ j_Q 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 ~l,2-Dicbloroethene EPA.8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 OS/01/2001 08/01/2001 c:..s-J ,3-Dichlc.ro;>ror,eoe EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Dtbrolll\.~orome:..'w!c EPA826-0 ND µg/Kg s.o 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Dibrow..mr.ttll~~ EPA8250 ND fig/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 OS/01/2001 Dichlorodifluoromethe.ne-EPA&260 ND µg;Xg 5.0 1 s OS/01/2001 08/0 l /2001 Di,:m;•I ether EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 s 08/01/2001 08/0l/2001 Ethyl!ielli'.tne EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 l s 08/01/2001 0&/0,l/2001 Etl:!ylmetht:.ciyla~ EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Haach!ofl?buted.ieue EPA8260 ND µg/Kg_ 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08,01/2001 HC"Xacbloro:tbme EPA8260 J'ljl) µgiKg 5.0 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Iodomcihaoe EPA8260 ND µg.,X.g 5.0 1 .s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Isopropylbenr.:ne E!:'A8260 .rm µg!Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 ...,.i,-.K-1I<.,...,• rPAS2GO ND µ~ 3.0 1 s 08/01)2001 08/0 I/200 l Mroiylar.rylat:= EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 MC'Ji;>-lcne Chloride EPA8260 ~1) µr/Kg 25 1 2-5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 MethylmetJ:iacrylgj:e EPA8260 ''.ND µg,'l(g 5,0 1 s 08/0li2001 08/0l/200i M~thyl-t-Butyl Ether EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 10 l 10 08/01/2001 08/01.'2001 Naphthalene EPA8260 ND µg,'4 5.0 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 n-Butylbeu.cne EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 .s 08/01/2001 08/0li2001 Nurobc=r EPA8:!60 ND µg/Kg 25 1 25 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 n•PropyUw...zene EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 ] s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 o-X)·lcll( .EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 • Pentl!ch!oroeth,a.'1<! EPA8260 ND µg/Kg s.o 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/ZOOl p--lsopropylt.:ilucnc EPA8260 ND µg/Kg 5,0 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 sec-Butylbenz= EPA 8260 .ND µg/Kg 5.0 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 mg/L: Milligrams/Liter (ppm) PQL: Pracdcal Qwntitation Limit H: Analyzed outside of hold time mg!Kg: .Milligra.mstKilogram (ppm) DLR: Dclection Limit for Reporting P: Frdiminary result µyL: MicrogramY.Liter {ppb) : PQL x Dilution S: S~--pect rc.>-ult. See Cover Letter for comments. µg/Kg: Microgmns,'Kilogram (ppb) ND: None Deu:ctcd at DLR I: Analysis perfo.rmed by External laborato:-y. %Rec: Percent Recvvered (surrcga±es) See External Laboratory Report attachments. •~~Jrt::Jt:e9:tl!llc:i~1ill11Ctti?.:fflllt~ff;i~Dl~Wt.Ol 08/ l i/2001 JiilI 141 08 FAX o504&6S0Zii nsi LAUS @006/007 'B,· s· .. ;·K,· .; -A ·N AL··v JT•I ;CIA "L, ·, . ·. , · ... _ ·s:,. ---,-... . . "O ... ·tt·, ·1· E ...... . i. . .; L 11. . "'·1!); ,A 1' . •; • • • . • . . .. __ :., .. · ·:__ ·, ... ·~_.-o, ... ,,-;,:~~I-" -,. _,.. ___ £ 1 1 Mike Chambers Certificate of Analysis Environmental Engineering Laboratory EI.AP Certificate #1180 3538 Hancock Street lleportlssae Date; 08/17/2001 San Diego, CA 92110 mm: Sabll.\U~iOD ;;: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID #: 128342 Project JD: Pmjcr:t~· Submission Co=ents: SM\ple l'ype: Solid D~e Sampkd: 07/20/200 I Sample .Description: 7256 Time Sampled: 1130 SwnplG Cumuu;ub;; D~ R~theu; 01i14/2001 Organic..\.._ Prep Amiy~is Ans}yte Method Result Unit, PQL Dilution DLR Date Date Styrene £PA8260 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 OK!Ol/2001 08/01/2001 ten•Butylbemcne EPA826Q ND 1,1i,'Kg s.o 1 s 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Tetrachloroetbenc (PCB) .EPA Sl60 ND µg/Kg 5.0 t 5 OSiOl/2001 08/01/2001 Tolu.coe EPA8250 ND µg/Kg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 trens-1,2-Dichloroe!b:ne EPA8260 ND µg,'Kg 5.0 1 s 08i0li20()1 08/01/2001 trans-1,3-Dichlorcprop.:lle EPA8260 ND µg(.l{g s.o l 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Trfohloroethene (TCE) EPA 8260 I-t'D µwKg 5.0 1 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 Trichlorofiourom...4:h~e EPA8260 ND µg..-'.Kg s.o 1 5 08/0i/2001 08/01/2001 Vinyl Chloridt EPA8260 ND µg!Kg 5.0 5 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 1,2,4-T richlorobc!lzenc EPAB270 ND mvKg 0.33 10 3.3 08102/2001 08/14/2001 1,?•Diailorob=cne EPAS270 ND mg/Xg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 1,3-Dichlorobcnu.ne EPAll270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14,'2001 V-Dicblorob=Uc EPA8270 l'll'"D mgllCg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2,4,6-Trii:Sloropbcool EPA8270 ND :mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2,4-Dlchlorophencl EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2,4-Dimethylphen,:,J EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2,4-Dinitrophcnol EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 3.3 10 33 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2,4-Dinitrotoluenc EPA8270 ND ~ 1.3 10 13 08/0212001 08/14/2001 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA8270 ND mg/Xg 1.3 10 13 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2-<:hloronap.bthalenc EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 2-CbloropbCDDl EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02i2001 08/14/2001 2°Ni'iiopbcnol EPA8210 ND mgOCg 0.33 10 3.3 0&/(:2/2001 08/14/2001 3',3-Dichlorcbeozidine EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.65 10 6.5 08/02,'2001 08/14/2001 4,4'-DDD EPA 8270 ND Il!g/Kg 0.33 10 l.3 08/02/2001 0&!14/2001 4,4'-DDB EPA827D .l'cl) mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 4,4'-DDT EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 4,6-Dinitro-2-mctbylphmiol EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 1.6S 10 15.5 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 4-Bromopher:,ylphen;yl roier EPA8270 l\iD mg/Kg 0.33 10 33 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 4-Cbloro-3-Jn!!thy 1:, benol -EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.65 10 6.5 08/0212001 08/14/2001 4-Cblorophcnylphcn)'I ~er EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 4-Nitropbenol EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 1.65 10 16.5 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 rng/L: Milligrams/'.wter (ppm) PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit H: Analyzed outside of hold ti:ne mg/Kg: MilligramsllG]ogram (ppm) DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting P: Prelmrina:ry result µg/L: Micrograms/Liter (ppb) : PQL x .Dilution S: Suspect result See Cover Letter for comments.. ~g/Kg: Mlcrogram9/K.ilogram (ppb) ND: None Det~ted at DLR E: Analysis perfonned by Extems1. laboratory. %Rec: Pe.roent Recovered (surrogates) See Exicrnal Laborator/ Repc~ artachmen+s. -·----..--.. ---.. ---i-,•·~-------•11r-.,.1:w .... --........ -------ll Mike Chambers Certificate of Analysis Environmental Engineering Laboratory ELAP Certificate #1180 3538 Hancock Street Report Issue Date: 08/17/2001 San Diego, CA 92110 BSK Scbmission #: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID #: 128342 ProjcQtID: Piojtct Desc: Subm.bsion Co m.menls: ·Sample Typ,:: Solid Dare Sampled: 07/20:'2001 Sample Description: 7256 Time Sampled: 1130 Sample Comm.cots; Date Receh·ed: 07.f24f.2001 ·organic! Prep Analysis Analyte Method Result Units PQL Dilution DLR Date Date a-BHC EPA827-0 ffi) mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/021200i 08/14/2001 A~htl=ic EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Accnaphthylcr.c EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Aldrin EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/01/ZOOl 0&114/2001 Alllhraceoe EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/01./2001 08i14/2001 Benzo( a)anthrsce;ic EPA8270 ND mg,'.Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Bomo(n)pyreoe EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/021200] 0&/14/2001 Bcm<>(b )fluoraolhene EPA&270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 OS/14/2001 Bw:o(glu)p-ttylcoc EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 lU 33 08/02/2001 08/1412001 Bi:nzo(k)fiuowrtl:cnc EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 bis(2-Chloro:'.n0xy) m.ed:um~ EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 033 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 bi!(2-ChloroctbyO c:lb::r EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 1.65 10 16.5 08/02/2001 08/1412001 bis(2.Cblorojso;,ropyl) ciher EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 3,3 10 33 08/02/2001 08/14C001 bis(2-EtbylhcxyJ) phlhe.Lut .EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Butyl beoiyl pll!halw EPA8270 ND mg/"i(g 0.33 JO 33 08102/2001 . 0&/14/2001 Cluyscne EPA8270 r,cl) mg/Kg 0.33 10 33 08/02/2001 0&/14/2001 d-BHC EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 033 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Dibenz(a,h)arrthraow.e El'A8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Dieldrin EPA 8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/0212001· 0&114/2001 Die-thyl pbth!lme EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Dimethyl-phlbalm EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 081'14/2001 Di-o•butyl pht.1111.Jlllt: EPA 8270 ND mg,'Kg 0,33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Di-o-octyl phthels EPA8270 rm mgrXg 0.33 HI 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Endosulfan I EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14.1.2001 Endosulfan ll EPA8:i70 ND mg/Kg 0.33 iO 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/lOOJ Endosulfen ttl.fm EPA~270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 ·3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Eadrln EPA&270 ND mg/Kg 1.3 10 13 08/02/2001 08/1412001 Eodrin aldehyde EPA827IJ ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 fluorenthene EPA8270 ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 Fluomie EPA82i0 ND m.ef.Kg 0.33 10 3.3 08/02/2001 08/14/2001 g-Bl:!C EPA8270 · ND mg/Kg 0.33 10 3.3 O&!OZ/2001 08/14/2001 mg/L: Milligra.mr,/Lftcr Ci-,pro) PQL~ Pra..-tlcal Quantitstiou Limit H: Analyzed out.side of hold time mg/Kg: Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) DLR: Detection Limitfor Reportmg P: Prel!mina:y result µg/L: Micrograms/Liter. (ppb) : PQL x Dilation S: Suspect result. See Cover Lener for commeols. µwl(g: Micrograu..s!Kilogra;n (ppb) ?-i"D: None Detected at DLR E: Ar.alysi.s performed by External l1iliv.ratory. %Rec: Percent Rxov~d (surrogai:s) s~ Extern.al. Laboratory Report attachments. Mike Cham hers En vitonmtsnlal Engin~~ring Labon1lury 3538 H.ancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 BSK Submission #: 2001071118 BSK Sample ID #: 128342 Project ID: Project DCSI!: Subm.issiOD Comments: 88.I!lpk Type! Solid Sample Description: 7256 Sample Comments: Organics ldl nn u nrn Certificate of Analysis ELAP Certiflcate #1180 Report l~ue Date: 08/17/2001 Date Sampled: 07i20/2001 Yuue Sampled: 1130 Date Received: 07124/200 l Prep AD~sis AUSlytt-Mi-thod Be,ult ll.nlt-L-.I>l)L Dilntlo:1 Dl.B fu.tt Tuite Heptacblor Heptachlor cpo;ode HcX11Cblorobenune H::xachlorobutt.di:n~ Hcxai:bloroctha:::e Iodono(l,2,3-td)pyrc:ne Isophotonc Nepbthalcn: n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine n-Ni-.rosodiphet.ylamillc Pcntachloroph~oo1(PCP) Phenm:lhn:0t Phenol Pyrene Surrogate Tctre.:hloro-m•xyl= Bromo:fluorobcnzene Dloromol:luorometh!llle Totucne-c!8 2,4,6-Tribromopb~aol 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2-Fluotophenol 4-Terph..--nyl-d 14 Nitrobcnz.cnc-d5 Phcnol-d5 mg/L: Milligrams/Liter (ppm) mg/Kg: Milligrani~c/Kilogram (ppm} µg/L; Micro~Uter (ppl:) µg/Kg: Microgran::s/Kilogram (ppb) %Rec: Percent Recovered (su.vrogates) .EYA8270 ND mg/Kg EPAll2?0 'ND mg/Kg EPA&270 ND mg/Kg EPAS270 ND mg/Kg EPA82i0 ND mg/Kg EPAS270 ND mwKg EPA8270 ND mg/'4 EPA 8270 ND mg,'K.g EPA&2i0 ND mg/Kg E?A8270 ND mg/Kg EPA82i0 ND mg/Kg EPA8270 ND" mg.f".(g EPA8270 Ni) mg/Kg EPA8270 ND mg/Kg EPA 8081 150 % R...sc EPA 8260 89 %Rec- EPA8260 toz %Rec EPA8260 8S %Rec EPA&270 69 %Rec EPAB270 71 %Rec EPAS270 61 %Rec EPA8270 58 %Rec · EPA8270 78 %Rec EPA8270 75 %Rec PQL: Practi~al Q,;entitaeion Limit DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting. : PQL x Dilution ND: None De~ectctl at DLR 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33- 0.33 0.33 (\,33 1.65 033 l.65 0.6.S 0.65 033 . -. . -. . . . 10 3.3 08/02/2001 10 3.3 08/02/.2001 10 3J 0S/02/2001 10 3.3 08/02/2001 rn :;.3 08/02/2001 10 3.3 08/02/2001 10 3,3 08/0li2001 10 3.3 08/02/2001 10 16.5 08/0i/2001 10 3.3 08i02/2001 10 16.S 08/02/2001 10 6.5 08/02/2001 10 6.5 08/02/2001 10 3.3 08/02'2001 l NIA 07/30/2001 1 NIA 08/01i2001 1 NIA 08/01/2001 l NIA 08/01/2001 IO NIA 08/02'2001 10 NIA:.. 08/02/2001 10 NIA 08/02/2001 10 NIA 0&'02/2001 10 NIA 08/02/2001 10 NIA 08/02/2001 H: Analyzed outside ofho1d time P: Pretimina.-y result 08/14/2001 08/14/2001 ()8/14/2001 0&/14/2001 08/14/2001 08/14/2001 08/14/2001 08/14,'2001 GS/14/2001 G8/14/200J 08/14/2001 08/14/2001· · 0&114/2001 08/14i2001 08/01/200! 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/01/2001 08/14/2001 C,g/14/2001 08/14/2001 08ii4/2001 08i14/200l 08/14/2001 S: Suspect result. See Cover Letter for CO!w!l'!Ois. E: A.o.81';s~ perfonned b) fa.ieroal la!xlratOI)'. Se.:-.Extemal Lebmatozy R..jJ•.lrt a~hments.