HomeMy WebLinkAbout6607; CMP Replacement Hoover/Lagoon & Highland/Adams; CMP Replacement Hoover/Lagoon & Highland/Adams; 2012-04-01Biological Resources Report for the
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
ty of Carlsbad
Utilities Engineering Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Contact: Sherri Howard, Associate Engineer
605 Third Street
Encinitas, CA 92024
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Prepared for:
City of Carlsbad - Utilities Engineering Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Contact: Sherri Howard, Associate Engineer
Prepared by:
605 Third Street
Encinitas, California 92024
Contact: Vipul joshi
APRIL 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Section Paqe No.
2.1 North County Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan 1
2.2 Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan and Local Coastal Program 2
2.3 California Coastal Commission 2
3.1 Project Location 2
3.2 Topography and Soils 3
3.3 On-site and Surrounding Land Uses 3
5.1 Literature Review 4
5.2 Field Reconnaissance 4
5.2.1 Vegetation Community and Land Cover Mapping 19
5.2.2 Flora '. 19
5.2.3 Fauna....: 19
5.2.3 Jurisdictional Delineation 19
5.2.5 Survey Limitations 21
6.0 RESULTS 22
6.1 Vegetation Communities, Land Covers, and Floral Diversity 22
6.1.1 Open Water-64100 23
6.1.2 Beach-64400 23
6.1.3 Coastal Brackish Marsh - 52200 23
6.1.4 Coastal Sage Scrub (including disturbed) - 32500 23
6.1.5 Non-native Grassland - 42200 24
6.1.6 Disturbed Habitat - 11300 25
6.1.7 Developed- 12000 ; 25
6.1.8 Floral Diversity : -. 25
6.2 Wildlife 25
6.3 Special-Status and/or Regulated Resources 27
6.3.1 Special-status Plant Species; 27
6.3.2 Special-status Wildlife Species 27
6.4 Jurisdictional Delineation '. 46
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Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
7.0 IMPACTS.... 46
7.1 Permanent Impacts 47
7.1.1 Hoover/Lagoon 48
7.1.2 Highland/Adams 48
7.2 Temporary Impacts 48
7.2.1 Hoover/Lagoon... : 48
7.2.2 Highland/Adams..... 49
7.3 Determination of Significance 49
7.3.1 Direct Permanent 49
7.3.2 Direct Temporary 50
7.3.3 Indirect Temporary 50
8.1 HMP Compliance 50
8.2 Recommended Mitigation Measures 50
A Cumulative List of Plant Species within the Project Area
B Cumulative List of Wildlife Species within the Project Area
1 Regional Map 5
2 Vicinity Map ....7
3 Regional Planning 9
4a Biological Resources Map - Hoover/Lagoon Project Area 11
4b Biological Resources Map - Highland/Adams Project Area 13
5a Proposed Impacts - Hoover/Lagoon Project Area 15
5b Proposed Impacts - Highland/Adams Project Area 17
1 Survey Conditions 4
2 Vegetation Communities and Land Cover Types within the Project Area 22
3 Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site 29
4 Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the
Project Area .37
5 Results of Jurisdictional Delineation 46
6 Impacts to Vegetation Communities within the Project Area 47
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Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
This report describes the existing biological conditions within 250 feet of two projects proposed
as part of the Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (proposed project). The proposed
project consists of either replacing or repairing sections of pipe at two separate locations: Adams
Street/Highland Drive and Hoover Street/Agua Hedionda Lagoon, both located within the City
of Carlsbad (City), California (Figures 1 and 2).
The purpose of this report is to (1) describe the conditions of biological resources within the
project area in terms of vegetation, flora, wetlands, wildlife, and wildlife habitats; (2) quantify
potential direct and indirect impacts to biological resources that will resuh from the project; (3)
discuss those impacts in terms of biological significance in view of federal, state, and local laws
and City policies; and (4) specify measures to mitigate any impacts that would occur to
biological resources requiring mitigation in accordance with the City's Biology Guidelines
(Technology Associates 2008).
2.1 North County Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan
The City is a member of the North County Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP;
SANDAG 2001) and has adopted a Habitat Management Plan (HMP), which is a subarea plan
under the MHCP. The MHCP is a comprehensive, multiple-jurisdictional planning tool designed
to create, manage, and monitor an ecosystem preserve in northwestern San Diego County. The
HMP is a citywide program with the purpose of preserving the diversity of species and habitats
as well as sensitive biological resources while allowing for development that is consistent with
City plans. The objectives of the HMP are to develop a plan that conserves the full range of
vegetation types with the focus on rare species and habitat, conserves areas capable of supporting
covered species in perpetuity, and maintains functional wildlife corridors and habitat linkages.
Based on proposed development and biological resources, hard- and soft-line Focus Planning
Areas (FPAs) are designated in the HMP. Hard-line areas generally require 100% conservation
and soft-line areas generally require specific conservation standards to be implemented during
development review. Portions of the Hoover/Lagoon project area are within an existing hardline
FPA, while a portion ofthe Highland/Adams project area is located within a proposed standards
area (Figure 3).
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Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
2.2 Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan and Local Coastal Program
Agua Hedionda Lagoon and surrounding properties are also regulated by the City's Agua
Hedionda Land Use Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP) (City of Carlsbad 1982). The LCP
identifies the lagoon as supporting water quality, viewshed, public use, and biological values that
require protection. According to the Land Use Plan, portions of the open space in which the
projects are located are designated as low-to-medium residential and recreation commercial. The
portions of the shoreline are designated as open space (Exhibit C, City of Carlsbad 1982).
2.3 California Coastal Commission
Both projects are located within the boundaries of the coastal zone within a coastal deferred
certification area. Under the California Coastal Act (CCA), the California Coastal Commission
(CCC) regulates the "coastal zone" and requires a coastal development permit for almost all
development within this zone. The CCA also protects designated sensitive coastal areas by
providing additional review and approvals for proposed actions in these areas. The CCA defines
wetlands as "lands within the coastal zone which may be covered periodically or permanently with
shallow water and include saltwater marshes, swamps, mudflats, and fens" (California Public
Resources Code, Section 30121). The CCA allows diking, filling, or dredging of wetlands for
certain uses, such as restoration. The CCA also directs each city or county within the coastal zone
to prepare an LCP for CCC certification (Califomia Public Resources Code, Section 30500).
Certain coastal areas located within a county or city jurisdiction area are known as "areas of
deferred certification" (ADCs). Such geographic areas are not considered by the CCC to be part
ofthe final, certified LCP, even while surrounded by other areas that are addressed by the LCP.
The creation of an ADC results generally from a lack of agreement between the CCC and a
county or city regarding the LCP policies or zoning provisions that should apply to a specific
geographic area. Certification by the CCC of the remainder of the LCP jurisdiction area may
occur, but the site of the disagreement remains "uncertified."
3.1 Project Location
The proposed projects occur in two separate locations. One project is located along Hoover
Street, southwest of Adams Street, and within vacant land adjacent to the Agua Hedionda
Lagoon (Hoover/Lagoon), and the other project is located at the intersection of Highland Drive
and Adams Street (Highland/Adams) within the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County (Figures 1
and 2). Both project areas are located on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute San Luis
Rey quadrangle. Township 12 South, Range 4 West, Section 8.
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Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
3.2 Topography and Soils
The Hoover/Lagoon project area is located immediately adjacent to Hoover Street, which slopes
southwest toward the lagoon. The pipeline extends southwest of Hoover Street, into disturbed
habitat, and continues to slope toward that lagoon. Elevations range from approximately 0 to 80
feet above mean sea level (amsl). The Highland/Adams project area is located primarily within
roadways, and only a small portion ofthe project is located within native habitat. Topography
within the immediate project vicinity is relatively flat. A slope of native vegetation that leads to
the lagoon is located just south of this project area.
Two soil types are located within the entire project area. Soils within the Hoover/Lagoon project
consist of Carlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 9% to 15% slopes. These moderately well-drained soils
are derived from ferruginous sandstone. The soils vvithin the Highland/Adams are marina loamy
coarse sand, 9% to 30% slopes. These soils are classified as somewhat excessively drained, and
the parent material is eolian sand derived from mixed sources.
3.3 On-site and Surrounding Land Uses
Both proposed projects are located northeast of the Agua Hedionda lagoon. A patch of vacant
land is located between the lagoon and Adams Street (Figures 4a and 4b) that is identified as
Hedionda Point in the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan (City of Carlsbad 1982). Residential
development surrounds the vacant land and both project areas to the north, south, and east.
Interstate 5 is located west of the lagoon and both project areas. The General Plan Land Use
designation is Residential low to medium density and the zoning is R-1-15000 for vacant and
adjacent lots.
The Hoover/Lagoon project involves rehabilitating approximately 474 lineal feet of 21-inch
corrugated metal pipeline (CMP) with a cured-in-place liner. The project also includes replacing
approximately 24 lineal feet of 21-inch CMP with 18-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
pipe via open trench immediately upstream of the damaged drainage outfall structure. The
project is located within the public right-of-way of Hoover Street and vacant land between the
southern end of Hoover Street and the northern edge of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. In addition,
the project includes the construction of a 1) storm drain cleanout, 2) headwall, and 3) riprap
energy dissipater (Figure 5a).
The Highland/Adams portion ofthe proposed project consists of replacing approximately 132
lineal feet of 12- and 15-inch damaged and degraded CMP with an 18-inch reinforced concrete
pipe (RCP) within the public right-of-way at the intersection of Highland Drive and Adams
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Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Street. In addition, the project includes construction of 1) two catch basins, 2) two storm drain
cleanouts, 3) a concrete drainage swale, 4) a concrete drainage ditch, 5) a concrete spillway, and
6) a riprap energy dissipater (Figure 5 b).
Staging for equipment storage, etc., during construction for both projects is assumed to occur
within roadways or other disturbed, vacant lots that are devoid of biological resources.
Data regarding biological resources present in the project area were obtained through a review of
pertinent literature and field reconnaissance; both are described in detail as follows.
5.1 Literature Review
Special-status biological resources present or potentially present on site were identified through a
literature search using the following sources: Habitat Management Plan for Natural
Communities in the City of Carlsbad (City of Carlsbad 1999); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) (2012); California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) (2011a-b and 2012a-c);
and the California Native Plant Society's (CNPS's) online Inventory of Rare and Endangered
Vascular Plants iCN?S 2012).
5.2 Field Reconnaissance
Dudek biologists Callie Ford and Patricia Schuyler conducted vegetation mapping, a botanical
inventory, a general wildlife survey, and a jurisdictional delineation on January 27, 2012. Survey
conditions are included in Table 1.
Table 1
Survey Conditions
Date-• Staff Survey Duration Temperature , . Skies' • Wind
Jan 27,2012 Callie Ford;
Patricia Schuyler
1300-1730 79<'F Clear, 0% cloud
0 to 2 mph
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
DUDEK 6 April 2012
DUDEK SOURCE: USGS 7,5-Minute Series San Luis Rey Quadrangle. FIGURE 2
Vicinity Map
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program - Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
=J Feet
SOURCE: Bing 2011, Cityof Carlsbad 2011 FIGURE 3
Regional Planning
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program - Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Biological Resources Map - Hoover/Lagoon Project Area
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program - Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
DUDEK SOURCE: BING 2011, Harris SAssociates
Proposed Impacts - Highland/Adams Project Area
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program - Hoover/Lagoon and Higtiland/Adams
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
5.2.1 Vegetation Community and Land Cover Mapping
Plant communities were mapped in the field directly onto a 100-scale (1 inch =100 feet) color
digital orthographic map of the property. These boundaries and locations were digitized by
Dudek geographic information system (GIS) technician Tyler Friesen using ArcGIS software.
Vegetation community classifications used in this report follow Holland (1986), as revised by
Oberbauer et al. (2008).
5.2.2 Flora
All plant species encountered during the field surveys were identified and recorded. Those
species that could not be identified immediately were brought into the laboratory for further
investigation. Latin and common names for plant species with a California Rare Plant Rank
(CRPR) (formerly CNPS List) follow the CNPS On-Line Inventory of Rare, Threatened, and
Endangered Plants of California (2010). For plant species without a CRPR, Latin names follow
the Jepson Interchange List of Currently Accepted Names of Native and Naturalized Plants of
California (Jepson Flora Project 2010), and common names follow the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service Plants Database (USDA 2010).
5.2.3 Fauna
Dudek biologists walked both project areas to identify and record all wildlife species, as detected
during field surveys by sight, calls, tracks, scat, or other signs. In addition to species actually
observed, expected wildlife usage of the site was determined according to known habitat
preferences of regional wildlife species and knowledge of their relative distributions in the area. No
trapping or focused surveys for special-status or nocturnal species was conducted. Latin and
common names of animals follow Stebbins (2003) for reptiles and amphibians, American
Ornithologists' Union (AOU 2012) for birds, Wilson and Reeder (2005) for mammals, and
Emmel and Emmel (1973) for butterflies.
5.2.3 Jurisdictional Delineation
A jurisdictional delineation was conducted within the project boundary to delineate areas under
the jurisdiction of the CDFG, pursuant to Sections 1600-1603 ofthe California Fish and Game
Code, under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), pursuant to Section
404 of the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), under jurisdiction of Regional Water Quality
Control Board (RWQCB), pursuant to CWA Section 401 and the Porter-Cologne Act, and under
the jurisdiction of the CCC under the CCA. The ACOE jurisdictional wetiands delineation was
conducted in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
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Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
(ACOE 1987), the Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation
Manual: Arid West Region (ACOE 2008), and Rapanos Guidance (ACOE and EPA 2008);
hydrology, vegetation, and soils were examined at potential wetland sites and were recorded on
wetiand determination data forms.
A predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, where associated with a stream channel, was used to
define CDFG-regulated riparian vegetation. The limits of areas under the jurisdiction of the
RWQCB generally match those areas delineated as ACOE-jurisdictional. However, stream
channels with evidence of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) that lack connectivity to
"waters of the U.S." may be considered to be under the jurisdiction of RWQCB and CDFG but
not under the jurisdiction of ACOE. CCC jurisdiction was based on presence of any one of the
three wetland criteria. ACOE jurisdiction of tidal wetlands, regardless of the presence/absence of
indicators, extends to 18 inches above mean ordinary high tide elevation. Based on tide charts for
the Carlsbad area, ordinary mean high tide was determined to be approximately 3 feet amsl, and
therefore tidal wetlands jurisdiction extends to the 4.5-foot contour amsl (Anderson 2011). It is
presumed that RWQCB and CCC also take jurisdiction over this tidal area. Additional wetiands
jurisdiction may occur above the 4.5-foot contour, but would be based on presence of appropriate
wetlands indicators. CDFG, under the Lake and Streambed Alteration program, does not regulate
impacts to marine wetlands that are supported by tidal influences. The extent of wetiand features
was determined in the field by collecting data using a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit; the
shapes were then transferred to topographic base, and GIS coverage was created.
The results of the study include areas delineated as jurisdictional by the ACOE, RWQCB, and
the CCC. Since the project area is solely influenced by tides, none ofthe wetiands on site is
under the jurisdiction of the CDFG.
Hydrophytic Vegetation
Seasonal changes in species composition, human land-use practices, wildfires, and other natural
disturbances can adversely affect the wetlands vegetation determination. During the delineation, a
data station point was considered positive for hydrophytic vegetation if it passed the basic
dominance test (Indicator 1), meaning that more than 50% of the dominant species sampled were
characterized as either obligate, facultative wetland, and/or facultative per the National List of
Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands:' 1988 National Summary (Reed 1988). In those cases where
the dominance test failed, the vegetation parameter was reevaluated using the prevalence index
(Indicator 2), which takes into account all plant species in the community, not just dominants. The
standard plot sampling technique was used to sample vegetation within a 5-foot radius for
herbaceous vegetation and a 10-foot radius for trees, shrubs, and woody vines. All plant species
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observed during the surveys were identified and recorded. Where plant identification could not be
made in the field, a sample was taken and later identified in the laboratory.
Hydric Soils
According to the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils, hydric soils are "soils that are
formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing
season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part" (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1994).
Soil pits were prepared using a "sharp shooter" shovel to determine whether hydric soils were
present. The presence of hydric soils was determined through consultations with the 1987 Manual
as well as Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States v. 7.0 (NRCS 2010) and the Interim
Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region
(ACOE 2008). Munsell Soil Color Charts were used to determine soil chroma and value. Soil pits
were prepared to a depth of 12 inches. Dry soils were moistened to obtain the most accurate color.
In general, soils from test pits were determined to be hydric if they exhibited redoximorphic
features (e.g., redox concentrations, redox depletions, reduced matrix or depleted matrix).
In accordance with the guidelines prescribed in the Arid West supplement (ACOE 2008),
wetland hydrology indicators are separated into four major groups: A, B, C, and D. Group A
indicators are based on direct observations of surface flow, ponding, and soil
saturation/groundwater. Group B indicators consist of evidence that the project area has been or
is currently subjected to ponding—including, but not limited to, water marks, drift deposits, and
sediment deposits. Group C indicators include signs of previous and/or current saturation,
including oxidized rhizospheres surrounding living roots and the presence of reduced iron or
sulfur, both of which are indicative of extended periods of soil saturation. Group D indicators
consist of "vegetation and soil features that are indicative of current rather than historic wet
conditions and include a shallow aquitard and results of the Facultative (FAC)-Neutral test"
(ACOE 2008). Each group is subdivided into primary and secondary categories based on their
frequency and reliability to occur in the Arid West region.
5.2.5 Survey Limitations
Limitations of the survey include a diurnal bias and the absence of trapping for small mammals,
reptiles, and amphibians. The survey was conducted during the daytime to maximize the
detection of most animals. Birds represent the largest component of the vertebrate fauna, and
because most birds are active in the daytime, diurnal surveys maximize the number of bird
observations. Conversely, diurnal surveys usually result in few observations of mammals, many
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Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
of which may only be active at night. In addition, many species of reptiles and amphibians are
secretive in their habits and are difficult to observe using standard meandering transects.
The survey was conducted during the winter season, which resulted in detection and
identification of most perennial plant species that occur in the area. However, spring and summer
blooming herbaceous plants would not have been observed. The purpose ofthe field survey was
to determine the likelihood of occurrence of any special-status plant or wildlife species based on
the presence/absence of suitable habitat and other natural history elements that might predict
their occurtcnce.
6.1 Vegetation Communities, Land Covers, and Floral Diversity
Based on species composition and general physiognomy, four native plant communities and three
non-native plant communities or land cover types were observed within the project area. The
Hoover/Lagoon project area is located within and surrounded by developed lands, coastal sage scrub
(including disturbed), non-native grasslands, disturbed habitat, beach, open water, and coastal
brackish marsh. The Highland/Adams project area is located within and surrounded by developed
lands to the north and east and coastal sage scrub from Adams Street to the lagoon. Of these
communities, coastal brackish marsh and coastal sage scrub are the only special-status communities.
Acreages for the seven vegetation communities and land cover types are provided in Table 2.
Table 2
Vegetation Communities and Land Cover Types within the Project Area
Vegetation Commuhity/Lahd
Cover Type hoover/Lagoon Highland/Adams • Total Acreage .
Open Water 1.92 . — , 1.92
Beach 0.47 — 0.47
Coastal Brackish Marsh 0.06 — • 0.06
Coastal Sage Scrub (Including
0.76 2.92 3.68
Non-native Grassland 1.43 — 1.43
Disturbed Habitat 2.68 — 2.68
Developed 3.66 3.78 7.44
Total* 10.98 6.69 17.68
'Totals may not sum due to rounding.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
6.1.1 Open Water-64100
This habitat type refers to the lagoon area beyond the shore/beach that permanently contains
water and does not contain emergent vegetation. A total of 1.92 acres of open water is mapped
within the Hoover/Lagoon project area.
6.1.2 Beach-64400
According to Draft Vegetation Communities of San Diego County (Oberbauer et al. 2008), beach
is described as sandy and/or cobbly habitat on coastal strands, lagoons, or lakes. Ocean beaches
are a shoreline feature of deposited sand formed by waves and tides off the coast. Beaches on
lakes may be a result of waves, disturbance, or geological formations. These are mainly
unvegetated areas; however, upper portions may be thinly populated with herbaceous species.
On site, the transitional zone between the lagoon and vegetation is mapped as beach. This area
lacks vegetation and is composed of sandy soils. A total of 0.47 acre of beach is mapped within
the Hoover/Lagoon project area.
6.1.3 Coastal Brackish Marsh - 52200
Coastal brackish marsh is dominated by perennial, emergent, herbaceous monocots to 2 meters
(6.5 feet) tall, and cover is often complete and dense. This vegetation community is similar to
salt and freshwater marshes and contains some plants characteristic of each; however, the water
in the lagoon is brackish from both freshwater and ocean inputs. Salinity may vary considerably
within this area and may increase at high tide or during seasons of low freshwater runoff or both.
A small patch of coastal brackish marsh is located on 0.062 acre within the Hoover/Lagoon
project area. Species within this vegetation community include salt grass {Distichlis spicata),
Virginia glasswort {Salicornia virginica), California seablite {Suaeda californica), and
southwestem spiny rush {Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii).
6.1.4 Coastal Sage Scrub (inciuding disturbed) - 32500
Coastal sage scrub is composed of a variety of soft, low shrubs, characteristically dominated by
drought-deciduous. species such as California sagebrush {Artemisia californica), flat-top
buckwheat {Eriogonum fasciculatum), and sages {Salvia spp.), with scattered evergreen shrubs,
including lemonadeberry {Rhus integrifolia) and laurel sumac {Malosma laurina). It typically
develops on xeric slopes (Oberbauer et al. 2008).
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Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Coastal sage scrub and all its variants generally are recognized as sensitive plant communities by
local, state, and federal resource agencies. It supports a diversity of sensitive plants and animals,
and it is estimated that it has been reduced by 75% to 80% of its historical coverage throughout
Southern California. It is the focus of the current State of California Natural Communities
Conservation Planning Program (NCCP).
Both the Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams project areas support coastal sage scrub
vegetation (Figures 4a and 4b). There are two patches of coastal sage scrub located within the
Hoover/Lagoon project area (totaling 0.76 acre), and they include both undisturbed and disturbed
coastal sage scrub. Undisturbed coastal sage scrub is dominated by Califomia sagebrush and
laurel sumac. Regions mapped as disturbed coastal sage scrub contain few shrubs and appear to
have been mowed or cleared. Hottentot fig {Carpobrotus edulis) and non-native grasslands from
surrounding areas encroach upon the coastal sage scrub found within the Hoover/Lagoon project
area. Almost the entire Highland/Adams project area south of Adams Street is mapped as coastal
sage scrub; this area totals 2.92 acres. This project area is dominated by California sagebmsh and
laurel sumac; thickleaf yerba santa {Eriodictyon crassifolium) is also present throughout much of
the project area.
6.1.5 Non-native Grassland - 42200
Non-native grassland contains a dense-to-sparse cover of annual grasses and is often associated
with numerous species of showy-flowered, native annual forbs (Oberbauer et al. 2008); the
presence of wild oat {Avena spp.), bromes {Bromus spp.), filaree {Erodium spp.), and mustards
{Brassica spp.) are common indicators of this community in San Diego County. Non-native
grassland may occur where disturbance by maintenance (mowing, scraping, disking, spraying,
etc.), grazing, repetitive fire, agriculture, or other mechanical dismption has altered soils and
removed native seed sources from areas formerly supporting native vegetation. Non-native
grassland typically occurs adjacent to roads or other developed areas where there has been some
historic disturbance. Non-native grassland may support sensitive plant and animal species and
provide valuable foraging habitat for raptors.
On site, non-native grassland occurs on the north and south side of Adams Street within the
Hoover/Lagoon project area and totals 1.43 acres. These areas are dominated by non-native
species including red brome {Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens), slender oat {Avena barbata), and
filaree {Erodium botrys and E. cicutarium). Some native annual forbs including cryptantha
{Cryptantha spp.) and miniature suncup {Camissonia micrantha) are also present.
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Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
6.1.6 Disturbed Habitat-11300
Disturbed habitat is characterized by predominately non-native species introduced and
established through human action. These areas have been physically disturbed and are no longer
recognizable as a native or naturalized vegetation association, but continue to retain a soil
substrate (Oberbauer et al. 2008). The disturbed habitat within the Hoover/Lagoon project area,
totaling 2.68 acres, is primarily dominated by Hottentot fig. The disturbed habitat from Hoover
Street to the lagoon has been subject to grading in the past and currently contains straw waddles
for erosion control. Some native vegetation has begun to establish in the area, including Menzies'
goldenbush {Isocoma menziesii) and big saltbush {Atriplex lentiformis); however, these shrubs
are scattered and do not provide enough cover to be categorized into a vegetation community.
6.1.7 Developed-12000
Developed areas include areas that have been constructed upon or otherwise physically altered to
an extent that native vegetation is no longer supported. Developed land is characterized by
permanent or semipermanent structures, pavement or hardscape, and landscaped areas that often
require irrigation (Oberbauer et al. 2008). Within both project areas, developed areas include
roads, homes, and associated non-native landscaping. A total of 3.66 acres is developed in the
Hoover/Lagoon project area and 3.78 acres within the Highland/Adams project area.
6.1.8 Floral Diversity
A total of 34 species of vascular plants, 23 native (68%) and 11 non-native (32%), was recorded
within the project areas (Appendix A). The recorded flora of the site is limited because surveys
were conducted during winter and fall, and vegetation communities within the project area are
limited in diversity and extent.
6.2 Wildlife
Twelve bird species were observed during the survey visit (Appendix B). The diversity of birds
is limited due to the small amount of habitat, relatively low habitat quality, and small size ofthe
project area. The coastal sage scrub and non-native grassland on site provide habitat for a variety
of birds, including black phoebe {Sayornis nigricans), lesser goldfinch {Spinus psaltria),
Bewick's wren {Thryomanes bewickii), Anna's hummingbird {Calypte anna), and yellow-
rumped warbler {Dendroica coronata). The federally threatened coastal Califoraia gnatcateher
{Polioptila californica californica) is known to occur near the project area and is presumed
present within coastal sage scrub found in the project area. The coastal brackish marsh, beach,
DUDEK 25 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams •
and open water areas provide habitat for a number of birds, including the CDFG Species of
Special Concern (SSC) American white pelican {Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), killdeer
{Charadrius vociferus), spotted sandpiper {Actitis macularius), and American coot {Fulica
americana). One California brown pelican {Pelecanus occidentalis califomicus), a CDFG fully
protected species, was observed foraging in the lagoon during surveys, but was not recorded
within the project area.
Reptiles and Amphibians
No reptile species were observed on site. However, reptiles common in the area and likely to
occur on site include side-blotched lizard {Uta stansburiana), western fence lizard {Sceloporus
occidentalis), gopher snake {Pituophis melanoleucus), red-diamond rattlesnake {Crotalus ruber),
coachwhip {Masticophis flagellum), and common kingsnake {Lampropeltis getulus).
No amphibian species were observed during the survey; however, one or more of the following
species may occur on site: garden slender salamander {Batrachoseps attenuatus), western toad
{Bufo boreas), and Pacific treefrog {Hyla regilla).
Diversity of reptiles and amphibians is low in the project areas due to low habitat quality, limited
availability of suitable habitat, and the likely negative effects of the adjacent urban development.
Mammal species, or their sign, observed on. site during the survey include brush rabbit
{Sylvilagus bachmani) and California ground squirrel {Spermophilus beecheyi). Mammals not
observed on site but likely to be present include Botta's pocket gopher {Thomomys bottae),
California mouse {Peromyscus califomicus), California pocket mouse (Chaetodipus
califomicus), deer mouse {Peromyscus maniculatus), Dulzura Califomia pocket mouse
{Chaetodipus califomicus femoralls), cactus mouse {Peromyscus eremicus), woodrat {Neotoma
spp.), Virginia opossum {Didelphis virginiana), striped skunk {Mephitis mephitis), and coyote
{Canis latrans).
No invertebrate species were observed during the survey visit. A number of intertidal species is
presumed to occur within the Hoover/Lagoon project area, especially within the beach habitat.
Terrestrial invertebrates not observed on site but likely to be present include cabbage butterfly
{Pieris rapae), west coast lady {Vanessa annabella), pygmy blue (Brephidium exile), fiery
skipper (Hylephila phyleus), salt marsh skipper {Panoquina errans), and buckeye {Junonia
DUDEK 26 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
6.3 Special-Status and/or Regulated Resources
Special-status biological resources are defined as follows: (1) species that have been given
special recognition by federal, state, or local conservation agencies and organizations due to
limited, declining, or threatened population sizes; (2) species and habitat types recognized by
local and regional resource agencies as sensitive; (3) habitat areas or plant communities that are
unique, are of relatively limited distribution, or are of particular value to wildlife; and (4)
wildlife corridors and habitat linkages. Regulated biological resources may or may not be
considered special status, but they meet jurisdictional determination criteria under any of several
local, state, and/or federal laws. Such resources may be species locations, habitat, or topographic
features such as drainage courses.
The following discussion addresses special-status plant and wildlife species. The nature of the
project area is such that special-status habitat areas or plant communities are not of substantial
extent within the project area to be of considerable value to wildlife. There are no corridors or
linkages within the project area and, as such, do not warrant discussion.
6.3.1 Special-status Plant Species
Southwestern spiny rush, a CRPR 4.2 species, was the only special-status plant species that was
observed during focused surveys. One individual was mapped within coastal sage scrub in the
Hoover/Lagoon project area (Figure 4a). Another individual was mapped south of the project
area as well.
Other special-status species that occur adjacent to the project study area or have the potential to
occur within the project study area, based on the presence of suitable habitat and soils, as well as
on occurtence records based on a CNPS (CNPS 2012) and California Natural Diversity Database
(CNDDB; CDFG 2012a) search, are listed in Table 3.
6.3.2 Special-status Wildlife Species
American white pelican {Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), a CDFG SSC, was recorded within the
Hoover/Lagoon project area. One additional special-status bird species, brown pelican
{Pelecanus occidentalis califomicus), a CDFG fully protected and HMP covered species, was
observed outside the limits ofthe project area, but was presumed to utilize the project area. The
brown pelican was observed foraging in the lagoon, and this species likely is found within the
Hoover/Lagoon project area. Coastal California gnatcateher, a federally threatened species, is
also presumed to utilize the coastal scrub habitat within the project area, and is known from the
vicinity ofthe project area.
DUDEK 27 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
The observed and other special-status species that have the potential to occur within the site are
listed in Table 4. The species' potential to occur is based on the presence of suitable habitat and
distribution, as well as their occurrence based on the CNDDB search (CDFG 2012a). This list
includes species listed by the state and federal government as threatened or endangered, those.
species proposed for state and/or federal listing or candidates; and those wildlife species
generally considered to be rare or declining, state species of concern, state regulated species,
other federal status species.
DUDEK 28 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range •>
Status On Site or Potential to *
Abronia viilosa var. aurita chaparral sand-verbena None/None 1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, desert dunes/annual
herb/January-September/246 to 5,250 feet
Low potenaal to occur.
Although there is suitable
coastal scrub habitat on site,
the pjoject area is located
below the elevation range for
this species.
Acanthominttia ilicifolia San Diego thorn-mint FT/SE/NE1 1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools; clay/annual herb/April-
June/30 to 3,150 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable clay soils.
Adolphia californica California adolphia None/
2.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland; clay/deciduous shrub/December-
May/150 to 2,430 feet
Absent. There is suitable
vegetative habitat but not
suitable clay soils and this
species would have been
observed during sun/eys.
Ambrosia pumila Dwarf burr ambrosia FE/None/
1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools; often disturbed,
sometimes alkaline/rhizomatous herb/May-
October/60 to 1,360 feet
Not observed during previous
surveys in the area. Low
potential to occur. Coastal
scrub may provide suitable
habitat, but suitable alkaline
soils are not present.
Arctostaphyios glandulosa ssp.
Del Mar manzanita FE/None/
Covered^, NE
1B.1 Maritime chaparral; sandy/evergreen
shrub/December-June/< 1,200 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Astragalus tenervar. titi Coastal dunes milk-vetch FE/SE/None 1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, coastal
prairie; mesic, often vernally mesic/annual
herb/March-May/< 170 feet
Low potential to occur. There
are no suitable mesic
conditions within the project
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 3
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
State/City CNPS
s Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range
Status On Site or Potential to
Atriplex coulteri Coulter's saltbush None/
1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, coastal
scrub, valley and foothill grassland; alkaline or
clay/perennial herb/March-October/10 to 1,500
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable soils.
Atriplex pacifica South Coast saltscale None/
1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, coastal
scrub, playas/annual herb/March-October/<
500 feet
Low potential to occur. Coastal
scrub may provide suitable
Atriplex serenanavar. davidsonii Davidson's saltscale None/
1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub; alkaline/
annual herb/April-October/30 to 650 feet.
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable soils.
Baccharis vanessae Encinitas baccharis, FT/SE/
Covered^, NE
1B.1 . Chaparral, cismontane woodland; sandstone/
deciduous shrub/August-November/200 to
2,400 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat on site and
the project area is located
below the elevation range for
this species.
Bergerocactus emoryi Golden-spined cereus None/
2.2 Closed-cone conifer forest, chaparral, coastal
scrub; sandy/shrub/May-June/10 to 1,300 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Bloomeria clevelandii San Diego goldenstar None/None/NE 1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools; clay/bulbiferous herb/
April-May/160 to 1,550 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable clay soils.
Brodiaea filifolia Thread-leaved brodiaea FT/SE/Covered,
1B.1 Chaparral (openings), cismontane woodland,
coastal scrub, playas, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools; often clay/bulbiferous
herb/March-June/400 to 2,800 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable clay soils. In
addition, the project area is
located below the elevation
range for this species.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
State/City CNPS •
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range,:
Status On Site or Potential to
Occur " '
Brodiaea orcuttii Orcutt's brodiaea None/None/NE 1B.1 Closed-cone conifer forest, chaparral,
cismontane woodland, meadows and seeps,
valley and foothill grassland, vernal pools;
mesic, clay, sometimes serpentine/iiulbiferous
herb/May-July/100-5,550 feet
Low potential to occur. There
are no suitable vegetative
habitat or clay soils.
Camissonia lewisii Lewis's evening
None/None/None 3 Coastal bluff scrub, cismontane woodland,
coastal dunes, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland; sandy or clay/annual herb/March-
May (June)/<1,000 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable soils.
Ceanothus verrucosus Wart-stemmed
2.2 Chaparral/evergreen shrub/December-May/<
1,250 feet.
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Centromadia parryispp. australis Southern tarplant None/None/
1B.1 Marshes and swamps (margins), valley and
foothill grassland (vernally mesic), vemal
pools/annual herb/May-November/< 400 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Centromadia pungensssp. laevis Smooth tarplant None/
1B.1 Chenopod scrub, meadows and seeps, playas,
riparian woodland, valley and foothill grassland;
alkaline/annual herb/April-September/<1580
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Chaenactis glabriuscula Ma!,
Orcutt's pincushion None/
1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes/annual herb/
January -August/10 to 330 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site.
Chorizanthe orcuttiana Orcutt's spineflower FE/SE/Covered,
1B.1 Maritime chaparral, closed-cone conifer forest,
coastal scrub; sandy soils/annual herb/March-
May/< 400 feet
Low potential to occur; suitable
sandy soils within coastal sage
scrub on site, but species is
known from only one
occurrence in San Diego
Chorizanthe polygonoides var.
Long-spined spineflower None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub, meadows and seeps,
valley and foothill grassland; often clay/annual
herb/April-July/100 to 5,000 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
not suitable clay soils.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 3
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range ' .
Status On Site or Potential to
Clarkia delicata Delicate clarkia None/
1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland/annual herb/
April-June/770 to 3.300 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat but
the project area is located
below the elevation range for
this species.
Comarostaphylis divers/folia ssp.
Summer-holly None/None/
1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland/evergreen
shrub/April-June/100-1,800 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Corethrogyne filaginifoliaMa^.
San Diego sand aster None/
1B.1 Chaparral, coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub/
perennial herb/June-September/10-380 feet
Absent. This genus would have
been identified if present.
Corethrogyne filaginifoliaMax.
Del Mar Mesa sand aster None/None/
Covered2, NE
1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub, maritime chaparral
(openings), coastal scrub; sandy/perennial
herb/May-September/10 to 380 feet
Absent, This genus would have
been identified if present.
Dudleya blochmaniae spp.
Blochman's dudleya None/None/NE 1B.1 Chaparral, coastal bluff scrub, coastal scaib,
valley and foothill grassland, rocky; often clay
or serpentinite/perennial herb/April to June/15
to 1,500 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
Dudleya brevifolia Short-leaved dudleya None/SE/NE 1B.1 Maritime chaparral (openings), coastal scrub;
Torrey sandstone/perennial herb/April/100-800
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the Project Area lacks suitable
Dudleya multicaulis Many-stemmed dudleya None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland; often clay/perennial herb/April-July/
50-2,600 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
Dudleya variegata Variegated dudleya None/
1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal
scrub, valley and foothill grassland, vernal
pools; clay/perennial herb/April-June/< 1,900
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/ %
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range
Status On Site or Potential to
Dudleya visada Sticky dudleya None/None/
1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, chapan'al, coastal scrub;
rocky/perennial herb/May-June/30 to 1,800
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
Eryngium aristulatumMar. parishii San Diego button-celery FE/SE/
Covered2, NE
IB;I Coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland,
vernal pools, mesic/annual-perennial herb/
April-June/60 to 2,000 feet
Low potential to occur. There
are no suitable mesic
conditions within the project
Eryngium pendletonensis Pendleton button-celery None/
1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools; clay, vernally mesic/
perennial herb/April-June/50 to 360 feet
Low potential to occur. There
are no suitable mesic
conditions or clay soils within
the project area.
Erysimum ammophilum Sand-loving wallflower None/
1B.2 Maritime chaparral, coastal dunes, coastal
scrub; sandy, openings/ perennial herb/
February-June/<200 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site;
suitable sandy soils present
Euphorbia misera Cliff spurge None/None/
2.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub, Mojavean
desert scrub; rocky/shrub/December-August/
30 to 1,650 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
Ferocactus viridescens San Diego barrel cactus None/None/
2.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill
grassland, vernal pools/perennial stem
succuient/May-June/< 1,500 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Hazardia orcuttii Orcutt's hazardia FC/ST/Covered,
1B.1 Maritime chaparral, coastal scrub; often clay/
evergreen shrub/August-October/250 to 280
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp.
Beach goldenaster None/
1B.1 Coastal dunes, coastal scrub, coastal
chaparral/annual herb/July to November/< 35
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site;
suitable sandy soils are
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 3
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/ -
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
Blooming Period/Elevation Range
Status On Site or Potential to
Horkelia truncata Ramona horkelia None/
1B.3 Chaparral, cismontane woodland, clay,
gabbroic/perennial herb/May-June/1,300 to
4,300 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
suitable vegetative habitat, but
the project area lacks suitable
Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii southwestern spiny rush None/None/
4.2 Coastal dunes, meadows and seeps (alkaline),
coastal marshes and swamps; mesic/
rhizomatous herb/May-June/9 to 2,950 feet.
Observed on site within coastal
sage scrub in the
Hoover/Lagoon project area.
One individual was observed
adjacent to the impact area, at
the periphery of the 250-foot
buffer. Another individual was
observed off site, south of the
impact area.
Isocoma menziesi/var.
Decumbent goldenbush None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub (sandy, often
disturbed areas)/shrub/April-November/30 to
450 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Iva hayesiana San Diego marsh-elder None/None/
2.2 Marshes and swamps, playas/ perennial herb/
April-November/30 to 1650 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Lasthenia glabratassp. coulteri Coulter's goldfields None/
1B.1 Saltwater marsh and swamps, playas, vernal
pools/annual herb/February-June/<4,000 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal brackish
marsh on site. '
Lepidium virginicumvar.
Robinson's pepper-grass None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub/annual herb/January-
July/< 2,900 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site.
Leptosyne maritima Sea dahlia None/
2.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub/perennial
herb/March-May/I 5 to 500 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site.
Acmispon prostrates [Lotus
Nuttall's acmispon [lotus] None/
1B.1 Coastal dunes, coastal scrub; sandy/annual
herb/March-June/< 35 feet
Moderate potential to occur
within the coastal scrub on site.
April 2012.
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 3
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name ' Common Name
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/
' Blooming Period/Elevation Range
Status On Site or Potential to
Monardella hypoleucassp. lanata Felt-leaved monardella None/
1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland/rhizomatous
herb/June-August/1,000 to 3,600 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat; project area
located below the elevation
range for this species.
Myosurus minimus ssp. apus Little mousetail None/
3.1 Vernal pools, valley and foothill grassland;
alkaline/annual herb/March-June/60 to 2,100
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Nama stenocarpum Mud nama None/
2.2 Marshes and swamps, lake margins,
riverbanks/annual-perennial herb/January-July/
15 to 1,650 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Navarretia fossalis Spreading navarretia FT/None/
Covered2, NE
1B.1 Chenopod scrub, shallow freshwater marshes
and swamps, playas, vernal pools/annual herb/
April-June/100 to 4,300 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Nemacaulis denudata\/ar.
Coast woolly-heads None/
1B.2 Coastal dunes/annual herb/April-September/<
330 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Molina cismontana Chaparral nolina None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub; sandstone orgabbro/
evergreen shrub/May-July/460 to 4,200 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Orcuttia califomica • California Orcutt grass FE/SE/
Covered^, NE
1B.1 Vernal pools/annual herb/April-August/50 to
2,200 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Phacelia stellaris Brand's phacelia FC/None/None 1B.1 Coastal dunes, coastal scrub/annual herb/
March-June/<1,300 feet
Low potential to occur. Suitable
habitat is present within the
coastal scrub on site; however,
the closest species records are
in Camp Pendleton and San
Diego Bay.
Pinus torreyanaspp. torreyana Torrey pine None/None/
1B.2 Closed-cone conifer forest, chaparral;
sandstone/evergreen tree/NA/250 to 550 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 3
Special-Status Plant Species Observed or Potentially Occurring on the Project Site
Scientific Name Common Name
State/City CNPS
Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/,
Blooming Period/Elevation Range
Status On Site or Potential to
Quercus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak None/None/
1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub, closed-cone
coniferous forest; sandy, clay loam/evergreen
shrub/February-April/50 to 1,300 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Quercus engelmannii Engelmann oak None/None/
4.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland, riparian
woodland, valley and foothill grassland/
deciduous tree/March-June/400 to 4,250 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
Stemodia durantifolia Purple stemodia None/
2.1 Sonoran desert scrub; often mesic, sandy/
perennial herb/January-December/600 to
1,000 feet
Low potential to occur. There is
no suitable habitat within the
project area.
Suaeda esteroa Estuary seablite None/
1B.2 Coastal salt marshes and swamps/perennial
herb/May to October (Jan)/< 20 feet
Absent. This species would
have been obsen/ed if present.
Tetracoccus dioicus Parry's tetracoccus None/
1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub/deciduous shrub/
April-May/550 to 3,300 feet
Absent. This species would
have been observed if present.
This table includes all HMP species and CNPS and CNDDB species within an 8-quad search of the sun-ounding quadrangles: Las Pulgas Canyon, Morro Hill, Bonsall, Oceanside, San Luis Rey, San
Marcos, Encinitas, and Rancho Santa Fe.
Federally listed as endangered
Federally listed as threatened
• Federal species of concern
State-listed as endangered
State-listed as threatened
HMP Status:
Covered: Take of species permitted under HMP
Take of species permitted, subject to HMP conditions for Narrow Endemic species
Take of species permitted subject to HMP conditions for Obligate Wetlands species
Species Coverage contingent on other MHCP Subarea Plans being permitted (List 2)
Species Coverage contingent on funding for management of conserved areas (List 3) •
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur
- " ' ' 'l.' -Amphibians and Reptiles
Anaxyrus califomicus arroyo toad FE/SSC/NE Stream channels for breeding (typically 3rd
order); adjacent stream terraces and
uplands for foraging and wintering
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable stream
Aspidoscelis hyperythra orange-throated
None/SSC/ Covered Coastal sage scrub, chaparral, grassland,
juniper and oak woodland
Moderate potential; suitable habitat is present.
Aspidoscelis tigris
coastal whiptail None/None/None Coastal sage scrub, chaparral; sandy
areas, gravelly arroyos, or washes
Moderate potential; suitable habitat is present.
. Charina trivirgata rosy boa None/None/None Rocky chaparral, coastal sage scrub, oak
woodlands, desert and semi-desert scrub
Low. potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present, rocky habitat is not present. In addition, current
disturbance and nearby development may preclude
their presence.
Crotalus ruber red-diamond
None/SSC/None Variety of shrub habitats where there is
heavy brush, large rocks, or boulders
Low potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present, rocky habitat is not present. In addition, current
disturbance and nearby development may preclude
their presence.
Diadophis punctatus
San Diego
ringneck snake
None/None/None Open, rocky areas in moist habitats near
intermittent streams: marsh, riparian
woodland, sage scrub
Low potential to occur due to lack of suitable stream,
riparian habitat or othenwise moist microhabitat
Emys marmorata western pond
None/SSC/None Slow-moving permanent or intermittent
streams, ponds, small lakes, reservoirs with
emergent basking sites; adjacent uplands
used during winter
Notexpected to occur due to lack of suitable stream or
pond habitat.
Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned
None/SSC/None Coastal sage scrub, annual grassland,
chaparral, oak and riparian woodland,
coniferous forest
Low potential; not observed; although suitable habitat is
present, current disturbance and nearby development
may preclude their presence.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
V .Scientific NaniiB : : C'ommon.Name
Status -
Federal/State/HMPi ; Primary Habitat Associations ' Status On Site or Potential to Occur
Plestiodon skiltonianus
Coronado Island
None/SSC/None Grassland, woodlands, pine forests,
chaparral, especially in open sunny areas
such as clearings and the edges of creeks
and rivers; prefers rocky areas near
streams with lots of vegetation; also found
in areas away from water
Low potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present, appropriate litter or cover is generally not
present. In addition, current disturbance and nearby
development may preclude their presence.
Salvadora hexalepis
coast patch-nosed
None/SSC/None Chaparral, washes, sandy flats, rocky areas Low potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present, rocky habitat is not present. In addition, current
disturbance and nearby development may preclude
their presence.
Spea hammondii western spadefoot None/SSC/None Most common in grasslands, coastal sage
scrub near rain pools or vernal pools;
riparian habitats
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable pools or
riparian habitats.
Thamnophis hammondii two-striped garter
None/SSC/None Marshes, meadows, sloughs, ponds, slow-
moving water courses
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable pond or
stream habitat.
Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. south coast garter
None/SSC/None Utilizes a wide variety of habitats - forests,
mixed woodlands, grassland, chaparral,
farmlands, often near ponds, marshes, or
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable habitat.
Accipiter cooperii
Cooper's hawk NoneA/VL/Covered Ripanan and oak woodlands, montane
Not expected to nest due to lack of suitable habitat.
Aimophila ruficeps
Califomia rufous-
crowned sparrow
None/WL/Covered Grass-covered hillsides, coastal sage
scrub, chaparral with boulders and outcrops
Low potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present, boulders and outcrops not present. In addition,
current disturbance and nearby development may
preclude their presence.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
, Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMP1 V Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur
alexandrinus nivosus
western snowy
plover (coastal
Nests primarily on coastal beaches, in flat
open areas, with sandy or saline substrates;
less commonly in salt pans, dredged spoil
disposal sites, dry salt ponds and levees
Low potential to occur due to lack of suitable habitat.
The beach within the project area is nan'ow and
provides little habitat for nesting. Historical data from
the CNDDB was recorded within the lagoon in 1978
(CDFG 2012a).
Circus cyaneus northern harrier None/SSC/None Open wetlands (nesting), pasture, old fields,
dry uplands, grasslands, rangelands,
coastal sage scrub
Low potential; grassland on site is of small extent and
of little foraging value. In addition, adjacent
development may preclude occurrence.
Dendroica petechia
yellow warbler BCC/SSC/None Nests in lowland and foothill riparian
woodlands dominated by cottonwoods,
alders and willows; winters in a variety of
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable riparian
woodland habitat.
Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite None/FP/None Open grasslands, savanna-like habitats, .
agriculture, wetlands, oak woodlands,
Low potential; grassland on site is of small extent and
of little foraging value. No breeding opportunities. In
addition, adjacent development may preclude
Empidonax traillii
extimus (nesting)
willow flycatcher
FE/SE/Covered Riparian woodlands along streams and
rivers with mature, dense stands of willows
or alders; may nest in thickets dominated by
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable riparian
Eremophila alpestris
California horned
NoneAA/L/None Open habitats, grassland, rangeland,
shortgrass prairie, montane meadows,
coastal plains, fallow grain fields
Low potential; although suitable vegetative habitat is
present. This species may forage in the coastal sage
scrub and ruderal habitat; little suitable nesting habitat
within project area.
Falco peregrinus
peregrine falcon
(FD), BCC/(SD),
Nests on cliffs, buildings, bridges; forages in
wetlands, riparian, meadows, croplands,
especially where waterfowl are present
Moderate potential; may occur as a winter visitor to
forage in the lagoon. Would not nest. Not observed
during surveys.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potentiarto Occur
Icteria virens (nesting) yellow-breasted
None/SSC/Covered Dense, relatively wide riparian woodlands
and thickets of willows, vine tangles, and
dense brush
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable riparian
Ixobrychus exilis least bittern BCC/SSC/None Dense emergent wetland vegetation,
sometimes interspersed with woody
vegetation and open water
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable habitat;
suitable habitat may occur elsewhere in the lagoon.
Laterallus jamaicensis
California black
BCC/ST, FP/None Occurs most commonly in tidal emergent
wetlands dominated by pickleweed, or in
brackish marshes supporting bulrushes in
association with pickleweed; in freshwater,
usually found in bulrushes, cattails, and
Not expected; while suitable habitat is found in the
lagoon, only limited suitable habitat is found within the
project area. Historical records (1973) for this species
are from nearby San Elijo Lagoon (CDFG 2012a);
however, very few of these birds have been obsen/ed
within the county in the last 30 years.
Pandion haliaetus
osprey NoneA/VL/Covered . Large waters (lakes, reservoirs, rivers)
supporting fish; usually near forest habitats,
but widely observed along the coast .
Not expected to nest. No suitable nesting opportunities.
Moderate potential to forage nearby in wetland habitat.
Not observed during surveys.
sandwichensis beldingi
savannah sparrow
None/SE/Covered Saltmarsh, pickleweed Low to moderate potential; not observed; very little
suitable habitat within project area but may be able to
use it for foraging. Known occurrence recorded from the
vicinity of the project area in pickleweed marsh habitat
in 2001 (CDFG 2012a).
sandwichensis rostratus
savannah sparrow
None/SSC/Covered Saltmarsh, pickleweed Moderate potential; not observed; suitable foraging
habitat present. Usually occurs within mixed flocks of
sparrows during the winter.
(nesting colony)
American white
None/SSC/None Coastal bays, inlets, estuaries with forage
fish for winter range; breeds on isolated
islands in freshwater lakes and forages on
inland marshes, lakes, or rivers
Not expected to nest. Very rare breeder in county and
not in colonial situations. Recorded foraging in open
water within the Hoover/Lagoon project area.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur -
Pelecanus occidentalis
califomicus (nesting
colony and communal
California brown
Open sea, large water bodies, coastal bays
and harbors
Not expected to nest or colonially roost. Unsuitable
Moderate potential to utilize open water in project area;
observed foraging within lagoon but not within project
area; no nesting or foraging habitat is within the project
Pleg ad is chihi (rookery
white-faced ibis NoneA/VL/Covered Nests in marsh; winter foraging in shallow
lacustrine waters, muddy ground of wet
meadows, marshes, ponds, lakes, rivers,
flooded fields and estuaries
Not expected to nest. Site does not include suitable
rookery habitat.
Polioptila californica
coastal California
FT/SSC/Covered Coastal sage scrub, coastal sage scrub-
chaparral mix, coastal sage scrub-
grassland ecotone, riparian in late summer
High potential. Suitable coastal sage scrub habitat on
site and in the vicinity of the project area. Known to
occur in the vicinity of the project area.
Rallus longirostris
clapper rail
FE/SE, FP/Covered Coastal saltmarsh Low potential; not observed; no suitable habitat in
project area but may forage adjacent to the lagoon
elsewhere. Known from occurrence data within the
lagoon in 2007 (CDFG 2012a).
Riparia riparia bank swallow None/ST/None Vertical banks or cliffs in lowland areas
along coasts, rivers, streams lakes,
reservoirs, wetlands
Not expected to occur. Potentially suitable habitat
availatjle but limited in extent. Historical observations in
the vicinity along Santa Margarita River are presumed
extirpated (1919,1925) (CDFG 2012a).
Sternula [^Sterna]
antillarum browni
(nesting colony)
California least
FE/SE, FP/Covered Coastal waters, estuaries, large bays and
harbors, mudflats; nests on sandy beaches
Not expected to nest. Not observed; no nesting habitat
available; may forage in lagoon; may rest on beach
area within project site. Known from occurrence data
within the lagoon in 1996 on salt flats (CDFG 2012a).
Thalasseus [=Sterna]
elegans (nesting
elegant tern NoneAA/L/Covered Coastal waters, estuaries, large bays and
harbors, mudflats
Not expected to nest; not observed; no nesting habitat
available; may forage in lagoon; may rest on beach
area within project site.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
• Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi ; Primary Habitat Associations : Status On Site or Potentialto Occur'
Vireo bellii pusillus
least Bell's vireo FE/SE/Covered Nests in southern willow scrub with dense
cover within 1 to 2 meters of the ground;
habitat includes willows, cottonwoods,
baccharis, wild blackberry, or mesquite on
desert areas
Not expected to occur; not obsen/ed; no suitable
southern willow scrub habitat in project area.
- • Mamrhals
Antrozous pallidus pallid bat None/SSC/None Rocky outcrops, cliffs, and crevices with
access to open habitats for foraging
Moderate potential; no suitable rocky outcrops or cliffs
associated with the project area. Open habitats
surrounding the lagoon may be utilized for foraging.
califomicus femoralis
Dulzura pocket
None/SSC/None Coastal sage scrub, chaparral, riparian-
scrub ecotone; more mesic areas
Moderate potential; project area contains moderately
suitable habitat and the species is fairly common within
the region.
Chaetodipus fallax
northwestern San
Diego pocket
None/SSC/None Coastal sage scrub, grassland, sage scrub-
grassland ecotones, sparse chaparral;
rocky substrates, loams, and sandy loams
Low potential; project area contains some suitable
habitat but does not contain required rocky habitat.
Mexican long- .
tongued bat
None/SSC/None Caves, mines, buildings in desert and
montane riparian, desert succulent shrub,
desert scrub, and pinyon-juniper habitats
Not expected to occur; no suitable vegetative habitat or
. rocky outcrops or cliffs associated with the project area.
Dipodomys Stephens! Stephens'
kangaroo rat
FE/ST/None Open habitat grassland, sparse coastal
sage-scrub, sandy loam and loamy soils
with low clay content; gentle slopes (<30%)
Not expected to occur due to lack of suitable habitat
and soil types. Outside of range.
Eumops perotis
western mastiff
None/SSC/None Roosts in small colonies in cracks and small
holes, seeming to prefer man-made
Moderate potential; no suitable rocky outcrops or cliffs
associated with the project area. Open habitats
surrounding the lagoon may be utilized for foraging.
Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat None/None/None Woodlands and forests with large trees,
dense foliage
Not expected to occur; no suitable habitat associated
with the project area.
Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow
None/SSC/None Valley foothill riparian, desert riparian,
desert wash, and palm oasis.
Not expected to occur; no suitable habitat associated
with the project area.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi :f Primary.Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur -
Lepus califomicus
San Diego black-
tailed jackrabbit
None/SSC/None Arid habitats with open ground; grasslands,
coastal sage scrub, agriculture, disturbed
areas, rangelands
Low potential; not observed; although suitable habitat is
present, current disturbance and nearby development
may preclude their presence.
Myotis yumanensis . Yuma myotis None/None/None Closely tied to open water, which is used for
foraging; open forests and woodlands are
optimal habitat
Moderate potential; no suitable vegetative habitat or
rocky outcrops or cliffs associated with the project area.
Lagoon may be utilized for foraging.
Neotoma lepida
San Diego desert
None/SSC/None Coastal sage scrub, chaparral, pinyon-
juniper woodland with rock outcrops, cactus
thickets, dense undergrowth
Not expected; marginal habitat quality and no rocky or
boulder areas.
pocketed free-
tailed bat
None/SSC/None Rocky desert areas with high cliffs or rock
Not expected; no suitable rocky outcrops or cliffs
associated with the project area.
longimembris pad ficus
Pacific pocket
FE/SSC/NE Grassland, coastal sage scrub with sandy
soils; along immediate coast
Low potential; within range and suitable habitat;
however, vicinity has been surveyed extensively over
the past 15 years and none have been located. The
closest known extant population is on Camp Pendleton.
Taxidea taxus American badger None/SSC/None Dry, open, treeless areas; grasslands and
coastal sage scrub
Not expected; not observed; although suitable habitat is
present, current disturbance and nearby development
likely preclude their presence.
tidewater goby FE/SSC/None Low-salinity waters in coastal wetlands Not expected; no suitable habitat in project area
although suitable habitat likely elsewhere in the lagoon.
There are historical records from the eastern end ofthe
lagoon (1984) (CDFG 2012a).
Gila orcuttii arroyo chub None/SSC/None Slow-flowing or backwater areas, sand or
mud substrate in cool to warm streams.
Not expected; no suitable stream habitat in project
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur
San Diego fairy
FE/None/Covered' Small, shallow vernal pools, occasionally
ditches and road ruts
Not expected; no suitable vernal pool habitat in project
Cicindela senilis frosti senile tiger beetle None/None/None Marine saltmarsh Moderate potential; suitable brackish marsh habitat
within the project area although it is minimal in extent
No recent records exist for the species near the project
Danaus plexippus monarch butterfly None/None/None Ovenwinters in eucalyptus groves Moderate potential; no eucalyptus groves within the
project area to roost in, but likely occurs during
migration periods or generally during the year.
Euphyes vestris
Harbison's dun
Restricted to wetland, riparian, oak
woodlands, and chaparral habitats
supporting host plant Carexspissa
Not expected; host plant is not recorded within the
project area.
Euphydryas editha
FE/None/None Sparsely vegetated hilltops, ridgelines,
occasionally rocky outcrops; host plant
Plantago erecta and nectar plants must be
Not expected; host plant is not recorded within the
project area, and outside of currently accepted range.
Lycaena hermes Hermes copper None/None/NE Coastal sage scrub, southern mixed
chaparral supporting at least 5% cover of
host plant Rhamnus crocea
Not expected; host plant is not recorded within the
project area and outside of cun-ently accepted range.
Panoquina errans Wandering (=
saltmarsh) skipper
None/None/Covered Saltmarsh from Los Angeles to Baja,
Moderate potential; suitable brackish marsh habitat
within the project area although it is minimal in extent
No recent records exist for the near'the project area.
Riverside fairy
FE/None/Coveredi Deep, long-lived vernal pools, vernal pool-
like seasonal ponds, stock ponds; warm
water pools that have low to moderate
dissolved solids
Not expected; no suitable vernal pool habitat in project
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Table 4
Special-status Wildlife Species Observed or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area
. Scientific Name Common Name
Federal/State/HMPi 1 Primary Habitat Associations Status On Site or Potential to Occur
Tryonia imitator mimic tryonia
None/None/None Stream mouth, often in fine sandy mud,
coarse silty mud, or coarse gravel
Low potential; no suitable habitat in project area
although suitable habitat likely elsewhere in the lagoon.
There are historical records from the lagoon in 1981
(CDFG 2012a).
This table includes all HMP species and CNDDB species within an 8-quad search of the surrounding quadrangles: Las Pulgas Canyon, Morro Hill, Bonsall, Oceanside, San Luis Rey, San
Marcos, Encinitas, and Rancho Santa Fe. .
Federal Designations:
State Designations:
SSC: Species of Special Concern
P: California Department of Fish and Game Protected and Fully Protected Species
SE: State-listed as Endangered
ST: State-listed as Threatened
Candidate for federal listing as threatened or endangered
Federally delisted; monitored for five years
Federally listed Endangered
Federally listed as Threatened
HMP Status:
Covered: Take of species permitted under HMP
NE: Take of species permitted subject to HMP conditions for Narrow Endemic species
FP: Fully protected
^ Species Coverage contingent on funding for management of conserved areas (List 3)
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
6.4 Jurisdictional Delineation
The jurisdictional determinations provided in this report are considered preliminary; final
determinations would require completion of significant nexus analysis and confirmation with the
wetlands resource agencies staff. The preliminary determinations are provided to determine the
maximum extent of potential jurisdictional areas and, therefore, define the area of necessary
impact avoidance to avoid any requirement for wetlands permits.
A jurisdictional delineation was completed for the Hoover/Lagoon project area; there are no
wetland features within the Highland/Adams project area. Three agencies (ACOE, RWQCB, and
CCC) have jurisdiction up to 18 inches above mean ordinary high tide elevation, regardless of
whether the lands within that area support any of the three wetland criteria (vegetation, soils, and
hydrology). Based on the results of the jurisdictional delineation, it was determined that one area
above this jurisdictional line also meets the wetland definition of supporting all three wetland
criteria: coastal brackish marsh. The coastal brackish marsh is, therefore, under the jurisdiction
of ACOE, RWQCB, and CCC (Table 5). CDFG, under its Lake and Streambed program, does
not regulate marine environments and wetland mainly supported by tidal conditions. The
shoreline and wetlands within the Hoover/Lagoon area are marine environments supported by
tidal conditions and therefore not regulated by CDFG.
Results of Jurisdictional Delineation
Cover Type Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Type '
Open Water ACOE, RWQCB, CCC ACOE/RWQCB Non-wetland waters/CCC tidelands 1.92
Beach ACOE, RWQCB, CCC ACOE/RWQCB Non-wetland waters/CCC tidelands 0.18*
Coastal Brackish
Total" — 2.16
*A portion of the area mapped as beach is within 18 inches of mean ordinary high tide and is therefore jurisdictional; a portion is above this
elevation and is not jurisdictional. The total area mapped as beach is 0.47 acre.
"Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Impacts associated with the proposed project are both permanent and temporary, direct and
indirect. Direct permanent impacts consist ofthe footprint of pipe outiets and associated drainage
structures within both of the project areas. Indirect permanent impacts could result from the type
of discharge/runoff associated with the project such as polluted runoff or erosive velocities.
However, the projects are repair projects and do not alter existing discharges. Furthermore, the
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
design of the rehabilitation projects has been evaluated by project engineers to determine
appropriate siting in relation to existing topography and sizing of pipes, headwall, and energy
dissipaters, to avoid erosion, sedimentation, or other forms of hydromodification. Therefore,
indirect permanent impacts would not occur at either project location.
Direct temporary impacts result from construction areas surrounding the pipe outlets and
trenching for an estimated 24 linear feet of pipe immediately upstream of the drainage outfall at
the Hoover/Lagoon project site. Indirect temporary impacts would include noise, dust, and foot
traffic associated with construction activities.
Relining of the existing pipelines will not result in impacts, (either temporary or permanent)
because all construction will be completed within the existing pipeline.- All staging of materials,
vehicles, and other equipment will occur within developed roadways or disturbed lots devoid of
biological resources, and therefore no impacts would occur due to staging.
Anticipated direct impacts to vegetation communities and land cover types are listed in Table 6.
There will be permanent and temporary impacts to coastal sage scrub and beach; temporary
impacts to coastal sage scrub, beach, and disturbed habitat will result. The areas of impact to
beach are located the jurisdictional elevation limit and therefore, no impacts to jurisdictional
resources would occur. There will be no impacts to open water, coastal brackish marsh, disturbed
coastal sage scrub, non-native grassland, or developed areas.
Table 6
Impacts to Vegetation Communities within the Project Area
Project Area
Vegetation Community/
Land Cover Type
Permanent Impacts
(square feet)
Temporary Impacts
(square feet)
(square feet)
Hoover/Lagoon Beach 48 358 406 Hoover/Lagoon
Disturbed Habitat — 352 352
Highland/Adams Coastal Sage Scrub 49 400 449
Tatar 97 1,110 1,207
Totals may not sum due to rounding. '
7.1 Permanent Impacts
A total of 97 square feet of permanent impacts will result from the construction of pipe outlets
within the Highland/Adams and Hoover/Lagoon project areas.
April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
7.1.1 Hoover/Lagoon
Permanent impacts associated with this project are limited to replacement ofthe drainage outfall
structure within an area mapped as non-jurisdictional beach (Table 6). Permanent impacts will
occur to 48 square feet of beach resulting from construction of 1) catch basin, 2) storm drain
cleanout, 3) concrete drainage ditch, 4) concrete dike, 5) 6-inch curb, 6) headwall, and 7) riprap
energy dissipater.
7.1.2 Highland/Adams
Permanent impacts associated with this project are limited to replacement of the drainage outfall
structure within an area mapped as coastal sage scrub (Table 6). Permanent impacts will occur to
49 square feet of coastal sage scrub resulting from construction of 1) two catch basins, 2) two
storm drain cleanouts, 3) a concrete drainage swale, 4) a concrete drainage ditch, 5) a concrete
spillway, and 6) a riprap energy dissipater.
7.2 Temporary Impacts
A total of 1,110 square feet of temporary impacts will result from the utilization of work areas
within the Highland/Adams and Hoover/Lagoon project areas.
7.2.1 Hoover/Lagoon Direct Impacts
Near the drainage outfall, a section of pipe, estimated at 24 linear feet, will need to be replaced.
Replacement will occur through trenching, removal of the existing pipe, replacement with new
pipe, and backfilling the trench. This area of temporary impact will also allow for construction of
the drainage outfall stmcture. The temporary construction area will occupy approximately 358
square feet of beach and 352 square feet of disturbed habitat, totaling 709 square feet (Table 6).
If it is determined during construction that more than 24 linear feet of pipe require replacement
through trenching (as opposed to cured-in-place relining, currently planned), additional
temporary impacts would occur to disturbed habitat between the current limits of temporary
impact and the terminus of Hoover Street. Indirect Impacts
Temporary indirect impacts during construction may include noise and ground vibration from the
equipment used to perform the pipeline replacement and related construction activities. These
indirect impacts may result in disturbance to native wildlife species, such as the coastal
DUDEK 48 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
California gnatcateher and other observed or potentially occurring special-status species as listed
in Table 4.
The short-term nature of this project is not expected to result in indirect impacts to wildlife.
movement, even if work is conducted during the nesting season.
Indirect impacts to adjacent plant communities, including jurisdictional wetlands and habitat
potentially supporting several special-status species (as listed in Tables 3 and 4), may occur from
fugitive dust, pollution discharge from runoff, and litter/trash/debris.
7.2.2 Highland/Adams
7.2.2.^ Direct Impacts
The temporary impact area at the Highland/Adams site is only associated with installation ofthe
drainage outfall structure. This area is located directly adjacent to Adams Street, occupying 400
square feet of coastal sage scrub, on the edge of a large contiguous area of coastal sage scrub
habitat (Tabfe 6). Indirect Impacts
The indirect impacts in the Highland/Adams project area are similar to those described
previously for Hoover/Lagoon. In summary, if construction activities occur within the nesting
season, impacts to nesting birds, including from noise and ground vibration, will be significant,
absent mitigation. Potential fijgitive dust, polluted runoff, and litter/trash/debris during
construction activities may potentially impact coastal sage scrub supporting several special-status
species. Additionally, the short-term nature of this project is not expected to indirectly impact
wildlife movement, even if work is conducted during the nesting season.
7.3 Determination of Significance
7.3.1 Direct Permanent
Permanent impacts to 48 square feet of non-jurisdictional beach and 49 square feet of coastal
sage scrub are not considered significant.
Non-jurisdictional beach is not a special-status vegetation community. No special-status species
that may potentially occur within this area would be significantly impacted by the loss of 48
square feet of beach. Wildlife movement within the area would not be significantly impacted. As
a repair and rehabilitation project for existing infrastructure, the proposed drainage outfall
structure would not conflict with the Carlsbad HMP or Agua Hedionda LCP.
DUDEK 49 April 2012
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Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Coastal sage scrub is a special-status vegetation community; however, the loss of 49 square feet
would not appreciably reduce the value of coastal sage scrub for special-rstatus species in this
area. As a repair and rehabilitation project for existing infrastructure, the project complies with
the Carlsbad HMP, which ensures adequate conservation of coastal sage scrub and most
associated special-status species that occur within this community. No special-status species that
may potentially occur within this area would be significantiy impacted by the loss of 49 square
feet of coastal sage scrub. Wildlife movement within the area would not be significantly
impacted. The project complies with both the Carlsbad HMP and Agua Hedionda LCP.
7.3.2 Direct Temporary
The direct temporary disturbance of 709 square feet at the Hoover/Lagoon site and 400 square
feet at the Highland/Adams site is considered significant, absent mitigation. If additional
trenching is required at the Hoover/Lagoon site, the additional impacts to disturbed habitat would
be considered significant. These areas are located adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon with
multiple habitats supporting several special-status species that could be adversely affected by
disturbance of these areas.
7.3.3 Indirect Temporary
If construction activities occur within the nesting season, impacts to nesting birds from noise and
ground vibration will be significant, absent mitigation. Potential fugitive dust, polluted runoff,
and litter/trash/debris during construction activities would also be significant, absent mitigation.
8.1 HMP Compliance
The proposed project does-not require an HMP permit per Section 21.210.020(A)(4) ofthe City of
Carlsbad Code of Ordinances. This section defines a development project in the context ofthe HMP,
as the "use of a property, including grading, clearing and gmbbing, constmction, alteration of any
magnitude or activities incidental thereto, which requires a discretionary or ministerial permit,
entitlement, or approval issued under Titles 15, 18, 20, or 21 of the municipal code." Because no city
permits are needed for completion ofthe proposed project, no HMP permit is required.
8.2 Recommended Mitigation Measures
Significant direct and indirect temporary impacts to special-status vegetation communities and
special-status species can be mitigated; to below a level of significance with implementation of
the following measures.
DUDEK 50 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
BIO-l If the construction activities occur during the nesting bird season (February 15
through September 15), the following measures must be taken (per Section 8.1.3,
Species-Specific Mitigation, from the Guidelines for Biological Studies (Technology
Associates 2008)):
• Surveys will also be conducted by a qualified biologist in appropriate habitat for
nesting raptors and migratory birds and within an additional 500-foot buffer
within three days of construction.
• The USFWS will be notified immediately of any federally listed species that are
located during preconstruction surveys.
• If nests of listed birds, migratory birds, raptors, or other sensitive species are
located, no construction activity will occur within 500 feet from active nests of
raptors and listed species and 300 feet from other sensitive bird species.
• During the breeding season, construction noise will be measured regularly to
maintain a threshold at or below 60 dBA hourly Leq within 500 feet of breeding
habitat occupied by listed species. If noise levels supersede the threshold, the
construction array will be changed or noise attenuation measures will be
BIO-2 A biological monitor shall be present during the construction process in order to
review the limits of work and best management practices (BMPs) prior to
commencement of construction and to periodically check the compliance of
environmental regulations.
BIO-3 BMPs will be installed during construction within the temporary disturbance areas to
minimize potential adverse effects of construction, including fijgitive dust, polluted
runoff, and liter/trash/debris. Potential BMPs may include installation of silt fencing,
implementation of dust control measures, and restricting vehicle maintenance to
developed roadway areas.
Post-constmction BMPs will include reestablishment of preconstmction conditions
through reestablishment of preconstruction grade and soil substrate within the non-
jurisdictional beach (Hoover/Lagoon site) and application of a hydroseed mix
composed of native species within coastal sage scrub (Highland/Adams site). A
qualified biologist will review and approve the hydroseed mix prior to application.
For the Hoover/Lagoon site, the biologist will confirm reestablishment of
preconstmction grades and soil substrate following construction. For the
Highland/Adams site, the biologist will conduct quarterly monitoring visits for up to
DUDEK 51 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
1 year and recommend remedial measures, if necessary, to ensure reestablishment of
coastal sage scrub.
With implementation of these avoidance and minimization measures, the project will not result
in significant impacts to any biological resources.
ACOE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual.
Online ed. Environmental Laboratory, Wetlands Research Program Technical Report Y-
87-1. Vicksburg, Mississippi: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station. January 1987. Accessed April 9, 2012.
ACOE. 2008. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual:
Arid West Region (Version 2.0^. Final Version. Environmental Laboratory, ERDC/EL
TR-08-28. Vicksburg, Mississippi: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Center. September 2008. Accessed April 9, 2012.
ACOE and EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2008. Clean Water Act Jurisdiction
Following the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in Rapanos v. United States & Carabell v.
United States. Guidance originally issued June 2007. Revised December 2, 2008.
AOU (American Ornithologist's Union). 2012. "Check-List of North American Birds: List of the
2,078 Bird Species Known from the AOU Check-list Area." AOU j Check-List of North
American Birds. Accessed April 2012. http://www.aou.org/checklist/north/full.php.
Anderson, D. 2011. "Current Carlsbad Tide." Carlsbad, California, USA. Accessed March \27,
2012. http://www.carlsbad.ca.us/tide.htmL
California Public Resources Code, Section 30000-30900. California Coastal Act, 1976.
CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 201 la. "Special Animals (898 taxa)."
California Natural Diversity Database. CDFG, Biogeographic Data Branch. January
2011. Accessed April 9, 2012.
DUDEK 52 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program -
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
CDFG. 201 lb. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). California Natural Diversity
Database. CDFG, Biogeographic Data Branch. January 2011. Accessed April 9, 2012.
CDFG. 2012a. List of California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) species for eight quads:
Las Pulgas Canyon, Morro Hill, Bonsall, Oceanside, San Luis Rey, San Marcos,
Encinitas, and Rancho Santa Fe. CNDDB Quick Viewer. Accessed April 2012.
CDFG. 2012b. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). Special. Vascular Plants,
Bryophytes, and Lichens List. January 2012. Accessed April 2012.
CDFG. 2012c. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). State and Federally Listed
Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants of Califomia. January 2012. Accessed April
2012. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/biogeodata/cnddb/plants_and_animals.asp.
City of Carlsbad. 1982. Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP).
Adopted May 1982.
City of Carlsbad. 1999. Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of
Carlsbad. Finalized in 2004.
CNPS (California Native Plant Society). 2010. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants. Online
ed. Version 7-11). Sacramento, California: CNPS. Accessed November 2010.
CNPS. 2012. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants. Online ed. Version 8-10a. Sacramento,
California: CNPS. Quadrangles used in query: Las Pulgas Canyon, Morro Hill, Bonsall,
Oceanside, San Luis Rey, San Marcos, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe. Accessed April
2012. http://www.rareplants.cnps.org.
Emmel, T.C., and J.F. Emmel. 1973. The Butterflies of Southern California. Science Series 26:1-
148. Los Angeles, California: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Jepson Flora Project. 2010. Jepson Interchange List of Currently Accepted Names of Native and
Naturalized Plants of Califomia. Berkeley, California: University of California.
Accessed October 8,2010. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/interchange/I_status_l+2.html.
DUDEK 53 April 2012
Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program
Hoover/Lagoon and Highland/Adams
Oberbauer, T., M. Kelly, and J. Buegge. 2008. Draft Vegetation Communities of San Diego
County. Based on "Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of
California," by Robert F. Holland, PhD, October 1986. March 2008.
NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). 2010. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the
United States: A Guide for Identifying and Delineating Hydric Soils, Version 7.0, 2010.
Prepared in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. Edited
by L.M. Vasilas, G.W. Hurt, and CV. Noble.
Reed, P.B. Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: California
(Region 0). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biol. Rep. 88(26.10).
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). 2001. Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan.
Stebbins, R.C. 2003. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Boston, Massachusetts:
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Technology Associates. 2008. Guidelines for Biological Studies. Prepared for City of Carlsbad
Planning Department. Carlsbad, Califomia. May 29.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 2010. "California." State Plants Checklist." Accessed
October 8, 2010. http://plants.usda.gov/dl_state.html.
USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal
Register 59(133): 35680-35681, July 13.
USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2012. "Critical Habitat and Occurtence Data."
Geospatial Services. Accessed April 2012. http://www.fws.gov/data.
Wilson, D.E., and D.M. Reeder, eds. 2005. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and
Geographic Reference. Online version. 3rd ed. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins
University Press, http://www.bucknell.edu/msw3/
DUDEK 54 April 2012
Cumulative List of Plant Species
within the Project Area
Appendix A
Cumulative List of Plant Species within the Project Area
Artemisia californica—coastal sagebmsh
Baccharis salicifolia—mule-fat
Heterotheca grandiflora—^telegraphweed
Isocoma menziesii—^Menzies' goldenbush
Pseudognaphalium biolettii - two-color rabbit tobacco
Cryptantha sp. - cryptantha
Eriogonum fasciculatum—Eastem Mojave buckwheat
Opuntia littoralis—coastal pricklypear
*Conium maculatum—poison hemlock
Carsonia sparsifolia—fewleaf spiderflower
Camissonia micrantha—^miniature suncup
Mirabilis laevis—desert wishbone-bush
*Erodium ^ofry^—longbeak stork's bill
*Erodium cicutarium—^redstem stork's bill
* Salsola tragus—prickly Russian thistle
Atriplex lentiformis—big saltbush
Salicornia virginica—Virginia glasswort
Suaeda californica—Califoraia seablite
DUDEK A-1 April 2012
Appendix A
Cumulative List of Plant Species within the Project Area
*Limonium perezii—^Perez's sea lavender
Acmispon glaber—common deerweed
Salvia mellifera—black sage
*Brassica nigra—black mustard
Datura wrightii—sacred thorn-apple
Solanum parishii—Parish's nightshade
Solanum xanti—chaparral nightshade
*Oxalis pes-caprae—Bermuda buttercup
*Ricinus communis—castorbean
Malosma laurina—laurel sumac
*Avena barbata—slender oat
*Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens—red brome
^Cortaderia selloana—^Umguayan pampas grass
Distichlis spicata—saltgrass
Yucca whipplei—chaparral yucca
Juncus acutus spp. leopoldii—southwestem spiny msh
* Signifies introduced (non-native) species
DUDEK A-2 April 2012
Cumulative List of Wildlife Species
within the Project Area
Appendix B
Cumulative List of Wildlife Species within the Project Area
Corvus brachyrhynchos - American crow
Calypte anna -Anna's hummingbird
Dendroica coronate - yellow-rumped warbler
Thryomanes bewickii - Bewick's wren
Spinus psaltria - lesser goldfinch
Buteo jamaicensis - red-tailed hawk
Fulica americana - American coot
Larus occidentalis - western gull
Sayornis nigricans - black phoebe
Charadrius vociferus — killdeer
Actitis macularius - spotted sandpiper
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos - American white pelican
Spermophilus beecheyi - Califomia ground squirrel
DUDEK ,B-1 April 2012
Appendix B
Cumulative List of Wildlife Species within the Project Area
Sylvilagus bachmani - bmsh rabbit
* Signifies introduced (non-native) species
DUDEK B-2 April 2013 • '