HomeMy WebLinkAboutCB063183; Vons-Modify Parking Lot; Storm Water Management Plan; 2007-10-29/Ei AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers 9420 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 201 Chatsworth, California 91311 T: (818) 700-9729, F: (818) 700-8548 Email: ampakcivil@yahoo.com October 29, 2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn.: TecIa Levy Subject: Vons #2343 - 985 Tamarack Avenue SWMP No. 070023 Dear Ms. Levy: Enclosed please find three revised sets of the SWMP for the subject project. Please note the following revisions: • The SWMP has been signed. All three copies have the wet stamp and signature. • Per the telephone conversation, the first paragraph on Page 1 has been revised to indicate resurfacing instead of adding parking areas. • According to your instruction, source control BMPs have been implemented. The enclosed Grading Plan (Sheet C-1.4) has been revised to indicate runoff passing through the planters before entering the storm drain system. This is shown as openings within the curb face (1' typical), indicated by Note No. 25. Also, along the proposed planter along the westerly side of the parking lot, curb openings at 10' on center have been proposed to allow runoff to enter into the planter before entering the concrete gutter. This is indicated by Note No. 26. This will allow some runoff to be filtered before entering the storm drain system. I would like to ask you to please remove the "Hydrology Study" Plan from the previous prints of the SWMP and insert them into the revised prints that you now have. Thank you for your help. Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 4 — I Jamshecl 1. Yazdani, P.E. President JIY/ag Vons 2343-985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad Q 4 C SWMP 070023 rage i or 1 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) In compliance with City of Carlsbad SUSMP Requirements FOR Plan Check No.: CB 063183 Vons Store No. 2343 AT 985 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, California Prepared for: Vons Stores 618 Michillinda Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007 Prepared: July 2007 Revised: October 2007 Prepared by: AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. 9420 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #201 Chatsworth, California 91311 T: (818) 700-9729, F: (818) 700-8548 Storm Water Management Plan Vons Store no. 2343 985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 3.0 POST-CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. 1 4.0 MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION & REPAIR. 3 5.0 STRUCTURAL BMP MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX. 4 6.0 NON-STRUCTURAL BMP MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX 5 7.0 PROJECT DIRECTORY 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Vicinity Map APPENDIX "A": Hydrology Calculations APPENDIX "B": BMP Cut Sheet LIST OF PLANS: Grading and Drainage Plan Hydrology Study STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN (SWMP) 1,0 INTRODUCTION AMPAK Civil Engineering, Inc. was retained by Vons Architects to prepare a Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SWMP) in accordance with the City of Carlsbad SUSMP Requirements for Minor Modifications within the parking lot of the existing Vons Store No. 2343, located at 985 Tamarack Avenue, in the city of Carlsbad. The objectives of the SWMP are to control the discharge of pollutants from the site and to identify and provide practical guidance to assist in implementation of post-construction BMPs, which are intended to reduce the amount of pollutants contained in storm water after construction. According to the City of Carlsbad Order No. 2001-01, page 16 of 52, paragraph (a), this project proposes to resurface at least 5,000 sq. ft. of impervious surface. Therefore, it is classified as a priority project to which SUSMP requirements apply. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Vons proposes to tmdertake minor parking lot modification within an existing store located at 985 Tamarack Ave. Grading for the project is proposed to start November 2007. Construction of the project is expected to complete by March 2008. Vons, the developer of the property is not aware of any toxic materials, which may have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled or leaked in significant quantities at this site. The site is currently fully developed. 3.0 WATER QUALITY TREATMENT REPORT (SWMP) (1) Peak Storm Water Discharge Rates: The project will maintain the existing drainage condition; therefore, the post- development discharge will not exceed the pre-development flow. (2) Conservation of Natural Areas: The site is currently fully developed; as such, it does not have natural areas to be conserved. (3) Minimize Storm Water Pollutants of Concern: Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been introduced to minimize the introduction of pollutants that may result in significant impacts generated from site run-off of directly connected impervious areas (DCIA), to the storm water conveyance system. In attempting to minimize the pollutants of concern, BMPs have been selected to maximize the reduction of pollutant loadings in the runoff to the maximum extent practicable. The BMPs selected for this purpose are as follows: (a) Landscaping (Califomia BMP TC-30): As seen on the Grading Plan, landscaped areas have been proposed so that some precipitation may be absorbed in the ground. This will provide natural filtration to remove harmful pollutants to some extent before entering the on-site storm drain system. This will reduce some strain on the on-site catch basin filter inserts. (b) Catch Basin Filters (California BMP MP-51): Abtech Industries' Ultra Urban Filter Insert Model C01414N will be installed within the existing curb-opening catch basins. These filters will absorb hydrocarbons, trash, debris as well as bacteria, from storm water run-off before it enters the catch basin. Cut sheet including Date Prepared: 8-18-07 1 Date Revised: 10-18-07 storm Water Mitigation Plan Vons Store No. 2343 985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA installation and operation and maintenance guide from the manufacturer is included in this SWMP. The BMPs described above can substantially reduce pollutants from storm water runoff before entering the onsite storm drain system. (4) Protect Slopes and Channels Subject site is not located on a hillside, or in the vicinity of any drainage channels. Therefore, slope and channel protection is not necessary. (5) Storm Drain Stenciling and Signage: Storm drain signs and stencils (California BMP SD-13) are highly visible source controls that area typically placed directly adjacent to storm drain inlets. They are placed to discourage illegal dumping in to the catch basin. The stencils will be placed by the contractor and inspected by the city inspector. All catch basins within the project site shall be legibly stenciled with the message "NO DUMPING - DRAINS TO OCEAN". (6) Outdoor Material Storage Areas: Vons does not propose to store any material outdoors. All food items or ingredients shall be stored indoors under controlled conditions. (7) Trash Enclosure Areas: Trash enclosures are receptacles intended for use as a repository for solid wastes. Loose trash and debris can be easily transported by the forces of wind or water into the storm drain system. Trash enclosures shall be covered to prevent precipitation from entering trash dumpsters. In addition, trash enclosure areas shall be walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. Trash enclosures will be kept clean and free of debris. Spills will be immediately contained and cleaned up. Warning signs prohibiting the dumping of chemicals, oils, or solvents shall be posted on the dumpsters. Spill response procedures will be posted, cleanup materials for minor spills, well maintained, containers for spent absorbent material will be made available, and employees will be instructed in spill containment and cleanup procedures. Spent absorbent material will be managed appropriately and disposed in accordance with applicable regulations. (10) Design of Structural BMPs: Hydrology Calculations are shown in Appendix "A". The calculations are used to determine the adequacy of the post-construction BMP (Abtech Industries' Model C01414N Filter Unit) for this project. Post construction structural control BMP is sized on a flow-based design, in accordance with the City of Carlsbad SUSMP requirements. The expected maximum peak mitigated flow (Qpm) is calculated using San Diego County Hydrology. The attached calculations show the Qpm to be 0.43 cfs which converts to 193 gpm. The proposed Abtech Industries' Model C01414N Filter Unit has a capacity of 200 gpm. From the calculations shown in Appendix "A", it can be seen that the filter specified is adequate for the flow. (11) Provision Applicable to Priority Project Categories: Vons shall perform the following to ensure that the parking area is free from trash and debris: Date Prepared: 8-18-07 2 Date Revised: 10-18-07 Storm Water Mitigation Plan Vons Store No. 2343 985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA a) Primary Pollutants of Concern Parking Lots: Parking lots contain pollutants such as oil and grease, and hydrocarbons that are deposited on the surface by motor vehicles. These pollutants have the potential of being directly tiansported to surface waters and into the storm drain system. In order to prevent such pollutants from entering the storm drain system, Abtech Industries' filter unit will be installed. In addition to tiash and debris, this filter unit will also absorb hydrocarbons from the runoff. b) Secondary Pollutants of Concern Remove food waste, rubbish, or other materials from parking lot areas in a sanitary manner that does not create a nuisance, or discharge into the on-site or off-site storm drain system. c) Educate and tiain employees/workers on storm water pollution prevention practices. (12) Certification of Storm Water Treatment Mitigation: The calculations presented in Appendix "A" verify the adequacy of the stiuctural contiol BMP employed for this project. Therefore, an alternative certification to this effect is not required. (13) Resources and References: The BMPs used for this project are attached as Appendix "B". Further information regarding those and other BMPs may be obtained from visiting the BMP web site at www.cabmphandbooks.org. 4. MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION & REPAIR OF POST-CONCTRUCTION BMPs The effectiveness and the condition of the post-constiuction BMPs shall be evaluated during regular site inspections. The owner or designated maintenance staff shall evaluate whether additional practices are needed to reduce pollutants of concern. The designated maintenance staff shall recommend any necessary repairs for the drainage system. A record of the inspections shall include the date, the individual(s) performing the inspection, and the observations. Listed below are the main items, which are to be inspected, and the frequency at which the inspection will be conducted. The BMP implementation matiices on the following pages provide a guide into maintenance, inspection & repair of the BMPs. Date Prepared: 8-18-07 J Date Revised: 10-18-07 Storm Water Mitigation Plan Vons Store No. 2343 985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 5.0 POST-DEVELOPMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES STRUCTURAL BMP MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY/FREQUENCY MATRIX BMP Description Responsibility Activity & Frequency Filtiation (Post-Constiuction) Owner Once a week and when there is a 40% chance of rain in the 5-day forecast, and curing and after an actual storm. Verify landscaped common areas continue to provide filtiation. Efficient Irrigation Owner Once a week in conjunction with maintenance activities. Verify that runoff minimizing landscape design continues to function by checking that water sensors are functioning properly, that irrigation heads are adjusted properly to eliminate over spray to hardscape areas, and so verify that irrigation timing and cycle lengths are adjusted in accordance with water demands, given time of year, weather and day or night time temperatures. Runoff-Minimizing Landscape Design Owner Once a week in conjunction with maintenance activities and prior to finalizing any planting schemes. Verify that plants continue to be grouped according to similar water requirements in order to reduce excess irrigation runoff. Off-site Transport of Trash from Dumpster Area Owner / Designated Maintenance Staff Trash areas to have pavements sloped so as to divert flow around the tiash enclosure areas. The tiash enclosure will have a roof to prevent rainwater from passing through the tiash container. Date Prepared: 8-18-07 Date Revised: 10-18-07 storm Water Mitigation Plan Vons Store No. 2343 985 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 6.0 POST-DEVELOPMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NON-STRUCTURAL BMP MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY/FREQUENCY MATRIX BMP Description Responsibility Activity & Frequency Common Area Landscape Maintenance Owner, through its landscape management contiactor. Monthly during regular maintenance. Common Area Landscape Management Owner, through its landscape management contiactor. Ongoing maintenance consistent with County Water Conservation Resolution or City equivalent, plus fertilizer and pesticide usage consistent with County Management Guidelines for Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides, or City equivalent. Common Area Litter Contiol Owner, through its landscape maintenance contiactor. Monthly during regular maintenance. Litter patiol, emptying tiash receptacles, noting tiash disposal violations and reporting the violations. Employee Training Owner, during constiuction period through in-house seminars. Minimum once every six months to include educational materials contained in the approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Common Area Inlet Inspection Owner, for common area BMPs in landscape areas. Monthly during regular maintenance. Inspection to verify inlets and "V" gutters are clean and increased inspection during the rainy season (October 1st to April 15* of the following year). Private Stieet/Lot Owner All paved area (not maintained by the City of Carlsbad), including but not limited to private stieet and parking lots, shall be cleaned and swept on a regular basis. The use of water to clean stieet, paved areas, parking lots, and other areas and flushing the debris and sediment down the storm drains shall be prohibited. Date Prepared: 8-18-07 Date Revised: 10-18-07 Storm Water Mitigation Plan Vons Store No. 2343 985 Tamai-ack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 7. PROJECT DIRECTORY Owner / Developer Civil Engineer Contiactor Vons Stores 618 Michillinda Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007 Attn.: Yvette Valencia Ampak Civil Engineering, Inc. 9420 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #201 Chatsworth, California 91311 Tel.: (818) 700-9729 Attn.: Jamshed I. Yazdani, P.E. Not Available at this time. Date Prepared: 8-18-07 Date Revised: 10-18-07 PROJECT SITE CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY NOT TO SCALE CITY OF VISTA CITY OF SAN MARCOS PACIFIC OCEAN CITY OF ENCINITAS FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP APPENDIX "M 9420 TOPANGA CYN BL |201 AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. ^j^^f^sTW-S DATE: /O- /^-OT 9420 TOPANGA CYN BL |201 AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. ^j^^f^sTW-S JOB NO.: ^^3^ PROJECT: |/^V^^^343.^/A;W^ U>T AlOh/RQ^Teesi /•AGE: f/^ LOCATION: '^^fU\A^^H^ CA^C^^Ah. a.^.. y ml: / ffi. Af.,; .LM;!^;^!^ :„. . 9420 TOPANGA CYN BL |201 /El AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. 'Ta™7S5S DATE: JOB NO.: PAGE: PROJECT: LOCATION: -i'• i i 1 j i j |_ _! ^ 'ill! — — -r— i i •4 ( ___ 9420 TOPANGA CYN BL |201 /Et AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. "j^^^JfJjSS^^^^^^^^ DATE: JOB NO.: u— PROJECT: PAGE: LOCATION: cri^, cm/ ...I i.... 4,_..., ^ Z ! • : i i • ' ' ' i ; I ! i ! ! • ' : ' : y/^TS^^^. ^/M^^^^'^^^ /^cM/-cf=r £ n• • • 'o^^)^^ ,V5CAX^/^ "I X^^J-^ ..1 1 . 9420 TOPANGA CYN BL #201 /Ei AMPAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. ^i^^^^sT^S DATE: JOB NO.; PAGE: 4-^^ PROJECT: LOCATION: ••^^^2mT... cpjij^iK^ I i ' 33*15'- i33*00' r32'4? :32'W 33*30* 32*30-; County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Soil Hydrologic Groups Legend Soil Groups |; j Group A • xi Group C [ "i'"] Undetermined Data Unavailable SOIL ^P- "<=•' DPW 3 0 3 Miles San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use NRCS Elements County Elements Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (HDR) -Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) CommerciaUIndustrial (G. Com) Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Com) Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) Permanent Open Space Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 2.9 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 4.3 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 7.3 DU/A or less Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 14.5 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 24.0 DU/A or less ResidentiaL 43.0 DU/A or less Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Office Professional/Commercial Limited Industi-ial General Industrial Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type % IMPER. A B C D 0* 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.71 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.82 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A = dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12of26 Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (LM)) of sheet flow to be used in hydrology studies. Initial Ti values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study. Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (LM) Element* DU/ Acre .5% 1% 2% 3% 5% 10% Element* DU/ Acre LM Ti LM Ti LM Ti LM Ti LM Ti LM Ti Natural 50 13.2 70 12.5 85 10.9 100 10.3 100 8.7 100 6.9 LDR 1 50 12.2 70 11.5 85 10.0 100 9.5 100 8.0 100 6.4 LDR 2 50 11.3 70 10.5 85 9.2 100 8.8 100 7.4 100 5.8 LDR 2.9 50 10.7 70 10.0 85 8.8 95 8.1 100 7.0 100 5.6 MDR 4.3 50 10.2 70 9.6 80 8.1 95 7.8 100 6.7 100 5.3 MDR 7.3 50 9.2 65 8.4 80 7.4 95 7.0 100 6.0 100 4.8 MDR 10.9 50 8.7 65 7.9 80 6.9 90 6.4 100 5.7 100 4.5 MDR 14.5 50 8.2 65 7.4 80 6.5 90 6.0 100 5.4 100 4.3 HDR 24 50 6.7 65 6.1 75 5.1 90 4.9 95 4.3 100 3.5 HDR 43 50 5.3 65 4.7 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 100 2.7 N. Com 50 5.3 60 4.5 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 100 2.7 G. Com 50 4.7 60 4.1 75 3.6 85 3.4 90 2.9 100 2.4 O.P./Com 50 4.2 60 3.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 100 2.2 Limited 1. 50 4.2 60 3.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 100 2.2 General 1. 50 3.7 60 3.2 70 2.7 80 2.6 90 2.3 100 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-12 32-30' County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials 50 Year RainfaU Event - 6 Hours Isopluvial (inches) DPW THIS MAT* 1$ pRovioED wrrnouT W»AR*NTV OF IW-/ IQHO EITHER OR iM=ieD. mauoMQ. BUT HOT LMTED TO TME WPUEO OF liCRCHAMTiWjr/KMC FITNESS FOCt A PAftTICUOK s 3 0 3 Miles 32'30' 32-30' County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials so Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours Isopluvial (inches) '•^•c Have a.-crcd;: THIS M*^ IS PRO\«eD WlTrtOUT www? ANTV OF W/ nua. EITHER ElfffCSS OR »meD. INaUDMO. BUT MOT UMTED TQ TME UnjEC 'MMRANnES OF I««CMWT«I1JT' *N0 FITNESS FOR A ^TICULjW PURPOSE CwinyhlSwiOia. All >*jhu RnriM 3 0 3 Miles Diiratisn •:Ojre DirecSoms for AppHcs^&n: ! 1) FrtsT: prcctpitatio maps d!5torn1r^; 6 h- and 24 hr m.o-jr.i5 fc» tfw s-3iec!*'d fresjC-arcy. Thes« ffiaf;<3 iaie kjcitdixi in aw Cosjrsly Hy-dtrctogy fvlsnua! <1&, 50. axi 100 yr >rmps irsciuded :a tna Design and Procedure fv'?aniia!), (2) .Adlus). 5 hr pmtiimtsiion (tt n^c^ssar/;- so ihat xi \$ within lhe r8i«5» cf 45% to 65% tsf ;b« 24 ptsraptafiot! (not t-i) i-iot B hs precipitatkr-T: ori ate rig!^ sids of tins chart. (4) Dfsw a iir>& through the po^'vt pgrallg* to ths piotJed imes.. (5) Thss iB^e is ib« iti-cssj^stSy-ciurstior curve !»r the ios^giion Applicattoo Form-, " • (e) ! - w.iiit. Note; This ch«:t r^;!«?»s rhe :a}«msily-Dufa(k>:i-rre*q!ii«jncy tun/es tisftd si'ts^e 3,5; 4.5 ' V ...... ....... . --3 " ! i i 5 n«5 s 5 ; iS.Jlj •i.vZ 5 si ^••M ii:.fS! <« 4!? o.CS-e *2'/ ioiij <5 ! ao 1 S5 £ 13 2 2? ATA 7^3 y:n\ ao i 52 ij Is S&i 3y7 <f gf< •IJS 533 ^••s \ is S.ST ^ 26 £.6f; j 0 !K $ : V.'i-i 2M s?;s 40 • < ies; 5B OSO •:.;5 3.26 60 osi "..Oc -.23 5.a» 1 SS 2 iz j.sg 2.64 2.S2 3.1s i UM 1 43 1.63 134 2.04 a25 120 fs'ii 8 As Y is 1 a«' rsa is? sici^ 1 i90 0 35 6s; i 1 i« (32 i 47 >f>2 i «^ (3 53 &6S ! «t < IS 1 -i4 S4(i 0:43 • 654 5SS •J ii» C.:>:' ^f?3 360 J r.-O.K. ML !>42 •J.92 f .5R5 f F I G tl R E Irttensity-Duration Design Chart - Template 3-1 IMrecSons for Appfica^&n; {1) Frcj**: precipitation maps dstormire g hr and 24 hr m-O'-jr.is kit ttie $t-2ie«M6'3 froqCiarcy. Tiiesse fJia{;<;> ate 8ricit.<l£id in tfaj Cosjnty (^y-arciogy fvlsoua! (10,50, ax; IOC yr maps irvjiuded in im Design and ProDedvife fv'ianuai). (2) .Adjust. $ hr i:>mcipitei?or5 fif n^icessar,- • so that ii is wlthih !he r8f»j5*> cf 45% io 65% srf ihe 24 rif pmdj^tslioi? {i^crf apjiiiKapi;® io Des^rS}.. ('i) Plot 6 hj- prscipiJatscri on fi-ie rig!^ s;ds oi Ihs chaT;. (4) Draw a iina through the poir^t parsiigi to ths plotJed itne?;, !5) Tiiis iine is the itHa^stty-d-isaSon ^xr>^e for trse ic?S8i:ori Applicatliort Form; ' ————— ta) SeSectsd freQisscicy «^<P 24 SO. ^'2, m.iw. HiAP.: This d^grt rspiaoas rr»e :r?t<snsir^-Di(n3fjon-P"r««|ii«»ncy ci(r./es t;$ftd si'Ke 1S65. 1 i KS ....... 2 ; 2rS 3 ........ 3.5 . ..... A .... 4^ "i "t i S ••> - »-2£. i'i.it i4.4S 7 •)2-1 «.»> ?:42 ii.m itilSS i£,'2 ves 2SS a •i ki iSi) S.?4 3.46! ai?-,- • ia l i is i as 1 s3 2 1>$ 3 2 -5 2.8S> 4&4 ?':3 y.w ao i ss • i 52 2 i? 2SS 32.< as .5,35 as o&s !.??; i»:t 2M 2 ?.ii *iO 5.':3 "ftijii' V.i-i :is^? i-n 4.i?ij •aio ^ • ^>:.i 2-3> 2.78 •i.r.f b..so •:,5s 1 .«9 3^28 so 0 50 ^ ..Oi; vaa 1.SS 2.39 2.6& Z.S2 3.n i« •>:• Jii :e.5J 0-82 Mia i 43 2..>i 2:25 " :u 0 SI (it.i i<9 1 ae. rsa iS7 SOS im 0 44 ft :. ; 5?3 i CT : i« f ,":C> i 4r ?<52 J7(5 m 0 53 6;« &55 •?«t ! C-t ( IS i:.*4 i.i-7 4 22 0.53 5; 54 5SS ice im •j. li' d.cSi d.£;< c.:>= ML 0 4V 042 0 $i> •:,&» lr)t0n$ity-Duraflon Design Chart - Template FIG li R E 3-1 storm Water Standards 4/03/03 Table 3. Numeric Sizing Treatment Standards. Volume 1. Volume-based BMPs shall be designed to mitigate (infiltrate, filter, or treat) the volume of runoff produced from a 24-hour 85* percentile storm event, as determined from isopluvial maps contained in the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual. Flow 2. Flow-based BMPs shall be designed to mitigate (infiltrate, filter, or treat) the maximum flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall intensity of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour for each hour of a storm event. /. Structural Treatment BMP Selection Procedure Priority projects shall select a single or combination of treatment BMPs from the categories in Table 4 that maximize pollutant removal for the particular pollutant(s) of concern. Any pollutants the project is expected to generate that are also causing a Clean Water Act section 303(d) impairment of the downstream receiving waters of the project should be given top priority in selecting treatment BMPs. To select a structural treatment BMP using the Structural Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix (Table 4), each priority project shall compare the list of pollutants for which the downstream receiving waters are impaired (if any). According to the 1998 303(d) listing, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon is impaired for sediment and siltation. Buena Vista Lagoon also has impaired beneficial uses (aquatic life) due to high sedimentation/siltation. Portions of Carlsbad where construction sites have the potential to discharge into a tributary of a 303(d) or directly into a 303(d) water body or sites located within 200 feet of an ESA require additional BMP implementation. These water bodies include the Pacific Ocean, Buena Vista Lagoon, Encinas Creek, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and Batiquitos Lagoon. Priority projects that are not anticipated to generate a pollutant for which the receiving water is Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired shall select a single or combination of stmctural treatment BMPs from Table 4 that are effective for pollutant removal of the identified pollutants of concern determined to be most significant for the project. Selected BMPs must be effective for the widest range of pollutants of concern anticipated to be generated by a priority project (as identified in Table 1). Alternative storm water BMPs not identified in Table 4 may be approved at the discretion of the City Engineer, provided the alternative BMP is as effective in removal of pollutants of concem as other feasible BMPs listed in Table 4. 20 APPENDIX "B' The Ultra-Urban® Filter with Smart Sponge® developed and manufactured by AbTech Industries, is an innovative low-cost BMP that helps meet NPDES requirements with effective filtration, efficient application, and moderate maintenance. The Ultra-Urban Filter absorbs oil and grease and captures trash and sediment from Stormwater runoff before it enters the storm drain system. The Ultra-Urban Filter Is ideal for municipal, industrial, and construction applications. The filter comes in two standard designs; one a modular unit geared toward curb inlet openings, and the other, a single unit designed for typical drop-in catch basin drains. The Ultra-Urban Filter, made of a high strength corrugated recycled content plastic, is designed for use in storm drains that experience oil and grease pollution accompanied by sediment and debris. Trash and sediment accumulate in the upper basket chamber while oil and grease are absorbed in the filtration media. CE Field and laboratory tests have confirmed the capability of the Smart Sponge to absorb, depending on the type of oil contaminant, up to five times its own weight and remove 70% to 95% of the hydrocarbons present In Stormwater runoff, typically in the range of 5 to 30 mg/liter (ppm). The captured oil is perma- nently bound within the Smart Sponge, eliminating leaching and allowing for easy disposal of the filtration media. Flow rates through the C01414 filters exceed 200 gpm. Flow rates through the filters exceed 500 gpm for the DI2020 series at installation. The Ultra-Urban Filter is easily installed. Instal- lation time varies depending upon mounting devices selected. A single mounting bracket made of 16-gauge galvanized steel is required for the installation of the Curb Opening (CO) series. The Ultra-Urban Filter should not be installed where modules obstruct the drain pipe outlet. The size of the drain should allow room for stormwater overflow. The Drain Inlet (DI) series Ultra-Urban Filter will suspend from the drain into the catch basin through a structural plastic mount and funnel mechanism (see draw- ings). The Ultra-Urban Filter should be serviced as needed to remove sediment and debris, according to expected debris accumulation. The sediment and debris can be quickly vacuumed out of the modules through the opening of the drain with conventional maintenance equipment. For example, a curb inlet with four to five Ultra-Urban Filter modules can be typically serviced in 10 minutes or less. Under normal operating conditions the Ultra-Urban Filter should be replaced every 1-3 years. smarl 'ip'^nq^ AbTech developed the Smart Sponge technology based on Its proprie- tary blend of synthetic polymers aimed at removal of hydrocarbons and oil derivatives from surface water. AbTech's process creates a very porous structure (see Figure A) with hydrophobic and oleophilic characteristics capable of selectively removing hydrocarbons while al- lowing high flow through rates for water. As hydrocarbons are ab- sorbed into its structure, the Smart Sponge® swells and maintains po- Figure A (looox) rosity and filtering capabilities. Field and laboratory tests have confirmed the Smart Sponge capability to absorb, depending on the type of oil contaminant, up to five times its own weight and remove 75% to 95% of the hydrocarbons present in Stormwater runoff, typically in the range of 5 to 30 mg/liter (ppm). The absorption is per- manent and the saturated product does not leach or leak contaminants, transforming the contami- nant - in most cases - into a solid waste with lower disposal costs. During the past couple of years, Ab- Tech has worked on the development | of an antimicrobial technology. | Smart Sponge Plus features a pro-1 prietary antimicrobial agent chemi-1 • cally and permanently bound to the rn Smart Sponge polymer surface and i therefore does not leach or leak, i . j avoiding any downstream toxicity | issues. The antimicrobial mechanism Figure B is based on the patented agent's interaction with the microorganism cell membrane, causing the microorganism disruption (see Figure C), but no chemical or physical change in the agent. Antimicrobial activity does not reduce the agent capability or cause its depletion and, therefore, maintains long-term effectiveness. Additionally, the hydrocarbon absorption capability is not inhibited. I Microbial reduction efficiency will vary depending on colony size, flow rates and site specific condi- tions. I Consistent positive reduction in microbial concentration realized in laboratory setting and field test- ing sites in the United States. Larger scaled field deployment and data generation projects are ongoing. ^'-fc ~Hc.t'\^rtcfM3 (Jo Part # Curb Open! C01414N COI. 414 H Drain Inset DI1414N 545 Ibs, 4.5 lbs. ibs. 5.6 Ibs, smaic AbTech's Smart Sponge technology transforms liquid hydrocarbons into a stable solid^ The handling and disposal of this solid waste is less expensive and less problematic than that of other plastic and organic solvents which leach and leak hydrocarbons back into the environment. The following waste disposal and resource recovery industries will accept spent Smart Sponge for disposal and/or recycling. I Waste-to-Energy Facilities - A specialized segment of the solid waste industry will use spent Smart Sponge as an alternative fuel in the production of electricity. WTE is acknowledged at the federal level as a renewable energy source under the Federal Power Act, Title IV of the Clean Air Act. WTE is a participant in the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Program. • Cement Kilns - This industry will use the spent Smart Sponge as an alternative fuel in the production process of Portland Cement. This process is considered a beneficial reuse of waste products. The BTU value of spent Smart Sponge is consistently above the average acceptable levels set for this high temperature. • Landfills - The ability of Smart Sponge to transform liquid hydrocarbons into a solid waste makes for less expensive and easy disposal. Spent Smart Sponge generated from the AbTech laboratories have been classified as a solid waste and are acceptable at Subtitle D Landfills^. ABIech INDUSTRIES Alilech Ultra-Urban® Filter CO Series Application: Removal of Hydrocarbons, Trash, and Sediment From Stormwater Runoff in Curb Opening Drains Narrative Description The Ultra-Urban® Filter with Smart Sponge® Inside, developed and manufactured by AbTech Industries, is an innovative low-cost BMP that helps meet NPDES requirements with effective filtration, efficient application, and moderate maintenance. The Ultra-Urban Filter captures oil and grease, trash and sediment from stormwater runoff before it enters the storm drain system. The Ultra-Urban Filter is ideal for municipal, industrial, and construction applications. The filter comes in 2 standard designs, one a modular unit geared toward curb openings, and the other, a single unit designed for typical drop in drains. The Ultra-Urban Filter is designed for use in storm drains that experience oil and grease pollution accompanied by sediment and debris. Trash and sediment accumulate in the upper basket chamber while oil and grease is captured in the filtration media. Field tests have proven that the proprietary Smart Sponge filtration media will remove up to 95% of the oil and grease in stormwater runoff - from low concentrations typical of residential areas to high levels associated with illegal dumping of used motor oil. The oil will permanently bond within the Smart Sponge and become permanently encapsulated eliminating the possibilities of leaching or leaking back into the environment. Specifications L=14 inches W=14 inches H=23 inches Q=<200 gpm Weight=27 lbs Other sizes available Lateral bypass to adjacent I Sediment and debris basket Smart Sponge Filtration Media Front ,r,',- . . mountmg '""^ , plate Advantages and Benefits of the Ultra-Urban Filter Removes oil, grease, trash and sediment Modular design accommodates most storm drains Smart Sponge media removes up to 95% of oil and grease in stormwater runoff Quick and easy installation Easy to maintain, can be serviced from street level Cost effective BMP Easy to handle because of its light weight Recyclability ULTRA-URBAN FILTER with SMART SPONGE® INSIDE The Ultra-UrbanP Filter is made of a high strength corrugated plastic available for retrofitting into curb opening (inlet) storm drains. The Ultra-Urban Filter, Series CO 1414 have perforated slots on each side of the module, which allow the installer the ability to modify in the field to create the lateral overflow of stormwater to additional Ultra-Urban Filter modules in the storm drain. In high flow situations, modules will allow stormwater bypass to occur, eliminafing any possibility of flooding. All modules in the COH 14 series have common outer dimensions of 14" x 14" x 23", as shown in the sketch above. Performance Independent testing (academic and field) has confirmed the ability of Ultra-Urban Filters to remove up to 95% of the petroleum hydrocarbons contained in the stormwater. The captured oil is permanently bound within the Smart Sponge, eliminating leaching and allowing for easy disposal of the filtration media. In addition to oil and grease, each module has the ca- pacity to capture debris and sediment. CO 1414 Flow rates through the filters exceed 200 gpm. Installation Requirements The Ultra-Urban Filter is easily installed in approximately one hour through a maintenance access of at least 24 inches in diameter. For the Series COI 414 a single mounting bracket made of 16-gauge galvanized steel is required for the installation. The bracket can be attached to any vertical surface capable of supporting 250 pounds. The Ultra-Urban Filter should not be installed where modules obstruct the drain pipe outlet. The size of the drain should allow room for stormwater overflow. The previous sketches depict side views ofthe Ultra-Urban Filters installed in storm drains and catch basins. Maintenance and Filter Change-Out The Ultra-Urban Filter should be serviced as needed to remove sediment and debris, according to expected debris accumulation. The sediment and debris can be quickly vacuumed out of the modules through the opening of the drain with conventional maintenance equipment. For example, a curb inlet with four to five Ultra-Urban Filter modules can be typically serviced in 10 minutes or less. Under normal operating conditions the entire recyclable filter box should be replaced every 1-3 years. ULTRA-URBAN FILTER with SMART SPONGE® INSIDE Disposal Options Smart Sponge® technology transforms liquid hydrocarbons into a stable solid. The handling and disposal of this solid waste is less expensive and less problematic than that of other plas- tic and organic solvents which will leach and leak hydrocarbons back into the environment. The following waste disposal and resource recovery industries will accept spent Smart Sponge for disposal and/or recycling. • Waste-to-Energy Facilities - A specialized segment of the solid waste industry will use spent Smart Sponge as an aitemative fuel in the production of electricity. WTE is acknowledged at the federal level as a renewable energy source under the Federal Power Act, Title IV of the Clean Air Act. WTE is a participant in the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Program. • Cement Kilns - This industry will use the spent Smart Sponge as an aitemative fiiel in the production process of Portland Cement. This process is considered a beneficial reuse of waste products. The BTU value of spent Smart Sponge is consistently above the average acceptable levels set for this high temperature. • Landfills - The ability of Smart Sponge to transform liquid hydrocarbons into a solid waste makes for less expensive and easy disposal. Spent Smart Sponge generated from the AbTech laboratories have been classified as a solid waste and are acceptable at Subtitle D Landfills^ 'Generators of spent Smart Sponge will need to have their waste analyzed, tested, and classified to determine the generators particular waste. According to testing performed for AbTech Industries, spent Smart Sponge soaked with petroleum hydrocarbons are transformed into solid wastes. AbTech does not take any responsibility for the generator's waste classification for handling, transport and the ultimate disposal or recycling of the waste. The generator must always classify and characterize its own waste. ^ Spent Smart Sponge generated from the AbTech laboratories with a multitude of liquid petroleum hydrocarbons have passed the EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedures and Paint Filter Test. These tests are used in determining the amount of liquid waste and any free liquids present that may be released into the landfill environment. ULTRA-URBAN FILTER with SMART SPONGE® INSIDE Servicing Options While certain customers may choose to install and maintain their own systems, AbTech Industries can assist in arranging service options for installation, maintenance, disposal and recycling of the Ultra-Urban Filter. Servicing agreements are currently being negotiated with upper tier companies capable of performing service in the most professional, environmentally-sensitive and technically-sound manner available today. Rates for service will vary depending on geographic area and amount of sediment collected. Contact AbTech Industries for assistance in arranging service needs in your region at 800-545-8999. For More information contact: NDUSTRIEST AJlJUa^h 4110 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 235 ^ • , Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 (480)-874-4000 or (800)-545-8999 fax: (480)-970-1665 Email: info@abtechindustries.com www.abtechindustries.com