HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 01-41; Garfield Street Homes; Hydrology and Hydraulic Report; 2002-06-14Sea Briohi compan June 14, 2002 GARFIELD HOMES CDP 01 -41 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULIC REPORT The above subject lot is a small vacant infill lot about .14 acres in size. It presently drains away from Garfield Street in a gentle northeasterly direction to the rear of the lot. The rear of the lot "drains over" an existing 3' retaining wall onto the A.C. parking lot of an existing multifamily development. The proposed development wili drain in the same direction as it does now. In order to "purify" and minimize additional runoff from what presently exists, an extensive gravel drain has been introduced along the northeastern comer of the property. This will "cleanse" the runoff, reduce the velocity, and provide a mechanism for ground soaking/recharge. Typical nuisance water or light rain runoff should never leave the property. The southeastern side of the project does not have the same gravel drain proposed. This was done because of the basement condition at the southeast comer of the building. I did not want to promote ground recharge in this area. Fortunately this side of the project will receive a minor increase in runoff from roof areas only. To mitigate this I have 18" deep gravel dry wells at down spout locations. This will take care of very small flows. If heavier rains occur, I have provided for a 6' x 3' x 2' deep "absorption pit" in the,middle back of the property. This would be the last point of water filtration and absorption before additional waters might possibly flow over the existing wall, as it presently is allowed to do. A concrete curb with a 4" outlet pipe has also been introduced to control additional flows as well as promote ground recharge due to it's possible reducing capabilities. See the attached calculations regarding flows and pi^pe J. .5.'y -? grfdhydr H^l i;:" -V Engineering Management General Contracting Development 4322 Sea Bright Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone/FAX 760-720-0098 Tl4^ ex\^\MQ> S\Te V'S A SMAL-L^ INHLL LOT OP ^\3^ ACRES 3U09lK}Q? O AN AVe-aAGS. Q>^M^ 0^ 5% FR.OM T^i^ 3-TReerr ASSUMING AN i^QuAU^v i>aopOA.TiON ^JITB TO VI6LD )4C^6 UOOOUO RESUUT IW A LOT ^ 13^' X 7>Z^' T\^'B ABCM6 tX)aouP i^AVe A*^ iNT^M'^aY OP- A-Z (se^E ^UL ATTAoueB oUAferrs. iMPEft.Vl005 ARB A ^S\0* ^LOG ^ 11^5'f'OF:- Pftve'Mei^rf) TO RSDOCH e/CB^^ KU^;OF=t^- GRAV(S.L Z^fyLB% Al^)^ ROOC "BASING f<^4Ve ^e^K^ lAJTROOgoaD- /M ADDlTlOtO AUMifiK^c^ OUTLer f\P6 4" t^AJs ^e^KJ /WTR60UCe.D' ITTUeH \>iA5 A'T" ASiD "TUOO "b' Le.K)6TU.S €)P P\Pe OFF EAC\4 'T" TO >ecR^ATe " 3UBBT FOOtO - coufrrv OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION g. FLOOD CONTROL 100-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATiOfJ '20-/ ISOPLUVIALS OF lOO-YEAR 6-HOUR priECiPiTATio?! \\\ mnws GF AH IMCII 33' Prepn i; U.S. DEPARTMEN SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II 30' _ d by r OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT.NjoSPMEHIC ADMINISTRATION DROUOCY. NATIONAL WEATIIER SERVICE APPFNOTY YT-H COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S FLOOD CONTROL 33" 30' 15' lOO-YEAR 24-IIOljR PRECIPITATION ^20-^ISOPLUVIALS OF 100 -YEAR 24-llOUR PRECIPITATIOM IM EMTUS OF AM IMCH Prepo U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE OF 11 30' 16' APPRNDIX XI-H . - /aaa - BOO - 700 -400 — sooa — 4 ooo —:5ooo —Zaao T/OA/ JdS £Qa/?r/OA/ Tc ' 7//77C co/7ce/?/rei//o/7 Leng//} o/ kva/eys/fed D///'er<r/7ce m a/c\ya.//an oJong ^//'(TC^/ye s/ooa //ne CSee Appc/id/x)(-B) y- //• A4//es /O — £—I 4 • 300 • 200 \ \ 2- \ \ 4 — •/OO \ - — '^<^0 \ JOOO • so •40 — 30 O.S — NOTE pFOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS ZO lj ADO TEN MINUTES TO lj I, COMPUTED TIME OF CON- lj CENTRATION. — 240 /80 /20 /OO 30 80 70 \ \ - 200O •/SCO /£00 /400 /2oa - /ooo 900 '800 700 \ \ \ -£0 - SO — 40 30 - 20 I— /8 • /6 — /4 — /2 - /O — s 7 — 4- 200 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES APPROVED DESIGN MANUAL NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS DATE APPENDIX X-A lV-A-10 Rev. 5/81 INTENSITY-DUFATiv.. DESIGN CHART rrrrlTrrnrr. \ Equation: I 7.44 P. D o -.645 Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr, Precipitation (In.) Duration (Min.) I zc o c 1 •o T fD O o 3 3 O fD t/l 15 20 30 Minutes Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydro!on> Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in tl Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency \00 yr. 1) = 2>5 in.. p.^= 4.0 . \ = 2) Adjusted *Pg= Z.'v 24 in. 3) \-0 min. 4) I = ^-Z. in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region Revised ^vDvvnry YT-/<