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92-03-3; AVIARA PHASE 3 UNIT 3; DRAINAGE STUDY; 1996-07-26
DRAINAGE STUDY FOR AVIARA PHASE 3 UNIT 3 CT 92-3-3 APPLICANT: AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES 2001 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 206 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 BY: P&D CONSULTANTS 401 WEST 'A' STREET, SUITE 2500 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 JERRY O'CONNELL, RCE 32012 EXPIRES 12/31/96 JULY 26, 1996 JN 11344.00 C / V ?'7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND METHOD OF ANALYSIS A. DESIGN RUNOFF METHOD The hydrologic analysis utilized for design of facilities recommended in this report is the Rational Method. The Rational Formula is Qp = CiA where: Qp = The peak discharge in cubic feet/sec* • 1 Acre in/hr. = 1.008 cubic feet/sec. C = Runoff coefficient ( Dimensionless ) i = Rainfall intensity ) inches/hour ) A = Tributary drainage area { Acres ) If rainfall is applied at a uniform rate to an impervious area, the runoff attributed to this area would eventually reach a rate equal to the rate of precipitation. The time required to reach this equilibrium is termed the time of concentration. For small impervious areas on^ may assume that if precipitation persists at a uniform rate for at least as long as the time of concentration the peak discharge will equal the precipitation rate. B. DESIGN PROCEDURE The following procedure was used in calculating quantity of storm flow at various locations along the route of the proposed storm drains. Whenever the term "Manual" is used, it refers to the "DESIGN AND PROCEDURE MANUAL OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT" revised January 1985. The general procedure was developed by Los Angeles County Flood Control District and has been modified herein for use in San Diego County. 1. On the drainage map divide the runoff area into subareas of from 20 to 100 acres. These divisions should, if possible, be based on the topography, soil type, and the land development. The size of the initial area should be chosen such that the length of travel for the water from the most remote point to the point of concentration should not e.xceed 1,000 feet and if possible be near 500 feet and be of a generally uniform slope. 2. Determine the quantity of water for the initial area. a. Estimate the initial time of concentration. This can be obtained from appendix X-A of the "Manual" (Figure lll-G,)or Ap.X-C (lll-F) b. Determine the type of soil from "Hydrologic Soil Groups- Runoff Potential" maps of the County Soils interpretation study. c. Obtain the runoff coefficient "C" from Table 2. d. Obtain the intensity (i) from Appendix XI "Rainfall Curves for County of San Diego" of the "Manual" (Figure lll-E) e. Calculate the quantity of water (Q) using 6hr & 24hr precipitation values. (Figure lll-C and lll-D) 3. Determine the quantity of water for subsequent subareas as follows: a. Determine the water route from the point of concentration of the previous subarea to the point of concentration of the subarea in question. b. Calculate the time necessary for the quantity of water arriving at this subarea to pass through to its point of concentration of the by the above route. The physical properties of this route must be considered and the velocities obtained from the following: (1) If traveling in a street the velocity can be figured from Appendix X-D, "Gutter and Roadway Discharged-Velocity Chart" "of the "Manual" or by mannings equ. (2) if traveling in a ditch, pipe or other regular section calculate the velocity from the actual section. (3) If traveling in a natural watercourse the velocity can be derived from Figure 111-4. Velocity in Natural Valley Channels. c. Measure the length of flow to the point of inflow of the next subarea downstream. From the velocity compute the time of flow and add this time to the time for the first area to determine a new time of concentration. When determining the time of concentration (Tc), the expected future drainage facility and route is used to determine velocity and travel time (Tc). Wherever junctions occur, or there is a change in slope or drainage facility, it is necessary to calculate the velocity and travel time for the preceding reach. The slope of the Hydraulic grade line is generally assumed to be parallel to the grade slope. d. Calculate Q for the second subarea, using the new time of concentration and continue downstream in similar fashion until a junction with a lateral drain is reached. e. Start at the upper end of the lateral and carry its Q down to the junction with the main line. 4. Compute the peak Q at each junction. Let Qa, Ta, la, corresponding to the tributary area with the longer time of concentration. Let Qb.Tb, Ib, correspond to the tributary area with the shorter time of concentration and Qp, Tp correspond to the peak Q and time of concentration when the peak flow occurs. a. If the tributary areas have the same time of concentration, the tributary q's are added to obtain the Peak Q. Qp =Qa +Qb b. If the tributary areas have different times of concentration, the smaller of the tributary Q's must be corrected as follows: (1) The usual case is where the tributary area with the longer time of concentration has the larger Q. In this case, the smaller Q is corrected by a ratio the intensities and added to the larger Q to obtain the peak Q. The tabling is then continued downstream using the longer time of concentration • y^ ^- i::::— >-A (2) In some cases, the tributary area with the shorter time of concentration has the larger Q. In this case, the smaller Q is corrected by a ratio of the times of concentration and added to the larger Q to obtain the peak Q. The tabling is then continued downstream using the shorter time of concentration. DESIGN CHARTS "0 fc TABLE 2 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIOM^L METHOD) Coefficient, C Land Use Sol 1 Prpup:.(l) Residential: - • A •• C SIng1e Fami1y .50 Hulti-Units M .50 .60 .70 Hobi1e homes .50 .55 .65 Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) .30 .35 .40' • .45.: Commerci al(2) 80% Impervious .70 .75 .80 • .85 Industrial (2) .80 .85 .90 .95 90% Impervious NOTES: ^^^Soil Group maps are avallable"at-the-difices of the Department of Public Worl (2)where actua] conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated impervious- ness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revise by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, In no case shall the final coefficient bo less than 0.50. For example; Consider commercial property on Dsollrg^o Actual imperviousness • 50% Tabulated Imperviousness •* 80% Revised C - 50 ^ 0.85 - 0.53 80 IV-A APPENDIX IX-B B^^^i/ DEPA.1TMEHT OF SANITATION t FLOOD COJITROL Ill - C 100-YEAR 8-liOUR PREClPlTATiQfJ -20.^ ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR G-HOUR PRECiFITATIOtI IN WllS OF AN K^CIl U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE HATIO.VAL OCEAKIC AMD AT.<joSPIieXIC ADWNISTRATIOM tPCCIAL XTUDICJ BRA.VCH, OfnCE OT » J OO COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO OEPARTHEirr OF SANITATION S- FLOOD CG.'lTPvOL 1.5 33' 30 15 JU-D 100-YEAR 24-HOljR PRECIPITATION '-2Q-^1SQPLUVIALS oV 100-YEAR 24-llOUR EMTHS OF AN INCH NATIONAL OCtANIC AKO AT; P ECIAL ITUOICJ UKA.NCll. OKKICE Or II U.S. DEPARTMEN f OF CO.MMERCE OSrilCKIC AOMIKIITRA-nOH DKOUOCY, MATIO.NAL WEATIIER SERVICC ;i5 r, I 30' I r I 17V /i<;i 10' I 16- T- :^.r•.'^•-w•••• i 11 ll lllllillil IH ' I-*' "liiniii.iiiiiiiiinr I Equation: ;• V i'l.iu.i LUHJiifrhni •-.645 • 7.44 Pg D Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr. Precipitation (In.) Duration Directions Vor Applicationf""V ;"' 1) From precipitation naps determine 5 hr. and . 24 hr. amounts for.the selected frequency. These maps areprinted in the County Hydroloc • Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in \ Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of "452 to 552 of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Hot npplicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Drav/ a line through the point parallel to the plotted 1ines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the "location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) "Selected Frequency: 'VPO yr. DP 6 ^Z'(- in.. P24- Pg " 2) Adjusted *Pg» . 3) t, - 24 in. min. 4) I in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region ri6. - ///--fc- C3 15 20 30 40 50' I 5 6 APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 n,..;,„J 1/cr I U£S/?/^ /?/?£A>S OV£y?L/?/VD 77/i/^ FLOW CU/?V£S W^^^Mr^-<v--•••• •': :a»>XU>.^V.'A* IK" 70 .;i: .; ..... j-.: i /a o £xo/np/j: I C/ye/7 • Lc/rg/A a/' /'/OH^ • SOO //. S/ofi^ • /.O % Coc/'/'/c/tr/// o/ /eu/jo//. c '-.so /Pea c/ •• C^i:r/'7n c/ /yatyZ/nrc • /f A///7£y/cs F/6> llhF SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESjGN MANUAL, URBAN AREAS OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW CURVES ^my£L- f^-—/a///) L^ SOO BOO - 700 - £0O \ -SOO \ -400 -300 — Sooo — 4 ooo — 3 ooo — ZOOO £QL//?r/Oyy TE I // .3dS 7//77C o/ co/ic<:/7/'/-ay/ar7 -. - ' Lena//} o/ tx/a/ers-Acd •' 0//i^cr£/7C£ //7 c/eva/zan oJo/ig^ - eZ/'ccZ/fe s/ooe //ne CSce /fppe/id/)c X-3) f A4//es /O — £• \ •20C \ 4 J— 2 — \ \ •/OO \ - \ - • so •40 — 30 O.S — NOTTE [FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS] I ADD TEN MINUTES TO J j COMPUTED TIME OF CON- ! CENTRATION. — /O 5 Fee/ //oc/rj .. 4~ •:• 3- M//7L//ej — 240 sooa — '/oao \—JOOO \ \ - 200O — /aoa — /600 /^oa — /200 — /ooa — 900 800 \— roo £00 I—SOO 400 300 \ \ \ /80 /20 /OO •90 BO 70 -eo so 40 — 30 - ZO /a V- /£ • /4 — /2 /O — 9 — a — 7 • e — f- — 200 H SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAI NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMllvlATfON OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS 1^ •I ^ li/a/er.sAe c/ Div/ Wx:. •' • 11 r • D/t//c/s Design Fa/'/7J^ CiVa/^er^Aec/ • Ot/Z/c/^ J /9rca. 7?' - /V-<5^ "/5- SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAI,. APPPowrn /L ^^^/ ,^ ,} V^-. COMPUTATION OF EFFECTIVE SL FOR NATURAL WATERSHED: nATT. APP^ L- ItIM Mil-: •(*• l«<l|lutlc» "111 tn* "Ml l>»*OiC«t' *^IH», IMlltI1i<C (•M'li 0 Kl*. Mlix II li(Ill|¥||i lutKl* l*M cuvfi. tii(t( tOlll Mt) 4 Mil •( V«U« IMMnlltIM *»• WWI* MlMI l» H l^J *w>»rr l-ll(tt f BMIUtUt III* II tll •, KCTI UIIIT vlil I • Vlll •U|t|* IKIll till 'niMiiiT 'IH I* Hit l»*I( II nu*tt. iHi'.l laut utl •> >ltlt tU>tBlltt»>. F/G. iii-r c ( • * laiii it«i'iie mu imni«.iini' i;,fi-, i> or (It laiit-iiiiH* i>\it h^lic. tl-l I loltt "111 iiroCAIItt 'ItC If iCIiH-I • lout M(l » 1|*> MK »> iMIIIi irk.t-ti'J'.tlf taill Hivtx Mil :t*i IKrittK.iii.; (Hidu - II) (iAi \M\: viiH I. iiK rKHfULi luiii l>*ili III ISlit i.-M li.arnl; >H> (••) luiiKii ',«ii: ivci .••.•;^\\\ Y' SAN OIEGO COUNTY OEf'T OF SPECIAL OISTRICT SERVICES FLOOO CONIROL DIVISION OESIGN MANUAL HYDROLOGIC SOIL . CLASSIFICATIONS .\i"pnovcc BT; OATt: APR IX - C 2 -UTS San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1993 Version 3.2 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 1985 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 9/25/96 AVIARA PHASE-III HYDROLOGY STUDY DSK3:PH3U3.RSD[310,4] UNIT-3 100 YEAR STORM EVENT BY:NB •*•••**** Hydrology Study Control Information •«•****«** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipi tation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour precipitationCinches) = 4.500 Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) = 2.600 P6/P24 X 57.8% San Diego hydrology manual 'C values used Runoff coefficients by rational method ************** INPUT DATA LISTING ************ Element Capacity Space Remaining = 349 Element Points and Process used between Points Number Upstream Downstream Process 1 286.000 285.100 Initial Area 2 285.100 262.000 street Flow -•• Subarea 3 285.100 262.000 Confluence 4 263.000 264.000 Initial Area 5 264.000 262.000 street Flow + Subarea 6 264.000 262.000 Confluence 7 262.000 262.100 Main Stream Confluence 8 301.000 302.000 Initial Area 9 301.000 302.000 Confluence 10 269.500 269.000 Initial Area 11 269.000 267.000 Street Flow + Subarea 12 269.000 267.000 Confluence 13 265.000 266.000 Initial Area 14 266.000 267.000 Street Flow + Subarea 15 266.000 267.000 Confluence 16 267.000 262.100 Main Stream Confluence End of San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1993 Version 3.2 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 1985 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 9/25/96 AVIARA PHASE-III HYDROLOGY STUDY DSK3:PH3U3.RSD [310,4] UNIT-3 100 YEAR STORM EVENT BY:NB ********* Hydrology Study Control Infonnation ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitationCinches) » 2.600 24 hour precipitationCinches) = 4.500 Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) = 2.600 P6/P24 » 57.8X San Diego hydrology manual 'C values used • Runoff coefficients by rational method Process from Point/Station 286.000 to Point/Station 285.100 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** User specified 'C value of 0.550 given for subarea Initial subarea flow distance ^ 10.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 210.90(Ft.) Lowest elevation - 210.20(Ft.) Elevation difference = 0.70(Ft.) Time of concentration calculated by the urban areas overland flow method (App X-C) = 1.64 min. TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance".5)/(X slope"(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.5500)*( 10.00-.5)/( 7.00*(1/3)]= 1.64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 14.079 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 0.077(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.010(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 285.100 to Point/Station 262.000 **** STREET FLOU TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 210.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 194.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 340.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0{In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000{Ft.) Distance froro crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500{Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.125(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.124(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.041(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.629(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width » 3.012(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.63(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.48 min. TC = 5.11 min. Adding area flow to street User specified 'C value of 0.800 given for subarea Rainfall intensity = 6.751(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Runoff coefficient used for sub-area. Rational method,Q=KCIA, C = 0.800 Subarea runoff = 6.481(CFS) for 1.200(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.558(CFS) Total area = 1.21(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.558(CFS) Half street flow at end of street s 6.558(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.227(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.362(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.321(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 285.100 to Point/Station 262.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.558(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.751(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 263.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group 8 = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [SINGLE FAMILY area type ] Initial subarea flow distance = 160.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 234.00(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 207.50(Ft.) Elevation difference = 26.50(Ft.) Time of concentration calculated by the urban areas overland flow method (App X-C) = 4.91 min. TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance".5)/(X slope"(1/3)] TC » [1.8*(1.1-0.5500)*(160.00\5)/( 16.56-(1/3)]= 4.91 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.929 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 1.219(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.320(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 264.000 to Point/Station 262.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 207.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 194.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 680.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) " 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.125(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown » 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.031(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.279(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.178(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.922(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.18(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.57 min. TC = 8.48 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B ^ o.OOO Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [SINGLE FAMILY area type ] Rainfall intensity = 4.873(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Runoff coefficient used for sub-area, Rational method,Q=KCIA, C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 8.174(CFS) for 3.050(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.394(CFS) Total area = 3.37(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.394(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.394{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.313(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.414(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.632(Ft.) Process frora Point/Station 264.000 to Point/Station 262.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.394(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.873(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 6.558 5.11 6.751 2 9.394 8.48 4.873 Qmaxd) Omax(2) 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.558) + 1.000 * 0.603 * 9.394) + = 12.225 0.722 * 1.000 * 6.558) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 9.394) + = 14.127 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.558 9.394 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12.225 14.127 Area of streams before confluence: 1.210 3.370 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 14.127(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.479 min. Effective stream area after confluence » 4.580(Ac.) Process frora Point/Station 262.000 to Point/Station •*** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** 262.100 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.580(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 14.127(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.873(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point/Station 301.000 to Point/Station 302.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** User specified 'C value of 0.450 given for subarea Time of concentration computed by the natural watersheds nomograph (App X-A) TC = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change)]".385 *60(min/hr) • 10 min. Initial subarea flow distance = 550.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 317.00(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 220.00(Ft.) Elevation difference = 97.00(Ft.) TC=[(11.9*0.1042'3)/( 97.00)]".385= 1.96 + 10 min. = 11.96 min. Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.903 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.450 Subarea runoff = 4.917(CFS) Total initial stream area » 2.800(Ac.) SV^.©^AV^ Process from Point/Station 301.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream nunber: 2 in normal stream number 1 Strearo flow area = 2.800(Ac.) Runoff frora this stream = 4.917(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.96 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.903(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: 302.000 Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.903 1 4.917 11.96 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.917) + = 4.917 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.917 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.917 Area of streams before confluence: 2.800 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.917(CFS) Time of concentration » 11.962 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.800(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 269.500 to Point/Station 269.000 ***• INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A » 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C - 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D s 1.000 [SINGLE FAMILY area type ] Initial subarea flow distance = 160.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 228.00(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 207.50(Ft.) Elevation difference = 20.50(Ft.) Time of concentration calculated by the urban areas overland flow method (App X-C) = 5.35 min. TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance".5)/{% slope"(1/3)] TC » [1.8*(1.1-0.5500)*(160.00-.5)/( 12.81"(1/3)]= 5.35 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.557 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 0.902(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.250(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 269.000 to Point/Station 267.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 210.200(Ft.} End of street segment elevation = 194.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 730.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope froro gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.080 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.125(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 4.670(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.231(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.008(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.518(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.01(Ft/s) Travel tiroe = 4.04 min. TC = 9.40 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [SINGLE FAMILY area type ] Rainfall intensity = 4.560(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Runoff coefficient used for sub-area. Rational method,Q=KCIA, C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 5.242(CFS) for 2.090(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.144(CFS) Total area = 2.34(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.144(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 6.144(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.258(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.219(Ft/s) Flow width (frora curb towards crown)= 13.869(Ft.) Process frora Point/Station 269.000 to Point/Station 267.000 ***• CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Strearo flow area = 2.340(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.144(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.40 min. Rainfall intensity » 4.560(In/Hr) Process froro Point/Station 265.000 to Point/Station 266.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** User specified 'C value of 0.550 given for subarea Initial subarea flow distance = 10.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 248.65(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 247.95(Ft.) Elevation difference = 0.70(Ft.) Time of concentration calculated by the urban areas overland flow method (App X-C) = 1.64 min. TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC :« [1.8*(1.1-0.5500)*( 10.00-.5)/( 7.00-(1/3)]= 1.64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 14.079 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=ICCIA) is C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 0.077(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.010(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 266.000 to Point/Station 267.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 247.950(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 194.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 1300.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope froro gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope froro grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance froro curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.125(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.143(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.044(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.628(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 3.204(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.63(Ft/s) Travel time » 13.31 min. TC = 14.94 min. Adding area flow to street User specified 'C value of 0.950 given for subarea Rainfall intensity = 3.381(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Runoff coefficient used for sub-area. Rational inethod,Q=KCIA, C = 0.950 Subarea runoff = 5.460(CFS) for 1.700(Ac.) Total runoff =• 5.537(CFS) Total area = 1.71 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.537(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.537(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.216(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.026(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.790(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 266.000 to Point/Station 267.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.710(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.537(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.94 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.381(In/Hr) Sunnary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 6.144 9.40 4.560 2 5.537 14.94 3.381 Qmax(1) Qmax(2) 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.144) + 1.000 * 0.629 * 5.537) + = 9.625 0.741 * 1.000 * 6.144) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.537) + = 10.092 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.144 5.537 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 9.625 10.092 Area of streams before confluence: 2.340 1.710 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 10.092(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.944 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.050(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 267.000 to Point/Station 262.100 CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 4.050(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 10.092(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.94 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.381(ln/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 14.127 8.48 4.873 2 10.092 14.94 3.381 Qmaxd) Omax(2) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 14.127) + 1.000 * 0.567 * 10.092) + = 19.853 0.694 * 1.000 * 14.127) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 10.092) + = 19.893 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 14.127 10.092 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 19.853 19.893 Area of streams before confluence: 4.580 4.050 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 19.893(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.944 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 8.630(Ac.) Z, • «^ End of computations, total study area = 11.43 (Ac.) San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1993 Version 3.2 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 1985 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 9/20/96 AVIARA PHASE-III HYDROLOGY STUDY DSK3:PH3U4I.RSD[310,4] »===> UNIT-4 (INTERIM) 100 YEAR STORM EVENT BY:NB ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipi tation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour precipi tation(inches) » 4.500 Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) = 2.600 P6/P24 = 57.8X San Diego hydrology manual 'C values used Runoff coefficients by rational method ************** IHPUT DATA LISTING ************ Element Capacity Space Remaining > 365 Element Points and Process used between Points Number Upstream Downstream Process 1 304.100 i^.OOQ Initial Area End of listing San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1993 Version 3.2 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 1985 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 9/20/96 AVIARA PHASE-III HYDROLOGY STUDY DSIC3:PH3U4I.RSD[310,4] ====> UNIT-4 (INTERIM) 100 YEAR STORM EVENT BY:NB ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipi tation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour prec{pitation(inches) = 4.500 Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) = 2.600 P6/P24 » 57.8X San Diego hydrology manual 'C values used Runoff coefficients by rational method Process from Point/Station 304.100 to Point/Station >KrToOO **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** i^t'l Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [SINGLE FAMILY area type ] Time of concentration computed by the natural watersheds nomograph (App X-A) TC = [11.9*length(Mi)"3)/(elevation change)]'.385 *60(min/hr) + 10 min. Initial subarea flow distance - 950.00(Ft.) Highest elevation = 261.00(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 200.85(Ft.) Elevation difference = 60.15(Ft.) TC=[(11.9*0.1799'3)/( 60.15)]".385= 4.43 + 10 min. = 14.43 min. Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.457 for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.550 Subarea runoff = 13.006(CFS) Total initial stream area a 6.840(Ac.) End of computations, total study area ^ 6.84 (Ac.) CO o _l 3 I AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A 0 T2 JN11344 FILE:ALIME2.WSM [100,6] DSK1 S 1026.02 158.05 20 166.00 1026.02 158.05 20 R 1036.02 158.07 20 .012 .000 ,000 0 WE 1036.02 158.07 23 .200 f 1040.02 158.40 19 .012 .0 -20.000 1089.85 172.92 19 .012 .000 .000 0 1113.15 176.39 19 .012 .000 .000 0 R 1167.26 177.04 19 .012 .000 .000 0 t 1261.83 178.17 19 .012 60.000 .000 0 1281.95 178.42 19 .012 .000 .000 0 1283.95 178.44 19 4 .012 9.77 179.94 -40.0 .000 R 1287.95 178.48 19 .012 .000 .000 0 JX 1289.95 178.50 19 4 .012 13.80 180.00 90.0 .000 1438.59 180.30 19 .012 .000 .000 0 1438.59 180.30 3 .200 1442.59 180.63 2 4 9.012 20.25 2.5 183.63 184.13-90.0 45.0 .000 1643.12 194.87 2 .012 .000 .000 0 1643.12 194.87 3 .200 1647.12 195.20 2 10 .012 88.10 196.70 -90.0 .000 1718.12 196.01 2 .012 .000 .000 0 UE 1718.12 196.01 3 .200 JX 1722.12 196.34 2 11 6.012 23.24 6.80 198.34 210.90-90.0 .0 .000 • 1957.01 199.96 2 .012 .000 .000 0 I 1957.01 199.96 2 .200 1961.01 200.29 2 4 .012 8.0 202.19 45.0 .0 -45.000 2149.29 208.62 2 .012 .000 .000 0 2149.29 208.62 13 .200 2153.29 208.95 2 . 012 .0 . 000 2578.74 211.10 2 .012 * .000 .000 0 WE 2578.74 211.10 8 .200 (2583.74 212.60 10 11 14.012 1.6 114.44 213.10 211.60-85.0 45.0 .000 2792.97 229.90 10 .012 .000 .000 0 I 2792.97 229.90 15 .200 2796.97 230.23 10 . 012 . 0 .000 2900.48 232.54 10 . 012 . 000 . 000 0 2900.48 232.54 16 .200 2904.48 232.87 10 .012 .0 -50.000 3021.89 236.02 10 .012 .000 .000 0 UE 3021.89 236.02 16 .200 Jjt 3025.89 236.35 16 11 .012 9.17 236.85 90.0 .000 • 3378.69 253.80 11 .012 -11.000 . 000 0 I I 3378.69 253.80 17 .200 3382.69 254.13 17 .012 .0 .000 3683.10 262.68 11 .012 -09.000 .000 0 3683.10 262.68 17 .200 3687.10 263.18 15 9 9.012 7.91 11.90 263.68 263.18 -15.0 90.11-90.000 3760.37 264.00 4 .012 .000 .000 0 UE 3760.37 264.00 16 .200 «3764.37 264.33 4 9 .012 4.84 264,83 90.0 • .000 3803.02 270.00 4 .012 .000 .000 0 3803.02 270.00 13 .200 JX 3807.02 270.33 4 6 . 012 2.07 275.30 90.0 50.000 R 3895.30 281.50 4 .012 .000 .000 0 8 3912.11 281.50 15 281.50 110 .00 7.00 14.00 2.00 2.00 .0 2 4 0 .00 4.50 .00 . 00 . 00 .0 CD 3 3 0 .00 14.00 6.00 . 00 . 00 .0 1 4 4 1 .00 2.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 6 1 0 .00 .75 6.00 . 00 .00 .0 7 3 0 .00 7.00 6.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 8 3 0 .00 10.50 6.00 . 00 . 00 .0 CO 9 4 1 .00 1.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 8 10 4 1 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 11 4 1 .00 2.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 12 3 0 .00 13.00 6.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 13 3 0 . 00 8.00 6.00 . 00 . 00 .0 1 14 4 0 .00 4.00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .0 15 3 0 .00 13.00 4.00 .00 .00 .0 16 3 0 .00 12.00 4.00 .00 .00 .0 CO 17 3 0 .00 10.00 4.00 .00 .00 .0 1 18 1 0 .00 .50 4.00 .00 .00 .0 5 5 0 .00 0.00 0.00 .00 .00 ,0 19 4 0 .00 5.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 20 4 0 .00 6.00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .0 CD 21 4 0 .00 5.50 .00 .00 .00 ,0 3 0 , 00 30,00 6,00 , 00 , 00 ,0 3 0 .00 15.00 7.00 .00 .00 .0 I SD •p^* ^S 5 6 1.00 8.00201.00 7.00201.10 1.00207.00 1.00207,10 7,00 TS 400,00 8.00 17.98 .0 I I I Rl W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSK1 PAGE 1 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:17:54 ^26,02 158,05 UALL EXIT I 11^1 1 1 158,05 7.950 166.000 342.4 12.11 1 2,277 1 168,277 .00 5.021 .00 6.00 .00 .00 0 .0 .00200 1 1 ,005569 1 .06 7.95 .000 6.000 .012 .00 PIPE 1 1 158.07 7.986 166.056 342.4 12,11 1 2,277 1 168.332 .00 5.021 .00 6.00 .00 .00 0 .0 1 ENTRANCE I .02 158.07 •I-JPCT STR .08250 1040.02 158.40 1 1.68 ' .29139 I 1041.70 158.89 I I I I I I I I I 8.59 .29139 I 50.29 161.39 7.48 .29139 I 57.77 163.57 -I- 6.54 .29139 I .31 165.48 -I- 5.74 .29139 10.428 2.338 2.353 2.441 2.534 2.632 168.498 160.738 161.242 163.833 166.105 168.109 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342,4 342,4 4,69 38,00 37.69 35,94 34.27 32,67 ,342. 22,4^4 .073342 I 22,062 .068176 I 20,056 .060004 I 18.233 .052861 I 16,575 .046604 I 168,840 I 183,163 ,12 I 183,304 ,59 I 183,889 ,45 I 184,338 .35 I 184.684 .27 .42 10.85 .00 2.34 .00 2.35 .00 2.44 .00 2.53 .00 2.63 4.204 .256 4.793 4.984 4,793 4,924 4,793 4,588 4,793 4.272 4.793 3.974 7,00 4,99 1,611 4,99 1.611 5.00 1.611 5,00 1.611 4,99 1.611 15.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5,00 ,012 5.00 .012 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 • I-.00 .00 • i- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 0 .0 BOX 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE I I I W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2.WSN [100,6] DSK1 PAGE 2 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:17:59 *« « » * ********* « *« « * «***«**«*»*«* ^lem UEI T 1070 ^5 i: 3 3 t I Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** Oepth (FT) Uater Elev **•***•*• 1070,04 .04 5.09 i4.44 .52 3.90 .42 3.43 .85 3.00 b9.85 4.90 94.75 I4.86 19.62 4.14 1103,76 3,46 167.15 2.734 169.883 Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head ******* 342.4 31.15 .29139 168.62 .29139 169.91 .29139 171.05 .29139 172.05 .29139 172.92 .14893 173.65 .14893 174.37 .14893 174.99 .14893 2.842 2.956 3.077 3.205 3.342 3.469 3.626 3.796 171.460 172.867 174.124 175.251 176.262 177.119 178.000 178.787 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342,4 342,4 29,70 28,32 27,00 25,74 24,55 23,54 22,45 21.40 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd.El, HF ********* I I 15.068 184,951 Super Elev SE Dpth ******* ,00 Critical Depth ,041124 I 13,698 ,21 I 185,159 .036332 I 12,453 ,16 I 185,320 ,032141 I 11,321 ,13 I 185,445 ,028476 I 10,292 I .025276 I 9.356 .10 185.543 .08 I 185,619 .022635 I 8.607 ,11 I 185,726 .020339 I 7,824 ,10 I 185,825 ,018203 I 7,113 .016370 I .08 185.900 .06 Froude N I 4,793 Flow Top Uidth Norm Dp ******** 4,98 Height/ Dia,-FT Base Ut or I,D, ZL ZR No Wth Prs/Pip Type Ch 2.73 .00 2.84 .00 2.96 .00 3.08 ,00 3.21 .00 3.34 .00 3.47 .00 3.63 .00 3.80 3.695 I 4.793 3.431 I 4.793 3.182 I 4,793 2,947 I 4,793 2.725 I 4.793 2.513 I 4.793 2.336 I 4.793 2.140 I 4.793 1.950 1.611 4.95 1.611 4.92 1.611 4,86 1,611 4,80 1.611 4.71 1.926 4.61 1.926 4.46 1.926 4.28 1.926 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5,00 ,012 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 • I-,00 ,00 I- ,00 .00 • I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 • I- .00 ,00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE I I f 1107.22 t2.80 0.02 2.09 2.11 1.04 3.15 47.85 1.00 6.26 >7.26 '94.57 1.83 10.12 '81.95 jgCT STR 1283.95 4.00 i; 47 I 6 i: 1281 j|cT U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2.USN [100,6] DSK1 PAGE 3 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18: 3 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 175.51 Depth (FT) ******** .14893 175.92 .14893 176.23 .14893 176.39 .01201 176.96 .01201 177.04 .01195 178.17 .01242 178.42 .01000 178.44 .01000 Water Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head 3.984 179.490 342.4 20.41 4.196 4.448 4.793 5.000 5.017 6.050 6,097 6.600 180.120 180.683 181.183 181.965 182.057 184.220 184.517 185.040 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 342.4 332.6 19.46 18.55 17.69 17,44 17.44 17.44 17.44 16.94 SF Ave ******** I 6.466 Energy Grd.El. HF Super Elev .014832 I 5.879 .013616 I 5.344 .012955 I 4,857 ,013491 I 4,721 ,014446 I 4,721 ,014725 I 4,721 ,014725 I 4,721 ,014310 I 4.456 .013896 185.957 .04 I 185.998 SE Opth 00 Critical Depth .03 I 186.027 .01 I 186.040 I .65 186.686 .09 I 186.778 1.39 I 188.942 .30 I 189.238 .03 I 189.495 .06 Froude N ******** 4.793 Flow Top Width 3.98 .00 4.20 .00 4.45 .00 4.79 .00 5.00 .00 .00 .00 6.05 .00 6.10 .00 6.60 Norm Dp ******** 4.02 Height/ Dia.-FT 1.761 4.793 1.567 4.793 1.347 4.793 1.000 4.793 .000 4.793 .000 4.793 .000 4.793 .000 4,770 .000 "N" ******* 5.00 Base Ut or I.D. 1.926 3.67 1.926 3.13 1.926 1.99 5.000 .00 5.000 .00 5,000 .00 5,000 .00 .00 5,000 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 5.00 .012 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 00 .00 ZL ZR .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .00 • I-.00 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE I I 1 f I i: W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Tirae: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2,WSN [100,6] DSK1 PAGE 4 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18: 8 lation /Elem CT STR 89,95 148,64 J,59 ^38,59 JUNCT STR |42.59 22.88 165.47 40.68 ^06.15 •31.26 1537.41 24.79 1562.21 I2O.O8 UALL ENTRANCE 180.30 .08250 180.63 .07101 182.25 .07101 185.14 .07101 187.36 .07101 189.12 .07101 12.020 2.616 2.663 2.772 2.887 3.010 192.320 T2 183.246 184.918 187.916 190.251 192.134 •I- -I- I 318.8 4.42 .303 192.623 -I- -i- -I- ^ • 296.0 30.86 14.786 198.033 .045879 1.05 I I I 296.0 30.20 14.162 199,080 -I- -I- -I- ,042044 1,71 I I I 296,0 28,79 12.875 200.791 -I- -I- -I- .037249 1.16 I I I 296.0 27.45 11.704 201,955 ,033059 •I-,82 I 296,0 26,18 10,640 202,775 •I-.029409 .59 .00 12.02 .00 2,62 ,00 2,66 ,00 2.77 .00 2.89 .00 3.01 4.442 .225 4.381 3.699 4.381 3.575 4.381 3.311 4.381 3.061 4.381 2.823 6.00 4.44 2.307 4.42 2.307 4.38 2.307 4.32 2.307 4.24 2.307 14.00 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 Invert Depth Uater Q Vel Vel Energy Super Critical Flow Top Height/ Base Wt No uth Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Uidth Dia.-FT or I.D. ZL Prs/Pip Ch Slope ******** • SF Ave HF SE Dpth Froude N Norm Dp "N" ZR Type Ch iliiiiltiiiili Ch Slope ******** ******** ********* ********* ******* ******** ********* 1 ******* 1 •*•***•• ******* ***** Type Ch iliiiiltiiiili 178.48 6.615 185.095 332.6 16.94 1 4.456 1 189.551 .00 1 4.770 .00 5.00 .00 .00 0 .0 .01000 .013332 .03 6.62 .000 .012 .00 PIPE 178.50 7.346 185.846 318.8 16.24 4.093 1 189.939 .00 1 4.7J2 .00 5.00 .00 .00 0 .0 .01211 .012767 1.90 7.35 .000 4.230 .012 .00 PIPE 180.30 7.444 187.744 318.8 16.24 4.093 1 191.837 .00 1 4.732 .00 5.00 .00 .00 0 .0 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 0 .0 BOX 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE I I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.WSN Study Oate: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2.WSN [100,6] DSK1 PAGE 5 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:13 ******************************************* t******************* ** * * * * ********************************** i,t»»t»*»t pation L/Elem f lii I I I- r r I Invert Elev Depth (FT) Ch Slope ******** 82.29 190.55 3.142 193.692 Uater Elev Q (CFS) Vel (FPS) Vel Head 296.0 24.96 116.45 98.73 13.56 [l2.30 11.13 .42 8.99 32.41 6.87 39.28 3,84 43,12 LL ENTRANCE 1643.12 CT STR 1647.12 .07101 191.72 .07101 192.68 .07101 193.47 .07101 194.11 .07101 194.60 .07101 194.87 194.87 .08250 195.20 71,00 .01141 3.285 3.ao 3.612 3.807 4.041 4.381 10.729 9.369 195.003 196.121 197.083 197.916 198.638 199.251 205.599 296.0 296.0 296.0 296.0 296.0 296.0 204.569 23.80 22.69 21.63 20.63 19.67 18.75 SF Ave ******** I 9.673 .026239 I 8.794 .023498 I 7.994 Energy Grd.El. HF ********* I Super Elev ,021151 I 7,268 .019192 I 6,607 ,01767JJ I 6,006 ,017060 I 5,459 203,365 ,43 I 203.797 .32 I 204.115 .24 I 204.351 .17 I 204.523 .12 I 204.645 .07 I 204.710 SE -Dpth 00 Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Uidth 3.14 .00 3.29 .00 3.44 .00 3.61 .00 3.81 .00 4.04 .00 4.381 2.596 4.381 2.377 4.381 2.163 4.381 1.950 4.381 1.729 4.381 1.474 4.381 296.0 4.60 .328 205,927 .00 4.228 6.00 14.00 6.00 .00 _ 1 _ 0 .0 PtrtL ,02 1 10.73 .247 .012 I .00 BOX 207.9 13.08 2,655 207,223 .00 4.086 .00 4.50 .00 .00 0 .0 ,009528 ,68 9.37 .000 3,381 .012 1 .00 PIPE Norm Dp ******** 4.13 2.307 4.00 2.307 3.82 2.307 3.58 2.307 3.25 2.307 2.72 2.307 1.44 Height/ Dia.-FT "N" ******* 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 Base Ut or I.D. ZL ZR .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 No uth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 I I 1 L/l r #18 I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2.USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 6 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tinie:11:18:17 *************************** *m It lation L/Eleni Invert Depth Uater Q Vel Vel Energy Super Critical Flow Top Height/ Base Wt No Wth Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El, Elev Depth Uidth Dia.-FT or 1,0. ZL Prs/Pip Ch Slope SF Ave HF SE -Dpth Froude N Norm Dp "N" ZR Type Ch ******* ******** ********* ********* ******* ******** 1 ******* 1 1 ******** ******* ******* ***** Type Ch ******* 196.01 9.235 205.245 207.9 13.08 1 2.655 1 207,900 1 .00 1 4.086 .00 1 4,50 1 1 .00 .00 0 .0 LL ENTRANCE 18.12 196.01 -I- JUNCT STR .08250 ^22.12 ' 196.34 234.89 .01541 ILL ENTRANCE 157.01 199.96 -I- JUNCT STR .08250 Ll.OI ' 200.29 ' -I-75.44 .04424 |36.45 ' 203.63 HYDRAULIC JUMP I JUNI I I HYDI I I I I I I I I I I 22.92 12.271 10.983 9.001 9.011 6.151 208.281 207.9 2.82 1^—•!• 'I' //I; 207.322 177.9 11.19 .124 208.405 .00 3.341 '.003568 .01 _ 1 12.27 1 .142 '1.943 209.266 I .00 3.867 .006974 1.64 10.98 .000 208.961 209.301 169.9 209.779 11.19 1.943 210.904 .00 3.867 .00 .006668. 1 "1 .03 .00 1 .000 1 10.68 I 1.772. 1 211.073 I .00 1 3.795 .00 .006361 1 "1 .48 9,01 1 .000 1.921 10.68 1 1.772 1 211.551 1 ,00 1 3.795 .00 203.63 2.278 205.906 169.9 21,03 6,870 212,776 .00 3.795 4,50 4,50 ,00 .00 0 .0 .04424 "I" ,022958 "1 .53 2.28 1 2.766 1,921 "I" ,012 1 1 .00 PIPE 1 1 204.64 2.365 207.007 169,9 20,06 1 6,248 1 213.255 i .00 1 3.795 4.49 1 4,50 ,00 .00 0 .0 .04424 *I" • • .020245 "1 .40 2.37 2.575 1.921 "1" ,012 1 .00 PIPE I 6,00 14,00 -I- -I- ,012 ,00 2,702 4.50 .012 4,50 I .012 4.50 .012 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 0 • I- .00 BOX .00 0 .00 PIPE .00 0 .0 I- .00 PIPE .00 0 .0 I- .00 PIPE .00 0 .0 I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.WSN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JNI1344 FILE:ALINE2.WSN [100,6] DSKI *********************************************************************************** PAGE 7 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:22 ***************•*•***********«*«««««««** |ation L/Eleffl *|WHk* II79. 12. 1 I r ?.21 .15.90 .10 12.91 1.01 10.49 I18.50 8.56 127.07 6.93 U34.00 I 5.50 2139.50 4.21 2143.71 3.04 2146.75 1.88 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 205.52 Depth (FT) ******** .04424 206.22 .04424 206.79 .04424 207.26 .04424 207.64 .04424 207.94 .04424 208.19 .04424 208.37 .04424 208.51 .04424 Uater Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head 2.457 207.976 169,9 19,13 2,554 2.656 2.765 2.880 3.002 3.133 3.275 3.429 208.777 209.450 210.023 210.517 210.946 211.320 211.648 211.937 169.9 169.9 169.9 169.9 169,9 169.9 169.9 169.9 18.24 17.39 16.58 15.81 15,07 14,37 13,70 13.06 SF Ave ******** I Energy Grd,El, HF ********* I Super Elev 5,680 213,656 SE -Dpth ******* .00 Critical Depth .017865 I 5.163 .015781 I 4,694 .013960 I 4,267 ,012368 I 3,879 ,01097^ I 3,527 .009761 I 3,206 .008706 I 2.915 .007794 I 2.650 ,007013 .28 I 213.940 .20 I 214.IU .15 I 214.290 .11 I 214,396 ,08 I 214,472 ,05 I 214,526 ,04 I 214,563 ,02 I 214,586 ,01 Froude N ««*««*«* 3,795 2.46 .00 2.55 .00 2.66 .00 2.77 .00 2.88 .00 3.00 .00 3.13 .00 3.28 .00 3.43 Height/ Dia.-FT 2.394 3.795 2.223 3.795 2.062 3.795 1.910 3.795 1.766 3.795 1.629 3.795 1.498 3.795 1.372 3.795 1.250 "N" 4.50 Base Ut or I.D. 1.921 4.46 1.921 4.43 1.921 4.38 1.921 4.32 1.921 4.24 1.921 4.14 1.921 4,01 1.921 3,83 1,921 ,012 4,50 ,012 4,50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 .012 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .00 .00 .00 .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 PIPE I I I I I I I I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,USM Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 8 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:26 ^tion L/Elem •-M****** Iv8.63 Invert Elev Ch Slope t .66 .04424 9.29 ' 208.62 -I- UALL ENTRANCE A9.29 ' 208.62 • -I- JUNCT STR .08250 t3.29 ' 208.95 -I- 425.45 .00505 KB.74 ' 211.10 L LL ENTRANCE I .74 211.10 -I- STR .30000 I 2583,74 212,60 252 I 25^ 9,70 ,08268 I 2593,44 213.40 lie JUMP 2593.44 ' 213.40 |i0.95 ' .08268 I I I I I I I 7.295 5.776 6.332 8.322 6.217 5.467 1.069 215.915 214.726 217.432 219.422 218.817 218.870 214.471 169.9 169.9 169.9 169,9 53.9 53,9 53,9 3,88 10,68 10,68 3,40 7,62 7,62 23,84 Oepth (FT) Uater Elev Q (CFS) Vel (FPS) Vel Head Energy Grd.El. Super Elev Critical Depth Flow Top Uidth Height/ Dia.-FT Base Ut or I.O. ZL No Uth Prs/Pip ******** ********* ********* ******* SF Ave ******** HF ********* 1 SE Opth ******* Froude N Norm Dp ******** "N" ******* ZR ***** Type Ch ******* 3.600 212.191 169.9 12.45 1 2.409 1 214.600 .00 3.795 3.60 4.50 .00 .00 0 .0 .006359 0.00 3.60 1.128 1.921 .012 .00 PIPE 3.795 212.415 169.9 11.87 1 2.189 1 214.604 .00 3.795 3.27 4.50 .00 .00 0 .0 .234 .003360 I 1.772 .006361 I 1.772 I 8.825 ,072456 216.149 .01 I 216.498 2.71 I 219.204 I I 223.297 .00 7.30 .00 5.78 .00 ,00 2.920 .253 3.795 .000 3.795 2,383 ,180 219.602 .00 2.920 6.00 10,50 6.00 .00 . 1 - 0 .0 ,002911 1 .01 8.32 .208 .012 .00 BOX 1 ,902 219.718 .00 2.383 .00 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .005558 1 .05 6.22 .000 1.042 .012 .00 PIPE 1 .902 219.772 .00 2.383 ,00 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 6.00 .00 4.500 .00 2.87 2.97 1.07 4.738 1.042 8,00 .012 4.50 .012 4.50 3.00 .012 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 • I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 0 .0 BOX 0 .0 PIPE 0 .0 .00 I-.00 1 .0 PIPE I I i U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.WSN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2.WSN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 9 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:31 ation 18 r L/Elera • ,39 42,00 1^76,40 25.79 32.18 18.18 Z0.36 '13.72 f34.08 10.80 (744.89 I 8.72 2753.61 7.20 2760.81 5.99 r66.80 5.04 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 216.79 Depth (FT) ******** .08268 220.26 .08268 222.39 .08268 223.90 .08268 225.03 .08268 225.92 .08268 226.65 .08268 227.24 .08268 227.74 .08268 Water Elev 1.090 217.878 Q (CFS) Vel (FPS) Vel Head 53.9 23.22 1.129 1.170 1,212 1.256 1,302 1,351 1.401 1.454 221.390 223.564 225.109 226.287 227.226 227.996 228,642 229,191 53,9 53,9 53,9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 22.13 21.10 20.12 19.19 18.29 17.44 16.63 15.86 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd.El. HF ********* Super Elev 8.369 226.247 SE Dpth '*** .00 Critical Depth Froude N .065500 I 7.608 ,057452 I 6.916 .050407 I 6.287 .044236 I 5.716 ,03884.0* I 5.196 ,034130 I 4.724 ,030006 I 4.294 ,026390 I 3.904 ,023227 2.75 I 228.998 1.48 I 230.480 .92 I 231.396 .61 I 232.003 .42 I 232.423 .30 I 232.720 .22 I 232.936 I ,16 233.095 .12 I Flow Top Width 2.383 Norm Dp ******** 2.89 Height/ Dia.-FT 1.09 .00 1.13 .00 1.17 .00 1.21 .00 1.26 .00 1.30 .00 1.35 .00 1.40 .00 1.45 4.562 I 2.383 4.263 I 2.383 3.982 I 2.383 3.719 I 2.383 3.472 I 2.383 3.240 I 2.383 3.022 I 2.383 2.817 I 2.383 2.625 "N" ******* 3.00 Base Ut or I.D. 1.042 2.91 1.042 2.93 1.042 2.94 1.042 2.96 1.042 2.97 1.042 2.99 1.042 2.99 1.042 3.00 1.042 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ZL ZR .00 .00 .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE I I i W S P G N • CIVILDESIGN Vers 6,1 File: ALINE2.WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,WSN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 10 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:35 L/Elera I 4 71,85 4,25 76.10 3.59 ^69 3.03 .73 2.54 r5.27 2.13 2787.40 1.73 2789.13 1.39 2790.52 • 1.06 P9I.58 .77 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 228.15 Depth (FT) ******** .08268 228.51 .08268 228.80 .08268 229.05 .08268 229.26 .08268 229.44 .08268 229.58 .08268 229.70 .08268 229.78 .08268 Uater Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head ******* 1.509 229.663 53.9 15.12 1.567 1.628 1.692 1.760 1.831 1.907 1.988 2.075 230.072 230.430 230.745 231.023 231.270 231.490 231.685 231,860 53,9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 14.41 13.74 13.10 12.49 11.91 11.36 10.83 10.33 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd.El. HF ********* Super Elev 3.549 233.212 SE Dpth «*' 00 Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Width .020456 I 3.226 .018032 I 2.933 ,015910 I 2.666 .014053 I 2.424 .012428' I * 2.204 .011005 I 2.003 ,009764 I 1.821 ,008683 I 1.656 .007741 .09 I 233.299 ,06 I 233,363 ,05 I 233,412 .04 I 233.447 .03 I 233,474 ,02 I 233,493 .01 I 233.507 I ,01 233.516 .01 1.51 .00 1.57 .00 1.63 .00 1.69 .00 1.76 .00 1.83 .00 1.91 .00 1.99 .00 2.08 2.383 Norm Dp ******** 3.00 Height/ Dia.-FT 2.445 2.383 2.275 2.383 2.115 2.383 1.965 2.383 1.823 2.383 1.689 2.383 1.562 2.383 1.441 2.383 1,326 "N" ******* 3,00 Base Wt or I.D. 1.042 3.00 1.042 2.99 1.042 2.98 1.042 2.95 1.042 2.93 1.042 2.89 1.042 2.84 1.042 2.77 1.042 ******* 00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3,00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .00 I-.00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE *********************************** I I ***i I L/l •**i I I" I UALI JKCT F 2832 I 2853 ^68 U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN113a FILE:ALINE2.USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 11 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:39 ation Invert Elev Ch Slope Depth (FT) Uater Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head .46 .81 .16 .97 UALL ENTRANCE 229.85 2.168 232.017 53,9 9,85 1,505 233.522 .00 2.383 2.69 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .08268 ,006926 1 0.00 2.17 1.216 1.042 .012 I .00 PIPE 229.89 2.270 232.157 53,9 9,39 1 1,368 1 233.525 .00 2,383 2.57 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .08268 .006225 1 0.00 2.27 1.108 1.042 .012 .00 PIPE 229.90 2.383 232.283 53,9 8,95 1 1.243 1 233.526 .00 2.383 2.43 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 97 STR 97 88 85 63 47 10 58 10 68 229.90 .08250 230.23 .02232 230.32 .02232 231.02 .02232 231.49 .02232 231.83 10,99 ,02232 4,222 1.622 1.628 1.692 1.760 1.831 234.122 231.852 231.945 232.714 233.253 233.661 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53,9 3.19 13.81 13.74 13.10 12.49 11.91 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd.El. HF Super Elev SE Dpth Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Uidth Norm Dp Height/ Dia.-FT "N" ******* .158 I 2.961 .017009' '2.933 .015910 I 2.666 ,014053 I 2.424 ,012428 I 2.204 ,011005 234.280 I 234.813 .07 I 234.878 .50 I 235.381 .30 I 235.677 .19 I 235,865 ,12 .00 4.22 .00 1.62 .00 1.63 .00 1.69 .00 1.76 .00 1.83 Base Ut or I.D. ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch 1.779 .274 2.383 2.131 2.383 2.115 2.383 1.965 2.383 1.823 2.383 1.689 4,00 2,99 1,498 2,99 1,498 2,98 1.498 2,95 1.498 2.93 1.498 13.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3,00 ,012 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 • I- .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 0 .0 BOX 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,WSN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 12 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:43 Ition L/Elem ********* i: I Invert Elev Ch Slope ,68 232,08 r 8.06 7.73 5.76 •3.49 3.95 7.44 2.26 70 78 10.48 2900.48 j|cT STR 2904.48 | |24.94 29.42 .02232 232,26 .02232 232.38 .02232 232.47 .02232 232.52 .02232 232.54 L ENTRANCE 232.54 .08250 232,87 ,02683 233.54 26.41 .02683 Depth (FT) Uater Elev Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head 1.907 233.983 53.9 11.36 1.988 2.075 2.168 2.270 2.383 4.222 1.529 1.567 234.244 234.459 234.640 234.793 234.923 236.762 234.399 235.106 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,9 53.9 53,9 53,9 53,9 10,83 10.33 9.85 9.39 8.95 3.19 14.88 14.41 SF Ave Energy Grd.El. HF '2.003 235.986 Super Elev SE Dpth Critical Depth .009764 I 1.821 .008683 I 1.656 .007741 '1,505 .006926 I 1,368 ,0062$' I 1,243 ,158 3,437 ,020005 I 3,226 ,018032 ,08 I 236,065 ,05 I 236,115 .03 I 236.145 .02 I 236.161 0.00 I 236.166 236.920 237.836 .50 I 238.333 ,48 ,00 Froude N 2,383 Flow Top Uidth 1.91 .00 1.99 .00 2.08 .00 2,17 ,00 2.27 .00 .28 4.50 .00 1.53 .00 1.57 Norm Dp ******** 2.89 Height/ Dia.-FT 1.562 2.383 1.441 2.383 1.326 2.383 1.216 2.383 1.108 2.383 1.779 .274 2.383 2.386 2.383 2,275 "N" ******* 3,00 Base Ut or I,D, 1,498 2.84 1.498 2.77 1.498 2.69 1,498 2,57 1,498 2,43 4,00 3,00 1,420 3,00 1,420 ,012 3,00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 12.00 .012 3.00 .012 3,00 ,012 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 00 ,00 ,00 ZL ZR .00 .00 - I-.00 .00 -1- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 No uth Prs/Pip Type Ch 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 0 .0 BOX 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE I I I I I I I I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 13 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:18:4a ******************************************************************************* »«**««««««»*«** |ation L/Elera ***** 55,82 18,56 §74,38 13,65 |s8,03 10,37 ^8.41 • 7.86 Mp6.26 • 5.93 112.19 I 4.33 3016.52 '3.01 3019.53 1.75 K21.28 .61 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 234.25 Depth (FT) ******** .02683 234.75 .02683 235.11 .02683 235.39 .02683 235.60 .02683 235.76 .02683 235.88 .02683 235.96 ,02683 236,00 .02683 Uater Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head ******* 1.628 235.876 53.9 13.74 1.692 1.760 1.831 1.907 1,988 2.075 2.168 2.270 236.438 236.872 237.221 237.508 237.748 237.951 238.125 238.274 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 53,9 13,10 12,49 11,91 11,36 10.83 10.33 9.85 9.39 SF Ave ******** I Energy Grd.El, HF ********* Super Elev 2,933 238,809 SE Opth .00 Critical Depth .015910 I 2,666 .014053 I 2,424 .012428 I 2,204 .011005 I 2,003 .0097^* I 1,821 ,008683 I 1,656 ,007741 I 1,505 ,006926 I 1,368 .006225 .30 I 239.104 .19 I 239.296 .13 I 239.425 .09 I 239.511 .06 I 239.569 .04 I 239,607 ,02 I 239,630 ,01 I 239,642 0,00 Froude N 2,383 Flow Top Uidth 1,63 .00 1,69 .00 1.76 .00 1.83 .00 1.91 .00 1.99 .00 2.08 .00 2.17 .00 2.27 Norm Dp 2.99 Height/ Dia.-FT Base Ut or I.D. 2.115 2.383 1.965 2.383 1.823 2.383 1.689 2,383 1,562 2,383 1,441 2,383 1,326 2.383 1.216 2.383 1.108 1.420 2.98 1.420 2.95 1.420 2.93 1.420 2.89 1.420 2.84 1.420 2.77 1.420 2.69 1.420 2.57 1.420 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 3.00 .012 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ZL ZR .00 .00 I-.00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 No uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .00 .00 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE I I I L/l i WALL I JUNCT t 3025 I' 3194 I" 3257 i: I' i; I < I I I I I I I W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,WSN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 14 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tiiiie:11:18:52 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy Super Critical Flow Top Height/ Base Ut No Uth Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Uidth Dia.-FT or I.O. ZL Prs/Pip Ch Slope ******** SF Ave HF SE Dpth Froude N Norm Dp "N" ZR Type Ch Ch Slope ******** ******** ********* ********* ******* 1 ******** 1 ********* 1 ******* ******** ******** ******* «*««««* ***** ******* 236,02 2,383 238,403 53,9 1 8,95 1.243 1 239.646 .00 2.383 2.43 3.00 .00 .00 1 .0 ENTRANCE I 89 236.02 -I- STR .08250 I 89 236.35 .89 236.35 -I- .00 .04946 I ,89 2U.71 -I- ,25 .04946 I ,14 247.79 -I- ,11 .04946 I ,25 249.43 -I- ,84 .04946 I ,09 250.51 -I- ,83 .04946 I ,92 251.29 •I- 12.00 .04946 ,92 251.88 -I- ,45 .04946 4.222 3.981 1.179 1.213 1.259 1.308 1.359 1.412 1.469 240.242 240.331 237.529 245.922 249.047 250.734 251.865 252,701 253,352 53,9 44,7 44,7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 3.19 2.81 19.62 18,91 18.03 17.19 16.39 15,63 14,90 ,158 .000396 I .122 I 5.980 .047101 I 5.555. .042087 I 5.050 .037075 I 4.591 ,032691 I 4.173 ,028841 I 3.794 ,025475 I 3.449 ,022529 I 240.400 0.00 I 240.454 I 243.509 7.96 I 251.477 2.62 I 254.097 1.23 I 255,324 ,71 I 256,039 ,46 I 256,495 .31 I 256.801 .21 .00 4.22 .00 .02 1.20 .02 1.23 .01 1.27 .01 1.32 .01 1.37 .01 1,42 ,01 1,48 1,779 ,274 1.571 2.220 3.620 2.220 3.427 2.220 3.192 2.220 2.970 2.220 2.761 2.220 2.565 2.220 2.379 4.00 4.00 2.50 1.179 2.50 1.179 2.50 1.179 2.50 1.179 2.49 1.179 2.48 1.179 2.46 1.179 12.00 .012 12.00 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 00 .00 .00 0 • I- .00 BOX 0 .00 I- .00 1 I- .00 PIPE .00 1 .00 PIPE .00 1 .00 PIPE .00 1 .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 I- .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 I- .00 PIPE 1 .0 .00 I- .00 PIPE I ! i U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2,USN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN11344 FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 15 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tiroe:11:18:56 L/Elem I Invert Elev Ch Slope Depth (FT) Uater Elev ********* 49,38 252,35 1,528 253,878 0 (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head 44,7 14,21 571 3376 J78 l78 1^ r r i 3374 I 33 I I I I I I I I I I 49 87 05 92 82 74 84 58 00 58 17 76 40 16 53 69 ,04946 252.72 .04946 253.02 .04946 253.26 .04946 253.45 .04946 253.60 .04946 253.70 .04946 253.77 .04946 253.80 LL ENTRANCE 1.592 1.659 1.732 1.810 1.894 1.988 2.094 2.220 254.313 254.679 254.990 255.259 255.491 255.693 255.868 256.020 44,7 U,7 44,7 44,7 44,7 44,7 44,7 44,7 13,55 12.92 12,32 11.74 11.20 10.68 10.18 9.70 SF Ave Energy Grd.El. HF ********* '3.136 257.014 Super Elev SE Dpth .01 Critical Depth .019952 I 2.850 .017704 I 2.591 .015742 I 2.356 .014039 I 2.142 .012559. '1.947 .011291 I 1.770 .010229 I 1.609 .009384 I 1.462 .15 I 257.163 .11 I 257.270 .08 I 257.346 .05 I 257.400 .04 I 257.438 .02 I 257.462 .01 I 257.477 .01 I 257,482 Froude N *««*«• 2,220 Flow Top Width 1,54 ,01 1.60 .01 1.67 .01 1.74 .01 1.82 0.00 1.90 0.00 1.99 0.00 2.10 0.00 Norm Op ******** 2.44 Height/ Dia.-FT 2.204 2.220 2.038 2.220 1.881 2.220 1.730 2.220 1.586 2.220 1.446 2.220 1.306 2.220 1.162 2.220 "N" ******* 2.50 Base Ut or I.D. 1.179 2.40 1.179 2.36 1.179 2.31 1.179 2.23 1.179 2.14 1.179 2.02 1.179 1.84 1.179 1.58 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ZL ZR **4 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 No uth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 I I I L/E **** H78. JUNCT 55. t HTDRAU C: 3558 I" 3601 fr 3627 K4. U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORM DRAIN LINE A JNI1344 FILE:ALINE2.USN [100,6] DSKI ******************************************«**«*«* PAGE 16 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:19: 1 No Uth Prs/Pip 1.69 JUNCT STR ,69 55.75 .44 HYDRAULIC .44 .36 .1.79 1,41 3558,20 ^2,91 3601.11 »5.98 3627.09 17.86 ,95 ,12.78 255.72 1.408 257.125 44.7 15.69 3.823 260.947 .01 2.220 2.48 2,50 .00 .00 1 .0 .02846 ' .027178 1 .63 1.42 2.580 1.390 ,012 .00 PIPE 256.38 1.412 257.793 44.7 15.63 1 3.794 261.587 .01 2.220 2.48 2,50 .00 .00 1 .0 .02846 ' .025475. 2.46 1.42 2.565 1.390 .012 .00 PIPE 259,13 1.469 260.594 U.7 14.90 1 3.U9 264.043 .01 2.220 2.46 2.50 .00 .00 1 .0 ,02846 ' .022529 1 .97 1.48 2.379 1.390 .012 .00 PIPE 260,35 1.528 261.875 44.7 14.21 1 3.136 1 265.010 .01 2.220 2.U 2,50 .00 .00 1 .0 ,02846 ' .019952 .52 1.54 2.204 1.390 .012 .00 PIPE 261,09 1.592 262.678 44.7 13.55 2.850 265.528 .01 2.220 2.40 2.50 .00 .00 1 .0 ,02846 ' .017704 t .32 1.60 2.038 1.390 .012 .00 PIPE 261.59 1.659 263.253 U.7 12.92 1 2.591 265,845 .01 2.220 2.36 2.50 .00 .00 1 .0 .02846 .015742 ,20 1.67 1.881 1,390 .012 .00 PIPE lation L/Elera I I 1 L/l t I I I t III U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2.WSN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 17 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tirae:11:19: 5 Invert Elev Ch Slope 57.73 261.96 Oepth (FT) Uater Elev 0 (CFS) Vel (FPS) Vel Head 1.732 263.690 U.7 12.32 9.U 67.17 6.96 174.13 4.83 178.97 3.01 51.98 1.12 S.10 LL ENTRANCE J83.10 CT STR 3687.10 173.27 3760.37 .02846 262.23 .02846 262.42 .02846 262.56 .02846 262.65 .02846 262.68 262.68 .12500 263.18 .01119 264.00 LL ENTRANCE 1.810 1.894 1.988 2.094 2.220 4.803 4.421 4.357 264.037 264.319 264.550 264.742 264.900 267.483 267.601 U.7 U.7 U.7 U.7 U.7 U.7 24.9 268.357 24.9 11.74 11.20 10.68 10.18 9.70 2,33 7.92 7.92 SF Ave Energy Grd.El, HF '2.356 266.046 Super Elev SE 4>pth Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Uidth Norm Dp Height/ Dia.-FT Base Ut or I.D. ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch ,014039 I 2.142 ,012559 '1.947 ,011291 I 1.770 .010229 I 1.609 .0093^ ' 1.462 I 13 266.178 .09 I 266.266 .05 I 266.320 .03 266.351 .01 I 266.362 .01 1.74 .01 1.82 0.00 1.90 0.00 1.99 0.00 2.10 0.00 2.220 1.730 2.220 1.586 2.220 1.446 2.220 1.306 2.220 1.162 2.220 1 .084 1 267.567 .26 1.571 4,00 10.00 4.00 .00 0 .0 .000154 1 0.00 5.07 .187 .012 .00 BOX 1 .975 268.576 .00 1.759 ,00 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .010314 1 .76 4.42 .000 1,572 .012 .00 PIPE 1 .975 269.332 .00 1,759 .00 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 2.31 1.390 2.23 1.390 2.14 1.390 2.02 1.390 1.84 1.390 1.58 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 .012 2.50 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- .00 .00 • I- 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 I I I f 3760.37 fCT STR 64.37 »12.13 76.50 HYDRAULIC II76.5O 3.07 §79.58 3.81 S83.38 • 3.21 1^6.59 r9.33 2.33 3791,66 2.00 U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2.USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 18 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tinie:11:19:10 266.11 .795 266.905 20,0 17.23 4.608 271.513 .00 1.608 1.96 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .057646 1 .18 .80 3.937 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 266.56 .815 267.376 20,0 16.66 1 4.311 1 271.687 .00 1.608 1.97 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .051641 .20 .82 3.752 .628 .012 1 .00 PIPE 267.12 .845 267.965 20,0 15.89 3.919 1 271.883 .00 1.608 1.98 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .045373 1 .15 .85 3.503 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 267.59 .876 268.466 20.0 15.15 1 3.562 272.029 .00 1.608 1.98 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 .039858 1 .11 .88 3.268 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 267.99 .908 268,899 20.0 14,U 1 3.239 1 272.138 .00 1.608 1.99 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 .035034 .08 .91 3.048 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 268.33 .942 269,275 20.0 13,77 2.9U 272.220 .00 1.608 2.00 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 .030825 .06 .94 2.842 .628 .012 .00 PIPE I I W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6,1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 19 Date: 3- 3-1996 Tirae:11:19:14 ation L/El< i: i: 1 r r r 3801 3802 66 73 38 48 87 27 ,14 ,09 ,23 92 ,16 77 93 65 ,57 ,52 ,09 ,41 Invert Elev Ch Slope ******** 268,63 Depth (FT) Uater Elev Q (CFS) Vel (FPS) Vel Head ******* .978 269.605 20.0 13.13 .14670 268.88 .14670 269.10 .14670 269.28 .14670 269.U .14670 269.58 .14670 269.69 .14670 269.79 .14670 269.86 .14670 1.015 1.054 1.095 1.138 1.184 1.233 1.284 1.339 269.895 270.151 270.379 270.582 270.764 270.926 271.072 271.203 20.0 20.0 20.0 20,0 20.0 20.0 20,0 20,0 12,52 11,94 11,38 10,85 10,35 9,86 9,40 8,97 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd,El. HF ********* I Super Elev 2,677 272,281 SE 4>pth **i 00 Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Uidth ,027137 I 2,433 .023902 I 2,212 .021072 I 2,011 .018594 I 1,828 .016423 I 1,662 .014538 I 1.511 .012882 I 1.373 .011434 I 1.249 .010171 .05 I 272.328 .04 I 272.363 .03 I 272.390 .02 I 272.411 .02 I 272.426 .01 I 272.437 .01 I 272.U5 I .01 272.451 0.00 .98 .00 1.02 .00 1.05 .00 1.10 .00 1.14 .00 1.18 .00 1.23 .00 1.28 .00 1.34 1.608 Norm Dp ******** 2.00 Height/ Dia.-FT "N" Base Ut or I.O. ZL ZR 2.647 1.608 2.465 1.608 2.293 1.608 2.132 1.608 1.980 1.608 1.836 1.608 1.700 1.608 1.572 1.608 1.450 .628 2.00 .628 2.00 .628 1.99 .628 1.98 .628 1.97 .628 1.94 .628 1.92 .628 1.88 .628 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 .00 I- .00 No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE I I U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6,1 File: ALINE2,WSN Study Date: 3-3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI ************* PAGE 20 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:19:18 k******i Vel (FPS) I********' Vel Head k********************** ***************** *H**************: Invert Ition L/Elem ****** **** •a' L/E I I I I UAl t JUNC ************************* Elev Ch Slope Depth (FT) ******** Uater Elev ********* Q (CFS) ********* ,28 B2,78 .18 02.96 .06 103.02 269.92 1.397 271.320 20.0 8.55 1.135 272.455 .00 1.608 1.84 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .009073 0.00 1.40 1.333 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 269.96 1.461 271.426 20.0 8.15 1.032 1 272.458 .00 1.608 1.77 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .008127 1 0.00 1.46 1.220 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 269.99 1.530 271.521 20.0 7.77 1 .938 272.459 .00 1.608 1.70 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .14670 ' .007313 1 0.00 1.53 1.111 .628 .012 .00 PIPE 270.00 1.608 271.608 20.0 7.41 ' .852 272.460 .00 1.608 1.59 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 UALL ENTRANCE 93.02 JDHCT STR 107.02 20.87 f27.89 21.00 3848.88 |l3.08 3861.96 9.26 270.00 .08250 270.33 .12653 272.97 .12653 275.63 .12653 277.28 .12653 3.062 .633 .645 .668 .691 273.062 270.963 273.615 276.295 277.973 20.0 18.0 18,0 18,0 18,0 1,09 21.06 20.51 19.55 18.64 SF Ave Energy Grd.El. HF ********* Super Elev SE Opth Critical Depth Froude N Flow Top Width Norm Dp Height/ Dia.-FT "N" ******* Base Ut or I.D. ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch .018 6.884 ,109983 I 6.529 .099359 I 5.935 .087035 I 5.396 .076261 273.081 277.847 2.29 I 280.144 2.09 I 282.231 1.14 I 283.369 .71 .05 3.11 .00 .63 .00 .65 .00 .67 .00 .69 .702 .110 1.527 5,477 1,527 5,277 1,527 4,935 1,527 4,613 6,00 1,86 ,616 1,87 .616 1,89 .616 1.90 .616 8.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 2.00 .012 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I- .0 .00 BOX .00 1 .0 .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 I- .00 PIPE 1 .0 .00 I- .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 - I- .00 PIPE I I I Ktion I * U S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.1 File: ALINE2.USN Study Date: 3- 3-96 Time: 11:13: 6 UATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA PHASE 3 STORH DRAIN LINE A JN113U FILE:ALINE2,USN [100,6] DSKI PAGE 21 Date: 3- 3-1996 Time:11:19:23 lem Invert Elev Ch Slope Depth (FT) ******** Uater Elev Q (CFS) ********* Vel (FPS) Vel Head 2,11 281,50 ,856 282.356 -I- -I- -I- 18,0 5,25 SF Ave ******** Energy Grd,El. HF ********* Super Elev SE Dpth Critical Depth Froude N ******** Flow Top Uidth Norm Dp Height/ Dia,-FT "N" ******* Base Ut or I.D. ZL ZR No Uth Prs/Pip Type Ch MFI.23 278.45 .716 279.170 18.0 17.77 4.905 284,075 .00 1,527 1,92 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 B7.O4 .12653 ' .066882 ,47 .72 4,313 ,616 .012 .00 PIPE W8.27 279.34 .742 280.087 18.0 16.95 4.459 1 284,546 .00 1,527 1,93 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 I5.59 .12653 ' .058645 ,33 .74 4.030 .616 .012 .00 PIPE 3883.85 280.05 .768 280.820 18.0 16.16 4,054 1 284,874 .00 1.527 1.95 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 • 4.53 .12653 ' ,051433 .23 .77 3.765 .616 .012 .00 PIPE 3888.39 280.63 .796 281.422 18.0 15.41 3,685, 1 285.107 .00 1.527 1.96 2.00 .00 ,00 1 .0 B3.76 .12653 ' .045143 1 .17 .80 3.517 .616 .012 .00 PIPE 3892.15 281.10 .825 281.927 18.0 14.69 1 ' 3.3Sb 1 285.277 .00 1.527 1.97 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 • 3.15 .12653 ,039647 .12 ,83 3.283 .616 .012 .00 PIPE ll?5.30 281.50 ,856 282.356 18.0 14.01 3,046 1 285.402 ,00 1.527 1.98 2.00 .00 .00 1 .0 .428 I 282.784 .00 .856 4.00 13.00 4.00 .00 AVIARA UNIT 4 STORM DRAIN LINE 'A-1' JN 11344 [40,1] STRMAI.WSN 1000,00 183,30 1 192.32 1000,00 183,30 6 1043,48 188,17 6 ,012 .000 1043,48 188,17 3 ,200 1047.48 188,50 3 6 ,012 2,10 192.50 -90,0 1069,23 188,80 6 .012 ,000 1069,23 188.80 3 .200 1069.23 188.80 3 188,80 13 0 .00 19,50 6,00 .00 .00 ,0 2 4 1 .00 2,00 ,00 .00 .00 .0 3 3 0 ,00 13,00 4,00 .00 .00 ,0 5 2 0 ,00 ,50 14,00 .00 .00 ,0 6 4 1 .00 1,50 4,00 .00 .00 .0 12.50 0 ,000 0 90.000 .000 0 W S P G N - CIVILDESIGN Vers 6,1 File: STRMAl,WSN Study Date: 9-20-96 Time: 8:56:0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING AVIARA UNIT 4 STORH DRAIN LINE 'A-1' JN 11344 [40,1] STRMAl,WSN PAGE 1 Date: 9-20-1996 Time: 8:57:56 ,**«**********•*********************•***•* I Invert Station j Elev /Elem |Ch Slope ******* I******** 000,00 183,30 -I- UALL EXIT 000,00 183.30 . -I- 43,48 .11200 043.48 188,17 lALL ENTRANCE I 043,48 188,17 NCT STR .08250 1047,48 188,50 -I- 21,75 ,01379 I 1069,23 188.80 lALL ENTRANCE I 069,23 188.80 Depth (FT) ******** 9,020 9,021 4,867 6,137 5,818 5,781 6.712 Water Elev ********* 192.320 192.321 193.037 194,307 194,318 194,581 195,512 Q (CFS) ********* 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 12,5 12,5 12.5 Vel Vel I Energy I Super |Critical|Flow Top|Height/|Base Wt| |No Wth (FPS) Head | Grd.El,] Elev j Depth j Width |Dia,-FT|or I,D.| ZL |Prs/Pip •I-I- SF Ave| HF jsE DpthjFroude NI Norm Dp I "N" | j ZR jType Ch ******* I******** I********* I ******* I******** I******** I******* I******* I***** I******* I II 27 .001 192,321 .00 .569 6,00 19,50 6,00 ,00 0 ,0 - • -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I I I 8.26 1.060 193.381 .00 1,397 .00 1.50 .00 ,00 1 .0 •I-•I-•I-I- ,00 PIPE ,016461 .72 9,02 ,000 ,644 ,012 I I I I I I I I 8 26 1.060 194.097 .00 1.397 ,00 1.50 ,00 .00 1 ,0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I I I ,59 ,005 194,313 .02 ,745 4.00 13.00 4,00 ,00 0 ,0 •I-•I-,000012 0,00 6,15 .042 ,012 ,00 BOX I I I I I I M 7,07 ,777 195.095 .00 1.334 ,00 1.50 ,00 ,00 1 ,0 •I-•I-•I-•I- I-,00 PIPE ,012066 ,26 5,82 .000 1,150 ,012 I I I I I 1 I I 7 07 ,777 195.358 .00 1,334 .00 1,50 ,00 ,00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I II 47 ,003 195.516 ,00 ,672 4,00 13,00 4,00 .00 0 ,0 -j- -1- -I- -1- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- P&D Consultants 401 West "A" Street Suite 2500 San Diego, CA 92101 619.232.4466 By Date ^f./f.f^ Client ^y/ARf) - PHS Sheet No. Of Checked Date Job Job No. /V ^ • ^ U Rep0li.T(^F//j)^^7J,irl.l M}7er^aM'7u2^ yn^/y? cjas//? C/y=>ac/T^ ''-^ /' ^ 50A0 c^y^\&l 0( .v.oK CJ'/i/^rim) ^ /J.O^/^S y '5 CFS.-. ok I i_S:AN0PlPE-18'« PIPE..MINIMUM •MTH NO PERFORATIONS fo RE3AR.SPACED 5'Q,C. AROUND IER CRCUMFEHENCE , STEEL PLATE PLAN VIEW NTS SLCPE i='ACES SHALL =E HYDROSEEDED ~ SIMILAR TC SDRS 0-70 2:1 OR FLAT7t.R IF SO SPECIFIED ON PLANS TYPICAL THROUGHOUT SEE SECTION 300-5 STD. SPECS. SLOPE PER PLAN, 17. MINIMUM •C-3250 CONCRETE ANCHORS PER PLAN iSE "^SEE DETAIL A .GGREGRATE ^ I SECTION A-> NTS •SIMILAR TO SDRS 0-72 SDRS 0-70 CHANNEL OR RIP RAP PER STD. D—4-0 Illl^U'^O.D. 0F_ l'il|'*ORAIN PIPE' i SECTION B-B I 3V0.D. OF i^DRAIN PIPE SEE DETAIL B NTS DETAIL A NTS BASIN cAPAcrry TABLE ( iN CUEiC YARDS) PLATE 1 l/2"x 2" A-35 STL ANCLE 4 LOCATIONS l/2"3 M8 */ NUT k WASHER NOTES: 1) OESJLTATION aASINS 5UIL ON LOTS ADJACENT TO O'/VELUNGS i,HALL SE COMPLETELY LINED 'MTH 3' GUNITE, 2) ALL STEEL ='=E AND HARDWARE 'Z zl .HOT DIP GALVANIZED AFTE,=^ .'AERICATICN. TRACT AREA rACRES) AVERAGc SLOPE TRACT AREA rACRES) i 3% 1 10% 1 12% 1 ST " 1 w «9 10 270 1 350 j 370 I AOO ! ^50 5CC 15 •J-OG 1 420 1 -50 1 500 1 675 I 20 540 i 700 i 7-10 1 SOO 1 900 I :ccc 40 1080 1 l-iOO 1 1-^80 1 1600 1 1800 i 80 2150 1 2200 1 :S50 ! 3200 1 3500 1 .100 2700 1 3500 1 3700 1 AOOO 1 ^500 i C 'J . 150 4000 ! A200 1 -500 1 6000 ! 5750 i " 200 5400 1 7000 7^00 SCCC i 90CC : : U - - ^ IApDDovFD IDATE CITY OF C.^RLSB.^D TEMPORARY DESILTATION BASIN OUTLET AND CAPACITY TABLE SUPPLEMENTAL PjO — Q STANOARO NO, L-^^ ^ RISER INFLOW CURVE 1 *- 1.0 60 CO HEAU{FF.ET) P&D Consultants 401 West "A" Street Suite 2500 San Diego, CA 92101 619.232.4466 By /V^ D3Ae^(7/y:'//<C\\er\t /^nj}^ft?>) ^ FoW/r-3) Sheet No. Of Checked Date Job Job No. JI/?/^/ Cr(/cs : Icc SC'/^yJ CT/)CI . 7 (/'' P&D Consultants 401 West "A- Street Suite 2500 San Diego, CA 92101 619-232-4466 By Datey^^ Client AVlM^ - FF 3 (UN/T-3) Sheet No. Checked Date Job Job No. Of -T/^LBT CFLC^ : f Lr. (^^^ /4' I CFS too 1 i SUMP (yyjo. •7"^' „,...^ _ J. X. y O/C, /3^^^\/AJ./L.€^-. L 7 ' T i I "Tl-TTTT 2 3 4 56789 10 DISCHARGE (CFS.) EXAMPLE: Given. 0.= 10 S= 2.5 7o Chart gr»*4: D«pth = a4, Velocity = 4.4 tp.s. "1 - I - \- •• r 20 30 40 50 I I it SAN DIEGO COUNTT DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTr^lCT SERVICES nr <; I c kl u A M fi « i- GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART r P&D TECHNOLOGIES 401 West A Street Suite 2500 San Diego, California 92101 Telephone (619) 232-4466 Inside Diaraeter ( 36.00 in.) * Uater * | I • I . I * * ( 13,37 in,) ( 1,115 ft,) * * I * • I * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 17.000 CFS Velocity 7.109 fps Pipe Diameter 36,000 inches Depth of Flow 13,375 inches Depth of Flow 1.115 feet Critical Depth 1,313 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.372 Slope of Pipe 1.000 X X-Sectional Area 2,391 sq, ft. Uetted Perimeter 3.933 feet AR*(2/3) 1.716 Mannings 'n' 0.015 Hin, Fric, Slope, 36 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.086 X 03 P&D TECHNOLOGIES 401 West A Street Suite 2500 San Diego, California 92101 Telephone (619) 232-4466 Inside Diameter ( 36.00 in.) Water * j I * * • I • * ( 10.69 in.) ( 0,891 ft,) I I V Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) .... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Uetted Perimeter AR-(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min, Fric, Slope, 36 inch Pipe Flowing Full 12,800 CFS^ ^ 7.282 fps 36,000 inches 10.688 inches 0.891 feet 1,141 feet 0,297 1,000 X 1.758 sq. ft. 3.458 feet 1.120 0.013 0.037 X INSERT MAP HERE