HomeMy WebLinkAbout6604; Romeria Street Drainage Improvements; Romeria Street Drainage Improvements; 2007-02-12LlVUll~ILcNI~U ~L!l~sr\ld 1
February 12,2007
Ms. Sherri Howard
City of Carlsbad
'2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92009
Dear Ms. Howard:
Pursuant to our field meeting, this letter presents the results of the preliminary drainage
analysis prepared for the existing concrete trapezoidal channel, and the RCP culvert
under La Costa Avenue. The project site is located in the City of Carlsbad, and is
bounded by La Costa Avenue on the northern side, Romeria Street on the eastern side,
and Levante Street to south. This study analyzes the 400 feet of concrete channel
upstream of the RCP culvert under La Costa Avenue. Refer to the Vicinity Map in
Attachment A for the location of this project.
Current Condition
In the current condition, the concrete channel has been subject to undermining md has
'deteriorated since construction, please see the photos in Attachment B. Per the
-improvement plans, the channel geometry consists of a l-foot bottom width, and 1.5:l
@:v) side slopes. The channel discharges to an existing RCP storm drain under La Costa
Avenue. The current channel alignment, and stom drain inlet location are located in
Attachment C on the La Costa Vale Unit 1 ("DWG. 3036-1 Sht, 6 and DWG. L6392 Sht.
2,5,6) plan sheets provided. Per the plans, the existing culvert geometry is a 42-inch
diameter RCP. However, field data indicates a 48-inch RCP exists in this lucation. For
the hydrologic modeling, a 48-inch pipe was assumed.
NOTE: The plan sheets provided in Attachment C are based on NVGD29 and the
topography shown on the Current Condition Rational Method Worhap is based on
NAVD88. Near this project, the elevation difference between NVGD29 and NAVDS 8 is
approximately 2.22 feet. (i-e. NVGD29 Elev. = 100 fi. therefore NAVD88 Elev. = 102.22
ft -1
Hydrologic Methodology and Criteria
Chapter 5 of the Drainage and Storm Drain Standards hated in the City of Carisbad
Engineering Stambrds Vol. 1 (2004) states that the rational formula shall be used for
watersheds less than 0.5 square miles.
The area contributing runoff to the channel is a uniform deveIopment type consisting of
single family residential houses, excluding the area immediately surrounding the channel
and the graded slopes between lots. The entire watershed area was assumed Hydrologic
5620 Friars Road San Diego, California 92 11 a2596 (619) 2914707 FAX-: (61 91 281-4165 - rl&engineefing.cam
Mi. Sherri Howard
February 12,2007
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Soil Type 'D" for these analyses. For the hydrologic model, the following C values were
Table 1: Runoff Coefficient Summa
Land-Use Percent C-Value
Dmri tioa Im rvious
Undevelo ed 0.3 5
The Rational Method analysis for this project consists of analyzing the current condition
in order to determine the peak ff ow-rate for a 100-year, 6-hour storm event. Rainfall
depth was determined using the Counw of San Diego HydkoZogy Manual Rainfall
~oplzmiaIs. The 100-year, 6-hour storm event precipitation depth taken from the
Isopluvial Chart is 2.7 inches. A copy of the Isopluvial chart is located in Attachment D.
The watershed area contributing to the channel and the culvert entrance upstream of La
Costa Avenue is approximately 75 acres. This includes the open space area dosely
surrounding the channel, and the residential lots surrounding the project site. Storm
runoff is routed into the channel through storm drains outletting into the channel. The
current condition channel alignment, and storm drain outlet locations are located in
Attachment C on the La Costa Vale Unit I plan sheets provided.
The RCP culvert under La Costa Avenue continues north for approximately 850 feet, and
outlets into San Marcos Creek. Between the entrance and outlet of this RCP culvert,
inlets and other storm drains intersect the culvert increasing the flow rate within the
culvert. The Rational Method analysis includes all tributary watershed areas, which
contribute nmoff into the culvert. A summary of flow rates dong the culvert organized
by node number is located in the Table 2 below in the @droIo@c Reds section.
Hydrologic Results
The Rational Method computer output for the lothyear, 6-hour storm event for the
current condition is located in Attachment F in this letter. The time-of-concentration and
the peak flow rate are computed at every node within the hydrologic model, which is
shown on the Current Condition Rational Method Wurhp located in Attachment E.
For this project, the focus is the peak flow through the trapezoidal channel to the RCP
culvert ruaning under La Costa Avenue. For the detailed Rational Method analysis
output report please see Attachment F.
Table 2: Flow Rate Summary within La Costa Avenue Culvert I Nde I Flow rate (cfs) I Notes I
Culvert entrance south of La Costa Avenue
Approx. 200 feet north of La Costa Avenue
Id& at Gibrahar Street & Storm Drain Junction
Culvert outlet
Ms. Sherri Howard
February 12,2007
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Preliminary Analysis and Results
Two hydraulic calculations were prepared for this project. The first calculation was
performed to determine if the original channel design is adequate to convey the peak flow
rate through the channel based on the new County HydroIogy Manual. A typical cross-
section illustrating the cb1 dimemions can be seen on the current condition plans
located in this letter in Attachment C. Based on the plans the channel dimensions are as
Side Slopes 1.5: I (h:v)
Bottom Width = 1 foot
Depth = 2.6 feet
The average slope based on current topography is approximately 6% to 7%, which
corresponds with the 7% channel slope stated in the plans. A Manning's n-value of 0.014
was used for the open channel based on Table A-4 from the San Diego County Drainage
Design Manual July 2005.
Manning's equations for open-channels was used to determine normal depth for the peak
flow yield4 by the Rational Method. For a 6% slope, the normal depth within the
channel is 1.67 feet and for a 7% slope, the normal depth within the channel is
approximately 1.61 feet Results hm the trapezoidal channel calcdations can be found
in Attachment G of this letter.
The sscond calculation was performed to determine the adequacy of the RCP culvert
located under La Costa Avenue to intercept the 100-year flow. An inlet control
calculation was performed using Chart 1B from the Sun Diego Couniy Drainage Design
Manual. Based on the plans provided in Attachment C, the existing RCP culvert under
La Costa Avenue measures 42 inches however based on field information, the culvert
measures 48 inches. An inlet control calcuIation for both a 42 and a 48-inch pipe were
performed, and the headwater required is approximately f 0.2 and 7.4 feet respectively.
The inlet control calculation can be found in Attachment G of this letter.
Inlet control was assumed to determine the potential for ponding water at the entrance of
the RCP culvert entrance. To determine if inlet control governs, and determine the
ponded water surface elevation in more detail, further hydraulic analysis for the entire
culvert may be required during &d design.
Based on the peak flow rate resulting hm the Rational Method analysis, the cwrent
design for the trapezoidal channel will be adequate to convey the 1 00-year, 6 hour storm
event, when flowing at normal depth.
However, with either a 42 or 48 inch RCP culvert, assuming inlet control, the headwater
at the culvert entrance will pond approximately 10.2 to 7.4 feet above the culvert
flowline, respectively. The ponded water surface elevation has been illustrated over an
aerial photo located in Attachment H. Due to the potential ponding of water at the
Ms. Sherri Howard
February 1 2,2007
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culvert entrance, the riprap slope protection may require additional review to verify it is
adequate to protect the culvert entrance hm erosion. Please see Attachment H, to view
the approximate limits of the ponded water surface elevation overlain the recent aerial
A debris barrier is called out on DWG. L6392 Sht. 2 located in Attachment C, at the
entrance of the RCP culvert. However, this could not be verified in the field.
Recommendations for a debris barrier may require further consideration during final
If you have any questions regarding this package or need any additional idormation
about this project, please contact Roberta Cronquist or Edgar Camerino by telephone at
(61 9) 29 1 -0707
Lc&> Dennis C. Bo ing, M.
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E
Attachment F
Attachment G
Attachment H
Vicinity Map
Photographs of the Existing Trapezoidal Channel
La Costa Vale Unit 1 Plans
San Diego County Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isoplwials
La Costa Avenue Current Condition Rational Method Workmap
Current Condition Rational Method Analysis
Hydrauiic Calculations
Ponded Water Sdace Limits at La Costa Ave.
cc: Mr. Edgar Camerino - Rick Engineering Company (with enclosures)